HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/02/1999 AGENDA I-'"OR a~.F~i.nG~L~'S CITY COUNCIL MEETING -- W A $ H I N g T O N, U. $. A. 321 EAST FIFTH STREET November 2, 1999 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (&00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - Bec]ey Upton City Clerh PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - CEREMONIAL MATTERS & I PROCLAMATIONS Port Angeles as regional site for celebration of 1 Veterans Day 1999 B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staffor Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) D. FINANCE 1. Award Carnegie Library Restoration Action consultant contract 2. Change Order for contract to install SCADA Action at Wastewater Treatment Plant 3. Acceptance of Carnegie Library demolition Action project E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council minutes - October 19, 1999 ActiOn 2. Finance Department travel request - Payroll Clerk to workshop F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS H. RESOLUTIONS Resolution adopting right-of-way procedures Action NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 2, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - I I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Consideration of application from Acme Taxi Action for Taxicab License 2. Set public hearing for November 17, 1999 ~o Action consider Water/Wastewater rates 3. Designate alternate Council member to Solid Action Waste Advisory Committee 4. Set special meeting for Planning Commission Action interview(s) 5. Set public hearings for 2000 Budget Action J. PUBLIC HEARENGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) Turner Annexation - ANX 99-02 - 4.53 acres Action south of Highway 101 between Doyle Avenue and Old Joe Road K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER Consideration of application(s) for CDBG Action General Purpose Grant (Continued from October 19, 1999) L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Report (Pg. 85) * Position justification for Treatment Plant Superintendent (Pg. 89) 2.Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission minutes - September 16, 1999 (Pg. 91) 3.Planning Commission minutes - October 13, 1999 (Pg. 95) 4.Public Works & Utilities monthly report - September, 1999 (Pg. 109) 5.Fire Department monthly report - September, 1999 (Pg. 113) 6.Clallam County Economic Development Council report - 3rd Quarter, 1999 (Pg. 121) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (,4s needed and determined by City Attorney) N. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public headng process. G:\CNCLPKT~AGENDA\CC 110299 AGN NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 2, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 2, 1999 /DO I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ~. II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: / Other Staff Present: Manager Quinn ~....~ ~}, ,~~ Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton v/ .'~., 9~L~_ff -- B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins G. Cutler ~/~,' S. Ilk Y. Ziomkowski III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reas~.'. ^pp ox IV. RETURN TOD-PEN SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: November 2, 1999 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. N~: SS: ! would i~e to testify On Agenda Item No. ~/x'~'~~ - x~ City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of '~d~.t~'~t ~-~ City Manager Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance DirJMgr. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Parks & Rec. PDN (Summary) pORtAN¢ WASHINGTON, U.S.A. Date: November 2, 1999 To: Mike Ouinn, City Manager City Manager's Office From: Sam Martin Mike Ouinn Subject: VETERAN'S DAY REGIONAL SITE RECOGNITION City Manager Sharon "Sam" Martin Executive Administrative Assistant Mike: Be°ky J. Upton, CMC Port Angeles is participating in the hosting of the Veteran's recognition at City Cler;k ! Management the Coast Guard Airstation on November 11, 1999. Over the past years, Assistant each year I have worked in coordination with the Coast Guard to petition the Veterans Day National Committee in Washington, D.C. to designate Robert Coons PORT Angeles as a regional site for this celebration. 'nan Resources Manager Only a handful of cities get this designation. The City of Port Angeles can Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant be very proud of their participation. It is a real honor to pay respects to our veterans on their very special day. I submit this information for the Council agenda of November 2 so everyone will be aware that they are invited to share this day at the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station. Respectfully, Sam Martin C:\O F FIC E\WPWIN~IYFILES\vet day.wpd 1 ~e~t~ of Veterans qIiis certifies t~at (Port finttefes, g4Jashinttton is aCesignateac ~y tile ~eterans ~Day ~V'ationa£ Committee as a ~xcgiona£$ite for ttie Cefegration of ~eterans ~Day 1999 // TOgo D. West, Jr. ' (.~ecretery of Veterans Affairs Chairman Veterans Day National Committee 2 VA FOI:IM 47B0c, MAR lgg~ (R) VETERANS DA Y NOVEMBER 11, 1999 AUG 5 1999 NATIONAL COMMITTEE HONORARY CHAIRMAN HON. WILLIAM J. CLINTON President of the United States CHAIRMAN HON. TOGO D. WEST, JR. Secretary of Veterans Affairs The Honorable Gary Braun VICE CHAIR Mayor of Port Angeles MR. JOHN HANSON Acting Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs 321 East Fifth Street for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs P.O. Box 1150 .O.ORARY MEMmERS HO.. W~,, lAM S. COHE. Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Secretary of Defense HON. ARLEN SPECTER, Chairman, Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs HON. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, Ranking Member, Dear Mayor Braun: Senate Committee o~ Veterans' Affairs HON. BOB STUMP, Chairman, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs HON. LANE EVANS, Ranking Democratic Member, It is my pleasure to send you the enclosed certificate and to House Committee on Veterans' Affairs once again congratulate you on your selection as a 1999 Veterans MEMBERS ~.TERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Day Regional Site. L:TNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA ..d~VETS BLJNDED VETERANS ASSOCIATION ARm AND NAV~ UN~0.. USA I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my earlier offer NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ASSOCIATION THE AMERICAN LEGION to provide a senior Department of Veterans Affairs official as a MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS ASSOCIATION speaker during your Veterans Day activities. Please let me know as MARINE CORPS LEAGUE MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION OF THE USA soon as possible if you would like me to arrange for a VA official to WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS VETERANS ASSOCIATION PARALYZED VETERANS OF AMERICA speak at your Veterans Day celebration. LEGION OF VALOR MILITARY ORDER OF THE WORLD WARS THE RETIRED ENLISTED ASSOCIATION CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR SOCIETY Do not hesitate to contact Willie Alexander of my staff at (202) DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS THE RETIRED OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 273-5735 or at willie.alexander@mail.va.gov if we can assist you in POLISH LEGION OF AMERICAN VETERANS KOREAN WAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION any way. AMERICAN G.I. FORUM JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE USA AMERICAN EX-PRISONERS OF WAR CA~.ouc wAR VETERANS Si n cerely, ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AMERICAN GOLD STAR MOTHERS FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION GOLD STAR WIVES OF AMERICA STATE DIRECTORS OF VETERANS AFFAIRS UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS VETERANS OF WORLD WAR I OF THE USA VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM WAR Vice Chair Veterans Day National Committee Enclosure DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, (80D), 810 VERMONT AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20420 3 Area Code (202) 273-5735 http://www.va.gov/pubaff, vetday98/vetsday.htm VETERAN$ DA Y NOVEMBER 11, 1999 NATIONAL COMMITTEE - AUG 5 1999 The Honorable Ga~ Lo~ke HONORARY CHAIRklAN Governor of Washington I.ION. WlI.I.I~4 J. CI. INTON ~,~ ~. u.~ ~ Legislative Building CHA,R.AN P.O. BOX 40002 s.~,~v,~,.~,- Olympia, WA 98504-0002 ~,~.~ ~ o, w.,,.., ~ Dear Governor Locke: HONORARY M~MBERS ~-~ ~ ~ It is my pleasure to info~ you that the Veterans Day National ~ ~. ~ ~ · Commi~ee has named Auburn, Po~ Angeles, and Van~uver, ~ ~ D. R~ ~... b~ ~, Washington, as Regional Sites ~r ~efi~'s 40th annual obse~an~ of ~te ~ ~ V~' ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ Vetomns Day on November 11 1999. ~ the mmmunities whose ~_~ ~ ~ Ve~' ~i~ ~ ~ ~s, ~ ~ ~, Veterans Day obse~an~s set examples for the mst of the Nation to ~t~ follow, only a handel meoivo des~nation a~ Veteran, Day R~ional ~ ~ ~ w~ Sites each year. ~.~w~.~ As the Se~eta~ of Veterans Affairs and Chairman of the ~~~ V~tomns Day ~ational Commi~o,, it i~ m~ p~vilo~o and honor to ~ ~ ~ ~~ represent the President in coo~inating supped for Vetoran~ Day ~~~m.~ obse~an~s with the Depa~ent of Defense, national veterans se~ ~~~ o~anizafions, and State and Io~1 officials.' I ask ~or your assistan~ in ~ ~ V~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ supposing the effo~ of these Regional Sites as well as' other Veterans ~ ~ ~,~ ~ Day ~lebm~ons within Washington this year. I encourage you to ~ m~ ~~ appoint a Vetomns ~ay Chairp~on to assist in publiei~in~ Vot~mn~ ~ ~ ~~~ Day eol~bmtions throughout th~ State. ~l~W~~~ ~E~ ~~ ~ W~ ~w~ ~ ~e,ignation a~ a Vetema~ ~aV ~egional 8it~ i~ ~ ~ignifi~nt ASSOCIATE .EHBERS a~omplishment. I am ~nfident ~at, through our ~mbined effo~, ~e ~ ~~~ Veterans Day celebrations in Aubum, Pod Angeles and Vancouver will ~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bfin~ credit to our ~ation, our v~tomns and tho S~to o[ ~ashin~ton. ~ ~ w~ ~S ~~W~l~ ~ ~ ~ .~ w~ Sin~ To~o D. W~t, ~. 8~emta~ of Veteran~ m: ~u~um, ~od ~n~ol~ and Vancouver, Wa,hinflton, R~ional 8it~ DEPAR~NT OF VE~S ~F~, (80D), 810 ~O~ A~ N.W., W~H~GTON, D.C. 20420 ~ea Code (202) 273-5735 h~:llm.va.govlpuba~ve~Tlindex.h~ W A $ I-! I N (3 T 0 N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Carnegie Library Restoration/ Renovation Project 97-08, Phase #2, Consultant Selection Summary_: Phase Two of the Carnegie Library Project is to 1) restore/renovate the exterior of the structure by repairing/replacing damaged brick, facade, windows, and main entrance doors and 2) determine if the structure should be listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. The Public Works and Utilities staff has advertised and determined that Olympic Design Works, Inc to be the best qualified to develop the appropriate documents for completing Phase Two. Part one of Phase Two will be a pre-design structural review and comparative cost analysis for restoration/renovation of The Carnegie Library Building. Upon completion of Part One of Phase Two a report will be provided to council prior to preceding with a full design package along with a recommendation concerning restoration or renovation of the structure. Recommendation: Approve selection of Olympic Design Works Inc. to provide architectural and engineering services for Phase Two of the Carnegie Library Building Restoration/Renovation Project No. 97-08 and authorize the Mayor to sign the negotiated agreement, in the amount of $15,000 for Part One of Phase Two, subject to City Attorney iapproval. Background / Analysis: The City Council at the July 20,1999 meeting authorized the Director, Public Works and Utilities to request proposals for architectural services for Phase Two of the Carnegie Project. A requirement of that authorization was a 35% design recommendation concerning the issue of renovation verses restoration, Part One of Phase Two. In response to a newspaper advertisement soliciting proposals, the Public Works Department received two proposals, to design and provide construction support as needed for the restoration /renovation of the Carnegie Library Building. The design and construction funding for this project, $240,000, was provided in the bond issue for the construction of the new Library. Two firms, Olympic Design Works Inc. and Lindberg and Smith Architects, provided proposals for our review. The proposals were reviewed and rated against the selection criteria noted in the request for proposals. The Public Works and Parks Department Architectural Selection Team unanimously selected the Olympic Design Works Inc. proposal, and determined that interviews would not be required. City Council Memo 11/2/99 RE: Carnegie Library, Phase II Page 2 Phase #2 will consist of two parts, 1) pre-design cost analysis and structural review and 2) devi:lopment construction contract bid documents. The pre-design cost analysis and structural review will provide information to Council for the decision concerning the issue of the pros and cons of restoration versus renovation. Part Two, development of construction contract bid documents, will be negotiated based on Council's direction and presented for approval prior to proceeding. N:'~ROJECTS\97-08OL\CONSULTxCCAPRVLA.WPD 6 pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Change Order No. 1, SCADA Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Summary: The Wastewater Division budgeted for alarm system upgrades for the City's sewage pump stations. An existing contract with $&B Inc. can be amended to include this additional work, as the alarms will be tied in with the Wastewater Treatment Plant's Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that is being upgraded under an open S&B Inc. contract. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 1 to the S&B, Inc. contract, increasing the contract by $14,450, from $19,530 to $ 33,980. Background I Analysis: S&B Inc. was requested to provide a quote for the installation of sewage pump station alarms as part of the planned integration of water and sewer telemetry, control and management information systems. S&B Inc. provided a quote of $14,450 for the installation of equipment at the Master Control Panel in the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and at each pump station. The existing contract with S&B Inc. is to upgrade the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Data Management System (DMS) at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. S&B Inc. can provide the SCADA communications system upgrade at a savings as compared to negotiating a separate contract in the future. The attached proposed Contract Change Order provides more detailed information. City Council action is required because the original contract was a sole source procurement and the dollar value of the change exceeds 15% of the original contract price. This upgrade is included in the 1999 Wastewater budget. N:\PROJ ECTS\98- I 1 SCA\CONTRACT',MEMO I .WPD 7 Project Name Wastewater Utility_ SCADA System U0gr~d~ DATE: October 26.1999 Contractor S & B Inc. Project No. N/A LID No. N/A State/Fed. Aid No. N/A DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: See attached Letter from Contractor dated September 15, 1999 for details. Such work will be compensated by: IX ] Increase and/or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [ ] Negotiated Pdce: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: Monitoring Rev. 1 LS $14,450.00 $14,450.00 $14,450.00 7 * ORIGINAL ' CURRENT ' EST. NET CHANGE I TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, I EST. CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDERI INCLUDING THIS ONEI THIS CHANGE ORDER $19,530.00 $19,530.00 ,$14,450.00 $14,450.00 $ 33,980.00 DAYS: 150 DAYS: 150 DAYS: 7 DAYS: 7 DAYS: 157 * Sales Tax Not Included All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein, including delays to the overall project. /o CITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 8 S ~ B ~Co 13200S. E. 30th St., Bellevue, Washington 98005 (425) 644-1700 FAX(425) 746-9312 September 15, 1999 City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attention: Kevin Curtis Subject: Proposed Sewer Lift Station Monitoring and Conlxol System Dear Kevin: In response to your request, we are pleased to break down our pricing for the proposed Lift Station Monitoring and Control System. Our fzrst phase W°uld be to install the S&B Model 8000 Telephone Network Interface System (TNIS) in the S&B furnished MCP at the Treatment Plant. Thc system provides the foundation for reliable commumeations to each remote site and will provide a single common alarm from each of your ten lift stations. These would be displayed on the panel annunciator as one point ("Lift Station Alarm") but displayed individually for each station on your new Graphical User Interface (GUI) computer and logged and displayed on your DMS computer. At each remote site, we would provide a RTU enclosure with the communications interface only. Thus; when we provide the full RTU, it will be on a subpanel that will mount in this enclosure. Price $14.450.00 Price quoted is net fob factory with freight allowed to jobsite. Included in this price are the modifications to the MCP and start up, testing and documentation. We would expect the citY would mount the enclosures at each lift station and we would work with City personnel to connect the common alarm input at each station. Using this approach, you have not purchased anything that will not be fully reused when the complete RTU is added later. This will allow you to bring these stations up to what is described in the Master Plan over the next year or two as budget will perrmt. The overall budget shown in me Master Plan would stay the same but you would deauet $12,000.00 from the total price for this part of the system. The $2,450.00 difference is labor we cannot recover. We hope this is the information you require at this time and look forward to working with you on this new GUI, etc. Yours very truly, Ivan W. Stead President S&B Inc. IWSkbg ',~Server~admin\QUOTESkPORT ANGELES.Sewer Lift Station.doc TELEMETRY I INSTRUMENTATION I MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 10 p, ORTAN-G.r LES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage for the Carnegie Library Addition Demolition [Project 97-08] $1~mmary: R.J. Services has completed all work associate with the subject project. The completed work consisted of'the demolition oft he addition to the old Carnegie Building and the addition of the front porch and lawn. All work associated with the project has been inspected and accepted as complete. Final payment has been made. Recommendation: Accept the project and authorize release of R.J Services' retainage in the amount of $5,121.45 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. Back?ound / Analysis: The bond issue for the construction of the new Port Angeles Public Library provided funding for the demolition of the 1962 addition to the old library and exterior restoration of the Carnegie Building. The demolition of the addition to the old Carnegie Building and the addition of the front porch and lawn have been completed. The original contract amount not including sales tax was $73,597.00. Change orders for the lawn, front porch, lawn sprinkler system and hazardous materials disposal amounted to $31,649.14 for a total contract, not including sales tax, of $105,246.14.The final cost based on actual quantities of materials used, not including sales tax, was $102,429.14. N:XPROJECTSX97-08OLLPROJMGTXCCACPT.WPD 12 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 19, 1999 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett [6:06 p.m.], McKeown, Wiggins and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, Y. Ziomkowski, L. Haehnlen, G. Kenworthy, D. Madison, and K. Kathol. Public Present: B. Campbell, B. Lowe, J. Shelling, D. Solway, D. Delaney, P. Lamoureux, L. Lee, C. Miller, M. Edwards, J. Reed, M. Szattocky, and D. Jacobs. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Campbell. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL None. MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: Lou Haelmlen, Building Official, reviewed the history of the building abatement efforts and the process involved. He noted that following the formal abatement process Update on Building resolves the problem the fastest; however, it would require additional manpower and Abatement Program could prove to be costly. The costs are recoverable, but it could take some time. Mr. Haehnlen noted that an inventory was taken in December, with the following results: 111 structures non-repairable, 52 repairable, 12 attractive nuisances, and 22 non-compliant with current codes and regulations. Approximately 10 percent of the non-repairable structures were removed. Staff will work with property owners to try and resolve the problem of the remaining non-repairable structures. Discussion followed, and Councilman Wiggins stated that this was an important program, although it may take a long time to accomplish compliance. At Councilman Campbell's request, Mr. Haehnlen explained the next step would be to prioritize the structures for demolition. He would continue to attempt to help the property owners achieve compliance. Mr. Haehnlen responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Doyle suggested the Budget Committee look into possible methods of funding this program. LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn noted there was a late item from Don Madison, Property Manager, PLACED ON THIS OR regarding the SR 101 sidewalk extension, which was added as Item 1. under Other FUTURE AGENDA: Considerations. Craig Miller, 230 E. Fifth Street, representing the Pub, Tavern & Lounge Association, addressed the Council regarding the City's gambling tax on punch boards and pull tabs. Mr. Miller referenced a letter to the Council regarding this gambling tax, copies of which were provided to the City Clerk. He stated he had discussed this problem with Manager Quinn and was advised that the Council was in the process of forming a Budget Committee, which would be an appropriate place for discussion of this matter. He asked that his clients be allowed to address that group. Mr. Miller briefly reviewed the letter prepared for the Council and reminded the Council that no other city on the Peninsula, and few in the State, levy gambling taxes. He noted that the members of the Association employ about 200 people, pay taxes on CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 LATE ITEMS TO BE $10 to $12 million worth of property, and are an economic force in the community. The PLACED ON THIS OR Association obtained approximately 1300 signatures on petitions seeking the reduction FUTURE AGENDA: of gambling taxes. Mr. Miller provided the petitions to the City Clerk and asked that (Cont'd) the Association members be heard. There were three present this evening who asked to address the Council. Dave Solway, 71 Farrel Place, Port Angeles Lanes, spoke in favor of reducing gambling tax. He stated his total gross business from gambling is down 40%, and he has been forced to reduce his staff from 11 to eight. Mr. Solway stated he has paid $2,105 more in tax over the past six quarters than he netted on gambling. At Councilmember McKeown's request, he explained how gambling tax is computed. Mr. Solway thanked the Council for its time. Veto Elkhart, 108 W. Eighth Street, Laurel Lanes, stated he has reduced his staff from 14 to nine in the past year. He felt that tax relief would allow him to put some people back to work. Mike Edwards, 422 Brown Road, representing the Eagles Club, spoke in favor of tax relief. Mr. Edwards stated that fraternal clubs perform significant community service, and he described some of the events that have been sponsored by the Eagles. He noted the Port Angeles Eagles Club was this year awarded a Community Service Award, Volunteer of the Year, Club of the Year, and Club Manager of the Year all for the State of Washington. With prices and wages increasing, a decrease in gambling taxes would allow for the continuation of community service projects. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins asked what the City received in gambling taxes. Finance Director Ziomkowski stated it averaged between $90,000 and $95,000 per year. It has declined since 1995, and Director Ziomkowski felt part of the impact was due to the opening of the Casino. Mayor Braun thanked those involved for their time and stated this would be referred to the City Manager and the Budget Conunittee for review. Brief discussion ensued, and Councilmembers McKeown and Doyle delineated the specific information they would like to have provided to the Budget Committee for this particular discussion. Mr. Miller asked to be notified as to when these discussions will take place so the Association could be represented. FINANCE: 1. Final Acceptance of 8~ Street Bridge Repairs [Project 99-12] 8th Street Bridge Repairs Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Councilman Wiggins asked how long the repairs can be expected to last. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, indicated the bridges will last as long as the City continues to do repairs. He felt the bridges would become functionally obsolete before they would need replacement due to structural reasons. Councilman Doyle moved to accept the project and authorize the release of General Construction Company's retainage in the amount of $2,478 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Erosion Control and Pond 2. Bid Award for Erosion Control and Pond Cleaning Contract at the Landfill Cleaning Contract [Project 99-05] Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Cam pbell moved to award the bid for the Landfill Erosion Control and Sedimentation Pond Restoration, Project No. 99-17, to the lowest responsive bidder, Delhur Industries, Inc., in the amount of $25,442.82. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Penn Street Repair 3. Bid Award for Street Repair Contract on Penn Street Between 2'd and 3ra Contract Streets [Project 99-05] Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Wiggins moved to award the bid for the Penn Street Resurfaeing, Project No. 99-05, to the lowest responsive bidder, Maristar Asphalt Paving, Ltd., in the amount of $6,937.50. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 FINANCE: 4. Final ~4cceptance and Release of Retainage for the West 13th Street Sewer (Cont'd) Main Replacement [Project 99-10J West 13'h Street Sewer Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Main Replacement Councilman Doyle asked why there was a difference of more than $8,000 between the original estimate plus one change order and the final cost. Engineer Kenworthy explained that there were some unstable soil conditions which resulted in additional expenses. Couneilmember MeKeown moved to accept the project and authorize the release of C & J Exeavating's retainage in the amount of $3,445.33 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Wiggins asked if a contract had been let on the Whidby Street watermain repair. Engineer Kenworthy responded that this work was accomplished in-house. Mayor Braun noted that the repair work on Tumwater Street looked good. Brief discussion ensued, with Mr. Kenworthy responding to questions regarding the repairs. CONSENT AGENDA: Couneilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) Council minutes of October 5, 1999; 2) Check Register - October 13, 1999 - $919,674.38; and 3) Travel approval - Public Works Utility Engineer to Conference in Seattle. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. All Councilmembers voted in support of the motion, with the exception of Councilmembers Campbell and Wiggins, who abstained due to absence from the meeting of October 5, 1999. Because abstentions are counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Hulett attended a Chamber of Commerce Board meeting. Discussion took COMMITTEE place regarding the Chamber/VCB joint marketing campaign which won several REPORTS: Washington State Georgie Awards. Councilman Doyle attended a Utility Advisory Committee meeting, but no action could be taken as there was not a quorum present. Discussion was held regarding the water/wastewater rate study performed by Economic Engineering Services (EES) on behalf of the City. Representatives from EES were present at the meeting to review their findings. Rate adjustments will be necessary in order to proceed with capital facility planning. A recommendation will be forwarded to the Council at a future meeting. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of raising rates and the impact of 1-695 Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided clarification regarding the possibility of approving multi-year rate increases prior to 1-695 taking effect should the Initiative pass. Councilman Williams noted it was 7:00 p.m. and stated he would defer his report. Councilman Wiggins spoke briefly on his trip to Austria and the cleanliness of the towns. Councilmember McKeown reminded the Council that, in 1999, $3,500 had been allocated to Healthy Families for its Recovery Center. That program has been forced to close its doors effective November 15, 1999, because of severe budgetary shortfalls due to the fact that they service the poor, uninsured, and unemployed. The Council can request a pro-rata refund of $438 from Healthy Families. However, she felt that this money had already been expended due to the large number of clients treated this year, and she asked the Council to consider allowing Healthy Families to keep the money. Couneilmember MeKeown moved to allow Healthy Families of Clallam County to keep the $438. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Campbell announced he was happy to be back and expressed his appreciation to the Council members and staff who helped get the job done during his absence. Mayor Braun welcomed the students from Mutsu City and attended a Transit meeting in Orlando, Florida. CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Hearing of ExpenSes for Abatement of Property at 2321 West 18~ Street OTHER: Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Expenses for Abatement - Councilman Williams stepped down from the issue due to the appearance of fairness 2321 W. 18~ Street and conflict of interest as he is the listing agent of the property. Councilman Williams departed the Council Chambers at 7:15 p.m. Lou Haehnlen, Building Official, reviewed the history of this issue. He stated the owner of the building requested the City's assistance in removing the structures. Mr. Haehnlen explained that the cost is high due to 149 tons of debris that went into the landfill. The actual expenditures to the City were approximately $6,100, and the remainder represents landfill fees and staff time. Mr. Haehnlen then responded to questions and provided clarification. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. There was no public testimony, and the public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Counciimember McKeown moved to order the charges in the amount of $18,265.35 be assessed against the property, confirm the proposed charges and record them on the assessment roll so that said assessment shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Counciimember McKeown complimented Mr. Haehnlen on his professionalism in handling this problem. Following limited discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Williams returned to the Council Chambers at 7:24 p.m. CDBG General Purposes 2. Consideration of Application(s) for CDBG General Purposes Grant Grant Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided in the packet. Don Madison, Property Manager, defined the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and explained the types of activities it covered. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. Carolyn Sparkman, 122 Mt. McDonald Road, Housing Rehabilitation Program, stated Pon Angeles had supported applications for CDBG funds for housing rehabilitation programs in the past, receiving four grants totaling $2.5 million. Matching funds of almost $6 million have also been received, and 219 households have been served since 1993. The current grant expires in spring 2000, and additional funding is needed to continue the program which allows for a safer, more beautiful community. Ms. Sparkman reviewed the types of repairs recently funded. Using the overhead projector, Ms. Sparkman demonstrated a home owned by a disabled couple. She gave a step-by-step description of the work accomplished to improve the home and bring it up to Building Code standards using grant funds. Ms. Sparkman urged the Council to support a grant application for Phase V of the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Discussion ensued, and Ms. Sparkman responded to questions and provided clarification. Dan Jacobs, Director of Serenity House, 2201 W. 18~ Street, requested the City's support in preparing a preliminary application for a planning-only grant. He stated it was time to replace the single adult shelter located on West 18th Street, which serves approximately 400 people per year. This property is owned by the Port, who has been a good landlord; however the building is old and not originally intended for its current use. Mr. Jacobs described the structural problems being experienced at the shelter and why it needed to be replaced. A planning-only grant would allow for the exploration of possibilities and help fred other funding resources. Mr. Jacobs urged the Council's support of this grant and responded to questions and provided additional information. Peter Ripley, Port Angeles Journal, 114 E. Sixth Street, Apt. 102, offered his support of the CDBG grant and asked if this request should go to the Port Commissioners as landlord. Mr. Jacobs responded that the Port cannot be a requestor of CDBG funds. There was no further testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Mayor Braun noted that staff requested this hearing be continued, and discussion ensued. Councilman Doyle asked if these funds could be used for the structural abatement program. Mr. Haehnlen, Building Official, felt the CDBG funds were for single family dwellings; most of the abatement issues are for detached accessory structures and would not, therefore, qualify for this type of funding. Don Madison, Property Manager, stated it was too late to get this program running for this grant. However, he felt that in the future, a program can be set up for this purpose as the structures listed in the abatement program are considered a blight, which could be covered by CDBG grants. Staffwill attempt to work this into next year's application. crI'Y COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 CDBG General Purposes Councilman Doyle moved to continue the public hearing to November 2, 1999. Grant (Cont'd) Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None QUASI-JUDICIAL: Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m. Fireworks Amendment Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings Ordinance No. 3027 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department. Councilman Hulett asked if the discharging should be limited to 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., but asked if the sales should be earlier in the day. Chief Becket replied that State law addresses this question, and the sale and use of fireworks is limited to this time period. Limited discussion followed, and Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3027 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, allowing the sale and use of f'n'eworks to celebrate the millennium from 6:00 p.m. on December 31, 1999 to 1:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000 and amending Ordinance 2537 and Chapter 5.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None SR 101 Sidewalks Other Considerations State Route 101 Property Purchase for Sidewalk Installation Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and stated he felt extending the sidewalk was an outstanding idea. Councilman Wiggins asked why the land had to be purchased instead of the owner cooperating with the sidewalk program. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, stated the Department of Transportation (DOT) had purchased the other property needed for this project. He felt this piece of property was overlooked, as it is relatively small; therefore, the State was going to end the sidewalk a little short. This problem was brought to the Council's notice and the simplest way to correct it was for the City to make the purchase and the State to do the paving. Discussion followed, and Mr. Kenworthy responded to questions and offered clarification. Couneilmember MeKeown moved to authorize staff to proceed with the 260 square foot piece of property along Hwy. 101 at a cost not to exceed $800. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. INFORMATION: City Manager's Report Storm Damage Update Manager Quinn referred to Page 69 of the packet regarding the storm damage update. City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the summary of expenditures and the recent accomplishments regarding these projects. ULID 215 Update Referring to Page 71, Manager Quinn noted that staff will be meeting to discuss additional options as regards ULID 215, and asked that this item be continued to the meeting of November 2, 1999. Watermain Break Manager Quinn informed the Council that he had the opportunity to meet with Paul Lamoureux regarding the Whidby Avenue watermain break and noted that Page 72 of the packet gave some detail on this issue. CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 1999 CDBG Grants Regarding CDBG applications, Manager Quinn felt there were many opportunities for the City in other areas that are eligible for CDBG that can be explored in future years in terms of community facilities and projects. While he agreed the Housing Rehabilitation project is admirable and worthy, there are many other projects that would meet the criteria for these grants. Staff is looking into multiple applications to the State, as the grants are based on the merits of the projects. Budget Meeting Manager Quinn noted that he had distributed copies of the Budget Work Session minutes to the Council. Contained therein are the City Council's goals and objectives for the Year 2000. Corrections and changes to the goals can be made at the next Council meeting. Capital City for a Day Manager Quinn announced that Port Angeles will be the Capital City for A day on November 16, 1999. The Governor and many of his department managers will be in Port Angeles that day meeting with various groups. Manager Quinn briefly reviewed the agenda for the day. The focus of the session will be economic development for the City of Port Angeles and discussion on this issue will be held with various groups. In conjunction with the Governor's visit, Manager Quinn noted that November 16 is also a regularly scheduled Council meeting night. He asked the Council if it wished to change that meeting date, as there was going to be a town meeting held that evening. Discussion followed, and it was the general consensus of the Council that the meeting be changed to November 17, 1999. Audit Exit Interview Councilmember McKeown stated she had been present at the exit interview for the 1998 audit. She lauded the efforts of Director Ziomkowski and her accounting staff, as the City received an exemplary audit. Manager Quinn noted that Councilman Williams had deferred his Committee report and asked the Council if it wished to return to that. Mayor Braun agreed. Councilman Doyle asked if the Coast Guard Station was again planning a large celebration as they have in the past and Mayor Braun responded affirmatively. Referring to the bottom of page 120, Councilman Doyle asked if use of the Teen Scene was decreasing. Chief Ilk responded that in the month of September there were approximately 200 fewer visits, but he felt it was seasonal as the decline begins when school is in session. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Williams stated he had attended the Science, Technology and COMMITTEE Manufacturing Association meeting. There was a presentation by Bill Harper regarding REPORTS: (Cont'd) the software development company that is considering relocation to Port Angeles. Councilman Williams felt it was a very interesting discussion. The software company is seeking a large, campus type piece of property. At Councilman Williams's request, Director Collins explained some of the zoning districts and their intended uses. Councilman Williams stated discussion had also been held at the meeting regarding whether zoning issues should be addressed before or after the City receives such a request. Councilman Williams stated he offered his support in encourage development and suggested any road blocks be referred to the City Manager. Manager Quinn stated that he and Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, are !ooking. into this matter. His experience indicates that most businesses are interested ~n coming into a community that has had some preliminary planning and anticipation for their type of business. These businesses are not interested in the long process of zoning changes and the placement of infrastructure and utilities. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor pORTANGE LES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director SUBJECT: Travel exceeding $750 - Payroll Law and Human Resources Workshop Portland, OR - 11/10 - 11/11, 1999 Summary_: Should the Accounting Technician (Payroll) attend the Payroll Law and Human Resources Workshop organized by American Management Associations? Current policy requires Council approval for travel exceeding $750.00. Recommendation: Approve travel costs for class attendance. Background/Analysis: The Payroll Law and Human Resources Course will be held in Portland, November 10th and 11t~, 1999. The class provides an excellent opportunity for cominuing education and professional training. This two-day workshop will provide insight into the latest laws, court rulings and confidence in handling sensitive payroll issues. Following is a breakdown of the costs for the class: Class Session $479.00 Lodging - 2 nights ~ $99.00 198.00 Travel 120.00 Parking 32.00 Meals - 2 days ~ $38.00 76.00 Total $905.00 The total cost to the Finance Department budget is $905. The costs were budgeted for in the 1999 budget process. 19 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services SUBJECT: Right-of-Way Acquisition Procedures Summary: Agencies using federal highway funds to purchase right-of-way are required to adopt acquisition procedures consistent with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) rules and submit then to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The attached acquisition procedures have been reviewed and are acceptable to FHWA and WSDOT. Recommendation: Adopt the attached resolution, which adopts the current state and federal right-of-way acquisition procedures. Background / Analysis: The Deputy Director Engineering Services/City Engineer, Public Works and Utilities is certified by the Washington State Department of Transportation, Local Programs, to acquire fight-of-way for federally funded projects which the City administers locally. Our current right-of-way procedures were amended and approved in October 1986. Recent changes to federal regulations have caused our procedures to become outdated and nonconforming. As an example, our current procedure designates the Deputy Director as the one who prepares appraisals and the City Engineer as the person who actively negotiates right-of-way purchases. Under the existing federal regulations, he does not meet the qualifications to perform those functions and is currently the same person. To prevent future occurrences, where rule changes at the state or federal level could cause delays in funding or acquisition on future projects, we recommend the adoption of the new procedures attached hereto. These procedures have the affect of adopting, by reference, the Washington State Department of Transportation Right of Way Manual and Local ~lgency Guidelines. N:\PROJECTS\91-07AR\M EMOS\CCRWRES.RWJ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting state and federal fight-of-way acquisition procedures, rescinding previously adopted fight-of-way acquisition procedures, and repealing Resolutions 16-80 and 30-86. WHEREAS, in Resolutions 16-80 and 30-86, the City Council adopted state and federal fight-of-way acquisition procedures; and WHEREAS, these procedures were required in order for the City to be certified in the tcquisition of right-of-way for federally funded projects which the City locally administers; and WHEREAS, the state and federal right-of-way acquisition procedures were changed .~ffective March 23, 1998; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles needs to adopt the revised state and federal right- >f-way acquisition procedures in order to be eligible for federal highway funds to construct roadway projects or purchase fights of way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The state and federal right-of-way acquisition procedures, as now or hereafter amended, are hereby adopted as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. Section 2. Resolutions 16-80 and 30-86 are hereby repealed. -1- PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said held on the __ day of ,1999. MAYOR J. Upton, City Clerk AS TO FORM: D. Knutson, City Attomey Exhibit A to Resolution Right-of-Way Procedures Agency City_ of Port Angeles Agency No. 0990 The City_ ("AGENCY"), desiring to acquire Real Property in accordance with the state Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (Ch. 8.26 RCW) and state regulations (Ch. 468-100 WAC) and applicable federal regulations hereby adopts the following procedures to implement the above statutes and Washington Administrative Code. The Public Works ("Department") of the AGENCY is responsible for the real property acquisition and relocation activities on projects administered by the AGENCY. To fulfill the above requirements the Public Works ("Department") will acquire right-of-way in accordance with the policies set forth in the Washington State Department of Transportation Right of Way Manual (M26-01) and Local Agency Guidelines manual (M 36-6). The AGENCY has the following expertise and personnel capabilities to accomplish these functions: 1. (1) PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Deputy_ Director.of Public Works and Utilities/City Engineer Agency Position (2) APPP, Sn[ Consultant Agency Position (3) APPRAISAL REVIEW Consultant Agency Position (4) ACQUISITION Con,ult0ilt Agency Position (5) RELOCATION Consultant Agency Position (6) PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property. Manager Agency Position 24 Exhibit A to Resolution 2. WAIVER OF APPRAISAL The City desiring to acquire Real Property according to 23 CFR, Part 635, Subpart C and State directives and desiring to take advantage of the $10,000.00 appraisal waver process approved by the Federal Highway Administration for Washington State, hereby agrees to follow the procedure approved for the Washington State Department of Transportation as follows: Rules A. The City of Port Angeles may elect to waive the requirement for an appraisal if the acquisition is simple and the compensation estimate indicated on the PFE (Project Funding Estimate) is $10,000.00 or less including cost-to cure items. Cost to cure items shall be limited to fencing, utility rehabilitation, driveway rehabilitation and landscaping. B. The City must make the property owner(s) aware that an appraisal has not been done on the property and that one will be completed if they desire. C. Special care should be taken in the preparation of the waiver. As no review is mandated, the preparer needs to assure that the compensation is fair and that all the calculations are correct. Procedures A. An Administrative Offer Summary (AOS) is prepared using data from the PFE. B. The AOS is submitted to the Director of Public Works and Utilities for approval. C. The City Manager signs the AOS authorizing a first offer to the property owner(s). 3. Administrative Procedures Administrative Settlements are occasionally required in addition to just compensation in order to acquire needed right-of-way through negotiation. These Administrative Settlements can help eliminate costly condemnation litigation and project construction schedule delays. The Project Parcel Negotiation Dairy shall contain rational, justification and/or documentation for the settlement offer. The level of authority to offer Administrative Settlements shall be as follows and final approval will rest with the City of Port Angeles City Council: 2 25 Exhibit A to Resolution A. Acquisition Negotiator - Just compensation plus up to $5,000 Administrative Settlement. B. Program Administrator - Just Compensation plus up to $10,000 Administrative Settlement. C. City of Port Angeles City Council - All settlements exceeding Program Administration authority. 4. All projects shall be available for review by the FHWA and the state at any time and all project documents shall be retained and available for inspection during the plan development, fight-of-way and construction stages and for a three year period following acceptance of the projects by WSDOT. 5. Approval of the AGENCY's procedures by WSDOT may be rescinded at any time the Agency is found to no longer have qualified staff or is found to be in non-compliance with the regulations. The rescission may be applied to all or part of the functions approved. Mayor Date WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Approved By: Real Estate Services Date 26 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. POLICE DEPARTMENT Date: November 2, 1999 To: Mayor Braun and City Council Steve Ilk, ChiefofPoli~ From: By: Naomi Wu, Communications Manager ITM Subject: Sole Source Resolution for IBM Networking Hardware Summary: A component of the PenCom regional computer system upgrade is the design, procurement and installation of a local area network connecting the Police Department and communications center to its IBM AS400 minicomputer. A local firm, Daniel L. Gouin, Inc. has agreed to contract with the City to provide these services within the time frame required. Mr. Gouin and his staff are exceptionally knowledgeable of the current system and the computer upgrade project. The firm has provided an estimated equipment schedule recommending IBM hardware. A sole source resolution is desired to ensure compatibility with existing equipment. Recommendation: The Port Angeles Police Department recommends that the City council adopt a sole source resolution and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract with Daniel L. Gouin, Inc. not to exceed $56,000. Backgr01lnd/Analy~is: The software and hardware upgrade of the regional PenCom computer system is in its final stages. The funding for this portion of the project was obtained from the users in 1996. The communications center is preparing to cut over to the new software in early December. The remainder of the Police Department is preparing to do the same by January 1, 2000. It is therefore essential that the network is designed and compatible equipment installed prior to this time to allow for training and possible unplanned delays This course of action of contracting with a firm is necessary due to our failure to attract qualified candidates for the system administrator position earlier this year. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating the IBM Corporation as the sole source for acquisition of AS 400 related equipment and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has contracted with IBM to provide hardware for the Peninsula Communications Computer System; and WHEREAS, the City desires to remain with IBM manufactured equipment for reasons of compatibility with the existing AS 400 minicomputer, compatibility with existing operating software, general efficiencies in system maintenance and interchangeability of equipment, and in order to provide additional equipment capable of providing backup of silhouette service and integration with the current system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1: The IBM Corporation is hereby designated the "sole source" equipment vendor for acquisition of AS 400 related equipment. Section 2: An exception from normal bidding requirements is herewith implemented, under which acquisition of related equipment need not be competitively bid. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 2nd day of November, 1999. MAYOR -1- ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney -2- pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 To: MAYOR B~UN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant SVBJECT: Taxicab License Application - Michael & Marjorie Ewing - Acme Taxi Summary: Michael & Marjorie Ewing, Acme Taxi, have filed an application with the City Clerk's office for a Taxicab Business License. The issuance of such a license is subject to City Council approval. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Ewing's Taxicab Business License, subject to the terms and conditions as set forth below. Background/Analysis: Michael & Marjorie Ewing are requesting approval of a Taxicab License for their new company, Acme Taxi. If conditional approval is granted, they plan to secure one car and one van for the taxi business. Attached for your review are copies of Chapter 5.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code regulating the licensing of taxicabs, the license application, the applicant's proposed rates, as well as copies of the proposed signage. Also attached is a sample copy of petitions that were circulated by the applicant expressing a need and necessity for another taxi service in the City. Ninety-nine signatures were obtained on the petitions. Another attachment for your reference was submitted by Mr. Don Cosser, owner of Blue Top Cab, expressing the belief that Port Angeles would not be better served by two cab companies. Because the applicant does not wish to make further financial investment in the business until the time conditional approval is granted by the Council, it is staff's recommendation that the Ewing's application be approved by the City Council, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Each vehicle approved for licensure by the City of Port Angeles shall also be licensed by the State of Washington as a for-hire vehicle. 2. Each vehicle licensed shall be equipped with an approved fire extinguisher and first aid kit, as set forth by the Fire Marshal. 3. Each vehicle shall be subject to a visual inspection conducted by the Police Chief or his designee. November 2, 1999 27 Mayor Braun and City Council Page Two 4. Any request for the designation of a taxicab zone would be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 5. Each vehicle shall have an illuminated taxi sign or roof light of approved design, which roof light shall be illuminated at all times while the taxicab is in operation as such. 6. The applicants shall abide by all roles and regulations for for-hire vehicles as set forth in Section 5.36.080 PAMC, which relates to operation regulations. The applicants will be present at the Council meeting to answer any questions posed by the Council. Attachments 28 5.32.090 5.36.010 A. Temporary stands shall be located only in the CAD, CAD-R and CBD zones as set forth in Ordinance No. 1709 on file in the office of the City Clerk, as now existing or hereafter amended, and as shown on the Official Zoning Map of the City. B. Temporary fireworks stands need not comply with all of the provisions of the Building Code; provided, however, all such temporary fireworks stands shall be erected under the supervision of the Fire Chief and Building Official of the City, or their duly authorized representatives, who shall require all temporary fireworks stands to be constructed in a safe manner. In the event any temporary fireworks stand is wired for electricity, such wiring shall conform to the State Electrical Code and the Electrical Code of the City, and shall be limited to the provisions of adequate lighting only. No part of a temporary fireworks stand shall be less than twenty feet from an adjoining building. (Ord. 2050 Ch. 8 §9, 1/1/80) Chapter 5.36 FOR-HIRE VEHICLES Sections: 5.36.010 Definitions. 5.36.030 License - Required. 5.36.040 License - Application - Required Information. 5.36.050 License - Application - Inspection of Vehicles. 5.36.060 Equipment. 5.36.070 License - Issuance. 5.36.080 Operation Regulations. 5.36.090 Driver's License - Qualifications. 5.36.100 Driver's License - Application - Information Required. 5.36.110 Driver's License - Application - Police Endorsement. 5.36.120 Driver's License - Fee. 5.36.130 Driver's License - Exhibition Required. 5.36.140 Driver's License - Temporary. 5.36.150 Driver's License - Nontransferable. 5.36.160 Fare - Filing - Posting Required. 5.36.170 Fare - Overcharge. 5.36.180 Fare - Refusal to Pay. 5.36.190 Fare - Schedule Change. 5.36.200 Insurance Requirement. 5.36.010 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to the provisions of this Chapter: A. "For-hire vehicles" means any motor vehicle used for transportation of passengers for compensation and not operated over a fixed and defined route, except: limousine charter carriers regulated under Ch. 81.90 RCW, charter party carriers of passengers and excursion service carriers regulated under Ch. 81.70 RCW, or private, non-profit corporation providing transportation services for compensation solely to elderly or handicapped persons as regulated under Ch. 81.66 RCW. 4/98 5- 18 29 5.36.010 5.36.070 B. "Taxicab" means a chauffeur-driven vehicle available on call to carry a passenger between any two or more points for a fare determined by a taxi meter, zone system or fiat rate. (Ord. 2716 §2, 10/16/92; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §1, 1/1/80) 5.36.030 License - Required. No taxicab or for-hire vehicle as defined in this Chapter, or any motor vehicle equipped or marked with taxi signs or roof lights, shall be operated upon the streets of the City without first obtaining a business license for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire. (Ord. 2716 §3, 10/16/92; Ord. 2462 §1, 11/15/87; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §3, 1/1/80) 5.36.040 License - Application - Required Information. In addition to all other information required of an applicant for a business license, an applicant for a for-hire vehicle license shall provide the following information: A. Location of the taxicab zone applied for, together with any other location from which the taxicabs or for-hire vehicles are operated. B. Full information concerning the ownership, the number and classification of vehicles to be operated, and the name, fictitious or otherwise, under which the applicant intends to operate; C. The distinguishing color scheme, dress or design, including any monogram or insignia intended to be used upon the vehicle; D. The rates proposed to be charged. (Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §4, 1/1/80) 5.36.050 License - Application - Inspection of Vehicles. Ail vehicles to be used as for- hire vehicles or taxicabs by an applicant for a business license shall be inspected by the Chief of Police before issuance of the endorsement to determine whether such vehicles are clean, properly equipped, mechanically fit, and in safe condition for the transportation of passengers. (Ord. 205 0 Ch. 9 §5, 1/1/80) 5.36.060 Equipment. Every vehicle licensed under this Chapter shall be equipped with an approved fire extinguisher and first aid kit; all vehicles operated as taxicabs shall have an illuminated taxi sign or roof light of approved design, which roof light shall be illuminated at all times while the taxicab is in operation as such. Vehicles licensed under this Chapter, but not operated as taxicabs, shall have distinguishing signs as approved by the Chief of Police. (Ord. 2716 §4, 10/16/92; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §6, 1/1/80) 5.36.070 License - Issuance. No business license to operate a taxicab or for-hire vehicle shall be issued except by the City Council, after review of the license application and inspection reports of the Chief of Police or his designee. The City Council may, in its discretion, approve or deny the application. Any applicant denied a license by the City Council shall have a right to appeal to the Clallam County Superior Court. Said appeal shall be filed no later than thirty (30) days after the decision of the City Council. (Ord. 2716 §5, 10/16/92; Ord. 2379 §1, 2/7/86; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §7, 1/1/80) 5- 19 4/98 30 5.36.080 5.36.090 5.36.080 Operation Re~lations. The operation of a taxicab or for-hire business shall be governed by the following regulations, in addition to all other regulations of statute or ordinance: A. No taxi stand or zone may be operated without the written permission of the owner or occupant of all adjoining premises. B. No licensee shall permit more than three taxicabs to stand or wait at the same ti me in a taxi stand or zone or permit taxicab or for-hire vehicles to cruise the streets for passengers. C. Every person engaged in the business of transporting passengers for hire under the provisions of this Chapter shall file all information requested by any authorized peace officer in regard to the address of the house or place to or from which he has driven or caused to be driven any passenger, as well as descriptions, names and addresses of such passengers, if known to him. D. No person shall operate a for-hire vehicle or taxicab without first having obtained a driver's license to do so. E. No person shall operate or be in actual physical control of a for-hire vehicle or taxicab while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. Violation of this provision shall constitute grounds for summary revocation of the driver's license issued under this Chapter. F. Every person engaged in the business of operating taxicabs in the City of Port Angeles shall maintain a business address and a mailing address where the owner can acce pt mail and a business telephone in working order that shall be answered during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, and during all hours of olSeration and shall at all times have at least two taxicabs which are licensed pursuant to this Chapter and are capable of providing service in the City of Port Angeles. G. Every person engaged in the taxicab or for-hire vehicle business in the City of Port Angeles shall maintain records of the number, location, and length of trips made each day and shall retain and preserve such information for at least two years and shall make such reports available to the City Clerk or chief of Police upon request. H. Drivers of taxicab and for-hire vehicles employed to carry passengers to a definite point shall take the most direct route possible that will carry the passengers safely and expeditiously to the passengers' destination. (Ord. 2808 §2, 5/27/94; Ord. 2716 §6, 10/16/92; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §8, 1/1/80) 5.36.090 Driver's License - Qualifications. No person shall be permitted to obtain a driver's license for the driving of taxicabs or for-hire vehicles unless the following minimum requirements are met: A. Possession of a valid Washington driver's license; B. Having been a licensed driver for at least three years prior to the date of application for a license; C. The ability to speak, read and write the English language; D. Not being addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor or drugs within two years preceding the date of the application for a license. E. Not having been convicted of a felony, or of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or of being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or of reckless driving, within five years preceding the date of the application for a license. F. Not having been convicted of three or more moving violations during a one-year period during the five years preceding the date of the application for a license. (Ord. 2379 §3, 2/7/86; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §9, 1/1/80) 4/98 5 - 20 5.36.095 5.36.130 5.36.095 Initial Driver's License - Required by: A. All persons, except those holding a current taxicab or for-hire vehicle driver's license issued by the City of Port Angeles, are required to obtain an initial driver's license. B. Licensees who cease, for reasons other than illness or injury, to be actively employed as a taxicab or for-hire vehicle driver for a period in excess of 90 days are required to obtain an initial driver's license. (Ord. 2788 § 1, 12/31/93) 5.36.100 Driver's License - Application - Information Required. In addition to all other information required by the City Clerk, the following information shall be required: The full name, address, residence, age, height, weight, color of eyes and hair, place of birth, length of time he or she has resided in the State, whether a citizen of the United States, whether previously licensed as a driver or chauffeur, and if so, when and where, whether such license has ever been revoked and for what cause. Such application shall b e signed and sworn to by the applicant, and filed with the Chief of Police as a permanent record. Every applicant for a driver's license must submit to fingerprinting, photographing, and a criminal and driver's records check by the Police Department. (Ord. 2788 §2, 12/31/93; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §10, 1/1/80.) 5.36.110 Driver's License - Application - Police Endorsement. The Chief of Police or his designee shall make a recommendation to the Clerk, within five working days of the filing of a complete application, to issue or not to issue a license permitting the person to drive a for-hire or taxicab vehicle. In arriving at his recommendation, the Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to conduct an appropriate investigation to assist in the determination of whether or not the qualifications for the driving of taxicabs or for-hire vehicles are met and the issuance of the license would be consistent with the public health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 2716 §7, 10/16/92; Ord. 2379 §4, 2/7/86; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §11, 1/1/80) 5.36.120 Initial Driver's License - Fee. The fee for obtaining the initial for-hire driver's license shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. The fee is not subject to proration. (Ord. 2932 §17, 10/11/96; Ord. 2788 §2, 12/31/93; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §12, 1/1/80) 5.36.125 Driver's License - Term - Renewal - Fee. Taxicab and for-hire vehicle driver's licenses shall be for a period of three-years beginning January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1996 and shall be subject to renewal for three-year periods thereafter. The fee for renewal of for-hire vehicle/taxicab driver's license shall be as set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. The fee for license renewal is not subject to proration. (Ord. 2932 §18, 10/11/96; Ord. 2788 {}3, 12/31/93) 5.36.130 Driver's License - Exhibition Required. Each licensed driver shall wear his or her license prominently displayed on an outer garment and upon the request of any police officer or passenger, exhibit his/her license and photograph for inspection. (Ord. 2788 §2, 12/31/93; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 {}13, 1/1/80) 5 - 21 4/98 32 5.36.140 5.36.210 5.36.140 Driver's License - Temporary_. The Clerk may, on the recommendation of the Chief of Police, issue a temporary taxicab or for-hire driver' s license, pending the completion of the investigation required pursuant to this Chapter, effective only until the application is finally acted upon by the Chief of Police, and in no event, for a period longer than ninety days. (Ord. 2772, 8/13/93; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §14, 1/1/80) 5.36.150 Driver's License - Nontransferable. No driver's license for operating a for-hire vehicle shall be transferable. (Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §15, 1/1/80.) 5.36.160 Fare - Filing - Posting Required. Every person conducting or carrying on the business of transporting passengers for hire licensed pursuant to this Chapter shall file a current fare schedule with the City Clerk and Chief of Police as required by this Chapter and shall post in a conspicuous place in every vehicle, the schedule of fares. (Ord. 2716 §8, 10/16/92; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 {}16, 1/1/80) 5.36.170 Fare - Overcharge. Any driver of a taxicab or for-hire vehicle who charges any passenger a fare higher than that provided in the schedule of fares filed with the City shall, in addition to any other penalty imposed by law, have his license to drive a for-hire vehicle or taxicab revoked. (Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §17, 1/1/80) 5.36.180 Fare - Refusal to Pay. It is unlawful for any person to refuse to pay the regular fare for a taxicab or for-hire vehicle, after having hired the same. (Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 §18, 1/1/80) 5.36.190 Fare - Schedule Change. In the event the operator of a taxicab or for-hire car desires to change the rates, he shall file an amended schedule with the Chief of Police and the City Clerk at least five (5) days prior to such change. (Ord. 2379 §2, 2/1/86; Ord. 2050 Ch. 9 {}19, 1/1/80) 5.36.200 Insurance Requirement. No business license or driver's license shall be issued under the provisions of this Chapter unless the operator of the taxicab or for-hire vehicle business files with the City Clerk a certificate of insurance naming the City as an additional insured in an amount of not less than coverage limits required by the State of Washington for for-hire v chicles. (Ord. 2379 §4, 2/7/86) 5.36.210 License Denial or Revocation. In addition to grounds supporting denial or revocation of licenses set forth in Chapter 5.04 PAMC, a license may also be denied or revoked upon a finding that: A. Any applicant or licensee has omitted to disclose any material fact necessary to make a statement not misleading in any application for the license; or B. Any for-hire vehicle driver's license applicant or licensee has become disqualified under PAMC 5.36.090 or applicable state law to hold a driver's license for the driving of taxicabs or for-hire vehicles; or C. Any for-hire vehicle business license applicant or licensee fails to report the disqualification of a driver in his or her employ to the City Clerk and Chief of Police. (Ord. 278 8 §3, 12/31/93) 4/98 5 - 22 33 ~ 10/25/99 City of Port Angeles Mike & Margie Ewing. Acme Taxi Upon th~ approval of the City Council, Acme Taxi will begin the process of selecting appropriate vehicles. The vehicles will be selected for mechanical soundness, safety and appearance. They will then be presented to the City for inspection. We are currently looking for a 4dr sedan and a small van that can handle larger groups (6 people). The vehicles will include some safety equipment including First Aid I~t , flashlight, fire extinguisher, and shovel. Enclosed is a sketch of the vehicles es they should appear when they go into service. Also a copy of the Acme Taxi Logo, and the proposed rate schedule. The appropriate insurance will be provided once the vehicles are purchased. A copy of the insurance quote we received from our insurance agent is enclosed. Acme Taxi is not hiring employees at the beginning, but will hire as needed and will follow the appropriate procedure to do so. Thank you. Mike & Margie 34 ~ORT ! CITY OF PORT ANGELES ! 321 EAST FIFTH ST.. P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 PHONE (206) 457-0411 ~* OEP Fee:  Lice. se :No: -HIRE LICENSE APPLICATION Applicant' s Name: ~"/.///4/~--~ /~/C./~/~_.~ ~" Last F' . Middle I~ithfl City State Zip Home Phone: ~'~g)- ~&"7- '~o~ Busine~ Phone: Mo. Dny Yem' Owner's Name: ~"~'/4/'~" X~ ~/--~ ~-. Phone: ._~./,,D- ~.7- 9{Igx~ City Sta~ Zip Company Name: City State Zip Phone: Location of taxicab/for-hire vehicle zone applied for, together with any other location(s) from which the taxicabs/for-hire vehicles are operated: Business is: (check one) Single Owner ~( Partnership Corporation Number of taxicabs/for-hire vehicles owned by business: ~ Other permits/licenses required to operate business in the 'State of Washington: Washington State Tax I.D. # ~/~/ ~.~, ~c//~ · · (Pleasd attach a copy of Registration with Washington DeparOnent of Revenue) State Returns Filed: Monthly. Quarterly. A' Annually References: (Include names of at least three persons who have known applicant for at least one year and whom the City may contact to verify information given: Name:. Street Address: ~ ~,g'",.~'~.~- Phon~: ,~6~ - ~ ~-- ~/~ ~' Phone: ,~t~- t~.X-Z--~,~d City St~ Zip City ~ State Zip ' NOTE: The Wtal retail sales tax to be collected in the City of Port Angeles is ?.9 %: .010 City tax, .003 Transit tax, .065 State tax rate, and .001 criminal justice funding. The local tax portion will be rebated to the City of Port Angeles accord/ng to the information you report on your lax return under City of Port Angeles Tax Code 0502 for sales tax collected in Port Angeles. Please attach copies of the following items: 1. Description of taxicabs/for-hire vehicles owned and operated by applicant. Include ownership, number and classification of Vehicles to be operated, and name (fictitious or otherwise) under which the applicant intends to operate. 2. Distinguishing color scheme, design, or dress, including any monogram or insignia to be used on such taxicabs/for-hire vehicles. 3. Certificate of insurance as required. 4. Copy of list of employees as well as copies of employee's Washington State Driver's Licenses. 5. List of proposed rates. In the event there are any false statements contained in this application, the license may be denied. Signature of Applicant: .~~~~~ ~ ~ Date: /a~- ~ - ~ , . 36 10/22/99 City of Port Angeles Margie Ewing. Proposed Taxi Rates Proposed Rates $1.75 Drop Charge $1.75 Per Mile Additional Passenger .50 ea. Waiting-Time .50 min. Minimum Rate $3.00 10/08/99 16:1~ Cochr~ne ~ri£fin & Co.~ Inc. (~5) ~53-8696 P.01/07 COCHRANE, GRIFFIN & CO., INC. P.O. BOX 3867 BELLEVUE, UA 98009 (q25) qSS-BS99 FAX (q25) HSS-B696 DATE :10-08-99 ' FOR :KEN ,CLIENT: KEN HENSHAU INSURANCE AGENCY HIKE RUING 228 U. IHT, SPACE P DBA: ACHE TAXI PORT ANGELES, UA 98362 PORT ANGELES, UA 98362 360-H57-0113 TYPE : TAXI SERVICE QUOTE # 2qOll QUOTE GOOD THROUGH 11-07-99 -: QUICK QUOTE :- The following quote {s based on |nFormation that was provided for a quotation. Coverage ma% not be as requested in your applIcation/request for quotation. CHECK CAREFULLY. COVERAGE CANNOT BE BOUND UNTIL A WRITTEN ORDER BASED ON THIS QUOTATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED. LIMITS OF INSURANCE : ' LIABILITY (BI/PD) :100/300/25 (250 APD DEDUC.), U.I.M. :25/50/10, (2 vehicles) quoted in GUARANTY NATIONAL INSURANCE COHPANY, cost $5080.00. P.I.P. $10,000 covers9e is available fo~ an additional premium of $1,17q. 00 KEN HENSHAW INSURANCE 228 WEST FIRST STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ~ (8110) 457.0113 TOTAL PREMIUM : $5080.00 QUOTE SUBJECT TO REVISION UPON RECEIPT OF APPLICATION NO FLAT CANCELLATIONS. ANY INSP/MVR FEES ARE FULLY EARNED AT INCEPTION. See attached financing option page £o~ premium payment plans. In order to'~Tnd coverage, we require a Down Payment of [SEE ATTACHED] and a completed application (see attached). This premium quotafion is time sensitive and the applicat' should be sent ss soon as can be arranged. COVERAGE IS BOUND ON POSTMARK DATE OF $IGNE~ COMPLETED APPLICATION, AFTER QUOTE HAS BEEN GIVEN. Thank you fo~ this opportunity to serve you. ......................................................... B'~lease Issue Per attached app :_: Please finance this policy. Attached is AGENCY CHECK for down , , D] .... ~-n,,n~ P~ .~=rk~ .nn n~vm~n£. Financlno is only avail- Letter of Need and Necessity To whom it may concern: This purpose of the document is to express and show a need and the necessity for another taxi service within the city of Port Angeles and the county of Clallam, in the state of Washington. The demand for taxi service has increased with... 1) stricter laws concerning alcohol, 2) increased tourism, and 3) need for the elderly and disabled who are unable to drive themselves. The undersigned are signatures of support to this letter. II NAME ADDRESS PHONE Il 41 DONALD S. COSSER OCT Z6 1999 N. BOtChER PORT ANGELES WA 98362 ,- ~ITY OF PORT ANGELES. CITY CLERK 452-2.2.23 OCTOBER 25, 1999 CITY CLERK CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 E. 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98362 DEAR BECKY UPTON, THIS LETTER IS A FOLLOW-UP ON OUR RECENT PHONE CONVERSATION REGARDING THE POSSIBLE EMERGENCE OF ANOT}{ER CAB COMPANY IN PORT ANGELES. AT THAT TIME, I STATED TO YOU THAT MANY RUMORS WERE CIRCULATING. SINCE THAT TIME, IT HAS BECOME APPARENT THAT THE APPLICANT WOULD BE MICHAEL EWING, ONE OF MY tg~PLOYEES. I TALKED TO MIKE LAST NIGHT, OCT. 24/2{, AND HE ADMITTED HE WAS IN SOME STAGE OF THE APPLICATION PROCESS. WE AGREED THAT WE WOULD BOTH BE BETTER SERVED IF HE DID NOT WORK FOR ME AT THIS TIME. IT IS APPARENT MIKE EW-iNG'S PLAN IS AT LEAST A COUPLE OF MONTHS OLD. HE HAS USED THIS TIME TO SPREAD RUMORS, DISRUPT SERVICE AND PROMOTE THE POSSIBILITY OF HIS OWN BUSINESS. I DO RESENT HIM DOING THIS ON COMPANY TIME. ONE OF MIKE'S DUTIES, WHEN WORKING, WAS TO MONITOR ~ NUMBER OF PEND- ING CAI,T,S AND TO ENSURE THE DISPATCHER CALLED FOR BACK-UP HELP WREN REQUIRED. THIS WAS OFTEN DONE ONLY WHEN BLATANTLY APPARENT. MIKE HAS BEEN TOLD ~IAT IN ORDER TO START ANOTHER CAB COMPANY, HE MUST DEMONSTRATE A NEED FOR ANOTHER C(IMPANY. HE HAS STARTED A PETITON DRIVE, PLACING PETITIONS IN VARIOUS BARS. I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS PETITION. SOME CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION STATED THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW WHAT IT SAID. IT'S JUST " SOMETHING THAT MIKE NEEDS " I DO NOT BELIEVE PORT ANGk~.FM WOULD BE BETTER SERVED BY TWO CAB COMPANIES. WE HAVE RECEIVED VERY FEW COMPLAINTS OVER THE YEARS AND I'M NOT AWARE OF ANY COMPLAINTS RECEIVED BY THE CITY. IN THE BRIEF PERIODS OF COMPETITION I HAVE EXPERIENCED, T}IE RIDING PUBLIC HAS EXPERIENCED MUCH CONFUSION, PARTICULARLY BAR PATRONS. 42 I AM AWARE OF RECENT PROBLEMS IN MY OPERATION AND HAVE TAKEN STEPS TO CORRECT THEM. WE NOW HAVE BETTER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN DRIVERS AND DISPATCHERS TO ENSURE MORE CARS ARE PUT ON THE ROAD IN A TIMELY MANNER. WE WILL BE OPERATING MORE EFFICIENTLY WITHOUT INTERNAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. I WOULD BE PLFASED TO FURTHER DISCUSS THIS LETTER OR ANY~ ELSE PERTINENT TO THE SITUATION AT ANY TIME. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SINCERELY, DONALD S. COSSER DBA BLUE ONE, BLUE TOP CAB pORTANOEI. ES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Set Public Hearing For Water/Wastewater Rates Summary: Results of the water/wastewater rate study performed by Economic and Engineering i Services will be available for consideration by the Council at the November 17, 1999 City Council meeting. Recommendation: Set a public hearing for November 17, 1999, to accept public comment on proposed revision of Water/Wastewater rates. Background / Analysis: On August 3, 1999 a contract was awarded to Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., to perform a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study. The Utility Advisory Committee is scheduled to consider the results of the study at their meeting on November 8, 1999 and bring their recommendation to the Council for consideration on November 17, 1999. A public hearing is not required to establish utility rates, however, it has been the practice of the City Council to offer residents an opportunity to present their views to the Council. The last review of water/wastewater rates was performed in 1994. N:\PWKS\LIGHT~POWM\WWWCOS99\CCPH 1116.WPD pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO · DATE: November 2, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUmECT: Membership on the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Summary_: The City is a voting member on the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisor Committee. Councilman Orville Campbell is the City's representative and there is no alternate. Consideration should be given to naming a City Council altemate and designating a staff member to attend the meetings as a resource person and also represent the City in the absence of a City Council representative member. Recommendation: Select a City Council member as an alternate voting member of the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Committee and designate Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Collection Supervisor, to attend the meetings as a resource person and also represent the City in the absence of a City Council representative. Authorize the City Manager to forward a letter to Clallam County designating the representatives. Background / Analysis: The City is a voting member on the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisor Committee. The City's representative is Councilman Orville Campbell. The alternate in the past has been Mr. Jack Pittis, former Public Works and Utilities Director, and Mr. Robert Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services. During Councilman Campbell's recent illness and due to the departure of Mr. Pittis and Mr. Titus, the City did not have representation on the committee. Ms. Becky Upton, City Clerk, advised that Councilman Campbell was appointed by the City Council as a City Council committee assignment with no alternate. It is recommended that consideration be given to naming a City Council member to be an alternate and that a staff member be designated to attend the meetings as a resource person and represent the City in the absence of the City Council representative. The alternate staff member should know the workings of Solid Waste and be able to respond to questions asked by the committee and our representative. This person should also have authority to vote on issues in the absence of the Council representative. Staff recommends Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Collection Supervisor, be appointed as the staff resource and alternate to the SWAC. Dale Miller, City Recycling Coordinator, has been serving as a resource to the committee and should continue to be a staff resource to the committee, although not a voting alternate. N:\TEMP\SWACM EM.WPD 47 pOR N t, LtS WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant SUBJECT: Special City Council Meeting for Planning Commission Interview(s) Summary: The Planning Commission currently has two (2) vacancies. Mary Craver recently resigned, and Jason Robotkay just submitted a letter of resignation, a copy of which is attached. It is necessary to till these vacancies as quickly as possible so as to assure a full complement of Planning Commissioners. Applications have been submitted by Bob Philpott and Charles Schramm. Recommendation: That the City Council set a special meeting for November 17, 1999, at approximately 5:30 p.m. to interview Messrs. Philpott and Schramm for the Planning Commission. The Council may wish to forego an interview with Mr. Philpott by virtue of the fact he was just interviewed for a position on the Planning Commission in April, 1999. Background / Analysis: Staffhas been in the midst of advertising to fill Mary Craver's position on the Planning Commission. Another position has been vacated by the recent resignation of Jason Robotkay, who is moving outside the City limits. At the present time, two applicants have expressed interest in being appointed to the Planning Commission: Robert Philpott and Charles Schramm. It is suggested that the City Council set a special meeting for November 17, 1999, at 5:30 p.m., to conduct interviews. Should the Council determine it unnecessary to again interview Mr. Philpott, the special meeting could be set for 5:40 or 5:45 p.m. Attachment G:~EXCHANGE\CNCLPKTkCOUNC1L.WPT 49 Thursday, October 07, 1999 Jason Robotkay Port Angeles, Wa 98362 . Planning Department - ? 1999 ~'i Sue Roberds PORT A~GELES ~ 321 E 5th St PLANNING DEPART~[~ ...... Port Angeles, Wa 98362 Dear Sue, I would like to inform you of my decision to resign from the City Planning Commission. The reason for my resignation is because I will be moving out of the City limits in December and I will not be eligible to hold the position. My family and I have decided to purchase a house on some land that we own on Taylor Cutoff. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and I wish you the best. It has been a pleasure working with the Planning Department. Jason Robotkay, Planning Commissioner for Port Angeles 50 pORTAN'GELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 28, 1999 TO: 1VIAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager~'~-~ S~JBJECT: Public Hearing - Budget Summary_: The City Council is required by State Statute to hold a Public Hearing on revenue sources and on the proposed budget. Recommendation: Set a Public Hearing date for November 17, 1999 to conduct public hearings on Year 2000 Revenue Sources and on the Year 2000 Proposed Budget. Background / Analysis: State Statutes enumerate specific requirements for the budget process, including the public input encouraged through a public hearing process. RCW 84.55.120 requires a public heating on revenue sources including the possible increase in property tax sources in order to inform the public. RCW 35A.33.070 requires a final hearing on the budget by the City Council. It is our intent to conduct both of these hearings on the same evening, and if the Council has any concerns that would necessitate further input, then the hearing could be continued as necessary. It is also our intent to be ready for adoption of the Budget at your December 7th meeting. G:IEXCHANGE\CNCLPKTXCOUNCIL. WPT 51 pORTANGELES From the desk of Becky Upton, City Clerk WASHINGTON, U. S, A. October 28, 1999 Mike, Martha Ireland called. She is a member of the RTPO "Peninsula Enhancement Grant Advisory Committee". The committee will be meeting on Thursday, November 4, (for the entire day) at the P.A. Library to consider six (6) applications, three (3) of which are in our jurisdiction. One of the applications is a joint City/County application. Anyway, Martha is unable to attend that particular meeting. Because the other Commissioners are also unable to attend, Martha must send someone as a representative who is an elected official in the jurisdiction. She would like the City to name a Council member to attend this meeting on the 4th of November in her stead. The representative attending the meeting will be a voting member and will be an active participant in the selection process. Martha was hoping that you would be willing to contact the Council members to determine who might be interested in attending this very important all-day meeting. She indicated it would be helpful to find out now who might be available on that particular day and then confirm the appointment at the Tuesday evening Council meeting. Martha FAXed the attached for our information. Becky pmTA.N L S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CiTY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: TURNER ANNEXATION PETITION - ANX 99-02 South of State Highway 101 West between Doyle and Old Joe Avenues Summary: A public hearing to consider a petition for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres. Recommendation: The Planning Department recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the annexation petition as submitted with conditions. Background / Analysis: Following Council's approval of the request to circulate an annexation petition on May 18, 1999, Mr. and Mrs. James Turner submitted a valid petition for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres of property. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the annexation request at its regular August 25, 1999, meeting. Testimony was received from several surrounding property owners at the meeting. The neighbors had questions regarding their responsibilities if the property were to be annexed. It was explained to those present that the neighboring properties would not be responsible for any improvements required of the annexing parties as the surrounding properties cannot annex to the City at this time. Following the hearing, the Commission recommended that the City Council approve the petition but required that abutting portions of State Highway 101 West and Doyle Avenue be included in the annexation. Those portions of right-of-way were not included in the original petition. Because the required rights-of- way had not been included in the original petition, the Turners were informed that in order to continue consideration of the annexation, a revised petition would have to be submitted and acted upon. A revised petition was received on September 26, 1999, and a second public hearing was duly advertised. Parties of record to the first action were notified of the intended procedure. Following the second heating conducted on October 13, 1999, the Commission reaffirmed its original recommendation to Council for approval of the annexation petition. An ordinance accomplishing the annexation with conditions along with the Commission's findings, and conclusions in support of the action are attached for your consideration. 53 The second petition, correspondence received between the first and second hearings, excerpts of the Commission's August 25 and October 13, 1999, minutes as well as staff's original report are also attached for your information. Staff will be available for questions. Sue Roberds, Plannit/g/Specialist Attachments: ordinance w/findings and conclusions minute excerpts staff report C:\Wl~FORM~\councilmemo [54 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles annexing approximately 4.53 acres located south of Highway 101 West between Doyle Avenue and Old Joe Avenue, including adjacent portions of Doyle Avenue and U.S. Highway 101 West, into the City of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A. 14.120, the necessary petition has been filed with the City of Port Angeles requesting annexation to the City of Port Angeles of approximately 4.53 acres which is contiguous to the City; and WHEREAS, the necessary legal steps in connection with the petition have been completed, including the holding of a public hearing on the petition after due and legal notice the'reof; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held public hearings on August 25, and October 13, 1999, and recommended the area be annexed as requested; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interests of the City and its residents that the petition for annexation be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The following described area, which is shown in the attached Exhibit "A", is hereby annexed to the City, subject to the requirements and conditions as set forth in Section 2: The property consisting of tax parcel numbers 063008410010 and 063008582400 and legally described as Blocks 24 and 25 of Pennsylvania Park Addition, including vacated Chestnut Street contained therein and including those portions of Doyle Avenue and U.S. Highway 101 West adjacent thereto, in Clallam County, Washington. Section 2. The annexation shall be subject to the following conditions: A. The annexed area shall bear a pro rata share of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City. B. Pursuant to PAMC 17.95.110 and the Growth Management Element Policies B. 1 - 10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the zoning classification of the annexed area shall be RS-9, Residential Single Family. C. At the time of development, water, sewer, street, and storm drainage in the area shall be upgraded to meet City LOS standards including fire flow requirements. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after publication. Section 4. Following the publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof, the City Clerk shall forward a copy of the ordinance and any attachments to the Clallam County Auditor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 2nd day of November, 1999. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary T:\ORD\ORDREV.ANX 2 ' ~a ~Oo2 C ~~ Cl~ L IMif5 PU~C ~KS ~ ~~ o~ ~o~/~o ~u~ ~v~. ~X~T,O~ ~¢ TURNER - ANX 99-02 ~ ~xhibit FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF THE TURNER ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 99-02: Findings: 1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 between Doyle and Old Joe Avenues. 2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A. 14.120. 3. Two property owners constitute the proposed annexation area. 4. The County's Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning in the proposed annexation area is LD, Low Density. 5. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. 6. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The subject property fronts on US Highway 101. 7. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." 8. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth Management Element Policies BI-10) directly related to annexations. 9. The proposed annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78. 10. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed annexation on August 5, 1999. 11. Notification of the proposed annexation action was properly provided per RCW 35A. 14.130. 58 12. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposal at its regular August 25, 1999, meeting. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission moved to recommend approval of the annexation petition to the City Council with an added condition that those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Road adjacent to the proposed annexation area be included in the annexation. 13. Due to the fact that the original petition did not include adjacent rights-of-way, an amended petition was submitted on September 26, 1999, to include those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue adjacent to the proposed annexation area. A second public heating was held on October 13, 1999, to consider the amended petition. 14. Parties of record were notified of the second public heating by U.S. Mail on September 24, 1999. Conclusions 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies B 1-10), Resolution 18-78, and the factors to be considered under RCW 35A. 14.200. 2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, which was established to accommodate growth expected to occur over the next twenty years. 3. Inclusion of U.S. Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue rights-of-way will aid the provision of city services to the subject site. 4. The annexation is in the public interest. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of November 2, 1999. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS: ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 99-02 - TURNER. Old Joe Road and Doyle Road: Request for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres to the City of Port Angeles. (This item was originally considered on August 25, 1999. The intended action required a revised petition.) Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report indicating that the petition originally received from the applicants did not include portions of abutting rights-of- way which the Planning Commission recommended be included following a public heating conducted on August 25, 1999. Therefore, a new petition was submitted to correct that situation. Staff's position has not changed and the August 25, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report was noted as part of the record. A letter fi'om Patty McCullough, 302 Doyle Avenue, received on September 21, 1999, was included in the new record. A letter received October 13, 1999, from the petitioners, was noted. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Margo Turner, 3904 South Reddick Road, Port Angeles, stated that she has nothing new to add to staff's report. Development concerns will be addressed at the time development is anticipated. There are no firm plans at this time. Cynthia Shillington, 322 Doyle Road, Port Angeles, opposed the annexation. The lack of utilities restricts the development at present, where if annexed to the City utilities would be made available. The property could develop to a much higher density if annexed into the City which the neighbors oppose. Annexation of the area could open the door to more annexation in the area which would result in a more urban environment than what is desired. Paula Gustafson, 39 Doyle Avenue, Port Angeles, stated that bear, eagles, hawk, deer, and possibly cougar have been witnessed in the area. An increase in traffic, which could be the result of annexation, would negatively affect the animal population. The accident rate at Doyle Road and Highway 101 is very high. Two accidents have occurred at that location in the previous week. Annexation would cause more congestion at the confusing intersection. Monica McGoff, 133 Doyle Avenue, Port Angeles, is not against development but is opposed to more development in the area than is there at present. She did not believe that anyone in the area opposes the zoning that currently exists (residential). The State Department of Transportation has listed the Doyle Avenue/Highway 101/Tumwater Truck Route intersection as a high priority for upgrade due to accidents. She opposes participation in utility improvements in the area which may be brought about or caused by annexation including upgrades to roadways. Old Joe Avenue is very narrow. If further development occurs in the area, both Doyle and Old Joe Avenues need to be upgraded. Director Collins clarified in response to Mrs. Shillington that the proposed annexation area can actually be developed to a greater density while in the County than if annexed to the City. The county's existing Low Density (LD) zoning designation allows for more units per acre than would the City's proposed RS-9, Residential Single Family zoning. Therefore, the City's standards are more restrictive. 60 Planning Commission Minutes October 13. 1999 Page 3 The proposal is within the City's Urban Growth Area CLIGA). It is the only parcel of property within the UGA in this location that is not within the City limits. Property outside of the City's UGA cannot petition for annexation without a change to the UGA boundaries. Property owners outside of the proposed annexation would not be permitted to hook up to City services or be required to pay for those improvements. Old Joe Avenue is not of sufficient width to become a City right-of-way. Monica McGoffwondered why the applicants want to be annexed if it would result in a more restrictive zoning than they now have. Chair Hewins answered that the main question before the City at this time is whether or not the area should be annexed. Specific development questions or issues dealing with a change in zoning are not relevant at this juncture. There being no further discussion, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to recommend approval of the petition for annexation citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The annexation shall bear a pro rata share of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City. 2. Pursuant to PAMC 17.95.110 and the Growth Management Act Element Policies B. 1 - 10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the zoning classification of the annexed area shall be the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone. 3. At the time of development, water, sewer, street, and storm drainage in the area shall be upgraded to meet City LOS standards including fire flow requirements. Findings: 1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 between Doyle and Old Joe Avenues. 2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A. 14.120. 3. Two property owners constitute the proposed annexation area. 4. The County's Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning in the proposed annexation area is LD, Low Density. Planning Commission Minutes October I$, 1999 Page 4 5. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. 6. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The subject property fronts on US Highway 101. 7. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." 8. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations. 9. The proposed annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78. 10. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed annexation on August 5, 1999. 11. Notification of the proposed annexation action was properly provided per RCW 35A. 14.130. 12. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public heating on the proposal at its regular August 25, 1999, meeting. Following the public heating, the Planning Commission moved to recommend approval of the annexation petition to the City Council with the condition that those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Road adjacent t° the proposed annexation area be included in the annexation. 13. Due to the fact that the original petition did not include adjacent rights-of-way, an amended petition was submitted on September 26, 1999, to include those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue adjacent to the proposed annexation area. A second public hearing was scheduled for October 13, 1999, to consider the amended petition. 14. Parties of record were notified of the second public heating by U.S. Mail on September 24, 1999. Conclusions 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies BI-10), Resolution 18-78, and the factors to be considered under RCW 35A.14.200. 62 Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 Page 5 2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, which was established to accommodate growth expected to occur over the next twenty years. 3. Inclusion of U.S. Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue rights-of-way will aid the provision of city services to the subject site. 4. The annexation is in the public interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - 0. Commissioner Reed commented that the issues before the City at this time are regarding annexation. Development issues or those that may come up as a result of a zone change request to the City are not relevant at this time. 63 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ANNEXATION PETITIOI UU.: SEP Z 6 A petition for annexation to the City of Port Angeles. l PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTN~ENT TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles: _ We, the undersigned property owners, possessing at least sixty (60%) percent of the following described property, do hereby petition the City Council for annexation to the City of Port Angeles. A vicinity map outlining the boundaries of the property to be annexed and indicating ownership is attached as Exhibit 'A'. (inse~t legal description of the prOperty to be annexed.) Block~ 24 and 25 of Pennsylvania Park Addition including vacated Chestnut Street contained therein lying west of Doyle Avenue including adjacent portlons of State Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue. This petition is signed with the full understanding that annexation is subject to the following condi'dons as established by the Port Angeles City Council: 1. Annexed property will assume the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Port Angeles. 2. Time property will be zoned based upon the Comprehensive Land Use Map and Comprehensive Plan designation for the area. 3904 S. Reddick Road 41~-5818  3904 S. Reddick Road 4_~7-5818 Other property owner Lee Hallmann 1121 Fountain Port Angeles, WA 98362 4 WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he is not a legal voter or is otherwfse not qualified to sign, or who herein makes any false statement, shell be guilty of a misdemeanor. JAMES N. & MARGO TURNER 3904 SOUTH REDDICK ROAD ~ PORT ~NGELES WA 98363 Fax 360-452-1780 ~ Home Phone 360-457-5818 October 13, 1999 CITY OF PORT A/~GELES Planning Department Re: TURNER ANNEXATION-ANX 99-02 Meeting of 10/13/99, 7:00 P.M. PO~T When we started the process of annexing to the City, we had no idea that some of the area property owners would react negatively to the change. We presu/~ed that since the property was in the Urban Growth Area and zoned for residential housing the neighbors were aware that sometime in the future the land would be developed. To date our strongest opponents are not located directly across from our property. Cynthia Shillington and Patty Mc Cullough drive more than 1000 feet past our property to their homes on a dead end cul de sac. Monica Mc Goff and Vern Pritchard also live past our property and we feel that they want us to continue to provide a play area for their children and do nothing to change the land. we have heard either directly or indirectly from most of the immediate neighbors. Their varying opinions are: 'That land has been idle too long, - it's time the County/City let someone do something there. People should realize that things change."; one neighbor told me she would rather see mini storage units in that area; I was told that other direct neighbors 'Aren't thrilled, but don't feel they have a right to tell someone else what to do with their land; one neighbor said she would rather see a commercial truck shop there instead of homes; another neighbor is optimistic that whatever goes in there will be compatible with the neighborhood, but feels he doesn't have the right to tell us what to do with our property; I was told that another neighbor requested that his property be added to the City along with our land. To address the traffic' issue, the Old Joe Road is not as wide as some County roads, however 2 vehicles are able to pass each other on the road. Highway 101 has a center turn lane which begins well to the east of Doyle and continues west past Fairmount Avenue. What seemed to be a simple annexation has turned out to be anything but simple. Thank you for your patience and consideration. Sincerely, 65 66 Planning Commission Minutes - August 25. 1999 Page 5 ANNEXATION REOUEST - ANX 99-02 - TURNER. Between Old Joe Road and Doyle Road: Request for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres of land situated west of the City limits. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report proposing a recommendation of approval in the matter. He clarified that an alternative zoning of Residential Medium Density (RMD) from the staff's recommendation of Residential Single Family (RS-9) would also be appropriate for the area if annexed. The RMD zoning would be more consistent with the current zoning in the County of Urban Low Density (LD). He noted late comments from the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. The applicant should be aware that the Fire Department will require fire flow meeting Uniform Fire Code requirements be provided for development within the annexation and that the Public Works Department will require the City's water, sewer, and storm drainage service standards to be met when development takes place. The subject property contains an easement for a private waterline through which City water passes. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Norton, Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, _ explained that years ago several residents in the area petitioned the City to provide water. A private waterline was constructed, and the City provided the water to 8 residents in the area through that line. The line recently failed, and, due to health concems, a difficult enforcement action resulted, which had nothing to do with the applicant but which essentially forced the replacement of the waterline by the residents. Planning Director Collins responded to Commissioner Reed that there is no development on the property in question at present. Planning Director Collins clarified to Commissioner Nutter that the applicants, not the City, would be responsible for utility services, water, sewer, power, roads in the proposed annexation area. In response to Commissioner Hewins, Fire Marshall Dan McKeen said that residents in the proposed annexation area would have the option of installing residential fire sprinkler systems or alarm bells. Acting Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Margo Turner, 3904 South Reddick Road, stated that she and her husband purchased the property but have been unable to develop it due to lack of services in the area. She is aware that upgrades will be required. They have no immediate plan for development but wish to plan for it. Commissioner Reed asked Mrs. Turner what her thoughts are with regard to staff's option of Residential Medium Density rather than Residential Single Family. She answered that she doesn't know what the differences are between the two zones. They don't really have a preference as to residential zoning designations but wish to be in the City to have the opportunity to develop the property where at present they cannot. 6 7 Planning Commission Minutes - August 25, 1999 Page 6 Mr. Collins responded at the direction of the Acting Chair in explaining the difference between Residential Single Family and Residential Medium Density allowances. Mrs. Turner said she would be agreeable to the RMD zoning. Cynthia Shillington, 322 Doyle Road, has owned property on Doyle Road since 1972. The purchasers must have known when they purchased the property what the development constraints were. The area is very rural in nature with narrow roads. She detailed the road system in the area and her thoughts regarding fire, traffic, and water concerns. She questioned why area residents were not provided with individual notice of the annexation proposal. She was not as concemed about annexation to the RMD zoning but would not support a commercial zoning for the site which could be possible with annexation to the City. Monica McGoffen, 133 Doyle Road, did not notice the posting sign on the property until recently. When she purchased her home 14 years ago a real estate agent assured her that there would not be any more development in this area because there were no more water shares available. There is a lot of standing water in the area which also makes development difficult. Neighbors deal with very low water pressure daily, some have holding tanks and some don't use water during periods that it is scarce. She was concerned that the annexation would require neighbors in the area to pay for upgrades for utilities which would be required if the area is annexed. When the City's Comprehensive Plan was being developed, only the area in question was designated as being in the urban growth area because surrounding residents didn't want to be in the City. In response to Ms. McGoffen, Engineer Kenworthy responded that other residents in the area would not be required to participate in utility upgrades unless they wished to for their own purposes. Such an action could be approved through an area wide Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) which would include both City and County residents. Vern Pritchard, 133 Doyle Road, said that there are still three or four houses hooked up to the old failing waterline due to a dispute regarding repair fees. How would the annexation affect that situation? He is happy to live in the rural area even given the low water pressure and even if it means his house burns down due to low water pressure. Stacy Bullock, 185 Doyle Road, opposed the annexation proposal and commented that she was unaware of the proposal until recently. Her children read the sign and told her about the proposal. The roads are very narrow and the water pressure is zero. Planning Director Collins responded to some of the concerns raised. Due to the unavailability of an adequate water source in the area, as testimony indicated, the applicants cannot develop the property. To address the concerns raised about notification in the event of annexation, Mr. Collins pointed out that state law (RCW 35A. 14.130) does not require 68 Planning Commission Minutes -August 25, 1999 Page 7 individual notification of surrounding property owners under the direct petition method. The posting of the property was done and was noticed by all those present at the hearing, and a publication was placed in the Peninsula Daily News for general notification. A specific zoning action would require notification of property owners within 300' of a proposed property. He recommended that Doyle Road and Old Joe Road on the east and west borders of the property be annexed leaving out those portions of Highway 101 not fronting on the site. Engineer Kenworthy answered that any existing water services to the annexed property would be abandoned and a new service would be required just for the subject property to meet the City's minimum standards. The surrounding County residents would continue using the existing smaller private line. Mrs. Shillington stated that she finds it very hard to believe that the City residents would not some way have to pay for some development in the event the area is annexed. There being no further comments, Acting Chair closed the public hearing. Discussion continued regarding roads, water, and zoning issues. The Commission took a 5 minute break. The meeting reconvened. Following lengthy discussion regarding utilities and roadway needs, Commissioner Reed moved to recommend approval of the annexation request with the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The annexation be approved with the assumption of the City's bonded indebtedness. 2. The property will be zoned as RS-9, Residential Single Family Zoning upon annexation and will include that portion of Doyle Road adjacent to the annexation area. 3. Water, sewer, street, and storm drainage in the area shall be upgraded to meet City LOS standards. 4. Upgrade will be made such that the annexed area complies with minimum City fire flow requirements through the Uniform Fire Code. Findings: 1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 at Euclid Street on Old Joe Road. 69 Planning Commission Minutes - August 25, 1999 Page 8 2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A. 14.120. 3. Two property owners constitute the proposed annexation area. 4. The Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning in the proposed annexation area is UR, Urban Residential in the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. 6. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The subject property fronts on US Highway 101. 7. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration Of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." 8. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations. 9. The proposed promotional annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78. 10. Public notification of the proposed annexation action was provided per RCW 35A.14.130. Conclusions 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's annexation policies as established in the Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies B 1-10) 2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, which was established to accommodate growth which is expected to occur over the next twenty years. 3. There is access to the site for urban services. 4. The proposed annexation is in the public interest. 70 Planning Commission Minutes - August 25, 1999 Page 9 Commissioner Reed added that he heard all the testimony presented and understood the concerns of those present but he felt that the concerns are development issues that should be addressed at the time of development, not at this time, as the applicant will be responsible for development requirements of the annexation. Commissioner King seconded the motion which passed 5-0. Acting Chair Hewins added that this item will be considered by the City Council on September 21, 7 p.m., City Council Chambers, at which time a second public hearing will be held. 71 72 pORT .WGEL, ES F'] L. W AS H I N G T O N, O.S.A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Vice Chair Hewins and Planning Commissioners FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director DATE: August 25, 1999 II II RE: Annexation Proposal - ANX 99-02 APPLICANTS: Mr. and Mrs. James Turner LOCATION: Old Joe Road, Doyle Avenue, Highway 101 West PROPOSAL: Annexation of approximately 4.53 acres The City Council has approved the applicants' request City CounCil to circulate an annexation petition for property consisting of 4.53 acres. The property is located in the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA) and is situated directly south of the Fairmount Restaurant. City utilities are located north of Highway 101 in the area near the restaurant. The applicants are owners of more than the required sixty percent assessed evaluation of the property included in the signed annexation petition for as required by RCW 35A. 14.120. The petition includes the City's two requirements regarding annexation - assumption of bonded indebtedness and designation of zoning. The property will be zoned as RS-9, Single Family Residential, consistent with the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan. Although not in the City, the area has been served by City water for many years. That water service has failed in the past two years and is in the process of being reconstructed. Factors considered under RCW 35A.14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth .in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services, the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." A Determination of Non-Significance No. 870 was issued for the proposed annexation on August 20, 1999, and this concludes the SEPA review. 73 Planning Departn~-n! Staff Report August 25, 1999 ANX 99.02 - Turner i~ge 2 As the area is located within the City's UGA with utilities being adjacent to the site across the Highway 101 right-of-way, staff recommends that the annexation petition be approved with the assumption of the City's general indebtedness and RS-9, Single Family Residential zoning for the subject properties. The following findings and conclusions could be cited in support of that action: udings: 1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 at Euclid Street on Old Joe Road. 2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A.14.120. 3. Two property owners constitute the proposed annexation area. 4. Thc Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning in the proposed annexation area is UR, Urban Residential in the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan. 5. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. 6. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The subject property fronts on US Highway 101. . 7. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans 'and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and' unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives On adjacent areas." 8. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations. 9. The proposed promotional annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78. 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's annexation policies as established in the Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies BI-10) 2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Por~ Angeles Urban Growth Area, which was established to accommodate growth which is expected to occur over the next twenty years. 3. There is access to the site for urban services. 4. The proposed annexation is in the public interest. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. The Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposal on September 21, 1999. 74 G:~PLANNING~ANX'~ANX9902B. NO. 870 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE RCW Chapter 197-1 i-340 Description of Proposal: A proposal to annex approximately 4.53 acres to the City of Port Angeles. Applicant: JAMES and MARGO TURNER Location of Proposal (including street address, if any): The property is located south of Highway 101 West, between Old Joe Road and Doyle Avenue Lead Agency: CITY OF PORT ANGELES The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(¢). This decision was made al[er review ora completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [ ] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days fi.om the date of issuance. Comments must be submitted by. at which time the DNS may be retained, modified, or withdrawn. [XX] There is no comment period for this DNS. , ,.r , ~, [ ] This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. August 20, 1999 ~d~ ~ Date Br , Planning Director You may appeal this determination to the Port Angeles City Council through the Planning Department, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, by submitting such written appeal to the Planning Department no later than September 7,1999. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Brad Collins, Planning Director, Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, phone (360) 417 - 4750. ~' Pub: 8/22/99 Post: 8/20/99 Mail: 8/20/99 75 76 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ANNEXATION PETITION TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles: Poet ~,~a~.~ ~ .... ~L~t~,C..r,'~:. · We, the undemigned property owners, possessing at least sixty (60%) percent of the following described property, do hereby pe~on the City Council for annexation to the City of Port Angeles. A vicinity map outlining the boundaries of the property to be annexed and indicating ownership is attached as Exhibit "A". (Insert legal description of the prope~y to be annexed.) This petition is signed with the full underStanding that annexation is subject to the following conditions as established by the Port Angeles City Council: , , - 1. Annexed property will assume the general bonded indebtedness of the Ci~of Port Angeles. 2. The property will be zoned based upon the Comprehensive Land Use Map and Comprehensive Plan designation for the area. Property owners within annexation area: Turners (see above) Lee Hallmann c/o Fairmount Restaurant Port Angeles, WA 98362 ~57 5113- WARNING: Every person who signs this pe~on with any other than Ns/her true name, or who knowingly .~gns more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he is not a legal voter or is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who herein makes any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Attachment: Exhibit 'A' ......... 77 _ WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of Application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Purpose Grant Summary_: After the public hearing is closed the Council should adopt a general purpose scope for submittal of a Community Development Block Grant application to continue the existing low to moderate income family housing program. Recommendation: Re-open the public hearing to discuss and approve the proposed use of the i grant funds. After the public hearing, adopt the attached resolution authorizing submission' of an application for a general purpose Community Development Black Grant in the amount i of $750,000 for Phase V of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program. Background / Analysis: At the public hearing on October 19, 1999, the Council received input regarding the current Housing Rehabilitation Program and a recommendation from the Community Action Council to continue the program. The purpose of continuing the public hearing to November 2, 1999, is to receive public comment and discuss the proposed use of the grant funds. After the public hearing the Council may adopt the general purpose scope for the grant and adopt the attached resolution. This procedure is outlined in the Strategy for Seeking and Obtaining Community Development Block Grant Funds adopted by the Council in October, 1997. Attach: Resolution Procedures 79 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing submission of an application for a general purpose Community Development Block Grant and committing to comply with all required regulations. WHEREAS, Port Angeles is applying to the State of Washington for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to fund the continuation of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain conditions be met as part of the grant application requirements; and WHEREAS, Port Angeles agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state regulations in the event that this application is selected for funding and authorizes Michael Quinn, City Manager, to submit this application to the State of Washington on behalf of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest of the citizens of Port Angeles to submit said grant application and to comply with said requirements; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. The City of Port Angeles has provided citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and the opportunity to comment on, the proposed continuation of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program. Section 2. The City of Port Angeles has provided citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and the opportunity to comment on, the proposed housing and community development activities and the estimated cost of each project in relation to the activities planned to benefit low- and moderate-income persons. Applications are retained in the City Clerk's Office and are available for review. 80 Section 3. The City of Port Angeles will establish a plan to minimize displacement as a result of activities assisted with CDBG funds and to assist persons actually displaced as a result of such activities. Section 4. The City of Port Angeles will conduct and administer its program in conformance with Title VI of the City Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Section 5. The City of Port Angeles has adopted or will adopt and enforce a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent demonstrations in accordance with Section 519 of Public Law 101-144 (November, 1989), and has adopted or will adopt and implement a policy of enforcing applicable state or local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction. Section 6. The City of Port Angeles will provide opportunities for citizen participation comparable to state requirements. Section 7. The City of Port Angeles, when substantial changes are made in the use of funds, will provide citizens with opportunities to comment. Section 8. The City of Port Angeles will not use assessments against properties owned and occupied by low- and moderate-income persons or charge user fees to recover the capital costs of CDBG-funded public improvements from low- and moderate-income owner- occupants. Section 9. The City of Port Angeles has complied with all public hearing and citizen participation requirements and will certify to this compliance. The City will also comply with the previously adopted City of Port Angeles Citizen Participation/Community Development and Housing Plan, which includes a policy and procedure for resolving grievances. ~. The City Council authorizes submission of a Community Development Block Grant application to the State of Washington in the amount of $750,000 for Phase V of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program. Section 11. The City of Port Angeles designates Michael Quinn as the authorized chief administrative official and representative to act in all matters in connection with the applications and Port Angeles' participation in the Washington State CDBG Program. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ~ day of ,1999. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attomey N:~'RO J ECTS\99-02LMI~LM IRES2.wpd 82 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Citizen Pmticipation Strategy For Seeking and Ob~ining Community Development Block Grant Funds INTRODUCTION: The City of Port Angeles Citizen. Participation Strategy Plan is · document required by the Washington State Community, Trade and Economic Development Block Grant ' (CDBG) Program. The Citizen Participation Strategy Plan is intended to guide the city's citizen participation activities whenever it prepares to submit an application for CDBG funds. The City must delineate how it will involve its citizens in the C, DBG application process and comply with the specir~ CDBG citizen participation requirements. PRE-SUBMISSION PUBUC HEARING REQUIREMENTS: To ensure that sufficient public notice is made, the City of Port Angeles will convene a public hearing prior to proposal submission. Reasonable notice of hearing will be published and accommodations made within local public hearing standards. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AVAILABILITY OF CDBG FUNDS: The heming will take place during a regularly scheduled council meeting for the purpose of informing interested citizens and groups of the availability of CDBG funds, the range of CDBG eligible activities including those of interest to persons with special needs and/or Iow and moderate income (I. MI), the prioritization of community development and housing needs, the availability and types of technical assistance City Staff can provide, local and CDBG due dates, and the dates proposals will be open for local public review. Statements of intent to submit, application to the City for sponsorship, and citizens comments and questions will be solicited. The hearing will be continued to take place during a regularly scheduled council meeting for the purpose of soliciting citizen and agency comments regarding proposals requesting sponsorship by the City. The hearing will be held prior to the council's choice of proposal and recommender{on for submission to the CDBG program. RESPONSE FOR REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE: During the public hearing, the City will inform individuals and groups interested in submitting proposals of the availability and types of technical assistance the City staff can provide, such as referral to CDBG Program Staff and published CDBG Application Guidelines, Public Hearing requirements, and submission of the sponsored proposal and copies to the CDBG Program prior to the application deadline. Individuals and agencies will be responsible for submitting the original proposal and designated number of copies to the City by the local deadline. If awarded, the sub-grantee will receive guidance conceming compliance end record keeping, quarterly and final report review, and report submission to the CDBG program. REVIEW OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING NEEDS: The City has completed its comprehensive plan which addresses a wide range of community development and housing needs. The City will also participate in the development of the two county housing needs assessments developed through a planning only grant. These documents will be used in the decision making process to determine which needs to address with CDBG proposals. OPPORTUNITIES TO COMMENT ON A PROPOSAL: Interested individuals and groups may comment on proposals submitted to the City for sponsorship to CDBG. Interested Individuals and groups may comment on CDBG Program proposals submitted to the City for sponsorship. The public hearing, held during a regularly scheduled council meeting, will provide a means for timely input before the City Council, especially from those who reside in areas in which CDBG funds are proposed to be used, who are Iow to moderate Income, and who have special needs, or those considered stakeholders. In addition, this hearing will be used to ensure there is broad-based support for projects and to inform the public of the grievance procedure. ONGOING CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (POST-AWARD): When funded, a CDBG proposal will be open to public review and comment. The award and opportunity for ongoing comment will be announced In the local media prior to the implementation of a project. Citizens affected by a proposed project will have an opportunity to contribute to, comment on, or be involved in project activities through written documents submitted to the Port Angeles City Manager or by comment during the appropriate time at regularly scheduled City Council meetings. A second public hearing will be held prior to grant close-out to assess a project's performance. A.n additional hearing will be held if there is · significant change in a project's scope. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: The City will review and resolve grievances related to a CDBG funded project in accordance with the following grievance procedure. Citizens will be provided the name, address, and phone number of · contact person who will receive grievance notifications and comments. The City Manager will designate the CDBG g~tevance contact person for the City. Response to complain.ts and grievances will be addressed in writing within 15 working days where practical. Any disagreement with the grievance response may be appealed to the City Manager, whose decision shall be final. The grievance procedure will be posted at City Hall on the public bulletin board and be kept on file at Port Angeles City Hall and in the sub-grantee's location. N:~PROJ~'T~,9?ol P..HA611qATEGY.W P;I 8 3 84 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT November 2, 1999 CITY MEETING SCHEDULE DATE TIME I OXrF. IUB R City Council Meeting Tuesday, November 2 6:00 p.m. Gateway Committee meeting Thursday, November 4 8:15a-12:00n North Olympic Peninsula Cities Assn. meeting Wednesday, November 10 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, November 10 7:00 p.m. Veteran's Day Thursday, November 11 CLOSED P.A. Capital for a Day (Governor Locke) Tuesday, November 16 All Day City Council Meeting Wednesday, November 6:00 p.m. 17 Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, November 24 Canceled Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday, November 25 CLOSED G:\CNCLPK'rXCTYMGR\CMREPTX99'dqov02.WPD 85 86 pORTA:N'GELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: October 28, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CItY COUNCIL FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager SUBJECT: Informational Report Work Schedule: To keep the Council informed on the general activities I've been involved with the last two weeks, the following highlights are included for your information: Legislative Contacts: Meeting with the Governor's staff to pre-plan the event for Port Angeles as "Capital for a Day" on November 16th. While the full schedule will be forthcoming in the next couple of days, the tentative schedule calls for your invitation to a Governor's Breakfast for all elected officials at the Red Lion @ 7:30 am; there will be an education/technology module at Peninsula College afterward, as well as tours for the Governor's staff; a lunch at the Vem Burton Center with local Chambers of Commerce; waterfront/downtown tour; economic roundtable in Council Chambers; and a Town Hall/Community Dinner ( spaghetti feed) that evening. Staff Tour: None Community Contacts: Speaking engagement at the Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca meeting. Major Items: (1) Review of Real Estate Committee items, (2) Gateway Committee review of current project status, (3) agenda items, and (4) Budget Additional Staff Informational Reports: These items are general interest information and minutes for your use. The following are highlighted for special attention: 1. We plan on replacing the Wastewater Treatment Superintendent position and have recalled a former employee to serve in this capacity for an interim basis. This position is a critical management position for us and we feel this action plan is the most effective way to handle the current operational needs. 2. The EDC Third Quarter Report is released and of particular note to the City is (1) the APCO report on strategically marketing the community is due in November, (2) the industrial site inventory has been completed and turned over to the Port Angeles Works Committee, and (3) the infrastructure study to South Fairchild Industrial Park is proceeding with recommendations expected early next year. 87 88 po AN-C . s WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 2, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CiTY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services SUBJECT: Personnel Replacement - Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Superintendent Mr. Kevin Curtis, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor, has given notice that he has accepted another position and has left his position with the City. The position has been reviewed and it is recommended that the position should be filled at the superintendent level instead of the supervisor level. This is necessitated due to the complexity and skill level requirement needed to ensure that the WWTP will continues to operate efficiently and within our NPDES permit. The redesignation of the position to superintendent brings the City in line with the practices of other Plants around the State. The WWTP staff consists of six personnel: 1 - Treatment Plant Superintendent (Vacant) 1 - Treatment Plant Operator III (Vacant - Recruitment pending) 1 - Treatment Plant Operator II 1 - Treatment Plant Operator I 1 - Water Quality Control Specialist 1 - Lab Specialist These positions are the minimum necessary for the efficient operation of the WWTP. Treatment plant personnel not only operate the plant they also operate the leachate system at the City landfill and work with local businesses to assist in the enforcement of the pre-treatment ordinance. The superintendent position is a reclassification of the existing position vacated by the supervisor. The position is funded by the wastewater utility fund and the personnel expense increase will be approximately $7,500 per year. N:\GLENN~WTPSUPER.WPD 89 Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission September 16, 1999 Minutes I. Call To Order The September 16, 1999 meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm in the Veto Burton Community Center meeting room by Vice Chair, Diana Tschimperle. II. Roll Call Members Present: Leslie Perrizo, Beth Mattie, Matt Kirsch, & Diana Tschimperle Members Absent: David Morris, Pat McDonagh Staff Present: Scott Brodhun & John Hicks III. Approval of Minutes and Audio Tape Disposition - April 18.1999 M. Kirsch moved to accept the minutes as presented. L. Perrizo seconded the motion which carried. IV. Items from Audience not on Aeenda None V. Finance None A. Park Board Appointments; Staff explained that there are several vacancies on City boards and commissions. City staff has been discussing procedures that would ease the burden on council of filling board vacancies. Staff has discussed the possibility of each board conducting their own interviews. The boards would then send recommendations to Council for approval. The Senior Center Board has been operating in this way for years. Park Dept. Staff wants the Park Board to be prepared for a pending Council approval of this policy change, and wants the board to consider issues such as; should the entire board be involved or a sub- committee; recruitment of potential members; etc. Park Board September 16, 1999 2 L. Perrizo felt the entire board should be involved in the selection process. Staff urged the board to recruit applicants who maintain a broad base of interests in order to keep the board diverse. B. Francis Street Project: The city utilized grant funding to acquire this property. The terms of the grant also allowed limited funding for development. Rather than utilizing general fund dollars to front the acquisition, water-wastewater funding was utilized. These funds were used because of the future need that water- wastewater has for the property. Additionally, a substantial donation was part of the acquisition limiting the amount of City funding that was necessary. Water-wastewater provided approximately $375,000 and the state reimbursed $240,000. Staff is asking for Park Board concurrence with the concept plans for development of the property, and is seeking a recommendation that the state reimbursement ($240,000) be utilized for development of the project. Following park board discussion regarding Water/wastewaters future need for the property, the Park Departments willingness to pursue and obtain grant funding for the acquisition, as well as the Park Departments obligation to develop and maintain the property, Park Board concurred that the entire state reimbursement should be utilized for the project. M. Kirsch moved to fonvard to City Council, Park Board's approval of the concept design for Francis Street Park Project as presented by Terma Planners & Architects, and additionally, recommend that the State reimbursement funding be used for development of the park. L. Perrizo seconded the motion which carried. C. Review of Banner Policy: Current language in the banner policy states that "advertisements or promotions of non-profit organizations", is an allowed display. The language leaves interpretation open for the definition of advertisements and promotions. Under the current language, a non profit organization (i.e. Goodwill) could advertise a 50% off retail sale. Recently, a non profit organization advertised affordable senior housing. The recent use could be loosely interpreted as Park Board September 16, 1999 3 within the policy, however staff feels that the message is outside the intended use of the banner facilities. Discussion ensued on various aspects of the current policy. All agreed the banners are intended as a community service; to relay information pertaining to community events. Generally it was Suggested the banner is not intended to advertise goods and services - but to announce entertainment, recreational, and sporting events or fund-raising efforts of local non-profit community service organizations. It was suggested that staff prepare a policy that better reflects the intended use of the facilities. A draft of the revised policy will be written and brought back for Park Board approval. D. Approval of Holiday Policy. - Senior Center: Approximately a year and a half ago the Senior Center Board of Advisors initiated a policy closing the Center on legal holidays. Under the current policy, holiday use of the building only occurs on a scheduled/fee basis, including those programs sponsored by the City. Initiation of the policy resulted in decreased use of the building on holidays, and Director Brodhun is concerned that the policy is not aligned with the department mission, or the mission for the provision of service to older adults. Staff has drafted a revised policy which would allow holiday use of the building. The policy outlines procedures that would result in safe and secure use of the facility, would serve the older adult population, assist self supporting groups, increase participation, and improve the program. The Senior Center Board is willing to consider the revised policy at their October meeting. A Park Board recommendation may assist The Senior Center Board of Advisors in their deliberation. L. Perrizo moved to approve the revised policy to open the Senior center on legal holidays in order to be accessible to the citizens of the city of Port Angeles. M. Kirsch seconded the motion. Having no further discussion and Upon call for the question, motion carried. Park Board September 16, 1999 4 VII. Staff Informational Reports & Updates Discussion ensued on - ffShane & Erickson Tennis Courts. ~'City-wide park refencing and turf maintenance program. ~'Things to come: three playgrounds, park signs, and resurfacing the pier playground. ~'Marine Life Center partnership went swimmingly well; better than anyone expected or imagined. Funding and growth will continue for the Center through 2000. ~'Pool Bond issue possibilities. ~'Negotiations on the Langley parcel. ~'Lincoln Park Pond flooding fix. VIII. Park Board Late Items: ~'Questions and discussion on trail continuation from Railroad Ave. To the estuary. IX. Adiournment: Motion for adjournment. 94 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 October 13, 1999 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fred Hewins, Linda Nutter, Jason Robotkay, Bob King, Dean Reed Members Excused: Fred Norton, one vacancy Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Dan McKeen, Gary Kenworthy Public Present: Cynthia Shillington, Paula Gustafson, Margo Turner, Mary Ellen Winborn, Kathie Jones, John McDonagh, Donna Davison, Monica McGoff APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner King moved to approve the September 22, 1999, meeting minutes as presented by staff. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Robotkay and passed 4 - 0 Wl~h Dean Reed abstaining. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 99-02 - TURNER. Old Joe Road and Doyle Road: Request for annexation of approximately 4.53 acres to the City of Port Angeles. (This item was originally considered on August 25, 1999. The intended action required a revised petition.) Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report indicating that the petition originally received t~om the applicants did not include portions of abutting rights-of- way which the Planning Commission recommended be included following a public hearing conducted on August 25, 1999. Therefore, a new petition was submitted to correct that situation. Staff's position has not changed and the August 25, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report was noted as part of the record. A letter from Patty McCullough, 302 Doyle Avenue, received on September 21, 1999, was included in the new record. A letter received October 13, 1999, from the petitioners, was noted. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Margo Turner, 3904 South Reddick Road, Port Angeles, stated that she has nothing new to add to staff's report. Development concems will be addressed at the time development is anticipated. There are no finn plans at this time. 95 Planning Commission Minutes October 15, 1999 Page 2 Cynthia Shillington, 322 Doyle Road, Port Angeles, opposed the annexation. The lack of utilities restricts the development at present where if annexed to the City, utilities would be made available. The property could develop to a much higher density if annexed into the City which the neighbors oppose. Annexation of the area could open the door to more annexation in the area which would result in a more urban environment than what is desired. Paula Gustafson, 39 Doyle Avenue, Port Angeles, stated that bear, eagles, hawk, deer, and possibly cougar have been witnessed in the area. An increase in traffic, which could be the result of annexation, would negatively affect the animal population. The accident rate at Doyle Road and Highway 101 is very high. Two accidents have occurred at that location in the previous week. Annexation would cause more congestion at the confusing intersection. Monica McGoffi 133 Doyle Avenue, Port Angeles, is not against development but is opposed to more development in the area than is there at present. She did not believe that anyone in the area opposes the zoning that currently exists (residential). The State Department of Transportation has listed the Doyle Avenue/Highway 101/Tumwater Truck Route intersection as a high priority for upgrade due to accidents. She opposes participation in utility improvements in the area which may be brought about or caused by annexation including upgrades to roadways. Old Joe Avenue is very narrow. If further development occurs in the area, both Doyle and Old Joe Avenues need to be upgraded. Director Collins clarified in response to Mrs. Shillington that the proposed annexation area can actually be developed to a greater density while in the County than if annexed to the City. The county's existing Low Density (LD) zoning designation allows for more units per acre than would the City's proposed RS-9, Residential Single Family zoning. Therefore, the City's standards are more restrictive. The proposal is within the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA). It is the only parcel of property within the UGA in this location that is not within the City limits. Property outside of the City's UGA cannot petition for annexation without a change to the UGA boundaries. Property owners outside of the proposed annexation would not be permitted to hook up to City services or be required to pay for those improvements. Old Joe Avenue is not of sufficient width to become a City right-of-way. Monica McGoffwondered why the applicants want to be annexed if it would result in a more restrictive zoning than they now have. Chair Hewins answered that the main question before the City at this time is whether or not the area should be annexed. Specific development questions or issues dealing with a change in zoning are not relevant at this juncture. There being no further discussion, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. 96 Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 Page 3 Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to recommend approval of the petition for annexation citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The annexation shall bear a pro rata share of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City. 2. Pursuant to PAMC 17.95.110 and the Growth Management Act Element Policies B. 1 - 10 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the zoning classification of the annexed area shall be the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone. 3. At the time of development, water, sewer, street, and storm drainage in the area shall be upgraded to meet City LOS standards including fire flow requirements. Findings: 1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request fi.om Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 between Doyle and Old Joe Avenues. 2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A. 14.120. 3. Two property owners constitute the proposed annexation area. 4. The County's Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning in the proposed annexation area is LD, Low Density. 5. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. 6. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The subject property fronts On US Highway 101. 7. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." 8. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth Management Element Policies B 1 o 10) directly related to annexations. 97 Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 Page 4 9. The proposed annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78. 10. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposed annexation on August 5, 1999. 11. Notification of the proposed annexation action was properly provided per RCW 35A. 14.130. 12. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposal at its regular August 25, 1999, meeting. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission moved to recommend approval of the annexation petition to the City Council with the condition that those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Road adjacent to the proposed annexation area be included in the annexation. 13. Due to the fact that the original petition did not include adjacent rights-of-way, an amended petition was submitted on September 26, 1999, to include those portions of Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue adjacent to the proposed annexation area. A second public hearing was scheduled for October 13, 1999, to consider the amended petition. 14. Parties of record were notified of the October 13, 1999, public heating by U.S. Mail on September 24, 1999. Conclusions 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies BI-10), Resolution 18-78, and the factors to be considered under RCW 35A. 14.200. 2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, which was established to accommodate growth expected to occur over the next twenty years. 3. Inclusion of U.S. Highway 101 and Doyle Avenue rights-of-way will aid the provision of city services to the subject site. 4. The annexation is in the public interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - 0. Commissioner Reed commented that the'issues before the City at this time are regarding annexation. Development issues or those that may come up as a result of a zone change request to the City are not relevant at this time. 98 Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 Page 5 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION CUP 98-02 - OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Northeast comer of Geor~ima/Rac¢ Streets: Request to extend a conditional use permit to allow the continuation of an unimproved off site parking lot in association with a Hospital use in the Commercial Office zone. Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Mary Ellen Winborn, 332 East Fifth Street, represented the applicant in asking that the extension be approved for an additional year. She responded to Commissioner King that other Hospital developments have occurred which have delayed the completion of the projects which caused the need for the temporary parking lot. Chair Hewins asked if the driving construction projects would be completed within the additional one year's time? Ms. Winbom answered that she believed so. Commissioner Nutter noted that parking in the area of the Hospital is very, very poor. She applauded the Hospital's efforts to provide needed off street parking. There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Commissioner King moved to approve extension of the conditional use permit until September 11, 2000, citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. Approval of the requested extension is subject to the original conditions of approval for CLrP 99-02 except as hereby amended. 2. The applicant shall supplement the current gravel surface with an additional one inch of gravel. 3. This extension shall expire September 11, 2000. Findings: The following findings are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 98-02 (ext-1), including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Olympic Memorial Hospital applied for a conditional use permit to operate a temporary off-site parking lot in the Commercial Office (CO) zone. 99 Planning Commission Minute~ October 13, 1999 Page 6 2. The subject site is located at the northeast comer of Race Street and Georgiana Street. 3. The Planning Commission approved the requested CUP on March 11, 1998 subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The parking lot shall be improved to meet City standards. 2. This Conditional Use Permit is subject to the conditions required by the Public Works Department in their memo (Attachment C) dated February 26, 1998, which requires the driveway to Georgiana Street to be to City standards and addresses drainage specifications and a requirement for paving if the use is extended beyond the 18 month period. 3. This Conditional Use Permit shah expire on September 11, 1999, 18 months from the date of its original approval. 4. After the 18 month period concludes, all improvements shall be removed, the top soil replaced, and the lot replanted with grass, unless a building permit for a permitted use is submitted to and accepted as complete by the City's Building Division. 4. The approval was for a period of 18 months and was intended to replace parking displaced during the hospital's current construction work. 5. Changes in the scope of the hospital's construction project has extended the completion date beyond the original schedule. 6. Section 17.96.070 (F) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code authorizes the extension of time limited CUPs for a period of one to five years. The Planning Commission may grant such an extension if it finds: 1) the use complies with the permit conditions; and 2) there have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances. 7. As part of the present request, the applicant is proposing to supplement the current gravel surface with an additional one inch of gravel. 8. The Fire and Public Works Departments indicated they had no comments or addition recommended conditions of approval for this application. 9. No letters of comment were received fi.om the public regarding this application. The public comment period ran from September 9, 1999 to September 24, 1999. 10. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS #876) and Adoption of Previous Document for the project. DNS #788 was issued for the original application. Planning Commission Minutes October 13. 1999 Page 7 Conclusions: The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 98-02 (ext-1), including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The parking facility is in compliance with the original conditions of approval for CLIP 98-O2. B. There have been no significant changes in circumstances fi.om the time of the CUP's original approval in March of 1998. C. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance. D. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. E. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest. Commissioner Robotkay seconded the motion which passed 5 - 0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 99-14 - VOICE STREAM WIRELESS. 2807 Porter Street: To allow the placement of a 3 sector panel antenna array and a dish antenna on an existing 150' tower in the PBP, Public Buildings and Parks zone. Director Collins reviewed staff's report recommending approval of the conditional use permit. In response to Commissioner Nutter, Mr. Collins answered that the existing tower is on federal property (Bonneville Power Administration) and it is believed that no permits were obtained to erect the tower under those circumstances. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. John McDonagh, 111 Werner Road, Port Ludlow, displayed an antenna similar to that proposed for the Commission's education. The proposed antennas measure approximately 5" x 8" x 2 ½" and weigh 17 pounds. He addressed possible concerns regarding radio frequency issues by submitting a statement fi.om a certified engineer as to fi.equency limitations and indicating that the proposed operation would operate within .01 of the acceptable limitations set by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The Department of Health determines acceptable limitations of radio frequency operations for human exposure. Voice Stream's operation is restricted by its FCC license. Approval by the Department of Health is part of the FCC license procedure. He presented a map indicating the coverage needed for telecommunication carders to operate efficiently. 101 Planning Commission Minutem October 13, 1999 Page 8 In response to Commissioners Robotkay and King, Mr. McDonagh stated that Voice Stream is installing 17 sites from the Hood Canal west with 3 or 4 sites being in Port Angeles. Most of their sites are colocated.. Voice Stream did not do a windload study - Bonneville Power did. There being no further discussion, Chair Hewins closed the public heating. Commissioners Hewins and Nutter stated concern that the existing tower may be nonconforming with respect to the City's zoning regulations as it was constructed without benefit of a conditional use permit. Director Collins noted that as the property is federally owned, normal zoning standards may not apply. He did not believe that approval of the subject conditional use permit activity would in fact legitimize the existing tower. Commissioner Reed agreed that action on the application doesn't legitimize the existing use. Director Collins noted that there was some question as to whether the City could even require a conditional use permit on federal property. Rather than deal with the issue of jurisdiction in this instance, the applicant chose to proceed with the City's conditional use permit process in the hope that it would be less time consuming and more corporate friendly. Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit as requested citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. Approval is for the application as submitted and identified as Attachment B to the October 13, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 99-14. 2. The equipment and operation of such shall be in compliance with Federal Communication Commission licensing requirements for such facilities. Findings: The following findings are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-14, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Voice Stream Wireless, applied for a conditional use permit to install wireless communication antennas on an existing 150' lattice tower at the southeast comer of Park Avenue and Porter Street. The application is identified as Attachment B to the October 13, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-14; 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Low Density Residential [LDR]; 3. The site is zoned Public Buildings and Parks [PBP]; 102 Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 Page 9 4. A Determination of Non-Significance (#878) was issued for the proposal on October 5, 1999; 5. The applicant is proposing to place a three sector panel antenna array at the top of the existing tower. The new antennas will increase the overall height of the tower by seven feet to a total of 157', an increase of less than 5%. Each of the three antennas is approximately 5' by 8" by 2" and is made ofnonreflective material. A drawing of the installed antennas is included in Attachment B. 6. A four foot diameter microwave dish antenna will also be mounted on the tower at the 140' level. Ground support equipment with a height of less than six feet will be located near the existing BPA control house. The equipment will be enclosed by a nine foot high fence. 7. The Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A is "To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests." Goal D is "To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner." 8. No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application during it's public comment period which ran from September 15, 1999 to October 1, 1999. 9. Section 17.94.170 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code exempts antennas from the Zoning Code's height restrictions. Conclusions: The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999, Staff Report for CLIP 99-14, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999 public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The project as conditi6ned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance. B. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. C. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest. D. The installation of this and other similar facilities expands the variety of telecommunication services available to the community and region. Commissioner Reed seconded the motion which passed 3 - 2 with Commissioners Hewins and Nutter voting in the negative as they were concerned with the legitimacy of the existing tower. 1 0 3 Planning Commission Minutes October 13. 1999 Page 10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 99-15 - VOICE STRE&M WIRELESS. 406 S01~th Laurel Street: To allow the placement of a 3 sector panel antenna array and 2 dish antennas on an existing 60' tower in the RHD, Residential Single Family zone. Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the use as requested. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Director Collins read into the record a letter from Rita Pollock, 110 West Third Street, who opposed the additional antenna due to view concerns. John McDonagh, 111 Werner Road, Port Ludlow, indicated that support equipment which is intended to be placed on the roof of the existing U.S. West Communications building will not be screened from surrounding properties due to its position below the roof wall. A back up battery will be used in lieu of a generator. He thanked staff for condensing the issues and for the short order processing of the application. There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter questioned the length of time the subject U.S. West tower has existed. Commissioner Reed stated that he worked at the site in the early 1960's and the tower was existing at that time. As this is the main primary telecommunication facility for the City and has been in operation for many, many years at this location, it was the consensus that the tower had been in existence since well before current zoning regulations. Commissioner Reed moved to approve the shoreline substantial development permit as proposed citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. Approval is for the application as submitted and identified as Attachment B to the October 13, 1999, Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 99-15. 2. The equipment and operation of such shall be in compliance with Federal Communication Commission licensing requirements for such facilities. Findines: The following findings are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-15, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999, public heating, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Voice Stream Wireless, applied for a conditional use Permit to install 104 wireless communication antennas on an existing 60' lattice tower which is located Planning Commission Minutes October 13. 1999 Page 11 atop a 33' tall building at the southwest comer of Laurel Street and West 4th Street. The application is identified as Attachment B to the October 13, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-15; 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is High Density Residential [HDR]; 3. The site is zoned Residential High Density [RHD]; 4. A Determination of Non-Significance (#879) was issued for the proposal on October 5, 1999; 5. The applicant is proposing to place a three sector panel antenna an'ay at the top of the existing tower. The new antennas will not increase the overall height of the tower. Each of the three antennas is approximately 5' by 8" by 2" and is made of nonreflective material. A drawing of the installed antennas is included in Attachment B. 6. Two four foot diameter microwave dish antenna will also be mounted approximately halfway up the tower. Support equipment will be located on the roof of the existing building. The equipment will be screened from ground view by a 3½' parapet wall. 7. The Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A is "To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests." Goal D is "To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner." 8. No letters of comment were received from the public regarding this application during it's public comment period which ran fi.om September 15, 1999 to October 1, 1999. 9. Section 17.94.170 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code exempts antennas from the Zoning Code's height restrictions. Conclusions: The following conclusions are based on the information provided in the October 13, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-15, including all of its attachments. Consideration was also given to the comments and information presented during the October 13, 1999, public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings. Consequently, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The project as conditioned is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance. B. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent land uses. Planning Commission Minutes October 13, 1999 Page 12 C. The proposed project is not detrimental to the public interest. D. The installation of this and other similar facilities expands the variety of telecommunication services available to the community and region. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 4 - 1, with Commissioner Nutter voting in the negative because of her uncertainty as to the time frame when the existing U.S. West tower was constructed. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 99- 08 - NORTHWEST SEA FARM - 670 Ediz Hook Road: Request to amend the configuration of fish pens within the original lease lot area in the Port Angeles Harbor. (This item will be continued to October 27, 1999, to allow for the environmental determination time frame to pass prior to action.) Director Collins noted that a Mitigated Determination of NonSignificance had been issued for this proposal on October 4, 1999, and as such, the time frame for submittal of comments would not pass until October 19, 1999. Therefore, he asked that the Commission continue the public hearing until October 27, 1999. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak. Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to October 27, 1999, 7 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 5 - 0. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Director Collins noted that the City had received a letter from Commissioner Robotkay who would be moving outside of the City limits early in 2000. Fire Marshall McKeen offered to provide a presentation on fire hydrant requirements in the near future at the Commission's pleasure. A presentation will be scheduled. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Robotkay thanked staff and the other commissioners for the opportunity to serve with them as Planning Commissioner. He will remain on the Commission until his position is filled or until the end of the year. His family is building a home on property in the county. He noted that he had been at a Small Business Association meeting recently in which Planning staffwas praised for the ability to work closely and supportively with the business community. Commissioner Nutter noted that she attended a City Council meeting to represent the l0~ NonMotorized Committee and the Highway 101 alternatives meeting. She asked for an Planning Commission Minute~ October 13. 1999 Page 13 update on the proposed fill posted in the area of 6th Street and Penn Street. Staff will report back on this issue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Fred Hewins, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 107 108 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1999 TOT~ ~NU~ WATER DE~D ~NF~L DATA ~T ~ TO DATE (~) 31.50 10 ~ AVG. T~ TO ~ 15.17 ~lS YR TO DA~ (MG) 31.10 ~tS ~ TO OA~ [IN) 21.71 ~ H~ ~S ~ 3.~S ~ L~ ~IS ~ O.~ SEWE~STORM SYSTEM M~NTEN~CE MO~ ~ER SY~TE~ J~D 2,4~ ~,~ TEMPE~ STORM D~NS J~D 53 3,1~ SYSTEM ~ N~CTED 1 TOTAL ~NDFILL DISPOSAL ~ r" " ' -., 3~(~.~)~ ~ ELECTRIC~ USAGE ~s ~ TO ~T YR TO DA~ ~=) 36~835 109 PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT L WATER J [ SOLID WASTE RECYCLING: * Grant application for Coordinated Prevention Grant Funds * Mainbreaks: I 24" MAIN; 2 2" MAINS * Presented classes for Stevens Middle School outdoor ed program * One 4" wet tap for fire service * Household Hazardous Waste Collect Event * Meter change outs: 5 COLLECTIONS: * Rebuild 2" blow off on Old Mill Road * Tour of Port Townsend Compost Facility * Removed old service line at OMH * Tour Port Angeles Compost Facility * New paint job for #1905 * New pick-up for Community Service Coordinator WASTEWATER COLLECTION ] [ STREET * Installed rebuilt pumps @ PS#2 and PS#5 ' Gdnding for chip seal on Mt. Angeles Road * Finished pump station painting project * Shoulder Grading: 18th Street, "1" to Butler * Repairs @ PS#4 to 1" line * Button Removal: forchip seal * Cleaned oil/water separator @ wash rack. * NC Restoration for chip seal project * Assisted Clallam County with chip seal * Sweep after Chip Seal * Paint fog/center line [contract with Clallam County] * Signage for"Big Hurt" WASTEWATER TREATMENT / * Tumwatar tree and vegetation removal * Worked on Landfill ground maintenance * Install new storm drain - McDonald Street * Worked on pretreatment issues with local dischargers * Repair Laurel Street Stairs - vandalism * Wash down on Secondary Cladfiers * Bomford - city wide * Landfill leachate DOE inspection * Ditching - Lindberg Road * Completed summer time modeling the Secondary Process * Traffic Control: plastics/cross walks * Dewafared Pdmary Cladfier for annual maintenance * Repaired HVAC in Chlorination building * Plant Supervisor completed training program for wastewater facility * Repaired limit switches for Rectangular Cladfier * Airport Road Realignment permitting * Proposals for Carnegie Libary, Phase I1, reviewed * 8th Street Design support * Tumwafar Slide construction support * CSO/I&I Study support * ULID 215 Final Assessment EQUIPMENT SERVICES J * Peabody Heights Reservoir project support * CFP support * Service Tickets processed: 91 Elwha Valve installation suppml * PM Services and inspections: 15 * Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replacement, Phase II design * Denver's PM services: 2 * Gateway Design support * Denver's Service Tickets processed: 12 * "1" Street Sidewalk construction support * # 131 Light Line Truck: engine repair * Landfill cover design support * #1555 5 yd Dump: Brakes, clean cab * #1558 5 yd Dump: head gasket replaced * #1562 Sweeper: broom beadngs · #1899 Mower: replaced axle bolts * #1905 Refuse Truck: new box floor, paint prep. * #1907 Refuse Truck: broken arm, widng, tie rods * #1911 Refuse Truck: widng, throttle, grease lines LIGHT OPERATIONS * Prep old station transformers for removal * PCB testing and disposal of old distribution transformers * Assist with USCG reconductor project * Presp 4/5 alley Jones to Alder for 12 kv conversion * Final power connection at Plaza One site * Finish work at Lee Plaza * Install new service @ Chambers/Washington -OMH Therapy Bldg. 112 Por Angeles Fire Department savtn~ Hearts and Homes september 999 113 September 1999 Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved 2000 1,500,000 1 1500 1,000,000 500,000 1998 1999 Saved Loss 1997 1998 1999 L_] I Sept 98/99 Total Calls 209 / 210 Saved Loss 1999 Total Calls YTD 1,987 1999 YTD 444,499 232,096 1998 Total Calls YTD 1,846 1998 YTD 1,868,735 882,580 120 100 ~ - 80 ~ - 60 -- 40 2O ~ Fires > 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush Haz Mat 1998 I 1999 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brash Fires Haz Mm Dine Incidents 1999 6 50 14 28 104 1998 11 48 17 38 83 114 Fire & Life Safety Insp Prevention Activities YTD 800 200 700 600 ~-- I 500 looi 400 ---- 300 [ 200 ~ 0 100 ~ 1998 1999 0 Inspections Reinspections Permit Inspections I Plan Reviews ~ 1998 [] 1999 Public Education Contacts Inspections Reinspections Permit Plan Public Ed Inspe~ions Reivews Contacts 1999 YTD 800 695 1999 186 47 29 1998 YTD 731 576 1998 153 48 20 Medic I Transports Patients Assisted 800 ............... 1600 /00 .... ~ 1400 600 ~ ---! 1200 500~--~ 1000 400-- 800-- 3oo----~ 600-- 200 ..... ~ 400-- lO0--J 200 0 ~ 0 ALS BLS Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance [] 1998 I ~999 ~] ~998 I 1999 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Patient: Assisted Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % ALS- YTD 714 763 6.4 ! YTD 163 152 6.7 l BLS - YTD 76 70 7.8 I 115 116 Blast-. Internist CONTINUED FROM A1 also asked next-door neighbors to leave their homes for a while after "My husband said' it sounded the blast. like Mount St. Helena,' said Anne Hall said three other contain- Elliott of Port Angeles, referring. to the Washington volcano which ers of the potassium perchlorate ' exploded in May 1980. were in the back of the small The couple was eating d/nner white Toyota truck, for a total of about three blocks to the east at about 40 pounds. the time, and she stopped by later In April 1997, Bihler's house to check out the activity.' west of Joyce burned to the Officers blocked off Race ground in a dramatic fire. He fi]ed Street on the west, Georgiana on for a permit to rebuild at the the north and Washington on the same Seal Rock Road address in ~east for about four hours. They the spring of 1998. 118 Port Angeles: Cause of fire in house still under investigation Auth°ritiee continue to house fire in which a~ fire£~ohter wa6. Port Angele~ Fire Department capt/D~/ye rain said the Saturday blaze in the hou~ afl ?liE. Sixth St. apparently started in a u~ although the exact cause remained under investiga- tion. . '~ "~ " A quick attack by firef~hters lim]ted'~ damage to the rear of the house, owned by Art and Claire King of Alaska. The woman 'watching the house and a child sleep- ing upstairs escaped unharmed after she noticed smoke billowing from behind the utility room dOOr and called emergency dispatchers about 2 p.m. One fireman twisted a knee in a fall down a stairway when a banister gave way, Chsstaln said. 119 120 CLALLAM COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL To: Governmental' Partners CC: Board of Directors; Council Membership From: Bart Phillips, Executive Director ~ Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Re: Third Quarter 1999 Report Results and activities for the quarter ending September 30, 1999. Business Recruitment and Marke'dng The Council attended the ICCM (Incoming Call Center Management) Trade Show in Chicago in September. Eight leads were developed with follow-up mailing and telephone contact. In addition to attendance at the Trade Show, the Council placed ads in partnership with the Port of Port Angeles and the City of Port Angeles in Call Center Magazine. The ads generated sixteen leads that were treated similar to ICCM leads. The Council generated 16 investment leads through participation at the Anaheim Woodworking and Furniture Supply show in early August. All were sent investment information and received a follow up phone call. Two specifically expressed interest in this area, and of those, one has made further contact with a request for additional information. Case and Proposal Management The Council continues to work with the Port on a number of clients attracted to the Port's multi-tenant industrial building. During the quarter, the Council prepared two proposals for call centers interested in Clallam County as a location. Two other proposals were developed for leads generated by the State of Washington. Council to Lead Trade Show Marketing Consortium The Clallam County EDC will mange participation in six industrial trade shows in 2000 for a group of eight statewide EDCs and Ports. Participants include the EDCs 121 in Skagit, Lewis, Grant, Chelan, Yakima and Spokane counties and the Port of Olympia. This cooperative agreement reduces the Council's hard costs to $3,000 , for our participation. The Council will be reimbursed for its management at 15% of costs or approximately, $5,000. The trade shows are focused on value added wood products, plastic, medical equipment and diversified manufacturing. APCO Selected to Market Port Angeles The Council has engaged the firm of APCO Associates of Seattle to prepare the strategic marketing and communications plan for the City of Port Angeles. APCO will evaluate existing target markets and develop a 3-5 year marketing and strategic plan to attract investment to Port Angeles. To date, APCO CEO Scott Jackson has met with 40 local business leaders and elected officials to form an understanding of local development issues. From these meetings as well as meetings Scott arranged for Bart in the Seattle area, a unique approach is being developed. The draft plan will be available for review by the City in November with implementation in January 2000. Infrastructure Development- South Fairchild Industrial Park In August, the Council, as contractor for the Peninsula Development Association, received $40,000 in grant funding from the Economic Development Administration to do the pre-engineering design for infrastructure to serve the Port of Port Angeles' South Fairchild Industrial Park. The design will address water, sewer, power, telecommunication and stormwater facilities for the industrial area south of the airport. This money will be matched by a local investment of $35,000 supplied by the City of Port Angeles and Port of Port Angeles. Clallam Bay/Sekiu The Council was invited to apply for, and was awarded, a $46,000 grant from the US Forest Service to fund the remaining architectural work for the renovation of the Sekiu Community/Conference Center. Clallam County will contribute $11,500 as match to the Forest Service award to fund this $57,500 project. The Council will be the project manager, and will report to the County and the Forest Service. It is expected that this project will conclude in early 2000 with the resulting construction documents to take the project to construction bid. Industrial Site Inventory The Council presented the Port Angeles inventory to the Port Angeles Works Committee in August. The inventory has been upgraded with pictures of the sites as well as site maps. A further update utilizing input from our real estate partners will occur in the last quarter of 1999. Pictures and site maps will be included for sites in Sequim, Forks and Clallam Bay/Sekiu as well as other parts of the County.. Business Assistance During the Quarter, Kathleen Purdy, Small Business Development Specialist, provided counseling for over 15 businesses. During the Quarter, SCORE counselors met with approximately 26 clients. In September, the Council, in conjunction with SCORE, held an all-day marketing workshop. SCORE Marketing specialist Fred Parkinson from Jefferson County lead the workshop and was assisted by local experts Rick Hert, Laurel Black and KONP's Kevin Murphy. Fourteen entrepreneurs attended the workshop and expressed interest in future sessions. An Olympic Microloan Fund loan was made to a local business for $8,800. This company provides 2.5 jobs plus employment for the owners. The loan will allow this company to expand their product distribution and provide for potential growth opportunities. 122 Business Re~nt]on ^ finding of the recently completed Business Retention and Expansion Survey was that permit processing was a major issue. Consequently, the Council held a series of focus group meetings with the development community and Clallam County Department of Community Development to identify issues and recommended actions. As a result, the Department is moving forward with reorganization of the Department to increase efficiencies. Most important, Director Bob Martin has committed to establish benchmarks for permit processing. 123