HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/05/1999 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET October 5, 1999 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. ~ORTANGELES AGENDA. ITEM I First I Action ? Pa2e Action Taken . A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - Becky Upton City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMA TIONS October 9 -Valley Creek Estuary Day 1 B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) D. FINANCE Approval of Change Order for the Carnegie 3 Action Library Restoration Project E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of City Council minutes - 5 Action September 21, 1999 2. Finance - Approve travel to Credit and 13 Collection Workshop F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Human Services Report 15 2. Abatement of downtown building 17 Action G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS UUD Final Assessment 21 Action H. RESOLUTIONS NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK October ~, 1999 Port Angeles CIty CouncIl Meeting Page - 1 AGENDAt'I~EM I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Discharging of fireworks in the City 2. Middle and Elementary School Resource Officer and DARE Officer Agreement Between the City of Port Angeles and P.A. School District # 121 3. Appointtnents and Reappointtnents to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board 4. Interlocal agreement between Housing Authority and City Police Department for Police Services 5. Adoption of School Walking Routes 6. Consideration of application for CDBG General Purposes Grant (public hearing date) J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) Street Vacation Petition - STY 99-02 - 61 Amundson /Fidler /Bear. Alley abutting Lots 9 & 10-13, Block 3 Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 36 (Liberty/Georgiana area). 1= 1-1 I Action Taken 39 41 Action Action 43 Action 47 Action 49 Action 53 Action K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER L. INFORMA TION 1. City Manager's Report (Page 79) * James Abernathy Outstanding Public Service Award * Summary report - Non-Motorized Advisory Committee 2. Planning Commission minutes - September 8, 1999 (Page 91) 3. Clallam County Humane Society report through August 1999 (Page 95) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) N. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. G:\CNCLPK1\AGENDA\99I 005. WPD NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK October 5, 1999 Port Angeles CIty CouncIl Meetmg Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun \/ Councilman Campbell ~ Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins itt::. Councilman Williams Staff Present: ~ Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins G. Cutler S.Ilk y. Ziomkowski October 5~ 1999 ~. III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: IV. V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: /t;.~Q ~(/.,,~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: October 5.1999 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. ..( S L I'7/1j JJ .L.. Si t:F ~ I would like to testify on Agenda Item No. ;r--- n City of Port Angeles OrdinancelResolution Distribution Ust City Council Meeting of t)Jrin(h.o~ 5, /4qq ~l~~~tlli~~~i ~ ~..-. :~r.. ,I .s.,v - ~~~~!~ :t1t City Mana2er City Attv. (I) I V Planning; I V City Clerk ,:; Deoutv Clerk J ../ Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Ml.!f. Police Dept. Fire Deot. Light Dept. / Pub. Works (2) ,!J.; V Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) I PDN (Summarv) Extra CODies TOTAL ~ WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, ~ ... L . ~ PROCLAMA TION VALLEY CREEK ESTUARY DAY October 9, 1999 The Valley Creek Estuary has been de~loped as a result of o~r 13 years of CAreful pla.nning and public involvement. is vital to the Downtown revitalization, creates approximately 2.5 acres of intertidal habitat, a quality wetland; and The Valley Creek Estuary creates a buHer between the downtown Industrial uses and the Downtown Business District, allows greater public access to the recreational, educational and environmental benefits of the shoreline, helps promote the downtown business district to residents and tourists alike; and The Valley Creek Estuary will help complete a needed link in the waterfront trail through the downtown, promoting healthy activity, leisurely walking, jogging or biking. The Valley Creek Estuary tower enables the citizens of Port Angeles an o~rview of the wetland and th\! wildlife that is quickly reclaiming the waterfront. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Gary Braun, Mayor of Port Angeles, on behalf of the City Council do hereby proclaim the day October 9,1999, as Valley Creek Estuary Day in Port Angeles, and I call upon and urge the people of Port Angeles to observe tIlli day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Gary Braun, Mayor 999 1 2 -.--..,---.-.-.... . --....,...-- 111" DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO October 5,1999 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services Carnegie Library, Demolition of Addition, Project #97-08 Summary: Contract Change Order No.4 to construct the front porch and entry sidewalk for the Carnegie Library has been accomplished. The contract modification requires Council action because it exceeds 15% of the contract amount. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.4 to the contract for the demolition ofthe 1962 addition to the Carnegie Library and authorize payment in the amount of $16,908.40. Background / Analysis: Following the demolition of the Library Addition, to help improve the site appearance, a DCVR was approved by the City Manager authorizing the construction of the Carnegie Library front porch and entry sidewalk. Lindberg Architects was requested to prepare drawings for the reproduction of the front porch and walkway. The work was completed as specified and the contractor has requested payment. Council is being asked to authorize payment in conformity with Resolution 7-91 which requires that change orders in excess of 15%, for contracts less than $100,000, shall be approved by the Council. N:\PROJECTS\97-080L\PROJMG1\CCREC04.MO 3 rrF _ _~'ORT..', /~ ,. L~ ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 SHEET ---1- OF 1 Project Name Demolition of Addition to Port Angeles Carnegie library DATE: 9-16-99 Contractor R J Services Inc. Project No. 97-08 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: This work has been completed as described in approved DCVR's Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [X] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: em o. Description DCVR # Quantity Unit *$ Cost Per Unit *$ Cost Rev. 1 LS $579.00 1 support for brick arch 5 Orig. 2 Construct porch and sidewalk Orig. Rev. 1 LS $16,329.40 Orig. Rev. Orig. Rev. * ORIGINAL * CURRENT * EST. NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, EST. CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE AFTER THIS CHANGE ORDER $73,597.00 $88,337.74 $16,908.40 $31,649.14 $105,246.14 DAYS: 30 DAYS:37 DAYS: 30 DAYS: 37 DAYS:67 * Sales Tax Not Included All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein, including delays to the overall project. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER PROJECT ENGR.lCITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 4 PW-404_04 [10/95] CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: Victoria Gateway Meeting with Clallam County Commissioners CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 21,1999 .. Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilman Campbell. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, T. Smith, G. Kenworthy, and B. Coons. County Commissioners Present: C. Boardman, M. Ireland, and M. Doherty. County Staff Present: 1. Rumpeltes, A. Meyer, and B. Martin. Public Present: R. & D. Burwell, D. Sieg, N. Weekes, G. Reed, M. Margolis, B. Carnahan, K. Sweeney, B. Ludwig, C. Shillington, P. McCullough, M. McGoff, V. Pickard, K. Jones, and S. Jones. Manager Quinn welcomed all those present and announced a special presentation by members of the staff of Victoria, BC, on the plans for a renovated Victoria Gateway. Dennis Carlsen, Planning Officer for the City of Victoria, indicated that Victoria is looking forward to its partnership with Port Angeles on the Gateway projects. He introduced consultant Gwyn Symmonds who reviewed renovation plans currently underway to update the Victoria harbor area, particularly the area of the Coho terminal. Mr. Symmonds showed plans, drawings, and overhead models that set the stage for a project involving over 50,000 new square feet at an estimated cost of$16 Million. It is hoped the project will commence in 2001. A question and answer period followed. Manager Quinn opened discussion with the Clallam County Commissioners at 5:30 p.rn. The fIrst topic to be addressed was the matter of the Urban Growth Area. Andy Meyer, County Planning Director, distributed and reviewed an overview of the background of Growth Management and the amendment process. Also included was a summary of Urban Growth Area Designation Policies excerpted from the County-wide Planning Policies. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan can be addressed once a year, and to Mr. Meyer's knowledge, there had been no proposals brought forward to the County to have any of the Urban Growth Areas changed. Discussion centered around the City's eastern growth boundary and the fact that the boundary had been moved to Morse Creek at the City's request. City Planning Director Collins indicated that development of an urban nature has been occurring outside the Urban Growth Area and is of major concern. Secondly, he felt the listing of salmon on - 1 - 5 rf" CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 21, 1999 Meeting with Clallam County Commissioners (Cont'd) CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: RESUMPTION OF SPECIAL MEETING: 6 the Endangered Species Act could be a factor in habitat protection in Morse Creek. Thirdly, the loss of a tax base to support infrastructure in the UGA for serving that particular area is another reason for the City's desire to move the UGA eastward to Deer Park. Manager Quinn advised the Commissioners that the City intends to move forward as quickly as possible to apply for an extension of the Urban Growth Area boundary to Deer Park. The City is of the opinion that efforts must be taken to assure that urban development is kept urban. Emphasizing that an extension of the area cannot be considered the same as annexation, Manager Quinn felt planning efforts must be undertaken to provide infrastructure and services for the citizens. If they feel government is doing a good job for them, then they may choose to proceed with annexation efforts. Commissioner Boardman pointed out that the City has a policy to not provide services outside the City limits, and Manager Quinn acknowledged this is a policy that may need to be revisited by the Council. Discussion then centered around the possibility of building infrastructure in the eastern UGA through a City/County cooperative partnership. The Commissioners indicated a receptiveness to giving consideration to such a partnership, with the possibility of revenue sharing. Discussion and debate followed on the merits of the issues being brought forward by the City with regard to an extension of the UGA. City Attorney Knutson indicated that, at the time the UGA boundary was established, the City felt it didn't make sense to extend sewer up the side of the ravine. But things have changed since then, particularly with the additional urban growth in that area. Councilman Williams also pointed out that more septic systems have failed since that time. Discussion ensued with regard to revenue sharing, as well as the need for the City and County to partner on improving the entrance to the Port Angeles area. The County is pursuing grant funds, and an invitation was extended to the City to participate. After further discussion, Manager Quinn indicated the City would get all the necessary information together in order to proceed with the request to change the boundary, and County Administrator Rumpeltes will work towards preparing a time line of what the City can expect from the County. Commissioner Ireland expressed her willingness to consider the request, but she cautioned the group she was not willing to set aside priorities such as the Carlsborg area and the critical areas ordinance. Mayor Braun recessed the Special Meeting to call the Regular Meeting to order at 6: I 0 p.m. Mayor Braun resumed the Special Meeting at 6: 10 p.rn. until 6:30 p.m. In continuing discussions with the Clallam County Commissioners, Councilman Hulett expressed hope that the County would institute City standards in the Urban Growth Area. Manager Quinn indicated that interlocal agreements or pre-annexation agreements can be entered into as a means of addressing matters of this nature. Attention was then directed to the proposed Elwha Dams land trade, and Councilman Wiggins indicated the City of Forks, the Port of Port Angeles, and Clallam County have agreed to the concept of the land trade with the Federal Government in order to not remove land from the current tax base. Legislation addressing the trade would need to be introduced before any further action is taken on the dams. After brief discussion, Councilman Wiggins agreed to follow up with Congressman Dicks. Commissioner Doherty addressed the matter of septage and composting, introducing some information from the FKC Company, who has instituted a process for de-watering septage. Commissioner Doherty felt the City may wish to obtain further information - 2- ..':':::';'.f'"if'i". ...... Meeting with Clallam County Commissioners (Cont'd) ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING: RESUME REGULAR MEETING: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: WORK SESSION: Stormwater Management Workshop with DOE CITY COUNCll.., MEETING September 21, 1999 and possibly pursue the FKC process as an economic development possibility for the community. Further, he felt there was a potential for a facility to serve as a regional solution to a problem. County Administrator Rumpeltes then addressed the matter of a Millenium Celebration. The County has budgeted funds for a celebration but, as yet, it is unknown what type of celebration could be planned. He expressed interest in a cooperative effort with the City. Commissioner Doherty indicated there would be a proposal from the Historical Society, and he suggested doing some planning with the schools for a celebration event. Manager Quinn agreed this is.a unique opportunity to celebrate the new Millenium, and he supported a partnership for public relations in the community. The Special Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Mayor Braun resumed the regular meeting at 6:50 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Braun. Mayor Braun announced that the Turner Annexation was not on the agenda due to an error in the notification process. Mayor Braun stated the purpose of the Work Session was to discuss the Stormwater Manual to meet Department of Ecology (DOE) and Puget Sound Water Quality Authority (PSWQA) requirements. He deferred to Director Cutler who reviewed the history of this issue. Director Cutler indicated that representatives from DOE and PSWQA were present to discuss the program and the implications of not accepting stormwater plans, and where the State is heading in the future. He introduced Harriet Beale, Local Liaison to PSWQA action team and Gary R. Krueger, Stormwater Program Specialist, who were present to provide the necessary information. Director Cutler reminded the Council that this subject had been discussed in August, 1995. Harriet Beale thanked the Council for the opportunity to address this issue and described the PSWQA action team and its purpose. Ms. Beale described the problem of stormwater and why it is of concern. Unmanaged stormwater can lead to flooding and, thus, the expenditure of public funds for repair. Construction projects cause compaction of soil and an increase in impervious surfaces, which alters runoff patterns. Growth is inevitable, but it brings additional costs and responsibilities. An effective stormwater program is one of those costs. Ms. Beale described the damage caused by higher peak flows, including contamination of streams and bays which is harmful to aquatic life. Ms. Beale explained that the National Marine Fisheries Service has listed stormwater programs as one of the key programs it will evaluate in assessing a community's compliance with ESA protection standards for salmon. This can affect the City's ability to proceed with development projects, as well as its liability for law suits under the Endangered Species Act. Ms. Beale then described possible solutions to the problems summarized, to include prevention. Future stormwater problems can be alleviated via the five elements of a basic stormwater program outlined in the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. Ms. Beale stated this program is not mandatory under State law, but can affect the receipt of grants in some instances. Ms. Beale then reviewed the five elements of a stormwater program. Ms. Beale stressed the importance of local governments within shared watersheds working together on these programs; she offered the assistance of the - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 21, 1999 Stormwater Management Workshop with DOE (Cont'd) CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: Candlelight Parade PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Rezone Request - Port of Port Angeles Ordinance No. 3025 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: 8 "-'-_._------.--...,.....".--....--,. Action Team in development of a stormwater plan. She then introduced Gary Krueger. Gary Krueger, Department of Ecology Water Quality Program, stated that when applying for grants, a jurisdiction that was achieving storm water management will be given preference over those jurisdictions who have done nothing. Mr. Krueger listed various incentives for adopting a stormwater management plan, such as a reduction in flood insurance premiums. Another incentive is the possibility of stormwater management being made mandatory statewide as part of the salmon recovery. Mr. Krueger stated that effective October 29, 1999, EPA is scheduled to adopt Phase 2 stormwater regulations. This will mandate stormwater management for Port Angeles. Mr. Krueger felt it was in the City's best interest to get the program up and running as soon as possible. Mr. Krueger then responded to questions and provided additional clarification. No action was taken. Build a Better Community Candlelight Parade Mayor Braun read a proclamation against hate crime entitled, "Build a Better Community." Bev Ludwig was present to accept the proclamation and invited all to attend the Candlelight Parade on October 7, 1999, 7:00 p.m., at the Liberty Bell at Veteran's Park. Rezone Request - (REZ 99-0i) Port of Port Angeles - West of Tumwater Truck Route Between Marine Drive and Third Streets: Rezone approximately 90,000 square feet of property from industrial Light to Industrial Heavy Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department, and Director Collins displayed a map showing the area under discussion. At Councilman Hulett's request, Director Collins described the zoning surrounding the area. Brief discussion ensued, and staff responded to questions and provided additional clarification regarding the rezone. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. Ken Sweeney, Planning& Environmental Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338 W. First Street, spoke in support of the rezone. The Port has a prospective tenant who can only relocate to a Heavy Industrial area. The rezone is important to broaden the opportunity for business development on this property. There was no further public testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3025 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning property located in Block 48 of the Townsite of Port Angeles and amending Ordinances 1709 and 2801, as amended. Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 -11 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "An which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Paula Gustafson, 39 Doyle Road, asked if and when the City was going to fulfill its promise to build an ice rink. Councilmember McKeown stated that there have been discussions of the various options available. The question remains how such a project could be financed. Staffwill continue to pursue funding options. Councilmember - 4 - LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: (Cont'd) FINANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: Break CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: CrIY COUNCIL MEETING September 21, 1999 McKeown suggested citizens form a contingency to look into feasibility, fmancing, and location. Councilman Wiggins suggested Ms. Gustafson discuss the issue with the Parks & Recreation Department. Mayor Braun agreed it was a good idea, and suggested Ms. Gustafson contact Director Brodhun regarding this issue. Manager Quinn offered to meet with Ms. Gustafson to review the matter. Mary Margolis, 1128 E. Third Street, referred to a letter she had previously sent to the Council and complained of the chickens being kept by her neighbors. She was concerned over health issues related to the keeping of chickens. There is no agency assigned to regulate the health and welfare of farm animals within the City limits. Ms. Margolis further complained of the smell and mess in the dumpster from the chicken feces, as well as the flies they attract. Ms. Margolis felt the current Ordinance regarding farm animals in the City was terribly outdated. Her neighbors are now considering the purchase of a goat, which is also legal under the current law. Ms. Margolis had drafted some proposed changes to the current ordinance which she read aloud to the Council. She will also meet with the Planning Department to discuss these changes. Ms. Margolis thanked the Council for its time. Discussion followed. Councilman Hulett felt farm animals should not be allowed within the City limits and asked that staff be directed to look into amending the Ordinance. Director Collins explained that the problem is encountered the most in newly annexed areas; however, he was sure staff could develop methods to address this concern. Ms. Margolis further stated that she is upset because she is losing property value due to her neighbor's neglect. Manager Quinn stated that there are several issues involved here, and staff will look into resolution of this problem. None. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) Council minutes of September 7, 1999, regular meeting; and 2) Check list - $1,111,721.21 - September 14, 1999. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:47 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Wiggins attended meetings for Real Estate, Gateway and Downtown. He also welcomed the Veterans ofWWII. Councilmember McKeown attended Gateway project meetings, along with Councilman Wiggins. She also attended a business enhancement meeting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. There will be regular meetings held, and she invited other Council members to attend as she will be unable to attend the future meetings. Councilmember McKeown reviewed the history of human services funding and the process for allocating funds. Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that Mrs. Feiro had been concerned that her husband's name was being removed from the Marine Life Center. Councilmember McKeown stated she assured Mrs. Feiro that everyone connected with the Center is adamant about honoring Mr. Feiro, and steps will be taken to make his name more prominent at the Lab and in advertising. Councilman Williams attended the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning - 5 - 9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 21, 1999 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) Changing Boards & Commissions Selection Process Resolution No. 15-99 1999 PIRA Contract 10 Organization Executive Council meeting. The topic of discussion was the Hood Canal Bridge; there will be public input meetings over the next few months, and Councilman Williams suggested these meeting dates be published in the City Newsletter. Councilman Doyle welcomed the Clallam County Story People and toured the Port Townsend Compost Facility. There will be a tour of the Port Angeles Compost Facility on September 29, 1999, at 11 :30 p.m. All Council members are invited to attend. Mayor Braun attended the grand opening of the Art Feiro Marine Life Center and the YMCA multipurpose room; he read proclamations at Laurel Park and St. Andrew's Facility recognizing Assisted Living Week. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings Resolution Revising Council's Rules and Procedures by Changing Board and Commission Selection Process Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Following brief discussion and clarification by staff, Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 15-99 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the City Council Rules of Procedure by changing the selection process for filling vacancies on City Boards and Commissions and amending Resolution No. 6-98, as amended. Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Other Considerations 1. Acceptance of Peninsula International Relations Association Contract for 1999 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager's office and asked Manager Quinn for additional information, which he provided. Manager Quinn stated he had met with Tad Price ofPIRA and was impressed with the organization and what it does for the community. Councilmember McKeown agreed this was a worthwhile organization; however, she thought funds had been given to PIRA in 1998 contrary to what the memo states. Dave Bentley, 2399 E. Third Avenue, Founding President of PlRA, stated in 1997 Kathy Northrup had addressed the Council and the City agreed to have money available for PIRA. The money has never been requested, but in-kind services were used. Mr. Bentley said August 13,2000 is the five-year anniversary of the sister-city agreement with Mutsu City. PIRA hopes to have a five-year ceremony and may approach the City for assistance at that time. Following brief discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to renew the 1999 contract for the period covering July 1 through December 31 in the amount of $1,000. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. - 6 - ,.... Agreement between City and IAFF Centennial Trail Community Development Block Grant Recovery of Costs for Abatement of Structures Clallam County Marine Resources Committee CITY COUNCn... MEEIlNG September 21, 1999 2. Three-Year Agreement Between City of Port Angeles and IAFF Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Human Resources. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Hulett moved to approve the labor contract between the City and IAFF #656 covering the contract period of January 1, 1999, through December 31, 2001, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement making the wage increase retroactive to January 1, 1999. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Agreement for Funding Portion of Centennial Trail Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Property Manager. Discussion followed. Councilman Hulett asked for the total dollar value of grants received for this project and what impact 1-695 could have had, if it was in effect when this project was started. Director Brodhun responded the figure was probably about $1 million. Councilman Wiggins asked how much of the .85 miles is located outside the City limits. Director Brodhun responded about one-half; however, the portion which will utilize this grant money lies entirely within the City limits. Following further discussion and clarification by staff, Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus and Local Agency Agreement with WSDOT for ISTEA grant funding in the estimated amount of $248,000. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Authorize Signatures for crED Grants Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Property Manager. Discussion ensued, and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Wiggins moved to have the Mayor continue as the Authorizing Authority for the City as regards the Community Development Block Grant program, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign contracts and contract amendments, and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities and the Property Manager to sign requests for reimbursements. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 5. Set Hearing Datefor Recovery of Cost for Abatement of Structures Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Councilman Williams stated he would abstain from action on this issue due to a conflict of interest. Councilman Doyle moved to conduct a public hearing to be held on October 19, 1999, and direct the City Clerk to proceed with the notification of the owners and other interested parties, as directed in the 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. All Council members voted in support of the motion, with the exception of Councilman Williams, who abstained due to a conflict of interest. Because abstentions are counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried unanimously. 6. Appointment of City Council Representative and Alternate to Clal/am County Marine Resources Committee. Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager. Councilman Doyle reminded the Council of the background of this item. - 7 - 11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 21, 1999 Clallam County Marine Resources Committee. (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: INFORMATION: ADJOURNMENT: 12 Following brief discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to appoint Councilman Wiggins as the City's representative to the Marine Resources Committee. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Wiggins moved to appoint Councilman Doyle as the alternate representative to t~e Marine Resources Committee. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. City Manager's Report Manager Quinn reviewed the Informational Report including the visit by representatives from the City of Victoria, recognition of Finance Director Ziomkowski for the Professional Finance Officer Award, and the Budget Review Session. Manager Quinn reminded the Council that a Committee of three members had been formed in the past. Councilman Doyle moved to appoint Councilmembers McKeown, Wiggins and Williams to the Budget Committee, with Mayor Braun as alternate. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Manager Quinn directed Council's attention to Page 143 of the packet, Storm Damage Status Update, and City Engineer Kenworthy provided a verbal report and responded to questions. Manager Quinn referred to Page 145 of the packet and informed the Council that staff is proceeding with issuing one year right-of-way use permits, pending completion of the feasibility study. He then noted staff was present to answer any questions on this item or on the bid award for the Autotransformers, the SEIS for Eastern UGA Annexation Contract, and the emergency generator at the fIre station. Brief discussion ensued, and staff responded to questions The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor - 8 - DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORT AN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES COUNCIL MEMO October 5, 1999 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES COUNCIL Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director t{2- Travel exceeding $750 - Credit and Collection Workshop Spokane, WA - 10/6 - 10/8, 1999 Summary: Should the Meter Reader attend the Credit and Collection Workshop organized by Northwest Public Power Association in Spokane? Current policy requires Council approval for travel exceeding $750.00. Recommendation: Approve travel costs for class attendance. Back2round / Analysis: The Credit and Collection workshop will be held in Spokane from October 6th through October 8t\ 1999. The class provides an excellent opportunity for continuing education and professional training. This two and a half-day workshop will include proven techniques, strategies and tips that cause prompt payment. Following is a breakdown of the costs for the class: Class Session Lodging - 3 nights @ $70.00 Travel Meals - 4 days @ $32.00 $495.00 210.00 120.00 128.00 $953.00 Total The total cost to the Finance Department budget is $953. The costs were budgeted for in the 1999 budget process. 13 ~~-.......... .,...--"--_.-~._,........- ..."--~_._----~~-. 'ifF 14 Cathleen McKeown MEMO To: Mayor and Council Date: September 30, 1999 From: Cathy McKeown REF.: Human Services Report United Way has formed a Healthy Communities Leadership Team to bring together people and organizations who want to look beyond symptoms of problems within our community, such as: identify their root causes; understand the importance of community connections; networks; and relationships. The team wants to continue building on the good things that have been done and alleviate those which take away from health and wellness. A tool for helping inform and helping direct efforts towards realizing the mission is The Community Reoort Card. The format of the Report Card parallels the five focus areas used by the United Way in its funds distribution process: ~ Helping Children Succeed ~ Meeting Basic Needs ~ Physical Health and Safety ~ Strengthening Families and Individuals Attached is a copy of the preliminary Report Card. 15 OUR COMMUNITY REPORT CARD Fall 1999 (A GLIMPSE AT A WORK IN PROGRESS) HELPING CHILDREN SUCCEED 4 Grade reading 3 or Year I (1993) Year 2 (1996) Trend: mores time per week County 61 % County 62% Better State 62% State 64% High School Drop Out Year I (1993) Year 2 (1995) "UTrend: Clallam County Rate (grades 9 - 12) County 15% County 10.5% Better Population, by age State 9% State 8.9% - 1996- Grade II - Students Year I (\993) Year 2 (1996) o - 6 years: 5,615 taking advance classes County 53% County 43.7% DTrend 7-14 years: 7,082 State 55% State 55% Worse 15-17 years 2,731 I 8 - 64 years 36.116 Pregnant women who Year I (1993) Year 2 (1995) DTrend: 65+ years 13.456 Total 65,000 ! do not smoke County 74% County 72.5% Worse State 82% State 83% i STRENGTHENING FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS Year I (1994) Year 2 (1996) Trend: County $6.74 County $6.82 Worse State $6.84 State $7.17 Year i (1994) Year 2 ( 1996) County 53% County 59% State 59% State 42% i Adolescent pregnancy - Year I (1993) Year 2 (1996) i Ages 15 - i 7. rate per 100 females County 3.8 County 3.4 State 5.5 State 4.6 ! Child Care Center - Teachers' average hourly wage i Medicaid paid maternity care - live i births Trend: Worse Trend: Better Domestic Violence- petitions, rate per 100 'MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY I Suicide,related hospital admissions, ages 15 - 19. : rate per 100 Year 1(1993) County 1.2 State .8 Year I (1993) County NA State I, I Year 2 (1996 County .8 State .9 Year 2 (1996) County 1.2 State .9 Dental Assistance - rate per 100 ,PHYSICAL HEALTH & SAFETY Percent of revenues derived from Medicare & Medicaid Year I (1990) West End 3.1 PA/Sequim 3.9 Year 1 (1995) OMH 58% Forks NA State Ave.48% Year 1 (1990) 11,869 Number Emergency Room i Visits to Olympic Memorial , Hospital I MEETING BASIC NEEDS Year 2 (1994) West End 4.5 PA/Sequim 4.4 Year 2 (1998) OMH 65% Forks NA State Av.% NA Year 2 (1998) 16,515 Trend: Better Trend: Worse i Median Home Value Year 1 ( 1980) Year 2 (1997) I County $56,000 County $104,550 Amount income required to Year I (\ 990) Year 2 (J 997) Trend: 112% of 1997 family , purchase the average priced County $32,968 County $41,087 Worse median income home Per Capita Income (includes Year I ( 1994) Year 2 (1996) Per Capita Income, I pensions and investments) County $19,446 County $21,315 rate of increase State $22,526 State $25,227 1990-1996 County 2.8% State 4.3% Average Monthly Wage Year I (I 996) Year 2 ( 1997) Change County: $1,848 County: $1,943 County: 5.2% State: $2,407 State: $2,563 State: 6.5% # Workloree # Working % unelllployed Average Monthly Wage Clallam County Worklill'l:c Year I( 19')0) Year ~ (19<>7) ~.j,57o ~.U3o ~~.l!.1O ~~.59~ 7% 7.9% $1.487 16 ----~-------_.~'..--,.._." $1.9../3 C1alJam Coullty Wa,hillgtoll Stall: ^ \ era~e Mlllllhly LJIII:IllplllYllll:1I1 19~.j 1~96 Sl)'~o ~.7~o 6.2~ (, 6.5~o 1~~8 7.~~o 4.8~o ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 5, 1999 To: MA. YOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FRoM: Mike Quinn, City Manager SUBJECT: Harbortown Tavern Summary: The City has received a recommendation from the Downtown Forward Executive Committee to initiate nuisance abatement procedures against the Harbortown Tavern. Recommendation: Harbortown Tavern. Approve motion to initiate the nuisance abatement process against the Background / Analysis: The Harbortown Tavern is located at 135 East Front Street and has been vacant for several years. Lou Haehnlen, Building Official, inspected the building on May 24, 1995, and subsequently posted the building as not fit for occupancy. This decision was also justified through a structural report by a local engineer required by Lou at the owner's expense. The building continues in it's vacant state and has become a public nuisance and continues to deteriorate, thus contributes to it's nuisance liability. At their meeting on September 27, 1999, the Downtown Forward Executive Committee unanimously approved a recommendation to the Council to start the nuisance abatement process on the building. While the costs for removal could reach $25-$30,000, three-quarters of this is on dump fees and a quarter in demolition based upon our prior experience. The actual costs will be reported later in the process once approved by Council. G:\EXCHANGE\CNCLPKT\COUNCIL. WPT 17 . --.-.-.............,..-.-....... ll"F MEMO PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Glenn A. Cutler Director [4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [48OOJ Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gary Kenworthy Interim Deputy Director and City Engineer [4803J Jim Harper Electrical Engineer [4702J Lou Haehnlen Building Official [4816J Tom Spertine Sr. Electricallnspeclor 14735] Scoll Mclain Power Manager [4703J Doyle McGivney Interim Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855J Pete Burrett Equipment Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Ught Operations Manager [4731J Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873J Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor (4825) 18 -----r~.-.----. - ~RTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: September 30, 1999 TO: Mike Quinn, City Manager , df Lou Haehnlen., Building Official' fJ- Harbortown Tavern, 135 E. Front FROM: RE: In 1994, when I started working for the City the owner requested a Certificate of Occupancy and a change of occupancy to a convenience store. The Tavern had been closed for more than a year. The Building Code requires the structure to be inspected. I felt the building was structurally inadequate and requested the owner to provide a structural report as to the stability of the structure. A local engineer was hired and requested that I accompany him at the time of his inspection, we found a badly deteriorate foundation as well as rotted timbers and in his opinion stated the building was structurally unsound, I posted the building "NO OCCUPANCY" in May of 1995. The building has remained vacant since and has become a blight to the surrounding area and a public nuisance due to not being able to keep the building secure as well the structure continuing to deteriorate. ----,--- ..-----------,..---.. 111' 20 ---~_._---r-""""'~--.--"""-'~.- --....~-.. HI" DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO October 5, 1999 MA YOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Adjustments to the Final Assessment Roll for the Upper Golf Course Road Sewer ULID#215 and consider ordinances to approve the final assessments and connection charges. ~ The ULID #215 final public hearing of June 15, 1999 was closed after written and verbal comments regarding the assessments were given. Staff was directed to review the comments and return with recommendations. The comments were reviewed internally by staff and the City's LID bond council. In response to this review adjustments are proposed to the Final Assessment Roll for those properties accessed from W oodhaven Lane, a private street, which are unable to subdivide their property. Adjustments were not recommended for the four remaining owners who submitted comments. With these proposed adjustments seven equivalent service connections will be transferred from the Upper Golf Course Sewer ULID#215 to the proposed City funded connection charge ordinance in order to keep the equivalent service charge costs at the same level. Recommendation: Review staff recommendations regarding the final assessment roll and: 1) Approve recommended adjustments to the final assessment roll and approve the roll, and 2) Adopt the ordinance and findings and conclusions confirming the final assessments for ULID#215, and 3) Adopt the ordinance establishing a connection charge for those property owners outside and inside of ULID# 215 who connect to the sewers constructed as a part of ULID and have not been previouslv assessed bv the ULID for the connection. Background/Analysis: At the final assessrnent hearing of June 15, 1999 the City Council received written and verbal property owner comments. Due to the number of comments and the potential impact on the final assessment role Council closed the public hearing and staff was directed to review the comments and prepare a response with recommended adjustments to the assessment role. The comments were reviewed by staff and the bond council for adjustments where appropriate. The more viable comments involved those owners along W oodhaven Lane which were assessed for more than one equivalent service connection. Woodhaven Lane is a private street and subdivision ofthe property to create more lots is not possible until the street becomes public. Currently there is no support within the Woodhaven Lane property owners to dedicate the street to the City. Another objection along Woodhaven Lane at Golf Course Road involved the construction of a residence positioned on a larger lot during the LID process which 21 Mayor Braun and City Council UUD #215 Final Assessment Hearing October 5, 1999 Page - 2 eliminated the possibility of subdivision. These W oodhaven Lane comments were determined to be valid and it is proposed to reduce the number of equivalent service connections to one for each property owned. The review of the remaining four owner's (Neske, McDonald, Conrad and Ruddick) comments did not support assessment adjustments. In Neske's case the number of equivalent assessments was not reduced since the land fronts on a public street, Golf Course Road, and is subdividable, the non-buildable areas within existing and proposed easements were taken into account, and no evidence of wetlands have been provided or identified on existing City sensitive area wetland mapping which would reduce the buildable area. In McDonald's case the single assessment for each of the two properties owned was not reduced since the radio tower and wetlands do not preclude each lot from being developed as a building site and the existing building has been connected to the new sewer. In the Conrad and Ruddick cases the single assessment for each parcel was not reduced further since the final U.L.I.D. costs were distributed equally with a minimum of one equivalent service connection per parcel, the City did absorb a significant portion of the costs beyond the preliminary estimated costs to reduce the assessments, and evidence was not presented. The revised final assessment roll has been prepared and is on file with the City Clerk. A copy of the letter explaining the revisions was sent to all property owners along with the revised assessment role. Copies are attached. Should City Council's actions in adoption of the final assessment role vary from staff recommendations and result in an increase in assessments, a new hearing must be held to consider the changes made in the roll. If City's Council agrees with the staff recommendations which do not increase the assessment then the revised final role can be approved. Following the City Council's approval of the final assessment roll an ordinance confirming the assessment roll must be approved. After roll approval, notices will be published and letters will be sent to each property owner informing them that the assessment roll has been filed for collection. The connection charge ordinance which is attached was prepared to assist in lowering the final assessments for UUD#215. This ordinance provides for a charge to those property owners outside and inside ofUUD# 215 who connect to the sewers constructed as a part of the UUD and have not been previously assessed by the UUD for the connection. The connection charge is equal to the UUD#215 per connection assessment. Attachments: Revised Final Assessment Roll & Map of Area Final UUD#215 Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Connection Charge Ordinance N:\PROJECTS\95-05LID\ASSESSMT\FNLHRNG2. WPD File: 95-05.10 22 -----,~-.---------_.-- . ----- ----'----'-'--..,..-----'- Hr If Aug. 9,1999 FINAL ASSESMENT ROLL Upper Golf Course Road Sewer ULID # 215 Parcel Name & Tax Equivalent lotal 'Estimated @ 6.5~ for 10 lfean Number Address Number Service Assesment ANNUAL TOTAL Connections AMOUNT AMOUNT I James R. I Terry L. McDonald 063014 11 0000 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 P.O. Box 1450 Port Angeles, W A 98362 2 James R./ Terry L. McDonald 063014 11 0030 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 P.O. Box 1450 Port Angles, W A 98362 3 Richard G. Hendrickson 063014 11 0150 I $7.101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1826 Melody Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 4 Richard G. Hendrickson 063014 110130 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1826 Melody Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 5 Doris B. Taggart 063014 110080 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1830 Melody Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 6 William E. Barker III 063014 110140 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1834 Melody Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 7 Larry D. Racine 063014 11 0070 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1838 Melody Ln. Port Angeles, W A 98362 8 McLennan Trust, Neva Marie 063014 110060 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1842 Melody Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 9 Terry G. McDonald 063014 110110 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 920 Golf Course Rd Port Angeles, W A 98362 10 Terry G. McDonald 063014 110120 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 920 Golf Course Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 II Gary A. Lappier 063014 110090 I $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 924 Golf Course Rd Port Angeles. W A 98362 EXHIBIT A SHEET 1 of 5 23 .._.~-_.._-.............--.~-_._-,--... 11.... Parcel Name &. Tax Equivalent i Total Estimated @ 6.5% for 10 Yealli Number Address Number Service Assesment ANNUAL TOTAL Connections AMO UNT AMOUNT 12 City of Port An~eles 063014 140110 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 321 E. Fifth St. Port An~eles, W A 98362 13 Grant J. Munro 063014 149050 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1765 E. Wood haven Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 14 Elmer P. )(rogue 063014 140130 I $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 463 Lupine Way Ventura, CA 93001 15 Brian Jones 063014 149060 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 \425 Red Rock Dr. Wadsworth, OH 44281-2208 16 Olive T. Grimes 063014 149070 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1753 Wood haven Ln. Port Angeles, W A 98362 17 Grant J. Munro 063014 149080 I $7,101,36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1765 E. Woodhaven Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 18 Mary A. Neske 063014 140030 10 571,013.60 $9,878.32 598,783.25 1120 S. Golf Course Rd 1000 Port Angeles, W A 98362 19 David B. Bork 063014 149010 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1216 S. Golf Course Rd Port Angeles. W A 98362 20 Rogers Family Trust 063014 149020 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1837 E. Wood haven Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 21 E.W. &. Susan L. McKinney 063014 149150 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1&23 E. Woodhaven Ln. Port Angeles, W A 98362 22 David H. Hagiwara 063014 149180 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1809 Wood haven Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 24 EXHIBIT A SHEET 2 of 5 Parcel Name & Tax Equivalent : Total Estimated @ 6.5% for 10 Years Number Address Number Service I Assesment ANNUAL TOTAL Connections, AMOUNT AMOUNT 23 Kenneth/April Speer 063014 149090 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 P.O. Box 524 I Port Anl!eles, W A I 98362 i ! I 24 Dean M. Reed 063014 149100 J 57,101.36 5987.83 59,878.32 1727 E. Wood haven Ln. Port An(!eles, W A 98362 25 Darrell Petersen 063014 149110 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1036 E. 151 5t Port An(!eles, W A 98362 26 Dennis Michael Nathan 063014 149120 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 Etal Jt. 1712 E. Woodhaven Ln Port Anl!eles, W A 98362 27 Dean A.I Carleen T. Benson 0630]4 149130 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1830 E. Woodhaven Ln. I Port Anl!eles, W A 98362 28 Linda A. Wilcox 063014 149140 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1720 E. Wood haven Ln. Port Angeles, W A 98362 29 Richard G. Bradley 063014 149170 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 1806 Nancy Ln Port Angeles, W A 98362 30 Dean A.I Carleen T. Benson 063014 149160 I 57,101.36 5987.83 - $9,878.32 1830 E. Woodhaven Ln. Port Angeles, W A 98362 31 Richard A. Foster 063014 149040 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 73 Island View Rd Port Angeles. W A 98362 32 Mr. Geor(!e E. Grier 063014 149030 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 1845 E. Wood haven Ln. Port Angeles, W A 98362 EXHIBIT A SHEET 3 of 5 25 Parcel Name &. ~ lax Equivalent I Total Estimated @ 6.5% for 10 Years Number Address I Number Service Assesment ANNUAL TOTAL Connections I AMOUNT AMOUNT 33 RichardlKaren Brown 063013 230190 I $7,101.36 $987.83 59,878.32 1311 S. Golf Course Rd. I Port Angeles, W A 98362 34 Fritz Conrad 063013 239010 1 $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 1921 E. Maddock Rd Port An~eles, W A 98362 35 Lance M. Ruddick 063013 239020 I $7,101.36 5987.83 59,878.32 1937 E. Maddock Rd. Port Anlleles, W A 98362 36 Monte W./ Leslie En~lish 063013 230260 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32 2007 E.Maddock Rd. Port Anlleles, W A 98362 37 Dorothy Schmuck 063013 230110 7 $49,709.52 $6,914.83 $69,148.27 307 Mt. Pleasant Rd Port An~eles, W A 98362 38 Michael Ron'e 063013 230090 7 $49,709.52 $6,914.83 $69,148.27 P.O. Box 1727 Santa Monica, CA 90406 39 H. H. Heerschap 063013 230030 9 $63,912.24 $8,890.49 $88,904.92 37242 42nd Ave. S. (W'LY 615' +/- Auburn. WA 98001 TOTAL AMOUNTS 68 5482 892.48 $67 172.61 5671 726,09 ~. ~_ S/JJ'1"l J4. A- 0/,0/,'1 Director of Public Works Date - ~ )'1/'11 ate c~~~ - ate J?/I7jf'~ 26 EXHIBIT A SHEET 4 of 5 -~.. ",..-,.....-.. --- --...- ...-.,....------.. "'11" r .' U.LI.D. BOUNDARY ......,1 .. G) ........... ~. ._(il:i:!;::1 : ~.....~ . ~, _;: .c ~ i :~;J~ -@ ~'-~ . .~...,. '._~-....... LINDBERG RD. -~~-d f;"o!!; 'cS - @ l!!J- - ~-- ............ @)Qj- ............ ............ ............ ............ /.0 1 . ' '0 D r BOUNDAR~ -1 U.L.I.D. "c ,- ::J0 (l .,D ,-,n L",,-'~,,= '. ;,,-~'-{] .~. /.. ,0 . I 00 ~. I I .",,::-"'0 ..0 ",--::..-. /) o 'tl LEG€'ND: @ PARCEL NUMBER \!!J NUMBER OF EOUIV. SERVICE CONNECTIONS GREATER THAN ONE. C] no ,- -' CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ~ SCALE 500 I I 250 U.L.I.D. No. 215 MAP EXHIBIT A SHEET 5 of 5 PI at DotE': 8/1011999 RE'vision DotE': 08/09/96 FilE': GeLID ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the final assessment roll for Utility Local Improvement District No. 215, which has been created and established for the purpose of financing sanitary sewer improvements within the Upper Golf Course Road area of the City, as described in Ordinance No. 2939, as amended, and levying and assessing the amount thereof against the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on said roll. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2939 of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City"), passed by the City Council (the "Council") on December 17, 1996, Local Improvement District No. 215 was created to finance sanitary sewer improvements within the Upper Golf Course area ofthe City (as described in Ordinance No. 2939, the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 3020 of the City, passed by the Council on June 1, 1999, such local improvement district was converted to a utility local improvement district known as Utility Local Improvement District No. 215 ("ULID 215"); and WHEREAS, an assessment roll levying special assessments against the properties located within ULID 215 has been filed with the City Clerk of the City as provided by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of a hearing on and of making objections to the assessment roll was duly published at and for the time and in the manner' provided by law, fixing the time and place of hearing thereon for the 5th day of October, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council chambers at the Port Angeles City Hall, 321 East 5th, Port Angeles, Washington, and further notice thereof was duly mailed by the City Clerk to each property owner on said roll; WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed and designated in said notice, the hearing on said assessment roll was duly held and the Council, sitting as a board of equalization, gave due consideration to all written and oral protests received and all persons appearing at said hearing; - 1 - 28 '" ----.-....-~-r-----.-..... ............" NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Council, sitting as a board of equalization and having made all revisions to the roll it deems necessary, hereby finds and determines that the final assessment roll for OLID 215 is just and equitable and that no assessment against property within OLID 215 is greater than the special benefits to be derived from the Improvements. Accordingly, the final assessment roll, in the total amount of $482,892.48, is hereby approved and confirmed, and the assessments set forth therein are hereby levied against each lot, tract and parcel of property described in the roll. Section 2. The Treasurer of the City is hereby directed to hold and collect the final assessment roll for ULID 215. The amount of each assessment set forth in the roll, together with any interest or penalty imposed from time to time, shall be a lien against the property so assessed. The lien shall be paramount and superior to any other lien or encumbrance whatsoever, theretofore or thereafter created, except a lien for general taxes. Section 3. Upon receipt ofthe final assessment roll for ULID 215, the Treasurer of the City is hereby directed to publish notice at the times and in the manner required by RCW 35.49.010, stating that the roll is in her hands for collection and that such assessments or any portion thereof may be paid to the City at any time within 30 days from the date of the first publication of such notice, without penalty, interest or costs. Section 4, The amount of any assessrnent, or any portion thereof, against property in ULID 215 not paid within the 30 day period from the date of the first publication of the City Treasurer's notice shall be payable in 10 equal annual installments, together with interest on the diminishing principal balance thereof at a rate of 0.5% per annum higher than the interest rate of the water and wastewater revenue bonds sold to finance the Improvements. Interest shall commence on - 2 - 2 the 30th day following first publication of such notice. The first installment shall become due ancL payable one year from the expiration of the 30-day prepayment period. Annual installments, including interest and penalty, shall be paid in full when due, and no partial payments shall be accepted by the Treasurer of the City. Section 5. Any installment not paid when due shall thereupon become delinquent. All delinquent installments shall be subject to a penalty equal to 12% per annum ofthe amount of the installment, including interest, from the date of the delinquency until paid. Section 6. The lien of any assessment may be discharged at any time after the 30-day prepayment period by payment of the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining unpaid together with interest thereon to the due date of the next installment. Section 7. If any one or more of the provisions of this ordinance shall be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision shall be null and void and. shall be deemed severable from the remaining provisions of this ordinance and shall in no way affec~ the validity of the other provisions of this ordinance. Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said . Council held on the _ day of ,1999. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk - 3 - 30 -..----.-~.--r---.-.,.. ........--. .. . ..-.......................... ,._--"-_...._-_...._..._--~--_._.._,._,.. HF" CRRTIFTCA TR I, the undersigned, Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City"), and keeper of the records of the City Council of the City (the "Council"), DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That the attached ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. _ of the Council (the "Ordinance"), as finally passed at a regular meeting of the Council held on the _ day of , 1999. 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law, and to the extent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a quorum of the Council was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the Council voted in the proper manner for the passage of said Ordinance; that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper adoption or passage of said Ordinance have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed, and that I am authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _ day of 1999. City Clerk 9910 - 4- 3 ..' '--"-"~' --.,..--..-..... rr BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT ANGELES, WASlllNGTON IN THE MATTER OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR UTILITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 215 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS FINDINGS 1. On December 17, 1996, the Port Angeles City Council conducted a public hearing on the creation of Local Improvement District (LID) 215 for the purpose of financing the construction of sanitary sewer improvements for the newly annexed Upper Golf Course Road area in the southeastern portion of the City. All property owners within the proposed LID were notified of the public hearing. One property owner spoke in favor of creating the LID, and no property owners presented objections. Following the public hearing, the Council adopted Ordinance 2939 creating LID 215. 2. The City reviewed various assessment methods and determined that the fairest way of allocating the costs of the improvements among the property owners was the "equivalent service connection" method rather than the "zone and termini" or any other recognized assessment method. These other assessment methods are more fair when applied to street improvements and less fair when applied to sewer improvements, because they give more weight to the amount of property rather than the number of connections that each property would support. The equivalent service connection method assesses property owners based on the actual number of service connections to which their property would be entitled. 3. Using the equivalent service connection method, the City Engineer determined the number of sewer connections that would be necessary to serve each parcel of property within the LID, based on the number of lots into which each parcel could be reasonably subdivided and taking into account all expected development factors, including potential for subdivision and reductions in land area due to easements, road dedication requirements, topography, wetlands, and zoning setbacks. After determining the reduction in developable land area, the City Engineer divided the remaining net area by 15,000 square feet, which reflects the 9,000 square foot zoning lot limitation in the RS 9 zone together with a reasonably expected 2/3 yield of developable land. - 1 - 32 .-----.----r-~.--~-~-.."..-.-.----.. ~-_..... _._.~,- '.". --'-'--- .._...,---_.....~-----.- 4. During the course of the project, significant cost overruns were experienced due to such factors as inclement weather. However, the City decided to absorb much of this additional cost and instead attempt to recoup it from future development that could potentially occur outside of the LID. Accordingly, although the preliminary assessment per service connection was $4,766 and the final assessment would have been $11,362, the City's decision to absorb a significant portion of the increased cost has reduced the final assessment to $7,201. 5. On June 1, 1999 the City Council adopted Ordinance 3020 revising LID 215 into a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID 215), which allowed for a lower interest rate on the bonds issued to finance the improvements and which thereby benefitted the property owners by reducing their assessments. 6. On June 15, 1999, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the final assessment roll for ULID 215 and considered objections to the proposed assessments. 7. At the public hearing, the Council received written objections from seven property owners, five of whom also presented testimony in person at the public hearing. None of the property owners presented any expert or other evidence of appraisal values and benefits establishing that the assessments were greater than the benefits to their property. N or did any property owners present evidence or raise the issue as to whether or not their property was assessed proportionately in relation to other parcels. 8. Following the public hearing, the City Engineer recommended that the final assessment roll be modified by reducing three of the property owners' assessments from multiple to single service connections. This was based on the fact that their property would reasonably be expected to support only one single family residential development, primarily because the three properties front on a private street (W oodhaven Lane) and therefore could not be subdivided unless the street were to become public. None of the other properties' assessments were increased to make up for these three reductions. 9. The City Engineer recommended not reducing the assessments of the other four property owners who protested, because there was no supporting evidence of appraisal values and benefits sufficient to show that the assessments were greater than the benefits to their property and also because of lack of substantiated evidence regarding inability to subdivide. -2- 33 Till'" CONCLUSIONS 1. Under the law of the State of Washington, the equitable service connection method used by the City for Utility Local Improvement District 215 is presumed to have resulted in assessments that are fair, equitable, and no greater than the special benefits to the affected property. 2. There is insufficient evidence in the record to rebut the presumptions that the final assessments for each property within ULID 215 as recommended by the City Engineer are fair, equitable, and no greater than the benefits. 3. The final assessment roll as recommended by the City Engineer is supported by the facts and presumptions as set forth in the administrative record for ULID 215 and in these Findings and Conclusions. 4. It is in the public interest and the interest of the property owners within ULID 215 for the final assessment roll to be adopted by ordinance as recommended by the City Engineer. DATED this _ day of ,1999. GARY BRAUN, MAYOR Attest: Approved as to form: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney G:\LEGAL IULID.21 S -3- 34 --.------r~.-.----.. . ._--.--- .._--------~_._.._.. 111" ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing the charges for connection to the Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer and establishing Chapter 13.72 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, following the formation of Utility Local Improvement District No. 215, the City of Port Angeles has completed constructing sanitary sewer mains to serve Upper Golf Course Road, making sanitary sewer service available to the area; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles has determined that it is in the public interest to require that a portion of the cost incurred in constructing said sewer facilities shall be paid by the owners of parcels of property, which were not charged a $7,101.36 equivalent waste water service assessment pursuant to ULID 215, in the event such property owners desire to connect to said Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer main; and WHEREAS, the cost for the Upper Golf Course Road sewer facilities not financed by UUD 215 is $369,270.72, which cost is the basis for calculating an appropriate charge for connecting to said line; WHEREAS, the proportionate share of the cost of construction of the sewer facilities . attributable to the estimated 52 parcels outside ULID 215 that would eventually utilize said facilities property is $7,101.36 per equivalent waste water service. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge Established, There is hereby established a charge for connection to the Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer, which will - 1 - 35 be charged for all new sewer service connections to the sanitary sewer facilities constructed by the, City for ULID 215. The Upper Golf Course Road, sewer connection charge shall apply to all properties outside ULID 215 and to sewer service connections for all service connections for properties within ULID 215, for which equivalent service connections were not assessed pursuant to ULID 215. Section 2 - Upper GolfCoun;e Road Sewer Connection Charge - Amount The Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge shall be $7,101.36 per connection. Section 3 - Addition to Other Charges. The Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall be in addition to the connection charge for the actual cost of connecting to the City sewer system, the tapping fee, the secondary sewer assessment, and to all other charges imposed by ordinance. Section 4 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge - When Collected. The Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge shall be paid upon application for a sewer perm. unless otherwise agreed upon between the property owner and the City. Connection to the system shall not be made until the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge, standard connection charges, tapping fee, secondary sewer assessment, and any other charges imposed by ordinance have . been paid. Section 5 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge - Interest. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025, a charge for interest shall be added to the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge. Such interest shall be from the date of final formation of UUD 215 until payment of the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge, not to exceed ten (10) years. The interest charged shall be calculated at a rate commensurate with the rate of interest applicable to the - 2 - 36 -'---'-'--r-~'''.'.'''''''.-_." ."~'-"-"-"'-' --..__.__.__.._---..._~_._-'-_._.,. Hr City at the time of construction of the sewer facilities, not to exceed ten (10) percent per year; provided that the aggregate amount of interest shall not exceed the amount of the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge unless authorized by amendment of applicable state law. Section 6 - Notice. The City shall record appropriate notice with the County Auditor concerning real property, which has been specifically identified by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council as property for which the Upper Golf Course Road sewer facilities have been constructed and for which the special connection charge will be levied upon connection of such property to the City sewer system pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 65.08 RCW or as otherwise provided by agreement between the City and the property owner. Such notice shall be effective until there is recorded with the C1allam County Auditor a certificate of payment and release executed by the City, which certificate shall be recorded by the owner at the owner's expense within thirty (30) days of full payment of such special connection charge. Section 7 - Codification. This ordinance shall be codified as Chapter 13.72 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Section 8 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of , 1999. ATTEST: MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney k\99.09 - 3 - 3 38 MEMO FIRE DEPARTMENT Bruce W. Becker Fire Chief [4651 ] Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal [4653] Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant [4650] L. Keith Bogues Training Officer {4652] David R. Chastain Medical Officer [4665] ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: September 30, 1999 TO: Mayor Braun and the City Council Bruce Becker, Fire Chief :;$ Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal FROM: RE: Public Use and Display of Fireworks . SUMMARY: Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 5.32 and RCW 70.77.280 requires approval from the governing body for use and discharging of fireworks on days other than the 4th of July. The City Council is being asked to consider the use of fireworks to celebrate the millennium on December 31, 1999, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. on January 1,2000. Also, Council must approve or deny a request for a public display of fireworks on October 22nd for the High School Homecoming game. RECOMMENDATION: Port Angeles Fire Department would recommend approval to conduct a public display of fireworks on October 22, 1999, for the high school homecoming game. Secondly, the Fire Department would like Council's direction on the use of fireworks to celebrate the millennium on December 31,1999, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. January 1,2000. Staff would make the appropriate changes to the fireworks ordinance and return to the Council for their approval on October 19th. ISSUES: Should the City Council grant or deny a request to allow a public display of fireworks on October 22, 1999 at Civic Field for the Port Angeles Homecoming game? Also should the Council consider allowing use of fireworks for the millennium celebration on December 31, 1999, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. January 1, 2000. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The Fire Department has received a request from Entertainment Fireworks, Inc., to conduct a public display of fireworks on October 22, 1999. RCW 70.77.280 requires local fire officials receiving a request to conduct a public display of fireworks, investigate the character and location of the display and see if it proposes a hazard to property or danger to persons. The support 39 City Council Page 2 September 30, 1999 of findings of recommendations for or against the issuance of the permit shall then be forwarded to the governing body of the city. The City Council may grant or deny the application and place reasonable conditions on the permit. The Fire Department has made the following findings. 1. Entertainment Fireworks, Inc., is licensed with the State Fire Marshal's Office for discharging of public display of fireworks. 2. Entertainment Fireworks, Inc., has conducted public display of fireworks shows at Civic Field in Port Angeles in the past with no problems. 3. The company is bonded and meets the requirement ofRCW 70.77.295 . 4. The pyrotechnican in charge of discharging is state licensed. 5. Discharging of fireworks will comply with RCW 212-17 (Public Display of Fireworks). Secondly, the Fire Department wanted to bring to the Council's attention that Port Angeles citizens may want to celebrate the millennium with fireworks. The Port Angeles Municipal Code currently restricts the use or discharging of fireworks to the fourth day of July only. As such, the Council would need to amend the fireworks ordinance for the use or discharge of fireworks for the millennium celebration. Sale and use of fireworks, as outlined in RCW 70.77.395, would only be allowed from 6 p.m. on December 31, 1999, till 1 p.m. January 1,2000. BB/cw 40 -~~--,---"'~'~-~' -- --~ '-~-'-' '--' --------"11"'""o- o_~o. lr1r o ~ ~ ~ POLICE DEPARTMENT FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Date: October 5,1999 To: Mayor Braun and City Council From: By: Steve Ilk, OPef of Police Tom Riepi,tneputy Chief Subject: Middle and Elementary School Resource Officer (SRO) and DARE Officer Agreement Between The City of Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District #121 Summary: Port Angeles School District #121, after obtaining grant fimds and observing the success of the School Resource Officer (SRO) program at the high school last year, would like to pay the City of Port Angeles $25,000 per year, this year and next year, for a Port Angeles Police Department DARE/SRO middle and elementary school program. The DARE/SRO middle and elementary program would include the elementary and middle public schools in the city limits and Roosevelt Middle-School just outside the city limits. The Police Department's DARE/SRO program would use the existing DARE officer who attended basic SRO training this swnmer. The DARE officer would continue teaching the basic 17 DARE curriculum and revise and expand his duties to include the SRO program. Recommendation: The Port Angeles Police Department recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Middle and Elementary School DARE/SRO Agreement between the City and School District #121. The agreement has already been signed by the School District Superintendent and reviewed and approved by Port Angeles City Attorney Craig Knutson. Background/Analysis: The DARE/SRO officer will be a resource and provide students, parents, teachers and school administrators with information, support and facilitate problem-solving mediation. The DARE/SRO officer will conduct his or her duties in uniform and when driving, with a marked patrol police unit. The DARE/SRO, in addition to his or her other duties, will patrol the assigned schools and surrounding areas with the purpose and intent to identify, investigate, deter, and prevent crime, especially those incidents involving weapons, youth violence, harassment, gang involvement, drugs, or similar activities. 102-99-481 41 42 o ~ ~ ~ ! ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. POLICE DEPARTMENT Date: October 5, 1999 To: Mayor Braun and City Council From: By: Steve Ilk, GjJ,ief of Police Tom Rieptf,'Deputy Chief Subject: Appointments and Reappointments to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board Summary: The terms of Law Enforcement Advisory Board members Leland Lee and David Brewer have expired. They have asked to be considered for reappointment to the board. Board member terms are for four years. Two other board member positions are vacant, the high school student representative and the School District #121 representative. Two applications for these positions are attached. Recommendation: The Police Department and the Law Enforcement Advisory Board recommends that the City Council reappoint Leland Lee and Dave Brewer to their positions to June 1,2003. We also recommend that the City Council appoint Mr. Chuck Lisk, Steven's Middle-School Principal, to the unexpired School District #121 term ending June 1,2000 and appoint Mr. Frank Prince, a high school sophomore, to the vacant high school student position until June 1, 2002. Background/Analysis: Leland Lee and Dave Brewer have been Law Enforcement Board members since June of 1993. They both are active members and Leland is the current chair of the Board. Frank Prince is involved in student leadership programs and is interested in law enforcement. As a sophomore, he would be able to serve on the board for three years. Mr. Bredy, the high school principal, recommends him and encouraged him to apply for the position. Mr. Chuck Lisk, Steven's Middle-School principal, has been involved in the DARE/School Resource Officer programs with the police department. In his capacity as school principal, he frequently works with various members of the police department. Attachments: Two LEAB Applicants 102-99-480 43 .. --'---~'------.,.-- ._.-... ~r 1219-17-1999 1212:23PM FROM C P Sns Middle School TO 94174'3121'3 P.12l2 . APPLICATION Adclrul: CITY 0' PORT ANGELES LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY BOARD CJ~t1CK ,L'7~ '.?/&; ~.", (I/W tJe., ~ Ar:fJ!./~7 ~ n...(Binb 4'/7 :M6,r OeaIpadoD: ~"YW~ 3-7-5'8' <;..f~ ~c.~ ~ >. Name: P.oae: To CZIIUIl: C41DpiJ"ance lNJ"tiJ PANe 2.26.020 IIppJiaJDu MJJ k liUbjor:t tD a crirDit:ItlJ Izistay cbcck. DatC of BiIth is required only for crimiDIllliaoly cbcck. 1. Wh)" ce ~ intcresccd in the Law ~rOl'ClC!DCl2t AcMsory BoInl? qrifL....ij +- ~~ J ~~ ~ ~ ,h- {;;N~/_~ .<zr,..lL ~~~:~~,... ~ f'~ f~_ ~ ~ ~(~~ 2. What ia )"Dllr' ~ or ex~ do ~ lhiW;; would lap )'011 ill 8:I'ViIII on this Board? ~ ~ J~b~ ~:. ~k~~ /0 r~" ~ 4-AAL-/~7: t;t~ y' ~~ ~~.!.~ -&--'.....J ~~ f"UA- 3. Do you attc:Dd m=tUJp or any Boud ar- CcmmilSion rww'? ~{)~ - 4. 5. Are you swan; or the time requirui of yog to SICl'W on the Boani 8Dd a= YGlI able to atreDd at k::ast ODe ~ monIbl)"! y~s . " 6. ~. 44 ~ ~~-~-----r-~'-'''~~ ~ ----~.__.~ ~-.,....---".' ~~ llf APPLICATION Name: CITY OF PORT ANGELES LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY BOARD _pya r\k PriYl (f ", 2JoL'L Me 0 do w Cj(cl~ Vort I)!IY~\, WA q~C1Z Date of Birth L~ W if; Occupation: sfuJ2nt Address: 6-5-8'-1 Phone: To ensure compliance with PAMC 2.26. 020 applicants will be subject to a criminal history check. Date of Birth is required only for criminal history check. 1. Why are you interested in the Law Enforcement Advisory Board? ]::$J~ heJe'''j NI.d ~nujkh") Iv< the mr11mGl'lt~. :::1 ~~teJ '^ l..6.vv ~([fIVtt'1\t-. .L \\~ tD fvUl.t.e. ~{j "l~I"L' ~ ~t,)I_ _y (~iIAlc.if.-\. , 2. What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board? r ~C~\1 w~ (([hoe. lit. ~l ~~'r.<f S~~~IIu'1 Cl~ \M~ VWlW<,. ~tiaN c.Wc& Nrki\..\----;- s<<"ef-,- TL. -IfheJd , ero(,\; ~t.::J1 ~ t Hai+L Ny""flbJ. r ~;';'.v hcu.' ill Wl~ 1"'- j~s.. 3. Do you attend meetings of any Board or Commission now? /0c ~. 5. Are you aware of the time required of you to serve on the Board and are you able to attend at least one meeting monthly? 'k< 6. Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application: 45 46 o ~ ~ ~ Date: To: From: By: Subject: ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. POLICE DEPARTMENT October 5, 1999 Mayor Braun and City Council Steve Ilk, ~)J.ief of Police Tom Riepe': DePuty Chief Interlocal Agreement Between the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam and City of Port Angeles Police Department for Police Services Summary: The Housing Authority of the County ofC1allam, with recently obtained grant monies, would like to pay for off duty Port Angeles police officers to provide an additional police presence at its Mt. Angeles View housing area on South Francis Street. The grant monies are available through May of 2000 at the maximum rate of 12 hours per week. As available, up to 12 hours per week, Port Angeles police officers would work in community policing roles with the housing residents toward a drug and crime free environment. They would also help provide alternative activities and positive role models for the children living in the housing area. Recommendation: The Port Angeles Department recommends that the City council authorize the Mayor to sign the Interloeal Agreement between the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam and City of Port Angeles Police Department. The agreement has already been signed by the Executive Director of the Housing Authority and reviewed and approved by Craig Knutson, Port Angeles City Attorney. Backgroundl Analysis: Much of the work done by the police officers would be at the Boys and Girls Club located at the Housing Authority. The money paid by the Housing Authority to the City would cover the time and one half cost for the officers who volunteer to work this extra duty. The Police Department has worked with the Housing Authority residents on many projects over the past several years. O~r Crime Prevention Officer is currently directing the formation of a Residents' Crime Prevention Patrol at the Housing Authority. The funds for this program, up to 12 hours officers' time per week, are available through May of2000. 102-99-482 47 48 -----------r--.-,.....,...........--..~ --- ----,..,.--- 111" ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 5, 1999 To: MA YOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: School Walking Route Sidewalk Program Summary: The Public Works and Utilities Department and Port Angeles School District staffs have met and prioritized the locations where sidewalks need to be installed for school walking routes. Recommendation: Adopt the 1999 school walking routes and authorize the Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department to seek funding and construct the sidewalks as funds become available. Background / Analysis: In 1991 the City Council approved an ongoing sidewalk program that concentrated our efforts on: 1. School Walking Routes 2. Senior Housing 3. High Pedestrian Traffic Count Arterials Since that time, the Public Works & Utilities Department has had an ongoing sidewalk program that has contributed to the repair and replacement of existing sidewalks and the construction of new sidewalks city-wide. The program has been managed primarily on established school walking routes and by citizen requests. In the past few years more citizens have been using existing sidewalks and the Waterfront Trail for walking and jogging. The increased use has led to increased awareness of sidewalk conditions and resulted in more complaints about the need for sidewalk repair and additional new sidewalks. Besides repair and replacement, the Public Works & Utilities Department continues the maintenance practice of sidewalk grinding to remedy minor problems associated with (older) existing sidewalks. This program has substantially reduced complaints and trip and fall claims. N:\PWKS\STREET\CNCLSCHL. WPD 49 ".""--."--"-- "-~-."-" 1f!'" City Council Memo/School Route Sidewalks October 5, 1999 Page 2 With the completion of the "I" Street sidewalk construction, most of the priorities established in 1991 for school walking routes (see map attached) have been completed. The Public Works and Utilities Department and the Port Angeles school district staff developed the following priorities for school walking routes over the next several years: PRIORITY LOCATION 1. Sidewalks on Tenth Street from "N" to "I" Streets 2. Sidewalks on "M" Street from 16th Street to 1 Oth Street 3. Sidewalks on "E" Street from Stevens School to 16th Street 4. Sidewalks on 16th Street between "E" & "I" Streets 5. Widen road and sidewalks on Park Street from Race to Liberty Streets 6. Complete sidewalks on south side of Lauridsen Blvd. from Chase to Peninsula College, 3432 L.F. Balance to complete is approximately L.F. COST (approx,) 3,400 $187,000 2,200 22,000 350 19,180 2,250 387,000 2,400 364,800 300 50,000 Funding for these projects comes from the Transportation Improvement Board, a matching grant program. The school district is able to provide some of the matching funds based on their budget for safety and enhancements. Specific projects will be presented to the City Council prior to designing and executing projects. The committee also requested three additional school crosswalks, which were installed prior to the beginning of school. These are located: · Across loth at "M" Street · Across 5th at "I" Street for students living north of "I" Street · Across 16th at "E" Street The cost for the crosswalks totaled $230 per crosswalk or $690, and was paid for by the Street division budget as a part of our annual school crosswalk program. 50 N:\PWKS\STREET\CNCLSCHL.WPD p- 'l ~ ~ ~ .... I ~ ~ ~ Ol .... ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It .... ii\ "-It,N CITY OF PORT ANGELES SCALE PUBLIC WORKS ~ 0 2000 I I I 1000 b.... Plot Do. tel 09/30/99 z ~ ~ S It: a:: .-: w ~ ~ ! ...J '"'f!: ~ \5 !::III! ..... ~~~~~~ j:!:-""It:;J ~:!~~~8~ ~O~. G:::c(U) (li1-8i'LL....J .....:J:o.....iil~ ~I.LJOZ~z< - ~:<f!:zO gtf)zL..cn~o - :J:~- "'0..... ,tz:~~~~.....!!l -Ullt!ll.,./u ~::li2~~<=l~ ~fi1fi1111 J:~ .............lI!fil l::i..........l:l~z~ ~!::Il:lf!:~:le: <Ilf!:j!:II!~~1I! U)(/) ~c( Vi?:- _ j:!:<Ila::~ "'CSl::E...<OO....< ;;J,_a . -z:s~ ;J:zzzz<Qo ""ooooolflil ScnCllu')tn< II!~~~~~~~ fl<~~~z~~ II!~"'''''''~'''~ ~esss~so O(/)U'lUU.nSU1U &:"'=Nf'i""=uiu:i""': SIDEWALK/SCHOOL WALKING ROUTES Revision Do. tel x Filel98PM048 ...d DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNcIL MEMO October 5, 1999 MA YOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Don Madison, Property Manager Public Hearing for consideration of application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Purpose Grant. Summary: Applicants for Washington State CDBG funds are required to conduct a public hearing prior to submitting an application. The purpose of the hearing is to inform citizens of the range of activities that may be undertaken, to obtain their views and respond to the proposals of citizens. Recommendation: Set a public hearing for October 19, 1999, to be held in conjunction with the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. The purpose of the public hearing is to gather input from the Community at large prior to submitting an application for funds from the Washington State Community Development Block Grant Program to address the need, within the community of low to moderate income households. After public comments the Public Hearing should be continued to the November 2nd meeting to discuss and approve the final application. Background / Analysis: General Purpose Grants (up to $750,000) may be used for projects involving housing, economic development, community facilities, public facilities, or a combination. The City's Participation Strategy (adopted 11/4/97, copy attached) for this type of grant requires a public hearing to announce the availability of CDBG funds and receive public comment on the community's need for housing, economic development, public and community facilities that will better serve low to moderate income families. Some of the activities eligible for funding are: 1.Acquisition of property, 2.Construction and reconstruction or installation of public works facilities, 3. Code enforcement in deteriorated or deteriorating areas, 4. Clearance, demolition, removal and rehabilitation of buildings and improvements, 5. Special projects directed to the elderly and handicapped persons, 6. Public services, including but not limited to those concerned with employment, crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, education, energy conservation, welfare or recreation needs. In the last several years, the City has utilized funds for a variety of projects including development of our Senior Citizens and Community Center ($500,000), planning for the housing rehabilitation 53 City Council Public Hearing for CDBG Grant Page 2 program ($24,000) and planning for the new food bank ($17,000). Under CDBG General Purpose Grants, Phases I, II, III and IV the City has received $2,500,000 of which $250,000 benefitted development of the Lee Hotel Project and the balance has been used for housing rehabilitation projects that benefitted low to moderate income residents of the City. See the attached Housing Rehabilitation Program Activity Summary Table for a listing of the previous programs. The Washington State Community Development Block Grant Program is a flexible source of funding for a broad range of community development activities. The purpose of the CDBG Program is to improve and maintain the economic and physical environment of cities and counties in order to enhance the quality oflife for low to middle income residents. CDBG funded projects must meet one of three objectives: * To principally benefit persons of low income; * To prevent or eliminate slums or blight; * To meet urgent community development needs posing immediate threat to public health and safety. Attachments: · Notice of Public Hearing · Resolution Adopting Strategy · Housing Rehabilitation Program Activity Summary Table · Public Hearing Handout N:\PWKS\PROPERTY\MEM-CC\CDBG-5.WPD 54 o ~ ~ ~ FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Property Management DATE: October 1, 1999 To: Becky Upton FROM: Don Madison SUBJECT: Public Hearing Notice for CDBG Grant Becky, Glenn wants the public hearing notice for the CDBG Grants to be more generic than in the past. So I have written one for you. Please feel free to edit as you see fit. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Port Angeles City Council in the City Council Chambers, 321 E 5th Street, on Tuesday October 19, 1999, at 7:00 PM. The purpose of the public hearing is to review community development and housing needs, inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and to receive comments on proposed activities, particularly from low and moderate income persons and persons residing in the City of Port Angeles. Up to $750,000 may be available to the City of Port Angeles on a statewide competitive basis to fund public facility, housing, economic development, or community facility projects that principally benefit low and moderate income persons. A draft application for a Housing Rehabilitation-Phase V proposal will be presented by members of Community Action at the meeting and copies will be available for review at the office of Community Action, 106 N Lincoln Street, Port Angeles, W A, starting November 1, 1999, from 9:00 AM to 5 :00 PM. Comments may also be submitted in writing to Don Madison, City of Port Angeles, 321 E 5th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362 any time between October 5, 1999 and November 12, 1999. The City Council Chambers is handicap accessible. Arrangements to reasonably accommodate the needs of special classes of citizens, including handicap accessibility or interpreter, will be made upon receiving twenty-four (24) hour advance notice. Contact Becky Upton at (360) 417 4634. CC: Glenn Cutler N:\PWKS\PROPERTY\CDBG\LEGALNOT. WPD 55 ,_.....~ ... "'-~-"""---.,.---'-'"'' . 11'1'" RESOLUTION NO. ...lJ::ll. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing. a public participation process for the consideration of community development block grant applications and proposals. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has successfully applied to the State of j Washington for community development block: grants in the past and is interested in doing so in the I future; and I; ! WHEREAS, given the significant results that have and can be achieved using COBG ; 'unds, it is in the public interest for the City to make sure that it is able to meet the various ! ~PPlicatiOn requirements for community development block grants; and WHEREAS, one important COBG requirement that the City wants to make sure that ! it complies with is to have and follow a viable public participation process; and i! WHEREAS, the attached public participation process that the City intends to follow will i ~rovide the public with meaningful opportunities to comment and participate in the process of ,I i ~eveloPing, submitting, and implementing community development block grant applications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port geles as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the public participation process for I i ,community development block srant applications as set forth in' the auached Exhibit A and commits " " i r following this process in the development, submission, and implementation of community development block grant applications. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of Nove ArrEST: J~u ~ ~I ~~ {fplrr'\ Becky 1. Upt n, C' Cler I I ! - ! 56 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ '(] ;t:::,.4'..~ Craig D. Kn on., City Attorney ---,~_.~_. ---- , .. '----'- --.,.,.---~""'" HI" Bousine Rehabilitation Proeram Activity I Phase I PA Sept:ember 1993 - Apri1 1995 HOUsenO.Lda Inc:u.Vi.dU1I.11 served s served I Number Loans .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 23 Emergencfes;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 26 Hand1cap :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Acce ss :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: f Served ............ "'.0' ........... 881 Match T7O;2OZ.49 I I I I Phase I:I: PA Nay 1995 - Ju1y 1996 Households Individuals I served served I Number Loans .:. :.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:. :.:. :.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.: 21 Emerauc 1e s.::::;:::::;:::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;. 14 Hanc:u.cll.p :::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::;::::::: Access :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . Served ............. 36 .......... . 76'r Match 92,604.53 I I Phase III PA JUly 1996 - December 1999 Households Individuals I served served I Number Loans :-:-:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.:-:.:.:.:.:. 29 Eme rQenc1es::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 35 HanCll.cap :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Access .,.......................,.................................... . Served . " ......... ....... .........60.('. .................~.32.1 Match 181r,649.64 I r I I Phase IV PA September 1999 - December 2000 Householda Individuals served served L ............................... ............................... ............................... ~:~;enciefi.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,Handicap :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1\cce ss :: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: II Served .............iO,............:i3 Match 28,000.00 Number 3 6 Amount $379,459 $65,179 4 $9,607 53 ::;454,245 Amount $369,634 $36,149 9 $15,268 44 $421,052 Amount $535,939 $129,217 16 $42,252 801 I $107,408- Amount $34,386 $11,483 2 $5,900 11 10151, -/li9 Port Ange~es Total.s September 1993 - December Households Individuals served served Loans ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;:;:;:;:::;: EmerQencie~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I Handicap :::;:;:::::;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::: J\cce ss ::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::: H Served I 146/ 3191 Match r 48S,51li.lili I I I I f- Total Matching Fundi: $485,835.66. FiiUtes do not reflect the Lee HoteL - Matching funds are funds other than the (DBQ funds used to complete - the project. Sources are USDAlFMHA funds. Paint the Town, Oty - Weatherization, CAe Minor Home Repair and Weatherization, := homeowner/family funds, Wa.shJnBton State COPES funds through 03A, and PA Otv CDoo loan renavment funds. I ---------.,....---.".. Number 16 91 1999 }\mount $1,319,419 $242,029 31 $73,027 -~ . $:1, li34, 414 57 lIT PUBLIC HEARING HANDOUT .. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program . WAStftmJNsrAlECOMNTY, TfWEAN)BX>>O.E1E\IEIJRI:Nr sta.I:N3~TDaFORnERJ1tIE Introduction: The Washington State Small Cities CDBG Program is designed to fund local housing, public and community facilities, economic development, and planning projects which principally benefit low- and moderate-income households. AJllocal projects must meet at least one of three national objectives of this federal-funded program (TrtJe 1, Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended), which are to: · Principally benefit persons of low-income · Prevent or eliminate slums or blight; or · Meet urgent community development needs which pose a serious and immediate threat to pUblic health or safety. Eligible applicants for the Washington State Small CitiesCDBG Program are cities and towns with 'Iess than 50,000 in populations or counties with less than 200,000 in populations provided the cities, towns, and counties do not participate as members of HUD Urban County Consortiums. Indian tribes and special purpose organizations such as public housing authorities, port districts, community action agencies, and economic development councils, are not eligible to apply directly to the CDBG Program for funding. However, eligible jUrisdictions may choose to involve Indian tribes within their jurisdiction or to involve other organizations in activities funded by a grant. Available Grants: G'eneral Puroose Grants $7,000,000 The General Purpose Program Is one of several CDBG programs that award funds to eligible jurisdictions. It is op~rated on an annual grant cycle during which eligible applicants may request up to $750,000 for local housing, public facilities, community facilities, or economic development projects principally benefiting low- and moderate- income persons. Important Dates: Applications Due Date: Awards Announced: November 19, 1999 February 2000 For more Infomiatlon about CDBG Programs p.hone (360) 586-0869. 58 47 -~_.'...'.,-~"-.' ... . .--..---.---,ro--..-..... Tlr PUBLIC HEARING HANOOUT Federal Citizen Participation Requirements for Local Government Applicants to the. State COSG Program Federal Reaulations 24 CFR 570.486 (a) (a) Citizen participation requirements of a unit of general local government. Each unit of general local government shall meet the following requirements as required by the state at Sec. 91.115( e) of this title. (1) Provide for and encourage citizen participatiOon, particularly by low and moderate income persons who reside in slum or blighted areas and areas in which COBG funds are proposed to be used; (2) Ensure that citizens will be given reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information, and records rela~ng to the unit of local government's proposed and actual use of COBG funds; (3) Furnish citizens information, including but not limited to: (i) The amount of COSG funds expected to be made available for the current fiscal year (including the grant and anticipated program income); (ii) The range of activities that may be undertaken with the COBG funds; (iii) The estimated amount of the COBG funds proposed to be used for activities that will meet the national objective of benefit to low and moderate inCome persons; and (iv) The proposed COSG activities likely to result in displacement and the unit of general local govemmenfs antidisplacement and relocation pla,:\s required under Sec. 570.488. (4) Provide technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low and moderate income that request assistance in developing proposals in accordance with the procedures developed by the state. . Such assistance need not include providing funds to such groups; (5) Provide for a minimum of two public hearings, each at a different stage of the program, for the purpose of obtaining citizens' views and responding to proposals and questions. Together the hearings must cover community development and housing needs, development of proposed activities and a review of program performance. The public hearings to cover community development and hous8ing needs must be held before submission of an application to the state. There must be reasonable notice of the hearings and they must be hold at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, with accommodations for the handicapped. Public hearings shall be conducted in a manner to meet the needs of non-English speaking residents . where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can reasonable be expected to . participate; (6) Provide citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and opportunity to comment on, proposed activities in an application to the state and, for grants already made, activities which are proposed to be added, deleted or substantially changed from the unit of general local govemment's application to the state. Substantially changed means changes made in terms of purpose, scope, location or beneficiaries as defined by criteria established by the state. (7) Provide citizens the address, phone number, and times for submitting complaints and grievances, and provide timely written answers to written complaints and grievances, within 15 working days where practicable. 48 59 ...._..~--_..~--.-.--.-.."~-.._"_.._---. 1\"'" 60 FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: OCTOBER 5,1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AMUNDSON/FIDLER/BEAR - STY 99-02 North/South alley in Block 3, Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 36 Summary: A public hearing to consider a petition for vacation of right-of-way. Recommendation: Following the scheduled public hearing, the Planning Department recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the petition for vacation by adoption of the attached ordinance, citing 9 findings and 5 conclusions. Background I Analysis: A petition was submitted to vacate a IS-foot wide north/south alley in the area of Liberty and Columbia Streets. Following notification of receipt of the petition by posting of the property and legal notification, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the request on September 22, 1999. Testimony from the applicant indicated that the right-of-way has never been developed and is not needed for residential access as a second alley (east/west) exists in the same block. There were no objections from the public. Following the hearing, the Planning Commission moved unanimously to recommend the City Council vacate the right-of-way with a condition that the City retain a 15 foot unobstructed easement for utility purposes. The City Council's Real Estate Committee considered the request on September 21,1999. The area was assessed at $3.10 per square foot, or $6,500.92. Per RCW 35.79, the City may charge up to 50% the assessed value of the right-of-way, or $3,250.46. A memorandum to the Real Estate Committee dated September 21, 1999, is attached for your review. The Planning Department's staff report is attached as well as an excerpt of the Planning Co 'ssion's September 2200 meeting. Staffwill be available for questions. Attachments: Ordinance Planning Commission minutes excerpt Memo from Real Estate Committee Staff Report 61 T' lrF 62 --_.~-"-"" IT'" ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the alley abutting Lots 9 -13 in Block 3 of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 36, Port Angeles, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion right-of-way abutting in Block 3 Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 26, Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 14-99; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) as set forth in WAC 197 -11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the City Council following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, the street vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Ordinance, the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated: The north/south alley abutting Lots 9 - 13 in Block 3 of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 36, Port Angeles, Washington. Section 2 - Condition. The City shall retain an easement over, under, and across the alley for utility purpose, which shall not be obstructed by the property owner. 1 63 Section 3 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the right-of-way shall be $3.250.46. Section 4 - Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation in Section 3 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the title established by this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the C1allam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the21h.. day of October, 1999. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary T:\ORD\STV9902.0RD 64 2 ----------_.~--_.- . III' CONDITION, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION - STY 99-02 _ AMUNDSON/FIDLER/BEAR: Condition: 1. The City shall retain a 15' unobstructed easement for utility purposes. Findings: The following findings are based on information provided in the September 22, 1999, Staff Report for STY 99-02, including all of its attachments. Consideration was given to the comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 5, 1999, public hearing, and the City Council's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City Council hereby finds: 1. The applicants, Carl and Ramona Amundson, Gary and Lucas Bear, and Bonnie Fidler, requested the vacation of the north/south alley east of Liberty Street abutting Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 3 of Cain's Addition. The application is identified as Attachment B to the September 22, 1999 Staff Report for STY 99-02. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Low Density Residential. 3. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 4. Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code (SEPA rules) state "(2) The following types of construction shall be exempt. .. (h) The vacation of streets or roads." 5. The ROW is 15' wide and is currently undeveloped with a difference in grade of about 5 feet between Columbia Street and the elevated alley ROW. 6. The Public Works Department indicates there is an overhead electrical line located in the alley and possibly a lateral sewer line. As a condition of the vacation, the Public Works Department recommends a 15' easement be maintained for utility purposes. 7. The Police and Fire Departments did not state any objections to the proposed vacation. 8. The are no plans to improve this alley for public vehicle access. 9. The Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Policy B18 states "Police and fire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns. 65 Conclusions: The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the September 22, 1999, Staff Report for STY 99-02, including all of its attachments. Consideration was given to the comme and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented . during the October 5, 1999, public hearing, and the City Council's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed [mdings. Consequently, the City Council hereby concludes: A. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not reduce emergency service access to the adjacent properties or surrounding area. B. Traffic and development patterns in the area will not be affected by this vacation. C. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will be a benefit to the adjacent properties and will not be detrimental to the surrounding area. E. The proposed project is beneficial to the public interest. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of October 5, 1999. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk 66 ._...._-.~-'_.,_.__..__._~~'_..,_. .".... Planning Commission Minutes September 22, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS: STREET VACATION PETITION- STV 99-02 - AMUNDSON/FIDLERlBEAR. the north/south alley in Block 3 Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 36. Port Angeles. Request for vacation of an undeveloped right-of-way. Commissioner Nutter stated that she owns property in the area, and although she did not believe that fact would affect her decision in the matter, she offered to remove herself from the proceedings if there was an objection to her participation in the deliberation. There was no objection. Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department report. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Ramona Amundson, 1306 Columbia Street, stated that she is aware an easement for utility purposes will be required over the entire area if approved. She was available for questions. There being no further questions, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Following brief discussion, Commissioner King moved to recommend that the City Council approve the right-of-way vacation as proposed with one condition, and citing the following findings and conclusions: Condition: 1. The City shall retain a 15' unobstructed easement for utility purposes. Findines: The following findings are based on information provided in the September 22, 1999, Staff Report for STY 99-02, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby fmds: 1. The applicants, Carl and Ramona Amundson, Gary and Lucas Bear, and Bonnie Fidler, requested the vacation of the north/south alley east of Liberty Street abutting Lots 9, 10, II, 12, and 13, Block 3 of Cain's Addition. The application is identified as Attachment B to the September 22, 1999 Staff Report for STY 99-02. 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Low Density Residential. 3. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 67 T n Planning Commission Minutes September 22, 1999 4. Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code (SEPA rules) stae "(2) The following types of construction shall be exempt . .. (h) The vacation of streets or roads. " 5. The ROW is 15' wide and is currently undeveloped with a difference in grade of about 5 feet between Columbia Street and the elevated alley ROW. 6. The Public Works Department indicates there is an overhead electrical line located in the alley and possibly a lateral sewer line. As a condition of the vacation, the Public Works Department recommends a 15' easement be maintained for utility purposes. 7. The Police and Fire Departments did not state any objections to the proposed vacation. 8. The are no plans to improve this alley for public vehicle access. 9. The Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Policy B18 states "Police and fire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns. Conclusions: The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the September 22, 1999, Staff Report for STY 99-02, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not reduce emergency service access to the adjacent properties or surrounding area. B. Traffic and development patterns in the area will not be effected by this vacation. c. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will be a benefit to the adjacent properties and will not be detrimental to the surrounding area. E. The proposed project is beneficial to the public interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 5- O. 68 HI" / ~R1ANGBLBS WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - MEMO DATE: September 21, 1999 To: REAL BSTATB COMMl'ITBB FROM: Don Madison SUJiJEcr: ADMUNSONIFIDLERlBEAN STREET VACATION - STV 99-02 Summa.,-: RCW 35.79.030 allows the City to charge up to SOOAt of the appraised value for property to be vacated. In the past, it bas been the practice of the Cty to charge the maximum allowed, 50010 of the assessed valuation. The only eKCeption to this bas been when the purchaser disagreed with the assessed value. Then the purchaser has paid for an independent fee appraisal by an accredited appraiser. In that event the City has accepted the appraised value and charged 50010 of that amount. Recommendation: The City vacate the portion of the north/south alley in Block 3 of Cain'. SubdiviSion, City of Port Angeles and sell to the adjoining property owners: Admunson and Bean to Inav $812.50 each for the West halfand Fidler to Dav SI.62S.for the East half Baclqround I Analysis: The property is a North/South alley right-a-way that will never be used by the city. The Planning Department is recommending approval to the Planning Commission 9122199. t>SS ___ I received nwket evaluations from four independent Real Estate Brokerages on the value of a atandard 7,000 square foot lot in that area of the City. Their average market evaluation indicated a price of $21,750 per standard level lot. Following are the sizes and the assessed valuation of the adjoining lots: Lot # Total Area Assessed Value Value per Square Feet Total Square Foot 8&9 12,297 $37,500 S3.05 10 & 11 6,988 $22,000 S3.l5 12 & 13 6;.993 $22,000 $3.15 Combined 26,278 $81,500 $3.1 0 Subject property contains ~.07 "!0 feet. At $3.10 per square foot the value is $6.500.92. 50% of the assessed val = ~3,2S0.46 N:\PWK8\PROPERTY\MEM.REC\S1V99.02.BKI 69 r lr'l 70 lIT - ----- III' ~ORT ANGELES F'LE WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ST AFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: David Sawyer, Senior Planner DATE: September 22,1999 RE: STV 99-02 APPLICANT: Amundson/Fidler/Bear LOCATION: Vacate the north/south alley east of Liberty Street between Columbia Street and the Columbia/Caroline Alley (in Block 3 of Cain's Addition) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward to the City Council, a recommendation of approval for Street Vacation (STV) 99-02 subject to the conditions of approval, findings, and conclusions listed in Attachment A. THE PROPOSAL The applicants are proposing the vacation of the north/south alley east of Liberty Street between Columbia Street and the Columbia/Caroline Alley. The Amundsons, who's home is located on Lots 10 and 11 J initiated this request. The addition of their portion of the right-of-way (ROW) will allow them to add a garage to their property in compliance with their lot's setback requirements. The other property owners will also benefit from larger buildable areas on their lot's. The submitted application/petition is attached as Attachment B. ANALYSIS The alley is located near the southeast comer of Liberty Street and Columbia Street. The ROW is 15' wide and is currently undeveloped with a difference in grade of about 5 feet between Columbia Street and the elevated alley ROW. Photographs of the site are attached as Attachment C. The Public Works Department indicates there is an overhead electrical line located in the alley and possibly a lateral sewer line. As a condition of the vacation, the Public Works 71 ,., 11"" Planrjng 1m.ent'Staff Report , ! SlV "9-02 mundlol}lFidlcrlBean) l, , ,,_,vi September 22,1999 Page 2 Department recommends that a 15' easement be maintained for utility purposes. The Police and Fire Departments had no objections to the proposed vacation. The Public' Works Department's recommendations are attached as Attachment D. Appropriately conditioned, the proposed vacation will be a benefit to the adjacent properties and will not be detrimental to the surrounding area, or the general public. The are no plans to improve this alley for public vehide access. Consequently, traffic and development patterns in the area will not be effected by this vacation. COMPREHENSIVE PLANIZONING REVIEW The subject right-of-way and adjacent properties are designated by the City's Comprehensive Plan as Low Density Residential and are zoned RS-7. The Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Policy 818 states "Police and fire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns. Conditioned as recommended by the Public Works Department, the proposed vacation will not reduce emergency service access to the adjacent properties or surrounding area. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from State threshold determination requirements. Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code which states "(2) The following types of construction shall beexempt . .. (h) The vacation of strees or roads." STV9902.PC1 72 - --------r---'-..----....--..... --.-- ..--_.,..._-_...~...........---_.__.~._~.,---..----.- Photographs of the Site Looking south at the ROW from Columbia Street Looking north along the alley ROW 73 74 _._~-- HI" CI7YOF PORT ANGELES ~..------_._._.__.._-------_._--_.. --.._-.~... ....-...----.-- _... -......--- --.. ...--- .... -.....-----.---.-.--...----- STREET VACATION PE7TI70N TO: n,e City Council a/the City a/Port Angeles, Washington- .~ , Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: L The undenrigoed petitioners request that the fuUowing described portion of -Ih.. tJ LJ~ Q ha.tt: .; Street! Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally tit cribe the property requested for vacation below). ? _ ~ /.LJt-.:s~/O -/3 J!6i...3 , Ca.../n ~ #e/d,'/J"" 2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described. area. 3. -1- persons own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas arc as follows: ~~ ~ AddIcss~_ ~=~~~.l~/.>h r;;;'~':'j~. ~~.~.~~..~ 'II :::> '. N.-L, '~1y JS ~ ~. fa.A.. \ -- a~(l.0f~ ',.'3 }:L.. _ C~ ~.. 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more tho two thirds of the owners of said abutting propeny. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be 'commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said . StreetlA11~ in themannerprcscribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, 16!e:::~ _ ~' Ll~ ~ ~ auo..- tl.-. 8~o.--:rA) '3'~ ~d;: L ~ . Ph,,"C Vll-;U L,t~1y L/ 6~"??b '1s-~-" /1 ') ~.t'V .'ts 7- '( II C/() File No. ~1\I q 9 - OL Date Received 2-';;/ $1- 9 9 Hearing(s) Date ~ cy- /O~-- ATTACHMENT 875 ...-_._-_..~---.....--~-"_.__.-.....- '-,- 'lrW --------- _..~ ./ . ---- ".-....._-- - , / '---I I I I I - T ,-- r --= J 1- - ~ ' L, I I I --- J - --=-...------ WA TER ST 'MBIA ST ." o .......~ <'(........~ " v , -f .., -.-, - ....... 6 '5 --, --, ~ :. L -.J L -.J 'I L' ~II z r"';, I'lL -' L --11 " . , , -'1-.J' , I 1 .. :..-t I .1'---' ,: r I... 1 l . j I Ll- _ . ~=UL~ 1_ rrf,l-rT -/- Tl 1 I' 12 I I 1 rl I I ~ J iT"" 'T -, rnLJ I I r I 1 f 1 13 ~4 , 15 L J b -.J,,, 1 \ I \ J:. \ -. ~ 6 '-5 'I 11 r, I~ r'l ICJI;~I : :I~ 'II IILJ, I 11 IIt)UI~"'_~ l... 1" II 1 [J r,' , 1.1 LJ L-" I I LJ 0 L ~ ~J~~ ...- CITY OF .._~---,~...__.......--...- Bean I t1JP\ f 8 l r -1 I \ 1\ If, I \ I' \ \5 L L~ ~'I A IT ACHMENT 82 1001 I ._~_._.~-"-"'11'""'".._- rlJ" U. S. A. rnl ~ @ rn 0 W;q-'(':! UU I S~ I-~-~- '";' ~ J: I JL..I: ~ORTANGELES DATE: September 15, 1999 To: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: Gail McLain, Electrical Engineering Specialist SUB.JECT: STY 99-02 (AMUNDSON) We have reviewed the subject application, we would require the following: 1. A 15' easement to service lots 10 thru 11 for access to the existing electrical service pole and service wire. This easement area must be accessible for future maintenance of the electrical facilities G:\EXCHANGE\PLANNING\DEPTSP\STV99.02 File: PlaJminS Pendiq. ~ PW-OIOl.OS ATTACHMENT ~ 7 1" lrJr o ~ ~ ~ FORTANGELES IrIWf?'-(f-~-fJ "'r~7" ii' '. l.!; a eJ .. \'; !'. 0.. . ......-. ....--... .. ..... . r'\ I h',,___.. ,', .... ,i J.. U:.' ~tP I 51999 i.J ;1- ~ 6~'~' "- I L...~,:~: ;-';:';J;:r.,~,J . f P' nj\,,,j,".,," ."".".~- -\IT. I .....-- ,--~~~ . :" :J i.. :~.r ~'~'.~~~----1 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: September 15, 1999 To: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: TRENIA FUNSTON, ENGINEERING PERMIT SPECIALIST SUB.JEcr: STY 99-02 (AMUNDSON) We have reviewed the subject application, we would require the following: 1. A 15' sanitary side sewer easement to service lots 10 thru 12. G:\EXCHANGE\PLANNING\DEPTSP\S1V99.02 Fale: P1amUnl Peadiac. S1V PW-oI01.0S 78 ATTACHMENT 02 .. _.-.~, +.---.-.-------,rr----.... III' FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT October [;, 1999 I CITY MEETING SCHEDULE I DATE I TIME OCTOBER ... ... .. City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 5 6:00 p.m. Gateway Committee Meeting Thursday, October 7 8: 15-12:00 n WRlA 18 Coordinating Council Thursday, October 7 10:00 a.m. Mutsu City, Tanabu Hight School student tour of City Thursday, October 7 2:30 p.m. Hall (PIRA) Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, October 13 7:00 p.m. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Thursday, October 14 4:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 19 6:00 p.m. Kiwanis - Mike to speak Thursday, October 21 10:00 a.m. Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, October 27 7:00 p.m. Elwha Morse Management Team Thursday, October 28 7:00 p.m. NOVEMBER .. Board of Adjustment Monday, November 1 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 2 6:00 p.m. Gateway Committee meeting Thursday, November 4 8: 15a-12:00n Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, November 10 7:00 p.m. Veteran's Day Thursday, November 11 CLOSED City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 16 6:00 p.m. G:\CNCLPKTlCTYMGR\CMREPlI.99\OCT05. WPD 79 80 MEMO City Manager's Office Mike Quinn City Manager Sharon "Sam" Martin Executive Administrative Assistant Becky J. Upton, CMC City Clerk / Management Assistant Robert Coons Human Resources Manager Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Date: September 30, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN & CITY COUNCIL From: Mike Quinn, City Manager ~~ Subject: Informational Report Work Schedule: To keep the Council informed on the general activities I've been involved with the last two weeks, the following highlights are included for your information: Legislative Contacts: (1) Council/Commissioner meeting on 9/21 to discuss UGA and other mutual interests; (2) Introduction to the Planning Commission prior to their 9/22 meeting; (3) preparation of information and meeting with Rep. Norm Dicks on the Elwha Dam impacts. Staff Tour: Tour of the Landfill and Compost Facility Community Contacts: Tour of the Olympic Memorial Hospital with Mike Glenn. Major Items: (1) Discussions with Magna Drive Corporation and potential areas of assistance; (2) Customer Commitment process and conference with Linda Goldzimer for two days with staff; (3) meeting with APCO consultant on the City's Marketing Strategy development; (4) Gateway Workshops on 9/21 & 9/22 as available; (5) Meeting with AFSCME Union regarding preliminary contract negotiations and compensation study; (6) Employee BBQ luncheon and OPS Award to Phyllis Rasler; (7) Meeting with Daishowa concerning Elwha Dam issues; (8) Work on the City's Budget. Additional Staff Information Reports: These items are general interest information and minutes for your use. However, the following are highlighted for special attention: 1. Non-Motorized Advisory Committee Presentation - This committee was appointed to review the various alternatives for such use and their recommendations will need to be considered as an impact to planning and budget documents and policy as the Council desires. 2. Phyllis Rasler as this quarter's recipient of the James Abernathy Outstanding Public Service Award. 81 11'''' NOMINA TION FORM Employee's Name Phyllis Rasler Employee's Department Public Works & Utilities Department Reason for Nomination, including ways employee exemplifies City's Statement of Values: Phyllis is a dedicated, loyal and hard working individual who is higWy valued not only by her supervisor but also by her fellow workers. She is always pleasant and helpful, embracing "Quality Customer Service" for internal and external customers. She always makes the extra effort to ensure the customer is completely satisfied in a timely manner taking pride in providing efficient and effective service. The past six months has been a time of upheaval in the PW&U Department with the former director acting as interim City Manager, a new PW&U Dept Director reporting 30 June and the Deputy PW&UD Utility Services leaving the City in late August. Phyllis has been the one to keep the Department moving forward and not letting critical actions go undone. Specifically she has taken on the responsibility of developing the "Water Consumer Confidence Report", tracking the actions of the Department's Work Plan and of course training a new Public Works & Utilities Director who is not only new to the City but new to city government, in addition to her normal duties. She has continued to perform her functions in a superb manner always ensuring all details are complete. She strives and achieves excellence and always has full control over situations. Phyllis volunteers time outside of work and is involved in the Port Angeles Downtown Forward Executive Committee, Eastern Star and the Soroptimist International. I have complete trust and the highest respect for Phyllis. She goes above and beyond what is normally expected of an administrative assistant and is most deserving of special recognition by being selected as "The Jim Abernathy Outstanding Public Service Award." Glenn A. Cutler Director Public Works & Utilities City Hall 82 HI'" Sept 13 , 1999 Port Angeles Summary Report on Recommendations on the Public Works Budget 1999 ^ ~ from the Non Motorized Advisory Committe~~' To Mayor Gary Braun and City Council Members The committee has grouped the Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements as listed by Engineering into 5 packages. Packages 1 and 2 are the top Bicycle and pedestrian needs as identified by the group and Packages 3 and 4 are the second level priorities. Package 5 contains those projects which require joint State and City action. Package 1, Bicycle high need items are Stripping and Signage. Bike lane Symbols, on the following Streets: First St, Front St down to Cedar St & Marine Drive, Race St, 8th,and Bike Racks in the Downtown Core, Senior Center and. (item #'s on map are 1-2-3-4-7-16-17 ) Package 2, Pedestrian high need items are sidewalks or paved pathways along 18th Street, Butler to "I"; Lauridsen Blvd., "L" to "C" streets; Park, Race to the College, and 10th at "N". (items10-11-12-13) Package 3, Which contains the 2nd level Bike improvements safe passage at the intersections of both Tumwater Truck Rt. at Marine Drive; and First Streets and Front Streets - Cherry to Marine Drive, signage, symbols and possible movement of curb alignments and pole relocation and sidewalks finished W.F.Trail near pump station. (items 9-8- ) Package 4, Second level Pedestrian items are pathways or sidewalks along N St. from 1 4 t018th and Lauridsen Blvd., from Peabody to Francis St ( items14-15 ) The Joint State and City items are marking the Bike Routes along Tumwater Truck Rt. and Lincoln Street from Railroad to the Lauridsen Blvd (items5 & 6) We would like to make a suggestion that in light of the major clean up project at the Mill that the City start work on the extension to the Water Front Trail from the New Morse Creek Bridge back toward town in a East to West manner. Once legal access has been made, there is access down the hill back of the old K Mart Store or through the 4 Seasons Ranch for equipment. The other possible trail entry site is at the Water Treatment plant at the end of Ennis Creek Drive which would allow movement around the clean up site at the Mill for equipment to remove the slides and put down a trail base. A very fine walk from the new Rails to Trail Bridge at Morse Creek to the Ennis Creek Mill site would thus be possible while the clean up continues at the Mill site for the next several years. Note: The County, through Mr. Rich James, may be writing a grant to build the trail section back to Lee's Creek from Morse Creek. 83 . -.-... '.~"._-"~'---,.----'" . nr o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >- ~ j!i~~ ! ; ~ I ~ 1E~81E8 . , I I I I I I I I I I : ,;f j:::'~ I ~ 15 lC.."::' " t'~ 1$' ENNIS G GUZZl ~ ," ~~...- J .. ,- , ---~I -~ >-',-' - ~.., ~ .- : c 0 - ... d ... In Q. ~ Q. L. d ~ " ... ::s 0 L. ., L. to- ~ :a ^ ... In ., . 0 ... ... In d " " :to - L. " 0 \D . - (") V " nJ to- ~ ~ .... :a >- M .... " If) l- N .... CD - ....... ci " Cl!: " " ... 0 .... 0\ .... ...... Cl!: VI in VI iiI CL E E: E E I- QI OJ " U ... +' ... ... w ) C\J ('I') ... 0 .... Cl!: . :#: . . CL ~ o ~ ~ ".1S w: g If ~ .., S $ i -1S )1"0 - ~o'" ....." :~.)~,~ . , 0;- .f,& ~""-f);-~ .l .., 's c 's 6'..)~,,6' , , , 's , 0" .., """"'> !.. 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'5. >" Wl >- ." 89 fI 90 --.---".r- rrr BICYCLE RACKS DOWNTOWN SEATTLE __'_"~d ___________. ~_,.__.---.-..-" . lrl!" MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 September 8, 1999 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Jason Robotkay, Fred Hewins, Dean Reed, Bob King Members Absent: None (One Vacancy) Staff Present: David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Dan McKeen Public Present: Kenneth Sweeney, Ralph Baumann, John Barth ,APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Reed moved to approve the August 25, 1999, meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 5 - 0 with Commissioner Robotkay abstaining due to absence. PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE REQUEST - REZ 99-01- PORT OF PORT ANGELES. Portions of Lots 4 and 17. and all of Lots 5 - 16. Block 48 of the Townsite of Port Anjl:eles. Request for a rezone from Industrial Light (IL) to Industrial Heavy (IH) for a block of property located west of the Tumwater Truck Route, between Marine Drive and Third Street. Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and recommended approval of the rezone as proposed. Chair Hewins asked what is the intent of the rezone to Industrial Heavy? Planner Sawyer responded that the applicant operates a bulk fuel plant on the property to the north of the property proposed for rezone and wishes to establish a bulk propane use as well. He would like to keep the two services in the same area if possible. The proposed rezone is for the property south of the existing fuel operation. The existing bulk fuel plant operation is nonconforming in the Industrial Light zone. A rezone to Industrial Heavy will allow the existing bulk fuel use to continue, and the proposed propane distribution use to be established, by conditional use permit. A propane use as proposed would not be allowed in the Industrial Light zone. A conditional use permit has been applied for. 91 "Il' T'III" Planning Commission Minutes - September 8, 1999 Page 2 Commissioner Nutter asked Fire Marshall Dan McKeen if it is advisable to combine bulk fuel and propane uses. Fire Marshall McKeen answered that the combination of the two uses does not pose a problem to public safety. The proposed location is actually a good area for a propane gas use as topographically it should not allow gas entrapment to occur. Commissioner Nutter moved to recommend that the City Council approve a rezone to Industrial Heavy (IH) as proposed for the subject property citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report, any written comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles City Council makes the following findings and conclusions: 1. The proposed rezone request is to change the subject property's zoning from Industrial Light to Industrial Heavy. Please see the September 8, 1999, Staff Report for REZ 99-01 Attachment B. 2. The proposed area consists of three properties. The northwest property is currently developed with a fuel storage and distribution yard, the northeast property contains a combined warehouse and office building, and the south property is vacant and paved. 3. In the past, the south property has been used as a parking lot for Port activities and most recently as a log truck scaling facility. 4. The Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Industrial. 5. A fuel yard is a conditionally permitted use in the ill zone. 6. A fuel yard is not a permitted use in the IL zone. 7. The applicant has submitted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to extend the existing fuel yard operation to the south property. 8. The existing land uses surrounding the area are all industrial related. The Comprehensive Plan designation is Industrial (I) on all sides of the area. The Zoning designation is ill to the north and west and IL to the south and east. 9. Land Use Element Policies Al and 2 establish the need for all decisions to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Map and policies. Industrial Policy H5 states liquified petroleum gas (such as propane) facilities shall not locate outside of the ill zone. 92 Planning Commission Minutes - September 8. J 999 Page 3 10. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on September 2, 1999. II. The posted public commen~peri~d for this application ran from August 12 to August 27, 1999. During that time, the Planning Department did not receive any written comments on this proposal. Conclusions: A. The proposed rezone is compatible with surrounding land uses and Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance designations. B. The Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies Al and 2, and Industrial Policy H5 directly relate to the proposed rezone. C. The rezone is in the public interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed S - 1 with Chair Hewins voting against the motion. Chair Hewins stated that he voted against the motion because the City planned which areas would be zoned Industrial Light and Heavy during review of the Comprehensive Plan several years ago. He does not think it's a good idea to sacrifice IL zoned land unless absolutely necessary. COMMUNICATIONS FROM mE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS None. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Reed noted that he may not be able to attend the September 22, 1999, regular meeting. Commissioner Robotkay attended the recent meeting on the Gateway Project with the project consultants holding a public forum at City Hall. The project is very interesting and the consultants were receiving a varied input but unfortunately it appeared that attendees were concerned with their specific areas not the project as a whole. He encouraged other Planning Commissioners to attend the second forum. Planner Sawyer indicated that the second forum would be held at the Clallam Transit Authority office on September 21 and 22. Commissioner Hewins noted that the most recent mailing from the American Planning Association lists several good books on planning commissions. Western Washington University is offering a course through Peninsula College on an introduction to planning that sounds interesting. 93 "'1'" lr'l!" Planning Commission Minutes - September 8. J 999 Page ,; ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. ~~~~ PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 94 ." k~,~ Fred Hewins, Charr (,!;)~...., =>~~: <('"m' LL.: : 010.: , , , , ' , , ' , , , , ' mr=~~C!~r';r;:t~~"''''t:~f'>,i,~16':::,;:riN!,6'6[6':"..t:~'i~ :~'i~ "M ~~ :w :' i~! : · : : , , ; po~~m~: : ~~O~~~~~m: : ~~~o~oo~oo~~oo~~~~~ , , i : : &: CII ! ~ CII i C1j.5 p:o i j : ! i : j ! ! j 1 ! ! j ! i j~j CI) ! ~ III j j 0 ! ~ j : !:I: , : 'o;~o:~C::'E'~ :~' '~. : .CII. : : . , ;(I):, ,CII:. 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