HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/19/1999 RTANGEL, ES AGENDA
P :O_ , . COVNCm Wwx a
W A $ Iq I N G T O N, ti. $. ^. 321 EAST FIFTH STREET
October 19, 1999
A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
Update on Building Abatement Program 1
AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of
the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10
1. Final acceptance of 8~ Street Bridge Repairs 9 Action
[Project 99-12]
2. Bid award for Erosion Control and Pond 11 Action
Cleaning Contract at the Landfill [Project 99-
3. Bid award for Street Repair Contract on Penn 13 Action
Street between 2nd and 3ra Street [Project 99-
4. Final acceptance and release of retainage for 15 Action
the West 13~ Street Sewer Mare Replacement
[Project 99-10]
1. Council minutes - October 5, 1999 17 Action
2. Check Register - October 13, 1999 - 23
3. Travel approval: Public Works Utility 53
Engineer to Conference, Seattle
October 19, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1
Amendment to Fireworks Ordinance 55 Action
(7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter)
1. Hearing of Expenses for Abatement of 59 Action
Property at 2321 West 18~ Street
2. Consideration of application(s) for CDBG 61 Action
General purposes Grant
1. City Manager's Report (Page 65)
* Storm Damage Report
* ULID Update
* Status report: Whidbey Street watermain break
* Status report: Extension of SR-101 Sidewalk
2. Planning Commission Minutes - September 22, 1999 (Page 75)
3. Planning Department Activity Report - September 1999 (Page 81)
4. Parks & Recreation Lodging Tax Report - 3rd Quarter 1999 (Page 83)
5. United Way 6-Month Report - City's Human Services Funding (Page 85)
6. Chamber of Commerce / Visitor Center Report - September 1999 (Page 89)
7. Parks & Recreation Department Monthly Report - September 1999 (Page 93)
8. Police Department Monthly Report - September 1999 (Page 108)
9. Fire Department Monthly Report - September 1999 (Page 123)
M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City AttorneyJ
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements ;pertaining to.matters such as; land use permit applications, proposed
amendments.lo C, ity :land use regulations, :zoning changes, annexations. :In:addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive
public input;prior to making decisions:whiCh impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public
opinion through:~the public hearing process.
October 19, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2
po A.N ,L S
October 19, 1999
Members Present:
Mayor Braun
Councilman Campbell
Councilman Doyle
Councilman Hulett
Councilmember McKeown
Councilman Wiggins
Councilman Williams
Staff Present: Other St~ff Present:
Manager Quinn V/ (~'~. ,_~O~,JDO
Attomey Knutson
Clerk Upton
B. Becker V/'
S. Brodhun v/'
B. Collins
G. Cutler
S. Ilk
Y. Ziomkowski
Re~son: ~
Ap~lmate L~t~; ~
Led by: (? r~_./~n3_~,
pO AN¢ L S
w A s., N G T o N. u.s. ^. CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: October 19, 1999
LOCATION: City_ Council Chambers
City of Port Angeles
Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List
City CouncilMeetingof _~/t~l~,_.-]ql
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Cit~ Manaser ,
City Atty. (1)
ci~ C~¢r~
Cust. Svcs.
Finance Dir./Mgr.
Police Dept.
Light Dept.
Pub. Works (2)
Parks & Rec.
~o~.,. //~ I I I I
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
The Problem and
Possible Solutions
Within the City of Port
What are the issues with
deteriorating structures?
Unsafe and/or attractive nuisances.
Subject of complaints from neighbors.
Depresses property values.
Negative impact on economic development
and business recruitment.
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
What Has The City Done To Date
Recognized that a problem exists.
Inventoried entire City to determine the
extent of the problem.
Prepared a report detailing the results.
Sent informal letters.
Re-inventoried to verify voluntary
Potential Options
· ..,.~ Informally notify property owners that they
own a potentially dangerous building and
ask them to make repairs or remove the
· ~:.~:~ Rely on citizen complaints.
· ..:~:.~ Make a formal dangerous building
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
Informal Letter to Owners
Notify all owners of potential determination
and censequences.
Give owners time to respond and/or initiate
Proceed with formal determination if owner
does not respond to informal letter.
UBC for the Abatement of
Dangerous Buildings
· ..,.~ "All buildings which are determined after
inspection by the Building Official to be
dangerous as defined in this code are
hereby declared to be public nuisances
and shall be abated by repair,
rehabilitation, demolition or removal."
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
UBC for the Abatement of
Dangerous Buildings- continued
There are 18 conditions that qualify'a
structure as a dangerous building,
provided that such conditions or defects
exist to the extent that the life, health,
property or safety of the public or its
occupants are endangered.
Abatement Process
Inspect and declare structure a dangerous
Send notice and order to owner that the
building has been found to be dangerous.
The notice and order shall be served on
every holder of a legal interest in the
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
Abatement Process- continued
~.:;:.~ The owner or anyone with a legal interest in
the property may file an appeal with the
Board of Appeals.
~:;:.~ Owner[s] have 30 days to appeal and the
appeal hearing must be held within 60 days
alter a 10 day notice period.
Abatement Process - continued
If the owner fails to appeal and fails to
correct the conditions in the notice, the
Building Official will order the building
vacated and posted to prevent further
After proper notice and appeal, if no action
to correct the condition[s] has commenced
then the City will repair/remove the
structure at the owners expense.
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
Identified Options
Start with informal letter~
Process individual citizen complaints.
Start with formal determination and
Note: All options once initiated can lead to
formal abatemenL
Informal Letters
,'.-~.; LOW manpower and out of pocket cost to
send letter.
· ~::.; A number of owners will reselve problem
without further City involvement.
· ..:.,.'~ Fewer structures will require fermal
~.:,..'~ May require additional manpower and
higher out of pocket expenses.
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
Individual Complaints .
Limited number to process.
Existing manpower could handle [2-3
Limited out of pocket expenses il City
ultimately has to repair/remove.
5-10 years to resolve problem.
Formal Abatement
· ::..:~ Resolves the problem quickesL
· ..:+:.~ Will require additional manpower [legal
and inspection].
..-::.:.~ Could require large expenditures of City
funds [eventually recoverable].
Deteriorating and Other Problem Structures April 6, 1999
Council Options
Citywide informal letter followed by formal
determination if no action.
Individual formal determination after
citizen complainL
Citywide formal determination.
Results of inventory
,:.:-..~ 111 structures not repairable
· .':~.~. 52 structures repairable
-..:;:.~ 12 structures attractive nuisances
· ..:;:~ 22 structures non-compliant with current
codes and regulations
Craig L. Miller Nathan G. Richardson, Jr.
Curtis G. Johnson Jane Cantor Shefler
Gerard A. Johnson, RET[RED
October 19, 1999
Port Angeles City Council
321 E. Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I represent the Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association. That Association has
been before the Council regularly over the past few years, requesting that the Council
consider and seriously deliberate over the issue of the City's tax on punchboards and
pull-tabs. The Association believes that there are multiple, serious issues with the tax,
which issues justify the elimination of this fiscal imposition upon small businesses. In
addition, the Association feels that it has been unfairly rebuffed in its efforts to have this
tax reviewed. Indeed, the only action that multiple requests for review have generated
has been an alteration by the Council in the way the tax is levied, which has resulted, in
many cases, in an increase in the tax.
The Association has fifteen businesses, employing 225 persons, that provide service to
the community. For your reference, a list is attached. These businesses pay $450,000
yearly in sales tax, and property tax on around 10 to 12 million dollars worth of property,
from both of which taxes the city derives significant revenue. These numbers mean that
the Association represents businesses which constitute a large part of the City's
economy. When a claim is made that this tax is unfair and regressive, the Association
deserves a proper hearing of its concerns. When these businesses note that the cost of
doing business in the local economy makes success difficult, they should be heard. Three
similar businesses have failed in recent years because of 'these issues, and no new
businesses have come forth.
Of particular concern is the manner in which this tax is levied, which makes it impossible
to pass the cost of the tax on to the ultimate consumer of the service. The prices for the
games are set when they are acquired, and the tax is upon the gross revenue. This means
that the business, not the consumer, pays this tax. This is a significant distinction from
other taxes on services, which can be passed on the consumer.
230 East Fifth Street · Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 452-3895 · (360) 457-3379 FAX
OCTOBER 19, 1999 - PAGE 2
It is for these types of reasons that a vast majority of political jurisdictions choose not to
charge this elective tax. Indeed, on the North Olympic Peninsula, the City of Port
Angeles is the sole entity which levies this tax. Throughout the state, Port Angeles is one
of a minority of jurisdictions which choose to levy this regressive tax, and all but alone in
doing so at the maximum rate allowed by the statute.
In a discussion of this issue with your City Manager as to how to present this issue to the
Council, he suggested that the matter be referred to the Council's budget committee and
him for review. My clients agree with the reasonableness of this request, which suggests
that this matter will receive the full review that it has previously not experienced.
Therefore, my clients respectfully request the council's referral of this matter to its
budget committee and City Manager.
Very truly yours,
2-~8-199B B:B7AM FROM P. 1
1605 B. FBONYS"I'.
PORT ABOEG]~, MIlL 98362
360 452-0873
October 19, 1999
TO : City Counci! Members
SUBJ: Gambling Ta~es
I am unable to attend the City Council meeting tonight because
of prior committments but I wanted to contribute my thoughts
on the issue of eliminating the current gambling taxes.
As most of you ~no~ we are not playing with a level field when
it comes %o gambling. The Indian Casino's pay little if any
local taxes, they have higher gambling limits, higher pulltab
games and, in some locations they have slot machines.
We on the other hand pay local taxes, support'our communities
and continually see our income decline each year because of
the many issues involved.
I recently acquired OH! GALLAGHER'S and with the tax rate that
is being proposed my annual gambling tmxes would be in the $5,000
to $7,000 range, depending obviously on my total sales.
I understand our neighboring counties have no gambling tax and
I urge the City Council to follow suit.
Comer House 452-9692
DeLaney's 457-9942
Eagles 452-3344
E1 Amigo 457-6477
Elks 457-3355
Joshua's 452-6545
Landing 457-6768
Laurel Lanes 457-5858
Locker Room 417-2667
Moose 452-2157
Oh! Gallagher's 452-0873
Peak's Pub 452-2802
Reggie's 4524407
Smitty's 457-1952
The Wreck 457-9791
~'k>¢~ Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned resideR_ts of the City_of Port Angele_~Washington, petition the-P~'t.~Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling T~, Ch~ 3.~215/~C. This tax is u~fa~t~-~h~ pu~s, taverns and Ioun~in the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olyr~l;~ Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax--small businesses.
17o "-
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the Oity's Gambling Tax, Oh. 3.52 PAIdO. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
Punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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~ Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Oh. :3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition /
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port A~geles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
.punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other g~vernment on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City.incurs no expenses in administering this tax, an~l'it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within tlie City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
· this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
~ NAME [.~_i ~_~1 A7'[,4 ~ F~ ADDRESS CITY
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
we, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 P^MO. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
I ~i'2. i ~. NAME j_~.i~--~.kj ~'.T[A I~_~ ADDRESS CITY
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the Ci~ incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the Oity's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAIdC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association PetitiOn
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other gove~t on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMO. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City.which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We,'t. he undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
we, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Oh. 3.52 PAIdC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the C~ incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurS no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, tavems and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
19. .
20. :L~.,~.,~-~,~ ~ ~ / o/~ ,~ ,,~ ~ .~"
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
25. ? ) /_ . ~
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the Ci~j.o~f Port An?.q~ Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Pert Angeles Pul~, Tavern and Leunge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo'i6'their cu~t0mers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
~ /
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
·8! z _
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PANIC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges .
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
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Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and L~ ,-'";;;,;'~,,
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses 'in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
~ l~ /.,~ 19... "' ~ igA . _~~
25. a~a~, ~, Fe,~¢¢~
~,.'4- ~. (¥&J,-- /o~ ~/' ',>~r~-~ :,.---
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~ ~,(L~ ~}~ Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
the~'l IJundersigned residents of the Ci~ of Po~ Angeles, W. hington, ~tition the Po~ ~geles C~ Council to repeal
/the C~'s Gambling T~, Ch. 8.52 P~C. Th~ t~ is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges w~in ~e Ci~ which o~r
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the No~h Olympic Peninsula charges
this t~, the Ci~ incu~ no expenses in administering this t~, and it is an excessive ~ on these small busine~es.
~ ~ ~4~ . ~ ~~~' ,,,.
29. ~
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
27. ~~ ~ ~- ~ IJ_~ ~, /~
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, th rsigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, tavems and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
.,. v:
8. --.'v --"~ ~./l r,- ~... .,.~ ,...~
.,,. (:~Lb_F_E.-,.~,.~,-,.-~. /,..<:¢, :,,,.,.-rt.t F-., ~."r P,.'t.
· ~, , ~ . .... ~.--~_~
rt Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, peti~on tt'~ Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
',,."'"'~ --. NAME ~ _ ADDRESS
~. ~' ~- /0~
~. b%'.~>, .~ ~.. ~ ~ ~, l ~'.:..~.:,~ .
~9 ..-,-~ ,' ,--.: ~-"~'>~ :-~ ~ z'~
~we Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to rel~al
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3~52 PAMC. This taxis unfair to the pubs, taverns, and lounges within the City which offer,
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in adminiStering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
'- Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, tavems and lounges within t~e City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
9. z f,,,
23. , / ~,
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PANIC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs rio expenses in administering this tax, ahd it is an excesiiive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Oh. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling T~x, Oh. 3.52 PAIdC. This tax is unfair to ~ pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No o~er government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, Petition the Port Angeles City Council to re~
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offe,
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the NQrth OlymPic Peninsula charges'
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
*--~ .,., NAME _ _ ADDRESS CITY
- '~ Port Angeles Pub, .Tavernand L°-~nge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
i~ ;.t- NAME ~ ~ ~ +~ ADDRESS CITY
16 ' 4
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other govemme~ on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
14. ·
19. '
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other govemment on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
'~. . . Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Pod Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Ts, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This t~ is unfair to the pubs,' t~verm and lounges within the City which orr
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this t~, and it is an excesshte t~ on these small businesses.
,0. "~'~J~ ~-. (:.ttbd z..~ ¢, t~~ ~
or._ _t" I)'J-/-- fl_ -I
,.. , ,~,: s~ ,~ ~ ;~A,~~,~
17. '
30. ~ .,~ --
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMO. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
.,,~. l?of' ~ (.;~
25. ., ~ .. ~. ?.,-",.cv.~-r '-,~ '~ --",, ,
z*Z - "
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
~ NAME ~ .: '- ADDRESS /3 CITY/,]
..~ In.% ~~-/-~ ~
17. pO ~ ,~,.-('f/ ~ (,~ ~,.~'~.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City o~ Port Angeles, Washington, petition the. Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the No~th 'Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taYems and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
12. -
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North OlymPic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lod~ge Association Petition
thWe' thei ..... undersigned residents of the City of POrt Angeles, Washingto~,~ I~tJtion the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
p~ncCht~b22dsa~n, pb~;~bTsm(, ;anCdh'¢~20l~O~ceir'l~cl~tOtOt~mlesrsu. Nn~r~~~n ~t~ed I~oUr~l~plcn 2tniCnistYulaWhci~ahr=r
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, 'and it is an e~ssive tax on these small businesses.
,/_¢;/p___. /J,-,,4 /~- .g .sea. c, c/,~,, "
"' Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
we, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
,. , i ~ ~ f2~ ~ Pt4-
0 '~'~""~ ~'" '~'"~' & ?';~:"~ ' ~" J 0"0 ' '
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City 'of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAIdC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no ex in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
p.~.- - ./- 7-
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the Port Angeles City Council to repeat
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC. This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
"15. '
16. -,
Port Angeles Pub, Tavern and Lounge Association Petition
We, the undersigned residents of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, petition the J=ort Angeles City Council to repeal
the City's Gambling Tax, Ch. 3.52 PAMC, This tax is unfair to the pubs, taverns and lounges within the City which offer
punchboards, pulltabs, and bingo to their customers. No other government on the North Olympic Peninsula charges
this tax, the City incurs no expenses in administering this tax, and it is an excessive tax on these small businesses.
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services
SUBJECT: Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage for the 1999 Eighth Street Bridge
Repairs [Project 99-12]
ISummarv: Company completed Eighth Bridge repairs
Scheduled in the 1999 Street Budget. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete and
General Construction has been paid the final payment in the amount of $9,416.40.
Recommendation: Accept the project and authorize the release of General Construction
Company's Retainage, in the amount of $2,478.00 upon the receipt of clearances from the
Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries.
Background / Analysis: General Construction Company has completed repairs to the Tumwater
and Valley Street Bridges on Eighth Street. This work involved the replacement of bridge timbers
found to contain rot pockets, during the semi-annual bridge inspection by the Washington State
Department of Transportation, and marked for replacement. Five timber pier posts and two
longitudinal timber braces were removed and replaced with new treated timbers. Funding for this
project was provided in the 1999 street budget. The original contract amount was $49,560.00. There
were no change orders and there is no sales tax on roadway projects.
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Bid Award for Landfill Erosion Control and Sedimentation Pond Restoration
[ Project 99-17]
~Summary: The filled portion of the Landfill requires temporary erosion control to reduce siltation and
runoff during the upcoming winter. A permanent closure cover is scheduled to be installed next year.
In addition the existing siltation pond requires cleaning and repairs to maintain its effectiveness in
removing stormwater runoff sediments prior to discharge.
Recommendation: Award the bid for the Landfill Erosion Control and Sedimentation Pond
Restoration, Project No. 99-17, to the lowest responsive bidder, Delhur Industries, Inc., in the
amount of $25~442.82.
Background/Analysis: Landfill cells 1 and 2 are nearing finished grades and are planned to be
permanently covered next year. A significant amount of stormwater runoff is generated by these cells
and needs to be treated. This project is to reduce this winter's silt laden and contaminated stormwater
runoff from the nearly completed landfill cells. This contaminated runoff cannot be discharged as
stormwater and must be treated along with leachate from the landfill cells. To reduce the runoff that
has to be treated as leachate, temporary methods such as plastic cover materials and interim hydro
seeding were considered. Taking into consideration the cost of leachate treatment and the cost of the
erosion control alternatives it was recommended by the project consultant, Parametrix, that the interim
hydro seeding would be the most cost effective solution.
In another area, the existing stormwater sedimentation pond which treats uncontaminated stormwater
runoff prior to discharge needs to have accumulated silt removed and underdrain repairs made to restore
its effectiveness. The plans, specifications, and estimates for these two related projects were prepared
by Parametrix and were combined by City staff into one project for efficiency and cost savings. Six
excavation and grading contractors on the City's Small Works Roster were contacted and asked to bid
on the work. Only one bid, including sales tax, was received as follows:
Finn [ City Bid Total
Delhur Industries, Inc. Port Angeles $25,442.82
Delhur Industries, Inc. was the lowest responsive bidder. The bid was 10% over the engineer's estimate
of $23,112 and within an acceptable range. Funds for this project will come from the Solid Waste Fund.
N:XPROJECTS~99-17~DES1GNZCCAWD.WPD. File: 99-17.12a
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Bid Award for Resurfacing of Penn Street Between 2ad and 3rd Streets [Project 99-05]
Summary: A water line break on Third Street, November 26, 1998, resulted in pavement damage
to Penn Street that needs repair.
Recommendation: Award the bid for the Penn Street Resurfacing, Project No. 99-05, to the
lowest responsive bidder, Maristar Asphalt Paving, Ltd., in the amount of $6,937.50.
Background/Analysis: This project is to replace a failing section of Penn Street that has been
undermined by water from a water main break that occurred on Third Street, November 26, 1998.
Damage to Third Street was repaired immediately following the water main break, while the damage
to Penn Street did not become evident until months later.
Three paving contractors on the City's Small Works Roster were contacted and requested to bid on the
work. The bids received are as follows:
Rank I Firm I City [ Bid Total*
* Sales tax not included as street projects are exempt.
Maristar Asphalt Paving was the lowest responsive bidder. The low bid is 24% below the
engineer's estimate of $9,120. Funds for this unbudgeted project will come from the Water Fund.
N:~PROJECTS\99-05\CCAWD2.WPD File: 99-05.12a
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services
SUBJECT: Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage for the West 13th Street Sewer Main
Replacement [Project 99-10]
Summary: C&J Excavating, Inc. has completed all work associated with the project. The
completed work consisted of installing 412 feet of 8-inch sewer main with appurtenances, and re-
connecting 6 sewer services. All work associated with the project has been inspected and accepted
as complete. Final payment has been made.
Recommendationl Accept the project and authorize the release of C&J Excavating's
retainage, in the amount of $3,445.33 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of
Revenue and Labor and Industries.
Background / Analysis: This project replaced a failing sewer main in W. 13th Street between Laurel
and Oak Streets. Public Works Engineering designed and prepared the construction documents, and
advertised the project. This project was budgeted and funded from the Water/Wastewater Utility.
Work began July 12 and was completed August 6. The original contract mount was for $61,313.37,
including taxes. The final contract amount was $74,350.16, and included (1) one Change Order, in
the amount of $4,336.00, due to unstable sub-surface conditions that required imported backfill, (2)
one additional sewer service connection, and (3) additional quantities related to repaving as a result
of the unstable sub-surface conditions.
Port Angeles, Washington
October 5, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, McKeown,
and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmembers Campbell and Wiggins.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, Y. Ziomkowski, G.
Kenworthy, D. Madison, D. McKeen, and K. Ridout.
Public Present: F. Taggart, G. Gleason, P. Lamoureux, L. deBord, D.
Ruddick, L. Lee, R. & C. Amundson, D. Dumdie, M.
VanGemort, M. Jamagin, I. Montes, K. Peterson, and K.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Paul Lamoureux.
CEREMONIAL October 9 - Valley Creek Estuary Day
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing October 9, 1999, as Valley Creek
Estuary Day. Mayor Braun presented the proclamation to Linda deBord, who invited
Valle~( Creek Estuary Day the Council to participate in the planned festivities on that date.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Paul Lamoureux, 602 E. Whidby, thanked the Water Division crew that responded to
PLACED ON THIS OR the recent watermain break on Whidby Avenue. He noted this is the second break. The
FUTURE AGENDA: fa'st time, the residents were made aware of the City's movements in making repairs.
This did not happen during the recent repairs. Mr. Lamoureux stressed the importance
of keeping the residents informed during emergency situations. He felt a policy should
be established regarding this issue. Also, Mr. Lamoureux felt the City should look into
replacing this line to prevent another watermain break.
FINANCE: Approval of Change Order for the Carnegie Library Restoration Project
Carnegie Library Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Restoration Project Brief discussion followed and Director Cutler responded to questions and provided
Councilman Doyle moved to approve Change Order No. 4 to the contract for the
demolition of the 1962 addition to the Carnegie Library and authorize payment in
the amount of $16,908,40. Councilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
October 5, 1999
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Williams moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) Council
minutes of September 21, 1999, regular meeting, and 2) Finance - Approve travel to
Credit and Collection Workshop. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL 1. Human Services Report
REPORTS: Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that she had attended a United Way
Workshop on the Community Report Card. She stated the high school drop out rate in
Human Services Clallam County has improved dramatically, but is still greater than the State average.
In Clallam County, six out often births are paid by Medicaid, and adolescent pregnancy
in the County is less than the State average. Councilmember McKeown also reported
that, in a four-year span, 16 deaths by suicide were reported, and 33 hospitalizations
from non-fatal suicide attempts were recorded in the 16 22 age group.
Councilmember McKeown informed the Council that Peninsula Mental Health Center
has a three-week waiting period with an average of 13 people on the waiting list.
Councilmember McKeown noted that United Way is addressing the needs of the
community and has been successful in many areas. This year, the allocation committee
will be focusing on the needs of children from low income families.
Abatement of Downtown 2. Abatement of Downtown Building
Councilmember McKeown reviewed the information provided by the City Manager's
office. She briefly reviewed the abatement process and reminded the Council that a lien
can be placed against the property to recoup demolition costs. Councilmember
McKeown moved to initiate the nuisance abatement process against the
Harbortown Tavern property owners. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion.
Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
3. Other Reports
Councilmember McKeown also attended a Gateway Committee meeting and the stated
the Downtown Forward Executive Committee has been busy with several issues and
recommendations will be brought back to Council in the near future.
Councilmembers Williams and Hulett attended a Port Angeles Works! meeting where
a member of the Science, Technology and Manufacturing Association presented a
vision for the downtown waterfront.
Councilman Doyle toured the City's compost facility to compare it with the City of Port
Townsend's. The Council will be making decisions regarding the compost facility in
the near future.
Mayor Braun attended the City Employee Luncheon, the Clallam County Transit budget
retreat, and a meeting with the President of Daishowa to discuss dam issues. Mayor
Braun presented the Billy Mitchell award to Cadet Second Lt. Colin Pavlak, and he
attended a reception at the Red Lion.
ULID Final Assessment Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
ULID Final Assessment
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Doyle asked if the residents were involved in the final decision-making
process. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, responded they had been contacted. Attorney
October 5, 1999
ULID Final Assessment Knutson reminded the Council that, if staff recommends an increase in any of the
(Cont'd) assessments, the public heating would have to be reopened. This did not happen;
therefore, the public hearing remains closed, and there is no legal opportunity for
additional input at this time.
Mr. Kenworthy noted a correction to the ordinance was necessary. On Page 28 of the
packet, the date should be changed from October 5, 1999, to June 15, 1999. Discussion
ensued, and staffresponded to questions and provided additional clarification. Attorney
Knutson noted an error in Finding//4 located on Page 33 of the packet. The final
assessment amount should read $7,101, not $7,201.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, approving and conforming the
fmal assessment roll for Utility Local
Improvement District No. 215, which has
been created and established for the purpose
of fmancing sanitary sewer improvements
within the Upper Golf Course Road area of
the City, as described in Ordinance No. 2939,
as amended, and levying and assessing the
amount thereof against the lots, tracts, parcels
of land and other property shown on said roll.
Attorney Knutson recommended the Council follow the staff recommendation for three
separate motions on this issue. Councilman Doyle moved to approve the
recommended adjustments to the final assessment roll and approve the roll as
presented. The motion failed for lack of a second.
Councilman Doyle moved to return this issue to staff for further review and
adjustments. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Discussion
followed. Councilman Hulett asked the Council how staff should look at reducing the
assessment. He recognized that some of the assessments were quite large, but didn't see
how they could be reduced. Mayor Braun agreed this was a good question, but felt staff
should study the issue and make a recommendation back to the Council. Manager
Quinn felt staff could make an analysis and bring a report to the next Council meeting.
Discussion followed regarding the difficulties entailed, as the final cost came in so
much higher than the original estimate. Councilman Hulett noted that if the assessment
amount is lowered, the rest of the City residents would be required to pay the difference.
He did not feel that was necessarily the right thing to do. Councilman Doyle gave a
brief history of this issue and reminded the Council that some of the costs already may
never be recovered. He felt the citizens were already paying for a good portion of this
ULID and did not feel the assessments could be lowered any further, without putting
an additional burden on the rest of the City.
Further discussion followed regarding the number of connections per lot, possible late-
comer fees, and possible furore subdivision of lots. Councilman Wilhams suggested a
deed restriction on lots which may be subdivided in the future to ensure payment of a
portion of this ULID. Attorney Knutson noted that this would be picked up by Section
2 of the draft Ordinance.
Following further discussion, qt~estions, and clarification by staff, a vote was taken on
the motion, which carried unanimously.
October 5, 1999
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Street Vacation Petition - STV 99-02 - Amundson/Fidler/Bear Alley abutting Lots 9 &
QUASI-JUDICIAL: 10-13, Block 3 Cain's Subdivision o Suburban Lot 36 (Liberty/Georgiana area)
Street Vacation - Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and read
Amundson/Fidler/Bear the Ordinance by title, entitled
Ordinance No. 3026
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angles
vacating the alley abutting Lots 9 - 13 in
Block 3 of Cain's Subdivision of Suburban
Lot 36, Port Angeles, Washington.
Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m.
Ramona Amundson, 1306 Columbia Street, petitioner, spoke in favor of the vacation.
Ms. Amundson stated this vacation would allow for the addition of a two-car garage to
their new home.
There was no further public testimony and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at
7:08 p.m.; he again read the Ordinance by title, after which Councilmember McKeown
moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 9 and
Conclusions A - E, as set forth in Exhibit "A" which is attached to and becomes a
part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Doyle noted that the City would receive $3,250.46 for this vacated piece
of land.
Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None
Discharging Fireworks Other Considerations
in the City
1. Discharging of Fireworks in the City
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department. Discussion
followed, and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman
Doyle asked if the seven-hour span on December 31 was to allow for individuals to
shoot off fireworks and if so, where would the fireworks be purchased. Fire Marshal
McKeen explained that if Council approves the request, the sale of f~re works would be
approved within the City on December 31, 1999. Inquiries have been made regarding
the sale of ftreworks, which prompted this request for Council's direction on the issue.
Fire Marshal McKeen explained that State law allows for the sale of f~reworks for New
Year's celebrations; however, the time for the sale is limited to six hours. Fire Marshal
McKeen further stated that the Fire Department discourages the use of personal fire
works due to the fire and safety hazard they represent.
Following further discussion and clarification, Councilmember McKeown moved to
approve the high school fire works display on October 22, 1999, and direct staff to
return on October 19, 1999, with an ordinance amendment to allow for use of
fireworks on New Year's Eve. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Middle and Elementary 2. Middle and Elementary School Resource Officer and DARE Officer Agreement
School Resource Officer Between the City of Port Angeles and P. A. School District #121
and DARE Officer
Agreement Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Discussion
October 5, 1999
Middle and Elementary followed and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilmember
School Resource Officer McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Middle and Elementary
and DARE Officer School DARE/SRO Agreement between the City and School District #121.
Agreement (Cont'd) Councilman I-Iulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:35 p.m.
Law Enforcement 3. Appointments and Reappointments to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board
Advisory Board
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department.
Councilman Doyle moved to reappoint Leland Lee and Dave Brewer to their
positions with terms expiring on June 1, 2003; appoint Chuck List to the unexpired
School District #121 term ending June 1, 2000; and appoint Frank Price to the
vacant high school student position until June 1, 2002. Councilman Williams
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Agreement Between Police 4. Interlocal Agreement Between Housing Authority and City Police Department
Department and Housing for Police Services
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Chief Ilk
provided brief clarification, and Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the Housing Authority of Clallam
County and the Port Angeles Police Department. Councilman Hulett seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
School Walking Routes 5. Adoption of School Walking Routes
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. At
Council's request, Deputy Director Ridout explained that this plan reflects some
additions to the existing school walking routes. The new listings have been added by
virtue of some of the projects being completed, and priorities have changed accordingly.
Following further discussion and clarification regarding priorities, costs, and curb and
gutter requirements, Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the 1999 school walking
routes and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to seek funding and
construct the sidewalks as funds become available. Councilman Williams seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Braun noted that Council had received a late memo from the Public Works
Department regarding the 5t~ Street/Tumwater project and asked Director Cutler for
additional information. Director Cutler stated construction should be completed on
Saturday and, hopefully, the street will be open on Monday or Tuesday. He reminded
the Council that Councilman Hulett had inquired into increasing the radius at the yh
Street/Tumwater intersection. Staffhad looked into this before beginning the project,
and it would have required the purchase of right-of-way in that area. It is posted with
a 15 mph speed limit, and problems are not anticipated.
Application for CDBG 6. Consideration of Application for CDBG General Purposes Grant
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Don
Madison, Property Manager, explained the reason for the public hearing.
Councilmember McKeown moved to set a public hearing for October 19, 1999.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
October 5, 1999
INFORMATION: City Manager's Report
Manager Quinn referenced the comments made by Mr. Lamoureux, noting that the City
is people and not process. We must be sensitive to the needs of the public. He stated
that staff would follow up on Mr. Lamoureux' complaint and report back.
Manager Quinn announced that Phyllis Rasler had been this quarter's winner of the Jim
Abernathy Award for Outstanding Public Service and applauded her efforts.
Non-Motorized Advisory Committee Report
Manager Quinn informed the Council that Mr. Gary Gleason was present to give a brief
presentation from the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee.
Gary Gleason, 2211 East Seventh Avenue, Non-Motorized Advisory Committee,
introduced Linda Nutter, who is also on the Committee. Mr. Gleason then reviewed the
information contained in the packet, starting on Page 83.
Mr. Gleason summarized the five packages grouped for bicycle and pedestrian
improvements. These were Package 1: striping, signage and bicycle racks; Page 2:
high need items, such as sidewalks or paved pathways; Package 3: second level bike
improvements; Package 4: second level pedestrian pathways; and Package 5: the joint
City and State items.
Discussion ensued, and Mr. Gleason responded to questions posed by the Council. He
offered clarification of several issues and needs relating to pedestrian and bicycle paths.
Mr. Gleason concluded by listing several other Boards and Committees dedicated to
non-motorized transportation. He stated all of them are undertaking projects which
make it Possible to move people in some fashion other than by automobile. Mr.
Gleason noted that the packet contained the full printout of the bicycle user survey,
which showed that more people would use bikes if proper bike lanes were available.
Mr. Gleason described projects currently under construction, including the Discovery
Mr. Gleason thanked the Council for its time and attention to this matter and stated
future reports will be brought back for the Council's information and consideration.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
~/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - GK LIVE Octet)er 13 1~ Page
Date From09/11/1999 To10/08/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
001 53176 AN! Safety Inc. 01261 ToweLettes,anticepttc/btohazza I 2370(XX) 5.74-
53211 CLaLLam County Treasurer 03075 CVCA rmmittiance-JuLy I 2294000 $52.00
CVCA remittance-August 1 229;~)0 315.90
53235 GempLer's Inc. 07139 Tiree I 237(X)00 6.39.-
Tires 1 2370(XX} 10.07-
532~3 Insight Otrect Inc. ~5 Portable cd/r drive I ~XT(X)(X3 26.23-
5326~ Nurnberg Scientific 1~2 Portable PH sensor 1 2370(0X) 3.83-
53294 Professional Publications Inc. 16437 Video review package,discipLin 1 2370(0X) 36.50-
53335 WA State Patrol - HASlS 23281 Criminal history-Hancock 1 2295000 24.00
523&1 Hashi~ton State Treasurer 23120 Revenue remittance-July I 22930(0) 18,~.06
Revenue remittance-August I 2293000 17,210.33
533~ Burroughs Business Systems 02398 Signature plate I 237(X)00 11.53-
53388 Hity-Ltte Inc. 13~$ Folding tables I 237(X)00 56.49-
5]/,27 UA State Patrol - HASIS 23281 Criminal history-NieLson 1 2295000 2&.O0
Criminal hietory-DiimmeL 1 22950(0) 24.0(3
534~4) Artech Inc. 01297 Bubble wrap,tape I 2370(0)0 6.25-
53500 Northern Hydraulics Inc. 1415] Hater pu~p, freight 1 2370(0X~
53510 Quill Corporation 170(0) Audio cassettes 1 237(X)00 3.91-
Binder clips,tape, calendar I 237(XXX) 13.95-
Video tapes I 2370000
53525 Telex Communications Inc. 20254 Eerptece cord I 2370(X)0 3.91-
53532 WA State Petrol - HASIS 23281 Criminal history-VenO's I ~50(0) 24.00
535~ Funk Software ~238 Proxy upgrades 1 2~700(X) 53.9&-
53615 '~ashington (~OL), State of G~137 Concealed pistol Licenses I 22960(0) 233.00
Total for Department 36,~.15
0(0)1 53213 Code Publishing Company 032(>~ Port Angeles NunicipaL Comte fo 111 4150 271.50
53231 Federal Express Corp. 0~4322 Delivery service 113 3101 7.95
53267 OLympic Laundry & CLare Inc. 15026 Tablecloths 111 3101 10.i~)
532~ OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Copy paper 111 3101 32.~
Highlighters 111 3101 4.95
FoLders, LabLes,etorege boxes 111 3101
FoLders, LabLas/storage boxes 113 ]101
File folders 111 3101 47.75
Check fiLe~paper 111 3101
Pens 111 3101
File folders 113 31~ 21.~
53276 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160(0~ ~sintenance agreement NP6412 111 ~10 32.37
Envelopes, ink roll 113 3101 27.8/,
Desk/keybnard drawer 112 3101 577.27
53281 Paymentech 1~1 Credit card purchases-CambbeLL 112 4310 363.~
532113 Peninsula Daily Hews 16012 Summmry of Ordinance-~23 111 ~10 32.76
AppLtcattons-Venclor Lists 111 4~10 17.94
53301 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Cassette recorder 111 3101 100.47
- 53308 Safe~ay Inc. 19065 Cookies 111 3101 16.95
Coffee 112 3101 I0.~8
Sugar, cookies 111 3101 18.68
Sugar,cookies 111 3101 18.64
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
53351 Advanced Travel 01090 Doyle, Collins to Victoria 7-01 112 z~lO 10.02
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 2
Date Fro~ 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Na.e Number Number
53372 Ergo~etrics 05176 Dispatcher test 113 &150 1,271.80
53382 NacDonaLd, Jim 13~,74 Reimburse CivtL Svcs Conferenc 113 4310 236.31
53388 Nity-Lite Inc. 13~ Folding tables 112 3101 771.49
53392 North OLympic Peninsula 14127 Registration fee-Ad Campaign 112 4150 420.00
53417 Smith, H Lee 19133 Subscription-WA E~ploy.ent Law 113 &901 117.00
53435 Advanced Travel 01090 Coons to OLympia 09-14 113 4310 21.50
53437 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 09-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
09-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
53456 Captain T's 03048 Jackets,custom e~broidery 111 &155 157.40
53439 CLaLLam County Treasurer 03075 Registrations-Time Hanegement 111 4155 180.00
53462 Creative Delights Catering 03347 CCSC Lunch 111 4155 104.50
5346~ Drake's Pizza & Subs 04023 CCSC Luncheon,6oLdzim~r 111 4155 52.67
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 111 4210 46.50
09-02 B~LL~ng 113 4210 31.00
53507 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 111 &155 25.19
53529 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 111 4210 136.92
09-1~ Billing 113 4210 91.28
53541 AT&T Business Service 01085 09-13 Billing 111 4210 45.24
53553 WSU Cooperative Extension 2348~, Registration Facilitation Phil 113 4310 300.00
53556 Doubletree Hotel-Port Angeles 18112 Accon~dations-$oLdzimer 111 4155 362.97
53561 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services 111 4210
53565 FLex-PLan Services Inc. 0~158 September services 111 4150 127.
55581 aaybee's Deli 13036 Lunch-City, County worksession 112 3101 103.58
Lunch-City, County worksession 112 3101 6.47
53594 Price Costco Credit Card Pats 03261 ink Cartridges 111 ~155 343.7~
53615 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 113 4210 17.&7
Scan charges for August 111 4210 25.66
Scan charges for August 111 4210 181.11
53619 Xerox Corporation 2~001 Lease agreeaent-DC21~S 111 4530 70.94
Total for Administration 7t508.99
0002 53266 OLympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Delivery services-August 2404150 83.09
53273 OLy.pic Stationers Inc. 15030 Check file,paper 201 3101 32.36
Check file,paper 230 3101 32.36
Check ftLetpapar 240 3101 32.36
Check file,paper 205 3101 97.08
53278 Papandrew CPA PS, David A 16444 ConuLting svcs-Equipment Svcs 230 4150 1,560.00
53290 Post.aster 160~8 Postage-prepaid 205 4210 100.00
53295 Profit Systems Software 160~ Software, support 240 4990 75.00
53327 Swein's ;eneraL Store Inc. 19037 Screw driver, key 2403101 6.01
53348 WFOA Conference (USE FOR FALL) 23326 Registration-Burrett,Papandre~ 230 4310 120.00
53362 Burroughs Business Systems 02398 Signature plate 230 3101 157.42
53402 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 Postage meter rental pe 10/1 205 4530 363.53
53426 WA Hunicipal Treasurers Assn. 23049 Register-Cash Handling Seminar 230 4310 75.00
Register-Cash Handling Seminar 2404310 150.0(}
53437 AtrTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 09-15 Billing 240 4210 38
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 201 4210
09-02 Bi LLing 230 4210 38.75
09-02 Bi LLing 240 4210 93.00
53507 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash ret~burseeent 201 3101 12.t2
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page
Date From C)9/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name Number Number
53522 Washington (Auditor), State of 19270 Statutory audit svcs-August 230 4150 1,222.00
53529 US West Cmmunications 21001 09-14 Billing 201 4210 91.28
09-14 Billing 230 4210 11&.10
09-14 Billing 2~4210 273.85
53543 Advanced Travel 01090 Ziomkowski to Yakima 09-20 201 4310
Papandrew to Yekime 09-20 230 4310 128.18
Hamilton to Kitsep 09-27 2z~) 4310 52.50
53545 American Payroll Assn, The 01029 Annual membership due~,PayroLL 230 4901 380.00
53554 Diversified Zndustries 04052 Copy Center services-September 205 4150 1,2t0.00
53577 LEOFF 12043 Late charge, unreadable d~sk 230 4150 5.00
53593 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Staff meeting 201 3101 13.63
53594 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Post-its,pens,pads 201 3101 29.7~,
53595 Public Utility Dist ClaLLam Co 16038 Refund 2nd Qtr Utility Tax 200 9110 5,134.53
53597 Puget Sound Finance Officers 1630~ Register Ftxed Assets-Ziomkows 201 4310 25.00
53598 RIA Group 18~47 6overnment Accounting,Auditing 230 3101 79.47
53600 Reta~£ Lockbox Inc. 18258 Lockbox services September 2~0 4150
53615 Washington (DZS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 201 4210
Scan charges for August 2~0 4210 28.14
Scan charges for August 2304210 18.09
53619 Xerox Corporation 24001 Lease agreement DC230 205 4530 574.17
Total for Finance 13,308.18
0003 53199 8erkhuis PS, SeLinda 02~62 Professional arcs-Court appoin 311 4150 55.80
Professional aves-Court appoin 311 4150 22.50
Professional svcs-Court eppoin 311 4150 316.80
53237 G~sh Arty at Law, Steven C. 0?245 Legal svcs pe 8/27 311 4150 1,585.50
53273 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Check file, paper 311 3101 6&.72
53320 Strafford Publications Inc. 19303 Rene~sL-Hunicipat Litigation R 311 3101 437.00
53327 Swa~n's General Store Znc. 19037 Extension cord 311 3101 1.59
53336 WSAHA-WA Assn of HuncpL Attnys 23052 Registrstion-WSAflA conference 311 4310 200.00
53359 B~rkhuis PS, SeLinda 02462 Professional aves-Stark 311 5090 31.50
53396 Orttoff Atty. at La~, KimberLy 151~6 Legal svcs-Auguat 311 4150 1,352.10
53Z~0 CLaLLem Jefferson Public Dfndr 0327~ Public Defender fees-October 311 &150 2,500.00
53470 FreepLey Energy USA Znc 06?28 Energy radio~energy flashlight 311 3101 167.90
53~90 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 311 4210 54.25
55529 us ~ast Commun~catlons 21001 09-% BJLHng $11 ~210 159.?&
5~549 CLaLLem County DJstr~c~ C~ I 0~069 September court costs 311 5090 5,598.74
53615 gashington (DZS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 311 4210 29.19
53619 Xerox Corporation 24001 Lease agreement-DC220 SLX 311 4150 524.68
Total for Attorney 13,102.01
000~ 53273 OLympic Stationers Znc. 15030 Scotch tape,file folders ~11 3101 18.8~
File folders 411 3101 2.59
Check file,paper 411 3101 32.36
53283 Peninsula Daily ~e~a 16012 /~otice-/~orth~est Kidney Center 411 ~10 56.16
Determination-Worthington 411 ~10 45.24
Notice-James Turner 411 ~I0 35.10
Notice-City of Port Angeles 411 /~10 31.20
Notice-City of Port Angeles 411 4~I0
g9/I0/13-15:61 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 13 lggg Page
Date From09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name Number Number
Notice of Decision-Daishova, Sp &11 4410 3&.32
Notice-Port of Port AngeLes &11 4410 43.68
Determination-Port of Port Ang 411 4410 46.80
Oeterminstion-G Lund 611 4410 44.46
Determination-CLaLLem County 611 4410 58.50
Determination-~ Frezer 411 4410 65.26
Notice-City of Port AngeLee 411 4410 31.20
53351 Advanced Travel 01090 Seuyer to Kingston 08-25 611 z~310 45.00
53431 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Refund appLication fee-Severso ~0 9427 100.00
53435 Advanced Travel 01090 Sawyer to Kingston 09-08 411 4310 45.00
CoLLins to PouLsbo 09-21 411 4310 7.50
53690 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 09-02 BiLLing 611 4210 31.00
53529 US Heat Comunications 21001 09-14 BiLLing 41t 4210 91.28
53543 Advanced Travel 01090 CoL[ins to ChoLer 09-14 411 4310
CoLLins to Port Townsend 09-30 411 4310 25.00
53546 American PLanning Asen 01063 Annual Dues-B CoLLtns 411 6901 318.00
53615 gashington (DZS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 411 4210 16.6~
TotaL for PLanning 1,713.21
O(X)~ 53176 ANI Safety Znc. 01261 ToweLettes,enticeptic,biohazze 530 3101 78.
53208 Camera Corner 030~ Photos,batteries 530 6~0 55.
Prints 530 6990 23.03
Photo processing 530 6990 66.69
Photos 530 4~0 6.96
Photos 530 6990 4.~6
Photo processing 530 49~0 17.39
53210 CLaLLam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 [nmate care-JuLy 530 50~ 28t204.55
53?.27 Eastern gashington Hay & UHeuL 05135 Dog food 530 6980 I05.8~
53?.29 Evergreen CoLLision Center 05120 Tow vehicLe-PoLice Station 530 6150 67.44
532~0 Hansen's Trophy 080~7 PLaquest Logos, engrmving 530 6~0 80.93
53245 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 Tums~tyLenoL~bandeges 530 3101 16.03
53251 LE[RA 12185 Registretion-LEIP~ faLL confer 53~6310 140.00
53258 AT&T Hessaging nov getroceLL 20000 08-28 BiLLing 530 4210 61.77
53270 olympic Printers Znc. 15027 Business cerds-~infieLd 530 4990 83.24
53275 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 HighLighters,organizer 534 3101 .90
53274 Opticolor FiLm & Photo [nc 15095 FiLm 530 3101 203.87
53276 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16(X)~ Pens 511 3101
Printer 5~4810 4~0.52
Adapter, cabLe 536 3101 20.50
Credit adapter,cabLe 536 3101 20.50-
Nonttor 534 ~810 674.38
Keyboard drawer 530 3101 23.74
Chat re 58~ 4810 190.98
Chat Pa 530 4010 858.88
Chair 584 4810 63.66
NS publisher 2000 534 4810
53303 Richmond 2-gay Radio 18009 FiLter, Labor 5304810 37.
RepLace switches~uig~eg unit~L 530 4810 193.13
Digital phonetLmbor 5304810 258.95
CeLL phone 530 3501 311.83
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 5
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Humber Name Number Number
RepLaced handsfree kit, Labor 530 4810 80.92
Battery 530 3114 86.32
Mi crophone 530 3114 48.55
Repair, replace antenna 530 3114 64.7/*
Fuses; Labor 530 4810 2/*. 81
HeadLight flasher 530 4810 21.56
Repair;repLace control top 530 4810 103.31
Cover, spring,nuts 530 4810 39.98
Service caLL 530 4810 65.66
5331/* Serviceaaster 19069 Couch cleaned 584 /,150 50.00
53327 Swmin's General Store Inc. 19037 FiLm 530 3101 48.13
Video tapes 530 3101 6.38
Key 530 3101 .86
Trash bags 530 3101 17.06
Batteries 530 3101 8.50
Keys 530 3101 1.73
Scotch guard 58~ 3120 15.76
5333/* WA Assn of Sheriffs & PoLice 23003 Annual memberahip-T Riepe 511 /.901 75.00
ELectric monitoring srvcs 530 5099 839.50
53351 Advanced Travel 01090 CoyLe to SeattLe 08-08 530 /.310 235.20
SchiLke to SeattLe 08-08 530 ~10 230.00
53367 OC Ltd PoLice Training Systems 04011 Register JuveniLe VioLence - 530 /GlO 195.00
53368 Database TechnoLogies Inc 04283 August AutoTrmck 530 /.150 101.80
53375 Forks, City of 06075 JuLy;August board biLL 530 5099 2,767.80
53381 KesseLring Bun Shop 1110~ Weapons 530 3101 72.1/*
53~07 Port AngeLes PoLice Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursements 530 /*990 7.00
Petty cash reimbursements 530 3101 29.35
Petty cash reimbursements 530 4210 52.30
Petty cash reimbursements 511 3101 10.78
534G5 Advanced Travel 01090 Zeppay, Si Lye to Tacoma 08-22 530 A310 356.04
ILk, Riepe to Burien 09-20 511 /.310 58.20
53~37 AirTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue 011D5 09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 9.38
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 33.73
09-15 BiLLing 530 /.210 9.38
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 1/*.63
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 10.67
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 2.51
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 55.83
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 33.99
09-15 BiLLing 530 /.210 9.38
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 6.57
09-15 BiLLing 530 4210 69.20
53~7 BLumenthmL Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Fastener;wording 530 3111 257.37
Rain jacket 530 2080 66.72
EmbLems, badge reflective panel 530 2080 10.27
- HoLster,pouch 530 2080 164.51
Lamp replacement 530 ~810 13.01
O/C charge cord 530 4810 21.70
53/*58 CLatLam County Humane Society 03072 September Contract payment 530 /.150 3;391.50
53490 Lucent TechnoLogies 17,215 09-02 BiLLing 511 4210 5/*.25
09-02 BiLLing 53/* 4210 38.75
~/10/13-15:41 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 1] 1999 Page 6
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description 6L Code A~unt
Nuaber Nam~ Number Number
09-02 BiLLing 530 4210 7.75
53498 NatienaL Safety Training ]nst lZ~77 Registrstions-Peninger/Viada/6 530 4310 250.00
53510 QuiLL CorporatiOn 17000 Binder cLips,tape/caLendar 511 3101
Binder clips,tspe, caLeodsr 5~0 3101 39.~
Binder clips,tspe, caLen~r 5~ 3101
Vid~ tapes 530 31~ ~.53
53529 US West Coaaunicatiens 21001 09-14 BiLLing 511 ~10 159.74
09-14 BiLLing 534 ~210 11z~.10
09-14 BiLLing 530 4210 ~.~
~20 B~[[~ng 53& ~10 219.65
5~531 HA Assn of Sch~[-Pr~nc~pa[s ~3~ R~s~rat~-Pen~er~V~ada-Le 530 4310
535~ Advanc~ Travel 01~ ~vatch to SeattLe ~-20 530 4310 787.~
6aLLagher to S~tt[e ~19 530 ~10
~inf~e[d to Lynn~ ~12 530 ~10 2~.14
~nf~e[d to Stevens Co ~19 530 ~10
H~[[er to Pasco ~12 530 ~10 ~8.~
R~epe to Buri~ ~20 511 ~10 38.~
HcCa~[ey to S~kane ~15 530 ~10 5~.69
53~I R~e, Tom I~1 Tuition Rei~sement-Riepe 511 ~10 ~3.~
53615 ~ashi~ton (DXS), State of 23111 Scan cha~ge8 fo~ August 511 ~10
Scan cha~ges fo~ August 534 ~I0
Scan cha~ge8 fo~ August 530 ~I0 82.
Total fo~ PoLtce
~ 531~ AT&T ~eLe8s Services 01~ ~01 BiLLing ~ 4210 8.59
531~ Ace Equi~t Com~ny 01055 Cut off sau, La~,pLug ~I 3101 10.52
531~ Ave~y's Camera8 11016 P~oces~ing ~ 3101 8.~
La~ ~ 3101
Photos ~ 3101 7.70
Photo p~ocesstng ~ 3101 8.69
532~ ~ptain T's 03~ Shirts,shorts ~1 2~ 598.85
51214 Conterra [nc 0~1 Air~ay k~t ~ ]101 128.28
[ntu~t~ k~t ~ 3101
53217 Curtis & S~s [nc, L.N. O~ Hearing protector ~1 2~ 1~.]1
5~ Fa;~[y Sh~ S~ore ~151 Shoes-B Backer 611 2~ 5~.95
51258 AT&T Hessag~ng no~ Hetroca[[ 2~ ~28 Bi ~ ~ ~10
512~ OLympic Hair,aL Hospital 15~8 ~ica[ supplies for F~re Truc ~] ]101 2~.~
532~ Oly~ic Stationers Inc. 15~ Narker,dividers 611 3101 25.72
D~v~ders ~5 3101 6.05
L~aL ~ndexes 611 3101 5.92
53276 Pacific Off,ce Equipaent Inc. I~ Toner 611 3101
532~ Pierce C~nty I~10 Tuition-ATC-20, DarLing ~5 ~10
53303 R~ch~d 2-Way Radio 1~ Printer for aLara ~neL ~ 31~ 129.~7
H~set/La~r ~ ~10 1,719.~
53327 Swain's 6enera[ Store Inc. I~37 NiLdew re~ver,gLue ~1 31~ 13.21
533~ Iht' l Assn F~re Fighters 8~ ~122 R~ster-RZT-~ues ~5 ~10 59
533~ HapLes~ LorJ I~3 CPR cLsss ~nstructor ~3 31~ 25.~
53437 A~rTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue 0110~ ~15 B~ LL~ ~ ~I0 7.33
~-15 B~LL~ng ~1 ~10 1.25
~-15 B~ LL~ng ~I 4210 8.16
99/10/13-15:&~ City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVEOctober 13 1~79Page 7
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Vendor Description GL Code
Fnd Opt Check Ve~or Nu;ber
~u~r Na;e Number
~-15 BiLLing ~3 4210
~-15 Billing ~1 4~10 36.24
~-15 B~LL~ng ~1 ~10 9.97
53~57 CLaLLa= County EHS/Trau~ Care 0~ H~c [ Advisory fo~ Octobe~ ~5 4150
55~ Curtis & Sons Irc, L. ~. 0~ Soft auction,hose clasp ~unts ~I 31~ 7~.16
53~70 Fr~Lay Energy USA [nc ~28 SeLf-~er~ Lantern ~ 31~
53~ Lucen~ Tech~L~es 12215 ~02 Billing 611 ~210 38.75
~02 Billing ~ ~10 7.75
~02 BiLL~ng ~3 ~I0 7.75
~02 B~ [L~ng ~1 4210 23.25
55512 R~ 2 ;.[.S.T. 1~ Register-Electrical Fire [nves 665 6~10 105.50
5~521 ~hatco; Co E~S Council 2~181 R~ister-Prehosp~ta[ Hed~c~n~ ~ &~10
Eegister-Prehosp~ta[ ~ed~c~n~ ~ 4~10
55525 Telex Communications Inc. 2~54 Earplece cord ~1 511~
5~529 US ~est Communications 2~1 09-I& Billing 611 ~10
0~I~ B~ LLing ~] ~10
~1~ Bi LL~ng ~1 ~10 ~'~
5~578 Larry's Janitor Service 12~ Janitorial svcs Sept~er ~ 4150
Janitorial svcs S~t~er ~ 3101 1~5.54
53~5 Transfac Fundi~ Cor~ration 2~59 F~re extinguishers ~ 5101 56.58
5~615 Washington (DIS), State of 25111 Scan c~rges for Augus~ 611 4210
Scan charges fo~ kugus~ ~3 ~I0 2.45
Scan charges for August ~I ~210
53619 Xerox CorNratJon 2~1 LeaSe agre~t OC220SS ~1 ~10 325.~
TotaL for Fire 6,545.~
~7 531~ AIl phase Electric Supply Co. 01~1 "Exit" s~gn [~ght 7~ ~101 258.96
5~185 AIl ~eather Heating-C~[~ng[nc 01~ Service cai[ 7~ ~I0 2~.5~
5~19~ ~e[es fl~[[~rk 010~ Caulking 7~ 31~ 10.20
Prunn~ng sa~ 711 ~5~ I~.0~
5~2~ Ca;era corner 05~ Photo p~ocess~ 711 31~
Photo process~ 711 ~I01 19.27
5~1 F~era~ Express Corp. ~ OeL~very services 711 ~I01 11.15
OeLtvery service 711 ~10
53250 L & L T~L Specialties 12035 ~;king ~d,~a~i~ d~sc 711 3101
53261 ~ster. C~ 13471 Job ~st~ Deputy O~rector En 711 ~10 225.~
53263 Northwest F~ce Co. 1~71 c~ar ra~L fenc~Doubte Tree 711 4150 1,193.37
5~269 OLy~c Paper Coe~ny 15111 BLea=h,d~spenser 7~ 3101
To~ Let t~ssue,br~axdust ~n 7~ 3101 ~.76
Upholstery cleaning,cups 7~ 3101
532~ OLy~c Printers Inc. 15~7 Bus,ness cards-HaehnL~ 711 ~
532~ OLy~c Stationers Inc. 15030 Desk ~ 711 3101 ~'~
Sy~L s~gn~No S~k~ng s~gn 7~ 31~ 5.91
Stat~ery~per~re~rt covers 711 31~ ~.56
-' 5~275 p~ E~neer~ Construction & I~ S~t a~Oeputy O~rector E~ne 711 ~10
53276 Pacific ~f~ce Equipaent Inc. 1~ Service printer 711 ~10 ~.32
Printer 711 ~I0 3~.~
Cha~r 711 ~I0 21&.72
711 3101
Ton.. 29
99/10/1~-15:41 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 8
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Hu~ber Name Number Nu~d~er
RecordabLe CDROH media 711 3101 58.2?
53289 Port AngeLes Power Equipment 16122 Repair, repLace cutters, sharpen 711 ~810 85.86
~Teedeater Line 711 3501 15.65
Hubxrotete wheel 711 ~810 116.26
53293 Prim Construction Inc. 16033 Prof svcs-Reteinoge &th St Con 711 &150 596.72
5329& Professional PubLications Inc. 16437 Video revieu package, discipLin 711 3101 &98.52
Cr video revie~ packege, discip 711 3101 &53.95-
53319 Steuber Distributing Inc 19033 Jet pack sprayer 711 3101 97.37
53323 Sunset Do-It Best Harduere 19035 Vests 711 3101 6~.6~
Trim Line,fasteners 711 3101 9.89
Cart,faucet 78~ 3101 10.77
Face shieLd,headgear 711 3101 25.23
Vest 711 3101 19.09
53327 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 NozzLe,sprinkLer 711 3501 16.01
Lube spray, broom, socket set 711 3101 69.87
Hand tools 711 3101 6.66
Broom 711 3501 45.22
Rakes 711 3501 53.31
Hasp,hornet spray, battery 711 3101 21.81
Braces 711 3501 9.61
PLug ground 78~ 3101 3.'
BuLb 784 3101 ?..
53329 Thurman SuppLy 20005 PLiers,soaker hose 711 3501 26.30
Light bulbs 78~ 3101 34.~9
Light buLbs 78~ 3101 13.14
Lights 784 3101 20.48
53333 Viking Office Products 22054 Desk pad 711 3101 ~0.06
53337 tiashington (DOT), State of 23325 Standard pLans-HSOOT 711 4901 ~0.00
533~6 Zenovtc & Associates 26216 Prof arcs-project 99108 Garage 711 4150 1~0.00
Prof svcs-Project 99089 tt 18th 711 4150 492.50
53351 Advanced Travel 01090 Ken~orthy to HadLock 08-12 711 4310 ~0.00
53352 ALL Heather Heating-CooLing[nc 01060 Svc caLL-heatingtcoLLing 784 ~810 227.13
53~65 CompLete Liner The 03087 Paper,coLor catrtdges 711 3101 521.70
Pmper~coLor catridges 711 3101
CoLor cartridges 711 3101
53~56 Coz1 Homes Construction 03299 InstaLL plywood 822 E ?th St 711 4990
53379 Jobs AvaiLabLe Inc 10022 ~/aterzti~i Superintend~t~Engine 711 Z~IO
53387 NiLbor-Pita & Associates Inc 13369 Prof svcs-Tu~ater/Sth SLope 711 4150 171.50
53~20 US Heat Co~untcationa 21001 09-02 BiLLing 7~ 4150 33.53
5343? AirTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue 01105 08-15 BiLLing 71~ 4210 66.50
09-15 BiLLing 711 4210 96.67
09-15 BiLLing 71~ 4210 ~9.81
53490 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 09-02 B~.LLing 711 4210 209.25
53501 OracLe Corporation 15113 OracLe developer 71~ 6a10 5,242.03
OracLe developer support 711 6~10
53507 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4310 19.08
Petty cash reimbursement 711 3101 80.
53529 US tiest Communications 21001 09-14 BiLLing 711 4210 638.~.
53576 Kenuorthy, Gary 11013 Personal mileage AuguettSept 711 4310 49.00
53594 Price Costco Credit Card P~t$ 03261 Monitor 711 3101 215.79
Monitor 711 3101 377.66
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page
Date From C~/11/1999 To
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
53615 #ashington (DIS)/ State of 23111 HS Office Pro 2000 WIIG2 CD 711 ]101 17.45
HS SeLect August ectivity 711 ]101 284.37
Scan charges for August 711 /.210
Scan charges for August 711 4210 2.75
Scan charges for August 711 /,210 11.75
Scan charges for August 711 /.210 17.48
Scan charges for August 711 4210 60.12
Scan charges for August 711 4210 7.43
53619 Xerox Corporation 24001 Lease agreement DC220 711 4530 533.31
Lease agreement-DC265 711 4530 880.30
Lease agreement-DC214S 711 3101 70.9~
Total for PubLic Works 18/081.56
0008 53177 ATST WireLess Services 01404 09-01 BiLLing 865 /.210 31.2~
09-01 BiLLing 865 /.210 17.02
53180 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Head gaskets 865 3101 10.20
53181 Acorn, WiLLiam $ 0110~ Work boat/motor rental 865 4810 255.00
53184 ALL Phase ELectric SuppLy Co. 010~I PLastic plug in center 865 ]120 35.29
53188 American Red Cross 01032 Safety training-Swim Coaches 862 3101 45.00
Lifeguarding-JuL¥ 862 3101 120.00
53190 AngeLes Concrete Products 01070 Sand 865 31N) 377.65
Sand 865 3140 377.65
Sand 865 3140 28~. 24
53191 AngeLes Machine Works Inc. 01072 Handicap Lift 865 4810 108.?_3
Sprockets 865 3120 17.70
53194 AngeLes MiLL~ork 01073 Tool box 865 3501 32.18
Screws 865 3120 3.72
Paint thinner,gLoves,brush 865 3120 40.02
PoLes,cup hook 865 3120 14.54
Screws, Lumber,insert bit 865 3120 255.6&
Palnt 865 3120 22.22
Lumber 865 3120 32.91
Tarp, Lockweshers 865 ]140 4.79
PLywood 865 3120 105.48
Duct tape 865 3120 4.31
Lag boLts,washers, Lumber 865 3120 53.49
Caps 865 3120 4.97
Strap ties 865 3120 1.83
Concrete mix 865 3120 12.89
Twine, storage reeL,cord wheeL 865 3120 24.06
Cleaner,screws 865 ]120 7.97
Nuts 865 3120 3.24
Linesman pliers 865 ]501 20.49
Bee spray 865 3140 8.18
Wasp, hornet spray 865 3140 10.79
PLyuood,U bolts 865 3120
Lumber,uashers,nuts,angLes 865 3120 195.51
Saw bLade, utiLity mpron 865 3120 6.02
SeLf driLL bits 865 3120 6.46
Lumber 865 3120 4.65
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 10
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vondor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Drillbit 865 6510 2.15
PVC gLue,primer 865 3140 6.65
gasp,hornet spray 865 3140 26.98
Paint 865 6510 5.92
Rod 865 3120 1.89
Dri LLbit,apron 865 6510 6.51
Screws 865 3120 12.19
P L)q,K~cl 865 3120 38.54
Apron 865 3120 1.39
Hacksaw 865 6510 20.49
Dri LLbit 865 6510 2.56
Lumber/screws,nuts 865 6510 321.83
Lumber 865 6510 16.74
Screws,nuts 865 6510 3.51
SpackLing,sponge 866 3120 4.49
Stud shoes,u boLts/stapLes 865 6510 137.58
U boLts 865 6510 6.73
Nutsetter,driLt bits 865 6510 9.53
Brushes,paint bucket 865 6510 14.42
Penci Ls,screws, Lumber 865 6510 18.77
Screus,washers, nuts 865 3120
Lumber 865 3120 4.
OutLet,connector 865 3120
Screws, Level 865 3120 8.24
53195 AngeLes Temporary Services 01076 C Kochsnek pe 8/31 866 4150 849.56
53200 BLake Sand & Gravel ThC. 02045 Bark 865 3140 385.31
Bark 865 3140 91.74
Top soil 865 3140 10.74
Top so{L 865 3140 42.94
Top soiL 865 3140 42.94
Top soil 865 3140 53.68
53215 CorneLL Auto Parts 03092 Hex key 866 3120 17.32
53220 Denver's Tire Co. Znc. 04044 Demount,mount 865 3120 10.79
53223 Dobson's 04054 BeLt 865 3120 14.35
Hex nuts,washers,oiL 866 3120 86.84
Thread Locker 866 3120 41.11
BeLt~motor 0iL 865 3120 29.04
BeLt 865 3120 2&.50
Sheave 865 3120 25.70
53225 Dungeness Turf Fare Inc. 04~60 Sod,paLLet deposit 865 3140 772.14
53226 DunLap Towtng Coepany 04232 Professional svcs-rebore booas 865 4810 882.77
53231 FederaL Express Corp. 06022 DeLivery service 811 4210 5.55
DeLivery service 866 4210 9.40
53235 GempLer's Xnc. 07139 Tires 865 3120 87.29
Ti res 865 3120 137.57
53241 HartnageL BuiLd~ng SuppLy Xnc. 08052 PrimortpLy~ood,wood fiLLer 866 3120 40.07
Ear muff,paint 865 3120 24?
Scre~a,nute,wmsherst Lumber 865 3120 41.
53247 Kamen XndustriaL TechnoLogies 11082 BaLL bearings 865 3120 19.83
BaLL bearings 865 3120 37.37
53250 L & L Tool SpeciaLties 12035 Jack stands 865 3120 49.59
99/10/13-15:&I City of Port AngeLes - YZK LIVE October 13 1999 Page 11
Date From09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
53254 Lock Shop, The 12050 Set combo on safe, Labor 8774810 /,8.55
53256 Nathe~s GLass Co. Inc. 13107 PLexigLass, cauLking, Labor 865 4810 130.36
GLeztng tape 865 4810 3.99
53269 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Hop 865 3120 21.80
Astrobright 862 3101 158.29
Liquid bLeach 8~2 3120 8~.70
CLeaning suppLies 862 3120 ?4.98
53275 OLympic Stationers Lac. 150~0 Check fiLe, paper 861 3101 32.36
Receipt book, penciL Lead,erase 811 3101 20.6~
53276 Pacific Office Equipment Lac. 16004 Ink 866 3101 64.?4
Toner 861 4810 63.56
53280 Parker Paint Nfg Co. Lac. 16201 Paint,tray Liner,can opener 865 3120 21.79
Paint 865 3120 9.39
Paint 865 3120 21.45
53287 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 61.00
Petty cash reimbursement 862 9452 15.00
53299 Quiring Nonuaents [nc. 17001 Nmrker-NiLson 866 3~01 2~0.00
Cement bases,bLocks/vases 866 3/,01 361.00
53311 Schuab Tire Centert Les 19459 Dtsmount,mounttvmtve stem 8~5 4810 16.19
53323 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Burn barreL 865 6510 149.98
Narker paint 865 3120 4.63
CyLinder rentaL-JuLy 865 3101 10.79
CyLinder rentaL 855 3101 16.19
Adapter, bushing,primer, siLicon 865 3101 15.87
Nuts 865 3120 .65
NippLe, handsaw 865 31~0 29.31
NippLe, coupLing 855 3140 6.99
CabLe t~e~pLiers 865 3120 ~.82
Key 865 3120 ?.10
Nuts,fence staples 865 3120 6.56
S hook, screwdrivers, pLiers 865 3501 53.74
CabLe tie 865 ~120 28.42
CabLe tie 865 3120 25.66
Cop,nippLe 865 3120 1.60
StLLcock key 865 3120 4.74
~lre connector 865 ~1~0 1.61
snap ring,screw~ 865 3120 2.32
AngLe iron 865 6510 5.76
Base, power tool Labor 865 4810 49.80
Hex, carriage bolts 865 6510 22.32
BoLt/nut~z~nc 865 3120 9.17
SiLLcock ke~ 865 3101 8.61
PLiers 865 3140 54.~5
Adapter, insert,cLamp 865 6510 11.70
BoLts, ring 862 3120 22.94
CyLinder rent-August 865 3101 10.79
CyLinder rent-August 865 3101 16.19
53~27 ~ein's General Store [nc. 190~? NozzLe, brush 865 3120 6.?0
Herbicide 865 3140 27.77
Hammer,tope measure, naiLs 865 3120 1~.07
Step stooL,pine soL cleaner 865 3120 ~4.14
99/10/13-15:&1 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 12
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Aeount
Number Na-e Number Number
Pruner ~5 ~101 11.~0
PLiers ~S 3501 9.14
RoLLer cover,~nt brushes ~5 3120 9.~
A~troturf ~5 ~120 ~0.~
PadLock ~5 ~120 21.55
Ant traps ~5 31~ 8.1&
H~ gLue/cLamp ~3 3120 30.~
Pott~ 8o~L ~5 3120 8.49
~aLL scrapper
~rench,~hr~Locker M5 3101 5.33
CLoning supplies ~5 ~120 5.01
L~ght bulbs 8~ 3120 I
~irror hangers,an~ spray,~tn~ ~5 3120 10.~
Safety gLasses ~5 3120 15.76
G~oves ~5 ~101 ~.20
H~ks ~5 ~101 2.&5
Hard,are ~5 ~120 19.~
VaLve tank ~5 ~120 10.~
Insect spray ~ ~120 5.15
CabLe t~ea/aafety glasses ~5 3120 ~7.10
Shut off valve ~5 ~101
Brass t~st ~ ]120 7.
Light bulbs
RefLective Letters,hard,are ~5 3120 18.~&
Paintbrushes ~5 ]120 6.~
R~f ~tch/jo~nt knife ~1 3101 9.55
Pine Icl clemner, hlrdwlre ~5 31~0 8.~
Dra~n cL~ner
BLe~;h,greenl~wn ~preyer ~ ~I~0 25.87
L~ght buLb~ ~5 ~120 14.05
Hardware ~ 3120 ~.59
So~L ~5 ~1~ 19.1~
Sci L ~5 31~ a7.85
Sci L ~5 31~ 47.85
Caution ~r~;ade t~pe
CabLe t~e; ~5 ~I~0 ~.65
Scubber s~nge, handle
Bru;he~ ~5 ~1~0 17.~
Hoae nozzle ~5 ~1~ 5.~
Tre~er ~L ~5 ~1~0 6.~
Hind t~L ~5 6510 ;.10
;Loves ~5 3120 ~.~
Hou~aere~ ~5 ;1~0 ~.~'
Cenvm~,~efety QLi;~e~ ~5 ;1~0 10.
5~;2g ~uren Su~Ly ~5 VILVt ~x exten~ ~5 ;1~ 26.65
Faucet hole ;over,~ght ~neL ~5 ~1~0 ~.~
PVC p~,he;k~ew blade ~ ~1~0 ~8.~0
gg/I0/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 13
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Humber Number
PuLL chain switch 865 3140 10.54
p Lug, taps 865 3120 14.18
End cap kit 866 3120 6.80
Light bulbs 866 3120 26.12
Ball valve,wire brush,tape, bus 865 3140 41.35
Coupling, elbow, pipe 865 3140 37.06
PVC slip caps 865 3140 2.79
Bushings 865 3140 1.33
53332 Vadneis Aerial/Forestry 22021 Timber cruise, Lots 2g~ block 2 811 4150 194.60
53346 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof svcs-Project #990~ Trail 811 4150 1,872.50
53356 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 Kochanek pe 09-15-99 866 4150 634.08
53403 Pool Supply of Orange Co. Inc. 16430 Restocking charges 862 6410 125.00
53~06 Port Angeles Narine, Xnc. 16361 ;es,oil 865 3120 10.16
53409 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Narker,foundation, extre Letter 866 3~01 475.00
Base-gi LLieme 866 340'1 116.00
Marker, founder t on-sm1 th 666 3~01
Nerker, founder io~-Hettmn 866 3401 359.00
53415 Schroeder D.V.H., J. Pete 19589 Prof svcs-Nerine I~el~L August 877 4150 1,300.00
53416 Seers Commercial One 19109 Tool box 865 3501 67.91
53420 US West Com~wnications 21001 ~02 Billing 863 4210 49.31
0~14 Billing 862 4210 40.32
0~14 Billing 865 4210 37.~3
09-14 Bi LLing 862 4210 50.43
53&37 AtrTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 (~-15 Billing &61 4210
09-15 Billing 861 4210 28.14
53~8 Bremen, AnnebeLL H 02472 Buy back cemetery Lot 2,BLock 866 9z~t0 375.00
53~89 Lo,er ELwhe KLaLLem Tribe 12162 Refund Exercise class passes 862 9424 220.00
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 BiLLing 811 4210 23.25
09-02 BiLLing 866 4210 7.75
09-02 BiLLing 865 4210 7.75
09-02 BiLLing 861 4210 15.50
09-02 BiLLing 862 4210 7.75
09-02 BiLLing 863 4210 23.25
53500 Northern HydrauLic8 Xnc. 14153 geter pump,freight 865 3101 527.83
53507 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 862 9451 47.55
53517 Skagit ~ardene Znc 19077 Assorted flowers 865 3101 ;,346.46
53520 Sound Restaurant SuppLy Xnc. 19315 PaiL,jet klean plus 861 4810 82.00
53528 US Heat Oirectory Advertising 21087 09-08 BiLLing D~rectory advert 866 4410 107.45
53529 us I;ent Communications 21001 09-14 Bi LLing 811 4210 68.46
09-14 BiLLing 866 4210 22.82
09-14 BiLLing 865 4210 22.82
09-14 BiLLing 861 4210 45.64
09-14 BiLLing 862 4210 22.82
09-14 BiLLing 863 4210 68.46
09-14 BiLLing 863 4210 35.46
53536 York Bronze Co dba La Hmye 12289 Hmrker-HcEwen 866 3401 508.00
53541 AT&T Business Service 01085 09-13 BiLLing 862 4210 11.45
53561 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services 811 3101 15.55
53593 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Lesson refund 862 9451 18.00
53615 gashington (DXS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 811 4210 5.64
99/10/13-15:&1 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE October 13 1999 Page l&
Date From09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description 6L Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Scan charges for August 866 4210 17.97
Scan charges for August 865 4210 1.05
Scan charges for August 861 4210 27.28
Scan charges for August 862 4210 .09
Scan charges for August 863 4210 1.96
53619 Xerox Corporation 2/~01 Lease agreement DC220SS 863 3101 28&.01
Lease agreement DC220 861 3101 383.25
Total for Parks & Recreation 20/~81.45
Total for General Fund 164,484.61
101 0001 53233 Friends of the Fine Arts Cntr 06038 Art Guide Northwest 115 508~ 500.00
53343 Livingston Printing Inc. 12316 Art brochure 115 5083 1,194.38
Brochure shipping charges 115 508~ 3.63
53363 Certified Folder Display 03477 October brochure distribution 122 4150 261.25
53392 North OLympic Peninsula 14127 Registration fee-Ad Campaign 122 4150 70.(X)
5340~ Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 1607_t Expense reimbursement July 115 508~
53~29 Wendt Advertising 23426 August services 122 4150 9/857.69
53450 Brewer, David 02055 Contract Svcs for October 115 4990 100.00
53505 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 Expense reimbursement-August 115 50~Lt 2,528.
53579 Lindberg Architects Inc. 120~5 Prof svcs-Convention Center 122 4150 980.,
5359<) Rainier Connect 18344~ Internet service October 122 4150 35.(30
Total for Convention Center Fund 19,215.95
102 534430 Patriot 2000 Inc. 16293 Asphalt blade 102 2370000 19.~8-
Total for Department 19.48-
0007 5317'/ AT&T Wireless Services 01443~ 09-01 Billing 752 4210 11.83
09-01 Billing 752 ~10 15.15
53186 ALpine Products Inc. 01177 Spray tips 752 3125 82.35
53190 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete, calcium,mesh 752 3101 1,185.01
Crushed rock 752 3101 5,799.63
Concrete 752 3101 321.1)0
53194 AngeLes HiLLuork 0107'5 Nails,screws 752 3101 19.10
PLywood,nails 752 3101 147.43
Jab sew 752 3101 5.11
Lumber 752 3101 8.62
Stakes, rubber strap 752 3101 13.70
Lumber 752 3101 33.99
Lumber 752 3101 10.~
Hesking tape 752 3101 3.98
Sander,sand paper 752 3101 67.42
Liquid drain opener 752 3101
Roll cover/tray Liner 752 3101
Insert bit, Lags, Lumber 752 3101
Credit-Screws, Legs 752 3101
Adhesive 752 3125
Brushes 752 3101 7.28
99/10/1~-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1~ Page 15
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A=unt
Number Name Humber Number
53200 BLake Sand & Gravel Inc. 020~5 Expansion joint 752 3101 18.34
Expansion joint 752 3101 51.79
53236 General Construction company 07031 8th St Bridge repair project 752 4150 37,665.60
53241 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Melamine, plywood 752 3101 86.03
Lumber 752 3101 5.49
Door stop 752 3101 5.52
53252 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3101 419.67
Asphalt 752 3101 66.59
Asphalt 752 3101 178.92
Asphalt 752 3101 206.64
53280 Parker Paint Hfg Co. Inc. 16201 Tape 752 3101 11.65
53323 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Coupling 752 3125 4.07
53339 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Burn pan usage fee,extinquishe 752 3101 92.77
53/~0 Patriot 2000 Inc. 16293 Asphalt blade 752 3501 266.08
53~01 Pharos Corporation 16319 Expenses not included on Inv 2 752 4150 182.28
53437 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 752 4210
53666 BLue Mountain Tree Service Inc 02021 Fall trees-Del Guzzi Drive 752 4150 431.60
53666 Econolite Control Products Inc 05003 Repair traffic control equip 752 3125 432.68
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 752 4210 23.25
53509 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Gloves 752 3101 172.76
53529 US West Communications 21(X~1 09-14 Billing 752 /+210 68.~
53615 Nashington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 752 4210 1.15
Total for Public Works 48,154.34
Total for Street Fund 48,134.86
103 0001 53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 123 4210 7.75
53550 CLaLLam County EDC 03067 Professional svcs APCO pe 8-31 123 4150 9,360.35
53571 IACC Conference 09070 Registration Putting It Togeth 123 4310 150.00
53584 OPTA 15088 Registration OLympic Loop Summ 123 4310 35.130
53615 Nashington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 123 6210 4.14
Total for Economic Development 9,557.24
107 0005 53238 Gunn, Robert J. 07134 CPR, qst Aid classes 532 4310 100.00
53276 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1600~ Toner 532 3101 169.60
53303 Richaond 2-Way Radio 18009 Service call 532 4810 97.11
53374 Force 4 06060 CLeaning cartridges/tapes 532 3101 396.73
53435 Advanced Travel 01090 ALtfiLish to BeLLingham 8-22 532 4310 203.45
Homan to BeLLingham 8-22 532 ~310 211.50
Wu to SeaTac,ELLensburg 09-16 532 4310 109.75
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 532 6210 131.75
53510 Quill Corporation 17000 Audio cassettes 532 3101 53.41
Binder clips,tape/calendar 532 3101 27.99
_ 53529 US Nest Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 532 4210 387.95
53608 US Nest Communications 21001 09-23 billing 532 6210 47.81
53612 WA State Patrol 23057 Access user fees 532 4810 3,339.51
53615 Washington (O[S), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 532 6210 82.54
Total for PenCoa 5,358.90
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 16
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description EL Code A~ount
Number Name Humber Nu~ber
208 0002 53Z~1 Bank of New York, The 02175 Professional svcs-pe 09/02 292 4150 43.98
Total for L.r.O. Control Fund 43.98
310 0007 53194 Angeles HiLL~ork 01073 Hubs 792 3101 9.83
Pipe primer 796 4150 2.86
53283 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Restoration-Carnegie Library 796 4410 48.36
53329 Thurman Supply 20005 Riser,tee, sprinkler,elbow 796 6150 9.27
53376 Horizon Irrigation and Turf 08329 Wire, valve,slip cap, pipe,glue 796 4150 1,207.65
Valve, union 796 4150
53410 R J Services Inc. 18108 Carnegie Library-Pro~ect 97-08 796 4150 13,198.01
53567 Harding Lawson Assoc Infra Inc 08248 Professional services-8th St 792 4150 3,900.64
Prof svcs-Airport Rd,Edgewood 792 4150 7,316.97
Total for Capital Improvement Fund 25/817.82
401 53178 Aanes, Linde 01420 Utility deposit rfd-127949-004 401 2131100 92.18
53179 AcctCorp International Inc. 01364 Utility overpmt rfd 114669-017 44)I 1222200 91.00
53203 Brown, Lara 02463 Utility deposit rfd-O03379-O02 44)1 2131100 250.00
55204 Brown, Sandre 02464 Utility deposit rfd-042358-046 44)1 2131100 69.56
53222 Oewater, Particle 04161 Utility deposit rfd-043133-030 44)1 2131100 46/
53234 Garv~n, Linde 07138 Utility deposit rfd-013706-015 44)1 2131100 49.
53239 Halton, Brenda 08404 Utility deposit rfd-018406-029 44)1 2131100 125.00
53244 Isbell, Barbara 09120 Utility deposit rfd-087289-017 44)1 2131100 250.00
53248 KeyLock, Greg 11189 Utility deposit rfd-029033-O09 44)1 2131100 185.~
53285 PickeL[, Judy 16~42 Utility deposit rfd-093351-020 44)1 12227.00 141.87
53287 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 44)1 2451000 16.00
Petty cash reimbursement 401 1343300 25.00
53291 powermetrix Oivision 16~36 power analyzer, Lead set,comput 44)1 2370000 805.86-
53297 Ouaintance, Camille 17025 Utility de=osit rfd-05~062-013 401 2131100 125.00
53305 Rose, eleven 18341 UtiCity deposit rfd-084336-020 401 2131100 97.35
53309 Sampson, Darius 19621 Utility de,sit rfd-127981-010 44)1 2131100 61.30
53315 Shaw, John 19620 Utility de=osit rfd-012475-020 44)1 2131100 31.43
53317 StapLeton, Stephen 19486 Utility de,sit rfd-043095-032 401 2131100 72.83
53328 Thoeason~ Laura 20087 Utility de,sit rfd-119010-O08 44)I 2131100 78.75
53353 ALeaden~ Angels 01421 Utility de,sit rfd-093866018 44)1 2131100 91.15
53358 Bain, Shawna 02466 Uti Lity de ~sit rfd-087025019 44)1 2131100 34.54
53360 Beery, Jed 02467 Utility de msit rfd-022659008 401 2131100 176.92
53371 Orange, Dan L 04296 Utility de ~sit rfd-023221017 44)1 2131100 129.61
53377 Huether, Shells 08405 Utility de msit rfd-02561500~ 401 2131100 207.31
53385 Naupin, Edith 13206 Utility de ~sit rfd-086622019 40t 2131100 125.00
53386 HcGinnis~ Paul 13473 Utility de ~sit rfd-124596007 401 2131100 136.74
53389 t4onro, Jean M 13475 Utility de0osit rfd-116238003 44)I 2131100 56.52
53398 Pacific Energy Control 16145 Meter sealing rings 401 1414000 259.10
53430 Young, Adam 25127 Utility deposit rfd-013609023 401 2131100 95.05
53434 AcctCorp International Inc. 01364 Utility deposit rfd-t2&237003 401 2131100 48.4~
53438 ALLen, Todd 01422 Utility deposit rfd-1246~O003 44)1 2131100
53452 Butz, Dean 02471 Utility deposit rfd-081442036 44)1 2131100
53465 Eeds, Bob or Sally 05167 Utility overpynt rfd-044750010 401 1222200 26.05
53469 Freedom, Sunshine 06236 Uti L~ty deposit rfd-083771017 44)I 2131100 250.00
53472 Gardner, OaryL 07295 UtiLtty deposit rfd-065374010 44)1 2131100 105.13
~9/I0/t3-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1~ Page 17
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Numar Name Number Number
53478 Huff, George 08406 Uti[ity deposit rfd-040550019 401 2131100 54.45
53479 Inman, KathLeen 09123 Utility deposit rfd-056045026 401 1222200 22.00
53480 Jensen, Dorothy 10182 Utility deposit rfd-103578013 401 21311(X) 64.6~
$3483 Ki~ski, V L 11112 Utility overpmt rfd-(~S5285001 401 1222200 400.00
53~ Laurence, CaroLyn 12318 UtiLity deposit rfd-124236006 401 2131100 57.51
53485 Levesque, Ramon 12317 UttLity depostt rfd-026743~ ~ 21311(X) 250.00
535~ Pacific Development LTD 164~7 Utility deposit rfd-0322390(O~ 4~)1 2131100 250.00
53508 Porter Sr, Frank 1~ Utility deposit rfd-004758022 601 2131100 I~5.05
53510 Quill Corporation 17000 Pens,highlighters ~ 23?0000 5.55-
53513 Rhoades, CLyde 18343 Utility deposit rfd-102121026 401 2131100 191.26
53515 SchLeve, Lauri 19625 Utility deposit rfd-Ol~5550024 ~ 2131100 37.57
53518 SLater, ELizabeth 19623 Utility deposit rfd-Ol~)551005 ~ 2131100 250.00
53523 SumerLin, HichaeL 19624 Utility deposit rfd-O019450()7 401 2131100 72.95
53533 gaLkey, KaroL 23~83 Utility deposit rfd-032549042 401 2131100 23.94
53595 Public Utility Dist CLaLLam Co 1(~)38 Tie wire 401 14110(0) 314.10
53(~)2 Saba & Associates 19300 Utility overpmt rfd 021325012 401 1222200 59.50
53503 Tacoata Screw Products Inc. 20191 Washers 401 1411000 30.19
53613 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 W~re, nuts,washers,connectors 401 1414000 256.00
Wire, nuts,washers,connectors 401 1411000 769.40
Hot Line clamp 401 14140(X) 699.03
Hot Line clamp 401 14110(0 58.72
Bolts 401 14110(X) 13.67
Wire 401 14110(X)
8oLts 401 14110(0) 26.59
Hot line clamp 401 1414000 1,026.97
Hot Line cLm~ 401 1411(X)0 ~.27
53618 Wise, Cora 23480 Utility deposit rfd-018783-~401 2131100 153.22
Total for Departae~lt 8,582.43
53175 3-0 Enterprizes 20173 Grounding class,travel,mileage 911 4150 550.00
53177 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 09-01 Billing 911 4210
09-01 Billing 911 4210 8.8z~
5318z~ ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 ELbow 911 3402 38.85
Panel,electrical box 911 3101 169.57
Breaker 911 3101 29.68
Ground bar kit,zinc,bushing,tm 911 3101 8.86
Ring terminal 911 3101 59.05
Wasp, hornet spray 911 3101 67.20
Wasp spray 911 3101 49.54
53194 Angeles MiLLwork 01073 Nails 911 3402 1.51
53206 Business Answerphone Service 021~ September services 911 4150 130.00
~3208 camera corner 030z~ Photo enlarging 911 3101 17.80
Batteries 911 3101 19.31
Video cassettes 911 310t 4.26
53215 CorneLL Auto Parts 03(~2 Lights 911 3101 3.82
Thread 911 3101 3.65
53216 Credit Bureau of CLaLLam Co 03094 Public records bulletin-August 911 4150 17.26
53253 Lincoln ZndustriaL Corp. 12047 CoupLers~hoe, face shield 911 4810 57.65
Repair Light pole 911 3602 89.02
Torch set 911 3501
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1~ P~3e 18
Date From09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Ccx~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
53270 OLympic Printers Inc. 15027 Request for complaint,repair f 911 6510 I~.27
53276 Pacific Office Equipaent Inc. 16004 Service printer 911 3101
Ink 911 3101 ~.26
Cable 911 3101 22.61
53277 Paint Store, The 160(>6 Labor-Painting Light pole 911 4810 151.~
53289 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 H~dge trimmer 911 3501 359.51
Carburetor k~t 911 4810 31.82
Repair pump 911 4810 19.12
53291 Powermetrix Division 16436 Power analyzer, lead set,comput 911 ~I0 11,~.58
53304 RohLinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 Cleaning cloths 911 4150 90.40
53312 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Ad for bids-Transformers,pole, 911 6510 172.80
53316 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deans 19108 Wrench set,screw driver, clamp 911 3501 37'~.19
53323 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hacksaw, philips insert,bit 911 3501 32.42
53327 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Sew blade 911 3501 10.54
Pail,flashlight 911 ~101 27.49
Batteries 911 3101 49.2~
~L~e, outLat 911 3101 13.28
Batteries 911 3101 42.60
Film 911 3101 16.06
53329 Thurmmn Supply 20005 Faucet repair kit,corner brace 911 3101 9.99
53333 Viking Office Pr(x]ucts 22054 Pens 911 4810 10.3~-
53351 Advanc~ Travel 0109<3 Titus to Fife 07-22 911 4310 70.
McLain to Ellensburg ~03 911 4310
Knutson to Seattle 08-18 911 4310 492.76
533~ Harsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Professional svcs-Retes 911 4901 242.47
Professional svcs-SLice group 911 4901 7~.51
53395 Olympic Synthetic Pro<Jucts 150(~ Bridle, tie down,sleeve 911 3501 287.36
53408 Public Utility Dist Clallmm Co 1~)38 SR 101/Euclid Ave, 09-13 Billin 911 ]350 16.39
Lauridsen Blvd,L St (~-17 bill 911 ~350 19.84
53420 US West Communications 21001 ~-05 Billing 911 4210 41.14
(~-14 Billing 911 4210 40.26
(Y9-02 Billing 911 4210
53428 Washington (DRS), State of 2~141 Statewide pensioners-Aug 911 2010 200.16
53435 Advanced Travel 0109<) Shay to Tri Cities (38-26 911 4310 370.00
~adison to Lacey09-16 911 4110 7.50
53~7 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 ~15 Billing 911 4210 23.85
~15 Billing 911 4210
(~)-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
{)9-15 Billing 911 4210 18.07
09-15 Billing 911 4210 9.70
(Y)-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
09-15 Billing 911 ~10 9.38
53~QI Bank of New York, ~l~e 02175 Professional svcs-pe ~/02 911 4150 70.85
5]~7 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 Credit inquiries-September 911 4150 31.05
534~K) Lucent Technolngies 12215 ~ Billing 911 4210 1~.50
53492 ~arsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Revised billing 911 4901 ~.~
535(~5 Port Angeles City Light 16083 Petty cash rei.~ursement 911 4150
Petty cash reimbursement 911 4210 42.
Petty cash reimbursement 911 4210 7.22
53507 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursement 911 4310 5.00
53510 Quill Corporation 17000 Pens,highlighters 911 3101 75.75
99/10/13-15:4t City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 19
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
53516 Sears Commercial One 19109 Belts,sanding discs 911 3501 ~0.90
53519 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 Test oil sample 911 4150 182.00
53529 US gest Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 911 4210 319.49
53541 AT&T Business Service 01085 09-13 Billing 911 4210 11.92
53542 AT&T Wireless Services 01~04 09-01 Billing 911 4710 2.54
535z~ Advanced Travel 01090 Yoder to Seattle 09-13 911 ~I0 351.39
Oeugaerd to Seattle 09-21 911 z~qO 67.15
Madison to Aberdeen 09-21 911 /~10 249.87
McLain to Spokane09-15 911 ~10 385.07
53547 Broco Logging & Construction 02473 Ecology blocks 911 3101 258.96
53552 CLearing Up: Newsdata Service 03126 Annual subscription service 911 4901 1,065.37
53558 EES Consulting Inc. 051~0 Prof svcs-WPA6, Rates August 911 4901
53561 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services 911 4901 7.00
53574 JATC Ng Line Const. Ind. 10068 Workbook for Tabin Beckett 911 3101 74.~6
53581 Baybee's Deli 13036 Lunchea-Fibor Optic Heeling 911 3101 6~.74
53595 Public Utility Oist CLmLLam Co 16038 2110 GLass Road 09-29 billing 911 3350 ~6.51
53603 Tacoma Screw Products Inc. 20191 Batteries 911 4810 125.99
~tteries 911 4810 130.29
Credit Batteries 911 4810 126.59-
Spray Lube, cleaner 911 4810 154.6~
53615 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 911 4210 19.68
53619 Xerox Corporation 2~001 OC220SS 911 4150 245.61
Total for Ltght 22,158.35
Total for Light Fund ~0,7~3.78
5326/, Nurnberg Scientific lZ~)92 Fecal coliform ~02 2370000 11.~2-
53~02 Red Bird Service 18316 GLucose,gLutamic acid ~02 2370000 1.73-
53370 Dougherty, Amy 0~7 Utility overpynt rfd-060658004 44)2 1222200 54.58
53~21 USA BlueBook 21060 Check valves ~02 2370000 76.64-
53607 US Filter/Pacific Water Works 21077 Coupling, meter stops, corp stop ~02 1411000 74.58
Coupling/mater stops/corp stop /+02 141~300 1/4~6.23
Coupling,meter stops, corp stop ~02 1411000 127.74
Total for Department 1,613.34
0007 53177 AT&T Wireless Services 01z~34 09-01 Billing 754 ~210 34.80
09-01 Bi Lling 753 4210 20.23
53180 Ace Equipment Company 01055 BLades 754 3101 32.26
Chain saw rope, Labor 753 3101 9.71
BLade 754 3101 4.32
Rope, Labor 753 3101 12.41
5318~ ALdergrove Construction Inc. 01286 Jonas St Reservoir Cover proje 793 4150 9,306.03
53184 ALL Phase ELectric Supply Co. 01061 Fuse, fuse puller 753 3101 79.88
- 53187 AmTeat Inc. 01034 Sample analysis 754 4150 91.80
Sample analysis 754 4150 1~0.25
Sample anmLymis 754 4150 114.75
Sample analysts 7544150 149.60
53190 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete/calcium,mesh 753 3101 1,502.18
Concrete 753 3101 288.90
99/10/1~15:41 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE October 13 1~ Page 20
Date From09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Nulaber Name Number Nuad=er
53194 Angeles HiLLuork 01073 Dust/sanding ~asks 753 3101 30.75
Paint thinner 754 3101 4.29
PLywood 753 3101 30.30
CLips,hooks,screws, Lumber 753 3101 36.03
53196 Anjo Soils 01057 Sand 753 3101 234.68
53200 BLake Sand & 6raveL Inc. 02045 Drain rock 753 3101 79.4~
53202 Brown and CaLdweLL 02057 Prof svcs-WW system pat #21 754 4150 430.31
53207 CSUS Foundation Inc. 03277 EnroLLment,~anueL-OiveLbiss 754 z¢310 52.00
53208 Camera Corner 03044 Film,batteries 753 3101 11.71
53219 DeLhur Industries lnc 04~2 Vis, crest waterline repair-Pea 753 4150 6,0(X).51
Concrete vault on City water L 753 4150 5,740.37
53221 Dept of Community Development 03066 Water testing-August 753 4150 368.00
53223 Dobson's 04054 FiLe/dr~p tray 754 3101 12.66
Toggle switch 754 3101 6.36
53231 Federal Express Corp. 0~022 Delivery service 753 4150 7.95
Delivery service 753 4150 12.75
53241 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Nails,rosa covering 754 3101 12.83
532Z~ K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Bio 4-plant odor control 754 3101 1,919.11
53258 AT&T Hessaging now HetrocaLL 20000 08-28 Billing 754 &210 50.89
53260 HiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 WD-40 753 3101 38.72
Triangle k,fLoor dry,drip pan 754 3101 25.'
Neoprene, wrench 753 3101 138.
53264 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Fecal coLifora 754 3101 155.99
Portable PH sensor 753 3101 52.33
53265 OLympic Bank 15132 Reteinege-Escro~#1701363118 793 4150 452.19
53269 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 169.z4)
Liquid chlorine 753 3101 169.40
53272 OLympic Springs Inc. 15029 Cooler rental-August 754 3101 10.74
~ater,cups 754 3101 32.69
53273 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Organizer,staples,binders 754 3101 81.98
53275 P~ Engineering Construction & 16~,3 Sept ed-~/~ Collection Superi 753 4~I0 540.00
53276 Pacific Office Equipment Znc. 16004 Toner,core deposit 75& 3101 153.22
Toner 754 3101 76.61
53280 Parker Paint ~fg Co. Inc. 16201 Base paint,brush 754 3101 26.36
Penetrol,paint tray 754 3101 25.84
Paint thinner,paint 754 3101 38.20
Brush 754 3101
53289 Port Angeles Pouer Equipment 16122 BLade 754 3101 21.57
53292 Preston 6ales & ELLis 16175 Professional svcs-ELwhe Legis[ 753 4150 1~777.50
53296 Public Utility Dist Cia[Lam Co 16038 Reservoir Rd 09-09 Billing 753 4710 83.97
53301 EedioSheck Accounts Receivable 18003 Calculator battery 753 3101 12.88
53302 Red B~rd Service 18316 ;Lucose,gLutamic acid 754 3101 23.61
53310 Schuck's 19008 Bed ~at 753 3101 53.94
53323 Sunset Do-[t Best Hardware 19035 Safety glasses 753 3101 14.65
Fertilizer 753 3101 4.31
Bolts,nuts 753 3101 9.5~
Safety glasses 754 3101 14
Seal 753 3101 3.~.
Tens pin,o ring 754 3101 3.18
snap rings 753 3101 1.51
Paint,socket 754 3101 39.10
~/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE Oct~er 13 1~ Page
Date From 09/11/1~ To
Check Vendor Vendor Description SL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Screw/bolt/nut,washer 753 3101 3.15
Washers,bolts,brace 753 3101 3.58
53327 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Paint brushes,tape/handtooLs 754 3101
Bark 753 3101 9.61
S Hooks 754 3101 50.34
Screwdriver,wrench,hand tools 753 3t01
Sprayer 754 3101
Padlock 753 3101 12.16
Coverall, rubber boots 754 3101 41.8()
Hardware 754 3101
Fan,weed sprmy, squeege, sponge ?54 3101 81.10
Rain gear 754 3101
Paint thinner, dr~cloth, notebo 754 3101 11.65
Paint tray,drop cloth, spray pa 754 3101 27.87
Hand tools 753 3101 29.10
Batteries 753 3101 10.65
Enamel,spray paint 754 3101 52.96
53329 Thurman Supply 20005 Breaker,disc 754 3101 6.45
Fuse,delay 753 3101 43.67
6loves,hose connector,hose 754 3101 11.44
Primer, cement 754 3101 8.20
Tubbing cutter 753 3101
Soil,flowers 754 3101 33.65
53330 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Freight services 754 4810 45.27
Freight services 754 4810 45.27
53338 ~ashiogton (Ecology)/ State of 23106 Naste~ater Discharge Permit #0 754 4990 5,856.00
Biosolid permit fee #BA0023973 754 ~990 698.00
53339 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Burn pan usage fee/extinquishe 753 3101 92.80
Burn pan usage fea, extinquiahe 754 3101 92.80
53350 A~WA Northwest WA Section 01371 Register Operations,Naintenanc 753 4310 100.00
5~351 Advanced Travel 01000 O~ens to Port Orchard 08-13 754 4310 17.00
53379 Jobs Available Inc 10022 Nater/NW Superintendent,Engine 753 4410 101.20
53408 Pub~¶c utility Dist ClaLlam Co 16038 Cro~n Z Water Rd-09-23 Bi l~1ng 753 ~710 16.5~
53418 Traffic Safety Supply Co. 20010 Vests 753 3101 149.52
Vests 75~ 3101 I~9.52
53420 US West Communications 21001 09-02 B~LL~ng 754 4210 ~1.00
09-02 Billing 7544210 42.16
53421 USA BlueBook 21060 Check valves 754 3101 1,046.69
53423 United Rentals [nc (ProRentaL) 16034 Pressure ~msher 753 3101 1,01~.26
53435 Advanced Travel 01090 HcGtnLey to SheLton 0~-25 753 4310 15.00
53437 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 09-15 Billing 754 4210 21.8~
09-1~ Billing 7~4 /+210
53439 Aaerican Water #orka Assoc. 01066 Hembership dues-Cutler #439698 753 4901 I0~.50
53~2 Beckwtth & Kuffel 02275 RebutLd pumps/motor 754 4810 1#202.75
RebuiLd-pumpa,motor 754 4810 1,202.74
53451 Brother's PLumbing Inc 02~69 Uncover water Line 753 3101 ~8.56
53~53 C & J Excavating Inc 03495 ~ 13th St Sewer,Contract 99-10 794 4150 70,90~.83
53471 GRCC/~ 07026 Regtster-Hessinger-Orinking Wa 753 4310 75.00
53475 Nach Company 0812~ Reagent set/ph tester,sulfuric 753 3101 553.41
53490 Lucent Technologies 12~15 09-02 Billing 7544210 15.50
09-02 Billing 753 4210 7.72
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 22
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Coda Amount
Number Name Number Number
53507 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 753 4310 10.00
53514 Rymn Herco Products Corp. 18~16 Adapters 753 3101 147.72
53527 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Freight charges 754 4210 45.27
Freight charges 754 4210 45.27
53529 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 753 4210 22.82
09-14 Billing 754 4210 45.68
09-2~ Billing 754 4210 95.62
09-23 Billing 753 4210 59.20
09-23 Billing 753 4210 267.52
09-23 Billing 754 4210 28.11
09-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
09-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
09-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
09-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
09-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
09-23 Billing 754 4210 28.11
09-20 Billing 754 4210 28.11
53543 Advanced Travel 01090 Kenyon,Wi Lcox to SheLton 09-~_~ 753 4~10 30.00
535~ AmTest Inc. 01034 Silver 754 4150 14.45
53548 CH2M Hill 03005 Professional svcs-Jones Street 793 4150 1,341.01
Prof svcs-ELwha Mitigation 753 4150 11,427.P
53555 Dorner Products Inc. 15099 OPS CDR Network Upgrade 754 3101 600.
53559 Economic & Engineering Svc [nc 05004 Prof svcs-City Rate Study Augu 753 4150 1,648.65
Prof svcs-City Rate Study Augu 754 4150 1,648.65
53561 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services 753 6510
53563 Fisher Scientific Inc. 06085 Porcelain dishes 754 3101 37.53
Patti dishes 754 3101 112.48
Hot plates 754 3t01 182.52
53575 Jones Chemicals [nc. 100~7 Sodium HypochLorite 754 3101 2,546.5
53585 Nurnberg Scientific 1~2 Rubber stopper 75& 3101 21.1}6
GLucose acid solution 754 3101 21.97
Cylinder 754 3101 105.31
Glucose acid solution 754 3101 21.97
GLucose acid solution 754 3101 21.97
Thermometers 754 3101 52.55
53593 Port Angeles City Treasurer 0506~ Tool sharpening 793 4810 6.47
53596 Puget safety Equipment 16248 First Atd kit,cabinet 754 3101 18~.26
53610 USF Reddaway 21089 Skid motor,pump set 7544810 149.413
53613 WESCO Oistribution Inc. 23150 Contact kit 754 3101 92.74
53615 Washington (DIS), State of ~_t111 Scan charges for August 754 4210 22.86
Scan charges for August 753 4210 3.96
Total for Public #orks 136,68~.93
Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 138,297.27
404 0007 53182 Airgas-Norpac Inc. 01411 Hazardous materiel 755 4150 11.
53194 Angeles M~LLwork 0107"3 PLywood 755 4810 37..
53241 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Tape 755 4810 8.6~
53267 OLympic Laundry & CLnrs Inc. 15026 Coveralls 755 3101 98.00
53271 Olympic Refrigeration 15085 Remove freon 755 4150 1,2~.00
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE October 13 1~ Page
Date From 09/11~I~ To 10~1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e A~unt
Number Name Number Number
5327~ Olympic Stationer[Inc. 15050 Velcro 755 4901 4.~
Organizer,desk pad ?55 3101 22.22
532?6 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Ribbon ?~5 3101 4?.39
532?9 Parametrix Inc. 16155 Professional svcs-Lsndfitl Eng ?95 4150 T~1.03
53284 Petter Oil Com~ny 16~2 O~L 755 3101 223.50
53289 Port Angeles Po~er Equipment 16122 Car~rater kit,gasket,filters 755 3101
Blade 755 3101
533~ Radio Pacific Inc. I~019 August commercials KI~ 755 ~10 1~.~
August co;;erciaLs KONP 755 ~10 175.~
August co;merciaLs KI~ 755 ~10 3~.~
August commericals KONP 755 ~10 37.50
53303 Rich~nd 2-Way Radio 1~ Radio, labor 755 4810 ~.61
Radto~La~r 755 ~I0 5~.45
53323 Sunset D~It Best Hard,are 1~35 ~ck sup~rt bett,rainsuit 755 3t01 50.37
53327 Swain's General Store Inc. I~37 Auto~tive 755 3101 21.12
HandLe, c~eaner,brushes 755 3101 ~.89
Bullets 755 3t01 107.25
53329 Thur~n Supply 2~5 F~uorescent tube 755 3101 ~.18
53338 ~ashington (Ecology), State of ~1~ ~astewater D~scharge Per.it ~0 755 4~ &,~5.~
53339 Yashington Fire & Safety Equip 23~ Burn ~n usage fee, extinquishe 755 3101 92.~
533~2 waste Hanagement - Northwest 23~ Recycling service for August 755 ~150 ~7~.61
53369 Design ~e Inc. ~1~ Fair supplies 755 ~I0 2,~.3&
53~20 US West Communications 21~1 09-05 Billing 755 ~210 ~.26
53~ Unitec 21~ Scale inspecti~ 755 ~I0 269.75
53~ Her~nn Bros. Inc. ~127 ~o~ chips-Landfi~ 755 ~50 1&,~58.~
53&~ Lucent Technol~ies 12215 09-02 Billing 755 ~10 38.75
53529 US West Communications 21~1 ~-l& Billing 755 ~10 11~.10
53~ USDA, APHIS~ FSO, Acctg Svcs Z1~9 Prof svcs Yitdtife Strike Haza 755 &150 6~591.39
53615 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 755 ~10 10.76
Total for Solid Yaste Fund
~21 ~ 53255 Hadison, 6uy ~3~72 Heat pump re,re 913 49~ 250.~
535~ Perry, H~ke I~5 Rebat~Energy Conservation 913 49~ 250.~
Total for Conservati~ Fu~
501 53~93 ~cHaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Dru= strap,dra~er sLides, c~pL 501 237~ 19.2~
Total for De~rt~ent 19.28-
~7 53189 Angeles Auto Atectric 01~7 Starter,bearings, rectifiers 7~ ~10 ~.~
S=arter,bearJngs, rec~ifiers 7~ 3101
5319~ A~e~es HiLLwork 010~ PL~ 7~ 3101 58.63
53205 Bryant's Upho~ste~ 02059 R~ir ~er chute 7~ 3101 ~.70
53215 CorneLL Auto Parts 03~2 ALternator 7~ 3101 1~.69
ALternator 7~ 3101 155.11
Cr~it alternator core 7~ 3101 191.85-
Pa4nt 7~ 31~ ~.~
Vacuu= gauge kit 7~ 35~ 2~.81
Grinder wheel . 7~ 31~ 5.05
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Rotor turned 760 3101 16.19
Metallic pads 760 3101 34.15
starter 760 3101 76.33
53220 Danver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 FLat repair,wheel change 760 4810 24.28
Flat repair 760 4810 6.47
Repair flat 760 4810 6.47
Service call,repair flat 760 3101 18.55
Service call,repair flat 760 4810 125.50
FLat repair,o ring 7(30 3101 11.94
Flat repair,o ring 760 4810 35.00
Brakes, Labor,turn rotors,beari 760 3101 76.88
Brakes, Labor,turn rotors,beari 760 4810 50.71
Service call 760 4810 40.46
Calipers, rotors, Labor 760 3101 192.07
Ca I i pets, rotors, Labor 760 4810 29.13
Starter, Labor 760 3101 66.89
Starter, labor 760 4810 43.71
Muffler, Labor 760 3101 71.92
Muffler/Labor 760 4810 32.37
FLat repair 760 4810 10.79
Replace mirror, Labor 7~) 3101 12.~*
Replace mirror, labor 760 4810 13.
53223 Dobson's 04054 Freon 760 3101 188.27
Belt 760 3101 20.130
Freon,hose, Labor 760 3101 251.59
53231 Federal Express corp. 06022 Delivery service 760 4210 5.55
53242 HeartLine, The 08054 Batteries 760 3101 243.75
53245 Jim's Pharmacy (Xnc) 10020 First aid kits 760 3101 322.66
53253 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Herd flaps,bolts,hitch, labor 760 3101 192.32
Hard flaps,bolts, hitch, labor 760 4810 267.05
Hitch,ball mount,ball, locks 760 3101 668.10
Freight,sales tax inv 78529 760 3101 129.64
Brakes 760 3101 320.09
Steel 760 3101 5.66
Jack 760 3101 82.54
Hook, ball mount, lock pin,hitch 760 3101 471.95
Steel 760 3101 7.38
53260 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Credit core deposit 760 3101 285.04-
Exhaust pipe 760 3101 25.97-
Core deposit 760 3101 28.59-
Core deposit 760 3101 7.19-
Credit core deposit 760 3101 47.48-
Trailer connector 760 3101 101.13
Tire cleaner 760 3101 6.46
Fitting 7~ 3101 5.~
Air filter 760 3101 20.83
Wipers,fuel fitter,oil filter 760 3101 372
Switch 760 3101 3..
Control,switch 760 3101
Terminals 760 3101 4.~
Step, freight 760 3101 255.68
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 25
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Peddle pad 760 3101 5.09
Terminals 760 3101 9.71
Trailer connector 760 3101 7.30
Cap screu 760 3101 39.38
Drill bit 760 3101 4.12
Air hose connectors 760 3101 54.83
Door Lock kit 760 3101 22.8~
Trailer hitch 760 3101 43.83
Button 760 3101 7.~
Fi lters,suitch, clemner,tape 760 3101 185.75
Air fi lter 760 3101 9.38
U joint 760 3101 12.34
Step, freight 760 3101 418.58
Belt 760 3101 13.99
Muffler,pipe 76{) 3101 43.89
Lamp 760 3101 7.01
Washers 760 3101 6.47
Mirror,stick on Letters 760 3101 2.57
Stick on Letters 760 3101 1.37
U bolt 760 3101 1.08
Seat belt 760 3101 28.72
Stick on Letters 760 3101 8.22
CabLe tie 760 3101 27.49
U bolts, nuts,bracket,filter 760 3101 77.29
Emblem 760 3101 15.17
Lockuasher,air fi Lter 760 3101 13.70
Oi I fi lters 760 3101 37.34
Disc pad 760 3101 19.41
Filters,s~ivel,clamp, fuse, nut 760 3101 298.10
Antifreeze 760 3101 19.81
Bushing kit 760 3101 12.58
suitch 760 3101 13.77
53262 Hurray Hotors Inc. 13129 ~4iring harnesses 760 3101 814.54
Manual 760 3101 117.61
5327~ OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Vinyl Letters 760 3101 18.01
Decals, Laminating sheets 760 3101 ~6.12
53284 Pettit OiL Company 16302 Grease,drum 760 3220 38.34
Grease,drum 760 3220 25.00-
Grease 760 3220 145.77
August cardLock purchases 760 3211 57.81
August cardlock purchases 760 3210 2,867.58
Gasoline 760 3210 3,367.00
Diesel 760 3211 1,007.37
Diesel 760 3211 2,857.40
Diesel 760 3211 120.89
- 53288 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Maintenance 760 3101 35.12
53298 Quality 4x& Truck Supply 17006 Bushings 760 3101 167.19
Bushings 760 31{)1 167.19
Bushings 760 3101 167.19
53303 Richmond 2-~my Radio 18009 Install radio,antenna 760 3101 767.17
Install radio,antenna 760 ~10 156.&5
~/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE Oct~er 13
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Cc~e A~ount
Nu=ber Na=e Number Number
Radio, lair 7~ ~10 175.87
Redi o, CB, Lair 7~ 3101
Radio,CB, lair 7~ ~810 1~.~
Radio,speaker, CB, labor 760 ~10 1~.87
Radio, speaker, CB, Lair 760 3101 ~8.~
Radio, speaker,antenna, CB 7~ ~101
Radio, speaker,antenna, C8 7~ ~10 1~.87
5~ R~delL Auto Hall 1~19 Pin assembly, spring 7~ ~101
Hub c~p 7~ ~101 ~.56
5~10 Schuck's 1~ F~r mats 7~ ~101 ~6.~
Flor ~ts 760 ~101
5~11 Schwab Tire Center, Les 19~59 Tires 760 ~101 ~.~0
5~2~ Sunset D~t Best Hard,are 1~5 ~lts 7~ ~I01 1.9~
Ther~stat,gasket 7~ ~I01 20.16
Screws, knife 7~ ~I01
Safe~y caps 7~ 3101 ~.~
Fort Lock 7~ 3101 2.78
Spr~ng,gLoves 7~ 3101 33.21
~ashers 7~ 3101 2.98
Thread~ r~ 7~ 3101 I.'
Tire helle ~in~ 7~ 3101
~L~s 7~ 3101 1.13
ELectric 7~ 3101 61.17
EL~ 7~ 31~ 3.~
53327 Sua~n's 6~eraL Store ]nc. 1~37 Raingeer 7~ 3101 35.33
53339 ~shtng~ Ftre& Safe~y Equip 23~ Burn ~n uslge fee/exttnqutshe 7~ 3101
533~ ~FOA C~erence (USE FOR FALL) 233E6 Regis~ra~ion-Burre~/Papandreu 7~ 6310 120.~
53397 Pacific De~ro~ D~eseL A~s~ I~ Ther~s~a~,~o~n~ 7~ 3101 19.16
533~ Pacific U~i Li~7 Equipmen~ ~nc. ~1011 Br~; s~eepe~ 7~ ~10 110,1~.39
53635 Advanc~ Travel 0~090 Beno~ ~o ELLensburg ~-13 7~ ~310 ~.~
Burre~ ~o Yaki~ ~20 7~ 6310 285.26
53~1 CoastLine Ford Tractor Co Inc. 03~ Rec~ever dryer,fre~gh~ 7~ 3101 91.21
53~7~ G~year Tire & Service Cntr 072~ Tires 7~ 3101 ~.37
53~ Luc~ TechnoL~as 12215 ~02 B~LL~ng 7~ ~t0 7.75
53~91 Craft, D~ 03~ D~agonaL pliers 7~ 3501 ~.67
535~ Pacific UtiLity Equ~pmen~ Inc. 21011 L~;~ s~ch 7~ 31~ ~.~
53529 US ~est Co;~n~cat~ons 21~I ~16 B~LL~ng 7~ ~10
53530 VaL(ey Fre~gh~L~ner Inc. 22~2 Heater core 7~ 3101 133.~
53535 ~es~ern Equ~p;e~ D~s~r~b. ~nc 23019 Spr~ng 7~ 3101 21.12
535~ HaLLer Po~er Washing ~32 Gutter~,down s~uts,~toh r~f 7~ ~10 3,247.79
535~ J.B.'~ Up~Lstery 1~1 ~nsert s~t ~ck Lu~r, Le~r 7~ 3101 ~.76
Insert s~t ~ck Lum~r, La~r 7~ ~10 67.~
535~ ~chinery Com~nents Inc. 13101 ~er blade 7~ 3101
~ust shield 7~ 3101 47
535~ N C ~chinery Co. I~1 Cr~t gasket 7~ 3101 28.~,-
Armrest, cushion 7~ 31~ 170.51
Gasket kit 7~ 31~ ~5.~
0il sa~tes 7~ 3101 569.71
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - ¥2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 27
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name Number Number
Cap screws/bolts 760 3101 35.88
Gasket 760 3101 37.7~
53589 Pacific Coast Truck Center 16002 Heater 760 3101 132.64
Heater core 760 3101 87.39
53590 Pacific Oetroit Oiesel ALLison 16060 Engine manual 760 3101 86.18
Fan drive housing 7603101 232.66
53591 Points Sharp Steel [nc. 16092 Points, chisel,asphalt cutter 760 ~810 15.18
Points/chisel/asphalt cutter 760 6810 19.51
53615 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 760 4210 9.31
Total for Public Works 1~0,520.50
Total for Equipment Services Fund 160,501.22
502 0002 53224 Oungeness Communications & 0~210 August ~aintenance 250 4150 125.00
53243 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Portable cd/r drive 250 6810 358.23
53287 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 250 4810 10.24
53351 Advanced Travel 01090 Brooks to Portland 07-25 250 4310 1,366.30
53435 Advanced Travel 01090 Kheriaty to Everett 09-10 250 4310 45.60
53~37 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 09-15 Billing 250 4210 16.27
53z, L3 BeLLingham, City of 02/,68 Training-Kheriaty-SFG CLient V 250 4310 175.00
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 250 4210 23.25
53507 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 250 3101 32.35
53511 R & O Industries Inc. 180(X) Laserjet printer,memory 250 6~I0 7,~4.96
53529 US Weal Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 250 4210 68.&6
53543 Advanced Travel 01090 Kheriaty to BeLtinghem 09-27 250 4310 102.~0
53566 Funk Softvmre 06238 Proxy upgrades 250 6810 736.96
53569 Harper, James O 08~07 Novell CNE tests 250 4310 665.00
53593 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Computer ~odams 250 6810 10.71
53594 Price Costco Credit Card Pats 03261 BLank CD ROH's 250 3101 66.73
53615 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for August 250 4210 33.03
Total for Information Systems Fund 11,258.49
503 0001 53197 Aramry Express Pizzeria 013~) Safety Lunch 118 4909 &6.77
53201 Braun OD, Scott N 02~65 Replace glasses for Rob Gunn 118 4909 199.49
53218 Curtis, Kevin 03099 Reimbursement in-patient hospi 121 4630 375.130
53257 McKee, H J 13040 Settlement CLaim 806-98 119 4999 4,239.24
53307 safeco Insurance Co 19622 Settlement-CLaim #64-98 ToLLiv 119 4999 3,106.87
53321 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 General Labor Representation 119 4150 16,649.32
53331 UNUN Life Ins Co of America 21000 LTD coverage-October 121 6631 1,723.99
53354 America's Finest 01368 Boardmand CLaim #22-99 119 4999 4,739.03
53357 Armory Express Pizzeria 01360 Safety Lunch 118 4909 49.86
53411 RJS & Associates 18323 Professional svcs-Labor reLati 119 4150 3,0&0.16
53412 Rainier EAP Inc. 18057 EAP Program svcs-Septeeber 121 4150 330.00
- 53413 Regence BLue Shield-Dental 18234 Dental claims-October 117z~01 1,&29.51
53~33 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance preatu~October 121 ~630 73,061.30
Insurance premiuerOctober 121 z~5~2 1,196.70
Insurance premium-October 121 6834 10,752.20
53645 Bishop, Virgil 02019 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 6635 94.00
53454 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 Reimburse Oct Medicare Premium 121 z~35 68.30
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1¢7~7 Page 28
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
53455 Camporini, Richard 03273 Disability Board claim-Sept 121 4634 40.80
Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
53468 Evans, Sid 05103 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
53473 Bates Service Company, Frank 07208 Workers' comp pe-09-30 118 4140 1,250.00
53476 Hansen, George O. 080~8 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 46.80
53481 Johnson, OonaLd B 10052 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 43.80
53482 Johnson, Harry 10047 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
53486 LindLey, James K. 12019 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
53488 Loucks, Jasper 12186 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Preimua 121 4635 85.00
53494 Hiesel, Phil 13261 Reimburse Oct Hedicere Premium 121 4635 46.10
53496 Norgan, Roy 13145 Reimburse Oct Medicare Preimum 121 4635 46.10
53497 Myers, William 13130 Reimburse Oct Hedicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
53499 NH Admin Transfer Acct 14169 Medical,dental,vision-October 121 4630 11,773.65
53524 Sweatt, Johnnie 19146 Disability Board claim-Sept 121 4634 148.00
Reimburse Oct Medicare Preimua 121 4635 65.70
53551 CLalLam County YMCA 03076 Annual renewaL-Ziomkouski 121 4150 570.00
53570 Hunt, James 08176 Out-patient hospital services 121 4630 19.77
53587 OLympic Fitness Center 15025 Membership renewaL-C Wheeler 121 4150 268.67
Total for Self - Insurance Fund 135,534.23
602 0002 53433 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance premium-October 225 4635 2,565.~
53449 Braun, Gary 02173 Disability Board claim-Sept 225 4635 46.00
Total for Fireman's Pension Fund 2,611.00
621 0002 53355 Angeles PLumbing Inc. 01039 Final biLLing-Beauva~s 214 4150 114.91
53364 ClalLam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Loan fee-Williams 214 4941 235.01
53366 Cozi Homes Construction 03299 Final billing-CLarke 214 4150 48.56
53380 KathoL Construction 11178 802 Draw - Anderson 9BPA13L 214 4150 5,170.74
53487 Lindquist Construction 12200 Contractor payment-Bourm 214 4150 3,588.35
Total for P.A. Housing RaHab Project 9,157.57
625 0008 53209 Captain T's 03048 Custom embroidery 885 3101 20.50
53228 Evans, Daphne 05195 Refund Soccer fees 889 966~ 25.00
53240 Hansen's Trophy 08047 Plaques 881 4150 129.48
Plaques 881 &150 148.90
53327 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hardware 888 3101 4.32
Softballs 881 4150 48.56
Baseba L Ls 881 3120 35.61
Softballs 881 3120 388.44
53361 BiLsborrow, Marl 02188 Office supplies 880 3101 53.46
53383 Maintenance Warehouse 13469 SLimline key safe 888 3120 65.05
53495 Mitrovich, Cathy 13476 Refund,After School Program 888 9654 60.00
53507 Port Angeles C~ty Tressurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 888 3101 15.12_
Petty cash reimbursement 888 9654 35.
Petty cash reiebursement 888 3101
53534 West, Lester 23481 Refund-Soccer fees 889 3101 20.00
53593 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Binders 888 3101 17.16
53594 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Crayons,pens,paint 888 3101 75.03
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 29
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Recreational Activities Fund 1,189.59
627 0005 53220 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. OJ~O~ Hiper refill, Labor 531 ~810 15.38
Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 15.38
641 0008 53588 Otis ELevator Company Inc. 15034 Service contract Oct 99-Har 00823 4150 1,433.67
Total for Senior Center Haintenance 1,433.67
650 53~05 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 16024 Parking decaLs,PBIA funds 650 2319100 9,000.00
Parking decaLs,PBIA funds 650 ?~19200 6,000.00
Total for Off - Street Parking Fund 15,(XX).O0
652 0008 53208 Camera Corner 03044 Film 868 3101 10.20
SLide processing 868 3101 8.36
53249 KLein, SheiLa 11190 Artist's honorarium 868 4150 200.00
53273 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Labeling tapes 868 3101 6.39
Envelopes,paper 8683101 14.32
53276 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Fax paper 868 3101 10.25
53313 Seniuk, Jake 19014 Reimbursement-07/22-09/30 868 3101 126.33
Reimbursement-O?/22-09/30 868 4210 36.06
Reimbursement-07/22-09/30 868 4310 395.18
53327 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 CLesning supplies 868 3120 6.74
53340 Washington State Arts ALLiance 23389 Partnership dues FY99-O0 Seniu 868 4901 175.00
53/~0 Attach Inc. 01297 Bubble wrap, tape 868 3101 85.35
53444 Big Yellow Publishing 02470 HA Media Directory 1999 868 3101 20.00
53490 Lucent Technologies 12215 09-02 Billing 868 4210 7.75
53529 US West Communications 21001 09-14 Billing 868 4210 22.82
09-14 Billing 868 4210 37.52
09-23 Billing 868 4210 47.81
53537 Seniuk~ Jake 19014 Reimburse September expenses 868 3101 77.09
Reimburse September expenses 868 3210 82.34
Reimburse September expenses 868 &310 630.05
Reimburse September expenses 868 4530 216.15
53561 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services 868 4210 7.90
53615 Hashington (DIS)/ State of 23111 Scan charges for August 868 4210 40.75
Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 2,264.36
654 0008 53194 Angeles HiLL~ork 0107] Emery cloth 87] 3199 2.85
Lumber 873 3199 21.32
53200 BLake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Gravel 873 3199 25.36
Concrete 873 3199 42.60
53327 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Staples,hardware 87] 3199 20.75
53345 York Bronze Co dba La Haye 12289 PLaque-King 873 3199 61.00
PLaque-ILm 873 3199 63.75
53391 Natural Structures 14145 Benches 873 3199 2,177.42
Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 2,415.05
99/10/13-15:41 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE October 13 1999 Page 30
Date From 09/11/1999 To 10/08/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
657 53212 ClalLam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Pass the Buck funds 657 2399100 1,500.00
Total for Utility Contribution Program 1,500.00
698 53172 LEOFF 120~3 August contributions 698 2315120 21,28~.8~
53173 PERS 16016 August contributions 698 2315130 ~6,151.39
53318 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 Supplemental Life insursnce-Oc 698 2315160 6/~.10
53373 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe-09-19 698 2315210 1,115.76
53393 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe-09-19 698 2315210 1,287.15
5339& Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe-09-19 698 2315210 89.08
53419 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe-09-19 698 2315210 69.41
53~2& United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe-09-19 698 23152z~) ~74.28
53&25 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe-09-19 698 2315210 ~0.00
53539 AFSCNE Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 186.00
535/,0 AFSCNE Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 83.00
53557 EBP/gSCFF Disability Trust 06052 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 Z~15190 695.35
53560 Employees Association 050~1 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 6982315210
53562 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 800.00
5356~ FLex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315210 1,115.76
53572 IBEg Local #997 09034 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200
53585 office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315210 1,287.qr~
53586 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315210 89.
53592 Police Association 16156 Pmyroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315210 165.00
5360zr Teamsters Local #589 20056 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 1,709.00
53606 US Departmont of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315210 69.&1
53611 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 23152&0 47&.28
53614 gSCCCE, AFSCNE, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 2,696.8J~
Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 81,117.78
Grand Total 919,67&.38
DATE: October 19, 1999
Iq'ROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services
SUBJECT: Travel Exceeding $750 - Watershed Management To Protect Declining Species
Conference, Seattle, WA - December 5-9, 1999
~ Should the Utility Engineer attend the referenced Conference organized by the
American Water Resources Association in Spokane? Current policy requires Council approval
for travel exceeding $750.00.
Recommendation: Approve travel costs for Conference Attendance.
Background / Analysis: This Conference provides an excellent opportunity for continuing
education, including exposure to current issues and research related to the Endangered Species
Act. This Conference has special relevance as its content is directly related to both the City's
future involvement in a Stormwater Program and dam removal on the Elwha River.
The following is a breakdown of the costs for the Conference:
Conference registration $ 380.00
Lodging - 4 nights ~ $133 $ 532.00
Travel $ 10.40
Meals $ 62.00
Total $ 984.40
The total cost to the Public Works & Utilities budget is $ 984.40.
W A $ H [ N (~ T 0 N, L~. $. A.
DATE: October 19, 1999
ME M O TO.. Mayor Braun and the City Council
FIRE FROM: Bruce Becker, Fire Chief ~
RE: Amendment to Fireworks Ordinance for the Millennium
Bruce W. Becket
Fire Chief
Daniel K. McKeen SUMMARY: Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 5.32 requires approval from
Fire Marshal the governing body for use and discharging of fireworks on days other than the 4th
[4653] of July. The City Council asked staff to amend the fireworks ordinance which
would allow the use of fireworks to celebrate the millennium on December 31,
Coral Wheeler 1999, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. on January 1, 2000.
Administrative Assistant
RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of amending fireworks ordinance
L. Keith Bogues which would allow the discharging and use of legal fireworks to celebrate the
Training Officer millennium on December 31, 1999, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. January 1, 2000.
David R. Chastain ISSUES: Should the City Council consider use of safe and sane fireworks for the
Medical Officer millennium celebration on December 31, 1999, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. January 1,
[4665] 2000?
BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: On October 5th City Council asked the City
staff to amend Chapter 5.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code so as to sell, use,
and discharge of safe and sane fireworks on December 31, 1999, from 6 p.m. to 1
a.m. January 1, 2000. This exemption is for the celebration of the new millennium.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, allowing the sale
and use of fireworks to celebrate the millennium from 6:00 p.m. on
December 31, 1999 to 1:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000 and amending
Ordinance 2537 and Chapter 5.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
:3RDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2537 and Chapter 5.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 5.32.080 to read as follows:
5.32.080 Dates When Use Permitted. No person, firm or corporation shall use or
explode any fireworks within the City except from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on the Fourth day
of July of any year; provided, that this prohibition shall not apply to duly authorized public
displays, where the same are authorized pursuant to the laws of the State; and provided further
that fireworks permitted under PAMC 5.32.020 may be sold and used to celebrate the millennium
from 6:00 P.M. on December 31, 1999 to 1:00 A.M. on January 1~ 2000. (Ord. 2537 {}2,
6/20/90; Ord. 2050 Ch. 8 {}8, 1/1/80)
Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
>erson or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
,rovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
$ouncil held on the __ day of ,1999.
- 1 -
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Don Madison, Property Manager
SUBd-ECT: Purchase of Property along SR-101 for sidewalk extension.
Summary; The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has offered to extend
the sidewalk which is currently planned to end at Golf Course Road westerly to Ennis Creek Cutoff,
if the City can acquire a small piece of privately owned property that is obstructing the completion
of the project. The owner of the property, Emie Gray, will sell the 260 square feet of property to the
City for the cost of his attorney fees involved with the property transfer for the sidewalk project. The
owners attorney stated that his fees will be somewhere between $500 and $800.
Recommendation; City Council authorize staffto proceed with purchase of the 260 square feet
of property along Highway 101 at a cost not to exceed 15800 which will allow WSDOT to extend
the sidewalk currently under construction westerly from Golf Course Road to Ennis Cutoff.
The Non-Motorized Transportation Committee asked why the sidewalk construction along the
North side of SR-101 in front of Schucks was leaving a gap and not being extended westerly to
Thurmans. We contacted the construction project manager at WSDOT regarding this and he
stated that there was a right of way problem which, if resolved by the City, would allow the
construction. The subject property is a small triangular section that encroaches into the area
needed for the side walk extension. The WSDOT has offered to extend the sidewalk westerly an
additional 185 feet to the Ermis Creek Cutoff if the City acquires this piece of property before the
concrete subcontractor finishes the project.
Economic analysis:
Purchase Price: Not to exceed $800
Value received: 1,110 square feet of side walk worth $2.50 per square foot = $2,775
Maximum total cost: $800 Benefit received: $2775 Net Benefit: $1975
pO . AN'¢,ELES
A S H i N G T O N, U.S.A.
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
[~ The structures at 2321 W. 18th Street have been removed and the contractor has been
paid. The next step in the abatement process is to hold a public heating on the charges and objections.
The Public Hearing has been set for tonight.
tRecommendation:After Public has been closed, staff recommends that the City
Council order that charges in the amount of $18,265.35 be assessed against the property,
confirm the proposed charges and recorded on the assessment roll, so that said assessment
shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property.
Background / Analysis: The Public Works and Utilities staff has had the structures removed at
2321 W. 18'h Street and the contractor has been paid. The next step in the formal abatement process
is to hold a hearing scheduled for tonight on the charges and objections. The Building Official and
City Clerk have followed the legally required abatement procedures and the property owner has been
notified of the charges and the public hearing. The City Council now has two options. The Council
may order that said charges to be a personal obligation of the property owner, or the Council may
order the charges to be assessed against the property. In this case, because we are dealing with an
absentee landowner from Maryland and because the property is currently for sale, it makes more
sense to recover the charges against the property, rather than the property owner. As soon as the
property sells the City would recover its cost.
Building Official
For Abatement of 2321 W. 18t' Street. Parcel I&2SP 81-10-6
Owner---~-- Pat Tuggle; 355 New Bridge Rd. Rising Sun, MD 21911
The fOllowing is a list of expenses incurred' by the demolition of the substandard structures at 'the
above listed address.
Time spent by Building Inspector; inspection, docUmentation:
4/15/99 General Inspection of site, Posting, Picture 1Hr ~ $42.00
4/1'5/99 Office Time. -- Abatement Letter to owner .... %' Hr @ $21.00
6/15/99 Office Timo Council Memo ............. 2Hr (~ $84.00
7/6/99 Council Meeting-- Demo Approval-- 1 Hr @ $42.00
7/19/99 Vehicle Abatement ...... 3Hr ~_. $126.00
7/28~99 Demo Permit ' $129.50
8/10/99 Site Visit-- Verify Demo. started. 1Hr (~ $42.00
8/11/99 Site Visit--' Demo Completed 1Hr ~;} $42.00
8/11/99 Received Demo Bill _----Morrison Const. 155707.91
8/12/99 Office Time -- Statement of Expenses. 2Hr @ $84.00
8/12/99 Dump Fees---149.1 tons $11452.44
9/2/99 ' Lead Testing~ Zenovic &Assoc. $492.50
Total Demolition' Cost:--- $1'8265.:~5
321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® P. O. BOX ! 150 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-O217
PHONE: 360-417-4805 ® FAX.: 360-417'-4542 ® TT¥: 360-417.-4645
DATE: October 19, 1999
FROM: Don Madison, Property Manager
SUBJECT: Public Hearing for Consideration of Application for Community Development Block
GraNt (CDBG) General Purpose Grant
;ummary: Applications for Washington State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds
are required to conduct a public hearing prior to submitting an application. The purpose of the hearing
is to inform citizens of the range of activities that may be undertaken, to obtain the views and respond
to the proposals of citizens, to inform citizens of the proposed use of the funds, and to obtain the view
of citizens on the proposed use. (Don Madison will briefly describe the Program and application
process about 2 or 3 minutes)
Recommendation; (After receiving public input) The Public Hearing should be continued to th~
November 2, 1999 council meeting to discuss and approve the final CDBG application.
Background / Analysis: The City's Citizen Participation Strategy (adopted 11/4/97, copy attached)
for this type of grant requires a public hearing to announce the availability of CDBG funds and receive
public comment on the community's housing and community development needs that benefit low to
moderate income households.
In the past several years, the City has utilized CDBG funds for a variety of projects including
development of our Senior Citizens and Community Center ($500,000), planning for the housing
rehabilitation program ($24,000) and planning for the new food bank ($17,600). Under CDBG
General Purpose Grants, Phases I, II, III & IV, the City has received $2,500,000, of which $250,000
from Phase IV was used to benefit the Lee Hotel Project.
The Washington State CDBG is a flexible source of funding for a broad range of community
development activities to benefit low to middle income households by improving or maintaining the
economic and physical environment of the smaller cities and counties within the State. CDBG funded
projects must meet at least one of the following objectives:
· Principally benefit persons of low income
· Prevent or eliminate slums or blight, or
· Meet urgent community development needs, posing immediate threat to public health and
* Notice of Public Hearing
* Public Hearing Handout
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Port Angeles City
Council in the City Council Chambers, 321 E. Fifth Street, on Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at.7:00
p.m. or soon thereafter.
The purpose of the public hearing is to review community development and housing needs,
inform citizens of the availability, of funds and eligible uses of the State Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG), and to receive comments on proposed activities, particularly .from low and
moderate income persons and persons residing in the City of Port Angeles.
Up to $750,000 may be available to the City of Port Angeles ,on a statewide competitive
basis .to fund public facility, housing, economic development, or community facility projects.that
principally benefit low and moderate income persons. Your project ideas and proposals for
consideration are welcome. :-
A draft application for a Housing Rehabilitation - Phase V proposal Will be presented by
members of Community Action at the meeting, and copies will be available for review at the office
of Community Action, 106 N. Lincoln Street, Port Angeles, WA, starting November 1, 1999, from
9:00 a.m. to'5:00 p.m'. Comments may also be submitted in writing to Don Madison,. City of Port
Angeles, 321 E. Fifth Street, Port An'geles, 'WA 98362, any time between October 5, 1999, and
November 12, 1.999.
The City Council Chambers is handicap accesgible: Arrangements to 'reasonably
accommodate the needs of speCial classes of citizens, including handicap accessibility or interpreter,
will be made .upon receiving twenty-four (24) hours advance notice. Contact Becky 'Upton at (360)
Becky $. Upton
City Clerk
Publish in Legal and Block Ad Form: October 15,' 1999
Distribution: City Manager
Department Heads
Public Information Officer
KONP Radio
Northland Cable
Peter Ripley
Front Lobby (Post) -'
321 EAST FIFTH_STREET ® P 0. BOX 1150 ® PORT'ANGELES, WA 98362-0217
PHONE:. 360-417-4500 ® FAX: 360-4t7-4509 · TTY: 360-417-4645
Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Program
Introduction: The Washington State Small Cities CDBG Program is designed to fund local
" housing, public and community facilities, economic development, and planning
projects which principally benefit Iow- an_d _~g_d~rate-income households.
All local projects must meet at least one of three national objectives of this
federal-funded program (Title 1, Housing and Community Development Act of
1974, as amended), which are to:
· Principally benefit persons of Iow-income
· Prevent or eliminate slums or blight; or
·Meet urgent community development needs which pose a serious and
immediate threat to public health or safety.
Eligible applibants for the Washington State Small Cities CDBG Program are
cities and towns With less than 50,000 in populations or counties with less than
200,000 in populations provided the cities, towns, and counties do not
participate as members of HUD Urban County Consortiums.
Indian tribes and special purpose organizations such as public housing
authorities, port districts, community action agencies, and economic
development councils, are not eligible to apply directly to the CDBG Program
for funding. However, eligible jurisdictions may choose to involve Indian tribes
within their jurisdiction or to involve other organizations in activities funded by a
grant. '
Available General Purpose Grants ~ $7,000,000
Grants: The General Purpose Program is o. ne of several CDBG programs that award funds to
eligible jurisdictions. It is oPerated on an annual grant cycle during which eligible
applicants may request up to $750,000 for local housing, public facilities, community
facilities, or economic development projects principally benefiting Iow- and moderate-
income persons.
Important Dates:
Application Workshops: September 14 and 16, 1998
Applications Due Date: November 19, 1999
Awards Announced: February 2000
For more information about CDBG Programs phone (360) 586-0869.
· pOm'AN ¢ELES
Ootober 19, 1999
City Council Meeting Tuesday, October 19 6:00 p.m.
Kiwanis - Mike to speak Thursday, October 21 10:00 a.m.
Parks, Rec,& Beautification meeting Thursday, October 21 7:00 p.m.
Lee Plaza Opening Saturday, October 23 2:00 p.m.
Special mtg: Gateway Review Committee Tuesday, October 26 8:15 a.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, October 27 7:00 p.m.
Elwha Morse Management Team Thursday, October 28 7:00 p.m.
Board of Adjustment Monday, November 1 7:00 p.m.
City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 2 6:00 p.m.
Gateway Committee meeting Thursday, November 4 8:15a- 12:00n
North Olympic Peninsula Cities Assn. meeting Wednesday, November 10 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, November 10 7:00 p.m.
Veteran's Day Thursday, November 11 CLOSED
P.A. Capital for a Day (Governor Locke) Tuesday, November 16 Ail Day
City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 16 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, November 24 7:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday, November 25 CLOSED
po TAN¢ I ,s
Date: October 14, 1999
From: Mike Quinn, City Manager
City Manager's Subject: Informational Report
Mike Quinn Work Schedule:
City Manager
To keep the Council informed on the general activities I've been involved
Sharon "Sam" Martin with the last two weeks, the following highlights are included for your
Executive Administrativeinformation:
Assistant Legislative Contacts: None
Staff Tour: Tour of the Elwha Dams with Dean Reed to view the
BeckyJ. Upton, CMC facilities and get a better understanding of the physical impacts
City Clerk / Management
Assistant associated with removal of the dams.
Community Contacts: (1) Met with Masanori Ara of the Mutsu
Robert Coons International Relations Association and students from Mutsu City Tanabu
Human Resources Manager High School in a Welcome ceremony conducted by Mayor Braun; (2)
Discussions with Paul Lamoureaux concerning the watermain break on
Camille Headrick Whidbey; (3) Met with Karen Hanan of the Juan de Fuca Festival of the
Human Resources Assistant
Arts regarding a Millennium Wall Project.
Major Items: (1) Meeting with Mike Mclnnes of the PUD to discuss
areas of mutual cooperation, especially in the potential annexation area
east of the City limits; (2) Preliminary meeting for planning the agenda and
logistics of Governor Locke's visit to our community on November 16; (3)
Assistance to Craig and Glenn on the Congressional Conference
Committee language dealing with the Elwha Dam legislation; (4) Budget.
Clearly the next few weeks will be mostly consumed by Budget
considerations, and I should be in a position to start the review with the
Budget Committee after our November 2 Council meeting. I will propose
a meeting schedule at that time.
Additional Staff Information Reports:
These items are general interest information and minutes for your use.
However, the following are highlighted for special attention:
1. The ULID issues raised as a result of not approving the final
assessment roll at the last Council meeting are still under review by staff.
Although I indicated that we would bring back a report this meeting, we
are unable to be in a position to make firm recommendations at this time.
Staff is exploring options and considerations that focus on the main issues
raised by the participants, namely, final cost of the assessment compared
to original estimates, and the application of multiple connections to
acreage for future development to be paid at this time.
2. The Whidbey Street watermain status is a result of our attempt
to bring you and the property owners involved up to date on the status.
From my discussions with Paul Lamoreaux, the two main points for future
consideration are a more coordinated public communication effort to those
involved, similar to our PlO process used in emergency situations; and a
comprehensive review of those areas where we have indications of
potential line stress and can plan for future efforts to repair and replace
as feasible to reduce the incidence of line failures.
3. As a comment to the CDBG Hearing Process, I want to express
my intention to direct staff to look for ways to expand the community,
development aspects of these grant fund opportunities. While our use of
these funds for housing repair is a valid and noble effort, we will be
receiving some revolving fund benefits of these monies for this continued
use in the future and can explore the opportunity for other eligible projects
in streets, infrastructure, parks, facilities, economic development and
other eligible activities in the future. While not supplanting these prior
efforts, we can augment them through a more comprehensive approach
to these funds in future efforts.
DATE: October 13, 1999
To: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
FROM: Gary Kenworthy, Interim Deputy Director of Utilities and
City Engineer
SUBJECT: Storm Damage Status Update
Repairs to the slide on Tumwater Street were completed by General Construction October 13,
with the road re-opening October 12.
Installation of EIwha Emergency Valve assembly is scheduled for completion in eady November
after water demand slows down.
Repairs to the north (Rife Road) access to the railroad grade for the City's water supply pipeline
were completed September 24, 1999.
A permanent easement for the re4ocated culvert inlet at the Elwha slide was surveyed, and
legal description prepared. Negotiation with property owner to obtain permanent easement is
scheduled to start in the near future.
Repairs to drainage and grade of access road to Morse Creek Dam intake is anticipated to
begin before the end of October.
Design and construction of repairs to the Ennis Street slide are being delayed pending possible
FHWA funding. Congressman Norm Dicks is contacting FHWA regarding the status and
Attach: Summary of Expenditures
Updated October 13, 1999
1 Debds Clearance on City roads $5,000.00 $5,771.01 $0.00 C
2 Clear Slide on RR grade access road $8,000.00 $4,496.04 $0.00 C
3 Initial Geotechnical Consulting Work $11,000.00 $6,648.93 $0.00 C
4 Additional Geotechnical Work for Tumwater $33,000.00 $33,000.00 $0.00 U
5 Repair Ennis St. north of Columbia $93,000.00 $0.00 $93,000.00 D
6 Repair Tumwater St. at 5th. $125,000.00 $112,624.00 $0.00 U
7 Repair Cherry St. at 2nd. $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 C
8 Re-grade access road to Screen House $10,000.00 $9,144.05 $0.00 C
9 Re-Grade RR grade access rd. w/gravel $15,000.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 U
10 Repair access road to Morse Cr. dam $120,000.00 $0.00 $9,000.00 U
11 Slide Removal & Repair to Industrial Water Line $50,000.00 $11,797.63 $0.00 C
12 Site Work to Stabilize Area around City Water Main $250,000.00 $180,827.41 $0.00 C
13 EIwha Emergency Valve $52,000.00 $13,406.42 $38,593.58 U
14 Site Work to Stabilize Slide/Repair Blowoff at Peabody Cr. $85,000.00 $6,000.51 $0.00 C
15 Slope Stabilization at 14th & Tumwater Truck Route $10,000.00 $9,325.86 $0.00 C
16 Improvements to north (Rife Rd.) access to Railroad grade $12~000.00 $12~488.67 $0.00 C
$884,000.00 $408,030.53 $155,593.58
· C = Completed
U = Under Construction
D = Delayed
DATE: October 14, 1999
M E M O TO: Mike Quinn, City Manager
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
& UTILITIES RE: ULID 215 Options
At the October 5, 1999 Council meeting regarding ULID 215 Assessment Role Adoption,
g~enn A. Cutler
Director [4801] staffwas directed to look at other options regarding assessment allocations. Craig, Brad, Gary
Phyllis Rasler and I met briefly to discuss additional options and will be looking at various methods involving
Administrative Assistant adjusting the number of equivalent service connections (ESC) per property owner as well as
adjustment of the assessment cost per ESC. We will also investigate which options would
Cate Rinehart
Administrative Assistant require reopening of the hearing process and potential impacts to the Wastewater Fund and
[aTOO] future users should recovery of costs shifted out of the ULID be by establishment of connection
Ken Ridout fees within the ULID area or citywide. It is anticipated that the report will be ready for
Deputy Director [4802]
presentation at the November 2, 1999 Council meeting.
Ga~ Kenworthy
Interim Deputy Director
City Engineer [4803]
Jim Harper
Electrical Engineer [4702]
Lou Haehnlen
Building Official [4816]
Tom Speriine
Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735]
Scott McLain
Power Manager [4703]
Doyle McGinley
Water, Wastewater Collection
Superintendent 14855}
Pete Burrett
Equipment Sewica$
Superintendent [4835]
Mark Shamp
~.ight Operations Manager [4731'.
Kevin Curtis
Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Copy: Gary W. Kenworthy P.E., City Engineer
SW Collection Supervisor [48761
Steve Evans
Landfill Supervisor [4873]
Dave Wilcox
Street Maintenance Supervisor
DATE: October 14, 1999
M E M O To: Michael Quinn, City Manager
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director Public Works and Utilities
& UTILITIES RE: Watermain Break on Whidbey Avenue
The 24 inch watermain broke in the vicinity of Whidbey Avenue on September 25, 1999. It
Glenn A. Cutler
mector[4~0~l has been repaired and was placed back into service on September 30, 1999. The repairs
Ph¥11ia Raster were performed by the City of Port Angeles water/wastewater collection crew. The cost of
Administrative Assistantrepairs was $15,269.
Cate Rinehart
Administrative A~sistant Minor damage, interior and exterior, at four local residents was caused by flooding. Crews
responded quickly to secure the water to the broken section of pipe and restored water
Ken Ridout service to the local residents.
Deputy Director [4802]
Gary Kenwo~hy
Interim Deputy Director The Public Works and Utilities Department has an ongoing program of conducting
and underground detection of waterline leaks. The next scheduled inspection will be SprinG
City Engineer [4803]
2000. The 24 inch watermain in the vicinity of Whidbey Avenue that rum under Lion's
Jim Harper
Electrical Engineer [4702]Park will be inspected at that time.
Leu Haehnlen
Building Official [4816] Mr. Paul Lamoureux expressed concerns about notification to citizens who have had
~om Speri~,e damage to their property due to the failure of the City infrastructure systems. The Risk
Sr. Electrical Inspactor [47351 Manager for the City, Mr. Bob Coons, is reviewing the procedures and the notification
$~ott McLain process concerning disseminating information to citizens who might have a claim against
Power Manager [4703]
the City. I will be working with Mr. Bob Coons to ensure that citizens receive timely
- Doyle McGinley
Interim information in the future when events warrant the need.
Water, Wastewater Collection
Superintendent [4855]
Pete Burrett
Equipment Services
Superintendent [4835]
Ma~ Shamp
Light Operations Manager [4731]
Kevin Curtis
Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845]
Tom McCabe
SW Collection Supervisor [4876]
Steve Evans
Landfill Supervisor [4873]
Dave Wilcox
Street Maintenance Supervisor
September 14, 1999, 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: Gary Braun, Jim Hulett, Larry Doyle, Cathleen McKeown, Glenn Wiggins,
Larry Williams, and Mike Quinn.
It was noted that Department Managers were not requested in attendance,
but were not discouraged to observe. The purpose was to have a general
review on broad subjects affecting Council direction on the budget prior to
submittal of specific budget requests.
Work Session on Goals, Objectives, and Priorities:
The budget sets the stage for resource allocation to accomplish the desired work
programs and objectives of the Council and community. With the aid of the 1999 Goals
developed by the Council and the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), the City Council reviewed
their Goal Statements with the following recommendations:
1. Prior Goals C and G are combined to read:
"Improve Intergovernmental Relations and Legislative Influence."
2. Prior goal B to read as follows:
"Promote Quality Municipal Services Which Serve Our Community."
The Council reviewed the Objectives under each Goal and made the following
recommendations along with the suggestion that staff update the objectives and remove
those already accomplished:
Under Goal A: Financial Stability:
(a) Objective 3 is modified to reflect the Equipment Replacement Plan to be
reviewed by July 1, 2000, (b) All user fees will be reviewed prior to the budget
October 19, 1999 City Council Budget Worksession Minutes -1-
process, Objective 4, (c) Review and revise the CFP prior to the budget process in '
Objective 6, (d) Objective 7 is eliminated since it is an on-going requirement, (e)
Objective 8 is rewrittten to undertake cost of service studies for utility rates with
review by the UAC as appropriate.
Under Goal B: Quality Municipal Services:
(a) Objective 4 is modified to read "Enhance Enforcement of Abatable Structures
and Other Public Nuisances."
Under Goal C: Intergovernmental Relations:
(a) Objectives 2 and 5 were eliminated since they are accomplished as on-going
operational tasks to be active in AWC and NLC.
Under Goal D: City Facilities:
(a) Objective 4 to just reference the first sentence of installing electrical lines on
Ediz Hook, (b) Objectives 5 and 6 to be similarly drafted as above by including only
the first operative sentence, (c) Objective 6 is complete, (d) Objective 7 is rewritten
to "Pursue the feasability and effect the installation of fiber optics in Port Angeles",
(e) Additional Objective 7 on water to include just the first sentence, (f) Objective
8 is complete, (g) Objective 9 to include first sentence only, (h) Objective 12 is
complete, (i) Remove the date reference on this item, (j) Remove Objective 15 as
complete, (k) Reword to continue support for the Art Feiro Marine Life Center, (I)
Remove specific dates on Objective 17, (m) Remove Objective 18 as complete, (n)
Remove date reference for Objective 24, (o) Add "Objective to "Enhance Non-
Motorized Transportation recommendations into CFP as feasible".
Under Goal E: Employee Excellence:
No changes.
Under Goal F: Economic Development:
(a) Remove the reference date on Objective 5, (b) Add Objective 6 to "Establish
Tourism Linkage with the City of Victoria, B.C."
Under Goal G:
This section is under the newly revised Goal C and includes the removal of the date
reference in Objective 2.
October 19, 1999 City Council Budget Worksession Minutes -2-
Under Goal H: Quality of Life:
(a) Remove the date specific references in Objectives 2 and 3.
Other Considerations:
The Council discussed the use of revenues and staff recommended the transfer of
appropriations to the CFP. It was also suggested by the Council that we look at a
maintenance reserve as well on street projects to assure the improvements of existing
inventory, and that we set aside equipment replacement funds for necessary operational
equipment such as Police vehicles and Emergency Aid Units. Reserve levels were also
discussed, and a recommendation of 5 - 10% for operations and 10 - 20% for capital was
Another suggestion was the consideration of a Nuisance Officer as a means to improve
the quality of neighborhoods. Staff will take this under advisement as we look at nuisance
abatement isues. It was also suggested that we review our process and regulations
dealing with developers and related improvements in order to emphasize assistance and
being user-friendly.
The Council reached consensus on using a sub-committee of the Council as a Finance
Committee to review the budget in detail. This three-member committee would be
appointed at the September 21~t meeting. In addition, the Council decided to remain open
on taxation policies until the budget was presented, and recognized the importance of a
case-by-case basis to look at areas of influence in social policy and entrepreneurial
activities by the City.
General discussion followed on reaffirming the Council's direction toward pursuing
expansion of the UGA boundary and annexation, which would ultimately affect the level
of municipal services and it's corresponding budget.
Adjournment: 8:55 p.m.
October 19, 1999 City Council Budget Worksession Minutes -3-
DATE: October 14, 1999
ME M O To: Quinn, City Manager
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
DEPARTMENT RE: Extension of SR- 101 Sidewalk
Glenn A. CuUor
Director [4801] It was noted that the WSDOT widening project sidewalk construction stopped at Golf
Ph~,s R.mr Course Road and did not extend westerly the length of the curb and gutter which terminated
Administmlive Asslatant
[~oo] at Ennis CutoffRoad between Schucks and Thurmans. We checked with the local WSDOT
office as to why the sidewalk was not extended also. WSDOT noted that they lacked a small
Cate Rinehart
Admini.mlive A~ia~nl portion of right of way along the Schucks frontage and if we acquired it they would extend
14700] the sidewalk. We have prepared a roadway easement and our property manager, Don
Ken Ridout
Deputy Director [4802] Madison, has contacted the property owner, Ernie Gray, regarding acquisition of the
as soon as possible
Gary Kenworlhy
Interim Deputy Director
City Engineer [4803]
Jim Harper
Electrical Engineer [4702]
Lou Haehnlen
Building Official [4816]
Torn Sperline
Sr. Ele~;-trical Inspector [4735]
Scot~ McLsin
Power Manager [4?03]
Do~le MoOinle~
Water, Wast~ler ~olleclion
Supedntendenl [4855J
Pale Burrett
Equipment Smvice~
Superintendent [4/135]
Ma~k Shamp
Light Operations Manager [4731]
Kevin Curtis
Treat. Pianl Supervisor [4845] Copy: (}my W. Kenwo~hy P.E., City Engineer
Don Madison,. lh-operty Manager
Tom McCabe
SW Collection Supervisor [4875] N:\GOV'BSTATE\WSDOTSW.WPD
Sieve Evans
Landfill Supervisor [4873]
Dave Wilcox
Street Maintenance Supervisor
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
September 22, 1999
7:1)0 p.m.
Members Present: Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Jason Robotkay,
Bob King, Linda Nutter
Members Excused: Dean Reed (One Vacancy)
Staff Present: Sue Roberds, David Sawyer, Dan McKeen
Public Present: Ken Sweeney, John Barth, Carl and Ramona Amundson
Commissioner King moved to approve the September 8, 1999, meeting minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5-0.
Lots 11 and 12, Block 48 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. Request for a conditional
use permit to place a 30,000 gallon propane tank on property located in the Industrial
Heavy (IH) zone. The property is located directly west of the Tumwater Truck
Route, between Marine Drive and Third Street.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending
approval of the request with conditions. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Kenneth Sweeney, Port of Port Angeles, P.O. Box 1350, Port Angeles, confirmed that the
Port intends to lease the property to Ralph Baumann to conduct the propane distribution use
on the subject property. The Port supports the activity as proposed.
John Barth, 7173 Beaver Valley Road, Chimacum, will be in charge of the propane
distribution activity and noted that the operation will be for an 18,000 gallon tank capacity
rather than the 30,000 gallon tank that was originally proposed. He responded to Chair
Hewins that the tank is used to fill commercial delivery vehicles for final distribution. The
vehicle travel pattem to and from the site will be designed to the safest pattern. There is
some consideration of redesign of the site in conjuntion with the existing fuel storage facility
north of the proposed location that would result in reconfiguration of portions of the site.
They will work with the Fire Department on safety issues. Chair Hewins noted that the
Public Works Department will require that Third Street abutting the site be improved if it is
Planning Commission Minutes
September 22, 1999
Page 2
to be used as a main thoroughfare. Mr. Barth responded that he did not expect Third Street
to be significantly used. The use should not generate more than a few trips per day by
delivery vehicles.
Senior Planner Sawyer noted for the record that the Port is acting on behalf of Ralph
Baumann, of Petit Oil, in this application.
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Commissioner
Nutter moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions:
1. Approval is subject to the requirements of the Public Works Department in their
memo dated August 13, 1999 (included in Attachment E2 to the September 22, 1999,
Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 99-12) which requires that Third Street
be improved to minimum ity standards if used for vehicle access.
2. Approval is subject to the requireraents of the Fire Department in their memo dated
August 20, 1999 (included in Attachment E to the September 22, 1999, Planning
Department Staff Report for CUP 99-12) which requires rezoning of the property to
Industrial Heavy, that the tank shall comply with the requirements of the Uniform
Fire Code, and that a fire hydrant shall be located at the northwest comer of
Tumwater Truck Route and Third Street.
3. All aspects of the project shall meet or exceed all Local, State, and Federal codes.
The following findings are based on the information provided in the September 22, 1999,
Staff Report for CUP 99-12, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given
to the comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing,
and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port
Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Port of Port Angeles applied for a conditional use permit to operate
a propane storage and distribution facility near the northwest comer of Tumwater
Truck Route and 3ra Street. The application is identified as Attachment B to the
September 22, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-12.
2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Industrial [I].
3. The site is zoned IH, Industrial Heavy.
4. A Determination of Non-Significance (//872) was issued for the proposal on
September 2, 1999.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 22, 1999
Page 3
5. The applicant is proposing to place an 18,000 gallon, 10' 10" x 47' propane tank on
the site.
6. The property includes 10 parking spaces and will be enclosed by a chain link fence.
7. Access to the site is proposed from the alley to the north and the unimproved portion
of 3~d Street to the south.
8. The property is currently paved and vacant.
9. The site's Comprehensive Plan designation is Industrial [I] and it is zoned Industrial,
Heavy [IH].
10. Land Use Element Policies A1 and 2 establish the need for all decisions to be
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Map and policies. The
Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Goal H4, states "Industrial activity should
be located in two major areas: adjacent to the harbor and around the airport." Land
Use Element Policy H5 further states liquified petroleum gas facilities (such as
propane) shall not locate outside of the IH zone and shall require a conditional use
permit within the IH zone.
11. The site is surrounded by other industrial uses.
12. The Fire Department, in their memo dated August 20, 1999, included in Attachment
E to the September 22, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report for CLIP 99-12.
recommended that a fire hydrant be installed at the northwest comer of Tumwater
Track Route and 3Ta Street.
13. The Public Works Department, in their memo dated August 13, 1999, included in
Attachment E to the September 22, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report for CUP
99-12 recommended that if3~ Street be improved to City Street standards if it is used
for vehicle access.
14. No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application
during the public comment period which ran from August 10, 1999 to August 28,
15. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a
Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the project.
16. The City Council approved REZ 99-01, which rezoned the subject property from IL
to IH on September 21, 1999.
Planning Commission Minutes
September 22, 1999
Page 4
The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the September 22,
1999,StaffReport for CUP 99-12, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also
given to the comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999,public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
A. The project, as conditioned, is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan,
Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance.
B. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses.
C. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 5 - 0.
the north/south alley in Block 3 Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 36. Port
Angeles. Request for vacation of an undeveloped right-of-way.
Commissioner Nutter stated that she owns property in the area, and although she did not
believe that fact would affect her decision in the matter, she offered to remove herself from
the proceedings if there was an objection to her participation in the deliberation. There was
no objection.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department report. Chair Hewins
opened the public hearing.
Ramona Amundson, 1306 Columbia Street, stated that she is aware an easement for utility
purposes will be required over the entire area if approved. She was available for questions.
There being no further questions, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner King moved to recommend that the City Council
approve the right-of-way vacation as proposed with one condition, and citing the following
findings and conclusions:
1. The City shall retain a 15' unobstructed easement for utility purposes.
Planning Commission Minutes
S~.~ptcmber 22, 1999
Page $
The following fmdings are based on information provided in the September 22, 1999, Staff
Report for STV 99-02, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the
comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing, and the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicants, Carl and Ramona Amundson, Gary and Lucas Bear, and Bonnie
Fidler, requested the vacation of the north/south alley east of Liberty Street abutting
Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 3 of Cain's Addition. The application is identified
as Attachment B to the September 22, 1999 Staff Report for STV 99-02.
2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Low Density
3. The site is zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family.
4. Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code (SEPA rules) stale
"(2) The following types of construction shall be exempt... (h) The vacation of
streets or roads."
5. The ROW is 15' wide and is cun'ently undeveloped with a difference in grade of
about 5 feet between Columbia Street and the elevated alley ROW.
6. The Public Works Department indicates there is an overhead electrical line located
in the alley and possibly a lateral sewer line. As a condition of the vacation, the
Public Works Department recommends a 15' easement be maintained for utility
7. The Police and Fire Departments did not state any objections to the proposed
8. The are no plans to improve this alley for public vehicle access.
9. The Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Policy B 18 states "Police and fire
protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and
circulation patterns.
The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the September 22, 1999,
Staff Report for STV 99-02, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given
to the comments and information presented during the September 22, 1999 public hearing,
the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings.
Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
Planning Commission Minutes
September 22, 1999
Page 6
A. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not reduce emergency service access to
the adjacent properties or surrounding area.
B. Traffic and development patterns in the area will not be effected by this vacation.
C. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Ordinance.
D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will be a benefit to the adjacent properties and
will not be detrimental to the surrounding area.
E. The proposed project is beneficial to the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 5- 0.
Planner Sawyer provided a short briefing on the Highway 104 study and promised to keep
the Commissioners informed as to any projects that would be of interest to the City.
Planning for the Gateway project is moving along. The study group is moving closer to
identification of the preferred and secondary site.
Commissioner Norton informed staff that he would not be in attendance at the October
Commissioner Nutter stated that she attended the Clallam County Planning Commission
meetings to express the City's interest in the continuing city/county recreational trail system
and the Gateway meetings to be sure that non motorized concerns are not left out of the
planning process.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
David Sawyer, Secretary Fred Hewins, Chair
pORtA_.N¢ L S
DATE: October 19, 1999
TO: Mayor Braun and City Council
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SUBJECT: Planning Department Activity Report - September, 1999
Shoreline Substantial Development Permits 0
Conditional Use Permits 3
Municipal Code Amendments 0
Parking Variances 0
Administrative Review Approvals 1
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews 0
Minor Deviation 0
Code Enforcement 0
Subdivision 0
Short Plat 2
Boundary Line Adjustments 2
Determinations of Non Significance 3
Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 1
Determinations of Significance 0
Clearing and Grading Permits 2
Building Permits 6
Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18
Downtown Parking Plan
Annexation Planning
Cascadia Regional Plan
po t.
September 30, 1999
Becky Upton, City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
We, at the Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department, have been very busy during the third
quarter of 1999 with recreational activities that have brought additional tourists to Port Angeles. In
keeping with our goal to impact tourism through the promotion and hosting of recreational events, we
respectfully submit our Third Quarter Report.
In the month of July, we promoted, coordinated and hosted the First Federal Classic and the
Seven Cedar's Shootout for boy's and girl's basketball teams. They attracted twenty-one teams from out-
of-town. Also, in the month of July, we helped organize and host two Babe Ruth baseball tournaments,
which eleven out-of-town teams enjoyed and three soi~bali tournaments in which twenty-three out-of-
town teams participated.
In the month of August, w~ worked with sewral community groups in promoting publicizing,
coordinating facilities and hosting two baseball tournaments. Twenty-eight teams made the trip to Port
Angeles fi-om out-of-town. Also, in the month of August, we worked with the local Jun/or Soccer Clubs
to promote, publicize, coordinate and host the Pazazz Youth Soccer Tournament. A total of thirty-five
out-of-town teams participated.
In summary, the ten recreational events that the Parks & Recreat/on Departraent hosted during
the Th/rd Quarter, accounted for twenty-one basketball groups, twenty-three soi~ball clubs, th/rt~-nine
baseball teams and third-five soccer squads spending at least one night or as many as five nights in local
hotels, motels, beds and breakfast, RV Parks or campgrounds. Using the 1995 "Tourism Market
/.~alysis North Olympic Peni~ula' figures, th/s projects to approximately 2,870 people spending
$372,720 in the Port Angeles community.
Scott J. Brodhun
Parks & Recreation Director
321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® P. O. BOX 1150 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217
PHONE: 360-417-4555 ® FAX: 360-417-4559 ® TTY: 360-417-4645
October 8, 1999 ~
of Clallam County
To: Mayor Gary Braun
Port Angeles City Coun~cil me,~ff~'rs PO Box 937
Mike Quinn, City Ma~afl_~. '.d, ~ Poa Angeles, WA 98362-0161
From: Patty Hannah ~ O~ ~,.: } Voice:Fax: (360)(360)457-0529457°3011
Re: City of Port Angci~s-~uman'S~ervices Funding
Enclosed is the six-month report from the agencies receiving City of Port Angeles'
Human Services funding this year. The first column on the left, Total Contacts, gives the
number of times their clients were seen. The next column, Unduplicated Contacts, is the number
of different individuals each funded program in the agency saw in the first six months of 1999.
For example, Community Action Council's Adult Action program saw 24 different people a total
of 972 times. That averages to 40 times per person. Since the Adult Action program meets three
times a week, we could infer that each client visited the program twice a week on average.
In looking at the programs, most see a core group of people several times or on a
continuing basis.
Since the City funds preventive programs, this is exactly what you would want and expect to
have happen.
Continuing involvement by the clients is one measure that the program is establishing
relationships and is able to affect change.
Overall, the programs funded by the City of Port Angeles helped 7,785 different
individuals 52,282 times. Only 101 people could not be served by the agencies. This is one
third the number unserved in the first six months of 1998. Of the people seen, approximately
half, 3,559, live inside the city limits and only 35 were former Rayonier employees, half as many
as in the first half of 1998.
We have made three payments to the agencies. The foul~h quarter will be made in
On behalf of the United Way board, I want to express our support for the City's funding
of human services and for Councilwoman Cathy McKeown's dedication to the allocation
process. She is a very valuable link between United Way and the City. Your leadership in
providing for human services shows our citizens your concern for everyone in our city, including
those people experiencing difficulties in their lives.
United Way is pleased to have this relationship with the City. We encourage your
continued support and look forward to working with you. If you have any questions or concerns
regarding this report, please feel free to call on me.
Thank you again.
Fo]= Pe::iod ~nded September 30, 1999
MEMBERSHIP DUES $ 5,874 $ 51,224 $ ES,000 S 5,442 $ 52,998 $ 432 $
COUNTER SALES 3,119 17,307 22,000 3,319 16,888 (199) 419
· BUILDING RENTAL 6?5 2,800 1,221 1,994 (1,221) (1o319)
N.W. WOOD SHO#CASE 466 2,8?7 7,000 1,400 6,073 {934) (3,196)
ANN~AL BANQUET 1,250 1,100 2,300 (1,050)
CHAMBER FUND RAISERS 11,116 12,814 15,]71 1,125 7,223 9,991 5,591
INTEREST EAR/~ED 61 2,624 2,900 249 2,169 (188) 455
DONATIONS 274 1,490 2,300 509 2,101 (235) (611)
MISCELLANEOUS 24 40& 53 53 {30) 351
CONCERTS ON THE PIER 12 2,539 100 100 (88) 2,%39
RETIREMENT PROMOTION 1,200 655 1,310 (655) (1,310)
JULY 4TH INCOME 8,950 12,000 12,429 (3,%79)
INTERNET ADVERTISING 1,925 6,175 100 &SO (100) 1,275
~ REVE~I]ES 20.946 104,114 142,921 14,173 106,657 6,7?3
MATERIALS-COUNTER SALES 995 9,143 13,200 1,043 10,093 (48) (950)
MATERIALS-SHOWCASE 798 2,107 5,250 S73 4,377 225 (2,270)
SALARY - MANAGER ],765 ]3,882 45,176 3,765 33,882
BONUS - MANAGER 1,624 1,500 1,624
SALARY - SECRETARIAL 7?] ?,19] 9,275 736 6,624 37 S69
PENSION EXPENSE (SIMPLE 157 1.489 2,800 157 2,199 (710)
PICA TAX 406 ],817 401 3,605 6 211
STATE U/C EXPENSE 58 192 4,658 22 179 36 13
LESS VC ALLOCATION (92) (676} (87) (625) (5) (51)
MAJOR H£DICAL INSURANC£ &~9 S.1TS 6.2]S T04 4,645 (25)
M~DICAL INS.o0F~ZCE MGR 225 427 156 S89 (156)
R.E. & P.P. TAXES 19 40 39 (19)
LIABILITY & FIRE INS. 111 85 83 28
BANK CHARGES 96 608 SOO IS6 ~99 (&0) 9
OFFICE SUPPLIES 891 1,200 58 735 ($8) 153
O~PICE £QUIPM~NT 655 500 2.030 2o841 (2.030) (2.186)
AUTO ALLOWANCE 300 2,700 ].600 300 2,700
DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 49S ?25 598 (103)
OFFICE RENT 337 3,040 4,050 337 3,037 3
~STAGE 455 2e272 3e200 47 1,617 408 656
LITIES 89 300 223 [135)
See Accoun=a~=s' Compila=ion Report. 89
For ~r~od Ended Sep~e~er 30, 1999
A~ ~999 B~ 2999 A~ 1998 IN~a (DE~E)
~E~ Y~ Y~ ~ Y~ ~ Y~
MO~ ~ - DA~ ~ MO~ ~- DA~ ~ ~-DA~
EQUIPMENT RENTAL $ 47 $ S53 $ 1,200 $ 47 $ 488 $
T~LEPHONE 7S &81 700 63 S41 12 140
REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 6 169 300 i 137 5 31
14A~4AGER TRAVEh EXPENSES 77 497 1,000 59 814 18 (~17)
SECRETARY'S EXPENSE 104 791 1,000 147 752 (42) 39
ACCOUNTING SERVICES 37S 3,3S0 2,600 3SO 2,800 25 SS0
ANNUAL BANQUET 1,802 1,700 3,307 (1,SOS)
CONCERTS ON THE PIER 1S0 1,6S0 2,400 300 1,848 (1S0) (198)
JTJLY 4TH EVENT 4S0 2,000 433 1,421 (433) (971)
J'CTLY 4TH FIREWORKS 0,S00 10,000 10,000 (1,S00)
RETIREMENT PROMOTION 1,200 6SS 1,310 (6S5) (1,310)
TOURIST PROMOTION 115 2,S00 874 (7S9)
IITTERNET EXPENSE 170 2,700 60 370 (G0) (200)
FUND RAISER - EXP 9,866 10,I&4 &,l?l 3,013 9,B&6 ?,1S1
FUND RAISER - AUCTION 111 1,S00 37S 37S (37S) (264)
MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 42 6S7 400 12 321 30
NEWSLETTER EXPENSE ~30) 32 30 132)
TOT~J~ EXPENDITURES 19~636 ~06~817 1431343 ~2~9S0 107~562 6~686 174S)
EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) $ 1~311 $ (2f703) $ 1422) S ll223 $ ~90S) $ BT $ IliTga)
0 See Accountants' Compilation Report.
· or Period Ended September 30, 1999
CITY ALLOCATION $ 3f686 $ 34r238 $ 45f785 $ 6r306 $ 25f796 $ 12f620) $ 8f442
TOTAL REVENUES 3,686 34,238 45,785 6,306 25,796 (2,620) 8,442
BROCHURES & ADVERTISING ~,884~ 20,448 I0,000
VIC MEDZCAh INSURANCE ~ 225 427 156 589 (156} {363)
VIC EQUIPMENT 2,200 (1,798) 1,798
VIC WAGES 773 7,193 9,275 736 6,624 37 569
VIC RENT 1,012 9,120 12.140 1,012 9,110 10
VIC UTILITIES 267 894 670 (404)
VIC REPAIR & MAXNT. 17 50& 590 22 412 (5) 94
VIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,674 1,862 117 1,397 (117) 1.277
VIC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 141 1,659 1.953 141 1,465 194
VIC POSTAGE 790 2,997 3,2~0 375 3,367 375 (371)
- VIC BUZLDING INS. 332 250 250 83
'IC TELEPHONE 224 2,044 1,989 189 1,623 35 421
VIC PAYROLL TAXES 92 676 834 87 625 5 51
EQUIPMENT (REIHB. 2%) 1,664 1,664
EXP. REIMB. (REIHB 2%) 132 132
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9f892 49f937 49f624 lr037 28r452 8f655 21i465
EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) $ (6f206) $(15f699) $ 161 $ 5d269 S [2f656) $(11r475) $(13t043)
See Accouncan=s' Compilac£on Repo==. 91
Port Angeles
Statistics on Visitor Center Door Counts
Inquires and where did they come from.
The Visitors who entered the Port
Angeles Visitor Center inquiring
A comparison of 1998 & 1999
Period of time Jan. through Sept.
1995 Door Count ................. 93,220
1999 Door Count ................. 84,334
Showing a decrease of 9.5% in 1999
1992 was the bumper year reaching 170,000 visitor
door counts for 12 months.
Inquires where visitor packets were
mailed out.
Visitor packets mailed went to 46 States.
The only States who did not request information was
Vermont, Virginia, Hawaii and North Dakota. In
years past we received inquires from every State, and
this is the first time we were lacking four states.
The States ranked by percentage.
Washington ............... 39.8%
California ..................... 11%
Oregon ....................... 6.5%
Texas ............................. 4%
Florida ........................ 2.6%
Several states reached the 2% increment, but is only
the second time where Washington out numbered
California. In years past especially the high year of
1992 California was just a few percentage points
ahead of Washington. This is also the first year our
advertising was focused on Washington. Where in
the past we focused on Southern California.
September, 1 990
September I999
ocean view cemetery $97,936.07 $96,504.47
William Shore Memorial Pool $138,154.42 $I 18,061.94
Vern Burton Community Center $11,849.00 $11,288.50
Senior Services Center - Rentals $6,6 I6.00 $12,052.20
Senior Services Center - Leases $8,550.00 $8,550.00
Banner $3,305.00 $4,715.00
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $1,376.85 $2,575.00
City Pier Moorage Fees $983.00 $833.00
General Fund Revenue Total $268~770.34 $254~580. I 1
Longhouse/Clubhouse $37~143.09'* $2,985.00
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $I,I34.52 $5,587.00*
Improvement Fund Total $38~277.61 $8~572.00
Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $1~709.00 $2,462.55
Co~Rec Volleyball $1,960.00 $505.00
Volleyball Tourney Fund $50.00 $0.00
Slowpitch $21,170.00 $22,664.50
Slowpitch Tourney Fund $2,073.00 $3,045.00
Mens Basketball $627.00 $1,522.00
Basketball Tourney Fund $£,252.25 $3,597.48
Flag Football $0.00 $125.00
Youth Programs $32,976.12 $20,776.22
Adult Programs $ I ~650.00 $1 ~435.80
Adult Soccer $2,125.00 $0.00
Recreation Activities Fund Total $66~592.$7 $56~133.55
* Timber Sales
** Includes Junior Soccer Club Donation & Little League Field Plane Crash Insurance payment
Monthly Activity Report
September 1D99
Children 789 14,508 1,046 12,652
Adult 1,699 21,368 1,926 18,952
Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Day 7/29 178/299 27/22 202/280
Pool Parties/Participants 11/I63 132/2,444 9/103 114/2,I76
Children 642 I 1,468 805 10,038
Adults - -- 163 21 27 I
Parent/Child Orientation --- 528 --- 366
Pre--School 362 4,863 331 4,080
Water Exercise 491 7,541 540 7,133
School District Activities 1,341 4,981 1,263 4,845
Pool Rentals/Classes 296 5,472 476 4,944
Instruction Attendance Totals 3132 35,016 3,436 31,677
'OOL O ' . TIO S -- II
Days Open I 29 241 29 264
Hours Open [ 388.00 $7242.25 380.50 37453.50 [[
Rental:Suits, towels, Caps $73.59 $791.00 $53.47 $601.88
Admissions $2,103.93 $32,395.97 $2,430.45 $27,669.55
Lessons $5,709.17 $49,549.62 $5,708.00 $40,205.50
Aerobics $861.50 $17,687.50 $I,861.00 $16,999.50
Passes $1,767.41 $21,199. I3 $2,216.94 $19,033.02
Showers $210.01 $2,045.64 $114.24 $1,287.34
Lockers $138.00 $2,684.89 $287.15 $2,453.04
Pool Rentals $908.29 $6,815.20 $556.08 $5,550.06
Sales Tax $400.96 $4,985.47 $423.60 $4,262.05
William Shore Pool Activities
September 10O0
~r -/rFall program began for 1a through 6m grade, Monday, Wednesday &
Friday. Preschool, Tuesday & Thursday and new classes for $ year olds
on Tuesdays & Thursdays
~r To maximize pool availability, coordinated sharing the pool with High
School, pool lessons and PA Swim Club for turnouts, Monday through
" Friday from 4-6:30 pm.
~Peninsula Collese besan afternoon swim classes
Exercise classes for July:
~ Water Aerobics AM & PM classes Mort - Fri
~r Deep Water AM & PM classes Mon-Wed-Fri
~ Water Walking AM classes Mon-Wed-Fri
Swim Lessons Schedule:
~r September 1 $ - October i 5 Grade schoolers
~r September 14 - October 14 Pre-schoolers
Private lessons - ongoing
Port Angeles Swim Club
~r 4:30 -6:30 pm Monday thru Friday
Port Angeles School District
-~ 7:45 am-8:45 am Mort, Tues, Thurs, Fri P.E. Classes
Sr 9:05 am-9:35am Wed. P.E. Classes
~r 1:00pm- 1:30pm Monday thru Friday Special Education Classes
~r 3:00pm-4:30pm Monday thru Friday Girls Swim Team
~r 9:00am- 11:00am Saturday Girls Swim Team
~r Sept 14, 21 & 30 Home Swim Meets
United States Coast Guard
~ 7:45 - 8:45 am Wednesday Rescue Swimmer Training
September 25 Kid's Day 29 Participants
September 25 Teen Night 7 Participants
September 10 Image Soccer Middle School Dance
September 16 County Luncheon
September 18 Bedford/Merritt Wedding Reception
September 24 City Employee Inside Picnic
Image Soccer Middle School Dance
September 25 Port Angeles Symphony Pops Concert
Noon Open Gym Olympic Christian School PM Basketball
Gym Walkers Youth Basketball Home School PE
September 1 State Department of Personnel
September 7 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
September 8 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
County DCD Meeting
September 9 Rexall Seminar
September 13 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
September 14-15 55 Alive Defensive Driving Class
September 17 Wedding Rehearsal
September £ I Rexall
Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
September 22 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
September 24 Adoption Advocates Rummage Sale
September 27-28 Steering Committee Workshop
September 29 Salmon Recovery Workshop
Puzzle Exchange Swim Club Park Board
Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Community Network NTR Tandem 2000
Transit Union Meetings Bike Club Juan de Fuca Festival
Land Trust Skills Center Jr. Babe Ruth Meeting
Clallam Co. Food Handlers Class Marine Lab Non-Motor Meeting
City Council Meetings League of Women Voters PAPD
Board of Adjustments Bid Opening Board of Appeals
Planning County Personnel Soroptimists
DUI Victims Panel Education Foundation P.A. Fishermen
September 8 After School Program Begins
Jefferson School - 25 children enrolled
Franklin School - $1 children enrolled
September 8 Adult Soccer League Begins
September 1999
Recreation Division Programs Continued ---
Square Dance Lessons each Monday at the Senior Center
--30 participants
Line Dance Classes each Tuesday Evening at Vern Burton Center
--Average of 30 participants
Country Western Dance Couples Class Wednesday Evenings at Vern
--Average of 15 couples
September 26 The Big Hurt
240 participants; 50% out-of-town
October 11 Fall/Winter Co-Ed Volleyball begins
October 24 Kid's Day Oktober Fest
November 6 Talking Rain Men's AA Basketball Tournament
November 6 Boys' Tipoff Basketball (Sth thru 9th grade)
November 13 Turkey Shoot Basketball Tournament (Boys & Girls 6th thru Varsity)
Junior Soccer AAU YMCA
PAHS Image Soccer
Sept 4 Outreach Program
Sept 19 Chamber of Commerce
Sept 22 Cruise West Visit
Sept 23 MV Yorktown Clipper Visit
Sept 26 Big Hurt Quadathalon
October 7 Peninsula Health
October 10 MV Yorktown Clipper visit
Planning seasonal plantings at the Conrad Dyar Fountain
Litter pickup & rest room cleaning at the various park locations
Completed irrigation expansion at Shane Park
Removed dead trees at Wester Park & Fine Arts Center
Painted tennis courts at Elks Play field, Shane Park & Erickson Play Field
Replaced areas of sod at Volunteer Park
Removed east end cleats at City Pier
Set up for football at Civic Field
Cleaned drains
Checked heat system drains, coils, filters & belts as needed
Inspected & tested emergency lighting
Checked drains below sink & flushed with bleach
Clean, patch, spray texture & paint walls as needed
Checked heat pumps & HVAC units
Inspected lights & automatic doors
Cleaned drains, greased exhaust fans,
Checked heat pump blower belts, filters, drains & coils on heat system
Repaired toilets at Lincoln Park
Removed vomit and broken glass from Fountain
Repaired towel dispenser at City Pier Restroom
Installed irrigation system at Carnegie Building
Continue Installing Waterfront Trail plaques, benches and trees
Continue making improvements at various parks
Complete various irrigation projects
Remove & store Pier floats
Setup forms & pour concrete at Volunteer Park
Remove beautficafion flowers
1999 Froj¢ct Update
Shane Park completed
Carnegie completed
Lincoln & Rains plans completed
Picnic tables & pads:
Tables 95% COMPLETED
Start pads in October
.,$ 7,676.05 .$ 6,345.15 .$ 17,613.87 .~ 6,031.28
: REVEN~EYE~R~~Ei ~ ~.'
$ 97,936.07 $ 96,504.47 ~ 81,153.75 ~ 56,991.41
5 51 2 45
Ground Burials 21 21 22 21
Ground Burial Inurnments 20 16 18 11
Niche Inurnments 5 8 11 11
Entombments 0 0 0 1
Year to Date Totals J 46 I 45 52 44 J
$3,844.25 $22,177.30 $4,071.25 $28,471.06
September 1999
i!:i ~:. =====================
Information & Referral 1 ~884 15~801 1 ~704 14~868
Estimated Attendance 4,406 39,637 5,132 37,26I
Health Programs 482 4,469 329 3,359
Education Programs 542 5,816 443 5,292
Social Events/Programs/Meals 1,425 14,928 1,470 14,583
Trips: Taken 7 56 7 54
Passengers 69 561 73 679
Volunteers: 185 1 S8
Hours 1,558 13,701 1,$48 12,707
Membership: 26 1 ~374 20 1 ~394
City 14 926 8 932
County 10 448 12 462
September $ Labor Day BBQ
September 20 September Daze Pinochle
September 22 Gert's Annual Oktoberfest Potluck
Senior Nutrition Board S.H.I.B.A Olympic Knights
Virginia Mason Soroptimists Jet Set CCWAB
Senior Info & Assistance Crime Stoppers Senior Providers
Law Enforcement Board NARFE Board
Rhododendron Society Venture Club
September I0,11,12 Garden Club Flower Show
September 16 Kiwanis Luncheon
September 25 Clallam County Democratic Club
Big Hurt Quadathalon registration and dinner
September 27 Poetry Reading
September 1999 · '
Stretch Class/Weight Training Senior AA Meetings
Blood Pressure Checks Chair Exercise ($x wk)
Self Help for Hard of Hearing Tap Dancing Class
Alzheimers Support Group
Tai Chi
Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs Foot Care (4x month)
Yoga Exercise Class ($x wk)
Arthritis Support Group Low Vision Support
Round Table on Politics Legal Aid
Defensive Driving Class Spring Chicken Band
Geography of Africa Investment Club
Driftwood Sculpture Class Watercolor Class
Conversational Spanish
Paint on Own Coffee Lounge
Golden Agers P R Committee
Senior Swingers At the Movies (weekly)
Senior Singers Bingo (3x week)
One Day/Over Night Trips Chess Club
Pool Pinochle (3x week)
Bridge Pickle Ball (3x week)
Cribbage Clogging
Calligraphy Crafts
To the following 1999-2000 Basketball Tournaments.
164 Youth teams played in Port Angeles Tournaments last year.
If your team wasn't one of them, come and see what you 're missing!
Event I Dates I Division Fee
Talking Rain Nov. 6 - 7 Adult Men's "AA" $185.00
Boys' Tipoff Nov. 6 - 7 Boys' 5', 6', 7th, 8* & 9' $175.00
Turkey Shoot Nov. 13 - 14 Boys' & Girls' 6', 7th, 8th, 9th, JV $175.00
and Varsity
Martin Luther King Invite Jan. 15 - 16 Boys' & Girls' 5*, 6th, 7' & 8* $175.00
Presidents' Day Feb. 19 - 20 Boys' & Girls' 6', 7th, 8* & 9th $175.00
Spring Hoopfest Mar. 11 - 12 Boys' 5', 6', 7', 8th, 9*, JV & $175.00
WRBF State Tournament Mar. 25 - 26 Adult Men's "AA", Women's $100.00
April Fool's Extravaganza April 1 - 2 Girls' 6*, 7*, 8*, 9th, JV & Varsity $175.00
Summer Solstice Tuneup Jtme 17 - 18 Girls' High School JV & Varsity $175.00
g All tournaments: 4 game guarantee
g Registered High School and College officials
g Championship shirt in all divisions
g Team plaques: 1st thru .9.9 depending on number ofenlxants.
Mail to: Dan Estes, Tournament Coordinator
c/o Port Angeles Parks & Recreation
P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362
Detach & mail with check made payable to NAME OF TOURNAMENT (example: Turkey Shoot)
Name of Tournament:
Team Name:
Manager: [Phone/h: [Phone/w:
Ad&ess: City: Zip:
Last week-end (8/14-15) my wife and I attended a baseball
playoff at the little league baseball diamonds near the
airfield in Port Angeles.
We were so ~mpressed by the beauty of the playing fields that
I felt compelled to write a letter of congratulations to
the responsible parties.
Not only are the fields and surrounding area well maintained,
but on Sunday, the second day of the playoffs, it was - guess
what - raining. The maintenance crew rushed onto the fields
when the games were called temporarily to sand and rake the
entire field - sometimes covering the pitchers mound with
plastic in order to give the kids a chance to finish their
game on a, somewhat, dry field.
Who ever is responsible for the development, maintenance and
upkeep of the fields is doing a great job by giving the boys
a great place to play ball and enhancing the entire area.
Our Son played baseball from the time he was 8 years old and
our 3 Grandsons all have played since they were eligible to
play so we have watched baseball for many years and feel well
qualified to say to all of Port Angeles GOOD JOB WELL DONE!!
Ruth and Dick Strait
Olympia, Wa.
Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port.4ngeles Police
Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and
professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind pride in our
neighborhoods, and the safety of our families.
Investigations and Patrol Division Highlights:
· An explosion occurred at a local medical office · Three ounces ofmethamphetamine were seized
The investigation is continuing and materials by one of our officers from a vehicle found
have been sent to thc State Crime Lab for abandoned at the PUD warehouse. The same
analysis, vehicle found southbound on l~cc Street about
one week later by another officer. The vehicle
· In the aftermath of their father's suicide was stopped and the driver arrested for DUI.
(hanging) the surviving children have been Enough evidence was gathered from the arrest to
molesting one another. Counseling has not justify a search of the suspects house. Drug
helped - all the kids have severe anger problems, related paraphernalia was located.
Prosecution has been requested by Child
Protective Services so that some controls can be · A sex offender violated his Special Offender
put in place on these kids. These are kids that Sentencing Act (SOSA). His SOSA was
were all being molested in one form or another canceled and he was sentenced to 119 months in
by their father, prison.
· A search warrant was served at 1012 West 15th · A suspect plead guilty to a charge of Theft I for
street. One adult male and one adult female embezzling funds from a local gas & grocery
were charged with possession with intent to store.
deliver, four others with possession only.
· Officers conducted a search of a residence on
· Two detectives were sent to a 40 hour West 9~ Street. Three individuals went to jail for
investigative technology course at the WA State possession of marijuana; one for possession of
Criminal Justice Center methamphetamine and marijuana. Two children
were taken to Child Protective Services. The
· The Crime Prevention Officer attended a original investigation charged criminal
CrimeStoppers conference; unfortunately the mistreatment of the children based on Child
conference was cut short because of Hurricane Protective Services and school district
Floyd and the evacuation of local hotels, complaints.
· One of our newer detectives attended a 40 hour · Officers were dispatched to an altercation at a
homicide investigation course, local apartment complex. Investigation revealed
that the suspect provoked an assault and
· Officers assisted the Department of Corrections subsequently, was assaulted.
in a search warrant. One suspect was arrested
and a quantity of heroin was seized. · Officers investigated a car/bicyclist accident at
1 st & Lincoln Streets. Investigation revealed the
· Officers investigated a bad check case. $1,600 bicyclist was riding on the sidewalk, crossing
was passed in one day by a couple from Auburn. against the light, with no helmet. Incredulous
One of the victimized businesses loaned the that he was receiving a citation, the errant bike
couple the company van to get around town rider claimed that it wasn't his fault because he
while their car was worked on. The female
was in the crosswalk.
accomplice showed identification at all
locations. She later claimed her identification
· Officers received information from the Renton
and wallet had been stolen. Police Department advising of a robbery which
Page -1-
had occurred in their city. The suspects included The Arco (and Officer Miller) Report:
two males age 26 and 23, and one female age 19. · 9-03-99 An officer initiated a traffic stop
The three suspects were also brothers and sister, and the driver had a confirmed
Of these three, PAPD had recently arrested the warrant for his arrest. The driver
female on an outstanding warrant, and she was and at least one of the passengers
currently wanted locally for an unrelated assault, have a history of illegal substance
abuse. A search incident to arrest
Officer Benedict spotted the suspects entering was conducted. The female
the east city limits at approximately 2:00 AM in passenger had laid her purse on the
the morning morning. The suspects were trunk of the vehicle while she spoke
driving two separate vehicles, but were stopped to officers. Arco indicated on the
and quickly surrounded at the Jackpot East passenger's purse. Three bindles of cocaine
store. All three were taken into custody and and some marijuana were found in the
three hours later turned over to representatives purse.
of Renton Police. The local assault charge · 9-03-99 Officers conducted a search for
against thc female was referred to the City narcotics in the 1000 block ofW 15~ Street.
Attorney's Office. Arco assisted and indicated illegal
substances. Nothing additional was found
Crime Prevention Officer Activities: beyond what the officers located.
Activities for the month of · 9-11-99 A resident had left town for a week-
September 1999 included the end and left a teen to house sit for him. The
following: house sitter's brother decided to have a
~PPERS party. After a complaint to the department
officers responded; one youth fled and was
Investigation- pursued and apprehended by an officer.
· Assisted in explosion investigation During his flight he tossed a bag of
· Background checks - PAPD hiring marijuana. When the resident returned and
Autotrack searches heard about the incident he requested that
Arco conduct a search of the house to make
Crime Prevention- sure there were no drugs left behind. No
Crime Stoppers- additional drugs were found.
· 3 new profiles - one case cleared · 9-17-99 Officer Miller made a traffic stop
· Volunteer Resident Patrol-writing Policy on a vehicle and observed that the driver
and training manual was acting suspicious.., he handed Officer
· Security survey - 1400 West 11~ Miller a phone card for his license, wires
· CrimeAiert(3) were hanging from the dash, and the
· Faxes (3) steering column was broken. The driver was
suspended and arrested. During a search he
Xpediter Maintenance - Occasional backups was discovered to have $1,400 in cash and
after Arco searched the vehicle, scales,
Grant projects- baggies, and methamphetamine were found.
· BJP grant - finalized and submitted ~ 9-21-99 Arco assisted officers in the search
application for 10vests of a vehicle for drugs. Arco and Huey
· Path Grant - first quarter reports and evaluator (CCSO Canine) indicated on a hole in the
contract rear of a speaker box. No substance located.
· 9-24-99 The K-9 team conducted vehicle
Training- searches at U.S. Customs. No substances
Crime Stoppers International Conference were found.
Computer Crimes- 6 hour training ~ 9-27-99 A Port of Port Angeles security
officer located an open door of the terminal
office building. Arco searched the building,
no suspects were located and the building
was secured.
110 Page-2-
School Resource Officers and D.A.ILE
Port Angeles High School- Officer Tyler Peninger
18 Calls for Service 2 Mediation/Intervention
23 Calls from neighborhood 5 Traffic Stops
14 Meetings with students 2 Notices of Infraction
4 Meetings with staff 11 Cases Closed
4 School Rule Violations 8 Arrests
11 Case Reports 5 Neighborhood meetings
5 School Activities
Elementary and Middle Schools - Officer Jason Viada:
D.A.R.E, 23 Kindergarten classes taught an 18 Calls for service
introductory D.A.R.E curriculum 2 Juvenile Justice Meetings
3 Tobacco Infractions issued (high school 1 Roosevelt Parent Meeting
students) 3 Stevens Staff Meetings
18 School Zone Infractions issued (primarily 1 PAHS Football Game/Dance
Steven's Middle School area) SRO duties have afforded Office Viada
1 Infraction issued for Open Liquor opportunities to counsel students about behavior
Container in a Vehicle and decision making. On two occasions school
2 Criminal Traffic Citations issued (Driving staff requested that Officer Viada go to the homes
While License Suspended) and check the welfare of at-risk students who are
3 Juvenile Arrests(1 Malicious Mischief, 2 not in school and/or parents who have not
Theft) responded to phone messages. Both visits resulted
1 Adult Arrest (Driving While Under the in prompt contact with the school.
Influence of Alcohol)
Electronic Home Monitoring: A total of 48 days were spent by individuals on EHM saving $2,400 in jail
costs in September. Electronic Home Monitoring has saved the city approximately $38,500 year-to-date.
Senior Volunteers:
The Senior Volunteers provided 239~A hours of services in September in the following categories:
, The Big Hurt 36 hours
City Pier 5 hours
Speed Watch 6 hours
Vacation Home Checks 1 hour
Office Work 184~ hours
/~1 MeetingSOther 2 IA hours5
Our thanks in particular for the many hours the Senior Volunteers provided to the Big Hurt
and the help throughout the various offices.
Page -3-
Call to Order: Chairman Leland Lee called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Members present - Leland
Lee (Chairman), Rod Anderson, Leonard Beil, Jim Jones Jr., Lynda Minor, Dennis Wilcox. Members
absent - David Brewer, Lisa Lisk. Staff present - Deputy Chief Tom Riepe, Secretary Lena Washke.
Minutes: The minutes of the June 8, 1999 meeting were approved as published.
Communications and Letters: There were no letters.
Old Business:
There was discussion about the phase out of the Reserve Program. Leonard Beil expressed concern over how
the additional work load will affect the department and questioning how this program was a liability. Deputy
Chief Tom Riepe discussed the limited usage of the Reserve Officers because of the Union Contract,
liability, and concern over level of training requirements. He also stated that the Senior Volunteers were
doing some of the Reserve functions.
New Business:
There was discussion on the scheduling of the meetings. A motion was made to change the meeting time
to the second Wednesday of the month by Jim Jones. The motion was seconded by Lynda Minor. The
motion passed.
Term Expirations -
Leland Lee and David Brewer's Board terms are expiring soon. They both expressed interest in
continuing service on the Board. David Brewer is unable to attend Thursday night meetings. Discussion
later in the meeting resulted in changing the meetings to Wednesday nights. Their participation on the
Board will be resubmitted to the City Council with recommendation for approval.
Lisa Lisk has talked with Leonard Bell and regretfully will have to resign from the Board due to personal
reasons and will follow up with a letter. Jim Jones has some recruits for the open position which will
hopefully be filled with another school contact person preferably from the high school.
Open Board Positions -
A student representative will be recruited to sit on the Board. The candidate will be either a sophomore
or a junior. This will enable the student to be on the Board at least two years. They will be in attendance
at the next Board meeting.
Budget - Personnel and Equipment
This is a review of the Preliminary Budget for 2000
If 1-695 is approved by voters the Police Department will lose approximately $30,000 of revenue. The
City of Port Angeles will lose approximately $200,000 - $300,000 of revenue.
There is a proposal to add a corporal rank in the Department. This would allow additional supervisory
opportunities for 4 employees and permit them to attend Certified supervisory training. Currently the
senior officer, without formal supervisory training, is usually the on-shift supervisor when the sergeant
is not on duty. This would add an additional $10,000 to the budget but potentially reduce liability
exposure. There was concern expressed regarding scheduling issues. There was also concern about the
additional cost this would add with the potential of losing the $30,000 ifi-695 passes. Deputy Chief Tom
Riepe said that scheduling would be controlled. He also stated that additional grants and funding are
being pursued. The promotion will be handled through the Civil Service testing procedure with
individuals outside the department involved in the interviewing process. All the promotions will be made
within the department.
1 12 Page -4-
There are eight laptop computers requested in the 2000 budget for use in the patrol cars and on scene.
This will allow the officers to complete their reports in the field rather than returning to the station.
Naomi Wu, PenCom Manager, had accepted a position with another city as a department head. She has
since withdrawn her resignation and decided to stay with the department.
There are five new patrol cars requested. Our current cars have about 100,000 city miles on them. There
are two on order this year and are being delivered in October. The officers are discussing a new logo
design for the cars.
There is currently discussion with the Sheriff's Department regarding sending an officer to the Drug Task
Force. This would add an additional $35,000 revenue to the Department's budget from grant funds. The
Task Force will be re-organized and also serve as a major inter-departmental crime investigation team.
This would be done with current staffing levels.
The School Resource Officer (SRO), Tyler Peninger, will be primarily at the high school this year. In
the past he has worked with the middle schools also. This year the Dare Officer, Jason Viada, will be
teaching DARE to the 5~ graders and will also work at Stevens and Roosevelt as a SRO. This summer
he completed SRO training. Both officers will now be in full uniform and armed. This will allow for
better response time if a critical situation arises. There was discussion about concealing the weapon.
Deputy Chief Tom Riepe stated that most departments were now taking the position that full uniform
including weapons was the better option.
Y2K preparations have been made. There will be additional patrols scheduled during the New Years
Items From Members:
Jim Jones received a complaint regarding selective school zone enforcement. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe
stated that during the beginning of the school year additional speed enforcement is performed and that
the signs follow the standards. Suggestions were made to possibly acquire folding signs that school
employees could place on the roads in the school zone with flashing lights posting the 20 MPH speed
limit. These signs could be removed at the end of the school day, thus removing any confusion.
Leonard Bell questioned what the procedures are on outside warrants. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe assured
that all felony warrants were accepted into the jail. Generally, misdemeanor warrants were only accepted
if it is extraditable and the jail has space.
Leonard Beil also asked how the community service program was working. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe
said things are working well with this program and that the City Attorney, when appropriate, requests
community service upon conviction of defendants.
Leland Lee has received complaints about officers speeding in non-emergency situations. Deputy Chief
Tom Riepe assured the board that officers are well aware of watching their speed and that on some
occasions the officer may be attending to a call but not have their lights on for good reasons unknown to
Leonard Beil requested that officers have their head lights on as examples at times, especially during
cloudy, poor weather conditions and at dusk.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Page-5- 113
(These are actual, verbatim, handwritten excerpts from old police log books.)
September 1948
"Call from Duck Inn Cafe - some people in a '41 Hudson ran off with some of the dishes from the Cafe.
Officer contacted - people returned the dishes."
"A couple of ladies came in to find out what to do when the ferry fails to make return trip to Victoria.
There are about 15 ladies stranded here. Referred them to Customs Office."
"Sick cat at xxx E Front Street."
"Resident called and reported what sounded like two cars coming together at 6th and Oak."
"Resident on W 4'* reports a dog has killed some of her chickens."
9:17 AM "Mrs. (Name) reported her husband did not come home from work last night. He works attire
hall. Officer checked and he is not at work this morning. His car located by officer on Marine Drive. Was
not at work yesterday. "3:36 PM "Officer called reporting that man had been located asleep in his car.
Mrs. (Name) called and took charge of him. OK now."
"Peeping Tom reported about 5-6 tall, 140 lbs. 24 to 25years old, blond, light complexion, good
"Officer brought in (name). Held for investigation too much booze. Seeing Pink Elephants."
"Mrs. (Name) reported that someone had stolen her new Sears Craftsman lawnmower from her yard
within past week. Value $16."
"Lady at xxx East 5'* complains of prowler and some guy always phoning bothering her and scaring her
at night. Told her a prowl car would go by once & awhile in the evening. Should build up her morale."
"Mr. /Name) reports his son returning from store had a loaf of bread he was carrying peppered with BB
shot by some other kid shooting an air rifle in the East 800 block, in the alley between 6~h and 7q Kid
must be good shot."
"Sheriffs Office called and wanted to know ifa couple of our boys would give him a hand up there."
"Officers stood by while Nite officer in Sheriff's dept. Move (name) to the padded cell. He's tried to hang
himself three times tonight."
"Phone call to station. Woman said a drunk crawled into her house." (An officer later arrested and
incarcerated the drunk.)
7.'35 AM "Mrs. (Name) on W 13'h reported that one ofher pet skunks got loose last night, if anyone calls
about it or is located, call her and she will take care of the animal."
10:51 AM "Mrs. (Name) reported that her pet skunk had just come home of her own accord and very
dirty. Writer could.fill up next couple pages about skunks & their nights out but will let it go."
Parle -6-
Calls for Police Service mCFS- 1999 rlCFS- 1998
~CFS YTD - 1999 I'ICFS YTD - 1998
2,500 20000
2,2o0 .....! ..... i ..... ! ..... i ..... i ..... :.2~2: ..... : ..... : ..... : ..... :. ..... ~ ..... i .....48000
Z, 0oo .~ ..... i ..... ', ..... : ..... : ..... : ..... ~- -I~; ..... : ..... :- lese: ..... ~. ..... ~, ..... i-16o0~
~ : : : : :"~i"jt: : :~ ,,,~. · , ....~..,,. ~ : : -:--n+-:-¥~-~-~-:
1,900 ..... ..... !..__.:. ~SH ;..fST~... _.. :. ~,~,~:. 1778:.. r.t: ..... ..... 46000
,,8oo t '~' ..... ~ .... ~ ""' ':"li'"ll,': ..... "' ..... ""'ii"' ..... '" .....
1,6oo .::..~.~.~.~i .ii ~ i i ~o, i.. i .... :.. ;...:.. lnOOO
1,400 13000
1,300 12000
1,200 11000
1,000 10000
PenCom Dispatches flPort Angeles PD 1099
~PortAngeles PD 1998
~Year-to-D ate - 1999
I~Year-to-Date - 1998
Page -7-
(TOTAL CALLS - 13,391)
Elwha Dam CCSD
.01% 39%
Alarm Co.
911 Calls by Month
i :: i i i .~-. ~,,o ::i i i i / 2500
.... : .... : ..... : ..... : .... : .... ~t.5.8... :', : : : : 2fi ~Z7 -'1- 2250
: : : : : /,~.~"'~.( : : : 2390 = .~ 2000
,2390: : : : : ~ : 2443:~. : : : X 1~9 623
: 22B4 : 22~9 227'.1Z..i : ~2254 2303 : ,'": : ' . 1750
,~ ~! ..~.2030 ! ! ! ! ! i ! i ! ~000
· ' ........... 7500
..i ...... ! ...... i ..... .~ ...... ! ..... .~ ...... i ...... ! ..... i
~ fa37 i ............. 5000
18,41 : 2500
I,BTota1911 by Month - 1999 - -x- - Total 911 by Month - 1998
~Year-to-Date - 1999 ~. Year-to-Date - 1998
Page -8-
IPart I Crime Statistics - Current Month 1999
I'l Year-to-Date 1999
Part I Crimes DYear-to-Date 1998
1Part II Crime Statistics - Current Month 1999
I'lyear-to-Date 1999
Part II Crimes "¥ear-to-Oate 1998
Page -9-
1AdultArrests- 1999 r'lAdultArrests -1998 I
Arrest Statistics - Adult m¥,,r-to-D,t, - 1999 I~Year-to-Date * 1998 I
~ .............................................................................................,oo I
,o ...... i ....... i ....... i ......:: ...... ~ ......*~ ...... ~ ......i- ...... i ....... ! ....... i ......*:.-3.77 ~8o
60 ' ' 68
---~&-~ ...... : ....... : ...... ,' ...... ,' .... : ...... : ...~ ...... : ....... : ...... : ...... :..~ 360
~o .. .i .......! ....i ...... i ...... i ....i...4~.i ...! ....... i...,.j ...... j ...... ~ ....
"-* -.~--~*-i .... i- .... ~';;'''i~*"'' 'i~*z ':.' ""i,'i .... ! .... i'--"i'"'?'~*'
~o ...~..i.~ i- i-~i- -i -i -i -i .... ::--- i .... ::--
20 . .L .L .:. ~. i. .i .~ .*: .i .... i... ~ .... i. 320
0 300
Arrest Statistics - Juvenile I Juvenile Arrests - 1999 I=lJuvenile Arrests - 1908
IYear-to-Date 1999 I'lyear-to-Date 1998
50 ................................................................................................ 250
I i ! i ! : : : : : : : : ~ 240
48 ~ ...... ; ......: ....... :. ...... :. ! ! ! ! i ! ! !215 '1.230
/ : : : : ......: ....... : ....... : ....... : ....... : ......*: ....... : ......~. ...... + 22o
/ : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ -I- 210
40Jr ...... : ...... '- ...... : ...... : ....... : ....... : ....... : ....... : ....... : ...... : ...... -* ...... ,' .~.../200
/ ! i i i =' i ! ! ! : i : : [] ~9o
/ : ', : '":' I"': ....... : ....... '. ....... : ....... : ....... : ...... ': ...... =.'1~'~- 17o
~o / : : : : I : : : :30 : : : 29 : ~-~18°
1 ...... :; ...... :; ...... :; ...... :1 : : .... :....... 26:25 : :....... : ....... :l : : .... : ...... :: ...... ~:...... ~: M 1-~14o :' _ 180
' ...... ...... .... ?-.--?l---:---n-?.---:-;---:-I---: ...... -: ...... °
/20. , I · -- ' I : 201 I : I : I 20: I : : 20 : I I : ~ I1 110
~o .~ .~ ...... L ...':....L .i. .! .... i. .i .... i ...... :... J ....i. . ~oo
:~s~s: : : ~7: : : : ~8: ~8 : : : 8o
;s ! i 3 i i ! ! ~4! i i ! i ! 8o
'~ ". .... :' ':' ':' " .... ,' ',' ',"' "''' ; .... :' ' 70
: : : : : i i i i ! ! i 8o
'[ ':' 'f ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':"* '..- - ' ': .... ,.' - 20
0 0
~- -~ ~: ~- =
Page -10-
OTraffic Violations - Current Month 1999
r'lyear-to- Date 1999
Traffic Violations ~Year-to-Date 1998
............................................... : ............ : ............. : ...... : ..... ?..4.0.5.. 250~
..... ! ...... i ...... ? ..... ! ..... ~ ...... i ...... !'~"! ...... i ...... ! ...... ! ...... i ...... !- - ~7o,
.~o.-.~ ...... !-~-;,.,~, ..... i--~.s-.-~ ...... ! ...... i. .i.?-4...! ...... ! ...... i .....
: : : . : : ~ : : : : : : : :
''i ..... ;' ........
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_ _ ~ ~- -
TFaf~C Accidents m~ot,] Accidents by Month - 19~9 ~Tota] Accidents by Month - 1998
~ Year-to-D ate 199~ ~ Year-to-D ate ~ 998
....... ; ...... ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ...... ~- ~-~
-- ~-s .: .... ~-~- -: .... ~ : -:~- -: c ....: ...... ~ ...... ~ ......
Page -11-
~Year-to-Date 1999 A Year-to-Date 1998
Expense · Jail Expense- Clallam County ~Jail Expense- Forks
200000 .] ....... : ....... ; ....... : ....... ~ ....... : ....... '. ....... *; $"1'92,~79 ..... : ....... ; ...... -I' 20000
19oooo ] ............... ! ....... i ....... ! ....... : ....... *: .....
| ....... : ....... : ....... : ....... : ....... : ....... ~f~4.'5~ I .....
120000 1 ....... ! ....... i ....... ! ....... -"-~-:. : ..... i ....... i ....... i ....... ~- ....... ~ ...... ~r'2°°°
soooo ~ ....... ~ ....... ~~ .... ~ ....... ~ ....... ~ ....... ~ ........ ~ ...... ~ aoooo
~---~~....-..>-...-.~.....~-:........~ ......
30000 ] ~ '..~ : : : ~; ~_ $28,205 $25,700 :
YMCA Teen Scene ~-~its by Month - 1999 ----n---Visits by Month - 1998 ·
-- -~--- Year-to-Date Total Visits
2,°0 ....... i ...... i ...... i ...... i ....... i ...... ~: ...... i ...... *': ...... i ...... i ..... **~'~*~ ...... i .....
2',0 ....... i ...... i ...... i ....... i ....... i ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... i ...... ~ ..... *~-**~'~ ...... ! ....... ~
2ooo-~ssi ...... :., ............. i ....... !.~.9~.! ...... ! ...... i..!.oLr.~...**.'.'.i..* i !
. . . ~ . ,,~, :/..i...xXi : : .,.' ~---: ......: ....... : .....
"V'*, ....... : 1358 ': ...... 2' ...... ~ff,~,'.. ~. v.,.,.,. -:T_"~k .... ! ..... '6 ' 1~11 ....... : .....
~oo ...... i : ...... [ : ...... '~ : ...... .,' ........ ,~": ...... : ...... i ....: ..... ...... *:[~ ...... ...... [ .: ...... : ~* ...... : i ......
Page -12-
~ P arking Tickets
"'-'-rarmngEnforcement - -~ - Monthly Revenue
& Year-to-Date Revenues
....................................... ~ ....... :. ...... .. ....... :. ...... .; ............... $25,000
.......................... i ! i- - - -;~-.:' $23,o~?
: : : ..... ! ....... i ....... ! ...... ! ...... ~ ...... ! ....... ." ....... $22,500
....... i ....... i ....... i ....... [ ....... i ....... '~ .1.7., 3 ~.7. ..... : ...... i ....... [ ....... $17,500
: i ! i ~.2;...'.i i. ! ! ........ $,5,ooo
....... : ....... .' ....... 75 · $9 ....... : ....... ? ...... *; ....... :' ...... ~ ....... 7 .......
~o --.~--- ~ ....... .......
' ' ; '~ ; ; · " 2' 0 $2~95u ·
e:,* ....,^$2/305,.,... ~o.,. $2;140.'~o.$1,9,45 $ ,.72 ~ :
!~40 .*e:: ,,.~v..~ ........ : ..... .,,,.~ ~ ~. ....: ....,,, .:...;,,. ,,.~..-.'..'*. ~. ...... , ....... ,. ....... $2,500
~Animal Control Statistics - Current Month 1999
Animal Control []Year-to-Date-1999
f'lYear-to-Date- 1998
OTotal Calls YTD
....... ....... L i ........ ....... i:~ ........ ....... i ........ ........ i ........ :: ....... i ....... i" ~ii ....... ! ....... i T7 5'~
- - ! ! ........ i ....... ~. .... '~-~'~!'~ ~! ....... : ....... :*
....... : ....... : ....... [.. ' ....i ........ i .......~"'2'3'~1 I mlq''lr' l~
....... : ....... : ....... i .... : ..... : .....~?"~ ~':" ~ ....... !"~'!
............... .- ....... ! ........ : ........ :..~:.. :..
....... i' ....... i ........ i ........ i'-~°%-~'? '.:" 'i"
'?'~' '?'~ '!'~' *i'~:~ '!: T' ':" ! 2 -!-- -!
Page - 13-
Port Ar eles
Fire Department
savtn~ Hearts and Homes
Au just 1999
August 1999
Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved
1500 800,000~
1000~ 400,000
1998 1999
1997 1998 1999 [] Saved [] Loss
August 98/99 Total Calls 242 / 206 Saved Loss
1999 Total Calls YTD 1,777 1999 YTD 320,269 198,456
1998 Total Calls YTD 1,637 1998 YTD 1,719,235 880,750
so ~
60 -4
0 ~
Fires > 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush Haz Mat
1998 1999
Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brash Fires Haz MM
Date Incidents
1999 5 40 13 22 91
1998 11 45 16 27 76
Fire & Life Safety Insp Prevention Activities
800 160
700 ~ 140 .............
120 ------ -[----
"i00 100
o0o -- 80
400 ' 60 4
300- 40!
200 0
100 ! 1998 1999
~ Permit Inspections
· Plan Reviews
~ lg98 · lggg · Public Education Contacts
Inspections Reinspections Permit Plan Public Ed
Inspections Reivews Contacts
1999 YTD 718 624 1999 153 38 27
1998 YTD 623 469 1998 126 34 18
Medic I Transports Patients Assisted
1400 -~
.,0 !
: 1200
500 ..... i
400 .....
300--- I 600 ~----
200 ~ - ~ 400
100 4 ..... 200 -'-
I 0 ;
ALS BLS Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance
[] 1998 I 1999 ~_~ 1998 I 1999
Advanced Life Support (ALS) &
Basic Life Support (BLS) Patients Assisted
Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % Fire Dept. 1998 1999 %
ALS - YTD 642 690 6.9 I YTD 1,301 1,436 9.4 !
BLS - YTD 63 62 1.5 I
Bruce Becker Chief
Bruce, Om Aug. 6, 1999 at approximately 13:00hr. I called 911
with my very last ability to breathe, atfer havi ~ bee~ stung
in the chest by a yellow jacket. I personally ~d mo idea that
I was allergic to bee stings having been stumg ma~y times i~
48 years. The reacti~ happemed withi~ 5 mimutes. In that short
period of time I managed to call my husband at home a~d tha~
911 u~fortua~ately my airway was blocking off a ~ I could Rot
breath. I gave the phone to our housequest LyRe Er~y a~d she
stood by. I managed to get outside to the fr~tyard, since I
am a residential manager to a~ adult family home I could ~ot
image lettix~g them see this. I could hear the sireo of the
aide car. I could feel my body going i~to shock a~d my heart
pou~di ~ faster I was afraid of cardiac arrest since I do have
pre-xisti~g heart co~itio~ I didr~'t kmow how much it could
take. It started to get dark but I could hear the medics voices
talking to me. I heard my husband's voice he was a~sweri~g the
question, s. I tried to, but couldn't. There was a gentle voice
~ext to me saying he was going to give me a shot a~d tha~ a~
I.V. it was very comforting. The other voice was Pat Rose whom
I remembered he is a good friend of my husbands. He told La~ce
Doyle to stay by me. He(La~ce) spoke to me i~ a very soft a~d
caring to~e as he put the oxyge~ mask o~ me. They put me gently
o~ a blanket a~d put me o~ the guffey. La~ce ~ever left my side
all the way to the emergency room. He came i~to the E.R. for
a follow-up before he left. I made it!!! But ~ow carry a kit
with doctor Watts orders om my or i~ a pocket.
Bruce the reaso~ I am writing you is.
1. I wa~t you to k~ow i~ detail just how wc~derful these two
medics are how much they really care about others a~d savi]g
2. Just how much I appreciate how they saved my life,
literally.a~d for that they are i~ my prayers each a~d every
~ight for the rest of my life.
3. That these mem go u ~oticed and uoappreciated until somthi~g
like this happens amd we are slapped i~ the face with the
reallity of it, that is a damo shame. I am just as guilty of
the same. a~d I apoligize.
4. Thank you for all the CPR~IRST AIDE classes I've taken for
24 years through the fire departments across the U~ited States
I had ~o idea that I would have to use it o~ myself. Regarding
to 911!!!!.
A~d a personal God Bless amd Thank You to Pat Rose aud La~ce
Doyle. Please don't ever stop what you~doimg.
Si~cerly Teresa Pi~k-Fortma~
August 14, 1999
Port Angeles Fire Department
102 East 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
To whom it may concern:
This letter is written to personally thank and commend the efforts of three Port Angeles
Fire Department firefighters. The event took place on Saturday, July 10, 1999.
While attending a family reunion in eastern Washington, we had a close friend watch our
house and tend to our animals. On the morning of the forementioned date, our house-
sitter arrived at our home at approximately 8:15 A.M.to find that some time during the
night, the water supply hose to our washer had burst. Not knowing where the water
shut-off was located nor exactly what to do, she contracted the fire depamnent
Within minutes, three of our cities finest arrived and sprang into action.
They located the water shut-off, and then quickly and efficiently began the task of
removing as much water as possible. Their efforts then went way beyond the call of duty.
I am an avid sport memorabilia collector. The collection consists of many one-of-a-kind
items which simply could never be replaced. In fact, some have significant historical
value as well. Recognizing the situation, each one of them began carefully moving all
of the items fi.om the house. They took extreme care in handling the items and placing
them in a secure, dry area. Additonally, they helped the house-sitter in moving virtually
all of our furniture from the house to prevent further damage.
We would like to take this oppommity to thank and recognize Capt. Terry Reid,
Firefighters Brian Wheeler and Lance Doyle for the heroic efforts they afforded us
during this situation. As a direct result of their collective efforts, not one item of mem-
orabilia was damaged or destroyed. In addition, all furnishings were saved and we
now have everything in our home back to normal.
To these three outstanding individuals, you have our sincere gratitude and admiration
for going well beyond what would be expected. You truly saved the day.
Gratefully yours,
3414 Wabash Avenue
Port Angeles, WA 98362