HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/03/2002 ".. ~".~."i'~:"f,';) ORT~"NGELES" , " ~,~~~: .;;.;.:,.'~:" ". ";,,y_:. ",~:,:-''' .-.- u:.. ,.:'",;,;":,;, ,_ .'. .,. ;". .... .'.C U. S. A. AGENDA ; ";--''---:''<'.:' '...;::,::';':';:.<'<,. .. ...-.,-'.:..i..,':-:!:...-....:~.:..::.:-<';:. ;.lE,;:",-.:.. .>... ,c, :,-' ..4'..:::".' .' ". --".', ".CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~xt~~';:\;,;. -': ;".;,.:/24":':"'::::"::";<' ;;":"::''0;:; .. ' . ',:: .'",,:;<',: ..' '~'~".\\;;'~:-:";:~;':';;';":-'~'''''';;~:-'-'..j;if'j;;t:,;:;,~,,;; ',: , . 321 EAST FIFTH STREET " :~.~,};:'" . ....SepteJllber 3,' 2002 .' ./REGU~~R/'MEETING,!E 6:Q~;.p.JIl. ,--,...,.." '" , 'j /,;. . A. ROLL CALL.- PLED\GEOF!ALLEGIANCE - PUBBIC c:EREI\1J)NIES, PRES~NTiTIONS ANI) PROCLAMATIONS' . 1. Pioclamati(ui: Port Angeles 16-U Babd~uth Girls 2. Award to Re/MaxReal Estate for Outstanding Participation in Beautification Program B. . .' ..~",,,,:..: f . ,..c.., C. LATE ITEMS TO,BEPLACED O~ TW;~ O~FVTURIl: AGENDASJBy,Cou1;Cil,'Sta!for Puqlic) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOt~ON'AGENDA (This'is the:o ottunityJ6rmemberJ/o!ihe, ' public to speak tothe City Council aq4q~~~~~~!!.i~"i:~~lojtth~"agehda'Rle~~:k!eeiic~1jz1nents to 5:Z2min~tes.) E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. . City COl1ncil Minutes:: August 20, 2002 ~'~i,: \/:Yj,'/,,:,'" ':': ."-'::1.:,d!:~<,;'::i<"'i' .,>,>:,;'~ .:,'\f#~,;';c~ .-,'. {~'i< regulaifueeting ....,.,..,,,. ". .,,,,,, ...,.....".".". 2. Check Register - Augusf27, 2002." $640,689.73 3. Electronic Payments -August 10,;2002- $142,104.00 4. Household Hazardous Waste AmnestYDays' Agreement Approve Agreement ,~,.-- .,~...." . '", .,--"... D. FIN~~E " L City of Tacoma Interloca,l ~ointl~ur9pasing Agreement';...........,.. 2. Curbside Recycling Contract .('7./i 41> 3, Aw~r~ Light Operations,W~r~~?u~e" Mezzanine Construction Conthicf: i; ....Acce~,!..Con~.~nt.A~enda F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS . NOTE: HEARING DE.YICE~i~Xi\IL~I!~EEQ.RH~~~~E;~JJ:DING,'ASS!STAN'CE M:AYORlfO,DETcERl\IINEll1I1\1E'.OFiiBREAK: September 3, 2002 PorfMgeles'City'CciWlcihMeetIDg Page.- 1 ':r;;:-t~:;" ;, "-;-:';'~;J~ ~~'i~~f4~,:/~~~~T!i;t:,,;~:~.~~~~~'~}tf'l!:~__:~~ )~~'>,_,{':; ,:.?'-~,?~:\efi1~~~t~~:i ORDINANCES ~OT REQ~? PUBLIC';" HEARINGS';, if ~} :l({, ' c::' , ; ,,\"~ ' 1.I\1W1ici~al,,~~~~ ~~'l4.m~p.t~~~"M~^,0 l-O~!} H. RESOLUTIONS > '''-, ',' I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS~ .; ., ~ 1. Port Angeles'Ford:p6;lers~i ,Easement-, Request;j;~:1 )~~;:; ~:,;~.:'> ' . . :J .'~'~ PUBLIC :llEXitiN(;~~:~ir~''"~);;'L;'ItIAL~t- (7:00 P~M:.~~_~~~~ !~~t,~,~f!eI ' K. ,. PUBLIC HEARINGS;;;'OTHER . Street Vacation'~ sTv62=of~:yrvfcAPortion .. " of 3/4 Alley. '?'~_""'_"_'. 2. Street Vacation - STVQ2-02:E>NR Cherry Street., North of Front. street. " 3. Presentation of Stormwatei~Management Plan a~d Ordina~~~ . " . ;. '. L. INFORMATION,>,. 1. City Manager'sCalendalj;; ,', (Pag~1?,3) a GoalslProjects.Updates.",(Page135)..". ' a ';Professiohal;:Fiiia:r12(Of(I~~tlAward"Leamed by Yvonne ZiomkowskL ,', 0',,1,;;,' ---C', . 'n- -,"-_')"'-'<,~: ,-', _~_",;;,' "'1,\'"'' -~, - ,- ,. ,,-,,_, " ,_, '_ .-',: - _""_ _':, -1, a Change0rdersi~'eoritracts~ilJnoer$15~':1:'" (Page'149)';':'>- . ',:2. '. Status 'Report fi9l?\M~~s,~~Y Gf211p ;.fCPage'11 s:!). ,:\~f 4},:.'.{Y- -:':!?f(i;~' 'r~~~ ,;;.O;"P,,~:~';';\~)1i~'il~)@:~!~.c;~,~';;~i1~,i: _::.~,-}~, <<~2 i, '-,~:: :~; :~of/,~~_~~+t:~;d:'f~~~in~'f~, ::-':-.<):-:. ' ,~'t;,,":' \':,:-P-: :~': /~1, ~.':ik.':"i M. 'EXECUTIVE, SESSIQNl As .~eedefrani1determiTle:({by'.City.Attorney), ',' c_' .~; " ':, " ~"'." ":-', "",,:,"".di;~,-~ _,':"~~.'lh<''::- "y.'_:,> {{',,':/I<.<__"',_o, "_ ",'''-'; ,_",,<_,"'. .,<,:,_.~y,~~"". .'f'~..-';-",*-',\.:t;;t";..,"t.-",, >-."':< -~, ~" ,,- ::: ~ ': ~.-t,,'. "~ ,,.l C_ , :, ':' ' '__. }:~,;;t ;~:-~~,?-,;,~~,-,"; ':~\}~_',>~~izt;'-~\";'i'r'~"'j.~,,,,-'_- N.ADJOURNMENT.,.' " . ~'-:t ;".;'".c . . NOTE: HEARING'DEWCEStAVAILA:BBEtF0R'THOSEiNEEDINGASSISTANCE ~ . , -;);\ -. .:>'~f."-: ','",~\::3-,~-Ji.-')jt.:-;" . ,,:.- ':; ;',;-' , '<,"-C-"'""":_ '..;----"s.-/.""?;__;,"."~,'h"iq-:{;- J!__ ;~': "\-;,l,,: -q .:: :-_ _ ::__C,,-T~ -i"- --:'i::,' <; r'/"- " ~~- ..,~:Y;(jRifOiDEl1ERMINE4'fIM:KOF~BRE!AK . ..... 1 " ..... September 3,'2002 "" '\;<"p()tt:Arigele~,~PtYi,q;O:Uigi1.:Meetirig "ii.".-::", ;-/ - '_.Te' 't..,"'-" -' ','--,:,V;, c' ,,-' , ~, ~. ,i;Lz';,;... 20~;'~'~ii2c"'~~,_~,:..s2;-~.~,,~,111;ti:i{;,~. "-~~i :, Pag~ - 2 1--- ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 3, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: &~ ~ .'M . I II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers Councilman Williams -- Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton I B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe y. Ziomkowski ~ v/_ V ~ III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Looby: ~'N'~amo.wO,O~~.A..d~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES · ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: September 3. 2002 . LOCATION: City Council Chambers lJ.{ - pf1- . . . Whereas, Whereas, Whereas, Whereas, Whereas, ~ PROCLAMATION In Recognition of 16-U Babe Ruth Girls of Port Angeles the sport of softball expresses the heart and character of America, and for many years has been properly recognized as our Nation's pastime; and Babe Ruth Softball is a program of service to the youth of our community, dedicated to teaching sportsmanship and the competitive will to win, as well as furthering physical fitness and well-being through healthful association with other athletes under proper leadership; and players, managers, coaches, officials, parents, umpires, and countless others work together in an atmosphere of wholesome community activity to provide valuable training for the participants, and entertainment for the spectators; and it is with great pride and enthusiasm that we recognize the Port Angeles 16-U Babe Ruth girls in their capturing fourth place at the World Series in Greenville, North Carolina, putting Port Angeles on the map and making their hometown very, very proud; and in giving the girls their hard-earned praise, let us also recognize the adults who gave encouragement and support, be they parents, teachers, or civic leaders. They are all part of the team that makes things happen. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Glenn Wiggins, as mayor of Port Angeles, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby urge all citizens to recognize the efforts ofthese very special girls. Their dedication to the sport of softball has earned them their place in history. Weare very proud ofthem. ~~ -----Glenn Wiggins, Mayor September 3, 2002 . . . ~ In recognition and appreciation to: Re/Max Real Estate for outstanding efforts to beautify their property that coordinates with the city-wide effort to enhance the entrance to the City of Port Angeles. Presented this 3rd day of September, 2002, by the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTA.NGELES WASHINGTON U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 3,2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities CityofTacoma Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement Summary: The City of Tacoma has requested that the City enter into a Joint Purchasing Agreement enabling both entities to purchase goods and services under contracts awarded based on bids by either city. Recommendation: Approve the Joint Purchasing Agreement with the City of Tacoma and authorize the Ci Mana er to si n. Background/Analysis: The City of Tacoma has requested the City enter into a Joint Purchasing Agreement that will permit both agencies to purchase goods and services under contracts awarded by either city. An agreement of this nature saves time and money by negating the need for the bidding process in certain instances. The purchasing of equipment and materials by bid requires a good deal of time and money to develop the specifications and then advertise for bids. By utilizing the contract from another agency, we eliminate these expenses while still ensuring the best buy. The City currently utilizes similar agreements with such entities as Clallam County, PUD No 1 ofClallam County, City of Seattle, and King County. N :\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\InterlocalJointPurchAgmt. wpd 5 . . . 6 . . . INTERLOCAL JOINT PURCHASING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between the CITY OF TACOMA, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the City of Port Angeles, a political subdivision under the laws of the State of Washington. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, as amended, and codified in Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington provided for interlocal cooperation between governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, Chapter 39.33 of the Revised Code of Washington provides for intergovernmental disposition of property; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to utilize each other's procurement agreements when it is in their mutual interest; - NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to acknowledge the parties' mutual. interest to jointly bid the acquisition of goods and services where such mutual effort can be planned in advance and to authorize the acquisition of goods and. services and the purchase or acquisition of goods and services under contracts where a price is extended by either party's bidder to other governmental agencies. 2. ADMINISTRATION: No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this agreement. 3. SCOPE: This agreement shall allow the following activities: A. Purchase or acquisition of goods and services by each party acting as agent for either or both parties when agreed to in advance, in writing; B. Purchase or acquisition of goods and services by each party where provision has been provided in contracts for other governmental agencies to avail themselves of goods and services offered under the contract and/or where either party's bidder is willing to extend prices to other governmental agencies. 4. DURATION AGREEMENT - TERMINATION: This agreement shall remain in force until canceled by either party in writing. 5. RIGHT TO CONTRACT INDEPENDENT ACTION PRESERVED: Each party reserves the right to contract independently for the acquisition of goods or services. without notice to the other party and shall not bind or otherwise obligate the other party to participate in the activity. G:lnterlocal Agreements\agreement.doc 1 7 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENT: Each party accepts responsibility for compliance with . federal, state or local laws and regulations including, in particular, bidding requirements applicable to its acquisition of goods and services. 7. FINANCING: The method of financing of payment shall be through budgeted funds or other available funds of the party for whose use the property is actually acquired or disposed. Each party accepts no responsibility for the payment of the acquisition price of any goods or services intended for use by the other party. 8. FILING: Executed copies of this agreement shall be filed as required by Section 39.34.040 of the Revised Code of Washington prior to this agreement becoming effective. 9. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION DISCLOSURE: Each party may insert in its solicitations for goods a provision disclosing that other authorized governmental agencies may also wish to. procure the goods being offered to the party and allowing thebidder the option of extending its bid to other agencies at the same bid price, terms and conditions. 10. NON-DELEGA TION/NON-ASSIGNMENT: Neither party may delegate the performance of any contractual obligation, to a third party, unless mutually agreed in writing. Neither party may assign this agreement without the written consent of the other party. 11. HOLD-HARMLESS: Each party shall be liable and responsible for the consequence of any negligent or wrongful act or failure to act on the PCirt of itself and its employees. Neith~r party assumes responsibility to the other party for the consequences of any act or omission of any person, firm or corporation not a party to this agreement. 12. SEVERABILITY: Any provision of this agreement, which is prohibited or unenforceable, shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability, without invalidating the remaining provisions or affecting the validity or enforcement of such provisions. APPROVED: APPROVED, CITY OF TACOMA: . City Manager Date Agency Name APPROVED AS TO FORM: Signature Date Title Assistant City Attorney Date Signature (if needed) Date Director of Finance Date ATTEST: Title City Clerk Date Tacoma City Council Resolution No. G:lnterlocal Agreements\agreement.doc 2 . 8 . . . ~ORTANGELES WASHINGTON U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: September 3, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities - SUBJECT: Curbside Recycling Contract Amendment Summary: The contract for curbside recycling services provided by Waste Management expires December 31,2002. City staffhas negotiated an amendment to extend the current contract. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Second Amendment to the Waste Management Northwest Contract for recycling collection services to coincide with the closure of the Port Aneeles Landfill, not later than December 31, 2006. Background/Analysis: The contract for curbside recycling material and yard waste collection, recycling collection boxes at the landfill, and commercial cardboard collection with Waste Management Northwest expires December 31, 2002. It is necessary to extend the contract to coincide with the closure of the landfill. The contract has been in place since November 1994. The cost of the current contract for 2002 is $522,713. Provisions in the contract include an annual cost of living adjustment of 70% of the Seattle Consumer Price Index, not to exceed 5%, and early termination. Waste Management has provided high quality services during the life of the contract. Curbside recycling and yard waste collection is performed weekly (biweekly yard waste November through March) for all residential customers. It is recommended that the City enter into an agreement to extend the current recycling contract 3 Y2 to 4 years with Waste Management Northwest, to coincide with the closure of the Port Angeles Landfill, scheduled for not later than December 31, 2006. UAC endorsed the contract extension at the June 11, 2002 meeting. Rationale for extending the current contract: 1. Good performance record 2. Existing presence in the City 3. Price is extremely competitive compared to other jurisdictions 4. Stable prices for the next 3 Y2 to 4 years and not impacted by after market fluctuations 5. Transfer station contract documents, including acquisition, will be accomplished in 2 - 2 Y2 years, recycling will be included in this action 6. $1 per month optional yard waste carts will be made available for customers 9 September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Curbside Recycling Contract Page 2 Highlights of the Second Amendment are: 1. Removal of the clause for revenue cost share of recyclable material collected. No revenue has been received for the past three years due to the low resale value of recycled materials. 2. Restatement of plastic containers to say number one and number two plastics. 3. Clarification of services (provision for boxes, transporting, marketing and sales of recyclables, and cleanliness of the drop box area at the Landfill). 4. Mandatory participation at community events (Household Hazardous Waste Event, County Fair, Festival of Trees and Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts) at no additional cost to the City. 5. Deletion of the CityofSequim for commercial cardboard collection. 6. On a voluntary basis, customers will be able to obtain a contractor furnished cart for yard debris at a cost of$12 per year, paid in advance. Billing to be performed by Waste Management. 7. No collections will be performed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's Day. . The following tables provide statistical data and comparisons for recycling services and costs in Western Washington: Table 1: Port Angeles Residential and Commercial Accounts Year Residential Commercial (cardboard) 1999 6,449 750 2000 6,524 752 2001 6,600 760 10 . . . . . . September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Curbside Recycling Contract Page 3 Table 2: Comparison of Recycling Contract Services and Costs f, C .f 'A d th P t S d A or ommum les roun e U2e oun rea City Port Poulsbo Bainbridge Shelton Sequim Vancouver Angeles Newspaper yes yes yes yes yes yes Magazines yes yes yes yes yes yes Mixed Paper yes no no yes yes yes Res. Cardboard yes no no yes yes yes Glass yes yes yes yes yes yes Plastic #1 yes yes yes yes yes yes Plastic# 2 yes yes yes yes yes yes Plastic#2 colors yes no no no yes yes P ALF drop bxs yes no no no no no Weekly Col yes yes yes no (bi-weekly) no(bi-weekly yes Mon. Recycle $ 4.16 $ 3.00 $4.00 $ 3.25 $3.53 $2.63 Cost /Hshld ($21.23/ ton) ($40/ ton) Yard Waste yes yes yes no no yes Weekly Col. April-Oct yes yes no no no Bi-weekly Col. Nov- no no no no Jan-Dee March Yd Waste Cost $ 1.99 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 no no $ 5.89 RecyclingIY ard $6.15 $12.75 $13.75 $3.25 $3.53 $8.52 Waste Cost ($21.23/ ton) ($40/ ton) Commercial $3,240/mo. no no no no no Cardboard See next page for notes. 11 September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Curbside Recycling Contract Page 4 Notes for Table 2: City of Port Angeles: Residents provide own containers for yard waste. The contractor provides two 18 gallon bins for recycling. Cities of Poulsbo and Bainbridge Island: The contractor provides a 90-gallon container for yard waste and two 15 gallon containers for recycling. City of Shelton: The contractor provides two 15 gallon bins for recycling. City of Sequim: The contractor provides two 18 gallon bins for recycling. City of Vancouver: The contractor provides a 64-gallon container for yard waste and three 11 gallon containers for recycling. Other materials collected in the curbside program are milk and juice containers, used motor oil, and scrap metal. T bl 3 C II f & R r C C b' d C a e : o ec Ion ecyc mg ontracts om me osts iJ City Port Port Tacoma Kitsap Bremerton Seattle Angeles Townsend County 32 gallon N/A $14.00 $20.00 $24.76 $17.80 $16.10 64 gallon N/A $28.00 $27.95 $35.97 $23.88 $32.20 90/96 $19.80 $42~00 $38.03 $48.18 $28.97 $48.30 gallon I City of Port Angeles: Weekly services for solid waste collection, curbside recyclables, and yard waste. Yard waste is weekly from April- October; bi-weekly,November - March. Residents provide own yard waste containers. The contractor provides two 18 gallon bins for recycling. City of Port Townsend: Weekly services for solid waste collection, bi-weekly recycling and yard waste. Residents provide own yard waste containers. The contractor provides three 18 gallon containers for recycling. City of Tacoma: Weekly services for solid waste collection, yard waste, and bi-weekly curbside recycling. Residents provide own yard waste containers. The contractor provides a choice of 30-60-90 gallon recycling containers. Kitsap County: Weekly services for solid waste collection, yard waste, and bi-weekly curbside recyclables. The contractor provides a 90-gallon container for yard waste and two 15 gallon containers for recycling. City of Bremerton: Weekly services for solid waste collection, curbside recyclables, and yard waste. The contractor provides a 64-gallon container for recycling and a 90..gallon container for yard waste. City of Seattle: Weekly service for solid waste collection, bi-weekly curbside recyclables, and bi-weekly yard waste. The contractor provides a 64-gallon container for recycling. Residents provide own yard waste containers not to exceed 32 gallons Additional Services Voluntarily Provided by Waste Management: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hazardous Waste Days Recycling at the Clallam County Fair Recycling at the Festival of Trees Recycling at the Juan de Fuca Festival ofthe Arts Participates at the Home Show 1 2 . . . . September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Curbside Recycling Contract Page 5 The following statistical information is provided: ur Sl e ecyc lOll . Curbside Participation Rate Tons Annual Cost Cost/Ton 1999 35% 933 $305,370 $327 2000 35% 902 $311,364 $345 2001 37% 1118 $320,514 $286 C b 'd R r . * Participation has increased but tonnage down since banning plastic bags Yard Waste Participation Rate Tons Annual Cost Cost/Ton 1999 7% 902 $146,421 $147 2000 9% 1022 $149,533 $146 . 2001* 10% 771 $153,814 $199 Yard Waste Cardboard Cardboard Tons Annual Cost Cost/Ton 1999 978 $37,432 $38 2000 837 $38,205 $46 2001 1043 $39,294 $37 L dfill D B an I roo oxes Year Tons 1999 502 2000 601 2001 857 . 13 N :\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\RecycleContractEx. wpd . . . 14 . . . SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR RECYCLING COLLECTION SERVICES This Second Contract Amendment to the Contract dated November 29, 1994, is made and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "City", and Waste Management Northwest, hereinafter called the "Contractor". REPRESENTATIONS 1. On November 29, 1994, the City and Contractor entered into a contract for recycling collection services; 2. On December 17, 1996, the parties executed an amendment to said contract, which extended the term of the contract until December 31, 2002; 3. The City and Contractor have agreed to extend the current contract for recycling collection services through 'closure of the Port Angeles landfill, not later than December 31, 2006; AGREEMENTS IN CONSIDERATION ofthe above representations and the agreements set forth herein, the City and the Contractor hereby agree that the Contract dated November 29, 1994, as amended by Contract Amendment dated December 17, 1996, shall be amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 1 of the Contract shall be amended to read as follows: 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for Collection ofRecyclables in accordance with and as described in the attached Project Manual, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this contract and every part thereof. This Contract is subject to minimum prevailing wage requirements ofRCW 39.12. The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for the actual quantities in the completed work according to the schedule of unit prices set forth in the bid hereto attached and made part of the contract; provided, however, that beginning on January 1, 1997, the Contractor shall be entitled to a yearly cost of living adjustment, which shall be seventy (70%) percent of the Seattle CPI up to maximum of five (5%) percent per year and shall be applied to the cost of providing curbside recyclable collection, commercial cardboard collection, and yard debris collection., and prOvided furtheI, that begiuning on J anUM) 1, 1997, the 0 w nel shall be entit1c.d to fifty (50%) pOI "1"rt of all I e'\l enue aho v e the thr cshold amount of one hondl cd and t w cnt} (120%) pel Gent of the a v eI age price fiom Januar" 1996 thtough Decembel, 1996 fOI each lecyclable mateIial eollc.c.ted aftel the one hundred and twenty (120%) pelcent threshold has been leached fOI tIn" continuous months. - 1- 15 rayment to the City fur ree,ydabk tonnage, colkctcd durlng 1997 shall be, paid in equal c'1lhOnnts over a twehc (12) month pe,riod beginning January, 1998. The amount of payment wlll be based . on the twelve (12) month averageof'ach commodity's saks prices per ton calculated for 1996, and payment will be, made based on the, nunlber of months that the one hundled and twenty (120%) pe,reent threshold is exceeded following the initial three month period. FOI e.ae,h subseque.nt tvyche (12) month period, the. one hundred and twerlt} (120%}percent threshold shall bc based on the avc.rage price from January through Dee,e.mber of the, preceding year, and payment will be. made based 011 the. number ofmontl1s that the, tIneshold ls e.xc.eeded. The. paltlcs will r,,,iew the lllc'1lket priGe sharing aIIangcme,nt allllually. If the partics dGtermine, tIlat the mcl1ket price sha11ng allangement needs to bc amended, tIlell thls conn act shall be. so am\:.ndc.d in wilting by lllatual agrec.ment of tile paliks. 2. The Project Manual shall be amended by amending the definition of Recyclable Materials at page 2 to read as follows: Recyclable Materials: Includes aluminum cans, tinned cans, green, brown, and clear recyclable glass, all number one plastics, one gallon lllilkjug, one gallon water jug number one and number two plastics, newsprint, residential cardboard, ledger paper; computer paper, magazines, catalogues, telephone books and all common ')unk mail" with the exception of envelopes with "glasene" windows, excluding any bottles. lars. and cans that contain any hazardous waste. but not limited to paints thinners. aerosols. drain cleaners. motor oil. pesticides. and antifreeze. 3. The Project Manual shall be further amended by amending the General Description in the Specifications at page 20, by revising the third type of additional services and adding a fourth . type of additional services to read as follows: 3. Recycling services at the Port Angeles Sanitary LandfilL/Trallsfer station, to illdude an employee on-site. at all tim,s dming site operatillg hoUls to dir,et users to plaeelce,yclablcs in proper containc.rs/arca and to trallSpOli, process, markc.t, and sell all reeydcd materials, e.xe,cpt tires, white goods car and trUGk batteries, used 011 and used autinG"!:e,. These materials shall renlain the prop'rty of tile City. will consist ofa drop box area. The recycling facility will accept the same materials as the curbside recycling program. Contractor will furnish drop boxes that will sufficiently handle the capacity of the site. Contractor will provide drop boxes with labels as to what type of materials will be accepted. Services will include processing. transporting. marketing. and sales of the recyclables. The site will utilize the current operation hours of the landfill. The contractor will make a special pickup after 2:00 p.m. on Fridays. The contractor will be responsible to insure site is clean and free of litter and debris. 4. The Contractor will provide recycling services for the following community events at no additional cost to the City. A. Household Hazardous Waste Event B. Clallam County Fair C. Festival of the trees - 2- . 16 . . . D. Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts 5. The Project Manual shall be further amended by amending the fourth paragraph under 3. Summary of Customers in the Specifications at page 21 to read as follows: The Contractor shall collect recyclables from nine schools in the Port Angeles area. The Contractor will provide recycling services to City Facilities. The material collected will be the same as the curbside program. The cost rOI such wOIk shall be includGd in the vMious unit pIkes bid fOI each altematile. 6. The Project Manual shall be further amended by amending 5. COMMERCIAL CARDBOARD ACCOUNTS SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS in the Specifications at Page 23 to read as follows: A. Collection of corrugated cardboard from existing commercial routes in both Port Angeles and Sequim shall occur six five days per week with collections for each customer being mandated by the customers service level requirements. This is an existing route of commercial accounts requiring various service levels. Some of this service level information is available through the City and some is proprietary to the current contractor. B. Containers are provided by eitheI the. City 01 the customeI the contractor. C. Contractor shall provide a suitable vehicle. (Cuuently a 20 yaId leal load Iefuse collection vehide is used.) -ED. Contractor shall add additional commercial accounts, as requested by City or customers, at no charge. 7. The Project Manual shall be further amended by amending 6. COLLECTION OF YARD DEBRIS SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS in the Specifications at page 23 to read as follows: A. Yard debris collection shall be on the same day, and during the same hours, as refuse and recycle collections. The customer will place materials alongside or at the same approximate location as the curbside recyclables containers. B. In the event that bi-weekly service for either recyclables or yard debris collections is chosen as the service level alternative for this contract, schedules for collections of materials may occur on the same or alternate weeks depending on discussions between the City and the successful Bidder negotiations, with the determination of the Director of Public Works of the respective cities being final. - 3- 17 C. Materials may be placed out for collections in customer provided containers, or bundled in four foot lengths. Every effort should be made to accommodate the needs of the customer to remove materials that are difficult to bundle. A pitc.hfOlk on the collection vehicle would be. applopliate tohandk. Honnal pic.k npnccds. D. Material collected shall be delivered to a designated location at the City of Port Angeles Landfill/Transfer Station for shredding and composting. E. Carts will be provided by the Contractor at a cost of$12.00annually.. Customers will pay the fee in advance. Billing shall be performed by the Contractor. Carts offered by the Contractor will be offered to all residents on a voluntary basis. 8. The Project Manual shall be further amended by amending 21 HOLIDAY COLLECTIONS in the Specifications at page 27 to read as follows: When a legal holiday which the City normally observes falls during the week, the Contractor through coordination with the Director of Public Works and Utilities or his designee, shall arrange to make collection on the same holiday schedule as the City's refuse collection schedule. No holiday collections will be scheduled on Thanksgiving. Christmas. and New Year's Day. The City shall provide the Contractor with the holiday schedule by November 15 of each year. DATED this day of ,2002. CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASTE MANAGEMENT NORTHWEST Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Name: Title: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney F:IAGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\Recycle.con.wpd AuguSl15,2oo2 - 4- 18 . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 3, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Award Light Operations Warehouse Mezzanine Construction Contract-Project 22-08 Summary: Mezzanines are required to provide storage of materials. Sealed bids were received from six bidders in response to the City's advertisement. Harrison Equipment was the lowest responsive bidder with a bid of$39,089.41 including sales tax. The engineering estimate was $45,000. Recommendation: Award, and authorize the Mayor to sign, a contract in the amount of $39,089.41 to Harrison Equipment of Kent, W A for the Mezzanine Construction Project 22-08. . Background / Analysis: At the present time, Light Operations has material stored in various locations around the City. This results in lost time and man hours when equipment and materials are needed for emergencies and for everyday work. In addition, the present setup at the Cherry and Front Street Operations Center does not utilize space efficiently and is not sufficient for the volume of material required. This project will construct two mezzanines totaling 1,200 square feet of floor space and will re- arrange the present shelves and racks to improve utilization of the space. This will eliminate travel between two or three locations to pick up material. The six sealed bids received August 22, 2002, in response to the City's request, have been reviewed by staff. Five bids were judged as acceptable and responsive. The bid totals, as corrected, range from $39,089.41 to $91,076.27. The engineering estimate for the contract work is $45,000.00 including sales tax. This project is included in the approved 2002 budget. Harrison Equipment of Kent, Washington is the low responsive bidder. Attachment: Bid Summary . 19 BID SUMMARY -~-"-""-"-"-'--'"-"'-'~'--'~-~"------~--------'~---~--~---~_. -^-.,----------..-.--------".--.------~.-,.---.-.--.-- MEZZANINE CONSTRUCTION -------------------..-- --------------~--- PROJECT 22-08 BIDDER OFFICE BID SALES TA)< TOTAL BID -~.- -------_.._----_._-------,-~--~-----_._---- ~--------------- .----"----------------- ~--,---------'_.- .-----.------- LOCATION . 1 Harrison Equipment Kent, WA $36,127.00 $2,962.41 $39,089.41 2 DACO Kent, W A $41,268.17 $3,383.99 $44,652.16 3 Aldergrove Construction Port Angeles, WA $66,630.00 $5,463.66 $72,093.66 4 Pacific Environmental Port Townsend, WA $79,676.00 $6,533.43 $86,209.43 5 Ziggler Company, Inc. Bellevue, WA $84,174.00 $6,902.27 $91 ,076.27 6 Engineered Products Se'attle, W A Nonresponsive (1 ) Engineering Estimate $45,000.00 (1) Quoted product other than that specified. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Mezzanine Const.wpd 20 . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: City Beautification Awards Hartnagel Building Supply and Windermere Real Estate WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 20, 2002 Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziornkowski, S. McLain, L. Dunbar, and T. Smith. Public Present: L. Lee, R. Anderson, P. Johnson, L. Rasmussen, T. Price, and L. Nutter. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Campbell. City Beautification Awards to Hartnagel Building Supply and Windermere Real Estate: Mayor Wiggins extended appreciation to City staff for establishing the awards program for those businesses committed to beautifying the entrance to the City. He expressed the hope that the awards being presented this evening would be the first of many. The Mayor then presented the awards to Quint Boe and Terry Neske of Windermere Real Estate, and Arnold Schouten ofHartnagel Building Supply. None. Mayor Wiggins asked that consideration be given to conducting a special Council meeting for the purpose of endorsing the one-tenth of one percent (0.1 %) additional sales tax. This was added as Agenda Item 1.3. Patty Hannah, Executive Director of United Way, provided the City Council with a six- month report on City funds expended for human services. Ms. Hannah provided history on human service funding which came about several years ago by an increased sales tax, a portion of which was dedicated toward this purpose. She informed the Cl)pn.cil that the City has been working with the United Way for several years in administenng these funds, and the City Council has provided a liaison to the United Way for fund allocations. The report reflects the number of people served by the agencies, with a focus on youth and prevention programs. The number of contacts with the clients is also reported, as the agencies are encouraged to have an ongoing relationship with the clients to foster the development of young people and quality of life for seniors. Ms. Hannah directed the Council's attention to two new programs: a parent/teen mediation program through the Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center, as well as a 21 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 20, 2002 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: (Cont'd) FINANCE: Fiber Optic Wide-Area Network Use Agreement Proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement program through Pro Bono Lawyers with regard to legal issues that arise by the birth of children to unwed mothers. Ms. Hannah indicated that 152 people could not be served by the agencies and were referred elsewhere, often times because the demand . exceeded the ability to provide service. United Way is working toward a County-wide centralized information and referral system, and Ms. Hannah briefly discussed the phone number, 211, which was established as the number for the first call for help. J. Proposed Fiber Optic Wide-Area Network Use Agreement: Deputy Director of Power Systems McLain made introductory comments indicating this agreement is the culmination of over two years of work. He acknowledged the many individuals involved in this effort, after which Power Resources Manager Dunbar made a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed Fiber Optic Wide-Area Network Use Agreement. Mr. Dunbar itemized the Fiber Optic Business Plan Goals, to include the facilitation of a City-wide infrastructure project with the greatest potential for economic development success, a response to the needs ofthe business community, the fostering of telecommunications competition via open access and private sector development and, finally, the goal to prevent development of excessive redundant infrastructure. He summarized the fast-track process over the past few months, the involvement of stakeholders, and the anatomy of the entire network. Mr. Dunbar also explained in detail the inner workings of a wide area network of this nature. Mr. Dunbar provided an overview of the Wide-Area Network Use Agreement, and he invited Pete Grigorieff, Northland Regional Manager, to inform the Council as to the members of the Northland team in this endeavor. After further reviewing the details of the agreements, Mr. Dunbar summarized changes incorporated since the last meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee. He then proceeded to review the proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement with . Capacity Provisioning, Inc., at which time he invited Bob Jensen, Capacity Provisioning Vice President, to inform the Council as to the members of their team in this endeavor. Mr. Dunbar then proceeded to review the special agreement provisions, as well as the City sites to be served. He delineated the various charges and compensation to the City as relates to this agreement, and he then discussed th'e Telecommunications Master Permit that is to be issued in conjunction with the agreement. In reviewing the capital costs associated with both agreements, Mr. Dunbar emphasized the savings to be realized by the City by virtue of entering into these agreements as opposed to proceeding with its own fiber installation. The partnerships created by these agreements provide benefits to everyone involved, and Mr. Dunbar reviewed those benefits in detail. Following a brief question and answer session, Councilmember Rogers provided a chronology of work effort on this project and the reasons why the project has been so very important. She commended staff for its diligence in this regard, and Councilman Campbell moved to accept the recommendation to authorize the Mayor to execute the proposed Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement and right-of-way easements for I-Net node enclosures with Northland Cable Television. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion. Power Resources Manager Dunbar asked that the modifications made since the last Utility Advisory Committee meeting also be made a part ofthe motion, which was acceptablfi to Councilmembers Campbell and Rogers, as the maker and seconder of the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement . Councilmember Rogers moved to accept the recommendation to authorize the Mayor to execute the proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement and 22 - 2- 1- I. I . . Proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement (Cont'd) Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Municipal Code Amendments - MCA 01- 02B (PAMC Titles 14, 16, 17 - Continued from July 16,2002) CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 20,2002 Telecommunications Master Permit with Capacity Provisioning, Inc., to authorize the City Manager to execute Interlocal Agreements for the acquisition of I-Net Services with public institutions, and to include the modifications discussed. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Pete Grigorieff, Northland Regional Manager, thanked Messrs. Dunbar & McLain and City staff for their work in this process; he felt this would be a good engagement for the City and for the community. Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7: 15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m. Municipal Code Amendments - MCA 01-02E (P AMC Titles 14, 16, 17 - Continued from July 16,2002): Community Development Director Collins distributed copies of a letter from the Chamber of Commerce consisting of five points to be included in the public testimony for this hearing. With the use of overheads, Director Collins reviewed proposed changes to the Sign Code, to include the combining of the Downtown Sign Code with the Zoning Code, the allowance of one A- frame sign per commercial site, a clarification of commercial message signs, and a simplification of exempt and prohibited signs. He summarized the major issues pertinent to the Sign Code, noting the industry standards as well as the County and proposed City standards. He noted that banner signs and fluttering devices would be allowed with certain parameters. Director Collins noted the public process that has taken place, allowing input from the public, businesses, and representatives of the sign industry. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the County's request that the City revise its sign standards to coincide with those of the County. Director Collins then proceeded to review proposed changes to the Parking Ordinance, most of which were administrative and housekeeping in nature. In the ensuing discussion, Councilmember Rogers stressed to the Council the importance of being thorough in its consideration of the changes, particularly as they may restrict business and business growth. Councilman Braun suggested that more time was needed to review all of the proposed changes, so he requested a special meeting for a work session on the changes. The Council agreed by consensus to hold a special meeting on Au&ust 27, 2002, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Director Collins reviewed the proposed changes to the Subdivision ordinances, also administrative and housekeeping in nature. However, he advised the Council that one of the major issues in this regard is the modification of future street standards for low impact development. Director Collins summarized the Zoning Code changes, indicating that Special Use and Conditional Use has been clarified. Other changes are also administrative and housekeeping in nature. Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. Jackson Smart, Jackson Signs, 472 Mt. Pleasant Road, commended City staff for allowing sign companies to be involved in this process. He was asked by the Port Angeles Business Association to review the changes, and the PABA subsequently voted unanimously to support those changes brought forward. Mr. Smart asked for a reconsideration of A-frame sign standards, as he was concerned about the safety issue and lack of visibility for the dimensions proposed. With the help of visual aids he had prepared, he recommended an A-frame that is 48 inches high and 44 inches from the ground. He suggested a width of32 inches. Mr. Smart also pointed out that one sign per building would be allowed and, for those buildings with more than one tenant, this dimension of sign would allow a type of directory for all businesses in a given building. 23 - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 20, 2002 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Municipal Code Amendments - MCA 01- 02B (PAMC Titles 14, 16, 17 - Continued from July 16,2002) (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Aria Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, 105 ~ E. 1 sl Street, referencing the height of the signs, stated the P ADA is not recommending that all signs be 48 inches high, but requesting that the change of height . be from a maximum of 30 inches to 48 inches and that dimensions be limited t6 20 or 24. inches on downtown sidewalks. A minimum, she added, is required for safety precautions. Director Collins added that staff would accept a minimum and maximum. Larry Harwood, 94 Seaview Dr., asked if the consideration was to double the size of the billboards that are currently not 600 sq. ft. in order to conform all signs. Director Collins responded that 600 square foot signs would be allowed where there are 300 square foot signs, and the 600 square foot signs would be allowed where there is no sign on the property at this time. Mr. Harwood, speaking in opposition to all billboards, inquired why any billboard would double in size, especially since the City has such a beautiful view. He felt that billboards do not improve a business community at all, and he has never been influenced by a billboard to make a purchasing decision. Tony Griffith, Port Angeles Inn, 111 East 2nd Street, explained that 25% of his business is because of billboards. He added that billboards are important to Port Angeles and asked that the City not stifle signage. Mr. Griffith proposed that more signage be put up between Seattle and Port Angeles so that the visiting public is educated as to the attractions of the area. Linda Nutter, 1701 East3rd, stated that cities elsewhere can get along without billboards. She understands that billboards can be helpful, but added that bigger is not better and disagrees in increasing signs to 600 sq. ft. A uniform smaller sign would be advantageous to all, and Ms. Nutter suggested that the City adopt the County standard. Mike Millar, 1327 East 1 st, representing the International Sign Association, mentioned there are more than several signs in the County that exceed 600 square feet. He supported bringing the code up to industry standard - a height of 35 feet, and he commended the City for its progressive work thus far. Noting the support oftheP ABA and the Chamber of Commerce, he urged the City to move forward. . Dorothy Skerbeck, 3225 E. Masters Rd., stated that the City threatens her with annexation, so signage does matter to her. Ifpeople would slow down to appropriate speeds, she felt that the signs would be legible. There being no further public testimony, Mayor Wiggins closed the public hearing at 8:35 p.m. He continued the matter to the work session scheduled for August 27,2002. Following brief clarification of expenditures, Councilman Williams directed attention to the first paragraph on Page 3 of the August 6, 2002, City Council minutes. He asked that the record reflect his opposition to the annexation request because of the lack of clarity at the Statewide level. Until the petition method of annexation is cleared up at the State, he felt the Council should refrain from taking any action on annexation. Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) City Council minutes - August 6, 2002 meeting; and 2) Check Register - August 9, 2002 - $392,247.03. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Braun attended the commissioning of the USCGC Wahoo, as well as the ice skating facility meeting. He introduced Leonard Rasmussen, who addressed the Council on the matter of the ice skating facility. Leonard Rasmussen, 2143 W. 14th Street, commended Councilman Braun for bringing this issue to the forefront. Much . enthusiasm exists for the rink, but questions have arisen regarding financing and how to make it happen. The general consensus at the meetings is that this needs to be a multi-use facility. Citing the Bremerton rink as an example, Mr. Rasmussen informed 24 - 4 - . . . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Storm water - Regulations and Utility Ordinance Letter to Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization re: Hood Canal Mitigation CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 20, 2002 the Council that this is a money-making business and that it will develop a 501C. He will encourage the citizens of Port Angeles to participate in the Peninsula Ice Sports Federation in Bremerton and proposed that this be discussed in terms of the Cascadia project. Councilmember Rogers also attended the Wahoo commissioning and mentioned the increase of ships coming to the harbor. She also attended the ice skating meeting. Councilman Campbell expressed kudos to the Public Works Department for the City booth at the County Fair. Mayor Wiggins commended the Parks and Recreation Department for the flowers and grounds keeping in the City. None. None. None. Storm water - Regulations and Utility Ordinance: Set Public Hearing Date Linda Nutter, 1701 East 3'd, expressed her pleasure as a citizen that the City is moving forward in storm water management. Taking control of this issue will save much in the future. If the fee is $3.00 per month, what will be done to bring this down to a reasonable price. How can you reduce the amount of run-off into the system? It would be appropriate to provide credits or something similar for those who can retain their run-off on their own property. Sue Ford, Sequim, inquired if the W A Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington was the model for the Department of Ecology Storm water Management Plan. Director Cutler responded in the affirmative. Ms. Ford recommended that the City look carefully at that document and consider not incorporating it as part of the plan because it consists of 1,033 onerous pages of rules and regulations which would only cause more problems for the City and increased costs. Councilman Braun moved to set the public hearing date for September 3, 2002, for receipt of input regarding formation of a storm water utility. Input from the public hearing will be used for discussions and a decision regarding adoption of the ordinance and formation of the storm water utility at the September 17, 2002, Council meeting. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Letter to Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization re: Hood Canal Mitigation Economic Development Director Tim Smith summarized the background of the Hood Canal Bridge closure mitigation and referred to the nine primary issues discussed in the letter to the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization. Following a brief explanation of those items by Director Smith, Councilman Williams commented on the Environmental Impact Statement and what it might do to the schedule for renovating the bridge. He added that he felt the items identified in the letter would be well received. Director Collins referred to the portion of the letter which requests the replacement of the bridge occur outside of those months which incur a high rate of 25 - 5 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 20, 2002 Letter to Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization re: Hood Canal Mitigation (Cont'd) Consideration of Special Council Meeting re: 1/10th of 1 % Sales Tax INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: tourism. The schedule and the budget are very critical. Director Collins felt that what has been crafted in the letter is supportive of that concept. Councilman Braun moved that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the . proposed letter. Councilman Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of Special Council Meeting re: 1/JOth of 1% Sales Tax It was proposed. that the matter of the one-tenth of one percent sales tax issue be considered at the August 27, 2002, Special Council meeting, to which the Council agreed. Councilman Headrick asked if the issue of Referendum 51 could also be discussed; however, it was agreed the second meeting in September would be appropriate for that particular topic. Councilmember Rogers mentioned the Community Development meeting on Friday, August 23, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. Councilman Williams informed Council that there is no Real Estate Committee meeting on the Tuesday, August 27, 2002 but on September 10,2002. Mayor Wiggins inquired about the cessation of the Laurel Street slide repair. Director Cutler responded that the design work is being refined and that construction will begin after Labor Day. Councilman Braun drew attention to the September 5, 2002 Gateway Committee meeting. Manager Quinn mentioned the update on Council Goals and Projects, the Institutional Network Implementation Consulting Services Monthly Status Report, and the notification of the City's Budget Award. He recognized Yvonne Ziomkowski for her award from the Finance Association. Staff also included in the packets an update on the Rayonier Mill Trail status. Director Cutler related that concrete will be poured on Friday for the bridge abutments and anticipated that completion will be mid-to late September. . Councilman Braun complimented the Public Works Department for the Cherry Street asphalt. Councilmember Rogers, referring back to the Rayonier Trail, asked for a fmite date for the completion of the trail for opening ceremonies and festivities. Director Cutler will keep all informed. Peter Ripley expressed his support for the ice skating rink because it would provide winter revenue, such as a hockey team. He then mentioned that this is the 5th Anniversary of the Port Angeles Journal. The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations for approximately one hour. The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. . Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 26 - 6- 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number \ 001 71590 Clallam Cnty Treasurer 03075 CVCA Remittance-June 2294000 300.42 71592 Air Compressor Products 01403 CH- Compressor motor 1 2370000 39.75- CH-Compressor,motor 1 2370000 121.44- CH-Air compressors 1 2370000 59.72- Credit CH-Air compressors 1 2370000 59.72 CH-Air filter element,motor 1 2370000 19.59- 71612 First Line LLC 06305 Latex,nitrile gloves 1 2370000 21.32- 71615 Ga ll' sine 07027 Training cuffs 1 2370000 6.56- 71636 Intl Cnfrnc of Bldg Officials 09001 '97 UBC softcover Vol 1 2370000 5.24- 71661 Mity-Lite Inc 13443 Tables 1 2370000 36.15- 71728 Washington State Treasurer 23120 District Court revenue-June 1 2293000 13,339.62 District Court revenue-June 1 2291000 234.00 71744 Brooke & Assoc Inc, Robert 18092 Urinal screen 1 2372000 28.75- 'Un-do-its' 1 2372000 3.13- 71745 Carlson & Associates, Laurie 03504 ShaHs,reeds,screws,valves 1 2370000 20.64- 71748 CompuHealth Northwest 03691 Software 1 2370000 4.86- 71750 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed pistol lens-July 1 2296000 330.00 71795 TJ Conevera's Inc 20316 Letterhead 1 2370000 12.96- 71801 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Warren 1 2295000 24.00 71807 Water Cannon Inc 23647 Pressure washer 1 2370000 5.86- . Total for Department 13,901.79 0001 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 111 4210 39.05 08-02 AVAYA billing 113 4210 39.05 08-02 AVAYA billing 124 4210 19.52 71587 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 113 3101 6.94 71593 Connelly, Susanne 03690 Reimburse tuition expense 1134310 616.29 71668 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Table cover 112 3101 59.23 71669 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Legal sheets 124 3101 56.48 Personnel action forms 113 3101 332.03 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pens,post it notes 112 3101 37.60 Pads,binder,post-its 124 3101 65.42 Calculator 113 3101 11.63 Labels 113 3101 20.19 Credit calculator 113 3101 7.74- Calculator,dispenser 113 3101 15.60 71679 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Real Property Surplus 124 4410 98.24 71739 Albertsons Inc 01204 Council refreshments 112 3101 18.18 71746 CliniCare of Port Angeles Inc 03080 Drug screen-Frey 113 4131 72.00 Drug screen-Wheeler 113 4131 72.00 71754 Harbor Cafe 08216 Deli Wraps 112 3101 52.95 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 Chamber of Commerce luncheon 111 4310 10.00 Lunch meetings 112 4310 29.67 Lunch meetings 112 4310 27.11 . 71764 National Safety Council 14095 Membership renewal pe 11/03 113 4901 290.00 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 111 4210 92.64 08-14 Qwest billing 113 4210 92.64 08-14 Qwest billing 124 4210 46.32 71805 Washington (015), State of 23111 ~, charges-July 111 4210 99.95 Scan charges-July 113 4210 20.94 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Scan charges-JuLy 124 4210 9.40 TotaL for Administration 2,343.33 0002 71560 AT&T WireLess Services 01404 08-05 AT&T a/c 49548233 240 4210 36.16 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA bilLing 201 4210 39.05 08-02 AVAYA biLLing 230 4210 48.81 08-02 AVAYA biLLing 240 4210 117.15 71626 Harbor Cafe 08216 Business Lunches-HTE,FERC mtgs 201 3101 72.05 HTE training working Lunch 230 3101 33.30 71666 OLympic DeLivery Service Inc 15020 JuLy deLivery svcs 240 4150 91.10 71671 OLympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper,et ips, gLue 201 3101 8.36 Index,markers,pens,hiLiters 230 3101 7.55 Index,markers,pens,hiLiters 201 3101 11. 56 Index,markers,pens,hiliters 201 3101 4.86 Index,markers,pens,hiLiters 230 3101 4.84 Index,markers,pens,hiliters 2303101 11. 56 Glue sticks, tape 230 3101 7.90 GLue sticks,tape 240 3101 7.91 Paper 230 3101 37.87 Binder 230 3101 10. 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner cartridge 230 3101 Toner cartridge 240 3101 212.07 Repair HP printer 230 4810 324.60 71683 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp 16127 MaiLing Equipment 3rd Qtr 205 4530 3,385.41 71723 Viking Office Products 22054 Pens,staples,calendars 230 3101 26.20 Pens,stapLes,calendars 240 3101 4.70 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 Book 201 3101 24.00 Shredder bags 205 3101 11.88 71760 Mi croflex Inc 13203 Tax audit program 230 4150 111.50 71772 Papandrew, Karen E -'6568 Accounting svcs pe 08-14 230 4150 780.00 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 201 4210 92.64 08-14 Qwest billing 230,4210 115.80 08-14 Qwest biLling 240 4210 277 . 93 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 MS SeLect license activity 240 3160 1,025.89 Scan charges-July 201 4210 16.64 Scan charges-July 230 4210 14.05 Scan charges-JuLy 240 4210 7.79 Total for Finance 7,083.65 0003 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA biLling 311 4210 68.34 71669 OLympic Printers Inc 15027 LegaL sheets 311 3101 144.61 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper,clips,gLue 312 3101 75.74 Paper,cLips,gLue 311 3101 37.87 71720 United ParceL Service 21005 July shipping chgs 311 4210 . 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 VinyL Letters & Display brd 311 3101 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest biLLing 311 4210 162.12 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 311 4210 22.23 28 Total for Attorney 542.09 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 3 . CHECK REGISTER I Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount i Number Name Number Number 0004 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T a/c 44324994 420 4210 14.32 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 411 4210 39.05 71617 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 E4000 computer 411 4810 1,227.00 71636 Intl Cnfrnc of Bldg Officials 09001 '97 UBC softcover Vol 420 3101 69.08 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Call bell 420 3101 4.98 Paper,clips,glue 420 3101 75.74 71678 Pen Print Inc 16009 Inspection reports 420 3101 78.99 71679 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Notice~Erosion control 411 4410 49.88 Determination-Zenovic & Assoc 411 4410 49.88 Determination-Housing Auth 411 4410 43.00 Ordinance summary #3119 411 4410 25.80 Conditional permit-Shoreline 411 4410 49.02 Notice-Clarke 411 4410 43.86 Notice-Ennis Cr Subdivision 411 4410 28.38 Notice-D Morrison 411 4410 49.88 Notice-Independent Bible 411 4410 95.16 71682 Petersen, Steve and Madonna 16603 Rfd short plat fees 411 34581012 200.00 Rfd short plat fees 411 34319000 150.00 Rfd short plat fees 411 34581002 200.00 71688 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Spark plug,oil 420 4810 71.32 . Eyelet,cover 420 4810 10.33 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 GM plastic head 420 4990 5.39 71725 WCPDA (WA City Plan Dir Assn) 23188 Directors conference-Collins 411 4901 150.00 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest bill ing 411 4210 92.64 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 411 4210 9.94 Total for Community Development Dept 2,833.64 0005 71557 PACVSA 16602 Member dues,app fee-Winfield 530 4901 75.00 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 511 4210 68.34 08-02 AVAYA billing 534 4210 48.81 08-02 AVAYA billing 530 4210 9.76 71587 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 530 4990 . 42.41 Prints 530 4990 4.35 Prints 530 4990 7.17 Prints 530 4990 38.78 Prints 530 4990 35.41 Adjust invoice-sales tax 530 4990 2.90 Prints 530 4990 2.82 Prints 530 4990 19.33 71601 Dobson's 04054 Freon, labor 530 4990 148.45 71607 Evergreen Towing 03207 Towing services 530 4990 67.63 71615 Gall's Inc 07027 Training cuffs 530 3101 86.53 71654 Maybee's Del i 13036 Public safety mtg lunch 511 3101 33.54 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper,cl ips,glue 534 3101 75.74 . Envelopes,folders,pens,clips 534 3101 98.82 Paper 534 3101 151.48 Shredder,diskettes 534 3101 104.67 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Calculato.r tape 534 3101 15.15 29' tape 530 3101 24.89 Ink cartridge 5343101 90.89 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Ink cartridge 534 3101 37.87 Ink cartridge 534 3101 37.87 Maint agreement-NP1020-August 511 4810 32.46 maint agreement NP3050-August 534 4810 54.10 Maint agreement-NP6230-August 534 4810 167.82 71684 Pollock, Dani el 16604 Refund overpmt-license fee 500 34210017 5.00 71696 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Fuse holder,relay,radio,cable 530 3114 113.61 External speaker 530 3501 68.33 Leather cases 530 2080 289.97 Tax on invoice 11335 530 4810 4.92 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Battery, film 530 3501 55.27 Keyblank 530 4990 1.30 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 July shipping chgs 530 4210 12.46 71733 Winfield, Jesse 0 23087 Reimburse clothing expense 530 2080 108.17 71738 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-02 AT&T alc 49945710 530 4210 n.56 08-02 AT&T alc 49470974 511 4210 10.53 71759 Metrocall 2,0000 07-27 Metrocall billing 511 4210 44.65 71768 Olympic Medical Center 15028 Medical chgs 10/7/01-Koon 530 4990 50.00 71769 Olympic Tire & Auto Repair 15073 License plates replaced 530 4990 21.64 71nO Olympic Veterinary Clinic 15065 After hours exam-stray cat 530 4150 89.62 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 511 4210 16. 08-14 Qwest billing 534 4210 11 08-14 Qwest billing 530 4210 23.16 71795 TJ Conevera's Inc 20316 Letterhead 530 3101 170.96 71802 WASPC North Sound 23177 Electronic monitoring svcs 512 5099 620.00 Electronic monitoring svcs 512 5099 900.00 Electronic monitoring svcs 512 5099 480.00 Electronic monitoring svcs 512 5099 900.00 Electronic monitoring svcs 512 5099 200.00 71805 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 511 4210 34.20 Scan charges-July 530 4210 61.03 Scan charges-July 534 4210 4.32 Total for Pol ice 6,207.61 0006 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T alc 47951801 643 4210 32.66 08-02 AT&T alc 43736255 644 4210 8.31 08-02 AT&T alc 45598455 642 4210 9.78 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 611 4210 48.81 08-02 AVAYA billing 642 4210 9.76 08-02 AVAYA billing 643 4210 9.76 08-02 AVAYA billing 641 4210 29.29 71594 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Paint 645 3101 11. 09 71596 Curtis & Sons Inc, L N 03098 Nozzle piercing tip 641 3101 151.29 Cord reel 641 3101 180.44 71612 First Line LLC 06305 Latex,nitrile gloves 643 3113 2~ 71614 GE Medical Systems 01027 Biomed equipment-August 643 4150 71617 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer,monitor,accessories 642 3101 1,670. 71627 Hartnagel Building supply Inc 08052 Plywood 642 3101 11. 40 71649 Life Assist 12202 M~()in CPR .face shields 643 3108 132.52 71651 Lisenbury Fire Protection 12417 Pin seals 642 3101 10.82 ---- -- - 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 71654 Maybee's Deli 71660 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 71662 NFPA 71667 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc 71668 Olympic Paper Company 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 71711 Swain's General Store Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Vendor Number 13036 13117 14202 15026 15,111 15030 16004 19035 19037 71720 United Parcel Service 21'005 71722 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 . 71738 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 71748 CompuHealth Northwest 03691 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 71759 Metrocall 71779 Qwest 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 0007 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 71561 AVAYA INC 71587 Camera Corner 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc . 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 71678 Pen Print Inc 71679 Peninsula Daily News 20000 21001 23111 01404 12215 03044 15030 16004 16009 16012 Description GL Code Number Public safety mtg lunch 611 3101 Fan belt 684 4810 Renew member McKeen 0640878 642 4901 Cleaning services 641 3101 Laundry svcs-July 641 3101 Paper 645 3101 Dividers 645 3101 File folders 611 3101 Binder,dividers,clips,envelope 645 3101 Color copies 645 3101 Laminate copies 648 3101 Oxygen 643 3101 FP cut tack, hammer tack 611 3101 Anchor,drill bit,hook 641 3501 Bristle brush,paintbrush 645 3101 Sprinkler 684 4810 July shipping chgs 611 4210 07-15 Verizon billing 643 4210 07-15 Verizon billing 641 4210 07-15 Verizon billing 641 4210 08-02 AT&T a/c 46898102 611 4210 Software 643 3160 Ice cream for volunteers 611 3101 Palm pilots 645 3101 Vacuum cleaner & bags 6843120 Conference hotel expenses 611 4310 Conference registration 611 4310 07-27 Metrocall billing 644 4210 08-14 Qwest billing 611 4210 08-14 Qwest billing 642 4210 08-14 Qwest billing 643 4210 08-14 Qwest billing 641 4210 Scan charges-July 611 4210 Scan charges-July 641 4210 Scan charges-July 643 4210 08-02 AT&T a/c 43263680 07-27 AT&T a/c 48966287 08-02 AVAYA billing Prints Calculator Envelopes,labels,folders,pens Paper Hi-liters,tape,cords Toner Mouse intellimouse track Deskjet ink I~~ction reports Interim Project Mgr 711 4210 711 4210 711 4210 711 4990 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3160 711 3101 711 3101 711 4410 August 27 2002 Total for Fire Page 5 Amount 34.08 10.86 115.00 152.29 129.74 97.38 27.36- 7.56 84.67 137.04 9.20 125.65 4.54 9.02 9.53 2.02 5.50 9.92 11.20 5.09 40.65 1,749.60 38.12 465.95 151.46 409.20 499.00 3.30 115.80 23.16 23.16 69.48 72.31 1.44 2.37 7,249.90 12.27 19.66 263.60 7.17 11.63 48.96 75.74 142.83 220.73 37.82 68.71 78.98 222.71 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Assistant Civil Eng II 711 4410 176.07 Street closures 711 4410 184.20 Small works roster notice 711 4410 52.46 71690 Qwest 21001 08-05 Qwest billing 711 4210 41.07 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Marker paint 711 3101 4.64 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Machete 711 3101 7.33 UV Clear w/paper 711 3101 197.23 71721 Utilities Underground loc Ctr 21010 July locates 711 4150 42.34 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 Computer software 711 3101 74.84 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 711 4210 648.52 71789 Seattle Times, The 19012 Project Manager ad 711 4410 616.54 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 711 4210 121.99 Total for Public Works 3,378.04 0008 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T a/c 44704773 865 4210 14.83 08-02 AT&T a/c 46008926 865 4210 17.46 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 811 4210 29.29 08-02 AVAYA billing 866 4210 9.76 08-02 AVAYA billing 865 4210 9.76 08-02 AVAYA billing 861 4210 1. 08-02 AVAYA billing 862 4210 08-02 AVAYA billing 863 4210 29.29 ( 71563 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Edger 865 3501 348.39 Weedeating supplies 865 3120 20.59 Grass bag,weedeater parts 865 3120 502.78 Blades 865 3120 9.74 Starter,housing 865 3120 118.93 71565 Air Control Inc 01058 Fitters 865 3120 384.54 71574 Angeles lock Shop 12050 Tags,key 862 3120 46.85 Padlocks 863 4810 42.20 71576 Angeles Millwork 01073 Joist hanger,hinge,brush 865 3120 9.64 Hinge 865 3120 2.58- lumber 866 3120 102.61 Plank blade 830 3101 48.30 Foam pipe insulation 865 3120 2.69 Safety glass,bandit glasses 865 3120 16.87 Tub seal 866 3120 20.51 U-Bolt,S hook,screws,hex nut 865 3120 8.30 Plywood, lumber 865 3120 86.61 P l i ers 865 3120 18.47 Brush,hex bolt,concrete patch 865 3120 9.33 Cement 866 3120 29.21 71583 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 Street banners 811 3101 205.58 71592 Air Compressor Products 01403 CH- Compressor motor 830 3120 524.43 CH-Compressor,motor 830 3120 ,.,_ CH-Air compressors 830 3120 ~87. 1- Credit CH-Air compressors 862 3120 CH-Air filter element,motor 830 3120 258.50 71598 Denver's Tire Co Inc 04044 M~~,demount,metal valve 865 4810 31.38 71599 Dept of labor & Industries 04045 Inspection fees-Senior Ctr 830 4810 45.40 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 7 . CHECK REGISTER Date From '08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 71622 Grainger Inc, W W 07015 Enclosures 830 3120 125.05 71625 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Arts Pie Shack supplies 863 3101 86.10 71627 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Brooms 865 3120 65.24 71640 Johnstone Supply Inc 10026 Impeller 862 3120 77.48 Impeller parts 862 3120 175.53 71641 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Paint sprayer sheave 865 3120 9.56 Paint sprayer sheave 8653120 13.86 71660 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Belt 865 3120 22~51 Bel t 865 3120 22.51 71661 Mity-Lite Inc 13443 Tables 830 3101 238.46 71668 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Bathroom tissue 862 3106 26.81 Liquid chlorine 862 3120 39.62 Liquid bleach 862 3120 20.95 Paper 862 3101 29.32 Trash liners 862 3106 128.33 Muriatic acid 862 3105 43.93 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pens,post-it,binder 865 3101 15.74 Calculator,shears,dots 863 3101 28.68 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Credit toner cartridge 811 3101 85.48- Service fax machine 811 3101 59.51 . Toner cartridge 811 3101 85.48 71676 Parker Paint Mfg Co Inc 16201 Tray,paint,primer 862 3120 47.26 Paint 865 3120 12.85 71679 Peninsula Daily News 16012 'Pre arrangement' 07-15 866 4410 195.00 71681 Peninsula Septic Tanks 16215 Bullard,curbs 865 3120 137.41 71688 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Washer,knuckle-steering 865 3120 77.86 Grass bag 865 3120 97.35 Gasket kit,carburetor kit,belt 865 3120 111. 90 Valves, piston 865 3120 58.42 Pulley,bearing,wheel arm 865 3120 62.63 71689 Quiring Monuments Inc 17001 Inscription-Bird 866 3401 55.10 71690 Qwest 21001 08-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 26.00 08-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 34.97 71704 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 19019 Sand 865 3140 605.92 Sand 865 3140 605.92- Baseba II infield mix 865 3140 727~ 10 Reject 866 3120 196.92 Screened material 866 3120 210.99 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Sealant,bit holder, insert bit 830 3120 10.18 Wheel bolt 865 3120 6.38 Bolts 865 3120 1.13 O-ring 865 3140 1.51 Rope,snap hook 862 3120 11.72 Snap hook, link 865 3120 8.05 Swivels 865 3140 7.34 . Fender wash,sealant,jobber bit 862 3120 16.72 Marker paint 865 3140 4.64 Cyl inder rentals 866 3101 11.36 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Sandpaper,sanding disc 8623120 8.89 ~\!rst lamp,wire connector 830 3120 17.67 Fabric softener 865 3120 27.14 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Paintbrush,bristle brush 865 3120 4.31 Paintbrush, brush, sandpaper 862 3120 2.90 Fabric softener 865 3120 27.14 Cover for plywood 866 3120 105.66 Teflon tape,elbow,hex bushing 865 3140 9.73 Bungee cord, hooks 865 3120 3.91 Sprayer 865 3120 16.09 Roller covers 865 3120 4.91 Terminals,fuse kit 865 3120 2.86 Plunger,wastebasket,brush 865 3120 9.42 Bulbs 863 3101 8.24 Credit ball valve 865 3140 72.46- Tie down,rope,strap 865 3120 25.60 Gloves,band-aids .865 3120 8.48 Cleaner,bushing,tee 865 3120 24.95 Rake,bits,locking tie down 865 3120 52.64 Nai ls 865 3120 1.30 Bulbs,cleaner,soap,Raid 865 3120 18.89 Post it,paper clips,pencils 862 3120 33.50 Duct tape 865 3120 5.35 Sponge 865 3120 . PVC cap, cap 865 3140 Cord 863 4810 5.92 Paint supplies 865 3120 37.97 71715 Traditional Maintenance Svcs 20354 Refinish floor-Senior Ctr 865 4810 445.00 Refinish gym floor-VBCC 865 4810 1,806.00 71723 Viking Office Products 22054 Scissors, reinforcements 863 3101 7.53 71744 Brooke & Assoc Inc, Robert 18092 Urinal screen 862 3120 379.25 'Un-do-its' 862 3120 41.28 71745 Carlson & Associates, Laurie 03504 Shafts, reeds, screws, va lves 865 3120 272.34 71767 Olympic Laundry &Clnrs Inc 15026 Dust mops 830 3120 3.25 71774 Peninsula College 16011 Feiro Contract-August 877 4150 10,000.00 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 811 4210 69.48 08-14 Qwest billing 866 4210 23.16 08-14 Qwest billing 865 4210 23.16 08-14 Qwest billing 861 4210 46.32 08-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 23.16 08-14 Qwest billing 863 4210 69.48 08-14 Qwest billing 865 4210 37.54 08-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 56.07 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 811 4210 12.66 Scan charges-July 861 4210 26.48 Scan charges-July 862 4210 6.01 Scan charges-July 863 4210 .93 Scan charges-July 865 4210 1.69 Scan charges-July 866 4210 . 71807 Water Cannon Inc 23647 Pressure washer 865 3120 Total for Parks & Recreation 21,820.90 34 Total for General Fund 65,360.95 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 9 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number 101 0001 71685 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm 16023 Visitor Ctr expenses-August 115 5083 5,019.79 Marketing Plan costs-August 115 5083 5,719.33 Total for Convention Center Fund 10,739.12 102 0007 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T a/c 43487438 752 4210 12.78 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 752 4210 29.29 71576 Angeles Millwork 01073 Curved hooks 752 3125 13.63 Drive anchor 752 3120 5.41 Steel wire,duct tape, lath 752 3125 13.59 Screws, hex nut,washers,eye 752 3120 3.91 lumber 752 3101 25.62 Alm 752 3101 6.47 Poly brush 752 3120 9.20 Brass pull 752 3120 7.57 71594 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Nitrile gloves 752 3120 13.84 71645 lakeside Industries Inc 12036 Asphalt 752 3120 78.99 Asphalt 752 3120 5,567.39 Asphalt 752 3120 10,212.03 . Asphal t 752 3120 18,825.18 Asphalt 752 3120 14,841.03 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Envelopes,labels,folders,pens 752 3101 48.95 Paper 752 3101 75.74 71704 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 19019 Concrete rubble 752 3120 86.56 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Scissors,staples,staplegun 752 3125 26.63 Staples 752 3120 4.19 71712 TSM Company 20342 Repair traffic ~ontroller 752 3125 254.98 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 752 4210 69.48 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 752 4210 .51 Total for Street Fund 50,232.97 103 0001 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 123 4210 9.76 71623 Greater Seattle Chmbr Commerce 07278 Annual membership-Smith 123 4901 360.00 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 123 4210 23.16 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 123 4210 21.33 Total for Economic Development 414.25 107 0005 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 532 4210 165.96 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper,clips,glue 532 3101 75.74 Paper 532 3101 151.48 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner 532 3101 54.10 Toner 532 3101 157.97 . 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 Conference hotel expenses 532 4310 884.43 Conference registration 532 4310 389.00 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 532 4210 393.73 7-23 Qwest billing 532 4210 60.50 71792 Skinner & Associates, Bruce 19880 Strategic Plan-Pen Comm Ctr 532 4150 1,481.25 71805 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 ~charges-July 532 4210 52.47 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - Ll VE MACH I NE August 27 2002 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for PenCom 3,866.63 174 0008 71570 Amoroso, Debbie 01544 Rfd-Cancelled cartoon w/s 854 34760020 40.00 71600 Dionne, Joanne 04422 Refund-Cancelled class 85434760020 10.00 71603 Dunn, Kittie 04423 Refund-Cancelled cartoon w/s 854 34760020 40.00 71619 Glacier Foods 07391 Arctic bars-Family fun day 852 3101 41.52 71630 Hegg & Hegg Smoked Salmon Inc 08562 Dry ice 852 3101 13.53 71639 Jim's Pharmacy Inc 10020 Ice packs 854 3101 7.11 71647 Laurel Black Design 12082 'Forest Frenzy' balance due 852 4150 300.00 71661 Mity-Lite Inc 13443 Tables 855 34760020 238.47 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper,clips,glue 850 3101 37.87 Paper 850 3101 37.87 71679 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Summer Day Camps-July ads 854 4410 173.15 71699 Sandison, Maureen 19908 Refund cancelled cartoon w/s 854 34760020 80.00 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Softbal ls 851 3101 324.86 71723 Viking Office Products 22054 Report covers, receipt books 851 3101 56.77 71724 WA Amateur Softball Assn 23648 Register Adult Co-Ed Slowpitch 851 4150 527.00 71732 Wi lson, Ladona 23623 Refund-H2o camp 854 34760020 110.00 71738 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T a/c 49208770 854 4210 53.38 08-02 AT&T a/c 49208598 854 4210 ~i 71739 Albertsons Inc 01204 Pictures 854 3101 Ice cream bars-Family Fun 852 3101 1 . Waterproof disposable camera 854 3101 12.97 71781 Rainbow Racing System Inc 18475 Bicycle safety signs 852 3101 131.34 71793 Skyhawks Sports Academy 19911 Reimburse prog registration 851 4150 541.80 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 2,838.21 186 0008 71579 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Flex caulk 873 3101 42.13 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 42.13 310 0007 71679 Peninsula Daily News 16012 2002 Paving program 792 4410 292.40 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 July shipping chgs 783 4210 11. 57 71761 Milbor-Pita & Associates Inc 13702 Engineering svcs pe 07-31 783 4150 4,587.50 71782 Rainbow Sweepers 18222 Sealcoating 792 6510 3,961.72 Total for Public Works 8,853.19 0008 71602 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc 04060 Sod,pallets 897 3101 1 ,785 . 20 71694 Recycled Earth Products Inc 18265 5 yard dumptruck 897 3101 1,363.32 Top soi l 897 3101 1,558.08 Top soil 897 3101 194.76 Top soil 897 3101 973.80 Top soi l 897 3101 292.14 71704 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 19019 Sand 897 3101 6. Concrete rubble 897 3101 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 PVC pipe,cement,cleaner 897 3101 17.01 Irrigation parts-Estuary 897 3101 24.28 I~~ation parts-Estuary 897 3101 1.18 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Elbows 897 3101 5.71 ----------- ------ -- ---------.. ------------------ 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 11 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Tee 897 3101 3.20 Tee 897 3101 2.17 PVC primer 897 3101 7.08 71737 ARC Architects 01078 Prof srvcs pe 06-25 891 4150 1,392.16 Profsrvcs pe 07-25 891 4150 1,786.40 Total for Parks & Recreation 10,066.51 Total for Capital Improvement Fund 18,919.70 316 0008 71632 Hillcrest Baptist Church 08553 Rfd damage, key deposit 860 36240012 50.00 71752 French, Darlene 06327 Damage/key deposit refund 860 36240012 50.00 71753 Frichette Associates 06328 Damage/key deposit refund 860 36240012 50.00 71784 Rogers, Cindy 18478 Damage/key deposit refund 860 36240012 50.00 71787 Saari, Riannon 19771 Damage/key deposit refund 860 36240012 50.00 ,r. Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 250.00 325 0002 71617 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 10 E-3600 Computers 260 3160 15,905.40 . Total for Finance System 15,905.40 327 0007 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 July shipping chgs 796 4210 35.36 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 Fixtures 796 3501 598.40 Total for Carnegie Library 633.76 401 71562 Aaron, Marilyn 01547 Utility deposit rfd-099406043 401 2391200 61.55 71584 Bryant, David A 02695 Util i ty deposit rfd-058653045 401 2391200 47.33 Uti l ity overpmt rfd-058653045 401 1222200 60.83 71605 Elm, Kevin 05259 Utility deposit rfd-124595006 401 2391200 138.26 71606 Enos, James A 05260 Ut il i ty overpmt rfd-039993005 401 1222200 117 .40 71616 Garcia, Connie 07390 Utility deposit rfd-065838025 401 2391200 65.64 71628 Hayman, Mi chelle 08561 Utility deposit rfd-010405004 401 2391200 87.71 ., 71635 Ilk, Lisa 09151 Ut i l i ty over'pmt rfd-057738010 401 1222200 19.07 71656 Michalscheck, Tandi 13705 Utility deposit rfd-124627008 401 2391200 117 .59 71663 North Coast Electric Company 14173 Couplings,bell ends,pipe 401 1411000 358.93 Bell ends 401 1411000 26.15 Pipe 401 1411000 416.31 71701 Schroeder, Jody 19907 Utility deposit rfd-043818009 401 2391200 108.24 71718 Tucker, Kristin 20353 Utility overpmt rfd-055514004 401 1222200 56.99 71729 Weigel, Todd 23666 Util ity deposit rfd-105791035 401 2391200 111.40 71734 Woolett, Tim 23667 Util ity deposit rfd-064548002 401 2391200 65.89 71735 Wyman, Kay 23668 Utility overpmt rfd-019984001 401 1222200 473 . 48 71783 Rite Aid Corp-TPIRite 36653 18477 Utility ovrpmt rfd-034120001 401 1222200 2,527.47 . 71788 Saxton, Lois 19910 Utility ovrpmt rfd-001830010 401 1222200 128.24 71791 Shrope, Mark 19912 Utility ovrpmt rfd-103578019 401 2391200 102.48 71809 Western States Electric Inc 23025 Street light connector 401 1411000 56.28 Wire 401 1411000 624.21 37 Total for Department 5,771.45 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 0009 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T alc 44625127 911 4210 8.56 07-27 AT&T alc 48531602 911 4210 83.36 08-02 AT&T alc 44690139 911 4210 180.99 08-02 AT&T alc 45528387 911 4210 18.17 08-02 AT&T alc 45570652 911 4210 45.56 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 911 4210 136.67 71579 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Concrete mix 911 4810 11. 00 71586 CEDIConsolidated Elec Dist Inc 03267 Box,cordset,cover plates 911 3501 896.07 71597 Den-Ree Productions 04342 Advertising 915 4410 750.00 Marketing svcs,Radio,TV ads 915 4410 1,197.50 71621 Gordy'S Pizza & Pasta . 07272 Business lunches 915 4310 48.42 71625 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Batteries 911 3120 110.05 71627 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Lumber 911 4810 62.71 71643 Knopp Inc 11046 Repair Amplifier card 911 4530 604.72 71650 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Receiver 911 3501 27.37 71655 Metropolitan Commctn Conslnts 13568 Telecom 3-2 I-Net Svcs 915 4150 6,435.00 71668 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels,bathroom tissue 911 3120 123.98 71674 PUD #1 of Clallam County 16038 Insulators 911 3402 789.02 71687 Port Angeles Marine Inc 16361 Rope 911 3501 412.44 71688 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Rope, repair 911 4810 9.92 71690 Qwest 21001 08-02 Qwest billing 911 4210 ~. 71696 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Repair speaker connector 911 4810 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cord 911 3101 5.17 Seal,spray paint 911 4810 20.30 5 Gal can diesel 911 3501 10.81 Cut wheel 911 3501 27.89 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Sledge hammer, trimmer 911 3501 63.23 71713 Thurman Supply 20005 Sprinkler,sprinkler wrench 911 4810 8.70 71717 TriAxis Engineering Inc 20274 WA St substation pe 08-02 930 4150 717.50 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 July shipping chgs 911 4210 10.61 July shipping chgs 911 4210 13.97 71727 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Service extinguishers 911 3101 91.97 Extinguisher 911 4810 48.69 71736 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 Ecology assistance-Albert Sub 911 4150 628.00 71738 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T alc 48555460 911 4210 54.42 08-02 AT&T alc 49335938 911 4210 28.34 71742 Beck Inc, R W 02690 Elwha Rebuild pe 07-31 930 4150 7,790.50 Valley St Rebuild pe 07-31 930 4150 4,883.84 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 Drill bits 911 3501 25.35 71758 M & P Garage Doors 131 00 Repair door 911 4810 246.16 71776 Port Angeles City Light 16083 Balloons-Shay 911 4810 54.10 Ajax-Yoder 911 4810 .94 Drain valve-Strait 911 4810 3.44 Drain valve-Strait 911- 4810 2.80 License-Daugaard 911 4310 20.00 71778 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 16248 Safety glasses 911 3120 :. Safety glasses 911 3120 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 911 4210 324.25 71785 Rowley, Bruce 18479 Work boot reimbursement 911 3111 102.95 71790 Shay, James 19836 ~15 boot reimbursement 911 3111 102.95 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 911 4210 41. 14 --------------.-- 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 13 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for light 27,498.10 Total for light Fund 33,269.55 402 71658 Mid-Continent Safety 13512 Biosolids,Compost signs 402 2370000 35.32- 71773 Patriot Diamond Inc 16563 Asphalt blade 402 2370000 33.62- Total for Department 68.94- 0007 71560 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-05 AT&T a/c 49862030 753 4210 13.96 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 08-02 AVAYA billing 754 4210 19.52 08-02 AVAYA billing 753 4210 9.76 71572 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 753 3402 410.08 Drain rock 754 3120 305.88 71576 Angeles Millwork 01073 Strand board 753 3120 14.40 Cedar shims 753 3402 17.14 Stringline holder 753 3120 9.65 71579 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Top soil 753 3402 113.07 Top soil 753 3402 113.07 71601 Dobson's 04054 Mise belts 754 3120 44.02 . 71611 Familian NW 06020 CPVC pipe 754 3120 82.29 CPVC pipe 754 3120 233.97 71622 Grainger Inc, W W 07015 Dolly 754 3501 66.05 Rolling ladder 754 3501 396.85 File racks,hanging clamps 754 3501 758.12 71627 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Concrete mix 754 4810 17.23 71638 Jamestown Excavating 10254 Valley Crk waterline-final 793 6510 6,262.93 71641 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Electric motor 754 3120 304.05 71645 lakeside Industries Inc 12036 Jefferson School St repairs 753 3402 1,191.72 Asphalt 753 3402 199.05 71646 laucks Testing labs Inc 12109 Drinking water analysis 753 4810 495.00 71650 lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Steel 754 4810 236.31 Pipe for valve keys 753 3120 44.78 Pipe for valve keys 753 3120 30.84 71658 Mid-Continent Safety 13512 Biosolids,Compost signs 754 3120 465.99 71660 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 S D set 754 3501 14.13 71668 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels,cleaner,deodorant 754 3120 109.76 Liquid chlorine 793 6510 36.79 Bathroom tissue,paper towels' 754 3120 281.66 Liquid chlorine 753 3105 357.93 Liquid chlorine 753 3105 178.96 liquid chlorine,paper towels 793 6510 55.70 71670 Olympic Springs Inc 15029 Water,cups 754 3120 34.79 Cooler rentals 754 3120 21.53 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Paper 753 3101 75.74 . labels,binders,post-it notes 754 3101 29.90 Pens 753 3101 57.06 71690 Qwest 21001 08-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 34.97 08-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 34.97 71705 Skillings-Connolly Inc 19888 ~~ St water mains pe 07-25 793 4150 7,894.05 'Peabody Crk Water mains 07-25 793 4150 36,234.13 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002, To 08/23/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 71713 Thurman Supply 20005 71716 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 71721 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 71747 Cole Industrial Inc 03300 71757 JPMorganChase 16421 71759 Metrocall 20000 71771 PUD #1 of Clallam County 16038 71773 Patriot Diamond Inc 16563 71779 Qwest 21001 71786 Ryan Herco Products Corp 18216 71794 Sparling Instruments Inc 19083 71796 TMG Services Inc 20349 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 71806 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 404 71569 Ametek APT 71773 Patriot Diamond Inc 01477 16563 0007 71558 Stromski, Claudia D 19745 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 71569 Ametek APT 01477 71573 Angeles Electric Inc 01071 71576 Angeles Millwork 01073 71582 Brem-Air Disposal Inc 23060 Description GL Code Number Screws, screw nut 754 4810 Sawsall hatchet kit 754 3501 Clamps 754 3120 Socket,knee boot,coveralls 754 3120 Garden food,weed-B-gone 754 3120 Air compressor parts 754 3120 Fence posts 754 3120 Hold down strap 753 3120 PVC bib,PVC jacket,hip waders 753 3120 Insecticide,fan,hose remnant 754 3120 Sawsall blade 754 3120 Bleach,snap blade knife 754 3120 Clamps 753 3402 Threaded cap-irrigation system 754 3120 Freight chgs-Lloyd Electric 754 4210 July shipping chgs 754 4210 July locates 753 4150 July locates 754 4150 Repair boiler 754 4810 Travel expenses-Boiler repair 754 4810 Digital camera 754 3160 Digital camera accessories 754 3160 07-27 Metrocall billing 754 4210 08-14 billing 203 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 Asphalt blade 753 3402 08-14 Qwest billing 754 4210 08-14 Qwest billing 753 4210 08-08 Qwest billing 754 4210 Flange,coupling 793 6510 Meter,lens,photo coupler 753 3402 Troubleshoot vacuum regulators 753 3120 MS Select license activity 754 3160 Scan charges-July 753 4210 Scan charges-July 754 4210 WW Permit fee pe 12-31-02 754 4990 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund Motoguard sensors Asphal t blades 404 2370000 404 2370000 Total for Department Reimburse mileage expense 08-02 AVAYA billing Motoguard sensors Hook up pump at LF '4'0 i mbers July Recycl ing 755 4310 755 4210 755 3120 755 4810 755 3120 755 4150 Page 14 . Amount 7.79 324.59 63.08 81. 70 34.28 10.00 64.27 3.40 129.42 44.63 59.45 11.86 14.50 5.84 185.03 5.88 21.18 21.18 1,228.07 24.35 59. 13 33.66 15.31 443.62 46.32 23.16 37.54 58.18 378.38 770.38 311.41 4.32 31.22 6,429.54 68,969.23 68,900.29 34.24- 22.67- 56.91- ~. 451.79 316.48 69.31 43,369.04 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 15 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 71597 Den-Ree Productions 04342 Self Haulers,Op costs ads 755 4410 250.00 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Pens,marker,clip board 755 3120 21.13 Paper 755 3101 75.74 Pens, legal pads,post-it notes 755 3120 47.84 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Zip disk 755 3101 108.20 71676 Parker Paint Mfg Co Inc 16201 Chip brush, solvent 755 3120 14.07 Paint 755 3120 7.40 71690 Qwest 21001 08-05 Qwest billing 755 4210 80.65 71692 Radio Pacific Inc 11019 KONP ads-July #1-71 755 4410 212.50 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Plastic 755 3120 14.63 Clevis slip hook 755 3501 12.54 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Aluminum spray,pest trap 755 3120 13.65 Brake cleaner,rat traps 755 3120 28.81 Gloves,tarp,shovel 755 3120 89.76 Sledge hammer,enamel spray 7553120 38.14 Tarp holder,rubber hold down 755 3120 36.78 71714 Toter Inc 20330 90 gallon trash containers 755 3501 7,700.81 90 gallon trash containers 755 3501 30,803.24 90 gallon trash containers 755 3501 21,391.14 71740 Analytical Resources Inc 01252 Monitor well analysis 755 4150 4,257.00 . 71741 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 Antifreeze processing 755 4810 75.00 71743 Beckwith & Kuffel 02275 Rebuild pump 755 4810 3,546.88 71m Patriot Diamond Inc 16563 Asphalt blades 755 4810 299.07 71n5 Platt Electric Supply Inc 16185 Contactor 755 3120 39.52 Hammer 755 3120 224.86 Contactor 755 3120 22.73 71779 Qwest 21001 08-14 Qwest billing 755 4210 115.80 71780 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Telephone 755 3101 54.09 71797 Triangle Pump and Equipmnt Inc 20352 Pumps 755 3120 761.73 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 755 4210 10.58 71806 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 WW Permit fee pe 12-31-02 755 4990 5,316.50 Total for Public Works 119,939.11 Total for Solid Waste Fund 119,882.20 421 0009 71559 A & J Glass Inc 01511 City rebate program-Petersen 913 4986 480.00 City rebate program-Hastings 913 4986 233.50 71564 Acker, Steven R0435 City rebate program 913 4986 150.00 71566 AllWeather Heating Cooling Inc 01060 City rebate program-Beasley 913 4986 2,450.00 City rebate program-Thurman's 913 4986 395.20 City rebate program-McKeown 913 4986 2,315.00 71568 Almaden, Stacie R0436 City rebate program 913 4986 50.00 71571 Anderson, Leonard R0437 City rebate program 913 4986 50.00 715n Barton, Debra R0438 City rebate program 913 4986 150.00 . 71578 Beasley, Bonnie and Andrew R0439 City rebate program 913 4986 170.00 71580 Bond, Elmer 02552 City rebate program 913 4986 2,450.00 71581 Breithaup, Richie R0440 ~ity rebate program 913 4986 150.00 71585 C & F Insulation 03102 City rebate program-Baker 913 4986 2,533.20 ~tl rebate program-PCMH 913 4986 6,214.80 City rebate program-Morris 913 4986 2,592.00 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port' Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 71595 Crowley, Tim and Linda 71604 Ellis, Margie 71608 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 71609 Eyestone, Paul 71610 Fairchild, James 71613 Fudally, Donna 71618 Gilmore, Richard 71620 Glass Services Co Inc 71631 Helwick, Nancy 71633 Holmquist, Jan 71634 Hooper, Gary 71637 JKT Development 71642 Kingsland Woods & Warm Floors 71653 Mathews Glass Co Inc 71665 Olson, David 71680 Peninsula Heat Company 71693 Rasmussen, Linda 71697 Rothweiler, Theresa 71700 Santee, Roger 71702 Shaw, Gail 71703 Shay, Michael 71707 Stoneking, Scott 71726 Waldo, Michele 71730 Williams, Zoe 71731 Wilson, Jesse C I ~01 71567 Allen Mfg Co Inc, Ray CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Vendor Number R0441 . R0442 05013 R0443 R0444 '06152 07349 07037 R0445 R0446 R0408 10134 11255 13107 R0317 16327 R0205 R0447 R0251 R0107 R0448 R0449 R0450 R0451 R0452 01302 Description City rebate program-Ross City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program-Ralston City rebate program-Hope City rebate program-Hope City rebate program-Tobias City rebate program-Gustafon City rebate program-tobias City rebate program-Compton City rebate program-Ohmert City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program-Anderson City rebate program-Zupkow City rebate program-Garrett City rebate program-Carlson City rebate program-Schwab City rebate program-Kirner City rebate program-Bond City rebate program-Leonard City rebate program-Knowles City rebate progrom-Reick City rebate program-Ralston City rebate program-Garrett City rebate program-Lacey City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program-Nazarene City rebate program-Phillips City rebate program-Berardo City rebate program-Marler City rebate program City rebate 'program-Yacklin City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program 42 K-9 Cruise Eze kennel August 27 2002 GL Code Number 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 Total for Conservation Fund 501 2370000 Page 16 . Amount 3,072.00 150.00 50.00 132.00 884.16 308.15 666.00 305.00 2,224.50 1,911.99 256.95 120.00 150.00 50.00 250.00 335.10 835.00 273 . 50 755.00 810.00 76. 99 910.00 1 ,790.00 160.00 260.00 273.50 210.00 43.27 50.00 94.13 50.00 1,110.00 2,005.00 330.00 125.00 90.00 2,340.00 50.00 150.00 225.00 50.00 150.00 20.00 50.00 !1~. 46,408.95 118.49- 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 . CHECK REGISTER Oate From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 71588 Caron Compactor Company 71677 Parts Incorporated 03688 18126 71755 Helm Inc 71762 Morfco Supplies USA Inc 07392 13703 0007 71555 Finel ine 06280 71561 AVAYA INC 12215 71563 ,Ace Equipment Company 01055 71567 Allen Mfg Co Inc, Ray 01302 71575 Angeles Machine Works Inc 01072 71588 Caron Compactor Company 03688 . 71594 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 71598 Denver's Tire Co Inc 04044 . Description GL Code Number Bail-out door,fan Pin-on caps Alarm circuit control Logic box, touch pad,seal kit Wire harness Tailgate cylinder Service manuals Gutter broom segments 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 Total for Department Tint rear half K-9 car 760 4810 08-02 AVAYA billing 760 4210 Rope starter . 760 3402 K-9 Cruise Eze kennel 760 4810 Bail-out door,fan 760 4810 Repair mower,labor,parts 760 4810 Repair mower,labor,parts 760 3402 Pin-on caps 760 3402 Labor-remove,install caps 760 4810 Battery protectors 760 3402 Hardware 760 3402 Flat repair 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check,labor,lubra kleen 760 3402 Battery 760 3402 Tube 760 3110 Tires,wheel balance, turn rotor 760 4810 Tires,wheel balance, turn rotor 760 3110 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 3402 Flat repair 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Mount,demount,wheel change 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 3402 Safety check,labor,flat repair 760 3402 Safety check,labor,flat repair 760 4810 Fuel inj cleaner,brake,starter 760 4810 Fuel inj cleaner, brake, starter 760 3402 Wheel alignment,service call 760 4810 Flat repair,wheel change 760 3402 Plug wires,plugs,labor 760 4810 Plug wires,plugs,labor 760 3402 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires,wheel balance 760 4810 Tires,wheel balance 760 3110 Safety check,starter,valve 760 3402 Safety check,starter,valve 760 4810 Wl~,lubra kleen,brakes 760 3402 Labor,lubra kleen,brakes 760 4810 Page 17 Amount 59.45- 76.67- 4.83- 118.16- 8.10- 75.34- 10.38- 12.96- 484.38- 270.75 9.76 3.25 1,563.49 784.40 196.92 7.44 13,263.16 5,161.14 8.93 2.04 6.49 28.14 2.43 84.40 6.49 100.71 251.91 28.14 2.43 10.82 10.82 41.12 28.14 2.43 2.44 35.70 102.79 158.24 39.98 22.18 60.59 213.43 7.57 10.82 32.46 76.82 101.98 77.10 45.44 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 71601 Dobson's 04054 71624 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc 08045 71629 Heartline, The 08054 71641 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 71648 Les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 71650 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 71652 Machinery Power and Equip Co 13706 71660 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Description Spark plugs,fuel filter,labor Spark plugs, fuel filter,labor Battery,bolt,seat belt, labor Battery,bolt,seat belt, labor Labor, lab Wiper control valve Seal Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery Ball flange Tires Pipe, labor Pipe, labor Parts for vehicle #1905 Pipe, paint Pipe Cat rental 06-03 to 06-09 Cat rental 06-10 - 06-18 Additional chg-cat rental Fuel fi l ter Brake light Air filter Cord Filters,lens,cable tie Decals Gas cap Air filter V-belt Terminals Flasher Sockets,wrench,ratchet Mask Starter, core deposit Socket Spark plugs Core deposit Extension part Air filter Switch Jack, lock Drawer Brake pads Alternator,core deposit Hex plates Halogen bulb,filters,solenoid lit'4'idges Hex plate GL Code Number 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3110 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3501 760 3101 760 3402 760 3501 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 August 27 2002 Page 18 . Amount 95.49 60.59 32.46 148.23 30.30 43.14 38.72 136.22 67.03 50.80 27.54 24.83 229.28 441.45 108.14 64.92 82.99 5.41 21.39 18.94 1,52. 2,58 22.88 26.08 5.65 5.26 26.29 151.99 7.75 8.09 5.62 17.78 18.35 21.26 35.24 34.19 54.48 2.03 3.90 91. 96 18.34 24.80 18.31 156.31 15.75 2~. 9.41 328.86 108.20 15.80 02/08/27-13 :44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 19 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Flasher 760 3402 34.58 Battery 760 3402 3.24 Pri wire 760 3402 40.25 Oil filters,mirror head, screws 760 3402 29.76 Terminals, loom, nut 760 3402 80.61 Fan belt 760 3402 11.45 Light display 760 3402 36.81 Fuel filters,locknuts 760 3402 166.47 71664 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Install tinted laminated glass 760 4810 119.02 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Envelopes,labels,folders,pens 760 3101 48.96 Paper 760 3101 75.74 Rolodex,card protectors 760 3101 39.19 71672 Overall Laundry Services Inc 15234 Coveralls 760 4990 49.96 Coveralls 760 4990 49.96 Coveralls 760 4990 49.96 71677 Parts Incorporated 18126 Alarm circuit control 760 3402 63.70 Logic box, touch pad,seal kit 760 3402 1,559.12 Wire harness 760 3402 106.83 Tailgate cylinder 760 3402 994.12 . 71686 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Terminal 760 3402 3.67 Vinyl floor 760 4810 398.84 71691 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 Disc pad 760 3402 37.93 71695 Red-Head Steering Gears 18476 Rebuilt steering gear 760 3402 408.00 71696 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Labor,open spearer lead 760 4810 32.46 71698 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 Terminals 760 3402 4.84 Flasher 760 3402 8.32 Switch 760 3402 258.68 71708 Strait Alignment & Brake 19909 Surface rotors 760 4810 17.31 71709 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Gloves, rod 760 3101 49.74 Threaded rod 760 3402 22.69 O-ring, quad rings 760 3402 4.37 Oxygen, acetylene 760 3402 51.99 Nipple,cap 760 3402 2.25 Ratchet straps 760 3402 21.63 Motor,O-rings,labor 760 3402 2,072.22 Compression spring 760 3402 9.07 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Mandrel set 760 3402 10.68 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 July shipping chgs 760 4210 11.10 71738 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-02 AT&T a/c 46204277 760 4210 103.21 71749 Copy Cat Graphics 03380 Vinyl graphics,decal removal 760 4810 86.56 71755 Helm Inc 07392 Service manuals 760 3402 136.88 71762 Morfco supplies USA Inc 13703 Gutter broom segments 760 3402 85.48 Gutter broom segments 760 3402 85.48 71763 N C Machinery Co 14001 Core return 760 3402 800.68- Gasket, regulator 760 3402 39.29 . Antifreeze 760 3402 89.68 Gaskets,seals,nuts,washers 760 3402 207.53 Repair transmission 760 4810 8,690.00 Repair transmission 760 3402 2,527.82 71779 Qwest 21001 ~1!r Qwest billing 760 4210 23.16 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-July 760 4210 12.89 02/08/27-13:44 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 502 0002 71556 Harper, James D 71561 AVAYA INC 71720 United Parcel Service 71757 JPMorganChase 71779 Qwest 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 71808 West Group 503 0001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Vendor Number 08407 12215 21005 16421 21001 23111 23018 71554 Brenkman, Sam & Katie 02225 71591 Clallam Cnty YMCA 03076 71719 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 71720 United Parcel Service 21005 71777 Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 16175 71803 WCIA (WA Cities Ins Authority) 23204 803341894 Healthcare Mgt Admnstrs Inc 08492 652 0008 71561 AVAYA INC 71587 Camera Corner 71671 Olympic Stationers Inc 71675 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 71676 Parker Paint Mfg Co Inc 71690 Qwest 71711 Swain's General Store Inc 71720 United Parcel Service 71779 Qwest 71805 Washington (DIS), State of 697 71589 Christen, Jill 12215 03044 , 15030 16004 16201 21001 19037 21005 21001 23111 03689 698 71644 LEOFF 12043 71673 PERS 16016 71706 States West Life Insurance Co 19313 Description August 27 2002 GL Code Number Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund Reimburse LD phone expense 08-02 AVAYA billing July shipping chgs Technical support 08-14 Qwest billing Novell MLA Activity Scan charges-July Database/Comm allocation 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4150 2504210 250 4800 250 4210 250 4150 Total for Information Technology Fund Claim settlemnt #21-02 Renew Member Reid- 01-25194-01 Admin Sept premium Police,IBEW Sept premium July shipping chgs Prof srvcs pe 05-31 Prof srvcs pe 06-30 Reimbursepre-def leg fees 08-06 Weekly claims pd EFT 08-13 Weekly claims pd EFT 119 4999 121 4150 121 4631 121 4631 118 3101 119 4150 119 4150 119 4150 117 4601 117 4601 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 08-02 AVAYA billing Film Binders, indexes Binders Ink cartridge Paint 07-14 Qwest billing Trash bags,cleaner,sponge Paint supplies Varnish,socket set,brush July shipping chgs 08-14 Qwest billing Scan charges-July 868 4210 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3120 868 4210 868 3120 868 3101 868 3101 868 4210 868 4210 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Rfd double pmt 102010003093 697 2391000 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund July contribution -14'6 contribution September premium 698 2315120 698 2315130 698 2315160 Page 20 . Amount 48,454.60 47,970.22 95.53 29.29 17.13 95.00 69.48 7,052.55 72.17 97.26 7,528.41 93.32 570.00 1,238.13 1,062.24 11.31 19,56. 3,58 . 63,892.06 1,089.90 6,577.17 97,685.83 9.76 8.93 42.25 36.78- 29.21 31.16 40.36 19.61 33.27 43.26 13.71 23.16 38.56 296.46 580.83 58. 18,284.61 25,599.67 542.00 02/08/27-13:44 . Fnd Opt Check Number . . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE August 27 2002 Page 21 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/10/2002 To 08/23/2002 Vendor Name Description Vendor Number GL Code Number Amount 71751 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315210 890.65 71756 Internal Revenue Service Ctr 09150 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315210 25.00 71765 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll decuctions pe 08-08 698 2315210 1,524.20 71766 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315210 169.85 71798 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315210 69.41 71799 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315240 393.48 71800 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315210 40.00 71804 WSCFF/Employee Benefit Trust 23628 Payroll deductions pe 08-08 698 2315210 1,425.00 ) Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 48,963.87 Grand Total 640,689.73 47 . . . 48 . . . Fund 401 08-20-02 Finance Department Electronic Payments August 10,2002 - August 23, 2002 A vista Wire for July Total C: \ WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\Personal\ Wires. wpd 49 142.104.00 142,104.00 . . . 50 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days Summary: The City is being requested to participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days that is sponsored by Clallam County Environmental Health and the Department of Ecology(DOE). DOE pays 75% of the costs and Clallam County bills the balance of the cost according to participation percentages. The Solid Waste Division budgeted $8,500 to cover the anticipated City share. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the 2002 agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum of $8,500 toward the cost of the Household Hazardous Wastes Amnesty Days. Event. Background / Analysis: Clallam County sponsors the above referenced collection days with supplemental funding from DOE. The event is scheduled for September 20 and 21 at the Wal-Mart parking lot. Grant funding from DOE pays 75% of the total costs of the event which cost approximately $50,000. The City share of the balance historically has been approximately 40% of the households bringing hazardous waste to the event. In 2001 the City received credit for $ 1,277.12 of in-kind services and paid $ 7,187.02 in cash. City residents disposed 27,349 pounds of waste. Attachment: HHW2002 Agreement 51 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\haz waste days 2002.wpd [1/14/00] HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this _ day of August, 2002, between CLALLAM COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation. RECITALS . WHEREAS, the County and the City of Port Angeles desire to jointly sponsor a household hazardous waste collection event which tentatively is scheduled for September 20th and 21 st, 2002 in Port Angeles and September 22"d in Sequim; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an agreement setting forth their respective responsibilities; NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Clallam County shall be responsible for the organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal of the hazardous waste collection event and the waste collected. 2. The City of Port Angeles agrees to contribute up to eight thousand, five hundred dollars ($8,500) in costs associated with event staffing, publicity and waste management and disposal of waste collected; provided further, that the County shall provide documentation of the costs associated with the event including, but not limited to, organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal and shall provide the City of Port Angeles with such documentation, whereupon the CitY shall pay its financial contribution hereunder to the Clallam County Department of Community Development within thirty (30) days of receipt of the documentation. 3. Clallam County agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles, its elected and appointed officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, demand, judgment, cost or . expense, including reasonable attorney fees, because of personal or bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person(s), or property damage arising from Clallam County's negligence in the performance of its duties hereunder. CITY OF PORT ANGELES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Name Howard V. Doherty, Jr. (Chair) Title Mike Chapman Date Stephen P. Tharinger ATTEST: Trish Perrott, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: . CHRISTOPHER MELLY Ct5Q:>eputy Prosecuting Attorney for Clallam County . . . FORr,ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: SEPTEMBER 3,2002 To: MA YOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Brad Collins, Community Development Director ~ , J FROM: SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS MCA 01-02B Summary: Following the August 27,2002, work session, Council directed staff to make revisions to the four draft ordinances and bring them back when each was ready. Since the public hearing on the Municipal Code Amendments MCA 01-02B has been closed, the following schedule can be anticipated. Title 16 Subdivision Ordinances and Title 17 Zoning Code will be prepared for the September 17,2002, meeting., Chapter 14.36 Sign Code will be prepared for the October 1, 2002, meeting. Chapter 14.40 par!cing Ordinance will require more research and a new Planning Commission recommendation that altogether will take several months before being brought back to the City Council in Detember 2002. Interested parties and the general public can be informed through these future Council agendas and/or new public hearing notices. Recommendation: Approve the above schedule, including a new public hearing on the completely revised Parking Ordinance. Backeround / Analysis: At the August 27, 2002, work session the City Cquncil reviewed all of the four draft ordinances and provided staff with "directions for revising 'each. Most of the revisions can be.' accomplished in several weeks with the exception ofthose requested for the Parking Ordinance. To create a record in support of eliminating minimum parking requirements for specific land uses, staff will provide research on how this may have been accomplished in other conimunities, standards and guidelines for parking that may be provided at the discretion of individual property owners, and any specific requirements due to other laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. 53 . . . 54 ,-.--- I . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 3, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Port Angeles Ford Dealership Easement Request Summary: The Port Angeles Ford Dealership is requesting a sanitary sewer easement across City owned property adjacent to the west side of their paved parking area on Front Street. The easement is needed to install a sewer service line to meet a Department of Ecology (D.O.E.) requirement to direct vehicle wash wastewater to the City's sanitary sewer. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign an easement which grants Port Angeles Ford a .permanent sanitary sewer easement across City owned property (Easterly 5' of the south 65' Lot 11, Block 16 PSCC) for installation of a sewer line to discharge vehicle wash wastewater to the Ci 's sanita sewer. Back~round / Analysis: The Port Angeles Ford Dealership (P A Ford) is requesting a s~itary sewer easement across City owned property adjacent to the west side oftheir paved parking area on Front Street. The easement is needed to install a sewer service line to meet a Department of Ecology (D.O.E.) requirement to direct on site vehicle wash wastewater to the City's sanitary sewer. . P A Ford is requesting permission to trench across the adjacent City owned property to access the sanitary sewer rather than cut across their asphalted vehicle parking area. The justification for the request is based on economic costs (i.e. asphalt removal, replacement, and displacing vehicle inventory). The use ofthe graveled area for the easement would not adversely impact the City ownership of the property. The property in question is not a buildable lot. The Real Estate Committee has reviewed the request and recommended approval. The City's property manager has set a one time fee of$175.00 for the easement. Normal sewer hookup fees will also be levied at the time of connection. Attachment: Map Easement N:\CCOUNCIL\DEPDIR\Fordesrnnt.wpd 55 . City of Port Angeles P.O. Sox 1150 Port Angeles. W A 98362 Sanitary Sewer Easement Grantor(s): City Port Angeles Grantee(s): Ray T. Birdwell c/o Port Angeles Ford Lincoln Mercury For good and in consideration of mutual benefit the Grantor(s), the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its successors in interest, do hereby grant a permanent sanitary sewer easement unto Grantee, RAY T. BIRDWELL, c/o PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN MERCURY DEALERSHIP, over the easterly 5' (feet) on the Grantor's property. Said easement is located in the following described real estate, situate in Section 11, Township 30 North, Range 6, West, W.M., in Clallam County, State of Washington: . The easterly 5' (feet) ofthe southerly 65' (feet) of Lot 11, Block 16 Puget Sourid Cooperative Colony's Subdivision ( contained in Clallam County assessor parcel # 063000531650), plat of portion of Port Angeles Townsite, as recorded in vol. 1 of Subdivisions, page 5 . This easement shall be subject to the following reservations, terms and conditions, with which the Grantee and its successors in interest hereby agree to comply: Grantee's use of this easement will be in conjunction with the construction and maintenance of a private sanitary sewer connection into the city's sewer main line in Front Street. Construction and maintenance of sanitary sewer within said easement will be solely at the expense of the Grantee and subject to: Payment and issuance of Public Works Permits and payment of easement $175.00 fee. . 56 . Grantee's use of this easement will in no way hinder the City's right of ingress and egress to and over said described premises. Grantee and its successors in interest will, at all times, protect, indemnify, and hold harmless Grantor from and against any and all damages, claims, liens, costs, or liabilities which may, in any way, be asserted against Grantor, his employees, agents, successors or assigns, by reason of injury or damage to' any persons or property caused by or growing out of the use by Grantee and its successors in interest of the easement described herein. If the Grantee ceases to require the use of the easement as described, either by abandonment or by relocation, then the easement shall revert to the Grantor. This easement shall be filed with the Clallam County Auditor and shall be attached to and run with the real estate described herein. This conveyance is subject to all existing rights-of-way, easements, encumbrance, exceptions, and . reservations, whether or not of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have caused this instrument to be executed by their :proper officers and their seals to be hereunto affixed this day of , 2002.' CITY OF PORT ANGELES, GRANTOR: GRANTEE: Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Ray T. Birdwell c/o Port Angeles Ford Lincoln Mercury ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . 57 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this day of ,2002, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be the individual(s) who executed the within and foregoing Easement, and acknowledged to me that they signed said instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) 55. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this Day of , 2002, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, ofthe municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing Easement, and. acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed, if any, is the seal of said municipal corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public for the State of Washington residing at Port Angeles My commission expires 58 . . . . . . . . . ~ORTAN WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: STREET V ACA TION ORDINANCE - STY 02-0 I YMCA Summary: A valid petition was submitted for vacation of a portion of City right-of-way known as the 3/4 alley and located between Francis and Eunice Streets. The applicant is the YMCA which owns the abutting properties that are situated along both the north and south sides of the alley in the block. Following a public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission on July 10,2002, the Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the vacation as petitioned. Recommendation: Staffrecommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached ordinance vacating the right-of-way with two conditions. Council should cite the conditions, findings and conclusions listed by the Commission in support of the action. Background / Analysis: In submitting the application, Mr. Dan Maguire, Executive Director of the YMCA, stated that the impetus behind requesting the street vacation is to allow the consolidation of properties that are owned by the YMCA into a campus like activity which would also allow for the expansion of certain "Y" activities. With vacation of the right-of-way, properties to the west would enjoy a reduction in through traffic from users of the "Y" facility. Staffs report and an excerpt of the July 10,2002, Planning Commission Minutes are attached for your information. Attachments: Ordinance Conditions, findings, and conclusions July 10, 2002 Planning Commission Minutes excerpt Staff Report Public comment letters C:\MyFiles\DAIL y\CCmemostvYMCA 61 . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of the 3/4 alley west of Francis Street. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion ofthe 3/4 alley west of Francis Street abutting Lot 15, Block 63, Lewis and Mastick's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 22 and Lot 6, Block 3, Cain's Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 9-02; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and . WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way as shown on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated: That portion ofthe 3/4 alley west of Francis Street abutting Lot 15, Block 63, Lewis and Mastick's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 22 and Lot 6, Block 3, Cain's Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, the compensation required for the vacation of this street is.$3.75 per square foot. . - 1 - 63 Section 3 - Ouit Claim Deed. The owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated. street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of September, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: September 8. 2002 By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2002-25.ord.wpd -2- . 64 -,.., EXHIBIT riA"~ ~Cl-.A.Lt.A"'" COU""T:V FAMILY Y.I1CA . _h__... '.3(:>2 S". .F??AN'C/S ~.s,; ?~f/j/ ~ - ""'- '\L~ =\\ DL\' ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ \, l \.;: ~ ). ~ ~ ~ J .~ Vi ~,o \l.. :r- " ~t.~ .. . . ~, p~"'.......ry' ':'/N",? qa'. " "'" ~ hi . J-: ~. ~ Q( ~- ft. . ~ ~c-l\ - -=-PARKf~.' ('-ty...rots) .. ,- .. . ~-~~~~q:- -r?~A.YGRCUV'O . . : ., Cu.. rf'~ t (" (. "1:0~ to ' to oppe , "CB ';"~ -ERAWCIS, ~ I -1 1 1 ~ ~~~~ '( ~ptl-h ~ ). ~ ="- ~~,~ ~-:_.' .- ?--"""YGROVh"O /' eA I LL 65 ---, '. -, h 4PP"llOX/~,.,.T..!:.:.- fe::;lL:E::_' . ., . ~~" ~ /~,.,.roT I, DVUTUT'T' "^" . . . 66 . . . RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION - STV 02-01 - YMCA: Conditions: Findings: 1. There shall be no obstruction of the vacated right-of-way without prior express written permission from the Port Angeles Fire Department. 2. No construction will occur in the vacated right-of-way over the existing sewer facilities or under the power lines without relocation of the utilities at the direction ofthe City's Public Works and Utilities Department. Relocation or undergrounding of the utilities shall be at the applicant's expense. 1. A validpetition requesting the vacation of that portion of the 3/4 alley abutting Lot 15, Block 63, Lewis and Mastick's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 22 and Lot 6, Block 3, Cain's Subdivision to the City of Port Angeles, better known as 723 and 725 East Fourth Street, and 302 South Francis Street, was submitted to the City of Port Angeles on May 10, 2002, by Dan Maguire, Executive Director of the Clallam County YMCA. An easement for service to the City's sanitary sewer main located in the alley which services lots west to Eunice Street in this location will be needed to continue service in the area. If future plans include building construction in the alley area, the line will need to be moved at the property owner's expense. An. easement shall be retained under the existing primary power line that exists in the alley. If the property owner requests conversion of a portion of the utility, such relocation shall be underground at the property owner's expense. Twenty-four hour unrestricted access shall be required for the existing or relocated electrical facilities. The Fire Department must be contacted prior to any such construction to ensure that the alleyway remain clear for Fire access. The Fire Department must be consulted prior to any new construction at the site or before changes are made that may impede current access for existing structures. The site is currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. A rezone to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks was recommended to the City Council by the Planning Commission. The rezone will be considered by the City Council on July 16,2002. The City's Public Buildings and Park(pBP) zone requires that a 6-foot visual screen consisting of a solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials shall be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Ad: (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 67 9. Conclusions: 10. The site was posted and required publication appeared in the Peninsula Dailv News on May 22, 2002. Three letters of opposition were received during the public comment period. The City Council conducted a public hearing on August 6, 2002, in consideration of the petition. . A. As conditioned, traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the vacation. Traffic in the 3/4 alley would be markedly reduced by eliminating through traffic from the east where the YMCA site is located. Access to properties at the west end of the 3/4 alley would not be disrupted and would become more residentially oriented. B. Low density residential development patterns in the area will not be affected by the proposed vacation. C. Future construction plans that involve impediment to the vacated alley right-of-way area will require approval of the City's Fire Department to ensure that access is not impeded to uses in the area. This would include construction of fencing: The retention of easements for sewer service and power will ensure that the vacation will not interfere with the public's health, safety or welfare. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically the following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Goal B, Policy B.l, Goal D, and D.2; Transportation Element Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B, Policy B.3, Goal D; and Capital Facilities Element Goal B. The residential development pattern in the vicinity will not be affected by the vacation of right-of-way. As conditioned, the street vacation is in the public interest. . D. E. F. G. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 6, 2002. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . 68 . . . Planning Commission Minutes July 10,2002 STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 02-01- YMCA - Portion of the 3/4 alley between Francis and Eunice Streets: Petition for vacation of that portion of the 3/4 alley abutting Lot 15 of Lewis Mastic's Subdivision of Block 63, and Lot 6, Block 3 Cain's Subdivision to the Townsite of Port Angeles. Planning Director Brad Collins presented the staff report. Vice Chair Hewins asked about the required turn-around area for fire equipment not being included in this case. Fire Marshal Dubuc answered that as proposed, access would continue through the property and that if the alley were to be blocked, further review by the Fire Department would be required and either a turn-around or some other acceptable method for access would be required. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Dan McGuire, 313 Hancock Avenue, Port Angeles, representative ofthe YMCA, handed out site plans to the Commission members and explained that the local YMCA was a small facility and needed to be expanded to meet local demand. The recent expansions have not kept pace with expanded usage. The site coverage requirement of 50% limits expansion on the site, and vacation of the alley would add area to the property and allow for physical expansion. Commissioner Rasmussen asked Mr. McGuire ifthe YMCA will be back again for consideration of other actions to further expand the YMCA's campus. Mr. McGuire stated that there were board members that have discussed the possibility of further expansion in the block, however the financial reality was such that it is not likely that the YMCA will be able to acquire more land and that their plans are to expand their facilities on the land currently owned by the YMCA. Commissioner Rasmussen asked why the YMCA would not seek a new location where they would be able to create the facility that they would like, since they have parking problems, they are essentially gutting one of their buildings and will still be undersized. Mr. McGuire indicated that it was financially unfeasible and that the current location was centrally located in the city and located near 3 City park facilities which made the current location quite ideal for the YMCA. Vice Chair Hewins asked how the condition of not obstructing the alley fit with the plan to close the alley.; Mr. McGuire stated that the YMCA would Jike to stop the vehicle traffic through the alley and that indications had been that neighbors would also like a fence to separate the YMCA form those homes. Permission from the Fire Department would have to be sought and that there were ways that through traffic could be stopped and still meet Fire Department requirements. Clyde Boddy, 520 Rose Street, Port Angeles, a member of the YMCA spoke in favor of the proj ect. There being no further public comment, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Commissioner Porter moved to approve STV 02-01 with 2 conditions, citing 10 findings and 7 conclusions. Conditions: 1. There shall be no obstruction of the vacated right-of-way without prior express written permission from the Port Angeles Fire Department. 69 Planning Commission Minutes July 10,2002 2. No construction will occur in the vacated right-of-way over the existing sewer facilities or under the power lines without relocation ofthe utilities at the direction of the City's Public Works and Utilities Department. Relocation or undergrounding of the utilities shall be at the applicant's expense. . Fin din gs: 1. A valid petition requesting the vacation of that portion of the 3/4 alley abutting Lot 15, Block 63, Lewis and Mastick's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 22 and Lot 6, Block 3, Cain's Subdivision to the City of Port Angeles, better known as 723 and 725 East Fourth Street, and 302 South Francis Street, was submitted to the City of Port Angeles on May 10,2002, by Dan Maguire, Executive Director of the Clallam County YMCA. An easement for service to the City's sanitary sewer main located in the alley which services lots west to Eunice Street in this location will be needed to continue service in the area. If future plans include building construction in the alley area, the line will need to be moved at the property owner's expense. An easement shall be retained under the existing primary power line that exists in the alley. If the property owner requests conversion of a portion of the utility, such relocation shall be underground at the property owner's expense. Twenty-four hour unrestricted access shall be required for the existing or relocated electrical facilities. 3. . 4. The Fire Department must be contacted prior to any such construction to ensure that the alleyway remain clear for Fire access. The Fire Department must be consulted prior to any new construction at the site or before changes are made that may impede current access for existing structures. 5. The site is currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. A rezone to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks was recommended to the City Council by the Planning <:ommission. The rezone will be considered by the City Council on July 16, 2002. 6. The City's Public Buildings and Park(PBP) zone requires that a 6-foot visual screen consisting of a solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials shall be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. 7. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. 8. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 9. The site was posted and required publication appeared in the Peninsula Dailv News on May 22, 2002. One letter of opposition was received by a neighbor during the public comment period which is included in the July 10, 2002, staff report and analysis. . 70 . . . Planning Commission Minutes July /0,2002 /6 Conclusions: A. As conditioned, traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the vacation. Traffic in the 3/4 alley would be markedly reduced by eliminating through traffic from the east where the YMCA site is located. Access to properties at the west end of the 3/4 alley would not be disrupted and would become more residentially oriented. B. Low density residential development patterns in the area will not be affected by the proposed vacation. C. Future construction plans that involve impediment to the vacated alley right-of- , way area will require approval of the City's Fire Department to ensure that access is not impeded to uses in the area. This would include construction of fencing. D. The retention of easements for sewer service and power will ensure that the vacation will not interfere with the public's health, safety or welfare. E. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies ofthe City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically the. following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Goal B, Policy B.l, Goal D, and D.2; Transportation Element Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B, Policy B.3, Goal D; and Capital Facilities Element GoalB. F. The residential development pattern in the vicinity will not be affected by the vacation of right-of-way. G. As conditioned, the street vacation is in the public interest. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion which passed 5 - 1 with Commissioner Hewins voting against the motion. Commissioner Hewins stated that his negative vote was because he believes the City gives preferential treatment to the YMCA that might not be provided to other non-profit agencies. 71 . . . 72 . . . FORTANGELES fj FILE WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Chair Schramm and Planning Commissioners Sue Roberds, Assistant Pl~ July 10, 2002 FROM: DATE: RE: STV 02-01 APPLICANT: Clallam County YMCA OWNERS: City of Port Angeles REQUEST: Vacation of right-of-way COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for street vacation request STV 02- 01 based on the 2 conditions, 10 findings, and 7 conclusions found in Attachment A. BACKGROUND: A petition requesting vacation of alley right-of-way was submitted by Dan Maguire, Executive Director of the YMCA on May 10, 2002. The petition requests vacation of that portion of the 3/4 alley right-of-way abutting the YMCA facility at 302 South Francis Street and 723 and 725 East Fourth Street. The application materials are provided in Attachment B. The proposed street vacation would allow for consolidation of the YMCA site and increase the property area by approximately 2,000 square feet. The YMCA owns property on both sides of the subject right-of-way. DEPARTMENT REVIEW AND PUBLIC COMMENT: . The Public Works and Utilities Department noted that existing sanitary sewer facilities exist in the alley which service lots to the west of the subject area. If future plans include construction over the alley area, the YMCA will need to provide rerouting ofthe sewer at their expense. As residential trash pickup occurs in the alley west of the site, residents may be required to place trash containers 01J3'ourth Street if the right-of-way is vacated. Community Development Department Staff Report Julay 10,2002 STV 02-01 - YMCA Page 2 ,: 'j ',:'~~e overhead primary electric power facilities also exist in the alley. A cost estimate will be required to convert the utilities to underground at the appli~ant's expen~e. An . easement will be required for the existing electrical facilities. Twenty-f~ur hour unrestricted access is required for repair and maintenance of all primary electrical facilities either underground or overhead. . The Fire Department and the Police Department had no objections or concerns with the proposed vacation. . Community Development Department: Areas of potential impact of the proposal are summarized as follows: Traffic Patterns: As conditioned, traffic patterns in the area should not be affected by the vacation, and the elimination of traffic from the YMCA use should prove to be of benefit to those residential uses immediately west of the site. DevelopmentPatterns: The proposal will not affect development of other sites in the area as the right-of-way that would be eliminated is not required for service to developable areas. Properties west ofthe site may be accessed by either Fourth, Third, or Eunice Streets without use of the subject portion ofthe alley. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the subject site. . Public Health, Safety and Welfare: Vacation of the proposed right-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety or welfare so long as conditions retaining necessary rights-of- way and utility easements, including future storm drainage facilities, are required. There is no development proposed in association with this street vacation at this time. The public safety may be enhanced by eliminating through traffic from the YMCA use to residential properties west of the site. The public interest in this matter will be served by allowing the consolidation of properties under the YMCA ownership that are located abutting the alley in this location thereby orienting the activities that occur on the site toward the east where Ericston Playfield is the nearest neighbor. . . Per required publication and notification procedures, the site was posted, and notice of the petition filing was published in the Peninsula Dailv News on May 22, 2002. One comment was received during the publication and posting period from a neighbor at 705 East Fourth Street. The letter, which was written by Deborah Coffey, 705 East Fourth Street (Attachment "C" to the staff report), identified four areas of concern. These issues were taken into consideration in staffs recommendation. With the exception of the first concern which is a zoning issue more than a vacation issue, staff believes that the vacation will benefit the area with respect to the concerns rather than negatively affect the area: The Fire Department will not allow a restriction of access to the area and will retain tQe ability to serve from Fourth, Third, and Eunice Streets as well as emergency access through the site; vehicle. congestion through the remaining portion of the alley from the site will be eliminated; the vacation will not increase the number of people walking to and from the site or increase the threat of vandalism (in tlJia instance vandalism may decrease since the alley will not be available to through traffic 1. . . i.. ! . Community Development Department Staff Report STV 02-01 - YMCA Julay 10, 2002 Page 3 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The subject property is designated as Low Density Residential, (LDR) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Residential Single Family (RS-7) ) on the City's Zoning Map. A rezone to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) is being considered by the City at the present time. The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval of the rezone to the City Council following a public hearing conducted on June 26, 2002. The Council is expected to act on the application at its regular meeting scheduled for July 16, 2002. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation, and the following goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element: Goal B, Policy 1 - Urban services shall be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy. Goal D - To create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. Goal D, 2 - Public uses such as government offices, public service buildings, and other public and quasi-public facilities and services may be allowed in commercially designated areas. Transportation Element Goal B - To improve circulation patterns across and within the community. Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B -To support services and facilities through different levels of participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies. Policy B.3.- As a "supporter," the City should promote and cooperate in providing programs and services including: * community recreation * public and private youth, family and senior services Goal D - To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Capital Facilities Element Goal B - To provide urban streets and utilities at minimum levels of service for all city residents and the general public. The proposed street vacation is consiJ,tent with the Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and maps. The residential development pa~~ in this zone and vicinity will be enhanced, and the necessary easement will be retained for utility purposes. commumty vevelopment Department Staff Report STY 02-01 - YMCA Julay 10, 2002 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act . (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has scheduled a public hearingfor consideration of the petition at its August 6,2002, regular meeting. 0201 . . 76 . . . Community Development Department Staff Report STY 02-01 - YMCA Julay 10,2002 Page 5 ATTACHMENT A Proposed Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STY 02-01 Conditions: 1. There shall be no obstruction of the vacated right-of-way without prior express written permission from the Port Angeles Fire Department. 2. No construction will occur in the vacated right-of-way over the existing sewer facilities or under the power lines without relocation of the utilities at the direction of the City's Public Works and Utilities Department. Relocation or undergrounding of the utilities shall be at the applicant's expense. Findin2S: 1. A valid petition requesting the vacation ofthat portion of the 3/4 alley abutting Lot 15, Block 63, Lewis and Mastick's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 22 and Lot 6, Block 3, Cain's Subdivision to the City of Port Angeles, better known as 723 and 725 East Fourth Street, and 302 South Francis Street, was submitted to the City of Port Angeles on May 10, 2002, by Dan Maguire, Executive Director of the Clallam County YMCA. 3. An easement for service to the City'ssanitary sewer main located in the alley which services lots west to Eunice Street in this location will be needed to continue service in the area. If future plans include building construction in the alley area, the line will need to be moved at the property owner's expense. An easement shall be retained under the existing primary power line that exists in the alley. If the property owner requests conversion of a portion of the utility, such relocation shall be underground at the property owner's expense. Twenty-four hour unrestricted access shall be required for the existing or relocated electrical facilities. 4. The Fire Department must be contacted prior to any such construction to ensure that the alleyway remain clear for Fire access. The Fire Department must be consulted prior to any new construction at the site or before changes are made that may impede current access for existing structures. 5. The site is currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. A rezone to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks was recommended to the City Council by the Planning Commission. The rezone will be considered by the City Council on July 16,2002. 6. The City's Public Buildings and Park(PBP) zone requires that a 6-foot visual screen consisting of a solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials shall be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. 7. The City's Comprehensive Plau,apd Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation ofrfgbt-of-way. Community Development Department Staff Report STY 02-01 - YMCA Julay 10, 2002 Page 6 8. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Ad (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. . 9. Thesite was posted and required publication appeared in the Peninsula Dai/v News on May 22, 2002. One letter of opposition was received by a neighbor during the public comment period which is included in the July 10, 2002, staff report and analysis. 10. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council that will act on the petition at a public hearing on August 6, 2002. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the vacation. Traffic in the 3/4 alley would be markedly reduced by eliminating through traffic from the east where the YMCA site is located. Access to properties at the west end of the 3/4 alley would not be disrupted and would become more residentially oriented. B. Low density residential development patterns in the area will not be affected by the proposed vacation. C. Future construction plans that involve impediment to the vacated alley right-of-way area will require approval of the City's Fire Department to ensure that access is not impeded to uses in the area. This would include construction of fencing. . D. The retention of easements for sewer service and power will ensure that the vacation will not interfere with the public's health, safety or welfare. E. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically the following Comprehensive Plan policies h~ve been found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Goal B, Policy B.l, Goal D, and D.2; Transportation Element Goal B; Utilities and PublicServibes Element Goal B, Policy B.3, Goal D; and Capital Facilities Element Goal B. F. The residential development pattern in the vicinity will not be affected by the vacation of right-of-way. G. As conditioned, the street vacation is in the public interest. . 78 . . ESRI Arc Explorer 1.1 YMCA Street Vacation - STV 02-01 .' ~. .' . .f' ... "", ...0....'... ,'.j ...>....,"-. ./ /')" /1. .~,.r /', .. . ( t..... .-' I ...."'... / " ", '... .../ I i~ ,r.,......... .. i <........ "-~/) ).... . " / / ./ / ')''-..... I::c l .' I ~ . <:3(j I'.... .... ......./ ... I .' .... '~>>, I C/ i:> ''-.. 'i"-.. /^". i/"'~;:"~5:';~~;;=;.::=..<..,' 0 // / . I feet A N o 50 100 150 . o Lot /./ Subd text Subdivision Block text o Block building /./ STREET TEXT (Text) streetcl /r,.,/ city boundary zoning (ZONING) CA CBO CN CO CSO FL IH IL IP PBP PRO RHO Friday, Jul 52002 . . . 80 '" ~ITY OF PORT ANGE!S STREET VACATION PETITION . TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington- Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of .3 L h- ()J'W\- Street/AIley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW 7egally desc ibe the pr~pertyrequestedforvaca~ion be/ow~. ~-\- ~ T\\)~ d'f ~ tt.\~ ~t~~..... ~rJ. ~L{f S:(\R~\- ~-t o--'ov...\\s f<VMo...s C.... -to ~ ~~,- ~ 'Lot- \5'"t ~\.~ ~ \Ntsh4:-..$ -t:, ~ "'U.J'j' ~ 0-\oi",~ ~-\- b, b\DC~ ~ -rPA Co..\~s. 2. Each 'o~ ~~rsigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. tot"('On.t\. ~~ 3. -L pp'T!::nns own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: ~ Address c\o...\\.a.~ ~. \?;.~\\'l \{'M.0A 1t)}- ~o. ~~ tr; J~~t~\U . 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said '3/l-/. 6...\\0":' Street/~le~in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. I \ Respectfully submitted, Name Address Phone Q~~~~/ cfo ~'fi\cm I ~O"}. ~, ~w n: PA. I u. r:;: "J- - 'f)J./ '-I .. W1 [E (~l nr- ~r ..... ..__.u. ,ur11 . IV ,'r:r') I! . ~ile ~b If!, I ... I i I CITY OFPORT ANGELES L I L COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT--1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-4750 .81 . . . 82 c-::'._~.~c::"l> . City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development P.o. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 10 July 2002 . · Aredu<;ttion in property Value~ ofthe residet)dal properties in the 700 hundred "k '. th S' I bl~, ,orE, 4 ,t. ",' · A significant increase in the vehicle COUBf;$tion in the area and on the street, · . Ani.Q(ltease in the number of people walldng i.Ji front of and neatby out property, Mdper4aps increiJ$eg theft and v~dalism, . .' , · A change in the abUityotthe Port AhilesFire :Qepartment to s~tve and protect ~urpropertili1s~ inClIUdin8 a loss of the U$e ofthe alley from both ends in which to stage and f1$ht fite$~ 1'Ui,\ water tanket shuttle$, ot prQtectexposures.Even with a proposed tumarounu fQfCat'$, I am not convinced that emef8encyvehiclescould turn around or effectively 1.l$e the access. In addidOl# re~oninSdoes 1Joti\l~anteethat'any.ofthe currently proposed plans wiU'be implemente(i.OnOerezonin,g.i$ g,ranted,all kinds of new plans, detrimental to our neiihborhooQ, could be proposed. . Although, the YMCA tries tone a good neighbor, there is already noise and traffic from 6:.30.a.m. well into the.evening. The noise from amplified voices and music from classes such asaerobjC$ and spin cycles is especially annoying. 83 .,' D. Coffey. YMCA Applicloltionto Rezone Two TownsiteI,.ots n:pmR$-7 toPBP Plolge2 of2 ' . lfthe YMCA wish~s to~xpand or to expand its offerings, it is far hetter for them to consider pre-eXisting sites at otherlooatiotlS. tbat are already zoned intheit-favor, and not destroy the qU~dity()f oUr residential ne~ghborhood, 'the YMCA migllt b~tter ~erve the populationofPoftAngles bYliavingmote than one 10cadonthatsetVesfolksiq the . western andloreastem parts of town in additibnto the mote central,curre.nt location. I also believe that the proposed rezoning is the first step to acqijiring and rezoIJing the entire block. I feel that the YMCA has unfairly taken OVer much Qf Erickso-u Park for YMCA program${'pu$hing thetesidents off of the public playing fields many weekday evehlIlgs. Ipurcpased my. house based on the existen~e 01 Jesse Webster an<i Erickson patk$heatby (and,ofoourie,SWajn's as well).' The ptoposedtez6nitlgandexpansionof the YMCAfl' Jy i$notilcompatiblehmd.uie with.theexlst!ngtesidentia} . neighborhood, . Qr$$OcjaUz~ Wjth,~~chotber,l(jokoRtfQfone Anothet,walk. our d together, . your neighoorbOQd{ it WQuld be ~~efu.ltQ $poil sucll.anice . . neigh hOod... . '" . 84 ,. .' I' .f iJ-e ~~' ~J ~'~'lt2~'.R.. 11-:1- ' ~ ~ (J-'. n ../- . ':'JYJ ,""e;,~ -!..L,. J .;../ M~ c'~ ~7~:3 a-..Jl '/,;)..5 (;. ~ '-.4-r:. ,~ t-1.~'l~(4- I' t:.1j-!.q" _~It...iL ~~ ~ -If-f~~ ,.~~ i -~ 71Yf) ..~~i ~~?' -;-~ . '.. /J '" ,. /. .JJ. .p J } /-7, 0 ..tA p I.......~ ~<J...' a;' (l~- ~ A~- .xL~?1 ~ ~ .<'~ --4,-e ,'IO_so~ rl- ._- .rr,-;r 7Fr..4 ~ ..A.'lhtV, ~ ~ p... -4.~-41--",,~. ~ 11J~~ ~, W~:K d~-u > rr-e4"t ~1-H,-,i ~-r ~~/ JJ4n:ti.:'T/,.c::J ~ c----I- -~r~ i ~~ ~ ~~-&-~ ~ ~- .~~~.. Jf ~'~ .~J '1r- ~~~k ~+- i~~t~ ~ ~ ~kj.. ~ .---N~/ ~ ...;t-M.- ~ t-'")1.-Ul- ~ th-'-. ~ ~ ~ ~.--J ~.-<~ ~ ~ fifA ~tU.t ~7 r+d ~:?~ ~~e/l. JJf~ ~--.~ !?~~;;~r~, ad~ O~~ p/..-e.:r ..~~d-.. W~ ~,~ -.~?1- ~ ./V~al-...:::I_.L--9.JL lid V (j < " . ____ --r-r /~ ~ ~y _(,~ ~ .~- Ct~ ~ cH- 7~-4~ # ~ -d- ;(~.. Jf r ~J4.~ , ~i~ I(~ ~~ ~7/% ~.3d--tl. r pu-diJ ~",.J./ .~_.-:--,~-~,..7"' " ...t. 77:- _ -7' /' jJ.~'~-L #::..tf ._:,',)i ~_.;,i i!",r~::'i1,1""'_" .-' .~<J.,.{ ~.~ ~~-~ , . ! ,'d J ,I'~. " tI ." '~ FJ,..-ft-...'7!:-"-'---'-' ~l. .' ~ .~ ("a~.~-(L~~.~ 71~~~7 '~ \, ;,,' /j) \~f..IIl .J _.~J._.Dj " _ ~ ~ -7'-/. ()-' _.J. ~j......~"~- ..r ...........vl-/~ . ,-~ -.. ~~.x:J/~ ~ \ 21lc,iJ:' -, ()J ~~ _L-- ~___..LM1J'" ara,..:::t.~ _~~ i -J- 1. J'j~~ J.fnQ YfIW.IMM~ i J7 . - - - -/'- . , .-' ~ .~ ~ -fa+-..Q- ~A 7.a..--~ ~ ~A-dt. -a Y/'1 C!.A ~ ~ ~ ~_ /rer:W ~~ ~ ?iJ~~ ~ yi ~ ~ ~d ..~.~ .~.-::t::4 ~I -ev--e'l'-- ...-A--I.~~ ~ ~ Cf.'~ Jh-. (.~ ~~; /?-j)--L-t!a(f;-&t ~ p4- I In Po--f 11 ~w- ~ ~ a~ ~r ~ .~ ~ - $( ~'! ~ .--e.-j,." ~ ~ ~d ./~~ ./tIr ~-1- ~~ ~ '/C~'7~, a+ ~~Y ~~~ l' /9~~~y A'~ ~ ~~/ . . . .- tk",i1 l"'! Ae..-.>,~ ~ 0_ A-/-.- Y ~ ~,;( ~ r-+J-..7 ~;;t:n,.tr b~~.14 aa, 0-<- 7 ;;:(c- ~~ · ~ f~ ~t,~/. - "JlJr "~/'-f-~"-~r-~ ~ f->- ~"-' ~,~ ~'r' , ~ +-~~ ..g oJ-tf ,~1MJd ;;'?~ JJ~~/ '''h'\-<-~'J~ It, ' r I l 0_ (J I. 1'" ~ . (/ :n a ~l ~n~~ a~ J"U-$-KI- ~ ~ ~ h.~~ <.,~, d~~~~~~'~ ~ ~.~-;~ ~ " /.Y/~~! ~ ~ "'" .,~ ~ ~ '--r:~ ~ 4d?-e uf~ ~ ~ _ fA) ~4-.1. ,lk'r' rH<-:tJ fo+ a.. ~~ ..z:,...... F ~If~ .-e,;f ~ ~..i- p~ ! vY.e ~ ~~ !?-..4.y_ ~~~~- . ,~ ~ r d/4.~/ 7(>7" g, 3.A,JI- D;!;lE 8: ~@ . 86 . ~!~J: ~7~ ~2 ~ ~ . . Deborah Coffey 705 E. 4th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-457-5489 Department of Community Development P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 5 June 2002 Subject: YMCA Application to Rezone Two Townsite Lots from RS-7 to PBP Dear Sirs, I am a resident of the 700 block ofE. 4th St. in Port Angeles. I purchased my house 2 years ago. Since that time I have made more than $20,000 in remodeling and improvements to the property. I enjoy the quality oflife of our residential neighborhood and I wish the record to reflect that I am very opposed to the ro osed rezoning from single family residential to public parks and building d the aIle vacato entioned in the YMCA's Executive Director's letter to the Neighbors of the YMCA dated 5/28/02. I believe that the rezoning will have the following negative impacts: · A reduction in property values of the residential properties in the 700 hundred block ofE. 4th St. · A significant increase in the vehicle congestion in the area and on the street. · An increase in the number of people walking in front of and nearby our property, and perhaps increased theft and vandalism. · A change in the ability of the Port Angles Fire Department to serve and protect our properties, including a loss ofthe use of the alley from both ends in which to stage and fight fires, run water tanker shuttles, or protect exposures. Although, the YMCA tries to be a good neighbor, there is already noise and traffic from 6:30 a.m. well into the evening. The noise from amplified voices and music from classes such as aerobics and spin cycles is especially annoying. . If the YMCA wishes to expand or to expand it's offerings, it is far better for them to consider pre-existing sites at other locations that are already zoned in their favor, and not destroy the quality of our residential neighborhood. The YMCA might better serve the . population of Port Angles by having more than one location that serves folks in the western and/or eastern parts of town in addition to the more central, current location. I also believe that the proposed rezoning is the first step to acquiring and rezoning the entire block. I feel that the YMCA has unfairly taken over much of Erickson Park for YMCA programs, pushing the residents off of the public playing fields many weekday , evenings. I purchased my house based on the existence of Jesse Webster and Erickson parks nearby (and of course, Swain's as well). The proposed rezoning and expansion of 87 D. Coffey YMCA Application to Rezone Two Townsite Lots from RS-7 to PBP Page 2 of2 the YMCA facility is not a compatible land use with the existing residential neighborhood. The neighbors socialize with each other, look out for one another, walk our dogs together, and enjoy our neighborhood; it would be shameful to spoil such a nice neighborhood. Sincerely, ~ Deborah Coffey 88 . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT'}lN ~ . . ." _ iH '. . '_ r ! i. _ : ') ; \' ' ~ ' _ ~ "'. ~ i I"' ..' m · ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 3,2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL \ Brad Collins, Community Development Director r CHERRY STREET V ACA nON STY 02-02 DNR Summary: The City has been working with the Departm~nt of Natural Resources, the Port, and the Conference Center Hotel Developer Randal Ehm to assemble property, clear title, and dedicate shoreline areas for public access uses of park and waterfront trail. RCW 35.79.035 has stringent requirements for street vacations in shoreline areas abutting a body of salt water. The City believes that these requirements have been met and that it is in the public interest to vacate the remaining portions of Cherry St. north of Front Street that were not vacated in 1949. In exchange for the vacated right-of-way, the adjoining property owner DNR will dedicate not only the vacated right-of-way but also an easement for park and waterfront trail along the shoreline from Cherry to Oak Streets. , Recommendation: Following close of the public hearing, the Department of Community Development recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the. Planning Commission and approve Cherry Street Vacation STV 02-02 with the 1 condition and citin the 10 findin sand 4 conclusions attached. Backeround I Analysis: The Conference Center Hotel project involves a ten-year process in which the State, the Port, and the City have been cooperating to overcome many jurisdictional adjustments starting with the historical movement of the 1894 Inner Harbor Line many years ago. All of these adjustments including the proposed vacation of Cherry Street have been necessary to assemble property, clear title, and dedicate shoreline areas for public access uses of park and waterfront trail in order for a conference center to be developed in the City of Port Angeles. This action is one of the last steps in this long series of actions needed to accomplish this planned project. The City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, Shoreline Master Program, and Parks & Recreation Waterfront Trail Plan all provide consistent goals and policies for this planned project. One public comment letter (attached) was received questioning the legality of vacating a street that abuts a body of fresh or salt water per RCW 35.79.03 5 (attached). Exceptions for vacating such a street are fOUlid in the case of the proposed Cherry Street vacation, since the vacation is in exchange for acquiring an easement connecting the City's Waterfront Trail providing for a public park on DNR property between Cherry and Oak Street rights-of-way. The fact that Cherry Street was significantly vacated in 1949 furthers the need for the proposal to be approved. Because the City will 89 CC Memo Cherry Street STY 02-02 September 3, 2002 Page 2 be receiving an interest in the form of an easement for public access purposes in an equal or greater amount of property is evidence that the City has received fair market value compensation, including continued public use of all the vacated street property landward of the Mean Higher High Waterline (MHHW Tideline). Staff will be available to answer any questions. Attachments: Ordinance Condition, Findings, and Conclusions (Planning Commission 8/28/02 recommendation) Staff Report August 28, 2002 DNR/Port/City/PierGroupL.L.C. Letter ofIntent (June 2002) RCW 35.79.035 DNR Street Vacation Petition (August 6, 2002) Craig A. Ritchie Public Comment Letter 90 . . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of Cherry Street abutting Port Angeles Harbor. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate that portion of Cherry Street located north of Front Street not previously vacated and legally described as follows: That portion of Cherry Street extending north of Front Street from the 1894 Inner Harbor Line that was not vacated under Ordinance No. 1208 dated April6, 1949, as shown in the attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the petition was signed by. the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 7-02; and . WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197-U-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, the street that is sought to be vacated abuts on a body of salt water, namely the Port Angeles Harbor on the Strait of Juan de Fuca; however, due t6 a previous street vacation, the portion of Cherry Street to be vacated is an isolated remnant that does not provide access to the City's street system; and WHEREAS, the street vacation will enable the City to acquire a perpetual easement across the vacated street and abutting property for park and waterfront trail purposes and will thereby improve public access to the shoreline consistent with the City's Shoreline Master Program in Chapter 4, Section 5, Regulation No.5 and RCW 35.79.035; WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice . pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and 91 -1 - WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the pub I. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section I - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way as shown on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated: That portion of Cherry Street extending north of Front Street from the 1894 Inner Harbor Line that was not vacated under Ordinance No. 1208 dated April 6, 1949, as shown in the attached Exhibit A. Section 2 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, the compensation required for the vacation of this street is for the abutting property owner to grant the City a perpetual easement across the right of way to be vacated and a twenty foot wide perpetual easement across the property abutting said right of way, as shown in the attached Exhibits A and B, which easements shall be for public park and waterfront trail purposes. . Section 3 - Quit Claim Deed. The owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of September, 2002. MAYOR . ATTEST: 92 -2- . City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of September, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . PUBLISHED: September 8. 2002 By Summary F:IORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONSI200i-24.ord.wpd . 93 - 3 - . . . 94 ";'i~,,:~~1i.:~::- ~~:tlc#-:;': ~F'" ;:~.". ~'~~~ff.~~i~.~?fj~~~~~~fr;'~~~;t'.:; ;,i)",' ~,,":'~' .,. EXHIBJT "A" ..~... ...... , ':,' .. ... ~ .-:.". ... . ~ . ":",j;-,). ':, . . . ~ . . . \-Iarbor Lt~ ..... .. .. .. 19920~\:l.r...... ':' *.....'" . f, . ....... .' . "ie ....... . :'''~~rbor Lin~ .... O\d<?U,:r..~ .. .., ;.' ....i,;:: - . ~ . . . ,... "'~1 .:.... tr;;'J-:;,': .....,.. . It,t' '~,v ' *"'h... \ '!" .... ./ Harborlines l. ." :::~~- :.Street Vacation D;Parcel '. Shoreline ~. -', ,:,- '.'-' ;- ,,?;6t~,:i~ Proposed vaeated'aiea .~ -~i '+~ '}'i"''.\0;-_, t'r"'_,-,' /<,', ,f'I:'~,' ~fJ~;.!kt; i ! 'S i. ! I ; i 5 I " I i i i ~ i ft ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ J i ~ i ! ! t I, i r I I I ~ - -- -- -.-:: =r..- fiIF...... EXISnNC 0V0llD0l< LAWN BERM V1~E LAma: PANElS, ,.".. ti ~ I I I I I -.---------.---'--I.-------;~~-'--------------~~~-~----------------------t--------.-.----------- PLANTING SCHEDULE SYM. QTY. SCIENllAC/tONMON NAME fl) IIIIE.I 10 Acer Nbrwm 'Reel Sun..t'/ RED SUNSET RED MAPlE 0.D Camus lIDula/ KOUs.. DOCWOoD DR ~ =~EP~~ TREE 'D Pin". cantortol SHORE PINE SllE/REMARKS 2- Cui; MB; rulI, will tlnl,.chM . _ell rooted. Stroight c.,.tr.J Ilode, &: Ilnvt_ tn,"k. Symmetrical bronching habit. e'-Io' Ht. a6:S/Can': "wltl-INrlk ./ 3 main 'nino. 4'-6' Ht.i NeB/Cont; "vlU-ltunk, Not _heared. Aayrnmllrlcol, WInd blown 6: Ilggy in opp",once. Otm.... ,.prw..nIGtiv. to ..t.c' I,... . po.mOll tr... ..,.,. p1ontil'i'. DBl!U . RhOdodendron 'Rornopo'/ J Col. Cont; Fun. ..n RAMAPo RHODODENDRON branched . well rooted. . Corn". stolonlfero 'KIIIlt)Ii'/ J Gol. Cant: full. ..R KELSE'n DOGWOOD branched . Htl: rooted. . Viburnum t1nua 'SprJnv Bouq".t'/ 5 Gal. Con\; F'1olI!. .." SPRINe BOUQUET VIBuRNUM branChed . ..11 rllOl.d. . Nbut... un"ndo/ 5 Gal. Cont; Full, Will STRAWBERRY TAEE brOl1ch"d &; nil root.d. . Rua ""90110/ , Cot Cont; Full, ..U RUGOSA ROSE bronehlld ,. ..11 rDat,d. . 11_ c~Dto.'Helt"'I'/ I Gal. Cant: Ful, ..U "ELLER! MOLL. Y branched . weM root.d. T,ro"9u1Df' Spoem. . 1'- a.c. . SYM. aTY. SClENTIflC/COWMON NAME .1lE/II....... DOUNDCDWlla . Fraullrllo chIh"nllll/ 1 Gal. tInt: ,"", ..11 8E.ACH smAWBDlRT brunchll . wd l'Dated. nl./'t9t.lIor Spacln; . 18- D.C. . HeIiGtDtrfGna~ IImplfYl,.."a/ , Gal. CDtlt: 'vII, .011 ILUE OAT GRASS brandlq . WIIN raated. TrI~n~1t Spacing. 'e- D.C. . JrctoatOJlh)'lll4 U"-ura 'Vonca""., 1 Got. Cant, FWII, will Jodo'/ bronc"'. . ..11 rootild. VANCOUVER JADE KI~NIKlNlCK Tl1on;\lIo' Spaeln; . 1.- D.C. . HUh!lo lanul.alrna/ 1 . Ca!. Conti Full. wllit MEXICAN FEATHER ;AAS$ branc:htll 4: well ,.ol.d. Trlo1"9w1t, SpacinG. 1e- D.C. . 'Anca minor 'BowIull'/ 1 Ca!. Ca"'; 'vO. wlI' VINCA BOWlES b'f,lrlChld-. nil rool... Trion9u1or Spaclnl . 11- D.C. . Dymua mallia/ 1 Gel. ton\: '''''. nil DUNECRASS bral\ctw.. ..11 'oat.d. Trlon""., Spacin, . Ie- D.C. . Erir:a cornu 'sP'Ing"Dod Plnk'/ , Col. Cant; 'ull. wet! SPR/HCWDDD PINK HEATHER brandlttf II: .eN roote.. Tf'lOflvutar Sp.oln, a ,,- D.C. . HemerDCalb '511110 d'OIo'/ , Gal. Cant; Full, will STEllA D'ORa IlAYULLY brunchl. 6: w.tl ravt.d. Trian,"h:lt Spod", a liS- D.C. . SYM. 01Y. SCIENTIFICj'l:QMMDN twit ."OUMICOwa. I: ttocontkl hrbrlda/ CRDCQSMlA ColomagrDllti. orundilMClo 'leart Fo.mar'/ KARL rno.STER'S FEATHER REED CR... &mJ . Low" 5... Wi. ~ . "Perched Sani Seach - Arelll - Beoctt Sa". - hoch Lov. .. hach Crane. - ROCk DulctDpl - . Gron RDOd Pave,.. SIIE/llEMARocS 1 Col. Canto run. weU branch~ .. ..11 'ootod. TrioI\gUlDf' $pacing 0 1'- D.C. 1 Cat. Con': 'ull, w.It brunch..". well rotIt.d. Tt1ong"'or Spoc:lng 0 1'- D.C. S.. SpIQ. Sill SpeCl, !~ ~y~ ~oH ,: LEGEND . Wh.,. qUllntlU.. or. nat IhOWfl In tn. PIClflt Schethll. the Contractor sholl be rftpM:IibIe for iMtMrnlnJn9 plant qUClnlltiu to h UNd. @ ------------- DErAIL IDENTlFlCATION SHEET /OENnFICATlDN CIty OF PORT ANGElES COMMUNITY OEVElOPMEN o . PROPEItTY UHE CONtAINER PUMlNC TOTEM POlES VINE LAnCr FJAN[LS, TYP. C 20 "0 M....--i' ~ 6\?" "rfI. LANDSCAPE PLAN anI! 'iI' . II ~t ~ ~ OM w Ill: ~ f-< U W f-< . i ( !1I 1 f~ilt ~1!~1 !2 u.~~ ~ . . o ::z: u ~ <( ~ D: ~ rn OW !:~ ~~ ..... -' 0 O-~ffi L" OD: Z X:w C ~ o o ~ 'rl ,.0 'rl ~ ~ ....... 0. -- OFW - ... 3 ....... . . . . 98 I . . . Condition, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STV 02-02 Condition: 1. The transfer of property interests as memorialized inthe letter of intent between Pier Group L.L.C. or its assigns, the Port of Port Angeles, the City of Port Angeles, and the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources signed and dated June 2002 shall be executed in a way that the street vacation area "shall be dedicated for public access uses" providing for a public park and the extension of the City's Waterfront Trail across the DNR property adjoining the vacated property. Findings: 1. A petition requesting vacation ofthat portion of the Cherry Street right-of-way located north of Front Street that was not previously vacated (Ordinance No. 1208 dated April 6, 1949) was received by the City of Port Angeles on August 6, 2002. The petition was filed by the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as the owner of property abutting the right-of-way. 2. Properties abutting the subject right-of-way are designated as Commercial (C) and Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. 3. Surrounding properties are zoned Central Business District (CBD) and Industrial Heavy (IH) on the City Zoning Map. The north portion of the right-of-way extends into the Port Angeles Harbor. 4. The proposed street vacation areas are designated Urban.Harbor (landward ofOHWM) and Aquatic Harbor (seaward of OHWM) in the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, and relevant goals, policies, and regulations include Chapter 3 Goal A Shoreline Use Element No.3, Goal E Public Access Element Nos. 2 and 3, and Goal F Recreation Element Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and Chapter 4 J Public Access Regulation No.5. 5. Although platted as right-of-way.in the original Townsite map, the subject right-of-way was never developed as a public access street. 6. The vacating of right-of-way is categorically exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 7. Per RCW 35.79.035, the site was posted on August 8, 2002, and publication appeared in the Peninsula Dai/v News on August 11,2002, advertising the fact that a public hearing would be held in consideration of vacation of the right-of-way. No written comments were received. 8. Per RCW 35.79.035 (l)(a) A city shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of salt water unless the vacation is sought to enable a city to acquire property for port purposes, beach or water access purposes, park, public view, recreation, educational, or other public uses. 99 RCW 35.79.035(1)( c) requires thatthe vacation is sought to enable a city to implement a plan that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the . street sought to be vacated abuts had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. 9. Vacation of the right-of-way is proposed to clear title to the property to enable the consolidation of the subject property and a portion of the abutting property which is under. the DNR authority along the shoreline. The DNR has agreed to then lease the consolidated property back to the City to enable development of an extended area of the shoreline as a public park and link to the City's Waterfront Trail use in the same area. The proposed park use is in association with development of the abutting property as a conference center. 10. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council that will act on the petition at a public hearing on September 3,2002. Conclusions: A. Traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the vacation because the right-of-way does not serve developable properties. Access to the shoreline area at which the right-of-way ends will remain accessible and will not change due to the vacation but will be improved as a public park with shoreline access. " B. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: . Land Use Element Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D and Policy D. 3; Open Space Goals Policies and Objectives Goal J, and Policies J.4 and 6; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B and Policies B.l and 3; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 10. C. The proposal is consistent with the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program specifically Chapter 3 Goal A Shoreline Use Element No.3, Goal E Public Access Element Nos. 2 and 3, and Goal F Recreation Element Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and Chapter 4J Public Access Regulation No.5. D. The public interest will be served by the consolidation of the subject property with additional property under the DNR authority in the area, as it will enable the development of a larger, enhanced public park and access use within the shoreline area in compliance with RCW 35.79.035 which sets limitations on the vacation of streets abutting bodies of water. . 100 . . . ~ORTANGBLES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DE PAR T MEN T 0 F COM M UNIT Y DE VEL 0 P MEN T TO: Chair Schramm and Planning Commissioners FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner DATE: August 28, 2002 RE: STV 02-02 APPLICANT: State of Washington Department of Natural Resources OWNER: City of Port Angeles REQUEST: Vacation of right-of-way DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council of street vacation request STY 02- 02 based on 1 condition, 10 findings, and 4 conclusions found in Attachment "A". BACKGROUND: A petition requesting vacation of right-of-way was submitted by the. State of Washington Department of Natural Resources on August 6, 2002. The vacation action is intended to clear the matter of title to the Cherry Street right-of-way north of Front Street which was partially vacated by Ordinance No. 1208 on April 6, 1949. Ordinance No. 1208 was adopted to vacate the Cherry Street right-of-way that was established pre statehood located north of Front Street extending beyond the established 1894 Inner Harbor Line into the Port Angeles Harbor. The vacation action excluded a portion of the right-of-way that was covered by a franchise to the Milwaukee Railroad. When the Milwaukee Railroad franchise was later abandoned in the 1970's, the right-of-way remainedunvacated (see attached map). The proposed vacation action would complete vacation of the entire Cherry Street right-of-way lying north of Front Street deeding the property, as the surrounding properties are titled, to the Department of Natural Resources. The application materials are provided in Attachment B. 101 Community Development Department Staff Report STV 02-02 - DNR August 28, 2002 Page 2 . . Community Development Department: Traffic patterns in the area will not be affected by the vacation of the remaining Cherry Street right-of-way because the right-of-way was never developed and does not provide access to developable areas and most of the previously platted subject right-of-way was vacated in 1949. Because the subject right-of-way is partially on lands covered by water and includes shoreline area, the property is considered environmentally sensitive. Properties surrounding the site are under the ownership of the Department ofNatura.1 Resources. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/ZONING ORDINANCE/ SHORELINE PROGRAM: The subject property is designated partially Commercial (C) and partially Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The site is zoned Central Business District (CBD) and Industrial Heavy (lH) on the City's Zoning Map, again, with the dividing line between the zones occurring directly in the middle of the right-of-way. The site is also found in the City's Urban Harbor (UR) and Aquatic Harbor (AH) designations in the City's Shoreline Master Program. . The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation, and the following goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Goal D - "To create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy." Land Use Element- Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D, Policy 3 - "The City should vacate rights-of-way to facilitate retention of existing businesses and location of new businesses here land assembly is necessary to achieve the desired urban design of the City." Open Space Goals. Policies. and Obiectives Goal J - " To encourage the development of parks and recreational opportunities for all residents of the City and to increase access to natural areas in a manner that minimizes impact. " Goal J, Policy 4 - " Every effort should be made to consolidate and utilize land donated for . public use which provides common open space, public buildings, parks, and recreational opportunities. " 102 . . . Community Development Department Staff Report STY 02-02 - DNR August 28, 2002 Page 3 Goal J, Policy 6 - " The City should cooperate with the County and other jurisdictions in planning, funding, constructing, and managing multi-purpose recreation and transportation trails which link together various areas of the City, the Urban Growth Area, and other areas of the County and region." Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B - HTosupport services and facilities through different levels of participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies." Goal B, Policy 1 - "To support services and facilities through different levels ofparticipation in cooperation with other public or private agencies." Goal B, Policy 3- "As a "supporter," the City should promote and cooperate in providing programs and services including: * community recreation" Economic Development Element GoalA, Policy 10. - "The City shall encourage inter-jurisdictional discussion and cooperation with other govemmentalagencies to foster the economic development of the \ region." Shoreline Master Program: Shoreline Use Element Goal A~ 3 - "Promote a mix of recreational, boating. and coriunercial uses generally between Cherry Street ROW (extended) and Eunice Street ROW (extended). Establish this area as an attractive mixed-use International Gateway district serving visitors and local citizens." Public Access Element Goal E. 2 - "Enhance the City I s Waterfront/Discovery Trail with site improvements. Orient new facilities to take advantage of it. " Public Access Element Goa1E.3 - "Connect the City's Waterfront/Discovery Trail to other recreational, civic and commercial activities." Recreation Element . Goal F.2 - "Build on existing City assets and efforts related to recreation and public access." Recreation Element Goal F.3 - "Coordinate with the City Department of . Parks and Recreation and Port of Port Angeles to optimize opportunities for water-oriented recreation. " Recreation Element Goal F. 4 - "Integrate recreational elements into federal, state and local public access and conservation planning. " The proposed street vacation is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and map and is compatible with other uses which may occur in both the Central 103 Community Development Department Staff Report STY 02-02 - DNR August 28, 2002 Page 4 Business District and Industrial Heavy zones. The proposal is also in compliance with the City's Shoreline Master Program. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: . The vacation of streets is categorically exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS: Per RCW 35.79.035 (1)(a) A city shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of salt water unless the vacation is sought to enable a city to acquire property for port purposes. beach or water access purposes. park. public view. recreation. educational. or other public uses. Alternatively, per RCW 35.79.035(1)(c) a vacation could be sought to enable the implementation of a plan that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the streets or alleys sought to be vacated abut had the subject property not been vacated. The proposed vacation does both (a) and (c). Properties abutting the subject right-of-way are largely under the authority of the DNR with the exception of the property directly to the southeast, which is currently owned by the Port of Port Angeles. The Port's intended sale to a private developer of that property and vacation of the subject right-of-way would allow the consolidated development of the adjacent property in an enhanced manner. Vacation of the right-of-way will clear title to the property and any confusion about which public agency actually has control of the right-of-way. The vacated property be consolidated with . additional abutting properties under the DNR ownership and leased back to the City to be developed into a larger public park area (than would exist with just the right-of-way area) with a link to the Port Angeles Waterfront Trail. The public interest will therefore be served by the consolidation of the subject property with additional property under the DNR authority in the area, as it will enable the development of a larger, enhanced public park and access use within the'shoreline area. Because the vacation will result in further implementation of the City's Waterfront Trail public access use in an enhanced manner where following the right-of-way the Trail use would be relocated along the shoreline rather than further to the south along the street. Because the remaining portions ofthe Cherry Street right-of-way in this location (north of Front Street) were vacated by ordinance in 1949, the right-of-way has never been a vehicular route nor does it serve as access to any developable property. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its September 3, 2002, regular meeting. Attachments: Attachment A - Findings and Conclusions Attachment B - Petition and Map . T:\STV\0202DNR. 828. wpd 104 . . . \.-ummunny uevelOpment uepartment StatrRepOrl STY 02-02 - DNR August 28, 2002 Page 5 ATTACHMENT A Condition, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STY 02-02 Condition: 1. The transfer of property interests as memorialized in the letter of intent between Pier Group L.L.C. or its assigns, the Port of Port Angeles, the City of Port Angeles, and the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources signed and dated June 2002 shall be executed in a way that the street vacation area "shall be dedicated for public access uses" providing for a public park and the extension of the City's Waterfront Trail across the DNR property adjoining the vacated property. Findings: 1. A petition requesting vacation of that portion of the Cherry Street right-of-way located north of Front Street that was not previously vacated (Ordinance No. 1208 dated April 6, 1949)was received by the City of Port Angeles on August 6,2002. The petition wasfiled by the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as the owner of property abutting the right-of-way. 2. Properties abutting the subject right-of-way are designated as Commercial (C) and Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. 3. Surrounding properties are zoned Central Business District (CBD) and Industrial Heavy (IH) on the City Zoning Map. The north portion of the right-of-way extends into the Port Angeles Harbor. 4. The proposed street vacation areas are designated Urban Harbor (landward'ofOHWM) and Aquatic Harbor (seaward of QHWM) in the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, and relevant goals, policies, and regulations include Chapter 3 Goal A Shoreline Use Element No.3, Goal E Public Access Element Nos. 2 and 3, and Goal F Recreation Element Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and Chapter 4 J Public Access Regulation No.5. 5. Although platted as right-of-way in the original Townsite map, the subject right-of-way was never developed as a public access street. 6. The vacating of right-of-way is categorically exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 7. Per RCW 35.79.035, the site was posted on August 8, 2002, and publication appeared in the Peninsula Dailv News on August 11,2002, advertising the fact that a public hearing would;be held in consideration of vacation of the right-of-way. No written comments were received. 8. Per RCW 35.79.035 (l)(a) A cityshall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of salt water unless the vacation is sought to enable a city to acquire property for port purposes, beach or water access purposes, park, public view, recreation, educational, or other public uses. . 105 Community Development Department Staff Report STY 02-02 - DNR August 28, 2002 Page 6 RCW 35.79.035(1)(c) requires that the vacation is sought to enable a city to implement a plan that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the street sought to be vacated abuts had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. . 9. Vacation of the right-of-way is proposed to clear title to the property to enable the consolidation of the subject property and a portion of the abutting property which is under the DNR authority along the shoreline. The DNR has agreed to then lease the consolidated property back to the City to enable development of an extended area of the shoreline as a public park and link to the City's Waterfront Trail use in the same area. The proposed park use is in association with development of the abutting property as a conference center. 10. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council that will act on the petition at a public hearing on September 3,2002. Conclusions: A. Traffic patterns on surrounding streets would not be negatively impacted by the vacation because the right-of-way does not serve developable properties. Access to the shoreline area at which the right-of-way ends will remain accessible and will not change due to the vacation but will be improved as a public park with shoreline access. B. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: . Land Use Element Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D and Policy D. 3; Open Space Goals Policies and Objectives Goal J, and Policies J.4 and 6; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal B and Policies B.l and 3; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 10. C. The proposal is consistent with the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program specifically Chapter 3 Goal A Shoreline Use Element No.3, Goal E Public Access Element Nos. 2 and 3, and Goal F Recreation Element Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and Chapter 4 J Public Access Regulation No.5. D. The public interest will be served by the consolidation of the subject property with additional property under the DNR authority in the area, as it will enable the development of a larger, enhanced public park and access use within the shoreline area in compliance with RCW 35.79.035 which sets limitations on the vacation of streets abutting bodies of water. . 106 . . . LETTER OF INTENT This letter of intent memorializes the mutual intent of the parties to undertake speCified actions in furtherance of the development of a motel, re~ta~rant and convention center complex (the "project") on the property hereafter identified. All exhibits referenced herein are incorporated by such reference. 1. Parties. The parties to this letter of intent a.re: Pier GroupL.L.C. or its assigns ("Developer"); The Port of Port Angeles ("Port"); The City of Port Angeles ("City"); and the State of Washington Department ofNatunu Resources ("DNR"). . j 2. Property. The property propos~d as the project site and the currento~nership thereofis described in Exhibit l.and'depicted on Exhibit 2. . 3. Project. The project to be undertaken by Oeveloper is generally described in Exhibit ~ and the accompan}'ing site plans and elevations (Exhibits 3A through3e..). It is acknowledged the fiJlal design. of the proposal is likely to be . modifie~ duting en~ronmentalr~view and permit processing, but that the principal components of the project as narratively described in Exhibit 3 will not be' modified without the consent of all. parties hereto... .. 4. Land exchan2e and boundarvadiustment. The Port and DNRwill pursue approval ofa land exchange by the Board of Natural Resources (purS\lant to RCW 79:9~.457, WAC 332~30-170 and otherapplicabl,~ laws) whereby all right, title' and interestoftheDNR in Parcel C as depicted and descripedin Exhibit 4 will be transferred to the:p()rt ineJC:change for transfer by the Port to DNR, of all of its right, title and interest in Parcel'p as 'depicted and described in Exhibit 4. . ThePo.rt and DNR also agree, contingent up()n approval,ofthe land exchange by the Board ofNal~tar~e,sources, to jointly seeka boundary adjustment from the City for the land exchange ~erein described. The Port shall bear all survey and appraisal costs, recording fees and all other expenses associat~dwith the l~dexchange process and boundary adjustment. An appraisal submitted by thtportand reViewed for completeness by DNR may be acceptable for determining values for this land exchange. 5. Port conveyance. The Port will grant and convey to Developer good and.marketable title to . Parcels A and C as depicted aI1d described in Exhibit 4, together with a quit 'claim of any interest the Port may have in improvements, including fill, situate on Parcels Band E as depicted and described on Exhibit 4, for the total s~m of One Million and NollOO ($1,000,000.00), all cash at closing. l ()-7 . 6. DNR lease Parcels Band D. DNR will enter into a new 55-year tidelands lease with Developer for Parcels Band D as depicted and described in Exhibit 4. The rent to be charged by DNR for Parcel B will be based upon the ultimate usage of the parcel in accordance with formulas and examples set forth in Exhibit 5. The parties understand and acknowledge that the rent to be paid for Parcel D shall at all times be non-water dependent rent as that term is defined in applicable state laws and shall be in the initial amount specified in Exhibit 5 and shall be subject to adjustment over time based upon changes in assessed value of the adjoining upland parcel as more specifically described in Exhibit S. The parties 1l1rther acknowledge that the rent to be paid by Developer for Parcel B is anticipated to be a combination of non- water dependent and public access rentals. The formulas and examples set forth in Exhibit 5 are acknowledged to not necessarily represent the ultimate design and usage for Parcel B. The parties acknowledge that final negotiation of usages and rents for Parcel B will be conducted in conjunction with or at the conclusion of permit processes for the development of the project. Use classifications for the state owned parcels leased to the Port or the Developer shall be determined by DNR. The portions of Parcel B developed for public access to the shorelines will be dedicated by Developer to such use and may be subleased to the City for park purpos~s. Those areas so dedicated shall not be subject to payment of any rentals.to DNR so long as authorized under RCW 79.90.470. Said leases shall reserve to the Port an easement for access for Port purposes to the harbor area lying north of Parcel B and the dock . located in the harbor area identified as Parcel F. The leases shall also reserve an easement for public trail purposes in favor of the City in.~,hearea depicted on Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4. 7. Conthmous harbor area leases. Harbor areas abut Parcel B on the north and include an area offilled harbor area and riprap approximately 75 feet in width (parcel E on Exhibit 4) and an existing pier depicted on Exhibit 4. The rent for the footprint of the riprap bulkhead will be calculated at non water-dependent rates. The subject harbor area leases are legally described in Exhibit 6. The Port will relinquish management of these harbor areas toDNR. Thereafter DNRwill lease the harbor areas depicted on Exhibit 4 as area F to the Port for mixed uses, including water dependent, non water-dependent and public access uses, for a new 3D-year term. It is anticipated the Port may sublease portions of this harbor area and portions of the pier as depicted in Exhibit 4 to Developer for the 3D-year term. The Port shall pay rentals for said harbor area lease from time to time as described in Exhibit 7. The harbor area identified as Area E shall be leased by DNR to Developer for a new 30-year term and shall be dedicated to public access uses, subject also to easements reserved to the City and the Port as identified in Section 6 above. A copy of the form. for the proposed leases. between the Developer and DNR for Parcels B, D and E are attached as Exhibit 8. . - 2- 108 . . . 9. Convention center. The City shall lease the convention center facilities described in Exhibit 3 from the Developer for the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per year, to be paid from city lodging tax revenues. The City shaIllease back the convention center to Developer in consideration of the Developer's agreement to operate, maintain and market the convention center in accordance with the terms of the business plan document and marketing plan budget andimplemeritation strategy previously submitted by Developer to the City and dated the ~ day of t{/14t , 2002, and the terms of a convention center sublease which remains to be negotiated prior to closing. 10. 11. SEPA comoliance. The City shall 'act as lead agency for State Environmental Policy Act review and compliance associated with all governmental actions contempJatedherein. Due diJil!ence / l!ood faith. The parties aclalowledge Developer has: made "sbbst~ti~ progress" on pre-design of the building structure and site improvements; sub~mitted a business plan document acceptable to the City; submitted a preliminary marketing plan budget and implementation strategy acceptable at this stage to the City; provided satisfactory evidence that project financing is available and provided project development schedule .all,~' contemplated by the letter ofintent between the City and Ehm Architecture and dated J~".") 30,2002 ("due diligence phase requirement letter"). The parties hereto furthera~knBYflf4~~'70': that execution of this letter of intent by all parties satisfies the remaiiUng terms.ofsaic\.s~\1~;[:; diligence phase requirement letter. The parties mutually agree to pursue with good faith"'a.nd :-,.. due diligence the closing of ~is transaction throu~h signing of definitive agreemqnts consistent herewith. The partie~ hereto acknowledge that a number of matters pertinenf to the finalization of this transactiqn remain to be negoti~ted. Those items include, but are pot limited to, the following: ' ,,,:';";';.'.;'.': ,";;-'/c<'-,.;:.'.' (a) establishing a schedule for permit processing and closing of the real estate transactions identified above; (b) final approval of the Developer's marketing plan"budget and implementation strategy by the City; 100 . (c) development of final documents consistent with this letter of intent, to be utilized at closing; (d) development of mutually acceptable definitive plans to provide adequate parking for the project; t (e) allocation of closing costs; (1) approval by all parties offinal design and acceptance by Developer of permits as issued. 12. Not a bindim!' contract. Neither this document nor anything contained herein shall be construed as an actual agreement or contract. This letter is not intended to have legally binding effect, but is an expression of intent. By signing this letter the paIties declare they will deal in good faith towards the goal of reaching the future agreements discussed herein. 13. Counteroart shmatures. This Letter oflntent may be signed by the parties in counterpart. PIER GROUP L.L.C. PORT OF PORT ANGELES . By: Date: (".(~. CfZ, By: CO~~~ Its: E.~e< - '(e. J\I~~~ Date: ~ en.. Its: CITY OF PORT ANGELES STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES By: ~ct2<...:.._. -/ Its: ..Lt; ~l/"'" Date: r;/u~.L . " BY:~~,~CU~ Its: Af(Jn~ r_, <&\,. ..J..""crs7 Date: (5" JJ.\JOL . -4- 110 ,~ ! ~ a i ~ i J ! a 5 ~ f ~ I i i i 1i ~ ~ ; e ! fi ~ i . Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ I i ! . i i ~ I ~ ! ~ ! ~I--- ---- ---;;;;,;;;;;;; --- if =-- I ~...,. ~ VINE tATTlCE PANELS. rrP. I I i :;;! ~I I I I I I I - I ___ ----------------,---_____;i~~_'______________~~~_~______----------------t------------------- PLANTING SCHEDULE SYN. grr. SCIENTIFlC/COMMON NANE fl) II!IU .. Mef' rvbrum 'Red 5\1"181'/ RED SUNSET ROO MAPU 0,. Camus ko\,/sa/ KOUSA DOGWOOD OR SlyroJl JaponicuI/ ~ JAPANESE SNOWBEU.. TREE I. Pin". contorta/ SHORE PINE SIZE/REUARKS 2" Col; 8&:8; full, will bronchlld :o:e~1 .::i. S:;:~rt control Symmetrical bronchln9 habit. a'-10' HI. 8&8/Cont; Multi-trunk wI J main trunks. 4'-6' lit.; B&B/Cont: Multi-trunk, Not . aheared. Asymmetrical, Wind bkrorrn '" leg9Y in appearance. Owner'. ...pr...ntotivI II) sated. u... &: position trl.. before planting. !IIIIl!U . Rhododendrun 'Ramopo', RAMAPO RHODODENDRON J Col. Cont; FuN, .111 broncl1ed ok _II rooted. . Cornus stolonlf.ra 'Kelseyi'/ KELSEYI DOGWOOD J Gal. Cant; full, well bra"ched .II: "e11 rooted. . Viburnum tinu. 'Spring BouqulJt'/ SPRING BOUQUET VIBURNUM 5 Cal. Cont; r""I, well bronc.hed &: well rooted. . Arbutus unendo/ STRAWBERRY mEE 5 Gal. Cont; Fun, well branched &; "ell rooted. . RoSQ 1'\.190101 RUGOSA ROSE I Gal. Cont: Full, well branched &: well rooted. . lie. crenoto 'Helleri'/ HElLERI HOUY 1 Gol. Cont; FuM. well branched & wen rooted. Triangular Spacing 0 18. D.C. mi. D1Y. S~ENT1FlC/CO""'DN NAME SIZE/REtAARKS aROUNDCQVma . FrogorIa chll~sis/ 1 Gal. Cont: Full, well BEACH STRAWBERRY blllnchltCl a: well rooted. Triangular Spocing 0 IS. D.C. . He~ctotrichon ssmpervirene/ , Col. Cont: Fun, well BLUE OAT GAASS bronched a: well rooted. Tri~ng!JIor Spacing 0 18- D,C. . kctmaphyllu. uvo-urai 'Vancouver 1 Gal. Cont; Full, well Jode'/ bronched I: well roated. VANCQUVER JADE KINNIKlNJCI< Trlongulor Spacing 0 1 S- D.C. . Naa.ello . tlnulssima/ 1 Gal, Conti Ful, .ell MEXICAN F'EATHER GRASS bronch.d A _II rooted. Triangular Spacing 0 1 S- D.C. . VInca minor 'Bowllsir / 1 Col. Cont; Full, .e11 VINCA BOWLES brunch.d.. well root.d. Triangular Spacing . IS. a.c. . El)'mus mollis/ I Gal. Cont; Full, well DUNEGRASS bf'anch$d << Will rootld. Triangular Spacing 0 18. D.C. . Erlca cameo 'Springwflod Plnk'l 1 Gal, Cant; Full, well SPRINGWOOO PINK HEATHER branched dr: well rooted. Triangular Spocing 0 18. D.C. . Hemerocol/is 'Sh'llo d'Oro'1 1 Gal. Cant; rfJA, weU STElJ.A D'ORa OAYUUV brunch,d &. well rooted. Triangular Splicing 0 18. D.C. SYN. QlY. SCIfNTlF1C/COMMON NAME a..aUNDCOYO. I . Crocosmia hybrids! CROCOSMIA . Calamagrastla o",ndinacea 'Karl Foerster'/ KARL FOERSTER'S FEATHER REED GRASS [E[j . lown Seed Mi. ~ . "Perched Sand Beach" Area - Beach Sand - Beach logs - Beach Crosses - Rock Outcrops - .. Gro3S Road Pave~ S~ZE/REMARKS 1 Gal. Cant; Full, well bronched A weU rooted, Triun9ular Spacing 0 18'" D,C. 1 Gal. Cant: Full, Willi branched 4': vtell rooted. Triangular Spacing 0 1 ,," a.c. See Specs. Se~ Sp~cs. LEGEND . Where quontltiel ore not shown in the Plont Schedule the Contractor sholl be responsible tor determining pont quantities to be used. !fB)~ <<: fE ~ w IIll MAY 1 0 20PZ @ DETNt IDENTIFICATION SHEET IOENTlF1CATION CITY or PORT ANGElES COMMUNITY OEVELOPMEN o . PROPERTY UNE CONTAINER PL.NfTlNC 1UTEJ,I POlES \liNE LArrtC( PANas, TYP. C 20 40 ~. lANDSCAPE PLAN ~ "rJI.'I<\ . :I .......i,.' . . I;!~I Jiil! fJ~liIt 3'1 ~I ~ I I I I I · jS J filh ~Jt~~ III ~ :;:l .... U III .... ::r: u ~ < o fn ...W a=-I OW a.f: C 0:: ~ OW ZU cCw ....JU WZ b~ :rW LL Z o U ....... GFW . . . Page 1 of 1 RCW 35.79.035 Limitations on vacations of streets abutting bodies of water -- Procedure. (1) A city or town shall not vacate a street or alley if any portion of the street or alley abuts a body of fresh or salt water unless: (a) The vacation is sought to enable the city or town to acquire the property for port purposes, beach or water access purposes, boat moorage or launching sites, park, public view, recreation, or educational purposes, or other public uses; (b) The city or town, by resolution of its legislative authority, declares that the street or alley is not presently being used as a street or alley and that the street or alley is not suitable for any of the following purposes: Port, beach or water access, boat moorage, launching sites, park, public view, recreation, or education; or (c) The vacation is sought to enable a city or town to implement a plan, adopted by resolution or ordinance, that provides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the streets or alleys sought to be vacated abut, had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. (2) Before adopting a resolution vacating a street or alley under subsection (1) (b) of this section, the city or town shall: (a) Compile an inventory of all rights of way within the city or town that abut the same body of water that is abutted by the street or alley sought to be vacated; (b) Conduct a study to determine if the street or alley to be vacated is suitable for use by the city or town for any of the following purposes: Port, boat moorage, launching sites, beach or water access, park, public view, recreation, or education; (c) Hold a public hearing on the proposed vacation in the manner required by this chapter, where in addition to the normal requirements for publishing notice, notice of the public hearing is posted conspicuously on the street or alley sought to be vacated, which posted notice indicates that the area is public access, it is proposed to be vacated, and that anyone objecting to the proposed vacation should attend the public hearing or send a letter to a particular official indicating his or her objection; and (d) Make a finding that the street or alley sought to be vacated is not suitable for any of the purposes listed under (b) of this subsection, and that the vacation is in the public interest. (3) No vacation shall be effective until the fair market value has been paid for the street or alley that is vacated. Moneys received from the vacation may be used by the city or town only for acquiring additional beach or water access, acquiring additional public view sites to a body of water, or acquiring additional moorage or launching sites. [1987 c 228 ~ 2.] 113 http://www.mrsc.orglmc/rcw/RCW%20%203 5%20%20TITLE/RCW%20%203 5%20. %20790/02.0 8/6/02 114 . \. . . --- --, -- ........", .&'A4 . . .....,.. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENTOF Natural Resources DOUG SUTHERLAND Commissioner of Public Land~ III 002 ~I~~ ~6U~ ~ W STREET V ACA TION PETITION TO: City Council of the City of Port Angeles an OF PORT ANGElES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Department ofN atural Resources acting as the manager of state owned public lands of the State of Washington (State) requests that the following described part of Cherry Street in the city of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW. That portion 01 Cheny Street extending north of Front Street from the 1894 inner Harbor Line to the 1992 outer Harbor Line that was not vacated under ordinance No. 1208 dated April 6, 1949. WHEREAS, the Stale owns all lands abutting the said right-of-way; WHEREAS, the State contends that the vacation proceedings of 1949 intended to vacate Cherry Street to the outer Harbor Line, and views this requested vacation as a technical correction to clarify the original intent of the 1949 resolution; WHEREAS, the relevant ponion of Cherry Streetis undeveloped and not suitable for street purposes; WHEREAS, the State conditions this petition to be contingent on an equal exchange of value between the petitioner and the City of Port Angeles without additional remittance by the State; WHERERFORE, as owners of more than two-third of the abutting propelty, the petitioner prays that proceeding be had hereon for the vacation of said area of Cherry Street. Respectfully Submitted Date ~/6J;L. . ren. m, Aquatics Di vision Manager epartment of Namral Resources 115 1111 WASHINGTON ST SE I PO BOX 47000 I OLYMPIA, WA 96504-7000 c:\AQR\DA T ~\Sy'I'I'OR'J\I'm.rIll11IJe~um;1Il\P9R.TS~l'QRj m5S\fl~~.,,1F1101J/\1)Q1l\Vo=lon Reqllu, lOr CbclT'1 ,,=~.410.,. FAX: (360) 902-1775 I /I": r360) 901-1125 I TEL: (:1t>rJl ~UZ-1UOO Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer RECYClED PAPER 0 -l . RITCHIE LA WFIRM A PROFESSIONAL LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION Craig A. Ritchie WSBA#4818 212 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 360/452-2391 . 1-800-745-2391 . Fax 360/452-3424 rs1aw@olympus.net August 26, 2002 Planning Department/Planning Commission City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Re: DNR Request for Cherry Street Vacation, Wednesday, 8/28 7:00 PM . Greetings: Pursuant to the Shoreline Master Program Chapter"4, Section J, "Public Access". Regulation No.5, "Public access provided by shoreline street ends, public utilities and rights of way shall not be diminished (RCW 35.79.035 and RCW 36.87.130)." Thus, Cherry Street cannot be vacated and it is a violation 6fthe City's own shoreline program as well as state statute to attempt to do so. One of the maj or purposes of the Shoreline Management Act is to preserve public access to shorelines. Vacating a street does not assist in accomplishing this. This is particularly true when the vacation is done in conjunction with shoreline waterfront property to a private developer. Respectfully submitted, cu~ Craig A. Ritchie CAR:elh ~~A: ~7D~2 ~ ~ . 117; CIlV Of PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C:\My Documents\McClaskey\city re cherry street.wpd . . . 118 L r--- . . ~ORT.ANGELES WASHINGTON U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: September 3, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Stormwater Utility, Public Hearing Summary: One of our major goals, as directed by City Council, is the implementation of a Stormwater Utility. A public outreach effort was conducted between April and July 2002 and comments solicited. Staff has completed development of an ordinance for formation of a . stormwater utility to fund improvements. UAC has reviewed the ordinance and recommended forwarding to Council for a public hearing and adoption. Recommendation: Listen to the presentation, open the public hearing and receive input. regarding formation of the stormwater utility and continue the public hearing to the September 17, 2002 Council meetin2:. Background/Analysis: At the June 5, 2001 City Council approved proceeding with the development of a stormwater utility for implementation early in 2002. The utility is needed to correct longstanding flooding, erosion, and related stormwater problems, assist in .required reduction of combined sewer overflow (CSO) per our Wastewater Treatment Plant's (WWTP) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permit, and to fund mandated stormwater management requirements of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Clean Water Act-NPDES Phase II potential Stormwater programs. The ESA requirements became effective January 1,2001 and they prohibit any activity which harms endangered species. This applies to all City activities including, but not limited to construction projects, operation and maintenance activities, water intakes, erosion control practices, and all construction and new development activities permitted by the City. The stormwater management activities required by NDPES Phase II include public education and 'outreach, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction and post-construction site stormwater runoff control, and pollution prevention for municipal operations. The Washington Department of Ecology (DOE), which administers and enforces the NPDES Phase II requirements, has developed a Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington which, when adopted by agencies, will meet these requirements. The City's current clearing, grading, filling and drainage ordinances do not fully meet the requirements of ESA and NPDES Phase II and will have to be modified to comply. The ESA requirements became effective January 2001 and the current anticipated date for compliance with NPDES Phase II is March 10, 2003'. Port Angeles is listed in the NPDES Phase . II regulations as a City which potentially may be included pending further study by DOE. At this 119 September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Storm water Utility Page 2 . time the DOE has not determined if Port Angeles and the surrounding urban growth area (UGA) will be covered by an NPDES Phase II permit. At a recent Clallam County Planning Commission meeting focusing on stormwater a DOE representative stated that those portions of Port Angeles covered by the WWTP's NPDES discharge permit may not be included and that it has not been determined as to whether the rest ofthe City and the UGA area will be included. The DOE representative further stated that a schedule for the decisions is due in September 2002 and that a decision as to our City's status and area of coverage is due in December 2002. A series of public meetings was held commencing in April 2002 to disseminate information concerning the need for a new stormwater utility, recent regulations, benefits, cost implications, highlights of the proposed ordinance and obtain feedback to help shape a recommendation to the UAC and City Council. Meetings were announced in the media (Peninsula Daily News - paid advertisements and articles, KONP - public service announcements and Peninsula Network News - cable TV outlet and Channel 21 ). A direct mailing campaign was also employed to announce the meetings to business, organizations and property owners. Pr~sentations were given to the Chamber of Commerce, the Port Angeles Business Association, business owners, and residential owners. The public meetings for the business and residential owner were held during the day, as well as the evening, to facilitate attendance. The presentations were also available on the City web site for individuals to review. Presentations were also given to the local Realtors at one of their luncheons, Kiwanis, Thursday AM group, . and the North Olympic Building Association Board of Directors. Major issues raised by the Public included: 1. Economic impact of additional costs 2. Should the revenue collected be designated a fee or tax 3. Exemption of City facilities 4. Billings to tenants or property owners 5. Timing to adopt the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington 6. Equity between homes and businesses/commercial property 7. Why create a stormwater utility . 120 . . . September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Storm water Utility Page 3 The formation of a stormwater program and utility was discussed at the UAC on May 14 and 30, July 23 and August 13,2002. During these meetings the reasons for formation of the Utility were revisited, the consequences of not forming the Utility, rate structures/revenues, impacts to residents and businesses, and exemptions/credits were some of the items discussed along with a thorough discussion on the ordinance. The proposed storm and surface water utility ordinance is intended to be straight forward and simple for ease of implementation, understanding and administration. The ordinance has been modified to reflect concerns and comments received during the public meetings and during discussion at the UAC meetings. Highlights of the attached proposed ordinance: 1. Effective collection fee date: January 1, 2003 2. Inclusion of all City properties for fee payments. Original proposal exempted all City property. 3. Establish $3.00 per month basic rate for developed single-family and duplex properties and set a cap of $30.00 per month for developed non-residential properties. Original proposal was for $6 to $8 per month with no cap. 4. Establish 4,000 square feet of impervious surface as the basic non-residential fee unit. Original proposal was for 2,500 square feet. Fractions of a unit will be rounded down with one unit being the minimum charge. 6. City Streets, State Highways, and other private streets and public or private properties having their own NPDES permits and do not discharge to City facilities shall be exempt from monthly fees. No change. 7. Nonresidential properties may receive fee reductions of up to 50% for installation of stormwater control measures. No change. 8. Adoption of the DOE Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington will be tied to the earlier of the NPDES Phase II permit date or the effective date of the Clallam County Salmon Recovery Plan for compliance with ESA. Original proposal was to adopt the manual at the effective date of the ordinance. 9. Billings to property owners unless assigned to tenants with approved arrangements. 10. Appeals process for reducing fee assessment. 121 September 3, 2002 City Council RE: Storm water Utility Page 4 . 11. Enforcement provisions including recorded liens if fees not paid. 12. Fee assessment to take into consideration that contiguous parcels/lots may make up one site for assessment. Therefore, minimizing the possibility of exceeding the intent of not charging more that $30 per month for an establishment. It is proposed that a $3.00 per month rate with a $30.00 cap be established. This will not generate sufficient revenue to fully fund intended functions associated with storm and surface water maintenance and improvements. The proposed fee along with existing funding will provide for a program that will be approximately at the 65 to 70% desired level. See attached proposed budget, program activity and revenue projections. It is considered a good starting point to commence efforts for addressing thestormwater issues facing the City. Much work needs to be accomplished and it is necessary to take a measured approach. It is planned to review the program for function and funding during its third year of operation as has been the practice with the other utilities. It is proposed to add a storm water manager position in the engineering division to work for the City Engineer who will be tasked with implementation and administration ofthe new requirements and developing an overall strategy, and one utility worker in the Street Division to support maintenance requirements. The Street Division will be able to increase maintenance . schedules for catch basin and ditch cleaning to bring us closer to compliance with ESA requirements. In addition the utility will fund a limited capital improvement program to construct needed improvements to protect property and the environment. Some examples of areas needing storm drainage improvements include discharge points over the marine bluffs, discharge points to streams, Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond, "C" street extension area, Rose/Thistle/Canyon Edge area, and the Porter/Grant area. If approved the monthly billing for the utility fees will commence January 1, 2003 to coincide with startup of the new HTE system. A stormwater manager position would be filled on or about January 1, 2003 and tasked in part to revise the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines to reflect more user friendly development standards and reasonable cost effective measures to protect our unique environment. In addition the stormwater manager will be involved in public education and outreach, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination; construction and post-construction site stormwater runoff control, and pollution prevention for municipal operations. These activities and the revisions of our stormwater guidelines including clearing and grading are necessary to meet current ESA requirements and pending NPDES Phase II requirements. The filling of one additional utility worker to assist with the increased stormwater maintenance activities will also be filled in early 2003. The UAC has reviewed the attached ordinance and recommended forwarding to Council for a public hearing and adoption. A presentation will be given on the topic prior opening of the public hearing. . N :\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Stonnwater. wpd 122 . ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing a stormwater utility, establishing a monthly stormwater utility charge, adopting stormwater regulations and provisions for the management and operation of the stormwater utility, and amending Ordinance 2394 and Ch. 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2394 and Chapter 13.63 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.63 PAMC to read as follows: . Sections: . 13.63.005 13.63.010 13.63.020 13.63.030 13.63.040 13.63.050 13.63.060 13.63.070 13.63.080 13.63.090 13.63.100 13.63.110 13.63.120 13.63.130 13.63.140 Chapter 13.63 STORMW A TER - REGULATIONS AND UTILITY Purpose. Stormwater Discharge Not Permitted. Unpolluted Discharge Shall Have Approved Outlet. Stormwater Connection Not Permitted in Sanitary System. Utility established. Jurisdiction. Plan adopted. Transfer of property. Definitions. Monthly charge Private stormwater retention system rate reduction. Application for rate reductions - Appeal. Billing and payment. Remedies. Inspections - Right of entry - Emergency. 123 - 1 - 13.63.005 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a storm and surface. water management program in order to accomplish the following goals: A. to promote sound development policies and construction procedures. which respect and preserve the City's watercourses: B. to minimize water quality degradation and control of sedimentation of creeks. streams. ponds. and other water bodies: C. to protect property owners adiacent to developin~ and developed land from increased runoff rates. which could cause erosion of abutting property: D. to protect downstream owners: to preserve and enhance the suitability of waters for contact recreation and fishing: E. to preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of waters: F. to provide public education. outreach. participation. and involvement III protection of water quality: G. to maintain safe City streets and rights-of-way: and H. to decrease drainage-related damage to public and private property. . The storm and surface water management program shall consist of stormwater regulations and a storm water utility. which shall be implemented and operated by the City's Department of Public Works and Utilities in accordance with standards established by the appropriate governmental entities with iurisdiction. 13.63.010 Stormwater Discharge Not Permitted. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process waters into any sanitary sewer, unless otherwise approved by the Director. COrd. 2394 Ch. IV ~1, 6/2/86) 13.63.020 Unpolluted Discharge Shall Have Approved Outlet. Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as combined sewers or storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the Director. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged on approval ofthe Director to a storm sewer or natural outlet. COrd. 2394 Ch. IV ~2, 6/2/86) 13.63.030 Stormwater Connection Not Permitted in Sanitary System. A. No person shall make connection of roof downpours, exterior foundation drains, . -2- 124 . area drains, or other sources of stonnwater surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer, unless such connection is otherwise approved by the Director. B. Stonn drainage from hard-surfaced or graded areas, such as parking lots, service station yards, and storage yards, shall enter the public stonn sewer system or other outlet approved by the Director and as required by this Chapter and as such facilities are available. Such storm drainage shall not be connected to or enter a sanitary sewer, unless otherwise approved. (Ord.2394 Ch. IV 93, 6/2/86) 13.63.040 Stonnwater Utility established. There is created and established a storm and surface water utility (also referred to as the "stonnwater utility"). The stormwater utility shall be administered under direction of the Director of Public Works and Utilities. The stormwater utility shall perform the functions. and have the authority. as set forth in Chapter 35.67 RCW for managing. regulating. and controlling the City's stormwater management program. 13.63.050 Jurisdiction. The City shall have iurisdiction overall storm and surface water facilities within the City's boundaries. No modifications or additions shall be made to the City's stonn and surface water facilities without the prior approval of the City. 13.63.060 Plan adopted. . A. The stormwater utility shall be managed and operated in accordance with: ( 1) the Stormwater Management Plan prepared by Economic and Engineering Services Inc. dated June 1996 and adopted by the City Council on December 17. 1996. (2) applicable sections of the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines dated October 1995. and (3) the Stonnwater Management Manual for Western Washington. dated August 2001. B. The effective date of adoption for the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington shall either: ( 1) the effective date of the stonnwater manual adoption requirement in an NPDES permit to be issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology to the City of Port Angeles. which date shall be no sooner than March 10. 2003. or (2) the effective date of a Clallam County Salmon Recovery Plan stonnwater manual adoption requirement for compliance with the Endangered Species Act pursuant to the National Marine Fisheries Service's 4( d) rule for Puget Sound chinook salmon. whichever effective date is sooner. . 125 - 3 - C. When the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington becomes effective. the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines shall be revised to reflect the provisions o. the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and to take into account any exceptions to the those provisions necessary to reflect the City's particular conditions. 13.63.070 Transfer of property. All equipment. properties and property rights and interests owned or held by the City. however acquired. insofar as they relate to or concern storm or surface water sewage. are hereby transferred to the stormwater utility. This inCludes by way of examples and not limitation. all properties and property rights and interests acquired by adverse possession or by prescription in and to the drainage and storage of storm or surface waters over and under lands. watercourses. streams. ponds and sloughs to the full extent of inundation caused by the largest storm or flood condition. 13.63.080 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Chapter: A. "Commercial/multiple property" means all property zoned or used for multifamily. commercial. retail. public. government. non-profit. and all other non-residential uses. 13.63.90 Monthly Charge. A. Effective January 1. 2003. the owners of all real property in the City shall pay a monthly stormwater utility charge at the rate as set forth in this Section. B. Single-family and duplex residential fees. The monthly stormwaterutility charge for each single-family and duplex residential property shall be $ 3.00. C. The monthly stormwaterutility charge for all commercial/multiple property shall be calculated by dividingthe total impervious area in square feet by 4000 square feet. with the result rounded down to the whole number. times the single family and duplex residential fee. The minimum monthly fee for a commercial/multiple property shall be not less than the monthly fee for a single-family dwelling. and the maximum monthly fee shall be not more than $30.00. D. City streets. State highways. private streets with storm and surface facilities in place meeting City standards. and other public or private owned properties or portions thereof having their own NPDES permitted storm and surface water runoff facilities which do not discharge to City facilities shall be exempt from the monthly charges set forth in this Section. . -4- 126 . 13.63.100 Private stormwater retention system rate reduction. For any property other than a single-family residence or duplex residential dwelling. if the property owner (1) has been required by the City since January 15. 1993 to' install a private stormwater retention system as a condition of the property's development or (2) has installed voluntarily since January 15. 1993 a private stormwater retention system serving the property and meeting City standards at the time of installation. the City may at its sole discretion reduce monthly stormwater charges for the property pursuant to PAMC 13.63.090D by up to 25 percent for systems meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements of the 1992 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and up to 50 percent for systems meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. The rate reduction authorized by this Section shall not be used in coniunction with any other rate reduction authorized in Title 13 P AMC. 13.63.110 Application for rate reductions - Appeal. A. In order to qualify for exemptions or rate reductions set forth in P AMC 13.63.1 00 and 13.63.110. the property owner must file an application with the Director of Public Works and Utilities by November 15th of the year prior to the year in which the rate reduction is to be effective. except that for the year 2003 the property owner shall have until March 31. 2003 to file the application. . B. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Director of Public Works and Utilities relating to an application for exemption or rate reductions authorized by P AMC 13.63.100 and 13.63.11 Omay appeal the Director's decision to the City Manager within 30 days of the date of the Director's decision. The City Man~ger's decision may be appealed to the City Council within 30 days of the date of the City Manager's decision. 13.63.120 Billing and payment. The City shall bill stormwater utility service accounts monthly and shall bill to property owners in the same manner as water and sewer. The amount to be billed shall be included on the existing utilities bill as a separate line item, A "stormwater only" billing will be sent to those property owners who are not current City utilities customers. Utility rates and charges specified in this Chapter shall be the responsibility of the owner in fee of any property chargeable for such service. Such charges shall be billed to the owner in fee of the property served last made known to the City and to the last known address. It shall be the duty of every property owner within the City to notify the office of the Finance Director of the fact of ownership and the address to which billing should be made. Any purchaser of property within the City shall notify the office of the Finance Director of the date of purchase and the proper billing address immediately upon acquisition of such interest: provided. however. that any owner in fee may desi gnate another party to receive billing statements (such as a tenant). if such owner shall do so in writing together with a waiver of notice of such bills or any liens for delinquent accounts. This shall not relievethe owner from final liability for utility charges. Owners of multiple contiguous parcels within the City may apply to the Director of Public Works and Utilities for consideration of consolidating the billing for such parcels. . - 5 - 127 13.63.130 Remedies. A. Termination of water service. The Director of Public Works and Utilities or. designee is authorized to terminate water service to any property owner. unless said water service is received by a residential tenant. who fails to pay the stormwater utility service fees imposed by this Chapter in the same manner as delinquent water bills. Termination of such water service shall not limit other remedies available to the City. B. Lien for delinquent charges - Interest. Pursuant to RCW 35.67.200 et seq. the City shall have a lien for delinquent and unpaid stormwater charges. A stormwater. lien shall be effective for a total not to exceed one year's delinquent service charges without the necessity of any writing or recording of the lien with the County Auditor. Enforcement and foreclosure of any stormwater lien shall be in the manner provided by state law. Interest on the unpaid balance shall be eight percent per annum or such rate as may hereafter be authorized by law. C. Other remedies. The City shall have all other legally available remedies for enforcing and collecting delinquent and unpaid stormwater charges. 13.63.140 Inspections - Right of entry - Emergency. The City is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any prooerty. public or private. for the pUI:pose of operating or maintaining the storm and surface water facilities. or to inspect or investigate any condition relating to the stormwater utility: provided. that the City shall first obtain permission to enter from the owner or person responsible for such premises. If entry is refused. the City shall have recourse to every. remedy provided by law to secure entry. Notwithstanding the foregoing. whenever it appears to the City that conditions exist requiring immediate action to protect the public health or safety. the City is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any property. public or private. for the purpose of inspecting. investigating or correcting such emergency condition. Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected. Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of September, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: . Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 128 - 6 - . . . PROPOSED STORMW ATER UTILITY BUDGET July 29,2002 Funding Sources ACTIVITY STREET SOLID WASTE STORM PROPOSED FUND WASTE WATER UTILITY STORM UTILITY UTILITY BUDGET O&M STREET SWEEPING $0 $120,000 $0 $0 $120,000 . CATCH BASIN REPAIRS & $45,000 $0 $0 $45,000 $90,000 CLEANING (50% to 75%) DITCH/CULVERT CLEANING $45,000 $0 $0 $30,000 $75,000 (33% to 67% ) CULVERT INSTALLATION & $40,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $50,000 UNSCHEDULED WORK o & M SUBTOTAL $130,000 $120,000 $0 $85,000 $335,000 ADMIN., ENGINEERING, & $20,000 $0 $20,000 $95,000 $135,000 PLANNING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $0 $0 $60,000 $85,000 $145,000 TOTALSTORMWATERPROGRAM $150,000 $120,000 $80,000 $265,000 $615,000 N :\PROJECTS\21-12STRM$\proposed budget. wpd 129 PROPOSED STORMW ATER PROGRAM August 9, 2002 CURRENT PROGRAM PROPOSED PROGRAM FULL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES COST ACTIVITY COST ACTIVITY COST ACTI~. LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL O&M STREET SWEEPING $120,000 100% $120,000 100% $120,000 100% CATCH BASIN REPAIRS $45,000 50% $90,000 75% $120,000 100% & CLEANING DITCH/CULVERT $45,000 33% $75,000 67% $110,000 100% CLEANING , ~ CULVERT $40,000 100% $50,000 100% $50,000 100% INSTALLATION & UNSCHEDULED WORK 0& M SUBTOTAL $250,000 63% $335,000 84% $400,000 100% ADMIN., ENGINEERING, $40,000 27% $135,000 90% $150,000 100% & PLANNING CAPITAL $60,000* 20% $145,000* 48% $300,000* 100% IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL STORMW ATER $350,000 41% $615,000 72% $850,000 100% PROGRAM * CapItal Improvement fundmg shown for current program IS for annual system Improvements and does not mclude specific funded projects for Crown Park Overflow ($100k) and Lincoln Street Storm Line ($100k). The capital improvements required to meet future NPDES II, ESA, and CSO are unknown, but will be at negotiated value and schedule. N :\PROJECTS\21-12STRM$\proposedpgm. wpd . 130 . . . STORMW ATER UTILITY FEE AND REVENUE INITIAL PROJECTIONS Updated July 30,2002 $3.00/ESU; 4,000 SF PER NON-RESIDENTIAL ESU; CAPPED (iiJ 10 ESUs Property Descriptions Total Capped Monthly Annual Net Annual ESUs ESUs Fees Fees Revenues* Residential, business & Misc 7,339 7,335 $22,005 $264,060 $242,935 City of Port Angeles 545 234 $702 $8,424 $7,750 < Clallam County 79 71 $213 $2,556 $2,352 Washington State 198 41 $123 $1,476 $1,358 Federal Government 191 41 $123 $1,476 $1,358 Port Angeles School District 291 63 $189 $2,268 $2,087 Port of Port Angeles 1,591 ** 17 $51 $612 $563 Clallam Transit 41 10 $30 $360 $331 Hospital & Care Facilities 83 30 $90 $1,080 $994 Library 19 10 $30 $360 $331 Clallam Co. Hist. Soc. 5 5 $15 $180 $166 Places of Worship << 170 122 $366 $4,392 $4,041 Totals 10,552 7,979 $23,937 $287,244 $264,264 * Revenues shown reflect deduction for 8% utility tax ** Majority of Port property is at north airport industrial park. Note: Businesses, at this time, are spread throughout this breakdown depending on the properties where they are located (ie Residential, Port, Federal, Hospital & Care) Each additional $1 of fee will generates approximately $88,000 of net revenue. N :\PROJECTS\21-12STRM$\revenue table4. wpd 131 . . . 132 l$ "i City of Port Angeles Implementation of a Stormwater Utility September 3, 2002 Presentation · Council Direction · Process · Why a Stormwater Utility . Recent Regulations and Requirements . Benefits of a Stormwater Utility · Stormwater Ordinance · Cost Implications 1 '" Council Direction - Major Goal & Objective -Outreach to Public -Return with a Workable Plan Process - Developed Draft Ordinance - Public Outreach - Media - Presentations - UAC Discussions - Public Hearings - Adoption 2 Public Outreach · Getting the Word Out ! - Paid Advertisements - Direct Mailings - Public Service Announcements · Public Presentations - City Council Chambers 4x, Day and Evening - Chamber of Commerce, P A Downtown Assn, P A Business Assn, Kiwanis (am Thurs), Realtors Association, Builders Assn. Board of Directors Why a Stormwater Utility? · Correct Long Standing Stormwater Problems & Improved Environment · Inadequate Funding · Leverage for Loans/Grants · Community and Economic Development · Unfunded Regulatory Mandates 3 Long Standing Problems · Bluff Areas: Landslides · Flooding - Rose/Thistle/Canyon Edge - Porter/Grant - CSt Extension - Vicinity of 1 Qth & N Streets - Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond · Creeks: Landslides and Flooding · Combined Sewer Overflows Valley Creek and 7th Street 4 Mill Creek at Ahlvers Road 15/16 Alley btwn "A" & "B" Streets 5 Porter Street and Grant Avenue North of Grant Avenue & West of Porter Street 6 West Fourth Street & "N" Street Existing Inadequate Stormwater Program · Financed by - Wastewater Revenues - General Fund . - Solid Waste Revenues 7 Compromised Loan/Grant Opportunities · Public Works Trust Funds · Cleanwater Centennial Grants · Salmon Recovery Programs Community and Economic Development · Encourage Development · Attack in an Orderly Fashion · Improve Land Values · Share in Costly Improvements 8 Unfunded Regulatory Mandates · Endangered Species Act (ESA) - NMFS, USFWS - effective January 2001 · Clean Water Act: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater Permitting - E.P A. - permit by March 2003 · Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington - 2001 (Department of Ecology) Endangered Species Act (ESA) (1.6.7) · Effective Date January 1, 2001 · Listed Species - Chinook Salmon & Bull Trout · No Harm to Species or Habitat · Limited Actions in Place - Critical Areas Ordinance - Clearing and Grading Permits - Limited Best Management Practices · NMFS 4( d) rule & County Salmon Recovery Plan · Potential 3rd Party Lawsuits . 9 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater Permitting for Municipalities (2.2) · Port Angeles: Yes or No? ? ? · Criteria - Population over 10,000 - Density over 1,000 per square mile · Dept of Ecology to determine - September 2002, Schedule Published - December 2002, Permits Issued - March 2003, Effective Date Phase II NPDES for Municipalities (1.6.3) · Clean Water Act · Adopted by EP A, December 1999 - Phased approach - Similar to OWl · 78 Municipalities to be Permitted · 13 Municipalities to be Evaluated · Required to Implement a Stormwater Program including adoption of the Manual or equivalent 10 , Phase II NPDES Requirements (1.63) · Effectively reduce/prevent discharge of pollutants into receiving waters - Public Education and Outreach - Public Participation/Involvement - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination - Construction Site Runoff - Post Construction Runoff - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington (1.1) 11 Provides Guidance (1.1) · On Controls for - Quantity & Quality Water Controls - Development & Redevelopment · Does not delve deeply into - Development Standards - Development Location · No Independent Regulatory Requirements · Requirements & Best Management Practices - Ordinances & Local Governments - Permits & Local, State & Federal Authorities Best Management Practices (1.5) · Controls adverse impact - Development & Redevelopment · Prevent or reduce release of pollutants adverse impacts to Washington State waters - Schedules of activities - Prohibitions of practices - Maintenance procedures - Structural and/or managerial practices 12 BMP Controls (15) · Source Control - Prevents pollutants from entering runoff · Treatment Control - Remove pollutants by settling, filtration, biological uptake or soil adsorption · Flow Control - Control rate, frequency and flow duration of surface runoff Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan (1.6.1) . Directs implementation of Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan . 12 Components 1. Stormwater Controls for New 7. Identification and Ranking Development of Problems 2. Stormwater Site Plan Review 8. Public Education and 3. Inspection of Construction Involvement Sties 9. Low Impact Development 4. Maintenance of Permanent 10. Watershed or Basin Facilities Planning 5. Source Control 11. Funding 6. Illicit Discharges and water 12. Monitoring Quality Response 13 Technical Equivalent Manuals (1.6.1) · Alternatives manuals must meet or exceed DOE manual · Directed to use DOE manual until alternate approved Potential Requirement to Use Manual or Equivalent (1.6.1) · ESA by NMFS or USFWS (1.6.7) · Federal permits - COE Section 404 (1.6.8) · State Permits - NPDES - Fish & Wildlife HP As (1.6.9) - Section 401 Water Quality Certifications · Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan 14 Regulated Construction Activities (2.2.1) · NPDES required by DOE: March 2003 · Clearing & grading of 1 more or acres (currently 5 or more) · Discharges into - Surface waters or - Stormwater drainage systems discharging into surface water Minimum Requirements (2.4&2.5) 1. Prepare Stormwater Site Plan 6. Runoff Treatment (2..5.6) 2.5.1 2. Construction Stormwater Flow Control (2..5..7) Pollution Prevention (2.5.2) 7. 3. Source Control of Pollution 8. Wetlands Protection (2..5.S) (2.5.3) 4. Preservation of Natural 9. Basin/W atershed Planning Drainage Systems & Outfalls (2..5.9) (2.5.4) 5. On-Site Stormwater 10. Operation & Maintenance Management (2.5.5) (2..5.10) Items 1 -5, between 2,000 - 5,000sq ft of Items 1 10, if greater than 5,000sq ft of impervious surtace or land disturbing activity impervious surtace or land disturbing activity of of 7,000sq ft 7,000sq ft 15 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (Min#2) 1. Mark Clearing Limits 2. Establish Construction Access 3. Control Flow Rates 4. Install Sediment Controls 5. Stabilize Soils 6. Protect Slopes 7. Protect Drain Inlets 8. Stabilize Channels & Outlets 9. Control Pollutants 10. Control De-watering 11. Maintain BMPS 12. Manage the Project * Comparison of Implementation Costs Development Implementation Costs Implementation Costs Based Difference in Scenarios Based on 1992 Standard on 2001 Standard Cost 10 -Acre residential $280,000 $240,000 -14% w/infiltration 10 -Acre residential $214,000 $230,000 + 70/0 w/o infiltration I-Acre commercial $84,000 $280,000 + 233 % w/infiltration I-Acre commercial $41,000 $570,000 + 1290% w/o infiltration 10 -Acre residential $340,000 $320,000 - 6% w/infiltration 10 -Acre residential $260,000 $490,000 +88% w/infiltration 'Source: Herrera Environmental Consultants Cost Analysis/August 2001 16 Permanent stormwater quality control B:MPs for i-acre commercial development w / 0 infiltration. DOE/NPDES Permit Required Alternatives Available Source: Herrera Cost Report August 2001 ~f-------'~--'"'-'-'---~'-'-""-""-" . ..... -. ..... -. -... -. '.- ....- .. -" -".,--., ---.-.----.-.. -....--.........-....-..------...1..--...-..-' :/ i ' r~~~c 1$~~~~OOOi I. -... :ILl7~~~ ' " """ '~1"r' / I If~,:i,?j81r;~ I ~--- -- ----- _I ~,: ;, : :;~. 1> I ; I j ~ Vl/ IIrn;1~~:md I ' ,:; ;:::~ :~/ ",,~ I II 1/, 1!/-::_ 'I' I I! 'I. I 'J"l/ II I _11_1 '_ ~ !_ _ ~l ; ---;;-- c-~-~:_~~:~:~~? ','~;~,,~;~::::,.I I ~ ...' ~;;~'"'' I Sf '!~:.f!:.~ i i I I I I I I 1 i i I I I i I I ! i ! ! I ':::7~., .,.',:, .,,7 l___._~~_______.___.___,.__.._______________ Fi~UI"{,'~ I','rln,,",""l 'l..n'I"""'r'I""li'.l fwmn.lIiMI', h,,'I-anl' n'nlml.,'d~I.I..'d"l.m('nl "ilh"utinfil'nfi'''I. Stormwater Ordinance 17 Highlights of Proposed Ordinance · Enterprise Fund · Commence Fee: January 1,2003 · All City Facilities Included · $3 per month - Single & Duplex residential property - Commercial/multiple property · 1 unit = 4,000 sqft of impervious service · Aggregation of contiguous property · Capped at $30 per month Highlights of Proposed Ordnance (continued) · Exemptions - Undeveloped/Unimproved Properties - City, State, and Private Streets that meet City standards - Properties with NPDES permits · Rate Reductions (Non-Residential) - up to 50% - Private stormwater treatment/detention systems · Billed as a Utility · Discounts for Seniors and Low Income 18 Highlights of Proposed Ordnance (continued) · Appeals process · Enforcement provisions w/recorded liens · Operated and Managed in accordance with - Storm Water Management Plan (1996) - Urban Services Standards & Guidelines (1995) · Deferred adoption of Storm Water Management Manual for Western Washington (2001) Examples of Assessment Charges Total Impervious Location Area Area ESUs $3/month S.F. S.F. & % Local School 317,708 127,969 40% 31/10 $93/$30 Multi-Family 52,030 37,803 73% 9 $54 (6th & Laurel) Grocery Store 194,404 184,535 95% 46/1 0 $138/$30 (Lincoln Street) Warehouse 66,471 43,932 66% 10 $30 (Valley Street) Duplex Unit 14,000 4,800 34% 1 $3 Single Unit 9,000 2,900 32% 1 $3 19 Multi-Family - 6th & Laurel 20 Grocery Store - Lincoln Street Warehouse - Valley Street 21 Proposed Stonnwater Program (August 2002) C Ilrrfol Proltram Proposed Program ."ull Program Acrhilit. Activity COil AClh"il)" Cost Co,. Acthity I.r\",,1 Level Le\'rl o & M SHeet Sweepin~ S l:!lJ,OOO 1 O(J~;' $120,000 100% s 120,000 100% Caleh Huin Repairs 545,000 50% $90,000 75% s 120,000 IOU'll.. & C Icanin~ I>ilch fCuh'erl S4S,fJOIJ 33'!;, $75,000 67% S I) 0,000 1000'0 C Ie an ini! C u)n:r1lnslallalioD & Unscheduled S40.{JUO 100% $50,000 100% S50,lJOO 1 OO~'e W(lrk o '" M Sublo'" 5 25 0 ,0 0 (I 63-/. S335,OOO 84% $400.000 100-/. Adminhtr.tlon. Englnrerlng, &r. $40.000 27-;. S 135,000 90% 51S0,OOO 100.,.. PIaDnial C .plta' 56(1,0(10" 20-/. SI45,OOO* 48% 5300,000* t 00-1. 1m provtm tDII .. To'" Program 5350.000 41-/. S615,OOO 72% $850.000 100./. Proposed Stonnwater Utility Budget Ouly 29, 2002) Funding Sources Proposed Ac::thity Street Solid Waste WasU Storm Fund Utility Water Utility Budget Utility O&M Street Sweeping so S 120,000 SO SO $120,000 (100% ) Calch Basin Repairs & Cleaning S45,OOO SO SO S45,000 $90,000 (SO'Y. to 75'/.) OitcbfCulvert Clcaning S45,000 SO SO S30,00.o $75,000 (33'/, to 67Y, ) Culvert Installation & S40,000 SO SO S 1 0,000 $50,000 Unscheduled Work o & M Subtotal Sl30,OOO 5120,000 SO 585,000 5335,000 AdmlnlstratloD, Engineering, & 520,000 SO 520,000 595,000 $135,000 PlaDning Capital Improvements so so 560,000 585,000 $145,000 .. Total Stormwater 5150,000 5120,000 580,000 5265,000 5615,000 Program 22 Stormwater Program Additions · Catch Basin Repairs & Cleaning · Ditch Cleaning · Street Utility Worker · Stormwater Manger · Capital Improvements 500/0 . Doubled 1 1 Increased Stormwater Manager Functions · Report to City Engineer, Gary Kenworthy · Update Urban Service and Guidelines - More User Friendly - Develop Residential Credits - Evolve Program · Coordinate Stormwater Program · Develop Comprehensive CFP · Education to Public · Train Crews on Best Management Practices 23 Rate Structure Development and Billing Features · Equitable · Practical · Acceptable · Implementable · Revenue sufficiency Potential Revenue from Stormwater 'Flat Rate' Charge · - 8,000 Equivalent Service Unit Accounts · $3 per month per unit · Projected Annual Revenue: $265,000 · Existing Funding: + $350,000 · Total Projected Funding: $615,000 24 Capital Projects · Catch Basin Improvements (yearly) · Crown Park Overflow · Lincoln St. Storm Drain Rehab · Combined Sewer Overflows $50K $100K $100K $1+M ------------------ · Bluff Stabilization · 10th and N Regional Retention · Lincoln Street Stormwater Drain · Albert St Stormwater · Lincoln Park Flooding · City Wide End of Street Discharges $450K $300K $500K $250K $250K $1.25M Comparison with Typical Single Family Monthly Charge 14.00 u. 12.00 & 10.00 .! 8.00 u ~ 6.00 .r: g 4.00 ::E 2.00 0.00 , "C o o ~ c c >- --I III ~ 8 al ~ III "C C o E "C W c c 0 C C "C c- O) .r: "C .g .s !! 0 c .2 ::> c ::> c > al Qi 32 o ... 1:: 0) lii ~ ::> 0 0) :::iE~ 0 III >- C" E E .r: ::> c Qi (/) :::iE Q. ~ ::> al "C ~ Q. ce III 0) ce ~ J!l cr 25 Stonnwater Utility Fee & Revenue Initial Projections Ouly30,2002) Total Capped Monthly Annual Net Annual Property Descriptions ESUs ESUs Fees Fees Revenues Residential, Business & Mise 7,539 7,335 $22,005 $264,060 $242,935 City of Port Angeles 545 234 $702 $8,424 $7,750 Clallorn County 79 71 $213 $2,556 $2,352 Washington State 198 41 $123 $1,476 $1,358 Federal Government 191 41 $123 $1,476 $1,358 Port Angeles School District 29\ 63 $189 $2,268 $2,087 Port of Port Angeles 849 17 $51 $612 $563 Clallorn Transit 41 10 $30 $360 $331 Hospital & Care Facilities 83 30 $90 $1,080 $994 Library 19 10 $30 $360 $331 Clallorn Co, HiS!. Soc. 5 5 $15 $180 $166 Places of Worship 170 122 $366 $4,392 $4,041 Totals 10,910 7,979 $23,937 $287,244 $264,264 $3.00/ESU; 4,000 SF PER NON.RESIDENTIAL ESU; CAPPED @ 10 ESUs Public Concerns · Why Create a Stormwater Utility ? · Economic Impact · Fee VS. Tax · Exemption of City Facilities · Tenant or Property Owners Billed . Adoption of Western W A Stormwater Manual · Equity btwn Single/Duplex Owners & Others 26 UAC Discussions · Discussed the Requirements · Reviewed the Issues/Consequences · Financial Impacts · Rate StructureIBudget Review · Staffing Plan · Implementation · Ordinance Structure Benefits of a Stormwater Utility · Correct Long Standing Storm water Problems · Improved Environment · Match Funds for Pursuing Loans/Grants · Support Economic and Community Development · Dealing with Unfunded Regulatory Mandates 27 City of Port Angeles Implementation of a Stormwater Utility September 3, 2002 Requirements of Recent Stormwater Regulations (Summary) · Expand erosion and sediment control (ESC) program . Establish water quality guidelines/requirements for new and redevelopment . Provide formal documentation of City activities · Expand facility inspection! condition assessment program . Formalize training program for City personnel . Implement public education and involvement program 28 Forming a SW Utility Addresses Organization and Funding Needs · Focal point for responsibility in ad~essing compfex stormwater management Issues · A stable and known (quantiry) revenue source to fund capital and operational activities · Greater flexibility for equitably assessing charges that are proportional to the impact on environment and! or benefits received · Increase City and public awareness of stormwater related actiVlties and management requirements Stormwater Program Expenses ??? Current Additional Total Annual O&M $250K $350K Capital Program $50K $250K Total Annual $300K $600K Program 29 . CITY COUNCIL MEMO F' o. R' r- -'Pt.' NG'E..'L- E'S' . '. , i! ,I ; I ',.: ~ , ....-" '" :. . i,. ,1;' - I j _ .f 'j : ~,l 1 ,1 - - 1 !, ..: ~ l! I" I : i ~'~ ..-/~ _" .... L'." WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT September 3, 2002 Labor Day Holiday City Council Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting Outstanding Public Service Award Luncheon - VBMCC Board of Adjustment Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Real Estate Committee Meeting 9-11 Remembrance Event - Fourth Street/City-County Observance City Hall opens at 8:30 a.m. Hurricane Ridge PDA Meeting - tentative Planning Commission Meeting Multi-Cultural Task Force Meeting City Council Meeting Parks,. Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Meeting - tentative Real Estate Committee Meeting Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Monday, September 2 Closed Tuesday, September 3 6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5 8:15 a.m. Thursday, September 5 11:30 a.m. Monday, September 9 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 10 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 10 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 11 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 11 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 11 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 12 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 17 6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 19 7:00 p.m. Monday, September 23 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, September 24 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 25 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 25 7:00 p.m. . City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 1 6:00 p.m. tentative: to be verified before next meeting. Reminder: this calendar is projected with regularly scheduled meetings as well as impromptu. As each day goes by, many items will be added or deleted. 133 G:\CNCLPKT\CTYMGR\CMREPT\2002\02-0903.wpd 134 . ,.- . . . . . CITY COUNCIL GOALS - OBJECTIVES - PROGRAMS I PROJECTS (Adopted 12/18/01) Revised 2/5/02 2002 - OUR COMMUNITY WORKPLAN PROJECT UPDATE - AUGUST GOAL: FINANCIAL STABILITY Provide consistent and quality municipal services through the adequacy, utilization, and development of financial resources that maximize return on investment, leverage of outside sources, and equity for local taxpayers. 1. Refinance and/or redevelop LID2ll (Del Guzzi), along with other potential issues, to improve finances and reduce long-term debt liability (****) The outstanding bonds will be financed through LID Guaranty, Control, and Utility Reserves in 2003 to cover debt obligations. The current proposal is to sell the property at a discount to supplement the resources neededfor satisfaction of the debt. The property is listed with our agent, Coldwell Banker, for current sale. Stabilize the Fine Arts Center Budget and broaden revenue support for continuing operations (****) The Joint Operations Committee between the City, Friends & Trustees, has met to review goals and revenues. No change from the last report. Evaluate the financial system software and hardware proposals for operational implementation (****) HTE software implementation has begun with coordination by the Project Manager from HTE and staff. Hardware installation has been done and on-site training with our IT staff has commenced. Specific training on application modules has also begun, with an initial session on Customer Information Systems; and second sessions on Payroll and Accounting/Budgeting. Pursue outside funding sources/grants for capital projects like the Downtown Convention Center, Downtown Parking, planning phase of the Pool Renovation, facilities such as the 2. 3. 4. -1- 135 5. Fine Arts Center and Marine Life Center, Lauridsen Boulevard bridge, 5th & Race signalization, Ennis Creek bridge, non-motorized improvements, and the Carnegie Library renovation (***) The grant request for the Carnegie Library finished with a ranking of 24 out of 58 applications placing it at a recommended funding level between $9,606 - $112,200 depending upon the State budget level. Our application was for over $340,000 with an emphasis on restoration items and interior cabinetry for the. museum operation. WSDOT has informed us that they will fund signal chirpers for the visually impaired at the 5th and Lincoln. intersection. Sen. Murray announced the federal FTA appropriation of an additional $1.5 M dedicated to ou.,. International Gateway Project to enable the parking lid construction and related improvements. The Police Department was awarded a $3500 grant to participate in the "Click It or Tick It" seat belt mobilization School Zone Enforcement Program for September. We also received two Traffic Safety Commission grants for a radar unit and software program totaling $2000. Evaluate the equipment replacement fund and develop a strategic plan (**) No progress to date. Evaluate changes to the business license regulation (*) A Business Registration concept has been developed which would create a data base of information on business types and contacts. For a nominal fee, the City would maintain this information and coordinate it with the Chamber and other agencies. This is still in staff review and needs input from the business commimity as well. Explore options for fire apparatus equipment replacement. No Progress. Due to the high cost of such equipment, the most likely options are continued reliance on bond issues for such apparatus or cost-sharing through use with other agencies like fire districts. Analyze water and wastewater utility rate structure This project has been delayed and is expected to be complete by late September and included in the analysis for Budget review. 6. 7. 8. -2- 136 . . . . . . GOAL: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Promote communications, legislative influence, and agency cooperation with all public entities on the North Olympic Peninsula, as well as State, Federal, and Tribal agencies which impact our community and environment. 1. Pursue Interlocal Agreements for Urban Services in the UGA with the County, PUD, Fire District, and other service purveyors (*******) No progress since last report, however, the County has proposed a model based upon Kitsap County which we are analyzing for modification. Schedule regular joint meetings with other jurisdictions (*******) The next meeting under arrangement is one with the Port Commissioners anticipated in September. The purpose is to concentrate on coordinating economic development efforts. Coordinate and support Elwha mitigation efforts involving Elwha water protection through agreements with the National Parks Service, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and other agencies (***) A Memorandum of Understanding Agreement has been drafted and is receiving final legal review as well as final negotiation review by the National Parks Service and the Tribe. Related assistance with O&M funding has been supported by Congressman Norm Dicks, based upon the intent of the language in the Elwha Act. A position paper is currently being drafted to aid Congressman Dicks in seeking funding support. In addition, the NPS consultants areforming their design team with some local representation. _ Implement the bilateral compliance agreement with the W A state Department of Health concerning GWI and seek alternatives to construction of a water filtration plant (***) A request has been submitted to DOH to modify the BCA to allow the Elwha process to take the place of the City separately moving ahead with the construction of a water treatment plant. It is our belief that we will accomplish the same goal of DOH with the federal project funds through thefederal time schedule. A meeting is being scheduled to further discuss the issue, however, there has been no significant progress this month. Obtain a 5-year renewal permit for landfill operations and continued execution ofthe Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (***) A one year permit has been issued to operate the landfill because the County regulations do not permit multiple years: COMPLETE Implement City Standards in the UGA for plans review, development, testing, and other areas of operational efficiency (***) Discussions continue with Clallam County PUD #1 and the County considering water and fire flow requirements for the UGA. In addition, our two staffs are cooperating 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -3- 137 in the review of a 44-lot sub-division in the Bay Loop neighborhood in the eastern UGA. . GOAL: QUALITY MUNICIPAL SERVICES Organize and provide municipal services that are oriented toward meeting the needs of our citizens, effectively utilizing available resources, and achieving improvements in our communi's uali 0 li e. 1. Develop Stormwater Management strategy and program with utility-type funding options (******) Another presentation on this subject is being prepared for September 3 & 17. Survey the community as to effectiveness of City services No progress to date on an overall survey instrument, although we have instituted a Citizen 's Review Committee for Municipal Code Amendments, and have instituted neighborhood meetings for Parks review. Revise the 5-year pavement management program, and continue the chip seal and street overlay program (******) COMPLETE Strengthen the one-stop permit process through user-friendly code language and assigned staffliaison for significant projects (***) The proposed Municipal Code Amendments were reviewed in Special Session by the Council on August 27th. As a result, major changes to the Sign and Parking codes will be forthcoming later this year. Complete the construction of the Black Diamond reservoir cover and install a new disinfection system(***) The final punch list items remain to be completed. Construct the Peabody Heights reservoir cover (***) Bids were rejected and contract documents will be modified to readvertise in early 2003. Implement a Co-Composting Operations Plan to handle biosolids and yard waste (**) Work is progressing on installing equipment and facility upgrades with a planned commencement of operations in September. Replace the Spruce & McDonald Street Fire Pump Stations CH2MHill hasbeen contracted to perform the design. Clean the interior ofthe water reservoirs (**) - COMPLETE Initiate a WRICOPS study of police services to promote organizational effectiveness With the recent notification to WRICOPS offunding in 2003, it is imminent that . 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. -4- 138 . . . the City will receive a study next year. The date will be set later for our mutual benefit. 11. Implement cost efficiencies with District Court where possible The City Attorney's Office has obtained an increase in court costs and public defender fee assessments to partially offset the increase in court filing fees. In addition, we have emphasized alternatives to incarceration where reasonable such as community service and electronic home monitoring in order to reduce jail costs. 12. Execute phase II & ill of the 300 gallon to 90 gallon conversion program for residential refuse collection The placement continues with phase II expected to be complete by mid-2003. 13. Replace major portions ofthe concrete water main transmission service Agreement with Skillings-Connolly has been executed and the design effort has been instituted. 14. Implement the Water Comprehensive Plan upon State Health Department's approval DOH approved the plan on 4/28/02 for a 6-year period. - COMPLETE 15. Obtain new NPDES permit for WWTP operations The NPDES permit was issued July 1, 2002 and is good until June 30,2007. - COMPLETE 16. Continue Parks Maintenance Plan through miscellaneous irrigation projects, landscaping, and facility maintenance Staff has developed a schedule to review facility maintenance with the first facilities being Harborview, Veteran's Park, Sail & Paddle, City Pier, Erickson Park, and Haynes Viewpoint. 17. Develop procedures for a Customer Assistance Program through the Fire Department to assist "needy" victims of emergency situations COMPLETE 18. Develop an Alarm Ordinance to deal with the incidence of false alarms This ordinance proposal is being developed by the Police Department in a committee led by Det. Bob Ensor and will be reviewed later this year. 19. Explore the feasibility of a Reserve Police Officer Program The Police Department received 18 applications of which 11 were passed through a series of oral, written and physical tests. The Reserve Academy will be conducted at Peninsula College and involves 220 hours of specialized training. 20. Design the project to re-conductor Valley Street A design agreement with the consultant has been executed and is 90% complete with an expected construction in 2003. 21. Replenish the armoring in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers on Ediz Hook to protect the infrastructure. This project is scheduled to start in September after a bid opening set for 8/29. -5- 139 GOAL: EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE . Expand programs and policies that enhance the work environment, stimulate employee performance, and promote customer service to assure the provision of quality municipal services and prepare our employees for the future challenges in municipal government. 1. Administer and negotiate contract negotiations for labor contracts with Teamsters Non- Sworn staff, mEW #997, IAFF for Fire personnel (****) The IBEW contract has been finalized, and the AFSCME and other contracts are in preliminary review for upcoming negotiations. The first session with IAFF was conducted 8/29/02. We are organizing a meeting with all union representatives to discuss a solution to rising health care premiums. The major challenge is to incorporate provisions for the stabilization of medical premium impacts to the employer and employee. Continue Leadership Academy training courses and participation with.outside agencies (****) After a Summer break due to the contract with Peninsula College, we will be restarting courses for employee development in September. HR Resources Selection Procedures will be selectively centralized for recruitment, screening, interviewing, and reference checks for hiring decisions (***) This process is essentially complete with HR review of these applications and participation in a multi-disciplinary approach to working with departments in meeting these needs. COMPLETE Initiate a Police Department awards ceremony for staff and volunteers (***) COMPLETE. Refocus the efforts of the Employee Executive Committee (***) The employee groups to promote improvements and excellence in the City have been organized around the Leadership Academy, Incentives Committee, Safety Committee, and the new Wellness Committee. Outside of a name change and reworking the incentive awards, most of the recent efforts have been in the promotion of wellness. Conduct Diversity Awareness Training With support from WCIA, the City has conducted training on this subject as part of our ongoing commitment to training and risk awareness as an organization. COMPLETE . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . -6- 140 . . . GOAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Develop policies and promote implementation measures that enact our Comprehensive Plan, preserve the character of our community, and provide the necessary public facilities and infrastructure consistent with our vision for the future. 1. Implement the Telecommunications Plan for providing Fiber Optics (***) The Cable TV Franchise was approved by the Council per Ordinance 3116, as well as the fast-track of the City's I-Net system and contract with Capacity Provisioning,Inc. COMPLETE Construct Laurel Street slope stabilization project (***) Construction has been delayed due to concerns about the stability of the proposed structure. We anticipate work to commence in September. Commence design of the Southeast reservoir for the high zone system with the cooperation ofthe Clallam PUD (***) Staffis awaiting results of the PUD Water System Plan before entering into,serious negotiations on this project. There is some concern from the PUD that this project may not be needed, and we will need to reevaluate options. Annexation Plan public outreach and education to be completed, and recommendations to the City Council for final authorization (**) This element has been put on temporary hold while we concentrate on the interlocal service and revenue-sharing agreement issues which may lead to certain alternatives to providing urban services besides annexation. One major concern to the effort has been the State's Supreme Court decision that effectively removes the current petition process from consideration as an annexation method. Expand the UGA to Deer Park area (**) The City's application has been puton hold pending the negotiations regarding revenue-sharing agreement and City standards. The Planning Commission will be reviewing this issue as part of the East Planning Area for the Comprehensive Plan.. Complete the Carnegie Library improvement project and partner with the Historical Society for museum operations (**) The project construction contract has been awarded to Hoch Construction with work commencing on August 22nd. A draft operating agreement has been drafted with the assistance of the Historical Society and will be scheduled for review with the Council. Reactivate the Morse Creek Hydro Facility via lease with private sector and complete environmental reviews (**) All repairs to this facility are now complete with the exception of the tailrace barrier, which has received concept design approval from WDFW The concern is protection of the listed species offish. Discussions on instreamflows still continue. Conduct a Pool Project feasibility study (**) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. -7- 141 A pool steering committee has developed a preferred floor plan and layout for the pool, reviewed operational estimates, and an additional contract for A&E work has been approved. The architect is currently working on exterior elevations and preliminary construction costs. 9. Prepare a Domestic Terrorism Vulnerability & Threat Assessment Plan of operations and risk assessment for our community (**) No Progress to date. 10. Update the Comprehensive Plan per the 5-year GMA review with an emphasis on the Harbor/Downtown planning area (*) Ordinance 3118 was adopted June 17th - COMPLETE 11. Update the Comprehensive Plan for Parks, Open Space, and Facilities The next steps include a citizen survey, stakeholder interviews, and agency workshops to formulate and develop a draft plan. 12. Study ice-skating rink Counci/member Braun has taken the lead in exploring this issue and has conducted at least two meetings with the public on various needs and design parameters of facilities. 13. Update Regional Transportation Plan, CIP, Shorelines Master Program, Zoning, etc. The staff has met with other coastal and shoreline planners to review the status of the State's proposed guidelines. Progress is on hold pending new review. 14. Finalize the contract for the 8th Street Restoration Project Field work has been completed and we will commence close-out procedures for the construction contract. 15. Improve stormwater discharge at vicinity of Crown Park Our consultant has met with WDFW regarding the hydraulic project application, and design is proceeding. Construction will likely be delayed until 2003 to coincide with improvements to pump station #1. 16. Negotiate a floating easement across Rayonier property for Centennial Waterfront Trail (executed) and secure the trail from interference with the cleanup on the site Construction of improvements are proceeding toward completion by September along with the additional work involved in placing the temporary bridge. 17. Complete the installation ofthe Friendship Bridge at Valley Creek Estuary The bridge was installed in time for the dedication ceremony with the Mayor of Mutsu City, Japan on his visit July 29th. Landscaping improvements were completed by Parks crews. The remaining work involves additional plantings, signage, and extension of the trail to the west which will largely be finished by the Soroptimists. 18. Replace playground equipment at Lions and Erickson Parks The old playground was removed on August 13th and work is commencing on undergrounding the power. Thirteen trees have been marked for removal to clear the area for safety concerns and volunteer work is scheduled for September 11 th. 19. Explore the potential for development of an outdoor skate park for area youth The citizen group exploring the feasibility of a skate park has met on three occasions and will be reporting to the Parks Commission on their recommendations. 20. Construct a traffic signal at Fifth& Race Project is being designed in-house for execution in early 2003. , I -8- 142 . . . . . . 21. Construct sidewalks along Front and First near Golf Course, and "I" Street First and Front projects have been advertised with anticipated bid opening in September. "]" Street will be deferred to 2003. GOAL: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Stimulate the community's economy through a combination of policies and programs which diversify the economic base, support the community and resource-based activities, provide adequate infrastructure and support, promote the opportunities for high technology and innovative applications for our business and industrial base, and establish the community's prominence as the service and activity center of the North Olympic Peninsula. 1. Market Del Guzzi property and develop a business plan for use (****) The property has been approved with a preliminary short plat for Ennis Creek Estates, but has been offered for total sale through our real estate broker. The bond repayment in 2003 will be handled through reserve and guarantee funds. Secure the site and construction for the Gateway Project (***) The project is proceeding along with property acquisition tasks as approved per FTA guidelines. Negotiations continue with all property owners. We have also reached the 60% completion phase of the Final Plans & Specifications for staff review. While we are proceeding with the design, we have made utility allowance for the possibility of a second structure to include the Chamber of Commerce as a separate project. Implement the Master Plan for land use ofthe landfill area after its closure in 2006 (***) Discussions with the National Parks Service are continuing concerning placement of the water treatment facilities associated with the Elwha Water Project. In addition, we have made a proposal to the County SWAC for consideration of a waste transfer facility on site. Evaluate Conference Center proposals and establish a public climate for a successful project (**) The State has approved the land exchange to facilitate purchase of this property, and we are awaiting the final marketing plan for review by the City and our consultant, The Chambers Group. One complication has been the opposition of certain local hotel operators to the project and their threat of litigation. The City is proceeding ahead in confidence of our process and await the final deliverables for review by the developer. The 2. 3. 4. -9- 143 project is currently under shoreline review by DOE, and staff is supplying information in support of the application. The developer may also set the building back to further reduce shoreline impacts. 5. Sappho Gap project infrastructure developed with public agency/private participation A $1.4 M grant was received toward the construction of this project, and a ground- breaking ceremony was held on August 9th with various dignitaries including the Mayor and Senator Murray. 6. institute a Small-Business Incubator Project In association with the EDC, the County Opportunity Fund has approved $1,025,000 infunding. In addition an application to EDAfor $1.5M has been prepared. We are working with the Skill Center/Business Incubator Design Review Committee on schematic design. 7. Initiate special event promotions to tourism such as the inaugural Port Angeles Mountain Bike Rendezvous to be scheduled in October. Partial funding has now been secured for the Discover America TV promotional on our community and we are awaitingfurther funding to initiate the program planning. Another upcoming promotion we are assisting is the Port's marketing of Airport Days September Fly-In. The Big Hurt will be held on September 22nd. New Hood Canal Bridge Replacement Impact Discussions continue regarding the potential construction location of the pontoons and anchors for this bridge construction. GOAL: COMMUNITY LIVABILITY Protect, preserve and enhance the quality of living within our community which fosters a commitment toward excellence in environmental, cultural, social, and physical benefits to our citizens. 1. Revise the Alarm Ordinance to allow for consistent interpretation and application (****) Preliminary work on the ordinance is under review by the line officers with Council review scheduled for October. The Fire Alarm Ordinance has been revised to reflect changes in the construction codes and advances in technology. Increase volunteer support for improvements and maintenance of the Waterfront and Centennial Trails (***) Volunteers have assisted in the current project involving placement of the 2. -10- 144 . . . . . . 3. temporary trail easement and fencing along the Rayonier property. Continue Watershed Planning efforts with planning agencies and coordinate with local committees such as WRIA 18, EMMT, and LEG EMMT has reached agreement on watershed recommendations for Valley Creek and Ennis Creek, and will begin review on the Elwha later this Fall. Develop and implement a Playground Safety Inspection Program Staff is reviewing all playgrounds in terms of safety and maintenance considerations and has a certified program - COMPLETE. Review feasibility of accepting septage at the WWTP City and County staff have met and a proposal is being drafted for future consideration. 4. 5. GOAL: COMMUNITY RELATIONS Enhance citizen - government communication in order to promote a more responsive and accountable municipal organization which functions with understanding and support for its constituency. 1. Incorporate performance measures into the annual budget process (****) The Budget process is just beginning and we are planning to incorporate a concentrated effort in tracking performance measures in certain departments. 2. Enhance Police contact in a positive fashion with area youth, especially those at risk, through a series of educational forums at local youth facilities (****) Officers will visit the CHOICE alternative school and the youth detention facility on a regular basis beginning with the school year. 3. Explore the use ofthe Internet for utility billing/financial transactions (***) Deferred until the installation of the billing module for HTE 4. Develop an ad-hoc committee concerning the feasibility of instituting Medic II citizen first aid c1asses.(***) The Medic II/First Aid Class has become an overwhelming success based upon our initial offerings - COMPLETE 5. Continue CAT5 wiring in City Hall to enable voice-over Internet and video conferencing (***) 6. No Report Explore the feasibility of broadcasting City Council and other public meetings on Channel 21 (***) 145 -11- As part of the Northland Cable TV franchise, the City has negotiated certain equipment commitments to facilitate this process by June, 2004 and upon Council direction. The Public Information Committee is also being asked to review policies and procedures for such operations. New Community Multi-Cultural Task Force Under the leadership of Mayor Wiggins, great progress has been made toward identifying task force goals and reviewing other programs that offer benefit to the community in dealing with issues of prejudice. A Statement was adopted by the City and we are participating with A WC in other efforts with other cities. J2~6 . . . RECr::.PJED AUG 2 0 2002 . City ot port Angeles WWW.WFOAORG August 12, 2002 City Manager City Of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear City Manager: . I would like to inform you that Yvonne Ziomkowsld has earned the "Professional Finance Officer Award" for the State of Washington by the Washington Finance Officer's Association. This annual award requires ongoing educational and professional excellence on the part of each individual and is not automatically awarded. Yvonne is committed to achieving educational and professional excellence as acknowledged in the receipt of this award for 12 years. The Association would like to thank you for your continued support and encourage you to, in some manner, recognize this accomplishment. Sincerely, t~ Sandy Langdon PFOChairperson . Washington Finance Officers Association * AwafI,llfJ>gram * c/o Sandy Langdon * City ofMarysville 4822 Grove Street * Marysville * WA ~i70 * 360.651.5017 * Fax 360.651.5030 PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR AUGUST 2002 . CHANGE ORDERS FOR ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Carnegie Library, 97-08 , $1,060,000 $956,898.08* $0.00 $0.00 $956,898.08 2002 Street Paving, 22-06 $250,000 $233,554.50 $0.00 $0.00 $233,554.50 . Compost Equip, 22-12 $80,000 $75,334.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,334.00 Compost Facilities, 22-14 $60,000 $56,926.45 $0.00 $0.00 $56,926.45 Rayonier Trail, 22-17 $100,000 $62,077~90 $17,230.00 $0.00 $79,307.90 Francis Street Park, 21-07 $414,000 $338,239.62 $101,685.77 $0.00 $439,925.39 Laurel Ret. Wall, 96-05 $180,000 $125,951.04 $60,754.30 $0.00 $186,705.34 Mezzanine Const., 22-08 $45,000 $39,089.41 $0.00 $0.00 $39,089.41 $0.00 *Base Bid Only Shown . PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS . (NEXT 30 DAYS, ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN ) PROJECT ADVERTISE BID START END TITLE FOR BIDS OPENING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION East Entrance Sidewalks, 9/4/02 9/18/02 October 2002 N ovember2002 Front Street-Golf Course to Ennis, 20-31 N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRP1\co08-02.wpd 149 . . . 150 l_ . . . FORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: SEPTEMBER 3,2002 / MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTO~f STATUS REpORT FROM Moss BAY GROUP Attached is the August Project Status Report from the Moss Bay Group who is the City's Consultant for the Information Technology operations. 151 . . . 152 . . . . ..~~.rOSS.AYi.'lIaUp Project Status Report August 2002 Project progress during August has been primarily associated with developing an understanding of the operating requirements of the IT department in terms of daily operations, special projects, and ongoing IT resource projects, and work on the network security issue. Network security work has yielded the knowledge that the existing network firewall is unsupported, not optimally configured, and insecure. As an expedient solution to correcting this issue we have arranged for a short-term loan of a network . TasklSubtask % Como/ete Billina Como/etion Date 1. Fix Known Security Holes Review FIW Confiquration 100% $1500 8/02 Develop short-term FIW plan 80% $600 9/02 Review wireless connection risks 80% $1000 9/02 Develop wireless connection plan 30% $750 9/02 ID other security risks 50% $875 9/02 Develop securitv correction plan 50% $1250 9/02 Implement corrective procedures 25% $1000 10102 2. Stabilize network issues Identify network issues 100% $750 8/02 Develop priorities 100% $500 8/02 Implement corrective procedures 25% $313 9/02 3. Define, document & reprior. proiects Meet wIlT staff reo proiect status & details 50% $375 9/02 Develop proiect priorities 50% $250 9/02 Identify resource or technology shortfalls 10% $125 9/02 4. Develop documentation & procedures Outline hypertext shell from MBG master 50% $250 9/02 Identify header sections beqin population 25% $563 9/02 Identify document owner & train on maint. 10102 Develop IT AREF chanae control 10102 Announce & deploy IT AREF online 10102 5. Implement interim management for tasks Meet wI CM, Dept. Heads reo Mission & rea.s 9/02 Inventory IT staff 9/02 Develop gap analysis 9/02 Develop short-term tactical plan & budqet 1 0102 Total billina this report Total billina to date (inclusive of above) . 10f2 153 firewall to be used by the City while a determination of the City's firewall requirements is made. Other efforts in the security area have focused on the identification and initial resolution of a network email issue and preliminary work on a virtual private network (VPN) solution for telecommuting workers. The process to evaluate and assimilate the legacy IT projects has begun. These projects will be prioritized in context of the City's need, and available funding and staff resources. The final project effort has been associated with the beginning of an IT documentation database. . . 20f2 . . ., ... · .li .. . 154