HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/17/1999 pORTANGELES
-- W A S H I N G t O N, U. S. ^. AGENDA
November 17, 1999
A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
ROLL CALL - Becl~y Upton
City Clcrh
Recognition of City Light employee, Jim Shay, 1
Completion of Apprenticeship to Lineman
AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of
the public to .~weak to the City Counci! about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10
1. City Council minutes of November 2, 1999 Action
regular meeting
2. Check list - November 5, 1999 - $823,386.97
3. Out-of-State travel exceeding $750 bv Public
Works & Utilities Director
ULID #215 Final Assessment roll and Ordi-
nances to approve assessment and connection
Amendments to Civil Service Rules & Action
November 17. 1999 Port Angeles City. Council Meeting Page - 1
1. North Peninsula Builders Association Action
presentation re: salmon lawsuit
2. Appointment of industrial representative to
Utility Advisory. Committee
(7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter)
1. Water/Wastewater Rates Action
2. Revenue Sources: Action
a. Regular property, tax levy.
b. Property tax increase
c. Real Estate Excise Tax: second .25%
d. Other fee increases (Finance, Parks,
Police, Public Works, Planning, Fire)
e. Water and sewer connection charge
f. Medic I fee increase
3. Budget Action
1. City Manager's Report (Page 147)
* Storm damage report
* Auction results
* Carnegie Library cost report
2. Humane Society Report, - September 1999 (Page 155)
3. Planning Department Activits.' Report - October 1999 (Page 157)
4. Public Works & Utilities Monthly Report - October 1999 (Page 159)
5. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - October 1999 (Page 163)
6. Police Department Monthly Report - October 1999 (Page 175)
M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney)
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed
amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive
public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public
opinion through the public hearing process.
November 17. 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2
,~ ^ s H, N G · o N. u.s. ^. CITY COUNCIL MEETING
November 17, 1999
Members Present:
Mayor Braun
Councilman Campbell
Councilman Doyle
Councilman Hulett
Councilmember McKeown
Councilman Wiggins
Councilman Williams
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn
Attorney Knutson
Clerk Upton
B. Becket
S. Brodhun
B. Collins
G. Cutler
S. Ilk
Y. Zio~owski
Led by: ~_~_
po ?A.N¢ L S
w A s., N G T o N, u.s. ^. CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: November 17, 1999
LOCATION: City Council Chambers
City of Port Angeles
Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List
of'~J~, I'T I~0/
City of Port Angeles
Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List
City Council Meeting of % k. ! ~'f, /4/q
: ~ · ~ ........... .:.. <:-.:~i:::::::
City Manager
City Atty. (1)
Cit~ Clerk
Depu,¢ k
cu . sws.
Police D~t.
Fire Dept.
Light Dept.
Parks & Rec.
MRSC (1)
PDN (Summary)
Extra Copies
VUKI HNbl-Lk~ Lily UK lU:o~U-~lr-~rz~ NOV 0~'99 11:55 No.002 P.01
Speciai~ Compli~c~ 5~ices Division - Apprenticeship Section PO Box 44530 Olympia, Washington 98504-~30 ~
October 29, 1999 (yE~TiFICAT~ OF cOMPLETION
....~..~..~._~ ..............................................................................
C/O Mark 5hamp
Port Angeles City Ught
240 West Front Street
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Dear James M. Shay,
On behalf of the Washington State Apprenticeship and ~rainlng Council and the
Department of Labor and industries, I would like to congratulate you upon the.
completion of your apprenticeship program. .'
You have now joined the ranks of some of the most hiqhly skilled individuals in
your craft. I am confident that you will remain a stron~ advocate of
apprenticeship training and assist in the training of those who follow in your
Best wishes for the future.
Patrick Woods
Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council
Department of Labor and Industries
PW: dr
FO~l HNO~L~ tllY U~ Io:ooO-al¢'-afzM NUV U~'99 ll:b$ No.002 P.02
Port Angeles, Washington
November 2, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown [arrived at 6:01 p.m.], Wiggins and Williams.
Members ~4bsent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker,
S. Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, Y. Ziomkowski,
D. Grove, D. Madison, and N. Wu.
Public Present: P. Lamoureux, M/M M. Ewing, D. Barnes, F. Ducceschi, L.
Lee, S. Cosset, J. Blezhold, M. Turner, M. Clapshaw, B.
Riley, C. Schultz, and P. McCullough.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Braun.
CEREMONIAL Port Angeles as Regional Site for Celebration of Veterans Day 1999
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Braun announced that the Veterans Day National Committee has once again
designated Port Angeles as a Regional Site for the celebration of Veterans Day. Mayor
Braun thanked Sam Martin for her efforts in obtaining this designation.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn asked to add two items to the agenda: a Sole Source Resolution for
PLACED ON THIS OR IBM networking hardware and the designation of a Councilmember to attend the
FUTURE AGENDA: Peninsula Enhancement Grant Advisory Committee meeting. These were added as
Items H. 2. and I. 6. respectively.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, addressed the Council regarding the potential for
citizens to become encumbered with water system costs associated with the dam
removal. He felt the Council's concern should not be with saving salmon, but with the
City's water supply. Mr. Lamoureux felt the City had been burdened in the past with
the cost of the mandated l~'eatment plant. He noted that there was going to be a public
hearing scheduled regarding rate increases for water and wastewater, and he was certain
there was a correlation between the increase and the dam removal.
Discussion ensued, and Councilman Doyle stated the rates increases were not tied to the
dam issue, but to f'mance the infrastructure of the City. Councilman Campbell thanked
Mr. Lamoureux for the reminder and agreed the dam issue would have to be carefully
monitored; however, the impacts of the dam removal on the City's water supply are
covered by federal law. Councilman Campbell noted that the Safe Drinking Water Act
has required the City to upgrade its water supply and water quality. These are costly
items and will have to be closely monitored. Councilman Campbell stated he was more
concerned with storm water regulations being promulgated by the EPA. This will also
have to be watched. Councilman Campbell thanked Mr. Lamoureux for bringing these
items to the floor.
FINANCE: 1. Award Carnegie Library Restoration Consultant Contract
Carnegie Library Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Restoration Discussion ensued, and staff responded to questions posed by the Council and offered
clarification regarding the difference between restoration and renovation and possible
future uses of the building.
November 2, 1999
FINANCE: Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the selection of Olympic Design
(Cont'd) Works, Inc., to provide architectural and engineering services for Phase Two of
the Carnegie Library Building Restoration/Renovation Project No. 97-08 and
Carnegie Library authorize the Mayor to sign the negotiated agreement in the amount of SIS,000,
Restoration (Cont'd) subject to City Attorney approval. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Change Order for 2. Change Order for Contract to Install SC,4DA at Wastewater Treatment Plant
Installation of SCADA at-
Wastewater Treatment Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
Plant Director Cutler responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman
Campbell moved to approve Change Order No. I to the S & B, Inc., contract,
increasing the contract by $14,450. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Carnegie Library 3. Acceptance of Carnegie Library Demolition Project
Demolition Project
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Doyle asked that staff draw up an itemized list of expenses involved to date
in the Carnegie Library restoration project. Director Cutler will bring a report to a
future meeting.
Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the project and authorize the release of R.J.
Services' retainage in the amount of $5,121.45 upon receipt of clearances from the
Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Hulett seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Couneilmember MeKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1)
Council minutes of October 19, 1999, regular meeting; and 2) Finance Department
travel request - Payroll Clerk to workshop. Councilman Wiggins seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmember McKeown attended a Gateway Committee meeting.
REPORTS: Councilman Wiggins attended a Marine Resources Group meeting, among others.
Councilman Williams attended the Northwest Solar Summit meeting; he gave a report
on the information he obtained while there.
Councilman Doyle attended three Real Estate Committee meetings, the grand opening
of the Lee Plaza, which he felt was an asset to the downtown area, and a volunteer
recognition reception held by the Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Braun attended the grand opening of the Lee Plaza, the Bergsma Showroom
ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the Chamber volunteer reception. He also met with Scott
Jackson of Apco Strategic Marketing and Communications.
Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None.
Right-of-Way Procedures 1. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Resolution No. 16-99
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Cutler responded to questions and provided clarification, and Mayor Braun
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, adopting state and
federal right-of-way acquisition procedures,
rescinding previously adopted right-of-way
acquisition procedures, and repealing Resolutions
16-80 and 30-86.
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Couneiimember
MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
November 2, 1999
IBM as Sole Source 2. Sole Source Resolution - IBM Networking Hardware
Resolution No. 17-99 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Chief Ilk
responded to questions and provided additional information and clarification. Mayor
Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, designating the IBM
Corp. as the sole source for acquisition of the
AS400 related equipment and declaring an
exception to the normal bidding requirements.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Acme Taxi License Other Considerations
1. Consideration of Application frorn Acrne Taxi for Taxicab License
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk's office, and Clerk
Upton responded to questions and provided clarification.
Marjorie and Mike Ewing, 2350 E. Sixth Avenue, applicants, felt there was a need for
another taxi service in Port Angeles. Also, they felt Port Angeles should have a choice
in companies. The Ewing's plan on working as a team with Blue Top Cab.
Mayor Braun offered Blue Top Cab Co. the opportunity to comment on this issue. Don
Cosser, 826 N. Bourchier, stated he had nothing to add other than what was already
stated in the letter he had sent in this regard.
Discussion ensued regarding state and local rules and regulations for the operation of
a taxicab company. Attorney Knutson also provided background on changes made to
these regulations by the City Council in 1994. Members of the Council questioned the
reasoning for City Council approval being required on this particular type of license,
and a preference was expressed that staff should administer business licensing for
taxicabs similar to all other business licenses issued by the City.
Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the Ewing's Taxicab Business License,
subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in the staff memo. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARINGS- Turner Annexation -ANX99-02 - 4.53 Acres South of Highwcty 101 Between Doyle
QUASI-JUDICIAL: Avenue and Old doe Road
Turner Annexation Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department, and
Ordinance No. 3028 Director Collins described the location of the property and the contents of the packet.
Staff responded to questions, and provided clarification regarding various issues such
as the urban growth area, zoning, police and fire protection, and the size and shape of
the area under discussion.
Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m.
Margo Turner, 3904 S. Reddick Rd., spoke in support of the annexation. She felt all
the neighbors concerns had been addressed. Councilman Doyle asked if it would be a
problem to include Old Joe Road in the annexation. Mrs. Turner feared the added
expense would be too much of a burden.
Cynthia Shillington, 322 Doyle Road, stated the neighbors are concerned about the road
situation, as the property under discussion fronts on Highway 101 on the west and
Doyle/Old Joe Rd. on the south and west. She felt the annexation and development of
the land would cause a traffic problem. She felt Old Joe Road should be included and
developed if the annexation is approved.
Pat McCullough, 302 Doyle Road, expressed concern with the Highway traffic if this
annexation is approved, as it is dangerous to turn left on Doyle Road from the Highway.
-3- 5
November 2, 1999
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Discussion ensued specific to the development of Old Joe Road, and Director Collins
QUASI-JUDICIAL: explained that if Old Joe Road was in the City, it would be required to be improved to
(Cont'd) City standards. If it is not in the City, and Old Joe Road is not used for access/egress
to the property, development is not a requirement. If Old Joe Road is used for
Turner Annexation circulation, then there would be the requirement that the portion of Old Joe Road be
Ordinance No. 3028 brought up to City standards.
Councilman Doyle reminded the Council that the land could remain in the County and
could be subdivided into 36 residential lots. The road would not have to change, and
the City would have no authority to change it. Therefore, he felt the traffic issue had
nothing to do with the annexation itself and should not be considered.
Director Collins noted that the Planning Commission did discuss whether to include
both roads, and the Planning Commission only required one. The Planning Commission
also discussed whether Old Joe Road would meet the City's requirements for upgrade.
It appears that there is sufficient right-of-way on the west side of this property, but not
on the south side of Old Joe Road. It was felt that Doyle Avenue should be adequate
to meet the need. Director Collins noted the map should go to the City limits.
There was no further testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public heating at 7:28 p.m.
Discussion ensued, and Director Collins provided clarification regarding the roads
included in the area being considered for annexation and their adequacy in supplying
ingress and egress to the area. Mayor Braun then read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
annexing approximately 4.53 acres located
south of Highway 101 West between Doyle
Avenue and Old Joe Avenue, including
adjacent portions of Doyle Avenue and
U.S. Highway 101 West, into the City of
Port Angeles.
Councilman Doyle moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings
1 - 14 and Conclusions 1 - 4 as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and
becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Consideration of ,~pplication(s) for CDBG General Purpose Grants (Continued from
OTHER: October 19, 1999)
Consideration of Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Don
Applications for CDBG Madison, Property Manager, explained that only one application had been received, and
Grants it was to continue the Housing Rehabilitation Program for the next two years. Mr.
Resolution No. 18-99 Madison responded to questions and provided clarification.
Mayor Braun reopened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. There was no public testimony,
and the public hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by
title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, authorizing submission of an
application for a general purpose Community
Development Block Grant and committing to
comply with all required regulations.
Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:55 p.m.
November 2, 1999
Other Considerations - Continued
Set Public Hearing for 2. Set Public Hearing for November 17, 1999 to Consider Water/Wastewater
Water/Wastewater Rates Rates
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Doyle moved to set a public hearing for November 17, 1999, to accept
public comment on the proposed revision to Water/Wastewater rates.
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Solid Waste Advisory 3. Designate Alternate Council Member to Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Committee Alternate
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Doyle stated this issue had been discussed by the UAC, and it was felt to
be important to have a Council representative at each meeting. He volunteered to be the
Committee alternate.
Councilman Hulett moved to appoint Councilman Doyle to be the Council
alternate on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, to designate Tom McCabe to
attend the meetings as a staff resource person and to authorize the City Manager
to forward a letter to Clallam County designating the representatives.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Commission 4. Set Special Meeting for Planning Commission Interview(s)
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk's office.
Councilman Hulett felt comfortable appointing the two applicants to fill the vacancies
on the Planning Commission absent interviews. Councilman Doyle had spoken to Mary
Craver, a former Commission member, who may be interested in returning to that
position. Clerk Upton informed the Committee that Dean Reed could possibly be
joining the UAC, as Joe Michalczik's term is up as of December 31, 1999. If Mr. Reed .
is appointed to UAC, he will leave the Planning Commission when his term expires on
March 1, 2000. Perhaps Ms. Craver would consider that position.
Councilmember McKeown moved to deviate from the normal procedures by
eliminating the interview process and appoint Messrs. Philpott and Schramm to
the Planning Commission. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Clerk Upton asked for direction as to which term would be filled by which applicant.
Councilman Doyle moved to place Mr. Schramm in the longer term and Mr.
Phiipott in the shorter term. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Budget Hearing 5. Set Public Hearings for 2000 Budget
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager. Councilman
Campbell moved to set a public hearing for November 17, 1999, to conduct a
public hearing on the Year 2000 revenue sources and on the Year 2000 proposed
budget. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Peninsula Enhancement 6. Designation of Councilmember to Attend Peninsula Enhancement Grant
Grant Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Meeting
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager. Manager Quinn
described the applications which would be considered at that meeting and listed the
other members of the Committee. Director Brodhun stated he would be attending this
meeting regarding a trail project and noted that the meeting would be held at the
Jefferson County Library rather than in the Port Angeles Library as stated in the memo.
Councilman Williams will try to rearrange his work schedule to attend this meeting. If
he cannot, Councilman Doyle will attend in his place.
INFORMATION: City Manager's Report
Preliminary Budget Manager Quinn stated he had distributed Preliminary Budgets to each of the
Councilmembers; he gave a brief review of the budget format. He asked that the
Council Finance Committee meet briefly directly following the Council meeting to set
-5- 7
November 2, 1999
Preliminary Budget meeting dates.
Mayor Braun thanked Manager Quinn and Director Ziomkowski for the time and effort
they put into building the budget document. Councilman Campbell noted that there was
little to no public participation in the budget process in years past. He asked if the
public hearing could be better publicized and, hopefully, encourage greater public
participation. Manager Quinn stated he would put information in the newspaper and
talk about the budget when he speaks on the radio November 4, 1999. Councilman
Williams suggested the information be placed on Channel 21 and the Web page as well.
Manager Quinn announced that staff has developed an alternative in the event 1-695
passes in today's election. It is not included in the Preliminary Budget which has been
distributed. However, staff is prepared to discuss this with the Council as necessary and
Position Justification Manager Quinn pointed out that a position justification for the Treatment Plant
Superintendent was also contained in the packet. An interim person is currently filling
the position, which is included in the budget. At Councilman Doyle's request, Director
Cutler explained the difference between a Supervisor and a Superintendent.
EDC Report Manager Quinn noted the EDC 3rd Quarter report contains an update on the APCO
Strategic Marketing Plan. Brief discussion ensued, and Manager Quinn responded to
questions regarding the meetings with APCO.
ULID 215 Councilman Doyle requested an update on ULID 215. Manager Quinn said it is
anticipated that the report would be on the agenda for the November 17, 1999, Council
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 1
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
NL~nber Name NL~rloer Nuaber
001 53644 CDW Computer Centers Inc. 03336 Net equim~ment,Tech plus 1 2370000 73.28-
53667 ForeFront Inc 06237 ForeHetp Premier 99.1 1 2370000 56.09-
53669 GTE/ERS Inc. 07005 Service cart-power cord 1 2370000 5.08-
53710 Pool Supply of Orange Co. Inc. 16430 Oiving Board 1 2370000 183.95-
Credit Diving Board 1 2370000 154.84
53743 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal History-Adams 1 2295000 24.00
Criminal History-Sherman 1 2295000 24.00
Criminal History-Van OS 1 2295000 24.00
53759 Access Battery & Power Systems 01330 Batteries 1 2370000 13.92-
Batteries 1 2370000 27.68-
53790 E.S.R.I. Inc. 05188 On-site ARCFM installation 1 2370000 106.65-
53792 Electro Services Lab 05194 Recondition Tape Drive 1 2370000 19.75-
53805 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Modems 1 2370000 27.81-
Lotus Upgrade I 2370000 8.85-
Coml~dter Hard Drives I 2370000 67.56-
53812 Lightning Powder Co. Inc. 12206 Replaceflent print roller I 2370000 5.68-
53821 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 Publications 1 2370000 4.92-
53860 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal History-Alton 1 2295000 24.00
Criminal History-Ha[son I 2295000 24.00
Criminal History-Hailer 1 2295000 24.00
-- Criminal History-Crowson 1 2295000 24.00
53876 Aslin Industries 01295 Steel 1 2370000 33.46-
53880 Ca[ibre Press Inc 03010 Training videos 1 2370000 9.96-
53886 ClalLam County Auditor 03111 Copies-DeChantat,Shields 1 2370000 1.11-
53893 Dirt Cheap Drives 04260 Hard drives,adapter 1 2370000 112.42-
53902 dohnson Marketing Group 10185 Computer,adapter,memory I 2370000 164.90-
53906 Learnkey Inc. 12154 Excel Course,Win NT User tape 1 2370000 13.67-
53915 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 RV Cover,waste can 1 2370000 15.18-
53932 Tee's Plus Screen Printing 20065 Shirts,stickers,Certificates 1 2370000 112.28-
53940 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Gitson 1 2295000 24.00
Criminal history-Bauden 1 2295000 24.00
Criminal history-Stoothoff 1 2295000 24.00
53941 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal history-Andreson 1 2295000 24.00
53989 DARE America 04036 Certificates,stickers,charts 1 237OOOO 101.43-
54027 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 PH stick,chin straps 1 2370000 5.25-
Sensitivity tubes 1 2370000 1.46-
Test tubes 1 2370000 2.64-
54034 Lustre-Ca[ Nameplate Corp 12181 Bike licenses,registration 1 2370000 65.79-
54053 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Cotiforms,amps 1 2370000 11.38-
54070 Poseidon Air Systems 16451 Cylinders,tees,hose,valve 1 2370000 153.58-
54076 Quill Corporation 17000 Printer Labels,storage box,pen 1 2370000 5.91-
54089 Sports Imports lnc 19633 Net ratchet,crank handle 1 2370000 19.68-
54104 ~A State Patrol - NASlS (HA) 23359 Criminal history-Lochester 1 2295000 24.00
54109 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed weapons licenses-Oct 1 2296000 162.00
Total for Department 826.48-
0001 53628 Albertson's inc. 01204 OPS luncheon 111 4155 22.35
53664 Evergreen Meats 05033 OPS luncheon 111 4155 251.77
53695 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Tumblers,napkins 112 3101 93.10
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Labels,rubber bands,eraser 111 3101 43.99~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE HACH[NE November 12 1999 Page
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Nc~ber Hobber
Tape, Labels 111 3101 7.92
Sharpener 111 3101 25.78
53700 PRIMA-Public Risk Mgmt Assn 16163 Annual membership fees 113 4901 255.00
53702 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Copier maintenance agreement 111 4810 32.37
Fax ink cartridge 111 3101 34.26
Colored ink cartridges 111 4155 177.77
Colored ink cartridges 111 4155 248.87
Toner 111 3101 63.66
53706 Peninsu[a Daily News 16012 Summary of Ordinance #'5024 111 4410 26.52
53712 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty Cash reimbursement 112 3101 .95
53725 Safe~ay Inc. 19045 City Council refreshments 112 3101 14.34
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
City Council refreshments 112 3101 19.91
OPS luncheon 111 4155 12.32
CCSC breakfast items 111 4155 41.11
CCSC meeting breakfast it~ 111 4155 25.96
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
Cookies,muffins-Special Counci 112 3101 6.98
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
OPS Luncheon 111 4155 53.54
Cookies 111 3101
53728 Seattle Times/PI-N. Pruznick 19161 Subscription Oct-Dec 111 4901 31..
53731 Sunny Farms 19490 OPS Luncheon 111 4155 49.92
53742 Virginia Mason Medical Center 22061 Hazmat Physical-Manning 113 4131 209.50
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Ouinn to PA Meetings 08-11 111 4310 54.33
53805 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Computer Hard Drives 111 6410 102.51
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 111 4210 46.50
10-02 Billing 113 4210 31.00
53815 Marra PH.D.,Herbert A. 13103 Pre-employment Psychological 113 4131 1,300.00
53834 Paymentech 16421 Credit Card Purchases-Williams 112 4310 71.24
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 111 3101 12.28
53935 US West Communications 21001 10-14 Billing 111 4210 136.68
10-14 Billing 113 4210 91.12
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-August 113 3101 4.32
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 113 4210 18.57
Scan charges for September 111 4210 34.20
Scan charges for September 111 4210 121.74
53956 AT&T Business Service 01085 10-13 Bi[[ing 111 4210 45.24
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
10-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
54001 FLex-PLan Services Inc. 06158 October services 111 4150 130.80
54008 Go[dzimer Consulting Group 07080 Professional fee-August 1999 111 4155 370.00
Professional fees-Sept 1999 111 4155 373.52
Prof fee-On site seminars 9-27 111 4155 7,205.91
54037 Maybee,s Deli 13036 Lunches for budget meeting 111 3101 32.37
54056 OLympic flemoriat Hospital 15028 Radiology, VanSickle 113 4131 149.P'~'
54102 United Way of Ctattam County 21048 Human services funding-4th qtr 114 4971 27,425.
Total for Administration 39,606.08
53686 Microf[ex Inc. 13203 Tax Audit Program 230 4150 141.29
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACH%#E November 12 1999 Page 3
Date Fro~ 10/0~/1~ To 11/05/1~2~
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code
Nt~ber Name Number Nt~nber
53692 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Delivery services September 240 4150 82.88
53697 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Labels,rubber bends,eraser 240 3101 8.97
Labels,rubber bends,eraser 201 3101 9.85
Paper 205 3101 19~.16
Frame 240 3101 8.01
Three hole punch 205 3101 60.42
Pens, letter openers,hand clean 230 3101 23.20
Pens,letter openers,hand clean 240 3101 10.95
Computer cleaning pecks 201 3101 7.71
Paper 201 3101 32.36
Paper 205 3101 355.95
53698 PERS 16016 Late Fee, unreadable disk 230 4150 10.00
53702 Pacific Office Equip~nt Inc. 16004 Ril~oon 240 3101 9.66
Printer 240 3101 377.65
Calculator ribbons 240 3101 29.78
53756 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Safety tool 240 3101 17.77
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Kajfasz to Spokane 10-05 240 4310 330.89
Emery,Kenyon,Ve[dhouse to 240 4310 116.68
Emery,Kenyon,Veldhouse to 230 4310 57.47
53768 American Management Assn 01183 Registration-Bryant 230 4310 479.00
53769 Asset Valuation Services Inc. 01264 Upgrade,threshold change 230 4150 142.50
53805 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Modems 201 3101 254.47
Modems 230 3101 125.34
Computer Hard Drives 201 6410 307.52
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 8it[lng 201 4210 31.00
10-02 Billing 230 4210 38.75
10-02 Billing 230 4210 93.00
53819 NWPPA 14013 Registration-Kajfasz 240 4310 490.00
53831 Pacer Service Center 16439 Dial up charges 7/01 to 9/30 240 3101 9.60
53832 Pacific NW SFG User Group 16292 AP~PO User group meeting 230 4310 10.00
53836 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 Scale rental 0799-0999 240 4530 106.8~
53865 Worth 23236 Subecription-Zi(x~kowski 201 4901 14.97
53895 Diversified Industries 04052 Copy Center services-July 205 4150 1,210.00
Copy Center services-August 205 4150 1,210.00
53921 Postmster 16028 Prepaid postage 205 4210 100.00
53935 US West C~nications 21001 10-14 Billing 201 4210 91.12
10-14 Bitting 230 4210 113.90
10-14 Bitting 240 4210 275.37
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-August 205 4210 16.50
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 201 4210 26.65
Scan charges for September 230 4210 27.41
Scan charges for September 240 4210 35.91
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Billing 240 4210 30.34
53986 Credit Bureau of Ctallam Co 03094 October services 240 4150 60.00
54009 Gov't Finance Officers Assn 07003 Subscription 2000,GAAFR update 201 3101 81.00
Registration Comprehensive Sur 230 4310 252.00
54041 MicrofLex Inc. 13203 Tax Audit Program 230 4150 12.60
54043 Money 13213 Annual subscription-2000 201 4901 39.90
54076 Quit[ Corporation 17000 Printer Labels,storage box,pen 240 3101 25.64
Printer labels,storage box,pen 230 3101 55.07
54080 Retail Lockbox Inc. 18258 Lockbox services-October 240 4150 231~0~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1~ Page 4
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Nu~ber Nt~nber
54091 Washington (Auditor), State of 19270 Audit services 230 4150 488.80
54112 Washington Research Council 23050 Membership renewal 201 4901 250.00
Total for Finance 8,620.24
0003 53668 Forks, City of 06075 ResoLution-Lewis County vs Jen 311 4150 1,000.00
53691 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 311 3101 32.36
53721 Ritchie & Strohmeyer 18242 Legal services-D~n[er 311 5090 4.50
537'56 Swain~s Genera[ Store Inc. 19037 Twiststop phone cord, f[ash[igh 311 3101 52.12
Credit-Twiststop phone cord 311 3101 ?.52-
53751 West Group 23018 Legal Publications 311 3101 272.07
53766 Advanced Travet 01090 Dickson to Wenatchee 10-06 311 4310 353.86
53770 Barkhuis PS, Belinda 02462 Professional Svcs-HcE[ravy 311 4150 166.05
Professional svcs-Stark 311 4150 82.35
53798 Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. 07245 Prof Svcs-09-23 to 10-12 311 4150 712.00
53805 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Computer Hard Drives 311 6410 307.52
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 BiLling 311 4210 54.25
53886 Clal[am County Auditor 03111 Copies-DeChanta[,Shie[ds 311 4210 15.11
53916 Orr[off Atty. at Law, Kimber[y 15146 Lega[ svcs-Sept 311 4150 619.50
53935 US West Communications 21001 10-14 Bi[ling 311 4210 159.47
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 311 4210 49
53943 Washington (Notary), State of 23140 Notary appLication-Lusby 311 4150 20.
53980 CLa[[am County District Ct 1 03069 Court costs October 311 5090 6,17'5.72
53985 Cia[lam Jefferson Public Ofndr 03274 Public Defender fees-November 311 4150 2,500.00
54076 Oui[[ Corporation 17000 Enveiopes,fi[es,disks,hoLepnch 311 3101 81.43-
EnveLopes,disks,hole punch,pad 311 3101 81.43
Labets,ink,post its,tape 311 3101 62.86
54103 Viking Office Products 22054 Desk [amp 311 3101 56.71
Total for Attorney 12,686.50
0004 53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Copier labeLs,pen refills 411 4410 38.76
Pens 411 3101 25.82
53706 Peninsu[a Daily News 16012 Notice-Marine Drive 411 4410 18.03
Notice-Turner 411 4410 39.98
Notice-Baumann 411 4410 18.03
Sundry Ordinance 3025 411 4410 19.60
Determination-City of Port Ang 411 4410 42.12
Determination-Northwest Seafar 411 4410 102.96
Determination-Voice Stream Wir 411 4410 112.32
Notice-BLackba[[ Transport 411 4410 61.62
Notice-Amundsom 411 4410 37.44
Determination-Beam 411 4410 38.22
Notice-Perry 411 4410 40.56
Determination-OMH 411 4410 48.36
Oetermination-Guy Lurid 411 4410 41.3A,
Hotice-Revision to City's 411 4410 13.
Determination-Voice Stream 411 4410 49.1~
Determination-Voice Stream 411 4410 49.92
Notice-Annexation Southwest Ci 411 4410 14.04
53712 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty Cash reimburseraent 411 3101 9.19
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Hove~l~er 12 1~ Page 5
Date From 10/09/1~ To 11/05/1~
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
N~ber Name Number N~ber
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Sawyer to Port Lud[ou 09-29 411 4310 46.00
53788 Day-Timers Inc. 04040 Compact filler 411 3101 32.35
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 411 4210 31.00
53843 Roberds, Sue 18083 White out,binders,software 411 ]101 15].29
53879 CTED 03303 Registration-Collins 411 4310 60.00
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 0]062 Petty cash reimbursements 411 3101 47,40
5]9]5 US West Co~Jnications 21001 10-14 Billing 411 4210 91,12
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Office Pro O0 HS License 411 4810 717.04
Scan charges for September 411 4210 18.51
53997 Evans & Associates, David 05199 Pt Angeles Annexation ElS prat 411 4150 720.00
54090 Staples 19564 Envelopes,binders,fi[es 411 ]101 88.67
54115 Willits, Pat 23488 Rein~xJrse mailing,postage 411 4150 28.52
Total for PLanning 2,854.61
0005 53646 Camera Corner 03044 Photos 530 4990 63.51
Photos 530 4990 76.44
Photos 534 4990 26.11
Photo processing 530 4990 10.87
Prints 530 4990 100.01
53650 ClaLlam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 Inmate care-August 530 5099 25,699.97
53654 Database Technologies [nc 04283 Septeof~er AutoTrack Billing 530 4150 21].10
53663 Evergreen Collision Center [nc 03207 Towing services 5]0 4150 67.44
5]669 GTE/ERS [nc. 07005 Service cat[-pouer cord 530 4810 69.]3
53684 AT&T Messaging now Metrocatl 20000 09-25 Billing 530 4210 78.71
53685 Micro Data 13052 Criminal forms 534 4990 500.58
53694 Olympic Memorial Hospital 15028 Pre-employment-Bushnell 530 5099 120.00
53696 Ol~pic Printers inc. 15027 Search Warrants 534 4990 81.03
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 534 3101 129.44
Paper 511 3101 32.36
Card file 530 3101 24.22
Liquid paper,shears 5]0 ]101 14.12
Paper 534 3101 32.36
53702 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Cc~er maintenance agreement 511 4810 32.37
Co31er maintenance agreement 534 4810 53.95
COoler maintenance agreement 534 4810 167.35
Co~ler maintenance agreement 511 4810 32.37
Cosier maintenance agreement, 534 4810 962.00
Co~ter maintenance agreement 534 4810 167.35
Chai repair 530 4810 64.74
ink cartridges 534 3101 68.52
Toner,core charge 530 3101 93.87
Cell battery 511 3501 91.72
Laba[ Tape 534 3101 ]0.21
53705 Pen Print inc. 16009 Traffic infraction forms 534 4990 149.44
Disposition sheets 534 4990 203.93
53720 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Speaker,mic 530 3114 99.27
Replace broken case 530 4810 57.7"5
Repair clock radio 530 4810 32.76
Battery 530 3114 64.74
Portabteradio 5304810 59313
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE NACHINE November 12 1999 Page 6
Date Fro~ 10/09/19~9 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name NL~ber N~ber
Repair antenna connection 530 4810 64.74
Speaker,microphone 530 ]11~ 99.27
537-56 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Fi[ms 530 3101 62.02
Key 530 3101
Armor all 530 3101 5.69
Razor blades,glue 530 ]101 21.81
Zip[ock bags,film 530 3101 25.09
Uniform shirt 530 2080 19.28
SLedge ha~mer 530 3101 22.63
Rubber strap 530 3101 3.60
53738 Thurman Supply 20005 Lantern,extension cord,outlet 534 3101 309.87
53747 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 530 3101 21.58
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Winfield to Narysvitte 10-01 530 4310 10.40
Zenonian to Vancouver 10-05 534 4310 85.50
53776 Captain T's 03048 Shirts,jackets,screening 530 3101 139.46
53812 Lightning Po~der Co. inc. 12206 Replacement print rotter 534 ]101 77.53
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 511 4210 54.25
10-02 Billing 534 4210 38.75
10-02 Billing 530 4210 7.75
53880 Calibre Press lnc 03010 Training videos 530 ]101 135.9~.
53887 ClaLLam County Dept. of Health 03065 Medical charges-City inmates 530 5099 287
53935 US West Communications 21001 10-14 Bi[Ling 511 4210 159.~.
10-14 Billing 534 4210 113.90
10-14 Billing 5]0 4210 22.78
5]9]6 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-August 530 4210 37.00
Shipping services-August 530 4210 4.22
Shipping services-August 530 4210 9.97
Shipping services-August 530 4210 5.86
Shipping Services 530 4210 39.76
Shipping Services 534 4210 23.00
5]9]9 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 HonJtoring svcs-August 530 5099 563.50
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 511 4210 34.06
Scan charges for September 534 4210 21.92
Scan charges for September 530 4210 81.17
53960 Airlouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Bilking 530 4210 16.71
10-15 Billing 5]0 4210 9.38
10-15 Billing 530 4210 32.72
10-15 BiLL ng 530 4210 164.34
10-15 Billing 530 4210 10.67
10-15 Billing 530 4210 176.39
10-15 BitL~ng 530 4210 18.71
10-15 Bitting 530 4210 57.09
10-15 Billing 530 4210 42.94
10-15 Billing 530 4210 9.38
10-15 SitLing 530 4210 10.50
10-15 Billing 5]0 4210 61.~'
53970 Blumenthat Uniforms & Equil=at 02047 Methamphetamine,narcotic test 530 3101 73.
Stain pokier,narcotic test 530 ]101 80.84
Fanny pack 530 3111 74.31
Frisking gloves 530 2080 43.39
1 4 Tiremarking chalk 530 3101 40.80
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 7
Date From 10/09/1~ To 11/05/1~
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name N~ber N~ber
Shirts 530 2080 48.29
Pants 530 2080 121.02
53972 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 Trousers 530 3101 248.57
53979 Captain T's 03048 Shirt 534 3101 43.70
Shirts,embroidery 530 3111 172.37
53983 Cia[lam County Humane Society 03072 October contract payment 530 4150 3,391.50
54034 Lustre-Ca[ Nameplate Corp 12181 Bike licenses,registration 534 4990 898.49
54069 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursement 530 3101 4.53
Petty cash reimbursement 530 4210 10.45
Petty cash reimbursement 530 3101 35.02
Petty cash reimbursement 530 4210 8.02
Petty cash reimbursement 530 3101 11.78
Petty cash reimbursement 530 3101 30.12
54076 Quit[ Corporation 17000 Paper,stap[er,notebooks,pads 534 3101 12.48
Paper,stapler,notebooks,pads 530 3101 42.26
Ribbon,pads,pens 534 3101 31.92
54099 US Nest Communications 21001 10-20 Bitting 534 4210 219.65
54111 Washington (GA), State of 23346 Helmet,mask,fitter 530 3101 80.00
Total for Police 39,248.94
0006 53638 Avery's Cameras 11016 Photos 642 3101 12.61
Photos 642 3101 12.58
53660 Edgington, Sharon 05017 Reimburse NW Region Conference 643 4310 170.00
5367-5 Jim's Pharmacy ([nc) 10020 Nasal spray 643 3101 11.17
53684 AT&T Messaging now Metrocall 20000 09-25 Billing 644 4210 24.24
10-02 Billing 642 4210 ?'5.38
53688 MiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Exhaust fan belts 684 4810 15.84
53693 OLympic Laundry & Clnrs inc. 15026 CLeaning services-August 641 4990 32.50
Blankets,sheet,cases 641 4990 49.53
53695 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 611 3101 87.72
Cleaner,conditioner,cleaning t 648 3120 47.64
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 RoLodex,cards,catendars 611 3101 80.43
Printer ribt~n 611 3101 20.24
Correction tape, tabs, Labels 611 3101 29.56
53712 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty Cash reimbursement 611 3101 24.71
53720 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Repair circuit board 641 3114 32.37
53736 Suain's Genera[ Store Inc. 19037 Jars 641 3101 8.06
Tarp, film, heat shrink tube 641 3101 44.06
Tool box 643 3101 6.44
Car wax 641 3101 17.20
Connectors 611 3101 27.56
WaLt clock 611 3101 7.52
53745 WSAFC 23304 Labor Relation Seminar-Becker 645 4310 160.00
53747 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 642 3101 151.06
53758 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 10-01 Bitting 644 4210 8.59
53759 Access Battery & Power Systems 01330 Batteries 643 3101 190.02
Batteries 644 4810 378.03
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Nielsen to Sitverdate 09-11 643 4310 151.62
Becker to Leavenworth 10-05 645 4310 259.10
53796 Fire Engineering 06187 Subscription 611 4901 26m~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE NACHINE November 12 1999 Page 8
Oate From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Nt~ber Name gmber Nt~ber
53799 Grainger Inc. 07015 Respirator masks,fitters 643 3101 70.12
Respirator fitters 643 3101 77.41
Respirator fitters 643 3101 28.14
Respirators masks 643 3101 141.85
53802 Halt, John L. 08382 Reimburse clothing allowance 643 2080 109.49
53805 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Computer Hard Drives 611 6410
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Bitting 611 4210 38.75
10-02 Bitting 642 4210 7.75
10-02 Billing 643 4210 7,75
10-02 Billing 641 4210 23.25
53821 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 Publications 642 3101 67.12
Nembership Renewsl-Becker 642 4901 115.00
Subscription renewal 642 4901 450.00
538~8 Sequim Volunteer Firefighters 19448 Crab Feed-guinn,Braun 641 3101 28.00
53859 WA State Petrol 23057 Background checks-9/1 to 9/30 644 4410 60.00
53914 Naples, Lori 14463 CFR class instructor 10-21-99 643 3108 25.00
CPR class instructor 10-23-99 643 3108 25.00
53915 Northern Toot & Equipment Co. 14461 RV Cover,waste can 641 3101 207.31
53919 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 58.85
53920 Port Townsend Fire Department 16452 Training-Hall 643 4310
53927 Sea~estern Inc. 19104 Pants,coat 644 3111 2,01~
53933 Terret[, Jett H 20256 CPR ctass-10/21/~9 643 3108 15..
CPR class-lO/23/99 643 3108 15.00
53935 US ~est Co~raJnications 21001 10-14 Bitting 611 4210 113.96
10-14 Billing 642 4210 22.78
10-14 Billing 643 4210 22.78
10-14 Billing 641 4210 68.34
53942 ~ashington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 611 4210 36.11
Scan charges for September 643 4210 8.48
Scan charges for September 641 4210 5.31
53946 ~heeter, Brian 23071 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 51.54
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Bitting 643 4210 3.35
10-15 Bitting 643 4210 33.63
10-15 Bitting 641 4210 40.35
10-15 Billing 643 4210 11.84
10-15 Billing 643 4210 2.78
53970 Blumentha[ Uniforms & Equil=mt 02047 Boots 641 2080 233.24
53981 CLsLtam County EMS/Trauma Care 03068 Medic 1 Advisor for November 643 4150 500.00
53988 Curtis & Sons Inc, L.N. 03098 Junction box 641 3101 216.36
Junction box 641 3111 203.61
54027 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 PH stick,chin straps 641 3101 71.67
Sensitivity tubes 641 3101 19.93
Test tubes 641 3101 36.06
54029 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Janitorial svcs-October 684 4150 395.00
54030 Life Assist 12202 Manometer,EKG paper,BP cuff 643 3101 278.02
54070 Poseidon Air Systems 16451 Cylinders,tees,hose,valve 641 3101 2,097.==-
Total for Fire 10,523.16
0007 53629 Att Phase ELectric Supply Co. 01061 Outlet strip,cord 784 3101 101.31
Bulbs 784 3101 19.21
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE HACHINE November 12 1999 Page 9
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
Dpt Check Vendor ' Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Nu~er Name N~Q~er N~r
53634 Angeles MilLwork 01073 Latch,hinges 784 3101 8.~
Crayon holder,file 711 3101 17.81
53638 Avery's Cameras 11016 Batteries 711 3101 30.17
53646 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 711 3101 21.41
Photos 711 3101 6.53
Photos 711 3101 15.92
Photo processing 711 3101 7.15
53662 Engeered Electrical Systems 05196 Prof Svcs-Plan Review-OMH 700 9449 360.00
53695 OLy~oic Paper Co~pany 15111 Carpet,upholstery cleaner,toil 784 3101 80.22
Tissue,squeegee 784 3101 83.46
53697 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,pencil,post it notes,inde 711 3101 13.88
Markers 711 3101 14.71
53702 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Battery 711 4210 63.66
53713 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Control head assent~ly,wheeL 711 4810 89.55
53723 Rose Lumber 18016 Ceiling tile 784 3101 143.51
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hardware 711 3101 .86
53738 Thurman Supply 20005 Work Light 784 3101 11.85
53744 WABO 23136 Energy Code Plans Examiner 711 4901 105.00
53783 Con~o[ete Line, The 03087 Transparencies,paper 711 3101 60.34
53790 E.S.R.I. Inc. 05188 On-site ARCFM Installation 711 6410 1,456.65
53805 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Lotus Upgrade 711 3101 120.84
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 711 4210 209.22
53817 Mitbor-Pita & Associates Inc 13369 Prof Svcs-Tum~ater,Sth repair 711 4150 3,945.25
53857 Viking Office Products 22054 Envetopos,peds,gtue stick,tabs 711 3101 22.15
Double pocket folios 711 3101 16.18
Fastners,binders,pens 711 3101 111.48
538~>G Williams, Larry 23485 Refund-Permit #11496 700 9213 15.00
53866 Xerox Corporation 24001 Lease Agreement DC265 Sept 711 4530 776.71
53872 APWA Conference Registration 01209 Registration-Cutter,Sperr 711 4310 500.00
53874 AWRA - Washington Section 01346 Registration-Sperr 711 4310 380.00
53885 Chitders, Linda K. 03339 Permit overpayment refund 700 9213 30.00
53904 K B Auto Wrecking 11192 Remove junk vehicles 711 4150 107.90
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 711 4990 8.00
53935 US West Con~nunications 21001 10-02 Billing 784 4150 33.53
10-14 Billing 711 4210 637.85
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for Septeflfoer 711 4210 139.10
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Billing 711 4210 23.20
10-15 Billing 711 4210 43.76
54036 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Prof svcs-S[ice Group Sept 711 4901 179.85
54077 R & D industries Inc. 18000 Hard drive,memory 711 6410 941.12
Hard drive,memory 711 6410 313.81
Tape drive 711 6410 374.67
Tape drive 711 6410 124.89
Tigerswitch 711 6410 597.20
Tigerswitch 711 6610 199.07
54103 Viking Office Products 22054 Heater 711 3101 40.71
Labels,pens 711 3101 113.13
Total for Public Works 12,716.78
0008 53629 ALt Phase ELectric Supply Co. 01061 FLood lamps 865 3120 113.~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - L]VE MACH[#E November 12 1999 Page 10
Date Froe 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Oescription GL Code Amount
Nmt~er Name Ntmnber N~rber
Light bulbs,drill 865 3120 63.26
Light bulbs 863 3120 29.20
Lights 865 3120 7'7.81
53631 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 865 6510 97.11
53632 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Cut,~eLd,boLts 865 4810 35.10
53634 Angeles MiLt~ork 01073 Screws,nuts 865 6510 19.42
Credit screws,paint 865 6510 7.29-
Caution tape 865 6510 10.96
Wasp,hornet spray 865 3140 12.90
Haneer,knife 865 3120 20.48
Stakes,u bolts,tie plates, 865 6510 311.49
Credit ltanber 865 6510 13.14-
Brushes 865 3120 3.47
Rainseal,roofing paint 865 3120 13.99
Shovel 865 3501 30.74
BLo~ gun,plugs 865 3501 12.48
Caution tape 865 6510 10.96
Screws,joint compound 865 3120 9.78
Masking tape 865 6510 22.83
Bits 865 3120 13.31
Masking tape, knee pads 865 6510 4~
Lumber,nails 865 6510 42.
Chalk 865 6510 10.8~
Spray paint,Lumber crayon 865 6510 7.26
Patching compound 865 3120 3.79
Hose splitter ~ith shut off 865 3140 4.61
Masking tape 865 6510 27.04
Patching compound,brush 865 6510 11.25
Padlocks 865 6510 11.86
Brushes 865 6510 7.88
Masking tape 865 6510 10.42
Patching co~pound 865 3120 14.34
Masking tape 865 6510 3.47
Snake Rooter rental 865 6510 59.35
Ext Pole, tape, rollercover,fram 865 6510 41.16
Teflon tape 865 3140 2.65
Paint 865 6510 6.66
Paint 865 6510 5.92
Bolts,pipe 865 3120 13.87
53636 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 09-30-99 866 4150 570.60
53640 Bilsborro~, Marl 02188 Chair 811 3101 269.74
536J+1 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Bark 865 3140 91.74
Bark 865 3140 91.74
Orain rock 865 3140 33.45
Orain rock 865 3140 33.45
Orain rock 865 3140 33.~~-~
Expansion joint 865 6510 10
536~3 Byrd, Virginia H 02474 Buy back Lot #25 Deed 3853 866 9430 100.00
536~? Chaussee, Adam 0~96 Deposit Refund UBMCC Rental 865 9457 150.00
53658 Dobson's 04054 Brake line,fittings 865 3120 9.27
53659 Eclipse C Corp. 19019 Sand 865 3140 345.28
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 19~9 Page 11
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Nmber Number
53671 HartnageL Building Supply inc. 08052 Washers,screws 865 6510 1.20
53675 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Sprocket,connecting Link 865 3120 14.11
53676 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 Pre-Need Sales September 1999 866 4990 567.75
53680 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Drain cover 865 3120 26.21
FLat bar 8~5 3101 11.35
53682 Mathews GLass Co. Inc. 13107 Replace broken glass 865 4810 103.89
53688 NiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Belt 863 3120 20.46
53695 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Hand soap,cleaner 8~2 3120 194.09
CLeaner,conditioner 861 3120 23.28
FLoor wax 865 3120 28.94
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 862 3101 32.36
53702 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Adding machine paper 862 3101 26.98
55704 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Brushes 865 3120 5.34
Paint,brush,gloves 865 3120 ~4.13
Brushes 865 3120 4.42
Paint,brush 862 3120 31.25
53709 P[orde, Trudi 16448 Sr Swimming Pass refund 862 9450 100.00
53710 Pool Supply of Orange Co. Inc. 16430 Diving Board 862 6410 2,387.37
Credit Diving Board 862 6410 1,989.74-
53713 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Engine stop switch 865 3120 11.63
-- Wheel reducer,ball bearing 865 3120 17.65
53727 Schroeder D.V.M., J. Pete 19589 Prof Svcs-Marine Mamma[ Sept 877 4150 1,300.00
537-53 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Safety glasses, rubber strap, bo 865 3120 18.88
Adaptor,coupling,valve,plug 865 3101 29.12
Nuts,washers,utility brush 865 6510 5.79
Hose,tip cleaner 865 3120 30.19
Solenoid 865 3120 13.69
Drift bits 865 3120 86.62
Paint 8~5 3120 7.22
Credit solenoid 865 3120 13.69-
Pick 865 6510 21.46
Pipe,nuts,washers,screws 862 3120 22.85
Fasteners 865 3101 1.42
Ratchets 865 3120 30.62
Nipples,couplings,gauge,valve 862 3120 30.07
Silicone,outlet covers 865 3120 32.53
Nozzle 862 3120 16.81
BaLL,spring 865 3120 4.92
Cylinder rent 865 3101 16.19
Pressure gauge 862 3120 26.92
537'56 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Housewares 865 6510 4.61
Dursban granules 865 3140 5.36
Valve ball,nipples,bushings 862 3120 14.28
Teflon joint paste 865 3101 5.15
Screws,washers,comet,refLectiv 865 3120 12.17
~ Stain,caulking,brush,elbows 866 3120 50.34
Gas cans 865 3501 66.77
Scre~driver,autoa~tive, lawn,ga 865 3101 5.62
Sundries 866 3120 1.66
CLeaner,sprayer 865 6510 11.48
#arker,cotored key rings 865 3120 ~69~,~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE NACHINE November 12 1999 Page 12
Date Fro~ 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name #~ber g~mber
Soap, cleaning supplies 865 3120 10.35
Paint for 9 tennis courts 865 4810 9,212.50
Paint tray, rotter,cover 865 6510 22.09
Rotter,joint knife,cover 865 6510 15.34
Masking tape 865 6510 7.21
Broom 865 6510 8.06
Rotter cover,masking tape 865 6510 16.57
Clamp, hose,tape 865 6510 33.78
Valve gate,bart,stop,nipple,co 862 3120 75.85
Masking tape 865 6510 21.07
Ziptock bags,tissue,bandaids 862 3101 44.52
Rotter covers 865 6510 24.49
Pruner 865 3101 11.30
Rotter frames 865 6510 18.08
Rotter covers,frame,brushes 865 6510 11.53
Nasking tape, rotter cover 865 6510 18.45
Rotter covers 865 6510 14.91
Propane cylinder 865 3120 5.76
Masking tape 865 6510 11.89
Extension pole, rotter covers 865 6510 14.30
Hose 865 3101
Sprinkler 865 3101
Paint,rotter,brush,tape 865 6510 26.48
Paint brush,roller,tape 865 6510 16.97
Tank valve 865 3120 18.57
Rake bow 865 6510 29.07
Drain cleaner 865 3120 8.24
53?'58 Thurman Supply 20005 Coupling,nipple,primer,wiring 861 3101 11.67
Faucets 862 3120 21.99
Primer,cement,tee,battery 862 3120 53.71
Ftourescent bulbs,toilet bowl 865 3120 113.78
Ballast,switch plate,wire conn 865 3120 32.67
FLuorescent bulbs 865 3120 32.36
Bushings 865 6510 22.7~
Credit primer 862 3120 32.96-
Tees 862 3120 3.53
Screws,fasteners,receptacle 865 3120 60.17
Clamps,screw connectors 865 3120 1.58
ELectrical outlets,receptacles 865 3120 3.14
Valves,brushes,tee,nipple 865 3140 18.41
Nipple 865 3140 5.05
Bulbs,hose 862 3120 47.50
Pipe,tees,bushings 865 6510 48.02
53747 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Exinguisher maintenance 865 4810 92.79
53756 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof Svcs-Trai[ 811 4150 204.00
53758 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 10-01 Billing 865 4210 19~
10-01 Billing 861 4210
53760 Ace Equil~nt C~ny 01055 Belt 865 3120 11.06
Seals,rings 865 3120 19.10
53T77 Cherasearch 14004 Oegreaser 865 3120 493.24
53799 Grainger Inc. 07015 Contactors 862 3120 417.48
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 13
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
g~nber Name Number N~m~ber
53804 Horizon Irrigation and Turf 08329 Indoor controller 865 6510 205.22
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Bitting 811 4210 23.25
10-02 Bitting 866 4210 7.75
10-02 Billing 865 4210 7.75
10-02 Billing 861 4210 15.50
10-02 Billing 862 4210 7.75
10-02 Billing 863 4210 23.25
53839 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Narker-Lewis,Ly[e 866 3401 191.00
Narker,foundation-Ecklund, 866 3401 211.00
Narker-Robinson 866 3401 130.00
Narker-Robinson 866 3401 191.00
Mini display Urns 866 3401 255.65
Foundation-Yefimziskin 866 3401 379.00
53854 US West Con~monications 21001 10-02 Billing 863 4210 47.82
10-14 Billing 862 4210 40.32
10-14 Billing 865 4210 37.63
10-14 Billing 862 4210 46.68
53875 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 10-15-99 866 4150 786.16
53876 Astin Industries 01295 Steel 865 3120 456.96
53897 Halberg Pacific Appraisal Svcs 08049 Appraisal svcs-Harman 811 4150 937.50
53901 Jackson's Signs 10018 Deposit-Marine Life Center 877 4150 350.00
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 862 9451 12.00
Petty cash reimbursements 862 3101 20.37
53926 Scott, Barnett H 19631 Buy back cemetery tots 8,10 866 9430 850.00
53935 US West Communications 21001 10-14 Bitting 811 4210 68.34
10-14 Bitting 866 4210 22.78
10-14 Billing 865 4210 22.78
10-14 Billing 861 4210 45.56
10-14 Billing 862 4210 22.78
10-14 Billing 863 4210 68.34
10-14 Billing 863 4210 39.97
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Services 865 4310 8.93
53942 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 811 4210 4.78
Scan charges for September 866 4210 5.21
Scan charges for September 865 4210 .75
Scan charges for September 861 4210 14.23
Scan charges for September 862 4210 2.23
Scan charges for September 863 4210 5.47
53956 AT&T Business Service 01085 11-13 Billing 862 4210 11.45
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Silting 861 4210 72.66
10-15 Billing 861 4210 9.38
53963 American Red Cross 01032 Lifeguard course,CPR 862 3101 540.00
CPR challenge-McCaslin 862 3101 10.00
CPR challenge-Ryan 862 3101 20.00
53991 Dunlap Towing Company 04232 Prof svcs-Nove floats 865 4810 320.00
54026 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 Pre-Need sales October 1999 866 4990 685.50
54075 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Eye wash,signs 865 3120 45.35
Total for Parks & Recreation 25,205.85
Total for General Fund 150,635~ 1
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE le~CHINE Noven~er 12 1999 Page 14
Date From 10/09/1~To 11/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Ncmber Ncmnber
101 0001 53711 Port Angeles Chant=er Of Comm. 16023 Marketing PLan,phones,postage 122 4150 1,120.48
53824 North O[yn~oic Peninsula 14127 lnternet service-Story People 115 5083 1,000.00
Contract Services-Septeffi~er 115 5083 3,417.00
Ski CLub brochure design 115 5083 1,000.00
53837 Port Angeles Chani~er Of Comm. 16023 ReintxJrse Expenses-Septeflt~er 115 5083 3,008.00
53883 Certified Folder Display 0347'/ Noveflt~r brochure distribution 122 4150 261.25
53944 Mendt Advertising 23426 Professional svcs-Septe~t=er 122 4150 4,351.12
53971 Brewer, David 02055 Contract service for Novefl~er 115 4990 100.00
Total for Convention Center Fund 14,257.85
102 0007 53630 ALpine Products Inc. 01177 Traffic paint 752 3125 569.03
53634 Angeles Hitlwork 01073 Roofing material 752 3101 104.49
Coil roofer,ridge runner renta 752 3101 17.80
Cap 752 3101 4.09
Hammer drive anchor 752 3101 3.24
Belt 752 3501 22.32
Staple gun, staples,wood cart 752 3101 50.39
Roller covers 752 3125 12.27
Hole saw 752 3501 16.01
Shovels 752 3501 40'
Paint 752 3101
Credit shoveLs 752 3501 42.99-
Adaptor,vent 752 3101 2.73
Lumber 752 3101 17.25
Screws,t~nber 752 3101 216.37
Paint 752 3101 21.52
Roller cover 752 3101 2.9~
Lumber 752 3101 10.76
Lumber 752 3125 49.74
Gun tips,saw 752 3501 6.97
Saw blade,screw 752 3101 24.54
Rubber straps 752 3501 19.42
L~ber 752 3101 7.29
FLy ribbon 752 3101 1.93
Shop Vacuum 752 3501 153.21
53641 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Credit riser 752 3101 76.61-
Concrete 752 3125 134.18
Risers 752 3101 153.22
Catch basin,grate 752 3101 225.51
Jet set 752 3101 50.71
Frames cover 752 3101 134.88
53646 Canera Corner 03044 Film 752 3101 28.00
53665 FerreL[gas Linc) 06024 Propane 752 3101 11.42
Hose,flare fitting, tank 752 3101 103.06
53678 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt,Liquid asphalt 752 3101 3,329-
Asphalt,Liquid asphalt 752 3101 147
Asphalt 752 3101 99.3y
53689 Morrison Construction 13013 CLeanup Right of Way-Edgewood 752 3101 2,168.79
5395 OLyn~oic Paper Co~oany 15111 Toilet bow[ cleaner,pies, tic bo 752 3101 35.80
~ 53704 Parker Paint ,fg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint 752 3125 21.58
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 15
Date From 10/0~/1~ To 11/05/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Nc~ber Number
53713 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Bolt,rivets,sharpen blade 752 3101 34.63
Labor,brake band 752 3101 23.47
Spark plug,starter rope, labor 752 3101 17.38
Safety glasses 752 3501 18.33
53719 Red's ELectric Notors 18344 Starter switch 752 3101 37.03
53720 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Battery 752 3101 30.21
53733 Sunset Do-It Best Harduare 19035 Safety glasses 752 3101 14.21
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Rake,hand tools,oil 752 3101 62.37
Hog rings 752 3101 3.82
PLiers,bar chain oil 752 3101 13.36
Spray paint,masking tape 752 3101 2.24
Spray paint,masking tape 752 3101 2.23
Tarp 752 3101 8.49
53758 AT&T Wire[ess Services 01404 10-01 Billing 752 4210 13.14
53760 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Sharpen chain saw chains 752 3101 36.42
Sharpen blades 752 3101 20.23
53778 Cla[[am County Road Dept 03188 Street striping 752 4150 2,116.75
Chip sealing 752 6510 25,228.44
53803 Hilti Inc. 08065 Nails,washers,piston 752 3101 652.75
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 752 4210 23.25
-- 53856 Universal Die-Cut Corporation 21066 Die-cut Letters 752 3125 64.12
53857 Viking Office Products 22054 Envelopes,pads,glue stick, tabs 752 3101 29.35
Fastners,binders,pens 752 3101 80.73
53873 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 10-01 Billing 752 4210 15.16
53917 Peninsula Concrete Cutting %nc 16263 Drilling-FLag pole project 752 3125 615.03
53935 US West Communications 21001 10-14 Billing 752 4210 68.34
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 752 4210 3.66
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Billing 752 4210 3.12
09-15 Billing 752 4210 8.34
54006 General Construction Company 07031 8th St Bridge Repair Project 752 4150 9,416.40
54075 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Respirators,safety glasses 752 3101 124.08
Bandages,filters,cough drops 752 3101 38.46
54103 Viking Office Products 22054 Labels,pens 752 3101 43.22
Total for Street Fund 47,139.19
103 0001 53649 ClaLLam County EDC 03067 3rd Quarter Services 123 4150 6,250.00
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 123 4210 ?.75
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 123 4210 27.16
54004 Gateway Companies lnc 07195 Port repLicator,adaptor 123 3101 267.61
Total for Economic Development 6,552.52
107 0005 53695 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 532 3101 215.26
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 532 3101 32.35
Paper 532 3101 64.72
53702 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Chair mats 532 4810 427.28
Toner,core credit 532 3101 153.22
53720 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Pager,charger 532 3501 258.96
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Hanson to Bothell 09-23 532 4310 137.95
Hopf to BotheLL 09-23 532 4310 150.~a~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 16
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Cc, de Amount
Nt~ber Name N~nber N~ber
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 532 4210 131.75
53868 911 Magazine 14103 Annual subscription 2000 532 3101 18.95
53935 US West Conm~Jnications 21001 10-14 Billing 532 4210 387.27
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for Septe~nber 532 4210 62.~3
53979 Captain T's 03048 Shirts 532 2080 241.70
54076 Quill Corporation 17000 Ribbon 532 3101 47.96
54098 US West Co~mJnication Security 21086 Security information 532 4210 3.60
54099 US West Communications 21001 10-23 Billing 532 4210 47.81
Total for PenCom 2,382.46
109 0005 53888 CLaLLam County YMCA 03076 Path grant fund remittance 541 4150 9,548.25
Total for P. A. Teen Help 9,548.25
310 0007 53810 Land Title Co~oany 12129 Prof svcs-Port of Port Angeles 792 4150 662.43
Prof svcs-Westrem,Pharos Corp 792 4150 793.07
Prof svcs-Atderson,Pharos 792 4150 271.75
53841 R J Services inc. 18108 Library Addition Demolition 796 4150 12,010.85
53863 Westrem, John & EveLyn M 23460 Rent-June-October 792 4150 2,538.0~
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-August 792 4210
54010 Harding Lawson Assoc ]nlra lnc 08248 Professional services-Sth St 792 4150 14,505.._
54066 Polaris Engineer.& Survey Inc. 16019 Prof svcs,right of way staking 792 4150 405.00
Total for Capital ln~orovement Fund 31,195.32
316 0008 53988 Curtis & Sons lnc, L.N. 03098 Junction box 860 3101 216.36
Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 216.36
321 0007 53690 North Sound Bank 14177 Retainage-Escrow #750800542 716 4150 836.68
53715 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 Prof Svc-Library Project 94-19 716 4150 17,218.87
53?82 Commercial office Interiors 03465 Retainage release-Library 716 4150 8,853.90
Total for Library Construction Fund 26,909.45
401 53629 Att Phase ELectric Supply Co. 01061 Oxide 401 1411000 101.20
53656 Direct Safety tone,any 04279 Safety glasses 401 2370000 2.91-
53661 Maupin, Edith or Edie 13206 Utility deposit rid-D86622019 401 2131100 125.00
53670 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Bands,brackets,rods,insulator 401 1411000 533.16
Bands,brackets,rods,insulator 401 1414000 152.50
Lugs 401 1414000 124.09
536~ PIPE (Pacific lnt. Pipe Ent) 16305 Custom vault,cover pad 401 1414000 3,696.00
Custom vau[t,cover pad 401 1411000 310.46
53701 Pacific Energy Control 16145 Current transformer 401 1414000 947.16
Current transformer 401 1411000
Current transformer 401 2370000 74.
53712 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty Cash reimbursement 401 1343300 25.00
Petty Cash reimbursement 401 1343300 25.00
Petty Cash reimbursement 401 1343300 25.00
53772 Bjorkhotm, Kurt 02475 Utility deposit rid-lO3861039 401 2131100 164.50
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - L%VE HACHLNE November 12 1~ Page 17
Date From 10/09/1~ To 11/05/1~
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Num~ber Name N~ber N~ber
5377'5 Brown, Chandra 02476 Utility deoosit rfd-104574020 401 2131100 156.09
53774 Burnette, Robert 02477 Utility deoosit rfd-058700034 401 2131100 39.48
53784 Coventon, Narcus 03497 Utility deoosit rfd-040126015 401 2131100 101.62
53787 Davis, Robert & Susan 04298 Utility deoosit rfd-066664025 401 2131100 41.34
53793 EnsLey, Robert 05198 Uti[ity de~osit rfd-033553010 401 2131100 82.8~
53794 Evans, Char 05197 Utility deoosit rfd-114812020 401 2131100 55.26
53801 Haase, Keith 08408 Utility deoosit rfd-050989024 401 2131100 88.25
53807 Johnson Jr, Gary 1018~ Utility deoosit rfd-091766011 401 2131100 76.03
53808 Jones, Rose~ary 10184 Utility de~osit rfd-O01970009 401 2131100 21.77
53809 Keller, Tamara 11191 Utility de~osit rfd-102911018 401 2131100 81.19
53814 Magee, Jerry 13477 Utility deposit rfd-124512009 401 2131100 184.53
53816 McWiLtiams, Brant 13478 Utility deposit rfd-100323028 401 2131100 96.29
53818 Miles, Monica 13479 Utility deposit rfd-124234005 401 2131100 39.82
53820 Nairn, Jennifer 14479 Utility deposit rfd-124233007 401 2131100 13.51
53823 Nitta, Miho 14478 Utility deposit rfd-O01864024 401 2131100 116.01
53829 Overacre, Lora 15191 Utility deposit rfd-012653010 401 2131100 55.63
53835 Pearson, Mary 16449 Utility overpmt rfd-126748013 401 1222200 195.16
53845 Sager, Klm 19626 Utility deposit rfd-063061024 401 2131100 113.50
53850 Swindler, Maria 19627 Utility deposit rfd-022128010 401 2131100 44.48
53862 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Wire,connecting cc~nl:x~und,bo[ts 401 1414000 1,540.80
Wire,connecting compound,bolts 401 1411000 1,163.50
53877 Bower, Mike 02478 Utility deposit rfd-029203033 401 2131100 116.50
53878 Brough Estate, Joe Brough/ 02479 Utility deposit rfd-088285006 401 2131100 207.31
53881 CaudilL, Dan 03500 Utility deposit rfd-042331019 401 2131100 126.01
53884 Charon, Terri 03499 Utility deposit rfd-O05088005 401 2131100 202.41
53890 Co~oton Sr, Bobby 03501 Utility deposit rfd-043079028 401 2131100 64.12
53896 Farnsworth, Tara 06239 UtiLity de~osit rfd-043095033 401 2131100 56.32
53898 Hayden, Todd 08409 Utility de~osit rfd-124493004 401 2131100 229.94
53899 Hooper, Darlene 08410 Utility de~osit rfd-034268002 401 2131100 62.50
53905 Ketchum, Eugene 11193 Utility de~osit rfd-017795026 401 2131100 78.19
53907 Logue, Craig 12063 Utility de~osit rfd-033421014 401 2131100 27.07
53910 Martini, Michael 13484 Utility de~osit rfd-100722027 401 2131100 104.65
53911 May, Joanie 13482 Utility de~osit rfd-105252034 401 2131100 97.71
53912 Monchi[ovich, Jeannine 13483 Utility overpmt rfd-124511002 401 1222200 137.95
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimburs~nts 401 2451000 40.00
Petty cash reimbursements 401 1343300 25.00
53924 Rains, Dawn 18346 Uti ity de~osit rfd-048186019 401 2131100 51.09
53928 Simonsen, Randy 19628 Uti ity de~osit rfd-094938005 401 2131100 20.24
53929 Sirmon, Brandy 19185 Uti ity de~osit rfd-094964008 401 2131100 33.67
53930 Sotebeer, Brian 19629 Uti ity de~osit rfd-035092022 401 2131100 250.00
53931 Summers, Colleen 19630 Uti ity de~osit rfd-058106006 401 2131100 14.13
53934 Toll, Michetle 20257 Uti ity de~osit rfd-086509024 401 2131100 23.25
53938 Vtadiou, Stephen 22072 Uti ityde~osit rfd-058548040 401 2131100 86.15
53948 Young, Richard 25128 Uti ity de~osit rfd-043087025 401 2131100 31.89
53961 Allen, John 01423 Uti ity de~osit rfd-100625038 401 2131100 111.34
53974 Brown, Darren 02480 Uti ity de~osit rfd-O01937011 401 2131100 99.76
53975 Brown-Jones, Pam 02481 Uti ity de~osit rfd-043419022 401 2131100 43.62
54007 Gi[Lett, Bill 07296 Uti ity de=OBit rfd-033880026 401 2131100 161.41
54013 Hodgsen, Misty 08411 Utility de~osit rfd-124638003 401 2131100 84.36
54015 Hulett, Aaron 08412 Utility de~osit rfd-023710007 401 2131100 170.63
54024 Joutsen, Doug 10186 Utility de~osit rfd-020559013 401 2131100 26,~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Poet Angeles - LIVE MAC~INE November 12 1999 Page 18
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Ncmber Hame Number Number
54033 Lukens, Warren 12300 Utility deposit rfd-O28592008 401 2131100 250.00
54045 Hurphy, Bruce 13486 Utility deposit rfd-081973024 401 2131100 71.12
54068 Port Angeles City Light 16083 Petty cash rei~b, increase 401 1117000 50.00
54071 Powermetrix Division 16436 Adapters 401 2370000 8.27-
5408~ Singhose, Karl 19632 Utility deposit rfd-030481029 401 2131100 87.55
54106 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 [nsu[inks 401 1411000 170.69
54108 Warder, Angeta 23487 Utility deposit rfd-086886017 401 2131100 8~.89
54116 Wit[mo[t, Carl 23489 Utility deposit rfd-049328016 401 2131100 87.32
Total for Deportment 14,110.27
0009 53629 AIl Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Conduit,adapters 911 3402 107.21
Ring terminals 911 4810 40.77
Cord,plug,safety goggles 911 4810 31.37
Meter base panel 911 3402 169.20
Connectors,couplings 911 3101 30.50
PVC Saw 911 3501 13.89
Screws 911 3101 16.14
PhotocontroL bulbs 911 3101 92.94
Mercury [amp 911 3101 171.3~
Breakers 911 3101 71
53641 Blake Sand & Gravel [nc. 02045 Top soil 911 3402
Concrete 911 3101 19.42
53642 Business Answerphone Service 02166 October services 911 4210 130.00
53645 CED/Consolidated ELec.Oist.lnc 03267 La~ps 911 3402 1,290.83
53656 Direct Safety Company 04279 Safety glasses 911 3101 39.73
5]677 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Ratchet,adapter 911 4810 44.52
53680 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Safety glasses 911 3101 22.32
53713 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Repair chain brake 911 4810 28.05
Saw chains 911 4810 46.82
5]722 RohLinger Enterprises [nc. 18087 Line guard 911 3501 619.66
Linemen,s gloves 911 ]501 113.61
Gloves 911 3101 155.80
Hydraulic hose repair 911 3501 26.51
Repair ratchet press 911 4810 405.75
5]733 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Screws 911 3101 1.50
Screws 911 3501 4.86
Nut setter 911 3501 3.22
Drill bits,tap 911 3501 48.77
So[ts 911 4810 4.86
Tap 911 4810 14.84
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Handtools,hardware 911 3101 5.22
Film 911 3101 26.94
Resin,brushes 911 4810 14.45
53738 Thurman Supply 20005 Tee,couplings,primer,pipe 911 3402 13.78
Outside lights 911 3101 15.
Extension ring,blank cover 911 4810 9.
53739 Trans-Tech lnc 20210 Transformer disposal 911 4150 1,438.50
53741 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 September Locates 911 4150 21.62
53746 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 Statewide Pensioners September 911 2010 200.16
5]752 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Fault tamer [imiters 911 3501 383.91
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE NACH]NE November 12 1999 Page 19
Date From 10/09/1~ To 11/05/1~
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
NL~ber Name N~m~ber Number
53755 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 Sunscreen ToueLs 911 3101 25.84
53758 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 10-01 Billing 911 4210 9.02
10-01 Bitting 911 4210 15.87
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Daugaard to Seattle 10-05 911 4310 55.25
53785 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 03094 Public Records Bulletin 911 4150 17.26
53791 Eager Beaver Envirom~enta[ Inc 05077' Oil pads,pi[Lows,sock,gloves 911 4150 105.62
53800 Graphic Controls Corporation 07016 Circular charts 911 3101 244.38
53811 Leaf~ Gary 12223 Professional Svcs-FERC 911 4150 300.00
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Bil[ing 911 4210 108.50
53838 Public Uti[ity Dist Cia[Lam Co 16038 SR 101 & Euclid-October 911 3350 15.87
Lauridsen B[vd & L Street-Octo 911 3350 18.26
53854 US West Co~m~unications 21001 10-05 Billing 911 4210 41.14
10-14 Billing 911 4210 40.26
911 4210 60.42
53862 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Fault indicators 911 3402 1,631.45
Fault indicators 911 3402 255.08
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash rei~i~ursements 911 4990 8.00
53923 Public Utility Oist CLaL[am Co 16038 Prof svcs-Used oil training 911 4310 356.67
53935 US West Communications 21001 10-14 Billing 911 4210 318.93
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shil~oing Services 911 9237 8.71
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 911 4210 14.84
53956 AT&T Business Service 01085 10-13 Billing 911 4210 11.92
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Billing 911 4210 24.89
10-15 Bitting 911 4210 29.79
10-15 Bitting 911 4210 9.38
10-15 Bitting 911 4210 13.25
10-15 Bitting 911 4210 13.88
10-15 Bitting 911 4210 9.38
10-15 Bitting 911 4210 9.38
53976 CEO/Consolidated Etec.Dist.lnc 03267 Ballast 911 4810 102.02
53986 Credit Bureau of Clattam Co 03094 Octok~r services 911 4150 22.01
53993 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Prof svcs-WPAG,Rates September 911 4150 1,402.36
53996 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 Credit inquiries-October 911 4150 31.06
54036 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Prof svcs WPAG,rates September 911 4901 104.22
Prof svcs Sept-WPAG 911 4901 151.67
54038 McGraw-Hill Inc. 13248 Electrical handbook 911 3101 174.47
54049 NWPPA 14013 2000 Annual membership dues 911 4901 10,867.50
54059 otyn~ic Synthetic Products 15064 Brush tarp 911 4810 194.22
54063 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 Substation landsc~ ~ 911 4150 1,952.56
54068 Port Angeles City Light 1608~ Petty cash reimb, lncrease 911 4150 2.75
Petty cash reimb, lncrease 911 4810 14.03
Petty cash reimb, lncrease 911 3101 2.90
Petty cash reimb, lncrease 911 4150 3.20
Petty cash rei~,;ncrease 911 3101 8.23
Petty cash reimb, lncrease 911 3101 4.44
54071 Powermetrix Division 16436 Adapters 911 3501 112.94
54073 Priest Excavating, Gary 16130 Trenching-College Sub-station 911 4150 3,685.06
54074 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 2110 GLass Road 10-28 billing 911 3350 63.19
54077 R & O Industries [nc. 18000 Hard drive,memory 911 6410 470.71
Tape drive 911 6410 187.34
Tigerswitch 911 6410
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACH[NE Nove~i~er 12 1~ Page 20
Oate From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndOpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Nunt~er Nue/oer
54081 RohLinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 Gloves 911 3501 89.03
Die 911 4810 48.69
54087 Sound Analytical Services lnc. 19025 Transformer oil testing 911 4150 87.50
54094 Trainor, Kathleen E 20250 Reimburse personal mileage Aug 911 4310 32.86
54113 Waukesha ELectric Systems 23393 Silica gel,breather 911 4810 461.81
Total for Light 30,308.85
Total for Light Fund 44,419.12
402 53683 McLough[in & Eardley Corp. 13300 Bulbs 402 2370000 5.49-
Bulbs 402 2370000 6.98-
53753 Western Utilities SupDty Co. 23022 Ccxnpound meters 402 1414000 992.50
Cc~Roound meters 402 1411000 98.08
53805 insight Direct Inc. 09085 Co~outer Hard Drives 402 2370000 7.51-
53827 Ogier, Stephen 15190 Utility overpmt rid-121894001 402 1222200 2,160.10
54005 Geico Supply Co. 07124 Pipe packing 402 2370000 11.83-
54053 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Buffer 402 2370000 8.12-
54105 Pacific NW Section/A~dA 16181 Cross connection Liturature 402 2370000 5.53-
Total for Department 3,20~
0007 53631 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Cement mix 753 3101 94.41
Cement mix 753 3101 151.06
53634 Angeles Miltwork 0107'3 Lumber 754 3101 52.20
53639 Baxter Farn~ 02035 Grass seed 753 3101 41.71
53641 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Rubber b~cket 754 3101 12.46
Concrete 754 3101 12.95
53658 Dobson~s 04054 Fuel filter 754 3101 15.86
Fitters 754 3101 135.95
Power belt 754 3101 13.14
53~5 Ferrettgas Linc) 06024 Propane 754 4710 99.92
53666 Flow Products Incorporated 06125 Rebuild kit,pressure relief 753 3101 302.98
53674 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Odor control 754 3101 1,920.19
53681 Lloyd Electric Apparatus Co. 12049 Motor with I~Jap 753 3101 3,912.32
53688 Middteton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Snap ring,valve 754 3101 6.90
ELbows,nipples 753 3101 3.77
Tubing bender,nil:~les 753 3101 18.18
53693 OLympic Laundry & Ctnrs Inc. 15026 Rags 753 3101 27.51
Rags 753 3101 55.02
53695 Olyn~aic Paper Company 15111 Tissue,towels,liner 754 3101 358.21
Liquid ch[orfne 753 3101 169.40
Liquid ch[orine 753 3101 169.40
Chlorine,hand sanitizer 753 3101 345.11
Towels 753 3101 32.27
Hand pad 753 3101 4.~
Towels 753 3101 64.
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Markers 753 3101 9.03
53702 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Binder,stapler,post-its 754 3101 33.83
53713 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Blades 753 3101 24.25
~.~ BLades 7533101 139.57
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Date From 10/09/1~99 To 11/05/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Nunt)er Name Nurber Number
53714 Preston Gates & ELLis 16175 Prof Svcs-Etwha Legislation pe 753 4150 1,661.86
53716 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Reservoir Road 10-11 billing 753 4710 77.69
537'53 Sunset Do-it Best Hardware 19035 Socket,pruner 754 3101 16.17
Wire,duplex sleeve 753 3101 214.98
Clamp,coupLing 753 3101 11.30
Gauge,swivel,bushing 753 3101 32.40
Nuts,wahsers 753 3101 1.45
Gloves 754 3101 95.56
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Pruner 753 3101 32.34
Couplings,valve,plumbing 753 3101 22.61
Paint thinner,roller covers 754 3101 30.68
BLeach,batteries 754 3101 23.26
Batteries 753 3101 14.8~
PLiers 753 3101 15.07
Ammonia 753 3101 2.77
Bandaids,notebook 754 3101 5.19
Batteries 753 3101 14.83
Garden hose 753 3101 45.54
Roof coating,joint knife 753 3101 24.01
53738 Thurman Supply 20005 Po[ytarp 753 3101 6.91
53741 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 Septen~ber Locates 753 4150 10.81
September Locates 754 4150 10.81
53749 Washington State University 230~ Registration Bio-Solids-Curtis 754 4310 285.00
53757 AT&T Business Service 01085 09-25 Billing 754 4210 23.86
53761 A & A Appliance Service Inc. 01002 Timer knob 754 3101 10.77
53764 ADS Equip~nt Inc. 01003 Recorder overlay 753 3101 40.86
53765 AT&T Wire[ess Services 01404 10-01 Billing 754 4210 89.08
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 Curtis to Che[an 09-12 754 4310 320.20
Curtis to Seattle 09-15 754 4310 ~9.40
Curtis,Richmond to Beaverton 754 4310 735.18
Sperr to Bremerton 10-02 753 4310 49.80
53775 CH2M Hill 03005 Engirmering Svcs-Water Supply 753 4150 3,511.92
53777 Chemsearch 14004 Defroster spray,cleaner 753 3101 140.25
Defroster spray,cleaner 754 3101 383.71
53789 Dept of Con~nunity Development 030~ Water Testing-August,Septent~er 753 4150 594.00
53805 insight Direct Inc. 09085 Computer Hard Drives 753 6410 102.51
53806 Jobs Available lnc 10022 Block ad-Wastewater Operator 754 4410 101.20
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 754 4210 15.50
10-02 Bitting 753 4210 7.75
53822 National Safety Inc. 14100 Eye wash kit 753 3101 116.01
53828 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 Drinking water 754 3101 28.81
Drinking water 754 3101 9.60
Cooler rental 754 3101 10.74
53830 PNPCA 16267 Oues-Hunt,Raymond,Wa[dron 754 4901 30.00
53842 Ric's Transfer Co inc 18345 Chlorine shipping 753 4210 151.72
53844 Rocket 04043 Inspection,Report 754 4150 250.33
53852 Traffic Safety Supply Co. 20010 Reflectors,stands 753 3101 478.90
53854 US West Co~nunications 21001 10-02 Billing 754 4210 42.16
10-02 Bitting 754 4210 38.07
53857 Viking Office Products 22054 Envelopes,pads,glue stick,tabs 753 3101 41.26
53873 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 10-01 Bitting 753 4210 18~7t8--
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE NACHINE November 12 1999 Page 22
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name N~ber N~ber
53891 Datastream Systems lnc D4143 System upgrade 754 3101 2,982.25
53900 Isco Inc. 09064 Replacement controller 754 4810 1,623.57
53903 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 GLoves 75"34 3101 94.74
Odor control 754 3101 959.02
53923 Public Utility Oist Clallam Co 16038 Crown Z Water Rd-10-19 Billing 753 4710 14.76
53935 US West Conm~Jnications 21001 10-14 Billing 754 4210 45.56
10-14 Billing 753 4210 22.78
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-August 754 4210 46,82
Shipping Services 754 4210 8.52
53937 University of WA (Engineering) 21008 Registration-Storm~ater 754 4310 345.00
53942 Washington (OIS)0 State of 23111 Scan charges for September 754 4210 47.45
Scan charges for Septent~er 753 4210 7.98
53947 Whitney Equipment Co.lnc. 2307'5 Preventative maintenance kit 753 3101 120.42
53956 AT&T Business Service 01085 10-25 Billing 754 4210 11.92
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 Billing 753 4210 16.24
10-15 Billing 754 4810 8.76
53962 AmTest Inc. 01034 ICP Scan 754 4150 42.50
Silver 754 4150 14.45
53973 Brooks, Gary 02277 CorRouters,software,zip drive 753 6410 485.53
53994 Economic & Engineering Svc lnc 05004 Prof svcs-Rate study pe 9-30 753 4150 1,769.34
Prof svcs-Rate stucF/ pe 9-30 754 4150 1,76q
54002 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06063 Prof svcs-Water Rights Issues 753 4150 46~
54005 GeLco Supply Co. 07124 Pipe packing 754 3101 161.47
54011 Hach Company 08124 Reagent,chlorine 754 3101 79.27
54014 Horizon Excavating Inc. 08259 Rife Road Access-Project 9905 753 4150 2,657.36
Rife Road Access-Project ~05 753 4150 5,044.00
Rife Road Access-Project ~05 753 4150 4,032.01
Rife Road Access-Project ~05 753 4150 755.30
GLass Road-project 9905 753 4150 2,404.01
Glass road-project 9905 753 4150 1,400.00
54018 lsco Inc. 09064 Rapair plant sunpLer 754 4810 289.57
Repair portable 754 4810 324.09
54020 Jobs Available Inc 10022 Block ad-WW Operator ill 754 4410 92.00
54023 Jones Chemicals %nc. 10027 Chlorine 753 3101 1,417.88
Credit container deposit 753 3101 800.00-
54053 Hurnberg Scientific 14092 Coliforms,amps 754 3101 155.33
Buffer 754 3101 110.82
54058 Olympic Sewer & Drain Cleaning 15169 Locate main 754 3101 150.39
54060 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Diskettes 754 3101 46.40
54062 Paramount S~ly Con~any 16405 ELwha watermain reF~airs 793 4150 18,439.20
54072 Preston Gates & ELLis 16175 Prof svcs-ELwha Legislation pe 753 4150 3,525.64
54077' R & D Industries Inc. 18000 Hard drive,memory 753 6410 470.71
Hard drive,memory 754 6410 784.80
Tape drive 753 6410 187.34
Tape drive 754 6/+10 312.2~
Tigerswitch 753 6410 298.6~1
Tigerswitch 754 6410 497
54082 S & B Inc. 19040 Water system SCADA system 793 4150 49,467.~u
54097 US Filter/Pacific Water Works 21077 Hydrant Extension 753 3101 327.27
Coupling, rings 753 3101 2,571.32
54099 US West Communications 21001 10-23 Billing 753 4810 59.20
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LiVE NACHINE November 12 1999 Page
Date From 10/09/1~ To 11/05/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
N~ber Name Nt~ber Nt~nber
10-23 Billing 753 4210 267.52
10-23 Bitting 754 4210 28.11
10-23 Bitting 754 4210 47.81
10-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
10-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
10-23 Billing 754 4210 47.81
10-23 Bitting 754 4210 47.81
10-23 Bi[ting 754 4210 28.11
10-20 bitting 754 4210 28.11
54105 Pacific #W Section/At~4A 16181 ' Cross connection [iturature 753 3101 75.53
54106 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Starter,heater element 754 3101 230.66
54110 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 Operator Certification Renewal 754 4901
Operator certification renewal 753 4310
Operator certification renewal 754 4901
Operator certification renewal 754 4310
Operator certification renewal 754 4901 30.00
Operator certification renewal 753 4310 30.00
Operator certification renewal 754 4901 30.00
Operator certification renewal 754 4901
*- Total for Public Works 125,606.86
Total for Water/Waste~ater Fund 128,812.08
404 0007 53634 Angeles Hill~ork 01073 Lumber 755 3101 20.58
Duct tape, tarp 755 3101 67.96
53637 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 Waste anti-freeze pickup 755 4150 175.00
53693 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Coveralls 755 3101 98.00
53695 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Brush,to~e[ettes,bott[e 755 3101 122.85
Paper towels 755 3101 56.81
53703 Parametrix Inc. 16155 Prof Svcs-Landfi[[ pe 9-1 795 4150 4,703.97
53714 Preston Gates & ELLis 16175 Prof Svcs-So[id Waste pe 8-31 755 4150 58.73
53718 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 September commercials-KlKN 755 4410 34.60
September commercials-KONP 755 4410 37.50
53720 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Instal[ radio 755 4810 279.46
TV monitor repair 755 4810 97.11
53733 Sunset Do-it Best Hard,are 19035 Padlock,dust mask,gloves 755 3101 57.48
Cable,duplex sleeve 755 3101 10.40
53736 S~ain~s General Store Inc. 19037 Trash can,cleaner 755 3101 28.82
Pipe,cap 755 3101 25.49
FLashlight,cleaner,spray paint 755 3101 36.46
Trash cans 755 3101 23.46
Housewares 755 3101 10.76
53750 Waste Hanagement - Northuest 23060 September Recycling 755 4150 40,768.61
53766 Advanced Travel 01090 NcCabe to Tacoma 10-06 755 4310 72.50
53767 Airgas-Norpac Inc. 01411 Cylinder Rental-September 755 4150 11.93
53781 C[iniCare of PA Inc. 03080 DOT Physical-Little 755 4310 72.00
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 755 4210 38.75
53854 US ~est Comnunications 21001 10-05 Billing 755 4210 40.26
53861 WORC 23486 Hembership-City of PA 755 4901 100.00
53935 US ~est Con~unications 21001 10-14 Billing 755 4210 113-an
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 24
Date Fro~ 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name N~mber N~ber
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 755 4210 9.27
53964 Angeles ELectric ]nc. 01071 Service pur~ 755 4150 41.00
53973 Brooks, Gary 02277 Computers,software,zip drive 755 6410 485.53
54057 OLympic Refrigeration 15085 Remove freon 755 4150 1,217.00
Remove freon 755 4150 1,282.00
54077 R & D Industries Inc. 18000 Hard drive,memory 755 6410 156.91
Tape drive 755 6410 62.43
Tigerswitch 755 6410 99.51
Total for Solid Waste Fund 50,517.04
421 53913 Morris, Gerald W. 13480 Weatherization Loan Refund 421 1223000 50.81
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 421 2451000 32.00
53922 Properties by Landmark 16450 ~eatherization Loan Refund 421 1223000 87.55
Total for Department 170.36
0009 53679 Land Title Company 12129 Recording-Ridout,McLain 913 4990 8.00
53786 D & D Insulation 0~299 ~eatherization-Schide[er 913 4986 389.53
53795 Everwarm Inc. 05013 Weatherization-Schideler 913 4986 250.00
53882 Cauvel, Marie 03498 Heat I~znp rebate 913 4986 25f
53892 DeVaney, Charles 04300 Weatherization rebate 913 4986 25b.
Total for Light 1,147.53
Total for Conservation Fund 1,317.89
501 54028 Lac[ede Chain Mfg Co. 12140 Truck chains,adjusters 501 2370000 186.11-
54039 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Couplings 501 2370000 4.32-
Total for Department 190.43-
0007 53634 Angeles Mit[uork 01073 Glue stick 760 3101 2.03
53648 Chevron USA (Credit Card pmts) 03060 Credit card purchases 760 3210 17.29
53653 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Bulbs 760 3101 7.50
Labels 760 3101 12.66
Credit starter core 760 3101 21.58-
Disc pads,rotors turned 760 3101 83.88
Drain pan 760 3101 12.88
Fuel pu~p 760 3101 43.40
Copper tubing 760 3101 8.16
Rust remover 760 3101 16.44
Wrenches 760 3501 74.99
Brake pads 760 3101 24.53
53655 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 040~4 FLat repair 760 4810 6.47
Tires,meunt,demount 760 3101 124.'~
Tires,mount,demount 760 4810 22
Brakes,alignment,rack,pinion 760 3101 308.54
Brakes,alignment,rack,pinion 760 4810 136.49
LOF 7603101 13.22
____ LOF 7604810 17.26
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE HACHINE November 12 1999 Page 25
- Date From 10/0~/1~ To 11/05/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
#~ber Name #~ber Number
Radiator, Labor,door switch 760 3101 381.97
Radiator,Labor,door switch 760 4810 58.26
Radiator repair,cap, Labor 760 4810 86.32
Service catt,tires,uhee[ baLan 760 4810 49.09
LOF,tubra kteen 760 3101 13.22
LOF,[ubra klean 760 4810 17.26
Casing charge,tire,flat repair 760 3101 485.56
Casing charge,tire,flat repair 760 4810 55.02
Casing charge,tires,wheel chan 760 3101 517.92
Hount,demount,whee[ change 760 4810 41.00
FLat repair,wheel change 760 4810 24.28
FLat repair 760 4810 10.79
FLat repair 760 4810 16.7~
FLat repair 760 4810 10.79
FLat repair 760 4810 10.79
Flat repair,wheel change 760 4810 44.24
Wheel change 760 4810 5.40
Safety switch,Labor 760 3101 12.41
Safety switch, labor 760 4810 7.28
LOF,catipers,brakes,bearings 760 3101 224.44
LOF,caLipers,brakes,bearings 760 4810 104.66
Rem~ve,replace arm rest 760 4810 14.57
LOF,fiLter,antifreeze,brakes 760 3101 78.37
LOF,fiLter,antifreeze,brakes 760 4810 95.49
Tires 760 3101 199.62
Tires,wheel balance,valve 760 3101 456.41
Tires,wheel balance,valve 760 4810 56.12
FLat repair 760 4810 6.47
Clean,adjust brakes,turn rotor 760 4810 37.23
FLat repair 760 4810 6.47
Tires,mount,o-ring 760 3101 806.01
Tires 760 3101 1,058.09
Flat repair 760 4810 17.26
53665 Ferrettgas (lnc) 06024 Credit tank rentals 760 3212 113.30-
Propane 760 3212 330.96
53671 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Wedge 760 3101 11.55
53672 HeartLine, The 08054 Battery 760 3101 48.50
Battery 760 3101 67.92
Batteries 760 3101 226.43
Battery 760 3101 75.48
53675 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Bearings 760 3101 112.06
Ball bearing 760 3101 104.36
Retaining compound 760 3101 30.04
Seals 760 3101 16.12
53680 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Welding steel 760 3101 116.08
Round pin 760 3101 19.44
-- Welding wire 760 3101 60.69
53683 McLoughlin & EardLey Corp. 13300 Bulbs 760 3101 74.99
Light Bulbs 760 3101
53688 Micldleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Credit thermostat 760 3101 12.96-
Switch 760 3101 20.65
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Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
N~nber Name N~ber N~r~er
Silicone ?60 3101 24.69
Filters,brake cleaner, fuses 760 3101 178.37
Fuses, tamps,bulbs 760 3101 80.52
Credit seal 760 3101 14.35-
Lamps 760 3101 17.73
Halogen bulbs 760 3101 16.19
Oil,air fitters 760 3101 41.07
Filters 760 3101 11.81
Brake fluid 760 3101 37.32
Gasket set 760 3101 11.23
Wheel cylinders,expander assem 760 3101 1,036.03
Seats,bearings 760 3101 89.72
Oil,air, fuel fitters 760 3101 112.20
Vinyl wire covering 760 3101 13.49
Tubing 760 3101 9.06
CLeaning solution 760 3101 18.87
Air filter 760 3101 24.45
PLastic lens 760 3101 5.70
Wiper blade 760 3101 15.93
Radiator cap 760 3101
Air filter 760 3101 2
Lamps 760 3101 18.,~
Bulb, fitter 760 3101 69.79
Lights,marker lamps 760 3101 11.96
Filters,fuses,wipers,cleaner 760 3101 304.57
Studs 760 3101 2.21
Wheel cylinder 760 3101 14.02
.Oil filters 760 3101
Filter 760 3101 20.91
Battery 760 3101 3.23
Sprayway 760 3101 36.13
switch 760 3101 9.02
Lens,switches 760 3101 91.29
Veneer,push putt po~er control 760 3101 69.18
53693 Olympic Laundry & Ctnrs Inc. 15026 Coveralls 760 4990 249.52
Coveralls 760 4~0 249.52
53707 Perry's Tire & Brake Svc Inc. 16230 Tire,l:~lance 760 3101 117.59
53708 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Waste oil decals 760 3101 12.95
Oil,grease 760 3220 831.87
Grease 760 3220 73.39
Cardlock for September 760 3210 2,843.62
Cardtock for September 760 3211 24.19
Diesel 760 3211 241.70
Diesel 760 3211 251.64
Diesel 760 3101 1,363.74
Gasoline 760 3211 3,190,'-~*
Diesel 760 3210 2,623.
53712 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty Cash reimbursement 760 3101 18.35
53713 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Starter 760 3101 101.10
53717 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 17006 End joints,screws,u-joints, 760 3101 271.64
U-joints,bolts,yokes,bushings 760 4810 482.08
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACH[NE November 12 1999 Page 27
Date From 10/09/1~ To 11/05/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
N~'ber Nane N~mber N~ber
53720 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Radio,antenna installation 760 ]101 598.31
Radio, installation 760 3101 507.11
53724 Rudde[[ Auto Ha[[ 18019 Hub 760 3101 88.15
537'53 Sunset Do-lt Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rent 760 3101 26.98
Nuts,~ashers 760 ]101 52.70
Cylinder rent 760 3101 26.98
Ear muffs 760 3101 19.63
Welding rod 760 3101 273.95
Muff,hearing protection 760 3101 18.87
Connectors 760 3101 39.16
Hose,o-ring 760 3101 34.56
GLoves 760 3101 47.78
Seal,housing 760 3101 153.27
Nut,washer 760 3101 5.60
BoLts,~ashers 760 3101 11.14
Screws,nuts,washers 760 3101 4.21
Headgear,visor,nuts 760 3101 4].88
Bo[ts,nuts,washers 760 3101 9.84
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Chimney brushes,rod 760 3101 52.71
Markers,pencils,pens,memo pads 760 3101 53.26
Screen i11ateria[ 760 3101 4.19
GLuesticks 760 3101 4.75
53747 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 760 3101 1,027.53
Extinguisher maintenance 760 3101 81.57
Extinguisher maintenance 760 ]101 126.24
Extinguisher maintenance 760 3101 62.15
53754 Wurth West Inc. 2]062 Shrink tubes,reels 760 3101 268.76
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 760 4210 7.75
53935 US West Con~nunications 21001 10-14 Billing 760 4210 22.78
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Services 760 ]101 12.27
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for Septentser 760 4210 28.59
53945 Western Equipment Distrib. Inc 23019 Washers,couplings,screws 760 3101 257.89
53968 Associates Capital Bank 20003 Credit card purchases 760 3210 8.44
Credit card purchase 760 ]210 11.84
53987 Cummins Northwest Inc. 03097 Dip stick 760 3101 26.90
Shop manuals 760 3101 219.44
Shop manual 760 3101 69.00
54017 lBS Incorporated 09124 Grinding wheels 760 3101 145.98
54019 Jenning's Equipment 10151 Coupler sleeve 760 3101 26.28
54025 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Bali bearing pillow block 760 ]101 38.91
Radial bali bearing 760 ]101 112.06
Radial ball bearing 760 ]101 455.52
Ball bearing 760 ]101 111.67
Ball bearing 760 3101 224.33
54028 LacLede Chain Mfg Co. 12140 Truck chains,adjusters 760 ]101 2,541.90
54035 Craft, Don 0]424 Sandb[aster,spotblaster,nipple 760 3101 84.16
54039 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Couplings 760 ]101 58.98
54047 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Gaskets,o-rings 760 ]101 10.85
Latches 760 3101 121.88
Retainer 760 ]101 27.69
Solenoid 7603101 12~85
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 12 1999 Page 28
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndOpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Cocle Amount
Humber Name NLm~ber Number
~ey,cap 760 3101 56.45
Engine,filters,air eLe~nt 760 4810 1,942.20
Engine,filters,air element 760 3101 9,715.00
54061 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 Fan injector 760 3101 495.73
Buddy seat 760 3101 3~0.68
54064 Pavenco Industries 16068 Install graphics-patrol cars 760 4810 97.11
Install graphics-patrol cars 760 4810 97.11
54065 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 Asphalt cutter 760 3101 17.~
Asphalt cutter 760 3101 13.01
54083 Seattle Crane & Equipment Co. 19057 Safety stickers 760 3101 372.81
54085 Smith Tractor & Equip. Co. lnc 19023 Cutting edge,bits,screws 760 3101 154.98
Credit cutting edge,bits 760 3101 123.27-
54086 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Oeane 19108 Circuit tester 760 3101 88.31
Scanner training 760 4310 271.91
54095 Tranco Transmissions Inc. 20036 Bolt 760 3101 4.21
54114 Western Peterbilt Inc. 23020 Tie red ends 760 3101 104.34
Total for Public gorks 44,615.70
Total for Equipment Services Fund 44,425.;Lt
502 0002 53644 COg Computer Centers Inc. 03336 Net equimpment,Tech plus 250 4810 1,000.b~
53667 ForeFront Inc 06237 ForeHelp Premier 99.1 250 3101 766.09
53671 Hartnage[ Building Supply Inc. 08052 Angles 250 4810 1.93
Angles 250 4810 19.31
Screws 250 4810 8.55
53691 O'Neill, Tanya 15148 Computer manuals,guides 250 3101 130.51
53695 O[yn~oic Paper Company 15111 Con~uter Paper 250 3101 147.98
53712 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty Cash reimbursement 250 3101 11.61
Petty Cash reimbursement 250 4810 3.23
53792 Electro Services Lab 05194 Recondition Tape Drive 250 4810 276.75
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing 250 4210 23.25
53832 Pacific HW SFG User Group 16292 AP,PO User group meeting 250 4310 5.00
53893 Dirt Cheap Drives 04260 Hard drives,adapter 250 4810 1,535.42
53902 Johnson Marketing Group 10185 Cce~auter,adapter,memory 250 4810 2,252.25
53906 Learnkey Inc. 12154 Excel Course,Win NT User tape 250 4310 186.67
53935 US gest Communications 21001 10-14 Bi[Ling 250 4210 68.3~
53936 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services-August 250 4210 46.65
Shipping services-August 250 4210 7.15
Shipping Services 250 4210 29.41
Shipping Services 250 3101 51.98
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Office Pro O0 MS License 250 4810 1,67"5.02
Scan charges for September 250 4210 29.79
53958 AcuPrint lnc 01385 Secure check extended warranty 250 4810 495.00
53960 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 10-15 bitting 250 4210 16.27
5397-5 Brooks, Gary 02277 Computers,soft~are,zip drive 250 4810 278.~
Total for Information Systems Fund 9,065.08
503 0001 53651 Cia[Lam County YMCA 03076 Membership renewa[-Zappey 121 4150 456.00
6 53729 sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 19015 Annual Membership-McCaw[ey 121 4150 475.00
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - L[VE ~ACH[#E November 12 1999 Page 29
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Humber Namo Number Number
537"57 Swenson, James J. 19617 Reimburse chiropractic svcs 121 4630 84.22
53740 U#UM Life Ins Co of America 21000 Long Term Disability-Nov 1999 121 4631 1,738.10
53771 Backer, Ron 02204 Chiropractic Svcs 121 4630 20.00
537"/9 CLa[[am County YMCA 03076 Membership Renewal-Becket 121 4150 570.00
53847 Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 19015 Membership-Miller 121 4150 475.00
53849 SLIlmlit Law Group PLLC 19437 Prof svcs-Labor Representation 119 4150 5,366.44
53957 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance premium-#ovember 121 4630 7'5,348.35
Insurance premium-November 121 4632 1,199.90
insurance premium-November 121 4634 10,~52.20
53967 Armory Express Pizzeria 01340 Safety Meeting 118 4909 51.06
53969 Bishop, Virgil 02019 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 94.00
53977 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 Disability board claim-Oct 121 4634 113.21
Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 68.30
53978 Camporini, Richard 0327'5 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
53990 Dept of Labor & Ind (Qrtr rpt) 04046 Worker's Comp-3rd qrtr report 118 4950 12,972.60
53998 Evans, Sid 05103 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
54003 Fox, Kenneth 06191 Disabitty board claim-Oct 121 4634 10.00
54012 Hansen, George D. 08048 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.80
54021 Johnson, Donald G 10052 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 43.80
54022 Johnson, Harry 10047 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
-- 54031 Lind[ey, James K. 12019 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 46]5 45.50
54032 Loucks, Jasper 12186 Disability board claim-Oct 121 4634 8.00
Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 85.00
54042 MieseL, Phil 13261 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
54044 Morgan, Roy 13145 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
54046 Myers, William 13130 Disability board claim-Oct 121 4634 136.72
Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
54048 NW Admin Transfer Acct 14169 Medical,dental,vision-Nov 1999 121 4630 11,77'5.65
54050 Nevarit, Trina 14134 Reimburse hospital services 121 4630 468.41
54078 Rainier EAP Inc. 18057 EAP Program services-October 121 4150 330.00
54079 Regence Blue Shield-Dental 18234 Admin fee-dental claims-Nov 99 117 4601 1,447.05
54092 Sweatt, Johnnie 19146 Reimburse Nov Medicare Premium 121 4635 65.70
Total for Self - Insurance Fund 122,519.81
602 0002 53957 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance premium-November 225 46]5 2,565.00
53998 Evans, Sid 05103 Disability board claim-Oct 225 4635 90.72
Total for Fireman's Pension Fund 2,655.72
621 0002 53635 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Final Billing-Lea-Kraft 214 4150 433.47
53652 CLa[tam Title Company 03286 Title Insurance, record-Rip[ey 214 4150 135.30
53726 Schoenfe[dt Construction, Dick 19141 Contractor pmt-Runnion 98PA25L 214 4210 10,369.57
53780 ClalLam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Loan Fee-L Bourm 214 4150 ]56.05
53833 Paratex Certified Inc. 16219 Pest Inspection-Plummet 214 4150 64.74
53851 Tender Beginnings 20255 Final bitling-Samuelson 98PA36 214 4150 3,567.13
53889 CLatLam Title Company 03286 Title insurance-CLarke 214 4941 92.93
53965 Angeles Plumbing [nc. 01039 Strap water heater-Kraft Z14 4150 32.94
53984 CLaLLam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Reimburse expenses-June 1999 214 4150 4,495.09
Reimburse expenses-JuLy 1999 214 4150 5,658.91
Reimburse expenses-August 1999 214 4150 4,4184~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE NACHINE Hovember 12 1999 Page 30
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
#[~ber Name H~m~ber N~mber
Reimburse expenses-Sept 1999 214 4150 4,657.09
Expense correction-April 1999 214 4150 100.00
Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project 34,381.42
625 0008 53634 Angeles Mi[twork 01073 Rope 880 3101 28.19
Extension cords 880 3101 164.41
53657 District 13 04050 Coed Volleyball Officials 884 4150 950.00
53697 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,plan book 888 3101 11.51
Fabric,clay beads,hole punch 888 3101 24.26
Modeling clay 888 3101 5.83
Glue,party balloons 888 3101 17.66
Coding labels 888 3101 4.10
Covers 880 3101 4.02
Paper 880 3101 32.36
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Soccer balls 889 3101 215.80
Yellow Line BSO 3101 23.31
53894 District 13 04050 Adult soccer [eague officials 8~9 4150 950.00
53909 Maintenance Warehouse 13469 Lock box 888 3120 65.05
53918 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reinYoursements ~ 3101 24.8?.
Petty cash reimbursements 888 3101 115
53979 Captain T's 030~8 Shirts 884 4150 260.~
54052 Northwest Swim Shop 14219 K~ckboards 888 3120 342.54
54089 Sports Imports Inc 19633 Net ratchet,crank handle 884 3101 268.78
54117 Wilson, Tracy 23490 Refund overpmt-After school pr 888 9654 40.00
Total for Recreational Activities Fund 3,547.81
627 0005 53840 R & T Specialty Inc. 18129 T shirts,certificates,awards, 531 3101 1,721.51
53932 Tee's Plus Screen Printing 20065 Shirts,stickers,Certificates 531 3101 1,533.45
53989 DARE America 04036 Certificates,stickers,charts 531 3101 1,385.41
Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 4,640.37
628 0005 54069 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursement 537 4810 10.79
Total for Law Enforcement Firearms Range 10.79
631 0005 53762 Gallagher, Terry 07073 Special investigation 536 3101 600.00
Total for Drug Task Force 600.00
652 0008 53646 Camera Corner 03044 Slides 868 3101 8.36
53697 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Boards 868 3101 11.89
Envelopes 868 3101 6.70
Paper ~68 3101 4.r
53736 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Paper towels,hardware 868 3101
53813 Lucent Technologies 12215 10-02 Billing ~ 4210 7.75
53846 Seniuk, Jake 19014 Reimburse 10/03o10/18 expenses 868 3101 21.41
Reimburse 10/03-10/18 expenses 808 4310 696.47
53908 MacFa[[s, Sean 13481 Artist honorariom 868 4150 73.00
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port Angeles - LIVE HACHINE November 12 1999 Page 31
Date From 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
N~nber Name Nm~ber N~rioer
53935 US West Coee~unications 21001 10-14 Billing 868 4210 22.78
53942 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges for September 868 4210 35.96
54099 US West Communications 21001 10-23 Bi[ting 868 4210 47.81
Total for Esther ~ebster Trust Fund 953.08
654 0008 53641 BLake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Crushed rock 87'3 3199 41.00
Crushed rock 873 3199 30.75
Crushed rock,posts 873 3199 126.24
53671 Hartnage[ Building Supply Inc. 08052 Screws,nuts 873 3199 2.59
53925 Rainshadow Greenhouse 18~47 Trees 873 3199 1,035.84
54100 United Rentals lnc (ProRentat) 16034 Concrete mixer 873 3199 3,021.20
54118 York Bronze Co dba La Haye 12289 PLaque-Need 87'3 3199 55.50
Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 4,313.12
697 53966 AngeLes Therapy Services PS 01075 Overpayment-AR#ANGTHE 697 2391000 59.00
53980 CLaLlam County District Ct 1 03069 Overpayment PCR5151-Brown PAPD 697 2391000 290.76
53982 C[a[[am County Fire District 3 03332 Duplicate pmt of AR#CCRFP3 697 2391000 21.00
54040 McMenamin & McMenamin 13485 Duplicate pmt rid-AR ~fl4CMENA 697 2391000 17.74
54051 North Penin. Home Bldrs Assn. 14079 Duplicate pmt rid-AR #NPEN[N 697 2391000 45.00
Total for Accts. Receivab[e CLearing Fund 433.50
698 53620 LEOFF 12043 Septent~er contributions 698 2315220 24,302.25
53621 PERS 16016 September contributions 698 2315130 43,637.62
53730 States West Life Insurance Co. 19~13 Supplemental Life ins-Nov 99 698 2315160 644.10
53797 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pa 10-17-99 698 2315210 1,115.76
53825 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 10-17-99 698 2315210 1,287.15
53826 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 10-17-99 698 2315210 89.08
53853 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 10-17-99 698 2315210 69.41
53855 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 10-17-99 698 2315240 451.20
53858 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payro[[ deductions pe 10-17-99 698 2315210 38.00
53869 AFSCNE Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 8~.00
53870 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pe 10-03-99 698 2315200 186.00
53954 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315200 83.00
53955 AFSCME Loca[ #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315200 166.00
53992 EBP/WSCFF Disability Trust 06052 Payro[[ deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315190 796.15
53995 Employees Association 05041 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315210 260.00
53999 Firefighter's Local ~656 060?6 Payro[[ deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315200 760.00
54000 F[ex-P[an Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315210 1,115.76
54016 IBEW Local ~K)97 09034 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315200 372.90
54054 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315210 1,287.15
54055 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315210 89.08
54067 Police Association 16156 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315210 165.00
54093 Teamsters Local ~589 20056 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99698 2315200 1,711.33
54096 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315210 69.41
54101 United ~ay (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315240 451.20
54107 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions pp 10-31-99 698 2315200 2,707.24
Total for Accounts Payable CLearing Fund 81,937.~JI~
99/11/12-10:40 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE HACH[HE #ove~ber 12 1~99 Page 32
Date Fro~ 10/09/1999 To 11/05/1999
FndDpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
N~ber Name Nmber Number
Grand Total 823,386.97
DATE: November 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services
StJSJECT: Out of Town Request for Travel
Summary Public Works & Utilities Department requests authorization for the Public Works
Director to attend the "Succeeding with a Dam Decommissioning Project" seminar in San Francisco
December 6-8, 1999.
Recommendation: Authorize out-of-state travel and related expenses for the Director of Public
Works & Utilities to attend the seminar in San Francisco December 6-8, 1999.
Background / Analysis: The University of Wisconsin is sponsoring a seminar to provide
professionals working on dams with comprehensive information on dam removal and rehabilitation,
including technical tools, economic and social information, political and legal perspectives, design
and construction approaches, and environmental knowledge. Several of the presenters are from the
Pacific Northwest. The seminar will be held in San Francisco, California, December 6, 7 and 8,
1999. Attendance at this conference will provide the City with pertinent information on concerns
relating to the Elwha Dam issue and contact with others who are also dealing with dam removal
Estimated costs:
· Registration $895.00
· Airfare 330.00
· Lodging 408.00
· Meals 175.00
· Miscellaneous 40.00
TOTAL $1,448.00
po :AN¢ I- S
DATE: November 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Upper Golf Course Road Sewer ULID#215 Final Assessment Roll adjustments and
consideration of ordinances to approve the final assessments and connection charges.
Issue: The ULID #215 final public hearing of June 15, 1999 was closed after written and verbal
comments regarding the assessments were given. Staff was directed to review the comments and
return with recommendations. The comments were reviewed internally by staff and the City's
bond counsel. In response to this review, adjustments were proposed to the Final Assessment
Roll for those properties accessed from Woodhaven Lane, a private street, which are unable to
subdivide their property. Adjustments were not recommended for the four remaining owners
who submitted comments. With these proposed adjustments, seven equivalent service
connections were proposed to be transferred from the Upper Golf Course Sewer ULID#215 to
the proposed City funded connection charge ordinance in order to keep the equivalent service
charge costs at the same level. At the October 5, 1999 meeting, City Council requested staff to
provide additional information regarding the assessment options and an additional option has
been prepared for Council's consideration.
Recommendation; Review options and staff recommendations regarding the final
assessment roll and:
1) Approve recommended Option A adjustments to the final assessment roll and
approve the roll, and
2) Adopt the ordinance and f'mdings and conclusions confirming the final
assessments for ULID#215, and
3) Adopt the ordinance establishing a connection charge for those property owners
outside and inside of ULID# 215 who connect to the sewers constructed as a part of
the ULID and have not been previously assessed by the ULID for the connection.
Background/Analysis: At the final assessment hearing of June 15, 1999 the City Council
received written and verbal property owner comments, and the public hearing was closed. Due to
the number of comments and the potential impact on the final assessment roll, Council directed
staff to review the comments and prepare a response with recommended adjustments to the
assessment roll. The comments were reviewed by staff and bond counsel for adjustments where
The most viable comments involved those owners along Woodhaven Lane, which were assessed
for more than one equivalent service connection. Woodhaven Lane is a private street, and
subdivision of the property to create more lots is not possible until the street becomes public.
Mayor Braun and City Council
ULID #215 Final Assessment
November 17, 1999
Page - 2
Currently, there is no support among the Woodhaven Lane property owners to dedicate the street
to the City. Another objection along Woodhaven Lane at Golf Course Road involved the
construction of a residence positioned on a larger lot during the LID process which eliminated
the possibility of subdivision. These Woodhaven Lane comments were determined to be valid,
and it is proposed to reduce the number of equivalent service connections to one for each
property owned.
The review of the remaining four owners' (Neske, McDonald, Conrad and Ruddick) comments
did not support assessment adjustments. In Neske's case, the number of equivalent assessments
was not reduced, since the land fronts on a public street, Golf Course Road, and is subdividable.
The non-buildable areas within existing and proposed easements were taken into account, and no
evidence of wetlands has been provided nor identified on the City's existing sensitive area
wetland mapping which would reduce the buildable area. In McDonald's case, the single
assessment for each of the two properties owned was not reduced, since there was no evidence
that the radio tower and wetlands preclude each lot from being developed as a building site and
the existing building has been connected to the new sewer. In the Conrad and Ruddick cases, the
single assessment for each parcel was not reduced further, since the final ULID costs were
distributed equally with a minimum of one equivalent service connection per parcel.
Another factor is that the City did underwrite a significant portion of the costs beyond the
preliminary estimated costs to reduce the assessments, which pomion could be recouped through
the $7,101.36 connection charge that would be paid for connections not assessed as part of the
ULID. This option, as presented at the October 5 Council meeting, is identified as Option A. The
attached revised final assessment roll reflecting these adjustments has been prepared and is on
file with the City Clerk.
After the October 5, 1999 City Council meeting on the revised assessment roll, the Council
directed staff to prepare additional option(s) for review. The Council's primary concern involved
those property owners that were assessed more than one equivalent service connection. With the
above recommended Option A adjustments, only four property owners (Neske, Schmuck, Ron'e,
and Heershap) will remain with more than one equivalent service connection. At the June 15,
1999, hearing, only one of these owners (Neske) presented comments on the assessment.
However, it would be unfair to adjust the Neske assessment without also adjusting the other three
property owners. To address this concern, a second option was developed that would revise the
ULID method of assessment to only assess each property one initial equivalent service
connection through the ULID and shift the remaining equivalent service connection charges to
the connection charge ordinance. This would allow the owners to delay payments beyond the
single assessment to when the new connections are actually made. The new connection charge
would need to be at the actual, unadjusted equivalent service connection fee of $11,362.17 plus
interest, in order to have a reasonable potential for repayment to the wastewater utility. This
option is identified as Option B.
Both options under consideration for the ULID propose additional funding by the wastewater
utility, which would be recovered via the fees collected by the connection charge ordinance. As
shown in the following table, for the original proposal this additional funding was in the amount
of $319,561.20, which would require 45 connections at $7,101.36 to repay the utility. Option A,
by reducing 7 ULID assessments, would increase the unfunded liability of the wastewater utility
by $49,709.52 to $369,270.72, which would require 52 connections at $7,101.36 to repay the
Mayor Braun and City Council
ULID #215 Final Assessment
November 17, 1999
Page - 3
Option B, by reducing 36 ULID assessments, would increase the unfunded liability of the
wastewater utility by $255,648.96 to $575,210.16, which would require approximately 51
connections at $11,362.17 to repay the utility.
PRELIM. ULID 75 $4,765.58 $357,418.50 $0.00 $357,418.50
FNL ULID 75 $11,362.17 $852,162.75 $0.00 $852,162.75
6/15 ADJUSTED 75 $7,101.36 $532,602.00 $319,561.20 $852,163.20
FNL ULID (45 ~ $7,101.36)
11/17 ADJUSTED 39 $7,101.36 $276,953.04 $575,210.16 $852,163.20
FNL ULID Opt B (50.6 @ $11,362.17)
Option A, as highlighted in the above table, would have the least impact on the wastewater utility
in the short term, and partial repayment would be more likely due to the lower connection fee.
Option B, due to the higher cost to the wastewater utility and the higher connection fee at the
actual ULID unit cost would recover funds at a slower rate. Option A, by fully assessing larger
land owners and establishing lower connection fees, may encourage development within the
ULID and the surrounding area. Option B, by delaying assessments in the ULID and establishing
larger connection fees, may delay or reduce development density within the ULID and
surrounding area. Also, the revised assessment method and revised connection fee in Option B
would require an additional public hearing.
Staff recommends retaining Option A, which encourages future development, reduces short term
impacts to the wastewater fund, and does not require a new hearing. Should City Council's
actions in adoption of the final assessment roll vary from staff recommendations and result in an
increase in or changed method of assessments, a new public heating will be required to consider
the changes made in the roll and ordinances to be adopted. If City Council agrees with the staff
recommendations, which do not increase the assessment amount or method, then the revised final
roll can be approved. Following the City Council's approval of the final assessment roll, an
ordinance confirming the assessment roll must be approved. After roll approval, notices will be
published and letters will be sent to each property owner informing them that the assessment roll
has been filed for collection.
The attached connection charge ordinance was prepared to assist in lowering the final
assessments for ULID#215 and to provide a mechanism for the wastewater utility to potentially
recover the unfunded project costs. This ordinance provides for a charge to those property
owners outside and inside of ULID# 215 who connect to the sewers constructed as a part of the
ULID and have not been previously assessed by the ULID for the connection. The connection
charge is equal to the ULID#215 per connection assessment plus interest.
Attachments: Revised Final Assessment Roll & Map of Area; Final ULID~215 Ordinance;
Findings and Conclusions; Connection Charge Ordinance
Upper Golf Course Road Sewer ULID # 215
Parcel Name & ' Tax Equivalent " Total E~rr~ted'~ E.5~ for 10'Yeah
~lumb~r Address Number Servic~ Assesment ANNUAL TOTAL
] JaUnts R. / Terry L. McDonald 063014 ] IOO00 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $0,878.32
[P.O. Box ]450
'Pon Angeles, WA
2 ~amcs R. / Terry L. McDonald )63014 I IOO30 I $7,101.36 $987.6~' $9,876.32
P.O. Box 1450
Pon Angles, WA
3 Richard (3. Hendrickso~ 063014 ] i'0150 ] $7,101.36 $967.83 $9,878.32
] 826 Melody Ln
Pon Angeles, WA
4 Richard G. HcndrickS°n 063014 110]30 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32
] S26 Melody Ln
Port Anseles, WA
5 Doris B. Taggarl 0630 ] 4 ! 10080 ] $7,101.36 $987.B3 $9,878.3~
1830 Melody Ln
Pon Anseles, WA
6 William £. Barker UJ 363014 110140 I $7,101.36 $987'183 $9,878.32
] 834 Melody Ln
Port Angeles, WA
? Lan, y O. Racine 063014 ] 10070
! 838 Melody La.
Pon Angeles, WA
8 N4cLcnnan Trust, Neva Marie 0630'i4 110060 I $7,101.3~ $987.83 $g,878.32
1842 Melody Ln
Port Anl~¢lcs, WA
9 Terry G. McDonald ,063014 ] ]0] l0 I $7',101 .:3~ ' $987.83 $9,878.32
~20 Golf Course Rd
IPorl Angeles, WA
10 Terry G. McDonald 063014 110120 ! $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32
920 Golf Course Rd
Porl Angeles, WA
~ 11 Gary A. Lappicr 063014 ] J OO9O J '~71101 .:38 $987.B3 $9,878.32
~24 Golf Course Rd
Pon AngcJes, WA
· ?srccl Name & I T~x Equi~lcnl Total E~t;h.~ted ~ 6.5% ~ ~0 Ye~
Numar Address Num~ ~ Asses~ ANNUAL TOT~
~ ]2 Ci~ ofPon ~elts ~3014 140] l0 ] $7,101.~ $~7.~ $9.878.32
321 E. Fifth
P~ ~cJes, WA
13 Granl J. Munro ~63014 la.J0 I $7,101.~ $~7.~ $9,878.32
] 76~ E. W~haven Ln
Po~ ~geles, WA
~ 14 EJmer P. ~ogue 0630]4 140130 I $7,~01,~ $~7.83 ~9,878.~
463 Lupin~ Way
V~nlu~ CA
15 B~an Jon~ 0~3014 ]4~60 J '" $7,~0~.~ $~7.~ $9,878.32
425 R~ R~k ~.
Wads~n~ OH
]6 OlJ~ T. onm~ 0630J4 ]4~70 I $7,1'01'.~ $~7.~ ~,878.32
'1753 W~ha~n
Pod ~geles, WA
]7 Grant ~. Munro 063014 149080 I $7,101.~ $~7.~ $9,87B.~
] 765 E. W~haven La
Pon ~geles, WA
18 ~M~A. N~kc ~630]4 ]4~30 l0 $71,013.~ $9,87B.~ $~,7~.~
J120 S. OolfOoum Rd ] ~0
19 Dasd B. Bork 06301~ J49010 1
1216 S. Golf~urse Rd
Pon ~sel~s, WA
~0' Ro~em Family T~sl 063014 149020
1837 E. W~haven Ln
Po~ ~8~les, WA
21 E.W. & Su~n L. McKinn~ ~3014 149150 '1 $7,101.~ $~7.83 $9,878.~2
] ~3 E. W~haven Ln.
Pon ~gele~ WA
~ ~vid H. Hagiwa~ 063014 149180 i $7,i01.~ $~7.83 $'9,B7B.~
] 8~ W~heven Ln
Po~ ~gclcs, WA
98362 ~
Parco) Name & Tax Equivalent Total Estimated O 6.5% for 10 Yearl
Number Add;ess Numl~ I Service Assesrnent ANNUAL TOTAL
23 Kenne~h/Apri! Spccr 063014 149090 ] $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32
:~.O. Box 524
Porl Angeles, WA
0630']4 149]00 ] $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32
24 Dean M. Reed
1'727 E. Woodhaven Ln.
IPort Angeles, WA
25 ' Darrell Pe~crsen ~63014 149110 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $g, 878.32
1036 E. I st $~
Pon Angeles, WA
26 Dennis Michael Nathan 063014 149120 I $7,101.345 $987.83 $9,878.32.
1712 E. Woodhaven Ln
Port Anl!¢les, WA
2'~ .Dean A./Catieen T. Benson 063014 149130 I $7,101.36 $987.83 $9,878.32
1830 E. Woodhaven Ln.
2~ Linda A. Wilcox D63014 149140 ! $7,101.36 $9~7.83 $9,878.32
1720 £. Wooclhaven Ln.
Pm1 Anl¢les, WA
29 R~¢hatd G. Bradley 06301'4 14~i?0 I $7,1d1.36 $987.83 $9,876~::~.
1806 Nancy Ln
Pert Anl¢les, WA
30 De, an A./C. arl~en T. Bcnson 063014 149160 I $7,101.36 $987.8,3 $9,676.3:~
1830 E. Woodhavcn Ln.
iPon Angeles, WA
31 RichatdA. Foster ~)63014' 149040 i $7,101.36 $987.EL'3 $9,8?8.39
73 Island View Rd
Port Angeles, WA
32 Mr. Georse E. Grief 063014 149030 I $7,101.36
1849 E. Woodhaven Ln.
Poa Angeles, WA
· ~ Parcel Name & ~ Tax I Equi~,alen! '[otal Estimated ~ 6.5% for 10 Years
Num~ Address ~um~r Sc~ ~s~ ANNUAL TOTAL
" - 33 ~ich~r~aren Bro~ ~3013 230l~ I $7.101.~ $~7.83 $9,878.32
13] l S. Coiffure
Pon ~eles, WA
34 Ffi~ Conrad ~30J3 239010 I ~7,101.~ $987.~ $9,878.32
1921 E. Madd~k Rd
Pofl ~clcs, WA
~ 35 ~n~ M. Ruddic~ 063013 ~39020 I ~,10~.~ $98~.8~
~1937 E, Modd~k
~Po~ ~dcs, WA
2~7 E.M8dd~k
Pofl ~clcs, WA
37 ~ro~hy Schmuck ~3013 230l l0 ? $49,7~.52 $6,9~.8~
307 ~t. ~]~fll Rd
Po~ ~cJcs, WA
~.O. Box ] 72~
;an~ MoflJ~, CA
39 H.H."H=rschap 063013 23~30 9 $63,912.24 $8,8~.49 S~,~.92
3?242 42nd Ave. S. (~Y 615' +/-'
Aubu~ ~A
TOTAL AMOUNTS ~ $482,892.48 $67,172.61 ~671,7~.~
,, ..,~_:. ~! ..... . ....
o ..:_r__, ' ~-~ " ~' '~ LEGEND:
, .. -:0 r' ~ PARCEL NUMBER
~ ~ · ·-,.
~ ~ /
c~ ~ P~ ~N~[~ SCA~
.U.UCW~XS / U.L.I.D. No. 215 MAP
5 0 ~ 2~o ~ EXHIBIT A SHEET 5 of 5
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and
confirming the final assessment roll for Utility Local Improvement
District No. 215, which has been created and established for the purpose
of financing sanitary sewer improvements within the Upper Golf Course
Road area of the City, as described in Ordinance No. 2939, as amended,
and levying and assessing the amount thereof against the lots, tracts,
parcels of land and other property shown on said roll.
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2939 of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the
~City"), passed by the City Council (the "Council") on December 17, 1996, Local Improvement
District No. 215 was created to finance sanitary sewer improvements within the Upper Golf Course
a-ca of the City (as described in Ordinance No. 2939, the "Improvements"); and
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 3020 of the City, passed by the Council on June 1, 1999,
~uch local improvement district was converted to a utility local improvement district known as
Utility Local Improvement District No. 215 ("ULID 215"); and
WHEREAS, an assessment roll levying special assessments against the properties
.ocated within ULID 215 has been filed with the City Clerk of the City as provided by law; and
WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of a hearing on and of making objections to
he assessment roll was duly published at and for the time and in the manner provided by law, fixing
the time and place of hearing thereon for the 15ta day of June, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
chambers at the Port Angeles City Hall, 321 East 5th, Port Angeles, Washington, and further notice
thereof was duly mailed by the City Clerk to each property owner on said roll;
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed and designated in said notice, the hearing on
said assessment roll was duly held and the Council, sitting as a board of equalization, gave due
:onsideration to all written and oral protests received and all persons appearing at said hearing;
)OES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. The Council, sitting as a board of equalization and having made all revisions
Io the roll it deems necessary, hereby finds and determines that the final assessment roll for IJLID
15 is just and equitable and that no assessment against property within ULID 215 is greater than
he special benefits to be derived from the Improvements. Accordingly, the final assessment roll,
in the total amount of $482,892.48, is hereby approved and confirmed, and the assessments set forth
:herein are hereby levied against each lot, tract and parcel of property described in the roll.
Section 2. The Treasurer of the City is hereby directed to hold and collect the final
xssessment roll for ULID 215. The amount of each assessment set forth in the roll, together with an
interest or penalty imposed from time to time, shall be a lien against the property so assessed. The
lien shall be paramount and superior to any other lien or encumbrance whatsoever, theretofore or
:hereafter created, except a lien for general taxes.
Section 3. Upon receipt of the final assessment roll for ULID 215, the Treasurer of the
2ity is hereby directed to publish notice at the times and in the manner required by RCW 35.49.010,
;rating that the roll is in her hands for collection and that such assessments or any portion thereof
may be paid to the City at any time within 30 days from the date of the first publication of such
notice, without penalty, interest or costs.
Section 4. The amount of any assessment, or any portion thereof, against property in
ULID 215 not paid within the 30 day period from the date of the first publication of the City
Freasurer's notice shall be payable in 10 equal annual installments, together with interest on the
timinishing principal balance thereof at a rate of 0.5% per annum higher than the interest rate of the
arater and wastewater revenue bonds sold to finance the Improvements. Interest shall commence on
fie 30'a day following first publication of such notice. The first installment shall become due and
myable one year from the expiration of the 30-day prepayment period. Annual installments,
ncluding interest and penalty, shall be paid in full when due, and no partial payments shall be
~ccepted by the Treasurer of the City.
Section 5. Any installment not paid when due shall thereupon become delinquent. All
telinquent installments shall be subject to a penalty equal to 12% per annum of the amount of the
nstallment, including interest, from the date of the delinquency until paid.
Section 6. The lien of any assessment may be discharged at any time after the 30-day
>repayment period by payment of the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining unpaid
together with interest thereon to the due date of the next installment.
Section 7. If any one or more of the provisions of this ordinance shall be declared by
a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision shall be null and void and
shall be deemed severable from, the remaining provisions of this ordinance and shall in no way affect
the validity of the other provisions of this ordinance.
Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the ~ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
I, the undersigned, Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City'), and
:eeper of the records of the City Council of the City (the "Council"), DO HEREBY CERTIFY:
1. That the attached ordinance is a tree and correct copy of Ordinance No. of
the Council (the "Ordinance"), as finally passed at a regular meeting of the
Council held on the __ day of ,1999.
2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with
law, and to the extent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting
was given; that a quorum of the Council was present throughout the meeting and
a legally sufficient number of members of the Council voted in the proper
manner for the passage of said Ordinance; that all other requirements and
proceedings incident to the proper adoption or passage of said Ordinance have
been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed, and that I am authorized
to execute this certificate.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ day of
City Clerk
1. On December 17, 1996, the Port Angeles City Council conducted a public hearing
on the creation of Local Improvement District (LID) 215 for the purpose of
financing the construction of sanitary sewer improvements for the newly annexed
Upper Golf Course Road area in the southeastern portion of the City. All property
owners within the proposed LID were notified of the public hearing. One property
owner spoke in favor of creating the LID, and no property owners presented
objections. Following the public heating, the Council adopted Ordinance 2939
creating LID 215.
2. The City reviewed various assessment methods and determined that the fairest way
of allocating the costs of the improvements among the property owners was the
"equivalent service connection" method rather than the "zone and termini" or any
other recognized assessment method. These other assessment methods are more fair
when applied to street improvements and less fair when applied to sewer
improvements, because they give more weight to the amount of property rather than
the number of connections that each property would support. The equivalent service
connection method assesses property owners based on the actual number of service
connections to which their property would be entitled.
3. Using the equivalent service connection method, the City Engineer determined the
number of sewer connections that would be necessary to serve each parcel of
property within the LID, based on the number of lots into which each parcel could
be reasonably subdivided and taking into account all expected development factors,
including potential for subdivision and reductions in land area due to easements, road
dedication requirements, topography, wetlands, and zoning setbacks. After
determining the reduction in developable land area, the City Engineer divided the
remaining net area by 15,000 square feet, which reflects the 9,000 square foot zoning
lot limitation in the RS 9 zone together with a reasonably expected 2/3 yield of
developable land.
-1 -
4. During the course of the project, significant cost overruns were experienced due to
such factors as inclement weather. However, the City decided to absorb much
of this additional cost and instead attempt to recoup it from future development that
could potentially occur outside of the LID. Accordingly, although the preliminary
assessment per service connection was $4,766 and the final assessment would have
been $11,362, the City's decision to absorb a significant portion of the increased cost
has reduced the final assessment to $7,101.36
5. On June 1, 1999 the City Council adopted Ordinance 3020 revising LID 215 into a
Utility Local Improvement District (ULID 215), which allowed for a lower interest
rate on the bonds issued to finance the improvements and which thereby benefitted
the property owners by reducing their assessments.
6. On June 15, 1999, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the final
assessment roll for ULID 215 and considered objections to the proposed assessments.
7. At the public hearing, the Council received written objections from seven property
owners, five of whom also presented testimony in person at the public hearing. None
of the property owners presented any expert or other evidence of appraisal values
and benefits establishing that the assessments were greater than the benefits to their
property. Nor did any property owners present evidence or raise the issue as to
whether or not their property was assessed proportionately in relation to other
8. Following the public hearing, the City Engineer recommended that the final
assessment roll be modified by reducing three of the property owners' assessments
from multiple to single service connections. This was based on the fact that their
property would reasonably be expected to support only one single family residential
development, primarily because the three properties front on a private street
(Woodhaven Lane) and therefore could not be subdivided unless the street were to
become public. None of the other properties' assessments were increased to make
up for these three reductions.
9. The City Engineer recommended not reducing the assessments of the other four
property owners who protested, because there was no supporting evidence of
appraisal values and benefits sufficient to show that the assessments were greater
than the benefits to their property and also because of lack of substantiated evidence
regarding inability to subdivide.
1. Under the law of the State of Washington, the equitable service connection method
used by the City for Utility Local Improvement District 215 is presumed to have
resulted in assessments that are fair, equitable, and no greater than the special
benefits to the affected property.
2. There is insufficient evidence in the record to rebut the presumptions that the final
assessments for each property within ULID 215 as recommended by the City
Engineer are fait, equitable, and no greater than the benefits.
3. The final assessment roll as recommended by the City Engineer is supported by the
facts and presumptions as set forth in the administrative record for ULID 215 and in
these Findings and Conclusions.
4. It is in the public interest and the interest of the property owners within ULID 215
for the final assessment roll to be adopted by ordinance as recommended by the City
DATED this ~ day of ,1999.
Attest: Approved as to form:
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing the
charges for connection to the Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer
and establishing Chapter 13.72 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, following the formation of Utility Local Improvement District No. 215, the
2ity of Port Angeles has completed constructing sanitary sewer mains to serve Upper Golf Course
~oad, making sanitary sewer service available to the area; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles has determined that it is in the
~ublic interest to require that a portion of the cost incurred in constructing said sewer facilities shall
De paid by the owners of parcels of property, which were not charged a $7,101.36 equivalent waste
rater service assessment pursuant to ULID 215, in the event such property owners desire to connect
:o said Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer main; and
WHEREAS, the cost for the Upper Golf Course Road sewer facilities not financed by
JLID 215 is $369,270.72, which cost is the basis for calculating an appropriate charge for
:onnecting to said line;
WHEREAS, the proportionate share of the cost of construction of the sewer facilities
~ttributable to the estimated 52 parcels outside ULID 215 that would eventually utilize said facilities
property is $ 7,101.3 6 per equivalent waste water service.
Section 1 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge Established. There is
- 1 -
aereby established a charge for connection to the Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer, which will
De charged for all new sewer service connections to the sanitary sewer facilities constructed by the
2ity for ULID 215. The Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge shall apply to all
>roperties outside ULID 215 and to sewer service connections for all service connections for
properties within ULID 215, for which equivalent service connections were not assessed pursuant
:o ULID 215.
Section 2 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge - Amount. The Upper
3olf Course Road sewer connection charge shall be $7,101.36 per connection.
Section 3 - Addition to Other Charge~, The Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection
:harge imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall be in addition to the connection charge for the actual
:ost of connecting to the City sewer system, the tapping fee, the secondary sewer assessment, and
to all other charges imposed by ordinance.
Section 4 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge - When Collected. The
Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge shall be paid upon application for a sewer permit
anless otherwise agreed upon between the property owner and the City. Connection to the system
shall not be made until the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge, standard connection
:harges, tapping fee, secondary sewer assessment, and any other charges imposed by ordinance have
>een paid.
Section 5 - Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Connection Charge - Interest. Pursuant to
ICW 35.92.025, a charge for interest shall be added to the Upper Golf Course Road sewer
connection charge. Such interest shall be from the date of final formation of ULID 215 until
~ayment of the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge, not to exceed ten (10) years. Th,-~
interest charged shall be calculated at a rate commensurate with the rate of interest applicable to the
Zity at the time of construction of the sewer facilities, not to exceed ten (10) percent per year;
>mvided that the aggregate amount of interest shall not exceed the amount of the Upper Golf Course
load sewer connection charge unless authorized by amendment of applicable state law.
Section 6 - Notice. The City shall record appropriate notice with the County Auditor
:onceming real property, which has been specifically identified by the City Engineer and approved
>y the City Council as property for which the Upper Golf Course Road sewer facilities have been
:onstructed and for which the special connection charge will be levied upon connection of such
~roperty to the City sewer system pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 65.08 RCW or as
~therwise provided by agreement between the City and the property owner. Such notice shall be
:ffective until there is recorded with the Clallam County Auditor a certificate of payment and releas
:xecuted by the City, which certificate shall be recorded by the owner at the owner's expense within
thirty (30) days of full payment of such special connection charge.
Section 7 - Codification. This ordinance shall be codified as Chapter 13.72 of the Port
~mgeles Municipal Code.
Section 8 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
2ouncil held on the ~ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Amendment to Civil Service Rule, Section 6.03.
[!flalThe Civil Service Rules of the of Port that theof
civil service interview boards for entry-level positions consists of three individuals; a community
person, a uniformed management person fi.om within the respective department, and the Chief
Examiner. The attached amendment changes the community person to a member of the bargaining
unit. Rule 2.13 is also amended to update the list of classes covered by Civil Service.
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached amendments to
the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Section 6.03 Interview Board, and 2.13 Classified Positions
Covered by Civil Service.
Background / Analysis:
The City received a request from the International Association of Firefighters Union, Local #656
(IAFF ~56) to change the composition of entry level interview boards to allow a Union member to
be on the interview panel. The current Civil Service Rule, 6.03 Interview Board, states that entry
level interview boards will be comprised of the Chief Examiner or his designee, a citizen of Port
Angeles, and a uniformed management professional within the respective department. The proposed
change would substitute the community person with a member of the union, specifically a supervisory
employee or an employee with 10 years or more service with the City. This proposed change is
acceptable to the City and the Union.
Staffis also proposing an amendment to the promotional interview board composition. The existing
rules provide for different interview board composition for Police and Fire promotional examinations
because the matter is subject to labor negotiations. The Fire Union negotiated the interview board
to consist of three uniformed fire personnel fi.om other fire departments and this will remain
The Police Department promotional board currently consists of the Chief Examiner, a community
person, and a technical person outside the area. The proposed change will make the composition of
the interview boards for Police and Fire promotional exams the same, with three uniformed
professionals fi.om outside the Port Angeles area.
Memo - Amendment to Civil Service Rules
November 17, 1999
Page -2-
The proposed amendment to Civil Service rule 2.13 is merely a house keeping change and updates
the list of classes covered by the Civil Service system. Attachment "B" lists the classifications in the
Civil Service system. The underlined classes are the new additions to the list.
These rule changes were presented to the Port Angeles Civil Service Commission on November 10,
1999, and the Commission approved the amendments. However, per the City's Civil Service
Ordinance, any changes to the Civil Service Rules require the City Council's approval as well.
The City Council is being asked to approve these changes at this time as the City has an examination
in the process for Firefighter/Paramedic, with interviews scheduled for December 9, 1999.
Staffwill be present at the City Council meeting to respond to any questions you may have.
Thank you.
Attachment: Proposed Civil Service Rules 6.03 and 2.13
cc Fire Chief
Police Chief
IAFF #656
Teamsters #589
6.03 Interview Board:
Entry-level examinations shall have an interview board composed of three persons. One
member shall be the Chief Examiner or his desigmee. The Chief Examiner shall appoint
the other two members who shall be from the respective operating department'.' One
shall be a management representative (excluding the chief of the department) and the
other shall be a superviso .ry representative within the department or a department
member with ten years or more service in the same position being tested.
For promotional examinations in the Police and Fire Departments. the interview board
shall be three uniformed professional personnel in a supervisory, capacity from outside
the local area. The Chief Examiner will administer the examination process but will not
be a rater in the interviews.
Interviews for Police Chief shall be conducted by an interview board of five persons.
Selection of the technical representative and community representative shall be by the
Chief Examiner and the remaining two shall be the City Manager and a Department
Exhibit "B"
2.13 ~Classified Position' means a position subject to the Civil Service system
including regular, full-time budgeted positions of the Port Angeles Police
Department or Fire Department in the following classifications, or as amended
from time-to-time:
police Department Fire Department
Police Chief Assistant Fire Chief
Police Officer Fire Marshal
Police Sergeant Firefighter/EMT
Police Captain Firefighter/Paramedic
Deputy Police Chief Fire Captain
Communications Officer Medical Officer
Animal Control Officer Trainine/Safetv Officer
Parking Enforcement Officer Administrative Assistant
Communications Supervisor
Records Supervisor
Records Spedalist
Warratxt Entry. Clerk
police Corporal
Administrative Assistant
Support Services Technidan
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, amending the rules of
the Civil Service Commission relating to the
composition of the Interview Boards and
classified positions in Civil Service.
WHEREAS, PANIC 2.22.041 (B) (1) provides that the Civil Service Commission shall
promulgate Civil Service niles necessary to carry out and enforce the purpose of the Civil Service
Ordinance and that such rules shall be subiect to adoption by resolution of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission has promulgated Civil Service rules, which the
City Council adopted by Resolution 24-89 and has subsequently amended by other resolutions;
WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission has proposed amending the Civil Service rules
for entry-level and promotional exams by changing the composition of the Interview Boards and
updating the list of classified positions covered by Civil Service;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
as follows:
Section 1: The rules of the Port Angeles Civil Service Commission are hereby amended
by revising Section 6.03 Interview Board and Section 3.13. Classified Positions in the (~ivil
Service System, to read as set forth in the attached Exhibits "A" and "B".
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day of November, 1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
' P.O. Box 1909
We're a coalition of groups and individaal$ representing
nearly 70, 000 Washington families, farmers and small busi- Olympia, WA
ness people who are working for common sense salmon solu- Sam Pace,
tions. Please join us... Chair, Public
Oil May 3, 1999, Common Sens~ Salmon ~, a coalition of Wn~hlngton State business groups ~ed suit
ia federal district court in Washington, D.C. agaiast thc National Marine Fisheries Service. Our suit charges
that NMOS is violating numerous federal laws by continually allowing overhatvcst and predation of Washing-
ton salmon and by improperly listing numerous runs of Washington salmon under th~ Endangered Species Act.
On August 10, 1999, wc amended our complaint to challenge recently set harvest limits that will increase thc
number of chinook salmon harvested in Washington during 1999. The lawsuit also includes claims under the
Freedom of Information Act fi:OM) for NIVIFS' failure to provide the public attrni,~istrative record on which the
March 1999 chinook salmon ESA listings must be based.
Common Sense Saknon Recovery is a coalition of business groups and individ,~t, founded by the Washington
Farm Bureau, Building Industry Association of Washington, Washington Cattlemen's Association, and Wash-
ington A.~sociation of REALTORS®. Our lawsuit has support from members of Washington's congressional
delegation, state legislators, local government officials, and citizens who seek a common sense approach to
salmon recovery. Our lawsuit includes the following claims:
.Harvest usually kills $6.59% of all retunting Puget Sound Chinook Salmon, and has killed up to 90% in some
years. In 1996 (the most recent data available), mom than 150,000 chinook wcrc harvested in all Puget Sound
salmon fisheries. In 1997, the commercial sector's ~lmon catch was increased 44% from 1996, to 112,700.
Even after chinook salmon were listed as threatened under thc ESA in March of 1999, NMF$' ha~est reguia-
tions will in~ the Washington coastal harvest of chinook by over 300% during the 1999 fishing season,
from 22,500 to 79,900.
el'he Sustainable Fisheries Act (an amendment to tl~ Magnuson-Stevens Act) required the Pacific lr~sheries
Management Council (a NMFS Council that allocates fish off Washington ct Oregon) to develop a plan by De-
cember 1999 to prevent overfishing and rebuild over-fished stocks. NMF$ has failed to comply with this legal
eNMF$ has excluded all hatchery-reared ~Imon from recent ESA listings. Ironically, NMF$ has required the
o,sc of hatcheries a.s mitigation for federally.constructed or licensxi dams over thc past 50 years. There is no
scientific information to distinguish between natusal and hatchery produced stocks. In fact, NMFS has used
captive breeding programs to supplement the populations of numerous ESA-listed species.
*NMFS' recent ESA listings by "Evolutionary Si~tmificant Unit" violate both the ESA and Administrative Pro-
cedures Act. The ESA allows species to be listed either by species or sub-species. NMF$' salmon listings by
"Evolutionary Significant Unit" violates thc ESA itself and contradicts 1'41v~$' own methodology in other
salmon listings. By basing l/SA listings on a geographic area, NMFS failed to consider the best scicntLfic infor-
marion about each individual chinook mn included in the listing.
*F~hefi~ ~ ~ or inciden~ ~ of ESA-ha~ ~mon ~11 ~ndu~ ~ during ~e 1999-2000
fi~g ~n ~ h~e or no del~ ~e to ESA ~on 7 f~ ~mfion ~men~. ~s ~ of
~o~ of ESA-~ fish ~ fl~ ~ ~mpt ~m ESA ~on 9 "~e' pm~bifio~. Howler, i~fion,
homering, ~d pubic wo~ ~n~ ~ve ~n delay~ m~ or p~ent~ ~ of ~e time ~d ex-
~ of ~n~g ESA ~on 7 ~mfion. ESA ~on 7 ~mfion ~d ~on 9 '~e' pm~bifio~
m~ ~ app~ ~ly to ~ a~fi~. It ~ ~o~ ~t ~hefi~ ~g ~o~ of ESA-~ ~mon
~ exempt ~m ~e ESA w~e upland ~d ~ a~fi~ ~ p~ent~ ~ of ~e ESA.
~ m V~o~o ~ ~E~M O~ ~~T~O~ A~ ~O~)
eL~g d~io~ ~der ~e ESA m~ ~ ~ on ~ a~m~vc ~r~ CSSR's ~u~ for ~ public ~-
ord ~ de~ ~ ~S. ~ ~ ~ is no a~ini~e ~rd (a ~olafion of ~e ESA ~d ~A), or
~S ~ ~g to p~ it to ~ ~c, ~ ~o~fion of FO~
.~S' f~l~ to m~ge ~pnl~fio~ of~e ~ ~d o~er p~to~ ~ ~t~ in ~ere ~pac~ on
W~on ~Imo~
.Fishcdes r~fing ~ ~ of ESA-Ii~ ~mon m~ ~ ~bj~t to ~ ~e ESA ~on T f~e~ co. Ira-
~on ~d ESA ~on 9 ~e" ~ly~s ~ l~d ~ p~. Fisheries ~e~g ESA li~ ~on shoed not
~ ~t~ ~de~ T~e S~temen~ w~e ~d ~ acfi~ ~e delay~ or p~ent~ even ~ough no "~e" of
~on ~ ~ sho~
S~le F~fi~ A~
e~e ESA U~g of ~Imon ~ E~lu~o~ Sight U~t ~S~ m~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~e ling of
~ou ~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or ~~ ~ ~e ESA ~.
-~S m~ u~ ~h~ t~qu~ to ~d ~e ~ve~ of W~on ~o~ ~e ESA ~clud~ such
p~ ~ ~ ~m~le of ~ble ~e~ m~s for li~ ~i~. ~ ad~o~ ~tche~ fish m~ ~ in-
clud~ in dete~inlng t~ ~h ~p~a~o~.
ewe do not ~li~e in ~g ~ ~on ~e~. ~ we ~licve ~t ~e overh~esf of ~mon m~t stop,
~ r~uir~ by n~em~ la~, inclu~ng ~e ~n AcL S~nable Fishefi~ A~ ~d En~ger~ S~ies
ewe do not ~ ~ ~ ~ldt ~sion g~ng ~lmon ~o~ ~r, ~ ~ ~t ~
law ~p~ ~c ~a~on of~ fishefi~ for co~a~on pu~s and ~t ~1 fishefi~ ~e ~bj~ to Ibc ~qmc
ESA ~on T ~l~on ~d ESA ~on 9 "~e" a~lysis ~ l~d ~ a~fi~.
ewe do not ~lieve ~ ~ ~d pr~fion ~n~ol ~ ~e o~y p~ of ~on r~ve~. R~onable
~bi~t pro--on ~d r~fion m~ures, when ~upl~ ~ ~e~ ~d pr~fion ~n~ols, ~11
wvcr W~n's ~on.
For more information plea,sc contact:
Common Sense Snlmon Recovery
P.O. Box 1909
Olympia, WA 98507
www.saimonjustice, com
List of Coalition Members
Updated November 15, 1999
· Building Industry Ass'n of Washington Tri-Cities Area Chamber of Commerce
· Washington Association of Realtors Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
· Washington State Farm Bureau Olympia Chamber of Commerce
· Washington Cattlemen's Association WA Well Drillers & Grnd. Water Assoc.
· Association of Washington Business Big Bend Economic Dvlpt. Council
· WA Growers Clearing House Association California Farm Bureau
· American Land Rights Association American Farm Bureau Federation
· League of Private Property Voters Citizens for a Sound Economy
· Columbia Basin Environmental Council Yakima Valley Growers & Shippers
· Washington State Grange Wa. Construction Industry Council
· Adams County Garfield County
· Asotin County Kittitas County
· Benton County Walla Walla County
· Columbia County Whitman County
· Ferry County City of Kennewick
· Franklin County Lower Stemilt Irrigation District
· U.S. Senator Slade Gorton State Representative Jerome Delvin
· U.S. Congressman Doc Hastings State Re3resentative Jeff Gombosky
· State Senator Harold Hochstatter State Representative Bill Grant
· State Senator Jim Honeyford State Representative Shirley Hankins
· State Senator Bob Morton State Re ~resentative Brian Hatfield
· State Senator Larry Sheahan State Re ~resentative John Koster
· State Senator Tim Sheldon State Re ~resentative Barb Lisk
· State Senator Dan Swecker State Re ~resentative Dave Mastin
· State Representative Clyde Ballard State Re ~resentative Cathy McMorris
· State Representative Brad Benson State Re ~resentative Joyce Mulliken
· State Re ~resentative Jim Buck State Re ~resentative Duane Sommers
· State Re ~resentative Bruce Chandler Mayor John Blanusa, City of Buckley
· State Re ~resentative Gary Chandler Tom Brown, Whatcom Co. Council
· State Representative Jim Clements
· State Re ~resentative Larry Crouse
· Pacific Legal Foundation
}f/e 're a coalition of groups and individuals P.O. Box 1909
nearly 900, 000 ff/ashington families, farmers and small Olympia, WA'
business people who are working for common sense salmon Sam Pace,
solutions. Please join us... Chair, Public
On May 3, 1999, Common Sense Salmon Recovery, a coalition of Washington State business groups filed suit
in federal dis~ct court in Washington, D.C. against the National Marine Fisheries Service. Our suit charges
that NMFS is violating numerous federal laws by continually allowing overharvest and predation of Washing-
ton salmon and by improperly listing numerous runs of Washington salmon under the Endangered Species Act.
On August 10, 1999, we amended our complaint to challenge recently set harvest limits that will increase the
number of chinook salmon harvested in Waslfington during 1999. The lawsuit also includes claims under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for NMFS' failure to provide the public administrative record on which the
March 1999 chinook salmon ESA listings must be based.
Common Sense Salmon Recovery is a coalition of business groups and individuals founded by the Washington
Farm Bureau, Building Industry Association of Washington, Washington Cattlemen's Association, and Wash-
ington Association of REALTORS®. Our lawsuit has support from members of Washington's congressional
delegation, state legislators, local government officials, and citizens who seek a common sense approach to
salmon recovery. Our lawsuit includes the following claims:
°Harvest usually kills 56-59% of all returning Puget Sound Chinook Salmon, and has killed up to 90% in some
years. In 1996 (the most recent data available), more than 150,000 ch/nook were harvested in all Puget Sound
salmon fisheries. In 1997, the commercial sector's salmon catch was increased 44% from 1996, to 112,700.
Even after chinook salmon were listed as threatened under the ESA in March of 1999, NMFS' harvest regula-
tions will increase the Washington coastal harvest of chinook by over 300% during the 1999 fishing season,
from 22,500 to 79,900.
°The Sustainable Fisheries Act (an amendment to the Magnuson-Stevens Act) required the Pacific Fisheries
Management Council (a NMFS Council that allocates fish off Washington & Oregon) to develop a plan by De-
cember 1999 to prevent overfishing and rebuild over-fished stocks. NMFS has failed to comply with this legal
*NMFS has excluded all hatchery-reared salmon from recent ESA listings. Ironically, NMFS has required the
use of hatcheries as mitigation for federally-constructed or licensed dams over the past 50 years. There is no
scientific information to distinguish between natural and hatchery produced stocks. In fact, NMFS has used
captive breeding programs to supplement the populations of numerous ESA-listed species.
°NMFS' recent ESA listings by "Evolutionary Significant Unit" violate both the ESA and Administrative Pro-
cedures Act. The ESA allows species to be listed either by species or sub-species. NMFS' salmon listings by
"Evolutionary Significant Unit" violates the ESA itself and contradicts NMFS' own methodology in other
salmon listings. By basing ESA listings on a geographic area, NMFS failed to consider the best scientific infor-
marion about each individual chinook run included in the listing.
*Fisheries with direct or incidental harvest of ESA-listed salmon will conduct harvests during the 1999-2000
fishing season with little or no delay duc to ESA section 7 federal consultation requirements. This harvest of
thousands of ESA-listed fish will also be exempt from ESA section 9 "take" prohibitions. However, irrigation,
homebuilding, and public works contracts have been delayed, modified, or prevented because of the time and ex-
pense of conducting ESA section 7 consultation. ESA Section 7 consultation and Section 9 "take" prohibitions
must be applied equally to all activities. It is illogical that fisheries harvesting thousands of ESA-listed salmon
axe exempt from the ESA while upland land use activities are prevented because of the ESA.
-Listing decisions under the ESA must be based on an administrative record. CSSR's request for this public rec-
ord was denied by NMFS. Thus, either there is no administrative record (a violation of the ESA and APA), or
NMFS is refusing to provide it to the public, in violation of FOIA.
*NN~'S' failure to manage populations of marine mammals and other predators has resulted in severe impacts on
Washington salmon.
-Fisheries resulting in harvest of ESA-listed salmon must be subject to the same ESA section 7 federal consulta-
tion and ESA section 9 "take" analysis as land use practices. Fisheries harvesting ESA listed salmon should not
be granted Incidental Take Statements while land use activities ace delayed or prevented even though no "take" of
salmon can be shown.
*NMFS must immediately implement a program to prevent overfishing of Washington salmon as required by The
Sustainable Fisheries Act.
-The ESA listing of salmon by Evolutionary Significant Unit 0ESU) must be set aside. Instead, the listing of
salmon stocks must be done by species or sub-species as the ESA requires.
*NMFS must utilize hatchery techniques to aid the recovery of Washington salmon. The ESA includes such
practices as an example of possible recovery measures for listed species. In addition, hatchery fish must be in-
cluded in determining total fish populations.
eWe do not believe in banning all salmon harvest. Instead, we believe that the overharvest of salmon must stop,
as required by numerous laws, including the Magnuson Act, Sustainable Fisheries Act, and Endangered Species
-We do not advocate overruling the Boldt Decision governing salmon allocation. However, we believe that case
law supports the regulation of all fisheries for conservation purposes and that all fisheries are subject to the same
ESA section 7 consultation and ESA section 9 "take" analysis as land use activities.
*We do not believe that harvest and predation control is the only part of salmon recovery. Reasonable
habitat protection and restoration measures, when coupled with harvest and predation controls, will re-
cover Washington's salmon.
For more information please contact:
Common Sense Salmon Recovery
P.O. Box 1909
Olympia, WA 98507
November [ 5, 1999 Public Relations Director
Washington, D.C.--A federal district court judge in Washington D.C. today denied the
National Marine Fisheries Services' (NMFS) request that the lawsuit filed in federal
district court by the Common Sense Salmon Recovery Coalition (CSSR) be moved to a
federal court in Washington State.
NMFS insisted that the lawsuit, which challenges the recent listing of several species of
northwest salmon as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA),
should be heard in Washington State because of the experience of local judges in dealing
with issues related to salmon. NMFS also cited the potential of the lawsuit to affect local
Indian fisheries, and the experience of local judges in dealing with tribal issues, as
another reason why the case should be moved to Washington State.
BIAW believes the judge's willingness to keep the case in Washington D.C. runs parallel
with CSSR's contention that this is a case with national implications about federal
agencies exceeding their powers as authorized by Congress.
"We are delighted that the judge is keeping this case in Washington, D.C. where it
belongs," said CSSR attorney James M. Johnson. "This is clearly a case of a federal
agency deciding to give itself more power than Congress ever intended," he added.
The lawsuit, which was filed by CSSR in federal district court in Washington, D.C. in
May, alleges that NMFS failed to properly manage northwest salmon stocks as required
by Congress, and then exceeded its authority under the ESA with their inconsistent
designation and application of Evolutionary Significant Un/ts (ESU) to count salmon
The lawsuit maintains that NMFS' use of ESU's, combined with the agency's refusal to
count hatchery fish, has resulted in a decision to list salmon that otherwise would not be
scientifically valid.
Common Sense Salmon Recovery is a coalition of groups and individuals representing
the Building Industry Association of Washington, the Washington Association of
Realtors, the Washington Cattlemen's Association, and the Washington Farm Bureau.
Supporters of the CSSR lawsuit include: Association of Washington Business,
Washington Growers Cleating House Association, American Land Rights Association,
League of Private Property Voters, Columbia Basin Environmental Council, Washington
State Grange, Th-Cities Area Chamber of Commerce, Port Angeles Chamber of
Commerce, Olympia Chamber of Commerce, Washington Well Drillers and Ground
Water Association, Big Bend Economic Development Council, California Farm Bureau,
American Farm Bureau Federation, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Yakima Valley
Growers and Shippers, Adams County, Asotin County, Benton County, Columbia
County, Ferry County, Franklin County, Garfield County, Kittitas County, Walla Walla
County, Whitman County, City of Kennewick, Lower Stemilt Irrigation District, U.S.
Senator Slade Gorton, U.S. Congressman Doc Hastings, State Senator Harold
Hochstatter, State Senator Jim Honeyford, State Senator Bob Morton, State Senator Larry
Sheahan, State Senator Tim Sheldon, State Senator Dan Swecker, State Representative
Clyde Ballard, State Representative Brad Benson, State Representative Jim Buck, State
Representative Bruce Chandler, State Representative Gary Chandler, State
Representative Larry Crouse, State Representative Jerome Delvin, State Representative
Jeff Gombosky, State Representative Bill Grant, State Representative Shirley Hankins,
State Representative Brian Hatfield, State Representative John Koster, State
Representative Barb Lisk, State Representative Dave Mastin, State Representative Cathy
McMorris, State Representative Joyce Mulliken, State Representative Duane Sommers,
City of Buckley Mayor John Blanusa, Whatcom County Councilmember Tom Brown,
Pacific Legal Foundation.
We're in this together --Come to the Salmon Symposium
December 1, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (lunch included)
af the SeaTac Hilton Hotel
Hear a panel representing business, labor, agriculture, and the legal
communi~ discuss the issues swirling around Salmon Recovery.
Appearing on the penal: Mike Poulson, Washington 5tote Form Bureau;
Dick McCenn, Perkins ¢oie, LLP: a local end state AFL-C];O representative; end
~Tustin Hayes, Associate Director of Public Policy, American Rivers.
The lunch time 5pe~ker is Eob Rivett, Pacific Legal Foundation, spe~king on the
Affects of the Endangered Species Act on Washington, the Pacific htorthwest ~¢~/'on and the V/~st Coast.
During this informative program, you'll learn about:
· The delays and costs of 5action 7 consultations
· The threat of citizen lawsuits
· How Growth Management is being used to enforce the ESA
· What the ESA will cost and who will pay
· Who has the last word on local land and water use decisions --
and whom assumes the liability
· What the loss of irrigation will do to agriculture
Find out the facts, attend the 5almon Symposium
Wednesday, Dec. ! at the 5eaTac Hilton Hotel. The
symposium begins at 9:00 am and continues until ?:00 pm,
lunch included. There is no charge,
but you must register to attend.
Call or fax your registration form to:
Erin 5harmon, BT. AW,
(360) 35Z-7800 phone - (360) 3§Z-780!
The Building ]:ndustry
Association of Washington
The Washington Cal-flemen's
Name: Association
Address: The Washington 5tote Farm Bureau
City/Zip: The Washington Association
Phone: Of I~EALTOR$®
· 21 East ,~ailroaa Port A~geles. 'N~-, ,~B362 (360) 452-23¢~
17, 1999
Common Sense Salmon Recovery Coalition
P.O. BOx ~909
Olympia, WA 98507
like Co foz~ard its support of the Common Sense Salmon
RecQvery. Coali~ion and ~tl lawsui~ against the National
Marine Fis~eries Service,
After carefully reviewing ~e l&wevit, The por~ Angeles
Chamber of Commerce clearly recognizes the importance of =hi~
lawsuit and sBppcr~s the action by the Cow, on Sense Salmon
Recovery Coalxtion. The Cha~er thoroughly understands
economic and social implications =he l~s=~ng of salmon
endangered will brin~ ~o ~he county. Until issues
surrounding predation and unregulated harvest are brought
into compliance, habita~ res~oration alone will be a futile
ar=amp= a= restoring salmon runs in Washinq~on State.
We are proud =o auppor~ "Co.on Sense Salmon Recovery" and
your lawsuit, We believe your plan i~ the only plan tha~
will bring heal=by levels of endangered and =hreatened salmon
back to Washing=oh's rivers and streams. Please feel free to
utilize our emdorsement of the Co. on Sense Salmon Recovery
$ ~ncerely,
FAX # 360.457-S380 · www. oltyofpf.com, B-mall; peflgaleiOofypefl.com
List of Coalition Members
Updated November 4, 1999
· Building Industry Ass'n of Washington TH-Cities Area Chamber of Commerce
· Washington Association of Realtors Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
· Washington State Farm Bureau Olympia Chamber of Commerce
· Washington Cattlemen's Association WA Well Drillers & Gmd. Water Assoc.
· Association of Washington Business Big Bend Economic Dvlpt. Council
· WA Growers Clearing House Association California Farm Bureau
· Amedcan Land Rights Association American Farm Bureau Federation
· League of Private Property Voters Citizens for a Sound Economy
· Columbia Basin Environmental Council Yakima Valley Growers & Shippers
· Washington State Grange
· Adams County Garfield County
· Asotin County Kittitas County
· Benton County Walla Walla County
· Columbia County Whitman County
· Ferry County City of Kennewick
· Franklin County Lower Sternilt Irrigation District
· U.S. Senator Slade Gorton State Representative Jerome Delvin
· U.S. Congressman Doc Hastings State Representative Jeff Gombosky
· State Senator Harold Hochstatter State Representative Bill Grant
· State Senator Jim Honeyford State Representative Shirley Hanldns
· State Senator Bob Morton State Representative Brian Hatfield
· State Senator Larry Sheahan State Representative John Koster
· State Senator Tim Sheldon State Representative Barb Lisk
· State Senator Dan Swecker State Representative Dave Mastin
· State Representative Clyde Ballard State Representative Cathy McMorris
· State Representative Brad Benson State Representative Joyce Mulliken
· State Representative Jim Buck State Representative Duane Sommers
· State Representative Bruce Chandler Mayor John Blanusa, City of Buckley
· State Representative Gary Chandler Tom Brown, Whatcom Co. Council
· State Representative Larry Crouse
· Pacific Legal Foundation
DATE: November 17, 1999
FROM: Orville Campbell, Chairman
Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Appointment of Industrial Representative to
Utility Advisory Committee
Summary: Joe Michalczik currently serves as the industrial representative to the Utility Advisory
Committee. His term of office expires December 31, 1999, and he is not eligible for reappointment.
Mr. Dean Reed has submitted an application to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Michalczik.
Recommendation: That the Council appoint Dean Reed as the industrial representative
to the Utility Advisory Committee for the period, January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2003, and
further, that Mr. Reed be authorized to fulfill his current obligation to the Planning
Commission to the end of his current term which expires March 1, 2000.
Background/Analysis: Joe Michalczik has very ably served on the Utility Advisory
Committee as the industrial representative since 1992. His term of office expires as of December
31, 1999, and he is not eligible for reappointment.
Mr. Dean Reed submitted an application to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Michalczik, and he was
interviewed this past week by the three Councilmembers serving on the UAC. Mr. Reed would
make valuable contributions to the deliberations of the Utility Advisory Committee and he is,
therefore, recommended for appointment to the UAC by the City Council. At this time, Mr. Reed
would be representing Daishowa as the industrial representative; however, should other industry
establish itself in Port Angeles, Mr. Reed would represent those other industries as well.
pmTANGELES sa, ~91999
Application for Appointment to a Board, Oommission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment
Board or Commission Full Name.
Board or Commission Full Name
Board or Commission Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last
Home street address : .
Ci~ State Zip Co&
Home phone number Work phone n~ber
Ge~ification and Location Information c~ o~
Are you c~ently a CiW employee? Yes~~ ~e you a cit~en of ~e Umted s~tes~ No
~e you a CiW resident~ No Do you o~manage a business ~ ~e Ci~? Ye~
Do you hold ~y professio~ lieges, ~gis~afions or c~ficates in any field (list below)~No
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: ~
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent~xpefience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) ,
Employer . "'~ Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Employer Your Title tFrom (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Institution/Location Credits em'ned/Major area of stud~ J Graduated?
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation -- LX-~~ ~'~i ~/~-~ ~.,/Z~,
Orgamzation and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Applic~/S~n;tur; ' Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150,
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99
po rAN-a- t ,s
DATE: November 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Water/Wastewater Rate Study and Rate Recommendations
Summary: Economic and Engineering Services (EES) has completed a comprehensive Cost of
Service Study for the Water and Wastewater Utilities. The Utility Advisory Committee reviewed
the study and concur with the following recommendation. EES will make a presentation on the
methodology used to develop the recommended rate increases prior to opening the public hearing.
Recommendation: Adopt the attached ordinance to increase water rates by 8% beginning
January 1, 2000, 8% beginning January 1, 2001, and 7% beginning January 1, 2002; and to
increase wastewater (sewer) rates by 8% beginning January 1, 2000, 7% beginning January
1, 2001 and 4.5% beginning January 1, 2002.
Background / Analysis:
The Public Works & Utilities Department included $40,000 for a rate study of the Water and
Wastewater utilities in its 1999 budget. In August the City executed a contract with Economic and
Engineering Services (EES) of Bellevue to complete this study by the end of November for a
maximum cost of $24,200. Staff from Public Works and Finance have worked with EES and the
Utility Advisory Committee in reviewing in detail all aspects of the study to develop the rate
recommendations for Water and Wastewater for the next three years. Rate reviews were done for
these utilities in 1992 by a consultant, and again in 1995 by Finance Department staff.
The current rate review process included a review of revenue requirements (overall expenses and
capital spending), a cost of service analysis (analyzes rate equity between customer classes), and a
rate design process. The staff goals in this process were to develop rates that are easy to understand
and administer, effective in yielding the total revenue requirements, stable and predictable over
time, and that are fair and equitable to our customers. Several items have been identified that are
contributing to increased costs over the period of this study. These include increases in insurance
rates, interfund allocations, contributions to the Economic Development Fund, and increases in
funding for capital projects.
About $1.3 million dollars of rate stabilization reserves will be used during the period from 2000
to 2003 to mitigate the recommended increases. About $2.5 million will remain in cash reserves
at the end of 2003. It is anticipated that the next rate review will occur in 2003.
Attachments: Presentation slides
Revised ordinance
City of Port Angeles
Presentation of the
1999 Water & Wastewater
Rate Study
Presented by:
Tom Gould, Vice President
Economic and Engineering Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 1989
Bellevue, Washington 98009
Overview and Purpose of the Presentation
· Briefly Review the Process and
Methodology of Setting Cost Based Rates
· Review the Results of our Analysis
· Provide our Recommendations on Water
and Wastewater Rate Adjustments
JJjJ] Overview of the Rate Setting Process
Revenue Requirements
Rate Design
JJJJ] Revenue Requirements
Overview of the Revenue Requirements
· Compares the Sources of
Funds to the Application
of Funds
· Uses a Projected Time
· Attempt to Minimize
Rates Through Time
· Focus is on the Capital
Improvements and the
Financing of them
Detail of the "Cash Basis" Revenue
O&M Expenses
Taxes/Transfer Payments
Debt Service
Capital Projects Funded from Rates
Revenue Requirements
Miscellaneous Revenues
Balance Required from Rates
Total Capital Projects
Revenue Bonds
Cash Reserves
Customer Contributions
Capital Projects Funded from Rates
80 3
The City's Objectives in Determining '
Revenue Requirements
· Provide Sufficient Operating and Capital Funds to
Operate Utilities on a Prudent and Stable Basis
· Utilize Rate Stabilization Funds Minimize the
Need for Large Rate Adjustments
· Provide Adequate Funding for Renewal and
Replacement Capital Improvements
· Maintain Adequate Debt Service Coverage
Requirements and Reserves
~jJJJ] Key/tssuml~tions of the Revenue Requirements
· Reviewed CY 1999 through CY 2005
· Utilized the "Cash Basis" Approach
· Assumed Customer/Usage Growth of 0.5% Per Year
· Debt Financing Sources - Revenue Bonds
- Public Works Trust Fund Loans
- State Revolving Fund Loans
· Types of Capital Improvement Projects
- Renewal and Replacement Projects
- Legally Mandated (Required By Law/Regulation)
- Other Projects; Improvements or Growth Related
J'-J_U] Summary of the Water Revenue Requirements
2000 2001 2002
Source of Funds
Rate Revenues $2,211 $2,222 $2,233
Misc. Revenues 226 211 196
Total Sources of Fund $2,437 $2,432 $2,429
Applications of Funds
Operations 8,: Maint. $1,865 $1,923 $1,982
Taxes/Transfer Pmts 384 407 429
Debt Service 253 440 545
CIP from Rates 365 365 365
Total Rev. Requirements $2,867 $3,135 $3,321
Bal./(Def.) of Funds ($431) ($703) ($893)
JJJ_/J Summary of Water Capital Projects ($000)
CAPITALOUTLAYS 2000 2001 2002 ] Funding Sources
Concrete Cyl. Pipe Repl. $0 $0 $500 t PWTF
Black Diamond Resevoir 900 0 0 I $450 PWTF, $450 SRF
Peabody SI. Res. Cover 0 405 01 $.45 Rates. $.100 PWTF
Hydrant Replaeemenl 20 20 20I
Inter-Tie High Svc Area 0 770 0 i Rates/Reserves
Water SCADA 50 0 0 i Rates
Annual Replacements 10O 10~ 100! Rates
Grant Streel Water Line 60 0 0 ! Rates
Service Line Repl. 30 0 0 P, ates
UGA Water Customers 0 0 100 [ Rates
Spruce Creek Fire Pump 0 75 0
McDougal Subzone Fire Pump 0 0 75! Rates
Downtown WtrMains, Sidewalks 1,300 0 0 I $300 Rales/Reserves. $1 Mil SRF
Downtown WtrMains. Sidewalks 0 1,000 1,000 ] $500Rate.s/Reserves, $1.5 Mil PWTF
Southeast Reservoir 0 1.850 1.000 I STS0 PUD, $2.47 Mil Bond
High Zone Pipeline 0 615 0 I $140 PUD, $.475 Rates/Reserves
Total Capital Outlays $2,460 $4,835 $2,795
JJJJl Summary of the Wastewater Revenue
Requirements ($000)
2000 2001 2002
Source of Funds
Rate Revenues $2,814 $2,828 $2,842
Misc. Revenues 336 331 331
Total Sources of Fund $3,150 $3,159 $3-,173
Applications of Funds
Operations & Maint. $1,516 $1,563 $1,611
Taxes/Transfer Pmts 407 435 455
Debt Service 997 1,039 1,034
CIP from Rates 605 610 615
Total Rev. Requirements $3~,~25 $'~,~ $3,-71 ~
Bal./(Def.) of Funds ($375) ($488) ($542)
_j--j~ Summary of Wastewater Cap. Projects ($000)
CA PITAL OUTLAYS 2000 2001 2002 Funding Sources
~t/astewater Related
Sewer Pump Stations 1&3 Upgrade $0 $600 $0 Revenue Bond
Backup Generator 100 0 0 Rates
Annual Replacements 100 100 100 Rates
l/I CSO Reduction 100 100 100 Rates
Sludge Pump Automation 50 0 0 Rates
Stormwater Related
City-Wide Catch Basin Modifications 50 50 50 Rates
Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff 0 200 100 Rates/Reserves
10'~/"N" Storm Detention 0 250 0 Rates/Reserves
Peabody/Lincoln Culvert Rehab 0 340 0 $240 Rates. $100 Bond
Milwaukee Wtormwater Improvements 0 0 1,050 ULID
Crown Park Slorm Overflow 0 100 0 Rates
Total Capilal Outlays $400 Sl,740 $1,400
jjjj! Co.c usions Regarding Revenue
· City's rates are currently insufficient to cover
projected O&M and capital costs
· Debt Coverage Ratios are inadequate to meet
covenants under current rates
· Capital Plan has already been reviewed and
reduced for priority projects
· Application of Rate Stabilization Reserves can help
lessen the impact to City's rate payers
· Need to adjust rates to reflect current costs
__lJJJl Summary of Recommendations for Water
Revenue Requirements
· Adjust rates to reflect current costs
· Apply rate stabilization reserves to lessen rate
2000 2001 2002
Proposed Rate Adjustments 8.0% 8.0% 7.0%
Bal./(Def.) of Funds ($431) ($703) ($893)
Plus: Addt'l Rev. From Rate Adj. $178 $357 $517
Bal/(Def.) After Rate Adj. ($253) ($346) ($376)
Applic. of Rate Stabilization $253 $346 $376
Net Bal./(Def.)of Funds $0 $0 $0
Water Revenues at Current Rates versus
Revenue Requirements
53,500 ~
~~/// ! Current Revenue:
$3,000 ~ ~ With Proposed
S2,500 -~ Adjustments
~' ..... Revenue
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Summary of Recommendations for
Wastewater Revenue Requirements
· Adjust rates to reflect current costs
· Apply rate stabilization reserves to lessen rate
2000 2001 2002
Proposed Rate Adjustments 8.17'/o 7.0"/0 4.5%
Bal./(Def.) of Funds ($375) ($488) ($542)
Plus: Addt'l Rev. From Rate Adj. 227 427 557
Bal./(Def.) After Rate Adj. ($148) ($61) $15
Applic. of Rate Stabilization $148 $§1 ($15)
Net Bal./(Def.) of Funds
Wastewater Revenues at Current Rates
versus Revenue Requirements
$4,000 t ~ ~ Current Revenues
$3,500 I ~ ~ With Proposed
$2,50053'000 1 "-'----~. ~- AdjustmentS:RequirementsRevenue
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Summary of Debt Coverage Ratios
Revenue Bonds 2000 2001 2002
Before Rate Adjustments 2.05 1.50 1.29
After Proposed Rate 2.62 2.37 2.40
All Debt 2000 2001 2002
Before Rate Adjustments 1.17 0.92 0.79
After Proposed Rate 1.49 1.45 1.47
86 9
SJJ /Co t of Service
JJJ_/] Conclusions Regarding the Cost of Service
· Minor Cost Differences Exist Between the
Classes of Service
· City's Rate Payers Appear to be Paying
Cost-Based Rates
· City has historically followed cost of service
result to set rates
· Cost of Service Relationships Appear to be
Consistent Over 4-5 Year Period
~J-'_JJ] Rate Design
_J~]Goals and Objectives of the Rate Design
· Simple & Easy to Understand
· Easy to Administer
· Effective in Yielding Total Revenue Requirements
· Revenue Stability and Predictability
· Stability and Predictability of Rates
· Fair and Equitable
JJJJ/Proposed Approach to Rate Design
· 3 - Year Proposed Rate Adjustments
2000 2o01 2002
- Water 8.0% 8.0% 7.0%
- Wastewater 8.0% 7.0% 4.5%
· City's current rate structure conforms well to the
overall goals and objectives of rate design
· Apply adjustments equally to base and
consumption charges
Proposed Water and Wastewater Rates (2000
- 2002)
Ware r Cu rte n t 2000 2001 2002
· Residential - 5/8 inch
Base Charge $10.75 $11.60 $12.55 $13.40
Consumption Charge $0.86 $0.93 $1.00 $1.07
· Commercial- I inch
Base Charge $17.95 $19.40 $20.95 $22.40
Consumption Charge $0.70 $0.76 $0.82 $0.88
Wastew ater
, Residential $30.00 $32.40 $34.65 $36.25
· Corn rn ercial
Base Charge $7.00 $7.55 $8.10 $8.45
Volumetric - $/ccf $1.98 $2.14 $2.29 $2.39
_lddJ! Comparison of Single Family Residential
Monthly Utility Bills
Marysville I I ~49.09
£dmon~ I 1550.02
racey I 11 $50.41
Oak Harbor
' t$51.73
Port Angeles $53.30
Aberdeen I I 1555. }8
Port Townsend
I$ 8.10
Kiddand ] [ t r$61.70
Sequim I [ I 1563.69
Sea.le I I ! t SI ~8.04
$30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80
Note: Assumes Proposed Adjustment for 2000, and average monthly water consumption of 10 ccf
(7.500 .... gallons). 25
· Proposed Adjustments will
maintain financial stability
for the utilities
· We have attempted to
minimize rate adjustments
through the use of rate
stabilization funds
· City has carefully reviewed
both operating and capital
costs to minimize impacts to
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising water
rates and amending Ordinance 2181 as amended and Chapter 13.44 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
DRDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Chapter 6 of Ordinance 2181, as most recently amended by Ordinance 2962,
md Chapter 13.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC
3.44.010, 13.44.020, 13.44.025, 13.44.030, 13.44.040, 13.44.050, 13.44.055, 13.44.060, 13.44.070,
nd 13.44.090 to read as follows:
13.44.010 Monthly Residential Flat Rate. The monthly residential flat rate for each
;ervice shall be ~'~" '~ -- -' ........... '--'-- I 199~7 as follows:
A. $ 24.15 on bills beginning July 1, 1998.
B. $25.10 on bills beginning January_ 1. 2000.
C. $27.10 on bills beginning January_ 1. 2001.
D. $29.00 on bills beginning January_ 1. 2002
Ord. 2871 81 (part), 6/30/95; Ord. 2820 81, 7/6/94; Ord 2673 81 (part), 2/14/92; Ord. 2323 81,
6/85; Ord. 2181 Ch. 6 81, 12/3/81)
13,44,020 Monthly Residential Metered Rate - Within City_.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to water service to
:ingle-family residences within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. For the purposes
~f this section, "single-family residences" are defined as structures designed for occupancy by a
:ingle family only, containing a complete kitchen unit. Structures which are not "single-family
esidences" include, but are not limited to, duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and rooming houses.
[~he charge is based upon size of the service line, and not size of the meter, except as specified
Or the three-fourths-inch service,below. The customer charges are as follow:
r, .......~-~- .... *'-- ~'--"- Customer Charge Per Month
~- ~':"- ~'--:--:-- "" "~" On Bills Be~innin~ On The
Followin~ Dates:
7/1/98 1/1/00 l/l/01 1/1/02
;/4-inch service
with 5/8-inch meter) ** '~.~,o°~ $10.75 $11.60 $12.55 $13.40
;/4-inch service
with 3/4-inch meter) 10.75 11.65 12.60 13.60 14.55
-inch service .,-..~'" '~ 13.05 14.10 15.20 16.30
1/2-inch service 23.25 24.15 26.10 28.15 30.15
-inch.service 36:8-5 37.75 40.7~ 44.05 47.15
B. Metered consumption shall be ~S follows:
1_. ~ $.86 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning
July 1, 1996.
2_. $.93 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2000.
3. $1.01 for ~ach one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4_. $1.07 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2002.
(Ord. 2962 §1 (part), 6/17/97; Ord. 2871 §1 (part) 6/30/95; Ord. 2820 §l(part) 7/6/94; Ord. 2672
}1 (pm), 2/14/92; Ord. 2541 §I, 7/1/89; Ord. 2340 §1, 5/8/85; Ord. 2323 §2, 1/2/85; Ord. 2181 Ch.
§2, 12/3/81)
13.44.025 Commercial and All Other Monthly Metered Rates.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to commercial and all other
,ater services other than those provided for under Sections 13.44.010 through 13.44.040 of this
2hapter, within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. The customer charge is based upon
;ize of the service line, and not the size of the meter, except as specified for three-fourths-inch
;ervice below. The customer charges are as follows:
gervice Size r, ........ ,-~- .... "-- "--"- Customer Charge Per Month
'"- ~:"- "--:--:-- "" "'" On Bills Beeinnine On The
Followine Dates
7/1/98 1/1/00 1/1/01 1/1/02
/4-inch service
with 5/8-inchmeter) $13.10 $15.25 $16.45 $17.80 $19.05
/4-inch service
with 3/4-inch meter) t4rt-0 16.25 17.55 18.95 20.30
-inch service ', ~.,,,, ~ o~ 17.95 19.40 20.95 22.40
1/2-inch service 29.50 31.65 34.20 36.90 39.50
;-inch service 46:00 48.15 52.00 56.15 60.10
.-inch service 8430 86.45 93.35 100.85 107.90
.-inch service "~', j,.,.,,"'~ 141.35 152.65 164.85 176.40
;-inch service E-76-.3q} 278.45 300.75 324.80 347.50
;-inch or 1 O-inch service 440:~ 442.85 478.30 516.55 552.70
B. Metered consumption shall be as follows:
1. acvcn~' cc. nta $.70 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning July
l, 1996.
2.$.76 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2000.
3.$.82 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4.$.87 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2002.
Ord. 2962 §1 (part), 6/27/97; Ord. 2871 §1 (part), 6/30/95; Ord. 2820 §1 (part), 7/6/94; Ord. 2673
il (part), 2/14/92; Ord. 2323 §5, 1/2/85; Ord. 2181 Ch. 6 §5, 12/3/81)
13.44.030 Monthly Industrial Metered Rate - Within City_.
A. For the purposes of this section, "industrial customers" are defined as customers
vhose average monthly potable water consumption is in excess of three hundred fifty thousand cubic
~et per month, where such average is computed by dividing total annual month period by twelve;
~rovided, that this rate shall not apply to public wholesale customers of the City, whose rate shall
~e established by contract as set forth in PANIC 13.44.060.
pti hall foil ~:- .... ~ ..... ~ --- '--'-~--~ --'-:~
B. Metered consum on s be as ows: z,-~x -c,n¢ .... ~ .......................
s,,-.~.,-,,,,~, ¢cn,s $.64 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning
July 1, 1998.
2. $.69 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2000.
3. $,75 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4. $.80 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2002.
(Ord. 2962 31 (part), 6/27/97; Ord. 2871 31 (part) 6/30/95; Ord. 2820 31 (part), 7/6/94; Ord.
:673 31 (part), 2/14/92; Ord. 2323 {}3, 1/2/85; Ord. 2181 Ch. 6 33, 12/3/81)
1~,44.040 Monthly Residential Metered Rate - Outside City_.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to water service outside the
.orporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. The charge is based upon size of the service line, and
~ot size of the meter, except as specified for three-fourths-inch services below. The customer
:harges are as follows:
;ervice Size ,-, ........ ,-,~. .... ,~A_ ~ ,__,,- Customer Charee Per Month
On ~':"- ~'--:--:-- "" "'" On Bills Beeinnine On The
Followine Dates
7/9/98 l/l/00 1/1/01 1/1/02
;/4-inch service '
with 5/8-inchmeter) $4480 $16.15 $17.45 $18.85 $20.15
l/4-inch service
e,,ith 3/4-inch meter) -}6:-1--5 17.50 18.90 20.40 21.85
-inch service 1 °0.25 19.60 21.15 22.85 24.45
-1/2-inch service ~,4a.90 36.25 39.15 42.30 45.25
!-inch service 55.30 56.65 61.20 66.10 70.70
B. Metered consumption shall be as follows:
1. ~J~t'~C J~11 .... .1 .......... .'~1- ...... $1.28 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed
regardless of size of service on bills beginning July 1, 1996.
2. $1.38 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed regardless of size of service on bills
beginning January_ 1. 2000.
3. $1.49 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed regardless of size of service on bills
beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4_. $1.60 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed regardless of size of service on bills
b~ginning January_ 1. 2002.
Ord. 2962 31 (part), 6/27/97; Ord. 2871 §1 (part), 6/30/95; Ord. 2820 §1 (pm), 7/6/94; Ord. 2673
1 (pm), 2/14/92; Ord. 2323 §4, V2/85; Ord. 2181 Ch. 6 §4, 12/3/81)
13.44,050 Monthly Commercial Metered Rate - Outside the City_.
A. The following monthly customer charges are applicable to commercial water service
,utside the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. The charge is based upon the size of the
ervice line and not the size of the meter, except as specified for three-fourths-inch service below.
?he customer charges are as follows:
;ervice Size ,, ........ ~,L ....n__ ~,__,L Customer Chame Per Month
· -,_ ~,:,,_ n__:__:__ -,,, ,,,,, On Bills Beeinnine On The
Following Dates
7/1/98 1/1/00 1/1/01 1/1/02
~/4-inch service
with 5/8-inch meter) $-}9:6-5 $22.90 $ 24.75 $26.70 $28.60
3/4-inch service
with 3/4-inch meter) ,.,.l.,"~ ' ~ 24.40 26.35 28.45 30.45
-inch service ~-J.,,,"" "" 26.95 29.10 31.45 33.65
-1/2-inch service ~ 47.50 51.30 55.40 59.30
!-inch service 6s3:00 72.25 7~.05 84.25 90.15
Mnch service ~ 129.70 140.10 151.30 161.85
[-inch service 20g.gO 212.05 229.00247.35 264.65
i-inch service 444~ 417.70 451.10 487.20 ~21.30
B. Metered consumption shall be as follows:
1. one,~,,,,,-'-" .... ,,~,,~ ~'.v,~ ........ ,~,~,~o $1.05 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills
beginning July 1, 1996.
2. $1.13 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1.2000.
3. $1,22 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4_. $1,~ 1 for each one hundred cubic feet consumed on bills beginning January_ 1. 2002.
Ord. 2962 §1 (part), 6/27/97; Ord. 2871 §1 (part), 6/30/95; Ord. 2820 §1 (part), 7/6/94; Ord. 2673
1 (part), 2/14/92)
t 3,44.055 Resale Rate. In circumstances under which the Director determines pursuant to
'AMC 13.32.020F that it is appropriate to allow a customer to furnish City water to a subsequent
)urchaser for the purpose of resale or transfer of the water outside of Port Angeles, the rates and
:onditions for such water shall be as follows:
A. The regular monthly metered rate for the water service at which the water is obtained
;hall continue to apply.
B. A surcharge shall be paid for water consumption in excess of 100,000gallons at the
'ate of one fc,'-~ ora cent $.00375 per gallon. This surcharge reflects the commodity value of water
br resale or transfer as well as the fact that such irregular purchases of City water are not required
o pay service connection or latecomer system development charges as do other new customers of
he water utility and the fact that single, large purchases of water can have a negative impact on the
2ity's water utility and source of supply.
C. Said surcharge may be used for special water utility purposes such as water system
>r water quality improvement projects.
D. Any fees charged by the customer to the subsequent purchaser shall be subject to the
Ipproval of the Director.
E. The purchaser shall be required to execute a hold harmless agreement, acknowledging
hat the City makes no representations as to the quality of the water and indemnifying the City and
ts officials and employees against any claims, lawsuits, or damages that may result directly or
adirectly from the purchase of water from the City of Port Angeles. (Ord. 2914, 4/26/96)
13.44.060 Wholesale~,,,,,'"-'~ Contract Sales. The rate ,,,,"A- amount to be _naid by. wholesale
;ustomers shall be established by contract.
_~,.._:_ c__ ,,_: ..... :-A (Ord. 2965, 8/29/97; Ord. 2962 §1 (part), 6/27/97; Ord. 2871 §1 (part),
5/30/95; Ord. 2820 §1 (part), 7/6/94; Ord. 2673 §1 (part), 2/14/92)
13,44.070 - Rat~ - Temporary_ Water Use.
A. For billing purposes where two or more premises are served on a temporary basis
brough a single meter, each shall be considered a separate premises.
B. The use of water for construction purposes shall be allowed, where available, to
~onstruct or reconstruct any building or structure or settle trenches or fills. Before commencing such
~sage, application therefor shall be made to the Department and a fee shall be paid in the following
. ..... *.. g:..~ .1~11~-.C' .... :-1
1. $25.00 until December 31. 1999.
2. $27,00 beginning January. 1. 2000.
3. $29.15 beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4_,. $31.20 beginning January_ 1. 2002.
~ater used shall be paid for at a rate described in Section 13.44.050.
Ord. 2673 §1 (part), 2/14/92; Ord. 2181 Ch. 6 §7, 12/3/81)
1 ~,44.090 Service Charge. Whenever the Department responds to a request outside of
egular working hours for assistance to investigate a deficiency in water service to any premises and
t is determined that the deficiency is the result of improper operation or maintenance of the
ustomer's plumbing, a one h",mdrcd ..... charge will be made to defray a portion of the cost of
esponding to the request in the following amount:
1. $100.00 until December 31, 1999.
$108.00 beginning January_ 1. 2000.
$116.00 beginning January_ 1. 2001.
$125.00 beginning January_ 1. 2002.
Ord. 2673 §1 (part), 2/14/92; Ord. 2181 Ch. 6 §9, 12/3/81)
Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
>r circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of
he Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
reid on the __ day of ,1999.
~ecky J. Upton, City Clerk
2raig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising rates
for wastewater service and amending Chapter VI of Ordinance 2394 as
amended and Chapter 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section l. Chapter VI of Ordinance 2394, as most recently amended by Ordinance 2872,
and Chapter 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC
13.65.010, 020, and 030, to read as follows:
13.65.010 Single Residential Unit Monthly Rate.
A._,. Each residential unit and each living unit connected with the City water system
shall be charged a monthly customer charge during months in which water is
consumed. '
B. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds 430
cubic feet shall ~-'~ e-,o -,~ ....... ,_ __ ~.:,~ ~.__:__:_h T.a.. 1 ' '~'~ oo follow~;
$30.00 on bills begi~ng July 1, 1996.
2. $32.40 on bills begi~ing J~u~ 1. 2000.
$34.65 on bills begi~ing J~u~ 1. 2001.
$36.25 on bills begi~ing J~u~ 1. 2002.
C. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption falls below 430 cubic
feet shall be e~ -,6 ....... ~- -- '-:"- '--~:--:-~ T'-'-' '~'~ and as follows:
L $27.00 on bills beginning July 1, 1996.
2. $29.15 on bills beginning January. 1. 2000.
3. $31.20 on bills beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4_. $32.60 on bills beginning January_ 1. 2002.
(Ord. 2872 81 (part), 6/30/95; Ord. 2819 81, 7/6/94; Ord. 2685 81, 4/19/92; Ord. 2643 81, 7/15/91;
Ord. 2571 81,4/1/90; Ord. 2526 81, 4/1/89; Ord. 2482 81, 4/1/88; Ord. 2437 81, 3/1/87; Ord. 2394
Ch. VI § 1, 6/2/86)
13.65.020 Commercial and Industrial Rate. Each commercial and industrial discharger
connected with the City water system shall be charged monthly .... ,,, ..... ¢~-gc ,,· ,, .... pcr
~__.,1.. ~1..~ 4/~ I "7"1 --~- I ~A ~..~..'~ .['~. ~. +l~n n~-'--~ ~Z'~*~--~.J .... ~ .......... .,1 1-.. ~.1. ...... .'~ .I..~
....... ~ ~ ............... ~ ....... ~ .,~,,.~,, ,.~.,..,, ,,,., as follows:
1. A customer charge of $7.00 per month plus $1.98 per 100 cubic feet for the
amount of metered water consumed by the user in the billing period on bills
beginning July 1, 1996.
2. A customer charge of $7,55 per month plus $2.14 per 100 cubic feet for the
amount of metered water consumed by the user in the billing ~riod on bills
beginning January_ 1. 2000.
3. A customer charge of $8, l0 per month plus $2.29 per 100 cubic feet for the
amount of metered water consumed by the user in the billing period on bills
beginning January_ 1. 2001.
4_. A customer charge of $8.45 per month plus $2.39 per 100 cubic feet for the
amount of metered water consumed by the user in the billing period on bills
beginning January_ 1. 2002.
(Ord. 2872 §1 (part), 6/30/95; Ord. 2643 §1, 7/15/91; Ord. 2571 §1, 4/1/90; Ord. 2482 §2, 4/1/88;
Ord. 2437 §1, 3/1/87; Ord. 2394 Ch. VI §2, 6/2/86)
13.65.030 Commercial and lndustri01 Equivalent Plumbing Fixtlll'q: Rate. Commercial
and industrial dischargers which have a lower water or wastewater discharge into the public sewers
than is reflected by their water consumption may apply in writing to the Department of Public Works
to have their sewer charges calculated at the followine rate: A,-
~'-':'-'~-' *'"'--'-:-A ~: ......... '-:'- '-~-:--:-- ""-' I ,,,,-,~ ~_,~ e-, -,,, A_ ,_:,~ ~ocg' ' g July 1
l_. $2.30 times the total number of equivalent plumbing fixtures on bills beginning
July 1. 1996.
2. $2.48 times the total number of equivalent plumbing fixtures on bills beginning
January_ 1. 2000.
3. $2.66 times the total number of equivalent plumbing fixtures on bills beginning
January_ 1. 2001,
4_. $2.78 times the total number of ec~_uivalent plumbing fixtures on bills beginning
January_ 1. 2002.
The total number of Equivalent Plumbing Fixtures shall be calculated, based upon the following
table, which is hereby adopted from the United States of America Standards Institute National
Plumbing Code, USASI, A40.8-1955:
Section 2 - Severabili _ty. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the ~ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
DATE: November 17, 1999
FROM: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director
SUBJECT: Property tax Levy Ordinances
Summary: The City is required to certify property taxes by Ordinance. In addition, Referendum
47 requires that cities increasing property tax levies do so by means of a separate Ordinance.
Recommendation: The Finance Department recommends that the City Council approve the
proposed general and special (voted) property tax levies and approve a 1.4 percent or $43,117
increase in the general tax levy.
Background / Analysis:
Referendum 47 made some significant changes to the process a taxing district must use to increase
revenue fi.om property tax collections. In cities with a population of 10,000 or more, the maximum
amount that the regular property tax levy could be increased in any year by a simple majority vote
of the legislative body would be the lesser of six percent or the rate of inflation. "Inflation" is defined
as the increase in the implicit price deflator (IPD) for personal consumption expenditures for the
previous twelve months as published in September of each year by the Bureau of Economic
Analysis. In calendar year 1998, the increase in this deflator was only 0.85 percent. In 1999, for the
year 2000 levy, this index is 1.4 percent. Section 209 (RCW 84.55.120) of Referendum 47 requires
that the regular property tax levy may not be increased by any amount (except for revenue fi.om new
construction, annexation, and state utility) without an ordinance (or resolution) that specifically
states the increase in both dollars and percentage.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, determining and fixing the
amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes
for the year 2000 and directing the City
Clerk to certify said amount to the Board
Clallam County Commissioners.
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.135, the City Manager is required to provide the City
Council with current information on estimates of revenues fi.om all sources as adopted in the current
budget, together with estimates submitted by the Finance Director, for consideration of the City's
total anticipated financial requirements for the ensuing fiscal year, and the City Council is required
to determine and fix by ordinance the amount to be levied by ad valorem taxes; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84.52.020, the City Clerk is required to certify the amount
of ad valorem taxes to be levied to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners;
HEREBY ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. The City Council hereby determines and fixes the amount of ad valorem taxes to
be levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2000, as follows:
Rate Amount
Regular Levy 3.02 3,122,887
Plus any amount resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to property,
annexations, and any increase in the value of state-assessed property.
Special Levies
1991 G. O. Bond - Senior Center .22 222,000
1992 G. O. Bond - Fire Station .17 170,000
1995 G. O. Bond - Library .28 284,000
Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify to the Board of Clallam County
Commissioners the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the fiscal year commencing January
1, 2000, as set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the 17th day of November, 1999.
ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney '
(By Summary)
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, authorizing a $43,117 increase
in the regular property tax levy for the fiscal
year 2000, which amount is 1.4 percent more
than the property tax levied for collection in 1999.
WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 84.55.120, the City of Port Angeles has properly given notice
of a public hearing held November 17, 1999, to consider revenue sources for the City's current
expense budget for the year 2000; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, after such heating and after duly considering relevant
evidence and factors, has determined that there is a need for an increase in the regular property tax
levy, in addition to any amount resulting from the addition of new construction, improvements to
property, annexations, and any increase in the value of state-assessed property, in order to discharge
the expected expenses and obligations of the City and as may otherwise be in the City's best
HEREBY ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. An increase in the regular property tax levy, in addition to any amount resulting
from the addition of new construction, improvements to property, annexations, and any increase in
the value of the state-assessed property, is hereby authorized for the year 2000 in the amount of
$43,117, which is a percentage increase of 1.4 percent over the amount levied for collection in 1999.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17t~ day of November, 1999.
ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
(By Summary)
pmtAN'¢ s
DATE: November 12, 1999
FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager
SUBJECT: Real Estate Excise Tax - Second 1/4% Implementation
Summary: The City of Port Angeles has previously identified capital needs in its facility and
comprehensive plans; and is fiuther impacted by the financing gap to realize a reasonable completion
of said project needs. The implementation of the second 1/4% REET is a viable option for
increasing revenues dedicated to achieve needed capital project construction and meet the planning
goals envisioned under the State's Growth Management Act.
Recommendation: Adoption of the Ordinance adding the second 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax
Background / Analysis: The Real Estate Excise Tax is authorized by RCW 82.46.010 and
codified as Chapter 3.62 in the Port Angeles Municipal Code. In addition, RCW 82.46.035
authorizes an additional 1/4% REET for those jurisdictions planning under the Growth Management
Act. The significant conditions for compliance are:
1. This additional tax can be levied by a vote of the legislative body of the City imposing the
tax if operating within a county required to plan under the Growth Management Act. It is my
understanding that Clallam County is required for such GMA compliance and we are eligible to
enact this provision. Otherwise, this additional tax can only be levied by vote of the electorate if we
choose to plan under GMA.
2. The definition of eligible capital project for the second 1/4% REET is more restrictive
than that imposed under the first 1/4% REET. In general we can not use these funds for acquisition
of parks, or the construction of government facilities ( police, fire, judicial, administrative, and
library buildings) and trails. We can use these funds for the capital improvements generally
associated with growth infrastructure such as street, sidewalk, traffic signal and lighting, bridges,
storm, water, and wastewater systems; and the improvement of parks.
3. These funds must be accounted for separately in a capital projects fund.
4. The tax levied under this section is the responsibility of the seller at time of real estate
transaction, and consequently should be a consideration of the asking price for such sales. It is not
a tax that is broadly applied to all citizens but just those choosing to sell property. The theory is that
such real estate transactions have the potential for growth impacts and therefore should help
contribute to the mitigation of such growth impacts.
5. This second 1/4% REET was authorized by the Legislature in 1990, and as of 1998 there
were a little over one hundred jurisdictions in the State that had adopted this additional revenue
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting the second one-quarter
of one percent excise tax on the sale of real
estate as authorized by RCW 82.46.035 and
amending Ordinance 2598 and Chapter 3.62
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2598 and Chapter 3.62 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 3.62.010 to read as follows:
3.62.010 Imposition of Real Estate Excise Tax. There is hereby imposed an
excise tax on each sale of real property within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles at
the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price, as authorized by RCW 82.46.010. and
an additional excise tax a{ the rate of one-quarter of one percent of the selling price, as
authorized by RCW 82.46.035. The Finance Director shall separately account for the revenues
generated by said taxes in funds entitled "Real Estate Excise Tax Qne Fund #105" and "Real
Estate Excise Tax Two Fund #160". (Ord. 2598 §1, 7/13/90)
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day of November, 1999.
ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
(By Summary)
DATE: November 12, 1999
FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager
SUBJECT: Fee Increases
Summary: As part of the budget for the year 2000, the City Council's Budget Committee and
I are recommending updating the fees charged for services by the various City departments. The
recommended increases in fees are generally consistent with inflation/cost of living rates since the
fees were adopted or last revised.
Recommendation: The City Manager and Budget Committee recommend adopting the attached
ordinances increasing fees charged for services by the various City departments and increasing the
system development charges for new connections to the City's water and sewer systems.
Background / Analysis: As part of the annual budget process, the fees charged for services
provided by the various City departments are reviewed and updated as necessary. For the year 2000,
the recommended fee increases are summarized as follows:
1. Finance Department. The only change is increasing the fee for NFS checks from $15 to $20.
2. Ci_ty Clerk. No changes are recommended for Business License Fees.
3. Parks and Recreation Department.
a. Cemetery charges are recommended for market-driven increases as reflected by other
municipal cemeteries.
b. Some of the swimming pool fees are recommended for inflationary increases.
c. Lincoln Park, City Pier, and Civic Field fees are recommended for inflationary
d. Senior Center and City Hall fees are not recommended for any increases.
e. Veto Burton fees are recommended to be increased consistent with inflation for
commercial use but not for non-profit use.
4. Planning Department. Across the board increases in the $25 to $100 range are recommended
for most of the various permit fees.
5. Public Works and Utilities Department
a. Utility inspection and service fees, fight-of-way use fees, cleating and grading fees,
and fees for other miscellaneous permits are recommended for across-the-board
increases based on a 16 percent increase in construction costs over the last three years
as reflected by the Engineering News Index.
b. The Water and Sewer System Development Charges are also recommended for 16%
6. Fire Department. A $35/hour charge is recommended for inspections outside normal
business hours and reinspections for Fire Code compliance.
7. Police Department.
a. Most fees, including dog and cat licenses, are not recommended for increases.
b. A $1 bicycle license fee is recommended to be eliminated.
c. Charges for case file photographs, gun shipments, and police escort services are
recommended for $1.50 to $15.00 increases to reflect actual costs.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing fees
charged for services rendered by the Finance Department, Parks and
Recreation Department, Planning Department, Fire Department, Public
Works and Utilities Department, and Police Department, and amending
Ordinances 2789 and 2932, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinances 2789 and 2932, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Chapter 3.70 PAMC to read as follows:
3.70.010 Finance Department Fees
3.20.020 City_ Clerk Fees
3.70.0-230 Ocean View Cemetery Fees
3.70.0340 Parks & Recreation Department Fees
3.70.050 Vem Burton Memorial Community Center Fees
3.70.060 Port Angeles Senior Services and Community Center Fees
3.70.070 Planning Department Fees
3.70.080 Construction Permit Fees
3.70.090 Fire Department Fees
3.70.100 Light Utility Inspection & Review Fees
3.70.105 Light Utility Service Fees
3.70.110 Public Works Department (Department) Fees and Deposits
3.70.120 Police Department Fees
3.70.900 Waiver of Fees
3.70.905 Money Back Guarantee Program
1 13t
3.70.010 Finance Department Fees.
A. NSF Checks. A fi ...... ~-"~-
..... ~, .....~ ~enty doll~ ($20.00) fee shall be
ch~ged for checks with insufficient hnds ~SF checks), which ~e submi~ed as pa~ent to the
City ofPo~ ~geles.
~. Utility Co~ections~eco~ections & Automatic Tm-ons.
1. UtiliW co~ections/reco~ections duhng regul~ working hou~
(8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) - $22.00
2. Automatic tum-ons pumu~t to prope~ owner a~eements - $10.00
Special Utility Se~ice Fees.
1. The penalW fee for delinquent utiliW bills shall be ~ follows:
a. First ~sessment $ 2.00
b. Second ~sessment $ 5.00
c. ~ird ~sessment ~d beyond $10.00
2. The collection fee for delinquent utiliW bills shall be as follows:
a. Field collections - $22.00
b. Ce~ified mail collections - $16.00
c. Automatic ~-ons p~su~t to prope~ o~er a~eements - $10.00.
3. ~e penal~ fee for ~authohzed utiliW se~ces, ~ regulated in P~
13.18.020, shall be fi~y dollars.
4. The credit check fee required under P~C 3.64.030B shall be fo~y
319_. Fees for Supplying Prints, Copies and Other Services (.as provided by all
1. The charges for the supplying of prints and/or copies of any City document
by the City of Port Angeles shall be as follows:
(a) Photocopies (documents up to 10 pages are free)
8½ x 11 $ 0.15 each
8½ x 11 - double-sided $ 0.15 each
8% x 11 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each
8½ x 14 $ 0.15 each
8½ x 14 - double-sided $ 0.15 each
8 ½ x 14 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 - double-sided $ 0.15 each
11 x 17 made by other than City Employee $ 0.15 each
(b) Faxed copies up to 10 pages no charge
(Documents longer than 10 pages will not be faxed.)
(c) 24" x 36" prims $ 6.00 each
(d) 30" x 42" prints $ 6.50 each
(e) 36" x 48" prints $ 7.00 each
(f) Computer disks:
3½" or 5~A'' $1.00 each
CD ROM $10.00 each
(g) Zoning Ordinance $ 4.50 each
(h) Comprehensive Plan $ 7.50 each.
2. The charges for the supplying of the services below shall be:
(a) Municipal Code Books $35.00 each
(b) Municipal Code Updates $ 0.15/page
(c) Notary Public Fee $ 3.00/cert.
(d) Audio Tapes $ 3.50 each
(e) LID
Title Search $4.00/request
(f) Deed Processing
First Sheet $ 7.00
Each Additional Sheet $1.00
(g) Computer Print-Out of Utility
Service Consumption History $1.00/request.
V~_. Coin Recovery Fees. The fee for the annual coin recovery permit shall be five dollars
per year per person. (Ord. 2932, §1, 10/11/96; Ord. 2789 §15, 1/1/94)
3.70.020 (~ity Clerk Fees
BA. Business Licenses_.
1. For all businesses which require a license, unless otherwise provided by this
Chapter, the license fee shall be twenty-five dollars per year. The minimum prorated fee under
PAMC 3.70.090B shall be ten dollars.
2. The fee for a temporary business license shall be ten dollars per month unless
otherwise provided.
3. The fee for reissuance of a lost, stolen or destroyed business license shall be
five dollars.
4. The fee for each additional business license for a person conducting the same
type of business at two or more permanent locations shall be five dollars per year.
t3 B. Dances. The fee for an annual business license for any number of dances shall be
$25.00. The fee for a temporary business license for one dance shall be ten dollars. '
t~ C. Fireworks Sales Permit. The fee for a fireworks sales permit shall be ten dollars.
E D__~. For-Hire Taxicab Driver's Licenses.
1. The fee for obtaining the initial for-hire taxicab driver's license shall be
$15.00 plus the cost for Washington State Identification Section inquiry, and the Police
Department's fee for fingerprints, photo I.D., local records check and lamination of the license.
2. The renewal fee shall be $15.00.
tZE.~. Horse Taxi Driver's Licenses. The fee for a horse taxi driver's license issued under
PAMC 5.37.100 shall be $5.00 annually plus the cost for Washington State Identification Section
inquiry and the Police .Department's fee for fingerprints, photo I.D., local records check, and
lamination of the license.
G F. Outdoor Music Festival. The fee for any outdoor music festival shall be - $10.00.
3.70.0:3.30 Ocean View Cemetery.. The charges for the use of the Ocean View Cemetery
be as follows:
A. Site Acquisition
1. Adult lot - ~,~c,,
o, ...... $ 750.00
2. Infant lot - $' '"
· .,,~.,.,,., $250.00
3. "~ .... :--Um Garden
........... - o, ...... $250.00
4_. Memorial Garden - $200.00
B. Opening and Closing
1. Adult lot - $4t-5-:00 $475.00
2. Infant lot e, ,,
- ~, ...... $200.00
3. Cremains lot '~' ~"
- o, ...... $200.00
4. Entombment '~""~
- ~, ...... $400.00
5. Inurnment ~,o~
- o, ..... $100.00
C.Stone Memorial Marking Setting
1. Single -~, ·,..,.,,,, ~" ~'~ "" $175.00
2. Double - e, ~
~, ......$200.00
3. Memorial Foundation, individual
- ,,,,.~,,, $150.00
4. Memorial Foundation, individual and companion - $125.¢0 $200.00
D. Liners/Vault Purchase Cost Placement Fee Total
1. Adult liner *"~" ~"~
~, ......250.00 $ .....O 250.00 $400:00 500.00
2. Infant liner .... 0 75.00 """ 75.00 1 '" "" 150.00
3. Cremains vault .,.,.,,,,~ ^" 75.0Q .......... ':~ "" 75.00 I'" "" 150.00
4. Adult vault """ "" 350.00
...... 350.00 ~r~,, ,,^ 700.00
E. Cremation Niches
1. Bronze Niches
a. Individual o $_,,,,,.,,,., 400.00
b. Individual and companion - $4743:00 570.00
2. Granite Niches
a. Eye level and below
and columbarium $660.0¢ 750.00
b. Above eye level - $55¢.¢¢ 650.00
3~ Chapel
a_. Glass front $525.00
F. Niche Inscriptions 1. Individual - $-}40r00 200.00
2. Individual and companion - $305.¢0 425.00
G. Crypts
1. Inside - ~,., v.,,,.,,,,¢'°~" ,~,, $4,000.00
2. Outside -~,,.,,,,,.,,,,¢"'^~ '~^ 4,000.00
....... v Graveside or Chapel Service - $ ..... O 150.00
I. Saturday Service - $300.¢0 400.00
J. Disinterment
1. Adult - ,o,,,,.,,,,e°"'~ ,,,, 1,000.00
2. Infant- $'~ ., ,, . ,,,,' " "" 200.00
3. Cremains - $ ...... 200.00
K. Residents of the City of Port Angeles, who present adequate proof of residence within
the City of Port Angeles at the time of purchase, to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation
Director, shall be entitled to a 15% discount fi.om the charges set forth in Subsection A of this
L. Merchandise Pricing. Prices for merchandise sold at the Ocean View Cemetery,
including but not limited to memorial markers, bases and urns, shall be established by cemetery staff
at the rate of twice the wholesale cost paid by the City. (Ord. 2963, 7/11/97; Ord. 2932 {}2,
10/11/96; Ord. 2903, 12/29/95; Ord. 2789 {}15, 1/1/94; Ord. 2800 {}1, 3/11/94)
3.70.0340 Parks and Recreation Department Fees.
A. ~he fee schedule for use of the William Shore Memorial Pool shall be as follows,
inclusive of sales tax:
1. Lockers - $0.25
2. Shower/Suits/Towel rental -
a. City resident - $1.50
b. Non-City resident - $2.00
3. Pool rental
a. City resident - $4000 45.00 per hour
Off hour rate - $20.00 25.00 per hour
b. Non-City resident - $50.00 65.00 per hour
Offhour rate - $4000 50.00 per hour
4. Instruction classes
a. City resident - $2.00 2.50 per ½ hour lesson
b. Non-City resident - $2.50 3.00 per ½ hour lesson
5. Private Lessons
a. City resident - $15.00 per 40-minute lesson
b. Non-City resident - $20.00 per 40-minute lesson
6. Exercise Classes
a. City resident - $2.50 3.00 per class
b. Non-City resident - $3.00 3.50per class
7. Admission/Passes
a. Youth, Senior, Earlybird, Disabled, Evening Laps
(1) City resident - $1.50
(2) Non-City residem - $2.00
b. Adult
(1) City resident - $2.00
(2) Non-City resident - $2.50
c. Youth/Senior 3 Month Passes
1~ Ci_ty resident $40.00
~l Non-I~ity resident $50.00
d. Adult/$¢n:~r 3 Month Passes
1.(D City resident $45.00
L~I Non-City re,ident $60.00
e._.e Youth/Senior Annual Passes
(1) City resident - $100.00
(2) Non-City resident - $125.00
d._f Adult Annual Passes
(1) City resident - $~ 150.00
(2) Non-City resident - $175.00 200.00
eg. Family Annual Passes
(1) City resident - $250.00
(2) Non-City resident - $312.00
f-:.h Family Six-month Pass
(1) City resident - $150.00
(2) Non-City resident - $187.00
g.i Adult script 12 swims
(1) City resident - $20.00
(2) Non-City resident - $25.00
la.,[ Youth script 12 swims
(1) City resident - $15.00
(2) Non-City resident - $20.00
B. The fee for installing banners across Front and First Streets shall be $45:00 60.00.
The surcharge for use of the City's banner shall be an additional $5.00 15.00.
C. The fees for the use of the following Lincoln Park, City Pier and Lions Park facilities
shall be as follows:
1. Overnight camping - $8.00 per night
2. Clubhouse/Longhouses/Loomis Building
Non-Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hrs)
a. City resident $ .....15.00 $ ...... 150.00
b. Non-City resident
..... 20.00 ', ,-.,.,,,," ~ "" 175:00
~._ Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hours.)
a. City resident $ .....20.00 $' "~ "'" 175.00
b. Non-City resident 15.¢0 25.00 $ ...... 200.00
3. City Pier
Non-Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hrs)
a. City resident $ ..... 15.00 $ ...... 200.00
.... 0 25.00 ...... 300.00
b. Non-City resident '
Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate (over 10 hours)
a. City resident $',,...~,," ~" 25.00$ ...... 250.00
b. Non-City resident ',.,.,,,, ' "" 30.00 ',.,,,.,,,,~ ""' 350.00
4. Lions Park Shelter
a. City resident - $ .... 10.00
b. Non-City resident - $7.50 15.00
a. City resident - $,..,,, 15.00
b. Non-City resident - $10.00 20.00
D. The fee schedule for the use of Civic Field Stadium shall be as follows:
Non-Profit Light fee Field paint fee
a. City resident - $-2-5.35~/hr SEO.30~/hr. $-1-0.2._~5.00 per gallon
b. Non-City resident - $~?~040./hr E-530./hr 12.50 25.00per gallon
Profit Light fee Field paint fee
a. City resident - $5~. 100./hr $-2-5 30./hr. 12.50 25.00 per gallon
b. Non-City resident - $I00 125./hr 30./hr 15.25.00 per gallon
Flat fee rates
Non Profit
a. City resident - $25¢.350.00 over 10 hours
b. Non-City resident - $300 400.00 over 10 hours
a. City resident - $.,,,,, 750.00 over 10 hours
b. Non-City resident - $I,0~ 1,250.00 over 10 hours.
E. The fee for membership in the Port Angeles Senior Center shall be $7.00 for Cit,,
residents and $10.00 for non-City residents; provided that any senior citizen who is unable to p,
this fee may be granted a membership, through the performance of a community service, in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the Port Angeles Senior Center.
F. City Hall User Fees. The fees for use of the City Hall Council Chambers and lobby
area shall be as follows:
1. Category I (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - no charge
2. Category II (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060)
a. City resident $12.00/hr.
b. Non-City resident $16.00/hr.
3. Category III (as defined in PANIC 3.70.060)
a. City resident $16.00/hr.
b. Non-City resident $20.00/hr.
G. Moorage Fees. The moorage fees for use of the City Pier and Waterfront Park shall
be as follows:
1. Overnight moorage at floating moorage facilities: $8.00/night.
2. 24-hour moorage at Coast Guard moorage area:
(a) 0-100 feet: $ 85.
(b) 100-150 feet: $115.
(c) 150-200 feet: $250.
(d) 200-300 feet: $280.
(Ord. 2961, 6/27/97; Ord. 2932 §3/10/11/96; Ord. 2789 §15, 1/1/94)
3.70.050 Vern Burton Memorial Community l~enter Fees.
A. Rates for businesses/commercial entities
1. Main Hall
a. Day Use
City Business - $20.00 25.00/hr.
Non-City Business - $ ..... 30.00/hr.
b. Flat Rate per Day
City Business - $250 300.00
Non-City Business - $300 350.00
c. Evening and Week-end Use
City Business -,,~.~.,,,,¢'~ "~ 30.00/hr.
Non-City Business - $30.00 35.00/hr.
2. Meeting Rooms
a. Small Meeting Room - Flat Rate
City Business - $120 125.00
Non-City Business - $160165.00
b. Large Meeting Room - Flat Rate
City Business - $160175.00
Non-City Business - $,.,,,,225 .00
c. Small Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Business - $-1-2 15.00/hr.
Non-City Business -~,,,,~" ': __20.00/hr.
d. Large Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Business - $-1-620.00/hr.
Non-City Business - $-2-0 25.00/hr.
3. Kitchen Fee
a. $-2--5 50.00 per day
B. Non-Profit Rates:
1. Main Hall
a. Day Use
City Organization or Resident - $15.00/hr.
_ Non-City OrganiZation or Resident - $20.00/hr.
b. Flat Rate per Day
City Organization or Resident - $200.00
Non-City Organization or Resident - $250.00
c. Evening-Weekend Use
City Organization or Resident - $20.00/hr.
Non-City Organization or Resident - $25.00/hr.
2. Meeting Rooms
a. Small Meeting Room - Flat Rate
City Organization or Resident - $80.00
Non-City Organization or Resident - $120.00
b. Large Meeting Room - Flat Rate
City Organization or Resident - $120.00
Non-City Organization or Resident - $160.00
c. Small Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Organization or Resident - $8.00/hr.
Non-City Organization or Resident - $12.00/hr.
d. Large Meeting Room - Hourly Rate
City Organization or Resident - $12.00/hr.
Non-City Organization or Resident - $16.00/hr.
3. Kitchen Fees
a. $L~-5 35.00 per day. (Ord. 2789 {}15, 1/1/94)
3.70.060 Port Angeles Senior Services and Communi _ty Center Fees.
A. Purpose. The City Council has determined that it is reasonable and in the public
interest to enact and impose a fee schedule for the rental and use of facilities at the Port Angeles
Senior Services and Community Center.
B. Definitions.
1. "Category I" This category shall be defined as any City sponsored, co-
sponsored or City supported activity whereby the City either plans, conducts, controls or offers some
degree of activity participation. This category will include youth/older adult sponsored activities
such as AARP, Senior Services, and school related activities pursuant to the Park/School Agreement
and Senior Services Agreement.
2. "Category II" This category shall be defined as any non-profit group or
organization or community function that separates community activities from "for profit" activities
of private enterprise or political or religious organizations.
3. "Category HI" This category shall be defined as any for-profit, commercial,
political, or religious activity. This category shall also include private parties such as wedding
receptions, retirement banquets, class reunions and other private parties of this nature.
4. "Resident" shall include City of Port Angeles residents, businesses, and
5. "Non-resident" shall include non-City of Port Angeles residents, businesses,
and organizations.
C. Fees. The following fees shall be established for use of the facilities at the Port Angeles
Senior Services and Community Center:
1. Category I use - no charge - all facilities
2. Category II use
a. Multi purpose room
(1) Resident - $25/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $30/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $250
(b) Non-resident - $300
b. Dining Room
(1) Resident- $20/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $25/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $200
(b) Non-resident - $250
c. Kitchen
(1) Resident - $10/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $15/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $100
(b) Non-resident - $150
d. Large Meeting Room
(1) Resident - $15/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $20/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $150
(b) Non-resident - $200
e. Small Meeting Room
(1) Resident - $10/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $15/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $100
(b) Non-resident - $150
3. Category III use
a. Multi purpose room
(1) Resident- $30/hr.
(2) Non-resident- $35/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $300
(b) Non-resident - $350
b. Dining Room
(1) Resident - $25/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $30/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $250
(b) Non-resident - $300
c. Kitchen
(1) Resident - $15/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $20/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $150
(b) Non-resident - $200
d. Large Meeting Room
(1) Resident - $20/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $25/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $200
(b) Non-resident - $250
e. Small Meeting Room
(1) Resident - $15/hr.
(2) Non-resident - $20/hr.
(3) Flat fee (over 10 hours)
(a) Resident - $150
(b) Non-resident - $200.
D. Setup/Cleanup Fee. A charge for setup or cleanup requiring services of City
employees will be billed at the rate of $30 per hour. (Ord. 2842, 10/14/94)
3.70.070 planning Department Fees. The fee for filing an application for the following
Planning permit applications and appeals shall be as follows:
A. Annexation - $300.400.00
B. Appeals - $-1--50 20.0.00.
C. Boundary Line Adjustment - $:k5 100.00
D. BSIP Applications
1. Preliminary - $350.00 450.00
2. Final - $ .... 00 200.00
1 ~'f~ /~
3. Modifications $ ..... 0 200.00
E. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - $350 450.00
F. Conditional Use Permit -
,,.~,, 300.00
G. Environmental Checklist for Other than Administrative CUPs - $1 o'30150.00
H. Environmental Checklist for Administrative CUPs - $:5075.00
I. Extension of a CUP- ,.,,,.,,,,~ '~'~ 50.00
J. Administrative CUPs - $,,._, 175.00
K. Planned Residential Development
1. Preliminary - $J_,,,450.00
2. Final - $ ......200.00
3. Modifications - SIc''.,,,.,,,,'''' 200.00
L. Open Space Exemption - $30.00 50.00
M. Parking Variance - $175.00 225.00
N. Plats
1. Preliminary Short Plats (1-5 lots) - $150200.00
a. Final Short Plats - $30 40.00 per lot
b. Amendment to Short Plats - $ ..... 75.00
2. Preliminary Subdivision Plats (6+ lots)- $ I _,~,~ 200.00 + ,,.,.,,,, ¢~ '~^ 10.00 per lot
a. Final Subdivision Plats - $30 40.00 per lot
3. Preliminary Binding Site Improvement Plan - $30 40.00 per lot.
a. Final Binding Site Improvement Plan - $30 40___~.00 per lot.
O. Retail Stand Right-of-Way Use - $50 75.00 per year
P. Rezone and Zoning Code Amendments - $350 450.00
Q. SEPA appeals under PAMC 15.04.280 - $150 200.00
R. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - $200250.00
S. Shoreline Permit Revision - $, ,,,, 150.00
T. Street Vacation - $,~,,,, 250.00
U. Temporary Use Permit
1. More than one year - $,,,,,.,,,, 150.00
2. One year or less - $ .....75.00
3 Extension or amendment of Temporary Use Permit- ~,.,,,.,,,,e~'~ "'~ 75.00
V. Trailer Park Permit - $ ..... 75.00
W. Variance - e' "' 225.00
X. Wetlands Permit - $,_,,, 200.00
(Ord. 3003 {}2, 12/25/98; Ord. 2932 {}4, 10/11/96; Ord. 2883 {}2, 9/15/95; Ord. 2789 {}15, 1/1/94~
3.70.080 Construction Permit Fees.
A. The permit fees for permits required by the Uniform Codes adopted in Chapter 14.03
PAMC shall be in the amounts set forth in said codes, except as otherwise provided in this Section.
B. The fee for plan review shall be as follows: 1. Residential: 40% of the building permit fee
2. Commercial: 65% of the building permit fee.
C. The permit fee for the installation of a manufactured or mobile home shall be $200 230.
D. The mechanical permit fee for installation of a solid-fuel buming appliance shall be $4-5.
E. Sign permit fees shall be according to the schedule set forth in this subsection.
Sign Permit Fee Schedule
Type of Sign Fee.
Wall or marquees, over 25 sq. fi. $ 7-5 85
Freestanding and projecting, over 25 sq. fi. I,'30 115
All signs less than 25 sq.fi. -2-5 30
Supergraphic on building (any size) 25 30
F. Surcharges enacted pursuant to Chapter 19.27 RCW and remitted to the State Treasurer
shall be $4.50 $5.00 for each building permit, plus $¢. $2.50 for each additional residential unit.
G. The inspection fee for call-back plumbing inspections shall be $30 47.
H. The fee for a certificate of occupancy inspection shall be $4-~ 4_27.00.
3.70.090 - Fire Department Fees
A. Inspection Fees. When the following inspections are required to be performed
pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code, the fees for such inspections shall be as set forth below:
1. Welding and cutting inspections for activities of the following duration:
a. Up to 5 days $ 50.00
b. 6 to 30 days 100.00
c. 31 to 90 days 200.00
d. 91 to 180 days 300.00
e. 181 to 365 days 500.00.
Welding and cutting activities extending beyond one year shall be required to renew any
'- required permits and pay inspection fees in accordance with the above schedule.
2. Marine fueling operations inspections $25.00
- reinspections 15.00
3. Place of assembly insp6ctions 25.00
4. Liquid petroleum gas tank and piping
installation and inspection ~ 35.00
The following fees shall be a one (1)-time fee for initial installation plan review and
5. Underground storage tank removal and installation inspection:
commercial 100.00
residential 15.00
6. Automatic fire sprinkler installation inspection and testing:
multi-family 50.00
commercial 100.00
7. Fire alarm plan review 50.00
8. Fire alarm installation inspection and testing: 100.00
plus $10 for each additional zone
9. Hood/duct system plan review 15.00
10. Hood/duct system inspection and test 25.00
The following fees shall be in addition to other required fees:
11. Inspections outside normal business hours $35.00 per hour
(conducted by non-uniformed personnel (minimum charge 1 hour)
outside of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-
Friday and on holidays
12. Reinspections for non-compliance $35.00 per hour
with Uniform Fire Code (after first (minimum charge 1 hour)
two inspections to ensure reasonable
progress is being made toward compliance)
B. Burning Permit Fees. Fees for burning permits issued pursuant to PAMC 14.21.060
shall be as follows:
1. One-day, four feet in diameter fire No charge
2. Five-day, ten feet in diameter fire 25.00
3. Five-day, twenty feet in diameter fire 80.00
C. Medical records. Duplicating and/or searching. In accordance with RCW
7.02.010(12), the charges for duplicating and/or searching for medical records shall be as follows:
1. Duplication charges 0.74/page for first 30 pages
.57/page all other page~
2. Clerical Fee for searching and handling 17.00
(Ord. 2993 6/12/98, Ord. 2932 {}7, 10/11/96)
3.70.100 - Light Utility Inspection & Review Fees
A. The fee for inspection of the installation, alteration, extension, and repair of electrical
wiring, materials, appliances, apparatus, devices, and equipment of services and feeders shall be as
set forth in the current edition of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries fee
schedule as adopted in WAC 296-46-910 as amended.
B. The fee for special permits issued pursuant to PAMC 14.05.180E shall be $-14 30,00.
(Ord. 2932 §8 (.part), 10/11/96)
3.70.105 - Light Utility_ Service Fees. The following service charges shall apply to service
performed by the Light Utility:
A. Installation and removal of a temporary service $115 130.00
B. Service calls on customer's equipment 1 I0 130.00
C. Service calls on customer's equipment after regular working hours I g 5 215.00
D. Labor billing rate for line crew personnel per hour 42.00
plus $23.00 billing charge
Double time per hour 72.00
plus $23.00 billing charge.
E. Contract and administration charge
1. Projects less than 500 kw 300 350.00
2. Projects 500 kw and larger ' ""~' 1,160.00
(Ord. 2970, 10/17/97; Ord. 2932 §8 (part), 10/11/96)
3.70.110 - Public Works Department (Department) Fees and Deposits.
A. The fee for a permit for construction or excavation work in the City right-of-way shall
be as follows:
1. Concrete walk installation $ 607._D_0.00
2. Curb & gutter removal and/or replacement 125 145.00
3. Driveway installation 125 145.00
4. All other work 40. 45.00
5. Street cut ~,,,,,~'~'~ 230.00
B. Street Use Permit Fees. The application fees for a Street Use Permit and for a
renewal of such permit, when required by PAMC 11.12.120, shall be as follows:
1. Benches $$ 30.00
2. Litter receptacles $ 30.00
3. Bicycle racks ~ 30.00
4. Private planters $ 30.00
5. Landscaping higher than 30 inches ~ 30.00
6. Exhibitions sponsored by or promoted by civic, charitable
or other non-profit organization 5.00
7. Sidewalk cafes 5060.00
8. All other exhibitions 5060.00
9. Activities not specifically mentioned 50 60.00
10. Ramps, steps, or any similar installation 100 115.00
11. Fences ,,,,~' '~'~ 115.00
12. Retaining Walls 1.,,,'~' 175.00
13. Rookeries 150 175.00
14. The application fee for a temporary street use permit shall be f-ffey sixty(S50 60)
15. The application fee for a permit for obstruction of unopened streets shall be c,nz
........... ] one hundred seventy-five ($-1-50 175) dollars per year.
C. Move Permit Fees. The fee schedule for building move permits shall be as follows:
1. Relocate a building on the same lot or parcel
(without use of public right-of-way) $ -2-530.00
2. Move building from inside City limits to outside City limits 50 115.00
3. Move building from one City lot to another City lot
(use City fight-of-way) 100 115.00
4. Move building from outside City limits to inside City limits 200 230,00
5. Inspection fee 30 47.00/hr.
D. Plan Review and Permit Fees for Grading, Filling, Clearing and Drainage Activities:
1. Grading and Filling. The permit fee for grading and filling activities shall be as
Estimated volume of grading & fill Fee
250 cubic yards or less and less than 4 feet of cut or fill nc, fcc $25.00
251 to 1,000 cubic yards 22.50 30.00
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards or more 30.00 35.00
plus $15.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
Additional plan review required for changes, additions or revisions to the approved plans
$ ......$30.00,
shall be at the rate of $30.00 per hour, provided that the minimum charge shall be "" ~'~
The hourly cost to the City shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe
benefits of the employees involved.
2. Clearing and Drainage. The permit fee shall be as follows:
Estimated area of clearing Fee
Less than one acre $30 35
One acre to five acres 50 60
Over five acres -1-0 1 2__/acre.
Additional plan review required for changes, additions or revisions to the approved plans
shall be at the rate of $30 per hour or the total hourly cost to the City, whichever is the greate
provided that the minimum charge shall be $t--530. The hourly cost to the City shall inclu,~
supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages, and fringe benefits of the employees involved.
E. Construction Inspection.
1. Inspections during normal business hours $30 47.00/hour
2. Inspections outside normal business hours
(the minimum charge shall be 2 hours) 60 47.00/hour.
F. Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Fees
1. Fees for monitoring, inspections and surveillance procedures: $ at cost
2. Fees for filing appeals: -2-5 30.00
3. Fees for reviewing accidental discharge procedures and construction: $ at
4. Fees for review of drawings, specifications and compliance schedules for
pretreatment facilities: $ at cost
5. Fees for issuance of industrial wastewater acceptance forms: $7--5 90.00
6. Other charges as the City may deem necessary to carry out the requirements
of Chapter 13.06 PAMC: $ at cost.
G. Water Service Connection Fees
1. The new residential water service connection fee, including the meter, shall
Service Size Meter Service Connection Fee
1" 5/8" $,,.,,,.,,,,~' "" 640.00
1" 3/4" $ 575.00 670.00
1" 1" $ ~09.00 695.00
2. The new commercial/industrial water service connection fee, including the
meter, shall be:
Service Size Meter Service Connection Fee
1" 1" ¢ ~ c,~,', ,',,~ 1 160.00
1-1/2" 1-1/2" $1,500.00 1,740.00
2" 2" $2,000.00 3,480.00
3. The fee for special or emergency tum-ons or turn-offs, shall be fit~ sixty
dollars during regular working hours and one l,undrcd one hundred fifteen dollars outside of regular
working hours.
4. The water quality test fee required under PA.MC 13.36.080 shall be $:~0 60
plus the cost of the laboratory tests.
H. The fee for a permit for sewer connection shall be as follows:
1. Single-family houses: $80 95.00
2. Multiple-family dwellings, including duplexes, apartment buildings, trailer
and auto courts, motels, and similar structures: $80 95.00 for the first dwelling unit and 5;67.00 for
each additional dwelling unit.
3. All other structures, including, but not limited to, hotels, apartment hotels,
office buildings, stores, churches, schools, hospitals, buildings accessory thereto, and
industrial/commercial structures of any kind and additions thereto: One-half cent per gross square
foot of area occupied by all floors of such structure for the first 100,000 square feet (exclusive of
areas devoted to single-family dwelling houses for multiple-dwelling structures); and one-quarter
cent per gross square foot for the remaining footage in excess of 100,000 square feet. In addition
thereto, $6 7.00 for each single-family or multiple dwelling unit combined therewith; with a
minimum fee of $~,,,. 95.00 and a maximum fee of $~,,,,,,, 1,160.00.
4. The fee for additional direct connections to a public sewer shall be the same
as for an initial connection.
5. The fee for a reconnection to a public sewer using an existing side sewer shall
be the same as for an initial connection.
I. The fee for alteration or repair to existing side sewers installed and accepted under
a previous permit, other than normal clean-out or root cutting for which no permit is required, shall
be as follows:
1. Any repair of a side sewer: $30 35.00
2. The fee for capping side sewers shall be $225 260.00 and all work performed
to cap the side sewer shall be accomplished by the Department.
J. The fee for storm drain connections shall be as follows:
1. Installation of catch basins or similar interceptors: $40 45.00.
2. All connections other than for a catch basin: $100 115.00.
K. The fees for various underground utility work performed by the Department shall be
as follows:
1. Tapping sewer or storm drain main lines to install a tee or wye: $125 145.00.
2. Hot tap water main:,,,..,,,¢"'" 290.00.
3. Tapping sanitary or storm manhole: $399 350.00.
4. Install fire hydrant: $~. 3,015.00.
All work to actually tap the main shall be performed by the Department. All excavation of
trench, exposure of the main and trench backfill shall be provided by the applicant.
L. In addition to the sewer or storm drain fees required under this Section, any person
receiving a permit fi-om the City for a sewer or storm drain connection shall pay to the City of Port
Angeles the actual cost incurred by the City in the restoration of any street, alley, curb, sidewalk,
utility or other structure of the City of Port Angeles, which is in any way altered or damaged as a
result of construction pursuant to a sewer or storm drain connection permit.
M. Septic Hauler Fees.
1. Annual Fee--Septic Hauler. The annual fee shall be $(~0 60.
2. Volume Fee. The monthly charge shall be as follows:
a. Fresh waste shall be charged at a rate of $0.02 per gallon of waste.
b. Other septic discharge shall be charged at a rate of $0.09 11 per
gallon of waste.
N. Whenever an application for a developer reimbursement agreement is submitted, it
shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of three hundred and fifty_ dollars ($300 350.) plus
six dollars ($:5 6_] for every parcel to be encumbered by the agreement in order to cover the CiD
expenses in processing the application. (Ord. 2932 §9, 10/11/96)
3.70.120 - Police Department Fees
A. Fees for dogs and cats licensed in any calendar year or within thirty days from change
of ownership shall be as follows:
1. Neutered or spayed dogs or cats $ 5.00
2. Unneutered or unspayed dogs or cats 10.00.
B. License fees for dogs apprehended and impounded without a license shall be as
1. Neutered male dogs $ 8.00
2. Unneutered male dogs 20.00
3. Spayed female dogs 8.00
4. Unspayed female dogs 20.00.
License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the dog(s).
- 20 -
C. License fees for cats apprehended and impounded without a license shall be as
1. Neutered male cats $ 6.00
2. Unneutered male cats 15.00
3. Spayed female cats 6.00
4. Unspayed female cats 15.00.
License fees shall be paid prior to the release of the cat(s).
D. The fee for issuance of a certificate of registration for dangerous animals shall be
E. The fee for redeeming and regaining custody of an impounded animal shall be any
outstanding license fee plus a penalty of twenty-five dollars forthe first impound plus six dollars
per day boarding fees plus any other billable costs incurred by the City to apprehend or care for an
animal. Any succeeding impound of the animal within a one-year period shall incur an additional
fifteen dollar penalty over the previous penalty incurred plus six dollars per day boarding fees plus
any other billable costs incurred by the City to apprehend or care for an animal.
F. Fees for the various Police Department services shall be as follows, provided that the
Chief of Police or his designee may provide copies of appropriate documents to victims of crimes
without charging for such copies in consideration of their cooperation with the Police Department's
investigation and related activities:
Accident Report Copy No Charge
Alarm Monitoring Fees 25.00/annual
Bicycle License l.OO No Charge
Case File Photographs
First photograph - $10.00
Each additional photo - 1.50 3.00
plus cost of reprints
Concealed Weapon Permits -
Original Permit 36.00
Plus FBI charge 24.00
On-Time Renewal 32.00
Late Renewal 42.00
Replacement Fee 10.00
(State allows NO grace period)
Crime Report Copy No Charge
Dispatch Tape Copies -
Untranscribed 15.00
Additional Copies 12.50
(disseminated by court subpoena only)
-21 -
Fingerprints 10.00
Gun Shipment Fees
Short gun (pistol) 25.0040.00
Long gun 40.00
(additional charge for oversize and/or to
Hawaii, Puerto Rico, etc., where airmail is involved)
mousemove ' ^ ~'" 1 ~ nn
(Police Escort fee extra)
Lamination 2.00
Police Services - Regular 3540.00/hr
Police Escorts 4045.00/hr
Police Reserve Details 15.00/hr.
Radio Repeater Bldg. Licenses 8400.00
Record Check 5.00
(PAPD adult conviction data only)
Special Motor Vehicle Permits 10.00/day
(overweight: 1 trip/1 way or must have proper state tonnage)
Finder's Fees: 10% of appraised value plus sales tax
(require personal check or money order for exact amount). (Ord. 2932 {}6,
3.70.900 - Waiver of Fees. Under appropriate circumstances, the fees imposed pursuant t"
this Chapter may be waived by the department head who is responsible for the fee being waiver.,
provided that such waiver shall be subject to approval of the City Manager, and provided further that
such waiver shall only occur in circumstances in which the waiver is constitutionally appropriate
as being for the necessary support of the poor or infirm or in circumstances in which the City has
made a mistake or incurred some other risk of liability exposure such that waiver of fees is
legitimate quid pro quo or consideration for resolving a legal dispute or potential claim against the
City. (Ord. 2932 §10, 10/11/96)
3.70.905 - Money Back Guarantee Program. In order to assure that specified development
permit applications are processed within a reasonable amount of time, the City hereby adopts the
Money Back Guarantee Program. Under this program, applications for building permits, other
construction permits, subdivisions, short plats, boundary line adjustments, conditional uses,
unclassified uses, shoreline substantial development permits, approvals required by the
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance and Wetlands Ordinance, site specific rezones,
variances, right-of-way use permits, street vacations, and clearing and grading permits shall be
processed in accordance with the time frames set forth in this section, provided that the following
development permit applications shall be specifically excluded from the Money Back Guarantee
Program: planned residential developments, projects for which a SEPA determination of significance
has been made, and building permits for projects with fees calculated on construction valuation costs
greater than $300,000.
- 22 -
1 34
- 1. Once the City determines a development permit application to be complete, the
City has sixty days to review an application that does not require a public hearing.
2. Once the City determines a development permit application to be complete, the
City has 120 days to review an application that does require a public hearing.
3. The sixty and 120-day review periods shall not include any period for which the
City has asked the applicant in writing to provide additional information, beginning with the date
of the written request until the date the City receives the information. The review time shall also be
tolled or held in abeyance whenever the City asks in writing for additional information or whenever
the City is waiting for a required determination or other action by an agency with jurisdiction.
4. If the City fails to complete its permit application review within the time limits
identified in subsections 1-3 above, then the applicant shall be entitled to a full refund of application
fees paid to the City. In the event a refund is required, the City must still complete its review of the
5. The permit applicant may waive the time limits set forth in this section.
Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council 'of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
held on the ~ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
- 23 -
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing the
system development charge for recovering capital costs of water and
sewer facilities and amending Ordinance 2746 as amended and Chapter
13.69 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
DRDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2746 as amended and Chapter 13.69 of the Port Angeles
vlunicipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.69.030 and 13.69.040 to read as
13.69.030 Water System Development Charge.
A. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the capital cost of the City's water
~ystem, including pumps, well, distribution and transmission lines, reservoirs, rights of ways and
.asements ............. 3 I, ~,.~ ,,,~ ~--' o .... sy3~m has been borne
~y the City and its water system users. PUl'~uant tO RCW 35.92.025. since S,~uch water system will
~e utilized by newly connecting properties, it is appropriate to establish a reasonable connection
:harge in order that such property_ owners bear their equitable share of and the capital cost of the
~--~l;~.J d- ......~ ........... ~.1 .........,1 :
B. The City Council further determines that~,~,~ -~ ...... ~, ,,~t- ...... ~,~:,,,s: ....... ,,s~o ~,,e't-~,,~ $).3:¢~,3
per equivalent water meter represents a reasonable basis for a fair water system development charge
that property owners newly connecting to the City's water system should bear as their equitable share
)f the capital cost of the system.
C. In addition to other fees imposed by ordinance or pursuant to agreements, there t.
hereby imposed, upon the owners of property seeking to provide water service to their property by
:onnecting to the City's water system, a water system development charge determined by
multiplying the total number of equivalent water meter factors for the service(s) to be installed by
[gg3.00 1.025,00 (Ord. 2888 §1, 9/29/95; Ord. 2746 §3, 2/12/93)
13.69.040 Sewer System Development Charge.
A. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the capital cost of the City's sewer
~ystem, including the treatment plant, collection lines, pump stations, rights of ways and easements.
.~A.-,-, .... ~___-~ ,~,~,~ :_e~,~oo-,,.~ ~. .... :.~, .....,- .... ~. h b b byth
2ity and its sewer system users. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025. since Ssuch sewer system will be
~tilized by newly connecting properties, it is appropriate to establish a reasonable connection charge
n order that such property_ owners bear their equitable share ofr..nd the capital cost of the system.~
B. The City Council further determines that,,,,,~-' .... ~,~ thc va~DSn~, agc$ .....3y3tcn~'s
$745.00 per equivalent water meter represents a reasonable basis for a fair sewer system
development charge that property owners newly connecting to the City's sewer system should hear
as their equitable share of the capital cost of the system.
C. In addition to other fees imposed, by ordinance or pursuant to agreements, there is
hereby imposed upon the owners of property seeking to provide sewer service to their property by
:onnecting to the City's sewer system, a sewer system development charge determined by
nultiplying the total number of equivalent water meter factors for the water service, which
:ontributes to sewer system loadings, to be installed by $64:3:00 $745.00. (Ord. 2888 §2, 9/29/95;
Drd. 2746 §4, 2/12/93)
Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
~erson or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
~rovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
2ouncil held on the __ day of ., 1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
DATE: November 12, 1999
FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager t..--~)
SUBJECT: Increase in Medic One Fee
Summary_: The City of Port Angeles provides emergency medical and advanced life support
services with the funding assistance of the Medic One Program. Due to increasing costs, the special
need to replace one of our Medic One response vehicles, and the restrictive growth ability of
municipal resources; it is necessary to increase this fee resource.
Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance change to impose an increase of 50 cents per month
in the Medic One rate charge.
Background / Analysis: The City of Port Angeles has adopted a Medic One rate charge applied
to each commercial utility account, dwelling unit, and licensed sleeping room beyond 5 in an
establishment for this purpose. In addition, we have a transport charge for non-residents. The last
time the rate was changed was per Ordinance 2902 adopted 12/29/95 when the rate went bom $2.00
to $3.00.
In the proposed 2000 Budget, the new impacts to the Fire Department justifying the
additional expense is the replacement of our second- out emergency medical response unit at a cost
of $130,000. There are no replacement reserves allocated for this equipment, and this is one of the
operational changes recommended in the budget to set aside future replacement reserves to cover
such future needs. While we have an immediate need, we also have future needs in terms of medic
support personnel and response operations that will impact our ability to maintain this level of
service without additional support in the future; as well as inflationary costs that impact segments
of our operations like medical supplies greater than the normal CPI figure of approximately 11%
since the last increase.
The projected revenue yield from this increase is projected at $55,000 per year.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, increasing the monthly Medic I
charge fi.om $3 to $3.50 and amending
Ordinance 2274 as amended and Chapter
8.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2274 as amended and Chapter 8.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 8.36.030 to read as follows:
8.36.030 Rate - Charge.
A. Each commercial utility account, each dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform
Building Code, and each sleeping room in Licensed Care (LC) occupancies as defined in the
lniform Building Code of the City of Port Angeles shall be charged $3.00 $3.50 per month for
ae Medic I Program; provided that the $3.00 $3.50 per month per sleeping room charge for LC
occupancies shall not apply to the first five sleeping rooms.
B. Every non-resident of the City of Port Angeles who is transported by the City's
Medic I program shall be charged $250 each time he or she is transported with basic life support
services, $450 each time he/she is transported with advanced life support services, and an
~dditional $10.00 per mile for mileage and $33.00 for disposable equipment each time he or she
s transported with either basic or advanced life support services; provided that such charge shall
not apply to any non-resident who is a primary or general owner of a business within the City or
to any of such business owner's immediate family members, which shall include the spouse,
children, step-children, parents, and grandparents; and provided further that if a non-resident is
transported from outside the City to Olympic Memorial Hospital under the mutual aid pact that
:he City has with various fire districts and governmental entities, there shall be no charge to the
~on-resident. Any funds so received shall be used solely for the provision of Medic I services.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
~ouncil held on the 17th day of November, 1999.
~TTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attomey
(By Summary)
DATE: November 12, 1999
FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager ~
SUBJECT: Budget Hearing
Summary: The City of Port Angeles is required by RCW 35A.33.070 to hold a Hearing on the
Final Budget in order to receive citizen input. This is the purpose of the current hearing notice.
There will be a brief presentation by the City Manager, and Budget copies are available for citizen
Recommendation: Conduct the Public Hearing and consider public comments prior to the final
adoption of the Budget currently scheduled for December 7, 1999.
Background / Analysis: The Preliminary Budget was filed on November 1 with the City Clerk
in accordance with State statute. In the interim time period, the Finance/Budget Committee of the
City Council has met in three separate work sessions to review the revenue and expense impacts of
the Budget. As a final review of information, the public is invited to respond and comment on their
concerns for consideration in the Budget as well as any specifics contained in the budget document.
There will be a brief summary presentation by the City Manager on the Budget proposal and the
highlights contained therein.
N~o,'~k~' 17, ]999
Port Angeles "Capital for a Da5,'" Tuesday, November 16 ,411 Day
City Council Meeting Wednesday, November 17 6:00 p.m.
Parks, Rec, Beautification Commission meeting Thursday, November 18 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, November 24 Canceled
Thanksgiving Holiday Thurs, Fri. November 25 8:26 CLOSED
Mike to speak at RotaN Wednesday, December I 8:15-noon
Board of Adjustment meeting Monday, December 6 7:00 p.m.
City Council meeting Tuesday, December 7 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, December 8 7:00 p.m.
Parks, Rec, Beautification meeting Thursday, December 16 7:00 p.m.
City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 21 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, December 22 7:00 p.m.
Christmas Holiday Friday, December 24 CLOSED
DATE: November 1'> 1999
FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager----?:q~;~
SUBJECT: Informational Report
Work Schedule:
To keep the City Council informed on the general activities to which I have been involved the last
two weeks, the following highlights are included for your information:
Legislative Contacts: Meeting with Governor's staff to plan on the "Capital for a Day" visit
by Governor Locke and his Cabinet staff. Staff Tour: None
Community Contacts: (1) Erickson Trust Board meeting, (2) Meeting with concerned citizen
about the community history and proposal for an Ice Rink, (3) KONP interview regarding Budget
impacts and 1-695.
Major Items: (1) Review of APCO Marketing Strategy Plan, (2) Staff review of Gateway
Project options and costs, (3) UAC review of proposed Water/Wastewater rate increases, and (4)
Budget preparation and review with the Finance/Budget Committee.
Additional Staff Informational Reports:
These items are general interest information and minutes for your use. I have no additional
comments for the Council on these items at this time.
DATE: November 8, 1999
To: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
FROM: Gary W. Kenworthy, P.E., Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer
SUIMECT: Storm Damage Status Update
Installation of Elwha Emergency Valve assembly is underway, with completion anticipated this month.
Draft easement for the re-located culvert inlet at the Elwha slide is being reviewed. Negotiations with
property owner are planned for November.
Repairs to drainage and grade of access road to Morse Creek Dam intake completed October 27.
Design and construction of repairs to the Ennis Street slide is delayed until funding obtained from FHWA
or other source.
Attach: Summary of Expenditures
Updated November 8, 1999
. 1 Debris Clearance °n~it~roads $5,000.00 . $5,771.01 $0.00 C
2 Clear Slide on RR_grade access road_._ $8,000.00 $4,496.04 $0.00 C
3 Initial Geotechnical Consulting Work $11,000.00 $6,648.93 $0.00 C
4 Add!tional~Ge__otech n ical. Work fo_r_Tumwater $33,000.00 $33,000.00 $0.00 C
5 Repair Ennis St. north of Columbia $93,000.00 $0.00 $93,000.~00 D
6 Repair Tumwater St. at 5th. $125,000.~0_.0__ $!12,624.00 $0.00 C
7 Repair Cherry _S..!~. at 2nd..__ $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $0~0-0- C
__~8_._ Re-grade access road to Screen House $10,000.00 $9,144.05 $0.00 C
9 Repair access road to Morse Cr. dam $120,000.00_ $3,804.01 $0.0'~ C
i0 Slide Removal & Repa_ir to in.du_ strial_Water Line $50,000.00 $11,797.63 $0.00 C
_ 11 Site Work to Stabilize Area a{_o_und City Water Main $250,000.00 $180,827.41 $0.00 C
12 Elwha Eme~_ency Valve . $52,000.00 $31,845.62 $20,15,~.~ U
13__ Site Work to Stabilize Slide/Repair_Blowoff at_ Peabody Cr. $85,000.00 $6,000.51 $0.00 C
14 Slope Stabilization at 14th & Tumwater Truck Route $10 000.00 $9 325.86 $0.00 C
15 Improvements to north (Rife Rd.~ _access to _Ra_ilroad_grade $12,000.00 $12,488.67 $0.00 C
$869,000.00 $430,27'3.74 $113,154.38
* C = Completed U = Under Construction
D = Delayed
W A $ H I N ~ T O N, U.S.A.
DATE: November 17, 1999
To: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
FROM: Pete Burrett, Equipment Services Superintendent
SUBJECT: 1999 Auction Results
The surplus vehicle and equipment auction was held on October 30th, 1999 at the County
Maintenance Yard, in weather that wasn't fit for ducks. Clallam County, the Public Utility District
(PUD), the Port of Port Angeles (POPA) and the City contributed items to the auction. Stokes
Auction Service auctioned the items for a total of $102,659.00
The City titled vehicles were auctioned for $45,475.00
Other merchandise 3,206.00
Less Auctioneer fees and expenses 5,473.26
City gross receipts $43,207.74
Proceeds from the sale will be applied to retire the vehicles from the City's inventory. Proceeds from
the one drug-related vehicle will go to support drug enforcement.
Judy Scott, Clallam County; Jan Ridout, Clallam County PUD; and Curtis Shuck, Port of Port
Angeles; all stated they were pleased with the auction results and would support a joint auction in the
N: dPWKS\EQU IPS'% C',auction.wpd
DATE: November 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Carnegie Library Renovation/Restoration Project
Per the issues raised at the City Council meeting on November 2, 1999 concerning the subject
project the following information is provided:
Issue #1: Does the interior of the Carnegie Library have to be restored for the Library
to be listed on the Historic Registry?
Response: Significant interior architectural features need to be restored for the building to be
placed on the Historical Registry. More detailed information will be provided after
Part I of Phase II is completed by Olympic Design Services. It is estimated that this
part will be completed mid to late January 2000.
Issue #2: City Council requested an accounting of the funds spent on the Carnegie
Library Restoration/Renovation Project.
Response: The opening balance of the project was $400,000. To date $182,585.99 has been
obligated with a remaining balance of $217,414.01.
At the City Council meeting it was noted that a balance of approximately $240,000
remained in the account prior to awarding the Part I Phase II contract. This was not
correct. Washington State sales tax was not included in the demolition cost report.
The sales tax reduced the balance of available funds by approximately $8600 to
Glenn A. Cutler
Director Public Works and Utilities
Attachment: Carnegie Library Cost Report
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DATE: November 16, 1999
To: Mayor Braun and City Council
FROm: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SUBJECT: Planning Department Activity Report - October, 1999
Shoreline Substantial Development Permits 2
Conditional Use Permits 0
Municipal Code Amendments 0
Parking Variances 0
Administrative Review Approvals 4
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews 0
Minor Deviation 0
Code Enforcement 0
Subdivision 0
Short Plat 1
Bounda~, Line Adjustments 0
Determinations of Non Significance 10
Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 0
Determinations of Significance 0
Clearing and Grading Permits 0
Building Permits 2
Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18
Downtown Parking Plan
Annexation Planning
Cascadia Regional Plan
~ 1998 · 1999 0 1998 · 1999 -- 10 Year Average
THIS YE TO DATE (MGm_ I 34.20 j !THIS YR TO DATE (IN) I 25'401
I MONTH F'mll YR. I '
SEWER SYSTEM JE'Ct'ED i 6,2g01 g6,375
STORM DRAINS JE'CFED 200! 3,333 ~ /
~[~IS0%)CL~LLA~dRE$ HAUL ~3 1998 II 1999 -- 10 YearAvemge
iLAST YR TO DATE (TONS) j 41,714 ]
' One Class presentation
· Mainbreaks: 7 2" mainbreaks * Olympic Memorial Hospital Halloween Safety-Health Fair
· One 4" wet tap * Waste Oil Class
· Meter change outs: 4 ' Tour Lee Plaza
' SCADASysteminstatled · COLLECTIONS:
· Peabody Reservoir cleaned Painted Collection Vehicte #1911
Drivers Training
WlCA Training
Provided services for Estuary Open House
Annual Work Place Safety Insptection
LANDFILL: hydroseeded Ceils #1 & #2, repaired storm detention pond
· Removed grit from Railroad Ave. sewer * AC restoration for Water Division cuts
· Jetted greasy lines ' Raise catchbasin at 1st & Peabody
' Video Peabody Reservoir lines * Conference Table for Manager's office
· Worked on Type S conversion for PS#2, 5, and 6 with * Traffic Control: plastic/crosswalks
ADS Equipment and Smith & Loveless * Repair storm rack ~ Valley creek
' Educt catch bains
· Lip repair catch basins
· Open Tumwater culvert
WASTEWATER TREATMENT [ ' Inspect culverts city-wide
· Worked on Landfill ground maintenance * Reshape and pave Park Street - 600 Blk East
· Worked on pretreatment issues with local dischargers * Set up #1555 for anti-iceing unit
· S&B installed new SCADA system * Return centedine on 1st Street by Lee Plaza
· Worked on winterizing plant equipment · New stair treads on Laurel Street Stairs
· Attended defensive driving classes ' RemoveJreplace driveway at Fire Hall
· Completed DOE Annual Report * Sweep - city wide
· Drainged and inspected rectangular primary clarifier
· Completed flow changes to process for winter flows I ENGINEERING & PERMITS
· Replaced pressure reducing valve to dewatering sludge hopper gate
· Airport Road Realignment permitting
· Consultant selected for Carnegie Library, Phase 11
· 8th Street Design support
· Tumwater Slide construction completed
· CSO/I&I Study support
· ULID 215 Final Assessment
EQUIPMENT SERVICES I ' Peabody Heights Reservoir project support
CFP support
' Service Tickets processed: 197 Elwha Vatve installation support
· PM Services and inspections: 26 ' Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replacement, Phase II design
· Denver's PM services: 2 * Gateway Design support
· Denver's Service Tickets processed: 10 ' "1" Street Sidewalk construction completed
· Police Cruisers received * Landfill cover design support
· Vehicle auction with County, PUD and POPA * Temporary landfill Cover awarded & completed
· #3 Fire Pumper - Warantee Work * Penn Street Repairs awarded
· #1890 Toro Mower dng gear and starter
· #1907 Packer electrical repair & prep for paint
· #1911 Packer prep for paint and paint
· #1905 Packer prep for paint and paint
· #1917 Landfill Loader enginer replaced by CAT
· #1555 install de-iceing chemical tank
' Old station transformer removed by disposers
· PCB testing and dispose of old distribution transformers
· Dispose of less than 50PPM busihings via PUD test and dismantle
· Finish work (~ Lee Plaza
· Peabody Substation clenaup
· Trim trees @ Tumwater for Street Division
· Connect service (~ new emergency valve on the Etwha waterline
· Assist Diashowa with downed transmission lines
Vern Burton Memor/a/ Community Center
October 1999
Ocean View Cemetery $109,105.46 $110,278.77
William Shore Memorial Pool $149,820.07 $128,839.77
Vern Burton Community Center $12,217.00 $11,891.50
Senior Services Center - Rentals $7,429.00 $12,973.20
Senior Services Center - Leases $9,500.00 $9,500.00
Banner $3,725.00 $4,875.00
Lincoln Park Campin$ Fees $1,568.85 $2,575.00
City Pier Moorage Fees $1,251.00 $1,187.00
General Fund Revenue Total $294,616.38 $282~120.24
Longhouse/Clubhouse $37,470.59'* $3,160.00
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $1,164.52 $5,587.00*
Improvement Fund Total $38~635.11 $8~747.00
Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $1,782.75 $2,736.30
Co~Rec Volleyball $4,075.00 $4,305.00
Volleyball Tourney Fund $50.00 $0.00
Slowpitch $21,170.00 $22,664.50
Slow-pitch Tourney Fund $2,073.00 $3,045.00
Mens Basketball $1,187.00 $2,172.00
Basketball Tourney Fund $2,665.25 $4,608.48
Flag Football $0.00 $125.00
Youth Programs $34,938.07 $25,455.22
Adult Programs $1,938.50 $1,939.80
Adult Soccer $2,210.00 $0.00
Recreation Activities Fund Total $72~089.57 $67,051.30
* Timber Sales
1 64 ** Includes Junior Soccer Club Donation & Little League Field Plane Crash Insurance payment
October 10~
Information & Referral 1,880 17,681 2,788 17,656
Estimated Attendance 4,973 44,610 5,453 42,714
Health Programs 711 5,180 534 5,893
Education Programs 779 6,595 726 6,018
Social Events/Programs/Meals 1,788 16,716 1,844 16,427
Trips: Taken 11 67 8 62
Passengers 103 664 78 757
Volunteers: 163 161
Hours 1,777 15,478 1,603 I4,310
Membership: 9 1,383 20 1,414
City 9 935 7 939
County 0 448 13 475
October £ Fine Arts Center Workshop
October 3 Kingsley Wedding
October 9 Daugaard Wedding Reception
October 12 Depositions
October 14 Candidates Forum
October 20 Crabhouse hosts a Luncheon
October 23 Clallam County Democratic Committee
October 24 Ted Ripley Workshop
.Senior Nutrition Board .S.H.I.B.A .Olympic Knights
.Soroptimists Jet set .CCWAB. .Venture Club
.Senior Info & Assistance .Crime Stoppers .Senior Providers
.Law Enforcement Board .NARFE Board .Qi Gong
.Rhododendron Society
October 5 Get the Most Out of Your Hearing
October 7 Ralph Monroe~ Secretary of State, Guest Speaker
October 1 $ Ceramics Class
October 14-16 3~a Annual Senior Artists' Show cosponsored with Clallam Art League
October 15 & 22 Flu Shots coordinated with Jim's Pharmacy
October 21 SHIBA Informational Program for Group Health Enrollees
October 23 Participated in Park View Villas Annual Senior Health Fair
October 1999
.Stretch Class/Weight Training .Senior AA Meetings
.Blood Pressure Checks .Chair Exercise (3x wk)
.Self Help for Hard of Hearing .Tap Dancing Class
.Alzheimers Support Group .Tai Chi
.Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs .Foot Care (4x month)
.Yoga .Exercise Class (3x wl0
.Arthritis Support Group .Low Vision Support
.Hair Cuts
.Round Table on Politics .Legal Aid
.Defensive Driving Class .Spring Chicken Band
.Geography of Africa .Investment Club
.Driftwood Sculpture Class .Watercolor Class
.Conversational Spanish
.Paint on Own .Coffee Lounge
.Golden Agers .P R Committee
.Senior Swingers .At the Movies (weekly)
.Senior Singers .Bingo (3x week)
.One Day/Over Night Trips .Chess Club
.Pool .Pinochle (3x week)
.Bridge .Pickle Ball (3x week)
.Cribbage .Clogging
.Calligraphy .Crafts
October 1999 '
1999 1:998 t997 1996: ::i
11,169.39 $ 13,774.30 $ 15,304.38 $ 5,824.94
$ 109,105.46 $ 110,278.77 $ 96,458.13 $ 68,847.63
1999 · 1999 t998 1998::
8 59 4 49
Ground Burials 23 25 22 18
Ground Burial Inurnments 20 20 21 17
Niche Inurnments 7 11 13 10
Entombments 0 1 1 1
Year to Date Totals J 50 J 57 57 146
$4,638.72 $26,816.02 $3,625.21 32,096.27
Monthly Division Report
October 1999
Plannin~ seasonal plantings at the Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain
Litter pick up and restroom cleaning at various park locations
Poured concrete at Volunteer Park for handicapped access
Removed wood, gravel, and playground equipment from City Pier
Repaired camel logs at City Pier
Winterized Downtown and Veteran's Park Fountains
Removed trees from west end of Crown Park for playground installation
Removed floats from City Pier and stored for the winter
Repaired hand rail at Hazel Porter Kiel Park
Inspected and tested emergency lighting
Cleaned drains
Checked heat system drains, coils, filters and belts as needed
Inspected and tested emergency lighting
Checked drains below sink and flushed with bleach
Clean, patch, spray texture and paint walls as needed
Checked heat pumps and HVAC units
Inspected lights and automatic doors
Cleaned drains, greased exhaust fans
Checked heat pump blower belts, filters, drains and coils on heat system
Accomplishments October 1999
Page 2
I~t Removed graffiti from City Pier
I ~' Removed ~3raffiti from Veteran's Park
None reported
Continue installing Waterfront Trail plaques, benches and trees
Continue making improvements at various parks
Complete various irrigation projects
Set up forms and pour concrete at City Pier Playground
Clean up flower beds and boxes
Winterize athletic fields as season ends
1999 Project Update
Lincoln and Rains Park materials ordered
Picnic tables and Pads:
Tables completed
Start pads in October
Complete installation of concrete pads, ramps and sidewalks
Playground ordered for Crown, Rains and 7~h & D Parks
Crown Park play, round site cleared and prepared for installation
October 1 & 2 ASA State Meeting
October 3 Chaussee Wedding Reception
October 5 Jefferson School Magic Show
October 6 DSHS Training
October 7 Department of Transportation Seminar
October 9 Soroptimist Marine Estuary Fund Raiser
October 15 Image Soccer Middle School Dance
October 16 KONP OktoberFest
October 18 Blood Drive
October 22 Franklin Elementary Sock Hop
October 23 Operation Uplift Style Show & Auction
October 29-30 Boys' & Girls' Club Auction/Breakfast
Noon Open Gym Olympic Christian School PM Basketball
Gym Walkers Youth Basketball Home School PE
October 1 &2 ASA State Meeting
~'~' October 5 Department of Personnel Testing
October 6 School District 121
Department of Transportation
October 7 Department of Transportation
October 8 Salmon Recovery
October 9 Bar Association
October 10 Junior Babe Ruth Dessert
October 11 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action
October 12, 13 55 Alive Defensive Driving Class
October 14 Science Association
October 15 City Clerk's Meeting
October 18 Clallam/Jefferson community Action
October 26 Department of Corrections
Puzzle Exchange Swim Club Lodge Tax Meeting
Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Runner's Parents NTR Tandem 2000
Transit Union Meetings Bike Club Juan de Fuca Festival
Land Trust Senior Parents Art Center
Clallam Co. Food Handlers Class Roosevelt Parents Non-Motor Meeting
Board of Appeals HS Parents
City Council Meetings League of Women Voters Dept of Revenue
Board of Adjustments ASA Meeting Liquor Control
Planning North Olympic Builders County Personnel
DUI Victims Panel North Olympic Peace Dept. of Corrections
October 1999
After School Program:
--Jefferson School - 24 children enrolled
--Franklin School - 30 children enrolled
Adult Soccer League: 125 players
Co-ed Volleyball Season began with 14 teams
Square Dance Lessons each Monday at the Senior Center --30 participants
Line Dance Classes each Tuesday Evening at Vern Burton Center
--Average of $0 participants
Country Western Dance Couples Class Wednesday Evenings at Vern Burton Center --Average of 15 couples
November 6 Talking Rain Men's AA Basketball Tournament
November 6 Boys' Tipoff Basketball (Sth thru 9th grade)
November 1 $ Turkey Shoot Basketball Tournament (Boys & Girls 6th thru Varsity)
Junior soccer AAU YMCA
PAHS Image Soccer
October 7 Peninsula Health Community Event
October 10 MV Yorktown Clipper visit
Monthly Activ/ty Report
October 1
Children 789 14~308 1,046 12,652
Adult 1,699 21,368 1,926 18,952
Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Day 7/29 178/299 27/22 202/280
Pool Parties/Participants 11 / 163 132/2,444 9/105 114/2,176
Children 642 11,468 805 10,038
Adults ~-- 163 21 271
Parent/Child Orientation --- 528 --- 366
Pre- -School 362 4,863 331 4,080
Water Exercise 491 7,541 540 7,133
School District Activities 1,341 4,981 1,265 4,845
Pool Rentals/Classes 296 5,472 476 4,944
Instruction Attendance Totals 31:32 35,016 3,436 $1,677
Days Open 29 241 29 264
Hours O~n 388.00 3~242.25 380.50 3~4~3.50
~VE~E --
Rental:Suits, towels, Caps $73.59 $791.00 $53.47 $601.88
Admissions $2,103.93 $32,395.97 $2,430.45 $27,669.55
~ssons $5,709.17 $49,549.62 $5,708.00 $40,205.50
Aerobics $861.50 $17,687.50 $1,861.00 $16,999.50
Passes $1,767.41 $21,199.13 $2,216.94 $19,033.02
Showers $210.01 $2,045.64 $114.24 $1,287.34
~ckers $138.00 $2,684.89 $287.15 $2,453.04
Pool Ren~ls $908.29 $6,815.20 $556.08 $5,550.06
Sales T~ $400.96 $4,985.47 $423.60 $4,262.05
William Shore Pool Activities
October 1
jrConducting research on various options for swim time for Port
Angeles Swim Club during winter and spring
jrConducting recruitment of life guards and instructors
Exercise classes for July:
jr Water Aerobics AM & PM classes Mort - Fri
jr Deep Water AM classes Mort - Wed - Fri
PM classes Mon& Wed
jr Water Walking AM classes Mon~Wed~Fri
Swim Les sons Schedule:
jr October 19 - October 18 Pre-schoolers
~r Privatelessons-ongoing ~,/,~/i-~,~ kl~ ,..~,
Port Angeles Swim Club
jr 4:30 -6:30 pm Monday thru Friday
Port Angeles School District
jr 7:45 am-8:45 am Mort, Tues, Thurs~ Fri P.E. Classes
jr 9:05 am-9:35am Wed. P.E. Classes
Jr 1:00pm- 1:30pm Monday thru Friday Special Education Classes
jr 3:00pm-4:30pm Monday thru Friday Girls Swim Team
jr 9:00am- 11:00am Saturday Girls Swim Team
jr Oct. 7 & 14 Home Swim Meets
United States Coast Guard
jr 7:45 - 8:45 am Wednesday Rescue Swimmer Training
October 23 Kid's Day 13 Participants
October 23 Teen Night I 0 Participants
o~- ~°R~a4~' THE CITY OF
ce ~partment
Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police
Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and
professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind, pride in our
neighborhoods, and the safeO' of our families.
Investigations and Patrol Division Highlights:
~ Detectives conducted spot checks of Electronic very intoxicated at the time.
Home Monitoring residences. One case was
referred to the City Attorney when the EHM · Undercover Marijuana operation. A patrol
client was found to be drinking at home. officer made an initial marijuana arrest. The
arrestee agreed to assist the police. Two
~ A male adult brought a signed confession to the controlled buys were made from a 25 year old
Police Department wherein he admitted to suspect. A search warrant was issued for
molesting his 2 year old daughter. No physical suspect's apartment. One vehicle was seized,
evidence to corroborate the confession exists approximately $4,400 cash, and a half-pound of
and the victim is too young to talk - hence no marijuana were also seized. The five people in
corpus delicti and the case cannot be pursued, apartment at the time of warrant service were all
arrested. Charges range from Delivery of
~ The following guilty pleas were obtained: marijuana to Felony Possession and/or
a) Male adult - 2 counts forgery/60 days in jail. Possession w/Intent to Deliver. This operation
b) Male adult - Possession of Heroin/45 days has provided detectives with several leads to
jail. other drug dealers which are actively being
c) Male adult - forgery, UiBC/90 days jail. pursued.
d) Male adult - Possession methamphetamine
e) Female adult-Theft I * The department received a report of a man
f) Male adult - forgery assaulted and stabbed by three youth. Officers
g) Female adult - Theft I1 (originally Theft eventually located the "victim" on the opposite
I/embezzlement) side of town; he was very uncooperative and
refused to make a complaint. Officers later
· Sex Offenders: One individual arrested for returned to the same address regarding another
Failure to Register and two arrest warrants assault complaint and arrested a juvenile male
issued for same charge, different suspects, who was involved in the earlier stabbing
A drug/alcohol treatment facility reported an
· Early A.M. walker observed cars with the
embezzlement. No money was available for an
windows shot out; officers eventually located at
audit. The police department located a
least 30 victims. Case is open.
bookkeeper who volunteered to conduct a
courtesy audit. She eventually accounted for all
but $187 of the $50,000 loss initially reported. ~ Elderly woman on Forrest Avenue. Reported a
No Crime. burglary' in progress through garage door.
Officers find extremely drunk 19 year old
· UIBC (Unlawful Issuance of Bank Check) "trying to find his friend." Asked if he drove
Cases: One closed when suspect moved to there, the youth said he was "trying to drive a
skunk." Youth booked for trespass and MIP.
Colorado, one closed when suspect moved to
Oxbow, TN, one closed through restitution.
· Officer Morrison, one of PAPD's newest patrol
officers, conducted a routine traffic stop at
~ One rape under investigation involving a 14 year
Lincoln and 8th Streets. Using the skills taught
old victim and a 19 year old suspect. The
and the instincts she is developing, she was able
incident was non-consensuai and the victim was
to develop reasonable suspicion of on-going
Page -1-
criminal drug dealing. Affecting an arrest, a The WSP Trooper stopped the vehicle near Deer
quantity of marijuana was seized, including Park Road for swerving from fog line to fog line
numerous, small, pre-packaged bindles of across both west bound lanes. The driver got out of
marijuana, his vehicle and met with the Trooper on the side of
the road; he was checked for intoxicants with
~ Bob Ensor stopped a motorist for improper lane negative results. Arco later searched the vehicle for
usage and found the male driver to be without a drugs - nothing.
driver's license or identification of any kind.
The information the driver supplied was not About ½ hour later Port Angeles officers received a
panning out as truthful. The suspect was covered report of a DUI - the vehicle matched the description
in tattoos of swastikas, white power symbols, of the prior vehicle and Officer Miller observed it
and home made tattoos as are usually found on turning onto East 8~' Street from Francis Street. It
ex-cons. The suspect was taken into custody and immediately swerved into the on-coming lane, now
a quantity ofmethamphetamine was found in his heading directly for a head-on collision with the
possession. The suspect continued to conceal vehicle in front of Officer Miller. Both vehicles
his identity, but once finger prints were obtained swerved out of the wa3', avoiding the collision.
at corrections, the F.B.I. ident section found the
true identity of our suspect who, not Officer Miller stopped the vehicle for the second
surprisingly, was wanted in Nevada on an time that night (morning) and quickly discovered the
outstanding drug charge. The suspect's criminal reason for the bad driving. The driver was sober, but
history, included burglary, car theft, armed was missing one of his 1/4" thick lenses from his
robbeD', as well as other drug related offences, glasses. Upon closer examination of the car it was
determined that the bolts holding the driver's seat in
The Arco (and Officer Miller) Report: place were missing, causing the driver's seat (and
driver) to fall into the back seat whenever the driver
Congratulations to made a turn or accelerated.
Officer Kevin Miller,
and wife, Kelly, on the Needless to say, he walked the remaining three
birth of their son, lan! blocks to his final destination...
Kevin's law
Aitarth Olltmnlt'
enforcement actMty was Crime Prevention Officer
limited for the month Activities:
while lan's basic Activities for the month of
functions occupied a October 1999 included the
portion of his time. Ian following:
(or Kelly) suggested that Investigations-
Kevin take some time , Potential internet incident worked with
off on paterniry leave to parents and school.
help out.. , Malicious Mischief to car windows
~ Montages, photos, etc...
But there was one incident that the K-9 duo was Crime Prevention-
involved in before Officer Miller left on paternity Crime Stoppers, 3 new profiles - two cases
leave, cleared, one subject arrested.
NOCS board meeting
The case of Mr. Magoo: NOCS presentation - Sequim Kiwanis
On 10-23-99, just after two in the Shoplift prevention training/consultation-
morning, a WSP Trooper asked the Necessities and Temptations
K-9 team to assist in a vehicle Theft prevention consultation/training -
search. A male subject had been Caregivers Home Health Care
driving from Yakima to Port Volunteer Resident Patrol- wrote Policy, and
Angeles. This person drove off the Training manual, ongoing meeting with
road in Jefferson County, but there HACC
was no substantial damage. Five CrimeAlert bulletins faxed.
Page -2-
School Resource Officers and D.A.R.E
Port Angeles High School - Officer Tyler ?eninger
Officer Peninger spent most of the month on vacation.
Elementar, v and Middle Schools - Officer Jason Viada:
D.A.R.E. 52 D.A.R.E. classes taught to 13 Calls for service
grades k through 4 1 Juvenile Justice Meeting
3 School Zone Infractions issued 4 Stevens Staff Meetings
2 Infractions issued - seatbelt violation and 2 PAHS Football Games/1 Dance
tinted windows. Notes: Officer Viada's contacts with elementao',
I Criminal Traffic Citations issued (Driving middle, and high schools students remains very
While License Suspended) positive. Traffic enforcement has been increased
7 Juvenile Arrests in these areas and he attended a Red Ribbon week
(3 Minor in Possession, I warrant, 1 theft, at Stevens. He was an honored guest at an All
1 harassment, I marijuana) Staint's Day mass at Queen of Angles and was
2 Adult Arrest (possession of marijuana) presented by the third grade to the audience as an
example of a "peacemaker."
Electronic Home Monitoring: A total of 98 days were spent by individuals on EHM saving $4,900 in jail
costs in October. Electronic Home Monitoring has saved the city approximately $43,400 year-to-date.
Senior Volunteers:
The Senior Volunteers provided 77 72 hours of services in October in the following categories:
, Events 3 ½ hours
· ~:~J~'Ibt2~ Speed Watch 5 hours
! Vacation Home Checks 2 ½ hours
Office Work 53 ½ hours
Meetings 1 ½ hours
Other 11 ½ hours
~ Our thanks, once again, for the many hours the Senior Volunteers provided to the Police
........... ~ Department and the help throughout the various city offices.
October, 1999
In the month of October the Law Enforcement Advisory Board and Senior Volunteers attended a
barbecue hosted by Deputy Chief Riepe at his home in lieu of a formal monthly meeting.
Page -3-
(These are actual, verbatim, handwritten excerpts from old police log books.)
October 1946
"(Name) reports a bad dog at xxx So. Francis. Owner to be warned"
"Mrs (Name) on West 12'* Street called that some one was in her house and asked for an officer.
Checked... no one there."
"Mrs. (Name) called and said there was some kids throwing stones and apples in her yard last night."
"(Name) reported that someone took the dashboard off and changed the wiring on his motorcycle near
Roosevelt Hi."
A few minutes later... "(Name) reported vandalism to his motorcycle at high school. Generator belt cut,
wiring disconnected, carburetor jets damaged."
10.'57 PM Reported as "lost boy .... Mr. (Name) wants us to look around for his son (name). 16 vrs old,
5-11 tall, 145 pounds, very.fair and very blond, wearing red and black and blue overalls. ThinkJ he may
have left town. State Patrol notified"
10.'30 AM the next morning. "Son phoned father he was on way home."
"(Namej complains of rooster crowing all nite& keeping him awake. The stud chicken belongs to
(Name). Officer to tell (Name) to muzzle the Brute."
"Officer phoned in a Buick convertible coupe parked in front of fire plug near Harbor Tavern. No
license plates - phoned Olympic Motors Wrecker to move and impound car." Shortly' thereafter... "Sea
going Parrot paid wrecker and parking fine and will watch for fire plugs thereafter."
"Mrs. (Name) came in and sam she had a dog which had killed her rabbit and also had bit her. Will take
care of it. Dog put in drunk tank."
"Mrs. /Name) reported some boys ringing her door bell. Officer went up & soothed the law's nerves and
advised her of boys & their annual pre-Halloween pranks."
"Some gent phoned from D&H Hospital would not tell me what he wanted A nurse cut in & said some
guy just walked in & wanted a bed & is not a patient. Officer to see what the score is."
"Trooper qf W.S. Patrol phoned - the,v had information that the ?name) car that had been stolen had been
recovered at Pollack, Idaho, but nothing definite. They have no means of communicating with Idaho."
"Mr. (Name) called and reported a ball of fire coming out of the west.., fire went out over town a few
seconds later there was an explosion. I heard the explosion myself. The fire according to (Name) was
about l O, O00 feet altitude. Notified the Coast Guard- they are going to investigate. (Name) thought it
might be a plane. 'Mr. (Name) talked like he was sober. '"
Page -4-
Calls for Police Service mcrs- ~999 nc~s- 199s
QCFS YTD- 1999 i-ICFS YTD- 1998
2,300 ..... : ..... : ..... .~ ..... : ..... : ..... i ..... i ..... i ..... : ..... ~ ..... ] ..... ] ....... t79~J
2.,oo2'2°° ] ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... } ..... :: ..... ~ ..... ::.~:: ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~..~.ooo
2, ooo ~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ..... : ~:'----~"" ~ ..... ~ ..... ~-~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ...... ~--t ,~
,, ooq ..... : .... ' ......
~.soo 2,~Ts: .... ~-,-~,~-3~-~ ~ -. H ~ 1 h~Y~' ~- ' ~?tal [ ~ ......~'- h !U---~-- Hi ~sooo
1,7001 ~.__~ ..... ~-' '~ :-- ~93 ~ ~'' ~'' ~ ~-nSsn-:-- -] .... ~--
1,400 13000
L~oo 12000
LI00 11000
1.000 10000
PenCom Dispatches DPort Angeles PD 1999
[3PortAngeles PD 1998
1Year-to-Date - 1999
nYear-to-Date - 1998
2000~ 15000
II00 .....................
?000 12000
Page -5-
(TOTAL CALLS - 14,120)
Elwha Dam CCSD
· 01% 39%
Alarm Co
911 Calls by Month
2700 ...... : ....... ........... 275C
, : : : 2~ ......... : ..... .... ! .....
2500 ........... i ..... :... : : ~,58 : : : : : ~3 225C
2390: : ~ : : /: 2443:~. : : : X :1,92~
[ 2284 : : 22~1~ '~2254 ~ " '
~ /:X ~ ~~.' ~ -'-~-'-~~-C"-;-:'--~ ...... ~ ..... ~o~
~ 1:~ [: ,, , , ~ 2303 ~ : ~
J ~ I ~G77~ : '. :, : 2~86 ~ ~ 1250
:,oo~.~o,~ t~ .~J..~ .... ~;~o,,-: ....... ~ ..... : ...... : .... ~,:,~ .... ~ ....... : .....
~5~ · . : : : : : ~
1841 . . ' 2500
~TotaI911 byMonth- 1999 - -x- -total911 byMonth -1998
+Year-to-Date - 1999 ~ Year-to-Date - 1998
Page -6-
1Par! I Crime Statistics - Current Month 1999
I"lyear-to-Date 1999
Part I Crimes "'Ye.r-to-Date ~998
1Part II Crime Statistics - Current Month 1999
I'lyear-to-Date 1999
Part II Crimes '"¥ear-to-r~ate ~998
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -' ~
Page -7-
IAdultArrests- 1999 i=lAdultArrests-1998
Arrest Statistics - Adult 1Year-to~Date - 1999 I~Year-to-Date - 1998
: : : : .... i ............ .'- ...... : ........ : .......~ .......:"4~2T u
90! ~ ~ ] ; : · : : : · :
' ' ; ' ...... · ............ 66 ........ - ....... . .... ; .... ;-
u ~ ~ 3~ ; ? ; 39 ;37 ; ..... ~. , ' '
'~36 ; .... ~ : 'l l'." H': 35': 36;' ....
2 ~ ~ 31 ~ 32 ~ ~ ; :33 30 ; ~ ~ ~ 0
Arrest ~tati~tics - Juvenile a Juvenile Arrests 1999 ~Juvenile Arrests 1998
~Year-to-Date 1999 ~Year-to-Date 1998
'~ .F~ . ~ ~ .... ....... ......: .............. : .... : ; .......... : ..... 300
: ~ ........... : ....... : .............. : ....~ ....... ~ ...... ~ .... 200
0 : : ; ; : : : 30 : : : 29 :
.... 75
: : : ; : 26 : : ; : .... : :
20: : ~ 20 : 20: : 20 :
~0 .... : : : ; ; ; 125
~.~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : : : : ~oo
~ : : : : ':' -~' T ~- ~--- ~ -~- ' so
~ 0
Page -8-
DTraffic Violations - Current Month 1999
r'lyear-to- Date 1999
Traffic Violations =Year-to-Date 1998
oo ..... : ..... : ..... i ...... ! ...... i ...... i .... ; ; ..... i .... ~: ...... ! ..... i ..... i-
'~": ...... ~- '~- ' -~--~'9'--~-~-*' ...... ~- - ~ -8- --~-- ~-- -~- -*- - ~-
< , , _ ~' -
Traffic Accidents 1Total Accidents by Month - 1999 I-ITotal Accidents by Month - 1998
1year.to. Date 1999 [] Year-to-Date 1998
45 0 .... i -'-31 i4;3 .... i ..... 40 i . . 41. i43_ '4_'1_i_ . .N_ i .~ .... :.4.4 ~, ~ : 44: 10
~s ::.3 ....
": : 3~ -: .... ~ '!- '!3i'-! ~ ....:~ o": .... : :'
30 0
15 0
Page -9-
~lt--Year-to-Date 1999 .I. Year-to-Date 1998
Jail Expense · Jail Expense- Clallam County --~3~Jail E×pcns¢- Forks
....... ....... ! ....... ....... i ....... ! ....... ; ....... :' "i~' $2'45'7:64~' ' ......
$2,599, 15,011:$3 859T$3,§3b-T$~06,:$2'075 $692~"~ ' :
~ $3,429'
YMCA Teen Scene ---+---Vtsits by Month - 1999 -~o~V'tsits by Month - 1998
- - -*--- Year-to-Date Total Visits
2500 .............................
Page - 1 O-
~ ,,., ~°ar"~n'" Enforcement ~Parking Tickets
' *+' -Monthly Revenue
.I. Year-to-Date Revenues
$00o $3o,o0o
2,00 4 ~ L-~~-=~"- : ..... ~ ....... ~ ..... ~: ~
2000 4 ....... ~ ..... ~ .~ ...................... : ...... ~ ....... ~ ....... [ ...... : $12,5oo
.o'4o': '- --¢-- ..... .... ;-¢-. ..... : .... ~--: ...... .-+ ......... .---~ ...... ' ...... $2.500
.......... $0
IAnimal Control Statistics - Current Month 1999
Animal Control nYear-to-Date- ~999
I-Iyear-to-Date- 1998
F1Total Calls YTD
~7~ _s~ .............. !932'
soo i .... ! ......... : ' rd"l
2so ..... : .... : .... .. -'-': ........ :'i,/6'"~" ' : .......:" ~5 -'
200 ! ...... ; .... ........ : ........ :- - '19 '
too .....*o: -""~.:..~4 :-,za**.5-.[-I~-=-: -Iit tl I
Page -11-
Dear Police Officers;
This letter is intended for the officers that res to a 911 call at
~ st. on Thursday Oct. 7th. My name is and I was the
reason you were called. I had consumed a large quanity of alcohol~.and was
suicidal, so my brother called 911. I do not remember what happened that
evening, as I was in a "black out" stage. According to my brother I was
uncooperative, abusive, and threatening (and from what I am told I am using
these terms lightly). I am sorry that these sort of incidents are part of your job
description, as no one should have to deal with this sort of thing. I would
apologize in person, however I would not recognize you if I saw you, so I am
forced to do it this way. I am sincerely sorry for the way I acted that evening, and
I would like you to know that I do not normally act that way, nor is it how my
parents raised me to behave. I know words are cheap, but unfortunately, that is
all I have. After my overnight stay at O.M.H., I was transferred to Kitsap Mental
Health (RTC) for assessment. I am now actively involved in A.A., and am
undergoing treatment at P.C.M.H.C. in P.A. to help me deal with my mental state.
I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, and I am very sincere when I
say I am sorry, and thank you for your part in saving my life.
Fibromyalgia Support Group Lounge Host/Hostess Meeting
Monday, Nov. 8 at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13, 10:00 a.m.
Our speaker for this month will be physical It has been a while since the whole gang was
therapist Sean Roach. He has a wide variety of assembled and now the time has come! All present
therapy suggestions that one can try to help deal lounge workers and all interested or curious future
with fibromyalgia. Anyone interested in learning workers are encouraged to attend. There are some
more about this condition is encouraged to attend, changes being made and new ideas to share.
Please plan to attend; it will truly be appreciated.
Caregivers Home Health
Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 1:00 p.m. OMH Operating Room Open House
Caregivers Home Health will present Saturday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
information that may have a positive The division of Surgical Services of Olympic
influence in your life or the lives of your .- ~ Memorial Hospital is
loved ones. They will present topics sponsoring this event in the
describing how care-giving affects us Short Stay Unit (first floor, east
nationwide, how to choose your home wing) at OMH. One of the
health care agency, and how an agency new operating rooms will be
can help in and out of your home. Learn set up with equipment,
how caregivers are trained and find out monitors, instruments, and the
how to obtain financial assistan, ce. Caregivers camera used for gallbladder
Home Health will be happy to answer your ~' surgery. You will be able to
questions following their short 30 minute tour the operating room and see the anesthesia
presentation, machine and the monitoring equipment. Surgical
services staff will be available to answer questions,
Kids for Christmas demonstrate equipment and welcome you to their
Wed., Nov. 10& 17, 9:00a.m.-12:00 p.m. newly remodeled surgical services area. Door
Many hands make less work and more fun. Just prizes drawings will be held throughout the day.
bring your willingness to work, your interest in
children, and the desire to Cornucopia Pinochle Toumament
put toys under the Christmas Wednesday, Nov. 17, 4:30 p.m.
tree. Earl Gibson will cut out $10.00 Entry Fee ~ No refunds -k 25¢ per set
all the pieces, and Supper: $1.50.
volunteers will paint and ~ The first 24 entrants are guaranteed
assemble them. Painting will ~ to play. Questions? Call Tody Saar
be done during the first (457-9520) or M. Keller(452-3615).
meeting and the next week Winners of the September Daze
all the parts will be Pinochle Tournament were:
assembled to form cars,
trucks, boats, animals and ~ First Place Alvina Spradlin
ships. You can help make a child's Christmas a little ;D Second Place Tody Saar
more joyous. ~ Third Place Bob Schafer
~ Booby Prize Jane Simpson.
Prostate Disorders
Fri., Nov. 12, 10:00 a.m. Straight Answers About Osteoporosis
Dr. RexAverill, urological surgeon, will present this Friday, Nov. 19, 10:00 a.m.
educational program covering understanding the With the help of slides, Dr. Margaret Baker will
diagnosis, symptoms and complications to review some of the causes and effects of
treatment and medication. Older men face a osteoporosis and help you understand the condition
gradual onset of urinary symptoms, so it's important so that you can continue to make smart decisions
to know what to look for and when to see a doctor, about your health.
The Chakras and Yoga over 10 years Sharon Bushell has been helping
Saturday, December 4, 9 a.m.- Noon individuals and families preserve their stories using
The Chakras are an indication of the fullest tapes and photos. Sharon will produce an attractive
potential of each person. This three hour workshop hard- or soft-bound manuscript that your family will
focuses on hw to balance and utilize the energies cherish for generations to come. More information
of each chakra. You will learn to check in withand a sample of her work are available at the
yourself and get a visual and intuitive sense of each Center office.
chakra, learn about the positive use of these energy
sources to facilitate healing, and experientially use Some Tai Chi Facts
the chakra symbols to tap into the power of each The practice of Tai Chi has been used for centuries
center. We will leam yoga postures to mobilize the by millions to increase longevity and the quality of
energies and how chakras will assist you to lead a life. Flexibility, stamina, strength and balance are all
healthy, creative and more energetic life. $30 if paid improved through practice, and it builds reserves of
by November 27, $35 if paid later, For more intemal energyand keeps it flowing throughout the
information call program presenter Patdcia Zukas, body to assure a better state of health. The National
MFA, certified IYTYoga Instructor at360-379-1458. Arthritis Foundation endorses Tai Chi as very
helpful for those with arthritis or those who wish to
Low Vision Support Group avoid it. For additional information call Lorelli or
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 10:00a.m. Steve at 683-6925. Classes start on Monday,
The Low Vision Support Group is changing its January 20; cost is $44 for 10 classes with a 9:00
meeting time to the first Tuesday of each month at. a.m. start time.
10:00 a.m. Because a meeting was just held, they
felt it best to skip a month. The next meeting will be 1999 Senior Art Show Winners
held on Tuesday, December 7. This year there were 59
~ participants and 103 entries
Parking Awareness in the Third Annual Senior Art
Thank you all for your assistance and cooperation Show sponsored by Clallam
when parking along the sidewalk side of the parking Art League and Port Angeles
lot. You have made it so much easier to walk along Senior Center. This year's
the sidewalks now that the front hoods of the cars winners, as determined by
do not extend over the walkway. This ensures safe Judge Linda Larsen, are:
passage for pedestrians and we greatly appreciate
your cooperation. Judge's Choice:
Barbara Victor Apricot Jamboree
New Holiday Use Policy Human Interest/Human Figure:
Beginning in November a new Holiday Use Policy Ruth McNicholas Doll House
will go into effect for all center-sponsored programs. Animal:
Those groups who wish to meet on their regularly Jacqueline Hillstom Ancient Horses
scheduled day when it's a legal holiday must makeFloral:
reservations ahead of time, arrange for a key andKate McSweeney From the Garden
identify a person to be responsible for entering the Landscape:
facility, locking up, and for security. If your group Everett Thometz Elwha Tributary
wishes to meet during a legal holiday closure, Seascape:
please contact the office to make the appropriatePat Belson Slack Tide at the Lagoon
arrangements. Abstract:
Gall S. Larson Winter Rose
Writing Your Life Story Three Dimensional:
Are you thinking about writing your life story? Want Myra Lovett Restrained
to pass your memories along to your children and People's Choice Award:
grandchildren? There's help along the way. For Donald Rudolph End of a Perfect Day