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Agenda Packet 11/16/2010
PUBLIC COMMENT • O p CITY COUNCIL REPORTS D. WORK SESSION 1. 2011 Budget P ORI A NGELES WASHtNGTON, B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. DECA Week G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MELTING 321 East 5 Street November 16, 2010 . SPECIAL MEETING — 5:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING --- 6:00 p.m. Note: The Mavor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. .The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER — SPECIAL MEETING AT 5 :00 p.m. City Council will meet in closed session for the purpose of planning, or adopting, the strategy or position to be taken by the City during the course of collective bargaining, under RCN 4 2.30.140('4) (b) CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING AT 6 :00 p.m. B -1 1. Port Angeles High School DECA Students 1. Conduct work session E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes for October 12, November 1, and 2, 2010 F -1 1. Accept Consent Agenda 2. Expenditure Approval List: 10/23/10 to 11/5/10 for $3,033,655.87. F -12 3. Equipment Procurement: Light Operations trucks F -32 4. 2010 Water Main Replacements, Project WT02 -2006, Final F -33 Acceptance 5. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Commercial & Industrial F -35 Demand Response Grant Acceptance 6. Amendment #2 to Telecommunications Consultant Agreement F -55 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 16, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1 Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Communications Plan Consultant Agreement Amendment No. 1 2. Consultant Agreement : Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I, Constructability Review 3. Amendment No. 8 to Brown and Caldwell Consultant Agreement J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI - JUDICIAL MATTERS (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. 2011 Budget L. FINANCE N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - O. ADJOURNMENT - M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Building Report - October 2010 M -1 2. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) Reports M -2 1. Approve 2. Award 3. Approve K -1 1. Presentation; Continue Public Hearing; Conduct 1 Reading; Continue to Dec. 7. 2. Proposed Medic I Utility Rate Adjustments K -5 2. Presentation; Open Public Hearing; Conduct I st Reading; Continue to Dec. 7. 3. 2011 Recreation Fees Adjustment K -13 3. Presentation; Open & Close Public Hearing; Conduct 1 Reading; Continue to December 7. 4. 2011 Property Tax Levy K -19 4. Presentation; Close Public Hearing; Pass Resolution; Conduct 2nd Reading; Adopt. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 16, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 • • Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor PROCLAMATION In Recognition of NATIONAL DECA WEEK November 15— November 19, 2010 WHEREAS, in 1953, Distributive Education Clubs of America, Inc., (DECA) was organized to improve education and career opportunities for students interested in careers in marketing, management and entrepreneurship; and WHEREAS, DECA's programs and activities are designed to the specific career interest of students and include technical skills, basic scholastic and communications skills, human relations and employability skills, and a strong emphasis on economics and free enterprise; and WHEREAS, the mission of DECA is to enhance the classroom experience by providing hands -on experiences that develop skills and competence while building self-esteem, leadership experience and participation in community service that mold high school students into character- driven leaders; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles High School DECA Chapter has been recognized state -wide by other high schools and involved over 100 students that participated last year in over 60 different projects of which one -half were community service related; WHEREAS, DECA students embrace the values of integrity, leadership, development and success — no exceptions. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT ANGELES, do hereby urge all citizens to join me in recognizing November 15 through 19, 2010, as DECA Week in Port Angeles and to celebrate these outstanding and community - minded students as they follow their commitment to be of greater service to themselves and mankind. These are our leaders of tomorrow --- and we are extremely proud of you today. November 16. 2010 P ORT A NGafiS W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. You are encouraEed to siEn below if: ame G:\Group \Clerk\Forrns \Council Attendance Roster.doc PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN -UP SHEET DATE OF MEETING: November 16, 2010 LOCATION: City Council Chambers 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the - public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. Address j L jp n — Tarn i P i4A 4 11.rA ., CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Agenda Topic Q ►fit C vve- C34 itti eitAte.A U ° T HE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF CLALLAM COUNTY P.O. Box 982 Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Mayor Di Guillio and Councilmembers From: Lounette Templeton, president of the League of Women Voters Clallam County Nov. 16, 2010 The City council is aware of the League's position relating to open government and access to public records; therefore, I am happy to be here this evening to commend you for including funds in the 2011 proposed budget for the replacement of the Council Chambers Audio System. I believe discussions at several City Council meetings earlier this year resulted in a commitment to acquire an improved audio system because, as I understand it, the existing system is old and potentially unreliable. Having committed to acquire the improved audio system, the Council approved Resolution 11-10 on June 15, 2010 establishing a policy of streamlining the Council minutes. Sec. 3 of the resolution states "audio recordings of the city council meeting shall be maintained for a period of not less than six years, according to Washington State Retention Schedule." As the present audio system is unreliable, we commend you for the wisdom you have shown by including funds for its replacement. We urge you to set the audio system replacement as a priority. The projects listed in the Information Technology Fund portion of the budget (pages 265 -266) are extensive and it took some work finding the audio system item. But it's there, and we trust you will insure that this budget item for a quality audio system is adopted. We thank you, and I'm sure there are people in Port Angeles who will thank you as well. #30 qg `2._ • • • I. Call To Order Chairman Di Guilio called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. IL Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: UAC Assigned Councilmembers Absent: Other Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmembers Absent: UAC Members Present: Vice Chairman Reed, Paul Elliot UAC Members Absent: N/A Staff Present: Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Terry Gallagher, Dan McKeen, Larry Dunbar, Phil Lusk, Brian Smith, Mark Karialainen, Cate Rinehart. Others Present: Patti Morris — Clallam County Tom Callis — Peninsula Daily News III. Approval Of Minutes Chairman Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of September 14, 2010. Councilmember Kidd moved to approve the minutes. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Late Items None. V. Discussion Items City Council Special Meeting /Utility Advisory Committee Jack Pittis Conference Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 October 12, 2010 Chairman Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson N/A Pat Downie Brad Collins, Max Mania, Don Perry F - 1 A. Wireless Mobile Data System Grant Update Terry Gallagher, Police Chief, emphasized that the system would be a technological advancement that would result in more efficient, effective, and safer operations for both Police and Fire services. A conference call was held with Dick Bull (National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center Outreach Specialist) and Dan Brannon (City of Ripon Police Department Information Technology Administrator) to share their knowledge and experience operating and maintaining a wireless mobile data system. There was a brief discussion. information only. No action taken. B. Bonneville Environmental Foundation Solar4R Schools Funding Agreement Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, advised that the City had been offered a funding agreement for a renewable energy demonstration and education program at the Feiro Marine Life Center. This program would provide hands -on teaching tools such as science kits, lesson plans and photovoltaic solar arrays so students could learn about solar, wind and other renewable energy technologies. A discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Solar4R Schools Funding Agreement with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation for the Feiro Marine Life Center. Councilmember Nelson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. 2010 Utility Rate Studies Recommendation Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, provided a handout and reviewed the information it contained which included reviewing current and proposed rates and fees, reviewing City Council and public comments, and recommendations. There was a lengthy discussion. Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend City Council proceed with the proposed rate and fee adjustments for the Electric, Wastewater, and Transfer Station Utilities with no increase in water connection fees. Dean Reed seconded the motion which carried unanimously with Councilmember Kidd in opposition. D. Bonneville Power Administration Power Sales Agreement Exhibit F Revision Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, advised that the Bonneville Power Administration had offered the City a revision to Exhibit F of the new Power Sales Agreement that will reduce the City's requirements for the Morse Creek hydroelectric project. There was a brief discussion. F -2 • • • • • • Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to accept the revision to Exhibit F of the Power Sales Agreement. Councilmember Nelson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained that the Bonneville Power Administration had offered the City a revision to Exhibit A of the Transmission Services Agreement which incorporates minor modifications to metering descriptions, points of receipt and delivery, and the incorporation of the new BPA Power Sales Agreement as a network resource. There was a brief discussion. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to accept the revision to Exhibit A of the Network Integration Transmission Service Agreement. Councilmember Nelson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VI. Information Only hems VII. VIII. E. Bonneville Power Administrations Network Integration Transmission Service Agreement Exhibit A Revision A. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement. Information only. No action requested. B. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System Project Update Information only. No action requested. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Services Agreement Core Switching Equipment And Customer Premises Equipment Inspection Report Information only. No action requested. Next .Meeting Date: November 9, 2010 — 1:30 p.m. Adjournment: 4:57 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 3 F -3 CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: WORK SESSION: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 1, 2010 City Council and Staff departed from the City Hall Parking lot at 6:45 a.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: Councilmember Collins. Staff Present: Manager Myers, G. Cutler, N. West, R. Korcz, and P. Bartholick. Others Present: David Roberts from the Department of Natural Resources, Colie Hough Beck of HBB Landscape Architecture, Mark Hinshaw of LMN Architecture, Sarah Snider from LMN Architecture, Mike Hogan of Port of Bellingham, Gina Gobo Austin and Steve Sundin of City of Bellingham, and Jim Johannesson of Coastal Geological. None. City Council and City staff traveled to Bellingham, Washington where they joined the others, listed above as present, for a tour of the Bellingham waterfront areas of Marine Park, Taylor Dock, Boulevard Park, Whatcom Waterway, and the Holly Street Landfill Site. ADJOURNMENT: City Council returned to City Hall at approximately 5:00 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk F -4 • • • • • • CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 2, 2010 Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:05 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers and Clerk Hurd. Others Present: Attorney Mike Walter. Based on input from Manager Myers, Mayor Di Guilio announced the, need for an Executive Session for approximately 45 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. The Executive Session convened at 5:08 p.m. Attorney Mike Walter attended the Executive Session with Council. The Executive Session concluded at 5:55 p.m. No action was taken. The special meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None . Stuff Present: Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. None. Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, R. Bonine, and D. Bellamente. 1 F -5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 2, 2010 PUBLIC COMMENT: WORK SESSION: Mike Millar, 1327 E. 1 Street, spoke against the City moving forward with the licensing of all businesses, and presented Council with a petition against any further fees or charges being placed on businesses by a City business licensing program. Mayor Di Guilio asked Council to reconsider implementing a Citywide business license. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Reconsider implementing a Citywide business license and to direct staff to stop researching the program. Council discussion followed. Council agreed by consensus to finish the public comment section of the meeting before voting on the motion. Jody Moss, Executive Director for United Way, thanked Council and City staff for their participation and support in the United Way Celebrity Bagger Event. Barb Frederick, 815 S. Race, issued an invitation on behalf of the Port Angeles Downtown Association and Nor'Wester Rotary. to Council and staff to attend the November 13, 2010, Olympic Visions Mural dedication at First and Laurel Streets. Mayor Di Guilio closed the public comment section. Council discussion continued regarding the Citywide business license. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Table the motion to reconsider implementing a Citywide business license and direct staff to stop researching the program. Council discussion followed. Motion failed 2 -5, with Mayor Di Guilin, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Downie, Kidd, and Nelson voting in opposition. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio then called for a vote on the original motion to reconsider implementing a City -wide Business License and to direct staff to stop researching the program. Motion carried 5 -1, with Councilmember Mania voting in opposition. 1. Update of City Metropolitan Area Network Craig Johnson, Managing Partner with Capacity Provisioning, Inc., provided a status update of the City Metropolitan Area Network Contract. He described how the project would increase network speed and create a fiber ring exclusively for the City of Port Angeles. He stated that all projects were on time, on budget, and had passed all inspections to date. He invited Council to come and view their facility. F -6 • • • • CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ordinance No. 3414 Ordinance No. 3415 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 2, 2010 Councilmember Downie spoke regarding the Council's trip to Bellingham to tour their waterfront properties. Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding his attendance at the grand opening of the new Walmart. Mayor Di Guilio, and Councilmember Nelson, Mania, Collins, and ,Kidd had no report. Mayor Di Guilio added setting the date and time for the closed record appeal hearing for Nippon Paper Industries to Other Considerations — 12. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.) City Council Minutes for October 19, and 21, 2010; 2.) Expenditure Approval List: 10/9/10 to 10122/10 for $3,036,373.75; and 3.) F Street Substation Feeder Upgrades, Project CL01 -2009, Award. Motion carried 7 -0 1. Utility Retail Rate Adjustments Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler Director stated that the Ordinance included retail rate adjustments and that all fee changes had been removed. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 4 -3, with Kidd, Collins, and Mania voting in opposition. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Sections of Chapters 13.12, 13.57, and 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Public Works & Utilities Department Fees. Lipman / Stone Street Vacation ORDINANCE NO. 3414 Community and Economic Development Director West discussed the history of the Lipman / Stone Street Vacation and stated that the Ordinance amended the value of the property from $25,500 to $10,000. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3415 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance 3394 and 3396 by adjusting the compensation owing and schedule of payment by the Petitioner for vacation of portions of Vine Street between Whidby and Orcas Streets. 3 F -7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 2, 2010 ORDINANCES NOT It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to: REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. (Cont'd) Council discussion followed. Ordinance No. 3415 Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Farmers' Market — The Gateway Contract Recreation Manager Bonine discussed the current Farmers' Market contract for The Gateway facility. He stated that the current charge is $100 per day. He described previously planned increases of $25 per year, until the final charge was $200 per day. He also described the City's maintenance costs associated with The Gateway facility. Council discussion followed. Cynthia Warren, 715 E. 4 St., Farmers' Market Manager, answered questions from Council regarding ways to keep The Gateway deck area clean. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Downie to: keep the Farmers' Market fees at $100 per day for The Gateway facility and authorize the City Manager to sign a facility use agreement with the Farmers' Market for use of The Gateway facility upon contract completion. Motion carried 7 -0 Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:17 p.m. Councilmember Nelson left the meeting at 7:17 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:29 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS — None. QUASI- JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 1. 2011 Budget — Revenues & Property Tax Levy Manager Myers introduced Finance Director Ziomkowski, stating that her presentation tonight would focus on revenues and that she would present information relating to expenses and property taxes at the next Council meeting. Finance Director Ziomkowski conducted a PowerPoint presentation on the 2011 Citywide revenues. She provided a description of the Citywide taxes and revenues collected by fund. She also briefly discussed property taxes, stating that she would have a more detailed presentation at the next Council meeting. 4 F - 8 • • • • 1 • PUBLIC HEARINGS- Manager Myers provided the following list of issues, regarding the budget, that he OTHER: anticipates the City will face in the near future: state -wide initiatives, tax and fee (Coned) increases, recovering costs, sustainability of revenue sources, the end of some major grants, PERS increases, and union negotiations. Be also discussed the upcoming meetings and public hearings relating to the budget. Council discussion followed. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Coed) FINANCE: None. INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 7:48 p.m. There being no public comment, he continued the public hearing at 7:48 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio conducted the first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying ad valorem property taxes for the fiscal year 2011, and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of ClaIlam County Commissioners. Closed Record Appeal Hearing for the Nippon Paper industries Appeal — Set date and time. Mayor Di Guilio asked Councilmembers to suggest possible dates and times for the closed record appeal hearing regarding the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit No. SMA 10 -01, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., and the adequacy of the Final Environmental impact Statement for that project. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Mania to: Motion carried 6 -0. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 2, 2010 Set the closed record appeal hearing for December 14` at 6:00 p.m., to be preceded by a special City Council meeting for an Executive Session at 5:00 p.m. Manager Myers reminded Council of the next City Manager's Coffee on November 12, the Food Policy Council meeting on November 4, the WTIP public meeting on November 18, and the early 1:30 p.m. start to the UAC meeting on November 9. He also spoke regarding the possible date of November 30, for a legislative luncheon with our State Senator and two State Representatives. 5 F -9 Date: November 2. 2010 Expected length of session: 45 minutes Is action expected following the session: No Al :the: start rof E ecutive Sessi on . ren i nd'3r EXECUTIVE SESSION Reason for Executive Session: cpa:nts - • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. F - 10 • • • • • X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi - judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 5:08 n.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 5:55 n.m. Mayor City Clerk G:1GROIJP1CLERKIFORMS\FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS - CREATION 0520] 0- 0131EXECUTIVE SESSION Fonmwpd In attendance: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry. Councilmembers Collins. Downie. Kidd. Mania and Nelson. Manager Myers, and Attorney Mike Walter. F-11 Vendor AQUATIC ACCESS INC METROPOLITAN TRANS COMMISSION Garland Construction Peninsula Pre -Three VICTORIA REMEMBRANCE ADVANCED TRAVEL PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER VICTORIA REMEMBRANCE Legislative ADVANCED TRAVEL QWEST City Manager Department NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL QWEST City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL INTL INST MUNICIPAL CLERKS PENINSULA AWARDS & TROPHIES QWEST City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL QWEST Finance Department ADVANCED TRAVEL PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST WASHINGTON (AUDITOR), STATE OF Finance Department ACCURINT BRAUN, GARY ELECSYS INTL CORP EQUIFAX PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/5/2010 Description PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP SOFTWARE RENEWAL VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND GARLA VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND PENIN CEREMONIAL WREATH & RIBBO Tourism Summit -Myers PIRA Dinner - Downie Cookies for Council Mtg CEREMONIAL WREATH & RIBBO Mayor & Council Legislative ICMA Conf -Myers WACELC -Myers Tourism Summit -Myers 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B City Manager Office ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Human Resources WAPRO Mtg -Hurd IIMC DUES - JANESSA - THR PIERCE - DEPUTY CITY CLER 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B City Clerk City Manager Department WFOA Cant Ziomkowski 10-16 A/C 206T359336570B Finance Administration CDBG Wkshop- Possinger TONER CARTRIDGE /NEVARIL 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Sept Audit Hours Accounting PERSON SEARCHES BANK ADJUSTMENT RADIX MAINTENANCE CREDIT REPORTS TONER CARTRIDGE /HOSTETLER 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B BOOT ALLOWANCE - HERMANNE Page 1 Account Number 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 239.10 -00 001-0000- 239.10 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -1160- 511.43 -10 001 - 1160- 511.31 -01 001 -1160- 511.31 -01 001 - 1160- 511.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 1210- 513.43 -10 001 - 1210- 513.43 -10 001 - 1210- 513.43 -10 001 - 1210 - 513.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 1220 -51 6.49 -01 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -1230- 514.43 -10 001 -1230- 514.49 -01 001 -1230- 514.31 -01 001- 1230- 514.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -2010- 514.43 -10 001 - 2010-514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 2023 - 51 4.43 - 10 001 - 2023 - 514.31 -01 001 - 2023 - 514.42 -10 001 - 2023 - 514.41 -50 Division Total: 001- 2025 - 514.41 -50 001 2025 - 514.41 - 50 001 -2025- 514.48 -10 001 -2025- 514.41 -50 001 - 2025 - 514.31 -01 001 -2025- 514.42 -10 001 -2025- 514.31 -11 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount -17.06 - 126.00 150.00 150.00 -6.30 $150.64 $150.64 65.00 21.95 11.97 81.30 $180.22 $1 80.22 264.00 128.95 65.00 28.15 $486.10 514.00 5.63 $519.63 15.25 100.00 10.32 2.81 $128.38 $1,134.11 70.00 19.70 $89.70 30.50 162.84 25.33 39.30 $257.97 116.86 6.00 275.34 60.00 149.58 36.59 79.06 F - 12 • • { Date: 11/10/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 111512010 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Finance Department GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP MORNINGSIDE Finance Department ADVANCED TRAVEL QWEST Attorney CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT Attorney ADVANCED TRAVEL BLACK, JOHN D PLLC CLALLAM PUBLIC DEFENDER QWEST Attorney PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Community Development ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ICC-JUAN DE FUCA CHAPTER QWEST Comm unity Development ADVANCED TRAVEL QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Community Development PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT QWEST Description 10 -13 a/c 271272753 -00001 Customer Service OCT COPIER LEASE OCT COPIER LEASE OCT COPIER LEASE OCT COPIER LEASE OCT COPY ROOM SERVICES Reprographics Finance Department WSAMA Conf - Dickson WSAMA Conf -Bloor CSO Mtg -Bloor 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Attorney Office SEPTEMBER JAIL BILL Jail Contributions WSAMA Conf - Dickson WSAMA Conf - Greenwood MILLER, PCR17827 SHINN, PCR15612 BRYLES, PCR15564 Public Defender Fees 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B Prosecution Attorney Postage - Roberds Chamber Lunch -West 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 10 -15 a/c 264230412 - 00003 Planning ASSORTED TOOLS ICC WALL BRACING CLASS 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B Building Code Comp Conf- Bartholick 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 10 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 Code Compliance Community Development Food /Safety Adv Mtg Subway /Halloween Candy 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Page 2 Account Number 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -2080- 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 -2080- 514.45 -31 001 -2080- 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 3010- 515.43 -10 001 - 3010- 515.43 -10 001 - 3010- 515.43 -10 001 - 3010- 515.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -3012- 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 - 3021 - 515.43 -10 001 - 3021 - 515.43 -10 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 001 - 3021 - 515.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -4010- 558.31 -01 001 -4010- 558.31 -01 001 -4010- 558.42 -10 001 -4010- 558.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 4020 - 524.35 -01 001 -4020- 524.43 -10 001 - 4020 - 524.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 4030 - 559.43 -10 001 - 4030 - 559.42 -10 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -5010- 521.31 -01 001 -5010- 521.31 -01 001 - 5010 - 521.42 -10 Invoice Amount 68.65 $792.08 268.55 143.72 638.27 607.63 855.00 $2,513.17 $3,652.92 286.05 115.00 53.25 16.89 $471.19 45,105.00 $45,105.00 286.05 593.10 60.00 90.00 90.00 5,000.00 11.26 $6,130.41 $51,706.60 10.70 2.50 21.11 60.67 $94.98 57.51 95.00 7.32 $159.83 193.00 1.13 15.16 $209.29 $464.10 18.49 75.63 45.04 F - 13 Vendor QWEST Police Department CAPTAIN TS EVERGREEN TOWING Dan Morse Olympic Medical Center FDN PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Ford Keys Key Key Bridge Toll Bridge Toll Ferry Fee City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/2312010 To: 1 11512010 Description 10 -23 a/c 206T031979835B Police Administration ADVANCED TRAVEL Homicide trng - Spencer WSP Crime Lab- Spencer INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. LEER CUFF PADDLE COMBO HLDR K Safariland TRAINING VIADA ADVO -10 The UPS Store UPS SHIPPING OF NIGHT VIS PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Bridge Toll Bridge Toll PORT OF PORT ANGELES POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY QWEST 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Police Department Investigation ADVANCED TRAVEL WSPCA Seminar - Miller Combat Cstly Care - Sexton Fire Arms trng - Dombrowski BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001 -5022- 521.31 -11 NEW HAT FOR G ROGGENBUCK 001 -5022 -521 .20 -80 AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 001 -5022- 521.49 -90 LE COMMAND SHEET FOR PATR 001-5022-521.31-01 AUTO EXTERNAL DEFIBS OUR 001- 5022 - 521.31 -80 QWEST 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B RESULTS GROUP LTD, THE TRAINING LINE EMP'S ACADE TRAINING " " G WOOD RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLEANING COMPOSITION /SOLV Police Department Patrol NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 10 -26 a/c 312753523 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS QWEST 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 10 -20 a/c 206Z200017790B RESULTS GROUP LTD, THE TRAINING LINE EMP'S ACADE Police Department Records Police Department Page 3 Account Number 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 5021 - 521.43 -10 001- 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -60 001-5021-521.31-01 001- 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021- 521.42 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.49 -90 001- 5021 - 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 5022 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5022 - 521.43 -10 001 -5022 - 521.43 -10 001 -5022- 521.20 -80 001- 5022 - 521.31 -80 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -80 001 -5022- 521.31 -80 001 - 5022 - 521.43 -10 001 -5022- 521.43 -10 001-5022-521.43-10 001 - 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.43 -10 001- 5022 - 521.43 -10 001- 5022 - 521.31 -14 001- 5022 - 521.31 -01 Division Total: 001 -5026- 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -5029- 521.45 -31 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 001-5029-521.42-10 001 -5029- 521.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 64.74 $203.90 642.47 44.95 174.18 45.85 650.00 94.82 4.00 4.00 157.50 28.15 $1,845.92 366.15 957.00 267.47 815.17 26.94 14.50 369.65 55.00 600.00 11.38 10.21 8.59 8.00 4.00 11.45 78.81 300.00 550.00 81.30 2.03 $4,537.65 81.77 $81.77 384.71 28.15 199.03 275.00 $886.89 $7,556.13 F-14 • Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL CANON USA, INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department Carole King George B Symonds, OD ()WEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS • Fire Department CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 °WEST Fire Department Backcountry Medical Company Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL NFPA OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC ()WEST Fire Department QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department AMSAN ANGELES PLUMBING INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC MRS CLEAN PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1012312010 To: 111512010 Description Gig Harbor Mtg- McKeen Shelton /Olympic Mt- McKeen MONTHLY SERVICES CANON COPIES REFRESHMENTS POSTAGE POSTAGE 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Meals from Traylors Pens /pads Fire Administration NORDIC TRACK REPLACE FRAMES & LENSES 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 10 -15 a/c 264395724 -00001 Fire Supression BACKGROUND CHECK NAME TAGS 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B Account Number 001 -6010- 522.43 -10 001 -6010- 522.43 -10 001 -6010- 522.45 -31 001 -6010- 522.45 -31 001 -6010- 522.31 -01 001 -6010- 522.42 -10 001 -6010- 522.42 -10 001 -6010- 522.42 -10 001 -6010- 522.42 -11 001 - 6010- 522.31 -01 001 -6010- 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -02 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -11 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 522.20 -80 001 - 6020 - 522.20 -80 001 -6020- 522.31 -02 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 Division To tal: 001 - 6021 - 522.31 -01 001 - 6021 - 522.31 -11 001 -6021- 522.42 -10 Fire Volunteers Division Total: REPLACE DAMAGED EQUIPMENT 001 - 6022 - 522.31 -01 Special Operations Division Total: Shelton /Olympic Mt- McKeen 001 -6030- 522.43 -10 Membership 001 - 6030 - 522.49 -01 BUSINESS CARDS - KARJALAI 001 - 6030 - 522.31 -01 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 001 - 6030 - 522.42 -10 Fire Prevention Division Total: 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 001 - 6040 - 522.42 -10 10 -10 a/c 571099962- 00001 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 USB's /CD -R 001 - 6040 - 522.31 -01 Printer Ink 001- 6040 - 522.31 -01 Fire Training Division Total: SUPPLIES 001 -6050- 522.31 -20 URINAL KIT 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 LAMP & BALLAST 001-6050-522.31-20 LAMP & BALLAST 001- 6050 - 522.31 -20 SUPPLIES 001- 6050 - 522.31 -01 MONTHLY SERVICE 001- 6050 - 522.41 -50 PARTS 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 Page 4 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 15.25 20.25 190.69 40.66 47.24 14.49 5.54 39.41 11.26 19.87 21.60 $426.26 90.00 607.99 36.59 17.34 18.29 5.93 25.30 $801.44 95.00 18.36 2.81 $116.17 1,484.64 $1,484.64 20.25 100.00 52.03 5.63 $177.91 5.63 34.45 58.07 146.59 $244.74 106.41 38.91 23.90 53.20 139.99 395.00 2.68 F -15 Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department Al Dawson QWEST Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL COMPLETE LINE, THE DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE DELL MARKETING LP DIETERICH POST CO GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR METROPOLITAN TRANS COMMISSION PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER ()WEST SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works -Gen Fnd ASM SIGNS GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP QWEST Parks Dept GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP ()WEST Parks Dept CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL QUIRING MONUMENTS INC QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/5/2010 Description EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Cleaning Supplies Facilities Maintenance CABLE 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B Emergency Management Fire Department APWA Conf- Cutler APWA Conf -Burke PLOTTING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES ANNUAL ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIO Account Number 001-6050-522.48-10 001 -6050- 522.31 -20 001-6050-522.48-10 001- 6050 - 522.31 -20 Division Total: 001- 6060 - 525.31 -01 001 - 6060 - 525.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -7010- 532.43 -10 001 -7010- 532.43 -10 001 - 7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.49 -01 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PER1PH1001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 -7010 - 532.31 -60 XEROX REPAIR 001- 7010 - 532.48 -10 OCT COPIER LEASE 001- 7010 - 532.45 -31 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 SOFTWARE RENEWAL 001 -7010- 532.48 -10 Reimb Salad - Cutler 001- 7010- 532.31 -01 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B COPIER MX2600N- SEPT 2010 BATTERIES 10 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Pub Wks Administration Public Works -Gen Fnd MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Parks Administration OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 10 -14 a/c 3604577004947B 10 -20 a/c 206T217227465B 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Senior Center HEPATITIS B - T MORSE CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Page 5 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 001 -7010- 532.45 -31 001- 7010- 532.31 -01 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -8010- 574.41 -50 001 -8010- 574.45 -31 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -8012- 555.45 -31 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8050 - 536.49 -90 001- 8050 - 536.34 -01 001 - 8050 - 536.34 -01 001 -8050- 536.34 -01 001 - 8050 - 536.34 -01 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 2.23 5.17 6.71 39.93 $81 4.13 21.67 25.33 $47.00 $4,112.29 459.14 246.96 101.91 145.29 315.00 931.13 466.55 609.23 760.16 250.14 1,626.00 5.41 87.26 142.87 16.12 106.82 $6,269.99 $6,269.99 742.54 73.16 8.44 $824.14 67.54 41.05 57.46 8.44 $174.49 40.00 195.12 1,144.00 80.00 250.00 5.63 F -16 • Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE VERIZON WIRELESS Parks Dept ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH PAINT STORE, THE ()WEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Parks Dept FIERO MARINE LIFE CENTER 40 Parks Dept CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS Facilities Maintenance AMSAN FAMILY SHOE STORE QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Facilities Maintenance HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY INC QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Facilities Maintenance 0 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1012312010 To: 111512010 Description LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 09 -28 a/c 271138138- 00001 Ocean View Cemetery Bucket Trk Repair -LL /BK PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC HEPATITIS B - T MORSE PA I NTS, COATI N G S, WALL PAP E R 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B PIPE FITTINGS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001- 8080 - 576.35 -01 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001- 8080- 576.31 -20 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 Park Facilities Division Total: 3RD QUARTER 001 - 8090 - 576.41 -50 Marine Life Center Parks Dept FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP, Senior Center Facilities JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES SHOES AND BOOTS 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Custodial /Janitorial Svcs EPDXY BASED FORMULAS BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintenance General Fund BUILDER'S SUPPLIES ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC Page 6 Account Number 001- 8050 - 536.31 -01 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8080- 576.49 -90 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.49 -90 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -8112- 555.31 -20 Division Total: 001 - 8130- 518.31 -01 001 - 8130- 518.31 -01 001 -8130- 518.31 -01 001 - 8130- 518.31 -01 001 - 8130- 518.31 -11 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001 -8130- 518.31 -01 001 -8130- 518.31 -01 Division Total: 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.48 -10 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.31 -20 001- 8131- 518.31 -20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 91.70 71,01 $1,877.46 83.90 26.06 20.00 81.27 28.15 22.11 13.25 78.03 10.72 100.48 7.52 19.23 4.20 7.48 $502.40 5,062.50 $5,062.50 $8,440.99 341.17 $341.17 1,381.38 538.01 - 610.86 106.02 95.35 2.81 4.70 27.12 $1,544.53 18.99 2,491.09 2.81 47.57 10.05 $2,570.51 $4,456.21 $88,124.20 349.05 21.14 F -17 Vendor ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP Peter D. Lewis, MD PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC Public Works - Street QWEST Economic Development QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Economic Development ADVANCED TRAVEL City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/2312010 To: 111512010 Description BUILDER'S SUPPLIES ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC BUILDER'S SUPPLIES FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS METALS , BARS, P LATES ,RODS METALS, BARS, P LATES, RO DS DOT PHYSICAL - J HAYDUK Service © 101 & Euclid Service @ Woodhvn /Golf Cr 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS PIPE AND TUBING PIPE AND TUBING PIPE FITTINGS EPDXY BASED FORMULAS Public Works - Street Street Fund 10 - 16 A/C 206T359336570B Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 10 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources E911 Mtg- Romberg E911 Mtg- Romberg Telcom Trng - Rushton Dispatch Spvsr Trg -Hatton Page 7 Account Number 102 -7230 - 542.31 -20 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -01 102- 7230 - 542.31 -01 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 102-7230- 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.49 -90 102- 7230 - 542.47 -10 102- 7230 - 542.47 -11 102 -7230- 542.42 -10 102 -7230- 542.31 -01 102- 7230 - 542.31 -01 102- 7230 - 542.35 -01 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 102-7230- 542.31 -20 102-7230-542.31-20 PIPE AND TUBING 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 102- 7230 - 542.31 -25 MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 102 - 7230 - 542.31 - 01 Street Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 103 -1511- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 106 -1512- 558.42 -10 106 -1512- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 30.63 96.74 354.20 21.45 36.40 98.05 23.73 19.77 44.32 54.63 265.73 13.99 13.20 14.07 2.93 38.11 24.16 6.15 8.03 14.61 6.03 0.48 3.45 0.43 20,061.21 517.17 $22,1 39.86 $22,139.86 $22,139.86 1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 2.81 37.92 $40.73 $40.73 $40.73 262.22 750.97 631.00 737.43 F-18 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL AHRENS, KENNETH E CAPTAIN T'S PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT QWEST SCHMITT'S SHEET METAL INC Pencom AQUATIC ACCESS INC AQUATIC SPECIALTY SERVICES Facilities Maintenance COSTA, LUCAS DOBYNS, THERESA DROZ, DONALD C GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RICIGLIANO, BRENT RISK, ALEXANDER G. SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC WOLVERTON, PATRICK Recreation Activities GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olyrn QWEST Recreation Activities GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/2 312 010 To: 1115/2010 Description NWS NW Mtg -Homan Pub Ed Forum -Homan Pub Ed Mtg -Homan Telecomm Mtg- Mugner E911 Mtg- Romberg CRD Conf- Simmons NWS NW Grp Mtg- VanSickle Rental Fees CLOTHING & APPAREL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER JO File Hangers DVD's /Flash Drive Magna CartlPublic Eductn 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 10 -23 a/c 206T411918873B DRIP PAN FOR RADIO ROOM A Pencom Pencom Pencom Fund PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK Pool Facilities Facilities Maintenance Wm Shor Mem Pool Dist REFREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Tennis Balls - Godfrey 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP REFEREE PAYMENT Sports Programs OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS SHARE OF PROCEEDS FROM O. 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B Special Events OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Page 8 Account Number 107-5160-528.43-10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160 - 528.45 -30 107- 5160- 528.20 -80 1 07 -51 60- 528.44 -10 107- 5160- 528.31 -01 107 -5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.48 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 121 -8121- 576.31 -20 121- 8121- 576.31 -05 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 174 -8221 - 574.41 -50 174 -8221 - 574.41 -50 174 -8221 - 574.41 -50 174 -8221- 574.45 -31 174 -8221- 574.45 -31 174- 8221 - 574.31 -01 174 -8221 - 574.42 -10 174- 8221 - 574.41 -50 174-8221-574.41-50 174 -8221 - 574.31 -01 174-8221-574.41-50 Division Total: 174 -8222- 574.45 -31 174 -8222- 574.45 -31 174- 8222 - 347.60 -20 174 -8222- 574.42 -10 Division Total: 174 -8224- 574.45 -31 Date: 11/10/2010 invoice Amount 217.44 171.82 133.75 253.00 149.00 181.00 213.44 700.00 70.42 260.35 10.85 62.88 23.88 76.00 57.46 53.38 $5,016.29 $5,016.29 $5,016.29 220.06 254.66 $474.72 $474.72 $474.72 437.50 450.00 200.00 64.72 64.72 32.57 2.81 262.50 462.50 80.22 437.50 $2,495.04 64.72 64.72 3,108.00 2.81 $3,240.25 64.72 F -19 Vendor GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER 0WEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Recreation Activities BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, LLC STUDIO CASCADE, INC WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ASM SIGNS EXELTECH CONSULTING INC LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, LLC STUDIO CASCADE, INC UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks STUDIO CASCADE, INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/5/2010 Description OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Scarecrow Supplies -BR 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Youth /Family Programs Recreation Activities Recreational Activities SANIKAN RAYONIER SITE OCT Waterfront Trail Debt Service Pmt -EFT Debt Service Pmt -EFT 2001 GO Bond- Refunding Debt Service 2001 GO Refunding Bonds Debt Service Pmt -EFT Debt Service Pmt -EFT 2005 GO Bond Refunding Debt Service 2005 GO Refunding Bonds PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED CONSULTING SERVICES CMMS -PHASE I GF -Pub Wks Projects HARDWARE TRAFFIC SIGN BRIDGE DESIGN a PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED CONSULTING SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES PAINT GF Street Projects CONSULTING SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES Page 9 Account Number 174 -8224- 574.45 -31 174- 8224 - 574.31 -01 174 -8224- 574.42 -10 174 -8224 - 574.31 -01 174 -8224 - 574.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 186- 0000 - 239.91 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 211- 2419- 591.71 -10 211 -2419- 592.81 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 212- 2489 - 591.71 -10 212- 2489 - 592.81 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 310- 0000 - 223.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 310 -7919- 594.65 -10 310 -7919- 594.65 -10 Division Total: 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310 -7930- 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.41 -50 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310 -7930- 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310-7930-595.65-10 Division Total: 310 -7961 - 595.65 -10 310 -7961 - 595.65 -10 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 64.72 9.99 2.81 0.48 0.04 $142.76 $5,878.05 $5,878.05 85.00 $85.00 $85 .00 $85.00 350,000.00 17, 700.00 $367,700.00 $367,700.00 $367,700.00 225,000.00 29,800.00 $254,800.00 $254,800.00 $254,800.00 2,076.30 $2,076.30 $2,076.30 8,435.64 3,935.00 $12,370.64 21.00 876.31 25,650.39 462,265.83 41, 525.97 - 41,525.97 41,525.97 8,967.78 18,219.64 33,422.19 24.34 $590,973.45 16,457.50 Vendor Capital Projects -Pub Wks OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks BPA -POWER WIRES HUGHES UTILITIES LTD BAUDER, ANGELA J BEATTIE, DOUGLAS P CALLAWAY, ADRIAN D COOK, AMANDA I DEROUSIE, LISA S DICKINSON, JOSHUA HAGERMAN, SHARON Y HODGES JR, RONALD A JOHN L SCOTT REAL ESTATE 2 JOVILLAR, RICO A & CECILIA R KONOPASKI, ASHLEIGH N MATTHEWS, STEVEN A MESSINGER, BECKY PETERSEN, ELIZABETH A WALKER, ESTATE OF DONALD W WHIDBEY ISLAND REAL ESTATE ZAPPEY, JESSICA N PACIFIC METERING INC COMPLETE LINE, THE Terry Dahlquist OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ()WEST Public Works- Electric ADVANCED TRAVEL • EES CONSULTING INC ()WEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 7 0/2 3/2 010 To: 11/5/2010 Description ST-Sidewalk Improvement CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN ST-Multi-Modal Transp Ctr Capital Projects -Pub Wks Capital Improvement September Power Wire -EFT ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FINAL BILL REFUND BUDGET CREDIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -225 DOLAN AVE FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -607 S CHASE B DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1810 W 4TH ST FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -130 DOLAN AVE OVERPAYMENT -130 DOLAN AVE OVERPAYMENT -418 E 7TH #2 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY NAME PLATE /PUNTENNEY WALL RACK IEEE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL OFFICE SUPPLIES PEN REFILLS /HILITERS 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B Engineering - Electric Energy NW- Dunbar Fred Pryor Seminar- Dunbar WPAG /PPC- Dunbar WPAG 2010 10 - 16 A/C 206T359336570B Page 10 Account Number Division To tal: 310- 7965 - 595.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401- 0000 - 213.10 -00 401 - 0000 -1 41.40 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 -0000- 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000-122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401-0000-122.10-99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 401- 7111- 533.31 -01 401 -7111- 533.31 -01 401 -7111- 533.49 -01 401 -7111- 533.31 -01 401- 7111- 533.31 -01 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 -7120- 533.43 -10 401 -7120- 533.43 -10 401 -7120- 533.43 -10 401 -7120- 533.49 -01 401 - 7120- 533.42 -10 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount $87,653.05 57,652.40 $57,652.40 $748,649.54 $750,725.84 154,280.00 976.68 195.93 593.99 540.08 100.36 18.26 42.44 47.45 34.41 34.72 31.66 21.29 92.70 25.54 250.00 36.68 76.70 75.48 117.25 10.78 45.61 -12.24 $157,635.77 $1 57,635.77 20.00 57.97 179.00 431.96 92.22 8.49 $789.64 443.92 40.50 211.82 99.24 8.44 F -21 Vendor Public Works - Electric ADVANCED TRAVEL AM SAN ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CERTIFIED HEARING INC HUGHES UTILITIES LTD JACO ANALYTICAL LABORATORY INC LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS PACIFIC METERING INC PORT OF PORT ANGELES PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY ()WEST ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SECURITY SERVICE NW, INC STELLAR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/2312010 To: 11 /512 010 Description Power Systems Materials Mgt - Hairell OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY HEALTH RELATED SERVICES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Lease Fees LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 10 -14 a/c 3604574717777B 10 -16 a/c 206T3227609948 10 -16 a/c 206T323879996B 10 -16 a/c 206T323881998B 10 -16 a/c 206T326157000B 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERV! TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV OPTICAL EQUIP ACESS& SUPP ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Page 11 Account Number Division Total: 401 - 7180 - 533.43 -10 401 -7180- 533.31 -01 401- 7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401- 7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401-7180-533.34-02 401 - 7180- 533.45 -30 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 - 7180- 533.41 -50 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.35 -01 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 Date: 11/1012010 Invoice Amount $803.92 356.24 107.77 42.24 18.50 38.70 27.88 1,084.00 323.85 953.17 190.00 27.80 67.38 67.38 157.94 4,100.00 1,461.88 230.61 13.64 40.74 54.54 54.54 54.54 54.54 67.56 158.18 575.04 988.72 368.56 960.97 650.40 226.55 600.00 161.51 9.75 237.11 12,80 53.25 90.02 13.16 16.92 33.63 F - 22 • • Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR Public Works - Electric UNITED & SUPPLY ADVANCED TRAVEL BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CROSS TELECOM DITCH WITCH GC SYSTEMS INC GRAINGER LINCOLN - INDUSTRIAL CORP POLLARD CO. INC, JOSEPH G PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY 0WE ST SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR Public Works -Water 0 ATCO INTERNATIONAL, INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/5/2010 Description ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Control Panel Supplies UG LOCATES Electric Operations Public Works - Electric Electric Utility Fund PIPE FITTINGS PIPE AND TUBING PIPE FITTINGS PIPE AND TUBING Cross Con Semnr- Becker Debt Service Pmt -EFT Debt Service Pmt -EFT Debt Service Pmt -EFT Debt Service Pmt-EFT Debt Service Pmt -EFT FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402 -7380- 534.35 -01 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 PIPE AND TUBING 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 PIPE AND TUBING 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 - 534.35 -01 1/2 WATER OUTAGE COSTS Service @ Crown Z Water 10 - a/c 3604571270975B 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 10 -23 a/c 206T4112553158 Account Number 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180- 533.49 -90 Division Tota Department Total: Fund Total: 402 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 402- 0000 - 141.40 -00 402- 0000 - 237.00 -00 402 -0000- 237.00 -00 Division To ta l: Department Total: 402 -7380- 534.43 -10 402-7380-591.71-10 402- 7380 - 591.71 -10 402 - 7380 - 592.81 -10 402 - 7380 - 592.81 -10 402 - 7380 - 592.81 -10 402 - 7380-534.31 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -60 402 -7380- 534.48 -10 402 -7380- 534.47 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402- 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402 -7380- 534.35 -01 UG LOCATES 402 -7380- 534.49 -01 Water Division Total: Public Works -Water Department Total: Water Fund Fund Total: PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 403 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Page 12 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 18.09 17.18 16.78 102.11 6.16 24.81 $14,937.14 $16,530.70 $174,166.47 4,243.81 4,724.08 - 328.86 - 366.08 $8,272.95 $8,272.95 49.75 73,000.00 83,750.00 28,780.00 29,171.96 53,971.01 180.36 1,082.10 6,466.76 77.01 308.95 16.81 40.98 153.55 2,167.73 21.45 171.13 16.89 64.59 224.11 24.81 $279,739.95 $279,739.95 $288,012.90 -10.55 -$1 0.55 - $10.55 F -23 Description Account Number Invoice Amount Pretreatment Wskhp- Loghry 403 - 7480 - 535.43 -10 672.66 SCADA Trng - Divelbiss 403- 7480 - 535.43 -10 61.00 SCADA Trng -Nixon 403- 7480 - 535.43 -10 61.00 PNCWA Mtg- RR /LW /GR 403- 7480- 535.43 -10 34.50 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC Reset Processor 403- 7480 - 535.42 -10 88.89 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY PIPE FITTINGS 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 36.83 ATCO INTERNATIONAL, INC PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 403- 7480 - 535.31 -01 136.05 BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403- 7480 - 591.71 -10 292,000.00 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403 - 7480 - 591.71 -10 41,250.00 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403 -7480 - 592.81 -10 11,5 ,.120.00 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403 -7480- 592.81 -10 16,270.83 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403- 7480 - 592.81 -10 26,582.74 CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC SUPPLIES 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 38.70 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH HEPATITIS B - R BALLARD 403- 7480 - 535.49 -90 60.00 FILTER BELTS SUPPLIES 403 -7480- 535.31 -20 3,749.51 H.B. JAEGER COMPANY, LLC WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ403- 7480 - 535.31 -20 821.42 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 121.71 OFFICE DEPOT CMMS Software 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -60 956.08 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 139.90 SUPPLIES 403- 7480 - 535.31 -01 9.83 SUPPLIES 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 40.66 SUPPLIES 403 - 7480-535.31 -01 221.72 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Postage -Young 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 7.70 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service © Brook Ave 403- 7480 - 535.47 -10 101.66 OWEST 10 -16 a/c 206T329544912B 403- 7480 - 535.42 -10 54.40 10 -16 a/c 206T325585090B 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 54.40 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 _ -22.52 S & B INC DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 403 -7480 - 535.41 -50 1,680.20 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 403- 7480 - 535.48 -10 3,548.97 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 6.81 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR UG LOCATES 403- 7480 - 535.49 -01 24.81 Public Works- WWIStormwtr Wastewater Division Total: $503,975.50 Public Works- WW /Stormwtr Department Total: $503,975.50 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $503,964.95 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 404- 7580 - 537.31 -01 28.93 QWEST 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 11.26 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste - Collections Division Total: $40.19 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $40.19 Solid Waste- Collections Fund Total: $40.19 WASTE NEWS LIBRARY SERVICES 405 -0000- 237.00 -00 -10.00 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1012312010 To: 1115/2010 Page 13 Date: 11/10/2010 Division Total: - $10.00 Department Total: - $10.00 F -24 • Description SWANA Mtg- McCabe ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES - TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI Compost to Testing -HF 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV FEED,BEDDING,VIT - ANIMALS MEMBERSHIPS LIBRARY SERVICES SW - Transfer Station Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste- LF/Trf Stn NPDES Mtg -Partch APWA Mgr Mtg -Partch Debt Service Pmt -EFT 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B UG LOCATES 10 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Stormwater Public Works- WW /Stormwtr Stormwater Fund PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT EDGE ANALYTICAL MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) RAINBOW SWEEPERS WA STATE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION WASTE NEWS Public Works -Solid Waste ADVANCED TRAVEL BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE QWEST UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works -WW /Stormwtr City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To : 11/5/2010 CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medic I Advisory MOROZ, JAMES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES PEN PRINT INC EMS REPORTS PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAISALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE QWEST 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC FINANCIAL SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS 10 -15 a/c 264395724 - 00001 Fire Department Medic I Fire Department Medic I Utility ADVANCED TRAVEL Utility Rndtble - Kajfasz DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING SVC CITY REBATE CITY EBATE Page 14 Account Number 405- 7538 - 537.43 -10 405 -7538 - 537.31 -20 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -20 405 -7538- 537.31 -20 405 -7538- 537.49 -90 405- 7538- 537.41 -50 405- 7538- 537.41 -50 405 - 7538 - 537,41 -50 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 405- 7538 - 537.44 -10 405 - 7538 - 537.49 -90 405 - 7538 - 537.49 -01 405-7538- 537.49 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 406 -7412- 538.43 -10 406 -7412- 538.43 -10 406 -7412- 592.81 -10 406 - 7412 - 538.42 -10 406 -7412- 538.49 -90 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 409 - 6025 - 526.41 -50 409 -6025- 526.31 -08 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -02 409- 6025 - 526.31 -02 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.41 -50 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421-7121-533.43-10 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 19.25 106.21 823.11 1,540.67 1,995.20 150.00 185.00 5.30 11.26 552.00 267.21 150.00 129.00 $5,934.21 $5,934.21 $5,924.21 127.40 151.90 2,695.76 5.63 24.82 19.04 $3,024.55 $3,024.55 $3,024.55 -76.52 - $76.52 - $76.52 600.00 200.00 162.60 987.37 33.78 2,376.44 84.97 $4,445.16 $4,445.16 $4,368.64 155.82 1,500.00 1,500.00 F - 25 Vendor DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING SVC FLUID MARKET STRATEGIES LAUREL BLACK DESIGN MATHEWS GLASS CO INC Charles Binney Kelly Sanders Public Works - Electric MICHELS POWER EES CONSULTING INC NORTH SKY ENGINEERING, INC Public Works - Electric EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES Public Works -Water CASCADIA LAW GROUP FOSTER PEPPER PLLC Public Works- WW /Stormwtr PACE ENGINEERS, INC Public Works -Equip Svcs BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 COPY CAT GRAPHICS FAR -WEST MACHINE & HYDRAULICS H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Description CITY REBATE CITY REBATE DISPLAY AD /BILL INSERT CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE Conservation Public Works - Electric Conservation Release Retainage From: 1012312010 To: 11/512010 INTERVIEWS SUPPLIES Electric Projects Public Works - Electric Account Number 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.41 -50 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 451 - 0000 - 223.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 451- 7188- 594.41 -50 451 -7188- 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Electric Utility C1P Fund Total: PROJECT INSPECTOR 452- 7388 - 594.65 -10 Water Projects Division Total: Public Works -Water Department Total: Water Utility CIP Fund Total: CSO PROPERTY PROCUREMENT 453- 7488 - 594.41 -50 PUGET SOUNDKEEPER ALLIANC 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 Wastewater Projects Public Works- WWIStormwtr Waste Water Utility CIP STORMWATER DESIGN Stormwater Util CIP Profs Public Works -Equip Svcs Stormwtr Util Projects AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES HOSES, ALL KINDS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES Page 15 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 456 - 7688 - 594.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 501 -0000- 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 -0000- 237.00 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 -0000- 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 -0000- 141.20 -00 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 1,500.00 3,632.75 750.00 7,361.95 69.00 601.60 1,683.00 $18,754.12 $18,754.12 $18,754.12 5,459.31 $5,459.31 $5,459.31 775.00 11,060.00 $11,835.00 $11,835.00 $1 7,294.31 1,255.71 $1,255.71 $1,255.71 $1,255.71 13,434.73 86.00 $13,520.73 $13,520.73 $13,520.73 61,176.95 $61,176.95 $61,176.95 $61,176.95 263.14 108.40 375.16 141.23 -28.30 -45.36 24.23 9.59 548.11 5,760.98 F - 26 Vendor PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION ADVANCED TRAVEL AIRPRO EQUIPMENT, INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ARAMARK BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BRAUN NORTHWEST BRIM TRACTOR COMPANY INC CASCADE TURF DEPT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DIVERSIFIED INSPECTIONS INC FAR -WEST MACHINE & HYDRAULICS H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLINE HIGHWAY SPECIALTIES, LLC LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY CO City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/5/2010 Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO BODIES & ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Fuel EQ -5425 Fuel -Pool Car AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS MEMBERSHIPS EQUIP. MAINT. AUTO,TRUCK EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. Page 16 Account Number 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 501 - 7630 - 548.32 -10 501 - 7630 - 548.32 -10 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.31 -20 501 - 7630 - 548.49 -90 501 - 7630- 548.49 -90 501 - 7630 - 548.49 -90 501 - 7630- 548.31 -01 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.49 -01 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 594.64 -10 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.31 -01 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 138.80 256.47 21.20 146.96 $7,720.61 $7,720.61 28.21 30.20 270.86 114.31 46.05 50.12 46.05 133.92 30.44 12.31 6.14 11.79 5.98 66.96 9.82 63.67 17.66 5.29 1.73 533.87 78.77 101.93 22.77 250.00 354.00 142.33 60.02 230.84 189.32 16,064.88 753.45 753.45 983.10 417.54 900.11 365.18 F - 27 Vendor MOTOR TRUCKS INC NAPA AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY QWEST RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO RUDDELL AUTO MALL SAHLBERG EQUIPMENT CO INC, JF City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/5/2010 Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Page 17 Account Number 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.31 -01 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.42 -10 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501- 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 Date: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 2,074.15 118.16 78.09 14.64 5.84 - 147.59 43.67 90.25 2.95 27.15 6.49 27.15 125.42 30.23 110.91 21.67 - 132.37 92.14 124.17 182.69 39.31 29.22 29.22 118.56 303.47 237.67 149.59 52.03 7.53 21.46 32.47 18.37 .19.70 140.92 140.92 272.63 34.63 38.10 11.87 34.63 368.07 941.13 F - 28 • • Vendor STRAIT MOBILE DETAILING City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1012312010 To: 111512010 Date: 11/10/2010 Description Account Number Invoice Amount EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 85.64 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 171.27 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501 -7630- 548.35 -01 47.79 VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 95.58 WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 -1 43.05 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 77.13 WILDER TOYOTA INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 53.59 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 47.13 Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $29,525.46 Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: $29,525.46 Equipment Services Fund Total: $37,246.07 MIDRANGE PERFORMANCE GROUP 1 YR RENEWAL SW MAINT ON 502- 0000 - 237.00 -00 - 72.16 Division Total: - $72.16 Department Total: - $72.16 ADVANCED TRAVEL VPCI Wkshop- Harper 502 -2081 - 518.43 -10 172.50 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC TROUBLESHOOT CAMERA ISSUE 502 -2081- 518.41 -50 177.78 CABLE VERIFICATION AT SCA 502 - 2081 - 518.41 -50 88.89 CALENCE LLC Smartnet Coverage Swtchs 502 - 2081 - 518.48 -02 126.05 SMARTnet 8x5xNBD 502- 2081 - 518.48 -02 363.96 Smartnet Coverage Swtchs 502 - 2081 - 518.48 -02 - 126.05 SMARTnet 8x5xNBD 502 -2081- 518.48 -02 - 363.96 MIDRANGE PERFORMANCE GROUP 1 YR RENEWAL SW MAINT ON 502 -2081 - 518.48 -02 931.16 QWEST 10 -16 NC 206T359336570B 502 -2081 - 518.42 -10 25.33 Finance Department Information Technologies Division Total: $1,395.66 Finance Department Department Total: $1,395.66 Information Technology Fund Total: $1,323.50 ADVANCED TRAVEL Healthy Wksite -Gates 503- 1631 - 517.41 -51 106.50 Healthy Wksite - Hainstock 503-1631-517.41-51 106.50 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Med /DenVis Premiums 503 - 1631- 517.46 -30 215,675.37 LT Disability 503 - 1631 -51 7.46 -31 4,71 8.36 Life Insurance 503 -1631- 517.46 -32 1,888.64 L1 Med/Vis Premiums 503 -1631- 517.46 -34 8,836.33 CAMPORINI, RICHARD REIMB MEDICARE - October 503- 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 CLELAND, MICHAELA REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board- October 503 -1 631 - 517.46 -35 60.00 GLENN, LARRY REIMB MEDICARE- October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 GOODRICH, RUTH L REIMB MEDICARE 503 -1631- 517.46 -35 571.50 Disability Board- October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 1 09.96 GROOMS, MICHAEL REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 -1631- 517.46 -35 96.50 • Disability Board- October 503 -1631- 517.46 -35 25.00 JOHNSON, DONALD G REIMB MEDICARE-October 503 -1631- 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board - October 503 -1631- 517.46 -35 143.97 F -29M Page 18 Vendor JOHNSON, HARRY JORISSEN, ROBERT R LIND, DARWIN PETER LINDLEY, JAMES K City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/23/2010 To: 11/512010 Date: 11/10/2010 Description Account Number Invoice Amount REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board - October 503 -1 631 - 517.46 -35 11.08 REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 125.20 REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 -1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board- October 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 911.12 Disability Board - October 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 4,416.62 MIESEL JR, PHILIP C REIMB MEDICARE - October 503- 1631 - 517.46 -35 92.40 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503- 1631 - 517.46 -30 327.60 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -30 433.34 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT S /NS /WT 503- 1631- 517.46 -33 60,524.55 RETIREES 503 - 1631- 517.46 -34 9,924.10 THOMPSON, BRUCE REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board - October 503 -1 631 - 517.46 -35 426.73 WARD, DENNIS H REIMB MEDICARE - October 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Self insurance Other insurance Programs Division Total: $310,496.37 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES OUT OF STATE AUDIT EXPENS 503 - 1661 - 517.41 -40 684.14 Self insurance Worker's Compensation Division Total: $684.14 LARRY DOYLE IN- HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM 503- 1671 - 517.49 -98 5,387.26 Self Insurance Comp Liability Division Total: $5,387.26 Self Insurance Department Total: $316,567.77 Self - Insurance Fund Fund Total: $316,567.77 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Retiree Premiums 602 -6221- 517.46 -35 5,037.06 Disability Board - October 602 -6221 - 517.46 -35 1 50.99 BRAUN, GARY REIMB MEDICARE - October 602- 6221 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board- October 602 -6221 - 517.46 -35 1 23.00 CAMPBELL, MALCOLM D REIMB MEDICARE - October 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board- October 602 -6221- 517.46 -35 183.91 DOYLE, .JERRY L REIMB MEDICARE- October 602 -6221- 517.46 -35 96.50 RYAN, ED REIMB MEDICARE - October 602- 6221 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Division Total: $5,880.96 Fireman's Pension Department Total: $5,880.96 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $5,880.96 PA DOWNTOWN ASSN OCTOBER 2010 DECAL SALES 650 - 0000 - 231.91 -00 410.08 OCTOBER 2010 PBIA RECEIPT 650 -0000 - 231.92 -00 5,645.92 OCTOBER 2010 DUPAR RECEIP 650 -0000- 231.93 -00 1,928.16 Division Total: $7,984.16 Department Total: $7,984.16 Off Street Parking Fund Fund Total: $7,984.16 BAILEY SIGNS & GRAPHICS Vinyl Lettering (Elwha) 652- 8630 - 575.31 -01 119.24 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 652 - 8630- 575.45 -31 33.76 F -30 Page 19 • • Vendor OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS ()WEST SCHMITT'S SHEET METAL INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund AFSCME LOCAL 1619 P/R Deductions pe 10 -31 PR Deductions pe 10 -31 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES AWC SURF LIFE CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT P/R Deductions pe 10 -31 DIMARTINOIWSCFF DISABILITY P/R Deductions pe 10 -31 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 P/R Deductions pe 10 -31 GUARANTEED EDUCATION TUITION PIR Deductions pe 10 -31 IBEW LOCAL 997 P/R Deductions pe 10 -31 LEOFF 'FIR Deductions pe 10 -17 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 10 -17 PIR Deductions pe 10 -17 PERS P/R Deductions pe 10 -17 FIR Deductions pe 10 -17 FIR Deductions pe 10 -17 POLICE ASSOCIATION FIR Deductions pe 10 -31 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) RR Deductions pe 10 -31 WSCCCE AFSCME AFL -CIO RR Deductions pe 10 -31 Totals for check period City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 10/212010 To: 11/5/2010 Description Matt Board Tape /Cement/Refill Matt Board Paper Subscription 10 -14 a/c 3604573532775B 10 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 10 -23 a/c 206T418577331B Labor Tape /Mounting tape Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Payroll Clearing Page 20 Account Number 652- 8630 - 575.31 -01 652 -8630 - 575.31 -01 652 -8630 - 575.31 -01 652 - 8630 - 575.31 -02 652 -8630- 575.42 -10 652 -8630- 575.42 -10 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 652 - 8630- 575.31 -01 652- 8630 - 575.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -40 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -40 920 - 0000 - 231.53 -30 920- 0000 - 231.56 -30 920- 0000 - 231.53 -40 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -30 920 -0000 - 231.56 -95 920 -0000- 231.54 -20 920 -0000- 231.51 -21 920 - 0000-231.56 -20 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -20 920 -0000 - 231.51 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -11 920 -0000 - 231.51 -12 920- 0000 - 231.55 -10 920-0000- 231.56 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -40 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Dale: 11/10/2010 Invoice Amount 21.99 47.86 -1.70 135.20 81.58 8.44 57.46 30.35 25.64 $559.82 $559.82 $559.82 91.00 182.00 518.40 127.80 1,281.97 1,701.00 527.00 997.00 23,470.35 1,231.32 169.85 1,653.84 8,592.56 32,025.22 257.00 468.27 4,309.18 $77,603.76 $77,603.76 $77,603.76 From: 10/23/2010To: 11/5/2010 $3,033,655.87 F - 31 P W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: 16 November 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FR0NI: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Equipment Procurement: Light Operations trucks Summary: The 2011 budget contains line items for the replacement of two trucks, a manlift and a digger derrick, which are critical to the Light Operations Division. Because of the critical nature of these units, coupled with an extended build time of at least 7 to 8 months, early advertisement for bids would reduce the time to acquire this new equipment. Recommendation: Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Department to advertise for bids for a manlift and digger derrick for the Light Operations Division. Background /Analysis: The 2011 budget has proposed replacement of two of the Light Operation Division's trucks, a 55 foot bucket manlift and a digger derrick. These pieces of equipment are the primary vehicles for repairing and maintaining the City's overhead power infrastructure. The manlift is 18 years old and has approximately 10,000 operational hours; the digger derrick is 16 years old and has approximately 8000 operational hours. Because of their age, equipment fatigue and deterioration, and the critical nature of the work this equipment is used for, it is necessary that both vehicles be replaced as soon as possible. Staff has been advised by several manufacturers that the average build time for each piece of equipment is approximately 7 to 8 months; however, they are expecting large orders from other utilities in the near future that will extend the manufacturing time to over a year. In order to receive replacement vehicles in a reasonable timeframe and before a major failure that would render them inoperable, it is necessary to advertise for the new vehicles now. The proposed timeline for this procurement is: Advertise bid with vendors Bid closing Bid acceptance by Council 12/1/2010 1/3/ 2011 1/18/2011 This advertisement for bids will potentially be in advance of the 2011 budget being approved; however, a separate request for approval from City Council to award a contract will occur in order to procure these vehicles. If these line items are not approved in the budget, the advertisement will be rescinded prior to the bid opening. N:1CCOUNCIL\F1NAL\F,quipment Purchase - Light Operations Trucks.doc F - 32 • • P W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: 2010 Water Main Replacements, Project WTO2 -2006 - Final Acceptance Summary: Henderson Partners, LLC, has completed the 2010 . Water Main Replacements contract, including additive change order number 1. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete and payment in the amount of $301,628.88 has been made with $14,585.54 being held as retainage for a total final contract amount of $31 6,214.42 including applicable taxes. Recommendation: Accept the 2010 . Water Main Replacements, Project WT02 -2006, and authorize release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required clearances. Background /Analysis: Bids were opened for the project on May 25, 2010, to install approximately 1,000 feet of 6 and 8 -inch water main, including reconnecting 58 existing water services, at several locations in the City. Also included in this work is the disconnection of 7 Dry Creek Water Association services and reconnection to the adjacent City water main along US 101 between Fairmount Avenue and Eclipse Industrial Parkway. Henderson Partners, LLC, was awarded the contract on June 1, 2010 in the amount of $308,592.04 including additive change order number 1. Construction of the project began on July 19, 2010 and was completed October 5, 2010. The contract work has been inspected and accepted as complete, and final payment less the retained percentage has been processed. The original contract amount was $308,592.04 and the final contract amount, adjusted for quantity variance and changes, is $316,214.42 including all applicable taxes. The following table is a summary of project construction costs: Original Contract Change Orders Unit Quantity Final Cost Project Cost Amount (1) Variations Variance $308,592.04 N.1CCOUNC1L\FINALL0 10 Water Main Replacements, Project WT02 -2006, Final Acceptance.doc $8,360.00 - $737.62 $316,214.42 2.5% F -33 November 16, 2010, City Council Re: 2010 Water Main Replacements Page 2 The one contract change order was for the installation of shutoff valve assemblies on the customer side of the water meter at 55 locations at a cost of $8,360.00. This change was made at the request of the Superintendent of the Water Division to reduce costs for shutoffs. The project cost is based on the final quantities installed to complete the work. This project finished within budget and allocated funds. Bid Including Additive No. 1 Project Costs Original Amount Final Cost $308,592.04 $316,214.42 Funding Sources I Funding Water Utility $300,000 DCWA Service Agreement $ 60,000 TOTAL k $360,000 It is recommended that Council accept the 2010 Water Main Replacements, Project WT02 -2006, and authorize release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required clearances. N ICCOIINCIL1F1NAL\2010 Water Main Replacements, Project WT02- 2006, Final Acceptance.doc F -34 • • • W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Grant Acceptance Summary: A proposal was submitted in September to the Bonneville Power Administration for a Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project and an award in an amount not to exceed $384,520 was offered to the City. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and a subsequent contract with the BPA, or Global Energy Partners acting as a general contractor for the BPA, for up to $384,520 for the City's Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: Demand response (DR) is a practice that cycles or shuts down customer equipment during peak electric utility demand events to reduce .Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) wholesale demand charges. At its simplest, DR uses a device to briefly curtail the power supplied to major appliances, equipment loads, or space conditioning units. Peak demand is measured as the maximum rate of energy consumed during one hour within heavy load hours (6am to 14pm Monday through Saturday) each month. Although DR is not a new practice for electric utilities across the nation, it has not been used by most electric utilities buying power from the BPA due to low peak demand rates. However, beginning October 1, 2011, the primary opportunity for the City to reduce its wholesale power costs under BPA's new wholesale Tiered Rate Methodology (TRM) will be to manage its peak demand. While there are many unresolved details, peak demand management may be able to reduce the City's TRM wholesale power costs by as much as $3 million annually ($1.6 million distribution system; $1.4 million industrial transmission system). Earlier this year, the Utility Advisory Committee supported and City Council approved the submission of a proposal to the BPA to participate in its Funding Opportunity for Commercial and Industrial (C &I Demand Response (DR) Pilot Projects. The City submitted a proposal, and the BPA issued a formal notification of its intent to award an agreement to the City, with the BPA cost -share not to exceed $384,520. N:ICCOUNCIL \FINALIBPA CM DR Grant Acceptance.dcc F - 35 November 16, 2010, City,! Council Re: Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Communications Plan Consultant Agreement Amendment No. 1 Page 2 Staff has been advised that the BPA is still deliberating whether to use a Memorandum of Understanding along with a subsequent contract with BPA, or Global Energy Partners acting as a general contractor for the BPA, for the City's Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project. While a number of key commercial and industrial accounts will participate in the pilot, staff is particularly pleased with one element of the award that would allow The Landing Mall to install a Catalyst Energy Technologies (CET) intelligent energy storage package referred to as Smart Storage KitsTM (SSK). The SSK is intended for load shaping, added reliability, and for reducing generator fuel consumption in off -grid applications. CET, a Port Angeles -based company, has established relationships with key component providers, tested relevant key technologies, installed pilot systems, conducted marketing studies and is developing a utility -grade SSK in sizes from 4- kW to 50 -kW. The first lithium -ion (LI) battery test was successfully completed in mid - September 2010 and the next development stage is installing a 48 -kW SSK in a controlled, commercial application. While the exact amount of funding may be reduced, the City's proposal requested a total of $384,520 from BPA. Of this amount, a total of $333,920 in BPA funds is currently programmed for DR equipment and customer incentives. As with the Residential DR Pilot Project, EES Consulting, Inc. (EESC) will assist the City by performing the economic evaluation of the cost - effectiveness of C &1 .DR and other technical project - related support services. At the conclusion of its evaluation, EESC will provide the City and BPA with a final report describing the data input, the economic analysis and resulting cost - effectiveness of the C&I DR strategies evaluated. This final report will provide the information required to determine if a full - scale deployment of C &I DR is warranted. The EESC contractual services will not exceed a total of $40,600, with a 100% cost share to be provided by the BPA. The economic and technical services are important to BPA because they plan to use the final report as part of its decision making for future programs. Similar to the efforts on the AMI System and Residential DR Pilot Project, the C &l DR project will include the development of a communications plan for the City's C &I customers using the consulting firm of Parker LePla, whose contractual services will not exceed a total of $10,000, with a 100% cost share to be provided by the BPA. Staff plans to propose amendments to the consulting agreements for EES Consulting and Parker LePla for the C&I DR project at a future Utility Advisory Committee meeting. On November 9, 2010, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bonneville Power Administration and a subsequent contract with the BPA, or Global Energy Partners acting as a general contractor for the BPA, for up to $384,520 for the City's Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Attachments: C &I DR Narrative Proposal N 1CCOUNCI L \FINAL \BPA C&I DR Grant Acceptance.doc F-36 • • • COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEMAND RESPONSE PILOT SUBMITTED BY: CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON SUBMITTED TO: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 1.2 PROJECT RATIONALE 1 1.3 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2 1.4 END -USER IMPACT 2 1.5 INCENTIVE 3 1.6 PERSISTENCE OF ASSETS 3 2. PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY 3 3. EXPECTED IMPACT TO CAPACITY 4 4. READINESS 4 5. TASKS 4 5.1 TASK 1- ADMINISTRATION 5 5.2 TASK 2 - DEVELOPMENT OF DEMAND RESPONSE PROTOCOL 5 5.3 TASK 3 - DEMAND RESPONSE EQUIPMENT TESTING 5 5.4 TASK 4 - ECONOMIC EVALUATION 11 6. PROJECT TIMELINE 11 7. MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION 12 8. CHALLENGES 12 9. KEY PERSONNEL 12 September 30, 2010 9.1 THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES 13 9.2 EES CONSULTING 14 9.3 CAPACITY PROVISIONING, INC. 14 9.4 AMI SYSTEM VENDOR 15 10. BUDGET 15 ATTACHMENT A -RESUMES ATTACHMENT B- PROPOSED BUDGET ATTACHMENT C - BUDGET JUSTIFICATION NARRATIVE ATTACHMENT D— LETTERS OF SUPPORT AND CITY COUNCIL APPROVALS F , • • • City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects TABLE No. September 30, 2010 LIST OF TABLES 3 -1 MAXIMUM DEMAND REDUCTION 5-1 INTEGRATED LOAD MANAGEMENT RESOURCES 5 -2 INTEGRATED LOAD MANAGEMENT SUMMARY 5 -3 FAST DR / RENEWABLE ENERGY INTEGRATION SUMMARY 5 -4 DIRECT LOAD CONTROL SUMMARY 6 -1 PROJECT TIMELINE TITLE PAGE No. 4 6 7 8 9 7.1. LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE No. TITLE PAGE No. 9 -1 PROPOSED PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION CHART 12 F rag,3,9 City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION This proposal is submitted in response to the Project Implementation Plan issued by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Global Energy Partners, LLC (Global) for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Demand Response (DR) Pilot Projects. The City's Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) and City Council authorized the submission of this proposal during July 2010. The proposed pilot project will fulfill all key goals that have been identified as regional focus areas. These focus areas are: 1) Integrating renewable into grid; 2) Managing winter peaks; 3) Handling grid disruptions, and; 4) Integrating energy efficiency and DR activities. The City of Port Angeles (City) is actively involved in upgrading its electric utility with an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system with smart meters capable of incorporating rate designs to mimic BPA's forthcoming wholesale power Tiered Rate Methodology (TRM). If this pilot project is selected for funding by BPA, the City will purchase and install DR equipment at selected C&I facilities and integrate BPA and City load data via a fiber optic network. Once the pilot DR equipment is operational, the City will collect qualitative and quantitative data for a maximum of 15 months. The pilot project will conclude with the submission of a report that, based on load and survey data, will evaluate the cost - effectiveness of DR and the City's C &l customer's acceptance of DR technologies, including lessons learned during the test period. As a result, the City is uniquely positioned to be able to assist the BPA in achieving its objectives for the C &I Pilot Project, with the overarching objective to identify and implement practical DR pilots in the C&I sectors. The City supports BPA's vision that experiences from these pilots will be used to broaden the DR knowledge base in the Pacific Northwest and that findings from these pilots will ultimately be shared in some form with regional participants. Specific priorities for reaching these objectives in the City's proposal include: 1) Ensure stakeholder involvement and a transparent project implementation process; 2) Identifying, preparing, and securing viable pilot participants; 3) Demonstrating the technical feasibility of DR pilots that have not been proven elsewhere; 4) Successfully demonstrating how DR can facilitate grid integration of intermittent renewable resources, especially wind, to address generation variability; 5) Demonstrating load shifting strategies in combination with load curtailment that result in shifting peak period loads to off-peak hours, along with load reduction during peak periods; 6) Building customer success with DR, and; 7) Demonstrating solutions that can be scaled up and applied elsewhere. 1.2 PROJECT RATIONALE The City, located on the Northern Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, is an ideal location for C &l DR technologies because the peninsula is presently served by a capacity - constrained, single -feed radial transmission system. The area has experienced significant population growth and it is projected that power - transmission capacity in the region may be inadequate to supply demand during extremely cold winter conditions'. The development of wide -scale C&I DR options has the potential to benefit the City and the region in avoiding costly transmission upgrades and lowering wholesale power supply costs. Transmission issues may be further exacerbated by the Elwha Ecosystem Restoration Project, which is the second - largest ecosystem restoration project in the history of the National Park Service after the Everglades. This federal project will consist of removing two darns, the Glines and Elwha, and their reservoirs from the Elwha River, which is expected to begin in 2011. Together, these two dams generate Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Pacific Noninvesi GsidWise Testhed Demonstration Proiects. Pan I. Olvmnic Peninsula Project_ DOE Contract Number DE- ACO5- 76RL01830, October 2007. September 30, 2010 F 1,7rg4P City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects In preparing for the shift to the BPA's TRM for wholesale power purchases effective October 1, 2011, the City has conducted an assessment to evaluate methods to equitably allocate the BPA wholesale TRM power costs to customer rate classes (e.g., residential, commercial, etc.), develop retail rate design options for each rate class based on the shift to BPA wholesale TRM power costs, evaluate cash reserve needs, and develop a capital financing strategy. The most advantageous retail rate design to respond to BPA's wholesale TRM was found to be a seasonal Time -of -Use (TOU) rate with a demand charge, which was approved by City Council on August 17, 2010, and will become effective on January 1, 2012. This recommended rate design for all customer classes, similar to the City's current Municipal Water Pump rate design and an optional TOU rate schedule that has been available to all City electric utility customers since 2007, will also feature an inclining block demand rate. As a result, future DR programs for all customer classes are planned to incentivize customer's to avoid exceeding their contract demand quantity (CDQ), to help maintain similar load shape to BPA, and to help mitigate critical peak periods. T.3 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES In addition to the regional goals noted above, the City has two primary project goals. In anticipation of the change to the TRM, the first project goal is to demonstrate the ability to mitigate the City's critical peak demand period in order to meet the following objectives: • over 28 megawatts of electricity and are the only significant sources for power generation on the Northern Olympic Peninsula. Their removal may create further challenges as power balancing between distant generation sources and local demand for the City and the B.P.A. In 2010 and 2011, Port Angeles will purchase and install a new AMI system, including electric and water meters for nearly all of its utility customers, and will develop a robust two -way communications system and integrate it with the City's existing fiber - optic network. This project also includes an initial investigation of "Smart Grid" applications such as distribution automation, peak load management and DR, and business area networks. A key deliverable for the AMI system will be its flexibility to interface with the electric utility's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System to control DR events and the City's substation Voltage Optimization (VO) system. • Delay or eliminate regional transmission system upgrades ▪ Reduce the City's peak demand above its assigned CDQ Reduce wholesale power supply costs to the City's electric utility customers. The second project goal is to work with BPA to reduce demand on BPA's transmission system. This proposal includes implementing the Open Automated Demand Response Communication Standards (OpenADR) communications protocol between BPA and the City so that BPA is able to take advantage of the identified automated and dispatchable DR resources. 1.4 END -USER IMPACT The City, along with Global, approached more than 20 of the City's largest customers regarding their participation in the C&I DR Pilot Project. The City will move forward at this time with DR pilot projects with nine of the City's largest C &1 customers and another 250 commercial customers. Following the implementation of the pilot project, these DR efforts will be expanded to include other City C&I customers as will be further detailed below. For this pilot project, the City expects to achieve an initial overall peak reduction of 1.98 MW as outlined in Table 3 -] below. The City is also proposing a dispatchable DR component to the pilot project that would allow BPA to control its peaks for both generation and transmission systems serving Port Angeles. ' The City's electric utility's non- coincident peaks in the winter month have a greater than 90% probability of occurring between 6:00 a.m. and 30:00 a.m. For the purposes of the proposal, this time period will he referred to as the City's "critical peak." September 30, 2020 F Ira l City of Port Angeles Commercial and ,Industrial DR Pilot Projects 1.5 INCENTIVE As previously. noted, the City is in the process of implementing demand rates for all customer classes. At a minimum, the City's future demand rate will be set at BPA's wholesale rate to the City (the current indicative rate is estimated to be $8.50 /kW). Project participants will have to be able to consistently reduce their monthly demand to maintain cost savings through lower retail demand costs on their utility bill. For the City's C &l customers scheduled to participate in the Integrated Load Management project component, incentives are based upon a "mock" market concept that has a rate adder during the DR event plus an equipment incentive. The "mock" market concept would not really penalize for not shedding, but post -event information will be used to educate customers about the increased costs they would incur for not reducing load. Using this "mock" market model, the city proposes using a hypothetical rate adder in calendar year 2011 of up to $5.00 /kW (in addition to current demand rates that vary by rate class) during scheduled DR events. 1.6 PERSISTENCE OF ASSETS The City intends to continue to use the pilot project assets following the pilot project's completion. The City anticipates expanding this pilot project to include offering all C &I customers DR opportunities as it strives to avoid exceeding its anticipated CDQ, to better match BPA's load shape and to minimize its use of BPA's capacity constrained transmission system. Minor extensions of the City's fiber optic network will be completed by Capacity Provisioning, Inc, which will be continued after pilot project completion. 2. PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY The City is in the process of selecting a vendor for the purchase and installation of a turnkey AMI system for its electric, water and wastewater utilities. The AMI system vendor will provide and install the DR equipment proposed for this pilot project, some of which will directly interface to the City's electric utility SCADA system. The City is planning to use the following technologies: • OpenADR communications infrastructure Client devices to accept OpenADR resources • Metering (if required) System level network controllers • Load control switches • In- business displays Smart thermostats ▪ Data presentment OpenADR communications infrastructure will consist of poly -phase and CT metered customers that will receive DR signals directly from the City's SCADA system. OpenADR specifications will be essential to ensure interoperability among technical components with open standard, platform- independent and transparent end -to -end technologies or software systems. The design of the pilot will consider the applicability of these technologies to specific industries or customer segments. OpenADR allows customers to choose their level of response and how to enable DR strategies. OpenADR communications will increase the number of facilities that participate in DR and eventually lead to reduced cost to frequent participation in DR events. September 30, 2010 Fp7,g4 City of Port Angeles • 3. EXPECTED IMPACT TO CAPACITY • • As outlined in Table 3 -1, the C &1 DR Pilot Project proposed by the City is expected to achieve a maximum peak reduction of 1.98 MW each month. As a matter of scale, this represents the potential ability to reduce the City's critical peak by about 1.5 %. Because the City does not have access to natural gas, it is feasible to expand this DR pilot project to nearly all C&I customers to varying degrees with the expectation that a mature C &I DR program might have up to a 50% market penetration among the eligible customers. As will be further explained, dispatchable DR could add even a greater potential. Task 3.1 — Integrated Load Management Task 3.2 — Fast DR/RE Integration Task 3.3 — Direct Load Control TOTAL 4. READINESS The City is in the process of selecting an AMI system vendor, and has completed its initial review and interviews of the responding vendors. The procurement process includes recommendation of the preferred vendor to the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC). The UAC reviews all major projects and issues affecting the City's utilities and makes recommendations to the City Council. The UAC is composed of three City Council members, a representative from the industrial rate class and a representative from the residential /commercial rate classes. The UAC meets monthly and the meetings are open to the public. The City Council approved the issuance of a revenue bond that provides funding for the AMI system. The City expects to issue the AMI system vendor contract in November 2010. The selected AMI vendor is required to install a "Phase 1" of the AMI system in conjunction with the BPA- sponsored residential pilot DR equipment by March 2011, which will consist of the 600 AMI systems to be in support of the residential DR pilot project. The complete balance of AM1 system will be scheduled for completion in the spring of 2011. As will be further detailed, the AMI system can include ZigBee® as an integral part of the electric meter for approximately 500 commercial general service customers. ZigBee functionality may only be available for electric meter forms 15, 2S and 12S, as around 500 other commercial meters may not be functional with ZigBee. Among other measures, the C &I DR Pilot Project includes installing equipment on the C&I customer side of the electric meter to manage energy use and demand. Further, the City has staff available for the administration of the C&I DR Pilot Project as outlined later in this proposal. 5. TASKS The purpose of the proposed pilot project is to implement a C&I DR effort aimed at reducing the City's critical peak demand. The following tasks accomplish this goal on a pilot scale that can easily be expanded to the City's remaining C &1 customers. September 30, 2010 Table 3 -1 Maximum Demand .Reduction Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects Maximum Load Shed (kW) 1,842.25 48.00 89.04 1,979.29 F ra g 4 3 City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects 5. TASK 1- ADMINISTRATION The City will provide the overall coordination of the DR pilot project. The City will coordinate all vendor installation schedules with its electric utility customers. The City will administer the day to day tasks, including the following: Contractual agreements, if necessary, with customers to participate in the pilot project Communicate with customer participants • Onsite training o Notify customers of DR events o Resolve customer issues • Collect and compile metering data for evaluation task • Prepare regular status reports to BPA 5.2 TASK 2 — DEVELOPMENT OF DEMAND RESPONSE PROTOCOL The City also proposes to acquire BPA's load- balancing signal and transmit that information via the fiber optic network in real -time to the pilot participants, along with real -time information regarding the City's distribution system load, through its SCADA system. In general, the City is interested in scheduling a total of four DR events with durations not expected to exceed two hours. Events will be categorized according to the City's system characteristics, but they will likely occur during the winter heating season. The specific frequency and time period for the events will be further defined in conjunction with the BPA and the pilot project participants. There is also an opportunity for the BPA to schedule DR events that can be determined upon project award. Task 2 includes developing load reduction strategies for each participating customer, depending on available resources. Different protocol may be designed based on curtailment event. Two types of DR resources will be evaluated in each protocol. For customers where integrated load management is possible, DR resources will consist of process rescheduling and/or voluntary load curtailment. For customers where direct load control is appropriate, end -use will be curtailed using DR controllers. 5.3 TASK 3 - DEMAND RESPONSE EQUIPMENT TESTING Under this task, the City will implement specific DR pilot projects at selected facilities. These DR pilot projects can be divided into three categories: Integrated Load Management Nippon Paper industries: Equipment shutdown during critical peak periods. ✓ Olympic Medical Center: Equipment shutdown and possible use of an alternate boiler fuel during critical peak periods. ✓ Port Angeles Hardwood: Equipment shutdown during critical peak periods, combined with a start -up time delay to provide load - shifting during morning hours. " City of Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant: Reschedule backwash operation to non -peak periods. ® Fast DR/Renewable Energy Integration ✓ Catalyst Energy Technologies: Incorporate an intelligent energy storage package referred to as a Smart Storage Kit on the customer's side of the meter at The Landing Mall. The Landing Mall, located on the downtown waterfront, is home to 18 groups and businesses. Among others, these September 30, 2010 F Frag44 • City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industriral DR Pilot Projects include three restaurants, two art galleries, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Chamber of Commerce. Direct Load Control .r North Olympic Library System: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (H VAC) set point change during the critical peak period. • Clallam County Courthouse: Direct load control of two boilers and a freezer used for food storage. ✓ Clallam County Housing Authority: Direct Ioad control of domestic hot water supply provided by electric water heaters. • City of Port Angeles: Direct load control of electric water heaters, boilers, heat pumps, air conditioners, and refrigeration in several buildings. To ensure that the DR impacts can be captured over two heating seasons, data will be collected for a maximum 15 -month period beginning January 1, 2011 and ending March 31, 2012. Pilot project details follow. TASK 3.1 - INTEGRATED LOAD MANAGEMENT City C &l customers may enter into contracts with the City, or otherwise agree to curtail Ioad by a pre - specified amount (e.g., full /partial shutdown) during a DR event. This, combined with load shifting (e.g., rescheduling operations) provides for an integrated load management DR pilot project. Table 5 -1 below summarizes the integrated load management resources identified for the C &I Pilot Project. Table 5 -I Available Inteegrated Load 'Management Resources Fully OpenADR Day - Ahead Notice Rescheduling Curtailment Automated 1 Nippon Paper Industries I I X I X I X I PA Hardwood I X I X P X I X Olympic Medical Center I X I X X I X PA Water Treatment Plant I X I X X I X X The integrated load management pilot projects in this subtask are further described below. Table 5 -2 illustrates the potential demand reduction capable at each customer's facility, such as the current potential demand reduction from a complete plant shutdown during a critical peak period or rescheduling the backwash process to a period other than a critical peak period at the water treatment facility. As detailed below, the maximum potential load shed from the integrated load management pilot projects is 1.84 MW. Nippon Paper Industries, USA Co., Ltd is equipped with an individual custom load controller. Programmable logic controllers (PLC) can be added and programmed to include automatic shut down. Port Angeles Hardwood is equipped with Allen Bradley PLC's that are networked and provide complete plant visibility from an operator console. Logic can be added to the controllers to include automated shutdown. Olympic Medical Center is equipped with a Siemens Direct Digital Control (DDC) system; a DR strategy can be integrated into the Siemens DDC system to reset supply air temperatures for a specified air - handling unit, The Pilot Project would decrease supply air temperature in the winter and increase September 30, 2010 F Pkg4 City of Port Angeles supply air temperature in the summer. The Olympic Medical Center also uses two electric boilers that are manually operated, and with advance notice the electric boilers could be cycled off. City of Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant is a new facility equipped with a fully- automated control system. The facility operates a backwash cycle that is staggered during a week. The cycle includes a 15 minute process per filter for six filters. This process might be rescheduled to avoid a critical peak period. Type of Equipment Nippon Paper Industries Filter Plant Back Wash Pumps Subtotal Port Angeles Hardwood De- barker Ring Hog Whole Log Chipper Overhead Dust Collector Kilns (7) Subtotal Olympic Medical Center Supply Air Temperature Reset Electric Boiler (2) Subtotal City of Port. Angeles Water Treatment Plant Blower Motor Pump and Motor Pump and Motor Subtotal GRAND TOTAL September 30, 2010 Table :5 -2 Integrated ° Management '.Resource Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects Base Load Total for All Units Maximum Load Shed (kW) (kW) 18.65 18.65 59.70 149.20 238.70 44.80 564.00 1,056.30 8.00 625.00 633.00 59.7 14.9 59.7 134.3 1,842.25 18.65 18.65 59.70 149.20 238.70 44.80 564.00 1,056.30 8.00 625.00 633.00 59.7 14.9 59.7 134.3 1,842.25 TASK 3.2 — FAST DR I RENEWABLE ENERGY INTEGRATION The Landing all will install a Catalyst Energy Technologies (CET) intelligent energy storage package referred to as Smart Storage KitsTM (SSK). The SSK is intended for load shaping, added reliability and arbitrage, and for reducing generator fuel consumption in off-grid applications. CET, a Port Angeles - based company, has established relationships with key component providers, tested relevant key technologies, installed pilot systems, conducted marketing studies and begun the development of a utility - grade SSK in sizes from 4 -kW to 50 -kW. The first lithium -ion (Li) battery test was successfully completed in mid - September 2010 and the next development stage is installing a 48 -kW SSK in a controlled, commercial application. This battery -set is controlled by a patented Battery Management System (BMS). The heart of the SSK is a proprietary inverter with the unique ability for capturing reactive power (VAR) from any circuit with inductive loads, such as motors and florescent lighting, and redelivering it back to the system as useful power. This unique characteristic can extended the storage - duration in the batteries and deliver power with a unity power factor. F • City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects For the C&l DR pilot, the SSK will operate on the customer side of the meter and provide power to the end -user for an initial period of 90 days. During this period, the batteries will be cycled at least once a day and the parties will evaluate the operation of the battery bank, inverter, charger and general benefits to the end -user. The charging current will be provided by the utility (purchased by the end -user) and may be supplemented by other renewable resources such as wind. During the initial pilot project phase, stored power will not be exported to the utility. The City will be able to manually control the charging and discharging cycles through its SCADA system, and evaluate the power factor improvement offered by CET's inverter, as well as achieve some limited level of load shaping. The next pilot project phase will install remote dispatching and communication hardware and software that will fully interface with the City's SCADA system. This will allow the SSK to demonstrate its capability to fully function as an instantaneously dispatchable resource ( "Fast DR. ") and demonstrate how DR can facilitate grid integration of intermittent renewable resources, especially wind, to address generation variability. CET will work . closely with the City during this pilot project phase to ensure the communication and dispatching protocol is an exact fit. When all phases of the pilot project are completed, CET will turn over the project equipment to The Landings Mall. Each SSK unit provides 48 kW /48 -kWH of storage capacity, an aggregated array of these units could provide an exceptionally reliable and highly flexible reserve to the electric utility. The location of these kits may also allow the utility to reduce its transmission and distribution demand during the peak periods by dispatching the stored power from the LI batteries at the point of use. As shown in Table 5 -3, the maximum load shed potential from the Fast DRlRenewables integration pilot project component is almost 0.05 MW. Table 5 -3 Fast DR / Renewable Energy Integration Summary Type of Equipment Base Load Total for All Units The Landing Mall Battery Storage TOTAL TASK 3.3 — DIRECT LOAD CONTROL September 30, 2010 (kW) (kW) 48.00 48.00 Maximum Load Shed 48.00 48.00 Direct load control allows the electric utility to manage the demand of a customer's end -use equipment, including air conditioners, heat pumps, electric space heaters, and water heating systems. Direct load control equipment will be obtained from the AMI system vendor, and will be ZigBee compliant. All signals for a DR event will be executed through the City's SCADA system via the customer's smart meter. A smart thermostat will allow remote adjustment of temperature setting on space conditioning systems, allowing the utility to adjust the set point down during a critical peak period and return the temperature to the previous set point at the conclusion of the event. For water heaters, a load control relay with a two -way paging device (receiver) will be installed. Water heaters will be shut off remotely (curtailed), using the paging system, for up to two hours each weekday morning during the City's critical peak period. If desired, participants will be able to override the curtailment by logging into a secure web site via the Internet. Interval meter data and load control data will be collected for later analysis. Table 5 -4 summarizes the direct load control resources available from the five currently participating customers, and the total maximum load shed in the winter is estimated to be almost 0.09 MW. F raf4l City of Port Angeles Type of Equipment Nippon Paper Industries Water Heater Tanks (3) Subtotal September 30, 2010 Table 5 -4 Direct Load Control Summary. Base Load Total for All Units (kW) 162.00 162.00 City of Port Angeles City Hall Hydronic Central Boiler 324.20 Subtotal 324.20 City of Port Angeles West City Hall Water Heater 6.00 Subtotal 6.00 Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot .Projects Maximum Load Shed (kW) 19.44 19.44 North Olympic Library System Rooftop Variable -Air- Volume Unit 84.00 10.10 Roof Mounted Heat Pumps (2) 18.00 2.20 AC Unit (2) 6.00 0.70 Subtotal 108.00 13.00 Clallam County Courthouse Boiler (e) 180.00 5.60 Freezer 1.50 1.40 Electric Boiler (N) 480.00 15.00 Subtotal 661.50 ”.00 Clallam County Housing Authority Heat Pump (2 units at office) 18.00 2.20 Water Heater Control (6 units at 3 sites) 25.00 2.50 Subtotal 43.00 4.70 22.00 72.00 City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Gym Kitchen Water Heater 31.10 1.60 Icemaker (Kitchen) 2.30 0.20 Locker room water heater 8.70 0.90 Subtotal 4 2.1 0 2.70 City of Port Angeles Police Wing Water Heater 6.00 0.60 HVAC for main offices 7.00 0.40 . Subtotal 15.30 1.00 0.50 0.50 F rag >4 • • • City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects City of Port Angeles Fire Hall RTU Heat pumps Subtotal City of Port. Angeles Senior Center Walk -in freezer Ground -level heat pumps Subtotal Grand Total September 30, 2010 2.30 2.30 1.00 52.50 53.50 1,417.90 0.10 010 1.00 2.60 3.60 89.04 Direct load control participants include the Nippon Paper Industries, USA Co., Ltd, the North Olympic Library System, Clallam County, the Clallarn County Housing Authority, and the City of Port Angeles. The roll -out of the AMI system can also include ZigBee as an integral part of the meter for an additional 500 commercial general service customers. ZigBee functionality is only available for electric meter forms 1S, 2S and 12S, and the City has approximately 500 other commercial meters that may not be functional with ZigBee. ZigBee functionality will be very similar to the residential demand response pilot project, with water heater load control being the primary opportunity targeted. Investing in ZigBee functionality may be an upfront cost that becomes a lost opportunity resource if the initial investment is not made. Replacing a new smart meter with another smart meter having ZigBee functionality in the near future would be a poor use of ratepayer funds. The City therefore intends to use the C&l Pilot Project as an opportunity to provide ZigBee functionality to all of its compatible commercial account meter forms. As many commercial customers have expressed an interest in DR, the City also proposes to purchase an additional number of controllers that could be placed, with the customer's approval, into service along with the AMI system roll -out. Including the controllers for the committed customers mentioned above, a total of 250 ZigBee - compliant controllers will be purchased. Also, the AMI system inherently allows the use of in business displays that show current energy consumption rates and peak demand events. As part of this proposal, 10% of the City's general service customers, around 100 customers, would be provided entry -level in- business displays. A total of 15 of the larger general service customers would be provided with a more sophisticated business area network. Lastly, the City intends to provide a data presentment service to up to 100 of its C &l customers who request the service. The main thrust of this service is to provide daily consumption information tied to the utility rate structure to conduct "what if" analysis and make quality decisions on efficiency and demand reduction opportunities. The data presentment service also provides a five -day weather algorithm, which will allow some ability to predict peaking events since weather is highly correlated with the City's distribution system critical peaks. TASK 3.4 — D1SPATCHABLE DEMAND RESPONSE The focus of this task is to test the methodology for ADR dispatching during BPA's generation and transmission critical peak demand periods. This task will test the ability for the BPA to remotely and securely initiate a request to reduce the City's C &I load during its critical peak periods. The City is nearing the completion of its previously mentioned distribution system VO project. The AMI system is capable of integrating 24 voltage sensors into the City's SCADA System that will dynamically adjust substation transformer voltage to ensure that customers at the end of any feeder would not experience any under- or over - voltage issues. As part of this proposal an interface would have to be programmed for the voltage sensors for each substation to ensure that the lowest sensor output is used to adjust transformer voltage. F ng,4 City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects The City could also set up a communication protocol through its SCADA system to allow BPA to remotely initiate a request to reduce the City's voltage through its VO project, impacting commercial and residential customers. investigations by the City show that a 2.5% -3.75% reduction in voltage could result in a 1.3 % -1.5% reduction in the electric utility's demand for its distribution customers (Industrial Transmission excluded). This could potentially contribute another 2.0 -2.5 MW of load reduction during BPA's critical peak period. This process could also be expanded in the future to allow the BPA to dispatch the 5.8 MW of stand -by generation that the City owns and operates. The two resources could easily be considered dispatchable resources given an appropriate economic incentive from the BPA. 5.4 TASK 4 - ECONOMIC EVALUATION The economic evaluation will look at the cost - effectiveness of DR from four perspectives; (1) BPA's perspective, (2) the City's perspective, (3) the customer's perspective, and (4) the total resource cost (TRC) perspective. 1) From EPA's perspective, the analysis will look at avoided transmission facilities upgrades, functionality of dispatchable DR, and large- scale, system -wide benefits. 2) From the City's perspective, the analysis will account for avoided generation and transmission peak demand charges, functionality of large -scale cooperative dispatchable DR, avoided distribution facilities upgrades, customer relations and response to incentives. 3) From the customer's perspective the analysis will include reductions'to their utility bills due to the demand cost savings, incentives, and equipment costs. 4) The TRC test will be applied to determine if this application is beneficial to the region as a whole. The proposed C &I Pilot Project results can be scaled to the Pacific Northwest Region, as the savings determined from this project might apply to BPA customers in other service territories. Other utilities might use the savings data to conduct benefit -cost analyses for similar DR projects as they apply to their own territory. Likewise, savings estimates from other utility studies might be used in the future as the City evaluates DR projects for other customer /building types (such as commercial retail, restaurants, or other consumption patterns not included in this pilot project). 6. PROJECT TIMELINE The project timeline is outlined on a quarterly basis in Table 6 -1. The timeline, presented on a calendar year basis, will be further refined during the planning and design phase. Planning and Design Installation Testing /Operation Evaluation of Results September 30, 2010 Table.6 -1 Calendar Year Project Timeline F Ira9 City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects • 7. MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION The C&I DR Pilot Project will be evaluated by calculating the baseline consumption (kW) for the period of interest (calendar year 2011) and comparing the actual consumption to the estimated baseline. The measurement and verification model will use fixed effects so that savings will be evaluated on an individual basis for each participant. The baseline consumption will be calculated using a forecast of average kW consumption that is developed using historic data. All participants are currently demand metered or will be demand metered upon the installation of the AMI system. Weather variables will be included in the forecast model to match consumption data to the weather data observed in 2011. In addition, known energy efficiency improvements will be accounted for in the forecast of the baseline. Peak demand reduction savings from the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's 6` Power Plan documents will be used to account for energy efficiency improvements. Actual savings will be based on observed weather. Estimated savings as a percentage may be extrapolated to similar industries and commercial electric rate classes only. 8. CHALLENGES The City is in the process of securing a vendor to install the AMI system and has requested that the vendor supply and install the DR equipment outlined in this proposal if the City is selected by BPA for the C&I DR Pilot Project. The timing of the AMI system's installation and the C &I DR Pilot Project proposal is a challenge; however, the City is in a unique position to be able to the installation the AMI system at the same time as the DR equipment. This presents the unique opportunity to demonstrate a C &I DR pilot project with the least possible cost. In any event, the Integrated Load Management projects and the Fast DR/Renewable Integration project can proceed independently of the AMI system's deployment. 9. KEY PERSONNEL The project team is composed of the City of Port Angeles, EES Consulting Inc., Capacity Provisioning, Inc., and an A.MIIDR equipment vendor to be determined during the course of the City's AMI project. The City will function as the prime organization as shown in Figure 9 -1. Larry Dunbar will be the City's project manager for this effort, and Phil Lusk will serve as the BPA's principal investigator for the City. Both team members have more than 25 years of professional experience in the energy industry. Specific qualifications from each team member organization and staff follows. • l September 30, 2010 CONSULTANT FIGURE 9 -1: Proposed Project Team Organization Chart CITY OF PORT'ANGELE ;L ':Dunbar ; ` :Project :Manager Phil Lusk Principal Investigator AM I: SYSTEM VENDOR f TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDER Capacity Provisioning, inc. Frag,5 City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects 9.1 THE Ciw OF PORT ANGELES The City is a non- charter code city incorporated in 1890. The City encompasses an area of approximately 10.7 square miles in northwestern Clallam County along State Highway 101 on the northern shore of Washington's Olympic Peninsula. The City had an estimated population of 19,170 in 2008. The City's electric utility serves around 10,765 industrial, commercial and residential customers using 9 miles of transmission, 103 miles of overhead distribution and 40 miles of underground distribution with 7 substations. The utility purchases its bulk power from the BPA and also operates the 465 -kW Morse Creek hydroelectric facility. The SPA maintains a 69 -kV substation in Port Angeles and all of the power to the City is delivered over BPA's transmission system and through their substation. Capacity on the City's system is directed through two 69 -kV transmission lines that form a 9 mile loop around the City, to seven 69/12.47 -kV substations down to a total of 24, 12.47 -kV distribution feeders to its customer portfolio. The highest coincident peak the City had with BPA generation in 2008 was 108.6 - MW and its highest distribution system peak was 144.9-MW. The City also averaged 83.5 -aM W in 2008 . and, largely due to milder winter weather, an average of 79.1 -aM W in 2009. The following City employees will perform the work associated with this project. Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Public Works and Utilities Director Glenn A. Cutler is a registered professional engineer in Washington and Georgia with 30 years of experience in managing public works and utility functions for the United States Navy and the City of Port Angeles. He has been the Director of Public Works and Utilities for the City since June 1999. Mr. Cutler is responsible for managing the City's utility systems (electric, water, wastewater, storm water, and solid waste collection and disposal), project management and design, road and street maintenance and improvements and energy programs. Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, City of Port Angeles Mr. Dunbar has 28 years of experience working for electric, water, wastewater and solid waste utilities including the Snohomish County Public Utility District No. 1, City of Richland, Energy Northwest, and the City of Port Angeles. Dunbar was the advanced metering infrastructure project manager for the City of Richland, which replaced its remote electric meters and basement -set water meters with meters capable of wireless communications. As the fiber optic project manager for the City of Port Angeles, Dunbar developed a municipal area network providing advanced telecommunications services and oversaw the design and installation of local area networks within numerous utility and municipal facilities. Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, City of Port Angeles Among other items, Phil Lusk manages the conservation program and assists with other projects relative to rate structures, power resources, and power management activities. Prior to his coming to Port Angeles in 2008, he worked as a consultant for a range of public and private clients where his duties included business case and plan development, scenario analysis for various financial strategies, trending analysis, capital investment analysis, and due diligence. Terry Dahlquist, P.E., Electrical Engineering Manager, City of Port Angeles Terry Dahlquist has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering with 39 years of experience in the design of medium voltage power distribution systems. He started with Public Service Company of Colorado designing overhead and underground distribution in the metropolitan Denver area, and became the lead engineer in charge of the network system serving downtown Denver. Subsequently, he worked with several consulting firms on utility and primary metered military and industrial systems throughout September 30, 2010 • City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DR Pilot Projects the Rocky Mountains. He is a licensed professional engineer in ten states and has been an expert witness in several court cases relating to utilities. He has been with the City of Port Angeles since 2006. Bob Williams, Electric Services Foreman, City of Port Angeles Bob Williams has 35 years experience with electric utilities including City of Port Angeles, Snohomish County PUD, Clallam County PUD and Lee County Electric Co -op (Ft. Myers Florida). Positions include Substation and Meter Supervisor, Relay Technician, Wireman, Senior Meterman, and Meterman. At the City of Port Angeles, Mr. Williams installed and configured a small AMI pilot project in downtown Port Angeles. He also supervised and participated in the installation of a SCADA system providing control to seven city -owned substations. Job responsibilities also include all metering, substation control, and electric system dispatcher. Bob also had conducted seminars for Northwest Public Power Association, Northwest Electric Meter School, and has provided training for the City's apprentices. Richard G. Hostetler, Customer Service Manager, City of Port Angeles Richard Hostetler has been employed with the City of Port Angeles for more than 28 years. He is the employee most familiar with the City's utility billing software, and associated policy and procedures. Richard is familiar with all City functions as a whole because of his 28 years experience and is quite familiar with all of the City's neighborhoods and streets. Mr. Hostetler played a key role when meter reading transformed from paper to handheld computers. He also was the main resource related to utility billing when the City installed its current integrated finance system software. Bob Kajfasz, Commercial Energy Analyst, City of Port Angeles Bob Kajfasz holds a Certified Energy Manager certificate from the Association of Energy Engineers. Mr. Kajfasz started work with the City of Port Angeles in 1 996 and has been administering the City's energy conservation program since 2001. Over the past nine years, Bob has designed, implemented, administered, and provided reports on the City's conservation program fulfilling the requirements of Bonneville Power Administration's Conservation and Renewables Discount, Conservation Acquisition Agreement, Conservation Augmentation Agreement, Multi- sector Standard Offer, Conservation Rate Credit, and the Energy Conservation Agreement. 9.2 EES CONSULTING EES Consulting is a multidisciplinary management consulting and registered professional engineering firm providing a broad array of services to clients involved in electric, water, wastewater, telecommunications, natural gas and other natural resource related businesses. EES Consulting has assisted clients in meeting the challenges in evolving competitive, regulatory and technical environments. For this project, EES Consulting proposes that project management be performed by Kevin Smit with day -to -day analytical tasks performed by Steve Andersen, Kelly Tarp and Amber Nyquist and quality control and oversight provided by Gary Saleba and Anne Falcon. If necessary, the expertise of other staff members can be drawn on for specific technical assistance. Resumes of all key EES Consulting project team members are available upon request. 9.3 CAPACITY PROVISIONING, INC. Capacity Provisioning Inc. (CPI) is the largest fiber optics service provider on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, maintaining and serving systems and networks for organizations including the City of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Olympic Medical Center, the Port Angeles School System, Peninsula College and hundreds of area businesses. CPI was created in 2001, from a partnership between Excel Utility Construction Inc. and Angeles Communications Inc. In 2002, another partnership was formed that brought government and private business together to provide high -speed fiber optic data access to the City of Port Angeles and the surrounding area. The venture formed between the City of Port Angeles, September 30, 2010 F City of Port Angeles Commercial and Industrial DID Pilot Projects Northland Cable (now Wave Broadband) and CPI, provided an interconnecting fiber optic ring within the community and provided a high quality outer- connecting fiber optic link with the global community. Resumes of all key CPI project team members are available upon request. 9.4 AMI SYSTEM VENDOR The City is in the process of selecting an AMI system vendor capable of providing the DR equipment specified in this proposal. The City has requested pricing for the DR equipment proposed for the C&I DR Pilot Project. If this project is funded, the selected vendor will provide and install the necessary equipment on the time schedule outlined in this document. If necessary, the City will use other vendors to install C&I DR equipment that is beyond the scope of its AM system. 10. BUDGET The City proposes a project having a total budget of $745,115. This includes a $384,520 budget request from the BPA. The City will contribute a total of $360,595, with $72,390 budgeted for in -kind services and $288,205 provided as a cash match. As the proposal results in a 52% cost -share for the BPA, the proposed budget plan provides a good cost value to BPA and to its ratepayers. Please see Attachment B for the proposed budget and Attachment C for the budget justification. September 30, 2010 Fra 4 • • P W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Amendment No. 2 to Telecommunications Consultant Agreement Summary: By the end of this year, Capacity Provisioning, Inc., will prepare the plans and specifications for additional fiber optic facilities and local area network improvements that are required by the Metropolitan Area Network Services Agreement and will be constructed in 2011. Staff recommends that Columbia Telecommunications Corporation is retained for design review and construction inspection services. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an amount not to exceed $9,900 for consulting services in support of the Metropolitan Area Network, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the Agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: On March 17, 2009, City Council authorized the Mayor to sign a consulting services agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation (CTC) for a network needs assessment and public safety considerations. The consulting services sought were advertised and a total of eight consulting proposals were reviewed at that time, with CTC providing the best qualifications and most responsive proposal. On July 21, 2009 City Council authorized the Mayor to sign an amendment to the consulting services agreement for preparation of a request for proposals for the Metropolitan Area Network and a grant application for the Wireless Mobile Data System. CTC's services have been of high quality and they have been very responsive and supportive of the City's needs. On April 6, 2010, City Council authorized the Mayor to sign the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Services Agreement with Capacity Provisioning, Inc. (CPI). At last month's Utility Advisory Committee meeting, staff provided a report on CCTC's inspection of CPI's core switching equipment and customer premises equipment replacement within the fiber optic network, which were a requirement of the MAN Services Agreement. The work was inspected by CTC and accepted as complete. N.1CCOUNCILIF1NAL\Amendment No. 2 to Telecommunications Consultant Agreement.doc F - 55 November 16 2010, City Council Re: Amendment No. 2 to Telecommunications Consultant Agreement Page 2 By the end of this year ,CPI will prepare the plans and specifications for the redundant fiber optic facilities, leachate pump stations 1 & 2 fiber optic facilities, commercial and industrial customer demand response fiber optic facilities, and local area network improvements that are required by the MAN Services Agreement. Construction is scheduled to be complete by April 15, 2011. The City's share of this future expense in 2011 is approximately $163,000. Staff anticipates that it will report on the status of this project to the Utility Advisory Committee in January and May of 2011. Based on CTC's performance and familiarity with the City's telecommunications needs and agreements, staff recommends that they are retained to provide engineering services to review the design and inspect the construction of fiber optic facilities and local area networks under the MAN Services Agreement. A summary of the proposed scope of work, schedule, and not to exceed prices for services are provided below. Scope of work Task 1 — Review plans and specifications Task 2 — Provide on -site inspection Task 3 — Review as- builts Task 4 — Travel expenses N:\CCOUNCILIFINAL1Amendment No. 2 to Telecommunications Consultant Agreernent.doc Completion by Price February 25. 2010 May 31,2010 May 31, 2010 $7,500 N/A 2,400 Total I $9,900 On November 9, 2010, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an amount not to exceed $9,900 for consulting services in support of the Metropolitan Area Network, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the Agreement, if necessary. F -56 • W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Communications Plan Consultant Agreement Amendment No. 1 Summary: The firm of Parker LePla has completed its initial scope of work by developing a Communications Plan to support the implementation of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure System. As requested by the Utility Advisory Committee in August, Parker LePla is now positioned to complete the remaining tasks by developing a companion Communications Plan for the Demand Response Pilot Project, as well as developing and implementing media materials for both plans. Recommendation: Following a staff presentation summarizing the Communications Plan, authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Parker LePla in an amount not to exceed $69,801, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: On August 17, 2010, City Council authorized the City Manager to sign a consultant agreement with Parker LePla in an amount up to $35,917 to perform necessary services to create a Communications Plan for the City's Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System. The Communications Plan includes developing customer (external) and staff (internal) education programs including informational messages that need to be shared prior to, during, and after the project. Based on input from the Utility Advisory Committee, development and implementation of needed media materials as part of the Communications Plan were deleted from the original agreement with Parker LePla. The needed media materials to support the demand response pilot project include recruitment materials, -a website, customer surveys, and ancillary marketing materials. The needed media materials to support the AMI System include billing inserts, posters, and door hangers. The cost of developing and implementing media advertisements is included in the amended scope of work and the expenses have been included in the City's 2010 revised and 2011 proposed budgets. N:ICCOUNCILIFINALIAMI System Communications Plan Amendment No. I .doc November 16, 2010, City Council Re: Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Communications Plan Consultant Agreement Amendment No. '1 Page 2 Staff has negotiated .a $9,550 fee for developing the Residential DR Communications Plan, and a $15,450 fee for development and implementation of Residential DR media materials, for a total amount not to exceed $25,000. Implementation of media materials includes production and placement of advertisements for such items as billing inserts, posters, and door hangers. Grant funding in the amount of $25,000 will be provided by the BPA for the Residential Demand Response portion of the scope of work. Staff has also negotiated a $44,801 fee for developing and implementing AMI System media materials during the remainder of 2010 and throughout 2011. The table below summarizes the proposed amendment - to the scope of work and fee for consulting services. COMMUNICATIONS PLAN SCOPE OF WORK ADDITION Cost Residential Demand Response Communications Plan Development $ 9,550 2011 Residential Demand Response Media Materials 12,630 2011 Residential Demand Implementation 2,820 Communications Plan Subtotal $ .25,000 DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION OF MEDIA MATERIALS SCOPE OF WORK ADDITION Cost 2010 AMI Media Materials $ 9,110 2010 AMI Media Implementation 690 2011 AMI Media Materials 25,801 2011 AMI Media Implementation 9,200 Media Materials Not To Exceed Subtotal $44,801 Total $69,801 If City Council accepts the BPA Commercial and Industrial DR grant, a future amendment to the consultant agreement with Parker LePla will be necessary. On November 9, 2010, after providing a detailed presentation of the Communications Plan by Parker LePla (attached), the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Parker LePla in an amount not to exceed $69,801., and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Attachment: Communications Plan N:1CCOUNCILIFINALIAMI System Communications Plan Amendment No. l.doc 1_2 • • • wwwpa rtsert ..corn m.parked -cam our <commun tytduring a time of change` • a Iovember,9.2010 WHAT WE'LI ACCOMPLSH • About Parker LePla • Scope of work • Backdrop instituting AMI • Communications plan objectives • The plan • Make information clear and available • Preparing staff • Informing and engaging community pre - system launch • Keeping all stakeholders up -to -date ▪ Ongoing transparency • Next steps 2 labb.rh DS 1 4 • • • • www, park_erlepta.oxn • Plan for communicating to customers and all Port Angeles residents about implementation of the .AMI system and its value - Make the City's value clear as the decision- maker • Key communication points that meet the informational needs of your key audiences • Theme that drives the emphasis., tone and manner of communications - Helps citizens recognize what the communication is about 5 6 • Provide the support identified by city staff to implement the plan - Coordinate information vehicles to ensure consistent communication Partner to prepare staff to assist customers with the change 7 8 16 • • • • • BPA is raising electricity rates for every city in the region - October 1 - 2011 • The city's electric and water meters are wearing out - Many under measure what people use www.parkeriepla.arrn • Minimize the impact of BPA's upcoming rate *hi kes • Give customers tools to manage their use www.parkertept canrn • Replace the old meters with new ones that measure accurately and give customers the opportunity to use power when it's the least expensive www. pariteriepta. cor'n www, parkerix.crrn • AMI meters are highly accurate so everyone pays for what they use—it's fair • The AMI system allows the City of Port Angeles to run your electric and water utilities efficiently and at the lowest cost possible Customers can have more control over their bill - By using power when it's least expensive 11 12 • • • • • www.paticerlepta.oarn • Customers may be able to decrease their utility bills by using power when it's cheapest • But due to BPA's higher rates many will likely see increases in their bills when BPA raises rates in October 2011 13 • State -of- the -art meters will bring more conservation opportunities in the future as smart appliances and smart grid technologies become more commonplace - Helps the environment 14 Fl nan cia . y responsib :Future-ready and Fair • Rationale has to be clear - Why can't it stay the same as it's always been? - Why now? - What are the future impacts? • Impact on personal finances is everyone's concern _corn 15 16 1 -10 • • • • Lowest, fairest rates • Control over... - Electricity and water usage - Their bill, to the greatest extent possible • Simple, straightforward communications about who/what/why/when/where - Negatives as well as positives - Opportunities to learn more at their pace • Plenty of warning before the change -over www.parkerlepta.CCATI 17 DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS/ DIFFERENT CONCERNS Y ww,parB • City employees • City Council • Residential customers Landlords Tenants Small business owners • Big business /light industrial • Industrial customers • General press Apathetic I • I don't want to think about it Just tell me what to do www,paricerpla.cron • Concerned about impact on personal or business finances • Don't tell me what to do SECONDARY AUDIENCES 19 Engaged • Enviros • Energyl utility geeks • Fearful 20 1 -12 • • • • • Is prepared • Provides clear easy -to- understand information, repeated often • Offers the right information at the right time • Meets customers and the public where they are - Varied venues for the way people .live • Is transparent in words and deeds 21 22 Excellent customer service throughout the AMI implementation phase and beyond - Preparedness of staff is key - Explaining time -of -use demand -based rate schedule is central • Timely 'information Sharing results of the City's investment • Streamlined, sensible approach while achieving maximum reach to citizens sw w.parinetep(L_cum -Park 23 24 • • Making information cear and avai.abe www.parkede .care • Multiple -use formats for sharing information: - Direct to customers, including • System and rate information • FAQs • installation process City staff updates - Community -wide communications WVJW.lIelterie201.a.ai7 25 26 • Specific AMI page via the Utility Information Center on the city's website - General info about AMI systems - Specific info about Port Angeles' system - In -depth project information - Engage visitors Foundation for citizen understanding Preparing Staff • • • • Core staff training • Put plans in place for answering concerns • Tools to help city leaders be spokespeople • Engage all city employees • Keep everyone informed throughout the transition • Results will be shared as they are known - Direct to customers - City-wide • The community will learn how the AMI system helps Port Angeles be sensible about energy and water use • Customers will get tips on how to improve their bills www_parkedepta.com • Training AIM champions to be effective "Energy Ambassadors" for town hail style meetings • Community leaders enlisted as partners via an initial roundtable meeting www.parkertepda.com 31 32 18 • • ww,v,parkertepta-arn www.paricerLADia.corn nforming citizens p re - I nsta. . ation • AMI system launch announcement will include invitation to town hail meetings throughout the City's territory - Local media - Direct to customers - Invitations to interest groups • Project information available as things progress - City offices and website - Community gathering places • Pitch stories to local and regional media that provide context and generate interest - First Port Angeles meter install ribbon cutting ceremony - BPA rate hikes - How Port Angeles' system fits into larger PNW regional efforts eptaxarr► yeaw . parkertepta.corn Keeping a.. informed Leaders, staff and citizens 35 36 1 -20 • • • • • Utility bill insert announcing start of phased process; provides information • Door hangers • Process detail document for customers who will incur installation expenses • Monitor local print, radio and online community discussions • Frequent customer service staff meetings to triage call volume, sentiment • Keep all city staff in the loop ,.ertepta. , www.parkeriepta. www.parked.am After i Fu.. transparency • Help customers manage costs via bill that shows new rate schedule - Routine bill inserts • Measure satisfaction and impact via customer survey - Publish results • Measure and share how the system is impacting the city's electricity and water usage 39 40 22 • • • • • Post customer "sensible success stories" on the Utility Information Center AMI page • Promote friendly competition between local businesses for the most energy reduced during peak times , .parkeriepta.r.„ • Develop visuals that demonstrate system benefits and post on website - Compare average use patterns by neighborhood - Thermostat that illustrates the amount of peak hour use avoided compared to previous year • Connect results to things people care about, like conservation • Engage local media as results come in 41 42 AMI- related communications, upon approval of implementation budget Create activity and deliverable timeline based on key system installation dates Develop communications tools for informing customers and the community - Simultaneously work with city staff to deliver on customer service goals - Plan will be adjusted as the community responds Demand Response pilot projects - Determine approach to communications Integrate plans and actions with the overall AMl communication plan 43 44 1 - 24 • • • • • • W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Consultant Agreement: Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I, Constructability Review Summary: The City has committed to completing the Phase 1 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project by the end of 2013. The complexity of this project is extensive in both its technical requirements as well as the interdependencies that exist between the multiple organizations that will be involved during construction. Presently, the City has received 90% design submission. A constructability review of the design at this stage is an indispensable step for a project of this complexity. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Harris & Associates, for professional services for a constructability review of the Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I project design. Background / Analysis: The City has committed to completing the Phase 1 Combined Sewer Overflow Project by the end of 2013. The complexity of this project is extensive in both its technical requirements as well as the interdependencies that exist between the multiple organizations that will be involved during construction. This first phase of the CSO project includes a gravity sewer main, two new force mains to convey flow from pump station #4, flow diversion facilities, various plant improvements and conversion of an existing industrial high capacity outfall to relocate discharges to a location outside of Port Angeles Harbor. The project goes through the Rayonier industrial site including areas of potential contaminated sail with Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup requirements as well as archaeological aspects. With a construction budget in the range of $20M, the City will have a large investment at stake. Presently the City has received 90% design submission that has approximately 1250 specification pages and 236 plan pages of technical requirements. A constructability review of the deign at this stage by an independent third party is an indispensable step for a project of this complexity. Constructability reviews for projects of this nature are performed to lower construction costs by reducing the risk of change orders and to avoidiminimize unnecessary delays during construction. Industry -wide, the expected savings from constructability reviews varies from design to design, but it typically reduces change order costs by at least five times the amount invested in the review, and in some case studies the return on investment has been 25 fold. N :ICCOUNCIL\F'INALIConsultant Agreement - CSO Constructability Review- Harris.doc I - 25 November 16, 2010 City Council Re: CSC) Constructability Review — Harris Page 2 Typical benefits of a constructability review include: • Reduced quantity of change orders and savings in contingency funds • Reduced Requests for Information (BFI's), saving time and the cost of processing Improved ability to keep projects on schedule • Reduced contract administrative costs • Improved relationships between the owner, designer, contractor, and regulators The City is on a very tight timeline to effect the sale of the Rayonier property, obtain State sponsored loans, complete the design effort, obtain permitting, and advertise the construction project by summer 2011. To maintain the schedule, it is imperative that this constructability review be completed by mid- December 2010. Consequently, the consultant agreement for this constructability review needs to commence work by mid - November. Staff has advertised for Statements of Qualification (SOQs) in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce and the Peninsula Daily News, with receipt of SOQs on November 5, 2010. The SOQ evaluation has been completed with two of the six submitting firms proceeding to the interview phase that occurred on November 10 From that, Harris & Associates was determined by the interview panel as the most qualified. The schedule for this effort is as follows: • Nov 5 Open proposals • Nov 9 Presentation and recommendation for approval to City Council by the UAC • Nov 10 Interviews • Nov 12--15 Price proposals /negotiations • Nov 16 Council consideration to approve and authorize signing of the contract • Nov 17 Notice to Proceed Dec 17 Recommendations to Brown and Caldwell • Jan 20 Final Design Submission • Feb.5 Final Review Complete • Feb 15 Final Design Signed and Issued The final negotiation of pricing has not been completed, but will be available for presentation to City Council this evening. 1 -26 • • • • • W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Consultant Agreement: Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1, Constructability Review Summary: The City has committed to completing the Phase 1 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project by the end of 2013. The complexity of this project is extensive in both its technical requirements as well as the interdependencies that exist between the multiple organizations that will be involved during construction. Presently, the City has received 90% design submission. A constructability review of the design at this stage is an indispensable step for a project of this complexity. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Harris & Associates for professional services for a constructability review of the Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1 project design in the amount of S66.551.10. Background / Analysis: The City has committed to completing the Phase 1 Combined Sewer Overflow Project by the end of 2013. The complexity of this project is extensive in both its technical requirements as well as the interdependencies that exist between the multiple organizations that will be involved during construction. This first phase of the CSO project includes a gravity sewer main, two new force mains to convey flow from pump station #4, flow diversion facilities, various plant improvements and conversion of an existing industrial high capacity outfall to relocate discharges to a location outside of Port Angeles Harbor. The project goes through the Rayonier industrial site including areas of potential contaminated soil with Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup requirements as well as archaeological aspects. With a construction budget in the range of $20M, the City will have a large investment at stake. Presently the City has received 90% design submission that has approximately 1250 specification pages and 236 plan pages of technical requirements. A constructability review of the design at this stage by an independent third party is an indispensable step for a project of this complexity. Constructability reviews for projects of this nature are performed to lower construction costs by reducing the risk of change orders and to avoid /minimize unnecessary delays during construction. Industry -wide, the expected savings from constructability reviews varies from design to design, but it typically reduces change order costs by at least five times the amount invested in the review, and in some case studies the return on investment has been 25 fold. N:ICCOUNCILIFINAL \Consultant Agreement - CSO Constructability Review - Harris - Updated.doc November 16, 2010 City Council Re: CSC] Constructability Review — Harris Page 2 Typical benefits of a constructability review include: • Reduced quantity of change orders and savings in contingency funds • Reduced Requests for Information (RFI's), saving time and the cost of processing • Improved ability to keep projects on schedule • Reduced contract administrative costs • Improved relationships between the owner, designer, contractor, and regulators The City is on a very tight timeline to effect the sale of the Rayonier property, obtain State sponsored loans, complete the design effort, obtain permitting, and advertise the construction project by summer 2011. To maintain the schedule, it is imperative that this constructability review be completed by mid - December 2010. Consequently, the consultant agreement for this constructability review needs to commence work by mid - November. Staff has advertised for Statements of Qualification (SOQs) in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce and the Peninsula Daily News, with receipt of SOQs on November 5, 2010. The SOQ evaluation has been completed with two of the six submitting firms proceeding to the interview phase that occurred on November 10 From that, Harris & Associates was determined by the interview panel as the most qualified. The schedule for this effort is as follows: • Nov 5 Open proposals • Nov 9 Presentation and recommendation for approval to City Council by the UAC • Nov 10 Interviews • Nov 12 -15 Price proposals /negotiations • Nov 16 Council consideration to approve and authorize signing of the contract • Nov 17 Notice to Proceed • Dec 17 Recommendations to Brown and Caldwell • Jan 20 Final Design Submission • Feb 5 Final Review Complete • Feb 15 Final Design Signed and Issued The final scope of this project that was negotiated with Harris & Associates is $66,551.10. • • • • Task 11.15 GEL ES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 16, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Amendment No. 8 to Brown and Caldwell Consultant Agreement Summary: The detailed design of Phase 1 of the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project is approximately 90% complete. Brown and Caldwell's assistance is required to accomplish the Constructability Review with Harris and Associates. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 8 to the Consultant Agreement with Brown and Caldwell, in an amount not to exceed $14,000, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $3,728,791 to $3,742,791. Background /Analysis: The detailed design of Phase 1 of the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project is approximately 90% complete. important project milestones have been recently accomplished, including Ecology approval of the 90% plans and specifications, a Purchase and Sale Agreement at the Rayonier property to enable project construction, initial consultation with Rayonier and Ecology on environmental issues related to the site, and submittal for a State Revolving Fund low - interest loan in the amount of $10 million. A description of additional design work needed in Amendment 8 is provided below. Constructability Review Support — Two workshops at the beginning and end of the independent third -party constructability review, and interfacing support with the constructability review contractor $14,000 Funding is available from the CSO funds accumulated through rates and the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund Loans. It is requested that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 8 to the Consultant Agreement. with Brown and Caldwell, in an amount not to exceed $14,000, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $3,728,791 to $3,742,791. N :ICCOUNCILIFINAL\Amendment No. 8 to Brown & Caldwell Agreement.doc 1 -27 CITY COUNCIL MEMO W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 2011 BUDGET Summary_ The City of Port Angeles is required by RCW 35A.33.070 to hold a public hearing on the budget. There will be a brief presentation on budgeted expenditures for 2011 and following will be the public hearing which is a continuation from November 2. The preliminary budget has been available for citizen review since October 29. Recommendation: 1.) Conduct the public hearing on 2011 Budget and continue the hearing to December 7, 2010; 2.) Conduct a first reading of the Budget Ordinance. Background /Analysis In accordance with state statutes, the 2011 Preliminary Budget was filed with the City Clerk on October 29, 2010. Prior to that, the full Council reviewed the proposed preliminary budget at budget workshops in September /October, and received an update on 2011 revenue sources at the November 2, 2010, Council meeting. As a final review, the public is invited to comment on projected revenues and expenditures, as well as any specific information contained in the budget document. The first public hearing was held November 2 and focused on revenue sources and property taxes. At the second public hearing tonight, staff will present the expense portion of the budget. There will be a workshop and presentation on the 2011 proposed preliminary budget and related expenditures. The proposed preliminary budget is balanced and represents our continued commitment to prudent fiscal management. It is prepared with an emphasis on our major goals: • Maintain high quality public safety services so the City will continue to be recognized as safe and secure 2011 Budget memo November 16, 2010 Page .2 of 4 With input from City Council and the public, the preliminary budget is still changing and may be different when presented for the final approval on December 7 Citywide Expenses Grow the local economy and create additional employment opportunities by expanding economic development programs Make sustainable enhancements so that the City is recognized as a leader in preserving its environmental assets Create and maintain a sustainable long -range financial plan including adequate reserves The preliminary budget for 2011 sets forth a program of revenues and expenses totaling almost $1.24 million, an increase of 25% over 2010. Of this imount, more than $88 million (71%) is budgeted for general municipal operations, and the remaining $35.8 million (29 %) is for capital. Where is the money going? 10'gu Personnel 23,774,569 23,575,632 22,318,952 Supplies /Services 27,920,040 29,108,124 24,505,272 Power Purchases 20,909,000 19,387,800 19,238,492 lntergovt. 5,969,252 5,721,524 5,779,725 Interfund Transfers 4,306,019 3,601,109 5,148,518 Debt Service 5,221,704 4,411,978 4,090,116 Capital 35,798,188 13,609,900 5,542,349 Designated for Reserves - 1,481,242 Total 463, 199,537 ( 1,188,084) 1,522,000 247,728 704,910 809,726 22,188, 288 (1) The increase in capital improvements is mostly due to several large capital projects for various utilities. Minor increases are budgeted in personnel, mostly related to rising medical costs and an increase in the PERS retirement rate. There is no COLA budgeted in 2011. The most significant increase is related to capital projects. In the utilities, capital outlay is primarily related to projects in Wastewater ($13.9M), Electric ($9.5M), and Water ($3 Other changes from last year include increased debt service payments to begin repaying the $10 million in bonds received in 2010 for utility projects, along with higher costs to purchase power due to a BPA rate increase. K -2 0.85 -4.08 7.85 4.33 19.57 18.35 163.03 N/A • • • 2011 Budget memo November 16, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Debt Service 4% interfund Transfers 3% General Fund Expenditures Personnel Supplies Capital Charges for Services Court Jail Contribution to Pencom Transfers TOTAL Citywide Expenditures by Object — $123,898,772 Intergovt. 5% Expenditures in the General Fund are budgeted at $18 million in 2011, an increase of $767K over 2010 budgeted levels. The increases are primarily related to the transfer of Recreational Activities into the General Fund resuliting from new accounting requirements (GASB 54). In addition, court costs are increasing over 20 %, while PenCom user fees are remaining steady for the third year in a row. In 2011, .. the General Fund includes a $425K transfer to the Capital Imrpovement Fund for street and transportation projects. General Fund Expenditures by Object 12, 977, 478 673,965 20,000 2,586,295 2,282,513 145,000 120,000 380,000 440,000 189,674 189,674 1,034,922 1,159, 904 12,447, 654 600,787 529,824 4.26 73,178 12.18 20,000 N/A 303,782 13.31 25,000 20.83 (60, 000) -13.64 0.00 (124,982) -10.78 K -3 2011 Budget memo November 16, 2010 Page 4 of 4 Changes to Preliminary Budget General Fund Expenditures $18,007,334 Supplies 3.7% Capital 0.1% Attachments: Changes to 2010 Amended and 2011 Preliminary Budget 2011 Budget Ordinance Charges for Services 14.4% Court 0.8% Jail 2.1% Contribution to Pencom 1.1% From the time the Preliminary Budget was first presented to Council, a number of changes have been submitted for inclusion in the Final Budget. These changes are primarily related to the Housing Rehab Fund and are the result of a delayed construction schedule. The Maloney Heights construction project was originally budgeted in 2010, but will be moved to 2011 which will affect revenues and expenses in the amount of $388,000. This project delay will also increase expenses by an additional $114,000 related to the City contribution towards this project. In addition, a CDBG loan was originally budgeted in 2011 but was paid off earlier this month. This will reduce revenue in 2011 by $ 78,000. Another change in the Final Budget is a $15,000 increase in the Electric Fund expenses for WPAG dues. Finally, at it's November 9 meeting, the UAC forwarded a favorable recommendation to Council to add 1 new FTE to the energy conservation program effective January 1, 2011. This additional expenditure will be included in the Final Budget ordinance presented to the Council on December 7. Attached is a complete list of recent changes which will be added to the 2010 amended budget and 2011 preliminary budget. Also attached is the budget ordinance presented for a first reading tonight and scheduled for adoption on December 7, 2010. K -4 Housing Rehab IGINAL Revenues CHANGES To Revenues • Sub -Total CHANGES REVISED Revenues ORIGINAL Expenses CHANGES to Expenses Sub Total CHANGES REVISED Expenses Electric Conservation ORIGINAL Revenues CHANGES To Revenues Sub -Total CHANGES REVISED Revenues Electric Utility ORIGINAL Expenses CHANGES to Expenses Sub-Total CHANGES REVISED Expenses Fund 172 - Housina Rehab ORIGINAL Revenues CHANGES To Revenues Sub -Total CHANGES REVISED Revenues ORIGINAL Expenses CHANGES to Expenses Sub -Total CHANGES REVISED Expenses Fund 401 - Electric Utility ORIGINAL Expenses CHANGES to Expenses Sub -Total CHANGES • ISED Expenses Budget Changes for 2010 Amended Budget Amount $ 521,655 66,011 (387,633) (321,622) $ 200,033 Revenues in 2010 Final Amended Budget $ 730,309 Expenses in 2010 Amended Budget (30,000) Reduce Community Action, no contract for 2010 (114,336) Move Maloney Hts Rev Loan to 2011 (387,633) Move Maloney Hfs expense to 2011 (531,969) $ 198,340 Expenses in 2010 Final Amended Budget $ 870,135 26,242 26,242 $ 896,377 Reason Revenues in 2010 Amended Budget Early payoff of Serenity House CDBG Grant Move Maloney Hts 10- 64100-013 revenue to 2011 Revenues in 2010 Amended Budget New conservation loans (zero interest) Revenues in 2010 Final Amended Budget $ 30,437,412 Expenses in 2010 Amended Budget 40,811 40,811 $ 30,478,223 Expenses in 2010 Final Amended Budget Bid for project CLOT 09 higher than budget Budget Changes for 2011 Preliminary Budget Amount A Reason $ 274,590 Revenues in 2011 Preliminary Budget 4,004 Interest on CDBG Rev Loans to entities (78,400) Early payoff of loan in 2010 387,633 Maloney His CDBG 10-64100-013 (Public) 31 3,237 587,827 Revenues in 2011 Final Budget $ 30,300 114,336 387,633 501,969 $ 532,269 Expenses in 2011 Preliminary Budget Maloney Hts project - city contribution Maloney Hts CDBG 10- 64100-013 (Public) Expenses in 2011 Final Budget $ 40,644,652 Expenses in 2011 Preliminary Budget 1 5,000 WPAG dues increased per Larry Dunbar 15,000 $ 40,659,652 Expenses in 2011 Final Budget K4 -1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2010 budget and adopting the 2011 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles completed and placed on file with the City Clerk an estimate of the amount of the moneys required to meet the public expenses, reserve funds, and expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010, as amended, and a proposed budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, as attached hereto as part of Exhibit "A "; and WHEREAS, a notice was published that the City Council would meet and hold public hearings at the hour of 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Port Angeles City Hall, on Tuesday, November 2, 2010, Tuesday, November 16, 2010, and Tuesday December 7, 2010, for the purpose of making and adopting a budget for fiscal year 2011 and giving taxpayers within the limits of the City of Port Angeles an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the matter of said proposed budget, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The 2010 budget for revenues and expenses in the Electric fund, Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation fund and the Conservation fund, and the aggregate totals for all funds combined, as set forth in Ordinances 3388 and 3412, are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit `B. -1- K4 -2 • • • • • • Section 2. The budget for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, for the year 2011 . is hereby adopted at the fund level in its form and content as set forth in the document entitled "City of Port Angeles, Washington 2011 Budget," a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and which is incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. Estimated resources for each separate fund of the City of Port Angeles, and aggregate expenditures for all such funds for the year 2011 are set forth in summary form in Exhibit A that is attached hereto, and are hereby appropriated for expenditure at the fund level during the year 2011. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to keep on file the budget referred to in Section 2 above and to transmit a complete copy of the final budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 5. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 6. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum,. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at a regular meeting of said Council on the 7th day of December, 2010. MAYOR -2- K4 -3 ATTEST: Tanessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: By Summary APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\LEGALa ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONSIORDINANCES.2010131 - 2011 Budget Ordinance.wpd CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON • 2011 BUDGET REVENUE & EXPENDITURES EXHIBIT A • 2011 2011 2011 2011 Beginning Ending Fund Balance Revenue Expenditures Balance General Fund 4,913,968 17,592,334 18,007,334 4,498,968 Special Revenue Funds Lodging Excise Tax 84479 478,644 499,556 63,567 Street 487,606 1,715,557 1,715,557 487,606 Economic Development 5,757,323 238,787 1,576,814 4,419,296 Cultural Resources 217,807 148,435 249,459 116,783 Real' Estate Excise Tax B1 185,794 129,128 61,666 253,256 Real Estate Excise Tax 02 209,504 124,408 88,470 245,442 PenCom 493,303 2,111,088 2,198,088 406,303 Electric Utility Rural Econ. Dev. Rev. Fund 262,228 55,119 50,000 267,347 Port Angeles Housing Rehab. 395,838 587,827 532,269 451,396 Drug Task Force 13,105 5,257 5,000 13,362 Firearms Range 24,105 9,969 4,100 29,974 Senior Center Maintenance 61,333 1,164 - 62,497 Total Special Revenue Funds 8,192,427 5,605,383 6,980,979 6,816,831 Debt Service Funds 2001 Refunding G.O. Bond - Sr. Center/Fire Hall 46,678 394,497 391,704 49,471 2005 Refunding G.D. Bond - Library 5,112 281,270 280,904 5,478 2005LTGO Bond - WUGA 309 249,935 249,569 675 2008 LTGO Bond - Property Acquisition 732 ,129 74,188 86,890 719,427 Total Debt Service Funds 784,228 999,890 1,008,067 775,051 Permanent Funds Cemetery Endowment 372,099 6,883 - 378,982 Esther Webster Trust 704,792 193,125 178,857 719,060 Total Permanent Funds 1,076,891 200,008 178,857 1,098,042 Enterprise Funds Electric 11,935,110 33,841,372 40,659,652 5,116,830 Electric Conservation 664,766 808,634 907,249 564,151 Water 5,543,725 6,582,064 9,167,999 2,957,790 Water Treatment Plant 7,902,110 152,981 185,039 7,890,052 Wastewater 13,283,357 18,865,593 19,874,063 12,274,887 Solid Waste Collection 3,163,391 3,299,493 3,640,967 2,821,917 Solid Waste Transfer Station /Landfill 5,771,493 5,423,606 5,796,504 5,398,595 Stonmwater 786,531 2,442,132 2,732,492 4 Medic i 94,725 1,519,290 1,519,290 94,725 Tel Enterprise Funds 49,145,208 72,933,166 84,463,255 37,615,118 Internal Service Funds Equipment Services 5,239,527 1,250,070 1,545,152 4,944,445 Information Technology 912,324 1,230,392 1,749,872 392,844 Self - insurance 1,390,984 5,044,949 5,129,299 1,306,634 Total internal Service Funds 7,542,835 7,525,411 8,424,323 6,643,923 Fiduciary Firemen's Pension 704,896 29,843 141 ,741 592,998 Total Fiduciary Funds 704,896 29,843 141,741 592,998 Governmental Capital Improvement Funds Capital Improvement 776,138 4,692,500 5,170,635 298,003 Property Management 68,182 3,395 39,550 32,027 Park improvement 156,257 5,537 - 161,794 Total Governmental Capital Improve. Funds 1,000,677 4,701,432 5,210,185 491,824 SUB TOTAL ALL FUNDS 73,361,030 109,587,466 124,415,741 58,532,755 Reserves - Designated Reserves - Used 14,828,275 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 73,361,030 124,415,741 124,415,741 58,532,755 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 2010 AMENDED BUDGET EXHIBIT B General Fund 1 Fund 2010 2010 2010 2010 Beginning Amended Amended Ending Balance Revenue Exeenditurae Balance 4,273,149 17,919,614 17,278,695 4,913,968 Special Revenue Funds Lodging Excise Tax 368,253 476,777 760,551 84,479 Street 588,114 1,714,898 1,815,406 487,606 Economic Development 6.551.106 7.53,114 1,046,897 5,757,323 Cullw 1 Resources 482,751 7,695 272,839 217,807 Reel Estate Excise Tux #1 422,658 129,615 366,479 185,794 Real Estate Excise Ter #2 173,698 125,080 89,274 209,504 Percent 736,124 2,250,63E 2,493,457 493,303 Criminal Justice 309,275 256,484 565,759 - Electrlc Utility Rural Econ. Des. Rev. Fund 257,392 54,836 50,000 262,228 Part Angeles lioustng Rehab. 394,145 200,033 198,340 395,838 Recreation/ Actvttes 122,247 404,100 526,347 - William Shore triennial Pool Ohodst 1 2,692 269,820 272,312 - Drug Task Force 12,784 5,321 5,000 13,105 Contingency Fund 250,000 - 250,000 - K3 Program 12,013 248 12,259 - Firearms Range 24,969 20,580 21,444 24,105 Serdor Center satrdenance 60,130 1,203 61,333 Waterfront Trail 35,521 916 36,437 - Total Special Revenue Funds 10.803.874 6,171,354 8.782,801 8,192.427 Debt Service Furl 2001 Refunding G.0_ Band - Sr. CentedFtre Mail 123,578 308,804 385,704 46,678 2005 Refunding G.0_ Bond • Library 4,616 285,400 284,904 5,112 2006 1.730 Band - W1dGA 5 250,073 249,760 309 2006LTGO Eland - Property Acquisition 743,924 76,094 86,889 732,129 LID Control 138.935 - 138,935 - Total Debt Service Funds 1,011,058 919,371 1,146,201 784,228 Permanent Funds CemeteryEndawrnsnl 366,594 5,505 - 372,099 Esther Webster Trust 688,1156 193,125 176,489 704,792 Total Permanent Funds 1,054,750 198,630 176,489 1,076,891 Enterprise Funds Electric 7,561,461 34,851,872 30,478,223 11,935,110 Electric Conservation 864,944 896,377 1,116,555 664,766 water 2.910,376 8,891,931 6,258,552 5,543,725 Water Treatment Plant 3 7,918,562 163,765 180,217 7,902,110 Wastewater 3 11,334,793 8,858,220 6,909,656 13,283,357 Solid Waste Collection 3,357,929 3,310,750 3,505,288 3,183,391 Solid Waste Transfer siaslnn►Landbll 9,287,059 5,254,342 5,769,908 5,771,493 Str#rmnater 3 723,982 2,063,393 2,000,844 786,531 Medic I 145,007 1.437.346 1,487,628 94,725 Total Enterprise Funds 41.124.113 65,727,996 57,706,901 49,145,208 Internal service Funds Fqutpmentserv4ces 6,022,977 1,344,780 2.126,230 5,239,527 lnformatlnn Tecfuwlogy 971.406 i ,051,548 1,116,630 912.324 Self.Hisuranee 1,390,984 4,660,694 4,880,694 1,390,984 Total internal Service Funds 8,385,367 7,063,022 7,905,554 7,542 835 Fiduciary Fireman'sPenulcn 814,348 32,158 141,610 704,896 Total Fiduciary Funds 814,348 32,158 141,610 704,896 Governmental Capital Improvement Funds Capital Improvement 2,011,364 3,313,277 4,548,503 776,138 Property Management 100,921 3,711 35,450 66,182 Park improvement 159,357 6,890 10,000 156,257 Coat tweet Bretges Reconstruction 122,126 122,126 - Total Governmental Capital improvement Fonds 2,393,778 3,323,878 4,717,079 1,000,577 SUS- OOTALALL FUNDS 69.860,438 101,355,923 97,855,330 73,361,030 Reserves - Deslgneted tor 2011 Capital Projects (3,500,593) Reserves • Used TOTAL ALL FUNDS 69,860,438 97,855,330 97,855,330 73,361,030 r in response to GASH 64 reporting requirements, the rolio ing special revenue runds ere dosing and remaining funds are being transferred In the General Fund: 6 -9 - 512,259; [runnel Justice $330.750; Waterfront Trail - 530,431; Cordingency - 3250,1100; and LID $138,935. Addlitonal fund closures include Recreational Activities and the William Shore Memorial MP D. Ilrasa activities and canines agreements will be accounted far in the General Fund. Expenditures for the pool were also adjusted to Include only half a year. Increased support torStreel Projects 013303,940. i Change In revenue and expenses for (Alias are mostly releled to band proceeds and capital project expenses moving to the following year. Equipment Services changed accounting far supper end parts, and increased capital outlay to take advantage of early purchase discounts. K4 -6 • • • • W A S H I N G T O N , U. S A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: November 16, 2010 . To: City Council From: Dan McKeen, Fire Chief Subject: Proposed Medic 1 Utility Rate Adjustments Summary: To reduce the size of future Medic 1 rate increases and to decrease the size of the General Fund contribution to the Medic 1 Utility, staff is proposing a 9% adjustment to'the rates. This adjustment reflects a $0.39 increase for monthly residential rates and a $0.41 increase for monthly commercial/business rates. In addition, staff is proposing to extend its Medic 1 Utility rate discount programs to include multi - family facilities that provide subsidized housing to seniors, people with mental or physical disabilities and to people who are homeless. Recommendation: (1) Hear presentation from staff. (2) Conduct first reading of • ordinance. (3) Conduct public hearing and continue to December 7, 2010. Background /Analysis: The City of Port Angeles' Medic 1 program is structured as a utility — supported through an Enterprise Fund using transport charges, a monthly utility charge, and a General Fund contribution. The Enterprise Fund is based upon a cost of service approach, with the last cost of service study completed in 2009. As a result of the 2009 cost of service study, the monthly residential rate was adjusted in 2010 by $0.08 and the commercial/business monthly rate was adjusted by $0.19. This slight increase in rates was made possible through the one -time use of $76,000 from the Utility's operating reserves and was intended to soften the .financial impact on customers from large rate increases during the current economic climate. Unfortunately, the use of reserves cannot continue to 2011. To avoid widening the gap between the Medic 1 Utility's expenses and the revenue received by the Utility, staff is recommending a 9% adjustment to the Utility's monthly fees for 2011.. Even with this adjustment, it will be necessary to increase the General Fund contribution to support Medic 1 over the amount budgeted in 2010. The proposed adjustment reflects a $0.39 increase for monthly residential rates and a $0.41 increase for monthly commercial/business rates. The amount of the proposed increase for high demand user classifications, such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities, depends upon their user classification. K -5 Proposed Medic 1 Utility Rate Adjustments Page 2 November 16, 2010 As costs for basic needs increase, many low -wage and fixed - income households rely on programs that provide discounted utility costs just to make ends meet. The City of Port Angeles provides such utility discount programs, with many qualifying households participating. The City's Medic I utility is part of this program. In addition, households that are Medicaid eligible and receive in -home services can receive a Medic 1 Utility fee exemption under a separate program. Multi - family facilities that provide subsidized housing to seniors, people with mental or physical disabilities and to people who are homeless; clearly meet the intent of providing a Medic 1 Utility fee discount. Because some of these facilities are served by a single utility connection, they fall outside of the Medic 1. rate discount programs. Staff is proposing to provide these facilities with a 30% reduction in their monthly Medic I Utility rates. This discount would assist these facilities in meeting their basic financial obligations and would have little impact on the utility as there are a limited number of qualifying facilities. The City's Utility Advisory Committee, during their November 9, 2010 meeting, agreed to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to proceed with the proposed Medic 1 rate adjustments and add a discount program for multi - family facilities that provide subsidized housing to seniors, people with mental or physical disabilities and to people who are homeless. Attachment: Proposed ordinance revising Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic 1 charges. Letters from licensed care facilities concerning proposed Medic 1 fee increases. G:ICITYMGRIFILES\COUNCIL REPORTS\Nov 16 - 20101MediclMemo.doc K -6 • • CRESTWOOD . _ CONVALESCENT CENTER. • NOU 09 2010 11 :22 FR CRESTWOOD 11/9/10 Medic 1 Utility Annual fees: As a high end user of Medic 1 services, Crestwood fully understands and supports the proposed annual increase of 9 %. The services of Medici. are vital for OUT business, and this nominal fee increase will ensure the continued .Medici support of our center , While we support this upcoming increase for 2011,1 would like to ask that 2012 be closely reviewed as to keep increases off the agenda, Sincerely John E. Mock Administrator 3504572935 TO 13504174711 P.02/03 1116 East Lauridsen Blvd. ■ Port Angeles Washington 98362 Phone (360) 452 -9206 • Fax (360) 457 -2935 An Extenclicare® Facility K -7 ND) 09 2010 11:22 FR CRESTWOOD NOV 09 2010 10:13 TO To Whom It May Concern John LeClerc, Executive birector Park View Villas • bATE: November 9, 2010 RE: Medic one utility increase Please consider this memo my support for the proposed 9% increase for Medic one utilities. We are a high end user of this service and it is a vital component for our success. The.service from Medic One has been outstanding and the response times are very appropriate and appreciated: by Park View Villas. It is the hope of Pork View Villas that although this increase is needed to continue the excellent services provided by Medic One, that this increase should be adequate for several years to come, we cannot afford an increase of this size for 2012 .60%k. 'L/ILLA5 3604572935 TO 13664174711 P.03/03 Park View Was 1430 Park vie* LA ( porc ipirs, WA 983631p 360/452-72221E 3641452.4958 BringR?erirement to Life www,vlllageconcepLs. "360'452'455x PRGE K2 _ 8 ** TOTAL PAGE.03 ** • • AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic 1 Charges. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. • Ordinance 3215, as amended, and Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending section 13.73.300 and Exhibit A PAMC to read as follows: PART C - FEES 13.73.300 Utility Rate Setting. ORDINANCE NO. A. Fee Formula. A monthly service fee for the operation of the Utility shall be established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council in conformity with RCW 35.21.766. The amount of the fee shall be based upon cost of regulating ambulance service and the cost of providing Medic 1 as determined by a cost-of-service study done pursuant to RCW 35.21.766(3). Those costs, after transport charges and the general fund contribution, shall be divided among Port Angeles residents and occupants based on a combined demand and availability calculation consistent with accepted principles of utility rate setting. The rate attributable to costs for availability of the Utility shall be uniformly applied across user classifications within the Utility. The rate attributable to costs for demand services of the Utility shall be established and billed to each utility user classification based on each user classification's burden on the Utility. The fee charged by the Utility shall reflect a combination of the availability cost and the demand cost. The resulting fee shall be assessed to identifiable use classifications. Fees will not exceed the revenue requirements to cover the costs of the Utility, as authorized by the City Council by adoption of an annual budget and subsequent amendments. B. Classifications. The monthly service fee shall be collected from each of the following utility user classifications: 1. Residential. 2. Adult family homes. 3. Assisted living facilities 4. 24-Hour nursing facilities 5. Group homes 6. Jail facilities 7. Schools 8.. Commercial /Business 9. City public areas The owner or occupant of each unit in such classifications shall be responsible for payment of this utility fee for the availability and use of ambulance services. C. Service Fee Exemptions/Reductions. 1. All vacant, unoccupied parcels are exempt from the Utility fee. 2. Utility customers shall be eligible for the City's Senior and Disabled Low Income Discount pursuant to PAMC chapter 13.20. .3. Any change in use of a parcel or any other change in circumstance that eliminates application of an exemption from the service fee shall immediately make the affected property subject to applicable service fees. The service fee shall become due and payable as of the date of the change in use and shall continue until the parcel again meets exemption requirements. 4. Monthly rates shall not be prorated. Initial and final charges may be prorated in accordance with the City's standard utility proration practices. 5. Any customer seeking an exemption from payment of the service fee and/or conversion from covered to exempt status, must file a written petition with the Finance Director seeking a determination as to whether a specific parcel satisfies the exemption requirements set forth in this section. 6. The combined rates charged shall reflect an exemption for persons who are medicaid eligible and who reside in a nursing facility, boarding home, adult family home, or receive in- home services. 7. The combined rates charged may reflect an exemption or reduction for designated classes consistent with Article VIII, Section 7 of the state Constitution. 8. The amounts of exemption or reduction shall be a general expense of the Utility, and designated as an availability cost, to be spread uniformly across the Utility user classifications. 9. Multiple residential units that are served by a single utility connection shall be given the option of (1) paying the utility fees for the units as a single combined amount or (2) charging an monthly fee to each unit occupant. Those that select the first option shall be entitled to a rate adjustment based on average occupancy, and shall receive a 25% reduction from the utility fees calculated pursuant to Section 13.73.400. 10. Federal or state subsidized multi- farnilvhousing complexes that are served by a single utility connection shall receive a 30% reduction in the combined rates charged from the utility fees calculated pursuant to Section 13.73.400. For purposes of the preceding sentence. - 2 - K -10 • • • subsidized housing means housing provided to people who are categorized (1' as low- income. and (2) are 65 nears of aye. or have mental or physical disabilities or Who without the subsidized housine. would be homeless. D. Periodic Service Fee Review. The City Manager or his/her designee will periodically perform financial review and analysis of the Utility's revenues, expenses, indebtedness, fees and accounting, and recommend budgets, fee adjustments and financial policy. Based on such review, the City Manager or his designee shall recommend changes, amendments or additions for adoption by the City Council. E. The total revenue generated by the rates and charges shall not exceed the total costs necessary to regulate, operate, and maintain an ambulance utility. Section 2. Ordinance 3215, as amended, and Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Section 13.73.400 and Exhibit.A PAMC to read as follows: PART D 13.73.400 Charges Established. In accordance with the rate study presented to the City Council, effective January 4, 2010 the base rates and fees for the Utility shall be as follows: User Classification Residential Adult family homes* Assisted living facilities* 24 -Hour nursing facilities* Group homes* Jail facilities* Schools* Commercial/Business City public areas Rate $52.20 per year, per unit $852.00 per year, per classification $1 2,574.00 per year, per classification $6,184.00 per year, per classification $1,936.00 per year, per classification $1,290.00 per year, per classification $2,031.00 per year, per classification $54.93 per year, per unit $12,947.00 per year, per classification * Rates for individual facilities do not include allowable exemptions and vary based upon their percentage of use within that classification. For individual facility rates, with allowable exemptions, see Exhibit A. * Effective January 3, 2011. the 2010 individual rates established bv section 13.73.400 and determined bv Exhibit A. shall be increased bv nine (9) percent. Section 3 Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 4 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect January 3, 2011. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of ., 2010. ATTEST.: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: , 2010 By Summary Dan Di Guilio, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G :U.EGAL1s ORDINANCE ,S&RESOLiTi'IONS\ORDINANCE5.201 U128 - Medic 1 Utility Ratea.Cbepter 13. 102510.wpd (November 9, MO) 4- K -12 • • Facility Base Rate 24 -Hour Nursing Facility Crestwood 1116 E Lauridsen Blvd Group Homes 2nd Street House 138 W 2nd C l a l l as n County Hostelries 1 132 Hazel Serenity House 2321 W 18` Adult Family Homes Home Away From Home 1319 W 16" Olympic RN Adult Family 1725 W 11' Good Shepherds Haven 2314 5 Lincoln Assisted Living Laurel Park 1 133 E Park Avenue Park View Villa 1435 & 1445 Park View Ln Peninsula Manor 1017W 17 St. Andrews Place 520 East Park Avenue Utilization ° lo Medic 1 Utility 2011 Annual Fees Exhibit A Amount Before Exemption % of Exemption Exemption Amount 1 Annual Fee After Exemption Availability 2010 Adjustment Annual Fee After 2011 9 °J Adjustment $6,184 100% $6,184 60% $3,710 52,474 $1 52,475 52,698 51,936 15.2% $294 98% $288 $6 1 51 57 58 $1,936 21.7% $420 100% 5420 50 N/A 50 0 i 51,936 63.1% 51,222 29% 5354 5868 51 5869 5947 $852 58.3% 5497 40% 5199 5298 1 51 5299 $326 5852 29.2% $249 0% 50 $249 51 5250 $273 $852 12.5% 5106 0% 50 $106 51 5107 5117 512,574 21.0% $2,641 16% • 5423 $2,218 51 52,219 $2,419 512,574 43.4% 55,457 0% 50 55,457 51 55,458 $5,949 512,574 5.8% 5729 50% 5365 $364 51 5365 5398 512,574 29.8% $3,747 6337% 52,382 51,365 51 $1,366 $1,489 Amount Annual Fee Utilization of Exemption Availa ility 2010 Facility Base Rate Before Exemption Amount After Adjustment Exemption Exemption Annual Fee Jail Facilities Clallam County Adult 223 E 4 Clallam County Juvenile 1912 W 18 Schools Lincoln School 924 W 9`'' Franklin Middle School 2505 S Washington Hamilton Middle School 1822 W 7` Jefferson Middle School 218 West 12 Peninsula College 1502 E Lauridsen Port Angeles High School 304 East Park Avenue Queen of Angels 209 W 1 1 1h Stevens Middle School 1 139 W 14th After 2011 Adjustment $1,290 71% $916 N/A NIA 5916 51 $917 51,000 51,290 29% 8374 NIA N/A 5374 Si 8375 $409 $2,031 43% 587 N/A NIA 587 51 $88 $96 $2,031 2.1% $43 N/A N/A $43 $1 $54.93 559.87' 52,031 6.4% 5130 N/A N/A $130 51 $131 5143 $2,031 2.1% 543 N/A N/A 543 $1 554.93 559,87 $2,031 14.9% $303 N/A N/A 5303 $1 $304 5331 52,031 34.1% 5692 N/A N/A $692 51 $693 $755 $2,031 I0.6% $215 N/A N/A 5215 $1 5216 8235 1 l 52,031 25.5% 5518 N/A N/A $518 51 5519 $566 High demand user classifications that do not qualify for an exemption cannot have a per -unit fee less than that of the commercial/business classification. 2 Facility Gerald Austin Apartments 1305 E 1st Bayview Apartments 306 W 1st 8th Street Apartments 615 W 8th Housing Authority Apart 323 East 2nd Housing Authority Apart 401 E 5th Morning Glory Apartments 529 E 1st Rozelle Apartments 212 W 3rd Jean Tyson Apartments 405 E Front U ptown Apartments 120 5 Laurel Street Tempest Apartments 11211 Albert Street Apartment Buildings with Single Utility Connection Fee After Combined After 2011 Base Rate Avera Vacanc Vacancy 25% Billing Fee After 25% Availability 2010 9 °f° Vacancy Amount Adjustment Adjustment Annual Fee Exemption Adjustment Adjustment 51,337 20% 5267 $1,070 $268 5802 $29 5831 5906 5617 18% 5111 $506 5127 $379 $13 $392 5427 $411 I 40% 5164 5247 562 5185 59 5194 5211 53,600 2.024 $73 53,527 5882 $2,645 577 52,722 52,967 52,057 0% 50 52,057 $514 51,543 544 51,587 51,730 2 5463 0% 50 $463 5116 5347 510 5357 $389 5514 0% 50 $514 5129 $385 511 5396 5432 5206 0% 54 5206 552 $154 54 5158 5172 5309 0% 50 5309 577 5232 57 5239 5261 5669 0% 50 5669 5167 5502 514 5516 $562 i Less 30% subsidized housing adjustment of 5890 for a final 2011 annual fee of $2,077 Less 30% subsidized housing adjustment of $519 for a 'final 2011 annual fee of $1,211 3 Less 30% subsidized housing adjustment of 5169 for a final 2011 annual fee of $393 3 • • • W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: RICHARD BONINE, RECREATION MANAGER SUBJECT: 2011 RECREATION FEES ADJUSTMENTS Summary: Attached are suggested changes revising Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, relating to Recreation Division fees. included are two fee increases, as well as changes to language intended to better represent the current responsibilities of the Recreation Division. Recommendation: Open, conduct and close the Public Hearing; *Conduct first reading of Ordinance; and continue to December 7 2010. Background /Analysis: After reviewing the City of Port Angeles current after - school and summer camp registration costs, usage rates and comparable program fees; recreation staff has determined that the after school recreation program and summer day camp program are currently priced at a lower rate than the market will support ($155 per individual, per session). An increase of $5 per individual, per session (raising the fee to $160) is suggested, and reflected, in the attached Code Amendment. A similar situation is occurring with the fees related to Banner placement. Currently the City is assessing a fee of $85 for groups or individuals requesting a banner be placed across either Front or First Street for a period of one week. Reservations for this service are limited and often booked months in advance. An increase of $1 (bringing the total from $85 to $100 per week/per user) is suggested, and reflected, in the attached Code Amendment. if approved, the combined fee increases would generate approximately $5,940 in additional revenue during the 2011 calendar year. In addition, Code language updates that better reflect the Recreation Division's authority and responsibility, and Code deletions regarding the William Shore Memorial Pool operations are included for Council consideration. Staff recommends City Council open and close the public hearing; conduct the first reading of the ordinance and then continue this item to the December 7, 2010 meeting. C-1DOCUME— Iltpierce \LOCALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwise12011 fee increases memo.doc K -13 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Recreation Division fees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2789, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Recreation Division fees are hereby amended by amending Sections 3.70.030, 3.70.040, and 3.70.045 to read as follows: 3.70.030 Ocean View Cemetery. The charges for the use of the Ocean View Cemetery shall be as follows: A. Site Acquisition 1. Adult lot - $550.00 2. Infant lot - $275.00 3. Um Garden - $300.00 4. Memorial Garden - $250.00 B. Opening and Closing 1. Adult lot - $550.00 2. Infant lot - $230.00 3.. Cremation - $250.00 4. Entombment - $450.00 C. Memorial Marker Setting 1. Memorial Setting, individual - $175.00 2. Memorial Setting, companion - $200.00 D. Cremation Niches 1. Bronze Niches a. Individual - $450.00 b. Individual and companion - $650.00 2. Granite Niches a. Eye level and below and columbarium $750.00 b. Above eye level - $650.00 E. Graveside or Chapel Service - $175.00 F. Saturday Service - $500.00 G. Disinterment -1- K-14 • • • • 1. Adult - $1.,500.00 2. Infant - $500.00 3. Cremated Remains - $500.00 H. Residents of the City of Port Angeles, who present adequate proof of residence within the City of Port Angeles at the time of purchase, to the satisfaction of the Recreation Manaeer. or his representative • f , shall be entitled to a 15% discount from the charges set forth in. Subsection A of this Section. 1. Merchandise Pricing. Prices for merchandise sold at the Ocean View Cemetery, including but not limited to memorial markers, bases and urns, shall be established by cemetery staff at the rate of twice the wholesale cost paid by the City. 3.70.040 l'alks and Recreation Fees. A. 1. 6. ry J a. Non- Profit b. Profit Lockcrs - $0.25 low er /Suitsl'i. owe l rental - 3. ntal - $75.00 per our 4. ►,0 a: Y ou th, Senior, I]isa ►J. Adult $4.50 d. f. 6. h. - $- rse:ee Adttlhottrrtral-Pams - $28-57ee 1 1 11 ■ 1 1 f Q 1( SG1 - 4J. UU Youth SG11pt 12 S �.a - $13 Ae. The fee for installing banners across Front and First Streets shall be $100.00 85.00. The surcharge for use of the City's banner shall be an additional $27.00. BD. The fees for the use of the following Lincoln Park and City Pier facilities by City residents shall be as follows: 1. Clubhouse/Loomis Building -2 Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hrs) $16.00 $160.00 27.00 270.00 K-15 2. City Pier Hourly Rate Flat Rate (aver 10 hrs) a. Non - Profit $16.00 $160.00 b. Profit 32.00 320.00 CE. The fees for the use of the Lincoln Park and City Pier facilities by Non -City residents shall be 150% of City resident fees. DF. The fees for the use of Civic Field Stadium by City residents shall be as follows: Rental Light fee Field paint fee 1. Non - Profit - $38.00/hr $38.00/hr. $32.00 per gallon 2. Profit - $106.001hr 38.00/hr 32.00 per gallon 3. Flat fee rates a. Non- Profit - $380.00 over 10 hours b. Profit - $1,060.00 over 10 hours E €. The fees for the use of Civic Field Stadium by Non -City residents shall be 150% of City resident fees. FH. City Hall User Fees - City Residents. The fees for use of the City Hall Council Chambers and lobby area by City residents shall be as follows: 1. Category 1 (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - no charge 2. Category 11 (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - $13.00/hr. 3. Category DI (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - $17.001hr. GE City Hall User Fees - Non -City Residents. The fees for use of the City Hall Council Chambers and lobby area by Non -City residents shall be 150% of City resident fees. HI Moorage Fees. The moorage fees for use of the City Pier and Waterfront Park shall be as follows: 1. Overnight moorage at floating moorage facilities: $15.00/night. 2. 24 -hour moorage at the main pier moorage area: (a) 0 -100 feet: $100.00 (b) 100 -150 feet: $150.00 (c) 150 -200 feet: $200.00 (d) 200 -300 feet: $300.00 HE. Boat Launch Fees. Fees for use of the public boat launch on Ediz Hook shall be as follows: 1. Daily Use - $10.00 2. Annual Permit - $43.00. M. Adult Sports Programs - City Residents. Team Sponsor Fee Player Fees 1. Soccer, Spring Co -Ed $115.00 $34.00 2. Soccer, Fall Co -Ed 1 15.00 34.00 3. .Softball, Men/Women 525.00 28.00 4. Softball, Co -Ed 415.00 28.00 5. Volleyball, Co -Ed 305.00 28.00 6. Basketball 440.00 28.00 3- K-16 • • • • KM. Non -City resident player fees for adult sports programs shall be 150% of City resident fees. LN. Annual Events Managed by Recreation Division: 1. Tipoff Tourney; Holiday Hoops; Martin Luther King; Presidents' Day; Spring Hoopfest; April Fools; May Day Roundball $250.00 per team 2. Adult Basketball Tournaments 235.00 per team 3. Mens Slowpitch Tournament; Smoked Salmon 235.00 per team 4. Reindeer Fun Run/Walk $23/adult; $11 /under 18 years 5. Olympic Bike Adventure $43 /adult; $27/12 & under (Split: 75% Boys /Girls Club; 25% City) 6. Skills Competition Free - awards & equipment provided Punt, Pass & Kick; Pitch, Hit & Run; Hot Spots; Hershey's Track & Field; Soccer Challenge Me. Youth/Family Fees: 1. After School Program 2. Day Camp - 4 - $160.00 X5 1.60.00 155700 3.70.045 Fees for Other Parks and Recreation Special Events and Activities. The City Manager. or his representative : ' ' • • V - • '_ . shall have authority to establish fees for Parks and Recreation special events and activities not otherwise set in this Chapter. Such fee shall be based on objective criteria and shall be calculated to equitably compensate the City for the reasonably anticipated costs of the special event or activity. Such criteria shall include, but are not limited to: the City's reasonably anticipated costs for personnel, material, and supplies; the benefit, if any, to the community; the amount charged by other vendors for such or activity; the amount of time needed for preparation for the event or activity; the length of notice given by the sponsor of the event or activity; disruption to normal City business occasioned by the event or activity; and other factors relevant to the particular event or activity. Section 2 Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener'slclerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severabilitv. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. K -17 Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject . to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect January 3, 2011. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of November, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: , 2010 By Summary G:1LEOALIa ORDINANCES& RESOL11TIONSIORDINANCES.2010130 - Chapter 3.70 Recreation Fees.wpd (November 9, 2010) DAN DI GUILIO, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. floor, City Attorney • W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY NL4NAGER YVONNE ZIOMI ow sKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 2011 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Summary: The City of Port Angeles is required by law to levy property taxes before November 30. A presentation and the first reading of the property tax ordinance occurred at the November 2 Council meeting. Recommendation: It is recommended the Council: 1) Continue the Public Hearing; 2) Pass the attached resolution regarding property taxes; and 3) Adopt the attached Property Tax Ordinance. Backuround / Analysis: In accordance with state law, the 2011 Preliminary Budget was filed with the City Clerk on October 29, 2010. The public was invited to respond and comment on City revenues and expenditures, as well as any specific information contained in the budget document. The first public hearing was held November 2 and focused on revenue sources including property taxes. The second public hearing is scheduled for tonight and will focus on expenses. The City's property tax is levied based on the full cash value of property as determined by the Clallam County Assessor's Office. The 2011 property tax includes a 1% increase in the Regular Levy, which equates to $40,576 plus any amount resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state- assessed property, annexations that have occurred, and refunds made. In addition, the special levies for 2011 will be as follows: • 2001 G.O. Refunding Bond (Senior Ctr /Fire Hall) $391,4 00 • 2005 G.O. Refunding Bond (Library) $280,600 Tonight there will be a presentation by the Finance Director on the City's expenditure proposals and on the proposed property tax levy. Attached is the ordinance authorizing the 2011 property tax levy for adoption at tonight's meeting. In addition, attached is a resolution authorizing a 1% increase in the regular property tax levy. In accordance with State law, the deadline for the taxing district to certify the property tax levy is November 30. Attachments: Ordinance levying regular .ad valorem property taxes for 2011 Resolution authorizing an increase in regular property tax levy of 1% K -20 • • • • • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying ad valorem property taxes for the fiscal year 2011, and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners. WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Resolution authorizing a 1%, or $40,576, increase over the highest lawful levy for 2010; and WHEREAS, the City Council intends to levy taxes in 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles do hereby ordain as fo llows: Section 1. The City Council hereby determines and fixes the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2011, as follows: Regular Levy Amount $4,067,957 Plus an amount resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state - assessed property, any annexations that have occurred and refunds made. Special Levies 2005 G. O. Refunding Bond (Library) $280,600 2001 G. O. Refunding Bond (Sr. Ctr.JFire Hall) $391,400 Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2011, as set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) K -21 days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of November, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: November ,2010 (By Summary) MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Floor, City Attorney Ci:'s_EGAL \a OR D I NA NC L:S &RES[]Lf, E If71tiS',OR DIN ANC ES 2010 - M Valorem "faxes, I 02610.wpd fNo txx 1,'_4310) • that: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing an increase in the regular property tax levy of 1%, or $40;576, over the highest lawful levy for 2010. WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A33.135, the City Manager is required to provide the City Council with current information on estimates of revenues from all sources, together with estimates submitted by the Finance Director, for consideration of the City's total anticipated financial requirements for the ensuing fiscal year, and the City Council is required to determine and fix by ordinance the amount to be levied by ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted public hearings on expected resources and expenses for 2011 and on the need for an increase in the regular ad valorem property tax levy for the fiscal year 2011; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after such hearings and after duly considering relevant evidence and factors, has determined that in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City. there is a need for an increase in the regular property tax levy, in addition to any amount resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, annexations, and any increase in the value of state - assessed property and refunds made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ofPort Angeles Section 1. After thoroughly reviewing the information relating to revenues and expenses for 2011, and public testimony on the same, the City Council finds that the City has a substantial need to increase its 2011 tax levy to one hundred one percent of its 2010 levy, as allowed by Chapter 84.55 RCW. K 23 Section 2. In addition to any amount resulting from the addition ofnew construction, improvements to property, annexations, any increase in the value of the state-assessed property, and refunds made, an increase in the regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2011 tax year, in the amount of one percent, or $40,576, over the highest lawful levy for 2010. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of November, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk G: L VG A L'.0 ORD1NA NC; ES & RESOLUTIONS tisoLuTioN S .2010 I 0261 0.wpd -2- MAYOR APPROVED AS 'TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney K-24 • • • CATEGORY 1 JAN. RESIDENTIAL-NEW MODULAR/MANUFACT. Value SINGLE FAMILY Value MULTI-FAMILY Value ACCESSORIES Value COMMERCIAL-NEW RETAIL Value HOTEL/MOTEL Value OFFICE : 1 :: 1 $8,420 1 $8,420 $94,496 Value DRINKING/DINING Value AUTO/SERVICE Value INDUSTRIAL Value I I I I I 1 1 I PUBLIC-NEW SCHOOLS/HOSPS/GOVT 1 1 Value CHURCHES Value RECREATION Value I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 REPAIR & ALT, : . : , r.. RESIDENTIAL 20 17 27 23 27 26 31 40 62 49 : 322 ..... . .: 286 :: Value $91,002 $78,957 $282,507 $102,320 $180.009 $180,898 $220,520 $319,821 $396,353 $361,063 : $2,213,450 , , $2,422,771 COMMERCIAL 8 15 18 15 12 14 13 17 13 7 : : , 132 . : .101 Value $102,650 $117,651 $116,991 $64,046 $61,794 $369,826 $117,043 $129,466 $119,011 $148,209 : $1,346,687 :$6,19E618 , PUBLIC 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 : : 19 : ':: ', : . 13": : Value $359,500 $176,480 $91,250 $17,990 $170,765 $457,073 $180,500 $614,000 $2067,558: , : $506,201 . DEMOLITION/ MOVE 3 4 1 1 ; 1 9 :1 ; ::.. .17 Value $0 $2,000 $0 $0 $2,000 . , I : $141;220 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUILDING TOTALS: . BLDG PERMITS 31 C OF O'S ISSUED 1 8 FEB. $55, 440 MAR. $165,643 $64,224 1 ONST. VALUE : : $.g355:... $805;845: ..$2,15Q,792 $591,754 :. 4837,647' BLDG PERMITS FEE $4,78o $11,792 $15,454 $6,026 $28,913 $12,524 $17,741 < 1 4 1 14 1 APR. MAY $147,132 1 $1,609,627 3 1 4 JUNE $5,352 $58,980 $23,040 6 1 14 *Certificate of Occupancy (C of 0) issued to new or relocated businesses. • JULY AUG. I SEPT. J OCT. 1!.....;,;pitt.yrai• . 2009,YTD : 1$474;964 2 3 5 5 17 •• $277,125 $558,571 $585,761 $562,030 .1 .•$2,296,262. 1 1•$1,609,627 :". 3 2 1 15 26 •,:•• $54,240 $25,080 $29,160 , ., - .....:$7.18,231 1 6 1 0 1 3 1 4 59 1 .•"' :$66,440: . : : •$678,250 <$6,400: :: :1 $293,821 $43,774 $68,000 $111,774 $26,039,776 $60,000 43 : - 50 - ::' 69; 85 : 66 :519 1 481 .$1,687,171: $1,306,705 , :$1,714,462 ,:$9,971,294 : $41,038,703 '427,1E9 : 1 $29,163 : I $181,121 $385,77 M - 1 V. PUBLIC COMMENT / PRESENTATION 1. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Finance Committee Update VII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 1X. RECOGNITION 1. Clay Harwood X. ADJOURN OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940 B LIMITED LANE NW OLYMPIA WA 98502 Regular Meeting November 10, 2010 10:00 am I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Ask for any corrections, additions /omissions) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 13, 2010 1V. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Compliance Update 2. ORCAA Permit Actions 3. Education and Outreach 4. Air Quality Summary 5. Finance /Administrative Update 6. Executive Director's Report Be courteous — Please silence all cell phones Expenditures and Disbursements approved for payment for the period October 7, 2010 — November 4, 2010: Warrants and wire transfers: 63003012 through 63003058 = $41,923.22 Payroll: 312430 through 312448 = $121,972.04 VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION To discuss any matter suitable for Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110 M-2 Fund: Warrant #'s: Scheduled Payment Date: Issue Amount 6471 63003012 - 63003023 October 8 $3,767.69 • • JOURNA.LXLS OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940 - Limited Lane NW, Olympia WA 98502 -8503 Consent Agenda to Board of Directors Meeting WARRANTS ISSUED & SUBMITTED FOR THE PERIOD October 7, 2010 through November 4, 2010 63003024 - 63003029 October 15 $14,448.62 Auto - Mo. Wire Transfer T.C. Accounting Charge $294.00 63003030 - 63003040 October 22 $5,906.81 63003041 - 63003055 October 28 $16,972.10 312430 - 312448 . Payroll $93,065.07 5368, 5374, 5378 Benefits $28,906.97 63003056 - 63003058 November 3 $534.00 Total Expenditures This Period: $163,895.26 Included with Consent Agenda for Monthly Board of Directors Meeting. M -la/2010 Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by Date. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Check Register For the Period From Oct 7, 2010 to Nov 4, 2010 Check #R Date Payee Amount 63003012 10/8/10 CompUSA 1,573.82 63003013 10/8/10 Dept. of Correctional Industries 286.37 63003014 10/8/10 Fed Ex 51.84 63003015 10/8/10 Firestone Store 24.29 63003016 10/8/10 Francea L. McNair 12.00 63003017 10/8/10 Mountain Mist Water 63.04 63003018 10/8/10 National Pen Company 737.00 63003019 1018 /10 Office Depot 251.31 63003020 10/8/10 SafelitelGlasPro 29,95 63003021 10/8/10 Sunset Air Incorporated 258.23 63003022 10 /8 /10 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 448.84 63003023 10 /8 /10 James Werner 31.00 63003024 10/15/10 AT & T Mobility 91.68 63003025 10/15/10 Department of Ecology 634.80 63003026 10/15/10 Labor & Industries 1,753.22 63003027 10/15/10 Pacific Disposal 29.00 63003028 10/15/10 Puget Sound Energy 657.53 63003029 10/15/10 Reliable Electric Inc, 11,282.39 63003030 10/22/10 Bean Gentry Wheeler & Peternell, PLLC 1,445.00 63003031 10/22/10 Comcast Cable Com., Inc. 536.66 63003032 10/22/10 Department of Information Services 77.21 63003033 10/22/10 Department of Printing 2,038.16 63003034 10/22/10 Fed Ex 20.51 63003035 10/22/10 Mike Meinberg 13.50 63003036 I0/22/10 The Olympian 319.48 63003037 10/22/10 On Hold Concepts, Inc. 117.00 63003038 10/22/10 Sunrise Pest Management, Inc. 64.29 63003039 10/22/10 WA Assoc. of Public Records Officers 150.00 63003040 10/22/10 'Yakima Region Clean Air Agency 1,125.00 6300304I 10/28/10 Bank of America 3,393.34 63003042 10/28/1 Budd Bay Cafe 710.57 63003043 10/28/10 Capital Business Machines 251.87 63003044 10/28/10 City of Olympia 753.21 63003045 10/28/10 Alarm Center, Inc. 4,075.53 63003046 10/28/10 Dan DiGuilio 150.00 63003047 10/28/10 Lynn Harding 208.65 63003048 10/28/10 Clay Harwood 61.00 63003049 10/28/10 1hi1 Johnson 125.00 63003050 10/28/10 Francea L. McNair 98.00 63003051 10/28/10 Dean Pigman 150.00 63003052 10/28/10 PUD #1 of Clallam County 95.64 63003053 10128/10 Stockholm Environmental Institute US 6,790.00 63003054 10/28/10 Sunrise Pest Management, Inc. 64.29 63003055 10/28/I0 Thurston County Sheriffs Office 45.00 312430 - 312448 10/29/10 Payroll 121,972.04 Auto - Transfer 10/29/10 T.C. Accounting Fee 294.00 63003056 11/3/10 Capacity Provisioning Inc. 35.00 63003057 11 /3 /10 CPI, Ventures LLC 299.00 63003058 11/3/10 Willapa Community Dev. Assn. 200.00 Total 163, 895.26 11/5/2010 at 7:34 AM • • Asbestos Permit Status Report Permit # 09ASB002881 09ASB002886 10AS 8002908 10A58002988 10ASB003098 10ASB003100 10ASB003102 10AS B003107 10A88003115 10ASB003117 10ASR003121 10ASB003135 10AS 8003145 10ASB003147 Staff RTM RTM MS AD SS RTM AD SS MS MS RC SS S5 RC Reed 1 2/9/2009 1 2/17/2009 1/19/2010 4/13/2010 8/30/2010 911/2010 9/2/2010 9/9/2010 9/17/2010 9/20/2010 9/20/2010 10/6/2010 10/1512010 10/19/2010 Address Capitol Campus Puget Sound Energy 2321 West Dayton Airport Rd 504 - 15th Avenue SW 2681 Westhaven Drive 6436 Guerin Drive SW 16725 Nana Court SE 416 Sid Snyder Avenue SW 2519 Simpson Ave 61016th Avenue SE 61 Garden Court Road 400 Forth F Street 812 Bowker Street SE 2208 Walnut St 10ASB003148 -- - ._. _MS_._. -... _ OE - - -- -- 3323 - Bostd St - SW 10ASB003149 S5 10/21/2010 410 Fifth Avenue 10ASB003152 MS 10/26/2010 2421 Port Industrial Rd - --- 1 - - - SS — /0/26/2010 --- 31 - 1 - 16th Ave - SW - (4731 Bldg.) 10ASB003154 10ASB003155 10ASB003156 10ASB003157 Thursday, November 04, 2010 MS 10/27/2010 922 North N. Street 10/27/2010 12245 Tilley Road S., Kitchen #1 AD 10/27/2010 625 Black Lake Blvd SW unit SH 10/28/2010 3040 Wild Current Lp Mod 302 City Olympia Olympia Shelton Olympia Westport Olympia Yelm Olympia Hoquiam Lacey Port Hadlock Aberdeen Lacey Port Townsend - Tiimwatey Olympia Aberdeen - Olympia - -- Aberdeen Olympia -00 Olympia Olympia Status 1st quarter 2 If 1st quarter 0 ft, 2nd quarter 0; 3rd quarter Annual permit. Quantities to be reported This will be a selective demo Demo. permit: 10DEM002733 First amendment 9/29/10 - change of co Applicant has mailing address of 502 S. Contractor has not been chosen • Completion Date Actual Completion Project on hold 10/28/10, extend completi will be demo'd after removal will be emergency= waiting on contractor called and changed start date to 11/4 There-are-going-to-be-certified-workers-an 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 11/15/2010 10/22/2011 10/31 /2010 10/20/2010 10/31/2010 8/31/2011 11/4/2010 11/1/2010 11/5/2010 12/31/2010 11/8/2010 - '1111212010 --- - -- 11/9/2010 11/16/2010 11/16/2010 11/16/2010 Page 1 of 2 M - • Completion Date Actual Permit # Staff ReC'd Address City Status Completion 10A80003159 MS 10/29/2010 740 East Cowlitz South Bend waiting for survey. MS 11/9/2010 10ASB003160 AD 11/1/2010 19800 Carper Road SW Rochester 11/16/2010 10ASB003161 AD 1113/2010 108 First Street N. Pacific Beach 12/31/2010 Thursday, November 04, 2010 Page 2 of 2 M -6 • • Permit# 09DEM002513 09DEM002529 09DEM002540 10DEM002545 10DEM002552 10DEM002553 10DEM002574 10DEM002590 10DEM002595 10DEM002603 10DEM002605 10DEM002607 10DEM002611 10DEM002620 Rec'd Staff 11/16/2009 SS 12/8/2009 55 12/30/2009 SS 1/11/2010 S5 1/22/2010 SS 1/29/2010 S5 2/24/2010 RTM 3/9/2010 SS 3/16/2010 RC 3/22/2010 3/22/2010 MS 3/24/2010 AD 3/30/2010 MS 4/5/2010 SS _..... ._. __ 10DEM002623 4/6/2010 AD 10DEM002629 10DEM002631 10DE M002635 10DEM002641 10DEM002646 10DR/100265i 10DEM002659 1:0DE0A267R 4/20/2010 AD 4/21/2010 AD 4/22/2010 MS 4/30/2010 MS 5/6 /2010 SS 5/17/2010 RC 5/24/2010 SS B151/2O10 AD Thursday, November 04, 2010 Address 292 Oyster House Road 341 Verner Avenue 6210 Prather Road SW 324 Bromley Lane NE 2802 Pacific Avenue 716 Wilson Street 7802 Diagonal Road, N.E. 3232 -3236 18th Ave Se 326 Wildwood Lane 16822 Sorbus Ct 310 4th 6407 Sandridge Rd 1581 134th Lane 504 15th Avenue SW 2920 93rd Ave $W S Lincoln Street & E 8th Street - NWCS 125 E 3rd Street 718 S. Satsop Street 1110 NE Iris Street 205 Warren 467 John Jacobs Road 300 block Columbia Street NW 361 S Bay Wav • Demo ition Permit Status Report City Status Asia Survey Asia Permit# Sequim 11/16/09 - On hold until we get a star 0 ASB Port Ludlow 12/15/09 - received payment. 535.00 © ASB Centralia 0 ASB Olympia Customer sent in pictures of barn. 1C El ASB Olympia 0 ASB Olympia 0 ASB Olympia ASB Olympia 06/15/10 not approved yet. 0 ASB Sequim Owner provided letter than CCFD#3 i 0 ASB Yelm commercial property (rental) - they wi 0 ASB Long Beach This Is an old garage that has fallen 0 ASB Long Beach 03/25/10 AD talked to Diane. Need f 0 ASB Long Beach RC: recd phone call on 5/20/10 from 0 ASB Olympia 0 ASB Olympia waiting on asbestos permit and remo ® ASB Port Angeles 04/20/10 Survey from 2007. Request 0 ASB Port Angeles Montesano liwaco Aberdeen Port Angeles Olympia Port Ludlow MS _ approved permit? no asbestos found in samples, will Ini This case was referred to ORCAA b Customer will be calling in contractor ASB ASB ASB ASB ASB ASB ASH • Page 1 of 4 M - 7 • Permit# 100E M402683 1 ODE M002688 10DEM002695 10DEM002699 10DEM002708 10DEM002710 10DEM002717 10DEM002718 1 0DEM002720 10DEM002721 10DEM002722 10DEM002723 10DEM002724 10DEM002725 10DEM002728 10DEM002729 1 ODEM002731 Rec'd Staff 6/1612010 RTM 612212010 RC 6/3012010 SS 7/612010 AD 7/26/2010 MS 7/26/2010 MS 8/5/2010 SS 8/612010 RC 8/11/2010 MS 8/11/2010 RC 8111/2010 RC 8/1212010 RC 8/13/2010 MS 8/16/2010 RC 8/23/2010 SS 8124/2010 SS 8/26/2010 AD Thursday, November 04, 2010 Add ress Tullis & Oak Street NE 229 Monroe Street 625 Black Lake Boulevard, 1 lth Floor 3017 Sumner 24308 NE 167 Ave 7529 Cooper Point Road 450 North Street 291 E. Price Street 325 E. Lamb Street - Westport Marina 241 N. Palmer Drive 61 Hooker Road 1727 Obrien Road 217 North F Street 1890 Irondale Road (QFC #870) 1025 Qunice Street NE 709 East Fir St 1916 Jackson Avenue NW - 10DEM002733 - 812702010 - SS - -- -- 2681 - Westhave -Dr- 10DEM002735 9/212010 SS 4405 Thornton Rd S 10DEM002736 9/2/2010 16725 Nana Court SE 1 0DEM0027 -38____ 91712010- MS-- -- 13.1.6- Lincoln- Stree& 10DEM002739 9/7/2010 AD 4231 Cooper Point Rd NW 10DEM002741 9/10/2010 SS 16042 143rd Avenue SE 10DEM002742 9/1012010 MS 25409 Vernon Avenue 10DEM002744 9/1712010 MS 2519 Simpson Ave City Olympia Port Townsend Olympia Hoquiam Battle Ground Olympia Olympia Port Hadlock Westport Port Townsend Sequim Port Angeles Aberdeen Port Hadiock Olympia Sequim Olympia Olympia Lacey -- -- Hoquiam_ Olympia Yeim Ocean Park Hoquiam Status RC: pending return call from applica Two phases in the mall. Asbestos su This is listed as a training burn to be Asbestos survey brought in an 9/20/1 Needs asbestos removal permit for 3 Training fire by the Westport Fire De provided photos of carport with rolled RC: needs asbestos permit applicatii Property owner mailing address lists Customer will supply pictures to Aly. Asb Survey Asb Permit # ❑ ASB l ASB ❑ ASB ❑ ASB • ASB • ASB ❑ ASB • ASB +�I ASB ❑ ASB ►►I" ASB ❑ ASB • ASB • ASB ❑ ASB • ASB ❑ ASB Westport- --- __..__ -- noasbstos- permit -on- file - -I sent- her -- - 10ASB003098- • ASB Asbestos form is incorrect. Sent ccr • 10ASB003102 9107!1.OE _T.he- perrnit_will_be -on- hold _u — _- 1.0ASB003 -1_t 2 _ _____e__. 10 ASB • ASB �► ASH Contractor has not been chosen ® 10ASB003115 Page 2of4 M -8 • Permit# 10DEM002747 10DEMO02749 10DEM002751 10DE M002752 10DEM002753 10D EM002756 10DEM002757 10DEMO02759 1 ODEMO02760 10DEM002761 10DEM002763 10DEM002764 1 0DEM002765 10DE M002766 10DEM002767 10DEM002768 10DEM002769 10DEM002771 10DEM002772 10DEM002773 10DEM002774 1 0DEM002775 10DEM002776 1ODEMOO2777 Rec'd Staff 9/21/2010 AD 9/23/2010 MS 9/23/2010 SS 9/24/2010 RC 9/24/2010 AD 9/29/2010 SS 10/1/2010 MS 10/4/2010 RTM 10/5/2010 AD 10/5/2010 SS 10/7/2010 MS 10/7/2010 MS 10/12+'2010 AD 10/12/2010 RTM 10/18/2010 MS 10/19/2010 MS 10/20/2010 _......._- .- . ...... -- ... 10BEM002770- -.._.- 10/20/2010 ---- Thursday, November 04, 2010 10/21/2010 RC 10/21/2010 5S 1 - 0- RTM —_ 10/28/2010 MS 10/29/2010 10/29/2010 11/1/2010 Address 209 Lurelhurst Dr. SE 300 West Baldwin Street 13489 Yelm Highway SE 513 E Street 5730 E State Route 3 3003 RW Johnson Road 4502 N. Place 3122 Jorgenson Road NE 8430 Aspen Ct 405 Dennis St.,SW 1001 Lincoln 259493 Highway 101 2749 Angus Drive 2515 East 18th Street 701 N. 1st Street 3323 Boston St SW McMlcken Island 9805 Blomberg- Street SW 540 S. Bay Way 5600 Koala Street SE 1 -S R1 -06- Belfair 221 Willapa Avenue 3815 Delphi Road 35000 G. Street 13671 SR 106 • • Status issued by JTK On hold until contractor and start dat City Tumwater Aberdeen Yelm Port Townsend Shelton Tumwater Seaview Olympia Yelm Tumwater Hoquiam Sequim Tenino Olympia Westport Tumwater Shelton Tumwater Port Ludlow Lacey �Belfair South Bend Asbestos removed by KDS 3/24/10. Olympia Ocean Park Beifair Estate Executor. Phillip E. Cadero ❑ ASB 09/27/10 waiting on asbestos remove Q ASB • ASB • ASB ❑ ASB Will fax asbestos survey and include 0 ASB Family member lives in the house. Af ❑ ASB • ASB • ASB ▪ ASB ❑ ASB Waiting to approve until we get the a Q ASB emergency - waiting on contractor. • 10ASB003148 Contact person: Mascha Cowles ❑ ASB • ASB 10 so ft of flooring exempt from asb Homeowners moved- asbestos the __ I Asb Survey Asb Permit # ❑ ASB • ASB ▪ ASB 0 ASB ASB ASB ASB ASB ▪ ASB • ASB Page 3 of 4 M -9 Permit# Recd Staff Add ress City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit # 10DEM002778 11/1/2010 MS 202 W. Martin Elma No fire training form attached. kle Z ASB 10DEM002779 11/3/2010 SS 9714 Hunter Point Road NW Olympia Please contact the contractor if you n lil ASB Thursday, November 04, 2010 Page 4 of 4 M - 1 0 • • Complaint Report for period from 10/8/2010 to 11/4/2010 Date Source Referred to: AD 10/10/2010 Mike Winter Lacey FLM 10/12/2010 Joe Zaino Olympia AD 10/13/2010 Logging slash bum Clailam Bay AD 10/31/2010 Talisman and Ensign Apartments Olympia KLE 11/01/2010 Mary Fehrenbach Shelton AD 11/02/2010 Russell & Luna Eckstrom Olympia AD 11/02/2010 Unknown AD Referred to: MS 10/08/2010 Joe Zaino Olympia SS 10/08/2010 OCEAN PROTEIN LLC HOQUIAM SS 10/14/2010 Shangauz Ship HOQUTAM MS 10/15/2010 Chuck Chafn Grayland MS 10/17/2010 Steve Eggleston Olympia DJM 10/18/2010 All Storage Elma MS 10/18/2010 TBD Olympia MS 10/19/2010 BiII Nagle Olympia DJM 10/19/2010 TBD Naselle MS - 7 1071'W - 2010 9/2010 William Musgrove T Tumwater - RTM 10/20/2010 Lloyd and Megan Houk Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/21/2010 Floyd Phillips Raymond MS ❑ ❑ 10/22/2010 BUDDHANGKURA BUDDHIST Olympia MS ❑ -❑ TEMPLE OF WASH 10/22/2010 Rob Horlick 10/26/2010 -ATLAS SHELTON 10/26/2010 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON MS 0 ❑ ❑ 10/26/2010 Bill Sell Trucking ABERDEEN 55 ❑ ❑ ❑ Referred to: RC 10/12/2010 James Springer Thursday, November 04, 2010 City Recd Forma Oncap Online Smoke Odor Open Fir Dust Woodstov Other Forks RC u u LJ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Olympia MS ❑ ❑ ❑ SHELTON MS ❑ ❑ ❑ O 0 0 ❑ ❑ 10 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D © ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ '8 ❑ ❑ ❑ C1 ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ RI ❑ ❑ ❑ _r. ._---- _���.A __..--- . ❑ -.. -. -- Demo of motile without a permit ❑ 0 WI 0 0 ❑ ❑ D ❑ ❑ O ❑ LJ LJ LJ a 11 LJ 11 illegal materials age 1 of 2 { Date Source 10/12/2010 MIDWAY METALS 10/12/2010 Teressa Jolly (property owner) 10/1 2/2010 Walt Armer 10/13/2010 Alejo Custom Collision and Repair /Abel Alejo Bennett and Ramona Le©uc D and H Enterprises - Darrel Gaydeski 10/1 4/2010 10/1 8/2010 10/19/2010 10/19/2010 10/26/2010 11/02 /2010 Darrel Gaydeski Roger Leduc ( ?) Roy and Laura Flanigan Wayne H. McNealey Referred to: RTM 10/20/2010 Randy Knighton 10/20/2010 Steve Junk • 10/21/2010 Randy Knighton Referred to: SS 10/08/2010 Riverbend Campground 10/08/2010 Terry Thompson 10/14/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC 10/18/2010 Monica Edwards & Sebastian Soto 10/18/2010 William & Delores Mackelwith W!lliam_Hunt- 10/20/2010 10/20/2010 10/20/2010 Delphi Golf Course Dorothy Mills No name given • 10/22/2010 BUDDHANGKLIRA BUDDHIST TEMPLE OF WASH 10/22/2010 Mike & Barb Patrick 10/25/2010 Bill Shelton 10/28/2010 Heike Nolcini 1 1201 - 0 osie Reeves 10/29/2010 Joe Zaino Thursday, November 04, 2010 City PORT ANGELES Beaver Beaver Port Angeles Port Angeles Forks Forks Sequim Port Townsend Forks Olympia Lacey Olympia Olympia SS LJ ❑ ❑ ❑ Li 11 LJ Li Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ © 0 ❑ ❑ RAINIER RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Shelton SS ❑ ❑ ❑ n ❑ ❑ 9 ❑ _ Olympia _____.__..- _..__..SS__ .- - -. - -❑ ___ ❑ ❑_._ T -_ - -- -❑ -- —_ ❑___.__.._..'❑_ DJM ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Olympia SS ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ lil Olympia KLE ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ❑ ❑ ® burning tarps outside - also Olympia Olympia Olympia Yelm Olympia Olympia Rec'd Forma Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Fir Dust RC MJ LJ 17 u ❑ LJ RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ RC ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ O ❑ RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ RC ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ M ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ 0 0 ❑ Possible Demo without a permit ss ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r iii ❑ ❑ KLE ❑ ❑ 5 0 0 ❑ ❑ IWI RC ❑ ❑ ❑ o o ® ❑ ❑ RTM El ❑ 0 El ❑ kJ ❑ ❑ RTM LJ ❑ ❑ 0 ® ❑ ❑ RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ m in 0 ❑ ❑ ss ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑+J ❑ ❑ KLE ❑ ❑ LI 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ss ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ .❑ S5 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El S5 ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ss ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ WI • Woodstov Other u ❑ ❑ ge 2 of 2 NOV Monthly Report For the period 1 0/8/2010 to 11/4/2010 NOV # Name 2903 ATLAS SHELTON 2904 SELL 2948 SHOEMAKE 2949 GAYDESKI 2969 13 & N INVESTMENT COMPANY 2970 B & N INVESTMENT COMPANY 2972 CAMERON 2973 CAMERON 2975 SILVER SPRINGS SS THURSTON 8 . 5 (c) ORGANICS LLC 2978 COOPER POINT CHEVRON 2979 PERKINS 2987 MUSGROVE 2988 MUSGROVE Issued City by MS MASON MS GRAYS HARBOR RC CLALLAM RC CLALLAM MS GRAYS HARBOR MS GRAYS HARBOR SS THURSTON SS THURSTON SS THURSTON 8 . 8 SS GRAYS 6.3.3 HARBOR Regulation(s) 6.1.8 6 . 2 (a)( 1 ) 6.2(a)(1) 6 . 2 (a)( 1 ) 6.2(a)(1) 6.3.2(a) (demo) 6.2(a)(1) 6,3,2(a) (demo) MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) • • NOV Issued Conditions in Approval of Ord 08/13/2010 $700.00 Enforceable; failure to comply Open fire containing prohibits 1 0/28/2010 Open fire containing prohibits 10f26/2010 Open fire containing prohibits 10/26/2010 Open fire containing prohibits 05/25/2010 No demolition permit aquired : prior to demolition Open fire containing prohibite. No demolition permit aquired : prior to demolition Odor emissions interferes unre person's use and enjoyment of Violation of not maintaining a equipment in good operating c repair. Procedures for asbestos emisis• conauctea untawruiiy. 05/25/2010 07/07/2010 07/07/2010 07/30/2010 08/31/2010 09/08/2010 Open fire containing prohibits 10/26/2010 MS THURSTON 6 . 3 . 2 (a) (demo) No demolition permit aquired : 10/26/2010 prior to demolition Penalty Amount Amount Assessed Suspended Paid $600.00 $910.00 $1,100.00 $785.00 $1,400.00, $400.00 $400.00 Penalty Issued 10/2512010 $500.00 $100.00 07/22/2010 $910.00 07/22/2010 $1,100.00 08 /16 /2010 $785.00 08/16/2010 $1,400.00 09/14/2010 10/22/2010 10/22/2010 Totals: $6,295.00 5500.00 54,295.00 M -13 FireDistrict CFD #4, Joyce East Jefferson Fire 12/3/2010 3186 Department Elma Fire Department GHFD #7, Copalis Beach /Ocean JFD #1, Chimacum JFD #2, Quilcene JFD #3, Port Ludlow JFD #5, Discovery Bay TFD #11, Llttlerock TFD #13, Griffin Thursday, November 04, 2010 Current ORCAA Land Clearing Burn Permit Expiration # Legal Desc Burn Site Address 11/1512010 3158 Sec33 T31 R08w 131 Miller Road 11/26/2010 3181 Sec28 T31 R09w 12/3/2010 3187 11/20/2010 3152 11/12/2010 3161 11/7/2010 3156 11/17/2010 3174 1/128/2010 3184 11128/2010 3183 11/24/2010 3180 11/17/2010 3175 Sec12 T29R01 W Sec19 T12R04W Sec03 T28R01 W Sec34 T26R01 W Sec23 T28R01 E Sec18 T29R 11114/2010 3163 Sec27 T19RO3W 11115/2010 3165 Sec27 T19R03W 11/24/2010 3178 Sec26 T19R03W 265 Harrison Beach Rd 674 Parkridge Drive Port Townse Secord 83 Cleveland Street 31 Strawberry Hill Rd,Elma 3707 Highway 109 60 Lillian Street Chimacum Neet 4851 Center Valley Road Chimacum Miller 1700 Hazel Point Road Quiilcene Mahan 41 Pine Way #82 Orcas Trail 11115/2010 3167 12411 Case Rd SW Olympia Armstrong - -- - --- - - - -- 1111.5/2010 3- 162- -Sec12 T16R03W —5443-133rd-Avenue-SW --- Rochester - -.-- Sawyer 11/19/2010 3177 Sec36 T17R03W 11510 Litltlerock Road SW Olympia Buchanan 4931 Scott Road NW Port Hadlock Stewart Copal's Elora Furth Port Ludlow Stewart 5233 Oyster Bay Road NW Olympia Reed 6849 Galiacher Cove Road Olympia Bakke NW Scott Road & 51st Street Olympia Vestal City Last Name CompanyName Joyce Cannon Gagnon Bushling Joyce Buck Jordan Excavating Stoliy's Construction Inc. Wadsworth Black Creek Construction Peninsula Recycling Stewart Excavating (360) 385 -2220 Port Townse Stewart Stewart Excavating (360) 385 -2220 Olympia Amundson S. Bay Extreme E..cavating Vestal & Sons Phone — (360) 460 -4986 (360) 928 -2177 (360) 452 -3270 (360) 385 -2220 (360) 581-5039 (360) 301 -1229 (360) 962-7055 (360) 531-0199 (360) 357 -9108 (360)- 507 - 0969 - - -- (360) 918 -3767 (360) 507 -3803 (366) 789 -5917 (360) 352 -7491 M -14 • • • • • FireDistrict Expiration # Legal Dese Burn Site Address City Last Name TFD #2, Yelm tw ..... _. - . TFD #3, Lacey TFD #4, Rainier TFD #8, South Bay 11/14/2010 3171 17003 Hannus Road Yelm Zuzawith 11/1412010 3170 11115/2010 3157 Sec14 T16R01 E 11/1712010 3159 ,_ ...m. „ w.n=.2'..y ".MM..m.e • 11/1512010 3164 Sec19 T18R0le 2020 Old Pacific Highway Lacey Frederickson SE 8911 80th Lane .SE 6947 Thorobred Lane 11/17/2010 3172 Sec12 T17R0lw 11/2112010 3179 11126/2010 3182 Sec25 T16R01 E 15602 Lindsay Rd s 14625 Hidden Oak LN SE Vail Cut -off Road Rainier 11115/2010 3160 Sec16 T10R01 W 4709 76th Avenue e NE 12430 Zeller Road SE Yelm Verdegem Yelm Yelm Olympia Olympia Sage Sowers Olympia Brewer Bloom McBride Bloom ..�_ . Rainier General Development CompanyName Phone (360) 458 -5958 (360) 894 -7007 All Logging and Land (360) 906 -7023 Clearing Howards Construction (360) 459 -0123 Hardrock Excavating (360) 470 -2734 (360) 446 -7300 (360) 701 -8500 (360) 400 -0740 (360) 350 -2900 Thursday, November 04, 2010 1 M -15 Inspections Completed Printed 11/412010 7:54:33 AM Between 10/8/2010 and 11/4/2010 Insp. Date Inspection Type AD 10/08/2010 Unannounced 11/03/2010 Source Test GO 10/14/2010 Source Test MS RC SS 10/13/2010 Unannounced 10/13/2010 Unannounced 10/14/2010 Source Test 10/15/2010 Unannounced 10 /21/2010 Unannounced 10/13/2010 10/13/2010 10/13/2010 10/14/2010 11/01/2010 11/02/2010 11/02/2010 Unannounced Driveby Unannounced Announced Business Assistance Driveby Driveby 10/08/2010 Unannounced File # Source Name 226 EXTREME AUTO LLC 198 SAFEWAY - SEQUIN #1448 1236 IMPERIUM GRAYS HARBOR LLC 914 ELMA MINI MALL 1020 7- ELEVEN 22261 - LINCOLN 1236 1N1PERIUM GRAYS HARBOR LLC 1204 WEYERHAEUSER OLYMPIA TAG YAR 475 WEYERHAEUSER NR RAYMOND LUM 749 AUTO DEPOT 1245 PUGET SOUND SURFACERS #G -6 1197 WSDOT - TEF DISCOVERY BAY 678 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER 635 MASTER BODY WORKS 368 PENFLY 153 NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES USA CO L 292 HOWARDS PRESTIGE CLEANERS S Location SHELTON SEQUIN HOQUTAM ELMA HOQUTAM HOQUIAM OLYMPIA RAYMOND SEQUIN PORT TOWNSEND PORT ANGRT FS PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES OLYMPIA Page 1 of 1 M -1 • • • 1 • 7456 CORPORATION ACTI (ANGELES COMPOSITE TECHNOLOGIES INC) ADAGE MASON LLC Industrial /Corry rcial Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 711012010 - 9/2/2010) ROCHESTER SHELTON AGP - PORT OF GRAYS ABERDEEN NOC 10NOC762 HARBOR TERMINAL 2 09NOC704 install spray booth PORT ANGELES AOP 1 0NOC742 after- the -fact installation of 2 spary booths GG 09/16/09 NOC 10NOC748 install 60 mw net woody biomass GDL 04/01/10 electric power plant AM CLEANERS LACEY NOC 10NOC760 install dry cleaning machine JTK 06/11/10 AQUATIC CO YELM AOP 10AOP726 renew air operating permit JTK 01/08/10 03/25/10 ARMOR COATINGS SEQUIM NOC 09NOC703 after the fact truck bed lining JTK 09/08/09 09/10/09 operation BELCO SHELTON MILL SHELTON NOC 09NOC683 after the fact planer mill GDL 06/18/09 BELFAIR CLEANERS BELFAIR NOC 08NOC650 After the fact dry cleaning machine Application incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information 06/17/10 GDL 03/13/10 03/13/10 Application 03/13/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 09/01/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information JTK 05/05/10 09/09/10 Draft permit 11/02/10 complete. Pending comments by applicant. Application review 09/10/10 suspended. Pending payment of base fees Application 07/22/10 complete. Draft in progress Pemiit complete. 12/11/09 Pending payment of fees Application 11/04/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information 1 1 10 GDL 12/15/08 01/21/09 Application 11/04/10 complete. Draft in M-17 progress BURNT MOUNTAIN STORE SAPPHO CALPORTLAND CENTURY CLEANERS CITY OF ABERDEEN - WWTP CITY OF LONG BEACH CITY OF OLYMPIA - CITY OLYMPIA HALL CITY OF SEQUIM, DEPT. OF SEQUIM PUBLIC WORKS - WWTP CITY OF SHELTON - WWTP SHELTON CITY OF YELM - WWTP YELM CLALLAM BAY CLALLAM BAY CORRECTIONS CENTER • Industrial /Commercial Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 7/10/2010 - 9/2/2010) NOC 10NOC739 install gas dispensing facIity ABERDEEN NOC 10NOC784 install concrete bate plant OLYMPIA NOC 10NOC761 after the face dry cleaner installation ABERDEEN LONG BEACH NOC 10NOC745 after the fact 500 kW emergency generator NOC 09NOC715 install a diesel -fired backup generator NOC 10NOC772 install diesel fired backup generators NOC 09NOC660 after- the -fact review of a 500kW emergency generator and increase WRF capacity from.80 mgd to 1.67 mgd NOC 09NOC694 WWTP upgrade and expansion NOC 10NOC746 after- the -fact review of backup generators NOC 10NOC756 after- the -fact review of backup generators JTK 03/04/10 Application 05/11/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information GDL 10/01/10 Application under 10/01/10 review. JTK 06/15/10 Permit complete. 07/12/10 Pending payment of fees GDL 03/27/10 03/27/10 Application 03/27/10 complete. Draft in progress GG 11/10/09 Application 10/25/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information GG 08/24/10 10/08/10 Permit has been issued. GDL 02/11/09 02/11/09 Application under 02/11/10 review. GDL 08/06/08 Application 04/21/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information GG 03/30/10 09/08/10 Permit has been issued. GG 06/02/10 Application 07/01/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information 11/12/2010 10/26/10 10/26/10 M -18 • 11• COAST SEAFOODS SOUTH BEND COMPANY - SOUTH BEND COCHRAN INC CONNALLY FINISHES COSTCO - SEQUIM COSTCO - LACEY COSTCO - TUMWATER LACEY YELM SEQUIM LACEY TUMWATER DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL OLYMPIA ADMINISTRATION - CAPITAL CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF OLYMPIA INFORMATIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES DOCKSIDE CLEANERS & PENINSULA TUX Industrial /Comdercial Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 7/10/2010 - 9/212010) TUMWATER PORT TOWNSEND NOC NOC NOC NOI NOI NOI NOC NOC NOC NOC 09NOC711 after- the -fact review of an emergency diesel generator 10N00786 install standby generator 09N00709 install cyclone /bahouse and intake air filters GG 10115/09 GG 10/07/10 GG 10/05/09 10N01790 install above ground storage JTK 10/20110 tanks 10N01794 install above ground storage JTK 101201/0 tanks 10N01792 install underground storage tanks JTK 10/20110 10NOC751 after the fact review of existing GG 05105/10 generators 09NOC712 install emergency generators 10NOC752 after the fact review of generators 10NOI770 after the fact installation of dry cleaning machine 11/02/10 Application complete. Draft in progress Permit complete. 11/04/10 Pending payment of fees Application 02/19/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Application 10/20/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 10/20/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 10/20/10 complete. Draft in progress Application under 00110/10 review. GG 10129/09 01/18110 Permit complete. 11104/10 Pending payment of fees GG 05/051/0 Application under 07/02/10 review. 08/24/10 Application 10/15110 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information M -19 ELWHA SURFACE WATER PORT ANGELES NOC INTAKE - TEMP DIVISION PUMPS ELWHA WATER TREATMENT PLANT FORKS HIGH SCHOOL FORKS GRAND MOUND WWTP GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY ELMA LLC GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP HOQUIAM GULL HARBOR MERCANTILE OLYMPIA HOWARDS CLEANERS - LACEY LACEY HOWARDS PRESTIGE OLYMPIA CLEANERS Industrial /Commercial Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 7/10/2010 - 9/2/2010) 10NOC730 after -the -fact permitting for an emergency backup (standby) generator PORT ANGELES NOC 10NOC731 after- the -fact review of an GDL 01/12/10 emergency backup (standby) generator MOD 10MOD779 modify 10NOC734 - install smaller boiler GRAND MOUND NOC 10NOC738 after- the -fact review of backup generator AOP 09A0P672 Initial Air Operating Permit GDL 01/12/10 Application 01/12/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Application 01/12/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information MVG 09/17/10 09/17/10 Draft permit 10/28/10 complete. Pending internal review GG 02/24/10 09/08/10 Permit has been issued. MVG 04/24/09 04/24/09 Draft permit 09/01/10 complete. Pending comments by applicant. NOC 08NOC607 install and operate a fuel dryer GDL 05/30/08 11/21/09 Draft permit 11/21/09 complete. Pending internal review NOC 09NOC676 perform soil and groundwater GG 05/20/09 Application 10/29/10 remediation at gas station. incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information NOC 10NOC782 install new dry cleaning machine JTK 10/04/10 10/12/10 Application 10/12/10 complete. Draft in progress NOC 08NOC647 install dry cleaning machine GDL 12/01/08 12/01/08 Application 12/01/08 complete. Draft in progress 11/12/2010 10/26/10 M-20 • • • 1 • IMPERIUM GRAYS HARBOR HOQUIAM LLC INNOVATIVE AUTO BODY BELFAIR INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - FORKS FORKS DIVISION INTERNATIONAL PAPER LACEY LOTT ALLIANCE SATELLITE LACEY PLANT - LACEY MILES SAND & GRAVEL - SHINE PIT NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES USA CO LTD NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES USA CO LTD NORTHWST COLLISION 2 OLYMPIC PANEL PRODUCTS LLC Industrial /Com rc ial Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 7/10/2010 - 91212010) MOD 10MOD737 modify 08MOD597 NOC 09NOC700 install and operate an automotive GG 09/01/09 spray booth. AOP 10A0P750 Initial AOP applciation NOC 09NOC718 install Bobst Diecutter and Printer MOD 10MOD735 modify Condition 1, 4 & 7 of 04NOC370 PORT LUDLOW NOC 10NOC764 after the fact permit for existing rock crushers PORT ANGELES NOC 10NOC763 install biomass power boiler PORT ANGELES NOC 08NOC645 Add De -ink plant drum pulper rejects to list of items to be burned at the NO. 8 power boiler ABERDEEN SHELTON NOC 05NOC417 install new spray booth AOP 09A0P688 renew AOP GG 12/24/10 GG 04/30/10 GDL 12/07/09 12/07/09 GDL 01/29/10 01/29/10 JTK 08/04/10 09/14/10 GG 07/07/10 JTK 11/08/08 Application incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Application 11/02/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Draft permit 05/21/10 complete. Pending comment period. 10/25/10 Application 11/03/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 01/29/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 10/07/10 complete. Draft in progress Application under 10/13/10 review. Application cancelled. JTK 07/25/05 11/01/10 Draft permit 11/01/10 complete. Pending internal review JTK 07/16/09 08/27/09 Application 08/31/10 complete. Draft in progress 11 11/04/10 M -21 10 PENPLY • OLYMPIC PANEL PRODUCTS LLC SANDQUIST CABINETS SHELL 402 - LACEY SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC Industrial /Commercial Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 7/10/2010 - 9/212010) SHELTON PUGET SOUND SURFACERS FORKS NOC PORT ANGELES RCP PORT ANGELES WATER PORT ANGELES NOC TREATMENT PLANT PORT TOWNSEND AERO PORT MUSEUM TOWNSEND QFC GAS STATION - PORT PORT HADLOCK NOC HADLOCK RANNEY WELL CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOC PORT ANGELES BRINNON LACEY RAINIER 10NOC777 install veneer scarier 08A0P640 renew AOP permit 10N00733 after- the -fact review of an emergency backup (standby) generator NOC 10NOC759 install a spray booth NOI 10N01775 temporary portable crusher 10NOC768 install new gasoline dispensing JTK 08/20/10 facility 10NOC732 after - the -fact review of an emergency backup (standby) generator NOC 08N❑C610 install a spray booth NOC 10NOC780 install new dispensers NOC 10NOC754 Compdogs- increase fan groups GG 1& 2 to 50hp.Add positive forced aeration to finished compost and ponds • JTK 09/16/10 MVG 10/27/08 GDL 01/12/10 GG 06/14/10 09/13/10 GDL 01/12110 GDL 06/24/08 07/18/08 JTK 09/29/10 10/12/10 05/28/10 Draft permit 11/03/10 complete. Pending comment period. 10/27/08 Application 11/03/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 01/12/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information 09/07/10 Application 09/07/10 complete. Draft in progress 10/12/10 Permit has been issued. Application 08/20/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Application 01/12/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Application 11/03/10 complete. Draft in progress Application 10/12/10 complete. Draft in progress Application review 09/21/10 suspended. 1 1/1 2/2 01 0 11/04/10 M -22 • 1 • SIMPSON DOOR CO SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC SHELTON SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC SHELTON SOLOMON RENEWABLE SHELTON ENERGY COMPANY LLC ST HELENS ENERGY LLC STAFFORD CREEK CORRECTIONS CENTER WASHINGTON SHELTON CORRECTIONS COMPOST WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC WESTPORT I nd ustrial /Com rciai Air Permits (Pending and Final Permits for period from 7/10/2010 - 912/2010) MCCLEARY AOP REV 09A0P717 AOP Renewal - Wood Door Manufacturer. 09REV678 add new equipment to AOP AOP 09A0P690 renew AOP NOC 10NOC774 install hog fuel boiler, steam turbine, cooling tower and fuel storage building JTK 11120/09 12/04109 MVG 06101/09 06/20/09 MVG 07/29/09 07/29/09 MVG 08/26/10 NOC 08N00596 install natural gas well drilling GG 05/02/10 engines & completion rig engines ABERDEEN NOC 10N00727 install in- vessel composting unit NOG REV 10NOC788 install composter GDL 01/11/10 05/05/10 GDL 10/14/10 Application complete. Draft in progress Application complete. Draft in progress Application complete. Draft in progress Application incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Application 10/26/10 incomplete. Pending source submittal of additional information Draft permit 10/03/10 complete. Pending internal review Application under 10/14/10 review. 09REV702 amend AOP to incorporate order GDL 09/03/09 10/17/09 Application of approval 09MOD701 complete. Draft in progress 09/14/10 06/20/09 07/29/09 10/21/10 10/17/09 1 11 --DRAFT (11-16-10)-- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, changing and confirming the date of the closed record proceeding, delegating to the Mayor authority to establish rules of process and procedure for the closed record proceeding, and establishing standards of review and for decision- making on the closed record proceeding regarding the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for the Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. mill expansion and biomass cogeneration project. WHEREAS, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. ( "Nippon ") owns a forest products processing facility (mill) in the City of Port Angeles, and is proposing a new and larger biomass incinerator and associated structures at its mill site located at 1902 Marine Drive in the City of Port Angeles ( "Project "); and WHEREAS, Nippon submitted applications for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit ( "SSDP ") and a Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") for its Project, and a Final Environmental Impact Statement ( "FEIS ") under the State Environmental Policy Act, SEPA, was issued on September 3, 2010, and staff recommended approval of the SSDP and the CUP on September 22, 2010, and on that same date, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission held an open record, public hearing on both the SSDP and the CUP, as well as on the adequacy of the FEIS, and the Planning Commission approved the CUP and the SSDP on the same date; and WHEREAS, various organizations and entities timely appealed the September 22, 2010 decision by the Planning Commission on the SSDP and the adequacy of the FEIS. The FEIS appeal, however, will not be ready for review until the Clallam County Hearing Examiner issues his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation Decision, sometime after November 24, 2010; and WHEREAS, in order to allow for a completed open record public hearing on the adequacy of the FEIS, the City referred just the FEIS to the Clallam County Hearing Examiner to • complete the open record proceeding and take in all evidence relative to the adequacy of the FEIS. That open record hearing was scheduled to take place on November 24, 2010 but, because the Appellants recently withdrew their appeal of the FEIS, this hearing has been stricken and the FEIS appeal dismissed with prejudice on November 16, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles City Code provides that the City Council., acting in a quasi- judicial capacity, will hear a closed record appeal of the Nippon project SSDP — the September 22, 2010 Decision by the Planning Commission. This matter, pursuant to City Code, will be heard by the City Council in a closed-record proceeding, since the open record hearing is completed; and WHEREAS, on or about November 10, 2010, the City gave notice to the parties and the public of the date of the closed record proceeding regarding the Nippon Project, setting the proceeding for December 14, 2010 at 6 p.•. at City Hall; and WHEREAS, the City's Code does not specify procedures, rules or standards for conducting or deciding closed record appeals or other closed record proceedings; and WHEREAS, in light of the Appellants' withdrawal and the Hearing Examiner's dismissal with prejudice of the Appellants' challenge to the adequacy of the 'FEIS, leaving only the Appellants" appeal of the SSDP for resolution, and in light of upcoming holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.) and other events which make scheduling a public proceeding and drafting a written decision in a timely fashion difficult, and in light of State law encouraging expeditious resolution of land use appeals and pen-nits. it is appropriate to change the date of the closed record proceeding to an earlier and more convenient date. In rescheduling this proceeding, the City Council made efforts to get input from attorneys for the parties regarding their availability for various alternative new dates and attempted as best as possible to accommodate the schedules of the parties and their attorneys as well as all City Councilmembers; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of all parties to this proceeding, as well as the public in general, to establish and have in place prior to the closed record proceeding uniform, objective and fair procedures, rules and standards, and to move up the date of the closed record proceeding; and WHEREAS, due process and notice obligations support having in place prior to the closed record proceeding clear standards for decision - making on the SSDP appeal a new date for the proceeding and to give public notice of the date, time and location of the proceeding, the ability of the City Council to adopt procedures and process to provide for an efficient, fair, cost - effective and tine- efficient closed record proceeding; and WHEREAS, enacting and having in place prior to the closed record proceeding uniform, objective and fair procedures, rules and standards applicable to the Nippon Project furthers the public health, safety, welfare of the City and confidence in City decision - making. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The closed record appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of the Nippon Project SSDP related to the Nippon Project is hereby rescheduled. The current date of the proceeding (December 14, 2010) is hereby stricken. The proceeding is rescheduled for the following date, time and location: DATE: , 2010 TIME: 6:00 p.m. LOCATION: Council Chambers City Hall City of Port Angeles 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA. 98362 Section 2. The Port Angeles City Council hereby authorizes and empowers the Mayor to establish rules of process and procedure to apply to the closed record proceeding on 2010 for the Nippon Project. These rules will include, among other things, the length of the closed record appeal proceeding, the format of the proceedings, the order of presentation for argument, who can provide argument, whether and what format written briefing will be allowed, and the amount of time for argument by representatives of the parties. The Mayor will provide notice of these rules of process and procedure to all parties and the public no later than , 2010. These rules of process and procedure will also be posted at City Hall and made available to the public at Section 3. The Port Angeles City Council hereby adopts the review /appeal standards set forth in the State Land Use Petition Act at RCW 36.70C.130(1) ("LUPA"), with modifications for City references and process, as the standards of review and decision - making for the closed record proceedings now scheduled for , 2010. These standards of review, set forth below, shall govern the appeal of and the City Council's closed record review and decision on the Planning Commission's approval of the Nippon Project SSDP, the only matter remaining for decision by the City Council: The parties seeking relief (Appellants) by the City Council from the Planning Commission's decision on the Nippon Project SSDP must carry their burden of establishing that one of the standards set forth in Sections (1) through (5) has been met. The standards are: 1. The Planning Commission engaged in unlawful procedure or failed to follow a prescribed process, unless the error was harmless; 5. The decision of the Planning Commission is outside the authority or jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. Section 4. No new evidence (testimony, documents or any other information or materials) shall be provided by the parties or public, or considered by the City Council, at or as part of the closed record proceeding on , 2010. The proceeding shall be limited to oral and/or written argument by representatives of the parties only, and based solely on the existing record created before the Planning Commission. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of November, 2010. ATTEST: By APPROVED AS TO FORM: By 2. The decision is an erroneous interpretation of law, after allowing for such deference as is due the construction of the law by this body and/or other decision - makers; 3. The decision of the Planning Commission is not supported by evidence that is substantial when viewed in light of the whole (established) record before the Planning Commission; 4. The decision of the Planning Commission is a clearly erroneous application of the law to the facts (established by the Planning Commission); or Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Michael C. Walter, Special Legal Counsel (for the'City Council) By Dan Di Guilio, Mayor