HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/17/1998 AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON November 17, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS B. WORK SESSION Executive Session for approximately 1 1/2 hrs. None C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIDS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) D. FINANCE E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Proposed correction to City Council minutes of October 20, 1998 2. City Council minutes - November 3, 1998 3. Check list - November 17, 1998 - $2,509,096.38 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS Revision of ordinance regulating the moving of buildings H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Interlocal Agreement: Federal Transportation- Local Funding None 1 Action 3 9 51 Action None 69 Action NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 17, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter): 1. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-05 - Nonconforming Structures and Substandard Lots (Continue to 12/15/98) 2. Mill Creek Courts Final Subdivision 75 Continue 77 Action K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER Port Angeles Downtown Association's Parking Development and Management Plan (Continue to 12/1/98) , L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Report (Page 87) 2. Planning Commission minutes - October 14, 1998 (Page 91) 3. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission minutes - October 15, 1998 (page 103) 4. Fire Department - October 1998 (page 107) 5. Public Works & Utilities Monthly Report - October, 1998 (page 113) 6. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - October 1998 (page 117) 7. Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club Lodging Tax Report- October 30, 1998 (Page 133) 85 Continue M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney): N. ADJOURNMENT Action ...........".'.....'. .'.....,..........................,',........".".............",..".................................................-,...."""..................................".".,,"-...----...............................................................--.....-...-.... .....q'...... ...'.... ,- .....................................................,.........................................................................................................."...................................................................................... ...... .... .....,."'.'.. ......... ...............................,............,..,."".............................................................................................................................,............................................................,.... ......."", '. ,.. . ,. ... .....................' ...............,..........."..................................................................................................................................................................................................... .,.......",."" ..,., "...........,................................................................................................................................................................................,........~....................................................... ..........,..,.... ....,..,........,...........................,..................................-............................................................................................................................ ...................................................... ......,"'_......,....,........,...............................................................,.................................................................................................................................................................................... .-......,.""._-... ,................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..........,".',.,_......,...........................................................................................................................................................................................-............,........................................................ . . . . . - .,. 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G:\EXCHANGE\AGENDA \CCl 1 1 798.AGN NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 17, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 L CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 17..1998 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Ibarra Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S.I1k J. Pittis + 1;~p~, ~ p.Y7\. ~ Ofue~~~ ), ~ III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: Approximate Length: IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~~14" ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: November 17_1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. /-G L R N...A L ~!:i" 'ioS- tAl. //5-- ...................................-....-........--_... ............................................................... . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .................................................................. .~:199'I:.ljl~!g~!.ty... ..............................................'............'... qi~illi~~im~g~....... ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~m__ DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: c-) ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO November 17, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant Proposed Correction to City Council Minutes of October 20, 1998 Summary: The minutes of the October 20, 1998, City Council meeting have been approved as written. However, with regard to the Kepler Preliminary Subdivision, the minutes reflect that Planning Director Collins stated "City Ordinance recognizes approval or disapproval of the proposed plat, but does not include approval with conditions". Recommendation: The City Council minutes of October 20, 1998, be corrected to read, "City Ordinance recognizes approval or disapproval of the proposed plat, and indirectly includes approval with conditions". .lssu..e.:. Should the minutes of the October 20, 1998, City Council meeting be corrected? Background / Analysis: Subsequent to the approval of the City Council minutes of October 20, 1998, it was noticed there was an erroneous statement made in the minutes, specifically relating to the Kepler Preliminary Subdivision. As indicated above, the minutes reflect that Planning Director Collins stated "City Ordinance recognizes approval or disapproval ofthe proposed plat, but does not include approval with conditions". As a reminder, City Council did, in fact, approve the preliminary subdivision with conditions. After listening to that particular portion of the taped proceedings of October 20, 1998 and in discussing this matter with the City Attorney, it was determined that corrected language should be brought before the City Council. A correction to the minutes is recommended, as set forth above. ~ 0131 I I II : I I I I I I I I I I : I I II . I I I ~ I I ! I , I I 002: I I I I I CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: I ROLL CALL: I I I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: I CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: I WORK SESSION: I LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIDS OR FUTURE AGENDA: I FINANCE: I Gateway Project I I I I CONSENT AGENDA: I 8"<:-2. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 3,1998 Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, and B. Titus. Public Present: J. Spiess. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Braun. None. None. None. Gateway Project - Agreement for Design Proposal with Transportation Improvement Board Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Wodes Department, and Deputy Director Titus provided additional input. Councilman Wiggins noted that he would be unable to attend the Gateway Steering Committee meeting of November 9, 1998, and he requested the information be given to him after the meeting. Councilmember McKeown and Manager Ibarra will be in attendance at that meeting on behalf of the City. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Project Agreement for Design Proposal with the Transportation Improvement Board for the Gateway Project. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda including: 1) City Council minutes of October 20, 1998; 2) Correction to Condition No.6 of Kepler Preliminary - 1 - Otf3. I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1998 I CONSENT AGENDA: (Cont'd) I I COMMITTEE REPORTS: I Solar Power Forum I I Pool Committee I Lodging Tax Committee I I I I I Navy Tug I I I Financing Contract with State of Washington Resolution No. 22-98 I I I Subdivision; and 3) Novell Master Licensing Agreement with Washington Department of Information Services. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Attorney Knutson responded to an inquiry from CounCilman Doyle regarding the correction to one of the Kepler Subdivision conditions, noting that the applicant had been informed of the correction and had no problem with the corrected language. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority, with Councilman Williams abstaining from voting on the Council minutes, due to his absence from that meeting. Councilman Doyle attended a Housing Authority Conference in San Antonio and found it quite interesting. Councilman Williams attended a Solar Power Forum, and he gave a brief review of improvements to solar energy which will give utilities competition. Councilman Williams noted that solar energy is an option for the Pacific Northwest, despite what people may think, and excess power can be sold back to the Bonneville Power Administration. Councilman Williams suggested a solar power forum be held in Port Angeles next year. Councilman Wiggins stated he met with the Pool Committee. An architect is now involved, and a feasibility report should be forthcoming. Councilman Wiggins reported the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee had concluded deliberations, and a report is being written regarding the recommendations. Of the original two percent, $130,000 is recommended to largely go to the Chamber & Visitor and Convention Bureau. Details will probably be brought to the next Council meeting. Councilman Campbell, also a member of that Advisory Committee, stated he was gratified witl1 the way the Committee responded to the challenge of allocating the funds and the way the VCB and Chamber solicited the cooperation and alliances with the other groups. Councilman Wiggins explained the process for allocating the funds and stated the Committee had moved to build a reserve for these funds. He stated there is a lot of optimism in the community, as most of the lodging establishments have had a good year. Councilman Wiggins felt the amount of money which will be spent in Clallam County will create more income and easily meet the five percent per annum goal. Brief discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins and Councilman Campbell responded to questions. Mayor Braun thanked all those who were involved in the process for a job well done. Mayor Braun stated he was among those who greeted the arrival of the Navy tug, "Sioux", on Friday, October 30, 1998. There were approximately 20 people on board who had the opportunity to visit Port Angeles. Mayor Braun stated the Captain of the tug wishes to return to Port Angeles for liberty, as he enjoyed the town and the hospitality. ~ Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings Resolution Authorizing Financing Contract with State of Washington LOCAL Program Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department and asked Director Godbey for additional input, which she provided. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled - 2 - 004 I I Financing Contract with State of Washington Resolution No. 22-98 (Cont'd) I I I Award Bids on Water/Wastewater Bonds Resolution No. 23-98 I I I I I I I I I I I I I II CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 22-98 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the acquisition of equipment, a fmancing contract, and related documen- tation for said equipment. Councilman CampbeU moved to adopt the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Other Considerations 1. Award Bids on Water/Wastewater Bonds Mayor Braun noted there was another Resolution, not on the agenda, which had been distributed prior to the meeting. This Resolution was necessary for the refunding bonds. He asked Director Godbey to explain the need for this Resolution. Director Godbey reminded the Council that an Ordinance was passed in September authorizing the issuance and sale of Water/Wastewater Revenue Refunding Bonds. Bids were opened today, and the low bid was awarded to NationsBanc, at a rate of 4.655%, which is extremely attractive on 25-year bonds. Director Godbey explained the refunding process and stated this will yield a minimum savings of $40,000 per year in interest costs for the Water/Wastewater Fund. Once the savings has been verified, the figure will be reported at the next meeting. Director Godbey stated that Bond Counsel has prepared a Resolution accepting the bid, which must be passed by the City Council. She pointed out that David Thompson, Bond Counsel, was present to answer questions. David Thompson, Preston, Gates and Ellis, Bond Counsel for the City, stated this had been a complicated transaction. Joan Egan, the City's fmancial advisor, is still working on completing the transaction. Mr. Thompson stated five bids had been received on the bonds and explained the content of the Resolution and the necessity of its passage. Mr. Thompson then responded to questions directed by the Council and gave an in-depth explanation of the refunding process. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 23-98 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, accepting a bid for the sale of its Water and Wastewater Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1998; fixing the date, maturity schedule, interest rates and other terms of such bonds; authorizing the provision of municipal bond insurance with respect to such bonds, ratifying and confirming a plan of refunding certain outstanding water and waste- water utility revenue bonds of the City; and providing for ongoing disclosure, all as provided by Ordinance No. 3000 of the City. Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun thanked Director Godbey and staff and Bond Counsel for their efforts. - 3 - 005 I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 3, 1998 I Local Emergency Planning Committee I I Conservation Loan Program I I I I I I Black Diamond Bridge I I I PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL I PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: I INFORMATION: I I I I 2. Appointment of Local Emergency Planning Committee Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department and asked Fire Chief Becker for additional input, which he provided. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to appoint the identified constituency to the LEPC with each member serving one year from the date of appointment. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Conservation Loan Program Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Deputy Director Titus stated the current interest rate is 6.62% which is an advantage to customers. Mr. Titus related that the PUD has a similar program, and approximately 55 customers have taken advantage of the program with no repayment problems. Councilman Williams inquired as to what would happen if a customer defaulted on the loan and the debt exceeded the value of the home. Mr. Titus stated the City conducted a similar program in the past, and the loans were usually only $2,000 to $3,000. The bank will qualify the individuals for credit worthiness and would most likely look into the value of the structure to ensure adequate collateral to support the loan. Attorney Knutson noted that the bank is obligated to use the same lending practices it uses for its own loans; the same collection practices are also used. Should the loan come back to the City, the amount can be added to the utility account of the customer. Following further discussion and clarification regarding loan repayments and defaults, Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with First Federal Savings & Loan to provide conservation loans to City customers. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Black Diamond Bridge Approach Mayor Braurl reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and Deputy Director Titus provided additional input. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the improved South Pine Street approach to the Black Diamond Bridge and authorize the City Engineer to inform WSDOT that City Council has accepted the improvements. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. None. Manager Ibarra summarized the City Manager's Report and pointed out the list of meetings which is a new feature. Manager Ibarra reminded the Council that the first budget meeting will be held on Monday, November 9, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. He then reviewed the remainder of the budget calendar. Councilman Doyle noted that the Utility Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for November 9,1998, has been canceled. Councilman Hulett asked Director Godbey for an update on 1998 lodging tax revenues. Director Godbey stated the revenues were a little ahead of schedule year-to-date. Mayor Braun reminded everyone that yard debris collection continues through December. - 4 - 0006 I I I ADJOURNMENT: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEEfING November 3, 1998 Councilman Doyle asked if there would be a Veteran's Day celebration at the Coast Guard base, and Mayor Braun stated he had not received official notification. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor - 5 - 007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 008 I 98/11/10-07:28 I Id Opt Check Number 11 47827 47861 47864 47873 47921 47930 47944 47946 I I I 47959 47971 47974 47977 47990 47998 48003 48008 I I I I 48030 48056 48067 48074 48079 48088 I I 48090 I 48095 City of Port Angeles Vendor Name Clallam County Treasurer Ketchum Mfg Co Inc. Law Enforcement Systems National Fire Protection Assn Tripod Data Systems Inc. Washington State Treasurer AcuPrint Inc American Time & signal Co Dogipot Inc Insight Direct Inc. Lighthouse Inc., The M & N International Inc Oriental Trading Co. Inc. puget Sound Business Journal US Toy Company Inc. WA State Patrol - WASIS Clallam County Treasurer Lab Safety Supply Inc. Plantronics/Santa Cruz Quill Corporation Staggs Publishing Washington (Rev), State of Washington State Treasurer A.R.K. Ramos 48145 G Neil Companies I 48154 Heath, Dorothy 48158 Insight Direct Inc. I I I 48165 LaMotte Company 48172 Marine Rescue Products Inc 48187 Pacific Survey Supply 48197 Radix Corporation 48199 Rotary Corporation 48217 WA State Patrol - WASIS I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 03075 11078 12284 14005 20104 23120 01385 01389 04252 09085 12236 13416 15033 16401 21019 23281 03075 12004 16089 17000 19547 23118 23120 01376 07150 08365 09085 12006 13419 16246 18004 18017 23281 Description CVCA for August 1998 Dog tags, cat tags, 0 rings Document protector Tattoos Survey linke for Windows NT Revenue from District Ct Augus Software/digicard for PR/AP Motor drive movement Time clock motor, gear assembly Credit motor drive movement Dogipot dispenser, bags Western digital drive Wa II clock Hats,vests Special event supplies Annual subscription Special event supplies Criminal history-F Kraf Criminal history-J Jameson Criminal history-G Plute Criminal history-C Miller Criminal history-D Gouin CVCA remittance-September Equipment bag Headsets Pens, cassettes, high lighters Crime Scene and Evidence Guide 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes Revenue from District Ct Sept Revenue from District Ct Sept Directories, letters Plaque Get well,sympathy cards Get Well,congratulations cards Key deposit refund Cleaning cartridge Data cartri,dge Cleaning cartridge Data cartridge Cleaning cartridge Adaptec Seagate Tape Drive Glass test tubes Key chains Nails,paint,ribbon Repair hand held Trimmer guard/cutter Criminal history-B Addington GL Code Number 1 2294000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2293000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2294000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2372000 1 2370000 1 2375000 1 2373000 1 2291000 1 2293000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2391000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 November 10 1998 009 ~3 Page Amount 203.63 16.32- 10.42- 9.78- 32.00- 10,485.82 278.81- 4.09- 20.64- 4.09 20.31- 10.59- 8.13- 4.25- 8.36- 5.29- 6.64- 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 192.26 15.91- 6.95- 9.89- 3.51- 1,661.55 5,679.81 2,860.74 1,889.24 941.00 9,398.24 165.14- 176.04- 10.48- 6.27- 100.00 2.37- 17.38- 5.69- 21.96- 6.64- 8.61- 47.08- 2.84- 5.10- 15.20- 30.70- 1.92- 24.00 r----- I 98/11/10-07:28 I Id Dpt Check Number I I I 0001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Port AngeLes November 10 1998 Vendor Name 48218 WA State PatroL - WASIS (HA) 48222 Washington (DOL), State of 48226 Youngs 47814 47821 47825 47852 47855 47856 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 23359 04137 25122 AngeLes MiLLwork 01073 C. J. Cabinets 03141 CLaLLam County Dept. of HeaLth 03065 HartnageL BuiLding SuppLy Inc. 08052 HuLL, Roxanne 08363 IPMA 09082 47877 OLympic Paper Company 47881 OLympic Stationers Inc. 47886 PRIMA-PubLic Risk Mgmt Assn 47887 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 47892 PeninsuLa DaiLy News 47908 Safeway Inc. 47925 UntiLicorp United 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 47940 3CMA 47945 Advanced TraveL 47955 CLaLLam County EDC 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 47994 47998 48023 48024 48047 48051 48052 48060 Port AngeLes City Treasurer puget Sound Business JournaL Bi LL i ck, Randy Bonny's Bakery GraLL, Frank ICMA Jackson's Signs Moses, Dave 15111 15030 16163 16004 16012 19045 21082 23111 20218 01090 03067 12215 03062 16401 02408 02298 07235 09060 10018 13420 Description GL Code Number CriminaL history-M HiigeL CriminaL history-D Meech ConceaLed weapon November 1998 Mirrors 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 1 2370000 TotaL for Department PLywood, Lumber 111 3101 Wood stain 111 3101 Hepatitis B Shots 113 4131 Frame pLate, hinge 111 3101 Refund Communications Officer 113 4150 Firefighter exam,stenciL 113 4150 Test exams 113 4150 Hot cups 111 3101 Pen refiLLs 111 3101 Pen refiLL,paper,pLastic combs 111 3101 Fax dividers 112 3101 Dividers 112 3101 Notary stamp 111 3101 Membership dues for 1998-1999 113 4901 Deskjet ink 111 3101 Toner, copier 111 6410 Toner, copier 111 4810 Chairs for Caucus room 111 3101 OPS-J Brietbach 111 4155 CounciL meeting refreshments 112 3101 Cookies 111 3101 Cookies 111 3101 Cookies 111 3101 Coffee-CounciL refreshments 112 3101 Cookies 111 3101 101 More DeveLopment Ideas 111 4901 Scan biLLing August 1998 113 4210 Scan biLLing August 1998 111 4210 Membership for Patrick Ibarra 111 4901 Coons to SeaTac 10-23-98 113 4310 WiLLiams to pt Townsend 09-18- 112 4310 Braun to Ocean Shores 09-24-98 112 4310 Braun to Fife 10-02-98 112 4310 3rd Quarter 1998 111 4990 10-02 biLLing 111 4210 10-02 biLLing 113 4210 Petty cash reimbursements 112 3101 AnnuaL subscription 111 4901 Reimburse Fire Captain Intervi 113 4150 Department Head birthday cake 111 3101 Reimburse Fire Captain intervi 113 4150 Ideas in Action subscription 111 4901 Deposit for signs-Marine Life 111 4150 Reimburse Fire Captain Intervi 113 4150 01.0 Page 2 Amount 24.00 24.00 321.00 3.98- 32,930.09 78.28 15.11 40.00 7.29 10.00 177.85 794.92 49.48 4.62 105.04 569.71 53.95 45.26 220.00 68.52 755.30 388.44 1,899.04 152.40 11.44 16.95 16.95 16.95 9.96 16.95 12.95 30.50 165.14 275.00 211.64 30.55 141.75 78.00 6,250.00 46.50 31.00 13.50 72.24 23.10 43.50 32.04 75.00 3,528.00 33.17 ,- I I I 98/11/10-07:28 I City of Port Angeles I~ Dpt Check Number Vendor Name I 48072 Potter, David 48073 puget Sound Business JournaL 48089 Washington Research counciL 48098 AT&T Business Service 48101 Advanced TraveL I I 48102 AirTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue I 48107 Best Western OLympic Lodge 48115 Captain T's 48124 Coen, Rick 48129 Doherty, Sandie 48135 Ergometrics I 48142 FLex-PLan Services Inc. 48145 G NeiL Companies I 48150 Gina's Bakery 48151 GoLdzimer ConsuLting Group 48193 Portside Inn 48202 Shuhart, Terri L. 48205 SLoan, Frank 48210 Thompson MacKeLLar I I 48221 Washington (DIS), State of I 48223 Webby, MichaeL R. 48226 Youngs I 0002 47814 AngeLes MiLLwork I 47823 Captain T's 47878 OLympic Printers Inc. 47881 OLympic Stationers Inc. I 47887 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. I 47892 PeninsuLa DaiLy News 47908 Safeway Inc. 47918 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 47927 Washington (DIS), State of I I 47936 Xerox corporation I 47945 Advanced TraveL CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 16404 16401 23050 01085 01090 01105 02258 03048 03291 04258 05176 06158 07150 07132 07080 16177 19180 19550 20004 23111 23090 25122 01073 03048 15027 15030 16004 16012 19045 19037 23111 24001 01090 Description GL Code Number Reimburse Fire Captain Intervi 113 4150 Subscription renewaL for 3 yrs 111 4901 Membership renewaL 111 4901 10-13 biLLing 111 4210 Williams to Winthrop 10-19 112 4310 WiLLiams to Sequim 10-23 112 4310 Ibarra business dinner w/Forks 111 4310 10-15 biLLing 111 4210 10-15 billing 111 4210 Fire Captain test-Webby,Shuhar 113 4150 Shirts,embroidery 111 3101 Fire Captain test assessment 113 4150 Reimburse ferry chgs-Communica 113 4310 ECOMM test video rentaL 113 4150 Scoring services ECOMM test 113 4150 October services 111 4150 Get weLL,sympathy cards 111 3101 Get WeLl,congratulations cards 111 3101 Cookies 112 3101 ProfessionaL svcs-September 111 4155 Fire Captain exam 113 4150 Fire Captain testing 113 4150 Refund Police Officer exam fee 113 4150 PIO August,September,October 111 4150 City Report-November,December, 111 4150 Scan charges September 113 4210 Scan charges September 111 4210 Fire captain testing 113 4150 Mirrors 112 3101 November 10 1998 TotaL for Administration Spray hammerite metaL finish 240 4990 Krylon gLoss white 240 4990 Polos,turtleneck shirts 201 3101 2 stamps 230 3101 FiLes,foLders 2303101 Office supplies 205 3101 Dividers 201 3101 Toner, printer ink 201 3101 Toner, printer ink 240 3101 Deskjet ink 201 3101 Ordinance summary #3000 201 4410 Meeting refreshments 201 3101 Battery charger, batteries 240 3101 Scan billing August 1998 201 4210 Scan biLLing August 1998 2304210 Scan biLLing August 1998 240 4210 Meter usage JuLy/August 205 4530 5100 Copier Lease agre-Oct 98 205 4530 Ziomkowski to Spokane 10-01-98 230 4310 Page 3 Amount 71.45 146.95 250.00 38.81 210.55 14.30 27.00 19.73 16.30 195.62 683.29 75.00 6.25 814.50 50.00 121.20 143.10 85.64 40.00 744.93 215.76 1,644.62 10.00 595.00 350.00 41.55 170.30 1,762.35 54.30 25,216.49 5.11 1.89- 266.23 36.69 151.50 407.05. 32.62 71.21 76.61 34.53 27.14 15.56 66.20 21.31 29.65 18.53 1,669.00 2,161.09 011 134.08 I City of Port AngeLes November 10 1998 ,/11/10-07:28 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Description GL Code Number Vendor Number Amount Vendor Name Dpt Check Number I 10-02 biLLing 201 4210 10-02 biLLing 230 4210 10-02 biLLing 2404210 Subscription 230 4901 Tax audit program 230 4150 ScaLe maintenance JuLy/Sept 205 4530 Petty cash reimbursements 201 3101 3rd quarter Excise taxes 230 4950 10-15 biLLing 2404210 Copy center services September 205 4150 ProfessionaL svcs October 240 4150 Permit maiLings #67 205 4210 Fingers,enveLopes,boxes,cLips 201 3101 Fingers,enveLopes,boxes,cLips 2403101 Fingers,enveLopes,boxes,cLips 205 3101 Fingers,enveLopes,boxes,cLips 2303101 Scan charges September 201 4210 Scan charges September 230 4210 Scan charges September 240 4210 Lease agreement pmt #8 205 4530 31.00 38.75 93.00 15.97 20.52 106.83 20.21 221.64 47.41 1,210.00 18.20 5,000.00 37.75 68.07 2.58 56.70 21.57 21.20 22.78 2,161.09 12215 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies I 25011 13203 16018 03062 23118 01105 04052 05160 16028 22054 48014 Your Money 48059 Microflex Inc. 48066 Pitney Bowes Inc. 48070 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 48088 Washington (Rev), State of 48102 AirTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue 48128 Diversified Industries 48134 Equifax - Credit Information 48194 Postmaster 48214 Viking Office Products I I I 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 I 24001 48225 Xerox Corporation I 14,437.49 TotaL for Finance 32.59 255.50 20.28 334.77 134.88 386.18 54.25 20.00 297.38 2,500.00 12.92 18.95 Paper 311 3101 ProfessionaL svcs September 311 5090 Scan biLLing August 1998 311 4210 LegaL pubLications 311 3101 Base charge JuLy/September 311 4810 Dickson to CheLan 10-07-98 311 4310 10-02 biLLing 311 4210 Membership-Knutson 1998/1999 311 4901 Knutson to CheLan 10-07 311 4310 PubLic Defender fees-November 311 4150 StapLe remover, coat tree, cards 311 3101 Scan charges September 311 4210 47881 oLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 47884 OrtLoff Atty. at Law, KimberLy 15146 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 47933 West Group 23018 47936 Xerox Corporation 24001 47945 Advanced TraveL 01090 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 48011 Washington State Bar Assn 23198 48101 Advanced TraveL )01090 48122 CLaLLam Jefferson PubLic Dfndr 03274 48214 Viking Office Products 22054 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 0003 I I I I 4,067.70 TotaL for Atty I Watershed pLanning registratio 411 4310 Third draw 1997-1999 GMA funds 411 5090 Third draw 1997-99 GMA funds 411 5090 Toner, core charge 411 3101 Determination-YMCA 411 4410 Determination-Daishowa 411 4410 Determination-KepLer 411 4410 Determination-RonaLd Reese 411 4410 Notice-Petition deniaL 411 4410 Notice-D Bensen 411 4410 Ordinance summary-2999 411 4410 MunicipaL Code Amendment 411 4410 Determination-Dekreon-Dorcy 411 4410 15.00 4,130.70 1,278..55 134.88 46.75 117.62 42.22 138.02 26.39 39.96 19.60 17.34 39.96 01080 03020 06075 16004 16012 AWC Assn of Washington Cities CLaLLam County Department of Forks, City of Pacific Office Equipment Inc. PeninsuLa DaiLy News 0004 47808 47824 47844 47887 47892 I I I 012 I I ,/.11/10-07:28 City of Port AngeLes November 10 1998 Page 5 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number I Determination-HighLand Commons 411 4410 37.70 Notice- YMCA 411 4410 28.65 Determination- R Howard 411 4410 37.70 I Determination-KepLer 411 4410 39.96 Determination-YMCA 411 4410 38.45 Determination-R Reese 411 4410 38.45 I Determination-City of PA 411 4410 40.72 Determination-Daishowa 411 4410 42.98 47909 Sequim, City of 19139 Third draw 1997.99 GMA funds 411 5090 1,573.60 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan biLLing August 1998 411 4210 17.40 I 47945 Advanced TraveL 01090 CoLLins to SeattLe 10-08-98 411 4310 25.50 Sawyer to Spokane 09-23-98 411 4310 361 '. 50 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 10-02 bilLing 411 4210 31.00 I 47994 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 411 3101 48.52 Petty cash reimbursements 411 3101 5.89 48028 CLaLLam County Department of 03020 Review appLication #ESA98-A 411 4150 210.00 I 48070 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 411 3101 17.19 48101 Advanced TraveL 01090 CoLLins to Tumwater 10-22 411 4310 7.50 CoLLins to Sequim 10-23 411 4310 7.00 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges September 411 4210 17.20 I TotaL for PLanning 8,673.90 I 0005 47814 AngeLes MiLLwork 01073 Concrete mix 530 4980 25.79 Concrete mix 530 4980 15.47- Hardware, Lumber 530 4980 18.34 FLat washers, boLt, Lumber 530 4980 26.91 I 47819 BLumenthaL Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Shipping charge for badges 530 2080 4.69 47822 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 530 4990 27.34 Photo processing 530 4990 57.67 I Photo processing 530 4990 16.83 Photo processing 530 4990 18.60 Photo processing 530 4990 18.96 I Processing 530 4990 14.31 47838 Evergreen CoLLision Center Inc 03207 Tow vehicLe to City Impound 530 4150 72.83 47840 FamiLy Shoe Store 06151 Redwing uniform shoes 530 2080 149.97 47861 Ketchum Mfg Co Inc. 11078 Dog tags, cat tags, 0 rings 530 3101 222. 91 I 47862 LEOFF 12043 Contributions correction-Fox 530 2010 87.47- 47864 Law Enforcement Systems 12284 Document protector 534 3101 142.32 47870 Mt.PLeasant Auto Body & Towing 13068 Towing services 530 4150 134.88 I 47881 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 534 3101 130.33 47887 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Copier maintenance agreement 511 4810 32.37 Copier maintenance agreement 534 4810 230.47 Copier maintenance agreement 534 4810 167.35 I Drive Ide 4.0 GB 530 3101 192.06 Epson camera, photo moduLe 530 3101 376.57 Keyboard 530 3101 70.14 I Epson coLor cartridge 534 3101 52.87 Keyboard with touchpad 534 3101 013 86.32 Keyboard 530 3101 70.14- I Memory 511 3501 56.11 I 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port AngeLes November 10 1998 Page 6 I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98' To 11/06/98 Id Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number I 47891 Pen Print Inc. 16009 Property reports 530 4990 440.23 Infraction/Citation forms 534 4990 106.28 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Jack, switch, battery, Labor 530 4810 131.80 I 47908 Safeway Inc. 19045 Garbage bags 534 3101 6.79 47918 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 RifLe sLing swiveLs 530 3101 8.06 Keys 530 3101 12.95 I Armora L L 530 3101 5.69 Evidence bags 530 3101 14.99 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan biLLing August 1998 511 4210 29.90 Scan biLLing August 1998 534 4210 11.29 I Scan biLLing August 1998 530 4210 93.95 47929 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Service extinguisher, powder 530 3101 24.82 Service extinguisher, powder 530 3101 80.93 I 47945 Advanced TraveL 01090 Baertschiger,Swayze,MiLLer to 530 4310 76.00 47956 CLaLLam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 Inmate care-JuLy 1998 512 5099 30,158.02 3rd quarter Fingerprint svcs 530 4150 675.00 I 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 10-02 bilLing 511 4210 54.25 10-02 bilLing 534 4210 38.75 10-02 bilLing 530 4210 7.75 48025 BoseLey's Pet Food Mart 02409 Shampoo, tie out 530 4980 52.74 I 48029 CLaLLam County Dept. of HeaLth 03065 MedicaL charges for City inmat 530 3112 161.15 48036 Dinius, Maureen 04131 Parking ticket overpmt-A03601 500 9502 10.00 48049 Henry DDS, Robert F 08364 DentaL care-Linde!DeWater 530 3112 191.00 I 48071 Port AngeLes PoLice Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursements 534 4210 3.50 Petty cash reimbursements 530 4210 32.74 Petty cash reimbursements 534 4990 5.40 Petty cash reimbursements 530 3101 36.42 I 48074 QuiLL Corporation 17000 Pens,cassettes,highLighters 530 3101 19.07 48079 Staggs PubLishing 19547 Crime Scene and Evidence Guide 530 3101 47.91 48082 US West Communications 21001 10-20 bi LL ing 534 4210 219.65 I 48084 WA Assn of Sheriffs & PoLice 23003 Conference registration- SILk 511 4310 170.00 48101 Advanced TraveL 01090 Peninger to Everett 10-13 530 4310 322.43 , SchiLke to Everett 10-13 530 4310 329. 50 I Zenonian to Sedro WooLey 10-06 534 4310 192.18 48102 AirTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue 01105 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 14.56 10-15 billing 530 4210 81.01 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 9.39 I 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 15.84 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 9.39 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 102.31 I 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 52.90 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 18.74 10-15 bilLing 530 4210 9.39 48109 BLumenthaL Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 BeLts 530 2080 80.36- I Custom embLem 530 3111 499.56 EmbLem,shirt 530 2080 84.44 TacticaL baton, hoLder 530 2080 99.85 I G Loves, toweLettes 534 3101 47.72 Boots 533 2080 014 206.34 CoveraLLs,embLem,charger,cord 530 2080 207.25 I ShouLder embLems 530 3111 19.55 I-- I 98/11/10-07:28 I City of Port Angeles Id Opt Check Number Vendor Name I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 48115 Captain T's 03048 48120 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 48132 Eastern Washington Hay & UHaul 05135 48216 W~ Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 I I I 0006 47809 Ace Equipment Company 01055 47819 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 I 47843 Fire Engineering 06187 47852 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 I 47869 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 47873 National Fire Protection Assn 47876 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 47877 olympic Paper Company 47881 olympic Stationers Inc. 47883 Oregon State Ambulance Assn 47894 Peninsula Truck Lines Inc. 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio I 1 I 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware I 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. I 13117 14005 15026 15111 15030 15168 16382 18009 19035 19037 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 I 47929 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 47936 Xerox Corporation 24001 47945 Advanced Travel 01090 I 1 47951 Brooks, Gary 47970 leBO (Int'l Conference of 47973 Life Assist 47975 Lincare Inc. 47976 Lucent Technologies I I. 02277 09001 12202 12134 12215 Description GL Code Number Polos, embroidery Inmate care-August Dog food Electronic monitor September Scan charges September Scan charges September Scan charges September 530 3111 512 5099 530 4980 512 5099 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 Plug, sharpening services 641 3101 Namebar, badge 611 2080 Namebar, badge 642 2080 Subscription 611 4901 Plywood, washers, hex nut 641 3101 Plywood, hardware, hex nut 641 3101 Square edge bommer hinhe 684 4810 Belts for exhaust vents 684 3120 Tattoos 642 3101 Cleaning services 641 4990 Floor cleaner 684 3120 Calendar, refill, desk pad 611 3101 Ambulance Reimbursement Worksh 643 4310 Freight charges for compressed 641 3101 Monitor receiver 644 3114 Replace mode knob, labor 642 3101 Reprogram radio 641 3114 Radio repair,battery,cover 641 3114 Hydro cylinder test,bulb,plug 641 3101 Hydro cylinder test,bulb,plug 648 3101 Backboard 684 3101 Bleach, electrical strip 684 3120 Hose repair kits 684 4810 Stuff sacks 641 3501 Mens gloves 641 3111 Scan billing August 1998 611 4210 Scan billing August 1998 643 4210 Scan billing August 1998 641 4210 Service extinguisher 642 3101 Base charge July/September 641 4810 Bogues to Vancouver, WA 09-27- 641 4310 Doyle to Alderbrook 09-24-98 643 4310 Becker to Pasco 09-24-98 645 4310 Gunn to Gig Harbor 10-06-98 641 4310 Ziegler to Everett 09-13-98 641 4310 Antivirus computer software 642 3101 Uniform Fire Code Volumes 642 3101 Gloves,shields 643 3101 Oxygen 643 3101 10-02 billing 611 4210 10-02 billing 6424210 November 10 1998 Total for Police 015 Page 7 Amount 105.48 24,958.45 105.82 523.25 20.50 8.42 48.40 63,113.20 8.42 117.31 112.62 26.92 18.19 18.19- 65.82 7.69 133.63 40.45 24.63 136.41 95.00 61.94 444.91 26.71 32.37 655.10 120.14 57.98 26.83 15.48 5.70 139.34 18.20 33.01 3.62 2.90 48.56 134.88 303.86 117.50 90.00 235.16 567.00 80.87 282.26 541.91 20.00 38.75 7.75 I 98/11/10-07:28 I Id Dpt Check Number I City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 47982 National Fire Protection Assn I I I I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 14005 15028 16025 18088 24001 01025 04023 12004 19448 01090 48102 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 47988 Olympic Memorial Hospital 47995 Port Angeles Fire Department 48000 Rose, Patrick 48013 Xerox Corporation 48017 American Heart Association 48039 Drake's Pizza & Subs 48056 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 48078 Sequim Volunteer Firefighters 48101 Advanced Travel I I 48109 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 48115 Captain T's 03048 I 48119 48126 48152 48166 48192 48201 48221 I I I Clallam County EMS/Trauma Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. Grainger Inc. Larry's Janitor Service Port Angeles Fire Department SeaWestern Inc. Washington (DIS), State of 0007 47822 Camera Corner I 47828 Clark Land Office 47867 Merrell, Casey 47877 Olympic Paper Company I 47878 Olympic Printers Inc. I I 47881 olympic Stationers Inc. 47887 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. I Care 03068 03098 07015 12040 16025 19104 23111 03044 03337 13414 15111 15027 15030 16004 Description GL Code Number 10-02 bilLing 643 4210 10-02 biLling 641 4210 Subscription renewaL to 12/99 611 4901 Membership renewaL to 12/99 611 4901 Epinephrine,bicarg,gLucogon 643 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 642 3101 Reimburse cLothing aLLowance 641 2080 Base copier charge Apr/Jun 641 4810 BLS instructor fee-K Denton 643 3101 Sub sandwiches 642 3101 Equipment bag 641 3101 Crab feed-Ibarra/Braun from PA 648 4310 Becker to SeaTac 10-27 645 4310 DoyLe, L to BeLLingham 10-16 643 4310 McKeen,Beverford to Edmonds 645 4310 10-15 biLling 611 4210 10-15 biLling 611 4210 10-15 biLling 611 4210 10-15 bilLing 611 4210 10-15 billing 611 4210 Badge,bugLes 641 3111 PoLos, embroidery 644 3111 PoLos, t-shirts, printing 642 3101 Medic I Advisory-November 643 4150 Foam,hose,handLight 641 3101 Drager test equipment 641 3101 October JanitoriaL services 684 4150 Petty cash reimbursement 642 3101 FirefLy II without heat 641 6410 Scan charges September 611 4210 Scan charges September 642 4210 Scan charges September 643 4210 Scan charges September 642 4210 Prints 711 3101 Processing 711 3101 Professional svcs-PA Townsite 711 4150 Fire sprinkLer system rebate 700 9211 Carpet cLeaning suppLies 784 3101 Paper towels, Latex gloves 784 3101 Paper toweLs 784 3101 Letterheads 711 3101 Letterheads 711 3101 Business cards-Public Works 711 3101 Receipt form 711 3101 Pen refill,paper,plastic combs 711 3101 Replace printer spring, labor 711 4810 Clean, service printer 711 4810 CD Rom Toshiba 711 3101 November 10 1998 Total for Fire 016 Page 8 Amount 7.75 23.25 450.00 115.00 36.16 70.16 67.70 127.86 10.00 24.22 217.29 28.00 6.00 162.00 41.23 9.39 29.43 4.14 9.39 8.05 55.41 29.08 83.90 500.00 704.89 581.55 395.00 35.73 1,178.53 22.85 .37 2.98 .99 9,919.93 7.15 5.90 474.50 500.00 28.49 58.27 48.99 111.46 42.51 280.20 102.29 1.16 86.32 86.32 85.24 I 98/11/10-07:28 I Id Dpt Check Number Vendor Name I I 47818 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. I 47822 Camera Corner 47836 Eclipse C Corp. I 47837 Emerald Roofing 47848 Grounds Maintenance Services 47850 Haley, Thomas 47852 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. I I I I 47877 Olympic Paper Company I 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. I 47882 Oregon Brass Works I 47887 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. I 47888 Paint Store, The 47889 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. I I I I City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 02045 03044 19019 05172 07265 08362 08052 15111 15030 15032 16004 16064 16201 Description GL Code Number Credit riveter 865 3501 Riveter 865 3501 Hacksaw blades 865 3120 Broom, handles, floats 865 3501 Concrete mix 865 3120 Photo processing 811 3101 Sand 865 3140 Sand 865 3140 Washed sand 865 3140 Reroof Civic Field Stadium 865 6510 Sport Turf Workshop-Anderson, 865 4310 Refund marker setting fee 866 9435 Barrel bolt, hinge, flat sash 865 3120 Plywood 865 3120 White lexan,wood strips,screws 865 6510 Lumber 865 3120 Plywood 865 6510 Anchor 865 3120 Drill bit 865 3120 Lumber, speedbor, power bit 861 3101 Self tapping screws 865 6510 Fasteners, pop rivet, rivets 865 6510 Nutsetter 8653120 Pool bathroom supplies 862 3101 Base lamp 862 3120 Bathroom tissue 861 3101 Paper towels, gloves 863 3120 Handle, pad holder 862 3120 Deodorizer 863 3120 Pencils, pens, pencil lead 861 3101 Paper 862 3101 Markers, trays, pen coil, tape 862 3101 Name plate-R Meade 866 3401 Marker-Ketchum 866 3401 Calculator 811 3101 Ink roll 862 3101 Paper 862 3101 paint 865 6510 Paint for Civic Field 865 6510 Roller tray, mildew remover 861 3101 Paint 861 3101 Paint, pail, thinner 865 3120 Latex gloves 865 3120 Latex gloves 865 3120 Latex gloves 865 3120 Latex gloves 865 3120 Latex gloves, paint 865 3120 Paint, primer, brush, cleaner 862 3120 Paint 861 3101 Paint, masking tape 865 3120 Chip brush 865 3120 November 10 1998 018 Page 10 Amount 18.33- 9.21 1.33 269.62 37.55 160.71 431.60 172.64 43.16 15,540.84 118.00 161.85 24.34 26.11 2,512.55 3.84 542.95 2.32 2.90 110.98 101.97 9.64 8.42 52.66 146.40 97.65 37.33 11.94 4.79 43.89 32.59 34.12 75.00 144.00 134.88 25.90 26.98 86.10 283.78 43.10 154.34 141.66 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 56.25 157.77 22.24 57.49 6.04 I 98/11/10-07:28 I City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number I 47892 Peninsula Daily News 16012 47898 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 47901 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 I I I I I I I 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 I I I I I I I I Description GL Code Number Lifeguard job announcement 862 4210 Gasket, blade 865 3120 Monument, foundation-Sorenson 866 3401 Marker,photo,etc-Hammersmith 866 3401 Marker-Gay 866 3401 Fuse,top,charge board, contacts 865 4810 cylinder rent-August Cylinder rent-August Adapter, elbow Chute Zinc spray Cable tie Drill Fender wash, rivet Hex nuts, flat washer, bolts Fender wash Fender wash, rivet Drill set Self driving screw, fastener Steel ring, metric bolt Burn barrel Hex cap Self driller Plumbing _c Hand tools Paint, accessories Paint, accessories Hardware Basketball nets, hardware Paint, accessories Gate hardware Athletics-basketball hoop Nuts, bolts, washers, gloves Paint for trash cans Credit basketball hoop Painting supplies, gloves Automotive Hand tools, automotive Paint, accessories Fanny packs, whistles Hand tools Wasp spray Brass fittings Plastic tape tarps Spot mirror Housewares Bleach,files,cleanser,sponges Hardware for soccer goals Cleaning supplies Film, sound Paint, accessories 866 3120 865 3101 865 3140 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3501 865 6510 861 3101 865 6510 865 6510 865 6510 865 6510 862 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 6510 865 3101 865 3501 861 3101 861 3101 862 3120 865 3120 862 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3101 866 3120 865 3120 862 3101 865 3120 865 3140 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3101 865 3120 865 3120 862 3101 862 3101 865 3120 November 10 1998 019 Page 11 Amount 55.96 14.23 2,898.00 564.00 187.00 86.59 10.79 16.19 2.11 77.75 17.22 70.43 150.82 54.04 27.91 36.69 92.99 116.52 145.67 4.33 80.93 1.19 92.58 .29 34.25 28.74 33.57 27.21 7.53 31.97 10.36 27.91 8.98 3.69 27.91- 12.57 2.09 16.24 4.84 80.50 10.81 7.27 5.96 19.59 3.10 11.30 24.20 18.99 24.08 83.46 62.33 I i8/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles November 10 1998 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number I Paint, accessories 863 3120 18.70 Nozzle, nails, screw eye 865 3120 8.97 String 865 3120 2.34 I Chalk 865 3120 1.45 Washers 865 6510 25.08 Hardware 865 3120 2.69 I Gloves 865 3120 6.33 Automotive 865 3101 3.82 Hand tools 865 3501 16.52 Paint, accessories 865 6510 50.70 I Paint, accessories 865 3120 2.67 47919 Thurlll8n Supply 20005 Fluorescent light tube 861 3101 43.12 Fasteners, connectors 865 3140 21.03 I Irrigation fittings 865 3140 26.72 47923 US West Communications 21001 10-2 billing 863 4210 32.27 10-2 billing 863 4210 39.35 I 9-20 bill i ng 863 4210 47.81 9-20 bill i ng 863 4210 47.81 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing August 1998 811 4210 9.73 Scan billing August 1998 866 4210 7.95 I Scan billing August 1998 861 4210 15.81 Scan billing August 1998 862 4210 .64 Scan billing August 1998 863 4210 5.36 I 47929 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Visual extinguisher inspection 861 4810 140.27 Service extinguishers 862 4810 21.58 Mounting bracket, placards 865 4810 16.19 47932 Watermill Inc., The 23010 Harborlite, sodium bicarbonate 862 3120 1,041.48 I 47937 Ruud Lighting Inc. 18099 Cutoff wall mount,box,lens kit 865 3101 791.93 47945 Advanced Travel 01090 Anderson,Delikat to Everett 10865 4310 251.23 47948 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 865 3120 128.40 I 47953 Certified Laboratories 03057 Disinfectant 865 3140 148.04 47959 Dogipot Inc 04252 Dogipot dispenser,bags 865 3120 277.44 47972 Jackson's Signs 10018 Banner "Welcome to Port Angele 811 3101 269.75 I 47974 Lighthouse Inc., The 12236 Wall clock 862 3101 110.98 47976 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 billing 811 4210 23.25 10-02 billing 866 4210 7.75 10-02 billing 865 4210 7.75 I 10-02 billing 861 4210 15.50 10-02 billing 862 4210 7.75 10-02 billing 863 4210 23.25 I 47991 Paint Store, The 16064 Paint Grandstand Civic Field 865 6410 13,956.87 47994 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 862 3101 18.33 Petty cash reimbursements 862 3101 43.12 48010 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 3rd Quarter 1998 unemployment 865 2060 515.61 I 3rd Quarter 1998 unemployment 861 2060 65.45 48018 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 Kochanek pe 10-15-98 866 4150 669.89 48040 Electric League of Pacific NW 05173 VBMCC Meeting room cancellatio 865 9457 160.00 I 48048 Heath, Dorothy 08365 Sr Center overpmt rfd 863 9608 20.00 48070 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 862 3101 020 41.24 48075 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker-Batchelor 866 3401 406.00 I Inscription-Arthur M Laird 866 3401 76.00 --------- I 98/11/10-07:28 I City of Port Angeles Id Dpt Check Number Vendor Name I 48082 US West Communications I 48088 Washington (Rev), State of I I I I 48098 AT&T Business Service 48102 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 48115 Captain T's 48163 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 48165 LaMotte Company 48172 Marine Rescue Products Inc 48183 Oregon Brass Works I I 48186 Pacific Playground Inc. 48199 Rotary Corporation 48204 Skagit Gardens I 48221 Washington (DIS), State of I I 48227 Yuhl, Clarence I (1 0001 47913 48065 48069 48110 Story People, The Peninsula College Port Angeles Chamber Of Brewer, David I. 12 48088 Washington (Rev), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 21001 23118 01085 01105 03048 11136 12006 13419 15032 16051 18017 19077 23111 25001 Comm. 19201 16011 16023 02055 Description Cement blanks 10-14 billing 10-14 billing 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 10-13 bi II i ng 10-15 billing Tank tops Pre-need sales October 1998 Glass test tubes Key chains Refinish Ketchum marker Niche plaque-Bessire Dome li ds Trimmer guard/cutter Planters Planters Flowers Scan charges September Scan charges September Scan charges September Scan charges September Scan charges September Refund foundation fee Reimburse expenses Marine Lab wages 3rd quarter Aug/Sept expense reimbursement Contract services-November November 10 1998 GL Code Number 866 3401 862 4210 865 4210 862 9450 862 9452 862 9454 862 9455 865 9457 862 9451 862 9626 866 9431 866 9435 866 9436 866 9426 866 9430 866 9434 862 4210 861 4210 862 3101 866 4990 862 3101 862 3101 866 3401 866 3401 865 3120 865 3120 865 3101 865 3101 865 3101 811 4210 866 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 866 9435 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 115 5099 115 5088 115 5082 115 4990 Total for Convention Center Fund 3rd quarter Excise taxes 102 2370000 Page 13 Amount 591.00 40.83 38.13 527.09 35.53 55.11 5.62 118.43 435. 15 139.77- 165.98 90.62 41.80 27.46 145.26 87.68 6.13 9.39 65.28 245.00 38.76 69.60 73.00 57.00 838.69 26.22 257.43 598.79 2,776.84 11.20 6.06 9.84 1.42 7.02 118.69 55,233.79 222,243.47 969.01 7,595.00 6,289.00 100.00 14,953.01 16.87 Total for Department 16.87 I 021 23118 I 98/11/10-07:28 I Id Opt I I I I. 17 0005 I I I I I I I 310 0007 I I 0008 I I City of Port Angeles Check Number Vendor Name 48088 Washington (Rev), State of 48101 Advanced Travel 48102 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 48118 Chemsearch 48190 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 48214 Viking Office Products 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 48229 Zumar Industries Inc. 47815 Angeles Therapy Services, PS 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 23118 01090 01105 14004 16092 22054 23111 26001 01075 15030 18009 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 47945 Advanced Travel 01090 47976 Lucent Technologies 12215 48067 Plantronics/Santa Cruz 16089 48074 Quill Corporation 17000 48115 Captain T's 03048 48158 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 48212 US West Communications 21001 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 47899 Port of Port Angeles 48111 Brooks Technical Services 16027 02162 47818 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 \., 47852 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Description 3rd quarter Excise taxes Wahto to Olympia 10-12 10-15 billing Pump, pro brite Chisels,asphalt cutter Asphalt cutters Binders,pens,post-its,tape Scan charges September Parking signs November 10 1998 GL Code Number 752 4950 752 4310 752 4210 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 4210 752 3125 Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund Chair evaluation 532 4150 Paper 532 3101 Replace PTT bar,labor,switch 5324810 Service call console, labor 532 4810 Service call console, labor 532 4810 Labor, select PTT bar 532 4810 Jack board, cable, jack, labor 532 4810 Swap radio control board, labor 5324810 Replace jack, circuit board 532 4810 Jack, bracket, cable, labor 532 4810 Scan billing August 1998 532 4210 Roedell to Bellingham 09-28-98 532 4310 10-02 billing 532 4210 Headsets 532 3114 Pens,cassettes,highlighters 532 3101 polos, embroidery 532 2080 Polos, embroidery 532 2080 Jacket,polos,embroidery 532 2080 Adaptec 532 3501 Seagate Tape Drive 532 3501 10-23 billing 532 4210 Scan charges September 532 4210 Airport right of way purchase Airport right of way purchase Asbestos bulk samples Pea gravel Sand in mixer Drain rock cover Power bit, screws, lumber Electrical tape Strap,bushing,conduit,adapter Total for PenCom 792 6101 792 6101 796 4150 Total for Public Works 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 Page 15 Amount .69- 189.30 4.68 428.10 13.01 10.84 97.15 1.96 133.33 29,951.68 29,968.55 37.50 97.76 90.79 64.74 64.74 226.59 253.04 679.77 263.72 116.91 64.18 114.80 131.72 94.95 115.93 87.41 172.67 269.76 117.61 643.08 47.81 59.72 3,815.20 159,400.00 35,200.00 54.00 194,654.00 1,187.44 725.09 142.19 18.68 .85 21.76 023 1 98/11/10-07:28 I. Id 1 I I 14 0007 I 321 0007 I I I. 401 I I I I I I I I Dpt Check Number City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 47919 Thurman Supply 47948 Angeles Concrete Products 48139 Familian NW 48042 Frykholm Appraisal 48087 Washington (FSD), State of 47817 Best Locking Systems 47984 Nixon Associates Inc., Robert 47985 North Sound Bank 47996 Primo Construction Inc. 48022 Barclay Dean Interiors 48095 A.R.K. Ramos 47845 47847 47859 47866 47934 47935 47950 47957 47958 47962 47964 47966 47980 47992 47994 47997 47999 48001 48032 48034 48038 48044 Fountain People Gonneville, Heather Kajfasz, Robert McGrath, William Western States Electric Inc. Wilkinson, Stephen Bedford, Mary A Dailidenas, Paul Delisa, Scott C Eash, Josh Hotto, Kyle Griffth, Daunn Maxey, Kari Parkhurst,Shana Port Angeles City Treasurer November 10 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 20005 01070 06020 06161 23114 01079 18131 14177 16033 02410 01376 06204 07222 11045 13415 23025 . 23431 02407 04256 04255 05174 06207 07184 13417 16403 03062 Public Utility Dist Robinson, Pernel Sawyer, Cheri Cobb, Dianna Crabtree, Martin Downing, Marc Gaffney, Steve Clallam Co 16038 18310 19505 03451 03375 04257 07266 Description GL Code Number Adapter, bolt, fitting PVC cement, tape, primer Pea gravel Sand Elbows 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 895 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Professional svcs-Alley 1998 Forest Land Assessment 715 4150 715 4950 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Keys, master key Prof svcs Library August Prof svcs Library September Escrow acct #750800542 Prof svcs-Library Pmt #17 Library Project 94-19 pmt #1 Directories, letters Plaque 716 4150 716 4150 716 4150 716 4150 716 4150 716 4150 716 4150 716 4150 Total for Library Construction Fund Probe, gaskets, compound, seals 401 2370000 Weatherwize bid #1471 401 1344000 Weatherwize bid #1593 401 1344000 Utility deposit rfd-124512006 401 2131100 Lubricant 401 1411000 Straps 401 1411000 Locks 401 1411000 Utility deposit rfd-090425034 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-013552024 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-088927009 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-004774013 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-052523002 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-005509011 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-074187005 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-092029024 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-037613031 401 1222200 Petty cash reimbursements 401 2451000 Water tank rebate-Housing Auth 401 1343300 Flexible pvc 401 1411000 Utility overpmt rfd-057525027 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-094892012 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-090298005 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-103616032 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-045365007 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-057754022 401 2131100 Page 16 Amount 7.18 44.34 1,187.44 725.09 9.40 4,069.46 198,723.46 200.00 313.87 513.87 39.82 2,766.96 2,869.46 2,663.47 54,814.12 108,410.49 2,255.54 2,404.36 176,224.22 150.65- 185.35 329.73 119.75 135.95 351.75 152.14 72.40 79.86 86.99 29.49 112.37 114.61 75.47 75.63 10.64 8.00 25.00 112.65 89.72 34.42 250.00 87.35 250.00 96.03 024 I I i8/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles November 10 1998 Page 17 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number I 48045 Gibson, Ruby 07256 Correct error for check #46656 401 1222200 198.33 48046 Gorr, Bryan 07267 Util ity deposit rfd-099295028 401 2131100 53.42 48053 Johnson, Carol B 10167 Utility deposit rfd-090590004 401 2131100 250.00 I 48055 Keywood, Anne J 11165 Util ity deposit rfd-118909002 401 2131100 77.66 48068 Pomeranz, Jeffrey 16035 Utility overpmt rfd-057037008 401 1222200 76.70 48070 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Water tank rebate-Richmond 401 1343300 25.00 I 48091 West, Summer 23432 Utility deposit rfd-012548012 401 2131100 81.06 48100 Able 2 Products Company 01278 Battery pack,plug 401 2370000 8.51- 48138 Everwarm Inc. 05013 Weatherwize-Boucher 401 1344000 250.00 48146 Gallaway, Sean K 07260 Utility deposit rfd-035408029 401 2131100 39.45 I 48148 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Cinch clamps 401 1411000 123.55 Wrenches, connectors 401 1411000 302.12 48185 Pacific Energy Control 16145 Rallyrite lights 401 2370000 13.04- I 48224 Wilcox, Ron 23433 Utility deposit rfd-031810004 401 2131100 250.00 Total for Department 4,440.39 I 0009 47810 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Fuse,nylon line,cover,lamp 911 3101 33.82 Fuse,nylon line, cover, lamp 911 3101 2.58 Fuse,nylon line,cover,lamp 911 3101 10.52- I Receiver 911 3402 69.92 Wire 911 3402 185 . 45 Wire 911 3402 185.45 I Cord 911 4810 39.54 Adapter 911 3101 2.42 Connector 911 3101 6.15 Fuse box 911 3403 60.49 I 47830 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Starter 911 4810 87.94 47841 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping charges 911 4210 16.25 47845 Fountain People 06204 Probe, gaskets, compound, seals 911 3402 2,057.65 I 47857 JATC NW Line Const. Ind. 10068 Workbooks, calculator 911 3101 343.56 3rd year apprentice workbooks 911 3101 86.86 47877 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Towels,wipes 911 3101 207.07 47878 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Public Works 911 3101 70.05 I 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens, tape 911 3101 11.24 47898 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Ape axes 911 3501 62.47 47900 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 2110 Glass Rd-September 911 3350 92.36 I 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Mobile radio 911 4810 803.85 47912 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 Test for PCBs 911 4150 325.00 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hex lags, washer 911 3501 9.60 I Tree plug-ins 911 3403 7.34 Oxygen 911 4810 34.89 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Paint, automotive 911 3101 12.71 47919 Thurman Supply 20005 Box,receptacle plate,receptacl 911 3101 17.05 I Bulbs,covers 911 4810 23.22 Switch 911 3101 12.27 Plugs,adapter 911 3101 5.10 I 47923 US West Communications 21001 10-5 billing 911 4210 41.66 10-2 billing 911 4210 60.42 47926 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Transformer 911 3403 8,314.28 I 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing August 1998 911 4210 025 30.66 I 98/-11/10-07:28 City of Port AngeLes November 10 1998 Page 18 I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number I 47928 Washington (Stores), State of 03131 SeattLe phone books 911 4210 6.48 ToweLs,cLamps,fiLes,diskettes 911 3101 145.38 47943 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 SmaLL UtiLity Conference-Campb 911 4310 45.00 I 47945 Advanced TraveL 01090 Harper to Vancouver, WA 09-29- 911 4310 227.70 Yoder to SeattLe 09-14-98 911 4310 429.94 47952 CED/ConsoLidated ELec.Dist.Inc 03267 Disconnects,copper Lugs 911 4810 2,160.92 I 47961 EES ConsuLting Inc. 05140 Prof svcs September 1998 911 4901 40.36 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 10-02 bilLing 911 4210 108.50 47979 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & SuLLivan 13287 ProfessionaL svcs September 911 4901 170.61 47991 Paint Store, The 16064 Prepare/paint Light Standards 911 4150 35,401.99 I 47997 PubLic UtiLity Dist CLaLLam Co 16038 EucLid Avenue 10-13 biLLing 911 3350 16.90 Lauridsen & L 10-16 biLLing 911 3350 17.98 48005 UtiLities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 September Locates,Aug adjust 911 4150 22.95 I 48010 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 3rd Quarter 1998 unempLoyment 911 2060 1,032.00 48026 CED/ConsoLidated ELec.Dist.Inc 03267 Wire terminating Lugs 911 3101 243.23 48064 PacifiCorp 16360 August short term energy 911 3340 2,596.25 I September short term energy 911 3340 2,512.50 48070 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 911 3101 26.00 48082 US West Communications 21001 10-14 billing 911 4210 40.78 48098 AT&T Business Service 01 085 10-13 biLLing 911 4210 6.38 I 48100 AbLe 2 Products Company 01278 Battery pack, pLug 911 4810 116.20 48101 Advanced TraveL 01090 Beckett,Shay to SeattLe 10-30 911 4310 12.35 48102 AirTouch CeLLuLar BeLLevue 01105 10-15 bilLing 911 4210 13.64 I 10-15 billing 911 4210 10.35 10-15 bilLing 911 4210 24.88 10-15 bilLing 911 4210 9.39 10-15 bilLing 911 4210 11.00 I 10-15 bilLing 911 4210 11.98 10-15 bilLing 911 4210 12.49 10-15 billing 911 4210 9.39 I 10-15 billing 911 4210 9.39 48134 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 ProfessionaL svcs October 911 4150 10.79 48148 GeneraL Pacific Inc. 07034 Wrenches, connectors 911 3501 59.56 I Wrenches, connectors 911 3501 107.20 48152 Grainger Inc. 07015 Snap action switch 911 4810 6.03 48155 Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 BeLt supporter,strap,pads 911 3101 181.27 48173 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & SulLivan 13287 Professional svcs-September 911 4901 201.57 I 48185 Pacific Energy ControL 16145 RalLyrite lights 911 3501 178.12 48196 PubLic UtiLity Dist ClaLLam Co 16038 Glass Road 10-28 bilLing 911 3350 126.48 Wheeling charges Aug/Sept 1998911 3350 2,550.68 I Transfer of welL pump due to 0 911 4810 980.77 48206 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 Test PCBs in oil 911 4150 250.00 48214 Viking Office Products 22054 Custom stamps 911 3101 36.90 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges September 911 4210 20.80 I 48225 Xerox Corporation 24001 Base charge July/September 911 4150 134.88 Tota l for Light 63,646.76 I Total for Light Fund 68,087.15 '2 47924 USA BlueBook 21060 Rubber gLoves 402 2370000 50.03- 026 ----- --- I 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port AngeLes I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number I 47931 47978 48009 Water PLus Corporation 23382 MacDougaLL-DanieLson, Christin 13418 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 I Bavco 02346 48106 I 0003 47811 ALL WorLd Scientific 01377 47818 BLake Sand & GraveL Inc. 02045 47820 Brown and CaLdweLL 02057 47835 Dobson's 04054 47841 FederaL Express Corp. 06022 47842 FerreLLgas CInc) 06024 47863 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 47869 MiddLeton Motor Parts Co. 13117 47880 oLympic Springs Inc. 15029 47910 Smitty's Restaurant 19237 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 I I I I I I I 47918 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 I I I 47919 Thurman SuppLy 20005 47923 US West Communications 21001 47924 USA BLueBook 21060 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 47942 AT&T WireLess Services 20000 47945 Advanced TraveL 01090 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 48005 UtiLities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 I I I November 10 1998 SampLe station UtiLity overpmt rfd-010774002 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 2" doubLe check watts 402 2370000 402 1222200 402 2370000 402 2371000 402 2370000 TotaL for Department GLutamic acid 354 3101 ELbow, tee, hand tooL 354 3101 Prof Svcs-WW System Improvmnts 354 4150 Prof Svcs-WW System Improvmnts 354 4150 ProfessionaL svcs-WW Improveme 354 4150 BoiLer vaLve kit 354 3101 Shipping charges 354 4210 Propane 354 4710 AsphaLt 354 3101 Wiper refiLL 354 3101 Water 354 3101 CooLer rentaL 354 3101 MeaL tickets 354 4310 Century spring 354 3101 spring 354 3101 CLamp, Labor 354 3101 Gauge 354 3101 SteeL deck for Lawnmower 354 3501 Anchor wedge, cLeaner 354 3101 Rubber grommets 354 3101 Roto hammer D-handLe 354 3501 Hammer bit 354 3101 OiL jug 354 3101 Safety tape 354 3101 Lawn, garden 354 3101 Rubber shoes, fiLm 354 3101 Rubber boots, chain 354 3101 Boots 354 3101 Lab tubing, ice 354 3101 Mens gLoves, cLeaning suppLies 354 3101 Sink stopper,sponge,batteries 354 3101 Bushing, tefLon tape 354 3101 Soaker hose 354 3101 10-2 biLLing 3544210 10-2 biLLing 3544210 9-20 biLLing 3544210 Rubber gLoves 354 3101 Scan biLLing August 1998 354 4210 10-01 biLLing 354 4210 10-01 biLLing 3544210 Curtis,Richmond to PortLand 09 354 4310 10-02 biLLing 3544210 September Locates,Aug adjust 354.4150 02.7 Page 19 Amount 96.52- 100.38 58.81 46.16 16.57- 42.23 17.55 34.03 39.38 10,219.93 4,360.93 186.67 13.40 184.47 98.72 6.76 17.05 10.74 6.96 4.27 4.27- 3.43 26.92 485.55 16.63 1.68 298.76 23.76 2.87 85.65 47.12 26.55 90.93 14.03 25.28 18.65 42.20 13.53 14.35 20.83 40.96 28.11 341.62 17.25 40.60 19.52 427.28 15.50 11.47 I 98/11/10-07:28 I Id I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Opt Check Number Vendor Name 48009 Washington (Rev), State of 48104 AmTest Inc. 48117 Certified Laboratories 48139 Familian NW 48152 Grainger Inc. 48161 Jones Chemicals Inc. 48162 Kaman Industrial Technologies 48212 US West Communications 48214 Viking Office Products 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 0007 47809 Ace Equipment Company 47812 AngeLes Machine Works Inc. 47814 Angeles Millwork 47816 47818 47841 47863 Anjo Soils Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. Federal Express Corp. Lakeside Industries Inc. 47877 Olympic Paper Company City of Port AngeLes CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 23118 01034 03057 06020 07015 10027 11082 21001 22054 23111 01055 01072 01073 01057 02045 06022 12036 15111 47878 OLympic Printers Inc. 15027 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 47898 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 47900 Public Utility Dist CLa\Lam Co 16038 47902 R J Services Inc. 18108 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Description 3rd quarter Excise taxes Silver Water sampLe testing Silver testing Water sampLe testing Water sample testing Water sample testing Red bins O-rings FiLters Sodium hypochlorite Seals 10-23 billing 10-23 billing 10-23 billing 10-23 bilLing 10-23 bilLing 10-23 bi l Ling 10-23 billing 10-23 billing 10-20 biLling (used incorrect Binders,pens,post-its,tape Scan charges September GL Code Number 354 4950 354 4150 354 4150 354 4150 354 4150 354 4150 354 4150 354 3101 354 3101 354 3101 354 3101 354 3101 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 3101 354 4210 TotaL for Rope, labor 753 3101 Plugs, labor 753 3101 Brass vaLve 753 3101 Sandpaper, enamel 753 3101 Lumber, spikes, box 753 3101 Lumber 753 3101 Hardware 753 3101 Steel flats, stud anchor wedge 753 3101 Soil 753 3101 Black chips 753 3101 Shipping charges 753 4210 Asphalt 753 3101 Asphalt 753 3101 Asphalt, liquid asphalt 753 3101 AsphaLt 753 3101 AsphaLt 753 3101 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 Liquid chLorine 753 3101 Liquid chLorine 753 3101 Business cards-PubLic Works 753 3101 Pen refill,paper,plastic combs 753 3101 Head for weedeater,oil 753 3101 Reservoir Rd 10-9 biLling 753 4710 PLacement washed chips 753 3101 Current source-digitaL Meter 753 3101 November 10 1998 Wastewater 028 Page 20 Amount 5,027.29 8.00- 340.00 17.00 280.50 97.75 93.50 404.61 45.51 216.07 2,300.06 18.24 95.62 28.11 47.81 95.62 47.81 47.81 47.81 28.11 28.11 77.67 30.70 26,805.33 9.71 23.47 29.67 27.97 200.64 24.29 2.82 13.49 156.46 45.10 12.25 166.86 239.81 340.48 67.14 164.55 169.94 339.89 339.89 122.59 65.17 44.08 80.80 539.50 1,243.34 I 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles November 10 1998 Page 21 I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Id Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number I 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Screw, pipe, stop wedge 753 3101 15.12 Screws, hex nuts 753 3101 3.97 Paint 753 3101 9.91 I Hose bib, bushing, swivel 753 3101 26.27 Valve 753 3101 39.80 Work gloves 753 3101 38.71 I Coupling 753 3101 8.75 Shovel 753 3101 23.50 Oxygen 753 3101 27.19 Paint, work gloves 753 3101 58.10 I Transplanter, hand trowel 753 3101 20.24 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Paint, brushes 753 3101 12.67 Plumbing, hand tools 753 3101 12.61 I Electrical,plumbing,hand tools 753 3101 36.89 Plumbing 753 3101 4.04 Film, sound 753 3101 9.57 Stir sticks 753 3101 10.33 I Hand tools, plumbing 753 3101 25.77 Ladder 753 3101 43.13 Chain, Bungee cords 753 3101 18.15 I Pens 753 3101 1.08 47919 Thurman supply 20005 Sol id pipe 753 3101 8.18 Teflon tape, knee pad, primer 753 3101 29.17 I PVC elbow, bushing 753 3101 2.38 47924 USA BlueBook 21060 Rubber gloves 753 3101 341.63 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing August 1998 753 4210 8.66 47931 Water Plus Corporation 23382 Sample station 753 3101 1,318.21 I 47945 Advanced Travel 01090 Beverford to Nevada 09-28-98 753 4310 552.62 Rasler to Portland 10-07-98 753 4310 290.85 47948 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Crushed rock 753 3101 5,799.63 I 47965 GRCC/WW 07026 Process control registration 753 4310 430.00 47967 Hach Company 08124 Chlorine analyzer, chloride set 753 6510 2,765.29 Temperature tester 753 3101 98.05 47976 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 billing 753 4210 7.75 I 47994 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 753 4310 24.00 48005 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 September locates,Aug adjust 753 4150 11.47 48009 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 3rd quarter Excise taxes 753 4950 20,600.16 I 48012 Western Utilities Supply Co. 23022 Disk chamber 753 3101 211.95 Disk chamber returned (have to 753 3101 201.36- 48037 Doubletree Hotel-Port Angeles 18112 Meals for Main Break callout 753 4310 50.54 I 48043 GRCC/WW 07026 Drinking Water Program reg-Mc 753 3101 110.00 48070 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 753 4310 12.00 Petty cash reimbursements 753 4310 15.00 Petty cash reimbursements 753 3101 25.00 I 48092 Whitney Equipment Co. Inc. 23073 Electrolyte gel 753 3101 105.54 Injector PM kit,maint kit 753 3101 140.32 Shaft 753 3101 32.49 I 48102 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 billing 753 4210 7.20 48106 Bavco 02346 2" double check watts 753 3101 226.31 48112 CSUS Foundation Inc. 03277 Manual,enrollment-Duncan,McGin 753 4310 40.00 48131 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc. 04060 Sod 753 3101 029 214.22 I I i8/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles Id I I I I I I" 404 I I I I I I I I I I CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 48139 Familian NW 06020 48143 Flow Products Incorporated 48161 Jones Chemicals Inc. 06125 10027 48196 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 48209 Technical Systems Inc. 20025 48212 US West Communications 21001 48220 Washington (Agricul), State of 23101 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 48088 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 0007 47841 Federal Express Corp. 47858 KONP Radio 06022 11019 47876 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 47877 Olympic Paper Company 15026 15111 47879 Olympic Refrigeration 47895 Pettit Oil Company 15085 16302 47903 Richmond 2-Way Radio 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 18009 19035 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 47919 Thurman Supply 20005 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 47929 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 47976 Lucent Technologies 12215 47994 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 48021 Automotive Environmental svcs 01041 48083 USDA, APHIS, FSO, Acctg Svcs 21069 48085 WA State Recycling Association 23058 48088 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 48188 Parametrix Inc. 16155 48214 Viking Office Products 22054 Description Adapters Adapters Bolt kit,gasket Butterfly valve Nipples Parts kits Cylinder deposit refund Cylinder deposit refund Ranney Well 10-20 billing Contact relays 10-23 billing 10-23 billing 1999 Pesticide license Scan charges September 3rd quarter Excise taxes November 10 1998 GL Code Number 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 4710 753 3101 753 4210 753 4210 renewal 753 4310 753 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 404 2370000 Total for Department Shipping charges 755 4150 Commericals for Sept (KONP) 755 4410 Commercials for Sept (KIKN) 755 4410 Cleaning services 755 3101 Wet wipes 755 3101 Metal drum pump 755 3101 Restroom supplies 755 3101 Remove freon 755 4150 Grease 755 3101 Oil 755 3101 Invoice 6731 pd twice 755 4810 Caster, swivel 755 3101 Fencing 755 3101 Plumbing 755 3101 Bird control supplies 755 3101 Paint, accessories 755 3101 Lighting tubes 755 3101 Scan billing August 1998 755 4210 Service fire extinguishers 755 3101 Service extinguisher, gauge 755 3101 10-02 billing 755 4210 Petty cash reimbursements 755 3101 Waste antifreeze pickup 755 4150 Professional svcs Jul-Aug 1998 755 4150 1999 Membership 755 4901 3rd quarter Excise taxes 755 4950 Professional svcs-Landfill 755 4150 Folders,binders,pens 755 3101 030 Page 22 Amount 3,025.36 92.00 758.39 24,034.08 99.27 316.66 177.24- 700.00- 11.99 915.00 59.20 884.06 25.00 18.13 67,554.87 94,402.43 503.80 503.80 I 87.42 37.50 37.50 144.72 67.17 ' 45.93 112.06 738.04 17.57 248.50 61.50- 45.27 91.37 8.22 80.44 20.34 51.04 38.76 46.40 20.50 38.75 6.46 70.00 6,977.71 125.00 40,914.55 505.87 79.28 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles Page 23 November 10 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 421 47960 Downie, Jayne & Patrick 48070 Port Angeles City Treasurer 04254 03062 454 0007 47833 Delhur Industries Inc 04042 47875 Olympic Bank 15132 48127 Delhur Industries Inc 04042 48182 Olympic Bank 15132 48188 Parametrix Inc. 16155 501 47890 Parts Incorporated 18126 47905 Rotary Corporation 18017 48088 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 48167 Legend Valley Products/O'Brien 12281 . 0007 47812 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 47829 Coastline Ford Tractor Co Inc. 03082 47830 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 47832 Cummins Northwest Inc. 47834 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 03097 04044 Description GL Code Number Amount Pens,pencils,refills Towels,envelopes,labelmaker Scan charges September 755 3101 755 3101 755 4210 28.12 45.11 61.06 Total for Public Works 50,729.16 Total for Solid Waste Fund 51,232.96 Weatherization rfd Bid #1321 Petty cash reimbursements 421 1223000 421 2451000 77.13 16.00 Total for Conservation Fund 93.13 Landfill Cell #3 pmt #2 795 4150 Escrow Acct #1701088820 795 4150 Landfill Cell #3 pmt #3 795 4150 Escrow account #1701088820 795 4150 Professional svcs-Landfill eng 795 4150 1,009,887.04 49,071.28 229,370.23 11,145.30 40,864.95 Total for Solid Waste Construction 1,340,338.80 Adapter,flex tubing 501 2370000 13.99- Paddle repair kit 501 2370000 48.24- Tire lug 501 2370000 6.87- Tire lug 501 2370000 3.44- 3rd quarter Excise Taxes 501 2370000 2,293.15 Shovel 501 2370000 3.94- Total for Department 2,216.67 Replace truck spline stub 760 4810 418.38 o ring, seal, gasket 760 3101 19.48 Tube assembly, freight 760 3101 84.30 Steering stabilizer 760 3101 33.79 Domestic starter 760 3101 216.07 Battery terminal protector 760 3101 13.43 Domestic starter parts 760 3101 215.04- Heater core 760 3101 50.00 Oi l filler caps 760 3101 5.05 U-joint repair kit 760 3101 14.47 Air freshner 760 3101 15.05 Gasketsivalve/compressor kit 760 3101 519.57 Turn rotors 760 4810 16.19 Tires, wheel change 760 3101 422.21 Tires, wheel change 760 4810 20.50 Tires, tire servicing 760 3101 874.64 Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 27.51 Flat repair 760 4810 10.79 Flat repair 760 4810 9.17 Tires,labor,idler arm, brakes 760 3101 031 367.49 Tires,labor,idler arm, brakes 760 4810 215.26 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 47835 Dobson's 04054 47839 Exhaust Shop 47842 Ferrellgas Clnc) 05035 06024 47849 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 47853 Heartline, The 08054 47860 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 47865 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 47869 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 13117 Description GL Code Number Tires, wheel balance 760 3101 Tires, wheel balance 760 4810 Labor,safety check,lubra kleen 760 3101 Labor,safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 Service call, flat repair 760 4810 Turn rotors 760 4810 Power belt 760 3101 Power belt 760 3101 Freon 760 3101 Muffler, band clamps 760 3101 Propane 760 3212 Propane 760 3212 Valve core 760 3101 Shoe cores 760 3101 Valve core 760 3101 Shoe kit, bushing, cores, seal 760 3101 Battery 760 3101 Battery 760 3101 Battery 760 3101 Roller bearing, seal 760 3101 Repair Van door 760 4810 Switch 760 3101 Core deposit 760 3101 Brake pads 760 3101 Disc pad 760 3101 Brake pads 760 3101 Brake set, core deposit 760 3101 Male connector, bushing, fuse 760 3101 Rivets 760 3101 U-nut, hardware 760 3101 Brake pads 760 3101 Tune-up kit 760 3101 Fuel hose, fuel line 760 3101 Seal beam,fuse,filter,swivel 7603101 Disc pad 760 3101 Brush 760 3101 Coil 760 3101 Belt 760 3101 Relay 760 3101 Swivel 760 3101 Radiator cap 760 3101 Fuel filter 760 3101 Plastic lense 760 3101 Oil filter, hydraulic, wipers 7603101 Screw 760 3101 Brake fluid 760 3101 Brake fluid 760 3101 Mirror head, mirror 760 3101 Ratchet 760 3501 Clutch master 760 3101 V-belt 760 3101 November 10 1998 032 Page 24 Amount 90.63 19.43 13.22 17.26 87.40 33.45 8.00 8.00 224.43 74.32 426.29 129.48 24.28- 79.85- 49.79 654.48 59.29 269.64 34.51 116.50 1,388.67 19.93 76.07- 31.67 33.67 31.67- 27.20 69.45 44.71 32.46 35.34 16.72 27.25 48.16 38.74 8.33 35.60 21.13 17.71 42.53 5.31 10.16 2.03 139.62 25.15 21.57 21.57 94.67 13.47 71.95 18.04 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles November 10 1998 Page 25 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Fnd. Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Coil 760 3101 76.80 Switch, battery, light bulb 760 3101 58.05 Radiator cap 760 3101 5.31 Battery 760 3101 3.23 Handle, light bulb 760 3101 37.64 Swivel, hose end 760 3101 79.73 Oil filter, hose end, fuse 760 3101 189.60 Spotlight 760 3101 43.44 Inflator 760 3101 9.69 Clamp 760 3101 5.11 Air filter 760 3101 5.92 Fuel line 760 3101 16.46 47871 Murray Motors Inc. 13129 Idle speed motor, thermostat, 760 3101 117.18 47874 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Windshield replace/repair 760 3101 375.60 47876 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. . 15026 Covera lls, 760 4990 187.19 47878 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Public Works 760 3101 17.51 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Fax refi II 760 3101 44.19 Pen refill,paper,plastic combs 760 3101 65.17 47890 Parts Incorporated 18126 Adapter,flex tubing 760 3101 191.14 Paddle repair kit 760 3101 658.89 47895 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Card lock for September 760 3210 1,869.38 Card lock for September 760 3211 43.70 Fuel 760 3210 22.61 Diesel fuel 760 3211 1,139.68 Gasol ine 760 3210 2,444.00 Diesel 760 3211 254.03 Diesel 760 3210 1,955.25 47897 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Start control washer pump 760 3101 72.47 O-ring 760 3101 11.05 47905 Rotary Corporation 18017 Tire lug 760 3101 93.87 Tire lug 760 3101 46.94 47906 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 Hose assembly 760 3101 83.73 47911 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 Rebuild air ratchet 760 3501 73;10 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Knob 760 3101 3.36 Cylinder rent-August 760 3101 26.98 O-ring, cap 760 3101 3.83 Hex cap, flat washers 760 3101 33.28 o ring 760 3101 4.55 Hose, fitting, hydraulic labor 760 3101 43.61 Oxygen, acetylene 760 3101 75.03 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Headl ight bulbs 760 3101 32.21 Water pump 760 3101 75.39 Plumbing supplies 760 3101 33.64 47920 Tranco Transmissions Inc. 20036 Rebuild transmission, converter 760 3101 687.70 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing August 1998 760 4210 9.80 47945 Advanced Travel 01090 McBride to Ellensburg 09-14-98 760 4310 138.00 47954 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 03060 Credit card charges September 760 3210 49.86 47976 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 billing 760 4210 7.75 47981 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Tube 760 3101 34.99 48020 Associates Capital Bank 20003 Credit card purchases 760 3210 033 9.59 48086 WSAFC 23304 A&E Conference reg-McBride 760 4310 470.00 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 48167 Legend Valley Products/O'Brien 12281 48203 Six Robblees Inc. 19226 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 502 0002 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 47944 AcuPrint Inc 01385 47951 Brooks, Gary 02277 47969 IBM Corporation 09020 47976 Lucent Technologies 12215 48102 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 48130 Dungeness Communications & 04210 48157 IBM Corporation 09020 48158 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 48195 Professional Cartridge Care/WA 16324 48197 Radix corporation 18004 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 503 0001 47872 Myers, Wi II iam 13130 47907 Saar, Arthur & Elinor 19549 47922 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 47929 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 48019 Armory Express Pizzeria 01340 48027 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 48031 Clallam County YMCA 03076 48035 Curtis, Kevin 03099 48041 Fox, Kenneth 06191 48050 Hunt, James 08176 48054 Johnson, Harry 10047 48058 Loucks, Jasper 12186 48061 Myers, William 13130 48062 O'Donnell, David 15152 48063 Owens, Annette 15082 48076 Regence Blue Shield-Dental 18234 48077 Riepe, Tom 18081 48081 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 48099 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Description GL Code Number Shovel Grover bell,hitch Grover bell,hitch Scan charges September 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4210 November 10 1998 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund Scan billing August 1998 250 4210 Software/digicard for PR/AP 250 4810 Antivirus computer software 250 4810 Service agreement for Oct 1998 250 4810 10-02 billing 250 4210 10-15 billing 250 4210 September maintenance 250 4150 AIX support line August 2504150 AIX support line August 250 4150 AIX support line September 250 4150 Cleaning cartridge 250 4810 Data cartridge 250 4810 Cleaning cartridge 250 4810 Toner cartridge 250 4810 Repair hand held 250 4810 Scan charges September 250 4210 Total for Information Systems Fund Reimburse August/December Medi 121 4634 Settlement claim #30-98 119 4999 LTD November 1998 121 4631 Extinguisher signs 118 4909 Fire Extinguisher sign 118 4909 Safety Committee luncheon 118 4909 Disability Board claim October 121 4635 Membership renewal-Ziomkowski 121 4150 Membership renewals-Becker,McC 121 4150 Reimburse emergency room chgs 121 4630 Disability Board claims Octobe 121 4635 Reimburse emergency room chgs 121 4630 Disability Board claims Octobe 121 4635 Disability Board claims Octobe 121 4635 Disability Board claims Octobe 121 4635 Reimburse for out-patient svcs 121 4630 Reimburse chiropractic chgs 121 4630 Administrative fee-Nov 1998 117 4601 Disability Board claims Octobe 121 4635 Prof svcs September 1998 119 4150 Medical,vision,life November 121 4630 Medical,vision,life November 121 4632 Medical,vision,life November 121 4634 034 Page 26 Amount 53.84 50.17 95.94 16.01 19,858.56 22,075.23 32.79 3,808.01 64.31 127.17 23.25 16.30 110.00 1,687.56 91.72 94.77 32.37 237.38 90.64 215.80 419.32 98.05 7,149.44 219.00 300.00 1,642.32 84.16 19.42 48.87 47.00 536.00 1,608.00 7.49 37.83 20.73 13.61 11.00 114.50 117.88 20.00 1,186.92 22.00 1,383.90 62,945.30 1,167.60 10,625.00 ~ 98/11/10-07:28 Fnd Dpt Check Number 48108 48113 48114 48116 48121 48136 48137 48153 48159 48160 48164 48168 48169 48171 48176 48177 48178 48179 48184 48198 48207 48215 City of Port Angeles Vendor Name Bishop, Virgil Cameron, Kenneth Camporini, Richard Carlson PE, Edward J Clallam County YMCA Evans, Sid Evergreen Adjustment Service Hansen, George D. Johnson, Donald G Johnson, Harry Kochanek, Harry Lemon, Marty Lindley, James K. Loucks, Jasper Miesel, Phil Morgan, Roy NW Admin Transfer Acct (Non-S) NW Admin. Transfer Acct (SW) Owens, Annette Rainier EAP Inc. Sweatt, Johnnie W.C.I.A. 604 0002 48030 Clallam County Treasurer 621 0002 47831 47846 47949 48033 48105 48123 48147 48170 48189 48200 Cozi Homes Construction Garland Construction & Maint Angeles Plumbing Inc. Cozi Homes Construction Angeles Plumbing Inc. Clallam Title Company Garland Construction & Maint Lindquist Construction paratex Certified Inc. Schoenfeldt Construction, 625 0008 47823 Captain T's 47851 Hansen's Trophy 47854 Hicks, John November 10 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 02019 03252 03273 03452 03076 05103 05177 08048 10052 10047 11017 12258 12019 12186 13261 13145 14169 14016 15082 18057 19146 23149 03075 03299 07063 01039 03299 01039 03286 07063 12200 16219 Di ck 19141 03048 08047 08060 Description GL Code Number Medical,vision,life November 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Engineering svcs Bettger Claim 119 4999 Membership renewal-Mason 121 4150 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Adjustment svcs 119 4999 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse chiropractic chgs 121 4630 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Medical,dental,vision November 121 4633 Medical,dental,vision November 121 4633 Reimburse chiropractic svcs 121 4630 October 1998 services 121 4150 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 Pre-defense legal work 1997-98 119 4150 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Delinquent taxes for Del Hur 226 5310 Total for LID Guaranty Fund Draw 80% Galyean 96PA76L 214 4150 Draw 60% Gross 98A03L 214 4150 100% complete-Gourley 98PA08E 214 4150 Final payment-P Berry 96PA75L 214 4150 Final-Antioquia 98PA11E 214 4150 Reconveyance of Deed of Trust 214 4941 Title insurance/record Cicotte 214 4941 80% draw-L Gross 98PA03L 214 4150 Final-Lopez 96PA48L 214 4150 Pest inspection-F Konopaski 98 214 4150 Final-Chapman 96PA64L 214 4150 Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project Polo,embroidery Polo, embroidery Polo, embroidery Polo, embroidery Polo, embroidery Plaques Reimburse for Octoberfest 881 3101 882 3101 884 3101 885 3101 888 3101 881 4150 supp 888 3101 CI f)- . J ..1 Page 27 Amount 2,297.00 94.00 65.70 46.10 252.00 415.00 42.50 93.80 46.80 43.80 42.50 85.00 60.00 43.80 85.00 46.10 46.10 8,419.00 2,048.20 20.00 330.00 65.70 7,674.30 104,540.93 7,641.43 7,641.43 20,928.86 6,096.10 58.31 1,248.38 116.86 43.00 125.30 6,760.33 10,425.40 64.74 5,605.44 51,472.72 104.07 104.07 104.07 104.07 104.07 158.61 161 .65 98/11/10-07:28 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 47977 M & N International Inc -47990 Oriental Trading Co. Inc. 47994 Port Angeles City Treasurer 48003 US Toy Company Inc. 48013 Xerox Corporation 48057 Leonard, Rene 48103 Albertson's Inc. 48115 Captain T's 627 0005 47834 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 641 0008 47946 American Time & Signal Co 650 47896 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 48088 Washington (Rev), State of 0002 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 Vendor Number 15030 19037 13416 15033 03062 21019 24001 12286 01204 03048 04044 01389 16024 23118 652 0008 47852 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 47881 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 47887 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 47918 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Description Glue, poster board, paint Paper Pencils, lead Poster board, markers Athletics supplies Softba lls Hats,vests Special event supplies Petty cash reimbursements Special event supplies Base copier charge Aug/Sept Refund Volleyball team fees Kids Octoberfest event Polo, embroidery T-shirts, new screens New screens, t-shirts November 10 1998 GL Code Number 888 3120 888 3101 881 3101 888 3101 888 3120 881 3101 888 3120 888 3120 888 3101 8883101 888 3120 884 9654 888 3120 888 3101 881 4150 881 4150 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Blower motor, service Dare Van 531 4810 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund Motor drive movement 823 3120 Time clock motor,gear assembly 823 3120 Credit motor drive movement 823 3120 Total for Senior Center Maintenance Parking sticker/PBIA funds Parking sticker/PBIA funds 3rd quarter Excise taxes 3rd quarter Excise taxes 650 2319100 650 2319200 650 2319100 Total for Department 290 4950 Total for Finance Total for Off - Street Parking Fund Chuck key Letters, board Vinyl letters, paper, glue Printer labels Epson cartridge Cartridge Paint, accessories, hardware Hardware Hand tools 868 3501 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3501 electrical 868 3120 Paint, accessories, 03r Page 28 Amount 51.66 32.59 48.65 28.70 76.91 291.33 58.07 114.21 36.17 90.65 85.25 50.00 56.51 246.55 128.94 135.68 2,372.48 205.07 205.07 55.83 281.90 - 55.83- 281.90 3,000.00 3,000.00 202.60 6,202.60 10.00- 10.00- 6,192.60 1.35 11.70 16.40 23.75 29.13 29.13 3.39 5.36 3.85 36.30 98/11/10-07:28 , City of Port AngeLes CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 November 10 1998 Page 29 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number 47927 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan biLLing August 1998 868 4210 47976 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 10-02 bi LL ing 868 4210 48149 Georgiades, AristotLe 07268 Lecture honorarium 868 4150 48212 US West Communications 21001 10-23 biL Ling 868 4210 48221 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges September 868 4210 654 0008 47814 AngeLes MiLLwork 01073 47818 BLake Sand & GraveL Inc. 02045 47852 HartnageL BuiLding SuppLy Inc. 08052 47915 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 47918 Swain's GeneraL Store Inc. 19037 47983 NaturaL Structures 48183 Oregon Brass Works 14145 15032 697 48174 Martin, JuLie S 48175 MicheL, Mervin H 13422 13421 Amount 37.00 7.75 200.00 47.81 24.57 TotaL for Esther Webster Trust Fund Stripe Lumber Lumber Lock handLe, scraper, wedge Water seaL Hex Lags Soil Soil Concrete mix Strand board, Lumber Broom, stud anchor wedge PLumbing Hand tooLs TabLe w/2 seats PLaque-Cochran PLaque-CharLes EC Woods PLaque-Kitz 477.49 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 17.19 12.96 16.62 15.05 46.12 20.88 27.51 18.34 6.88 104.61 14.01 3.75 10.73 658.73 60.75 77.00 59.50 TotaL for Waterfront TraiL Fund 1,170.63 697 2391000 697 2391000 293.00 493.00 Medic I overpayment refund Medic I overpayment refund TotaL for Accts.ReceivabLe CLearing Fund 786.00 698 47862 LEOFF 12043 September contributions 698 2315120 26,418.62 47885 PERS 16016 September contributions 698 2315130 65,521.47 47963 FLex-PLan Services (PayroLL) 06062 PayroLL deductions 10-18-98 698 2315210 1,064.79 47986 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 PayroLL deductions 10-18-98 698 2315210 894.83 47987 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 PayroLL deductions 10-18-98 698 2315210 112.15 48002 US Department of Education 21075 PayroLL deductions 10-18-98 698 2315210 69.41 48004 United Way (payroLL) 21028 PayroLL deductions 10-18-98 698 2315240 406.31 48007 VoLunteer Fire Association 22060 PayroLL deductions 10-18-98 698 2315210 46.00 48080 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 SuppLement Life November 1998 698 2315160 731.40 48096 AFSCME LocaL #1619 01152 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315200 77.00 48097 AFSCME LocaL #1619 SchoLarship 01153 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315200 154.00 48133 EmpLoyees Association 05041 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315210 204.00 48140 Firefighter's LocaL #656 06076 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315200 760.00 48141 FLex-PLan Services (PayroLL) 06062 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315210 037 975.89 48144 Fortis Benefits Insurance Co. 06052 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315190 730.20 48156 IBEW LocaL #997 09034 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315200 363.90 48180 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315210 894.83 48181 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 PayroLL deductions 11-01-98 698 2315210 112.15 r-- 98/11/10-07:28 City of Port Angeles November 10 1998 Page 30 CHECK REGISTER Date From 10/10/98 To 11/06/98 / Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 48191 Police Association 16156 Payroll d~ductions 11-01-98 698 2315210 166.00 48208 Teamsters Local #589 20056 Payroll deductions 11-01-~8 698 2315200 1,520.00 48211 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions 11-01-98 698 2315210 69.41 48213 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions 11-01-98 698 2315240 406.31 48219 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions 11-01-98 698 2315200 2,435.54 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 104,134.21 Grand Total 2,509,096.38 038 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINTAINING AND BUlU)ING A BEITER COMMUNITY" October 28, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public library, Project No. 94-19 Barclay Dean Interiors, Payment No.1 CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE Ori inal Contract Amount $112,310.33 Chan e Orders to Date (1) Subtotal $105,355.19 $0.00 $105,355.19 $8,323.06 $0.00 $8,323.06 $5,267.76 $0.00 $5,267.76 $108,410.49 93.63 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retaina e (5% of subtotal) Contractor Pa ments Authorized to Date DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No.US7517-9419-4150 ) CONTRACTOR: Barclay Dean Interiors 1917 120th Ave.NE P.O. Box 3827 Bellevue, W A 98005 RETAINAGE: City of Port Angeles , $108,410.49 $5,267.76 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: $113,678. PREPAREDBY~ Constructi' ger PW-178 [Rev. 1\193] APPROVED BY: 03~ 040 '. CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" November 2, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Landfill Cell #3 Expansion (Payment #3) Subtotal CONTRACT Ori inal Contract Amount $1,585,920.15 Chan e Orders to Date * Sales Tax 7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retaina e 5% of subtotal $222,905.96 $17,609.57 $11,145.30 $1,172,745.69 $92,646.91 $58,637.28 $1,395,651.65 $110,256.48 $69,782.58 $1,436,125.55 Contractor Pa ents Authorized to Date Project Com letion 88.00% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No.US-7512-9804-4150) CONTRACTOR: Delhur Industries Inc. P.O. Box 1116 Port Angeles, W A 98362 $229,370.23 RETAINAGE: Olympic Bank 716 East Front St. Port Angeles, W A 98362 Escrowacct.# 1701088820 $11,145.30 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PA YMENT $240 15.53 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: PREPAREDBY~~. .kAPPROVEDBY: lty Engmeer N:\PROJECTS\98-04LFIP A YMENTS\P A YREQ.003 FILE: 98-04.14 041 MONTHLY PAYMENT ESTIMATE SUMMARY Parametrix, Inc. Consultants in Engineering & Environmental Sciences Amounts Previous This Month i I,~ 4<)3.1'1 J $9n,98J.14 $271,248.51 V $48,342.55 V' ($48,342.55) ,/ t'JII'!(,~~J.i~' $222,905.96 v' ~ D)1...."~Io. 'i' -'-~~~ $77,S32.63 $17,609.57 v' '\J\1I~ IZf4l)''S9Z.l$o \\\ $1 ,058,:>5~ $240,515.53 -- 5'g,~>"1.zg, / $49;ffi't:28 $11,145.30 I, z..41, 1SJ.}~ ;/ $1)JQg,8i7.Q4 $229,370.23 $1,206,755.32 ,,/ $229,370.23 / Project Title: PALF CELL # 3 EXPANSION Project No. : 98-04 PMX No.: 23-2191-05 Contractor: Delhur Industries, Inc. 4333 Tumwater Access Rd. P.O. Box 1116 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Pay Estimate No. 3 Period October 1998 Total Contract Amount: $1,711,207.84 Description Gross Earnings Materials on Hand Subtotal Sales Tax (7.9%) Total + Sales Tax Less Retainage (5% Subtotal) Net Earnings Less Previous Payments Net Payment this Estimate Contract Completion Data % Time Elapsed % Work Completed Notice to Proceed Received by Contractor Contract Completion Time Working Days Complete This Estimate Contract Completion Date A~proved.bY ~;~ Mike Slade .. . 66% lr'l,.. e~\ .00 . ~% 3-Aug-98 90 Working Days 59 Dec.17,1998 To Date ./ $1,395,651.65 $0.00 ;/ $1,395,651.65 ,/" $110,256.48 v' $1,505,908.13 $69,782.58 ,/ $1,436,125.55 v Owner (Signature & ~ /{. City of Port Angele~ l....-. ~ . ... S ~ \ ~-, ~ _ ) , -...c..f./......... 042 I Oelhur Industries, Inc. 4333 Tumwter Access Rd. P.O. Box 1116 Port Angeles,WA 98362 PAY ESTIMATE NO.3 OCTOBER,1998 PALF CELL # 3 EXPANSION City of Port Angeles, WA Project No. 98-04 PMX No.23-2191-05 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Pay Estimate No; 3 Project Item Description Unit Plan Bid Unit Contract October. 1998 Paid Total Percent No. Quantitv Price Amount Quantity Cost Prevlouslv To Date Complete 1 Construction Geote"1ile for Temporary Silt Fence L.F. 1,600 $3.00 4,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 2 Bale Dams EA. 7 $15.00 105.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 3 Site Health and Safety L.S. L.S. $2,000 2,000.00 25% $500.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 75.00% 4 Mobilization L.S. L.S. $170,000 170,000.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 $170,000.00 100.00% 5 Excavation CY 81,000 $1.85 149,850.00 3200 $5,920.00 $33,540.50 $145,280.50 %.95% 6 Embankment Compaction CY 2,200 $0.50 1,100.00 2200 $1.100.00 SO.OO SI,100.00 100.00% 7 Compacted Soil Liner '" CY 22,400 S14.25 319,200.00 SO.OO S272,602.50 $272,602.50 85.40% 8 Bentonite TONS 3,500 S81.30 284,550.00 SO.OO S353,40 1.34 $353,401.34 124.20% 9 Cover Soil CY 22,400 $6.25 140,000.00 19130 S119,562.50 $0.00 $119,562.50 85.40% 10 Shoring S.F. 4,570 $1.00 4,570.00 SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO 0.00% 1l Gravel Base TONS 562 $7.75 4,355.50 1207 $9,351.15 SO.OO S9,351.15 214.70% 12 Crushed Surfacing Base Course TONS 2,113 S12.50 26,412.50 627 S7,843.50 SO.OO $7,843.50 29.70%, 13 Asphalt Concrete Pavement, CI .13, 3" Lift TONS 400 $49.21 19,684.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO 0.00% 14 Leachate Collection Pipe L.F. 1,210 .... $19.20 23,232.00 $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 0.00% 15 Leachate C1eanout Pipe L.F. 1.190 58.20 9,758.00 1185 59,717.00 $0.00 $9,717.00 99.58% 16 Schedule A Culvert Pipe, 12 in. Diam L.F. 130 S12.00 1,560.00 120 $1,440.00 $0.00 SI,440.00 92.31% 17 Schedule A Culvert Pipe, 18 in. Diam L.F. 140 $20.00 2,800.00 60 SI,200.00 $1,600.00 S2,800.00 100.00% 18 Stoml Sewer, 8", N-12 L.F. 417 S20.25 8,444.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 19. Modify Exitsing Catch Basin # 2 E.A. 1 5800.00 . 800.00 50.00 50.00 SO.OO 0.00% 20 Catch Basin/Manhole,Type 2, 48",install in-line E.A. 1 52.250.00 2,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO 0.00% 21 Catch 13asin/Manhole,Type 2, 48" dia. E.A. I S3,500.00 3,500.00 SO.OO 50.00 SO.OO 0.00%. 22 Catch Basinil,lanhole Type 2,54", W/Control Device E.A. 1 S4,100.00 4,100,00 SO.OO 50.00 SO.OO 0.00% 23 Seeding, Fertilizing, and j\lulching AC 7.40 5850 6.290.00 6 55,100.00 50.00 55,100.00 81.08% 24 60 mil Te,,1ured HDPE Geomembrane ,SY 32,600 S3.98 129,748.00 $0.00 SI16,255.80 $116,255.80 89.60% 25 Geonet Composite SY 32,600 54.60 149,960.00 14605 567,183.00 S67,183.00 $134,366.00 89.60% 26 Geote"1ile Type 1 SY 1,600 52.00 3,200.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO 0.00% 27 Geote"1ile Type 2 SY 1,180 52.75 3,245.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 28 24" RCP Repair E.A. 1 $3,000.00 3,000.00 $0.00 S3,OOO.00 S3,OOO.00 100.00% 29 Gas Header System L.F. 775 520.00 15,500.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO 0.00% 30 Monitoring Runs E.A. 7 $470.00 3,290.00 $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO 0.00% o ~ W PALFPayEstimate.xlsPayEst#3 1of2 Delhur Industries, Inc. 4333 Tumwter Access Rd. P.O.80x 1116 PAY ESTIMATE NO.3 OCTOBER,1998 . . PALF CELL # 3 EXPANSION City of Port Angeles, WA Project No. 98-04 3-2191-05 Port Anaeles,WA 98362 PMX No.2 Pay Estimate No.3 Project Item Description Unit Plan Bid Unit Contract October. 1998 Paid Total Percent No. Quantitv Price Amount Quantity Cost Prevlouslv To Date Complete WEST HAUL ROAD PAVING 31 Bale Dams EA. 2 $15.00 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 32 Excavation CY 1,520 $3.00 4,560.00 4289 $12,865.78 $0.00 $12,865.78 282.14% 33 Embankment Compaction CY 2,425 $0.50 1,212.50 2425 $1,212.50 $0.00 $1,212.50 100.00% 34 Gravel Base TONS 1,315 $6.75 8,876.25 1622.76 $10,953.63 $0.00 $10,953.63 123.40% 35 Crushed Surfacing Base Course TONS 1,521 $11.75 17,871. 75 1277.40 $15,009.45 $0.00 $15,009.45 83.98% 36 Asphalt Treated Base, 3" Lift TONS 1,238 $43.30 53,605.40 $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO 0.00% 37 Schedule A Culvert Pipe, 12 in. Diam L.F. 40 $16.00 640.00 40 $640.00 $0.00 $640.00 100.00% 38 Schedule A Culvert Pipe, 18 in. Diam L.F. 40 $20.00 800.00 40 $800.00 $0.00 $800.00 100.00% 39 Seeding, Fertilizing, and Mulching AC 1.20 $850 1,020.00 1 $850.00 $0.00 $850.00 83.33% CHANGE ORDER ITEMS !i QUANTITY COST PLAN INVOICE MA T'L. MA T'L. MATERIALS ON HAND UNIT QTY UNIT COST ON-SITE ON-SITE 25 Geonel ComDosil SY 32,600 $3.31 14,605 $48 342.55 I -14605 ($48,342.55 Ill. i41)~,'4 SUBTOTAL (Items 1-39) WA SALES TAX 7.9% SUBTOTAL dF MAT'L. COSTS ON-SITE SALES TAX OF MA T'L.COSTS ON-SITE TOTAL RETAINAGE OF SUBTOTAL 5% PAY AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE , . ,/ $271,248.51 $i3mf-' $1,395,651.65~""'" ~% ~ tI . -:..::> ~~ ;' $21,428.63 ,. fP $110,256.48 V ;' -$48,342.55 $48,342.55 $0.00 ;' -$3,819.06 $3,819.06 $0.00 ;' $240,515.53 $1,058,958.32 $1,299,473.85'../ / $11,145.30 $ig,971.28 $GEr,216.Se uQ)1 ~ z....5~ $229,370.23 5"8l.?1-7,tSs' The undersigned contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. that all amounts have been paid by him for work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the owner, and that current payment shown is now due. Contractor: DeI9U. L!J/dU~S, I~CI g._ ~ I~!L=:. Date: /(;'<';7 r5 AMOUNT PAID PREVIOUS PAY ESTIMATE $1,009,887.04'/ AMOUNT PAID TO DATE $1,436,125.55 V \0. ... \ ~c~J: i \ It. / '1~ ...Q.-- ,~ o ~ ~ PALFPayEstimate.xlsPayEsl#3 2 of 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAlNI'AINlNG AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" October 14,1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public Library-Project #94-19 (Payment #17) Chan e Orders to Date (17) Subtotal $4,208.28 $2,663.47 $3,546,630.48 $280,183.81 $177,331.52 $3,599,899.79 $284,392.09 $179,994.99 $3,704,296.89 CONTRACT Ori inal Contract Amount Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retaina e (5% of subtotal) Contractor Pa ments Authorized to Date DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US7517-9419-4150) CONTRACTOR: Primo Construction, Inc. 970 Carlsborg Road Se im W A. 98382 $54,814.12 RETAINAGE: Escrow acct. #750800542 North Sound Bank P.O. Box 3850 Se . , WA. 98382 $2,663.47 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT I CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: $57,477.59 PREPAREDBY~~~ Project Mana PW-178 [Rev. 11/93) APPROVED BY: Dir N:IPROJECTSI94-19LIBIPROJMGrlPA YMENTSIPA Y .017 04~, ~-"t I- I I APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO (OWNER): CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 PROJECT: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY AlA DOCUMENT G702 PAGE ONE OF 5 PAGES -- APPLICATION NO: 17 Distribution to: r,,4 OWNER PERIOD FROM: 7/25/98 [ ] ARCHITECT TO: 9130/98 [ ] CONTRACTOR [ ] ARCHITECT'S [ ] PROJECT NO 94-19 CONTRACT DATE: April 22, 1997 ATTENTION: Jack N. Pitlis, P.E. CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AlA Document G703, is attached. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change Orders approved ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS in previous months by Owner TOTAL $ 116,155.48 Approved This Month . Number Date Approved 17 7/27/98 $ 41,894.31 TOTALS $ 158,049.79 $ - Net Chamle by Change Orders .~ $ 158,049.79 The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: . The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance With the Contract Docu- ments, that all amounts have been paid by him for work for which previous Certificates for Paymentwere issued and payments received from the owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. VIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $ 3,649,482.76 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM Net Change by Change Orders $ 3,476,800.00 $ 158,049.79 $ 3,634,849.79 $ 3,599,899.79 $ 284,392.08 $ 179,994.99 $ 3,704,296.88 CONTRACT SUM TO DATE TOTAL COMPLETE & STORED TO DATE Washington State Sales Tax@ 7.9% RETAINAGE 5% By: LEARNED LESSRETAINAGE AYMENT DUE $ 54,814.12 County of: CLALLAM ~ September, 1998 2002 ARC~ITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT ~ In a~n~ with the Contract Documents, based on on-site obser- vations and the data comprising the above application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that the Work has progressed to the point Indicated; that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief, the quality of the Work Is in accordance with the Contract DoCu- ments; and that the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AlA IlOCUMENT GI02 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT APRIL 1918 EDITION 1918 THE AMERICAN INSTTTUTE OF ARICHITECTS; 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G702-1978 By: This certlfic8te is named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance 0' rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 2 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER: 17 APPLICATION DATE: 9/30/98 PERIOD FROM: 7/25/98 TO: 9/30/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 94-19 o t+:a .....:! A B C 0 E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (GlC) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (nol in D or E) 1 Bonding & Insurance $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 100% $ - $ 1,887.10 2 Temporary Facilities $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 100% $ - $ 852.50 3 Job Supervision $ 75,350.00 $ 75,350.00 $ 75,350.00 100% $ - $ 3,767.50 4 Permits & Fees $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 100% $ - $ 1,020.55 5 Field Engineering $ 26,950.00 $ 26,950.00 $ 26,950.00 100% $ - $ 1,347.50 6 Selective Demolition $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00 100% $ - $ 266.75 7 Sitework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 267,537.00 $ 267,537.00 100% $ - $ 13,376.85 8 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving $ 66,550.00 $ 66,550.00 $ 66,550.00 100% $ - $ 3,327.50 9 Irrigation System & Landscaping $ 104,500.00 $ 104,500.00 $ 104,500.00 100% $ - $ 5,225.00 10 Striping & Exterior Signage $ 1,320.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1 ,320.00 100% $ - $ 66.00 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete $ 260,723.00 $ 260,723.00 $ 260,723.00 100% $ - $ 13,036.15 12 Special Concrete Finishes $ 10,560.00 $ 10,560.00 $ 10,560.00 100% $ - $ 528.00 13 Unit Masonry $ 70,650.00 $ 67,085.00 $ 67,085.00 95% $ 3,565.00 $ 3,354.25 14 Structural Steel & Metal Fabrication $ 211,000.00 $ 211,000.00 $ 211,000.00 100% $ - $ 10,550.00 15 Steel Joists & Steel Deck $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 100% $ - $ 3,998.50 16 Steel Erection $ 128,197.00 $ 128,197.00 $ 128,197.00 100% $ - $ 6,409.85 17 Rough Carpentry $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 100% $ - $ 792.00 18 Building Materials $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 100% $ - $ 1,650.00 19 Finish Carpentry $ 64,350.00 $ 64,350.00 $ 64,350.00 100% $ - $ 3,217.50 20 Interior Architectural Woodwork $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00 100% $ - $ 3,300.00 21 Building Insulation $ 7,920.00 $ 7,920.00 $ 7,920.00 100% $ - $ 396.00 22 Metal Roofing $ 222,436.00 $ 200,192.00 $ 200,192.00 90% $ 22,244.00 $ 10,009.60 23 Single Ply Membrane Roofing $ 71 ,475.00 $ 71,475.00 $ 71 ,475.00 100% $ - $ 3,573.75 24 Flashing & Sheet Metal $ 47,615.00 $ 44,699.00 $ 44,699.00 94% $ 2,916.00 $ 2,234.95 25 Skylight Structures $ 41,580.00 $ 41,580.00 $ 41,580.00 100% $ - $ 2,079.00 26 Steel Doors & Frames $ 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 100% $ - $ 497.25 27 Flush Wood Doors $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221.00 100% $ - $ 611.05 28 Aluminum Storefronts & Entrances $ 62,OnOO $ 52,OnOO $ 52,OnOO 100% $ - $ 3,103.85 29 Door Hardware $ 25,338.00 $ 25,338.00 $ 25,338.00 100% $ - $ 1,266.90 30 Portland Cement Plaster $ 45,980.00 $ 45,980.00 $ 45,980.00 100% $ . $ 2,299.00 Total $ 2,109,622.00 $ 2,080,897.00 $ - $ - $ 2,080,897.00 99% $ 28,725.00 $ 104,044.85 1916 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS; 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G703 -1978 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 3 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER: 17 APPLICATION DATE: 9/30/98 PERIOD FROM: 7/25/98 TO: 9130/98 ARCHITECrS PROJECT NO: 94-19 o ~ 00 A B C 0 E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (GlC) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) 31 Gypsum Board Assemblies $ 244,420.00 $ 244,420.00 $ 244,420.00 100% $ - $ 12,221.00 32 Ceramic Tile $ 4,070.00 $ 4,070.00 $ 4,070.00 100% $ - $ 203.50 33 Acoustical Panel Ceilings $ 23,980.00 $ 23,980.00 $ 23,980.00 100% $ - $ 1,199.00 34 Floor Coverings & Base $ 157,630.00 $ 157,630.00 $ 157,630.00 100% $ - $ 7,881.50 35 Painting $ 31,790.00 $ 31,790.00 $ 31,790.00 100% $ - $ 1 ,589.50 36 Visual Display Boards $ 2,101.00 $ 2,101.00 $ 2,101.00 100% $ - $ 105.05 37 Toilet Compartments $ 2,959.00 $ 2,959.00 $ 2,959.00 100% $ - $ 147.95 38 Signs $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 100% $ - $ 220.00 39 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 100% $ - $ 55.00 40 Operable Panel Partition $ 17,600.00 $ 17,600.00 $ 17,600.00 100% $ - $ 880.00 41 Toilet & Bath Accessories $ 4,869.00 $ 4,869.00 $ 4,869.00 100% $ - $ 243.45 42 Bike Rack $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 100% $ - $ 56.35 43 Miscellaneous Specialties $ 9,207.00 $ 9,207.00 $ 9,207.00 100% $ - $ 460.35 44 Fire Protection $ 84,370.00 $ 84,370.00 $ 84,370.00 100% $ - $ 4,218.50 45 Plumbing $ 59,631.00 $ 59,631.00 $ 59,631.00 100% $ - $ 2,981.55 46 HVAC Rough-In $ 199,721.00 $ 199,721.00 $ 199,721.00 100% $ - $ 9,986.05 47 HVAC Equipment $ 112,827.00 $ 112,827.00 $ 112,827.00 100% $ - $ 5,641.35 48 HVAC TrimlTemperature Controls $ 73,414.00 $ 73,414.00 $ 73,414.00 100% $ - $ 3,670.70 49 Temporary Power $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 100% $ - $ 852.50 50 Electric Trenching/Light Pole Bases $ 11,357.00 $ 11,357.00 $ 11,357.00 100% $ - $ 567.85 51 Electrical Rough-In $ 66,338.00 $ 66,338.00 $ 66,338.00 100% $ - $ 3,316.90 52 Electrical Materials $ 133,046.00 $ 133,046.00 $ 133,046.00 100% $ - $ 6,652.30 53 Electrical Labor $ 49,052.00 $ 49,052.00 $ 49,052.00 100% $ - $ 2,452.60 54 Electrical Trim $ 11 ,462.00 $ 11,462.00 $ 11,462.00 100% $ - $ 573.10 55 Fire Alarm $ 7,083.00 $ .7,083.00 $ 7,083.00 100% $ - $ 354.15 56 Sound/Intercom/Phone $ 3,193.00 $ 3,193.00 $ 3,193.00 100% $ - $ 159.65 57 Data $ 18,081.00 $ 18,081.00 $ 1 e,081 .00 100% $ - $ 904.05 58 Alternate #2 $ 15,300.00 $ 15,300.00 $ 15,300.00 100% $ - $ 765.00 59 Change Order #1 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 100% $ . $ 460.43 60 Change Order #2 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 100% $ - $ 179.49 Total $ 3,489,598.34 $ 3,443,273.34 $ 17,600.00 $ - $ 3,460,873.34 99% $ 28,725.00 $ 173,043.67 (j(u;l ma TIlE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS; 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.w., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G703 -1978 I CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 4 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER: 17 APPLICATION DATE: 9/30/98 PERIOD FROM: 7/25/98 TO: 9/30/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 94-19 o ~ CD A B C 0 E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (GlC) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) 61 Change Order #3 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 100% $ - $ 195.50 62 Change Order #4 $ 3,758.70 $ 3,758.70 $ 3,758.70 100% $ - $ 187.94 63 Change Order #5 $ 7,059.59 $ 7,059.59 $ 7,059.59 100% $ - $ 352.98 64 Change Order #6 $ 3,361.84 $ 3,361.84 $ 3,361 .84 100% $ - $ 168.09 65 Change Order #7 $ 25,150.49 $ 25,150.49 $ 25,150.49 100% $ - $ 1,257.52 66 Change Order #8 $ 985.91 $ 985.91 $ 985.91 100% $ - $ 49.30 67 Change Order #9 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,737.41 100% $ - $ 236.87 68 Change Order #1 0 $ 2,681.68 $ 2,681.68 $ 2,681.68 100% $ - $ 134.08 69 Change Order #11 $ 7,564.49 $ 7,564.49 $ 7,564.49 100% $ - $ 378.22 70 Change Order #12 $ 423.95 $ 423.95 $ 423.95 100% $ - $ 21.20 71 Change Order #13 $ 1,131.68 $ 1,131.68 $ 1,131.68 100% $ - $ 56.58 72 Change Order #14 $ 1,800.88 $ 1,800.88 $ 1,800.88 100% $ - $ 90.04 73 Change Order #15 $ 19,569.97 $ 19,569.97 $ 19,569.97 100% $ - $ 978.50 74 Changeprder #16 $ 21,220.64 $ 21,220.64 $ 21,220.64 100% $ - $ 1,061.03 75 Change Order #17 $ 41,894.31 $ 35,669.31 $ 35,669.31 85% $ 6,225.00 $ 1,783.47 $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ . $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ . 0% $ - $ - Total $ 3,634,849.79 $ 3,546,630.48 $ 53,269.31 $ . $ 3,599,899.79 99% $ 34,950.00 $ 179,994.99 '",. THE AMERICAN INS11TIJl1: OF ARICHrrECTS; 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 G703-1978 BILLING BREAKDOWN PAGE 5 OF 5 PAGES SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 7 Sitework & Utilities: Clearing $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 100% $ - Cut & Fill $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 100% $ - Footing Excavation/Backfill $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 100% $ - Finish Grade $ 24,118.00 $ 24,118.00 $ 24,118.00 100% $ - Storm System $ 84,071.00 $ 84,071.00 $ 84,071.00 100% $ - Water $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 100% $ - Sewer $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 100% $ - Total Sitework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 267,537.00 $ - $ 267,537.00 100% $ - SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete: Foundation $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 100% $ - Columns $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 100% $ - Slab on Grade $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 100% $ - Curbs & Walks $ 57,118.00 $ 57,118.00 $ 57,118.00 100% $ - Concrete on Roof $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 100% $ - Courtyard $ 2,420.00 $ 2,420.00 $ 2,420.00 100% $ - Staff Patio $ 4,840.00 $ 4,840.00 $ 4,840.00 100% $ - Service Court $ 1,925.00 $ 1 ,925.00 $ 1 ,925.00 100% $ - Diamonds $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 100% $ - Rebar $ 18,155.00 $ 18,155.00 $ 18,155.00 100% $ - $ 260,723.00 $ 260,723.00 $ 260,723.00 100% $ - <::> CJl o b pORTAN E: 'L'~ E"""S:.r . . , r ~ 'I , :"'! ~ ' ,J ,.,,,,,,,,,j ,', .,J .W^""",' ",;>' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 17, 1998 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Revision of Building Moving Ordinance Summary: The attached ordinance revision adds five new sections and clarifies the responsibilities of all parties involved with moving a building. The ordinance was last revised in 1972 and is being updated to reflect permit and procedure changes made in 1993. Recommendation: The City Council move to adopt the revised ordinance, Chapter 14.32, Building Moving, as read by title. Issue.:. Should the City Gouncil adopt the attached ordinance revising the Building Moving Ordinance? Background / Analysis: The movement of buildings within the City is an infrequent event, with fewer than a half dozen in the last four years. However, the process is very complex and requires the involvement of a number of City departments. The internal procedure and permit form were changed in 1993 (Attachment A) to more clearly inform the applicant of their responsibilities and to insure that various departments and agencies are contacted regarding the move. These revisions were not in conflict with the existing ordinance (Attachment B) but provided more detail. At the same time an information sheet for applicants (Attachment C) was drafted to better inform them of the process and what they needed to do in order to get a permit. As there are so few building moves and those that do occur have all been handled by the same contractor, the need to change the ordinance was not a high priority. However, earlier this year when the City Council was dealing with the request to relocate the building at the foot of Hill Street, it became apparent the building moving ordinance lacked specifics that would make it easier to work with citizens not familiar with the process. The new ordinance updates and elaborates requirements for permitting, insurance, bonding, deposits, and a hold harmless clause. It also describes in much greater detail the entire process from permit application to post-move site cleanup/restoration. Attachments: A) Proposed Ordinance B) Current Code: P AMC 14.32 C) House Moving Application Information D) House Moving Application and Permit 051 052 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDlNANCE of the City of Port Angeles,W ashington, regulating the moving of buildings, repealing Ordinance 1766 as amended, and codifying this Ordinance as Chapter 14.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY RDAIN as follows: Section 1: Ordinance 1766 as amended is hereby repealed. Section 2: Chapter 14.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code shall be replaced with e following: CHAPTER 14.32 BUILDING MOVING Section : 14.32.010 Definitions 14.32.020 Building Moving Permit 14.32.030 Application 14.32.040 Qualifications 14.32.050 Fees 14.32.060 Deposit, Bond, and Insurance 14.32.070 Permit Issuance 14.32.080 Performance Requirements 14.32.090 Owner's Responsibilities 14.32.100 Appeal 14.32.110 Violations 14.32.010 - Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms~ phrases, and words shall have the meanings given in this section: - 1 - 053 ATTACHMENT A A. "Applicant" is the person who applies for a permit to move a building pursuant o this Chapter. B. "Building" is a structure designed, built or occupied as a shelter or roofed nclosure for persons, animals, or property and used for residential, business, mercantile, storage, ommercial, industrial, assembly, educational, or recreational purposes. C. "Building Official" is the Building Official of the City of Port Angeles or his/her eSlgnee. D. "Owner" is the person who owns the building being moved. E. "Permittee" is the person who receives a permit to move a building pursuant to 's Chapter. F. "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or rganization of any kind. 14.32.020 - B\lilding Moving Permit. A. No person shall move any building over, along, or across any highway, street, or alley in the City without first obtaining a building moving permit from the Building Official. B. The permit required ill this section and the other requirements of this Chapter shall be in addition to all existing permits and requirements of the construction codes and ordinances of the City. -2- 054 1432.030 - Application. A. A person seeking issuance of a building moving permit under this Chapter shall tie an application for such permit with, and upon forms provided by, the Building Official. B. The application shall set forth and include the following: 1. A description of the building proposed to be moved, giving street umber, construction materials, dimensions, number of rooms, condition of exterior and interior, d approximate age; 2. Complete legal descriptions of the lots from which and to which the uilding is to be moved, giving the lot, block, and subdivision numbers; 3. A plot plan showing the proposed location and setbacks of the building pon the property to which said building is to be moved, provided said location is in the City; 4. The highways, streets, alleys, and lots over, along, or across which the uilding is proposed to be moved; 5. Proposed moving date and hours; 6. The equipment to be used in moving the building, including the weight of said equipment when loaded with the building; 7. A set of foundation plans and specifications for the completed building; 8. All information describing the applicant's qualifications as required in PAMC 14.32.040; 9. The fee required in PAMC 14.32.050; 10. A statement that the applicant specifically agrees to indemnify and hold -3- 05~ l armless the City of Port Angeles, its officials, employees, and agents, against any loss, damage, ost, and/or expense (including attorneys fees reasonably incurred), which may in any way occur gainst the City in consequence of granting the building moving permit to the applicant; 11. Any additional information which the Building Official finds necessary n order to make a fair determination of whether a permit should be issued. C. The application shall be accompanied by any other required applications, ermits, or approvals. 14.32040 - Qualifications. In order for a building moving permit to be issued by the uilding Official, the applicant must meet the following qualifications: A. Hold valid current registration under the State Contractors Registration Act ither as a general or specialty contractor authorized to engage in the building moving business; / B. Demonstrate the ability to perform the task of moving buildings In a orkmanlike manner by presenting evidence of experience and appropriate equipment. 14.32.050- Fees. A. A building moving application shall be accompanied by a building moving permit fee. Said fee is for the building move only and shall be in addition to all other fees for construction or relocation of the building on the new site. B. The building moving permit fee shall be established by ordinance of the City Council in the amount necessary to compensate the City for the expense of reviewing and processing -4- 056 lans, conducting inspections, and other services determined to be necessary for the administration d enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter. C. The building moving permit fee shall be non-refundable. 14.32.060 - DeJlosit, Bond, and Insurance. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall A. A deposit to the City equal to 150% of the amount estimated by the Building fficial to compensate the City for its expenses that will be incurred in removing and replacing any ity property, the removal and replacement of which will be required by reason of the moving of e building through the City. B. A surety bond, or cash or other security in lieu of said bond, in a form acceptable the City Attorney, posted with the City in the sum of $5,000 to guarantee performance of the moving operation and placement of the building in accordance with the plans submitted for the moving of said building and to cure or pay for any damages caused to public or private facilities as art of the movement of the building along City streets. C. A certificate of insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work associated with the building move by the applicant, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. Said policy shall be issued by a responsible insurance company authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Washington. Said policy shall insure the permittee, shall name the City of Port Angeles as an additional insured, and shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons suffering loss - 5 - 057 r damage either to person or property by reason of any operations of the mover. Said policy shall . nsure against loss from the liability imposed by law for injury to, or death of any person, and amage to property, in the amount or limit of $1,000,000 as to anyone claim and $2,000,000 for 11 claims arising from anyone accident. D. In addition to the deposit, bond or other secu.rity, and insurance provided ursuant to this section, the permittee shall also be liable for any expense, damages, or costs in xcess of deposited amounts, securities, or insurance, and the City may prosecute an action against e permittee in a court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of such excessive amounts. , E. When the moving of the building is completed, any damage has been repaired o the satisfaction of the City, and all damage costs or costs of performing the work as required in is Chapter have been pai4, the unused amount of the deposit shall be refunded, and the remaining ond, cash, or other security shall be released. 1432.070 - Permit Issuance. A. The standards for issuance of a building moving permit shall be as follows: 1. All fees, including deposit, insurance, sewer cap, water and electrical supply, removal permits and application requirements as set forth in this Chapter have been complied with; 2.' The building is not too large to move without endangering persons or property, or causing unreasonable damage to trees, plants, and shrubs, in the City; 3. The building is not in a state of deterioration or disrepair and is not -6- 05g therwise so structurally unsafe that it could not be moved without endangering persons and roperty in the City; 4. The applicant's equipment is licensed for operation on state highways; 5. There are no other reasons that persons or property in the City would be ndangered by moving the building; 6. The City Engineer and Chief of Police, or their designees, have approved e route selected by the applicant for moving the building and have specified whatever conditions o the building moving permit may be necessary to protect persons and property in the City and inimize congestion and traffic hazards on public streets and alleys; 7. The zoning and other ordinances of the City would not be violated by oving the building or placing it in its new location; 8. The applicant has demonstrated that all City assessments and any other City charges against the property or the property owner have been removed, paid in full, or otherwise discharged to the satisfaction of the City; 9. The applicant has demonstrated that all necessary utility arrangements have been made. B. Prior to permit issuance, 'the Building Official shall inspect the building, whether located inside or outside the City limits, and the applicant's equipment, and shall determine whether or not the standards for issuance of a permit and all other requirements of this Chapter have been met. C. The Building Official shall have sole discretion to issue, condition, or deny a -7- 05Q uilding moving permit in accordance with this Chapter and may, at any time, for sufficient cause, evoke or suspen~ any permit previously issued. D. By issuing a building moving permit, neither the City, the Building Official or yother official or employee of the City shall be deemed to have warranted that all public health afety and welfare concerns have been addressed or shall be held responsible for any damage or njury that may occur during, or as a result of, the moving of the building. 14.32.080 - Performance Req..uirements. Every permittee under this Chapter shall: A. Move a building only over streets designated and approved for such use in the pproved permit and conduct such move using due diligence and to the satisfaction of the City ngineer and Chief of Police; B. Notify the Building Official of a desired change in moving date and hours as proposed in the application and not proceed until the Building Official has approved the new date and time; C. Notify the City Engineer and Chief of Police not less than 24 hours before the actual work of moving the building is to commence; D. Make necessary arrangements with any public utility, the City or other entity, whichever is the owner, for displacing or changing the location of any pole, wire, cable, or other equipment or structure that may be necessary in order to move the building, and for paying the costs thereof; E. Make necessary arrangements with any owner of trees, plants, and shrubs for -8- 060 imming, moving, removing, or replanting them as may be necessary in order to move the building, d for paying the costs thereof; F. Notify the Building Official in writing of any and all damage done to property elonging to the City within 24 hours after the damage has occurred; G. Protect the building during nighttime .using flashing lights and warning arricades as necessary to warn and protect the public; H. Comply with the City's construction codes and all other applicable City rdinances; I. Pay the expense of a traffic officer if required by the Chief of Police to accompany the movement of the building to protect the public; J. Insure that the building move is completed in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance and that the building or any part thereof is not left standing or abandoned while e same is in or upon any part of a.ny highway, street, or alley; provided that if the permittee does not comply with the requirements of this Ordinance, the City may proceed to do the work necessary to achieve compliance, and the cost thereof shall be charged against the surety bond, cash or other security provided pursuant to this Chapter. 14.32090 _ Owner's Responsibilities. The applicant shall notify the owner of, and the owner shall be responsible for, the following requirements: A. Prior to the move, make sure that the sewer is capped, the water supply is shut off, the electrical supply is terminated, and any other utility services have been properly provided - 9- 061: or, in conformance with the requirements of the affected utility departments or companies. B. After the move, ensure that the following work has been completed so that the remises from which the building has been moved are left in a safe and sanitary condition: 1. All rubbish and materials have been removed~ 2. Any openings, eXcavations, or basements remaining on the property have een filled to street level or the level of the adjoining property, unless otherwise directed by the uilding Official~ 3. Any septic tanks or cesspools on the property have been properly filled r otherwise secured as required by the State and County health regulations~ 4. Any underground storage tanks have been properly secured as required y State regulations. 14.32.100 - Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the action.ofthe Building Official in conditioning or refusing to issue a permit under this Chapter shall have the right to appeal such action to the Director of Public Works by filing a notice of appeal with the Building Official within en calendar days of receiving notice of the action from which appeal is taken. 14.32.110 - Violations. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter is committed, continued, or allowed. Each such violation shall be punishable in the same manner as violations of the constructioJl codes of the City - 10- 062 set forth in Chapter 14.01 PAMC. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any erson or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the rovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of ublication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said ouncil held on the day of , 1998. MAYOR TTEST: ecky J. Upton, City Clerk PROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: 95.2.9 - 11 - 063 L 064 14.32.010 14.32.020 Ch~ter 14.32 MOVING BUILDINGS Sections: 14.32.010 14.32.020 14.32.030 14.32.040 14.32.050 14.32.060 Permit - Required - Fee. Permit - Issuance - Conditions. . Equipment - Pneumatic Tires Refluired. Permit - Restrictions.' ',- . I Time Limit - Site Restoration. Violation - Penalty. 14.32.010 Permit - Required - Fee. In addition to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code in effect in the City regarding the moving of buildings, every person, firm or corporation desiring to move a building shall: A. Notify public utility companies controlling or maintaining telephone, telegraph, or other overhead wires in the City, at least one week before' the moving date, indicating 'the applicant's intention to move a building or part thereof, the proposed route, and ~e date of moving; \ B. At the time of applying for a permit, the applicant shall submit to the Building Official a letter or other written notificatioll from the public utility companies stating the time they were notified of the proposed moving of the building, and a sketch of the proposed route; C. The permittee shall: 1. Conform to all requih~inents which are now or may be hereafter established by the City Council; and 2. Promptly repair and make good to the satisfaction of the City Engineer any "damage to pavement, sidewalks; crosswalks; hydrants, Sewers, water lines, streets" alleys, or other public or private propeny done or caused by the applicant, his employees, or agents in moving a building or part of a building; . 3. File with the CitY Treasurera'certiflcate of insurance certifying applicant /' or the applicant's moving contraCtor as the named insured under a,comprehensive public liability policy of insurance with a reputable insurer, with minimum policy limits of fifty thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars for bodily injury, and twenty-five thousand dollars for propeny damage; C 4. Pay the City Treasurer five hundred dollars for a permit to move a building; provided that four hundred fifty dollars of the permit fee shall be refunded to the permittee if within one year after the date on which the building was moved, the'building moved complies with all applicable City ordinances, rules and regulations, and.is in a completed state. (Ord. 2022 ~1, 5/13/79; Ord. 1766~1, 10/12/72.)' 14.32.020 Permit - Issuance - Conditions. A. Before issuing a permit, the Building Official shall confer with public utility companies in an effort to establish a route, a plan for moving, and a date which is satisfactory to the utility companies. .' 065 9/97 14 - 34 ATTACHMENTB 14.32.020 14.32.060 B. A permit issued under this Chapter shall specifically describe the route to be taken in moving the building, the approximate length of time which may be consumed in the moving process, and the day on which the moving shall start. The building or part of a building moved shall not be moved on a route other than that specified in the permit. Applicant shall arrange at least twenty-four hours in advance with the Police Department for a police escort, an~ posting at the applicant's cost against parking where necessary. . C. . If the applicant has complied with all of the requirements of applicable ordinances, the Building Official shall issu.~ a permit to move the building, or shall refer the matter to! the City Council aild its decision thereafter shall be final. D. If a permit is refused, the City Council shall provide for a hearing at which the applicant may present information or relevant considerations to the City Council. (Ord. 1766 ~2. 10/12/72.) 14.32.030 EQuipment - Pneumatic Tires ReQJIired. A person, firm. or .corporation moving a building or a part of a building over or across a street, alley, or other public property shall support the building being moved 01;1 equipment with pneumatic tires. The inflated pneumatic tires shall be of sufficient size to reasonably carry the load being moved without damage to the surface on which the load is moved. (Ord. 1766 ~3, 10/12/72.) 14.32.040 Permit - Restrictions. The issuance of a permit does not authorize the permittee in moving a building to break, injure, damage or move public utility facilities. trees, or other public or private property without permission from the owner of such property. (Ord. 1766 ~4. 10/12/72.) 14.32.050 Time Limit - Site Restoration. If at the end of one year from the date of the move. or prior to sale or occupancy of the building, whichever is sooner, the building is not in a completed state and ready for occupancy, both inside and out, its owner shall within thirty days' remove it from its site and restore the site to its cOl1dition as it existed prior to the issu~ce of the permit; provided, that the Director of Public Works may grant an extension to the one~year time limit. in one-month increments up to a maximum of six month~ for. completion of the building. if he dc.::termines that the owner of the building has made and continues to make good faith efforts to comply with the time limit. and that compliance '~s possible within the period of any extension. (Ord. 2082 ~1. 6/2/80; Ord. 2022 ~2. 5/13/79; Ord. 1766 ~5, 10/12/72.) 14.32.060 Violation - Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of thistChapter, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars or) by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not to exceed sixty days. or both, for each day . f he is in violation. (Ord. 1766 ~6, 10/12/72.) - \ 14 - 35 066 9/97 HOUSE MOVING APPLICATION INFORMATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES - BUILDING DIVISION ~~~ City ordinance required that the applicant advise all Public Utilities and any other interested agencies of the date, route, and other particulars of the proposed move at least one week in advance of moving the house. Arrangements with the Port Angeles Police Department for escort, overload permits, and posting, as necessary, the route for "No Parking" are also required, at least 24 hours in advance of the move. In addition, an insurance certificate of comprehensive liability, with a company acceptable to the City's Risk Manager, in the minimum amount of $50,000/$1 00,000 for bodily injury and $25,000 property damage is required. A House Moving permit fee of $500 is also necessary. Upon satisfactory completion of the move, restitution of damages, restoration of original location/site, and restoration of the structure to meet all City Code requirements within one (1) year ofthe moving date, $450 of the fee will be refunded. In addition to a house move permit, a building permit must be obtained ensuring that the structure(s) meet current Uniform Building Code and other city requirements at the new site. A plan and site review must be completed to approve the structure, zoning and utility needs. The following needs to be submitted to receive the permits: o Plot plan with lot dimensions, structure and dimensions, setbacks, driveway access, elevations, and site drainage. o Foundation plan with footing size, reinforcing steel, ventilation, crawl space access, drainage around foundation. o Insulation upgrade o Floor plan with dimensions and use of all rooms, window and door sizes, attic access and smoke detector. o Electrical information to be supplied to City Light Department. After the review of the above correct information, a building permit will be issued. The fees of this permit is based upon the value of the upgrade proposed for the structure. All items must be completed and inspected prior to occupancy of the structure. The Building Division has numerous handouts and other information, if you need assistance putting your application together. The following checklist is for your assistance in tracking the completion of all of the necessary steps: HOUSE MOVING CHECKLIST I ITEM I COMPLETED I FEES I Notify Utilities City Liaht Telecable Teleohone Traffic Sienals Water ( Sewer Notifv Police Deoartment Obtain Certificate of Insurance Obtain House Move Permit $500 (refund $450 at completion) Obtain Buildine Permit Obtain Right of Way Construction Permit for sewer cap and Dull water meter. Oriainal Site Restored Buildina Permit Final Inspection Occuoancv Aoproved at new site Deposit of Refund Received from City 067 PW-1105_01 [12/93) ATTACHMENT C ~ pORT "'" S L~ ~ ~IC~ HOUSE MOVING APPLICATION and PERMIT CITY OF p(j~,. ANGELES - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT NO. The following materials are hereby provided in application for a House Move Permit: 1. Name of applicant: 2. Address of Applicant: 3. Telephone of Applicant: Date of proposed move and duration: 4. Name of insurance company and agent and copy of certificate of insurance: 5. Original location (address) of building: Legal description of original location of building: 7. New proposed location of building: Legal description of new proposed location of building: 8. Route to be taken from old location to new location: 9. Description of current building: 10. Written confirmation that the following have been contacted including individual's name, telephone and date: AGENCY CONTACT PERSON DATE PHONE NO. Police Department Fire Department Public Works Enaineerina for Sianals, Water. Sewer Buildina Division City Light DeDartment U. S. West Communications Northland Telecable Others, State Dept. of Transp. I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible for injuries, damages, and any expenses incurred by the City or other agencies during the moving of this structure and that the structure is to be restored to minimum Building Code requirements at its new location and ready for use within one (1) year from the date of moving the structure. In consideration of the granting of this permit, it is further agreed by the applicant that the City of Port Angeles and any of its officers or employees shall be saved harmless to the applicant from any liability or responsibility for any accident, loss or damage to persons or property, happening or occurring as the proximate result of any work undertaken under the terms of this application and the permit or permits which may be granted in response thereto, and that all of said liabilities are hereby assumed by the applicant. Treasurer's Receipt No.: Date .....OFFICIAL USE ONLy:..... Bldg. Permit # Right of Way Constr. Permit # Signature Date move took place: Damage and.or incidents enroute and comments: Original Site Restoration completed:_ Date ok for occupancy:_ Refund Date:_ Refund Amount:$ Check No. APPROVED BY BUILDING INSPECTOR: DATE: 068 PW-1105_02 [12/93] ATTACHMENT D DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: II. p................'.........'.................. ,lor 'R.T' r'Pl1,............'......N. r . )/', i ji'~ l ",.,.,.' ';. .f' " ,. '.'.'.'.'.'." ^ ~ ,f'" i .? ~ * ~ Hi :ILr Eli/Sf I ,i f WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO November 17, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities Federal Transportation - Local Funding Distribution Summary: The distribution of Federal Transportation funds to local agencies in Clallam County requires the approval of an Inter-Local Agreement. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Inter-Local Agreement for the distribution of funds pursuant to the Federal Transportation Equity Act and to advise the County that we would like the distribution formula revisited for future agreements beyond 2000. .ls.su.e;, Should the City Council approve an Inter-Local Agreement for the distribution of 1998-2000 federal transportation funds to local agencies? Background / Analysis: In 1995 the City approved an inter-local agreement for the distribution of directly allocated federal transportation funds to rural counties. This distribution, for the first time, included the Transit and Port as recipients of funds. The funding source is the Federal Gas Tax that is forwarded to the State and the State distributes funds to local Counties in rural areas and to MPO's [Metropolitan Planning Organizations] in very urban areas. The County has requested the same distribution formula used in the 1995-1997 agreement be used as the basis for the distribution of the new Federal TEA 21 Funds. The attached agreement incorporates the same method of distribution resulting in and allocation of $187,368 over the three year period and must be approved by all parties. These funds, since they are relatively small compared to the cost ofthe projects, are usually applied to one relatively large project, such as the Airport Road Realignment Project. The Port recently assigned their portion of the funds to the City for use on the Airport Road Project. The major reason for combining these funds on one project is that federal funding contains many requirements that use of City dollars do not. It is generally believed that a federally administered project requires approximately 10% to 20% more administration than a locally funded project, and one federal dollar on a project requires that all project funds must comply with Federal requirements. 069 The distribution formula used in the past it not very scientific and a better method should be developed if the City should receive funds after 2000. The amount of funding to be received through a change at this time would not be very beneficial. Attachment: Inter-Local Agreement 070 Inter-Local Agreement for the 1998-2000 Clallam County Region STP Funding Allocation THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered Into by and between certain member agencies of the State of Washington, ,as defined below, to establish the allocation of Surface Transportation Program funding pursuant to the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) of 1998. ' Definitions For the purpose of this Inter-local agreement and all other agreements, contracts and documents executed, adopted ()r approved pu~uant to this agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning prescribed to them within this section unless the context of their use dictates otherwise: (1) Member agency shall mean any local government which Is a signatory to this Inter-local agreement and Is a County, City, Transit Authority or Port Authority within the region; (2) State shall mean the State of Washington; (3) Region shall mean the territory physically lying within the boundaries of Clallarn County; (4) STP funds shall mean the federal funds allocated by the State to the Clallam County Region Surface Transportation Program; (5) TEA-21 shall mean the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21 st Century of 1998; (6) Fuel tax shall mean State fuel taxes. (7) CA shall mean Certification of Acceptance Recitals WHEREAS, the member agencies recognize the need and desirability to participate In cooperative decision making by elected officials of said agencies In order to comply with the requirements of TEA-21 concerning the utilization of federally provided transportation revenues; and WHEREAS, the member agencies are eligible to compete for STP funds provided to the region through the State, In accordance with TEA-21; and WHEREAS, the member agencies agree to put forth a good faith effort to be In full compliance with the flexible provisions of TEA-21; and .' WHEREAS, the member agencies wiU take full opportunity to solicit public participation In their member agency prioritization process; and WHEREAS, the member agencies have received direction and have arrived at consensus amongst themselves as to STP funding allocation policy; and STP Agreement 1998 - 2000 Page 1 of3 071 WHEREAS, CA member agencies will put forth a good faith effort and be ready to commit a reasonable portion of fuel taxes In any year to non;.cA member agencies who desire to replace STP funds with fuel taxes pursuant ot-the Inter-Local Cooperation Act of 1967, Chapter 39.34 R.C.W.; and WHEREAS, the Clallam County Road Department will provide STP Coordination between member agencies to ensure obligation of STP funding; and WHEREAS, the member agencies are authorized and empowered to enter Into this agreement pursuant to Chapter 39.34 R.C.W. THEREFORE, In consideration of mutual promises and covenants contained herein, It is hereby agreed: 1. STP Funding Allocation Schedule: The method and process embodied In the attached STP funding allocation schedule Is approved. Borrowing ahead to FFY2000 is allowable. 2. Public Participation: Each member agency shall conduct a public hearing for the prioritization of STP-funded projects based on selection criteria. The member agency shall solicit STP funds project applications from the public. 3. Additional Region Allocations: Should Clallam County Region receive more STP funds than $359,948 per year for the term of this agreement, the additional funds shall be proportionately distributed among the member agencies according to the schedule. . 4. Replacement of Federal Revenue with Fuel Taxes: Any member agency may purchase, with State fuel taxes, any portion of another member agency's STP allocation at $0.80 to the $1.00. Though fuel taxes are not subject to federal expenditure rules or regulations, the selling member agency agrees to spend such revenues only on transportation facilities and other eligible activities of STP funds. 5. Joint Projects: Whenever possible, the member agencfes should con~olldate allocations and coordinate jolnt-proj~cts that will benefit multiple jurisdictions. Joint-projects shall receive extra recognition In the prioritization process. 6 Terms of this Agreement: This agreement shall Include the period from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2000. No member agency shall have the right to withdraw from this Inter-local agreement. 7. Effective Date: This agreement shall become effective only if all member agencies listed In number 8 below, become signatories. It shall have full force and effect from and after the date the last agency becomes a signatory. 8. Listing of Member Agencies: Clallam County, Clallam Transit System, City of Forks, City of Port Angeles, City of Sequlm ~nd J:'ort of Port Angeles. Adopted by official action on ,1998 Agency: ~y: Title: STP Agreement 1998 - 2000 Page 2 of3 072 Clallam County Region STP Funds Allocation Schedule Member Agency FFY98 FFY99 FFYOO 1998-00 Funding Agency Allocation Total Formula Clallam County $133,064 $120,050 $120,050 $373,164 33.34 City of Port Angeles $66,812 $60,278 $60,278 $187,368 16.74 Clallam Transit System $49,809 $44,905 $44,905 $139,619 12.48 City of Forks $49,809 $44,905 $44,905 $139,619 12.48 City of SeQulm $49,809 $44,905 $44,905 $139,619 12.48 Port of Port Angeles $49,809 $44,905 $44,905 $139,619 12.48 Fiscal Year Total $399,112 $359,948 $359,948 $1,119,008 100% STP Agreement ~ 998 - 2000 Page 3 of3 073 074 DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ---,---- l JI ORTAN EILE'S..I I : . I,. ) _ ^' ,,,,,1 .".,~d' WAS H I N G TON, u. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO November 17, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Planning Department MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-05 Nonconforming Structures and Substandard Lots Amendment Summary: A public hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission for consideration of an amendment to the City's Municipal Code to correct and clarify wording regarding nonconforming structures and substandard lots was continued to the Planning Commission's November 18, 1998, special meeting. To allow time for the Planning Commission to forward a recommendation on the proposed amendment, the City Council will need to continue Council's scheduled public hearing. Recommendation: Open and continue the public hearing on MeA 98-05 to the December 15, 1998, meeting. .lssu..e.:. Amendment to the Municipal Code. Background I Analysis: Recent review of two sections ofthe Municipal Code that provide for the repair of nonconforming structures on substandard lots resulted in the conclusion that the sections should be amended for clarification. Although the proposal was scheduled for a public hearing on October 28, 1998, agenda items continued from the October 14 meeting caused the Planning Commission to continue the proposed amendment to the November 18 special meeting. Staff has been scheduling the public hearings for both the Planning Commission and City Council in the same legal advertisement. The assumption is Planning Commission will open and close their Hearing at one meeting and Council will hold their hearing considering the item at their next meeting. However, this sometimes does not occur and to minimize any confusion, this procedure is being modified to not list the legal ad for City Council's public hearing until the Planning Commission has concluded their hearing. " 075 076 Jc:;l... E"'L E' SI I " ..,1 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 17; 1998 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Final Subdivision Approval MILL CREEK COURTS SUMMARY: Final approval of a 15 lot residential subdivision. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the finaL subdivision, and direct the Mayor to sign the final mylar approving the Mill Creek Courts Subdivision citing the Planning Commission's findings and conclusions attached to this memorandum. ISSUE: Approval of a final subdivision. BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS: Preliminary approval was given to Mr. Jack Loewen for development of a 15 lot subdivision located north of Ahlvers Road and east of Laurel Street in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone in May, 1996. Fifteen (15) conditions were attached to the preliminary approval requiring certain improvements to be made prior to final approval. All conditions of preliminary approval have been met and certified by the City's Public Works, Fire, and Planning Departments. Following review at the October 28, 1998, meeting, the Planning Commission Chair signed the mylar and forwarded a recommendation of final approval to the City Council in the minutes of that meeting. Staff will be available for questions. 077 078 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF MILL CREEK COURT SUBDIVISION FINAL APPROVAL: Findings: 1. Approval is based upon a preliminary plat dated received May 21, 1996, prepared for Mr. Jack Loewen by Quadra Engineers, and a final plat prepared by Wengler and Associates on October, 1998. 2. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan land use map. 3. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family Residential (RS-9). 4. The subdivision will result In 8 lots out of a tract of land consisting of approximately 3.69 acres. 5. The site contains an environmentally sensitive area and shall comply with Section 15.20 (Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code for such properties. 6. The site is served by a cul-de-sac that is served from an improved public street. A recent short plat of the property adjacent to the south provides right-of-way access between the site and Ahlvers Road. 7. The environmentally sensitive area is identified on the final plat as defined in Chapter 15.24.070(H)(1). 8. Section 16.08.090 sets forth the requirements for approval of subdivisions. 9. Section 16.08.050(B)(1) PAMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove and shall make recommendations thereon to the City Council. A final plat must be submitted within five years of preliminary approval. 10. The Port Angeles Public Works, Light and Fire Departments reviewed the subdivision and have approved the improvements per the conditions of approval. 11. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.9). 079 12. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance (Chapter 15.20 P AMC) allows for a reduction of the required 50-foot buffer if the area has been previously altered. The Planning Director shall decide if the area meets the previously altered area requirements. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. B. As conditioned, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. C. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. D. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision as articulated in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act. E. As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, Chapter 15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of November 17, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 080 Planning Commission Minutes - October 3D, 1998 Page 2 MILL CREEK COURTS FINAL SUBDIVISION - Ahlvers RoadJMill Creek Court: Final approval of an 8 lot subdivision in the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds stated that the issue is approval of an 8-lot subdivision in the residential single family zone. All conditions of approval have been met and the Planning Commission should review the final drawing and move to authorize the Chair to sign the final mylar and forward the subdivision to the City Council for final approval. Commissioner King moved to authorize the Chair to sign the final mylar and forward a recommendation to the City Council that the Mayor be authorized to sign the drawing approving the subdivision. The motion was made citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. Approval is based upon a preliminary plat dated received May 21, 1996, prepared for Mr. Jack Loewen by Quadra Engineers, and a final plat prepared by Wengler and Associates on October, 1998. 2. The subject property is identified as Low DensityResidential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan land use map. 3. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family Residential (RS-9). 4. The subdivision will result in 8 lots out of a tract ofland consisting of approximately 3.69 acres. 5. The site contains an environmentally sensitive area and shall comply with Section 15.20 (Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code for such properties. 6. The site is served by a cul-de-sac that is served from an improved public street. A recent short plat of the property adjacent to the south provides right-of-way access between the site and Ahlvers Road. 7. The environmentally sensitive area is identified on the final plat as defined in Chapter 15.24.070(H)(1). 8. Section 16.08.090 sets forth the requirements for approval of subdivisions. 9. Section 16.08.050(B)(1) PAMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City 081 Planning Commission Minutes - October 30,1998 Page 3 Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove and shall make recommendations thereon to the City Council. A final plat must be submitted within five years of preliminary approval. 10. The Port Angeles Public Works, Light and Fire Departments reviewed the subdivision and have approved the improvements per the conditions of approval. 11. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.9). 12. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance (Chapter 15.20 PAMC) allows for a reduction of the required 50-foot buffer if the area has been previously altered. The Planning Director shall decide if the area meets the previously altered area requirements. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. B. As conditioned, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. C. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. D. As conditioned, the public interest is served'in the platting of this subdivision as articulated in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act. E. As conditioned, the subdivision is consistent with the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, Chapter 15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 5 - 0, with Commissioner Ziakin abstaining due to his absence from the meeting wherein preliminary approval was given. 082 IIIIIU C!iBEE/J{ ft:tO)l!I/KI1i StIII8DINIIIIIDM AI WlllUJIIl'IIISIDKI OF /J.@Iif.2 OF SIJIDilil f!JII.AJ 1I.P ~ AI /P1'O)/Hii1I(O)fM @F iiIHIE SW 1//41111W 1//4 _~ 114 'if" .IiI/", /Hl, t6~, /Wf.lIf/, ;~:~mrn ~~I~~ m . . . . . .,N.. . _ _ .'" uncwll'S "-UIIC I.Il CI/' sr_ 'lIIIIlIBMW I.S 22.JU~ _ .... __" 8'2TW f IUZ' _ C1IlIUAD __ - PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPARTMENT SURVEY NOTFS _ 1-1/.. _r_ ~UJ.CI/'$1_ ~ l-.r. SMl_r _ " 1U1ll". f 0..... _ CAUUAIED__ __ICL '.fTaGr l'IAlS No .. __ OF CLill&AIl CllUIIIY._ \P.3 '~'.l ~l sf/f.'f' 81: ~ cs- 10 ~I ~~.u" " Ou , . , n.rr N ~':U"~ ~'8 2 . n.7O'... Jl_._1f1B-.~, l~_.__::~~:Jla RO:.. ~f &,- .... N 87'SJ'fr" . -'--'--29,Ji;-- -~,-I'>'-r_'~~7__..:ij (25el.IItY-IIWUIED) J !f!!!=?~~ '~nlJ - - _lED IUS _ PC. .. __ OF CLill&AIl _r llU'CIfIS CIUIlY. _ __lED IUS__ ~_OF_lllIJI__Sl.wYlS__ .. _ _ __ -. C1A_ OF IlIU. ,..,_ _~SMl_____1ESIII_ __lIJIA_AS_IlJIWlL.8OF_ ". .. _ OF CLIILAII CIUIlY. _ AU. lIIISl'__ -__IIISMl_ &).. ~ lS_lIN __ __ __ Ff .& Ll _ LS. CIAIED ltNl1 SI.wY OF __.. '0. 15 _ I. .., I OF . 1IN IV _ ... art' "-- ClFfIC[. :J,~~=~'::~~-=.=::r~ _ .. 'Clff NlllIu:S. ..)____OF___~_ MDI'lIl'S IV ll/1 RESTRICTIONS t) AlL liltS _ ._~ __ MID lItACl5 __ AS --.WlIr1A_ __ _ at __ FfIllZll ~1IIf-.r____OF'" - _Mu.ClD _ _rltO A1.__-" - JM: _~ lIW:I' _ _, AU. 1UZJll_ ___ -__ --1UlAI. _ _... __..,. ~_OF_art'OFfIfIIff____ ~IIIM_IM'_____"_ _fA-.r. _ AlL __ _ ___ _ _1III7lIlf __IS _ Ff JM: art' OF fIfIIff _'IlI__,.____ ~ lUO_~ ".,4 10'31 44 'F44311 -... 57"1 57"1 2 LEGEND . SO!5""__~ 'l.ASIIl: I.Il eN' $1_ -... IU_" . - 5"" _."'.--s l'lASIIt UJ..CI/' $1_ __ 15 '.IN" _ WlL. D OF ""IS PC. .. _ OF CLill&AIl CIUIlY. __ __IIIf_ ON OF CALalIAlD NllIInCAI. --. o SO! r___1l . ~----- $1_ "IU _ ,.- O__r_~1.D. eN' $1_ "I22ZT. SMl_ FAlL ._ CUll' OF CALalIAIUJ ------ l& WlL. ,. OF _ RAIS PC. .. __ OF CLill&AIl ClUlIY. _ -..-__~IK O"'IMll1ZfA__- . _ _u I'Dt INS 'lA' ~1O'__"__ ~ I'Dt _lUr Fr'1." W___IMll'IZl'A_ L::J - DSIIlEII1' - INS l'IAr ~ dJiJ)l:JCAJF _ _____ OF ,_ M_......__OF___ IIIl1lf_.arOF_____co. ut.I'IRT LTlf/N1T I'UI/IIUIf. /1ISfANCC ~. Jll . ., .. II.'" 11- '0.00 '0.00 20.00 5:1.00 55.00 5:1.00 5:1.00 5:1.00 5:1.00 _OF _ FII1 RAI. ~ nP OF _ I'fII REID ,,_ 1IN "'J-rllM .. ';.. Ita "- .. cO ~~ ~ ~I! ..~ "-i .. . ~~ 0 ~. b !~ ~ o ~ 2!j' 8UFFDl _ HAnK "-i ~~ I'IIO~ ;.... .r-, ~ . o ~ , I . I :SO' , f , 8/~~ a'~B '''!~I~ ~/fl!li ~lfJ~, ~~.t r" , I ,-.so- '0' '0" """"I!' ~ IrASIIEM' Ff1t INS 1'lAT. l - '5.411 '5.l/.J 24.'2 '4115 IlfI.ZfS 5:1.00 5:1.00 24,. ZfS~ '0' ill... ..I ~ ~ . ~ \f'(?,' 21~ ~If.'f' ~ ~,- io" ...- o 25 50 SCALE IN nET , 100 SCCIION 15 ~ NOT TO SCAlE SlJ~ Ihdllld.JF ___,._A__..c. ttr __.. _lLr'a- _ _ _ OF H ___III__OF__.- SH~T 1 OF ~ WENGLER SURVEYING & MAPPING CO f 330 EAST FIRST ST., SUITE 10 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 (360) 457-9800 FAX (380) 457-95560 83 ~ WfMiUlf. P.L.s, 2tuOf 084 DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C IT Y C 0 UNCI L M E M 0 November 17, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL Planning Department Port Angeles Downtown Association's Proposed Downtown Parking Development and Management Plan Summary: Following the October 28, 1998, Planning Commission meeting, a recommendation was made that Council approve the proposed Port Angeles Downtown Association's Parking Development and Management Plan. To allow for additional staff review, it is being recommended that the Council reschedule the November 17 public hearing to December 1, 1998. Recommendation: Open and continue the public hearing on the Port Angeles Downtown Association's Parking Development and Management Plan to the December 1, 1998. ~ Review of the proposed Port Angeles Downtown Association's Downtown Parking Development and Management Plan. Background / Analysis: The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Port Angeles Downtown Association's Downtown Parking Development and Management Plan at the October 14 and 28, 1998 meetings. Staff from the Planning Department and the Planning Commission both recommend adoption. The report from staff and the minutes from the October 28 meeting of the Planning Commission will be included in the December 1 Council packet. A copy of the proposed plan was distributed to each Councilmember under separate cover. 085 086 E) FO' 'Rf T'PJ.... N' 'G" 'E:1L~ E'S . '1. "I !' . ...... i ..:", {'~. I ;" , *,~ t ','" . ' " 1 ,~ ,,__ ,j , ;," ~'" , ' , WAS H I N G TON, U. S, A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 17, 1998 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Patrick Ibarra, City Manager SUBJECT: City Manager's Report UPCOMING MEETINGS NOVEMBER: Patrick on KONP Tuesday, November 17 1 - 2 p.m. Monthly meeting wi PUD Tuesday, November 17 1 :30 p.m. City Council Tuesday, November 17 5:30 p.m. League of Women Voters Patrick to speak Wednesday, November 18 11 :30 a.m. Planning Commission (rescheduled from 11/11) Wednesday, November 18 7:00 p.m. Parks Rec & Beautification Commission Thursday, November 19 7 :00 p.m. Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Monday, November 23 7:00 a.m. Patrick out of office Tuesday-Wednesday, November 24 & 25 Thanksgiving Holiday Thurs-Fri, November 26/27 Offices closed DECEMBER: Solid Waste Advisory Committee Tuesday, December 1 3:00 p.m. City Council Tuesday, December 1 5:30 p.m. 087 Non-Motorized Advisory Committee Wednesday, December 2 7:00 p.m. Peninsula College Foundation Board of Governor's meeting Thursday, December 3 5:30 p.m. Fire Department Operation Candy Cane December 5 - 10 Evenings ! Utility Advisory Committee Monday, December 7 3:00 p.m. Gateway Plaza Meeting Tuesday, December 8 2:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Board Tuesday, December 8 7:00 p.m. North Olympic Peninsula Mayor's Wednesday, December 9 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Wednesday, December 9 7:00 p.m. Channel 21 Advisory Committee ' Thursday, December 10 2:00 p.m. , Sr. Center Board of Advisors Monday, December 14 2:00 p.m. City Council Tuesday, December 15 5:30 p.m. Parks Rec & Beautification Thursday, December 17 7:00 p.m. City Christmas Party Friday, December 18 6:00 p.m. Meeting with Senator Gorton Monday, December 21 10:00 a.m. Patrick out of office December24 - January 4 Holiday Christmas Day Friday, December 25 Offices closed New Year's Day Friday, January 1 Offices closed Board of Adjustment Monday, January 4 7 :00 p.m. City Council Tuesday, January 5 5:30 p.m. 088 MEETING WITH DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES On November 10, Mayor Braun and I attended a dinner hosted by Dennis and Dorothy Duncan in which Jennifer Belcher, Commissioner of Public Lands, was present. It seems Ms. Belcher is traveling around the state meeting with small groups to review a recent report published by DNR, entitled "Our Changing Nature: Natural Resource Trends in Washington State". The meeting was rather informal and a lively discussion ensued. 8TH STREET GRANT PROJECT The City received notification of a low-interest (3%) loan award from the Public Works Trust Fund, for design and engineering work necessary to reconstruct Eighth Street from Race Street to C Street. The Eighth Street Reconstruction Pre-Con Project will accomplish the pre-construction work necessary to prepare bid specification plans. The engineering will include the in-fill of missing sections of sidewalk, curb and gutter, and curb ramping to meet ADA requirements. Storm drainage curb inlets and catch basins will be designed to dry up crosswalk areas, and underground utility covers will be adjusted as needed to meet the restored street grades. Traffic signal designs will also be included to reduce emergency vehicle response times and increase safety. The pavement reconstruction will require replacement of traffic markings including additional markings to add two- way left turn channelization in commercial areas. The project also includes engineering work on the two timber bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creeks for an asphalt concrete pre-level and overlay and expansion joint restoration to extend the life ofthese structures. The total project cost has been estimated at $287,500. The loan of$258,750 requires a 10% local match of$28,750 which has been anticipated in the 1999 preliminary budget for Street. Loan repayment is twenty years. Construction estimate is $2.7 million. Additional grant funds will be sought for funding in the year 2000 to finance a large portion ofthe project. The City, most likely, will be required to provide some local match, at least 10%. EXECUTIVE SESSION As a point of information, scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, is a 90 minute Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations. 1999 BUDGET The Budget Committee has concluded their meetings. Three were held, the first two divided between departments presenting their request with the third one focused on reviewing all requests and determining which items should be removed from the final budget document. Staff is finalizing the materials and these will be included with the December 1 Council packet. I have decided not to continue the past practice of providing Council a budget document, bound with photos and such. I prefer to prepare that in early 1999, once financial records for 1998 have been closed-out. This will provide for a more comprehensive document. I am very pleased with the outcome of the Committee's deliberations and believe this process was effective. 089. f' CITY REPORT The quarterly issue of City Report is included with this Council packet and is being mailed with utility bills throughout November. This issue features an article from each City department and six pages in length, as opposed to the normal four. I have recommended sufficient.funds be budgeted in 1999 to implement several changes to this publication. These will include possibly a new name, more articles, more photos, revised lay-out, and direct mailed to each household instead of being included in the utility bill. I have created a new feature beginning with this issue, PI's Points, in which I describe my intent behind these changes. OUT OF OFFICE Beginning Tuesday, November 24, I will be out of the office until Monday, November 30. I will be traveling to Washington D.C. for the Thanksgiving Holiday. During this time, I would recommend Jack Pittis be placed in responsible charge. DECEMBER 1 COUNCIL MEETING As I will be departing on Tuesday, November 24, the Council packet for the December 1 meeting will be available for pick-up at the end of business on Monday, November 23. 090 L-~ MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 October 14,1998 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Linda Nutter, Dean Reed, Mary Craver, Paul Ziakin, Fred Hewins (arrived at 8:30 p.m.) Member Excused: Cindy Souders, Bob King Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds,David Sawyer, Dan McKeen Public Present: Victor Kehrli, Gene Unger, Don Bettger, Eileen Knight, Roy Gotham, Craig Miller, Mike Doherty, Bill Rinehart, Jim Haguewood, ArIa Holzschuh APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nutter moved to continue approval of the minutes of the September 23 meeting until more of those Commissioners who attended the meeting could be present as only Mary Craver was present to approve the minutes. Commissioner Craver seconded the motion, which passed 4-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Chair Reed reordered the agenda due to lack of a quorum for Item 1. PARKING VARIANCE APPLICATION - PKV 98-04 - HONEYCUTT - 501 South Lincoln Street: Proposal to reduce the number of parking spaces required for reconstruction of a damaged structure in the CSD, Community Shopping District. Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending denial of the application and answered a question as to the ratio of parking spaces required for specific uses. He responded to Commissioner Craver that parking space requirements are based on a specific type of use and the building floor area. It does not take into account the size of a lot or that a lot may be substandard. Dan McKeen, Fire Marshall, has no specific concerns with the proposal as the site can easily be accessed from either Lincoln Street or Fifth Street. Craig Miller, 223 East Fourth Street, stated that his clients have operated a pet store in the subject building since 1988. Prior to 1988, the building was operated by Olympic Electric at the site since the late 1950's. There is no indication that over the past forty some years of use there has been any significant problem as the result of a lack of parking. The building has 09t Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 2 never complied with the City's parking ordinance. The City's Parking Ordinance specifies that all new uses are required to provide parking at a particular ratio. The building has been in substantial noncompliance for many years. The lot coverage question is not before the Commission. Gene Unger, 1401 West Seventh Street, showed a revised parking plan indicating five parking spaces. He presented a third alternative parking plan eliminating a portion of the storage room at the northeast side of the property which would provide one additional parking space for a total of six. Five spaces is very tight, for six, some of the proposed building would have to be eliminated. There isn't much room at the rear of the building with the lot being 50' (sic 63') wise x 100' long. Craig Miller, the parking ordinance that was adopted in 1966 provided an obligation to have one space for each two hundred square feet of building size. Certain rights are granted (vested) as a result of having existed before adoption of a particular ordinance. He referred to language from the Parking Ordinance which indicates that a new expanded use may occur only if the degree of nonconformance is not increased. In 1988, there were twenty some parking spaces required for the uses occurring on the site. All that was available for parking is that which is there at present. All of the existing building was there in 1988. The degree of nonconformance for what is currently proposed is not increased because the proposal is to reconstruct what previously existed. The matter is before the Planning Commission because the City Attorney disagrees on the terms of reconstruction and whether compliance with existing ordinances is mandatory. The Parking Ordinance intends to take into account existing circumstances. If a variance is granted, the degree of nonconformance is not going to be increased from its historical use. Variance requirements for a parking variance are not nearly as stringent as required for a variance from the zoning regulations. The issue that the Planning Department has focused on is that the proposal fails to meet the off-street parking regulations. The applicant has occupied this site for some time. The applicant is not aware of significant complaints regarding parking. The parking at the rear of the building is realistically unlikely to be customer parking. There is no indication of traffic problems on Lincoln Street or Fifth Street that is attributable to the use. Development of the site will result in a 4,100 square foot building with 2,200 square feet not devoted to building that can accommodate five parking spaces. There is not room on the substandard lot to find another eight parking spaces. Chair Reed stated that he realizes the proposal is to reconstruct an existing structure, however, the proposal is a total rebuild not actually a remodel, and therefore new construction requirements are triggered. Mr. Miller responded that his position is that the requirement does not apply based on a convoluted argument concerning an interpretation of a section of the Zoning Ordinance regarding substandard lots. Mr. Miller argued that the "grandfather clause" of the Parking Ordinance applies to existing buildings. This is an existing structure which use has not been changed so there is no requirement. A different issue is whether the argument is that the parking is required under the Zoning Ordinance. The history of the use does not indicate a pattern of concern regarding parking even though the site has not provided required parking. 092 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 3 Commissioner Craver discussed the issue that the building reconstruction exceeds 75% of the assessed evaluation of the building. Mr. Miller responded that the assessed evaluation can be obtained from the County Assessor's Office. The assessed evaluation of the existing structure is $54,000. The reconstruction value is approximately $161,000. For purposes of a variance, that's the trigger that causes the applicant to have to get a variance. Commissioner Craver asked how the construction had advanced to its present state without a variance being predetermined. Mr. Miller responded that no permit is required for demolition. Commissioner Craver asked for clarification of the requirement for a demolition permit, and David Sawyer, Senior Planner, stated that the City's Building Official has stated that a demolition permit is required when the utilities to a building are being shut off or capped off. Short of that, a demolition permit is not required. Commissioner Ziakin asked if there is an engineer or designer for the project. Mr. Miller responded that Mr. Gene Unger is the designer, however, he had to leave the meeting due to a personal matter. Donald Bettger, 1022 South Cherry, was troubled because after the 1997 winter storms, businesses were charged by the City to dump construction debris at the landfill which is very anti business. If the damage was caused by a winter storm, the City could have cooperated and waived the dump fees due to the disaster. The City has to follow codes but should not make it difficult for the business when all they are trying to do is to reestablish the building. Mike Doherty, 617 South "B" Street, asked the Commission to consider that approval of a parking variance for a property affects the adjacent properties. His parents own the adjacent building to the east of the subject property. Approval of the requested reduction in parking for the applicant would impact the adjacent property to the east, a law office. There is adequate parking at the law office, but customers to the pet store frequently park in that parking area. He supported the Planning Department's recommendation to deny the proposal due to its negative impact on the adjacent property. Commissioner Ziakin asked Mr. Doherty to indicate on a map where the common driveway exists between the subject property and the adjacent property. Mr. Doherty answered that the driveway is similar to an alleyway, although he believes that the Doherty building exists on its westernmost property line. Commissioner Craver asked for clarification if there is an alley between the Doherty property and the applicant's property. Mr. Sawyer answered at Chair Reed's request, that the two properties share a common boundary without an alley between. There being no further comment, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Chair Reed asked Mr. Miller to respond with information that would indicate that the existing parking provided is sufficient to meet parking needs. Mr. Miller indicated that the pet shop use employs three individuals and experiences between twenty and fifty customers a day. Four to six cars are parked throughout the day at the current location on Peabody Street 093 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 4 where the use has relocated during the reconstruction. Commissioner Nutter noted that although the current use has not experienced a notable parking problem in the past, the use could change in the future. She stated her hope that the applicant can move into the newly reconstructed building and that business will flourish. However, it could also be in the applicant's best interest to one day sell the business or the building to another where the use would be increased and existing parking patterns would not be the case. Only justification that the site is unique would warrant a variance as subordination is needed in order to not set a predecent. Commissioner Ziakin stated that although the previous concerns are valid, the building has been at its current location since 1953 with its present occupants since 1988. There has been no testimony of parking problems in the past ten years. Variances should be carefully considered. Commissioner Nutter noted that reconstruction requirements should have been considered when the demolition was first begun. She cautioned that what has existed cannot be counted on to conti~ue in the future and a future parking problem should be averted. Chair Reed corrected Mr. Ziakin in that the Commission did receive testimony from the applicant that there was no parking problem, but testimony was also offered from the adjacent property owner that parking spills over to an adjacent business. If the situation was a change of use on a property where a structure exists, the concern would be handled differently. This is new construction, and there is an opportunity to try to create parking spaces where none historically existed. Commissioner Ziakin was surprised that the building construction/demolition got as far as it did before the parking issue came up. Commissioner Craver was concerned that because the building was damaged beyond the control of the owners the owners are being penalized by having to meet new construction and parking requirements. Comissioner Nutter moved to deny the parking variance request based on the following findings and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the October 14, 1998, Staff Report for PKV 98-04, comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant and owner of the property is Patricia Honeycutt. 2. The subject property is located at 501 Lincoln Street. 094 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 5 3. The applicant's proposal is to reduce the number of required parking spaces for a retail use in the CSD zone from 14 spaces to 5 spaces. 4. After review of the application, Planning Department staff stated the proposed siteplan can provide a maximum of two standard parking spaces, one handicapped parking space and one loading space, if the City's standard parking aisle width for 900 parking is reduced from 24' to 19'. If the parking aisle width is not reduced, the site plan can accommodate one parallel handicapped parking space and one loading space. 5. The property is designated as Commercial in the City's Comprehensive Plan. 6. The property is zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD). 7. The proposed use is a permitted use in the CSD zone. 8. The subject site is located in the western portion of the City's North Central Planning Area and consists of a 63' by 100' (6,300 sf) lot fronting on Lincoln Street. The site contains one approximately 4,115 sf structure. 9. The building is currently under reconstruction necessitated by damage to the original structure. Currently, the building consists of the previous roof structure, the floor, the southerly wall, and the framing elements of the north, east and west walls. All other aspects of the building have been demolished. 10. The building was estimated to be at least 40 years old and up until this year, existed as a non-conforming structure due to an excess in permitted lot coverage and a lack of required parking spaces. 11. Chapter 17.95.030 C of the Port Angeles Municipal Code states "When a legal building or structure that does not comply with the provisions of these regulations is damaged to an extent that exceeds 75% of the existing assessed value of the building or structure for tax purposes, said building or structure may be reconstructed, providing it conforms to all the building code and zoning regulations of the zone in which it is situated . . ." 12. The applicant has applied for a building permit that matches the previous building footprint and consequently cannot provide the current code's required number of parking spaces for the size of the proposed building. 13. The project as proposed does not separate the building's loading and service access area from the customer's parking area. 14. The City's Parking Ordinance states "No variance shall be granted by the Planning Commission unless the Commission finds: 09.5 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 6 A. The variance is not detrimental to surrounding properties; B. The parking provided is sufficient to meet the parking needed by the use(s); C. The variance will not create increased congestion or traffic hazards along adjacent streets and alleys; D. The variance is consistent with the intent of the Off-Street Parking Ordinance, the zoning district in which the site is located, and the Comprehensive Plan." 15. The applicant's submittal states the original building has operated with six parking spaces for the past 3 0 years with the last 1 0 years as a pet store and a combination retail/commercial contractor's office prior to that. 16. The Public Works Department's comments are as follows: A. "A site plan per City Standards for the approved number of parking spaces and driveway widths will be required to be submitted for approval. B. Parking and driveway to be paved and catch basin with oil separation "T" installed. 17. The Fire Department indicated they have no objections to the proposed variance as submitted. 18. The proposed variance is categorically exempt from State Environmental Protection Act threshold determination and environmental impact statement requirements. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the October 14, 1998, Staff Report for PKV 98-04, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 1. If the City's standard parking aisle width for 900 parking is reduced from 24' to 19', the proposed siteplan can provide a maximum of two standard parking spaces, one handicapped parking space, and one loading space (a total of three parking spaces). Alternatively, if the parking aisle width is not reduced, the site plan as submitted can accommodate one parallel handicapped parking space and one loading space. 2. Considering the size ofthe proposed use and the maximum number of parking spaces that can be located on-site, the proposed site plan does not provide enough parking on-site to meet the need generated by the proposed use without potentially impacting surrounding properties and rights-of-way and, therefore, is not consistent with the intent of the City's Off-Street Parking Ordinance. .09'6 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 7 3. The proposed variance is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policy E4 and Transportation Element B14. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and failed 2 - 2, with Commissioners Ziakin and Craver voting in the negative, and Reed and Nutter voting for the motion. Commissioner Ziakin reviewed the four criteria used to support a parking variance and considered that with the exception of the standard that the use is in compliance with the City's zoning and Comprehensive Plan ordinances, the criteria could be met. The use thus far has not contributed to a traffic problem. Commissioner Nutter was not convinced that the use is not totally detrimental given the testimony provided by a neighboring property owner. She hoped that Port Angeles can grow and its businesses do well but did not believe that the site has adequate parking. Chair Reed agreed with Commissioner Nutter that, given the testimony provided, the site is clearly not adequate to serve the needs of the existing use. If this was virgin ground, a variance would probably not be considered. The structure could be downsized somewhat to accommodate more parking. Commissioner Ziakin supported a variance because the previous building existed for such a long time and its historical footprint is what is being proposed for rebuild. Commissioner Craver supported a variance due to the substandard lot size. Although the Planning Commission didn't allow for overdevelopment of a substandard lot, the structure existed for a very long time, and a variance may be needed no matter what type of business locates there. Planning Director noted that the Planning Commission may need to continue the matter to a meeting where absent Planning Commissioners could render a deciding vote, or the matter could be referred to the City Council for action. The Planning Commission should ask the applicant what is preferred. Craig Miller stated that the applicant preferred an appeal to the City Council and that the Commission's 2 - 2 vote indicates denial due to a failure to reach a decision. The Chair called for a break at 8:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m. Commissioner Hewins joined the meeting at this point. 097 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 8 SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 98- 06 - DAISHOW A AMERICA. 1902 Marine Drive: Proposal to replace approximately 3,000 square feet of asphalt with a concrete slab in the ill, Industrial Heavy zone, in a shoreline area. Commissioner Reed excused himself from the proceeding as an employee of Daishowa America. Vice Chair Craver assumed the Chair. Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval of the shoreline permit as proposed. Vice Chair Craver opened the public hearing. Vic Kehrli, Daishowa America, 1902 Marine Drive, explained that the request is driven by an effort to eliminate contamination of the pulp product used in the paper process. He agreed with the Planning Department's recommendation of approval and responded to Commissioner Ziakin that the existing asphalt would be removed to an appropriate disposal location. There being no further comment, Vice Chair Craver closed the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit as proposed with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. If the subject site has not been previously inventoried, evaluated, and reviewed to the satisfaction of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the subject site shall be evaluated by a cultural review team which shall include a professional archaeologist, a representative of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the site owner, and the City Planning Department. This team shall determine the extent of excavation monitoring for the project during the permit review process. As an alternative, the applicant may volunteer to have an approved archaeologist on site during any excavation in lieu of a review by the aforementioned cultural team. If during an excavation that by decision of the cultural review team occurs without an approved archaeologist on-site, any phenomena of possible archaeological interest are uncovered, the developer shall stop such work and provide for a site inspection and evaluation by a professional archaeologist to ensure that all possible valuable archaeological data is properly salvaged. 2. The project shall comply with all regulations of the City's Shoreline Master Program specifically those of Chapters 4,5,6 and 7. 3. The proposed project shall meet all federal, state, and local requirements, including the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Area Ordinance. 4. The project shall utilize best management practices as identified in the City of Port Angeles Stormwater Management Plan to control stormwater runoff into the shoreline area. 098 Planning Commission Minutes October 14. 1998 Page 9 5. Construction pursuant to this shoreline substantial development permit shall not begin until 21 days from the "date of filing" as defined in RCW 90.58.140. Findings: Based on the information provided in the October 14, 1998, Staff Report for SMA 98-06 (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant, Daishowa America Co., Ltd. applied for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit on August 18, 1998 and the application was determined complete on August 30, 1998 (please see the October 14, 1998 Staff Report for SMA 98-06 Attachment A). 2. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (#816) was issued by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official for the proposal on September 23, 1998 and is attached to the October 14, 1998 Staff Report for SMA 98-06 as Attachment B. 3. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington. 4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and critical areas ordinances have been reviewed with respect to this application. 5. The site is designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial- Heavy in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban-Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master Program. 6. Chapter 5 of the City's Shoreline Master Program indicates water-related industrial uses, such as a pulp and paper mill, are permitted uses in the U-H designation. 7. The City's waterfront trail runs along Marine Drive through the subject site. 8. The replacement of the existing asphalt with reinforced concrete will not impact the use of Marine Drive or the City's waterfront trail. 9. The new area of concrete will serve the existing pulp and paper mill facility. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the October 14, 1998, Staff Report for SMA 98-06 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 099 Planning Commission Minutes October 14, 1998 Page 10 A. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban- Harbor designation and Chapter 4, Policies B-1 and 2, D-1, E-2, J-2, and N-2, Chapter 5, Policy D-1, and all associated regulations. B. The proposed project as conditioned, is consistent with the following adopted City policies, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor designation and Chapter 4, Policies B-1 and 2, D-1, E-2, J-2, and N-2, Chapter 5, Policy D-1, and all associated regulations. C. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline. D. As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with the public use of lands or waters subject to the public trust doctrine. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and passed 4-0. PUBLIC MEETING: PORT ANGELES DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION (PADA) PARKING PLAN PRESENTATION Senior Planner David Sawyer presented a detailed review of the Port Angeles Downtown Association's (pADA) parking plan which included a look at the past and present parking conditions in the Downtown and various goals and policies for parking managment and development. The plan will be presented to the City Council for approval following review and comment by the Planning Commission. In 1993, the Planning Commission recommended, and the City Council approved, a reduction of the number of parking spaces required in the Downtown by one half, eliminated the requirement for additional parking spaces when a change of use occurs in a Downtown building, and directed the PADA to prepare a parking development and management plan to address the role of the P ADA and how the PBIA is organized. The plan was to be submitted to the City within one year and was also to include an inventory of existing land uses, occupancy rates, and parking space availability in the Downtown. Although the plan was not submitted within the prescribed time line, the P ADA has worked very hard this past year and one half to complete the plan at the City's direction. As the entire plan was not made available until shortly before the meeting, Mr. Sawyer noted that the item may be continued to the October 28, 1998, meeting for final consideration by the Planning Commission before being forwarded to the City Council. Eileen Knight, President of the P ADA, further explained how the study area was defined and praised Mr. Sawyer for his efforts as the City's liasion in preparation of the parking plan. Mr. Sawyer provided significant staff services to the P ADA and succeeded in finally pulling together a satisfactory document which is supported by the P ADA. 100 Planning Commission Minutes October 14. 1998 Page 11 Don Bettger, 1022 S. Cherry Street, wished to publicly thank Mr. Sawyer for his efforts and hard work in preparation of the parking plan. The P ADA members, ArIa Holzschuh, Eileen Knight, Jim Haguewood, Sandy Haggerty, Dan DiGiulio, Wayne Barrett, Roy Gotham, and himself, couldn't have done the work so successfully without Mr. Sawyer's assistance. He stressed that most of the information contained in the plan is history and summary information which shouldn't concern the Commission. The intent is to make the Downtown more user friendl and more pedestrian oriented. Commissioner Nutter encouraged planning for bicycle visitors and that space be made available for long distance bicycle travelers who may need to store their belongings in some type of storage shell in order to linger longer in the area. Certain parking areas should be made available to accommodate shoppers who wish to remain for longer than two to three hours. She also noted that foreign language signage of some sort should be available for visitor information. Commissioner Ziakin applauded the effort being made. He suggested that effort be put into providing landscaping for parking areas to upgrade the look of the Downtown parking areas consistent with other progressive areas of the state/country. He questioned whether private parking areas in the Downtown might not be contrary to the purpose of the PBIA. Commissioner Hewins moved to continue further discussion to the October 28, 1998, meeting of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and passed 5 - O. APPROVAL OF MINUTES As there was a fifth member present, the Commission agreed to reconsider approval of the September 26, 1998, minutes. Commissioner Hewins moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Craver seconded the motion, which passed 2 - 0, with Commissioners Ziakin, Reed, and Nutter abstaining due to their absences at the meeting. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Planning Director Collins encouraged the Planning Commissioners to attend a coastal bluff workshop on October 27, 1998, being coordinated by Clallam County. .- REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Ziakin stated that it has been a pleasure and an honor to have served on the Commission this past year. As his work may be in the Seattle area in the future, it may be necessary for him to resign from the Commission. 101 Planning Commission Minutes October 14. 1998 Page 12 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ''&r~ (.~ BJad Collins, Secretary PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 1... ,n~ VJ r; ~~ LB Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission October 15, 1998 Minutes I. Call to Order: The October 15, 1998 meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm in the Vem Burton Meeting Room by President, Nancy Martin. ll. Roll Call: Members Present: Matt Kirsch, Pat McDonagh, Leslie Perrizo, Nancy Martin and Diana Tschimperle Members Absent: David Morris, Bill Minor Staff Present: Scott Brodhun & John Hicks ITI. Approval of Minutes & Audio Tape Disposition - May 21. & September 24. 1998: L. Perrizo moved to accept the minutes of May 21, 1998, and dispose of the tapes in the usual manner. M. Kirsch seconded the motion which carried. P. McDonagh moved to accept the minutes of September 24, 1998 and dispose of the tapes in the usual manner. L. Perrizo seconded the motion which carried. IV. Items From Audience Not on Agenda None V. Finance None VI. Legislation B. Review of Grant Application for Valley Creek Park Project: Staff reviewed the Grant Project with Park Board, and reminded the Board that last spring the DNR made the announcement that this program would be kicking off for 1998. Subsequently DNR announced they were going to pull the program, however made a follow-up announcement in September that grant applications would be accepted until October 1 s1. The proposal is for funding many of the upland elements of the project, including the trail, interpretive signs, etc. Following discussion of specific project elements, Park Board indicated support for the proposal. 103 ,> ,---- I Park Board October 15, 1998 2 Staff updated Park Board regarding the Morse Creek Trestle Project. C Update Maintenance Plan The maintenance plan was developed following a complete assessment of the entire park system. Park Maintenance priorities are based on the plan. Park Board was cautioned to be aware of what park maintenance is doing, and what the "hot spots" are. Staff encouraged the board to feel free to offer opinions, especially observations or questions regarding priorities. The board has prioritized improved maintenance of neighborhood parks as a major goal. The maintenance plan, and 1999 Budget proposal reflect that interest. Park Board was very enthusiastic relative to maintenance activities. I A. Termination of Pool Privileges for Pool User Staff cautioned park board that this issue is different than ones dealt with in the past as it may be coming back as an appeal. Many of the city ordinances, in cases where policy has needed enforcement, have appeal processes. Processes vary whether the appeal is to the Park Director or Park Board. After discussing this issue with the City Attorney's office, they have recommended an appeal process that would include Park Board. So it is likely that, if the person in question decides to appeal, they would be at the November meeting to state their case. ' Staff requested that park board support the recommended action. This action would then "kick in to gear" any appeals that may occur. In response to a question, staff informed Park Board as to how hew pool rules are developed and implemented. Staff reiterated that the City Attorney's office provides assistance in policy development and supports parks in regards to this issue. Staff recommends suspension as an action that is necessary in this case. I L. Perrizo voiced the concern that this individual wrote a letter stating that he did have a problem but now doesn't, then 30 days later can't control his actions. There seems little question that he should not be allowed in a public area. N. Martin suggested that he be suspended until a mental health evaluation is completed. Staff agreed that there be an indefmite suspension until such time that through documentation he can prove he sought help for this problem. M. Kirsh suggested there may be a need for some sort of procedure to deal with complaints of this nature. 104 Park Board October 15, 1998 3 Staff expressed to park board that the city has an obligation to protect people who are properly using park facilities; to provide a facility where individuals can feel free to recreate without having their privacy invaded. Therefore, two options were presented for Park Board consideration. Park board could consider a motion to suspend the person in question indefinitely pending a City Attorney's opinion and then establish a procedure for due process. Park board could also choose to wait one week or until the attorney completes his review. At that time a special meeting could be called including staff, park board and the City Attorney in order to review the situation. The board could then consider action. Staff reminded park board that the accused individual is on a temporary suspension. P. McDonagh moved to call a special meeting following the City Attorney's review. M. Kirsch seconded the motion. Upon call for the question, motion carried. N. Martin suggested holding a work session with pool guards & supervisors, park board, and staff in order to completely work through issues of this nature. VII. Staff Informational Reports & Updates Civic Field Staff reminded park board about a variety of projects at Civic Field. To date the projects have included re-roofing the facility, replacement of the corrugated siding, new lettering, and exterior and interior painting. River Return Coho Salmon Excess Salmon will be planted this month in the Lincoln Park ponds for youth fishing. New Beautification Planting at Conrad Dyar Fountain Staff updated the board on the recent plantings. It is planned to have this area bright with color year-round. Pier Floats & Painting The floats are scheduled to be taken out for the winter and new painting has begun. Successful Budget Meeting Staff updated the board on the Capital Requests for 1999. Pool Renovation Meeting Meeting has been scheduled for the 23rd of October at 1 :30 pm. \ 105 Park Board October 15,1998 4 Crounaur Property Staff updated the board on the final appraisal and negotiation process. Egg Wars Not one single incident of egging on city property was reported this year. VIll. Park Board Late Items: Attendance and quorums were reviewed prior to discussion regarding Bill Minor's many unexcused absences. Park Board has concerns in regards to this issue as Bill's absence sometimes directly affects the need for a quorum. As the Board is limited to seven members, it is not feasible to add another person. N. Martin asked for questions, comments and concerns. Staff offered to meet with Mr. Minor to ask him to consider attending the meetings or consider resigning. Park Board accepted staff soffer. Discussion regarding Park Board meeting night and time ensued. L. Perrizo asked about the status of the pool lockers and utilization. Staff reviewed the key/locker problem and possible solutions. IX. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Next meeting will be held at 7 pm on November 19, 1998. lOR Port ,Angeles Fire Deyartment. -.: I . Fire Deyartment oyen House f' / october 1998 107 October 1998 Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved 2500 2,500,000 500 500,000 2000 2,000,000 1500 1,500,000 1000 1,000,000 o 0 1996 1997 1998 1997 1998 II Monthly . Year to Date II Saved . Loss Oct 1998 Total Calls 236 1998 Year to Date 2,082 1997 Year to Date 2,147 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o YTD 1997 YTD 1998 . . . . Structure Fires> $5.000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz M at Incidents [1997-7 1998-13] [1997 - 23 1998 - 18] [1997 - 14 1998 - 43] [1997 - 78 1998 - 94] 108 Fire & Life Safety Insp 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o Inspections Reinspections 1997 YTD . 1998 YTD Inspections Reinspections 1997 YTD 757 662 1998 YTD 798 636 Medic I Transports - ALS 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o 1996 1997 1998 Monthly . Year to Date Fire Dept. 1996 1997 1998 ALSYTD 798 773 701 ~ Prevention Activities YTO 250 200 150 100 50 o 1997 1998 Permit Inspections [1997 - 203 1998 - 170] . Plan Reviews [1997 - 77 1998 - 55] . Public Ed Contacts [1997 - 70 1998 - 46] Medic I Transports - BLS 300 250 200 150 100 'I 50 o Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance II 1997 . 1998 Fire Dept. 1997 1998 BLS YTD 60 94 /' lOB , FI.~. c,",part...~nt 'The Port Angeles Fjre Depart- . ment is hosting its 10th Annual Open House during fire preven- ~ion week, {t9lR~Q0f1'W~.t9 3'fl~qi." Saturd~y,at'102'~. FifthSt. .' The eventwillltJ,Clude-varlQus fIre ptevepti911g-~rs',:~d activi- ti~s,)Y;if.h,pri:l~s:~~r,~hildr~p, .. pre- ..' ! sentatlOns by,l'Wmdy" the'Iila$ter'; , of balloon.cr~~tiops, a,ride opthe Spark)riItetru.ck;ap~.li chance to have; a picture taken with a;irre- fight~ ' .. BIG FIRE BOOTS TO FIlL , .,' .' ":!$Y~';!'c; if;; iV:l"'@.FtU;';.,: TbM Till:>MPSON/pENINSui.R DAn.Y NEws - ,Mike k[f!['t~nftl,a.lh:~[!/:r!Jr.a:~~ studelJ+at)Q11r~ftn of Angeles School in Port Ange-' . , les;, finds the firefightinggarbof MikeAdamich, right, a tall order; to fill. Pat Ros, e..;....,....,...l."e,.f1,...,..'.,.,....a Po." rt Angele.."s,.. fi.,....".. re,..fig.hter and,Ada.m. i, chwere on hand to help, stu- de":f~'I&~l!!uR:a1Je'!}~r~e~~ ;~qn/rftpac:u(Ltion pl(],n and to announce an open hOUrse attlJ.,e fire statibnSa,tuPday lOa.m. to 3 p.m. for the public. . 110 'PI~ggil1g~fi..e> prevention Six-year-old Alexander Hynes of Port 'Angeles finds fascination with Pluggy, a robotic fire hydrant owned by the Port Angeles Fire Department. The depar,tment held an open house Saturday to famil- iarize children and their parents in the {undamentalsof fire prevention. 111 '. ~l , f,'>.:,,!"-::,\;_';,;"",C-, _", "'-'-}'" :~....: :'~". -""". .-' " .,' '".. '_.'__ .. ,_. ,,.' i ,FIR! iiliRESPONSE , ' ."" L",:?!,ij{ PortA.rtg~l~~ fif~figkters work at st~pjJi~g a fire at 1621F stt~et Wednesday. rtwnting.after a vent fan Clpparently overheated: The blaze caused about $5,000 damage; fire chief Bruce'Becker. said.. Becker credited the quick containment to. an alert from city' parks workers nearby who notified the fire department. ~f@,t:Angeltfs :,:,/:>-<:'>,-:::.' <,' ,:_..,;,<" .., _:' . ': ":_' .:._,;'i "::,)',;."i" _,-;_ cCi"',)':-'<.,'_:;., .., es Fiie Depanment woQld like, ti.tllatm .th~ f6qowmg agencies who thtough their-coIrtritunJti spirii;'mad~ 10th ann4al.Op'<<;n House' possible. This year's open house fire pr~enuont? ail eStimated 2,000 citizens. '~QUeen ~ Cross Rite Aid . -,' ",' . .Drake's u-~ . . . Evl:rgreenCollisi~ Rockd MedIaDictI. swain's Tam BeUIPixz3. H\l( Wal Man . Washington Fire & Safety . Wendy's Wmdy's World . WonderlHosress ~ ~ e ,r thank you for suppqrting yOur C()mm~ty. Port Angeles Fire Department lie Z5' ::::::.,1,1:.::: ::,:,:~,~,~?,:' :::::)j';'; '::::I':'i','.' ::=:,,:,: .....: ....:::: :.:',::. .... I:;:::!::, :.:." :~~\: ::::::r I::::)!)::::!::~:: ~ ' 't:!!;:1;1; 5 ~ ::!,!:::i:: .., '. III .. : ::;: -I f- '. .i!::!ii!i' :'~ll i~: ~. ~ r~ .. '. ;~ '.:.i::I:::::] CJ ;1 ~ ~ , f- \- : ;~ ~'.~ i ~ . I i@] '" ~ $Ii .~ _ ;" ,~ : ~ ~~.:.:~.::.~~.'..::'.'::..::' 1 ~ I~ ~ ~" ~ I;;~:~::):m f- ill lIlJ.. .:,:,:;?' 1:::::::::::::::::' 0 L- ~ '\;:-:' 0 L- _ ,.. _ ... 1M. JUN -"L _ ... OCT NOV DOci:::::::::: _~___JUN-"L_"'OCTNOV_ I W - _ . - r"' ~ . ~ ~ ~. . , if TOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSAL ;';;.:.: ~ I- - . . 'tj ) ..w...~,=.=~ I ~ -:= =:= ! - - - - " " f- - I- ,::' JNrf PHI MAR APA MAY JUN JUL NJO IEP OCT NOV DEe 298217 1%1 ClAI..I.JIM RES H"-l.Il. [] 1997 .1998 - 10 V..r Average . .~:::~-I!: 3552 (8 5%) CITY OF SEOUIM . :,-:::.:. ::> ~ . Ci! ~- o 15. ~ ~ M "- -I ~ .:.., W _ , ~ .. 3323 (8 0%) CI.ALl.AM COMM HALl. ;:' ;.1 !iii' .. .'609(20."IOM/OlVMPICOI~ . ,. ,.::,.:.,,:::::.:-:: :.',":::,::::::.:..:.:...:'::::::':' ..:.:::.:.:...:.:::.:.... .::::,:,:::...:.........:::::,:':::..,:::,:,:,:,::..:..:..'. ELECTRICAL USAGE f- - I--- - f- - f- - .IAN P'I!I MAR APR MAY .IUN ,JUL AUGI II!P 04:T NOY DII!C .. .. ..... ........................ ",:",::;:':;:;::.:.:.:.:: : ..:.... .:". 1:1'1::::: .. J:1:!!!:, 01997 . 1998 113 MOREPT9!l'M<4.11/1219ll PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER 1998 e n::::::::::::::t""tttm/:::t::::':ttttffffm/:fJNA.lg///:i:':i:f'/:fi//:i:i:i:f'/:fiii//iit:fffitifff'tt:j . Peabody & Jones St. Reservoirs: Washed . Main breaks, 2": 1 . Main breaks, 4": 1 . Main breaks, 6*: 1 . Renewed 1* service line to Peabody Creek RV Park . Meter change out: 12 !////:fi:i:i:i:i:iiiiiiiififiJN'$TriWA1$.R:::caUt$.(Ula"i/iiiiiiii:iiitt:fit:itiiiiiittii=iiiiiiiiii:j . Dye Testing for new business occupancy l:f::f:::::::/=:/:=:=:f=:ff::fWA$.Te.WA.1E8.rrIEAtMl:;&.1//===::=//::/:i:::::::::::://:::iif:if::fl . Worked with Rayonier on leachate testing & dumping . Worked on Landfill ground maintenance . Design sludge mixing chamber cover for odor controllspill prevention . Annual inspections for permitted industrial users . Worked on Y2K issue for WWTP SCADA system . Design for control of wasting valve * Researched alarm system for landfill leachate equipment * Worked on new maintenance soflware for WWTP n:t/:fff':':"':i:::itii:ii:ttiffe.QQU1~M.$.Nif::Se.awCe.Siiiiiit:i::::t::t:iiiiiiiiiiiii::t:::::=/:ffiiiiiim/'::i:l * Service Tickets processed: 148 * PM Services and inspections: 10 * Denver's PM services: 11 * Denver's Service Tickets processed: 35 * #1557 Asphalt Patch Truck repair * #1648 Jet Truck gear box replacement * #1908 Compactor in Frame overhaul * #1911 Refuse Packer rebuilt transmission * Light Dept. Line Trucks annual inspections l'i'i'iiiif:/:f::::::i:::ff:/::iff://:=/:W~Hif::0Pe.M1JQ."S:'"===ffiiii:=tftf'/:::f'//:f:i:::::::'::::::f==iiii::1 * City Pier lighting & tower retrofit * New underground service @ Canyon Edge * Downtown tree plugs installed * Tree trimming * Replace overhead conductor @ Lauridsen & Peabody * Installed service to Melody Circle Alzheimer apartment building * Replace & repair underground @ Landfill compost building MQREPlllQ,\'W,4 - 1111:2198 /:/i:iii:'itttilitiiiiiiii::;iiiilli/::/::t::ttit:$QUO::WASi$.i:iJJJiiiiiiii:i:iiiii'fi:iJJiitJ:::::i:::::i/:fiJil * Implemented Waste Acceptance Policy at Landfill * Attended Recycling Coordinators meeting in Jefferson County * Recycled Man attended OMH Childrens' Halloween Party and Fair * Began winter schedule of yard debris collection /iii:fli/iiiiiiJ:i:i:i:i:i//:ii::::::::i:i:i:iiiili:i::;i::::/i::iiiiiiiii:i:i:i$.&Silitifit:::::::::::titil:i:i:::::::::t::::::l:::::i:i:::t::::::::=::1 * Co-op sidewalk: Rose Lumber * Install new payment drop-box @ City Hall * Skin patch various locations * Install gate and driveway at Doubletree Inn * Sweep alleys - winter program . Guardrail and dead-end street cleanup * Storm drain cleaning & catch basin educting * Building maintenance - cabinets at City hall * Water cut restorations * Bomford various areas * Traffic Control Records updated * Alley surface maintenance: reshapelre-rock . Crosswalks: new plastic * Sweeping: city-wide as scheduled l:t:::::i:i::::iiiiifi'iiiiiliii:i::ri/tti&NmNi.mN~::&iiee.RMIIS/:tt::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::/:::I * Airport Road Realignment, rfw acquisition support * Landfill Cell 3 Expansion construction support * FEMA storm repair support * Traffic counts continued * CSOII&I Study support * LID 215 Final Assessment proceeding * EdizlHook Sewer Assessment DRA * *'" Street sidewalk design * Attended DNR conference * Camegie Library demolition plan preparation * Gateway Design RFP support * Interviewed and selected Utility Engineer and CADD Technician 114 _QtIl.SIB.__\__1:1 CATEGORY IIlAL-NEW MODULAR / MOBILE 2 4 2 .1. .......... ......... ........... ........ ....... "Viiitie ....... $9(i"000 ......s1"65.34(i ..........$98;1"36 ... ....... .S5(777 SINGLE FAMILY 2 1 2 5 ....................................Viiiue .. "S403;1"66 ........S75)jOO ........"$145;000 .......s625}6ii MULTI-FAMILY 0 0 0 1 .....................................Viiiue ......... ......SO ...............$0. ...................SO .......S280}1"f ACCESSORIES 3 2 4 3 ......................... ........"iiiiiue .......s7)iOo ..........$6,"ii84.........$38}80 ........ "S1"8.000 APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 1998YTD 1997YTD 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 12 4 .$5.225 ................"$0. ............... .SO ..........s65.000.......$65.000. .......$42.000 ...................$0. ................$0 ""$585.484 .......S.18ii;ii76 o 1 2 3 4 2 0 0 22 18 .............$0 ....S1"58:000. .........Si24:245 .........Sf90.000. ......S23!J;"SOO .....S208:034"...............$0 .............so ......$2.268;"11"1" .....${997:61.S. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 ......$1,057;162................$0 ...................so ............. ....so ".$2:468;04{ ................so .................so ......so ... "S(337,273 ....s{2"oo;ooo 2 1 3 5 9 6 0 0 38 28 ............S7;400 .......S1(000 .. ........S14;324 ...........S30.76i. ........S58:029 .... ..S89:958 ...............SO. ...... ""...SO .........$i8(538......S200;907 -NEW ..~.E.T.p'I~ 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 ....n. .............VaiiiE ................$0 ......$76~i,i49. ............. -.. 'SO .- ................$(;" .....--- .........$0.' ....... ......sii ....----...........$0....... 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"$2:114;584 ... $1;165:4.09" .........$596:996 ......$1;247:917. ...54":825;357. .....$940;628. ...................$0. ...............$0. ....$1.7:908;532 ...$19;035;791' ;~;~~U~;~E~~::::~:::::::-..::;:::~>7.::s:::~~$:::$:..-;::$:~:: ~~:o:$:::f.:::::::~"$:.*::::: :::.":s::?::-::::~:::~:::m:-::::.::.... ... ... ...{{;;:::::::~*:"-::::::::(1(.~*--:::::::::: ::::::-:-~:::::::::::-:::~:~ID1::::~ :::%.:::'.:"??:::~::..S:::-=:..:-: ::" .~.. :::..:;;:-:: :::~~:::::::::~~::::::::::::r.::'::~::~::: :::~:::.::::?,'4~:::~m:::::~f?-*::::x~.::-::::~~:::~::::.... ::::::::::..,:::-::;)::@:~::: ::~~~~~:~**j~~: :t4::t::J?.:::::::::~-:Y#4 ::::::,-::::~:::~~~::::::::::::::::::: R / W CONSTR. 4 6 2 1 1 3 0 3 0 5 0 0 26 31 ..............................Reven.U"E ............S-;20 .............$i40. .................S80 ..................$40. ..............$40............$1.io. ...................SO ...............S120. ................so. ...........$200 .... .............so ...............$0 ...........${040 ............$1"240 NEW WATER SERVo 3 0 2 4 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 19 38 ................................Reven.U"E .........$5;941" ................$0" ............$2;866 .............$2,"86(,. ............${558 ..........s(433 ...............$150 .............S(43i. ................$0. ............S88i. ..................so. ................$0 ...........Si2}99 ..........$85;441. NEWSEWERSERV. 2 1 3 4 3 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 20 26 ..............................Revenue ........S{444 .............s642 ...........S{524 ............$2,"64"i1 ...........S{966 ..........S722" ...............s642 ............$1":522. ................so. ............$7i2 ...................so. ................so .........."$13;27"8 ..........S62:812 I--l' ~ C'oJl NO. OTHER PERMITS 9 7 7 9 6 5 2 6 0 7 0 0 65 95 otHEFfpERMit.RE\C........ ........$1;505 ............$.882" ............$4;470 ............$5.554. ............$3:564 ..........$2;275. ...............$192 ............$3;075. ................Sif .........$1";805 ..................Sii" ............."$(j ........"$31:117 .........$149;493. 116 tit)' LtG' Port Angeles Parks 6 Recreation October I 998 117 PAR~ & R~CR~ATfON R~V~NU~ Octobm' t99~ Oc~n View Cemetery William Shote Memotial Pool Vern Button Community Center Sen;ot Serviceg Center - Rentalg Seniot Serviceg Center - leageg Banner Lincoltl Patk Cam~ltlg f:eeg City Pier Mootage f:eeg General f:utld Revooue Total 1'lli'II~~~I>< lotlghougelClubhouge Lincoln Patk Cam~ing f:eeg 1m tovement f:und Total ~1~i~lJ~~!I~~>:!> ~~yR~*f:QNAPA~ffin"'l]~FYNp: Vertl Buttotl KItchen f:eeg Co-Rec VOlleyball VOlleybijll T OUtney f:und Slow~itch Slow~itch T OUtney f:utld Moog Bagketball BQgketball T outtley f:utld f:lag f:ootball "outh Ptogtamg Adult PtogNlmg Recteatioh Activitieg f:uhd T 01111 $110, 274j? 77 $124j?,4j?g9.77 $11,4j?91.50 $12,97g.20 $9,500.00 $4-,4j?75.00 $2,575.00 $1,14j?7.00 $24j?2,120.24- ...., .... .-.,... .......... ",", -, .... .....................................................~.. . i>.I~I!!< $96,4-54j?1 g $120,g02.14- $15,559.4-1 $12,64-1.52 $9,500.00 $g,170.50 $1,910.70 $1,Og6.00 $ 260,574j?4-0 $g,160.00 $5,54j?7.00. $4j?,572.00 $g,01g.75 $4-4-4j? .00 $ g ,4-61. 75 $2,7g6.g0 $4-,g05.00 $0.00 $ 2 2,664-.50 $g,04-5.00 $2,172.00 $ 4-, 604j?4-4j? $125.00 $25,4-55.22 $1,9g9.4j?0 $67,051.g0 $1,4-51. 72 $5,190.64- $0.00 $19,64j?1.09 $4-,t57.2g $5,610.00 $6,164-.4-9 $4j?95.00 $12,667.79.. $2,916.00 $54j?,7g g.96 · Timber Saleg "Itlcludeg $ 2,500 "eg to "outh Gtant 118 15/~04-.geg' * Gtouhd Butialg 25 22 1eg' 2g Gtouhd Butial rhuthmehtg 20 21 17 14- Niche rhuthmehtg 11 19 to 15 ~htombmehtg I Y Q!lt to D!ltQ T ot!ll~ 57 57 4-6 52 THIS MONTH Y~AR TO DAT~ ~T Y~AR ~T Y~AR TO DAT~ *g 625.21 *g2096.27 Not v iI ble Not avail be 119 Bb4UTl~/eA TION ~ ~ellJlOhlll plllnf1ngJl lit the ConHld DYllt I=ountll/n PARJ<g MAINT~NANe~ ~ Clelln wlIlkwllY betwl!l!n l=itJlt IInd I=tOnt ~tteetJI ~ Conf1nue Iittet pickup IInd tl!Jlooom cll!llning 1IJ1 needed ~ Monthly plllygtOund IhJlpectlonJl IInd taplllffl ~ PlIlnted t/cl<l!t boothJlllnd ttlm IItOund dOOffl lit Civic I=/eld ~ Replllced Jlwing lit ~tickllon PIIIY I=ield ~ Removed old picnic tllbleJI ftOm ~hllhe PlItk t/ Removed old plllygtOund equipment lit ~tickllon PIIIY I=leld ~ TtllhJlplllnted gteenhouJle ftOm 211 potJl to 411 potJl ~ Removed tOtten plllntet boxeJI ftOm Down Town ~ PlIinted ttim IInd f1l1l1hlng IItOund tOof lit Civic J:ield ~ Wintetized Ittigllf10n JlYJltemJlllt little lellgue, ~hllhe, WillIon IInd City HIIII ~ Removed letJI ftOm fountQln fot tePllit ~ IhJltQlled wlntllt COVet on Down Town fountllln ~ l=/nlJlhlld ttenching lit High ~chool ~ Removed Jlcotch btOom ftOm City Pie,. ~ Rellttllched guttllffl & down lIpOUtJI lit ~Ikll PllIY I=lllld tl!Jlooom ~ Removed f10lltJIllt City Piet IInd ~diz Hook ~ Plllnted plltking lot chlllnJl lit City Piet ~ Rl!lItHlnged plllntJl lit Down Town fountQin ~ Pllinted chllnJl lit HlIyneJI PlItk t/ ~upetvlJletf ~lIgle ~coutJl InJltlllllng bencheJI lit Lyons PilI''' ~ PlIinted Jltlldlum wllIIJl lit Civic I=leld ~ PIlIced fout heW ttlIllf, cllnJl lit HlIyneJI PlItk WIllIAM gJlOR~ M~MORIAl POOL UAINT~NANe~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pool check IiJlt, lidded chemlclllJl CIl!lIned filtllt JlyJltem, taplllced lock cylindefflllntf I<I!Yll on locl<l!ffl Checl<l!d JllIuhll tempeHltute ChllCked chlotihlltot fot ptOpllt Opetllf1on IInd bOOlltllt pump Checl<l!d dive lltllnd boltll, lublld lllidet IInd Chllcked G~ ouHetJI ChllCl<l!d fot Il!lIkll undet pool In CHlwl Jlpllce Blick wllllhlld filtet llYJltllm ChllCl<l!d citcullltlon pUmpll, hllllt pumpll, llhowet mixing vlllvell, IInd elellned intllke JlCtelln Cheeked hellt pump bloweffl Checked night Iightll Chllnged filtetJl on HV AC Jlylltem RePllited btOl<I!n llhowet vlllve In womehll dtl!JlJling tOom 120 V~RN BURTON eOMUUNITY e~NT~R ~ Gehl!tlll Cll!llhU~, Slwe~t f100t, mo~~ed S~OtSl, vq.cuumed cq~ets ~ Put tlIbll!Sl qhd chqltSl qWqy, SlW$t qhd vqcuumed f1ool'S ~ Cll!lIh WlhdoWSl IIhd SlW$t f1ool'S ~ Checked emetgehCy IIghtIhg, coffee mllchlhl!, checked dtlllhSl below Slhk IIhd fluSlhed with bleqch ~ Cll!lIh, ~lItch, S~tIlY textul'l! IIhd ~lIiht willis liS heeded ~ Cll!lIh wqlls ih ml!l!t1hg tOOm ~ Check thetmoSltllt o~etlltloh ~ VlItllthqhed I!httQhce bellmSl ~ IMtlllled cllblhl!t dootlocks ih kitcheh g~NIOR g~RVle~ e~NT~R UAINT~NANe~ ~ Checked hellt ~um~s, J.lV AC uhits IIhd tem~etlltutl!Sl ~ Chllhged light bulbSl IISl hl!l!ded ~ Refilled ~1I~et ~roducts ih tI!SlttOOmSl ~ WlIlk thtOugh bulldihg, checked lights, dtlhkihg foUhtlllh qhd lIutomqtic doots ~ Cleqhed dtqihS, gl'l!lISll!d I!lChqust ~hS, 1'I!~lqced light bulbs ~ Adlust time clocks ~ Checked heqt ~um~ blowl!I' belts, filtets, dtllihSl qhd coils Oh hellt system ~ J:hced stl!l.lm lellk Ih cll~et Clellhl!t ~ Re~lIitl!d S~tqy ~ucet ~ Adlusted outside I!httQhce doot ~ Re~lIihted ~ciq bOllfflSl ~ R$lIitl!d eJectticlll outlet ~ RI!~lIitl!d flush vlllvl! Oh toilet Ih meM tOom ~ Tightehl!d doot hlhgl!Sl VANDAl/gM ~ Removed disttOyed ~IIY ~hohl! ftOm City Piet ~ Removed glqss ftOm DOWh T OWh foUhtllih Mlge~lLAN~OUg ~ ~m~loyel!Slllttehded BUl'I!lIuctllcy BUStlhg ~tl!l!l'ihg Committl!l! Meetihg ~ ~m~loyees IIttehded BBC sub committee News Lettet meetlhgSl ~ ~m~loyl!l!Sl qttehded ~lIfety ml!l!tlhg PLApg ~ COhtihue beqtlficqtloh ~tOgtllm lit foUhtlllh ~ IMtllll WqtetftOht ttQiI ~llIqul!Sl, behchl!Slllhd tl'l!1!Sl ~ COhtihue mllkihg imptOVemehts lit VlItious plltks OTJI~Rg ~ NOhe 121 V~RN BURTON COMMUNITY CI;NT~R Oetobet g ~tlIte Amllteut ~oftbllJl klloeilltion Meeting ~ymphony POpll Coneett Citlll' BlIllketbllJl Rummllge ~lIle PlIt/c!l & Reetelltion Kid'll Olctobet ~e!lf Imllge ~oeeet Middle ~ehool DlInee Chllmbet of Commetee Auetion Blood Dtive ~tlInkJin ~ehool PTO DlInee Opetlltlon Uplift Auetion Benefit PAPD ~lIent Auetion Oetobet 10 Oetobet 11 Oetobet 18 Oetobet 17 Oetobet 19 Oetobet 2 g Oetobet 24 Oetobet gO-g1 VBMCC - CYM U~~R~ Noon Open Cym ~undllY BlIllketbllll Cym WlIlketll Cholee P.~. MU BlIllketbllll Olymple Chtilltilln ~ehool P.~. Home ~ehool P.~. V~RN BURTON MI;ITINC ROOM ~VI;NT~: Oetobet 1 ~ehool Dillttiet WOt/c!lhop Oetobet 2 U~. CehllUll T tlIining Oetobet g ~tlIte Amllteut ~oftbllJl klloeilltion Meeting Oetobet 6 ~ehool Dlllttiet WOt/c!lhop Oetobet 9 Chtill ~hell ClImpllign RlIlly Oetobet 19-14 55 Alive Defehllive Dtiving CllIllll Oetobet 16 CllIIIlIm BlIY Cotteetionll ~emihllt Oetobet 17 Chllmbet of Commetee Auetion Oetobet 21 ~tllte Depllttment of Petllonnel T e!ltfng Oetobet 22 Rexllll Oetobet 24 Opetlltion Uplift Benefit Oetobet 2Cj? ~ehool Dillttiet Wot/c!lhop VBMCC - RI;CULAR M~~TINC ROOM U~~R~: IheehtfVe!l Committee KiWlIhill - JUllh de ~uell GtOup T tlIhllit Uhion Meetihgll CIlIIIlIm COUhty ~ood HlIhdletll CllIllll Community Netwotk JUllh de ruell ~e!ltivIII Bike Club Pool De!llgh Committee Dillllbilitle!l COIIJ/tiOh NOh-Mototized T tlIi1 Meeting ~ehoor Dillttiet . ~wim Club lodgihg T 11)( Committee RoolleveJt/~tevehll Plltehtll ~kJ TelIm Helllthy ~lImllie!l JUhlot Bllbe Ruth PA~D PAPD Olltomy ~uppOtt GtOup Mllty KllY 12.2 Oetobe~ 199~ COUNCil CHAMB~~: City Couheil Meetihgs Bo~td of Adlustments P/~nhihg DUlViefirnll P~hel PAPD T~~ihihg R~YOhie~ Publie Ml!l!tlhg le~gue of Womeh Voteffl M~tihl! ~~hetu~~ Am~teu~ ~oftb~1I Alllloei~tloh meetlhg De~~~tment of Revenue liquo~ COhhol Bo~td COllt~1 Proeellll Meetlhg R~CR[ATION DIVI~ION PROlJRAM~ Cohtihuing: AftM ~ehool Progtlfm - 57 full-time students: 2 g ehl/d/'l!n ehrolled ~t ~~~nldln ~ehool g4- ehl/d/'l!n enrolled ~t Jeffeffloh ~ehool Coun~ WestMn D~hee Clqllll begqh lihl! Dqnee Clqllll begqn Adult ~oew Oetobe~ 12 Co-~d VOlleybqllleqgue Begqn -14- Teqmll PAR~ & RrCRrATlON ~prCIAl rVrNT~ Oetobe~ 11 G/'l!~t Pum~ldn Olctobe~ Kldll ~l!St 200 pq~tiel~llntll UP-COMINlJ R~CR[ATfON tJovembe,. 18 Winte,. BlIslcetbllll leqgue Begins tJovembe~ 7-~ Tqlkihg Rllih Adult Meh'll AA Bulcetbllll Tou~hl!Y tJovembe~ 7-~ BOYll 5th through 9th - TI~off Blllllcetbllll Toumey fJovembe,.14--15 T u~lcey ~hoot - BOYll'& lJl~/ll' 8th through Vllfflity Blllllcetbllll Tou~ney Deeembe~ 12-1g BOYll' & Gi~lll' Holidqy HOO~ll Toul'hl!Y - 5th through ~th CITY PII;R I;VI;NT~: Oetobe,. gO OetobM g 1 lihdq ~mith Politieql Rqlly Vlllit from U~. tJllVllI Tug \~ioul' UP-COMINlJ PI~R r;Vr;NT~: fJOhl! ~eheduled '~ f) 3 J... h" . ~NIOR COMMUNITY C[NT~R ~V~NT~ - U~(!I'~ Oetobet 10 Oetobet 11 Oetobet 14,17,1~ Oetobet 22 Oetobet 24 Oetobet gO Chuteh of Chtid Hete ahd Now P.l.R.A. Att of livihg Clallam Couhfy Ptogeeutihg AttOthey J:otum Pehih.!:ula Mehtal Health Boatd CCDCC COhgt~~mah Nonn Dieb Reeeptloh SINIOR C[NTfR R~aULAR.US[RS .gehiot Nuttltioh Boatd . Vitgihia Ma~oh .gehlot rhfo &. ksl~tahee .law ~hfoteerneht Boatd . Mid MaMget~ .J:ihe Att Cehtet .Heatt ksociatioh .~ekahkat .NARJ:~ Boatd .Vehtute Club .Youth Ta~k J:otee .Ctime gtoPPet~ .Clallarn Att league .J:odet CtahdpatehB . Wave Maket~ .gotoptlmi~t~ Jet get .CcgWAB .Retited T eaehet~ .Paiht the T OWh .Uhited Way .gquate Dahee COUheil ~ ~[NIOR CfNT~R ~PON~OR[D - ~PfCIAl PROCRAMS Oetobet 7 Oetobet ~ Oetobet 9 Oetobet 14-17 Oetobet 16 Oetobet 24 J:~tival of Dahee Video Dept~ioh Awateh~~ ahd gCteehihg by PehiMUla Mehtal Health Chataetet gketeh~ gehiot Atti~B ghow. CO-~POMOt with Clallam Att league J:lu ghot~ PattieipahB ih gehlot Health J:ait at Patk View Villa 124 Oetobet 199~ ~~NIOR C~NJ~R ~PON~QRfD - RICULAR PROCRAM~ /l ~\~ ~ 1; ~ Rouhd T.llble Oh Polltieg livihg HMlthy Com~utet! fat Beginnet! U!ing Com~utet! f &. " T qke GtMt Photo! U!ing the Intet Net Infinite Vqtiety of Mu!ie Hulq Clq!! Olym~ie ~ote!rn Geogtq~hy of U.~. Pqint on Own Goldeh Aget$} ~eh;Ot ~wlnget$} ~ehiot ~Inget$} One Dqy/Ovet Night T ti~$} Pool Btidge Ctlbbqge H9lth ~oot Cqte (4-x month) Blood Pte!!ute Check! T:Ji Chi Alzhmmet! ~u~~Ott Gtou~ low fm~ijet Aetobieg (gx wk) Atthtiti! ~u~~Ott Gtou~ ~ybtomyqlgl:J ~u~~Ott (;ducation leg:J1 Aid W:Jtet Colot Cultote of Jij~ijn Potftijit P:Jlntihg Oil P:Jinting DefeMive Dtiving CI~!! J:J~qne!e I&." ItQliqn I&." Dtlftwood ~cul~tute ~oeiallReeteationlll Coffee lounge P R Committee At the Movie! (weekly) Bingo (gx week) Che!! Club Pinochle (gx week) Pickle Bql/ (gx week) Cqlligt:J~hy on Own ~ehiot AA Meeting$} ~tteteh Clq!!/Weight Ttqinlng T ij~ Dqnelng Clij!$} HMting Aid Re~qit! Chi Gong Yogq ~e1f Hm~ fat Hqtd of Heating 125 A*~:~~O :s:::::~~.:.~ . ..~~.. o~~::::~ William ~hOt(! Pool Activiti(!~ OCTOBr;R199~ . . .. $--%.~ ........--:...~:......:-:...~<<... .~~ ::f ?::.-:-.......>>xo:.;-;.;o;o~..-.:~.."*"..........~...*s-.~ -:.:-;: .,::' - "'-:':~:"-:~::"$:..::::. :~,:~:::::y-:::.. o'oM'o" " o<';:;i:~'":,>'p:o>'ooo'o . ~~,,:-~.:-.~:-:.;..~":S..-<::",:::~.~..... .~ -:~. ;:.. ..... ...: :.:::::::,%:::.::;x:::~~' ~::::"::~J ADUINlgTRA TlON . -tBegihihg ih Decembet the High School willlhCOt~Ot~te lltudent!: ihtO the <;?:gO~rn ~etobic Cl~llll twice ~ week. -tWOtkihg with the High School to ~dd w~tet ~,olo to the P.L CI~!l!l -tWOtkihg with PenlMul~ College Oh P.I;. CI~!l!l fot Wihtet Qu~ttet INgTRUeTlONAl I;lCetcige cl~glleg fot Octobet: · W~tet AetoblC!l AM ~hd PM cl~!l!le!l Dee~ W~tet AM cl~lllle!l · W~tet W~lkihg AM eI~!l!le!l Swlrn le!lllOM Schedule fot Se~ternbet: Octobet 5-2g Ct~de llchooletll Octobet 6-22 Pte-llch 001 etll Octobet 27- Nov 5 Adult!: Octobet 19-2g P~tent/Child W~tet Otlent~tioh CI~lllle!l . Ptiv~te le!lllOM - ohgoihg elUeg AND ORCANIZATlONg POtt Angeleg Swim Club · 4-:g0~rn - 5:g0 ~rn POtt Ahgefeg Schoof Dillttict 7:4-5~rn - <;?:15~m 9:05ijrn - 9:g5ijJn 1:00~m - 1:g0~rn g:OO~m - 4-:g0~rn Oct 6, 19, &24- Unitea St~teg COlJllt CUlJtd · 9:00~m - to~m MOhd~y thtough r:tid~y M-W-r: MOhd~y thtough r:tidlJY .:::~:J::>>"'o}y.';"-'::' e> MOhdijy thtough r:tid~y MOh, T Ue!l, Thut, r:ti Wed. MOhd~y thtOugh r:tid~y MOhdijy thtough r:tid~y Horne Swim Meet!: PI; cl~lllle!l ~ PI; elijlllle!l (D S~eci~1 I;du~tioh el~lllleP Citlll Swim T Mm T ue!ld~y ~hd Thut!:d~y Re!lcue Swim met!: T t~jhjhg R~eR~A TlONAl gWIAlAlINC Octobet g1 Kid'!: D~y H~IIoweeh P~tty 7 -9 ~m 16 ~~ttici~~ht!: 126 WILLIAM gHOR~ M~MORIAL POOL Monthly Aetivity Re~ott OCTOB~R 199<6 R[CR[ATrON -- Childten Adult g=lrutd=lY Teen NfghtIKfd'!: D=lY Pool P=lttfe!l!P=ltt;cf~=lnt!: Rillf.ib.ij:A.lijii'IiNI~:j':::,,:::::::::: rNgTRUCTrON -- Childten AdulR P=ltent/Chfld Otienmtfon Pte--gehool W=ltet [xetcf!:e gehool Didtiet Aetfvitfe!l Pool RenmluCI=I~e!l rndtuetion Attandslhee T ot=ll!: ..... :T.'AT,:AJ}:rio"':":'o:t:\i'TTifI'IrfA':llhr ;~::~~:P];tJ~:~~;. ::. ,". :'..:~~:~~:~r~J:~~N:~M~~~ POOL OP[RA TrONg -- D=lY!: O~en Hout!: Oben R[V[NU[ -- Renml~ufR, towel!:, C=I~!: Admi~ioM le!l!:oM Aetobfe!l P=I!:!:e!l ghowet!: loeket!: Pool Renml!: g=lle!l T =IX iofACI?OnUUEYENUg.m/ : C;?56 1,99C;? 0/16 gOg ........................ .::::".:gitiZg::::' 1,062 7C;? 111 495 C;?25 1,5g1 6C;?4. 4.,7C;?6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . - - . - - - . . . - - . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . - . - - . . - . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . ::::.:....:.::::::::j::j::j:::::j:::::jj..::::j:j:::::7;t)59.:::: gt 4.16.75 $4.7.2g $2,1C;?9.17 $4.,795.50 $1, $1,16g.16 $29.60 $14.0.g1 $ 64.C;? 76 $g2g.10 .::~lQj771~i19:::: : ..................--.-.................... ................................. ................--................. ..-....................................... .................................. ................................-....... ..........................................................................-......... ................................................................... ..-..........................................................'................ ....................................--.... ................................ .-.._.......................... .,...-.. 1(tn~Y'~:::iHlS:MJ1:H:lf:f( ...............~tX~ mQ:p^t~U.::lAST}lMR........*q:J?~t~> .................. .................. .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. . . . . . . . . .. .... .. 1 g ,50C;? 20,950 202/296 2,4.79 i::g.:::<:$:::::r:>Ml:"::::~g:::.::.:B::::::::} .. .. 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Subject: Ouch its the Big Hurt. Date: Sun, 18 Oct 98 18:41:58 PDT From: Peter Marsh <petermarsh@earthworld.com> To: pedal@olympus.net Dear Sue Taylor, This story has just been published in the Oregon cycling paper: Ouch-It's the Big Hurt! P.Marsh Do you think you've seen it all in multi-sport races? Well the BIg Hurt, run each September in Port Angeles, Wa. has added a new twist to the formula by combining four sports--mountain biking, running, road biking and kayaking. Unlike the downhill, ski-to-sea type events, the Big Hurt definitely has hills to climb, and welcomes one-person teams. The course on the north Washington coast is a five-hour drive from Portland, so just reaching the 8AM start, high in the foothills of the Olympics, is a triumph in itself. Especially since it's first necessary to deploy the road bike and kayak at the race center on the city waterfront, along with all the equipment and supplies for three contrasting legs. The race and the mountain bike leg starts with a long, extremely steep hill climb--the kind you can walk as fast as you can pedal! At the ridge top, the route enters the woods and shrinks to single-track. For the next half hour the race becomes a test of bike handling without a moment's let-up, with non-stop hairpin bends, tree roots and potholes. It culminates in the high-speed descent of a rutted gulley which leads onto the highway and a long downhill back to the waterfront. The run is a mercifully flat 10K along the waterfront and through the paper mill to the turnaround out on the Ediz spit. Tourists waiting for victoria ferry added to .the crowd at the next changeover--the road biking. This turned out to be more rolling than expected, following empty roads for 18 miles to a secluded, beach front park on the Straits of Juan de Fuca. The steep climb away from the beach was a surprise and took its toll on the unprepared. By the end of the 39-mile road circuit, most of the riders were far apart. For solo racers, it was important at this time to remember that the nearerst kayaker might well be the fourth member of a relay team and itching for a race. (Personally, I found I could barely lift the paddle at first, despite many hours of on- the-water training.) Nonetheless, the lack of noise, just the sound of the paddle dipping, was very refreshing and the four-mile journey around the bay become a wonderful conclusion to this epic event. After nearly five hours, I strolled unsteadily up the beach to the finish line with a glazed but contented expression. The race had lived up to its name and all my expectations. The organization was great, with seemingly the entire city pitching in to make sure there were no hitches. (The author finished third in the Over 50 Solo division.) Peter Marsh E-mail petermarsh@earthworld.comif you have questions about the Big Hurt or Sea-to-Summit mountain climbing. 128 lof2 10/1919810:24 PM William and 'Pwka fBaa:u4 436 uw 6tft ~ 9A1tt llmj~4, ~ 98362 (360 ) 457-8395 J' Sadt !Btuu1Iuut 9~and~~ 6bJ 01 9A1tt (Jng.eI~4 912 fBoa; 1150 !/AJd~, wa 98362 19~ 19, 1998 !ilem, Ab~ fB1UUIIuut; w~ W(luld li/ie tpm f4J. fmuD. fuuBltIUC4 1& en1<<J, ~ ~ ~ tIuuuuJIumt tmDn, e6jUdatLg in 1& f,ountain patt& at 1& f.o4t 011& ~ ~ 9k 1/AIWft4 and phuI,U imp1uwe 9A1tt ~ ~ and ~ iU appeal; 1& 8<<It fuuu. n(ltked tIiat ~ ~ tift ~ 1& 6ee ~ ~ ~ UJiIJi tIuWt 6ItUJId ~ W~ kpe ~ eibj will C6tIlimu. f4J. 6llpfUVd ~ fVU'IJ'UlI".. ~, w~ ~~---- ~,~~~ !Bill and :JeMka fBm:au. IX: !/..atJtkft 3.8mut4, eibJ ~ , 129 A-e~(WQ ~G-(1q8" -/~.~ ~~ ~~/ht.-~~__ T~a-..-h... ~ (/ ~ ~~UrJ'~.~ ~~?t4~ ~ {f0Jvk- ~ ~ {P~ cP~ ~ tJ-fA- 7-~.~ ~(/ ~ -=?4~~-~ l>Co /~ ~4 ~_ ~~~~~ ~ ~.~~.~ ~~~ ~.~ ... '7 LbI:i..;>f-- ~ ~ ~ ttM- ~ ~O r~~ -) *~ r tA-~1 ~~~ A,L~I Wa-- 130 @ The YMCA. BUILDING STRONG K IDS, S T RON G F A MIL I 'E S, STRONG COMMUNITIES. 5<-0 tf-. th/WlL 7'u to< 'jOur (OYl f,'Y1oe-cl s,,('~ct- of YMcA- l"Lrt~~. r: 1-('u ~ ~~ ".jJ( ~ c;-I-~ /?;rks,.. t(ec Joe5 tor ~'I) Cl\MIY1V~'~' rhoX-yu-' f'C/\ rOlJ t 6J.J, )6hr1./.A!tQ.(' 1 ,r.hrr~ {.-J. ftu.. ('V\o.~1 o~ fhok '0 C)(lll,,+ic.ed, w~Jus~ ~M.~..Lv~~~\ t r Aad ~ F~el;/ M.4- f- ~ RLltv.. ~ ~ 9- /Je"'7 f.Jc:I (Je.jer v~J . rtev&-k / )~ 131\ 132 L:7' Hurricane RidiJe Winter SpIrts Club 908 Church Plrt An,eles, WA 98362 (360 J 457.5559 HURRICANE RIDGE October 30, 1998 Mrs. Becky Upton City Clerk City Hall 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Becky, Enclosed are the invoices for our marketing expenses so far for the 1998 City Hotel/Motel Tax Grant. This year we are again distributing our Hurricane Ridge brochures through Western Washington Sports Stores and on the Washington State Ferries. We have also placed an ad in the Washington Winter Guide, which is a well edited and widely distributed guide to Washington ski areas. We also plan to use some of the Grant money for a winter event at the. Ridge. This will most likely be a snowboarding event. Summarized expenses to date: Sports Media (Washington Winter Guide) Certified Display Service Sports Store Distribution Bainbridge/Seattle Ferry $450.00 $828.00 $966.00 ~2244.00 Our brochure printing is just completed. I will forward that invoice as soon as I receive it. Thank you, Roger M. Oakes President cc: Mrs. Marilee Cole, Accountant 133 1--------- I -13-4