HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/04/2001 :- . ,;'it;:.' "'l' . tl~RTANGELES WAS, H I N G TON. U. S. A. . 'AGENDA ";'i/'",,'F. CIl'YC()lJNC~.~'~,;J3:1JING 321 'EAsT FIFtH STR.EET " ~eptember. 4,2001 REGlJLAR MEETING~'6:00 p.m. ~." '. ~-'i;: ~ A. CALL TO ORDER - RegularMeeting(6:()O p.m.) ROLL CALL- PLEDGE OF, ALLEGIANCE - PUB~ICCEREM()NIES, PRESENTATI~NS AND PROCLAMATIONS' , ' 1. Proclamation in Recognition of16"UBabe Ruth girls 2. Proclamation in Recognition of the United Way ofClallam County B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLAC~.I,>i()~Tm~O!!;FY1;mu:AGENDAS (By Council, Sta.rrQrI?~blic)AND PUBLIC COMMENT~FOR ITEMS'NQtON'f.i\.~ENnA';(This is the opportunityfor inembers?Jfth~ public to speak to the Ci~founcilCfq~llt anythi,,!gjiot on the~ agenda, please keep cqrrime{}ts\to '5-' 1 0 l1JJriUt~.) Read 'Proclamations -.'r,.: \,"') ')<. . D. FINANCE Gravel Removal at Landfill, Contract with BI1lch and Bruch ' .', Cf".:. ,~" F. CITY,COUNCIL COM,WTTEi:,rP",:,Q!!I!rl;;!7 G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC ' HEARINGS 1. Reconsideration of Street Vacation - (8 - J 0,' 17 Crossover) Compensation, (8 -10 Crossover) related to the Future Home Builders Project 2. Treatment of Sludge from the abandoned' 37 Neah Bay lagoon Approve Agreement / Adopt o.rdiilance Adopt Ordinance .. 5 Approve Contract E. CONSENT AGENDA iiI" City Council minutes of August 21,2001 7 . NOTE: HEARlNGnEVIC:ES ^"AIE'~IJEx:I1:~R.TI!OSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYO~TOriETERMfNE:-TiME:OF BREAK., ' _ ~eptember 4, 2001 Port AfigeIes CitfCoUricil :M~etiIIg , .(, ' Page - 1 RESOLUTIONS.., . <: Resolutiomsetting ~;puBlic'heanifg for October 4, 2001,for consi~leratipIl9flS~~~!Ya~~ti.on : . .,~ __-'"o.:~.:} ,~~ 'i_~ '~~.Jl-Y 'W.-'{;, '-{:~~:.., ::. -'!:<,f"" Petition:" STY 0 1-04: Hopfnef':Portion of Grace Street 45 Set Public I. <>!HER CONSID~~TIbNS '~r.'>S~lusJ~quipmeiiC"~" ...... ... .... Eiectric'Utility Rates,SerIiublic Hearing ..,; .-';"_ :-:\.A..:.:y:.>_,,_.,_ :,:,'.'-', ..,::'_<..A-, ".~ ,0' Hold Public,Hearing 51....... ;.53 Authorize Surplus ;,,' <~<";,,."\::!:(T-':Y:\ ":"; ;- ",;SetPllblicHearing ~~::;'l~~~~'!I~/~:;'~;~:';;'_'; . PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI':JUDICIAL ,(7:00 RM. or soon:there~fter}if'" ....:....~ . . K. P,UBLIC HEARINGS -OTHE:R~. Street Vacation Petition - STV'hi -03: Peninsula . Bottling, 3/4 alley in 'B1ockZ2:TPA.. 55 L. INFORMATION . 1. City Manager's CalenqaJ'(<:;?unci1qo~l~/Pr&ject StatusRepQ~.&age;7.9/81) * Change orders 1 C(}ntfab'ts'..15K (page 85) / . * Information on 1-747:' ~a~~~7) ..'. "',(1".., " * Human Resource EmploYment pepartment Quarterly Repottj200 l(t:(page 89).. ~~"i . '-':,,;:::';":':;-~:}<:";-; _:'::_ _ .,,:," _ " - " _ ,(~.~:<, ",'::}:"~\'" "t" -' 2. PeninsulaInternational'Relatio~s'AS~Ocilltion QuarterlyR~~or!;:-September 2001 ~age 91) 3. Humane Society Report::JulY::200H"(Page:93) . t', ". 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Riepe y. Ziomkowski ~ 04JiL ~ v v V +- Ef V' vi' September 4, 2001 , 4J~ Da~. I - III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: 1<<;-.11 &~~ ~ ~~ · FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE OF MEETING: September 4.2001 LOCATION: CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster City Council Chambers ~ q-] t-, Cj'1J6- ?U. /I~sr / / / I 2- vJ. j:2 (ft ( ( . ffJ- ~(a Co .s~~\%vz..~ (lL /3?..-u ~'- \J~ s+ ?tS"J ~y' PA I CJ ~ 1vt,I, pY- (J A City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES OrdinancelResolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. City Manager City Atty. (1) Planning City Clerk (2) Deputy Clerk (1) Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir .1M gr . Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summarv) Extra Copies I TOTAL ./ J ../ , ~ ~ 1M M I ,..RI' M M J . 4-~' 0 0 J . vi t;J. ~' 0 0 k)A.A ... - ~-r\J ,,_ L'VJ .. (/ L.. ,~,.,., 'i It! 1/ ,,!) ~ J/ ~/ C/ City Council Meeting of September 4. 2001 ~~ . Ii III 11.+-" ::rr V 1'\. . ~A ...... II (I.'.,... ~ / ~ Iv' ~ J~-'" \ ~T\J ..41... .- i Jll'\ <I hJ ,/ I ./ ,7 IV" .:;/ V 17 IV' , V' / ~v" 1/ ,!J vV' ~ 7 ~ t/ / / /7 .7 /- 4; Dn J \1"[7/ ~At- .J( \V J v' / - " (( ~ . . I ~ I II . ! i I d ~ i I .i Whereas, Whereas, Whereas, f I I f I Whereas, \Vhereas, 'i' "i"" PRO C LAM A T ION In Recognition of 16-U Babe Ruth Girls of Port Angeles the sport of softball expresses the heart and character of America, and for many years has been properly recognized as our Nation's pastime; and Babe Ruth Softball is a program of service to the youth of our community, dedicated to teaching sportsmanship and the competitive will to win, as well as furthering physical fitness and well-being through healthful association with other athletes under proper leadership; and players, managers, coaches, officials, parents, umpires, and countless others work together in an atmosphere of wholesome community activity to provide valuable training for the participants, and entertainment for the spectators; and it is with great pride and enthusiasm that we recognize the Port Angeles 16-U Babe Ruth girls in their capturing fourth place at the World Series in Abbeville, Louisiana, putting Port Angeles on the map and making their hometown very, very proud; and in giving the girls their hard-earned praise, let us also recognize the adults who gave encouragement and support, be they parents, teachers, or civic leaders. They are all part of the team that makes things happen. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Larry Doyle, as mayor of Port Angeles, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby urge all citizens to recognize the efforts of these very special girls. Their dedication to the sport "Softb -has-,rned t their place in history. We are very proud of them. /j.-/], . .1"P~ September 4, 2001 Larry Dqy ,Mayor t/ 1 ~ Number Name Age 31 Jodie Jones 16 46 Carla Collins 15 48 Janessa Roening 16 56 . Erin Clawson 16 57 Julia Cheney 16 58 Holly Diimmel 16 59 Amy Mattie 16 61 Maressa Lammie 15 62 Audrey North 15 67 Jenna Huston 15 74 Liz Dryer 15 76 Chelsea McHone 16 77 Machon Craver 16 78 Britney Senf 15 79 Brynn Partridge 16 . Coaches Jim Cheney Jim Jones Phil Collins Dan Roening Port Angeles 16-U Babe Ruth Softball is 6 - 0 in tournament play, so far this year, outscoring their opponents 65 . 6, with tremendous team defense, and outstanding overall team speed. The girls on this year's team have been playing together for the last 4. 6 years, always striving to reach a World Series, representing the Port Angeles Youth Softball Leagues. Offensively, the bats have really come alive during State and Regional competition, outhitting the opposition 65 .16, and using their great speed to take the "extra base", over and over again. On defense, the girls committed only 3 errors and have given up only 10 walks, making the other teams work very hard for each of the runs they were able to get. This is truly a "once in a lifetime" experience for the players and cOaches of the Port Angeles softball team, they are all looking forward to competing against the best that the rest of the Babe Ruth world has to offer. Whatever the outcome of the games that are played, you can rest assured that our young ladies will represent the City of Port Angeles, the State of Washington and the Pacific Northwest Region at the highest level possible. (!)~ Tf'\-t:" <.{eAtt. { ~p... AI\f("&<'P~ WAS J (liJlIII.!i. {2. (4 Utl'~ I OU'tScu..wlJ. ~ e'-(.l. A S r0 0 ~ ,\-t(. W€:1 r ~ 1~\S;~~S . . 'tr<eclt 6PfctJ~TS CJ <{ - IS' FINISH IN ~ 1 WA.S~ IrJl,.1'"tl~ S l-,('tf C'-IA-WlpS ( &:. 'K~G-.\ 'bN~ \... ~ ~l\ S A-I\J.t) d ~ H- r 1 Pl^(~ DA()~- Rv.."tE{.. LJCI(tL~ ~l~~/~f. "fur ~AC.lflc A'l -f-t~ & . . . . ~.!~;;:'l" PRO C LAM AT I ON In Recognition Of United Way of Clallam County WHEREAS, United Way ofClallam County is dedicated to enhancing the ability of the pe?ple to live safe, healthy and productive lives; and WHEREAS, United Way of Clallam County has been the major fundraiser to meet local health and human service needs since 1952; and WHEREAS, United Way ofClallam County is committed to addressing local health and human care issues at their root cause; and / WHEREAS, United Way of Clallam County partner agencies provide services to more than half the people in Clallam County. WHEREAS, United Way ofClallam County has proven itself to be a responsible and sensitive steward of donated funds that the citizens of our community so graciously give. Without these funds, our community family would be much less secure. United Way's response to our community's needs has been performed without thought to race, color or creed, being t~u/y devoted to the people. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Larry Doyle, on behalf of the Port Angeles City Council, do hereby proclaim the months of September and October, 2001, to be United Way of Clallam County Recognition Months in the City of Port Angeles. It is with great pride that we urge all citizens to sup 9rt The United W y of Call am County in achieving its mission. / . / / 3 . . . .4 . ,t" .' '.. ,- Bay Loop Neighborhood Association c/o Jessica Schreiber, Registered Agent 3161 Greentree Lane Port Angeles, W A 98362 Submitted to the City Council at its meeting 0/ September 4, 2001, by Jessica Schreiber, Vice President o/the Bay Loop I Neighborhood Association August 16,2001 Port Angeles City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 To the Honorable Mayor Larry Doyle and Members of the Port Angeles City Council: James Hulett Larry Williams Glenn Wiggins KatWeen A. McKeown Orville Campbell Lauren Erickson RE: ANNEXATION This letter is written on behalf of the Bay Loop Neighborhood Association, a nonprofit corporation in Washington State, formed in 1993 for the purpose of protecting the quality of life in our residential neighborhood. Our geographic boundaries include the area north of Highway 101 between Lees Creek Road to the west and Larch Street to the east. We wish to express our concern about the plan under consideration by the city to annex the urban growth area east of the City of Port Angeles. Our membership, with few exceptions, resides within the area that the city seeks to annex. Annexation is therefore a matter of substantial interest to us. It will affect governmental services and regulations as well as property tax levels. Increases in property taxes will have an indirect but significant effect on rents and the cost of local services, so it will affect Bay Loop residents who do not own property as well as those who do. It is our strong conviction that a decision of this magnitude must be decided in an election by the registered voters who will be affected. The process and procedures used to decide annexation must be fair and democratic. We are disturbed by statements from city officials that annexation will not be put to a vote, and that the city intends instead to use a petition method based on the assessed valuation of property in the annexation territory. The petition method outlined in RCW 35A.14.120 allows the decision on annexation to be made by owners of property with a certain amount of assessed value, rather than by registered voters. Instead of following the time honored democratic practice of one person, one vote, annexation by the petition method would be based on the questionable mechanism of one dollar, one vote. .. #10 -2- August 23,2001 The petition method gives large businesses and corporations, such as Wal-Mart, Safeway, Les Schwab and the K-Mart Plaza a far greater voice in deciding annexation than the citizens who actually live in the area. Owners of sixty percent of the valuation of the property in the area to be annexed would determine the outcome. Our concern is heightened by the knowledge that several of the commercial enterprises with the highest assessed property valuation have been required to sign Pre-Annexation Agreements as a condition for the city not denying them access to the PUD water supply. In the plain language of the Pre- Annexation Agreements, these signatures constitute a petition for annexation. In contrast, the election method outlined in RCW 35 A.14.015 allows annexation to be decided by three- fifths of the registered voters of the territory proposed for annexation. The election method affords all residents in the proposed annexation area who are registered to vote the opportunity to effectively exercise their franchise. We see no compelling reason why the ci ty should allow property owners, several of whom are large corporate chains and absentee land owners, to have greater rights in deciding annexation than the resident registered voters who will be deeply affected by the outcome. Our view is supported by Washington case law. In City of Seattle v. State, 103 Wash.2d 663, 694 P.2d 641 (1985), the Washington Supreme Court held that allowing property owners in an area to block an election on annexation violated federal and state equal protection clauses. Justice Dimmick, speaking for the majority, wrote: The courts have also expressed a concern as to the effects of the denial of the right to vote on the integrity of the democratic process. (Citations omitted.) Protectionfor the integrity of the political process, as well as individuals' rights, is within the zone of interests protected by the equal protection clause... The City does have a direct interest in the fairness and constitutionality of the process by which it annexes territory. City of Seattle, P.2d at 647 In City of Seattle v. State, the Boeing Corporation sought to prevent annexation of its main plant to the City of Seattle. The Court cited a Fourth Circuit opinion invalidating a statute which allowed rejection of annexation by the vote of property owners to override approval by the vote of all residents. If property owners cannot prevent annexation, the converse must also be true: Property owners cannot force annexation by blocking an election that would allow voters to exercise their rights. It is well settled that a state does not have a compelling state interest in granting greater voting rights on the basis of property ownership, even if the results of the election will affect property taxes. City of S-ttle, P.2d at 647 The Court also based its holding on the state privileges and immunities clause which "does require that otherwise qualified voters who are significantly affected by the results of an election be given an opportunity to vote in that election." City of Seattle, P.2d at 647 Annexation affects general governmental authority in an area. Non- property owners will be significantly affected by the decision...The State may not restrict the vote to property owners either directly, through limitations on the right to vote, or indirectly, by giving a particular class the power to prevent an election. City of Seattle, at 648 2 . " .fr .# ".i~ -3- August 23,2001 This letter serves as notice to the elected representatives of the City of Port Angeles of our expectation that annexation be put to a vote before the city proceeds any further with annexation plans. The election method outlined in RCW 35A.14.015 is the legally appropriate mechanism for deciding this issue. The members of the Bay Loop Neighborhood Association believe that fundamental fairness requires that annexation be placed on the ballot to be voted up or down by the registered voters who reside in the area most affected by the outcome. Respectfully yours, ~~ Jessica Schreiber, Attorney at Law Vice President Bay Loop Neighborhood Association 3 . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. C IT Y CO U N elL M EM 0 DATE: September 4, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Landfill Cover Soil Excavation Contract Summary: The Landfill permit requires soil to cover the municipal solid waste. Stockpiled soil supplies have been exhausted. Our consultant has determined that sufficient quantity and quality of soil is available on site. Quotes to excavate the soil were requested and Bruch & Bruch Construction, Inc. submitted the low offer. Recommendation: Approve a one (1) year contract with Bruch & Bruch Construction, Inc. to excavate soil in an amount not to exceed $34,440 and authorize the Mayor to sign the contact. Backl:round I Analysis: Soil is required for daily cover, intermediate cover, construction of access roads, tipping pads, and final cover at the landfill. By using alternative daily cover (yard waste and tarpaulins) the amount of soil usage has been greatly reduced from past years. The reduced estimated yearly amount of soil required is approximately 8,200 cubic yards. A grading plan and soil balance study was completed by Parametrix, the City's consultant. The purpose of the study was to define soil requirements needed for landfill operations, and final closure utilizing available on-site soil. The plan evaluated the types of soil available and provided a sequence plan for excavating the soil. The study found all of the soils needed for operations (less road work) available on site but it must be excavated. City resources are not available to perform this operation. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain these services via a contract. Quotes were requested from contractors on the small works roster. The low offer was Bruch & Bruch Construction, Inc. at $2.87 (tax included) per cubic yard. Funds are available within the current budget for this contract. ,(" 5 Th Ii 11 t bl t . th It f th e 0 owmg a e summanes e resu s 0 e quo es. Contractor Cost per CY Tax@ Total Cost Estimated 8.2% per CY Ariiiual Cost , Airport Quarry $4.50 $0.37 $4.87 $58,440 Aldergrove Const. Inc. $4.85 $0.40 $5.25 $63,000 Bruch & Bruch Const. $2.65 $0.22 $2.87 $34,440 C & J Excavation No Response Horizon Excavating $3.28 $0.27 $3.65 $43,800 Primo Const, Inc. $4.25 $0.35 $4.60 $55,200 R. J. Services No Response N :\PWKS\SW ASTE\LANDFILL \LandfillExcavationCCMemo _A. wpd . 6. . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: Council Goals and Objectives >'\'; CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 21,2001 Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, and Y. Ziomkowski. Public Present: A. Harrison, K. Rogers, L. Lee, T. Price, G. Lund, and E. Nelson. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Williams. None. Council Goals and Objectives: Manager Quinn opened the discussion on the Council Goals and Objectives, noting that the budget serves as a meaningful policy document in implementing the goals and objectives. With the use of a powerpoint presentation, Manager Quinn defmed goals and objectives and the process for establishing both. He reviewed current trends, such as emerging technology, demographics in terms of an aging population, and migration from urban to rural areas. At a time when there are many national, regional, and local issues, there is also the added dimension of increased public scrutiny. There is also a trend toward more public/private partnerships in meeting the needs of communities. Manager Quinn identified challenges facing the City, and he advised the Council the City's budget is more performance oriented. The City is challenged in terms of sustaining revenue in order to create an environment for economic development. Transportation and capital improvements are major issues for the City, and it is critical to balance capital facilitieswith the operational needs of the budget. Further, there is an increasing need for social services. Manager Quinn emphasized the need for providing cost efficient services and, to that end, funds presently saved in City operations are being dedicated to capital projects. A total of $1.6 Million has been put back into capital projects, and Manager Quinn cautioned the Council that the City may not be able to keep up that same pace and the amount may decrease over time. He indicated the Budget Committee will do a great deal of work identifying those projects identified by staff for inclusion in the Council's final list of programs and projects. The discussion was directed to the Council's current goals, all of which were briefly - 1 - 7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21,2001 WORK SESSION: Council Goals and Objectives (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Rezone Application - Lund Ordinance No. 3094 '8. reviewed for the benefit of the public. Councilman Campbell indicated the Council should set its goals in order to accomplish much more than the status quo. A great deal of discussion centereci around the goal of fmancial stability, with commentaries being . made as to the need to maximize the life of all equipment, the need to resolve the annexation issue as soon as possible, and the fact that employee COLAs may not necessarily be ongoing in view of current fmancial conditions. In the area of intergovernmental relations, Councilmembers stressed the importance of adhering to a meeting schedule with all of the various agencies. On the matter of community development, Manager Quinn cited the excellent opportunity to let the Comprehensive Plan guide the cOn:ununity in its future direction as relates to land use, the waterfront vision, and the like. He noted the current Comp Plan was written prior to the time Rayonier closed, so the new plan will need to address the future utilization of that property. Planning Director Collins provided a status report on the City's application to extend the eastern UGA. Attention was then directed to economic development, and it was suggested that the Council may wish to consider amplifying the objectives by the inclusion of targeted completion dates. Additionally, Mayor Doyle suggested a strengthening of language in the City's "support" of the Economic Development Council. Manager Quinn suggested more substance in terms of public/private partnerships that can be pursued in the interest of economic development, such as public facility districts or tax increment fmancing. It is intended that the Council will be given periodic report cards on efforts toward economic development. Community livability was discussed, and it was suggested the Council include the project of the pool renovation. The matter of neighborhood planning was addressed, something which is being conducted by virtue of the annexation effort. Director Collins indicated staff could incorporate a public outreach to neighborhoods during the Comprehensive Plan update. It is, however, difficult to sustain such an effort in the . absence of sufficient time and resources. Manager Quinn pointed out that less organized neighborhoods may receive fewer services and benefits as compared to those that are fully organized. Brief discussion followed on the subject of community relations, at which time Manager Quinn reviewed potential growth for Channel 21. He indicated there is the possibility of increasing the number of programs available on the channel, to include the showing of City Council meetings. The associated costs have not yet been identified. In summary, Manager Quinn asked the Council to provide their input on suggested programs and projects for inclusion in the Goals and Objectives. Mayor Doyle reviewed the time frame as relates to the budget process. Rezone Application - Lund, 520 and 522 South Race Street: Request to rezone two Townsite lots from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided in the packet, and Director Collins informed the Council that this request is for a relatively small rezone. He explained some of the documents contained in the packet and noted the rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Director Collins indicated the Planning Commission was divided on the issue. Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Esther F. Nelson, 71 Deer Haven Drive, Sequim, stated she is the owner of rental property at 815 E. 6th Street. She indicated a rezone for this property was considered a year ago, and a group of neighbors signed a petition in opposition. The rezone was ultimately not approved. With regard to this application, Ms. Nelson expressed concern in that the area was lacking in parking. Additionally, with the requirement of mailbox . -2- . PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: (Cont'd) Rezone Application - Lund Ordinance No. 3094 (Cont'd) . LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: Refunding GO Bond and Electric Revenue Bond . '1 ;">~'p';:'~:\:; i <;c",:'; 'i); ;"';~,~:I;,~;~)~~;~;,t :."'~,':~lrtf7tli~{fi$,~),q!'" ,- CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21,2001 ,~~;. \~:~J~i.~{:;'\',< . placement at the cMarking would be further reduced. Ms. Nelson felt the current applicant could later sell the property, resulting in further unwanted development. Clarification was later provid~d t? ,Ms. Nelson that the placement of mailboxes was a requirement of the U.S. Postal Service, not the City. Fran Lund, applicant, advised the Council that discussions had been held with Planning staff as to the sufficiency of parking. Director Collins responded there would be sufficient off-street parking for the four housing units that potentially would be allowed. There beirig no further testimony, Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 7: 12 p.m. Discussion followed on the merits of the rezone, how it would meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, and how it would relate to plans for Race Street to become an alternate route for trucks. Director Collins pointed out there are a number of multifamily units in the area. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Doyle as to whether this would constitute a spot rezone, Attorney Knutson indicated that the courts would need more than a size factor in considering a spot rezone. There are two key factors in determining the legality of a rezone, whether it meets the Comprehensive Plan and whether it is in the public interest. Councilman Williams expressed confusion on the future of the Race Street corridor and the zoning compatibility of what is envisioned. After further limited discussion, Mayor Doyle read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3094 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning property located in Block 194, Townsite of Port Angeles, from RS7, Residential Single Family to RMD, Residential Medium Density, and amending the Official Zoning Map, Ordinance 280 I as amended. Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 14 and Conclusions A - E, as set forth in Exhibit U A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously. The following items were added to the agenda: Item 1.5. - Committee for Review of Convention Center RFPs; Item 1.6. - Discussion about developments of the Gateway Project; and Item D.5. - Transmission Losses for Avista Power Purchase. 1. Refunding GO Bond and Electric Revenue Bond: After Mayor Doyle provided a brief summary of the information on the bond refunding, Finance Director Ziomkowski advised the Council that interest rates have been lowered to a sufficient level for the City to look at early refunding of the bonds in order to effect a substantial savings. In seeking an underwriter for the refmancing, two responses were submitted to the City, one from Banc of America Securities and one from Seattle Northwest Securities. Director Ziomkowski introduced Mr. Steve Gaidos, who has been assisting the City in this endeavor. Mr. Gaidosadvised the Council that the two proposals were reviewed thoroughly, and it is recommended that Seattle Northwest Securities be chosen as the underwriter, particularly because their experience in electrical and refmancing is very well known. The cost of the refmancing is lower with Seattle Northwest as well. Finance Director Ziomkowski summarized the expected level of savings, and Mr. Gaidos reviewed yet another bond that will be eligible for refinancing in two to three years. He further summarized the upcoming refunding process for marketing the bond issue. The offer will come before the Council for fmal acceptance, and the Council was queried as to - 3 - 9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 2001 FINANCE: Refunding GO Bond and Electric Revenue Bond (Cont'd) Solid Waste Container Bid A ward Assumption of Solid Waste Services - Upper Golf Course Road Annexation Area Purchase Street Mower under Coop Agreement With City of Seattle Transmission Losses for A vista Power Purchase '1-0 whether a special Gouncil meeting could be arranged if necessary to which the Council agreed. Council".l~~ Wiggins moved to select Seattle Northwest Securities as the underwriter for the refinancing ofthe 1992 and 1995 Electric Utility and 1991 and 1992 Voted Gener'al Obligation bonds and to authorize staff to proceed with the . sale of bonds if deemed appropriate. The motion was seconded by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously. Clerk's Note: Later in the meeting, Attorney Knutson returned to this item by informing the Council that a new ordinance authorizing the sale of the bonds will need to be adopted. Director Ziomkowski indicated there was a possibility the matter would be ready for the second Council meeting in September. 2, Solid Waste Container Bid Award: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities, and Director Cutler informed the Council that he had thoroughly reviewed the protest filed on the bid submitted by the apparent low bidder. The protest was related to the type of material and the configuration of the container bid, and Director Cutler felt the proposed container would meet the requirements of the contract. After further brief discussion, Councilman Campi>ell moved to award the contract to Toter Incorporated, authorize the May?r to sign the contract and the Director of Public Works & Utilities to purcha~e the 90-gallon trash containers. Councilman Williams . seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3, Assumption of Solid Waste Services - Upper Golf Course Road Annexation Area: Upon completion of Mayor Doyle's review of the information provided, Director Cutler advised the Council that State law allows the City to assume services in an annexed area after seven years. Certain tasks must be completed; however, the City did not follow through with all of. the necessary steps. Therefore, staff negotiated with Waste Connections, and the City will service the annexed areas under certain conditions, all of which were set forth in the proposed solid waste disposal contract amendment. It was noted that the Utility Advisory Committee had recommended approval of service delivery and the contract amendment with Waste Connections. . Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the assumption of solid waste services for the annexed areas on upper Golf Course Road and authorize the City Manager to sign an amendment to the solid waste disposal contract with Waste Connections. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Purchase Street Mower under Coop Agreement with City of Seattle: Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum provided on the purchase of a street mower and, referencing his comment earlier in the meeting, he queried as to whether the entire unit was in need of replacement or could the life of the tractor be extended. Director Cutler responded that both the tractor and the mower were in need of replacement. After brief discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the ordering and purchase of one tractor and boom mower from the City of Seattle utilizing the cooperative purchasing agreement, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $75,000.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. 5. . Transmission Lossesfor A vista Power Purchase: .(' Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum provided on the transmission losses for A vista - 4- . . . FINANCE: (Cont'd) Transmission Losses for A vista Power Purchase (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Break ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: City Investment Policy Resolution No. 15-01 ; ':h':I{~"GZft[i:~);;~~~~\~'f~t1~.~%~~~;;~<'" 1~'~;~t~~~i~.~~;~t'~\j\\f::;' " CITY COUNCIL MEETING' August 21,2001 , ....,.'...-..,,','.'". -;:,) ~.,;,~,"i~~~:":' Power. Director Cu plained the process by which power losses are returned to the Bonneville Power Administration. The BP A is no longer offering transmission losses as an ancillary service at prio~ty fmn rates, but it will do so at a cost of $45.00 per Mwh for a' one~year period. TIle City was just notified of the situation early in August, and there is a short window of opportunity to take action. Therefore, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign a confirmation with the Bonneville Power Administration to provide transmission losses for the City's Avista power supply for a one-year period, starting October 1,2001, at a cost of $83,641.23. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council minutes of the August 7, 2001 meeting; 2) Check Register - August 10,2001 - $1,737,358.61; and ,3) Wires - August 10, 2001 - $1,170,479.58. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and carried unanimously. Councilmembers Hulett and Erickson had no report. Councilmember McKeown, serving as the Council's representative on United Way, announced an award of$175,000 to the Haller Foundation for disadvantaged children. The Hospice program also received funding. Councilmember McKeown offered kudos to the Public Works staff for the energy conservation program. Councilman Campbell reported that he and Councilman Williams attended a meeting regarding a proposed Valley Creek restoration and realignment project. He also attended a meeting of the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority who is negotiating for the purchase of a new office building. CouncJlmembers Wiggins and Williams reported they attended several meetings, but had nothing substantive to report. Mayor Doyle attended the commissioning of the USCGC Adelie. In addition, he attended a meeting on the renovation of the pool. Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m. None. 1. Adoption of City's Investment Policy: Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum from Finance Director Ziomkowski on the matter of the revised Investment Policy being proposed for adoption. Director Ziomkowski indicated it is timely to revise the policy, particularly because the current policy is ten years old and there are new requirements that need to be included. Additionally, the City's investment portfolio has changed significantly. Director Ziomkowski reviewed some of the changes incorporated in the policy, and discussion followed concerning the City's investment practices. Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 15-01 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,' Washington, adopting the City's new Investment Policy - 5 - 11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21,2001 RESOLUTIONS: (Cont'd) City Investment Policy Resolution No. 15-01 (Cont'd) City Financial Management Policy Resolution No. 16-01 SCADA Sole Source Resolution & S & B Contract for Installation Resolution No. 17-01 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days Agreement '1-2 an~. rescinding Resolution 30-91. The Investment Poli~y had been previously tabled, so Councilman Williams moved to take the Inve~twent Policy from the table. The motion was seconded by . Councilmember F;ri~kson and carried unanimously. Councilman Williams then moved to pass th~ :liesolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Eric.kson and carried unanimously. 2. Adoption of the City's Financial Management Policy: After Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided in the packet, Director Ziomkowski advised the Council that the revised Financial Management Policy reflected new reporting standards, as well as a change in the City's goals. In addition, the threshold for capitalization has been increased over the years. Discussion followed on the GASB 34 ". (Government Accounting Standard Board) standards being incorporated in the qty this coming year. Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 16-01 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City's new Financial Management Policy and rescinding Resolution 29-91. Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. 3. SCADA Sole Source Resolution & S & B Contract for Installation: Mayor Doyle provided a brief review of the information provided on the SCADA Project, after which Director Cutler reviewed the purpose of SCADA and the purpose for the sole source designation. The Utility Advisory Committee' had forwarded a recommendation for approval. Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled . RESOLUTION NO. 17-01 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating S & B, Inc., as the sole source for the design, acquisition, and installation of additional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System facilities for the City's water system and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements. Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title and to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with S & B, Inc., to complete the work for a price not to exceed $60~000, including tax. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. J. Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days Agreement: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information on the Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days, an annual event co-sponsored by the City and the County with funding assistance from the DOE. Director Cutler pointed out that the City has not used all of the allocated funds available in the past. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the 2001 agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum 'of $8,500 toward the cosfofthe Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days Event. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams, which carried unanimously. . - 6- .;. 1- . . . OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Bridge Funding for 8th Street Bridges Contract A ward for Electric Underground Conversion on Ediz Hook, Phase I ~';';l'" : 'i= .,\'~ \:^',.,)_(r.J;:~~":< CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21,2001 ".... ,"-~ '---'-):-}!:~~;\?" 2. Bridge FUlraihgfor 8th Street Bridges: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities, and Director Cutler informed the Council he felt it appropriate to advise the Council as to potential sources of funding for replacement of the 8th Street bridges, the total cost of which is estimated at $7.8 Million. After discussing the sources, Director Cutler indicated it will take a long time from design to replacement. He further indicated there are potential sources of funds from the City in terms of other projects set aside, scaling back of yearly paving programs, or setting aside funds in every budget year. Lengthy discussion followed, with a question being raised by Councilman Wiggins concerning the life of the current bridges with the weight limitation imposed. Director Cutler responded the bridges can likely last another 5 - 10 years, noting that part of the problem is the fact that changes have been made in design criteria, something which could happen again. After further discussion, Councilman Williams moved to authorize the Director of Public Works to submit applications to Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC), Transportation Improvement Board (Tffi), Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF), and other funding sources for funding assistance design and construction of replacements for the 81h Street Bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creeks. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett. Discussion ensued on the anticipated length of construction and the method by which the City would assure movement of traffic during the construction effort. Director Cutler indicated a great deal of preliminary planning will be required, and Councilman Williams suggested that Clallam Transit be consulted as relates to the impact on the bus traffic. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Contract Award for Phase I of Electric Underground Conversion on Ediz Hook: Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum provided by Public Works & Utilities, after which Director Cutler related how the project had been identified in the budget a number of years ago, and it was felt it would be more cost effective to do the project in phases. In the ensuing discussion, Director Cutler was asked why this project was not done during the construction of the Waterfront Trail. Director Cutler indicated there was insufficient funding available at the time. In this instance, it was hoped the undergrounding could be done off the Trail; however, due to underground conflicts and hydraulic permit restrictions, it will be necessary to do the installation under the Trail. Lengthy discussion followed, and Director Cutler informed the Council that some funds will be forthcoming from Qwest for their portion of the work. Councilman Wiggins inquired as to whether the City ever challenges decisions regarding the hydraulic permit and other environmental issues. Director Cutler indicated the City does open communications with the regulatory agencies and, in some instances, changes have been agreed upon. Attorney Knutson advised the Council there is a process for appeal, and the Council expressed interest in receiving further information on the appeal process. Councilman Williams referenced the Council's goals and objectives, urging preliminary planning so that projects in the same area can be pursued simultaneously. Mayor Doyle indicated the Utility Advisory Committee had recommended approval of the contract award; however, the recommendation was not unanimous. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the $120,825.04 contract with Potelco, Inc., of Sumner, Washington, for the construction of Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I. The motion was seconded by Councilmember McKeown. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried 6 - 1, with Councilman Wiggins voting in opposition. -7- 13 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21,2001 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Pilot Testing ofElwha Municipal Treatment Options Committee to Evaluate Convention Center RFPs Gateway Project PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: INFORMATION: "_4 4. Pilot Testing of Elwha Municipal Treatment Options: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information in the packet, and Director Cutler advised the Council the City has come a long way with regard to the water treatment system. Originally, Olympic National Park took the position that a temporary water treatment system would suffice and could then be removed once all sediment had settled following dam removal. The position has changed so that a permanent water treatment system is to be installed and, to that end, several water systems have been reviewed. . Two systems have been chosen as the most appropriate for the City's situation, and it is necessary to conduct testing to satisfy Department of Health requirements and to ensure that the treatment system selected will meet the needs of the City. The ONP will pay for the testing, and the City is to be reimbursed for staff time associated with the testing. After further discussion, Councilman Williams moved to concur with Olympic National Park's decision to pilot test the Actiflo and Superpulsator treatment processes in order to determine the best municipal treatment facility to be installed under the Elwha mitigation process. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. 5. Appointment of Committee to Evaluate Convention Center RFPs Councilman Wiggins suggested the appointment of a committee to evaluate the Convention Center RFPs. He suggested the appointment of Councilman Campbell as Chair, as well as Steve Oliver, Jim Haguewood, John Brewer, and Bob Harbick. He noted all of the individuals are current members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. The committee would be responsible for recommending a review process. Councilman Wiggins moved to appoint the above individuals to a committee to review the Convention Center RFPs. The motion was seconded by Councilmember McKe,own and carried unanimously. . 6. Gateway Project Councilman Williams reported on his attendance at a meeting on the Gateway Project, at which time a couple of downtown property owners came forward and proposed a public/private partnership in establishing an underground parking garage behind the tavern in Tidelands East. The parking area could then be covered with a lid for the plaza. The committee agreed to re-examine the issue, but Councilman Williams noted that many committee members had varying opinions as to what had transpired. Lengthy discussion followed, and Manager Quinn informed the Council that the project was moving to fmal design. Because of this change in position, staff will need to identify the cost differences and try to identify new sources of funding with the help of the property owners. A meeting has been scheduled with the Federal Transit Authority to discuss all of these issues and determine what the Transit Authority will fmance. Manager Quinn expressed hope the issue could be resolved in 30 - 45 days. It was noted there is another meeting on Gateway this coming Thursday, and discussion will be held regarding the need to make this as cost effective as possible. The Council was advised that a report on the meeting will be forthcoming. None. City Manager's Calendar / Report: Manager Quinn indicated the Real Estate . Committee meeting will be held on September 17, not September 11. The meeting with the Victoria City Council has been set for September 14, at which time discussion will be held on tourist promotion, special events, and linkages with Victoria. The Babe - 8 - . . . INFORMATION: (Cont'd) ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 2001 }:Vt: will be honored at the September 4 Council meeting. Councilman.Campbell offe~~d. kudos to Finance Director Ziomkowski and the accountirig staff for the favorable. audit report. Discussion was held on information items in the packet, to included sidewalk grant funding, the GWI Filtration A voidance Proposal, and.the Council photo selection. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:50 p.m. to discuss litigation for less than 15 minutes. The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:06 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:06 p.m. Larry Doyle, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk - 9- 15 . . . -f .16 . MEMO OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Michael Quinn City Manager [4501] Sharon "Sam" Martin Executive Administrative Assistan [4500] Becky 1. Upton, CMC City Clerk / Management Assistant . [4634] Tanya O'Neill Information Services [4630] Robert Coons Human Resources Manager [4511] Timothy Smith Economic Development Director [4804] Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant [4510] . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: August 30, 200 I TO: City Manager Quinn, Mayor Doyle and City Council ~ Timothy J. Smith, Economic Development D~ Reconsideration of Street Vacation Compensation (SIlO Crossover) related to Future Home Builders Project FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Last year, a street vacation was approved authorizin the vacation of unopened right-of-way commonly known as the SIlO Crossover. The street vacatio allowed the development of single family housing in conjunction with a program that the No Peninsula Building Association (NPBA) and the Port Angeles School District have sponsored to teac the skill of home building. Since the street vacation, an actual appraisal of the subject property been conducted. The Future Home Builders have requested the City reconsider the compensatio amount set earlier, reducing it in favor of the certified appraisal. After consideration of the reque the Real Estate Committee recommends that the compensation amount be based on the apprais value. The Real Estate Committee recommends Council approved the reconsideration of th com ensation which would reduce the com ensation amount from $1.43/s . ft. to $0.93/s . ft BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS: Late last year, as a result of a petition for street vacation received from the Port Angeles School District, the City Council authorized the vacation of unopened right-of- way commonly known as the 8/10 Crossover. The Crossover is located between "H" and "I" Streets and between Sth and lOth Streets. The street vacation put the property back on the tax rolls so that it could be developed into single family housing in conjunction with a program that the North Peninsula Building Association (NPBA) and the Port Angeles School District have sponsored to teach the skill of home building and general lot development techniques. At the time, compensation for the street vacation was based on an estimated value which was recommended by the Real Estate Committee. The estimated value of the property was based on an earlier street vacation of a portion "H" Street which lies immediately adjacent to the subject street vacation under consideration. The "H" Street vacation, which had occurred a few months earlier, was based 'on an estimate of$20,000 per lot. . Since the street vacation, an actual appraisal of the subject property has been conducted by a Certified Real Estate Appraiser subject to a sale of the property from the School District to the NPBA. The appraisal (attached) set the value of the lots at $13,000 each. On behalf of the Future Home Builders Program, Linda DeBord has requested the City reconsider the street vacation compensation amount in favor of the certified appraisal (see attached letter). After consideration of the request, the Real Estate Committee recommends that the compensation amount be based on a value of$13,000 perlot, which equates to $1.86 per square foot. Since the City policy at the time of the original vacation was to set compensation at 50% of the estimated base value, the reconsidered cost would be reduced from $1.43/sq ft to $0.93/sq ft. Original recommendation: $20,000 divided by 7000 square feet x 50% = $1.43 Recommended reconsideration: $13,000 divided by 7000 square feet x 50% = $0.93 17 . . . 1-8 Borrower NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION File No. 001204 I PmoIlrtv Adliess XXX WEST 10TH STREET -->", CIv PORT ANGELES r.;;;-..; CLAUAM Sti! WA 1ill Code 98363 Lender NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION APPRAISAL AND REPORT IDENTIFICATION . .' '" This appraisal conforms to QD.Il of the following definitions: ~ Complete Appraisal (The act or process of estlmallng value, or an opinion of value, performed wllhoUllnvoldng the Depanure Rule.) [J Limited Appraisal (The act or process of estlmallng value, or an opinion of value, performed under and resulting from InvaIdng the Depanure Rule.) This report is QD.Il of the following types: o Self Contained (A written report prepared under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of a Complete or Umited Appraisal performed under STANDARD 1.) ~ Summary (A written report prepared under Standards Rule 2-2(b) of a Complete or Umi1ed Appraisal performed under STANDARD 1.) o Restricted (A written report prepared under Standards Rule 2-2(c) of a Complete or Umited Appraisal performed under STANDARD 1 for client use only.) Comments on Standards Rule 2-3 I eertiy that. to. the best of my kIIlwllldge and belief: . The statements of fact cortIined ilthis report are true and conect. . The reported cmyses. opiions, and coraJsilns are Iiniled oriJ by the reported assumptions and Iimiing conditions, and aremy personal, impartial. and unbiased prolesskmal analyses. opi1ions and coraJsilns. . I have no (or the speclied) present or prospecIPie iterest ilthe property thai is the subject of this report. and no (or the specIied) personal mrest wIh respect to the parties irwoHed. . I have no bias wIh respect to tne properly thai is the subject of this report or the parIies involved wIh this assignmeri. . My engagemenlll this assqI1IeIt wlIIlIll COIiilgeri upon deveklpiv or repoItirJ;j predelenniled resulls. . My cornpensalion for cornpIelilg this assi!JImelt is not coningert upon the deveIopmeri or JeportiIg of a predelenni1ed vakle or dinlction II value that fMrs the cause 01 the can the amount of the value opiion. the aIlaimleri of a stIpuIDd resuI, or the occunence of a subsequeri event dillctly reIaled to the milled use olthis appraisal. . My anatf$es, opi1ions and coraJsilns were deveilped and this report has been prepared, il COIiormly willi the Unifolln Standalds of ProlessianaI AppIaisaI PrcI:lice. . I have (or have not) made a personal i1speclion of the property thii is the subject of this report. . Comments on Appraisal and Report ,Identification Note,any departures from Standards Rules 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, plus any USPAP-related issues requiring disclosure: SUPERVISORY APPRAISER (only If required): Signalulll: Name: Date SIgned: Ste CertIUiln II: or State license II: Ste: ExpRiJn Dale of CertIUiln or license: o Ok! 0 Ok! Not Inspect Property . APPRAISER: ~ =1ll~OBE~~i ~~ Date Signed: DECEMBER 11. 2000 State CeI1Iicaion II: 270-17FUNSTRA492B9 or State License II: State: WA ElIpialiln Date of CerlIicaion or License: 1/29/2001 Funston's ProIessklnaI Servi:es Form 102 - "TOTAl 2000 for WlIldows' appraisal software by a Ia mode, inc. -l-800-ALAMOOE 19 SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL TIiE APPRAISER CONDUCTED AN EXTENSIVE MARKET ANALYSIS, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION ALL FACTORS KNOWN AND/OR MADE KNOWN TO HIM WHICH WERE FELT TO HAVE A POSITIVE OR ADVERSE EFFECT ON TIiE SUBJECT PROPERTY. A VISUAL INSPECTION OF TIiE SUBJECT'S IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD AND SURROUNDING AREA HAS BEEN CONDUCTED, AND ANY INFLUENCES JUDGED TO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON TIiE VALUE OR MARKETABILITY OF TIiE SUBJECT PROPERTY HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED. TIiE APPRAISER CONDUCTED A PHYSICAL INSPECTION 0 F TIiE SUBJECT IMPROVEMENTS AND A VISUAL INSPECTION OF TIiE SUBJECT SITE TO DETERMINE TIiEffi FEATURES, PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, QUALITY, AND GENERAL CONDmON. 1liERE ARE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS OF THE INSPECTION THAT SHOULD BE NOTED: . (1) the appraisal on the subject propeny does not serve as a warranty on the condition of the propeny; (2) it is the responsibility of the purchaser to examine the propeny carefully and to take all necessary precautions before signing a purchase and sale agreement (contract); and (3) any estimate for repairs is a nonwarranted opinion of the appraiser unless otherwise stated. TIiE APPRAISER IS NOT A QUALIFIED EXPERT IN SUCH MATTERS AS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER - lNG, PEST CONTROL, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, SITE STABILITY, SOILS ENGINEERING, ET., AND NO WARRANTY IS GIVEN OR IMPLIED WITH RE-SPECT TO TIiESE MATTERS... NO SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPRAISAL. TIiE IMPROVEMENTS ARE ASSUMED TO BE LEGALLY LOCATED ON TIiE SITE. A COMPREHENSIVE SEARCH INVOLVING COUNTY RECORDS, "THE CLALLAM COUNTY DIGEST," AND CURRENT LISTINGS, PENDING SALES, AND CLOSED TRANSACTIONS AS REPORTED THROUGH REALTORS AND LOCAL MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE, WAS CONDUCTED TO FIND TIiE COMPARABLE SALES USED IN TIiE APPRAISAL. AN EXTERIOR INSPECTION OF TIiE SALES WAS MADE BY TIiE APPRAISER, AND WHERE REASONABLY POSSffiLE, PARTIES TO TIiE TRANSACTIONS WERE CONTACTED TO CONFIRM THE DATA OR ANY UNDUE INFLUENCES INVOLVED IN THE SALES. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES ARE BASED ON TIiE "MARSHALL AND SWIFT RESIDENTIAL COST HAND BOOK" AND COST ESTIMATES PROVIDED BY LOCAL BUILDERS IN CONJUNCTION WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENTS. TIiE COMPILED DATA FROM ALL SOURCES HAS BEEN ANALYZED WITH MOST RELEVANT FACTORS GIVEN CONSIDERATION. . DELIVERY OF TIiE WRITTEN APPRAISAL REPORT TO TIiE CLIENT CONSTITUTES COMPLETION OF THE APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENT. PURPOSElFUNCTlON OF THE APPRAISAL THE PURPOSE OF THIS APPRAISAL HAS BEEN TO DETERMINE TIiE OPINION OF MARKET VALUE OF THIS PROPERTY AS OF TIiE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS REPORT. THE FUNCTION ACCORDING TO OUR UNDERSTANDING IS THAT TIiE REPORT IS TO BE USED BY OUR CLIENT FOR POSSffiLE SALE. . ~ .20 ;'i"i'~e:~~i1~r~'l;,t-~t,m':J~ij:r~/{';1:",:,::-",{S - ;'Y/-i-:'~f~,\:ii:~fW~?t~1~~:-~+! . DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: Tha most probable prEe wIich a property should bri'I;I iI a compelINe <lid open rnartcet under all conlblns requisiIB to a fair sale, lI1e bllylll <lid seller, each _ 1JIIICldf, knowledgeably <lid BlIIlIDllll1e prEe is Illll aItect8d by urWe stinu~. Implicl iI thiS dlMiln is lI1e COllSUIIUlIlDln cl asaie as cl a specIied d*<IId lI1e passDll clllle from seier to blrjlll W1der cordilns whereby: (1) blrjlll <lid seier ore ~ rnolNDl; (2) both pHS. arewdl iiormed 01 \Vel aMSed,neach _ iI whiIl he COl&lers his own best nmst: (3) a I8a'iOI13bI! line is atJwed for exposure i1l11e open rnartcet; (4) paymeIt is made i1lBl1l1s cl cash iI U.s. cilIIiIs 01 i1lBl1l1s cllN1cia/ ~ compRlle lherelD: <lid (5) lI1e prEe represeris lI1e normal consider.iion for lI1e propeIly saki unaIfecIed by. special 01 creiiive liIiItiYJ or sales concessilns* pied by ~ associated wlh lI1e sale. · Adjuslme/1lS to lI1e com_1es must be made for special or cre3iYe fiIanci1g or sales concessilns. No iKl;ustmens ere necessaIY for lIIl5e costs wIich ore normaIy pail by sellers as a resuI cl lr.dion 01 law iI a rnartcet na: these costs ore ruliIy iderdiable since lI1e seier pays lhese costs iI viluati all sales tr.na:lions. Special 01 cJeaIive fiIanci1g iKl;ustments C31 be made to lI1e Cll/11IlRlIe property by compnons to fiIanci1g lBlIlIs olfered by a lIWd paty iIsliutionaI IerIler that is not already invoNed iI lI1e plOpeft)' or lr.rIsal:tion. Any adjustment should not be calculamd on a mechanical doIar for dollar cost 01 lI1e filancing or concessiln but lI1e doIar iIIIOUnl cl -.rt adjustment should appIOlIim2 lI1e lIIiIIall's reaction to lI1e fiIanci1g or concessilns based on lI1e apjlIaiseI's judgemert. STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS AND APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: Tha appraisers certilicaion that appears in lI1e appraisaJ report is subject to lI1e folklwDll condililns: 1. Tha appraiser wul not be responsible for rnaIIm 01 a legal nalure that affect either lI1e pilipeft)' beDll appraised or lI1e tilIe to it. The appraiser assumes that lI1e IIle is ~ <lid marXlllable iIXl, lherlIfore, will not rmler -.rt opinions about lI1e 1Ile. Tha propeIly is appraised on lI1e basis 01 I being W1der responsIlle ownelShip. 2. Tha appraiser has provided a skelch iI lI1e appl3isal report to show appIlllIimae dimensions oIlI1e improvemellls aOO lI1e sJ(eb:h is included only to assist lI1e reader clll1e report in visualizir'llll1e propeltj' aOO undersl3nding lI1e appraiser's delerminiiion cl its size. 3. Tha appl3iser has 8lliIIIIiIed lI1e ~Ie 1klod maps that ore provided by lI1e Federal EmeIlJllIlCY Management AgMw:y (or other daIa SOIIrces) and has nolBd in lI1e appraisal report whether lI1e subject sIe is kx3rJd in an iIerdIed Special Fklod Hazard Area. Because lI1e appraiser is not a SUMl'/OI, he 01 she m*s no guRiees. 8lIpreSS 01 implied, regring lIis demrmi1alion. . 4. Tha appraise! wUI not givll1Bslimony or appear in court because he or she made an appl3isal oIlI1e property in question, unless speclic amIlgeI118I'dS to ckl so have been made beforehand. 5. Tha appraiser has estimaIed lI1e value clll1e land i1l11e cost approach al its ~ and best use aOO lI1e implllVemenls alll1eir coriribufory value. These separate valuations 01 lI1e land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with any olI1er applaisal and are invalid W they are so used. 6. The appraiser has nored in lI1e appraisal report any alverse coOOilions (such as, needed repairs, deprecialion, lI1e presence 01 hazardous wastes, - substlnces, etc.) obselVed during lI1e inspecOOn oIlI1e subject plOpeft)' or that he or she became aware 01 during lI1e normal research involved iI performing lI1e applaisal. Unless otherwise stied in lI1e appraisal report, lI1e appraiser has no knowledge 01 any hidden or unapparent condililns 01 lI1e property or iKlvelliB environmental conditions (1IlC1udilY,j lI1e presence 01 hazardous wastes, toxic substlnces, etc.) that would make lI1e plllperty more or less valuable, and has assumed lhal lI1ere ere no such coOOilions aOO makes no guarantees or wananties, 8lIpreSS or implied. regarding lI1e condilion 01 lI1e plOpeft)'. Tha applaiser will not be responsible for ant such conditions that do exist or for ant errJineering or testing that might be required to discover whell1er such conditions exist. BeclIlSe lI1e . appraiser is not an expert in lI1e field of environmentll hazards, lI1e appIaisaI. report must not be consideled as ill environmenl3l assessment clll1e property. . 7. Tha appraiser obtained lI1e normalion, eslinares, <lid opirions that were 8lIpreSSed in lI1e applaisal report from sources that he or she considers to be reliable and believes them lD be true and correct. The appraiser ckles not assume responsibility for lI1e 3CCUr..:y of such items that were furnished by other parties. 8. The appraiser will not disclose lI1e comnts cl lI1e appIaisaI report 8lICejlt as plllVided for in lI1e Urilorm Slandards 01 Pro!essilnal AppralsaI Practice: 9. The appraiser has based his 01 her appraisal report and vaIualion conclusion for an appraisal that is subject to saIisIacloIy c:ompIeliln. I8jlCIirs. or aIter.DJns on lI1e assumption that compleIion of lI1e improvemens wUI be performed in a workmiI1IikIl mamer. 10. Tha appraiser must provide his or her pOOr WIII8n consert before lI1e lenderlcienl spechd iI lI1e appraisal report can distrIlIdB lI1e appraisal report (1lC1ulilg concmions about lI1e property value, lI1e appraiser's Iderdy and prolessilnaI ~ arxI references to ~ proI8ssional appraisal 0IgilI1izm1s 01 lI1e fim wlh wIich lI1e appraiser is assocliied) to anyone other lhiIlll1e borrower; lI1e modgagee 01 Is SUCCllSSOIS arxI assigns; lI1e moIlgage insurer; consularts: prolessIonaJ appraisal DIgiIIlzlDJns:. ~ ste 01 federally approved ~ instIIdiln: or ant departmeri. . agency, 01 InstrumertaIy cllhe UMed Stes or -.rt ste orll1e Dislrict cl CokJmbia; a:ept that lI1e lenderlcienl may dislrilule lI1e propeIly descliption secIion clll1e report orit lD dala colleclion 01 reporting ~(s) wIhout having to obtain lI1e appraiser's prior wrilml consent. The appraiser's wrillen consent aOO ~ must also be obtained before lI1e applaisaI CiI1 be corrieYed by anyone to lI1e public through ~ publi: relaOOns. news, sales. or other mecIa. . Fteddie Mac Form 439 &-93 Pagel 012 f;mie Mae Form l004B &-93 Funston's Prolessilnal Selvices Form ACR - 'TOTAL 2000 for WiOlW5" appraisal soIIne by a Ia mode, i1c. -l-aoo-AlAMODE 21 APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: The AppI3iser certifies and aglee5lhat 1. I 11M researched the subject marIIlll ina lnl 11M selected, a minimum of line ~ sales of pIOjleIties most sinilar lnl proxin2! to the subject ~ for collSiler.iion in the sales compnon analysis lnl 11M made a dollar adjustmeri when applOflliaIe to rdIect the marIIlll ru:;OOn to lIIlse iI!ms of ~ vlliiDln. tt a significart m in a compRJle property is superior to, or more IifIorabIe 1han. the subject property, I 11M made a negaIPie adjuslmenl to reduce the adjusted sales price of the comparable am. f a sigrificanl item in a comparable property is infeIiJr to, or less favorable lIlan the subject property, I 11M made a posMive iKljuslmenl to i1cJge the adjuslBd sales price of the compRJle. 2. I 11M taken no considerDln the faKs tI1ii have ill in~ on vakJe in my deveIJpmenl of the estimae of mar1cel value in the appraisal report. I 11M oot krowingty' wti1heId iIIrf sigrificanl iiorm<iiln from the appraisal report ;n! I believe, to the best of my krowledge, tI1ii all statements ;n! irIonnalion in the appIaisaI report lie true lnl conecl 3. I staled in the apprcIisaI report rriI my own personal, unbiased, and professiJnaI analysis, opinKlns, and conclusions, which are subject only to the conlirY;lenl and limiting condiOOns speelied in tIis form. 4. I 11M no Plesen! or prospectNe Hmst in the property tI1ii is the subject to tIis report, and I have no Plesen! or prospectNe personal Hmst or bias will respect to the ~ipans in the transaction. I did oot base, eIher partiaItf or completetf, my analysis W'or the eslimaIe of marlcel value in the appraisal report on the ~, coklr, religion, sex, hiI1dicap, lirnilial status, or r1iDlnaI or9n of eIher the prospecliYe owners or OCCUpal1s of the subject property or of the Plesen! owners or occupanls 01 the properties in thevi:inily of the subject property. 5. I have no present or contemplated ful1ue mresl in the subject property, and neither my cum or future empbymenl nor my compensatiJn for performing tIis appraisal is COliingeri on the appraised vakJe of the property. 6. I was oot required to report a predetBnni1ed vakJe or directiln in value tI1ii tNors the cause of the client or anj reIaIed party, the amouri 01 the value eslinaIll, the atainmenl 01 a speeR: result. or lhIl occurrence 01 a subseQilert even! in order to recelve my compensatiJn W'or empbymenl for peIformi1g lhIl appraisal. I did oot base the appraisal report on a Jequested mininum vaIuaIion, a speeR: vaIuaIiln, or the need io approVe a speeR: mortgage klan. 7. I performed tI1is appraisal in coriormily with lhIl Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice tI1ii were iKlopted and promulgaled by lhIl Appraisal Stnlards Board 01 The Appraisal FourGlion and tI1ii were in place as of lhIl eIfeclNe die of tIis appraisal, with the exception of the departure provision of lIIlse Stnlards, wI1ich does oot apply. I ackrowledge tI1ii an eslimaIe of a reasonable time for exposure in lhIl open marlcel is a condition in the dIIfiniIion of madcIll value and the eslimaIe I develJped is consist!lII wIh the mmting line noted in the neighborhood secliln of tI1is report, unless I 11M otherwise sted in the reconciliation secliln. 8. I have peISOnaIt{ inspectl!d the irerlor and exIerior areas of the subject property and the exIerior of all properties listed as comparables in the appraisal report. I further certry tI1ii I have noted iIIrf appni or krown acNeIse COI1liions in lhIl subject inprovemeris, on the subject silE, or on iIIrf sIB' wiI1in the inrnedioie vic:i1iIy of the subject property of which I am aware and 11M made iKljustmenls for these acNeIse condiOOns in my analysis of the property VB to lhIl 8ldBIt tI1ii IIl<Il marIIlll evidence to support them. I 11M also commelied about the elfecl of the adYeISe condiOOns on the l11aI1<eIabiliy oIlhIl subject property. ~ 9. I personalt{ prepared all conc~ and opinions about the real estIIe tI1ii were set forth in the appraisal report. tt I relied on signific:anl ~ assisIance from anj indNiduaI or indNk1uaIs in the peIioInmce of the appraisal or the preparation of the appraisal report, I' have named such individual(s) ;n! discloSed the speeR: tasks peIforrned by them in the reconcilialion secOOn of tI1is appraisal report. I certily tI1ii anj individual so named is qualified to perform the tasks. I have oot authorized anyone to make a change to anj item in the report; therefore, I an unauthorized change is made to the appraisal report, I will takll no responsibifily for ft. SUPERVISORY APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: tt a supervisal)' appraiser signed the appraisal report, he or she certifies and agrees thai: I directly supervise the appraiser who prepared the appraisal report, have reviewed the appraisal report, agree with the slaIements and conc\usions of the appraiser, agree to be bound by the appIaiser's certiIic:alilns numbered 4111rough 7 above, and am taking fuR responsibuily for the appraisal and the appraisal report. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED: XXX WEST 10TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 APPRAISER: =re~~~pJ~ Dae Signed: DECEMBER 11,2000 Stile CertficaIiln II: 270.17FUNSTRA492B9 or Stile License II: Stile: WA ExpiraIion Dale of Certificaliln or License: 112912001 SUPERVISORY APPRAISER (onl, If required): Signalure: Name: Dae Sigled: Stlle Cerlificaliln II: or Stile License II: Stlle: ElcpiIaIion Dale of Cerlification or License: o Did 0 Did Not Inspect Property . Freddie Mac Form 439 6-93 Page2of2 Famie Mae Form 10048 6-93 '22 Form ACR - "TOTAl 2000 for Windows' appraisal software by a Ia mode, inc. -l.800.AlAMODE ",,:.<t::1: ,}~:,'~'iJ.'-E~~' ;."'\:"'\\;}";':"';7:::;i\t.'HVt'<,:':!lf::,'J{\'i~ -- ,,", '.,-',.--" ','''''' . SUMMAilY OF SALIENT FEATURES . SUbject Adciess XXX WEST 10TH STREET Legal Desc~ TPA, BLOCK 306. LOTS 16 - 20 PORTION OF PARCEL" 063000 030670 Cily PORT ANGELES CoIIIt1 CLALLAM SlaIe WA Zip Code 98363 Census Tract N1A Map RIlfmnce N1A Sale Price S TO ESTALSH Dale of Sale Borrower! CIillnI NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION l.eOOeI NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION Size (Square Feel) Price per Square Foot $ Localion URB/AVE - . A~ - Condition Total Rooms Bedrooms BaIhs Appraiser ROBERT FUNSTON Dale 01 Appraised VakJe SEPTEMBER 15. 2000 FiIaI Eslinre of Value S 78.000 (All six lots) $13,000 each . ,(' Form SSD - "TOTAL 2000 for Windows' applaisaI soIIWlIe by a Ia mode, inc. -1-800-ALAMODE 23 LAND APPRAISAL REPORT Su Bonower NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION Property Adibss XXX WEST 10TH STREET cay PORT ANGELES Cowty CLALLAM Still WA legal Desc~ TP BLOCK 306 LOTS 15 .20 PORTION OF PARCEL" 063000 030670 Sale Price S TO ESTALSH De at Sale I.lm Tenn ~ )'IS. Property RVis Appraised 0 Fee 0 t..easehoId 0 De Mirimis PlJD AcluaI Real Este T3lIIlS S N1A (yr) I.lm cIages III be paid by seller S Olher sallis COII:lISSions LerxlerICIieri NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION Adciess P.O. BOX 7" PORT ANGELES WA 88382 llecupat AilIXaiser ROBERT FUNSTON Instrudilns III Appraiser TO DETERMINE THE OPINION OF FAIR MARKET VALUE OF THE PROPERTY TO ESTABUSH VALUE. I.oc3iln IJIba1 Subu~ RUIlII Bul Up 0 Over 75\ l'8J 25\ III 75\ 0 uroer 25\ Growth Rae 0 Fully Oev. 0 ~ 0 SImj l'8J Sklw Property VakJes 0 IrmasOJ [gJ Sbille 0 0ecmJ llemm'Supptt 0 SIllItage [gJ In Balance 0 Oversupptf MNling Tme 0 UIIlel 3 Mos. [gJ 4-6 Mos. 0 Over 6 Mos. Pmert I..all Use ~\ 1 Famitt _\ 2-4 Fantj -.!\ Apts. _ \ ConOO _\ Commercial \ Industrial 5\ ViI31I \ _ Chqeil"-rtI..allUse [gJ Not~ -0 ~(O) (0) From To [gJ Owner 0 TeniIIl _\ ViI31I S 75 III S 275 Ptedominanl Value S 110 ---'!.. )'IS. III -1!. yrs. PIedominanI Ar/J 20 yrs. . !:nus Tract N1A N.P.B.A. Fie No. 001~ Map Refmnce N1A ~ Code 98363 o TakDJ ~ (0) EmpIoymert Stability Colwel1ience III Em~ CorrieriIlnce III SIxlppi1g Colwel1ience to ScOOoIs AdIlqua:y at Public TJaRSpOIl3lion RecrHiJnal Facilities Adequacy at UliIities Property Compatibility I'1olecOOn from DebimenIaI Conditions Police and Fie ProtecOOn General Appearance of Properties Appeal to MaIIcet Good Avg. Fair Poor 0000 D00C D00C LJ00D 0000 O~DC 11000 Ok8Jno 0000 0000 C~OO 000LJ Predominant Occupancy 5ingIe Familt Price Range 5ingIe Fanitt Age Commms ilcludiBJ llIlse factors, favOI3ble 01 urRvoolble, atecti1g rnaJllBlabilily (e.g. public padcs. schools, view, noise): SEE ADDENDUM o Sq. R. 01 Acres Comer Lot Present ImplOYemenIs [gJ do 0 do not COIioIIn to ZOIing ~1mIs EIec. Gas Water San. Sewer The undersigned has recited lIvee recent sales of properties most similar and proximaIe to subject and has considered lhese in the market analysis. The description ilcUIes a adjustment reflecting marXel reacliJn to llIlse iems of signiil3II variDln between the subject and comparable properties. tt a siJnificanl item in the comparable property is su to or more tworable than the subject property, a minus (.) adjustment is made thus reduciIYJ the indicaed value of subject; ~ a slgMicanl item in the comparable is inferior to 01 less tworable than the subject property, a plus (+) adjustment is made thus ilcreasing lI1e indicaed value of lI1e subject. PERSNL INSPECT DESCRIPTION 9/15/2000 URB/AVE 7000 EAlUNIMPRVD LEVEL-SL T undltn WATER AVAIL NONE BLACKTOP/AVER 000 ITEM SUBJECT PROPERTY Address XXX WEST 10TH STREET PORT AN Proxim' to Sub'ect Sales Price Price Data Source Date of Sale and _ Time Adjusbnenl locum S' IllW TOPOGRAPV lffiLmES IMPROVEMENTS ACCESS Sales 01 Fi1anciIYJ Concessions Net. IndicDl Value of Subject Comments on MaIIcet Data: .000 13 000 Commms and Conditions of Appr.lisal: THE APPRAISER ASSUMES A HOME CAN BE BUILT ON EACH SITE USING TYPICAL BUILDING SETBACKS. OWNER IS TO PROVIDE A NEW PARCEL NUMBER FOR EACH LOT AS THE EXISTING PROPERTY INCLUDES _ SEVERAL PARCELS. SEE EXTRAORDIANRY ASSUMPTION. Fi1aI Reconcilialiln: SEE ADDENDUM I unMAn 11Ie MAUE1' YAUI!, AI; le...e.. Of lU&leCT PIIONDY AI Of SEPTEMBER 15. 19 2000 to be S 78000 All (see eddendum tor Finel Reconciliet Review o Old 0 Old Not PITfsicaIIy Inspect Property '24 FunslDn's ProIessiJnaI Services Form lNO - "TOTAL 2000 for WIl1doWS' appraisal soltwiIll by ala mode, ilc. -1-800-A1AMODE . ''$!!'':;''\'i~!:~j~ft~~[j;ll'''fA'W1D''RAISAL REPORT MARKET DATA ANALYSIS COMPARABLE NO. 5 N.P.B.A. Fie No. 001204 COMPARABLE NO.6 .e 500 . ,_/It! . furI5ton's Professional Servi:es Form LND.(AC) - "TOTAL 2000 for Wnlows' appraisal software by a Ia mode. inc. -1 ~ALAMODE 25 Ilonower/Ciert NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION PmIlfJItv AltRss XXX WEST 10TH STREET CIv PORT ANGELES COtJ.wCLAllAM SID WA 7in Colle 98363 lender FIRS.T FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN Supplemental Addendum File No 001~ . NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENTS - . THE MARKETING AREA IS GENERALLY THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES. THE BOUNDERIES RANGE FROM T NORTH OF THE FOOTHILLS OF THE OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS, SOUTH OF THE PORT ANGELES HARBOR, EAST OF "N" STREET, AND WEST OF GOLF COURSE ROAD. HOMES IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA VARY IN STYLE, VALUES AND SIZES, BUT MOST ARE IN THE MIDDLE RANGE OF VALUE. PROPERTIES ON THE UPPER PARCELS HAVE VIEWS OF THE PORT ANGELES HARBOR, WHILE MANY OF THE PROPERTIES IN THE CITY SHARE A VIEW OF THE OL YMPICMOUNTAlNS WHEN NOT OBSTRUCTED. SITE VALUES IN THE CITY TEND TO INCREASE ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF VIEW. UTILITIES IN THE CITY INCLUDE CITY WATER, ELECTRICITY, TELECABLE AND PHONE. PORT ANGELES IS THE COUNTY SEAT, WHERE THE AMENITIES OF SCHOOLS, SHOPPING, EMPLOYMENT, AND ENTERTAINMENT ARE FOUND. PORT ANGELES HAS EXPERIENCED AVERAGE GROWTH OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS DUE IN PART TO RETIREES MOVING HERE. RECENTLY, RETIREES MOVING INTO THE AREA HAS SLOWED REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF QUALIFIED BUYERS. PROPERTY VALUES IN OUTLYING AREAS APPEAR TO HAVE STABILIZED. THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN PORT ANGELES AT THIS TIME IS GOVERNMENT; DAlSHOWA IS THE LARGEST PRIVATE EMPLOYER. RAYONIER MILL CLOSED ITS DOORS ON MARCH 1, 1997 EFFECTING SOME 350 EMPLOYEES. ADMIRAL MARINE FILED FOR BANKRUPTCY IN FEBRUARY OF 1999 EFFECTING AN ADDITIONAL 140 EMPLOYEES. IT IS STILL UNKNOWN IF THESE LAYOFFS ARE EFFECTING THE LOCAL REAL ESTATE MARKET. MOST EMPLOYMENT IS CENTERED AROUND SERVICING THE COMMUNITIES OF PORT ANGELES AND SEQUIM, BOTH OF WHICH HAVE LARGE POPULATIONS OF RETIRED PEOPLE. PRESENTLY, THE LOGGING AND FISHING INDUSTRIES ARE SLOW WITH LIMITED FUTURES AND THE ECONOMY IS BEING AUGMENTED WITH TOURISM AND PORT ACTMTIES. OPTIMISSUM STILL PERSISTS WITH THE ADDITION OF SEVERAL NEWER BANKS, WALMART, AND THE RESALE AND REOPENING OF ADMIRAL MARINE. PROPERTIES UNDER $100,000 COMPRISE THE STRONGEST MARKET AT THIS TIME DUE TO AFFORDABILlTY; THOSE IN THE $100,000 TO $140,000 RANGE HAVE BEEN AVERAGE. HOMES OVER $140,000 TEND TO BE STABLE, BUT AS VALUES INCREASE TO THE UPPER MARKET SOME DISCOUNTING HAS OCCURRED (5% TO 15%). THIS IS DUE IN PART TO A LIMITED AMOUNT OF QUALIFIED BUYERS AND SLOWER THAN NORMAL HOUSING MARKET IN THAT RANGE. NO UNUSUAL FINANCING OR BUY DOWNS ARE EVIDENT IN THE MARKET TODAY. FINANCING IS GENERALLY CONVENTIONAL WITH A FEW FmHA, FHA, AND VA WHEN FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE. INTEREST RATES PRESENTLY RANGE FROM 7.5% TO 9% FOR 15 TO 30 YEAR LOANS. THERE ARE ROUGHLY 60 LISTINGS OF VACANT PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF PA RANGING IN VALUE FRO. $20,000 TO $40,000. APPROXIMATELY TWFLVE LOTS HAVE SOLD SINCE THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. ACCORDING TO LINDA CHILDERS AT THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DEPARTMENT, NO BUILDING PERMITS WERE ISSUED FROM JANUARY 2000 THRU APRIL 2000 FOR NEW HOMES AND FOUR NEW HOUSING PERMITS WERE ISSUSED SINCE MAY 2000 TILL THE END OF AUGUST. BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION FOR 1995 WAS 32,1996/35,1997/20,1998/24, AND FOR 1999/9. THIS INDICATES A LIMITED DEMAND FOR VACANT LOTS FOR HOUSING. THIS CAN BE FURTHER REFLECTED FROM THE SLOWER THAN NORMAL HOUSING MARKET AND THE GRADUAL INCREASE OF INTEREST RATES. QUAILlFIED BUYERS ARE FURTHER REDUCED WITH THE LIMITED AMOUNT OF NEWER HIGHER PAYING JOBS AND THE INCREASED INTEREST RATES. MARKETING TIME THEREFORE, IS LONGER THAN NORMAL WITH DISCOUNTING NECESSARY IN ORDER TO MARKET SITES. . SITE COMMENTS NO APPARENT ADVERSE OR UNFAVORABLE EASEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOTED AND DUE TO THE ZONING AND HOMES EXISTING IN THE AREA, THE HIGHEST AND BEST USE IS CONSIDERED RESIDENTIAL. THE APPRAISERS ASSIGNMENT HAS BEEN TO APPRAISE THE SIX LOTS BEFORE ANY IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. SINCE EACH OF THE LOTS ARE GENERALLY SIMIlAR IN THEIR AMENITIES, IN ORDER TO BETTER COMPARE THE INDMDUAL SITES, THE APPRAISER WILL APPRAISE ONE SITE (LOT 20) AND ATTRIBUTE EACH OF THE CORRESPONDING VALUES TO THE REMAINING SITES IN THE FINAL RECONCILIATION. EACH OF THE SIX LOTS ARE CONSIDERED GENERALLY LEVEL TO SLIGHTLY UNDUAL TING, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 7,000 SF MIL. THE PARCELS ARE RECTANGULAR IN SHAPE WITH A TERRITORIAL AND POSSIBL VA LIMITED MOUNTAIN VIEW. EACH OF THE LOTS WERE IN A VARIETY OF TALLER TREES AND ARE WITHOUT THE TYPICAL UTILITIES OF SEWER, STORMS, ELECTRICITY, PHONE, AND ALLEV. WATER IS AVAILABLE ALONG 10TH STREET. THIS APPRAISAL IS BASED ON THE SITES "AS IS" CONDITION. ESTIMATED COST FOR UTILITIES IS $55,725 OR $9287.50 FOR EACH SITE (Rounded$9,500). ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY IS OFF 10TH STREET BY AN ASPHALT PUBLIC ROAD WITH CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS. BECAUSE THE PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY OWNED BY THE PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT, REAL . ". 26 Fom1 lADD - "TDlAl2000 for Wlldows' apprcIisa1 software by a Ia mode, inc. - 1-800-AlAMDDE ';";:~i:~')1;~:~-~f\;~';,~'.iJ:i'~'~~f~:~\m:;!:'~:*:!;~fii~i~~~~~{';;': ., . Supplemental Addendum fileNo 001~ IInrrnwof/CIieri NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION PmnMv Adlnss xxx WEST 10TH STREET CIv PORT ANGELES " CotJrWv CLAlLAM SID WA rill Clltlo 98363 Lender FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN . ESTATE TAXES ARE NIL. NEW OWNERS WOULD BE SUBJECT TO REAL ESTATE TAX AT ITS HIGHEST AND BEST USE. - MARKET DATA COMMENTS DUE TO THE SLOWER THAN NORMAL HOUSING MARKET, SALES ARE UMITED. UNIMPROVED LOT SALES ARE ALSO SLOW DUE TO THE LACK OF DEMAND AND THE UMITED PROFITABULITY ON BUILDING SITES AT THIS TIME. THE APPRAISER MUST SOMETIMES GO FURTHER IN DISTANCE THAN NORMAL, HAVE SALES OLDER IN TIME OR HAVE ADJUSTMENTS HIGHER THAN NORMAL IN ORDER TO COMPARE CERTAIN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS WITH THE SUBJECT. THE APPRAISER HAS USED THE BEST SALES AVAILABLE FOR EACH AND EVERY APPRAISAL. THE MARKET DATA APPROACH INDICATES AN ADJUSTED VALUE RANGE OF $12,500 TO $13,500. ALL FOUR SALES ARE CqNSIDERED GOOD INDICATIONS OF VALUE. COMPARABLE #1 IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 2 BLOCKS SOUTHWEST OF THE SUBJECT ALONG 12TH STREET. THIS PARCEL IS CONSIDERED SIMILAR IN SIZE WITH UKE UTIUTIES. THE SEWER SYSTEM WILL NEED TO BE REDONE AND EXTENDED ALONG WITH THE ELECTRICITY AND TELEPHONE. THESE COSTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE PROPERTY IS ESTIMATED TO BE SIMILAR TO THE SUBJECT AND NO ADJUSTMENT IS TAKEN: WATER IS AVAILABLE ALONG 12TH STREET. BECAUSE THE SITE IS LOCATED BELOW 12TH STREET, CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR FOUNDATIONS CAN BE HIGHER AND AN ADJUSTMENT OF $2,500 IS REFLECTED FOR AN INFERIOR SITE. SOME WEIGHT IS PLACED ON THIS SALE, AS IT IS A RECENT SALE IN TIME AND REQUIRED FEW ADJUSTMENTS. COMPARABLE #2 IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 6 BLOCKS NORTHEAST OF THE SUBJECT. THIS SITE HAD AN OLDER BUILDING OF UMITED COST TO REMOVE. THE PROPERTY IS LEVEL AND IN A VARIETY OF WEEDS AND GRASSES WITH A TERRITORIAL VIEW. THIS IS AN IMPROVED PROPERTY SOLD TOGETHER WITH A MANU FACTORED HOME AND FINANCED BY FmH. A LARGER THAN NORMAL ADJUSTMENT IS TAKEN FOR THE DIFFERENCE OF THE UTIUTlES TO THE SITE (-$9,500). WEIGHT IS PLACED ON THIS SALE, AS IT IS A RECENT SALE IN TIME. COMPARABLE #3 IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY SIX BLOCKS SOUTHEAST OF THE SUBJECT OFF 15TH STREET. THE PROPERTY IS CLEARED AND IN A VARIETY OF WEEDS AND GRASSES. THIS PARCEL HAD SEWER AVAILABLE BUT NO WATER OR ELECTRICITYITELEPHONE. AN ADJUSTMENT IS THUS INDICATED. A MANU FACTORED HOME WAS PLACED ON THE SITE AFTER THE SALE. SOME WEIGHT IS PLACED ON THIS COMPARABLE, AS IT IS A RECENT SALE IN TIME AND REQUIRED FEW ADJUSTMENTS. COMPARABLE #4 IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY SIX BLOCKS SOUTHEAST OF THE SUBJECT. THE SITE IS GENERALLY LEVEL WITH A SLIGHT SLOPE TO THE NORTH. THIS PARCEL CONTAINED ALL THE UTIUTIES AND A LARGER THAN NORMAL ADJUSTMENT IS REFLECTED ACCORDINGLY. ALTHOUGH AN OLDER SALE, THE REAL ESTATE MARKET ON LOTS ARE GENERALLY STABLE, THEREFORE NO ADJUSTMENT IS NOTED. A NEWER MANUFACTORED HOME HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE SITE AFTER THE SALE. -EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTION - CONTINUED THE APPRAISER WAS REQUESTED TO DETERMINE THE MARKET VALUE OF EACH SITE IN THEIR "AS IS" CONDITION. IN ORDER TO BETTER COMPARE CERTAIN PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS WITH EACH OF THE SUBJECT SITES, THE APPRAISER HAS ESTABLISHED THE VALUE ON LOT #20 AND WILL COMBINE THE VALUES OF EACH OF THE PARCELS IN THE FINAL RECONCILIATION OF VALUE. ESTIMATION OF COSTS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED IN THIS REPORT. -FINAL RECONCIUATION - CONTINUED TAKING THE FOUR SALES INTO CONSIDERATION, THE APRRAISER INTERPOLATES A VALUE OF $13,000 FOR THE SUBJECT (LOT 20). THEREFORE, THE FOLLOWING CONCLUSIONS, . LOT 15 $13,000 LOT 16 $13,000 LOT 17 $13,000 LOT 18 $13,000 LOT 19 $13,000 ',' LOT 20 $13,000 TOTAL $78,000 . Form TADD - 'TOTAL 2000 for Winlilws' appraisal software by a Ia mode, n:. -l-800-ALAMODE 27 I' I '28 Subject Photo Page BolIowel: NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION Address xxx WEST 10TH STREET PORT ANGELES CLALLAM Stale WA Lender NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION / Code 98363 Subject Sites - unlmprove 0 xxx WEST 10TH STREET Sales Price TO EST ALSH Gross Living Area Total Rooms Total Bedrooms Total Bathrooms Location URBlA VE View 7000 EAlUNIMPRVD Site Quality Age . .',"" "'l!l:-.,~:<.,"'t SUbject Street - unimproved . Form PICP1X.SR - "TOTAL 2000 for WII1dows" appraisal sofIware by a Ia mode, inc, - 1-800-ALAMODE ';"'~~'i~'~"~t'~~I!q~',t;Y\~"3=arr1i1le Photo Page Borrowe.: CIent NORTH PENINSULA BUu.DING 'ASSOCIATION Adliess xxx WEST 10TH STREET PORT ANGELES CLAlLAM StIle WA Lender NORTH PENINSULA BUu.DING ASSOCIATION . . R&,c.;;.,,', ",.{.>i.:t~i.7}~i~~~9~~~~\~~l~~ .' ~~~., .t': .. -'~'1.,r.1.itJI~?i~i{~~~~Arf~:~lt1 ,~."': ;X-I'p" '~~I~tr'~~": , """:>:"';:g . ~~7\~~~i~f;r":( g \-:--A - - -- ~ ..--' . {' Code 98363 Comparable 1 xxx WEST 12TH STREET Prox. to Subject 2 BLOCKS SW Sale Price 11,000 Location URB/AVE VtfNI 7000SF/L TO MARN Unimproved at time of sale Comparable 2 920 WEST 7TH Prox. to Subject 6 BLKS NE Sale Price 22,500 Locatioll VtfNI URBlAVE 7000SFITERR Site was vacant at time of sale. Comparable 3 xxx WEST 15TH STREET Prox. to Subject 6 BLOCKS SE Sale Price 17,000 ~~n URB/AVE VtfNI 7000SFILT. MRN Fonn P1CPlX.CR - "TOTAL 2000 lor WIldows" appr.IisaJ softwn by a Ia mode, Inc. -l-800-AlAMODE 29 Comparable Photo Page Borrowet:' NORTH PENINSULA BUIlDING ASSOCIATION Address xxx WEST 10TH STREET PORT ANGELES Cl..AU.AM StIle WA lender NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION COIle 98363 Comparable 4 xxx WEST 15TH STREET Prox. to SUbject 6 BLKS SE Sale Price 22,000 . I..ocation URBlAVE View 7000SFlTERR Site was vacant at time of sale Comparable 5 . Comparable 6 . Form PICPlX.CR - "TOTAl 2000 for WlIldows' appl3isaI software by a Ia mode, inc. -l-800-AlAMOOE 30 , 'Y~;~ "_1r~-;i'!~i:~_\'fr~~tfl~r~'~'f' :t;t leaM!sday. December 06. 2000 10:52 To: Bob Flmton "'~"~'{f-' ~M1t.;lt',"!f-'~~~~,~!Vi:J'; Front Clair. (360) 452-8197 Page' lof 1 . PO Box 748 3430 E. Hwy.101. Suite 29 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0129 North Peninsula Building Association fA Telephone 360-452-8160 FAX 360.452-8197 E-mail: npballiiolvoen.com MEMORANDUM FROM Bill Roberds, ~resident DATE: December 6,2000 SUBJECT TO Development Costs for Future Builders Project Bob Funston Faxed 1216/00 Here is a breakdown of the development costs for appraisal purposes per your request: Installation of 8" storm sewer and 8" sanitary sewer with 2 man-holes Sanitary $ 8,800 $22,750 Storm Clear, create 12" gravel base and 4" crushed rock surface for alley construction at 20' wide Electrical $14,850 $ 7,000, $ 750 $ 1 ,575 . Phone Silt fence; prep for alley Total Development Costs $66,726 . 31 . STATE OF WASHINGTON -.---.---------.-------- DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS DIVISION THIS CERTIFIES THAT THE PERSON NAMED HEREON IS AUTHORIZED, AS PROVIDED BY LAW. AS A CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE APPRAISER FUNSTON, ROBERT ALLEN 222 N LINCOLN ST STE 14 PORT ANGELES WA 98362-2913 ~~ Refere,!ce N!lmber 27017 FU-NS-TR-A492B9 1~~I,!~~!!!!~_~plratio!!.P!!~~_ 02-04-92 01-29-02 . I . I . .t' '3-2 . July 24, 2001 Port Angeles City Council 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Reference: Future Builders Home Progress Report 1507 West 10th Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Council Members: . We would like to thank those of you who came to our ribbon cutting. Special thanks to Mayor Doyle for being one of our speakers. It was an exciting day for all of us, the weather cooperated which allowed us to open the garage doors and give a seat to some and shelter for the coffee, punch and cookies. There were over 80 people attending the ribbon cutting, including the new owners the Meyers. This is such a win,win project and one we are very proud of, where the entire city benefits in some way. We also want to thank you for your efforts in helping us free up the title from the School District. Without your help it would have been very difficult/impossible to secure the construction financing. Attached is the Success Story Newsletter and the program from the ribbon cutting. We have entered into an agreement with the Port Angeles School District to purchase the remaining lots: 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20. This will insure the project continues into the future. As you are aware the city vacated the street right of way, which divides the lots. Originally the cost to purchase the vacated property was based on the lots value of $20,000. However, the lots were totally without improvements so the appraised price was $13,000 each. The Port Angeles School District sold the lots to"the North Peninsula Home Builders, "Future Builders Project" for 90% of the appraised price, $11,700 each. Which comes to $1.67 per square foot. . As I understand it, to purchase a city right of way, the price is to be one half of the actual appraised price. I would ask that the city consider the appraisal and the actual purchase price of the lots. If I am correct, the cost to release the cities interest in the right of way would be .84~ a square foot. This represents a savings of .59~ a foot. We have had donations from every component of this home. From the ground work right up to the carpet. Each of the manufacturers and suppliers are financially contributing to this success story. To pay more than the .84~ would be unfair based on our appraisal. . 33 34 Proceeds from the sale of the Future Builders Homes are to be split into thirds. One~ . third into scholarships, one~third into grants for school equipment and one~third as seed money for next years home. Every penny we can save increases the amount we can give. Please consider a donation as well. Thank you again. Sincerely, '\'/1 ' { I '''--" :. I .(,1_ ~ ..... ~. t.... \ /(. i ~r-;:-. ~.' '; I,..'-.....',~ Ll,. Uncia deBord . . . ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the amount of compensation required for the vacation of a portion of the 8th! lOth Crossover Drive in Lots 13-20, Block 306 of the Townsite of Port Angeles and amending Ordinance 3073. WHEREAS, in Ordinance 3073 the City vacated a portion of the 8th! 1 Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13-20, Block 306 of the Townsite of Port Angeles and established the amount of compensation required for the vacation ofthis street in the amount of$I.43 per square foot; and WHEREAS, a revised appraisal has indicated that the amount of the compensation required for the street vacation should be reduced to the amount of $ .93 per square foot; and WHEREAS, the vacated right-of-way in Lot 20 has already been paid for and deeded . to the abutting property owner; and WHEREAS, the owners of the property abutting the property vacated by Ordinance 3073 are in agreement with the reduction of the amount of compensation required for the remaining lots; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance 3073 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, the compensation required for the vacation of this street is $+:43-$ .93 per square foot. Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days following the date of its publication by summary. . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of ,f' - 1 - 35 said Council held on the ATTEST: day of August, 2001. MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 3.6 Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney By Summary F:\O RDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\200 1-25 .ord. wpd August 30,2001 \.. - 2 - . . . . . . ~ORTANGELES wAs H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 200 I To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: TREATMENT OF SLUDGE FROM THE ABANDONED NEAH BAY LAGOON Summary: Indian Health Service has requested the City accept and treat up to 200,000 gallons of waste from the Makah Tribe's closed wastewater sewage lagoon. This added waste to the wastewater treatment plant system is not expected to have any adverse impact to operations. Sufficient acreage in our land application program to apply additional biosolids is available. Recommendation: Approve the ag~eement with the Makah Tribe and Indian Health Services,--to receive up to 200,000 gallons of lagoon sludge at fifteen cents a gallon, authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, and adopt the Ordinance amending Ordinance 2394 and Chapter 13.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Back~roundlAnalysis: Staffhas been working with Craig Haugland from the Indian Health Service to assist them in treating sludge from the abandoned Makah Tribe's closed Neah Bay wastewater sewage lagoon and land apply the biosolids. Chuck Matthews at the Department of Ecology identified the process to follow before the City could process and land-apply this sludge. DOE had two concerns; 1) that the sludge meet the vector attraction requirements in WAC 173-308-180 and, 2) that an analysis be performed on the sludge to assess the pathogen and metals levels. Staff received a copy of the report on June 7th with the analysis showing that the Makah sludge is very similar to the sludge processed at the WWTP. Therefore, it is not anticipated there will be any problems receiving and treating this waste. Staffhas a letter of approval from DOE stating that the sludge is acceptable for treating at the Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant. Acceptance of the sludge will have minimal impact on plant operations. The agreement between the City, Indian Health Services and the Makah Tribe provides, in part, for the sludge to not exceed certain parameters: sludge will be accepted not to a exceed an amount of 200,000 gallons and be delivered within 60 days after the agreement is signed, appropriate insurance, hold harmless provisions, and payment to be made to the City by Indian Health Services. 37 City Council RE: Sludge Dated: 9/04/01 Page 2 The proposed charge of fifteen cents per gallon is consistent with what other facilities charge for waste of this strength. Processing 200,000 gall()lls of waste at fifteen cents a gallon will generate $30,000 in revenue for the wastewater fund. Ordinance 2394 and Chapter 13.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code need to be amended by the City Council to permit acceptance of waste at the Wastewater Treatment Plant from outside ofthe City. The Utility Advisory Committee reviewed this request on August 13,2001 and recommended approval. Attach: DOE Letter dated 6/15/01 EPA E-mail dated 5/1/01 IRS letter of request Ordinance N :\PWKS\ WW A TER\ccMakahsludge _A. wpd , 38 e e e" 07/09/2001 09:53 13504174841 "',,'.;-:?', "':~,'7- , '."~:";''-'.'?:' PITV OF ~T ANGELES PAGE 03 . STATE Of WASHJNGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY p.o. BOlC 47775 . Olympia, Washington ~BS04.777S . (360) 407.6300 June IS, 2001 Mr.letfYoung. Superintendent City of Port Angeles W 8S12wate.t' Division P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362..Q217 RB: Sludge Transfer from Neah Bay Closed WWTP Lagoon Dearleff: Earlier this spring, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) was contacted with questiom regarding management options for sludge needing removaJ from a decommissioned sewage lagoon located on . the Makah Indian Reservation, at Neall Bay. After review of applicable regulation and permit requirements,Ecology does not object to the transfer of this material to the Port Angeles Waste Water Treatment Plant as long as the conditions we have previously discussed at the time of the request have been met. Those included: . · Bb-sampling the Neah Bay sludge for metals to ensure no change in the quality of the material has occun:ed since the last round of sampling, which took place at the tUne of decommissioning in 1997. · Contacting EPARegion 10 to ensure any concerns they may have are addressed · Treating the Neah Bay sludge at your faciJi~ prior to any land application at any approved application site used by your facility. , Please maintain appropriate records to demonstrate that the issues noted above have been addressed. If you need further assistance. you may conlact me at (360) 407-6383. Sincerely, c.~~_. Chuck Matthews Solid Waste and Financial Assistance Program Southwest Regional Office . CC: Craig Haugland, Indian Health Services David Dougherty. Ecology ..~.. o 39 07/09/2001 09:53 13604174841 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PAGE 04 Page) of2 ~ From: To: Cc; Sent: SUbJect: <Hetherington.Dick@epamail.epa.gov:> <WW1p@cl.port-angeles.wa.us> <chauglan@oehe.Portland.ihs.gov>; <cmat4S 1 @ecy.wa.gov> Tuesday, May 01, 2001 6:20 PM Joint Bisolids Projects . This is to confirm that we support and encourage facilities to help each other in various ways, including receiving and treating sludge from other treatment works, and acting as a contractor to ensure the sludge from other tteatment works is properly applied to the land. In the permit application process, we always ask facilities to include contingency arrangements in their p~ans so those contingency options can be included in the permit. Our permit application guidance includes the following: rt Prepare an options list. Decide on the major sludge use/disposal options that the facility would like to have available to use over the next S year (e.g. authorized in the permit), and could realistically implement. Asswne EP A will not be willing to change the permit once issued. EP A will include in the initial permit a number of options the facility can reasonably switcb to without further permitting action. Have you considered: land spreading, co-disposal in solid waste landfill cell, disposal in a sludge-only trench, co-incineration in a solid waste incinerator, transferring to another sewage plant, transferring to a sludge processing facility (compo sting, mixinglblending, lime treatment). long-tenn storage? lnclude in the options list a contingency for disposal/management of sludge not complying with the standards - at least 90 days worth. ., It is not necessary for BPA to evaluate the proposed joint project of the Makah Tribes and the City of Port Angeles. Those facilities are responsible for complying with the 503 standards. We also know that the operation will be supervised by the state since the final land application is outside the federal trust lands. Also, we expect the Tribe to stay sufficiently involved or monitor the project to assure themselves their sludge is properly used. . We do ask to be kept informed on changes in planned operations through federal permit applications or updates. The City has already submitted an applieation to EP A, and that application may already include an option to help other facilities by receiving sewage sludge. If so, it would be nice but not essential to have a call letting us know that the City will be using that option for a while. Ifit wasn't included, then we ask the City staff to send us a letter letting us know to add a "receive-sludge-from-other-facilities" option to their plan and . '40 0'\ 101 I? 001 l__ 07/09/2001 09:53 13604174841 "1'1;"" -'/'*1" ''''<E:i:tv. (ff!}~ORT ANGELES PAGE 05 Page 2 of2 application. We do expect the Tribe to send us a one-time application . covering transfer of the biosolids to the City for treatment, blending, and land spreading. . At this time, it is not necessary for either the City or Tribe to have a permit from EP A to proceed with the project and land apply the blended biosolids. Please call me at 206/553-1941 if you have questions. Dick Hetherington EPA NPDES Permits Unit OW-l30 1200 6th Avenue Seattle, W A 98101 hetherin~n,dick@epa.gov . . {' oc;mlnoOl 41 Aug-16-01 04:50P Port Angeles Field Of~1~e (360) 457-5059 P.Ol ....()~(~.~;:i'"ii r~;1:.' t~" 6? \~" :,l:~~ ~~ \~~).~:~..:;;4f" Department of Health and Human Services Memorandum . Jeff Young, WW Supervisor Department of Public Works City of Port Angeles 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 August 16, 2001 OffIce of Environmental Health and Engineering Port Angeles Field Office "1601 E. Front Street Building a, Suite C Port An~les, Washington 98362 Ph: (360) 452-1196 Fax: (360) 457-5059 Re: Method of Payment and Responsible Party Sludge Disposal from abandoned Makah Aerated Se'wage Lagoon D&ar Mr. Young: This leUer is being written to provide you and your staff information regarding tne method of payment for the sludge treatment that the Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Piant will be providing for the sludge from the old Neah Bay lagoon. Our office, through the Portland Area Office. will be issuing a purchase order tc the City of . Port Angeles for the treatment and disposal of the sludge. The reference document will be purchase order number PAFO-01~0006. Payment is usually made wf1r.in a 30-day period. Once the PO is submitted for approval our office wiil forward a copy to you for your records and reference. TlJe Makah Tribe will nat be the party responsible for paying for this purchase order. Payment will be made through the Portland Area finance officE. The Indian Health Service has assumed responsibility for paying for the sludge disposal as part of the mitigation requirements enforced on the permit for construction of the new wastewater treatment plant. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to cal! me at the above number. Sincerely, " ~ Craig J. Haugland Sr. Field Engineer cc: P.AFO Project File C:\Doc:.Jments ar.,:j Se~tings\Craig HaugJand\My Oocuments\Docurnents\.\1akar. Sludge Disposal to Pert . Angeles Let~er 3.doc 42 'i/~f;";'l"\'...';-'''' ',- ;> . ~. ':';;:;r':c:; :i".-:~:',;"t~:'}> ':' ORDINANCE NO. . . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the discharging of waste from outside of the City limits into the City sewer system upon approval of the City Council and amending Ordinance 2394 as amended and Chapter 13.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2394 as amended and Chapter 13.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.64.090 to read as follows: 13.64.090 Only Waste From Inside City Permitted After Certain Date. On May 20, 1988, and thereafter, waste which is generated, or has its point of origin, outside of the City limits, except for fresh waste as described in Section 13.64.070, shall not be permitted to be . discharged into the City's sewer system unless specifically approved by the City Council. (Ord. 2394 Ch. V 99, 6/2/86) Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of August, 2001. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . PUBLISHED: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2001_24.ord. wpd August 14, 2001 - 1 - 43 ,----- . . . '4.4 . ,. . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist STREET VACATION PETITION HOPFNER - Portion of Grace Street Summary: A valid petition for vacation of right-of-way has been received by the Department of Community Development. Recommendation: The City Council should adopt the attached resolution setting a public hearingfor Council's October 16,2001, regular meeting andforward the request to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. Background / Analysis: A petition has been received for the vacation of an unopened portion of Grace Street, which exists west of the traveled portion of Peabody Street north of Ahlvers Road. Per RCW 35.79, once a valid petition for vacation is received by the City, the City Council should set a date for consideration of the petition by resolution. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing regarding the request at its regular meeting of September 26, 2001, and will forward a recommendation to Council for action. The petition is attached for your information at this time. Staff will be available for questions. Attachment: resolution petition 45 .(' 46 , . . . . RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of Grace Street in H. Maguire's Addition. . . WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of race Street in H. Maguire's Addition; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the roperty abutting upon the right-of-way to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port ngeles as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard nd determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's egular meeting on October 2,2001 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, which is not ore than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hereafter. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the endency of the petition and the time. and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions of CW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said ouncil held on the _ day of , 2001. MAYOR TTEST: ecky J. Upton, City Clerk PPROVED AS TO FORM: raig D. Knutson, City Attorney ,\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2001-14.wpd . -1- 4 . I . . 48 ,.i~?,'s':::.) ::,:,:, , CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PETITION . TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington- Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of oil ?~Ii.(( StreetJ~,' the City of Port Angeles b,e vacated pursuant to Ch~pter 35.79 RCW (1e,~allY, de cr ilffe the tJ ,-#- property requested for vacation below). t:::Le. tz/e1--&:;;:.ei::- 3 0 '~~-e)~.e:r- ~ ~ ,~fI.~I~~~;?k~~~' . )#&~~-<:=ru-~4;~?I, ~~~ 2. ~dersi~ers is the~r of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. . 3. ~ persons own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: Name Address ,gct.vA~ /11 M;p.fJ1eR J;t,~Cf'E b~ ST; ~~ T /),;z.qek.s ~ 9'8'~ / . 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting property . , the petitioy.ers ask that pr~ceedings be comme~ced .hereon for the vacation c, od\ Street/~m the manner prescnbed m Chapter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, Name Address Phone &tA'<-~,{j~i?-') 1~31./Fb?AMTL24f?~ b-#f-7'2C;2. ?bO)lS;>~~, ' ~ . File No. ~lV () I -0 'f CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-4750 49 S 88000'41" E 194.15' EXISTING WOOD FENCE APPROX. EDGE / OF LA WN / PROPOSED VACA nON ----",' (PORTiON OF THE WEST HALF or F'LA TTED GRACE STREET (30' WiDE STRIP. AREA == 0.19 ACRES) HOPFNER PARCEL DESCRIBED IN VOLUME J3J OF DEEDS. PAGE 81. AREA = 1.34 ACRES 1 '" .. I .. ~ EXISTING POST AND WIRE FENCE .. , " 30' i I 1 t j I ! I I I I / I HILLCREST DRIVE /. o ,...., ... .' ........... ,....._, fII"'''' ............---.....--..,-...... "'''' "'"'"' e cd :> --C g: CI) ~ W t 5 EXISTING CURB LINE ..... fj g: CI) >- 8 CO W Q CENTERLINE OF PEABODY STREET AS BUlL T CENTERLINE OF GRACE STREET PER PLA T OF H. MAOUIRE'S ADDITION . ,- I I . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: r~;~"'-< . ""-; ':1"~';' ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 4, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Summary: The attached list of vehicles and equipment have been depreciated and replaced or are no longer needed by the City. Recommendation: Declare the vehicles and miscellaneous equipment listed on Attachment"A" surplus and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to auction the items for sale by sealed or open bid. Back~round / Analysis: The Equipment Services Division has determined that the vehicles and equipment on Attachment "A" are rio longer economical to repair or are not needed to meet City requirements. Staffis in contact with Clallam County, the Clallam County PUD and Clallam Transit and other public agencies to arrange joint sponsorship of a combined auction for the sale of surplus vehicles and equipment. It is planned:to hold the auction on Saturday, October 13,2001 utilizing the services of a professional auctioneering firm. Attachment: List of Surplus Vehicles and miscellaneous items N :\PWKS\EQUlPSVC\surplus200 I. wpd 51 ATTACHMENT "A" . UNIT DESCRIPTION MILEAGE NUMBER 0007 1989 FORD AMBULANCE 66,178 0024 1989 CHEV SEDAN-DETECTIVE 97,185 0063 1990 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 101,774 0067 1991 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 97,185 0068 1991 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 98,238 , 0069 1991 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 101,921 0071 1991 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 97,803 0072 1992 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 105,056 0074 1992 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 97,781 0075 1992 CHEVY PATROL SEDAN 98,686 0504 1991 BUICK SEDAN 80,520 . 1647 1986 GMC UTILITY TRUCK 3/4 97,380 TON PICKUP 1855 1989 CHEVY 1/2 TON PICKUP 110,490 . Miscellaneous Equipment: Air Compressor (portable), Steam Cleaner, Solvent Tank, Asphalt Compacts, portable hoist, Engine hoist, beam scale, four miscellaneous pallets of parts and pieces. N :\PWKS\EQUlPSVC\suplus200 lattach.wpd . '52 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: <'~f:;':p,:,~'~;r'i' ",;';" '(::'~ ~', :>i(\;" ;t,*:d~$~):~: \~?':fi'>'~~fi"':~;~,'i; .' ~ORT.ANG~tES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 4,2001 MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ Set Public Hearing For Electric Rates Summary: Results ofthe electric rate study performed by Economic and Engineering Services will be available for consideration by the Council at the September 18, 2001 City Council meeting. Recommendation: Set a public hearing for September 18, 2001, to accept public comment on proposed revisions of Electric rates. Back~round / Analysis: On July 18, 2000, a contract was awarded to Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., to perform a comprehensive electric rate study. The Utility Advisory Committee is scheduled to consider the results of the study at their meeting on September 10, 2001 and bring their recommendation to the Council for consideration on September 18, 2001. A public hearing is not required to establish utility rates, however, it has been the practice of the City Council to offer residents an opportunity to present their views to the Council. The last . review of electric rates was performed in 1996 and resulted in a 12% decrease in residential electric rates. N:\PWKS\LIGlIT\POWM\Llfos200I Isel public hearing.wpd K' 53 . . . 54 . . . '~ .' ;':. ,;". . , ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Brad Collins, Community Development Director ~ FROM: SUBJECT: STREET VACATION PETITION REQUEST - STY 01-03 PENINSULA BOTTLING/FIDLER - Portion of 3/4 alley east of Valley Street Summary: A valid petition has been received requesting vacation of a portion of the 3/4 alley located east of Valley Street. Following the public hearing, the City Council should consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the proposed street vacation. The recommended conditions will require the property owners to consolidate the adjoining properties into one building site if the vacation of the 3/4 alley is to be completed. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve STV 01-03 as recommended by the Planning Commission and adopt the attached ordinance, citing 3 conditions, 14 findinf!s, and 5 conclusions. Background / Analysis: The owners of Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TP A have submitted a valid petition requesting the vacation of abutting right-of-way described as being a portion of the 3/4 alley. The subject right-of- way is located in the Industrial Light zone east of Valley Street. The alley provides secondary access to the Peninsula Bottling plant and to property that contains a condemned apartment structure. The alley does not serve the remainder of property in the block due to the sharp rise in topography east of the location. Mr. Snydal, owner of Peninsula Bottling, wishes to purchase the apartment building owned by Mrs. Fidler to allow consolidation of the properties and the right-of-way into a larger building site. As conditioned in the Planning Commission recommendation, the alley cannot be vacated without consolidation of the adjoining properties into one building site that can be accessed from Valley Street. The conditions also require two measures necessary to accoInmodate utilities that are located in the alley right-of-way. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal on August 22, 2001" and recommended approval ofSTV 01-03 citing 3 conditions, 14 findings, and 5 conclusions. The Real Estate Committee met on July 10, 2001, and recommended a value that is included in the attached ordinance. This value represents 50% of value established by the Real Estate Committee. This is the last street vacation petition not covered by the change in state law allowing for 100% of the value to be charged to the acquiring property owners. If' 55 CC Memo STY 01-03 September 4,2001 Page 2 Representatives of Peninsula Bottling and the Valley Creek Restoration Group have been meeting and working together to accommodate each other's develolJ1l1ent plans. Accordingly, the Valley Creek Restoration Group is in support of the proposed street vacation. The City has not received any testimony in opposition to the vacation of the 3/4 alley. Attachments: Ordinance Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions Excerpt ofPlapning Commission Minutes of August 22, 2001 Staff Report of August 22, 2001 Street Vacation Petition G:\CNCLPKT\PLANNING\09040 I A. wpd 56 . . . . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of the 3/4 alley in Block 72 of the To~site of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of the /4/ alley in Block 72 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the City Council initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 14-01; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the tate Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice ursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES OES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the ollowing described right-of-way as shown on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated: Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2 - Conditions. 1. A 10-foot easement over an existing 6" sanitary sewer line centered in the 3/4 alley right-of-way shall be retained by the City for all City utility purposes. 2. The adjacent property owner(s) of the vacated right-of-way shall be responsible for all costs incurred to convert the primary overhead utility line underground in the 10- foot easement retained by the City and shall be required to provide 24- hour access to the utility line and related equipment. 3. A Zoning Lot Covenant shall be required to combine the 8 lots into one large building site. . I - 1 - 57 Section 3 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, the compensation required fo he vacation of this street is $5.00 per square foot. Section 4 - Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction ofthe compensation amount in Section of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 5.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, ho is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed shall nclude all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the title established by this rdinance. Section 5 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction f the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. Upon that satisfaction, the City Clerk is hereby irected to publish this Ordinance and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and he Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said ouncil held on the day of ,2001. MAYOR TTEST: ecky J. Upton, City Clerk PPROVED AS TO FORM: raig D. Knutson, City Attorney UBLISHED: By Summary :\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\200 1-26.ord. wpd - 2 - 58. . . . I''-'-'':V'-':)'' RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 01-03 - PENINSULA BOTTLING/FIDLER: Conditions: 1. A lO-foot easement over an existing 6" sanitary sewer line centered in the 3/4 alley right-of-way shall be retained for utility purposes. 2. The property owner(s) of the right-of-way shall be responsible for all costs incurred to convert the primary overhead utility line underground in the required la-foot easement retained, and to provide 24-hour access to the utility line and related equipment. 3. A Zoning Lot Covenant shall be required to combine the 8 lots into one large building site. Findings: 1. A petition for vacation of a portion of the 3/4 alley right-of-way abutting Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TP A, was submitted by abutting property owners Peninsula Bottling Company and Bonnie Fidler on July 3, 2001. 2. Properties to the west and north are designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and are zoned Industrial Light (IL). Uses include the Port Angeles City Light Operations yard, a welding shop, a meat packaging plant, and the Port of Port Angeles operations warehouse. Properties located east ofthe site are designated as Open Space (OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, are developed as residential, and are zoned PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Property south of the site is designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and is zoned Industrial Light (lL). Land uses to the south are older nonconforming residential uses and a conforming warehouse use. 3. The subject alley only provides logical access to Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA. 4. Owners of the Peninsula Bottling Company have entered into a purchase agreement with Mrs. Fidler to purchase the Fidler property (Lots 11 - 14, Block 72, TP A) in order to create a larger building site to improve the loading/unloading capability of the bottling plant. Access to the site would remain as previously established. 5. If combination of the lots by Zoning Lot Covenant is not intended, access to the rear of Lots 11 - 14, Block 72, TP A will be required for fire access. 6. A sewer utility service is located in the right-of-way. If vacation is approved, an easement for access to that service will need to be retained or the service relocated. Additionally, an overhead power service will need to be relocated at the applicant's expense in an easement. 59 Findings and Conclusions - STV 01-03 Page 2 7. The City's Fire and Police Departments had no comment or concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. . 8. Valley Street is classified as a local streets on the City's Circulation Plan Map. 9. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 10. The proposed street vacation was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The following goals and policies were found to be the most relevant: Land use Map Goal, Policies, and Objective Goal A, and Policies 1 and 2; Industrial Goal H, Transportation Goal H, and Policy 14; Utilities and Public Services Goal B, and Policy 4. 11. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 14-01 on August 7, 2001, which was legally advertised in the Peninsula Daily News on August 12,2001. The site was posted on August, 10,2001. No comments have been received. 12. The subject site (Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA) is accessed from Valley Street. The remainder of properties in Block 72 (Lots 1 - 6 and 15 - 18) are accessed from Cherry Street at the top of the Valley Creek Ravine. Those properties have no logical access from Valley Street due to the sharp rise in topography directly east of the subject site as can be seen by the attached topography map. ' . ,I 13. The Port Angeles Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the petition on August 22, 2001, which was duly advertised on August 10, 2001. The Planning Commission's action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. 14. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its September 4,2001, regular meeting. Conclusions: A. Current traffic circulation in the area will not be affected by this vacation as the Valley Creek ravine wall prevents logical use ofthe subject alley by other than those activities occurring on Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TP A. Future development in the area will continue to use Valley Street as access. B. Vacation of the subject right-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare. C. Development patterns in the area will not change as a result of the proposed street vacation. . D. The proposed street vacation is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. '6-0 . . . ~~~I\t?;~^j,C;Fiji~'7,~f~~~~1"n';\,. r~:8r!~!l;7\,t:l~;~i,~2:;"i~~~ Findings and Conclusions - STV OJ -03 Page 3 E. Because the alley is not needed for use as a public right-of-way, vacation of the property is in the public's interest and will allow logical development of the subject property. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of September 4,2001. Larry Doyle, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk .(- 61 . . . 62 . . . Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 2001 Page 9 Street Vacation Petition - STV 01-03 - Peninsula Bottli..&fFidler. Portion of the 3/4 alley east of Valley Street: Request for vacation of Lots 7-14, Block 72, TPA. The staff report was presented by Director Brad Collins. Suggested corrections to the stafIreport include rewording and removal of sentence #2 of Finding #4 that would be added as condition #3 to read, "A Zoning Lot Covenant shall be required to combine the 8 lots into one large building site." A few questions were raised by the Commission including, whether there are requirements for the removal of a condemned building on one of the sites, if the property is being purchased from Bonnie Fiddler, and what would occur if the street vacation is approved but Peninsula Bottling decides not to purchase the property. Staff responded that the Zoning'Lot Covenant conditions and the Street Vacation conditions are co- dependent. Being no further questions of staff, Vice Chair Schramm opened the Public Hearing. Jeff Hinds, Owner and General Manager of Peninsula Bottling Company, answered one questions of the Commission regarding potential problems with the purchase of the property by Peninsula Bottling and if the there are plans to cross the alley with a building. . Director Collins, reported that the applicant and the Valley Creek Restoration group are working together. There being no further public testimony, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:35 PM. Commissioner Philpott stated that it is nice to see businesses growing and seeking to expand rather than leaving the community. Commissioner Philpott moved to approve STP 01-03 citing 3 conditions with condition #3 as stated by staff, 14 findings with the change to finding #4, and 5 conclusions, as presented below. Commissioner Craver seconded the motion which passed 5-0. Conditions: 1. A 10-foot easement over an existing 6" sanitary sewer line centered in the 3/4 alley right-of-way shall be retained for utility purposes. 2. The property owner(s) of the right-of-way shall be responsible for all costs incurred to convert the primary overhead utility line underground in the required 10-foot easement retained, and to provide 24-hour access to the utility line and related equipment. 63 Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 2001 Page 10 Findings: . 1. A petition for vacation of a portion of the 3/4 alley right-of-way abutting Lots 7 - 14, .Block 72, TP A, was submitted by abutting property owners Peninsula Bottling Company and Bonnie Fidler on July 3,2001. 2. Properties to the west and north are designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and are zoned Industrial Light (IL). Uses include the Port Angeles City Light Operations yard, a welding shop, a meat packaging plant, and the Port of Port Angeles operations warehouse. Properties located east of the site are designated as Open Space (OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, are developed as residential, and are zoned PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Property south of the site is designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and is zoned Industrial Light (IL). Land uses to the south are older nonconforming residential uses and a conforming warehouse use. 3. The subject alley only provides logical access to Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA. 4. Owners of the Peninsula Bottling Company have entered into a purchase agreement with Mrs. Fidler to purchase the Fidler property (Lots 11 - 14, Block 72, TP A) in order to create a larger building site to improve the loading/unloading capability of the bottling plant. . Access to the site would remain as previously established. 5. If combination of the lots by Zoning Lot Covenant is not intended, access to the rear of Lots 11 - 14, Block 72, TP A will be required for fire access. 6. A sewer utility service is located in the right-of-way. Ifvacation is approved, an easement for access to that service will need to be retained or the service relocated. Additionally, an overhead power service will need'to be relocated at the applicant's expense in an easement. 7. The City's Fire and Police Departments had no comment or concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. 8. Valley Street is classified as a local streets on the City's Circulation Plan Map. 9. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 10. The proposed street vacation was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The following goals and policies were found to be the most relevant: Land use Map Goal, Policies, and Objective Goal A, and Policies 1 and 2; Industrial GOal. H, Transportation Goal H, and'Policy 14; Utilities and Public Services Goal B, and Policy 4. 64 . . . '('~/.i~r.~:~'\;<;i;e~ ,'i !'f6;,":f,::~ ,:'i~'f .;,~(<<~~1r:;'k'rv;~m~'x~i<~:\ Planning Conunission Minutes August 22, 2001 Page 11 11. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 14-01 on August 7, 2001, which was legally advertised in the Peninsula Daily News onAugust 12, 2001. The site was posted on August 10,2001. No comments have been received. 12. The subject site (Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA) is accessed from Valley Street. The remainder of properties in Block 72 (Lots 1 - 6 and 15 - 18) are accessed from Cherry Street at the top of the Valley Creek Ravine. Those properties have no logical access from Valley Street due to the sharp rise in topography directly east of the subject site as can be seen by the attached topography map. 13. The Port Angeles Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the petition on August 22, 2001, which was duly advertised. on August 10, 2001. The Planning Commission's action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. 14. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its September 4, 2001, regular meeting. Conclusions: A. Current traffic circulation in the area will not be affected by this vacation as the Valley Creek ravine wall prevents logical use of the subject alley by other than those activities occurring on Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TP A. Future development in the area will continue to use Valley Street as access. B. Vacation ofthe subject right-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare. C. Development patterns in the area will not change as a result of the proposed street vacation. D. The proposed street vacation is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. E. Because the alley is not needed for use as a public right-of-way, vacation ofthe property is in the public's interest and will allow logical development of the subject property. 65 . .. . 6-6 . .i . ~ORTANGELES '0 FILE WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: CHAIR NUTTER AND PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist DATE: August 22, 2001 RE: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 01-03 APPLICANTS: Peninsula Bottling and Bonnie Fidler . REQUEST: Vacation ofright-of-way identified as a portion of the 3/4 alley abutting Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for street vacation petition STY 01-03 based on 2 conditions, 14 findings, and 5 conclusions found in Attachment A. ANALYSIS: A petition for vacation of a portion of the 3/4 alley right-of-way in Block 72 TP A was submitted by abutting property owners, Peninsula Bottling Company and Mrs. Bonnie Fidler on July 3,2001. The petition is attached as Attachment B. The bottling plant, owned and operated by Peninsula Bottling Company, is located on Lots 7 -10, Block 72 TPA. Mrs. Fidler owns Lots 11-14, Block 72, TPA. A large, abandoned and condemned apartment structure is located on Lot 14 of that ownership. Lots 11 - 13 remain vacant. The proposal to vacate the alley is due to a desire to improve the method of loading and unloading delivery trucks for the bottling plant operation. The intent is to combine the properties into one building site and develop the right-of-way as an upgraded loading dock for the bottling plant use. of 67 Street Vacation Petition - STV 01-0J Peninsula Bottling/Fidler ~ R.t.a.!", 51:,.:\:'9 d H ~ 'j'-'/! r:; I ',) .', ":" tJ' '.f~:J t!!;.J ~.; :'.1 Vacation of the right-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare. Access to properties in the area will not change if the requested vacation is approved. . Access will continue to be from Valley Street for the bottling plant use with secondary access to Lots 11 - 14 by way of Fourth Street. Properties to the west and north are designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and are zoned Industrial Light (lL). Uses include the Port Angeles City Light Operations yard, a welding shop, a meat packaging plant, and the Port of Port Angeles operations warehouse. Properties located east of the site are designated as Open Space (OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, are developed as residential, and are zoned PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Property south of the site is designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and is zoned Industrial Light (IL). Land uses, to the south are older nonconforming residential uses and a conforming warehouse use. The remainder of properties in Block 72 (Lots 1 - 6 and 15 - 18) are accessed from Cherry Street at the top of the Valley Creek Ravine. Those properties have no logical access from Valley Street due to the sharp rise in topography directly east of the subject site as can be seen by the attached topography map. DEPARTMENT REVIEWS AND COMMENTS The Public Works Engineering Division will require a 10-foot easement over an existing . i 6" sanitary sewer line that is centered in the 3/4 alley right-of-way. The Public Works Light Division will require the subsequent property owner of the right-of- way to be responsible for all costs incurred to convert the primary overhead utility line underground, and to provide 24-hour access to the utility line and related equipment. Th!! Public Works Solid Waste Division had no comment. The Fire and Police Departments had no comment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Vacation of right-of-way is a process that is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197 -11-800(2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation. The following goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal: .; Land Use Map Goal, Policies, and Objective 68 Goal A To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides .' .1 . Street Vacation Petition - STJI 01-03 Peninsula BottlinglFidler Page 3 . Policy 1. . Policy 2. Industrial Goal H '-:~;:;!!c!~:,._l< "'~f;i:-}',~ . ,;,:',;.1,((. ,; fi'!:,_J.J~:;~>:".^Y '. (}'{: certainty to its citizens about future l~d use and the flexibility necessary to meet tlr challenges and opportunities of the future. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be used as a conceptual guide for determining current and long range zoning and, other land use decisions. The map'~ land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goal~; policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Bomds' or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. To provide opportunities for industrial development in a manner which efficiently uses the community's various attributes and natural resources, has minimal impact on the environment, and contributes to the City's quality of life. Transportation Element Goal B To improve circulation patterns across and within the community. . Policy 14 Off-street parking should be sufficient and accessible within business and residential areas to ensure that the traffic flow of the street is not impaired. Utilities and Public Services Goal B To support services and facilities through different levels of participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies. Policy 4 The City should develop and use public facilities cooperatively in the promotion of social and community services. PUBLIC COMMENT/NOTIFICATION: The site was posted and notice of the proposed action was published in the Peninsula Daily News on August 10, 2001. No comments were received during the publication and posting period. This action constitutes a recommendation. to the City Council. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its September 4, 2001, regular meeting. 69 Street Vacation Petition - STV OJ-03 Peninsula BOl/ling/Fidler Page 4 ATIACIlMENT A Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STV 01-03 Peninsula Bottling/Fidler . Conditions: 1. A 10-foot easement over an existing 6" sanitary sewer line centered in the 3/4 alley right-of-way shall be retained for utility purposes. 2. The property owner(s) of the right-of-way shall be responsible for all costs incurred to convert the primary overhead utility line underground in the required 10- foot easement retained, and to provide 24-hour access to the utility line and related equipment. Findings: 1. A petition for vacation of a portion of the 3/4 alley right-of-way abutting Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TP A, was submitted by abutting property owners Peninsula Bottling Company and Bonnie Fidler on July 3, 2001. 2. Properties to the west and north are designated as Industrial (1) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and are zoned Industrial Light (IL). Uses include the Port Angeles City . Light Operations yard, a welding shop, a meat packaging plant, and the Port of Port Angeles operations warehouse. Properties located east of the site are designated as Open Space (OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, are developed as residential, and are zoned PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Property south of the site is designated as Industrial (I) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and is zoned Industrial Light (IL). Land uses to the south are older nonconforming residential uses and a conforming warehouse use. 3. The-subject alley only provides logical access to Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TP A. 4. Owners of the Peninsula Bottling Company have entered into a purchase agreement with Mrs. Fidler to purchase the Fidler property (Lots 11 - 14, Block 72, TP A) in order to create a larger building site to improve the loading/unloading capability of the bottling plant. A Zoning Lot Covenant would be required to create and would combine the 8 lots into one large building site. Access to the site would remain as previously established. 5. If combination of the lots by Zoning Lot Covenant is not intended, access to the rear of Lots 11 - 14, Block 72, TPA will be required for fire access. 6. A sewer utility service is located in the right-of-way. Ifvacation is approved, an easement for access to that service will need to be retained or the service relocated. Additionally, an overhead power service will need to be relocated at the applicant's expense in an easement. . .70 . . . :>1" ;~;~~:~',f~;k~,6r'~;~i,H" : ,:~,<,;-;\,."" .,',',:~!r"p'~'~'.iXid'i~;,;:r::~'iy"' Street Vacation Petition - STV OJ-03 Peninsula Bottling/Fidler Page 5 7. The City's Fire and Police Departments had no comment or concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. 8. Valley Street is classified as a local streets on the City's Circulation Plan Map. 9. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 10. The proposed street vacation was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The following goals and policies were found to be the most relevant: Land use Map Goal, Policies, and Objective Goal A, and Policies 1 and 2; Industrial Goal H, Transportation Goal H, and Policy 14; Utilities and Public Services Goal B, and Policy 4. 11. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 14-01 on August 7, 2001, which was legally advertised in the Peninsula Daily News on August 12, 2001. The site was posted on August 10, 2001. No comments have been received. 12. The subject site (Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA) is accessed from Valley Street. The remainder of properties in Block 72 (Lots 1 - 6 and 15 - 18) are accessed from Cheny Street at the top of the Valley Creek Ravine. Those properties have no logical access from Valley Street due to the sharp rise in topography directly east of the subj ect site as can be seen by the attached topography map. 13. The Port Angeles Planning Commission conducted a public h~aring on the petition on August 22, 2001, which was duly advertised on August 10, 2001. The Planning Commission's action constitutes a recommendation to the City CounciL 14. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its September 4, 2001, regular meeting. .. Conclusions: A. Current traffic circulation in the area will not be affected by this vacation as the Valley Creek ravine wall prevents logical use of the subject alley by other than those activities occurring on Lots 7 - 14, Block 72, TPA. Future development in the area will continue to use Valley Street as access. B. Vacation of the subject right-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare. C. Development patterns in the area will not change as a result of the proposed street vacation. D. The proposed street vacation is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. 71 '7-2 Street Vacation Petition - STV OJ-03 Peninsula Bottling/Fidler Page 6 E: Because the alley is not needed for use as a public right-of-way, vacation of the property is . in the public's interest and will allow logical development of the subject property. Attachments: Topography map Attachment A - Findings and Conclusions Attachment B - Application . . .,.. ............../ ~...,;"....;. "'1'1"'.,...~A. { ..-p~~ ~~.....<_".. 'Pi' GVL ~ _ It!: ~~~~ ~~ .. ATIO,c: . A "" .' ~ G,'" =:: ;r;~_......... r,"- -.....' ..... ~ I A!.."-f' tII \ I /;, I [/ t ~ .iL~~~ _ I t--J;7 '( "i..6 l tJ/ r i. ' ~ IL) _ ~ r ~ ~V c..-- """'"'t~-n:.lt~( '~ _ ~ 'f ,o.:-:";~ . " , ? > f: ? I..".: 0' f," 1/ L _, ~ ~ ....y '0 ~ .::.), '"1'T/ i' I . I :; l "')-....'. I -l"l j J 'lI f GVlJ x.... . ~ '7'" ..../~ ~ , Ib.. Ii \" l~~ I Ale ~ T B 1.:..' r-r {)<~ rff~i ~I ~ ~ ~~.. '" c 7_ _~ ~."::><. ~ u, " q( ~ 8~ . 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" LO~~OCk 72 TPA ~ ..~< II I , -6 , - r::!-II f V. ~ _ ~~ I _ .... ,~ 44 (:) . - ~.....-:::" Photo of the Site 3/4 alley from Vall STV ey Street 01-03 . ~, II." 4 ~........ ---~---~----- . ~ r. ., I'" L_ - - ..~. ..... ~ ~'Ilr ~.:-~> -.---- . ...... ---_.--.-.~.. _._~ . ~ ... '..', . ... ._..r"......,.._......-L.,- ~. ".:.~. .-:: ~ . . .~-... . 7-4 . . ESRI ArcExplorer 1.1 Street Vacation - STY 01-03 - Peninsula Bottling/Fidler ....... c.n i>~ -.. ......../ feet A N o 100 200 . '-: grld.aat cnC 1 a.aat street names (Text) form contour line contour depression Index (10) contour depression ~ contour Index (10) contour spot streetcl + Intersection _ building street sidewalk _ bridge streams '., . ponds . 't' , Wednesday, Aug 152001 . . . 76 . . '1/$1)01 . CllY OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PETITION , .11..-3. IE @ TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington- f:IOMMuNny DEvELOPMENT Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of AI/~Zi 1.",1J: I( ..ll{ . Street/Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (leg; lly describe the properly requested for vacation below). . . 14 1/61./ f3 ~sw 3.eb..L. lfTH (j(op..k '7:J.... L~T" 1I-(Z-13-~'+ ('13'-. ) lO-Cf- f'- ? (/3L?~ 2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. . 3. ~ persons own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: ~ . Address - ~e. ;..).1,l \b t-,~t.~. ~ ~ttJ 'IV Su. \ l4. \3 b ~ +L, ""9 ~, , , ? J/, -!=, t r:it oST ~I/ S, J/Alle:y j, ~ ~ 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting property. WHEREFO~ the petitioners ask.~eedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said . ~ Stre~ the manner prescribed in ,Chapter 35.79 RCW. T Respectfully submitted, Address ~ 459- ~. Ifs- 7- if 9 tJ() ~- 7';17 r~~;~.=>~loQ 1ft C;. .JAlAJi.Y Sf' ~ \-\~ \'C\ 'S FileNo.~ 77 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-4750 . . . . .', ." -,. ;~. -, .. 78 . CITY COUNCIL MEMO ~ORT.ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT Septennber 4,2001 ~'~~---,,__ _~.:s#!#~~j~,:L,),; ~;SE'pmMB ,{i.~ 7!">!i':,".J''''#f'i\*''';/'<."'~' '~V''-";-1.'if',!.<A;..~ LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Arrival of cruise ship Oceanus at City Pier William Shore Pool Renovation Steering Committee Meeting City Council Meeting Hurricane Ridge PDA Board of Directors Meeting Gateway Project Meeting . Utility Advisory Committee / P A Works! Joint Meeting Board of Adjustment Meeting Recognition of Scooter Chapman - VBMCC Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Port Angeles Area Recreation Coalition Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Victoria / P.A. City Council Joint Meeting in Port Angeles Real Estate Committee Meeting (movedfrom II'h, this time only) City Council Meeting Parks, Recreation & Beautification Committee Meeting General Forum on Annexation Planning Commission Meeting Monday, September 3 Closed Tuesday, September 4 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 4 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 4 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 5 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 6 8:15 a.m. Monday, September 10 3:00 p.m. Monday, September 10 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 11 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 12 6:30 p.m. . Wednesday, September 12 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 12 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 14 Noon Tuesday, September 17 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 18 6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 20 6:30 p.m. Thursday, September 20 7 - 9 p.m. Wednesday, September 26 Tuesday, October 2 Thursday, October 4 Monday, October 8 6:00 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 79 . . . 'SO . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO August 31, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Michael Quinn, City Manager~O- Council Goals - Project Update Summary: As indicated in prior informational reports, it is my desire to increase the project information to the City Council via a series of status updates on a monthly basis. We may not address every project each month, but will address those projects that are the most active or have other circumstances that impact them. With the prior submittal ofthe Work Plan, these proj ects have now been identified and can be tracked for monthly progress. Recommendation: No action necessary - information. Back!!round / Analvsis: Goal: Financial Stability - Provide consistent and quality municipal services through the adequacy, utilization, and development of financial resources that maximize return on investment, leverage of outside resources, and equity for local taxpayers. * Electric and Solid Waste Rate Reviews - With the announcement by BP A of a 46% wholesale rate increase, City staff and our consultant will be presenting rate impact analysis to the UAC and the Council by September. The Solid Waste review will be completed toward the end of this year * Finance System RFI - The Finance Department has established internal review committees ofthe various program modules desired in the RFP. We will be evaluating the requirements for a more formal bidder proposal process to be completed by year end. * Budget - All Departments were to submit their preliminary proposals by today. We will adjust per available resources and Council Goals via the Budget Committee process in the fourth quarter. Goal: Inter~overnmental Relations - Promote communications, legislative influence, and agency cooperation with all public entities on the North Olympic Peninsula, as well as State, Federal, and Tribal agencies which impact our community and environment. G:\CNCLPK1\CTYMGR\Ol-0703PROJECTS.wpd Page 1 of 3 81 * Elwha Dam Water Supply Mitigation - The City will proceed with the testing of two water . filtration systems commencing this Fall with funding by the National Parks Service. *Bilateral Compliance Agreement (BCA) w/Department of Health (DOH) - A presentation on various filtration processes being considered to meet BCA is scheduled for September UAC and the September 18th Council meeting. ( Goal: Ouality Municipal Services - Organize and provide municipal services that are oriented toward meeting the needs of our citizens, effectively utilizing available resources, and achieving improvements in our community's quality of life. * Bridgeworks Strategic Planning - Staff representatives have been involved with this private sector planning effort supported by the EDC. We recently received their report recommendations and will be reviewing this information as it relates to our telecommunications efforts and our desire to foster a collaborative and efficient system of broadband service to our community. * Water Comprehensive Plan - The plan is currently being reviewed by City staff with anticipation of State submittal for approval later this year. Goal: Employee Excellence - Expand programs and policies that enhance the work environment, stimulate employee performance, and promote customer service to assure the provision of quality municipal services and prepare our employees for the future challenges . in municipal government. * Labor Contracts - Negotiations have commenced with our Firefighter union (IAFF) and we have made significant progress with operational issues and are commencing discussions regarding economic impacts in the contract. We will keep the Council informed as to our continued progress. Goal: Community Development - Develop policies and promote implementation measures that enact our Comprehensive Plan, preserve the character of our community, and provide the necessary public facilities and infrastructure consistent with our vision for the future. * Airport Road Realignment Project - The project is progressing well and the new roadway is being utilized. Work is substantially complete with minor striping, signage and lighting to be completed by October. * Morse Creek Hydroelectric Facility - We are awaiting comments from Ebey Hill on the redrafted lease agreement. We expect further information on the value of the facility and cost estimates later in September. * Annexation Plan - We have met with the County, PUD, and Fire District to review Page 2 of 3 . G:\CNCLPKT\CTYMGR\OI-0703PROJECTS.wpd 82 . . . -;~Y::":,:r'~_J-t ." "i,~':.~!\f~\:1; ,,;.';,:f;"~'Z~'j>-~~~,~?:''if~~rd~1fr'~'') comments on our preliminary annexation report. We also attended the forum presented by the pro- annexation citizens group and have organized the City sponsored forums and focus meetings with the first one scheduled for September 20th. * Francis Street Park - Construction is proceeding with site excavation and underground utilities complete. Forming and placement of concrete curbs and structures are in progress. * Laurel Street Slide Repair - The project will be advertised in September with an expected completion time by November. * Ennis Street Slide Repair - Similar project timeline as above. * Crown Park Stormwater - Project is under design and permits will be applied for shortly. This is scheduled for construction in 2002. * Fiber Optics - Staff is proceeding with the coordination of a private-public partnership to enhance the ability of all parties to expand this infrastructure throughout the community. Weare also proceeding with the organization of a pilot project concept to highlight the value and use of this technology. We have received 26 applications for participation representing 45 users. * Telecommunications - Capacity Provisioning, Inc is the first local infrastructure developer to request right-of-way licensing under the new ordinance regulations. Their project involves a fiber optic system to be leased to the School District for wide area networking to their school facilities. * Energy Conservation - The program involved 40 conservation building improvements in June and July representing a value of$178,000. There has also been 16 appliances purchased and over 1100 light bulb coupons redeemed through our program. Goal: Economic Development - Stimulate the community's economy through a combination of policies and programs which diversify the economic base, support the community and resource-based activities, provide adequate infrastructure and support, promote the opportunities for high technology and innovative applications for our business and industrial base, and establish the community's prominence as the service and activity center of the North Olympic Peninsula. Goal: Community Livability - Protect, preserve and enhance the quality ofliving within our community which fosters a commitment toward excellence in environmental, cultural, social, and physical benefits to our citizens. Goal: Community Relations - Enhance citizen-government communication in order to promote a more responsive and accountable municipal organization which functions with understanding and support for its constituency. G:\CNCLPK1\CTYMGR\Ol-0703PROJECTS.wpd Page 3 of 3 83 . . . If' 84 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. 'C IT Y CO UN C I L M EM 0 September 4,2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ Change Orders and Small Contracts for August, 2001 In response to Resolution 7-01, the change orders issued during the month of August and the public works contracts under $15,000 approved by the City Manager are described below: PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, AUGUST, 2001 Costs shown do not include taxes) PROJECT PROJECT ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE NUMBER CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS AUGUST AMOUNT Airport Rd. Realignment 91-07 $951,589.91 $0.00 $0.00 $951,589.91 81h Street Restoration 99-08 $1,684,518.60 $140,547.31 $0.00 $1,825,065.91 Black Diamond Res. Imp. 99-18 $884,958.00 $11,207.07 $0.00 $896,165.07 Landfill Closure 20-04 $883,325.65 $136,408.44 $0.00 $1,019,734.09 Francis Street Park 21-07 $312,605.93 $0.00 $39,852.99(a) $352,458.92 Ediz Hook Elect. UG 20-06 $111,668.25 $0.00 $0.00 $111,668.25 Notes: CCO#I; Change light fixtures, locate & install new manholes, remove unsuitable material, and excavate for transformer. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTSIPURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER AUGUST, 2001 (Costs shown do not include taxes) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# Olympic Electric 21-15 Cut and install traffic detection loops at 5lh/Lincoln, $11,994.00 5thlPeabody, and LauridsenlRace intersections. . NTI, Engineering 21-23 Map Valley Cr. Culvert $9,800.00 N:\IPHYLAGA \CCco+cont.wpd 85 . . . 86 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C I T Y C 0 U 'N elL M E M 0 SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 MAVORDovLEANDCITYCOUNCIL / \ vV YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DI~~R INITIATIVE 747 ' It appears that Tim Eyman and his campaign group, Permanent Offense, have submitted enough signatures to place Initiative 747 on the fall ballot. Initiative 747 would limit growth of property taxes, without voter approval, to one percent annually and would require all other local tax increases to be put to a public vote. Last year, the voters approved two spending initiatives, 1-728 for education enhancement programs and class size reduction and 1-732 for cost of living pay increases for teachers and other school personnel. These two initiatives represent $800 million in earmarked spending in the State budget. The passage of 1-747 would result in a cut in state revenues that would help pay for the voter mandated increases. More than 33% of the Clallam County budget and 72% of the Library budget is derived from property taxes. Most jurisdictions will be able to survive in 2002, but once reserves are gone, the future could prove dim. For the City of Port Angeles, property taxes contribute more than 24% to the General Fund and Street Fund revenue. At this time, our levy is $3.10 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, which is the maximum allowable rate. Initiative 747 will have not have a significant financial impact in the 2002 budget. However, in the event of an increase in the City's property tax base or assessed valuation, we will be limited to increasing property taxes by only one percent. AFSCME Local # 1619 is requesting the Council pass a Resolution opposing 1-747, as the passage of this initiative could have a catastrophic impact on cities, counties, library districts, fire districts, hospital districts, parks, etc. 87 . . . 88 I o ~ .~ ~ . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE August 30, 2001 To: Mike Quinn From: Human Resources Office Below please find summary report of JUNE, JULY, AUGUST 2001 recruitment activity: NEW HIRES: Regular Full-Time. with start dates: · Colin Huffinan Meter Reader/Cashier, Finance, 6/25/01 · Jerry Cole Recreation Manager, Parks & Recreation, 7/9/01 · Susanne Connelly Human Resources Analyst, CMO, 7/16/01 · John Hebner Electrical Engineering Specialist II, Public Works, 8/20/01 · Alan Oman Traffic Signal Electrician, Public Works, 8/20/01 RESIGNA TIONS/RETIREMENTS Karen Pappandew Senior Accountant Dawn Splan Communications Officer Amanda Broussard Deputy City Clerk Jason Brown Recreation Coordinator Camille Headrick HR Assistant Debi Barnes Associate Planner Resigned 6/1/01 Resigned 6/19/01 Resigned 6/29/01 Resigned 8/17/01 Retired 8/1 7/01 Resigned 8/29/01 JOB PO STINGS · Associate Planner · Senior Accountant · Legal Records Specialist · Deputy City Clerk, part-time · Recreation Coordinator · Contract Attorney, part-time · Communications Officer · Utility Worker I (internal posting) 89 . . . '" 90 . Q,uarter{y reyort from PI'RJt JU{y through Seytem6er 2001 RECEI\/~D AUG 24 2001 City of Port Angeles . 'Tliis quarter lias been a very fun quarterI It began at tlie yub{ic interview session wliere a couy{e of us met tlie new P.5t Sclioo{ Suyerintendent cancfidates. 'Tlie Summer Institute de Cegation from Mutsu arrived Ju{y 31st in SeattCe. Severa{ PIR:A members were tliere to meet tlie grouy a{ong witli Mr. {1e- yao Liu, from PeninsuCa Co{Cege, tlie cooordtnating grouy for tlie Institute. 'Tuesday tlirougli :Friday tlie deCegation and P.5t students, tliat were yarticiyating in tlie Institute, stayed at tlie PeninsuCa Co{Cege 'Dorms. 'Tlie students liad cCasses in tlie mornings and PIR:A liosted tlie afternoon fieW triys. 'Tliursday evening PIR:A liosted a very fun outing to ":NiftY:Fifties"for ice cream and tlien slioyying at Swains. :Friday evening tlie deCegation was disyersed to tlieir liost fami{ies. Monday found us in Yictoria for tlie day and tliat evening PIRJt liosted a farewe{{ yarty at Cliina :First. 'Tlie fo{{owing day we lieaded for tlie SeattCe Center and Cater tliat day to Safeco :FieW to root for tlie Mariners III PIR:A members, :Nick Xavadas and Cindy Sofie were tlie drivers of tlie '. \ 91 'PeninsuCa Co{Cege vans ana deilyered the grouy to . the airyort the fo{{owing day. It was a very successfu{ Summer Institute for the year 2001. 'The next event tliat we wife be yreyaring for is tlie October visit of tlie Sister J{itJh Sclioo{ 'Tanabu. 'PI'RJ!llias aEready made arrangements for tlie grouy to meet witli City officialS to yay tlieir resyects. We wi{{be meeting witli tlie J{itJli Sclioo{Jayanese C{ub to liefp yCan detailS of the triy, farewe{{ dinner, etc.. ~yort comyiCed by Cindy Sofie, 'PI'RJ!l 'President ?v~* . . 92 ': ___________________________~.~-~AL~~ M G-QU NT:.Y__~ U~!__ S!:f--rf E R ~EJ>OR~, F OR THE MOfWctLQ~- J_~l~_L~g_Q.___+---------- ------________LJ~_~_JE~b i M a ~_L~.Q r --L~__i J_~_'!_I J u. L_~!I.-9--~~-IL-_+__Qct___i_ Nq~[I.Pe.f.--JIJl?--- 1 I I I i r- I I . I I ACO .S~y.~-------~----~_1_-------~---nL---l~j-----~~-- 81 lQ~--------~-------L-------~---..-------,-----.-----~-_______~o J\CO_~ift ~ . . ---J-------J?L-----Ql--____-1I_____91_____$____%.______Q_r---+---------~---.------l---------J-.------_--L------L_t 1>1\ Citizen_Stray DQQs .-J-------1QL--U~--------Z_t_-----..1.l-------~+-------~------~1-------r-------+-----------l----------f---.-----------__...~---------s.Q- .. 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