HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/24/2008 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street September 24, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:00 pm FORTANGELES A. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting (5:00 p.m.) B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. WORK SESSION 1. Proposed 2009 Preliminary Budget adjustments. 1. Consensus on adjustments. E. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK September 24, 2008 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Deputy Mayor Wharton Councilmember Di Guilio Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams Staff Present: Interim Manager Osterman Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton G. Cutler T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Ziomkowski September 24. 2008 fS{J6Lo.'Wt . I ~ v V' V V m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~1 "f~ Orr,.p rrJ),O.k _ ~..A...L.--' · ~ORTANGEtES WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: September 24. 2008 LOCA TION: City Council Chambers · ~ORT.ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: September 24. 2008 LOCATION: City Council Chambers .4 A flJ . XUJllaJ'ct6 eX-6b') or r ~. cpr)1h( 1"O...JL'f vv 5y--.r\ H+.... ~:;L <0 fA 6 c... l32-'f s-\P-A · ~ORTANGEL.ES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: September 24. 2008 LOCATION: City Council Chambers /lJ. 0 C f';"'l -J'+ It? - \) ~) / / r 10 t.f 6 A fyf Sf tJA t L 'L- I , I t I L . ( ]7. vJ. f-rH- 706 [;v "1 'Ltl l ( ,~I/ ~J. q-fi, l{ ((tSS ~J- (J(\\f ~fJ fJlQ ~ ~. ~ L,~ C7~ P 13 ij;\ &7\:r1 ~rb;(3 )<=2: ~ V~)0'\ ~lP~( +s- -\-uJ;?z:;! 1<2'2 UUI[V\ "Ot-5:'u;,4 Ifd '5o-e.d'-/.S I Yl1 ~J I ~ ~ /:l :-, :JJA J <2 p 12 -e C\ :::::::::g ~ 5rI u -4 <s ~ L.8S l 2- " v -.~ v (f\ ~. ~\j~ .~~ OJ 'S.~'52 ~WU~--, qlf\VA ,l~ fid' ~S'lvn. ,ry)1)1 ~~V'I LfT < :J 5 I ~ '--6-!~ ~ ~. y d '1+ L ''3 S l ~ j1 dIM ~+Y)1 --l8dQO) ( \AD p? .J4JC). utlr ttd LrfI '5 'Z..-zol ;/ "Vi/I f(fI id)/-frJ? ;"~/'if/ 12< S 01;) ~ 1~9 vJ '(11 (,--Ll [ ~yt<J .~~ ~J ~~ (1 --L I( .-()~ ~iLfJ\10~ ..1<1 ~ 'vJ>-)v:OJ-CZ2'i. ~J ~lftS S :53 CZ'-Y 3W C~~) ~V 8tc(t( ----- INTRODUCTION GOOD EVENING. FOR THOSE WHO I HAVE NOT MET AS YET, MY NAME IS JERRY OSTERMAN AND I AM SERVING AS INTERIM CITY MANAGER WHILE A SEARCH IN UNDERWAY FOR A NEW CITY MANAGER ESTIMATED TO START WORK IN JANUARY OF 2009. THIS IS A SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SCHEDULED WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF MAYOR BRAUN FOR THE CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER ADJUSTMENTS TO BALANCE THE "PRELIMINARY" 2009 BUDGET. PREP ARING AN ANNUAL BUDGET IS A PROCESS OF EVOLUTION WHICH USUALLY BEGINS IN OUR CASE IN JUNE FOR THE FOLLOWING CALENDAR YEAR. WE ARE A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND OPERATE UNDER THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON AND MUST COMPLY WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. IN EARLY AUGUST, OUR FINANCE DIRECTOR REVIEWS AND BEGINS PROJECTIONS OF CITY REVENUES, RESERVES, EXPENDITURES AND FINANCIAL CAPACITY. DEPARTMENTS REVIEW THEIR CURRENT OPERA TIONAL LEVELS AND FUTURE NEEDS, AS WELL AS COMMITMENTS TO ADOPTED PLANS, SUCH AS: GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT TRANSPORTATION PLAN LAND USE PLAN UTILITIES COMPREHENSIVE PLANS STORM DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN CAPITAL FACILTIES PLAN FIRE MASTER PLAN PARK PLAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICE MASTER PLAN HISTORICAL PLAN , ., THESE DEPARTMENT REQUESTS ARE AND HA VE BEEN UNDER REVIEW WITH CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES. DURING THOSE REVIEWS, IT BECAME CLEAR THAT MAJOR POLICY PROGRAM DECISIONS WOULD NEED TO BE MADE IN ORDER TO BALANCE THE 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET. WITH THAT THOUGHT IN MIND, THIS MEETING WAS SCHEDULED AS A SPECIAL WORK SESSION FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO REACH CONCENSUS ON SOME ISSUES SO THAT A PRELIMINARY BUDGET CAN BE PREPARED FOR THE PUBLIC TO REVIEW BY NOVEMBER 3RD. PUBLIC INPUT WILL BE ACCEPTED AT CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS ON NOVEMBER 4, NOVEMBER 18, AND DECEMBER 2, AFTER WHICH CITY COUNCIL WILL APPROVE A FINAL BUDGET FOR 2009. .. FINANCE DIRECTOR YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI WILL NOW PRESENT SOME INFORMATION CHARTS FOR CITY COUNCIL AND THE PUBLIC TO VIEW, AFTER WHICH CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS WILL DISCUSS PROPOSED REVISIONS TO BALANCE THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET..... ...YVONNE General Fund Savings Following are some of the proposed reductions in General Fund expendi- tures in 2009, and the associated savings if these changes are imple- mented. o Reduce citywide travel/training and supplies by 10% - $1 6,400 0' Personnel reduction and re- organization in Finance, and City Manager Departments - $60,000 o Eliminate Senior Center part-time employee - $11,500 o Transfer street functions to Storm- water Utility - $235,000 o Reduce vehicle replacement pro- gram -$288,000 o Reduce United Way contribution - $62,50'0 ,:,':.,.;,,,, o Reduce Fine Arts Center support - $27,500 o Reduce Humane Society contract - $26,000 o Reduce Art Feiro Marine Life Center support - $22,500 o Eliminate low-use neighborhood parks - $25,000 o Close William Shore Memorial Pool - $400,000 o Other reductions - $206,500 ~--C-'---:-~-----;-:-~--J MAJOR CHANGES TO PROPOSED 2009 BUDGET Preparing a balanced budget for 2009 continues to be a challeng- ing process. It is the policy of the City of Port Angeles to maintain a level of expenditures that enhances the safety and well-being of residents in our community. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid preparing a current budget that is balanced at the expense of future budgets. For several years, the City has balanced budgets by making cuts in areas such as travel! training and office supplies, and through attrition. Due to voter initiatives such as Initiative 747, which limits prop- "erty.:tax increases,to 1 %, and the decline of the current economy, the City's revenues are in- creasing at a slower rate than expenditures. Several sources of tax revenue are either decreasing or are growing at a rate below the cost of services that these funds provide for, For example, the City's three largest revenue sources (property, sales, and utility taxes) comprise nearly 60% of all Gen- WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU The City Council wants your feedback on the proposed changes to the 2009 Budget. You can respond in one of the following ways: E-mail -Council@cityofpa.us Phone - City Manager's Office, 417.4500 Mail - P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Public Hearings - November 4 & 18, December 2, 7:00 pm Additional budget information can be found on the City's web- site at www.cityofpo.us. eral Fund revenues. These reve- nue sources are expected to increase 1.2% in 2009. However, General Fund expenditures' are estimated to increase over 4%. Under current conditions, the gap between General Fund revenues and expendi- tures will continue to widen. Rev/Exp $25,000,000 Forecast for the future 2009, for the purpose of prioritiz- ing critical services that provide high quality basic services such as '. utilities, fire and police p'rote2tlbh:' street maintenance, and commu- nity development, Other non- essential services or programs will be reviewed based on the benefit to the community as a whole and the cost involved in providing the service, Mayor and City Council members have been working vel)' hard with City staff mem- bers over the past several weeks to prepare a preliminary budget for 2009, A special work session is scheduled for September 24, Reserves _ Re\.enues --4!1- Re\.enue less Expenditures c:::::J Expenditures -It- Reser\.es ~~., A preliminary budget will be avail- able to the public November 3, 2008, Comments from citizens will be received at public hearings held in November and December, 2008, The General Fund had nearly $4 million in reserves at the end of 2007. This balance will be depleted by 2011, assuming a 1 % growth in revenues, a 4% growth in expenditures, and $500,000 for capital projects annually. "Provide quality basic ser- vices in an efficient, deliber- ate and predictable manner with fiscal responsibility." City of Port Angeles Mission TOUGH CHOICES AHEAD... The City Council recognizes that the City can no longer sustain services at current levels. Conse- quently, some tough choices were made that either eliminate services or enhance revenues. 'The most significant change recommended by Council is the closure of William Shore Memo- rial Pool effective December 31, 2008. This change will save the City approximately $400,000 annually to spend on other es- sential services. This would also save citizens over three million dollars of funds needed to repair and modernize a facility that is nearly 50 years old. William Shore Memorial Pool Historical Revenues and Expenditures $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rv<;:)C5 -+-.-+-+- ~ . .-. . ...... .... +-. . . ........- -+-- Revenues ---- Expenditures ... Taxes used for street maintenance, such as property tax revenue and motor vehicle fuel tax, have remained the same or have in- creased minimally compared to the rising cost of maintaining city infrastructure. General Fund continues to absorb more of the cost of supporting this service. In 2009, it is esti- mated that the General Fund will increase support to the Street Fund by 48% over 2008. 'Str~~f.Fund Financial Trends '.:,.:/*2::;), $2,000;0 $1,500;000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 A ... ... ... ... ... ... ... pjC?J ~\) ~" ~")., ~O;) ci>' ~~ ~ro "q) ~ ~ ~ ").,\:S ~ ~ ").,\:S -+-- Street Expenditures S- <vG:J'- !J- ~ ~CO ~~oC$ ~ 2l ~<:5 'l) The General Fund cannot sustain these ser- vice levels while revenues remain the same or continue to decline. If the City Council doesn't make some tough choices in 2009, future budgets will be facing drastic cuts in essential services such as street mainte- nance/ repairs, fire and police services, and community development programs. - General Fund Support ---..- Tax Revenue Presented by: Yvonne Ziomkowski H w did we 9 t her ? The budget has become more and more difficult to balance, but it didn't happen overnight. . .it has been growing for years. II1II I W t h r ? ( nt.) Revenue Limitations: Closure of Rayonier Mill in 1997 City lost major revenue source - $800K Voter's Initiatives Motor Vehicle Excise Tax - $350K Property Tax limitations - $200K How di we get here? (cont..) Increasing Costs - approx. $1 M . City absorbed additional services Jail · Prosecution · Voter registration · Election Costs GASB financial reporting requirements Inflation -. t/) Q) L- :1 ..... .... "C s:: Q) c. ~ >< . w .... s:: C .... .s:: ..... ~ 0 L- ~ a) ~II Q) .s:: ..... .s:: .. ..... .... ~ ..c c. :1 .... C. Q) Q) ~ 10- 0 en z c.n Q) Z ~ ::1 <( ~ C 0 " -- Q) ~ .s:: c:. > ..... 1_ ~ Q) ~ ~ ~ 0::: 0 '" L- a) Q) :1 s:: Q) > Q) 0:= di we get her ? (c nt.) No major service cuts were made in previous budgets because: · City was frugal and pro-active with money · Only did the bare minimum in street repairs - $150K for projects vs. $500K - 700K in previous years Did more work with fewer resources Cut back on discretionary items such as travel/training, and office supplies Focused on Economic Development programs These issues are FINALLY catching up! 20,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 artf II General Fund RevenUes, Expenditures, Reserve~ 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 est 1- Re\€nues c:::::J Expenditures ~Rese[\€s I les Tax - 1992-2 12 II1II\1 $ Amt adjused for Inflation c:::l $ amount recieved ____% Change with inflation , ,-, ".-..,,,_.,'I-{~,~.:,,,"; ';f;:r ""~' c!- ,,'-.,';;",--:..-0:..... !'~'-<i -- ,V':',,. , - ~.'W7'.'; . ..' r ~ ~ " ':., ,::~' . en en CD o .. .. :s 2 09-2012 Projections Rev/Exp $25,000,000 $20,000,000 Forecast for the future Reserves $8,000,000 $4,000,000 J& Revenue less Expenditures I Expenditures ___ Reserves - 1 rojections If we don't make difficult decisions now, in 2009-2010 we will be below the minimum level of reserves. . . · .. and by the year 201 0-2011 the City will have reserves left. I\) C) C) CD ." .. tD - IIIIIIII11 3 IIIIIIII- :J D) ~ !lI! c ca fD ... t i st Created a list of essential and mandated services Created a list of "nice to have" and "wants" Evaluated ALL programs Created a proposal of possible service cuts and revenue enhancements to present to Council committees ? IiII at did staff do? (cont.,) Staff held meetings with: Finance Committee Parks Oversight Committee . . . to review the proposed preliminary budget and potential cuts su ti ns fr m Staff: Staff reduction due to reorganization in Finance and CM ($60K) Reduced travel/training and supplies ($16K) Decrease vehicle replacement program ($288K) Reduce support by 50% to: United Way ($62.5K) Art Feiro Marine Life Center ($22.5K) Fine Arts Center ($27.5K) Humane Society ($26K) · · .And ELIMINATE support of those services in 2010 .' . 'j-- "-... u gestions from taff (cont.): Transfer stormwater functions from street to stormwater utility ($235K) Cut support to economic development ($60K) Cut back on beautification program ($20K) Eliminate low-use neighborhood parks ($25K) . Cut ballfield maintenance ($20K) Change City Hall operating hours to 9am-4 pm (utility savings) Eliminate pool operations ($400K) Other reductions ($186K) TO L EDUCTIONS = approx. $1.5 1111 t: n1 ... E e II- ... en - 1- ~ ~ -- tn 0) -- ...... -- - -- o ~ ~ 0) c: C) c: -- ...... C- O) o o cu I- - ::J a ~ ~ Suggestions from Sta (co t.): Use of reserves for: IT projects ($750K) · 2008-2009 Street projects ($350K) ossibl venue nhancements: Increase Medic I rates for cost of living ($30K) I ncrease cemetery fees ($23K) Increase user fees for recreational programs ($25K) Increase parking fines ($35K) Increase water/wastewater utility tax rates from 80~ to 10% ($170K) Levy tax on long-term parking ($8K) Impose false alarm fees ($3K) TOTAL REVENUES = $294K . . .. . " Revenue Enhancements (cantm): Other revenue options for consideration include: · Transportation Benefit District for street programs only ($340K) . Property Tax levy lid lift - requires voter approval and valid up to 6 years only ($2 - 2.5M) · Increase tax on cell phones (currently 60/0) I e tal e uests Requests recommended by the Finance Committee and included in proposed 09 budget: Meter reading equipment Fire Dept. security fence Cemetery burial maps .25 FTE Gateway caretaker Peabody Street construction Street Comprehensive Plan IT software requests TOTAL impact on General Fund = $200K Street rograms f r 2009 Peabody paving ($740K) - partially funded by grants Street chip-sealing & other projects ($650K) re are we now? By implementing the proposed changes, mainly: Closure of Pool on December 31,2008 Use of reserves for: · IT projects · Equipment replacement · Street projects . . .We are able to BALANCE the 2009 GF & Street Budget at $ II Don't Forget about 2010 & 2011 $25,00 $23,000,000 $21,000,000 $19,000,000 $17,000,000 $15,000,000 Revenues vs Expenditure A Revenues Your decisions TODAY will impact the Budget in future years r I it s n up ort III I e t II II ----- .. Streets . Police .& Fire Does NOT include major capital projects, such as Civic Field (est. $2M) Let's look at Pool General Fund support has increased nearly 2300/0 from 1991-2008. . I City staff met with officials from: YMCA Port Angeles School District Clallam County · . . to negotiate transfer of pool. o I Revenues Swim Club - $25/hr practice, $40/hr swim meets . School Teams - $25/hr practice, $25/hr swim meets . Coast Guard - pays discounted early-bird rate Fees cover only 25% of cost of pool operations. To recover full costs, rates would need to be raised 4-5 times current levels, plus 10-150/0 annually. For example: $2.50 current youth rate would be RAISED to $10.00 minimum, most likely r~sulting in REDUCED participation I int ance Pool facility is nearly 50 years old Major renovation and modernization is REQUIRED mmunity Servic s sup rt by City These are Non-Mandated programs · Pool ($400K City support) Senior Center ($120K) · Cemetery ($20K) Recreational Programs ($230K) · Special Events · Sports Programs · Youth/Family Programs Park Facilities/Ballfields ($1.4M) Library/Senior Center bonds ($281 K) munity rvi 5 5 rte it ( nt.) These are Non-Mandated programs Fine Arts Center ($55K) Art Feiro Marine Life Center ($45K) · OPNET ($80K) United Way ($125K) Clallam Business Incubator ($1 OOK) Economic Development Council ($20K) PADA Main Street Program ($20K) Peninsula College Center of Excellence ($1 OK) Community Servic s sup y City (cont.) TOTAL Support of Community Services = rt Il!Il t r Ne s 2007 CI P projects "on hold" Funding for general government, IT & transportation capital projects identified in CFP = $85.5M through 2014 What's next? Staff needs policy consensus decision by City Council to approve the adjustments to the 2009 budget u Ii ring rocess 0 2 t November 4 - Revenues November 18 - Revenues & Exp. December 2 - Final public hearing and adoption of budget