HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/17/2000 "~',I . ,~'.'''';''''',,' ~t~tf '_ -:~"'::;:: "" ~:~", .' :I~"""',ORT ANGBL,',ES ''til~' " n ""~ '"'."""",, YVA 5 H I N G TON, U. S. A. AGENDA- ,.. , .....' CITY,~QIJNtIL MEETING . 32ftAST FIFTH STREET \'gctober 17, 2000 REGULAR,MEETING -;6:00p.ni.: . A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.)" ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - CEREl\fO~IAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS B. WORK SES,SION 1. Presentation on Laurel, Street Stair' Project (No paperwork in packet) , , 2. Presentation on ElectronicHome Monitoring 1 C. LATE ITEMS~TO BE PLAC~P9'~..ilmSOR FUiiiRE~GE~DAS (By Council; Slaffor Pub,lic) AND PUBLIc'COMMENTFOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the oppor.tUnit)lfqrm~f!ll;Jers of the public to speak tothe City Council about anything not on the agenda. please ke(!p cp'!lmeats'~g,5,-JO m~~~ ' " ....... .- Q~.. Fn't,\NCE 1. Bonn~ViIle 'Power Administration Power Sales 7 Agreement ';{l':,':; 2. Approve Brown & CaldwellContracifor 39 Wastewater Services 3. Approve Parametrix ebntract for L~dfii1 41 Services 4. Fina1iAccePta.J:l~e of StreetPavit1g~OOO ,43 Project' ' " '. E. 'CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council minutes - October 3, 2000 regular meeting 2. Checklist - October 11,2000 - $1,101,342.64 Action 45 Action 53 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES A V AIliA:BLEFOR THOSE~~E.QINpA~~ISTANCE ., ';il\1AVdRTOiDEl1ERMINETIME OF ',BREAK . October 17, 2000 Port Angeles City Council Meeting' , Page - I L '1,:~W,\'\ 'l H. RESOLUTION8.l '. ,,' ~.t/. I. OTHER CONSIDERA tIOl'lS , .'. .' ".. ,d' 7'.<~ ;;',." ,'_ _," -ll' ~-,;~,,;;;;).~'~"~~J_ ' ,~~_ )',<: <")~ it,",:, 1. Approval andhi1~leme~~on ofCornmfu1i!y 86 Telecornmunicat!o,nA~pn Plan 2. Confirmation of~oaid()fDiJ:'~rspf 118 Hurricane Riclg~ru,b,li~l!?e.~~l.<>ernent Authority 'it.: ..1 :i \Gt:;(~i;r~);i!i#' ..:0;}~ij'" Approval ofLes Sch~ao;Pre;;."A1mexat10Jl/i,;. Agreellieni' ..":~'$~"}+;~;';<:!d&:'~"~;;~:"e"ii;~~~~::~~" 4. !,\.ppointmentof}3udget;C~mrnittee and Se!n~i,i /.fl128" Meeting Schedill~;"': ~.., ..........i., Action '- ..,~~ Action , '-.::t'i.' J. PUBLIC HEARlN'GS':4QUXSI=JUDICIAL (7:00P.M. orsoon.theI*~sr,J ..._.... K. PUBLIC HEARi~G$-,.OT~ER . ' L; INFORMAtION. . ..........:::.~~.i::_ 1. CouncillBoard ~~g: Calendar, (~~el!,:3Q) 2. Park Board Minllte~., S~temberI21;'20Q.9:(page132):: 1:<, <_ :t '..'..../.-.. ',-.,' ':, ,-.c.'." _, '-':-:"'Uif:. ,-'i<'.<'",,_' 3. Planning C~~ss~on~inut~~}-~ep~;rnb~r~7 ,~OOO ;, (Pag~ 136) , 4. Parks & Rec~eationiM~ntl1lY~m~~.i~~~~~Et~~OO'{fage 146) . 5. PI~g Mo~th1.y~~p.~I!;~~~lPWmq~,ittl(~~~:' t~fi):~S<"" ;i' ',' 6. PublicW or~;*,'Vfl!l~c;:~~811:tWr\llep,qI1"h,~.ttIJ1P~r1g991"9.(Page .168) ii. M. kx~cuTIVE's~~~iO~~(bi(Jeterqtn~ab&'(i]i~.Attorne;;' N. ADJOURNMENT f. G':JiF~~ ._i <.<' ,,:,t..~~I9J..!gH~RI~GS ...... '.' 's, ..........." ., Public hearings a~ set by the gity Cou~~1 id?rd~~9"m~J!9.~j~~lrini~nts'pert~inr?~it~ mattl:l,rs s~Ch a.s.la.~~~}l.s~ ~r~it ~pplifatio.ri~;p~oposed ...... , ..., a~n~.ments to City.land us.e ,rE!gu~~Lo.~~;:~nt9g~~~'C1nn~tlpn~;''1naddItI09'' the City C,o,unclI m,!lx~~t{!.E,!lbliC ~~nng !~ P!d~I\t() ~e<?,EllVe public Input;' p~o.~;to'makingc;tecisionswhich irn~act~hecitizeri;>,;~i.c~tt~inm,~ei'smay ~c,ontrove~l.a,nd th.e Cjty CoDiicllmay choose to see~public opinion through " the public hearing process. ' ., ,... ','... ., '," "'..,)"." '." pi;; ""0;'" .......,-..,... ,':' G:\Cl'{CLPKnA;GENDA\OO-I01 7WPD . .- ,- ;;> .;. ";,#'t-,.,._,-..:,~-,,.. -. ;,,' .-;: .'::-:"'L. '," ,"-,-- .:'~.>;. N(jTE:"HE~N~~)!?~"Y:I~;~,~J~}r~!1t\!I~E,.!r ,"9~~:~~~JU~G;A~,~IS.~AN~.E.... ." " ,<1',,,';;;:(,'f~MA~\:IR'$f01DEi1iERMIN EXOF~BRENK." .,<"r: 'October 17; 2000i;' "":\f'i(Poitf~eIeS1~itY,e6UricinMee~rig'::~-~c,.:"" ...." :. ':~,Page - 2 '. .,~ '~:~~f ':t~f~i:ilo~~~";;H:f~' ~opl:::~~~_) ~t." i '~~:_-; )'~1;t.r,~~<!'i%,,<f~> FORTANGELES. WAS H J N G TON, U. S. A. ',', '\ ,-'~~: ~(, _::',-,/> i ":; ~@~#1; CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe y. Ziomkowski v ~ + ~dM- / V- V /' if =z v/ October 17, 2000 to~ O.'IJt. I III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: <;:)ef>H:J--~ ~~ 7YV!::--KeElJJ1.A_ CITY OF PORT ANGELES · ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: October 17. 2000 i f , I LOCATION: City Council Chambers ~ . ~ ~ ~ N, U. S. A. City Council Memo Date: October 17, 2000 To: Mayor Doyle AND City Council .iR Tom Riepe, Chief of Police Dennis Dickson, Sr. Assistant City Attorney From: Subject: Agreement With Washington Association Of Sheriffs And Police Chiefs For Electronic Home Monitoring Of City Prisoners Summary: The Police Department and City Attorney's Office are in support of a proposed regional Electronic Home Monitoring program (EHM). We believe a regionalized EHM program, involving all of the local law enforcement and prosecutorial jurisdictions, through The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (W ASPC) has advantages to the City. A regionalized EHM program, through W ASPC, would lessen the City's direct liability for incidents involving EHM prisoners. It would provide community wide standards for the eligibility ofEHM prisoners and consistent enforcement sanctions against EHM prisoners who violate the conditions of their EHM program. And, last but not least, a regionalized EHM program, managed by a W ASPC employee, would not incur additional costs to the City but would allow the Police Department employee who currently manages the City's EHM program to performs other duties and tasks. . Recommendation: The Police Department and City Attorney's Office recommend that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager, as allowed by City Ordinance No. 2957, to sign the attached "Full Service Electronic Monitoring Agreemenf' with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs. The agreement is for a period of one [1] year, and may be renegotiated during that time. . Background / Analysis: As the result of escalating jail costs, the Police Department started a City EHM program in April, 1997. Since that time, the City has saved thousands of dollars, as reported in the Police Department's monthly reports, by using EHM in lieu of jail incarceration. The current cost to the City for incarcerating prisoners in the County jail is $57.95 per day/ $21,151.75 per year, per prisoner (plus medical expenses). The cost to incarcerate City prisoners in the Forks jail is $43.77 per day/$15,976.05 per year, per prisoner (plus medical expenses). The City only pays for the costs of incarcerating its misdemeanant prisoners and for the medical expenses of felony prisoners until the time of their sentencing. 1 1 We believe EHM benefits the community and the offender. Prisoners who are sentenced to EHM are often able to maintain a job to support their familiy or themselves, attend college, or perform community service while on EHM. They could not do this if they were in jail. Offenders who qualify for EHM are required, if they are able, to pay for the cost of their EHM program. In fact, W ASPC has established several self-supporting EHM'programs. Instead of the City paying for the incarceration of an offender in a jail, the offender is '?ften able to pay for the cost of his or her EHM program. Offenders who are unable to pay the initial $35.00 assessment fee and daily $15.00 EHM monitoring fee, are assessed a daily fee based on a sliding scale. In the event that a qualified offender can not pay anything at all, which is very rare, the cost to the City for EHM will be $10.00 per day. It is within the sole discretion of the City, on a case by case basis, to allow an offender's participation in EHM when the City bears the EHM cost. The success of the City's EHM program prompted W ASPC and other local law enforcement and prosecutorial jurisdictions to develop the proposed regionalized EHM program. The Police Department and City Attorney's Office are committed to reviewing, developing, and implementing programs and policies which hold criminal offenders accountable but limit, as much as possible, the fiscal impact of their incarceration. Attachments (2) 101-00-500 2 2 . . . ~t~~~'~:{f*~;~,t~~\~~~,,\ ,,~t::X~1' ~?\,~,t~:~ri,'~i:fi~~~~:f~!rti'!i.~~~:1' \,.,: ;;'~}}~:1~>'~'f; . #OJ WASHINQTON AS5OCIATIOIlI OFSHIRJFfS AND POUCE CHIEfS FUU. SERYlClWC'I'ROHlC MOftnoRDtGl AGREEMENt' e:k=:"::~E~~~~.Ef~~=:-=~~E: 5'" Strel:t, Port Angeles, WA 98362. WITNESSETH WHEReAS, The Department desires to have certain servia:s performed as tlen!lnatl2r set forth reqlArlng spe:lallzed sll3l1s, eq\Jlpmenc and odler supportive GlpabIllties; and WHEREAS, W~ represents that It possesses suffldent skitls and I'18Cle5Si'lry C<1P8bIllties 8l"Id equipment to perform the servla!S see: forth In Ihls Agreement; NOW, llfEREFORE, in alllstderatlon of the lEmls, conditions, covenants, and performances. contairlEld hereJn, ltle parties hereto agree as follows: I. SERVIa:5 wASPC shell perform servtces and accomplish such tasks, Induding the n.nJshll1g of all materfals and equlpment necessary fur full perfOI'TTl8llCe, as llI'llldendned and designated as WASP( respansSblJlties ttTooghout this Agreement. n. TERM OF AGItEEMENT, TERMINATION. DURATION, AND RENEWAl The term of thts Agreement is fOf one yellr [unless b!rmlnated lIS provided herem] from the effedlve date of the Agreement. Thi5 Agreement, Its tenns, aJndltions and lNthonzed all18ldmenls, shall be ref1ewed alJtDma(ically for succeeding periods rX one 'f6Y on the afTll~ date of its Of1glnal ef'fective date IXIIess eilhar party Edes wrll!en /llXlce 60 c1a-,s prior In lt1e ellpiratlon of such ~ !hat !:he party wishes to lerminate tile Agreement at the ecpiratJon ttle one-year term. AI notifications in respect to Chis Agreement shall. be In wrltfng ~d signed by a dulV aul:hor1zed representative of the party. Notification documents shall be sent by cerliRed mail or delivered by mt!SSef1ger. \JpQn proper nodflcatlon nether party shall be obligated to the other in any way oLroilde ttlose responsibilities defined in It1Is A~ent. Notv-ilthstandlng, upon cnmpletion of WASPC services, The Department shall return In a timely manner ell propi!fty <*Je to WASPC. WASPC Is entltled to full payment for services rendered and accepted by The Department wht!ti1er durtng the term of this Agreement or thereafta. 1fI the e\I81t The Deoartment ~ ~bilitv for n:wnwri fur .seviJ::es fur Indlaent offenders the aareed llrlPn reduced dally rare of '10.00 will be ass f to ~I Indlaent: offenders the Deoartm;t assumes oavrnent rl!S~lliJbIllTV for, Ill. feE ASSfSSMeNT WASP<:. shall assume all risk and responsIblllty for fee assessment and collection directly from me offenders assigned by The Department. All offenders who partldpate in the program will be assessed a non- refu1dable adrninlstTatiw> ~ of $35.00. WASPC sraff will al1empt to sa: a minimum daily base fee of $15.00 peNley for eadl day mon/tIJrtng IS conducted. In the event the offender is not a.nrenliy employed, or the Anandal InformaCIon Worksheet indiC3tf$ the inability III pay ~ mfnJmurn base fee, !he Sliding Scale will be l1!ied as a referefla! to clet1:!rmlne and assess dally fees. ~ a daily fee has been dl!b!nnlllBd, the offEnder signs the Fee Eent. WASPC will no( deny panldpaClon to any person based on r lnabUlty to pay the minimum dally~fee. However. tfthe er willfully !'ails In pay the asse!iS@d rees llftB' s1gnlllJ a fee ;qee!l'lent he/she rnuy be tennlnllted from the prtlgram. Revised March 1999 ;: 00 (pj IV. LOSS Of OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT WASPC will assume all ris<< of loss of or damage to the eql.lprnent from anv QUe whBt5oIM!r from ltIe dab! of service not to I!!lO:IlIl!d $1,500.00 dU1ng the one-year term of this Agreement. Tl'Iereafter The Department will assume all riSk of loss of or damage to the equipment from any cause whatsoever. WASP(. will A!pOrt dI!lIberele damage to or theft of mOllloring equipment to local .Iaw enforcement for Investlgallon. The Department agrees to assist WAS-PC In equipment rect:N<<y wllere.<er possible. 1l-e cost at ~acement will be as follOws 1] m li'ansmitter $650.00 2] BI Ra:ei\lt:r $1400 3] EMS TransnVtter $200.00 1] EMS RscIlIver $400.00 In the event any EMS equipment is damaged or stolen by any offender- who has previously damaged Of stolen EMS eIluipment utilized PUl'SUar1t to this Agreement, the repl!lCl!ment CDSC will Increase to ~O.OO EMS Transmitter and $1,100. EMS Receiver. The cast for all repairs will be at the prevailing rate ~ speofled by WASPC. The OepartJnet agrees In assist WASPC.ln establIshing an effective mea~ of blRlng the offender ror llfIV misuSe or abuse. of ttle equipment whlch l'eSUt5 In damage or loss. Included In me ProQram ReQuirements Form is an adcnowledgment of liability whidl must be signed by the oC'fender at the time of enrollment. V. INDEMNIFICAllON To the extEnt permitted by law, [8] WASPC shell protec.t. defend, irxJemnlfy. and saye hannfess The Department, lIS otllc:ers, employees. and age!tS from any and all costs, daims, judgments or awaftis of damagES, arising 0lJ: of or In any ~ rtSJIting from lne Ill!9llgent ads or omissions of WASf'C. its officers, employees and agents In performing ttlls Agreement. [b] The Department shall protect, defend, Indemnify, and save harmlESS WASPC, its offian, employees, and agents from any and all costs, dams, jOOgmenhl or awards of damages, arising out of or in any Wi!'( resulting from l:t1e negligent ads or omiSSions of The Depa-tment, its officers, empI~ and agents in performing this Agreeml!llt:. VL Uability Dilld.1mer WASPC is not re5lX1nslble for, and makes no warranty. regarding, U1e conduct of an offender wHle partldpatfng In the E1ec:zronlc Home 3 JdS.v,~ Or._Ol. .~~<:. OQ('. .v.v~ cn.:CT n':lll nn<TT inT information 'provided within the application material and the offender interview. Only the sentencing judge, after reviewing the offender's criminal history, can make a final determination of Electronic Monitoring Program eligibility. VII. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any action shall be in the Superior Court of Thurston County, Washington. VIII. SEVERABILITY It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that if any part, term or provision of this Agreement is held by the Courts to be illegal or unenforceable the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular proviSion held to be invalid. IX. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; WAIVER This Agreement, together with attachments hereto, and other documents or instruments executed by WASPC and The Department in connection herewith, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement shall not be modified, amended, altered or changed except with written consent of The Department and WASPC. The waiver by WASPC of any breach by The Department of any term covenant or condition hereof shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof. X. MONITORING SERVICES WASPC will provide monitoring services with respect to offenders The Department selects to partidpate in the Electronic Monitoring Program. Monitoring Services shall include: [a] continuous radio frequency [RF] home detection monitoring consisting of a radio transmitter attached to the Offender and a receiver which is monitored through the Offender's phone line. The system reports when. the receiving unit is no longer receiving a signal from the transmitting device. [b] Tracking will be performed using WATCH PATROL, signaling the Offender with a beeping alarm, to call the central monitoring center from any nearby telephone using a 1-800 number. The Offender's location is automatically established using Automatic Number Identification [ANI]. [c] Unless specifically agreed otherwise, WASPC shall provide The Department notice of a Offender's violation of the electronic monitoring program within 24 hours of such violation, via faxed reports. (d] WASPC shall conduct training and provide consultation in the operation of electronic monitoring devices used by WASPC. [e] When required by SUbpoena or Court Order, WASPC will make available a qualified person to give expert testimony and provide physical evidence. XI. SUPPORT SERVICES In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, WASPC agrees to provide The Department with support staff personnel to perform duties specified in the Electronic Monitoring Full Service Field Coordinator Job Description attached hereto and made apart thereof. WASPC shall be responsible for the hiring, training, scheduling and supervision of its employees in a manner so as to promote the effident operation of the electronic monitoring program sponsored by The Department. The number of employees hired by WASPC shall be at WAS pc's discretion and judgment but shall be based on recommendations of The Department. WASPC shall designate a minimum of one [1] person to act as WASPC's liaison for the site. Such liaison shall act as the primary intermediary between WASPC and The Department. The Department shall also designate a minimum of one [1] person to act as The Department liaison with WASPC. Revised March 1999 4 WASPC will partidpate, as needed in any meeting required by The Department, including steering committee matters regarding the . operation of the program. Subject to the termination provisions contained in this Agreement, The Department and WASPC agree that the term of support services shall be for atrial period of one [1] year from the commencement of the electronic monitoring program. During the one-year trial term, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith any changes to program operation and/or the terms of the agreement, in order to insure the effident operation and economic viability of the program. At the end of the one-year term, The Department and WASPC shall evaluate and negotiate any extension of this provision, if any. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives, effective the date of full execution by the parties DATED: SIGNED: ~.... . . . . . . . Authorized Representative SIGNED: Authorized Representative Approved As To Form DATED: September 20, 2000 ,} SIGNED: Larry V. E on, Executive Director Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Tom Gallagher, Attorney at law Approved As To Form . . . . V- "* (.Ij:l~~;'ifHfi{~~~)4;.;'~':~} 1~~~~" ORDINANCE NO. 2957 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Pon Angeles. Washington. establishing electronic home detention as a means of confmement, providing for rules and procedures for its administration, and amending Ordinance No. 2129 as amended and Title 9 of the Pon Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS. the City of Port Angeles has contracted with Clallam County, Washington. for court services through the Clallam County District Court I and further for jail services at the Clallam County Correctional Facility; and WHEREAS. in certain circumstances. electronic home detention for certain specified offenses can be a more desirable. appropriate, and economic alternative to incarceration of convicted defendants in the Clallam COUnty Correctional Facility; and WHEREAS. the contract between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County specifically authorizes the City of Pon Angeles to adopt and operate an electronic home detention program; and WHEREAS, the City of POrt Angeles has determined that it can contract with other agencies to provide a private and independent electronic home detention program that adequately addresses the needs and concerns of the City; NOW. THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section I. Electronic home detention is hereby established as an alternative method of confmement of convicted defendnts who are sentenced to imprisonment or incarceration. - Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to enter into contracts with acceptable service providers to provide electronic home detention program services to be administered by the City of Port Angeles Police Department. Section 3. The City of Port Angeles Chief of Police or his designee shall administer the electronic home detention program and monitor the defendants accepted for participation in said program and further shall promulgate reasonable and adequate rules and criteria and establish written policies regarding application for participation in the electronic home detention program. - 1 - :8;2. 'j.) ~ '" \ '-J .5 establish qualifipHions for acceptance. conditions for continued participation. and set reasonable .. fees and costs associated with the administration of the electronic home detention program. The Chief of Police qr his designee is authorized to review and modify said rules and criteria. and to establish policies ftom time: to time as necessary to operate said program. The written rules and criteria and established policies shall be maintained by the Port Angeles Police Department and by the City Clerk of the City of Pon Angeles and made available to the public for inspection upon request. Section 4 - Severahility. If any provisions of this Ordinance. or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance. or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances. is not affected. Section -; - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of Apri 1 . 1997. " .,-...... \ ....... \ \ : t.....- < ~ --"~~'~~'....... _J I M~R A TIEST: ~::~y ~J ~ ~~J~y ~l~~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: /: (;~ XJ~ Craig D~nutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: Aoril 20, 1997 (By Summary) A:\J'1.0' 6 - 2 - . . . - "'''''i:p:~'fff'!'''~?:~J,~~_''''-''-'' . f i>''''~,~'r(~i'<;';~,:':f?/.'~~'''\~'~ . ~ORTA:NGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 17, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ SUBJECT: BP A Power Sales Agreement Summary: Staffhas negotiated a power sales agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration to provide the wholesale electric power requirements for the City. This agreement will cover the period from October 2001 through September 2011. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the attached agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration to provide the City's power supply for the ten year period from October 2001 to September 2011. . Backl!round / Analysis: The City's electric utility currently has agreements for wholesale power supply from three different providers. The majority of the City's supply comes from the Bonneville Power Administration (77%), with the remainder being supplied by Avista Power (22%) and Columbia Storage Power Exchange (CSPE) (I %). The Bonneville supply agreement expires on September 30,200 I, the A vista agreement on September 30,2003, and the CSPE agreement on March 31,2003. Market prices for power during this period are expected to be much higher than the prices available from BP A. By signing the attached power sales agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration, we will replace power purchased under all the expiring agreements with BP A Priority Firm purchases (Bonneville's lowest cost power). This will assure the City of a low cost power supply through the term of the agreement. The primary difference between the attached agreement and the agreement the City signed with BP A in 1996 is that it does not include rates set for the entire term of the agreement. Rates will be determined in a BP A formal rate proceeding at various times throughout the agreement as determined by BP A. Initial rates for the first five years of the agreement are set, but will likely be adjusted by the Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause(CRAC) due to the high prices BPA is currently paying to augment their generating resources. The City's Account Executive from BPA will be present at the Council meeting on October 17th to answer questions about the agreement. This power supply proposal was reviewed at the October 9, UAC meeting. and was recommended for approval. The City has recently contracted with Economic and Engineering Services to perform a financial study ofthe electric utility. This study should be complete by the end of the year and will determine how residential and commercial retail rates will be affected by the new wholesale power rates. . Attach: N:\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\MEMOS\CClO 17.WPD 7 Contract No.OOPB-12054 FULL SERVICE POWER SALES AGREEMENT executed by the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION and PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT Table of Contents . Section 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 8 Term .. ....................... ................. .... ........................ ..................................................... .... Defini ti ons .......................... ..... ............................................... ....................... A p p Ii ca hie Rate s .... ................................... ............................ ... ....... ............................ Priority Firm Power Product .................................................................... . Loa d Loss ..... ............................ ...... ................................... ... ............................................. Retail Acce ss Implementation ...................................................... ...... ....... S ch e d uling ........ ............................................................................................. De livery ................. ...... .................... ............. ............. ............................................................ Measure men t ......... .......... ....... ... ............................................................................ Billing and Payment ........... ......................... ................................................ N oti ces ................ ........ ........... ......................................................................... Cost Re covery . ......... ........................................................... .......................... Un con trolla hIe Force s . ............ ......... ... ....... ......................... ...... ........ .......... Governing Law and Dispute Resolution ................................................. Statu tory Provisi ons ...... ~......... .................................................................... Stan dard Provi si ons ............. ............................................... ........................ T e rmina ti on ............ ..................... .................................................................. Signa ture s .... .................. ..... ....... ................ ........................................... ......... Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Rate Commitments Billing Net Requirements Additional Products and Special Provisions Points of Measurement Page 2 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 8 9 11 11 11 12 14 17 19 19 . . . . . This FULL SERVICE POWER SALES AGREEMENT (Agreement) is executed by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Department of Energy, acting by and through the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION (BPA), and PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT (Port Angeles). Port Angeles is a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington. RECITALS This Agreement will replace Contract No. 96MS-95027 which continues through September 30, 2001. BP A has administratively divided its organization into two business lines in order to functionally separate the administration and decision-making activities of BPA's power business from the administrative and decision-making activities of its transmission business. References in this Agreement to the Power Business Line are solely for the purpose of establishing which BPA business line is responsible for the administration of this Agreement. The Parties agree: 1. TERM This Agreement takes effect on the date signed by BP A and Port Angeles. Performance by BP A and Port Angeles, except for the preparatory actions for performance, shall commence on October 1, 2001, and shall continue through September 30, 2011 (Expiration Date). 2. DEFINITIONS Capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the meanings defined below, in the exhibits or in context. All other capitalized terms and acronyms are defined in BPA's applicable Wholesale Power Rate Schedules, including the General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs), or it,s successors. (a) "Alternate Supplier" means an entity, other than Port Angeles, or a consumer of Port Angeles serving its own load with an on site resource, that provides electric power service directly to a retail electric power consumer that receives service over the distribution system of Port Angeles under Voluntary Retail Access or Mandated Retail Access. (b) "Amounts Taken" means the amount of power provided by PBL to serve Port Angeles's load as measured at the Points of Measurement. (c) "Annexed Load" means the amount of load, including the increase in load associated with an annexation, that is added to Port Angeles's distribution system after September 30, 2000 due to Port Angeles's acquisition by condemnation, purchase or other legal process, as authorized under applicable state law, of distribution facilities and the obligation to serve the OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 2 9 retail electric power consumers connected to the facilities. Annexed Load amounts are shown in Exhibit A, Rate Commitments. (d) "Contract Year" or "CY" means the period that begins each October 1 and which ends the following September 30. For instance Contract Year 2002 begins October 1, 2001, and continues through September 30, 2002. (e) "Contracted Power" means Firm Power and Surplus Firm Power provided under this Agreement. (f) "Diurnal" means the division of hours of the day between Heavy Load Hours (HLH) and Light Load Hours (LLH). (g) "Firm Power" means electric power that PBL will make continuously available to Port Angeles under this Agreement. (h) "Mandated Retail Access" means the right, mandated either by Federal, or state law of retail electric power consumers to either acquire electric power service directly from one or more Alternate Suppliers of such electric power, or choose electric power service from a portfolio of power supply options, without Port Angeles taking an ownership interest. (i) "New Large Single Load" or "NLSL" means the definition established for NLSL in the Northwest Power Act, as implemented in a NLSL policy developed by BPA after this Agreement is executed. (j) "Northwest Power Act" means the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980, P.L. 96-501. (k) "Party" or "Parties" means PBL and/or Port Angeles. (1) "Points of Measurement" means the points at which Total Retail Load and Amounts Taken are measured as set forth in Exhibit E, Points of Measurement. (m) "Points of Receipt" means the points of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where Contracted Power will be made available to Port Angeles's transmission provider by PBL. (n) "Power Business Line" or "PBL" means the administrative unit of the Bonneville Power Administration, United States Department of Energy, or its successor, which is acting by and for BPA in making this contract, and which is responsible for the management of marketing and sale of Federal power under BP A statutes. (0) "Region" means the definition established for "Region" in the Northwest Power Act. OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 10 . . . 3 . . . I I I (p) "Returned Retail Load" r1ie~h~];a retail electric power consumer load that returns to Port Angeles for electric power service after receiving electric power service from an Alternate Supplier. (q) "Surplus Firm Power" means surplus firm electric power that is made available and sold consistentwith section 5(f) of the Northwest Power Act and subject to the provisions of P.L. 88-552 which is made available under this Agreement. (I') "Total Retail Load" means all electric power consumption including electric system losses, within a utility's distribution system as measured at Points of Measurement, adjusted as needed for unmetered loads or generation, less nonfirm or interruptible loads agreed to by the Parties. No distinction is made between load that is served with Contracted Power and load that is served with electric power from other sources. (8) "Transmission Business Line" or "TBL" means that portion of the BP A organization or its successor that is responsible for the management and sale of transmission service on the Federal Columbia River Transmission System (FCRTS). (t) "Voluntary Retail Access" means retail access that is not Mandated Retail Access and under which the retail electric power consumer has the ability to either acquire electric power service directly from one or more Alternate Suppliers of such electric power, or choose electric power service from a portfolio of power supply op.~igns, without Port Angeles taking an ownership interest. .. 3. APPLICABLE RATES Purchases under this Agreement may be subject to more than one rate schedule. The Priority Firm Power (PF), New Resource Firm Power (NR), and Firm Power Products and Services (FPS) rate schedules, including the GRSPs, or their successors, apply to power purchases under this Agreement. Purchases under each rate schedule are established as follows. (a) Priority Firm Power Rate.i Section 4 of the body of this Agreement, Exhibit A (Rate Commitments), and Exhibit B (Billing), identify rates and Contracted Power amounts subject to the PF rate schedule. (b) New Resource Firm Power Rate Section 15 of the body of this Agreement, Exhibit A, (Rate Commitments), and Exhibit B (Billing) identify rates and Contracted Power amounts subject to the NR rate schedule. (c) Firm Power Products and Services Rate OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 4 11 Except when otherwise specified in this Agreement Exhibit D (Additional Products and Special Provisions) identifies. rates, products, and amounts subject to the FPS rate schedule. . 4. PRIORITY FIRM POWER PRODUCT PBL shall sell and make available and Port Angeles shall purchase under the applicable PF rates Contracted Power in hourly amounts equal to Port Angeles's Total Retail Load minus the following: (a) Port Angeles and Non-Port Angeles.Resources Port Angeles and non-PortAngeles resources as established in Exhibit C, Net Requirements. (b) New Large Single Loads NLSL amounts, if any, as established in Exhibit A, Rate Commitments that. are served at the NR Rate. (c) Other Loads and Amounts Other loads and amounts as established in Exhibit D, Additional Products and Special Provisions. (d) Loads Served By an Alternate Supplier Under Mandated Retail Access Loads served by an Alternate Supplier under Mandated Retail Access as measured at the appropriate Points of Measurement, or in amounts agreed to by the Parties. . 5. LOAD LOSS (a) Limitation on Damages PBL shall bill Port Angeles monthly for any power Port Angeles was contractually obligated to purchase that month, but did not take for any reason other than Mandated or Voluntary Retail Access, at the rates PBL would have charged Port Angeles if Port Angeles had taken such power under this Agreement. Up to 60 days after the end of each Contract Year, PBL may determine if Port Angeles purchased less Contracted Power in any month during the previous Contract Year, due to Voluntary Retail Access load loss, than it was contractually obligated to purchase under this Agreement (Monthly Purchase Deficiency). If PBL makes such a determination it shall calculate the reasonable market value of each Monthly Purchase Deficiency taking into account the differing market values within each month during such Contract Year. Port Angeles shall pay PBL damages for such Contract Year equal to the amount by which the sum of the product of the Monthly Purchase Deficiencies and the amount PBL would have charged if the power had been taken under this Agreement exceeds the sum of the product of the Monthly Purchase Deficiencies and the reasonable market value in each month. PBL may require through a written notice to . 5 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 12 . . . ~r~~~~~~:m:>tf~.7~,:<(r;'i~~~~~'~ Port Angeles that Port AiigE!H~s provide"a reasonable forecast of its expected load loss amounts for a Contract Year. (b) Returned Retail Loads Port Angeles shall notify PBL of any Returned Retail Load and provide PBL with metering information for such loads prior to PBL providing any power to serve such loads. Port Angeles agrees not to request from PBL service under section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act for a Returned Retail Load which would commence earlier than one year after the date the Returned Retail Load began receiving service from the Alternate Supplier. Any request for service to Returned Retail Loads would be established pursuant to section 4(c) of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments. 6. RETAIL ACCESS IMPLEMENTATION Port Angeles agrees to use its best efforts and all legal recourse to defend itself in any legal action in which it is alleged that the failure of Port Angeles to provide open access to its distribution system to Alternate Suppliers constitutes a violation of state or Federal antitrust laws. At least 180 days before Port Angeles allows Voluntary Retail Access or before the effective date of Mandated Retail Access, the Parties shall amend the terms of this Agreement, if and to the extent necessary, to reflect the following Port Angeles obligations: (a) Port Angeles shall ensure that PBL has access to information adequate to plan, schedule, and bill for'service rendered under this Agreement; and (b) Port Angeles shall ensure tl}a.~any reta.il.electric power consumer, that receives all or a portion of it~'p~wer supply from an Alternate Supplier, acquires all services necessary to support such service, including without limitation energy imbalance service. 7. SCHEDULING The Parties shall amend this Agreement as needed if any transmission tariff or regulatory agency requires or recommends changes that PBL decides to accept, which PBL determines require power scheduling provisions be made a part of this Agreement. 8. DELIVERY (a) Transmission Service for Contracted Power This Agreement does not provide transmission services for, or include the delivery of, Contracted Power to Port Angeles. Port Angeles shall be responsible for executing one or more wheeling agreements with a transmission supplier for the delivery of Contracted Power (Wheeling Agreement). The Parties agree to take such actions as may be necessary to facilitate the delivery of Contracted Power to Port Angeles consistent with the terms, notice, and the time limits contained in the Wheeling Agreement. OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 6 13 (b) Liability for Delivery Port Angeles waives any claims against PBL arising under this Agreement for nondelivery of power to any points beyond the applicable Points of Receipt. PBL shall not be liable for any third-party claims related to the delivery of power after it leaves the Points of Receipt. In no event will either Party be liable under this Agreement to the other Party for damage that results from any sudden, unexpected, changed, or abnormal electrical condition occurring in or on any electric system, regardless of ownership. These limitations on liability apply regardless of whether or not this Agreement provides for transfer service. (c) Points of Receipt PBL shall make Contracted Power available to Port Angeles under this Agreement at Points of Receipt solely for the purpose of scheduling transmission to points of delivery on Port Angeles's distribution system. Port Angeles shall schedule, if scheduling is necessary, such Contracted Power solely for use by its firm retail electric power consumer load. PBL, for purposes of scheduling transmission for delivery under this Agreement, specified Points of Receipt in a written notice to Port Angeles prior to August 1, 2000. If required by the Wheeling Agreement when PBL designates such Points of Receipt, PBL will provide capacity amounts for transmission under the Wheeling Agreement associated with the initial Points of Receipt that can be accepted as firm Points of Receipt under Port Angeles's Wheeling Agreement (except in the event that all Points of Receipt on the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) would be considered nonfirm). The sum of capacity amounts requested by PBL shall not exceed the amount reasonably necessary for PBL to provide Contracted Power. Such Points of Receipt and their capacity amounts may only be changed through mutual agreement. However, at any time PBL may request the use of non firm Points of Receipt to provide Contracted Power to Port Angeles, but notwithstanding section 8(b) above, PBL shall reimburse Port Angeles for any additional costs incurred by Port Angeles due to its compliance with such-request. (d) Transmission Losses -- PBL shall provide Port Angeles the losses between the Points of Receipt and Port Angeles's distribution system for Contracted Power, at no additional charge. Losses will be provided at Points of Receipt as established under section 8(c), and under the terms and conditions as defined in the transmission provider's tariff. (e) Points of Measurement Losses Measured amounts of Contracted Power shall be adjusted to account for losses, if any, that occur between the points where Contracted Power enters Port Angeles's system and the respective Points of Measurement. OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 14 . . . 7 . . . I (f) Hourly Load Matching';;-;rS,I'/! For purposes of this section "Load Matching" means the obligation within the hour to match generation with Contracted Power. PBL intends to provide this service under this Agreement. If however PBL is not.allowed to provide Load Matching under this Agreement,. PBL may revise this Agreement as necessary to reflect the need for Port Angeles to arrange and pay for Load Matching. If PB~ is not allowed to provide Load Matching under this Agreement, PBL shall provide a credit to Port Angeles under the FPS 1996 Rate Schedule or its successor for the lesser of the actual costs Port Angeles incurs for Load Matching or Amounts Taken multiplied by the amountper kWh that PBL projected it would pay for Load Matching in the Wholesale Power Rate Schedules Port Angeles purchases under. 9. MEASUREMENT The following requirements apply to this Agreement, except for metering of load lost or gained due to Voluntary or Mandated Retail Access, which is governed by section 6, Retail Access Implementation. (a) General Port Angeles authorizes PBL to use metering data as PBL determines is necessary to plan, schedule, and bill for power. Port Angeles agrees to authorize TBL to provide Port Angeles's metering data directly to PBL, subject to any restrictions imposed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). All Points of Measurement are shown in Exhibit E, Points of Measurement. Port Angeles agrees to provide reasonable notice to PBL prior to changing Cont-Epl Areas. (b) BP A Metering BP A is responsible for the installation, operation, maintenance, and replacement of all metering equipment owned by BP A that is needed to plan, schedule, and bill for power. For BPA-owned meters only, Port Angeles authorizes PBL to install at PBL expense any metering equipment on Port Angeles's facilities, that is reasonably necessary to plan, schedule and bill for power, if PBL or Port Angeles are unable to obtain the information from TBL. The installation of such metering equipment shall be subject to a separate agreement between PBL and Port Angeles, addressing the location, access, maintenance, testing, and liability of the Parties with respect to such meters. (c) Port Angeles Metering (1) General Responsibilities Port Angeles is responsible for the installation, operation, maintenance, and replacement of metering equipment (except metering equipment owned by BP A or a transferring party) that is needed by PBL to plan, schedule, and bill for power for: OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 8 15 (A) points of interconnection between Port Angeles's system and parties other than BP A. (B) all loads that require separate measurement for purposes of planning, scheduling, or billing by PBL. (C) generating resources shown in Exhibit C, Net Requirements, that are interconnected to Port Angeles's system. All metering equipment shall meet standards generally accepted by the electric utility industry in the Region for the particular metering application. (2) Existing Metering Metering equipment existing at the time of execution of this Agreement may continue to be used indefinitely, provided it records data hourly and is reported to BP A each month. Metering equipment which does not record hourly may continue to be used in instances when PBL does not need hourly data to plan, schedule, or bill. (3) New Meters Any metering equipment described in subsection 9(c)(1) that is replaced, upgraded, or newly installed shall allow PBL complete electronic access to metering data. Electronic access is the capability for data polling and extraction via PBL's system software as frequently as needed to plan, schedule, and bill for power. Such meters shall record hourly and enable PBL to extract meter data for a minimum of the previous 45 days. In addition to the general requirements of (I), above, new meters shall meet PBL's published metering standards then in effect for such application. (4) Exceptions Wben the Parties agree metering is economically or technologically impractical, mutually acceptable load profiles may be used instead of metered amounts. Wbere power amounts are scheduled in or out of the Port Angeles's service territory, scheduled amounts shall be used, if appropriate, to determine the amount of Contracted Power delivered. 10. BILLING AND PAYMENT (a) Billing PBL shall bill Port Angeles monthly, consistent with applicable BPA rates, including the GRSPs and the provisions of this Agreement for the Amounts Taken, payments pursuant to section 5, and other services provided to Port Angeles in the preceding month or months under this Agreement. PBL may send Port Angeles an estimated bill followed by a final bill. PBL shall send all bills on the bill's issue date either electronically or by mail, at Port OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 16 . . . 9 . . . . ~~~~'i~);1"i:,:"'~':\~~~(~~~' Angeles's option. If electronic transmittal of the entire bill is not practical, PBL shall transmit a summary electronically, and se.nd the entire bill by mail. (b) Payment Payment of all bills, whether estimated or final, must be received by the 20th day after the issue date of the bill (Due Date). If the 20th day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the Due Date is the next business day. If payment has been made on an estimated bill before receipt of a final bill for the same month, Port Angeles shall pay only the amount by which the final bill exceeds the payment made for the estimated bill. PBL shall provide Port Angeles the amounts by which an estimated bill exceeds a final bill through either a check or as a credit on the subsequent month's bill. Mter the Due Date, a late payment charge shall be applied each day to any unpaid balance. The late payment charge is calculated by dividing the Prime Rate for Large Banks as reported in the Wall Street Journal, plus 4 percent; by 365. The applicable Prime Rate for Large Banks shall be the rate reported on the first day of the month in which payment is received. Port Angeles shall pay by electronic funds transfer using BPA's established procedures. PBL may terminate this Agreement if Port Angeles is more than three months behind in paying its bills under this Agreement and Port Angeles cannot demonstrate an ability to make the payments owed. (c) Disputed Bills In case of a billing dispute, Port Angeles shall note the disputed amount and pay its bill in full by the DU,rJ:>ate. Unpaid bills (including both disputed and undisputed amounts) ~r"e ~ubject to lilte payment charges provided above. If Port Angeles is entitled to a refund of any portion of the disputed amount, then BP A shall make such refund with simple interest computed from the date of receipt of the disputed payment to the date the refund is made. The daily interest rate used to determine the interest is calculated by dividing the Prime Rate for Large Banks as reported in the Wall Street Journal; by 365. The applicable Prime Rate for Large Banks shall be the rate reported on the first day of the month in which payment is received by BPA. 10 OOPB.12054, Port Angeles 17 11. NOTICES Any notice required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered: (a) in person; (b) by a nationally recognized delivery service; or (c) by United States Certified Mail. Notices are effective when received. Either Party may change its address for notices by giving notice of such change consistent with this section. .' If to Port Angeles: If to PBL: Port Angeles City Light PO Box 1150 Port Angeles WA 98362-0217 Attn: Scott McLain Deputy Director of Power Systems 360-317-4703 360-417-4709 paligh t@ci.port-angeles.wa.us Phone: FAX: E-Mail: Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 3621 Portland, OR 97208-3621 Attn: Charles W. Forman, Jr. - PSW/6 Account Executive 503-230-3432 503-230-3544 cformanjr@bpa.gov Phone: FAX: E- Mail: 12. COST RECOVERY (a) Nothing included in or omitted from this Agreement creates or extinguishes any right or obligation, if any, of BP A to assess against Port Angeles and Port Angeles to pay to BP A at any time a cost underrecovery charge pursuant to an applicable transmission rate schedule or otherwise applicable law. . (b) BPA may adjust the rates for Contracted Power set forth in the applicable power rate schedule during the term of this Agreement pursuant to the Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause in the 2002 GRSPs, or successor GRSPs. 13. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES PBL shall not be in breach of its obligation to provide Contracted Power and Port Angeles shall not be in breach of its obligation to purchase Contracted Power to the extent the failure to fulfill that obligation is due to an Uncontrollable Force. "Uncontrollable Force" means an event beyond the reasonable control of, and without the fault or negligence of, the Party claiming the Uncontrollable Force that impairs that Party's ability to perform its contractual obligations under this Agreement and which, by exercise of that Party's reasonable diligence and foresight, such Party could not be expected to avoid and was unable to avoid. Uncontrollable Forces include, but are not limited to: (a) any unplanned curtailment or interruption for any reason of firm transmission used to deliver Contracted Power to Port Angeles's facilities or distribution system, including but not limited to unplanned maintenance outages; . 11 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 18 . . . '-f:r~~~t~t-:~~~~t'tf:;1: ~'<-;)';J'"~_~;.~f:~\!;'f~~~~tf' (b) any unplanned curtailm~iitfBr"interrup:tion, failure or imminent failure of Port Angeles's distribution facilities, including but not limited to unplanned maintenance outages; (c) any planned transmission or distribution outage that affects either Port Angeles or PBL which was provided by a third-party transmission or distribution owner, or by a transmission provider, including TBL, that is. functionally separated from the generation provider in conformance-with - FERC Orders 888 and 889 or its successors; (d) strikes or work stoppage, including the threat of imminent strikes or work stoppage; (e) floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters; and (f) orders or injunctions issued by any court having competent subject matter jurisdiction, or any order of an administrative officer which the Party claiming the Uncontrollable Force, after diligent efforts, was unable to have stayed, suspended, or set aside pending review by a court of competent subject matter jurisdiction. Neither the unavailability of funds or financing, nor conditions of national or local economies or markets shall be considered an Uncontrollable Force. The economic hardship of either Party shall not cohstitute an Uncontrollable Force. Nothing contained in this provision shall be construed to require either Party to settle any strike or labor dispute in which it mliY be involved. The Party claiming the Uncontrollable Force shall notify the other Party as soon as practicable of that Party's inability to meet its obligations under this Agreement due to an Uncontrollable Force. The Party claiming the Uncontrollable Force also agrees to notify any control area involved in the scheduling of a transaction which may be curtailed due to an Uncontrollable Force. Both Parties shall be excused from their respective obligations, other than from payment obligations incurred prior to the Uncontrollable Force, without liability to the other, for the duration of the Uncontrollable Force and the period reasonably required for the Party claiming the Uncontrollable Force, using due diligence, to restore its operations to conditions existing prior to the occurrence of the Uncontrollable Force. 14. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION (a) This Agreement shall be interpreted consistent with and governed by Federal law . Final actions subject to section 9( e )of the Northwest Power Act are not subject to binding arbitration and shall remain within the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Any dispute regarding any rights of the Parties under any BP A policy, including the implementation of such policy, shall not be subject to arbitration under OOPB.12054, Port Angeles 12 19 this Agreement. Port Angeles reserves the right to seek judicial resolution of any dispute arising under this Agreement that is not subject to arbitration under this section 14. Fpr purposes of this section 14 BPA policy means any written document adopted by BPA as a final action in a decision record or record of decision that establishes a policy of general application, or makes a determination under an applicable statute. If either Party asserts that a dispute is excluded from arbitration under this section 14, either Party may apply to the Federal court having jurisdiction for an order determining whether such dispute is subject to arbitration under this section 14. . (b) Any contract dispute or contract issue between the Parties arising out of this Agreement, except for disputes that are excluded through section 14(a) above, shall be subject to binding arbitration. The Parties shall make a good faith effort to resolve such disputes before initiating arbitration proceedings. During arbitration, the Parties shall continue performance under this Agreement pending resolution of the dispute, unless to do so would be impossible or impracticable. (c) Any arbitration shall take place in Portland, Oregon, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution's arbitration procedures for commercial arbitration, Non-Administered Arbitration Rules (CPR Rules), shall be used for each dispute; provided, however, that: (1) the Parties shall have the discovery rights provided in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure unless the Parties agree otherwise; and (2) for claims of $1 million or more, each arbitration shall be conducted by a panel of three neutral arbitrators. The Parties shall select the arbitrators from a list containing the names of 15 qualified individuals supplied by the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution. If the Parties cannot agree upon three arbitrators on the list within 20 business days, the Parties shall take turns striking names from the list of proposed arbitrators. The Party initiating the arbitration shall take the first strike. This process shall be repeated until three arbitrators remain on the list, and those individuals shall be designated as the arbitrators. For disputes involving less than $1 million, a single neutral arbitrator shall be selected consistent with section 6 of the CPR Rules. . (d) Except for arbitration awards which declare the rights and duties of the Parties under this Agreement, the payment of monies shall be the exclusive remedy available in any arbitration proceeding. Under no circumstances shall specific performance be an available remedy against BP A. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both Parties, except that either Party may seek judicial review based upon any of the grounds referred to in the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 D.S.C. ~1-16 (1988). Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. (e) Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs of arbitration, including legal fees. The arbitrators may apportion all other costs of arbitration . 13 20 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles . . . ~ifcl'),~'~'K?~~:*"~\(l":.::".;i1y1'~"-~~<~,~,,'":_' ")f\'i;'; between the Parties in sil8lfi'ifii~nner as they deem reasonable taking into account the circumstances of the case, the conduct of the Parties during the proceeding, and the result of the arbitration. 15. STATUTORY PROVISIONS (a) Annual Financial Report and Retail Rate Schedules Port Angeles shall provide PBL with a current copy of its annual financial report and its retail rate schedules, as required by Section 5(a) of the Bonneville Project Act, P.L. 75-329. (b) Insufficiency and Allocations If BPA determines, consistent with section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act and other applicable statutes, that it will not have sufficient resources on a planning basis to serve its loads after taking all actions required by applicable laws then BP A shall give Port Angeles a written notice that BP A may restrict service. Such notice shall be consistent with BPA's insufficiency and allocations methodology, published in the Federal Register on March 20, 1996, and shall state the effective date of the restriction, the amount of Port Angeles's load to be restricted, and the expected duration of the restriction. BP A shall not change that methodology without the written agreement of all affected customers. Such restriction shall take effect no sooner than five years after notice is given t<J \or~ Angeles. If BP A imposes a restriction under this provision then the'8riiount of Contracted Power that Port Angeles is obligated to purchase pursuant to section 4 shall be reduced to the amounts available under su~J1 restricted service. (c) New Large Single Loads (1) General All existing NLSLs are listed in section 5 of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments. Port Angeles shall provide reasonable notice to PBL of any expected increase in load that is likely to qualify as a new NLSL. Port Angeles may either serve a NLSL with Contracted Power or with power from another source. For purposes of this section (c), "Consumer" means an end-user of electric power or energy'. (2) Determination of a Facility PBL, in consultation with Port Angeles, shall make a reasonable determination of what constitutes a single facility, for the purpose of identifying a NLSL, based upon the following criteria: (A) whether the load is operated by a single Consumer; (B) whether the load is in a single location; (C) whether the load serves a manufacturing process which produces a single product or type of product; OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 14 21 (D) whether separable portions of the load are interdependent; . (E) whether the load is contracted for, served or billed as a single load under Port Angeles's customary billing and service policy; (F) consistent application of the foregoing criteria in similar fact situations; and (G) any other factors the Parties determine to be relevant. PBL shall show an increase in load associated with a Consumer's facility which has been determined to be a NLSL in section 5 of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments. PBL shall have the unilateral right to amend Exhibit A to reflect such determinations when made. (3) Determination ofTen Average Megawatt Increase An increase in load shall be considered a NLSL if the energy consumption of the Consumer's load associated with a new facility, an existing facility, or expansion of an existing facility during the immediately past 12-month period exceeds by 10 average megawatts or more the Consumer's energy consumption for such new facility, existing facility or expansion of an existing facility for the consecutive 12-month period one year earlier, or the amount of the contracted for, or committed to load of the Consumer as of September 1, 1979, whichever is greater. . (4) CF/CT Loads Port Angeles has no loads that were contracted for, or committed to, as of September 1, 1979, as defined in section 3(13)(A) of the Northwest Power Act. (d) Priority of Pacific Northwest Customers The provisions of sections 9(c) and (d) of the Northwest Power Act and the provisions ofP.L. 88-552 as amended by the Northwest Power Act are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. BPAagrees that Port Angeles, together with other customers in the Region shall have priority to BP A power, consistent with such provisions. (e) Prohibition on Resale Port Angeles shall not resell PF or NR Contracted Power except to serve Port Angeles's Total Retail Load or as otherwise permitted by Federal law . (f) Use of Regional Resources (1) Within 60 days prior to the start of each Contract Year, Port Angeles shall notify PBL of any firm power from a generating resource, or a contract resource during its term, that has been used to serve firm . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 15 22 - (D) whether'~~'~'~~~ble porti~ns of the load are interdependent; (E) whether the load is contracted for, served or billed as a single load under Port Angeles's customary billing and service'policy; (F) consistent application of the foregoing criteria in similar fact situations; and (0) any other factors the Parties determine to be relevant. PBL shall show an increase in load associated with a Consumer's facility which has been determined to be a NLSL in section 5 of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments. PBL shall have the unilater8.l right to amend Exhibit A to reflect such determinations when made. (3) Determination ofTen Average Megawatt Increase An increase in load shall be considered a NLSL if the energy consumption of the Consumer's load associated with a new-facility, an existing facility, or expansion of an existing facility during the immediately past 12-month period exceeds by 10 average megawatts or more the Consumer's energy consumption for such new facility, existing facility or expansion of an existing facility for the consecutive 12-month period one year earlier, or the amount of the contracted for, or committed to load of the Consumer as of September 1, 1979, whichever is greater. (4) CF/CT Loads The following loads were determined by the Administrator to be contracted for, committed to, as of September 1, 1979, as definedin section 3(13)(A) of the NorthwestPower Act, and are subject to the applicable rate for the rest (non-NLSL) of Port Angeles's load: Retail electric power consumer's name: Daishowa America Co. Amount of firm energy contracted for, or committed to, as of Septembee1,1979: 40.3 aMW, Facility description: Daishowa Pulp & Paper Facility in Port Angeles, Washington. (d) Priority of Pacific Northwest Customers The provisions of sections9(c) and (d) of the Northwest Power Act and the provisions ofP.L. 88-552 as 'amended by the Northwest Power Act are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. BPA agrees that Port Angeles, together with other customers in the Region shall have priority to BPA power, consistent with such provisions. ' OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 15 . (2) (3) . (4) . consumer load in the Region that Port Angeles plans to export for sale outside the Region in the next Contract Year. PBL may dur,ing such Contract Year, request additional information on Port Angeles resources if PBL has information that Port Angeles may have made such an export and not notified PBL. PBL may request and Port Angeles shall provide within 30 days of such request, information on the planned use of any or all of Port Angeles's generating and contractual resources. Port Angeles shall be responsible for monitoring any firm power from generating resources and contract resources it sells in the Region to ensure such firm power is delivered to be used to serve firm consumer load in the Region. If Port Angeles fails to report to PBL in accordance with section (1), above, any of its planned exports for sale outside the Region of firm power from a generating resource or a contract resource that has been used to serve firm consumer load in the Region, and PBL makes a finding that an export which was not reported was made, then PBL may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written notice to Port Angeles. If PBL concludes that the failure to report is inadvertent and unlikely to reoccur PBL shall not terminate this Agreement and may instead elect to decrement the amount of Contracted Power by up to two times the amount of the export that was not reported. When applicable such decrements shall be established consistent with section 4(c) of Exhibit C. For purposes of this section, an export for sale outside the Region means a contract for the sale or disposition of firm power from a generating resource, or a contract resource during its term, that has been used to serve firm consumer load in the Region in a manner that such output is not planned to be used solely to serve firm consumer load in the Region. Delivery of firm power outside the Region under a seasonal exchange agreement that is made consistent with BPA's section 9(c) policy will not be considered an export. Firm power from a generating resource or contract resource used to serve firm consumer load in the Region means the firm generating or load carrying capability of a generating resource or contract resource as established under Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement resource planning criteria, or other resource planning criteria generally used for such purposes within the Region. BP A Appropriations Refinancing Act The Parties agree that the BP A Refinancing Section of the Omnibus Consolidated Recisions and Appropriations Act of 1996 (The BPA Refinancing Act), P.L. No. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321, 1350, as stated in the United States Code on the date this Agreement is signed by the Parties, is incorporated by reference and is a material term of this Agreement. The (g) . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 16 23 . Parties agree that this provision and the incorporated text shall be included in subsequent agreements between the Parties, as a materia1.term through at least September 30,2011. 16. STANDARD PROVISIONS (a) Amendments No oral or written amendment, rescission, waiver, modification, or other change of this Agreement shall be of any force'or effect unless set forth in a written instrument signed by authorized representatives of each Party. (b) Assignment This Agreement is binding on any successors and assigns of the Parties. BPA may assign this Agreement to another Federal agency to which BPA's statutory duties have been transferred. Neither Party may otherwise transfer or assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Party's written consent. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. BPA shall consider any request for assignment consistent with applicable BPA Statutes. Port Angeles may not transfer or assign this Agreement to any of its retail customers. (c) Information Exchange and Confidentiality The Parties shall provide each other with any information that is reasonably required, and requested by either Party in writing, to operate under and administer this Agreement, including load forecasts for planning purposes, information needed to resolve billing disputes, scheduling and metering information reasonably necessary to prepare power bills that is not otherwise available to the requesting Party. Such information shall be provided in a timely manner. Information may be exchanged by any means agreed to by the Parties. If such information is subject to aprivilege of confidentiality, a confidentiality agreement or statutory restriction under state or Federal law on its disclosure by a Party to this Agreement, then that Party shall endeavor to obtain whatever consents, releases, or agreements are necessary from the person holding the privilege to provide such information while asserting the confidentiality over the information. Information provided to BPA which is subject to a privilege of confidentiality or nondisclosure shalL be clearly marked as such and BP A shall not disclose such information without obtaining the consent of the person or Party asserting the privilege, consistent with BPA's obligation under the Freedom oflnformation Act. BP A may use such information as necessary to provide service or timely bill for service under this Agreement. BP A shall only disclose information received under this provision to BPA employees who need the information for purposes of this Agreement. (d) Entire Agreement This Agreement, including all provisions, exhibits incorporated as part of this Agreement, and documents incorporated by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties. It supersedes all previous 17 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 24 . . . . . . ~~'~/tr:tl~~'~J:,~?:t't~;;<::~:-:;;'-"\';-W;-:~:';~~:r~~i~~~~~~~~':'i;-! communications, representatIons, or conthicts, either written or oral, which purport to describe or embody the subject matter of this Agreement. (e) Exhibits The exhibits listed in the table of contents are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. The exhibits may only be revised upon mutual agreement between the Parties unless otherwise specified in the exhibits. The body of this Agreement shall prevail over the exhibits to this Agreement in the event of a conflict. (f) No Third-Party Beneficiaries This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and legal benefit of the Parties, and no other person shall be a direct or indirect legal beneficiary of, or have any direct or indirect cause of action or claim in connection with this Agreement. (g) Waivers Any waiver at any time by either Party to this Agreement of its rights with respect to any default or any other matter arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be consIdered a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or matter. (h) BP A Policies Any reference in this Agreeml:mt to BP A policies, including without limitation BPA's NLSL Policy and the 5(b)/9(c) Policy, and any revisions thereto, does not constitute~!~,~r~ement by Port Angeles to such policy, nor shall it be construed to be a'waiver of the right of Port Angeles to seek judicial review of any such policy. (i) Severability , If any term of this Agreement is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction then such term shall remain in force to the maximum extent permitted by law. All other terms shall remain in force unless that term is determined not to be severable from all other provisions of this Agreement by such court. (j) Rate Covenant Port Angeles agrees that it will establish, maintain, and collect rates or charges for power and energy and other services, facilities and commodities sold, furnished or supplied by it through any of its electric utility properties which shall be adequate to provide revenues sufficient to enable Port Angeles to make the payments required under this Agreement. (k) Hold Harmless Each Party assumes all liability for injury or damage to persons or property arising from the act or negligence of its own employees, agents, members of governing bodies, or contractors. Each Party shall indemnify and hold the other Party harmless from any liability arising from such act or negligence. 18 OOPB.12054, Port Angeles 25 17. TERMINATION Port Angeles may terminate this Agreement through a written notice up to 30 days after FERC grants interim approval for BPA's wholesale power rates that are effective October 1, 2001. In addition, Port Angeles shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if all of the following conditions have been satisfied: . (a) Any rates adopted in WP-02 Final Rate Proposal, Administrator's Final Record of Decision are remanded to BPA for reconsideration by FERC or the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. (b) As a result of the remand, the Administrator publishes a subsequent Final Record of Decision which, if confirmed, would result in Port Angeles being subject to a higher average effective power rate for the period beginning the first day of the billing period immediately following the effective date of new rates contained in the subsequent Final Record of Decision and ending on September 30, 2006. (c) Port Angeles has provided written notice to BP A of its intent to terminate this Agreement within 30 days of publication of the subsequent Final Record of Decision. Termination shall be effective at the start of the second billing period following the termination notice. . 18. SIGNATURES The signatories represent that they are authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the party for whom they sign. PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department. of Energy Bonneville Power Administration By By Account Executive Name (Print/Type) Name Charles W. Forman. Jr. (Print/Type) Title Date Date (pBLLAN_PSW/6-W:WSw\PM\1l_16\Port Angeles\00PB-12054 10 FS.doc) 09/29/00 . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 19 26 . . . ""';~~gJ'~'~,:~'<-1~~'~~j'~;.-''';:':'',':;'' ~';:>_"':..!~,Y~;[.,t::~0i!~;:;\~k~,;:-" Exhibit A RATE COMMITMENTS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "5-Year Rates" means the Lowest PF Rates established in the 2002 Wholesale Power Rate Case for Contract Years 2002 through 2006. (b) "Lowest PF Rates" means the lowest applicable cost-based power rates provided under the applicable PF rate schedule as appljed to Port Angeles's Contracted Power purchases under this Agreement. The Lowest PF Rates shall be selected by Port Angeles from the PF rates that are available and . from which the Parties agree Port Angeles is eligible to purchase under at the time Port Angeles makes its selection as specified in this exhibit. 2. PURCHASE DURATION Port Angeles shall purchase all of the power provided in section 4 of the body of this Agreement for the entire term of this Agreement. 3. PRIORITY FIRM POWER RATE TREATMENT (a) Right to Lowest PF Rates Port Angeles is contractually guaranteed through September 30, 2011 the Lowest PF Rates established in a successor BPA power rates proceeding for its PF Contracted Power purchases under this Agreement. This section shall not be construed to waive, alter, or amend any right that Port Angeles may have under applicable statutes. (b) Revisions to Priority Firm Power Rates BPA agrees that the 5-Year Rates available to Port Angeles consistent with this exhibit shall not be subject to revision during their respective terms, except for the application of a Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause or a Targeted Adjustment Charge as provided in the PF applicable rates schedules and GRSPs and this Agreement. (c) . 5-Year Rates Treatment All Contracted Power purchases provided under section 4 of the body of this Agreement are subject to the 5-Year Rates. The monthly energy rates for Contracted Power are specified in sections II.B3 in the section labeled "Schedule PF-02 Priority Firm Power" in the 2002 Power Rate Schedules. Port Angeles must select a follow-on rate period and associated rates from those offered by BP A, and notify PBL of its selection, by the later of: (1) six months prior to the expiration of the 5-Year Rates; or (2) thirty (30) days after the date BPA's initial proposal for successor rates is published. OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit A, Rate Commitments lof3 27 Otherwise the follow-on rate period and associated rates shall be the shortest . rate period and associated rates that are applicable to Port Angeles. 4. SPECIAL PF LOAD TREATMENT (a) Annexed Loads Port Angeles may make a written request for service to Annexed Loads, including a planned date for such service. Annexed Load amounts that were served by PBL under section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act immediately prior to becoming an Annexed Load will be. provided service under. rates, terms, and conditions that, within the constraints of BPA's applicable policies, are as comparable as possible to what such Annexed Load would have received if the load had not become an Annexed Load. The Parties shall revise this exhibit within 180 days of the request, to establish the rates, terms and conditions for the requested service and to include monthly HLH and LLH MWs in a table below. The table shall identify whether the amounts in the table are deemed to be actual for billing purposes or whether the table is an estimate with bills based on metered amounts. (b) Environmentally Preferred Power Port Angeles may request Environmentally Preferred Power. If available, the Parties shall amend this Agreement to include necessary provisions as mutually agreed. . (c) Returned Retail Load Port Angeles may request service from PBL to serve Returned Retail Load. The Parties shall revise this exhibit to establish monthly HLH and LLH MWs for such servic~ in a table below. The table shall identify whether the amounts in the table are deemed to be actual for billing purposes or whether the table is an estimate with bills based on metered amounts. PBL shall provide service within 180 days of the request at rates BP A has established or establishes as applicable to such loads. The rate treatment for such loads shall continue through Contract Year 2006. Rate treatment after,Contract Year 2006 shall be determined in a future rate case. (d) Load Previously Served By Port Angeles Northwest Power Act Sections 5(b)(1)(A) and/or 5(b)(1)(B) Resources Port Angeles may request service from PBL to serve load that would otherwise be served by Port Angeles's Northwest Power Act sections 5(b)(1)(A) resources and 5(b)(1)(B) generating resources and long-term contract resources that are removed consistent with section 4(d) of Exhibit C, Net Requirements. The Parties shall revise this exhibit to . establish monthly HLH and LLH MWs for such service in a table below. The amounts are deemed to be actual for billing purposes. PBL shall provide service within 180 days of the request at rates BP A has established or . establishes as applicable to such loads. The rate treatment for such loads . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit A, Rate Commitments 2of3 28 . . . :"'~~;~~~~~r~f~t:l:15;:~,:~~~]t:~:~"i'{'~',:':\t~~f,j~~,;~',i'" ? shall continue through Contract Year 2006. Rate treatment after Contract Year 2006 shall be determined in a future rate case. 5. NEW LARGE SINGLE LOADS (a) Port Angeles has no existing NLSL. (b) Port Angeles may request service to a NLSL. The Parties shall revise this exhibit to establish estimated monthly HLH and'LLH MWh for such service in a table below. ' If Port Angeles chooses to serve the NLSL with a resource the resource shall be added consistent with section 4(f) of Exhibit C, Net Requirements. The total amount subtracted from Total Retail Load in section 4 of the body of this Agreement shall be the metered amount of the load. The same metered amount shall be used by PBL for billing purposes when PBL serves the entire NLSL. 6. REVISIONS If this exhibit is inconsistent with BP A's 2002 PF Power Rate Schedule as finally approved by FERC, the Parties shall make a good faith effort to amend this exhibit so that it is consistent. The Parties shall update this exhibit to reflect necessary changes to establish new rate choices consistent with the applicable future rate cases. This shall be done by mutual agreement except as allowed in section 3 of this exhibit. ; (PBLLAN_PSW/6-W:\PSW\PM\U_16\Port Angeles\00PB-12054 10 FS.doc) 09/29/00 OOPB.12054, Port Angeles Exhibit A, Rate Commitments 3of3 29 Exhibit B BILLING . 1. PRIORITY FIRM POWER ENTITLEMENTS (a) The amount of Contracted Power in MWh which is established through section 4 of the body of this Agreement during each applicable Diurnal period establishes Port Angeles's Monthly PF HLH and LLH Energy Entitlements. (b) The amount of Contracted Power in MW which is established through section 4 of the body 'of this Agreement that is made available on Generation System Peak is Port Angeles's Measured Demand. 2. NEW RESOURCE CONTRACTED POWER ENTITLEMENTS (a) The amount of energy served by PBL under section 5 of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments during each applicable Diurnal period establishes Port Angeles's Monthly NR HLH and LLH Energy Entitlements. (b) The amount of demand served by PBL under section 5 of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments that is made available on Generation System Peak is Port Angeles's Measured Demand. 3. UNAUTHORIZED INCREASE CHARGE Amounts Taken from PBL in excess of Contract~d Power shall be subject to the Unauthorized Increase Charge for demand and energy consistent with the applicable BPA Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and GRSPs, unless such power is provided under another contract with PBL. Power that has been provided for energy imbalance service pursuant to an agreement between TBL and Port Angeles will not be subject to an Unauthorized Increase Charge for Demand and Energy under this Agreement. . 4. CONSERVATION AND RENEWABLES DISCOUNT Subject to the terms specified in BPA's applicable Wholesale Power Rate Schedules, including GRSPs, BP A shall apply the Conservation and Renewables Discount to Port Angeles's Contracted Power as established iri section 4 of the body of this Agreement unless Port Angeles has notified PBL before August 2001 that it will not participate in the Conservation and Renewables Discount. For purposes of establishing power amounts eligible for this discount, Port Angeles shall provide PBL a reasonable forecast of such firm power amounts through Contract Year 2006 by no later than August 1, 2001. If during any Contract Year, Port Angeles has significant load loss or gain, the Parties may, by no later than August 31 prior to the succeeding Contract Year, revise the forecast used to calculate the Conservation and Renewables Discount. If the revised forecast is less than 95 percent of, or greater than 105 percent of, the forecast used to calculate the existing Conservation and Renewables Discount, the . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit B, Billing lof2 30 . . . ~'~I:~~'~'f'1!:J0"AA~'~~lf~$i'~f:~t:"):\.:.~"it-:~~m~~ffl~~'%;;~~I revised forecast shall be used to recal~ulate the Conservation and Renewables Discount for the succeeding Contract Years. To retain the full amount of the Conservation and Ren~wables Discount Port Angeles shall satisfy all obligations associated with the Conservation and Renewables Discount as specified in BP A's applicable Wholesale Power Rate Schedules, including GRSPs and the Conservation and Renewables Discount implementation manual. Port Angeles shall reimburse BPA for any amount it received but for which it did not satisfy such obligations. 5. REVISIONS If this exhibit is inconsistent with BPA's 2002 PF Power Rate Schedule as finally approved by FERC, the Parties shall make a good faith effort to amend this exhibit so that it is consistent. (PBLLAN-PSW/6-W:WSW\PM\11_16\Port Angeles\00PB-12054 10 FS.doc) 09/29/00 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit B, Billing 2of2 31 Exhibit C NET REQUIREMENTS . 1. ESTABLISHING NET REQUIREMENT Port Angeles's net requirement is its Total Retail Load less both the resource amounts, if any, established in section 2(d) of this exhibit and the metered amounts of known non-Port Angeles resources, if any, ~stablished in section 3 of this exhibit. Except for mpdifications allowed in section 4 of this exhibit these resource amounts are not allowed to change during the term of this Agreement. 2. CUSTOMER RESOURCES Except when explicitly stated otherwise, the amounts listed in the tables in this section are only for determining Port Angeles's net requirement under this Agreement and do not imply any specific resource operation, nor are the amounts intended to interfere with Port Angeles's decisions on how to operate its specific resources. (a) Non-Dispatchable Resources Committed to Load Port Angeles commits all of the output from the following resources to serve Total Retail Load. The output of each resource is measured at the applicable Points of Measurement listed in Exhibit E, Points of Measurement. None. (b) Declared Output of Specific Port Angeles Resources Port Angeles commits the firm output from the following resources (or an equivalent amount from another source) to serve its Total Retail Load. . (1) Columbia Storage Power & Exchange (CSPE) The following data applies to this resource. Resource Name 5b1A 5b1B , Resource Type # Units I Peak Cap I % Ded. To I Date of (MW's) Load Res. Add Contract No. X CSPE 0.05 % share 0.960 100 . 08113/64 14-03-47310 Date of Removal 03/31/2003 Oct . Nov , Dec I Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I I I Contract Year Aug Sept 2002 Total (MWh) 393 380 393 393 355 393 303 314 304 314 315 357 HLH (MWh) 393 380 393 393 355 393 303 314 304 314 315 357 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak(MW) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 2003 Total (MWh) 370 357 369 369 334 369 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 370 357 369 369 334 369 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2004 Total (MWh) 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles 3 2 Exhibit C, Net Requirements lof 5 """~'\lf~~,;t\!I~~.,<, ~~~t}\~~C,; HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 ,<,';0,',' 0 I..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2005 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2006 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (2) Market purchase. The following data applies to this resource. . 5blA , 5blB I Resource Type I Peak Cap I % Ded. To I Date of I I Resource Name Date of (MWs) Load Res. Add Removal Market Purchase X Contract 13MW 100 10/01/1996 9/30/2003 (AvistaJ I , , . . Contract Year Oct , Nov , Dec I Jan I Feb I Mar I Apr I May I Jun I Jul I Aug I Sept I 2002 Total (MWh) 8,940 8,640 8,928 9,672 8!064 8,928 7,190 7,440 6,480 7,440 8,184 7,920 HLH (~) 5,184 4,992 4,992 5,616 4,608 4,992 4,160 4,320 3,600 4,320 4,752 4,400 LLH (MWh) 3,756 3,648 3,936 4,056 3,456 3,936 3,030 3,120 2,880 3,120 3,432 3,520 Peak (MW) 12.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 ): .. 12.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 2003 Total (MWh) 8,940 8,640 8,928 9,672 8,064 8,928 7,190 7,440 6,480 7,440 8,184 7,920 HLH (MWh) 5,184 4,992 4,992 5,616 4,608 4,992 4,160 4,320 3,600 4,320 4,576. 4,576 LLH (MWh) 3,756 3,648 3,936 4,056 3,456 3,936 3,030 3,120 2,880 3,120 3,608 3,344 Peak (MW) 12.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 2004 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak(MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2005 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2006 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak(MW} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit C, Net Requirements 2of5 33 (c) Unspecified Resource Amounts Committed to Serve Total Retail Load Port Angeles currently has no unspecified resources committed to serve its Total Retail Load and may only add such resources pursuant to sections 4(b), 4(c), and 4(f) below. (d) Total Resource Amounts Committed to Serve Total Retail Load In addition to the any non-dispatchable resources established in 2(a) above, Port Angeles commits each hour to provide the total resource amounts committed in sections 2(b) and 2(c). The amount based on these resource declarations that Port Angeles commits to provide each hour is shown in the table below. These amounts shall be updated whenever sections 2(b) or 2(c) above are modified, consistent with section 4 of this exhibit. Oct Nov Dec , Jan . Feb . Mar , Apr I May I Jun I Jul I I I Contract Year Aug Sept 2002 Total (MWh) 9,333 9,020 9,321 10,065 8,419 9,321 7,493 7,754 6,784 7,754 8,499 8,277 HLH (MWh) 5,577 5,372 5,385 6,009 4,963 5,385 4,463 4,634 3,904 4,634 5,067 4,757 LLH (MWh) 3,756 3,648 3,936 4,056 3,456 3,936 3,030 3,120 2,880 3,120 3,432 3,520 Peak (MW) 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.9 12.9 12.9 10.8 10.8 9.8 10.8 11.8 11.8 2003 Total (MWh) 9,310 8,997 9,297 10,041 8,398 9,297 7,190 7,440 6,480 7,440 8,184 7,920 HLH (MWh) 5,554 5,349 5,361 5,985 4,942 5,361 4,160 4,320 3,600 4,320 4,576 4,576 LLH (MWh) 3,756 3,648 3,936 4,056 3,456 3,936 3,030 3,120 2,880 3,120 3,608 3,344 Peak (MW) 12.8 12.8 12.8 13.8 12.8 12.8 10.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 2004 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2005 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2006 Total (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLH (MWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak (MW) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (e) Port Angeles Resource Not Used To Serve Total Retail Load None. 3. NON-PORT ANGELES GENERATING RESOURCES Known non-Port Angeles resources, if any, greater than 1 MW that provide power to serve Port Angeles's Total Retail Load or such resources that otherwise connect to Port Angeles's distribution system are listed below. The power amounts are measured at the Points of Measurement established for each resource in Exhibit E, Points of Measurement. 34 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit C, Net Requirements 3of5 !. . . . .~~W:~;~~~;4~~,~~;:~H~{*~'~~~~,~r~~"f~~~~} Generatin Resource Name None 4. CHANGES TO RESOURCE AMOUNTS (a) . . Annual Right to Add New Renewable Resources Port Angeles may add new renewable resources to sections 2(a) or 2(b) of this exhibit according to the terms of this provision. Port Angeles shall request the addition of such resources at least 60 days before the start of the Contract Year the resources will be added. The request shall identify the resources, the length of time that the resources shall be applied to Port Angeles's Total Retail Load and power amounts from the resources for each month of the request. PBL will revise section 2 of this exhibit prior to the start of the Contract Year if PBL agrees that the resource meets BP A's standards to qualify for BP A's Conservation and Renewables Discount, subject to any applicable limits established in BPA's policy on net requirements under section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act. Port Angeles shall resume purchasing Contracted Power under this Agreement when its commitment to apply the renewable resource ends. The rate treatment for such power shall be the same Port Angeles would have received for such power if Port Angeles had not chosen to apply a resource under this provision. (b) Resource Additions for a BP A Insufficiency Notice Port Angeles shall add resou..r....ce.s.. under s. .E:l.c. tions 2(b), or 2(c) to replace f'13:"'.. ........ amounts of Contracted Power BP A notifies Port Angeles will not be provided due to a notice under section 15(b) of the body of this Agreement. (c) Decrements for 9(c) Export PBL may determine consistent with BPA's policy implementing section 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act and section 3(d) of P.L 88-552 (9(c) Policy) that an export of a Port Angeles resource requires a reduction in the amount of Federal power that PBL sells under this Agreement. If PBL determines such a reduction is required it will notify Port Angeles of the amount and duration of the reduction. PBL shall revise this exhibit to include such amounts .as unspecified resources for the duration of the export requiring such reduction under section 2(c) above. This amount shall be identified separately from any other amounts of unspecified resources established in that provision. The addition to section 2(c) shall also be included in the total resource amount established in section 2(d). Determinations by PBL to reduce the amount of Federal power sold are not subject to arbitration under section 14 of the body of this Agreement. (d) Permanent Resource Removal The resource amounts established in section 2 of this exhibit may be removed permanently by Port Angeles consistent with statutory discontinuance for permanent removal in BPA's policy on net requirements under section 5(b) of 4of5 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit C, Net Requirements 35 I' I I the Northwest Power Act. IfPBL determines Port Angeles has met PBL's standards for a permanent removal, the exhibit will be revised. to show the agreed resource changes. Additional power purchases under this Agreement as a result of such a resource removal are subject to the terms established in section 4(d) of Exhibit A; Rate Commitments. Determinations by PBL on the permanent removalof a resource are not subject to arbitration under section 14 of the body of this Agreement. . (e) Changes to Non-Port Angeles Resources Port Angeles shall annually update the information established for non-Port Angeles resources in section 3 at least 60 days,before the start of each Contract Year, if circumstances reasonably warrant such a change. Subject to agreement of the Parties, the exhibit shall be revised to show the updated information prior to the start of the applicable Contract Year. (f) Resource Additions for NLSL Port Angeles may add resources to sections 2(b) or 2(c) above in order to serve a NLSL consistent with the rights established in section 5 of Exhibit A, Rate Commitments. 5. RESOURCE DECLARATIONS The resource capabilities set forth in sections 2(a), (b), and (c) of this exhibit are dedicated to serving Port Angeles's firm load pursuant to section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act. In addition to the resource capabilities set forth in such sections that may be removed pursuant to other sections of this Agreement, BP A consents that the resource capabilities set forth in section 2(c) above may be discontinued from use in serving Port Angeles's firm load upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement. The resources established in sections 2(e) and 3 above are not used to serve Port Angeles's firm load under section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act and will not be required to be so used after the termination or expiration of this Agreement. . 6. REVISIONS When required Port Angeles shall submit a revised Exhibit C, Net Requirements, to PBL at least 60 days prior to each Contract Year. As long as Port Angeles's submittal is consistent with the requirements of this exhibit PBL shall accept it as submitted. If Port Angeles fails to submit revisions when necessary, or if the information provided is inconsistent with the requirements of this exhibit, PBL shall update this exhibit prior to the beginning of the Contract Year with the information PBL believes is required. (PBLLAN_PSW/6-W:\PSW\PM\11_16\Port Angeles\00PB-12054 10 FS.doc) 09/29/00 . OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit C, Net Requirements 5of5 36 . . . "'1~)?i~~~~::~.~W~~:~';~,:';~"'.".;,),~~~i@f:~~J!~(:~~:~~M Eihibit D ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. NET BILLING If BP A, Port Angeles and Energy Northwest (formerly, the Washington Public Power Supply System) or the City of Eugene, Oregon, Water and Electric Board, are parties to one or more "net billing agreements" that obligate BP A to provide net billing credits to Port Angeles with respect to project capability associated with the generating project named in the related net billing agreement, then this Agreement falls within the meaning of "Participant's Bonneville Contracts" as defined in the net billing agreement or agreements. BP A and Port Angeles understand and agree that this Agreement does not interfere with, and shall not be construed to interfere with, the operation of any provision of the net billing agreement or agreements. 2. REVISIONS This exhibit shall be revised by mutual agreement of the Parties to reflect additional products Port Angeles purchases during the term of this Agreement. (pBLLAN_PSW/6-W:\PSW\PM\11_16\Port Angeles\OOPB-12054 10 FS.doc) 09/29/00 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit D, Additional Products and Special Provisions 1 of 1 37 w 00 Exhibit E, Table 1 POINTS OF MEASUREMENT FOR LOADS Transmission Point of Delivery (Voltage) Point of Metering (Metering Voltage) Metering Location Port Angeles Transmission Point of Delivery ( 69kV) Port Angeles # l (69 kV) BPA's Port Angeles Substation Port Angeles # 2 (69 kV) BPA's Port Angeles Substation Diashowa Transmission Point of Delivery ( 69kV) Port Angeles Diashowa Rv (69 kV) BPA's Port Angeles Substation Port Angeles Diashowa (69 kV) BPA's Port Angeles Substation Glines Hydro (6.6 kV) Glines Hydro Plant Elwha #1 (6.6 kV) Elwha Hydro Plant #1 Bus Elwha #2 (6.6 kV) Elwha Hydro Plant #2 Bus Rayonier Transmission Point of Delivery ( 69kV) Port Angeles Rayonier Rv (69 kV) BPA's Port Angeles Substation BPA's Port Angeles Rayonier (69 kV) BPA's Port Angeles Substation Exhibit E, Table 2 POINTS OF METERING FOR RESOURCES Transmission Point of Delivery (Voltage) Point of Metering (Metering Voltage) Metering Location None at this time. C = Customer; B = BP A (pBLLAN.PSW/6-W:\PSW\PM\11_16\Port Angeles\00PB-12054 10 FS.doc) 09129100 OOPB-12054, Port Angeles Exhibit E, Points of Measurement .. . Manner of Service Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Direct - B to C Customer's Transmission or Distribution System 1 of 1 . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJEcr: T"'~~J"\tt~}~XfrV ,;;~~,.ii~'~\~':~"'!~~;"'\"?-f':-tn! ':.\~ pORTANGELES W A 5 H ( N G TON, u. '5. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO October 17, ,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for Wastewater/Stormwater Engineering Services. Summary: The City's current agreement with Brown and Caldwell is nearing completion and a new agreement for the period of November, 2000 to June 30, 2002 is needed for engineering services regarding ongoing wastewater/stormwater requirements and related issues. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign an engineering services agreement with Brown and Caldwell, following City Attorney review and approval, to provide wastewater/stormwater related engineering support services in the amount not to exceed $368,658. . Background / Analysis: The City's current agreement with Brown and Caldwell is nearing completion and a new agreement for the period of November, 2000 to June 30,2002 is needed to provide assistance on the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO), Stormwater and related issues. Engineering support under the current agreement included National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting assistance, WWTP operations and maintenance support, Calibration of Plant Flow Meter, Inflow and Infiltration (III) and CSO Reduction Activities, and Rayonier Leachate Impacts. Engineering services and costs proposed in the new agreement include the following: . Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Task 10 Administration and Coordination Continuing Collection System Activities CSO Treatment Technologies Gap Analysis for Federal Programs CSO Reduction Alternatives Evaluation Financial System to Implement Preferred Alternative Collection System Modeling General Directed Services Detailed Design of Septage Receiving Station Assistance with Stormwater Permitting The proposed not to exceed amount of the agreement $ 54,417 $ 81,254 $ 6,610 $ 32,918 $ 97,495 $ 19,399 $ 14,995 $ 40,642 $ 0 $ 20,927 $368,658 Task 1 Administration and Coordination: includes activities to manage, administer, and provide ongoing coordination for the project. 39 City Council Memo RE: B&C Contract Page 2 Task 2 Continuing' Collection System Activities: iIicludes continuing work activities related to collection system modeling, the roof drain disconnection pilot study and drafting of the fmal roof drain disconnection ordinance. - . Task 3 CSO Treatment Technologies: includes review of available CSO control technologies and their applicability to the Port Angeles collection system. Task 4 Gap Analysis for Federal Programs: is an added activity to assist us in meeting the mandated requirements of federal programs (ESA, NPDES Phase II Stormwater, GASB 34 Accounting) impacting our wastewater and stormwater systems. Task 5 CSO Reduction Alternatives Evaluation: is included to identify system problems with CSO's, evaluate alternatives for CSO reduction, and develop a timetable for system upgrades to minimize CSO's. Task 6 Financial System to Implement Preferred Alternative: is to provide a basis for implementing and staging potential VI and CSO control projects. A review of the utility's financial capacity to fund additional capital projects will be undertaken. Tasks 7 & 8 Collection System Modeling & General Directed Services: are included for added engineering assistance and analysis of un forse en impacts on the WWTP, sewer and storm . systems, annexation and large City developments are examples of when we would request assistance in these areas. Task 9 Septage Receiving Station Design: was included in the scope as an activity which may be activated later as a result of current discussions with Clallam County regarding the development costs and needs for local facilities to process septage which is presently trucked to facilities in Shelton and other locations. The design cost was not included in this agreement due to the many unknown factors at this time. If the proposed septage facility is supported to the design level a separate design fee will be negotiated and brought to Council for acceptance as a scope and cost amendment to the agreement. Task 10 Assistance with Stormwater Permitting: has been added in anticipation of the need to implement a stormwater utility next spring to meet the added manpower and operational costs the identified requirements of the mandates discussed in Task 4 above and provide needed stormwater improvements without severe impacts to the general fund. Continuing with Brown and Caldwell is in the best interest of the City due to their in-depth knowledge of existing City programs and projects. We are completely satisfied with Brown and Caldwell's expertise and ongoing engineering support services in the wastewater and stormwater areas. The UAC, at a special session preceding the City Council this evening, will be reviewing the agreement and costs. . Funds for the tasks are in the current budget or will be requested in future budgets. Tasks will only be executed when funds become available. 40 N:\PROJECTS\20-25B&C\B&CCC. WPD . FORTA~gEIEs WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C I T Y COUNCIL M E M 0 DATE: October 17, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECf: Agreement with Paramet.rix, Inc. for Landfill Consulting Services. Summary: The City's current agreement with Parametrix, Inc. is nearing completion and a new agreement for the period of October, 2000 to March 31, 2002 is needed. Proposals were requested from those engineering firms on the City's consultant roster which indicated landfill/solid waste expertise. Interviews were held with the responding firms and Parametrix, Inc. was selected. . Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign an engineering services agreement with Parametrix, following City Attorney review and approval, to provide landfill/solid waste related engineering support services in th~ amount not to exceed $295,284.00. Background / Analysis: The City's current engineering services agreement with Parametrix, Inc. is nearing completion and a new agreement for the period of October, 2000 to March 31, 2002 is needed to provide assistance for upcoming landfill and solid waste related needs. In view of various planning issues, closure analysis, co-composting and related tasks we requested proposals from those engineering firms on the City's consultant roster which indicated landfill/solid waste expertise. Interviews were held with the responding firms and Parametrix, Inc. was selected. The engineering services and costs proposed in the new agreement include the following: Task 1: General Operations Assistance Task 2: Regulatory Coordination Task 3: Revise Development and Closure Plan Task 4: Co-Composting Design Report Task 5: Long Range Planning Report Task 6: Directed Services The proposed not to exceed amount of the agreement $ 85,798 $ 30,831 $ 38,929 $ 49,726 $ 50,000 $ 40,000 $295,284 . Task 1, General Operations Assistance, includes site life verification, site mapping, maintenance programs for leachate, stormwater, gas, and groundwater monitoring systems, site small project design, and staff meetings/support. 41 City Council Memo Re: Parametrix Agreement. . Page 2 . Task 2, Regulatory Coordination, includes providing assistance in permitting activities for 2000/2001, regulatory inspection responses and chang~s in requirements, preparation of Annual Reports, coordination with regulatory agencies and community organizations, reviewing and support as needed for groundwater monitoring and reporting. In the existing contract groundwater related activities were performed entirely by Parametrix, Inc. This year we provided training for our Wastewater Superintendent, Jeff Young, to allow most of the activities to be performed by the City at an estimated savings of $25,000 to this agreement. Task 3, Revise Development and Closure Plan, is a new task to assist us in revision, modification and updating closure/post-closure plans, revise grading plans, prepare gas and leachate management plans, prepare planning level cost estimates/schedules for landfill improvements and prepare cost estimates/schedules for revised closure/post-closure facilities. Task 4, Co-Composting Design Report, will involve finalizing design and operations criteria for upgrading and operating the co-composting facility. Work will include design reports, schematic designs for site development and system modifications, waste stream analysis, estimates, schedules, and implementation plan. Task 5, Long Range Planning Report, includes review of options and development of a business plan regarding solid waste collection and disposal options up to and following closure. . Operation of coll~~~i()p and transfer facilities after closure will be evaluated, schematic design of transfer, recycling and associated facilities, and planning level review of feasible landfill land uses will be included. Task 6, Directed Services, has been included to provide for unforseen engineering or other services required during the agreement period. Parametrix was determined to be the best qualified firm. . They have local experience and expertise to provide the landfill and solid waste related services outlined in the scope. The UAC, at a special session, preceding City Council this evening, will be reviewing the agreement and costs. Funds for the tasks are in either the current budget or will be requested in future budgets. Tasks will only be executed when funds become available. . N:\PROJECTS\20-24PMX\PMXCC. WPD 42 <':~)"""':)'.J> .,-.-~..,.;, . FORTAN(iIfLES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 17, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities J*"V FROM: SUBJEcr: Final Acceptance for Street Paving Program 2000 [Project 20-05] Summary: Lakeside Industries Inc. has completed the street and alley repairs required by our Street Paving Program 2000 contract. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete and Lakeside Industries has been paid the fmal payment in the amount of$283,743.68. Retainage held for the project was in the form of a bond. Recommendation: Accept the project and authorize release of the retainage bonding upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. . Background / Analysis: Lakeside Industries has completed the asphalt ()verlaypaving of Laurel St. (Viewcrest to Lauridsen Blvd.), Viewcrest (LaurelSt. to Peabody St.), Peabody St. (Viewcrest to Lauridsen Blvd.), Fairmount Ave, and three alleys. Funding for this project was provided in the 2000 street budget. The original contract amount was $280,873.00 and the fmal contract amount, including one change order in the amount of $7,595.00 was $288,468.00. The total fInal payment, based on the net quantities installed plus the change order, was $283,743.68. The change order work included removing a tree in the Fairmount Ave. right-of-way, and repairing the foundation of the 1/2 alley between Race and Francis St. Original Contract Change Orders Unit Quantity Final Cost Project Cost Amount (1) Variations Variance $280,873.00 $7,595.00 ($4,724.32) $283,743.68 -1. 7% . N:\PROJECTS\20-05\CCACPT. WPD 43 . . . 44 . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: Appointment of Police Chief WORK SESSION: Presentation by Terma Planners, Inc., reo Francis Street Park Project CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 3, 2000 Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins. Councilmembers Campbell and Williams. Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, 1. Hicks, 1. Lowell, G. Kenworthy, G. Darling, S. Coyle, P. Sekac, T. Gallagher, M. Sanders, 1. Abram, N. Wu, L. Zenonian, E. Kovatch, V. Morgan, T. O'Neill, T. Smith, D. Dickson, J. Winfield, K. Miller, and K. Haugstad. Members Absent: Staff Present: Public Present: M. Gentry, L. Lee, S. Strafford, L. Lawson, L. and S. Witt, M. Schildknecht, and G. Morris. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle, followed by a moment of silence for Betty Lou Campbell, who passed away the previous week. Appointment of Police Chief Manager Quinn advised the Council he has been looking at two candidates for the position of Police Chief He delineated the attributes a Police Chief should have, and he noted his pride in being associated with the Port Angeles Police Department. Manager Quinn then announced the appointment of Tom Riepe as the Chief of Police. Manager Quinn administered the Oath of Office, and Mayor Doyle presented Chief Riepe with two Police Chief badges. Chief Riepe introduced his family and expressed his appreciation and honor to be named to this position. 1. Presentation by Terma Planners, Inc., reo Francis Street Park Project John Hicks, Recreation Manager, introduced Messrs. Mike Gentry and Roy Hellwig, Terma Planners & Architects, who were present to submit a report to the Council on the Francis Street park project. With the use of the overhead projector, Mr. Gentry explained the original design envisioned for this park project. He discussed the major elements of the project, noting there was a desire to allow vehicle access to the Waterfront Trail in order to provide handicapped access. Mr. Gentry reviewed plans for a view pavilion, as well as intentions to move a portion of the Waterfront Trail to allow for a play area. He showed the Council a topographical depiction of the park, noting there will be a flag plaza, more parking, and pedestrian walkways. Mr.Bellwig advised the Council that the majority of the work will be regrading. Also with the use of the overhead projector, he indicated the plan is to incorporate as much native vegetation as possible. Mr. Gentry further reviewed the parking available, the area signage, as well as the fact that every effort is being made to provide a type of botanical effect in the park. Discussion followed, with the Council generating questions as to lighting, trail width, security, and the possibility of creating an amphitheater. Councilmember McKeown indicated the Soroptimist - Jet Set Club had considered the possibility of an amphitheater for musical performances and the like, but the group concluded it would be too cold for evening performances on the waterfront. Also considered was the area - 1 - 45 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2000 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Presentation by Terma Planners, Inc., reo Francis Street Park Project (Cont'd) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: Resolution in Support of Business Incubator and Skills Center Facility Resolution No. 11-00 46 to be planted with grass, the sprinklering~ and the possibility of using a portion of the grassy area for a future stormwater detention pond. Steve Zenovic, who also worked on the park plan, felt it would be difficult to incorporate a detention pond; however, . Manager Quinn remin~~~ the Council that much of this project was funded by grant monies on the basis thafthe City would be putting in a stormwater detention pond at some future date. For thafreason, the City is committed to leaving a portion of the area open for detention purposes if required. Manager Quinn felt the park will be a wonderful addition to the community, and he emphasized how many people have worked on the project to see it to completion. Messrs. Gentry and Hellwig were thanked for submitting this status report. Peter Ripley, Port Angeles Journal, extended his congratulations to Tom Riepe for being named Police Chief. . None. Councilmember Erickson moved to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2000, regular City Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried by a 3 - 2 vote, with Council members McKeown and Hulett abstaining due to their absence from the meeting. Councilman Hulett moved to approve the minutes of the September 21, 2000, special City Council lIleeting. The motion was seconded by Council member Erickson and carried by a 4 - 1 vote, with Council member McKeown abstaining due to her absence from the meeting. Councilmembers Wiggins, McKeown, Erickson, and Hulett had no reports to offer. Mayor Doyle attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the house to be built in partnership with the Homebuilders Association, the School District, and Peninsula College. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. . Resolutions: Resolution in Support of Business Incubator and Skills Center Facility: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, who indicated he was present to report on the City's economic development efforts since the end of last year.. Working through the Economic Development Council, the City began to look at the potential for refocusing economic development efforts, ending with a marketing strategy that emphasized the potential in the high tech sector. Mr. Smith reviewed four goals that had been identified in the marketing strategy, noting that the presentation this evening would involve two of the four goals and would broaden the City's vision for a technology innovation center. Mr. Smith advised the Council that meetings were held with Mark Madsen and Kendra Wetrnark-Madsen, Economic Development Director of the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, and Kendra Waggoner, First Federal Savings & Loan, on the matter of jointly pursuing the technology innovation center and expanding such an effort throughout the County. Also included in these discussions have been other partners, such as the City of Sequirn, the City of Forks, and the Port of Port Angeles. Mr. Smith indicated there has been a great deal of public and private enthusiasm generated. Also discussed was the need to foster an opportunity for education as a part of the effort, to train the work force and to make education available to the entrepreneurs as well. Thus, the concept of considering a co-location project with the Skills Center came into being. Present this evening were Nancy LaChapelle, Vice Principal of the Port Angeles High School, and Mike Frick, Machining Instructor. Ms. LaChapelle informed the Council she was the Director of the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center, which is now referred to as the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Consortium. They cannot be referred to as a Center, since they don't have a building. Ms. LaChapelle was surprised that an educational program could be defined by how it . - 2 - 1-- . . . RESOLUTIONS: (Cont'd) Resolution in Support of Business Incubator and Skills Center Facility Resolution No. 11-00 (Cont'd) PUBLIC MEETING: Initiatives 722 and 745 Discussion / Resolution Resolution No. 12-00 CITY COUNCIL MEETING .. October 3,2000 is housed. Because o.~act, the Skills Consortium has lost access to certain funding sources, as well as the summer program where they could offer the use of the community for job skills training during the summer. Ms. LaChapelle indicated she has learned that,he~~\~trength andability to provide sound educational programs to the members of the community depends on the ability to build partnerships. She expressed her excitement at the concept of the business incubator and the synergy that can be created to partner the incubator with the Skills Center. Ms. LaChapelle delineated those areas in which the Skills Center could provide assistance to a business incubator. Mark Madsen addressed the Council and, with the use of the overhead projector, he summarized the objectives of the business enterprise center, which is a place to help small, expanding businesses grow to maturity through the difficult time when they lack resources or a complete knowledge of the business environment. It is expected that the business incubator will create new jobs in an area that has been adversely affected by a change in its economic base. Further, it accelerates the process of modernizing and diversifying the industrial base, and it helps to establish a technology-based industry or economy. Mr. Madsen explained the specific means by which businesses will be enhanced in terms of shared equipment, clerical assistance, and the like. He reviewed economic and demographic trends and noted the challenges to the entrepreneurial upstarts, such as management, capital, markets, and technology. Mr. Madsen summarized in detail a trip taken to visit various incubators already in place in areas such as Ellensburg, Prosser, Pasco, and Tri-Cities. Partnerships are created on a long-term basis, and Mr. Madsen stressed the importance of funding opportunities based on these partnerships. In addition, Mr. Smith felt the results would be of a better quality with the inclusion of the Skills Center. He indicated the next step to be taken is to create a business plan, identify the associated costs, and begin searching for outside funds. In response to an inquiry from Councilman Wiggins, Mr. Madsen reviewed the typical life of a business incubator indicating that it generally takes a business four years to mature. However, as learned during the trip taken, the incubators must be adjusted somewhat as the market place changes. Mayor Doyle inquired as to what has been envisioned for the bricks and mortar. Mr. Smith responded that a feasibility study is being formulated; however, about six potential sites in ,Port Angeles and other areas have been identified. Sequim and Forks might also serve as sites as well. Mr. Madsen was of the opinion that, ultimately, there may be numerous sites. ("<''<< After further di~2ussion, Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 11-00 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, in support of the county-wide development of a business incubator and skills center facility. Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. Public Meeting: Initiatives 722 and 745 Discussion / Resolution: Mayor Doyle reviewed information submitted by Manager Quinn on the matter of Initiatives 722 and 745. Manager Quinn advised the Council the purpose of this public meeting was to seek input from both sides of the issue with regard to Initiatives 722 and 745. He reviewed the contents of the packet, noting it was staff's intention to provide the Council with objective information describing the ballot measures, as well as information as to the financial impact on the City should the Initiatives pass. Manager Quinn summarized the intent of Initiative 722 in that it proposes to roll back certain 1999 tax and fee increases, exempt vehicles from property tax, and limit property tax increases (except new construction) to 2% annually. Initiative 745 proposes to utilize 90% of transportation funds, including transit taxes, for roads and transportation agency performance audits and, further, it proposes to make road construction and maintenance sales tax exempt. Manager Quinn further reviewed the staff memorandum by delineating the increases imposed in 1999 which would have to be refunded. If Initiative 722 were to pass, the estimated impact on the City would be $665,000, which would be a combination of roll backs plus costs associated with the refunding process. Manager Quinn indicated there - 3 - 47 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2000 PUBLIC MEETING: (Cont'd) Initiatives 722 and 745 Discussion / Resolution Resolution No. 12-00 (Cont'd) 48 will be opportunities to deal with the impact if the Initiatives pass, and various cutbacks are be likely. . He noted that Initiative 745 would not result in a great loss of revenues to the City; however, the ClallamTransit Authority would be significantly impacted, thus directly . affecting the citizens using the Transit system. Manager Quinn referenced an informative letter submitted by the Executive Director of Clallam Transit indicating the Transit would lose 90% of its revenues should the Initiative pass. At this time, Mayor Doyle noted the attendance of County Commissioners Steve Tharinger and Mike Doherty. Mayor Doyle ,then invited comments from the public. Mark Schildknecht, a resident at Lake Sutherland, advised the Council he and his wife are very much a part of this community. He was present to urge the Council to adopt the Resolution opposing Initiative 745, as he didn't believe it to be the answer to traffic congestion throughout the State and in this community. Further, he didn't believe the Initiative is the answer to poor air quality. Joe Mangiameli, an Executive Board officer for the Transit Union, expressed opposition to Initiative 745. He feIt passage of the Initiative would take away local control of taxes, it would take away transportation options, and it would give the City an excellent building to conduct a last presentation at the building at the Truck Route and Lauridsen Boulevard. Mr. Mangiameli felt there couldn't be enough testimony this evening to even approach the expression of support evidenced by the election this past May at which time a sales tax increase was overwhelmingly supported for the public transit. He felt that vote was an expression by the public that they want control of their taxes and want the taxes to support transportation options. Mr. Mangiameli strongly urged the Council to oppose Initiative 745. Rob Campbell, General Manager of Clallam Paratransit, indicated the Paratransit service contracts with Clallam Transit to provide transportation for people with disabilities. The Paratransit transports about 55,000 passengers per year, taking individuals to medical appointments, errands, and the like. Mr. Campbell, speaking on behalf of the Paratransit users, expressed opposition to Initiative 745. He indicated their users have no other form of transportation, and they are individuals who do bring money into the community. The Paratransit users need the lift-equipped buses, and passage of Initiative 745 would have a significant impact on these individuals because of cutbacks that would be required. He urged the Council to oppose Initiative 745. Larry Witt, 176 Taylor Cutoff Road, Sequim, offered clarification with regard to valuations on property tax by reading an excerpt from the State Republican Caucus memorandum to the Legislature. Mr. Witt's explanation was that Initiative 722 would not limit the valuation of property per se, but would instead use the 1999 valuation of property as a baseline. If the Initiative were to pass; it would exempt future tax increases from that portion of property tax attributable to the increase of value over the 1999 value, plus the lesser of inflation or 2% annually. Mr. Witt further emphasized that any increase in valuation would be exempted down to 2% . . Mr. Witt addressed the repealing of the stock piling effect related to 1-695, noting that some governments did not use the full 6% allotted in a fiscal year and then rushed to judgment by instituting significant increases before December 31, 1999. All of those tax increases would be repealed, to include the banking provision. Mr. Witt felt that the motor vehicle tax portion added an insurance policy to the people's right to express their views. On the matter ofInitiative 745, Mr. Witt indicated the language of the Initiative calls for a 90 - 10 split on roads, to include ferries. Having heard earlier about how buses are going to lose money, he countered they would instead be getting a healthy 10% equal to $1 Billion split by all of the agencies around the State every two years. He read from a section of the Initiative on the performance audit required and indicated he could not give any merit to the "sky is falling" syndrome, as this didn't happen after the passage ofI-695. He felt these changes to be healthy for government. Linda Herring, wno recently moved to Highland Commons, uses Para transit almost every day for transportation to medical appointments. Without the bus system, she felt she would be stuck at home. She urged a no vote on Initiative 745. Bruce Munro, a resident of Clallam County and a Transit employee, has lived in the community for twenty years. He has worked as a Transit operator for fifteen years, and . - 4 - PUBLIC MEETING: (Cont'd) . Initiatives 722 and 745 Discussion / Resolution Resolution No. 12-00 (Cont'd) . . CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3,2000 he informed the Co t Clallam Transit had approximately 800,000 boardings this past year, representing individuals from throughout the County, Port Angeles, Sequim, and Forks, Mr. Munro felt that Clallam Transit provides an essential service to the communityand,\M'ithout a transit system where 90% of the budget would be taken away and given to highways, the people of the community would not have any way to get to where they need to go. He explained the impact on the community, as people won't be able to get to jobs, to schools, or to stores. Mr. Munro felt that passage of Initiative 745 would result in tremendous damage to the transportation system in the State of Washington and to the local community. He urged the Council to oppose Initiative 745. Allan Bentley, 610 Milwaukee Drive, referenced the passage of Referendum 47 in 1997. He queried how that might affect or eliminate the need for 1-722, as he recalled taxes were limited to the rate of inflation unless there was a substantial need that could be demonstrated and passed by the legislative body. Finance Director Ziornkowski agreed that Referendum 47 did initiate a provision on how much property taxes could be increased. The limit for increases was called the IDP, or the Implicit Price Deflector, which was actually less than inflation. Director Ziornkowski indicated that, in 1998, the City increased property taxes by .8%; this past year, the increase was 1.4 %, both of which were in compliance with Referendum 47. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Doyle, Manager Quinn offered clarification as to how 1-695 did not include utilities, but 1-722 would impact utility rates. Joe Sutton, 207 Dillon, informed the Council he has been employed by Clallam Transit as a driver for the past year and a half. Since the time he was employed, Transit has been in total chaos because of funding-related issues. He hasn't been able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the job. Mr. Sutton advised the Council he has four children, and he works another part-time job in order to support his family. With the 3% increase, 1-722 would take away 50% of most of the Transit budget, and 1-745 would leave almost next to nothing. Mr. Sutton felt confident that the figures provided to the Transit employees on 1-745 impacts were accurate, so there was no reason to question their validity. Mr. Sutton was raised in Port Angeles and chose to return to the area to raise his family, as he felt this is a good area with good people living here. Councilman Hulett inquired as to the last water/wastewater rate increase which he recalled was part of a three-year rate plan. Director Cutler clarified the increase for 2000 was the first in a three-year process, as it was necessary to cover escalating costs associated with compliance. Councilman Wiggins asked ifI-722 were passed, would the City gener!lte the necessary funds from reserves? Finance Director Ziornkowski stated some ofibe funding could come from reserves, but she cautioned the Council that the reserves are being depleted. Manager Quinn added that the bonds for the utilities must be covered by the rate structure, and there is a potential violation of the bond covenants. In addition, future municipal bond ratings could be seriously impacted. In the ensuing discussion Councilmember McKeown noted various increases that were determined essential, such as the Medic I increase. Also, Parks fees were increased in order to provide the citizens with a quality park system. Any cuts would likely be taken out of areas such as Parks, in order to maintain emergency services. She felt that passage of the proposed Resolution would not necessarily change any minds, and she expressed the desire for more debate on the issues. Councilman Wiggins followed up on commentaries made by Mr. Witt on the amount of $1 Billion being distributed among the various agencies. Mr. Witt returned to the podium and reiterated many of the comments previously offered. He clarified how the movement of sales tax would ultimately help fund transit systems. Lengthy debate and discussion followed between Mr. Witt and the Councilmembers. Mr. Mangiameli returned to the podium and emphasized the fact that, in the past twenty years, two votes have been taken to the public on the matter of funding for transit. On both occasions, there has been overwhelming support, and Mr. Mangiameli reiterated that passage of 1-745 would take away local control. ! After further discussion, Councilman Wiggins questioned the timing of taking action on the proposed Resolution. He felt it might be better to wait until the time there was a full Council in attendance and also to take action a bit closer to the date of the - election. Councilman Wiggins, therefore, moved to table the resolution. Opinions were expressed that it would be acceptable to proceed with action at this evening's meeting. The motion died for lack of a second. - 5 - 49 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2000 PUBLIC MEETING: (Cont'd) Initiatives 722 and 745 Discussion / Resolution Resolution No. 12-00 (Cont'd) Break OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Position on Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Study Public Fireworks Display for High School Homecoming Financial Conditions Report for 2000 INFORMATION: 50 Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 12-00 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, expressing opposition to Initiatives 722 and 745. Councilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. . Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:10 p.m. Other Considerations: J. Position on Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Study Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Director, after which City Engineer Kenworthy summarized the last meeting of the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization. Engineer Kenworthy explained that the PRTPO is concerned that much of the funding will be concentrated along the 1-5 corridor, excluding rural and smaller areas. In spite of the traffic congestion on the 1-5 corridor, the Peninsula is asking for an adequate share of the funds. Engineer Kenworthy explained how traffic congestion is gauged, and discussion followed. Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the response to the draft accords and options developed by the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. 2. Public Fireworks Display for High School Homecoming Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum provided by the Fire Chief, and Chief McKeen advised the Council this is the same type of requested considered every year. Based on previous experience, the Fire Department is recommending approval of the request. Councilman Hulett was surprised that this matter was again coming before the Council, as he recalled asking before if the request couldn't be delegated to staff. . Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize Entertainment Fireworks, Inc., to conduct a public display of fireworks on the 13th day of October, 2000, at Civic Field for the Port Angeles High School homecoming game. The motion was seconded by Council member Erickson and carried unanimously. 3. Financial Conditions Reportfor 2000 Manager Quinn explained the City is required to provide a report on the financial conditions of the City, and the report is also provided to assure the Council that staff, while preparing the 2001 budget, has not forgotten about its current responsibilities related to the present budget year. The report provides the status of revenues and conditions for 2000 as the City proceeds to 2001. Manager Quinn reviewed current revenues and projections, and noted he was disturbed about future revenues, sales tax decreases, and the like. He indicated he doesn't see tremendous growth in revenues, and the City will have a challenging time ahead in terms of controlling expenses. Manager Quinn informed the Council that he has recommended the City set aside $250,000 towards capital improvements, and it would be his recommendation that those funds be dedicated to the Carnegie Building so that restoration or renovation efforts can proceed. Discussion followed on the budget calendar, and it was noted that some minor changes will be made to the schedule. Also, Manager Quinn informed the Council that the same process used last year for reviewing the budget will be followed again this year. City Manager's Report: Manager Quinn reported he has been spending a great deal of time working on budget preparations. . - 6 - . . . ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3. 2000 o Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. to discuss litigation for 15 - The meeting rettiIned to Open Session at approximately 9:20 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Larry Doyle, Mayor - 7 - 51 . . . 52 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number 001 . . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 59722 Cooperative Personnel Services 03108 59738 Firehouse Magazine 06211 59750 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 59758 Lawson, Louis 59804 Robotronics 59848 American Management Assn 59867 Gall's Inc. 59884 Money 59888 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 59918 WA State Patrol - WASIS 12356 18151 01183 07027 13213 14461 23281 59919 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 59940 Clallam Co Treasurer 03075 59944 DARE America 59982 59998 60005 RWE Distributing (Dogipot Inc) Tee's Plus Screen Printing Washington State Treasurer 04036 04252 20065 23120 60015 Abloy Security Inc 01464 60018 Allen Manufacturing Co.lnc,Ray 01302 60057 Gall's Inc. 60086 Moore Medical Corporation 60091 National Wildlife Federation 60107 Quill Corporation 07027 13063 14495 17000 60131 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 60135 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Description Test Supplies Renew subscription pe 12-01 Data cartridges,modems Cable Reimburse cell phone deposit Battery Credit books Leadership Skills for Managers Credit returned books Holsters Renew subscription Jan 2001 Trash pumps,suction hose Criminal history-Fangen-Ross Criminal history-Hainstock Criminal history-Heil Criminal history-Livingston Criminal history-Stevens Criminal history-Fabina CVCA remittance-July CVCA remittance-August Workbooks Antenna balls,cups,lapel pins Erasers Dogipot Junior dispenser,bags Jacket,stickers,certificates District Court remittance-Aug District Court remittance-July Coin locks,boxes,spacers,keys Training cuff,obedience lead Ultra training sleeve Duty bag Antiseptic hand rinse, gloves Cards Steno books,pens,calculator Labels,clasp envelopes Pens Office suppl ies Cassette recorder,file pockets Printer cartridge Pencils,computer paper Office supplies Ribbon Post-it notes Post-it notes Post-it notes Credit pens Criminal history-Jones Criminal history-Peters Concealed weapons permits-Sept October 11 2000 GL Code Number 2370000 2370000 2370000 2370000 2391000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2294000 1 2294000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2293000 1 2293000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 '1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 Total for Oepartment Page Amount 52.80- 2.29- 28.72- 1.27- 100.00 5.65- 2.42 13.81- 10.99 10.90- 1.58- 57.47- 24.00 24.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 264.07 318.52 38.40- 8.89- 7.19- 28.58- 49.04- 14,856.29 12,713.90 296.81- 11. 46- 11.06- 6.24- 17.94- 1.45- 17.21- 2.53- 1.40- 10.51- 6.34- 18.96- 10.10- 7.74- 2.13- 2.37- 1.31- 2.49- 1.40 24.00 24.00 291.00 28'b.~ 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor. Name 0001 59722 Cooperative Personnel Services 03108 59739 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 06158 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 59776 Olympic Medical Center 15028 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 59789 paymentech 16421 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59805 Safeway Inc. 19045 59824 United Parcel Service 21005 59850 Bonny's Bakery 02298 59885 Municipal Research & Svc. Ctr. 13069 59894 Peninsula Int'l Relations Assn 16460 59921 AYC Assn of Yashington Cities 01080 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 59927 Albertson's Inc. 01204 59946 Drake's Pizza & Subs 04023 59952 Evergreen Meats 05033 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59990 Safeway Inc. 19045 59991 Scott MD, Robert L. 19634 60000 US Yest Communications 21001 60004 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 60031 Captain T's 60040 Costco Credit Card Pmts 60100 peninsula Radiologists P.S. 60124 Thompson MacKellar 60129 Verizon Yireless, Bellevue 03048 03261 16014 20004 01105 60138 Xerox Corporation 24001 0002 59730 Diversified Resource Center 59765 Lucent Technologies 04052 12215 54 Description GL Code Number Test Supplies 113 4150 Monthly processing August 111 4155 08-02 Billing 111 4210 08-02 Billing 113 4210 08-02 Billing 124 4210 Pre-employment physical-Kuch 113 4131 Employment applications 113 3101 Note cards 111 3101 Note cards 111 3101 Pens,post-it notes, paper 111 3101 Post-it notes, folders 113 3101 NP6412 Maint agreement pe 9-15 111 4810 Toner 124 3101 Laserjet printer 124 3160 Credit card purchases 111 4310 Credit card purchases 112 4310 Reimburse petty cash 111 4155 Groceries 113 3101 09-02 Billing 113 3101 Council refreshments 112 3101 Yeb site Municipal Code postin 124 4150 Sister Cities Intl-Memb Dues 111 4150 Regional Meeting-Campbell 112 4310 Regional Meeting-Yilliams 112 4310 Yilliams to Shelton 09-15 112 4310 Coons to SeaTac 09-07 113 4310 Coffee:City Council meeting 112 3101 Gift Certificates 111 4155 OPS luncheon-hamburger,weiners 111 4155 Reimburse petty cash 111 4155 OPS Luncheon salad ingredients 111 4155 Pre-employment physical-Kuch 113 4131 09-14 Billing 111 4210 09-14 Billing 113 4210 09-14 Billing 124 4210 August Scan Charges 111 4210 August Scan Charges 113 4210 August Scan Charges 124 4210 Shirts,embroidery 113 3101 Credit card purchases-Sept 111 4155 Physical-Kuch 80200060374 113 4131 Public Information Officer 111 4150 09-15 Billing 111 4210 09-15 Billing 111 4210 DC214S lease agreement-August 111 4530 October 11 2000 Total for Administration Copy center svcs-August 08-02 Billing 08-02 Billing 205 4150 201 4210 230 4210 Page 2 . Amount 721.05 104.40 31.03 31.03 15.52 50.30 342.53 84.54 11.33 106.69 19.66 32.37 106.82 808.17 15.92 76.72 30.19 11.68 12.25 18.00 200.. 280. 30.00 30.00 65.00 10.40 11. 98 400.00 81.35 66.52 19.73 251.11 94.29 94.29 47.14 232.77 36.14 10.31 70.08 113.62 48.00 600.00 16.16 16.16 70.94 5,526.. 1,271.00 31.03 38.79 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Dpt Check Number . . ,"'r.fr;~';:~"'~~,tr~~':'~~~rt'''f;ftr~~T~:,;~~'%~~' ", "~!;~' City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 59775 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 59rr7 Olympic Paper Company 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 59789 paymentech 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 59796 Postmaster 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 59846 AT&T Wireless Services 59848 American Management Assn 59884 Money 59914 United States Postal Service 59925 Advanced Travel 59977 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp 59978 Pitney Bowes Inc. 59981 RIA Group 60000 US West Communications 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 60045 60051 60107 Diversified Resource Center Federal Express Corp. Quill Corporation 60134 Wall Street Journal, The 60138 Xerox Corporation CHECK REGISTER,c Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 15020 15111 15027 15030 16421 03062 16028 19037 01404 01183 13213 21062 01090 16127 16018 18247 21001 23111 04052 06022 17000 23038 24001 Descripti on GL Code Number 08-02 Billing 240 4210 August delivery svcs 240 4150 Paper 205 3101 Laser payroll checks 240 3101 Envelopes 240 3101 Paper 230 3101 Paper 240 3101 Paper 205 3101 Stamp pad, stamp pad ink 240 3101 Paper 230 3101 Paper 205 3101 Storage boxes, computer paper 240 3101 Credit card purchases 201 4310 Credit card purchases 230 4310 Reimburse petty cash 201 3101 Reimburse petty cash 201 3101 Reimburse postage due 205 4210 Screwdriver,gloves 240 3101 09-03 Billing 240 4210 Credit books 201 3101 leadership Skills for Managers 201 3101 Credit returned books 201 3101 Renew subscription Jan 2001 201 4901 #15214174-Reimb meter 2228594 205 4210 Bryant to Ocean Shores 09-11 230 4310 Kajfasz to SeaTac 08-17 240 4310 Ziomkowski to Ellensburg 08-21 201 4310 Ziomkowski-Ocean Shores 09-11 201 4310 Filigno,Possinger,Papandrew to 230 4310 Mailing machine-quarterly pmt 205 4530 Ink cartridges 205 3101 Service mail inserter 205 4810 Repair mail insertion machine 205 4810 Government Accounting,Auditing 230 3101 09-14 Billing 201 4210 09-14 Billing 230 4210 09-14 Billing 2404210 August Scan Charges 201 4210 August Scan Charges 230 4210 August Scan Charges 240 4210 Copy Center svcs-September 205 4530 09-25 Shipping chgs 240 4210 Printer cartridge 230 3101 Pencils,computer paper 240 3101 Ribbon 240 3101 Post-it notes 230 3101 Post-it notes 230 3101 Post-it notes 201 3101 Renew subscription-2 yrs 12-13 201 4901 5800 Dup-lease agreement-Aug 205 4530 October 11 2000 Page 3 Amount 93.10 85.07 173.18 695.63 1,368.60 37.77 18.88 169.93 22.10 37.77 151.05 145.55 386.23 252.00 32.52 15.74 100.00 20.76 35.69 33.01- 188.56 149.99- 21.53 5,000.00 176.92 83.40 22.50 381.00 65.80 1,173.66 200.86 215.80 1,282.92 237.65 94.29 117.86 282.86 28.73 12.31 19.08 1,271.00 15.15 258.94 137.96 29.01 32.31 17.78 33.93 299.00 2,643.10 55 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 0003 59759 Lexis Law Publishing 12311 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59782 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 59789 paymentech 16421 59810 Solutions Group, The 19476 59827 WSAMA-WA Assn of Muncpl Attnys 23052 59854 Clallam Co Dept of Personnel 03503 59875 Jefferson Co Sheriff's Office 10141 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 60000 US West Communications 21001 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 60006 West Group 23018 60037 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 60080 Lexis Law Publishing 12311 60107 Quill Corporation 17000 Description GL Code Number Total for Finance CD Law August 2000 311 3101 CD Law August 2000 312 3101 08-02 Billing 311 4210 Paper 311 3101 Legal svcs-June,July 312 4150 August services 312 4150 Credit card purchases 311 4310 Credit card purchases 312 4310 Labels,tabs 312 3101 Conference reg-Knutson,Dickson 311 4310 Conference reg-Knutson,Dickson 312 4310 'Communication'-Lusby 311 4310 Sheriff's fees-Cause PCR 6422 312 5090 Reimburse petty cash 311 4210 09-14 Billing 311 4210 August Scan Charges 311 4210 WA Appellate Reports 311 3101 McQuillin Municipal Corp 311 3101 WA Practice Series,Elder Law 311 3101 Public Defender fees-October 312 4150 WA Stats-Decs Renew Sept 2000 311 3101 WA Stats-Decs Renew Sept 2000 312 3101 Cassette recorder,file pockets 311 3101 Cassette recorder,file pockets 312 3101 Total for Attorney 0004 59694 WA APA Continuing Education 23135 Conference registration-Barnes 411 4310 59723 Copies Plus 03091 Buttons 411 3101 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 08-02 Billing 411 4210 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Barnes 411 3101 59791 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Reduction Yard Setback-Hoover 411 4410 Wireless Telecommunication-Bre 411 4410 Six Year Transportation Plan 411 4410 Overflow Parking Lot-Budget 411 4410 Wireless Telecommunication-Bur 411 4410 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 Collins to Lower Elwha 06-14 411 4310 Collins,Barnes,Woolett-Pt Hadl 411 4310 Collins,Barnes-Shelton 09-15 411 4310 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 411 3101 60000 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 411 4210 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 August Scan Charges 411 4210 60027 Burst Wireless 02554 SEPA processing fee refund 411 34319000 60094 OLYPEN 15147 SEPA processing fee refund 411 34319000 Total for Planning 0005 59716 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 530 4990 56 Photo processing 530 4990 Page 4 . Amount 19,343.30 26.95 27.00 54.31 37.77 942.30 2,145.00 228.00 228.00 474.81 100.00 100.00 15.00 26.60 3.20 165.00 27.59 22.55 m.15 41.0. 2,500.0 26.98 26.97 43.27 43.26 8,082.71 260.00 137.57 31. 03 78.44 62.40 50.40 38.40 45.60 52.00 4.00 25.50 7.50 46.72 94.29 17.65 300.00 150.0. 1,401.50 27.36 45.11 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number . . 56 :"~~!}~?:?';':~~-~~11~~~:~:"J*:~~~~~; '~~<'c 'I:~i~' City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE 's:~:~~~ J~(~' CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number 59717 Camera Shop, The 59720 Cherry Hill Florist 03156 03523 59726 Database Technologies Inc 04283 59735 Evergreen Collision Center Inc 03207 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 59770 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 59803 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59824 United Parcel Service 21005 59867 Gall's Inc. 07027 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 59938 City of Forks 06075 60000 US West Communications 21001 Description GL Code Number Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Drivers license laminate pouch 534 3101 Basket to Sheriff Dept 530 4150 Wally Davis Service 530 4150 August service fee 530 4150 Tow 1985 Toyota 4 Runner 530 4150 08-02 Billing 511 4210 08-02 Billing 534 4210 08-02 Billing 530 4210 Lamps,brush,handle 530 3101 Aerosol paint 530 3101 Aerosol paint 530 3101 Brochure 530 3101 Credit Brochure 530 3101 Business cards-Knight 534 4990 Note cards 534 4990 Note card envelopes 534 4990 Paper 534 3101 File,organizer,tray,scissors 530 3101 Certificate holder 530 3101 Tape,page flags,paper 534 3101 Paper 534 3101 NP1020 Maint agreement pe 9-15 511 4810 NP3050 Maint agreement pe 9-15 534 4810 NP6230 Maint agreement pe 9-15 534 4810 Black,color cartridges 530 3101 Inkjet cartridge 530 3101 Move equipment to new cabinet 530 4810 Repair microphone 530 4810 Install cell phone antenna 530 4210 Clean antenna contact 530 3114 Replaced with InV#11408 530 3114 Repair transmitter 530 3114 Gloves,tire polish 530 3101 Rubber strap 530 3101 09-02 Billing 534 4210 09-02 Billing 530 4210 Holsters 530 3101 Kovatch to Victoria BC 08-20 530 4310 Hall,Winfield-Marysville,Seatt 530 4310 Zenonian to pt Townsend 08-16 534 4310 Lowell to Victoria BC 09-05 530 4310 Miller to Enumclaw 09-10 530 4980 Riepe,Knight to Seattle 09-19 530 4310 Riepe to Seattle, Fed Way 09-15 530 4310 August board bill 512 5099 09-14 Billing 511 4210 09-14 Billing 534 4210 October 11 2000 Page 5 Amount 10.55 4.72 5.59 9.92 50.98 53.95 161.85 25.00 90.10 54.31 38.79 7.76 21. 17 16.29 6.52 455.88 455.88- 69.81 84.54 27.84 75.53 19.69 10.05 15.56 75.53 32.37 53.95 167.35 58.27 13.76 931. 71 70.14 21.58 21.56 21. 56- 64.74 35.32 1.80 19.55 39.34 148.87 29.00 40.35 45.00 484.24 360.66 83.55 28.20 7,222.05 165.00 117.86 00/10/11-11:36 .City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 60011 Washington (Procur), State of 23219 60018 Allen Manufacturing Co.lnc,Ray 01302 60023 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 60035 Clallam Co Humane Society 03072 60051 Federal Express Corp. 06022 60056 GTE Communications Systems 07005 60057 Ga ll' s I nc. 07027 60061 Hansen's Trophy 08047 60065 Homan, Debbie 08459 60069 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 60083 Metrocall 20000 60086 Moore Medical Corporation 13063 60107 Quill Corporation 17000 60112 Schi lke, Ed 19258 60118 Strafford, Sandra 19670 60127 US West Communications 21001 60129 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 0006 59712 Avery's Cameras 11016 59720 Cherry Hill Florist 03523 59738 Firehouse Magazine 06211 59760 Life Assist 12202 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 Description 09-14 Billing August Scan Charges August Scan Charges August Scan Charges Helmut headbands Training cuff,obedience lead Ultra training sleeve Badge-Retired sergeant Badge-Chief Police Chief Badge Mirrors Holsters Return holsters Towelettes Police Valor Medals Barrier tape Fingerprint labels Flashlight parts Contract pmt-September 09-12 Shipping Chg Service Doppler Traffic Radar Service Doppler Traffic Radar Service doppler Traffic Radar Duty bag Plaque-Fitzwater Reimburse PAPD microwave Prescriptions-'Arco' 09-23 Bill ing Antiseptic hand rinse,gloves Steno books,pens,calculator Pens Office suppl ies Office suppl ies Office suppl ies Office suppl ies Credit pens Reimburse uniform allowance Reimburse uniform allowance 09-23 Bill ing 09-20 Billing 09-15 Bill ing Photo processing Jan Gardner Renew subscription pe 12-01 Cold packs, gloves 08-02 Bill ing 08-02 Billing 08-02 Bill ing GL Code Number 530 4210 511 4210 530 4210 534 4210 530 3501 530 4980 530 4980 530 3111 530 3111 530 3111 530 3501 530 3111 530 3111 534 3101 530 3111 530 3101 534 3101 530 4810 530 4150 530 4210 530 4810 530 4810 530 4810 530 3501 530 4990 584 4810 530 4980 530 4210 530 3101 534 3101 534 3101 530 3101 534 3101 530 3101 534 3101 534 3101 530 2080 530 2080 530 4210 534 4210 530 4210 645 3101 641 3101 611 4901 643 3101 611 4210 642 4210 643 4210 October 11 2000 Total for Police Page 6 . Amount 23.57 45.88 128.27 29.40 71.50 156.42 151.05 137.35 130.86 104.01 148.81 616.00 616.00- 65.12 382.49 16.28 90.50 98.10 3,459.33 15.00 69.3. 69.3 69.33 85.22 62.31 97.10 26.18 59.75 244.99 104.86 19.04 75.53 33.39 45.26 60.43 19.04- 48.56 28.23 47.81 219.65 351.50 18,295.88 18.29 32.~ 31.~ 229.47 38.79 7.76 5" 00/10/11-11:36 't.'n~":i'tfl:~~i}~t\B;~r;:~H;5~ri~~;" ~~~l' 'City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER' Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59no Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 59n4 Northwest Region EMS Council 14050 597n Olympic Paper Company 15111 59n8 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 59789 Paymentech 16421 59804 Robotronics 18151 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59824 United Parcel Service 21005 59846 AT&T Yireless Services 01404 59879 Lincare Inc. 12134 . 59888 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 59905 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 59953 GE Medical Systems 01027 60000 US Yest Communications 21001 60004 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 60009 Xerox Corporation 24001 60034 Clallam Co EMS/Trauma Care 03068 60041 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 03098 60067 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 60078 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 60079 Lavey, Thomas J 12343 60083 Metrocall 20000 60091 National Yildlife Federation 14495 60129 Verizon Yireless, Bellevue 01105 . 58 Description GL Code Number 08-02 Billing 641 4210 Lens 641 3101 Conference reg-Patterson 643 4310 Conference reg-S Edgington 643 4310 Paper 611 3101 Note cards 611 3101 Note card envelopes 611 3101 Credit card purchases 611 3101 Battery 642 3101 Uniform allowance-shoes 641 2080 Lithium battery 643 3101 Touch up paint for trucks 641 3101 Hose test 641 3101 Air filter 641 3101 Nylon bags 641 3101 09-02 Billing 611 4210 09-03 Billing 644 4210 09-03 Billing #45598455 611 4210 09-03 Billing #45598455 645 4210 Cylinder refill 643 3101 Trash pumps,suction hose 641 3180 Service respirators 641 3501 Edgington to Silverdale 09-07 643 4310 Nielsen to Spokane 08-17 643 4310 Quarterly CSI Contract billing 643 4150 09-14 Billing 611 4210 09-14 Billing 642 4210 09-14 Billing 643 4210 09-14 Billing 641 4210 August Scan Charges 611 4210 August Scan Charges 641 4210 August Scan Charges 643 4210 DC220SS lease agreement-August 641 4530 Medic 1 Advisory-October 643 4150 Rubber feet 641 3101 Boots,flashlights,gaskets 641 3101 Boots,flashlights,gaskets 644 3111 UFCI Certif renewal-Sanders 642 3101 UFCI Certif renewal-Darling 6423101 Janitorial svcs-September 684 4150 Teaching CPR class 09-19 643 3108 Teaching CPR class 09-27 643 3108 09-23 Billing 644 4210 Cards 641 3101 09-15 Billing 643 4210 09-15 Billing 642 4210 09-15 Billing 643 4210 09-15 Billing 641 4210 09-15 Billing 641 4210 October 11 2000 Total for Fire Page 7 Amount 23.28 10.n 130.00 130.00 64.85 84.54 27.84 376.58- n.11 69.99 5.03 4.04 7.21 4.61 7.41 11.04 9.13 9.33 11. 28 30.00 784.90 74.72 361.45 453.92 182.99 117.86 23.57 23.57 70.72 16.97 5.03 3.64 270.09 500.00 14.14 228.18 83.09 50.00 50.00 395.00 15.00 40.00 24.24 111.14 1.07 15.39 50.76 1.73 17.n 4,693.51 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER Oate From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number Oescription GL Code Number Amount 0007 59695 APWA Conference Registration 01209 Conference registration-Cutler 711 4310 250.00 59716 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 711 3101 7.15 Photo processing 711 3101 6.84 59727 Day-Timers Inc. 04040 Desk filler 711 3101 25.87 Return desk filler 711 3101 18.04- Credit sales tax InV#36025731 711 3101 1. 43- Fi ller pages 711 3101 59.85 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 08-02 Bill ing 711 4210 209.45 59770 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Hose cl amp 711 3101 5.13 59m Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels 711 3101 47.48 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Gloor,Childers 711 3101 100.51 Envelopes 711 3101 380.13 Index instruction cards 711 3101 70.19 Receipt forms 711 4990 273.04 Business cards-McCurdy 711 3101 30.10 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 711 3101 151.06 Dictionary,thesaurus,labels 711 3101 52.39 Binders,pads,stapler,clips 711 3101 81. 09 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 711 3101 183.43 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 711 3101 33.61 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Washers, safety vest 711 3101 24.8. 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Batteries 711 3101 3.1 59869 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer,monitor 711 3160 1,809.50 59885 Municipal Research & Svc. Ctr. 13069 Small Works Manuals Report 51 711 3101 96.00 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 Kenworthy to Shelton 09-15 711 4310 53.00 59959 Int'l Code Council 09135 Certification Maintenance Prog 711 4901 30.00 60000 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 711 4210 660.00 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 August Scan Charges 711 4210 121.93 60009 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC265 lease agreement-August 711 4530 817.72 60032 Cascade A & E Supplies Co. Inc 03053 Service Xerox 2510 Copier 711 4810 872.06 60039 Complete Line, The 03087 Inkjet cartridges,paper 711 3101 437.44 Coat racks 711 3101 105.54 60040 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Credit card purchases-Sept 711 3101 155.79 60042 Day-Timers Inc. 04040 Pocket fi ller 711 3101 36.12 60058 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer,monitor,case 711 3160 1,810.58 60129 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 09-15 Bill ing 711 4210 9.32 0915 Billing 711 4210 45.19 60130 Viking Office Products 22054 Spirals,tabs 711 3101 27.27 Rolodex refills,tape,stapler 711 3101 80.21 60138 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC214S lease agreement-August 711 4530 70.94 Total for Public Works 9,214.41 0008 59698 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Weedeaters 865 3120 84.41 Weedeater.old Ariens parts 865 3120 205.26 59703 American Red Cross 01032 CPR class-Crowley 862 3101 15.0. 59706 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 865 6510 129.4 59714 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Blended soil 865 3140 10.74 Muratic acid 865 3120 22.66 Blended soil 865 6510 128.83 Blended soil 865 6510 5.S 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number . . 60 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 9 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number 59715 Schuck's 59731 Dobson's 19008 04054 59733 Eclipse C Corp. 19019 59736 Familian NW 06020 59747 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 59754 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 59762 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 59777 Olympic Paper Company 15111 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Description GL Code Number Amount Soil 865 6510 Soil,cement 865 6510 Blended soil 865 6510 Blended soil 865 6510 Blended soil 865 6510 Muratic acid 865 6510 Muratic acid, sealer 865 6510 Sand, cement 865 6510 Sealer 865 6510 Sealer 865 6510 Pea gravel 865 6510 Blended soil 865 6510 Bollards 865 3120 Patch kit,valves,fluid 865 3120 Line striper 865 3120 Motor oil 865 3120 Whetstone-hone shop tool 865 3120 Spark plugs 865 3120 Infield mix 865 3140 Infield mix 865 3140 Infield mix 865 3140 Dielectric unions 830 3120 Washers,screws,hardware cloth 830 3120 Concrete mix 865 3120 Hammer tacker 865 6510 Roofing valleys 865 6510 Roofing material 865 6510 Visqueen 865 6510 Roofing coil nailers,nails 865 6510 Credit-dup pmt of Inv.005048 865 3120 Price adjustment 865 3120 Pipe,cuts 865 3120 08-02 Billing 811 4210 08-02 Billing 8664210 08-02 Billing 865 4210 08-02 Billing 861 4210 08-02 Billing 862 4210 08-02 Billing 863 4210 Tissue spindle 861 3120 Paper 862 3101 Soap dispenser 862 3120 Concrete sealer 865 3120 Toilet tissue,floor finish,mop 830 3101 Bleach,liquid chlorine 8623120 Business cards-Brown 861 4150 Note cards 863 3101 Note cards 863 3101 Pens,file folders 866 3101 Card holder, fasteners 811 3101 Rolodex. refills 862 3101 Name badges 861 3101 18.34 25.36 96.62 96.62 386.50 22.66 112.38 48.99 90.85 181. 70 210.41 21.47 237.38 11. 96 19.18 14.11 11. 92 7.08 302. 12 604.24 75.53 38.94 81.86 4.70 33.98 58.22 9.25 15.52 146.68 284.05- 1. 04- 52.12 23.28 7.76 7.76 15.52 7.76 23.28 21.58 195.68 37.46 119.57 405.98 56.00 91.88 84.54 11.33 21.20 6.47 5.48 2.43 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 59780 Sequim Gazette Inc. 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 59786 Paint Store, The 59787 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 59795 Port Angeles Power Equipment 59799 Qwest Communications 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 19016 16004 16064 16201 16122 21087 19035 19037 Description GL Code Number After School program ad 861 4410 Printer cartridge 863 3101 Office, chapel paint 866 3120 Paint 865 3120 Paint 865 3120 Paint,masking tape 865 3120 Switch,tire 865 3120. Exchange tire,tire iron,grip 865 3120 Pin,gaskets,filter,mower tires 865 3120 Fuel tank cap 865 3140 08-08 Advertising Billing 866 4410 Cones 862 3120 Cylinder rental-July 8663101 Cylinder rental-July 865 3101 Handle,extension,socket 865 3120 Exchange socket 865 3120 Bolts 865 6510 Yrench,rivets,hinge 865 3120 Elbows,sealant,regulator 865 3120 Return sealant 865 3120 Flag tape 865 3120 Cylinder rental 8663101 Cylinder rental 865 3101 Flat washers cotter pins 865 3120 Pipe wrenches,pliers 865 3501 Cotter pins,washers 865 3120 O-rings 865 3120 File,handle 865 3501 O-rings 865 3140 Gloves 865 3120 Yhite paint striping 865 3120 Pipe,elbow,hose 865 3120 Gloves,cleaner-toilet maint 865 3120 Lube spray, rubber undercoat 830 3120 Distilled water 862 3101 S-Hooks 865 3120 Starting fluid 865 3120 Gloves 865 3120 Quick links,snaps,pulley 865 3120 Yatering wand, hose shutoff 865 3140 Rollers,knee buckle,brushes 866 3120 Squeegees,handle 865 3120 Ziploc bags,tissue,paper cups 862 3101 Drain opener,dish soap 865 3120 Paint brushes,C clamp 863 3120 Shutoff valve Civic fire hose 865 3140 Multi-meter fuse 865 3120 Shutoff valve for pier 865 3120 Light bulbs 865 3120 Spa chemicals 865 3120 Bleach,fabric softener 865 3120 October 11 2000 Page 10 i . I Amount 70.00 34.26 233.65 18.22 18.22 59.88 77.64 47.17 88.97 2;37 566.84 56.91 10.79 16.19 71.72 8.52 1.19 16.01 52.14 ~:~.3- 10.7 16.19 1.58 132.04 3.50 .82 36.98 .39 5.90 16.09 7.63 8.97 12.39 6.28 .73 2.45 5.25 32.15 16.66 88.32 25.15 57.40 9.32 12.68 36.6. 2.0 8.06 4.32 13.96 6.' 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number . . 62 't~~~f;r:f,~~r:1~t~~;)~;i{~!\::~~!';";: 1:"(;.:" ,.',1'.-',' ;~_>:~1:: City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number 59819 Thurman SuppLy 20005 59823 US West Communications 21001 59830 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 59832 WatermiLL Inc., The 59843 AngeLes MiLLwork 23010 01073 Description GL Code Number NozzLe,sprayers 862 3120 Hose nozzLe,hose shutoff 865 3120 . GLoves,broom 865 3120 Spray paint,drain opener 865 3120 Hose shutoff vaLve 865 3140 Watering wand 865 3140 SprinkLing wand 865 3140 DiaL and Spray 862 3120 Seed and sod starter 865 6510 Pressure reguLator,eLect tape 865 3120 Hardware 865 3120 Scraper, razor bLades 865 3120 GLoves, safety gLasses 865 3120 Irrigation system hardware 865 3120 Masking tape 865 3120 Lights 863 3120 Test caps 865 3120 Test caps,duct tape 865 3120 Test cap 865 3120 ELectricaL tape,poLe,Lights 830 3120 Tank vaLve,ToiLet boLt sets 8663120 Lights,boLts,squeegees 865 3120 SprinkLers 865 3120 PVC pipe,coupLing 865 3120 Outdoor fLood Lights 865 3120 Pest spray, fLuorescent Lights 865 3120 Water standpipe, irrigation fit 865 3120 Hose cLamp 865 3120 08-14 BiLLing 863 4210 Extinguisher maintenance 830 4810 Extinguisher maintenance 865 4810 Extinguisher maintenance 865 4810 PooL chemicaLs 862 3120 Rubber straps 865 3120 Screws 830 3101 CauLking gun 830 3120 Screws, Lumber 861 3101 SisaL rope 865 3120 WaLL brushes 863 3120 PLiers,cabLe ties 865 3120 Screws 865 3120 Tape,Lubricant,string Liner 865 6510 Concrete mix,paint 865 3120 Nuts,screws 865 6510 Lumber, gLoves 865 6510 Lumber, feLt 865 6510 FeLt 865 6510 Lumber 865 6510 Lumber 865 6510 Lumber 865 6510 Return Lumber 865 6510 October 11 2000 Page 11 Amount 18.42 13.96 20.33 15.30 8.06 11.73 11.73 13.99 12.81 21.48 35.93 3.93 18.14 4.65 3.59 71. 15 26.87 13.57 .81 26.23 20.36 15.84 15.38 1.86 10.75 48.08 12.86 .86 105.99 82.54 25.90 31. 29 1,043.65 8.80 5.93 8.18 99.98 5.17 20.46 17.53 3.88 44.83 9.03 14.57 152.91 85.97 27.45 14.45 116.83 20.20 20.20- 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59846 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 59853 Clallam Co Bar Association 03574 59858 Dunlap Towing Company 04330 59862 Flags AI Flying And Banners 06164 59876 Jobs Available Inc 10022 59893 Peninsula College 16011 59897 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 59900 Restaurant Appliance Svc Inc. 18168 59909 Strait Music 19347 59910 Thousand Mile Outdoorwear Inc 20266 59913 US West Communications 21001 59929 Anchor Marine Repair 01345 59931 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 59966 Murray Motors Inc. 13129 59972 Olympic Sewer & Drain Cleaning 15169 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59987 Rocket 60000 US West Communications 04043 21001 Description GL Code Number Return lumber 865 6510 Bevel square, roofing nails 865 6510 Lumber exchange 865 6510 Roofing,felt,caps-Lincoln Park 865 6510 Extension pole, roller cover 865 3120 Snap bolt 865 3120 Roof vents, lumber 865 6510 Screws,nuts for fence brackets 865 6510 Sawsall blade 865 6510' Roofing material 865 6510 Caulking,sealer 865 6510 Siding nails 865 6510 Shingles 865 6510 Roofing,nails 865 6510 Ratchet tie-down 865 3120 Staples, roof vent, flashing 865 6510 Drip caps 865 6510 Roofing material 865 6510 Lumber, stakes 865 6510 Lumber 865 6510 Lumber 865 3120 Lumber-floats Ediz Hook 865 3120 Concrete mix 865 3120 09-03 Billing 861 4210 09-03 Billing 865 4210 09-03 Billing 865 4210 Refund Council Chamber rental 865 34730018 Tug svcs to repair camel logs 865 4810 Plastic flag rings,bolts 866 3120 Job ad-Parks And Rec Director 811 4410 Feiro contract final pmt 877 4150 Marker-Siegert 866 3401 5% early pmt discount 866 3401 Contactor,drain screen,hose 863 4810 Drain screen, steam hose 863 4810 Repair mic system antenna 861 4810 Trunk covers,tees.shorts,caps 862 3101 Swim pants 862 3101 09-02 Billing 863 4210 Service motor 865 4810 C Kochanek- pe 09-15-00 866 4150 Touch-up paint 865 3120 Erickson Park vandalism 865 4810 Reimburse petty cash 862 34760013 Reimburse petty cash 862 3101 Reimburse petty cash 862 34730012 Repair fire sprinkler-City pie 865 4810 09-14 Billing 862 4210 09-14 Billing 811 4210 09-14 Billing 866 4210 09-14 Billing 865 4210 Page 12 . Amount 22.99- 8.49 19.36 1,944.06 8.49 1.69 98.62 14.57 15.36 8.64 13.02 5.32 38.30 32.99 27.74 23.44 12.26 2.35 32.33 12.53 19.3. 11.1 6.45 9.17 20.47 18.76 36.00 378.00 44.17 182.16 10,000.00 313.00 15.65- 140.17 54.38 14.51 510.00 48.90 52.47 124.35 798.84 4.92 92.64 75.00 19.08 83.~ 326.~ 41.47 70.72 23.57 f;53 :-:,,:\:,~,':;'~";f;'~;t~:,~'r;g~~?*{?l.i\}:,',~:~~~~;~~ ' ,00/10/11-11 :36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 13 . CHECK REGISTER" Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 09-14 Billing 861 4210 47.14 09-14 Bill ing 862 4210 23.57 09-14 Billing 863 4210 70.72 09-14 Billing 865 4210 38.77 09-14 Billing 862 4210 47.06 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 August Scan Charges 811 4210 8.27 August Scan Charges 861 4210 20.93 August Scan Charges 862 4210 1.41 August Scan Charges 865 4210 .17 August Scan Charges 866 4210 5.61 60015 Abloy Security Inc 01464 Coin locks,boxes,spacers,keys 862 3120 4,053.82 60017 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Li ghts 863 3120 178.14 2% 0 iscount 863 3120 3.30- Spring nuts, adapter 865 3120 4.94 2% Discount 865 3120 .09- Li ghts 865 3120 72.84 2% Discount 865 3120 1.35- 60031 Captain T's 03048 Custom embroidery 862 3101 60.21 Custom embroidery 862 3101 36.58 60046 Dunlap Towing Company 04330 Tug services to move floats 865 4810 491.30 . 60047 Eel ipse C Corp. 19019 Cover sand 866 3120 107.90 Cover sand 865 3140 323.70 Cover sand 865 3140 26.98 Cover sand 865 3140 53.95 Cover sand 865 3140 269.75 Industrial crushed 865 3140 16.18 Industrial crushed 865 3120 53.95 Pea gravel 865 6510 53.95 60059 Goodman, Doris 07332 Damage deposit refund 863 36240021 105.00 60060 Grainger Inc. 07015 Lamp bulbs 862 3120 211. 03 Lamp bulbs, check valves 862 3120 154.43 60075 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 Commission sales-September 866 4990 951. 30 60106 puget Safety Equipment 16248 Gloves 862 3120 20.28 60127 US West Communications 21001 09-02 Bill ing 830 4710 32.82 09-14 Billing #360457700494772 863 4210 37.37 09-20 Bill ing 863 4210 47.81 Total for Parks & Recreation 33,249.46 Total for General Fund 127,823.91 101 0001 59968 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 Reimburse August expenses 122 4150 1,043.00 60026 Brewer, David 02055 Contract svcs October 115 4990 100.00 Total for Convention Center Fund 1,143.00 1.7 59698 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Filter housing,plugs 752 3501 46.00 59706 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Ecology blocks 752 3125 80.93 Ecology blocks 752 3125 80.93 59730 Diversified Resource Center 04052 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Aug 752 4150 55.65 59747 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Galvanized sheets,pipe,caps 752 3101 98.49 '80 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 14 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 59756 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3101 36.69 Asphalt 752 3101 62.90 Asphalt 752 3101 228.95 Asphalt 752 3101 1,967.83 Asphal t 752 3101 424.97 Asphalt 752 3101 312.70 Asphal t 752 3101 426.60 Asphal t 752 3101 38.85 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 08-02 Billing 752 4210 23.28 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Horton 752 3101 30.10 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 752 3101 75.53 59783 PERS 16016 Service credit Marty Lemon 752 2030 3,091.67 59791 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Bids-8th St Restoration 792 4410 224.00 59795 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Saw 752 3501 307.46 59803 Richmond 2-Way Radio' 18009 Antenna 752 4210 45.31 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Bolts,nuts 752 3125 17.64 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Batteries 752 3501 14.83 59819 Thurman Supply 20005 Faucet aerator 752 3101 2.26 59843 Angeles Millwork 01073 Mailbox,tape 752 3101 21.36 Ties 752 3101 4.06 End caps, gutters 752 3101 27._ Caulking,brushes 752 3101 15.4 Plug,brushes 752 3101 10.75 Caulking 752 3101 10.85 Lumber 752 3125 47.41 Roller covers,tray,paint 752 3125 18.60 Nuts,washers,caps 752 3125 15.81 Lumber 752 3101 14.10 59846 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 09-03 Bill ing 752 4210 28.04 09-03 Bill ing 752 4210 14.66 09-03 Billing 752 4210 13.97 59871 Harding Lawson Assoc Infra Inc 08248 Project 47941 pmt 12 pe 08-11 792 4150 16,942.58 59957 Hays Architect Inc, Kenneth 08456 Laurel St Slide Repair pe 8-31 792 4150 9,077.37 59985 Ridout, Ken 18011 Reimburse mileage 752 4310 53.02 60000 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Bill ing 752 4210 70.72 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 August Scan Charges 752 4210 .17 60038 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 CDL Physical 752 4310 100.00 60045 Diversified Resource Center 04052 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Sept 752 4150 77.83 60051 Federal Express Corp. 06022 09-25 Shipping chgs 792 4210 5.55 09-25 Shipping chgs 792 4210 7.95 60129 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 09-15 Bill ing 752 4210 9.05 60140 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Warning flags 752 3125 107.05 Total for Street Fund 34,387.76 103 0001 59728 Den-Ree Productions 04342 E-nable consulting services 130 4150 15,100.. 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 08-02 Bill ing 123 4210 7. 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 123 3101 30.52 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 Smith to Lacey 09-07 123 '4310 80.50 59939 Clallam Co EDC 03067 Incubator Network Program 123 4150 5,000.00 60000 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 123 4210 635 :';:!~''''''';~;~h~''::)~';'~'f{~,/-~I ' ""-'",:r;!t"iJ 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 107 0005 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 59789 paymentech 16421 59803 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 59824 United Parcel Service 21005 59886 New World Systems 14184 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 60000 US West Communications 21001 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 . 60077 Language Line Services 12345 60092 New World Systems 14184 60107 Quill Corporation 17000 109 0005 59797 Praxis Research 16283 172 0002 59707 Angeles Electric Inc. 59711 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01071 01039 59753 Kathol Construction 11178 59942 Cozi Homes Construction 03299 59971 Olympic Community Action Progs 03022 Description August Scan Charges October 11 2000 GL Code Number 123 4210 Total for Economic Development 08-02 Bill ing Paper Paper Storage boxes, computer paper Toner ,Credit card purchases Move equipment to new cabinet Reroute system ground wiring Repair Sequim console 09-02 Billing Se~vices pe 08-25 O'Conner to Edmonds 08-24 Romberg to Edmonds 08-24 O'Conner to Everett 08-27 09-14 Bill ing August Scan Charges Over-the-phone interpretation Prof svcs 08-28/08-31 Prof svcs 08/21-8/31 Prof svcs 09-11/09-12 Steno books,pens,calculator Labels,clasp envelopes Off i ce suppl i es 532 4210 532 3101 532 3101 532 3101 532 3101 532 4310 532 4810 532 4810 532 4810 532 4210 532 6510 532 4310 532 4310 532 4310 532 4210 532 4210 532 4150 532 6510 532 6510 532 6510 532 3101 532 3101 532 3101 Final evaluation YMCA Teen Ctr 541 4150 Total for PenCom Final Billing-Baker #98PA54E Final pmt-Baker 98PA54E Plumbing-Baker #98PA54E Contractor pmt #2-Levick 98PA5 Final pmt-Marquis #98PA42L 2% Loan fee-Marquis #98PA42L Total for P. A. Teen Help 214 4150 214 4150 214 4150 214 4150 214 4150 214 4150 Total for PA Housing Rehab Project 174 0008 59718 Captain T's 03048 Polo shirts,embroidery 888 3101 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Money receipt books 880 3101 . Phone cushions 880 3101 Paper 880 3101 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 888 3101 Reimburse petty cash 888 3101 59805 Safeway Inc. 19045 Marshmallows 888 3101 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Score book 881 3101 66 Page 15 Amount 10.77 20,253.12 131.89 37.77 75.53 80.89 157.53 1,179.00 931. 72 129.48 258.96 7.49 4,565.00 29.40 29.40 605.35 400.72 85.41 54.92 3,465.00 2,714.31 770.00 130.13 34.48 34.55 15,908.93 3,200.00 3,200.00 150.55 771.31 67.17 3,370.15 18,137.76 366.68 22,863.62 101.43 14.51 18.45 37.77 29.82 9.95 1.98 12.85 00/10/11-11:36 Fnd Dpt Check Number 176 0005 178 0005 184 0008 186 0008 208 0002 310 0007 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number 59828 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 23333 59857 District 13 04050 59860 Enchanted Parks Inc. 05027 59907 Sol Due Hot Springs Resort 19719 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 60003 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 23333 60043 Dept of Fish & Wildlife 04227 60063 Hatch Sporting Goods Inc, Bill 08012 60069 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 60117 Sound Restaurant Supply Inc. 19315 60130 Viking Office Products 22054 59944 DARE America 04036 59998 Tee's Plus Screen Printing 20065 59747 59n7 59817 59819 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. Olympic Paper Company Swain's General Store Inc. Thurman Supply 08052 15111 19037 20005 60117 Sound Restaurant Supply Inc. 19315 59982 RWE Distributing (Dogipot Inc) 04252 60010 York Bronze Co 12289 60139 York Bronze Co 12289 59849 Bank of New York, The 02175 59757 Land Title Company 12129 Description Candy-Kid's Program Soccer balls Coed softball league Soccer balls Crayons,first aid supplies Fall Cooed soccer officials Combo Admission tickets Group admissions Reimburse petty cash Arts and crafts supplies Arts and crafts supplies Permit fee-Fishing Contest Volleyball net Ice packs Pail,Jet Kleen Plus Money receipt book October 11 2000 GL Code Number 888 3101 889 3101 881 3101 888 3101 888 3101 889 4150 888 3101 888 3101 884 3101 888 3101 888 3101 888 3101 884 3101 888 3101 889 3101 889 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Workbooks Antenna balls,cups,lapel pins Erasers Jacket,stickers,certificates Lumber Dispenser towels, hand soap Battery tool,charger Carport 531 3101 531 3101 531 3101 531 3101 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 537 4810 537 3501 537 3501 537 4810 Total for Law Enforcement Firearms Range Transformer,door switch assemb 823 4830 Total for Senior Center Maintenance Dogipot Junior disperiser,bags Plaque-Lang Plaque-Jones Plaque-Madara Plaque-Conrad Plaque-Wilcox 873 3101 873 3101 873 3101 873 3101 873 3101 873 3101 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund Admin fees-PORANGLD211 292 4150 Total for L.I.D. Control Fund Settlement fees Escrow 15524 n4 4990 Page 16 . Amount 2.54 284.86 48.56 38.65 30.08 1,800.00 312.00 75.00 21.58 129.33 19.41 24.00 59.14 7.82 82.00 34.12 3,195.85 524.40 121.4. 98.0 669.77 1,413.67 31. 77 110.96 95.97 820.02 1,058.72 139.69 139.69 390.32 55.50 68.25 55.50 67.00 74.75 711.32 42.6. 42.65 6470 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number 0008 . 314 0007 316 0008 . 401 68 "~:;;""";f,};.t~:'-~P_''1t~o1i;~;,; "; ),?ij,''1;rq~:{ City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 60019 Alternative Tech Construction 01465 60136 Yestrem, John & Evelyn M 23460 59706 Angeles Concrete Products 59714 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 60123 Terma-Planners and Architects 60140 Zumar Industries Inc. 59701 Aloha Fence Co. 59843 Angeles Millwork 59697 Accurate Gutter Service 59714 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 59749 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 59781 Operation Uplift 59787 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 59843 Angeles Millwork 60060 Grainger Inc. 60072 Just 'N' Love 60109 Rempel, Gloria 01070 02045 20244 26001 01062 01073 01356 02045 08151 15200 16201 01073 07015 10206 18388 59699 Akers, Yilliam 01463 59700 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Description Mobilization,progress pmt 1424 Airport Rd October rent Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Concrete Gloves Sand Sand Sand Park Plan Design Development Disabled Parking signs October 11 2000 GL Code Number n4 4150 n4 4150 Total for Public Yorks 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 896 4150 895 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Guard rail fencing-Ediz Hook Lumber Roller covers,brush,paint Staples 715 4810 715 4810 715 4810 715 4810 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Gutters,downspouts 860 3101 Soil 860 3101 Sand 860 3101 Lime,sand 860 3101 Refund damage deposit-Longhous 860 36240012 Damage,key deposit refund 860 36240012 Primer 860 3101 Cement 860 3101 Screw hooks 860 3101 Paint brush,nails 860 3101 Primer coat 860 3101 Portland cement 860 3101 Paint brush 860 3101 Paint brush 860 3101 Tub bar-handicapped restrooms 860 3101 Refund 860 36240012 Damage deposit refund 860 36240012 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Utility deposit rfd-104396019 401 2131100 Yire,ground wire,ground rod 401 1414000 Page 17 Amount 9,964.57 540.00 11,453.67 nO.41 802.51 930.91 1,428.47 963.01 563.51 17.48 66.63 66.63 21.04 4,480.00 86.29 10,196.89 21,650.56 180.20 27.97 29.64 2.95 240.76 398.15 36.69 49.63 58.37 50.00 50.00 22.11 105.52 4.32 6.19 22.54 47.96 4.40 .71 153.45 90.00 50.00 1,150.04 189.53 145.00 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 18 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL. Code Amount Number Name Number Number Wire,ground wire,ground rod 401 1411000 11.46 59713 Benda, Dorothy 02352 Utility overpmt rfd-010375001 401 1222200 116.50 59737 Finfrock, Heather 06273 Utility deposit rfd-119013008 401 2131100 77.34 59740 Fullerton, Connie 06274 Utility deposit rfd-054208022 401 2131100 80.28 59744 Gordon, Michelle 07330 Utility deposit rfd-043192028 401 2131100 100.71 59746 Haggar, Curt 08447 Utility overpmt rfd-029211025 401 1222200 27.15 59750 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Scanner document feeder 401 2370000 16.59- Scanner 401 2370000 18.57- 59761 lin, Mei Ye Huang Hai 12357 Util ity deposit rfd-119062003 401 2131100 104.76 59763 Lindgren, Al ice 12358 Util ity deposit rfd-021202021 401 2131100 179.33 59764 lindstrom, Kristy 12359 Utility deposit rfd-038601021 401 2131100 176.23 59772 Morris, Greg 13566 Utility deposit rfd-001937013 401 2131100 92.63 59m Nordstrom, Daniel E 14014 Utility deposit rfd-060348027 401 2131100 72.00 59788 Parker, Cheri 16498 ' Utility deposit rfd-081973025 401 2131100 61.42 59790 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 Utility deposit rfd-001961020 401 2131100 55.54 59793 Pipe 16202 Vaults 401 1414000 3,520.00 Vaults 401 1411000 519.78 Vaults 401 2370000 295.78- 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 401 1343300 25.00 59798 Professional Collection 16490 Utility overpmt rfd-030481027 401 1222200 23.70 Utility overpmt rfd-120405001 401 1222200 24.6. 59801 Raceways Technology Inc 18381 Couplings 401 1411000 92.6 Bend PVC 401 1414000 1,032.60 Bend PVC 401 1411000 131.39 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Washers 401 1411000 3.24 59821 Trotter, Tanya 20284 Util i ty deposi t rfd-089125004 401 2131100 79.99 59822 Truitt, William 20285 Util ity deposit rfd-081639039 401 2131100 125.00 59825 Van Haalen, Caspar 22107 Util ity deposit rfd-004561016 401 2131100 145.96 59826 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Guy guard 401 1411000 81.03 Grounding connector 401 1411000 667.05 Cable termination kits 401 1414000 205.26 Cable termination kits 401 1411000 17.24 Cable termination kit 401 1414000 18.66 Cable termination kit 401 1411000 1.57 Electrical parts cleaner 401 1411000 102.50 Cutting pliers 401 1411000 26.77 Standoff bracket 401 1411000 152.84 59833 Weikel, David 23539 Utility deposit rfd-061816007 401 2131100 171. 65 59834 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Crimpi ts 401 1411000 174.80 Wedge cl amps 401 1411000 763.93 Capscrews,hex nuts 401 1411000 163.08 59835 Wi lson, Deni se 23540 Utility deposit rfd-127914012 401 2131100 107.70 59866 Franklin, Michelle 06275 Utility deposit rfd-109835021 401 2131100 42.38 59892 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 Utility overpmt rfd-027081010 401 1222200 45.22 Utility overpmt rfd-020729014 401 1222200 108.54 Utility overpmt rfd-028215004 401 1222200 20.0. Utility overpmt rfd-124024002 401 1222200 304.0 Utility overpmt rfd-118930002 401 1222200 173.86 Utility overpmt rfd-117889005 401 1222200 66.29 Utility deposit rfd-043672020 401 1222200 30.39 59895 Perry, April 16499 Utility deposit rfd-119750005 401 2131100 6~ '""~-'"'.' ""~"%~.~/i.'?."\'/:-.j: "i> "':rt~'\.tB',o." 00/10/11-11:36 ':::~Hj City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER" Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 59901 Roberts, Michell 59933 Bell, Joseph 59934 Borries, Stanley 59935 Boucher, Randall 59951 Evans Property Management 59954 General Pacific Inc. 18384 02551 02542 02550 05205 07034 59955 Hathaway, Shawnee 08457 59958 Hendrix, Cheryl 08458 59960 Jaramillo, Claudia 10205 59961 Leslie, Tom 12360 59962 Loan, Dean 12361 59963 Mathis, Debbie 13569 59964 Meckler, Toni 13570 59973 Palmer Jr, Donald 16500 59975 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 59976 Peterson, Kristi 16501 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 59986 Robotkay, Jason & Lisa 18364 . 59989 Ryan, Dan 18385 59992 Seimer, Cherri 19720 60007 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 60008 Wright, Jacqueline 23541 60017 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 60052 Finfrock, Heather 60073 Kalapaca, John 60074 Kiiski, V L 60093 North Coast Electric Company 06273 11224 11112 14173 . 60097 Pacific Metering Inc. 16494 60107 Quill Corporation 17000 70 Description Utility deposit rfd-037788003 Utility deposit rfd-013609026 Utility overpmt rfd-005754002 Utility deposit rfd-089800004 Utility overpmt rfd-114421014 Triplex cockle wire Triplex cockle wire Utility deposit rfd-059846005 Utility deposit rfd-057312011 Utility deposit rfd-090859006 Utility overpmt rfd-061956006 Utility deposit rfd-097071015 Utility deposit rfd-083448014 Utility deposit rfd-124243007 Utility deposit rfd-011061006 Utility overpmt rfd-091898028 Utility deposit rfd-098949035 Reimburse petty cash Reimburse petty cash Utility deposit rfd-067288033 Utility overpmt rfd-123919003 Utility deposit rfd-126489006 Transformer pads Transformer pads Guy wire dispenser Utility deposit rfd-034260002 Clamps 2% Discount Spring nuts Conduit Conduit 2% Discount Spring nuts 2% Discount Return spring nuts Utility overpmt rfd-119013008 Utility overpmt rfd-028592009 Utility overpmt rfd-065285001 Lubricant Lubricant Conduit,clamps Conduit,clamps Return extra clamps Plate wire holders Plate wire holders Current transformers Current transformers Current transformers Folders,clipboard Rulers,drawer director Util ity knife October 11 2000 GL Code Number 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131000 401 1222200 401 2131100 401 2451000 401 1343300 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 2131100 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 2131100 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1222200 401 1222200 401 1222200 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 Page 19 Amount 66.87 13.93 64.60 85.09. 17.46 358.24 28.30 250.00 125.00 58.01 817.45 250.00 109.99 99.62 182.81 126.83 46.49 16.00 25.00 58.36 22.02 138.33 525.00 41.48 207. 17 125.00 25.68 .48- 84.16 145.00 1,338.85 27.50- 19.02 .35- 84.16- 30.44 76.34 248.00 117.89 76.78 1,690.26 415.17 14.57- 37.31 65.61 1,160.88 91. 71 91. 71- 3.23- 1.02- .32- 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - liVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Fnd Opt Check Nl.IIIber Vendor Name 60119 Supplemental Services Inc. 60132 WESCO Distribution Inc. 0009 59700 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 59724 Cornell Auto Parts 59730 Diversified Resource Center 59734 Equifax - Credit Information 59742 Girard Wood Products Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Nl.IIIber 19292 23150 01061 03092 04052 05160 07329 59747 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 59750 Insight Direct Inc. 59752 Kaman Industrial Technologies 59765 lucent Technologies 59771 Mohawk Transportation Inc 59777 Olympic Paper Company 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 09085 11082 12215 13565 15111 15027 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 59787 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 59791 Peninsula Daily News 16012 59792 Pettit Oil Company 16302 59801 Raceways Technology Inc 18381 59806 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 59809 Snohomish County PUD 19389 59811 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Description Gl Code Number Dust busters,rolodex,pens Fax ribbon Clipboards,hi-liters,binders labels Wire Wire 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 1411000 401 1411000 Total for Department Wire,ground wire,ground rod 911 4810 Cleaner 911 3101 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Aug 911 4150 Service fee pe 08-21 911 4150 Pallets 911 3501 Pallets 911 4150 Plywood channel 911 3101 Joist hangers,postcaps,ll.lllber 911 3101 Drip caps,nails 911 3101 lumber 930 4810 Scanner document feeder 911 3160 Scanner 911 3160 Coupling spider 911 4810 08-02 Billing 911 4210 Transport transformer oil 911 4810 Towel rolls,toilet tissue 911 3101 Business cards-Hagan 911 3101 Business cards-Marks 911 3101 Business cards-O'Donnell 911 3101 Business cards-Drake 911 3101 Stamp pads 911 3101 Magnetic strips 911 3101 Stamp 911 3101 Fax paper 911 3101 Paint,brushes,tray,primer 911 3101 Caulking 911 4810 Paint,primer 911 4810 Bids-Power Transformer Proj-20 911 4150 Reconditioned drums 911 3101 Couplings 9303402 Sensor 911 4810 Sensor 911 4810 Credit sensors 911 4810 Power Factor Testing 911 4150 Substation transformer bushing 911 4150 Bolts,washers 911 4810 Bushing 911 4810 Helium 930 3101 Nitrogen 911 4810 Fasteners 911 3101 letter,number stencils,paint 911 4810 Platinum film 911 3101 Page 20 . Amount 12.91- 11. 54- 3.80- 9.62- 86.08 86.16 19,751.47 28.06 11. 37 162.88 31.22 662.67 662.66 9.21 34.99 15.98 17.26 226.59 253..' 3. 108.62 1,057.50 262.32 78.44 30.07 30.10 30.10 10.10 21.31 17.26 10.25 53.33 2.09 39.15 75.20 247.11 88.78 215.80 220. 13 215.80- 656.25 12.50 11. 55 1.. 42. 12.14 8.55 9.83 1.' 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 59819 Thurman Supply October 11 2000 Page 21 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 20005 59824 United Parcel Service 21005 59826 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 59829 Washington CDRS), State of 23141 . 59843 Angeles Mi llwork 01073 . 72 59846 AT&T Wireless Services 59849 Bank of New York, The 59855 Colvico Inc 59873 Highline Equipment Inc. 59874 Impact Training Services Inc 59883 Metropolitan Communications 59896 Port Angeles City Light 59903 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 01404 02175 03567 08063 09134 13568 16083 18087 Description GL Code Number Amount Sprayers,batteries 911 3402 Safety glasses 911 3101 Caulking,drain cleaner 911 3101 Alum flat bar,air filters 911 3101 Battery,rivets 911 3101 Locator battery 911 3101 Lubricant spray 911 4810 Pole 930 3402 PVC couplings,adapters 911 4810 Teflon tape,adapters,ell 930 4810 PVC water pipe,couplings 930 4810 Compression repair coupling 930 4810 Bushings,PVC pipe,batteries 911 4810 Pipe,couplings 930 4810 Pipe 930 4810 09-02 Billing 911 4150 09-02 Billing 911 4150 Cable stripper, torque wrench 911 3501 Portable gas engine drill 911 3501 Statewide pensioners-August 911 2010 Plywood underlayment,T-posts 9303402 Tie plates,postcaps 911 3101 Joist hanger, lumber 911 3101 Lumber 911 3101 Lumber 911 3101 Nails,lumber 911 3101 09-03 Billing 911 4210 09-03 Billing 911 4210 09-03 Billing 911 4210 09-03 Billing 911 4210 Admin fees-PORANGELES95 911 4150 Cresthaven Underground-July 930 4150 Cresthaven Underground-August 930 4150 Climber pads 911 3501 Splice kit 911 3501 Compression tool kit 911 3501 Grounded parking stand 911 3501 Huskie die 911 3501 Robo Crimp Dieless tool kit 911 6410 Electrical Control Circuits - 911 4310 Telecom Infrastructure Develop 911 4150 Reimburse petty cash 911 4810 Reimburse petty cash 911 3101 Reimburse petty cash 911 4210 Bolt cutters 911 3501 Gaff guards, tool belt,climber 911 3501 Tool belt,accessories 911 3501 Climber pad 911 3501 Safety harness 911 3501 Shot gun adapters 911 3501 Gaff hook 911 3501 25.33 107.76 15.04 18.79 11.88 10.65 7.27 113.30 5.15 5.44 9.67 1.93 21.54 6.42 4.05 5.12 9.04 213.07 955.87 200. 16 111.31 29.73 13.12 32.26 8.62 8.66 9.42 19.37 20.94 26.27 70.83 24,097.85 37,967.09 44.15 35.12 2,479.32 433.39 38.60 3,806.75 3,525.00 4,450.00 40.31 7.63 21. 96 129.58 341. 08 365.02 87.38 94.02 133.09 38.94 00/10/11-11:36 Fnd Dpt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 59913 us West Communications 59925 Advanced Travel 59930 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 59943 Crown Moving Co. Inc. 59948 E.S.R.I. Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 21001 01090 01039 03136 05188 59949 Eager Beaver Environmental Inc 05077 59950 Ekstrom Industries Inc. 05042 59954 59969 59970 59974 59980 59983 59988 59997 59999 60000 60004 60007 General Pacific Inc. Northwest Fence Co. Northwestern Territories Inc. Parsinen Landscape Maintenance Public Utility Dist Clallam Co Radar Engineers Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. Tedrow, Leland TriAxis Engineering Inc US West Communications Washington (DIS), State of Western States Electric Inc. 07034 14071 14017 16258 16038 18214 18087 20286 20274 21001 23111 23025 60009 Xerox Corporation 24001 60017 All Phase Electric supply Co. 01061 60024 60025 60028_ 60038 60045 60049 60051 60068 60087 60089 Bond, Elmer Brearley, Joline Business Answerphone Service CliniCare of PA Inc. Diversified Resource Center Equifax - Credit Information Federal Express Corp. Ireland, David H Moore, Douglas National Assn Purchasing Mgmt 02552 02553 02166 03080 04052 05160 06022 09133 13571 14494 Description G.L Code Number 09-02 Billing 911 4210 Knutson to Bellevue 08-23 911 4310 Cutler to Poulsbo 09-14 911 4310 Ireland,Hagan to Seattle 09-20 911 4310 Yoder to Seattle 09-11 911 4310 Repair toi let-Valley Substn 911 4810 Moving expenses-Larry Dunbar 911 4990 ArcView,ArcView upgrade 911 3101 ArcView 911 3101 Husky yellow wheeled kit 911 4150 Sealing rings,adapters 911 3101 Sealing rings,adapters 911 3101 Snap-on gaff guard 911 3501 Chain link fence rental 911 4150 Substation Closure pe 08-20' 911 4150 Landscape maintenance-August 911 4150 Landscape maintenance-Sept 911 4150 09-12 Billing SR101 and Euclid 911 3350 Test,repair Locator,battery 911 4810 Test elbow cover 911 4150 Lubricant 911 3501 Test,clean truck jib 911 4150 Cutters, test linemen's blanket 911 4150 Lubricant 911 3501 Tilt II tester, sharpeners 911 3501 Rubber blanket holder 911 3101 Underground wiring refund 930 4150 Underground line #2005 pe 9-01 930 4150 09-14 Billing 911 4210 August Scan Charges 911 4210 Allen wrenches 911 3501 Cable stripper,splicer knife 911 3501 DC220SS lease agreement-August 911 4530 Cable ties 911 3101 2% Discount 911 3101 Conduit 930 3402 2% Discount 930 3402 Conduit 930 3402 2% Discount 930 3402 Conduit reducer 930 3402 2% Discount 930 3402 Underground wiring refund 930 4150 Underground wiring refund 930 4150 October service 911 4150 DOT Physical-Beckett 911 4310 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Sept 911 4150 Service fees-pe 09-20 911 4150 09-25 Shipping chgs 911 4210 Reimburse mileage 911 4310 Underground wiring refund 930 4150 Membership,Seminar-Hagan 911 4901 October 11 2000 Page 22 . Amount 60.42 397.48 46.50 105.55 587.60 64.60 2,000.00 1,485.44 1,032.48 861. 78 . 621. 75 621.74 26.15 145.67 3,381. 75 2,233.53 2,233.53 16.39 299.56 7.03 18.4. 173.1 190.16 55.18 468.94 32.46 1,314.15 5,367.92 330.00 80.49 12.09 359.23 255.64 131.10 2.43- 104.67 1. 94- 1,091.95 20.24- 10.57 .20- 1,354.65 2,149.74 130.00 72.00 175.1. 31.3 7.10 50.70 1 ,782.18 ,.~ t"",t-''';'',,-,;~ "ir:~:::-"1'o/lo'<:,~: ","_ :,:-~" ,J.~I~'~; 'I >F i} ~,")~jJ;~, ~[,~~~:~; City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE 00/10/11-11:36 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 60101 Pettit Oil Company 16302 60105 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 60106 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 60107 Quill Corporation 17000 60113 60114 60119 60122 60127 Sears Commercial One Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. Supplemental Services Inc. Tedrow, Leland US West Communications 19109 19058 19292 20286 21001 60129 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 . 60132 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 402 59704 American Water Works Assoc. 59736 Familian NW 01066 06020 59865 Fowler Company, H. D. 06110 59945 Display Sales Inc. 59965 Mid-Continent Safety 59989 Ryan, Dan 04263 13512 18385 0007 59696 AWWA Northwest WA Section 01371 . 59698 Ace Equipment Company 01055 59700 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 59702 AmTest Inc. 01034 74 Description Grease, oil 09-29 Billing Lauridsen Blvd 09-28 Billing 2110 Glass Rd 09-25 Billing Golf Course Rd Distribution switching Hard hats,vests,dust masks Folders,clipboard Rulers,drawer director Util ity knife Dust busters,rolodex,pens Fax ribbon Clipboards,hi-liters,binders Filter Overhead Electric Rebuild Bid Labels Underground wiring refund-bal 09-05 Bill ing 09-14 Billing 09-15 Bill ing 09-15 Billing 09-15 Billing 09-15 Bill ing 09-15 Bill ing 09-15 Bi II ing Torque wrench handle October 11 2000 GL Code Number 911 4810 911 3350 911 3350 911 3350 911 4150 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 930 4410 911 3101 930 4150 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 3501 Total for Light Total for Light Fund Booklet M25-Covers and Linings 402 2370000 Tapping sleeve 402 1414000 Tapping sleeve 402 1411000 Caps 402 1414000 Caps 402 1411000 Lug kits,gaskets,bolts 402 1414000 Lug kits,gaskets,bolts 402 1411000 Outdoor US Flag 402 2370000 Biosolids Application signs 402 2370000 Utility overpmt rfd-123919003 402 1222200 Total for Department Conference reg-McGinley 753 4310 Conference registration-Cutler 753 4310 Chainsaw repair,new chains 753 3101 Chain saw 753 3101 Files 753 3101 Wire,ground wire,ground rod 793 3101 Water sample analysis 754 4150 Silver test 754 4150 Page 23 Amount 8.30 19.84 29.82 14.49 103.84 162.77 44.12 13.86 4.31 176.34 157.52 51. 90 34.51 259.20 131.28 40.50 42.33 41.45 32.08 9.32 38.08 9.32 35.36 9.32 108.76 119,403.33 139,154.80 3.14- 353.42 37.85 19.71 1.62 133.47 10.95 3.24- 20.02- 7.57 538.19 50.00 50.00 73.37 236.30 3.23 900.96 210.00 14.45 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - liVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 59704 American Water Works Assoc. 59706 Angeles Concrete Products 59714 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc~ 59716 Camera Corner 59719 Chemsearch 59724 Cornell Auto Parts 59730 Diversified Resource Center 59731 Dobson's 59741 Gagnon & Sons Farms 59747 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 59751 Jones Chemicals Inc. 59752 Kaman Industrial Technologies 59756 lakeside Industries Inc. 59765 lucent Technologies 59767 McDonald, James 59777 Olympic Paper Company 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 59784 Pacific Appliances 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 59787 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 59791 Peninsula Daily News 59795 Port Angeles Power Equipment 59805 Safeway Inc. 598D6 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 59812 Steam Supply 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 01066 01070 02045 03044 14004 03092 04052 04054 07328 08052 10027 11082 12036 12215 13564 15111 15027 15030 16260 16004 16201 16012 16122 19045 19048 19290 19035 Description Gl Code Number Booklet M25-Covers and linings 753 3101 Control density fill 793 3101 Control density fill 753 3101 Crushed rock 753 3101 Control density fill 793.3101 Ecology blocks 754.3101 Concrete mix 793 3101 PVC cap 754 3101 Fiber mesh 753 3101 PVC pipe 754 3101 Photo processing,film 754 3101 Photo processing 754 3101 Hornet,wasp spray 753 3101 Spotlight 753 3101 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Aug 753 4150 Odor control fan 754 3101 Transport and apply biosolids 754 4150 Stakes, surveyor tape 754 3101 Chlorine 753 3101 Refund container deposit 753 3101 Sales tax Inv#0244064 754 3101 Hex nipple 754 3101 Hex nipple 754 3101 Asphalt 793 3101 Asphalt 753 3101 08-02 Billing 754 4210 08-02 Billing 753 4210 Refund underground electrical 793 4150 liquid chlorine 753 3101 Kitchen roll towels 754 3101 Business cards-Beverford 753 3101 Paper 753 3101 Video printing pack 754 3101 Main agreement 200053 pe 11-10 753 4210 Inkjet cartridges 753 3101 Ribbons 753 3101 Paint 753 3101 Bids-A St & Grant Water Mains 793 4410 Release funds-Safe Water Act 793 4410 Polycut,deflector kit,gasket 753 3101 polycut 753 3101 Blades 753 3101 Groceries 754 3101 Battery pack 754 3101 Sensor 754 3101 Sensor, battery pack 754 3101 Credit sensors 754 3101 Credit battery pack 754 3101 Valves 753 3101 Elbows, adapter 753 3101 Tape,screwdriver bits 753 3101 October 11 2000 Page 24 . Amount 42.89 245.47 151.06 5,664.75 302.12 539.50 19.42 5.97 5.40 91.93 70.69 9.97 166.03 9.66 55.66 45.68 4,500.00 15.69 1,249.72 750.00- 4.. 35. 44.69 69.19 65.28 15.52 7.76 1,176.96 169.40 62.47 30.10 75.53 53.95 20.85 64.74 5.34 69.03 214.40 20.00 63.09 58.16 17.24 118.11 99.83 224.45 302.. 215. 91. 17- 314.68 15.12 71S4 00/10/11-11:36 . 'W~-'; ;H~,*,';'t;\:'''';~~'''it', _~ ";:47_~~ ;-~~r( ''':;''l City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number . . 76 Vendor Name 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 59819 Thurman Supply 59820 Transfac Funding Corporation 59824 United Parcel Service 59843 Angeles Millwork 59846 AT&T Wireless Services 59864 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 59865 Fowler Company, H. D. 59870 Grainger Inc. 59877 K & L Supply Inc. 59880 Lloyd Electric Apparatus Co. 59881 McGraw-Hill Inc. 59898 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 59904 SKC-West Inc 59908 Sparling Instruments Co. Inc. 59913 US West Communications 59923 Addison Construction Supply CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000. Vendor Number 19037 20005 20059 21005 01073 01404 06063 06110 07015 11010 12049 13248 18003 19718 19083 21001 01451 Description Grommets Cable tie Threaded rods,nuts Flag tape Socket wrenches Flow meter hardware Gas can Shirt,fan Windshield washer fluid Insect spray Sprayer Fence posts-biosolids signs Rubber boots Dropcloth,paint brushes Plastic drop cloths Cable ties Flashlight,batteries Flashlight,batteries Wrong invoice number Couplings,PVC cement,primer Fasteners-hose holder Couplings,bushings,clamp Ball valve,nipple Ball valve,nipple Brass plugs Hose,nozzles Freight charge-LLoyd Electric 09-02 Bill ing 09-02 Bill ing 09-02 Bill ing Shims,batteries,level Safety goggles Lumber 09-03 Bill ing 09-03 Bill ing Water Rights Issues pe 09-13 Elwha Dam Removal pe 09-13 Caps Lug kits,gaskets,bolts Neutralizer,neutralizer case Industrial motor Windshield cleaner,gloves Repair motor Water Distribution System Terminal strip,conduit shield Lead check swabs Repair meter,desiccant bags 09-02 Bill ing 09-02 Billing 09-08 Bill ing Backer rods GL Code Number 754 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 754 3501 753 3101 753 3101 754 3101 754 3101 753 3101 754 3101 754 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 754 3101 753 3101 754 3101 754 3101 753 3101 754 3101 754 4810 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 4210 754 4210 793 4150 793 4150 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 754 3101 754 4810 753 3101 753 3101 754 3101 753 3101 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 754 3101 October 11 2000 Page 25 Amount 1.73 3.01 17.01 3.22 11. 00 4.34 11.84 38.56 10.96 7.41 19.28 25.64 13.89 2.14 .95 11.59 18.06 18.06 18.06- 72.82 11.01 14.31 35.92 37.85 22.45 18.56 105.78 12.42 8.18 5.35 14.06 16.67 33.56 22.61 14.78 550.44 1,750.00 133.96 118.13 1,720.38 470.86 458.04 2,534.81 145.24 11.85 56.54 374.22 38.77 41.77 38.77 250.81 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 26 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Descri pt i on GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 59925 Advanced Travel 01090 Young to Lacey 08-30 754 4310 38.00 Hunt to Lacey 08-30 754 4310 38.00 Richmond to Lacey 08-30 754 4310 38.00 Yilliams to Lacey 08-30 754 4310 38.00 Cutler,Knutson,Campbell-Seattl 793 4310 42.30 59928 AmTest Inc. 01034 Yater analysis 754 4150 22.95 59932 Anjo Soils 01057 Soil mix . 753 3101 377.65 59936 Brown and Caldwell 02057 YY System Improvements pe 8-25 754 4150 2,711.84 59937 CH2M Hill 03005 Elwha Dam Removal pe 08-25 793 4150 631.80 GYI Compliance pe 08-25 793 4150 2,468.53 59945 Display Sales Inc. 04263 Outdoor US Flag 753 3101 44.19 59965 Mid-Continent Safety 13512 Biosolids Application signs 754 3101 273 . 40 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Reimburse petty cash 754 4310 26.24 59980 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 10-02 Bill ing 753 4710 1.83- 09-12 Billing-203 Reservoir RD 753 4710 44.41 60000 US Yest Communications 21001 09-10 Bill ing 753 4210 166.54 09-14 Bill ing 754 4210 47.14 09-14 Bill ing 753 4210 23.58 09-16 Billing 754 4210 44.66 09-10 Billing 753 4210 52.82 09-10 Bill ing 753 4210 51.4. 09-10 Bill ing 753 4210 51.4 60001 USA BlueBook 21060 Stripe wand,measuring wheel 753 3101 168.37 60004 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 August Scan Charges 753 4210 10.16 August Scan Charges 754 4210 38.78 60017 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Flex PVC,conduit,receptacles 793 3402 417.59 2% 0 iscount 793 3402 7.74- Adapters, receptacles 793 3402 107.36 2% Discount 793 3402 1. 99- Receptacles,boxes 793 3402 223.90 2% Discount 793 3402 4.15- Ground wire 793 3402 35.12 2% Discount 793 3402 .65- Fl ex PVC 793 3402 22.96 2% Discount 793 3402 .43- Flex PVC 793 3402 63.78 2% Discount 793 3402 1.18- Conduit ell 793 3402 5.50 2% Discount 793 3402 .10- 60031 Captain T's 03048 Shirts,embroidery 753 3101 226.59 Polo shirts,embroidery 753 3101 33.99 60038 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 DOT Physical-Yilliams 754 4310 72.00 60045 Diversified Resource Center 04052 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Sept 753 4150 77.83 60051 Federal Express Corp. 06022 09-25 Shipping chgs 793 4210 123.15 60060 Grainger Inc. 07015 Sand Blast cabinet 754 3501 1,027.91 Dust collector,blast media 754 3501 443._ 60076 LABCONCO Corporation 12362 Half rack,nuts,washers,screws 754 3101 103. Impeller,seal kit assembly 754 3101 74.37 60083 Metrocall 20000 09-23 Bill ing 754 4210 66.34 60093 North Coast Electric Company 14173 Condu it, cl amps 793 3402 1,780.83 Condui t,clamps 793 3402 11 ------ 00/10/11-11:36 . Fnd Opt Check Number . 404 0007 . 78 "'~'-.'-}' 't~~{~~~:~;r~~;:'D-~ri~;x~t." City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 60101 Pettit Oil Company 60111 S & B Inc. 60113 Sears Commercial One 60127 US West Communications 60129 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 60132 WESCO Distribution Inc. 59818 Tecsoft Inc 59878 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 60108 Reed-Joseph International 59705 Angeles Communications Inc 59730 Diversified Resource Center 59732 Drake's Pizza & Subs 59765 Lucent Technologies 59778 Olympic Printers Inc. 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 59785 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 59795 Port Angeles Power Equipment 59802 Radio Pacific Inc. 59803 Richmond 2-Way Radio CHECK REGISTER. Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 16302 19040 19109 21001 01105 23150 20283 12004 18387 01069 04052 04023 12215 15027 15030 16004 03062 16122 11019 18009 Description Return extra clamps Diesel Scada System-pmt #3 final Hose reel Swing bracket Grinder die,chisels,drill Wrench,hammer,ratchet,tools Wrenches Drill Regulator, gauge 09-20 Bi II ing 09-20 Bill ing 09-20 Bill ing 09-20 Bill ing 09-20 Bill ing 09-20 Bill ing 09-23 Bill ing 09-23 Bill ing 09-15 Bill ing 09-15 Bill ing Channel strut Shipping chgs-channel strut October 11 2000 GL Code Number 793 3402 754 4710 793 4150 754 3501 754 3501 754 3501 754 3501 754 3501 754 3501 754 3501 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 754 4210 753 4210 754 4210 753 4210 754 4210 793 3402 793 3402 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund Plotchem software Gloves Bird pest controls 404 2370000 404 2370000 404 2370000 Total for Department Hook up credit card machine 755 4210 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Aug 755 4150 Lunch gift certificates 755 4310 08-02 Billing 755 4210 Business cards-McCabe 755 3101 Paper 755 3101 Magnetic letters 755 3101 Magnetic board,letters,pins 755 3101 Stack chairs 755 3101 Reimburse petty cash 755 4310 Reimburse petty cash 755 4901 Oil,knob 755 3101 Blade 755 3101 August commercials-KONP #71 755 4410 August commercials-KIKN #71 755 4410 August Commercials KONP-#71 755 4410 Radio,external speaker, antenna 755 3501 Radio 755 3501 Page 27 Amount 177.70- 677 .34 4,946.73 269.84 59~75 219.01 307.98 145.64 97.10 53.94 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 59.20 28.11 16.78 1.56 276.42 43.97 46,566.56 47,104.75 39.50- 23.29- 14.62- 77 .41- 48.56 137.08 42.00 38.79 78.44 75.53 36.42 206.11 345.28 20.50 6.00 10.50 43.14 87.50 41.00 37.50 569.71 552.98 00/10/11-11:36 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name October 11 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59818 Tecsoft Inc 20283 59830 Yashington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 59831 Yaste Management - Northwest 23060 59843 Angeles Millwork 01073 59845 AT&T Business Service 01085 59852 Citybank Harbour Point 03555 59856 Design One Inc. 04164 59872 Hayduk, John 08455 59878 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 59891 Parametrix Inc. 16155 59898 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 59913 59926 60000 60004 60040 60045 60069 60098 60108 60130 438512 US Yest Communications Airgas-Norpac Inc. US Yest Communications Yashington (DIS), State of Costco Credit Card Pmts Diversified Resource Center Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) Parametrix Inc. Reed-Joseph International Viking Office Products Glacier Environmental Svcs 421 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 0009 59725 59794 59916 59995 Currie, Ron & Yvonne Port Angeles City Treasurer Vincent, Darrell Sull ivan, Jim 21001 01411 21001 23111 03261 04052 10020 16155 18387 22054 Inc 07223 03062 03569 03062 22108 19713 Description GL Code Number Shop towels, clock, car wash 755 3101 Paper plates,plastic flatware 755 3101 Notebooks, gloves 755 3101 Kitchen bags,hardware 755 3101 Air filters,duct tape 755 3101 Camera, battery 755 4901 Flashlight 755 4901 Ammunition 755 3101 Plotchem software 755 3101 Extinguisher maintenance 755 3101 September Recycling svcs 755 4150 G&rden hoses,nozzles,batteries 755 3101 08-27 Billing 755 4210 Escrow #6237-00497006 795 4150 Fair promotion supplies 755 4410 DOT Physical-Hayduk 755 4310 Gloves 755 3101 Landfill Engineering pe 08-01 795 4150 Speaker phone 755 3101 Adapter,handset,phone 755 3101 Mousepad 755 3101 09-05 Billing 755 4210 Hazardous waste 755 3101 09-14 Billing 755 4210 August Scan Charges 755 4210 Credit card purchases-Sept 755 3101 Credit card purchases-Sept 755 3101 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Sept 755 4150 Batteries,gloves 755 3101 LF Engineering,Permitting 8-31 795 4150 Bird pest controls 755 3101 Pens,calculator,phone stand 755 3101 LF Closure,pmt 3-TT438512 9-18 795 4150 Total for Public Yorks Total for Solid Yaste Fund Reimburse petty cash 421 2451000 Total for Department Energy rebate-Underfloor Reimburse petty cash Energy rebate-Lighting Yeatherization rebate-Insulati 913 4986 913 4990 913 4986 913 4986 Total for Light Total for Conservation Fund Page 28 . Amount 24.69 20.44 13.75 17.35 34.84 32.10 8.07 53.63 539.50 51. 79 41,616.06 51.85 5.58 14,785.48 1,915.63 105.00 317.99 21,001.32 43.13 70.10 4.. 85. 12.25 117.86 54.71 223.85 410.01 194.54 37.58 37,616.89 199.62 148.12 304,285.15 426,475.95 426,398.54 16.00 16.00 250.00 8.00 98.00 250.. 606.00 622.00 79 'cr}"~:~J: : :;$If\~"~~'~:~~:i{;~'{1f,t'~!~; ; ~"!' .:;~;~> '~~~.. 00/10/1 1 -11 :36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE October 11 2000 Page 29 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 501 0007 59724 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Fuel cap 760 3101 7.61 Air pressure gauge 760 3501 27.80 Black paint 760 3101 39.06 Alternator 760 3101 142.79 Credit alternator core 760 3101 32.37- ~hite paint 760 3101 5.42 ~hite paint 760 3101 9.73 Clutch 760 3101 131.12 Pad, turn rotors 760 3101 33.37 Brake shoes, turn drum, rotor 760 3101 83.35 Spark plugs 760 3101 8.23 Allen wrenches 760 3101 62.74 Filter 760 3101 20.78 Brake rotors,disc pad set 760 3101 723.08 Turn rotors,drums 760 3101 25.90 59729 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 LOF,lubra kleen,repair switch 760 4810 31.83 LOF,lubra kleen,repair switch 760 3101 13.22 59730 Oiversified Resource Center 04052 New Broom Janitorial svcs-Aug 760 4150 81.42 59731 Dobson 's 04054 Adapter,filter,freon 760 3101 140.33 59745 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 Maintenance kit 760 3101 43.11 . 59748 Heartl ine, The 08054 Battery 760 3101 71.16 Battery 760 3101 58.21 Batteries 760 3101 164.93 Batteries 760 3101 144.48 Batteries 760 3101 107.79 Batteries 760 3101 105.63 Batteries 760 3101 216.72 59752 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Seal 760 3101 10.31 59754 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Cut off wheels 760 3101 53.41 59762 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Repair bucket 760 4810 1,973.22 Repair bucket 760 3101 1,815.72 Clamps 760 3101 82.00 Pipe 760 3101 10.08 Steel 760 3101 3.72 Hardware 760 3101 1.35 Steel 760 3101 2.70 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 08-02 Bill ing 760 4210 7.76 59766 Craft , Don 03424 Ratchet wrench sets 760 3501 107.79 Hex center punches 760 3501 29.40 59768 McPherson Emergency Vehicle 13493 One bel t only 760 3101 37.67 Heater core 760 3101 139.13 59770 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Air filters 760 3101 26.09 Cable for prime pump 760 3101 38.82 Air fresheners 760 3101 10.46 Brake,battery cleaners,filters 760 3101 251. 65 . Solenoid 760 3101 19.59 Solenoid 760 3101 19.59 Battery 760 3101 49.03 Steering shocks 760 3101 53.93 Cap screws 760 3101 61.50 80 Belt 760 3101 15.93 00/10/11-11:36 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Aleck Fnd Opt Number Vendor Name 59792 Pettit Oil Company 59794 Port Angeles City Treasurer 59800 Race Street Auto Parts 59807 Schwab Tire Center, Les 59814 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 16302 03062 18048 19459 19035 Description Air filter Glass Brake fluid Filters,fittings Trailer couplings,fittings Lamps,brush,handle Seal lamps, plugs Trai ler part Switch Distributor cap, rotor \.lire set Seal lamps,plugs,oil filters Connectors, clamps, terminals Terminals Trai ler part Temperature sensor Cable Temperature sensor \.Irench Bulbs,filters Temperature sensor Brake pads Rope Switch Temperature sensor Solenoid Oil filter Air filter Oil fil ter \.later pump, core deposit Credit core deposit Hazardous waste Grease Oi l, lubricant Gasol ine Diesel Diesel Reimburse petty cash Antifreeze Casings.wheel driver,switches Cylinder rental-July Eye bolts Key Hydraulic shop labor Gloves Cutting tips,hooks Bolts \.lire cable clamp \.ledges, sledge handle Cord connectors, plugs Gaskets GL Code Number 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 ,760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3220 760 3101 760 3220 760 3210 760 3211 760 3211 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 October 11 2000 " Page 30 . Amount 6.50 9.10 14.87 201.14 13.24 25.73 16.75 10.90 42.39 10.97 29.11 68.26 102.74 6.90 54.49 5.51 86.86 5.51 8.11 33.10 3.. 56. 12.45 11.51 3.72 19.59 4.54 3.38 3.52 41.14 11.99- 242.03 50.23 890.18 3,796.00 1,811.39 3,289.00 5.25 64.61 424.85 26.98 24.03 2.16 54.49 47.78 22.. 14. 11.3 20.02 46.81 12.89 81 00/10/1 1 - 11:36 . Fnd Opt Chp": ,.,mber . 502 0002 . 82 1"tr.t"'"F-<:;Ii""9?<:'f'~:" ';;'~:;~1iC'-,: i\:}.f-'/'; City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Numbe r 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 59843 Angeles Millwork 01073 59851 Chevron USA (Credit Card pmts) 03060 59906 Schwab Tire Center, Les 19459 59925 Advanced Travel 59967 N C Machinery Co. 59979 Port Angeles City Treasurer 60000 US West Communications 60002 WSAFC 60004 Washington (DIS), State of 60014 AT&T Wireless Services 60045 Diversified Resource Center 60101 Pettit Oil Company 60104 Pryor Seminars, Fred 60115 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 59743 59750 59765 59785 59794 59844 59861 59925 59947 59979 60000 60004 60125 Global Knowledge Insight Direct Inc. 01090 14001 03062 21001 23304 23111 01404 04052 16302 16117 19199 07331 09085 Lucent Technologies 12215 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 ACCIS (Assn.of County/City IS) 01309 Exabyte Corporation 05221 Advanced Travel 01090 Dungeness Communications & 04210 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 US West Communications 21001 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Toshiba America IS Inc 20263 Description Conduit,hinges,eye bolts Bolts,nut locks,washers Key blank, step stool Cup hooks,tire link mats Barrels,lids Toilet seat hinges Motor oil Deck lumber for toro trailer Credit card purchase #2506753 Flat repair Flat repair Tubes,dismount,mount Tires,tubes,dismount,mount Tires,tubes,dismount,mount Tires,tubes flat repair Burrett to Auburn 09-07 Achziger to Ellensburg 09-10 Oil Push rod, ring, arm, button arm Reimburse petty cash 09-14 Billing Fire Mechanics Workshop-Achzig August Scan Charges 09-03 Bill ing New Broom Janitorial svcs-Sept August Cardlock August Cardlock 'Conflict Mgt'-Burrett Tow from City Hall to Garage GL Code Number 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3210 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4310 760 4310 760 3101 760 3101 760 4990 760 4210 760 4310 760 4210 760 4210 760 4150 760 3211 760 3210 760 4310 760 3101 October 11 2000 Total for Equipment Services Fund MS Office,Access books Modems Cable 08-02 Billing Inkjet printer Reimburse petty cash Membership dues 2000-0'Neill Fall Conference reg-O'Neill Repair tape drive Harper to Bellevue 08-13 August maintenance Reimburse petty cash 09-14 Bill ing August Scan Charges Extended warranty 3 yr-Smith 250 4310 250 3101 250 3101 250 4210 250 4810 250 4810 250 4901 250 4310 250 4810 250 4310 250 4150 250 4810 250 4210 250 4210 250 4810 Total for Information Systems Fund Page 31 Amount 73.83 3.99 32.67 45.33 16.51 4.07 5.41 168.09 20.00 88.31 77.57 33.71 732.94 27.24 289.22 24.28 96.90 32.18 26.67 127.52 54.75 23.57 450.00 11.95 8.06 116.70 21.53 3,364.32 195.00 48.55 25,265.79 185.12 392.22 17.27 23.28 808.17 9.70 50.00 155.00 433.76 899.85 125.00 7.53 70.72 19.25 299.00 3,495.87 00/10/11-11 :36 City of Port Angeles - .L1VE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 503 0001 59716 Camera Corner 59721 Coons, Robert 59859 Edgington, Sharon 59868 Gates Service Company, Frank 59882 Medley, Donna 59899 Regence Blue Shield-Dental 59902 Rocket 59911 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 59922 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 59941 Clallam Co YMCA 59956 Haugstad, Karen 59984 Rainier EAP Inc. 59993 Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 59996 Summit Law Group PLLC 60020 Balser, Fred 60021 Balser, Sharyn 60022 Bishop, Virgil 60029 Cameron, Kenneth 60030 Camporini, Rfchard 60036 Clallam Co YMCA 60050 Evans, Sid 60055 Fox, Kenneth 60064 Hayduk, John 60070 Johnson, Donald G 60071 Johnson, Harry 60081 Lindley, James K. 60082 Loucks, Jasper 60084 Miesel, Phil 60085 Miller, Dale 60088 Morgan, Roy 60090 NW Admin Transfer Acct 60116 Smith, Dave 60120 Sweatt, Johnnie 60137 Wilson, Mrs Curtis 602 0002 60050 Evans, Sid 60062 Hansen, George D. CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Number 03044 03089 05017 07208 13567 18234 04043 21000 01231 03076 08258 18057 19015 19437 02243 02078 02019 03252 03273 03076 05103 06191 08455 10052 10047 12019 12186 13261 13056 13145 14169 19721 19146 23542 05103 08048 Description Photo processing Reimburse medical expenses Reimburse claim #W200300 Workers' Compensation 3rd Qtr Settlement Claim #16-00 Administration fee-October Reset dry valve-Best Western October premi urn October premium October premium October premium October premium Memb Dues-Ziomkowski 012590801 Member Dues-Strait 013677401 Reimburse medical expenses Assessment and referral Membership-Filigno pass#3434 General Labor representation Disability Board claims-Sept Disability Board claims-Sept Disability Board claims-Aug Medicare premium-October Disability Board claims-Sept Medicare premium-October Disability Board claims-Sept Medicare premium-October Renew Member-Zappey 01-3028201 Disability board claims-Sept Disability board claims-Sept Reimburse medical expenses Medicare premium-October Medicare premium-October Medicare premium-October Medicare premium-October Medicare premium-October Vehi cle repai r Medicare premium-October October premium October premium October premium Claim settlement #21-00 Medicare premium-October Claim settlement #22-00 GL Code Number 119 4999 121 4630 118 4992 118 4140 119 4999 117 4601 119 4999 121 4631 121 4631 121 4630 121 4632 121 4634 121 4150 121 4150 121 4630 121 4150 121 4150 119 4150 121 4634 121 4634 121 4634 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4150 121 4634 121 4634 121 4630 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 119 4999 121 4635 121 4633 121 4633 121 4634 119 4999 121 4635 119 4999 October 11 2000 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Medicare premiun-October Medicare premium-October 225 4635 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Page 32 . Amount 16.04 167.00 55.00 2,500.00 674.21 1,584.12 125.16 1,005.00 742.00 61,795.50 1,242.25 7,033.75 570.00 516.00 375.00 330.00 205.00 43.00 49.98 }80.4.4 9. 94.0 52.99 68.30 169.00 46.10 570.00 66.00 4.50 256.67 43.80 45.50 45.50 85.00 46.10 691.48 46.10 11,402.40 14,508.30 6,200.70 187.75 65.70 105.61 114,020. 17 45.. 46.80 92.30 83 00/10/1 1 -1 1 :36 . Fnd 0.... Check Number 650 652 0008 . 657 698 . 84 ~i",:"";~"~'lf:' ::":"'f",,':"~_.~;:"/.:>>I"j "'f~ 'tit; ',~:';t' City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE >',' 'ii.,::: CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Vendor Name October 11 2000 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 16024 Firsts A/R Duparr Lease 650 2290000 PBIA 650 2319200 Decal Sales 650 2319100 60103 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 59747 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 59765 Lucent Technologies 12215 59779 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 59808 Seattle Art Museum 59817 Swain's General Store Inc. 19690 19037 59823 US Yest Communications 59846 AT&T Yireless Services 59847 American Assn of Museums 59887 North Olympic Peninsula 60000 US Yest Communications 60004 Yashington (DIS), State of 60127 US Yest Communications 21001 01404 01226 14127 21001 23111 21001 59920 Olympic Community Action Progs 03022 59755 LEOFF 12043 59783 PERS 16016 59863 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 59889 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 59890 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 59912 US Department of Education 21075 59915 United Yay (payroll) 21028 59917 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 59994 States Yest Life Insurance Co. 19313 60012 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 60013 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 60033 Chapter 13 Trustee 03105 60044 DiMartino/YSCFF Disability 06052 60048 Employees Association 05041 60053 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 60054 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 60066 IBEY Local #997 09034 60095 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 60096 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 60099 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 60102 Police Association 16156 60110 Robben, Blaubert, Rahlfs and 18386 60121 Teamsters Local #589 20056 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund Adhesive 868 3101 Caulk gun 868 3101 08-02 Billing 868 4210 Guest book refill 8683101 Paper clips, fax paper, folders 868 3101 Ins Final Future Visions pe 07 868 4150 Roller covers,hardware 868 3101 Light bulbs,soap,scissors 868 3101 08-14 Billing 868 4210 09-03 Billing 868 4210 Membership dues 2000 868 4901 Member dues pe 08-2001 868 4901 09-14 Billing 868 4210 August Scan Charges 868 4210 09-23 Billing 868 4210 Pass the Buck Funds Total for Esther Yebster Trust Fund 657 2399100 Total for Utility Contribution Program August contributions August contributions Payroll deductions pe 09-17 Payroll deductions pe 09-17 Payroll deduction pe 09-17 Payroll deductions pe 09-17 Payroll deductions pe 09-17 Payroll deductions pe 09-17 October premi um Payroll deductions pe 10-1 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deduction pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 698 2315120 698 2315130 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 .6982315240 698 2315210 698 2315160 698 2315200 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315190 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315200 Page 33 Amount 2,500.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 16,500.00 3.39 3.87 7.76 16.99 11.22 1. 75 17.07 8.09 60.83 10.21 110.00 100.00 23.57 53.55 47.81 476.11 1,500.00 1,500.00 15,810.47 41,489.27 924.23 1 ,287. 1 5 89.08 69.41 372.90 38.00 587.50 80.00 160.00 175.00 774.36 268.00 1,020.00 924.23 404.30 1,287.15 89.08 220.62 169.00 309.00 1 , 797.00 00/10/1 1 - 11:36 City of Port Angeles - liVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 09/09/2000 To 10/06/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 60126 US Department of Education 21075 60128 United Yay (payroll) 21028 60133 YSCCCE, AFSCME, AFl-CIO 23167 Description Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 Payroll deductions pe 10-01 October 11 2000 Gl Code Number 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315200 Page 34 . Amount 69.41 372.70 2,740.85 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 71,528.71 Grand Total 1,101,342.64 . . 85 1-------- . . . 86 ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 17,2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities~Lv- FROM: SUBJECT: Approval and Implementation of Community Telecommunications Action Plan Summa : Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) recently prepared a Communi elecommunications Action Plan for the City. The Action Plan identified additional planning need d specific actions the City should take over the next three-year period.. This Staff report request he City Council's permission to proceed with implementation of the Action Plan. ecommendation: Approve the Community Telecommunications Action Plan and authoriz he Mayor to sign the professional services agreement in an amount not to exceed $92,500 wit CC for completion of: a comprehensive telecommunications ordinance; elecommunications future needs and interests assessment; a business plan for the fiber-opti backbone; and to authorize Staff to prepare a request for qualifications for engineerin ervices to design the fiber-optic backbone and to start the process to purchase the fiber-opti cabling (Staff will request City Council authority prior to purchasing). Backl:round/Analvsis: On 9/29/2000, MCC and Staff presented the Community Telecommunications Action Plan ("Action Plan") to the Utility Advisorv Committee (UAC). The Action Plan identified the need to complete a telecommunications ordinance, conduct a telecommunications needs assessment, and develop a fiber-optic backbone over the next three- year period. On 10/9/2000, the UAC concurred with the recommendations above. On 10/10/2000, PA Works! concurred with the UAC's recommendation and emphasized: a desire to compress the schedule where possible; the need to integrate efforts such as the E-nabled Visions Tour, FairPoint Communications BridgeWorkssM Program, and Unisys Corporation community internet portal program, as outlined in the Action Plan; that new technologies and service provider partnership opportunities need to be explored as outlined in the Action Plan; and the need for a liaison or central point of contact for the City's telecommunications efforts. Telecommunications ordinance The Action Plan identified the need for a comprehensive approach to telecommunications regulations including a master telecommunications ordinance that would reference other ordinances such as right-of-way construction, licensing and taxation, pole attachments (to be developed) and wireless facility siting (to be developed). A comprehensive approach to telecommunications regulation is needed to comply with federal and state laws and to improve management of public right-of-way anticipating increased telecommunications construction demands. Telecommunications needs and interests assessment I ' The cable television franchise will expire on 10/1/2003 and a formal renewal procedure must commence prior to 4/1/2001. Subject to City €ouncil approval ofUAC, PA Works! and Staff's recommendation to develop a fiber-optic backbone, the assessment will address all telecommunications needs and interests of the cOmmunity. The assessment will provide public involvement into the City decision making proce~s for the next cable television franchise and the expansion, operation and management of the City's fiber-optic backbone, and the provision of telecommunications services. Public involvement obtained through the E-nabled Visions Tour, FairPoint Communications BridgeWorkssM Program, and Unisys Corporationcommuriity internet portal program will not be duplicated during the assessment. Professional services to assist with franchise negotiations are not included in the scope of work at this time. The Cable Operator (Northland Cable Television) will be charged a fee to help offset the City's costs of renewing the franchise. Fiber-optic backbone business planning, design and construction " . Based on Council goals and Power Engineers preliminary planning, MCC, the UAC, PA Works! and Staff recommend the City develop a fiber-optic backbone in Port Angeles. A business plan will need to be prepared as outlined in the scope of work. An engineering design including construction documents will need to be completed for the fiber-optic backbone. Staff will solicit engineering services to design the fiber-optic backbone through a request for qualification selection process, select a consultant, and negotiate a fee prior to the end of the 1 st quarter of 2001. Once the selection process is complete, Staffwill seek the VAC's recommendation before requesting City Council approval to proceed with fiber-optic backbone engineering design. . Once the engineering design is complete, the City would call for bids to construct the fiber-optic backbone. Fiber-optic backbone activation The first stage of activation would include short-term lease of segments of the fiber-optic backbone for point-to-point communications. The first stage of activation will include installation of communications cabling and electronic equipment (as required) in municipal facilities. The second stage of activation, including installation of electronic equipment for core customers, would occur after the UAC and City Council reach decisions based on the results of the assessment and cable franchise renewal. The third stage of activation, expansion of the network and purchase of additional electronic equipment on a network-wide basis, would also occur after the assessment and cable franchise renewal are completed. The business plan will need to be updated for the second and third stages of activation which is not included in the scope of work. Community telecommunications action plan cost estimate A combination of professional services and current Staff resources will be required to implement the Action Plan. MCC offers high quality professional services to the City to complete many elements of the Action Plan. They have the expertise and are available to assist the City to make prompt progress. Expenditures to implement the Action Plan would occur over a three-year period beginning in 2000, some of which are presently unknown. A copy of the Community Telecommunications Action Plan is included as attachment "A". 2 . 87 ~ ;~~;:}~';f~~:"~:~i.i,,'i~;1"~\~;:!~~~;-j_~; :,_:':!- ".~',' -H.::~;t~,~i;;"f:t:j_i: -':_~, :"%1~;;:'~;':'~ October 17, 2000 Background -~ · Strategic Plan · Council Goals · Power Engineers Study · MCC Action Plan 1 , Today's Presentation · Action Plan Summary · Cost Summary · Recommendations · Questions Action Plan Summary · Telecommunications Ordinance · Needs and Interests Assessment · Fiber-Optic Backbone 2 T elecommunicationsOrdinance · Environmental impacts · Compliance with laws · Management of ROW · Cost recovery T elecommunicationsOrdinance ROW Licensing & . Construction Taxation 3 Ordinance Timeline Interim Ordinance Ordinance-Draft 1 Review/Comment Ordinance-Draft 2 IntemallExtemal Legal 80l1kctt Adoption Action Plan Summary · Telecommunications Ordinance · Needs and Interests Assessment · Fiber-Optic Backbone 4 1-- Needs and Interests Assessment · Cable TV · Public input into City decision-making · Public/private partnerships .. Beyond.Piber-optic Assessment Process 5 Assessment Timeline Needs and Interests Explore Partnerships Report Council Decisions Action Plan Summary · Telecommunications Ordinance · Needs and Interests Assessment · Fiber-Ootic Backbone . 6 Fiber-Optic Backbone · Bandwidth Overview · Local.Open P .A. N etwo:rk · . Current/Proposed Infrastructure ... P.A. Fiber-Optic Backbone Bandwidth Overview Twisted Pair Copper DSL ISDN Enhanced systems Older systems o 100 200 300 400 kbps 7 r Coaxial Cable Wireless OC 192 OC-48 OC-12 OC-3 Bandwidth Overview CoaxialCable/Wireless o 5 10 15 mbps Bandwidth Overview Optical-Fiber' ,0 5000 10000 15000 mbps 8 Bandwidth Overview Fiber-Optic Backbone · Bandwidth Overview · Local Open P .A. Network · Current/Proposed Infrastructure · P.A. Fiber-Optic Backbone 9 Local Open P.A. Network f CD :2 > e a. Municipal Utility Voice/Phone LAN WAN Data Transport E-Commerce E-Medlclne Video Services Node - Other Networks Qwest, NoaNet, Northland, ete Cities/Counties Gov. Agencies fn Utilities ~ Institutions ~ Schools Hospitals Business Consumers Distribution System P .A. Backbone Distribution System Fiber-Optic Backbone · Bandwidth Overview · Other Networks · Current/ProDosed Infrastructure · P.A. Fiber-Optic Backbone 10 Current Infrastrucure Qwest Fiber !A I NoaNet Fiber , \7 BP A Regional Infrastructure ,':=- -: :.-- N :-_ 11 BP A Plans For Local Infrastructure Fiber-Optic Backbone · Bandwidth Overview · Local Open P .A. Network · CurrentlProposed Infrastructure · P .A. Fiber-Outic Backbone 12 Proposed Backbone Infrastrucure Proposed Fiber Assessment? Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 P .A. Fiber-Optic Backbone-Preliminary .~~.~~s~ ..J::i.. .;. .. ;.,.~~- -- ~ -~.\' ,;::. /- I. , " "'~1ItlJ, .\ . - ..- . ..- .. 01-.......: -~- ...........,... ""- i . BUll: j . ....... . -- / 13 Fiber-Optic Backbone Timeline fusin;s<; llin-9g 1 GIb1e RJrdme U:sigp. O:mlIu:tim fusin;s<; F1an - 9g 1 Adiv<te - 9g 1 fusin;s<; Hm - 9g2 Exteni'Adi~2 fusin;s<; F1an - 9g 3 Exteni'Adi~3 - - Today's Presentation · Summary of Action Plan · Cost Summary · Recommendations · Questions 14 Cost Summary Action Item Ordinance Assessment Business Plan Engineering Fiber-optic cable Construction Total Cost $17,500 40,000 35,000 150,000 350,000 1,000,000 $1,592,500 Cost Summary Action Item Cost . Cable franchise negotiations (if required) TBD Stage 1 activation equipment TBD Stage 2 business plan update, fiber-optic distribution cable, activation equipment TBD Stage 3 business plan update, fiber-optic distribution cable, activation equipment TBD Network operation, management & maintenance TBD 15 Today's Presentation · Summary of Action Plan · Cost Summary · Recommendations · Questions Recommendation The Utility Advisory Committee and PAW orks! endorse Council approval of: · MCC/Staff completion of: - A telecommunications ordinance - A needs and interests assessment , - A business plan · The Action Plan 16 r:-- Recommendation Continued The Utility Advisory Committee and P A Works! also endorse: · Preparation of a RFQ · Proceeding with purchase of cabling Action Plan Review · Telecommunications Ordinance · Needs and Interests Assessment · Fiber-Optic Backbone 17 d..<. Today's Presentation · Summary of Action Plan · Cost Summary · Recommendations .Ouestions? 18 . . . 88 The requirements and cost of fiber-optic infrastructure and network activation equipment for stages 2 and 3 are currently unknown and will depend on the assessment. Additional professional services and/or Staff resources will be required to operate and manage the fiber- optic backbone once activated. A copy of the professional services agreement and MCC's scope of work and schedule is included as attachment "B". Because of the nature of this project, a contingency in the amount of 5% for unanticipated expenses has been included. Funding for professional services, the fiber-optic backbone, and network activation equipment are available within the electric utility fund reserves. Action plan cost estimate summary .. A. Professional Services 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total 1. Comprehensive $10,000 $7,500 $17,500 telecommunications ordinances 2. Telecommunications needs and interests assessment 40,000 40,000 3. Fiber-optic backbone business plan (stages 2 & 3 not included) 35,000 . 35,000 4. Fiber-optic backbone engineering design (estimate) 150,000 150,000 Professional Services Sub-Total $10,000 $232,500 $242,500 .. B. Fiber-ODtic Infrastructure 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total Fiber-optic backbone cable $350,000 $350,000 (25 miles/48 strands estimated) Fiber-optic backbone installation 1,000,000 1,000,000 (splicing, nodes) Stage 2 fiber-optic distribution TBD TBD cable (requirements unknown) Stage 3 . fiber-optic distribution TBD cable (requirements unknown) TBD Fiber-Optic Infrastructure $1,350,000 $1,350,000 Sub-Total C. Network Activation Equipment 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total Stage 1 TBD TBD (Costs paid by users) Stage 2 TBD TBD (requirements unknown) Stage 3 TBD TBD (requirements unknown) Network Activation Sub-Total TBD Sub-Total A, B, and C $10,000 $1,582,500 $1,592,500 5% Contingency $500 $79,125 $79,625 T ota! Cost Estimate $10,500 $1,661,625 $1,672,125 Attachments: A. Community Telecommunications Action Plan B. Professional Services Agreement N :\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\CCTELCECO.DOC 3 Attachment A THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON COMMUNITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTION PLAN September 29, 2000 - METROPOLITAN -=- ==- COMMUNICATIONS .=- -= CONSULT ANTS Tacoma: 1201 Pacific Avenue. SUite 1702. Tacoma. Washington 98402 Tel: 800.465.2248 Fax: 253.272.1482 www.mcco.com Seattle: 5847 McKinley PI. N.. Seattle. Washington 98103 Tel: 206.522.6778 Fax: 206.522.6777 . . . 89 . . . 90 Hi:~?~':'~j.~j,f;~t,,~~)g.';:;ri:Ji,\J.',;~:~:;{\'r~:~t*t;,~,:~~'j":~'fi'F~~,~~?J' Attachment,A "i ;,.!'''''. The City of Port Angeles, Washington COMMUNITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTION PLAN September 29,2000 Table of Contents A. Existing City Goals, Policies and Regulations . Federal and State Telecomrriunications Laws and Regulations ............................. A-l . Review of Port Angeles Goals, Policies and Regulations .......................................... A-2 B. Completed Telecommunications Planning . City and Other Planning Completed.............................................................................B-1 . Power Engineers, Demand Survey, 2/10/00 ............................................................... B-1 . Power Engineers, Preliminary Engineering, 2/10/00 ............................................... C-l C. Preliminary Work Remaining . . Municipal Telecommunications Regulation .............................................................. C-l . Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests ........................................... C-l D. Development Steps . Infrastructure Development & Evolution Chart ...................................................... D-l Action Plan . Action Plan............................................................................................................ .......... . D- 2 . Form Project Team and Define Roles .......................................................................... D-3 . Community Coordination' .......................................................................................:... D-3 . Municipal Telecommunications Regulation............................................................... D-4 . Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests............................................ D-4 . Fiber Optic Backbone Design and Construction........................................................ D-5 . Backbone Activation (Future Stages) ......................................................................... D-5 Recommendations . Obtain Municipal Telecommunications Regulation Services .................................. D-6 . Obtain Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests Services .............. D-6, . Obtain Backbone Business Plan Services .................................................................... D-6 . Obtain Backbone Design, Bid & Construction Services............................................ D-6 . Advance Purchase of Backbone Fiber-Optic Materials............................................. D-6 E. Appendices . 1996 Telecommunications Act Section 253.................................................................. E-l . RCW ~5.21.860 ..................................................................... ........ ............................ ........ E-2 . 3. RCW 82.04.065 ........................................................................................................... E-3 Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 Attachment A page A-' A. Existing City Goals, Policies and Regulations . 1. Federal and State Telecommunications Laws and Regulations A summary of Federal and State legislation and regulations governing telecommunications and applicable to cities is given in Table 1. It should be noted that this section is not intended to constitute legal advice. The City should consult its own counsel for legal questions. Federal Government Telecommunications Act of 19% (Public Law 104-104) Cable Television Consumer Protection Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-385) Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-549) Communications Act of 1934 (47 US.c. 151 et seq.) Washington State Chapter 83, Laws of 2000 RCW 35.99 RCW 35.21.860 RCW 82.04.065 RCW 80.36 RCW 80.36.040 RCW 47.24 Washington Administrative Code Superior Court of Pierce County Order No. 96-2-09938-0 December 13, 1996 Comprehensive reform oftelecommunications law and the Communications Act of 1934. Frees telecommunications companies to compete in nearly every market. Amends the Communications Act of 1934 with respect to cable television. Imposed new controls on cable rates 'and new rules to protect consumers. Generally considered ineffective. Amends the Communications Act of:1934 to set forth the authority of a governmental or franchising authority to regulate cable television. Settling jurisdiction questions between FCC and state regulators. Central body of US. communications law until 19% Telecom Act. Senate BI11 6676 Streamlining lOClll regulations: Use of city or town rights of way by telecommunications and cable television providers. Adding a new section to Chapter 35A.21. Making all provisions of Senate Bill 6676 applicable to code cities. Senate BI11 6675 Faciliil1ting investment and competition: Authorizing the provision of telecommunications services by public utility districts and rural port districts. House BI112881 Tailon"ng sil1te regulations: New procedures for alternative forms of regulation of telecommunications companies. Electricity, telephone, or natural gas business - franchise fees prohtbited Definition of competitive telephone service, network telephone service and telephone business. Washington State statutes relating to telecommunications. Requires consent of Gty Council before use of road, street, and railroad rights-of-way. . Municipal control & regulation of state highways that are also city streets. Title 480 Washington State regulations governing telecommunications. . Granting City of Tacoma 's Motion jOr Summary Judgment and finding that: . the City has authority under State and Federal law to provide cable television service in the Light Division service area, and _ the City has authority under State and Federal law to lease telecommunications facilities and capacity to telecommunications providers Table 1: Federal and State Telecommunications Laws and Regulations . Metropolitan communications Consultants 9/29/2000 91 . . . 92 Attachment A A. Existing City Goals. Policies and Regulations Z. Review of Port Angeles Goals, Policies and Regulations Table 2 is a review of City telecommunications goals, policies and regulations. page A-2 City has adopted? Item Description To comply with yes no Comments Telecommunications Policies 1 Policy Guidelines 2001 Council Goals. xx Document in Telecom Ordinance Objectives. Programs/Projects Ordinances 2 Telecommunications Ordinance 1996 TCA. ESSB 6676 in process Basic telecom regulatory document 3 Wireless Ordinance related to 2 xx Siting. location. design regulations 4 Taxation Title 5 PAMC update Chap. 5.80 PAMC Telecommunications businesses 5 Licensing Title 5 PAMC update Chap. 5.04 PAMC Telecommunications businesses 6 Right -of -way or Street Ordinance Title 11 PAMC update Chap. 11.08 PAMC - Excavations. Obstructions 7 Extra conduit authority ESSB 6676 xx City option. add to Right-of-way Ordinance 8 Electrical Ordinance Title 13 PAMC xx Pole Attachments Franchises and Permits 9 Master Permit RCW 80.36.040 xx RCW 80.36.040 Municipal Consent or Municipal Consent ESSB 6676 General permission to use the r/w. Telecom Ordinance Most common form is: a) service provider - franchise b) non-service provider - license 10 Cable Television Franchise xx Northland cable. Franchise expires 10/1/2003 11 Institutional Network Agreement xx Negotiate in Franchise Renewal 12 Use Permit ESSB 6676 xx Permit to install facilities in a specified location. Telecom Ordinance Most commonly a construction or r/w permit 13 Facilities Lease or license Telecom Ordinance xx Use of city facility assets Administrative 14 Written explanation of master permit ESSB 6676 xx Check list approval process 15 Permit approval process record ESSB 6676 xx Denial of master permit must be supported by substantial evidence contained in written record 16 Reasonable advance notice ESSB 6676 xx City engineering and public works coordination for plans to do construction in r/w process Table Z: Review of Port Angeles Telecommunications Policies and Regulations Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 Attachment A B. Completed Telecommunicati.ons Planning page B-1 Preliminary Work Completed . City Telecommunications Work Completed Draft Telecommunications Ordinance E-nable Visions Tour Report (in process) . Telecommunications Work by Others FairPoint BridgeWorks Needs Assessment Report Unisys Survey Preliminary Work Completed . Power Engineers Study, Feb. 2000 Type of Study Study Sponsors Organizations Surveyed Interest in System Market Demand Partnership Interest Demand Survey Port Angeles, Clallam PUD 15 types/105 org. 56% plus 20% moderate mainly voice/data 9 organizations . . . Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 93 . . . 94 """,;'~y,\,::,;\,t,;;,,-; '.:;:~>:;' . :;:;'i~::'-t';;i;?''f Attachment A c. Preliminary Work Remaining page c-, Preliminary Work Completed - . Power Engineers Study, Feb. 2000 Type of Study Preliminary Engineering Study Sponsors Port Angeles, Clallam PUD Construction PA 4 route segments, 25 ml PUD 7 route segments, 184 ml High interest, voice/data/video ATM/IP/IP oyer SONET Flexible, Separate or Joint ATM $5m, IP $2.7m, IPoS $3.1m ATM $14m, IP $10m, IPoS $11m ATM $0.6m, IP $0.5m, IPoS$0.5m ATM $4.9m, IP $2.7m, IPoS $3.1m Excess Capacity Architecture Governance City Cost PUD Cost City O&M PUD O&M Preliminary Work Remaining . Municipal Telecommunications Regulation Interim Master Permits Complete Telecommunications Ordinance Update Related Ordinances Affected . Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests CATV and Telecom Future Needs and Interests Report (incorporating work completed by City and Others) Cable Television Franchise Renewal Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 page 0-' D. Development Opportunities and Recommended Action Plan 1. Infrastructure Development and Evolution Chart Preparations Goals & Policies Demand 51"",,} Prnliminal'j Englneerlr.g Prenmlnary Work Completed . Clly T....OllIlllUIIlcIti Wort 2001 Cou.... GoII.. ObJecI.... 2001 CoundI PrO!Jf1lmslProjecl' Orlll T.ltt........lut1ons Ordlnlnee E-nlble Visions T.... . W'" C...ploIod .., ou.... folrf'oInt Brlclgo..rb Need. Assessment \lnlsys SunoJ . P._ Ellglnoors. F.b. 2000 Typ. 01 Study: Demand Survey Study Sponsors: Port AngeleS, CIa_am PUD OrganlzatJoM Sunoyod: IS typesi10S org. lnterlS\ In Systam: 56% pius 20% moderat. Marllll Demond: mainly wlice1da18 P",..1Sh1p 'rterost: 9 organlz.ations . p_ engineers. f.b. 2000 . Typ. 01 Study: Prnllmlnal'j Engineering Study Sponsors: Port Angeles. Clalam PlJD ConstrUCtion: PA 4 route segments. 25 mI Oal1am PlJO 7 rCUl. segmerts. 184 mi EIeIS. CapRI,: IIInt.rest. wlice1datalvldeo Arc~.odur.: ATINIP/lP am SONET Go..........: FIexIlle. Separat. or Joint Cily Cost: ATM sSm. IP S2.7m. IP.S S3.1 m PUll Cost: AN S14m.IP $lOm. IPoS SlIm Cily 0111: AnA SD.6m. IP SO.Sm. lPoS SO.Sm P\III OIM:ATM S4.9m.IP S2.7m.IPoS S3.1m Protimlnery Wort R....lnlng . ~. TeIea>m & ~ed Ordinance, . Com~ T ..""an Need> & Interests - Implement First Project PlanlOesigf1iB,;1d NelWOrk Prototype Actionsfl ..IS Expand Network Build-OutlUpgrade Network o & M IT raining Business Stabilization ESlablished Customer, Established Product.. Custom.r Support ~ .. Implement First Project Activate and Expand Network Operate Established Netwarll . RegulltolJ..d Camplll.... Complete T etecom & Retate<! Ordinances . S..go 1 ActiYlIIon -City Network City Hall to La.... Substation La.... Sub to CorP Yard Corp Yard to 18m 51. hea CorP Yard to College & BPA Substation City Halto Downtown ' . Marltet Development Initial Users Governml!11\S/Agenci.s institutions Utifities Schools MedicallHealth Care , Commerdall8usln",," R..ldential1Consumer > ::t ll) (') S" ~ ::l ..... . T .Ittom ....... . In..ests Cable Franchise Renewal & Negotiations Conmnlty I~ on Ne\WOIil Use & Expansion . Impteinent Backbon. ProJod AdvanCe Purchase 01 Backbone FIO Materials Backbone BusIness Plan Desigi1 & Bid BackbOneProject Construct Backbone le.se Oa" Filer on Completion (City Option) . fuiur. ActiY.tion Steges Stage 2 . ProspecllYe Cor. Customers Seage 3 . Network.W,d" Activation . Pro dud o....opm.nt . o.I"'ry Connectivity Transport Servic.. Utility Applications. SCAOAJAMR etc. V",e Services Oat. Servic.. Video Services > . fin.""",,, Plln . Network Eyoe~on Netwa" Upgrades and Improvements Serotogle Build-Out d Backbone arid 0lstrbJti0n System Network Monkoring arid Tests Quality Control 0& M Tr.ilIng PrOYlsioning and Operations Biling Proc..,", . Business Stlblllzation Estabfisl1ed Customers OperaUon & Main[enance Training Product Evolution . Initio! funding Sponsor City R..e<Ve5 . City U.. of Actlvl..d Net.." Citylntr"""t Utilky SCAOA Energy M.nagement Electronic Customer Servic.. Public InSlkulion.1 Network . Management Team' Development ,leadership Transkion Competency Development . OperotiOll' oIY.topment Crew OeveIopment Repair NelWO<1<s Support (Narity Management User Surveys and Relationships CD c.n o Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 . . . . . . 96 Attachment A D. Development Steps. Action Plan and Recommendations page 0"2 Action Plan . Form Project Team and Define Roles . Community Coordination . Municipal Telecommunications Regulation . Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests . Fiber Optic Backbone Design and Construction . Network Activation (Future Stages) Metropol itan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 Attachment A D. Development Steps. Action Plan and Recommendations page 0-3 Action Plan . Form Project Team and Define Roles City Oversight Utility Advisory Committee Economic Development Committee City Council City Project Manager and Staff City/Telecommunications Consultant Contractor from RFP Procedure City or Outsource City or Outsource City Electric: Utility Reserves Management Designer Builder Operations Marketing Financing Action Plan . Community Coordination E-nable Visions Tour Report FairPoint Bridgeworks Program Unlsys Survey Existing and Prospective Service Providers Economic Development Stakeholders (Northland, Qwest) Clallam County PUD Northwest Open Access Networks (NoaNet) Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 . . . 97 I I. . . . 98 i,:.'_.i'i~<::"; .,- Attachment A D. Development Steps. Action Plan and Recommendations page 0-4 Action Plan . Municipal Telecommunications Regulation / Prepare Interim Master Permit Update Draft Telecommunications Ordinance Update Related Ordinances Affected Input from City Departments & Service Providers Independent Legal Review Council Adoption Franchise/Master Permit Management Action Plan . Community Telecommunications Needs & Interests Review and Incorporate Work by City and Others Public Involvement Program Telecom Development Needs, Interests & Opportunities PEG Access, Resources & Capital Facility Needs Economic Development Needs and Opportunities Performance Review of Incumbent Service Providers CATV and Telecom Future Needs and Interests Report Cabie Television Franchise Renewal Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 Attachment A D. Development Steps. Action Plan and Recommendations' page D-5 Action Plan · Fiber Optic Backbone Design & Co'nstruction Business Planning for Backbone Project Design, Bid & Build Fiber Only Backbone Project - 25 mile, est. $1.5m - Timeline and Budget Estimate - Financing Plan Advance Purchase of Fiber-Optic Backbone Materials Action Plan . Backbone Activation (Future Stages) Stage 1 Lease Dark Fiber (Option) Build Municipal Network - City Hall to Laurel Substation - Laurel Sub to Corp Yard - Corp Yard to 18th St. Area - Corp Yard to College & BPA Substation - City Hall to Downtown Stage 2 Extend Network to Core Customers Stage 3 City-Wide Network Metropol itan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 . . . 99 ~- ., ,,~!':rh?';J:::s ',:::;;;'~'i'?\'n\:i:; ;'Y;,'};F\;"t";1,:.wrr1',;;csn: AttachrIl(;nt . D. Development Steps. Action Plan and Recommendations page D-6 Recommendations . Obtain Technical and Legal Services for Municipal Telecommunications Regulation Assistance Interim Master Permits Update Telecommunications Ordinance Update Related Ordinances Affected Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests CATV and Telecom Needs & Interests Report Cable Television Franchise Renewal Business Planning Fiber Optic Backbone . Recommendations . Obtain Telecommunications Engineering Services for Backbone Design, Bid and Construction Design Documents for Backbone Project Timellne and Budget Estimate Financing Plan Construction Bidding and Award Construction Stage Services Project Testing and Acceptance . Advance Purchase of Backbone Fiber~Optic Materials . Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 100 Attachment A E. Appendices page E-' ApPENDIX 1: 1996 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT SECTION 253 ; Sec. 253. Removal of Barrien to Entry (a) In General - No State or local statute or regulation, or other State or locall~gal requirement; may prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the ability of anyentit}r to provide any interstate or intrastate telecommunications service. (b) State Regulatory Authority- Nothing in this section shall affect the ability of a State A. to impose, on a competitively neutral basis and consistent with section 254, requirements necessary to . . preserve and advance universal service, . protect the public safety and welfare, . ensure the continued quality of telecommunications services, and . safeguard the rights of consumers. (e) State and Loear Government Authority- Nothing in this section affects the authority of a State or local government B.to manage the public rights-of-way or C. to require fair and reasonable compensation from telecommunications providers, . on a competitively neutral and nondiscriminatory basis, . for use of public rights-of-way on a nondiscriminatory basis, D. if the compensation required is publicly disclosed by such government. (d) Preemption - If, after notice and an opportunity for public comment, the Commission determines that a State or local government has permitted or imposed any statute, regulation, or legal requirement that violates subsection (a) or (b), the Commission shall preempt the enforcement Of such statute, regulation, or legal requirement to the extent necessary to correct such violation or inconsistency. Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 . . . 101 . . . 102 ,"'r,"':'_~".f;!' !,;qtr':\.,;",,;":;o;),,~ i' ,';:"~?;'f;~~'llt'1';:':,ir:rtt':1:',1i,'fP ...\ Attachment A page E-2 E. Appendices APPENDIX 2: RCW 35.21.860 ELECTRICITV, TELEPHONE, OR NATURAL GAS BUSINESS FRANCHISE FEES PROHIBITED-EXCEPTIONS. (1) No city or town may impose a franchise fee or any other fee or charge of whatever nature or description upon . the light and power, or gas distribution businesses, as defined in RCW 82.16.010, or . telephone business, as defined in RCW 82.04.065, except that (a) a tax authorized by RCW 35.21.865 may be imposed and (b) a fee may be charged to such businesses that recovers actual administrative expenses incurred by a city or town that are directly related . to receiving and approving a permit, license, and franchise, . to inspecting plans and construction, or . to the preparation of a detailed statement pursuailt to chapter 43.21C RCW. (2) Subsection (1) of this section does not prohibit franchise fees imposed on an electrical energy, natural gas, or telephone business, by contract existing on Aprl120, 1982, with a city or town, for the duration of the contract, but the franchise fees shall be considered taxes for the purposes of the limitations established in RCW 35.21.865 and 35.21.870 to the extent the fees exceed the costs allowable under subsection (1) of this section. Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 ~ Attachment A E. Appendices page E-3 APPENDIX 3: RCW 82.04.065 "COMPETITIVE TELEPHONE SERVICE," "NETWORK TELEPHONE SERVICE," "TELEPHONE SERVICE," "TELEPHONE BUSINESS." (1) "Competitive telephone service" means the providing by any person of telecommunications equipment or apparatus, or service related to that equipment or apparatus such as repair or maintenance service, if the equipment or apparatus is of a type which can be provided by persons that are not subject to regulation as telephone companies under Title 80 RCW and for which a separate charge is made. (2) "Network telephone service" means . the providing by any person of access to a local telephone network, local telephone network switching service, toll service, or coin telephone services, or . the providing of telephonic, video, data, or similar communication or transmission for hire, via a local telephone network, toll line or channel, cable, microwave, or similar communication or transmission system. "Network telephone service" includes . interstate service, including toll service, originating from or received on telecommunications equipment or apparatus in this state if the charge for the service is billed to a person in this state. "Network telephone service" includes . the provision of transmission to and from the site of an internet provider via a local telephone network, toll line or channel, cable, microwave, or similar communication or transmission system. "Network telephone service" does not include . the providing of competitive telephone service, . the providing of cable television service, nor . the providing of broadcast services by radio or television stations, nor . the provision of internet service as defined in RCW 82.04.297 , including the reception of dial-in connection, provided at the site of the internet service provider. (3) "Telephone service means competitive telephone service or network telephone service, or both, as defined in subsections (1) and (2) of this section. (4) "Telephone business" means the business of providing network telephone service, as defined in subsection (2) of this section. It includes cooperative or farmer line telephone companies or associations operating an exchange.[l997 c 304 ~ 5; 1983 2nd ex.s. c 3 ~ 24.] Metropolitan Communications Consultants 9/29/2000 . . . 103 . . . 104 '1:';;'\;"':k')'::':;:'~\ ;,<:,::,; !'-"!l ,\,~Vi~~l:?+~'r~,t,~,it~r~i)'t~i\', ",j Attachment B AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND METROPOLITAN COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS RELATING TO: Community Telecommunications Planning THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of ,200_, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter code city of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and Metropolitan Communications Consultants a Washington Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSUL TANr'). WHEREAS, the CITY desires to complete a new telecommunications ordinance and update other effected City ordinances, and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to complete a telecommunications future needs and interests assessment, and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to complete a business plan for the fiber-optic backbone and updates as needed for each stage of activation,and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and assistance of a qualified consulting firm to perform the scope of work as detailed in Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it is in full compliance with the statutes of the State of Washington for professional registration and/or other applicable requirements, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it has the background, experience, and ability to perform the required work in accordance with the standards of the profession, and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it will provide qualified personnel and appropriate facilities necessary to accomplish the work; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: SCOPE OF WORK The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit A and shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the work. The CITY may review the CONSUL TANrS work product, and if it is not satisfactory, the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XI of this Agreement. The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the standards ofthe profession and in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties. II OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic negatives, or other presentations of the work shall become the property of the CITY for use without restriction and without representation as to suitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically verified or adapted by the CONSULTANT. However, any alteration or reuse of the documents, by the City or by others acting through or on behalf of the City, will be at the City's sole risk. III DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES Each party shall designate its representatives in writing. The CONSUL TANrS representative shall be subject to the approval of the CITY. City of Port Angeles - October 2000 Attachment B IV TIME OF PERFORMANCE . The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties. The work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit D. V PAYMENT The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth in this section of the Agreement. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and alllabor,materials, s~pplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. A. Payment shall be lump sum on the basis of the CONSUL TANrS total budget required as set forth in attached Exhibit A, Scope of Work, and Section VI, Lump Sum Compensation below.. B. The CONSULTANT shall submit invoices to the CITY on a monthly basis. Invoices shall detail the work, shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope of Work to which the costs are related; the percentage completion for each task; and shall indicate the cumulative total for each task. C. The CITY shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project that has been completed less the amounts previously paid. D. The CONSULTANT invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment. E. Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT will be made upon the completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY. F. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of this Agreement shall be as agreed to by the parties in writing. VI LUMP SUM COMPENSATION Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the CONSUL TANrS total compensation under this Agreement, including labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and outside services, shall not exceed the lump sum amounts of: Item 1- Telecommunications Ordinance Item 2 - Telecommunications Future Needs and Interests Assessment Item 3 - Business Planning $17,500 $40,000 $35,000 . VII EMPLOYMENT Employees ofthe CONSULTANT, while engaged in the performance of any work or services under this Agreement, shall be considered employees ofthe CONSULTANT only and not ofthe CITY, and claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the CONSUL TANrS employees while so engaged, on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. In performing this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or contract with any CITY employee without the City's written consent. VIII NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT shall conduct its business in a manner, which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, or other legally protected classification and, in particular: A. The CONSULTANT shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. City of Port Angeles - October 2000 . 105 . . . 106 'V',.\i':' ~; Attachment B IX SUBCONTRACTS A. The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any. of the work covered by this Agreement without the written consent ofthe CITY. B. The CONSUL TANTwill be using the firms submitted with its proposal as subcontractors. Subcontractors other than those listed shall not be permitted without the written consent of the CITY. C. In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONSULTANT for work to be performed pursuant to a subcontract, including procurement of materials and equipment, each potential subconsultant or supplier shall be notified by the CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement, including the nondiscrimination requirements. X CHANGES IN WORK Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above, either party may request changes in the scope of work. Such changes shall not become part of this Agreement unless and until mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement executed by both parties. XI EXTRA WORK The CITY may desire to have the CONSULTANT perform work or render services in connection with this project, in addition to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions to satisfactorily completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed in a written supplement to this Agreement. The CITY shall not be responsible for paying for such extra work unless and until the written supplement is executed by both parties. XII TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. The CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than ten (10) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. Written notice will be by certified mail sent to the consultant's designated representative at the address provided by the CONSULTANT. B. In the eventthis Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the work, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT, which, when added to any payments previously made, shall compensate the CONSUL TANTforthe percentage ofwork completed. C. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that are the property of the CITY pursuant to Section II above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT. XIII INDEMNIFICA TION/HOLD HARMLESS The CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY from any claims, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of claims by third parties for property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of the CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT employees, affiliated corporations, officers, and subcontractors in connection with the work performed under this Agreement. The CITY agrees to indemnify the CONSUL TANTfrom any claims, damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of claims by third parties for property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY, CITY's employees, or agents in connection with the work performed under this Agreement. Ifthe negligence or willful misconduct of both CONSULTANT and CITY (or a person identified above for whom each is liable) is a cause of such damage or injury, the loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the CONSULTANT and the CITY in proportion to their relative degrees of negligence or willful misconduct and the right of indemnity shall apply for such proportion. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANTS liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONSULTANTS negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the CONSULTANTS waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination ofthis Agreement. However, the CONSULTANT expressly reserves its rights as a third person set forth in RCW 51.24.035. City of Port Angeles - October 2000 Attachment B XIV INSURANCE The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance ofthe work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and, 2. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations; broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable; and employer's liability. . Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CITY shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the CITY as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The CITY reserves the right to review a certified copy of all required insurance policies in the CONSULTANT's office. The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, and the CITY shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. XV APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. XVI EXHIBITS AND SIGNATURES This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may only be changed by a written amendment executed by both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A - Scope of Work Exhibit B - Consultant Labor Costs Exhibit C - Non-salary Reimbursable Costs Exhibit D - Schedule for the Work City of Port Angeles - October 2000 . . . 107 . . . 108 ."/;~\/"'>\ In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES MAYOR ~NS~J~ ~~ l.l 'Ii ~ut- TITLE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRAIG KNUTSON, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: BECKY UPTON, CITY CLERK N:\PWKS\LIGHnPOWM\FIBER\TELAGREE.WPD City of Port Angeles - October 2000 Attachment B . PROPOSAL Telecommunications Professional Services October 9, 2000 Submitted to City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 . - - - -- - METROPOLITAN COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS Tacoma: 1201 Pacific Avenue, SUite 1702. Tacoma, Washington 98402 Tel: 800.465.2248 Fax: 253.272.1482 www.mcco.com Seattle: 5847 McKinley PI. N., Seattle. Washington 98103 Tel: 206.522.6778 Fax: 206.522.6777 . 109 . . . 110 Attachment B EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK Page 1 1. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND RELATED ORDINANCES The scope of work covered by this proposal consists of the summary tasks listed in the outline below. The outline is for proposal purposes and may be adjusted by the City as required during the work. The proposal shall be valid for a period of 30 days following the date of this letter. Task 1.1 - Review Existing and Draft City Ordinances and MCC Models Review existing materials and City draft telecommunications ordinance Meet with City staff . Review City's goals and expectations regarding final ordinances . Discuss MCC model telecommunications ordinance . Discuss MCC model pole attachment ordinance . Discuss MCC recommended wireless ordinance model . Discuss related ordinances - Title 5 Business licenses, Title 11 Streets & Sidewalks Task 1.2 - Prepare Customized and Updated Ordinances Edit model telecommunications, pole attachment and wireless ordinances . Incorporate applicable City materials . Customize model ordinances for City of Port Angeles (Draft 1) . Update existing Business license and Streets/Sidewalks ordinances (Draft 1) . Legal review of Draft 1 ordinances (by Oarence West, esq.) . City and service provider input and comments . Incorporate comments, prepare package of customized and updated ordinances (Draft 2) . Legal review of Draft 2 ordinances (by Oarence West, esq.) Task 1.3 - Prepare Final Ordinances Prepare final package of ordinances for City codification and adoption Assistance with presentation of telecommunications and related ordinances to City Council Work Schedule and Timeline We estimate the work will require one hundred and twenty (120) days to complete from date of notice to proceed. The schedule allows reasonable time for review, comments and input by Port Angeles and other participants. Delays by providers or others may extend the completion date and could affect the budget. Budget Estimates The work covered by this proposal is estimated to require the budgets shown below. Item MCC MCC MCC MCC DCF Description Customized telecom ordinance Customized pole attachment ordinance Customized wireless ordinance Updated business license & streets/sidewalks ordinance Specialist legal review Amount 7,500 1,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 $17,500 Total, Estimated Budget Required Metropolitan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary Attachment B Exhibit A - Scope of Work Page 2 2. COMMUNITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS NEEDS AND INTERESTS . The scope of work covered by this proposal consists of the summary tasks listed in the outline below. The outline is for proposal purposes and may be adjusted by the City as required during the work. The proposal shall be valid for a period of 30 days following the date of this letter . Task 2.1 - Public Proceedings Meet with City staff and review City's goals and expectations for: . Community telecommunications needs and Interests . Cable franchise renewal Gather existing materials by City and others for review and incorporation into work . E-nable Visions eCommercejIntemet initiatives . Fairpoint Bridgeworks program . Unisys Proposal . Other related materials Public proceedings issues development . Telecom needs and interests . PEG access, resources and capital needs . Economic development needs and opportunities . Service provider perfomiance review Public involvement and input . Public information by media, web page and continuing surveys . Stakeholder involvement . Public forums (telecom and catv - 1 each) Community telecommunications needs and interests report and recommendations Task 2.2 - Prepare Cable Television Franchise Draft for Renewal Negotiations Prepare Negotiation Draft for Northland Cable Television Franchise Renewal . Incorporate applicable City and MCC materials and input (Draft 1) . Legal review and comments . Incorporate applicable comments and prepare negotiation draft franchise (Draft Nl) Assistance with presentation of Draft N1 to City management and Council (if needed) Invite Cable Provider response to Negotiation Draft Nl Task 2.3 _ Assistance with Northland Negotiation (future, depends on provider response) Assist City team in cable television franchise renewal negotiations Preparation of drafts and final version of negotiated franchise Assistance with presentation of negotiated franchise to City Council . Metropol itan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary . 111 . . . 112 :f;;:t>'l~';'i~',~:l',;,*j,~~'V::f.j'::~~~i:)1:;"; . \~,~!'\\1}~~~;q<,\*~~I.~l~t~51;lf~" Attachment B Exhibit A - Scope of Work Page 3 2. COMMUNITY TELECOMMUNICATIONS NEEDS AND INTERESTS (CONTINUED) Budget Estimates The work for Task 2.1 covered by this proposal is estimated to require the budget shown below. Tasks 2.2 and 2.3 are not immediately necessary, as the franchise will not expire until October 1, 2003. With completion of Task 2.1 however, the City should request a cable franchise proposal from Northland Cable in early 2001, following receipt of which, Task 2.2 should be initiated. Item Description Amount Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests Task 2.1 Public Proceedings Task 2.2 Prepare Negotiation Draft for Northland Cable Television Franchise Renewal Task 2.3 Assistance with Northland Negotiation Total, Estimated Budget Required $30,000 $10,000 future $40,000 Work Schedule and Timeline We estimate Task 2.1 will require one hundred eighty (180) days to complete from date of notice to proceed. The schedule allows time for review, comments and input by Port Angeles and other participants. MCC will endeavor to accelerate the schedule to complete Task 2.1 as quickly as possible. Task 2.2 will immediately follow completion of Task 2.1 and can be completed ninety days (90) thereafter. Task 2.3 is dependent on the timing of a response from Northland Cable, who may consider delaying any action on their part until the franchise expiration date of October 1, 2003 is more imminent. Metropolitan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary Attachment B Exhibit A - Scope of Work Page 4 3. P.A. NETWORK, STAGE 1 AND UPDATES BUSINESS PLANNING The scope of work covered by this proposal consists of the summary tasks listed in the outline below. The outline is for proposal purposes arid may be adjusted by the City as required during the work. The proposal shall be valid for a period of 30 days following the date of this letter. Task 3.1 - Strategic Direction Goals and mission Authority, governance, structure Business proposition Partnership analyses Task 3.2 - Overview of Project Environment Impact of other telecommunications planning, particularly Task 2, the Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report Regulatory, technological and business environment Products and services Core customers and prospective users Market view Competitive landscape Opportunities and risks Task 3.3 - Implementation Plan Network strategy and priorities Product and services development Customer and user development Initial and potential user sites Network development and activation options Implementation staging and timeline Initial backbone project and Stage 1 activation Network management, operations, and performance measures Future stage business plan updates Task 3.4 - Business Analyses Stage 1 and projected future usage Cost models Revenue projections Sensitivity analyses Funding models Task 3.5 - Final Report Stage 1 work plan and recommendations Prepare final Stage 1 Business Plan Report Presentation to City of Port Angeles The proposal includes the delivery of five (1) hard copies and one set of electronic originals for Port Angeles's use in printing copies for distribution. Metropolitan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary . . . 113 . . . 114 "1.o"",;""":'!.~,"",~,,';7t'.,,, .., '> ~::\'~V~~;5 ,~~!,~:,;:~,~~l~~j: "':~:1" Attachment B Exhibit A - Scope of Work Page 5 WORK SCHEDULE AND TIMELlNE The work can be completed within ninety (90) days of notice to proceed depending on the adequacy and ease of gathering available data. MCC requests the close and timely assistance of Port Angeles to meet the relatively short timeline. BUDGET ESTIMAn5 The work covered by this proposal is estimated to require the budget shown below. MCC will work on a time and expense or a lump sum basis, of which the latter is preferred. Item 1. 2. Description Amount P.A. Network, Stage 1 Business Plan Future Stage Business Plan Updates 35,000 future Total, Estimated Budget Required $35,000 Metropolitan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary Attachment B EXHIBIT B " C - LABOR COSTS AND REIMBURSABLE COSTS Page 6 EXHIBIT B - CONSULTANT LABOR COSTS MCC Standard Labor Charges Description Hourly wage multiplier Labor charge/hour Technician 2.64 $45 to $60 Engineerl Analyst . 2.64 $75 to $150 Principal 2.64 $195 EXHIBIT C - NON-SALARY REIMBURSABLE COSTS Non-Salary Reimbunable Costs Costs directly incurred in fulfilling the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to: Travel Subsistence Telephone CADD Computer Reproduction and Printing Supplies and Fees of Outside Services and Specialty Consultants. Reimbursed at actual cost plus 10% based on receipts presented. Additional Work Additional work requested, outside the scope of work of this proposal, may be done on a negotiated lump sum basis or at the standard rates listed above. Metropolitan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary . . . 115 . . . 116 Attachment B EXHIBIT D - SCHEDULE FOR THE WORK Page 7 1. Telecommunications Ordinance We estimate the work will require one hundred and twenty (120) days to complete from date of notice to proceed. The schedule allows reasonable time for review, comments and input by Port Angeles and other participants. Delays by providers or others may extend the completion date and could affect the budget. z. Community Telecommunications Needs and Interests We estimate Task 2.1 will require one hundred eighty (180) days to complete from date of notice to proceed. The schedule allows time for review, comments and input by Port Angeles and other participants. MCC will endeavor to accelerate the schedule to complete Task 2.1 as quickly as possible. Task 2.2 will immediately follow completion of Task 2.1 and can be completed ninety days (90) thereafter. Task 2.3 is dependent on the timing of a response from Northland Cable, who may consider delaying any action on their part until the franchise expiration date of October 1, 2003 is more imminent. 3. P.A. Network, Stage 1 Business Plan The work can be completed within ninety (90) days of notice to proceed depending on the adequacy and ease of gathering available data. MCC requests the close and timely assistance of Port Angeles to meet the relatively short timeline. Schedule Overview A summary overview of the project schedule is presented below. Upon authorization of the work and notice to proceed, MCC will prepare a detailed schedule in Gantt chart form of the work, for review and approval by the City. The schedule will show the timeline for all tasks and subtasks on the same chart so that the relationships and concurrent ongoing work can be monitored and adjusted as necessary. 0 N 0 ...- >. >. '" '" Telecom & ReI. Ords "C "C . 1 20 days . ~ ~ Vl Vl '" '" I- ,I- "C <:: 0 <:: '0, en w.J OJ ~ a:l "C . ...- N ~ Vl '" I- <:: 'g> a:l o ...... N >. '" "C o <0 M >. '" "C Catv Fran . Needs & Interests . 90 days N N ~ Vl '" I- "C <:: w.J 180 days N ...-N N':'< .:.< Vl ~~ I- <:: "C 'c;, <:: QJ w.J a:l o M M >. '" "C . o .... N >. '" "C . Stage 1 Bus. Plan 90 days M ~ Vl <tI I- -g w.J M ~ Vl '" I- <:: 'c;, QJ a:l Metropolitan Communications Consultants Confidential and Proprietary . . . 117 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STEVE THARINGER, DISTRICT I CAROLE BOARDMAN, DISTRICT II MIKE DOHERTY, DISTRICT III October 17, 2000 Mayor Larry Doyle City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Dear Mayor Doyle: CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE COURTHOUSE 223 EAST FOURTH STREET P.O. Box 863 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362-0149 (360) 417-2233 FAX: (360) 417-2493 E-MAIL: commissioners@co.c1allam.wa.us JIM RUMPELTES, ADMINISTRATOR The Board of Clal/am County Commissioners would like to appoint Commissioner Mike Doherty as their representative to the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority. Sincerely, BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS '<1 (j~ \ /. . /~ L kvr ...-/\ Howard V. Doherty, Jr., Chair- ~ ~~ J: \public\correspondence\hurricane ridge appointment.doc 1-- PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 121 216 East Fourth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 457-8575 FAX (360) 457-4649 Or. George R. Woodruff Tom Anderson Superintendent Director Secondary Programs Mary Ann Unger Director Elementary Programs Jim Jones, Jr. Director Business & Operations AI Enderle Director Student Services Scott Brodhun Director A thletics/ActivitieslFacilities October 13, 2000 Mike Quinn, City Manager City of Port Angeles P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 RECE'VED OC"" 1 '? 2000 \ -. Ci\V of Port Ange~es RE: Hurriance Ridge Public Development Authority Dear Mike: This is in response to an effort to pursue the Hurricane Ridge concessions and the development of a Board of Directors of this Public Development Authority. I would like to share with you my appreciation for our inclusion, as well as the recognition that it is my belief this has extremely positive merit. We recommend our representative, "School District Seat," be held by Mr. Jim Jones, the school district's Director of Business and Operations. ( '-... . BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Margaret Crawford Dorothy Duncan Charlie McClain Ken Schermer Kevin Snyder "Quality Education in a Quality Community" 1- . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 17,2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig Knutson, City Attorney SUBJECT: CONFIRMATION OF HURRICANE RIDGE PDA BOARD OF DIRECTORS . Summary: It is the responsibility ofthe Port Angeles City Council to confirm the seven members ofthe newly created Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority. Three membersarenominated by the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club, one by the Superintendent of the Port Angeles School District, one by the Clallam County Commissioners, and two by the Mayor of Port Angeles. Although the normal term length will be four years the initially appointed board members are required to serve staggered terms as discussed below. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council confirm the seven members who have been nominated to the newly created Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority as follows: 1. Two-year terms - Glenn Wiggins (Mayor's nominee) and Steve Oliver (Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club's nominee) 2. Three-year terms - Clallam County Commissioner's nominee (name to be provided at Council meeting) and Roger Oakes (Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club's nominee). 3. Four-year terms - Mike Quinn (Mayor's nominee), Port Angeles School District Superintendent's nominee (name to be provided at Council meeting), and Gary Holm uist Hurricane Rid e Winter Sorts Club's nominee. . Back2round I Analysis: The Ordinance and Charter for the newly created Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority provide that the seven member Board of Directors is to be selected as follows: 11 8C:\JMEMO\lO-17-oo-COUncil.mem.WPd 1. Three members are nominated by the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club, one by the Superintendent of the Port Angeles School District, one by the Clallam County Commissioners, and two by the Mayor of Port Angeles. 2. All board members are subject to confirmation by the City Council of Port Angeles. 3. The terms of office for,the board members are four years. 4. The initial terms are staggered so that two members serve two year terms, two members serve three year terms, and three members serve four year terms. The City Council is to designate which members serve the staggered terms. Board members nominated by the same person or entity cannot be assigned to the same initial length of term. C:IJMEMOIIO-17-OO-Council.mem.wpd C:\JMEMO\IO-17-00-Council.mem.wpd . . . 119 . Hurricane Ridge . Winter Sports Education Foundation PMB 218 136 East Eighth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 September 28, 2000 Craig Knutson City of Port Angeles City Attorney 323 East Fifth Post Office Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 . re: Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority Dear Craig: This will confirm that the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club, at its September 14th meeting recommended the following individuals to serve on the Board of Directors of the Hurricane Ridge Public Development Authority: Roger Oakes, M.D., Steve Oliver, and Gary Holmquist. SEO/pjr cc: Mike Quinn, City Manager Larry Doyle, Mayor . 120 tru . I' . . . . \ ~ . " , . , ' . . . 121 =v-------.---- . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 17, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig Knutson, City Attorney SUBJECT: LES SCHWAB (SFP-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP) PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT . Summary: Clallam County has required a pre-annexation agreement for the new Les Schwab facility east of Port Angeles. The primary purpose of the attached pre-annexation agreement is to facilitate the eventual annexation of the Les Schwab site into the City. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached re-annexation a eement with Les Schwab, Inc. and SFP-B Limited Partnershi . Back2round / Analysis: The City has previously entered into pre-annexation agreements for Wal-Mart and the Stock Market Foods sites east of Port Angeles. Such agreements are to the City's advantage in that the owners/developers agree up front to annexation of the area. The agreements are advantageous to the owners/developers in that the City agrees that it will not hinder or delay development of the projects and will not deny approval for the PUD to supply water to them. The form and wording of the proposed pre-annexation agreement with Les Schwab are almost identical to the pre-annexation agreements that the City entered into with Wal-Mart and Stock Market Foods. Since the circumstances are very similar, it makes sense to use the same approach for the Les Schwab site. The entity the actually owns the property for Les Schwab is the SFP-B Limited Partnership. C:VMEMO\I (}'17-00-2-Council.mem. wpd . 1 2 ~MEMO\IO-17-00-2-COUnCi1.mem'WPd . PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ,is entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington (City) and Les Schwab, Inc. and SFP-B Limited Partnership (Developer). WHEREAS, the Developer ownsor'is in the process of acquiring ownership of real property which is outside the present city limits of Port Angeles but is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (PAUGA) as designated by Clallam County pursuant to the Washington State Growth Management Act, Ch. 36.70A RCW, (GMA); and WHEREAS, the Developer is in the process of developing said property for commercial retail use (the project); and WHEREAS, the Developer is willing to enter into the following . Pre-Annexation Agreement, and WHEREAS, Clallam County zoning of the subject property and the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan presently allow for commercial retail use of said property such as the Project, and the Project is consistent with said Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above-representations and the covenants and conditions set forth herein, the City and the Developer agree as follows: 1. The Developer, by and through the undersigned duly authorized representative(s), warrants that it is the legal and equitable owner of, the real property as legally described in the attached Exhibit "A" which are incorporated herein by this - 1 - . 123 . . . 124 reference (the "Property"). 2. The City agrees that upon annexation into the City, the property shall be zoned consistent with the. present County zoning of such property and the City's comprehensive plan, which presently allow for commercial retail use of said property such as the Project. 3. The Developer agrees that, effective with the execution of this Agreement, this Pre-Annexation Agreement shall be considered a valid petition for annexation, signed by the Developer, its heirs or assigns, for the property or any area of which it constitutes a portion, subject to any debt requirements imposed by the City upon such petition and such zoning provisions as are consistent with this Agreement. 4. The Developer agrees that in the event of a sale or transfer of the Property, it will, as a condition of such sale or transfer, require the purchaser, or other new owner, to sign a duplicate of this Pre-Annexation Agreement and that this Agreement, and the promises made herein, do constitute a covenant running with the Property and shall be binding on the undersigned developer and its successors in interest to such property and that this Agreement shall be filed for record in the office of the Clallam County Auditor. 5. The City agrees that it will cooperate with, and not take action to hinder or delay, the development of the Project, and will not deny approval for the P.U.D. to supply water to the Project. 6. If any improvement districts are formed including the - 2 - Property following annexation of the Property, Developer shall not . be required to pay assessments thereunder in excess of its fair and equitable share for such improvements. DATED this day of , 2000. LES SCHWAB, INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By By Larry Doyle, Mayor By By Becky Upton, City Clerk SFP-B LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By By STATE OF WASHINGTON . ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM On this day of , 2000, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me Larry Doyle and Becky Upton, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. My commission expires: - 3 - . 125 . . . 126 STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM On this day of Public for the State of Washington, personally appeared before me , to me known to be the and respectively, of Les Schwab, Inc., that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Les Schwab, Inc., for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. , 2000, before me, a Notary duly commissioned and sworn, and Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. My Commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM On this day of , 2000, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me and , to me known to be the and respectively of the SFP-B Limited Partnership that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires: PRE-ANN.AGR October 12. 2000 - 4 - EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL A: Vacated Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, in Block 18 of Mallette's Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 48, and that portion of Lot 13 lying East of a 1ine extended directly North from the Northeast corner of Crow Baker's Addition to Port Angeles, Washington, and all of Lot 14, both being in Block 18 of said Mallette's Addition to Port Angeles; TOGETHER WITH the North half of vacated alley adjoining said Lots 1 to 4 on the South and the South half of vacated alley adjoining said portion of Lot 13 and all of Lot 14 on the North; ALSO Vacated Lots .1 to 14, inclusive, in Block 19 of said Mallette's Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles; TOGETHER WITH all of vacated alley in said Block 19; ALSO Vacated Lots 1 to 20, inclusive, in. Block 2 of B.T. smith's Addition to Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, page 7, records of said county; TOGETHER WITH vacated unnamed street or alley adjoining on the North; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to State of Washington for right of way by instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 131185; ALSO That portion of the West 12 acres of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter North of the Highway in section 12, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W;M;', Clallam County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the West half of vacated Moss street adjoining said property on the East; ALSO TOGETHER WITH the South half of vacated Second Street adjoining said property on the North; ALSO TOGETHER WITH all of vacated Munsie Street lying South of Second Street and North of P.S.H. No.9 (SR 101). EXCEPT that portion acquired by the State of Washington for P.S.H. No. 9 (SRI01) by Decree of Appropriation filed June 1, 1965 in Clallam county Superior Court Cause No. 16339; ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the State of Washington for P.S.H. No. 9 (SR101) by Deed recorded October 26, 1995 under Auditor's File No. 730213. PARCEL B: An Easement for ingress, egress and utilities over and across the South half of Eddy Lane (vacated Second Street) lying Northerly of Lots 5 to 9, inclusive, in Block 18 of Mallette's Addition as conveyed by instrument recorded June 6, 1990 under Auditor's File No. 634707. Situate in the County of Clallam, State of Washington. END OF EXHIBIT itA" BAH/cc 127 . IlO/ 'Rf "T" A lNrGr" 'Er'Lr E"'S' 1==. ;; ......fi. i' ,..... ;'./ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 12,2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager~ SUBJECT: BUDGET COMMITTEE ApPOINTMENTS & CALENDAR Summary: To aid in the detailed review ofthe Budget, a subcommittee ofthe Council is utilized for this purpose to meet with staff and review operations and policies. The full Council will review the Budget via the Hearings process and may informally request additional information or offer comments via the Budget Committee. . Recommendation: Appoint three members ofthe City Council to the 2001 Budget Committee and meet per the attached or amended schedule to review the Budget. Back~round / Analysis: Committee Appointments: Last year's members were Councit'members McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. While these appointments are subject to the pleasure and interest ofthe Council, I suggest that consideration be given to appointing two ofthe members from the most recent election terms in order to maintain a long term continuity of the Budget.as it impacts future years. As we rotate service on this committee, we will eventually involve all members in the process. My initial suggestions for 2001 are Council members Campbell, McKeown, and Erickson. November 2, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 7,2000 November 21, 2000 November 28, 2000 December 5, 2000 Suggested Calendar: The following calendar is offered for your input or alteration: October 31, 2000 5-7:30 pm Caucus Rm. Special Revenue, Debt Service, Internal Service, Fiduciary 6-8:30 pm Caucus Rm. General Fund, Initiative 722 6-8:30 pm Caucus Rm. EnterpriselUtility, CIP Council Meeting - Hearing on Revenue Council Meeting - Hearing on Budget Optional Review by Budget Committee Adoption of Budget . 1 2' 8G:\MASTFORM\COUNCILWPT Last Revised: 6/29/99 , i. \ I , . . . 129 1 FORTANGELES . WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C I lye OUNel L MEMO DATE: October 17, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL. FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJEcr: Change Order; Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Phase II, Project 99-11 Summary: A construction change order is proposed to complete the watermain an~ sidewalk on the east side of Laurel between Front and First Streets. The City's adopted change order policy requires all change orders exceeding $100,000 tobe approved by City Council. The contractor, Primo Construction, Inc., has provided an estimated cost of $144,697~78 for the change .order. Recommendation: Authorize approval of a construction change order, in the amount of $144,697.78 to the Downtown Watermain and Sidewalk Replacement, Phase n Project 99-11. Background / Analysis: The downtown watermain and sidewalk replacement project contract is underway and the current projected cost to complete is $1,000,000 and well within the budgeted funds of $1,330,000. The original scope of the project included completion of the waterlines and sidewalk on Laurel from Railroad to First Street. During design preliminary cost estimates indicated that we would be over budget and we reduced the scope of the work on Laurel Street to include only replacements on the east side between Railroad Avenue and Front Street. To fully utilize the available funding from a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan we are proposing a construction change order to complete the section of watermain and sidewalk on the east side of Laurel between Front and First Streets that was deleted from the original bid package. We requested the contractor, Primo Construction, Inc., to provide us with an estimate of costs for this addition to the proj ect and a negotiated cost of $144,697.78 was agreed. upon. The UAC, at a special session preceding the City Council this evening, will be reviewing the agreement and costs. The City's adopted change order policy requires all change orders exceeding $100,000 to be approved by City Council. Even though the initial bid was low, the initiation of this change order was delayed to evaluate Primo's performance and the projected fmal costs. Primo'sconstruction performance and dealing with the downtown busInesses has been excellent and the projected cost of completion leaves adequate funding for the change order. No work will be performed between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Attachment: Map N:\PROJECTS\99-II\CC02CC. WPD r. .. . l .. I ~ tt~~~~S D ~ ---~ --- - /-Y //11111110< /. \{11,111111 .....1' .\.- \ 'I'IIIII'II~ -.:.~ ~+ "111\111111 III "111\11111, "1111 "Illllltl! ~ 1II1 '1111111 Il........" ~_=_::!:. = " :::: I'm& =- -=- -=--=- '" DOWNTOWN WATER MAIN AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION '. PHASE 2 WITH ADDITIVE CHANGE ORDER LOCATION DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO October 17, 2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CI~ COU/ YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI ~ ~ LEASE OF COLORED COPIER/PRINTER. Summary: Colored copies are becoming more the norm, as they paint a clearer picture when used to show maps, routes, charts and graphs. Ricoh is offering the City a 60 month lease at $584.23 per month for a machine that can be used as a colored copier and a colored printer. Recommendation: Staff recommends leasing the colored copier/printer from Ricoh Business Systems, Inc. for 60 months at $584.23 per month, plus the cost of copies. Background I Analysis: City staff prides itself on producing professional looking documents using in-house services, thus saving thousands of dollars in printing costs each year. New technologies allow for the use of color in producing these documents, which allows for greater ease in interpreting maps, charts and graphs. The use of colored copiers and printers for City documents has increased over the past year. Currently, there is one small, colored copier which produces about four per minute at a cost of about $.34 each and one colored printer. The qualitY of the colored copier is very poor compared to the new machines. Going out of house to print colored copies costs $.99 each for 8 1/2" x 11" paper; pricing goes up for larger copies or transparencies. Leasing the Ricoh AF601 0 Color System at a cost of $584.23 per month, will allow staff to produce colored copies for $.12 each and black and white copies at $.025 each. Colored copies are produced at a rate ofl0.5 per minute, more than twice as fast as the old copier. Also, this machine has a duplexing feature, which allows for printing on both sides of the page, without having to feed the copy through a second time. The AF6010 can be interfaced with the computer network, allowing it to be used as a color printer as well as a copier. Xerox also submitted a proposal for a machine with the same capabilities. The monthly lease fee is $750.07, with colored copies charged out at $.1473 each and black and white at $.019 each. In both instances, supplies and repairs are included in the per copy price. This item has been included in the 2001 budget. Even though the budget has not yet been approved, staff feels this is a high priority, and entering into the agreement immediately will allow for use of the machine to process the 2001 budget. I:\L TRSMEMO\CCI 01700.WPD r- . FORT}\NGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Octo ber 17, 2000 City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 17 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Thursday, October 19 7:00 p.m. Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Monday, October 23 7:00 a.m. A WC Regional Meeting - Poulsbo Tuesday, October 24 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, October 25 7:00 p.rn. Council Budget Committee Meeting Monday, October. 31 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. . Gateway Committee Meeting Thursday, November 2 8:15 a.m. Board of Adjustment Meeting Monday, November 6 7:00 p.m. Mike on KONP Tuesday, November 7 1 :00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 7 6:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 8 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 8 7:00 p.m. Veteran's Day Holiday Friday, November 10 CLOSED Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, November 13 3:00 p.m. Real Estate Committee Meeting (ifneeded} Tuesday, November 12 4:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Thursday, November 16 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 21 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 8 7:00 p.m. . Thanksgiving Holiday Thurs/Fri, Nov. 23/24 CLOSED Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, November 27 7:00 a.m. G:\CNCLPKT\CfYMGR\CMREPT\2000\OCf17.WPD 130 ~ . . . 131 . . . 132 Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Minutes September 21, 2000 1. Call to Order: The September 21, 2000, meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm in the Vem Burton Community Center Meeting Room by Diana Tschimperle. ll. Roll Call: Members Present: Diana Tschimperle, Leslie Perrizo, Matt Kirsch Members Absent: David Morris, Pat McDonagh Staff Present: John Hicks ID. ADDroval of Minutes &. Audio TaDe Disposition: No minutes were taken during the May Park Tour. IV. Items From Audience Not On Agenda: None V. Finance: None Vouchers listings will be sent to park board members upon request. Questions and discussion ensued regarding Park Maintenance staff man-hours used during the memorial service for Deputy Wally Davis. VI. Le2islation: A. Parks Director StatuslInterim Recruitment Process Staff informed Park Board that Mike Quinn, City Manager, has assumed the interim park director position. The application deadline for park director position closed on September 18th. From the 35 applications received, the field will be narrowed to II. At this point a supplemental questionnaire will be sent out, replies reviewed, and 5 or 6 applicants chosen for final interviews. The interview panel(s) will include various community members as well as city staff. B. Introduction of New Recreation Coordinator and Aquatic Coordinator: This item will be postponed until the October 19th park board meeting. c. Update on Summer Projects: Staff reported on various Capital Projects: · Coin operated lock devices have been ordered for the Pool lockers. Park Board September 21, 2000 1 2 . . Pool front door will be replaced with a lighter weight, handicap accessible automatic door. Pool floor repair has been postponed. New sound system for Pool will be purchased before the end of the year. Additional, lighter weight rectangular tables were purchased for the VBMCC. The purchase of chairs has been put on hold this year in lieu of acquiring more round tables. New playgrounds have been installed at Crown, Raines, and 7th & D Tot Parks. Fencing improvements were installed at Civic Field. Roofing was completed on the Lincoln Park House. Street trees for the east city limit entrance were put on hold as a joint grant proposal with. the County failed to be funded. New park signs were installed. New backstop for Civic field has been put on indefinite hold. 2001 budgets have been submitted. Pool renovation feasibility study was discussed. Staff is confident a decision will be made next year on whether or not the project will proceed. Synopsis of the Summer 2000 youth activities, special events and tournaments were reviewed and discussed. .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. Francis Street Park Update: Mike Gentry & Roy Hellwig, consultants for Terma Planners & Architects, were in attendance to review and discuss the Francis Street/W aterfront Trail Project. The Francis Street Project was ~lated for presentation at the September 19th Council Meeting, but didn't make the agenda. The Project will now be placed on the October 3rt! council agenda as council wished to review the draft project prior to accepting the final design. Using a model, Mr. Gentry proceeded to visually update Park Board on the proposed design. Various aspects of the design w~re questioned and discussed. The extremely important aspects of routing and distributing run-off waters were discussed. Project money from public works is being used for this project based upon the ability to use this area to bury tanks which will be used as a storm-water detention' facility. Park Board discussed and agreed that signage for Francis Park Project should be consistent with those recently painted. & placed in . all city parks. . Although it may vary in content, the same standard, format and colors will be used. 133 Park Board September 21, 2000 4 . 1999. Beginning October 1 S\ the Interim Park Director will declare a change in hours of operation of Lincoln Park. Park Board concurrence of the decision is requested. Matt Kirsh moved that Park Board approve the winter adjustment hours at Lincoln Park. Leslie Perizzo seconded the motion which carried. Diana Tschimpele informed park board that some changes to homecoming, not welcomed by some students, may spark some additional activities. Staff will inform the Police department of the winter closure hours at Lincoln Park. VII. Adjournment: 9:00 pm . . 134 Park Board September 21, 2000 3 . The lAC Grant for the Francis Street Park. Project has been extended into 2001. The lAC grant money will oe disbursed when reimbursable costs are submitted and progress is shown. Due to the lateness of the year, the project may require two phases in order to be completed. E. ProDertylWaterfront Trail Proiect Updates: Marine Life Center operations.. for summer of 2000 were discussed.. Peninsula College has met their goal and commitment of providing a quality product. Peninsula College staff has made excellent changes using their maintenance department instead of relying on city maintenance staff. Langley Property A purchase and sale agreement has been given to the Langley Family regarding the sale of their property. Once finalized, the property will be utilized for further development of the Waterfront Trail. Deane Property The Deane Family continues to question property liability regarding the bluff. Rayonier site . The Centennial Trail Grant (ISTEA) has been put on hold until a biological assessment is completed by the county. Once results are reached the county will develop the portion of the trail east of the mill site. Trail development through the mill is on hold until the site is entirely cleaned up. Port Easement When the interlocal agreement was made, the Port was required to give the city easement through the Oak Street property. When this agreement is signed the sidewalk/trail will be constructed nearer the waterfront, extending to Valley Creek. Valley Creek Upper V alley Creek: This proposed project was explained by staff after which questions from Park Board were answered. Efforts to place a bridge in the upper reaches of Valley Creek by Daishowa has been put on hold due to property and creek relocation concerns expressed by City engineers and the Department of Fisheries. Staff will update Park Board on this issue as it develops. F. Lincoln Park Winter Hours: Stepped up and proactive law enforcement, as well a early closure of Lincoln Park has resulted in fewer instances of vandalism from 1996 - . 135 .\~r*~,~::\!.g,,?~~.:. ;!~< i}~C\{t '>;:~i;'f;: ,~: ':cj,':;\f/:;:!r~+~Ji:':~~::~:;ilS',~~:~?r~~' "~':",:::: W~i;";; . MINUTES , PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washirlgton 98362 I September 27,:2000 7:00 p.m. Members Present: I I I Bob Philpott, Lilda Nutter, Fred Norton, Fred Hewins, I Mary Craver, and Chuck Schramm I ROLL CALL Members Excused: Bob King Staff Present: Debra Barnes Public Present: Steven Caplan, Rick Compton, Katerina Hur, Bruce Rotrold, Annette Umbarger, Debbie Hayes, and Kathy Monds APPROVAL OF MINUTES . Commissioner Nutter moved to apj:)rove the September 13, 2000 meeting minutes making two minor typographical... corrections. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 5-1 with Commissioner Craver abstaining due to her absence at the meeting. CONTINUED BUSINESS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 00-07 - BURST WIRELESS. 716 South Chase Street: Request for a conditional use permit to allow a wireless communication use that includes the use of a 60' tower in the Community Shopping District. (Contiimed from September 13,2000.) Staff presented the staff report. Several questions were raised by the Commission, including typographical errors on Pages 4 and 10, definition of 'fast-growing' trees, explanation of a testing site versus a permanent site and how that relates to the decision before the Planning Commission (temporary use/permanent use), and explanation of utility structures including whether or not they are considered temporary or permanent. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. . Steve Caplan, Burst Wireless, Inc., 575 Andover Parkway, Tukwila, WA, agent for Burst Wireless, stated that Burst chose Port Angeles as testing site for wireless internet and noted that this is the first site of its kind in the U.S~ He explained that they currently have an experimental FCC license and will seek a permanent license after bidding for the spectrum at an auction in December. The project has two phases. The first phase is testing with the second phase anticipated one year later being permanent. He reiterated that they are seeking a CUP for both phases and that a temporary CUP is not being sought. He described the 136 Planning Commission Minutes September 27,2000 Page 2 structures including the Lucent SOW (Site on Wheels) and the Burst COW {Cell on Wheels) . and tower. The proposed tower is a monopole design and will be non-'penetrating meaning that it could be easily removed. He explained the need for the requested tower height. He added that Burst agreed with the staff report, except for conditions numbers 3 and 4. He requested changes to Condition #3 so that the necessary planting should occur one year after granting of the CUP to allow for the permanent license to be obtained and that it appeared feasible that planting could occur on the west property line. or along the parking strip on Eighth and Chase Streets. As for Condition #4 regarding retention of the trees he stated that Mr. Ralston (landlord) would grant the required easement but Ms. Pfaff-Pierce (property owner) state4 that she would not cut the trees nor would she sign an easement. The Commission asked for clarification of several issues, including what was currently underway at the site, further explanation of the different structures, dimensions of the monopole and base as well as antennas, where the height would be measured from (ground or top of support base), distance from tower to trees, FCC licensing, business strategy to place tower prior to a permanent license, feasibility of co-location, location of where this type of tower exists, description of wiring from the antennas to the building and how it would be housed, review of view shed photos, use of existing office building, ability to fence pole and other structures to address potential safety concerns with children, compatibility with farmer's market event held in the parking lot, term of lease of the subject property, expected changes to traffic flow and parking needs for the business, and mitigation for view . impacts. Steven Caplan, Rick Compton and Bruce Rotrold, representing the applicant, responded to the above questions. Cathy Monds, 234 East Ninth Street, lives directly south of the proposal and is concerned with camouflaging the tower as she would view the base as well as the top of tower. Debbie Hayes, 233 East Ninth Street, stated that her view would be impacted and now has doubts on whether or not to pursue an addition to her home that would have expanded her view. She added that Lincoln Street is a "iew corridor that would be impacted by the proposal. She noted that should a one-way reconfiguration of Lincoln and Peabody Streets should occur the view corridor would increase. The Commission asked additional questions of the applicant including their opinion as to consistency with the intent ofthe community shopping zoning designation and compatibility with neighbors, surfacing materials of parking lot, site plan and structure location, ability to move tower to the northwest which would be closer to the trees, loss of parking spaces should the tower be moved, description of the base, and whether the area could be fenced for security. The Commission asked staff for clarification if there would be a setback problem with moving the structure closer to the alley and the height of utility poles and light standards. . 137 Planning Commission Minutes September 27,2000 Page 3 . There being no further testimony, the public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed an additional condition of moving the structure, or deferring the location to staff for approval or delaying the decision until a new site plan could be prepared and submitted. It was noted that, because the Pfaff-Pierce trees cannot be secured, reliance on them to buffer impacts cannot be made. It was also noted that the'safety issue was a concern and that the environmental impacts ofthe proposal were significant. The applicant provided a brochure which further depicted the base of the structure. Commissioner Craver suggested that another condition be added to require removal of the tower should the permanent license not be obtained and that the site be restored to its original condition. She also noted that Condition #4 should be revised to remove the reference to the Pfaff-Pierce easement. Commissioner Craver made a motion to approve CUP 00-07 with added and changed conditions previously mentioned. It failed for lack of a second. Chair Hewins asked the applicant to explain the expiration of the temporary, experimental license and the terms of the permanent license. Chair Hewins stated that the last sentence of Condition #3 should be changed to be one year from CUP approval. The applicant clarified that there would be no lights or strobes on the tower. The Commission discussed conditions to avoid conflicts with the farmer's market event. It was concluded that such conditions would be inappropriate. . Chair Hewins reviewed the various changes to the conditions of approval that the Commission discussed. He stated that Conditions #1 and 2 were fine as stated in the staff report. Condition # 3, last sentence should be revised to allow for implementation to occur at the appropriate planting time upon receipt of the permanent license and shall not exceed one year from the approval of the CUP. Condition # 4 should be revised to remove the reference to the Pfaff-Pierce property. Added Condition #5 should address tower removal and restoration ofthe site should a permanent license not be granted. Added Condition #6 should require fencing around the base structure of the tower and associated facilities. Added Condition #7 stated that the tower be re-Iocated to the northwest property comer to further shield the structure and improve the buffering from the trees, and that a new site plan depicting the new location shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of a building permit for the tower structure. Commissioner Schramm moved to approve CUP 00-07 with the following 7 conditions and citing the following 17 findings and 5 conclusions: Conditions: 1. The equipment and its operation shall be in compliance with Federal Communication Commission licensing requirements for such facilities. . 2. A City of Port Angeles building permit shall be obtained for the tower structure prior to placement. 138 Planning Commission Minutes September 27,2000 Page 4 3. A landscaping plan shall be submitted for approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit for the tower. The pl~n shall be limited to the screening of the base structure and tower and shall incorporate fast-growing, tall evergreens on the subject property. The plan shall be implemented at the appropriate planting period upon receipt of a permanent license, not to exceed one year from the date of approval of the conditional use permit. 4. An easement shall be obtained and legally recorded for the retention of the trees located on the Ralston property to the north. The term of the easement shall be for the period that the tower exists on the subject property. 5. Should the applicant not obtain a permanent license, the tower and associated utility structures shall be removed and the site restored to its original condition. 6. Fencing shall be provided around the tower structure and any associated utility structures in order to address safety concerns. 7. The tower structure should be moved to the northwest comer of the property to maximize shielding of the structure. A site plan depicting the new location shall be provided to the Planning Dept. for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Findinl:s The following findings are based on the information provided in the September 27, 2000 Staff Report for CUP 00-07, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the September 27,2000 public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Burst Wireless, Inc., applied for a conditional use permit to place a 58' tall monopole telecommunication tower, base structure and mobile unit for the purposes of developing a testing facility for wireless internet services for the central Port Angeles area. The application is identified as Attachment B and includes project site photos and a view impact analysis. 2. The site is located at 716 S. Chase Street at the northwest comer of Chase and Eighth Streets. The tower, base station and mobile units will be located west ofthe existing office building. Commercial zoning designation and commercial land uses abut the subject property on the east, north and west sides. Residential zoning designation and land uses are located across Eighth Street to the south. 3. The tower will extend approximately 20' to 30' above the existing tree tops. A array of up to nine antennas will be installed on a triangular platform located near the top of the tower, depending on need. Each ofthe antenna panels is approximately 3' and . . . 139 1.-- ::~l\j~~;':'~:;;;1~?T\;~;-wrt;,~!}:"t~>:--,:'~~;~:~t~~'~!;>,;'~:;cfN----' 'tf!t1rt1~~t1i;~1yf~;r&': Planning Commission Minutes September 27,2000 Page 5 . . . 140 is cylindrical in shape. The pole and antennas will be painted to blend into the surroundings and together, will not exceed 58-feet in height. No lights will be placed on the pole. The support pad is approximately 10' by lOin dimension. The adjacent utility structure is 14' by 40' feet in size and contains the necessary electronic gadgets for the operation. Depending on the results of the testing, the electronics will be housed within the office building and the temporary structure will be removed. 4. The site is zoned Community Shopping District [CSD]. This commercial zone is intended to serve the immediate needs of the surrounding residential zones and is slightly less restrictive than the CN zone. The proposed use, a communication building and structure, is considered similar to a utility structure as listed in P AMC 17.22.160 (F) and as such may be approved in the CSD zone as a conditional use per PAMC 17.40.050. 5. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Commercial [C]. 6. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element, Commercial Goals and Policies, Goal E states: "To provide shopping opportunities which meet the needs of all City residents and visitors in safe, usable shopping areas that are compatible with the surrounding area and uses, the environment, and the desired urban design of the City". Policy E3 states: "Commercial development should buffer its impacts on adjacent residential uses. Where commercial4evelopment is adjacent to residential uses, the commercial development should incorporate elements into the site design to soften the impacts on the residential uses." 7. The Comprehensive Plan Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A is "To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality oflife for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests." Goal D is "To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner." 8. The Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element, Goal A is: "To create and maintain a community with a high quality of life where the land is used in a manner that is compatible with the areas's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment". Goal B states: "To protect and enhance the area's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment." Policy B17 states that "The City should identify and preserve significant public scenic view corridors. " 9. The Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Element Goal A states: To create and maintain a balanced and stable local economy with full employment and emphasis on strengthening the community's traditional natural resource related industries as well as diversifying the overall economic base." Policy A3 states: "The City should promote long-term economic stability by encouraging businesses and industries to invest in modernization and environmentally sound technology." Policy Planning Commission Minutes September 27,2000 Page 6 A5 states: The City should promote the location, retention, and expansion of small . and medium sized businesses which access their markets and suppliers through telecommunications and available shipping and transit." Goal B states: "To have a healthy local economy that co-exists with the community's high quality of life through the protection, enhancement, and use of the community's naturai, historical, and cultural amenities. Policy Bl states: "The City should promote the region's quality of environment and available natural resources as factors in attracting and retaining business, industry, and individual enterprises." 10. Zoning Code, P AMC 17.22.160 requires a conditional use permit approval for a utility building or structure. P AMC 17.08.1 05(E) defines utility building or structure as an installation to provide utility service. P AMC 17.96.050 specifies the requirements for a conditional use permit which includes: 1) approval of permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone which it is located, 2) consistent with the comprehensive plan, 3) not contrary to the public use and. interest, and 4) may include restrictions or conditions found by the Planning Commission to be essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. A conditional use permit may be denied if it would result in defeating the purpose of the zone by introducing incompatible, detrimental or hazardous conditions. 11. The installation of this and other similar facilities expands the variety of telecommunication services available to the community. Addressing the potential negative aesthetic impacts can be addressed by site location, structure height and design and vegetation preservation in order to ensure the continued, scenic views and overall, environmental quality of Port Angeles for its residents, as well as visitors. . 12. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has the overall responsibility for regulating the telecommunication industry under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The FCC will ensure that the frequency emissions do not exceed the minimum standards. Preservation of local zoning authority is specified in the Act under Section 704 (a)(7)(A) which states: "GENERAL AUTHORITY - Except as provided in this paragraph, nothing in this Act shall limit or effect the authority of a State or local government or instrumentally thereof over decisions regarding the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities. (B)(i) LIMIT A TIONS states: "The regulation of the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities by any State or local government or instrumentally thereof - (I) shall not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services; and (II) shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. Other requirements specify acting on applications within a reasonable time period, issuing a written decision with substantial evidence to deny applications, and deferring to the FCC to address . and regulate the frequency emissions and their potential environmental effects. 13. Needs of the industry include minimum distances and line of sight requirements to 141 ~'~~J.\~@':N'~mt;}ti:,t:f Planning Commission Minutes September 27.2000 Page 7 . 14. 15. . other antennas, as well as adequate power and phone service availability. These needs are analyzed by the proponent in determining the preferred location for the structure, as well as the needed height of the structure. It is sometimes difficult to discern the needs of a particular provider, given the every-changing technology, as well as competition between providers. Because the proposed monopole tower structure and attached antennas would be less than 60-feet in height and located within a commercial zone, the project is categorically exempt by the State Environmental Policy Act under WAC 197-11- 800(27)(a)(iii) and RCW 43.21C.0384. Through the State Environmental Policy Act or Zoning Ordinance, local governments are responsible for requiring the information necessary to evaluate both the individual and cumulative impacts of such proposals that may individually or cumulatively degrade the quality of life and be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A view impact analysis can be completed to help identify the extent of potential, negative aesthetic impacts. The applicant submitted a series of photos of the site from various. locations in order to ascertain which properties or neighborhoods would be impacted by the proposal. If approved, the subjeCt proposal will result in negative aesthetic impacts onto properties to the south that have territorial or marine views. However, these impacts are mitigated by tall trees that are located on adjacent properties. Should these tall trees be removed or fall from natural causes, the impacts would be greater. Properties located directly south of the property could be impacted by the .pole construction; this could be mitigated by landscaping at the base of the structure, or on the southern property line. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policy IX (B)(17) states that the City should identify and preserve significant public scenic view corridors. To date, scenic corridors have not been identified in an adopted plan or regulation. It can be assumed that the Lincoln Street corridor would be included as an area identified as scenic due to the mountain and marine views observed while traveling both north and south within this corridor. The subject proposal could be seen from Lincoln Street while traveling or walking south. 16. No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application during it's public comment period which concluded August 30,2000. 17. . 142 Section 17.22.200(5) setsforth a 35-foot height limit for the CSD zone. Section 17.94.170 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code exempts antennas from the Zoning Code's height restrictions. It has been the policy ofthe Planning Department that the exemption was intended for ham radio or television antennas and not commercial utilities, such as the proposal. It also has been the policy ofthe Planning Department to not require that an additional variance application be submitted for. utility structures which exceed the height limitations because the height issue can be adequately addressed through the conditional use process. ~ : Planning Commission Minutes September 27,2000 Page 8 Conclusions: . The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the September 27,2000 Staff Report for CUP 00-07, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: . . A. The project, as conditioned, is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Comprehensiye Plan Land Use Goal E and Policy E3; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A and D; Conservation Goals A and B and Policy B17; and Economic Development Goals A and B, and Policies A3, A5 and Bl. B. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. The location selected for the new tower which is not a co-location allows for the office operations and staffing to be in close vicinity of the base structure and antenna for maintenance purposes. There are currently no tower facilities between the Peninsula College area (BPA site) and US West/Quest at 4th/Laurel. The potential negative aesthetic impacts ofthe tower facility to adjacent residential land uses with terrestrial and/or water views, and the overall scenic quality of the City cannot be avoided; however it can be mitigated by retention of existing tall trees and planting of new trees, as well as limiting the height of the structure. c. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the requirements for approval of a conditional user permit under P AMC 17.96.050. . D. The proposed project, as conditioned, is not detrimental to the public interest. E. The installation ,of this and other similar facilities expands the variety of telecommunication services available to the community and region. Commissioner Craver seconded the motion passed 5-1. Commissioner Nutter noted her dissenting vote was due to her disagreement with the consistency with the purpose of the CSD zone under Finding #6 and the environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated under Finding #8. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 00-08 - BREEN, 402 East Eighth Street: A request for a conditional use permit to allow a wireless communication use that requires the installation of a 60' tower in the Commercial Neighborhood District. (Continue to October 11, 2000.) Staff noted that the applicant has submitted the requested relevant materials. Staff is now prepared to conduct a public hearing on October 11, 2000. Chair Hewins opened the public . hearing. No testimony was provided. Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to October 11, 2000, 7 p.m. Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 6-0. 143 . . . 144 Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS - Status on Clallam County moratorium on new telecommunication facilities Staff provided a brief overview of the status of the County's moratorium on telecommunication towers. Commissioner Schramm requested, that a copy of the County's draft telecommunication ordinance and the status of the County Planning Commission's deliberation on the draft ordinance be included in the October 11 th packet. A discussion was held on a moratorium for new cellular towers and the need for policy guidance and/or a city ordinance to address potential conflicts with neighboring uses. Also discussed was the standards set by other jurisdictions. The Commission requested an overview of telecommunication ordinances adopted by other jurisdictions as well as information on procedures and guidance on moratoriums for the October 11 th meeting. Staff provided an overview of upcoming agenda items which included a public hearing for another telecommunications tower on October 11 th, a public hearing for a co-location facility on October 25, and a worksession on annual code 'fixes' on October 25 with anticipated public hearing in November. WORKSESSION ITEMS Staff explained that neighborhood planning could be discussed in more detail at a future meeting. Staff requested that the Commission contact staff should there be any additional items/issues not mentioned in the memo that was provided at the meeting so that we can better prepare for the next time this item will be discussed. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Bob Philpott mentioned that improvements have been made at Oak and Front. Linda Nutter stated that she has a conflict on October 11 th and will not attend that meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chair Hewins adjourned the meeting at 9: 10 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Fred Hewins, Chair PREPARED BY: D. Barnes r-- . . . 145 0006 ' tbs "dlNS 3~YHld\\ 917 L - . . . PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE September 2000 . Ocean View Cemetery William Shore Memorial Pool Vern Burton Community Center Senior Services Center - Rentals Senior Services Center - Leases Banner Lincoln Park Camping Fees City Pier Moorage Fees General Fund Revenue Total $107,368.75 $113,624.58 $13,450.00 $7,744.50 $7,650.00 $3,751.00 $2,660.00 $1,183.00 $257,431 ,83 $97,936.07 $107,721.43 $11,849.00 $6,616.00 $8,550.00 $3,305.00 $1,376.85 $983.00 .$238,337.35 Longhouse/Clubhouse Lincoln Park Camping Fees Improvement Fund Total $7,967.00 $446.00 $8,413.00 $37,143.09** $1,134.52 $38,277.61 . Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $2,760.00 $1,709.00 Co-Rec Volleyball $1,410.00 $1,960.00 Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $50.00 Slowpitch $19,614.00 $21,170.00 Slowpitch Tourney Fund $2,951.00 $2,073.00 Mens Basketball $745.00 $627.00 Basketball Tourney Fund $1,235.00 $2,252.25 Flag Football $0.00 $0.00 Youth Programs $38,510.49 $32,976.12 Adult Programs $1,013.00 $1,650.00 Adult Soccer $6.076.00 $2,125.00 . Recreation Activities Fund Total $74,314.49 $66,592.37 ** Includes Junior Soccer Club Donation & Little League Field Plane Crash Insurance payment 147 r-u- I \:';~'\~:Y7\i\+(:;_~};;":';\:;f' .; ,'. ",j,c:",:'tr' i-' ;', ';:"f,;?~i?0'?fA:;::} PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT September 2000 Information & Referral 1,635 15,636 1,884 15,801 Estimated Attendance 4,358 45,066 4,406 39,637 Health Programs 592 5,338 482 4,469 Education Programs 464 4,932 542 5,816 Social/Events/Programs/Meals 2,809 16,636 1,161 14,928 Trips: Taken 10 54 7 56 Passengers 159 718 69 561 Volunteers: 139 185 Hours 1,335 13,207 1,538 13,701 Membership: 21 1,552 26 1,374 City 13 1,035 14 926 County 8 530 10 448 . 148 SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS - Users September 2 Class Reunion September 5,12,29,26 The Feel Good. Place - workshops September 9 Stoner Wedding September 19,20,21 Crab House Restaurant - luncheons for various service groups September 23 Doris Goodman Open House Birthday Celebration September 30 Lions Club Charter Dinner SENIOR CENTER REGULAR USERS .Senior Nutrition Board :Senior Providers .Soroptimists Jet Set .CCWAB. .Square Dance Council .City Employees Club .NARFE Board .Olympic Area Agency on Aging . Eckankar Virginia Mason .Parks & Rec After School Progra.m .United Way .Venture Club .Rhody Society ~ SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAMS September 4 Senior Center Closed for Labor Day Holiday September 5 Tinnitus: What causes it?. Presented by Robbie Bishop, Audiologist September 8 Con Men and Their Scams - Too good to be true. Presented by Port Angeles Police Department Solutions to your Low Vision Problems September Daze Pinochle Tournament Organize and Preserve Your Photos - workshop Peninsula Assisted living Communities Open House Dungeness Jazz Band September 12 September 13 September 15 September 16 September 21 ---, . . . 149 . . . 150 September 2000 A:!~1l:k~t"~~*i~~{M;)Mf~;i;.,-i~,t,;,~'\l.!'~~~:ri~I' -1}1:tk~~~~t.'f1""'~';' . -", """,> -,i",':' ~-':"'\I' ,;.;;"':\<{,'ir,.I' ::"",,""-""-!f,r-~i"~,A.';," SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - REGULAR PROGRAMS Stretch Class/Weight Training Blood Pressure Checks Chair Massage Alzheimers Support Group Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs Yoga Arthritis Support Group Fibromyalgia Support Group .Paint on Own . Golden Agers .Senior Swingers .Senior Singers .One Day/Over Night Trips .Pool . Bridge .Cribbage .Calligraphy Health Amputee Support Group Chair Exercise (3x wk) Low Vision Support, Self Help for Hard of Hearing Foot Care (4x month) Weight Training Self Massage Class Anti-aging/Lose Weight Education RoundTable on Politics Defensive Driving Class Tap Classes Driftwood Sculpture Social/Recreational Drawing/Painting Spring Chicken Band Drawing Spanish. Conversation .Coffee Lounge .P R Committee .At the Movies (weekly) .Bingo (3x week) J .Olympic Peninsula Chess Club .Pinochle (3x week) .Pickle Ball (3x week) . Crafts William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Activity Report September 2000 . RECREA TION--- Children 825 10,736 789 9,935 Adult, ,,1,921 19,770 1,699 16,905 Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Days 22/10 78/188 7/29 91/146 Pool, Parties/Participants 13/218 136/2,061 11/163 119/1,459 INSTRUCTION --- Children 743 8,450 642 8,202 Adults 77 293 Parent/Child Orientation 313 411 Pre-School 168 3,328 362 4,477 Water Exercise 477 5,402 491 5,529 School District 1,046 4,607 1,341 5,821 . Pool Rentals/Classes 272 4,542 296 5,384 Instruction Totals 2,706 26,719 3,132 30,117 POOL OPERATIONS -- Days Open 29 256 29 241 Hours Open 377.00 3,380.75 388.00 3,242.25 REVENUE -- Rental: Suits, towels, caps $283.36 $1,219.89 $73.59 $593.26 Admissions $2,194.85 $25,433.24 $2,103.93 $23,421.30 Lessons $3,968.50 $42,663.62 $5,709.17 $42,010.21 Aerobics $1,218.00 $10,393.50 $861.50 $12,728.50 Passes $2,441 .27 $21,227.06 $1,767.41 $16,699.49 Showers $178.08 $1,478.01 $210.01 $1,327.87 Lockers $136.75 $1,564.29 $138.00 $1,455.08 . Pool Rentals $868.87 $5,316.32 $908.29 $5,709.21 Sales Tax $471.84 $4,328.65 $400.96 $3,776.51 I, . . . 152 i;)..:,,':. '~:':::>:~<~;'1\-~');'!::":!j. ':",""~', : '-;~::iYf0(~~;:~;1+(!:~;t/:{ii;W;#WP:!t~\;(ft;;;::':N' . ;;TY~' ' :;Ii[,\:;q:~,. ):"'.'i:i' William Shoret~\'Pool Activities September.2000 ADMINISTRA TION *Monday, Wednesday & Friday Fall Programs began for 151 through 6th Grade. * Tuesday & Thursday Pre-school Fall Program also began. * To maximize availability, coordinated sharing' the pool with High School and P.A. Swim Club for turn-outs on Monday thru Friday from 4:00-7:00 pm. * Peninsula College and Connection School began afternoon swim lessons. INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for September: * Water Aerobics AM classes * Water Aerobics PM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Water Walking AM classes Man - Fri Man - Fri Man & Fri Man, Wed, Fri. Swim Lessons Schedule: * Sept. 11 - Oct. 13 * Sept. 12 - Oct. 12 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Private lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TIONS Port Angeles Swim Club * 5:30 - 7:00 pm Port Angeles School District * 7:45 - 8:15 am PE Classes 9:05 - 9:35 am PE Classes 1 :00 - 1 :30 pm Special Education Classes 3:00 - 4:30 pm Girls' Swim Team Man - Fri Wed Man - Fri Man - Fri September 19 Home Swim Meet United States Coast Guard * 9:00 - 10:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training Tues & Thurs RECREA TIONAL SWIMMING September 30 Kid's Day September 30 Middle School Night 10 Participants 22 Participants ...-....,...'....',.._....,..,. .. ., ,.......-......--..-............"........,-.-....-.,.,... ....,--.--,.---.-.....-.......;".........-... """"". THIS;,MONrH>' .... ...., '199'7 .' . "':--)":?-" --",/::,.---., 17,613.87 Ground Burials 23 14 5 1 43 21 20 5 o 46 21 16 8 o 45 22 18 11 o 52 Ground Burial Inumments Niche Inumments Entombments Year to Date Totals .....'.........,.:'.......'.>....."..:..'.,.,'... ....\. ..,........:...::....>'.'.. ... ,'.......,...,. '../ THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR TO DATE $7,051.49 $44,394.92 $3,844.25 $22,177.30 . . . 153 . . . 154 " - ~r~F'~t1~::i~;'i' '}'{f::".iH?_~<r,Fi,;: "c' ., '~~-~J:""'U\;>t."!'\~\E'Y -it.,rtrf~:t.,,;~~~~;~ Parks & Cemetery Monthly Division Report September 2000 Accomplishments Turf Management II. Mowing and trimming ALL locations .............................. . 298.5 hours "'" Turfrenovation(thatching, aeration, topdressing, fertilizing, irrigating at Elks Play Field, Civic Field and Volunteer Field . .. .... ... .. ...... ............ .... .. .. .. 122.5 hours "" Equipment repairs and maintenance .......... .... .. .. .. .. .. .............................. ...... .. .. .. 66.0 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487.0 Beautification II. Downtown planter maintenance( cleanup water etc.) ...... .... .................... ........ .. 222.5 hours "" Maintenance of planted areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 hours II. Greenhouse, plant maintenance .............. .. ................ .. .............. ...... ............ .... .. .. 66.0 hours "'- Tree well cleaning and maintenance ........................ ...................... ........ ........ .. .. 10.0 hours Total Hours: ...................... 298.5 Amenities III" Pier general maintenance .... .. ............ .............................. .... ................ .... .... .... .. .. 40.5 hours "" Floats; removed for winter .. ...... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. ................ .... ...... .. .. 146.5 hours "'- Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance ...... .................. .... .. .... 105.0 hours II. Park sign maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 hours "" Play equipment maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.5 hours "" Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.0 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406.0 , Sports Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance II'" Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields .. .. .. ...... .. .. .......... .. ...... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. .............................. .. 16.5 hours III. Layout and maintain soccer fields .'... .... .... ...... .. .. .. .. .... .... .............. -............... '. .. 80.0 hours III. Layout and maintain football fields ...... .. .. .. .... .. .... .... ...... .. .. ...................... .... .... .. 89.5 hours II" Tennis net adjustment and court cleaning at Erickson, Shane and Elks .......... .. .. .. 0.0 hours II'" Field lighting repairs .'.. .. .. .......... .. ...... ...... ...... .... ...... .. ...... 10.... .......................... .. .. .. 5.5 hours Total Hours: ...................... 191.5 Waterfront Trail III. Bench and memorial installations/maintenance ......................... 105.0 hour Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.0 Building Maintenance General Maintenance and Repairs II" William Shore Pool ..............................................61.0 hours II" VemBurton Community Center. ................................... .84.0 hours II" City Hall and Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163.0 hours IIH~ Senior Center ...... ...... .. .. .. ............ ...... .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. ........ .. ................ .......... ........ 117.5 hours Total Bours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425.5 Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas 110. Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.0 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.0 e ei e 155 . . . 156 "':,..:V "r "'~'I',"""-,'",, "., '-.;"", "<~,~;.i'::'~tJ:;;\;,,~~~,!:,t<:2!{~'~'r!;~7' \ Parks General Maintenance 11-' Litter pickup from various park locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.0 hours 111" Park improvements(playground improvements etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.5 hours III" Building maintenance; assisting at Fine Arts Center .. .. . . . . ... . .. . . . ... 124.0 hours 11-' Forest Management; park trail clearing, road and trail repairs, pond maintenance and repairs, vandalism repairs etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109.5 hours Total Hours: ...................... 425.0 Special Events II'" Prepare for Big Hurt . .... .. ..... ....... . .......... .. . . . . . . .. ... . . .. 24.5 hours 11-' .. Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.5 Campground II" Litter pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 hours III" Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 Cemetery III. Ground burial interments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 hours 11-' Cremation interments ............. ... . ...... ..... . . .. ... . . ............ 2.0 hours IIn" Crypt entombment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 6.0 hours II. Niche inurnments ...... ....... ........ .. ... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . ...... 0.0 hours II" Memorial marker settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0 hours 11* Mowing and trimming ... ... .. ..... ...... . ....... . . .. .. .... . . . .. .. . 67.0 hours II" Building/Chapel cleaning and maintenance ... ...... ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 51.5 hours III" Grave site refilling/regrading .. ........... .. ..... .... . . . . . .. . . .. .. ..... 0.0 hours III'" Customer Service . . . ... .. . . ..... . .. . .. .... . .... . . .. ... . . .. . ..... . 1.0 hours Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147.0 Parks' Administration "-' Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157.5 hours Total Hours:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157.5 Sub total hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,683.5 Total NON Productive hours (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations): . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 350.0 Total Parks and "Cemetery Division hours for September 2000: .. . . . .3,033.5 Total Monthly Maintenance Hours September 2000 ~ #1 Turf Management 487 hrs. . #4 Sports Facilities 191.5 hrs. . #7 Civic Complex 12 hrs. . # \0 Campground 4 hrs. I:m #13 Time Loss 350 hrs. . #2 Beautification 298.5 hrs . #5 Waterfront Trail 105 hrs. . #8 Parks General Maintenance 425 hrs. . #11 Cemetery 147 hrs. . #3 Amenities 406 hrs. . #6 Building Maintenance 425.5 hrs. . #9 Special Events 24.5 hrs. . #12 Parks Administration 157.5 hrs. . . 157 VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER September 8 September 14 September 15 September 21 September 23 September 28 September 29 Middle School Dance Girl Scout Recruitment & Reception SkagiUSnohomish Horseless Carriage Dinner City Awards Luncheon Big Hurt Spaghetti Dinner County Awards Luncheon Middle School Dance VBMCC . GYM USERS Noon Open Gym Gym Walkers Parks & Rec After School Program Family Center Toddlers VERN BURTON MEETING ROOM EVENTS: September 5 September 6 September 8 September 12,13 September 12 September 13 September 17 September 19 September 20 September 23 September 26 September 27 September 29 September 30 Clallam County Salmon Recovery Workshop Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Health Care Class Clallam County Food Handlers Class Salmon Recovery - Lead Entity Group 55 Alive Defensive Driving Class Metropolitian Life Seminar County Health - Disabilities meeting Baha'is Event Clallam County Salmon Recover Workshop Clallam County Food Handlers Class Kathy Bennett & Associates Clallam County Food Handlers Ralston Insurance Agents Workshop Shanfeld/Nader Meeting Department of Personnel Testing Apple Tree Dolls - Ginny Rally VBMCC . REGULAR MEETING ROOM USERS: Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Transit Union Non Motorized Meetings Healthy Families Puzzle Exchange Swim Club Juan de Fuca Festival College Foundation Bike Club Park Board COUNCIL CHAMBERS: City Council Meetings Board of Adjustments Planning Light Operations 158 OUt Victims Panel Shellfish Workshop Dept of Revenue Visitor & Convention Bureau AAU Basketball Olympic Christian School Etwha Management Team Parks & Rec After School Program Community Network Land Trust Junior Babe Ruth Waste Water Seminar Stream Keepers Meeting Safety Meeting Fish & Wildlife Workshop r-- Recreation continued---- LINCOLN PARK RENTALS Clubhouse Longhouse Loomis Building September 6 4 1 To Date. 55 39 21 LIONS PARK o 5 RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAMS: Square Dance Lessons each Monday at the Senior Center -Began September 18th with 24 participants Line Dance Classes began September 12th at the Vern Burton Center -20 participants Country Western Dance Classes began September 13th -16 participants Puzzle Exchange Scrabble Club Last Sunday of each month First Sunday of each month OTHER USES Scout Meetings each Wed. evening 4-H & Scout Meetings alternating Tuesdays PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL EVENTS: September 6 After School Program begins at Jefferson & Franklin Schools - 60 children enrolled September 10 Fall Soccer League Began - 136 participants September 17 Punt - Pass & Kick Competition - 30 participants UP-COMING RECREATION October 9 November 4-5 November 4-5 November 5 November 6 November 11-12 Fall/Winter Volleyball League Begins Talking Rain - Mens' Basketball Tournament Boys' TipPtt - Youth Basketball Tournament Winter Open League Basketball Begins Winter go" League Basketball Begins Turkey Shoot - Girls' Basketball Tournament WEEKLY ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM and FIELD SCHEDULING FOR: Junior Soccer AAU YMCA PAHS Baseball Junior Babe Ruth Little League CITY PIER EVENTS: September 3 September 16-17 September 23 Thursdays Ongoing Olympic Vineyard Jet Ski Competition Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk-a- Thon Concert on Pier Series Use of Fire Pit by various groups UP-COMING PIER EVENTS: October 7 Marine life Center Activity - ,,'~i ~>'\;""i;~.':-'d' ---- Mike Quinn . From: Sent: To: Subject: Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce [pangeles@olypen.com] Friday, September 22,200012:20 PM citymgr@ci.port-angeles.wa.us FW: Thank You PAC 1S1 rocedoy.jpg Sam: Would give this message to Mike and share it with Parks Dept. also. I think this is pretty neat that the racers would send us a thank you. Louann -----Original Message----- From: GOMMER6856@aol.com [rnailto:GOMMER6856@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 9:19 PM To: Office@portangeles.org Subject: Thank You PAC On behalf of the racers that attended the 2nd Annual, Jettin The Straits Jet ski races that took place over the past weekend, We would all like to thank your fine city for the great hospitality in making everyone enjoy a great weekend. We all are looking forward to next year, and the sooner we know of the date to plan on, the sooner we can mark it on the calendar and make plans to bring even more racers, and more fans too. Thanks Again............. .....Bob Gomavitz #7 Sea-Doo GSX . ;rfJ ~/I: / 6, ti"" t~ A ,to -?}..c/' J ( "".( ( (jolt (. "uQ J -far q ~ . 160 September 1, 2000 R ECE' V ED SEP 22 2000 ~'tV ot "ort j\l1ge~es . Mike Quinn City Manager, City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles \Y/ A 98362 Dear Mr. Quinn Port Angeles Youth Baseball is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing athletic opportunities for area youth. On August 12-13, 2000 the third annual Snapple Tournament was held in Port Angeles and" attracted a total of23 teams of 10 to 12 year old players from Port Angeles, Sequim, Forks, Jefferson Count)', and several from King and Pierce counties. \X.'ith each team averaging 30 people (players, coaches, parents, etc.) we estimate this tournament accounted for oyer S40,UllO.()U in revenue for local motels, restaurants, and other merchants. Our committee was told time and again by many of the participants that this is .' one of the best tournaments they've ever had the pleasure to enjoy. A huge part of this feeling of goodwill is due to the efforts of the City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Department, including Dan Estes, Bill Peterson, and Corey Delikat. The organizational skills they brought, along with the outstanding condition of the playing fields, made for a tremendously successful event. \Ve wish to acknowledge their work and offer our thanks for a job well done. Sincerely yours, 4~~ Ken Lane President Port Angeles Youth Baseball R r \X/heeler Director Port Angeles Youth Baseball . 161 'C';',',-"H,,');,""'''O' . ,., I. .~\\ \ ,TOhn I Daf\ \ Jawn ~ maxy ~an\< YOJ fby c\ \ YllJr hC\rd LcDYI( on-\-t\is \Ic:c y~s 6i 9 thAv-\ . C~ra+U\otiDn~ -\0 -::Sa~n. \'~ ~OUy c ~ttJ d ! I , ~ . L 162 .'11 I I cr -.3-00 - t>e.ov. rn,. -Peter601l J Ow- SOlI, ?err~) hA6 Ju..s.t tjnj~ i!!i1h th.a ~( clinLcl hD6fe& bj 'P(}J((S a.n& RQ.~~a:tbn. We LCia11f in - . . -tb~ f~ &J much {)or 1-naki115 & lW~ ~ 'tfu t~-~r.. of~ ~I1S an&. -%- the o..ward.a..W(j~ uP It. TQ(r~.. . -tru./'j ~o~e& ttM C~ L~ . a.n& wtM. Y'ee{.- more o:P .~ 6n ~'1'J~ Hd& . CJJn1e ,1Qlf. 6fX'~ ~ ~~ ~.. 5(,()uref'1 J . . . 163 . - u ........ ....... .... u-.~.s;u 4-:r.iJ-~~~ru ........ .. ..... ..... ........ bu~kG.' ..'. ~ .... . ... -.- - .-._...- .. · ....Ct~9M~~~~. ..~..~.. .~.~:;:-d~. ............ ..f;.~..9.~.~~~. J. ....~e~.. ...d&-...~.~... _... ......... ~Ak$;ra.~.~.. .LU0......... ~~--~._- ~,.~-~-~- ~-'-,..~......~..~..~. #~ . J.--Ad..t.~7'f~ ...~..... ... ..~_..~_..._-_. - ....-...--, .-- .------.,.----- '..- , - -- ... .aE'=:r~.~..~..-.. . ~ ..~U_ d.~~~'._. ....U... ._....~.~.-m. __ .~~~ . -..~~..~~..~.:==---~~~":~t:- .-...... m ......-._~-~:. ...... .... - -....----..~. .7'R-/... .. .. >~'.S~- ..... . ....u..~~ .... . ... ...... r\vdd.. ... ..... 164 . . .' . 165 . CITY COUNCIL MEMO ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON,. U. S. A. DATE: October 17, 2000 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council Members FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist SUBJECT: Planning Department Monthly Report - September, 2000 . CURRENT PLANNING ApPLICA nONS: Bed and Breakfast Permit Boundary Line Adjustments Conditional Use Permits Environmentally Sens. Areas Home Occupation Permit Minor Deviations Retail Stand Permit Rezones Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Short Plats Street Vacation Subdivisions Variances Wetland Permits Code Enforcement Appeals o o 1 o o o o o o o o o o o 1 o SEP A ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINA nONS: Determinations of Non Significance 3 Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 0 Determinations of Significance 0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ApPLICA nONS: Clearing and Grading Permits 1 Building Permits 3 . 166 . .1 . 167 CITY-OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 WATER DEMAND RAINFALL )0- < o in z o (/) ::l z ~ 3. w ~ C> < IX W > < ..J ..J <t ... z ~ .IAN FEB MAR APR MAY ./UN JUl AUO SEP OCT NOlI DEe: Cl 1999 . 2000 C 1999 _ 10 Year Average . 2000 AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND LAST YEAR TO DATE (MG) THIS YEAR TO DATE (MG) RAINFALL DATA 10 YR AVG. TOTAL TO DATE THIS YR TO DATE (IN) RECORD HIGH THIS MONTH RECORD LOW THIS MONTH 16.08 10.62 3.95 0.00 SEWERlSTORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MONTH 1FT) 7.825 o 1.049 YR. 62.692 961 4.204 TEMPERATURE SEWER SYSTEM JETTED STORM DRAINS JETTED SYSTEM TV INSPECTED ~ - - ~ ~ " -' -;:: - , r- - - - r- - ..,-- - r- - - - r- - - '--- jTOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSALI W IX :J _. I- u. < :: a: !.., ~ l :::E -. W I- co RES HAUl.. .... ....00 UP , OCT NOV DEe CJ 1999 . 2000 _ 10 Year Average ELECTRICAL USAGE w C> < l/) ~r < CJ a: I- CJ W ..J W c ~ )) ::1 -. LANDFILL ANNUAL TONS Cl 1999 _ 2000 RAYON1ER DEMOLITION REVENUES {97+98+99J 'THIS YR TO DATE (TONS) I ~ FU MAR APR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1"6'& PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 2000 WATER SOLID WASTE . Replaced 9 water meters . Hot tap @ 15116 alley on F Street . Renew water service @ 808 W. 5th Street . Renew water service @ 2420 S. ,Peabody Street . Replaced firehydrant at Porter and Grant . Air vent maintenance - system'wide RECYCLING: . Co-sponsored the Household Hazardous Waste Collection event WASTEWATER COLLECTION STREET . Assist Police Dept. with trail cleanup and signs for Big Hurt . Assist Clallam County on chip seal project . Crack seal Rce Street brom Blvd. to Park . Cut roadside vegetation city wide . Remove graffitti at Laurel and Forest Streets . Install metal roof for PCB building . Finish painting school cross walks . Install new loading zone at Jefferson School . Provide traffic control devices for downtown watermain project . Staff monthly safety meeting . Assisted with Chip Seal Project . Pulled and shipped 2 pump motors for rebuild . Cleaned oillwater separator at Corp Yard . Repaired storm line on Blue Water View Street . Reinstalled rebuilt pump motor at PS#1 . Assisted Equip. Svcs in getting new truck on line WASTEWATER TREATMENT . Observed field installation of biosolids dryer at Auburn . Attended NWBMA meeting in Ocean Shore . Assisted Landfill Staff in taking groundwater samples for 3rd quarter . Replaced parts and cleaned belt press . Replaced filters on air handling u~ilTn-dewaterir1gbuilding . Wiring to link plant computers into a loCal area network installed . Worked on new sites for biosolids application . Worked with local dischargers on pretreatment issues. ENGINEERING & PERMITS EQUIPMENT SERVICES . Work Orders: 108 . Denvers Work Orders: 28 . Service Orders: 33 . Denvers'Service Orders: 5 . #1907 Refuse Packer: rebuild rails and arms . #1905 Refuse Packer: replace rear differential . #1580 Sweeper: maintenance . #1559 5 Yard Dump: repair two speed axle . Three patrol cars: ready for service . Southwood - landlocked facilities design support . Airport Road Realignment right of way support . Cresthaven undergrounding construction support . 8th Street reconstruction project awarded . Elwha Dam removal mitigation support . I & I Pilot Program Support .' "A" StreetlGrant Avenue watermain bids awarded . Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replace., Ph. II construction support . Gateway Design support Landfill Cover Project construction substation completed . Aerial Mapping contract awarded . Laurel Street Side Repair consultant design support . Distribution System rebuild bids requested . Rayonier to Lee's Creek trail design support . Attended RTPO meeting . "I" Street Substation design transformer bids evaluation . Grant applications for TEA-21 and TIB submitted LIGHT OPERATIONS . Working with K-Ply on substation maintenance . "A" Street substation on line with load . Meterman to NW Meter School . Installed new feeder cables at Valley Sub. . Valley Substation off-line for maintenance . Transmission switches adjusted I.KlR1OPTOOWI(4-I~l()'2()ClO 169 . . . ~ '*-- . UB, , ~. I JAN. FEtl. MAK. APR. MAY JUN~ JULY .all:1III MODULAR / MOBILE 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Va/u SO SO S49,9oo SO SO S5,000 S51,081 SINGLE FAMILY 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Va/ul SO SO SO SO S69,000 $158.139 $106,704 MUL TI-FAMIL Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Va/u $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 ACCESSORIES 2 3 4 4 4 2 5 Va/u S8.4oo $26.387 ' " $100.242 S36,420 $31.500 ft6, 230 S24,000 -NEW RETAIL HOTELlMOTEL OFFICE DRINKING/DINING AUTOISERVICE INDUSTRIAL Va/ii' -NEW ~CHOOLSIHOSPIT ALS ...... \ielufi CHURCHES , RECREA !ION " vaiu Vatul & ALT. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL , 'Va/u PUBLIC .. ... . . 'v8iu~ DEMOLITION / MOVE , ' , , , , q , , ' , , , q q Va/u IUIALl:Ii SLOG PERMITS tbNsT. VALUE R I W CONSTR. Rsvenul NEW WATER SERVo O' .. . - RtivenUE NEW SEWER SERVo . . . . ReVenuE NO. OTHER PERMITS 01HI!RPERMI1REV~ Vatu Vatu Vatu Va/u Vatu Vatul 25 , , $195;594 10 . . . . . . . . . $147.880 o $0 3 , , , , $1;500 ' 40 $353.374 91 . '$3io' .. 2 , , $2133 5 $3 003 16 $5;506 o SO o SO o SO o SO o SO o $0 o SO o SO o SO o " '$0 o SO o $0 o SO o SO o SO o SO o $0 o $0 o $0 o SO o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 24 $203;542 13 $85;663 ' , 2 , , $3'r0;OOO 1 $7;000 51 , $157.07"8 9 ... ..-... ..". $103,100 3 ... ....... $48,500 o $0 43 $692,592 68 ,.' $457,820 o $0 o . "SO . .. o '$0 1 $45 o , $0 o SO 51 Penmits Submitted o .. '$0 1 m o SO o SO o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 32 "s134;023 '" 3 S22, 1 00 4 . . . . . "8",500 3 S1,1oo 46 $202,143 o $ci o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o , " $0 o $0 o $0 o SO 34 , $149.488 11 S2oo.000 2 S12.000 ' 4 sl.807 ' 56 . ..... .... $463.795 o SO o SO o SO 3 $135 o SO o $0 3 $135 ' o $0 o $0 o $0 36 S183.92'o ' 8 , , S324,980 o $0 3 S1,5oo I ,51 $689.769 3 $130 o $0 1 S3,290 ' o $0 o SO o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 42 , 'S190,367 4 $125564 3 $140,000 o 'so .. 57 $637,716 2 S190 2 '$2.608 2 $1.662 4 6 $3.420 "'$4.460 47 Penmits Issued tsE"'_..~1JII~ AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. ww IU HI\I\I VlD 0 2 0 0 0 5 5 $0 $49.500 $0 $0 SO S155.481 S281,700 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 S33.843 ' 'S1.048.302 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ' $386.362 1 2 0 0 0 29 28 $4.900 $3,600 $0 $0 SO ' , , S25(679 ' , . 'S573.812 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 2 $60:';325' ' o $0 o $0 51 , , , , $202.337 ' , 14 $339,786 2 $76.500 o $0 $1.224.848 5 $225 ' 2 $2:s6O . . . 2 '$i77 9 $2;962 85% Complete o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o so o $0 o $0 o $0 1 . . $250:000 o $0 o $0 o so o $0 o $0 42 $150;856 5 , i11;260 4 $68,900 2 $3,000 70 47 $537.116 4 $180 4 $2,455 3 $2,930 11 $5;565 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o " $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o so o $0 o $0 o SO o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o (10"'" $0' , o $0 o $0 " o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 o $0 1 " $250;000 o $0 o $0 o so o $0 o $0 2 . . "$"601 ~325 o '$0 o ... "so'" o 337 $0 $1.567205 o 77 $0 s1.360;333 o 20 $0 ' S724;400 . ,0 16 $0 ' , s15;907 o $0 478 $4,960.173 o $0 o $0 o $0 22 , $'1 ;(J50 8 $7; 196 11 , , , $10;885 1 , $37,000 o $0 1 $379,155 o $0 o $0 1 , '$1023'75 1 '$1.174.300 o '" $0 o $0 375 , '$1.855.i50 56 , 'SUi1,88!; 26 . . "$3,4;2 i38 20 , 'S160.208 529 $11.132,987 22 $1150 26 , , , $18,278 24 , $6.822 o 41 72 '$0 '" S19;1i1 "'$51.02'1