HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/27/2009Budget Workshop — Items for Discussion October 27, 2009 Supplemental Attachments: 1. Organizational Charts 1 -20 2. Changes to the 2010 Budget 21 o List of Supplemental Requests 22 o Fire Engine Replacement Request 23 3. Funding of Outside Agencies 25 4. Schedule of Vehicle Replacement 26 5. List of Capital Projects & Funding o General /Governmental 27 o Utilities /Business Type 28 6. Debt Service 29 7. Fund Balance — Citywide 30 8. Schedule of Property Taxes 31 9. Amended Lodging Tax Fund 32 10. Recreational Activities Fund 33 11. Esther Webster Fine Arts Center 36 12. Personnel Summaries 39 Other Items - No handouts at this time 13. Water Rates 14. Unfunded Mandates 15. Economic Development Fund 16. Hearing Examiner II. ROLL CALL: - 7ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING W A S H I N G T O N . U.S.A. I. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: Members Present: Mayor Braun ✓ Deputy Mayor Wharton ✓ Councilmember Di Guilio ✓ , Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams 44. Staff Present: Manager Myers Attorney Bloor Clerk Hurd G. Cutler T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ilica4V 4 /. °T'N U G: \GROUP \CLERK \FORMS \Council Roll Call.wpd Other Staff Present: T Pi?rce . i3. C 1a4 v 1 October 27, 2009 lormangtzeonaorainwovenoftanzaatulamyzea.vomatakcoastm,, City of Port Angeles 2009 ; Tor Legal Department William Bloor '''''OlnieRita*V Port Angeles Citizens Councilmember Larry Williams 2009 E Mayor I Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmernber Gary Braun Dan Di Guilio ,! Cherie Kidd Don Perry Karen Rogers 2009 2011 • 2011 2011 2009 Police Department Teny Gallagher Boards Human Resources Bob Coons Community A. Economic Development Department Nathan West 1PIN1 • City Manager Kent Myers City Clerk Janessa H Finance Department Yvonne Ziomkowski 4'1.1 Boards turd (Advisory) I 41 Public Works Utilities Department Glenn Cutler Deputy Mayor Betsy Wharton 2009 Fire Department Dan McKeeA 1 Functions City Council The City Council consists of the Mayor and six Council members. The Council is responsible for all legislative actions and policy making for the City. The Council is empowered with the authority to enact ordinances and policies to protect the rights of the citizens of the community and adopt regulations on rates and fees for services provided to the citizens. 2 Functions The City Manager ensures that all Council policies and directives are carried out and coordinates the work of all City departments and employees. Duties include: providing liaison between the City Council, advisory boards /committees, and the City staff; preparing regular and special management reports; preparing the Council agenda and materials for Council meetings; processing citizen inquiries and service requests; working with news media for public relations and information purposes; working with other governmental agencies; representing the City at meetings and conferences; and serving on committees as directed by the City Council. The City Clerk manages the statutory provisions of the office of the City Clerk, including records management requirements specified by State law; maintains legislative history and permanent City documents including ordinances, resolutions, contracts, etc.; provides official City information to the public and other agencies; is responsible for recording and preparation of City Council and other committee minutes; monitors compliance with various regulations /tax payments; administers business licenses; and provides administrative support to the City Manager. Human Resources Division deals with all personnel issues, including labor relations, classification of positions, recruitment, and testing for vacancies. The City's Self- Insurance Program is in this division and includes workers' compensation, liability and property insurance, surety bonds, safety, and wellness programs. These programs are funded through the Self- Insurance Internal Service Fund. 3 Functions The Department of Community and Economic Development is the result of a merger between the Planning Department, the Building Division of Public Works and the Economic Development Division of the City Manager's Office. Combining the Planning and Building Division improved the permit process by making it less confusing and more user - friendly. Incorporation of the Economic Development division ensures an approach to development in the community that provides for a balance between a successful economic and regulatory environment. Community & Economic Development Administration I Code Information Land Use Reviews Plan Documentation Comprehensive Planning Regulation Amendments Code Information Building Plan Checks I. Permit Docurnentation. Building !Inspections Code Compliance & Nuisance Abatement Planning Division is responsible for reviewing planning applications and for providing land use code information. The City's Comprehensive Plan, which determines policy and regulations governing land use and construction developments, is overseen by Planning. Budding Division is responsible for reviewing building permit applications for building inspections during the various stages of construction projects. This division also documents permit approvals, as required by law, which allows for future review when development actions are undertaken or questions of code nonconformance arise. Code Compliance and Nuisance Abatement are provided regarding overgrown lots, junk vehicles, dilapidated structures, excessive trash, and violations of development ordinances such as signs, parking, and land use. Economic Development Division focuses an appropriate level of City attention toward business and industry retention and expansion activities. Serving as a liaison between the City and community, Economic Development helps promote and enhance business investment and employment opportunities by leveraging City resources and services that can influence business and industrial development opportunities. This can also be accomplished by collaborations with State and Federal resources, the Clallam County EDC, Port of Port Angeles, Chamber of Commerce, Peninsula College, and other economic development partners. Cultural Resources Division ensures adequate protection of cultural resources. Support staff consists of the City archaeologist, who is funded by the State for a five -year period. This division will provide analysis and mapping of archaeological resources on the Port Angeles waterfront to assist in the promotion of predictable developments. 4 Reprographics Mail Services Copy Services Functions Customer .Service Cashiering Utility Services Central Switchboard Utility Billing Administration fl Budgeting Financial Reporting Finance Software Support _ Special Projects Financial Planning & Management 1 Accounting Cash Management Accounts Payable Payroll Accounts Receivable Capital Projects Accounting Financial Analysis I Information Technology Systems Management Hardware & Software Acquisition Telephone Support Administration oversees and directs all finance functions, including budgeting, accounting, debt and cash management, financial planning, and customer services. This division also includes finance software support, and budget preparation and publication. Accounting Division provides financial services including accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, utility billing, general ledger, investments, capital projects accounting, and cash management. This division provides financial and budgetary reports for all users of such information and is responsible for the preparation of the budget and the comprehensive annual financial report. Customer Service Division is responsible for providing centralized cashiering, meter reading, utility billing, credit and collection, and customer service in support of the City's electric, water, wastewater, solid waste, stormwater, and Medic I utilities. Additionally, central switchboard operations are the responsibility of this division. Reprographics is responsible for running the mailroom/copy center. Staffed via a contract with Morningside, Reprographics provides assistance in running large copy jobs, delivers packages, picks up and delivers mail to the post office, assists in preparing various mailings by folding and stuffing envelopes, and posts the daily mail. Information Technology includes system management, network and PC support, and hardware and software acquisition. Telephone system support is also provided by this division. Information Technology is funded through an Internal Service Fund. 5 Functions Ambulance Services CPR /First Aid Education Fire Suppression 1 Emergency Medical Special Operations J a - Fire Administration Code Enforcement Public Education Hazardous Materials Investigations Department Training Maintenance Volunteer Firefigher Support The Fire Department provides emergency services through a combination of career and volunteer firefighters. A staff of 24 is responsible for protecting life and property from fire, hazardous materials incidents, natural or man -made disasters, as well as for responding to medical emergencies. Five divisions within the Fire Department fulfill and support these responsibilities: Administration oversees each of the department's operating divisions, conducts planning and research, program development, public relations, recruitment, emergency management coordination, and budgeting. Emergency Services responds to emergency calls performing technical rescue when needed and to protect life and property from fires. Personnel from this division are involved in extensive training and also assist with fire and life safety inspections for local business. Fire Prevention /Education Division attempts to prevent and reduce the impact of the variety of emergencies to which fire department personnel potentially respond by providing fire and life safety education to the public. In addition, the fire prevention division works with developers and contractors to maximize life safety through the building design and construction process. The Fire Department also works with building owners to ensure that life safety is maintained after a building is occupied. Medic 1 Division provides both basic and advanced life support services for City residents. Medic I personnel respond to all fire calls and special operations incidents involving injuries. The Medic I Division also provides CPR and first aid classes designed to provide citizens with the skills necessary to help save a life. As of October 1, 2005, this operation is included in the Enterprise Fund Section. Training Division provides fire department personnel with the training necessary to competently and safely respond to a broad range of emergencies. The Training Division is also responsible for vehicle and facility maintenance. 6 Property Managefent, Functions General Legal ` Services The Legal Department is a full service law department. Our mission is to provide high quality legal services to the City in an efficient, timely and cost effective manner for the benefit of the citizens of Port Angeles. The Legal Department has five major functions: Advisory: The office serves as the legal advisor to the City Manager, the City Council and all departments and officials of the City. Staff drafts and reviews contracts, prepares legal opinions, and compiles and presents legal research at the request of the City Manager, City Council or other public officials, with the goal of ensuring legally sound decisions in developing and carrying out City policies. Legislative: Preparation of ordinances, resolutions and related documents needed to carry out City policies and City Council's decisions. Civil Litigation: Initiate or defend lawsuits on behalf of the City. Criminal Prosecution: The Criminal Division fairly and effectively prosecutes violations of the Port Angeles Municipal Code in Municipal Court. Staff goes above and beyond to assist families in our community who are navigating the legal system, providing advocacy, connecting them with community resources, providing information about the criminal processes, and supporting them through this difficult time. Property Management: Provide analysis, management, and oversight of the City's various interests in real property; participate in negotiation and closing of transactions relating to real property rights and interests. Staff is committed to providing the City the best professional legal service and resources available. The Legal Department consists of the City Attorney, Sr. Assistant City Attorney, Assistant City Attorney, two part -time administrative assistants, a para - legal, and a legal records specialist. 7 Functions Police Administration AMMON ■ Administrative Division is comprised of the Chief, Deputy Chief, Communications Manager, and an Administrative Sergeant. The division is responsible for planning and research, program development, training, recruitment, crime analysis, fiscal responsibility and budgeting. Public Relations, once considered to be primarily a responsibility of the Administrative Division, is now recognized as a mission shared throughout the department. Operations Division includes all of the uniformed officers with the exception of the School Resource Officer. Services provided include criminal investigations, emergency response, accident investigations, traffic enforcement, narcotics enforcement, general law enforcement activities and limited animal control. Additionally, this division includes the limited commissioned Reserve Police Officers (RPOs) and the citizen noncommissioned police volunteers. Investigations Division includes all of the "plain clothes" officers (detectives) and the School Resource Officer (SRO). The division is responsible for the investigation of major crimes, drug and death investigations, crime prevention, Crime Stoppers, and school based programs. Records Division is responsible for the maintenance, retention and dissemination of law enforcement records, evidence storage and disposal, found or seized property, production of departmental reports, crime statistics, and other support services provided to the City Attorney and Prosecutor's Offices. Records staff also provides a variety of services to citizens including fingerprinting, criminal history searches and managing all department transcription needs. Communications Division includes Peninsula communications (PenCom), the consolidated emergency communications and records management center established in 1990 between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County. PenCom provides law enforcement and fire emergency medical communications dispatching services on a 24 -hour basis. 8 Electrical Engineering Functions Civil 'Engineering • .Resource !Management Conservation .Public Works Administration Streets/Parks 1 Facility Main J I 1 ■— Water Wastewater Administrative Services I Solid Waste Collection, Landfill and Transfer Station Fine Arts Center Aquatic Services Special Events 1 Recreation/ Sports Program Administration provides the office management and support services for the Department, including: secretarial, centralized records, project accounting, work order controls, and base radio operations. Also, administers basic policy planning, budget planning, preparation, and monitoring. This division conducts strategic and long -range planning for parks and' recreation, park master planning and facility design, land acquisition, capital facility planning, grant preparation, and staff support to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission. This division also administers contract and franchise management. Engineering Services Division prepares both civil and electrical studies, design standards, and plans and specifications for construction projects. The division provides field engineering services, survey work, computerized mapping and record - keeping services, and engineering permit functions. Power Systems plans, directs and coordinates the strategic and long -term planning of the electric utility including load forecasting, fiber optic and television cable systems, coordinates cost of service analyses for five City utilities, and administers the City's conservation loan program. 9 Engineering Design onsI von ublic Works Administration Manage e t 7011a nn MW io n • o r Opera ions In Partnership With the I LT FUND �ities :related to the provision of electric services. 10 midagainints for activities related to the provision of energy conservation programs TRIC CONSERVATION FUND T. •Conservatioti • . • , • In Partnership With the Community 1 1 'ATER JTILITY FUND ;v bunts for,activities related to the provision of water services. Permitting Planning Design Construction. Public Works Administration Water Administration Distribution 1 System Operation System Maintenance • Quality Testing H Service Installation Well Operation and . Maintenance Collection System Maintenance Water Treatment Plant In Partnership ` With the Comrnuni 12 s fund accounts for activities related to the provision of sewer services. En giime 17 flg em Aices Permitting Planning. .Des Construction In-Partnership EWATER U'T'ILITY FUND Public Works Administra;tion . ith the Comm Wastewater Administration Collection System Maintenance Treatment Plant - Operation Pretreatment Program. Quality Testing 13 inints rat TIL'IT FUND ices. LECT waste c ollection se of solid was elated to the provision 3 •,•,) \_j Planning 17, Administration ;Storm Maintenanee • ffirs hip R UTILITY FUND 1%43 chaccaunts for activities related to construction k1e& reduce erosion, flooding, and combined sewer overflows. ith the 16 7:v Fire Admin istration m edical_ to envy . on of ambulance and e merg to the p ro `' ist es :elated City residents. Services to • sln ( 3f Equipment n: _ artne-rship ERVICES FUND ifjctivifies related to the cost of maintaining and P ity vehicles and construction equipment. 18 1- 1\ Mrc)flc - Ct3 tO1113 NItircl Z3 ' 'M u pport TzAD=i,dlycyr Svis5,Urn 1),41/ *TO z 7 ,7":771. - c■r. " ■ _ • • •, • • . . • - ' - , . . . . ---;-': I.." - - - ,I- -.•.-• - I'- . - • .. 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II Irk 1% . r i 1 _ In Partnership , lith the Cornmuiii 20 - • • Changes to 2010 Proposed Budget Governmental Activities Revenue Fine Art Center Contributions /Donations Fine Art Center Gain on Investment Fine Art Center - Miscellaneous Sales Tax - Projected Revenue Adjustment Grant Revenue for Prosecution Lodging Tax- Projected revenue adjustment Youth Recreation Program - Transfer from Lodging Tax Total Changes to Governmental Activity Revenue Expenses Workers' Compensation City Manager Contingency Lodging Tax - Transfer to Park Programs Youth Recreation Program Events Medical Premium Increase - 2.5% less than projected Clallam County contract for court services Total Changes to Governmental Activity Expense Business Activities Revenue Electric BPA settlement Solid Waste Transfer Station Disposal Charges Water - Transfer from Water Treatment Plant Stormwater - DOE Grant Total Changes to Business Activity Revenue Expenses Solid Waste Transfer Stn - Waste Connection fees Equipment Services - Police vehicle cost & maint Workers' Compensation Water Treatment Plant fund Transfer to Water Fund Electric Power Purchase Electric - dark fiber Electric - NWPPA dues Electric Conservation - retrofit 2 hybrids to 100% electric Water - dark fiber Medical Premium Increase - 2.5% less than projected Total Changes to Business Activity Expenses 2010 Proposed — Additions ` —. Deletions 65,000 50,000 225 70,000 12,000 16,000 12.000 139,0001 86.225 12,000 12,000 24,000 1 165,000 158,042 50,000 373,042 I 3,900 158,042 2,400 4.333 25,000 6,180 30,000 43,303 40,000 113,303 2010 Proposed Additions Deletions 497,050 2.204,000 20.571 199,855 2.721.621 21 Supplemental Requests not in the Proposed Budget Fund & Department Description Amount Requested General Fund - Police General Fund - Fire 1General Fund - Parks Electric Water Wastewater Stormwater 'Water 1Enginners - Projects Carpet replacement !Fire engine replacement (Fine Art Center Support Web -based CMMS Web -based CMMS Web -based CMMS Web -based CMMS 1Seasonal Personnel 1Overtime ($38K Total CMMS cost) 23,000 432,000 30,250 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 34,887 20,000 22 Type of request: Capital (over $7,500) (click to reveal choices) Title of request: Fire Engine Replacement Department priority: 1 (ascending order; 1 = Most desired) Department: Fire (click to reveal choices) Staff contact: Dan McKeen Phone #: x4651 Please answer the following question completely: Describe your request and how it relates to the city's strategic plan objectives and your department's performance measures. It is absolutely critical that fire engines be as reliable as possible. The Fire Department has 2 fire engines. Each of these engines is on a 10 year replacement plan, which effectively gives them a 20 year life expectancy. The newer of our two engines is now 10 years old and due to be shifted to "second our status, where it will be required to serve for another 10 years. The older of the two fire engines is now slated for replacement. I Position Title Please complete the budget section below (contact Anne Cased at x4610 for assistance with salary/benefit rates) Salaries /Benefits 1001 ( Full -Time Employees 1002 1 Part -Time Employees 1011 Overtime 2010 I Social Security (7.65 %) 2020/30 PERS (click to select) 2040 Workers Comp 2041 1 Long -term disability 2042 1 Supplemental Life 2050 1 Medical Insurance 2080 I Uniforms 2090 I Deferred Compensation Subtotal Salaries /Benefits Supplies 3101 1 Office Supplies 3111 I Clothing 3160 Computer Equipment .3180 i Furniture /Minor Equip. 3501 Small Tools /Equipment Subtotal Supplies 2010 Supplemental Budget Request Form For new personnel, new or expanded programs, equipment, technology and capital (excluding CFP projects) 1 Union /Pay Range I Pay Step S Requested IS $ Requested Fund (select): 001 Division: 6020 Services 4150 4210 4310 4410 4520 4521 4522 4710 4802 4810 4901 4990 Subtotal Services Funding Request is: One -time (2010 only) ❑ On -going (2010 & beyond) # of FTE 1 Expected hire date f I Professional Services Communications Travel/Training Advertising Equipment Replacement Equipment Operating Equipment Purchase Utilities Software Maint (licenses) Repairs /Maintenance Dues /Subscriptions Misc Capital /Other 6410 I Capital over $7,500 6510 Capital projects Subtotal Capital /Other $ Requested $ Requested 432.000 23 $432.000 Please save your completed form in G:/ Exchange /Finance /Budget/Supplemental Requests — "Name of' ftequcst" Summarize expenditures and related revenues /cost offsets Total Expenditures (from budget section on previous page) Cost Offsets (subtract) Total Revenues (subtract) Capital Budget Year Salaries /Benefits Supplies Services Outlay /Other Total If this request is approved, will expenditures decrease in another account? Yes If so, which expenditure account(s) will be reduced? If this request is approved, will revenues increase? No If so, which revenue account(s) will increase? 432 , 432,000 NET COST OF SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST $432,000 Please answer the following questions completely: What alternative solutions have been examined? (i.e. procedural changes, personnel reorganizations, etc). This 10 year replacement schedule already reflects a procedural change that was made several years ago, when the life span of the fire engines was increased from 8 years to 10 years. This change was enabled partially through an inter -local agreement with Clallam County Fire District #2 which allows for the sharing of reserve apparatus. This agreement effectively enabled the Port Angeles Fire Department to reduce our number of fire engines from 3 to 2, which resulted in ongoing vehicle maintenance savings. Describe specific tasks to be performed by requested position(s). Attach job description or outline of proposed job description. N/A Describe (1) the benefits of funding and (2) the costs of not funding this request. (1) Funding this request now may enable the City to save up to $35,000 in cost increases that are anticipated to take effect early in the year. (2) Not funding this request will delay the replacement of the first -out fire engine. This piece of equipment is subject to extreme use conditions. The longer that this engine remains in first -out status, the less reliable it will become. Any additional information you wish to provide? 24 Please save Four completed form in G: E xchange /.Finance/Budget`Supplemental Requests — Name of Request" Funding of Outside Agencies Fund & Agency 2008 2009 2010 General Fund United Way 125,000 62,500 56,250 Multi- Cultural Community Alliance 3,000 Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce - 4th of July 2,500 2,500 2,500 Hurrican Winter Sport Educ. 2,500 Peninsula International Relations (PIRA) 2,500 2,500 2,500 Humane Society 80,000 54,000 54,000 Fine Art Center 55,000 27,500 24,750 Marine Life Center 45,000 22,500 20,250 Lodging Tax Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce 340,000 385,000 417,900 Economic Development Clallam Business Incubator (CBI) Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) Economic Development Council (EDC) 100,000 20,000 5,000 Electric Util Rur. Econ. Devel. Fund Peninsula College Center of Excellence 10,000 85,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 Total $ 790,500 $ 686,500 $ 668,150 25 Summary of Vehicle Requests 2010 Proposed Budget Department General Fund Police Department Total General Fund 118,900 Other Streets Total Other NEW Message Board NEW Hydro Seeder Total General Fund & Other 152,400 Utility Funds Solid Waste Collection 1921 Peterbuilt Refuse Truck 1999 Packer truck 300,000 Total Utility Funds 300,000 Internal Service Funds Equipment Services NEW Hybrid Pool Car SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST Fire Engine Replacement Total with Supplemental Request Replacement Year Vehicle Type Cost #88 Rebuild Patrol Vehicle 1999 Patrol Sedan 13,000 #48 Replace Patrol Vehicle 2001 Patrol Sedan 35,300 #46 Replace Patrol Vehicle 2001 Patrol Sedan 35,300 NEW Police Patrol Vehicle NEW Patrol Sedan 35,300 NEW NEW NEW DOT requirement Stormwater requirement Based on the City's new Equipment Replacement Policy adopted in 2008, the Equipment Servies Fund currently has sufficient reserves to purchase all vehicles listed above. The police department has agreed to not exceed $115,000 in replacement costs, but the vehicle and cost of rebuilding have not been identified. 26 20,000 13,500 33,500 Sedan 26,136 26,136 GRAND TOTAL 478,536 432,000 910,536 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Budgeted 2009-2010 projects Pro jeCi*iele : . Amended Budget 2009 . GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS Undesignated (insurance proceeds, GF funding, SR tuna Safety Wireless Mobile Data and Voice Radio (FD & PD) East Entry Monument GIS Web Capabilities City Hall Annex Energy Conservation Improvements NICE Program - GG0303 GENERAL GOVERNMENT TRANSPORTATION Unidentified Street Projects Development of Roundabout or new signal t Lincoln St Way-finding Signage Concept First/Front and Race Street Nodes International Waterfront Promenade Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Repair - FEMA - PK0409 Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Repair -FEMA Mitigation Transportation Comprehensive Plan 16th Street Sidewalk ("G" St to Stevens School) Eastern Corridor 8th Street Bridges Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge Ph II Overlay Program Peabody Street Reconstruction Olympic Peninsula International Gateway - US9720 TRANSPORTATION RECREATION Estuary & Francis Street Landscaping Fine Arts Center Entrance Improvements City Pier Fire Suppression System Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair- FEMA Mitigation Olympic Discovery Trail Repair - FEMA - PK0509 Civic Field Upgrades (Facility Assessment) Waterfront Trail Rip Rap Repair - FEMA - PK0609 RECREATION 1 GRAND TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL I 47 70 1 20 75 1 192 1 - I 40 15 310 175 583 433 628 33 735 368 805 115 1,021 443 1,300 I 5,422 1 1,582 FUNDING SOURCES : 1 -'• Lifilliiei I.friEfers figrifer '. . .^ -....,.:.,: gjOr$,,t; Cointpb:r- Reserve frorn'PFs frif3ndges1 60§.;2.. .',::61)9 ....i,.009.i.':: ,;;.:206. 201 - 5,634 I 1,582 46 47 70 75 46 192 105 50 150 31 43 138 80 400 250 100 325 293 730 649 - 274 600 874 150 31 108 20 62 371 - I 339 922 1,020 874 1 45 100 75 220 1 500 20 50 75 250 350 60 1,305 1 30 50 150 250 860 500 1 1,840 1 3,365 1 FUNDING SOURCES Utilities/SP Grant ...; Reserves from GF Reerves 20i0,1; 30 30 219 307 60 586 219 752 438 1,409 2,025 50 50 1 00 75 175 30 50 150 350 20 50 75 375 350 80 15 15 31 43 (80) (6) 30 580 350 360 150 31 108 62 351 BUSINESS TYPE FUNDS Budgeted 2009 -2010 projects Amended Budget `2009 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Data Voice Equipment - 1T0506 Dedicated Emergency I.T. Generator Replace PBX Voice System - IT0601 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRIC FUND Advanced Metering Infrastructure- Electric BPA Demand Response and Smart Grid Programs Cable at Plaza Mall - CL0107 Cable on Crabapple Rd - CL0108 Cable Restoration Phase II College Substation Upgrade - CL0207 Demand Management Tier 2 Generation Program Downtown Protective Devices- CL0107 Elwha Mitigation - CL0016 F- Street 1202 Update Laurel Street Substation Structure - CL0507 Morse Creek Hydro SCADA System Improvements Rayonier Transmission Line Renovation ELECTRIC FUND WATER FUND Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Water/Wastewater Bi- Annual Replacements - WT0602 Concrete Cyliner Pipe Replacement Phase II & III CMMS - US0901 Directed Services Dry Creek Water Settlement McDougal Pump Station Improvements Transfer Morse Creek Water Lines to Clallam PUD WATER FUND STORMWATER FUND CMMS for Stormwater NPDES Phase 11 Permit 4th Street Stormwater Improvements City -wide Catch Basins - DR9902 Culvert Repair Peabody Creek at Lincoln St Culvert Rehab - DR1499 Canyon Edge & Ahlvers - DR0404 Outfalis to Streams & Marine - DR0401 STORMWATER FUND WASTEWATER FUND Bi- Annual Replacement Lines - WW2799 Advanced Metering Carbon Scrubbers WWTP Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1 Directed Services Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP - WW0108 EUGA Plant Headworks Improvements - WW0305 Pump Station #3 Replacement Septage Receiving Station WWTP Sewer Trestle at Francis & 8th Streets Waste Activated Sludge Thickening WWTP WASTEWATER FUND Total Utilities and IT 84 I 484 1 350 50 90 50 50 105 30 640 1 1 150 50 50 I 185 1 - 275 1,680 60 54 640 25 28 FUNDING SOURCES 1 From - : Grants 'Contrib. Charges ,:2009 »2009 • 2009 1IT is funded by Allocation of costs 350 50 84 484 1 I 2,762 1 4,571 1 56 56 90 50 50 60 - 60 255 56 199 105 30 584 I 150 1 75 75 85 85 150 150 40 40 5001 - 5001 1 1 50 50 35 35 50 50 185 1 1 275 1,680 60 54 600 40 25 28 600 2,1621 600 3,915 1 2,777 500 500 100 30 170 75 200 - 1 3,8521 500 2,777 1 1,113 1,113 150 575 55 500 100 1 2,493 1 1 30 325 43 3 57 458 1 1 • 1,113 53 700 65 145 103 75 1 105 1 2,359 1 9,162 2,777 575 500 2,188 1,000 1,000 1,113 28 FUNDING SOURCES BondsT.,. '•;Utilitjes /SP ' < Grants• 'Loans • Reserves ;2010 • ` 2010 .2010; 100 30 170 55 43 3 53 700 65 1 75 200 575 1 150 100 305 1 1 30 57 133 1 145 103 75 105 1,113 1,246 1 500 7,078 2,2591 2010 Budget for Long -Term Debt General Obligation Bonds Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO): 2005 GO (W,U.G.A.) "' 2006 GO (Multi -Modal Property Acquisition) Unlimited Tax General Obligation (UTGO): 2001 Refunding (Fire Hall /Senior Center) 2005 Refunding (Library) Total General Obligation Bonds (Subject to Debt Limitation) Other Liabilities Revenue Bonds 2001 Electric Refunding 2005 Electric Revenue & Refunding 1998 Water and Wastewater Refunding t ` 1 2009 Water and Wastewater Refunding 2003 Water and Wastewater Revenue Bond Total Revenue Bonds Public Works Trust Fund Loans 1992 Marine Drive Reconstruction 1992 8th and Peabody Culvert 2000 8th Street Reconstruction 1994 Watermain and Sidewalk Replacements 1995 Watermain and Sidewalk Replacements 2000 Drinking Water Reservoir Covers 2004 Watermain and Sidewalk Replacements 1991 Secondary Treatment Plant 1993 Francis SL Stormwater Reconstruction 2006 Francis St.Sewer Main Pre - Construction «1 2007 Francis St.Sewer Main Pre - Construction 62 2007 Francis St.Sewer Main Construction 61 2008 Francis St.Sewer Main Construction 62 Total PWTF Loans Other Loans /Payables 1997 SRF Drinking Water Reservoir Covers 1998 SRF Downtown WatermaiNSidewalks 2005 IBM Installment Payment Agreement (5 YR) 2007 Solid Waste Transfer Station 2007 Solid Waste Moderate Risk Waste Facility Total Other Loans /Payables Total Long -Term Debt Summary of Debt Payments by Fund General Fund Electric Water Wastewater Solid Waste Transfer Station Information Services REET 61 REET k2 Properly Tax - Special Levy Property Acquisition Debt Service Fund 3,230,000 General Fund /Utilities 08/01/2025 1,200,000 Property Acquisition Fund 03/01/2021 2,995,000 Prop. Tax - Special levy 2,345,000 Prop. Tax - Special levy 2,560,000 3,185,000 9,455,000 7,590,000 4,220,000 702,000 86,400 1,738,800 750,000 240,000 1,168,300 2,200,000 2,500,000 760,000 590,000 885,000 1,875, 000 10,000,000 463,500 1,030,000 147,205 8,398,678 364,025 (1) Funding sources are as follows: Electric 9.3 %, Water 50.8 %, Wastewater 21.8 %. and General Fund 18.1%. (2) In 2009, the 1998 Water and Wastewater Bond of 7,490.000 was refunded with the 2009 Water and Wastewater Refunding Bond. o n/pal f, nteiest ,, y1013u'get, 23,530 247,090 559,474 858,597 284,180 29,441 41,494 80,427 575,000 11,006 7.10 Electric Utility Electric Utility WaterWastewater Water/Wastewater Water/Wastewater REET 61 REET «1 REET k2 Water Water Water Water Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Wastewater Water Water Information Svc Transfer Station Transfer Station 21,623 206,043 276,041 332,367 469,165 3,012 2,354 8,847 95,000 75,883 11/01/2012 11/01/2015 09/01/2022 09/01/2025 11/01/2024 11/01/2024 11/01/2028 07/01/2012 07/01/2012 07/01/2020 07/01/2014 07/01/2015 07/01/2020 07/01/2024 07/01/2011 07/01/2013 07/01/2011 07/01/2012 07/01/2027 07/01/2028 10/01/2018 10/01/2019 12/31/2010 10/01/2026 10/01/2026 45,153 453,133 835,515 1,190,964 753,345 32,453 43,848 89,274 670,000 86,889 2,870,000 1,170,139 130,000 11,006 75,883 880,000 350,000 35,400 1,490,000 2 59,600 + IV 1,865,000 2,635,000 7,590,000 3,525.000 110,842 13,642 884,696 267,858 79,839 689,066 1,900.310 266,254 167,555 527,894 497,812 355,263 2,000,000 236,393 542,105 29,441 7,618,067 330,191 "3Fls ": 110,000 125,000 365,000 125,000 36,947 4,547 80,427 53,571 13,307 62,642 126,688 133,127 41,889 31,053 165,938 19,737 105,263 26,266 54,210 29,441 272,374 11,806 tP¢5slble�9tlfYt'I rDebtfor, 2,777,000 2,188,000 1,813,000 10/19/2009 3:44 PM 29 2,217 137 8,847 2,679 798 6,891 9,502 2,663 3,351 2,639 2,489 1,776 10,000 11,820 18,161 3,012 449,675 19,490 119,465 249,465 • depends on Council approval for capital projocls 86,889 385,400 284,600 u11t Iidi11B.' d i . �'� atu1 r Ianc�'. d a �' O1Q r it.' ..,, ource;: ,. +F Qat�'ka�11Z009' il ticipaf rfd. test':1 1010 - et 88,950 198,950 105,983 230,983 287,800 652,800 161,108 286,108 €A46;615A06. .1. 39,164 4,684 89,274 56,250 14,105 69,533 136,190 135,790 45,240 33,692 168,427 21,513 115,263 ffifia61,031' 136, `, y:: 89; ' 125 rJT 38,086 72,371 32,453 722,049 31,296 l �,... ••�r j�... �r�97 ^r7.���° � 94;d97�rs :' ,'158I . r .552 ' 8.542.367ilit. 00.;574: General Fund • Fund Fund Balance - Citywide 2008 2009 Est. 2010 Est. 2010 Fund Balance Ending Ending Ending as a % of Months of Balance Balance Balance Oporating Exp. Oporating Costs 4,398,023 3,833,821 3,633,821 21.46% 2.57 Special Revenue Funds Lodging Excise Tax 464.946 224,379 16,632 3.57% 0.43 Street 666,232 640,433 497,846 30.08% 3.61 Economic Development 6,396,002 5,991,135 5,381,756 683.40% 82.01 Cultural Resources 339,863 437,284 385,715 119.06% 14.29 Real Estate Excise Tax #1 551,545 410,728 477,805 764.02% 91.68 Real Estate Excise Tax #2 333,949 160,526 196,332 219.92% 26.39 PenCom 908,312 654,984 356,165 16.28% 1.95 Criminal Justice 341,179 329,673 351,157 149.43% 17.93 Electric Utility Rural Econ, Dev, Rev. Fund 227,427 233,762 238,598 477.20% 57.26 Treatment Plant Operations & Maintenance 8,020,950 - - N/A N/A Port Angeles Housing Rehab. 428,184 327,096 118,451 16.22% 1.95 Recreational Activities 100,795 106,962 103,618 26.28% 3.15 Drug Task Force 15,573 17.363 17,684 353.68% 42.44 Contingency Fund 250,000 250,000 250,000 N/A N/A Community Development Grants 36,698 - N/A N/A K -9 Program 11,669 11,991 12,237 N/A NIA Firearms Range 16,266 23,043 28,719 700.46% 84.06 Senior Center Maintenance 58,933 60,509 61,712 N/A N/A Waterfront Trail 33,482 35,782 36,698 N/A NIA Total Special Revenue Funds 19,202,005 9,915,650 8,531,125 122.04% 14.64 Debt Service Funds 2001 Refunding G.O. Bond - Sr, Center /Fire Hall 125,292 130,547 134,492 34.87% 4.18 2005 Refunding G.O. Bond - Library 7,914 9,190 10,092 3.54% 0.43 2005 LTGO Bond - WUGA 255 346 343 0.14% 0.02 2006 LTGO Bond - Property Acquisition 759,221 748,103 736,308 847.41% 101.69 LID Control 138,935 138,935 138.935 N/A N/A Total Debt Service Funds 1,031,617 1,027,121 1,020,170 101.28% 12.15 Governmental Capital Improvement Funds Capital Improvement 712,101 489,637 548,137 N/A N/A Property Management 114,816 96,187 76,884 N/A N/A Lincoln Park Improvement 172,614 159,685 165,675 NIA N/A 8th Street Bridges Reconstruction 1,468.741 - N/A N/A Total Governmental Capital Improve. Funds 2,468,272 745,509 790,696 N/A N/A Permanent Funds Cemetery Endowment 358,656 365,867 371,372 N/A N/A Esther Webster Trust 576,742 650,000 504,526 225.11% 27.01 Total Permanent Funds 935,398 1,015,867 875,898 390.81% 46.90 Enterprise Funds (Cash) Electric 6,323,439 3,650,323 1,953,832 6.21% 0.75 Electric Conservation 1,281,290 798,826 312,041 24.96% 3.00 Water 2,443,610 1,902,996 1,980,408 39.10% 4.69 Water Treatment Plant 8,235,468 8,399,233 N/A N/A Wastewater 1 10,571,412 9,576,489 5,368,412 106.04% 12.72 Solid Waste Collection 3,441,166 3,165,200 2,898,026 83.48% 10.02 Solid Waste Transfer Station /Landfill 6,470,294 4,855,163 3,380,961 57.88% 6.95 Stormwater 424,701 389,590 942,709 135.18% 16.22 Medic I 72.725 81.413 6,739 0.45% 0.05 Total Enterprise Funds (Cash) 31,028,637 32,655,468 25,242,361 46.45% 5.57 Internal Service Funds Equipment Services' 5,893,418 6,169,209 6,131,007 489.41% 58.73 Information Technology 7 1,293,010 1,113,443 1,055,884 116.71% 14.01 Self- Insurance 1.293.739 1.318,951 1,320,818 27.43% 3.29 Total Internal Service Funds 8,480,167 8,601,603 8,507,709 122.00% 14.64 Fiduciary Firemen's Pension 835.576 746.238 636.656 449.17% 53.90 Total Fiduciary Funds 835,576 746,238 636,656 449.17% 53.90 TOTAL ALL FUNDS Excludes CSO cash 2 Includes reserves for replacements 68,379,695 58,541,277 49,238,436 56.85% 6.82 30 Property Taxes 1) City's Property Tax Levies: Regular Levy Special Levies (Note: these are voted levies for specific purpose and limited time) 2001 Refunding (Sr. Center /Fire Hall) 2005 Refunding (Library) 2) Special Levies (Note: amount levied annually = amount of annual debt payment) A. 2001 Refunding Levy Remaining Payments 2010 $ 385,400 2011 $ 391,400 2012 $ 166,600 Total Tax Rate per $1,000 AV $2.345 (Note: calculation of tax rate is based on current AV) Impact on Average Homeowner A. Based on 1% increase and use of reserves Assessed Value of. Home Tax Rate per $1,000 AV Total Taxes B. Based on 1% increase Assessed Value of Home Tax Rate per $1000 AV Total Taxes Fund Reserves = $130,547 B. 2005 Refunding Levy Remaining Payments Fund Reserves = $9,190 2010 $ 284,600 2011 $ 280,600 2012 $ 286,400 2013 $ 286,600 2014 $ 281,400 2015 $ 286,000 3) 2010 Property Tax Proposal for Consideration * Use approximately $71 K from 2001 Refunding reserves to decrease amount of levy Increase regular levy by 1% ($40K) This results in overall decrease of $30K in property tax levy 2010 Property Tax Calculation 2009 Proposed Variance Property Tax - Regular Levy $ 4,001,999 $ 4,001,999 $ Plus: 1% increase 40,020 40,020 2001 Refunding (Sr. Ctr /Fire Hall) 388,150 385,400 (2,750) Decrease in 2005 Refunding (Library) 281,050 284,600 3,550 Property Tax Less: Use of 2001 Refunding Reserves (70,820) (70,820) Total Taxes 4,671,199 4,641,199 (30,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ $2.345 $2.330 $586.20 $582.43 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ $2.345 $2.365 $586.20 $591.32 $2.330 ($0.015) ($0.015) ($3.76) $0.020 $5.12 31 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenditures Fund 'Lodging Excise Tax Revenues Taxes Interest on Investments Total Revenues Department City Manager 2009 Capital Projects and CIP include: Interpretive Signs $18,000 International Gateway Welcome Sign 611,175 Olympic Discovery Trail - Dry Creek Bridge project 6160,000 ($80,000 in 2009 and 680,000 in 2010) Kennmore 610,000 PADA Paint the Town $12,000 Account Number 101 -1430 498,158 493,647 484,205 436,902 470,000 (14,205) 16.325 21,114 9,000 10,354 6.261 (2,739) 1 514,483 1 514,761 1 493,205 1 447,256 I 476,261 I (16,944)1 (2.93) (30.43) (3.44) Expenditures by Object Charges for Services 1,200 900 N/A Chamber of Commerce 353,440 336,441 385,000 385,000 417,900 32,900 8.55 Transfer to Recreational Activities Fund 25,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 52,000 12,000 30.00 Transfer to General Fund (Park Facilities Division) - 20,000 20.000 20,000 - - Transfer to Water Fund (Sidewalk loan debt service) 17.818 17,818 20,746 20.746 20,651 (95) (0.46) Transfer to Water Fund (Laurel St, sidewalk) 60,000 - - N/A Transfer to CIP - - 80,000 80,000 250,000 170,000 N/A Capital Projects/Other 14,402 40,000 29,175 51,175 - (29,175) (100.00) Total Expenditures 471,860 425,159 574,921 596,921 760,551 185,630 32.29 1 Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance 42,623 89,602 (81,716) (149,665) (284,290) Beginning Fund Balance 332,721 375,344 464,946 464,946 315,281 Designated for Capital Projects - - 76,000 - - Ending Fund Balance 375,344 464,946 307,230 315,281 30,991 10/191200911'40 AM GSGROUP1ACCnaueget 10tSPECIAL REVENUE FUNOSISPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSFund 10: Lodging Excise 32 Recreational Activities Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenditures Fund Department 1 Recreational Activities Public Works & Utilities Account Number 174 -8200 Variance ` " 2010 vs. 2007 2008 2010 _ 2009 Budget Actual Actual ' Budget : Amended,'' , :Budget . Amount • Percent Revenues Sports Programs 63,131 62,873 60,000 65,000 65,000 5,000 8.33 Special Events 55,399 59,781 54,000 54.000 54,000 - - Youth Programs 49,621 60,160 59,300 59,300 59,300 - Transfer from General Fund 182,500 147,500 190,000 176.283 170,000 (20,000) (10.53) Transfer from Lodging Excise Tax Fund 25,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 52,000 12,000 30.00 Interest on Investments 5,604 6.798 2,000 3.447 2,632 632 31.60 Total Revenues 1 381,255 1 367,112 405,300 398,030 402,932 ' (2,368)1 (0.58)1 Expenditures by Program Sports Programs 115,626 110,001 124,165 123,053 128,214 4,049. 3.26 Special Events 108,087 109,908 114,205 115,140 109,260 (4.945) (4.33) Youth Programs 134,498 146,996 166,930 152,972 167,886 956 0.57 Administration 984 - - - N/A Total Expenditures 1 359,195 I 366,905 I 405,300 391,165 I 405,360 1 60 1 0.01 1 Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 22,060 207 6,865 (2,428) 7 8, 528 100,588 100,795 100,795 107.660 100,588 100,795 100,795 107,660 105,232 * For 2010 additional funding for Lodging Tax Fund for Youth Program Tournaments * For 2010 funding of $6,000 for Family Fun Day was eliminated 10/23120092:32 PM GIGROUPIACCTIBUDGETOBISPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSISPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSFund 174 Recreational Activ 33 Recreational Activities Fund Expenditures Overview Variance 2010 vs. 2008 -; 2009 :; 2010 2009 Budget Code # Description Actual . Budget .. Amended. Budget, Amount:. Percent. 1000 Personnel 2% COLA increase ' 11.6% decrease in part-time employees 2000 Personnel Benefits ' PERS rate decrease from 8.12% to 5.31% * 10% increase in AWC medical insurance 5.5% increase in AWC dental insurance 196,970 222,259 212,563 218,011 (4,248) (1.91) 68,951 78,751 73,737 77,509 (1,242) (1.58) 3000 Operating Supplies 34,907 29,790 29,790 29,790 Office & Operating Supplies $29,790 (same as 2009) 4000 Charges for Services 66,077 74,500 75,075 80,050 5,550 7.45 • Professional Services $64,900 (increase of $6,000) - Youth Program Tournaments $12,000 (new program) - Family Fun Day decrease of $6,000 * Communication Expenses $1,175 (increase of $50) * Travel & Training $2,250 (same as 2009) • Advertisements $1,923 (same as 2009) * Copier Lease $4,902 (same as 2009) • Printing & Binding $600 (same as 2009) Dues & Subscriptions $3,800 (same as 2009) Bad Debt Expense $500 (decrease of $500) Total Department 366,905 405,300 391,165 405,360 60 0.01 10/23/20092:34 PM GIGROUPWCCTIBUDGETO8tSPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSISPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSFund 174 Recreational Activ 34 Recreational Activities Fund Summary of Expenditures Fund Department I Recreational Activities Public Works & Utilities Personnel 1001 Full Time Employees 1002 Part Time Employees 1011 Overtime Callback 2010 -991 Other Personnel Benefits I Total Personnel Supplies Account Number 174 -8200 3101 Office & Operating Supplies 38,225 32,251 29,790 29,790 29,790 - 3120 Maintenance Supplies - - N/A 3125 Traffic Supplies N/A 3140 Agricultural Supplies - N/A 3150 Interfund Materials - - - - N/A 3160 Computer Equipment 2,656 - N/A 3180 Minor Equipment under 7500 5,063 - - N/A 3501 Small Tools - N/A I 1 Total Supplies 1 43,288 I 34,907 29,790 1 29,790 I 29,790 - Charges & Services 4150 Professional /Contractual Services 51,690 54,374 58,900 58,900 64,900 6,000 10.19 4210 Communication Expense 440 1,244 1,125 1,300 1,175 50 4.44 4212 INET Services - - - N/A 4310 Travel & Training 444 1,026 2,250 2,250 2,250 - 4410 Ads & Legal Notices 522 674 1,923 1,923 1,923 4520 Equipment Services - - N/A 4521 Equipment Service Operating Charges N/A 4522 Equipment Purchase Charges N/A 4530 Operating Leases 838 - - - - N/A 4531 Copier Leases 4,281 4,833 4.902 4.902 4,902 4710 Utility Expenses - - - N/A 4711 Street Lighting - N/A 4802 Software /Hardware Maint N/A 4810 Maintenance & Repairs - - - - N/A 4901 Dues 2,949 3,684 3,800 3,800 3,800 4950 Taxes & Assessments - - - - N/A 4960 Printing & Binding 186 197 600 600 600 - 4990 Miscellaneous Services - - - - N/A 5777 Bad Debt Expense 1,999 45 1,000 1.400 500 (500) (50.00) I • I, Total Charges & Services I 63,349 I 66,077 I 74,500 1 75,075 I 80,050 I 5,550 I 7.45 1 Intergovernmental 5991 Transfer Out to CIP (Streets) - - - N/A 5997 Transfer Out to Equipment Services - - N/A • I Total Intergovernmental I - I - I - I - I - I I N/A Capital Outlay 6410 Furniture & Equipment - - N/A 6510 Construction proiects - - - N/A " I Total Capital Outlay I - I - I - I - I - I - I NIA 1 ' "" I Total Rec Activities Fund I 359,195 I 366,905 I 405,300 I 391,165 I 405,360 I 60 I 0.01 10123120092:31 PM G \GROUP ACCTIBUDGET081SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDSISPECIAL REVENUE FUNOSFund 174 Recreational Activ Code Description Variance 2009 2010 vs. 2007 ~. " 2008 ' ... . 2010 , . 2009 Budget: Actual ., Actual Budget '•: Amended ,: '''Budget . Amount "': 'Percent 126,960 135,116 142,000 142,000 145.880 3,880 0.03 52,711 54,657 69,892 60,508 61,764 (8,128) (0.12) 10,702 7,197 10,367 10,055 10,367 - 62,185 68.951 78.751 73,737 77.509 (1.242) (0.02) 252,558 I 265,921 301,010 1 286,300 I 295,520 I (5,490) (1.83)1 35 Esther Webster Trust Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenditures Fund Department 'Esther Webster Revenues Intergovernmental /Grants Contributions & Donations Investment Gain (Loss) Miscellaneous Transfer from General Fund Total Revenues Expenditures by Object Personnel Supplies Charges for Services Total Expenditures Revenue Tess Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Less Reserved Fund Balance Ending Unreserved Fund Balance Public Works and Utilities 3,375 148,683 196 225 45,000 197,479 1 130,923 4,140 64,243 199,306 1 3,375 10,000 3,375 146,150 50,000 120,000 (186,366) 75,000 525 525 55,000 27,500 27,500 18,159 88,0251 226,400 135,950 145,155 3,830 7,250 69,361 71,253 209,141 1 223,658 141,521 7,415 54,880 203,816 1 (1,827) (190,982) (135,633) 22,584 769,551 767,724 576,742 576,742 767,724 576,742 441,109 599,326 (671,981) (576,742) (441,109) (599,326) 95,743 3,375 115,000 50,000 300 24,750 193,425 145,312 7,250 71,203 223,765 (30,340) 599,326 568,986 (671,981) (102,995) 1 In 2009, The Friends of the Fine Art Center Board of Directors agreed to temporarily lower the reserved fund balance. 10/22/2009 4:40 PM 36 Account Number 652 -8600 (6,625) 65,000 50,000 (225) (2,750) 105,400 157 (66.25) 130.00 N/A (42.86) (10.00) 119.74 0.11 (50) (0.07) 107 0.05 1 (G: \GROUP\ACCT\BUDGET08 \Permanent Funds1652 - E Webster) Esther Webster Trust Fund Expenditures Overview 1000 Personnel ' 2% COLA increase 2000 Personnel Benefits PERS rate decrease from 8.12°1 to 5.31% " 10% increase in AWC medical insurance " 5.5% increase in AWC dental insurance 3000 Operating Supplies " Office Supplies 54,050 (same as 2009) • Computer Equipment 50 (decrease of $165) ' Gasoline 5550 (same as 2009) 4000 Charges for Services 59,351 • Professional Services 549,900 (same as 2009) - Marketing Contract 543,050 (same as 2009) - Professional services contracts 56,850 (same as 2009) • Travel & Training 52,550 (same as 2009) " Operating Rentals /Leases $926 (same as 2009) • Communication Expenses 54,324 (decrease of 550) 3,830 Total Department 209,141 103,341 108,415 32,609 36,740 7,250 7,415 10/22/2009 5:21 PM 37 108,031 110,628 2,213 2.04 33,490 34,684 (2,056) (5.60) 7,250 0.00 ' Janitorial 5350 (same as 2009) • Building & Maintenance $2,000 (same as 2009) Small Tools & Equipment 5300 (same as 2009) 71,253 54,880 71,203 (50) (0.07) *Dues & Subscriptions 5400 (same as 2009) Taxes and Assessments 53 (same as 2009) Printing & Binding 55,600 (same as 2009) " Utilities 55,000 (same as 2009) " Advertising 52,500 (same as 2009) 223,658 203,816 223,765 107 0.05 [G:GROUP ACCT1BUDGET08lPermanent Funds1652 - E Webster] Esther Webster Trust Fund Summary of Expenditures Fund !Esther Webster Department Public Works and Utilities Personnel 1001 Full Time Employees 100,319 103,341 108,415 1002 Part Time Employees - 1011 Overtime 1,199 - - - 2010 -50 Other Personnel Benefits 29,405 32,609 36,740 33,490 34,684 1 • I Total Personnel 130,923 1 135,950 1 145,155 1 141,521 1 145,312 1 Supplies 3101 Office & Operating Supplies 4,094 3,820 6,950 7,115 6,950 3501 Small Tools 46 10 300 300 300 1 • 1 Total Supplies 4,140 I 3,830 1 7,250 1 7,415 1 7,250 1 - 1 I Charges for Services 4150 Professional & Contractual Services 45,596 50,260 49,900 33,500 49,900 4149 Banking Services - - 4210 Communication Expense 2,205 1,677 2,050 2,050 2,000 (50) (2.44) 4212 NET Services 2,319 2,304 2,324 2,324 2.324 4310 Travel & Training 1,210 642 2,550 2,550 2,550 4410 Advertisements 1,389 2,825 2,500 2,500 2,500 4530 Equipment Rental 239 626 500 500 500 4531 Copier Leases 21 620 426 426 426 - 4710 Utilities Expenses 4,365 4,491 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 4610 Insurance - - N/A 4810 Office Equipment M &R 294 - - N/A 4901 Association Dues & Subscriptions 122 135 400 400 400 - 4950 Taxes and Assessments 3 28 3 30 3 4960 Printing & Binding 6,480 5,753 5,600 5,600 5,600 - 4999 Interdepartmental Expense - - - - N/A 1 • Total Charges for Services I 64,243 1 69,361 1 71,253 1 54,880 1 71,203 1 (50) (0.07)1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I !Total E. Webster /Fine Arts Center I 199,306 1 209,141 1 223,658 1 203,816 1 223,765 1 107 1 0.05 1 108,031 110,628 10/22/2009 4:40 PM 38 Account Number 652 -8600 2,213 (2,056) 157 1 2.04 N/A N/A (5.60) 0.11 1 N/A IG\ ;ROt1PlACCT \RLIDCWTOR \Permanent Fundsl652 - E Webster! 1 Personnel Summary Analysis (in Full Time Equivalents - FTE) By Department - All Employees City Manager Community & Economic Development Finance Fire Legal Parks & Recreation Division Police Public Works & Utilities Total Personnel By Funds General Fund City Manager Community & Economic Development Finance Fire Legal Parks & Recreation Division Police Public Works & Utilities Total General Fund Other Funds Street Economic Development Pencom Recreational Activities Electric Electric Conservation Water Wastewater Solid Waste - Collection Solid Waste - Transfer Station /Landfill Stormwater Medic I Equipment Services Information Technology Esther Webster Trust Fund Total Other Funds Total Permanent Positions Temporary/Seasonal Part-Time City Manager Community & Economic Development Finance Parks & Recreation Division Public Works & Utilities Street Electric Water Wastewater Solid Waste - Transfer Station /Landfill Equipment Services Total Temporary/Seasonal Part-Time Total Personnel 25.45 45 ,i 24.00 soul; 1.0: :46 39.65 :46 95.10 t'i'S95 • 265.10 1 , :'';;';tic,:% 256.10 ".1 2007. `2008 r : "' , Budget • r;Actua 6.40 6.40 5.80 7.40 8.00 8.00 8.00 26.10 26.10 25.45 24.00 24.00 24.00 5.73 5.85 5.85 6.10 41.78 41.28 39.65 60.50 60.50 61.00 61.00 93.40 89.40 97.10 265.31 261.53 1 266.85 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.50 6.50 20.85 20.85 20.45 14.00 14.00 14.00 5.73 5.85 5.85 20.48 19.48 19.00 39.50 39.50 39.00 16.50 16.50 16.50 129.06 128.68 126.30 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 21.00 21.00 22.00 22.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 22.00 22.00 24.00 22.00 - - 1.00 1.00 11.75 11.75 13.00 13.00 10.25 10.25 11.00 11.00 5.33 5.08 5.08 5.08 7.67 2.92 2.92 2.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 113.50 109.50 117.50 115.50 242.56 238.18 243.80 242.05 0.40 0.40 0.80 0.40 - 1.25 1.25 1.00 16.80 16.80 15.65 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.25 0.20 1.00 1.25 22.75 23.35 23,051 265.31 261.53 266.85 I 5.00 :I 6.50 20.45 14.00 6.10 19.00 39.00 �� %';39!00 16.50 6 '5 L; 126.55 4:',;e 123:55:x. 1F59% 22 00•t ,22:00 r 0' t 13c0 ! �tet'nt„ tir F' 49 2' 0.80 1.00 15.65 0.45 1.50 0.65 0.50. 1.25 1.25 23.05 '' •• "'' ;•a 17,:05 265.10 2010 Budget 2009:'Budget: 0.25 (9.25) (1.75) (10.75) 0.25 (3.00) (2.75)1 (2.00) (2.00) (4.75) (6.25) 0.50 (0.50) (6.00) (10.75) G :IGROUP44CCT\Budget101PERSONNEL SUMMARIES\ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 39 PERSONNEL SUMMARIES PERSONNELSUMMARY Permanent Positions Administration City Manager Assistant to City Manager Executive Communications Coordinator City Clerk City Clerk / Management Assistant Total City Manager 6.40 1 6.40 1 5.80 1 40 .2OiOQudt. : 2068 ; 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Human Resources Human Resources Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Permanent Positions 6.00 1 6.00 5.00 1 5.00 .:•';.1i'.,;.t,i'5:0.0. ,41•T`f Part-Time Clerical Help 0.40 0.40 0.80 0.80 L 0`,,i 5.80 G;/Group/budget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES ; l_SNIMAR`i Permanent Positions Mayor Council Members Total City Council .1. :.. . 2009:::;%;...' . .:;;I:f2010'. , ?-: .. ...',?;29 . :10. B0 cl.6e! . :''' ::!'''''.. '''....**...•.',•:*:.''''"'''.'!".'"''''''' ..-- --, ' :•:■; ,I,'20 •••••;. .....' Budget :.' I.'. Actua .=. 1.., u ge ..,... .. .. ...N.:i.i.• : 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 • 1 00' 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ::„ 7.00 7.00 7.00 I 7.00 1:).;i:: GJGroup/budget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 41 Total Legal :,..,�• ��.: '::'LEGAL- ��,:�;.•;''�i; ", �; . PERSONNEL'SUMMARY,. i Permanent Positions City Attorney Senior Asst. City Attorney Assistant City Attorney Legal Administrative Assistant Legal Records Specialist Paralegal 1 1:'�" < "' !It`I 2010 744' ..r • .ate •• �. �, , R: . " 4 ••1�� �'5::. �'f; 2007• . 5 2008•;'. I ,i'.'Budget .1`:; Actual ;.: �Butlget ,, vs: - 2tios Bud9ei 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.10 1.00 1 The 0.75 FTE Paralegal position was reclassified in 2009 as a 1.0 FTE Legal Administrative Assistant position. 5.73 5.85 1 5.85 I 6.10 G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 42 1.00 (0.75) 0.25 P•E Temporary Part -tame Customer Service Representative Backup Meter Reader Backup Total Temporary Part-time Total Finance Permanent Positions General Fund Administration Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant/Deputy City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial System Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sub -Total 3.00 I 3.00 3.00 I Accounting Senior Accountant 3.85 3.85 4.00 Accounting Technician II 3.00 3.00 1.45 Accountant 1.00 Payroll Specialist , 1.00 1 00 1.00 Sub -Total 7.85 1 7.85 1 7.45 Customer Service Customer Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sr. Customer Service Representative 1.00 1.00 1.00 Meter Reader I & II 3.00 3.00 3.00 Utility Services Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 Utility Billing Specialist 1.00 1.00 1,00 Customer Service Representative 1 & 11 3.00 3.00 3.00 Sub -Total 10.00 1 10.00 I 10.00 I Total General Fund 20.85 1 20.85 I 20.45 I 1 Information Technology Fund Systems Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 Information Support Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 System Analyst I 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total Information Technology Fund 4.00 4.00 I 4.00 I ar 2009 ;, k ;:Budget ,I .• Actual.. udget r 1.00 jzfi'11 i0': 1.00 1 -00 0 3.00 k 4.00 1.45 1.00 1.00 7.45 i• '7451 1.00 1.00 3 -00 1.00 1.00 3.00 , {. i, 30]0¢ 10.00 IM- 4{1;0's00`, ;1 20.45 f' ' " Y:20:45I 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1-V'irQ!Mµ`4100 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.50 0 -50 0.50 0.50 ' ?4.; 7 o' 1.25 1.25 I 1.00 I 1.00 t ti : = :1 00';/ 26.10 I 26.10 I 25.45 7 25.45 l'OX,C25'45:4 G; /GroupibudgetD7 /PERSQNNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 43 200 B udge s 2009 Biidget''; General Fund Fire Chief Fire Mznouof Fire Captain Training Officer Administrative Assistant Lieutenant FF/EMT Firefightwm- EkAT Firefighters - Paramedic Tota General Fund Medic! Fund Lieutenant 'Paramedic Firefighters - Paramedic Total Medici Fund Total Fire 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3 0 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 4.00 14.00 1 14.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1 00 3.00 3 00 1.00 14.00 1 1. 1.00 1I0| ^ �w 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3 00 1.00 14.00 ' l/ ' 1.00 1.00 1.00 10I0 9.00 Ei00 9.00 10.00 10.00 | 10 00 / 10.00 | | 1.;:44:V: A | 24.00 | 24.00 24.00 1 24.00 G;/G wwEL SUmmAn|ES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 44 •PARKS AND'RCREATION DIVISION PERSONNEL SUMMARY :;+• ' . General Fund Administration Deputy PW Director of Recreation Administrative Specialist II Senior Center Senior Center Manager Parks Leadworker Office Assistant Park Facilities Park/Street Superintendent Park Leadworker Park Facility Caretaker Park Caretaker Arborist Facility Caretaker Cemetery Cemetery Caretaker City Hall Facility Maintenance Parks Leadworker' Facility Caretaker Custodian Pool 1 Aquatics Manager Pool Supervisor /Recreation Coordinator Parks Leadworker Aquatics Coordinator /Recreation Leader Total General Fund Other Funds Recreational Activities Recreation Coordinator Esther Webster Trust Fund Fine Arts Center Manager Fine Arts Center Assistant Total Other Funds Temporary & Seasonal General Fund Laborer /Caretaker Lifeguard /Pool programs' Part-time Pool personnel' Other Funds Recreation - Counselor Recreation Supervisor - Youth Total Temporary & Seasonal Total Parks & Recreation • 2007.. ,;;`•;::;:,' °.'n, Iti 2010;; '2010 Budget;;:; ,2008. ,.I •Budget ''.A'ctual 4rBudget.t. vs. 2006 Budget 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.48 0.48 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.25 0.25 0.45 0.45 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.48 19.48 1 19.00 19.00 3.00 1.00 0.50 4.50 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 I 1.00 1.00 5.00 I 6.55 6.55 5.40 5.50 5.50 5.50 0.75 0.75 0.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 16.80 16.80 I 41.78 1 41.28 2.00 2.00 15.65 I 39.65 I 3.00 1.00 1.00 ';s 5.00 .4: 5':00.'. ii 5.40 5.50 0.75 2.00 'l'c 2.00 15.65 .i'9:40. ;; 39.65 ";'ir: +'l00..40 ' Pool operation was budgeted only for 3 months in 2009. The "Save the Pool" Committee and the voter approved Metropolitan Pool District funded operation for the remaining 9 months. In 2010, the pool will no longer be included in City operations. 2 The new Metropolitan Park District took over pool operations in mid -2009. The .30 FTE Parks Leadworker was transferred from the Pool to City Hall Facility Maintenance. G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 45 0.30 (1.00) (1.00) (0.30) (1.00) (3.00) (5.50) (0.75) (6.25) (9.25) OMMUNlTY : &'ECONOMIiC',PEVELLOPM fl ; "f '� r J :' S r i i, .2 9' ' i : ' 2010 2 .oio Burige PEiiSJNIVELSLJNfMARY;;v. sr, ' :. ` ' 200 - , r2DD$ : Budget: ��', Actual . i. Budget ,} . vs..2o ': General Fund Comm. & Econ. Development Director 9 Planning Manager Principal Planner Code Compliance Officer Assistant Planner Associate Planner Building Inspector Permit Technician Total General Fund Economic Development Fund Comm & Econ. Development Director 1 Cultural Resources Fund Archaeologist Total Other Funds Temporary Part -time Office Assistant (Building) Total Temporary Part -time Total Community and Economic. Development 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 -00 6 00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1.00 6.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 6.50 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 7.40 8.00 8.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.50 0.50 Comm. & Econ. Development Director is funded by General Fund and the Economic Development. Fund. op ;. 0 0; 5 :50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 z_:1 `t7O. 1.00 1.50 1 1.50 1.50 �, i'iRMi 501 r - 8 O I- !A!:?'::M:8'i011,I G : /Groupibudget671PERSONNEL SUMMARIESI ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 46 General Fund Police Chief Deputy Chief Police Sergeant Police Officer Corporal Records Supervisor Records Specialist Management Assistant Support Services Officer Parking Enforcement Total General Fund POLICE .ERSONNEL SUMMARY. PenCom Communications Manager Communications Supervisor Communications Officer Police Warrant Clerk System Coordinator Total Pencom Total Police ti ... Budget'f � Actual ;_ 1.00 1.00 6.00 21.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 0.50 39.50 1 1.00 1.00 6.00 21.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 21.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 21.00 4.00 0'. 0 :. 4.00 4.00 0.50 0.50 - .�.,.:.�. 1.00 1.00 1.00 ° Y': ?` 1 00. 0.50 0.50 0.50 : ik; ;+.'.:;0:50'` 39.50 1 39.00 1 39.00 l''1 t'£ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ;;;;;',15100;; 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 00 00'., 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 ''%•= :y'2t00; 21.00 1 21.00 1 22.00 22.00 1'; ';g';22:00'`1 .1 1 1 1 ": ', t; Arj;, "'t1 60.50 I 60.50 I 61.00 1 61.00 l':6:100) 47 ;'2010 B'udgeti: vs:'2009 Budget' G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES / ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES PENCOM Communications Manager Communications Supervisor Communications Officer Police Warrant Clerk System Coordinator Total Pencom ���" 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .';' 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 G,/Group/budgetO7IPERSQNNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 48 PUBLIC W'8`UTILITIES ,':}! ;i I,` , it: ;', 2009 !'' , b'i'!i 2010 :2o.10eud'g'et'., v. ... � ..._ �ORKS '.an ,�.• �.. {r �a.c•., '� v'. . ' ^i} �i ,, '•,PERSONNEL SUMMARY:`:., :2007., ,,, 2008: . Budget ` • Acttial. ;` ::'.Budget vs:,2l)b9 Budget: General Fund Public Works Director Deputy Director of Operations Deputy Director of Engineering Services Engineering Manager Public Works Administrative Supervisor Contracts Specialist Administrative Specialist 11 Administrative Specialist Trainee Engineering Specialist GIS Specialist 1 GIS Specialist II Civil /Utility Engineer Assistant Civil /Utility Engineer Total General Fund Total Parks & Recreation Other Funds Street Electric Electric Conservation Water Wastewater Solid Waste - Collections Solid Waste - Transfer Station /Landfill Stormwater Equipment Services Total Other Funds Temporary Part-time Interns (General Fund) Seasonal (Parks & Recreation) Seasonal (Street) Part-time Laborer (Electric) Part-time Laborer (Water) Part-time Laborer (Wastewater) Part-time Laborer (Transfer Station /Landfill) Part-time Laborer (Equipment Services) Total Temporary Part -time Total Public Works and Utilities 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 16.50 1 16.50 1 24.98 1 24.48 10.00 10.00 22.00 22.00 11.75 11.75 10.25 10.25 5.33 5.08 7.67 2.92 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 73,00 I 68.00 0.45 0.45 16.80 16.80 1.50 1.50 0.25 0.45 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 20.70 1 21.70 135.18 I 130.68 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 16,50 1 16.50 ,; :1,)y 1,-6.50,' 24.00 1 24.00 1;M 12.00 25.00 1.00 13.00 11.00 5.08 2.92 1.00 5.00 76.00 1 12.00 23.00 1.00 13.00 11.00 5.08 2.92 1.00!; 5.00 ASP 74.00 i;?rnx74' ?00' 0.45 0.45 15.65 15.65 1.50 1.50 0.65 0.65 0.50 0.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 44 ,.c {s a 21.25 1 21.25 1 137.75 1 135.75 (:1'&:t126751 G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 49 (3.00) (2.00) (2.00) 0.50 (0.50) (6.00) (11.00) • Budget Facility Maintenance Park Leadworker' 0.25 0.45 0.45 0.45 YlP:'7A; 0.30 Facility Caretaker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ,Ii.0.0 Custodian 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ;.,., ,41iO6' Facility Maintenance 2.25 2.45 I 2.45 I 2.45 1 The new Metropolitan Park District took over pool operations in mid-2009. The .30 FTE Park Leadworker was transferred from the Pool to City Hall Facility Maintenance. G;/Group/budget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 50 0.30 Permanent Positions Assistant Park/Street Superintendent Leadworker Senior Maintenance Carpenter Utility Worker I & II Total Permanent Positions Temporary/Seasonal Total Street E .::: ;' ..,4:',';;;,: ,.; :::1;'.:20,10,:r1:':: PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2007;-1:1 I'! i' .. rActual ;:..;',:; ,:?;Budget' !,■?4..20$0,:dilifge0 itc 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 : 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 1 10.00 1 12.00 1 12.00 1.50 11.50 1 1.50 1.50 11.50 1 13.50 1 1.50 13.50 G;/Group/budget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 51 ECONOMICADEVELOPMENT:i' r Permanent Positions Comm. & Econ. Development Director' Total Economic Development • "01' 't Jr 8' 0.50 0.50 - 0.50 i 0.50 Comm. & Econ. Development Director is funded by General Fund and the Economic Development Fund G)Group/budge107/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL. SUMMARIES 52 P.E1=2§6N N L 17 U Permanent Positions Archaeologist Total Cultural Resources 53 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1 1 I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 i1X:1,01 G;/Group/budget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES Permanent Positions Recreation Coordinator Temporary Part-time Recreation Counselor Recreation Supervisor - Youth Total Recreational Activities 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 | 6.75 | 7.00 | 7.00 | G;/Group/budgeto7/PERsONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 54 CTRI ;IJTI s , : PERSONNE12.SUMMARY.,: Permanent Positions Operations Operations Manager Line Foreman Lineman Senior Meterman Maintenance Technician Equipment Operator Head Groundman Warehouseman /Purchasing Agent Serviceman Apprentice Lineman /Meterrnan Senior Electrical Inspector Power Systems Deputy Director of Power Systems Power Resource Manager Commercial Energy Analyst 1 Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineer Manager Electrical Engineering Specialist II Total Permanent Employees Temporary Part -time Seasonal Lineman Part -time Electrical Inspector Total Temporary Part-time Total Electric Utility 1 In 2000, this position was transferred to the Conservation Fund. 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 22.00 f 22.00 0.25 0.25 1 22.25 1 22.45 Bu lget: f.x;A�tual7:� . 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.40 0.45 1 0.65 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 25.65 I 2.00 1:',W.423:00.51 0.25 0.40 e G li:�' -M065:1 G;JGrouplbudgelo71PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 55 (1.00) (1.00) (2.00) (2.00) Permanent Position Commercial Energy Analyst Total Electric Conservation ) � 1 In 2009, this position was transferred to the Conservation Fund. 1.00 1.00 1.00 | 1l01��1!��:00l G;/Groupfbudget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 56 :WA,TER.UTILITY.; x;; PERSONNEL SUMMARY. Permanent Positions Water Superintendent Water Maintenance Supervisor' Water Backflow Inspector Water Quality Technician I /II Water Quality Technician 111 Leadworker Utility Worker I &11 Operator 11 Total Permanent Positions Part-time Part-time Laborer 2 0.75 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 11.75 1 0.75 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 11.75 1 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 i2010';!j t -2010 Budgeth� 2008 v ! _; Budget:; il.:,Actual >Budget;.,. v5. .; Total Water Utility 12.25 1 12.25 1 13.50 1 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 !t`. 13.00 1 13.00 ° '1311:3:00?1 0.50 0.50 13.50 :;14.00;) 1 As a result of reorganization, this position was eliminated from Water Fund and transferred to Wastewater Fund as Source Control Coordinator. 2 Move .50 FTE seasonal from Wastewater to Water Fund for operation of new Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant. G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 57 0.50 0.50 Permanent Positions Water Superintendent Wastewater Division Superinlendent Source Control Coordinator Leadworker Laboratory Specialist Treatment Plarit Operator 111 Treatment Plant Operator & Utility Worker |&U Total Permanent Positions Temporary/Seasonal 2 Total Wastewater Utility 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.80 1.00 1l0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.25 I 10.25 I 11.00 11.25| 1125I 12.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 11.00 1.25 0 OP / This position was previously budgeted in Water Fund as Water Maintenance Supervisor. 2 Move .50 FTE seasonal from Wastewater to Water Fund for operation of new Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant. G:/Grouplbudgeto7/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 58 Permanent Positions Solid Waste Superintendent 1 Solid Waste Collection Supervisor 2 Utility Worker I & II Total Solid Waste Collection Utility 0.33 1.00 4.00 0.33 0.75 4.00 0.33 0.75 4.00 0.33 0.75 4.00 1 The Solid Waste Superintendent is funded by Solid Waste Collection (1/3) and Transfer Station Fund (2/3). 2 The Solid Waste Collection Supervisor position is split 75/25 with the Transfer Station. 5.33 5.08 1 5.O8| 5.08 [�t��5l01 GJ3mvpbudgeN7/PEnSONwELSUmMAnIES/ALLFUwDPERSOwNELSUmwARE5 59 SOLID'WASTE'TRANSFER STATION /LANDFILL PERSONNEL1SUMMARY•, iL M ^' Permanent Positions Solid Waste Superintendent 1 Solid Waste Collection Supervisor 2 Equipment Operator II (Utility Worker II) Recycling Coordinator Landfill Scale Attendant Total Permanent Positions ;.i'.,,... 009,: ?Hat',. ,a 1 .::: 2010 ''... 0.67 4.00 1.00 2.00 7.67 1 0.67 0.67 0.67 ra 0.25 0.25 0.25 '.r' >> "s0'25 ' - - C 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 a; = u 2.92 1 2.92 I 2.92 ,: > {'� ;>;:2•`.921 Part-time Administrative Specialist Trainee /Scale Attendant 0.50 0.50 0.50 :'50 Scale Attendant (Part-Time) 0.20 0.50 0.75 0.75 Total Part-time 0.20 1 1.00 1 1.25 1 1.25 V.,`,11;i :1:25,:l Total Solid Waste Transfer Station /Landfill 7.87 1 3.92 1 4.17 4.17 �`:: " : ; ;R :;4,97,.`1 1 The Superintendent position is split 67/33 between Solid Waste Transfer Station and Solid Waste Collection. 2 The Solid Waste Collection Supervisor position is split 75/25 with the Collection Utility. G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 60 • ;Budget. .1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 1 1.00 1 1.00 ipp 1.00 1::;f....5Z.:1 :00A G,/Group/budget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 61 Medic Lieutenant Paramedic Fiofightem'Paramedic Total Medic I 10.00 9.00 1O10| 10.00 1 1 0.0 0 1 G;IGrouplbudget07/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 62 Permanent Positions Fleet Mainlenance Manager Senior Feet Maintenance Mechanic Fleet Maintenance Mechanic Service Writer Total Permanent Positions Part-time Part-time Seasonal Laborer Total Equipment Services 5.00 1 1.00 1.00 2.00 1,00 5.00 / 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 I 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 1 5.00 1 5D01 1.00 1.00 E 2.00 1.00 . :»« 5l0 ��0 5.00 l G,xGroup/bvdgo07/PERsOwwELSUMMxRE3 ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 63 0.25 ���9�����~PEgGONNE�SUWi Permanent Positions System Coordinator 1 Information Support Specialist Systems Analyst Total Information Technology 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 I 4.00 I 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 4.80 I 8.5O|*.:'t Tvflet:14.00 1 One System Coordinator position was vacant during the second half of 2009. This position is anticipated to be filled in 2010. G;/Group/budgetO7/PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 64 ESTHER:WEBSTER'TRUST; r ; , J 2009i'{ :t 5 2010 2010.Bud eta PERSONNEL,SUMMARY.;,, 2007., `'.•. 2008.,, ,I.,"Budget. I ":.Actual.•" ..BUdget . ,vs.'2009 Budget Permanent Positions Fine Arts Center Director Assistant to Fine Arts Center Director Total Esther Webster Trust 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 1 2.00 1 2.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 =4A ' bit 2.00 I ., "t`:y:'.'2t00 ^� G; /Group /budget07 /PERSONNEL SUMMARIES/ ALL FUND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES 65 • DRAFT DOCUMENT FOR POLICY DISCUSSION ONLY CITY OF PORT ANGELES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND OCTOBER 2009 I PURPOSE AND INTENT 1 This document is intended to clarify the purpo and policy relating to expenditure and revenue of the City of Port Angeles Economic Development Fund--1 l II AUTHORITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -= Revised Code of Washington ` } In 1985..theRevise o / \ i °(RCW 35:21.793) g authorit},fo cities to engage-an economic developmentprograms : cities from entering nto.contracts,with for - profit. corporations.. It further gives authority for cities to contract with: privateinonprofit corporations for: the.purpo�se of.engaging in economic development p rograms,lasdorig as the transaction is constitutional. it is important to note that there are 'otherlsections.of the Revised-Code of''Was'hington'that limit the City's ability relative to I this:fund. 1 'FH CITY'S EXERCISE .OF DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY iBackground/History ! Sincethezinception of the Economic Development Fund a number of documents and r egulat io have established policy related to the use of the fund. Such guiding documents include: the Port Angeles Municipal Code, the City of Port Angeles Budget and the August 14, 2006 Settlement Agreement. Details are noted below. Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) In 1996, the City Council established the Economic Development and Port Angeles Works Funds as established in the City Treasury funds for the fiscal administration and accounting of revenue appropriated by the City for economic development activities and revenue received by the City for the implementation of the "Port Angeles Works" economic development program. This program was created for the purpose of creating jobs, employment opportunities, and diversifying the Port Angeles economy. In 1999 this fund was redefined as the Economic Development Fund and the Port Angeles Works Fund was formally closed in 2006. See section 3.15.015 of the PAMC. City Budget This purpose has been confirmed annually. Since 2000, each Council adopted budget has specifically identified the purpose of the fund to promote and enhance economic development and employment opportunities. The 2009 adopted Budget states: The purpose of the Economic Development Fund is to administer the City's economic development progrcuns to promote and enhance economic growth and employment opportunities in the City of Port Angeles and the North Olympic Peninsula region. DRAFT DOCUMENT FOR POLICY DISCUSSION ONLY IV SOURCE OF FUNDS AND LIMITATIONS Source of Funds The fund itself should be considered to have three separate accounts based or revenue. The components include: general revenue, settlement f.mding,ind community ; • enhancement funds. Expenditure of the ec development fundimust respect the source of revenue being allocated towards.a;specific economic d evelopment purpose. August 14, 2006 Settle t_Agreemen In 2006 Council e ag1eenientwith the :State(of Washington,:Lower Elwha .Klallam Triberand - Po %ofTiort Angeles. The primary balance of the Eeono is Development Fund is •from hfis :settlement, agreement. Iri- mid-2007, the City received a $7:5 ullion.settlement payment from the statelo'be:us4forleconomic development by the'Crty: The agreement. states Th d 'Stag? shall,pay`to .the <City the -sum of Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars! ($7,500000.. by the City in its discretion, for the funding of pulilic capital projects.inte nded to enhance economic development, such as but l..f no 'lirnitcd io.ihose proys identified in Exhibit 1. .Settlernentfunds provided through the one time Tse -Whit -Zen settlement agreement are preserueor and administered only for one time economic development opportunities. These.opportunities shall be dedicated to projects resulting in significant return on investment to the City of Port Angeles. Documentation of the monetary return on investment to Port Angeles should be provided prior to consideration of expenditure. Additionally, measurable impacts to the local community including the number of jobs created should also be documented. Staff strongly cautions expenditures that do not directly result in the creation of new businesses and the diversification of our local economy. This is a one -time non - renewable revenue source. Community Enhancement In 2009, approximately $115,000 was transferred to the Economic Development fund for the purpose of creating a facade and signage improvement program. These funds must continue to be utilized for the administration of that program. This is a one time revenue source until other renewable sources of revenue are identified. See Exhibit 2. General Revenue The balance of the Fund consists of transfers from the general fund and various utilities plus transfer of the remainder of the former Port Angeles Works fund. Following initial creation of the Fund, annual contributions from the general fund and utilities funds have continued at $115,000 to $150,000 annually. Additionally, interest generated from the Economic Development fund is re- invested and should be considered general revenue. Money in this category should be utilized for a purpose that directly benefits economic growth. Benefit to utility growth and tax base growth should be considered in addition to employment. Such purposes include contracts with non - profit organizations that provide 4 DRAFT DOCUMENT FOR POLICY DISCUSSION ONLY r economic development services, and internal city operations of the Community. and Economic Development Department. Contracts for services must directly benefit the.. City of Port Angeles. Since this is a one -time non- renewable,,revenue `source, this funding should not be used for any other purposes other than actual , creation of:new businesses and the development of the local economy that�can`be:clearly demonstrated V CURRENT DESCRIPTION OF THE °ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: FUND s' 1 .-' and documented.. The Economic eve o .men j L . Settlement AgreeIiientr / ) VI SUMMARY 'Tlns,component.is:used only f ii 1 );public,.2)'Capital.P 3) that enhance the notabe:replenishedl.° / ,,tdity's:.econom:ic development/ Once:utilized these funds are depleted and will 1 II. ,Sara le Ihnproveinent Program This component of the fundoriginated from Community Development Block Gran Income. 'These funds can only be spent only for the Facade Improvement grantprogram. III.,Funds from other sources .This component is used for economic development purposes including contract services and internal city operations of the Community and Economic Development Department. Economic Development Fund Policy and Future Direction Management of the City's Economic Development Fund should adhere to two primary goals 1.) To create jobs and diversify the local economy and 2) To provide long term sustainability to ensure the City is capable of capitalizing on future economic development opportunities. All expenditures should be justified based on a documented return on investment to the City's economic base. City Project ID GG02 -06 TR03 -05 TR01 -01 CL07 -99 WWxx -xx WW02 -00 WT01 -06 WT02 -05 W W03 -06 WW01 -06 GG01 -05 PK01 -03 TR42 -99 TR21 -99 CL78 -99 TR16 -99 TR48 -99 WW02 -05 WW03 -05 WW02 -04 WW04 -06 GG03 -06 W W04 -04 STATE OF WASHINGTON, CITY OF PORT ANGELES, AND PORT OF PORT ANGELES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Exhibit 1 Examples of City Projects for Funding Under the terms of Section 2 of this Agreement August 14, 2006 Project Title "A" Frame Removal - Ediz Hook 8th Street Bridge Rails & Lights 8th Street Bridge Replacement Design Airport Industrial Park Electrical Service Airport Industrial Park Waterline Airport Industrial Sewer Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement, Phase 2 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement, Phase 3 CSO Storage Tank Francis St. Sewer Main Harbor Master Plan International Waterfront Promenade Lauridson Blvd Bridge Widening Lauridson Blvd Reconstruction (Truck Route - "L ") Light Operations Center Lincoln Blvd Rechannelization and Signal Olympic Peninsula international Gateway Plant De- Watering Improvements Plant Headwork's Improvements Pump Station No. 4 Replacement Railroad Ave /Lincoln St. Gravity Sewer Railroad Waterfront Pile Removal Treatment Plant for CSO Flows Total Funding Need $375,000 $400,000 $650,000 $800,000 $1,500,000 $1,300,000 $1,800,000 $2,000,000 $4,100,000 $2,900,000 $500,000 $1,250,000 $3,150,000 $2,870,000 $1,000,000 $450,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $375,000 $10,500,000 $3,300,000 $220,000 $14,000,000 $55,640,000 Funds appropriated by the State as part of this agreement shall be: "Applied by the City, in its discretion, for the funding of public capital projects intended to enhance but not limited to those projects" identified herein. See Section 2.A Notes Waterfront Environmental Revitalization Above WSDOT Authorization Level Redesign Costs Port of PA Economic Project Port of PA Economic Project Port of PA Economic Project Major water transmission line Major water transmission line Part of CSO Plan Part of CSO Plan Interagency Downtown Waterfront Revitalization Replacement - Alternate HWY 101 Truck Route Left Turn off of Truck Route onto HWY 101 Downtown Revitalization Fix Intersection Projected Bond Replaces Belt Press Improve efficiency of Plant Part of CSO Plan Part of CSO Plan Waterfront Environmental Revitalization Alternate if tank not purchased economic development, such as • ORDINANCE NO. vs73 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adopting a Facade and Signage Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Title. The program authorized by this ordinance shall be called the Community Facade and Sign Improvement Program (the Program.) Section 2. Program adoption. A Facade and Signage Improvement Program for. commercial buildings is hereby authorized, approved, and adopted. Section 3. Purpose. The City recognizes the benefits to the City and the public that can result from a facade improvement program. The City has received, and expects to receive in the future, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) generated income that can be used for a facade improvement program. A facade and sign improvement program focused on commercial properties located within core commercial zones throughout the city is one method to promote new investments, spur economic development, and increase the City's revenues. Section 4. Program Administration. The Director of the City's Department of Community and Economic Development.is authorized to administer the Program. The Director shall adopt policy to implement and administer the Program in accordance with this ordinance, the guidelines established therein, and the grants that provided the funds to be used for the Program. Section 5. Funds and Limitation. The Facade Improvement Program shall be financed with $11.5,972. That amount shall be taken from the Housing Rehabilitation Fund currently held by the City as a result of CDBG grant income that specifically allows use of the EXHIBIT 2 • money for a facade improvement program. That amount shall be shown as a separate line item in the City's Economic Development Fund and shall be maintained and kept separately from . other economic development funds. The Program shall be funded only from federal or state grants that expressly authorize use of the money for a facade improvement program. No general funds of the City shall be used for this program. Section 6. Location. To be eligible for the Program, a property must be located in one of the following zones: Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Shopping District (CSD), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), Commercial Office (CO), and. Commercial Business District (CBD) zones. Section 7. Program Elements. The Program will provide a grant for funding of facade improvements that will enhance the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of individual buildings as well as surrounding areas. Awards will be issued as grants for up to $10,000 or no more than 50% the total project cost (whichever is less) and based on the frontage area of the building as follows: Frontage Size (linear feet) I Grant Amount Less than 25 Up to $5,000 25 -50 50 or more The Program will also provide a grant for funding of sign improvements and replacement that enhances the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of individual buildings as well as surrounding areas. Awards will be issued as grants for up to $1,000 or no more than 50% the total project cost (whichever is less). - Up to $7,500 Up to $10,000 Improvements using these funds must be made pursuant to applicable building permit(s) and in accordance with the City of Port Angeles Comprehen Plan and zoning requirements. Section 8. Eligibility Criteria. Buildings must be located on an arterial roadway within an appropriate zone or located within the City's Central Business District. The project shall increase taxable value of building and shall be considered New Construction per RCW 36.21.080. The owner, for himself and his successors, shall agree to maintain improvements for a minimum of a 5 year period. Section 9. Eligible Program Items. The following shall be eligible for funding through the Program: through the Program: Rehabilitation, reconstruction, or restoration to the exterior, streetside of a participating building facade; Glass, windows, doors, trim, and accessories that are part ofthe streetside facade; Signage; • Professional architectural/design/contractor fees as deemed appropriate for eligible works; • Awnings, canopies, fences, and landscaping features; • Street grade entrances which contribute to activity along street edge. Section 10. Ineligible Program Items. The following shall not be eligible for funding • Interior improvements; ▪ Roof repairs; • Non streetfacing entrances; • Non arterial street locations inside a commercial zone, but, outside the Central Business District; • Signs resulting in an increase in sign area as defined by PAMC 14.36.020; • Non permanent or temporary structures. Section 1.1. Evaluation Criteria and Prioritization. In evaluating proposals for funding tinder the Program, the following factors shall be considered: Private contribution over and above the required snatch; Present condition of existing facade or sign; -3- • • The building's overall public visibility, i.e., the building's relationship to public parking, widely utilized civic spaces, or public parks; Expected increase in assessed value of improvement; Historical preservation; Context in the block or neighborhood; Priority will be given to projects that benefit partner projects on same block; Other factors relevant to the purpose of the Program may be considered. Section 12. Process. The administrative procedure to be adopted by the Director for reviewing and evaluating applications for funding under the Program shall be fair and objective. At a minimum, the review and evaluation process shall include in the following: 1. Arrange pre - application meeting with staff to determine eligibility. 2. Submit application along with relevant paperwork, including, but not limited to: • Written summary of how the project addresses evaluation criteria; • An itemized cost breakdown; • Historical documentation; • Architectural renderings; • Site photos and/or plans. 3. Staff will perform initial site visit(s) and inspection(s) of the property. 4. A recommendation will be made by staff and forwarded to the City Planning Commission: • Projects located within the CBD will be circulated to the Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) Design Committee for comment. 5. Upon selection by Planning Commission, a grant agreement is made and construction of the approved work may begin 6. Upon completion of work, staff will conduct final site visit(s) and inspection(s) to ensure compliance with grant agreement. 7. Upon review and approval, the City will issue a grant check to the applicant for the full amount of approved funding. Section 13. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of August, 2009. -4- 7 ` Mayor 1 • ATTEST: Becky J. U n, Nty Cier PUBLISHED: August 9 .2009 By Summary GA Lcgal_ BackuplORAlNANCES& RESOLUTI ONSIORDINANCES.2009122- Facadc Improvemen[ Program.[}11609.wpd -5- APPROVED AS TO FORM: ik 4 i1Iiam 'i oor, City Attorney