HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/19/2000 "B. . . ~~RTANGEIilES;' ~'"' "'J' ','" ,,' W~ 5 H I N G TON, U. S. A. ,"''i' "AGENDA ciJ~:Y CQyNQIL.l\fEETING "I, 321 EAST FIFTH STREET . 'i(,),,';; :' " ' "/September 19,: 2000,;, REGUCA:R l\'IEETING - 6:00p.m. "CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting,(6:0(lp.m;) ROLL CA.LL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS WORK SESSION" " I. Bonneville Power Association Wholesale Power Contract Presentation 2. Presentation by the Olympic AirPolllltion ControlAuthonty re:,Sta.te Iifipos~d':BimrBari ,. "LA '}:EIT~MSTO'BEJ.>LACED'ON T~I~,9~..E'UTl!.~~GE~DAS (By CO~?S!{,?~qjJ.R~WJ~eli~/~ND PUBLIC COMMENT FORITEMSNOTQNA(;~tiDN (This is the,oPP?rtuYl~tyforr;z~"}pe,rS:7oJthe public to speak to the City Council about ahythingrlO(on.'th~agenda,please lceepcom~eni~{ii;i~;:'ioi;jJ1~11!f}s;) E. I ,,' D.,FINANCE ,~,';; 1. Transportation Enhancements ,Act" Ip!\ 71 , Grant Appli~ati<>,n:""'i:'" i '2. Grant, application for" Tr~sPQnation , ImprovemeIlt Board Funds for Lauridsen:Blvd;:: Improvements ,'" ,3. Southwood Service ConversioiiCostASsistance -;\;~.,:A wardwaferliIle projeCtsorioAStfe~f;.utd~ant , Avenue 5. Tree trim contract change order 6. Award aerial mappiIlg contract for 2000 . " I I . F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NOTE: HEARING DEWCESAVAIL~BLKjFOR;THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE ' , MA YORTO'DE1uiiiMINFi'TiME OFBRE.4K " "";;i,~' September 19,2000 PortAllgeles'qtY p>uncil Meeting "':\\"'~:::F:'i:;,' ""0', P~ge - 1 .'c",;\, . ,- y . ;,' \ ,0," ;-\1' , 0 " P~~P~cI:iEARINGS., ,..,:;;z)\ii" . . Public hearings are set by the City <:;?,:!~ciUn. o~ot~JTleet leg~!l~uire ehtsp.l:l~a!nin"t~'lJ1atter~~uc~>~~!I~rid.U~~ ' , " ~ppli . amendments to Citylc;lnd use re,9ulclli9':!~! ~nin~p::tl~;annexa!l . dltioni the Cay C()!lncd lJIay seta public , In or . , prior to making:decislons whichimpacttlie citizens.Certaill matte~.I11aY:. :'ntfov~rsiaI,ai1dJhe"CitY,,council may c, ,ose to seek ttie:publiche<irlngprotie$~'L..f::.:;<~;r';:'f,. .. .. '0' ,.... .;;;) , .0" ,..: ':.;.::::'::':::::::::::;- ..::>,::::~~'~~:::::'>~::>::: :7 I:: .:::::::" ;::;::::::::::_;::::".::':.:. ... ...-..... .__h' ':-:Y/~:Yi</,>~;/~_::;::',<: :H::>j"'::_::':::':~,:-~ ::>:: :.::~>.'::~:';",:r:-': . -:>> :-~ -:-<+~.H:,:::<b:/'::>\>::-: -,-"A;,~ -;''i:: '--.',.-',' . ,""', :'~,,~",.~.;:-, .-~.-<:,- -" ,<.0.,.., , ,,~ September 19, 2000 . . '. 0',_' , NOTE:':HEARINGIDEVleES'iA V~iLABLE'FOR!THOSE\NEEDING AssfsTANCE A..;.t~mtyoRffie}fjE]iERMIl~ErTiME;eE;.BREAK,;, ':.,. "':.,. ;;"/1; Port AngelesCity CounCil ~eeting . ' 1 ", 'r ,C,"f ;'Page - 2 ., ..::<,~,,:.'-;..,,:'->:'.,q,'-;;'Y.,.'(""':'"'' FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. ';;:1::-"'::,:._,<,,,'" CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins G. Cutler D. McKeen T.Riepe y. Ziomkowski v' + V V \/' V V September 19,2000 t.oaP. D.",^-. I III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: (I()J~^~j O.J'YVl A_ ~l\!l../ Led by: CITY OF PORT ANGELES :FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: September 19, 2000 LOCATION: City Council Chambers y- / E'L P1' Af D L 5-:E w. (0 City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. OrdinanceIResolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of ~pl:1.. ~ .At./ /4, O)IJD{) f.~,(.,.l .~I'JJ 1.111/AhA ~ i.l'llh' I) _ill: I 'J~ City Manager City Atty. (1) . I /' Planning City Clerk ~~V Deputy Clerk I ,/ Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir .IMgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. / MRSC (1) 1\1' PDN (Summary) ~JmlY\ j Extra Copies ...~.. 'Of) IV .,.. '1 tJ ,./ ,II . ,IJ I -- I TOTAL I '7 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO September 19,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~frv Presentation on BOIDleville Power Administration Wholesale Power Contract Summary: The City's electric utility is currently negotiating a contract for its power supply for the period from October 2001 to September 2006. As a public agency customer, the City is eligible to purchase wholesale power from the Bonneville Power Administration at the Priority Firm Rate (Bonneville's lowest wholesale rate), which is expected to be well below market rates during this period. Tonight's presentation will summarize the contract provisions and changes from previous contracts, and answer any questions the Council may have concerning the power purchase contract. The contract will be brought before the Council at the October 3,2000 meeting for authorization. . Scott McLain will make a oresentation for information only. Backt:round / Analysis: The City's electric utility currently has contracts for wholesale power supply from three different providers. Columbia Storage Power Exchange (CSPE) provides about 1 %, A vista Energy supplies about 22%, and the Bonneville Power Administration provides 77%. . The BP A contract will be expiring at the end of September 2001, the CSPE contract at the end of March 2003, and the A vista contract at the end of September 2003. Market power prices during this period are expected to be much higher than the prices available from BP A. By signing a new subscription contract with the Bonneville Power Administration, we will replace power purchased under all the expiring contracts with BP A Priority Firm purchases. This will assure the City of a low cost power supply through October 2006. The City is currently engaged in a financial study ofthe electric utility. This study will determine how the residential and commercial retail rates will be affected by the new wholesale power costs. This study should be complete about mid-November and will be presented to the Council at that time. . N:\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\MEMOS\CC919. WPD 1 . . . 2 .. Outdoor Burning General Information . Health Effects of Breathing Smoke · Increased rate of respiratory and cardiovascular illness · Premature death · Children, the elderly, and individuals with asthma and heart or lung disease are most at risk . Rule Making Background · 1991 - The Washington State Clean Air Act, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 70.94 was changed to limit outdoor burning to the greatest extent possible in an effort to protect public health. One main revision banned residential and land-clearing burning in all urban growth areas - regardless of size - by December 31,2000. · 1995 -1998 - Additional changes were made to the outdoor burning provisions in the state RCW through Legislative action. · 2000 - Because the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) cannot be less stringent than the RCW and should be consistelJ.t with the RCW, the Washington State Department of Ecology revised the ~tate outdoor burning rule -- WAC 173-425. The rule was adopted on April 13, 2000. Local air authorities, such as the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority (OAPCA), are responsible for its implementation. For more information, contact ... · Bruce Smith, Washington State Department of Ecology - Air Quality Program, (360) 407-6889 or brsm461@ECY.WA.GOV · Craig Weckesser, Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, Public Information, (360) 438-7768, Ext. 111 or craigw@oapca.org · OAPCA Website: http://www.oapca.org (Site will include burn ban area maps) Out~<<lfillt~ll\'PDll~g<Jl~.itions (asper the-State OutdporBUming W A~ 173-4425) ~",,'S · Construction. I. demoliti~.r<l.~~ris7 all materials resulting from the construction, renov;ltion, or demolition of buildings; roads, and other man-made structurys~ / ~;' ..< -:' ':' - ',' . ." Firewood - bareunn;eatedwood used as fuel in a solid fuel burning device, IIldian ceremonial fire,. or recreational fire.. .Land7cleariqgbu~ing -burning tre~s, stumps, shrubbery, or other natural vegetation from land-'clearing projects:" " . . Recreational fires -fires~onsisfu1gof charcoal orfirewoodt~~ta,I"ei.l.ls~d for :cookin~ or pleasure. Fires used for debris disposal are not considered recreationa.rfii-es.~dare prohibited. . .. R. esid.' ential fires. ":.' fires, cons,isting of leaves, clippings, prunm... ".... gs andp.tger yard and gardening debris. . .' .. '. , -';'" -,?' . '.' .,- . . > .. Storm.' or 00.0. d d.. ~J>. .r.,.i....s.......b....u.. r.'.n.. .~.g-........fir. e. s co.nsistin.,. g. ofnatur..a....ivt?g..~t.,.a. #.p.3~. d.....tm.... o....sit.ecl.on.. Jands.by. _ _ ',' _f-,','-:_.'::~.__',:;';:-,_"_'-~':"_'____,.''':~_':; ,.'., _,:,' _"':"::,': " ',- ""_ - '''-.'''" ,", _,_:'>"I,.>,;:>,;_:"-:,:...:_:,,,.,~:>__-:>__.,, __ ,',__ _ _,'. storms or floods thathaveoccll1T~din the previous twoxeaIscan~l"~stllt~g'.~!aire~erge~cy being declared. 9rproclaiIne,~ip..!l1e~~a9)' the city, so~ty, or state,goxewri1~#taIl(l.burned.im such lands by the propert)ToWner orlUsor her designee. . , . . . , Type:s .ofB~urn..BaJ1S . ,Burn ban areas referfedtOintllispublicationare thoseareaswher~ certain types Of burning will be permanentlyprohibited.}> '., . . Burn b~n~ueto impaire~~i"~u.~~iG:is' a te~porarYban onoutd()orburniIlg guring p~riods when air l'ollutantsare'ID.<;:~11fecl~~..~ea1thfullevels.. OlympicAirP~!l~tion<tontrol Authority (OAPCA)or the Was*gtoti State Department of Ecology are theag~ciesresponsible for calling this type Qfburirban. ' . . . . Burn ban due to d~ytI~ather;~n..ditions is a temporary ban on outdoor burning called by a fire official during periodsofhi~ffiedanger. - ~ Outdoor Burning,Regulations (as per the State Outdoor Burning WAC 173-425) . What can be burned - Where burning is allowed, it is legal to bum only natural vegetation in a residential or land-clearing fire. It is illegal to burn anything else - even paper, except for the" amount necessary to start the fire. (Burning garbage has been illegal statewide since 1967.) . Burn barrels - The use of bum barrels is prohibited statewide. This change to the WAC reflects the language in the Uniform Fire Code. . Construction and demolition debris - The burning of construction and demolition debris is specifically prohibited. This means that any material resulting from a construction, renovation or demolition project is illegal to burn. Prior to the 2000 revisions, only construction debris was prohibited. . Burn ban areas - Washington State law will permanently ban land-clearing and residential burning of yard clippings and other vegetative debris in the following cities and their urban growth areas after December 31, 2000: CJallam County - Port Angeles Grays Harbor County - Aberdeen Jefferson County - Port Townsend Mason County - Shelton Thurston County - Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater The permanent ban on land-clearing and residential burning of yard clippings and other vegetative debris will be implemented in the following cities and all other urban growth areas after December 31, 2006: CJallam County - Forks, Sequim Pacific County - Raymond, South Bend, Long Beach, Ilwaco Thurston County - Bucoda, Rainier, Tenino, Yelm Note: Recreational fires (firewood or charcoal) less than three feet in diameter and two feet high are allowed in burn ban areas, except in Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater where a permit is required through OAPCA, 1-800-422-5623. No outdoor fire may contain material (other than firewood) that has been hauled from an area where outdoor burning of material is prohibited. . Land-clearing burning - · Land-clearing burning will be permanently banned in densely populated areas bordering burn ban areas (census tracts that have more than a 1,000 people per square mile). · Land-clearing burning will be banned in unincorporated areas that do not have a fire permit program. . Nuisance- · Smoke, odor or ash that unreasonably impacts neighboring properties is illegal. \ ~' Fir.e".:P,ermit"lnf()rmatio.n: ""-' Typ~s of burningJIta.t requir~. a permit (permits may be written, verbal or electronic) . Residential burning (yard debris) · In cities and urban growth areas where burning is allowed.) Cfteck with your local fire department I districtlor requirements. . For fires larger than 4'X4'x3' in non-urban areas of anyc~unty with an unincorporated population of less than 50,000. Those counties are: Clallam- 40,045; Grays Harbor- . . .' ..... ) 26,525; Jefferson - 18,200; Mason ., 40,790, and Pacific-14,600. .' . · For fires of all sizes in non-urban areas of Thurston County with an unincorporated population of more than 50,000 (unincorporated population: 114,375) . Recreational fires (firewood or charcoal) that are larger than threeleet in diameter and two leet high require a permit. . Note: Fires used for disposal purPoses are not considered recreational fires and are prohibited. . In non-urban areas of any county with an unincorporated population of more than 50,000. . In cities and urban groWth areas where burning is allowed. . Land-clearing burning - all land-clearing burning requires a permit. . Other types of burning - allowed in permanent bum ban areas with a permit. . Agricultural burning . Storm & flood debris · Fire training , . Rare & endangered plant regeneration fires · Weed abatement fires Permitting Jurisdictions . Fire Departments I Districts (with permitting programs) - withinjurisdictio,nalareas . County Fire Marshal - check with their offices for specific information . Departmentof N~turalResources(DNR) -land-clearing .fires in unincorporated ar~l:lsand on unimproved lands or in incorporated areas with no permitting pr9gram, upon: request. DNR will only continue to issue permits for land-clearing fires statewide until July 1,2001. . OAPCA -fire. training fires, agricultural fires. (Cooking fires within the city limits oLLacey,) Olympia and Tumwater and any unincorporated areas within those city limits.) "(r;:;/~:1:>:;! -, ; :~1~f;::":!;;}1~1:.~Jt}~!::ljf~~t,., Alternatives to Outdoor Burning Port Angeles Note: Please call these businesses for additional information on their services. Recycled Earth Products Port Angeles 457 -9026 Landclearing debris, stumps, wood waste, grinding. Blue Mountain Tree Service Port Angeles 452-7706 Residential chipping & grinding. Dryver Tree Service Port Angeles 452-5162 Residential chipping, stump grinding. Eager Beaver Tree Service Port Angeles 452-8733 Residential chipping. Happy Valley Pruning Sequim 681-5282 Residential clearing brush & wood waste, grinding. Herman Brothers Log & Port Angeles 452-3341 Commercial stump & Construction vegetative material grinding. Holistic Homesteads Sequim 681-2671 Residential brush clearing, chipping. Town & Country Tree Sequim 681-4256 Residential chipping Leavitt Trucking Port Hadlock 360- Commercial log & stump 385-4200 waste grinding/chipping WSU Cooperative Port Angeles 417-2514 Composting classes; Extension I & Sequim demomonstration compost Master Gardener Program garden in Sequim . Murrey's Olympic Disposal Port Angeles 1-800- Drop boxes on request for 422-7854 construction debris pick up City of Port Angeles Port Angeles 417-4874 or Curbside yard debris p.u. in Pick Up & Recycling 417-4876 city; yard waste can be self- hauled to landfill; compost operation available at landfill. OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY Serving Clal/am, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, Pacific & Thurston counties 900 Sleater-Kinney Road SE, # 1 Lacey, W A 98503 (360) 438-8768 * 1-800-422-5623 Website: http://www.oapca.org . . . . Agenda Outdoor Burning: City of Port Angeles Permanent Burn Ban & Regulation Update Tuesday, September 19, 2000 6 p.m. City of Port Angeles Council Chambers 321 East 5th Port Angeles WA 98362 (360) 417-4500 Facilitators: · Craig Weckesser, Public Information Officer, Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority · Dan McKeen, Chief, ~ Port Angeles Fire Department · Jon Bugher, Chief, Clallam County Fire District # 2 Other participants: · possibly Dale A. Miller, Port Angeles Recycling Coordinator · possibly someone from Port Angeles Public Works Dept. · Orville Campbell, OAPCA Board Member (P A City Councilperson) · Mike Doherty, OAPCA Board Member (Clallam County Commissioner) Time Agenda 2 min. Introductions - All ( Craig provides handouts, if not already done) 5 min. Regulation & Permanent Burn Ban Overview - OAPCA (wi overheads) 2-3 min. Alternatives Discussion - OAPCA, PT Solid Waste representative 3-5 min. Education & Enforcement - OAPCA, Fire Department I Fire District 5-10 min.. Wrap-Up Comments I Questions - All ***** Work with media after presentation FOR MORE INFORMATION. contact: Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority 909 Sleater-Kinney Road SE, # 1 Lacey, W A 98503 (360) 438-8768 (800) 422-5623 3 General Email: info@oapca.org Website: http://www.oapca.org . . . 4 . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNciL MEMO DATE: September 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~\rU SUBJECT: Transportation Enhancement Act, TEA-21, Program Grant Applications Summary: The Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA-21) provides grant funding for transportation enhancements that are designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic and environmental aspects of the Nation's intermodal transportation system. Approval is requested to submit two (2) TEA-21 grant applications for the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalks, landscaping, and bicycle striping on Front (project #1) and First (project #2) Streets between Golf Course Rd. and Ennis Street. Recommendation: Authorize the submission of two TEA-21 enhancement grant applications in the amount of $200,000 each for the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping and bicycle lanes on First and Front Streets between Golf Course Rd. and Ennis Street. In addition, if the grants are approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement provided that the 2rant amounts do not exceed $200,000 each. Back2round I Analysis: TEA-21 enhancement grants are federal funds administered by Wash- ington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for each region. Enhancement grants are for transportation related activities that are designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic and environ- mental aspects of the Nation's intermodal transportation system. The program provides for the implementation of a variety of non-traditional projects, with examples ranging from the restoration 6fhistoric transportation facilities, to bike and pedestrian facilities, to landscaping and scenic beautification, and to the mitigation of water pollution from highway runoff. The applications for the projects are submitted to the Regional Transportation Planning Organ- ization (RTPO) for prioritization and then sent on to WSDOT for further funding consideration. Our local RTPO has approximately $447,997.00 available for selections. The City of Port Angeles, with support from the Clallam County, will submit two grant applications that will meet the qualifications for grant funding. The first project is to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk on Front Street between Golf Course Road and Ennis Street. The WSDOT has recently installed curb, gutter and sidewalk from Golf Course Road to the east. The second project is to construct curb, gutter and sidewalk on First Street between Golf Course Road and Ennis Street. These projects will fill the gaps that are left between Golf Course Road and Ennis Street. 5 City Council Memo RE: TEA-21 Grant Applications Page 2 Both projects would include striping for bicycle lanes (to Lincoln Street), pavement markings, installing trees and hanging baskets for a scenic enhancement into and out of the City of Port Angeles. The estimated cost of these projects is $200,000 each or $400,000 total. Ifboth applications were approved the grant amount would be $173,000 each or $346,000 total. The City's grant match requirements wold be $27,000 each or $54,000 total. The $54,000 match is proposed to come from the $25,000 allocated for street trees in 2000 and proposed in the 2001 budget. The $4,000 balance will come from in-house design and construction support engineering. N:\GRANT APP\FRONTSW\CCTSOOl.WPD 6 . . . City of Port Angeles Area Map TEA - 21 Grant Applications IEGEND /\I Street centerline ,,~ :~ ~ ---1 f %J ~ '0 ~ ~ N 400 I o 400 Feet I 7 . . . 8 . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNciL MEMO DATE: September 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Arterial Improvement Program (AlP) Grant Application. Summary: The Till has approximately $52 million available for urban projects. This is a request for approval to submit to the TIB an AlP grant application for the widening of the bridge on Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street, intersection'improvements at Lincoln Street, and sidewalk installation, and paving on Lauridsen Blvd from Lincoln Street to Race Street. Recommendation: Authorize the submission of an AlP grant application to the TIB in the amount of $2,303,000 for the widening of the bridg~,f)n,Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street, intersection improvements at Lincoln Street, and sidewalk installation, and paving on Lauridsen Blvd from Lincoln Street to Race Street. In addition, if the grant is approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement provided that the grant amount does not exceed $2,303,000. Back~round / Analvsis: The TIB has approximately $52 million available for urban projects. The TIB has announced a call for grant applications to be made with its urban funding program of Arterial Improvement Program (AlP) and post marked no later than September 29,2000. This program is state funded from the motor vehicle fuel tax, through the Urban Arterial Trust Account and is for the State fiscal year 2002-2003. It is intended to provide funding for ~mprovements to arterial routes within urban areas. The objectives of this program are to improve mobility, safetY, roadway geometrics, and structural deficiencies. Both the City's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan and Transportation Services and Facilities Plan have identified Lauridsen Boulevard from Race Street to Lincoln Street as meeting the grant application objectives. This will be the first phase of providing an alternative routing for truck traffic to relieve the downtown area. The second phase will be revision of the interchange SR-101 and SR-117 (Tumwater Truck Route) to provide entrance and exits ramps on the east side. This will allow trucks entering the City from the east to access the log yards and mills without passing through the downtown area. The Public Works and Utilities Department proposes to submit a grant application to widen the bridge over Peabody Creek on Lauridsen Blvd near Race Street, install sidewalks on Lauridsen Blvd. where none exist and provide an asphalt overlay to restore the failing pavement between Lincoln and Race Streets, and improve the intersection at Lincoln Street. N:\GRANTAPP\LBL VD\CCTSOO I, WPD 9 City Council Memo RE: AlP Grant Application Page 2 The estimated total cost of this project is $2,303,000. The grant amount would be $1,842,400 and the City's 20 % grant match amount would be $460,600. If successful, the required matching funds are proposed to replace general funds set aside for this Capital project and projected street paving and chip seal program ($185,000/Lauridsen Bridge Widening - TR42-99 & $275,600/2002 Paving & Chip Seal). 1 0 N:\GRANTAPP\LBLVD\CCTSOO1.WPD . . . .~ 1..;;IIJrjd set) 81"d. ." '8 m \ \ City of Port Angeles Area Map TIBI AlP Grant Application lEGEND /\I Street centerline ~ 600 I o 600 Feet I N 11 . '. . 12 . . . 'r ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: September 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities tyu Southwood Service Conversion Cost Assistanc~ FROM: SUBJECT: Summary:. The City Council approved assisting customers in the conversion of overhead services to underground, in areas of landlocked facilities in Cresthaven at the rate of 100% of the first $1,000 plus 90% of cost over $1,000. This was not considered to be precedent setting. The next landlocked facilities project, sGheduled for 200-1, is the Southwood area with 34 customers. Recommendation: Authorize reimbursement of customer conversion costs at 90% of the lowest bid or actual invoice cost, whichever is lower. Background I Analysis: The City Council on September 7, 1999 approved a plan by which all rear lot landlocked facilities would be replaced with underground facilities in street right of way. Included was up to $1,000 financial assistance to the cUstomers with overhead services who must convert to underground. The City Council on July 18, 2000 increased the assistance for customers in Cresthaven to 100% of the first $1,000 plus 90% of cost over $1,000. This increase was approved because the cost for conversion was higher than anticipated and averaged approximately $2,000. The remaining landlocked areas include 82 overhead customers which should also be assisted. The Southwood area contains 34 of the 82 remaining customers. Funds for conversion of this area were included in the 2000 budget but construction is currently scheduled for 2001. The current design will require only 30 of the Southwood 34 overhead service customers to convert. The increase of assistance at the 90% rate above the initial $1,000 was decided by Council to provide cost share assistance to the customers on the conversion and give incentive to customers to obtain the lowest possible price. This appears to be a very equitable assistance. The staff and the Utility Advisory Committee recommend that future landlocked facility customer conversions be assisted at 90% ofthe lowest bid or actual invoice cost, whichever is lower. It is anticipated that the conversion costs for Southwood will average approximately $2,000 per service, for a total cost of assistance of approximately $54,000. If adopted each resident will be expected to contribute approximately $200. N:IPWKSILIGHTlENGRIPROJECTSISOUTHWDICCSVCST.WPD 13 I . . . 14 .. . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: September 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities ~trv FROM: SUBJECT: Bid Award for "A" St. and Grant Ave. Water Main Improvements, Project 20-12 Summary: Due to the frequency of repairs to the water mains on 'A' Street between 5 th and 7th Streets, and Grant Avenue between Mt. Angeles Avenue and Porter Street, they were selected to be replaced in 2000. The project was designed by City staff and the contract package was assembled and advertised. Four bids were received and Babbitt Construction of Gig Harbor was the lowest responsive bidder. Recommendation: Award the bid for "A" Street and Grant Avenue Water Main Improvements, Project 20-12, to Babbitt Construction Inc., and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract in the amount of $172,964.78, including tax. Background / Analysis: Due to the frequency of leaks and breaks in the asbestos cement water main in two locations, A Street between 5 th and 7th Streets, and Grant Avenue between Mt. Angeles Avenue and Porter Street, were selected to be replaced with ductile iron water main in 2000. The project was designed by City staff and the contract package was assembled and advertised. The bid opening was on September 5, and four bids were received, as summarized below: ...........................................................'........... .......fai4ITt'~~l.................. ........(~~t.~~~~~..~~). $172,964.78 $212,690.92 $213,425.13 $252,340.60 $149,893.00 1 Babbitt Construction 2 C & J Excavating 3 Primo Construction 4 RJ Services Engineers Estimate Gig Harbor Carlsborg Sequim Port Angeles Babbitt Construction's bid was 15% above the Engineer's estimate of$149,893.60. After further review of the bid and estimate, the bid was determined to be reasonable. This project is budgeted and funded from the Water/Wastewater Utility. Atttachment: LocationMap N:\PROJECTS\20-12\CORR\CCA WARD.WPD 15 VICINlffiY MAP . (Il(1~1O- " . '" e PROJECT SITES "!:lrZl*' lHlIoIg . 16 . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: September 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities~Vt.., Change Order for Phase II ofthe Tree Trim Contract [project 20-11] SUBJECT: Summary: Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has completed Phase 1 of the trimming of power line right-of- way per the contract. The work has been inspected and accepted and Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has been paid in the amount of $24,187. A second trimming is needed prior to winter storms at an approximate cost of $25,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Change Order to Contract 20-11 increasing the not to exceed amount of the contract to $55,000, an increase of $25,000 for additional tree trimming. Background / Analysis: Asplundh Tree Expert Co/has completed the spring trimming of trees along power lines throughout the City. The trimming was necessary to keep trees a safe distance from power lines to minimize tree caused outages that normally occur during storms. The contract was awarded on an hourly basis at prevailing state wage rates in an amount not to exceed $30,000 with an option for an additional trimming at the end of the growing period. The spring tree trimming, done during April and May, has been completed and approved. Clearance has been received from the Department of Labor and Industries. The final cost of Phase 1 of the Contract is $25,460. r The overhead power distribution system was inspected in August and it is recommended that trees in proximity to power lines be trimmed again this fall at a cost of approximately $25,000. The trees currently needing trimming are city wide and in some cases are fast growing species trimmed last spring. The winter storm season can then be approached with the power lines clean to minimize tree caused outages. In subsequent years it is planned to trim each year in the fall after growth stops. This additional trimming requires a change order increasing the contract cost by $25,000. The proposed change order will result in a new contract cost not to exceed $55,000. This contract amount is budgeted for 2000 and has been reviewed and endorsed by the Utilities Advisory Committee. N:IPWKSILIGIIT\ENGRIPROJECTS\CCTREREL.WPD 17 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 SHEET ---L- OF -L Project Name Tree Trimming Contract DATE: September 19.2. Contractor Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Project No. 20-11 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: Trim trees as directed various locations in the City of Port Angeles. Such work will be compensated by: X Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [ ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: Item .No. Description DCVR # Quantity Unit *$ Cost *$ Cost Per Unit Orig. 1 ea $450 Rev. 2 ea $450 Orig. hr $127.30 Rev. hr $127.30 Orig. hr 1$32.66 Rev. hr $32.66 Orig. Rev. 1 Mobilization 2 Hourly crew with equipment 3 Hourly price flagger . ORIGINAL * CURRENT . EST. NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, EST. CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE AFTER THIS CHANGE - ORDER not to exceed $30,000 not to exceed $30,000 $25,000 $25,000 not to exceed $55,000 DA YS:45 DA YS:45 DAYS:155 DAYS:155 DA YS:200 * Sales Tax Not Included All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein, including delays to the overall project. CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR . MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: N:IPWKS\lJGHnENGR\PROJECTSITreeco.wpd 18 . . . ,,:.,.,.-~'ft::?:.\';-f('Lr~""".'/f:{Mh:"~' li{';r<>:T'" ~-!"i("'-:"?''<,:;,;, V,:~']iT'& ;'j:.~:;- ,,': ~ORTANG~LES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: September 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and UtilitiesJ:YV FROM: SUBJECT: Aerial Mapping 2000, Project 20-23 Summary:. The City's current aerial and digital mapping was performed in 1995 by David Smith and Associates. The mapping needs to be updated to reflect development over the past 5 years and be expanded to include all of the Urban Growth Area (UGA). David Smith and Associates was selected as the most qualified t6 provide the aerial mapping services. This selection was based on their past performance, use of local surveying professionals, and familiarity with the previous mapping project. Following selection Public Works Engineering requested and negotiated a proposal from David Smith and Associates to update the mapping and include additional areas east and west of the City. This project was budgeted for 2000 execution. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with David Smith &Associates in the amount of $108,596.00 to rovide Aerial Ma in 2000 services. i-,' , Back2round / Analysis: The City's current aerial and digital mapping was performed in 1995 and needs to be updated to reflect development and include all of the Urban Growth Area (UGA). The aerial mapping project will include ground control survey, aerial photography, additions to and updating existing contour and planimetric (above ground structures and utilities) mapping, digital orthophotography and 3 color mosaics. In the 2000 budget City Council approved $125,000 from the Light budget and $25,000 from Solid Waste budget for the updating of aerial photography. The 1995 aerial and digital mapping was done by David Smith & Associates, Inc. from Portland, Oregon with Bob Winter (now Jim Wengler) Surveying from Sequim providing the ground control survey. These two firms are familiar with our overall aerial mapping, have the existing electronic data and the background information to update our aerial mapping. The Public Works Department, therefore, contacted the David Smith & Associates to provide a cost estimate to update our 109 existing sheets of aerial mapping imd add an additional 30 new sheets of aerial mapping. The current mapping includes all of the City Limits and some of the UGA areas. The new mapping would include all of the UGA area, plus the Elwha area and the Morse Creek areas included in the City's water system. Attached is the negotiated proposal from David Smith & Associates to complete the entire project. The overall project cost, as negotiated, is $108,596.00. The Utility Advisory Committee has reviewed and endorsed the project. Attachment: Mapping Coverage N :\PROJECTS\20-23AER\CC. WPD 19 . August 31,2000 Mr. James M. Mahlum City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Fax Number: (360) 417-4542 SUBJECT: DIGITAL MAPPING / ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY BUDGET ESTIMATE Dear Jim: Following is our cost estimate to provide the new mapping and digital orthophotography you have requested. APPROACH: Our approach would be to obtain stereo coverage aerial photography at 1 "=500' photo scale to . cover the previous mapping area and new expanded map area boundary. We would control and aero-triangulate the full flight. New topographic mapping consistent with the standards and specifications for our previous project will be completed for the new map sheets. Updates to existing AutoCAD files are not proposed. OS pixel digital orthophotos will be produced for all existing and new map sheets. The orthophotography will be prepared as a seamless overall coverage, with individual map sheet tiles cut for delivery. For the existing map sheets, we will use the existing contours to create a Digital Elevation Model which will be used to rectify the digital orthophotography. We have included some money to update the DEM in the event that a major change in the topography causes significant distortion or very noticeable displacement in the final image, particularly at the join between adjacent orthophotos. We have not included costs to update all of the contour data. Consequently, in areas where the topography has changed, there may be some displacement on the final orthophotos. As a general rule, if the topography has not changed more than 5' in elevation, the . resulting displacement on the orthophotos will not be noticeable within map accuracy standards. For the new map sheets, the new elevation data will be used and this will not be an issue. . 20 ,. "~,,t;""'~""""":""'"""'-;i' · Ltr: Jim Mahlum Digital Orthophotography/ New Map Sheets Budget Estimate .ge 2, August 31, 2000 COSTS: 1. Ground control and premarking (see James Wengler's estimate, qttached) Traverse/target 19 points off of existing control Establish and monument 11 new GPS points Premark 80 existing points .......... $ 11,200.00 $ 10,970.00 $ 9,600.00 2. Color aerial photography and one set of 911x911 color contact prints . .. ....... $ 7,478.00 3. Aerotriangulation to extend the ground control $ 14,121.00 4. New planimetric data and contour mapping for 31 new map sheets . . . $ 31,862.00 5. Contingency to update existing contours in instances where topographic change causes unacceptable distortion on the orthophotos . $ 5,460.00 ~ 6. Color, 0.5' pixel digital orthophotography for map sheets (no hard copies) . . . . . . . . $ 20,767.00 7. Overall digital color mosaic ariJf1hree (3) hard copies (not mounted) $ 2,725.00 8. TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $114,183.00 9. Cost savings if black and white photography is used for the mapping and digital orthophotos (This affects only the mapping and orthophotosi item 7, overall mosaic, would still be color~ ($ 5.587.00) REVISED TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . $ 108,596.00 Please let me knowjfyou have any questions or if you wish to consider any other options. We very much appreciate this opportunity to continue working with you and the City of Port Angeles. Sincerely, DA VID C. SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ Scott D. Smith, C.P. Vice President 21 ~ N o I\IIap features UGA. boundary City boundary 2000 MAPPING . Shore D Existing map grid _ New map grid c, An~ 22 . . . CALL TO ORDER - ~A~ETING: ~~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/ PROCLAMA nONS: Proclamation and A warding of Medals to Police Officers WORK SESSION: LA TE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: .{'" ~..., ,-...., CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 5, 2000 Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: - Mayor Doyle, Councihnembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Gallagher, D. Dickson, G. Kenworthy, M. Hall, E. Kovatch, L. Washke, M. Silva, S. Coyle, 1. Viada, G. Roggenbuck, D. Dombrowski, L. Zenonian-Waud, B. Knight, K. Miller, T. Kuch, V. Morgan, and B. Morrison. G. Gleason, G. & B. Middleton, K. Allen, H. Wilmot, P. Clark, L. Lee, F. DeFrang, M. Viada, A. Harmson, K. Miller, G. McFall, M. Butler, L. Davis, M. Grall, M. Martin, N. Turner, J. Hawe, D. Kelley, B. Cannon, D. Riedel, and 1. Martin. Public Present: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle. Proclamation and Awarding oJMedals to Corporal Steve Coyle and Officers E. Duane Benedict and Glen Roggenbuck: Mayor Doyle presented proclamations and Medals of Valor to Corporal Steve Coyle and Officers E. Duane Benedict and Glen Roggenbuck for their bravery and sacrifice on August 5, 2000, in conjunction with the death in the line of duty of Clallam County Deputy Sheriff Wally Davis. The officers introduced their family members present for the ceremony. None. Gary Gleason, representing the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee, shared with the Council certain matters the committee felt to be pertinent to the budget process. The Non-Motorized Committee has identified a need for curb cuts along major arterials, such as 8th, Peabody, Race, Lincoln, and Front Streets. Mr. Gleason indicated there are many gaps which can be problematic for individuals traveling in motorized wheel chairs, as was the case in an instance brought to his attention earlier in the day. There is also a need for bike lanes, fog lines, and signs on bicycle routes designated in the City, and Mr. Gleason asked that this be given a high priority in the budget. Further. Mr. Gleason advised the Council of the need for bike racks at ball fields, parks and in the downtown area. He cited an example of covered bicycle and bus stop areas in Juneau, Alaska, which he indicated would be appropriate for Port Angeles. The advisory group has several concerns with' safe access to the proposed Transportation/Gateway Center, especially for those using wheel chairs or other walking devices. It is felt that traffic will be compounded by the addition of buses entering the transit center, and the committee is of the opinion that the current bus transfer location on Oak Street is very appropriate. On a personal note, Mr. Gleason discussed the proposed conference center and his opinion that it will be too small. He suggested an alternate site might be more appropriate in order to accommodate a quality center of sufficient size to meet the needs - 1 - 23 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 2000 LA TE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: (Cont'd) OTHER CONSIDERA nONS: Automatic Response Agreement - Clallam County Fire District #2 FINANCE: Bid Proposal for Super Duty Ambulance Grant Applications for Traffic Safety Near Schools 24 of large and small groups. Discussion followed, and Mr. Gleason was encouraged to contact the Director of Clallam Transit to share the above concerns. Also, Councilmember McKeown felt the Gateway Committee should also be made aware of these concerns. . 1. Automatic Response Agreement with ClalIam County Fire District #2 Mayor Doyle moved this item up on the agenda due to the attendance of the Chief of Fire District #2. The Mayor reviewed the information submitted by Fire Chief McKeen, who in turn reviewed the nature of the proposed response agreement. Chief McKeen advised the Council that, in the interest of reducing fire and EMS re,sponse times to designated areas within the City, it is intended to dispatch the closest fire personnel and equipment, regardless of the jurisdictional boundaries. In additiqn;\ th~re;.are areas in the City that do not have sufficient water supply for firefighting purposes, So tanker response from Clallam County Fire District #2 would help mitigate some of the emergencies. Chief McKeen emphasized the importance of the response time and advised the Council as to the areas in which the City could provide assistance to Fire District #2. He added that all of these improvements could be accomplished within current budget levels. Discussion ensued, after which Councilmember Erickson moved to enter into an automatic response agreement with Clallam County Fire District #2 and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Councilman Campbell was pleased to have this agreement on the agenda, as more agreements of this nature will be needed as the City gives further consideration to annexation. 1. Acceptance oj Bid Proposal Jor 2001 E-450 Super Duty Ambulance Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department on the bid proposals submitted for the super duty ambulance. Fire Chief McKeen reviewed the proposal comparisons, noting that the Firefighters and Equipment Services staff took field trips to scrutinize the equipment. Braun Northwest had the highest report card. Chief McKeen indicated the replacement ambulance is important, as one of the :. ambulances has not been at all reliable. After limited discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the bid proposal submitted by Braun Northwest, Inc.. for manufacture of a new E-450 super duty ambulance for $122,610.20. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. 2. Grant Applications Jor Traffic SaJety Near Schools Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum from the Director of Public Works & Utilities. and Director Cutler advised the Council that the City has received a letter of commitment from the Port Angeles School District for $20,000 to be used as part of the match for this project, which includes two areas on the approved school walk route plan. There is also a potential of more School District funding in order to reach a SO/50 match on the $75,000 total. Councilman Williams inquired as to the status of sidewalks on the northwest comer of Liberty Street and Lauridsen Boulevard. City Engineer Kenworthy explained that Peninsula College is installing sidewalk on the south side of Lauridsen from Liberty Street east. The City's sidewalk will start at the Crestwood Care Facility driveway and proceed east to Liberty. In addition, the City has installed sidewalk at the Jones Street reservoir on the north side of Lauridsen. With regard to Councilman Williams' inquiry, Mayor Doyle asked if it is desirable to install sidewalk on both sides of the street. Engineer Kenworthy indicated it is desirable for major arterials. Councilman Hulett referenced the south side of 10lh Street at "M" Street, and Engineer Kenworthy advised the Council that every effort had been made to identify projects that would fill the biggest gap with this particular project. The area identified by Councilman Hulett-might be a better candidate for a walking path, as much of the area is presently a wetland. In response to a question from Mayor Doyle, Engineer Kenworthy indicated construction could start next summer. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the submittal of two Traffic Safety Near Schools grant applications in the amount of $150,000 each for the construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk along "I" and Lauridsen Boulevard and further, if the grants are approved, authorize the Public Works & Utilities Director . - 2 - Grant Applications for Traffic Safety Near Schools (Cont'd) . A ward Bid for 8th Street Reconstruction Award Bid for Equipment Purchase - Lawnmowers Contract to Move Structures for Airport Road Realignment . CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: . ,~~i~~;~~f~'~{tJ1i'51~!\1":~rrf1~2~1!!~~1t~~$1!' '. ' CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 2000 to execute the Safety Near Schools agreement provided that the grant amounts do not exceed $150,000 each. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanill1~usly: ,~' ",;'",:;r;:,:;;' ~;$t.1;'::?'~j:i~,,1'i:'?; .:.if" 3. Award Bidfor 8th 'Streei Reconstruction Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Public Works & Utilities Department. Director Cutler informed the Council that Lakeside Industries is ready to begin the project. It is planned to have a series of meetings to keep the public informed on the work that will be accomplished. Discussion followed as to why only one bid was received for this particular project, and Director Cutler indicated there is only one contractor with the capacity for such a project: After further discussion, Councilman Hulett moved to award the 8th Street Restoration Project to Lakeside Industries of Port Angeles in the bid amount of $1,684,518.60 and authoriz.e the Mayor to sign the contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously. 4. Award Bidfor Equipment Purchase - Lawnmowers Mayor Doyle reviewed the information submitted by the Department of Public Works & Utilities on the matter of awarding a bid for the purchase of two heavJ::duty lawnmowers. Director Cutler indicated the evaluation process involved the staff from Parks & Recreation. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Public Works & Utilities Department to purchase two lawnmowers from Jennings Equipment, Inc., for a total of $23,960.48, including tax and trade in. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. 5. Contract to Move Structures for Airport Road Realignment Mayor Doyle summarized the information provided in the memorandum from the Department of Public Works & Utilities. City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed for the Council the history of this portion of the Airport Road realignment project. noting that a previously approved contract was not executed by virtue of not meeting procedural requirements for a "public work" project. The problem was corrected. and Alt-Tech Construction of Port Angeles was the ohly respondent for moving the house in question. Members of the Council expr~~~ed amazement at the costs associated with moving the house. Engineer KenworthY',acknowledged the costs were high; however, the City is responsible for paying all costs 'connected with setting up the house in its new location. Discussion ensued, after which Councilman Campbell moved to accept the recommendation to award the contract to move structures at 1424 Airport Road, to the lowest responsive proposer, AIt-Tech Construction of Port Angeles, in the amount of $64,075.07, including sales tax, and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. The motion was seconded by Council member McKeown and carried unanimously. Councilman Hulett moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include the City Council minutes of the August 15, 2000, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Council member Erickson and carried unanimously. Councilmembers Hulett and Erickson had no committee reports to offer. Councilmember McKeown reported that, as the Human Services representative. the United Way Allocation Committee had committed $150,000 of Haller grant funds for school children. Councilmember McKeown, along with Councilmembers Williams and Wiggins, had attended a Gateway Committee meeting. She indicated there are a great many issues being introduced, such as those brought forward by Mr. Gleason this evening. Further, there are members of the committee expressing apprehension about the chosen location, and Councilmember McKeown felt it would be timely for the City Council to offer direction for this project. She suggested a work session might be appropriate, to which Councihnan Wiggins agreed. He noted that there were objections raised; however, they opted to move forward with the project to the fmal design stage. Councilman Wiggins expressed the opinion that there were no fatal flaws and not enough reasons to make major change. The arguments raised could be addressed in the fmal design stage, which will involve public hearings. If there are no fatal flaws for the project, efforts can - 3 - 25 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 2000 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Amendment to Term Limit Ordinance Ordinance No. 3060 26 proceed and the concerns addressed during that process. Manager Quinn advised the Council that he had offered to meet with the Downtown Association regarding their concerns, as well as the design consultant to determine the status of the project and to address areas of public relations in order to disseminate information to the public. He felt the issues could be resolved and the fears mitigated. These meetings should take place in the next couple of weeks. The Council agreed on a preferred meeting date of Thursday, September 21, at 5:30 p.m. . Councilmember McKeown addressed the subject of the Carnegie Library and a me.eting held with representatives of the School District, the County, the Historical Society. the City, and Genelle Doyle as an interested citizen. The discussion centered around restoration of the Carnegie Library and possible land trades associated with the project. which she summarized for the Council. It was agreed that this subject is also deservmg of further consideration in the form of a work session, so the Council agreed to add this matter to the work session tentatively scheduled for September 21. Manager Quinn indicated the City and the Historical Society had submitted separate grant requests; the City's application was not ranked. Councilman Campbell reported on his attendance at a meeting where consideration was given to the combination of a business incubator and skills consortium. Facilities could be shared for training purposes, which Councilman Campbell felt to be a sensible approach. He reviewed needed finances, and the fact that an application will be developed for State funding. In addition, funding sources from entities throughout the County must be considered. Manager Quinn added that the concept has generated a great deal of interest. Councilman Wiggins informed the Council that a short list of applicants has been compiled for the position of EDC Director. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has forwarded a recommendation as to the allocation for this coming year. Councilman Williams reported on an audit exit meeting held at Clallam Transit. Mayor Doyle attended the County Fair, as well as the School Board meeting where an . announcement was made regarding the grant from the Gates Foundation. He also welcomed the new teachers to the Port Angeles area. Mayor Doyle had participated in n meetings of the A WC Resolutions Committee, during which time the committee agreed to submit Resolution #30 on the matter of increasing street vacation compensation to cities from 50 per cent to 100 per cent. Councilman Campbell added that he had attended a meeting of the County Board of Commissioners at which time the City was invited to offer input to the County as to any issues needing to be addressed through the Association of Washington Counties. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: Amendment to Term Limit Ordinance Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum submitted by Attorney Knutson, who noted the deletion of language from the original Ordinance that is no longer considered applicable: .....provided that this prohibition shall not disqualify any person now serving on the city council from completing the term of office that he or she has been elected to serve as of the effective date of this ordinance". Attorney Knutson explained that the original reason for the language was that there were Councilmembers who arguably could have been affected by adopting the Ordinance. which is now not the case. Councilman Williams inquired as to whether a Councilmember appointed to fill an unexpired term of a vacated seat could actually serve more than the three-term limit. Attorney Knutson agreed a Councilmember, in such an instance, could serve for a period longer than the three-term limit, as the term limit would not apply to a partial term being filled. Mayor Doyle read the Ordinance in its entirety which, for purposes of these minutes. is set forth below by title only. . - 4 - . Amendment to Term Limit Ordinance Ordinance No. 3060 (Cont'd) . RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERA TIONS: (Cont'd) Highland Courte LLC CUP 00-03 - Findings & Conclusions . <C;tf;f,:':':',r"$~t';<:I7:,:~t:Ys_t~._;~_:';~' .:~~~~~?:~~~~~~\~r~~~t~]. CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 3060 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City ofPort Angeles, Washington, revising the limitation on the number of consecutive terms that Council members may serve from two to three and amending Ordinance 2368. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell. In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Hulett indicated he would be voting against the motion. He supported the opinion survey on term limits, with the intent of incorporating the results in the decision process. With the introduction of an extension of term limits, Councilman Hulett felt future surveys would not be supported by the public as credibility will have been lost by virtue of the Council's action. Councilman Wiggins felt this to be a modest amendment; it is not draconian in nature. It has been suggested that the Council's action is inappropriate; however, Councilman Wiggins indicated there has been dialogue for a period of time and it has been recognized there would be certain benefits to the City with the change in term limits. Councilman Williams noted that the suggestion was previously made at a C.ouncil meeting to put the three-term limit on the opinion survey. The Council determined at that time that the survey might be too confusing by adding a third option. His position has always been to oppose term limits, as terms can be limited at the ballot box. Councilman Campbell pointed out that, in terms of the straw vote, there were 78 per cent of the people who had the opportunity to express their views on the matter, and they did not feel it to be a serious enough issue to warrant responding. He felt they are entitled to some consideration as well. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Mayor Doyle and Councilmembers Campbell, Williams, and Wiggins voting in support of the motion and Councilmembers Hulett, McKeown, and Erickson voting in opposition. Resolutions: None. Other Considerations (Cont'd) ~~ ' 2. Highland Courte LLC CUP 00-03 - Findings & Conclusions Mayor Doyle again stepped down from consideration of this issue, as he had a relative who has been party to the appeal. Councilman Wiggins stepped down as well, as he was not present to heaT the original appeal. Mayor Doyle and Councilman Wiggins departed from the Council Chambers, and Deputy Mayor McKeown proceeded to chair the meeting. Deputy Mayor McKeown noted many concerned citizens were irritated when the City Council came out of Executive Session at its previous meeting and voted on the Highland Courte matter without any explanation. She felt it important to inform the citizens that the Council did not feel it could provide the reasons until the Findings & Conclusions were prepared for Council action. Further, she expressed the hope that everyone knew this was not an easy decision -- sometimes the law is not what one might want it to be. An attorney from Seattle who specializes in zoning issues had been engaged to advise the City Council to be certain the Council was voting according to the law. Deputy Mayor McKeown noted that zoning laws are so specialized, and the Council was committed to making the most legally correct decision as possible, regardless of how they might personally feel on the issue at hand. Deputy Mayor McKeown indicated that the Findings & Conclusions were based on the Council's deliberations with the assistance of the City Attorney, who had no stake in how they might vote, other than the fact he wanted the Council to vote according to the law. That, Deputy Mayor McKeown indicated, was why the Council voted as it did. She was certain that, after spending many hours on the matter, the Council made the best decision possible. She then reviewed the staff summary and recommendation for consideration this evening. Council member Erickson moved to confirm the decision to deny both the Highland Courte LLC appeal and The Families and Independent Residents of the Highland Neighborhood appeal, approving CUP 00-03 based on the record established by the City Council at its August 1 and August 15,2000, - 5 - 27 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 5, 2000 Highland Courte LLC CUP 00-03 - Findings & Conclusions (Cont'd) City Goals & Objectives - 2001 INFORMATION: Break ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: 28 meetings, citing Findings 1 - 27 and Conclusions 1 - 19, as set forth in Exhibit .. A" which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. At this time. Mayor Doyle and Councilman Wiggins returned to the Council Chambers. 3. City Goals and Objectives - 2001 Manager Quinn presented the Goals and Objectives for 200 I, which have been written as policy statements and which have incorporated the Council's recommendations on changes and priorities. He noted that the projects and programs may be adjusted somewhat during the budget process, so approval would include the necessary flexibility for the budgetary considerations. Councilman Hulett noted the increase in seagulls in Port Angeles, which led to discussion on the wildlife controls in place at the landfill. Director Cutler indicated he would be meeting with the representative ofFish & Wildlife in the near future, and he offered to inquire as to what might be recommended in terms of seagull control. After further limited discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Goals & Objectives for 2001, and the programs and projects as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. City Manager's Report: Brief discussion was held pertinent to the departmental report submitted by the Police Department. Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 7:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m. . The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. to discuss litigation for approximately 30 minutes. The meeting returned to Open Session at approximately 8:50 p.m.. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Larry Doyle, Mayor - 6 - . . . 'i-,;:<,:.1t/~f1~~$~~;tj:;rr~+:_.'_{ ,. '":"J~:~;;*~';~~:~;+?ft ':~;t.'{::~;;:, ..,.:,>,~ 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . September 13 2000 Page . CHECK REGISTER < ....,..,.. Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 59296 Micro Warehouse 13251 Etherlink server 2370000 111.30- 59338 Shamrock Sales 19683 Film 2370000 28.44- 59358 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Newell 2295000 24.00 59359 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal history-Hockman 2295000 24.00 59407 Mailer's Software 13327 Barcode,Postal rate maintenanc 1 2370000 188.74- 59410 Midwest Technology Leasing Inc 13487 Power server 1 2370000 41. 78- 59423 Prentice Hall Inc. 16030 Info Sys Policies 399489806 1 2370000 7.66- 59426 Regal Forms Inc. 18227 Parking tickets 1 2370000 76.63- 59444 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Clark 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Parnell 1 2295000 24.00 59498 Ga ll' s I nc . 07027 Stacking units 1 2370000 38.32- Holsters 1 2370000 34.52- 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Network color printer parts 1 2370000 51.67- Exabyte tape drive 1 2370000 185.62- External modems 1 2370000 27.86- 59533 Newbridge 14430 'School Year Starters' 1 2370000 1. 54- 59537 PC World 16056 Renew #15720378-0'Neill 1 2370000 1.98- 59549 Quill Corporation 17000 NCR verification rolls 1 2370000 16.52- Audio tapes,pads,folders,pens 1 2370000 8.11- . 59558 Safeway Products Inc. 19275' Paper cups 1 2370000 .64- 59581 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Robuck 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Stone 1 2295000 25.00 Criminal history-Hutchison 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Bradow 1 2295000 24.00 59584 Waldmann Lighting Co 23538 Valencia light 1 2370000 14.84- 59636 James Publishing Inc. 10003 Law Office Computing-4219200 1 2370000 4.74- 59641 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Weld tape 1 2370000 14.80- ID envelopes 1 2370000 5.68- 59667 Sirchie Fingerprint Lab Inc 19635 Crime scene signs 1 2370000 7.25- 59684 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed pistol licenses-Aug 1 2296000 327.00 Total for Department 348.64- 0001 59253 Chelan County PUD 03564 Reg. Williams-Solar Summit #3 112 4310 210.00 59255 Copies Plus 03091 Fire Marshall materials 113 4410 44.02 59257 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Credit card purchases-July 111 4155 387.n 59280 Hearing Advantage, The 08441 Hearing test-Rose 113 4131 25.00 59293 Little, Grace 12352 Refund Warrant Clerk exam fee 113 4150 10.00 59294 Maybee's Del i 13036 Assorted lunches 112 3101 89.02 59307 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 July laundry service 111 3101 115.47 59309 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Quinn 111 3101 88.02 Business cards-Doyle 112 3101 88.02 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Fasteners,binders,tape,staples 111 3101 50.12 Specialty labels 111 3101 6.22 Computer paper 124 3101 37.n . 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 111 3101 7.50 Reimburse petty cash 111 3101 4.58 Reimburse petty cash 124 3101 13.74 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Maintenance agreement-NUP08604 111 4810 32.37 59320 Paymentech 16421 Credit ~ard purchases-July 111 4310 91.55 59322 Peninsula College 16011 Conflict Management 111 4155 1,000.00 29 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 59323 Peninsula Daily News 16012 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 59375 Albertson's Inc. 01204 59447 Washington (OASI), State of 23180 59453 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 59463 Book Publishing Company 02051 59471 Captain T's 03048 59528 Moon, Sylvia 13563 59575 US West Communications 21001 59578 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 59589 Xerox Corporation 24001 59595 AT&T Business Service 01085 59605 Bonny's Bakery 02298 59606 Cherry Hill Florist 03523 59621 EasyUp 05115 59631 Gina's Bakery 07132 0002 59257 Costco Credit Card Pmts 59265 Diversified Resource Center 59271 Equifax - Credit Information 59278 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 03261 04052 05160 08052 59308 Olympic Paper Company 59309 Olympic Printers Inc. 15111 15027 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 30 Description 12 Month subscription Summaries of Ordinances July Scan charges July Scan charges July Scan charges Doyle toSequim 07-27 . Coons to Seattle 07-12 City Council refreshments 2000 OASI Admin fees Drumbeat Breakfast-Campbell Bayou Dinner-Doyle Revised Code WA 2000 Shirts, embroidery Refund Warrant Clerk Exam fee 08-14 Billing 08-14 Billing 08-14 Billing 08-15 Billing 08-15 Billing DC214S lease agreement-July 08-15 Billing Council refreshments Sympathy basket-Davis Shelving system Council refreshments September 13 2000 GL Code Number 111 4901 124 4410 111 4210 113 4210 124 4210 112 4310 113 4310 112 3101 111 4150 112 4310 112 4310 124 3101 124 3101 113 4150 111 4210 113 4210 124 4210 111 4210 111 4210 111 4530 111 4210 112 3101 111 3101 124 3101 112 3101 Total for Administration Credit card purchases-July 240 3101 July Copy Center services 205 4150 Credit inquiries pe 07-20 240 4150 Past years' unapplied credits 200 36990000 Adj past year's credits 200 36990000 Lumber 205 4810 Hardware 205 4810 Computer paper 205 3101 Business cards-Hostetler,Papan 240 3101 Business cards-Hostetler,Papan 230 3101 Business cards-Dolan, Jacobsen 240 3101 paper, message centers 230 3101 paper,message centers 205 3101 paper,message centers 201 3101 Quick grip,mailing envelopes 230 3101 Copy paper 205 3101 Diskette mailers 201 3101 Credit diskette mailers 230 3101 Paper,diskette mailers 230 3101 Paper,diskette mailers 205 3101 Computer paper 240 3101 Computer paper 230 3101 Computer paper 205 3101 Page 2 . Amount 105.00 29.87 253.38 17.99 2.24 10.40 10.40 15.43 98.50 9.50 25.00 228.06 32.91 10.00 93.20 93.20 46.60 16.16 16.16 91.3.2 . 65. 18.0 53.95 351. 73 122.40 4,117.91 9.05 1,332.00 21.02 171. 77- 81.33 27.35 18.24 233.07 32.15 64.31 64.31 37.77 339.74 32.35 12.26 113.30 1.92 9.. 26. 343.50 37.77 75.53 113 . 28 ,;>\'i~A'j~~~:;*4'~~~:I'T :,:, ',' {$~~';::.' ~~) t"~.':';J;.',:~,:!~ 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE September 13 2000 Page 3 . CHE.CK REGI ST~R Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 240 4210 3.64 59320 paymentech 16421 Credit card purchases-July 201 3101 300.00 Credit card purchases-July 201 4310 150.00 Credit card purchases-July 240 4310 169.00 Credit card purchases-July 230 3101 320.00 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Trash bags 240 3101 8.38 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 MS Office 230 3101 239.00 July Scan charges 201 4210 26.34 July Scan charges 230 4210 44.44 July Scan charges 240 4210 18.91 59365 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 2nd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 240 2060, 231.22 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-03 Bill ing 240 4210 31.03 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 Hagar,Veldhouse-Seattle 07-09 201 4310 119.75 Hagar,Veldhouse-Seattle 07-09 230 4310 119.75 Filigno to SeaTac 08-09 230 4310 83.40 59379 Betzvog Lighting 02239 litetronics lamps 240 3101 76.61 59415 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 July delivery service 240 4150 79.71 59433 Washington (Auditor), State of 19270 Audit fees July 2000 230 4150 66.60 59493 Federal Express Corp. 06022 08-28 Shipping charges 240 4210 6.30 59494 Ferrellgas (lnc) 06024 Prior year's unapplied credit 200 36990000 8.90- . 59501 Gov't Finance Officers Assn 07003 Renew Ziomkowski #166352001 201 4901 150.00 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Network color printer parts 201 3101 88.20 Network color printer parts 230 3101 88.21 Network color printer parts 240 3101 88.21 59549 Quill Corporation 17000 NCR verification rolls 240 3101 225.56 59575 US West Communications 21001 08-14 Bill ing 201 4210 93.20 08-14 Bill ing 230 4210 116.50 08-14- Bill ing 240 4210 279.59 59589 Xerox Corporation 24001 5800 Duplicator-agreement-July 205 4530 3,101.30 DC230SlX lease agreement-July 205 4530 377.18 59611 Cost co Credit Card Pmts 03261 Credit card purchases-August 205 3101 51.11 59682 WMTA (WA Municipal Treasurer) 23243 'Beyond Cash'-Kenyon,Emery 240 4310 150.00 'Beyond Cash'-Kajfasz 240 4310 75.00 'Beyond Cash'-Veldhouse 240 4310 75.00 Total for Finance 9,879.86 0003 59300 Municipal Research & Svc. Ctr. 13069 Publications 312 3101 159.00 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Copy paper 311 3101 37.77 Computer paper 311 3101 37.77 59354 United Parcel Service 21005 08-05 Shipping charges 311 4210 3.94 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 July Scan charges 311 4210 16.50 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 Knutson to Seattle 07-11 311 4310 56.70 59389 Daily Journal Corporation 04136 Annual Subscription-1252713 311 3101 61.00 Annual SUbscription-1252713 312 3101 61.00 . 59449 West Group 23018 WA Supreme Reports 20 V138 311 3101 22.55 Revised Code WA Annotated 311 3101 147.82 Pocket Parts WA Practice 311 3101 69.06 59476 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees-September 311 4150 2,500.00 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Network color printer parts 311 3101 88.20 59562 Shepard's Inc. 19073 Close a/c1100007767 by agreeme 311 3101 146.36 31 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 59575 59589 59607 59636 US West Communications Xerox Corporation Clallam Co District Court James Publishing Inc. 0004 59257 Costco Credit Card Pmts 59321 Pen Print Inc. 59323 Peninsula Daily News 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 59486 Evans & Associates, David 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 59575 US West Communications 59599 American Planning Assn 59681 WCPDA (WA City Planning 0005 59250 Camera Corner 59255 Copies Plus 59257 Costco Credit Card Pmts 59258 Database Technologies Inc 59262 Washington (DOL), 59285 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 59288 Kesselring Gun Shop 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 21001 24001 03069 10003 03261 16009 16012 23111 05199 09085 21001 01063 23188 03044 03091 03261 04283 04088 10020 11 104 15030 16004 Description 08-14 Bill ing DC220SLX lease agreemnt-July Court costs-August Law Office Computing-4219200 Law Office Computing-4219200 Credit card purchases-July Cover paper Layton Batey-Reduction Waterfront Park Development Notice-Closed Record Appeal Waterfront Park Development Notice of Decision-Shoreline Ord #3044 Vacate Jones St Notice-Expansion Hangar Vacation City Right of Way Two Lots in R57 RSFH Zone Robert Beausoleil Property Summaries of Ordinances City of PA-Rezone Del Guzzi July Scan charges PA Annex EIS-contract limit Network color printer parts 08-14 Bill ing Member Dues-Barnes #113797 Chelan Conference reg-Collins September 13 2000 GL Code Number 311 4210 311 4530 312 5090 311 4901 312 4901 Total for Attorney 411 3101 411 3101 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4410 411 4210 411 4150 411 3101 411 4210 411 4901 411 4310 Total for Planning Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Color copies 530 4990 Color copies 530 4990 Credit card purchases-July 534 3101 July service fee 530 4150 Notary renewal-Reidel #25601 534 4150 Band-aids 530 3101 Firearms trade 530 3101 Magazine,pouches,Blue Book 530 3101 paper, message centers 534 3101 Copy paper 534 3101 Computer paper 534 3101 Maintenance agreement-CXL90926 511 4810 Maintenance agreement-NBZ08561 534 4810 Maintenance agreement-NGM21820 534 4810 Page 4 . Amount 163.10 340.52 5,186.65 32.37 32.36 9,162.67 45.80 5.40 60.80 56.80 43.20 62.40 16.80 24.80 47.20 21.60 35.20 41... 14 26. 8.67 370.30 88.20 93.20 166.00 125.00 1,354.30 41.56 9.93 23.94 20.83 161.31 68.22 1.77 54.75 539.49 25.00 20.00 12.47 458.15 1 17.33 37.. 75. 75.53 32.37 53.95 167.35 31 ;"i:/"i::"::{'~~~~~;:r,i"'-,' '~i~\~\.': 00/09/13-13:42 ""::^ ". ~ City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name 59321 Pen Print Inc. 59332 Richmond 2-Yay Radio CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 16009 18009 59333 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 59338 Shamrock Sales 19683 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59347 Thurman Supply 20005 59354 United Parcel Service 21005 59360 YA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 59363 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 59365 Yashington (Unemp), State of 23178 59366 Yashington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 59373 Advanced Travel 59382 Clallam Co Humane Society 59405 Lowell, Jack 59411 Morrison, Barbara 59426 Regal Forms Inc. 59449 Yest Group 59462 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 01090 03072 12330 13561 18227 23018 02047 59463 Book Publishing Company 02051 59471 Captain TIs 03048 59498 Gall's Inc. 07027 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 59544 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 32 Description GL Code Number Shredder oil 534 3101 Toner cartridge 530 3101 Headset 534 3101 Parking Violations books 534 4990 Replace camera, lens SY entry 584 3120 Replace strobe 530 4810 Keys 530 3101 Fi lm 530 3101 Chalk 530 3101 Ziploc 530 3101 Utility knives,air fresheners 530 3101 Grass killer 584 4810 Rope, twine 530 3101 Bathroom fan 584 4810 08-05 Shipping charges 530 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 530 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 534 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 530 4210 Electric Monitoring svc-June 512 5099 July Scan charges 511 4210 July Scan charges'! 530 4210 July Scan charges 534 4210 2nd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 533 2060 Extinguisher maintenance 530 3101 Extinguisher maintenance 530 3101 Schilke to Yenatchee 07-16 530 4310 Yinfield to Seattle 07-06 530 4310 Roggenbuck to Moscow,ID 07-23 530 4310 Hall,Yinfield to Seattle 08-08 530 4310 Zappey to Burlington 08-08 530 4310 Contract pmt-August 530 4150 Reimburse uniform allowance 530 2080 Reimburse uniform allowance 530 2080 Parking tickets 534 4990 YA Rev Code Annotated T9A 530 3101 Service bar,name tags-Turton 530 3111 Holder-Roggenbuck 530 2080 Shirt,accessories-Knight 530 2080 Yool pants-Roggenbuck 530 2080 Hat-Hall 530 2080 Credit hat billed twice-Hall 530 2080 Clip on tie 530 2080 Tie bar, hats 530 2080 Credit hat-Kovatch 530 2080 Latex gloves 530 3101 Narcotics tests.yellow tape 530 3101 Revised Code YA 2000 530 3101 Polo shirts,print screens 530 3111 Holsters 530 3111 Network color printer parts 511 3101 Reimburse petty cash 530 3101 September 13 2000 Page 5 Amount 17.22 96.03 22.66 186.13 602.08 12.94 28.44 388.34 , 30.82 33.09 4.83 9.68 6.50 53.91 34.85 3.86 5.89 11.33 793.50 13.32 n.75 14.43 34.80 66.36 231. 99 480.50 65.00 230.40 82.00 10.40 3,459.33 153.91 25.00 1,046.63 155.92 49.70 29.27 63.07 117.23 46.64 46.64- 11.70 249.40 46.64- 14.06 122.03 228.06 70.67 471.46 88.20 '20.6S 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59549 Quill Corporation 59575 US West Communications 17000 21001 59578 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 59610 CliniCare of PA Inc. 59629 Gellor Insurance Inc. 59641 Lynn Peavey Company 03080 07030 12056 59643 Metrocall 59667 Sirchie Fingerprint Lab Inc 59680 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 20000 19635 23003 0006 59242 Avery's Cameras 11016 59291 Life Assist 12202 59292 Lincare Inc. 12134 59298 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 59307 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 59308 Olympic Paper Company 15111 59309 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59320 Paymentech 16421 59323 Peninsula Daily News 16012 59332 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 59336 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59347 Thurman Supply 20005 59354 United Parcel Service 21005 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 59366 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Description GL Code Number Reimburse petty cash Reimburse petty cash Reimburse petty cash Reimburse petty cash Reimburse petty cash Reimburse petty cash Audio tapes,pads,folders,pens 08-14 Bill ing 08-14 Bill ing 08-14 Bill ing 08-20 Billing 08-15 Bill ing 08-15 Bill ing 08-15 Bill ing Venipuncture #20008066 Renew #5995574-Reidel Bond Weld tape 10 envelopes 08-26 Bill ing Crime scene signs Electronic monitoring pe 07-31 530 4990 584 4810 534 3101 530 3501 534 3101 530 4210 530 3101 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 534 4210 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 512 5099 534 4150 530 3101 530 3101 530 4210 530 3101 512 5099 Total for Police Reprints 642 3101 Photo processing 645 3101 Gloves 643 3101 Refil\ cylinders 643 3101 Air filter 641 3101 July laundry service 641 4990 Trash bags 684 3101 Time cards 611 3101 key tags, postage labels 642 3101 Discount on key tags, labels 642 3101 Credit card purchases-July 611 3101 Bid-Super Duty Ambulance 641 4990 Replace corroded battery 641 3114 Gauge,nosecups 641 3501 O-rings 641 3101 Cleaner 684 3120 Paint pails,brushes,trash bags 684 3120 Car wax 641 3101 Exchange shoes 641 2080 Dish soap, light bulbs 684 3101 Polytarps,poly sheeting 641 3101 08-05 Shipping charges 611 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 611 4210 July Scan charges 611 4210 July Scan charges 641 4210 July Scan charges 643 4210 Extinguisher maintenance 684 3120 Page 6 . Amount 9.60 2.78 1.93 32.36 31.28 11.74 46.12 163.10 116.50 23.30 219.65 18.13 .14 452.16 13.00 75.00 202. 15 77.58 59.75 98.94 293.2. 13,924.40 3.43 40.21 263.68 20.00 3.80 41.76 48.75 73.91 .13.27 1.33- 376.58 113.60 67.65 311. 03 26.15 12.92 8.38 14.61 10.79 4.07 61.50 24.. 3. 16.0 1.07 3.70 113.30 33 """""'!lt7"rl""~ ;~1'f'!"r; '~I. 00/09/13-13:42 _; ./, ;'~ I , :. City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTE~: '. Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 59373 Advanced Travel 59462 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 59471 Captain T's 59473 Clallam Co EMS/Trauma Care 59538 Pacific Refrigeration & TV 59558 Safeway Products Inc. 59575 US West Communications 01090 02047 03048 03068 16063 19275 21001 59578 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 59589 Xerox Corporation 24001 59604 Bear, Travis 02505 59611 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 . 59612 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 03098 59618 Doyle, Lance 04239 59624 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 59632 Huffman, Col in 08426 59639 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 59643 Met roca II 20000 59645 Mobile Music Unlimited 13181 59652 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 59664 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 59666 Sekac, Peter 19013 59670 Whatcom Co EMS Council 23181 0007 59250 Camera Corner 03044 59309 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 . 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59318 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 59330 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 34 Description GL Code Number 08-03 Billing 644 4210 08-03 Billing 611 4210 08-03 Billing 645 4210 McKeen to Emmitsburg,MD 07-08 641 4310 Jacket,accessories-Darling 641 2080 Polo shirts,embroidery 642 2080 Medic 1 Advisory-September 643 4150 Refrigerator shelf 684 3120 Paper cups 643 3101 08-14 Bllling 611 4210 08-14 Billing 642 4210 08-14 Billing 643 4210 08-14 Billing 641 4210 08-15 Billing 643 4210 08-15 Billing 643 4210 08-15 Billing 642 4210 08-15 Billing 641 4210 DC220SS lease agreement-July 641 4530 Reimburse tuition expenses 643 4310 Credit card purchases-August 611 3101 Credit card purcha~es-August 641 3101 Credit card purchases-August 645 3101 Credit card purchases-August 648 3120 Expansiohrings,gaskets 641 3101 lamp housing, helmet rockers 641 3101 Reimburse clothing allowance 643 2080 FSD Voting Dues-Dan McKeen 611 4901 Reimburse tuition-EMT class 643 4310 August Service 684 4150 08-26 Billing 644 4210 Cell phone case 641 3101 August service 641 4990 Nosecups 641 3501 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 Reg-Twitchell-Annual Conferenc 643 4310 Photo processing Photo processing Photo processing Photo processing Routing sl ips Sheet protectors Clock, dictionary Reimburse petty cash Paint tray, drop cloth Paint base Battery pack, power zone disk MS Word CD MS Word 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3501 711 3501 711 3101 711 4810 711 3101 September 13 2000 Total for Fire Page 7 Amount 9.09 9.90 9.34 180.00 255.29 66.90 500.00 50.07 8.70 116.50 23.30 23.30 69.90 10.64 37.24 7.04 9.57 197.42 151.20 130.88 61.60 79.15 158.77 63.64 43.11 23.00 60.00 151.20 408.00 24.24 21.57 47.98 80.26 10.51 205.00 4,981.81 5.28 6.84 6.84 6.22 160.12 6.46 21.23 41.72 3.39 19.09 37.71 16.70 233.76 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - liVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59384 Complete line, The 03087 59390 Day-Timers Inc. 04040 59391 Yashington (l&I), State of 23212 59421 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 59511 J.R.'s Painting of PA Inc. 10204 59530 Municipal Research & svc. Ctr. 13069 59575 US Yest Communications 21001 59578 Verizon Yireless, Bellevue 01105 59589 Xerox Corporation 24001 59686 Yashington (l&I), State of 04073 59691 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 59692 Zenovic & Associates 26216 0008 59238 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 Description July Scan charges Paint,drafting brush Refills Electrical Basic Book renewal Reimburse petty cash Network color printer parts Refund R/Y Use Permit 0020 The Bidding Book-12 Copies 08-14 Bill ing 08-15 Bill ing 08-15 Bill ing DC265 lease agreement-July DC220SlX lease agreement-July DC214S lease agreement-July Renewal-pe September 2001 First aid supplies Inspect lee Hotel canopy 2% early pmt discount Concrete mix Concrete Hooks Crack filler Carriage screws,nuts,lumber Concrete mix-play equipment Lumber- Concrete mix Plastic anchors, toggles Concrete mix Gloves,clamps-faucet repairs Stainless steel-Rain's toy Paint brushes Angle for Lincoln scoreboard Hardware-lincoln scoreboards Yedge,lumber,screws,brush Knife sharpener Yallpaper shaver,blades Scraper blades Paint Grinder,knee pads,saws lUmber,joist hangers-hose Screws lumber,wallboard Caulking gun Markers lumber,float,chalk Hole saw Saw Utility knife,file September 13 2000 Gl Code Number 711 4210 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 3101 711 32240011 711 3101 711 4210 711 4210 711 4210 711 4530 711 4530 711 4530 711 3101 711 3101 711 4150 711 4150 Total for Public Yorks 865 6510 866 3120 865 3120 863 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 863 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 rack 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 Page 8 . Amount 87.33 36.27 126.67 161.85 9.70 88.20 60.00 240.00 652.34 9.32 28.11 810.02 340.52 122.95 56.06 75.04 65.00 1.30- 3,533.44 129.. 534.78 10.74 3.87 49.29 32.26 16.31 21.50 3.40 17.20 3.82 2.11 3.47 23.94 3.73 103.91 11.06 12.48 7.67 5.92 158.39 8.08 2.97 21.57 12.. 2. 162.98 10.85 28.18 18.24 35 ~ ~i.i/:'~~r"Tr!i~;'r 't!-V ,~. .:.:":"- 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 9 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Brushes 865 3120 6.14 Jigsaw blade 865 3120 4.29 Hole saws,return caulking gun 865 3120 19.78 PVC ells,bushings,couplings 865 3120 2.30 Steel door,hook 865 3120 657.61 Screws 865 3120 2.42 Stripping pad,paint pot,paint 865 3120 18.93 Teflon tape 865 3120 3.98 PVC union 8653120 2.24 Plywood 866 3120 284.34 Pliers,fence material 865 3120 11.96 Flower stakes and ties 865 3140 4.08 59243 Bergsma Showroom 02296 Proclamation,framing-Brodhun 811 3101 130.63 59245 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Mini mesh 866 3120 96.53 Ready mix 865 3120 31. 95 Blended soil 865 3140 10.74 Blended soil 865 3140 63.88 Blended soil 865 6510 96.62 Blended soil 865 6510 96.62 . Blended soil 865 6510 64.42 Crushed rock 865 3120 41.00 59256 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Oil 865 3120 15.80 59266 Dobson's 04054 Motor oi l 865 3120 14.11 59268 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc. 04060 Sod 865 3140 62.05 59278 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Scraper blades 865 3120 4.83 Ceiling material 830 3120 5.45 Drywall primer 865 3120 10.67 59285 Jim's Pharmacy CIne) 10020 I ce packs 861 3101 7.61 Ice packs 861 3101 4.75 59307 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Bag of rags 865 3120 7.28 59308 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Mop,stripper 865 3120 73.85 Cleaner,toilet tissue 830 3101 81.69 Hand soap 862 3120 121.69 Bleach 862 3120 16.94 Stripping pad 865 3120 9.71 Chlorine 862 3120 18.04 Liquid chlorine 862 3120 36.08 Cleaning supplies 830 3120 56.10 59310 Olympic Sewer & Drain Cleaning 15169 Locate,expose lids,clean 865 4810 251.14 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,mechanical pencil erasers 865 3101 5.85 Copy paper 862 3101 37.77 Copy paper 866 3101 37.77 Dividers 811 3101 20.74 59313 Sequim Gazette Inc. 19016 2000 Clallam Co Who's Who 866 4410 367.50 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 862 34760013 12.60 . Reimburse petty cash 811 3101 31.26 Reimburse petty cash 862 3101 15.57 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Printer cartridges 866 3101 68.52 59317 Paint Store, The 16064 Scraper,extension pole,strippe 865 3120 62.73 59318 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint 862 3120 9.05 Paint,brushes,drop cloths 865 3120 136.29 36 00/09/13-13 :42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59327 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 59330 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 59340 Skagit Gardens Inc 19077 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Description GL Code Number Neutral base 865 3120 Grommet,cover,recoil starter 865 3120 Grass bag 865 3120 Power adapter 862 3101 Flowers 865 3140 Flowers 865 3140 Lynch pin 865 3120 Duct tape 865 3120 Cobalt drill bit 865 3120 Hitch pin 865 3120 Bolts,holesaw,drill bits 863 4810 Primer,PVC cement 865 3140 Duct tape 865 3140 Stop nuts,bolts,washers 865 3120 Caulking gun 865 3120 Lagbolts,countersink 830 3120 PVC cap 865 3120 Pipe 865 3120 Shelf brackets 865 3120 Fall-ing wedge 865 3120 Q-rings 865 3120 Letter,number sets-Civic fence 865 3120 Cable ties 865 3140 Ladies sign,bleach 865 3120 Electrical wire nuts 865 3140 Paint brushes 861 3101 Clipboards 861 3101 Raing~ar,pants,jacket 865 3120 Batteries 830 3101 Hose nozzle 865 3140 Popcorn-Summer Program 861 3101 Washers 865 3120 Starting fluid,windchime chain 866 3120 Toilet tissue 830 3101 Bleach 865 3120 Hooks 865 3120 Spackle,roller covers,trays 865 3120 Cable ties,rags,brushes 862 3120 Paint rollers,trays,brushes 865 3120 Hardware 861 3101 Drill bit 865 3120 Paint brushes,roller trays 862 3120 Varnish,paint brushes,glue 863 3120 Paint brushes 865 3120 Insect defense 830 3101 Hose clamp set 865 3120 Hardware 863 3120 Sprayer,ladies sign,glue 865 3120 Candy bars,candy 862 3101 Sprinkler heads 865 3120 Rope 865 3120 Page 10 . Amount 92.88 74.69 83.58 43.15 143.97 260.02 3.50 4.31 8.41 5.41 22.09 17.22 17.22 10.55 26.96 50.02 2.88 4.08 31.42 10.5.5 2. 50.4 1.37 2.27 2.13 11.77 11.31 145.38 10.65 3.59 5.24 7.16 6.28 4.68 2.96 5.74 28.21 36.25 8.23 .99 2.88 59.79 25.83 3.47 8.60 2:. 5.18 33.24 15.04 5.25 37 00/09/13-13 :42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 11 ;tc . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Glue,swim trunks 862 3101 41.38 Car freshener 865 3120 .83 Plastic coating 863 3120 11.80 Gloves,cleanser 865 3120 9.44 Liquid soap 865 3120 12.95 59347 Thurman Supply 20005 Hose connector, reducer 865 3120 4.57 Caulking, cartridge, aerator 865 3101 21. 99 Spare sprinkler,nozzle parts 865 3140 15.34 Spray cleaners, flood lights 865 3120 23.27 Floodl i ghts 865 3120 29.10 Primer,PVC cement,elbows 865 3140 15.08 Primer 865 3140 4.37 Wire connector,ballast 862 3120 32.31 Underground wire,splice kit 865 3120 14.34 Sink repair parts 865 3120 14.24 PVC caps 865 3120 18.34 Caulking 865 3120 10.25 Snap cap, test caps 865 3120 6.78 59351 US West Communications 21001 08-02 Bill ing 863 4210 50.02 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 July Scan charges 811 4210 12.15 . July Scan charges 861 4210 60.75 July Scan charges 862 4210 1.22 July Scan charges 863 4210 1.69 July Scan charges 866 4210 6.27 59365 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 2nd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 865 2060 738.59 59366 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 865 4810 34.53 Extinguisher maintenance 862 3120 34.53 Extifiguisher maintenance 865 4810 223.35 Extinguisher maintenance 861 4810 38.84 Extinguisher maintenance 863 3120 77.69 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-03 Billing 861 4210 9.09 08-03 Bill ing 865 4210 15.15 59377 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 08-15-00 866 4150 830.54 59399 Godfather's Pizza 07067 Buffet 811 3101 99.92 59409 May, Andrew T. 13425 Pier octopus plants 865 3140 539.50 59416 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 July laundry svcs 830 3120 5.89 59442 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 011 05 07-15 B i lli ng 861 4210 29.43 07-15 Billing 861 4210 60.43 59448 Wayne's Nursery 23063 Plants for Pier 865 3140 134.88 59455 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Lights,conduit,electrical part 865 6510 253.20 2" Discount 865 6510 4.69- 59457 American Red Cross 01032 CPR class-Reifenstahl 862 3101 15.00 CPR class-Lund,Dryver,Ryan,McC 862 3101 60.00 CPR class-Reynolds 862 3101 15.00 59496 Flags A' Flying And Banners 06164 Oak poles, flag tips 866 3120 279.29 . Flag 866 3120 138.24 59509 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Network color printer parts 811 3101 88.20 59518 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 Pre-Need Commission sales-Aug 866 4990 1,258.50 59539 Peninsula College 16011 Contract pmt-August 877 4150 10,000.00 59545 Power Squadron 16496 Refund unused banner space 811 36290015 45.00 59550 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Inscription-Bower 866 3401 55.00 38 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Inscription 866 3401 55.00 Marker, foundation, letters 866 3401 461.00 5% Discount 0000000119 866 3401 2.75- 5% Discount 00000000120 866 3401 2.75- 5% Discount 00000000417 866 3401 23.05- Marker-Gagnon 8663401 289.00 5% Discount 866 3401 14.45- 59575 US West Communications 21001 08-02 Billing 830 4710 32.54 08-14 Bill ing 862 4210 41.47 08-14 Bill ing 811 4210 69.90 08-14 Bill ing 866 4210 23.30 08-14 Bill ing 865 4210 23.30 08-14 Billing 861 4210 46.60 08-14 Bill ing 862 4210 23.30 08-14 Billing 863 4210 69.90 08-14 Billing 865 4210 38.77 08-14 Billing 862 4210 47.06 59583 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 23333 File folders,file box 861 3101 34.29 59589 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS lease agreement-July 863 4530 197.42 DC220SS lease agreement-July 861 4530 197.42 59600 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 08-31-00 866 4150 786._ 59601 Automatic Wilbert Vault Co Inc 01089 Triune vault-Davis 866 3401 1,365.0 1% early pmt discount 866 3401 11.95- 59619 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc. 04060 Sod 865 6510 215.80 59628 Fowler Company, H. D. 06110 Sprinkler valve 865 3140 50.73 59652 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Shop towels 830 3101 5.30 Wet mops 830 3101 7.75 Shop "'towels 830 3101 6.66 59657 Pen Print Inc. 16009 Contracts, Interment orders 866 3101 501.20 59662 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker-Rumbaugh 866 3401 256.00 Marker, foundation-Bowes 866 3401 318.00 5% early pay discount 866 3401 12.80- 5% early pmt discount 866 3401 15.90- 59674 US West Communications 21001 08-20 Billing 863 4210 47.81 59678 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 08-15 Billing 861 4210 54.14 08-15 Billing 861 4210 9.32 59690 York Bronze Co 12289 Name plate-Miller 866 3401 83.00 Total for Parks & Recreation 26,866.32 Total for General Fund 73,472.07 101 0001 59303 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 July Contract Services 115 5083 3,708.00 Tandem Rally T-shirts 115 5083 1,000.00 59331 Ravenhurst Development Inc 18362 PA Conference Center-Oak St 122 4150 600.00 59465 Brewer, David 02055 Contract svcs-September 115 4990 100.. 59659 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 Reimburse July expenses 115 5083 3,026. Total for Convention Center Fund 8,434.00 102 59264 Direct Safety Company 04279 Earplugs,pain reliever,bandage 102 2370000 2329 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 13 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Safety eyewear 102 2370000 .47- Total for Department 20.69- 0007 59234 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Gas cap 752 3501 4.49 59238 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Trench backfill 752 3101 453.18 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 Screws,staples,bits,holder 752 3101 51. 98 Caulking 752 3101 20.46 59255 Copies Plus 03091 Blueprints,collating 792 4990 803.86 59264 Direct Safety Company 04279 Earplugs,pain reliever,bandage 752 3101 276.17 Safety eyewear 752 3101 6.42 lenses 752 3101 8.85 59289 l & l Tool Specialties 12035 Taper bits,countersinks 752 3101 75.36 59290 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3101 3,283.92 Asphalt 752 3101 104.40 Asphalt 752 3101 12,502.92 Asphalt 752 3101 3,996.43 Asphalt 752 3101 82.87 Asphalt 752 3101 6,018.32 59298 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Tire valve 752 3101 49.50 . 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Clock,dictionary 752 3101 21. 23 59332 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 CB Portable 752 3501 38.84 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Batteries 752 3501 37.06 Batteries 752 3501 33.83 Batteries 752 3501 19.00 Punch pins,tape rules 752 3125 15.04 59347 Thurman Supply 20005 Tank sprayer 752 3101 67.63 59355 United Rentals Inc 16034 Work sHoves 752 3101 246.12 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 08-03 Bill ing 752 4210 29.23 08-03 Bill ing 752 4210 15.55 08-03 Bill ing 752 4210 13.89 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 Kenworthy to Tumwater 07-20 752 4310 74.00 59385 CMI 03345 Cutter bit 752 4810 200.15 Grinder rental-3 weeks 752 4810 18,244.80 59394 Drake's Pizza & Subs 04023 Refreshments 792 4310 50.22 59452 3M RW7992 20186 Barricade sheeting 752 3125 1,146.82 59493 Federal Express Corp. 06022 08-28 Shipping charges 792 4210 7.95 59494 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Filler coupling,fill adapter 752 3501 60.96 59519 lamplighter Homes 12104 Refund Permit fee #1085 752 32210032 230.00 59548 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Wrist bands 752 3101 47.63 2% Discount 00109991N 752 3101 .80- Gloves,safety glasses,respirat 752 3101 126.11 2% Discount 00112271N 752 3101 2.23- 59554 Ridout, Ken 18011 Reimburse mileage 752 4310 54.27 59561 Seattle Daily Journal of Conm. 19058 8th St Restoration 792 4410 481.80 . 59572 Traylor's Restaurant 20282 Overtime meal-Paving project 752 4310 14.03 59575 US West Communications 21001 08-14 Bill ing 752 4210 69.90 59578 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 08-15 Billing 752 4210 13.15 59579 Viking Office Products 22054 liquid paper,pens,pencils 752 3101 138.12 59591 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Centennial Trail-pe 07-25 Proj 792 4150 9,872.29 59693 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 'Free Parking' signs 752 3125 86.61 40 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 103 0001 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 59373 Advanced Travel 23111 01090 59575 US West Communications 59608 Clallam Co EDC 21001 03067 107 0005 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 59320 paymentech 16421 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 59422 PowerPhone Inc 16140 59471 Captain T's 03048 59549 Quill Corporation 17000 59575 US West Communications 21001 59584 Waldmann Lighting Co 23538 130 0007 59323 Peninsula Daily News 16012 172 0002 59306 Olympic Community Action Progs 03022 59482 Eden Excavating 05153 59517 Kathol Construction 11178 59535 Olympic Community Action Progs 03022 174 0008 59274 Federal Express Corp. 06022 59285 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 10020 15030 59320 paymentech 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 16421 19037 59354 United Parcel Service 59375 Albertson's Inc. 21005 01204 Description July Scan charges Smith to Kennewick 07-26 Smith to Forks 08-10 08-14 Bill ing Timber Study pledge balance September 13 2000 GL Code Number Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund 123 4210 123 4310 123 4310 123 4210 123 4150 Total for Economic Development paper, message centers Copy paper Toner Toner,core charge Credit toner cartridge Credit card purchases-July July Scan charges Emergency Medical Dispatch Re- Sport shirts, embroidery Audio tapes,pads,folders,pens 08-14 Bill ing 08-23 Bill ing Valencia light Public Hearing-Abatement 532 3101 532 3101 532 3101 532 3101 532 3101 532 4310 532 4210 532 4310 532 2080 532 3101 532 4210 532 4210 532 3501 Total for PenCom 787 4150 Total for Repair and Demolition 2% Loan fee-Thoenes 98PA46L Contractor pmt-Kiski 98PA26L Contract pmt-Levick 98PA53L Reimburse expenses July 214 4150 214 4150 214 4150 214 4150 Total for PA Housing Rehab Project 07-31 Shipping charges 07-26 Shipping chg First aid kit refills credit paint Highlighters,dividers Poster board,paper,stamp pad Calculator,roll tickets Credit card purchases-July Popcorn-Summer Program Softballs 08-05 Shipping charges Dye 880 3101 880 3101 888 3101 888 3101 880 3101 880 3101 880 3101 888 3101 888 3101 881 3101 881 3101 888 3101 Page 14 . Amount 59,192.33 59,171.64 4.40 131 .50 37.00 23.30 1,000.00 1,196.20 75.53 75.52 84.16 322.62 170.48- 767.n 52.19 3'9~~:.00 64. 396.09 47.81 202.60 5,884.05 20.00 20.00 490.12 6,363.38 3,370.15 4,697.70 14,921.35 21.85 15.00 22.25 11. 03- 24.76 29.42 33.. 123. 2.98 631.22 5.43 4.94 41 00/09/13-13:42 . Fnd Opt Check Number 186 0008 . 310 0007 0008 . 42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 59392 Desjardins, Danielle 59393 Domino's Pizza - 7120 59404 Laurel Lanes Corp. 59406 Mack, Rikki 59417 PAHS Class of 1980 59445 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 59460 Bill's Plumbing Heating Inc. 59471 Captain T's 59493 Federal Express Corp. 59533 Newbridge 59552 Reandeau, Julie 59640 Laurel Lanes Corp. 59679 Viking Office Products 59647 Natural Structures CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 04344 04087 12173 13560 16492 23333 02041 03048 06022 14430 18382 12173 22054 14145 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 59274 Federal Express Corp. 06022 59278 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 59371 Zenovic & Associates 26216 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 59588 Westrem, John & Evelyn M 23460 59692 Zenovic & Associates 26216 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 59245 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 59256 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 59278 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 59569 Terma-Planners and Architects 20244 Description Refreshments-Summer Parks Refund for unused script #64 Pizzas 35 Lines of bowling Refund unused script-#240 Damage deposit rfd less $35 Storage boxes Service call-tipped Sanikans Polo shirts, embroidery T-shirts 08-28 Shipping charges 'School Year Starters' Refund unused script #180 32 lines of bowling Fl ipchart easel September 13 2000 GL Code Number 888 3101 888 34760023 888 3101 888 3101 888 34760023 889 36240025 888 3101 881 4150 888 3101 881 3101 880 3120 888 3101 888 34760023 888 3101 889 3101 Six redwood benches Total for Recreational Activities Fund 873 3101 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund Drain pipe 796 4810 07-31 Shipping charges 774 3101 Downspouts, elbows 796 4810 Shipping chgs-downspouts 796 4810 Strap ties,splash block 796 4810 Photo paper-Airport Rd project 774 3101 Airport RD #00109 pe 07-25 774 4150 2% early pmt discount 774 4150 Asbestos testing #00074 pe 07- 774 4150 2% early pmt discount 774 4150 Kenworthy,to Spokane 07-27 774 4310 Rent 1424 Airport Rd-September 774 4150 Airport Rd Proj 00109 pe 08-25 774 4150 2% early pmt discount 774 4150 Caution tape, paint thinner Lumber Materials for Estuary Sand Duples,stakes Yard waste-Estuary Stakes Mixing cups, paint Duct tape,visqueen Project PACFP2000 Total for Public Works 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 896 4150 Total for Parks & Recreation Page 15 Amount 2.24 70.00 109.87 61.25 35.00 115.00 69.81 196.00 50.71 252.49 13.70 20.99 35.00 56.00 126.49 2,118.76 2,621.97 2,621.97 4.81 13.00 128.62 30.21 21.08 23.74 347.50 6.95- 377.65 7.56- 126.02 540.00 112.06 2.25- 1 ,707.93 98.48 143.25 218.12 56.11 101.37 26.98 35.39 8.63 29.89 7,970.20 8,688.42 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 316 0008 59268 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc. 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 59642 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 04060 19037 13107 401 59244 Bernard, laura 02547 59246 Braster, Deborah 02548 59252 Cashman, Charlene 03565 59269 Eager Beaver Environmental Inc 05077 59270 Elko, Joanne 05219 59275 Feigle, Gayla 06271 59279 Haubold, Dal 08449 59282 Hellwig, Ashlih 08450 59283 Hicks, Casey 08451 59295 Mclendon, Mike 13559 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59319 Parker, Chris 59337 Seale, Alex 59348 Townsend, Candis 59357 Utility Vault Company Inc. 59362 Walner, Donald 59368 Webb, Talena 59386 Coventon, Kathy 59396 Fasola, Cindy 59401 Gori, Richard 59412 Oakwood Corporate Housing 59421 Port Angeles City Treasurer 59429 Sampson, Dorothy 59432 Skinner, Ann 59438 Turner, Carolynn 59454 Adams, Jolene 59455 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 16491 19383 20280 21012 23536 23537 03568 06272 07323 15178 03062 19517 19712 20281 01461 01061 Description Gl Code Number Total for Capital Improvement Fund Sod,pallets Mirror holder,nuts,bolts Furnish,install glass 860 3101 860 3101 860 3101 Total for lincoln Park Improvement Fund Utility deposit rfd-034819017 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-090026003 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-038318016 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-038318016 401 1222200 Spill kits,gloves,ziplock bags 401 2370000 Utility overpmt rfd-033723008 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-018465027 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-018465027 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-021431036 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-114499022 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-060534023 401 2131100 ~tility deposit rfd-060534023 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-030333003 401 2131100 Reimburse petty cash 401 1222200 Reimburse petty cash 401 2131100 Reimburse petty cash 401 2451000 Reimburse petty cash 401 1343300 Utility deposit rfd-025011005 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-025011005 401 1222200 Utilfty deposit rfd-100722029 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-066672028 401 2131100 Freight chg cancelled vaults 401 1411000 Utility overpmt rfd-066834005 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-114464018 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-088927007 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-048585017 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-110230004 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-104388019 401 1222200 Reimburse petty cash 401 1343300 Utility deposit rfd-031640020 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-001899015 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-042382039 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-066192021 401 2131100 Wire,splicing pads 401 1411000 2% Discount 401 1411000 Wire 401 1411000 2% Discount 401 1411000 Coding wire 401 1411000 2% Discount 401 1411000 Pipe clamps 401 1411000 2% Discount 401 1411000 Pipe clamps 401 1411000 2% Discount 401 1411000 Page 16 . Amount 10,396.35 322.12 4.68 66.66 393.46 250.00 250.00 65.45 107.79 44.24- 117.87 42.68 62.20 95.23 53.07 73.93 94.51 118.. 52. 49.54 56.00 25.00 78.03 109.28 94.25 45.85 217.20 20.35 105.41 45.00 98.32 250.00 210.66 25.00 110.45 97.84 88.41 14.56 56.11 1. 04- 167.25 3.10- 105.. 1. 10.27 .19- 28.25 .52- 43 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port AngeLes~. LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 17 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Numbe r Number 59456 ALpine ReaLty 01312 UtiLity overpmt rfd-087467013 401 1222200 53.86 59459 Berquam, Eugene 02549 UtiLity overpmt rfd-099422006 401 1222200 172.08 59467 CaioLa, Jefferey 03570 UtiL ity deposit rfd-051080042 401 1222200 16.37 59472 CathoLic Community Services 03571 UtiLity overpmt rfd-083151007 401 1222200 56.71 59474 CLaLLam Co HA-Lee HoteL 03541 UtiLity overpmt rfd-034264001 401 1222200 18.85 59475 CLaLLam Co Housing Authority 03305 UtiLity overpmt rfd-065919024 401 1222200 18.73 59477 Corey, Joe 03573 UtiL ity deposit rfd-114405019 401 2131100 93.18 UtiLity overpmt rfd-114405019 401 1222200 27.95 59478 CoviL Le, Brandon 03572 UtiLity overpmt rfd-083933012 401 1222200 105.95 59481 Eager Beaver EnvironmentaL Inc 05077 SaLes tax 401 2370000 44.24 59483 Erotique 05220 UtiLity overpmt rfd-007226008 401 1222200 286.17 59484 Estes, Amber 05202 UtiLity overpmt rfd-081523041 401 1222200 40.60 59485 Estes, Jack or Irene 05183 UtiLity overpmt rfd-024350011 401 1222200 42.54 59487 Evans Property Management 05205 UtiLity overpmt rfd-11484 7022 401 1222200 33.36 59489 Evans, VaLerie 05178 UtiL ity deposit rfd-105225011 401 1222200 98.46 59491 Evergreen FamiLy ViLLage 05149 UtiLity overpmt rfd-124240010 401 1222200 20.89 59495 First FederaL Savings & Loan 06096 UtiLity overpmt rfd-072966004 401 1222200 143.79 59497 GaLe, Wendy 07324 UtiLity deposit rfd-086711024 401 1222200 18.10 ~~L 59499 Godwin, Wendy 07326 UtiLity overpmt rfd-087181018 401 1222200 92.52 . 59500 Gori, Dino 07325 Ut iL i ty deposi t rfd-103969005 401 1222200 250.00 59502 GribbLe, Dorothy 07327 UtiLity overpmt rfd-051454001 401 1222200 28.80 59504 Haney, Nick 08452 UtiLity deposit rfd-033448029 401 1222200 82.54 59506 HeL Lerud, AL ice 08453 UtiLity overpmt rfd-094902002 401 1222200 1,216.25 59507 Henson, Jeff 08454 UtiLity deposit rfd-105180011 401 1222200 125.00 59508 Hoque Properties 08143 UtiLity overpmt rfd-042439027 401 1222200 39.81 59510 Ivanova, Kristina 09127 UtiLity deposit rfd-049328017 401 1222200 89.54 59512 JKT DeveLopment 10134 UtiLity overpmt rfd-004278019 401 1222200 46.48 59516 Kane, Evan 11223 Ut iL fty depos it rfd-009245029 401 1222200 101.35 59521 Link, BilLie 12354 UtiLity deposit rfd-017108033 401 1222200 88.41 59523 Lorton, CLeve & Tonya 12355 UtiLity deposit rfd-094962006 401 1222200 37.78 59526 Martinez, Jimmy 13562 UtiLity deposit rfd-058602024 401 2131100 15.48 59534 Nies, MichaeL 14493 UtiLity overpmt rfd-049689005 401 1222200 304.35 59541 Perkins, Sam 16495 UtiLity deposit rfd-030287004 401 1222200 202.88 59546 Properties by Landmark 12008 UtiL ity overpmt rfd-005789003 401 1222200 30.01 UtiLity overpmt rfd-040738015 401 1222200 127.64 59549 QuiLL Corporation 17000 Scratch pads,punch,markers 401 2370000 3.15- magnetic marker board 401 2370000 4.74- Markers,magnetic markerboard 401 2370000 1.83- Erasers,notes,paper cLips,pens 401 2370000 5.89- 59553 Remax 18383 UtiLity overpmt rfd-056758008 401 1222200 37.59 59559 Schneider, Lester 19714 UtiLity deposit rfd-086479028 401 2131100 64.55 59563 Shipman, BeuLah 19715 UtiLity overpmt rfd-024040001 401 1222200 20.88 59567 Sovde, Roger 19716 UtiLity overpmt rfd-051241022 401 1222200 35.89 59580 Vincent, Jennifer 22081 UtiLity deposit rfd-013587024 401 2131100 95.78 59582 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Compression connectors 401 1411000 241.43 . Compression connectors 401 1411000 78.83 59590 Zeeb, Cindy 26010 UtiLity deposit rfd-086843026 401 2131100 97.15 59598 ALL Phase ELectric SuppLy Co. 01061 PoLy puLL Line,fish Line 401 1411000 164.90 2% Discount 401 1411000 2.95- 59603 Aydt, Lisa Lynn 01462 UtiLity deposit rfd-066206020 401 1222200 24.72 59630 GeneraL Pacific Inc. 07034 Surge arrester 401 1414000 262.08 44 00/09/13-13:42 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Name 59648 North Coast Electric Company 59668 Smithson, Glen 59688 Western States Electric Inc. Vendor Number 14173 19717 23025 0009 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 59245 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 59250 Camera Corner 03044 59269 Eager Beaver Environmental Inc 05077 59271 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 59278 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 59284 59289 59307 59308 59309 59312 59316 59325 59327 Ireland, David H L & L Tool Specialties Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. Olympic Paper Company Olympic Printers Inc. Olympic Stationers Inc. Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. Port Angeles City Light Port Angeles Power Equipment 09133 12035 15026 15111 15027 15030 21011 16083 16122 59328 Portland General Electric 16481 59332 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Description Surge arrester PVC Cement PVC Cement Utility deposit rfd-009466004 Connectors, fuses Fuses Automatic wiring dead-ends Sterling tamper proof locks Lag screws Hot line clamps Hot line clamps Elbows,seal links,terminals Elbows,seal links, terminals Pad mount Pad mount Pad mount Pad mount September 13 2000 GLCode Number 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1222200 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1414000 4011411000 Total for Department Plywood underlayment 911 3402 Stakes 911 3101 Jet set 930 6510 Basalt 930 6510 Photo processing 911 3101 Photo processing 911 3101 Spill kits,gloves,ziplock bags 911 3101 Credit inquiries pe 07-20 911 4150 Lumber 911 3402 Carriage screws, nuts, washers 911 3402 Reimburse mileage expense 911 4310 Shop broom 911 3101 July laundry service 911 3101 Teri wiper pop up box 911 3101 Time cards 911 3101 Transfer lettering 911 3101 Shock absorbers-truck doors 911 4520 Reimburse petty cash 911 3101 Used oiler drive 911 4810 Stihl leaf blower 911 4810 Used fuel tank 911 4810 Oil sample testing 911 4150 Portable CB radio 911 3501 Nitrogen 911 4810 Kerosene can.gas can 911 4810 Fasteners 911 3402 Caulking gun,caulking 911 4810 Paint brushes,roller covers 911 4810 Sponge mop,cleaner 911 4810 Paint 911 4810 Paint,adapter,elbows 911 4810 Page 18 . Amount 20.70 73.36 73.36 250.00 1 ,949.76 57.08 178.04 215.80 99.81 487.50 38.52 276.00 455.56 5,250.00 414.75 1,050.00 82.95 19,690.02 318._ 11.5 25.36 4.14 5.59 9.48 604.24 32.37 2.86 2.33 42.25 32.35 14.03 268.67 116.42 6.99 50.58 55.05 23.24 146.80 98.08 280.00 140.27 12.14 34.29 16.. 15. 6.27 20.73 9.43 12.24 45 00/09/13-13:42 . Fnd Opt Check Number . . 46 City of Port Angeles - ,,' k.'t,,~ .""q':~,; i'h" :,::< t ".," ~ -.:' j :~ L!VE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number 59347 Thurman Supply 20005 59349 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 59350 TriAxis Engineering Inc 20274 59351 US West Communications 21001 59354 United Parcel Service 21005 59355 United Rentals Inc 16034 59356 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 59363 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 59364 Washington (ORS), State of 23141 59365 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 59366 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 59378 Arnett Industries Inc.,H.J. 01046 59380 Brooks, Gary 02277 59383 Colvico Inc 03567 59388 Daco 04343 59398 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 59408 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 59425 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 59436 Trans-Tech Inc 20210 59437 TriAxis Engineering Inc 20274 59445 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 23333 59466 Business Answerphone Service 02166 59471 Captain T's 03048 59481 Eager Beaver Environmental Inc 05077 59513 Jim's Trophies 10007 59536 Oracle Corporation 15113 59540 Peninsula Lubricants 16474 Descripti on GL Code Number Film 930 3101 Sprayer 911 4810 Pipe,couplings,tape 911 4810 PVC pipe,cement,primer,elbows 930 4810 PVC tee,adapter,bushings 930 4810 PVC couplings,tees,elbows,pipe 930 4810 Teflon tape,elbows,caps 930 4810 Shipping chg-Graybar Electric 911 3402 "I" St Rebuild #20-03 pe 07-07930 4150 Distr Line Rbld #2005 pe 07-07 930 4150 Distr Line Rbld #2005 pe 07-07930 4150 Distr Line Rbld #2005 pe 07-07 930 4150 08-05 Billing 911 4210 08-02 Billing 911 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 911 4150 Rent Boom 110' Stick 4WD-1 wk 911 4810 July locates 911 4150 July Scan charges 911 4210 Statewide Pensioners-July 911 2030 2nd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 911 2060 Extinguisher maintenance 911 4150 08-03 Billing 911 4210 08-03 Billing 911 4210 08-03 Billing 911 4210 08-03 Billing 911 4210 McLain to Seattle 08-10 911 4310 Training services 911 4150 ReimbUrse Omni Page Pro v.10 911 3160 Cresthaven Proj 20-15 pe 06-00 911 6510 Fiberglass boxes 911 3501 Fiberglass box 911 3501 Computer 911 3160 WPAG pe 07-31 911 4901 Slice Group pe 07-31 911 4901 08-11 Billing-SR 101 & Euclid 911 3350 08-18 Billing-Lauridsen Blvd 911 3350 07-31 Billing 2110 Glass Rd 911 3350 08-15 Woodhaven & Golf Course 911 3350 Test Transformer A St Substati 911 4150 Transformer disposal svcs 911 4150 Underground Line Proj 20-05 pe 930 4150 Underground Line Proj 20-05 pe 930 4150 Underground Line Proj 20-05 pe 930 4150 Underground Line proj 20-05 pe 930 4150 Balloons 930 3101 September service 911 4150 Polo shirts,embroidery 911 3101 Sales tax 911 3101 Walnut clock plaque, engraving 911 3101 Bronze Advance Support Server 911 4530 Transformer oil 911 4810 September 13 2000 Page 19 Amount 10.51 19.28 24.28 16.62 7.09 15.90 7.56 60.39 8,614.62 - 1,358.78 1,358.78 1,358.79 42.79 60.42 3.94 4,429.34 35.34 43.94 200. 16 5,733.00 541.66 17.01 16.60 28.68 16.50 33.40 891. 00 97.08 6,536.15 446.34 39.78 1,657.36 144.31 113.85 15.87 15.49 98.16 15.94 292.23 1,612.20 3,261.08 554.32 554.32 554.32 63.96 130.00 83.36 2.80 171.32 2,524.86 7,781.62 00/09/13-13:42 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 59547 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 59549 Quill Corporation 17000 59556 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 59557 Rose Lumber 18016 59561 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 59575 US West Communications 21001 59578 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 59579 59582 59583 59585 59586 59589 59616 59620 59634 59635 59648 59655 59665 59669 59688 Viking Office Products WESCO Distribution Inc. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Washington (Ecology), State of Waukesha Electric Systems Xerox Corporation Dept of Labor & Industries EES Consulting Inc. Ireland, David H JATC NW Line Const. Ind. North Coast Electric Company Pacific Metering Inc. Sears Commercial One Sound Analytical Services Inc. Western States Electric Inc. 22054 23150 23333 23104 23393 24001 04222 05140 09133 10068 14173 16494 19109 19025 23025 59691 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 402 59264 Direct Safety Company 59395 Familian NW 59492 Familian NW 04279 06020 06020 Description GL Code Number Transformer 911 3402 Substation maintenance assista 911 4810 Scratch pads,punch,markers 911 3101 magnetic marker board 911 3101 Markers,magnetic markerboard 911 3101 Erasers,notes,paper clips,pens 911 3101 Grounding elbows 911 3501 Bushing adapter 911 3501 Storage building 911 3101 Bid-Power Transformer 911 4150 08-14 Billing 911 4210 08-14 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 08-15 Billing 911 4210 Tape 911 3101 Gaskets 911 4810 Storage boxes 911 3101 Deposit-Assistance Albert Subs 911 4150 Silica gel beads 911 4810 DC220SS lease agreement-July 911 4530 Registrations-Drake,Daugaard 911 4310 WPAG pe 07-31-Project 00-14707 911 4901 Reimb~rse mileage 911 4310 Workbooks 911 3101 Bend PVC 930 3402 Bend PVC 930 3402 PVC conduit 911 3402 Couplings,adapters 911 3402 Hasps,padlock links 911 3501 Sanding discs,belts 911 4810 Test transformer oil-PCB conte 911 4150 Sound powered telephones 911 3501 Stripper 911 3501 Retro-fit locking kit 911 3402 First aid supplies 911 3101 Total for Light Total for Light Fund Lenses Meter resetters Meter resetters Ball corp stops Tapping sleeves, valves, elbows Tapping sleeves,valves,elbows 402 2370000 402 1414000 402 1411000 402 1411000 402 1414000 402 1411000 Page 20 . Amount 7,881.02 875.18 43.01 64.73 24.94 80.35 1,694.41 127.68 940.88 320.10 326.19 41.45 9.32 58.80 9.32 44.51 9.32 35.36 9.32 105..80 682. 58.9 500.00 384.12 197.42 130.00 178.77 52.65 107.03 683.59 183.85 5,383.60 264.22 121.34 23.17 75.00 199.83 123.01 432.46 87.78 76,703.27 96,393.29 298:. 34.74 111.07 4,029.67 248.86 47 , ""~%~IJ'~'n~ i;;;P\ 't~jliWi; "It\' ~ .~ 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - d'VEMACHINE September 13 2000 Page 21 . CH;ECK REGISTE.,~ Date From '08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Stainless tapping sleeves 402 1414000 828.29 Stainless tapping sleeves 402 1411000 118.64 Gate valve 402 1414000 405.45 Gate valve ' 402 1411000 32.03 Gate valve 402 1414000 405.45 Gate valve 402 1411000 32.03 59571 Tokay Software 20097 One year support,upgrades 402 2370000 25.28- 59576 USA BlueBook 21060 Measuring wheel 402 2370000 6.31- 59614 Davis Instrument 04155 Yeather link Upgrade 402 2370000 4.27- 59649 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Potassium Permanganate 402 2370000 1.19- Filter paper 402 2370000 26.98- 59655 Pacific Metering Inc. 16494 Hasps,padlock links 402 2370000 8.89- Total for Department 6,470.78 0007 59233 AYRA - Yashington Section 01346 Annual Conference-Smith,Doyle, 753 4310 400.00 I 59234 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Blades, rope 753 3101 353.07 Knives, line 753 3101 46.15 59235 AmTest Inc. 01034 Si lver testing 754 4150 14.45 59236 American Yater Yorks Assoc. 01066 Membership renewal-Cutler 753 4901 104.50 . 59238 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Crushed rock 753 3101 5,664.75 Trench backfi II 793 3101 868.60 Trench backfi II 753 3101 207.71 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 Carriage~scfews,hexnuts,latch 753 3101 6.91 Shims 753 3101 8.55 Stripping gloves 753 3101 29.67 Concrete mix 793 3101 17.20 59245 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Cemen1:, sand 753 3101 63.39 59249 CH2M Hill 03005 PA Yater Supply Study pe 07-28 793 4150 5,101.30 59261 Dept of Community Development 03066 Yater test 753 4150 540.00 59266 Dobson's 04054 V-Belts I 754 3101 54.58 V-Belt 754 3101 15.30 59273 Famil i an NY 06020 Service saddle 753 3101 91.01 59276 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06063 Yater Rights Issues-05-17-00 753 4150 279.12 59278 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 lumber 754 3101 18.31 59286 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Parts 754 3101 78.66 59290 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 754 3101 157.92 59298 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Cable ties 753 3101 17.13 59305 Olympic Air Pollution Cont Aut 15017 Registration-Yastewater 754 4901 231.00 59307 Olympic laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 July laundry service 753 3101 27.51 59308 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Credit paper towels 7533101 37.15 - Paper towels 753 3101 68.39 Paper towels 753 3101 32.27 I Liquid chlorine 7533101 169.40 59311 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 Yater,cups 754 3101 19.80 . Cooler rentals 754 3101 21.47 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 754 4310 21.57 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Envelopes,ribbon,pens,memos 754 3101 44.48 59323 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Small Yorks Roster 753 4410 60.80 59329 Preston Gates & Ellis 16175 Elwha legislation pe 06-30 753 4150 320.00 59330 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Speaker phone 753 3101 64.73 48 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 59332 Richmond 2-Way Radio 59339 Siemens Building Technologies 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 59347 Thurman Supply 59351 US West Communications 59354 United Parcel Service CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 18009 19682 19035 19037 20005 21001 21005 59356 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 59365 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 59366 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 59370 Whitney Equipment Co. Inc. 23073 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 Description GL Code Number Cell phone carrying case 753 4210 Input,output card, actuators 754 3101 Acetylene 753 3101 Brass brazing rod 753 3101 Ear muffs, safety glasses,vest 753 3101 Fluorescent lights 754 3101 Electrical tape, reel 753 3101 Hard hat, safety vest 753 3101 Batteries,scissors,sponge,cups 754 3101 Drainer trays 754 3101 Hose couplings 753 3101 Sundries 754 3101 Tape,timer clock 754 3101 Hacksaw,hacksaw blades 753 3101 Hose remnant,teflon tape 754 3101 Wire stripper,wire nuts 754 3101 Primer 753 3101 Caulking,broom 754 3101 Pipe,tees,nipples,clamps 754 3101 Hose washers, joint compound 754 3101 08-02 Billing 754 4210 08-02 Billing 754 4210 08-10 Billing 360Z10024095546 753 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 07-23 Billing 753 4210 08-10 Billing 360Z10024095546 753 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 07-2l Billing 754 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 07-23 Billing 754 4210 08-10 Billing 360Z10024095546 753 4210 08-10 Billing 360Z10024095546 753 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 754 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 754 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 754 4210 08-05 Shipping charges 753 3101 08-05 Shipping charges 754 4210 July locates 753 4150 July locates 754 4150 July Scan charges 753 4210 July Scan charges 754 4210 2nd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 753 2060 Extinguisher maintenance 754 4810 Extinguisher maintenance 753 3101 Extinguisher maintenance 753 3101 Sampler Input IFace 754 3101 08-03 Billing 753 4210 08-03 Billing 754 4210 Page 22 . Amount 25.89 1,111.15 26.10 6.00 68.90 40.07 59.30 47.02 47.14 16.12 2.85 4.27 28.90 6.05 7.18 41.36 9.60 30.88 156.36 11. 35 39.. 41. 159.94 47.81 59.20 52.82 28.11 47.81 47.81 47.81 47.81 47.81 28.11 51.44 51.44 3.79 4.30 53.06 27.37 6.82 17.67 17.67 3.12 21.70 1,110.00 169.. 162. 24.28 108.60 126.83 13.64 49" ;': \,:: 4j~'~~.~?~~t1m::*:1~ $' f~:~ )J7 ~~~:::'~ 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - 'LIVE'MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 23 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 Sperr to Seattle 07-05 793 4310 83.40 Sperr,Cutler,Knutson,Quinn, 793 4310 32.53 59374 Airport Garden Center 13409 Grass seed 753 3101 32.36 59395 Fami l ian N\l 06020 Meter resetters 753 3101 141. 65 59403 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Antimicrobial soap 754 3101 321.00 59425 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 07-25 Billing Crown Z \later Rd 753 4710 13.20 08-09 Billing-203 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 43.03 59430 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Bid-\later Main Improvements 793 4410 252.00 59451 \lestern Utilities Supply Co. 23022 \later meter part 753 3101 76.17 59492 Fami l i an N\l 06020 Tapping sleeves, valves, elbows 753 3101 22.66 59493 Federal Express Corp. 06022 08-28 Shipping charges 793 4150 19.55 08-28 Shipping charges 753 4210 5.50 59503 Hach Company 08124 PH Controller 793 3101 1,107.72 59522 Lloyd Electric Apparatus Co. 12049 Motor repair,pump repair 753 3101 5,687.66 59547 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 08-24 Billing Crown Z \later Rd 753 4710 28.99 59560 Schuck's 19008 Organizer 753 3101 11.64 59571 Tokay Software 20097 One year support, upgrades 753 3101 345.28 59574 US Filter Distribution Group 21077 Direct read regulator 753 3101 40.08 59575 US \lest Communications 21001 08-14 Billing 754 4210 46.60 08-14 Bill ing 753 4210 23.30 . 08-08 Bill ing 754 4210 39.25 08-16 Billing 754 4210 44.66 08-23 Bi II ing 753 4210 59.20 59576 USA BlueBook 21060 Measuring wheel 754 3101 86.16 59578 Verizon \lireless, Bellevue 01105 08-15 Bill ing 753 4210 14.81 59594 AP\lA Conference Registration 01209 Registration-Sperr 754 4310 250.00 59595 AT&T Business Service 01085 08-15 Bill ing 753 4210 24.91 59597 All Flags Travel Inc. 01015 Bever~ord to Las Vegas 10-01 753 4310 364.00 59612 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 03098 Hose 754 3501 403.04 59613 Datastream Systems Inc 04143 Tech support MP2 Pro Access pe 754 4150 1,359.54 59614 Davis Instrument 04155 \leather Link Upgrade 754 3101 58.27 59615 Dept of Community Development 03066 Water test 753 4150 405.00 59627 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06063 \later Rights Issues pe 08-16 753 4150 2,453.12 Elwha Dam Removal pe 08-16 753 4150 350.00 59643 Metrocall 20000 08-26 Bill ing 754 4210 30.09 59644 Mine Safety Appliances Company 13218 Annual service Dynevac 753 3101 288.35 59649 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Potassium Permanganate 754 3101 16.21 Filter paper 754 3101 368.45 59652 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 August service 753 3101 7.28 59654 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 \later 754 3101 15.00 Cooler rentals 754 3101 21.47 59656 Patrizzi, Louis 16497 Rfd-Project 99-11 underground 793 4150 1,245.90 59660 Preston Gates & Ellis 16175 Elwha legislation pe 07-31 753 4150 328.95 59665 Sears Commercial One 19109 \lrenches,pliers 753 3101 57.17 Mini pliers 753 3101 21.57 . 59674 US \lest Communications 21001 08-20 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 08-20 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 08-20 Billing 754 4210 44.66 08-20 Billing 754 4210 44.66 08-20 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 08-20 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 50 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 24 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 08-23 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 08-23 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 08-23 Bill ing 754 4210 44.66 08-20 Bill ing 754 4210 28.11 59675 United Rentals Inc 16034 Backhoe rental,delivery 754 4810 247.43 59685 Yashington (Ecology), State of 23106 Biosolids Permit-July-December 754 4990 681. 79 Total for Public Yorks 37,604.79 Total for Yater/Yastewater Fund - 44,075.57 404 0007 59241 Angeles Millwork 01073 Paint 755 3101 23.69 59254 Citybank Harbour Point 03555 Escrow 623700497006-Retainage 795 4150 19,036.14 59259 Den-Ree Productions 04342 Script, research, camera work 755 4150 630.00 59263 Design One Inc. 04164 Twist pens 755 4410 293.09 59274 Federal Express Corp. 06022 07-31 Shipping charges 755 3101 73.10 59302 North American Crane & Equip 14196 Credit duplicate billing 755 3501 44,845.08- Solid waste containers 755 3501 61,614.56 Automated carts 755 3501 44,845.08 59307 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 July laundry service 755 3101 114.65 59308 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Tissue,towels,dish soap,gloves 755 3101 116.. Paper towels,pop up box 755 3101 99. 59313 Sequim Gazette Inc. 19016 2000 Clallam County Yho's Yho 755 4410 245.00 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Dust away,toilet paper 755 3101 91.61 Printer cartridge 755 3101 34.26 59334 SYANA 19101 Membership dues-McCabe,Ridout 755 4901 238.00 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Nipple,swivels,washers 755 3101 5.47 Ear p1ugs,gloves 755 3101 74.33 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hand cleaner 755 3101 14.86 59351 US Yest Communications 21001 08-05 Bill ing 755 4210 87.50 59352 USDA, APHIS, FSO, Acctg Svcs 21069 Yildlife Strike Hazards pe Jun 755 4150 8,471.28 59363 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 July Scan charges 755 4210 47.22 59365 Yashington (Unemp), State of 23178 2nd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 755 2060 158.70 59367 Yaste Management - Northwest 23060 July Service 755 4150 41,616.06 59373 Advanced Travel 01090 Young to San Francisco 07-23 755 4310 1,085.91 Young to Kirkland 08-03 755 4310 66.90 McCabe to Pt Townsend 07-07 755 4310 53.74 59402 Hermann Bros. Inc. 08127 Hauling tub grind waste 755 4150 21,148.40 59421 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 755 4901 30.00 59446 Yashington (Ecology), State of 23106 YW Permit fee pe 12-31-2000 755 4990 5,031.50 59575 US Yest Communications 21001 08-14 Billing 755 4210 116.50 59595 AT&T.Business Service 01085 08-15 Bill ing 755 4210 5.58 59602 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 Antifreeze processing 755 3101 50.00 59652 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Laundry service-August 755 3101 91.72 59653 Olympic Refrigeration 15085 Remove freon, compressors 755 4150 1,553.76 Total for Solid Yaste Fund 162,319.. 421 0009 59387 Currie, Ron & Yvonne 03569 Yeatherization rebate 913 4986 250.00 59434 Sull ivan, Jim 19713 Yeatherization rebate 913 4986 250.00 51 00/09/13-13:42 . "'."".~',;-:--. ;1:"'\"," ;: <n,;~:V.~~':, City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number 501 . . 52 Vendor Name Vendor Number 59418 Parts Incorporated 59420 Plan A Inc 59458 Austin-Romtech 18126 16493 01161 0007 59237 Angeles Auto Alectric Q1067 59239 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 59247 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 59248 Burrett, Peter W 02163 59256 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 59260 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 Description GL Code Number Total for Conservation Fund Single links,cam followers Carbide support shoes Grabber door catch 501 2370000 501 2-370000 501 2370000 Total for Department Alternator 760 3101 Steel 760 3101 Repair foam, recover cushion 760 4810 Reimburse mileage 760 4310 Credit alternator 760 3101 Water pump 760 3101 Meter,weld helmet 760 3501 Weld helmet 760 3501 Credit weld helmet 760 3501 LOF,thermostat,tires,gaskets 760 3101 LOF,thermostat,tires,gaskets 760 4810 Brakes,turn rotors, brake light 760 4810 Brakes,turn rotors, brake Light 760 3101 Radiator,antifreeze 760 3101 Radiator,antifreeze 760 4810 Radiatorjantifreeze 760 4810 Credit fLat repair 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires,mount,demount,balance 760 3101 Tires~mount,demount,baLance 760 4810 Tires,mount,demount,baLance 760 3101 Tires,mount,demount,balance 760 4810 Heater controL valve 760 4810 Heater control valve 760 3101 Front brakes, turn rotors 760 4810 Front brakes, turn rotors 760 3101 Glue door seaL, Lube seat beLt 760 4810 LOF,Lubra kleen 760 3101 LOF,lubra kLeen 7604810 LOF,drums,brakes,lubra kleen 760 3101 LOF,drums,brakes,lubra kLeen 760 4810 Rear brake rotors, battery 760 3101 Rear brake rotors,battery 760 4810 FLat repair 760 4810 FLat repair,check brakes 760 4810 FLat repair 760 4810 LOF,turn drums,rear brakes 760 3101 LOF,turn drums, rear brakes 760 4810 LOF,Lubra kleen 760 3101 LOF,lubra kLeen 760 4810 LOF,rotors,brakes,hinge pins 760 3101 LOF,rotors,brakes,hinge pins 760 4810 Rotors 760 4810 Page 25 Amount 500.00 82.71- 43.18- 1.87- 127.76- 350.68 5.78 75.53 53.72 126.59- 38.92 118.67 86.31 86.31- 158.56 39.92 101.42 69.33 331.26 29.13 327.48 25.90- 6.47 234.79 45.32 250.32 45.33 29.14 35.60 50.72 25.89 14.57 13.22 17.26 247.09 86.32 120.86 43.69 10.79 21. 04 10.79 29.95 67.97 19.64 17.26 251. 63 110.05 29.13 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59266 Dobson's 04054 59272 Evergreen Collision-Body Shop 05000 59277 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 59281 Heartline, The 08054 59286 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 59298 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Description lOF,safety check, flat repair lOF,safety check,flat repair Alternator,gasket,belt Alternator,gasket,belt Tires,mount,demount,balance Tires,mount,demount,balance Flat repair,tube Flat repair,tube Dual wheels lOF,safety check,lubra kleen lOF,safety check,lubra kleen lOF,lubra kleen, shocks lOF,lubra kleen,shocks Flat repair Waste hauler lug lOF,lubra kleen,wiper blades lOF,lubra kleen,wiper blades Service air conditioner, freon Service air conditioner, freon Fix leak, flush radiator Credit cores Hub cap Maintenance,purge kits,cores Batteries Battery Seal Credit fuseholders Fittings Connector kit Belt Connector kit Fittings Gaskets Belt Cable ties lamps lamps Switch Filters,nuts Filter Snap pins Fittings Tire valves,patches Oil filter,rags,cleaner Hose Cartridge, core deposit Tire valves Fitting,adapter Carpet cleaner Air filters Oil,air filters September 13 2000 Gl Code Number 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 4810 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 4810 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 4810 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 Page 26 . Amount 13.23 23.73 235.88 43.69 146.75 33.44 19.20 12.95 484.26 13.22 17.26 129.75 60.96 10.79 140.27 38.04 17.26 121. 92 55.04 24.2.8 80. 16.6 364.64 250.22 62.53 3.77 9.74- 136.62 2.99 5.63 5.98 5.57 38.57 5.63 29.54 4.16 6.47 10.11 59.29 9.34 22.55 5.18 146.15 135.54 22.05 105.. 15. 6.44 4.31 18.17 63.94 53 M' , ,~iI : ' \~",.f,~:?J.'~; :~ 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Page 27 . CHECK REG I ST,ER Date From 08/12/2000' To 09/08/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Air filter,washers 760 3101 18.08 Screws, locknuts, washers 760 3101 111.41 Credit freight charge 760 3101 3.12- Plastic dip 760 3101 20.37 Wire 760 3101 3.83 loom 760 3101 16.73 Socket 760 3101 13.31 Radiator hose, cuts 760 3101 9.26 Oil filters 760 3101 172.87 Belt 760 3101 15.93 Battery 760 3101 4.19 Wiper refills 760, 3101 8.61 Gasket 760 3101 2.67 Heater core 760 3101 23.94 59304 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Green laminate 760 3101 n.69 Replace door glass 760 3101 110.90 59314 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 760 3101 9.00 59315 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Gender changer cable 760 3101 8.09 59323 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Bid-Riding lawn Mower 760 4410 388.80 59324 Pettit Oil Company 16302 July cardlock purchases 760 3101 2,966.95 . Diesel 760 3211 199.18 59326 Port Angeles Ford lincoln 16158 Cover assembly 760 3101 43.61 Exhaust part 760 3101 16.58 Sensor assembly 760 3101 21.25 59332 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Repair siren 760 4810 84.70 Adjust modulation,05-05-1998 760 4810 64.74 59335 Schwab Tire Center, les 19459 Tires,o-rings,valve stems 760 3101 1,116.27 Tires~seal rings,valve stems 760 3101 3,028.60 Tires,casings 760 3101 407.58 Flat repairs,wheel switches 760 3101 203.82 Flat repair, wheel switch 760 3101 34.69 Tire dismount,mount,switch 760 3101 24.82 Tires,casings 760 3101 407.58 Tire dismount,mount 760 4810 32.37 59343 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 O-rings 760 3101 1.29 Clamp,bolt,swivel eye 760 3101 20.00 Welding headgear,pulley,bolts 760 3101 63.14 Hose,clamp 760 3101 4.72 Epoxy,O-rings 760 3101 9.53 Bushing 760 3101 2.01 O-rings 760 3101 1.27 Shaft seal 760 3101 7.n Spiral hose wrap,bolts 760 3101 88.10 Oxygen, acetylene 760 3101 106.82 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Cleaning rod, brushes 760 3101 11.23 . 59353 United Fire Service Inc. 21015 Plug,connector socket 760 3101 20.29 59363 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 July Scan charges 760 4210 10.67 59366 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 760 3101 500.66 59369 Western Equipment Distrib. Inc 23019 Seat assembly 760 3101 217 .67 59381 Cascade Turf 03566 Cable 760 3101 57.23 59416 Olympic laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 July laundry svcs 760 4990 298.94 54 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 13 2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 59418 Parts Incorporated 59419 Pavenco Industries 59420 Plan A Inc 59421 Port Angeles City Treasurer 59428 SPX Corporation Svc Solutions 59431 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 59450 Western Peterbilt Inc. 59458 Austin-Romtech 59480 Dwayne Lane's Dodge 59498 Gall's Inc. 59525 Machinery Components Inc. 59531 N C Machinery Co. 59542 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 59543 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 59564 Simpson's Used Auto Parts CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 18126 16068 16493 03062 19711 19199 23020 01161 04176 07027 13101 14001 16092 16158 19199 59565 Smith Tractor & Equip. Co.lnc 19023 59566 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 59570 Texaco Credit Card Center 20003 59575 US West Communications 21001 59577 Valley Freightliner Inc. 22062 59579 Viking Office Products 22054 59587 Western Peterbilt Inc. 23020 59623 Farwest Equipment 59637 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 59638 Lane Automotive Machine Inc. 59677 Valley Freightliner Inc. 59679 Viking Office Products 59687 Wear Parts Northwest Inc. 59689 Wilder Toyota Inc. 06267 10020 12353 22062 22054 23334 23225 Description GL Code Number Single links,cam followers 760 3101 Replace original graphics 760 4810 Carbide support shoes 760 3101 Reimburse petty cash 760 4160 Reimburse petty cash 760 3101 Upgrade Detroit Diesel Diagnos 760 3101 Towing charge 760 3101 Freon 760 3101 Grabber door catch 760 3101 2000 Dodge Utility Truck 760 6410 Stacking units 760 6410 Switch,spring,clutch 760 3101 Switch,spring,clutch 760 3101 Rod 760 3101 Credit rod 760 3101 Credit arm 760 3101 Suspension 760 3101 Nuts,bolts 760 3101 Nuts,bolts 760 3101 Tubes 760 3101 Tubes 760 3101 Rod 760 3101 Gasket,arm,rod,push rod 760 3101 Credit duplicate pmt 7603101 Points,asphalt cutters 760 3101 Ford Crown Victoria 2000 760 6410 Ford Crown Victoria 2000 760 6410 Ford1:rown Victoria 2000 760 6410 Inside handles 760 3101 Tow Truck 1501 from Landfill 760 4810 Lock,snap ring 760 3101 Thermostat, gasket 760 3101 Drill bit,extractor 760 3501 Push pull pump,pin punch 760 3501 Gasoline card-a/c 6203060774 760 3210 08-14 Billing 760 4210 Ignition switch 760 3101 Markers,binders,pens 760 3101 Pens,binders 760 3101 Hanging folders,pens 760 3101 Ruled notes,view binders 760 3101 Pressure switch 760 3101 Switch 760 3101 Air filters 760 3101 25 First Aid kits 760 3101 Surface stepped flywheel 760 4810 Seat covers 760 3101 Binders,label holders,scissors 760 3101 Parts for cat loader,dozer 760 3101 Replace insulator 760 3101 Page 28 . Amount 1,129.68 107.90 589.76 40.41 2.53 53.87 48.55 48.29 25.46 - 24,256.06 523.28 296.36 86.92 16.92 17.92- 43.63- 676.85 40.48 20.24 125.28 84.. 17. 93.40 27.97- 213.76 23,528.40 23,382.74 23,382.74 37.76 134.87 154.04 21.09 65.17 484.09 17.97 23.30 27.00 153.45 291. 08 85.10 66.40 44.87 13.11 29.63 674.38 45.. 102. 236.86 610.33 20.85 55 00/09/13-13:42 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 502 0002 . 503 0001 . 56 59267 59296 59308 59312 59320 59354 59363 59373 59376 59407 59410 59423 59509 59536 59537 59575 59578 59287 59299 59301 59361 59400 59427 59435 59439 59461 59464 59468 59469 59470 59479 59490 59514 59515 59520 59524 59527 59529 59532 59551 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name Dungeness Communications & Micro \.Iarehouse Olympic Paper Company Olympic Stationers Inc. Paymentech United Parcel Service \.Iashington (DIS), State of Advanced Travel Angeles Communications Inc Mailer's Software Midwest Technology Leasing Prentice Hall Inc. Insight Direct Inc. Oracle Corporation PC \.lor ld US \.lest Communications Verizon \.Iireless, Bellevue Kenyon, Scott Miller, Dale National Safety Council \.ICIA Gordy's Pizza & Pasta Regence Blue Shield-Dental Summit Law Group PLLC UNUM Life Ins Co of America Bishop, Virgil Braun, Gary Cameron, Kenneth Campbell, Mack Camporini, Richard Denton, Kevin Evergreen Adjustment Service Johnson, Donald G Johnson, Harry Lindley, James K. Loucks, Jasper Miesel, Phil Morgan, Roy Nagy, Sheri Rainier EAP Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Vendor Number 04210 13251 15111 15030 16421 21005 23111 01090 01069 13327 Inc 13487 16030 09085 15113 16056 21001 01105 11002 13056 14095 23204 07272 18234 19437 21000 02019 02173 , 03252 03045 03273 04231 05177 10052 10047 12019 12186 13261 13145 14492 18057 Description September 13 2000 GL Code Number Total for Public \.Iorks Total for Equipment Services Fund July maintenance, graphics 250 4150 Etherlink server 250 4810 Computer paper 250 3101 File folders 250 3101 Credit card purchases-July 250 3101 08-05 Shipping charges 250 3101 08-05 Shipping charges 250 3101 July Scan charges 250 4210 Harper to Kirkland 07-20 250 4310 Hook up extensions 250 4810 Fiber optic patch cords 250 4810 Barcode,Postal rate maintenanc 250 4800 Power server 250 3101 Info Sys Policies 399489806 250 4901 Exabyte tape drive 250 4810 External modems 250 4810 Reg-Harper 'Intro"to Oracle' 250 4310 Renew #15720378-0'Neill 250 4901 OB-14 Billing 250 4210 08-15 Billing 250 4210 Total for Information Systems Fund Reimburse medical expenses Reimburse medical services Membership renewal-Coons Liability claim fees #27-98 Refreshments-Safety Committee Admin fee-September General Labor Representation September premium September premium Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Disability Board Claims-August Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Disability Board Claims-August Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse medical services Prof svcs-Claim #503 Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Claim settlement-#19-00 Assessment and referral 121 4630 121 4630 118 4909 119 4999 118 4909 117 4601 119 4150 121 4631 121 4631 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4630 119 4999 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 119 4999 121 4150 Page 29 Amount 119,625.55 119,497.79 230.00 1,520.09 191.79 5.92 1,547.28 9.72 112.78 30.94 93.76 48.56 168.32 2,577.74 570.53 104.60 2,535.24 380.53 2,000.00 26.93 69.90 22.51 12,247.14 301. 76 375.00 250.00 10,708.06 59.61 1,574.91 669.50 1,044.30 1,003.54 94.00 42.00 68.30 5,000.00 46.10 706.61 62.10 43.80 45.50 45.50 85.00 46.10 46.10 1,875.00 330.00 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Oate From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 59555 Riepe, Tom 18081 59568 Sweatt, Johnnie 19146 59573 Turton, F. Gale 20041 59596 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 59609 Clallam Co YMCA 03076 59646 NW Admin Transfer Acct 14169 59663 Qwest-Claims 21033 59672 Turton, F. Gale 20041 602 0002 59488 Evans, Sid 59505 Hansen, George D. 05103 08048 652 0008 59251 Campbell, Robert 03560 59278 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 59308 Olympic Paper Company 15111 59312 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59317 Paint Store, The 16064 59318 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 59346 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59351 US West Communications 21001 59363 Washington (DIS), State of. 23111 59366 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 59372 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 59575 US West Communications 21001 657 59232 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 698 States West life Insurance Co. Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) Office of Support Enforcement 19313 06062 15072 59341 59397 59413 Description Disability Board Claims-August Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Disability Board Claims-August September premium September premi um September premium Membership-Reid 012519401 September premium September premium -September premium Claim settlement #20-00 Disability Board claims-August September 13 2000 Gl Code Number 121 4634 121 4635 121 4634 121 4630 121 4632 121 4634 121 4150 121 4633 121 4633 121 4634 119 4999 121 4634 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept Reimburse Medicare prem-Sept 225 4635 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Honorarium 868 4150 Primer,nails,Roller covers 8683120 lumber, bolts 868 3101 Wax applicator refills 8683120 Mat boards 868 3101 Binders,report covers 868 3101 Photo mount,mat boards 868 3101 Paint-brushes,razor blades 8683101 Paint,brush,roller replacement 8683120 Paint base 868 3120 Staples,paper punch,staple gun 868 3101 Pruning shears, return sand 868 3501 Sprinkling can,vacuum bags 868 3120 Hardware 868 3101 Paint brushes,utility knife 8683101 07-23 Billing 8684210 July Scan charges 868 4210 Extinguisher maintenance 868 3120 08-03 Billing 8684210 08-14 Billing 8684210 08-23 Billing 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Pass the Buck pmt 657 2399100 Total for Utility Contribution Program September Premi un Payroll deductions pe 08-20 Payroll deductions pe 08-20 698 2315160 698 2315210 698 2315210 Page 30 . Amount 4,550.00 65.70 200.00 61,373.50 1,227.20 7, 033 . 75 570.00 9,502.00 14,508.30 5,758.00 95.30 38.00 129,444.54 45.50 46.80 92.30 200.. 25. 9.39 17.48 12.62 6.41 30.89 3.96 24.97 13.11 29.26 8.20 26.75 6.38 36.43 47.81 65.83 12.95 29.04 23.30 47.81 678.37 72.83 72.. 587.50 958.85 1 ,287. 15 57 --"1 .."7>'!''0'"-;~."w'.'t''~ - .,. i;~';t"~,~;" ',1- If 00/09/13-13:42 City of Port Angeles - dVEMACHINE September 13 2000 Page 31 . CH~CI( REGISTE,R Date From 08/12/2000 To 09/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number Description GL Code Number Amount 59414 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deduction pe 08-20 698 2315210 89.08 59424 Professional Collection 16490 Payroll deduction pe 08-20 698 2315210 306.00 59440 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 08-20 698 2315210 69.41 59441 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 08-20 698 2315240 372.70 59443 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 08-20 698 2315210 38.00 59592 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 81.00 59593 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 162.00 59617 DiMartino/WSCFF Disability 06052 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315190 810.80 59622 Employees Association Q5041 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 264.00 59625 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 1,071.00 59626 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315210 958.85 59633 IBEW Local #997 09034 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 373.50 59650 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315210 1,287.15 59651 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deduction pe 09-03 698 2315210 89.08 59658 Police Association 16156 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315210 169.00 59661 Professional Collection 16490 Writ of Garnishment-final pmt 698 2315210 157.58 59671 Teamsters Local #589 20056 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 1 ,797.00 59673 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315210 69.41 59676 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315240 372.70 59683 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions pe 09-03 698 2315200 2,772.23 . Total for Accounts Payable<Clearing Fund 14,143.99 Grand Total 758,095.44 . 58 . . . 59 !e Ie . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CI T Y Co UN C IL M EM 0 DATE: September 14,2000 To: MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CRAIG D. KNUTSON, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Interlocal Governmental Agreement and Ordinance providing for the Creation ofthe Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority Summary: The Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club and Education Foundation have requested the City Council to adopt an ordinance creating a public development authority for the primary purpose of obtaining' the long term concession for operating the Hurricane Ridge Lodge. In order for the City to create the proposed public corporation outside the City limits, it is necessary for Clallam County to delegate the authority to do so by interlocal governmental agreement. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Interlocal Governmental Agreement with Clallam County for the Creation and Operation of the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority. Following approval 'of the agreement, staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance creating the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority. Backe:round / Analysis: The Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club and Education Foundation approached the City in late 1999 with a proposal to create a public development authority for the primary purpose of competing for the long term concession to operate the Hurricane Ridge Lodge. \ Attached is the December 15, 1999 memorandum to the City Council from Roger Oakes and Steve Oliver, Presidents of the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club and Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation, respectively. The memorandum provides historical background as to local involvement in alpine skiing facilities in the Olympic Mountains. The memorandum also explains the long range plan for local acquisition from the National Park Service of the Hurricane Ridge Lodge concess~on,which is up for renewal in 2002. As explained in the memorandum, acquiring the concession \vould allow the following goals to be accomplished: (1) upgrade alpine skiing and snowboarding acttivities; (2) promote greater use ofthe lodge throughout the year; (3) improve food, beverage, gift shop, services, and programs available at the Ridge for tourists and local residents; (4) improve public transportation to the Ridge. 61 64 ''''''''~'*{!!'''''''':' ;l!.,;.,~,~;;~.;,".,%t,:!'.~!Tf~':-';' ,~, )1~~ - ~ . . y Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation PMB 218 136 East Eighth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 MEMORANDUM TO CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS RE: LONG RANGE PLANNING HURRICANE RIDGE WINTER SPORTS CLUB December 15, 1999 BACKGROUND Alpine Skiing has taken place in the Olympic Mountains above Port Angeles for over sixty years. In 1938, rope tows were . installed at Deer Park by local citizens. Leo White developed the:' first high speed rope tow powered by a. surplus motorcycle engine. Shortly thereafter, a Day Lodge was constructed. Olympic National Park was founded in 1939 and skiing continued at the Deer Park facility, offering Ski Schools and various forms of . competition and family fun. In 1958, Hurricane Ridge Road was completed and the ski area moved from Deer Park to its present location. Initially the ski area at Hurricane Ridge was operated by a private corporation. Principals included Ted Simpson, Avon Miller, Larry Winters, Frank Platt and Bob Allman. The present facility includes two rope tows and a poma lift operated by the Hurricane Ridge winter Sports Club, a non-prOfit 65 I . corporation. Current Board members of the Winter sports Club are: Roger Oakes, President; Jim, siemens, vice-President; Bill LaRue, Secretary; Jim Ude, Treasurer; Steve Oliver,Gary Holmquist, Carolyn Mackey,Bill Gellor, and Ken simpson, Board Members. The winter sports Club operates as a concession of o lyropic- National Park. The Club sponsors a youth ski racing team for ages six to eighteen. The team has professional coaches and competes throughout the Northwest. The Club also sponsors a ski school which ~ach year has enrollment of approximately one hundred twenty youngsters. Both the ski school and the ski team have 'scholarship programs and az;e proud to say no child has ever ~ <: . been denied the opportunity to participate for lack of funds. The winter Sport Club operates a wee~end bus service to t~~ Ridge in a cooperative effort with the city of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles School District. The club's grooming machine, in addition to grooming the club's alpine trails, grooms Nordic trails to Hurricane Hill as a public service and has been used extensively by the Park Service to assist in road clearing activities on the Hurricane Ridge Highway. The winter sports Club is committed to providing quality, affordable, alpine skiing and snowboarding opportunities for 2 . 66 . ... . local residents, and is also committed to the enhancement of all for~s of winter recreation opportunities for local residents and tourists alike. While the ski area has operated successfully for over sixty years, it has remained a marginal operation from a financial standpoint, supported by the dedicated efforts of generations o~ local volunteers committed to the corporation's vision. LONG RANGE PLAN The year 2002 presents a challenge and opportunity for not only winter recreation at Hurricane Ridge, but also for the promotion of Port Angeles as a gateway tourism destination. In 2002, the long term concession for Hurricane Ridge Lodge will be up for renewal. The renewal term has not as yet been established by The Park Service. It is likely to be five to ten years, but could be as long as twenty years.- The Hurricane Ridge winter sports Club and its fund raising organization (The Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation, an IRC Sec. 50l(c) (3) Charitable Corporation), have formed a long range planning committee to explore options for the club and community presented by this time of transition. The Long Range Planning Committee has recommended that the winter Sports Club broaden its goals and seek award of the 3 67 franchise for Hurricane Ridge Lodge, year round, to a locally controlled, non-profit entity dedicated to the following goals: 1. Preserving and upgrading alpine skiing and snowboarding activities at the Ridge in a manner consistent with historic use,. public access to the Hurricane,Ridge area, and environmental concerns of the Park; 2. Promotion of greater use of the Lodge and the natural beauty of the Ridge in the fall, winter, and spring, as a tourist destination; 3. Improving food, beverage, gift shop". services, and programs available at the Ridge for tourists and local residents; 4. Improving public transpiration to the Ridge. The commi ttee:has concluded a successful conc.ession proposal should demonstrate broad based local support. A Public Development Authority sponsored by the city of Port Angeles provides such support at no significant cost or risk to the city. A Public Development Authority has the potential to provide significant benefits to the local tourist economy of Port Angeles and to provide additional recreational opportunities year round for local citizens at Hurricane Ridge. 4 68 . . . . .:- . -'.7 utilization of a non-profit Public Development Authority would allow the significant income realized by the Hurricane Ridge Lodge Concession to be "poured- back" into projects and programs which would enhance Hurricane Ridge as a tourist destination year round, promote public education about the resources and environment of the Park and enhance recreational opportunities for local residents and the traveling public. The winter Sports Club Board of Directors earnestly believes that the upcoming concession award process provides a rare opportunity for this community to enhance a significant tourist attraction which should be an attractive destination for tourists, not only during the summer months, but also the shoulder and winter seasons. A community based non~profit . concession could pursue increased'road clearing activities, improvement of public facilities and expansion of education and recreation programs for the traveling public at the Ridge. All of these things would have the potential to substantially benefit the National Park Service, both financially and programmatically, as well as the local tourism industry and year round public recreation opportunities. 5 69 . We urge your support of and participation in this effort. Respectfully submitted: HURRICANE RIDGE WINTER SPORTS CLUB /~. ~ By 1"'/ - /.:..,____ . ~oger Oakes, President HURRICANE RIDGE WINTER SPORTS :::CA~ . Stephen E. Oliver, President . 6 . 70 . . . INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLALLAM COUNTY AND THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES FOR THE CREATION AND OPERATION OF THE HURRICANE RIDGE PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this _ day of , 2000 by and between Clallam County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, (hereafter "County") and the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the State of Washington, (hereafter "City"). REPRESENTATIONS 1. Pursuant to RCW 35.21.730 through RCW 35.21.759, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles are each authorized to create public corporations to improve the general living conditions in the urban areas of the State. 2. Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles agree that the general living conditions in the urban areas of the County will be improved by the creation of a. public corporation as an independent legal entity to undertake, assist with, and otherwise facilitate or provide concession operations and other activities at Hurricane Ridge within Olympic National Park in Clallam County. 3. The public corporation will be called the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority (hereafter "Authority"). ' 4. The specific purposes of the Authority will include but not be limited to: public education programs, recreation and art programs, outlying skiing facilities and programs, Nordic skiing facilities and programs, food and beverage service, equipment rental, and gift shop, all designed to serve essential public services by providing enhanced recreational opportunities and educational programs for citizens of the local community and the traveling public, thereby creating a significant tourist destination and attraction, enhancing opportunities for appreciation and enjoyment of the natural resources of Olympic National Park, and expanding and reinforcing the viability ofthe tourism industry and facilitating private investment, which will build the City's tax base and create jobs, all of which are in the public interest. 5. The creation of a public corporation for said specific purposes is within the statutory authorityofRCW 35.21.730through RCW 35.21.759, as interpreted and applied by the courts of the State of Washington. - I - 71 6. Hurricane Ridge, where the proposed public corporation will operate the concession, ski area, and related facilities, is outside but in close proximity to the clty limits of Port Angeles. Given the benefits of the Authority's purposes to the Port Angeles urban area, the County and City agree that it is more appropriate and efficient for the City to create and provide for the governance of said public corporation than the County . . 7. In order for the City of Port Angeles to create a public corporation outside its boundaries, Clallam County may delegate the authority to do so by contract with the City pursuant to RCW 35.21.740. IN CONSIDERATION of the above representations and the covenants and promises contained herein, the parties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENTS 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Interlocal Governmental Agreement. (hereafter "Agreement") is for Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles to provide for the creation and operation of a public corporation to be called the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority, as set forth herein. 2. Creation and Operation of Authority. Pursuant to RCW 35.21.740, Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles hereby agree that the City will create the Authority by adoption of an ordinance in substantially the same form as set forth in the attached Exhibit A (hereafter "Ordinance"). Pursuant to RCW 35.21.745, the Ordinance will provide for the Authority's organization and operations, and the City will control and oversee the Authority's operatiQn and funds in order to assure that the purposes of each program undertaken are reasonably accomplished. . 3. Duration and Termination of Agreement. This Agreement will become effective on the date ithas been signed by both parties and will continue in force and effect until terminated by mutual agreement ofthe parties. 4. Liability. ,Pursuant to RCW 35.21.730, the Ordinance creating the Authority shall limit the Authority's liability to its assets and property in order to prevent recourse to the County and City and their assets and credit. In addition, the City agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend the County from and against any and all liability, losses, damages, expenses, actions, and claims, including costs and attorney fees, asserted or arising out of negligent or intentional acts or omissions ofthe City or the Authority related to the purpose of this Agreement. -2- . 72 . . . .d~y:~t7~~},;;r~:j:~~;~rz ~ ~~f~d~~~1r~$i~\\ 5. Nomination of Board Member: The CouIJJy,.agrees to recommend a candidate for the board of directors of the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority from time to time as provided by the ordinance and charter establishing the Public Development Authority. 6. Assignment. The parties may not assign or subcontract any of their rights or duties under this Agreement except as otherwise provided herein. 7. Disputes. Any action to enforce this Agreement will be brought in Clallam County, Washington. 8. Filing. The County will file a copy of this Agreement with the County Auditor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by and through their respective, duly authorized officials as set forth below. CITY OF PORT ANGELES BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Larry Doyle, Mayor Howard V: Doherty, Jr., Chair Date: Carole Y. Boardman Attest: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Stephen P. Tharinger Approved as to form: Date: Attest: Trish Perrott, Clerk of the Board Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Approved as to form: Christopher Melly, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\CITY -COUNTY.wpd September 14,2000 - 3 - 73 -----;l . . . 74 . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE relating to the Hurricane Ridge National Park Concession and creating the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority; approving a charter and initial bylaws therefor; establishing a Board of Directors to govern the affairs of the Authority; providing how the Authority shall conduct its affairs. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority.created -- City liability limited. A. Authority created. As authorized under RCW 35.21.730 through RCW 35.21.759, and an interlocal agreement between Clallam county, Washington, and the City of Port Angeles, Washington, dated the day of , 2000, a pUblic authority with powers and limitations as set forth in the state law, said Interlocal Agreement, this ordinance and its charter, is hereby created to undertake, assi~t with and otherwise facilitate or provide for the acquisition of the Hurricane Ridge Concession, the renovation, operation, and management, including leasing, of the Hurricane Ridge Lodge located in OlYmpic National Park, and to perform any other function specified in this ordinance or the Charter of the Authority. B. Liability limited. The Authority is an independent legal entity exclusively responsible for its own debts, gbligations and liabilities. All liabilities incurred by the Authority shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets and credit of the Authority; no creditor or other person shall have any recourse to the assets, credit, or services of the City or Clallam county on account of any debts, obligations, liabilities, acts, or omissions of the Authority. SECTION 2. Name. The name of the public Authority shall be the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority. SECTION 3. Definitions. As used herein, the term: A. "Board of Directors" or "Board" means the governing body vested with the management of the affairs of the public authority. 75 . B. "Director" means a member of the board. C. "Bylaws" means the rules adopted for the regulation or management of the affairs of the public authority adopted by this ordinance and all subsequent amendments thereto. D. "Charter" means the articles of organization of the pubic authority adopted by 'this ordinance and all subsequent amendments thereto. E. "City" means the City of Port Angeles. F. "City Clerk" means the clerk of the city of Port Angeles or a person authorized to act on his or her behalf; and in the event of reorganization of the office of clerk, the ~uccessor official performing such duties or a person authorized to act on his or her behalf. G. "City Council" means the city council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. H. "Mayor" means the mayor of the City of Port Angeles. . I. "Public Authority" or "Authority" means the authority created under this ordinance. J. "Resolution" means an action of the board with the quorum required in section 10. K. "State" (when used as a noun) shall mean the state of Washington. SECTION 4. Powers -- Generally. Except,as limited by the state constitution, state statute, this ordinance, or the charter of the public authority, the public authority shall have and may exercise all lawful powers necessary or convenient to effect the purposes for which the public authority is organized and to perform authorized corporate functions, as provided in its charter. SECTION 5. Charter. The charter of the authority "charter"), Exhibit A of this ordinance, is hereby approved. charter shall be issued in duplicate originals, each bearing city seal attested by the city clerk. One original shall be filed with the city clerk; a duplicate original shallibe provided to the authority. The charter shall be amended only by city (the The the 2 . 76 . . . roo-;,);,:;, ,. "".;,'-' ;"', ordinance adopted at or after. a pUblic=hearing held with notice to the public authority and authority directors and affording them a reasonable opportunity to be heard and present testimony. SECTION 6. Effect of issuance of charter. The pUblic authority shall commence its existence effective upon issuance of its charter and the holding of its initial board meeting. Except- as against the state or the city in a proceeding to cancel or revoke the charter, delivery of a duplicate original charter shall conclusively establish that the public authority has been established in compliance with the procedures of this ordinance. SECTION 7. Board of directors. A board consisting of seven (7) directors (the "board of directors") is hereby established to govern the affairs of the public authority. The directors shall be appointed and serve their terms as provided ~n the charter. All corporate powers of the public authority shall be exercised by or under the authority of the board of directorsj and the business, property and affairs of the authority shall be managed under the supervision of the board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided by.law or in the charter. SECTION 8. Organizational meeting. Within ten (10) days after issuance of the charter, the mayor or his or her designee shall call an organizational meeting of the initial board of directors, giving at least three (3) days' advance written notice to each unless waived in writing. At such meeting, the board shall organize itself, may appoint officers, and select the place of business. SECTION 9. Bylaws. The initial bylaws (the "bylaws") of the public authority, Exhibit B of this ordinance,' are hereby approved. The power to alter, amend, or repeal the bylaws or adopt new ones shall be vested in, the board except as otherwise provided in the charter. The bylaws shall be consistent with the charter. In the event of a conflict between the bylaws and this ordinance or the charter, this ordinance or the charter, as the case may be, shall control. SECTION 10. Quorum. At all meetings of the board of directors, a majority of the board of directors then in office shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 11. oversight and Dissolution. Intervention. A. When authorized by resolution of the City Council after a public hearing held with notice to the public corporation the Mayor or City Council as provided in said resolution may 3 77 . intervene, and exercise such control over the public corporation as is necessary and appropriate to correct any deficiency and/or to assure that the purposes of a program undertaken may be reasonably accomplished, including directing affirmative action, when: 78 1. The Board of the public corporation has ,requested such intervention by resolution; 2. The public corporation has failed to set forth the statement required by its charter in written contracts, bonds or other documents; 3. The public corporation has represented to the _ public or to creditors that recourse may be had to the assets, property or credit of the City on account of acts or omissions of the public corporation, unless such secondary or direct liability be in fact expressly assumed by the City council; 4. The public corporation has failed to file an annual report; A deadlock has occurred in the Board, or the membership of the council is insufficient to constitute a quorum for conduct of affairs so that the public corporation is unable to conduct its operations or perform its projects and activities; 6. The Board has continuously failed to conduct meetings at least semi annually; no special meetings of the constituency have been held for a year; or the public corporation has neglected or refused to conduct a meeting after notice from the Mayor or City Council to do so; 5. . 7. The Board has unreasonably impaired pUblic participation in the conduct of projects and activities or oppressed or hindered any constituency in its exercise of its powers and responsibilities; 8. The assets of the public corporation have been or are committed to be misapplied or wasted, or illegally expended; or 9. The public corporation has committed or is about to commit a material violation of this chapter or its charter. . 4 . . . "'" ~:f'.~~ ,t~~~ r;'1';~r <1~ ;"_~ ~y: :;\~t ~~[" ~~~ 5:,,-;~~j: ~-~ he; , B. The Mayor or City Council may take such actions as necessary to achieve the object of the intervention stated in the resolution of the City Council and make corrections or revisions ancillary thereto, and shall accomplish the purposes of the intervention as expeditiously as reasonable; corporate officers shall not be displaced nor the conduct of their duties impaired more than necessary to accomplish the purposes of the intervention and the intervention shall cease as soon as the objectives stated in the resolution and corrections ancillary thereto have been accomplished. Trusteeship. A. The City by resolution of the City Council after a . public hearing held with notice to the public corporation may petition the Superior Court to impose a trusteeship over a public corporation organized pursuant to this chapter and to appoint the trustees therefor uhder any of the following circumstances: 1. The Board of the public corporation has requested the same by resolution; 2. The public corporation has filed a statement of dissolution preparatory to termination of its existence; 3 . The public corporation becomes insolvent or otherwise unable to carry out its contractual obligations to creditors and other persons; 4. The charter was procured through fraud or misrepresentation_of any material matter that has an effect upon the projects or activities to be undertaken; 5. The public corporation has filed an annual report with the City Clerk that is false or deceptively misleading on a material matter; 6. The public corporation is incompetent or ineligible to carry out the public purposes for which it was chartered; 7. The public corporation has misused, abused, or continuously exceeded the power or authority conferred by this chapter or its charter, or committed repeated violations of this chapter or its charter; or 5 79 . 8. The assets of the public corporation have been or are committed to be misapplied or wasted, or illegally expended, or a material violation of this chapter has been committed or is about to be committed, and the city council determines that intervention as provided herein would not be feasible under the circumstances. B. The trustees appointed by the Superior Court shall take such actions as reasonably necessary during the trusteeShip to achieve the object thereof. The trustees shall have the power. and authority to reorganize the public corporation and amend its charter and/or its rules and regulations; suspend and/or remove corporate officials, and manage the assets and affairs of the - public corporation; and exercise any and all corporate powers as necessary or appropriate to fulfill outstanding agreements, to restore the capability of the public corporation to perform the functions and activities for which it was chartered, to reinstate its credit or credibility with its creditors or obligee; and if so authorized by the Superior Court, to oversee its dissolution. Termination. The existence of the public corporation may be terminated by . ordinance of the City Council at or after a public hearing, held with notice to the public corporation and affording it a reasonable opportunity to be heard and present evidence, under any of the following circumstances: A. The Board of the public corporation has requested the same by resolution; B. The public corporation has discontinued its projects and activities for which chartered or remained inactive for a period of twelve (12) months in succession; C. A judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction shall have become final, which judgment annuls "the existence of the public corporation, or prohibits it from conducting all or the major portion of the activities for which chartered or permits recourse by creditors of the public corporation or other persons to the assets, property or credit of the City on account of any debts, obligations or liabilities of the public corporation; D. Anyone or more of the circumstances for imposition of a trusteeship stated herein, together with an affirmative finding by the city Council that a trusteeship would not be feasible under the circumstances or could not attain its objective; and that termination is warranted; 6 . 80 I . . . '; t~,~ ";!J: ~>,~ il} YjV~;i~p;).'J' "ji,\T,tH; :{F' :;bf,:',T1Y '~~fl)x:;r:' ':~ E. Repeal of Chapter 37, Laws of 1974, First'Extraordinary Session (43rd Leg. 3rdExtra Sess.), or amendment thereof or supplementary legislation thereto which singularly or cumulatively restricts all or the major portion of the activities' for which the public corporation was chartered or permits . recourse by creditors of. the public corporation or other persons' to the assets, property or credit of the City on account of any debts, obligations, or liabilities of such public corporation; or F. continuous trusteeship of the public corporation for' one (1) year, or the imposition of a trusteeship for whatever cause(s) three (3) times in anyone (1) year period. Subject to any limitations that may be imposed by the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, provision shall be made in any termination of the public corporation's existence for causes designated in this section for payment of any obligations, bonds, notes or other contracts,of indebtedness from the rights and assets of the pUblic corporation so that such bonds and contracts be not impaired. Dissolution--statement. Upon enactment of a resolution by t~e City Council for dissolution of the public corporation or'by the public corporation for its own dissolution other than for purposes of merger or reorganization in a plan approved by the City Manager, the public corporation shall file a dissolution statement signed by its chief executive officer setting forth: A. The name and principal office of the public corporation; B. The debts, obligations and liabilities of the public corporation, and the property and assets available to satisfy the same; the provisions to be made for satisfaction of ~utstanding liabilities and performance of executory contracts; and the estimated time for completion of its dissolution; C. Any pendi~g litigation or contingent liabilities: D. The Board resolution providing for such dissolution and the date(s) and proceedings leading toward its adoption, whenever the dissolution be voluntary; and E. A list of persons to be notified upon completion of dissolution. 7 81 . The City Manager shall review the statement filed and oversee the dissolution to protect the public interest and prevent impairment of obligation, or if so authorized by law, authorize or initiate proceedings in the Superior Court for the appointment and supervision of a receiver for such purposes. Upon satisfactory completion of dissolution proceedings, the City Manager shall indicate such dissolution by inscription of "charter canceled" on the original charter of the public corporation, on file with the City Clerk and, when available, on the duplicate original of the public corporation, and the existence of the public corporation shall cease. The City Clerk shall give notice thereof to the Secretary of State and other persons requested by the public corporation in its dissolution statement. Merger with public corporation. An application by a public. corporation to merge with or into another public corporation organized by this City shall be processed in the same manner as a charter amendment by the public corporation and as an application for charter. Approval by the City Manager shall authorize the merger. In the event of such a merger, all of the rights, assets and property of the public corporation shall vest in the surviving public corporation or . successor public corporation. Termination--Disposition of assets. Upon termination of the existence of a public corporation, all of the rights, assets and property of the public corporation shall pass to and be distributed ~s provided by agreements with donors or other parties at the time of acquisition of the property regarding its disposition. Subject thereto, all of the rights, assets and property of a public corporation shall be tendered to the entity first listed below and, if not applicable or not accepted, to the next listed entity in succession: A. To the surviving or successor public corporation in event of merger; B. To the city; C. To some other local municipal corporation that performs similar activities or functions for which the assets were acquired or are devoted; D. To the state for use in or application upon projects and activities or functions for which the assets were acquired or are devoted; 8 . 82 . . . ''''3'''' I{\~i "'~' ,~;" ~'ft,7';'f ~'i i'~ ~'. ~~~; "F-':Y<::1'~"i -U;,';':~, E. To the United states, any of its departments or agencies; a public authority created by the United states; or an organization acting as an authorized agent of the United States; F. To a corporate fiduciary or their trustee, in trust for or use under the direction of any of the aforesaid entities for the purposes, projects and activities for which the assets were acquired or devoted; G. To nonprofit organizations performing community service, charitable or educational activities similar to the projects and activities for which the assets were acquired; provided the City Council may in its discretion by resolution with respect to any particular dissolution: 1. Authorize the Mayor for and on behalf of the City to contract with the public corporation for the disposition of its rights, assets and property, and thereby designate the recipient and their terms and purposes of the transfer of assets and property; and 2. Establish procedures and terms and conditions for transfer and acceptanceo~ the rights, assets and property of the public corporation to any of the aforesaid entities; and 3. Request some or all of the aforesaid eligible entities identified in subsections B through E to submit applications for transfer of such rights, assets and property of the public corporation setting forth the proposed ~ses thereof, and accept the application and contract with the entity or organization that would make the most appropriate use of such rights, assets and property in performing the projects and activities for which the public corporation was chartered. All rights, property and assets of the public corporation upon transfer shall be vested in the entity receiving and accepting the same, together with any appurtenant obligations and liabilities. SECTION 12. Insurance. The Authority shall maintain in full force and effect liability insurance, including but not limited to commercial general liability insurance and automobile liability insuranpe, with coverage and policy limits specified by the city Manager sufficient to cover potential claims for bodily injury, death or disability and for property damage, which may 9 83 arise from or be related to projects and activities of the ' Authority, naming the City of Port Angeles as an additional insured. SECTION 13. Construction. This ordinance shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate its purposes and the purposes of RCW 35.21.730-.759. SECTION 14. Severability~ If anyone or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. - SECTION 15. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after passage by the Council. ATTEST: / CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: / CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: day of APPROVED: day of PUBLISHED: day of I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Gouncil of the city of Port .. 10 84 . . . . . . "'-""';-"";T:-.:{+"';';:!~".\'?' Angeles, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles as hereon indicated. / CITY CLERK 11 85 . . . 86 . BYLAWS OF HURRICANE RIDGE PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I principal Office The principal office for the transaction of the business of the Authority is hereby fixed and located at 403 South Peabody (mailing .address of PMB 218, 136 East Eighth Street) Port Angeles, Washington, 98362. The Board of Directors may at any time, or from time to time, change the location of the principal office from one location to another in Clallam County. . ARTICLE II Seal The seal of the Authority shall be inscribed with the name, HURRICANE RIDGE PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and it shall further contain the date of creation of the Authority. ARTICLE III Governing Documents The Authority is created pursuant to Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County, and applicable provisions of state Law (the "governing documents"). In the case of conflict between these bylaws and the,governing documents the later shall control. ARTICLE IV Board of Directors Section 1. General Powers. The affairs of the Authority shall be managed by the Board of Directors. Section 2. Number, Tenure, Election. The number of directors shall be seven (7). The number of directors may be increased or decreased from time to time by amendment of . 8.7 . the Charter; provided, no decrease in the number shall have the effect of shortening the- term of any incumbent. Directors shall be elected and serve as specified in the Charter. Section 3. Qualifications. Members of the Board of Directors shall be residents of Clallam County, Washington, with a demonstrated interest in furthering the purposes of the Authority. section 4. Manner of Transactin9 Business. The act of a majority of the directors present at a meeting shall be the act of the Board of Directors unless otherwise required- by these Bylaws. Each director present shall have one vote on all matters brought before the Board for a vote. There is a quorum requirement for Board action of four members present. - section 5. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors by reason of death, resignation or removal of a director, or by an increase in the number of directors or otherwise, shall be filled as provided in the Charter. Section 6. compensation. The directors shall serve . without compensation for their services to the Authority; provided, however, that they may be reimbursed from time to time for all expenses incurred on behalf of the Authority and as authorized by the Board of Directors. section 7. presumption.of Assent. A director of the Authority who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his or her dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting, or unless he shall file his written dissent to such action with the person acting as the secretary of the meeting before the adjournment thereof, or shall forward such dissent by registered mail to the secretary of the Authority immediately after the adjournment of the meeting. Such right to dissent shall not apply to a director who voted in favor of such action. Section 8. Removal. Directors or officers of the Authority may be removed in accordance with the Charter. 2 . 88 c.'O:::."~~":c\~t' :,~"!:":/.~,.; 'e :"t~" .f! :.'~\?"'~~';~g';/":::::'y.;';:'",?,,,;:~, . Section 9. Rules and Procedures. The rules of procedure at meetings of the Board of Directors shall be the rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order of Parliamentary Procedure, as amended, so far as applicable and when not inconsistent with these Bylaws, the Charter of the Authority, or with any resolution of the Board. . Section 10. Commitment. Board members shall be expected to: Attend all regularly called meetings of the Board; serve on at least one committee; contribute to the Authority generously of their time and participate in all activities of the Authority. ARTICLE V Corporate Officers Section 1. Number. . (a) The officers of the Authority shall be a president, one or more vice-presidents (the number to be determined by the Board of Directors), a secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers and assistant officers may be deemed necessary by the Board. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the office of president and secretary of the Authority, if one is appointed. as .~. (b) The executive director shall not be an officer of the Authority. The executive director shall help carry out the policies of the Bbard of Directors under the direction of the president in accordance with the duties of the office as defined from time to time by the Board of Directors. (c) There will be an annual review of the achievements of the Authority and the work of the Director. The review will be a function of the Board of Directors. Section 2. Election and Term of Office. Officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors. Elections shall be conducted at the same meeting at which the directors are elected or as soon thereafter as is convenient. Each officer shall hold office for a term of one calendar year, or until his successor shall have been duly elected, or until his death, resignation or removal. 3 . 89 . section 3. Removal. Any officer or agent may be removed by,the Board of Directors with or/without cause, whenever in its judgment the best interests of the Authority will be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the person so removed. Election or appointment of an officer or agent shall not of itself create contract rights. section 4. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors then in office for the unexpired portion of the term. section 5. President. The president shall have general supervision and control over the business and affairs of the Authority, subject to the Charter and the authority of the Board of Qirectors. He shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee, and shall act as an ex officio member of all committees of the Association. He may sign, with the secretary or any other proper officer of the Authority thereunto authorized by the Board of Directors, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Bbard of Directors or by these Bylaws ,to some other officer or committee or agent of the Authority, or shall be required by law to be otherwise signed or executed; and in general shall perform all duties incident to the general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the Authority, as well as all duties incident to the office of the president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors from time to time. . Section 6. Vice President. In the absence of the president or in the event of his death, inability or refusal to act, the executive vice president, if one is designated, or otherwise the vice presidents in the order designated at the time of their election, shall perform the duties of the president, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the president. Any vice president shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the president or by the Board of Directors. 4 . 90 " ,"r "",~~"','~',~,''-,(''''{;;,'-t -","." ""['-'~-'~"~::::,'-, >.'~';'- ";",,, )';"""" . Section 7. Secretary. The secretary shall keep full and complete records of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, shall keep the seal of the Authority and affix the same to such papers and instruments as may be required in the regular course of business, shall make service of such notices as may be necessary or proper, shall supervise the keeping of the books of the Authority, sign with the president or a vice president, contracts, deeds, or. . mortgages, the issuance or execution of which shall have been authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors, and shall discharge such other duties as pertain to the office or as prescribed by the Board of Directors. Section 8. Treasurer. The treasurer shall have the care and custody of all funds, money, and property of the Authority. The treasurer shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Charter and by the Board of Directors. . Section 9. Salaries. The officers of the Authority shall receive no salaries for their services as officers but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses on behalf of the Authority in the furtherance' of its purpose. ARTICLE VI Committees Section 1. Appointment and Operation. All committee chairmen shall be appointed, initially at or after the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors, and thereafter as soon after the, annual meeting in each year as convenient, by the president with the approval of the Board, and each chairman, with the approval of the president, shall select the members thereof. Each committee shall consist of not less than three (3) persons, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board. All committee chairmen shall be members of the Board of Directors. Section 2. Standing Committees. The standing committees of the Authority shall be as follows: (a) Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of the officers of the Authority, executive director, and the chairmen of the standing committees and other major committees as determined by the president. The Executive Committee may act for the Board of Directors when . 5 91 . specifically authorized by the Board of Directors or the Bylaws. This committee is empowered to study, overrule or modify all recommendation of standing or special committees and submit proposals for Board action. (1) Fiscal Responsibility. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for seeing that adequate procedural safeguards are established for the receipt and disbursement of all Authority funds and property. (2) Procedure. The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the president of the Authority and may fix its own rules of procedures which shall not be inconsistent with these Bylaws. It shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report the same to the Board of Directors. section 2. Investment and Finance Committee. The finance and investment committee shall have the responsibility for recommending investment of all of the capital funds of the Authority and the purchase and sale of the same from time to time as it deems in the best interests of the Authority, and in a manner responsive to the financial needs of the Authority. They shall have the responsibility for preparing the annual operating budget and the annual capital budget for presentation to and approval by the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall serve as chairman of this committee. . section 3. Standing and Special Committees. The president may, with the approval of the Board of Directors, create and appoint the members of such standing and special committees as he/she or the Board may determine from time to time to be necessary and desirable to fulfill the purposes of the Authority. section 4. Committee Reports. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of all committees. A majority of the members of a committee shall constitute a quorum thereof. No committee shall make pUblic formal action on any new program or make public any policy determination without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. 6 . 92 I ;.;:t\~t; ':-~~':f::',~~',;~~~';?0:':~d',:;1:'::~':1t~~::~~r~.\~~~';:~~Y - '~~:"::, i:::-,";> -V;':<' . All committees established and appointed by the Board shall be required to meet whenever activities of the Association require their attention. Each committee chairman shall report to the Board of Directors relating to the activities of his committee and shall file a written report on the work of any status of the committee prior to the annual membership meeting each year. ARTICLE VII Financial Matters 1. behalf devise of the The Board of Directors may accept or reject on of the Authority any contribution, gift, bequest, o~ for the general purposes or for any special purpose Authority. . 2. All funds of the Authority shall be deposited to the credit of the Authority in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may select. 3. Expenditures shall be authorized by voucher approved by the president, vice president, treasurer or executive director. Expenditures of $501 or more shall require execution of a voucher by two of the above listed officers and when feasible shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.;;; Expenditures of $501 or more not specifically approvedoy the Board of Directors must be in furtherance of specific programs for which a budget has been approved by the Board. 4. All checks, drafts and. other order for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Authority, shall be signed by officers designated by the Board of Directors. 5. No dividends shall be paid and no part of the income of the Authority shall be distributed to its directors, officers or members. 6. The fiscal year of the authority shall begin each January 1st and end on December 31st. . 7 93 ~ . ARTICLE VIII Indemnification Any director, officer or employee of the Authority who is made a party or is threatened to be made a party or is involved (including, without limitation, as a witness) in any actual or threatened action, suit or proceeding whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a director or officer of the Authority or being or having been such director or officer, he or she is or was serving at the request of the Authority as a director, officer, employee or agent of another Authority, trust or other enterprise, whether the basis of such proceeding is alleged action in an official capacity as a director, officer or employee or agent in any other capacity while serving as a director, officer, employee or agent or in any other capacity, shall be indemnified and held harml~ssby the Authority to the full extent permitted by applicable law as then in effect against all expense, liability and loss, including, without limitation, attorney's fees, judgments, fines, penalties and amounts to be paid in settlement actually or reasonably incurred or suffered by such person in connection therewith. Such indemnification shall continue as to a person who has . ceased to be a director, officer, employee, or agent and shall inure to the benefit of his or her heirs, executors and administrators. No indemnification shall be provided under this article to any such person if the Authority is prohibited by the provisions of State Law as then in effect from paying such indemnification. The right to indemnification conferred in,this section shall be a contract right and shall include the right to be paid by the Authority the expenses incurred in defending any such proceeding in advance of its final disposition; provided, however, that the payment of such expenses in advance of the final disposition of the proceeding shall be made to or on behalf of a director or officer, employee or agent only upon delivery to the Authority of an undertaking by or on behalf of such director, officer, employee or agent to repay all amounts so advanced if it shall ultimately be determined that such director, officer, employee or agent is' not entitled to be indemnified under this article or otherwise. The Authority may maintain insurance, at its expense, to protect itself and any director, officer, employee or agent of the Authority against any expense, liability, or 8 . 94 . loss, including claims by the Authority against any such director, officer., employee or agent, whether or not the Authority would have the power to indemnify such person against such expense, liability or loss under the laws of the state of Washington. The Authority may enter into contracts with any director or officer of the Authority in furtherance of the provisions of this article and may create a trust fund, grant a security interest or use other means including, without limitation, a letter of credit to ensure the indemnification as provided herein. ARTICLE IX Amendment of the Bylaws These Bylaws may be ,amended, altered, changed, added to, or repealed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors of the Authority entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting.of the Board, if notice of the proposed amendment, alteration, change, addition or repeal be continued in a notice of the meeting given at least ten (10) days prior to such a meeting. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY . I, the undersigned, do herebyt:ertify that I am the duly elected and acting secretary of the of Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority a~qithat the foregoing Bylaws, comprising nine (9) pages, constitute the Bylaws of said Authority as duly adopted by the City of Port Angeles City Council at a meeting of the Board of Directors duly held on the day of , 2000. Secretary . 9 95' , -- . . . 96 . . . CHARTER OF THE PORT ANGELES HURRICANE RIDGE PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I NAME AND SEAL section 1.01 NAME. The name of this authority shall be the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority (hereinafter referred to as the "Authority"). Section 1.02 SEAL. The Authority's seal shall be a circle with the name "Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority" inscribed therein. ARTICLE II AUTHORITY AND LIMIT ON LIABILITY section 2.01 Authority. -The Authority is .a public authority organized pursuant to RCW 35.21.730-.75T9, as amended (the "Act") and Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "Ordinance") and operating pursuant to an Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County, Washington. section 2.02 Limit on Liability. All liabilities incurred by the Authority shall be satisfied (a) in the case of obligations or liabilities of tha Authority which are not limited recourse in nature, exclusively from the assets, credit, and properties of the Authority, or (b) in the case of obligations or liabilities of the Authority which, by their terms, are limited recourse obligations or liabilities, exclusively from the assets, revenues, or properties specifically pledged to the paYment of such limited recourse obligation and no creditor or other person shall have any right of action against or recourse to the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "city"), or the County of Clallam (the "County"), their assets, credit, or services, on account of any debts, obligations, liabilities or acts or omissions of the Authority. section 2.03 Mandatory Disclaimers. The following disclaimer shall be posted in a prominent place where the public may readily see it in the Authority's principal and other offices. It shall also be printed or stamped on all contracts, bonds, and other documents that may entail any debt or liability by the Authority. 97 The Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority is a public authority organized pursuant to Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County, and the laws of the state of Washington, RCW 35.21.730 through RCW 35.21.759. RCW 35.21.750 provides as follows: . "[A]ll liabilities incurred by such public corporation, commission, or authority shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets and properties of such public - corporation, commission or authority and no creditor or other person shall have any right of action against the city, town, or county creating such corporation, commission, or authority on 'account of any debts, obligations, or liabilities of such public corporation, commission, or authority." . In the case of any obligations or liabilities of the Authority which by their terms, are limited recourse in nature, in lieu of the foregoing disclaimer, the following disclaimer shall be printed or stamped on all contrQcts, bonds and other documents relating to or evidencing such limited recourse obligations or liabilities of the Authority: The obligations of the Authority with respect to [describe the contract, bond or other limited recourse obligation] shall be and remain limited,recourse obligations of the Authority payable solely and only from [describe the particular properties, assets or revenues of the Authority from which the limited recourse obligations payable]. In no event shall such obligations be payable from or by recourse against any properties, assets or revenues of the Authority (other than those described in the preceding sentence), nor shall such obligations be payable from or by recourse against any properties, assets or revenues of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, Clallam County, Washington, the state of Washington or any other political subdivision of the state of washington. No person to whom such obligations are owed shall have any recourse or right of action against the Author i ty" the City of Port Angeles, Washington, Clallam County, Washington, the state of Washington or any other political subdivision thereof on account of such obligations or any liabilities, or whatsoever nature, arising in connection therewith except to enforce the payment thereof out of [describe the particular properties, assets or revenues of the Authority from which the limited recourse obligation is payable). . 2 . 98 . . . ;: ,.~ ~ '~'~~%.I~ ~:i~~I'~j: .\~;~ t~~:~ ~~ ~~~-~n~:~~~_i -:"--,'..:,:"'r' ~~~;; ': ,.-f,,~:-r}: .:', ARTICLE II~('. DURATION The duration of the Authority shall be perpetual except as provided in the Ordinance. ARTICLE IV PURPOSE The purpose of the Authority is to provide an independent legal entity under State law and City Ordinance to undertake, assist with and otherwise facilitate or provide concession operations at Hurricane Ridge within Olympic National Park, including, but not limited to: Public education programs, recreation and art programs, alpine skiing facilities and programs, Nordic skiing facilities and programs; food service, beverage service, equipment rental, sales of souvenirs and gifts all designed to serve essential public services by providing enhanced recreational opportunities and educational programs for citizens of the local community_and the traveling public; creating a significant tourist destination and attraction, enhancing opportunities for appreciation and enjoYment of the natural resources of OlYmpic National Park; development of other public recreational facilities and expanding and reinforcing the viability of the tourism industry and facilitating private investment which will build the City's tax base and create jobs, all of which are in the public interest. The Authority shall acquire and manage the Hurricane Ridge Concession in OlYmpic National Park, secure financing, undertake renovation of facilities and enter into agreements 'with other entities in furtherance of its purposes. For the purpose of securing the exemption from federal income taxation for interest on obligations of the Authority, the Authority constitutes an authority and instrumentality of the City of Port Angeles (within the meaning of those terms in regulations of the United States Treasury and ruling of the Internal Revenue Service prescribed pursuant to section 103 and Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended). ARTICLE V POWERS Section 5.01 Powers. The Authority shall have and may exercise all lawful powers conferred by state laws, the Ordinance, this Charter and its Bylaws. The Authority in all of its aotivities and transactions shall be subject to the powers, procedures, and limitations contained in the Ordinance. Section 5.02 Indemnification. To the extent permitted by law, the Authority may protect, defend, hold harmless and 3 99 indemnify any person who becomes a director, officer, employee or . agent of the Authority, and who is a party or threatened to' be made a party to a proceeding by reason related to that person's conduct as a director, officer, employee or agent of the Authority, against judgements, fines, penalties, settlements and reasonable expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by him or her in connection with such proceeding, if such person acted in good faith and reasonably .believed his or her conduct to be in the Authority'S best interests and if, in the case of any criminal proceedings, he or she had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful. The indemnification and protection provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which a person may be entitled as a matter of law or by contract or by vote of the Board of Directors. The authority may purchase and maintain'appropriate insurance for any person to the extent provided by the applicable law. ARTICLE VI BOARD section 6.01 Board. Manag~ment of all Authority affairs shall reside in the Board. The Board shall be composed of seven (7) members. Three Board members shall be nominated by the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club, one by the Superintendent of the Port Angeles School District, one by Clallam County Commissioners, and two by the Mayor of the city of Port Angeles. All Board Members shall be subject to confirmation by the City . Council of the city of Port Angeles. If a nominated Board Member is not so confirmed, the agency with authority to nominate for that Board seat shall continue to offer nominees until one is confirmed. section 6.02 Terms of Office. 6.02.1 The terms of office of the initially appointed members of the Board shall commence on the effective date of this charter and shall be staggered as follows: a. Group I. Group II. Two members for two-year terms; Two members for three-year terms; and Three members for four-year terms. b. c. Group III. 6.02.2 In making the appointments of the initial board members, the City council shall designate which members are assigned to the three groups identified in subsection 6.02.1 above for purposes of determining the length of terms of such initial board members. Board members nominated by the same person or entity shall not be assigned to the same group. 4 . " ~ 100 . . . ~~t :};r t1f ~~f:\f;'<ijU't;~--:-r:}\'~": i:' ~t,~K'\1:~Y~:fi';f7:~r~'~~!i~:; i ~-- /- i , ' '~; -:'Ii:; :';.;,t" 6.02.3 Except for the initial members of the board, each member shall by appointed to serve fora four year terms. Each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. 6.02.4 Terms shall expire at the end of the day prior to the anniversary of the effective date of the Charter of the year in which the respective group is scheduled to terminate. New appointees or re~appointees shall be processed in the manner provided herein. Section 6.03 Board Concurrence and Quorum Defined. "Board concurrence," as used in this Article, may be obtained at any regular or special Board meeting by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board members voting on the issue, provided tha~ such majority equals not less then four (4) votes. A quorum to commence aBoard meeting shall be no fewer than four (4) members. The Bylaws of the Authority may prescribe Board quorum restrictions that equal or exceed the quorum restrictions imposed in this Section 6.03. Board members present at a duly convened meeting may continue to transact business notwithstanding the departure of enough members to leave less than a quorum. section 6.04 Officers and Divisions of Duties. The Authority shall have three or more officers. The same person shall not occupy both the office of President and any office responsible for the custody of funda,and maintenance of accounts and finances. The initial officers of the Authority shall be the President and Secretary-Treasurer. Additional officers may be provided for by the Bylaws of the Authority. The President shall be the agent of the Authority for-service of process. The Authority may appoint an Executive Director who shall be the chief administrative staff person to the Board of Directors. Subject to supervision by the Board of Directors, the Executive Director shall have primary responsibility for all matters, involving day-to-day operations of the Authority and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors, on practices, policies and programs of the Authority. The Executive Director shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board and he or she shall be entitled to notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Board shall oversee the activities of the corporate officers, establish and/or implement policy, participate in corporate activity in matters prescribed by city ordinance, and shall have stewardship for management and determination of all corporate affairs. Section 6.05 Executive Committee. The Bylaws may provide for an Executive Committee, which shall be appointed and/or removed by the Board, and shall have and exercise such authority 5 101 of the Board in the management between meetings of the Board, as may be specified in the Bylaws. . section 6.06 Committees. The appointment of other committees shall be provided for in the Bylaws. section 6.07 Removal of Board Members. If it is determined by at least five (5) members of the Board that a member should be removed for misfeasance or malfeasance in office and such, action is concurred in by a majority of the City Council, then the City Council may by resolution remove any Board member. The term of any Board member removed pursuant ~o this section shall expire when the memberrecei ves a copy of, .the resolution removing him or her and a letter..signed by the Mayor advising him or her that h~ or she has been removed pursuant to this section. A vacancy ,or vacancies on the Authority Board of Directors shall be deemed to exist in case qf the death, disability resignation or removal. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by nomination and cOT,lfirmation in the same manner in which members of the Board are regularly appointed. Nomination for a vacant seat shall be made by the same agency which nominated the Board member who has vacated the seat. Any person selected to fill a vacancy on the Board shall serve the balance of the term of the person being replaced. ARTICLE VII MEETI"NGS . Section}.Ol Board Meetings. 7.01.1 The Board shall, meet as necessary but no less than two (2) times a year. 7.01.2 Special meetings of the Board may be called as provided in the Bylaws. Section 7.02 Open Public Meetings. Notice of meetings shall be given, to the extent required by law, in a manner consistent with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW. As such. meeting,. any ci tizem shall have a reasonable opportunity to ask to address the Board either orally or by written petition. Voting by telephone or by proxy is not permitted. Section 7.03 Parliamentary Authority. The rules of Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the Authority in all cases to which they are applicable, where they are not inconsistent with the Charter or with the special rules of order of the Authority set forth in the Bylaws. 6 . 102 . . . i~l'~~~~,~~iY~~~\r(~:~?~,?~j,;~.. !.f'" - "n;::;:t?~"t4~~4l?,:i~~- section 7.04 Minutes. Copies of the minutes of all regular or special meetings of the Board shall be available to any person or organization that requests them as required by state law; minutes with respect to closed executive sessions need not be kept or alternatively, need not be made available. The minutes of all Board meetings shall include a record of individual votes on all matters requiring Board concurrence. ARTICLE VIII BYLAWS The initial Bylaws may be amended by the Board to provide additional or different rules governing the Authority and its activities as are not inconsistent with this Charter. The Board may provide in the Bylaws for all matters related to the governance of the Authority, including but not limited to matters referred to elsewhere in the Charter for inclusion therein. ARTI~LE IX AMENDMENT TO CHARTER AND BYLAWS Section 9.01 Proposals to Amend Charter and Bylaws. 9.01.1 Proposals to amend the Charter or Bylaws shall be presented in a format which strikes over material to be deleted and underlines new material. 9.01.2 Any Board member may introduce a proposed amendment to the Charter or to the Bylaws (which may consist of new Bylaws) at any regular meeting or at any special meeting of which ten (10) days' advance notice has been given to members of the Board. section 9.02 Board Consideration of'Proposed Amendment. If notice of a proposed amendment to the Charter or to the Bylaws, and information, including the text of the proposed amendment and a statement of its purpose and effect, is provided to members of the Board ten (10) days prior to any regular Board meeting or any special meeting of which fifteen (15) days' advance notice has been given, then the Board may vote on the proposed amendment at the same meeting as the one at which the amendment is introduced. If such notice and information is not so provided, the Board may not vote on the proposed amendment until the next regular Board meeting or special meeting of which fifteen (15) days' advance notice has been given and at least ten (10) days prior to which meeting such notice and information is provided to Board members. Germane amendments to the proposed amendment within the scope of the original amendment will be permitted at the meeting at which the vote is taken. 7 103 section 9.03 ,Vote Required for Amendments'to Charter or . Bylaws. Resolutions' of the Board approving proposed amendments to the Charter, or approving amendments to the Bylaws require an affirmative vote of a majorit~ of the Board members voting on the issue, provided that such majority equals not less than three votes. section 9.04 City Counsel Approval of Proposed Charter Amendments. Proposed Charter amendments adopted by-the Board shall be submitted to the City Council for approval. The Authority's Charter may be amended only by ordinance as p~ovided in the Ordinance. ARTICLE X COMMENCEMENT The Authority shall commence its existence effective upon the issuance of its Charter as sealed and attested by the City Clerk and the holding of the initial board meeting. ~ ARTICLE XI DISSOLUTION Dissolution of the Authority shall be in the form and manner required by state law, City ordinance, and the Bylaws. Upon dissolution of the Authority and the winding up of its affairs, . title to all remaining property or assets of the Authority shall vest in accordance with the ordinance. ARTICLE XII APPROVAL OF CHARTER ORIGINAL CHARTER APPROVED by,ordinance Port Angeles City Council on the ____ day of adopted by the CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached CHARTER, OF THE HURRICANE RIDGE PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY is a true and correct original of that charter as authorized by Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Port Angeles this ____ day of City Clerk City of Port Angeles, Washington 8 . 104 . ;;"':~ ii'" ~_':":'r;i"'" " {'T '\-};'~, t;',':'n~'f:~i;'}", ,.....,-.;--.-;.. ..'.,0'-.'.:-..... ''":,'..,.,:..'......:,:.i::,'.'...,..,' ',',,',_, . ~ORTANGBL~~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT September 19) 2000 City Council Meeting Outstanding Public Service Award Luncheon - VBMCC Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Downtown Forward Advisory COIT.Jllittee Planning Commission Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Special Meeting Tuesday, September 19 6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 21 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, September 21 7:00 p.m. Monday, September 25 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 27 7:00 p.rn. Friday, September 29 3:00 p.m. . Board of Adjustment Meeting Mike on KONP Monday, October 2 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 3 1 :00 p.m. Tuesday, October 3 6:00 p.m. Thursday, October 5 8:15 a.rn. Monday, October 9 3 :00 p.m. Tuesday, October 10 4:00 p.rn. Wednesday, October 11 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 1 I 7:00 p.rn. Tuesday, October 17 6:00 p.m. Thursday, October 19 7 :00 p.m. Monday, October 23 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 25 7:00 p.rn. City Council Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Real Estate Committee Meeting Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting City Council Meeting Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Planning Commission Meeting -0:\€Nel.PK-'F\&'F-Y-MGR\eMREPT\2000ISEPTl9:WPD . 105 106 . . . o ~ . ~ . . ~ORTANGELES WAS HI N G TON, U. S. A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DATE: September 12,2000 To: MIKE QUINN, CITY MANAGER Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ FROM: SUBJECT: TUMW A TER AND ENNIS STREET STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS FUNDED. Last week we unexpectedly received a call from WSDOT local programs that funding for the Tumwater and Ennis Streets slide repairs would be provided. The funding was not anticipated since the stonn disaster was not declared at the Federal level. However, the City, County, and State had declared the storm disaster. Without the federal declaration FEMA and FHW A funds were not released. The funding will cover the approximately $120,000 spent from the general fund on the retaining wall constructed for Tumwater Street as well as the estimated $60,000 cost for design and construction of the Ennis Street slide repairs. We will be proceeding with the Ennis Street design this fall and advertise the project next spring. N :\PROJECTS\99-05\ENNIS\FUNDING$. WPD 107 . . ~ . 108 . I. . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 August 23, 2000 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fred Norton, Bob King, Chuck Schramm, Mary Craver Members Absent: Linda Nutter, Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Debra Barnes, Stephanie Woolett, Jeff Abram, John Hicks Public Present: Maxine Whitman, ArIa Holzschuh, Susan Bauer, Ken Sweeney, Steve Zenovic, Jack Heckman, Mr. and Mrs. Beausoleil, Michael Gentry, Steve Oliver Because both the Chair and Vice Chair were absent, Commissioner Nutter to recognize Commissioner King as the Chair for the evening proceedings. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 4 - O. APPROV AL OF MINUTES Commissioner Craver noted that she had the motion indicated on page 9, third paragraph, and moved to approve the Ju!y 26, 2000, meeting minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 3 - 0 with COmmissioner King abstaining due to absence at the meeting. Planning Director Collins introduced Debra Barnes who is the City's new Associate Planner and who will be responsible for the bulk of the Commission's staff reports, and Stephanie Woolett who is the Planning Department's summer intern. Acting Chair King encouraged those present to sign the attendance record so they could be recognized. Persons who intend to speak for or against an issue must sign in and acknowledge that their testimony is truthful to the best oftheir knowledge prior to providing testimony. PUBLIC HEARINGS: SHORELINE--SUBSTANTIAL--DEVELOPMEN'J--PERMIT~--SMA-OO_ll, PORT OF PORT ANGELES. 1211 Marine Drive: A proposal to establish a waterfront park at the west boat launch of the Port Angeles Boat Haven along the shoreline in the TH, Industrial Heavy zone. 109 Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Page 2 Associate Planner Debra Barnes presented the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the shoreline substantial development proposal. Acting Chair King opened the publichearing; . Ken Sweeney, Environmental Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338 West First Street, Port Angeles, Washington, noted that the proposed pocket park is thetirst'in a series of improvements planned for the Port Angeles Boat Haven. The trend of uses in the Boat Haven has been moving away from previous commercial use of the Boat Haven area toward more recreational needs. Funds are expected to be received from the State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to match the Port's financial contribution for upgrades to the amenities offered at the Boat Haven. He displayed a drawing showing improvements planned for the current proposal and responded to Commissioner Schramm that upgrades <l!e planned for the restroom facilities when funds become available. There being no further questions or testimony, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing. The Commission agreed that the planned development is a big improvement to the public's use of the Boat Haven area and Commissioner Norton moved to approve the shoreline substantial development permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: . 1. The proposal shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code including fire code, building code and utility requirements. 2. Any signage shall be consistent wit~ Chapters 4 and 5 ofthe City's Shoreline Master Program. 3. Site clearing and preparation, as well as, construction and subsequent maintenance activities shall utilize best management practices. 4. The applicant must obtain an administrative Environmentally Sensitive Areas permit approval per Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 5. The picnic area shall be located la-feet from the ordinary high water mark. Findings: Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, staff report (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Plannin~Commissiorr5-discllSsioll-and-deliberation,-the-Cit}LOf-I?ort-Angeles-l!lanning Commission hereby finds that: . 110 . . . i,',.',.........:.,: '.j ";: :':. ..,.:.~, Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 2000 Page 3 1. The applicant is proposing to construcf~24~foot by 72-foot passive recreation park, "West Boat Launch Park' in a portion ofthe Port Angeles Boat Haven facility. The project is located in a portion of the northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian. The project site currently consists ofa generally flat, lawn area and is bordered by heavy rip rap along the shoreline of the" Strait of Juan de Fuca to the north, the public boat ramp and Daishowa chip facility to the west, the Port Angeles Yacht Club buildings, as well as the Port of Port Angeles marina to the east, and the existing, public parking area to the south which will also serve the new facility. Access to the site is via Marine Drive and through the existing marinalboat haven parking lot. Site improvements that are proposed include the placement of a concrete retaining wall at the top of the existing rip rap along the shoreline, sidewalks, picnic tables, and landscaping. The purpose of the retaining wall is for landscaping and safety considerations and not for shoreline stabilization. The parking area shown on the site plan is existing and will be upgraded to include handicapped parking. The current parking barriers (large logs) will be replaced with curbs and the parking spaces will be re-striped. 2. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles, applied for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit on June 20, 2000. The application (Attachment B) was determined complete on June 30, 2000. 3. The project is located approximately 750 feet north of the City's east/west Waterfront Trail recreational corridor. 4. Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4 Policy 13 specifically addresses the issue of providing public access as close as possible to the water's edge without adversely affecting a sensitive environment. 5. The project proposal includes best management practices of retaining vegetation, collection of runoff, allowing biofiltration and infiltration in order to address any potential negative impacts to water quality from stormwater runoff. 6. The proposed project is located within an area of I DO-year floods. 7. The Port Angeles Harbor provides nearshore marine habitat for juvenile Puget Sound chinook salmon, which are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. 8. F The adjacent aquatic shoreline is considered an environmentally sensitive area by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The aQuatic shoreline is defiaed by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance as a "beach and associated coastal drift process area." 111 Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 2000 Page 4 ----"'\ 9. An administrative Enviroru;nentally Sensitive Areas permit approval is required for this project in order to comply with Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. . 10. The subject site is designated Urban Harbor (UH) on the PorLAngeles Shoreline' Master Program Shoreline Environment Designation Map, Industrial on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and Heavy Industrial (IH) on the Zoning Map. ' 11. Water-enjoyment and recreational use are permitted in the Urban Harbor shoreline environment designation;,andboathaven / marinas are permitted in the Comp Plan Industrial land use designation and the ill Zone. Enjoyment and use of the proposed recreational area can be anticipated by the general public, users of the Waterfront trail, adjacent boat ramp, and Yacht Club or marina. 12. Goals, policies, and regulations of the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Ordinance have been considered in review of the proposal. The most relevant are provided in Attachment C and include the following: Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program: Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3 and D6, . Public Access Element El, Recreation Element Fl and F2; Chapter 4 (General Policies and Regulations) Policy B.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading Policies CI-5, and 7 and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy Dl and Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policies El-2 and Regulations 1-3; Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access Policy J3 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies K 1-6; Signage Policies Ll-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies Nl-2 and Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harboc(UH) Management Policies Dl-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a permitted shoreline use (Part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations) Recreational Development Policies Fl-4, and 6 and Regulations 1- 7; Flood Hazard Management Policy D3 and Regulations 1-7. Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I, Policies 12 and 14, Goal 1, Policies 12- 3; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy AI, Goal B, Policies B 1-2,6,9, 12, 14 and 15, Objective 3, Goal D, Policies Dl, and D5. . 112 . . Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 2000 Page 5 Zoning Code: Port Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter 17.34, Heavy Industrial (IH) Zone purpose statement reads "This is the least restrictive industrial-zone intended to be the area in which heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uses." . 13. The application materials were sent to the Department of Ecology (DOE), the Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Council, and Army Corps of Engineers for review. 14. The comment period ran through August 7, 2000 and no comments were received. 15. A Determination of Non Significance was issued by the Port of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official for the proposal on June 19, 2000, per WAC 197 ~ 11-340. 16. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington. Conclusions: Based on information provided in the August 23,2000, Planning Department staff reports including all of its attachments, comments and inf6rmation presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed fmdings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the City's Shoreline Master Program specifically: Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3 and D6, Public Access Element Ef, Recreation Element F 1-2; Chapter 4 (General Policies and Regulations) Policy B.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading Policies CI-5, and 7 and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy Dl and Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policy El-2 and Regulations 1-3; Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access Policy 13 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies KI-6; Signage Policies LI-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies NI-2 and Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH) Policies Dl-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a permitted shoreline use and setbacks (part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations) Recreational Development Policies FI-4, and 6 and Regulations 1-7; Flood Hazard Management Policy D3 and Regulations 1-7. B. The project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Those policies most relevant to the prop~j)ed_prQie_cLaLe~L_and_Uae_ELementGoaLA,J.~.olicy~~Goal T, Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies 12 and 13; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy AI, Goal B, Policies BI-2, B6, B9, B12, B14 and B15, Objective 3, Goal D, Policies Dl,and D5. . 113 Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Page 6 I~ F. H. I. c. . The proposal is in compliance with the Heavy Industrial Zone of the City's Zoning Ordinance. D. The anticipated surface water runoff from proposed sidewalks and other impervious surfaces will be directed to a grassy area, allowing for filtration of sediments or other pollutants from the adjacent parking area, followed by infiltration to the groundwater and/or adjacent water body whereby any increase of surface water runoff by the proposal should not significantly affect the water quality of Port Angeles Harbor. E. The proposal should not directly affect the nearshore marine habitat. - The proposal is located in a previously altered area consisting of fill placed in the early 1900s, is separated from the beach by existing rip rap, and will not impair the natural coastal drift processes. G. The proposed improvements of the park which is located within a developed floodplain area should not decrease flood carrying capacity. The public's access to and enjoyment of the shoreline area will be expanded by the proposal. The urban waterfront of this mixed-use area should be enhanced by the provision of the passive recreation improvements by the proposal. . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - O. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 00-12. CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Francis Street and the Port Angeles: Waterfront: A proposal to enlarge and provide handicapped accessibility facilities, including paving, to an existing public waterfront park area along the shoreline in the PBP, Public Buildings and Parks zone. Associate Planner Debra Barnes reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the proposal. She noted that no beach enhancement is planned contrary to what is indicated in the application. All work is landward of the existing improvements. She read a sixth Condition No.6 which staff is reconimending be included in approval of the proposal. Acting Chair King opened the public hearing. John Hicks, City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Department, was present for questions and indicated that work will not begin on the project until there is a big enough weatherwinduw.-of.opportunity-fol'-a-good. deaI-of-work--to.beGompleteckuch-that-the-area-is not left in a mid construction phase for a long period of time. The playground area is intended . to be a small pocket 'park type of use that will include structures identifiable to a marine environment and interpretive signage. He introduced Mike Gentry, Terma Planners and Architects, 923 East Tenth Street, who answered questions regarding the handicapped access 114 . . 'J~,,;;\:,t"f};\"':~i;,,:,:;~W" ~\-';'i' , '(, '\~):'Y~''?t,_:'!')'ZY<''~rf'iF;'ri';';:!;j:?, Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 2000 Page 7 Mr. Gentry noted that a driveway down to the trail from Francis Street is planned which is intended to be twofold in that it will not only provide handicapped accessible parking at the trail but it will also allow for an emergency access to the trail from the Francis Street location where now access is only by way of Lincoln Street. The trail has been significantly extended since its original construction phase and a second emergency access is in the public's best' interest. It is intended to design and sign the driveway access to the trail in such a manner that users are aware that it is not intended for the general public but is strictly for handicapped accessibility. Lighting should help with vandalism in the area and regular police patrols will be possible with the new driveway. Commissioner Schramm suggested that video recording be considered in the improvements at this time. John Hicks responded that video recording is used at other City facilities and he will look into the possibility. He also answered Commissioner Craver that fimding is in place for the proposed improvements through the year 2000 with a potential for extension into 2001. There being no further testimony, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing. Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the shoreline substantial development permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The proposal shall meet all requiremel1ts of the Port Angeles Municipal Code including fire code, building code, utility and stormwater management/clearing and grading requirements. 2. Signage shall be consistent with Chapters 4 and 5 of the City's Shoreline Master Program and Chapter 17.40 of the Zoning Code. 3. The applicant must obtain an administrative ESA approval per Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 4. Site clearing and preparation as well as construction and subsequent maintenance activities shall utilize best management practices. 5. The proposed access road shall be located at least 3D-feet from the ordinary high water mark and the picnic areas shall be located at least 10-feet from the ordinary high water mark. 6. Appropriate signage will be used to clearly restrict vehicular access to the shoreline area for handic~d and emerg~ vehicles only. . 115 Planning Commission Minutes August 23.2000 Page 8 Findings: . --"i Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, staff report (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the' Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant is proposing to expand an existing waterfront park adjacent to the Port Angeles waterfront trail corridor. The project site is approximately 2.6 acres, has varied topography including unstable marine bluffs, steep slopes, and generally level areas near the shoreline. The site is ,vegetated with small trees, shrubs and grass and has a unpaved trail access in the southern portion and an existing stairway and waterfront trail on the northern portion along the shoreline. The project site is accessed at the north end of Francis Street. Site improvements that are proposed include the access to the waterfront trail, relocation of the waterfront trail, viewing platforms, picnic areas, playground area, handicapped and emergency vehicle access to the trail, handicapped parking, general parking (located upland)~ interpretive signage and landscaping. An estimated 18% of the entire site will consist of impervious surface materials. 2. The applicant, the City of Port Angeles, applied for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit on July 7, 2000. The application (Attachment B) was determined complete on July 12,2000. . 3. The project is located at the north end of Francis Street and includes a portion of the Waterfront Trail recreational corridor. The project is located in a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian. Adjacent land uses include residential uses to the west and south, residential and the former lIT Rayonier mill to the east, and the Port Angeles Harbor the north. 4. Shoreline Master Program Chapter 4 Policy J3 specifically addresses the issue of providing public access as close as possible to the water's edge without adversely affecting a sensitive environment. 5. The project proposal includes stormwater management controls to address the collection, treatment and control of stormwater runoff. 6. The proposed project is located within an area of 100-year floods. 7. The Port Angeles Harbor provides nearshore marine habitat for juvenile Puget Sound chinook salmon, which are listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. . 116 . . Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Page 9 8. The adjacent aquatic shoreline is considered an environmentally sensitive area by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance. The aquatic shoreline is defined by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance as a "beach and associated coastal drift process area, marine bluff, and ravine." 9. An administrative Environmentally Sensitive Areas permit approval is required for this project in order to comply with Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 10. The subject site is designated Urban Harbor (UH) on the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program Shoreline Environment Designation Map, Open Space on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) on the Zoning Map. II. Parks and recreational uses are permitted in the Urban Harbor shoreline environment designation, the Comp Plan Open Space land use designation and the PBP Zone. Enjoyment and use of the proposed recreational area can be anticipated by the general public, users of the Waterfront trail, and adjacent property owners. 12. Goals, policies, and regulations of the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Ordinance have been considered in review of the proposal. The most relevant are provided in Attachment C and include the following: Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program: Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3 and D6, Public Access Element El, Recreation Element Fl and F2; Chapter 4 (General Policies and Regulations) Policy 8.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading Policies CI-5, and 7 and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy Dl and Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policies EI-2 and Regulations 1- 3; Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access Policy 13 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies KI-6; Signage Policies LI-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies NI-2 and Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH) Policies DI-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a permitted shoreline use (part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations) Recreational Development Policies FI-4, and 5 and Regulations 1-7; Flood Hazard Management Policy D3 and Regulations 1-7. Comprehensive Plan: . Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I, Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies J2- 3; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy AI, Goal B, Policies BI-2, 6, 9, 12, 14 and B15, Objective 3, Goal D, Policies Dl, D5 and D8. 117 Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 2000 Page 10 Zoning Code: . Port Angeles Mun:!cipal Code, Chapter 17.40, Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Zone purpose statement reads " A zoning designation Jor publicly-owned property , or property not suitable Jor development by reason oj its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much.oJthe land so designated may best be'left as 'green belts'. ., 13. The application materials were sent to the Department of Ecology (DOE), the Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW), and the'Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Council, and Army Corps of Engineers for review. 14. The comment period ran through August 12, 2000 and no comments were received. 15. A Determination of NonSignificance is anticipated to be issued by the SEP A Responsible Official for the proposal on August 18,2000, per WAC 197-11-355. 16. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington. Conclusions: . Based on information provided in the August 23, 2000, Planning Department staff reports including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the City's Shoreline Master Program specifically: Chapter 3 (Goals) Shoreline Use Al and A 7, Conservation Element D3 and D6, Public Access Element E1, Recreation Element F 1-2; Chapter 4 (General Policies and Regulations) Policy B.2 and Regulations 1-8; Clearing and Grading Policies Cl-5, and Regulations 1-8; Environmental Impacts Policy D1 and Regulations 1-12; Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policy EI-2 and Regulations 1-3; Salmon and Steelhead Habitats Policy HI and Regulations 1-14; Public Access Policy 13 and Regulations 1-12; Shorelines of State-wide Significance Policies KI-6; Signage Policies LI-4 and Regulations 1-7; Water Quality Policies NI-2 and Regulations 1-2; Chapter 5 (Environment Designations) Urban Harbor (UH) Policies DI-2, 4-5, and 8 -10 and Shoreline Use Matrices which allows recreation as a permitted shoreline use (Part H); Chapter 6 (Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations) Recreational Development Policies FI-4, and 6 and Regulations 1-7; Flood Hazard Management Policy 3 and Regulations 1-7. B. The project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Those policies most relevant to the proposed project are: Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal I, Policies 12 and 14, Goal J, Policies J2 and 13; Conservation Element Goal A, Policy . 118 . . . Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Page II AI, Goal B,Policies BI-2, B9, Bl2 andBl5, Goal D, Policies Dl, D5 and D8. c. The proposal is in compliance with the Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Zone of the City's Zoning Ordinance [PAMC 17.40]. D. Because the anticipated surface water runoff from the proposal will be controlled through stormwater management and erosion control measures whereby any increase of surface water runoff by the proposal should not significantly affect the water quality of Port Angeles Harbor. E. The proposal should not directly affect the nearshore marine habitat. F. The proposal is located in a previously altered area consisting of extensive grading "Of the former bluff line and is separated from the beach by existing rip rap, it should not impair the natural coastal drift processes. G. The minimal improvement of the park within the area considered as floodplain area should not decrease flood carrying capacity. H. The public's access to and enjoyment of the shoreline area will be expanded by the proposal. The urban waterfront of this mixed-use area should enhanced by the provision of the public park. I. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - o. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 00-06 - BUDGET RENT A CAR- Northeast corner of Front and Oak Streets: Request to allow the continuation of an off-street parking area in association with a vehicle rental use in the Central Business District. Planning Director Collins explained that the previous action by the Planning Commission ended in a deadlocked decision. The applicant was therefore informed that ifhe wished to pursue the issue of an unimproved temporary parking lot a new application would need to be submitted. The applicant submitted a new application with additional information on August 4, 2000, which is now under consideration. Staff is recommending that the current conditional use permit application for an unimproved temporary parking lot be approved for 30 days in any calendar year. Commissioner Craver questioned the terminology used in proposed Condition No.4 regarding the transfer of ownership of the subject property. She stated that ownership can transfer without a typical sale occurring. Acting Chair King opened the public hearing. JacKHeckman, 111 East Front Street, stated that the property has been a parking lot for many years, in fact having been used as the City Hall parking lot for nearly twenty years. There is a need for overflow parking in the Downtown area during the peak tourist season and during various community events during the year. Usage is sporadic given the nature of 119 Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Page 12 -4 tourism. He did not agree with the time limitations suggested in Condition No. 1 of 30 days in any calendar year. The site is not used continually for any 30 day period. Usage occurs throughout the year with the lot being maintained the year round. He would prefer not to be restricted to a particular block or number of days but wished to continue as in the past on as needed basis. He also asked not to be required to remove the signs indicating that parking is . available during those times when the lot is not used. He stated that the signs indicate the area is being maintained and not vacant which is favorable to the Downtown area. . Aria Holzchuh, Executive Directorofthe Port Angeles Downtown Association, e:J(pressed support for the unimproved temporary parking use. While the Downtown Association is in agreement with requirements for improvement of parking areas, the subject site has served as a needed overflow parking lot for some time in an unimproved condition that has not negatively affected other Downtown interests. . While the Downtown is in a state of flux with regard to other expected developments including the Gateway Project, the Association does not object to the continued use as an unimproved overflow area. Parking lot improvements are very costly and she .supported waiving standard improvements until there is more finality to the development rehabilitation situation in the Downtown. She also expressed support in allowing the signs to remain year round to indicate the lot is being maintained. In response to Commissioner Craver, Mrs. Holzschuh estimated that the Gateway Project may begin in the fall-of200I. There being no further comment, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing. . Commissioner Schramm favored a one year extension as an unimproved temporary parking area for seasonal overflow with the conditions that have been previously imposed on the use. Commissioner Craver strongly objected to the use continuing to operate without those standard improvements that are required crf parking lots City wide. She stated that it is a benefit to the City and that tourists appreciate standard improvements to parking areas. The time to improve the area has come. The parking area has been used without improvements for a number of years and the time has come to improve the parking area to a minimum standard for such uses. , Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the overflow parking lot use with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The approval shall be to conduct the overflow seasonal parking activity for a one year period of time ending on April 30, 200 I. 2. A parking lot attendant shall be on-duty during the periods when the lot is used. 3. The applicant shall keep the area free of litter during operation of the area as a temporary parking lot. . 120 ~.__. . . """'~'\~''C'f''~?~'lhe":j\'!t' ",..: ,':'~,",:':' ):,',1: .:~'~':'~",::;W!;\\?, 't '}:?:fii~}'Y"~~~;(.}" ;'i,~ ;:( '," ~:~~y, ' :",.;.;/', /':':)"" Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Pagel3 :'!~,':),,:t\',iV~ "(:?,itf~;;~'1'fi Findings: 1. The request is to allow continuation of an overflow parking area in the Central Business District (CBD). Independent parking lots have been permitted uses in the' CBD since 1995. 2. Use of the property as a parking lot is not consumptive ofthe limited land available for development in the Central Business District as it can easily be converted to a higher use. . 3. The applicant has operated the unimproved parking lot at this location since 1990. The City Council has upheld the applicant's proposal to not improve the parking lofto standard parking lot standards in past years due to the temporary overflow nature of the use. 4. The ferry system and annual Downtown activities such as Arts N' Action generate a need for long-term off-street parking in the Downtown area. 5. Public Works standards for parking lots require that independent parking lots contain stormwater and surface improvements. 6. There have been no complaints with regard to the operation of the overflow parking lot with the exception of a complaint early on with regard to litter. The applicant is aware of the need to keep the area litter free during periods of use. 7. Development improvements are being planned in the Downtown area which may result in the location undergoing major renovation in the near future. 8. Goal B., Policies 14 and 16 of the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan encourage off-street parking facilities to be sufficient and accessible within the business and residential areas and that allowances should be made for shared parking facilities. 9. The applicant submitted information on August 3, 2000, that indicates the overflow area is used approximately 24 days per year with an average net income of $650 per year. 10. The applicant has indicated that the use is conducted on a month to month lease dependent on Downtown activities and improvements. . 11. The Olympic Medical Center and theClallam County Fairgrounds utilize unimpIOYed parking lots within the City limits. . 121 -l Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 2000 Page /4 Conclusions: . A. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with surrounding commercial uses and with the intent ofthe CBD zone. B. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of Section 17.24 (Central Business District) ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code. C. The use is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. D. Compliance with the City's Parking Ordinance and Public Works standards for a temporary use requires a significant investment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 3 - 1 with Commissioner Craver voting in the negative for reasons previously stated. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 00-05 - BEAUSOLEIL. 514 West Eighth Street: A request for a conditional use permit to establish a recycle use in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood zone. (Continued from July 26,2000.) Director Collins noted that Acting Chair King was not present at the July 26, 2000, public . hearing. Mr. King has read the staffs report and minutes for this item and is ready to remain and act on the issue as his absence would result in there not being a quorum for action, or the item could be continued to the September 13, 2000 meeting. The applicant asked that the item be continued. Commissioner Norton moved to continue'action on the item to the September 13, 2000, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm and passed 4 _ O. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Planning Director Collins noted that the upcoming issue of the City's newsletter will feature the Planning Commission. Someone from the newsletter may be contacting Planning Coinmissioner for interviews. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None . 122 . . . Planning Commission Minutes August 23. 2000 Page 15 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at8:30 p.m. ~~~lJ~' .~ ~, Secretary PREPARED BY: S. Roberds Bob King, Acting Chair ....... 123 . . . 124 I-U--- PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 121 East Railroad Port Angeles. WA 98362 (360) 452-2363 [0) ~ @ ~ fi I\IJ (! ~l \Jl) AUG 3 I 2000 ~ July 28, 2000 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Becky Upton, City Clerk City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Wa 98362 Dear Becky: - Enclosed you will find the financial statement for the month ending July 30, 2000. . Weare requesting reimbursement for the month of July in the amount of $3,026 as indicated in our financial statement under "Visitor Center Funds" . To bring you up to date, the requests that have been filled for visitor information from only the reader response labels from the magazine advertisements through the Joint Marketing Plan are over 5000 as of the end of July. The second quarter visitor count through our door is up over 10% from 1999 and the third quarter looks promising. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 452-2363. Sincerely, . ?J o(~r1-L~ b>uann-Vager Acting Executive Director FAX # 360-457-5380 · www;portangeles.org · E-mail: pangeles@olypen.com REPRESENTING THE LARGEST GROUP OF BUSINESSES ONTHE PENINSULA 125 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Statement of Visitor Center Funds For Period Ended July 31, 2000 . ACTUAL ACTUAL 2000 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1999 INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE TOTAL MONTH. TO-DATE MONTH TO-DATE REVENUES CITY ALLOCATION S 3,190 S 14,821 S 48,000 S 30,552 S 3,190 $(15,731) EXPEND I TURES BROCHURES & ADVERTlSING 1,605 7,596 655 13,564 (655 ) (11,959) VIC MEDlCAL INSURANCE 135 405 532 119 225 16 179 VIC EQUIPMENT 132 132 VI C WAGES 792 5,545 9,512 m 5,647 19 (102) VIC RENT 1,010 7,069 12,156 1,012 7,095 (2) (26) VIC UTILITIES 1 ,006 267 (267) VIC REPAIR & MAINT. 121 528 183 456 (183) (335) VIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 735 2,595 3,410 206 2,444 529 150 VIC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 144 1,549 1,941 281 1,378 ( 137) 171 VIC POSTAGE 113 2,212 7,500 15 2,103 98 109 VIC BUILDlNG lNS. 356 334 332 24 VIC TELEPHONE 36 1,144 2,600 286 1,682 (250) (538) ,VIC PAYROLL TAXES -.M 511 885 ~ 526 ---1 -ill) . Cio€) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23.244 48.000 3.589 35.721 -1lli) (12.478) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) S 164 S (8.422) - $ (3.589) $ (5.169) S 3 . 753 S (3.253) - . 126 See Accountants' Compilation Report. I PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Statement of Operating Funds . For Period Ended July 31, 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2000 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1999 INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE TOTAL MONT II TO-DATE MONTH TO-DATE OFFI CE RENT S 337 S 2,356 S 4,000 S 337 S 2,365 S (1) S (9) UTILITIES 350 89 (89) EQUIPMENT RENTAL 48 516 650 94 459 (46) 57 TELEPHONE 12 381 867 95 561 (83) (179) REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 33 200 61 152 (61) (119) MANAGER TRAVEL EXPENSES 307 1,000 83 328 (83) (21) OfFICE MGR'S EXPENSE 126 551 1,000 36 584 90 (34) ACCOUNTING SERVICES 375 2,625 4,500 375 2,600 25 ANNUAL BANQUET 2,261 1,553 1,802 459 GUEST SPEAKER MEALS 417 500 26 373 (26) 44 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 65 250 250 282 (250) (218) CONCERTS ON THE PIER 600 750 1,800 750 900 (150) ( 150) JULY 4TH EVENT 786 786 500 450 450 336 336 JULY 4TH FIREWORKS 10,000 10,000 10,200 8,500 8,500 1,500 1,500 HOSPITALITY DIVISION 50 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 500 TOURIST PROMOTION 2,000 100 115 (100) (115) INTERNET EXPENSE 2,390 1,800 60 170 (60) 2,220 . FUND RAISER - EXP 1,592 18,900 1,592 FUND RAISER - AUCTION 2,000 111 (111) AMBASSADORS EXPENSE 10 48 27 10 21 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 1,002 500 204 615 (204) 387 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 335 -1...QQR 659 ~) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23.371 84 . 488 167.618 19.848 75.267 3.523 9.222 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) S (3.055) S (2.982) - S (967) S (8.433) S (2.088) S 5.451 . 128 See Accountants' Compilation Report. \;'5'~~~_W ~-- Y!;:;i'.' ,-'h;;{"" ;~'(), CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 2000 WATER DEMAND RAINFAll >- ~ iI) Z ...J 0 UJ ...J "' ....I c( ....I z u. w 1: c( g. Z 0 C) ...J ~ ~ W ~ C) ~ W > c( JAN FElt ...... APR; MA'Y ,Mil JDl AUG SIP OCT HICN ~ 01999 .2000 C 1999 _2000 _ 10YNrAvefage AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND LAST YEAR TO DATE (MG) HIS YEAR TO DATE (MG) RAINFALL DATA 10 YR AVG. TOTAL TO DATE HIS YR TO DATE (IN) RECORD HIGH THIS MONTH RECORD LOW THIS MONTH 15.25 9.37 3.56 0.00 SEWER/STORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MONTH (FT) 2.120 300 967 YR. 54,867 961 3,155 TEMPERATURE SEWER SYSTEM JETTED STORM DRAINS JETTED SYSTEM TV INSPECTED ITOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSAL I W D: :J _" .... ... c( .. ffi i" ~ Q.. w .... co RU HMA. JNIII FU ...,. MAY JUN JUl .1000 HP OCT NOY DEe 01999 .2000 _ 10 Year Ayerage ELECTRICAL USAGE . LANDALLANNUALTONS w C) c( fI) ~: :J ....I c( "" <: U ,2. .... ::; -. U W ....I W RAYQNIER DEMOllTlON REVENUES {97+98+991 HIS YR TO DATE (TONS) JAH Fie MAR AJI'R MAY JUfiil JIA. AUG S~ OCT M:N DIe C11999 _ 2000 129 IIIClREP'TOOWK04 _ ~141'2OOO PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 2000 . WATER SOLID WASTE . Repaired 8 3/4" water services . Installed 6" cross-tie at 16th & "L': . Installed 3 new water services' . One hot tap @ Grant Avenue . Repaired 2" corp stop on Industrial main . Repaired 4" water main . Relocated 3 water services . Changed out 8 malfunctioning water meters RECYCLING: Housing Authority for Amenca Night Out Spoke and Chamber of Commerce meeling Booth at Clallam County FaIr LANDFILL: Conlinued with Cell 1 closure. liner. gas lines. cover soil . Hired two 3/4 time scale operator/laborers Started 90-day trial to ship tires for recycling WASTEWATER COLLECTION STREET WASTEWATER TREATMENT . Worked with B&C on septage receiving station plan . Met with parametrix for training on groundwater reports . Staff attended Electrical Control Circuits class . Staff attended Pretreatment Implementation workshop . Tour of land application sites for DOE and CC Health . Land application of 1.05 million Ibs of biosolids . Groundwater sampling at land application sites . Excavated drainage ditch to divert groundwater at WWTP . Worked on Unitary heat controllers in belt press building . Prep for chip seal . Assist contractor with asphalt project . Roadside vegetation control . Assist with Davis Memorial traffic control . AC restoation for water. sewer cuts . Install ecology blocks at landfill . Install barricades. ecology blocks at 16th & "N" . Construct storage building for Light Operations . Crack seal breezeway 100 Block West First . Paint school cross-walks . Install School Zone signs Install centerline buttons. arrows, stop bard on new overlays . . Repaired sewer on 8th Street . Capped sewer on 15th Street . Pulled motor and pump at PS 1 and 4 for annual maintenance . Rodent control . Assisted with drain problem at WWTP . Located manholes/valves for paving project ENGINEERING & PERMITS II I EQUIPMENT SERVICES . Work Orders: 98 . Denvers Work Orders: 28 . Service Orders: 20 . Denvers'Service Orders: 8 . # 3 Fire Truck, mise, tune up, valve work . #13 Med Unit, electical and new seat covers . #1581 1Q-yd Dump, remove asphalt shoot . #1742 Water Service Truck, body repair, brakes . #1756 Backhoe, service, coolant and thennostats, head gasket . #1907 Refuse Packer, misc. repairs . #1911 Refuse Packer, service ann gears, hydrulic cyclinder . #1915 Compactor, replace control cble . #1917 Front Loader, suspension seat, bucket edges, repair door . #162 Manlift, safley insp, install new jib . #1344 Law Vac, repair frame and hitclh . Southwood - landlocked facilities design support . Airport Road Realignment right of way support . Cresthaven undergrounding construction support . 8th Street bids opened . Elwha Dam removal mitigation support . I & I Pilot Program Support . "A" StreeVGrant Avenue watermain bids advertised . Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replace., Ph. II construction support I . Gateway Design environmental completed I landfill Cover Project construction support . 2000 Paving Projects bid completed I ' . laurel Street Side Repair consultant design support . Distribution System rebuild design support . Rayonier to Lee's Creek trail design support . Attended RTPO, SR-104 meetings . "'" Street Substation design transformer bids requested LIGHT OPERATIONS . Replce arm on Daishowa line . Cable fault location training . Apprentice Lineman started work . Demonstration at Clallam County Fair . DisposedoLoilJrolIL'A'~StreelSubstatjon. . PPE testing training . 130 MOREPTOO.Wk4. ~'412000 I III"...NEW MODULAR / MOBilE Val SINGlE.FAM.llY .. 'va,J . . MUL TI-FAMIL Y AC~ESSO~IES. . -NEW RETAil HOTEUMOTEl OFFICE 'Va/~' .. 'va/l . vall. . ..1 Valu DR.INKING/DINING A~TCl/SE.RVlc;~ . . !NDUST~IAl Vatu' -NEW I . SC.HOOlS/HOSPIT /\L.S.. ~ . ValUf ICFITT~~H~S ........l... Va/Uf . RECREATI,?N. . . . ~ Valu. , . ~ESID~~~:LT. ....1 Valu COMMERCIAL PUBLIC Valu DEMOLITION I MOVE ......... ......Valu ml~ SLOG PERMITS caNST. VALUE . R / W CONSTR. . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . Re'venu NEW WATER SERVo . .. . . . . .. . . . Reveilu NEW SEWER SERVo o. - ... ....... . Revenu JAN. Val. o $0 o . . . . . "$0" o $0 2 . . . $8400 . o . '$0" . . o $0 ..0. $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o .. . $0 o $0 o $0 l"t:lS. o $0 o $0 o .... -. "$0 3 . . $26;387 . o $0'" . o '$0 . o ..' 'SO" o $0 o ........ 'SO' o so . o ...... 'SO" o . . . . . . . 'SO" o $0 24 . . . $2"03;542' 13 . -.' $85 663 2 . . $3iO;060 . 1 . . . $7:000 9 .. .$370..... 2 . " $2" 133 ....... 5 . . $3:003 . . . . o $0 o $0 o P p$O vai.' . Valu Ve/u 25 . $195,594 10 .... ....- $147880 o $0 3 . . . . $',:500 . ~ ~~~~:~::~~~.... j..... 55;~~ .. ~ MAK. 1 .... '$49.900 o ......... $0...... o $0 4 -.... $100,242 o ..... $<i' o $0 o . $0 o $0 o . .. . . .... $0 o $0 51 $157,078 . 9 . . . . $103 ',00 3 $48.500 o $0 40 .... ..... $353,374 43 68 . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . $692,592 $457,820 1 .... $45 o . $0'" o $0 .. o 1 ..... .$0..... ... 545 At'K. o $0 o $0 o .-.... -." $0 4 $36' 420 .. o $0 o ........ '$0 o $0 o .... "so o $0 o 'so o $0 o . so o $0 32 $134 023 3 ..... '" $22,100 " $8,500 3 $1,100 46 . . . . .. . . . . $202.143 o $0 o ... 'SO o .. . $0 o .. -... 'SO MAY o $0 1 -... ........ $69.000 o $0 4 .. .-..... .... $31 500 o ... .....- $0 o $0 o '$0 . o $0 o $0 o ..... S'O'" o SO ..0 $0 o $0 34 . - - . $149.48ii . . . . . 11 $200000 2 . . . . . $12,00ej . 4 $1 807 56 $463,795 3 $135 o $0 o ...... . $0 ,0 Permit Applications Received o ;. . $(i' . ...... o $0 o $0 3 $135 . JUNE 1 $5.000 1 . -. $158.139.... o $0 2 --.- ... $16.230 36 . $183920 8 $324 980 o '$0 3 ... s150ej" 51 ...... . $689,769 3 $130 o ..... "S;j 1 $3,290 o $0 o $0 o $0 o . $0 o $0 o "'$!j" ,e JUL 1 $51,081 2 ..-- ..... $106 704 o $0 5 $24 000 o $0 o $0 o $0 o ... $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o '$0 AU\';. o $0 o ....... $0" o $0 1 $4,900 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 2 .......... . $601,325 o $0 o $0 51 $202,337 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $339 786 2 -.....-. . $76,500 o $0 70 -.. -- $1,224,848 5 $225 2 $2 560 2 ........-.. ... $177 4 6 . 'Si.42ff - -.... "4.460 . -. , 42 . . . . '$1'90367 4 $125564 3 ..... -." $140,000 o $0 57 .. . $637,716 2 $190 2 $2 608 2 $1,662 9 -$2;962" 100% Completion 70 Permits Issued :>t:1' I. o $0 o $0 o .. -_..,.. $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o . .so.... llCT. o $0 o $0 o . . "SO' 4,900 $0 o '$0 o $0 o $0 o . . "0 . .. o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o '$0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o , .... $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 .. o ..... --.. -. $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 NOV. Ut:L;. o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o .... ... $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 .... .'~,~' o $0 o $0 o $0 o ... . $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 2000' ro o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 3 $105,981 4 $33 843 o $0 25 $248,079 o $0 .. o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 2 $601 325 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 295 ... . $1 416349 72 ..... .... .. $1,349,073 16 $655,500 14 $12,907 o $0 431 $4,423,057 18 ...... 'S870 4 $4,741 8 $7,955 o $0 30 '$13;566 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o .... $0 l~~~ YIU 4 $280.500 16 $1 048,302 1 $386,362 26 $567,312 1 $37.000 o $0 1 $379,155 o $0 o $0 1 $102,3i5 1 $1.174,300< o $0 o $0 228 $1 063,559 41 '$1,581.401 16 $3,027531 15 $126.208 449 $10,566,031 20 $1,070 23 . '$18278 22 $6,822 65 . $44,834 . II . . 132 . . . A -OIEA1I8_ WATE~F~~N!_!,!AI~ _ . _.. . t 2000 133 PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE August 2000 R""E'" "'v' "'6" .N~"'.U. .E.... "G':E""~'N1"1t":':'~':4t"t'" .'F""'W'." 'N"m>" : .. - "~'_.. ".......:', .. "." ,,: -'", '". ....".. ,'-' -, ~:.. : .. ,. .. ,",- .." ,:, .. .. ..___ .. ..... __ - ", d.... .. ... ..... _, ..... .,._..._ .. ... __ .... " ,'" > :: ,.'." .. ': . .... ,-,.. -: '- ..,' -- _:.. : .-:: - ,: ,." ,~' ..,' '.. .. .. ,:::. .', _., .. .:. .., --.. :.. ,.. ....... . .:: _: '......, ,0";' .." '.:"" ." .. . .... ,.., ,. - .. .....- -.......- ---- T8I$""""...... T6 , $94,277.24 $101,863.06 $10,943.00 $6,457.50 $7,100.00 $3,751.00 $2,516.00 $1,113.00 $228,020.80 Ocean View Cemetery William Shore Memorial Pool Vern Burton Community Center Senior Services Center - Rentals Senior Services Center -Leases Banner Lincoln Park Camping Fees City Pier Moorage Fees General Fund Revenue Total Longhouse/Clubhouse Lincoln Park Camping Fees Improvement Fund Total $7,697.00 $411.00 $8,108.00 Vern Burton Kitchen Fees Co-Ree Volleyball Volleyball Tourney Fund Slowpiteh Slowpiteh Tourney Fund Mens Basketball -Basketball TuumeyFund Flag Football Youth Programs Adult Programs Adult-Soceer - Recreation Activities Fund Total $2,182.50 $290.00 $0.00 $19,514.00 $2,944.00 $745.00 $1-;119;00- .. $0.00 $37,288.49 $753.00 $5,1-46.00- $69,981.99 . L.AS' -TY'E~R.' . Tt>O~1~ $90,260.02 $95,548.57 $10,926.00 $5,286.00 $7,150.00 $3,255.00 $996.85 $604.00 $214,026.44 $4,338.64** $932.00 . $5,270.64 $1,607.75 $130.00 $50.00 $21,060.00 $2,073.00 $627.00 $2;{ff5:- $0.00 $30,419.50 $1,535.00 ..$0.00. $59,578.10 . ** Includes Junior Soccer Club Donation & Little League Field Plane Crash Insurance payment 134 . ()CEANcVJEWG,IMiETERY . .".:i-. :' n. ..<.' C. ."' ~:.. .. ,'.": ,...;., . .. . ,......". ~MB:N:Wa, .. I 14,285.56 I . "," . ......,. THlSNtONrH 1997 6,184.31 $ . Ground Burials 22 20 21 18 Ground Burial Inurnments 13 19 16 16 Niche Inurnments 4 4 8 8 Entombments 0 0 0 0 I Year to Date Totals 39 43 45 42 I: ... m "'.;':.:::f,'.:::'.";.:~III~111111~~'If.{';..""""....,.'..... ....-. m m "'-'"." m m '.:::F'{'I .... . THIS MONTH THIS YEARI THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE I LAST YEAR TO DATE $ 8 ,797 .44 $3 7,343 43 $9,75 1 I 1 $24, 3 99 8 I --- m - .. ,m .- -- - -- m ! u ... - om _no . 135 Parks & Cemetery < Monthly Division Report August 2000 . < Accomplishments Turf Management < - III. Mowing and trimming ALL locations .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . 0." . ... . 406.0 hours . . 11* Turfrenovation(thatching, aeration, topdressing, fertilizing, irrigating at Elks Play Field, Civic Field and Volunteer Field . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 178.0 hours III" Equipment repairs and maintenance .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .. .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60.5 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644.5 Beautification 11* Downtown planter maintenance(cleanup water etc.) .... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... .. 276.5 hours II" Maintenance of planted areas 1111. Greenhouse, plant maintenance .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.0 hours III. Tree well cleaning and maintenance - 6.0 hours .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . 290.5 . Amenities III. Pier general maintenance ...................................... . . .. 80.5 hours IlIIt_ Eloats;JepairS-llIldmaintenance_atpier:__.___~~_ '_'_~___'___'~'~_<___'_' ~_ . . ~_..9..0jmurs_ II" Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 86.5 hours 11* Park sign maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 hours II" Play equipment installation at Crown, 7th & D, and Rains Parks ........... 167.5 hours 11* Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.0 hours --T.otal-Hours-:--:-. . ~ . -.-.-. : ._~n: :- . . -. ..::~-.-5t4~5. - . 136 1-- . . Sports Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance u* Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .... .0'".... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. 248.0 hours II. Layout soccer fields .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .... ...... .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. 2.0 hours I'''' Layout football fields .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............. ...... .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .'...... .... .. .. 33.0 hours 11* Tennis net adjustment and court cleaning at Erickson, Shane and Elks .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 hours 1111. Field lighting repairs .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .......... 5.5 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288.5 Waterfront Trail 110. Bench and memorial installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 hour Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Building Maintenance General Maintenance and Repairs 1111. William Shore Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.0 hours u* Vem Burton Community Center .. .. .... .... ...... .. ...... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .... .... 86.5 hours 111* City Hall and Police Dept. ... .. .. .. .. ...... ........ .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. 128.5 hours II. Senior Center .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ...... ...... .. ........ .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. 135.5 hours Total Hours: . ........ ............. 468.5 Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas 11* Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance ... .... .. . ., . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 12.0 hours ~.__._-_.. - _.._..____u_.___ ~~___H____._ .... --TIffal Hours: . .' . . . -~-~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ':-:-:--.---=--iZ - . 137 Parks General Maintenance II.. Litter pickup from various park locations .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55.5 hours 11,* Park improvements (playground improvements etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250.0 hours III. Building maintenance; assisting at Fine Arts Center ... .. . ... . . . . . . . . .. . 263.0 hours 1111. Forest Management; park trail clearing, road and trail repairs, pond maintenance and repairs, vandalism repairs etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145.0 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e . . . 713.5 Special Events III" Prepare for Wally Davis Memorial . .. . . . .. .. '" .. .... . ..... . .. . . . . .. . .. . 121.0 hours II'" Transport tables and chairs to Longhouse for picnic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 hours Total Hours: I 126 ............. ... .... .... Campground IIn. Customer Service . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. .... .. ......... .... . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. 1.0 hours III" Litter pickup . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . ..... . ....... . ... ... .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. 35.5 hours III" Wash room service and cleaning . . .. .. .. . ... .. .... . ........ ... .. .... . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 1.0 hours Total Hours: ............. . . . . . . . . . . .37.5 - Cemetery 11,* Ground burial interments .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .. .. ...... . ................ .. .... .. .. .... .. . . . . .. .. . .. 23.0 hours II'" Cremation interments . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . . .... .... ................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 5.0 hours II'" Niche inumments .......... .. ...... .. .. . . . . . .. .. .......................... ...... . .. . .. .-, . . . 0.0 hours 11I1. Memorial marker settings .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .............. ... ...... .. .. . . . . . . . 21.0 hours II" Mowing and trimming .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. . ... . . . . . . . . . 69.5 hours Ii.. - BliilillnglCliapeT ere-ailIng and rii~l1nteriarice --- -- --- -- .-. : . ~ - J8-:-51iours. - ... .. .... . .. . .. . . .. . .. II.. Grave site refilling/regrading . . . .. . . . . . . ..... ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 hours II" Customer Service . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 hours Total Hours: ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 . . 138 . :-;:-,"-.T"t\ ~"'~'-;-;,?;;r';:~~j;W~~;_:;i, ,_:~'", -');:,~ '1' ';~i:t~~J;~~~\'tr;fi-t,~'p:-i;!~:,:::t?W Parks Administration III. Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings ..................................... 164.0 hours Total Hours:. . . -.- . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . '.. 162 Sub total hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,426.5 Total NON Productive hours (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations): . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . .416.0 Total Parks and Cemetery Division hours for August 2000: . . . . . . . . .3,842.5 Total Monthly Maintenance Hours August 2000 . #1 Turf Management 644.5 hrs. . #3 Amenities 514.5 hrs. II #5 Waterfront Trail 5.5 hrs. . #7 Civic Complex 12 hrs. . #9 Special Events 126 hrs. __---mUmefeiYT621ifs: -- - - . #2 Beautification 290.5 hrs. . #4 Sports Facilities 288.5 hrs. . #6 Building Maintenance 468.5 hrs. . #8 Parks General Maintenance 713 hrs. . #10 Campground 37.5 hrs. -- ___1112ParRsAarnin1StrafiOiiT6411fs: -- . 139 William Shore Memorial Pool MonthlyActivity Report Children 1,9~5 9,911 1,974 9,146 Adult 2,822 17,849 2,564 15,206 Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Days 6/18 56/178 10/12 84/117 Pool Parties/Participants 16/123 123/1,843 8/122 108/1,296 INSTRUCTION --- Children 707 7,707 1,304 7,560 Adults 24 77 293 Parent/Child Orientation 313 411 Pre-School 322 3,160 597 4,115 Water Exercise 565 4,925 476 5,038 School District 273 3,561 197 4,480 Pool Rentals/Classes 115 4,270 125 5,088 2,006 24,018 2,699 26,985 POOL OPERATIONS --- Days Open 31 227 31 212 Hours Open 416.00 3,003.75 423.00 2,854.25 REVENUE --- Rental: Suits, towels, caps $359.34 $936.53 $103.74 $519.67 Admissions $4,081.04 $23,238.39 $4,279.30 $21,317.37 'ess-ons' $1 ;38f:80- $38';695-.12' ....- .$3;680~n --~3UTM - Aerobics $1,184.50 $9,175.50 $1,082.50 $11,867.00 Passes $1,751.19 $18,785.79 $1,279.94 $14,932.08 Showers $429.47 $1,299.93 $438.51 $1,117.86 - tackers .Ozt 42'-r:-0-4;- - 5~50 l1:1::na= Pool Rentals $377.67 $4,447.45 $398.52 $4,800.92 $553.79 $3,856.81 $515.11 $3,375.55 . . . ;:!~~?4rtjJ,~,f~~tB;!t?~~li;:lf1~f,.f,::t~~i;~~~~*~1~~R;~~~,;f~;;fu'Y~!~:~<~ c.,;"-'C. . William Shor~I~Pool Activities Au~ust 2~OO ADMINISTRA TION *Began FalllWinter Swim Lesson Registration *1st Annual H20 Camp was successful with 20 participants. This program has the potential to become a popular annual event based upon the number of pre- registrations prior to the event. INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for August: * Combination AM * Water Aerobics AM classes * Water Aerobics PM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Deep Water PM classes * Water Walking AM classes Tu & Thurs M - W - Fi Man - Thurs Tu & Thurs Tu & Thurs Tu & Thurs Swim Lessons Schedule: * July 31 - August 18 * August 1 - August 17 * July 31 - August 18 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Adults Private lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TIONS Port Angeles Swim Club * on vacation Port Angeles School District * 9:00 - 11 :00 am Girls Swim Team 3:30 - 6:00 pm Girls Swim Team United States Coast Guard * 8:00 - 9:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training RECREATIONAL SWIMMING August 26 Kid's Day Augusl26 T e_enl'J.igbt 18 Participants fLEarticipants M - F 141 < l~~fI.(,~~-c>~/,y .~c:t?c .. ' /~'.!,' .... . ..~......... , /7 .(',., 12-d,.1./~~ " !J?{;,r"t ct:, t.- . !-t- !C/A,t--a, t {,.CJ ([(-Z4 C'I TL~{.rz--/ .)!/ /) , Ii .,L.. /--:1v~ u qV f(z C 4:- (C tirf7/L/hcj.7:LL- (;;) u It- L> ,10.? {,d A "C' 'LL ~,. / . .oJ ,..[) pt...;(L.........". r r "","7V ;: ';1L a'iL-4-t-'-.t~ (tW 9 J'~3.{ L 0' / 0/-' I' ' -'V//) I/" I"i . A-Vt!..,t<./L- / / /{d. &: :vC~ : J -Iu:.:J-C,,~ >1r't-~'-1.C .~. -(:0--.''7 -' ji-HkL-" /,/) ~~i cA'./ J : P-0.. . ~/X;l~L- /d--L../ /yw-iiu~tivJ d t1iv --&~:~Y&vK/ cAt~ . //cJJ!/Ut~ . ,~'<- r~j/v-&<;t~ / t" ~ ~:677U2d/ ...jJ A(.~ ~ JU71' ~u, Ie ~./4ko ---a<?U/---i'~ -1JL:rJ;/;-;~ ~ft-t=~ " . '!tdUu /ud4 ~<f;. ,~ bt _e~ --l/lt.--ti-'/t!-u.i/ /Lk~. a.e/ /dl-d~,t.~~ v /{l{c-u/~" ~ iiL/,./~ --t~c-L. ~~ /~f~ ~1/4~' ~~ r'.rt1-/ ~t -6u/1L L /.A / / A ,/7 ~_.if A"/' . /' ';;7/' - .' ~ r(.~(./<J ____ 7~/ // . i/ /;' (.- /{~/t,tt.j 7i ruV ..JJdI/J-K4y~ . 142, I- I . . . <~< ';, !f_:'W;-;';,d'~i%-':~::_, "t~;,{':i';.~j:t:'~?1i7::~~}~~j~:~~1i!:>~;i~,t VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER August 10 August 11-12 August 15-16 August 19 August 21 August 22 Olympic National Park Reception Class of 1980 Reunion International Festival Judging Rockwell-Irwin Wedding Blood Drive Youth & Parents Soccer Meeting VBMCC - GYM. USERS Noon Open Gym Gym Walkers Parks & Rec After School Program Family Center Toddlers AAU Basketball VERN BURTON MEETING ROOM EVENTS: August 1 August 8-9 August 9 August 11 August 21 August 22 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31 Washington State Department of Personnel 55 Alive Driving Class Clallam Conservation Voters Salmon Recover - Lead Entity Group Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Health Care Class Platt, Irwin depositions Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Health Care Class Rexall Seminar Down Town Association Meeting Valley Creek Project Meeting VBMCC - REGULAR MEETING ROOM USERS: Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Transit Union Clallam Co. Food Handlers Skills Center Healthy Families ~~~~!~Ex~h~n~~__ _ Swim Club Juan de Fuca Festival Non Motorized Meetings PAZZAZ. Bike Club _ ~~I1I1_e.r's __P~rent Group Elwha Management Team Parks & Ree After School Program Ostomy Support Group Board of Industrial Appeals Land Trust COUNCIL CHAMBERS: City Council Meetings Board of Adjustments Planning Story People DUI Victims Panel School District Dept of Revenue Clallam County Health Dept. 143 LINCOLN PARK RENTALS Clubhouse Longhouse Loomis Building AUQust 8 7 4 To Date 49 35 20 LIONS 'PARK 1 5 RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAMS: Summer Parks Program - 151 children enrolled. -Program ended on August 251h Square Dance Lessons each Monday at the Senior Center -On vacation until fall Line Dance Classes each Tuesday Evening at Vern Burton Center. -On vacation until fall Puzzle Exchange Scrabble Club Last Sunday of each month First Sunday ot each month PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL EVENTS: August 5 & 6 PAZZAZ Soccer Tournament - 41 Teams; 33 out-ot-town August 12 & 13 Snapple 'Tournament - Youth Baseball -.23 Teams; 20 out-of-town August 12 & 13 State Transit Union Adult Softball Tournament - 5 Teams; 4 out-ot-town August 19 & 20 Botchie/Moe Adult Co-ed Softball Tournament - 8 Teams; 4out-ot-town August 21 - Sept 1 13 Year Old Junior Babe Ruth Camp - 26 Participants August 28 - Sept 1 Youth H20 Camp - 21 Participants OTHER USES: Scout Meetings each Wed. evening 4-H & Scout Meetings alternating Tuesdays . . UP-COMING RECREATION September 6 After School Program begins at Jefferson & Franklin Schools September 10 Fall Soccer League Begins September 17 Punt - Pass & Kick Competitiofl October 9 FalllWinter Volleyball League Begins November 4-5 Talking Rain - Mens' Basketball Tournament November 4-5 Boys' Tipoff - Youth Basketball Tournament November 5 Winter Open League Basketball Begins November 6 Winter "0" League Basketball Begins November 11-12 Turkey Shoot - Girls' Basketball Tournament WEEKLY ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM and FIELD SCHEDULING FOR: Junior Soccer AAU YMCA PAHS-Baseball'JuniorBabe -Ruth- 'littte-league CITY PIER EVENTS: August 4 Concert by Death Fetish August 6 Olympic Vineyard Concert & Gathering August 9 Association of Retarded Citizens Gathering Thursdays Concert on Pier Series Ongoing---Use-{)t,~ire--P4by-variGus-gFGupS UP-COMING PIER EVENTS: September 3 Olympic Vineyard September 16-17 Jet Ski Competition September 23 Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk-a- Thon 14 . ";"j{":"i1{7tt:~1;W'~";'(>'~i'~h~:i\~i;...',':Y;ii,~e~0~~:~Nri~~;,~~";' PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT August 2000 . Information & Referral 1,386 15,001 1,644 -13,917 Estimated Attendance 4,381 40,708 3,733 35,231 Health Programs 353 4,746 506 3,987 Education Programs 395 4,293 371 5,274 Social/Events/Programs/Meals 1,538 13,827 1,435 13,503 Trips: Taken 5 44 8 49 Passengers 68 559 76 492 Volunteers: 152 146 Hours 1,650 11,862 1,227 12,163 Membership: 35 1,531 30 1,351 City 16 1,009 23 912 County 19 522 7 439 . 145 . SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS - Users July 30 - August 7 August 3 LF.P. used Sr. Center van during Japan~se Student's visit Crab House Restaurant Port Angeles School District McDonald Wedding Ripley Firm Legal Forum Strub Wedding Reception North Olympic Library Union Meeting Port Angeles School District August 5 August 17/24 August 26 August 29 August 31 SENIOR CENTER REGULAR USERS Senior Nutrition Board Soroptimists Jet Set Senior Info & Assistance NARFE Board Eckankar Senior Providers CCWAB . The Feel Good Place Olympic Area Agency on Aging . ~ SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAMS August 1 August 11 August 15 August 21 State Legislators a Low Vision Support Group Creative Memories Program Fashion Show by Talullah's Trunk Annual BBQ and Visitation by New Horizons Sr. Center, Victoria . 146 . . August 2000 '''. ". -r;.'"t,:":~:<'{ '~~\:'~l:W'fY,i;J\'~t ,~--;; '~~3~;~r~~lw,~?r.w;~;:-rr~:'?:~1 SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED..REGULAR PROGRAMS .Stretch ClasslWeight Training .Blood Pressure Checks . Chair Massage .Alzheimers Support Group .Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs .Yoga . Trail Walk .Paint on Own . Golden Agers .Senior Swingers .Senior Singers .One Day/Over Night Trips .Pool . Bridge . Cribbage . Calligraphy Health .Amputee Support Group .Chair Exercise (3x wk) .Low Vision Support .Tai Chi .Foot Care (4x month) .Weight Training Education .Round Table on Politics . Defensive Driving Class .Tap Classes Social/Recreational .Drawing/Painting .Spring Chicken Band .Drawing . Coffee Lounge .P R Committee .At the Movies (weekly) .Bingo (3x week) .Olympic Peninsula Chess Club .Pinochle (3x week) .Pickle Ball (3x week) . Crafts . 147 ,I . . . 148 . . CITY OF no' R"~'T( i" AN 1, :GE. .t:- ,E. :5', I=- ,. "',' "'J:r. '- .,...... . '- ,v .~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C I T Y C 0 UNCI L M E M 0 DATE: September 19,2000 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council Members FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist SUBJECT: Planning Department Monthly Report - August, 2000 CURRENT PLANNING ApPLICATIONS: Bed and Breakfast Permit Boundary Line Adjustments Conditional Use Permits Environmentally Sens. Areas Home Occupation Permit Minor Deviations Retail Stand Permit Rezones Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Short Plats Street Vacation Subdivisions Variances Wetland Permits Code Enforcement Appeals 1 o 3 o o o o o 1 o o o o o o o SEP A ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONS: Determinations of Non Significance 5 Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 0 Determinations of Significance 0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATIONS: Clearing and Grading Permits 3 Building Permits 1 '. 149: . . . I 150 ;.: ..tr:;~~r;2'.;;~' ~ THE CiTY OF P2RT ANGcELES Police D;epartment .""'s~ ~ ~~~\y ~ O~ ~ ..~~c. . ~ ~ ~e ~.._,' ,... .; .r,,/..C-o . ..' "..ill .1 :Nfl . ::l~ . . ., Jt.1JL~."~" ~. -,.,." Ib.' frlC ........... ....., ~~Ci ~ l~~~.. ; ~l"""'" '~iB' , l.t,~.. r.i'~ ~6 . . .k~ !O-T AMGW, \~~'1ci9:.r:""""""'11;,tl'~ . ~ . '~~ 151 Mission Statement: . fnpartnership with our community, the Port Af1geles Police Department recognizes its missidn10 serve in a compassionate, courteous, and professional manner, to promote freedom and peace ~f mind, pride in our neighborhoods, and the safety of our families. <~ · The month began on a tragic The Port Angeles Police Department, note, not only for our community with assistance from various state and and Port Angeles law enforcement, local agencies, coordinated Deputy but for the entire Washington State Davis' memorial service and funeral, law enforcement family. On both of which took place within the city August 5th, Clallam County limits. . An estimated 1500 law Sheriffs Deputy Wallace "Wally" enforcement personnel from as far- Davis was shot and killed in the away as California and Canada, along line of duty. The shooting took with approximately 2500 civilians, place a short distance from the Port Angeles attended the memorial service. city limits. Port Angeles Police Officers Steve Coyle, E. Duane Benedict and Glen Roggenbuck were some of the first officers to arrive at the scene of the shooting. These officers assisted members of the Clallam County Sheriffs Department in reaching Deputy Davis and removing him from the scene so that medical treatment could be rendered. Professionalism, quick thinking and bravery . are terms that come to mind to describe their actions. During the ensuing stand-off with the suspect, the Port Angeles Police Department provided support services to the Clallam County Sheriff's Department, Washington State PatroL SWAT Team and the Seattle Police Department SW AT Team. Officers helped locate the suspect, evacuate neighbors and keep perimeter integrity. Sergeant Qallagher acted as . Operations Commander during portions of the stand-off. After twenty five hours of continuous negotiatIOns and numerous volleys of chemical agents, the suspect surrendered. He subsequently was charged with Aggravated First De~u[der 152 . A considerable amount of time was spent in the investigation of the nineteen year old woman that was shot in late July in her west Port Angeles home, allegedly by her twenty-two year old live-in boyfriend. By late August, the woman had recovered enough from her injuries that she was able to be interviewed by detectives. . In June of this year, a 21-year old man was arrested for multiple counts of Child Rape in the Third Degree, a class C felony. The man reportedly had sex with his IS-year old girlfriend. She was subsequently found to be pregnant. He was subsequently charged with one count of Child Rape in the Third Degree. In August the man was allowed to plead gui Ity by the Clallam County Prosecutor's Office to one count of Assault in the Fourth Degree, a gross misdemeanor. A patrol officer attempted to effect a traffic stop on a motorcycle on Hwy 101 near Del Guzzi Drive because the driver of the motorcycle was not wearing eye protection. Initially the motorcycle accelerated rapidly in an attempt to elude the patrol officer. The driver eventually slowed but continued his attempt to elude the officer. Near Morse Creek-the-dfWer-threw-itemnmt<J1he . . . . ; :<~";jV?~;;:i~;;~~~~r".":",,,; · roadway. The motorcycle yielded to the patrol officer near Bagley Creek. The items thrown onto the roadway were retrieved and found to contain methamphetamine and marijuanll. The driver, a 3 I -year old man, was placed under arrest and charged with Attempting to Elude a Pursuing Police Vehicle and Possession of a Controlled Substance. Also, his driving privilege was suspended and warrants had been issued for his arrest. · The Calgary, Canada Police Department contacted the Port Angeles Police Department seeking assistance In identifying and locating a woman who was suspected of abandoning her disabled 4 year old son in a Calgary grocery store. The woman was reportedly from the Port Angeles area. The abandonment generated Immense media attention, not only In Canada but in the United States. Several leads were developed that assisted law enforcement in identifying the woman. A Port Angeles woman contacted a detective from the Port Angeles Police Department stating that the woman sought by Calgary Police had contacted her and arranged for them to meet in Victoria, B.C. The Port Angeles detective contacted Canad ian authorities and arrangements were made for the Canadian Authorities to intervene in the meeting and contact the woman suspected of abandoning her son. · Detective Corporal Kovatch accompanied the cooperating Port Angeles woman to Victoria, s.c. The meeting with the woman suspected of abandoning her son occurred as planned. She was taking into custody without incident. · Officers received a report from the fairgrounds that two marijuana plants had been found. Assuming someone's parent had thrown out the contraband after finding it in a child's room, officers were amazed to find twQhug~marijuan3-plants_potteciin - . ;~\i?);.;; , ~,"J;.Y:i' "\>',.., · two gallon containers equipped with feeding and watering tubes. The base of the two plants were as thick around as a man's wrists, indicating they were probably at least five years old. Concealed by thick vegetation, the leaves of the two plants could easily have fetched $2,000 on today's street market. The plants were discovered by a work release crew as they were clearing trash out of the Lincoln Park area. Evidently some enterprising horticulturist had carved a tunnel into one of the large blackberry patches in the park, and once in the middle, created a small clearing and set up a mini-marijuana fann.- While it would be anybody's guess as to how long the plants were at this spot, they had been producing for a long time. · Officers responded to the report of a man stealing items from a boat parked at the Victoria Express dock. When officers arrived they observed the male in a boat 100 yards off the City Pier. The officer and a crew from the Arrow Launch attempted to contact the male, who swam to shore, and hid in the bushes next to the City Trail. The male provided false identification, which showed that he had no criminal record or fingerprints on file in the United States. [t was determined he was a career criminal from Canada. · A group of teenagers, boys and girls, gathered at a residence to celebrate the release of one of their friends from detention in the Clallam County Youth Center. During the gathering each participant drank five to ten shots of vodka. One of the participants, a 16-year old girl, passed out on a cot. Another participant, a 17-year old male, partially disrobed the girl and began having sex with her. The. girl awoke, got dressed and departed. The male was arrested and charged with Rape in the Third Degree. · An officer was dispatched to investigate a theft of a motor vehicle. While the officer was taking the complaint the vehicle drove by al1Qther-~fficer-:-=Fhe-offt~er-~topped--th e 2 153 vehicle and took two young adults and a ju- venile into custody. The suspects claimed they took the vehicle because they were bored. Maybe their jail experience will be more exciting for them. · A thirty-three year old Port Angeles man was stopped by a patrol officer on a traffic stop because the patrol officer recognized the man and knew that his pr,ivilege to drive was sus- pended. The man was arrested and the subse- quent search of h is person arid veh icle re- vealed a small amount of methamphetamine, a large amount of cash and items associated with the sale of methamphetamine. When the man was booked into jail, approximately 20 grams of methamphetamine was located that had been secreted on his person. The man was charged with Possession with Intent to Deliver. The methamphetamine has a street value of approximately $1,750.00. · A twenty year old man was found guilty of being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm. He was sentenced to 120 days in jail and fined $910.00. · A thirty-three year old woman was found guilty of First Degree Theft, Forgery and Possession of Methamphetamine. She was sentenced to fifty-three months in prison. Twenty-five of those months were converted to community custody. She was also fined $910 and a hearing wi II be held at a later time to determine restitution. · An IS-year old man was Found guilty of Possession of Stolen Property (5 counts), Failure to Register as an Sex Offender, and Trafficking in Stolen Property. He was sen- tenced to 30 days injail. · A 17 -year old girl received a deferred prose- cution on charges of Forgery (three counts). Juveniles with no criminal history are often- times offered deferred prosecutions. Given a. specific amount of time to comply with court ordered sanctions and with no other viola- tion-s-{}C-dw-Iaw,the-eh ar-ges--wi f f- be-dropped 154 and the juvenile will not have a criminal re- cord. . · Officers respond i ng to an alarm at the landfi II scale shack stoppea- a car that was departing the cemetery. The driver pulled over and fled on foot. A female passenger claimed they were just visiting a friend at the cemetery. The driver was located and determined t~ be a minor that had consumed intoxicants. Fur- ther investigation revealed the driver's step- father had given him. the car to go to the pool. Several arrests for minor in possession were made. .Electronic Home Monitoring , During the month of August 2000, a total of two people served a total of 30 days of electronic confinement. At the jails daily rate of $50 per day per prisoner it equates to approximately $1500 in savings. SUMMARY OF POLICE EMPLOYEE TRAINING HOURS AUGUST 2000 . Police Employee Training Current Month Hours Communications: Day to Day Supervision Skills First Level Supervision Operations: I Video Training I DEA Basic N arcolics I School Resource Ot1icer BAC Datamaster Refresher Total Hours This Month TOlal Hours""';Year to Date 14 40 5 8 40 4 129 illS . 3 . . . )'r;Ni!~;~.,t~%j~i;g;"',; ;:j'~ :" ~< ":;:,r);i&}~:Sf~~;f}'{0'!;;(:Iz;:r~-{l; CRIME PREVENTION Detective Jack Lowell Crime Prevention: . Two new Crime Stoppers profiles . Crime Fax Alerts . National Night Out · Met with Gottschalks Loss Prevention Employee · Follow up investigations on earlier cases. Grant proiects: · Path Grant (YMCA). · Department of Justice Ballistic Vest Grant. · Washington Traffic Safety Grant Investie:ations: · Assisted patrol officers by executing a search warrant for drugs on a seized vehicle. · Assault I (stabbing) Case: obtained blood samples for the Crime Lab. · Assault I (shooting) Case: computerized crime scene sketches. Miscellaneous: · Equipment for new cars.. · Issued gas masks. · Issued 12 ballistic helmets. · A photo montage · Departmental report The Police Department received three new cars this year. The new cars will be easily recogniz- able by the new graphic design. 4 155 / ~ (p. Our Police Department I E'. Senior Volunteers pro.vided 308 hours of service during the month of August.. Much of this was dedicated to office work, the Clallam County Fair, the Air Show and the Memorial Service for Clallam County Sheriffs Deputy Wally Davis. They also provided other services including vacation house checks and radar/speed watch. So far this year Senior Volunteers have provided 1147.5 hour of service to the City of Port Angeles. SUMMARY OF POLICE OFFICER OVERTIME HOURS AUGUST 2000 (thru 08-20-00) · Range, K-9 Training, DUI Emphasis, Firearms Instruction Special Events ' . Am;1y HlUIS YTD ClIJIld< 5925 Omritta:s;nj ~ 15 101.25 Can Tm: 21 116 lWU:. Sc/'oj Rl:scut:ealica'. Sdn:/ Pard 0 40.5 Paid lliai~ (aJISd: fining) 2&5 229.5 I-\jidly 925 5ff) 5 InOs~ Men 447 10197 Imcsi~ti<J'&'D:m:si;: Vderre. W.rnns 46.5 245 Rqxn 'Mti'll 65 9iftC~ 10l 44&5 T raring aroTmd ~ 748 5 T IIehe I-hr IU: 52 136 Mscd~ 1Sll. 75 J 17 75 Totd 617.72 JI15.72 R:rttnlor~\\brkHxus 1!\6% 1!\6% 'Ibu< K.lJ T~ OU &-pasis. F...... \"'......, 5,=;; E>u<s 911 Calls YTO totals are read on the right scale . 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 <... -n III ClI :J cr c: 2 III -< QJ -< 26000 24000 22000 20000 ~ . . 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 ~ QJ n ::r ~ ~ ~ QJ '< <... <... ~ (J) 0 Z ~ c: c: 0 -< :J -< c: ClI n 0 -i ClI co 'U 6' < lD c: ro lD Q 0 0 !!t cr 3 3 ~ 3 cr cr cr ~ ~ ~ 8000 . 5 156 ""~;~"1' '/:;:.\\1;'1 , 'r.f'~~~'Tf'i;>Y,;?~;', . Calls for Service YTD totals are read on the right scale 2500 15000 14000 ,~, . . 2000 . 13000 12000 1500 11000 10000 .9000 1000 8000 7000 500 6000 5000 0 4000 <- ." ~ )> ~ <- <- )> (J) 0 :z: ~ -< -< w CD c: c: 0 :> 0- w ~ w :> -< c: CD 0 0 CD -l -l c: n '< CD 10 "0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 <= c: iii w :T ~ 0- 3 CD .... IV -< w 3 ~ 3 -< 0- lD lD 0 0- CD 0- lD lD 0 CD .., ~ Q) lD 0 ... . Police Department Dispatches YTO totals are read on the right scale 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 '- "T1 II> '" :> g- c: II> c: -< II> -< 14000 13500 13000 . 12500 12000 11500 11000 10500 10000 . 6 157 Parking Enforcement . Revenues are reflected on the righl scale $25,000 300 250 o' 200 259 .~ $19,924 ~. 17.6.14 f:>, . . .0. . . ..~, . O' 150 100 50 $5,213 . : :~;9~~- 9, . . -: ~-~ :c:-:-~--.:. ---:--- ----+ --.: . o. - - . ..., '0'" ..0' $~:'It'UIO(; :~1 ';~~'-:l~'$~.310 ....0... "0' .... o '- '" :;] c '" -< -n s:: }> s:: '- '- }> (f) 0 z C1l '" -c '" c C C CD n 0 Sf 9- .., '< :;] -< <0 -c (; < CD C CD CD C ~ 0- 3 '" 3 ~ -< 0- 0- ~ ~ $20,000 $15,000 $10.000 $5,000 $0 o CD @ 3 0- ~ . 70 Accidents YTO tolals are read on the right scale 60 50 . 40 . 30 20 10 '- -n s:: }> s:: '- '- }> (f) 0 Z 0 ~ -< -< '" CD '" ~ Ql C C C CD 0 0 ~ ~ ::l g- '< ::l -< (Cl '0 (; < CD 0 0 0 C n CD C CD CD 0 Ql 'C ::T ~ 0- 3 CD N -< Ql 3 ~ 3 <0 <0 0 -< 0- 0- 0- <0 <D 0 CD ~ ~ CD <0 0 .., . 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 7 158 . . II) c: o :;:: .!!! o :> o :e CO '- .... 0000000000000000 1'-1'-<D<DLOLO'<t"'<t"C")C")NN..-.- All Other Suspended License Seat Belt Violation Negligent Driving Speeding-School Zone Speeding Follow Too Close F ail to Yield Fail to Stop - Sign Fail to Slop - Signal Insurance Violation Driver License Viol Expired Veh license . II) Q) E ';: () t: CO Q.. Arson Theft-Other Theft - Vehicle Theft from Building 0:..../ j ~ Theft from Vehicle Shoplifting Burglary-Other IIRIIm 00 Burglary- Residential Assault 4th Assault-Felony Robbery Rape/Sex Offense o o N o co o co o '<t" o N o o o co o <D o '<t" o N Homicide o 0) LO ~ . '" . ~I I~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Mise/Other I_I ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..c:. 001ro,......f.Ol()~("t')N~O en N.....T""'~,.....,.......-..-,............_ g I I I I I . . I I I I I YTO 2000 Runaway ~ll I ~ !'! '" Violate Protection ~'fII1 I ~ I · t YTD 1999 Order ~'I .8 o f- >- Alcohol Violations I.....' ".. 1 A"m.l, Olh" DUI ,'" . ~ Anlmal- Vicious Domestic-Verbal I' . ~ I ~ ' t Animal - Stray II) E <>: : : Drug Violation ,g 5" . . g 5 Animal - Noise ~ E () Crime Against ~ C Ilill::lflll 0- - Child/Sex E ~ ... .- B Animal - ~ ~ ~ Complaints a. Weapon Violation Animal - Lost Mal Mischief 3rd Mal Mischief - Animal - F I Injured/Sick e ony UIBC/Fraud Animal. Found Stalk/Harass A. I 0 d n1ma - ea ResisVObstruc Animal _ 0000000000000 N ..- 0 O'l co r-- CD It) 'V C'") N ..- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Abused ...-..-,- 0 III 01.0 0 1.O 0 U') 0 l() l() <oct ~ t"") M N N _ .. .--.- --....- - ... h___._ --~-------- -1---.- o tD ~ . . . ::':'Vi.>f',j;;1'l,;''-''-:fo' . $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 '- }> en c c C1) ;b co 't:l <D .0 .0 <D <D Jail Expense YTO totals are read on the right scale $350,000 $300,000 j..._.......~..~.... D'$26E:,137! !. $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 0 z 0 '- ." ii: }> ii: '- '- }> en 0 z 0' U 0 C1I III C1I e:: "0 III C C C C1I n 0 <ll < c;> ::;) CT ~ '< ::;) ~ co 't:l 0 < 0 .0 to c 2 0 lD C (b C1I <ll <0 III ::T CT <0 <D <0 -< III !!!. 3 ~ 3 3 -< 0- CT 0- ~ ~ ~ . _~IWtO-lii~~~a Adult Arrests , YTD,totals are read on lhe right scale 120 900 80 800 100 .719 700 600 60 500 40 400 .347 20 .281 300 200 0 c.... ." ii: )> ii: '- '- )> en 0 z 0 ~ ~ -< III C1I e:: ~ III C C C C1I U 0 -f ::;) CT '< ::;) ~ <0 "0 < C1I 0 0 0 c 2 0 (1) c (b 0 <ll 0 III ::T !!!. CT 3 C1I ~ ~ tv -< III 3 !!: 3 -< CT <D <0 0 CT CT <0 <0 0 ~ ~ ~ CD <0 0 100 . !,.~~,' ',~~,,'~~;\~M(i[lf~t(:fil-~;€~r .'i, ;J:, ,."\t~~W~~:~:~!::" "~~~{~~~1l1J~~:':~*~ :.~:\<:~::f/',;~i~:~?t~~;~~~:';<<j~::~:~ .<, ">,;~~':~€J~',:<'~ .r'< ~(,\;!t;=;~i:~~~il~1~~~'{ 10 161 ';; , . Juvenile Arrests YTD Iota Is are read on the right scale 50 300 45 0 275 . 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" ~ > ~ t.. <- > en 0 z 0 Ol 11l !!l ~ Dl c: c: c: Ql (') 0 11l ::J 0- '< ::J -< 10 "0 0" < ~ c: 2 (') '" c: (ij 11l Dl =r ~ a- 3 3 Dl 3 ~ -< -< 0- CT CT !!l 11l ~ ., i" . II 162 A N';.G'E.,.lES$,~:E.:N',!I:OH' ;I" ALL..T~U;cJ~RYVS THAT fiTS, WE PRIt'JT;;. 'PORtANGEt:ES sENlef{i;cENTER ! SERfliEMBER2000 }l SING ALONG ~. THIS MONTH . IT HAD TO BE YOU m,ePtem~er-the delights of . summer are at. an end,.. or will- be all too r h d' b ."soon.HowmanKofro~.h~d entries at theClallal1)CountyFair? I had three t a. to e youentri~s In. ~he Culinary~rtssecti,on for a total of thre~rip~p.r's,two blue and It had to be you one red. I guess'l'm still not ready tqhire an agent. Before we continue, it's important Iwandered around, to point out thatSeptemberisB~kind to~ditors andWrit~'?ftv1Orl~h,....4ut mostly And finally found editors. Of cour~e, it's al~o;Childre~'s Good ~anners' Mon.t~ft,t~raryCard Sign-u.p The somebody who Month, and National ChicKen, Coupon, Ethmc Foods, Honey;- MushroorTl, Organic C :;'Id k' b Harye~t, Pial)o'..Rice,Schoo.ISuccess and, finaIlY/~ha,rTlele,~~~r<?rTI.()~j<>.f1Mo'1\h. Which ou ma e me e true reminds me~ keep in mind one of the outstanding theatriC(lI, eyentsoftheseason gets Could make me be blue underWCiySeptember 29th at thEiPortAngelesPlayh()useY.MurderJat,tRe Vicarage. And even be glad, Coinciden!':'1l1y,} play the P?rt,of,..the policeinspect<>.~,;.~mC?st.aff,al:ll~. character Just to be sad, regrettablyupsta.g:d by that snoop, Miss M~rple~ah,the~l,irlgSan~ arr?~s~f. . . . No .lhinking of you. matter,you~1I en~oythesh~w. Check the Tnpssectlon ofthlsnewsle~e,r'an~ sIgn up for . the Sunday Jnfitll)ee shovimg.' On that same note, the playhouse IS hostmg an open Some others I've seen, house on the 9th, an eventto highlight on your social calendar..ln addition to . ~ightnever be mean, refreshments, a Jragment of the production will be presented. Do attend. I'm taking Might never be;~ross . name\he National Storyteller of the Year Contest is ih;MiHersp6A:~91hiO; we can only , Or try to be boss, hopee(1Ertes,aredimitedto t~9,~e"n?trunningf()r()ffice;gtb~~i~et'anatrtateurJike But they wouldn't do, myseWdqesn'tstand' achanc:e.:H{)\\Ie~er, candipat~s,<!s\\lell a~o~ice~h?IHers are:. no , For nQbodyelse doubt-eligible for the ~athr<ionvWall :!-imerick Contest,.irH,P~WSOrl: City,:;Yul(ort The Gave me a thrill, awards wi.lt be pres~nt~datpi.~mon~! ooth G~~ie~s.G~inblirg H~II.~ NO'NJet me se~,'; ". With all your faults II There was,ayoi.mg lady namedEtta~ . ." Morehead City, NortH Carolina is hosting ~; the Baldis~ea~tiful convent!op(C;e,tit?) during t.he second.week.Tha~reminds me of /C Iloyeyoustill, a girl I once ~ated--"':atleas~sh~:n.e~e'rused ". . .;washi~gmyhair. ::"asa~excuse to It had to be 'you, break a delte,.Consider exte,ndingNo News is GoodNewsgay"Sep!emb~r 11, from WonderfUl you, one daytoa full we~k--riaY';~ifortnight. To participa~~,yolJ;,~UstClygidreading, It had to be you. listening to, or watching the neWS; as a result, you'll feellJetter at ni'ght. On the subdljed 'sid~, you might corlsieer. the Carry Nation temperance, festi"al in Holly, Mich.ig~rl;ke,eRin mind it's a BypB affair. Then, too, th~ symlTlergIYrripic.s. bO\y on the'1 5th;: from dO;-vnunder. Because, of the time difference;no'eYentwmD~bro~dcast live; butthen, since it's "down IJnder/,could we expect an}1hiHg,e,is~?"':,,'?", h.. It's autulTln, or will be, effective the morning ofthe,22!}~j'solet's enjoy the fairs, fiestas and fall colors. ~raRup the month celebrating t-v1i~haelmas Day on,.the 29th, the princeof guardian angels. I~'s beli~ved that ify~)U eatg~.?~eonMi~h.~~.tma~Day, you wil,tneverwant for money all year. Hey, it's one way t6getthegeese'out 6ftheparks. ()nth~fonowing day, the,30th,you can helpy()ur.Jewishfriends celebrate Rosh HashanCih(Jewish NeW'Y~ar), theday of atonement. . ....... ............ .'. .' ',' ..... ..' JupiterJa~d Saturnare~he'two bright planets threilding!~~irVfay iflto"the night sky late Citnightthis month, and since we're losing dayligh,t atthera!eof tWo minutes daily,there's more and more night sky to enjoy. '. .. .... ...... . .., '.' .......' . . 'The newsletter inent to'frien~s of the Centercoastt() ~oast::YV~rep~ivelTlar1Y commen~, ,aU po,sitive,. regardi~gl~he'numerous activiti.es,,~v,a.il.~~I~}to-seniors;in th!s area. My;sixsisters think youguysand gals have it made. E~~rytr.ip~~s~ol}.ofbpjlding a fire under you, is dorieto get you moving; come to think of it, 'there'tlavebeen times when I did perceive a whiffof smoke. . Be good to each other. PyO HT . RIDDLE ME THIS What was., the first man- ma'de'Object to travel faster:.ctIJan the speed' of sound? Ansyter,.loAugust...riddle: If three cats catch three mice in three minutes, hpVfmany cats would be needed to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?"":'The same three cats would do. Since theSe three cats are averaging one mouse per minute, given' 100qalnutes,_ the cats would catch 1 00 mice. ;;...-~ " ANGELES SENIOR TIMES September 2000 . The po& Angeles Senior Times I is a monthly publication of the Port Angeles Senior Center and is printed by the City of Port Angele~. The Times lists current schedul~s of programs and events and is mailed at cost or may be 'picked up at the center. The Po~ Angeles Senior Center is not legally responsible for, nor dries it guarantee, any product, service or program publishfd in the new~letter. The cory tent of the Port Angeles VOLUNTEER STAFF COORDINATORS; , , ,Senior, rimes is ;intende~ on~y . . " . _ . f?r t~eL~eader's convenience RECEPTfONDESK: ~ee porte~eld, COFFE~LOU~GE:'~,err: ~mlth-';~ndihfdrmatrdh~',d ';. "," .'; ":,..' PUBLIC RELATIONS. Bob Burk',; SfNIORSINGfRS,~;ElsleJudd, """ EOITOR:-MIf(f'PERZEL ,;' Office Staff: Lorna Wells 360.452.7786 . , !, :;, ".'" " I' STAFF I ~ADElINE LANG MARLlS PANCHYSHYN I Jo PERZEL SENIOR CENTER I VOLUNTEERs , r PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER Director: Jean Hordyk GUIDING COMMITTEE: Elected by the Center membership for a two- year term. Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 9 a.m. Assists with program planning, events and fund raising. Recommends policies and set guidelines. Open meetings. Charles Hudson (Chair) 360.452.8233 *Herbert Spiegel (Vice Chair) 360.452.7180 Madeline Lang (Secretary) 360. 457.8433 Marian Lovell (Treasurer)360.457.1822 Margaret Lawrence 360.452.5928 *Bob Burk 360.457.0797 Pat Schaefer 360.457.7130 Virginia Kanters 360.452.1766 Dick Goodman 360.457.1175 Mary Walsh 360.452.3548 Ted Tedrow 360.457.9210, *Lee Roberts 360.417.0326 I * Second Term SUNSHINE COMMITTEE Lee Roberts 360.41 7.0326 Mary Walsh 360.452.3548 MEMBERSHIP: Open to anyone over the age of 55 and a permanent resident of Clallam County. Dues are $7.00 for City residents and $10.00 for all others. Participation is not limited t() members. OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Telephone: 360.457.7004 Fax Number: 360.417.1942 CENTER OPERATION: The Port Angeles Senior Center is owned and operated by the City of Port Angeles. Programs and services are self-supporting. I PO RfT e800Be 90ur I ' ""rdB careful/a, I - fot'18e1l define I eNo 1IOU are! j .. Strengthen..stretch-Relax Thursdays, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come join us in eight sessions of basic stretching, strengthening, breathing, and body awareness. These classes are taught by certified integrative yoga therapist Patricia Zukas. Classes are geared for all levels of proficiency with gentle postures as well as higher levels of intensity. Special attention is given to ba~ care and deep relaxation. The cost . . Ch~ir Exercises for the eight-week program (one session a week) ,,'Monday, Wednesday/Friday, ,9:00 a.m. "'ls'$64:00:; ",.;, "";~T;' . ,~.With gentle aerobic stretching and i,. . 'Coordination'exercis~s for mer;land ..' Golden Agers CIOb '.~, women of all'abilities,you can work" Thursdays, 10:'30'a.m.-3:00 p.m. ' at your own pace. Come once, twi~."." "The'Port Angeles Golden Agars Club meets,every , or three times a ~ee~. No char~e, ThursdaY: Lunch is served at noon,'followed'by,.':' no sign-up, no obligation. Just glye bingo from 1 :00 to 3:00 p.m. New members are! it a try. It may be just what you've welcome! Every second Thursday of the month is, been looking for. Auctio.n Day (11 :00 a.m.) and the third Thursday is Potluck day (at noon). / i ,/ ;' "'/,;:;, ....,...."'>:;,L/'~:::'rn(./.::.;/I;:/':;.'.l.y:!'l1L;:I>fi>S' ~.'. ;a.;."B':~>'>":;~':,) ,;<./.1"; "r,'. ...... ". ., ..,.. / .,- '- ,--'." ...-...... C-, - ........... ':-I~' -,', ". '. " ..,'", " :,,;'~:;, ":'..',...,,: <.... "'~;.";,:~,'ir':;-',,;i~;V.:b";:r..i .t".....'.' :.,..',..< Self Help for the Hard of Hearing Tinnitus: What Causes n1 Tuesday, Sept. 5, 10:00 a.m. Robbie Bishop, audiologist from Virginia Mason Clinic in Seattle, will be the speaker for this meeting. His subject will be tinnitus, the annoying noise or "ringing" in a hearing impaired person's head. There will be time for questions after this talk. Self-Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc. is a volunteer international association of people who are hard of hearing, as well as their relatives and friends. It is a nonprofit, nonsectarian, educational organization devoted to the welfare and interest of those who cannot hear well. Please feel free to bring your family or friends to the meeting. For more information, or if you need a ride, call Gerry Smith (360-417-0523) or Joyce McDaniel (360-452-5517). ... 'p'."-,' . .' .J True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united. .... . Humboldt Directional 5MBER & Acupressure Point Self Stimulation Starts Wed., Sept. 6,10:00 a.m. This 4-week program teaches you how to use directional 5MBER and acupressure point self- stimulation to slow down your aging process, lose weight and stop smoking. You willleam how to self- .hYPnotize yourself and what acupressure points to stimulate to help you overcome fears, depression, ,gnd feelings of loneliness and being overwhelmed. ilaze lisenkoff, Ph.D., C.Ht., is the instructor. The fee is $30.00. Senior Self Massage Starts Wed., Sept..6, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Learn self massage for · Improved respiration · Improved circulation · Increased flexibility · Increased mental clarity · Decreased pain This class is taught by Doris Goodman, a Washington licensed massage therapist. Doris has practiced massage therapy for 25 years and at one time had a school of massage therapy. She also taught Yoga for 25 years. Yoga Class Thursdays, 3:00 p.m. This is a gentle ongoing class for all levels with special focus on seniors. Patricia Zukas is a nationally registered yoga teacher. For more information call her at 360-379-1458. Classes in Driftwood Sculpture Starts Fri., Sept. 8, 9:00 a,m.-12:00 Patricia Bartlett, author of [)riftwood Sculpture, From Finding to Fine Finishing will again be offering a six-week workshop for those wishing to learn the. LuRon method of crafting raw driftwood into supert,> works of art. Participants should bring the following tools to the first class: . an X-ACTO wood carving router (look for red handle) and package of three X- ACTO circular blades, one pack of assorted sandpaper, driftwood. and a spray bottle for water. Some driftwood. hand and power tools as well as other supplies will be provided. Upon completion of this workshop. participants are welcome to become members of the Peninsula Driftwood Artists. Patricia will also be offering a four-week workshop for contemporary skills in crafting raw driftwood into works of art. This class will be held on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon. starting November 8. The cost for each class is $36.00 and will be collected at the first meeting. \. "'\, I I · Sept. 25 Girl, Interrupted Winona Ryder, Angelina JOlie, Vanessa Redgrave In a time of rebellion, a girl finds the strength to turn her life around. Susanna Kaysen checks herse_. \ into a mental institution and a compelling dra~ ' ensues as she develops friendships and J:ieep bonds with the other girls. She is eventually forced to find her sanity and rightful place in the world. Based on a true story. R Geography Of The United States Class . Starts Mon.. Sept. 11, 1 :00 p.m. Why is it hot in the South and cold in the North? Why are western mountains so much bigger than mountains in the East? Dr. Baker will answer these questions and discuss other interesting geographical highlights about the United States . The cost for this ten-week course is $21.00, to be paid when you sign up at the first class. Crime Prevention: Con Men and Their Scams Fri., Sept. 8, 10:00 a.m. Seniors as a group are frequently targeted by criminals. The Senior Volunteers of the Port Angeles Police Department will give tips on what to Solutions to Problems With Low Vision do to avoid becoming a victim. The programs are: Tuesday, September 12,10:00 a.m. · Sept. 8 Too Good To Be True Cathy Williams will present some solutions to key, .. .' Oct. 17 Te/IJphone .. problems that people with low vision encounter. ' If there is atopic you would like to have covered; :" DOr:"t.become(,aT~ch.l~~I~~rnhow,.todeal ,with, . call lee Porterfielq at. 360-457-f)278, or leave. a . ;.vision,oss and st~y;,:active~_ NptfJ:, Low'Visi~, . message'sttheoffice desk"aMd w~ will try to set up Support 'Group has changed itsnie~ting day to ~hP "a particular program for you. ' ., . , ". second Tuesday of the month starting this month.. -'.~..~ -'MOVIES:,<. Man ay ate ovies Mondays, 10:00 a.m. (Unless otherwise noted) · Sept. 11 The Green Mile (Starts at 9:30 a,m.) Tom Hanks, David Morse, James Cromwell, Michael Duncan Set on Death Row in a Southern prison in 1935, this is the remarkable story of the cell block's head guard (Tom Hanks) who develops a poignant. unusual relationship with one inmate who possesses a magical gift that is both mysterious and miraculous. R · Sept. 18 The Whole Nine Yards Bruce Willis, Amanda Peet, Matthew Perry, MiChael Duncan A nice dentist and his neighbor, a hit man hiding out. have one thing in common: someone is trying to kill them. To stay alive, they'll have to stick together-one with his cold-blooded accuracy, the other with his dental tools. R Sl,nior Exercise Classes Tues., Thurs., Fri., Starts Sept. 12. 9:00-10:00 a.m. . Bench Stepping Starts Sept. 26, 8:30-9:00 a.m. The weather will soon 'change and bring our exercise classes back indoors. Everyone can benefit from exercise, so come and enjoy good company while getting a workout! Exercises includes low impact aerobics designed for seniors, flexibility, and strength training using stretch bands. Some floor work may be included, depending on the group. Other options are always available for those not comfortable with some of the exercises. Wear. comfortable clothing and aerobic or cross-training shoes. Join the fun as we exercise to music from all eras. The cost is $2.00 per class. ".~. . /l ~\~ IJ JJ ~. r , i I I Senior Swingers Annual Meeting Tues., Sept. 12, 6:00 p.m. The agenda of the Senior Swinger$ meeting will .nclude nominations and election of officers. Members are urged to attend and vote for the candidates of their choice. Members include all those 55 and over who have attended at least 12 dances during the last six months. Others are welcome to attend. Organize and Preserve your Photos Friday, Sept. 15, 2:00 p.m. Would you like help organizing and safely displaying your photographs in handcrafted albums? You willleam how to do not only this, but also how to preserve and document your family history and the memories of those you love. Join Mindy McGregor and Trina Nevaril, creative memorie$ consultants, for an educational hands-on class. Step-by-step you willleam how to turn your boxes of photos and memorabilia into keepsake photo...safe albums. You will learn valuable information and techniques for cropping, layout, mounting, 'journaling' and much, more. You will , :"'.comPlete your first . page at this" class; "so bring 6-8, " photos, relating to one event. 'All :other materialswiU be provic;ted. The fee will be $5.00. Please pre- register by September 12 at 'the Center or call Mindy McGregor at 452-4705 for more information. , , Dungeness Traditional Jazz Band Thursday, September 21, 2:30-4:00 p.m. They're back to "strut their stuff' after a super performance here in July. The Dungeness Traditional Jazz Band plays tunes mainly from the twenties, but they do much more. Dance or just toe tap and chase those blues away! + ~~ ~~ ~~"~~QQQ T'ai Chi Starts Monday, October 2 All movements are done standing and in a slow .gentle motion. The National Arthritis Foundation endorses T'ai Chi as very helpful for those with arthritis and for those who wish to avoid it. You may call Lorelli or Steve for additional information at 683-6925. Peninsula College Fall Adult Special Interest Classes at the Center Beginning the week of October 2 . All special interest courses are taught by local instructors who are knowledgeable and experienced in their area of instruction and who are excited about the opportunity they have to share their expertise. Sign up at the college, mail in your " registration, or register on the first day' of class (space available) at the center. . Watercolor/Painting I Mondays starting October 2, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Instructor Carol Janda. . Investments I Tuesdays starting October 3, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.., Instructor Gail Frick. Covers beginning investing, stocks, bonds, annuities and mutual funds, and how to select an investment portfolio. . Painting III, Oil/Acrylic Thursdays starting October 5, Instructor Linda Larsen. Continuation of Painting II. Further development of technique and personal sensibility. Prerequisite Painting n or permission of instructor. .' Infinite Vari,ety ~f Music . " Ffidaysstarting"OCtober 6, 10 a.m. 'to 12p:m., , 'Instructor Nic6 Snel. Great music, superb orchestra" , marvelous soloists, dynamic conductors and more! There are many bthe" courses to choose from, so ,- , check the Peninsula College fall schedule, when it .' arrives in your mail box in early September. 4th Annual Senior Artists. Show October 12,13 & 14 .. The 4th annual Senior Artists' Show at the Senior Center is cosponsored by The Clallam Art League and The Port Angeles Senior Center. Here are some ofthe details: · No entry fee · Artists will be limited to two entries · Participants must be 55 years of age or older · All work must be orjginal and must have been completed within the last five years · Media accepted: pottery, sculpture, drawings, paintings, and prints · Two-dimensional art mus~ be suitably framed with picture wire for hanging. Application forms are now available at the Center or the Clallam Art League Gallery located at the Landing Mall. A.M. 9:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:30 P.M. 12:30 12.30 1:00 .1:00 2:15 2:30. . 4:00 5:15 6:00 MONDAY Chair Exercise, Lorna Wells coordinator Watercolor, Paint On Your Own Alzheimer's Support Group, Janet Hayes 9/11 Pickle Ball Videos: 9/11 The Green Mile (Starts at 9:30) 9/18 The Whole Nine Yards 9/25 Girl, Interrupted Senior Singers perform at Crestwood Center 9/11 Fibromyalgia Support Group 9/11 Pinochle Geography of United States, Dr. Baker, starts 9/11 Senior Singers perform at Golden Years Center 9/25 Senior Singers perform at P .A. Care Center 9/18 Weight Training/Stretch Class, Lucy Barnhardt instr. Tap rehearsals for shows, Deanie Ericks, instructor Advanced Tap Dancers, Deanie Ericks, instructor Arthritis Support Group 9/11 CENTER CLOSED LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 P.M. IU.ESDAY 12:30 A.M. 12:30 9:00 Exercise Class, Diane Holth, starts 9/12 2:00 9-10:30 Certified Hearing (hearing aid repairs/cleaning) 9/5 2:30 9:00 55-Alive Defensive Driving (pre-register) 9/12-9/13 4:00 9:00 Crafts All types 4:30 9:00 Crafts Stamping 9/12 5:15 9:00 Guiding Committee open meeting, 9/12 6:00 10:00 Tinnitus: What Causes It, Robbie Bishop, Audiologist Self Help for the Hard of Hearing 9/5 10:00 Solutions to Problems with Low Vision Cindy Williams, Low Vision Support Group 9/12 P.M. . 12:30 1:00 1:00 1:00 6:00 7:30 Band Practice, Signe Crawford band instructor Senior Singers Rehearse, Elsie Judd director 9/5 Bingo, Lorraine -Thomas caller Paint On Your Own Senior Swingers Annual Meeting 9/12 Senior Swingers Dance, Gerry Smith President SEPTf ~)Enr) 2000 SENIOR CENTEER ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Unless otherwise noted, Ii sted events occur each week on the day a-nd Ht the time specified. ~~ A.M. 9:00 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 55-Alive Defensive Drivfng (pre-register) 9/12 & 13 Foot Care (by appt.), $11 donation, 9/13, 20 & 27 Chair Exercises, Lorna Vvells coordinator Pickle Ball Conversational Spanistl,i, Carmen Olstead starts 9/6 Anti-Aging, Lose Weigil1t & Stop Smoking Program Daze Lisenkoff, Ph.D. c.l, Ht. starts 9/6 Blood Pressure Check 9m3. Senior Self Mass elil' ')oris Goodman, licensed Massage I nersipl:,(, starts 9/6 10-11 10:30 Progressive Bridge, Helen Beckwith coordinator Senior Singers Perform SIt Adult Action Center 9/27 Amputee Support Group '..9/13 Weight Training/Stretch Class, Lucy Barnhardt instr. Intermediate to Advanced Tap, Ceanie Ericks instr. September Daze Pinochle Tournament 9/13 Tap, Interrhediate and ~dvanced Beginner, D. Ericks 5-Handed Pinochle, Tody Saar coordinator 916,20,27 IliURSDA~ A.M. 9:00 Exercise Class, Diane Holth starts 9/14 9:30 Roundtable on Politics, f(uss Kueble coordinator (full) 10:30-3 Golden Agers weekly lunch & bingo, potluck 9/21 11 :30-1 :30 Free Massage, Patrick Conners ITEMS APPEARlk IN B. _ D PRINT AR~ REVIEWED ELSEWHERE'IN THE NEWSLETTER ~-- P.M. 12:30 Band Practice, Signe Crawford, band instructor 2:00 Investment Club, Gail Frick coordinator, starts 9/14 2:30-4:00 Dungeness Jazz Band 9/21 3:00 Strengthen-Stretch-Relax Yoga, Patricia Zukas instr. 7:00 Chess Club, Eddie Edwards coordinator FRIDAY AM. 9:00 Exercise Class, Diane Holth, starts 9/15 9:00 Driftwood Sculpture Class, Pat Bartlett, starts 9/8 9:00 Chair Exercise, Lorna Wells coordinator 9:00 Ear Tech Hearing Aid Cleaning & Hearing Test 9/29 9:00 Foot Care (by appointment) 9/1 10:00 Con Men & Their Scams, Too Good To Be True P .A. Police Dept. Crime Prevention Program 9/8 P.M. 1 :00 Bingo, Lorraine Thomas caller 2:00 Organize & Preserve Your Photos Workshop Mindy McGregor 9/15 2:00 Senior Singers perform at St. Andrews Place 9/15 2:30 Weight Training/Stretch Class, Lucy Barnhardt instr. 6:00 Pinochle, Marilyn Keller coordinator SAIU.BDAY A.M. 9:30 Calligraphy On Your Own 10-3:00 Peninsula Assisted Living Communities Open House on 9/16. Transportation from Center parking lot every half hour. P.M. 1 :00 Cribbage, Bob and Betty Shafer coordinators SUNDAY ..... Grandparents Day, September 10 ~abor Day Monday, Septemller 4 Foster Grandparents Volunteers Needed The Foster Grandparent Program is looking for . senior volunteers in the Port Angeles area to provide one-on-one attention to a child who needs your help. There are openings at Monroe Dry Creek and, Jefferson schools. Foster Grandparents ~ohn Claney volunteer 20 hours per week and 'receive a non-' Donna Earl , taxable stipend of $2.55 per hour, transportation,' Harold Englund . 'jean." Gropper , meals, an annual physical examinatiOh, and < , accident insurance. There are four requirements for ;; Ro~ert Gropp~r participation in the program: . "Shl~I~YHunt , . Must be 60 years of age or older LevI McFarland · 'Have income status of $10,065 yearly or less MarYann McFarland . Be in reasonably good health E~ni~ McMahan . Enjoy being with children and young people. Bill Mitchell For more information, please calf the Foster Grandparent Program office at 253-597-3853 or 360-377 -6688, or leave your name and phone number at the Center office and we will have them call you. William VanSickle won the $10.00 -r-Y'.l1 . . . 81001' 5 Traylor's Restaurant.glft certificate In II the September birthday drawing. .. Member 337, George Kramer, is the winner of a Join Our Center T-shirt in the membership drawing. You may pick up your prizes at the office. Snack Shack Update We have so far netted $2240.70 from Grannies Snack Shack at Angeles Arts in Action held in July, and donations are still coming in. Our thanks to all Center members who generously donated their time, money and efforts for our rhajor fund raising event of the year. All donations will be applied toward our new computer lab. I I I I I ; I I I I ! . , I i " , I t' " i Washington Coast and Olympic Peninsula History Questionnaire Are you old enough to remember Sunday, December 7, 1941? Are you a native born Washington Coast or Olympic Peninsula resident (Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, Mason, Pacific and Wahkiakum Counties), or did you live there in 1941? A University of Washington senior level student of American and Washington State History seeks your memories, stories, and insight into this important period of American History. The focus of this project will be oral and autobiographical history regarding the effects of the Pearl Harbor attack ' upon the local area and population, in addition to the general war period in the this area. Mr. Lo~e Baker has compiled a questionnaire that se input in you own words (even if a little salty!) an from your own memory about this piece of history. A few questions have been added about the 1930s and the Great Depression. If you have information but are physically unable to complete this form, please let the Center office know. We will contact Mr. Baker and he will arrange a personal interview. The Center has offered to assist Mr. Baker with this endeavor by having his questionnaires available at the office and taking the responsibility of mailing them back. Pick up your questionnaire soon. Your memories are priceless. ~~J'! New Members Doroth~ Munkeby Bruce Newsham Ursula Newsham ;':,' Jean Page " " - . Ri~ard 'Page ' James Price Betty Rhodes Fritz Swihart' Bobby Joe Wilburg'; Barbara Wilson ~c!f1!ll{iI1Il(/f)~jtJJJIl CaroEgn f}J(Y(Qer 11llia !J{oo~ !frul'Ikf0er Pete 'W~ .Lesfie 'W1lrlUit:{ _TlQnlP~_ . by Liz Puro CODES M=Member NM=Nonmember T= Transportation A=Admission L;:Lodging F=Food D/L=Deadline Sequim Pickup, J.e. Penny North Parking Lot SPRUCE TRAIUlOG CABIN RESORT Friday, September 8 Choose your own activity: Hike the Spruce Trail, all the way or just part way, or relax at the Log Cabin Resort. If you choose to hike the entire trail the hike , , will begin at Fairholm. You can pack a lunch or eat at the Log Cabin. For an added treat, Jean will provide a scenic boat tour of Lake Crescent, weather permitting. Cost $5 M, $10 NM. T only. Depart 9 a.m. OIL 9/5. ; ," :.' : EMERALD DOWNS Sunday, September 10 It's the last weekend and down to the wire for racing fans at Emerald Downs. Once we reach our Box Seats you are on your own to bet as you choose. There are plenty of places to eat at the track, so you won't need to worry about hunger pangs. Our admission is free, thanks to some Track employees. . There will be time to look around before the first race at 1 o'clock: Cost $23 M, $33 NM. T&A. Depart 9 a.m. OIL 9/5. ' PUYAllUP FAIR Tuesday, September 12 It just wouldn't be September if we tt,'dn'r "Do'. The Puyallupl" lebrating its 100th birthday, the air will feature a building showcasing . the history of the Puyallup Fair, and many of the exhibits will be giving special awards in celebration of its l century mark. We will arrive early and depart around 3:30 p.m. A back-up date of Monday, September 18, will be open for registration only after the Tuesday, Sept. 12 date is filled. Cost $22 M, $32 NM. T&A. Depart 7 a.m. OIL 9/6. RINGLlNG BROTHERS/BARNUM & BAilEY uTHE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH" Saturday, September 16 Rekindle the fun and excitement you had as a kid seeing the breathtaking performances this circus is so famous for! , Show time is 11 :30 a.m.. Cost $38.50 M, $48.50 NM. T&A. Depart 7:00 a.m. OIL ., 9/1. SPRING HOUSE DOLLS & GIFTS & VICTORIAN ROSE TEA ROOM Sunday, Sept. 17 We've been here for brunch and loved it. This time we have luncheon reservations for 11 a. m. The price of the luncheon, tax, and tip are included in the price of the trip. Cost $21.50 M, $31.50 NM. ,;.T&F. Depart 9 a.m. OIL 9/13. , 14:.',:<-'-': >I., .~,.:.,. ,: ~"! " '.~ .~.'$",> ~-,' , KALAlOCH BEACH ' ....' . Wednesday, September 20 ". . " Most of the tourists should be gone,soyol.{just' '?)j . might have lots of the beach to yourself. It's-;,. another relaxing time near the water to' do whatever you please. You can bring your lunch or dine at the Lodge. Cost $10 M, $20 NM. Depart 7 a.m. D/L 9/15. ." i PACIFIC WilDERNESS RAILROAD Saturday, September 23 We will leave on the 8:20 ferry to Victoria and take a Kaubiki cab to the train station where we will journey back in time with the magic of vintage rail travel. View scenic vistas as you wind your way to " the top of Malaht Mountain in restored air- conditioned and open-air rail cars. The narrated tour lasts about 2Y4 hours. We will arrive back in Victoria at about 2: 15 for lunch on your 'own, and DUNGENESS SPIT Could an egg a day keep Thursday, September 28 the cardiologist away? The tide should be about right to hike all the way to Scottish researchers are i the lighthouse and sign the guest book. If you prefer, clucking about one that i you can just walk the beach and enjoy the wildlife just might. Hens fed a I preserve while the others take a hike. Lunch will be special diet high in three . I provided by: the Center, and thi:l only decision we ';' hf!!art-healthy, nutrif!Jnts:-vitamin, E, ..Jutein and . ~. '. have:to make 'is when and where to eat it~t the .:.,;:' ,DtlA (~hea!tfJy fatJ--:Pf9dHce~nriRh~eggS;th.' . !;.. beginning of the hike, in the middle of the spit; or at . raise.:~/ood-Jeve/s. of these nL#rtentsjn peop . . [' the lighthouse??? Admission fee is not included. in 'Who eat one a.day. Next. step; The scramble to .': ~.. the cost of the trip. Cost $10M, $20 NM. Depart 8 (.. get the eggs to market! . '. . ' . c !'~':\'!,':am: T & F. OIL '9/21. -European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. I' " . 2000;54:298-305 , ' i MURDER AT THE VICARAGE I DINNER AT DUPUIS i Sunday, October 1 I , The Community Players will be presenting this wonderful Agatha Christie play, and we could not resist the opportunity to see our own Editor-in-Chief of the Senior Times appearing in the performance. We will attend the 2 p.m. show and follow this up with an early dinner at Dupuis. If you live within the city limits, the Center van will pick you up at your home. Cost $12.50 M, $22.50 NM. T & A. Depart 1 :00 p.m. OIL 9/22. ~i~~ \~,a3 ~, W\: I I , I ! i I I I I I , I I I ! I I I i I you can return home on the ferry of your choice. Sound like fun? Cost $50.25 M, $60.25 NM. Depart 8:20 a.m. T only (all modes of transportation). OIL 9/18. MARINERS VS OAKLAND Sunday, September 24 O The trip is full, but you may sign up for the waiting list. Cost $54 M, $64 NM. T & A. Depart 9 a.m. MORNING SUN FACTORY Tuesday, October 17 . This is one of the Center's favorite trips, so sign u~ early. We're going on Tuesday, Senior Discoua Day (10% off). When we leave the factory, we'll g1fll' to the Tacoma Mall where you can have lunch on your own and browse a bit. Lunch on your own at the Tacoma Mall. Cost $21 M, $31 NM. T only. Depart 8 a.m. OIL 10/10. HEALTH NEWSBYTES REMEDY, July/August 2000 Edited by C. Cameron Laying the Golden Egg .......*..**.........*....***.*..********* Colonoscoples Ate A Real Pain in the Rear But doctors may soon be able to use a painless alternative to look at your digestive tract. All you do is swallow a torpedo-shaped capsule (about the size of a large vitamin) that contains a tiny video camera and transmitter. When an image is sent, signals are received through a device worn at the waist. Once swallowed, you can go about your daily activities. The camera provides about six hours of high-quality images, though they are not yet as good as those from the best endoscopes. . ~ -Nature 2~ May 25,405:417 .. ......:..~-.' . ,.1.. J;'" .' . OLYMPIc'13:f51\II6MTY ACTION PROGRAMS . ...........C'cj;.,. ;l.1!t'":..~( ....... . y.. . ' SENIOR NUTBlifIQ~.oMENl:J FOR SEPTEMBER 2000 .. "j' ~ . Monday -4th HOLIDAY Monday -11th Country Fried Steak-- Whipped Potatoes & gravy Fresh Carrots 'Cottage Cheese Str~wberries over '. I, __.', ..' ice:.cream':'< ~ ,: :;-' MondaY,:-!8,tb . '.' .Paiiy Melt'" .; " 'Pt>iata Salad . .Sliced'Tomatoes &. Cucumbers ,. , Crisp -, 11I~f!J,day ~19tb>;. ,.-vye~r~~~~y,.~gth!; ,~ursday -21st; Scalloped Potatoes ~alDion Pa.tties" C'abbage Ro& & Ham I Spinach' P8isi~ye~Po~}o~s Btittered Noodles'" Carrot-raisen Salad Yellow Sq,!as1i; . Pea Salad Garlic Bread. .Col~..~Jaw"';'1"'& Cake Strawberry Dimier Roll. .' . Shortcake 7C~oki~i;l' !~1.'~ 'Monday -25tn TuesdaY-26thW~~.e~s~a~:~7~~';. Thursday-~8th FridaY;29tb . . Spaghetti Seafood Chefs ';CIJ:eeseburger Pie". 'Egg Foo Yung Chicke~a~~:~Elta.. Green Peas Salad -greel!JB~ans Rice ' in Cajun(J~eam Tomat6"&Green Cup of Soup fcatiJf;riiisen .... YtTop Ramen Salad Fresh B~~coli Pepper Salad Dinner. Roll S~d: Fortune Cookie Peach & Qottage Garlic Bread Pudding.(Jhol::9~t,e,C~ke Cheese S~ad' . ice-cream Sherbet Please Make Reservations 24 hours Prior ~.J)'s:te()f~e~The,~leph~~~.null:lb~r is 457-8921(Please leave..name ancl phone, numbeI: wh~nle~ving a message)"'" 'Jr, '0';::" ;. .' , . .', Servi~g Time: 4:30 pOID.' .' . '(C' ....... . . .... .... ..... ....i Suggested'DonatIon: $2.60 (Age 60 and oyer)"Quests,WelC9me- $4i60Jgnder..60iunles8 a spouse) . . Tuesday - 5th SweetJSouiChicken' Rice Pilaf Fresh Broccoli Dinner Roll Sherbet Fr!day - 1st Hamburger Baked Beans, Potato Salad WatermelOn Fri~ay ...8tli . Baked 'Omelet Fresh Bfbccoli Fresh Fruit Rye!J.read Puddin g Wednesday ;-6th ClainChowder Tlma S~iad ona Croissant Cole Slaw Strawberry Shortcake Wec:l,~e~day -13t~ . Seafood Fettucini C.hoeep:Beans .. Tossed 'Green Garlic Bread .. Jell-O wI fruit Thursday -7th StUffed' Green Peppers Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Tossed Green Salad Cookies Thursday..14h RoastB~ef w/gravy MaShed' Potatoes Beets ) Cranberry Jell-o Salad Cake Tuesday 12th Submarine Sand. . Cup of Soup Pea & cheese Salad Ice-cream 'Fri~~y :~~i~ TaccfSlilad/{. "'Refri~d"Beai1s~ chips & sliisa Fresh FrUit ,";..1 Fricliy~r22nd' 'Chigk~ri,rrairiti~ .... Ri~~' ,'> ;.,,;' FreshQ~~ .{ . CaulifloW~i-i:S~dd . , I. ice-cream Port Angeles Senior Genter 328 East 7th Street - Port Angeles, WA 98362 Tel: 360.457:7004 I:' r;. . ;~. ,: " I 1'." , I I , I I I I - I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~.. " 't.:: . ,_, <",: ,.- . -,' "',.,,-...:'j(,.... r-------------------------------------~ ~ L_____________________________________ ~~, f:-. '. f- t" '" :i:}:i~'f\~~~$t~,';:-:c}.,~ ,J>"',~"'. " -, :,';"::\'7:'- "" ..; -'%c,:~... NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Port-Angeles, WA Permit No. 44 .~ I , ~ ,1 ;1 .' i '..e1 I THE LAVy O'FAVERAGES . Noralways to the swifftl)~Ja"c;e;< ; , N9r to the strong the victory.,^, , Not always to the pr~tty face .' , The man of-wealth Or. poesy." . Not always to the bold, the~fair; . Nor love from those we hold mosVdearly. Not always nothing.~o..a,pair;, ,~. . But pretty nearly." '" ., - TroLJpadouf ,...'...j.... - . ':1 '\ 1-------------------------- __n__ WHOLESALE POWER PURCHASE CONTRACT 2002 - 2006 . Power Supply Period from Oct 2001-Sept 2006 . Port Angeles eligible for "Priority Firm Power" . Current contract includes 11 MW of market power . Most economic supply will be BP A . Wholesale rate process 80 70-~ 60-- 50-~ 3: ~ CI) C) 40 -~ l! CI) > < 30-~ 20-~ 10-~ o - Port Angeles Loads 2002 2003 2004 .. . OBPA Elwha o Needed Resources . Avista !l CSPE 2005 2006 r- CONTRACT ISSUES . Contract Term . Conservation and Renewables Discount . Environmentally Preferred Power . CRAC (Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause) ,I