HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/02/2001 . ,.' . '. A<!~~A. ,'\,#i~it;0;~tI~r,CQlJNcjm",MEETiNG ;1,;,i,;!C'''"321 EAST FIFrH STREET , ...."'()~to~~r 2,~'~OOl . ""REGULAR MEETING - ~,:OO"p.m. ",: ;: . <.'.\,.,':' ,. A."CN--I1:iOORDER- Regular Meeting (6:00p.m.). ,. "':., :". -',; ...,.,~f':;';':,;1'.._.", ROLU.G~L ~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTA':QQNS AND PROCLAMATIONS " Proclamation Recognizing Clallam Transit. Services . B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACEDON!THIS9lt~UTURE'AGENDAS (By Council; Slaffor'Public) AND PUBLIC'COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT "ON1:A:GENDA (This is the oppoi-tilnity for members of the public to speak to the City Council,abpu't anything,not on the agenda, please kd~p ~ommeiit~'t05-10,min,utes.) I' . Read pfoclamation D. FINANCE 1. Agreements with School Distric~#.k~tfor 3 High ~chool Resource Office Pro.gt:am and the1Middle and Elementary Schools DARE andSRO Progr~ms . '.' "', 2: Agreement for Services with the Chillam 15 .Co~~( I!u~~ Soci~ty 2~S2,i~?g~~'0;.;:.,:;(:t)(,.( 3. 8th Street Bndge RepaIrs Contract A\v-l.!-r,<! 23 4. "I"Street Substation Rebuild Bid Award 25 5. Tree Trimming Contract 27 6. Design and Construction Services for 29 Carnegie Library, Amendment No.1 7. Equipment Purchase of 60 KW Trailer- 31 Mounted Generator/State Bid Contract 1 Authorize Mayor to sign Agreements '.,; Authorize Mayor to sign Agreement '.';, .. ~l,;~;::- ..;::f~r. Award Contract Award,Bid Approve Contract Approve, Amendment Approve Purchase/City Manager Sign E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council minutes of September 18, 2001 33 2. Electronic Payments - September 21, 200n:.. 41 $993,979.69 3. Check Register - September 25,20017' 43 $485,801.63 '" ' ., 4. Payroll information as ofSeptember;'16~2QOl'/ 65 Accept Consent Agenda . NOTE: m:~~D~VI~~~,~Y~~~~~!TH()~~.NEEDING ASSIST~eE > ,MAYOR TQ;DE\I'E.l.<Mm1!J1,t1MEOF.BREAK October 2, 2001' ~'Porl;ADgel~s'eity'eouncil Meeting" ">:~ ,t,:,., ':)'~';";" ;r,', . Page - 1 I I:t'/OTHERCONSIDERATIONS . "-, -:>:,.,,:,,' "C' c' , -, -.;,->'~__;.-:' "". - -,-.;-- ;,~f.', - , _', 'iiib'~'~~'~""-'~'''';'_''~--:'1:/"''-' :~~~-<~~'-~~t_.~i!',;~--"'.\::.-<-"::'_l!.\_ _' -:-:-,:. - 4t:-'.:<"f' '.1. '. PUBLIC HEARlNGS~~:QuAsi-JIJbICIAL' -~,;,!~I: '''>r''''''''''>''"1'~'-'' '~.l'f '-"~! - - :'-:": , ';>.'C-.-~:;'-'";':~''''_'''-1'(:ii;1~''' ::' ,~"i-: .:;:' -,- ,-~((\--~"'."_'J '~"'T..,~..~"-;t::':' ;",+,'.,. "'(7:6(H~::M;':or,sooji thereafter)' , 'c," -'. " ' '. ',' -,,:-'-,:- .- j '< 'K.:'-:PUBUIC HEARINGS':.::rOTHER- ~l~~tii.~ Rate,A~j~l>tiP~t. '". INFORMATION " ,,..,_.~-,-:..t...._..:} " ,.:-'<-,~'--" .~<,,:..:,.;,- ',' .". '1;, City Manager.~s Calend.arc,(page7Q) * Chan~~Ordersl~~~irac!S,JJ:nciei.15K (fage 81) ,,*,Pente~ EnvironmeOtalContract"(page 83) .' ~_:J'.:~"'" -- '_;',,' ,,' .,-, " "~', ,,_':. _."'. ,'''' _:. ,-,iI:-:'<.' : . 2. 'Parks~ Recreation M0l1W1>,,:Repoh- August 2001 (page 89) 3. "fire Department M(WthlYR~ort~~ugust 20{>,1 c" (page ,1 q1) ..,.. 4;Humane,Soci~o/R,epoit - Augus,t~QP1~age 113);" ,,; -,,~ if;' "',, ';--'" ,,' -. ; """^-, >f" ,__ _' -. '':Close PUbllcHe'~g I {\pPJCjveRa!~;Iriciease & 'gQPt()niiriaJlce +"':"":~"""""'_'~'_"._""_""'" _0 -' 67 ".\ :.. '. . - _ ,c"_' _ <: ';~~~:-::~;: ;" ~:'~ ' ~~::';>~P;PYTIYE.SESS:i:ON (As'n~ed(!d ciiJd.:determined by,CitY,Attomey);," ',V,i.,.....,';,;t~,.,'" ;,,," .,."''1;,,,.,.; .1 ' N.,"@JOURNMENr' ': '.. ' ,: ."LPUBllICHEARINGS ,',:L;' ' , ;;;;r, . ",,,,;; ;"7 -::;. _."',_" _ _ 'c' "-.~. _' _' -"c_'" _ _'.,; ;~_-": '."xl" ..".",_.~;~l'_.~-~_~ '_ ',~'-"..c'_''.: ~",' ,,}. "'-'->it.~~~._- ~_ _ '0' I'.., Public hearings~are set,by the Ci,ty CounSil,J!:l or~~t.tCl"lee! l~g~l, r~q\lir~mentspertain!~,! toma~~r:s sucha,~; l~n9U,S~p,E!l1Jlitapplication~. . proposed ame,n~ments;~o ptyl~nd use r~g.ulation~.~Cl[1,~~gclian~~~(.a~~e~tiQll~.ln additi()'!.'th~,~9%~~p~i!Jmays,e,!Cl!p,ubnC,~~a;iingin o~er to r~ceive public Input pnor tomaklng.~eclslons..vhlch~iOlPactthecltizens: Certain matters maybe controversial, andtheClty, Courycll may:chooseto seek public opinion througn'the public hearing~piU~ss:';f(' J ')', ,,;.~~;. ,( . ".;[ C') , " . '? ", 'J ,~.~, "'!i} f . ,':!, ;'U',;,. G:\CNCLPKTlAGENDA \0 1-1 002.wpd .~ :..: ~ '.'10 -f-" /;; ..t '.'i"" .~ ',:~.: . r~:'~ .'--'q ,. ~.. ~NQTE: ImARINGJDtvi€E~':.\villfABEE FORjTHOSF;:NEEDINGASSISTANCE . ,:-_" ,_ ,_' -<:_':' :: ,...~~ ';~'~~';~"",<,, .{Il.~~'t.,.\~~;,,_,,-;.-,!/~ --'"i--:'::;;'-{l~---'~:::!I"':}':"'M<<.,~'~'-tlf:h"''':i~:'':~h:~:";:,,--: C " ,:;,~.. 'J . ',' ..' ,:."".~~MAY:(i)R~TO DETERMINE\'TIME~OF:4BRE~..';;; ..""'~,, ..,,"'. "':' October 2; 200 It\port Angeles City Coililci1:Meetihgi," - . ""<<1; >,~; ,iPage .,2 'f:'~ (~I1\"""rn:i'~~""'" ,,'i",~"""~"~.' . -$'.(r,i.,'!;'!~:'l~,Jrtt;il!"-'~'" .;-,S'>jj_~ "~'.'Wr~d:;; tf~1~~: )tl>'~ 1\: . .:',. .... "', -"""~:_' '.'l";. '_'\'.:-._....'--,~;. ',:n&~ '._~..._..... -.' ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U, 5, A, CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M~ Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T.Riepe y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: LedbY:~ ~~~ .~ V" ~ + V October 2, 2001 {gQJ1 D.~ . I - CITY OF PORT ANGELES · FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: October 2, 2001 LOCATION: City Council Chambers ~J-1 ) II Y,- \)J. 2- \~ /32 G vJ.~ llk'k ~A qo5 tJ. /I~ f3 cS~ ~ City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. City Council Meeting of October 2. 2001 ~d ~f'1QR ~~- City Manager / City Atty. (1) 1./ Planning City Clerk (2) .f).1 Deputv Clerk (1) ,7 Personnel , Cust. Svcs. .J:; 7 Finance Dir ./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. , Light Dept. I 7 Pub. Works (2) -!J.v" Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) 17 / PDN (Summary) ~.1 Nt Nt.. V Extra Copies ~~ I TOTAL I J I /"I I 'I ---- - ~ i I I -I ( I - """ r PROCLAMATION I Try Transit Week WHEREAS, increased public investment in transit services provides the potential to create , , jobs and enhance business prosperity; and WHEREAS, public transportation is vital to the quality of life and economic well-being of the citizens of Washington; and WHEREAS, workers, school children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, and those unable to afford a private vehicle use public transportation to gain access to jobs, schools, medical facilities, and other fundamental services; and WHEREAS, the nation, our communities, and our citizens face the risks to health and the environment that are brought on by private vehicle exhaust emissions; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion that wastes productive time can be alleviated through the increased availability and use of public transportation and ot~ forms of high- occupancy, shared-ride services; and WHEREAS, the Clallam Transit System and the City of Port Angeles wish to promote transit's benefits honor transit employees, encourage new riders, and remind the public of the value of the public transportation services provided in Clallam County on the occasion of the system's 21-year service anniversary; I Ii r I p U e'i ~ I , ! l~ f ;$ : ~ < " ! ~ ! ~ i n i a ~ ~ ~ . NOW. THEREFORE, I. the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles do hereby proclaim October 8 - 13. 2001 as: "Try Transit Week" in the City of Port Angeles, and I call upon all citizensto examine their personal travel choices, to commute via transit or share a ride during "Try Transit Week", to become more active in education and advocacy efforts to promote the vital role of public transit in Washington. October 2, 2001 Larry Doyle, Mayor ~ ~ ..... " 'f_ ""~ . . . 2 " ... PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON October 2,2001 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. To the City council 10/2/2001 i i . II There was a change in State Laws of chapter 93 of 1917 and Chapter 21 of 1982 that before the change the County would receive 25 %;ofthe lease Rent from trustee lands under the DNR. In 1985 A completly new chapter was created froth the usable authority that was written into Washington Laws chapter 221 and codetied into 79.90 through 79.96 RCW and also authorized the Ports to manage haJ."bor areas through Title 53. . Any rent, whether the State through the DNR or the Port managed those leases the rent must go to the Department. and biannualy to the cities. The good 01 boys Jerry Hendricks for the Port andiBrian Boyle for the DNR seen the opprotunity while the transaction was taking place to determine that management of public money that was deleated from the County probable wouldn't be missed if it never gets started going to the city. and apperently it never was inissed , but the law was there, It just lacked the investigation into the manageme~t agreement made as of the 23rd of I ' September 1985 and look what the Standared of management was. It plainly Stated; Managementofthr Property shalr~e consistent with the land policies of Chapter 79.90. through 79.96 RCW as ammende~ and the implementing regulations adopted by the DNR These laws now state, in sec;tion 2, Chapter 221, Laws of 1984 (RCW 79.90.445): "The manager of state-ownedaquiltic lands shall strive to provide a balance of public benifit for all. " TheAdmina.stative procedures for management shall be of the Property shall be those of Title 53 RCW. RCW 79.92.060 Terms of harbor area leases. Applications, leases, and bonds oflessees shall be in such form as the department of natural,tesources shall prescribe. Every lease shall provide that the rental shall be payable tot"e department, and for oancellation by the department upon sixty days' written notice for any breach of the conditions thereof. : Every lessee shall furnish a bond, with surety satisfactory to the department, with such penalty as the department may prescribe, but not l~ss than five hundred dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the tdrms of the lease and the payment of the rent when due. If the department shall at any time <;ieem any bond insufficient, it may require the lessee to file a new and sufficient bond within thirty days after receiving notice to do so. " I ~. Page-l t.. t . RCW 79.92.110 Harbor areas and tidelands within towns -- Distribution of rents to municipal authorities. (1) Where any leased harbor area or tideland is sitUated within the limits of a town, I whether or not the harbor area or tideland lies within a port district, the rent~ from such I leases shall be paid by the state treasurer to the muhicipal authorities of the town to be expended for water-related improvements. . (2) The state treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments to the respective towns on the first days of July and January of each year, of all moneys payable under the terms of this section. [1984 c 221 S 25; 1983 c 153 S 1; 1982 2nd ex.s. c 8 S 2; 1982 1st ex.s. c 21 S 79.]' NOTES: Severability -- Effective date -- 1984 c 221: See RCW 79.90.901 and 79.90.902. Effective date -- 1983 c 153: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1983." [ You read it right! the money was due and payable to the above mentioned cities. Do you need it? Do you want it? will anyone here want to go talk to the DNR ? I do. because I am being financily charged excess propert taxes first by the Lact of Income due to the City and County that is was bemg collected through fraud and should be refunded to the taxpayers from 1985 untill it is stopped. . W.Gormley ~ Page -2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON October 2,2001 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. THE BALOON PAYMENt FROM "THE 180th PAYMENT DATE IS DUE ON JANUARY 1, ~002 From the Loan made oQ the Landing Mall I believe the City Council and Mike Quinn are aware by past documents already in their po sessIOn. This is comfirmed by the Department of Natural Resources to the Attorney of Willis Gormley. on November 30, 1998. The DNR agreed to that written arangrement in 1987 , The City of Port Angeles agreed to loan the P A WA funds needed to complete the Landing Mall. Especially when the Port bought out the Bank: and considered that they ( the Port) could ignore the, still unpaid loan of $400 thousand plus interest from the City of Port Angeles paid by the citzens as it stands as a Bad Debt. after Janujary 1, 2002. acording to the Amendment signed on the 24th day of June 1987 I, Willis Gormley assures the citizens of the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County that I'm not in the habit of spending money needlessly. But when I feel that my efforts will finically be rewarding by the reduction of property taxes to me and also to the County, I must do what is right and legal to accomplish my!belieffor the twofold reason. Prayerfully submitted ;~,~ J~~~. ~.=:'.-- Willis Gormley 93 S. Ridgeview Dr. Port Angeles, W A. 98362 ; pa-concl . :1,/'\,"" I ) I I , . This office has determined ,thatit ~~~P~ll~J1.arg~.g~f,~9~~!Jassociated with the Port with any .. .. "felonies." I hope this makes our POSi~;?~;;91~ai-> :1~~r;"'r?;~.;Jl.,., ,1 }. ~' ',. '... ......., .....'1...>:" '.....' , ... Attorney general to act if prosecuting attorneyde(~\llts:RCW 43.10.090. RCW 43.10.090 Criminal in~estiga.poIlS-- Supervision. Upon the written request of the governor~eatt?m~~:g~lleIJ1lsha1finvestigate violations of the criminal laws within this state. ;;If,after~Pfhinvestigation,the aUon1ey general believes that the criminal laws are improperly enf<;>~.in anY county, and that the prosecuting attorney of the county hast~(.'l.~;orH~~~~te,4~institute and prosecute' I violations of such criminal laws, either ge,n~rally otlwith regard to. a spe~ific offense or class of offenses, the attorney general shall direct tti~prase9uting attorney to take such action in connection with any prosecution as theattbrneygeneral determines to be necessary and proper., ' .: .. If any prosecuting attorney, after th~.r~feipt of.$H911instructions from the attorney general, fails or neglects to comply thereWith withiJia'reasonable time. the attorney general :nay initiat.e and prosecute such criminal aC~;Rns ashe shall determine. In . connectIOn thereWIth, the attorney general shall hav,~the same powers as woul~ otherwIse I be ve~ted in the prosecuting attorney. .'. . ' .i' ..' From the time the attorney gene~ ~..initiate4<2f.:~en<;>ver a criminal prosecution, the prosecuting attorney shall not hayep9w(;r9r.a.*~c:>ritYJqtakeanyJegal steps relating to such prosecution, except a~'authQrize4lp~j:4,~ec~ by the attorney general. [1965 c 8 ~ 43.10.090. Prior: 1937 c 88 f1;RRSl':112-1.]' NOTES: Corporations, governor may require attorney gener~ tc> investigate: RCW . l 43.06.0 1 O.Prosecuting attorneys, governor may req\iire attorney general to aid: RCW 43.06.010. : CI~llam: Fe.we~...., :'" : suspect? to trial..... ...... . during Shea te(/Wl!". ! By JESSE A. HAMILTON : PENINSULA DAlLY NEWS, . . J A Sh~~ c::t::~S:~i;;.n::l~~n~~...... <......... .............'... , rl.Prosecutmg ~ttorney. ';,. ::.:':: !>., Positive or negative, statistics comparing.tne>,:~;~:~ fIrl~tsix months'or,his term with the'sam~{~~t>e~-::.;!-i 'montns of. 1998 snow fewer felony crimimilil9.~:(~f;:!':~c;';i? . " 'c' ,'c' ....-:: ',' r,: . .' -, "'~' iiI., ',;.1 standing before juries and more cases bemgdiS".:.,.:'. missed. ' , " '"'. ' .. : .'.::: A docket with fewer jury trials is great for' '. .: . cq).Ui finances, whicl1 could come in this year as. much as $100,000 ullderbudget. But some criti-,'. . " .,> cize the prosecutor as too anxious to make deals.' " with accused criminals. , . . Shea stepped into an oflice controlled for 16'. ": :. years by the man he defeated in the November. ". 'election, David.Bruneau. . . .:,'. ':, . ':'IWruT,uo~\~,:NA'II The new prosecutorlooked around t~at office.\' '.' . ,'. ..., .:..;:. ':' " Jan. 4, seei.ng a few employees who ~onths be.fore .' "The system wou!d ne,ver. work. ifeveryl;>ody had campwgned strongly to keep tnelr, ousted. 'went ~o.triarWelre going totrY'tQ.catcnth~( boss. best' deal w~'can..~:.:/ CHRIITOPHEr{S_ '(AaoVl) '''TTn""",,, r'1. ........~/A~ . ~~________ r- o ~ ~ ~ . . Date: To: From: Subject: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. City Council Memo October 2, 2001 Mayor Doyle AND City Council ;JR. Tom Riepe, Police Chief Al:reements with School District #121 for the Hi~h School Resource Officer (SRO) program and the Middle and Elementary Schools DARE and SRO Programs Summary: The School District has, once again, signed an agreement to help fund a uniformed police officer with a marked patrol vehicle to work full time at the high school during the school year as the school resource officer (SRO). Like last year, the School District has agreed to pay the City $18,540 for the high school SRO program. This year the city will also receive $29,000 from the State of Washington to help fund the high school SRO program. The School District has also, once again, signed an agreement to fund, in the amount of $25,000, a uniformed officer with a marked patrol vehicle to teach the DARE program in the middle schools and to also act as the middle and elementary SRO during the school year. The two agreements amount to a total of$43,540 in School District funding. Other than the dates, there are no changes in the agreements from last year. Recommendation: The police department recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the 2001-2002 school year agreements between the City of Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District #121 for the High School Resource Officer Program and the Middle and Elementarv Schools Resource/DARE Officer Propram. Background / Analvsis: The high school resource officer program has been in place and partially funded by the school district and state since 1998. It has been a tremendous success with many positive outcomes. With partial funding from the school district in 1998, the police department's elementary DARE program (the first DARE program on the North Olympic Peninsula) was expanded to include an SRO component for the middle schools and elementary schools. The proposed agreements have been reviewed by City Attorney Craig Knutson and signed by school superintendent Dr. Gary Cohn. 101-01-041 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES . and PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 for THE HIGH SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of , 2001 by and between the Port Angeles School district #121 (hereinafter referred to as School District) and the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as City). WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District # 121 and the City of Port Angeles agree that it is in the best interest of both parties to assign a School Resource Officer to the School District; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District #121agrees to share the cost of and provide facilities for the aforementioned School Resource Officer; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: I The Port Angeles Police Department (hereinafter referred to as Department) will assign one regularly employed Port . Angeles police officer to serve as a School Resource Officer (hereinafter referred to as SRO) to the School District's high school. This SRO will provide a uniformed presence on campus to promote safety and serve as a positive resource to the high school and surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO will patrol the assigned school and surrounding areas in order to identify, investigate, deter. and attempt to prevent crime, especially those incidents involving weapons, youth violence. harassment, gang involvement. drugs, or other similar activities. In addition, the SRO will provide students, parents, teachers, administrators and neighborhood residents with infommtion, support. and problem-solving mediation and facilitation. II The SRO shall at all times remain an employee of the City. The SRO shall remain responsive to the supervision and chain of command of the Department which sltall be responsible for his/her hiring, training, and discipline. Any allegation of improper conduct by an SRO shall be referred to the SRO's immediate Department supervisor or directly to the Chief of Police. The SRO will be assigned to the School District on a full-time, forty (40) hour work week during the school year, lninus any scheduled vacation time, sick time, training time, court time, or any other police-related activity, including any emergencies such as civil disasters. Scheduling for the SRO while school is in session will be determined by mutual agreement of the School District administration, the SRO, and the SRO's police supervisor. The SRO will not take vacation while school is in session unless approved by his/her police supervisor. On scheduled work days when school is not in session (summer vacation, .' School Resource Officer. agreement . 4 . . . .^., "':>'~'-'!;",;:t",,~:';;:;:;:' :"~A\~(f;;"~!~~_;{:';" " . ':',; \, :~ _:ti;j-Ii'}'!~~'ti:k;'>;1~:1:;\-?t~:W~~~>_'ii t\,;,>,,;) school breaks, holidays, etc.), the SRO will work on assignments as detennined by his/her police supervisor. Overtime hours for the SRO that relate to regular law enforcement duties or that reasonably relate to SRO duties must be authorized and approved by the police supervisor prior to the performance of the overtime work and will be paid in accordance with established Department policies and procedures. Nothing in this agreement prevents the School District from hiring off-duty City of Port Angeles police officers to provide security at sporting events or other special events. The terms of this Agreement do not cover off-duty officers hired for these purposes. ill Selection and appointment of the SRO will be made in cooperation with the School District and the Police Department. Requirements for the SRO assignment shall include: . The SRO must volunteer for the assignment. The SRO must have a minimum of two years of police service in a municipal or county law enforcement agency and have an Associates Degree or the equivalent in credit hours. . The SRO must have an expressed desire and ability to engage in direct daily activity with students, school staff, parents, and the public. The SRO must convey a positive police presence on the school campus and in the community. . The SRO must be highly motivated, productive, demonstrate high levels of self-initiative and innovation, and be able to work well with minimal supervision The SRO must be in good physical condition and present and maintain an excellent uniformed appearance. . The SRO must have the ability to be a positive resource to the school staff. students, parents and residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO's education background, e"..perience, interest level and conununication skills must be such that the SRO can effectively and accurately be a resource. liaison and mentor at the schools he or she serves. · The SRO must agree to attend any necessary training or classes necessary to increase his or her skills for the position. Based on selection criteria cited herein the Chief of Police shall appoint the SRO. lf requested by either party. the School District and Department may appoint two members each to a Selection Conmuttee. which shall have the role of interviewing, evaluating and recoIlllilending the appoinunent of the officer selected by the DepaTUnent to serve as the SRO. SRO assignment vacancies will be filled in accordance with this Agreement. In the event of the resignation, dismissal, or long-term absence (more thall30 days) of the SRO. the Department shall' provide a replacement within 30 school days of the notification of the absence. In the interim, existing resources will be scheduled to provide partial coverage to the School District. IV In theevent the Principal of the school to which the SRO is assigned has cause to believe that the particular SRO is not effectively perfonning in accordance with this Agreement, the Principal may recommend to the School District and Department, in writing, that the SRO be removed from the program. School Resource Oflicer . agreement 2 5 To initiate the replacement of an SRO, the Principal will recommend to the District Superintendent that the SRO be replaced, stating the reasons in writing. Within a reasonable period of time after receiving the recommendation. the Superintendent or hislher designee will meet with the Chief of Police or hislher designee, to mediate or resolve the . problem that may exist. If the problem cannot be resolved or mediated, in the opinion of both the Superintendent and Chief of Police, or their designees, the SRO will be removed from the program and a replacement SRO will be selected in accordance with this Agreement. This process shall not exceed thirty days. . v The duties and responsibilities of the SRO while on duty include, but are not limited to, the following: . Regularly wear the official police uniform, including firearm, with civilian attire being worn on such occasions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO. . Establish and maintain a working rapport with the school administrator and school staff. . Act as a resource person in the area of law enforcement education at the request of the staff, speaking to classes on criminal law, search and seizure, drugs, motor vehicle laws, etc. . Assist in providing school-based security during the regular school day and assist in the promotion of a safe and orderly environment at the School District's high school. The SRO shall not act as a disciplinarian; however, the SRO may assist the school with discipline problems upon request by the Principal or other administrator and, if the problem or incident is a violation of the law, will determine whether law enforcement action is appropriate. . Investigate crimes or other school-related incidents on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods, making arrests when appropriate, and making the necessary notifications to parents, school staff and social service agencies. . Assist in mediating disputes on campus, including working with students to help them solve disputes in a non- violent manner. . . Participate in school staff meetings. PT A presentations, and other parent -involvement programs. . Maintain an activity log, to include all SRO activities such as meetings, conferences, e:o..1ra-curricular events, arrests, investigations. training, and any other items or occurrences which are required by the school or police supervisor. . Provide a monthly report. based on the activity log, to the police supervisor and principal. . Perform other duties as mutually agreed upon by the Principal cmd the SRO. provided the duty is legitimately and reasonably related to the SRO progranl as described in tins Agreement and is consistent willi Federal and State law, local ordinances, Department and School District policies, procedures, rules and regulations. VI In return for the City providing SRO services to the high school. the School District will: . Provide private office space at the high school to be used by the SRO for general office purposes, equipped willi a desk, chair, 4-drawer locking cabinet, telephone and reasonable office supplies. School Resource Officer - agreement 3 . 6 . . . 't~j~:'~f:,~':;}F~?;;;.~'t,:'\'/:i;;r:~~(':, ,', r~:~:'\T;"1~'%~t-:~~~g'~Mj~: . Police only parking space. vn The School District agrees to pay the City $18,540 as its share of the SRO program costs for the period of September 1, 2001 to June 15, 2002. The School District and City agree to negotiate program costs annually for any subsequent period. vm Both parties understand and agree that the City is acting hereunder as an independent contractor, with the following intended results: . Control of personnel, standards of perfonnance, discipline and other aspects of perfonnance shall be governed entirely by the Department; . All persons rendering SRO services hereunder shall be for all purposes employees of the City; . All liabilities for salaries, wages, any other compensation, work related injury or sickness of the SRO shall be that of the City. Both parties understand and agree that the School District retains its legal responsibility for the safety and security of the School District, its employees, students and property, and this Agreement does not alter that responsibility. IX The City will protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the School District, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers, employees or agents related to the perfornlance of the City's duties under this Agreement. The School District will protect defend, indemnifY and save harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the School District, its officers, employees or agents related to the activities covered by this Agreement. x Both Panies understand that no significant impact on the environment will result from services rendered hereunder. XI This Agreement expresses the entire agreement of the parties and may not be altered or modified in any way unless such modifications are reduced to writing, signed by both panies and affixed to the original Agreement. XII This Agreement may be terminated only after si~1y (60) days written notice given by one party and received by the other. Any termination of this Agreement shall not terminate any duty of either party that has matured prior to such termination. This Agreement will expire on June 30, 2002, unless mutually extended by the parties in writing. School Resource Officer - agreement 4 7 As evidence of their Agreement, both parties, through their authorized agents, having read and understood the above and foregoing, and with the intent to be bound hereby, hereby execute this Agreement on the date last entered below. PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: ~ --:. Or:'" GaryCdhn, Superintendent Date: ~ By: Larry Doyle, Mayor Date: ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Craig Knutson, City Attorney School Resource Oflicer . agreement 5 8 . . . . . . 'T:.:".;....,+"".:.:.;:'.;;.,.-, ,.X.-;:, :ti:j' ~_~ AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES and PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 for THE MIDDLE AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS RESOURCE/DARE OFFICER PROGRAM TIllS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2001 by and between the Port Angeles School district #121 (hereinafter referred to as School District) and the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as City). WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District #121and the City of Port Angeles agree that it is in the best interest of both parties to assign a School ResourcelDARE Officer to the School District and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District #121agrees to share the cost of and provide facilities for the aforementioned School ResourcelDARE Officer; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: I The Port Angeles Police Department (hereinafter referred to as Department) will assign one regularly employed Port Angeles police officer to serve as a School ResourcelDARE Officer (hereinafter referred to as SROIDARE Officer) to the School District's high school. This SROIDARE Officer will provide a unifomled presence on campus to promote safety and serve as a positive resource to the high school and surrounding neighborhoods. The SROIDARE Officer will patrol the assigned school and surrounding areas in order to identify, investigate, deter. and attempt to prevent crime, especially those incidents involving \veapons, youth violence, harassment, gang involvement drugs, or other sinlilar activities. In addition, the SROIDARE Officer will provide students, parents. teachers. administrators and neighborhood residents with infomlation. support. and problem-solving mediation and facilitation. II The SROIDARE Officer shall at all times remain an employee of the City. The SROIDARE Officer shall remain responsive to the supervision and chain of conunand of the Department which shall be responsible for his/her hiring, training, and discipline. Any allegation of improper conduct by an SROIDARE Officer shall be referred to the SROID ARE Officer's immediate Department supervisor or directly the Chief of Police. The SROIDARE Officer will be assigned to the School District on a full-time, forty (40) hour work week during the school year, minus any scheduled vacation time, sick time, training time, court time. or any other police-related activity, including any emergencies such as civil disasters. Scheduling for the SROIDARE Officer while school is in session will be determined by mutual agreement of the School District administration, the SROIDARE Officer, and the SROIDARE Officer's police supervisor. The SROIDARE Officer will not take vacation while school is in session unless approved by hislher police supervisor. On scheduled School Resource Officer - agreement 9 work days when school is not in session (sununer vacation. school breaks, holidays, etc.). the SRO/DARE Officer will work on assignments as determined by hislher police supervisor. Overtime hours for the SRO/DARE Officer that relate to regular law enforcement duties or that reasonably relate to SRO/DARE Officer duties must be authorized and approved by the police supervisor prior to the perfonnance of the overtime work and will be paid in accordance with established Department policies and procedures. . Nothing in this agreement prevents the School District from hiring off-duty City of Port Angeles police officers to provide security at sporting events or other special events. The terms of this Agreement do not cover off-duty officers hired for these purposes. ill Selection and appointment of the SRO/DARE Officer will be made in cooperation with the School District and the Police Department. Requirements for the SRO/DARE Officer assignment shall include: · The SRO/DARE Officer must volunteer for the assignment. The SRO/D ARE Officer must have a minimum of two years of police service in a municipal or county law enforcement agency and have an Associates Degree or the equivalent in credit hours. · The SRO/D ARE Officer must have an expressed desire and ability to engage in direct daily activity with students, school staff, parents, and the public. The SRO/DARE Officer must convey a positive police presence on the school campus and in the community. · The SRO/DARE Officer must be highly motivated, productive, demonstrate high levels of self-initiative and innovation, and be able to work well with minimal supervision. The SRO/DARE Officer must be in good physical condition and present and maintain an excellent unifomled appearance. . · The SRO/DARE Officer must have the ability to be a positive resource to the school staff, students, parents and residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO/DARE Officer's education, background, e:\-perience. interest level and communication skills must be such that the SRO/DARE Officer can effectively and accurately be a resource, liaison and mentor at the schools he or she serves. · The SRO/DARE Officer must agree to attend any necessary training or classes necessary to increase his or her skills for the position. Based on selection criteria cited herein. the Chief of Police shall appoint the SRO/D ARE Officer. If requested by either party. the School District and Department may appoint two members each to a Selection Conmuttee. which shall have the role of interviewing, evaluating and recollIDlending the appointment of the officer selected by the Department to serve as the SRO/DARE Officer. SRO/DARE Officer assignment vacancies will be filled in accordance with this Agreement. In the event of the resignation, dismissal, or long-term absence (more than 30 days) Of the SRO/DARE Officer, the Department shall provide a replacement within 30 school days of the notification of the absence. In the interim existing resources will be scheduled to provide partial coverage to the School District. IV In theevent the Principal of the school to which the SRO/DARE Officer is assigned has cause to believe that the particular SRO/DARE Officer is not effectively performing in accordance with this Agreement, the Principal may School Resource Officer - agreement 2 . 10 . . . 'i":;:;;k;"/:~"'" ~'!i"i/\_;;}Nf;:i_'~':: ":,,j~riLr;4?;,1i:<!M4i)~!}~!>~}t~~;,;< recommend to the School District and Department, in writing, that the SRO/DARE Officer be removed from the program. To initiate the replacement of an SRO/DARE Officer, the Principal will recommend to the District Superintendent that the SRO/D ARE Officer be replaced, stating the reasons in writing. Within a reasonable period of time after receiving the recommendation, the Superintendent or hislher designee will meet with the Chief of Police or hislher designee, to mediate or resolve the problem that may exist. If the problem cannot be resolved or mediated, in the opinion of both the Superintendent and Chief of Police, or their designees, the SRO/DARE Officer will be removed from the program and a replacement SRO/DARE Officer will be selected in accordance with this Agreement. This process shall not exceed thirty days. v The duties and responsibilities of the SRO/DARE Officer while on duty include, but are not limited to, the following: · Regularly wear the official police uniform, including firearm, with civilian attire being worn on such occasions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO/DARE Officer. · Establish and maintain a working rapport with the school administrator and school staff. · Act as a resource person in the area of law enforcement education at the request of the staff, speaking to classes on criminal law, search and seizure, drugs, motor vehicle laws, etc. · Assist in providing school-based security during the regular school day and assist in the promotion of a safe and orderly environment at the School District's high school. The SROIDARE Officer shall not act as a disciplinarian; however, the SROIDARE Officer may assist the school with discipline problems upon request by the Principal or other administrator and, if the problem or incident is a violation of the law, will determine whether law enforcement action is appropriate. · Investigate crimes or other school-related incidents on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods, making arrests when appropriate, and making the necessary notifications to parents, school staff and social service agencies. · Assist in mediating disputes on campus, including working with students to help them solve disputes in a non- violent manner. · Participate in school staff meetings. PT A presentations, and other parent-involvement programs. · Maintain an activity log, to include all SROIDARE Officer activities such as meetings. conferences. ell.1ra-curricular events, arrests, investigations, training, and any other items or occurrences which are required by the school or police supervisor. · Provide a monthly report, based on the activity log, to the police supervisor and principal. · Perform other duties as mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SROIDARE Officer, provided the duty is legitimately and reasonably related to the SROIDARE Officer program as described in this Agreement and is consistent with Federal and State law, local ordinances, Deparunent and School District policies, procedures, rules and regulations. ." School Resource Officer" agreement 3 11 VI In return for the City providing SRO/DARE Officer services to the middle and elementary schools, the School District . will: . Provide private office space at the schools to be used by the SRO/DARE Officer for general office purposes, equipped with a desk, chair, 4-drawer locking cabinet, telephone and reasonable office supplies. . Police only parking space. vn The School District agrees to pay the City $25,000 as its share of the SRO/DARE Officer program costs for the period of September 1, 2001 to June 15, 2002. The School District and City agree to negotiate program costs annually for any subsequent period. vm Both parties understand and agree that the City is acting hereunder as an independent contractor, with the following intended results: . Control of personnel, standards of performance, discipline and other aspects of performance shall be governed entirely by the Department; . All persons rendering SRO/DARE Officer services hereunder shall be for all purposes employees of the City; . All liabilities for salaries, wages, any other compensation, work related injury or sickness of the SRO/DARE Officer shall be that of the City. . Both parties understand and agree that the School District retains its legal responsibility for the safety and security of the School District, its employees, students and property, and this Agreement does not alter that responsibility. IX The City will protect. defend, indemnify, and save harmless the School District, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, clailns, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from negligent acts or Olnissions of the City, its officers, employees or agents related to the performance of the City's duties under this Agreement. The School District will protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of danlages arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the School District, its officers, employees or agents related to the activities covered by this Agreement. x Both Parties understand that no significant impact on the environment will result from services rendered hereunder. XI This Agreement e:>.-presses the entire agreement of the parties and filaY not be altered or modified in any way unless such modifications are reduced to writing, signed by both parties and affixed to the original Agreement. .- School Resource Officer - agreement 4 . 12 . . . xu This Agreement may be tenninated only after sixty (60) days written notice given by one party and received by the other. Any tennination of this Agreement shall not tenninate any duty of either party that has matured prior to such termination. This Agreement will expire on June 30, 2002, unless mutually e",..tended by the parties in writing. As evidence of their Agreement, both parties, through their authorized agents, having read and understood the above and foregoing, and with the intent to be bound hereby, hereby execute this Agreement on the date last entered below. PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT By: D . Gary , Superintendent Date: #/ A TIEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk 13 CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Larry Doyle, Mayor Date: Approved as to Form: Craig Knutson, City Attorney School Resource Officer - agreement 5 . . . 14 o ~ ~ ~ . . Date: To: From: Subject: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. City Council Memo October 2, 2001 Mayor Doyle AND City Council .:/,e Tom Riepe, l>olice Chief Agreement For Services With The Clallam County Humane Society 2002-2004 Summary: The City's current service agreement with the Clallam County Humane Society expires on December 31, 2001. The Humane Society has proposed that a new agreement be signed that stays the same as the current agreement except for (1) increase payments of .03 percent per year from 2002-2004 and (2) a change in section 6 (Collection of Fees) that allows the Humane Society to retain unused spay or neuter fees. The monthly fee to the City would be $3,634.33 in 2002, $3,743.36 in 2003 and $3,855.66 in 2004. The Humane Society currently remits approximately $1,200 per year in unused spay and neuter fees to the City. Unused spay and neuter fees remitted to the City is money that was paid by City residents who adopted a pet with the intent of having it spayed or neutered but failed to get it done. The spay and neuter program is dependent on donations and also pays for the spaying and neutering of pets adopted by low-income persons, many whom are City residents. The Humane Society has, for these reasons, requested a change in its agreement with the City to exclude the remittance of unused spay or neuter fees. Recommendation: The police department recommends that the City Council authorize the Ma or to si n the ro osed 2002-2004 a reement with the Clallam Coun Humane Societ . Background / Analvsis: The Clallam County Humane Society provides services to the City which include the handling of stray and impounded animals brought to it by City residents and the police department animal control officer. The police department believes the fee request by the Humane Society is fair and reasonable. The proposed agreement has been reviewed by Craig Knutson, City Attorney, and signed by Dr. Chuck Schram, president of the Clallam County Humane Society Board of Directors. 101-01-42 15 AGREEMENT . This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2001, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter called "City"), and the Clallam County Humane Society, a nonprofit organization of the State of Washington (hereinafter called "Humane Society"). I PERFORMANCE BY HUMANE SOCIETY 1. Shelter Facilities. The Humane Society shall furnish and maintain shelter facilities and necessary equipment for handling stray or impounded animals brought to the Humane Society by the City of Port Angeles Animal Control Officer (ACO). These facilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. Dog and cat kennels; B. An isolation room having a complete covered kennel for vicious dogs . impounded; C. Separate feed rooms; D. Facilities for the humane disposal of sick, injured, and dead animals brought to the shelter by the City ACO. E. Secure after-hours receiving cages for animals. F. An internal alarm system. G. An external security fence at a minimum of eight (8) feet in height. The Humane Society shall properly maintain the facilities and equipment in a clean and sanitary manner and will not permit any condition to exist that would constitute a public nUIsance. llr- .' . 1--- !i)..\:~:':';-,l'"_"",-.,,,. \..\~~~;;;/tr;;.1iYW~;';\'<':;)r:J17;({ 2. Hours of Operation. The Humane Society shall, as a minimum requirement, keep the . shelter facilities open to the public Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 5 :00 PM. During such other hours the ACO may use keys to be supplied for access to the shelter. Such hours shall be posted. 3. Standard of Care. The Humane Society shall give the best possible care and treatment to all creatures in its custody and control, by making certain they are comfortably housed and adequately fed, and shall not permit the shelter to become over-crowded. 4. Receipt of Animals. The Humane Society shall receive all stray dogs and cats brought to the shelter by the ACO and by residents of the City. The Humane Society shall hold them and properly care for them for their owners pursuant to applicable sections of Ch. 7.12 PAMC and may destroy animals not redeemed or claimed within the times provided for in P AMC 7.12.030. . . 5. Issuance of Licenses. The Humane Society shall issue animal licenses in accordance with applicable City ordinance provisions for animals impounded by the City ACO without approved license tags. 6. Collection of Fees. The Humane Society shall maintain complete and adequate records of all licenses issued and of all income and expenditures, which records shall be public and subject to examination. On a monthly basis, the Humane Society shall collect and remit to the City fees for licenses issued in accordance with City ordinances and shall keep records for licenses issued. The Humane Society shall transmit to the City all redemption and board fees, license fees, except for unused spay or neuter fees. Such fees shall be transmitted to the City, and any other revenue collected by the Humane Society in the City's behalf no later than 30 days following the conclusion of each calendar month. A complete report of all receipts and revenues collected by the Humane Society in connection with its performance of this contract shall be submitted to the City Finance Director along with all revenues and fees due the City. There shall be attached to said report a copy of the receipt for each license or impound fee showing thereon the name and address of the 172- owner and/or description of the animal licensed or impounded. 7. Records. A. The Humane Society shall maintain complete and adequate records of all licenses and other fees paid to it by public agencies, including all income and expenditures from such sources and in a form and content approved by the Director of Finance of such matters, and shall provide the Director of Finance with reports of all such income and expenditures. B. The Humane Society shall also maintain a complete system of records which will show the kinds and number of creatures in its custody; the locations where such creatures were found; the reasons for their being confined; and their final disposition. The Humane Society shall make available all records concerning any given animal if requested by the owner. C. The Humane Society agrees that the City shall have the right to review the Humane Society's books pertaining to animal control and/or financial records yearly. D. The Humane Society shall provide the City with a detailed budget with current by-laws and organizational chart. 8. Staff. A. The Humane Society shall be registered in euthanasia by lethal injection, in accordance with RCW 69.50.310 and shall employ or contract with a minimum of two (2) qualified handlers. Copies of such certification shall be provided at time of signing agreement. B. The Humane Society shall maintain a telephone service and office personnel necessary for receiving inquiries from City residents with respect to animals impounded or delivered to the Humane Society by the ACO. e. The Humane Society shall ensure that all of its employees act in a professional and business-like manner and that no rude or unseemly actions or attitudes are tolerated in their day-to-day dealings with the public. 183- . . . ""'("~'!~';~;i<~~)'::\\;(},.;~ D. The Humane Society shall provide adequate training to its employees to . satisfactorily perform the obligations of this agreement. The Humane Society shall arrange for all its permanent and temporary employees to be bonded up to $1 tOOO per employee to protect the City against any dishonesty or failure to transmit fees to the City. E. The Humane Society agrees that no staff member or relative of a staff member shall be on the Board of Directors after July 1 t 1991. 9. Non-Discrimination. The Humane Society shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fairt equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all personst without respect to racet creed or national origint andt in particular: A. The Humane Society shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positionst from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; andt . B. The Humane Society shall comply with all requirements of applicable federalt state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant theretot relating to the establishment of non- discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's racet color, religiont sext Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran conditiont physical or mental handicapt or national origin. 10. Insurance and Hold Harmless. The Humane Society shall procure and maintain general liability insurance in the sum of $500tOOO per occurrencet applicable to all activities performed under the terms of this Agreement in support of the municipal Animal Control Program. A certificate of insurance shall be provided to the City Risk Manager prior to the commencement of each contract year, showing insurance has been procured. Said insurance shall include a clause . whereby the City shall be notified at least thirty (30) days in advance of cancellation. The Humane Society further agrees to save and hold the City harmless from any and 194- all causes of action, judgment, claims or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising out of the exercise of this Agreement. . II CITY'S PERFORMANCE 1. F or handling and disposing of animals brought to the Humane Society by the Animal Control Officer, and other services in this Agreement, the City shall pay to the Humane Society the following monthly fee: a. $3,634.33 per month during 2002 b. $3,743.36 per month during 2003 c. $3,855.66 per month during 2004. 2. Fees paid to the Humane Society by the City shall be negotiated on an annual basis commencing with the period of this Agreement, and thereafter, subject to the provisions of Section IV below. III NON-ASSIGNABILITY This Agreement may not be subcontracted or assigned by the Humane Society without . written permission ofthe City. The Humane Society may enter into contracts with Clallam County and/or other municipalities, for animal welfare and control; provided that such operations do not interfere with the satisfactory handling of animals for the City of Port Angeles; and provided further, that no funds received by the Humane Society under this Agreement shall be used for any purpose except for the care of animals received or picked up in the City. IV DURATION This Agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2002, to December 31, 2004, with the option to renew for one additional year by written agreement of both parties; provided that should the parties fail to come to terms on a mutually acceptable agreement, the Humane Society shall continue to provide services described herein on a month-to-month basis, pending execution of a . 205- . . . new agreement or the retention of an alternative contractor. v TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party after thirty (30) days from receipt of a written notice by the terminating party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CLALLAM COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY CITY OF PORT ANGELES By:(7.-Atu-k --lUe~ By: Title: ~ p~ t!LII...5 Title: Mayor of Port Angeles Approved as to Form: Attest: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney Becky J. Upton, City Clerk F:IAGREEMENTS&CONTRACTSIA98.HS 2l6- 8TH STREET BRIDGE REPAIRS, PROJECT 21-16 BID RESULTS & AWARD RECOMMENDATION Of the four bid proposals requested only one bid was received for the 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 21-16. The results of the September 28,2001 bid opening, shown below, have been corrected as needed in accordance with the specifications: General Construction Company Poulsbo, W A. $27,700.00 Primo Construction, Inc. Carlsborg, W A. No Bid Aldergrove Construction Co. Port Angeles, W A No Bid Wilson Construction Port Angeles, W A No Bid Engineers Estimate $50,000.00 It is recommended that Council award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 21-16, to General Construction Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in the total amount of $27,700.00. Funding for the 8th Street bridge repairs are included in the Public Works Trust Fund loan and general fund match for the 8th Street restoration project. N:\PROJECTS\2I-16 Bridge Repair\CCAward.wpd . . . ~ORTANGELES' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 2, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Award of Contract, 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 21-16 Summary: Bid proposals for the 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 21-16 will be opened September 28, 2001 and the results along with recommendations regarding award will be provided at the City Council meeting. Normally the award would have been delayed to the next Council meeting, but the need to proceed with bridge repairs prior to fall weather conditions required the compressed schedule. Recommendation: Award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 21-16, to the lowest responsible bidder and amount noted in the bidding results memo (to be provided on October 2, 2001). Background / Analysis: Bid proposals for the 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 21-16, have been requested from four construction firms on our small works roster. Bids will be opened on September 28,2001 at City Hall. The bids will be reviewed, corrected as needed in accordance with the specifications, and the lowest responsible bidder, if any, will be recommended for award of the contract. City Council will be provided with a full summary the bid proposals results. This project consists of budgeted routine maintenance to the ~xisting wooden bridges that carry Eighth Street over Valley and Tumwater Creeks, respectively. The bridges require the replacement of five deteriorating timbers, repair of one deteriorating pier cap, and replacement of two missing brace bolt nuts as identified during the most recent WSDOT semi-annual inspection. Due to the recent load rating of the bridges WSDOT will now be inspecting the bridges annually and noted deficiencies will required to be r~paired annually until the bridges are replaced. N:\PROJECTS\2I-16 Bridge Repair\CCAward.wpd 23 . . . 24 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~\;!: ~ORTANG!tES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO October 2, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Bid Award "I" Street Substation Rebuild - Project 20-03 Summary: "I" Street Substation must be rebuilt in 2001 to maintain an acceptable level of service on the west side of the city. Sealed bids received from three bidders in response to the City's advertisement for bids were opened on September 20,2001. Potelco, Inc. was the low bidder with a bid of $79,163.45 including sales tax. The Engineering estimate was $146,070.00. Recommendation: Award the $79,163.45 contract to Potelco, Inc., Sumner, Washington, for the "I" Street Substation Rebuild Project 20-03 and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Back2round / Analysis: A significant portion of our load growth for the past few years has been in the western and eastern areas of the city. On the west side of town there have been a large number of new subdivisions with new housing as well as new large commercial/industrial load requirements at the Port of Port Angeles' Industrial Park. This load growth has used almost all of our reserve capacity and requires the upgrading of "I" Street Substation on the west side of town to allow for additional growth. This contract is to install the transformer and circuit switcher and purchase and install feeder relays. Three sealed bids were received September 20, 2001. The bids have been reviewed by staff. All bids were judged as acceptable and responsive. The bid prices ranged from $79,163.45 to $161,975.40. The engineering estimate for the contract work is $146,070.00 including sales tax. Potelco rechecked their estimate and verified their bid amount. Potelco is a reliable contractor who has completed satisfactory work for the City. 25 City Council Memo RE: "I" Street Substation Rebuild Page 2 . The bid summary is shown below. BID SUMMARY , "I" STREET SUBSTATION REBUILD PROJECT 20-03 BIDDER OFFICE LOCATION BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID 1 Olympic Electric Co., Inc. Port Angeles, W A $90,725.00 $7,439.45 $98,164.45 2 Christenson Electric, Inc. Portland, OR $149,700.00 $12,275.40 $161,975.40 3 Potelco, Inc. Sumner, W A $73,164.00 $5,999.45 $79,163.45 Engineering Estimate $135,000.00 $11,070.00 $146,070.00 The low bid when combined with the 2001 engineering cos,ts, transformer purchase cost and circuit switcher purchase results in a projected project cost total of$529,009.11. This is well within the $600,000 budgeted for 2001 construction of the project. The project cost SuIl1mary is shown below. ITEM COST , Incl. Sales tax Low Bid $79,163.45 2001 engineering costs $65,000.00 City supplied circuit switcher $40,791.40 City supplied transformer $344,054.26 Total Cost = low bid + materials+ engineering $529,009.11 2001 Budget $600,000.00 . Project Location Map: ~ ,..,., EIlCElftlQl DII. . N:IPWKS\LIGtfru;NGRIPROlECTSIISTREE1\CONSTRICCawdltr.wpd 26 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANG 'LES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO October 2, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Award 2001 Tree Trimming Contract Summary: The City must trim trees annually to keep them a safe distance from power lines. An inspection of the power system in August 2001 confirmed a need to trim trees before winter. The only bid received from tree trimming companies listed on the small works roster was by Asplundh Tree Expert Company for an hourly rate of$129.25 per hour. We have hired Asplundh for tree trimming in the past with excellent results. Recommendation: Accept the $129.25 per hour, not to exceed $25,000.00, bid of Asplundh Tree Expert Co. and authorize the Mavor to sien the contract. Back~round / Analysis: The City must trim trees annually to keep them a safe distance from power lines and to minimize tree caused outages that normally occur during storms. An inspection of the power system in August 2001 confirmed a need to trim trees in proximity to the power lines and the priority areas of greatest need. The 2001 budget includes $25,000.00 for trimming of trees. All three (3) tree trimming companies on the small works roster were contacted and received a bid package for the required trimming. Only one of the three, Asplundh Tree Expert Company, responded with a bid. This was not unexpected since for the last several years when the tree trimming was publicly advertised for bids, only Asplundh responded. Asplundh's bid is for the work to be completed on an hourly basis at prevailing state wage rates up to an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. We have hired Asplundh for tree trimming in the . past with excellent results. The hourly rate bid was $129.25 per hour for a three man crew with manlift truck, chipper truck and chipper. N:IPWKSILIGH1\ENGRIPROJECTSITRETRMOllCCTREawdwpd 27 1- . . . :\ FORTANG~tES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 2, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Olympic Design Works Inc. Services Contract, Amendment No.1, Design and Construction Services for the Carnegie Library Building Summary: The results of the value engineering analysis indicate considerable cost savings through the use of the FEMA methodology for structural design. Olympic Design Works, Inc. has been directed to proceed. The change in engineering approach and soil testing will increase the design cost by $9,745.00. This amendment brings the total agreement amount to $114,012.00 Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the negotiated $9,745.00 Amendment No.1 to the current agreement with Olympic Design Works, Inc. for design and construction services for the Carne ie Libra BuUdin. Back~round I Analysis: In February 2001, the City entered into a contract with Olympic Design Works for design and construction services for the Restoration /Renovation of the Carnegie Library Building. The scope of work, as defined in the contract, contained work elements consisting of structural design review following independent value engineering (VE) of Olympic Design Works, Inc.'s proposed structural design which utilized the methodology prescribed in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). On April 3, 2001, the City contracted with Swensen Say Faget, a structural engineering corporation, to provide a VE analysis of the Olympic Design Works, Inc. structural design proposal. The results of the Swensen Say Faget VE analysis were presented to the Council at the July 17, 2001 City Council Meeting. The significant recommendation contained in the VE analysis was that considerable savings in project costs could be realized, without compromising life safety considerations, by utilizing the FEMA methodology. Following discussion and consideration of the recommendation contained in the Swensen Say Faget report, the Council voted to direct the Public Works and Utilities Director to proceed with the design of the Carnegie Library utilizing the FEMA methodology for structural upgrades. Olympic Design Works has been instructed to proceed with the Carnegie Library design based on the FEMA methodology. This change in design approach has resulted in the need to hire a 29 City Council 10/2/0 I RE: Carnegie Library Page 2 different structural engineer. The lump sum fee proposal from the new subconsultant is $3,500.00 more than the budget amount in the Olympic Design Works scope of work. Fees and markup to compensate the previous consultant add an additional $1,245.00 for a total engineering increase of $4,745.00. Additionally soil boring and analysis of the soil under the proposed location for the elevator tower is required. This work was not included in the original scope of work and is estimated to cost $5,000.00. Therefore, the total cost of this ~mendment is $9,745.00. Staff reviewed the costs proposed in this amendment and found them reasonable for the services proposed. N :\PROJECTS\97-080L \Amend# 1. wpd 30 . . . . . . " f~ ," ~ORTANG~tES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 2, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase of One 60KW Trailer-Mounted Generator Utilizing the State Bid Contract Summary: The 2001 Water Division has budgeted funds to purchase a 60KW trailer mounted generator as back up for our water booster pump stations. The equipment is available through the state bid process. The cost exceeds the City Manager's authority and requires approval by the City Council. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to purchase a 60 KW trailer mounted, Onan Model #60 Generator, from the State Bid, in an amount not to exceed thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars. Back2roundl Analysis: Purchase of a portable emergency generator will increase the reliability of fire flow capacity in the McDougal, Fairmont, and Scribner water booster pump stations in the event an electrical power outage occurs. The water booster pump stations maintain water pressure for fire fighting capabilities. This requirement was identified in our approved water comprehensive plan. Equipment Method of Purchase Total Cost Budget Amount DepartmentlDivision (incl tax) Total 1- Generator, 60 KW State Bid $28,213.15 $30,000 Trailer Mounted, Onan Model #60 The proposed procurement exceeds the City Manager's purchase authority. It is requested that the City Manager be granted authority to purchase a 60 KW trailer mounted, Onan Model #60, utilizing the State Bid. The Water/Wastewater Collection Division budget includes $30,000 for this procurement. N:\PWKS\WATER\CC Memo Gen.wpd 31 . . . 32 . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 18,2001 Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, Wiggins, and Williams. Councilmember McKeown arrived at 8:15 p.m. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, S. McLain, L. Dunbar, G. Kenworthy, S. Sperr, and M. Pennino. Public Present: R. Hayes, L. Lee, T. Price, K. Spence, K. Rogers, T. Bihn, and R. K. Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle, followed by a moment of silence for the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. None. None. Councilman Wiggins requested that a letter regarding forestry practices (HR 2389) be added as Item I. 7. Mayor Doyle requested that payroll information be added as part of future Consent Agendas; he also inquired as to whether the check register could be added to the meeting packet for each meeting rather than once a month. Manager Quinn stated that this issue had been discussed at the last staff meeting and that it would be possible to comply with the request. In that about 74% of expenditures are payroll, Mayor Doyle felt this information would assist in the Council's awareness of current payroll information. Manager Quinn added that providing information similar to a budget status report would also be beneficial for the Council to see capital outlay, major services, and personnel and supplies on a monthly basis and how they compare to the monthly budget. As part of that report, the Finance Department would also provide a breakdown of payroll by department. Manager Quinn asked the Council to choose a date for the luncheon meeting with the Lower Elwha Tribe somewhere between October 2 and October 5, 2001. Leland Lee, 905 W. 11th Street, referenced Page 28 of the check register, specifically the payment in excess of$415,000 to Delhur Industries, Inc. for the Edgewood Drive project. Mr. Lee expressed concern about the roughness of the pavement surface, and 33- CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 2001 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: (Cont'd) FINANCE: 2001 Paving Contract A ward Laurel Street Slide Repair Bid Award CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: he wondered if a fault existed in the specs or in quality control. He asked about the role of the City Engin~erfug Department in such projects and, further, he urged the proper authority to revie~ public work projects and take whatever action necessary to insure quality. Mayor Doyle indicated the Engineering Department would follow up on this matter. . Roy Hayes, 86 Blue Valley Road, asked that the Council consider consumer needs with regard to Northland Cable and, before considering a six-year contract with Northland, he urged the Council to be cognizant of communication problems between Northland and the public. MayofDoyle informed those present that the City is currently working on a franchise agreement with Northland Cable, and he inquired as to whether Mr. Hayes had discus~ed his concerns with City staff. Mayor Doyle invited Mr. Hayes to contact City Hall and express his concerns. On the matter of Mr. Lee's concerns, Councilman Hulett asked about the pavement on the east end of 8th Street. City Engineer Kenworthy responded that extensive conversations have been held with the contractor and, as of this date, the City has withheld payment. He is currently in the process of writing a review of the situation for the City Manager and City Attorney. Resolution is expected shortly. 1. 2001 Paving Contract Award At the Mayor's request, City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the bid for the 2001 paving contract, noting that the one bid received was well within the estimate. After reviewing the areas to be paved, Engineer Kenworthy recommended approval of the contract with Lakeside Industries. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Hulett moved to award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the 2001 Paving Project with Lakeside Industries, Inc. in the amount of $210,875.20. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. . 2. Laurel Street Slide Repair Bid Award City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the bids submitted for the Laurel Street slide repair, noting that this particular bid was for the wall only. Engineer Kenworthy explained the difficulty in preparing an engineering estimate, and he explained there was approximately $170,000 in funding left for this project. City personnel will do the repair work on the stairs. Councilman Wiggins moved to award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the Laurel Street Slide Repair with Primo Construction in the amount of $125,951.04. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Before considering the Consent Agenda, Councilmember Williams asked whether approval should be granted for the payment to Delhur Industries as referenced above. Manager Quinn assured the Council that staff would monitor the situation. He' was certain this was not the final payment. Therefore, Councilman Williams moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City Council minutes - September 4, 2001; 2) Wires - September 7,2001 - $1,138,997.30; and 3) Check Register - September 7, 2001 - $1,249,644.41. The motion was seconded by Council member Erickson. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 1, with Councilman Hulett abstaining due to absence from the September 4 Council meeting. Councilmembers Erickson, Hulett, Campbell, and Wiggins had no report. Councilman Williams toured the Rayonier trail easement with Parks Director Connelly. . He also attended the UAC/P.A. Works!, and PABA meetings, as well as the RTPO 34- . . . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Public Fireworks Display for High School Homecoming Cable TV Future Needs and Interests Report "~:ff1~~tm~~~'fj~(!"~1'?:!~;;1~::'0j~!,~~~t~~~~~~; CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 2001 .';}1s':""~;P': meeting regarding th8'thood Canal closure in 2006, covering information regarding alternate traffic/transit possibilities. Councilman Williams also attended the Transit meeting in Forks. Mayor Doyle provided a welcome at the meeting of the Salmon Recovery Funding Board, he did the ribbon cutting at opening ceremonies for a new quilting business, and he attended the Cutter Winona reunion. The Mayor also attended a meeting of the Peninsula Development Association, the Port Angeles High School ceremony regarding terrorist attacks, the Richard B. Anderson ship reunion, and he provided a welcome to the Friends of Fine Arts Center. Mayor Doyle summarized the City/County ceremony regarding the terrorist attacks, and he informed the Council that the Tanabu High School visit has been canceled because of the attacks. None. None. 1. Public Fireworks Display for High School Homecoming Mayor Doyle read the request from Fire Chief McKeen to approve a public display of fireworks conducted by Entertainment Fireworks, Inc. on October 12,2001, at Civic Field for the Port Angeles High School homecoming game. Councilman Williams expressed concerns from the public regarding the noise and any fear it might instill in the public in light of recent terrorist events. After discussion, the Council agreed that the decision to proceed with the display would rest with school officials. Councilman Campbell moved to grant approval to Entertainment Fireworks, Inc. to conduct a public display of fireworks on the 12th day of October, 2001, at Civic Field for the Port .Angeles High School homecolning game. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Cable TV Future Needs and Interests Report Mayor Doyle reviewed the information pertinent to the Cable TV Future Needs and Interests Report, which Deputy Director McLain indicated was part of the franchise renewal process with Northland Cable. Using a power point presentation, Power Resource Manager Dunbar summarized the franchise renewal process and then described the stages involved in the Basis for Grant or Denial of Franchise Renewal, the Cable Related Subscriber Needs and Interests, the Telecommunications Related Community Needs and Interests, the City Fiber Preliminary Layout, the Northland Fiber Upgrade Plans, the Northland Upgrade Schedule, a listing of the renewal teams, and the Key Features of the Basic Term Option. Resource Manager Dunbar also reviewed the negotiations schedule that is underway with Northland. In the discussion that followed, Mayor Doyle offered commentaries concerning the three access channels requested and the costs to the customers that may be associated with those channels. Resource Manager Dunbar indicated this request is similar to franchise agreements held by other cities, and there would be a definite benefit related to local programming. However, Northland's proposal back to the City will likely identify how much of the costs would be passed on to the customers. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Campbell spoke to the value of the needs assessment, and he expressed optimism that a franchise agreement will be agreed upon. Further, he expressed the hope that Northland would take seriously the need to upgrade efforts in the area of customer service relations. 3_q_ CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 2001 Cable TV Future Needs and Interests Report (Cont'd) Pilot Testing of Water Source Filtration PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Public Hearing to Receive Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Electric Utility Rate Presentation / Hearing Roy Hayes, 86 Blue Valley Road, returned to the podium and addressed the issue of the cable company providing three access channels: an education-access channel, a public access (a negotiable free-access channel), and a pay channel. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Cable Television and. Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report and authorize staff to request a formal proposal from the cable operator to reasonably meet future cable-related needs and interests as identified in the report. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Pilot Testing of Water Source Filtration Options After introducing the options for pilot testing of water source filtration, Mayor Doyle recognized Deputy Director McLain, who introduced Utility Engineer Sperr. Engineer Sperr, using a power point presentation, discussed the alternatives for pilot testing, along with the recommendation for the Council to consider the Septra CB Cartridge type filtration. Following an explanation of the differences among the five filtration alternatives and cost estimates involved with each, it was Mr. Sperr's finding that, because of the minimal costs involved with the Septra system, this system, even though not yet approved by the Department of Health, would be the best alternative to complete the Pilot Testing. In the event that the Septra System is not approved by the DOH, it was Mr. Sperr's suggestion that the Membrane filtration be chosen an an alternate treatment. Following questions and discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to concur with the CH2M Hill and the Public Works & Utilities staff decision to pilot test the Septra CB filtration process in order to determine if it is the best municipal treatment facility to be installed ifthe Elwha dams are not removed, and, further, to allow the Public Works & Utilities Director to negotiate with the DOH for a Pilot Testing Protocol that mayor may not include testing of membrane filtration in addition . to the Septra CR. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Before proceeding further, Mayor Doyle asked Clerk Upton to introduce the new Deputy City Clerk, Mary Pennino. The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, issued a kind welcome to Ms. Pennino. None. J. Public Hearing to Receive Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Mayor Doyle read the recommendation on the matter of the Federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. The Department of Justice requires a public hearing on the grant application. Chief Riepe explained that the procurement of the Forensic Evidence Drying Cabinet would be a good use of funds, that the safety of employees would be enhanced, and the purchase would augment the department's ability to collect evidence of DNA. Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. There being no public testimony, the hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. Following discussion regarding the amount of the grant and the expenditure of past grant funding, Mayor Doyle observed that no action was required of the Council. 2. Electric Utility Rate Presentation / Hearing . Mayor Doyle reviewed the information in the packet, after which Deputy Director 3~_ Electric Utility Rate Presentation / Hearing (Cont'd) . Break OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) . Compact Flourescent Lamp Coupon Agreement Fiber Optic Pilot Project . Purchase of Conservation Agreement with BP A Amendment ;"~~\t~~~~~~W,~~'~p(f{:~};~;:~:<H:;~~'S~J~~~lJ~'~~' ,.. . CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 2001 \t,;i,~~'w McLain introducedMngie Sanchez Virnoche, Project Manager for Economic and .,(",,",(','?~ Engineering Services, Inc. In her presentation, Ms. Sanchez Virnoche described and explained the Revenue Requirement and Rate Design to the City Council, covering overview and purpose, revenue~f:quirements and summary of the revenue requirement analysis, the cash basis approach, and key revenue requirement assumptions. In addition, Ms. Sanchez Virnoche presented the overview, typical goals, and fmal goals involving rate design. Following Ms. Virnoche, Deputy Director McLain presented changes in electric rates for residential, general service, primary service, and industrial transmission customers. Rates to residential customers will increase by 19.5%, and industrial rates will be increased by about 35%. Councilmember McKeown arrived at 8:15 p.m. Deputy Director McLain responded to questions raised by the Council pertaining to the rate stabilization fund, return on investment, and future increases anticipated. Deputy Director McLain indicated it is likely the rates will be readdressed in October of2003. Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 8:28 p.m. There was no public testimony offered. After further questions and discussion, Councilman Williams moved to continue the public hearing to the October 2, 2001, regular Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Council member Erickson and carried unanimously. Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. 4. Compact Flourescent Lamp Coupon Agreement Amendment In response to an amendment to the ENERGY STAR* Labeled Compact Flourescent Lamp Coupon Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration, Mayor Doyle reviewed the amendment to include torchiere floor lamps. After brief discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment to the ENERGYSTAR* Labeled Compact Flourescent Lamp Coupon Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. 5. Fiber Optic Pilot Project Because of the increase in the number of companies interested in becoming a part of the Fiber Optic Pilot Project, Power Resource Manager Dunbar presented to the Council a status report regarding the project. The City has received interest from Qwest, Northland, Capacity Provisioning, and the Clallam County PUD No.1, which now provides opportunities to achieve City goals in partnership with others. Included in Mr. Dunbar's presentation were the Applicants and Site listings, a Partner Development Activity Summary, and an Updated Project Schedule. Brief discussion followed, and Councilman Williams mentioned the possibility of grant funding available for telemedicine. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize a delay to the fiber optic pilot project schedule to allow additional time to prepare and, further, that the matter be returned to the Utility Advisory Commhtee / Port Angeles Works! Committee at the meeting of November 13, 2001. Tlie motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously. 6. Purchase of Conservation Agreement with SPA Amendment Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities, and Deputy Director McLain explained this is an amendment to an existing contract, serving as a conservation augmentation program for specific programs differing from other 31,_ CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18, 2001 Purchase of Conservation Agreement with BP A Amendment (Cont'd) Forestry Practices Elwha Luncheon INFORMATION: utilities. He explained the process by which this would evolve, after which Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to accept the amendments to the Purchase of Conservation Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration, including revision 1 of project 1 and the addition of project 2. . Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 7. Forestry Practices Councilman Wiggins introduced the issue that will be before the County Conunissioners regarding maintaining the infrastructure of public forest roads and the assignment of Title II and Title III monies. In the interest of prioritizing fmancial emphasis on maintaining the public forest road system, Councilman Wiggins suggested an 8/20 split between Title II and Title III funding. To that end, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to the County Commisioners supporting an 80/20 split in Title IT and Title ITI funds. The motion was seconded by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously. 8. Elwha Luncheon See City Manager's Report. City Manager's Calendar / Council Goals / Project Status Report: City Manager Mike Quinn asked Council members to consider a target date of October 3,2001, for a luncheon meeting with the Elwha Council. He added he would send an agenda to Councilmembers listing issues to be addressed at the meeting. Mention was then made of the rescheduling of the meeting with the Victoria City Council before October 9,2001 because of problems associated with the reduction of . ferry schedules. Manager Quinn indicated that the City is awaiting a response from Victoria. The Coast Guard has suggested that the City procure an alternative location for the regional Veteran's Day celebration due to maintenance plans. Two options would be the Vern Burton or the High School auditorium. Discussion ensued on the information on I 747, and it was determined that the Council will not take a position on this issue. Attorney Knutson informed the Council for future reference that, if the Council wanted to pass a resolution either favoring or opposing a ballot measure, the matter should be placed on the Council agenda, listing the title and the number of the ballot measure and then allowing people on either side to comment if they wished. Councilman Campbell referenced the Public Works & Utilities August Monthly Report, Page 247, suggesting that the difference between the years 2000 and 2001 be placed on the electrical usage section. Mayor Doyle then commented on the Stage 2 water restrictions, and Manager Quinn advised this is a voluntary effort for the residents of the community to conserve on water consumption. Stage 2 is not a serious stage, and it was Manager Quinn's belief there would be no need to move to another stage. Peter Ripley commented on the tragedies of this past week and complimented the Councilmembers on their professional reactions to the terrorist attacks and their steadfastness to the issues involved. . 3_~_ . . . EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: *)'V~i~f;~r~m~~~:r:~M'l~Wf'(f~~~~"~1j::4f+\~~(:~~:~t~!11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 18,2001 'Kf~:.~':",~~\?:'",:~; The meeting adjoum~Q.:f6 Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. to discuss litigation for 10-15 minutes. The meeting retUrned to Open Session at 10:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Larry Doyle, Mayor 3~_ Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . . . 40 . . . Finance Department Electronic Payments - September 8 - September 21, 2001 Fund 401 09-21-01 A vista for August Power Purchase 119,650.08 09-21-01 WPPSS for August Transmission 100,535.00 09-21-01 WPPSS for August Power Purchase 739,022.00 503 08-31-01 Frank Gates for August Claims 34.772.61 993,979.69 41 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page CHECK REGISTER . Date From 09108/2001 To 09/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount NlIIIber Name NlIIIber Nl.Il1ber 001 65546 Chief Supply Inc. 03325 Batteries 2370000 20.09- Battery 2370000 6.06- 65549 Clallam Co Treasurer 03075 CVCA remittance-August 2294000 351.49 65584 In The Line of Duty Inc. 09005 Training tapes 2370000 7.79- 65614 Niagra Conservation Corp 14126 Showerheads,faucet aerators 1 2370000 76.47- 65638 Quill Corporation 17000 Pens,binder clips,inkjet cart 1 2370000 12.36- 65670 Trigg Industries Int'l. Inc. 20037 Road tube,bituthane tape 1 2370000 43.48- 65674 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-R Niblock 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-V Bryant 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Gudgel 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Seaton 1 2295000 24.00 656n Washington State Treasurer 23120 District Court revenue-August 1 2293000 13,282.31 65695 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Goos 1 2295000 24.00 65707 Dyna Med 04383 Replace stolen light 1 2370000 12.47- 65725 Microflex (for gloves) 13253 Latex gloves 1 2370000 12.30- 65726 NFPA 14202 Renew member McKeen #000640878 1 2370000 3.00- 65732 paymentech 16421 Use tax on books 1 2370000 11.40- 65742 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-S Moore 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-T Rihtarich 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-T Goff 1 2295000 24.00 . Total for Department 13,620.38 0001 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 9-2 Avaya billing 111 4210 31.26 9-2 Avaya billing 113 4210 31.26 9-2 Avaya billing 124 4210 15.63 65572 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 06158 Monthly processing-August 111 4150 122.40 65602 Marra PH.D.,Herbert A 13103 Pre-employment exam-King 113 4131 300.00 65617 Office of The Code Reviser 15019 Revised WA Code Supplement-01 124 3101 43.28 65620 Olympic Medical Center 15028 X-rays-Oman-city account 113 4131 127.75 65622 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Employment application 113 3101 215.70 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Office supplies 111 3101 n.14 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner cartridge 113 3101 75.74 Sept lease agre-NUP08604 111 4810 32.46 Toner,core fee deposit 111 3101 1n.17 65630 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Ordinance summary 3093 113 4410 22.14 65631 Peninsula Radiologists P.S. 16014 Pre-employment physical-Oman 113 4131 24.00 65673 Virginia Mason Medical Center 22048 Radiology-Scairpon 1-95-35-60 113 4131 123.00 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Rfd application fee-Marsh 113 4150 10.00 65698 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Regional Roundtable-Williams 112 4310 30.00 65729 Olympic Medical Center 15028 Pre-employment x-ray-L Ki.ng 113 4131 127.75 65732 paymentech 16421 Business meals-Doyle 112 4310 8.50 Total for Administration 1,595.18 0002 65512 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 09-02 AT&T alc #45946522 240 4150 33.18 . 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 9-2 Avaya billing 201 4210 31.26 9-2 Avaya billing 230 4210 39.07 9-2 Avaya billing 240 4210 93.n 65558 Diversified Resource Center 04052 ~ center svcs-August 205 4150 1,5n.OO 65563 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 st credit inquiries 240 4150 32.19 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . GL Code Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Amount Nl.IIlber Name Nl.Illber Nl.IIlber 65607 Microflex Inc. 13203 Sept tax audit program 230 4150 42.18 65618 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Delivery svc August 240 4150 84.80 65621 Ol ympi c Paper Company 15111 Paper,greenbar paper 205 3101 173.66 65622 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 240 3101 1,153.95 Window envelopes 240 3101 1,380.09 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 201 3101 55.79 Paper 230 3101 46.83 Paper 205 3101 189.35 Rubberbands"sale disks 240 3101 15.86 Budget supplies 230 3101 89.27 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner cartridge 201 3101 124.43 Toner cartridge 230 3101 124.43 Credit typewriter trade-in 240 3101 9.74- Credit typewriter trade-in 240 3101 98.47- 65666 Thurman Supply 20005 Wood step stool 240 3101 18.39 65682 Xerox Corporation 24001 Meter usage pe 8-20-DC230SLX 205 4530 1,039.94 Meter usage pe 8-20-5800 Dup 205 4530 2,521.47 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Business calls-Ziomkowski 201 4210 9.70 Meals-Fixed Asset training 230 3101 17.85 Working lunch-Hostetler 240 3101 12.39 Petty cash shortage 200 36981000 31 65692 Postmaster 16028 Replenish Permit #67 mailings 205 4210 5,00 65712 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer,monitor-Woods 230 3160 1,209. 65732 paymentech 16421 Toner cartridges 240 3101 503.98 Toner cartridge,books 230 3101 318.36 Books 201 3101 43.28 Sr Accountant job ad 230 4410 150.00 Total for Finance 16,059.51 0003 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 9-2 Avaya billing 311 4210 54.70 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Dividers 312 3101 4.56 Paper 311 3101 37.87 65713 Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. 07245 Legal Svcs for July 312 4150 508.00 65722 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc. 13106 WA Supreme Ct Reports V141 311 3101 16.94 65730 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 Legal svcs pe 9-12~01 312 4150 2,647.50 65732 Paymentech 16421 Office supplies 311 3101 80.90 65746 West Group 23018 McQuillin Muni Corporations 311 3101 319.74 McQuillin Muni Corporations 312 3101 319.73 Total for Attorney 3,989.94 0004 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 9-2 Avaya billing 411 4210 31.26 65565 Event Dynamics for APA Conf. 05088 Registration-Roberds 411 4310 375 . 00 65622 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time card planning 411 3101 97.11 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 411 3101 81.96 65630 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Transport parking Alpine 411 4410 ~. Repair pilings-Rayonier 411 4410 Summary of Ordinance #3094 411 4410 27.06 65634 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 .a:~r bl~de 420 3501 56.09 65658 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 scoplng 420 3501 27.04 .,,_~~~~. :"'jj,r!l~,\::~:"s.U~~r'f::,~~: ,;1:""" ..', , , ...,.).... . 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - September 25 2001 Page 3 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check NlIIIber Vendor Name Vendor NLIlIber 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 65697 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 65707 Dyna Med 04383 65745 Washington Public Ports Assoc. 23602 0005 12215 65513 AVAYA INC 65532 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 . 65544 Camera Corner 03044 65546 Chief supply Inc. 03325 65547 City of Forks 06075 65555 Database Technologies Inc 04283 65566 Evergreen Towing 03207 65573 Clallam Co Hospital District 1 06254 65581 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 65584 In The Line of Duty Inc. 09005 65605 Metrocall 20000 65617 Office of The Code Reviser 15019 65620 Olympic Medical Center 15028 65622 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 . 65629 Pen Print Inc. 16009 Description GL Code Amount NLIlIber Office supplies-Roberds 411 3101 3.47 Polaroid camera 420 3101 30.83 9-2 AT&T billing ac #44324994 420 4210 29.99 Replace stolen light 420 3101 164.45 Environmental Seminar-Collins 411 4310 100.00 Total for Planning 1,093.96 9-2 Avaya billing 511 4210 54.70 9-2 Avaya billing 534 4210 39.07 9-2 Avaya billing 530 4210 7.81 Weed cloth 584 3120 39.93- Landscape fabric 584 3120 14.01 Landscape fabric 584 3120 14.01 Landscape fabric 584 3120 14.01 Bark,landscape fabric 584 3120 24.18 Landscape fabric 584 3120 207.31 Powder horn chips 584 3120 52.91 Powder horn chips 584 3120 52.91 Powder horn chips 530 3101 52.91 Photos 530 4990 25.96 Photos 530 4990 46.88 Processing 530 4990 91.68 Photos 530 4990 17.19 Photos 530 4990 10.58 Photos 530 4990 5.39 Batteri es 530 3114 265.05 Battery 530 3114 80.05 August board bill 512 5099 3,218.62 August service fee 530 4150 25.00 Towing services 530 4150 67.63 Inmate care-Jacques 08-23-01 512 5099 774.20 Stakes, lumber 584 3120 21.07 Credit lumber 584 3120 7.37- LlIIIber 584 3120 46.07 Stakes, lumber 584 3120 6.23 Training tapes 530 3180 102.79 08-25 Metrocall billing 530 4210 61.57 2001 RCW Supplement 511 3101 43.20 Medical svcs-Putnam-Police 512 5099 50.00 Envelopes 534 4990 164.14 Toner 511 3101 71.41 Toner 530 3101 28.08 Toner,shredder oil 534 3101 19.86 Toner 530 3101 114.69 HP deskjet ink 511 3101 68.71 Toner cartridge 530 3101 115.78 Sept lease agre-CXL90926 511 4810 32.46 Sept lease agre-NBZ08561 534 4810 54.10 ~ lease agre-NGM21820 534 4810 167.82 ements 534 4990 215.32 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE september 25 2001 Fnd Opt Check NLJ11ber Vendor Name 65638 Quill Corporation 65644 Richmond 2-Way Radio CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Vendor NLJ11ber 17000 18009 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 65675 Warner, Jack 23599 65676 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 65725 Microflex (for gloves) 13253 65740 United Parcel Service 21005 0006 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 65581 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 65587 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 65605 Met roca II 20000 65619 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 65621 Olympic Paper Company 15111 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 65649 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 65688 Hall, John L 08382 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 65697 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 65704 Chamberlin's Appliance 65721 Life Assist 65726 NFPA 65729 Olympic Medical Center 65735 Riski Business Photographics 65740 United Parcel Service 0007 . 65513 AVAYA INC 65522 Angeles Communications Inc 65541 CH2M Hill Inc 65544 Camera Corner 03285 12202 14202 15028 18271 21005 12215 01069 03005 03044 Description GL Code NLJ11ber Pens,binder clips,inkjet cart 534 3101 Remote speaker 530 3114 Rechargable flashlights,fuse t 530 4810 Remote speaker/mic 530 3114 Foam sleeve 584 3120 Law Enforcement Handbook 511 3101 Service extinguisher,powder 530 3101 Service extinguisher 530 3101 Rfd fingerprint fee-Smith 500 34210014 Latex gloves 530 3101 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 530 4210 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 534 4210 Total for Police 9-2 Avaya billing 611 4210 9-2 Avaya billing 642 4210 9-2 Avaya billing 643 4210 9-2 Avaya billing 641 4210 Lumber 641 3101 First aid supplies 643 3199 08-25 Metrocall billing 644 4210 Laundry service August 641 3101 Quick sorb absorbent 641 3101 Service HP laserjet 1100 611 3101 Bunker coats,pants,letters 641 3111 Harness adjusting strap 641 3501 Drug bag 643 3101 Lithium battery 643 3101 Reimburse clothing allowance 643 2080 Office supplies-Wheeler 611 3101 09-02 AT&T a/c46898102 611 4210 09-02 AT&T alc 47951801 643 4210 09-02 AT&T alc 43736255 644 4210 09-02 AT&T alc 45598455 642 4210 09-02 AT&T alc 47190061 645 4210 Service call-dishwasher 684 4810 Recording paper,bags,glutose 643 3101 Renew member McKeen #000640878 642 4901 First aid supplies-Fire Dept 643 3199 On-location photos 611 3101 On-location photos 641 3101 On-location photos 643 3101 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 611 4210 Total for Fire 9-2 Avaya billing Install network connection ~screek IFIM Review 711 4210 711 4810 711 4150 711 3101 Page 4 Arne. 71.13 117.94 59.51 117.94 4.19 19.95 15.19 16.23 10.00 162.30 40.23 15.47 7,148.14 39.07 7.81 7.81 23.44 29.09 ~ ~. 117.60 118.05 1,481.86 43.94 4.19 6.21 268.09 47.86 24.00 35.87 8.30 32.70 8.62 41.66 150.44 118.00 112.37 50.00 299.60 299 . 60 3.92 3,435.97 21. 124.67 2,159.94 10.20 01/09/25-08:29 . Fnd Opt Check NlIIlber B7'(:'1~t.jj1i:'!f:~~'m~mq~ --:l.{'_;-"\j ".....<\K~. City of Port Angeles - LIVE: MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Vendor NlJlIber 65548 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 65552 Complete Line, The 03087 65570 Federal Express Corp. 06022 65622 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 . 65628 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 65652 Simmons Electrical Services 19816 65670 Trigg Industries Int'l. Inc. 20037 65682 Xerox Corporation 24001 65689 65691 65708 65709 65732 65734 Mr G'S Prefinishing Port Angeles City Treasurer EES Consulting Inc. Economic & Engineering svc paymentech Qwest 0008 65512 AT&T Wireless Services 65513 AVAYA INC 65514 Ace Equipment Company . 65523 Angeles Concrete Products 65527 Angeles Millwork 13655 03062 05140 Inc 05004 16421 21001 01404 12215 01055 01070 01073 Description September 25 2001 GL Code NlJlIber Photos 711 3101 Batteries 711 3101 Prints 711 3101 Battery 711 3101 Photos 711 3101 Fecal testing 711 4150 Folders 711 3101 August shipping services 711 4210 Letterhead 711 3101 Frames,stapler,clips,lead,tray 711 3101 Paper 711 3101 Portfolio,planner 711 3101 Invoice correction-planner 711 3101 Directory,paper,Diskettes 711 3101 Pens 711 3101 Office supplies 711 3101 Oividers,books 711 3101 Switch box 711 3101 Cable adapter,switch box 711 3101 Monitor arm,surge protector 711 3101 Doorstop,coat rack 711 3101 Credit monitor arm 711 3101 Lateral file,monitor arm,chair 711 3501 Plan Review-OMC Remodel 711 32210017 Road tube,bituthane tape 711 3101 Meter usage pe 8-20-DC420SLX 711 4530 August lease agre-DC265 711 4530 Display cabinet 711 3501 Office suppiles-Rasler,Rinehar 711 3101 Prof svcs for July-WPAG Scope 711 4901 Prof Svcs for July-SW rates 711 4901 Toner cartridge 711 3101 9-5 Qwest billing 711 4210 9-2 AT&T billing ac #44889988 09-02 AT&T a/c 44704773 09-02 AT&T a/c 4608926 9-2 Avaya billing 9-2 Avaya billing 9-2 Avaya billing 9-2 Avaya billing 9-2 Avaya billing 9-2 Avaya billing Parts for push mower, labor Piston,chainsaw parts Control density fill LlJlIber ~ardware 4~r straps Total for Public Works 861 4210 865 4210 865 4210 811 4210 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 Page 5 Amount 2.26 14.01 6.23 13.91 22.20 200.00 13.23 5.15 303.93 211.29 113.61 26.50 .30 152.77 63.34 128.89 168.73 54.10 29.70 120.92 58.21 81.16- 981.35 105.08 573.68 999.10 895.28 1,011.67 22.53 65.04 561.65 211.24 42.66 9,603.26 29.33 28.57 9.52 23.44 7.81 7.81 15.63 7.81 23.44 45.82 123.62 302.96 11.36 9.98 8.83 01/09/25-08: 29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page 6 CHECKiREGISTER Date From 09/0*/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Nl.Il1ber Name NlIIIber Nl.Il1ber Cemetery marker 866 3120 1.02 Cemetery marker 866 3120 .81 Sandpaper 865 3120 5.11 65529 Automated Business Sys. Inc. 01050 Cell phone attachments 865 3120 36.78 65530 Automatic Wilbert Vault Co Inc 01089 Rough boxes 866 3401 1,204.67 65532 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Parking bunper 865 3120 27.00 65540 C.J. Cabinets 03141 Cabinets 861 4810 154.09 65550 Clallam Cooperative Assn Inc. 03063 Cap sl ips 865 3120 18.21 65559 Dobson's 04054 Coupler,paint sprayer 865 3120 63.84 Sprayer parts,oil 865 3120 73.88 65562 Eclipse C Corp. 19019 Washed sand 865 3140 324.60 Grind st~s 865 4810 324.60 65581 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Soccer tape 865 3120 52.59 Wasp spray 865 3140 3.88 Wasp spray 865 3120 4.07 Fasteners 830 3120 1.69 65593 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 865 3120 724.13 65598 lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Primer, fenders 865 3120 43.55 Sheet metal,couplers,nipples 865 3120 86.44 Hinges 865 3120 22.66 65619 Olympic laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 laundry service August 830 3120 :. 65621 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Air freshener 830 3120 Handles 862 3120 liquid bleach 862 3120 49.57 Tampons 862 3101 84.30 lunar blue 862 3101 173.99 latex gloves 862 3120 51.22 Bathroom cleaner 830 3120 33.33 Carpet cleaning solution 830 3120 31.40 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 862 3101 37.87 Pens 866 3101 24.93 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Calculator ribbon 862 3101 27.06 65628 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 3 Chair mates 830 3101 64.92 65632 Peninsula Septic Tanks 16215 Parking curbs 865 3120 16.23 65634 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Grass bag for mower 865 3120 97.35 Ring set,gasket,welch plug,sea 865 3120 20.34 Joint assembly ball 865 3120 12.96 Mower parts 865 3120 66.61 Snapper bel t 865 3120 12.88 65639 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Shutters 866 3401 372.40 Marker-W Jell i s 866 3401 146.30 Marker-H Jellis 866 3401 146.30 Marker-T Clark 866 3401 146.30 Shutters 866 3401 279 . 30 65640 Qwest 21001 09-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 39.25 65650 Sears 19297 RCA VCR 861 3101 75.73 65658 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 SHook 865 3120 . PVC cap 830 3120 Shovel 865 3140 14.06 Ii 866 3120 17.85 l ing,PVC T 865 3140 3.01 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - I;lVE1MACH I NE September 25 2001 Page 7 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount NLI1lber Name NLI1lber NLI1lber Pvc adapters 866 3120 10.24 Sprayer parts 865 3120 23.57 PN phi l sms 865 3120 4.28 Hardware 865 3120 26.75 PVC cap 865 3120 2.89 Cylinder rent-August 865 3101 16.23 Cylinder rent-August 866 3101 10.82 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Drain,glue,putty,metal tray 865 3120 26.18 Cleaner 865 3120 5.16 Snap bolt,wire clip 830 3120 6.36 Drill bits,fasteners,adapter 865 3120 5.35 Bug spray 865 3140 7.43 Hedge shear,rakes 865 3140 48.81 Oi l spray 865 3120 3.83 Spray paint 865 3120 25.77 Starter fluid,springs,util bla 866 3120 15.88 Gloves 865 3120 5.27 Metal pai l 865 3120 22.69 Hammerite spray, replacement be 862 3120 28.51 Spray oi l 865 3120 3.83 . Bristle brush 865 3120 4.63 Nozzle,cleanser,bulb 865 3120 14.80 Cleanser,air freshener,clock 862 3120 38.13 Foam pesticide 866 3120 7.94 Marker,staple,staple gun 830 3120 22.73 Laundry soap 865 3140 6.86 Chisel 865 3120 12.74 Clear lens 865 3120 3.11 Knot cup brush 865 3120 12.09 Painting supplies,pruner 865 3120 45.97 Irrigation fittings 865 3140 2.54 Wasp spray 865 3120 7.94 Gause,cold packs, rags 862 3120 21.00 Wasp spray 865 3120 7.08 Weeder 865 3120 22.15 Artificial Grass 865 3120 21.13 Paint,brushes,carwash 865 3120 18.57 Sprayer parts 865 3120 12.81 cleansers 865 3120 3.83 Soccer tape 865 3120 48.66 spray paint 865 3120 17.15 spraypaint 865 3120 24.01 Spraypaint 865 3120 28.31 Paint remover, sandpaper 865 3120 10.14 Cleanser,wasp spray 865 3120 17.98 wasp spray 865 3120 23.83 . Key chuck 865 3120 3.00 Mower fil ter ,hog ring 865 3120 13.75 Film 866 3101 7.00 65666 Thurman Supply 20005 L iat bulbs " 865 3120 112.83 ~ ers,elbow,adapter,PVC tee 830 3120 36.02 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount NLJ11ber Name NLJ11ber Nunber Replacement ballast, lamps 866 3120 77.62 Commercial tubes 866 3120 63.84 Ballast,IPS,shower push button 862 3120 78.65 PVC primer,elbows 865 3140 7.24 Ice 865 3120 12.95 Cement,PVC primer 862 3120 5.14 KO type test cap 865 3120 2.34 Hose adapter, connector 865 3140 3.29 caps,nails,sandpaper 865 3120 11.37 Caps,nails,sandpaper 865 3120 11.37 Credit caps,nails,sandpaper 865 3120 11.37- PVC cap, paint 865 3120 60.16 sprinkler 865 3140 30.84 Faucet 865 3120 73.10 65682 Xerox Corporation 24001 Meter usage pe 8-20-DC220SS 861 4530 390.03 65687 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Running on/under signs 862 4810 227.58 No Smoking Signs 830 3120 90.81 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Mounting hardware-Bilsborrow 865 3120 1.11 Film,supplies-Dyker 865 3101 4.76 Rfd swimming lessons-Madsen 862 34730012 54.00 65699 Albertson's Inc. 01204 Staff retreat breakfast 811 3101 21 65702 Best Access Systems 02606 Padlocks, cores 865 3120 36 65711 Fowler Company, H. D. 06110 Rain bird sprinklers 865 3140 29 . 65734 Qwest 21001 9-2 Qwest billing 830 4710 32.25 65740 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 862 4210 29.81 Total for Parks & Recreation 8,812.90 Total for General Fund 65,359.24 101 0001 65615 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 Reimb expenses-German Fam Tour 115 5083 1,071.90 65733 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 September Visitor Ctr expenses 115 5083 2,642.96 Total for Convention Center Fund 3,714.86 102 0007 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 9-2 Avaya billing 752 4210 23.44 65514 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Line 752 3120 7.52 Line 752 3501 42.09 65518 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Lug 752 3125 7.03 65523 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Control density fill 752 3101 416.57 65527 Angeles Millwork 01073 Stakes, lumber 752 3120 12.01 Chop saw 752 3125 21.07 LLJ11ber,hardware 752 3120 25.77 LLJ11ber 752 3120 28.03 LLJ11ber 752 3120 9.68 Waterplug 752 3120 12.31 LLJ11ber 752 3120 . 12" sl ide compound saw 752 3501 65532 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Concrete mix, jet set 752 3120 114.91 ~set,concrete mix 752 3120 54.15 rete rakes 752 3501 62.00 01/09/25-08:29 . '",:;'&~l Ci ty of Port Angeles - LitYEjMACHINE September 25 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Nl.Ililer Vendor Name Vendor Nl.Ililer 65553 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 65558 Diversified Resource Center 04052 65581 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 65593 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 65621 Olympic Paper Company 15111 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 65644 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 65645 Ridout, Ken 18011 65658 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 . 65697 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 65700 Alpine Products Inc. 01177 65740 United Parcel Service 21005 103 0001 107 0005 172 0002 . 0008 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 65638 Quill corporation 65718 language line Services 65732 paymentech 16004 17000 12345 16421 65705 Clallam Title Company 03286 65517 Albertson's Inc. 01204 65545 Captain T's 03048 65575 Future Riders 06301 Description Gl Code Nl.Ililer Aircraft remover,bristle brush 752 3120 August janitorial svcs 752 4810 Paint,concrete seal 752 3125 Credit concrete seal 752 3125 Asphalt, liquid asphalt 7523120 Asphalt, liquid asphalt 7523120 Asphalt 752 3101 Quick sorb absorbent 752 3120 Paper 752 3101 Service radio, antenna 752 4210 Mileage reimbursement pe 9-5 752 4310 Thread locker,bolt 752 3101 Plastic barrel 752 3120 Hose bibb 752 3120 Hose repair,hose shut off 752 3120 lag, lag shield 7523125 Bulb 752 3125 Hardware 752 3125 Marker,paper tags, key tags 752 3120 Coupler,rubber hose washers 752 3120 Scissors,velcro hook 752 3125 9-2 AT&T billingac #44580470 752 4210 9-2 AT&T billing ac #43487438 752 4210 line paint marker 752 3125 Traffic markers 752 3125 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 752 4210 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 752 4210 Total for Street Fund 9-2 Avaya billing 123 4210 Total for Economic Development 9-2 Avaya billing Toner,shredder oil Pens,binder clips,inkjet cart Interpretation services Travel expenses-Wu 532 4210 532 3101 532 3101 532 4150 532 4310 Total for PenCom Reconveyance fee-D Heathers 214 4941 Page 9 Amount 35.04 77.83 12.43 4.86- 56.77 156.73 892.77 78.44 75.74 90.39 71.55 4.64 21.64 3.13 5.50 4.22 22.69 2.99 10.97 3.72 30.63 13.14 12.57 32.91 902.20 4.61 5.41 4,183.69 7.81 7.,81 132.84 157.96 91.87 4.33 467.00 854.00 43.00 Total for PA Housing Rehab Project 43.00 After school program supplies After School Program supplies Jerzees T-shirts 5>;Jth Football 888 3101 888 3101 881 3101 888 3101 883 3101 11.78 35.14 184.21 108.20 2,338.00 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page 10 CHECK ~EGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nl.Il1ber Name Nl.Il1ber Nunber 65594 Laurel Lanes Corp. 12173 Games for After School program 888 3101 106.75 65621 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Plastic scoop 889 3101 12.27 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pencils,lead,pen erasers 880 3101 119.12 65654 Sound Restaurant Supply Inc. 19315 Jet kleen 889 3101 85.26 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Softballs-Cooed league 881 3101 302.27 Softballs 881 3101 180.91 Softballs 881 3101 50.31 65685 Zeiner, Sandy 26223 Refund cooed soccer fee 889 34760020 30.00 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Supplies-Pruss 888 3101 19.28 65699 Albertson's Inc. 01204 Refreshments 888 3101 7.71 65719 Leet, Amber 12387 Refund soccer fee 889 34760020 25.00 65723 Metro Parks of Tacoma 13654 Zoo admiss ions 888 3101 84.00 65740 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 880 4210 7.15 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 3,707.36 186 0008 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 873 4210 4.03 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 4.03 310 0007 65544 Camera Corner 03044 Photos 783 3101 1. 65570 Federal Express Corp. 06022 August shipping services 792 4210 August shipping services 783 4210 9. August shipping services 792 4210 5.55 August shipping services 783 4210 10.30 65686 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof Svcs pe 8-25-Cent Trail 792 4150 4,500.65 Prof Svcs pe 8-25-First St 783 4150 859.95 65717 Jackson's Signs 10018 Update Library sign 796 4150 75.74 Total for Public Works 5,482.23 0008 65635 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 Francis St Pk Improvements 890 4150 91,152.33 65658 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 PVC plug,nipple 897 3101 7.17 65666 Thurman Supply 20005 PVC riser,coupling,elbow 897 3101 2.86 Total for Parks & Recreation '91,162.36 Total for Capital Improvement Fund 96,644.59 316 0008 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Plunger,glass cleaner 860 3120 7.29 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 7.29 401 65531 Bishop, Mary Lou 02626 Util ity deposit rfd-016071016 401 2391200 250.00 65535 Britton, Lori 02627 Ut il i ty depos it rfd-017710007 401 2391200 40.78 65564 Estrada, Edward 05240 Util ity deposit rfd-001864030 401 2391200 105.74 65591 Kenton, Ami 11254 Util ity deposit rfd-124607004 401 2391200 2_ 65595 Lausch, Jeremy 12385 Util ity deposit rfd-090484004 401 2391200 65597 Lesh, Brenda 12386 Util ity deposit rfd-124239008 401 2391200 103.99 65599 MANNA 13653 ~ity deposit rfd-Lannoye 401 2391200 23.19 65600 Magner, Velma 13651 ity deposit rfd-122017012 401 2391200 30.39 01/09/25-08:29 . Fnd Opt Check NlIl1ber 65601 65636 65646 65647 65653 65655 65679 65680 65681 65691 65703 65715 65747 /~sn~~1 ~:E::~{\~i$Dr ,\1'~:~l"f~~&\;~::."..'1~"'-_:' -\'''. ""''';5J~;~J:t'~:{' ;*j!~I'~L City of Port Angeles -Ll.::!V~~MACHINE Vendor Name Ma II ory, Roy Proctor, Val Ristvet, Joseph Ross, Sherry Slipper, Jessica St Vincent De Paul Western States Electric Inc. West rem, Christina Wright, Myrtle Port Angeles City Treasurer Bonneville Power Admin. IFCO Industrial Container Sys. Western States Electric Inc. September 25 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Vendor NlIl1ber 13652 16549 18437 18438 19817 19686 23025 23600 23601 03062 02048 14172 23025 0009 65512 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 . 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 65527 Angeles Millwork 01073 65537 Builders Exchange of WA Inc 02609 65544 Camera Corner 03044 65553 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 65558 Diversified Resource Center 04052 65563 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 65570 Federal Express Corp. 06022 65580 Hansen Supply Company Inc 08478 65581 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 65586 Ireland, David H 09133 65605 Metrocall 20000 65612 Mountain Power Construction Co 13626 65621 Olympic Paper Company 15111 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 65630 Peninsula Daily News 16012 65637 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 65640 Qwest 21001 65643 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 65658 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 . Description GL Code NlIl1ber Utility deposit rfd-073237003 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-114898018 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-043788033 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-001783004 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-080926013 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-A Kenton 401 2391200 Wire,connectors 401 1411000 Connectors 401 1411000 Crimpits,brackets,caps,seals 401 1411000 Crimpits 401 1411000 Utility deposit rfd-028355002 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-081132002 401 2391200 Deposit rfd-Vanderschelden 401 2391200 Pmts-Energy Conservation Loans 401 2325100 55 gallon drums 401 2370000 C Connections 401 1411000 Total for Department 8-27 AT&T billing ac #48531602 911 4210 9-2 Avaya billing 911 4210 Screws, wood 911 3402 Publish projects online 9304410 Film,mounting 911 3120 Prints 930 3101 Loctite high strength 911 4810 Sensor 911 4810 August janitorial svcs 911 4810 August credit inquiries 911 4150 August shipping services 930 4210 Reflective tape 911 3120 Reflective tape 911 3120 Roof nails 911 3120 Mileage reimbursement pe 9-7 911 4310 9-1 Metrocall billing 911 4210 Release 5% Retainage 930 4150 Release 5% Retainage 930 4150 Release 5% Retainage 930 4150 Release 5% Retainage 930 4150 Roll towel 911 3120 Paper 911 3101 Planner, notebook, phone pages 911 3120 Bid advertisement-proj 20.08 930 4410 2110 Glass Rd Util-August 911 3350 9-2 Qwest billing 911 4210 Speaker phone 911 4210 Eye bolt,link 911 4810 Hex cap, fender wash 911 4810 Nitrogen 911 3402 po~rbit 911 4810 iDogen 911 4810 Page 11 Amount 125.00 23.50 84.88 82.18 250.00 125.00 323.57 353.17 320.81 20.01 162.97 250.00 5.23 28,758.48 70.52- 683.53 32,326.39 .85 109.40 79.92 56.05 14.12 11.21 6.60 . 3.81 175.10 32.12 6.30 461.69 461.69 6.98 60.45 19.94 730.81 2,157.95 1,m.45 2,061.32 80.26 37.87 51.84 242.72 47.02 64.92 97.37 17.95 4.61 9.74 10.82 9.74 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER Oate From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nl.IIlber Name NLJ1Der NLJ1Der Heliun 911 4810 42.73 Bolts,nuts 911 3402 12.55 PSI gauge 911 4810 45.07 Tools,tape 911 3501 257.91 Duct tape,tarp 911 3402 12.09 65661 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Shovels,extension cords 911 3501 36.07 Shovels,extension cords 911 3120 36.08 Bungee cord 911 4810 17.85 Electric wire fence 911 3501 24.31 Sandpaper,stripper,paint 911 4810 22.59 Caulk, caulk gun 911 3501 6.97 Sprayer, tape 911 4810 8.82 Duct tape,tarp 911 4810 21.98 65667 Trans-Cycle Industries Inc 20322 Transport,dispose of fluid 911 4150 2,333.50 65668 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Freight chgs-Palex Isco 911 4810 188.62 65679 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Tensi on puller 911 3501 695.08 Crimpits,brackets,caps,seals 930 3402 1,391.07 Wedge clamps 911 3402 167.71 Wedge cl amps 911 3402 167.71 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Breakfast mtg-Dunbar 911 4310 10.27 65697 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 9-2 AT&T billing ac #44625127 911 4210 :1 9-2 AT&T billing ac #44690139 911 4210 9"2 AT&T billing ac #45528387 911 4210 9-2 AT&T billing ac #45570652 911 4210 26.33 9-5 AT&T billing ac #48555460 911 4210 6.83 65701 Barnes Properties 02628 Pallet storage racks, braces 911 4810 848.00 65702 Best Access Systems 02606 Padlocks, cores 911 3120 374.98 65706 DiJulio Displays, Inc 04000 Clear bulbs 911 4810 281. 36 65712 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 CompUter,monitor-Trainor 911 3160 1,209.69 65714 Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 Rechargeable battery 911 4810 211.08 Loadbreak Arc shute 911 4810 70.82 65715 IFCO Industrial Container Sys. 14172 55 gallon drums 911 4810 465.26 55 gallon drums 911 4810 465.26 65724 Metropolitan Communications 13568 Prof Svcs-Telecom Planning 2 911 4150 14,637.50 Prof Svcs- Telecom Planning 2a 911 4150 1,950.00 65731 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 Landscape maintenance 911 4810 1,352.50 65737 Sound Analytical Services Inc 19025 Test oil samples 911 4810 105.00 Test oil samples 911 4810 252.00 65740 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 911 4210 25.51 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 911 4810 14.88 Shipping chgs pe 09-01 911 4210 7.23 65744 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 Statewide pensioners-August 911 2030 200.16 65747 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 69 KV Circuit Switcher 930 6510 31,682.40 Pressure regulator 911 4810 1,114.25 Total for Light 69,744.71 Total for Light Fund 102,07. 402 65543 CSUS Foundation Inc. 032n ~stration,manUal-J Johnson 402 2370000 5.99- 65569 Fami l ian NW 06020 r 'adapter,MJ accessory kit 402 1414000 216.78 f'~ti$.l~,ft, ,.,~~Ii" ,- .,,1' 'ie," '~(~,J. ,:~,~!~......t]J....:~, " ~,;'\l'~~~\<''i':' ~. . 01109/25-08:29 Ci ty of Port AngeLes ;. . ~it~i;:l4ACHINE ..,.~ September 25 2001 . Fnd Opt Check NlJIIber Vendor Name 65574 Foundation Cross-Connection 65671 USA BLueBook 65743 WireLess Prof. Comm. Svcs. CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Vendor Nl.Ilber 06302 21060 23567 0007 65512 AT&T WireLess Services 01404 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 65514 Ace Equipment Company 01055 65520 AmTest Inc. 01034 65523 AngeLes Concrete Products 01070 65524 Angeles' Lock Shop 12050 . 65527 AngeLes MiLLwork 01073 . 65528 Anjo SoiLs 65532 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 65536 Brown and Caldwell 65541 CH2M HiLL Inc 65542 Schuck's 65543 CSUS Foundation Inc. 65548 ClaLLam Co Dept of HeaLth and 65558 Diversified Resource Center 65569 FamiLian NW 65570 Federal Express Corp. 01057 02045 02057 03005 19008 03277 03065 04052 06020 06022 Description GL Code Nl.Ilber Meter adapter,MJ accessory kit 402 1411000 Cross Connection manuaLs 402 2370000 Quad pLug 402 2370000 OBI antenna 402 2370000 TotaL for Department 09-02 AT&T alc 46031977 753 4210 09-02 AT&T alc 43263680 753 4210 9-2 Avaya biLLing 754 4210 9-2 Avaya biLLing 753 4210 Cut-off saw bLades 753 3402 PLug,fiLter,Labor 7533120 SampLe testing-silver 7544810 SampLe testings 754 4810 SampLe testing-cyanide 754 4810 Concrete sacks,delivery svc 753 3402 Control density fiLL 753 3402 Keys 753 3120 Keys 753 3120 ALuminum LeveL,aLLigator pLier 753 3501 LlJIIber 753 3402 Lacquer thinner 753 3120 Hose hanger 753 3120 Bathroom gLue and seal 753 3120 Extension cord 753 3120 SoiL 753 3402 Mortar mix,patio block 754 3120 Prof Svfcs pe 8-24 pmt #7 794 4150 Prof Svfcs pe 8-24 pmt #7 794 4150 Prof Svfcs pe 8-24 pmt #7 754 4150 ELwha Dam RemovaL Mitigation 793 4150 GWI CompLiance Assistance 793 4150 Black Diamond Improvements 793 4150 Water System PLan Update 793 4150 Surge Tank Spec 753 6510 Mat set 754 3120 Registration,manuaL-J Johnson 753 4310 Water testing services 753 4150 August janitoriaL svcs : 753 4810 01 poLy encasement tubing 754 3120 M.J. cross 753 3402 PVC pipe,fLange,gasket,~aLve 754 4810 Meter adapter,MJ accessory kit 753 3402 MJ accessory kits 753 3402 Pipe insuLation,eLbow,PVC tape 754 3120 SteeL coupLings 754 3120 ELbow,PVC pipe 754 3120 Tapped pLug,soLid pLug 753 3402 ~u~st shipping services' 754 4210 3Ci)st shipping services 754 4210 Page 13 Amount 23.19 11.81- 5.85- 6.80- 209.52 25.07 19.74 15.63 7.81 96.89 18.61 14.45 89.25 323.85 424.69 265.09 4.87 9.41 49.32 364.14 7.70 3.24 3.07 6.47 208.29 21.98 2,456.49 .53 4,645.08 121.48 16,900.86 649.78 4,070.87 425.67 28.66 78.99 828.00 77.83 77.08 117.45 3,409.83 124.86 253.85 880.62 67.20 50.40 59.02 16.75 9.65 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Nunber Vendor Nunber Vendor Name 65574 Foundation Cross-Connection 06302 65585 IndustriaL LabsaLes Inc 09145 65593 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 65605 MetrocaLL 20000 65619 OLympic Laundry & CLnrs Inc. 15026 65621 OLympic Paper Company 15111 65622 OLympic Printers Inc. 15027 65623 OLympic Springs Inc. 15029 65624 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 65629 Pen Print Inc. 16009 65634 Port AngeLes Power Equipment 16122 65640 Qwest 21001 65658 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 65661 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 Description GL Code Nunber August shipping services 754 4210 August shipping services 753 3402 August shipping services 753 4150 August shipping services 754 4210 Cross Connection manuaLs 753 3101 GLutamic acid, storage soLution 754 3120 AsphaLt, Liquid asphaLt 753 3402 AsphaLt 753 3402 AsphaLt 753 3402 08-25 MetrocaLL biLLing 754 4210 Laundry sc August 753 3120 Liner, Kitchen roLL toweL 754 3120 Quick sorb absorbent 753 3402 Liquid ChLorine 753 3105 Time cards water dept. 753 3101 5 gaLLon water 754 3120 Hot/coLd cooLer rental 754 3120 Frames 754 3101 Paper, sheet protectors 754 3101 Ink cartridge 753 3101 Paper 753 3101 Key cabinet 753 3402 CLip boards 754 3101 RefiLL cartridges 7543101 Lease agre pe 11-30-01-1414889 753 4210 Door hangers 753 4410 Door hangers 753 4990 OiL 753 3120 09-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 09-02 Qwest biLLing 754 4210 Clamp, parts 754 3120 FLat wash,Lockwash,bolts 754 3120 PLastic Lens,shaded glass lens 754 3120 NippLe,baLL valve,bushing 754 3120 Grind wheeL,bLade,acetyLene 754 3120 Union 754 3120 Caution tape, gas can 753 3120 Pipe 754 3120 PLug 7543120 Safety cans 753 3120 Tipset,igniter 754 3120 Safety gLasses 753 3120 Caution tape 754 3120 3 safety cans 753 3120 CabLe tie 754 4210 Gas can spout 753 3120 Hardware 753 3120 KeybLanks,key ring spLit 753 3402 Scissors,pLiers 754 3120 ~~~Ls 754 3120 :lCiJt rod 754 3120 Page 14 . Amount 9.20 34.45 12.00 9.00 155.81 118.42 151.16 244.69 28.63 33.24 20.83 158.23 78.44 178.96 134.17 17.04 21.53 77.90 90.87 25.36 ~ - 108.20 20.85 32.46 11.36 6.44 41.22 41.22 27.13 7.62 9.82 15.30 91.05 3.34 44.99 3.34 .75 128.83 29.06 9.40 7.89 124.49 10.81 35.11 . 10.72 37.26 1.59 ~?i'1<f[:J.:'}::~~t~-;flr;l.{!r~.~~ W~l~,;~~t \'-t':,-:t,;;.~' Ci ty of Port Angeles -";~t~~;"MACHINE ~~~ 01/09/25-08:29 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Nurber Vendor Name Vendor Nurber 65666 Thurman Supply 20005 65671 USA BlueBook 21060 . 65672 United Rentals Inc ,16034 65684 Young, Jeff 25129 65686 Zenovic & Associates 26216 65691 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 65696 ADS Equipment Inc. 01003 65732 Paymentech 16421 65736 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 65738 Sparling Instruments Inc 19083 65740 United Parcel Service 21005 65743 Wireless Prof. Comm. Svcs. 23567 404 0007 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 65521 Analytical Resources Inc. 01252 65534 Brem-Air Disposal Inc 23060 65558 Diversified Resource Center 04052 65616 Olympic Air Pollution Cont Aut 15017 65619 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 65621 Olympic Paper Company 15111 65624 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 . Description September 25 2001 GL Code NLlllber Film 753 3120 Cleanser,air freshener, battery 754 3120 Keys, tags Keys and tags Key tags Keys Keys,Key ring Key tags and rings Painting supplies Batteries for locators Bleach,office supplies Flag tape, picture frames Polytarp,mulch ground cover Drill bi ts Brass mai l slot Yard Hydrant Teflon paste Plumbing supplies Fasteners Nylon ties Quad plug Concrete diamond blade Reimburse tuition expense Prof Svcs pe 8-25-Crown Pk Prof Svcs pe 8-25-Water Res CDL License and skills-Groves Air compressor Cables,surge protectors Dust filter,tubing Rebuild Mag meter Shipping chgs pe 09-01 OBI antenna 754 3120 753 3120 753 3120 753 3120 753 3120 753 3120 753 3120 753 3120 754 3101 754 3101 753 3402 754 3120 753 3120 753 3402 754 3120 754 3120 754 4210 754 4210 754 3120 754 3120 754 4310 794 4150 793 4150 753 4310 754 3120 754 4210 754 3120 753 3402 754 4210 754 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 9-2 Avaya billing 755 4210 Well analysis 755 4150 August recycling service 755 4150 August janitorial svcs 755 4810 PA Landfill-Compost Facility 755 4990 Laundry service August 755 4990 Quick sorb absorbent 755 3120 Paper towels, bathroom tissue 755 3120 Binder,form holder,pens,rolode 755 3120 Office supplies 755 3120 Push pins,glue stick, foam core 755 3101 Note-cards 755 3101 ~~ dispenser, ink,pens, ink pa 755 3101 \DbJrns,clipboard 755 3120 Page 15 Amount 64.86 11.01 8.37 8.65 1.62 6.17 4.75 2.33 12.36 21.36 38.84 7.47 22.04 13.53 22.n 41.11 16.66 102.02 2.77 7.68 77.17 49.34 517.14 2,037.96 290.51 70.00 415.66 357.47 48.61 840.26 42.59 89.63 45,175.23 45,384.75 39.07 4,255.00 42,802.02 194.54 214.00 76.52 392.22 135.90 54.16 61.64 42.49 13.15 17.55 24.15 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 CHECK.. REG I STER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 Fnd Opt Check NlJIber Vendor Name Vendor NLIIlber 65627 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 65642 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 65661 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 65662 TayLorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 65676 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 65687 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 65693 TayLorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 65716 Idaho Tire Recovery Inc 09136 65731 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 65734 Qwest 21001 421 0009 65511 AM Conservation Group Inc 01498 65515 Adamire, ALberta R0054 65533 Brain, ALek R0055 65539 C & F InsuLation 03102 65556 DeVoney, CharLes R0056 65560 Ducceschi, Frank R0057 65567 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 05013 65576 GLass Services Co. Inc. 07037 65577 GrabLe, Bert R0058 65579 Hanekamp, Ruth R0059 65588 Johnson, Steve R0060 65603 Mathews GLass Co. Inc. 13107 65606 MichaeLis, Scott R0061 65610 MilLer, Kristi R0062 65611 MiLLiren, Patricia A R0063 65614 Niagra Conservation Corp 14126 65625 Owens, Tim ROO64 65642 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 65651 Sexton, Gordon K R0070 65656 StockweLL, Robert R0065 65663 Thanheiser, Horst R0066 65665 Thompson, Patrick R0067 65669 TreLstad, Gene R0068 65678 WeLch, George R0069 Description GL Code Nl.II1ber Laser paper,coLor ink 755 3101 ToiLet paper 755 3120 Toner cartridge 755 3101 August KONP commerciaLs 755 4410 August KIKN commerciaLs 755 4410 August KONP commerciaLs 755 4410 PVCpipe,PVC cap,PVC cement 755 3120 Duct tape 755 3120 Batteries 755 3101 -. Hose,cLeaner,nozzLe,rags 755 3120 Protect,keys,awLs,office sup. 755 3120 Remove compressors from units 755 4810 Service extinguisher 755 3120 Yard Debris,commerciaL trks si 755 4810 Remove refrigerant compressors 755 4810 RecycLe tires 755 4810 Landscape maintenance 755 4150 9-5 Qwest biLLing 755 4210 TotaL for SoLid Waste Fund Switch and outLet gaskets 913 4990 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program-NevariL 9134986 City Rebate Program-WiLLiamson 913 4986 City Rebate Program-CoLton 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program-PLace 913 4986 City Rebate Program-ReideL 913 4986 City Rebate Program-Wishik 913 4986 City Rebate Program-Sims 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate program 913 4986 City Rebate Program-Ayres 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 Showerheads,faucet aerators 913 4990 City Rebate Program 913 4986 KONP August CommerciaLs #235 913 4410 KIKN August commerciaLs #235 913 4410 Ci~y Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986 City Rebate Program 913 4986. City Rebate Program 913 4986 ~iif Rebate Program 913 4986 :ahEt Rebate Program 913 4986 Page 16 . Amount 53.83 162.30 75.74 150.00 51.25 37.50 29.38 3.97 7.43 51.99 42.74 1,493.16 48.69 461.99 551.82 800.00 1,482.34 83.56 53,910.10 1. 120.00 2,784.36 328.75 1,268.00 40.00 120.00 1,025.20 357.75 856.00 400.00 40.00 250.00 40.00 434.68 120.00 120.00 40.00 1,008.97 120.00 75.00 75.00 40.00 120.00 . 120.00 40.00 250.00 ':;I~~~~j; 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles .:;~1!~ii' 'MACHINE September 25 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Nl.JIlber Vendor Name Vendor Nl.JIlber 501 65604 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 65633 Pettit Oil Company 16302 65664 Thomas Distributors Inc, J 20276 0007 65513 AVAYA INC 12215 65516 Air Tech Equipment Inc 01239 65524 Angeles Lock Shop 12050 65525 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 65527 Angeles Mi llwork 01073 . 65538 Builders Hardware & Supply Co. 02071 65551 Commercial Brake & Clutch Inc 03444 65553 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 . 65557 Denver's'Tire Co. Inc. 04044 Description GL Code Nl.JIlber Total for Conservation Fund Fire extinguishers Hand stamp, tank gauge Gasol ine Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Tires 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 1412000 501 1412000 501 1412000 501 1412000 501 2370000 Total for Department 9-2 Avaya billing 760 4210 Airlift self loading trailer 760 6410 Key 760 3402 Key 760 3402 Replace spliced shaft assembly 760 4810 Mill step key 760 3402 Joist hanger,washer,hex nuts 760 3101 Lumber,concrete mix,hardware 760 3101 Hex nuts,lumber,screw,post cap 760 3101 Lumber 760 3101 Joist hanger,screws,insert bit 760 3101 Door, frame 760 3101 Painted snap locs,head screws 760 3101 Steel 760 3101 Ll.JIlber,strand board 760.3101 Cedar shims,paint,anchor 760 4810 Barrel bolt,drill bit,moulding 760 4810 Coil nailer rental,hardiplank 760 4810 Mail slots,saw blades,board 760 4810 Credit mail slots 760 4810 Lumber, hardware 760 4810 Paint,paint tray 760 4810 Door closer 760 4810 Cast shoes 760 3402 Butane fuel 760 3101 Hydraulic brake hose 7603402 Oil seal,rotor 760 4810 Oil seal 760 3402 Ford door trim 760 3402 Oil seal,rotor turned 760 4810 Oil seal,rotor turned 7603402 Door lock knob 760 3402 Wire brushes 760 3402 Drum 760 3402 Spark plug 760 3402 Gal-sand gavlon 760 3101 Tires,wheel balance 760 3110 Tires,wheel balance 760 4810 ~t,demount,tUbe 760 4810 Page 17 Amount 10,431. 71 12.60- 5.81- 3,211.00 1,715.75 2,951.00 288.75 9.35- 8,138.74 7.81 16,879.20 1.51 1.51 516.38 14.12 68.93 341.66 102.17 5.05 14.15 695.73 385.39 33.89 158.38 16.04 191.93 .03 52.22 8.37- 36.52 22.58 106.37 108.28 3.65 31.49 43.76 13.76 4.31 16.23 17.84 3.19 24.15 9.74 11.18 46.86 239.13 23.80 15.69 01/09/25-08:29 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE September 25 2001 Page 18 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 . Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount NlJIlber Name Nl.ITber Nl.ITber Flat repai r 760 4810 10.82 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.31 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 3402 13.26 Mount,demount wheel change 760 4810 20.56 Flat repair 760 4810 6.49 Safety check, lubra Kleen 760 4810 17.31. Safety check, lubra Kleen 760 3402 13.26 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.31 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 3402 13.26 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.31 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 3402 13.26 Service call,flat repair 760 4810 32.46 Flat repair 760 4810 10.82 Flat repair 760 4810 10.82 Safety check, parts 760 4810 30.45 Safety check, parts 760 3402 58.71 Labor 760 4810 58.43 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.31 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 3402 24.08 65558 Diversified Resource Center 04052 August janitorial svcs 760 4810 116.70 65559 Dobson's 04054 Compressor oil,fitting,labor 760 3402 ~ Compressor oil, fitting, labor 760 4810 65578 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 Slack adjustment,veh 1916 760 3402 6 . Seal,gasket 760 3402 41.32 65581 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Flashing 760 4810 21.21 65582 Heartl ine, The 08054 Battery 760 3402 62.70 65583 Horizon Ford 19261 Parking brake valve 760 3402 273.71 65589 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Bearing cup and cone 760 3402 9.95 Bearing cup and cone 760 3402 64.40 Bushing 760 3402 17.66 Radial Ball Bearing 760 3402 69.86 Seals 760 3402 12.48 Ball bearings 760 3402 106.11 65590 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 19199 Towing service,veh #32 760 3402 54.10 Towing services 760 4810 135.25 Part for dumptruck 760 3402 21.64 65596 Les Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 New drive tires 760 3101 246.98 New drive tires 760 4810 32.46 New drive tires 760 3402 86.56 Spare mounted steer tire 760 3110 601.22 Flat repairs 760 4810 80.83 Flat repairs 760 3402 7.03 65598 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Weld on air breather 760 4810 148.78 10' 3/8 HRO 760 3402 4.48 Cutt i ng servi ces 760 3402 5.68 65604 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Fire extinguishers 760 3402 166.23 Hand stamp, tank gauge 760 3402 . 65609 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Spark plug,filters 760 3402 Trailer part,lockwasher 760 3402 13.40 j;tf~P 760 3402 4.84 Ult 760 3402 19.75 01/09/25-08:29 :e Fnd Dpt Check NlJli:>er . . {i ";,"", '",.'i.>',,', .~:'.:;~;::' .,,'.'1; City of Port AngeleS'~~,'t4MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/08/2001 To 09/21/2001 September 25 2001 Vendor Name Vendor NlJli:>er Description GL Code NlJli:>er Replacement lens 760 3402 Blade 760 3402 U-bolt 760 3402 Mir head 760 3402 Ejector 760 3402 Oil 7603402 Idle arm 760 3402 Filters,flasher,seal lamp 760 3402 Roll pin 760 3402 Bushing kit 760 3402 Car part 760 3402 JWC head 760 3402 Retainer 760 3402 Tailer,airfilter 760 3402 Rope,rope handle 760 3402 Caliper,core deposit 760 3402 Rope 760 3402 Disc pad 760 3402 Wire 760 3402 Wire 760 3402 Pri wire 760 3402 Filter kit 760 3402 Oil filter 760 3402 Credit Warranty 760 3402 Muffler,tail pipe 760 3402 Distributor cap,rotor,wire set 760 3402 Oil filter 760 3402 V-belt 760 3402 Belt 760 3402 Belts 760 3402 Grease 760 3402 Hydrolic 760 3402 Brake fluid 760 3402 Filters 760 3402 Cleaner 760 3402 Brake shoe 760 3402 Maxipack 760 3402 Wiper blades 760 3402 Pivot cup 760 3402 Halogen lamp 760 3402 Battery 760 3402 Filters,fittings,elbow,s~!jtch 760 3402 Filters,fittings 760 3402 Air filter 760 3402 V-belt 760 3402 Wire set 760 3402 Drain plug 760 3402 Seal beam 760 3402 Splash guard 760 3402 Filters,rotor,fuse,switcIT,plug 760 3402 'lributor cap . 760 3402 .L ',;. -,.,j ",/5;:'1:,: ".) :"':'(i'f}.'lYj~::;i. , Page 19 Amount 19.00 9.78 1.66 21.62 64.97 14.80 56.52 75.79 18.63 13.22 4.63 21.58 9.26 17.96 7.38 165.49 4.91 27.48 16.90 16.90 60.59 23.14 6.18 6.18- 82.98 61. 90 24.71 32.05 11.27 23.85 4.27 3.82 42.46 93.91 5.91 21.58 5.79 24.00 1.40 12.90 10.16 157.12 36.67 3.62 13.38 48.63 2.50 26.60 27.66 193.72 16.50 ~ COUNCIL REGISTER FOR 2001 PAYROLL - Yr2001 Yr2000 2001 2000 YTD Fund/Department PP # 19 PP # 19 TOTAL TOTAL VARIANCE 09/16/01 09/17/00 YTD YTD $ % GENERAL FUND: Mayor/Council 2,850.00 2,850.00 25,650.00 25,650.00 0.00 0.00% City Manager 5,287.60 5,008.24 101,135.09 97,368.34 3,766.75 3.87% Superior Performance/OPS 233.10 9,557.29 9,087.19 470.10 5.17% Human Resources 4,319.75 4,033.44 98,898.22 77,832.61 21,065.61 27.07% City Clerk 2,142.26 1,869.84 44,491.76 39,621.81 4,869.95 12.29% Finance 29,389.01 24,776.19 558,727.89 524,012.98 34,714.91 6.62% City Attorney 10,494.42 9,132.62 180,825.26 173,287.53 7,537.73 4.35% Planning 8,752.85 6,033.48 177,329.66 175,891.79 1 ,437.87 0.82% Police Department 69,661.32 67,875.04 1,336,308.08 1,375,704.25 (39,396.17) -2.86% Fire Department 52,413.76 49,999.62 1,032,662.21 991,987.67 40,674.54 4.10% Utility Services 42,471.98 43,571.16 789,842.42 728,610.65 61,231.77 8.40% Park/Recreation 39,302.44 36,874.03 825,301.89 821,468.00 3,833.89 0.47% Facility Maintenance 2,918.67 2,708.00 52,062.41 49,663.48 2,398.93 4.83% Total General Fund 270,004.06 254,964.76 5,232,792.18 5,090,186.30 142,605.88 0.75 Economic Development 2,452.08 2,345.52 46,536.27 46,853.80 (317.53) -0.68% . Pen Com 26,005.00 23,708.25 506,181.28 505,529.05 652.23 0.13% Street 16,137.30 14,937.85 305,261.85 294,140.33 11,121.52 3.78%' , Recreation Activities 1,841.58 1,724.25 44,867.63 49,783.27 (4,915.64) -9.87% Light 32,894.35 30,059.67 613,183.34 553,328.09 59,855.25 10.82% Water 19,314.85 19,157.24 360,430.57 335,105.58 25,324.99 7.56% Wastewater 13,796.81 13,066.10 259,520.72 249,432.02 10,088.70 4.04% Solid Waste 22,755.41 20,537.92 431,986.73 392,428.71 39,558.02 10.08% Equipment Services 8,478.95 7,511.35 162,963.84 149,828.88 13,134.96 8.77% Information Services 6,402.56 7,252.62 121,523.51 116,585.68 4,937.83 4.24% Firemen's Pension 1,730.20 1,704.36 15,494.28 13,995.09 1,499.19 10.71% Esther Webster Trust 2,810.40 2,825.24 53,533.18 50,519.29 3,013.89 5.97% Total Payroll 424,623.55 399,795.13 8,154,275.38 7,847,716.09 306,559.29 3.91% . 66 . . . ~ORTANGIfLES WAS H I N G TON, U. S;A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 2, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Electric Rate Adjustment Summary: The Electric Utility will need to raise rates to its retail customers in response to a 46% increase in wholesale rates from the Bonneville Power Administration. By utilizing light fund reserves of approximately $1,700,000.00, the increase in revenues due to rates can be held to 19.5%. Recommendation: Continue the Public Hearing from the September 18, 2001 City Council meeting, obtain comments and close the hearing. Consider the comments before adopting the attached ordinance increasin2 electric rates. Back~round / Analysis: Wholesale power costs starting October 1, 2001 will be increasing substantially, along with transmission costs to deliver electric power to the City of Port Angeles. The increased revenue requirement for the utility for all customer classes, except industrial transmission, amounts to about $3,000,000. By utilizing approximately $1,700,000 in light fund reserves over the next two year period, the rate increase for these customers can be kept to an average increase of 19.5%. The industrial transmission class has a retail rate that reflects the actual wholesale costs for power, along with a customer charge that provides revenues for all other services provided by the electric utility. Although changes are also required in the ordinance for this class, the rate to the industrial transmission customer is still based on the wholesale cost of power and transmission, along with a customer charge which will remain the same as it has been for the last five years, at $5,870.00 per month. These rates are expected to remain in place for two years, although the wholesale rates from BP A could change as often as every six months. Depending on the magnitude of the six month adjustments, rates may need to be adjusted during the two year period. Attachment: Ordinance 67 N :\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\Ltcos200 1 'Council memo 100201. wpd . . . 68 . ~, .,.~ ;"3'.;, ?,";", ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising electric rates and amending Ordinance 2054 as amended and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2054 as amended and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.12 PAMC to read as follows: Sections: . 13.12.010 13.12.020 13.12.030 13.12.040 13.12.041 13.12.042 13.12.060 13.12.071 13.12.072 13.12.073 13.12.080 13.12.100 13.12.110 Chapter 13 .12 ELECTRICITY - SERVICES AND CHARGES General Provisions Applicable to All Service. Electric Rate. Schedule R-9001 - Residential Service. Schedule GS-960 1 - General Service. Schedule GD-96 Ql- General Service Demand. Schedule NP-96 Ql- Nonprofit Tax-Deductible. Schedule PS-96 01- Primary Service. Schedule IT -96 01- Industrial Transmission. Schedule L-96 Ql- Lighting. Schedule MW -96 01- Municipal Water Pumping. Contract Sales and Purchases. Electrical Inspection Fees. Contract and Administration Charge. 13.12.010 General Provisions Applicable to All Services. A. Any single motor of over ten horsepower, single phase; any single motor of over twenty horsepower, polyphase; any single electric load over fifty kV A; and welders and x-ray equipment shall not be placed in service without prior approval from the City Light Department. B. When a request for service requires an extension of distribution facilities to serve new loads or customers, the City Light Department will determine the amount of construction costs, if any, to be paid by the customer prior to actual construction. It shall be the customer's responsibility to provide and clear at least a twenty-foot access to within one hundred fifty feet of . - 1 - 69 the metering point. All required rights-of-way and/or easements~ properly executed~ must be in the City Light Department's possession before construction is started. The City Light Department ma:,e require the customer to install and maintain poles~ wires and/or other equipment on his property necessary to serve at a greater distance than one hundred fifty feet from the City Light Department's supply facilities to the customer's metering point. C. Any changes or re-arrangements of the Light Department's facilities at the request of the customer will be done only if the customer pays all costs associated with the change or re-arrangement~ including overhead. D. Metering shall be provided as specified by the Light Department~ which shall have the right to install such equipment as it finds necessary to determine any and all operating conditions. E. When the customer's average power factor falls below ninety-five percent~ as measured by a reactive meter~ the billing demand will be increased one percent for each percentage point below ninety- five percent~ unless otherwise specified. Minimum billing and demand charges~ if applicable~ will be applied after the correction for low power factor. The City shall have the right to refuse or discontinue service to any customer not maintaining a power factor of at least eighty percent. (Ord. 2417 ~1~ 12/1/86; Ord. 2369 ~2~ 1/3/86; Ord. 2137 ~1~ 5/15/81; Ord. 2054 ~1~ 1/1/80) 13.12.020 Electric Rate. The monthly rate for electricity consumed shall be in accordance with Sections 13.12.030 through 13.12.070. (Ord. 2137 ~2~ 5/15/81; Ord. 2054 ~2~ 1/1/80) 13.12.030 Schedule R-96 01- Residential Service. A. Applicability. This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses inA single- family residences~ individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental to- single-family residential and farm service may be served under this schedule. R Character of Service. Sixty cycle~ alternating current~ 120/240 volts nomina1~ single phase service will be furnished under this schedule~ supplied through a single meter and one point of delivery. C. Rate: 1. Basic Charge $11.00 per month 2. Energy Charge *$ 0.fB-S50475 per kWh (Ord.2930~1~ 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~1~ 10/1/95; Ord. 2776 ~1~ 10/1/93; Ord. 2646 ~1~ 10/1/91; Ord. 2608 ~1~ 10/1/90; Ord. 2273 ~1~ 11/1/83; Ord. 2260 ~1~ 8/1/83; Ord. 2232 ~1~ 10/1/82; Ord. 2210 ~1~ 5/1/82; Ord. 2137 ~3~ 5/15/81; Ord. 2054 ~3~ 1/1/80) 13.12.040 Schedule GS-96 01 - General Service. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with the following types of service: 1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts~ single or three phase~ service panel of 400 amps or smaller. 2. 240/480 or 277 /480 volts~ three phase~ service panel of200 amps or smaller. *Effective on all billings beginning November l~ t996 2001. - 2 - . 70 )0~~~*~~~rij:~~~',):;'i:.~_;,}~~~~ri~~~~~J~;~ . B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one point of delivery. C. Rate: 1. Basic Charge a. Single phase '*$15.00 per month b. Three phase '*$37.50 per month 2. Monthly Energy charge: *$ 0.63-86 0478 per kWh (Ord. 2930 ~2, 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~2, 10/5/95; Ord. 2776 ~2, 10/1/93; Ord. 2646 ~2, 10/1/91; Ord. 2637 ~ 1,6/1/91; Ord. 2608 ~2, 10/1/90; Ord. 2361 ~ 1, 12/1/85; Ord. 2273 ~2, 11/1/83; Ord. 2260 ~2, 8/1/83; Ord. 2232 ~2, 10/1/82; Ord. 2210 ~2, 5/1/81; Ord. 2198 ~1, 2/16/82; Ord. 2173 ~1, 11/1/81; Ord. 2137 ~4, 5/15/81; Ord. 2054 ~4, 1/1/80) 13.12.041 Schedule GD-96 01- General Service Demand. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules with the following types of service: 1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps. . 2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps. B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle; alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one point of delivery. C. Rate: 1. Basic Charge: a. Single phase '*$30.00 per month b. Three phase '*$75.00 per month Monthly Energy charge: *$0.0257 0.031per kWh Billing Demand: a. Billing demand for each month shall be the maximum 15-minute demand for the month after adjustment for power factor. b. Monthly Demand Charge: *$2-:5:3- 3.05per kW. 4. Primary Metering Adjustment. When electric current is measured at primary voltage, meter readings shall be multiplied by a factor of 0.985 before charges are computed to reflect delivery to the customer at secondary voltage. 5. Power Factor Adjustments: Ifthe average power factor at which power is delivered to the customer is less than 95% lagging, the billing demand may be increased by one percent for each percent or major fraction thereof that the average power factor is less than 95% lagging. The average power factor will be determined by measurement of kilowatt hours and reactive kilovolt-ampere hours during the billing period using the following formula: 2. 3. . *Effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. - 3 - 71 '- . kWh PF = v (kWh)2 + (kvarh)2 Where PF = Where kWh = Where kvarh = Average power factor Kilowatt hours Reactive kilovolt-ampere hours The metering reactive volt-ampere-hours shall be ratcheted to prevent reverse rotation when the power factor of the load is leading. (Ord. 2930 ~3, 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~3, 10/1/95; Ord. 2776 ~3, 10/1/93; Ord. 2646 ~3, 10/1/91; Ord. 2637 ~2, 6/1/91; Ord. 2608 ~3, 10/1/90) 13.12.042 Schedule NP-96 01- Nonprofit Tax-Deductible. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all nonprofit tax-deductible organizations. B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one point of delivery. C. Rate: 1. Basic Charge a. Single phase *'$15.00 per month b. Three phase *'$37.50 per month 2. Monthly Energy Charge: *$ 0.6432 0526 per kWh (Ord. 2930 ~4; 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~4, 10/1/95; Ord. 2776 ~4, 10/1/93; Ord 2646 ~4, 10/1/91; Ord. 2637 ~3, 6/1/91) . 13.12.060 Schedule PS-96 01- Primary Service. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a primary voltage distribution system with a connected load greater than 1,000 KV A. B. Character of Service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase, sixty cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service undeF this schedule shall be provided and measured at the point(s) of interconnection of the distribution facilities of the customer and the City. C. Rate: 1. Basic Charge: *'$200.00 per month 2. Billing demand for the month shall be the maximum one-hour demand for the month, after adjustment for power factor. *Effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. . - 4 - 72 I >\"''(~;.';~:H~;'''''J;' l"""'; " ,,',:'!';~~i'~;::.~~~f~J11g:~ffjj!:\~~ . 3. MonthlyDemand Charge: a. IIeary Load PGiiod Demand Ch.nges. The maximunl one-how demmd oe.e.wling dming the. hoUls of 6.00 A.M. tIllough 2.00 r.M., Monday tlllough Satmday, aftel adjustment rot power fae.toI. All Months: *$3:+4 3.76 per kW of billing demand - effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. b. Intclnlediate Load reliod DGmand Chalges. The maximum one-how demand in ,,)("SS of he a '\1 y load demand whie.h oc"ws dUling tile hoUlS of2.00 P.M. tbtough 10.00 P.M., Monday tlnongh Satwday, after adjustment fOi POW"I faetol. The maximum cliUOWlt of denland available at tIlis late shall be. limited to 20% of the actual demand oce.l1lIing in tile heavy load peliod, 01 two thousand kilowatts, w hkhe v el is gl c.atc.I. All Months. "'$1.57 pel k\V of billing demand effecti v e on all billings beginning No v c.mbel 1, 1996. Demand gteatel tIlclil thc. above limits will be bilkd at tIle heavy load pc.liod latG. e.. Light Load reliod Demand Chalgc.s. The maximumone-hom demand oCGuHing during the hows of 10.00 r.M. tIllough G.OO A.M. Monday tbtough Satulday and all hOtliS SWlday that is in eXGe.ss of billing demclild oGc.uning dming heary load hoUls 01 intGHllediatc load houls aftel adju5tment fOI power factol - No Chalge. 4. Monthly Energy Charge: a. * All billings between September 1 and May 2t n: $0.6264 0316 per kWh. b. *All billings betw.een June I and August 31: $0.et56 018 per kWh. 5. Power Factor Adjustments: If the average power factor at which power is delivered to the customer is less than 95% lagging, the billing demand may be increased by one percent for each percent or major fraction thereofthat the average power factor is less than 95% lagging. The average power factor will be determined by measurement of kilowatt hours and reactive kilovolt-ampere hours during the billing period using the following formula: . kWh PF = ! (kWh)2 + (kvarh)2 Where PF = Where kWh = Where kvarh = Average power factor Kilowatt hours Reactive kilovolt-ampere hours *Effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. . - 5 - 73 The metering reactive volt-ampere-hours shall be ratcheted to prevent reverse rotation when the power factor of the load is leading. (Ord. 2930 ~5, 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~5, 10/1/95; Ord." 2776 ~5, 10/1/93; Ord 2646 ~5, 10/1/91; Ord. 2608 ~5, 10/1/90; Ord. 2417 ~2, 12/1/86; Ord. 2273 ~3, 11/1/83; Ord. 2260 ~3, 8/1/83; Ord. 2232 ~3, 10/1/82; Ord. 2210 ~3, 5/1/82; Ord. 2137 ~6, 5/15/81; Ord. 2054 ~6, 1/1/80) 13.12.071 Schedule IT-96 01- Industrial Transmission. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where power is taken at transmission voltage. B. Character of Service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase sixty cycle, alternating current at transmission voltage, 69 KV nominal. C. Point of Delivery: Service under this schedule shall be provided and measured where the customer's facilities interconnect with the facilities ofthe City and the Bonneville Power Administration. D. Service Policy: Service under this schedule is subject to the Customer Service Policies of the City. E. Rate: 1. Monthly Basic Charge '*Daishowa America Co. L TD: $5,870/month "'Rayonk.I, In\;.. $5,352/month 2. '*Energy Charges: The average monthly wholesale cost of energy to Port Angeles City Light times the measured KWH net of the monthly CSPE and MOl se. CI cek allocation. 3. *Cenclation Demand Charge: $0.87 per K"ll pe.l month the average monthly wholesale cost of demand to Port Angeles City Light times the customer one-hour peak nee of the monthly CSPE and MOIse Cleek allocation. 4. *LoadRc.gulation. $0.00028 pOI K~y\11 of Gustome.1 totalre.taiIload.Other Charges: Any other power or transmission charges will be billed at the wholesale rate charged to Port Angeles City Light times the proportional share serving the industrial customer. 5. "'Load Shapin~. $0.00032 pe.l KVIII of Gustome.1 total letailload. 6. Tlansmission. "'Das\; Chal~e. $1.00 pe.l lell of one-hom pe.ak at the. time of the monthly transmission systeru pe.ak fol whiGh the City is Gharged. "'Transmission Load Shaping. $0.539 pe.l K~N of one.-hom peak at the. time. of the. monthly transmissiollsystem pe.ak fOl which the. City is chal~ed. q.~. Reactive Power Charge: '*Reactive Energy: Proportional share of total City charges for lagging reactive energy during HLH and leading reactive energy during LLH. '*Reactive Demand: Proportional share of total City charges for lagging reactive demand during HLH and leading reactive demand during LLH. Reactive ratchet demand: Any reactive demand ratchet established while a customer of City Light are due until the ratchet is retired. *Effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. . - 6 - 74 "~1~~iifftNr;ltfli~Wc ," . ~Q. Other Charges: < Genelatioh Support Sei";ltc.s. Any Gha:rges to Sl1pport Gustomc.l owned genelation will be passed to the lemil GUstonlel at the DrA wholesale late. 91. Taxes: Utility and other taxes will be added to customer bills such that they recover the actual tax obligation of the Utility and City. (Ord. 2930 ~6, 9/13/96; Ord. 2924, 7/26/96; Ord. 2875 ~6, 10/1/95; Ord. 2776 ~6, 10/1/93; Ord. 2646 ~6, 10/1/91; Ord. 2608 ~6, 10/1/90; Ord. 2417 ~3, 12/1/86; Ord. 2273 ~4, 11/1/83; Ord. 2267 ~ 1,9/6/83; Ord. 2260 ~4, 8/1/83; Ord. 2232 ~4, 10/1/82; Ord. 221 0 ~4, 5/1/82; Ord. 2173 ~2, 11/1/81) 13.12.072 - Schedule L-96 Q!- Lighting. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all approved unmetered yard and area lights. B. Installation. Yard or area lights are available upon request. Upon approval by the City Light Department, lights will be installed only on existing utility-owned poles for the use and convenience of customers. A one-year contract for service will be required before the light will be installed. Customer ownership of lighting is limited to existing lights only. C. Maintenance. The City Light Department retains ownership ofthe area lighting; maintenance of such lights shall be the responsibility of the City Light Department. D. Rate. 1. Lighting which remains in City Light Department ownership: a. 100 watts or less: *$ 6:f)6 7.20 per month b. More than 100 watts, but 150 watts or less: c. More than 150 watts, but 200 watts or less: *$9:75 11.65 per month d. More than 200 watts: *$t-l-:25 13.50 per month Lighting which remains in customer ownership (existing lights only): a. 100 watts or less: *$4-:56 5.40 per month b. More than 100 watts, but 150 watts or less: c. More than 150 watts, but 200 watts or less *$5:56 6.60 per month d. More than 200 watts: *$7-:759.25 permonth (Ord.2930 ~7, 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~7, 10/1/95; Ord. 2776 ~7, 10/1/93; Ord. 2608 ~7, 10/1/90; Ord. 2417 ~4, 12/1/86; Ord. 2273 95, 11/1/83; Ord. 2232 ~5, 10/1/82; Ord. 2173 93, 11/1/81) . *$8-:75 10.50 per month 2. *$5:00 6.00 per month 13.12.073 Schedule MW-96 - Municipal Water Pumping. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to municipal water pumping facilities where the connected load is greater than 500 KV A. B. Restrictions. Timers approved by the City Light Department shall be installed to prevent pumping during restricted hours as determined by the City Light Department. . *Effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. - 7 - 75 C. Character of Service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is three Phase,. sixty cycle, alternating current at available voltage. D. Rate: 1. Basic Charge: '*$200.00 per month 2. Billing demand for the month shall be the maximum 15-minute demand for the month, after adjustment for power factor. 3. Monthly Demand Charge: a. Demand occurring during the hours of 10:00 P.M. through 6:00 A.M., Monday through Saturday, and all hours Sunday, and other hours as approved by the City Light Department: , No Charge, except when the power factor adjustment results in a billing demand greater than actual demand, the difference shall be charged at the demand rates applicable for all other hours. b. All other hours: All Months: *$2:66 3.19 per kW of billing demand 4. Monthly Energy Charge: a. * All billings between August 1 and April 30: $0.ez89 0347 per kWh. b. * All billings between May 1 and July 31: $0.6t86 0216 per kWh. 5. Power Factor Adjustments: If the average power factor at which power is delivered to the customet. is less than 95% lagging, the billing demand may be increased by one percent for each percent or major fraction thereof that the average power factor is less than 95% lagging. The average power factor will be determined by measurement of kilowatt hours and reactive kilovolt-ampere hours during the billing period using the following formula: PF = kWh J (kWh)2 + (kvarh)2 Where PF = Where kWh = Where kvarh = Average power factor Kilowatt hours Reactive kilovolt-ampere hours The metering reactive volt-amp ere-hours shall be ratcheted to prevent reverse rotation when the power factor of the load is leading. (Ord. 2930 ~8, 9/13/96; Ord. 2875 ~8, 10/1/95; Ord. 2776 ~ 8, 10/1/93; Ord. 2646 ~7, 10/1/91; Ord. 2608 ~8, 10/1/90; Ord. 2273 ~6, 11/1/83) *Effective on all billings beginning November 1, t996 2001. . - 8 - 76 "., '!':"> ~~>V,f:~Ki~:~,~~;r~ "Y:" ~}:::' "'>,(~~;i~~"~';Z;~?'iqf1t;~!:~:t;- . 13.12.080 Contract Sales and Purchases. A. The Director of the City Light Department shall have the authority to enter into special contracts covering electric power service, purchases, and sales, at rates other than specified in this Chapter, to meet specific operating conditions, provided that such rates recover the cost of providing the service, and provided that the City Manager, Mayor and Council members of the Utility Advisory Committee are notified, and provided that such contracts have a term of no more than ninety (90) days before formal adoption by the City Council. B. The Director of the City Light Department shall have the authority to enter into the following contracts, provided that such contracts do not exceed a term of five (5) years: 1. Guaranteed annual revenue contracts designed to repay capital outlay and service costs. . 2. Facilities construction contracts for contributions in aid of construction and for revenues from jobbing and contract work as follows: a. As a condition of construction of City Light Department electrical facilities, including, but not limited to, substations, meter extensions, distribution systems, and services to provide permanent service to any new construction, development, mobile home park, or facility, the owner or developer requesting such service may be assessed a facilities charge. b. The facilities charge shall be equal to 50 percent of the estimated cost ofthe system, ifthe estimated cost is over $5,000 as estimated by the Engineering & Operations Division of the City Light Department. c. This facilities charge shall not apply to local improvement districts, or to Federal, State, County, or local government entities; provided that the government provides a purchase order for billing. d. The actual cost of the system may include the cost of using or providing substation capacity, if any, for the system. e. Prior to construction of any such electrical facilities, the amount of such facilities charges shall be estimated by the Engineering & Operations Division ofthe City Light Department, and such estimated amount shall be billed to and paid by the developer or owner prior to commencement of any such construction. Any balance remaining shall be refunded to or collected from the developer or other, as the case may be, upon completion of construction and determination of the actual cost thereof. Any balance remaining shall be collected before any reimbursements are given. 3. Frontage and lot reimbursement contracts for customers where facilities are installed in the dedicated public street and customers have donated public right-of-way and paid for construction of the facilities. C. The Director or Power Manager of the City Light Department shall have the authority to enter into contracts for the purchase of nonfirm energy, provided that the City Manager, Mayor and Councilmembers of the Utility Advisory Committee are notified, and provided that such contracts have a term of no more than one year and the energy purchased does not exceed 40,000 megawatt hours. (Ord. 2369 ~3, 1/3/86; Ord. 2431 ~2, 5/28/85) Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any . person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the - 9 - 77 provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on all billings beginning. November 1,2001. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of , 2001. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2001-27.ord.wpd September 27,2001 . . - 10 - 78 . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT October 2, 2001 City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 2 6:00 p.m. Annexation Task Force Meeting Thursday, October 4 11 :00 a.m. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, October 4 2:00 p.m. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, October 8 3:00 p.m. Real Estate Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 9 5:00 p.m. Association of W A Cities Regional Roundtable Meeting - Sequim Tuesday, October 9 6:00 p.m. . Law Enforcement Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, October 10 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 10 7:00 p.m. Annexation Task Force Meeting Thursday, October II II :00 a.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 16 6:00 p.m. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 17 2:00 p.m. Annexation Task Force Meeting Thursday, October 18 11 :00 a.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Committee Meeting Thursday, October 18 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 24 7:00 p.m. Annexation Task Force Meeting Thursday, October 25 11 :00 a.m. Gateway Project Meeting Annexation Task Force Meeting Thursday, November 1 8:15 a.m. Thursday, November 1 11 :00 a.m. . 79 . . . 80 r--- PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, SEPTEMBER, 2001 . (Costs shown do not include taxes) PROJECT PROJECT ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE NUMBER CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS TillS AMOUNT MONTH Airport Rd. 91-07 $951,589.91 $0.00 $0.00 $951,589.91 Realignment 8th Street Restoration 99-08 $1,684,518.60 $140,547.31 $0.00 $1,825,065.91 Black Diamond Res. Imp. 99-18 $884,958.00 $11,207.07 $0.00 $896,165.07 Landfill Closure 20-04 $883,325.65 $136,408.44 $0.00 $1,019,734.09 Francis Street Park 21-07 $312,605.93 $39,552.99 $7,101.48(a) $359,260.40 Ediz Hook Elect. UG 20-06 $111,668.25 $0.00 $0.00 $111,668.25 Laurel Retaining Wall 96-05 $116,405.77 $0.00 $0.00 $116,405.77 2001 Paving 21-15 $210,875.20 $0.00 $0.00 $210,875.20 Bruch & Bruch Alpha not to exceed $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 . Notes: a. Change order #2 included manhole revision, importing of beach sand (332 CY), and installation of flag pole bases not included in contract. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER SEPTEMBER, 2001 (Costs shown do not include taxes) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# . Notes: a: N :\PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRP1\co9-0 la.wpd 81 . .1 . 82 . . . AGREEMENT ,FOR PLANNING CONSULTANT SERVICES TillS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this Il'f1v day of September, 2001, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter called "CITY"), and PENTEC ENVIRONMENTAL, a corporation licensed to do business in the State of Washington, (hereinafter called "CONSULTANT"). In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, terms and conditions of this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK AND SERVICES: A. The CONSULTANT shall provide professional services and work as specified in Exhibit A. Such services provided shall comply with present technological knowledge, government regulations, accepted standards and be consistent with the requirements of law. B. The work and services performed shall include review of pertinent information which the CITY has in its possession and agrees to provide to the CONSULTANT. C. The CONSULTANT shall work closely with the CITY on all aspects of the work and services. The work may include cooperative working sessions with City officials and departments and presentations before public agencies, as reasonably directed by the City. D. The CONSULTANT shall issue reports of all work completed during the term of this Agreement and shall provide any and all information or status reports as reasonably directed by the CITY. E. All work shall be performed in a neat and workmanlike manner. F. Any extra work or services to be performed beyond the work and services described in Exhibit A shall be agreed upon by the parties in a written addendum to this Agreement. Such extra work shall include revisions to previously performed work as necessitated by changes in data or criteria furnished by the CITY to the CONSULTANT and revisions to the scope or concept of the work and services described in Exhibit A, but shall not include revisions necessitated by incomplete or inadequate performance by the CONSULTANT. II. COMPENSATION: A. The CITY shall pay CONSULTANT an amount not to exceed FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($5,700) for the work and services performed under this Agreement. Payments shall be made monthly based on percentage of project completion as documented by the CONSULTANT'S invoices and shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of such invoices. B. practices. The CONSULTANT shall maintain records conforming to usual accounting - 1 - 83 ;:.~. ITI. USE AND OWNERSHIP: All original materials, reports, documents, drawings, specifications, computations, . sketches, test data, photographs, and renderings related to the services and work performed hereunder shall be the property of the CITY, once the CITY has paid CONSULTANT in full for services rendered to date, and may be used by the CITY in any manner it deems necessary and appropriate. Any modification or amendment of any of the CONSULTANT'S work by the CITY shall release the CONSULTANT from any and all liability in connection with such work thereafter and the CITY shall not use the CONSULTANT'S name thereon. IV. INDEMNIFICATION: A. The CONSULTANT shall promptly notify the City's Risk Manager and the City Attorney's office of all damaged property of the CITY or others and of injuries sustained by any persons, including employees of the CONSULTANT, in any manner relating directly or indirectly to the work within the scope of this Agreement. B. The CONSULTANT agrees to and does hereby indemnify and save the CITY harmless from and against any and all losses, damage, claims, actions, liability, attorney's fees, and expense in contract or in tort, in connection with loss oflife, bodily injury and/or property damage occurring on or about or arising out of those portions of the work under CONSULTANT'S control or wherever arising if occasioned wholly by negligent act or errors of CONSULTANT, or by its or its agents, servants, employed, or materialmen, should the same arise during the progress of the work. V. INSURANCE: A. The CONSULTANT shall secure and maintain in effect at all times, at expense, . insurance ofthe following kinds and limits to cover all locations of the CONSULTANT'S operations in connection with the work on the PROJECT: 1. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability covering employees of the CONSULTANT. a. Worker's Compensation with statutory limits of liability. b. Employer's Liability with statutory limits of liability. 2. Public Liability Insurance covering the CONSULTANT'S legal liability for bodily injuries in limits of not less than $500,000 per person and $1,000,000 per occurrence and for property damage of not less than $100,000 per accident and $200,000 aggregate. 3. Automobile Liability Insurance for bodily injuries in limits of not less than $500,000 per person and $1,000,000 per accident and for property damages of not less than $200,000 per accident, providing coverage for any accident arising out of or resulting from the operation, maintenance or use by CONSULTANT of any owned, non-owned or hired auto-mobiles, trailers or other equipment required to be licensed. - 2 - . ~~~ ;{ir: ~'f-';~:, ',~1..tt:;; . . . ")i~'~'i'",~\:;i~,,\,~;'l:~~,-,,"',~:rl~r~~"J;,;,,':~':;~ji;:-~,;.~~:tt:~'1,;\l1*0P- VI. COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS: The parties shall keep, observe and perform all requirements of applicable Federal, State and Local laws, rules, regulations or ordinances. VII. LIENS AND CLAIMS: The CONSULTANT shall promptly and properly pay for all labor employed, materials purchased and equipment hired by it in connection with the work, shall keep the CITY'S property free from any materialman's or mechanics' liens ~d claims or notices in respect thereto arising by reason of the CONSULTANT'S work and shall discharge the same. In the event that the CONSULTANT does not payor satisfy such claim or lien within three (3) business days after the filing of notice thereof, the CITY, in addition to any and all other remedies, may forthwith terminate this Agreement, effective immediately. VIII. COPYRIGHTS. ROYALTIES. PATENTS. ETC. The CITY shall pay for all copyrights, royalties and license fees. The CITY shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any licenses, copyrights or patent rights, and shall save the CONSULTANT harmless from loss on account thereof. IX. DEFAULT: A. The occurrence of any of the following, by either party, shall constitute an event of default hereunder: 1. The filing of a petition by or against for adjudication as a bankrupt or insolvent, or for reorganization, for the appointment of a receiver or trustee of the property. 2. An assignment for the benefit of creditors. 3. The taking of possession of the property by any governmental officer or agency pursuant to statutory authority for the dissolution or liquidation of the business. 4. Non-payment of compensations for CONSULTANT'S services. B. Upon the occurrence of either of the foregoing, or if either party shall fail to discharge and perform the obligations under this Agreement after having received five (5) days written notice from the non-defaulting party of its failure to perform, the non-defaulting party shall have the right, without prejudice to any right or remedy afforded by law or equity, to terminate its performance of this Agreement. C. If the defaulting party is the CONSULTANT and the CITY elects to terminate the Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall turn over to the CITY as the CITY'S property, all materials, reports, maps, documents, plans, and other written documents prepared by the CONSULTANT incident to its work under this PROJECT upon payment in full by the CITY of all amounts due and owing to the CONSULTANT. D. If it should become necessary for either of the parties to resort to legal action because of a default by the other party, then the non-prevailing party in any litigation shall pay all reasonable - 3 - 85 '~~'!li~ ;'J!f;.;~" '\~'*" ._._n_"__~'__,__,p.__ _ , ( legal fees, including appellate proceedings, and other expenses incurred by the prevailing party. E. If default shall occur for non-payment of CONSULTANT'S services, the CONSULTANT retains the right to hold in its possession all work product performed under this Agreement until default in payment is corrected. . X. WARRANTS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The CONSULTANT represents and warrants that it has every legal right to enter into this Agreement and the CONSULTANT will not be restricted in providing the performance hereunder by any prior commitments. The CONSULTANT hereby warrant that there is no conflict of interest in the CONSULTANT present employment, if any, with the activities to be performed hereunder and shall advise the CITY if a conflict of interest arises in the future. XI. PERMITS AND LICENSES: CITY. All permits and licenses required by any governmental agency shall be paid by the XII. ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement and the services hereunder are non-assignable by the CONSULTANT unless the CITY has given written consent. Any attempted assignment without such written consent shall be void. XIII. SCHEDULE: The work and services set forth in this Agreement shall be completed by . N ~~ ~ 'l,D , 200 I, or on any other date agreed upon in writing by the parties. XIV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: In all matter relating to this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall be acting as an independent contractor. Neither the CONSULTANT nor employees ofthe CONSULTANT, if any, are employees of the CITY under the meaning or application of any Federal or State Unemployment or Insurance laws. The CONSULTANT agrees to assume all liabilities or obligations imposed by anyone or more of such laws with respect to employees of the CONSULTANT, if any, in the performance of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT shall not have any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf ofthe CITY and the CONSULTANT shall have no authority to represent as agent, employee, or in any other capacity than as hereinbefore set forth. XV. HEADINGS: The headings used in this Agreement are for reference only and shall not be relied upon nor used in the interpretation of same. XVI. INTERPRETATION: A. All words in this agreement referring to the CONSULTANT shall be read as though written in the singular or in the neutral gender. - 4 - . 86 ,!:".;:;~ f, . . . . '1!!cr~'j'fA::~~~,'i;'h1,,"t'~"" ,:)',:,~~;,,'" ';, "",-::\\';V';l'k'rrr~1r~~~$:\~1~'t~, B. This Agreement and allpfthe terms and provisions shall be interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of Washington. Should any clause, paragraph, or other part of this Agreement be held or declared to be void or illegal, for any reason, by any Court having competent jurisdiction, all other clauses, paragraphs or parts of this Agreement shall, nevertheless, remain in full force and effect. C. This Agreement between the parties shall be deemed to include this Agreement and any written addenda thereto as may be executed by the parties. The CITY shall not be bound by any supplement hereto unless it is signed by an authorized representative of the CITY. The CONSULTANT shall not be bound by the supplement hereto unless it is signed by an officer of the CONSULTANT. XVII. DISPUTES: Any disputes concerning the CONSULTANT'S performance of the work which are not resolved by agreement between the CONSULTANT and the CITY MANAGER shall be referred for determination by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles. If the Council's decision is deemed to be unsatisfactory to CONSULTANT, a civil action may be filed to adjudicate the dispute. Venue of any lawsuit related to this Agreement shall be in Clallam, County, Washington. XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS: A. Records: All records relating to the work performed and reimbursable expenses incurred, including reports of accounts, shall be maintained by the CONSULTANT on generally accepted accounting principles and shall be available to the CITY or its authorized representative at all reasonable times throughout the term of this Agreement. B. Litigation: It is understood that the fixed sum payment set forth herein does not include compensation to the CONSULTANT for assisting the CITY in litigations in which the CITY may be involved. If the CITY desires assistance from the CONSULTANT in litigation, the parties shall agree in writing on the compensation. XIX. NOTICE: Any notice provided by this Agreement to be served in writing upon either of the parties shall be deemed sufficient if delivered to the City Manager or City Clerk in cases of notice to be served upon the CITY or to an authorized representative of the CONSULTANT, or if mailed, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address of the party above identified or such other address as the party hereto may designate in writing. Such notice shall be effective from the date received as shown by signature on the return receipt. If such certified or registered mail is refused or unclaimed such notice shall be effective from the date of mailing. XX. TERMINATION: It is hereby agreed that this Agreement is for a term commencing on the date first written above, and ending on N ~.ev ~ 0 , 2001, and may be extended for a specific period of time and for mutually agreed upon compensation. It is understood however, that future extensions may be made if fully executed in writing by the parties hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party can terminate this Agreement upon thirty PO) days written notice. . - 5 - 87[ XXI. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING: This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties and no modification or alteration of this Agreement shall be binding unless endorsed in writing by the parties hereto. XXII. BINDING EFFECT: This Agreement shall not be binding until executed by all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties. hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives on this Il.f1... day of September, 2001. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PENTEC ENVIRONMENTAL By: By: Title: Title: ATTEST: ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk (Seal) (Seal) Approved as to form: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney F:\AGREEMENTS&CONfRACI'S\Pcntcc.con.wpd - 6 - 88 ~i;;j'~ ' ;~j;, . .1 . . " . PENTC-C ENVIRONMENTAL Dejjy~?rinG .o.;mafu~r solutions EXHIBIT" A" September 12, 2001 Mr. Brad Collins Community Development Director City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 Re: Proposal to Conduct Shoreline Habitat Assessment for the City of Port Angeles P-02-62-1615 Dear Brad: Thank you for your interest in using the Tidal Habitat Model (THM) to assess salmon habitat quality along shorelines of the City of Port Angeles. As we discussed, the THM provides a cost-effective method of inventorying existing tidal habitat (marine shoreline and estuaries) function for salmonids and can be completed using aerial photographs and a single site visit during a low tide. In addition to providing information to meet the City of Port Angeles' shoreline planning requirements, this would provide the first opportunity to apply the THM to shorelines along the Strait of Juan de Fuca We have already completed shoreline habitat inventories from Marysville to Mukilteo(picnic Point) and are in the process of completing a habitat assessment for the City of Edmonds. We will soon begin conducting shoreline inventories in southern Puget Sound for Pierce County. In the future, we hope to conduct additional assessments along other shorelines within Puget Sound and the Strait. The applicability of the Model and its consistent use in large continuous areas will have additional value in future regional planning efforts beyond the individual municipalities. Upon authorization, we will obtain a series of aerial shoreline photos available from the Department of Ecology. The individual photos will be lined up to produce a continuous shoreline mosaic from the inner (eastern) shore of Ediz Hook to approximately 'l4 mile east of Ennis Creek. Using the THM protocols, discrete units of habitat will be delineated based on physical changes in shoreline/nearshore habitat types. These habitat units are termed assessment units (AUs). We understand the City of Port Angeles has its A Division of Hart Crowser, Inc. 120 Third Avenue South, Suite 110 Edmonds, Washington 98020-8411 Fax 425.778.9417 Tel 425.775.4682 \,vww'.pentecen v. com Anchorage Boston Chicago Denver Fairbanks Jersey City Juneau Long Beach Portland Seattle . EXHIBIT "A" City of Port Angeles September 12, 2001 02-62-1615 Page 2 own set of recent aerial photos. These photos will supplement the Ecology photos and provide additional information, including identification of more recent shoreline habitat modifications. In addition to the photo information, a site visit will be conducted during a low tide in September to verify the photo information (including updating landscape features) and to provide additional information on intertidal habitat. The THM asks a series of 34 "yes" or "no" questions about the hydrological, chemical, physical, geomorphological, biological, and landscape features (indicators) present within the AU. The model is focused only on indicators that are of direct or indirect relevance to anadromous salmonids, primarily juveniles, although certain features also rate habitat quality for adults. Values are based on the degree to which each indicator is judged to be associated with the positive aspects of each function: indicators strongly associated with the function being assessed are assigned a value of3; those moderately associated are assigned a value of2; those weakly associated with the function are assigned a value of 1. Several questions include multiple sub questions with only one subquestion to be answered under each question. Aspects of some indicators have been judged by the Model's developers to be disproportionately beneficial (e.g., presence of a natural tidal channel wetted at mean lower low water or adverse (e.g., presence of riprap or bulkheads below mean higher high water) to such a degree that they are assigned positive or negative multipliers that are applied to the sum of the values from all the other indicators. Different multipliers for chinook salmon and coho salmonfbull trout for certain indicators reflect differences in habitat preference/requirements for these species. A discussion of the underlying rationale and assumptions for each question will be provided. Data from the tidal habitat inventory can be incorporated into the City's GIS for mapping, or onto another base map to show, among other things: ~ Existing habitat quality of various reaches of shoreline; ~ High ranking areas that should be considered for preservation; ~ Areas affected by various stressors identified in the THM; and ~ Areas with a high potential for restoration. Our cost estimate for completing the initial habitat assessment and providing a data summary and raw data in an electronic format (e.g., for import into GIS) is $5,000. . EXHIBIT "A" City of Port Angeles September 12, 2001 02-62-1615 Page 3 As an additional scope item, we will evaluate areas of high restoration potential using the THM to identify the gains that could be achieved ($700). If you have any questions, please call me at (425) 775-4682. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, PENTEC ENVIRONMENTAL /C-/fr~. J. ERIC HAGEN Fisheries Biologist eric.hagen@pentecenv.com JEH/ds 01-62-1615\c-pashorelinehabproposal.doc · Port Angeles p ks &; Recreation . VETERANS MEMORIAL PARk PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE , Augu~t 2001 , ;{ Ocean View Cemetery $15,22~t46 $11,538.23 $106,555.72 $94,277.24 William Shore Memorial Pool $11,032.74 $10,348.84 $98,935.87 $101,863.06 Vern Burton Community Center $3,94'3.00 $437.00 $14,196.50 $10,943.00 Senior Services Center - Rentals $572.50 $781.50 $6,143.50 $6,457.50 Senior Services Center - $250.00 $0.00 $665.00 $0.00 Kitchen Fees Senior Services Center - Leases $550.00 $550.00 $4,400.00 $7,100.00 Banner $379.QO $1,050.00 $4,585.00 $3,751.00 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $1,40,?qq $1,425.00 $2,818.00 $2,516.00 City Pier Moorage Fees $1,831.00 $445.00 $2,788.50 $1,113.00 General Fund Revenue Total $35,183.70 $26,575.07 $241,088.09 $228,020.80 Longhouse/Clubhouse $1,698.QO $652.50 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $275.00 $245.00 Improvement Fund Total $1,970.00 $897.50 REVENOE- RECRE.A.TIONALACTIVITI ES FUND Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $320.00 $555.00 $1,722.00 $2,182.50 Co-Rec Volleyball $9.00 $0.00 ,$360.00 $290.00 Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Slowpitch $6,470.00 $4,500.00 $20,810.00 $19,514.00 Slowpitch Tourney Fund $133.00 $149.00 $1,463.00 $2,944.00 Mens Basketball $0.00 $0.00 $2,160.00 $745.00 Basketball Tourney Fund $104.00 $112.00 $804.50 $1,119.00 Youth Programs $2,450.25 $6,389.53 $35,754.13 $37,288.49 Adult Programs $0.09 $0.00 $1,646.00 $753.00 Adult Soccer $2,895.00 $1,835.00 $6,785.00 $5,146.00 Recreation Activities Fund Total $12,372.25 $13,540.53 $71,504.63 $69,981.99 90 . . . ~i~~1ri~td~-~~:~~;~~~' ;"".,",-', ,;.; William Shor '"""801 Activities August 2001 ADMINISTRA TION *Second Annual H20 Camp was successful with 19 participants. *Began Fall/Winter Swim Lesson Registration *Conducted monthly in-service training class for new Red Cross Lifeguard Course. INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for September: * Water Aerobics AM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Deep Water PM classes * Water Walking AM classes Mon - Fri Tu & Thur Tu & Thur Tu & Thur Swim Lessons Schedule: * August 6 - 24 * August 7 - 23 * August 6-24 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Adult Lessons Private Lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TIONS * Port Angeles Swim Club On vacation * Port Angeles Diving Club On vacation * Port Angeles School District 3:30 - 6:00 pm Monday thru Friday Girls Swim Team * United States Coast Guard 7:45 - 9:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training Tues & Thurs RECREA TlONAL SWIMMING August 25 Kid's Day August 25 Middle School Night 10 Participants 9 Participants -ca- --~ ------..~ 91 William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Attendance/Revenue Report RECREA TION--- Children 1,848 1,925 9,543 9,911 Adult 2,755 2,822 16,933 17,849 Middle School Nite/Kid's Day 9/10 6/18 148/168 56/178 Pool Parties/Participants 11/117 16/123 181/1,691 123/1 ,843 Children 1,083 707 7,337 7,707 Adults 74 24 112 77 Parent/Child Orientation 0 0 480 313 Pre-School 406 322 2,537 3,160 Water Exercise 504 565 4,413 4,925 School District 331 273 3,217 3,561 Pool Rentals/Classes 183 115 3,599 4,270 2,581 21,695 24,013 POOL OPERATIONS --- Days Open 31 31 218 227 Hours Open 419.75 416.00 3,024.00 3,003.75 REVENUE --- , , Rental: Suits, towels, caps $386.25 $359.34 $2,179.92 $936.53 Admissiqns $3,814.69 $4,081.04 $21,007.37 $23,238.39 Lessons $2,157.25 $1,381.80 $35,518.54 $38,695.12 Aerobics $1,199.00 $1,184.50 $9,965.36 $9,175.50 Passes $2,252,71 $1,751.19 $17,846.68 $18,785.79 Showers $286.36 $429.47 $1,035.46 $1,299.93 Lockers $269.92 $230.04 $1,485.17 $1,427.54 Pool Rental,S $106.53 $377.67 $5,972.54 $4,447.45 Sales Tax $560.03 $553.79 $3,924.83 $3,856.81 CTC-4569 OSLYMPIIC;W.GA~E,eARM. i' (;}3\'A/411/ 1 I equ m,ash{noton'-t.,.; . -;;7 1-800~778-4t9S ...b :/t .~M \.!) . Open yeaNo:Und' ;t;JL( CP ii' .,' . ...: . .... -l.' II Hi CJ\~<': '1~()~~;~;~.~~lJ~ I i - l' \ ~ :L..' oL_ I I "" ,.,.\~I,^,./~t'!\. ()\4.eJ ... \vOn(1.ll. ('", I.A-\ TV __,~....lr,,,:,"~~i.tft.,<;,...:, cot ~~vi~~ ~O~ ~\I. ;>~p'~;~~~~uh ! CA. n \ 0... ,q. '/\)1..4.\:> UJ\~.'.".'. ;.......:....~.. ...vt./t.r..;..$i~.....,,~~.'On5 ~ QY\, ~ O'(t~n (.i ~ ~ h' ~"~;:;. 'T~~~.;.)~:~Qo ~ J \ ...... , . UL 'J. #.' ..' '~!"'." 'r~ lI! r'v ~t)\AY" 'c.-V\,fuv1.'~"~b~.\t... i~' ~ lOt- tn VV\L \, Vi' ll'{t : ex. . '~~1"lA \ . i iCLj ().I'\.cl. lmti[jh~pv~~:-~j~1e'! i I- CAS ~U\ . ~?~. ~'~=Jt"'\ '-1 \ V\ Q n ~ .' (J~'f\f't:. ':~wr ~tL:~' . PIII_....... '.: " l, .~ .-_.~..;}.u ~&Ji;;(~~.J{' : ---.......-----.-- , I -----------. --- .----- . ~ \ \ \ \ I i / / / ; : ,\ \ \ .1 11/ / ~ ! ,~ . , ----- ~ Y."/; ''', ";" ..;: I I; ~-..........:~~ III ~ -.- .... ,~..~ ": &JO:'8t~ ~.;d";:~'C'V: j.~ Vo.~'~' .~~'ho~ . C{::D ....:~~6.;,}b:; ~\I Vcr '2.:~s.y,.6:':~r:'s+ V ort ItY\ffc,) '^' A '. . Q'i3b2. .~~:. ...,.. >1~~~ .',: . ",. "'~:';~~ ",.'.' .. Ground Burials 17 22 20 21 Ground Burial Inumments 14 13 19 16 Niche Inumments 7 '4 4 8 Entombments I 0 0 0 I Year to Date Totals 39 39 43 45 PRE.:.NEED'SALES THIS MONTH THIS YEAR TO DATE $30,955.36 THIS MONTH LAST YEAR $8,797.44 . LAST YEAR TO DATE $37,343.43 $4,911.00 94 . . . Parks & Cem~tery Monthljt'Divisio'll Report August 2001 Accomplishments Turf Management III" Mowing and trimming ALL locations .... .. .. 'O..'O .. 'O........'O .. .. ...... . .. .. .. .. ... . ................. . ....... .. .. .... .. 423.0 hours 111I" Turf renovation/Repairs ............... . .... .. ..... . ... ... . .. . ........ .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... . . . ....... .. ...... .. .. .... 258.5 hours III'" Equipment repairs and maintenance . . ...... .. ... . . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . . . .... ... . 83.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 644.5 Total Hours Current Year: 764.5 Beautification Downtown planter maintenance(cleanup water etc.) ...................................... 246.0 hours 1111" Maintenance of planted areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68.5 hours 11I1" Greenhouse, plant maintenance ....................................................... 31.0 hours III'" Tree well cleaning and maintenance ................................................... 10.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 290.5 Total Hours Current Year: 355.5 Amenities 111I" Pier general maintenance . .. ... ...... ... .... .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. ..... .... . .. ...... .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ...... .. 9.5 hours Jill" Floats; repairs to Ediz Hook Floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5 hours III'" Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. .. 148.0 hours 1111" Park sign maintenance .. .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .......... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .......... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. 2.5 hours 1111" Play equipment maintenance: ...... .. .. .......... .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ............ ...... .. .. ...................... .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. 9.0 hours 1111" Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 514.5 Total Hours Current Year: 257.5 . 95 Sports; Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance 11I* Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields ................................................................... 206..0 hours 11I* Soccer fields ...................................................................... 50.5 hours III" Football field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33.0 hours III" Tennis ............................................................................ 0.0 hours 111I. Field lighting repairs ................................................................. 0.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 288.5 Total Hours Current Year: 289.5 Waterfront Trail , III" Bench and memorial installations/maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 5.5 Total Hours Current Year: 2.0 Building Maintenance General Maintenance and Repairs Jill. William Shore Pool ................................................................ 58.0 h 11I1. Vem Burton Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.5 hours 11I1. City Hall and Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126.0 hours 1111. Senior Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 468.5 Total Hours Current Year: 361.5 Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas 1111. Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 12.0 Total Hours Current Year: 23.5 . 96 Parks General Maintenance Litter pickup from various park locations "" Park improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . "'" Building maintenance;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................................. "" Forest Management; William Shore Pool floor repairs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.0 hours 109.5 hours 126.5 hours 132.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 713.0 Total Hours Current Year: 528.0 Special Events 1I"~Other: ...... .. .. .......... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .......... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .... .................. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... 9.5 hours IIII~ Total Hours Previous Year: 126.0 Total Hours Current Year: 9.5 Campground 111~ Site cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 37.5 Total Hours Current Year: 1.0 Cemetery IIII~ Ground burial interments .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 57.5 hours 11II~ Cremation interments .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . 0.0 hours IIII~ Crypt entombment. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. hours 11* Niche inumments .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. ............ .. .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 4.0 hours IIII~ Memorial marker settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 hours IIII~ Mowing and trimming .............. .......... .... .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. ...... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 92.0 hours IIII~ Building/Chapel cleaning and maintenance ...... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. 39.0 hours IIII~ Grave site refilling/regrading .... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... . . . .. . . . . . . ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . 5.0 hours IIII~ Customer Service . . . . .... .. ... . ..... . ... . . . . ... . ....... ... . . . . . .... . . . ... ... . ... . .. 3.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 162.0 Total Hours Current Year: 208.5 . 97 Parks Administration Total Hours Previous Year: 164.0 Total Hours Current Year: 172. II" Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings Sub Total Hrs Previous Year: 3,426.5 Sub Total Hrs Current Year: 2,870.0 NON Productive Hrs previous year: (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) 416.0 I . . NON Productive Hrs Current Year: 544.0 I (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) Total Parks & Cemetery Division Hours: Previous Year: 3,842.5 Current Year: 3,577.5 . . 98 . . . Total Monthly Maintenance Hours August 2001 #1 Turf Management 764.5 hrs. . #3 Amenities 257.5 hrs. . #5 Waterfront Trai12 hrs. . #7 Civic Complex 23.5 hrs. . #9 Special Events 9.5 hrs. . # 11 Cemetery 208.5 hrs. #13 Time Loss 544 hrs. 11 #2 Beautification 355.5 hrs . #4 Sports Facilities 289.5 hrs. . #6 Building Maintenance 361.5 hrs. . #8 Parks General Maintenance 528 hrs. . # 1 0 Campground 1 hrs. . #12 Parks Administration 172.5 hrs. 99 PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT August 2001 Information & Referral 1,622 1,386 16,261 15,001 Estimated Attendance 5,988 4,381 42,225 40,708 Health Programs 495 353 3,976 4,746 Education Programs 460 395 4,973 4,293 Social/Events/Programs/Meals 1,662 1,638 22,266 13,827 Trips: Taken 2 5 39 44 Passengers 25 63 502 559 Volunteers: 175 152 Hours 1,796 1,650 13,274 11 ,862 Membership: 41 35 1,604 1,531 City 22 16 1,053 1,009 County 19 19 551 522 100 . . . SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS - Users August 8 Cornelson August 10 Angeles Clinic for Animals August 11 Shook Wedding Reception SENIOR CENTER REGULAR USERS .Senior Nutrition Board .Soroptimists Jet Set . Fine Arts Center .Eckankar .City Parks .CCWAB .virginia Mason ~ SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAMS August 1-5 August 14 August 16 August 29 Multi Purpose Room Closed for Floor Refinishing Cribbage in the Schools Program Introduction Annual BBQ and Acoustics Now Band Northwest Cruise Orientation SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - REGULAR PROGRAMS Health Stretch Class/Weight Training Blood Pressure Checks Low Vision Support Alzheimers Support Group Foot Care (4x month) Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs Chair Exercise (3x wk) Tai Chi Yoga 101 August 2001 Education Computer Labs 3x week Defensive Driving Class Computer Classes Tap Dance Classes Social/Recreational Paint on Own Golden Agers Senior Swingers Dance Bingo (3x week) Olympic Peninsula Chess Club Pool 102 . Creative Writing Spring Chicken Band Round Table on Politics Coffee Lounge P R Committee At the Movies (weekly) Bridge Pickle Ball (3x week) Pinochle (3x week) . . ';i'rf~1'~~~;i~~~{{it;:2it~i:t~:41~",~:~;1~~1~~~i~t}1~~~r' . VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS August 11 Wedding Reception August 14 Port Angeles Youth Soccer Draft August 15-16 International Festival Judging August 18 Wedding Reception August 20 Blood Drive August 25 Wedding Reception Total approximate attendance: 925 200 75 50 250 150 200 VBMCC - GYM USERS Noon Open Gym 80 Gym Walkers 10 Badminton 15 Total approximate attendance: 174 Parks & Rec Summer Program Early AM Volleyball Early AM Basketball VERN BURTON MEETING ROOM EVENTS: August 1 Clallam County Food Handlers August 8 Clallam County Food Handlers August 9 Clallam County Elwha/Morse Creek Management Team August 10 Clallam County Salmon Recovery August 14-15 55 Alive Defensive Driving Class August 15 Clallam County Food Handlers August 16 Ennis Creek Friends August 21 Clallam County Drug Target Training August 28 Department of Personnel - State of Washington August 28 Clallam County Food Handlers August 30 Skills Center August 31 Port Angeles School District Total approximate attendance: 357 40 35 20 25 42 42 20 30 30 35 12 26 25 48 36 VBMCC - REGULAR MEETING ROOM USERS: Total approximate attendance: 224 Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group 150 Land Trust 10 Transit Union 20 Juan de Fuca Festival 10 Board of Appeals 12 Non-Motorized Meeting 10 Bike Club 12 COUNCIL CHAMBERS: City Council Meetings Board of Adjustments Planning Public Forum/Primary ~ -- Total approximate attendance: 312 100 DUI Victim's Panel 12 UAC/P.A. Works 20 Annex Meeting 50 ~ ~ ~ ~ 40 20 70 ~ ~ 4. Recreation continued--- LINCOLN PARK RENTALS Clubhouse Longhouse Loomis Building AUQust 9 8 4 To Date 46 26 27 OTHER USES Scout Meetings each Wed. evening 4-H: 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month Scout Meetings: 3rd Tuesday each month Fly Fishermen Club: 1st Monday each month Rentals - Other Parks Lions Park Veteran's Park Conrad Dyar Fountain 1 1 1 5 9 4 RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAMS: Square Dance Lessons each Monday at the Senior Center Beginning on September 10th Country Western Dance Classes Beginning on September 19th H20 Camp August 20-24 19 particpants Line Dance Classes Beginning on September 18th Summer Park Program ends on August 8th - 87 enrolled -5-8 year olds 31 -9-12 year olds 56 Summer Parks Camp August 13-17 Summer Parks Camp August 20-24 20 Enrolled 15 Enrolled PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL EVENTS: August 1 Co-ed Slowpitch 15 Teams registered August 4-5 P AZAZZ Boys' & Girls' Soccer Tournament (U 10 thru U 16 Rec Teams) 31 Teams; 24 out-ot-town August 7 Housing Authority National Night Out - Recreation Participation 50 participants August 11-12 Pepsi Boys' Baseball Tournament (ages 10, 11 & 12) 230Teams; 20 out-ot-town UP COMING RECREATION: September 16 Punt, Pass & Kick Competiton September 22 The Big Hurt November 3-4 Boys' & Girls' Basketball Tipoff Tournament November 3-4 Talking Rain Invitational - Mens AA Basketball November 17-18 Turkey Shoot - Boys Basketball Tournament December 15-16 Holiday Hoops - Boys & Girls Basketball Tournament 104 ; i\:l:i'i~$.~i1l:r':{:;~:~i,:,'i:\: ;,',ift;); .\:.:. i'.1~1f::~L:{.:~.:)f,~~~fP{(i:'r~i ' Recreation - continued-- WEEKLY ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM and FIELD SCHEDULING FOR: Junior Babe Ruth Senior Babe Ruth Soccer ITV PIER EVENTS: August 1 ARC Event August 2 US Coast Guard Active Change of Command Ceremony August 2 Concert on Pier Series August 5 Olympic Vineyard - Church on the Pier August 9 Concert on Pier Series August 16 Concert on Pier Series August 16 Concert on Pier Series August 20 1 sl Step Program August 23 Concert on Pier Series August 30 Concert on Pier Series August 31 Olympic Research Vessel Moorage UP-COMING PIER EVENTS: September 4, 11, 18 & 25 September 6 & 13 September 8 September 15 September 15 September 16 Spirit of Oceanus Cruise Ship moorage Concert on Pier Series US Coast Guard Winona Reunion Bell Ringing Ceremony PAHS Band Boosters Walk-a-thon Independent Bible Church Memorial Service & Band Concert Olympic Research Vessel Moorage ERICKSON PLA YFIELD: Not scheduled . 105 . . . 106 . Port Angeles Fire Department Saving Dearts and Domes . August 2001 . 107 August 2001 Fire $ Loss/Saved 8,000,000 i I 7,000,000 ; 6,000,000 +- 5,000,000 i- 4,000,000 -1-- 3,000,000 -r 2,000,000 1,000,000 : 0-'- Total Fire Dept. Calls I I 2000 1500 1000 500 --~ o~ 1999 2000 Aug 01100 Total Calls 2001 Total Calls YTD 2000 Total Calls YTD 50 40 30 20 10 o . ------------~.. _._~-----------~- I 2001 2001 . Saved . Loss 2000 2001 YTD 2000 YTD Saved 7,547,340 1,568,400 529,300 341,908 Loss . Fires> 5K Fires < 5K Haz Mat Auto Brush . 2001 2000 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Date Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Incidents 13 8 2001 13 32 2000 9 43 30 27 24 25 108 August 2001 .. Total Fire Dept. Calls ~oo ~~--~---------- Fire $ Loss/Saved 1500 1000 500 - o 8,000,000 , _________________n_____ 7,000,000 +~-- ------- --- no - 6,000,000 -j- ______n_____ --------- - 5,000,000 ~--------- --- 4,000,000 1'- 3,000,000 _L. 2,000,000 1,000,000 o ----------- --- ---- ,.--------....- .------ 1999 2001 2001 . Saved . Loss 2000 2000 Aug 01/00 Total Calls 264 / 223 2001 Total Calls YTD 1,971 2000 Total Calls YTD 1,785 . . Saved Loss 2001 YTD 7,547,340 529,300 2000 YTD 1,568,400 341,908 50 Tn-- ------ ---------~--------- n_ ----- ----- 40 - 30--,--------- 20 10 - o Fires> 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush Haz Mat . 2001 . 2000 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Date Incidents 2001 13 32 13 30 24 2000 9 43 8 27 25 Fi re & Life Safety I nsp 800 - 700 600 -1 500-: --- 400- , 300 4---- I 2001- 1 OOl---- 0-- -- Inspections Reinspections . 2001 . 2000 Inspections Reinspections 2001 YTD 655 416 2000 YTD 750 697 Medic I Transports 700 T" - 600- 500 --- 400 300 200-; .._--_._._--~----_.._._---- ---- ------"..-.--- ----- 1 00-+--- o nu ALS BLS .. 2001 II 2000 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Fire Dept. 2001 2000 % ALS-YTD 652 618 5.2 1 BLS-YTD 90 111 18.9 I Prevention Activities YTD 500 ---,-- - --- -..----- ----- ------ ------ ---- 400-1- - - ___u_ - I 300 1---- -- 200 t- -- 100 +------ - OJ--- . -..11-.. 2001 2000 . Permit Inspections ~ Plan Reviews . Public Education Contacts Permit Plan Public Ed Inspections Reviews Contacts 2001 49 57 423 2000 139 27 28 Patients Assisted 1600 _:h_______-"-_~____",,____ 1400 t-- ------------ - _._n 1200 . --------------___ __ i 1000+----- i 800 -l__ 600J---- : 400 -r h_ 200i---- o _L___ . Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance .. 2001 II 2000 Patients Assisted Fire Dept. 2001 2000 % YTD 1,533 1,520 .8 1 . Fire & Life Safety Insp 800 700 .600 - 500- 400 ---'- 300 - 200-,-~-- 1 00 ....L.- O-~ Inspections Reinspections .. 2001 II 2000 Reinspections 2001 YTD 2000 YTD 750 Medic I Transpo 700 -~----- .00 .- 400 300 100 ----- o ALS BLS .. 2001 II 2000 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) 416 697 Fire Dept. 2001 2000 % ALS-YTD 652 618 5.2 I BLS-YTD 7090 111 18.9 ! . 109 Prevention Activities YTD 500 -,--------~- --- - --- I 400 300 200 100 -0- .. 0-- 2001 2000 - -~-~-.~--~=:JI::- 2001 2000 . Permit Inspections ~ Plan Reviews . Public Education Contacts Permit Inspections Plan Reviews Public Ed Contacts 49 139 57 27 423 28 Patients Assisted 1600 -- - -- -------------- .-- -------.--------------- 1400 -- u - --- ------------. 1200- ---- --- --- 1000 _~____u_ - -- ---- _u_ --- 800 ---0------ -- - ___________________________u_ 600 ..;.___~__u__ --~-.----------------------- 400 -- ____u__ -- - ---------- -- -- u_____ 200 0- ---~~-----~~~~_.~-- Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance .. 2001 .. 2000 Patients Assisted Fire Dept. 2001 2000 % YID 1,533 1,520 .8 t FIR E PREVENTION ACTIVITIES Fire Department Receives Life Safety Achievement Award Each year the Residential Fire Safety Institute recognizes fire departments that have had outstanding fire safety statistics for the previous calendar year and for their proactive measures to improve their community's fire life safety records in the future. This recognition is know as the Ufe Safety Achievement award. . The Port Angeles Fire Department has just received the prestigious Ufe Safety Achievement award for the second year in a row. The Port Angeles Fire Department is one of only 24 fire departments in Washington State to receive this award. During the year 2000, Port Angeles Fire Department fire crews conducted over 2,200 inspections and hundreds of fire alarm and sprinkler system tests. During the 66th annual "Spark Week", over 300 second graders were brought to the fire station where they were educated in many aspects of fire prevention and safety. During Fire Prevention Week, firefighters visited all kindergarten through 4th grade classes presenting fire prevention information. This award is only one indication of the Fire Department's commitment to provide high quality fire prevention and public education services to the citizens of Port Angeles. August ,. 2001 This Month Year to Date ,"Last Year Last Year This Month Year to Date Fire & Life Safety Inspection 31 655 " 106 750 Fire & Life Safety Reinspection 28 416 123 697 Code Violations Found 31 901 113 1,076 Code Violations Corrected 33 660 120 970 Building Survey 0 0 0 13 Complaints Investigated 3 13 5 53 Fire Drills Supervised 0 0 1 2 Lectures, Classes, Demonstrations, Station Tours 5 44 1 28 Number of Public Education Contacts 25 423 -- -- Fires Investigated 1 15 0 11 Fire Alarm Test 6 55 8 75 . Sprinkler System Test 8 52 7 110 Permit Inspection 5 49 26 139 Juvenile Fire Setters Counseled 0 3 0 3 Certificate of Occupancy Inspections 1 14 -- -- Planning Department Reviews 9 24 -- -- Building Application Reviews 7 20 -- -- Plan Checks: 1. Commercial 0 10 1 13 2. Multi-family 0 1 0 0 3. Sprinkler System 2 11 3 10 4. Fire Alarm 1 4 1 4 FP - 32 Revised 6/11/01 110 . . . 'i:m:~:fJ}F~~'W'~~~;~~a~;1):~f/:;:f;' '."i~~~~~~~r;~~',' Medic I Statistics August, 2001 ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT PAFD OLY PAFD OLY Cardiac Arrest 2 0 0 0 2 0 Cardiac, Other 29 1 1 1 0 1 Major/Minor Medical 34 2 6 11 4 18 Motor Vehicle Accident 3 0 6 3 0 10 Drug/Alcohol 3 1 3 2 1 5 Accident, Other 4 0 4 17 4 29 False Call 0 0 0 0 0 9 Total 75 4 20 34 11 72 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OL Y -- Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport Total Medic I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 216 1,533 209 1,520 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 0 162 32 184 111 ......... ........ ... .............. : CLALLAM ..GOUNl::X...~.~.~ANE S ER REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF August 1 t\m~~~i~~~~I~~~i~I~~rjl~~r~I~~~iilJ.~~iJ~~'~I~:~~i~f:~~~I~~~I~~~:]~~~l!:~~~ ACOGift:Cats : oi 11 oj 61 01 31 01 01 i 1 i i 10 :P.A::c:~ii~;'o::~ir~y::c~i$.::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::ii:[::::::::::::::::::~:L"::::::::'::io.[::::::::::::::i~r::::::::::::i4r::::::::::::::::~L::::::::::::iir::::::::::::iiC::::::::::::::::T::::::::::::::::::::C:::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::::I::::::::::::~~: PACitizenSurrCats i 91 7! 31 12: 131 121 1: 30: i i i ! 87 :s.!Q::TfY~~::~ir~y::c~i~:::::::::::::::::::L::::::::::::::::~L::::::::::::::::~r::::::::::::::::~:[::::::::::::::::::Q[:::::::::::i4r:::::::::::::?:~I::::::::::::i~r::::::::::::i7.I::::::::::::::::::r:::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::::::::::t::::::::::J::Qi - S/O Truck Surr Cats i 01 3: 31 oi 121 51 0: 9! ! ! : 1 32 'seq"'~'i'm:ACO'Cai's~r~y"'~''''''''''''''''f'''':':''':''''''8f'........:.....4r............,..lT.:..............3r...............Zr...............4r............1"oT................gr...................[...................--r..................--r...................r............S,.. 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