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Agenda Packet 11/02/2010
1 AGENDAyANG. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 32:1 East S � ti, Street November 2, 241 0 :._.,._ SPECIAL MEETING — 5:00 p.m. REGULAR MEET1N'G -- 6:00 p.m. Y.. } e t8 , �.. e � .... ,,. -,. ,.°, F �.... ..., r .a .c ...,b,,,S. I-,,^ ° ._,,., ^,,;.,^., ..^ , ,,,,.^^ •.^ .... ^ ,.,.,,,,.,., ^^ `..e}.Y:ex ,°;,^,... a„ , e,. {:.;'„ ,re. rsT• ," . " x'..., : '# a ,¢u ., r:., ...,,...°. °,.,< .e, -„ . P .,xx, .. ,.,. ,..,;.,. . _ .. e E°a. Y.} �, , � g , _. a , oi< _ ^ <:x;x'� •, •, xara .°k",#^ k."sk: _.]„ ^,,,^.,r'�- '"4 't' w -..{; i C ._#; '.> .: 8. `, {i., 5 , dq .., a .:i:Y°P{4:8:.i,?i:4 _Fiat :^:9:RP;.^riay,",#SSE: a F 4 i:. s¢<#!k{et „e{F#.� ... tdY% 2' ,k {,.,.mow s,r,.. �....;,eS.".9.;..i.`8e ,a..:,'„ .. h ,_ a °., ,s. _M AGENDA:TTE!I{ Y xx ,.,, ^"'f °r e;, ,.[ pfd,,, ,.[' .'?�3dd;.. ei4 .«;xe. ,t ,`Yei:e^,� °i •:§i a s Pa `e RE`C(7MMN:i]ATICN z} d ri 9 �.{�� # ik � eY eE a. =='-e. Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. :The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the follo'�ving: A. CALL TO ORDER — SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:00 p.m. —for they purpose of conducting an Executive Session under the authority of RCW 42.30.11©(1) (i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS ---- PUBLIC COMMENT C. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS D. 'WORK SESSION 1. Update on City :Metropolitan Area Network ---- 1. Presentation by Craig Johnson of Capacity Provisionin , :Inc. E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by Cit), Manager or Councilmember F. CONSENT AGENDA 1, City Council Minutes for October 1.9, and 21, 2010 F -I 1. Accept Consent Agenda 2. Expenditure Approval List- 1019110 to 10/22/10 for 53,036,373.75 F-9 I F Street Substation Feeder Upgrades, Project CL01-2009, Award F-41. G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PiUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Utility Retail Rate Adjustments G-1 I. Conduct 2nd Reading; Adopt. 2. Lipman 1 Stone Street Vacation G-1.0 2. Conduct 2nd Reading; Adopt. H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS is NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE C MAVOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK. November 2, 2010.Port Angeles City Council. Meeting Page - 1. aix,:„.`.exaroe�PZA°x;ndx:'�eWx�dB�I .•c4ac'n,�•�g� � `"� mar+�i .•• ” . } x . x Pee"e.x"ee.".eq.se:eaexe.�,.,a'.e<n.nr<+xe:n.'b,'.,�.<«.,xe.e,. ia,e N±s>'>•ss�n3 i">^ � 3 � x " x S °1-'; `�5.::5:,n� s ;t x` t� xrPr °s= i � ttta�a y Frrst i t x: ��eeeeii "¢E 4 ',#as'a.Y:id:3 [Sade�[a„ _ ,i i'] �' t S t . x8- a'a s. #8;d E6.1°S EY .,6,Ci.n �; ;E A EITEii �,#eY " a.I ix L,: ., .es,:e :c z„ " a e ,. A „ Y a r Pa E ed i. i di � ME DA� N 4 .q.. ..eae,.< .e,s.,ax�v } s3 b d £ '3#'3°. iF"$ . � ,nr, rxe �a <-iwq 7i I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Farmers' Market — The Gateway Contract 1-1 1. Approve J. PUBLIC HEADINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTERS (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARING S — OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. 201.1 Budget—Revenues K-1 1. Presentation; Conduct :Public Hearing; Continue to Nov. 16 2. 2011.Budget — Property Tax Levy K-6 2. Presentation; Conduct Public :Hearing; I' Reading; Continue to Nov. 16 L. FINANCE M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Code Compliance — 3rd Quarter Report M-1 2. Parks, Recreation &, Beautification Commission. Minutes — 9/16]10 M-2 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - O. ADJOURNMENT - PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE ]MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 2, 2010 Port Angeles City Council. Meeting Page - 2 1 1 0 PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN-UP SHEET PORTANNGELES W A S H 1 N G T Q N, U. S. A. DATE OF MEETING: November 2, 2010 You are encouralled to silln below if. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING LOCATION: City Council Chambers 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. Name dress A ends T'a;pc Plan to Spec 000 y 9 /7 &/N a r I ts:) (DN ! iJ V.l.V G:1Group\C1erklForms\Counci1 Attendance Roster.doc This petition of the Mowing business's who are opposed to any further fees or charges being placed on their business, especially the proposed City Business License. Name Business Z Tur" me PO-50--iP M 92F MQ A,. l anIAO B4W e:�) AA LOPN v4d W.193, C�.< W &S k d C - ABCDEFGHIJKLM Telecom Service Provider ', "',' Ill d by three I. tl blLllsRIle ` Rnerl C rh(rgl Johri oIi, Bill Robe cd n:ln d Bola the GIt [. Afeu _ti F.rr i 0pLL V t V 1f�'; VI,. "4 c t :Art:Ip ec}ri tIR 1t J R�i fir, a li f Ii v r s a m f`'M1 cl II i i 2 0` •,�ider fear 101] crabb hrovoders Point Fibs n con7r e d Fcbc lIntorrlet el Ace Prof ide[ d P 'V'Vhole'sa le fiber cchne.ctik ns to aII1 Othor C 11/2 2010 oral 0 i r ]' Ira 'N 0111 1bett r 3 2010 City / CPI Agreement 1Jtt 2i Replace CPI aging RING equipment This was done voith absolute minimal scheduled seryics interruption„ attc a hours and with ,nd,af Nth. Eel customer permission These th.ai did experience an in lerruption, it tvas for linos than 110 minutes 2010 City .,,grcemen Contract Implementation was negotiated to be done in two phase 2010 .Cityl CPI Agreement COMP LET 'UJ'' 2Q10 Replace upgrade 13 City CPE This eras done roh rrTnjrnat service inter ruptioru and under Co IT staff drrectucn. Scheduted seruice interruption was less than c minutes per site 11/2/2010 2 • 1 2. This a s drone s ^uith NO sen,it.e rnterruptions. 10,000Mbps %s bieedIng edge te&nology and Port Angeles may the on l City in the Mate with their anal Metro RING this speed! Create additionaIU dedicated 10,000 Mbp s RING on spare 1-NET . fibers cOMPLE August 2010 ng 1 c CPI Business Ring l000Mb Metro Ring 2 1-NET R ing 1000 • 2. hl!o seNro:a Interruptions are aatp t is Ctars work tis done. traffilc tea the new fa t 'rr City tr iM aP IP G ov 0 11/212010 RI .r" PA 2010 City '° Agreement Phase : 2 a1. Construct uct iredLur dant fiber-connections •w a diverse fiber lath to 12 City sites As per the City's consultant there were 2 sites identified as critical to the City's daily operation. These sites will get a redundant (second) fiber connection fed from a diverse path so in the event of a fiber break that site will remain operational. au� Eir . • Everything On umm ®n maid fleiS R 11111 o Ie : b A,, ni 1 u i_ti lfvlk.b EH111 Ili I i I rr co,j 1111'1 1 /2/2010 4 • CPg OPEN L TA LOt C kit nts and r OUT SO@ Man egg ffne PacEgOty at I /2() I() 5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 19, 2010 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Aa�geles City Council to REGULAR MEETING; order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di. Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent None. StarfPresent. Manager Myers [via speakerphone], Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, C. Delikat, L. Dunbar, and T. Peppard. PLEDGE OF . Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL L Disabili rAwareness°Month .:i.•r Ad MATTER SI:t: 7ROCLAMATIOIlTSI ti T4ayor°D� Guilio presented Rus cl� 1�etady B` on6arr .;'of ±h lallau +E linty Clrcas ... ' ... ; . _. . & EMPLOYEE Special. Olympics, with a proclamation recognizing the month of October 2010, as RECOGNITIONS: Disability Awareness Month, PUBLIC COMMENT: Jeff Robb, Executive Director of the Port of Port Angeles, spoke in favor of the dissolution of the Port Angeles HarborWorks Public Development Authority and listed some accomplishments of the PDA. Darlene Schanfald, also spoke in favor of the dissolution of HarborWorks. Ken Simpson, spoke in favor of the City's electrical permitting service and expressed his concerns regarding rising permit fees. WORK SESSION: 1, Business Licensing Clerk Hurd provided information regarding the City's current. Business licensing program, and the possibility of expanding the program to include the licensing of all businesses. She stated that staff was looking for further direction from. Council regarding whether to include this topic in the 20.11 Preliminary Budget discussion. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Perry to: Recommend that staff include the Business Licensing Program in the 2011. Preliminary Budget, CITY COLTNC.R, MEETING October 1.9, 2010 WORK SESSION.: Council discussion followed. (Cont -'d) The motion was withdrawn. Council agreed by consensus to direct staff to bring back -a Business License Program proposal for the 2011 Preliminary Budget discussion. OTHER 1. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Purchase Agreement CONSIDERATIONS: Attorney Moor welcomed via speakerphone, Rod. Brown, the environmental attorney assisting the City with the Combined 'Sewer Overflow (CSO) property acquisition. Attorney Bloor stated that the City had finished the negotiation process on the agreement with Rayonier, and reviewed the approved terms. of the agreement. He explained that they did not have copies of all of the exhibits for the agreement for Council to review tonight, but that they were mostly legal descriptions and construction.procedures. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Ratify the purchase agreement and authorize the City Manager to approve and. execute all documents necessary to close the transaction. Council discussion followed. Nlation carried,6-1, with Counciliroember Mania w[�ting in. op ositipn ,_ .• e - `._ �7+a•b i ,`9 ey sf: j.:e �; , -.s Sti •.�- i F s4,�:� �,i_ . r .. ' iia -7 I{- ` t _ . _ •;.; Mt r � .J,'L� ,ern .�� ' -�.. .!. � i.t' `-4 Break ;.MaVor Di G uilia-`recessed the`rrieet rt' for` a break at f 47 B, Tlie iiieetin °r u „_ reconvened at 6:5.7 O.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS- 1. Dissolution of Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority OTHER: -Economic and. Community Development Director West discussed the dissolution. Ordinance No., 3411 process. He stated that staff recommended that Council conduct a' hearing, to accept., comments from the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority Board of Directors, and then adopt the Ordinance. Mayor Di Guilio opened the hearing at 7:00 p.m. Orville Campbell, 820 Milwaukee Drive, spoke in favor of the dissolution of HarborWorks.. He stated that the Board of Directors had voted unanimously for dissolution, and congratulated the City on the purchase of the CSO property. He thanked the City Council for the opportunity to serve on the Board. Jim Hallett, 141.1 S. Golf Course Road, spoke in support of the dissolution of HarborWorks. He described some of his experiences on the Board, including his frustrations with the process. He encouraged the Council and public to stay involved. .berry Hendricks, 1024 West 6t' Street, spoke in favor of dissolution. He also spoke regarding his experiences on the Board and his disappointment with how the Department of Ecology handled some of the process. Mayor Di Guilio closed the hearing at 7:14 p.m. FA F-2 • CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS- Mayor Di. Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, OTHER: (Cont'd) ORDINANCE NO. 3411 Ordinance No. 341.1 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, dissolving the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority, It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Mania to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. The Council extended their thanks to the Board members and the Port of Port Angeles. 2. Utility Retail Rate & Fee Adjustments Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler introduced Deputy Director of Power Systems Dunbar, and explained that staff would need direction from Council regarding the Utility Retail Rate and Fee Adjustments so that staff could bring back an. Ordinance for adoption at the next. Council meeting. Deputy Director Dunbar conducted. a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed rate and fee aidjustments He addressed previous' comments received 'from Council and :the ublic°atad .. �:ov.ided;staff recomrr endatioh'': , p p s He stated. that,the last endation from; the.Utility'Advisory `�Coffimittee Nas:tv'not increase water. 'recvmm ` utility connection fees at this time. Director Cutler stated that he lad worked to convene a Solid Waste Advisory .Board meeting, but was unable due to the lack of response. He recommended that Council. continue and close the public hearing, provide direction to staff for any changes to the Ordinance, and then conduct the 2nd reading of the Ordinance at the November 2, 2010, City Council meeting. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at.7:38 p.m. Andy Simpson, 40436 Hwy 1.01 Nest, spoke against the proposed increase in the electrical permit fees. Mayor Di. Guilio closed the public hearing at 7.39 p.m. Council discussion followed regarding utility retail rate and fee.increases. Electrical. Inspector Peppard responded to questions regarding the electrical permitting fees. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Accept the proposed utility retail rate adjustments and table the fee adjustments until. a later date. F-3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 19, 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS- Councilmember Collins made a point of order, stating he wanted to discuss the rate OTHER: increases. Council discussion followed. (Cont'd) The motion was amended by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Accept the proposed utility retail rate adjustments. Motion. carried 4-3, with Councilmembers Kidd, Collins, and Mania voting in opposition. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Mania to: Table the Utility Fee adjustments until. Director Cutler can review the adjustments with staff and the local contractors. Motion carried 7-0. is Director Cutler asked. Council to submit comments regarding the electrical permitting fees through the City Manager, so he could better understand. Council's. direction. Break:. Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 8:29 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:41 p.m. LATS'I'Ei1S T"BE:- x :Resilution to A uthvritie¢Hearngs Examiner aria el'_for 1'+l" ons;ACo, •E .. v .. f s F -ACED ON THIS_:0R Generat`" s, - f ion.faciltty..... _ i x �" s 1.�i.0 F[7TUIE AGENDA'S. 4 Director wes,t requested to add the resolution ta'Authviize a Hearings Examiner on appeals for the Nippon Co -Generation facility. Council agreed by consensus to add the Resolution to the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA.. It was, moved by.Pe ry and seconded by Nelson to approve-th-e Consent Agenda to include: 1.) City Council Minutes for 'September 14, and October 5, Resolution No. 20-1.0 2010; 2.) Expenditure Approval List for 9125110 to 1.01811.0 for $2,21.4,432.87; 3.) Resolution No. 21-1.0 Drake Street Vacation Set Public Hearing; 4.) Almaden Street Vacation — Sett Resolution No. 22-10 Public Hearing; 5.) Lipman 1 Stone STV 09-05 Ordinance Amendment — First Reading; 6.) Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) Photovoltaic System Grant Acceptance for Feiro Marine Life Center; 7.) Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Power Sales Agreement Exhibit F Revision; 8.) Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Network Integration Transmission Service Agreement Exhibit A Revision; 9.) 16'h Street Sidewalk Phase 1, Project TRI 0-2000 — Final Acceptance; 10.) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2011 Recommendations; and 11.) Resolution to Authorize Hearings Examiner on appeals for Nippon's Co - Generation facility. Motion carried 7-0. Item #1 City Council Minutes for September 1.9, 2010, was changed to September 14, 2410, due to a clerical error. Item 42 —Expenditure Approval List for 09/25/10 to 1.0!8!1 for $2,214,432.87, ending date was changed to 101$110, due to a clerical error. 4 F-4 • CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 1.9, 2010 ORDINANCES NOT 1. 2010.Budget Amendments REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Finance Director Ziomkowski discussed the 2010 Budget Amendment Ordinance, stating that the changes were related to capital projects and bond revenue. She also Ordinance No. 3412 discussed the Fund. Closures Ordinance, stating that the funds were being closed and moved to the General Fund to comply with new accounting standards. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the.Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3412 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2010 budget. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. Ordinance No. 3413 2. Fund Closures Mayor Di. Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE.NO.3413 A d • .. I ,..F7:'. �� „.I cdrx� r[ �'3:, :'rir'1 1,'. -`•g^ .. :... ,7 •ri sFxz ��,... ... _�.. .. .� q...z^,., .R;.�. ....r. }„ . d.�k F. �:� :•txr ., r��'a.n: �.{.-1 ., .b. ,..�'J -.r r. ..1.... i'b�.. .. k i. .�. .. r.. .. .., t t4: , I} r1 _ 3. .I : .L ��; s i �• #lir"x 1'1J'� ORDIN�I� C-Ei-o 'the` � ' ofth&,Ci .,, ' f Port Arigele5' C ;tyOUi]C'1�- r Washington, to close certain fund accounts by repealing the following: Ordinance 852, Section 1 of Ordinance 2411, Section 3 of Ordinance 26232, Section 1 of Ordinance 2710, Section 10 of Ordinance 2890, Ordinance 3386, and transferring the remaining funds into the General Fund. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Perry to: RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARINGS — QUASI-JUDICIAL: FINANCE: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0, None. None. None. 5 F-5 CITY COUNCIL, MEETING October 19, 2010 INFORMATION: Director West reminded Council of the Special City Council meeting on October 21, 20 10, regarding the Waterfront Transportation. Improvement Plan update. He also reminded everyone of the WalMart grand opening on October 27, 2010, and the Peninsula Development District meeting on renewable energy on October 28, 2010. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Nelson spoke regarding her appreciation for Jefferson Elementary REPORTS: School and the Port Angeles School District for the Theodin. Nelson Memorial at Jefferson Elementary. Councilmember Mania spoke regarding his attendance at the Tourism Summit, the Sprout Film Festival, the Clallam County Transit Board Meeting, and his boat tour regarding the WTIP, Shoreline Master Program and. Harbor Resource Management Plan. He thanked Jack Harmon for volunteering his boat for the tour. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance at the dinner party for the visiting High School class from Mutsu City, Japan. He also spoke regarding his attendance at the Tourism Summit and as a celebrity bagger for the United Way fundraiser, Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance at the meet and great at City Hall for the visiting High. School class from Mutsu City, Japan. He also attended an event with Police Chief Gallagher for Peninsula College foreign exchange students at Independent Bible Church. 1 Merl �,�� + ... y. -q' �. 1^�; y■ ^; i-, h R k _+s}.,s- ,.'K'. �..... rM1Nt „�• <r,r�i�r-i.. i .F.;'i,l a. �: S :;Deputy~Nfayo`r ferry, spoke regarding his attendance at:the PA.Forward Cori�mittee : < u. .,� w, C. and the. gub-comnmittee, on"tourism and:also discussed, reschedulin ;a tour of the Lower Elwha Dam. Councilmember Collins spoke regarding the Parks Oversigbt Committee meeting and his attendance at the dinner party for the visiting High School class from Mutsu City, Japan. Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding her attendance at the farewell dessert. gathering for the visiting High. School class from. Mutsu City, Japan. EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk F-6 • • CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: CITY- COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington October 21, 2010 Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd [via speakerphone], Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, G. Cutler, N. West, T. Pierce, R. Korez, S. Roberds, S. Johns and J. Seniuk. PLEDGE OF Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE: 4 _3 .WORK: ESS;.bM , : Nana er M� ers o ened; the meetii with .a:re-A WW the W; a ant an A..} rr..r•—i..f. L: +�.r ..'R .r 4.,e.r:+r. ..i�.3xWc 'i K' i a,', 'r'•L". .F. #.. a Transportation Iii praVement Plain {WTIP} process. I -1e stated that` ht focus.10 ' ' `r �; _0 ,. �., ; i•.S ��� �,� ' i . -g,r• G , i,.- ' - .r _ 3 `tonigl t- s tipil -would'.,be on: the-iiow-the` Ilan could refine t ie° intematior al gateway to our co..` munity. Bi11 Grimes, from Studio Cascade, provided an update on the. WT1P conceptual plans to date_. . Break: Mayor Di. Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:03 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:12 p.m. WORD SESSION: Mayor Di Guilio opened the meeting to the public for comments. (Cont'd) Dave Roberts, from the Department of Natural Resources, compared the W TIP process to the work done on the Bellingham waterfront and to the restoration of the beach area near Valley Creek. Joseph Neves, commented on the location of the Border Patrol and improving the look of the facility. Rian Anderson, from Black Ball Ferry Line, spoke regarding the company's intent to improve the visual appearance of their customs area and the challenges regarding funding for these improvements. Barbara Frederick, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, commented on how Laurel Street serves as a magnet to draw people from the waterfront to the Downtown and the consultant's concept of Points of Light.. Bili Grimes discussed the survey form passed out to Council to collect comments on each of the design elements. Council discussion followed. 1 F-7 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL. MEETING October 2.1; 2010 WORK SESSION; Councilmember Kidd left the meeting at 8:28 p.m. (Cvnt'd) Community and Economic Development Director West encouraged Councilmembers to complete the survey form and return it to staff promptly. He also stated that staff would arrange for Council to visit the Bellingham waterfront during the month of November. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Ouilio adjourned the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Burd, City Clerk �m s 'i... k +:.:..,.�,. v,. r;• � . J-�.rn....., :..,Fa ,v ,�,; •3.�; X, t....� -11'r? .C-0: i i �^ti ��y., .,s}, ,� 3a. "ti y 1 •�=t.., i, S . rs :F'� ^q � � 1" ��- g :*t, - ., ..,,;.,.��. ., - ,...�iti •# y .: c. '�-.�.��f,, r� f.. ,.. r.S:: .. J:2. d': .w ,r ., [. ._.a� ,e.. -'L rF -S 1. .'tom },Y' �. -� _.9 7 .} ,,Y:,� G�{•a., .lg ��. ,. 5,.., t eG. i:. +.+. T-. �. F is b: t _� ,�. 7. .�.. -�.�: �.---_�.0 +•�°s r� •,4°,i i.t.�,'t. :S c.. 'c: �.�y .rF+;•' . i �.i:' ?.A .r i a, ,.F.•-, s.i r '"„^i:�,. ,� • F-8 Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212070, Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount PRINCE, FRANCIS Z LOAN PMT REFUND 001-0000-213.10-90 2,532.00 SFV, LLC DRA 2005-1.A, DRA 2005-1: 001-0000-239.20-00 1,773.39 MICROFLEX PF FREE GLOVES FOR PATROL 001-0000-237.00-00 -55.70 Grace Olson DEP RFD 001-0000-239.93-00 150.00 Kelly Ziegler CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-0000-237.00-00 -'2.34 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Team Building Bks-YZ 001-0000-237.00-00 -1.68 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEICity Credit Card Pmt 001-0000-213:10-95 8,401.43 WASHINGTON (DOR) REVENUE, DEPT OF3RD.QTR LEASEHOLD TAXES 001-0000-237.50-00 6,456.93 Division Total. $19,354.03 Department Total: $19,354.03 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber Mtg-Kidd 001-1160-519.31-01 12.95 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $12.95 Legislative Department Total.: $12.95 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-1210-513.42-10 1.90 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER AWC/Chamber Mtg-Myers 001-1210-513.31-01 4.00 AWCIChamber Mtg-Myers 001-1210-513.31-01 11.87 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-1210-513.42-10. 1.77 . A1C 36045709683436 1.0= •- _232, t. .r01'-10-51341-14 i 1 e i y 1 . :� .. .. ., _ 10-14 Ac . r p' 'y`c �.}•'f. \.�..R Nya. db ",s_4v«4,.I._•j.,.! 1 ... .M1_ 1 . ... �t ...�rvE';. 4 .9^._, G _ i -.-g;l . ✓ �'36045._Qk0: 1�` ,1210 ,J 534 2 m .() 05-AC 36645496'pp6'_ 1f- 21L -511:3`42-1'6s 5. 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 00'1-1210-513.42-10 1.39 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-1210-513.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-1210-513.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.15 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001-1210-513.4210 7.14 10-14 AIC 36045704111998 001-1210-513.42-10 55.83 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 AIC 671402094-00001 001-1210-513.42-10 146.51 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-1210-513.42-10 23.18 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $261.66 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468061 001-1220-516.42-10 0.38 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571B 001-1220-596.42-10 0.35 1014 AIC 3604570968343B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.46 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 001.1220-516.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 10705 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.28 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001-1220-516.42-10 1.43 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-1220-516.42-10 11.17 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001: 001-1220-516.42-10 57.16 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN.CHGS-SEPT 001-1220-516.42-10 19.20 F - 9 Pagel - SFX Date: 10/2712010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 10/2212010 Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount City Manager Department Human Resources Division. Total: $91.58 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-1230-514.42-10 0.19 CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR AUDITOR RECORDING FEES 001-1230-514.49-90 69.00 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B. 001-1230-514.42-10 0.18 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.23 10714 A1C 3604570831558B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604629882811 B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.12 1.0-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.14 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-1230-514.42-10 .0.12 10-05 AIC 3604529887652B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.12 I - 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-1230-514.42-10 0.12 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001-1230-514.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-1230-514.42-10 5.58 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS-SEPT 001-1230-514.42-10 3.12 City Manager. Department City Clerk Division Total: $79.75 City Manager Department Department Total: $432.99 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Petr Cash Over 001-2001-369.81-00 -1.00 Firkance;Depaiment FinanceRevenues.. v.. _ , �1. Division Tptal BUIuIc ,..�.ter, . R.,..t. -13vC .13fiS00 ;.r,.. 34T 0010A017 20 0-54 ?ss .. .: 1 rw^.gin • {Y'-:8_. ,C .. a:`'r .3-.i. ,}L .,-.,.a .. vl`k'• Ate. ;OF FINA_ N_ CEC]FFCRS�.,I�ES,-- <EVSLTf ES =5, r 001211449at I3.. f 0:.o . �i-s.' srN•.. ` 'F .r:r...� PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Team .Building Bks-YZ 00.1-2010-514.31-01 21.68 Clorox. Wipes-Horton 001-2010-514.31-01 9'.26 OWEST 10-14 A1C 36045715355718 001-2010-514.42-10 1.24 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-2010-514.42-10 1.61 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.81 10=05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.81 10-05 A1C 36045258342118 001-2010514.42-10 0.98 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.81 10-05 AIC 3604529887652B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.81 10-05 AIC 36045238778.178 001-2010-514.42-10 0.81 . 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 001-2010-514.42-10 5.00 10-14 AIC 3604570411199B 001-2010-514.42-10 39.08 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001 001-2010-514.42-10 57.17 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS-SEPT 001-2010-514.42-10 9.79 Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $201.19 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA Conf-Horton 001-2023-514.43-10 608.52 WFOAINorberglWright 001-2023-514.43-10 631.32 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 14-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-2023-514.42-10 1.71 MICROFLEX INC SEPT TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 001-2023-514.41-50 14.63 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC CALCULATOR RIBBONS 001-2023-514.31-01 51.80 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CRTRDGE AP/PAYROLL 001-2023-514.31-01 192.93 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Clorox Wipes-Horton 001-2023-514.31-01 9.26 E-1O Page 2 Date: 10/27/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council. Expenditure Report From: 710/9/2010 To: 10122/2070 Vendor description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 10-14 A1C 3504571535571 B 001-2.023-514.42-10 1.59 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-2023-514.42-10 2,08 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-2023-514.42-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-2023-514.42-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-2023-514.42-10 1.25 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-2023-514.42.-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-2023-514,42-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-2023-514.42-10 1.04 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-2023--514.42-10 6.42 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 001-2023-514.42-10 50.25 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 10-10 001-2023-514.42-10 146.91 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-2023-514.42-10 7.36 Finance Department Accounting Division Total: $1,731.23 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-2025-514.42-10 2.46 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC RUBBER BANDS 001-2025-514.31-01 38.87 CALCULATOR RIBBONS. 001-2025-514.31-01 51.81 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Clorox. Wipes -Horton 001-2025•-514.31-01 9.26 Keys-Dryke = 001-2025.-51 x.31 �81f3 4.16 hQWEST .: 57. 2025-514.0®0i1014 AC;36041,555T18 "-jy.l } if; i •, - . '�+ `-,rE r1' �` S .?i-1 s: , -Si,• ._. , . _..-.. 's.:,F�. 't' 10-14,A1G-_36045709.6834:38 , 001 ^2025,,-514:42 1 Q` r. , t. s 10U, 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 001-2025-514.42-10 1.50 10-05 A1C 3604529881811 B 001-2025-514.42-10 1.50 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-2025-514.42-10 1.80 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-2025-514.42-10 1.50 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-2025-514.42-10 1.50 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-2025-514.42-10 1.50 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-2025-514.42-10 9,28 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B, 001-2025-514.42-10 72.58 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-2025514.42-10 10.06 Finance Department Customer Service Division Total: $213.08 DATABASE SEPT RECORD DESTRUCTION 001-2080-514.41-50 160.82 MORNINGSIDE SEPT COPY ROOM SERVICES 001-2080-514.41-50 855.00 PACIFIC OFFICE. EQUIPMENT INC FOLDER REPAIR 001-2080-514.48-10 81.30 PITNEY BOWES INC POSTAGE MACHINE INK (2) 001-2080-514.31-01 294.83 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 10-10 001-2080-514.42-10 70.00 Finance Department Reprographics Division Total: $1,461.95 Finance Department Department Total: $3,606.45 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-3010-515.42-10 1.14 CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT 2COPIES SUP.CT.CLERK OFF. 001-3010-515.31-01 1.00 ❑WEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-3010-515.42-10 1.05 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 001-3010-515.42-10 1.37 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 001-3010-515.42-10 0.69 F-11 :. Page 3 - Date: 10127/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Deport 'From: 101912010. To: 10122/2010 f I - _ Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 1005 AJC 3604529882811 B 001-3010-515.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 3604525834211.B 001-3010-515.42-10 0.84 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-3010-515.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 001-3010-515.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-3010-515.42-10 0.69 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 001-3010-515.42-10 4.28 10-14 AJC 360457041 1 1 99B 001-3010-515.42-10 33.50 VERIZON WIRELESS. 09-25 AJC 671402094-00001 001-3010-515.42-10 57.12 WASHINGTON (CNS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 001-3010-515.42-10 14.70 WEST GROUP WESTLAW RESEARCH/SEPT.-10 001-3010-515.31-01 368.10 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total. $486.55 CITY OF FORKS SEPT. 2010 FORKS JAIL 001-3012-598.51-23 990.00 j FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES ELECT.HOME MON.SEPT,2010 001-3012-598.51-23 1,277.37 Attorney Jail Contributions Division Total: $2,267.37 ADVANCED TRAVEL - Dom Violence Symp-Moore 001-3021-515.43-10 566.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AJC 0172134468001 001-3021-515.42-10 0.76 4WEST 10-14 AJC 3604571535571 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.71 10714 A/C, 3604570968343B 001-3021r515-42-10 0.92 , A1Ck 5588 1.0..14 �354457083a �:-'001,73021-;,5--1-5-A2-,1 .. + ... 4. 3,.1:y' .Ti'i. .g0'«iS.: t..:.=_. 0 . v... , . 4 :. 0;46 ✓'1... .n .- lry1 .r ' • M1 4 IC652988281�1 B.05A.045F, -Ml'-3021- , .. 4 10-05 AJC 3604525834211 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.56 10-05 A/C 36045251096238 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 i I 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001-3021.515.42-10 2.86 I' 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 001-3021-515.42-10 22.33 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001 001-3021-515.42-10 57.12 I WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-3021-515.42-10 7.00 j WEST GROUP WESTLAW RESEARCH/SEPT.-10 001-3021-515.31-01 368.10 i Attorney Prosecution Division Total: $1,028.66 i Attorney Department Total: $3,782.58 j AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-4010-558.42-10 1.42 i OLYMPIC PENINSULA TOURISM COMM 2010 TOURISM SUMMIT. 001-4010-558.43-10 85.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-558.31-01 8.57 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER WTIP Mtg Food -West 001-4010-558.31-01 19.41 I WTIP Mtg @ Togas -NW 001.4010-558.31-01 31.06 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-4010-558.42-10 1.33 j 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-4010-558.42-10 1.73 t 10-14 AJC 3604570831558B 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-401.0-558.42-10 0.86 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-4010-558.42-10 1.05 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 F-12 Page 4 Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1(0]912070 To: 10122/2010 F-13 Page 5 Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount QWEST 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 10-05 AJC 36045238778178 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001-4010-558.42-10 5.35 10-14 AIC 36045704111998 001-4010-558.42-10 41.88 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 AIC 671402094-00001 001-4010-558.42-10 28.57 WASHINGTON (ISIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-4010-558.42-10 24.15 Community Development Planning Division Total: $253.82 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 001-4020-524.42-10 0.49 OLYMPIC STATIONERS.INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4020-524.31-01 86.98 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Batteries-Roberds 001-4020-524.31-01 11.91 Permit sleeves-Pangrle 001-4020-524.31-01 25.39 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3504571535571 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.46 10-14 AIC 36045709683438 001-4020-524.42-10 0.60 10-14 AIC 3604570831558B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.36 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 :. ;10-05 A1C 36045298876528 - 001-4020-524:2 10_: 0.30 i ib' biM4 IC 3604523v7f8.78,001:�402��524:�;, _ r, - < �:�. . 3.. � : �:..., f .,� ...:.10.1AiG.��457^6�4�853--.. �Ot1 4020'5�4�2,10 .0:30 , • 64 .. .. , at♦ .. ,�.'it 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-4020-524.42-10 14.52 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN•CHGS-SEPT 001-4020-524.42-10 3.37 Community Development • wilding Division Total: $147.44 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-4030-559.42-10 0.08 QWEST' 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.07 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.09 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 001-4030-559,42-10 0.05 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.06 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.29 10-14 AIC 36045704111998 001-4030-559.42-10 2.23 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF 'SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-4030-559.42-10 0.66 Community Development Code Compliance Division Total: $3.73 Community Development Department Total: $404.99 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-5010-521.42-10 3.03 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING $ APPAREL 001-5010-521.31-11 100.76 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 001-5010-521.42-12 40,28 GLOBALSTAR USA 09-16 a/c; 1.50018856 001-5010-521.42-10 41.93 QWEST 10-14 A1C 36045715355716 001-5010-521.42-10 2.83 F-13 Page 5 Date: 10/2712010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/9/2010 To: 10/22/2010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 10-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-5010-521.42-10 3.69 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-5010-521.42-10 1.85 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-5010-521.42-10 1.85 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 001-5010-521.42-10 2.23 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-5010-521.42-10 1.85 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 001-5010-521.42-10 1.85 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-5010-521.42-10 1.85 10-14 A1C 36045766840856 001-5010-521,42-10 11.42 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-5010-521.42-10 89.33 . VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001 001-5010-521.42-10 178.92 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-5010-521.42-10 63.04 Police Department Police Administration Division Total: $546.71 CLALLAM CNTY HUMANE SOCIETY 4TH QUARTER 001-5012-521.41-50 13,500.00 Police Department Intergovernmental Svcs Division Fota1: $13,500.00 i ACCURINT SEPTEMBER ACCURINT PAYMT 001-5021-521.41-50 54.20 ADVANCED TRAVEL Homicide Invst Trng-Rife 001-5021-521.43-10 711.10 Bckgnd Ivstg Trng-Spencer 001-5021-521.43-10 489.23 Gas L.aUncherTmg Vlach 0015021-521.43 10 _ 58.25 ... , . , . r 'u.NESs,.sERVIC� .., r _,_ . _, .. , AT$gT,tisI `� �4468(i01 .10 13 A1C 0172;1 � `, 1 1.90 00-1-50'3 -521 42 0''� . ,� .� .,� �:, !GAF �.. `�aN . , . �x �. , ; ,�- •.. s"s .. .,��is"s a € ," z y-�v, r i. � i •'.di Y '` :r-- _°" _ _ . ._., e'� - 1J. _Tg T W RIME:. B, AT uNCC3t.l�l'STREE ,�;rA, IOC:PIC�•TO , SP �C L;�PA 5E ,�` .. .' .., ;, Harborview Medical. Center PATIENT DATA ON SANCHEZ, ' 001-5021-521.41-50 - 84.83 PORT OF -PORT ANGELES POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5021-521:49-90: - _- 157.50- . = QWEST 10-1.4 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-5021-521.42--10 1.77 i 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B . 001-5021-521.42-10 2.31 .10-14 A1C 36045708315.58B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.15 . I 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.15 i I 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.39 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-5021-521.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B - 001-5021-521.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.15 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-502.1-521.42-10 7.14 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 001-5021-521.42-10 55.83 RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO POLICE EQUIPMENT .& SUPPLY 001-5029-521.31-14 11.92 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5021-521.31-01 69.62. ' SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC CLEANING COMPOSITIONISOLV 001-5021-521.31-01 9.70 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001 001-5021-521.42-10 519.10 WASHINGTON ('DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 001-5021-521.42-10 12.33 Police Department Investigation Division Total: $2,122.56 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.49-80 65.03 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-5022-521.42-10 5.31 AUTO PARTS #15 FLARE WAS FOR VEHS VOL 90 001-5022-521.31-01 61.92 iBAXTER BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 506.17 F-14 Page 6 7° $�_4 , Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount. BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 817.93 BRAT WEAR CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 521.95 HEALTHFORCE OCCMED BILLING DEPT PRE EMP MED TEST WHITMORE 001-5022-521.49-90 40.00 LINCOLN STREET STATION #95630 PKG TO TCX LAB,SEA 001-5022-521.42-10 2.6.92 #95949 PKG TO TOX LAB,SEA 001-5022-521.42-10 27.17 PKG TO WSP LATENT PRINTS 001-5022-521.42-10 17.38 PKG TO WSP MSVL CRIM LAB 001-5022-521.42-10 8.69 MICROFLEX PF FREE GLOVES FOR PATROL 001-5022-521.31-01 718.70 Kevin Miller MATERIAL FOR SUV BOXES PA 001-5022-521.31-80 1116.03 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER VENI P, CONANT PATRICIA, 001-5022-521.49-90 100.00 PROI=ORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.35-01 241.35 QWEST 10-14 AJC 3604571535571B 001-5022-521.42-10 4.95 10-14 AJC 3604570968343B 001-5022-521.42-10 . 6.46 10-14 AIC 3604570831558B 001-5022-521.42-10 3.23 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-5022-521.42-10 3.23 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 001-5022-521.42.-10 3,90 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-5022-521.42-10 3.23 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 QQ1-5022"521=.2=1:0 3.23- _ J,. .`a k, y :._ r• , i.:rt '.3 rtit ..n ..k. k ..r,.r.,,. . a. ."i.r.Sr, ...s rk' :' Y3 ,'.,'Li5.•5} ,.:, .r.,.m.. . 1 .#- jr,. , ¢ �i P'•; -0.,2�20C'3604523 778178 4= _..1 V`V 5''AI77817B"4`53;23 1-5S211J _ - i_i.. r,F�,. - -w'js _ .1 .. ri ,^i".{'-f•t r ,'t: 3- �. --6 ' „. .i ... , ; `'�"s 5...'.sysy .a• .1 .y.:_¢ a, { . f,, t , .f4: 14`AIC�°�3�+J4'a7�684'�85B ,;'. " ' i`+- `. k 10-14 AJC 36045704111998 001-5022-521.42-10 156.33 -SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIP CO SIMMUNATIONS EQUIP 9MM FX 001-5022-521.31-80 666.62 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 69.60 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 213.80 - VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 PJC 671402094-00001 001-5022-521.42-10,:1,204.54 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-5022-521.42-10 49.62 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $5,686.51 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 09-10 a/c 312753523 001-5026-521.42-10 80.91 R&T ENTERPRISES NEOMARKERS FOR PATROL, G 001-5026-521.31-01 28.02 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $108.93 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AJC 0172134468001 001-5029-521.42-10 1.90 LINCOLN STREET STATION " TO BENJAMIN & HEALY LAW 001-5029-521.42-10 . 8.69 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521,45-31 98,16 . OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.45-31 233.83 QWEST 09-23 a/c 206TO31979835B 001-5029-521.42-10 64.74 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.77 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 001-5029-521.42-10 2.31 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.15 10-05 AJC 3604525834211 B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.39 10-05 AJC 36045251095238 001-5029-521.42-10 1,15 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 001-5029-521.42-10 1.15 F- 15 Page 7 Date: 10/27/2010 City of Pori Angeles, City Council Expenditure Report k Itwo '' From: 101912010 To: 70122/2010 Vendor QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Police Department AIR FLO HEATING COMPANY INC Police Department Description 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 10-14 A1C 3604576694085B 10-14 A1C 3604570411.199B SCAN CHCS -SEPT Records REPAIR OF PAPD HVAC COMPR Facilities Maintenance Police Department Account Number 001-5029-521.42-10 001-5029-521.42-10 001-5029-521.42-10 001-5029-521.42-10 Division Total: 001-5050-521.46-10 Division Total: Department Total: Invoice Amount 1.15 7.14 55.83 9.36 $490.87 990.24 $990.24 $24,045.82 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 4172134468001 001-6010-522.42-10 2.65. 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 041-6010-522.42-11 0.76 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 001-6010-522,42-12 201.40 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-6010-522.20-80 66.06 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT POSTAGE DUE 001-6010-522.42-10 0.50 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-6010-522.42-10 2.48 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-6010-522.42-10 3.23 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.61 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.61 .. ry, � L .. �. +`k`i:�• I ^ .5 °@,'i; t"}} a4. , g?' '. a •i .'7ryr 2 .� i i"'-1 � 1 ,�.:•.1 '.: {'j r r' LAtli F36•[i4=n55109' 623B � 4 F y j. r.'.'...l•{-. 0•".1; a 0+4 52J:.2.j•. :.h4• 2R- 0 1=6F .17 :.S t , 1 6i1Z,zzryY... 7i ;�. _;. 1 ^p: ap7 �..x ri-,F •, :. 'Y x.. '. .a '?. 3 . ;:,'.^ r r • ; •�•u. 7 fax 43 +..- -. t. s. yd w .4. «f. �wT�.. {.. 4f 7...M1• . - ' . , ..._. M"d •'Y . r H 0016C36���,O528875B•J. •t , . 4f =.:i t .: ..,� 10-05 A1C 3604523871817B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.61 10-14 A1C 36044576684085B 001-6010-522.42-10 _ 9.99 i 10-14 AIC 3604570411199B 001-6010-522.42-10 78.17 i 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 041-6010-522.42-11 0.71 { 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.92 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 ! 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.56 i 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-6010-522.42-11 2.86 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-6010-522.42-11 22.33 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 10-10 001-6010-522.42-10 42.74 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-2.5 A1C 671402094-00001 001-6010-522.42.10 57.44 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-6010-522.42-10 2.39 SCAN CHGS-SEPT 001-6010-522.42-11 4.62 WSAFC f MEMBERSHIP DUES 001-6010-522.49-01 825.00. Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $1,337.11 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO Supplies 001-6020-522.31-02 -19.47 Supplies 001-6020-522.31-02 0.68 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-6020-522:42-10 2.46 i F`16 '' _� Page 8 Date: 10/2712010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure Report r:•-�"" From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor 'Description Account Number invoice Amount Kelly Ziegler CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-6020-522.20-80 .30.11 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-6020-522.31-02 39.06 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT BATTERIES 001-6020-522.31-02 4.20 OWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 001-6020-52.2.42-10 2.30 10-14 AIC 36045709683438 001-6020-522.42-10 3.00 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-6020-522.42-10 1.50 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-6020-522.42-10 1.50 10-05 A1C 35045258342118 001-6020-522.42-10 1.81 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-6020-522.42-10 1.50 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 001-6020-522.42-10 1.50 10-05. AIC 3604523877817B 001-6020-522.42-10 1.50 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 001-602.0-522.42-10 9.28 10-14 AIC 360457041 1 1 99B 001-6020-522.42-10 72.58 SEAWESTERN INC CHEM RAW MATERIALS MFG 001-6020-522.31-01 1,270.23 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 001-6020-522.35-01 167.33 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS . 001-6020-522.31-01 62.11 AUTO] & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 001-6020-522.31-01 17.21 VERI oN WIRELE55 . 09-15-alc 264395724-0000:1 .. 001-6020,-522:42:1°0.:: . x ,_ ... a 25.34 :,WASHiNGT(7N•'�dt5� STATE'.OF • .:, �. ;.S r` .. I y, ,, _ _ ,..... ,. �.:. .001-fi02a=522�2..'I :��W .. > t, ,. :�, . ...�,:;•.';�:°,. CAN'CHGS�SEPr FFr'�'Dh ri" `"3"d •?, �'. :, f ,.. _'.,• $�'' - .. Y • AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 001-6021-522.42-10 0.19 - OWEST 10-14 AIC 36045715355718 001-6021-522.42-10 0.18 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-61021-522.42-10 0.23 10-14 AIC 3604570831558B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.12 110-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.14 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 001-6021-522.42-10. 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.12 10-05 AIC 3604523877817B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.12 10-14 AIC 36045766840858 001-6021-522.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 001-6021-522.42-10 5.58 Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total: $7..63 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 001-6030-522.42-10 0.38 QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.35 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.46 10-14 AIC 36045708315588. 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.28 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 001-6030-522.42-10 1.43 F-17 f ...Page 9 .� Date: 1012712010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure .deport F� From .101912010 To: 1012212010 F-18 '. e : Page 10 , Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 10.14 A1C 36045704 1 1 1 99B 001-6030-522.42-10 11.17 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 AIC 671402094-00001 001-8030-522.42-1Q 57.21 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 001-6030-522.42-10 3.92 Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Total: $76..35 I AT&T'BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 001-6040-522.42-10 0.38 QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.35 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-5040-522.42-10 0.46 10-14 AIC 3604570831558B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 10•-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.28 10-05 AIC 36045251096238 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 3604529887652B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 36045238778178 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 10-14 AIC 36045766840858 001-6040-522.42-10 1.43 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 001-6040-522.42-10 11.17 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-10 a/c 571099962-00001 001-6040-522.42-10 34.51 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 001-6040-522.42-10 2.56 I .'• , - •: Frre Department �'. a ... • ,.. , - Fire- Training.:,-, Division Fo#a1-.' ,P.- r'y.r•Ci-.: :.'-. i. '. „. .-.-s.:*.;.t� _Ra •e^ .. ,. `? t. .•s, i• ... ;ANG EL LIJMBr .G..INC ..... .,.-.-'g�.. .'..'• _ .... ., q^`. e•..L:y_t d> _. q.a -! e.- �.,r-. ,'tRE•PAI R',�1`-'il V D .L.l'1B O'St3 a 7 ka���1 `�V.S tiJ 5�i.4P'� �'f �,h .. _4u; •ta: §-;� wig;,. :.l. M v. ... .. .... .F=..r ?:3 3 P.OR ANR PARTMEyl'� SUPPLIES; ;,,, F R. Q 1 ;8450 52'2.31.•,0#.. _,., GELES; E:D .<_ _t.- _.. r ... 0 -, fib:. N ,, ... ,' r b SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-20 42.31 SWAIN'S'GENERAL STORE INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.48-10 1137 j HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS ' 001-6050-522.4$=10 - 11.28 THURMAN SUPPLY EQUIP MAIN'T & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.48-10 '.. 206.92 Fire Department - Facilities Maintenance Division Total: .: - :' $496.84 I AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 017213446800'1 001-6060-525.42-10 1.71 I ' QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.59 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-6060-525.42-10 2.08 10-14 AIC 3604570831558B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.04 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.04 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.25 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.04 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 001-6060-525.42-10 1.04 10-05 AIC 3604523877817B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.04 10-14 AIC 36045766840858 001-6060-525.42-10 6.42 10-14 AIC 36045704111998 001-6060-525.42-10 50.25 Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: $68.50 Fire Department Department Total: $3,737.17 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 001-7010-532.42-10 5.87 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 001-7010-532.42-12 108.40. ► INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1001-7010-532.31-60 146.34 JOBS AVAILABLE INC DEPUTY DIRECTOR AD 001-7010-532.44-10 245.40 F-18 '. e : Page 10 , 1FT Date: 10/27/2010 City of Port Angeles -Council E City Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Bill Hale Programming Visual Basics 001-7010-532.31-01 114.00 Michael C. Puntenney 1 518" PRE-INKED STAMP 001-7010-532.31-01 35.48 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS` PUNTENNEY 001-7010-532.31-01 58.54 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-7010-532.42-10 5.49 10-14 AIC 36045709683436 001-7010-532.42-10 7.15 10.14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-7010-532.42-10 3.55 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B. 001-7010-532.42-10 3.57 10-05 AIC 3504525834211 B 001-7010-532.42-10 4.32 10=05 AIC 36045251096238 001-7010-532.42-10 3.57 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 001-7010-532.42-10 3.57 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-7010-532.42-10 3.57 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001 -7010-532-42-10 22.13 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-7010-532.42-10 173.11. VERIZON WIRELESS 09-28 a/c 271138138-00002 001-7010-532.42-10 78.82 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF COM PUTERS,BP & WORD PROC. 001-7010`532.31-60 358.77 SCAN CHGS-SEPT 009-7010-532.42-10 87.96 Public Works -Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration. Division Total: $1,469.22 r ,'PmbliC Warks-Gen Fnd - Lie r# nqni Total., . $' ,4fi9.22 r ' -'`. ._ .,. :,•. {t Y0`13_AIC !0'AIAT&TIBUSINESS.RVICE '. .,01 ��© 2 _ :.51721'34468QSE ...... M • r ,A..,. `OLYh7iP'IC STATIONERS1NC--.� FF ICE S PP IES,. w ,., 00:1:::8 4 31-0 rp-, z r ,; It, 2=7 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001.8010-574.42-10 . 0.53 10-14 A1C 36045709683438 001.-8010-574.42.10 0.69 10-14 AIC 36045708315586 001-8010-574.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.42 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.35 10-05 AIC 3604529887652B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.35 10-05 AIC 3604523877817B 001-8010-574,42-10 0.35 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-8010-574.42-10 2.14 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-8010-574.42-10 16.75 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE of SCAN CHCS-SEPT 001-8010-574.42-10 3,33 Parks Dept Parks Administration Division Total: $118.88 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 01721 34468001 001-8012-555.42-10 0.57 QWEST 10-0.5 a/c 3604529861819B 001-8012-555.42-10 45.09 09-20 a/c 206T217227465B 001-8012-555.42-10 57.46 10-02 a/c 36041719424136 001-8012-555.42-10 45.93 10-14 A1C 360457153557.1B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.53 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.59 10-14 A1C 36045708315586 001-8012-555.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-8012-555,42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.42 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-8012-555.42-10 0.35 F-19 ,: �. Page 11 Date: 10127/2010 ' City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor. Description Account Number Invoice Amount OWEST 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-8012-555.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-8012-555.42-10 0.35 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 001-8012-555.42-10 2.14 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 001-8012-555.42-10 16.75 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 001-8012-555.42-10 0.57 Parks Dept Senior Center Division Total: $171.90 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8050-536.31-20 12.82 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 009-8050-536.42-10 0.38 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 001-8050-536.42-12 185.50 QWEST 10-14 A1C 36045715355718 001-8050-536.42-10 0.35 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.46 10-14 AJC 36045708315588 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.28 10-05 AJC 36045251096238 001-8050-53+6.42-10 0.23 10-05 AJC 3604529887652B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 10-14;PJC;3604576684085E1... - - - x001 8050 536 42-10 ! T .Ofl �"-80513 536:42-�10 moi:. :1..1.7 ..�;�, s : s� � .:�- •:.� . - ... ..,�, ..,., ...... {-Q^iT.. .' - - .±..f. .. .,. . .• 0..WASHIVGTON e .S • .i. +',aa.. [h.' _-�Y �_ ..,ff; i'_.ti. NYc��-.r7 X�, vif'* 2:. .°r-- - � ' ...- __ ..�... _.. _ .. Parks Dept Ocean 'View Cemetery Division Total: $220.25 -AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER- _.__- NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 001_8080576:3-1=40 159.84 ALLP LAY. SYSTEMS, LLC j PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-20 275.42 j AMSAN, ;JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 829.00 j ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 001-8080-575.31-20 258.67 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC 001-8080-576.31-20 18.11 j HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 22.30 j HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 12.31 PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 25.84 f LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-575.31-20 27,30 I PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 30.02 ' I PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-575.31-20 25.84 Supplies 001-8080-576.31-20 -37.20 Discount 001-8080-576.31-20 -40.75 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-8080-576.42-10 1.90 BACKFLOW APPARATUS 8& VALVE CO PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPR 001-8080-576.31-20 338.83 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 001-8080-576.42-12' 185.50 NETWORK SERVICES 001-8080-576.42-12 95.40 j CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, INC PRODUCTION&MANUFACTURING 001-8080-576.31-40 629.80 PRODUCTION&MANUFACTURING 001-8080-576.31-40 719.78 ELMERS FLAG AND BANNER FLAGS, POLES, BANNERS,ACCES 001-8080-576.31-20 693.76 GROVES CRANE CO RENTALILEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.31-40 292.68 F -20 Page 12 } - ¢; 'FT Date: xy. Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912070 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Office Supplies 001-8080-576.31-01 -0,30 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Batteries -Hanby 001-8080-576.31-01 14.11 QWEST 10-14 A1C 36045715355718 001-8080-576.42-10 1.77 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-8080-576.42-10 2.31 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.39 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-8080-576.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 36045298876528 001-8080-576.42-10 1.15 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.15 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-8080-576.42-10 7.14 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 001-8080-576.42-10 55.83. ROOT CONSTRUCTION, INC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 001-8080-576.48-10 9,365.77. SKAGIT GARDENS INC NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 6,271.21 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC PLUMBING EQUIP PIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 9.62 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-28 a/c 271138138-00004 001-8080-576.42-10 74.57 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN. CHGS-SEPT 001--8080-576.42-10 1.40 -v4ASHING-TON (oASI) sTATE'OF ..3�aQtUnemployment r 5;33 :44_... e 7• •i s1, .�� p�/' +fprr ■■¢■■����++ i. } aI•if7, � r•i'--''�' �4•. �. �_.. t. tr: y,ly ..�, av 1, Park Faiii�7i1.,'G+.Z..e .�">c:,s _ - ... - ct� lr+'rC• .����.7/,SJ1 f•..�V ��i4�.'��*�jr�?Q5-:�a. R:.Fa�. .rs�FVl .. f•�".3�3� _. S,iv {< . r .. dr: e 1.^', r= ..7 i ti_ .n 8 - L?xz'c '1.k Y .. r •..-i-. „'.. s J?e lop -wort i 3Y,e^ar ent..To a1. $26j7%439 -- QWEST 10-02 a/c 36041707869058 0011-8112-555.42-10 30.72 Facilities Maintenance Senior Center Facilities division Total: $30.72 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-8130-518.42-10 0.19 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571B 001-8130-518.42710 0.18 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.23 10 -14 -AIC 36045708315586 001-8130-518.42-1' 0 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.14 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 001-8130-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-8130-518.42-10. 0.12 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 001-8130-518.42-10 5.58 Facilities Maintenance CustodialIJanitorial Svcs Division Total: $7.63 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC 001-8131-518.31-20 38.30 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 001-8131-518.31-20 16.64 PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC 001-8131-518.31-20 16,55 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 001-8131-518.42-10 0.19 OWEST 09-16 a/c 206T355724768B 001-8131-518.42-10 57.46. 10-02 a/c 3604175328784B 001-8131-518.42-10 39.67 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.18 10-14 A1C 36045709683438 001-8131-518.42-10 0.23 F-21 r Page 13 Date: 10/27/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1019/2010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.14 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 360452.98876528 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 3604570411199B 001-8131-518.42-10 5.58 Facilities Maintenance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $176.25 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $214.60 General Fund Fund Total: $83,285,19 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM 2410 MKTGIMEDIA CAMPAIGN 101-1430-557.50-83 49,472.72 Lodging Excise Tax Lodging ,Excise Tax Division Total• $49,472.72 ' Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $49,472.72 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Total: $49,472.72 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ROADIHWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 978.31 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 ' 13.53 FASTENERS, FASTENING DENS 102-7230=642-31-20',' r.. •r.: ri' :: -: ^.. .y --; "•, s„-cge. y :: .'.,• r ::_a < ..•3."'. .i. ^''S . '. = n v:.^;e .v .. `mr z. v. -: nr,, .^�. ..`- s,.�.d�,iP._... .. •,.ti /w. �r. .i .y,. •, 9. ;h�:. ..S'.,�,. 5, [ .ti`x. ^'_. .dr "�" L l .��.. J..--: •. r �- , '. .:'Sr y- ' r ,. - ,�- a°<.�.t�.:.'^s,�c..v'LS;r ...W�E,Gr Y. 4 'J �... _e... s'•. ��! AT&T T3USINESS"SERVICE 1=13 AIG-0172134468�J01 10272 2 42 1 f •�„ x''0:95` '>'';' :r ¢+ r I - L r,.... .=j -c.., ':- �`i- ^ea. ,RIS z -. ,, _Vs -:. z; ... , .. •y., ,: -_. . , f .�.- 30 54 F a -i, _a .S' %' $ .•v,t ^.f'D./`Y •y��.'§ .. s� BLAKE T'IL'E STONE; "INC .��--3a- RCJAC3IHW'Y ►A f NGN 4SPHAL-r[C 1027137- x42':31"=20 _ __ 25.55 •• . 'BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 40.92 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 97.92 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 102-7230-542.42-12 70.49 CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS, I PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED , 102-7230-542.48-10..- . 1,442.775 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 17.71 HOLCOMB & COMPANY, D ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 1,081.01 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROADIHWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 1,613.32 NAPA AUTO PARTS BELTS AND BELTING 102-7230-542.31-01 16.13 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER. Batteries -Hanley 102-7230-542.31-01 14.11 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571.'B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.88 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 102-7230-542.42-10 1.15 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.58 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.58 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.70 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.58 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.58 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.58 14-14 AIC 36045766840858 102-7230-542.42-10 3.57 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 102-7230-542.42-10 27.92 VERIZON WIRELESS ' WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF. 09-28 a/c 271138138-00004 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 102-7230-542.42-10 102-7230-542.48-10 72.13 4,154.47 WASHINGTON (OAST), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 102-7230-542.20-60 195.17 F-22 Page 14 Al w; , , Date: 10127/2010 City of Part Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount Public Works -Street Street Division Total: $9,879:40 Public Works -Street Department Total. $9,879.40 Street Fund Fund Total: $9,879.40 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 103-1511-558.42-10 0.09 PA DOWNTOWN ASSN- -3RD QUARTER FEES 103-1511-558.41-50 5,000.00 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3504571535571 B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.09 10. 14 A1C 36045709583438 103-1511-558.42-10 0.12 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.061 10-05 A1C 3604525834211B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.07 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 103-1.511-558.42-'10 0.06 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 103.1511-558.42-10 0.36 10-14 A1C 36045704 1 1 1 99B -103-1511-558.42-10 2.79 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001 103-1511-558.42-10 28.57 Economic Development Economic Development. Division Total. $5,032.39 Economic �De�oelopmebt Dep�frtl?7ent°-Tota1: $5 2;39 .. J • F.n '.Y.< =i i! ` li Af .•f.' F.. . .. F 1�2 �T',1 ,• ``4 -- yy�� ■■/� ��. �•r'+id^i 1�.?.:E4onom1.4F�Y veto . - pri�ient '• r r - ry } tA M1! . �. i.�i f,. .tk: •"t:„' paid Fotal $5;032.9 �.4 ,} . r} •ns.ur4-..� .�. ��t�y�,,i ry AT B1sINESS SERVICE _ A1C Q172134468�01 _ 10615"1`2=55:42-1® _..._,._. QWEST. 10-14_A/C 3604571535571B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.18 10-14 AIC 360457096834313. 106-1512-558.42-10 0.23 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 106-1512-558.42-10 0:12 _. 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.14 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 106-1512-558.42-10 5.58 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF. SCAN CHGS-SEPT 106-1.512-558.42-10 3.04 Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total; $10.67 Economic Development Department Total: $10.67 Cultural Resources ..Fund Total: $10.67 ADVANCED TRAVEL 911 Trng-Carignan 107-5160-528.43-10 631.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 01.72134468001 107-5160-528.42-10 5.06 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 107-5160-528.42-10 185.50 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 107-5160-528.2.0-80 52-55 CLOTHING & APPAREL 107-5160-528.20-80 60.68 CENTURYLINK 10-06 a/c 300539444 107-5160-528.42-11 84.14 10-06 a/c 300509854 107-5160-528.42-11 96.19 10-06 a/c 406063845 107-5160-528.42-11 16 J2 ,,-...; Page 15 _,. I _ 9,1 ` I r r City of Port Angeles City Council. Expenditure Report From: 10I912010 To: 10/2212010 Date: 10/27/2010 Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 107-5160-528.42-10 4.78 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 107-5160-528.42-10 8.23 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 107-5160-528.42-10 3.11 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.11 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.76 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.11 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 107-5160-528.42-10 3.11 10-05 AIC 3604523877817B 107-5160-528.42.10 3.11 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 107-5160-528.42=10 19.27 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 107-5160-528.42-10 150.75 10-02 a/c 3602020380301 B 107-5160-528.42-11 1,030.84 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 107-5160-528.48-10 682.92 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-25 A1C 671402094-00001 107-5160-528.42-10 172.40 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS-SEPT 107-5160-528.42-10 55.05 WASHINGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 107-5160-528.20-60 3,268.10 WESTEK MARKETING SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 107-5160-528.48-10 3,356.07 Pencom Pencom Division Total: $10,041.06 :, . " P+e nca►a 3epartment Total: $10,0411.06 _ IASHINGTON �dASIy 'STA E aF' 3rD Qtr Unemployment :121=8021`' 924 Parks Dept Wm Shore Mem Pool Dist Division Total: $924.00 Parks Dept Department Total: $924.00 AQUATIC SPECIALTY SERVICES CHEMICAL.LAB EQUIP & SUPP 121-8121-576.31-20 84.44 .WRTERMIL..L INC, THE_ CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 121-8121-576.31.-05- : 613.49 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 121-8121-576.31-05 59.40 Facilities Maintenance_ Pool Facilities Division Total: $757.33 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $757..33 Wm Shor Mem Pool Dist Fund Total: $1,681.33 CLALLAM TITLE CO FINANCIAL SERVICES 172-2310-559.49-41 150.00 FINANCIAL SERVICES 172-2310-559.49-41 150.00 PA Housing Rehabilitatior PA Housing Rehabilitation Division Total: $300.00 PA Housing Rehabilitation Department Total: $300.00 PA Housing Rehab Proj Fund Total: $300.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 174-8221-574.42-10 0.19 QWEST 10-14 AiC 3604571535571 B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.18 10-14 A1C 36045709683438 174-8221-574.42-10 0.23 10-14 AIC 36045708315588 174-8221-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.14 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 AiC 3604529887652B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.12 F - 24 Page 16 Date. 10/27/2010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure Report F-25 Page 17��:�....:� From: 101912010 To: 10/22(2010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount ®WEST 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 174-8221-574.42-10 0.12 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 174-8221-574.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 174-8221-574.42-10 5.58 RICIGLIANO, BRENT REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 300.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 174-8221-574.42-10 1.10 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $308.73 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 174-8222-574.42-10 0.19 AT&T MOBILITY 9-26 a/c 994753890 174-8222-574.42-10 13.46 BABE RUTH LEAGUE BASEBALL TOURNAMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 2,500.00 QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.18 10-14 AIC 36045709683438 174-8222-574.4.2-10 0.23 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.14 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 36045298876526 174-8222-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 174-8222-574.42-10 0.12 1 Oz F1 4, A/C 3604576684085B, 174-8222-574-42-110, •;� S 1 Rte',. V-{, y,^v4.'AV. ''! . '. py T.'.". � f, NC 'L' '•,,' J' 30 14�d4! ',,; 'S. ,i.ysv "�. 1i. -w4AIC 360457041'Viffi�. .P•.-.,c'yi z t�. ' •g.:l VA � � Cr•`. r L fr• .rl�.r :1er. )..�q, W1N; TON. (DIS), STATS "�F ?{"1tYF ls,..r.+.. .'•.�- '+•r]1,. a9•�y .. a p w : ` SC�I� CHGSL 1,74-8Z2��74�4�' 1 � Recreation Activities Special Events Division Total: $2,523.90 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 1-74-8224=574;421-10 0.19 CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM DAYCAMP FIELD TRIPS 174-3224-574.31-01 13.00 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS DADDY DANCE ADVERTISTING 174-8224-574.44-10 252.80 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER After School Spls-Rengil 174-8224-574.31-01 15.56 Contest/Office Supls-AM 174-8224-574.31-01 51.12 QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.18 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.23 10-14 A1C 36046708315588 174-8224-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 31604525834211 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.14 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 174-8224-574..42-10 0.12 10-05 A1C 31604529887652B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.12 10-05 AJC 36045238778178 174-8224-574.42-10 0.12 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 174-8224-574.42-10 0.71 10-14 AJC 36045704111996 174-8224-574.42-10 5:58 WASHINGTON (D]S), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 174-8224-574.42-10 0.69 Recreation Activities YouthlFamily Programs Division Total: $340.80 Recreation Activities Department Total: $3,173.43 Recreational Activities Fund Total: $3,173.43 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLEANING COMPOSITIONISOLV 178-5351-521.31-01 60.03 Firearms Range Firearms Range Division Total: $60.03 F-25 Page 17��:�....:� Date: 10/27/2010 {City of Fort Angeles City Council. Expenditure Report From: 10191201 U To: 70J2212010 Vendor Description Firearms Range Firearms Range Eric Kovatch Drug Task Force SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, LLC Account Number . Department Total: Fund Total: TRAVEL TO SANTA ANA CA 182-5423-521.31-01 TRAINING REGISTRATION 182-5423-521.31-01 HOTEL DEPOSIT 182-5423-521.31-01 Drug Task Force Division Total: Drug Task Force Department Total: Drug Task Force Fund Total: IoW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310-0000-223.40-00 Invoice Amount $60.03 $60.03 427.80 495.00 200.05 $1,122.85 $1,122.85 $1,122.85 4,580.66 Division Total: $4,580.66 Department Total: $4,580.66 . I LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED. 310-7930-595.65-10 770,271.71 I NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES INC BRIDGE DESIGN 310-7930-595.41-50 1,747.50 I SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, LLC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310-7930-595.65-10 91,613.15 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310-7930-595.65-10 -91,613.15 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310-7930-595.65-10 91,613.15 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC PAINT 310-7930-595.65-10 52.03 �a,ti+'.l. {. ,�ti:, - .✓ - k h.e '.'�-' ,>•' L G4 ;", ►RV ital Pro "acts -Fula Wks GF-Streef Pin `acts Diu Bron Pnta P -,$853 '8$4.39 3 •-r } t '. ^'1 ia•�" v-•,S..w . ,. LL,.,_ } ..a .,. . 7 ,z, -i. _ .a' •t- s,. .r,�' .r 1 j.. X s 'sJ T r rr sb,-n -V .`i, t.. 1- r:.fh J3•.. v �� ,, .Y� ...t.+.,�-lJl�i'ii.'�r�,^f�}rI....r,.. .i.,,P.r. F..a.,.,.•Y'� ,::Gk1' -.. "1s.:J'- r :iY�.:�.+ r r::l.r� "=� w.i r i'� •�1 . J- ital Prpj0_6�s=Pub Wks'' Qepartrnen# ofal $86348439".�-: 4L_. ;J 1:::..,;, �� .�r.�.. ._ .�„.:�7 r- � > r o-�¢. �, .�+� " &,•`s,.. .. `Y. '�'"ccx i.ak: . .g y'•.. .y. i... -, ,.tea - �,y,a Kr 'z: _ ..h. _ r;n. r y: ? Capital, Improvement Fund Total: $868,265.05 BPA -POWER WIRES.- . September Power Wire -EFT- 40.1-0000-213.10-00 1 ,489,675.00 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC.DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 934,36 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 . 968.30 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,040.97 I FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 722.50 ELECTRICAL'EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,129.92 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 116.53 BLANCHARD, NAHDIAJ FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 48.82 BUCHANAN, SHERRY N. FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 36.25 i FORDRUNG, SHEILA -M OVERPAYMENT -1314 GEORGIAN -401-0000-122.10-99 25.00 GOODENDORF, SARA B FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-.99 6.57 JOHNSTAD, CHAD M FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 72.56 MOORE, ANNA M FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 106.97 PROPERTIES BY LANDMARK INC OVERPAYMENT -1839 MELODY 4 401-0000.122.10-99 38.14 RYENNE, TREVOR S FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-09 73.21 I SCHMITT, BRANDEE L OVERPAYMENT -2308 FRANCIS 401-0000-122.10-99 32.78 WATSON JR, EDWIN L OVERPAYMENT -2123 W 4TH ST , 401-0000-122.10-99 37.31 WILSON, JACKIE D FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 9.26 WISE, LINDA L FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 17.48 Division Total: $1,495,091.93 I Department Total: $1,495,091.93 F 26 I Page 18 ,z; F-27 Page 19 _.... Date: 10127/2010 ° City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 10122121170 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 401-7111-533.42-10 0.57 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 401-7111-533.42-12 60.42 CAPTAIN T'S SHIRT 401-7111-533.31-01 . 35.97 COMPLETE LINE, THE NAMEPLATE 401-7111-533.31-01 18.42 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC CHAIR MATS 401-7111-533.31-01 75.86 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Cake for Steve -Neal 401-7111-533.31-01 16.99 QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 401-7111-533:42-10 0.53 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 401-711.1-533.42-10 0.69 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.32 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.32 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 401-7111-533.42-10 2.42 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.32 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.32 10-05 AIC 36045238778178 401-7111-533.42-10 0.32 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 401-7111-533.42-10 2.14 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 401-711.1-533.42-10 16.75 WASHINGTON (01S), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 401-7111-533.42-10 2.71 'Public, WorksTEloctric , .j i Engineedgg-Electric . Division . .4i_;s A..T..&. T.BUS.. INES; iS,E.iRV}ICE. F'.. .�t' CpFAC1Tl( PROVISIONII\IG'INC . _ 0 -13 AIC'.01-72.. 1'34468001 .? ,. _ ':i ; NETW �i�K'.SER111C��. � 401 .-...:. 's c, t:.• .• .� n � �+", r it fa - �; , „_ , 40:..7120 233 42 121 0:42 COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR MAN INSPECTION SERVICES 401-7120-533.41-50 2,000.00 EES CONSULTING INC RETAIL RATE DESIGN 401-7120-533;41-50 935.98 - MARSH MUNDORF PLATT SULLIVAN WPAG 2010 401-7120-533.49-01 2,538,43 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.53 10-14 AIC 36045709683438 401-7120-533.42-10 0.69 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.35 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.42 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 401-7120-533.42-10 . 0.35 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 401-7120-533.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.35 16-14 A1C 3604576684085B 401-7120-533.42-10 2.14 10-.14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 401-7120-533.42-10 16.75 WASHINGTON (ISIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 401-7120-533.42-10 33.71 Public Works -Electric Power Systems Division Total. $5,593.39 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 401-7180-533.34-02 228.72 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO FASTENERS, FASTENING REVS 401-7180-533.31-20 29.92 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A/C .0 172134468001 401-7180-533.42-10 4.55 BLAKE TILE & STONE, INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 38.64 ROA❑JHWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 401-7180-533.34-02 1,523.39 ROADIHWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 401-7180-533.34-02 2,924.19 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 401-7180-533.42-12 11247.90 F-27 Page 19 _.... I Date: 10/27/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ;,. From: 101912010 To: 10/22/2010 Vendor.- j Description Account Number Invoice Amount CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 401-7180-533.4.2-12 216.80 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL' EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 18.08 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 347.94 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 242.82 i ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 398.10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 -406.48 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 45.98 1 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 6.49 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 17.91 PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 401-7180-533.35-01 119.24 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 109.14 CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR FILING FEE 401-7180-533.49-90 62.00 HANSEN SUPPLY COMPANY INC SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 401-7180-533.34-02 923.60 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 40.48 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 -414.36 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 227.64 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 243.54 : ELECTRICAL EQUIP..&.S.UPPLY, _-401-7.180.533:35=01 1,299.7.fi, ;". fi1F-HE?5334� 205 y:�..2 ,9 .�p.n.s�. Rt� .r•.�s1I+Nr'F Sk'x`rI•G� H':3�T.R- UBL'-ICSE1 CT.s..O, F.CY , �;.t.N �lF,-•��:}..-'}.�:r- ��..Y �.r-�RENTALIIFYE., AS_S:SS, ;6i Y}ti }-+�-�_ `MASON::COLIT. IO�8'SEiJCES401 -k61 . 1510 2E�EQL MATCO TOOLS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY . 401-7180-533.35-01 395.56 Brent Robinson MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 Brian Wahto MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 Derrick Halsey MEAL; REIMBURSEMENTS 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 George Drake MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 15.25 Jim Shay MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 15.25 Logan Deane MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 Richard Hixson MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 Robert Williams MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533.31-01 30.50 Shirley Wooldridge REFUND 401-7180-379.00-00 1,118.00 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533.43-10 550,00 OFFICE DEPOT PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 401-7180-533.31-01 94.69 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 67.38 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 67.36 OLYMPIC SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS_ HARDWARE,AND.ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.48-10 882.92 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 21.'63 RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 23.1.4 PENINSULA TRUCK LINES SHIPPING AND HANDLING 401-7180-533.48-10 113.72 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 71.54 F -28 I Page 20�.. _: f Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angelus City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 126.79 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 87.75 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-7180-533.34-02 2,527.89 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,401.03 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.41-50 55.85 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 152.90 QWEST 10-02 a/c 206ZO20411942B 401-7180-533.42-10 65.05 10-05 a/c 3604526236776B 401-7180-533.42-10 42.12 10-05 a/c 36045295413538 401-7180-533.42-10 39.57 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 401-7180-533.42-10 4.25 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 401-7180-533.42-10 5.54 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.77 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.77 10-05 AIC 3604525834211 B 401-7180-533.42-10 3.35 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 401-7180-533.42-10 2.77 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.77 .10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.77 tuvF ;ar 1 Q-14 AIC 35045766840858,, .401-7180-533.42.10. . n�., �. I •..fi i Fr k• r �a .moi oAf f ... AIC 3604570411x1`9913 . .. e _ r . ... Vs. ' .. '.� -', i 9'.i` 'G: _i 401- -1 7180-53342 10:x, 34.I]0 ,I "y ` iia •; _ i �� 4. �,�, .,�_. ROLL!!�+GER.ETi±RI�ISS'ivC -� -ELECTRICAL EQU11� &=SUPPLY , 'F'•- .[, r ,�{... , fir "r 4 3y 40:'I `%� .: > :'� _ 80.33.3501.. , ,7082?:, -. SECURITY SERVICE NW, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 600.00 SOUND SAFETY FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 554.47 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 34.51 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 24.85 FASTENERS, FASTENING REVS 401-7180.533.34-02 2.7.92 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 91.20 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 40.54 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 20.42 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 5.40 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-28 a/c 271138138-00003 401-7180-533.42-10 62.61 WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO. ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 547.87 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 324.82 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHCS -SEPT 401-7180-533.42-10 22.40 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 1,300.28 Public .Works -Electric Electric Operations division Total: $26,673.91 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $321498.37 Electric Utility Fund Fuad Total: $1,527,590.30 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 2,251.47 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 1,215.38 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC PIPE FITTINGS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 402-0000-141.40-00 402-0000-237.00-00 4,164.92 -27.35 Division Total: $7,604.42, F-29 Page ..cry Date: 10%2712010 City of Port Angeles :- City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/9/2010 To: 1012212070 i Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Department Total: $7,614,42 i AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 402-7380-534.31-20 76.86 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 402-7380-534.31-20 40.96 AMSAN ' PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 402-7380-534.31-20 31.17 1 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 239,56 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 239.55 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 402-7380-534.31-20 12.67 I AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE' 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 402-7380-534.42-10 -1.14 BLAKE TILE & STONE, INC ROADIHWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 135.50 SEED,SOD,SQIL&INOCULANT 402-7380534.31-20 77.55 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 402-7380-534.31-20 51-.71 CAPACITY PROVISIONING,INC NETWORK SERVICES 402-7380-534.42-12 559.68 NETWORK SERVICES 402-7380-534.42-12 379.40 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION, INCCHEMICAL, CQMMERCIAL,BULK 402-7380-534.31-05 618.89 SALT (SODIUM CHLORIDE) 402-7380-534,31-05 4,310.66 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 402-7380-534.31-05 27.10 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 402-7380-534.31-05 .4,146.19 CEa1COIdSC]LiD►4TED ELEC DIST INC `Y^ `EI CTRICAL EQUIP "&-,"�UPPLY , ..402-7380=X34:31-20 54.22 5 $Lf -�•�.+ r � 2 rw.; 'h: a ��- 3 y�•...nr p ,iy�-.. - yy ii - K ;•.s. i .4'{ . DI° {,,,/ :: .: �c x :,. .. 4:/ Yy,. M1 �a„riyf:. 'tf _ r} . �.. CY,. _ :��., � -40 REEK WA IERASSN, l.IV S-PEGIAL SERVICES PiGREEMEI I. 402=73$Q-,�34 , F, EDGE ANALYTICAL` Kr. , TES INGBRAT ,33.4©. 402-73811-534:41-50s�.... FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 43.21 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402-7380-534.31-20 431.43 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 142.95 PIPE FITTINGS 4027380-534.31-20 175.45 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 337.13 GC SYSTEMS INC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 402-7380-534.43-10 1,626.00 GRAINGER PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.31-20 749.75 FURNITURE, NON OFFICE 402-7380-534.35-01 63.51 PLUMBING EQUIP FIxT,SUPP 402-7380-534.35-01 92.49 HEARTLINE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 47.64 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1402-7380-534.31-20 46.60 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 402-7380-534.48-02 297.08 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC FIRST PAID &SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 339.53 MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 402-7380-534.31-01 13.38 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 402-7380-534.31-20 47,69 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Reservi5r Rd 402-7380-534.47-10 30.00 Q.WEST 10-05 a/c 3604524587479B 402-7380-534.42-10 48.54 10-02 a/c 3604175079758B 402-7380-534.42-10 39.67 10-05 a/c 3604525230978B 402-7380-534.42-10 122.21 10-10 a/c 36021002409558 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 402-7350-534.42-10 402-7380-534.42-10 159.59 1.06 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 402-7380-534.42-10 1.38 F-30 Page 22 c= Date: 10/27/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount CWES`I- 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.84 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.69 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.69 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 402-7380-534.42-10 4.28 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 402-7380-534.42-10' 33.51 RADIOSHACK HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 54.19 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO CLOTHING & APPAREL 402-7380-534.31-20 192.13 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-01 17.94 ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 402-7380-534.31-20 159.49 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP' 402.7380-534.31-20 38.04 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 61.94 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402-7380-534.39-20 42.48 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 146.09 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402-7380-534.39-20 18.04 r -.PIPE,FITTINgS 402-738[]-534.31-ZQ .z. •'' ,! «� #,.b .. G. , I6�-...�1. a-* . �•{r ;-1,i ,J n_tir [, dr ..., ND A. LL IE. D IT Jti'.. 0 -WAR s� ^4 + ; �r ..f }S 7 w _iZk'�• :FASTEI'lIIrIG-I3E S-_ ' }; 4027.380: _534.3-12&',, 60.27 =` HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 97.19 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20- 18.80 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 46.38 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 101.29 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-20 15.11 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 18.29 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC WIN CC. SOFTWARE 402-7380-534.41-50 7,686.65 THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 24.59 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 29.29 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-20 20.66 PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.31-20 157.18 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 49.09 TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 173.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 22.50 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 22.50 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-28 a/c 271138138-00005 402-7380-534.42-10 124.63 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 402-7380-534.42-10 15.17 WHISTLE WORKWEAR FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 185.45 Public Warks -Water Water Division Total: $27,249.98 F-31 Page 2.3 + � Date: 10/2712010 City of Fora Angeles City Couneff Expenditure Report From: 1019120-10 To: 1012212070 Vendor description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works -Water Department Total: $27,249.98 Water Fund. Fund Total: $34,854.40, ADS, LLC CSO OVERFLOW 403-7480-535.41-50 5,953.89 CSO OVERFLOW 403-7480-535.41-50 4,437.81 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO Rental 403-7480-535.45-30 -41.73 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 403-7480-535.42-10 1.52 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 403-7480-535.42-12 835,28 CERTIFIED HEARING INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-01 542.00 GRAINGER PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 403-7480-535.31-20 132.48 HACH COMPANY CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 1,259.97 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER - Postage -Young 403-7480-535.42-10 7.70 QWEST 10-14 a/c 3604574859247B 403-7480-535.42-10 79,24 10-14 a/c 36045763156898 403-7480-535.42-10 79.34 10-02 a/c 3604170591196B 403-7480-535.42-10 39.67 10-02 a/c 36041701900808 403-7480-535.42-10 46.50 10-05 a/c 36045299118346 403-7480-535.42-10 39.67 10-05 a/c 3604523954268B 403-7480-535.42-10 79.34 �:- '�s fib.. 1 'crt 5. r •' ,. .. 'ti'' 7 0 -08 355 4t3 22 "10 7480=35 � 3.'i9= .44f -1�alc i:t6._<z47 ... L ., .y y v...T,. #,.-.- e .. 1 .. .[ •L} '- .r :y,7.r .•,. - ,a•.rz ,.} f .`- .-.• , ..,. �1A1C36R. X V" rr �fiM_ 10 g 7153--1403'7480 .„,_S.y.. 10-1.4'p1C 36(]45717368343® 403174$0=535:42-'� 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.92 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B -403-7480-535.42-10' 0.92 10-05 A1C 3604525834211B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.12 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 403-7480-535.42-10 0,92 10-05 A/C 3604529887652B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.92 10-05 A1C 36045238778178 403-7480-535.42-10 0.92 i 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 403-7480-535.42-10 5.71 10-14 A1C 36045704111998 403-7480-535.42-10 44.67 ROOT CONSTRUCTION, INC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 403-7480-535.48-10 9,251.94. SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE. HOSES, ALL KINDS 403-7480-535.31-20 50.51 I i HAR!DWARE,ANDALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-20 3.21 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPE R 403-7480-535.31-01 136.86 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 403-7480-535.31-01 36.26. JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 25.60 THURMAN SUPPLY TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 403-7480-535.31-01 26.69 PIPE AND TUBING 403-7480-535.31-20 34.19 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.35-01 15.53 VERIZON WIRELESS 09-28 a/c 271138138-00006 403-7480-535.42-10 48.55 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 403-7480-535.42-10 24.90 WASHINGTON (OAST), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 403-7480-535.20-60 2,032.00 Public Works-WWIStormw Wastewater Division Total: $2.5,277.96 Public Works-WWIStormwtr Department Total: $25,277.96 F-32 Page 24 - 3.7 . Date'10127/2010 City of Fort Angeles E City Council Expenditure Report From: 701912010 To: 70/2212070 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE Wastewater Fund ,Fund Total: $25,277.98 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO Blade/Bit holder 404-7580-537.3.1-20 -28,03 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 404-7580-537.42-10 0.76 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 404-7580-537.42-12 70.49 Mike Puntenney COMPUTER SURGE 404-7580-537.31-01 26.02 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Recycle, Adv 404-7580-537.44-10 168.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Office Supplies -Paynter 404-7580-537.31-01 8.30 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 404-7580-537.31-01 116.13 QWEST 10-14 A1C 36045715355718 404-7580-537.42-10 0.71 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.92 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.46 -10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.56 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 404-7580-53'7.42-10 0.45 '10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 10-14 A1C 36045766840858 404-7580-537.42-10. 2.86 „r r r a-2234- ..:. a ,0 14 LAIC 3fi045704111'998 . 404-7580-537.42-10pN ; •..,, - }.'„{. C} ,M,'ti:• x.. ... U. . S�LRADIOSHACK , .. ;.r i. c ro•. - i .:.°moi, ,.. �P.3 7 i:kh�:F''Z. id • tid'•f..; -i • '"..- ANSC�ERA.STORE :{FAGTEN!N4GftVS445$0-'31-44'.404-z! 'FASTENERS5 FASTENERS, FASTENING REVS 404-7580-537.35-01 9,11 WA STATE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 404-7580-537.43-10 65.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 404-7580-537.42-10 4.21 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Collections Division Total: $808.58 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total• $606.58 Page 25 = Solid Waste -Collections Fund Total: $606.58 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 405-7538-537.42-10 0.76 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 405-7538-537.42-12 185.50 FOSTER PEPPER PLLC LANDFILL SWPPP 405-7538-537.41-50 5,762.00 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROADIHWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 405-7538-537.31-20 717.23 N C MACHINERY CO RENTALILEASE EQUIPMENT 405-7538-537.31-20 549.70 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS 2good2toss Ad 405-7538-537.44-10 245.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Training Books -McCabe 405-7538-537.31-01 34.58 Bridge Toil-Freilich 405-7538-537.43-10 4.00 QWEST 10-05 a/c 3604522245145B 405-7538-537.42-10 39.71 10-05 a/c 36045281005328 405-7538-537.42-10 39.67. 10-14. AIC 3604571535571 B 405-7538-537.42-10 0,71 10-14 AIC 36045709583438 405-7538-537.42-10 0.92 10-14 AIC 3604570831558B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 465-7538-537.42-10 0.46 10-05 AIC 36045258342118 405-7538-537.42=10 0.56 10-05 AIC 36045251096238 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 F-33 Page 25 = F.r4 . ' At City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure. Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Date: 10/27/2010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 10-05 AIC 36045298876528 405-7538-537.42-10. 0.46 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 10-05 AIC 36045238778176 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 i 10-14 AIC 36045766840856 405-7538-537.42-10 2.86 10-14 AIC 36045704111998 405-7538-537.42-10 22.34 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 405-7538-537.42-10 9.95 WASHINGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 405-7538-537.20-60 960.40 Public Works -Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $8,578.28 ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC PALF ENGINEERING 405-7585-537.41-50 35,283.18 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 405-7585=537.31-20 574.47 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste-LAndfill Division Total: $36,857.65 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total• $45,435.93 Solid Waste-LFITrf Stn Fund Total: $45,435.93 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 AIC 0172134468041 406-7412-538.42-10 0.38 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH WATER'QUALITY TESTING 406-7412-538.41-50 733.00 QWEST 10-14 AIC 3604571535571 B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.35 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.45 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 406-7412-538.42-10 0.23 _41., :10 05yA1C 3604298828116'E, ,a':40fi`7412-538:42 10: -. 't - 'y.. }.t. ri. 6 h {... 1'!.G. - !.":'.- . a:.,L•.• r,� m.. ;. ,J '' es _. ,'i.. . ;..[. .;i.r.....i'•t".' .. .�„.r..a�x.-..,r.:.T. n..' :rd."=.),„. . .,.3Tl�.•,'...`;1€Vh'l".AlVV•5G.0. 16c...�.N... 4741f2. 2'-,;"1 a • •.a .• v _ .- ... ....e. _ ._,. „..-...:..,.._..... ._ ... .x. p=. 1. .'.YA..> .X'S. "'6.73 ,. T•0`05�A1 'C -3604528•'F09 B. ' � 4U8• 7412-538:42 ,1.0 • , f -..o:_ ...w.�.. 0..2 ; . , �-� 'a- 10-05 AIC 36045298876526 406-7412-538.42-10 0.23 10-05 AIC 3604523877817B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.23 10-14 AIC 3604576684085B 406-7412-538.42-10. 1.43 10-14 AIC 3604570411199B 406-7412-538.42-10 11'.17 SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC PAILICOOLER 408-7412-538.35.-01 20.17 RUBBER BOOTS 406-7412-538.35-01 13.95 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 406-7412-538.42-10 7.98 Public Works-WWIStormw Stormwater Division Total: $790.32 Public WorksHNVIStormwtr Department Total: $794.32 Stormwater Fund Fund Total: $790.32 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-0000-x237:00-00 -35.09 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-0000-237.00-00 -43.00 SALE SURPLUSIOBSOLETE 409-0000-237.00-00 -16.08 Division Total. -$94,17 Department Total: -$94.17 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE. 10-13 AIC 0172134468001 409-6025-526.42-10 2.27 CORo1=RY, SHARON CPR CLASS 817110 409-50.25-526.31-08 50.00 .LIFE ASSIST SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025`526.31-13 18.79 Earl Noonan . FIRST AID CPR CLASS 10I9I 409-6025-526.31-08 200.00 MOROZ, ,LAMES OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER EDUCATIONAL SERVICES SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-525.31-13 50.00 120.00 OLYMPIC OXYGEN SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.31-02 9.34 F-34 tea, �.• f. -k' i ,.. Page 26 Conservation Fund Total: $3,620.90 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC REFRESH CPE AT CITY SITES 451-7188-594.65-10 13,008.00 EES CONSULTING INC PROPOSAL PREPERATION 451-7188-594.41-50 6,005.00 PROPOSAL PREP 451-7188-594.41-50 5,795.00 PARKER LEPLA AMI 451-7188-594.41-50 1,175.00 AMIPLAN 451-7188-594.41-50 5,877.00 Public Works -Electric ,Electric Projects Division Total: $31,860.00 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $31,880.00 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $31,860.00 F-35 AFI �. ¢§ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From 10191207 0 To: 1012212010 Date: 10/27/2010 Vendor Description Account Number invoice Amount PEN PRINT INC EMS REPORTS 409-6025-526.31-02 406.50 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAiSALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-02 334.00 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-02 207.48 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-02 286.07 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-08 123.00 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 118.70 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 145.80 CWEST 10--14 AIC 360457153557.1 B 409-6025-526.42-10- 2.12 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 409-5025-526.42-10 2.77 10-14 A1C 3604570831558B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.38 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.38 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.67 10-05 A1C 36045251096238 409-6025-526.42-10 1.38 10-05 AIC 3604529887652B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.38 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.38 10-14 AIC 36045766840858 409-6025-526.42-10 8.57 10-14 A1C 360457041 1 1 99B 409-6025-526.42-10 67.00 . VERIZON WIRELESS. ,. - ..�, : ,09-15.aiic 2643 .5724-00001.: 409-6025-528:.42=:1-0 .-Fire l�epa irrient f{� ; :: :r , F Medre.l ' ° . Division F til .w .r . ,..: :$2.246:08. $2;246p98 Medic l Utility Fund Total: $2,151.91 CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR FILING FEE 421-7121=368.00-00 434.00 GLASS SERVICES. CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 2,041.98 GORDY'S PIZZA & PASTA LUNCH MEETING 421-7121-533.49-90 63:92 MATHEWS GLASS CO INC CI T Y REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 606.00 Darlene Edwards CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.4988 50.00 Donald Patzman CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 100.00 Joshua Thayer CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 Linda Rogers CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 125.00 Penelope Linterman CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 Sheri Fryer CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 100.00 Public Works -Electric Conservation Division Total: $3,620.90 Public Works -Electric Department Total. $3,620.90 Conservation Fund Total: $3,620.90 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC REFRESH CPE AT CITY SITES 451-7188-594.65-10 13,008.00 EES CONSULTING INC PROPOSAL PREPERATION 451-7188-594.41-50 6,005.00 PROPOSAL PREP 451-7188-594.41-50 5,795.00 PARKER LEPLA AMI 451-7188-594.41-50 1,175.00 AMIPLAN 451-7188-594.41-50 5,877.00 Public Works -Electric ,Electric Projects Division Total: $31,860.00 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $31,880.00 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $31,860.00 F-35 Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angeles E City Council Expenditure Report x From: 7019/2070 To: 10/22/2010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES PROJECT INSPSECTOR 452-7388-594,65-10 1,255.71 PROJECT INSPECTOR 452-7388-594.65-10 1,255.73 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC SURVEY SUPPLIES 452-7388-594.55-10 27.30 HENDERSON PARTNERS, LLC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 452-7388-594.85-10 167,506.83 Public Works -Wafer . Water Projects Division Total: $170,045.35 Public Works -Water Department Total: $170,045.35 Water Utility GIP Fund -Total: $170,045.35 CASCADIA LAW GROUP RAYONIER CSO ISSUES 453-7488-594.10-01 6,659.50 RAYONIER CSO ISSUES 453-7488-594.41-50 61,448.50 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 453-7488-594.31-01 64.88 Public Works-WWIStormw Wastewater Projects Division Total: $13,172.88 Public Works-WWJStormwrtr Department Total: $13,172.88 WasteWater Utility GIP Fund Total: $13,172..88 IBS INCORPORATED. AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 76.12 MOTOR TRUCKS INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141,40-00 35.34 NEW PIG CORPORATION i JANITORIAL SUPPLIES '501-0000-237.00-00 -9.08 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 501-0000-237.00-00 -1.87 r O '' R.EY ILLY'A.U. TIP. A..R.T.,. S A...U. T•O- `• & TRUCKACCESSORI ... . 16.70 9 t`- . 7fl425TTlT 0ICCO PANY UEL,OIL,GRAEr&LUBES 1 14' qYe,"'•1.,`r.i'.„ 7 `1. n ,. erJ a.:,`r +�'-.,-Fp:.�, w.. •.. c,u. '�_ .r;.?••••-,.-.•�'- %'1' yr.7�-_ - < 20C'00F1ELIOILGREASE,.w&'LUBES 501_*-00-1,"- 8'-S1.7n'Fa0000 6, FUEL,OIL,GREASE, 4 LUBES_ 501-0000141.20-00 888.99 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 5,839.62 PEWAG, INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 1,706.34 SCHAEFFER MFG CO FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.40-00 470.03 FUEL,OIL,GREASt, & LUBES 501-0000-237.00-00 -36.43 Division Total: $21,757.97 Department Total: $21,757.97 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA Cont Horton 501-7630-548.32-10 44.68 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.31-20 8.37 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.31-20 14.56 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 31.05 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 46.48 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 30.94 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 501-7630-548.42-10 1.33 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAI NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8.38 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 65.90 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 30.33 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NETWORK SERVICES 501-7630-548.42-12 20.14 CASE POWER & EQUIPMENT, LLC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 117.17 ' AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548,34-02 236.02 CERTIFIED HEARING INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-7630-548.31-01 108.40 COPY CAT GRAPHICS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 910.56 F-36 °a " Page 28 4` Fxq Date: 1012712010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,•�a - h From: 101912010 To: 1012212010 Vendor 'Description Account Number Invoice Amount DIVERSIFIED INSPECTIONS INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 2,640.00 H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 192.28 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 66.12 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 74.02 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.31-20 48.95 HEARTLINE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS. 501-7630-548.34-02 96.42 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 41.14 AUTO & TRUCK MAI NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 92.09 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 679.93 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 61,24 NEW PIG CORPORATION JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.34-02 117.10 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.34-02 24.11 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 56.35 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -29.26 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 299.68 .PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-10 1,297.24 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 205.94 PORTAN,QELES TIRE FACTQRY• EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 5�}1-763,Q-548:34 0�.f 1 '.04. .. r.. 4. •... !!{ n• 'i�• ... �. • v t t 1,P ..• 45 - ' QWEST _ , . _ ; .: .. • :..., ;-. Y.' t, j A:.�' 10- I4_A_C..360457T535571:B .v: _ , .=r 50'I` 7630-a48.42_�10 10-14 A1C 3604570968343B 501-7630-548.42-10 1.61 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 501-7630-548.42-10 0.81 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 501-7630-548.42-10. 0.81 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 501-7630=548.42-10 0.98 = 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.81 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.81 10-05 A1C 3604523877817B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.81 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 501-7630-548.42-10 5.00 10-14 A1C 36045704111938 501-7630-548.42-10 39.08 RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 13.01 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 278.86 RUDDELL AUTO MALL EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 45.47 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 25.09 EXTERNA; LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 511.57 SAHLBERG EQUIPMENT CO INC, JF AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -48.25 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 268.71 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,404,44 SNAP-ON TOOLS._ CHUGGER DEANE AUTO] SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 20.65 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP . 501-7630-548.35-01 205.85 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS 501-7630-548,34-02 20,12 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 38.99 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.34-02 35.23 F-37 Page.29 ' Date: 10127/2010 City of Part Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 101912010 To: 1012212010. Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount • SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-20 20.46 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 34.84 THURMAN SUPPLY AUTO& TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-20 16.72 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-20 4.09 TRANCO TRANSMISSIONS INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548-34-02 2,027.98 VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -709,33 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 33.09 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 127.78 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 33.09 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 26.95 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,325.31 WASHINGTON (DIS); STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 501-7630-548,42-10 4.66 Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $13,483.08 Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: $13,483,08 Equipment Services Fund Total: $35,241.05 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A/C 0172134468401 502-2.081-518.42-10 1.71 AVAYA, INC SUPPLIES 502-2081-518.48=02 1,380.63 1 o_14 A/C:3504574 53557113 . r 502=2081-518:42=.1.0 1..59' T,. ,,. ., ., t•.•. •, a_,. 7+.. [.,R :.a7, L ._, .,. .4r. -•r '.iN: Y�.. [. . w .tip Y-'. +:: •.f. 'i `i' , - 70 ��� 0.14 AIG 3so4�-• 9es343B �� . a'' e.. 5 -. � •3 °-a... .i.. i 02� 2081 �51:8�4� 1 �� � � 3�_�:®8 r - ..'. t•-:. ...ru..ro..-. .:+- yd;.. m .. .,.: c-. F: ..�14 a. -, ,a?.., r-......._, .�... o `` ;:fir ,�,. ,;. - _ - ;•.. ':.-- .1.044AC-360457J78315583, 502-.2081i51 0 _ 10-05 AIC 3604529882811 B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.25 10-05 AIC 3604525109623B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 3604529887652B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.04 10-05 A1C 3504523877817B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.04 10-14 A1C 3604576684085B 502-2081-518.42-10 6.42 10-14 AIC 3604570411199B 502-2081-518.42-10 50..25 SYMANTEC CORPORATION 3 YR SSL CERT-WWW.CITYOFP 502-2081-518.48-02 2,688.32 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 10-10 502-2081-518.31-01 7.73 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-SEPT 502-2081-518.42-10 3.28 Finance Department Information Technologies Division Total: $4,148.46 CDW GOVERNMENT INC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC.' 502-2082-594.65-10 4,393.02 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502-2082-594.65-10 1,214.01 Finance Department 1T Capital Projects Division Total: $5,607.03 Finance Department Department Total: $9,755,49 Information Technology Fund Total. $9,7.55.49 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 154.73 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $154.73 FRANK GATES SERVICES CO TPA EEE FOR WRKRS COMP 503-1661-517.41-40 4,215.00 Self Insurance Worker's Compensation Division Total: $4,215.00 WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Claims paid thru 9-30 503-1671-517.49-98 18,164.98 Self Insurance Comp Liability Division Total: $18,164.98 F-38 Page 30 ¢� Date: 10127/2010 City of bort Angeles_ City Council :expenditure Report From: 10/9/2010 To: 1012212010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Self Insurance Department Total: $22,534.71 Self-insurance Fund Fund Total: $22,534.71 PA DOWNTOWN ASSN SEPT 2010 DECAL SALES 650-0000-231.91-00 492.10 SEPT 2010 P13 IA RECEIPTS 650-0000-231.92-00 1,002.82 SEPT 2010 DUPAR RECEIPTS 650-0000-231.93-00 1,928.1+ Division Total. $3,423.08 Department Total. $3,423.08 Off Street Parking Fund Fund Total. $3,423.08 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 10-13 A1C 0172134468001 652-8630-575.42-10 0.57 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC Paint 652-8630-575.31-01 46.81 QWEST 10-14 A1C 3604571535571 B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.53 10-14 AIC 3604570968343B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.69 10-14 A1C 36045708315588 652-8630-575.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604529882811 B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 3604525834211 B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.42 10-05 A1C 3604525109623B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.35 10-05 A1C 360452988765213 652-8630-575.42-10 '0.35 a Y . , ft I -. ^, • , E A'i1�1f-L'J5,:"'ii '3664,52387,8,17B ._/.'8630'-575-42110- .,'FS+r 0`x35 C} 10 14 AIG 3fi0,45756$40858 65'8634,-575.4 10: = 2 •'�4 ! d 10-14 AIC 360451041119913 6152-8630-575.42- i 0 ! 1.7 •I'^ . 16.70 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Paint supplies/Sponges 652-8630-575.31701 51.06 Paint supplies/Adhesive 652-8630-575.31-01 53.00 Paint supplies 652-8630-575.31-01 32.24 Esther WebsterlFine Arts Esther WebsterlFine Arts Division Total: $20.5.96 Esther WebsterlFine Arts Department Total: $205.96 Esther Webster Fund OLYMPIC COMMUNITY ACTION PRGMS PTB REMITTANCE AFLAC CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS TEAMSTERS LOCAL *589 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) Util 'Vol Contrib Program AFLAC SUPP INSURANCE PIR Deductions pe 10-17 PIR Deductions pe 10-97 PIR Deductions pe 10-3 PIR Deductions pe 10-3 PIR Deductions pe 10-3 PIR Deductions pe 10-3 PIR Deductions pe 10-3 PIR Deductions pe 10-3 PIR Deductions pe 10-17 PIR Deductions pe 10-17 Fund Total: 657-0000-239.91-00 Division -Total: Department Total:. Fund Total: 920-0000-231.53-10 920-0000-231-56-30 920-0000-231.55-30 920-0000-231.51-21 9200000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.51-10 920-0000-231.51-11 920-0000-231.51-12 920-0000-231.54-10 920-4000-231.56-10 $205.95 1,981.11 $1,981.'11 $'1,981.11 $1,981.'11 886.54 182.89 412.00 23,739.82 1,231.32 169.85 1,716.22 8,804.43 32,730-67 3,446.50 468.27 F-39 :. Page 31 r , I.A , •, d yF. ..� .. ,i'r . 5. L 4„,L ] FT' K„' : , a 3 .,t - ;.We �.. f.�"�,��`-?a•2. ,!y i}. �-• ..;�..;. r c.'t.r �'r1..�_ `�' �I,: '•1 '��-. r, :a rf-'l r'r,-+, + , Page 32 R, F - 40 City of Port Angeles Date: 10/2712010 City Council Expenditure Report From: 1019/2010 To: 1012212070 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount U5 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION P/R Deductions pe 10-17 920-0000-231.55-30 76.19 VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION PIR -Deductions pe 10-17 920-0000-231.55-20 62.00 WSCFFIEMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST PIR Deductions pe .10-17 920-0000-231.53-20 1,575.00 Division Total: $75,501.70 Department Total: $75,501.70 Payroll Clearing Fund Total: $75,501.70 Totals for check period From: 1019/2010 To: 10/2212010 $3,035,373.75 r , I.A , •, d yF. ..� .. ,i'r . 5. L 4„,L ] FT' K„' : , a 3 .,t - ;.We �.. f.�"�,��`-?a•2. ,!y i}. �-• ..;�..;. r c.'t.r �'r1..�_ `�' �I,: '•1 '��-. r, :a rf-'l r'r,-+, + , Page 32 R, F - 40 COUNCIL DATE: To: FRONT: SUBJECT: November 2, 2010 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and. Utilities Contract Award: F -Street Substation Feeder 1202 Upgrades, Project CL01- 2009 Summary: This contract award is for the replacement of.a section of underground cable with larger cables and conversion of an overhead section to underground in order to provide backup power to the City water treatment plants. Additionally, it will provide power service to the JOKRIJO subdivision. Recommendations: 1) Increase the budget authorization for CFP project CLO1-2009 and direct staff to initiate action to agnend.thea2010 budgetby transferring $40,811 from- Electric Utili-reserves:-for - 1 1. - r•' .1'�.+<�.�:.! ru'�r: f t .i s:i:L ''., .r_ i, r i ..-y irk a new "t 'tas:l: o�et ud �t of 21 1.110 slid �: � -. �I ,tom fir' �f IP`� � 2}� Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Magnum�Power LLC of ` Battle Ground, WA in the amount of $210,296.00, including tax, for the F -Street Substation Feeder 1202 Upgrades (CL01 2009) and power service to the JOKRIJO subdivision. Background/Analysis: Feeder ,F-1.202 from. F -Street Substation is the primary_ electric power supply for the City's water system, feeding both the new Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant and the new Elwha Treatment. Plant by the river. The primary backup to this feeder is 1-1201 from I -Street Substation. The link connecting these substations does not have adequate capacity to supply both treatment plants should F -Street substation not be'available. This work will. upgrade the .connection from. F-1202 to 1-1201, allowing I -Street Substation to provide a backup power source for the treatment plants as part of CFP project CL01-2009. An existing section of underground cable will be replaced with larger cable and an existing overhead segment will be converted to underground through a new subdivision development. This contract contains requirements for two independent work elements, the first for CFP project CLT] 1 -2 009 (described above) and the second for a reimbursable work order to provide power service to residential subdivision JOKRIJO. An invitation to bid was sent to all electric distribution contractors on the City's Small Works Roster. Five bids were received and opened on October 25, 2010..The lowest responsible bid was from Magnum. Power LLC. The bids are summarized in the following table and include sales tax: N: ICCOUNCILIFINALIF-Street Feeder Upgrades, Project CLO 1-2009, Award Contract.doc F-41 November 2, 2010.City Council Re: F -Street substation Feeder Upgrades Page 2 Contractor Bid Ma um Power LLC, Battle Ground, WA 2101)296.00 Gl m is Electric, Inc., Port Angeles, WA 297,140.66 DJ's Electrical, Inc., Brush. Prairie, WA 279,796.66 City Electric, Inc., Snohomish, WA 214,635.15 Potelco, Inc., Sumner, WA 294,475.10 Engineer's Estimate $ 179,000.00 Funding for the F-1202 upgrades (CLO1-2009) was identified in the Electric Utility capital budget. The total budget authorization for this is $1.70,000 with a current balance after design of $159,000 available for construction contract award. The CLD1-2009 CFP portion of this .contract award will be $1.901,296 and the subdivision JQKRIJO portion is $20,000 which has already been reimbursed by the developer. It is recommended that City Council increase the budget authorization in CFP project CLO 1- 2009 and direct staff to initiate action to amend the 2010 budget by transferring $40,811. (inclusive of 5% construction contingency) from. Electric Utility reserves for a new total project. budget of $21.0,811.00. It is also recommended that the City Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Magnum Paver, .LLC of Battle .Ground, WA in the amount, of $210,296.00, ..y '.4. i�. �i. i }'J j h •73 Y cludm -.tax .for the.F' treet,Substatic�n^Feeder 12OZ. J rades.and ower se is _ r} r sY� ?,,'..s . .: Pg. y {+". }+ a F JC KRIJC} ,s" idivjs1on. ^- ^,r1, > ",� .y'?•, r _ �. . �:v : f, �'? s.s; ^ s jr � f _�� , z „s i� $ n.w^-••t s _ - >.n�.._..,» s.. nom' '`': �- _ � . ; _ _5-zna y .. s �4•. • F-42 E --.0 C^ i ASH''s "El - 1, �" G iL I I I x, ING TO NV CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: November 2, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL From: Glenn. A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Utility Retail Rate and Fee Adjustments Summary: The final step in this year's schedule for utility rate and fee adjustments includes a second reading and adoption of the proposed ordinance. Recommendation: Provide a second reading .then adopt the attached ordinance.. lEacgrundJfialyss Based`.ri the rai. `stu es and Citi Council direction;: cote ad'ustm�n`ts are::,. pip ed begir;fflnJ`a7,ia 3; 2011 for ffie Elcettia,,WSty.,N,atet; an,'Transi`e� =Station 'utilities. -'No-- =tw, rateadjustments are proposed for the Water, Solid Waste Collection, and. Stormwater utilities. It will be necessary to adjust rates at this time to maintain the funds in a financially prudent position. City Council public hearings were held on October 5, 2010 and GctobeL 1.9, 2010, at which time staff was directed to return with a proposed ordinance excluding the proposed adjustments to electrical work permits, pole attachments, and water connection fees. The proposed ordinance (attached) only includes the electric, wastewater, and transfer station rate adjustments for a second. reading and approval by city Council this evening. Attachment: Proposed Ordinance NAC COUNCILTINA:LWtiIity Rates and Fees -.2nd :Reading & Adopt.doc G - 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington; revising Sections of Chapters 13,12, 13.57, and 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Public Works & Utilities Department Fees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section. T. Ordinance 2054, as amended, and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal. Code relating to Electricity Services and Charges are hereby amended by amending 13.12.030, 13.12.0401) 13.12.041, 13.12.0421), 13.12.060, and 13.12.073 PAMC to read as follows: 1k' ;rtii r Y' ,= 13.12'-.03.0- Sc R43 It esidentzaLService x �: C. Uniform Rate: 1. Base Charge S 1 i.06 $13.00 per month 2. Energy Charge $ 0.05820 per kWh 3. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate specified. within this section shall apply. D. Time -of -Use Rate: 1. Base Charge $ f f .00 $13.00 per month 2. Monthly Energy Charge $0.06600 kWh during heavy Load hours and $0.04450 per kWh during light load hours. 3. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A. M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable). 4. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with and 3.70.105 PAMC, respectively. The minimum term for this rate shall be one year. A utility service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time.a. customer, other than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate. -l- G-2 • 13.12.040 Schedule GS -03 - General Service. A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with the following types of service. 1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps or smaller. 2. 240/480 or 2771480 volts, three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller. 3. Municipal traffic signal and street lights. 4. Municipal emergency management systems. 5. Cable television system and other communications systems_, single phase power supplies in accordance with Section 10.2 of Ordinance no. 3116. B. Character of Service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one point of delivery. C. Uniform Rate:. 1. Base Charge a. Single phase $-30 $17.75 per month b. Three phase $37.50 $44.35 per month C. Municipal traffic signal $ f 2 5.00 1147.75 per month d. Municipal street. light $96.00$106 per month. e. Municipal emergency management r system $21.3.5 $22.45pef month ,,. c ','V. • i_.. ..P. , '35 � x1 .K � 6 f. � .ry� �, i li �� ',:1.• .. a ^��� T'■ iJ. r. p vY �`N1orithlY Energy-.. Charge ., . '$0.05 8 5 0 � p r `' so does'n rl ff�a per ri does'not request'th�; tirhe�o�--use rate;'th� u�ifo rn 1 rate sped e� within this section shall apply. D. Time -of -Use Rate: 1. Base Charge a. Single phase $15.00 $17.75 per month b� Three phase - $37.50 $44.35 per month 2. Monthly Energy Charge $0.06610 kWh during heavy load hours and $0.04500 per kWh during light load hours. 3. Leavy load hours are all hours from 6:04 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through. Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable). 4. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and 3.70.105 PAMC, respectively. The minimum term for this rate shall be one year. A utility service fee, in accordance with 3.70.01 O.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate. 5. The base charges for municipal traffic signals and street lights includes maintenance of existing luminaries and controls by the Public Works and Utilities Department. 6. The municipal emergency management system base charge shall apply to systems with a normal operating load of 1.50 watts or less, which shall not be required to be metered. 4P -2- G'- 3 13.12.041 Schedule GD -03 General Service Demand. C.- Uniform Rate: 1. Base Charge: a. Single phase $30-00 $35.45 per month b. Three phase $75.00 $88.65 per month 2. Monthly Energy Charge: $0.03920 per kWh. 3. Billing Demand: a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on KW (real power) or KVA (apparent power). b. Monthly Demand Charge: $3.35 per kW. 4. If person does not request the time--of-use rate, the uniform rate specif ed. within -this section shall apply. 13.12.042 Schedule NP -03 - Nonprofit Tax -Deductible. C.. Uniform Rate: L. Base Charge a e Sing ase5.00 17.75 per month �'.i•,•.,._.. ....fy' :� .r.�. ,.,d ri. ...F. -,i...:• rF,. �,.�.�n. a.t..• ... .� �+.�+r:e±a•.:� ri:�h. �+'wr. w,. f.. �F.:.�t-: s .a yq: f �'6'-is 4Y" .1 �. e 7 - w - iia T:d se ki. �',.,a; '� 'k .--+..a .. ��%}�� ;, r .±ir`�•'�.': r k , b. i hree f h LIL! -50 44:3 5 .per, month ;+ a e r*r �'7•i - i , �y:. �- r,: - .t �• +qr-.. ; .0 �> ., � .., , i �, .. a ;' r .:� ,, , 'n ., -, �...- .• .,... .. r =;;, .d - 'Y -:.':5a i s �, . f; -:� � a=� '�l:?'" F, wra; ti j,..'s . � , ql. . i r-=°: M i•gk r "L,,. � � ' .ry � `] - w ,~ r. 2. -4 -tier Charge..:: $ '0 063.40 per kVh '..; �. r 3. if person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate specified within this section shall apply. D. Time -of Use Rate: 1. Base Charge a. Single phase $15.08 $17.75 per month b. Three phase $37.50 $44.35 per month 2.. Monthly Energy Charge $4.47110 per kWh during heavy load hours and. $0.04970 per kWh during light load hours. . 3. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:40 P.M., Monday through Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight. Time, as applicable). 4. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and 3.70.105 PAMC, respectively. The minimum term for this rate shall be one year. A utility service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B,4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate. -3- G-4 13.12.443 Schedule GD -04 - General Service Demand - Primary Metered. C.. Ur iform Rate: 1. Base Charge: a. Single phase $30.00 $35.45 per month b. Three phase $75.00 88.65 per month 2. Billing demand for each month shall be based on. KVA (apparent power). 3. Monthly Demand Charge: All months: $3.30 per KVA of billing demand. 4. Monthly Energy Charge: $0.03860 per kWh. 5. If a person does not request the time -of -use rate, the uniform rate specified within this section shall apply. D. Time -of -Use Rate: 1. Base Charge: a. Single phase $30.00 $35.45 per month b. Three phase $75.00 $88.65 per month 2. Monthly Energy Charge $0.04590 per kWh during heavy load hours and $0.03690 per kWh during light load hours. 3. Billing Demand: a. Billing demand for each month shall be the demand during heavy load hours far the month based.on KVA (apparent power). b* wry... Monthly Derr�ar d Charge.... _:. $?.15 per Ki .: w ...F_ Heav -Joad hours are all��ours from 6:00 A.M.- to.14:00 P.M ;Monday t'�: � ttgh Saturday-: 'L;ight loadhouss are all other-hc rs-. Pavific Pre -nailing Time�applies'' i:fic Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable). 5. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and. 3.70.105 PAMC, respectively.. The minimum term for this rate shall be one year. A utility service fee, in accordance with 3.70.414.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate. 13.12.060 Schedule PS -03 - Primary Service. C. Uniform Rate: 1. Base .Charge: $240.06 J236.35 per month 2. Billing demand for each month shall be based on. KVA (apparent power). 3. Monthly Demand Charge: All. Months: $4.15 per KVA of billing demand. 4. Monthly Energy Charge: a. All billings between September 1 and. May 31: $4.03940 per kith. b. All billings between Tune 1 and August 31: $0.02400 per kith. 5. If a person does not request the time -of --use rate, the uniform rate specified within this section shall apply. D. Time -of -Tse Rate: 1. Base Charge: $200.00 $236.35 per month -4- G-5 Z. Monthly Energy Charge $0.04200 per kWh during heavy load hours and $0.0330 per kWh during light load hours. 3. Billing Demand: a. Billing demand for each month shall be the demand during heavy load hours for the month based on KVA (apparent power). b. Monthly Demand Charge: $3.07 per KVA. 4. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday. Light load hours are all, other hours. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as applicable). 5. The time -of -use rate is available upon request providing payment of the smart meter charge and utility service fee have been made in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 and 3.70.105 PAMC, respectively. The minimum term for this rate shall be one year. A utility service fee, in accordance with 3.70.010.B.4 PAMC, shall be charged each time a customer, other than a new customer at the service location, changes the rate applicable to the service location from the time -of -use rate to the uniform rate. Schedule MW -03 - Municipal. Water Pumping. D. Rate: 1. Basic Charge: $200.00 $236.35 per month 2. Billing demand for the month shall be based on. KVA (apparent power) 1lf pieu ow o der factor aJ ustments T 3 Monti DemandChir e: A '`,r.. ✓H.I Y'r ,yb.'k.- !. 'y a: No charge fir demand occurrrrlg`dai=ing the hauYrs of '-):06-" through 6:00 A.M., Monday through Saturday, and all hours Sunday, and other hours as approved by the Public Works and Utilities Director. b. All other hours: All Months: $3.50 per KVA 4. Monthly Energy Charge: a. All billings between September 1 and May 31: $0.06440 per kWh during heavy load hours and $0.0321.0 per kWh during light load hours. b. All billings between Tune 1 and August 31: $0.03830 per kWh. during heavy load hours and $0.02100 per kWh during light load hours: C. Heavy load hours shall include all hours from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, light load hours shall include all other hours. Section 2. Ordinance 32431, as amended, and Chapter 13.57 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Solid Waste Processing Facility are hereby amended by amending Section 13.57.020 PAMC to read as follows: -5- G-6 13.57.020 Rates. The following rates include all applicable taxes except as noted and shallbe charged at the solid waste processing facility: A. All. collection entities shall be charged and pay the following rates at the. transfer station: 1. Collection entities that provide the City an exemption certificate in .accordance with WAC 458-20-250(7) and City of Port Angeles accounts shall be charged $ 9 8.2 0 $103.15 per ton for municipal solid waste. This rate does not include the Washington State solid. waste collection tax. 2. Collection entities that provide the City anexemption certificate in accordance with WAC 458-20-250{7} and City ofPort Angeles accounts shall be charged $27.70 per ton for clean yard waste. This rate does not include the Washington State solid waste collection tax. The transfer station attendant shall determine whether each load qualifies as clean yard waste eligible for this rate. Yard waste that is not eligible for this rate shall be deemed. municipal solid waste for determining rates. 3. $48.46 $50.85 per ton for wastewater treatment plant bio.solids, 4. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for municipal solid waste received at the transfer station from the contractor for the Blue Mountain drop box operation under the service agreement. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for yard waste received at the transfer station from the contractor for curbside collection of yard waste under the service agreement. 5. Collection entities that do not provide the City an exemption certificate xn accordance wltli.W 4:458.20 25+ '1) s a l,be aeerne self. hauler forpurpo es of Bete riin n9 ratel. .. _ � ;t,';r". 5. .. ..e 4 .' hl - "'f7'- • :. t T A ; j... All: pelf- w ile shall be rcl~ arged ahu =shall pay thL following ates at' Lhe .transfer station (except as set forth herein): 1. 0 _ 126.10 per ton for municipal solid waste with a $10.00 minimum fee. 2. $44.95 per ton for clean yard waste, with a $5.00 minimum fee. The transfer station attendant shall determine whether each load qualifies as clean yard waste eligible for this rate. Ward waste that is not eligible for this rate shall be deemed municipal solid waste for determining rates. 3. In addition to the fees established by subsections 1 and 2 of this section, a self -hauler that delivers an unsecured Load to the transfer station shall be charged a $ 10.00 fee. 4. There will be no fee charged for recyclable materials deposited into the recycling drop-off facility. There will be no fee charged for acceptable household hazardous waste received at the transfer station, 5. There will be no fee charged for acceptable moderate -risk waste received at the moderate -risk waste facility from residents covered under the interlocal agreement. Commercially exempt small quantity generators shall not deposit moderate -risk waste at the moderate -risk waste facility. 6. Self -hauler rates shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities, 7. Rates for acceptable special waste shall be charged as follows: Item Rate Asbestos $344. 361.20 per ton Tires (automobile and truck) $ f 26. f 1) $126.10 per ton -6- G-7 Metals and white goods X6$$5 63.05 per ton Environmental fee $2.0.00 per unit Contaminated or dredge soils $1$$ ..189.80 per ton. The environmental fee per unit shall be in addition to the rate per ton for metals and white goods. 8. In lieu of requiring multiple scale house transactions for loads with mixed municipal solid waste, the Director may establish weight reductions for recyclable materials, metals, acceptable household hazardous waste, and acceptable moderate -risk waste. Under no circumstances shall a weight reduction result in a reduction of the minimum fee. The weight reductions approved by the Director shall be issued at the scale house. Section 3. Ordinance 2394, as amended, and. Chapter 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Wastewater Service - Rates are hereby amended by amending Sections 13.65.010, 13.65.020 and 13.65.030 PAMC to read as follows: 13.65.010 Sine Residential Unit Monthly Rate. A. Each residential unit and each living unit connected to the City wastewater = collection °treattn&i. grid :disposal..system shall k e charged a monthly customer _e siring .� _ harge cl �.. i ti, " rrtonihs .ixi4vvh ch Ovate i consuriied �exc co_en exem �t- 1. `Y; - cP by., 3..6x1 X90 PAMC: Thsfsecti�on 1, shall not -apply to a`tesidential�conr'iecti n�to the pity water system fo 'agrieultural-d d'irrigatioia = ' purposes in accordance with 13.44.050 PAMC. B. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds 430 . cubic feet, and for customers in the unincorporated EUGA shall be $59.25. 161.90. C. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption falls below 430 cubic feet shall be $53.25. $55.65. 13.65.020 Commercial and Industrial Rate. Each commercial and industrial wastewater customer connected to the City wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system, including commercial and. industrial waste water customers in the unincorporated EUGA, except when exempt by 13.61.090 PAMC, shall be charged SH.65 $15.30 per month plus $4.36 $4.60 per 1.00 cubic feet for the amount of metered water consumed by the user in the billing period. This section shall not apply to a commercial connection to the City water system for agricultural and. irrigation purposes in accordance with 13.44.050 PAMC. Commercial and Industrial Equivalent. Plumbing Fixture Rate. A commercial and industrial wastewater customer, at its option, may apply in writing to the Department of Public Works and Utilities to have their wastewater charges calculated at $4.80 15.05 times the total number of equivalent plumbing fixtures. G-8 Section 4 Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction ofthe scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.. Section 5 Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 6 - Effective Date, This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect January 3, 2011. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles ata regular meeting,pf said i , S `_.. , M- �-. •n. Y r . a ! �...;� F -i a+s'.kv..n2 � �. � ,�. 5 -` - 'f.�`. ,">..-«<•K;a, r :V � . lel on the e.' Caun d day of November, 2414. S r_ ATTEST: DAN DT GUILIO, M A Y O R APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: November , 2414 By Summary GALEGAL1a ORDINANCES& RESOLUTION SIORDINANCES.2010118 -Chapter 3.70 Public Works Fees.Versian3.102010,wpd (October 21, 2010) WASH ING T a N, • u• . r i Z,. s e �. �Yz s�ii�C., i, �. '�.; '" -!*E .-�k. b "f '•'�; ._ ..ri _rs '�:'+. 3�. �F'- .S' f,. �. - r.. —,� . On: October 19, 2010, the City Council reviewed a request to reconsider the compensation amount determined for right-of-way to be vacated per Ordinance #3394 on March 18, 2010, vacating portions of Vine Street between Whidby and Orcas Avenues at the request of one of the I two petitioners (Lipmans). The Deal Estate {Committee reviewed the matter at its October 4, ?010, I regular meeting and resolved to recommend reducing the amount of compensation from $1.9,000 to $10,000 for the Lipman portion of right-of-way. Council conducted a first reading of an Ordinance and continued the matter to November 21, 2010.for a second reading. f Attachments: Ordinance Letter & Attachments from Lipman I I i I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 21, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: STREET VACATION — STV 09-05 LIPMAN/STONE — PORTION OI? VINE STREET u• . r i Z,. s e �. �Yz s�ii�C., i, �. '�.; '" -!*E .-�k. b "f '•'�; ._ ..ri _rs '�:'+. 3�. �F'- .S' f,. �. - r.. —,� . On: October 19, 2010, the City Council reviewed a request to reconsider the compensation amount determined for right-of-way to be vacated per Ordinance #3394 on March 18, 2010, vacating portions of Vine Street between Whidby and Orcas Avenues at the request of one of the I two petitioners (Lipmans). The Deal Estate {Committee reviewed the matter at its October 4, ?010, I regular meeting and resolved to recommend reducing the amount of compensation from $1.9,000 to $10,000 for the Lipman portion of right-of-way. Council conducted a first reading of an Ordinance and continued the matter to November 21, 2010.for a second reading. f Attachments: Ordinance Letter & Attachments from Lipman I I i I I I I I I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port. Angeles,. Washington, amending Ordinance .3394 and 3396 by adjusting the compensation owing and schedule of payment by the Petitioner for vacation of portions of Vine Strut between Whidby and Orcas Streets. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3394 was passed by City Council on the 18' of March, 2010 allowing vacation of a portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 20, Bloch 17, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's 2" Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and abutting Lot 1, Block 121, Puget. Sound Cooperative Colony's 2 d. Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3396 was passed by City Council on the 20' day of April, 20"l`6; -*changing the effects .6 date :of Ordinance N6-.`-3394; and WHEREA"S" City Co- uicil has decided on recommenoat on fio- m the `Real estate.. Committee to adjust the amount owing from. Petitioner Lipman to the City of Port Angeles for the street vacation.. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles do hereby ordainas follows: Section 1 Paragraph B of Section 4 of Ordinance 3394 is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: Compensation rewired for vacation of this street described below is $4.50 per sqnare fob 1.0 000, plus the required recording fee. That portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 12, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's 2nd Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, in Clallam County, Washington. G-11 Section 2. Section 5 of Ordinance 3396 is amended as follows: This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the payment of the required compensation. Upon that satisfaction, the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance and to file a certified copy with the Clallam. County Auditor and the Clallam County Ass esso . approval, If full pavrnent, or a payment aun�emen.t satisfactory to the Citv's Finance Director, is not received within thirty dans of the effective date of this ordinance, then this ordinance will be deemed to be void and shall have no effect. Section 3.. All other provisions and conditions as set forth in Ordinance No. 3394 as arnende ' z' d b 396 shall°:remain.in effe ,r.., M - r y • t. c "t t Cl2a Section 4. This Ordinance eerc1ses authority granted exclusively to the C"tyouncil and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five). days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said. Council held on the day of November, 2010. DAN DI CUILIO, MAYOR. ATTEST: ! Tanessa Third, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:ILEGA:LIa ORD INANCES&RESQLUTIONS\ORDINANCE5.20I0127-LipmanAm®untAmendment.101110.wpd - 2 - G-12 September 14, 2010 SEP ,I T 2010 Dear City Council Members, PQRTANGELES 44TWY12COMM Thank you for your time and arranging this meeting to help us expedite thiscrnity Develo merit We are before you again. to petition for the Vacation of Vine Street adjoining our properly. e have petitioned for this vacation of Vine Street twice before . beginning in 2006. Each time the Conditions, Findings and Conclusions were in SUPPORT- of this vacation. We would not be here today, with another petition.., had we not been singled out, by the recommendation of the Real. Estate Committee to compensate the City of PA. This area has been an ongoing issue for many years. The vacating of Vine Street began in 1966 when Ord_ 1582, Lopez street east of Vine (adjacent to our property). was vacated "by operation of lave'.. Since then, 10 Ordinances have passed, vacating portions Vine Street. Of.these petitions it appears that not everyone had actual property line encroachments into their homes In the case of Ordinance 2046 the encroachment was hedges and shrubs. In 1987, Ordinance 2459, which is the other half of our petitioned portion. of Vine Street, eventually made up 2 full lots, since developer) into Olympic Vista ALL of these petitioners were granted unencumbered land for a maximum price of $1.00. The portion we are petitioning will have retained mf fteasements that take up 75% of the property,;making it virtually unbuil.dable. The question of compensation was answered in a Memo dated July 16,1996, from Ken Rideout Department of Public Work, Regarding Street Vacations (includes Fine Street) Puget Cooperative Colony 2nd Add. acre exempt from f S�ytreetsry�and� Alleypm r7sgiTn aw of y�S'ound ryVacatiio�n,.p� OMP to 1c�{�.ppS'.3, �a a1.' .:R. }: �irsy p. �ry ��yp .y,q�r ��y� i�.�� 'i S1J ce•188l;w:VYL arelhe �ssc. �,f�/tJ:��nel;`Altiny(�''�.•VJ,11.e^ iJLISSVtf to �rr�-VdIm. to �Jom ^ o sa '+' ra nLll.:'l,LALht.�-e0-4.!'for":7L "i'Gz.VL44,ptrV4 W. g j Vii.•= �rye •... ..[ G -; V,i .. Y'd 'are here again, asking the City Council to consider approving our petition with all the fairness and equality that our neighbors have been granted. ThankYou , Rodney and Tina Lipman PAGE Previous Vacations ....... Charts ............e.........e..e.........,e................................_..... ..........1-2 Public Works director Ken Rideout Memw Jul X1996 citing Law o�`I889......a.w....w..ww 3 Letter from Patti Toth and ,Randy Stone August 2010 ireSupport .............................. 4-5 STV 09-05 City Council Memo Jan.2,2010.....Approval .Recommended ................ 6-10 March 18, 2010 Summary STV09-05... insupport................was .......... gal 1-15 Chart showing applicants property...........---...............................................,....,_.............16 Letters from neighbors in Support STV _05 Lipman..._..Feb 2010 ............... &_............... ........................................................ 17 TothliStone Feb 2014 ...................................................... ................................. 18-19 STV 06- Menlo Jan 2 2007.A pproValRecommended............w...,.........w.,.......„.....2027 Liman Feb. 2407..STV06-08......Jn supports@&*& .... .......aa.waw....w...w....w..a.... .w.wwwa.28-29 Toth/Stone Feb 2007 .... STV 06-08 .... In Su ori•..................aw...a..waw....w....www.a30`32 BoniPutnam Feb 2007. ..... In Support......o.............................a..a....s..a..a.ww..aw.a..... 33 Memo to City Council Lipman/Stone Vacation ..Ire Support...............................34 Housing Authority of Clallam County Feb. 2007...Jn Support.............w............. 35 G-13 A&6.A gy I limmow I 3 0 A., 0 "00 0 U) 4"1 2, 7 G-14 46' Jrq rz:.., - .7F I io� 71 CL G-14 y • Previous Ordinance # Date Reasons Cited this corridor ,Location • 1; 1582 1966 vacated "by operation of larrv�'F Lopez Street, east of Vine 2• 2046 ;s pdbIic interest—applicant's le:ttersaid he 1979 Eas .side-ofVine, between-Vash-0n & developed ed:'. the prope ert s� , ; _ p -fthe' p. y n tib. Vine St. 1lashon �'Vh:idb Alley r Y y ROW] by planting a- hedge dnd-:same shrubs and putting the -rest in ld wT. { : 3 2064 t = 1989 Public interest West side of Vine; between Vashon & Whidby 4. 2336 19.90.pubic interest All of Vine, between Park & Vashon 5: 2423 1987 public interest - house encroahrnent East side of Vine, between Orcas & Lo a I p rDrcas Alley . 6: 2459 public interest — "Vine St. in this area has 1987 East sides of Vine, between generally been vacated by stat4tp_,-"rr Vacation Lopez/Whidbey & Lopez/Orcas Ailey may facilitate subsequent residential (adjacent to area of current petition - - . development of tyre o�auttrr g praperfy," became 2 full lots in Olympic Vista) 7a 2679 1992 Public interest W ,. West side of Vine, between Drcas & Lauridsen ■public .. 2927 interest - 'correction of surveying 1997 East side of Vine, -between Whidby & errors vasho n/ hidby Alley _-9:....3378- - 2909 'Public interest -10foot h P t r�use eneroachment Past �� feet of Vine, between INhidby Lopez/Whidby Alley (Lucero property). R _ W' r CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SP MEMORANDUM "MAIA MA1NING AND BUILDING A BETTER CCMMIMTY" DATE: July 16, 1998 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: KEN RIDOUT, DEPUTY DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS RE: VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS IN PUGET SOUND COOPERATIVE COLONY SECOND ADDITION The Vacation of Streets and Alleys in the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony Second Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles (PSCC2nd) is exempt from compensation. This exemption stems from the Law of 1889 to 1909 that barred the public (City) from opening Right of Way that was platted but not previously opened. This law did not effect areas within the existing Tvwnsite, however, it did effect areas that were subsequently annexed. to the City. PSCC2nd was platted in 1889 and therefore falls within the dates that vacate the streets by, statute. This does nit mean thatthe formal vacation procedures do -not Either A . utet Tale- ACtion �or a fbnn- bI--Street�Uaca need to b+ssfalc�w .d. 1. - . ' b� followed far the ro ert° `"tor drt'ta'tha'"�d"oinin' owner. ; 4 must p P Y 0 Director Public Works KDR:kr. CC: PILE: PLPENVACYSC ATTACHMENT: Jaak'Pitfis, Detector Ken Ridouut, DeplAy. Director Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer Phy lits Raster, A drninistratlwe Assistant Tim sw&, Contras Aerninistrator male Wamer, Street Superinter&nt 16 , Bob .lanes, Solid Waste Superintendent Ralph E -mrth, Water Supedderrvtent Pete Burrett, Equip. 5vcs.Stperintendent Lou Haehr len, Sr. Bldg. Inspector • 0 TO: FROM: DATE: A NGELES W A 5 H I N G TO N, U. S. A. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Commission Sue Roberds, Planning Manager January 13, 2010 RE: Street Vacation Petition — STV 09-05 Lipman/Stone Vacation of the remaining portions of Vine Street situated between the Whidby/Lopez Avenue and Lopez/Orcas Avenue. Alleys PETITIONERS: Randy Stone and Patti Toth and Rodney and Tina Lipman OWNER: City of Port Angeles 'DEPARTMENT ENT RECOMMENDATION.- The Department -cif Com nun ty�-& Ecor orr c>. Development recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval with two conditions to the City Council. for Street Vacation petition STV 09-05. Twelve (1 2) findings and 7 conclusions are provided in support of the action, BACKGROUND: A petition was filed requesting vacation of the remaining portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 12, and Lot 20, Black 1.7, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, 2"d .Addition to Port Angeles by 100% of the abutting property owners. Abutting property owners are petitioners Randy Stone and Patti Toth and Rodney and. Tina Lipman.. The abutting (east) portion of Vine Street in the neighborhood has been previously vacated by ordinance leaving the subject (west) portion as a narrow 40' right-of-way corridor. The existing traveled way is unimproved but utilized by local. traffic. A public sewer line exists in the subject night -of -way. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments: The Fire Department, Police Department, and Building -Di vision of CED had no concerns. The Public 'Works and Utilities Department will require a perpetual 20' utility easement over the subject right -of --way. No structures shall be constructed over the easement and the easement area shall not be obstructed. Clallam 'Transit Authority stated that they do not travel the route. G-17 LipmanlStone STV 09-05 Onuary 13, 2009 Page 3 portion of Vine 'Street south of the liidbylLopez Avenue Alley with continued access via either Peabody or Eunice Streets. Use of the WhidbylLopez Avenue Alley straight through to Peabody Street may also occur but is not recommended. The Peabody/Lauridsen Boulevard intersection will experience additional congestion during peals periods. However, the intersection is designed as a major use intersection, and Eunice Street east of the site is developed to handle local traffic. . • Development Patterns: The proposal will not adversely impact -further development in the area. A few remaining larger properties east of the subject location remain as developable but, due to location, they would not receive access from the subject corridor. Access to the developed parldng area at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain unchanged. The developed atea is not required parking for the abutting development but provides public street parldng as would be found in a more typical neighborhood. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas: No environmentally sensitive areas exist in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. • Public Heald; Safety and 4fare: The narrow, short stretch (approximately 304 lineal feet) of right-of-way is undeveloped. Although funding for the roadway improvement has been reviewed as part of the City' Capital Facilities planning, the City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining right-of-way. City utilities are located in the east portion of the right--of- way, and access to those utilities may not be hindered. A,perpetual easement for existing utilities, including any future utilities or utility repair work is required along the east ail feet of the 40 foot right-of-way corridor. r> f e ncrorirytof oa wll.addressthe.remaining. achent apngtheaNj, � Street :. - - 'd r the. StEae ra a and.will enlar a the,L� 'aan vvnerslup Althoughr right v 4ay corn +� P P �y� P f ... nlargement of }ie Lipman property is not a -matter of �ubllic'interesl leaving ethe Shia l or n of unimproved right-of-way open may cause unneeded disruption to the neighborhood by those who may inadvertently. enter. the area only to encounter a dead end., Vacation of the right-of-way will result in disruption to those residents of Whidby Avenue closest to the corridor who may choose to use the unimproved corridor as a short crit even given. its narrow, unimproved state; however, Peabody Street and Eunice Streets do offer improved exits from the area. The action will result in the creation of a closed neighborhood that no longer serves as a thoroughfare where speed is an issue, particularly given the narrowness of the corridor and the unimproved mature of the roadway. STATE ENVIRONME, NIA.L POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: The vacating of a street is .categorically exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington. Administrative Code. Attachments: A - Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions B - Area map C -'Petition G-18 1 In DpmanlStone ,STY 09-05 . r ) anua?y 1.3, .2009" Page 5 8. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on January 4, 2010. No written public comment was received prior to the public hearing that was scheduled for January 13, 2010. 0. 9.. Pertinent issues analyzed in the review process are as follow. Traffic Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will change. Based on testimony, the unimproved corridor is regularly used. However, traffic, high speed, the deplorable condition of the road surface, and the narrowness of the remaining corridor caused both by the historic encroachment of residential property and use and previous vacations, generated a request for further closure of the corridor. Circulation to areas north of the site can be gained via Peabody Street and Eunice Streets, west and east, respectively, from the site. Use of the VVhidbylLopez Avenue Alley straight though to Peabody Street without using Whidby Avenue may also occur but is not recommended. The PeabodylLaurid.sen Boulevard and Eunice/Lauridsen Boulevard intersections will experience additional congestion during peak periods but are designed as major use intersections for areas south of Lauridsen Boulevard. • Development .Patterns: Residential lots in the area are primarily served by Lopez and Whidby Avenues. Eight homes served by the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley will continue to access Vine Street (immediately north of ' l�hidby Avenue) from the remaining spur of right-of-way to Whidby .avenue. Access to neighborhood parking at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain available from Lopez Avenue. The established parking area is not required parking for the residential developaent it abuts, but }prov des street :...... __ aurkin -as in an Qther tet borho®d in lieu-af ful:l:reet-dvela mcnt: W �.v?; i moi: ae .Ehv ronment lei &itive A.r8d. No er viibf en lyI.�ens five areas exist -in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The approximately 300 lineal feet of right-of-way is undeveloped. The City has no immediate plan to develop the remaining 40' width of right-of-way. Multiple prior sheet vacations have jeopardized the ability to create a viable through street in this location. The City's minimum street standard requires 50' of right-of-way. The encroachment of structures. into the remaining 40'of right-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements. r Vine Street south of Vhi.dby Avenue has been completely vacated due to historic encroachment. issues. The. requested vacation will address the remaining residential encroachment into the Vine Street corridor north of )Whidby Avenue leaving a short portion of Vine Street (Lipmp) remaining at the intersection with Whidby Avenue for needed access to residents who are served from the %idbylLopez'Avenue Alley. 'While the Lipman ownership does not experience encroachment, vacation of the remaining short stretch (approximately 140') of remaining narrow, unimproved right-of-way will result in elimination of potential neighborhood disruption that may be caused by retention of the remnant unimproved right-of-way. The right-of-way corridor serves no real public purpose other than as a utility corridor. Vacation of the right-of-way may result in slight disruption to residents of Vyudby Avenue closest to the corridor who choose to use the unimproved corridor due to its close proximity to their residence rather than Peabody Street. However, the action will. resolve G-19 Lipman/stone STV 09--05. J amua7y 13, 2009 ■ -Page 7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN and ZONING ORDINANCE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject property is designated as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The Comprehensive Pian was .reviewed in its entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation, and the following goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal. Land Use Map Goals Palicies� and Objective Goal A - To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that. provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. ZONING: The site and surrounding areas are zoned RS -7 Residential Single Family (RS=7} on the. City's Zoning Map. The purpose of the RS7 Zane is= " Ais is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single fanlily. . residential neighborhoods consisting of predorninantly single family homes on standard 4 a, ur�sitc-size _lots:': Uses..which are, coni atible vrth acid : r ctiorualr` related to a,>s n ' le. ar ilpr . -:7 `• +., S •..1r ..[ .. f r 7` { .p•' residential="envirortira`rn al `� e rooted �n1this'zone, • G-20 Hing fcc: $325 Filo Date Rec' d /4=,,t-0 CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PETITION TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles: IREl CE.j V -n)Vj OV - 9 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development We, the. undersigned petitioners request that the following described part of _ Vier 5tree� in the City of Port Angeles be vacatedpursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW. The right-of-way is legally described as: �un leo j3k)ck 1 "7'C- S J cUf'fl q lot 6/ock" /k PC There are owners of property abutting said right-of-way. The undersigned ,petitioners are . the owners of interest in real estate abutting the above described area. Name The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two-thirds of the owners of said abutting property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners prays that proceedings be had hereon for the vacation of said area of.�-rr� -- Respectfully submitted, NAME :fZM4- 6, PHONE NO. DATE I I — a- 0'7 U -- 2- -0 `7 G-21 I 1-ilkb"fftm- WASH IN T O N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DAT,s: Mareh � 1 a To: Crry CouNaL FRom: ri%iN A. WEST, Dmc roR CoNoAuNm & EcoNormc DFnrELoPmENr SuBiF. LwmAN/STT v - smul T vAcAnoN Pr rrrroN -- STV 09-05 PORTION OF VINE S'i'ft ET Continued public he and dehiberation Su�ma��- p � rending the vacation of public aim -of - way. Recommendation: Fogaw'.ng close of the pudic hearing staffmwmmends that the Oty Council h'I • adopt the attached draft ardxssance vacating pvruons ofr she Street w r e retaining at ea'sernenI for utility purposes. the f ridings and conclusions cited as Echihit A to the ordinwwe should be adopted in support of the action. -��ndA �L?llW sis '? r;. - a q; r y'+.. . n: ^-e. rs'a., <• On M=h �, 2010, the City Council opened a public hearing in consideration, of a petition requesting the vacation of a portion of Vine Street between the �dby/Lopez Avenue Ailey and Lopez Avenue, and Iopcz Avenue and the Lopezl[heas Avenue Alley. Council reeeivod testimony from both proponents and opponents alike and continued the public using to Council's March 1S, 2010 xneeting. During the public hearing, testimony was provided questioning;.wbe�her vacation would allow for an .adequate emergency equiprmeat tum. around at the east end of Lopez ! Avenuo. The City's hire Marshall, Deputy Direr of Public Works and tJWWcs, Stet . Superintendent City Engineer, and myself met on site on. March 5 to collectively assess the site for emergency turn around purposes. An adequate emergency turn around area exists within the r nW�n Lopez Avenue right-of-way to sufeietdy serve the neighborhood's emergency mess needs should Vme Street be vaned. as petitioned. Additioz�lly, all pales verified that the existing ung of the turnaround area. will fimc#ion su�icie�y for this purpose. It is important to nate that upon closure of this portion of Vine Street access to the property will be the responsibility of the property owner. Any fencing or sUuc es shall not impact. City access to reserved utility easements. on March 83 201 a, a later mw delivered to the City by Via Weigel, with regi to the proposed vacation aeon. The letter was addressed to the City Manager and. City Council persons and has K-1 G-22 L#aan/Stcne Councfl Nemo r March 18, 201 13*e 2 been delivered to those parities. The addition letter and sus report for inform on purposes are attached to this menio=dum- Staff memorandum- Staffrecommends that Council adopt the attached oxdmmce as presented. Staff wiR be available for commezrL Attachments: Letter from V Weigel Dry ordinance, fishings, and conclusions Staff report K-2 G_23 K-27 G-24 Tma aLim=, moms 438 .LopezAveaue and supped vacation of the right of way. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Conmikdooner Beie inowd to recommend that die City Council vacate the might of imy per Street Vacation FeMon STV 09-03 wiffi floe foHm4ng coxrdii OW foodings, 4nd condusions in support ofthat &croon: Conditions: .1. Property owned by the petitioners and rgiat-of way acquired through thYe subject vacation shall be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot Covenant prior to the issuance of quit claim deeds for the right-of-way. 2. A perpetual easement shall be retained along the east 30 feet of property over the existing utility corridor in favor of the City of Port Angeles. The artz shall remain free of structures and access shall not be hindered at any time to the area for service or construction, within the utility corridor. Findkgs: L. A petition requesting the vacation of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Black 12 Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, 2nd Addition and lot 20, Block 17, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony 2nd Addition was submitted on November 9, 2009, by abutting property owners Rodney and Tina Lipman and Randy Stone and Patti Toth. 2. RCW 58.17 requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid when the vacation of right-of-way is proposed. The subject petition is signed by 100°1/0 of the abutting property owners. q.Fa l ,and 1s develo �Vrth ectkazea, J.7i.sJ.1-a�d R�J`�.�L;W.Ar4u v J'..'r. .., r r h. c. ws �Y �ffi.3 su Te fmmi�y stirue ues. '�h6 t5-7 tii�n :iii basic singe f a y+: area was vacated in 19$7 Ieaving `{ J A. The east one half vf_Vine Street in the subject remairiing (west) portion of `dile Street between the OrcaslLopez Avenue Alley and the WaidbylLopez Avenue Alley reduced to one-half its plaited 90' width at 40.' The remaining right -oft -way contair]S City utilities (sewcr and electric), and is encroached upon by an abutting residence (Stone) at 437 Lopez Avenue. 5. Lopez Avenue extending east from the vacated Vane Street centerline was vacated in 1957 6. The City, s Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right -of rvay. Land Use Elemcn% Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. 7. The Fort: Angeles City Council's Deal Estate Committee met on December 7, . 2009, and concluded support for the vacation of'right of way based on encroachment (Stone property) issues and given the unimproved state of the roadway, and agreed that retention of the small portion adjacent to the Lipmann property is of no value to the City as long as a utility easement is retained. K-27 G-24 8. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review -per Section 197-11-900 (2) (h) of the Wasbington Administrative Code. 9. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on January 4A 201.0. No written public comment was received prion to the public hearing that was scheduled for Jamary 13, 2010. 10. Pertinent issues analyzed in the review process are as follow: .. T'raffile Patterm. Established traffic patterns in the area will change. Based on testimony, the unimproved, corridor is regularly used. However, traffic, high speed, the deplorable condition of the road surface, and the narrowness of the remaining corridor causedboth by the historic encroachment of residential property and use and previous vacations, generated a request for finer closure of the corridor, Circulation to areas north of the site can be gained via Peabody Street and. Eunice Streets, west and east; respectively, from the site. Use of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Ailey straight though to Peabody Street without using Whidby Avenue may also occur but is not recommended_ The PeabodylLaundsen Boulevard and Eunice/Lauridsen Boulevard %ntersectivns will experience additional congestion during peak periods but are designed as major use intersections for areas south of Lauridsen, Boulevard. LpezDevelopmentPatterns: Residential lots inflee area are primarily served by and Whidby Avenues. Eight homes served by the WhidbyfLopez Avenue Alley will continue to access Vime Street (immediately north, of Whidby Avenue) from the remaining spur of right -of way to Whidby Avenue. Access to neighborhood pmIdng at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain available from Lopez Avenue. The established parking area is not required - . parkingfor the'xesid #i .de tel p eut �t abuts but provides street parking as iu ..,: ;other p' borhvcd ari'lim of:fri ll street development. 'iTV r' F7771@Pt i ?•,'Ef1.S�f1V t r1'�lsi G'nW11 11 1�]r'St'IAS�tiV arm iWdst' rr• f:r �r ' is the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. Public Health; Safety and Rre#am: lbe approximately 300 lineal feet,of right -of -)Amy is undeveloped. fine City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining 40' width of right-of-way. Multiple prior, street vacations have . jeopardized the ability to create a viable through street in this location. The City's minimum street standard requires 60' of right-of-way, The eneroacbment of structrm into the remaining 40'ofright-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even F 1.11' f:. substandard street irmprovements, _ _ _ _ r _ --.. _. _ _ _ _. _ _ .. _ . _ _ _ ... r •nvc�ngary {;-? Vine Street south of Whidby Avenue has been completely vacated due to historic encroachment issues: The requested vacation will address the remammg residential encroachment into the Vine Street corridor north of Whidby Avenue leaving a short portion of Vine Street (Lipman) remaining at the intersection. with Whidby Avenue for needed, access to residents who are served from the Wdby/Lopez Avenue Alley. While the Lipman ovnersbip does not experience encroachment, vacation of the remaining short stretch (approximately 1400 of K-28 G-25 K-29 G-26 remaining narrow; unf nproved right -of way WiU result in examination of poteaatiial neighborhood disruption that may be caused by retention of the remnant unimproved right-of-way. The right:`of way corridor serves no real public purpose other than as a utility corridor. Vacation of the right -of way may result in slight disniption to residents of ' Whidhy Avenue closest to the corridor who goose to use the unimproved corridor due to its close proximity to their residence rather than Peabody Street✓ However, the action will resolve long standing neighborhood traffic issues slang the narrow, unimproved corridor as well as the encroachment concern. 11. Consolidation of the right-of-way following vacation can be accomplished by the fi g of Zoning Tort Covenants which Would combine vacated property withlin abutting lots owned by the applicants such that no remnant lots will be created by vacation.. 12. At its December 15, 2609, regular meeting, the Fort Angeles City Council established. a public hearing date by resolution for action on the street: vacation petition as February 2 7, 2010. The port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed .13. street vacation on January 13, 2010, and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council for consideration- ConOugoL A The right-of-way currently provides a short-cut route for traffic in the arm but is not needed as primary access to any property. The remaining corridor serves no purpose in faTI ng either the current or long range transportation planning needs of the City. �, " ne 4T right ciVway corridor is insu icieot to accommodate strect development r. ` Ent into -the 1�' no A dditiorllyr;the icing stancling.:residea] er�croaclim rein - r � y�� � v .�.1+hLL7 �/'� �1�� stindar4 strt%et ■"' • 1 `. 4i.- 'Of �LilY� V�r�op `.:�. '� a ' .� l W \E Y ,en- .., _. .,. .. -way L11G� ��L7i�.. ii�r , IAit�'+o� -sig esnt disruj Adon to long-standing neighho�''.ond. dV.v liapZn .. �p aV`: r y' 4. Vacation will result In the elimination of residential encroachment and closure of a narrow, undeveloped, remnant right-of-way corridor Ihat has been a cause of ✓since✓✓✓ to the immediiatc neighborhood due to traffic issues. C. Access to established residences will not change from existing primary access paints. D. As conditioned, consolidation of the petitioners' property ownersk i with the vacated right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and i development policies, and is consistent with development standards of the RS -7 Section 17.10 ( RS -7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Properly . ' consolidation will appropriately combine the vacated right-of-way with adjacent property thus avoiding the creation of remnaM noncionforming. lots. E. As conditioned,, the existing utility infrastructure v ll remain accessible at all fames for maymtenance and construction needs thus enstumg the public mterest.and welfare. K-29 G-26 �� r. � r___ ' • � Vii'. , — �fj . • .'"r•' ' Ae - � h � i •:11' ��� � �: r=:�y��_ �S •1 .�.yy.� si.Mi ].r��iy��� _ aGy- - „INr. � Mh M.,',• � f• , ILL if tjl4 � - ,'f •' '�• - h�' Ir -. `ilii �� � rF� - � ;rs Y if �,> > r� • Vii_ �'f F' ! C ` �, � t� '' (� r(.`�:'. ;: µ 7•,F� l;� Lt (44 �. CL At " t67 FRI 4r^!y ? , V i'• r.I4_•r. Ty----a•r' �'w�F;.-e `'n kfdc *¢ J'• •F` I t'� •• �� r I y.•^` ice' �;•. •- .,.. �.. it -1l ,;+ - �•• '^-L' -i;. '� _ JF .p' I � !�ti Fr �" t kyr Do CD L r "''^.� vi rti'• j - •]g.� ��z: +,g.`�7—fir; ':�• ' �� ^-^�¢� �.' � r..�.� �f - I ;.'ig �a:. IE.•,.. .r�Fary'--•�i:°.. $i a, R � � P X Y � � z � '.•ry1GYi7 i.� -.. - � f 'F, F $'r 'J T� • p ��y�r• � F, A f •�"b E��f� Y"F� i�s�3t ii. IN Is ■ / ■'i it :+■ s C, ■'if" �•r ' - ■ ■ r s w e ■ 'a, !Q � . �_. ) "= � , ■ it FR � , i �I ae w i ns w r w I� i1 +; y . I a .: i i �! a �r yr ill w w w w w w M. }t wA,w w wo. �.,,. �� fpm ' i ��? },P rs�Y:j ,rk. �a Al EN• � 1y. 1 r7 r • � � I. y a. r �,. .t 'r jj . ',L .� �'-.� , r.� �•� FL•:k.1/, ,. —•• .. _ f '1 4I� h C',:� i h :A - :� ,,••. '�L.. ...- ,�'irr .Va i;i. _-� k••• �V..' A is' . f J� s lz r: ....• • � � rpt :+ ,�,, , ���a� �� r r _ r � � � t � �: ` i - 7,`T•co . 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"""art., `�' �F`�•�",•� 'K.�'•�' } � � ,�St+,t•-'^�ar `kre 7•� - te� '.1 • �+ � �-•• fl S C �5, pF 3 �-��y '•t�� I S t� ^•i:' v'—y'--,'r`� •i ..w 49 .,x,� 3. � w �� �1^ :�' •r• a' i •fir • , '.. . n"•�} r I lr `��'* �.� ;• `-.'�Fc� rr�� .P 1. rr L,...,.- �..•� •r..+.r ..ti +-■ � '� '• �.•a-r" -v � s::. -. - '. it ..� --- r 1-_` - . r .'fie•_, 9.,pri.n;- - }}},,,777���e.�g-+�,.T:;• .Ttir.. .."_ ;2•v'{'.- s • r y+ I� � 1 ' �1 .4 } y� F t `y i Pi. �� 1F �•;� c ��!' �•[ E r �X� •' � �I_dr � t �� ' � 'r�f� .��W.�Sriii� •. f ry1� r.! tel �S „ i r t ��,+.•ll 3 R•• - �' f• ..;} �,� � ,,� If LT - . !• � +�lx rf t •.t l�ar�,> Y 1fJ� 4ti'' r' },� � d r rV .,�� d at :;moi„ "� �' �11 _ :r- '$ ■■■"' _ �. , _ I� `� !� ~'�:, •i' •} � ,�n..•.a w -I1 "`'lJti� - K' iA.trt �'� i'r. r-•• r a r IJR. kr'•; x�a,a:tq r R ? ty? z ,nr .tiJ S Ip 1- � � r.�r'r F =v�`y',. C"a ' 1 I� '.•��"Cir{r� C r',i� ��, • d�, �- S.ei"'• � fS4 �i':.::-';qm• '�—""'•�. � r. ,y �r�,n...Jl'•� • , , �leii �; :• ° �.. 5• I 7t,af - � f'•! s ?'q� ,. +•I� i •7 ;• � S�Tj+} I i:q I = y�ti' P.-r.;o- �.� •. !� :�s �,'� � r �1 YT giyK�tis S '' 4 :��.•, W � �..'.} •{ - .+Y �� rw S�• L .p' �� -��� 7F i5�b r�h�' Ty ry!' y�'• � y' !• ,� rT•�^y'1p, a T. i �dr i .Tir. .i i�, :.P - �.,a-�4,� { r1T'. ;� ~ ,• •..I °i'.�F�1:ikia s•S f L" i, r`.=r R'K' 2.7, . r_- Dear City Council Members We would like to thank you for your time and effort regarding the Vine Street vacation. Rodney and I are co petitioners with. Patti and Randy who have spoken and equally expressed our concerns in favor of the road vacation.. We are concerned for the welfare of the neighborhood. Safety is a primary issue since the new homes have families and more small children are 'in this neighborhood. The condition of this one lane dirt "road", which lacks sidewalks and passable lanes, zees Vine Street a hazard for the residents and a liability for the City. We support the Planning Commissions recommendation to vacate Vice Street but take exception to the recommendation of the Real Estate committee for .compensation.. Since 19+6 the City Council has approved 9 ordinances which vacated portions of Vine Street The attached pictures show this corridor. The most recent ordinance, just 5 months ago, involved. Ms. Lucero , who was granted her petition. For this and all others vacated portions of Vine, not one.petitioner has been required to compensate the city. Recent examples, Ms. Lueero's vacated portion added about 4200 square feet of fully buildable area to her lot with no compensation to the City. . The east portion of Vine street was vacated in 1987 (Ord 2459) , at no compensation to the City, and recently became 2 Full Lots which were sold to build 2 homes in the new Olympic .Vista. subdivision - 'The portion which- adjoins our,property-has a utility easement on°i.t.that makes• it impossible dor et it his lieen recominertded�that Rod`ne' and I com ehsate the,Oity > us to build on Y Y P � z . -:l odixe _andel � o ed a that- ze` add . anal, s uare footage 0 u�aper� � ad�q_,.x d value y. g q to our lot . We believe that our pro xty taxes will reflect this value as it has for every petitioner before us : We ask in all fairness that the recommendation by the Real Estate Commission be reconsidered. Thank You Rodney and Tina Lipman 438 Lopez Port Angeles G-28 4s t Dear City Council Members: Thank you for your careful consideration of the petition to vacate Vine Street next to our property at 437 Lop ex. As you continue to weigh whether the vacation and closure of Vine Street is in the public interest, please consider the following: Genuine and kg itimaite M&W coraEems if Vine St remains ARM to thMu h rc Concerns about the safety haZard. caused- by through traffic on this narrow substandard dirt road were our original motivation for .filing this petition. Those concerns are even greater today considering that many more young children now live in the immediate neighborhood. Testimony from area residents at all 4 previous public hearings on this hatter described speeding vehicles along Vine St. and the safety concerns this creates. a Vehicles that speed or have reckless or inattentive drivers on this very narrow unimproved dirt road represent a very real safety threat to children who live and play in the neighborhood, to the immediate property owners, and to pedestrians who also use Vine St. as a short: cut. &"art front homeowners closest to these sections of dine Two petitions were previously submitted from local property owners & residents expressing their support for -this closure of Vine St. (pp. K-37,38 & 39, 312,110 Counal packet). o one signed by 8 Olympic Vista residents, most of whom have small children; and One signed by 10 other local residents & property owners. i 'Uni ue history and treatment of line Street The City has never demonstrated any intention to develop this portion of Vine St as a standard city street cl pi e o a c i unitie to do sol,rinu less as an`ar-tei"ial to provide rtor ouch through access :. _ ,, �. t5ou d foo erati�re Colony "`:eras annexed l `the City ire . "(pp &3 � t� The area. in �que 6ri i?SCC2 (Pulte n R y �, y � .x , � un d[packetts). ■ In the intervening 50 years, the City has never widened,.paved, or otherwise unproved this section of Vine Street ,ln fact, testimony at the last Council meeting iridicated.that the builder arid original owner of our home (notthe City) putt the current dirt road in place adjacent to our house and yard. Furthermore, traffic. from llilhidby using Bine to get to and from Lauridsen must drive aver a low. curb which runs along the south end of Vine, certainly not a standard feature found on a street intended for use as a'main thoroughfare.' • A 7/16196 memo from the Deputy Director of Public Works indicated that the City considered. Vine Street in this area to be `vacated by statute" (p. 79, 216/07 Council packet). Consistent with this position, every other petition to vacate along both the east & west sides of Vine has been granted.. in 1987, the entire east half of this same portion of the Vine St. right -of -war (adjacent to the area of the current petition) was vacated. This property was completely vaunt and could have been retained by the City to provide an additional' 40 unobstructed feet of width for the development of Vine St as a viable standard city street without disrupting any existing houses or yards. Availhhility ofmare ar�vprraariote throygh routes to and from Lauridsen Bled Vine St, in this area has never met .minimum city street standards and its use as a through way distinguishes it from other dirt or gravel roads in the city. Since a characteristic of access streets is that they *'discourage through traffic movement" (P.A. Mun. Code 11.02.020), Vine St. is not an appropriate thoroughfare for trafric to & from Lauridsen.Blvd. There are 5 nearby, fully Improved, paved, alternate routes that can be used by Whidby residents to drive to Lauridsen Blvd. and which Involve little or no additional travel distance (please see photo #,18 in packet provided. at the 3/Z/10 Coundl mee0ng). o if traveling west (or downtown) - Peabody, Chase and Lincoln Streets; * if traveling east (or out of town) - Eunice and Francis Streets. G -. 29 • Use of these routes will result in Less time spent driving on Lauridsen Blvd. than if motorists continue to use Vine Street for access. • Current traffic volumes for these sections of Vine average one vehicle every S to 10 minutes, which should be easily accommodated on surrounding streets. Laimess and consiggn our other major motivation in pursuing this vacation is to clear title to the property we have always believed in good faith to be ours. ■ A11.8 previous petitions to vacate Vine St, in this corridor were granted, with ?involving property encroachment issues. • According to the Planning Dept, our home encroaches into the Vine St. right-of-way by 7 feet (p. J-3,216107 Council packet). w Mrs. ?Lucerofs house encroached into the same right-of-way by 10 feet (pp. J-4 & J-10, 9/15/09 &,p. J-4,,,.1016109 coundl packets). The east 30 feet of Vine adjacent to her property was vacated (Ord. #3378,1DfJ4/09), giving her a 20 foot side yard setback, (p. J-9,1016109 Council packet). • The 14 feet Mrs. Lucero is urging you to grant us would leave only a 7 foot sine yard, despite the factthata. minimum 13 foot_ side yard is required in R-7 zones. This would actually take away considerable side yard property from us that Randy has maintained for nearly 30 yearn. Whether troins will thcxrr a should not be the sole determining actor when ronsideoln whether Vaca ffon and closure of tine St. is in the public interest Everyone agrees that Vine•St is used as a through way for vehicle traffic to and from Lauridsen Blvd. 1f Vine is closed, that traffic will have to utilize other roads, thus changing traffic patterns. Thosz apposed to fih�s`vacati n are wing you t r;b e, our. decision primarily on the factthe� the.�psure of k �, 2a Fl." 17 d 6 ..`.s.. t, -r°` q r.. �ed `iLJ,drtv�r Rion'. t: "vidil' rill be an Incortvenien tv mott gists who have grown ac ust©, f,_&j�j F ',x :�` •.d. }• tj ''4" - i y r%4Eae.s` 3a there are other f ears we•urge yvi�,tv�balance = Vine St is -ars ongaing`safety hazard and flab icy �v City which detracts from the residential character of our neighborhood. Granting this vacation, clasing'iline' : 'St to through traffic, and allowing us to have dear title -to our property would be of greater benefitto the public than keeping Vine open. It is not unprecedented for the City to vacate a street that has been opened and used by vehicle traffic for some time, even when there is citizen testimony objecting to the vacation. On W. 7.3, 2007 the eity Council voted unanimously to grant the petition to vacate a portion of Cherry St. between Front & 1 Streets downtown (Ordinarnm#33[3). That city street was used by many more rnot4ri5U than Vine 5t and a number of people testified in opposition to its proposed vacation. Like Wine St, it was noted that there were other appropriate lei/S through routes between 1' & Front Streets available to traffic. The Council determined that the benefit to the public (providing off treet parking) outweighed the concerns about a change in traffic pattems. We greatly appreciate the time and attention given to this issue by the Council and by all. City departments who have been involved in evaluating Gur petition over the last 4 years, especially the Planning Department, Planning , Commission, and City Engineer. Their recommendation to grant this petition is well -reasoned and sound, and we urge you to weigh all the evidence carefully. Respectfully, Randy Stone and Patti Toth 437 Lopez Port Angeles, WA 38367. G-30 2 10 DATE: To: N! ELES P. Al' WASHiNGT0Nf. U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO JANtrARY 2, 2007 CITY COUNCIL FRDM: Sup, R' oi3mDs, PLANNWG MANAGER SUBJECT: STREET VACATION FETiT ON - STV 06-08 UPMANI STONE - PORTION OF VM STREET Summam. � The matter under review is .the consideration of:a petition requesting the vacatic } pp� �+ } rypy est aloe -h of Vie S'tret', situated letwee _by �nd!]c -thV :1'.e■ -a n�r����'''jy0�.Llj1.1L'1" �. - - rr;'-ISr i .u,.. m , ' d orae. vat venues, f ri■ Tl e e %on `is`si ed � 100fo of the abizt�ng �ro�Perty.'�wn an wr. per RCS5.79.11}, The City Cotucii's Mea estate Conitce has sot Gii7.tiDnYfar ;# right -of way per assessed valuations in the area, and the Planning Commission has forwarded recommendation of approval of the petition. Recommendation: Following the- scheduled public hearing, the 'City Council should conduct the first reading of the attacked ordinance concurring lith the recommendation of the planning Commission to aprmre the vacation citing the Z conditions, II findings, ridings, and 4 conclusions Hsted in Attachment A in support of the action. Compensation rnu�t he sot as pawl ,of the action. Rack ound 1 Analysis: The east portion of Wine Street between Whidby and Orcas .Avenues was vacated in 1987 leaving the west one-half undeveloped but open to traffic. During public review of the Housing Authority of CM= County SACC} development located immediately east of the site in August, 2006, neigbboring property owners expressed safety concerns and a high level of frustration with the condition and use of the remaining (open) one-half of Vme Street. Subsequently, abutting property owners (Rodney Lipman: and Mandy Stone) petitioned for vacation of the renaainkg portion of Vine Strut to eliminate use of the narrow roadway by combining the area with their abutting properties. liation of'the short roadway will not negatively fact access to other properties in the area as they are all served by other improved rights-of-way. The ,subject right-of-way doescontain utilities that will require an unrestricted easement for access. Additionally, the nortblsouth right -mf gray intersects with the easterly portion of unvacated Lopez Avenue, an east/west corn ,d'or between V dby and Orcas Avenues. A 201 section of this north and south of the intersection will be retained as an emergency turn around due to the short length of Lopez Avenue, which serves the residential. block. Clbis situation is G-31 r „ , C� �}d MAk ieCy] psi-✓�A�a i M identified on the attached map.) Acquisition of the right-of-way will result in closure of the abort corridor to nortb/south traffic. The petitioners wit . not .gain significant buildable area due to the existence of utilities in the right-of-way corridor. The Stone residence encroaches. into the right-of:way and the requested vacation will reduce that encroachment. The vacation will result in a minimal increase in area to the Lipmann property, but again, with utility easements, that area will be mainly in density -allowance only. Access to existing properties in the area will not be negatively impacted. Development of the HACC properties will result in fully improved wheys within that subdivision as well as the development of a large parking area in vacated. Lopez Avenue within the subdivision. The City Council's Real Estate Committee met in September, 2006, and decided on a compensation value of $5.00 per square foot for the right-of-way. Petitioners were notified of the compensation amount. Following a public hearing conducted . by the Planning Commission on October 25, 2006, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the street vacation be approved subject to the two conditions, l l findings, and 4 conclusions cited in the Attachment A to the attached ordinance. The staff report and Plannaag Commission minutes excerpt are attached for your reference. Staffwih be available for a presentation Atlacbments: A- Draft Ordinance w/ conditions, findings, and conclusions. B. Pring Commission N6nutes C. Planning Commission. Staff Report and Petzti(m �} N7" _ .'•� i ^t'"'`^s �.. S ti. '.'sfie -L s.!t: a i . .{ X.- ; fr. t � � � � 5 ik t�. S ..i. 1. 5 — ..y: N s it .. � .a':c °w9. �� h4 +I) k.+ �y _•,i ! T �:. { ��, r[` YJL01, •f yk✓ G-32 r Staff rpporrt provided to _ Planning Commission that ORTNGELEtp matonea original inf or- - WASH I N G T O N, U. S. A. T�: Pla�g-aMMiSSi:ox�.ers FROMSt�od� .Johns, Associate Planner DATA: October 25, 2006 RE: STV 05-08 r.r, TMdNERS/ Rodin' Liprm imd Randy S1011e 0-WNERS: II T; Vacat can of,ihe �g porficm (West,/ tt of Fane )ee looted between the P,RQLopezJCxcas andI.op m/Vdbey alleys. ATIONO .�,� "' .s y �,,s ;�cl n ,a . �,': f,. u�gr•_.�.d � ., ,... ,. .., - ' ``''.. '��k �, �- .�; i4 _.� �?, i (��. .s ,.41 .. . F-zooriie � 1Qpm t xsc s` Via[ Iae P? . �:i:ssiw�..faxward s. re�mm�.on of rVvQ1 to #Le City Couiefl of steet vazwibn peliti!cn STV 06µ0 8 based on the 2 cmdiiicM, i 1 fmd'ngs, and 4 con6lusion found in AtftwhIncut A stafxeporL BACKGROUND Apetiitan vas fdod �:equesUng va .onofihe remaining pwdon of Vine fleet ab g Lot 11 BI ock 2, Pugat Solml Coopwaiive Colony, Ad diction and Lot 20, Block. 17 PS CC 2" Addison. -the eases I)Ordm of -Vine Sireet along with a'10 by 44' portion. of Lopez Avon= TMs vaoedod in 1987. The PaWDnws o=100'/0 of lhe 0-but"propalty. The subject righf: of way is not u.e=smy for ao=s io &e appliomf s prOaperties or oa= pmpwaw iu %e um The remaining ri&i of wa r contai sties (WBUx, Sewer, stOrm)- uvacateda low in the Exaa would be aocemed. -via. Lopez A.i;e��ae or J.heir respective alleys �yJ�,oPez and LopJ®xr. DEPARTMU FXYIEW .AND YUBLIC COI/ZCEqT4 'moi e Public W,rrlcsand UtaZiiies Db arum mt has uo obj DGdon to -the 1nOposed street va ca#,ian. 1. The Ct y will xetaan 20' of the r ght-of way on both thz nor aid south side ixn mffiately abutting Lopez Avenue xis -of 'WaY fm emergency egi#went tam -mound, An eior49eney -turnaround developed Per City standards would be re cps ed if fle vacation is weaved. J - II G-33 corfAsnlc & Gang m t]+ i3miaprnent Dcpus in►eisi grafi RaposT T,1pman/i tom Pn � October 11, 2006 2, aW�Mg Litilitim within the mbjeoi righL-v- Way WM be xdemtMeA Bud a Udft e�einent created. No Stu&L res will be Mlowod within the IWELY easement! -R�ig xxLilita« uclude an 8 `' s ta'ry sewer' line, a 601 weerline, and an $ st own dx .Do Pue �epa�acni has no ❑baestion tO the proposed streetvacatim as long as a around is developed and niaintaiuc;d The Police TDe a tmont made no comment on the proposed s oat vacation. The. _1`) s,ri m ent q i C nmmuni tv & Bcovo-mi c D evelat-MEnt; Zoning in ibz nrea is RS -7 ltesid.ential Sinole FarnilY and is prilnarily developed ar, single fly rosirlances wish the area ed islet to the s� t recMgy repleted as 0Iyn�xG Vista subd vis cn, That site is cm=fly y Imdeveloped, kepi for an existing 4 -plexi resi6=1W stmcture. 0 0 .Arew qfpotendal mpact O f th e Propo ral al•e Stun lama ed a,s , fatly s: T'°raffic.Pauents. Established traffic pallrnss in the arca will not be affealed" by the variation as the subj t right -of -xray does trot fmotion as a primmy amens. Theright-a. way is a nun=ally xaaintsilled gravel lane that is used as a shot. cut routo by some. Vine Stmet north MCI souih of Lhe subject area is used I,, ao = to other prcpmles itL the ne ighb' mood bui the vacado a of the subbj ect poriion of V'ma. Street does not -lave 29 a Pr Y access fOr zay access h -Om Lo eL Avenue and seoondary property. The subject i . are serve wiithp�' p access from the respW-hve alleys with t� SXception ®fiprap�es in t� e QlY is 'Vista 9-1 b d.�s Ica. vrhY.ch w�l be accessed b� respwti� a71. �riih a capon. pain area and e� AxTonue, Alleys in the area will he improved to a full provided to that. am from, LOP vvid.as.Glynpic-Vise is cleviope ��af�/�+y1 y^��i��� �]� OPa' !.dot. dr44. dY aOt V 49 LL- "1O \1Lv2Ai•.:LJ, _ eve OP at'tc Qf fheo pawn, o f V, � allow the Wig` am r Vac . . ownpea- 437 Lopez;iSC c 6T to be locaterl'Qn proper ' v ed Y partially in the done S tx�eet right~ of WaY EgWrrsnmaKtai Se,= hle Areas: No a vim mxmWl-y sensitive seas timet in the -dcinAy of tbc praposed stet vacation,. pubixr. �R'ealth, AMY Y and Mel rare: Vacation of Lc p�vpased r�rglat-af way vviXl not int�r.Cere with the p�h'�'s heap sa�ty� �rrrc�. The rig'ai-cf-way lass fan value to fhe City as �$]ta spacbip e and x� no Brev a in the goxxn of taxes wee in pijblie ovmw. p .pU BLI C NOTIFICANION: No ce of i p .tiDn � was published � the ;Pen nsr4a 12azI %s t� Qcio rer 13, �D+Ob. eDy posted cin Qctober ll, 2006, regarding the proposed" acd m.. Ai. this writing, T e shwas phi no -comments havebean received. J. _ 12 G-34 Cl�toOrx � i, 2Q[?b Zwnm= &Cara==-DIvc3a}mu?i� [Std] sw D[,D�-Lip"esmo j pagt 3 ZONING OBDINA—N—CE': 1 Tiia sub j ectp "OPertY ins d esiwn a":d Lavin Densit3� .wide n'f - �n axe Ca rehendve pjan Land Use Map, and ��S-7 on Citr'S zoning Alae. The Comp-'ehen'iVB P1= I �' flsed stet vaca.L�r�a.: Spec�C�c goals and was nevi ewed in � ep&et� in c-r=der-ation of the prof P olieies %Lmd io br, x-ost relevant 10 the praposa] are xdenbRed iu A�chm mt S io this Bu ffxeperL The vacating of a sired is cat0goncany exempt from. the Star. �nUiro�e�� Palioy A ct A a.eview per Serum 197--11_S00 (2) [h) ofthe W��n Ad is`�aiive COde.. � ) 1his cats on c0=9tuta a reccrtnumdation to the Cite GPuncil. The OV Council hay scTa edu2eda public kwr-ingfar MlwkL hon of thepataiion at its November 3, 2006, regular A-Cond3flux6iMdM. A and wnrb'M M support of sftet # vacakon A` vp ppm =ff Z g �nmati= B _ C�p�� C - etii 0M • J--13 G-35 r �rk Aftachment B - Wow 25, 20M Page 7 ane -half ofxnettee b�etw'een La�idby and LapexJ a� . art o=Bnding so planner Scatt•.Toljns reviewed the Department's rep ed Commissi's ' appmvai of the vacation vfrip-a� waY � Petitioned. I& �afins responded eCity for emergeacy purpers�• The area questions that a turn.. emend would be retain6d by the - U not need tobe fi 1her deveipPd.bemme it is alreadyused as 2 City Street The t M :, aarad area would ssmply ade t•ourrently exists anal could not be fenced off or be n inaccessible. Chair Kidd opened the public hem 1 Peti stet` Randy Sfi� d37 Lopez :avenue stated his comer. that the amund not i encroach into his usable yard d are. Hetalso belzves that the CO�npensation figure set by the City Caunvil's Real Estate wee doez not take, into. account the pct that sign cit City malities are lo. caF ed in the right -of wq Which severely rest ri..cts his use of the proper y if.P=wed. Kay.Kas ger, 2663 South F'r9neis ,street x+epresented the Honang Authority of the owner the east. The l3ACC does not Coumty of CWIam (HACC), the ne,*boring pry P� obj ect to the vacation and is is fact in �avar of the action. Hoshe asked that if vacated, �`, • =cess not be blocked uatill the HA+C's development is far enough along swh that the access the Stone and Lipman will be cooperative in fls are proved. She believes i�aat 11�essM all► ..a - 'a - 7r. 9 s .. c u i• d.r '7. Sr. .r: "JJ1P1W� l j 4. -. •; f,..t e ::K -� < r..;. l.. '3 �:M .'' :a,: •r , - �.r=:Y .' :-: s', xf �� -pi t 1`h� .�.� - 2, •r. ' 3 . i, a e r u: '. }. �. :•1 sh k tai that WCiUId be ; y cuson'nthued i�tU.= ate asefe -r.. r . ladner �flhus'ntit� 6d.a ardor of lr. Stony •s. the City for emergemy tarn around pubyes red a encroaches into the sigh of -way. Retmtion of 1he tum aroum-portion ofthe right -of- ' way would not hinder his established u.se.of Theme being no further diacussion,-Chair Kidd closed the public hearing, 4s. Kassing In response to a question from the commission with regard to tuning, er noted that gQ clays would allow sv c ent time for hnprovement owners whin the SACC's development to complete alley access ways. The right-of-way w$uld allaru ]Mr. Stone to own that axe�a of the rig�-ofway whew his o tie fi ht -a wQ p�� home exists. Corm=rsrrorier J�e� moved to r�ecca�meud �' .�' �` ..� �' , asproposed cx#ng Bite jofawing conditions.,fln cgs and coiwJustons: r 1. Property owned by the petitidne" and right-of-way acquired H=ugh thesubject vacation shall be combined into one bufid g site per ming IAL Covenant prior tv the issuance of quit claim deeds for the right-of-way. 2. A utility corridor shallbe identified in the vacated right of way and a utility easement . shall be created over the corridor. Na structwres may be de�relaped within the easement Y "• JT ' ' J - 25 G-36 Planning C:ommiss ouZmAtsVase 8. 3. Vine Street shall not be closed to t iifk i'or at legit 90 daYs from the rlateof iswance of a qWt claim deed to allow far ac6ess to' be improved to properties east of Vine Street in the Housing Authority of Clallam CoinW s deve%pmenL findings: A petition requesting iho-vacation of the rem.airring portion of the Vine Street right-of way situated immediately north and south of Lopez Avenue abutting Lot 1, Block 12 Puget Sound. Coaperative Colony, 2II1' Addition and Lot 20, Brock 17, Puget Sound Coojp=tine Colony, 2Aa Addition was submitted on August 29, 2006, by abutting property owners Rodney Lipman and Randy Stone. .. RCW 5 8. 17 =pires the signatures of two tlikds of abutting property awnel s t D be valid ' when the vacation ofaright"of way is proposed. 'The subjeatpetiti is sigaad by-100% of i the abutting propey owners. , 3.. The subj ect area: is zoned. RS-7 Residential Single Family and is developed with se . . fmilyaftuctares. The FS-7 zone allRws the basic "r. hrnily developaent 'uses including accessory struddes With jai coverage up to 30% on minimum 7;000 square foot lots. 4. Tho east one-half of Vine Street. was vacated nn.1987, and that p mon of the Lopez Avenue right-of way extending east from the Vine street marline was vacated in 1957.. Abutting properties to the ust including the vacated rights-of-way (Vine' Street and w.i..e ndinto what r�eplattetaSubdivision mzAvie�42066 F!MW .. ,,. , afihy1vYjes7hVVMA �� kd of ?YL A , . . , : ans.tucm:raeigl7bb propel Pperties a seivvcd from flier rights-af Way. 5. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with - the proposed vacation of right-gf--Way, Land Use Element Map Goals, Policies, and Obj ective Elenxent Gva1 A is relevant to the proposal. - 6: The P tort Angeles City Coutoil's Real. Estate Committee and on September 18, 2006, and established a vahm for the unoprm d right of way based on the value of surrounding property assessmeats. The subj ecrar-O s are each approximately 120'x 40' is area. 7. The vac ng of &eet is categ- ically ex=pt from a State Enviromamtal Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197--11-800 (2) (h) of the Wash�gton A&lh& Cade, 8. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use actixm on October 11, 2006, with required publication notification apptaring 3n the PeninsuI coil s on October 13, 2006. 9. Consolidation of the night -of way following vacaflon can, be accomplished by the filing of Zoniug Lot Covemmts which would combine the vacated property vath the abutting lots owned by the applicants into in&vidual building sites. 10. At its September 19, 2006, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a public hearing date by resolution for action on tk stmt vacation petition as November 7, 2006. J -26 G-37 ocWber 2�. 2006 - s 11. �`ne Port Angeles PInang Commission held a public aring on the proposed Wed vacation on October 25, 2006, amd.f+rwa ded arecorn endation to the City COM61 fDr consid at on. _ 12. Testimony was provided during the October 2502 pudic hearing by it representative of property east of Vine Sheet r questing that access to'that area not be meted an improved access to residwtial properties within the mousing Authority of the County of 's development is completed. Clall,am. p c�P . Conclusi,ox�s: A. The right-of-way =mtly provides a short -out -route fDr trade M the area but is not needed for primary or secondary access any property, end sees no ptnposecuuent or long range transportation plwo�ag needs of the City. As conditioned, an eme ency tmn around will be maw to smxve the area. B. The vacation will place unneeded property on the City's tax.roles and is thm fore in ihe public irrtere4 �. C. As conditioned, conwl dation of l�e petWonem' prey owmsbips wifii the vwked right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and development policies,. .and is condst.mt with development standards of the -7 Section 17.1.4 (RS -7 Zone) of the Port Angoles m=ripal=Cod&' The site omsolidation will acppropriately combine the vacated right -of --way as part of an acceptable buil ft site. I1. The propos0l, conssstemt with the goals and policies of the City's Co pxehensive Plan t, ,� n# .- ; r 1Y Y :r. {i►E}aectivaX1&wt GW' .k ,•,� t .�., ,, -� . .; s �e�I�.Ga�y �IId USS � 1, �BhCl�'$IId Ohl e ,z Y r .t a F. ,{ .t r t 'y -v1 t :7�,* {' .. r., sr,:;p•+ - r.: .q �'t �' y r. - i v�.'�':F_, M 0s dJGCI"If�DkS� : n J -27 lc�r:3 J Feb.6, 2007 To.the City of Port Angeles City Council ISE: STV 06-08 To the City of Port Angeles Council'Iernbers, Many people have or will. have spoken here tonight in support of the Vine Street vacation as have at previous meetings. on October 25, 2 006 Ilie Plug Commission recommended to the City Council to approve our petition to vacate It was Only last Friday afternoon at 4:50prn that we learned that the Planning Commission had changed its recommendation. We now understand that the Council is considering a partial vacation of mine Street along the northern portion abutting the Stone/Toth property and not along the Southern portion abutting the Lipman property. This now presents a different scenario than t of originally approved. by the Planning Commission and is contrary to our original inter the Petition which was to improve the safety of the neighborhood by closing off this dirt lane. As it now exists, it is a dirt lane that is half the width of a regular street. It is used as a short cut through the neighborhood, with no timc control, no curbs,. sidewalks or pavement..In the history of neighborhood, it never has had any of these improvernents. . md. acent A6, he City of Port Ange ,.. �.t.. les h_as v orated other portions of trot o . a - '•1 a ~, E.. �y,rs��p r� }..{� r,nr. '' • w.. t. A - S - [1 w�. a A'd1:fh'�. YY..+.:Gil , l.Y i.1Q�Ing ! ti .. {_► V QwnLr day a+r1— u.71. i]' o. p r ... - S "• •r.. i1'!F' ..l T.'' '!! .: , ,•:i A.: 4R';.0 • L•t..i . e; ,�µcEd.dr�SS'd .The traffic issue that has beenbrought up `by one a neighbor nems to be " This lane. is used primarily as a short-cut to and from Laruidsen.. it is in no way a main thoroughfare. Nor is it essential for It does not provide the only north south access to Lauridsen or to Whidby. Only when traffic at. Peabody is backed up does Vine Street get busy. For example, PA Nigh School traffic approaching the Peabody insertion in the morning, at lunch or after school can see the distance, trafficbuilding up and can take a quick tum and short- cut to Vine, then to Lauridsen, or visa veru. During School events, local church and library events, the volume of traffic increases temporarily often with irresponsible drivers trying to beat the traffic. Speeding drivers often race V down the the usually quiet streets of Whidby (Paved), or Lopez (paved) turning onto Vine( paved up to the portion that we are petitioning) then bottle necking onto the single dirtlane often driving on lawns, spewing rocks and dust. Even if they are responsible drivers the dirt and dust is uncontrolable. The traffic continues along the dirt usually not slowing down, until pavement returns near Qi�cas, where they speed up and zigzag on to Lauridsen . This entire stretch of road has no stop signs, speed limits posted, cross walks or evidence that this is even a road. This shows the lack of interest p the City of PA has for this property. It has so little interest that it has vacated all other portions and left the road to waste away As for safety the problem speaks for itself. The neighborhood has children, disabled and elderly. The neve development will add families with children. Byapproving this petition,this dirt po1l.-ion of vine Street will he closed off to all through traffic eliminating the the issue of increased volume and add to the safety of the neighborhood. The amount of traffic coming from Whidby to the Vine alley would be limited to the exisiting residents and the 6 new residential homes that use the alley and NOT open to public short cuts. The same for traffic approaching from Orcas . It will be limited tOG - 39 Vim and 3 new homes This would eliminate tic along enure existing residents and the the streets safer for the reducing traffic along and Lopez Streets xnak�ng neighborhoods Plang l7epartm�n� floe Police, Fire Dep�enis d that nd The Public Works Dept..'Opposition to this petition and recaende Cornm� evelopmeIIt have no Opp and Conclusions of their October this vacation- be approved. The Conditions, Findingsres once vehicles was 25th report support this street vacation. The (issue of Emergency the nori'd and south eP t of way addressed by The City having retained a 20'right property abutting Lopez leaving ample turn around space. . p n�ent to be Vista housing develop The recommendation is now to allow meOlympic eportions. This does not make good. completed Hien determine whether to to eliminate, not add to. The Homing sense. The traffic pattern is what we trying ed this develOpment with the Authority supPorts the closure of Vine street and design le king in and by their garages, expectation that the residents would have parking be reseryed for guests. accessible through the alley The Lupe p de art�nent has changed its recommendation based on their concern Now the planning p able to unload. the Olympic Vista residents won't have the convenience of being b that the ro est parking area. and drive around to their gig their gr Decries from the gu addressed as a part of the revised r�meudataon, The issue of public safety was not ort our tion . recommendation fails to provide any reasonQT to supe its, This revised rove our petition as requested in the City council to and � D0� and conclusionwe ge- apt onctober� 3 ` ruin�'[� .n�e+d. QL`7"YYLL.7��-'�+eJ.ld y6V..;� 1'rC sd rt,we-see here tvaay �;:. �i mot -tie re .. - - L.. 'zx <.. - Thank You Rodney and Tina Lipman. 438 E Lopez Pori Angeles, WA 98362 G-40 Randall E- Mone Patricia A. Toth. .437 Lopez Avenue Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Phone: (360) 452-3914 pototh @olypen.com February 0, 2007 Re: Lipman Street Vacation Public Hearing — Feb. G, 2007. Dear City Council [Members: We are the owners and residents of the property at 437 Lopez Avenue and have joined owners at 438 Lopez,Rodney and Tena Lipman, together with our neighboring property to file the petition pending before you to vacate the portions of Vine Street adjoining both of our properties. We urge you to approve our petition following the public hearing -to be held on this matter at tonight's City Council meeting. ., w �bai^s wiil be - : ahtici ate khat et least five 6f our neig T n ad�ditiah to four of us,e a,.. _ •t oour petitiois . . present and available to vffor testirr�ony in support f n thevening,. neighborhood that it is in representing the overwhelming sentiment of the surrounding 9 the pudic interest to grant our petition and vacate this portion of Mine Street One ori Putnam, 430 neighbor who is unable to attend the hearing tonight, D C� has provided us with a letter of support which is attached. And finally, Kay Ave., 4assinger, Housing Resource and Development Manager for the Housing Authority -of Clalam a County, re -stated the position of the Housing Authority in support of our petition message sent to Planning Manager Sue Roberds on Feb. 5 and we have attached a ` copy of that message to this letter. Late on Friday afternoon Feb_ 2, we were given notice that the Planning commission recommendation to approve our petition had changed and that they are now recommending that only a portion of the property 9 our residence be vacated and that there be no vacation of any of Mine Street abutting the Lipman property. This .carne as a complete surprise to us, since the Planning Commission had previously submitted its recommendation to approve the petition when this matter was set to be heard at the January 2, 2007 Council meeting (see attached Jan. 2, 2007 Memo to the Council from Planning -Manager Roberds) and we have been in regular contact with Ms. Roberds since then without any indication that this recommendation would change. When this matter was previously set for hearing on Jan. 2, the only issue where we had any disagreement with the Planning Commission was whether compensation should be t G-41 required and if so, what amount.. As the Jan. 2. memo of the Planning Commission indicates, we had been told that the compensation. amoun t had been set at $5 per square foot, which would have required each of us to pay about $24,000. Randy and I felt this amount was far higher than we were willing to pay, and we looked up the 1987 ordinance (No. 2459) which vacated the east side of the portion of Vine Street which is the subject of this petition. We discovered that there had been no compensation required then and the property owner at that time received title to two full (and fully buildable) lots without any retained easements. This led us to do further research regarding six other petitions to vacate Vine Street in our immediate area and we discovered that all had been granted and none of those petitioning property owners had been required to pay any compensation (with the exception of one who may have paid a total of $11). (Ordinances 2045, 2064, 2335, 2423, 2579 and 2927..) We brought this information to the attention of Sue Roberds via an email message and copy of the memo l prepared to submit to the City Council (see ray attached Jan. 2 Memo to the City Council) which I sent over the weekend preceding the Jan. 2 meeting. I met in person with Ms_ Roberds about noon on Jan. 2 and she indicated that she wanted to ask the City Manager to consider continuing the Jan. 2"d hearing on our petition so that. the information regarding compensation l had discovered could be considered by the Council's Real Estate Commission. We agreed to her request and the hearing was continued to the. following meeting on Jan. 1 e. At the time set for the Jan... 1 e Council meeting, Ms. Roberds again asked us to agree to continue this matter to tonight because of a request from, a:.neighbor-v_vho wanted -to be present,, and again we ,agreed: `.the oni thenhat,a ears, us to have.:changed;ktii�eera Jari. 2 sirid tvrdght rs�the,4_u .. Y g PP 4 .. discave . of the histo re ardin the lack of:cam :ensatrvnrr ' uirad fo- the prav vusly� 9 g , . P. q _ : w granted vacations along this portion of Vine Street. In fact, as set forth in the attached July 18, 1998 Planning Department Memo (in, the file related to Ordinance 2927 granting one of the above -referenced petitions to vacate 'Vine Street in this immediate area), Vine Street in this location (PSCC2nd) was previously vacated by statute and the City was barred from opening it as a right. of way. This is also the reason that the previous vacations along this portion of Mine were exempt from compensation. Indeed, this is the position taken consistently by the Planning Department, City Attomey, and City Council when considering previous petitions to vacate along Vine Street in this area. This is consistent with the way the City has treated this portion of Vine Street for as many years as any of the residents in the area can remember little or no maintenance and no improvement We strongly believe that granting our petition and vacating this poorly maintained dirt road portion of Vine Street continues to be in the public interest for the following reasons (most of which are cited in the staff report and Oct 25 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes that have been provided to you by the Planning Commission): 1. This portion of Vine Street is not needed for primary or secondary access to any property in the area. It is a poorly maintained dirt lane that is used only as a 2 G - 42 short cut route for. some traffic. Adequate access is being provided for the residents of the new Olympic Vista Housing development via the improved alleys that'will lead directly to the ample resident parking. 2. The existing dirt lane is dangerous and presents a safety hazard to current residents and can be expected to present an increasing danger as more families with young children moue into the new homes that will be part of the Olympic Vista development Some of the motorists who use this portion of Vine as a short cut drive too fast and recklessly and present a danger to others in the area. Closing off their access to this shortcut would solve this problem. 3. An emergency vehicle turn -around will be developed and maintained at the end of Lopez Ave. (entrance to Olympic Vista) so that access for public safety will not be negatively affected. 4. Clear title to our home and the property it sits on will result from granting this petition. 5. The City would no longer be responsible or liable for this portion of Vine Street, and it would generate property tax revenue instead. 6. The dust generated from the dirt road (a real nuisance for nearby residents) will no longer be an issue. Careful review of all of the relevant information'makes it abundantly clear that it is in. the public interest to grant our petition at this time. r� e ted Burin . ih6 �beari p- P, .r4ecrate;' oar tnsicteratto=vf the testimony prey n f -.'to I,�;.'p , .y. - r 1 - ri ' � l ..Y ' .. { it's'' - l g _ i 3 "4 T•t• •tom.' -A •f "; Jy',• a have =. rowed iri" th%s Otter. ar�d its +�r igot;atageth6r with the ir-form6tiaii`aw. . A � , � attachments). Please include our letter and aft a�hrt�e is as par# 4' he rer�rd in this matter. Thank you again. Sincerely, @�_ea I Randy Stone and Patti Toth Attachments 3 G-43 A 1 r -- ]f ti- ,J2 -' Ae x4ue 0,,w -a Ax/t,6&' 74 MAI 7/!5 j 1&74 E _ J i -Twu. . �. :�s• - ...rT '.fa-.-r.M. :1., g- � �'T�. �i i,•�,',- .. :. i. .,. .- :i'. 'F' � �- '�.> a.> ..-Y. J• _. t. ,�• V p.... S.A. #. rx ' r' :�t;,'�- �r �"; 4 L. "•i"- ._��. 5,.-,ws„�.... ;.4. _ �. � .:r: '"�' _ � . � ,;.t...,. ,}, r! 3 �.c= ._a� .Y;r- �-,i= ..[eW., i .F �•&r st",.� � "d;S •:..i:". �.f'- 4, ,:.•,.. ,�.F. ... ..: .. - -4 s': ..1,`, '[S -f � r'+ _i .A 4 i i;; � �e1 -�. J ,�"�. G 44 Patti Toth From: :kkassinger hacc-housing.org Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:19 PM To, Sue Roberds Cc: Pani Toth/ Randy Stone Subject Stonel Lipman Vacation. request Vine Street Dear Sue,. I am unable to attend tomorrow evenings City Council meeting, but would like this e-mail to be included for the record.. 5ince the staff recommendation regarding fhe vacation of Vine street is being reviewed and modified, thought it might be beneficial to the City Councii for the Housing Authority of the County of ClalIam to restate it s position on the proposal. As the abutting neighbor to the east of the proposed street vacation, the Housing Authority has no objection to the proposal as submitted by applicants Stone and Lipman. When we designed the alley access for each of the Mutual Self -Help homes, each was Provided with a total of 4 arking laces off the alley as requested by City Staff. This would alleviate the need far street' type parking in p p f cont of each unit. However, we did develop some common visitor parking in the central portion of the property With the Vine Street vacation, this common visitor parking would only be accessible from Lopez to the west, thus eliminating this parking as a source of additional traffic to the south (a concern of the Luceros). The neig hbors that spoke at the public hearing for our CUP modification were concerned about the 0lymPic Vista development adding traffic to an existing problem. The. Vacation of Vine Street, as proposed by the applicants, wil remove the existing.through traffic problem the neighbors .were concerned about. e nnother concern to this bus- uni mproved s greet. many of '� L{�{///� /�1�1ry �y 'p2 rhe families building in the Olympic ista 69 e.also, se !,' - - - �....� I ', iS °. sy 1. 3 . • .' hi dree�. Removingthe risk that this traffic-poses:to }+nung� held "ren, } y elf Help;group have small c l t _ r f„ S acating the unimproved Vine Street, can arl�� be s ~i m a posit"Ve The Housing ��$h-ority'supports the'vacat�vri of Vine Street as proposed by Randall Stone and kodney Lipman. Sincerely, Kay Kassinger Housing Resource and Development Manager Housing Authority of the County of Clallam 2603 South Francis Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-452-7631 east 41 • 360-457-7001 f ax 2!5107 G 45 Meinoirandm To: City of Port Angeles City Coundl From: Rodney Lipman (438 Lopez) and Randy Stone (437 Lopez) Date: January 2, 2007 Re: STV 06-08 Vacation of the west half of vine street located between the Lopez/Orcas and Lopez/Whidby alleys The Planning Commission has submitted its recommendation to approve our petition to vacate the west half of Vine Street (located between the Lopez/Orcas and. Lopez/Whidby alleys) which abuts our property. We urge the Council to approve the petit0on�'ni Vacate the existing right-of-way, and to authorize the transfer of title to us awEthout compensation) so that it can be consolidated with our abutting lots. lisle concur �u�th the con�i'rtior�s:arad 4nclusians submitted by the Plonniru Commission atlon, til �.� _ a T ; iss�ir`s "with°:thy cam 4,.,. , g , t: r ;rind :wrtl . _-b—f tk e=1 ngs y- h. . N . 1 finds. f ;Uu `n E l� k - = A ; . orth .belrn nii5s»n far the: real ns set=rf re�atrnded}lt� C ncii s Real `:state Cam The wesf :half Qf Vine St. proposed to be vacated is currently used as a narrow dirt raadlri jht=.a=way for local trdff ic. The east half of this Vine St. right-of-way was previously -vacated on September 15, 1987, and the City council authorized the transfer of title to the abutting property owners on the east side of Vine without any compensation and .without retention of any easement. (Ordinance No. 2459) Since then, the west half of Mine St. has not been well maintained and has become a safety hazard. Its vacation and closure would create two parcels, one next to each of us and each treasuring approximately 40 x 120 feet. We understand that the city will retain a 20 foot section between the two parcels for an emergency vehicle turnaround. We also agree to the Planning Commission's recommended condition that a utility easement be created over the vacated property and that no structures be allowed within the -utility easement. The easement down the middle of the property has been described to us as measuring 10 feet on either side of the existing utilities which include storm water, sewer and water lines. If we allow about 3 feet for the pipe dimensions, the easement would treasure approximately 23 feet by 120 feet. Assuming the pipes are located in the * ` rr3<7{drUFrs"'srrw� i u N °7;r" f r �r.° j ''i-+}i j.' -die �S rk �tfCZ`",y;�riMaIi.?k"��d,Af li v'� w� �'"'-.xT° k°s fix- > r'[�'� r��",.��`�"',�q�����f���Mp�i�{ .. _ ° i�n�� e � ■ +�"�K ��'�c3°vyr�i';�i�`°`t� � xS�r � 37 °�'st' � -%s ✓ �! _' r6 ��A�1� T'�7Fr- 3 � i .elr ",� a', "r � '�* 2� �e� t• 5' xt c�*� �f MY rte' x a� ''P i, t �.r i-��r f� Y'a S �+ ° �.Y Ht �; ,.,v, n+y�-�6�} ,4�j�y�».�i ""):�s'?�^ qs-i{ 'r`��• �t4.�� ���5 d '"i...�i,+ �vP �S �':� -`t �'�'ry�p�°,`"•,f,� '�i��'a�, kM, k: G -46 r-ebruary 6, 2007 center of the property, that leaves only 8.5 feet on either side of the easement. Obviously, on the east half of the easement, 8.5 feet is not sufficient space to build anything. The west half would have 5.5 buildable feet, but only when combined with the adjacent land an insignif icant gain, as pointed out by the Planning Commission. The Counci'l's Real Estate Commission established a compensation value for this property of $5 per square foot based on surrounding property assessments and the total land area (As far as we can tell, there has not been an official appraisal of the fair market value of these restricted parcels.) We do not believe this valuation appropriately reflects the impact on value of the proposed utility easement, nor is it fair and consistent with previous actions of the Council related to vacation of similar. parts of the Vine St. right-of-way. Our current property assessments are based on highest and best .use value. Clearly, most of the land included in these parcels would not allow "highest and best use." It also appears that the Real Estate Commission did not consider the history of other vacated Vine Street parcels and the fact that the Council has previously never required more than a total payment of $1 compensation from abutting property owners as.a condition of vacating at least four comparable parcels .along Vine Street. It would be in the public interest to approve the petition to vacate as we are e stn _The existing right is don Brous. If allowed to stay o en, it will q g 3 9 ®Y- p eater: a hazard as nec .. hduses are uiIt . in he CSI �m�e me ,V sta,, p �cQnle' .gr of ; ° I . .1? ;, a .. y/ n � ex�' i re 060bili� of the, i" 'o. t►aeri=i+ain fh . pra:ect It 'is currently the f inane gal spY right-of-way and it generates no property tax revenue. If the right-of-way' is .vacated and consolidated with our existing lots, maintenance will no longer be the City's responsibility, and we would be liable to pay property tax, resulting in financial gain for the City. Our proposal to vacate and transfer title without .compensation is reasonable given all of these considerations. It would not be fair to require more compensation f rom us than other property owners along Vine have been required to pay for similarly vacated property. We urge you to approve the vacation as recommended by the Planning Commission without requiring compensation. Thank you for your consideration. 2 G - 47 (?15/2007) Sue Roberds - Stone/ Lipman, Vacation request - Vme Street Page � E rn� E 019 E nrl From. kkasstnger@hacc-housin . g u9> To: "Sue Roberds" <sroberds cityofpa.us> + 0 5 2887 Date: 2/5/2007 222 PM . Subject: Stone/ Lipman Vacation request - Mine Street CITY CE PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community4aveionmeni CC. =Path Toth/ dandy Stone° e-patoth@oiypex` -Wm> ®ear Sue, I am unable to attend tomorrow. evenings City Council meeting, but would like this e-mail to be Included for the record. Space ft staff rerxarnm endatian regarding the vacation of Vine street is being reviewed and modi0ed, I thought it alight be benefiiCol to the City Ccunell for the Housing Authority of the County of Clallarn to restate Ws position on the proposal. As the abutting neighbor to the east of the proposed street vacation, Y the Housing Authority has no objection to the proposal as submitted by applicants Stone and Lipman. When we designed the alley access for each of the Mutual Self -Help homes, each was provided with a total of 4 parking places off the alley as requested by City Staff. This would alleviate the meed for "streef type parking in front of each uniL However, we did develop same common visitor parking in the central portian.of the pmperty. With the Vine Street vacafion, this common visitor parking would only be accessiblefrom Lopez to the west, thus eliminat,ng this parking as a source of additional traffic to the south (a concern of the Luceros). The neighbors that spoke at the public hearing for WT CIDP modification were concemed about the Olympic Vista development adding traffic to aro existing problem. The vacation of Vine Street, as proposed by the applicants, will remove the existing through traffic problem the .neighbors were concerned about. We also see another concern to this busy unimproved street. Marey of the families building in the Olympic Vista Self Help group have small children. Removing, the risk than -finis traffic poses to young children, by vacating the unimproved Vine Street, can only be seen as a positive. The Housing Authortty supports the vacation of Vine Street as proposed by Randall Stone and Rodney Lipman. Sincerely, 4y Kassinge f t f 4 b ,p ent kVlai'1aryer fi . i-3du57rtCl, SQ1li and. bveloprrl �7. . L, Hvusin AutC-iottb af:thty Claarn t .. ' iE,. i N 1 - r is z 3. . -. { "� : r '•` R > ' t i t .t �.n . L � ].. � ' � x !SY': s.L w_ x �Y41 2603 Soah' Francis Streetli Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-452-7631 ext 41 360-467-7001 fax Sueporl_�)e van- f 6 iti s CL � � �- Hot) SIM "VrAy G - 48 -- -J • • DATE November 2, 2410 To: CITY COUNCIL f y .�J E L E FROM: RICHARD BONINE, RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: Farmer's Market Gateway Agreement Summary: The Farmer's :Market provides a valuable service to the Port Angeles community in past by offering locally grown produce and locally manufactured. merchandise. Staff is in the process of negotiating a. 2011.facility use agreement for the Farmer's Market to use "The Gateway" facility every Saturday of the year and each. Wednesday of the year. during the peak vegetable growing season. Recommendation: Provide staff directive to set appropriate daily usage rates, and approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a facility use agreement with the Farmer's Market for use of The Gateway facility upon contract completion. Background 1 Analysis: Since the opening of The Gateway, the Farmer's Market has utilized the facility to help provide the citizens of Port. Angeles with an opportunity to purchase locally grown food goods, locally manufactured merchandise, and a festive outdoor activity every Saturday and Wednesday (during the peak vegetable growing season). During 2009, the Farmer's :Market paid the City of Port Angeles a fee of $75 per day for facility use. Both parties agreed to increase the fee to $100 per day for continued facility usage during 2010..Daily usage rates must be agreed upon by both parties before the final 2011 contract can be drafted. Farmer's Market representatives have proposed a decrease in Monday -Thursday usage fees from the current rate of $100 per day to $50 per day, and requested weekend usage fees be held constant at the current rate of $100 per day. During the October 14, 2010.Parks and Facilities Oversight Committee meeting, staff reported to members this request. The Parks and Facilities Oversight Committee 1-1 recommended keeping usage rates at the current level for 2011 ($100 per day, seven days a week). Staff, however, is recommending an Increase in rates from the current $100 per day usage fee to $125 per day. City staff previously discussed the concept that the ultimate goal of revenue for the Gateway rental would be $200 per day, achieved by an increase of $25 per usage day on a yearly basis, (i.e., $75 per day for 2009, $100 per day for 2010, $125 per day for 2011, etc., until the $200 bench mark rate was established). This increase, or lack thereof, would affect all facility users, in that each user of the Gateway facility is charged the same set amount. Below is a list of other City owned properties and costs associated with rental. Facility --- User Group Cost Vern Burton Main Hall City Resident (non-profit) $300 per day Non -City Resident (non-profit) $450 per day City Resident (for-profit) $400 per day Non -City Resident (for-profit) $600 per day Clubhouse or Loomis City Resident (non-profit) $150 per day Non -City Resident (non-profit) $200 per day City Resident (for-profit) $200 per day Non -City Resident (for-profit) $300 per day City Pier Pavilion City Resident (non-profit) $150 per day Non -City Resident (non-profit) $250 per day City Resident (for-profit) $250 per day Non -City Resident (for-profit) $350 per day Below is information provided by the Parks Division outlining Gateway maintenance costs for Council's consideration. 2009 Equipment $7,126.95 Labor $9,022.48 Materials $11,157.91 Total $17,307.34 2010 (Through October) Equipment $8,155.80 Labor $13,385.10 Materials $2,456.98 Total $23,997.88 1-2 1 Attached is the 2010 agreement between City and the Farmer's Market, and. correspondence from the Port Angeles Farmer's Market Secretary regarding requested. changes to the 2011.rates. It is recommended that Council provide staff directive to set appropriate daily usage rates for 2011, and approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a facility use agreement with the Farmer's Market for use of The Gateway facility upon contract completion. !-3 ?Ort Ar)gdes M J11 ;IA P.O. Box 336 Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 460-0361 portangelesfarmersmarket@gmaii.com www.portangetesfarmersmarket.com The PAFM executive committee met to revie:w and discuss the proposed draft of the 2011 Facility Use Agreement between the:Clty of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles Farmers Market (PAFM)!, The Market has enjoyed a successful year in: the :Gateway overa 11. We are looking forward to continuing to grow and develop the Market in this locat�ion. As we budget for the 2011 year, ideally we would like the weekend rate to maintain at $100.00 per day. The Wednesday Market has experienced moderate success since the move to the Gateway; even serving as an introduction to Market vending for new vendors who could not fit into the Saturday Market during peak season. However, the Wednesday Market revenue has not covered the Wednesday expenses. Therefore,, we are requesting a reduction in the mid -week rate to $50.00 per day. We suggest that the first sentence of paragraph 7 of the contract be changed to the following: The rental rate through 1213112011 is set at the weekend rate of $100.00 per day and the mid -week rental rate is set at $50.00 per day, (Mid -week being defined as use of the facility on a M -Th.) We have appreciated worki:nQ with you through our transition to andour first full year in the Gateway and look forward to 2011 being a prosperous year! Sincerely, Maggie Van Cantfort,, PAFM Secretary 706.968.8460 A -P-0 j ME, FAC.�.ILI-FY l_'SI:.•�(`rREE:\,,ll�N t31-. I -WFF, -1 l I1:: C I l :) .: 1' )1�.A[C .�: .I1 I...1 1IS ;ti. ... Li1.3i L€. � .5 it €,'...:..9 a.d �. 1. (t�i�...4 l.kiL�:, ii•� Si S ic:F�L.A. Lei 1�.! �`. �Ss.�E.-ed 3�:� a tht i.Lt�.�' o1. .._._.�......... � ..��� . ?tI / l�„ �at'atI 1;et���ee�l tlae. C:'ite: cal�l'�rt ���n«t;I�'.�, ►. C`it� ), �€ �i-�:a�11€1�E�tc�t.1 mitnIC-ipa I c -0r orat.lo n. ,,.in i the Tlnn AnijjeIF Caniic€s' N4 v 1�et t••I.1AFiM i a �-VastiIn �Lvto11 110 11 - 1) ro I I t C (1)1.1) C) ra t 1011. v:I-t1..I. l.:A I lie C_.`ity Iy t110 0wi1er'III .€1a.€<. el, 0 Nlio pax, I I o i z. ecls are a at th c (3at�--vvavIinCate d gat 125 l .gist: f"rom StrOet. fort. A€ ucics. W" aslim tom: and Nk "Ill::.; .J A. ..l'.:1` l Sc ll �� catatls �a11c1.l 1-(-)dLact�s 111 Ide �.and,1)r(:aclaiac;uct i11 t.h Ci tv oi` "c)rt �-�11ge1e-S 1°e211:a17 dil-CCI14' StiML11Lat ta2 the local ect:a11camv: and WHEREAS. l'. FNil iS �1 V IlU able 'ctttrac.t€rata f'or Fast,-€Etca vn bort fZm4,cles creati€aQ :ala economic alaPl?orted by residents anci visitors rs c. nd WI [L -:R1 -:_AS. the Cit i` c��narllitt��� to crealinc -€ v ibr atilt and �act've Dcm-11�� %vn e\perien e iliat "-i 1I lie enh an ced by alae presence to f }' AF= FM.. gall W 1-11..RF:;:AS, it is In the C;,it�,.S Land tlau public's interest to allov PA ,vt to use the G ate�vzvv p avill'oll deck- area for Operation of the farmCCs* market subject to the terms specified %, i.thila this 1�g,rec m.ent: and WFIEREA . flair (greenient €S for a, one year period, however. it iS the Intention of botil. parc eS tllat the Gateway become the long teni-a liome of tlae P.A.I:'M and that this c: lc.ac:a,atnent Lie renewed al the egad of each calendar year; t:)1 ', I'I I:l Rl:Ft= R. . its c.ons'd—ration of the promi.se.s and co1aimitnietats mad- hci ein. the SLIffiCie1lCV O,f W1.116 iS herebN; ack€aowledved. it is mireed as follows, , I . 1)1wrn1-ses. T lie C:.itNI; hereby. cag,re es to a1-10 w l'AE.M.. to use the laav111on dec1�". ,Ire a at the Cato Fav° , hich Is gn-ap11ietaIIv sic Picted 11.1 Ex111b:t ..:A". za copy oCw11ic]1 is atIac:Iled sand in eorporate d by this relw€c�€� L..1or the Sale purl ose ��1 oper�atlino7 <.a f-CIFIDeN 1a1.Mket tap�ara the I` all 3��;111L tc�€a11S �a€1c1. conditi011s. APAHN1 1 111aIV pll'ICC rI SM11'1 0€1 ills' SO.Htll EMCI Cast Caclimg Po1'ticm Of the clot I()t-V 1- t'(Tr the tern1 of-tIJs AL,,=reeI'll ent. 1 -he: 1'.� F N1 slLln shall be Ribjec-t to the approval f' , v u �z of'the [:3el.tlt Director til' Recreation. i. �.rm.. l•ili'1 .��F.`�iY�..Af...i F�\.nt �i. all '' "a r .`s '.i ^a k i q .... v. �. ��. �I�.� 1i,1�.LI tc. I7� t i1 fill .�(31'c� �a[a�f c:'.�`l� � t �i� [? �� .1 %i1ILIaI"t` 0 C: USC �?t".'['M.1.'.['.J 11.11 ler this :�.igrO-ct1ient shall expire ���'ce-mbe " 2 . l`I" . 1 _? 1.) t.!. utoleSS ;.\tenCt .I or 11,11 di fi.-d 111 a SL1bSi,--q t nt vvrit.lCin au reernlent bet�,ve n the Martie S. J. l.,W- P.�I '1 Sh all US ti"1c t:?i'�';!" ices for Clic sol PL9 j -X -)Se Of 01.)eratill,2 a [,ciiilla`1'S 1'n;:arl ct, wlilch inc:la d$ --s tht ale Of localk-'al.0%vil Or p['C1duci d aoOds and st'1.vi° c 'y, C'�lt�'C'�zt.][7.fi7�'Iit, n 011 -rite c.O11SUI1IfX1O€a 011, P1.0 d. UCt• Scald at PAFN; 1. A11 father LI SCS clre z.xpressIy 1)rola.ibited Lvvi:Ito ut die 1-5 P I' 10 1' NVI, I t I V, L: 0 lis ICI 11 t 0f L h e C1 t N 'S 1) C 1) U t, D i re c t. o r o1' Rcc i -ea t i o n, Add t I o ti a I co in p C n s a ( I o n l, t Ear mark -k -t �diall be Iecltlil= c1 I0r a u t li o r -1 za t I (I n o It., 'Et I I x t e D d ed or a d 0 1 t 1 o n a I t i se s oI.' t h c, p re m I Se S, 4 t i es a u, l* -otection and ck,°an , Facilit.\, 111.'AMI"m and Clealim). pa, CSC' iha, fact ity pi Lip ill be ]I CCORUICCWRII the I)YOV'SiORS SCI in XIIiNIt 13Nvhlch is atuiched herew an'd ML101,1301',11ROd hen.,_111. Dates atMcj Hours ol'Opel..z.ii.1011. A, On all Saturdays fron-, 6:00' a.m. to 4-00 p.ni, durinc2 the term of' Oils At,rtr::I�ment. the area depicted mi E x1i i b I t A s 1: a 11 be resc r� ed (0V t 1.1 C U' S e of l? F NI e x c e j) It t I i a t, al. its sole option, the GIN may schedtde the described al-OZI f0l'OtfilCr LISCS, thus displacing PAFNI from u S C o 1" t 11$c G 'a te v It"a (:i I i L n no n i o re t I i a 11 t h ree S'a t u rd ily (I a t e s d, u r 'I i I L, t11 C () n t i'ac t te 1, ni 1) ro %., I d Cid t lua t the C I i v iii v e PA F NM no 1, C's s Than i h I rt v (_)13) 0) daN:s 11 () I i cc o I' said "fliternlate use- 1.)LI-1-111L) thosO dates ni -maoon the clo c local t , ower ,11\, be covered a' the soli discretion, of %vhen PAf.M is displ.aced., thC sig, the Deputy Director of Recreat,1011. B. I or the Wednesday Earniers' m.,arkeit PAI ..4 shall have use ofthe pa�,] 1011 i i - - ' t. `ron.i 11:'0 a,nn. until 8-00 &Ck- 011 �,tlll NVedlICSChI�-S beOI1111111.12 RHIC 1. ?0 10 diru Octobei 20 10 1. 6. Parkjmr,-. RAFNVI 111'CIV rCSCI'\,;C the SOLIthCrll 11110SI parkinc, SPLIce 'On the "'k --est -side Of on the north sicl�e of'Froiv Street. adjacent L I n cO I n S t ree t a n d t h e, t I i ree� m ost e a s Le r I v p a rk 111.0 S) P ae es to glee Ga t e wav Pa %If 11, 1 () n. !-'() r the 1) U YD O'Se ofvendor I o ad I n a and u n I o a d i mu, kcal' two hours be fo i: - a n d after the market even. Sig-riage fOr this Purpose will be provided to PAEVI. and PAFM shall be responsiI e fc) r t h c p lac e m c n n d removal eac h m a r k e t day. Any, other pa rk i n g a re e in e n t s in u s t b e ne4ow3ted NvIth appropri-ate jxirl�,ing 11,Mnagers. City parking ordinances 111'.11 be enforced, -7Rental Fees. I oh -lie rental rate throuDecember 3 1 2010. is set at S 100 I)V_r day. In the event that dais A ureenlerl t is 0- NI e n't.1'ed bevo nd December _3 ) I . 201 Ot the rental rat.- sh al I be S U bJ cc t to negoneition. Rent shall be pald on a monthly basis and is dUC ten ( 10) days prior to the Hirst da"', OfOCCLIJI-ancv of each month. AJI daws coveredbv this At I gree.ment are rest reed 'for Carmers' mark,ot -e than three Saturday elates as sj-,)ec'fied in section 5 above - use only. with the exception ot'no mai 1.1 1 1 - 8. Duties of the PARM. A. PAI',,\,,l aalrees to Mclude- i,n Its vendor guldehnes and rn.arket promotion that €11e f rm rs' i -n ar k c t %v111 ad] ic r- to tile (Y I t,3,71 S PC) 1. 1 C C) (, no s m A1 n gr e ty parks ai i d public facilities. lit' I CII I I IC -S, B. 11A FIN't U 11 d e r S't,' A 1.1 d s that dais A cliv- e me n t and the te r in s d e sc r i b e �d h.0 re i n c o v - r so I e ly t he tike of t.1he pav 11 ion dec k- at t1i e Ga t�-_ way fo, r the spec I fi ed days o f the fa rm ers, marke t , A n y additional uses o!"111cititles xill be subject Lo additional rental fees, PAFIM Shall at ail 1,1111c's ha -v ' ati I , lle Cl.CIP-110 VCpTeSCIILatI%,e ofauthOr.11" 011 ffile Premises. This person shall be designaied bef)re ea -h e,"erit andIII "u" e P, ro PC r conn �,ac tn f, I-() rm at ", o: i o n fil I e NvI i h t h e C I t,,.' -s De p u ty D irec to r cal. Re c i �e a t 10 11. C IIAF\;I shall at no tirnkr,_, cliarue admission 1`6es to non -vendors. I L -s,, id i, )uiati D. P:kII"\,,I shall adh,ere to all F der al. suat-, COLIIIL%'aIIJ' [ocal la\,% �:li C, IMIS 1 durmiu the oueratk,m-1 off the i,ai,mers . ii,iarket at OU Gat,1,Nva4 I-Ya1:ihon deck shall E. 2\ it t1he end o each da v's oCC LI PLI IICV. Mash and d. --b ri s Lye nenated bN PAFNel shL bc, cleaned tip by P,\FNI and depos][0101 in the trash Cans located ;C -It dl e Grateway, 1-6 A'. 9. 1 nd en i n 161 c a t I o n, PA FA4 S I I a I I d C fe 11 d, I ild e 111 n i f, an d hood d harmm I es s t I it-_, City o 0. rt Ani_,eles. its officials. ei-nj)l0Vf_'CS M -1d VfflUnteels fi-orn and aUamst wi% arld 111 claims. suns. actIO114 o1• d€ -1'i b i I i t i e s Co1 iljUr) 01" d C a t 11 o 1., a! ly pc rso 11. or For [os s ill` d' la N" to p ro pe I, t v. vvIi I h an Ses o L I I of Nv t 11 e I I pi,efl.11--s0s. mfroni. Z111V 'Itv. \%.-Ork (,.)LI, flillul done. se 01 111' G 'atc., t'l V p,1 Vil on d ec f � ca C I I I I V WIN, perm I ited. or sit tTered by use r I n or abou i the Ia c i I i t v or 1)1'C m s, e x c c pt talar- su c 1i I n i t i ry or &,n nagy C as ill"A 11 ha ve bColl occ as i o ned by tic' sole neg I lu.,emce o f th%- C1 tv o1 1 ot ill). lnswince. I'AFNI shall procure amd rmaintaln for the dui-mlon ol'tale Agiven'lent. IIISIUF�'.fflce "w-allist clalms for ill' d1'1M1U!C tO PI-01M1V WhiCh 1,0111 01' 111 jurles to persons- 01' - I inav an.so C0111IM1011 With the LIS(' 01. ' 1110 JUCilitv oi- I a C c rt I I I C a te 01, 111 "S, 11 I'El 11 C preinses. PAI .4 shall provide Gent?; -(n' hicibility 111SUI-L'Illce cOvermig premises, prod. licts -CO till) 10 ted operanons and C()1111,actlial habilitv. The Cl'tv shall be named 2S all 111SUreld or, PAI NI -s cunei -cd h'(thiliiv '111SUMI1Ce, p ol'CV, 1-11C J11V 111SUrance s I t I � g, ne�vcll i1ohi hall be wrliten %-vith I'm'Is o`no less than S 1,000,000 each occurrence, S2.000.000 _oeneral d.lae 111 S Lffzl 11 CC ID o I I c y s h a I I contain. o r b � en do rs ed to c o n tzii n that 1) zi\ F"IM ` s 111 S U 1'�l 11 C e shall be prlmary IrLSLIM11C.0 WUh rest eC,t to the City. Any insurance. sc1 f-illst11,111c�, M' HIS111"C'MCC pool ._,overage nia-Intalned by thCity, Shall be e"Cess of P.Al N"I S hlSU1'W]Ce WId not COM1 1butc vv101 It. I I I -CLjUil'-d ' PAI"NI shall Provide a cerdficate of 111SUrance C� WIC11C1112 the I 111SM'Wice bef0l'e US111(11thC 111CI1it_\-_ 01- INTMiSeS. 111SUrance is to be placed %vith 111SUrer's current AAV1. Best. ratliw, of not less than A: V11 - I L Assn un ment, This s Agy reeniC nt may not be assna ned or €1ansfen-ed without the wTitt"C111 approval of the Clt-v, I ?. I I l. jnat'on. In Lill servII-es or actip ines and Lill hiring or emplovillent nlade Ant -D'scr'n-i I possible bvorresulting froni thisAgreement- there shall not: be discrimination or ap 1) 11 cant for part I c 1pation In (lie. farmers' niarket op ra!1 o n because of'sex. age, (except nii n I 111Ul'n aLle and netil-ellient provlslolls), race, color, creed, national origin, marital. SLMIS. SeXUal 01-i (Mlul t' 1'011 - or the presence of any scnsor%,, mental, or physical hatidicap, unless based upon a boron ti.de 'A4 shall ob occupational %qualific,atlon. PAF -, serve and fully comply Nvith any and all applicabic j.ederal. state. of local IWAVOI- I'C'�'Lllaiions regrardim�,, non-discrimination. Aryviolation of this provision shall be consldle-red a violation of a ma-Lerial provislon of this Aoreement and shall be Ljound's i.*Or eanc011ation. tormination. Or susl)ension In whole Or In pal -L o f this Agreement by the City, anid may FeSLIlt M HIC1121101111tV for 11141-thOr City agret.-ments. P-NFNVI vii l also con-iply vvith other ann- (-fiscl-inlIM111011 1 AVC501- I_CCjL1irel11CI1B Of, -1171V �Mlld �111JUl'i'SdIC-6011S I -' I I I Compliance "ith All La"sc'I rld KeL)uk:t'ons. In usinu flie pr,;,miscs, P U.'N't wifl -11' applic, ble laws. ol-dii-ances and I_C�ZL[Iations fi-om an, aiic] 'III 'LlUtdiorItICS havI1112 C iniply wifll L I I tl e. L111 Sd IC (i Dil. 1-7 PAI A-4 SJ)CCifiCA I V,'h-1FeP-S LO C0111ply an -d pay ,I 1I costs L �sociLawci N\ I th achie\ ing c k:omphaiice without any nonce ftorfl the City. and Furdic-n- agyrees that the (-'It\ ol.'Port lclo-,,,; 1,1()j, 1vJjv-!2 thict]()Jj I)v Lill-) M)l Ice of' dell-lfflCl f'orI anc"C' 111 "IM" I 11SI 'Mice I 4. Notice. Any i-ioi-i-lice or M.Corrnation required or permitted to be given to the txarnes Under this Afgreement may be sent to tile !.,(Alowlnk�)- Cac1dresses unless offiCt-wise specified III �'l 11 - - SLIIPSCc]L[Cnt %vritten dirCetive.- C[tv of fort. Anuc,les Richard 131nnine, Deputy Director of R,Ccreai'1011 P.0. F3 o x I I D-0.1 321 street. Port Angeles, �N--A 98362 Port Ari,�,,eles Farn-ier's tk-larkei Wharton. Board 1?resident P.O. Box 336 Port Angeles. WA 98362 15 , Go %,--e r i i i m,2 Law. "I'll.1s A iL, re e i ile tit s h all be -(�j o ve rn e d . c o n s t r u e., -J. a n d 1 n te r 1) re 1 412 d bN , th 1-0 LILI 1I and u n d er the La\vs of tile State (-) f* W -C-Ish,111L� to 11. V e Mle For ani- c tal ms that m I ht 411%; fron-I this Aureement shall be %vlth !he Clalkim CountN- Superior C0111 -t. 16. Severability. 11'any provtston of this Ag)reemem or the application th.--reofshall. I -OF C1 11%, VZISCIF, and o am: extent. binvalld oi urien f*6 rceable. neither the rem al nder o -C this Agreemen t ete nor the application of the provision to other persons, CllfitiCS 01- circa mstances shall be aff cied thterebv, but Histead sliall be enforced to the maximUM extent Permitted by lavv. 1.7. Entire Agreenwnt. By signino this Agreerrient the City of' fart Angeles and II.AFN,,.[ understand and concur that this A(.�jrecment is considered to be aH (Athe covenants, promises. and conditions, oral or %,\,riuen between the parties. The parties hereby aL�,ree that this document contains the entire agireement between the parties and that this Aureement shall not be mortified, chamjedaltered or amCndcd in an %vav except throuah a written amendnwrit slLyned by ali of the part les hereto, IN %VFFNESS W14EIZE017. the City and t'AFNM have executed this the datt° and year indicated. CT -FY OF 11CAT .. . ....... Kent N]vers Cit: - %-Jan, PORT ANGEI'..ES FRIMERS ' Betsv hi tz�an Board 1'resiCt'-w • 0 IIA I Les I * /4 ................. I�3111,-,,vli I-lurd. City Clerk Approved as it) lorm: 1")ennis C. I..)Ickson, Sr- Assistant Cltv Attornov _:,9 1-9 Exhibit "'A" v Aa ATI Z2 tmf 24 J M M f• A �_ .:( s; bz. -t., 7J V,fl c. rj c" cii P-1 oa U M` sl fu LA m 0 m 'ntae al sr. 1-10 0 7 Ex h I C' VVO F, K S 8t U 'T H I T I E 1z D E F1 A R T M NT U S E R, E G LJ1 L A T10 GIzztevici%, U:Se 0 PUPZPOS� i -iv' 0 IF, " IS, C k -a I I 2, Dleolartr-nenl' of Pu;bllc Y-lork-5, R, Utuill'u'e-s. R-ec-i-atkof, 0 PLJBLfkC' FA'CILITiES -Fi:e public JciUlii d iS 17he GaUelwvay - pu6 C, c p] c t in _a DO L It A r1riel- s, a s hi n a f o n. :e aled.to he by, this po(C,/ is comDrised Of the decking T.nd t�j,,j C, p L -j � nl,� � Y pav�lk�j- 1�re- C! J ,.n:5 -silroorns, D, a r kin fadi`-e 4'ar s i t I a iii:), 0- c, e S S, d ke k �s kA,f'hJ.,1,1h SUIVOUInd Uh6- Vel)Ue, 41 ,ri R - G U L ttk -11" 10 N S Sm�o,Kirlg will .-io- be oillowed 2�'- �e-f o*' 'h�a a-6i'tv oer '7 -" PV C h: -D p t e ir 0.16 16 0. U- 7 :5. T h i s r�:� g u 1 ation i nic-lu d u S a$1 s p );les open cr-) pubk. the pubk. S ci e b Ooj C! -vcle ric,":Ing M1 not be al'ovied at 4he -aclih`y J a n biC I t t [ T .1KY, a!- - -090 persoi.-is ximum oc.c upa,icy is 4A Alcohol sale's will be alllowed by permit only, in an e-sablished @f7d contMlled area of the, pavillow, are;El- 4. 5No mo, -e than one velhicle is �Ho,ved on tip: p-,-,vilion -at anv One time (gross vehicle liveight shall not c-x-jn.-ned 6,0 U 00 lbs). Tra'lers will be aillowed onthe pavilion d;;)ck lor both tr--nsoo—at on anidior I I sale 01 goods kgioss VE"t-lide .el -ht if tTaile-,rs shall not excs,;:-�d 6,000 4,6 Any vehicle parked i-nore than tvic conaecwl n :ire . '1;o ri "I I i I �', I H U- -I - C, 0, pa -,J �-n di�-k sl all hav--�:, -an --approved prollection device pka-c I L be-lleat'h said ve-hicla to proteci the deck. It 7 4 1-7 No bann-=- or sign F,"nail be hung on (Gatn,pi-y proper�v i �z in e - I CID rn P " 2, f -t 'IV ty 0 f Po f-44 n -,-i e 1 s ;v! u -I i 0 a C o I LJ 4.3 i"40 'ents Other temporary str'-Pctuire�,; sh;:�,H I ce.b,::;;s, --,Irain spouts, -e Jr s rn 4,9 F1 r o t c; c I is U- k nn u S "I, ee u ised i1 �----;n; �y; sziu:f b --z .Elm 1-.-s e, f L is no�h�-,( bcl 0-""-�-- I 10 a ana- n faf an C, Ylm 0 s Dp,�)ultv of R 4. 1 1 p m e� n v,; pf deanup, e, - s s a v CI 1p�rcilsC E. 6W s, F- -, 1� M a G s to rc-w ncS) iI-s C h u �J i or tr n r z� no, mu i i, ,U nn; D, u, c, e f r8 i e n ts, s, a r 1 0 ki F , ) - - �,v ,;� v -,ou D r i n zP e T D I i I 0 1-12 U'11 TNU,14itjjEls DATE: NOVEMBER 2, 2010 To: CITY COUNCI.E FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER YVONNE Z1❑M.K+DWSKx, FINANCE DIRECTOR. SUBJECT: 201.1. BUDGET HEARING ON REVENUE SOURCES Summar: The City of Port Angeles is required by RCW to hold a public ,hearing on revenue sources for the coming year's budget in order to receive citizen input. There will be a presentation by the Finance Director on revenues, including a specific emphasis on property taxes. A copy of the Preliminary Budget is available for citizen review at City Hall and on the City's website. Recommendation: Conduct Public Hearing on revenue sources and consider public comments prior to adoption of the Final Budget currently scheduled for December 7, 2010. Background 1 Analysis: In accordance with State law, the Preliminary Budget was filed with the City Clerk on. October 29, 2010. In the interim, several workshops on the budget were conducted for the Council, including a town meeting in August. In addition, the City has provided other opportunities for comments from the public including a. citizen survey that was mailed to all residents in July, regular Council appearances at the Farmers Market, and informal monthly meetings with the City Manager at local coffee shops. The proposed preliminary budget is balanced and represents our continued commitment to prudent fiscal management. It is prepared with an emphasis on our major goals: • Maintain high quality public safety services so the City will continue to be recognized as safe and secure • Grow the local economy and create additional employment opportunities by expanding economic development programs Make sustainable enhancements so that the City is recognized as a leader in preserving its environmental assets • Create and maintain a sustainable long-range financial plan. 0 It should be noted that the creation of the 2011 Preliminary Budget has been a challenging process. City staff and. Council have worked diligently during these tough economic times to determine how to continue funding necessary City services such as public safety and street maintenance. In addition, Council used input from the citizen. survey to help prioritize how City resources would be allocated. Some major factors that assisted in balancing the 2011.Preliminary Budget included:. • Continued cost reductions throughout the past year • No COLA or merit increases for City employees • Additional reductions to overtime • Departmental budget meetings which resulted in reductions in supplies, travel, contractservices, and other operating costs • Receipt of grants for law enforcement and planning • No new full-time positions • Use of reserves to fund major capital projects • Full year impact from difficult budget reductions made last year Before the final 201.1 budget recommendations are made, the Council will have additional discussions in November to review the proposed changes to be incorporated into the 2011 Final Budget. At these public hearings, citizen ares invited to respond and. comment on their concerns for revenue estimates, as well as any specific items contained in the budget document. Citywide Revenues Tonight's public hearing is focused on Citywide revenue sources. Governments, including the City of Port Angeles, are currently facing challenges related to revenue collections, including: • Voters initiatives • Federal and. State mandates • Taxpayers expectations and demands for services • Resistance, to new taxes and fees • Economic challenges including reduction in sales tax, building permits, and interest revenue -2- K-2 • • Citywide Revenue by; Souiirce, Designated for CIt 0.03%— Trarslers ,48 Loans and Bonds 1039% Reserves Used Taxes ,80% 11.20% Licenses/ Permit 0.4OX) Intergovt. ,7.83% Fines' ForIf ei'lr.r FCS �.0 ,. 2 % Charges f0f, E S C . 1 sa �s��a °�8 �E „ a ��� � ,6 n� Services 7 y 2.30% g /3 1 V . 13 dig The following table shows the City's revenue sources in 2011 compared to 2010 amended budget and 2009 actuals': Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental (1) Fines & Forfeitures Charges for Services Utility Collection Miscellaneous Loans and Bonds (2) Interfund Transfers Designated for CIP Reserves Used Total Summary of Revenues by Sources 13,877,480 14,1.04,771 13,912.,724 (2.27,291) -1.61 495,397 466,877 560,403 28,520 6.11 9,704,472 5,247,426 3,188,445 4,457,046 84.94 287,400 294,000 315,921 (7,040) -2.38 12,555,954 12,019,117 11,883,565 536,837 4.47 52,295,157 50,559,646 49,774,841 1,735,511 3.43 2,845,250 2,658,232 3,166,031 187,018 7.04 12,870,000 10,498,658 - 2,371,342 22.59 4,306,019 5,652,576 5,148,518 (1,346,557) -23.82 37,500 150,000 154,219 (112,500) N/A 14,624,543 - - 14,624,543 N/A a.w.A (1l The City has been aggressive in seeking grant funds; the increase in 2011 Includes a $2.6 million grant for Wireless Mobile Network, (2) Loans and Bonds budgeted for 2010 & 2011 will be used to fund major capital projects in Electric, Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater. -3- K-3 The largest revenue source continues to come from utility charges, with $52.3 million budgeted in 2011. This revenue source is expected to increase by $1.7 million (3.4%) in 20:11 mostly due to increases in Electric base rate, Transfer Station tonnage charges, and combined sewer overflow (CSG) monthly rates. In addition, the City will use $14.6 million from previously accumulated funds for capital projects. The main sources of these funds will be the proceeds from the $10 million bond issued by the City in 2010, savings from prior years, plus proceeds from the graving dock settlement. Taxes represent 11.2% or $13.9 million of the City's revenue. Other sources include loans and bonds of almost $12.9 million, charges for services of over $1.2.5 milion, intergovernmental revenues of $9.7 million, and other smaller sources. The reasons for the most significant changes are footnoted above. General Fund revenues Taxes are the major revenue source in the General. Fund, representing over 60% of revenue. The top three revenue sources in the General Fund are property, sales, and utility taxes. Tax revenue is expected to increase 4% in 2011; however, a significant portion ($250,000) is due to moving criminal justice taxes from a special revenue fund. into the General. Fund. In 2011, total General. Fund revenues are budgeted nearly 3% higher than 2010.(excluding reserves). Again, this increase can mostly be attributed to changes in fund structure which resulted in moving additional activities from special revenue funds into the General .Fund due to new accounting requirements. All of these estimates are still preliminary and changes may occur in the Final Budget. General Fund Revenue Saurces ^' $x.8,007,334 Revenue related to new construction is anticipated to decline in 2011 with a 1.7% decline in building permit revenue. Overall permit activity is budgeted 6% lower than 2010. Although license and permit revenue only makes up 2% of General :Fund revenue, this category is a good indicator of the strength of the economy. -4- K-4 The majority of revenues in the General Fund support public safety (42%), utilities (11%), economic development (3%), parrs and recreation (12%n), general government services (26%), capital projects (2%) and transfers to other funds (4%) to support street. operations, economic development and Medic 1. This is the first of several public hearings on the budget. This means that the preliminary budget is constantly changing and the final budget presented for adoption by the Council may be different. The preliminary budget for 2011 sets forth a program of revenue and expenses totaling $123.9 million, including the use of $1.4.6 million from reserves. At the meeting there will be a presentation by the Finance Director on the City's revenue proposals, along with a separate presentation on the propesed property tax levy. I&M K-5 NGELES BATE: NOVEMBER 2, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER. YVONNE ZIOMKOWS-KI, FINANCE DIRECTOR. SUBJECT: 2011 PROPERTY TA.x LEVY ORDINANCE ANIS RESOLUTION Summary: The City of Port Angeles is required by law to levy property taxes before November 30. There will be a presentation by the Finance Director on revenues, including a specific emphasis on property taxes. This is the first reading of the property tax ordinance. Recommendation: It is recommended the Council: 1) Open. the public hearing; 2) Review the attached resolution regarding property taxes; and. 3) Conduct first reading of property tax ordinance. Background l Analysis: In accordance with state law, the 2011.Preliminary Budget was filed with the City Clerk on October 29, 2010. The public is invited to respond and comment on. City revenues and expenditures, as well as any specific information contained in the budget document. This is the first public hearing which will focus on revenue sources including property taxes. State law requires that the City levy property taxes before November 30 each year. The property tax ordinance and resolution are scheduled for adoption at the November 16 Council meeting. Property Tax. Consideration Tonight's public hearing will include an opportunity for comments on the proposed 2011 property tax levy. To comply with Initiative 747, the maximum amount the regular property tax levy can be increased in any year, by a simple majority vote of the legislative body, is the lesser of one percent or the implicit price deflator (1PD).:For 2011,.the IPD is 1.539%, which means the Council may increase the property tax levy by 1% for 20'1.1. However, if Council decides to pass a resolution. outlining substantial need, an increase of up to 2% would be possible using banked capacity from prior years. At this stage, the 1% increase is currently included in the attached ordinance and resolution based. on the earlier recommendation from Council. This increase will result in an additional $40,576 over the highest lawful levy for 2010. The total regular levy for 2011.will be $4,067,957 plus any 2011.Property Tax Levy memo November 2, 2010. Page 2 of 2 amount resulting from new construction, improvements to property, increases in the value of state - assessed property, annexations that have occurred, or refunds made. In addition, the special levies for 2011.will be as follows: • 200:1 G.O. Refunding Bond (Sr. Ctr/Fire Hall) $391,400 • 2005 G.G. Refunding Bond (Library) $280,600 Taxpayers will realize additional tax relief in 2012.with the maturity of the 2001 Senior Center/Fire Hall refunding bond. At tonight's meeting there will be a presentation by the Finance Director on the City's proposed property tax levy and other Citywide revenues. Attached is the ordinance authorizing the 20:11. property tax levy for adoption at the November 16 Council meeting. l:n addition., attached is a. resolution authorizing a I% increase in the regular property tax levy. In accordance with State law, the deadline for the taxing district to certify the property tax levy is November 30. Attachments: Ordinance levying regular ad valorem property taxes for 20110 . Resolution authorizing an increase in regular property tax levy of 1 % • K-7 Legal Draft dated 10.26.10 ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying ad. valorem property taxes for the fiscal year 2011, and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners. WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a. Resolution authorizing a 1%, or $40,576, increase over the highest lawful levy for 2010; and. WHEREAS, the City Council intends to levy taxes in 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles do hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby determines and fixes the amount of ad valorem. taxes to be levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2011, as follows: Regular Levy Amount $4,067,957 Plus an amount resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state -assessed property, any annexations that have occurred and refunds made. Special Levies 2005 C. a. Refunding Bond (Library) $28000 2001 C. 0. Refunding Bond (Sr. Ctr.IFire Hall) $391,400 Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1., 2011,.as set forth in. Section 1 of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2010. MAYOR • Ell • Legal Draft dated 10.26.10 • • ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: 12010 (By Summary) G:\LEGAL\a ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES.2010\29 -Ad Valorem Taxes.102610.wpd (October 21, 2009) -2- K-9 Legal Draft Dated l 0.26.10 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing an increase in the regular property tax levy of 1%, or $40,576, over the highest lawful levy for 2010. WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.135, the City Manager is required to provide the City Council with current information on estimates of revenues from all sources, together with estimates submitted by the Finance Director, for consideration of the City's total anticipated financial requirements for the ensuing fiscal year, and the City Council is required to determine and fix by ordinance the amount to be levied by ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted public hearings on expected resources and expenses for 2011 and on the need for an increase in the regular ad valorem property tax levy for the fiscalY ear 2011 • and 0 WHEREAS, the City Council, after such hearings and after duly considering relevant evidence and factors, has determined that in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City, there is a need for an increase in the regular property tax levy, in addition to any amount resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, annexations, and any increase in the value of state -assessed property and refunds made, that: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of the City of Port Angeles Section 1. After thoroughly reviewing the information relating to revenues and expenses for 2011, and public testimony on the same, the City Council finds that the City has a substantial need to increase its 2011 tax levy to one hundred one percent of its 2010 levy, as allowed by Chapter 84.55 RCW. 0 K- 10 Legal Draft Dated 10.26. 10 Section 2. In addition. to any amount resulting from the addition of neve construction, improvements to property, annexations, any increase in the value of the state -assessed property, and refunds made, an increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2011 tax year, in the amount of one percent, or $40,576, over the highest lawful levy for 2010. PASSEL) by the City Council. of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of November, 2010. . MAYOR. • ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa. Hurd, City Clerk. William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:ILEGALIa. ORI INANCES& RESOLUTIONS1RESOL UTIONS.2010\25. PmpertyTax.1 O261.0.xpd C • Code Compliance Quarterly Report 241.0 July -September TYPE OF VIOLATION NEIN VIOLATIONS RESOLVED UNRESOLVED SIGN CODE 9 7 2. OVERGROWN VEGETATION 23 10 13 JUNK CARS 7 4 3 TRASH AND DEBRIS 7 5 2 ZONING/LAND USE 14 10 4 STORMWATER 5 5 0 LAND USE/PUBLIC WORKS 4 4 MISCELLANEOUS 13 11 2 GRAFFITI, ENVIRONMENTAL 1 1 TOTALS 86 58 28 M-1 City of Port Angeles Parrs, Recreation & Beautification Commission Port Angeles, Washington S eptemb er 16, 2010 CALL TO ORDER- Chairperson Stratton called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, REGULAR MEETING: Recreation & Beautification. Commission to order at 6:00 p.m.. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson Straiton, Vice Chairperson. Tschirnperle, Commissioners Pittis, Whidden, Hordyk, Ramsey, and. Merritt. Members Absent: Student Representatives Wise and Nelson. StaffPresent: Manager K. Myers, Director C. Cutler, Deputy Director R. Bovine, Streets & Parks Superintendent C. Dolikat, Senior Center Supervisor D. BelIamente, and. Recreation Coordinator A. Mozingo. APPROVAL OF THE By consensus, the Board moved to accept the minutes of the July 17, 2010 MINUTES: special meeting. ITEMS FROM AUDIENCE None, NOT ON TSE AGENDA: PORYOF PORTANGELES :` Doug Saridau; P6H of -Poi :Angeles, Airport and Mariaa'Manager- Fpr�s��t�d ATIRPCIRT OBSTRUCTION information concerning the'cdrrent staius:ofrunw? y,,tru -gbsctioiR ,, pAtheF PR .:...:. ESENTATION: William R Fairchild Internat[anal'Aiiport, sp6cif1caliy-those obstructions directly related to Lincoln Park. It was moved by Pittis and seconded by Tschimperle to: Endorse the Port of Port Angeles efforts to remove the 32-50 trees and follow tb.rough-with the FAA to secure the funds to complete the Master Plan and to follow through with what was in the letter sent to the City Manager on August 11, 2010 from the Part of Port Angeles. Motion carried 7-0. CIVIC FIELD ASSESSMENT Streets & Parks Superintendent Delikat used PowerPoint slides to present the REPORT: Civic Field Assessment Resort. He informed the Commissioners that the last major renovation took place in 1979. He covered a few past upgrades like the French drain. in 1985 and the exterior repainting in 1997. He reviewed the top ten priorities and the total cost of the project. He described the major deficiencies and options to correct them. He explained that if nothing is done to the facility, the playing surface wiff continue to deteriorate and will become unsafe. Games will need to be shiftedto other already over used venues, night games will be affected, and there will continue to be no hot water in the locker rooms. Commission discussion followed. • I M-2 • DREAM PLAYGROUND/ . Streets & Parks Superintendent Delikat presented to the PAVILION AREA Commissioners the Dream Playground. Foundation's request to place ENHANCEMENT two small totems in Erickson Flayfield for additional site PRESENTATION: enhancement. Chairperson Stratton called for the motion. Commission agreed by consensus to have Streets & Parks Superintendent Delikat inform the Dream Playground Foundation that the parks, Recreation & Beautification Committee approves the placement of two totems at the Dream Playground. PARKS & RECREATION Deputy Director Bonine updated the Commissioners on the status of MASTER PLAN the City of Part Angeles Parks & Recreation Master/Comprehensive REPORT. Plan. CURRENT BUDGET Deputy Director Bovine provided a brief description regarding the STATUS REPORT: current budget status report. He stated that 67% of the 2010 budget cycle has eclipsed as of August 201 q, and that there are no major concerns at this time. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Commissioner Hordyk spoke regarding the signage for the skate park. She REGARDING PARKS AND also stated that it is still being published that Lincoln Park offers camping RECREATION AdLATTERS: and asked staff to check into the matter. Sfree Parks:Swerintendent Delikat spoke regarding the skate park, ng the ay t e panpr staff pa. h rk wilt close. far one d a allow volunteers to c1pian, assure -wash, and seal the concrete,..., . STUDENT METER None. INTEREST REPORT: DEPUTY DIRECTOR'S Deputy Director Bonine informed the Commissioners that Student REPORT AND LATE Representatives Wise and. Nelson's terms are up at the end of the month. He ADDITIONS: discussed possible fee increases for the 2011 budget, restrooms, Hotel/ Motel tax, Lincoln Park tree removal, and the status of the dog park. Director Cutler spoke about the re -organization notification he sent to the Commissioners, and that this would be the last meeting he would attend as the Division's Director. He stated that the Recreation. Division would be under the City Manager's office as of October 1, 2010..He stated that it has been a pleasure to work with the Commission and he would still be a resource, if so desired. He thanked the Cornmissioners for letting him be a part of the Park Board. The Commissioners thanked him and applauded hum for his service. Commission discussion followed. AD.IO Chairperson Stratton adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Next meeting October 21, 2010 6:00 p.m. Fine Arts Center Fowler Stratton, Chairperson, Cindy ek, Secretary M-3