HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/17/2009 ����
- - -- — ----- - AGENDA
- - --. _ � - CITY COUNCIL MEETING _
P Q RTANGELES i � [�� 321 East 5�� Street
• = w a, s H i N � r o N, u. s. A. � �� November 17 , 2009
"�� - SPECIAL MEETING — 5:15 p.m.
� REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 p.m.
Note: The 1lluyor may determine the order of business for a particula�• City Council meeting. The agenda should be ar�•anged to best
serve the needs and/or convenience of the Coa�nczl and the public. Tlae items of business,for regc�/qr Cocmcil meetings ma�j include the
following: � � ' .
_ _...__.
___ __ A. CALL TO-ORDER- SPECIAT,_MEETING AT 5:15 p.m._ ;. �
. _ .:..: -:: : .. : _ .
ROLL CALL , :. _
. _ — _ _
EXECUTIVE SESSION - under authority of RCW 4230.110(1)(i) to discuss with City Attorney potential litigation.
1. DECA Week Proclamation B-1 1. Accepting - DECA Officers: Corbin Brabant,
Erin Stockard, Amanda Wasnock, Cameron Sietz,
_ _ . _ and Cassidy Butler.
- = -- .
2. 8` Street Bridges Replacement Project Awards ---- � 2. Present Awards
• - 3. PA Harbor-Works Development Authority Update ---- --3. Jeffrey Lincoln, Executive Director
PUBLiC COMMENT T/tis is un opparternity for members qf the public to speak to tbe City Council. To allow time for the
Council to complete its legislative cigenda, commenes should be limited to no more than S minutes per pe�son und a totnl of I S
minutes for this comment pe��iod. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following -
uny public, comment, _the Muyor.may_allo.�v_ tinie, limited to five minutes, for fi-om City Councilnrembe��s and/or City .
--� �� E.- LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TH1S OR FUTURE AGENDAS as deterniined by Cit�� Manager
or Council member -
—1-.—Public Records Ordinance and Policy F-1 1. 3` reading; Adopt ordinance.
—--- - 2_- Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) — Map F-20 � 2. 2" reading; Adopt ordinance. _
-- - - - -
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in
order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. , Certain matters may be controversial, and the Ciry
Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process.
November 17, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1
�'- �- AGENDA• I-TEM-= -- - � First Page RECONII�ZENDATION
- ---- •
(7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter)
- -- (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) • �� --- - � -
1. Street Vacation Petition - STV08-01 --�- - � J 1. View Presentation; Continue Public Hearing �nd
Gronauer--Portion-of-4th Street ��: Reading; Approve.
--� __ 2. - Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act Mandatory Standards J-20 2. View Presentation; Open Public Hearing;
Consideration -- -� - Continue to Dec. 15.
3. Proposed Medic I Rate Adjustments •- �� -: --- J-24 3. View Presentation; Accept Public Comment; 1
Reading; Continue to December 1.
4. 2010 Budget - ` - J-3 � 4. View Presentation; Continue Public Hearing; lst
_ ' Readin�; Continue to December 1.
5. 2010 Property Tax Levy and Fee Ordinance J-39 5. View Presentation; Continue Public Hearing, 2"
Reading; Pass Resolution; Adopt Ordinance.
1. Amendment No. 2 to Gateway Construction Management K-1 1. Approve
Agreement with Exeltech Consulting, Inc., Project 97-20 -
2. 3 to Consultant Agreement with Perteet for K-3 2. Approve
FEMA Disaster Events 1817-DR-WA and 1825-DR-WA
3. Credit Card Prograni Agreement _ K-5 3. Approve
- 4. Clallam County Interlocal A reement for District Court K-6 4. A rove
- 1. City Council Meeting Minutes of Oct. 27, and Nov. 4; 2009 � L-] 1. Accept Consent Agenda. -
2. Expenditure Approval List from 10/24/09 to 11/06/09 for L-9
$2,081,767.64. -
3. 8 Street Bridge Replacements, Project US2002-15, Fuial L-38
4. Afrliation Agreement w�ith Tacoma Community College L-40
-----� 5. Ambulance Transport Billing Agreement --�------- �� L-51 --
-_ 6. Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) Industrial Customer - � L-53 � - - - - -
Re resentative A ointment �
City Manager Reports:
1. Planning Commission Minutes - October 28, 2009 - M-1 .
-__ �- - 2. Building Report - October 2009 ": M-6 '
3. Police Department - Quarterly Report M-9
O. ADJOURNIVIENT - - -- - - - - - - � _ ..
No v e mber 17, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting - Page - 2
I��._� W A S H I N G T O N, U. 5. A.
�° November 17, 2009
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II. ROLL CALL: �B �'X�,L. '
Members Present: ✓
�'Lv _ (�--�
Mayor Braun
Deputy Mayor Wharton ✓
Councilmember Di Guilio -�
Councilmember Kidd �
Councilmember Perry i/'�
Councilmember Rogers ✓�
Councilmember Williams ��
Staff Present: Other Staff Present:
Manager Myers � <
Attorney Bloor � �'
Clerk Hurd +:---
� '
G. Cutler ✓
T. Gallagher r/
D. McKeen �
N. West �
Y. Ziomkowski J�
Led by: r/�`�' %=t
G:IGROUPICLERKU�ORMS\Council Roll Call.wpd
• �� �?�. '���TGELE� C7TY �UUNCIL MEE'�'�NG
/� W A S W I'7�f G 7❑ N, L1- S. A.
� Navember 1'7, Z�UU9
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I. �CALL TO aR�ER - RE+�UL�+.R M�ETING: G',x'� 7.
1VTembers Present: �
Mayor Braun ��
L7eputy Mayor Wharton
Councilmem�aer Di Guilia
�Councilrnember Kidd rl'
CQUncilrnem�er Perry ,�.
Councilrnetnber Rogers r�
�aunGilmexn�er Williams �_
Staff Present: Dther St�ff Present:
Mana��r Myers +�'` � `
Attarney Bloor �� `� �
Clerk Hurd —°
G. Cutler
T. C'ial l agher
D. M�Keen
N. W�st
Y. �iomkowski.
> �
Led by: � � �
Cr:IGKOi3P1CLERK1F�Rl1�iSiCrunci3 Aoll CaIl.�vpd
.� W A S H � N G T o N. �. S. A. Attendance Roster
�. �
DATE OF MEETING: I�Tovember 17, 2009
LOCATION: City Council Chambers
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G:\GROUP\CLERIC� OR� Council Attendance Roster.wpd
,� W A S F-, � N G T O N. �. S. A. Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: November 17, 2009
LOCATION: City Council Chambers
Name Address
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In Recognition of
_ November 16 — November 20; 2009
WHEREAS, in 1953, Distributive.Education Clubs of America, Inc., (DECA) was organized to __. .
- - - improve education and career opportunities far students interested in careers in
_ marketing, management and entrepreneurship; and __ _ --
WHEREAS, DECA's programs and activities are designed to the specific career interest of
�- students and include technical skills; - basic scholastic and communications skills,
-- - human relations and employability skills, and a strong emphasis on economics and
free enterprise; and
- WHEREAS; the mission of DECA is to enhance the classroom experience by providing hands- -
—. on experiences that develop skills and competence while building self esteem,
� leadership experience and participation in community service that mold high school
students into character-driven leaders; and ___ _.__ _
WHEREAS, the Port Angeles High School DECA Chapter has been recognized state-wide by
�� � otlier high schools and currently involves 110 students that participated last year in
over 63 different projects of which one-half were community service related;
WHEREAS, DECA students embrace the values of integrity, leadership, development and
�. success — no exceptions. . �
PORT ANGELES, do hereby urge all citizens to join me in recognizing November 16 tlu 22,
2009 as DECA Week in Port Angeles and to celebrafe these outstanding and community-minded
� students as they follow their corrunitment to be of greater service to themselves and mankind: These
are our leaders of tomorrow — and we are extremely proud of you today.
� November 17. 2009
Gary Braun, Mayor
, ��; �� Ip � � q � �� 'll `, � � V l � c
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�/'�-.�.,�„� W� A 5 F--{ 1 N G T � N, U. S. A.
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�Vauernb�r 17, 2flQ9
N�r. Santosh J. I�uruvi113, �?.I�, SE, PMP .
Exeiteeh C�rnsulting, Ine.
Lacey, WA �8516
R�: Let��r of Gommeiidakion for S` Strect Brid�es Replacemenfi Project
` I7ear Mr. Kuru�illa:
It is with great plea�ure z�at I recognize you anti your highly professional staff Far designinb and
managing �he c�nstruction a�the 8` �treet Bridges Replacement F'rajec�. It has been a inng
�ourn�y, commencxng in �(ovemh�r 2�Y03 and �ulxninating i� the brid�es heing re�ogniz�d as one
af the Top Ten grid��s in 2��8. -
You ar�d your team ex�ihi��d p�ssiai� and a com�nitm�nt �cr excellence. �u�standin� publi�
in�aluemecnt sessi�ns were held to hetp proui�e direct:ir�n on the rype and style of bridges ta be
; constructed. They are sleek and el�gant,
It was n�cessary to dQCUrnent the historic 1935 �imber truss bridges by �reating a dacument thaf
preser�ed a si�ni�'icant poriioil af the City's history. It was titr�e far th� bridg�s to be repiaced anci
ne�v m�dern str�ct�ares with widcr �idewalks, bike lanes, and �i�er tz-affc �anes tivere designed.
The brid�es are cnjayed' by all tha� t�a�e� or�er therri. The �iewp�ints give cit��ens � opp�rtuni�y
to take in the beauty af tihe surraundin� �rea.
You w�vark��i ctosel� ds � partner with City_ staff and Pars�ns R�I, t�e City's ��nstr�ctian.
cpniractor. Ygu pra�ided timely and quality directian to the cont.ractor �o clarify d�cuments.
Thn�� effarts p�id largc di�idends in ensuring that the pra�ect was cc��pleted in �he shortest time
p�►ssible, and w°akh.in the a�tacated fiinds, with l�s� than a�°/n increase in the final casis cornpared
to the bid priee.
The bridges that have heen constructeri will �e in �er�ice for many ye�r�. �o�a are to be
commended for a,lob W�11 ❑one! T�ank you for yaur service fia the community.
r � f��� r; �� s� �.
Gary Braun
� Mayor '
Phv�e: 36D-417-48051 F�x: 35Q-417-4542
Vllek�s�t�: wwur.cityolp�.us ! E�nai1: pu�licu�rarks@ci#yofpa.Us
32� �ast Fitth Street -�'.�. Box 115�3 I�'art Arageles, WA 9�382-0217
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�I � rbt�rl�l�vrks
P�blic De►relapment r4u�th�rity
Harbar1Norks Due Diligence Status
No►��mber 17, 2a09
Angclaa •
09velopm e nt AuS eafl ty
.�~� �^�--^_� �—+�.� _� ���_�
- �ks �n�erWay
* Market 5tudy.
■ iMarket Recannaissance / �e�enue Potenteal
■�111 options re�ain on the table
• Adding rnarine�pcart facility s�aecia4ty const�ltant
• �ngineering;
■ 5cenaria Develapment
• Prelsminary Engine�ring/ Fea5ib61ity f❑r Rede�velopment
• Prelio�ninary Cost Analysis far Rede�elopment
• Er�vironmenta�:
• aata Review and Analysi�
• Cost of Alternative �I+eanup S�enarios ,
Garalopme�H AutHority
, �- - � �— ,
�c���C� �G��r�G��?�t�
s�ar � � �• m ao m� a� m� � m�
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wegntiatiuns With OWn2e fi�30,'Q9•W30I10 ....Y � .- - - -
Oue OiligenceRhase 1 ����uti�v �_ �
dueQiltgenc�Phase2 t�v�a�ttnv
FinalApproraSsofTranifer a���a�l3o-no �
PropertyTransfer a�uio-alv�a l)
LandUseApprovals 3111144l1l1i ( i ° �
1 .--------- J'
, _ .. --- - ----. . -- -�-�--. ._ ---
Clearsup A�t'sons W3011O-&134115 I_ -T— --- - — -T _ �-�
RedevelapmentGraandereaking tiz�tz-'�i�i ��
SiteRederelapr�cent{anstruntnn �lyr�-�iuis I� i
— T_ ._--�
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Task 1: Site Condition
HamraEi�ourze3 �
Cultur�l Rc;ourccs � ask 2: SiFe Uses
(ngiaceemeg �i54Analyvs
Q� � r rket Analysis
I [�aAructure
_ __.. . I ���fliffd[�k I . _ ._ .
Public Comsnerrc i
Open Heuse OraR Repar3 ,
� OpehE3� FinaFRepart
__ _ TimeNaw:.November9.?009:._., �-.
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Puhlic apen House - Kickoff �ctnber 8, �OD9 'f
�1raft Repo�t t� Hark�or Wnrks Decembcr 7, 20D9
❑raft RepoR Published 4n Website January 25, �flt�
5tart Puhlic Cnmment Periad January 25, 2f1f0
Pubfic Operr Haus� - Draft Repart Fehruary 1, ��1Q
End Public Comment Periad March 3, 2a1U
C�raft Final Report tv Harbor Warks M'arch 1�, �01a
Finai Report Puhlishec� on W�bs�te March 29, 2�10
oarel a pment Aucn criry
��1�� — .. �� ���
Part Ang��es
Public �evel�pmen# Autho�ity
�q�e Aegclas
� UavaevpmanS4ulheri�y
Nave,mi�r �7, 2fl�
E7RTAINAIV�E A�'�ti� P(�I1�C'Y .
It doesn't seem ne�essary to g� thr�u�h this exerci�e when Vou already have a gQad
Cammen[� c�n �his �.raft.
!D. "Et��:lroni�.all� redaGt" meat�s r�dac�ing inlarmati�n t"rrrm cc�pie� �f� I�S�RT "t�e
�ri�ina� " electronic records in su�h � way that th� exerr�p� informatic�n is perm�.n�ntly
rema�ed fr�m the capy and �ann�t �, in any vvay re�overed.
Are these twwa se�tians rel�tecl`?
P. 5�-7 7. i�F. Natify third persc�ns r�r a,�enc:ies affccte� by �h� rcyues�;
P. 8 F-li� 14. I�latice t� Thir�i �'�.rties. T� a puhlic re�ord c�n�ins �rs�r�al infr�rrrtaCi�n
[�at i�entifies �n indi��idual �r flr�anizatian Qt i�nt�ins in�'r�r�nati�n that pertains tc� an,.
iden�itied individual or c�rgani.zatic�n, an�1 if khe �ity is �ancertain tivhethcr an �xe�nptfr�r�
applie� tv t�ae re�arci, �r part Qf it, the City �nay �otify that ir�di�=ic�ual or nrg�ni?��i�n iay
�cn�Ii.ng ��e third party a"Noti�e �f� Request" letter. T�e Ca�y ma}� �end �hi� no�i�e to �h�
indi��ir�ual ar organiratian i,f relea�in� the i.nfor�na�EOn c�ul�i damia�e the indiVidual �ar
z3rgani�ti�an, �r gouernment op�ratians, or is nc�t in the hesa inter�est c�f chc public.
If this inFormati�n is part n�'the public recc�rd, tt�e thi:rc� par�y ne�e� n�t t� con�ct��.
Didn't the court just ruie an this in the 1e�f�ers�an �ounty C��nmissioner �. ["J'Amic� �ase,
si�ing ���ith I�'A.m.icr� tih�t s�hat vs�as bcing ��itht�elcl ta proteet the Cammissioner sh4u:[d
nat �t�►�e �e� withheld:g
I7e[ine "�er�san�� ��farm�tian," i� ather khan t�te lon� tist of� exempti�rn� bel��w.
DF-3-1� P'. 7-8 iii Custamized �-lccess
iii A�C4mment.1�7n�n a r�ue�t .is for inforrnation cc3ntained a� a database, th� City
shauld consfder the ef£art aric� �acp�nse necessary for creating a rego�t with the requested
in��rrnatir�n when r�s�onding_ I�the City r�ularly generat�s reports fro�n the databa.se
ar+d �an �enerate a report firor�a the database with fhe r��est�d nan-�c�empt inf'orr�aatian
through tt�� standar[i process it uses f�r �r�ting rep�rts from this database, �hen the City
sha�1 gen�r�te a report �u�th the specified infr�rmatian. T'his is true euen rf �he i�fvrma�ian
w�ould nc�t ty�i�ly be ineiuded� in a repfl� the City narmal�y gerrerates. If, however, it
would ta�ke a�ditianal gro�ra��ing vr v�tter s�eps tv ger�erate a regvrt, ihen the City may
treat the requ�st as vne requiring customi�ed access. Th� �ity should get tP�e Requester's
eomma�ment t�r pay f�rr thi� acc�ss �efore it incurs the cos�.
iia. Customiz�d ac�ss.
(A). Creatin� a new record. VVhen a Reque�t�r s�ks an elect� r��rd in �ts nati�e
farmat that cantains exempt informa�ion, the City snal� re�act th� �emp� inf�rmatian by
creating a new r�ard ir� th� r�ati�e farrnat withaut the �empt in�armation, pra�rid�d �at
th� Requester agrees tv pay �'Qr the c�sts of this customizeci acr,..�ss. �
The City may �sa cho�s� ta creat� � n�w r�Qrd as the mast cast-effective way ta r�dact
infor�t�atiQn, proVided that the R�quester consent�.
Cvmment. The Public Records Act daes not r��e�.ire public agen�ies t� creat.e recor�is in
r�sponse ta a public recards request. Creatin� a new record, hawe�er, may be the aniy
way ta all.aw access ta an electranie record in its nat��e foFinat when t�e arigin�l r�cord
�ontains exempt inf�rmatit�n thaC rr�ust be r�dacted. There are a},sa tianes when creating
a new re�ard rnay be the mQSt cast-effect�ue way far t�e �ity to redact exempt
infar�ation �ram an ele�t�onic record. F�r exampie, in a spreadsheet it w�:ll Qften be
easi�r tv create a new spreadsheet withaut a ca�umn that contains exempt i�far°rraatian,
rather than print �nd re�iact th� cvlurnn l�y hanc�. Under these circumstances, if the
Requester cansents...
MY �CC]MMEI�I1': i��c�mGttts sh�ul�i r�nly t�e release�i with a11 the it7fi�rmation, inclut�ing
redacti�n. Redaetir�n tel�s the Re�ueStcr �nformation is ���ithhe,ld 4in�l �.11o��s for a cili�cn
cha�len��. 11Vithaut, �he City `��raulc� ta��denyin� the pul�lic c:riti�ai infaa7mation.
It is bad palicy Cc� re�iacl, arad it is bad p�ilic� to rvithhc�i�i redactic�ns f`rnm si�ht. It t��ili.
�ause �anfusic�n. You'd need a�i�ried reiease t� pro[e�t the City. Mcare paperwork..
P16 F-S �.74.Q8Q - A��rrinistrative Prvicess far I�er�iew aF:Ex�rnptivns anc� PriVileges.
The Gity sha�l tnaintain an adrninistr�xi�e pracess for re�iew of �cempti�ns and
pri�ileges. Vllhen an eacempti[�n car pri�ile�;� applies to a r�ord, th� City Manager, i:n "hi�"
so3e discret,ian...
C�MME • Chan�e ta hislher r"this p�rsc�n's" r�r "the 1vlana�er's"
� �
arlenc Scha.
�llvmpic E �irr�nmental Qun�El
P� BoA ?f�54
5equim WA 9838?
� f � l�� � E 1; ' 1 I ��l '1r �g I_ '- f
�►� s5. �J.3 +.-e
� ��; - �- - - I . . - ' . -- � --.. . .. . . ._ . � � . . . .
-- --- �►�,�.� - W A S H[. 'M1] G T❑- N, L�, S. A. -
---- - -- -- - - -- --- - . -- =_ - - ---- ---____
_ �.. ,�.-- �
`.�� ---
��� _ ---._ . _- - - -._-=-- -: -
_ — ---- ==_.�t: w.�._-_- -• ..- ---• -_-_ - - --�. -- �
�G�fTiY CC7lJiVCIL MEMfl �
- DAT1�: N�vember I7; �009J-- - ---_ - - -
_._ ,
�_.--�-- -
_ _ TO:. _ - - -- �ITY CDiIF+d'CIL , - -- -. - _ _ . . _ - _ . _ .
F�on�r: Wn,r�i�alvr E. Bz.oaR, Cr� Arr�xrr�� � - -- --
�lll}jCCt: Pi,3F3i:�l.C. �CDRflS dRL7FNANCE �1,I�(D �OLICY - -
Su�lrv�nR�: The attaekaed ordi.nance regardirtg �pe��ior� Qf pubiic rec�rds is intenaed to imprnve
and #o clarify, for l��th the �uhlic'and Caty sta�£; the pi�ocedures for submitting and for respand'z��
to a �e�ues� for �u�Ii� records.
-- - - - - - ..... _.. _
- _ R�CDiNM�:iVDAaT'ION Cnndu�t t�ird r�adin of and �do t the aftached f]rdanance. -. .
---- -- This is presented fa,r a_third x�at�ing. Tn th�s draft the foxmat;has been changed. The substa�atpve
- � - - pro�isions rezr�ain as �aefore, with one addi�it�n, _ - -
This ordinanee was gresented earlier this y�ar with �w� goals in rzz:ir�d. First, it has been se��ral years - --
- - - -
----- sir�ce the City's o���i:nance on pub�ic records has }�eer� revised. 17uri�ig that time; fherc ha�e been
--- __ -. - -- - _ _
- .- -
_ same changes tl�at be in�arparatied intg the_Cify's wra�:eriprocedui�s; '-
-- -- Secand the volume a�'�uests for puhiic recar�s-has increased dra.�rsatically o��er the las# few yeairs.
� _-�=, _ _� - - - -�--_-- - - ,
This emp�iasizes the x���d: �'nr-�lie-C-ity-t� 9�e e�t`i�i�n�; as-W�II as tharougli, in res�s�n.ding to recotds _.
reques�s. The City's praGedure shauldprat�uce a1l=inclusi�+e fo z�quests farpublicxecords.
= -: The C,ity's process for recei�in�;-and-respond�ng-to recards requests should b� cle� to everyone, _. -
� - -- : - -- - -- -�- -- - =-� - - = ___ ---- - - - - -
: - _ - _ urufarrn, anr� e.frcien#:= -=- - ----- _--_.-�--- _ _
- - --__ _� Those're�nain`tlie - _-- - -
;_ __ _�e�eral revisians wexe;made io adc�ress �ancerns a�'�cruncil and th� pu�rlic. In acidition
_ -- - - � T.- :_ - _
--� -` to tliase, draf� xnak�s-ori� formaf change arid one suhs�an�'i�e additiori: First, in t�is �ez•sion,
- _�LI elem�n�s are integratecE int�r �ie 6rdinance. Pre�ious versiaus were �i.vided in�a two �a�s, one
- ord'uiance and ane pa�icy. Thzs-c�mbir��s ev�rything inta on�. 5ecand th� substantive change 'rs
_' _: _ the in�Ii�siat�-a�-a� new sectian ii�=PA.IVIG- �.74.080, Admuustra�ive Process fgr T�evicw of- --
_ _ Exempt��axs and Fri�vileges. Ti3e new sectian estab�aslze� a proceclure £n�• the City Manager to waive - -
- - - an exem��ia� ar pxi`vile�e-€ar=a=pa�-[icizlau-recard.=._ _ _
� -- - : . .._.. - _--- --- - - - -_----._ -=-= - -
Page • 2 �
Nmvemher 1"7, 2�69
Memo to Council Re: Puhlic Recvrds Ordina�ire and Policy
If you hav� questions or would �.ike to diseuss this, please feel free to contact znc at your canv�nienGe
pri,n,r tn tihe meetir�g. - _
- - _ . .� _ - - -- - . _ _...:. _ - �
� , �"� --- .. . .. . -, - - - ----- ---
�. � f ���_... . --- =-
Williarn �. Bla�r, City A�torc�ey
C�:ILEGALGfEMOSL�TEM�S.211tl9M.mu�ci[.l'ublic Accnils [3rdimnce. ] ! 1709.v�d - - - -
� — �
� [)R.DTNA�iCE NC). - -
AN �RDINAN�E of xhe Ciry.a�.Port Ange]es, Washington, amendir,g_ ._- --- ._..
----- - --- - - ----
- Chapter 2.74 of the Port Angeles � Municipal ��Code relating- ta-: --- ---- --
-- - - -- -- inspection_o.f pulalic. reeards.---- - -_ - - � .
== ---- -- THE CITY �Q[TNCIL �F THE CJTY [J,F Pd,R.T ANGELES do hereby ardain as -
fbllows: _ _ . _. .
- - Sectian 1: - �rdinance 27�54 as and. Chapter Z.74 af �he Port An�eles
Municipai CQd� ar� herehy amended as follQws:
--_ . . _ SeGti.ons - . --- ..
2.74.OQS References.
- -- _ - - - 2.74.010 Pur�4se and Policy.
-- - 2.74.�15 Inierpretatian and Cons�nraction of Pravisians. -
2.74.017 Preser�atian and Retention af Records.
2.�'4.02[} Definitiorts.
2.74.f]25 Public Rcc4rds �fficer.
-- - _ - - --�------- _ - � =.2. - -. .Procedures for ReQUests and Rest�anse to Re�[uests. '
2.74.�35 R.equests for Ltsts of I�dividuals - Af.�eia�it Requi.red.
. . .
� _. _ . _ '
2.74..0�6�d Index af Public Records - fi�nr��s Findin�s. -_ -- ..--_
, - : -- - - --- — . - -
� - - - -- - 2.74. �]$-BS l7 _
R.ecards Excmpt frnrn Public in�pcction. -
-- - - -
_ - -- 2.74.060� Na Dutv to Creat� Records. --.
__ __ - - _. _ _ , .- . -
2.74.034370 Recard Capying Pay�nent: _ - - - -- - -- -
- --- - - - - -- - - - -
2,74,Q8[] Adxtainist,rati�e Pro�ess for Re�iew af Exemptions anci Fri��il.e�es.
- ._��. _ �
_ _ . _ - �.74.��90 _ F'ail�are of �City. _
_. _ .
2.74.OQ5 - References. All refe-rences in this Chaptcr.tn Chap�er �� 42.5�i RCW
shall rcfer to the se�tivn identifcd a� it nvw exists ancl as it_may hereafter be amended ar
_ _.
--- - 2.74.010 - I'u�pase and Policy. purpose of this C}iapter is io pro�ide for_the -. .
_ _ .
' cfficicnt �nd tiharou�h dasclasure and a�ailaliility
oF City recards as pra�ided an Chapter �� 42.56 RCV� and ' ' �
_ _ . _ -_ , .
pmce�rn�esto ass�rc that rccarc�s are made available to the public fcsr inspectio�s or co�ying.--�t _ __._ .
_- - -
�'th� ' � . , in acct�rdan�e with
--- ---= _ ---- --- - - - �- - .• - -� - -:_. _. _
_� - - a r�licable [aw. � � . . . , . .
. _
� � ti .
-i- F-3 -
2.74.(�,1 S- Interpretatian and Construet:ion of Proui�i�ns. �
- - - - - . . . These rul�s and
-_ . ,
__ � _ -- .. - _
_.:_� ._ _.-�Chapter �2�. ' " � shall be construed ta promote :FullesC.. . -
___ '
- - - --. p -- - _ ._- --� -_ ---
_ _ ---
- -_"- access ta ublic-records la�;-so as to assure coriti�nuin� -
--- -- c4nfidence i.n g processes, and s� as ta assure that the public's ini�rest will be ftilly�
- _.
- - . _- _ . _--�. _- - -..--- �— -- - — _ -- -- - -
pratecfed - _ - . ---- - . _ _ -
— - --- - - --�_ _ ---- ._ • = _��_ --- -- __ _ --- - � _
- - � _ - _ - _ -- - - -- --
- - ---- �-
�__ 2�.74 D17 - Pr�s�r�ation and crf Records. -. _ __. �___ - - --- - - -
- - --
--- . - _ :F-- -- --- - - - -- - -- -
-- -- - - A: -A1]_�ublic records-a:re and-shall remain the Drop�rtv af the Gity. �ut�oin�
_ --
- - o�cials and emtainVees �ha11 del�ver se��h-recards t� their successars: - ----
- . ._
- - - - - -- -- - - --
�- - - - B. The Citv shall �flmblv w�tl� state fec�eral Iaws affectin�"tau�lic records ---
- -- - - - _.__
_. _ . ..._.._ �_ _� _.:_.�-:---includin ._but_not-limiteti-to Che- uidelines romul ated_b .�he Sec�'eta c�f �tate Di�ision ❑f _.. .
- --- A�chir�es an�' �tecords Mana�ement, Publi� records are nreserr��d, stored, trans�erre�, desCroved
- - - �_
and otherwa�e mana�ed anl� i:n accordance_with the Public Records Pali��..�I�e Citv's Recards
�_.. _ ._ �.
Mana ement Polic and a licablc state and federal Jaru. -
C. Nathin� in this Polic�reyents thc Citv from destrovin� records in accordance -
_ __ _
with l�C'vV ��?.14. But if a rccords rc uest is made ai a time u�hen s�ch record cxists but is
- sCheduled fr�r destructZOn in Che near future �ior an reasor� the Pub�ic Recorc{s Qf��er shall retain.
�session af the record, and may not destroy flr erase the recort� until the rec�ucst is resalved.
-- ..
---- - � D. Fublic records shall be urote�ted durin� insnecTion �v Che oublic as set forth in -- .
sectian 2.74.D30, below. _ _ .. .. ^---
-- .- - 2.74.[120 - De�'initians. - - _ - .
" � - - - . ii - _]) CC� . • ,TJ iG �T) ' "
- A. The definitions of r�ers�n ublic record and writin c�ntained in ,R.CW
�� 4�.56 are hereby_adapted. _ -
- B_ _ "Act" r��ers to the ,Pu�1ic R,e�ards Ack, at Chapter 42.56 RCW.
-- C "Ci " refers to thc Gi of Pr�rt An eles. _ . -- -. - - - _ -- .
-- - -- - I): --� "�lecCrani�allv redact" means redackin� infarmation fr�m c�nies o�electrflnie
---- - _ _.
recard,s in such a wav that the exemut in#'ormat�on is �ernlanentiv remo�ed from the Ct�nv and
_ cannoi be in anv wav recover�d. _ -- -.�}_ - _ _ -
E. "Exem t information" mcans any informatiion that may be redacted pursuant
to th� P�blic Records Act andlor �ther abblica�l� }�w.
-�- __ F. "Metadaia" data about data, ft is trmicall� �eneratcdbv�ro�rams that create
electranic de�cuments, and is attached as t�art oF that documcnt as -liidden text� It in�ludes
, _ ,. -:.
in�arm�tian describin� as�ects of actual.data itcrns, such as name ofi the �'c�rmat�in�.- --�- -
con2ent. erFitin hiskorv. �n� ori�s of khe documcnt. It can dae disnlaved thrnu�h faols in the
pres�ram that cr�ated the do�umen,t. ^ P �
-- - -�i. "Native Electronic Format"-rtaearis the�elecYr�iiic format an rccord - -
orb�ina�ly exi5ts as. For cxamt�lc, a��rd do�umcnt'� native fannati�n would ha�e fhe ".doc"
exten��on. - ^- - -
_ . - - :.-
H, - "Reasonablv 3ocatable" ineans an eleccronic record tha� can'be l�cated - with
-. .__�_____.��_.. - .
ical search features and nr�anizin� mcthods contained in fihe Citv's current s�ftware: -. � �
T. "Records Request" means a re�uest fnr�a�b]ic records made to the Citv
--` - _ • _ pursuant tQ the A�t. - _ ..- _
:T. "Rec�ucstcr" rncans the �ersan or entity that has rnade a records ,repuest to the
�� �
-2- F - 4
� — - _ — ------ ----- - , _
- -- 2.74.425 - Public Records Dfficer � . � � . '
— - - - -- -_ -- __ _ -- - - __-- - -. -- �
A. Pulali� rec6rds re�uests rnu�t b� made ta the Public Records �ffs;er.
The Ci C1erk i� the Ci 's Puhtic Records �fficer for all �Cit de artments exce t�he -
�oli�e Debarm��nt. Thc Citv Clerk mav be cnntactied in t�ersan aC Cih� Ha11 �r �ia f rst class mai� -
� -- ---- addressed to t}�e Public Records C3ffi�er at Ci Hall. T'he Police I7e art�nent shatl desi ate its .. ..
— ---- - =
-_. . - own pub]ic Records dfficer. The Police De�artment Recard� ��'ficer mav he contacted ir� t�erson _
..,... � - - -- -- ,-- ;. -_
__ .�__;r.,�__
-- at-tY�e-P�rt An�e3es Police DenarCment ar via-�is �lass mail-aeldressed to the Pul�lic Records -'
-- --------- -<= =
�ffcer at fhe ParC .�#n�eies PQlice Departmcnt. --- ---�- : _
- --
The Gity'� I'u�li� R.ecc�rds Of�icers are 3ocated in Citv Hall. .
- -_ - � .. _.
-- -=- Part An�e3es Hall is laca#ed at:_
321 �asc 5th 5treet - -- -- -- - - - - -- _
� -- -= - - - - F�or� An�eles. Washin�tfln 983b2
. - Customer �ervice and Citu Cierk haurs are: �
------ - - - - _
- Mandav �hrou�h Thurs�av. $:30 a.m. ta 4:(]0 t�:m:; and ---- -
: _ _ - .._. _ _ _ _
- Fric�a�, 8:3i7 a.m. to 12:3D :.m: - - _ _. _ _-
- — ---
--- ----- -_ -- --- -. -- --- -- _. Palice Denartnient h. ours are:- Mnnda� thrgu�h Fridav 9:D� a.�r�. �c� 4:4(} n.m. -
-- Each Public Recarc�s [3fficcr may dcsi�nate one or more Assistant.Public Records ...
� Qfi�icer(s�. An Assistant Pubtic Record� Dfficer will Y�eI� tl�e Public Recards Df6cer as
reQe�ested and shall carrv out all ofi fihe Publ,i� Recards Officer's duties when the Puhlic Records --- ---
_. _: ._. _ _- . __
- _- Dfficer is not a�ailabl�. ._ - -- - - - -
--- -- -- -- - - The berson ser�in� as the Puhl:ic Recflrds Off�cer may chan�e from timc to time.-T��e =--.
-- -- .
namc and contact_'rnfQrmation for the currerit indi�iduals �er�rin� as [he l�ubl�c Records Offi��r - --
--- ---_-- shall be basted at T�he Cit�r ,Hal� and on thc Citv's We�asitc. _..�. � _
-_ -• -_ -- _ -. • -
- -- -- In addition to acceptin� rec�uests for.records, the Public Records dfficer is a�ailable _ -
-- -- -- --- -
- fQr assistance and informarion alaouC-the C-i:t�'s cecords. - -
-. � - -- -
- - - --
_ ,_ _
The P�blic R.ecords �f�icer may �ele�ate speci�ic restaonsibilities to Ciiy staff, but
- remains ealtimatel res ansi�le for a�erseein � cam liance with the Act and the Polic . The
Puhlic Record� ��ficer shal�: -
- - - -.. __�__ - - _ -- --
_ . - -- -- .- - _ _ _
_ Y. - Be rest�onsi:ble-fns imblementari� �he Cit�'� nrocess far resnondin� tio_
public recards_reQUesks- _ - _ --. . _ -
2. Se r�e as the vrinci�aP contact poink with any F�equestcr who has made
a re�ards request ta -thc City' unlcss Public Rccc�r�s C)f#icer has dele�?aCeci these =" -
responsibilities for a t�art:icular records request t� an Assistant Puhli� ,Rec�rrds ��i�er:
_ -- — - —
3. _ Coordinate City-st�ff., anr� �enerally ens�re enmpliancc with nublic --
- - ---.--
-- - recards discic�sure renuirernentis: and ---- ---- -- --._ . _
_--- - ----- ---- _ - _ -- -
-_--. . _. -�- •- -- - -
- -
4. Make the final dccisi�n, in �oat��ration wi4h the Cit� Attornev. as ta -_. __ ..-
�� . _ -. . . `_ � _ . _
-- --- �hether_a��rticular recorrl is_sul��cct an exemption - _ __ -_ - -
.v_ . - -- -- - - - _ _ _. ._ . _ __. ._ __ �_
2.74.03f] - . Yrocedures for Reaitiests and R.est�nr3ses t� Repu��i�.
� Any persan dcsiring to inspcet or receiuc a copy of anp icientifiiable pul�li� r�cord Qf the City
-3- F - �
. may make a written request fo the �ity's F'ubli� Recards Df�cer. The procedr�res for a Rea�uester �
-- °- -- to make a rec�uest, and far°th� to resvand, are set fnrth as fallows:
, : .... , . , , , _ -
_ .�— -A - - -�-: �- .-
- - - -- .�. -- - - - - - - , .
- - - -- __ . , . . _ z _ , , - . --- ---- - _
A. a Re�uestin_� R�cords. - -
------- -- - 1. Haw ko Make a Public Records R.e�uest. �
-- --- -- Public recards mav be inst�ected or cot�ies of t�u�li� recards mav �e ab�ained
bv t;he ub3ic at Ci Hall u an com liancc with the �allowin rdced�res:
�. Each De artment of the Gi identities some records a� "over
the caunter" record�.- �uch re�ords ir�clude thase that �an be readilv identifi�d, are lacat�ed at a
=-- - — -
--`- s�n ]e souECe do not rec�uire searchin� multinie files or denartments�. and are routin�ly made -
_ availai�le t� the t�ublic. Repue�ts far an ouer the cavnter record mav be ciarected ta the Cit�
.,..- -----�--_......�
deta that has of the record: If a requesti is made far a recard that is nat a:n nver the
_z._ _ - -- -
�ountcr record, the Reauester m:ust submit a records reauest to th� Public Records Q��cer.
_ b. __�xce�at far o�er the counter rec�rds, alfl recards reauests m�st
-- -- =�be made ta the I'ublic Records C)f�icer: As to O�er �he �ounter Recards see �3.2 belaw . All.
_ subse uent communications-from =a-Rc uester shquld �l�c� be di�ected ta k�ie Public Aecor�s
- C3fficer u:niess an Assistant.Public Rccards D�FFcer has:been deleaated the res ansibilit for a
particular request. - - - -.. . -
C. Ta a�aid confusion or miscommunication, a re�uest �'or publ:ic
- - record� �hauid be made in writin 7: � Fo� the can�enience t�f`the iiblic= �he Ci� ra�ides fonns
for rec�rds reauests. A ret�uest form is a.vailablc at Cit� Ha13 and an ihe Citi�'s w�l�siCe. The
CiLv encaura�es, but d�oes nat require Requester� to �he fo�'�tnr.
� d.-- -- A re�ues� xnav he mai�ed, faxed. emailed, or deli�ered in persan.
to Citv Hall. - _ _ -= -- -- - �-� --- - - -=_ . - - . -. . - � _.
- -- - ___ _ �.._ _ .. _ _ . . . _
- - -- - — •_ -- ,-_
- - ---
-_ - ln Che er�en# a r�quest is not m�dc �n _wririn�, tli� Publ:ic Fteccar�s_
- __ _.. .�,.
dfficer �hall cnnfirm ,in writin� ta the RGC�uester the details of the reauest.
e. A requ�st for records shc�uld include the fflll.a�in� rn�armation:
i. Ti�e �taie of the re�uest� �
____e_ a
-�- F - �
� _ ii. �'I�e nam of the Repuester: _
.. _ __
_. __. _-._ _._.___._ _ _�.�-.._. ._._ _ iii. - The fut:l add:ress af the Re�uester:
-- i�+. �ele hone num�cr of tihe Re uester•
� __ - _ -_ - - - - - �. _ _ A descrintion of t£�e reauested record adeauate �o identifv
_ _ _ it� _ _ - - -_ - - .-_..---_.._._ ---� - -_---_ __rt _._._ -
- =-- -- -��- - - �--= ------- - = T . _ _ _ . _ _ ..- . - _ ,
_ . _. . : :
vi. -- The title and d�te af the reauested. record if known an� -
� _ ��__ . - ...
� rntends to �nsb�c
- _. -=-- - - _ -= , � -
- -- - -` ._.-__.. t the recards or -
- -- ----- -- - - � i�. _- Whefl�cr thc-Re�u�szer
- - - - �___. - -- ---
-- - - — = -.to obtain a h�taco of the recQrds. �� - -- -- - - . -- -
-- ---
-- - -- . _ _ __ .. ._-. . _. . .
-� B. R.est�ondan� Co Records Requests,
1 I:nst�uctians to +Ci� Staff - Procedures far Respandin� tcr R.eauests.
- - __A11 nulalie records c�f the_Citv-are availaY�le for disc�osure exc�t�t as
� � ic whcn rc�
" atherwise rov3dcd �v law. We serve ihe nubl � � snandin� to requests fnr ��blre recards.
� - - StaFf�sh�uld strive Co eff�cientiv, accurate�v and thorou�hlv resnona ta each re�uest. As ruith
al] athcr scrvices t�ro�aded by_the City, our �oal is tca �o "alaoVe_and be��nd."
• ---
___ 2. D�er Che Counter Records. Each Deoartment nf the Citv shall estal�lish
_ a bracedure for _"a�er the c�unter" re�ards. Such r�card� �iav be nro�ided imme�iatelv in
- - responsc t� a rep�aesC. Generallv, o�er t�e cc�unter recards can be deiinecl as those rcadi�v
- _ �___ , - _ __ identi�able, located at a sin�le �ource (does not rcQUixe searchin� multi�ale �i_es or departsnents),
- --- - --
_ . �--- _ _..._ ..
-- - and #he dacurncnt is rautinel� made a�ailable tn the vub�:�c. If a reQ�cst is rnade far a recard that -
-- i� not an a��r the counter record, the Repue��ter tnust be informed fhat the records is not ar�ai7able ..._. _
o�er th� counter and that a records reAUest must be filed with thc Puhlic Records �ffcer.
� - -- _-__- __ __Each Denartment mvstla� all reauests for over the counter re�cnrds
_ aIli� �11 I'eSpOI[Se5 �0 SiIC}ti �'�puQ5t5. �
� _ . . -
- —.- — ._____
— _--- -
3. C�ntact Person. The contact �aersan with ihe neablic far a]] ta�ibliG --.- -.-:-
xecords rec�uests shall l�e the Public �ecc�rds Officer. I�cpuesters who_ha�c c�uestic�n� s�ould be.
._.._.. --
- -- - — =-= -_ _--- _-_ _ directed.�a �he a ra riate Records �3�.ficer: _ . .--- _ -- -_ -
___ __. _. -- -
-- -- -- � - ----- .. _._. .
- - 4.�---Datc anri Time of Re uest. Immediatelv upan rccei:vin� a re�ruest the
- - Public Rccords C7f�icer sI�all document the date and time the repuest was recei�cd.
- �___ _... ....._.
-- -= -�5: -- On� Fxi�iin Records- T�re City-is not r�quired ro create a record in -- --
_ _--__, response, ta a records reouest. If a rec�ue�t daes not identify an e�istin�.record, confiact ih.e Ful�iic
Recarr�s C�fficer f�r instructions. _ -
- -_
— - -- . . , _ __ - - -.-
--- -•
- -. 6. Fir�e Da �es onse. For rc uests for records nflC within the "��er the -_-
__. ._:- . __ _ ._ .. --- - __ ..
-- _ car�nter" cate�ary within f ve business da�s of�recei�in� a recar�is request the �;itu shall re�ond
-_ -_ - =_- ---- - � _-�___�,� ,��. - -__ -- -- - -- - -
' i. � N�ti in the Re u_ester that the clac-uinents are auai:lable: ar
- � - � _ .ii: - Sendin� an "A�kn�wled�ent Letter" acknc�wled�ira��that the .
= Citv-has-receivcd=thc "rec�uest nro�idiri� a rea�dnable`estin�ate of the time the CiCV will .
� - - - - - o_.
- °-- � re uire to res orsd to the re uest� �r
- - - --- - . - - � � ._ - :._..�— - .... _n
- - - = - _ _ `� - ` -- --- iii. Reaue�tin clari�icatton. as a�atlincd in Addit.ion.al Tirnc fcar __ __ _
- ---
- _ kes�aonse, below; or
- - -- -� �T — T = ----- - - --- iu.= --= Ucnyin��ihe Records Fiepu�sT In a "Denial LetCer " the_City
_ �__..._. -- � T should in�lude an�exemptian lo�, as descri:bed iri Secti�n �9:b, if anv rest�onsive exc�nt�t recards
exi�t. _ _ --
� � -� �-- - 7 =-�-_ _r'�dditional Tirr3e f�rRe�anse Additional time Fnr the Citvto respond
� � �- to a rc uest mav be hased an the need to: -._,__ - .___
-�- F-7
i. Clarifv wha� dacurnents arc bein� sou�ht in th_e request; �
�i. Lacatc and assem�ale the records_reQuesCed`
= - - --
- - ii�i. _�. lJse the re�uested recard in the Citv's noxma] coe�rsc ofhusiness�
-- --
- - - -- iv.-----Natifv third t�erson� or a�encies affect_ed_b� the repuest; ar -
- - --- - r�. T�etermi�e whether an art af the recard r� uested is exc�n t -.
and that a denial should be made as tfl ail ar nart of the reQUCSt. -- -
_ _.. -- - - . _
--` `_ $: - iJnclear Rc ucsts. _ In acknowled in recei t�f a reeards re uest that
is unclear. the Citv mav ask the Rec�uesker to clarif� r��hafi rec�rds thc Rc�uestcr is see�Cim�. Tf
--- _. _ .
the Rc uestcr fails to clarif t&ae re uest fihe Ci mav deem the re uest abandoned and need not
_ : _ __. - ---- - - --
---- - -- --- - resnona ta �t: T_ . _ _.. - - - _ .. - - _ � ... _ . . ... _ .
9. Lar�e ar ��rnnlex R��uests. When a recards re�a:uesz is far a lar e
.: _.
- volume af records, or when a r�cords re�uest inValr�es comulex sear�hes ar searches reQUirin�
manual sortin� ��'n:umer�us filc�, th� City mav elect tt� nrca�ide recarc�s an aa� installment. basis.
T.n such case, the Paublic Recorcls �3ffcer shnuld prr�vieic a_ rcasanable esCitnate in the
Acknawled�ent LeCter when the �irst installmenC_ will be availa�le. At the timc _thc first
--- - installment is reviewed or copied, fhe Fublic Recards ��ficer wi11 estimate v�hen t�e secand
- —
- instal]rrrent will be available and cantinue an thac basis until the entire - re uest has been
cam leted. If a Re uesCer does ncrt contact the Pu�1ic Records aFficer within 15 da s to a�-ran e
for ihe revi�w c�f the frst i:nstall:menC, the Gitv may deem t.hc reQUest aband�ned �d sta�
- - - - -- - ---
` - --� - - ful��lin the.remainder �f the re uest _:�° -
I0. Iclezatifi of th� lZc uester. The Ci ma aslc a Re uester f�r crsonal.
identificatiion onl� when t�e law malces a record dise��asable to a s�accific pers�n.
. _ -- -
cm lo ee ma onl ���� �et�uests for Veri�icatic�n of�ustamer Information. A�ustarr�er ser�ice �
---- � wheth�r a custorrser is nr has been a cusCarner �f the Ci . An other
_ - rc�uest far verificatian shail be farwardetl to the_Publi� keGards �ffi�cr. _
__ .
If a �ustamer wi�hes to k�a�e the Citv vcrify hi� or hez' address the -
. . ---
-- - -
�ustomGr shall roVide the Cit a stat�ment in wratin a�thari2in Che Cifi to ra��d� that -----
--- r��rif_catian. This �e�thorizati shall be_c_onstrued as abt�l�cable t� all rec�uests for �eri�cation
unless ihe autho�-izatian is exnresslU ]ianited to particular Rerauesters.
-- -
-- 12. ProGedures for �onduetin� Searches �or Publ.ic Records. Exeept for
_ ouer t�e Gr�untcr recards the �?ub� i� Recards Officer r�ill all all Ci de artrnenis to determine
what records, and the �uan:titv of records, each dcvartment mav haVe that fall within khe scone
of a re�arc�s request. _ _ - ---
� __� _-.Ea�h de artment shall �earch all re�ords within iks c�ntral �ncl;uctin --
all types af sfara�e media. - _ -�... __-._ --. _- _.�- ' -
Each deAaR shail resnond to the Pu�blx� R�cords �fficer within
4 b�+siness da s. It is im artar�t to he rort� t!
- -- --`- �.�=After receivin� an�i or�anizin�'t.he res�onses fratn e�Gh det�artment__the
-- Publie Records ,sha11 pre�are a sched�ule f�r uroduction af ihe rec�rds. The Fublic
— -
- R.ecards Officer shall nati:'Fi� each departmenC when the recards �rom that detiartmen� are duc.
_______ ___ , Each devartment then shall or�anize its=acti�ities ta comply wi_th the schedu�e �repared b� �he
-- Pu}�lic RecQrds O- ff� er-= A�ain -it is imnortant tn _ -:--. :.._ _
_ - - - -- == �- -- -° -- -In saxne unc�pected _e�ent� rc�ay intemu t �he schedule. Is� -
such instances it is im ❑rtant =cantact the Pub�:ic Recards Dfficer.
-_-- - 13. .--_- Reauesfs for-Elcctrani_c IZecords. Electronic records, like naner recards
arc "puhlic r_ecords" srabicct to the I'ublic Records Act, l�ut €t is not alwa�s feasible to reda�t �
-�- F - $
� exemnt information from electronic records when the records are still in their Native Electronic
Format. Thus, to nrotect exemnt records, it will sometimes be necessarv to either brint the record
__ and redact it bv hand. or convert the record into an electronic format that can be electronicallv
redacted. � � - -
If the Records Reauest includes reauests for-electronic records. the
Public Records Officer mav nropose a list of search terms based on the records reauest to the
Reauest�er to assist the Citv in its search of resnonsive records.
_ _ a. Non-exemnt reasonablv locatable electronic records are subiect _
to disclosure. If the Reauester has reauested an electronic record but has not snecified anv
_. particular format, the Citvmav nroduce the record in naner format with anv necessarv redactions. - -
__ ___ If a Reauester reauests a copv in electronic format, the records shall be copied onto a comoact
� --- --_ disc or other available medium. If the Reauester reauests to review the record or has_reauested ..
- --
a conv but lacks the necessarv software to review the record in_electronic form, the Citv mav
make a comnuter available to allow the ReQUester to review the record electronicallv, if
eauiament to do so is available without disruntin� the usual work of Citv staf.f.. � -
b. Electronic records containin� no exemot information Electronic
records that do not contain exemnt information (includin� anv metadatal shall be nroduccd in
their Native Electronic Format if reauested in that format. -
c. Electronic record� containin� exemqt information
- - - _ - . - _ _ _ . � i. Records. When�a-record contains exemnt information.
the exemnt information shall be redacted from the conv Arovided to the Reauester. Redactions
ma be made bv either nrintin� the record and redactinQ exemnt information bv hand or
• convertin� the record into an electronic format that can be electronicallv redacted and
electronicallv redactin� the exempt information. Alternativelv, ifthe Reauester wants the record
in its native electronic format, then the Citv shall treat the reauest as seekin� customized access.
to be handled in the manner described in Section iii below.
Comment. It is usuallv not nossible to electronicallv redact information from a record
in its native format. In such instances it will be necess�rv to nrint the record and redact
- -__ _ or convert the record into an electronic format that can be electronicallv redacted and
_ _ electronicallv redact the exemnt information, or nrovide for customized access. ... .
_._ __ ___ __ __ . __ ii. Databases. If the Citv can �enerate a renort from the
_ _" -- database with the reauested non-exemnt information throuQh the standard nrocess it uses for - ---
. . _ creatin� renorts from this database, then the Citv shall �enerate a report with the snecified
infonnation and handle the reauest as it would anv reauest for an electronic record not containin�
exemnt information. If the reauest re�uires additional stens, then the Citv shall treat the reauest
� as seekin� customized access.-to be handled in the manner described in Section iii below
Comment. When a reauest is for information contained in a database the Citv should
consider •the effort and expense necessarv for creatine a-reuort with the reauested
__ - information when resnondin�. If the Citv reeularlv �erierates reborts from the database
and can �enerate a renort from �the-database with the reauested n on-exemot information
throu�h the standard nrocess it uses for creatin� renorts from this database. then the Citv
shall Qenerate a reqort with the snecif ed inforn�ation. This is true even i f the information
• would not tvnicallv be included in a renort the Citv normallv �enerates. If however_ it
-�- F-9
__ _ __ ____ __ would take additional pro�rammin� or other steus to eenerate a report, then the Citv mav �
treat the repuest as one reauirine customized access. The Citv should get the ReQUester's
commitment to nav for this access before it incurs the cost.
iii. Customized access.
(Al. Creatin� a new record. When a Requester seeks
- --- - - an electronic record in its native format that contains exemnt information, the Citv shall redact
T the exempt information bv creatin� a new record in the native format without the exempt
� —� information, nrovided that.the Requester.aQ to pav for the costs of this customized access.
The Citv mav also choose to create a new record as the mosr cost=effective wav to redact
information, orovided that the ReQuester consents.
Comment. The Public Records Act does not reQUire public a�encies to create records in �
resnonse to a nublic records reauest. Creatin� a new record, however, mav be the onlv
wav to allow access to an electronic record in its native format when the ori�inal record
contains exemot information that must be redacted. There are also times when creatin�
a new record mav be the most cost-effecfive wav far .the Citv to redact exemnt
information from an electronic record. For example, in a soreadsheet it will often be
easier to create a new spreadsheet without a column that contains exemqt information
rather than print and redact the column bv hand. Under these circumstances, if the _
Reauester consents, the Citv should consider this ontion without char�in� the Requester.
(Bl. Computer pro�rammin�. If the Reauester seeks •
information from a database that requires additional nro�rammin� to �enerate a renort with the
requested information, the Citv mav nrovide this customized access, nrovided that the Citv
possesses the technolo�ical capabilitv to do such nro�rammin� and nrovided that the ReQuester
- -- - -- a�rees to nav for the costs of this customized access. If a Reauester seeks access to the actual
- - - database itself and additional nroerammin� is reauired to allow this access or to insure the
ReQuester cannot access exemnt information, the Citv mav provide this customized access,
- - provided that the Citv possesses the technolo�ical capabilitv to do such pro�rammin� and
provided that the Reauester aerees to oav for the costs of this customized access. Under no
_ circumstances shall a Reauester be �iven access to a dalabase if it is not possible to nrotect
exemnt information.
- - (Cl. Metadata. If a Reauester seeks metadata from
._-_ -- .-_ a record that contains exemnt information and the Citv nossesses the technolo�ical canabilitv
the Citv mav nrovide a renort containin that metadata with all exempt information redacted.
- -_ - __-_ -- -- ---_-- l 4: Notice to Third Parties. If a nublic record contains nersonal information
T � that identifies an individual or or�anization or contains infor mation that pertains to an identified
individual or oreanization, and if the Citv is uncertain whether an exemption annlies to the -
�._ �- record; or_part of it, thc Citv mav notifv that individual or or�anization bv sendin� the tl�ird partv
-- � -_--= a"Notice ReQuest" letter. The Citv mav send this notice to the individual or or�anization if
_. releasin� the information could damaQe the individual or or�anization, or �ovcrnment
-- -=- -___oaerations, or is not in-the best interest of the nublic. The notice should include:
- - - - -- - - - - - - - _- a. � The record bein� requested•
_ _ b. The date the Citv intends to release the record: and •
-8- F - 10
_- -� -- _- _ c. Notice that the Citiv wil] release the record bvthe stoecifred date .
- - if fhe contacted partv does not a�tain and s�,rvc an ihc Citv a temt��rarv irsi�anctinn, re��rainin
-- . _ _
� - - - . order, �r simi�ar court_ arder. _- ---_ _- - _ - _- -
— -- ----- -- --�'hi� nracedure shall riat create anv ri�hts t� thzrd �aa�ies to.su�h -..
. . .�._�._. �__ __-- `- --- � natice. =--, �-- >,� ��_:- _ � _ - _� -- : _ _ . -
- _.- __:-- -- .
- _ _-_ _. �___ : _ _. -- --- - - -- -
- - - --- - � - _ - This procedure wil:l n�t be used �o unrcason�bl�delavresnonses
-- ---- --
-- -.-_.
- ---- ta rc�ucsts. -_ - -
- -- _ _ . - -- -- - - - -- -
_ . _ _ _._ - -
C�mn�ent: 7'his-�ro�edure shauld nat lae �ollowed unles� there is a bona �de �uest:ion.
---- -
_____ r
--- whether an exe�nt�tion annlies. .. _ �
f. ..� _ _ -- ]5...__._Noticc tQ Req.uester.�..The..Citi! mav also send a written notice to_the .
------- ------ --- -.. �.
- Requcstcr notifvin� them tk�at. V -
- ---- — _
_ _ __._ --- - . :_ = a. =-_ - The individua� or or�anization whose �ersonal infarmatian is
. ___ eontained ir� the re�uestecl �ublic record has becn noti�ed;
b. Natice that_the Cit� u+ill release the reco�d �v the st�ccifi�d dat�
- - -- if the contacted nartv dQes t�at obtain and s�rve on the Cikv a terntaorarv ini�nctian, restra�nin�
- - - , - . order. Dr simi�ar court order;_and ;
__ —
-_ � c. If the-contacted vartv does abtain and ser�e on the Cit�! a_
- - - -- . . . . , .
temt�arary iniunct�on. re�iraxn�n� arder, �r srmilar court rarder. disclosure mav be deni�d.
� 3 6. = Procedures for �nternal Trackin� of Publi� Re�ards Rec�uests.
- -- a. The PiFbiic Recards fl�'ficer shal� be resnansi�le f�r trackin� the -
__ -- --_--
- � ra�ress.o�'reauests for public recflrds.
-�,_ � ---- _ . . _
__ 1�. T'he �'uhli� -T�ecnrds Clfficcr shaIl notifv Citv record Y�older�
_ __ - when a ret�uest far ►�ublic records has becn r�cei�ec� and to €�rese-rr�e all rele�anC re�ards.
- -- : - .- — - --- -- -
---- - - - c. A form :fc�r firackin� nublic records reQUests shall include k_he clate .
___ _ the rc�uest was aecei�ed; the date the S-dau lczter was sent; the date estimated for cornnletron:
_._�� _�_ __ the identrt�af nerson claar�ed with mana�in� the search, a�l coniaGted �a sear�h far -
- rccords; a sumrnary af search ef��rts; and the date(s] thc rccords were produ�ed. .
_�. : _ _ -- -
T- � _ .
- _- ---. -d. Each_ debartrrient shall implemcnt a svstem to track oVer the -
--- - -- --- -- --- _ --
�-�_ _:_-_�, ___ __�ounter records reaue�t�. Each det�artmenk shall send a sum:marv af o�er Che counter records
_ -- f- requesfis ta thc Public Recvrds �fficer �ach month.
-. --- 17. -. Casts. Costs assacaated with r�rflducin� public records are spe�ifie� in.
. . . -_.. r�rur
-- -= --- Cha�ter �af the Port-An�eles Municioal Code, as mav be �.mended-frQm-tizlae to time.- The
��._ � _ _ .
- =r - - Citv mav coTtec� a depo5it ofup to 10°/n af`the nraie�tec� cost beft�re creatir�� �ustamized ac�ess. -
_- .. - _� �_-x ;_ — -.- . _ _ _ - 1$: Exemt�tie�ns. - -
�- - � - - Afterthe Citv �aas �athered resbansi�e records, the Gity shail detern�ine
-= --_ �. _ _ --- -� - - -
-- - whether an exemt�tion apt�lics to all or` part_of a recard. The Citv need not ma.ke _a�ailab3e far
�-- �-----_ _ -- -
ins�eccic�n and cc�nvin� records cxempt fr�m tauhli� insr�ection a.nd convin� under Chanter 4�.5�
- RCW andlor �ther�ra�isian� of state c�r federal �ava. �tatutc, nrrc�ulati�n. -_ - -
- - - . - . -- ---- - ---
_. . _
-- =- -°= T,he exemt�tions faund oeatside the Public Records Act that are ma�t
~ � � __ � l�kel� t� batentiallv exempt records hcld b� thc Citv includc: ` : - - _� _ _ _ _
� .._.._. _..�__._ .:, _._ . - -- _
- - -
. _ - � : RC- � 4.24.55[7 _- _ _ Infc�rmation on sex offcnders tcr n�it�lic � -
_ _..
- � - -_-= RC- W 5.60.060 - Privileeed cQ�-nmunications . -.
- °` �_ .� =. kC'L�V 5.b0.07Q Cour�-ordered m�.diation rec�rd� _
-9- � � 11
- -- -. -_-- =__RCW 7.G8.14[l _ . 'Victims' com�aensation.claims _ _ �
. _. _ _
- _:
-- - -- - �- ----�.
-- �-- _--- =- �-RCW 7:69A.�3D�- Child �i�tims and witnes�es - nrote of idenCitv
- _ --- _ .- _ _
-_---------= RCW - .- -- F�i�hCs�of child victirris anti witnesses - _addresses _ _ - _:__
_ -- -, _ - -------- - .. ___--_----- �-- --- .. _. .
RCVi� 10.52.1 [][7 Recor�s ideniiFuin� child Victim of s�xual assaulk .-
__RCW ��.97.0�0= -- -_Criminal hiskory informati�n relea�ed must incl�a�e disbosiYion =.
__-- - - : _ _ __ _ _
°-- - - - RCW I0.97;050 -- - C-on�ictxan=and crim:ina] �istorv inforrnatian =-
- --- ---
- - •_ -- --- -
--�" 1�CW 1 D.97.07d -- Discl�►s►are o�identii� of suspect to �ictim
_---- ... .- -. _ ... . .
- - RCW 1��97.Q$0 insnection afcrimina� recnrd b� subiect -
- __ R�W-13.6�.�20 - -. -_
-- Missrn� �hildren information .
-- � - -- - _- -- � - - - -
_ _ ..
--- - RCW =19.2I 5:�24 -- -- -- - De�t7ruction_ofpersonal - t�eal:ih and f nancial infarmatian
- - - . - - _ __ _ _ ._
.- ----- - ..
RCW 2fi.44,�]I�_ � �P� ofret�flrYs on child abuse and n��lect
R.CVa 26.44.020{ 19) Un:�ounded alle}�a�ions af chilr� abuse or ne�lect
- RCW 26.�4.030 Rebarts af c_hild abusclne�le�t
12CW 26,44,125 Ri�ht to reuiew and amen� abuse �indin� = con�dential:itv .
_ RCW 27.53.07(] _ _ _ _ _ _ Recards idcntifvin� th�e location ❑f archaeolo�ica� �i�es
- -- - -
_ - _ __________..-__ .
- RC'W 29A.��.7Z� - Voter re�istration t'ecards af re�istratjori Can�dential �
-- - - RCW 29A.�8.7 ] U - -- --- Voter re�istration records - certain infarmation exemnC
- --
--- -- -. _ . - -.. --- - -
-- ----_ -- - _ltc records
dpteF �.14 1�CW Preser�atson and af bub � �
- -
-- ___ _._ ____ _ RCW 4Z.23.070(4] Mun7crbal officer disclosure of cfln�dentia� infarmation
__ . prahibited _ . ,__
- - - -- - - -- - -� - _. .
RCW 42.14.Q�[] 7_. __ Identi of lacal _ ouern.zrjent whistlehlar�+er
- -_ _-� - _= - RCW 4�.14.C]45 - - Non-disclosure of tarotected infflrmafiian (r�rhistleblawer) _. - - -
_ _ � ._ _
_ -. -_ _ — __ . :_.------ _ - _- --
_ . _ . . - " �CVa 4fi.52.C1$�] -- �_ T'raffic accident re�arts - �ortfidentialitv - - - --- - - - -
.. - -. - ._ - ----------
-- RCW-46.52.083-__ Traffi[, accident re�orts - available to interested t�arties -_- --
- � RCW 46:52.12� _. _ Traffic crimes and inFraciians - con�dential use by po�.ice and
- . Cfl�II'tS -�..,
_ - - RCW 46.52.130(2} -_ -- Abstra�t� c�f cir-i�in.� recorci -_ - '- - -
_ _ _ _ _. . - - ---- - - ---- • - - �:-. _
- _
= -. --- -- - -- -- -
�- - -' - - RCW 48:b2.101 - " --- - I�ocal o�ernrncnt insurance tran�actie�ns - access to = -
R�W 50.13.060 Ac�e�s t� emb�o�ment securitv recards bv ]o�al ea�etrAmenk
a Yc�� ---, _ . . -- - �. _ - - - - -- . -- -
R�CW 50.13.1Qq Disclasure of nan. -identifiab�e information flr with �t�nsen[
RCW 51.�$.�7� -- - -=- Wnrker's cQrranensatian recards -
, -_- - - - - _
_ _ ._
-- _. RCW 51.3£.OGQ Fhvsician informati�n on iniured workers - --
_ ,--.� _, . __� __- - - - _ .. - --, . �:
_ — --- __- - ,_.
�- - RCW 60..70.0�0 __ _ _ . _ _ Nca dutv fio ciisclose recnrd af common law ]ien - _ -
_ - RC'i�V 6$.S�.IOS t�,utons� ret�aris
-�.____-_----� - -_.. _ -�--- -- �
-lo- F-1�
'� Ghap#er 7�.fl2 RC Medical reG�rds - access and di�closu - eniire chaACer (HC
.T_ ._..
- - - - ------- --- --
rci�iders; _._.__. __ __ _ - -==. . _ _ _ - _
---- _----- R�W 70.48.100 Jail recard� ��d bookin� nhotas --
s _ _
_ _.
- - -- - --- - _ .
- ---- --� - - - -
.-- - RCW 7Y.Z�,035(S�{�] _ Mental heaith information��stem ,.s�ate, �nuntv and re�iQnal
SuppOl� rietvvorks - cc�nFdentialitv of client reec�rds . �_
__ .___ RCW 71.�4.2pQ Mer�tal k�eal�h treatment of rninars - reec�rds confidcntial ._
_.. - -
- - - ---
---- --- -- RCVi� - 71. - 34.� 10 ___ `_ Court rec�rds��ar minors re�ated to men�al health treafinent -- -
- - - RCW 71.34.225 - Rclease nf inental h�alth ser�ices information -
RCW 72.{�3.585t3) __ .. Disciasure af inmate r�corcls to local a�cncies - canf den:tialitv. . _
--__ - . . _ _ - ,
--_ --- 82:32.33C� �. � Disclosu:re aftax informat�on - _ __
- " - 42 U�C 4(]5(c)(21(�ii�(]� Limits on L3se an�3 I]isclosurc of Sacial Secsarity Number� --- -
42 CFR Part Z�2.,1-2.67] Can�dentialit oy_ f Aicflhal and Drug Abuse Patient Rccords
45 CRF 16d-154 F�LPAA Privacv R:ulc -
__ T J This ]ist is rfluided far information. The Catv is not b�und bv ar �
]imited To Chese exemotions. `
- - � _ . __ _
- 19. AddiCional Procedures far Excmtit.ior�s. -
-- _ ._ . .! - - - - - -
__ _ a. __ _ V11hen exempt parfiions [�f Public Records can be redacted, Che �-
�_._ ---
---- - - -
- rerrsainder tiicreof sha:ll be o en �o ubl:ic ins ectiar� and co �rr .
- - - - - -- - --
b. Exem tion Lca . If the Cit� dctcrrnines tnaf alI or nart af a
--- r�card is subieet to an exemx�tion- the C�A shatl so inform the Reauestcr in ��ritin� rncludin�:
�-=-_ _- ---�-
descrzotion of the cxcmvtton
- - __ _ _^ - -- ii. The rype af record bein� wit�ah�ld;
iii. I�necessary� a short ex:n]anation afwhyrt a�nlics to the
- -- - - - -- rec�rd �ar par�, bein� withhcld; . -- -- �--- . - _ _
_— -- - - --- ----- - __
_ - � _---- -- •
- _ iu. The daCe t�e record was creaCed• -
- - - - - -_ _ . ..._ �:. u. The num'�cr of �a�es• and
- - ____ ui. The a�t'�nr. Qr �f13er means of sui�f �ientiv identifvin�
parCFCUIar records without disclosin� nrc�CeCted cantents.
c. Where fhe usc af anv idenYifYin� fe wou�d re�+eal �rQkected
- - .. -
- --_
�o�tents Citv mav desi�nate the re�ord with a nun�bered senuence.
_ - d. Pursuant to the Act the Ci rescrues the ri�ht to seek to eniain _
._..._ . _._ ._ .
_--_- -- =----�=- --- = the examinatiori-of any-spccific Che examination of wh:ich t�e City d�termines w�uld "�
clearl nat be in the ub�ic inferest _and_ wauld �ubsiantiallV darna�e anr� t�erson ar would.
-- _ -.�
• - � -- -_ - - s�abstantia daina�e viYal �overnment functian�: - -
- - -.�--- _ �--
--- - -._- _
_.. _
20. -_ :.
- -=- - - --- - --- -
�.- -
- - - ------ - InsoectiQn of FRcc�rds. - - - -- �_.�_
� -- a: -=- Notice af Ar�ailabilitv. - Whet� the records resnonsi�e t�i the �
--_ _- _--. re uest {or t�e first attstaFlment� are a�ailalile far inspecti�n the Pud?lic Rceor�s Of�cer �liall � -_
_ -: - �-... _ :
�� ° ihe Re - uester a``Nc�tice of �vailabili "�ctter, I�' Clie ReQUester fails to contact the +Citv __
- ---- -:- - -- .�..� .... --
="- -� --- withi� 1, S da�s of the mailin� �f th�s letier ttte Citv mav treat the reaucst as ahandt�ned: When
-. -- _
� - - � - ---�- -- -
��- --���� �' - the City is roducin in installments this ]etter s��a4P alsa t�rQ�ide an est��nat� of when Fhe next = �
-� - _ ._._ _ _.
-_ . ._ __. _, . -_
-- -- - -- ` insi�alJment will be a�ailable. _ _ - -
- _; -_ -- . _ -
b. Itesponse Y�v Acauester. 1f the R.e ucster does not rcview thc '
records at the ti:rne schedulcd with tbe Publi� Rceords affcer, do�s noC ct�ntact the Public -
-��.- F - �3
Re�ords Offi�er to arran�e fort�avrnent, or daes �ot rec�uest additional kime to review the recards �
within 1 S davs after the Natice afA�ailabilitv Letter wa� sent, the Citv may consider the Records
Reauest abandaned. ---- -
- - - � - - -- -----
- --
= c--==Frotecti:c�n-afRecards: �In arder t�at PubTie Recards maintained
. _.
- on the t�� of the �ity may b-c�rotected �rom dama�� or disoreanization as reauired b� the
Act. t,�e followin� nrocedures and nxactices are herebv instittited: _
i. Na I'ublic Recards shall be rema�ed fr�m �ir� Hall.
- -_ _-
-- - - - -- _ without�tY�e 1?ublie Recards�Of�i�er''s_nermi�sion: - --_ - -- -- -- - -- --- ---- -----
_ _ ---_
�- --� - -- ---- ii. In �nectron af any Publir Recards staall t�e conclucCed in
- - - - -- -__ the presence of �e Pu�1ic Recards �fficer or desi�natcd staff; --- .----- .
- - --
�! iii. Nn t��ablic record ma� be marked, _ defaced torn;
dama�ed, destro
� ved, unreasonabl� disor�an.ized ar remaued fr�m it� t�roner ]ocatic�n or or�er.b� -�
- _ _. _ _ _. - -
- - = a member c�f the �ublic: _ - _ - _. -- -
°- - - " iv. Fubl:ic rec�rds rrsaintained in a�3e iacket. or binders, or
in chrt�nolo�ical order, mav nnt bc dismantled cxce�t for the t�urt�ose of ca�yin�� and__ th_e-n on�v
bv Citv staff; and - - .
�. Public re�ards of the Cit�+ mav be_co�i_ed_on�n the
capvin� mact�ines r�f the Citv unless ather arran�ements are made bv the Public I�ceords Df�i�er.
2,1,. L.nss af Ri�ht-to:Inspect.
_ - __ . .. �__...
: _ ._--- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- Ins�cction shall lae denied and the recc�rds wiChdrawn bv the Publi� Recc�rds -
_. . �fficer_ if_the_Re�uester, vvhen re�iewin� records, a�ts irr a rr�anncr vs+hich vaill dama�e or. __..
- -- suUstantial3 disar a.nize the reeords or inkerfere excessivel with ather essential functions oFthe
- - - C� :- _ - -
Z2. De�a�its for Capvin� Pul�lic Records. -- -- ----- --- - �-
Wk�en aeterminin� whether ko request a de�osi_C the Citv shall c9nsider the c�s�
of rnakin� Che re[�ueste�i c�t�ies and any �ayment histary csf the ReQUester, as u�ell as the
_ �_._. - --
administrati�e burdcn af seekin� a deposit. -_
__ __ _
_ - -- - ------ -- , . -
- �3. . r C�DSIT]E ��7� �1��. - - - - _ . _ _
� Qnce al� cauies of reauested recocds ha�e been �ro�ided ta �he Rec�uester, or
the repuest �as Y�een abandaned the Pulalic Re�ords Officer shall mail the Reauester a"Closin� --
Letter" informin� the Re�uester thaf the City has fullyres�anded to th� Recards Re uest. L1 c�n.
receint af �he Closin� Letter, the Rec�uester shot�ld immediatel� inforix� the Publicc Records
+Dfficer if the RepuesCer daes ncat� think the Git� has fully �an�plied,. ar needs additional Cime to
- rer�ie�r,+ the re�ords. If the Re uester does not re�nand within ten bus�ness days aftcr thc Clasin
I.,efter was sent, the Citv mav treat tlxe m_atker as c9o�ed. -
24. Rcuiew af �sserted Exemt�tiflns.
a. AA Reauester whn obie�ts to the initial denial ar partial denial
o,f a records re uest ma a�k tihe Ps�blie
R�cords Df�icer to revlew the decision. Such a re uest -
shall be made in writin �hould rease�na61 identi the writ�en deniat to which tc� Re ucster
a�iects, and shc�uld state in �eneral terms the reas�n for tihe t�biection. 5uch reas�ns anclude. hut
M - --
are not be limited Co, a cEaim that �n cxcmp�ion does na� a�ply, or_if an e�cern tion dnes a 1
a re�tuest to waiue th_e exemtation. - - - _ - -- -• - _ - - . --: -
b. Within f �e business davs, ar r�+ithiri suc� othcr time as the C�
.� - - - _
and �he Rc�ucster mutuall� a�ree tfl. the Pu�rl�c Recc�rds {�fficer shall_review ihe obi�ctican and
shall eifh�r meet with the Reau€ster or re�ly:in writin� to the �et�uester. The Puhlic Records
���cer shall either aff'irm or re�erse the denial. �
-i2- F - 1�4
-_- _. __ _ c. IFthe R.eouester�is nat sa�isfied with the deci�i�n of k}�e Public
. . - � _- - :_, �� �__
- ^ Re��rds Q�cer after ttie re�tew �r���ded in the orecedin� nara�ra�h, til�e �epuester shall sa
,. __ _ notify the Publi� Rccards �fficer in writin�. The P�blic Records C}ffi�er then s�al� nrdrnutl�
--- --- ...
- . - -- - - - - --
_�'�`�-- --- pr�avlde t�e Renuester' � obiecfian ancl anu other rele�ant inft�rmation to the"Cit� Maraa�cr=The
_ , - - �--� ---
-_ _. ,--_ --- ___, _. Gitv,Mana�er; ��ratiniri fi�e busiriess da�s. �uch ather time as the Ci�v and �he Reauester
- ,.. _ _ - - _
- - �-=_-- - rnutuallv a�ree to�_will_consider__the ob�eeti and eith�r af�z��n or rer�er thc denial. That
- -- coneludes_the_administrati�e rcview �rrocess: - - - --
.._ ____ - - - - --- . . __-- . .. ..
2S Dis�lairner: .<-- - - -- ----- ------ -.. _ ._.. - - _.
This Ordinance is nnt intended Co expand or restrict the ri�hts af ii�sclosure ar
— -- - - — -
�---- _ ....
-----------.--___ - nn�aa�V as thev exi�t un_der s_tate_an��federa� law. in�ttiis C)Fdir�as�ice is intendeci to
. ._ __. -
- - im�ase_rrian atarv .�ties o�i t e Csty eyond thase imnased b� state and federal Iaw. Excet�C -- -
- - where these �uidelines are mandaCed �v. �taiute, the �uidelines irs this r�alic�_are ad�isorv onlv
__ _- _y.� �. u- _.. � � � - - --- _.
� and �hall not impose any affirmati�e duty an the Citv: The Cit� reserves the ri�hl� ta re�is� or �-
_ _ .___
chan�e the Ord�nance from iirr�e 1;o Cime. -.--. -
2.74.�3 �-,Request far LisTs of �di�iduals - Af�ida�it TRepuired. In the case of a request
far rec�rds Ct�iat may contain a list of individuals, the per�fln making the request �aill ,furnish a�z.
- affida�it eithcr: - � . _
�A. That sta�es that helshe is not requestin� Che list for cvmxrser�ial putpo�es; or
-_-- -- �B. Thafi state� that helshe is specifical�y authnri�ed or directe� by law tv abtain the -
___ -__ list of indiVidua�s for comrnereial purpa�es, and that identifes such law. �
- . . . . . -_
- -
- ---
- - -- - -- -
---- . -- - - -
, ---
- -- -- - . ,
- - ----- --
� 7
, . �
- , ,
. . . _ ,
_.. _ _ _ , . --
_ �
- - _ --- - - - �, - _ .
- - „
_ _.
� ._'-_ -- _ . _
- - - __ _ : = �. - -- - �
- - -- -- - .
� - - -�- �- '
- - -=--
, ,., _ _ ._ -- -
- _ - -_ -- _ _ - - �- - _ -__ -- - --- . ., .
� ' - -, ..�., _ - _
- - - �- - _ -- _� - _
-a.�-- F-15
' _ . ..._ . . _ . _- -- - ---- __ _ _ � _
:. _ _ _ .
- - - - _ - - _ _— -- -- - - _...,..: - -T. -- _ _____._ � _ . _ _ �
- - � - _ - , ,
- - --- - - - -
-- - --- - � ,_ . _ .. . � .
- - - -- - - —� ._ __ .__.
_ .� _ Y-.� _ _ � ..�_ _. ._� _ ,__ : _ _
-- -- -- -- -
— -- —_ , ,
- � - . . ,
-_ ._ . .- - _ -.- — - -�----� ...w...�.. _ --�. - . � � _ . . _ . ..-
, . .
, : �
-- _. . _ ,
. , ,
_ , , . -
. s
- „ ,-
. .
_ . _ - -- - - -
. . .
- _- �___.. __ _ _ , ,
--- --
_ . -. ._ -- - -- _ '- .. . y .
. � . � . ..1 . - — � - - � � . .
.. ____ " __--....__ .. . .. . ." .... ...- . . - . . . . . . ' ' _. ..
. "_ . ' 7 ' ._ . 7.. . . . '_
" ' _' '. _ -._'_' _ _ .
- . .: . ._ -__ .. ��... . _. ._.. . .. �_. . . ... �. � .. ... ... . .- �....�. . . .. . .
� ' .. . -. _ _ ' ._'._ ' . .._—__:'__.' ' . . ".i_.x ' . . ' '_ .
� �
. . . . .
.. . .� - .. . . . . � .. . - . ..... ,. . . . . �
�. . s , . . . .. .. . � .. . . y . . ,.-. . .
-�4- F-1fi
� � � --�- �. .. ... - . . . . . . . . . _ ... .. . . . . _ .� �� .
. . . . . . �. . . . . _. . . . . � . . � . .
_ � � � . . . -
- . � . . � . . . . ��... ... . . . � . . � - . .
� --- -- . ._.
- � 2.74.U�$ 4d = Index af Publie Records -� Finain�5.
A. Index ❑f Pfabli� Recards -�itrt�s Fin __�
1. Ch��42.56 RCW rcquires all citi�s andpublic agencies tomaintaita—._
and ��ake available a current inciex of all pulalic rec�r�s. -
Z. RCW �-�frB�rj 4�.Sb.07Q(4)(a� proyides that if�naintainuig such
an itzdex would be u�du�y laurdensame, �r vvould interfere with agency operat.ion, a ci�y need ,not
main.tain such an index, hut it must issue and publish a formal arder �pe�ifyin� t�ae reasons ��hy
- and the extent to which ccampliance would be unduly burdensome �r interfece with a�ency
�t�erations. f
-- -- 3. Tlie C,ity_ o�' ,F'�,r� 1��eles is. comprised of seven departr�cnts, ti�cir
- :- di�isians and su]adiVisions, which main,taan separaCe databas�s andlor recard keepin� systems�ar
4. Lecause ihe CiYy has re�ords that are diverse, camplex and stored in
- ultiplc locations and in rnultiple formafs andlor databases, it is tu7d�ly 3�e�rdensonlc, if not -_
-- ---
_ -- -- - - ---- = _ _ . _ --- -
physically impassilale, to maintain a�entral index a�'reCards. _. -.
_ _ . _.
5. The City of I'ort Angelcs w,ili rtaake availalale far insp�ctifl,n andlor
copying a1P public rec�rd�, sncludirag any i�arlexes that are main,t�ined �y the City de artmcnts
- di�i�ions and suladivisians, pursuant ta the public I]isclosure Act, Ch. � 4Z.56 RCW and this -
-- _...
- chapter. _. - - - - - - -
B. Qrder regardin� Public Recards Index. Sased upon the findings set forth abo�e
and pursuant �o RCW .. 42.Sb.070f4��a), the City Council arders the followin�:
1. The City caf Port Angcles is not re�uired ta ma�ntain a cuz�t�ent index af
publi� records ' � �; t�e requEren�eraT is unduly burdensot�ne and
suc�t a lisl is nearly impossible t4 create �ndlor tnaintain, ar�d
- �- ' Pursuan.t to Ch. �� 42.5b RCW and this chapter, th� City of Port
A:ngeles sha�l a�ailable for pub�ic inspeckion andlor c�pyi�g all public recards and any
ind�xes �f public recards mainYained by the City's de arta�nents di�isions and subdi�isions to
the �xtent n�t exe��npt �rom inspectian andlor cQp}+ing pursuant to R�W �}$ 42.�6.Z l t3 vr
- --. .
_ ather a�rplicable 1aw: - . _
2.74.D$f� 5� - Recards Exem t from .Fublic Ins ection.
�Ali publ:ic records identifed as exempT from puhlic dis�la�ure in Chaptcrs
�2-:� 4�.56, ., . RCVL� �r and records prvtected from publi� dis�l.asure by the United.
States or VLjaskzingran State laws, statutes. re�Tu�atrons, or Canstituti4ns ar the case la.w
interpreting said ]aws are exetnpC fram disclosure under thi� �Chapter. The City need only
disclose recnrds tca thc extcttt ret�uirer3 ar permiticd l�y state ar fedcral ]aw and nothing in this
� Chapt�r shal� be interpreted as requirin� the disclosure af any record C�at is �c�t Subj�ct ta
-i�- F - 17
- disclosure by state or federal �aqw. , , � , '..
-- ----- --- -- -
_ -- - ,
- --- - Z:74:OGQ --No flut,y to-Create-Records -. - - - -
----- - - -
--------_ �n res�aQn�e to a rec�uest fnr public records, the Citv wi11 nat create rccords or dacurr�ents
- - - - - - - that d� not exist at the tfine the-re�uest is made. _ _ _ - - -
-- � �- 2.74.4}�$ 7� - Record=C�Yin� ,Paytncnt Payin.ent_for th�-cost af reproductiQn.af all
__.� -
---- - -- ---- pub�.ic_recards.sl�all-bc mad� at the time_the:public recard� are rr�ade available tc+ the requestQr. -
-� --- -- Fees for records are established at section 3.70.D 1 D.D. of ti.his Code. -
� � - - - ------- ---- -
b r s - - --- -
_ :. . - -- . , ,
- --_-- -�_ --
. . .
. - - _ _ .
- ---
_ _.
-. ,
- - , _ ,
- - _ . . .. . ,
---:: � - � __ a. - - _ �ric�B- - - -- - . ----- - - - - . - - - - _ _ - - - ---
_-_._ _ _ -- - - --- - - ---
_ =-_ _.a� ' z 2.74.�8D - Ad:ministrati�e Process for Re�ie�u Qf Exem ti+�ns and Pri:uiie es. --
.c __ �- _ ---
--- ---� - �-= .- The �Cit shall an- acirninistrati�e racess for review of exern tions and.
t�ri�ilc�cs. When an exem�tion or pri�ite�e applaes ir� a record, the Citv Mana�er, in h.is sole
--- �--=_---_— = discretion; may elect-ta-wai�c the nri:uile�e in �hQSC instances where he-�nds tk�at
- �:-------- = a-at the time of the Ci Mana �er'� review disclasur� r�ill r�ot harm r�r re�udi�e an cu�-rent or
•- -� -_-_ -- -.- future �i�lit or interest of ttte Citv. }�� the t�ublic interest ser�ed b� cli��los�re nutwei�hs the_Ci__ 's
- ----- - - :_-- interest-in - nondisclosure, - .and c} the cloeumenC daes not relate tv a pend:in� or proqQSed action,
.,__�., _-� _ - _ . - issue=ar - transactian. ,.. _ -- .. __ --- _--_ -_-- -- - -- -
- - -_
- -- - ----._ _.. --- - -- - ---
-- --- -w >`_ - '-_=A wai�er-under=this admmistrati�e he lir�ited to th� s�ecifc record
-�---- --- � di�closcd:---The�Cifv=c�airns'and asserts all exembtiflns and t�rivile�es as ko all recQrds not.
__ _
- ==- -�- =°disclosed-under roceduxe.-in-thnse instances u�hen t.he Cit Mana er elects
--- --� t� ujai�e cxemption=or-vriVile�e the adminis�-ative �rflcedure, the waiver shal� be �
-��- F-18
� -- - effecti�+e onlV tc� the narticular record or records desi��iated bv the City Mana�er: WaiVer as to
- -- -- record shall not imvl�a. ar be constr:ued eft'ec�; a'wai�er as tn.anv.other re�ard. .
2.74:�}fl �9U- Failure oft�re City Failure of the City ta full.y compIy with any pra�isian.. - -
-- ---_ ---. ---- _ - o�This - chaptcr - shall: not-result in any liability irnposed-uptin-the City other than
- - - .- as nra�ided in Ctt. 42.56 RCW. �: . . - - - - -
.. _ .
- - ---_- --
----- �ectivn �- CQrrections. =The Ci�y Clerk and th� codificrs af this ordinancE are --
__ _ ___ __ auth�rize� to make necessary carrectians ta 'ihis ardinarice inctuding, but nat limi�ed tio, the
__ __ _ _ ..
-- carrecCion af-the scriuen,e,r'slcl.cr-ical crrars,_referen�es, vr�inancc number.ing sectionlsul�sectian --
n�mbers and any-reference� thereta.
- Section 3-�er�erabilitv. Ifanyprovisions ofthi� Drdinance, ar its appla�atian. t�a
anyperson ar circurn�tances, are hcId invaiid, the r�mainder of the �]rdinance, �r appiicaiion af
- - - --- ---- --. _ . - - - _ . -
- -- - -
-.- -_ -.- the provisions Qf the Qrdinarice ta other or is nat affected. � -
Section 4- Eff'ective D�te This �rdinance, being an exereise af an administrati�c
� function, is not �u�ject t4 rcfcrendum. This ordinan�c shall take effecr ��e da s fallawin Che
Y g
date of its .publication hy surn:mary. -. - - _ - .
---- - - -
- - PA�SEI] by the City Council af [he City of Port Arigeles �t a,regular zneeti:tig t�f said
- ---_ _ _--- Council held �he - -_ - -day af Nar�ember, 2�a9: _ � - -
__ -_
- - - --- - - - _- .. - --
ATTEST: - _ - -- --- . -
� - - Janessa Hurd, City Clerk .
_-.:- -_ -_ -
. APPROVED AS T(] FC)RM: -- --- -- -
- -
- - - - --_ Wi�Iiam E. �loar, City Att�rneY - _ , - _ _ -
--- -� -;. _.. . ._ _
- .P�.T:BLISHED: No�errther , 2009 --- _- -
- — - --- - - -- _ __u
_� _ __-- _ .- _ �_ .- - . Sy St�mmazy _ - __ __ _
- - - - - - - _ ___ . _ _ _ -- -- --
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� FRdM_ -- --NAT�iAN A: WEST; __ ; _ .---
_ ._ _ -=- - -- _-- — . - - _ - - - . _ _
_ . .. _
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_ _ _ ._ - -- _ - - C�MNIUNITY AI�FD EC�NaM:1C DEVEi��PMENT _ - -- ._
Suanmary: Ratifv PEIA map as e�tilized since 1995 and carrectin� adopted Drdinance #2$�4.
Recommendation: Council s1za�Eld conduct tlre secnnd ��earlir�g arad adopt the attached ordinance
tracor�r�r•catir�g the 1?BIA map as pr-ovar�ed i�z Exhibit "A ".
---- Sack�raund 1 Anaia°sis:---= -- - - _ - - _ --
�n November 4, 2009, Council c4nducted the frst readi,ng of khe atta�het� ordinance. The . _
----- --.--- ordinance acts t� ratif}� th� PSIA map as utilized sin�e-1996. -_-- -_=._ -- _ -_�
_ __, _... _
- --_ -- -- ---- —_ - -- : - . ----- -- -- �- .
- - In_ . 1995,.�he �ity Council adopted Ordinanc� #2$84 enlarging the k�oundar�e� of Che �'ark,ing atad
_ Bu�iness Irt�pror�ement �Lrea by approximately two_acres to iciclude one lot at the c�rner. a,f 5e�ond �
__: S treet and Lincoln Sfi and � lc� e �st side of Lincolri �treet from the Firsfl�eeond Alley south to - -
-- -- -- - - -- _ _ - _. -- . -��_.— - ----- --- - -
include �ity properCy located irrimedia�ely - nortli�of - the Courtnouse site at Third Street. Exhibit
- -- -
-"A" th�t was att ached ta C�rdi.nance #2884 was i.ncvrrect. The correct Exhibit "A" is attaChed to -
�_ __— - -- --- - - - - - _ -- _ _. - - - -
__ _ _-= _ _-- _ _ __ _ --.� - ..
this memorandum and ��iau1�3 be oFf�cially adopi_ed by G�un�il tca correct fhe record. _ _
Attath:ment:� A= CJrdinance Ratifying thec P$IA $oundary Map
- -- _- - = --=- --- :----:: .- -- _ _.-._ __.. _ _- _ �
A,N �R�TNANCE of the City of Part An�eles, Washington, ratifyin�
_ - - - - . ,. ..
thc PB,FA�boundary - --- - -- - - __ _
WHEI�EA�, sance ea�ly 1996 the PBIA map attache� her�to as Ex.hihit "A" ha� been in
� - _ - — --- - - -
comman use; an�
WIIER�A�, ,�xhibit "A" needs Y�r be formally ratifed as �lie of�icial PF3IA ma�,
repla�ing the map �dopted �it�a Qrdinance 2884 �ffective �epternber 15 19g5;
H�;RE�1' �RDATN as follows: --
Section 1. Th� PBIA Map with a reVisian daie af �2I051g6 attached h�rcto as Eahibit.
� "A" is formally raYi�ied and adopted. - - _
Sect�an 2- Cor� The City Clcrk and the codi�ers a� th�s Qrdinance are
autihorized ta mak� necc�sary correc�ions to this ardinance including, but no� Iizrrited ta, ihe --
correction of the scrivener'slclerical errors, referenc�s, ord:inance numbering 5�GT1b17ISA�]SECIlC1[7
numbers and any references �hereta.
Section 3-�ewerabilitv. I�' any pro�isions of fihis ardinance, ar its applicatian to any
person or cir�umstan�es, are held in�alid, khe rcmainder oF�he �rdin�nce, ar application o�tlie
proyisions af the Drdinance ta oi�er per�ons or circumstances, i� noti affected.
SectiQaa 4- Eff'ecti�e Ilate. T�iis �rdi,nance, being an ex�r�is� af a pawer specifically
� -1-
F - �'l
dele�ated to the City Ie�islat:i�e bady; is not subjec� to r�ferendum. T'_hi� ardinancc shall..take . �
-----_-- --effee� fall.owing-the-date-��-its publication hy _�ummarJ . _: . _ -_ _ -_
PA��EI7 by the_City Council ❑f t�e City of �'arr Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held Qn th� day af C]ctaber, ZDU9.
- - _ _. � A :� o. x .
> . : -_ ATTEST: - - _ --= :- ----:.- - - -- = -- - APPRC�VED AS T4 FQRIVI:
. _ _ -- --- -
Janessa ,Hurd, City C,lerk - — - - -- - - - - W,i11,iaF-ii E. B1.Qar, C,ity Attorney - - - .
- PUBLTSHED: �ctober _ . 2�09 - � -_--- - - _- -- _ � - - �-
� - -- - -- - By Summa�y - _. . _ - _ _ - _
. _ G:11.cga1_SackuplD[iI]LNANC�S&Rli$4L[/l'fUNS10RUlNANC&5.2U[IYUT.Yk31A k3aunderip.pYtUU9.wpd . . . . . .
- J— —__ ._ __��. -----_ ____—'—.— . . _- - � ___ --� . .. _. . � . ..f _�_.... . . .... . ' � __—._.--.."..'_..._... . �_ ._
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�`'�' C1TY C4U6VCIl. M EMU
fl:4�'F: N�veinber I7, 2UQ9
�U: �:1T1' �:�iC]NCTL
FRi3N1: NATHA�` A. WES'1', D1.1tFCT[JR
�iIB:1ECT: STR�.E'[' VA�ATIf3�' PET[T1Q\i—�TV (�$-{�Y
C�a�AU��—Pa��r�r��T v� 4 S�r����r
5umrt�ar�: Cansi�eratiQn of a petition requesting uacatian of a portian of Faurth 5tr�et �ast of' t�ae
Tuin���axer Truck Route.
Recaennzendation: Follotivirag the public hear°i�ag, C'vu�acil s1�r�u1d cn��czrf- wr�h t1a�
s�ccon�ra�er:datior� r��the f'7a�aizi�z,� CQrnnaissic�rT arr� �r�loPt the catluelz�d Qr°di��a�xce.ta a�p�°our.'rag the
.str v�rcatio�7 citi��g 2 condiiio�a�e, 1� farzc�ir�gs, rr��d 4 cn�aclarsr:o��s ir2cl�ded as ��hi�it ".4 „ to 11�e
attr�cl�er� �rda:nar�ce.
Back�round 1 An�ivsi�:
At a zr�eeting held nn No�ember 4, 2009, C'ity Cauncil conc��xcted a public hearinb and th� frst.
reading of tl�e atkached ordinance in conjunction with the propQSed sti�eet �acation. Dur�ng th�
�neetina Cauncil requesied informatit�n on tlle appro�al Qf the retainin� wa11 in the su�ject Right of
Way. Staff has confirmeti that ihe w�al1 wa� pernlitt�d l�ased on an app[icatinn sulainitted by Mr.
Tnm Lunderville in 2DD3.
dn �ctober 28, 2(�49, the P1ar�ning �oirunission conciucted a public heari:n� in c�nsidei'atian of a.
�e�itinn rec�uestin� r�acation o� a portian af Fourtl� 5h°ee# cast of tk�e Tu��water Tr-uck ;Route. The
subject right-of-way is not needed for public pu�aas�s. F'rop���ty ownecl by th,e iCity ta fhe east oF
ilie arca can be accessed throu�h adjacent praperties.
Cvuncil's Real Estate �onznlittee inifiially cansidered th:is itein in NQVernber, �OQB. The Real
Estate Caininittee mecnbers ant� the petitianer agreed on a pi'ice o� � 1�0 pes' s�uare foot� far Y��e
right-of way. Tlic staff report is attached for yaur infonr�ation as w�1X as an exce�pt of the
Plannin� Ct►rrunission's minuCes nf �ct�ber �$, 2009. Stati� wil.l be avai:lable for quesfiion� a�d
Attachments: "A" �rclizlance conditions, findings, and conclusians
"B" Staff repor�
"C" ] �f2&1�9 Plann.rng Camrr�ission Minutes excerpt
(�RDIIVA�iCE 1�10. �
AN Q�DII�IANCE nf the C�ty af Part Angeles, Wash:ingtan, vacating a
parCion of Fourth Stre�t, I'ort Angele� in Clalla:m Caunty,
'L���.CREAS, a petitic�n is on �ile with thc Cit�y of Port .hnge]GS tc� �acate a parti�n a,F
Faurth �treek abutting Lo� 2, Blc�ck �3, Tawnsite �f Port An�eles, Clal�az�l Caunty, Wasl�in�tan;.
WH:ER.EAS, streeC vacatians are categori�ally �xe�lpt frr�rr� ihe requirements Qf, t�1e �taCe
��»ironmcntal ,Pc�li�y E'+,ct �SEPA) r�1es as set forth in WAC 1.97-].1-�0[I{2}�h}; and
WHLIf�AS, a pubii� heaxiyz� l�a� beer� held by flie City Ce�uncil followin� public notice
pur�uant to Chaptei� 35.79 F�.CW; and � _
W;I-IEA.EA�, said vacation appears Co be of benefit t� arad i:n tl�e interest af` thc public. �
HEREBY C]I�.1�AiN as follows:
Section i- Vacation. Subje�� to Che tei and c�nditioiis a�'this Qrdinancc, thc fotlati�in�
j righf-c�f w�y, as depi��ed an Exhibit� "A," is hereby �acated:
That. portion �if the ��urth �trect ri�it of way abut�ing Lat 2,
-- - Block $3, Tawnsite Qf Port Angeles, all in Clallam Caunty.
� Was'�in�ton.
5ection 2_ - Canditions. Tf�e aCtached C�nditio�as, Findin�s and Conclu�ians �erelay a;re
ada�ted an� incorporatca t�erein.
Sectian 3-�ompensation, Pur�uant to RCW 35.79.(]�f], compen�ation required for the
i �acati�n o,f this streeT is $Tfl per square foot. There is a total ❑f I,75D square feet, Tc�ta�
� -1- �
I �_Z
- — -- -
_ . _. _. . .
corn�ensati�n t� thc Ciky of Port An�etes c�,f $,l 7,5a0 f4r the property and including a required -
_ -- - — --- -- -- rec:ordin�- Fee.-- -
. __ _.
=- - '--�Se�tiion: 4�= ,Effe�tivc Date. T��is csrdinance, beit�g an exer�,ise Qt a powcr specifcally
delu�aCed to the City lc�islati�e bady, is nc�i subjeci t� reFeren�um. 'This Drdinance shall be
ef�ectg�e only t�por� �he �a}m-rent af the requirec� [:oanpensaiion. LTpoi1 that satisfaetion, t�e �ity
Cl�rk is hereby darectCd ta publ:ish tllrs Qrdinan.ce ancl ta f.le a certified copy vvirh the Clallanl.
_____ County Auditor and the Cl�lla�n Cc�unty Assessor. If fu�t paymcnt is n[�t received r�aathin nii�e:ty
days Qf t�e d�ie of �pp�a�al, tlicn this ordinance r.�itl be cie�med Co be �oid and shail, ha��e nn
Pt�S�ED by the City Cou.i�cil t�f ille CiCy o�' Pt�rt A.rlgeles at a regu�ar inecting of sa:i�i
Council l�el�i e�n lhe day af Na��cmber, 20Q9.
Janes�a Hurcl City Clerk -
Willia�n �. Blor�r, City At�crmey
By Su�nmary - -
Lxl�ibit A: Ma�a _
Ex�ibit B: C�nditions, Findin�s & Cc�nilusians
G�1Legal_ElackuplGR.l]1NANC k:S�L".ItESOLllT14NS10H.L]1N.4.NCES.20U913 �S-Cronsucr 5'f V.] i12�04,wpd
� — � —
� — �
• • •
s as—�� tre Q ��s�
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EXHIBIT "A" � � �
, �� �=� f'�`, ;�
� ^ � �f � �
�. �
3 � � �� ` 5��
� � �a
Lots 2, � 9, 24 � ,�'� � �.� � - �-�_ �,: �. ���.'"������ � .
�. 9
ti,�" r . �.
� �f � �
awned by � , � � �.� � ,�� Y .
t , t' �� �� �, ` � ' �'�
Petitioner � r��,�`�,._ � �� .;���
/� �.� ` �
Retaining wall �� '�-�'' =�:�4 ��
i n pu b l ic RQVI� ��: �� ���..� �:� ; M
Lat 1 owned by i . x��� �` _� �
the City of Port ` �` 1 � � R>'� � .n ��,}
', `� `'',,� � ` ,� - "r = � � .
A n g e l es �- r � f � ��'�� _�; ;;' ���`'. P rev i o u s ���
i o � .,�° ,�,
`' � �� � d ���- �� � � vacated area� �
'� �'� _ �'� �i'�� � �.�,^.��aH�#q�:: � ; .
�+� � & '� � �� � ; ~�,�a `�+
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4 '• ��"?�^ +�e� �� 's {°: � . � � �.� . � "^?�, , ., ';r = ,y�
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, ~ f= � �W" + � ., f " _ t Iy'iT� 'C : ' ' . � � 1'X i.
t'�+ Pw J " . Y:
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�h. w�M y �.� l f�t�. ,.
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. � k � � i � � w . �
-.��� _ � �-�4 - -s' vacation � . _ 4
a�r . ti + > x
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__�._._ _.;t --
- .
� Exhibit "B"
- - - . Conditions - — --. = � -
.. _:
- -- -
-- 1: � Pro e_=owned_b :the � etitioner:and the: vacated ri Pub of wa a roxiinatel
-- - ---_-__�.--- - -p '� — y - . .P _ _ � Y � PP Y
-- - 1, square"feet)_shall be combined�into one building site by the filing of a ..
-� -- Zonirig Lot Covenant to the of a quit claim deed for the right of
waY• . _---' � - =-_ -_ .
2. The area to be vacated shall be linlited to that portion of Fourth Street adjacent to --� --
Lot 2, Block 83, Townsite of Port Angeles. ._ .
Findin�s: .
l._ . A petition requesting vacation of.portions. of_right of way east of the Tumwater
Truck Route was submitted to the City Department of Coirununity and Economic
Development on August 1�, 2008. � Following review by the City's Real Estate
Committee, the street vacation petition was corrected by the petitioner and re
subinitted to be only�for that portion of the Fourth Street right of way abutting
Lots 1 and 2, Block 83, Townsite of Port Angeles on September 2, 2009. The
• petitioner is Paul Cronauer. - _
2. A concrete retaining wall was constructed on Lot 19, Block 75, TPA, that extends --
across previously vacated right of way (abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA) into the
unvacated right of way abutting Lot 2 a distance of approxunately 25 feet of the
_. 35 foot width of the rigllt of way adjacent to Lot 2. The petition was submitted in -
order for the retaining wall to remain and be the responsibility of the
petitioner/abutting property owner. _
3. RCW 58.17 requires a petition for vacation of right of way to contain the
signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid. Petitioner Paul -
Cronauer is the properiy owner of Lot 2� Block 83, TPA and the abutting Lots 19
and 20, Block 75, TPA including that portion of the Fourth Street right of way
previously vacated that abuts same. The City of Port Angeles is the property
owner of Lot 1, Block 83, TPA. The City did not object to filing of the petition
but did not sign the petition.
4. Properties in the immediate area are zoned PBP Public Buildings and Parks and
IL Industrial Light. Development of the subject property below the toe of the
ravine can be done to industrial standards. Adjacent property owned by the
petitioner contains an industrial storage structure and a retaining wall. A log
scaling use is located in the area as well.
5. Minimum lot size in the City's IL and PBP zones is 7,000 square feet. The right �
of way abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA is approx.imately 1750 square feet in area.
6. Except for a small portion of the north corner of Lot 2, the site is designated Open
Space (OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The City's
Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed in their entirety in
consideration of the proposal. Staff did not identify specific Goals, Policies, or
Objectives that would be relevant to the proposal.
7. The site rises approximately 50 feet from the Tumwater Truck Route toward
___ _. _ Cedar Street. The area above the toe of the adjacent bank and below the top of
the ravine are classified as environmentally sensitiv.e areas per Section 15.20.070
PAMC. Tumwater Creek is culverted irrunediately to the south of the site and is
directed across the Tutnwater Truck Route to the west in the area.
8. The City's Public Works and Utilities Department reviewed the petition and did
not favor a vacation of right of way adjacent to Lot 1 due to the need to access the
, Cedar Street roadway froin the right of way location and due to the site being a
geologic hazard area.
9. There are no utilities in the portion of right of way being requested for vacation.
10. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on October 20,
� 2008, and detennined a muumum value for the unopened right of way. Upon �
further consideration by the Committee, co�npensation was recoinmended to be
$10 per square foot.
�, 11. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt fi•om a State Envirorunental
Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington
Administrative Code. This satisfies the City's responsibility under SEPA.
12. The site was posted on October 8, 2009, announcing the requested land use
action, and legal publication appeared in the Pe��i��scrlcr Duily News on October
11, 2009. No written comment was received during the public cominent period
that ended on October 21, 2009.
13. At its October 6, 2009, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established
a public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as
November 4, 2009.
l 4. The Port Angeles Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the matter
' on October 28, 2009.
• Conclusions: -
1. As conditioned, site consolidation will prevent the creation of a nonconfoiming
1ot and will appropriately combine the vacated right of way as part of an
acceptable building site. Site consolidation is in accordance widi expected ]and
management and development policies of the City of Port Angeles and
_ development standards of the Ciry's Industrial zones.
2. The vacation will allow for ownership of the right of way underneath the existing
retaining wall that extends into the right of way from the petitioner's property.
Upon vacation, the unintended encroachment is not a liability to the public as the
� property owner, and the vacation is therefore in the public interest. The Ciry has
-�� ------ stated tY►e riglit of way is riot needed to serve a typical�right of way use. �
3. The vacation of right of way abutting only Lot 2, Block 83, TPA, will allow for
access to Cedar Street from Lot l, Block 83, TFA and will allow for the City to
---- - — maintain t11e ravine area that supports the Cedar Street right of way.
4. The street vacation petition was processed in accordance with RCW 58.17 and
with public notification procedures required fior public hearings as required in the
Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at iCs meeting of November 17, 2009.
Gary Braun, Mayor
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
P(an�ring Commission Min��res
October 28, 2009
/'age 2
-- — -- -- — - - – — - -- - •
Fourth Street in Block 83, TPA, east of Tumwater Truck Route:
Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department Report recommending approvval of the
vacation of that portion of Fourth Street abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA with two conditions.
. Staff responded to questions regarding the specific location of the right-of-way to be vacated,
and provided a visual display identifying the encroaching retaining wall and development of the
adjacent right-of-way. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. . _
The petition was not present. Planning Manager Sue Roberds indicated that the staff report and
agenda had been delivered to the applicant's address and the applicant was aware of the
scheduled hearing date. There being no one to speak to the issue, Chair Reiss closed the public
Following brief discussion, Co»rmissioner Beier »toved to recominend approvul of Lot 2, Block
83, TPA, with 2 conditiotts, citing the following findings and conclusio�zs:
1. Property owned by the petitioner and the vacated right of way (approximately 1,750 •
' square feet) shall be coinbined into one building site by the filing of a Zoning Lot
Covenant prior to the issuance of a quit claim deed for the right of way.
2. The area to be vacated shall be liinited to that portion of Fourth Street adjacent to Lot 2,
Block 83, Townsite of Port Angeles. �
1. A petition requesting vacation of portions of right of way east of the Tumwater Truck
Route was submittcd to the City Department of Community and Economic Development
on August 18, 2008. Following review by the City's Real Estate Cominittee, the street
vacation petition was corrected by the petitioner and re subinitted to be only for that
portion of the Fourth Street right of way abutting Lots 1 and 2, Block 83, Townsite of
_ _. Port Angeles on_September 2, 2009. The petitioner is Paul Cronauer.
� 2. A concrete retaining wall was constructed on Lot 19, Block 75, TPA, that extends across
previously vacated right of way (abutting Lot 2, Block �3, TPA) into the unvacated right
of way abutting Lot 2 a distance of approxiinately 25 feet of the 35 foot width of the right
of way adjacent to Lot 2. The petition was submitted in order for the retaining wall to
remain and be the responsibility of the petitioner/abutting property owner.
3. RCW 58.17 requires a petition for vacation of right of way to contain the signatures of
two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid. Petitioner Paul Cronauer is the
� property owner of Lot 2, Block 83, TPA and the abutting Lots 19 and 20, Block 75, TPA �
� including that portion of the Fourth Street right of way previously vacated that abuts
� J-8
Plmu�i�tg Comntissiat Mimues
October�8, 2009 .
• Page 3
same. The City of Port Angeles is the property owner of Lot 1, Block 83, TPA. The City
did noC object to filing of the petition but did not sign the petition.
4. Properties in the unmediate area are zoned PBP Public Buildings and Parks and IL
Industrial Light. Development oF the subject property below the toe of the ravine can be
done to industrial standards. Adjacent property owned by the petitioner contains an
industrial storabe st�ucture and a retainin� wall. A lo� scaling use is located in the area
as well.
5. Minimum lot size in the City's IL and PBP zones is 7,000 square feet. The right of way
abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA is approximately l 750 square feet in area.
6. Except for a small portion of the north corner of Lot 2, the site is designated Open Space
(OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The City's Comprehensive Plan
___ and Land Use Map were reviewed in their entirety in consideration of the proposal. Staff
did not identify specific Goals, Policies or Objectives that would be relevant to the
7. The site rises approximately 50 feet from the Tumwater Ti•uck Route toward Cedar
Street. The area above the toe of the adjacent bank and below the top of the ravine are
classif ed as environmentally sensitive areas per Section 15.20.070 PAMC. Tumwater
Creek is culverted ilrunediately to the south of the site and is directed across the
� Tumwater Truck Route to the west in the area.
8. The City's Public Works and Utilities Department reviewed the petition and did not favor
a vacation of right of way adjacent to Lot 1 due to the need to access the Cedar Street
road���ay froin the right of way location and due to the site being a geolobic hazard area.
9. There are no utilities in the portion of right of way being requested for vacation.
10. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Coirunittee met on October 20, 2008, and
determ.ined a ininimum value for the unopened right of way. Upon further consideration
by the Committee, compensation was recominended to be $10 per square foot.
l. l. The vacating of a street is categorically e�:empt from a State Envi.rorunental Policy Act
(SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code.
This satisfies the Ciry's responsibility under SEPA.
12. The site was posted on October 8, 2009, announcing the requested land use action, and .
legal publication appeared in the Peninsula Daily Ne�-i�s on October 11, 2009. No ���ritten
comment was received during the public coirmlent period that ended on October 21,
13. At its October 6, 2009, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a
public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as November 4,
� Plan»i�ig Commr,rsiai Minutes
� Oc�aber 2N, 2009 '
Page 4 - �
14. The Port Angeles Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the matter on
October 28, 2009.
._ ______ Conclusions:
1. As conditioned, site consolidation will prevent the creation of a nonconforming lot and
_ will appropriately combine the vacated right of way as part of an acceptable building site.
Site consolidation is in accordance with expected land manageinent and development
policies of the City of.Port Angeles and development standards of the City's Indushial
- - zones.
2. The vacation will allow for ownership of the right of way underneath the existing
. retaining wall that extends into the right of way from the petitioner's propei Upon
vacation, the unintended encroachment is not a liability to the public as the property
owner, and the vacation is therefore in the public interest. The City has stated that the
� right of way is not needed to serve a typical right of way use.
- 3. The vacation of right of way abutting only Lot 2, Block 83, TPA, will allow for access to
Cedar Street from Lot 1, Block 83, TPA and will allow for the City to maintain the ravine
' area that supports the Cedar Street right of way.
4. The street vacation petition was processed in accordance with RCW �8.17 and with
' ,. public notification procedures required far public hearings as required in the Port Angeles
, Municipal Code. �
The fnotion was seconded by Conr�nissioner Matthews and passed 6— 0.
• • ORT 1 NG�ELE�S
�- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. --_ - --
u._ rr .... c � �
TO: Planning Commissioners
FROM: _ Roberta Korcz, Assistant Planner ._ �
DATE: October 28, 2009 �
RE: STV 08-01
PETITIONER: Paul Cronauer
REQUEST: Vacation of a portion of Fourth Street right of way between Cedar Street
and the Tumwater Truck Route
The Department of Community and Economic Development supports vacation of that portion of
� Street Vacation Petition STV 08-01, requesting vacation of right of way adjacent to Lot 2, Block
83, TPA based on 2 conditions, 14 fndings, and 4 conclusions found in Attachment "A" to this
staff report.
� A petition was filed requesting vacation of that portion of the Fourth Street right of way abutting
Lots 1 and 2, Block 83, TPA situated between Cedar Street and the Tuinwater Truck Route. The
petitioner is the owner of Lot 2 and the City of Port Angeles is the owner of Lot 1 of the subject �
area. The petition requests vacation of the south portion of the Fourth Street right of way in the .
subject location. The north one half of riaht of way was previously vacated. The remaining
right of way in this location is 35 feet in width as is shown on the attached map.
A commercial storage building exists on the petitioner's abutting property that includes the north
half of the vacated right of way and Lots 19 and 20, Block 75 TPA. A retaining wall was
constructed several years ago that extends approximately 25 linear feet into the right of way
adjacent to Lot 2, Block 75, TPA, which is the reason for the request to vacate the right of way.
The petition is valid as it has been signed by the property o��ner of n�vo thirds of the abutting
property and the City is in agreement that the area over which the retai.ning wall was constructed
should be the responsibility of the abutting property owner.
The Public Works and Utilities Department does not support vacation of the right of �vay .
abutting Lot 1, Block 83, TPA due to the need to service the bank in this location that is an
• extension of Cedar Street. The City is the owner of Lot 1. Vacation of tliat portion of right of
Cronauer STV 08-01
Page 2
way adjacent to Lot 2 is not opposed. The areas adjacent to the proposed vacation do not appear
to have any utility conflicts. �
The Fire Department has no objection to the proposed street vacation.
The Police DeQartment has no objection to the proposed street vacation.
Notice of receipt or the petition and unpendinb action was published in the Peninsula Daily
News on October I 1, 2009. The site was physically posted on October 8, 2009. No written
comment has been received. _
._ That portion of the site that is above the toe of the bank is classified as a geologic hazard/steep
.. .._ _. _slope area per Section 17.20.070 PAMG Development of the area will be per standards dictated. �
per the PAMC. - -_
The vacating of a street is categorically exeinpt from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code.
Tlzis action constitutes a recon7mendutior7 to the City Coar�zcil. 7`he Ciry Council l�as a scf�eduled �
public hearing for co��sideruCio�7 of the petitiaa at tl7e Nove�nbef� 4, 2009, regulur meeting:
Attachments: A. Petition and vacation �nap - �
B. Conditions, findings, and conclusions
C. Comprehensive Plan and zoning information
Cronauer ST'V 08-01
Page 3
—. -- Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacafion Petition
-- Conditions _ .
1. Property o�med by the petitioner and the vacated right of way (approximately 1,750
^�-- square feet) shall be coinbined into one building site by the filing of a Zoning Lot
Covenant prior to the issuance af a quit claim deed for the right of way.
2. The area to be vacated shall be limited to that portion of Fourth Street adjacent to Lot 2,
Block 83, Townsite of Port Angeles.
Findin�s -
1. A petition requesting vacation of portions of right of way east of the Tumwater Truck
Route was submitted to the Gity Deparrinent of Coinmunity and Economic Development
on August 18, 2008. Follou�ing review by the City's Real Estate Coinmittee, the street
vacation petition was corrected by the petitioner and re subinitted co be only for that
portion of the Fourth Street right of way abutting Lots 1 and 2, Block 83, Townsite of
Port Angeles on September 2, 2009. The petitioner is Paul Cronauer.
2. A concrete retaining wall was constructed on Lot 19, Block 75, TPA, that extends across
previously vacated right of way (abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA) into the unvacated right
of way abutting Lot 2 a distance of approximately 25 feet of the 35 foot width of the right
� of way adjacent to Lot 2. The petition was submitted in order for the retaining wall to
remain and be the responsibility of the petitioner/abutting property owner.
3. RCW 58.17 requires a petition for vacation of right of way to contain the signatures of
two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid. Petitioner Paul Cronauer is the
property owner of Lot 2, Block 83, TPA and the abutting Lots 19 and 20, Block 75, TPA
including that portion of the Fourth Street right of way previously vacated that abuts
same. The City of Port Angeles is the property owner of Lot 1, Block 83, TPA. The City
- - did not object to filing of the petition but did not sign the petition.
4. Properties in the immediate area are zoned PBP Public Buildings and Parks and IL
Industrial Light. Development of the subject property below the toe of the ravine can be
done to industrial standards. Adjacent property owned by the petitioner contains an
industrial storage structure and a retaining walL A log scaling use is located in the area
as well. � � - -
5. Minimum lot si�e in the City's IL and PBP zones is 7,000 square feet. The ribht of way
abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA is approximately 1750 square feet in area.
6. Except for a small portion of the north corner of Lot 2, the site is designated Open Space
(OS) on the City's Coinprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The City's Comprehensive Plan
and Land Use Map were reviewed in their eritirety in consideration of tlle proposal. Staff
did not identify specific Goals, Policies, or Objecrives tliat would be relevant to the
• ..
Cronauer STV 08-01.
Page 4
7. The site rises approximately 50 feet from the Tumwate"r Truck Route toward Cedar
Street. The area above the toe of the adjacent bank and below the top of the ravine are �
classified as environmentally sensitive areas per Section 15.20.070 PAMC. Tumwater
._. ., ___ ._ . __. Creek_ is culverted iinmediately to the south of the site and is directed across the
Tumwater Truck Route to the west in the area. ,
8. The City's Public Works and Utilities Department reviewed the petition and did not favor
a vacation of right of way adjacent to Lot l due to the need to access the Cedar Street
road��ay from the right of way location and due to the site being a geologic hazard area.
9. There are no utilities in the portion of right of way being requested for vacation.
10. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on October 20, 2008, and
deterniined a minimum value for the unopened right of way. Upon further considerarion
by the Committee, compensation ��as recomtnended to be $10 per square foot.
' 1 l. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a Enviromnental Policy Act
(SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code.
This satisfies the City's responsibility under SEPA.
12. The site was posted on October 8, 2009, announcing the requested land use action, and
legal publication appeared in the Pe��insula Daily NeK-s on October 11, 2009. No written
comment was received during the public comment period that ended on October 21,
13. At its October 6, 2009, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a i
' public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as November 4,
2009. �
I 14. The Port Angeles Planning Coirunission conducted a public hearing on the matter on
October 28, 2009. �
Conclusions � - - - -
l. As conditioned, site consolidation will prevent the creation of a nonconfoi lot and
will appropriately combine the vacated right of way as part of an acceptable building site.
Site consolidation is in accordance with expected land inanagement and development
policies of the City of Port Angeles and development standards of the City's .Industrial
2. The vacation will allow for ownership of the right of way underneath the existing
retaining wall that extends into the right of way from the petitioner's property. Upon
vacation, the unintended encroachinent is not a liability to the public as the property
owner, and the vacation is therefore in the public interest. The City has stated that the
right of way is not needed to serve a typical right of way use.
3. The vacation of right of �vay abutting only Lot 2, Block 83, TPA, will allow for access to
' Cedar Street from Lot 1, Block 83, TPA and will allow for the City to maintain the ravine
area that supports the Cedar Street right of way. •
Cronauer STV 08-01
Page 5
- __-_ 4. -- The street vacation petition was processed in accordance with RCW �58.17 and with -
_. --._.public notification procedures reguired Por public hearings as required in the Port Angeles �
Municipal Code.
• _.. _
Cronauer S1'V 08-01
Page 6
. Except for the north corner of the site, the subject area is designated Open Space (OS) on
the City's Comprehensive Plan Use Map. A large portion of surrounding area to the
-- s- -- -. -.- - north and west is designated Industrial. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its
entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation but Goals, Policies, and
Objectives were not identified to support or deny the proposal.
, - The site and surrounding areas are zoned.Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) and Industrial.Light
(IL) on the City's Zoning Map. -- =-
The purpose of the PBP Zone is:
This is a.:oning designatio�� for publicly-otivned properry, or p� less saritable fa
development by reasaz of ZLS t0170g1"QpI1V geolo,� O!' 507116 L[71Cl.Sl[LlI C011CI11101? Oi'
situatio�z. Much of tJae la�zd desig�rated may best be left us "gree�7 belts ". Exceptfor lo►v
density p�-ivate reside��tial irses, per�nitted uses ar�e �nostly public crtilities and large civic
_:. facilr.lr.es. This zo�7e pr the basic crr•hafz la�zd i�se patter•n fo�- parblic open
spa�ce, a�zd e�avironme�ztally sensiti.ve area�s wlzere paiblic iilte� a�•e �lir-ectly i�zvolved
��� aizd with allo�a�a�7ces for very low density pr-ivate r�esidential a�se, subject to e�aviro�i�nental
in2�act mrtig�rtio». �
The purpose of the IL Zone is:
17.32.010 Purpose. This is an industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas for industrial
uses that are largely devoid of exterior nuisances in close proximity to airports and highways. .
Permitted uses are largely devoid of exterior nuisance factors, such as noise, glare, air and water
pollution, and fire and safety hazards on adjacent non-industrial property, and do not have an
� exceptional demand on public facilities. These types of industrial uses typically involve the
manufacture of finished products from pre-fabricated inaterials, product wholesaling, and
� material storage. Buffering measures to reduce the impact of industrial uses on nearby
� residential uses may be required. While industrial and coinmercial uses that are largely devoid
of any impacts detrimental to the environment are al]owed, vehicle service stations with
petrolewn products and entertainment businesses with adult-only activities are also pernutted
uses, and a variety of maintenance and repair shops with hazardous materials are also
conditionally pernutted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for light
industrial uses with direct access on an arterial street, desibn standards for greater truck traffic,
and buffers for non indusri uses. -- ��
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— : --_---- �_�' �CITY� OF PORT ANGELES- � °.::-:=�=- - - � . � .� .:
_ . .. : .
- ... - . . - � .........:
: .-. . : . . STRE VACATION PETITI�N . . �: _� . � . :
. . . _. . ; : . ^ .� �� o� . �
: : � � : � ���� .� � � . .
TO: The City Council of the Cify of Port Angeles: .� , . � .. .� �.
�,. We, the undersigned petitioners . request that the following described part of� y�� ��� .
� �� �� �i�n . the City of Port Angeles be.vacated pursuant.to.Chapter 35.79 RCW.. The .. _
. • righf=of-way is legally described as: :�:��rcr� .c� ���s� c�g �Qt:t , � �c.,�,--�� � : �
: _ ._ . .
c.�-E-s..-� �-�--:___�_c._k �3- � � . -- - .. . . . �: . �
� � �.`There. are 1�` � owners�.of �property. .abutfing said right-of-wa.y. The..undersi.gned petitioners are . . �., : .
the.owners�of inter.esf.in. real estate;abutting the above.described area. �. :...�� � : � �: : , . .
� � .:Name�. . . . .. ; : . ' `Address . � .. � � , . :.. � .
, � . �. . ., . .
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The undersigned petitioners. constitute �more than two-thirds of the owners..of said abutting.
. property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners. pra s that. proceetlings be had. hereon for the vacation. of .. .
said area of .- �f TF� S�- � ��14 (3�a,`�4.�i C_c�� l� d' a -�$ ��,- -- _ . . . . , . �
� Respectfully su'bmitted, . � . . - . �. � . � . . .
- . NAME� � . . . � . PHONE NO. � � � DATE . � � -
� . . , . _ � � _ � - . .. ��� � �o �`i�1o� . .
_�- � -- . OR-T - _I �GE�LE;S .__ - :. - --
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: ��� W A S H I. N G- T O_ N, U. S. A. -- -
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- � CITY_COUN_C_I.L�-MEMO . .. � - _
- - -- -- - : - --- - - = -
� - - _ DATE: __November l7, 2009 _ _ •- --_ --- - - ___ :.
- - -- -- -- - — -- . .
,. - --- _. _ .
- _ _ _ To: - - C�TV Coun�ci�. - _
---FROM - �� Works & Utilities. - - - � �
SUS.IEC'r: Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act Mandatory Standards Consideration
- - Summary: -The City.is required=by th�e EnergyIndependence Securiry.Act of 2007 to consider __
four new unfunded federal mandates embodied in the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act. The
.—.- -= ___ - first step in the process was-to-formally�commence the consideration, which the City Council
__ authorized last year on November .18;_2008. .;
- - � - . - --- _- - -- .-__ - -
+ � Recommendation: Following a presentation, proceed with a public hearing on the new
� Electric Utility standards embodied in the Public Utilities R�egulatory Policies Act. Cootinue
the public hearing to December 15, 2009.
Back roundlAnal sis: In accardance with the Public Utilities Re ulator Policies Act PURPA �
g Y � Y � )
as amended by Sections 532 and 1307 of the Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 (E1SA), �-
all electric utilities in the United States of America must consider four new unfunded federal .
�nandates. The new standards that must be considered include: 1) an investment in a qualified
"Smart Grid" system, 2) providing Smart Grid information to electric custoiners, 3) should the -
Ciry conduct integrated resource planning, and 4) rate design modifications that promote energy
efficiency. Although PURPA mandates the City must consider the standards, it allows the City
Council to make a determination if it is appropriate to implement or decline each standard.
, The City commenced its consideration of the four standards last year upon the approval of City
Council on November 18, 2008. As part of this commencement, a public notice was published in
the Peninsula Daily News and the notice was posted on the City's website. � -
A staff evaluation of each standard, including draft findings and conclusions, follows as the :.
attached "Exliibit A." City Council will be requested to open a public hearing to receive writteri
comments and to receive testimony by staff and the public. At its December 15, 2009 meeting,
City Council will then be asked to continue/close the public hearing, and consider fmal testimony
by staff and the public and then make a detennination on whether or not each standard is
appropriate for adoption by the Electric Utility on behalf of its customers.
� http://w����.cityofpa.us/PDFs/PWorks/PURPANotice.pdf �
N:\CCOLJNCII.,\t�INAL�Public Utilieies Rcbulatoq� I'olicics t\et (PURPA) �4andatory Conside�ations.doc `� — 20
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 ainended the Public Utility Regulatory �
- ��Policies Act (PURPA), requiring public utilities wikh annual sales greater than 500 Million kVVh
to consider four new standards, including Integrated Resource Planning, Rate Design
Modifications to Promote Ener�y Efficiency Investments, Consideration of "Smart Grid"
Investments and Smart Grid Infonnation; and
-- --- -�1�) - With 1•egard to the Integrated Resource Planning standard;
a) Port Angeles inte� energy efficiency resources into its plans, and has
adopted policies establishing cost-effective energy efficiency as a priority resource.
Energy eff ciency resources are cun•ently obtained by pt•oviding incentives to retail
consumers for the installation of energy efficient equipinent.
b) Port Angeles must update its Resource Plan on a regular basis at minimuin intervals of -- �
every two years as required by RCW 19.280.030.
c) Port Angeles must submit an Electric Utility Resource Plan to the Washington
Department of Corrvnunity, Trade and Economic Development by September l, 2010 as
� required by RCW 19.280.030, which will incorporate cost-effective energy efficiency
measures as a priority resource.
d) Port Angeles would not bcnefit from the increased compleaity and cost of conducting an
integrated resource planning based on the City's historically low growth rates.
2) With regard to the Rate Design Modifications to. Promote Energy Efficiency Investments;
a) Port Angeles currently provides utility incentives for the delivery of cost-effective energy
efficiency, and promotes energy efficiency investments Yo its customers.
b) Port Angelcs cun operates an energy conservation program in cooperation with the
Bonneville Power Adininistration, which in turn develops it energy consei prograin
with the input froin the Power Plans that are developed by the Northwest Power and
Conservation Council. - - �
c) Port Angeles is planning to double its energy conservation program during the 2010-2014
time periad.
d) Port Angeles wiil be conducting a study in 2010 for electric utility retail rate design
alternatives, and inay consider modifications to further promote energy efficiency in the
e) Port Angeles offers time-of-use rates to all of its retail elech customers.
� Port Angeles is committed to cost-based rates and intends to keep the i•etail cost of �
, electric power. as close to the wholesale cost of_po.wer as possible, ...._. �
3) With regard to the Consideration of "Smart Grid" Investments;
a) Port Angeles has evaluated both Advanced Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technologies since 2006:— -_— -
i) This evaluation has been based on a number of factors; including: l)Total costs, 2)
Cost-effectiveness, 3) Iinproved reliability 4) Securi.ty, �) System performance, and
6) Societal benefit. - – - - � -
b) Port Angeles i.ncluded an AMI project in its current Capital Facilities Plan for the City's
elect�•ic, water and wastewater utilities corrunencing in 2010.
i) This project will replace all existing non-advanced�revenue meters now being used by
the City's distribution system customers.
c) Port Angeles does not currently receive any S�nart Grid services or incentives to reduce
its power costs under it present wholesale power sales or wholesale transmission
agreements with the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). :
d) Port Angeles cannot evaluate the costs and benefits of this proposed standard until such
" time that Smart Grid services are available on its wholesale power and transmission � �
purchases from the BPA. .
4) With regard to the Smart Grid Information; -
a) Port Angeles now provides consumer information through reasonable means other than a
sinart grid infrastructure, such as by e-mail, the City's web site, infonnation printed on
the bill, and bill inserts. Post An�elcs is interested in exploring the technological
capabilities of a smart grid system and will carefully manage the cost of such a systein
should it ever becoine a practical method of delivering infarination concerning time-
based wholesale electricity prices along with available retail rates data to its customers.
b) Port Angeles now provides its custonlers with access to the data concerning the sources
of power provided by the electric utility, including greenhouse gas emissions associated
u�ith each type of generation. This infonnation is provided by means such as by e-mail,
the City's web site, infonnation printed on the bill, and bill inserts.
c) Port Angeles cannot provide retail Smart Grid information to its electricity customers
until after it completes the proposed ANII project in 2010.
d) Port Angeles cannot provide wholesale Smart Grid infonnation to its custoiners until
such a time as those services are provided to the City by the BPA.
, •
' I�I:\CCOU�C[L\FINAUPURPA Lxhibit A.doc � — ��
5--- � � �_ _,_._ Y p Y _ _ . _ . -- ..
- -- _
-- e} -- Port - An�eles 11as alr�ad de lo �d a fiber n�tic netwark tlia� links all of its electric utili�y
-- - � - - - -
------- subsfations: eriat�ling future �n�art Gxrti ��rvices to its custan�ers when fhey.:laecpme -
: : . availab3e.. �- - - . .
� Ba�ed on the fore�oin� Finclings, 5taff inakes t�e Collowia�g C4nclusions:
1. The CiCy o�,Pvrt Angeles should naC adopt the Inte�rated Resource Flannit�g standarc�
-- be�ause the increased eo�t and complexity of coYnpl,iance with s�c� a standard would
exceed any benefits that wduld be deriued �rnm it use. -
�. The City of F'art Angei�s should nat adopt additianal Rate �esign Modifications �o
ProzrxaYe Enei�gy £f�iciency In�estz�aenfis standard at �his time �ut shatitld rec�nsi�er tl�e
standard �n 2�1 �.
3. T'he City ��',Port Anaeles shc�uld not adapt the Consideration of "Srnart Crid"
I:n�eshnents stanriarcl at Ct�ss ti.ane, but should reconsider, the. star�dard after the Bonneville .
P��er Ad�ninistration pro��ides whalesale Sniart Grid ser�ices td the Ci�y. -
� 4. The City of Port Angeles shauld nvt adQpt the Smart Grid Info��z�atron standard at this
--- tirne, but shoul�i recansider the standar� after tl�e propased Adr�anced Nletering
InFrastructure prajeet is cnn�pleted.
N:tC4;QUNClL1�lNAL1PURPA Fxhihiti rt.dr�c � — L�
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act Amendments
\�� o � PoRr,�,
� ��✓�, ���s
� Phil Lusk
� :P�w, 5 .�,; ��� Power Resources Manager
� � --�=�' �� City of Port Angeles
- �' Department of Public Works and Utilities
A enda for Toni ht's Hearin
g g
o What is PURPA?
o Ener Inde endence and Security Act of 2007
gY p
❑ Four PURPA standards for the City to consider
� Hearing process overview
o Staff evaluation of proposed standards
o Open public hearing
�Th�.t is I�T�l�I'A�
■ Puk�li� Utilify R�eg�ul�t�ry Poli�cy ��c� �PLJRPA} �f � �78
a Am�r�g �t'�er it�rr��s, �r�m�vte�d �vr�-utility� own�d
� Er�er�y ��I�c� Ac� �af ��9�
� Adde�d four F'URP►�r standards
� Encouraged wholesale pow�r comp�titio� and np�r�e� up
tr�ansmis�ivn lin�s tv a�l ge�nerators equ�[ly
� �ner�� Policy A�t of ���5
❑ Added fii�e P'U R�'A �t�ndards
■ N�t �m�ter�ng, �Gel �iversity, f�ssil f�e! ��r�eratior� effici�ncy►, t��ne-
b�s�d me�er�n�g and c�mrr�unic�ti��s, and intercanne�tion
_ _ __
�� ��.� '�� �.�5
��espit� ch�ng�s, r�ain PI�R�►A c�c��ls r�rnai�
�he ��me, that i�, to �en��urage.
o�ons�rua�ion vf er��rgy �u��lied k�y el+�ctr�c
� ��tima! e�iciency �f elec�ric u�ility fa�ilities �nd
res�urces, and
o Equitabl� rat�s f�r ��e�tr�� car�sum�rs
n e endence and Se�urit A�t of
Ener l d y
gY p
2007 EISA07
■ Re uires consideration of four new standards
❑ Integrated resource planning
❑ Rate design modifications to promote energy
efficiency investments
o Smart Grid investments
❑ Smart Grid information
PURPA Procedural Re uirements
� Procedural requirements for making a
consideration and determination are specified:
o Hold a public hearing with advance notice
� City Council formally commenced the consideration
last year on November 18, 2008
❑ Issue a written decision explaining
determination basis, citing findings and
evidence developed from public hearings
❑ Make the written decision publicly available
�'I�RI-'� ����i���ati�� ��d � e
� P���'A st�t�s th�t "�ach state re�ul�rtory �uthvrity .�.
�n� �e�c1� �r�r�-regul�t�d �le��ric ut%lity sha11 cor�s��er
e��ch standard" and �her� "r�ak� � �et�rm�n�tion
con��rr�ing whether �� r�at it is ap��r�priate t�
impl�m�ent �uch st�n��rds"
� PLlRPA als� sf�tes �h�t "nat�iing ... �rahi�its ar�y sta��
regul��ory a�t�arity or non-reguiated el��ctri� �tilit�
frorr� makir�g �r�y �det�rmina���n tha�t i� is n�� �
a�prapri�t� to im�l�m�nt �n� s�ch stand�r�d"
� 1��� ��.��a�rd� A�.o t���
� �
���un�il c�ul� det�rmi�� t��� any �f th�
�t�ndards is ��ra�er �r�d shor�l�d k�� adc�pte�
��oun�il may als� ��t�rmir�e that � S�an�dard is
❑ n�ot appropriate �� i m pler�ent
� r�ot ap�r�pri�t� t� irr��leme�� b�c�use of �n
ap��ic�bl�e st�te law
� �ppr�pr�ate to c�rry �u�, �ut �e�line to
ir�p�em�er�� the ���nd�r�
_ _
I��� �ate� �e s �u��� �1�.��i� S ta�da��
� �
■ ���h �le�tric ��il�t�1 sha�l�
❑ l�tegr�te �n�r�y efficien�y re���rces ir�t�o utility
State, an�d reg i�nal plans
❑ Ado�t p�alici�s e�t���ish��g cost-effecti�� en�rgy
���i�ier�cy as � �r�arity ���o�urce
��t� �at��. R� s r�u���e I�la��i� � �
� �
o Pork Angeles ir�tegrates en�r�y �fFiciency resourc�s ir�ta its plans
� Has afr�ady adap#e�d pvlicies establishin� cost-e�fective �en�rgy efifi�i�nc� as
a priority r�so�r�e
a Energy �ffi�iency resaurces are obtained by prov��di�g ir��entives t❑
c+onsumers tc� install e�er�y efficient equipm�nt
o Part Angeles must �pda�e its Resource Plan vn a r�gular �asis �t
mir�imum inten�als vf �eVery two years as required by RGIN � 9.�8�].�D3�
a Must submit an Electric Utility F�e�v�urc� Pfan to the 1Nas�hin�tvn Dep�artm�nt
of Commerc� by S�ptemb�r 1, �D� �
o��1 U Plan sh�ll incorporate cast-e�#ective ener�y �ffici�n+cy measur�s as a
prior�ty resa�rce .
� � Port Angel�� wa�l� not k�en�efif from the increased camplexity and cost
of �canducting an integrated r�svur�ce pfanr�ing based �n th+� Cit�'s
h�stori�aliy► Invu► gr�wth rat��
I�te �a�e�l I��e � ����� I'�a��l� � 3
� �
� Sta�F F�e��r�m�r�d��i�r�
a I�o n�t ado�t the lnte�rat�d 'f�.eso�r�e Pl�nn�ir��
�tara�ar�d b�c�u�� th� incr��sed �c��t and
com�l�e�ity o� c�mpli�nce w�aul� exce�d any
benefits derived fron� it ��e
��vr��inue with state-r bi-�ann��l R�source Pl�r�
o�ontir�ue with existin� �i�y, st��� and region�l p�licies
�establishir�� �o�t-effe�tiv� e�ergy �fficienc� as a �ric�rify
resou rce
�at� ��si � ��a�ifi�atio�s t� I��orr�c���
���� E��ici��� I�vestrn��ts
�� �
� Rates charged by ar�y �iectri� utifity shall al�g� utility incentives w�th th�
del�very �of cvst-effiectirre energy efficiency and prorr�ote energ�► �fficiency
o Each ut�lity shal, consider:
❑ Remo�ing thrvu�hput inc�ntiVe and other regulatvr}� �nd rnanagement disincentive�s �o
energy e�Ficiency
❑ �'rvv�ding u�ility inGenti�es for �he s��cess��l rnana�ement af energy efficiency prvgrams
❑ lncluding the ir�pact of adapting af energy �fi�icier�cy as one of the gaa�s of retai� rate
des�gn, recognizing that energy �fFiciency must be balanced with flther obje�#iVes
� Ad�opting rate designs that encourage energy efficien�cy for each cust�mer cl�ss
❑ AIlowing timely reco�+ery of energy efFici�ncy-related c�sts
o qffering home energy audits and deman� respanse prvgram�, �ublicize the financi�l and
en�iranmental b�ne�ts �ssociated v�i�h making hame energy effieiency► im�ravements
❑ Educatir�g homeowners abaut all existing Fe��ral and State i�ncent��es, incl�ding t'he
availabili�y af Ivw-cc�st loans, that make energy efficiency impravements more �fFordable
Rate �esi � �v'Io�.if�c�.ti���s t� ��orr�ot�
Er��� �f�'��i��� Ir���es�m��ts ��
�� �
� P'�rt Angeles curr�ntly prov�des uti�ity in�entiv�es for deli�erin�g cvst-effecti��
�ner�y efficiency and t�te City prvm�tes energy efficiency inve�tm�en�s tfl its
o Part Angel�s currer�tiy a�erates an energ}r conservativn program in c❑apera#ion
with th� Bonnevill� Pow�r Admini�tratian �BPA}
• � BPA dev�elaps it energy �onservation p�o�ram with the input from the Pvwer Plans developed
hy the N�rt�west Power and Con�en�ation �ouncil
❑ Pvrt �Ingeles is p��nning t� double �ts ener�y car�servativrr �rvgram [n the 2O� D-
��14 time peri�vd
❑ P�rt Angeles will 'be cvnductin�g a��Q� ���udy fvr ele��ric utility re�ail rate design
� May +cvr�sider modifica#ions ta furthe� promote ener�y efFicien�y in �he fufure
� Pvrt Anc��les naw vffers time-af-us� rates ta a�l af i#� r�tail electric cu�tomers -
o Port Ang�l+�s is cammitted to cas�-based rates �nd intends to keep the r�tail �ost
vf electric p�wer as clos� �o th� wholes��� �ast of paw�r as possihle
_ _ _
Rate l� �e s� r� �I� dific ati�� s to I��o�.� te
���� �f�i�i��� I�v�str.�.e�ts �3
�Y �
� St�ff �ec�r�mer�dat�an .
❑�]o n�t adop� �h� R�ate Q�sig n�od ifica�ian� tv
Pr�arr�ote En�r�y �ffi�ien�y I n�restrr�ents at this
��me, k��t recons���r th�e s�andard in 2�� C�
� C�ntinue f�a� �ow with exis�ing City and regia�nal polici�s
� establishin� cost-effecti�e �nergy efficier��y �� a priori��
reso � rc�
���s�de�at�o� �f �ma�t �-�i�d Ir��est���ts
� Each �Iectri� �util�ty s�al� ��r�si�d�r ir�v�stin in
� �ualifi�� �m�r� gri�d ���t�m k�ase� or�
f�ct�a�� �h�� ir��I�ude:
� Tot�� c�osts
❑ �ost-e��cti�e n �ss
❑ I��ro►��� relia�ility
o �e�urity
Q �y�t�m ��rforrr�ance
❑ S�oci�t�l k�e��efit
�o�.sic����.tior� o� Sm�.�t ��id I�.v��trr���t�
� Port P�ngeles has �valuate�' b�oth Advan�ed �Ile��r �eading {AII�R} an�
Advanc�d �llet�ring Ir��r��tructure {AMI} t�chnoiogie� �in�e ��0�
� E��luations b�sed on a r�u�nber of factars, in+�luding: To�al costs, Cvst�
e�Fe�ct�ven�ss, Impro�ed reliabili�y, 5�curity, System perf�rmanGe, �nd
Svcietal ben�fit
o Port ►�►ng�les has an AM I praje�t in its currer�# �apital Faciliti�s Plan for the
Ci�y's e�e�ctr�c, water anal wastewater utifities �ommencin� in �a� O
❑ Re�lace all existin� r�vn-ad�anGed r�W�r�ue met�er� now beir�� used by the
Ci�y's utility cu�tomers
o Port Ar�geles� does n�t �urrently re��ive any 5m��t +Grid services or
in�entives to r�duce its power costs under i�s pr�sen� whQlesale p�wer
sales and whol�sa�e transmis�i�r� agr�em�nts with the BPA
� Pork Ang�les cann�t evaluate fl�e �ot�i costs and b�nefts of this
pra��sed �tandar� �antil su�h t�me as Srr�art �rid S�rvices �r� ��railable
on its whalesale p��ovver and tr,ans�i��ion �urcha�es �rom the BP�
��a�si�e�ati��. �f �ma��t ��i� I�ve�tme�ts
� St�� F�.e��orr�m�n�atic�n
� D� n�at adopt �he �m�rt �rid I�West��nt�
sta�dar� �t this �im�, but reco��i��r the sta�d�rd
�f�er t�e gPA �r��rides v�h�olesale Sm�ar� �rid
��rrJic�s to tl�� City
■ Con�inue with existir�g City �ff�r�s to a�t�i� an A�11�
syster� f�ar its ele�triG utility cus��m�rs
��.a�t ��id I�f���a��o�
��le�tri�ity pur�cf�asers shal� be pro�ided direct acc�ss, i� writ�en or
el��ctronic rr�achine-readable form as �pp�opr�ate, t�o infarr�a�ion
fr�m their elect�icity utili�y
o Inforrr��tion pro�ided, tv th� ex�ent practicak�le, �hall incl�u�d�: �}
pr�ces; �} us��e; 3} in#erva�s and projections, and; 4} sources,
o Pur�hasers �h�ll be able to acces� thei� Qvun inft�rmati�n at any tim�
�hrou�h the Interr��t an�d an oth�r communica�io�n means �lected by
that utility f�r �r��rt �ri� applicatior�s
o��her intere�ted persons �hall b�e ak�le to a�c�ess i�fvrmativn �ot
�p��ific �o any pu rchaser th rvug h�he I nt�rnet
� I nforr�at�on specific tv any p�rchaser shall be provid�d solely �v that
Srnart Grid Information
� Port Angeles now provides consumer information through reasonable means
other than a smart grid infrastructure, such as by e-mail, the City's web site,
information printed on the bill, and bill inserts
o Post Angeles is interested in exploring the technological capabilities of a smart grid
system and will carefully manage the cost of such a system should it ever become a
practical method of delivering information concerning time-based electricity prices in
the wholesale market along with available retail rates data to its customers
� Port Angeles now provides its customers with access to the data concerning the
sources of power provided by the electric utility, including greenhouse gas
emissions associated with each type of generation. This information is provided
by means such as by e-mail, the City's web site, information printed on the bill,
and bill inserts
� Port Angeles cannot provide Smart Grid information to retail electricity
customers until after completing the proposed AMI project in 2010-11
■ Port Angeles cannot provide wholesale Smart Grid information to its customers
until such a time as those services are provided to the City by the BPA
Smart Grid Inforrnation
o Staff Recommendation
❑ Do not adopt the Smart Grid Information standard
at this time, but reconsider it after completion of
the proposed Advanced Metering Infrastructure
o Continue with existing City efforts of providing
information to its electric utility customers
T ank ou ... ue s tlons ?
Phil Lusk
City of Port Angeles
Department of Public Works and Utilities
` V
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_ _. - - • -- - _ __ _ _ _ .. .-- �
Date:.-= -. _. No�ember - 17a ZO(��3 •_:.____---: . _
_- - - - -- - -
To: Ci�y� Coun�il
- Frotrn:---=.- �- T]an McKeen, Fire Chief -----_.. _.— _ .. _.
�ubject: Propased Medic 1 Rate Adjustments
. Summary: �taff reccntly caanpleted a_co�rsprehensive Cost �f Sei Study ,f�or the City's
� Medic 1(ambulance) utili�y. .Saseci upan the re�ul�ts of the study, sta�f is proposing a�0,08
anilual residentiai rate acl�ust�nent and a$1.19 annual caarimerciall�usi.ness rate adjustarieni f[�r
---- -
2(�� Q. Add:itional]y, s�aff is pre�pc�sing a 20T f ad�usttnent equal to fhe C�'I-[J -- J�ne 2014.
-- -
' Itecammendation: (1) ,F-ieaz- presentatian frt��� staff: {Z} Conr��ic� first reading Q�Fc�rdinance. �
-- (3} Condu�t public hearsng and continue to December 2, 2[�U9.
Sa�kgroundf�4,nal;vsis: TIZe �ily_of I'oit Angcles.'. Meciic I pro�ram is str�actured as a utility -
supparted by transgort charges, a mon�hly util'aty charge, and a G�neral Fund cantrihution. The
- 1Vledic l ,�ssigns co�ts t� hased: upo�i a Cost of Ser�aice Study, �vhich:
- � customer c�a:sse�__basei� �n a rat� that reflects fhe cast incurred fr�r the �
, availability and deli�ery of set-�ices,
• Ensures that rates ci�ar�ec� are equiiable acr�ss the custfliner classes.
; - • Ensur�5 iIi�t r�tes aa hased t�r� the cost of acivally pro�iding ihe ser�ices.
The Fire Departxilent, along wi�l� the_Finan�.e Deparhnent, recently co3n�leted a coinprehensi�e __
i Medic 1 Cost af_Service Study far_ 201Q. __ ��scd c�n th. i� �tudy; the annual residential customer
- - -- - . _ . _
rate wnuld increa�e froin �52.12 t� $SZ.20 in 201(�, a nQminal increa�e, and the
` - coininerciallbusiness annual rate would ii�crease frorn �53.74 to $�4.�3, c�r approxiinately $0.1 Q
-�- -�� �° per month.� '�he hi�h d�nzand user classifcations, suub as nursii�g ha�xaes axid assisted living
f;acil.ities, will se� .both an increase and a deerease, dep�nding upon the user classi�cation. In
addiYiQ�, the stud.y prnposes a 2�11 rate adj�st�mez�t equal to the C.PI.-U - June 201 C1.
The City'� LT�iiity Ad�isory� �nininififee durin�, their No��etx�b�r 10, 2�f�9 rr�eeYing unanim�rusly
• abreed to forward a favorable rccomn�end�tian �o the City Council to prpce�d �vith Che proposed
Medic 1 raie �djustments.
Attacl�eei is'a copy of the ardi��ance reVisi.ng Chaptcr � 3.73 �F the Port Angeles M:unicipal Code
relatin� To Me�ic 1 char�es. In additit�n, the Cost of Service �tudy can be `+iewed on-line at
i�ttps:ll�v��av��.city�fpa.uslfrede�,t.11tm���Y�. If y�u ha�e any questions regarding C}�e Cost of
Service �tudy prior to the �r�eeting, I can be reached at 417-4651 �r hy email at
, dinckeenf�7citvo.[pa.us.
� �
__ . - -- -
_ _ -----.�_ .,. . - :. _: ._. - .
— .-._._--=- ._ _ _
- - __---_ -_- . - __ --_ -- -_ - --_-- - _ _- a�ni�ANe� Na: -
�N �RI]TNANCE �f; t.he Ci� �of Pflrt Angc]es, V�ashingt�n, ,re�i�ing Chapter
_ , 1 �.73 of, the Port Angeles Municipal Cocie relating t� ll!Tedic 1�taax�es:
- ---- ----
-- -- ---
--- -- �
AS FQLL�WS; --- _ _ -
Section 1. Drdinanc� 3351, as amended, .and Chapt�er 1.3.73 of the �'ort Angelcs
__ _ M�nicipal �ade are licrehy an�ended by ainending �ubparts ,l i.73.300(C}(g} Co read as follows:
__ 9: Multiple re�idential ur�its that are s�r�ed by a single utility con�lectian shall be �ir� -cn
- - -- - - _ � . ..
the aption o�{1 } paying the utiliky �ees for fihe un.its a� a�in�1e cornbi:ned aanaunt a,r (Z} char�ing
am m�nthly fee ta ea�� unit occUpanl� . Thosc that select t�e frst aptian shall be eniitled to a ratc
_ � - - - - -- _ _ . _- . .
_ adjustment based on aver�ge r�ccupanGy-,.and sYsal:l recei�ed a 25%� reduct:inn fram khe ziCilii.v
fees calculazed vursuant ta Sectins� 13.73.4aa.
Section 2. [ardinancc 33S 1, as amended, and. Chapi;er 13.73 af the Port An�eles
Mun:ici�al Cfld� are hereby an�ended by a:mendi.ng sub�arts 13.73.400 an� Exhibii A PAIVIC tp
read as fo3��aws:
l 3.73.4C�0. Char�es Establ:i�hed. In a�cardance w t�ie rate stucly pxese��tcd to tlic City
Council., eff�ctive January 4, 20,1 [] the hase rates and fees �ar the L]tility shall be as follaws:
L7�er Glassification Rate
R.esider,.tial ��� 52.20 per year, per unii
At�ult fam:ily �r�sr�es* �� $52 per year, per clas�ificati�n
�ssisied li�ing facil�ties* $.� 12.574 per year, per classi�caiior�
� -�.-
-------- Z4-I-�our t�ursin�; facilities�` $�: 6,184 per year, p�r classi.�catior� �
Gr�up homes* -_ �� I,936 per year, per classif�cati�an -- -_
Jail facilities* $i��3-�� 1.290 per year, per cIas�ifieati�on _..
- --_. . - - - -- — - - — 5chaols* - - __ __ _ ._� - = -- ��$-1-� 2.031 p�r year, per classificatinn
- - _ _ Cpmnlerciall�usines�. -- - - - . - $� 54.9� per year, per unit - . . .
-- Ci�y pul�lic. areas .. $��� 12.947 per year, per �lassi.fi�atican
,� -- -- -- _ - - -- --- _= - -. .
Rates for indir�idua� faci�itFes ito nat include a�l�o��ablc excn��Cions a:nd r�ary �ased upon
thei� percentage flfi use within that clas�ificati4n. For i:ndi�i�ual fac�l:i:ty rates, ��ifih
allawablc �xe�npCians, sce Exhi�iC A.
Effecti�e J�nuar� 1, 2[111, al� the aboVe rates shall lac in�reas�d to reflect th� CPT-T] -
.---------- _ 3u:n 201�.��In thc eV�nfi t�hat tne �P�-U- June 2U10 is r�e�ati�e the ratcs rernain the same
___ _. _ SectiDn 3- Severaibilit�, If any_proVisi4ns ❑F1;hi� Ordinance or its applicatinns �o any
�er�on or cireu�nstartces is hcld t� �ie i.n�alid, thc ren.�ainder of the Qrdinance or applicatron of
the pro�isions of tl�e OMrdinance .ta oiher persons ar circumstan�cs ,i� nfli affected.
_ Sectinn 4- Correcti�ns. The City Clerk and thc �c�dif e-rs of this ordanance are
-- � - ---- - - - - - - - - ---
- autl�arizcd tc� make necessary GotrectiQns to th:is ordinan�e iiacludi.ng, but not lir�ike�i ta, thc �
' correcti�n ofthe �crar�ener'slclea�ica] errars, refercnces, ordinan�e numbering, sectianlsubsection
num�er� and any references th�reto. -
� -- - -- --- - - --- - Sectinn- 5 - Effecti�e Date. - This ordinance, being an exercise of � pa��er �pecifically
- — - --- -- -- .- - - - - -
dele�at�d to tihe City le�is3ative bady, is nat suhject� ro refercndurn. This ordinance shall ta.ke
-- --- _, - - - - - ef'f.ect January 4, 2010. - - -
_PA�SED l?y fh�_City_Cn_uncil of the Ciky af �'nrY A.ngeles at a regular rineeting af said
- - -- - .Counci] he�d a» �he day af Na�e�r�ber, �009.
� -2-
� J-Zfi
-- - -
— -- - ----- -- ---- - --- - - -- - - ..
-- - - -- ATT�ST:
: Janessa Hurd, City C}erk _
_ APPRQVED ��LLS TC] F�RM; - - - -
William E. Bloor, City Attar�cy ---- --
_ . _....
- - _ _ .. _ Sy S�mrnary _ _ _-
Ci:lLegal_d3ackup[�R[1INANCES&itE5ULll710NSIC1f�fiAfNAS�'GTS-2E109Va0-h5ediclllfulityRatcs.]Q2liO4.wpd� . .. . _ - .
Norember 12, 2UB9 . . �
� - _
� -- - --
I . ' I . � . � . �
� ' �
I � . � � �' � I , � � � . �
� ,' 1►NN�edic 1 UtiIity 2Q:1 U A�.nnd�al Fees ''�
; , ,
, �xhib�t A
. � �
�j ,
�. ; � :C-Tigh L)emand User Classi�ications
Facility I3ase Ttate. f�tiliaation AmQUnt % of Cxemption Annual F`ec Ati�ailability Final.
"/o Befnre E+�xem�tian Amount After ./djustment� Annual Fee
� , Exemption �xemptian
24-Hn. ur Nursin Facili
Cresiwood �6,184 10U`% � �6,184 (ia`% $3,710 $2,474 $ t $�,475
1 i 15 � Lauridsen T31�r�
Grou Homes , ,
2nd �treet I-T�use $1,93� 15.2 /Q � $��S �6 $1 �7
13� W 2nd ° $29A 98%
Clallam County H�stelrics �,1.7`% $420 10i�`%� $42� $� NIA �D
1132 Haze] ��'� � I �
Sercnity House ;$1,�335 � i 63. i`i'f $1,222. Z9°/�
2321 W 1$th; � � � '$354 $f�f�8 �1 $Sf9
Adul� TamiE Hnmes !
Hc�Fne Aw�y Frnm 1=1'ozne ;�g5? i 5$.3`% °� �T99 $298 $l �Z9�3
131 � W 1 F�th' I �� �� f°
Q1ym�iG R.N' t�dul[ Fa:iniiy ' $�� , �9.2% $249 � 0% $� �24� $1 $25�
1725 W l l�li �' � � � '
Gc�oci 5he�herds F-�av�n �852 ] 2.5%f $1 �]F� U �
23 t 4 S' I.,incc�ln ' $0 $106 $ F $1 �'I
Ass�ste[t LiVf�
Laurel �'ark ; , �i $12,574 '. �� 21,0 $2,641 l �i°�o ��23 $2,2 t � $1 $2,219
I i 33 �� Park Averrue ;
Park'v'iew Villa �i?,574 �� � 43,4/f
1435 8z 1445'Park, "View Ln I , � ° $5,457 Q $f3 $5,457 $1 $5,458
Peninsula Mano'r � $12,574 . 5.8 /� �
1017 W 17fh ° $729 5� :6355 $3�4 �1 $36�
Si'. Anc�rews P1ace $12,574 ��.8`%� i $3,'147 b3.5'1% �2,3$2 �1,3�5 '61 $1,36G
520 Eas� �'ark Avei�u� '
' � ' I 1
; , J - 28
- -- - -- - . - - - _ . _r - - - - - - - - - -- --- __
�; �
• • •
1-iigh Demand User Classifications (Continued)
Facility Base Ratc Utilization Amount % of Lsemption Annual Fee Availability Final
% Before Exemption Amount After Adjustment Annual Fee
Esemption Exemption
Jail rlcilities
Clallam County Adult $]�290 7 I% $916 N/A N/A $916 $1 $917
223 � 4th
Clallam County Juvenile $1,290 29% $374 N/A N/A $374 $1 $375
1912 W iSth
Liucoln School $2,031 4.3% �87 N/A N/A $87 $1 $88
924 W 9th
Franklin Middle School �2,031 2.1 % $43 N/A N/A $43 $ l $54.93 �
2505 S Wasl�in =ton
Hamilton Middle School �2�031 6.4%
1822 W 7th $130 N/A N/A '$l30 �$1 $131
Jefferson Micidle School $2�031 2.1% �
218 West 12th $43 N/A ; N/A $43 $1 $54.93
Peninsula College $2,03 I 14.9% $303 N/A N/A $303 $ l $304
1502 � Lauiidsen
Yort Angeles l-ligh School $2�031 341% �
304 East Park Avenue $692 N/A N/A $692 �1 $693
Queen of Angels $2,031 I 0.6°/a
209 W llth $215 N/A N/A $215 $1 $216
Stevens Middle School $2�031 25.5% $518 N/A N/A $518 $1 $519
1139 W ]4th
� t-iigh deinand user classifications tliat do not c�ualify for an exemption caimot have a per-unit fee ]ess than that of t1�e commercial/business classification. I
J-29 ;
� 1 � •
' i
Apartment Buildings with Single Utility Connection
Facility Rase Rate rlverage Vacancy I�ee After Combined ree After Availability Final
Vacancy Amount Vacancy 25% Billing 25% Adjustment Annual ree
' � Exemption Adjustment Adjustment
Gerald Austin Apartments $ � �337 20% $267 $1,070 �268 $802 $29 $831
1305 � 1 st
Bayvie�v Apartmencs � $617 18% $ I 11 $506 $127 $379 $13 $392
306 W 1 st ' '
8th Street Apartments $411 40°/o $164 $247 $62 $185 $9 $194
615 W.8ch
Housing Authority Apart. �3,600 2.02% $73 $3,527 $882 $2,645 $77 $2,722
323 �ast 2nd.
Housing Authority Apart. $2,057 0% $0� $2,057 $514 $1,543 $44 $1,587
401 E Sth
Morning Glory Apartments $463 0% $0 $463 $116 �347 $10 $357
529 � 1 st ,
Rozelle Apartments ' $514 0% $0 $514 $129 $385 $1 l $396
212 W 3rd ;
Jean Tyson Apartments $206 0"/0 $0 $206 $52 $154 $4 $15S
405 E Front �
Uptown Apartments ' $309 0% $0 �309 $77 $232 �7 $239
120 S Laurel Street
Tempest Apartmencs ' $669 0% $0 $669 $167 $502 $14 $516
1 l2 N Albert Street
City Councxl l�ovember 17, 2Q�9
i` `
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��.:.. _� ;- , � Pr�sent�d by:
- � Clan McKeen, Fire Chief
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�City �'auncil Navember 17, ��U9
, ,�,��-�."r _
�� 1lVa�er Lrfi�fi�ry Gosfs
� �.--�
�` a o a o
1 0
� �� o� We knvw that fhe�e is a co�f
- ° i�,►�ofV�d to get water frvm a glac�er
_ a
�� r� -- ° ta a cvr�sumer. Casts in�lude:
� -_ �-�_ a f�ersonnel to regulate, operate and
� o maintain the utility
'�' � .� Faci�ities $uch as reservoirs and
�,,. - .;. a
�; � - �~ � -': . o pumping statians
- � � Infras#ruet�re suck� as pipes, �al�es
4 , �' 0
� , � and fittings
�-�: �e � i. � °
~� fi '1 �
� ;�� o
� Y�IAI",y5��, . . . .
�� �frti
`�`� 1Naf�r Cli�rlity Cos�s
� o 0 0 0
, ' ��
� ��' W� und�rstand tha�t water ne�ds to
_ W o
be a�ai�ab�e �v all consumer�, at a11
,`�'�:. ° t I Yl'1 e 5
- - o
- - �r.�
.� � A portion of fhe rate �hat ��nsu�mers
� �- a pay, �oes towards simply rraaking the
� water auailable
� ��.�.���.-� o .� Dif�e�ent consumerS place �ifferent
� `'� ° � � ° demands on the system
� p
-�,. o � A partion af th� rate go�s tawards
� ��„ -�� h�aw much water yau use
� � a
�' � � o
- _, �
, x .d-- ,
� 2
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a 'i�. �p.e�rcwc as,
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;: i '.: .
; City Caunci� N�vember �7, �UU�
ti � r ��, �, �
� '�� �e+[�1C � ��'��1�]/ ��5�'S
L � q Q D O
� p
�r �
. a� There is al�o a co�t inVVlved �o get
�� o
- � p par�amedic servic�s �rvm a fire
� '�''�� ` � statior� to a cansumer. +Gos#s
� � � , -� °
�� o include:
� �� � f Pers�nnel to regulate, vperat� and
�, o maintain the utility
'� ° � Facilities such as a strategic�lly
�: _ o
� � ° located fi�� station
' - ,�, o � Infrast�ucture such as ambulances
, � ��, o and medical supplies
�. _ �,,� a
� �, ..���
:;� o
� �a��,
�, F
� `''� l���diC 1 [1�ili�yy Co�#s
`� ❑ o o a �
^ o
� �� P�ramedic services n�e�d tv be
�� �
� � a�ail�bJe tv all consumers, at al�
� _ __ y �; . a t�mes
� �
� _ � J A portivn af th� rate tha# consumers
-�--- �� a pay, �oes �owards simply ma�sing
° paramedic ser�i�es a�ailable
;�, o
��..:-- '�-- a � �iffer�ent c�onsumers �lace different
", P' ° demancis on the system
, \. " � a r A portian of the rate goes tawards
, .���-` � o how much you use Medic �
, Q � ��� O
��� �
City Cauncii l�o�em�er �7, 20�9
� �,w�,,.�
�. �--n �`�C�IC 1 u�'l�lf]y� ��►'S�`el??
�� o o Q o
,� ° Medic 7 Supply ��ngle Famiiy I�esidenae
�= a -
� � � ` � R^ �
,. � '
� i.��,� ° � h ^► � -
'- �'' ° �i
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� ':
r� 4 .
.,�� ._..- � ,
±�e. � � � a ._.._
�� , " o _ __ _ - °
� � 0 24-Hvur Nursing Facflity
� Pap�r Mill
��.�� o
� �ei�`�ng U�lllfy f�afeS
��� o000
.� o
° r T�o ensure Ga�t� ar� di�tribute� in a
��. �
�`` ° fair and equitak�le rr�anner, we use a
�, ��-� �
�� w� ° Cost af Service 5tudy
-� a � Water �at�lety
--.-.� `� a
� ✓ Ele�trie utility
',-' � ; I o
f Salid waste utility
�, . • o
�� ti � _ ' ° � Waste water utility
, _-- p r �11eclic 1 �'paramed�c) u�i�i�y
��_� 3 41 � ❑
� �: � o
� a °
City Cau�ci� November 17, 2D0�
�� v
�°`� Sei�[`Iri�l LI#r11��1 f�ai°�S
� oaoo
�� � f A cost of serr�ic�e $tudy is a three-
- o
� � � step process:
� �=-'"�=� ,� � First, determine the t�tal co�t
o necessary to regulate, operate ar�d
=- o rr�aintain an �mk�ufance utilaty
° � Second, allocate �as#s ta
, �� . �� �
° � the basic infrastructure [avaifability}, and
� . .,�:. 4
�: ° ° � utilizatian [demand7
- � o � Firaally, the rates can be s��
a � lJser �fassificati�ns base� an utilizatiar�
�`��`'" "�, � � patterns
r�a , �- � °
Y �[ M1Ri' q ��
L � ;/+
� Nledr� 1 Ta�al Co�i�
`� o 0 0 0
� a
' a
� �� a Categaries ►4mount
� o
; - � a�.. � ° Salaries & Benefits $1,1�3,6�$
_ �� o
� - � o ❑ispatching Servi�es �fi2,8fl2
:� ��, a
a �C{UIpf71Bn� S@NIC�S $42,079
; �_� 0 5upplies, �raining & Contr�ct 5ervices $93,687
�; 6
,�� ,,, o Internal Charges $�53,098
��, �
° Bad De�t $23,33a
; _�' _ a aefib Repla�ement Reserve $7,5� 1
� `�-
: �-`�" 0. ` 1 y �� �� To#al CostS $T,5UG,305
� p � i � '�..�` � �
City Council November 17, �0��
.. . � naur��t��!
za`� �,
�'``� A1locai�e ��sts - Auarlabilii�y
� ��
�� o000
� o
r ; :�:� o�� A�ailability — those ca�ts �ttributable
° to the ba�IC rnfi�as#ructur� ne�ded to
�,_ �
V `'� � o re�sp�n�d ta a srngle +ca�1 within the
� � -�. � utility's response firne criterra.
�- ❑
° � Represents 4�.3°Ia of the tntal cost of
�� - ° pro�id�ng services
��� l r '`�' ° rA single layer requires 4 paramedics, t�nrv
_ p amhulanees ar�d a p�rcentage D� dispatch,
�'' ° facilities, and admir�istration
_ .: .. _ o
� _ z ��.
� .��,
.� : � R 1l��}� �'A �
s.. � - `,� O •
::��^ I O
,-,y rnvrayi
�,.�! A11o�afe Cv��S - ❑er�a►id
� �000
�� D
° � �emand � those costs attributable
�� o
�° �o the �urden pl��ed an th�e uti�ity
. , P
. �� �y rndivldual calls for seruice.
. 4�. ��,�� , p � Represents 59.7°Io of tYre #otal �ost vf
�- �' � providing servi�es
•._, � � Part Angel�s added additioraal resaurces
'-_ ° in 199� due ta increasing simultaneaus
� �
'� o �alls
a .�Addetianal resaurces in�lu�e 6
� °�°° � paramedics, ane ambulance and a
• -���--�° ° percenta�e af dispatch, facilities and
i s i�= a
� �, �� o ��CllIf115tCat1DC1
•:±• I o
City �o�nci� N�vember 17 zaas
� L+�r�,sr,a,vf+ ,RBY�,11?L1� ��[��+iJ�P�C� — 1..� � " ��C�
� �� on �47� �Udg��
'r o000
� ' h � T Pra� Exp $1, 506,3�5
�� � �.ess General Fund Re�enue ($3fia,0a�}
� (Required Contrihution Min. 573,304)
„ . � a
, - _, _ .�. ; o Less Use of E�eserves [$66,451 }
° Less Other R e�e n ue ��17,5
�. - o
� �` ° Total, I�ss Rever+ue from General $�,Q52,3�4
' �, � a Fund, Reserves & C3ther
� ° 4�.3°Io Attributable to Availability $428,�93
,. _ - ....: �;�� o
r: : {Fernded by iltilrty FeeJ
�:�. ` �;,, �_ . o
� 59.7°Jo Attributable ta Demand $534,201
� p
'"* a Less Revenue fro�n Ambulance {�513, 8fl�}
_� _�,— _ � ° Transpvrts
� 'r�e:, l� � � fa a @ . lf1 �
, e� . ..� O �P�LV�41! t
y ,� � o (Funded by [Itifrty Fee}
�.•^� ❑
_� -
� �'"
�� Rai�e �et#in� - r4vailabi�i�y
� o 0 0 0
�� o
�z o
� p�� •�:. °� Th� amount identified a�
, � - �� o
��.�' -
Q a�ai1a�bility ($428,'� 13} is spr�ad
� o eq�a�ly a��ross the user
° clas$ifi�ations by num�er Df units
,, p
F „- a
�._ ._'- _. - --° o
��x::.�, � . O
�� i
_� .� O
�'. _s�
,.,� lf{� � � Q
�. _� O
� �' '� °
' �
City Coun�il Navember 17, 2�[�9
y � Yt�AFq,l.
� trJ
'~'-� �ls�r Classifi�a�ro�ns
.� ��.--�
v �� oo�o
� o
° � Id�ntified � user classificati�vns
_r �°� �
° � Residential
�_ �
- � -� � ° � Adult family h�rnes
-� �
.4� 5❑ r Assisf�d li�ing facilities
�� �
�- p � 24-haour nursing facilities .
; � _ � � Group homes
, a
-' ;,;� o r ,1ail facilities
i . °
o ✓ 5�hflafs
"• � �� o � �QmmerciallBusiness
-� : �-_r= q ' ° � City publi� areas
. :s �fl il .�, �.n ' 1 b
��, 9a o
..� �n�� �
4 ���p
: '-�• [1'ser Cfassifica#rons
'�' o 0 0 0
� a
r`� o
o • .
�. _ ' :'� ''a�.G:�., _..:..
. .. ��..�.. T` ti: �. . ._ ,
n�,...�. b -.� ..� -�'yr��'�:;.. . . .
-.. i�_ . � �_: ��`:�'�,":
_ � O ' �i:'- �{'�3t
"��,� ... - 0 .��a ti:''�:
- =-'�� ��
� �- �
� _•
, o
a �
a ;�
o ❑ �F � p
. .:� �
� ��"� l '�' P
a �:'.. �'__ .�� v
`:t'! �
; �itv �Counc�l N�vemher 17, 2��9
���" Availabilii�y Cvs�s per U�er
; "�i�..
�� o ❑ o o ���•7.7��1L►[�'��L�l■
� o ClassifiEativns # of units ReVenue Required
: � , o b]► Class
; � Residential 8,578 $310,458
'�'''_ -�,�-�, � Adult Family Home 3 $730
o Assisted Li�ing 4 $173
� � '. '' � ° 24-Hour I�ursing 1 $43
� �
� Group Homes 3 $'13�}
�, ' ` a Jail Faci�ities 2 $8fi
• T ° Schoals 8 $S45
t;: o
' p - o Gommerciall�usiness 1,293 $55,8�1
- ,�,, o City Public Areas Z'1 $9fl7
o �❑TRL 9,913 $428,713
�"�.� � e �_ o
' �'- � � �ach unit Value — $43.19
.; � �..�!. . .� o
, i � Mic f,t��
�" �,
''_`"� Ra�e S�i�ting - D�emand
� ��
4 � �oa�
�� o
' ' a
, o
� v�:: �° � The amoun# identified as demand
__ � �. o
° �$12�,4�� } �s apportivned to the
�� . �_ � °
,�:� -��' 6 various user classifications based
; �. -
o upon p�rc�ntage of calls
�'°° � generated
� ��'*��F a '' ' o
� a
' '",s�,- o
� � a
�' �,�,� ��
. t?Rrn.r�'" U a A .. Y �
i ��" : ti..� �
_s`' I �
' 1Q
Cit� C�unci� November 17, 2�1�9
. �' Fi�Rf,yti N
�s D�mand �vs�s �aer Us+�r
� �fassifica�ion
�� o o n �
� �
o Classifications Calls per Per�ent fie�enue
—r ' r � ° Class Df Galls Required
�,,_ o Fiesidential 1,182 58.7°Io $7�,�75 �
__,�_. . D Adult F�rriily Hame 47 0.6°Ia $722
�. _� . ,, � ' ° Assisted LiVittg 372 1�}.3°Io $12,401
� �
� . � F4-Hour I�ursing 95� 5.1°Io $6,1�1
,._� ` a Group Homes 45 1.5°Ia $1,8U6
_ ° Jail Facilities 3fl 'I.U°Io $1,2q4
.� �;�:. a
� �' ,� !' _� ° ° Sehovls 44 3.4°/0 $1,6$6
a Cammer�iallBusiness 348 11.4°I� $13,726
' � a City PubCi� Areas 3�S 1 Q,i1°Io $'d 2,U40
• ��6A C s_. a TOT�4L 3,D37 1[)0°Ia
� �.' � a $`120,401
° �' - � �
. . =:�:--:.� o
,-��, g en�e�,y . �t , � ,d , � .
i' � �
��"' Ra#e Exer�apfic�r��
� oo�o
��` °� The r�te ch�rged reffeGts an exemptian
_ -� p �or persons wha are Medi�aid �ligi�le
° •� Reside in a nursing facility, bvarding h�me,
-- -. :"�� �� adult family hQme, vr receive in-hame services
� -A �
� a � 25°!a rate adjustm�nt for ap�rtmertt
'� �� �� :�- ° bu�ldings with single utili�y corrnect�on and
� ` o chvose cvmbined billing apti�n
���■ -.-- , p ✓ New far ZD10 — Encourages the use af �ost
jx o ef�ective billing �ractices
�� � � _ � �' ° f Study �dentified $"� 1,15d in exemptiorrs
�� ' ,�. a� Spread ur��formfy acrvss user
- - -�� � cfassifications �availability cast)
'-� � ` � o
n �, �.� o
�;�"� D
Ci�y �or�ncil No�ember 1'1, 2009
� �' PI]Nfqt�
, y ' -. :" �rc�pv�Qd Rafes
`�► ooao
, '� o
,�; o Classification # af Combined Annual Monthly
' o units Re�enue Reuenue Revenu�
�;�;;._ � n Required per unit per unit
-1—�;-=,� ,�— o
.. o Rssidential 8,578 $447,773 $�2.2fl $4.35
� � o
, �.' o Cflmmercial 1,293 $79,D21 $54.'93 $4.�$
�=,r�.=...- a
' a The a6oVe rates are adjusf�d ta reflect tfre� required
� '�� n exernp�ions
, ,� _ _ �
a . ; �':..-:�
`��` r � Individual rates for high demand facilit�es vary
� p
`. ��.�,, � based upvn their p�rcentage vf use within that
�:� �.., o C��SSI�IC�tIC11�
��w ��A � `1 .. � � .
''� P
_ - �' 1 b
� �' �I O
�r� I
� r � ytru�.,�
� �''`� Propased Ra�es
�.�� a
��' o000
�� ° �t. A�ndr�ws P�ac� {Assrs�eaf Lr�ing
� Q
' � � Fa c1J�tY}
' � C7
� = _� �-- a
� '�� ° ° Classification Rate $12,574
�.� . � o
� "'�� A �U#ilization at 29.$°/0 � r-------- �� ��,747
, o
�� � '�� p Less �Iledicaid [3eduction [$2,38�}
� �� - - - � of 63. 57 °Io
';i. ' �' [' ' o
. o Annual �Fee After Exemptior� $1,365
M � a
�.- - ° Frnal Rate wifh A�arlabilify $7,3�fifi
1 '�',"�:�`, � � � ° Adj�sfinent
a �7s -.. � o
,,�...�, � a
���e^• .• . o
, _.�` I
City Council November 17, 2009
l� �!J
''''� Current vs. Proposed Rates
� o000
p o Classifications Current Annual Proposed Annual
° Rates Rates
_= o
o Residential $52.12 $52.20
°—. �� o Adult Family Homes $372 per class $406 per class
_:. - � �-
° Assisted Living $7,191 per class $9,408 per class
� `- � 24-Hour Nursing $1,353 per class $2,475 per class
� T o Group Homes $825 per class $876 per class
'� '�: •.� o Jail Facilities $1,266 per class $1,292 per class
�'� "'�` °� o Schools $2,636 per class $2.061 per class
° Commercial $53.74 $54.93 �
o City Publi Area $16,326 per class $12,971 per class
� ,: �� Residential Increase — nominal per month
�'', o
~� ' o Commercial Increase — approx. $0.10 per month
- � , ��r,r- i o
+ MR � "' :
� i�.,
''`� 2011 Rates
,� o000
P o
? o✓ An adjustment equal to the
�. _ :.'� o CPI-U — June 2010
��'��� ° ✓ No increase if the CPI is at or
`" � below 0%
_, o
pwa - . k O
� O
'�' O
S1Wr �r+--� 1
, F�u, ;...� °
y �:' 0
Y.�.: ^i�.y�"�� � O
City Council November 17, 2009
`� niar�\�v
� ����
!'�►�• Rate Setting Principal
,� o000
� o
- o
�: � To ensure costs are
- :-,-�-,, o
�° distributed in a fair and
�_-- .,� o
� o equitable manner, we use
,..�..� o a Cost of Service Study
; o
- o
-� o
_�•,� r _ _
i� U '��, � o
°i'�lfg� - °
� o
, ��� � o
l` � V✓'�:l�
!'-�-. Comparative Value
� o 0 0 0
P o Assessed Value — $200,000
-- o -
o Rate: $52.20 Rate: $100.00
�!: ° �
-- o No out of pocket BLS transport 8
-�"; o s? . � expense for City Oz charge of
���� o ^�° � residents for approximately
�' L o ALS transports $670
o Assessed Value — $45,000,000
— o
„-�.-- �•>..-_° a PAFD CCFD #3 d ; _
�,: o � l�,:r"' �..
o Rate: $54.93 x 4 Rate: $22,500.00 _ _
p : .uin�y t' '-`�E
�„ ^++�, o No out of pocket BLS transport & �rr�%rl7�.� _ x
, o expense for City 0� charge of ' - ��-�
�_ �T ... . -
�, � ,; o residents for approximately
;';_ � o ALS transports $670
— � o
� �� y I °
City Council November 17, 2009
`�( P�,N.,
L � ,J
''�� Action Requested
� �-,�
� o000
h �
�� o
o ✓ First reading
�..- . ;�'.� o
-� � � Open public hearing
�- ���� o✓ Close public hearing and
,,�.. � continue to the December 2
� .-�: ' : .:- � Council meeting
7� � O
' r ,
*� ie t i • . � o
'' �t, ' � o
""" �,•- i o
c` �i��J'
''�� The Study
� �
� o 0 0 0
�_� °� The Cost of Service Study was
- a completed in-house
r _. . � � Could not have been accomplished
�- --� � without the assistance of Finance
,. o and fhe City Attorney
, o
°✓ Can be viewed online at:
� o
° www.citvofpa.us/firedept.htm#m1
� o
� U ., � ��,-, j o
< � Q
'] �'
, � : � o
.• � o
City Council November 17, 2009
`a P"wr"`r.
L.. �-- Te
`- O O O O
�� O
� O
� �-ti�� ° uestions ?
- _ .--a � Q
�.�-- � o
� --, o
� � o Contact Information:
�� �; ��� ° Dan McKeen, Fire Chief
; o
° dmckeen(a�cityofpa.us
� o
�'' ° 360-417-4651
�-„�►;� ;, ,-=„ o
-;�,r w` � �
= Io
.�/- .{ o
• • 70RT NG E L:E�,S .
, _.
�!�.r W A S H 1 N G T O N, U. S. A.
�. r-r-- �-�
DarE \ 17, 2009
SUBJF.CT: 2O1n BiiDGE•'f
Summar��: The City of Port Angeles is rec�uired by RC�'� 3� A.33.070 t� hold a public -
hearing on Tl�e budget. This public hearing is a continuation from November 4. There �vill be a
brief presentation on budgeted ex�enditures for ?010. The preliminary Uudget has been a��ailable
for citizen review since November 2.
• l.) Conduct the public hearing on 2010 Budget and continue the hearing to December l, 2009;
2.) Conduct a first readi.nQ of the Bud et Ordinance.
In accordance ��-it1� state sCatutes, the 2UU9 Preliminary Bud�et ���as tiled ��=itl� the City Clerk on
I�TOVe�llber 2, 2009. Prior to diat the full Council revie��Jed the proposed prelimiiiary bud�et at
four separate budget workshops in Septembei;�October, and recei�Ted an update on 2010 revenue
sources at the Noven�ber 4, 2009, Council meeting.
As a final revie�a�, the public is invited to comment on projected revenues and expenditures, as
well as any specific inforn�ation contained in che budget document. Tl�e first public hearing was
held November 4 aud tocused on revenue sources and praperty ta?�es. At the second public
hearina toni�ht, staf'f will present the e�pense portion of the liudget. There «jill be a presentation -
on the 2010 proposed preliminary budget and related expenditures.
The pr���osed preliminary budget is balanced and represents our continued commitme.nt to
prudenr fiscal illa��agemeut. It is prepared uJitl� an emphasis on our major goals:
. Ivtaintain l�igh quality puUlic safety sei•vices so the City will continue to be recoguized
as safe and secure
'� U 1 U 13udget memo
November 17. 2009
Page 2 of 4
-- -- . - - Gro�v- the- local—economy and create additional employment opportuiuties by �
expanding econ�mic development pro�rams
• iViake sustainable enhancements so that the City is recognized as a leader in
- preserving its environmental assets
. Create and maintain a sustainable long-range financial plan
Witli input fi•om City Council aud the public, the preliminary budset is constantly clianging and
may be different thari the final budget that is presented to Council. V
Cit�����ide E�penditures
The preliminary budget for 2010 sets fortli a prograin of revenues and expenses totaling �y8.6
iilill.ion, a decrease of 4% over 2009. Of this amount, �SS million (86%) is budgeted for general .
municipal operatic�ns, and tlie remaining S13.6 millioi� (14%) is for capital.
Citywide Expenditures Variance
2010 Budget 2009 Budget $ °/a
Personnel Cost $ 23,228,258 $ 23,090,218 � 138,040 0.60%
Supplies and Other Senrices 33,995,939 35,116,352 {1,120,413) -3.19%
Power Purchases 19,387,000 19,372,000 15,000 0.08%
intergovernmental Services 400,000 734,500 {334,500) -45.54%
Interfund Transfers 3,578,934 3,388,365 190,569 5.62%
Debt Service 4,168,121 4,111 56,917 1.38%
CapitalOutlay 1,054,536 1 (410,506) -28.02% �
Landfill and Postclosure 268,866 - 268,866 N/A
Capitallmprovements 12,564,500 16,030,018 3,465,518 -21.62%
Total 98,646,154 103,307,699 (4,661,545) -4.51%
Supplies and other charges for sei are e�pected to decrease by 3% in 2010, priinarily because
pool operations are no longer financially supported by the City. Capital projects are decreasing
22% in 2010 due to the coi7�pletion of tl�e S' St��eet Bridges project in 2UU9.
Citywide Expenditures
Capital Landfill and
Improvements Pa���osure
Debt Service 12,�0�, 0.3% Personnel Cost
4.2% 23.5%
Intergovt � ---��
0.4% I
Interfund Transfers
�------ 3.6%
Power Purchases
19J% Capital
Outlay Supplies/ Services
1.1% 34.5%
, J-32
-_- .� [1l t� �3ud�et memrs - - -
No�enaver 1 ?[309
�'a�e ?r of 4 --
----- ° -- ..
- Y�� �xpe�d�tw reniainecl fair�y rt�nsf�xt_iz� 2U14�, increasi��g slig�tly tca ct���r an
- -- -- -_'- in�laiioi�ary �djusin��nt and a�lier standard inca•ea�es a.n-bene�`i��s s«ch as aned��a1.
�. . . -- -- ----- - . _.. - -- . . . _ . .. . _.. .
Gener�l Fui�ci Expe��ditz�r•es .
--- Eape�dit�u�es i,a� the Gene� �und are �uc��eted at $17.? nzilli.a,n it� "?�10 an in�rcase of �l(!�
c�ti���� ?U[}J }��utieet�d 1e�-els. I�crc�ses in �e�,sannel az�e rela��ed to tl7e cost of Ii�i�l� a�ljustzneni aiid
a IO°� i�ci in rm�dic�l Uen��ii�s. Tl:��se persor�e� increases are otfset b;F a deca in paal
pers�a��el as 4��•ell as a i-�du�tian in PF.RS �'eti:�•en2ent� r�ie�. �n adc�itian, supp.lie� are decreasing
�early 10°'fl, and ta�ansfers ta otlaex fu7ads are d€�wn iaearly ?�°to. A S�f�.� (9°fo} increase is �lsc� .
1�L�rigeteci ��r_jail casts. I� ��10 the Generai Fu�d includes �35�K far str�et irnprc�vernent�s.
GF Expentlitures Var9ancQ
2fl10 Budget 20a9 Budget $ °/a
Personnel �2,441.2D'[ 12,181,5�7 � 279,fi34 �.25°Io
Supplies 489,56T 5�8 � �48 -9.94°/0
Charges far Senjices 2,393,733 �,353,541 �- 4�,152 1_68°fo
Intergovernmenfal 1��,�[l0 1�5,�1�0 $ (5,OU0� -4.17%
- Capital Qutiay - - - - - � 2�,631 $ �22 ] NlA
��iu�lty .���I 44t7,[3�0 - . 4�D,00� $ 40,000 9.C19°fa
Contr+bution ta Pen�om 'I$9,E74 189,�74 $ - Nl�,
Transfiers tQ Other Funds �'15� 9Q4 1,432 B77 $ 27�,773 -23.52°I�
� Tatal _- - i T,��4,�7Q ` '17,2�3,297 1 D,182 Q.�6°/0
_ -- - -- - GF Expen�iitures- -
�� f �LJ� I � . . .
�faflSfefS �O �.f19C
_ _ : _ . Funds - - -- ° �� :
��Person -- -- � �— �
�- —7°Iv �,�� � __ -� � "'� �
�. � .
_ _ -- - - - .. ;t�2i
-- � - � 7'15n ,
-- ---- - __ ,
M , A
-- � CJCrIfEbU�t19Y1 ���—� _ � �:�� � � �
�%3 ��, _ °m�
_ ta Pencom " : , _
_ . � �i. .. A. � ��4
�a�v �
� . `.� :: � � :�_ e� a:,
- _. County Jail I nterg��. i -
3oro 1°Ia t 5uppf185
Charg�5 For 5er��ces �Q�
-. - 14�io
I . . . . - . .. ___. _. .. .
�� �.} � �.l �LF���� I]IeTI7(] _ . .
� �dV�I11U�I' � 7, ��Q�
Ps7��'� C7��
; AttachecT is:a.lisi of rec:e�it chan�es ��=hich ���ill i�e incl���ied in th,e fiiial b�ic��et. Al�a �t€a��,ed is �
the budgex ar�ii.xian�e preseaated for a�irst ��e�d�ng togig�f �id sc�eduler� �og- adc�ption �n.
Deceznb�r 1. �OC�9.
At1�ac�ame��ts: Clianges ta ?�1Q Preliininary Bud��t _
Sud�et C7rdinance
� ;
I �
�f - 3�
• Changes to 2010 Preliminary Budget
Supplemental Requests from 10/27 meeting (included in Preliminary Budget):
- � �- Fire engine replacement . ------... - -_ .._ �:. --432,000 Equipment Services - -
CMMS 38,000 Utilities
Seasonal personnel 35,000 Water
EngineerslProjecfs - OT 20,000 CIP
Family Fun Day 6,000 Recreationat Acfivities
Total (included) � 53'I,000
Changes to Expenditures in the final budget
Delete Family Fun Day _. _.__ -__ _ S (6,000) Recreational,Activities _
Add Restrooms mainE. - downtown 6,000 Gene�al Fund
Decrease cost for the pool car (fuel ef(icient vehicle) (9,136) Equipment Services
Add debt payment for new bonds (half a year):
` Electric 111,417
' Water 87,785
' Wastewater 44,655
" Stormwater 40,121
Adjust other utility expenses based on the rate study:
" Electnc (6"n,832)
' Water . 12,634
' WaterTreatmsnt Plant Fund � 22,155
" Wastewater -- - — -- - - - ------ 25,459 -
' fiolid Wate Transfer Station (28,593)
• " Solid Waste Collection 27,374
Total Changes in expenses $ 267,039
Changes in revenues for the final budget based on the rate study: � �
" Water � 72,175
" General Fund 6,453
$ 78,628
- -- � - �
AN ORD]NAI�TCE of. the City of Port An��eles, «%ashin�ton lmending the
2U09 Uud,�et and adopting the 2010 budRet for the �scal year ending
Deceuiber 31, 2010. y
�T��HEREAS, the Cin� Mana�er of the City of Port An�eles completed and placed on file
with tlie City Clerk an estunate of the amount of tbe moneys required to meet the pubiic
eapenses, resen�e funds and expenses of �overnulent of the City for fhe fiscal ��ear endin�
Decembei 3 l, 2009, as amended and a proposed bud�et for the fiscal year endin<� December 31,
2010, as attached hereto as part of E�hibit `:A"; a�td
��%HER.FAS, a notice «�as published that the Ciry Council i��ould meet and hold public
hearings at the hour of i:UO p.in. in the Cowicil Chambers of Port Aneeles City Hall, on
Wednesday,November 4, 2009, Tuesday, November 17, 2009, and Tuesday December l, 2009, •
for the pw of makint and adop[ui� a bud�et for fiscal year 2010 and givui�� ta�payers �i=itL�iu
the limits of che Cit�- of Port An�Jeles an opportuniry to be heard upon said bud�et; and
VVHFR_LA.S, the C�ihr Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the
matter of said proposed bud�,et,
NO�'�J, TI-�EREFOR.E, the City Council of the Ciry of Port Angeles, �'�'ashin�ton, do
ordain as follo«�s:
Seccion 1. The 2009 bud�et appropriations for each separatz iund and for the
a��negate rotal for ail such fimds conlbined set forth in Ordinance 33�4 are hereby amended as
sho�;rn in the Exhibit A that is attached hereto.
Section 2. The budvet for the Ciry of Port :ingeles, Washuigton, for the year 2010
is herebY adopted at the fund le�rel in its foi7u and content as set forth in the document entitled
-1- t
� - - - -
:<�:iry af P�rt An�eIes, �'�� ashii��#nii 24I0 F3ud�et: a c��y of whieh is on f le in the �ffic� of tl�e
-- ... . .
-- ------ -- -- Git�� Clerk, and whic�� is incarpnrated her�in by tl�,is r�ference.
Secti,on 3. �stimaied �°esources for each separate fi.uid of t.he Cit�r of I'ort Ans�eles,
aiid �n�jrz��ate expenditures for 311 such funds foi� Ehe }-ear ?014 are set forih ii� �uinmaiy fonn
in Exhabit t� �:hat is attache�i ]�eretn, a�ld are ;hereby al��r���riateri.f.nr ex�aendit�ire ar the fund ]et=el.
- _ .
durin�� tl�e year 20]{�...----- -- - ___ _. . . .
-- -- Sectiali �. The Cit_y Cl�rk is hereb}< directed t� ke�p on f'ile ihe bud�eT re�'erred t❑ in
S�c�io�i? abave and t� trans�nit a co���pI�t� cr��} t�1'�he i'inal �u��c€ to t1�e'Di�isiaia ofMdmicipal
Car�3�rat�oi�s in fh� DfEic� af t1�e State ,luciit�i an�i t� the �1ssn�raii�n �rf ��'ashin�ton C:ities.
Sectinn 5. Th� City �le�-k and t.ht; c�di'fier5 of tl�i4 ardi��a°n�e are a��fl to c�n
_ scrivener'slcl�ricai errors, referen�es, �rdi�iance �iutn�ec sectioYi�su�sectioai nuattLers aa7c� a�74
� referen�:es ther�t�. - - - - _ -�
____ _. 5ectian b. Tl�is �3rdinance exercises authorit�+ �anted exclusi`�eI<<to rhe City Cr��.u�cil.
�nd is noi slibje�t to refere�7duni. It sliall be in farc� ai�d take e�fect a�f�e} tiays after
}�tlhlicatinn ac�ord:in� tc� [a��r.
I?ASSEL �y t'he Citv Cau�7ci1 of the City �f �'ort An.±��les, ��ilashin��rtnn, at a re�zl�r
�neetir�� of s�id �ouncil on ihe lst ciay of L}eceuibcr, ?(3Q�.
ATT�ST: .A'P'PR(�G�E:D .�5 TCl �`�RM:
Janessa Hurd, Cit�� Clerk �'��illiazn E. Sloox Gity �lttai�i�}�
I'UBL:I'SH"E'D: 'Deceiii6er , 7�4�9
�� S�LI11I31ciT"�
Cr:�Lrs•ri Ba::kup•Di3Ui\i��C&SCRESC1Li:3IC1ti5�.C1RI]Tv.l�CEi?JJG�.J?-�uJci•:.4dunti�rr.Fli.Yif14.HpS
� _2_
� C1TY f}F Pf]R7 AIdGELES, 1NASHINGTQN - -: .. �
2089 RMEN�EI7 and 201L1 Pi��LiM1NAEtY 811�GET
E7{HIBIT A - -- - - -
-.-. � . • ._--- ---�,._„_r . _ �, _ .. . � - = �--° - ----- - •.
zons soos. snos �nas :.....: xoia zu�o so�v
� 6eginninp Rmendad RmanEed fnding y. � Proposed Prvp�used Endi�eg �
Fund B�Wnce Revenue =+oenditures 8afance flevenues Expondiiuram 6¢4�n�e
GeneralFund d,388,OF3 17,426;627 17.B88,d26 3,837,124 77,084,079 17,234,978 3,b8T,324
Special Revenua funds � � � �.
Ladging Excise Ta� �64.g-04 347.256 5�E,921 315,279 47$,2$5 7$0.5:!1 � �O.SB�^ �
Srreer - � - 6G6,239 1. 1,57�+.�i7 G29.7�4 i,f62,625 3,861 �95 49i1,374 .
=[pnometDevempmerR f3,34F.002. 455,5� 87C�,3S9 5.991,151 i29,�75 62,53& 6,058,228
. . . - . Gilwral Resources � � 339.8�� 289�,032 �-. 799 _ d37,488 _ 525,9&i1 � 89,275 _ 473,254 . ..
ReaIF_sta2eExuse7ax?�1 . �Si,5c6 122,59d 263Ai1 97�7,729 15G,4tY7 2:�5,000 _ +132,273 . -.-. .--
Real=s[areexci:rTas:�r2 � 333,953 � 1i6,655 290,07$ �9G0,52& � 5,888.96d 2,162.76+7 {133.235J �.
. Pen�am �JO&.314 2,2F$,881 2.550,43ti 656,7f31� � 4[1�,93� 411,3C0 5d8.333
Cmninzllu.tice � 3?i,1$Q 258,491 270.c'�0 329,374 `a2},555 73p,3DFl 121,'029
' Electris ldary �i Ecan. 9ev. Rev. �un� 22T,428 5Q,3�'"v SQ,pOC� _- 233,7Ci3: ' SA.$3S 56,Q�0 238.599 .
P��thng�lesHnus7ny�slrz5. � � � 428,1&5 226,7$9 527,872 327,fl97 253,i7A 852.338 {282,127} . _ .
r�ecreatrcma[Astiritles �OQ,793 398,�30 3�7.]85 167,558_ . fi,895 338,9�14 (��3,88�1j
c7nrgTaskFarce �5 fi?9� 5.[3aC 1T.3S2 5,3�Y 5,0� 17,663
� Contirn3e.r�cy Func 250.6C�6 - • 25G,900 - - 25fl.0�3 .
� Gommunrty�e«Ir�pmzriGr�ris' --' - - �,638 -. . - � �6.b98 . _ _ . . - . .
i4-0�ra9rar.� 11.£fi9 322 - 11,991 216 - t2,237
FirearmsRange 15.265 1Q.908 L 23.(kl2 9.77fi 4,1{1Q 2&,71$
� SeruwCen,zr�dairrt�nance - - SB ---. .--3,576 - 60,50� �3.2a5 -� - - 61,752 �� "
SNa;�riravr � vail 3�3.a82. 2,3fl0 - 35,78� 91 � � - ��,8�8 � _ -
Tv�a! Speciaf Revenue Punds '19,187,aS3 fi,203,988 i,3$6,493 5,9�8,55$ 5,795,933 7.53],634 8.28D
� �Oa6t Sorvica Fundy -�- - �� � - � . -� - -- " �
2901Re�undingr.p_B�nd-Sr.Center.'��rvHali 325,2P5 9937p$ 3L'S.d5�1 130,55fl 3Q8,829 385 53,di5
29s75 Re�noir�,+3.0. ��nd - Li6rary 7,813 282,630 �83,35-0 9,189 285,8QG 289,9p4 40.091
. 2UO5LTGQBorM-Wl1GA 255 2�19,$S6 245.7G9 349 259,769 249,'rt9 3-0¢
�006L.TGD9ond-PropenpACry�+siilnn 759,%�2 75.7T'1 8E,89d 748,104 75,D9V SFS,S$9 73G�Q9 �
Llp L"un�+at � 138.Q35 139,935 �- - 138.935
� 7animaht 5ervlce Funds 1.03�,B2G 4,ilOti,97ti 1, 00e,as� t,027,124 � 919,d96 9,G�7,?BS 93&,5fi6 ._. _
PermAnrneFunds �- � "-
. Cemetery=_MQkvm_nt 358,E58 7,?i1 - 3U5.�$7 5.SQ5 - 371.372 �
EstherWc6r.arTr�st 576,7c1 22m,c€30 203.618 594,325 i93,425 223,785 5G8,98S'
7aniPermanentFurtds 935,397 2�73,695 203.618 96fi,Y52 598,930 227��.765 8�9.351
� Enterprise Funds
' �El�e.tric � 6.323,-038 2A,2dd,&79 27:671,317 7,89c,97S 73.t733 �47 33,134,627 &,396',291
��ctnc Gon�ermtion 9,28 �.296 ?f�5.»8� 9:.7 a=4 798,8�r3 753.363 1.275,264 283.�g9�
h'at�� 2,343.�70 5,29i.75$ 5.632,23t3 2.1G3,532 '7,$26�524 7,fi38,193 2,31M1.4�7
V�OlvTrpBtrrtlritP13Y0. 8,02�,9533 234,538 ?23.2d3 8,�12.2€]5 163,7Ej5 'I`j$,(}S� �.Ot'd,928
V:�a�e�.vater 30,573,c12 B,'&7i,282 7.E54,2&9 �.55$,485 7,93i.p12 7,521,fi47 9,967,730
Soti�".'�asta �!ection 3,441,iE5 3,22d,311 3.495,982 3:76�,495 3,2i74,3i2 3,4$5.$34 2,�3DS�U33
ScIiC:Rsaste"i`ran;EZrSiaiioN�andfil3 fi.aT0.29q 4,393.822 5.�09.958 5,50k,15$ 4.984,3fl2 5,3u3,412 k.S45,098 - �
Stcrmr.a'F�r d3i,737 795,7TB 755,658 973,854 ].758,498 7,16�,�$2 i,D"p5,$7�7 .
I.irdic I 72.725 1 s11 SfiS i.n6658a B3.T0G i.d24 026 1.5E�O.O73 7,G53
. TovlEnurprisa Funds 39,056,62'3 67,833,SfiY 53,29T,23Z 37,598,752 61,188,803 61,181,52a 37,SQT,035
� Internal Ssrvtoa Funds
Eq�ipmerriServres 5,843,418 1,561,835 3,3ZQ.567 C�.154,i48 1,�i89.18fY �,959,77� 5.68d,7�3
i Irn�ormalionTgchnofogy 5,29�,610 1,093,833 1,273,388 1,115,P77 Sd3 ��75 919 3,03E,123
SeM•In,uruue 5.293 739 d,4dS.56fi 4 523.377 1.31d,�51 4 917.79C �,817.T94 1,358.4�3 -
Tovl Internal Ser�ka F�nds S d80,ifi7 7,i2d,314 7,017,1a7 8,587,376 7,348,4Y4 7.988,6D0 8,G38,209 .
Fiduci�ry . - _ _ _ ' _. . . . _
- - Fueme�YS=ension . . SS7.81fi � 35�,922 725.300 738.778 32.3�8-- 7d3.740 � --636,896 -- - �- -� - - - _- - - .
7otal.Fid�acisryPunds - � � g47,BS6 - 35,962� - - 126,300_ _ 76A�,478 - � 32,968 - � 747,746 - � 648,896 _ � -
�� Siovernmenia€Cap€WllmpravememFunds - . � - . .__. -. .._ .. - - . .
� Ca�<.alLmpravement 2i2,9tY3 . _ 4?03,�33� 5,E3[76,396 - 4L5.£+�8� - � 3,U4f SQ[3 . 3.463,�4€3 _� - 98,135 - . .
Pmpe:tyrdanage�Y�-nr ' }i�,&i6 5,921 2�.550 96,1&7. -- ' S24T - 24,SSQ 76,&&3
lincut�F?arklmpro�iemzrrt �7r�.,B12 7,071 20,000 i59,683 5,990 - i65,673 �
� B,hSueei @ridg:� Rtcons;ruriian 1.4G�,Y9l �.229 1.SQ1.�7Q - - - _ .
TawtGa�emmentalCapitallmprovementFunds ?,468.27p 4,750,164 fi,652,946 6GS,S08 3,Q62,737 3,427,65fl 284;696
St1B-TOTAL RLL 6l1NOS 58.398.979 88,dp8,88d g3.589,767 fi1,438,Si9 'B5.fi21.553 96,@4fi.154 6fF,4S3.5Q9
, Rascrvos - designated
Re42CVe5 - E}SPfI k,960,8$9 3,924,BG1
� 'f07ALALLFl1N�5 68,348,979 93�;569.767 83,5G9,767 63,438,'S1U 88,64&,154 88,fi46,754 6Q,47�,508
"Yhe GnmEn�rmv Reve�a]mq�u Grant "rund �i [�33ec, anr� TUn65 �a�re trarisfemed td tne Econorn:e T-�eae3oumzn: Fund,
� 'rar 2@7��. ihe heoi�nina fwm bzlaixe for Treatmen[ Plant �o�aha�s is res�ated in i��e. new ti�aEer Tre�merrt Plarn �unr.
� �
• � � f �� �. �.��� �� � ; it � ,E►/jd . . . .
� ^ f __. - _-- — --- . .
- - — - —
��. . . . . ,+ .. . .
�'�� W A S H I N G T d N, l.J. S. A. _ _
� �--- � --
''�r CITY CdUl�iCIL MEMD . _
UA7'E N�VEM:�ER ,17, 2U�9
__ -- ------ -- .— .. _.. - _ ..
----- -- - - TO: CITY' CO�1�fC[L- _. _..
_ _ ,.. ._ .
�'VDI�'lVE Z1ClM.FCC}W�Kf, FfltilAl�`�E I3IRECTCIR
SLTB.)ECT: 241(� PR�PERT1' TA)C LEVI' A�fD Y+E� DR�]l:�fANCE
5ummar�: The City of Port Angeles is required by law to levy praperry taxes ��fore No�einber
3fl. A presentati�n and the fi.rst reading af'the px'o�aerty iax c�r�i:na�ce occurred at the Nor�ember 4
Cou:ncil ineeti:n�.
Recommendation: It is reGainine�nded ihe Cauncil;
1} Appro�e ihe attached res�lutian regarding property taxe�; arzd
� 2} Appro�e th� attached Pc�perty Tax �rdinar�ce. -
�ack�raun� 1 Analvsis:, In a�cardance with stat� law, ihe 2{}09 Frelimin�iy �ud�et v�=as filed.
vvith the Ctty �Clerk on NQVCmber �, 2Qfl9. �'he public was invited t� res�aond and cain�nent r�n City
re�enues and expenditures, as well as any specific information coniai.ned in Che b�dgeC clacuinent.
Tla� first puhlic 1�earin� was held Tln�ember 4 ansi f�c�sed o�i revenue so�ree� including property
taxes. The second p�blic hearing is scheduled for toni�ht and will fncus nn �x��rlses.
The Gity'� prop�rty tax is lcw�icd bascd c�n t:he ful� cash valuc ofi; properYy as �eterm:i.ned by the -
Clallaun Caunty Assessor's �ffice. CiCy sta��ha� preparec� a propo�al fnr ZO10 praperty �axes
which in�ludes the ft�llowing:
. 1 % increa�e �n regular le�y +$40,�}�4 - - -
.__- -------- ---- ._-- - -.- -
• L1se af resec from Sr. CtrlFire �Iall funcl -�50,0�0
• NeC decrease in p� taxes - -$�i],000 ---
The City Manager and all 1Jepartanerit Heacls unanii�t�usly recominend l:liat the �ity Coun�il.
increase prope� taxes t�y th� l% allc�wed. This increase is essen�ial to hcl� the Ci,ty rnaintain
�ital core sen�i�es for 2010 and in th� ]ong te�7n. In su�runaay fashian, h�r� are the reasQns the
increase is imperatir�e:
� Thc �PD do�� not ref7ecT tl�e ���fi� e�,f pro��irli�ag inun:icip�:l services. T�Ze Implicit Pric�
Deflat�r [IPI�} has n� l�gical relationship ta tl�e cast of municipal seivices. The I:PD is zaat
' 2D 1[7 Property Tax LeVy rnemo
, -- -- - _
No�ernber 1'7, 2409 -
— - Pabe Z of 3 _
— , - -- - - �
_ the same �� the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The �PD measures a�era�e pri�e changes for �- -
all dmm�sti� pers�nal consumpti�xt for the entire nation. Pri�e cha�n�es for personal,
househ€�ld co�sumptic�n is unrelated to the Gosts Cities must incur tn pro��,ide core municipal
serUices, Sc�, despite the fact that the IPI] is n�gaCi�e, the Ci[y in 2D] 0 will h�ve fia pay
i�or� than the 1% i.ncrease to maintain essential �nur�:icipal sen=ic�s. _.
- -
��'he cost �f core municipal seivi�es in�reases rnare than ]°/a each year. Many �f the City's
largest expenditures i:r�crease each year at a le�el higlaer _t]Zan. the II'D, arid that is true e�en
w�nen fihe IPD_is positive. Examples af su�h casts i.rtelurle labor, steel, asplialts prc�ailing
v�a�gcs, and �xie�ical t�enefits. ��er tirne, since the 1% limiT�tion has be�n in place, the �ap -
�etvaeen revcnues and expenrlitures has grown, and e�en witl� a�% i:ncrease p�r year, the
gap wi:lf continue to grow. This effect wiI1 confinu� t� negatiuely ii77pact Ci�, and
e�en�ually cuts ta �ital services may be necessary. At the least, the ]% �nnual increase ----
vvill �lclay such cuts.
• Acid�d costs of unfunded rnanc�ates. Ji should he nated that the City is faced with uni�urxded
; i��anciates in nearly e�ery departznent, Th�se additiana� requirements are placing adde[�
_ pressure on City depaa t❑ cvntinu� t� pro�i.de ihe le��el of seivices our cikizen� exp�ct _
_. _._ .. . _
{and �ametim�s dernand}. _
, - � •- Growin� demand for 5ervices. The City i� faced with the grawing d�i for all iypes of
' serVices. Pnrt An�eles traditionalty �Zas pra�ided a broad range of se�vi�es, and in recenC
years t�e needs of the citiz�ns 11a�se iaicrea�ed and �c�ntinue to increase. A11 af this cor�es �t�
a time when re�enues ar� declining at recard pace.
Far these reasons, the depart�nenfi directors agreecl tna� this additional 1% increase in propei�y
' kaxes is necessary. -
� City staff is sensiti�e to tl�e fact that any incrcasc ia� fiaxes znay be �net with resistan�e frcrm
� �itizens, �specially in 1ighC of €hese t�ough ec�na�ni.c tii�i�s. In order to offset thE 1% in�r in
' property taxes in 2Q10, staff has propos�d usin� $$�K from reserves in the ��01 Refunding Bond
(Scniflr C�terlF�re Hall,) fund. This r��ik.l actually result in a$�DK deerease in property taxes in
�(31fJ. In additian, staff pr6pases using-the=rEmaining �SQK in ,fund-�•eser�es to-affset any property -
tax increases ir� 201;1. Taxpaycrs wi.11 reali�e additional ta�c relief i:n 2012 �+ith the inatu:ri�y af the
Z0�1�. Senior �enterlFi.re Hall refund:ing band: - -_ �
� In recent years the IPD has tei�ded ta mea5ure fo�ver price differ�ntial5 [han fhc CPI. Thai is, the TF'D is n4c enough.
e�en the keep up with what is comr�only thou;ht of as "inflatian."
J - ��
-- _---. 2��g Propertyr T'ax Levy memo - - - -- --- - --
--- - --- -- - No�enaber 17; 20[39 ----- - - -- --._. _ - - - - - --
--. _ Page 3 nf 3
At the meeti.ng there wi�l be a prese�atation by the Finance I7irect�r on the City's expendittu
propc�sal� and an t�e proposed prcrperty ta�t le�ry. Attacched is tk�� oi authorira��g th� 2i]1 Q
property tax levy far a�ir�piion at tonight's ineetan�. In addiCion, atiached is a resolution aut�ioritiing
a 1°/n increase i,ra t�he regu.lar property t�x �e�y. I:n ac�nrdance ujit� 5take Iavv, the dead:l:i.ne �or �he
taxing distriet to �ertify tl�e property tax le�y is No�eznb�r 3D.
_ Attach,inents: �rdinance levying reg�lar ad valc�rezn pra�erty taxes far 2070
— -- ------ -
ResoluCion aul.h4�'izing an increase in regul�r property tax le�y of ]. %
� . .
� _ . :- --- - --_- _---
J - 4'I
� �soLVTlor� rr�. - _ _. _
: �
- _---_A_RESpL.UTT,C}�1 of the City Councal of khe Ci�y �,f �'ort.Angeles, Washing���,
autharizing an increa�e in th� regular prQperty tax leVy of ,1 °%,,, or �i4�,020
or�cr the ha�hesC lawful le��y fc�r 2�a].
WI�EREAS, pur�uant tr� RGW 35A.33. ] 3S, i'he Cily Manager;is required ta pro�ide the
City Counci� wirli [:urrent informatian on estimates c�f revenues fram ail saurces, t�gether wikh
estimates subrn:iCted by the Fina.nce Director, for can5ide�'ation of t�e City's t�[al anticipated.
fi:na.�lcial requirer� �Far Che ens�ing fiscal, year, and t�e City Ccruncil is required ta �etermine
a�id �x by c�rdina.nce the amount to be le�icd by ad v�l.orem taxes; and
WH�REAS, the City Caunci] l�as canduc�ed publiG hearin�s an expe�ted resources antl
expcnscs far 20 ].0 and oi� the nced f�r an it7crease in the regular property tax Ie�y fc�r_ad �alorem
taxes for t�e fiscal year 2� 1[]; and
, �
WHEFt:EAS, il�e City Council, aftcr such hearings and a,fter duly c�nsidering r��e�ant
evidenGe and factors, has det�errnin�d that in order to dis�:harg� thc cxpected expen�es and.
obligatioi�s of thc Giiy, there is a need for an incrcase in the regu:lar property tax levy, in addition.
'� to any an�ount resutting Frc�n� the addition �f ne�v eatlsYructis�n, irr�provemcnis c� properiy,
, annexatians, an� any increase ir� the �a�ue of state-assessed �roperty and refunds rnade.
� NDW, TF�EF�Fa17,E, B;� IF RESQLVED by �he City CCouncil of fhe City oF l'art
An�eles that:
�ection l. AfCer thorouahly re�iewing the in:farmatian relating to r-cvenues and
expenses for 2f1;14�, and pt�bli� iesCimony on the samc, the City Co�ncil firrds that the City has a
; substa.ntial nced to �»crease its 2Q1Q tax le�y to pne ��undred aaie per�ent of i�s 2�J�9 ]e��y.
� �
� J - 42
• Section 2. In addition to any amount resulting from the addition ofnew construction,
improvements to properiy, annexations, any increase in the value of the state-assessed properiy,
and refunds made, an increase in the regular property tax levy is bereby authorized for the levy
to be collected in the 2010 tax year, in the amount of 1 percent, or $40,020 over tbe highest
lawful levy for 2009. �
PASSED.by the City Council of lbe City of Port Angeles a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of November, 2009. �
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
• G:U.egal_Beckup�ORDINANCCS&RESOLUTIONSVtESOLU7'IONS.2009�Z6.PmperlyTazltx(cusa091809.wpd
— 2 —
J - 43
— -- --
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles Washington, levying regular
ad valorem property taxes for the fiscal year 2010, and directing the
City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County
WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a Resolution authorizing a 1%, or $40,020 �
increase over the_highest lawful levy for 2009; and
WHEREAS, the City Council intends to levy taxes in 2010.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles do hereby ordain as
Section 1. The City Council hereby deterniines and fixes the amount of ad valorem
taxes to be levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2010 as follows:
Regular Levy $4,042,O19
Plus an amount resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly •
constructed wind turbines, any increase in the value of state-assessed property, any
annexations that have occurred and refunds made.
Special Levies
2005 G. O. Refunding Bond (Library) $284,600
2001 G. O. Refunding Bond (Sr. Ctr./Fire Hall) $304,580
Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to certify ro the Board of Clallam
County Commissioners the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied for the fiscal year
commencing January l, 2010, as set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance. _
Section 3. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifcally delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to refercndum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the _ day of November, 2009.
_1_ •
J - 44
--- -- . _------
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: November ,2009
(By Summary) �
G:1Legel_DuckuplORUWANCES&RESOLU'IIONS\ORDINANCES.2W9�16 - Ad Vnlorem Taca.100109.wpd ((ktober 21, 2009) . �� � �
-2- J - 45
�U � � Pr��o�ed Budg�#
Pr�sen�ed by:
Kent Myers, City+ Mana�er
Y�onne Zi�mkvwski, Finance QFre�t�r
N�vemb�r 17, 2D09
Taday's Agenda
• 2Q� � B�dget Pr��ess
■ 20� �p Expendi�ures hy Fund
• Changes to Pr�liminary Budget
a Conduct F�vbli�c Hear�n�g on 2D1 Q Budget
s C�ntinue Publ�� H�aring to aecember �
Focus taday is on �eneral Fund
���9 Buc�get Pr�c�ss !
��. � ���� f � '
, � �
° .
�, ; :+',�.
Hvw di�d we get here?
Bud�et �r��ar��io� PrQ�ess
Step 1 - EVa�ua��
o What are aur resaurces?
■ Are ther� new requirements or mandates?
e c�ther �halfenges?
. Ecvnam�c fareGast
. Receive ci�izen inpu� at public meeting in Augus
B�udg�t F�repara�tion Pr�ocess ��an�.� �
■ St�p � - St��f prep�res recommendatians
• �tep 3 - Discu�sions wi#� Coun�i�
� Step 4- CQUncil determines how funds
will be allocated bas�d an limited
What did s�aff do?
• Evaluated ALL prvgrams and
services �o identify...
• essential and mandated servi�e�
■ "nic� to ha�e" ar�d "wants"
• pos�ible senrice cuts
. re�enue �nha�c�m+ents
Ill�akin� C�ecisians... '�
■�oun��l had to make tvugh de�i�ians on
whi�h nan-ess�nfiaf services tv de�rea�e
o Th��e decisior�s w�re made d�aring se�eral
meefings i� A�agust, 5�p�ember �nd �7etaber
■�n �dditivn, Council had ta consider whi�h
supplementaf reque�ts to f�nd
lJsing input from the Council, StafF �evEiopec� a
baEanced prefiminary b�dget
�r�p�sed �'r�eliminary ��� �
Bu�dget is
$98.� �illi�n
2010 Budget vs. 2009 Budget
, , o -.
� e �e� � � i�� : .�:
.�: ..-
Operating Budget 85,027,118 85,812,639 (785,521) -0.92%
Capital Projects 13,619,036 17,495,060 (3,876,024) -22.15%
TOTAL 98,646,154 103,307,699 (4,661,545) -4.51%
Over $4.6 million less than 2009 Budget
2010 Preliminary Budget
Citywide Expenditures
Capital Landfill and
Improvements Postclosure personnel Cost
Debt Service 12 �o� 0.3%
4.2% 23.5%
�� Y
0.4% .��"�� Interfund
Power � 3.6%
Purchases Ca �tal
19.7% Ouptla Supplies/
Y Services
1.1% 34.5%
� �
Citywide Supplemental Requests �
Included in Preliminar Bud et �
• Fire Engine Replacement $432K
• Francis Street Park Landscaping $30K
• Portable Message Sign - Street $20K
• Hydroseeder - Street $13K
• Web-based CMMS $38K
o Seasonal personnel — Water $35K
• Overtime for Engineers $20K
Increases in Expenditures
s Medical insurance: 10% increase
s Dental insurance: 5.5% increase
• COLA: 2% to 3.5% depending on union
• J a i I cost: $40K (10%) increase
s Vehicle replacement: $400K (79%)
Decreases in Expenditures
• PERS retirement rates: decrease
from 8.12% to 5.31 %
• LEOFF retirement rates: decrease
from 5. 32 % to 5. 24 %
• No funding for Pool
What Services Are Maintained in the
Pro osed Bud et? �
• Current levels are maintained for most
services in:
. Public Safety .
• Streets ��^
• Utilities ' "�
, , . �.
.: �, ; .
___ .,. _ .._
_ .�:M
� �-�
; �,��,� ��
�".k-� � � �-� .—
�. � � � •'l�•�w a . . .
� ' .. � � . . - '����{�i
� . - . t . _ �.y
" .._". . - . 4
Progress Continues...
• Improvements to infrastructure remains a
Over $1.3 M for
Street and � ' '
Projects '
� � ��� � � ��..
Governmental Projects 4,343,536 4,231,810 111,726 2.64%
Utility Projects 9,275,500 13.263,250 (3.987.750) -30.07%
TOTAL 13,619,036 17,495,060 (3,876,024) -22.15%
Linking Budget to Strategic f'lan
• Financial Stability
. Continue to promote strong reserves in GF &
• Intergovernmental Relations
• Working with surrounding jurisdictions on projects
such as Elwha Dams, and service extension into
• Quality Municipal Services
• On-going CSO projects
• Increased Street improvement projects
. Automated Meter Readin
Linking Budget to Strategic Plan
• Employee Excellence
. Leadership and training classes are encouraged
• Community Development
• Infrastructure projects are included in nearly every
utility (except Solid Waste Collection & Transfer Stn)
. Over �1.3M is budgeted for Street improvements
• Economic Development
• Support for Harborworks PDA is budgeted to focus
on re-development of Rayonier property
• Continued support for CBI, EDC and PADA
Linking Budget to Strategic Plan
• Community Livability
• Promoting safe neighborhoods through community-
oriented policing
• Continued support of NICE neighborhood
infrastructure improvements
• Community Relations
. Expanding use of technology to assist citizens with
paying utility bills and providing information on-line
Citywide Personnel �
Net reduction
of 10.25 FTE
mostly due to
pool closure
Personnel Summary Analysis
(in FuII Time Equivalents - FTE)
� . .2010 Budget
zoos zo�o �s.
Sv Deuartmont • All Emolovees 200T �� �� �.�.2008� Bud et ���AcWel Bud �et ��. � 2009 Bud et
Ciry Manager 6.40 6.40 5.60 5.80 - �.5.80 -
CommunBy 8 Economic Devolopment 7.40 8.00 8.00 8.00 � 8.00. -
Finance 26.70 26.10 25A5 25.45 .25.45 -
Fire 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 �' 24.00 � -
legal 5.73 5.85 5.85 6.10 8:10 0.25
Parks & Recreation Division 41JB 41.28 39.85 39.65 � ' 3D.40 {9.25)
Police 60.50 60.50 61.00 65.00 81.00 -
Public Works 8 Ufilitias 93.40 89.40 97.10 95.10 95.85 (1.25)
Total Personnol 265.31 261.53 266.85 265.10 � 256.60 70.25
Personnel by Function
Economic ArJmin.B Legal
Engineering Deeelopment Services Street Nlaintenance
Finance Services 3a � 5 ,� 5°k Equipment
q % 7% Ser�ices
Computer L Z ��'
Support • 9I ��.
2% '
Patks & �txi•�:r;,':v�:i -
12% � Public
Changes to Revenue for Final Budget
Preliminary Budget Revenues
Proposed Changes*
Use of Reserves
Proposed Budget
* Proposed changes are included in Final Budget ordinance
Changes to Revenue
Changes in revenues for the final budget based on the rate study:
' Water $ 72,155
` General Fund 6,453
� $ 78, 608 (
Changes to Expenses for Final Budget
Preliminary Budget Expenditures
Proposed Changes*
Proposed Budget
' Proposed changes are included in Final Budget ordinance
Changes to Expenditures �
Changes to Expenditures in the final budget
Delete Family Fun Day S (6.000)
Add Restrooms maint. - downto�.m 6,000
Decrease cost for the pool car ((uel efficieni �ehicle) (9,136)
Add debl payment for new bonds (half a year):
' Electric 111.417
• Water 87.785
' Waslewater 44.655
' Stortnwater 40,121
Adjust other utility expenses based on the rate study:
' Electnc (66,832)
' Water 12.634
' WaterTreatment Plant Fund 22.155
' Wastewater 25,459
' Solid Wate Transfer Stalion (28,593)
' Solid Wasle Collection 27,374
Total Changes in expenses � 5;267,039
Expenditures by Fund
General Fund
GF Expenditures by Object '
Contrib. To GF Expenditures
Pencom �17,234,079
, Supplies Jail � �
30� 3 % Intergovt
T2nsfers to �� 1° '�
I Other Funds
I 7%
i �_
Charges for '
14% � . �.. . .
GF Expenditures — 2010 vs. 2009
General Fund Expenditures Variance 2010 vs 2009
2010 Bud et 2009 Bud et $ %
Personnel 12,441,201 $ 12,161,567 $ 279,634 2.3%
Charges for Services 2,393,733 2,353,541 40,192 1.7%
Transfers to Other Funds 1,159,904 1,432,677 (272,773) -19.0%
Supplies 489,567 538,207 (48,640) -9.0%
County Jail 440,000 400,000 40,000 10.0%
Contrib. To Pencom 189,674 189,674 - 0.0%
Intergovernmental 120,000 125,000 (5,000) -4.0%
CapitalOutlay - 22,631 22,631 -100.0%
Total $ 17,234,079 $ 17,223,297 $ 10,782 0.06%
GF Expenditures by Function
General Fund ExpendiW res by Function
T2nsfers to Other Economic
F � S Ernironmem
7% 4%
Utilities and
17% ' Pubqc Saiety
� ' 45°�
Cutture &
General Fund Reductions
• Personnel
• Elimination of positions at Pool
• Support for:
. United Way, Marine Life Center, Fine Arts Center
reduced by 10% in 2010
• Other
• Pool — operations transferred to Metropolitan Park
GF Unreserved Fund Balance
6.��D,a�� - . - —
4,000,000 - -'
$3.7 M
.. .
General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance
1,000,000 ` �
p. . , . , , , ,
0� 0� 0 O� O� o�' O`� O O� O� 0� O� 5�' p�e�
�.� , �.� ti� ti� ti� ti� ti� ti� ti° ti° ti° o�
ti o
Special Revenue Funds
18 Funds
Lodging Tax $760,551
• Chamber of Commerce $418K
• Designated for capital projects $250K
• Support for:
• Recreational Activities $52K
. Park Facilities $20K
• Water Fund-debt service on sidewalk loan $21 K
Reserves at end of 2010
$31 K
Street Fund $1,801,995
Expenditures by Object
Transfer to CIP Charges for
$% Services
Supplies � 24o
12% �
56% Reserves at end of 2010
Economic Development $862,338
s Support for:
. Rayonier Property Dev. & Harbor Planning $500K
• Fa�ade Improvement Program $82K
• Clallam Business Incubator $45K
• PADA $20K
. Economic Development Council $15K
. Other economic development projects $40K
• Transfer to CIP Fund $75K
Reserves at end of 2010
$5.4 M
REET Funds $151,812
e Debt payments (REET #1)
• Marine Drive $39K
s 8th Street Culvert $5K
o Downtown sidewalk $19K
• Debt payments (REET #2)
, gtn St. reconstruction $89K
Reserves at end of 2010
PenCom $2,182,764
Expenditures by Object
Charges for
Supplies Services
1% 17%
Personnel Intergovt.
81% 1%
Reserves at end of 2010
PA Housing Rehab Fund $730,300
• Professional Services:
• CDBG Grant for Habitat for Humanity $450K
• Olycap Weatherization/Rehab loans $30K
• Intergovernmental
• Habitat for Humanity grant match $250K
Reserves at end of 2010
Recreational Activities $411,360 �
• Sports Programs $128K
Final Budget will include
• Special Events $115K $6K reduction
in Family Fun Day
s Youth Programs $168K
� _�„ I�
$12K increase
y ,:
� -
� . -: �. =
, �...� �� �' �;
�'��, _,.�;� F��� ; �, . , , .,, ' �. Reserves at end of 2010
t:�:. - �� �� - . �: . . _ $105 K
�ther Special Revenue Funds
• Cultural Resources $338,414
• Criminal Justice Fund $235,000
. Transfers to Police ($200K) and Legal ($35K)
• Elec. Utility Rural Econ. Dev. $50,000
s Firearms Range $4,100
� Drug Task Force $5,000
• No expenditures budgeted in:
' K Reserves in "Other Funds"
. Senior Center Maintenance at end of 2010
• Waterfront Trail $864K
• Contingency
Debt Service
5 Funds
Debt Service Funds
• Special (voted) Levies a��
. Senior Center/Fire Hall $386K �� ' '�� ��
• Library $285K
• Councilmanic Levies * # *
• WUGA $250K
• Property Acquisition $87K
• No expenditures budgeted in:
• LID Control Fund Reserves in all funds
at end of 2010
Capital Projects
3 Funds
Governmental Capital Projects
• CIP $3 .4 M Reserves
. Parks Projects $1.8 M at end of 2010
. Street Projects $1.3 M $48K
• Public Works Projects $183K
. Capital Improvement Projects $75K
• Property Management $25K at end of 2010
s Park Improvement Reserves
• No expenditures in 2010 at end of 2010
Enterprise Funds
9 Funds
Enterprise Funds $61,181,520
Enterprise Fund Expenditures by Utility
.... Electrio. '� � -. � Water
54.2% 12.5%
Electric � �f�I OI3 �
Conservation f�= �
2.1 % ?,, �: .
Medic I S�ortnwater Solid Waste Solid Waste �2•3%
Z•5°h 1.9% Transfer Sm. Collection
B.7% 5.7°h
Electric Fund $33 134 627 �
, , �
I �
T2nsfers to
Other Funds Debt personnel
Construclion 3 % Service � �
Projects � %
1z � Supplies
Utility Taxes-Ciry � ��
Uiility Taxes- -.
State PrnverPurchases "
3 % d: . 59°.6' . ;. .
Charges for �
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$8.4 M
Electric CIP $3.9 M
s Advanced Metering $2.8M
s BPA Demand Response $500K
s Rayonier Transmission Line �200K
• F-Street 1202 update $170K
• Cable Restoration Phase II $100K
• Morse Creek Hydro Tier 2 Generation $75K
• Demand Mgmt. Tier 2 Generation $30K
Electric Conservation $1,275,204
Major Expenses by Object
Admin. Charges
g% Supplies
Conservation Loans 7%
85% '
Cash balance
at end of 2010
Water $7,618,199
Major Expenses by Object
Transfers �bt Service Personnel
Taxes 3% 9� 15%
10 � Supplies
` Cha�ges for Services
, 26 % _:
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$2.3 M
Water CIP $2.5 M
s Advanced Metering $1.1 M
• Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement
Phase I I& I i l$575K
• McDougal Subzone Fire Pump $500K
• Biannual Replacements $150K
• Tfr Morse Creek Water Lines to PUD #1
• Directed Services $55K
Water Treatment Plant $158K
• Only expense is transfer to Water
Fund for water treatment plant
� �
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$8 M
Wastewater $7,521,647
Major Expenses by Object
Debt Personnel
Transfers to �So�, 13%
Other Funds Supplies
2% �; 4%
�..� ,
��� : • a�. .p
Capital artd Charges for
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$10 M
Wastewater CIP $2.4 M
• Advanced Metering $1.1 M
• CSO Phase I design $700K
• Pump #3 replacement $145K
• Waste Activated Sludge Thickening $105K
• Septage Receiving Anatysis $103K
• Sewer Trestle at Francis & 8th $75K
• Directed Services $65K
• Carbon Scrubbers $53K
Solid Waste Collection $3,465,834 �
Major Expenses by Object
Transfers I�rsonnel
q o� o 13% Supplies
�._� '
? �
Charges for Service ,�,�,,.,�,
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$2.9 M
Transfer Station $5,343,412
Major Expenses by Object
Landfill Closure
Debt Service Reserves
14% 5 % Personnel
9o� 5%
Supplies &.Charges
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$4.6 M
Stormwater $1,164,482
Major Expenses by Object
Charges for Services
n ''�� � 45%
Capital �
40% ���. � ,, � �i �� �
� � � I ,. �' I�� �l
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$1.1 M
Stormwater CIP $458K
• 4t" Street Stormwater Improvement $325K
• Outfalls to Streams and Marine $57K
• Culvert Repair $43K
• CMMS for NPDES Phase II Permit $30K
• Peabody Creek Culvert Repair $3K
Medic I $1,500,073
Major Expenses by Object
Charges for
� 75%
Contrib. I Supplies
5% ` 3%
Cash balance
at end of 2010
Internai Service
3 Funds
Internal Service Funds $7,896,600
Expenditures by Fund
Equipment Svcs.
Equipment Services $2,159,775
Expenditures by Object
Vehicle 21 °k
Over �900K Charges for Services
will be spent ��%
on vehicle Cash balance
replacements at end of 2010
in 2010 $5.7 M
Information Technology $919,031
• 35% decrease in expenses from
• Personnel down 8% (reorganization)
• Capital Outlay down $450K (major capital
projects comp/eted in 2009)
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$1 M
Seff-insurance $4,817,794
o AWC and Teamsters Medical Insurance
10% increase
s AWC Dental Insurance 5.5% increase
• Liability Insurance 5% increase
• Workers' Compensation same level as
Cash balance
at end of 2010
$1.3 M
C��h�er Fun�s
■ Fi�uciar�r Fun� R����,�� ��
• Firemen's P�n�ion Fund $142K �����K�
• Permanent �unds
+ EStiler WEt�StSr TruSt FUnd $2�4�C e�erves a
end af 20�! �
. Same ievel as ��Q9 ��6g�(
• �emutery E�ld�wment eservas a
end of 2�1a
. �1p expenses budgeted $�71 K
����Q Budg�t Canc�usion
■ Preliminary �udget is baianced
• Chang�s can be made �Q �a� 0
Prefim�nary �udg�et with cansensus �f
r Any �ug�ested ir��reases AL5t7 n�ed a
c�r�esponding reduc�ivn wi�hin the same
f .
I'� LXt ��� �S
� � T���gh�
• Continue Puk�lic HearEng from Nov�mb�r 4
e Adopt Property Tax 4rdinance and
� Resc�#ution
; o Contin�ae Public Hearing on Budget to
' December 1
' � �3ec�mb�r 1
� • Consider ad�ptian o� 2Q'f � �udget
� ���������?
', 34
�•' . � - - . . . .
- . t���T �TGELES � . ..
-- - -
� .. _ � .-, -_. _._ - =___-- �
� �,,,�_�� WASHINGTON,� U. S.A.
� f---�-- �
- � � C1TY MEMO --- -- -- -
-- __ _- - -- = DATE: _. .._..' November T7; 2009 .- _ .
; __.
----- -' TO: - " CIT1' COUNCIL
FROM Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
-�� �- - SuB.IECT: Amendment No. 2 to the GateH�ay Construction Management Agreement with
� - �' Exeltech Consulting, Inc., Project 97-20 �� �
Summary: Additional construction management effort by Exeltech Consulting, Inc., including
extension of the performance period, was needed to address design and construction issues, mainly
related to the delamination fix. - .
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 2 to Gateway
• Construction Management Agreement with Exeltech Consulting, Inc., increasing the not-to-
exceed amount of the contract by $48,332.10, from $616,226.98 to $664,559.08, and extending
the eriod of erformance to A ril 30 2009.
Background/Analysis:�=The Gateway project, under construction from June 2007 through A�ril
� -� 2009, has been granted �f nal completion. Exelcech, the engineering consultant firm for the 8` Street
Bridges Replacement Project, had also been providing the construction management function for
the Gateway Project.
��� � �. On June 3, 2008,�Council approved Amendmen`t No. 1 to the Gateway Construction 1Vlanagement � �
-- --Agreement with Exeltech, increasing the ainount by $55,000, from the original agreement amount
of $561,226.98 to $616,226.98. Amendment No. 1 addressed a number of unforeseen design and
- construction�issues ideritified in the first year of construction. Since theri; additional design, _=- �
�� - -� construction issues, and testing requirements, have necessitated additional construction management
:_ �� cost in the amount of.�48,332.10, all mainly_related to the delainination/cracking issue. --
This project was scheduled to be finished by the end of December, 2008 but was not substantially _ _
complete until the end of March, 2009. The main reason for the delay was the
delaminating/cracking issue in the east garage which postponed finish work until a design solution -
•---- was resolved between the Engineer of Record and the City Building Official. During the 3-inonth --
�-� --- `-' period of January-March, 2009, Exeltech continued to provide construction management services.
The Contractor slowly continued with non-critical items of work, punch list items and tl�e topping
slab pours. Exeltech also coordinated, designed, and inspected the Ha�•bor Town South Access
• reconstruction, which was not a part of the original scope of work.
C:\DOCUME—lltpierce\LOCALS-1\TempUPgrpwiseWmendment No. 2- Gateway CM Agrcement with Exeltech.doc
November 17, 2009 City Council
Re: Exeltech Gateway Agreement Amendment No. 2
Page 2
- .� TAs a resulf of the delamination/cracking issue, the Building Official that the topping slab - �-.
___ _ be done in several pours, which meant that the sub-consultant lab incurred additional expense.
� Since the bulk of the work needing materials testing was done prior. to the end of the year, Mayes
Testing had de-mobilized and thus, with the delay in the topping slab, had to dispatch a tester from
Tacoma for each pour. ;
The following.table.of constructionmanagement.costs has beeri prepared to sun�unarize the work
under this agreement: �
- � �� -" --� ��- - Original Contract Amend. No. 1� Amend. No. 2 New Total
- __. . .; ... . ._ . Base CM -..: _ --- --: - :.,. . -..:-:. $511,226.98 - $511,226.98; $511,226.98
Directed Services $50,000.00 - $0.00
_ _ _ Archeological _ __ _ _ $31,000.00 $31,000.00
___ _ Hazardous Material � - � $5,181.70� $5,181.70
SWPPP $27,202.57� $27,202.57
Front/Railroad Alley Storm Drain (DR) $14,647.58: �14,647.58
West Garage Inspection �26,968.15 $26,968.15
Delamination Fix Costs (lnspection & testing) $15,515.11 $15,5 l 5.11
- Harbortown Mall South Access-Design- - ----- - -- . $6,536.25 $6,536.25
---- -- ---- Additional Management & Close Out - _ �26,280.74 $26,280.74
Totals $561,226.98 $616,226.98 $48,332.10 $664,559.08 �
--- ---- Itis recoirunended thatCouncil and the Mayor to sigrr Amendment No: 2 to
Gateway Construction Management Agreement with Exeltech Consulting, Inc., increasing the not-
to-exceed amount of the contract by $48,332.10, from $616,226.98 to $664,559.08, and extending
the period of performance to April 30, 2009. Sufficient funds are available for the additional
There are several issues outstanding associated with the construction contractor, designer of record, -
and a local property owner. Discussions continue between Krei Architects, Clallam Transit System
and the City concerning costs associated with the east foundation wall adjacent to Lincoln Street.
._ - All issues are anticipated to be resolved over the next few months. _
. - -- - - --- .. •
-- : � -._--- -- - - -
� K-2
. =��.T - I�GELES : . _. -
. �_. _ __ � .- -- - - - �: __ _ _ _
--.-_�-- � _ - - �-_ _. �� .. __ - --- ---_ _- _ _ , _ - _ . .
�,,`� WAS�HI�NGTO_N, U.S.�A. . . ..
-- -. . _
.. . - � �--- ��, . _. • . _ -.- _ . . -
.. . . .. .
- `� - C - I - T Y I L M E M O �
DATE: - November �l`7; �2009-::::-_- ,�.,:.-. __ _ -
F[tOn�: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
Sus.�EC'r: Amendment No. 3 to Consultant Agreement with Perteet for FEMA Disaster Events
1817-DR-WA & 1825-DR-WA �
_ Summary: Council previously authorized Perteet to proceed with-the pennitting process and final
design and construction documents for two of the five projects (Olympic Discovery Trail Slide Repair
and ODT Rip Rap Repair) identif ed under these two declared events._ Now, a scope and fee has been
negotiated with Perteet to perform the geotechnical report and pennitting for the reinaining three
projects (Tumwater Street Slide, Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair and Ediz Hook Dock Repair).
"------ ��Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 fo the Consultant Agreement
with Perteet in the amount of $123,073, which increases the maximum compensation under the
� agreement from $156,535 to $279,608. �- -
Background/Analysis: In December 2008 and January 2009, two separate winter storm events
occurred that were presidentially declared disasters. City facilities experienced extensive damage. On -
May_ 19,_2009, the City Council authorized an agreement ��ith Perteet Corporation for professional
services to perform scoping and prepare initial studies to detennine the extent of storm related damage
and prelim.inary repair methods and estimates for FEMA approval on five sites.
- � Under Amendinent No: 1; Council authorized Perteet to proceed with developing the regulatory pernut
applications, and Amendment No. 2 authorized Perteet to proceed with final design and construction
docuinentation for the ODT Slide Repair and ODT Rip Rap Repair. --�
Discussions with FEMA have resulted in clarifications of reimbursement costs for all of the projects.
FEMA will reimburse the City and approve any potential change orders should the projects require
them. FEMA has now authorized the City to proceed with a Geotechnical Report on the Tumwater St .__
Wall and to proceed with the pernutfirig�on the two projects on Ediz Hook repairs (Rip Rap and Dock).
Once these are completed and submitted to FEMA for review and approval authorization will be given
to develop design, construction documentation and estunates for construction of these projects. FEMA
will review the bid amounts and approve funding and authorize the construction of the projects.
Staff has negotiated with Perteet to provide the services for developing the Geotechnical Report -
($22,000) and pernutting for the Ediz Hook Rip Rap ($52,193) and Ediz Hook Dock ($48,880) for a
total of $123,073 additional funds. -
• Council has previously set aside funds for the City's share of the costs of these projects by resolution on
August 4, 2009. It is anticipated that the City's share will be 12.5% ($15,385) and FEMA & WA State's �
share will be 87.5% ($107,688). K- 3
N:\CCOUNCIL\FfNAL�lmcndment Na. 3- Pcrtcet for FEMA Disaster Events.doc
November 17, 2009, City Council
Re: Amcndment No. 3 to Consultant Agreement with Perteet for FEMA Disaster Events
Page 2 -
_-=..._,.,. _-�_..�..___=-_- . ...�—_.-. . -� _-- - _": -- -- -- ---- - - - , • •
-. .. It is recommended the Mayor�to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant . -
. .
_.- : Agreement with Perteet in the amount of � 123,073; which increases the maximum compensation unde'r
. __._ ___..:_:_the agreement from:$156,5.35to�$2,79,608..__ __ _ . .._ . :. �
�' _" /
` .. --' __ • ' .
- .<<ORT I �TGE`LEES _ ..
• ' �_ �
-a. �r . - � - . - . . .
i`- W A�S H N G T O IV, :U. S. A. --- -.�— --- • - �
. - Q.... m n _ _ " ' ' _ - _
- -
Summarv: In January 1999, the City entered into an Agreement with First U.SA Financial
Services, lnc. for participation in its Purchasing Card Program under the State contract. That
contract was administered by J. P. Morgan. In 2009, US Bank won the State bid for the
Purchasing Card Program. 'Therefore, the credit card program through J. P. Morgan ended, and the
City credit cards expired as of October 31, 2009.
Recommendation: _Authorize staff to enter into, an A�reement with US Bank to participate in its.
Purchasing Card Program through the State Confract. �
a Back�round / Analvsis: In January 1999, the City entered into an Agreement with First USA
Financial Services, Inc. to participate in the Purchasing Card Program through the Washington
State Contract. The original purpose for obtaining Purchasing cards was to help make travel
arrangements, such as airfares, car rentals, conference/class registrations, and hotel reservations. .
However, it soon became apparent that the credit cards could also be used to make on-line
purcbases of electronic equip�nent (computer parts and software), various items for the police
_ department not available locally, various parts arid supplies needed for equipment repair, and other
� -----. _ _. _ .
— _- -- -
- � similar type purchases without having to issue a purchase order and wait for a check to be written.
�. -__ This allowed staff to take advantage of sales and special liinited time offers, saving both time and
--- _-__ __- The new Purchasing.Card allows for credit cards to be locked in for certain uses only.
_ ,__ ___.For,example, police equipment _would be and an allowable charge for Chief Gallagher, but not for
_ __someone in Equipment_Services. .Cards can be restricted for each cardholder, allowing for better ��
-—. control of purchases =Having a Purchasing Card"also allows the City to continue to take immediate
_ advantage of sales and_on_line_specials.
- -- ��_�_ __�___... .. __.. . .__.__._ .
__ __ Staff recommends the City Council authorize staff to sign and submit the various necessary fonns
__ _ _:_in_order to participate_in�the_L'_urchasing Card_Program through tbe State contract.
• . - ... .= -
. _ . . K-5
i ,� r � i i ��i �
� --_ • — ; --�Q�.�.-.� '- � � ��G��J�a�,�� - .________ __. _ . ___.
__-_ _=, -� _ '_ _ __ __ �� — - � � : -_ . _ � .� _ : . ._ . . . •
I'►...o.- �_V1l I N G T O N, U: S. A. .. ,. __
I_�.� – - _ . -. -
- - - - �, � �- e — – _ _ .
� . � . � ��
-- �� - CITY COUiVCIL MEMO - � - -
DATE November l 7, 2009 -
— - — - - FROM:-- --- = WJLLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY - - - � - -
SUMMARY Attached is a revised proposed Agreement for your consideration.
_ R�COMMEIVDATION A roval of the attached A reement. _
. . - �
� Discussion: On October 20, 2009, a proposed contract for District Court Services was presented for
Council approval. Aftex the cont�•act was approved, staff had further discussions with the County.
These discussions resulted in a revision to the Contract resulting in a 2-year term, followed by a 3-
� .._ year term. This is a benefit to both the�City and County. In addition, the Coiuity revised its budget
for District Court for 2010 which resulted in. a reduction of the fee charged to the City by $4,000.
There were no further substantive changes to the terms of the Agreement.
- . _- _.. :' _ .. .
� Y
.�:_ _..:: - - - -- - . .. . . -- --�' -- ----
. ._... . . _ .; ,:. �
- / j� � . -
�• ��[G' ���----...... - _-_:- - - -
• ---.---
William E. Bloor, City_ Attorney.___ ..__ _.. - `
- . _ --- wEB:�a - _ _ . __. — -- .
G.U.P.GAUMEMOS�MEMDS.20091Council.Dis�riuCowtAg�ecment.111709.wpJ . .
- • - � - -- -- - . . - ' - . � •
' ' . _. f � . . .. . . � .
. . . . " ._ _" ' . ..
• — ----- -_._._ .__ AGF�EMENT _�STA6LI5FfTNG .
- - - -_ -�,_. ,. -i7I57RICT C�URT �ILING F��S= r _-- -- . .�� - - � -.. - - : ° -
_--- - - -= -:._ -
-- =-- - - -- - - � --
�:-:....:: .. _
� .- --. --�rOR �H�:CITY flF POR� AiVG�L�S . - — - __ .. _. - ..
. ,. - -:.. - ,... .- - _-� �-�_ � .
__ _ - -
. , --
._ 2Q�0 � 2a11 _ . _ _ ---- - .. . _- .
THIS AGRE�MEI�T, is made and enter�d into �y and between. thel �011NTY OF CLR�LANi, hereinafker
__ refert�d to as the C��MY, and the C1TY.OF:PORT_A�VG�L�S,_hereina#�r reFerre� ta.as the CITY.
WHERFAS, filing �ees are ta be determined pursuant to an agneement betwee� the CITY and �Y�e
_ CQUhfTY as proVided for in Chapter 39.34 RCW, the Irrterin�al Ca�peration A�t.
1lIIHEREAS� the C�UNIY and the CITY are desirous af es�blis�ing �iling fe�s at a mutua9iy ar�eptable - "-- -
r�te. .,
f�f]W, 7HEREF�R�� in cortsid�rati�n of the tetms, conditions� covenan�s, and perF�rrrian��� cantained
.. _...
he� khe par�ies hereta agree as foIl�w�s; --
f. GENEf2AL _. ...... �- -- -
1.Z Pur ose. - '
__ --- ---- �he pvrpose of this--�greernent -is ta estabfish filing fees ta he paid �y the CFTY far- --
infractians and f�r �rimina€-.actic�ns-filed in-Claflam CAUnty pistrict Cosart f�r violatians af .
st�ate �r local law, which are not feCoriies. �.
� _ 1.Z Administration. ^ _ . _
7he ac�rsiinistration of �he terms af thi5 agreement shaEl be done in th� same m�nner and
__,- by_khe--same.agency_anrT agents-as-naw-administ�r filing--f�s:in ClaAam County Distri� -
- - . , Court. __ . Far �urposes . of _�ntract .admini5tration, agents for the Cvunty shall be the .. _.
- . �., . .., _ � _
..��. -- _--.- ._ _ -- ----_--= ---
- - _.
_ G�unty Fidr�i�istratc�r and the agent for t�e City shall be the Ci�y f�anager.
. 1.3 ` Rrfl e __ _ --- ----- ---_:_ - - _: .- - - - - �- _ . - _ _. _
� This agre�m�nt do�s r�nt provide For the acquisiti�n; �holding, or disp�s�l af re�l ��rsanal
....__ .. : ._-:- � =-=�_ �:..,._.m..._..prapetty.-.._. __�......_�....�.._.. - ...._--.. ---.-.-�.��._ ��_�-- . _�_.. - - . - --
..._. -- ; ..... . � _ _ ---_ -- -
.... . .. , • . _.__ _- - .. .
.. : _____:_- ,,.._
_ 1.4__ _ _ F'rnancir€a.
_._ _-----.--- -_..-----___-_�_.�_ ----- �__There shall �e rio financing or any joint or �ooperative u�d�rtaking pursuar�t ta this -
agreemen�. T�S�r� shail be no budge� rnaintaPne�i for any joint or co�perative
___.___ _ . undertaking pursuant �o thls agreement.
1.5 . �Gan '�racC Re�few
The CITY and COiJI�TY may schedule meetings snelud'[ng cvurt� pr�5ecu�ian, probation� . _
� and support staff, quatterly in '�e�ruary, May; August, and Noweml�er to disc�ss
o�erational issu�s,
I.fi In�emni .
C@ailarr� C�unty agrees to defend, indemniEy, ar�d hold �he CITY �Sa�mless fram and
� against any claim, demand, actian, or suit arising fram the CDUMY'S negligent
- G:�Lega1_8ackup�AGRF�lENTS&i76IVTRACT5�20a9 AgrrnLs&Cantracts�D�st, Ct 2010 P.R.fnalagr�emer�t.d�c
-i- �-7
i - - -
I _ . .
:--- � -,_-o _' - supervis�an af�rnisdernean❑r defenda�t �or under agreement e.�cept- ----- .
--�.-- ---- - where th� �QU.N7Y and CTT'f are a�ntl ne ii ent ar'the CIT]' is exclusivel ne !i ent, -- -._._ _,�-
----� ---- ._ . . _ : . , . _ . _ - a� - . Y 9 9 Y 9 9
-- .--� .- -_— - Tn-execu�ing this agreement, the C�l[I�TY does not assume fiabiEity or.responsibi€ity far
-_-- ---_=:--- __ ___._____c�r in any way release the CT1Y Frorri any [iability ❑r�respor�sibllity arising in whflfe or in
��_ �art_from tt�e existe�►ce or eFfect.qF CIT�' flrdl�an�es, r�les� or r�gulatians. If any cause,
_ clairn� suit, actian ❑r administrativ� proeeeding is �ammer�ced in which the enforceability
� and�or �alidity �f any su�h CITI' ordinance, ruie, ar regufatlon is �t 9ssue� the CTTY shall ..
� d�fend such ordinance, rule, ar regulation at f�s s�l� expense, if judgment is entere� nr
darnages �re aw�rdad against the CITY, t€�� G�L1N`fY� ar hoth, the CFTY shall satisfy the_.
same, inciuding all chargeable costs an� at�Qrney's fees.
The terms of Se�tion 1.fi "Indemnity" sYiall surviVe the t�rrnination ar expirat3on o� this
agreern�nt. -
2. Filing Fees,
-- -. __ --- 2:1 Flat Fifing Fee. - _.. _ .. - - --- .. - -
--� . - - .- . --. . - - � . _ CITy �fl �ay-fifing fees. ta cover t�eir �ro-rata share of t�e direct costs af _ . .. -
� running District �ou�fi I, as folP�vvs:
The Z[310 cost shall he determined by ��cu€ating the 3-y�ar, rolling average nUmber of
-°-- —�- - t�ta1 cases filed with the court in each the 3 mast recent,-fult years (20�6,. �007, and -
2[1D8}, a5 well as the 3-year rvlling a�erage number of thase cases filed anly by the
_=--_--;-.-- ... _---=---� GITY,_The CIl'Y's a�erage percentage of t�e average tt�tal numher of tases �led shail be
, applicd against the 2Qf� b�dgeted bi�tri�t C�urt i dir�ct expenditures, 111Z�' of which �
- shall b� paid monthly. For examp€e;
' . ,- .------.w�... . .. .2(348 tat�l.eases � 13,291-_ . - Port Angeles cas�s.=.�fi63 . _. : __ .
. -. -_ _ __, e 2��J7 to[al cases =_k3,7g9 Po�t Angefes �ases = 1652 - - - - - _ _
--_ _ .. -
, - - -- - _ . .
. __ _ ��D6 tot�l cases W 14,359 Port Angales eases_ _ ],�SD __ -- - -- - - - -
x - - _ - --
. _... _� _ . _
• �- - _ -- . . --- � - - -- _.
__ _---- - • --- ----- �- - _ _ _. - -
_ _.
- - ` _ - - 3-year aWCrage � 13,820 3-year a�erage = 2f]55 [14.4 pereen�} _ . - -- - - -
_ .
,. -_ - -� � - :. - �:-;��R = ----_ - �f11q budget for District Caurt i - $78Q,[�00 � � -- - - --
, 2�iC1 �ast = $ii6,2�C1J12 = $9 per month -. _ _- .-. -
2.2 Prabation Fees
_� - Pro�atia�i fees l�aied and cc�lle�ted E�y the �c�ur� shaA be re#ained by tY�e County - .-
- : Pro#�aEian Department. Th�e CI'fY shall actively seek pro6aCfQn fees �►hen probation
--�.____ - -
_ �...._ .
-:--__ __. _ -., -- services are ordered. Reves�u�s raised under thi� sectian shaf! he us�d to fund pra6ation T � -
' services and sf�a[I b� in addikian ta those funds prgvided in RCW 3.5Z,�50. �- - �
; �.3 Ada�astr�ents far �nflatiQn. - . - --
; The f�s sek forth aho�e are for 201Q. �ees shall $e chang2d annuaEly thereafter �ased
--- or� recaiculatlon of the formufa d�scribed in 2.1 �b�ve,
i . _ - �
G;�Legal_Haekup�AGREEMENTS&COiVTRACTS'�2U49 Agrmts&Cvntraets�Dist, Ct 201U P.A.fnalagreem�nt.doc
' -2- � - a
— — — -- - - ,. ..
_._ _�— . . � ,_
-- - - ---
- _• -• - - - - . .2.4 _ Other Costs � _ . r- - .
The fees set forth in Sections 2.1 and 2Z of this agreement shall include all COUNTY �
services for District Court proceedings except for the following additional costs to be paid
by the CITY:
_ _. : : � _._ : - - - --- -- - a. Attorney costs for indigent representation which costs shall be paid directly by _ _ _ ___
the CITY through a contract for such services;
_- � .____: :. __._= b. Witness costs, juror costs, including required meals, together with the applicable
mileage alfowances, and the cost of fnterpreter serv(ces for court proceedings,
� - which costs and allowance(s) shall be paid by the CITY; --"- �-- �'�
c. Prosecution costs including prosecution costs associated with any appeal in CIIY
cases. .
d. COUNTY agrees to actively pursue, by reasonable and necessary means as
allowed by law, the collection of witness, jury, filing, and other appropriate fees ���
from the convicted defendants against whom they have been assessed.
-- - 3.1. :: Duration - - _ -. ._ . . . . -.._ .
This agreement shafl be in effect for- a term commencing January 1, 2010 and ending on
• December 31, 2011. :
3.2 Termination.
. _ If neither party terminates this agreement, then this agreement shaH continue for an
�-- - � additional three calendar years, with any disputes as to filing fees being reso{ved
consistent with the requirements set forth in RCW 3.62.070 and Section 3,3 below
3.3 Arbitration If No Aqreement Regardinq Fees.
In the event either party does not terminate this agreement, then on or before July 31
each year, the COUN71f shall provide written notice to the CITY specifying the estimated
rate of filing fees proposed to be applicable to the next calendar year.
- � After the delivery of such notice, both parties shall negotiate in good faith the rate of
filing fees. If the parties are not abfe to reach agreement regarding the rate of filing
fees, then either party may invoke binding arbitration consistent with the requirement of
RCW 3,62.070 on the fee issue. However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit the
parties from mutually agreefng to extend the period of good faith negotiations or to
submit the matter Yo mediaCion for resolution of the outstanding fee issues.
In the event the issue of filing fees is submitted to arbitration, the arbitrator or
arbitrators shall only cQnsider those additional costs borne by the COUMY in providing
District Court services to the CITY as provided for by RCW 3.62.070.
• �-
G:�Legal_Backup\AGREEMENTS&CANTRACTS\2049 Agrmts&Contracts\Dist. Ct 2010 P.A.finalagreement.da
-a- K-9
=_ �- _.. ._ -_---� . - �. _ -- --- . . . ._ .. — _ � , . . . - �
_�.`_._ .. ��� ��_._ _ "_ `_.�. - . S " ' '
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this day of
November, 2009.
. Gary Braun, Mayor Howard V. Doherty, ]r., Chair
--_ _ _ ATTEST: .. .. � � ATfEST:
� Jan�ssa Hurd, City Clerk Trish Holden, CMC, Clerk of the Board �
City Attorney, William E. Bloor- Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
_. ..__ _. . �
G:\Legal_BackupWGREEMENTS&CONTRACT5�2009 Agrmts&Contracts�Dist. Ct 201U P.A.flnalagreement.doc K- 10
� . - :-----_. _ . __ _ - -
- . . _ . - .-_
• - - - _ - . -- - -...:.._. . , _ __ _
- _ - - - _ CC►[TN�IL, Sp��CIAL M�ETIN'G
- -- - - Par� Ange�es, V�ashin�ton
October 27, 2409
....... : _-.. ._ .CA'I,L TO �RUE�- _. ., . Mayc�r'Sraun called the special rnecting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
_ _ _
SAECIAL MEFTIRFG: 5:3� p.m. : ..
- --- -• : �Q�;� C�.,�: - - - - MenaF�ers Pres[.rrt:;: - -- Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and
__-.. ..-. - Counci.lmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, and Rogers.
-- : -
_ --
- - - --' - - - - - -- - - -- - - tVlemhef:r ,4bsei�t: .': Ccauncilmember Williams.
_ _._ _....... ....__ _ ,5tr�ffPrese�rt: `-. Manager Myers, Attorney'Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler,
`�. Galla�her, D. MoKeen,1V. ��est, Y. Ziomknwski, B.
- - � - - _ - __. _ Coons, and T. ,Pierce. - �. � . -
-- . -- _-•• -- Parblic Pr�sent: � Ail indi�iduals present in Yhe audien�e failed tv sign fhe
--- - _-. - . ---- - _ . � _r�ster._ -- - -
PLEDG� a�' -- --- Th� Pledge �f Allegian�e to the Fiag was led by Mayor Braun: --
j�VORK 5E5S10�N:_ 1. 20101'relirrrirauryT.3urtg�.t Wo�•ks7:n� - -
�Q i Q Pr��iminary Budget Mana�er Myers explained that the packet fnr the �udget �vorksh�p included items
Workshap fr�r inf�rmational purposes and Ftems needing Cou�cil input. Ne infnrmed C�uncil
af che organiaatianal charts prvr�ided in the packet for their information nnly. He
addressed �hanges ta the ?� l p Preliminary Budge#, exglainin� that lhe changes
would increxse the General Fund:Salance 6y $14�;060, and result ia� a City-wide
_ - - _ - _ _ - �3udget l�elow $;�pLl-millioii: BneFdiscussiori ensued regarding furid �"
chai�g�s and the Fine Arfs Center. --. "
-- - - -_. - � Y ' ,_ .-_.. .
,. _ _ -_ __ �_ _- Mana er M ers dii•eccted C�unci.l to Yhe list of su�apl�inental reque�ts, explaining
t:hat these items were additional deparYtnenta.l bud�et reque�ts not included in the:
preliminary budget. Fire Chaef McICeen addressed the Fire I]epartment's need for a
Fir� Engine replacement. E3rief discussi�n ensued regarding the Fire Engine
replacemeni, the equipment ser�ices bud�et, a.uera�e monthly �ehi�le maintenanGe
_ .__, �os€s. By consensus, the Council agreed to adii the Fire Engine replaceTnent cast tn
the 2Qlp 1?relitninary BudgeY.
_ __ Manager Myers addressed other ite�ns on che list of supp�emental rc�uests,
includin� o�ertime fgr engineers, seasonal gersoranel far the L��ater Treatment Plant,
- and CM.MS for some o�'the vtility departments. By �onsensus, the Cauncil agreed
-- - ta include t:hese items in the 201fl Preliminary Budgei. Brief discussi�n ensued
� - regarding sperrdiiig the increased fund balance an sup�lernental rec}uests the
_ �_ _ __.-- -----_:_._._
Criminal Justice Fund, Pol:ice department radio equipment, and carp�t replacement
- _ -_ . ,._._:_ _,.. _
- - - f�t' lhe Police Llepartmenf. - _ _ _ _
--- - - --- - - . __ .
1 L-1
, _ _ _ .
, _ _ -
� cz�r cou�vcrL M�ETnv�
: .. ...__��__.__- - - - — - -_-
- - --_— --_ _ _ __ _. _ _---
-..,. -- --
-- _-- --
:. _ _
o�co��i z�, zooa ° � . - --- - — - _ :_ _ s _ �_ _ �.-
__;._ .__ ..�--- -- _ -- . . ---_ _ _ - - -- _ .- - - _-
_ �_ _ � � _._ . _ _
=_=,— . _= — - -- _ — -- -- - - . - - :- - --_ - . . . � - -
- - .--.--._ _._ 'V4'ORK S�SSIQN:_. . ._._ _ Manager M;yers pr�sented the City propose� fund:ing of outside agencies. _,__. - .._.. __ _ ..
t- -{Cant'd�} .--- __—_ -- Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the Lodgin;=Tax Cnmmittee --
-' - - recvmmendatians, f�anding cuts tv vutside agerroies, and the Fine t�rts Cenier's �
' 2QI�'Pre3irriinary Budget � supplemental rer�uest. �
Workshop -
_ _ _. . __ .. _
'T` `—�""" :_ -= d}��'=-- `"""" -- =:°-= - -�--=Manager lViyersdescribed the schedule of �ehicles [o be replaced expIaining that
the Equipmeni Services Fund pro�ides fhe Funding. I�e stated khat the rnajority of .
the replacemenY aasts were fvr p�ublic safety uehicles. 'He alsa explained tiiat the
-__�__ ___� _.-,__- __ proposed I�ybrid �ehicle wa�� a planned replacernent fnr an alder paol vehiEle.
' Discu��ion ensued re,�ariiing pur�ha�i��� a iess expensivee fuel-�Fficient car, the
, __ _ - statement of purchasing a hybrid uehic3e, and the need fnr additional paol cars. By
Consensus the Counci� agreed with�'the summary af vehicles praposed; except E'ar --
the purc�ase of the hybrid vehicle. 'Director Cutler agt'eed ta bring back a non-
_______.__ ;_____ l�ybrid �ehicle far consideratian for`a pval �ehicle replacement. -
--.-- _ �.. - - -- -- _ . _.__ Manager',Myers descrihed the �ist afcapitaP proje�ts and fundinb. Directar _
-- -- -- Ziomkvwski explained that most of the go�+ern:mental fund projects were �ro�ided
__ for throu�h FEMA grants, and mentianed thaT �'lirectQr CuEler was avai�able to
' _-- _ - answer questions regarding the utility �funds. Len�thy discussion ensued regarding
' - automated meter readin�;, a��a!��ed metecring infrastructure, t�e life span of
� currently used meters, prot�lenis wiFl� the current meters, co�iser�ation, simultane�us
: replacement of L�ath fhe water and elc�trie meters, the entryway rnonument, Water
; and Was#ewater funds, aa�d C1ViM5:'' By �onsensus, the �ouneil agreed ta #he list of
; Gapifal projects and funding.
� -
' Manager Myers discussed the 201 a�Budget for lon�;-term debt, re�ommend�ng
� addikional lon�-terrn debF af $6.7 million. He explained tihat the ciebt w�ul� pro�ide �
funding for �l�ctric, Water and Wastewater pr❑jects, including The automated rrzeter
, r�ading syst�m and GS� projeet. Brief discussion ensued regardin� the aut�mated -
- meter readin� s]+stem, the current bond rnarket, fund balances City ��ide, project�d
; fund balanees a# the end vf 20] 0, I.odging Excise Tax, the C�ntingency FUnd, and
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the passible pri�atizaiion of the Gemetery.
_ .._. ----
- -
_. _.: _ � __ � _ _ ,._ . _ Directnr Ziamko�s�ski presented t'he s�hedule of Propercy "I'axcs. .She_described orie
____ _ _.. � of the proposed Qptians for incr�asing the Regu�ar Prciperry T'ax I.ei�y by 1°/0. She ---
explained that t�e optian incfuded tlie 1°/a inccrease as u+ell as a decrease ir� ane af
� - - - - - .-
___. _ _._ - _ t.he Speciai Le�ies, resulting in a tax:sar!ings. for,property awnErs,_ She also
" -� - -- - --- pr��ided a lari�f �?owerPoinf presentaiian regardin� the calculatinn o�praperty -
' caxes. �eng#hy discussi�n ensued re�arding using larger amounts nfres�r�es t�
' decrease the Special Le�ies; possible effects of fargoing the. l%a increase nn the ._
Regu�ar Levy, and pratecTing the property tax base. �irec[or Ziomkawski
reiterated fhat the optiion was just arie passible scenari�. By co�sensus, the Councii
agreed ta �ake additional time to address the proposed I'r�perty Tax changes.
__. �__ ____ Manager Myers addressed T'he Amendment to fhe �,od�ing ExGise Tax Fun� and the _.
,. --- ----
- - ------ summary of changes to the Recreafivnal Acti Vities Fund: Bricf discussion ensued
_ regardi;�g"fhe original of Fam:ily Fun IDay, adaitional t'aurna�nen[s, and --= -
fund expenses. Sy consensus, the Coun�il agrced ta incl�de Family Fun Day in tha
� _ . - - - -- �
� _ - -- �Oifl.�'reliminary �udget. --- - - - --. - .-.: - _ _ - ,
i . _ _.... _ ---- -- . �
; 2 L-�
� -- --- October 27, 2009 " - -: --: - -_ -
• • . . . . _.. _ - � • - . . . .
. •. VVORK SESSION: ___ .:: _Manager Myers reported on the Esther. Webster Fine Arts Center. Brief discussion
•• (Cont'd) -- -. �• ensued regarding the City's contribution amount, the Friends of the Fine Arts
- - —-••-- -_:_._. Center:contribution amount, additional funding requests, and the Endowment Fund
2010 Preliminary Budget � investments.::
Workshop —_ __ .._ _.. .
(Cont'd) Manager Myers reported on the Personnel Summary Analysis,.stating that the
- preliminary budget included a decrease of 4.75 full-time, and 6 part-time positions. _
. He.explained that this did not include any layoffs or supplemental requests, and
considered the William Shore Memorial Pool transfer.
�� ��� - •�-� ••� �:: Manager. Myers inquired as to how Council wanted to proceed on the proposed
_ increases in Water rates. By consensus, the Council agreed to address the proposed
increases at the next City Council meeting.
Manager Myers addressed some of the City's unfunded mandates, including the
CSO project, jail and prosecution costs, and election costs. He explained that he _
- would have a complete list by next week. Brief discussion ensued regarding the
AWC survey of unfunded mandates and the Finance and Economic Development
Department's unfunded mandates. '
Director West described the use and purpose of the Economic Development Fund,
- - - — __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____including.recently_received inquiries.regarding the Fund. He outlined Council . _
policiesbeginning in 2000, and provided a summary for clarificacion purposes. He
explained that these policies were currently in practice, and asked Council to nocify
him regarding any proposed changes: Brief discussion ensued regarding the
• ' policies, officially adopting the policy summary, and placing the summary on the
_ City's website. Attorney Bloor clarified that the summary was a compilation of
policies and ordinances already adopted.
- Attorney Bloor presented information regarding the hearing examiner system. He
explained that the system had been suggested many times over the years, and that
recent audits of the City by WCIA supported adopting a hearing examiner system.
He explained that the new system would help improve efficiency and decrease
liability regarding increasingly complex land use decisions. He recommended that
Council institute a hearing examiner system, stating the estimated cost to be .
bet�veen $70 and $75,000. Brief discussion ensued regarding the Economic
Development Fund, sharing the system's cost with other cities and Clallam Counry, -�
� '- and the hearing examiner process. 1vlanager Myers addressed additional budget
questions regarding Street Capital Funding for 2010. By consensus, the Council
agreed to discuss the issue at the next Council meeting.
ADJOURI�TMENT: Mayor Braun adjourned the special meeting at 8:27 p.m.
Gary Braun, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
3 L-3
. . � .... . . . . , . . ' . . _ . �
: ... . .........., .. .. :. - - - . .
�------� �----- --._ ,._�:•.:. :>��: .�:_�_:: ;. ,.,_.. __._ _
Port Angeles, Washington
- - ----- ----- � - - --.__ - — -,.t::-. ._. �: �----= -- November 4, 2009
� .. �.... .. _. . _ .. _ _ . . . . . ._
CALL TO ORDER__._ ..,. .____ Mayor Bra called to order the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
REGULAR MEETING: at 5:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and
-- ----- ---
Councilmember� Di Guilio, Kidd [arrived at 5:56 p.m.],
_. • -. --- . .. . _ . _ _ Perry, Rogers, and Williams.
.. Member-s Abse�tl: � None.
StaffPr•esent: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler,
_.. T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, L.
.._ _ _ _ _ _ --
.,_ ___ _ - ' Dunbar, T. Pierce, and S. Spen.
Public Prese�it: T. Callis, P. Cronauer, P. Downie, B. Korby, N. Lynn, and
D. Miller. All others present in the audience failed to sign
the roster.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Rogers
ADJOURN TO The Council adjourned to Executive Session for approximately 30 minutes under
EXECUTIVE SESSION: the authority of RCW 42.30.110(])(i), to discuss litigation with legal counsel. The
Executive session convened at 5:33 p.m., and at 6:00 p.m. the Executive Session
__, ._,. _.__: _.. :. ..: was extended for an additional 15 minutes by announcement of the Mayor. ,
_.. .. . __ _ . _ —.- � �. Councilmember Kidd joined-the Executive Session at 5:56 p.m.
...... . _ .__._ _ --- -
._.__: —.. .�RETURN TO OREN .. .-. - The Executive Session concluded at 6:18 p.m., and the Council convened in regular _:
SESSION: open session. No action was taken.
.._ . - -
__. .. PRESENTATION$. &c = - - _-- -- - __ -. -- - --
--- - - - - � . EMPLOYEE • - - .- -
�. — -- _-_. ----�.. _�---
- ----=-�=_--_ ---- -.:.��:-:_:.W._.:;....::�_ -
_.-_ ___,_ _�_f �_..._.__._pUBL COMMENT; �„„__,. Barbara Frederick, 1815 S. Race St., Executive Director of the Port Angeles
._....,,..,, . _.._,.. . .... �.__ ..__..__ . . . Downtown Association, addressed Council regarding reopening the public
.. .. .. .. . restrooms in the Family Shoe parl:ing lot. She expressed concern for struggling
businesses:in the downtown area, and the need for accessible restrooms for
shoppers. She asked Council to consider reopening the restrooms for at least the
holiday shopping season. -
1 L-4
� November 4, 2009 � `�� -��--�" —
.• • • � , . . --- - - - ..; . .. .
.....- : PUBLIC COMMENT: :,�____.: -:____William McPherson, PO Box 2838, spoke regarding clean up and land use on.the
- ----- - =-=�- (Cont'd) -- - �- - - : .----�= Rayonier site. He.expressed his opposition to residential use on the site, and - - -
� ' - provided alternatives for land use. He provided Council with a letter and�website
articles regarding the issue.
�- -- � Jack Slowriver, Executive Director of Family planning, commended Council
•• - regarding continued funding of Health and Numan Services through United Way.
- - Bob Step, 115 E. Railroad Ave., spoke in support of reopening the restroom
facilities in the downto�vn area.
---= =---�� -----. � .. Becca Korby, Executive Director of Healthy Families of Clallam County, spoke
' regarding the community's need for support of Health and Human Sen�ices through
United Way, and commended Council for their continued support.
____ - Sherry Ellis, 125 W. First St., addressed Council regarding her support for
- - -- reopening the public restrooms in the downtown area.
PLACED ON TNIS OR ___ __ ' _
ORDIi�'ANCES NOT 1. N'uter Rate Adjustments
HEAItINGS: Director Cutler used PowerPoint slides to present an update to the Water Rate
Study. He addressed operating costs of the Water Treatment Plant, explaining that
Water Rate Adjustments the National Park Service and City of Port Angeles settlement would not cover all
Ordinance No. 3381 - of the expenses. He explained the financial challenges and allocations of the Water
Utility. Brief discussion ensued regarding historical cost increases over the last 5
Director Cutler addressed the consequences of deferring che �Vater Utility's capital
-�- � ��� -- projects, citing major incidents and �vater main breaks over the past decade. He
� � � • • - - - - - � � -••- explained how the Fire Department's Insu�ance Services Office (ISO) rating relates
' � .._ :.-= � to the stating that a better.ISO rating could lower local citizen's insurance
_ - _ . - __ --: :-. . : . ...:: _ : -- - - _ Y,:
-_- � - � rates. He addressed the recent adjustment in the Water Rate Study, and explained
the decrease in the suggested rate increase from 8.5% to 7.46%. He provided a list
�-• . of items for possible elimination from the budget as a way to lower the suggested
rate increase further. Lengthy discussion ensued.
Deputy Director Dunbar addressed the possible use of reserves to lower the
suggested rate increase. He stated the need for unrestricted cash flow for a
minimum of 60 days worth of operating cash. He added that unrestricted cash .
provides flexibility, and keeps the City from relying on short term borrowing as a
solution. He explained that the reserves would decrease over $378,000 without a
rate adjustment, resulting in a fund reserve balance barely above the one million
needed for 60 days of operating costs. Brief discussion ensued regarding reserves
and average cusromer cost increases. � _. "
2 L-5
. _ - . November 4, 2009
- ' _ --- -- . .
•_ , .. . .. � . ., - -- - . . ,
ORDI1�'ANCES NOT Councilmember Perry stated that he agreed with the original recommendations from
REQUIRING PUBLIC �taff and the need for the full Water Utility rate increase. He read a personally
HEARINGS: written statement regarding City staff, commending their hard work and criticizing
(Cont'd) � J � Council for giving mixed messages to staff. He stated that staff had performed their
-` jobs well, and that the Council's role was to set policy. He expressed his
Water Rate Adjustments appreciation for the City Manager and urged Council to trust City staff to do their
Ordinance No. 3381 jobs. Brief discussion ensued regarding deferring expenses to lower the percentage
(Cont'd) of the rate increase and using reserves to offset the full percentage rate increase
requested. Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
� - - - ORDINANCE NO. 3381 -
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising
� �� ' ��� � �� Chapter 13.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to
� Water Rates.
Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the appropriate percentage rate to raise the
Water Utility rates. Councilmember Perry moved to direct staff to bring back
an amended Ordinance including a 6.35% increase. The motion failed for lack
of a second. Further discussion ensued regarding the Water Utility's support of the
Economic Development Fund, the NICE program, and Emergency Management
support. Deputy Mayor R'harton moved to direct staff to bring back an
amended Ordinance including a 6% rate increase. The motion was seconded
by Councilmember Perry. A vote was taken on the motion, with Deputy
D'Iayor VVharton and Councilmember Perry voting in favor of the motion, and
� Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Di Cuilio, Kidd, Rogers, and V1'illiarus voring �
in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:52 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:04 p.m.
ORDLNANCES NOT Councilmember Perry stated his opposition to lowering the rate increase to 4.5%,
REQUIRING PUBLIC and expressed his frustration with the lack of compromise for a 6% rate increase.
I3EARI1�'GS: Councilmember Perry moved to adopt the Ordinance as read b3� title. The
_ (Cont'd) � motion was seconde by Councilmember V1'illiams. Brief discussion ensued
--�- �regar ing possib7e al[ernatives fo low;e'r`the-rate increase: A vote was taken on the
Water Rate Adjus•finents modon, which passed 4-3, with Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
- Ordinance No. 3381 Kidd and Di Guilio voting in opposition.
' (Cont'd) , - _ _ . ._ .
PUBLIC IIEARINGS - None . . _ _ . _ _
PUBLIC 13EARINGS-_ 1. Cro�rauer Street Vacation •
. . . _ . . OTHER: . -- "
- Director West presented information.regarding the Cronauer Street Vacation. He
�� -�" �-� --� '���' Cronauer Street Vacation provided graphics regarding the location, including pictures of a retaining wall
already erected on the property. He stated that staff recommended moving forward
3 L-6
_ _ , ..�. ._ ___ � �.�_ _ . . _ , . _
..-- -- ---_- - - . . . . ._ _ _
- _ _ _. __ . _ _ -
----- November 4, 2��3 ; - — _ _ _ _ _.
._ - ���� - —___ ..�- __- � --. - - -- - - � . . '. _ . � _ . . ��
,_ __ - ,____ YiISLIC:I3EA�tINGS-.__ __ with khe St:reet Va�ation and recommendcd �h�rging � 10 per st�uare fnot for flie .
- - -- - ---- - • _ •- -•-r�• . . � .
. ,_ _..�
_ �THER: - -= ro erlY. , -- - -- - -- . .. .
_P P ._----
- - -- - -
(Corit'd} . . . . -- --- -- -- . --- _ ----.:� .-
-- - • - .. - - - ---- _.. __... . ., . _..__� . , _ _ -•, . Mayc�r'Braun condu�ted a �ir�t reading of #he �rdinance by title, entitled '
-- --- - Cronauer Street Vaca�ion - -
- - (Coni - - - DRI7INANCE N�.
- -- -- --- --_-- - tLRF ORDINANCE vf th� �ify vfPart Angeles, Washington, vacatin� a -
- _-= =- portion of,Fourth Street,l?ort �,n��les in Clallam County,
_ . _ . _ .. l�ashingCon.
-__ ____--- _-�---__. ..... . . .
..-.-__ .. �.___ �_. .__ _.. - ��ef dis�ussi�n ensued r��ardin� whether a pei~ti�it was ol�tained befor�
- coristructin� fhe retaining wal] and �iae�r the petitioiler wnuld pa}� far the property.
- -- . --_ -- . - -----. -:--_ -- . - Mayc�r Sraui� opened the public hearing at 8;14p.m. There being no pu61�c - '
eomment, t'he puUlic hearing was cantinued at 8:14 p:m.
2�?10 'Preliminary Budget - �- 2, ZQI �1 Pre2inrit�afy �r,�dget - Revent�es r�c Prr�pirty .Taa-es
_ Revenues & Property _ - - - . -
- ' -- ---
--- - Taxes :: _-- , Director Ziomkowski canducted a presentatiory using PowerPoint slides pr� types of. -
re�enue source�, General Fund reserves, and recent decreases in re�enue. Brief
�is�ussian ensued' re�;arding parkin� Fines, building permits, grantis, inTeresi
re�+enue, and sales tax.
I]irector Ziomkowski addressed the prvpv�e� P% increase for the Property Ta�c
Leuy. She explained the new proposal would increase t:he regular-le�y by 3%, but -
decrease #he spe�ial levy by $8fl resulfing in a$40,�00 net decrease in total
� praperty taxes. She summarized the proposed ch�nges for th� next five to six years,
explaining chat by 2015 fhere wcauld �ae no special le�ies. She stated that slie plans
to use reserves i� 24Ia, as we�l, ta reduce the effeets of the special le�y on
_ _. _ - taxpayers. - -
_ Mayor Braun opened the public heari.n� at 8:3i p:m.
ScoYf Chant�l'er, 1314 S. Q St., �xecutiue Directs�r �fi'the Ulympic F'ei�insula
__,.. _.._::_. ... _-=-_--: -_.__. __Humane Socieky, addressed Cauncii;regarding his.per_animal fee cost prQposal, fnr __ _,_ __:
_.__._---__ . .... _ .
-- ______ _.f3�e continuativn vf animal sheltering ser�ices for thc City. He stated tlt�t fhe
- -- -- _. . . -
- --_° - • . --.-- ----.. . - - . .
_ _ . _ ---- - -
-^ differznce between the �'ee based calculation and the cu.rrent cantract amount with-•-: :- �
- �-" - `the City was approx'amaiely $a{�,O�fl: He asked Council to �an�ider the Humane
- -.-- -- - ... Sveiety's 6udgefary nzeds when addcessia�� the 2010 Preliminary Budget.
_ _ _ _ �.. __ _ _ - ._ --- -- - �
_ : ___ _ _... Thcre bei�g no further testimo»y, at $,:3G p._m., iNayor �3raun �oniinued fhe publ:ic
hearing. 'Mayor f3raun conducted a first reading of the Ordinance hy title, entiYled
- - -- 4IZ]7DVANGE.NC?.
- --- - - -
. -- - _ -_ - - - -_: -. ._ - -
- , _ ,- -
___ --" . AN' �HI3IIVANCE ttie Crty of Port An�eles, Vifashingtdn, le�ying ��
---.- --- -. --- . _ _ _.- - _ _ - -_ - _ - -: - � re�uiar ad' �alorem prnperty taxes for the fiscal year 2�;i {�, and
--_ � direeting ihe City Clerk t� �ertify said amount to the Saar�i of
- - -------- - .. ---..._-. - --. _ . -.---...
- -- - - - _
� Srief ciiscussion ensued regardi:n� cosTs for fhe Dlym�ic Peninsula i-iu�nane -
_ . .. . . S�ci�ty.
--�- --� --- ..
� - _ -- _.- - - - , _ _ _
4 L-7
1 . . _ .. __ -'" _ __ . " ' "�_--_-__ " ' ' "_ " .
' ci� courr�u. Nr��Tnv�
� _ - _. :
. �= _ _ Nayember 4, �009 - --- _ :
' ,
, � : �
-- - - -- --- •— -- . ,.
. . . ,,,. . - - - -:,._•_. :. . _. ... . _._.. _ . . _
: _ • � � -_ -=��_PCIBLIC �1��iING�_:_- . �- _- _-= Councilmerrrl�er ,Di'Guil:io addressed t�e previous addition Qf Fam11y Fun �7ay Yo _
- -�-- --- ----- (]THER:: _..-•-- • -. �-• .------ �- the 2Q1�-Prelirriinary Eudget at fhe last Councii meeting and that Council -- - - _ -
a- {Cant'd) - - agre� to remove it fram th� Budget. �rieFdiscus�inn ensued regarding funding f�r
• - - � - - Family Fun T]ay and autside �olunYeer'flrganization fundraising for [he euent.
- .-: :. --_ - 7_O1Q Prelitrrinary $udgei -- Councilmember Perry agreed Ta lead the fundraising efforis for Family Fun ,I)ay,
---•- -�-• 'Re�enues &-Frr�perty • � -- By cansensra�, Council agreed to remove'Family Fun Day from the �4'14
_ ,. - ... _ Taxes: -._-;:• � � _ _- -.:_ - - . Prelirninary Bud�et. Brief discussivn �nsued regarding tlie reppening of the puhlic
�Cont'd) .__. :__.._: --- ---- -- restrooms in khe downtawn area. Sy consensus, Cauizei] agreed to reapen lhe -
- _-__..._- -- - public rzstroams downtnwn.
., CITY CQLFNCI.� Counciimemher Di Guilio repdrted on the upcaming public hearin�s fvr the
G�M:MiTTEE 1�iilliam Sh+�re Mem�rial Pool �istr�ct Tax Le�y aY the Clallam �vunry Counthouse.
_ ..
; INFQR�VT.ATI�N: Manager Myers in��rmed Cauncil nf the re�orts included in their p�ckets, He
thanked the citizens for their opposition to 5tate Initiaiive 1033. He presenked
-- -- - _ -- - - - • - - - . - 1]ireCtors Cutler and �iamkowski vaittt Celebrity �racery F3a��er awar�is for their
--� — - _ in�vl�ement in t}ie United Way z�ent. - ---- - _ -
- - w. . - --
, . - . .. . -�- ------: - -- .. _ _ _ . . . . _ . .
F'I1�TANC�.: None �
__; . . CONS�NT AGE�'DA: _____ Cauncilmember Perry maWed to accept tise Consenc Agenda, ta include: 1.} _
- _ __ --- - - - -- - �ity Council Meeting �1�inutes of Qctaber 13, and 2f1, 20D9; 2.} 'Ex��nditur� ---- - -
- _. __.�.
_- -- - -_ Approval List fonn '1011 qla9 tQ l Q123109 For �2,376,4,92.32; 3.) Maierial Furch�e:
' - Electricai Transformers, #L0-Q9-0?0; 4.) Materia] Purchase: Wood Powzr Pvles,
-- #�L�-�9-�� l; 5.) Economic De�elaprnent Fund Poli�y - Ttatif�cation; d.�
Amendrrtent No. 5 to Brown & Caldwell CS� Consultant Agreement; 7.) Farking �
- Bu�;iness Impro�ement Area (PBIA} �rdinance [canstitutes �rsc reading of
� -
� ---- - Qrdinance]; $.} Tahle Peninsula Coilege Street Vacation; and 9_} 5urpius Vehicl�s
- for Disposal. The mutian ►�as s�coatded bp Cauncilmember Ragers. A vate was
taken on the matian, which carried unanimausly.
A�➢.]t7UI�i�M'ENT� The meeting w� acljQUrned ai $:56 p.m:
- .=.. --- - -
- ----�• • —�-• . ----- - ---- -- � - - _ . .
_ _. ___
, .. .__ _ _ - --- - _... . .
. --- --- - ---- ---- =--------- - - � - - -
- ' _- — - - - — Gary Braiin, Mayar - - . - -- .Ianessa Hurd, CiT�+ Glerk - -- - -
� �
5 L-$
� �
3r� ' Date: 11/10/2009
~ ,� City of Port Angeles
� ___ City_Council�xpenditure. Report _ _._ - � .
-- - � -- -._L . -.�
. c -� . 4 . . . . .
• F ' Y �����t�`' , From: 10/24/2009 - . . To: 1.1/6/2009 _ .
� - - Vendor `�` `- ' �� ' � ' � ` ` Description ` � � Account Number Invoice Amount
•� . _. ... . CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREAS 001-0000-229.40-00 239.93
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Boots-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 -9.66
Flashlights-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 -30.75
Pistol Safe-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 -24.35
- Audio Tapes/City Clerk-CH 001-0000-237.00-00 � -2.22
Digital Camera-Hairell 001-0000-237.00-00 -11.25
- � , Memory Card-Hairell -� - 001-0000-237.00-00 - - -1.21
� Memory Stick-Romberg 001-0000-237.00-00 -1.42
Docking Cradle-Schilke 001-0000-237.00-00 -7.44
Pro Response 2 Bag-Smith 001-0000-237.00-00 -5.16
- Memory Stick-Romberg 001-0000-237.00-00 1.42
Docking Cradle-Schilke 001-0000-237.00-00 7.44
Pro Response 2 Bag-Smith 001-0000-237.00-00 5.16
Boots-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 9.66
Flashlights-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 30.75
Pistol Safe-Gallagher � 001-0000-237.00-00 24.35
Audio Tapes/City Clerk-CH- ___ _ 001-0000-237.00-00 2.22
_ _ . :. _ _. .
• � Digital Camera-Hairell � 001-0000-237.00-00 11.25
Memory Card-Hairell : 001-0000-237.00-00 1.21
Alicia W. Brewin VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND BREWI 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00
Brandy Schmidt CLUBHOUSE DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00
Craig Johnson VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND JOHNS 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00
Dungeness Crab 8 Seafood Fest. CITY PIER RENTAL DUNGENES 001 150.00
Jan Yates _ DEP RFD 001 50.00
- - � Peninsula Pre-Three ---- '-_-- - - - � �"'- VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND PRE-T 001=0000-239.10-00 - ---150.00 -
, ' Porcello Estate .Buyers___. ____ � � � _ DEP.RFD -- _-� -=; �=_001-0000 239.93-00 . 50.00 _ -
�-------_ _ - - - - .. --- - . .
�.. St. Andrews.Church :, _._, .._:_:__ ::_ ;�.._CITY PIER DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00
Washington State university -- --- VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND WSU U 001-0000-239.10-00 450.00
WASHINGTON STA'lE TREASURER . BUILDING SURCHARGE 10/09 001-0000-229.10-00 . 121.50
DIST CT REV TO ST TREASUR 001-0000-229.30-00 10,727.86
Division Total: $12,613.85
_ �.. � Department Total: $12,613.85
- - � ADV,4NCEO T�vE� ��-- _ _--__. - AWC Mtg-Braun � 001-1160-511.43-10 74.25
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Chamber Lunches-Kidd 001 13.00
Council Rfshmts-Pierce 001-1160-511.31-01 20.46
� � - --� __ Chamber Lunches-Kidd 001-1160-511.31-01 ---- � -13.00
_ Council Rfshmts-Pierce 001-1160-511.31-01 � - -20.46
- Travel-Rogers • 001-1160-511.43-10 133.00
• Travel-Rogers 001-1160-511.43-10 -133.00
Page 1
,�c.�'� r Date:11/10/2009
' City of Port Angeles
- . - ---- � City Council Expenditure Report - �
� From:10/24/2009 To:,11/6/2009 . - �
�""- "�-�' �"� � Vendor �� "'�-�� � '-�--�- - �� � Des"criptiori' "- � � "'�- ' - Account Number Invoice Amount �
.:_._- - ---. _._ -- --.. - -.,.. .
Legislative � _ _ -- - � - - Mayor & Council Division Total: $94.27�
Legislative Department Total: $94.27
coMMERCia,� cAR� so�ur�oNS __ Meeting Meals-Myers 001-1210-513.31-01 65.69
Lunch Mtg-Myers 001=1210-513.31-01 52.62
- - Meeting Meais-Myers 001=1210-513.31-01 -65.69
Lunch Mtg-Myers 001-1210-513.31-01 -52.62
- � � � � : Travel-Myers� ,._,... _ __ 001 4121.0-513.43-10 . 1,096.99
� Travel-Myers 001-1210-513.43-10 -1,096.99
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Comm TOURISM SUMMIT REGISTRATI 001-1210-513.43-10 50.00
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 1.69
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 2.27
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 7.04
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 62.78
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 27.82
City Manager Department City Manager Office . Division Total: $244.42
ADV,4rvCED TRa,vE� AWC Summit-Coons 001-.1220-516.43-10 60.90 �
Wellness Conf-Gates _ _ 001-1220-516.43-10 ._ . 325.90
WAPELRA Conf-Gates 001-1220-516.43-10 381.23
- -- - nra�T euSwESS SERVice - - - -- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1220-516.42-10 - - 0.34 - --
Ferry Tickets-Coons 001-1220-516.43-10 -28.90
PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC PROF SVCS - PST 3RD Q 001-1220-516.41-50 350.00
� - QwEST - ' � � -- - - - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-�1220-516.42-10 0.23
- ----- - -� -- �� ------ - - -... _ ..___.. - ----_. .-__ �_. ._ ._ - _
� __ ._ . COMMUNICATIONSlMEDIA SERV 001:=1220-516.42-10 .:. _� _ 0.33
_. - - -. •--COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1220-516.42-10. _ _ . � _ 0.45 .
� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-'1220-516.42-10 12.55
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1220-516.42-10 5.57
City Manager Department Human Resources Division Tota/: $1,138.91
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Audio Tapes/City Clerk-CH 001 28.67
-.... . --- -- - --- - -.:- -- -
- - : _ _ . Audio Tapes/Ciry Clerk-CH _ 001-1230-514.31-01 -28.67
-COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA 001-:1230-514.42-10 0.16
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.42-10 0.23
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.42-10 0.70
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.42-10 6.28
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.42-10 2.78 •
City Manager Department City Clerk Division Tota/: $10.43
Page 2
'-- =�'- C ti�Cf7q. . . . . - _--
��� �{� Date:11/10/2009
�� City of Port Angeles
� ��._� City Council Expenditure Report _
�` ,_ ^'� _ . . . - - _ - From: 10/24/2009 To: .11/6/2009 - ,
._•-..__---- � - - - . _ ' _..
- - - Vendor . - - - • Description. : -- -- --- Account Number Invoice Amount
� � �- - - � City Manager Department Department Total: $1,393.76
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS TfBV@I/Tfftg-KhefiBty OO1-ZO1 O-S"I4.43-10 50.��
Travel/Trng-Kheriary - 001-2010-514.43-10 -50.00
QWEST � � ' ' � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2010-514.42-10 - 0.80 - -
--' � ' � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 001-2010-514.42-10 1.18
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2010-514.42-.10 1.59
' � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 0012010=514:42-10" ` � 4.93
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2010-514.42-10 43.94
� - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001=2010-514.42-10 19.48
Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $73.13
COMMERCIALCARDSOLUTIONS Travel/Trng 001-2023 85.00
Travel/Trng-Nevaril 001-2023-514.43-10 -85.00
MICROFLEX INC SEPT. TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 001-2023-514.41-50 55.13
OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COPY PAPER -- 001-2023-514.31-01 -- 105.59
-- POST IT FLAGS/SCISSORS 001-2023-514.31-01 32:04
QwEST .-. - -- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2023-514.42-10 1.02
• COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2023-514.42-10 1.51
COMMUNICATIONSlMEDIA SERV 001-2023-514.42-10 2.05
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2023-514.42-10 6.34
� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2023-514.42-10 56.49
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2023-514.42-10 25.05
Finance Department Accounting Division Total: $286.77
ACCURINT PERSON SEARCHES 001-2025-514.41-50 54.20
ADVANCE� rRAVE�� � _ .. _____.NWPPA Conf-Haney � 001-2025-514.43-10 . 291.22 _ . - -.-.
- ATBT BUSwESS SERVICE_ , - -. � _ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001 2025-514.42-10 � . � 2.24 - -�
- - - _ --COMMERC�A� CARD So�uT�orvs -_ -- Trvl/Trng-Hostetler/Haney 001-2025-514.43-10 774.01
. _ . . �__ �._ . . _ Trvl/Trng-Hostetler/Haney 001=2025-514.43-10 -774.01
DATABAR INCORPORATED _ CYCLES 1-5 10/9/09 -- 001-2025-514.41-50 . 1 ,992.72
- CYCLES 6-10 10/16/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,928.87
� � ' - � - � " CYCLES 11-15 10/22/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,901.31
CYCLES 16-20 10/29/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,524.28
-..�.�-�- -�= =�_� EQUIF,vc-� ��:"�°.:�=-°'� ---' �.----' CREDIT REPORTS " --- - 001-2025-514.41-50 60.00
- -= _.:---�-�FEDERAL EXPRESSCORP - - `- � - Shipping Chgs-pe 10-23 001 27.06
�- - �- •� ���•--�- �=- ��-• � COPYPAPER �- �� - 001-2025-514.31-01 105.58
- - -� - ----�•--- LETTEROPENERS--- 001-2025-514.31-01 26.34
• :- Q�NEST-: : -�----- •-- - -- SERV 001=2025-514.42-10 1.48
--� - � ---- --• - - - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2025-514.42-10 2.19
• � ' -- - ' - �� - ' � • � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2025-514.42-10 2.96
" ' ' � - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2025-514.42-10 9.15
Page 3
---- - ,�.� - Date:11/10/2009
�,..,,,.,�.' City of Port Angeles
- ��'� __ City Council Expenditure Report. . : _.__:_-_. - - -
,`� _. � -
-- - - �`-'�:-..F.��",_ ..-- _- -- - . . From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009 . . �
Vendor =------ �---Description - - --- - � Account Number Invo'ice Amount �
_ - QWEST � . . :._ _ . COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2025-514.42-10 • 81.60
-' � - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2025-514.42-10 36.18
vER�zoN wiRE�ESS - 10-13 a/c 271272753-00001 � 001-2025-514.42-10 70.71
WASHINGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 001-2025-514.20-60 1, 663.07
Finance Department ' Customer Service Division Total: $9,787.39
FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs-pe 10-23 001-2080-514.42-10 8.57
OCT COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 607.63
.- OCT COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 638.27
OCT COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 143.72
MORNINGSIDE. __. . OCT. COPIER ROOM SERVICES 001-2080-514.41-50 855.00
._ __ Finance Department__. _ __ . .. _ Reprographics _ , . _ Division. Total: $4,286.69
Finance Department Department Tota/: - $14,433.98
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS . Seminar Cancel Fee-Lusby 001-3010-515.43-1 O 25.00
Seminar Cancel Fee-Lusby : 001-3010-515.43-10 -25.00
DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 103109 001-3010-515.45-31 73.73
c1UILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-3010-515.31-01 188.48 •
QWEST _. COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV. 001-3010-515.42-10 ._ 0.68
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3010-515.42-10 1.32
- -- - - - - - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3010-515.42-10 1.36
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3010-515.42-10 4.24
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3010-515.42-10 37.67
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3010-515.42-10 16.70
- - ° - � Attoiney � ° � � = Attorney Office � Division Total: - - $325.21
- -ADVANCE� TRAVE�-.- :-: - - -- Dom Vio Conf-Greenwood � == _� 001-3021-515.43-10 3.00
- -- . . _.. . - - . __ . . _..._. .. .. - - - . ....._ .. . . .._ -
- - - - � WSAMA Conf-Greenwood .� 001-3021-515.43-10 � _ - - 491.31 ��
BAUMANN ATTY AT LAW, MARK CT. APP. FOR PCR 015058 001-3021-515.50-90 - 135:00
_. __.__, _- CLALLAM PUBLIC DEFENDER MedIC I AdvisOry 001-3O21-S15.41-50 3,888.72 -
._ . _. -�- DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 103109 001-3021-515.45-31 73.73
- _ --= -- �J. ANDREW v�UER _ . - CT.APP.PCR 15351 001-3021-515.50-90 630.00
•- .. . . � - MYERS, STAN_=_.... -
�__ - _ - CICELSKI,PCR9105,11415 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 - ""
- NELSON,PCR15325,15901 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00
- --- -- -
-�-� � �----- HUGHES,RCR15926 001-3021-515.50-90 --� - 175.00 � -
_..._._ -__ _« _ __ .___._._..._ �-. �-. VESS,PCR15323 - - 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00
,- .`. ._. -- ----� - - -- � - � � � : -: HOPKINS,PCR13643 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00
�.. T . .._. �---- _--_- URAN,PCR15324,PIN22006 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00
� ROBERTS,PCR15429 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 •
ROBERTS,PCR14695 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00
Page 4
� - �� - _ _. ., _ _ = Date: 11f1dl2fli19
� �i�y at Part Angeles
LL -__-- - �;�„ .�': - _ :- - -=- -- ---- City �C�un�il Expenditure Report...----
- � -- - - - .
-- ' �-�.�.��- -_ - - From: 701Z412009 To: 7 71�120Q9 .
- - Vendar.. -� - --r--:==_ �r-<.--aescriptian -_ - Acc�+unt Numher In�vi�e Amount
MYERS,STAN _ _ KLINE, PCR15349 �.. 001-3�21-a15.5f]-9� 975.4�
- - - DAVI5,P9-13fi OQ'�-3021-515.5Q-90 175.��
__ , _qUILL_C[�RPORATEON []FFICE Sll�P�IES _ _ 001-3029-515.31-0� 18$.49
pwE57 COMlUIUNICATIQNSlMEDIASERV 001-3021-515:42-1Q �D.45
--- ---.. .--_ -- --_ - . -- -= --. .COMMUNICATIONSIME�IA SERV 00�-��2�-515.42-1 a 0.67
- --- �CDMMUNICATI�NSlME�IA SERV �0'[-3�21-515.42-10 4.91
_ . _ . . _. C�El�1MUNICATIpt�SlNi��lAS�RV D�'i-3Q21-515.42-10 2.82 .
--- .. ___. -- ------ . COMMUNICA7I�NSlMEQIA S�RV OD1-3021-515.42-10 �5.�� -
_ __ ._. _ CpMMUNICATIONSIM�DIR SERV 001-3Q21-515.42-1 � 11.'l3
Attorney = prosecutiar� �i►+ision Total: $13,693.63
AttarRey Dep�rtmerrt Totat: $94,D18.8�
RQ!lANCED TRAVE� Brpwn�ield Conf-Korcz D� 1-4D 1(J-558.43-10 139.37
_ 7v�arismlPlnrslRC&o-IVW _ 00.1-�01C1-5�8.43-1D 69.4D
Llrban Wtrfrnt Conf-ItQrcz i]�1-4Q1�-5a$.�4-10 i(J3.�5
AT&T @USfNESS S�RVIC� CpMMUNICATlON51ME�lA SERV DD1-401D-558.42-10 1.29
CAPTAIN 7 �s - SHORT SLEE�E SHIRT 001-4014-558.31-01 3D.44
' - -- - - - Nathan West 912 AIRFARE FtEIM6URS�-=--------�]D1-401�7-558.43-'10 'E722�
� C?WEST COMMLlNICATEpN51ME61A SERV 041-4010-558.42-10 D.$5 -- --
CQMMUNfCA�iQN51ME�lA SERV 001-�D1t7-55$.42-10 'l.26
COMMUI�iCATI0N51MEDlA S�RV 001-4014-558.4�-'�4 1.7�
- --- COMMUNICATIQN51ME�1A S�I�V 441-441�-558.42-1D 5.28
CC7MMUNICATIDN5IMEI�IA SE�V 001-401p-558.42-10 47,fl8
CQMMUNICATION5IM��IASERV i?fl�-4�1�-558,42-1� 2D.87
Commurrity DeVelopment Plan►aing Division Total: $1,'108.U0
A�&TgusINES55ERVlCE_- _._ C�MMUNIGATI�N5IME�IA.SERU-•.�a1-402�]-524.�2-10 .-_ ...• 0.45 --.
.• -
-- ----------- -
..,_ _"_ .-.-= -: oIGITAL �MAG�NG.SOLUT�oNS �NC . - CdPIES TNRU 1D31Q9____- . - , - DD1-4D�O-5�4.45-31 23.83 -
-• - - C�PIES THRU 103109 _ DD1-4[]��$24.45-31� 23.$2 .
ROY JoNES - 001-4020-322.10-17 20T.75
__ -. _ _ _ . _ . _ . � - -- . .. - �]01-402�-345.83-00 135.04
OLYMFIC STATI�NERS INC COPY PAPER � _ 001-40217-5��.3'i-01 52.79
❑w�5�' CC]MMUhJICATI�fV51M��1A SERV 00�-4020-524.�2-1D �.31
COMMUNICATI�NSIM�DIA SERV 0�1-4020-524.42-1� 0.43
- - -- COMMU�IICATIOhfSIM��lASERV "001-4p24-�a24.4�-1� 0.59
- COMMLJNICATI�I�SlMEdIASERV QQ1--4Q20-524.42-10 1.83
CaMMIJNICA7iQf�SIMEC7IA SERV D(71-402D-52�.�12-10 15.32
- - - -- - --- COMMUfVICAT��f�SIMEQIASE�V DD1-4D2D-524.42-10 - 7:23
- - -----VERIZ�� WIRE�E55 - - --��-15-a1C 26423Q412-QO�fl3 - C701-4D2D-524.42-10 72.96
_ _
C�mmunity aevetopmerrt - ' _ _ . - 8uildirrg Di►+ision T�fal: _-.- - - . .$543.35
_ - RT&T Bu51NE5S SERVIGE CQMMUNECATEONS11v1EDIA S�RII 001-4030-559.42-1(J . - (1.07
� C�MMERCIAL GARD SOLl1TIafJS Travel-RoberdlBarthalick �p1-403{�-559.43-10 �5.5f�
Travel-RoberdlBartholi�k �}{}�-403�-559.43-1� -35.fi6
Page 5
' i y�{:F7 � ... _ . .
R c•�' '��%� - Q�te:1119�120D9
; �ity� af Pnrt A�nge��s
� . - - - �" ,--- --� _- . _ :_ a�__ -_ - = - �ity - Council Expenditrure Repart - _ _ _
- - ,� -__- -- . _ - - --- -- -
� .___ �= __ _ :- - . . .. . - .- � --
--� -._
�r ,,.,,.��"" . _ _-�.�:. _-.. .. _-- - From: 701�4I2pa9 ro: r r�s��oas _
_. --- -- -
--- - � . . =-
�- ..-- , - Vencinr= --_-.,_.. -_= -==Descripti�n=-_ . - -- ---- -- Accvunt Number fnW�ic� Amvunt
. _ � _ ,. - - --
_: - .-1 - 4WE5T:.: 5ER11' 009-4�3(}-559.42-1f� �.Dfi -
.. . , _.-.-- ,----_--_ ....._.._...: ._.-. _-_ . CQMMLfIVMCATI�NSIM�DIAS�RV OQ�-4030-559_42-1� - 0.�6
•-:�-- -- --- - - - ...--. - COMMUIVICATIONSIMEQIAS�RV. 6Q�-4030-559.42-10 Ci,�CI
� - - CaMMUNICATIpNSfMEpIA SERV �Q1-403�-559.42-1C1 �.2$
� - CQMMUNICATfON51N1E�EA SERV 001-4030-5�9.42-1�1 2.51
.- - - -- -� __. - --_ - C�MMUNICATiQN51M�D1ASERV {}�1-4�3�-559.42-10 "�.11
. ' VEFtIZON WIRELESS==°= -- - 1�-15 aIC �64230412-4QDD3 �}{�'�-4�30-5�9:42=1Q - '�$.2�
.. �ammu�aity De�velapme►�t - - - - Cade Complrarace D►Vision TvfaL• -�-___. . _:_�._.-.- --- $22.44 _ -_
- Corrimurrity fJe�elQpmertt Departmen� Total; $1,613.79
� _. :.-k�:- peSOLL1TEAIR INC '"- `. _` ,-_°- REPAIR BUILT IR� VAC F11RT5 Q{]1-5D1�-521.48-'10 98.D5
R7&T BIISfN�55 SERVICE CQMMUNI�ATIaNS1MEC}IA 5'�Rll OQ1-5010-521.42-1D 2.76
--- �- -=• CQMMERCIAL CARD 5C?LUTI�NS -- Results Grp Trng LunCh-TG flD1-509Q-a21.31-D1 34,58
; - - - -_-- - _ Results Grp Trng Lun�h-TG ��'!-5��fl-521;31-01- --.- --- _34.58 . �
qwES� COMMUNICATI�NSIMEC7IA SERV 00'C-5010-521.42-10 1.$2
! COMMLINICATI�NSlMEDIA SER11 001-501fl-521.42�10 2.70
� GQMMUIVICATI�NSlMEQIA S�RV �[1'i-51714-521.42-� 0 3.64
, C�MMllNICATIONSlMEC}IA SERV DD1-5fJ3 [}-521.42-1 O 11.27
� -
.. - - --- __ - _.. -
, CfaMMllNICRTIClN51MEalASEV�V 0�`�-5Q10-521.42-10 1(}Q,43
' - - -- - COMMUNICATIC]N5IMEDIA SERV QQ1-5D10-521.42-10 44.52 - �
a_ 1fl-23 alc 2D5T4i 1918873B DD1-5010-521.42-1 [1 -�7.46
; - _ _ ---- 1fl-23a1c2a6T�31979$356 DD1-501[�-5�1.42-1� fi4.T4
'-- Po[ice Departrrrent Police AdmrRistra�ivn aiv►sion ]`ntal: $387.39
ADVANC�D TFtAVE� - Pick up �quip-Benedi�t [J(]1-502"I -5�1.43-10 36.75
: _ _ .._ . ... - _ �._ . pb#ain �vidence-Kuch [�[]1-�021-5Z�.43-1� $2.15
A��� a�Sir�ESS SER�ICE C�MMUNICAT{ONSIMEQIA SERV OQ1-5021-521.42-10 �.72
. -. �:_:-=-coswnn���i�� cRRa-so�ur-soNS=-=-=--Person 5earches-TG - - �01-5�21-521--42-10--------------- •---. 5�.�� - --
_ . .. - - -
=- - -- - - - _ ..- �._ ._ =_.:=----Persor� 5earches-TG�------ 0{}1-5C121-521.4�-'E� .__.__ -50.IJ� -
-, �. . . . _ . -- -
---, -_= dLYMRIC STATif.]NERS�INE ` - - " " • OFFICE SUPPLIES GEIVERAL 001-aG21-521.31-Q1= - - 1.1.92-= = --- - -
� .. OFFICE SUPPLI�S, GENERP,L 001-5D2"�-521.31-01 1$.53 - ..
�: � � PACIFIC C}FFICE EClLiIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL C1C11-5QZ'6�521.31-01 ' - 11:91 -- •=�= -----
--.. - �=-t'-ry [�wE5r,i4 ._ - -_�_ .. _ � � ._ -- ---- . . , COMMUNICATI�NSIMEDIA SERV �101-5��"i-�21:42-1D-: - _ 1.14 -
- - - -- - - --- �-- - �CIMMUNICATION51ME66A SERV 4�1-5D21-521.42-10 - - �.�$ _
, CpMMIJNIGATIONSIMEQIA SERII [�173-5021-521,42-10 2.27.
- C�MMUNICATIC]NSlME�I�I SERV ��9 -5021-521.42-10. - _ . - - . 7.D4 T -� -- • -- . -
___�,._�,_ _,_ __ _.--- --- _:- -. . - - -- - _ GQMMUNICRTI�I�SIM�DIA SERV fJ01-5fl�1-521.42-14 : � $2.77
-.. . __ . _ COMMLINIGATIDh�SlMEDIA SERV 001-5021-521.42-1{� 27.$2
___.- �.•._-wa, STArE C�air�E PRE��rvTion� ASSN �RlME PREV ASSDC MBRSHP 2 00'['-5021-521.4S-fli SD:��
•. . - ---
-_=�== P.ofice Department : ._ _ . rnvestigation Div�sran. 'I'ota(: $39 5.70
---- = AoVA�C�D Tr�4VEL . WSCJTC Trng-Heuett_ 001-5022-521.43-1D - 976 7�- --. -
-_ A�&T BU51NES5 5ERVICE GOMfv1UNICATION51MEClIA S�ftV ��1-5Q22-5Z1.42-�C1 4,82•. -
6RAT1+11EAR CI�aTHIfVG & APRAREL DD1-5C122-5�1.20-80 966.�1 �
� GLENiCARE �F �'C]RT WNGELES 1NC MALpNE PATR�� SCREENfNC� 9 401-5022-521.41-5A 2[]2.Qf]
��•� -
' �age 6
- __ CG7
,�c ° �y�y� -- - - - - - - - - Date: 11/10/2009 -
�►,��� City of Port A�geles
- ��,-, City Council Expenditur-e Report- - - _
-f''��'•-_���'� - - From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009
_-____•_ _ - ---� � -= . . . - - --- � --
- -- Vendor � - - Descriptiom -. --- --- - Account Number � - Invoice Amount �
• - --�-- _ - - COMMERCIAL CARD-SOLUTIONS-=--- Boots-Gallagher • 001-5022-521.20-80 124.65
- ' - Boots-Gallagher 001-5022-521.20-80 -124.65
_ - Pistol Safe-Gallagher 001-5022-521.31-01 314.25
._ _ . .. . . . . _ _ ._ P_istol Safe-Gallagher 001-5022-521.31-01 __ -314.25
Flashlights-Gailagher-- 001-5022-521.31-80 396.86
-_ -.. Beverages-Smith 001-5022-521.31-80 36.88
� �- - - - � -- - -�--- Pro Response 2 Bag-Smith 001-5022-521.31-80 66.64
- . ..
- - � �� • • � � Beverages-Smith � 001-5022-521.31-80 -36.88
�� -- ' Pro Response 2 Bag-Smith 001-5022-521.31-80 -66.64
- -- - Flashlights-Gallagher 001-5022-521.31-80 -396.86
Radio Accessory HeadquaRers EARPHONE KITS MALONE & LE 001-5022-521.20-80 201.40
Safariland,��C ___ TRAINING COURSE 4D-ICP-09 001-5022-521.43-10 895.00
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5022-521.42-10 6.37
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5022-521.42-10 - - - 19.72
� � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 001-5022-521.42-10 _ 175.76 � '
� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5022-521.42-10 -- 77.91 -
Police Department Patro! Division Total: $3,855.21 -
J. Gardner 8 Associates, LLC JR POLICE FOIL BADGES GT 001-5026-521.35-01 265.00
Police Department Reserves & VoJunfeers Division Total: $265.00
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS - Docking Cradle-Schilke 001-5029-521.31-01 96.03
__._.__ _ . DockingCradle-Schilke 001-5029-521.31-01 -96.03
Pacific Refrigeration REFRIG FOR EVIDENCE IN GA 001-5029-521.31-80- -. 900.00 ---'
-- - -- - -- -- �. _ . _ .
___:�REFRIG FOR PROPERTY- _ _ � 001-5029-521.35-01= _ _ ____ .. . .._ 649.04
COPY PAPER 001 211.16
OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-5029-521.45-31 143.42
- .__:- -. OFFICE MACHINES 8 ACCESS 001-5029-521.45-31 184.42
_ _ __ _ _ ;._ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.42-10 1.68
- � __ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.42-10 2.27
_. _ . _ __ : _ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.42-10 � - 7.04 �
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.42-10 62.77
---- . --- . . _-_. __ _ .. . ... .... ..... COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.42-10 � 27.82
SPACES,4vER rvoRTHwEST LLC HANGING FILE LABELS FOR E 001 _5029-521.31-01 24.59
. Police Department Records Division Total: $2,227.43
Police Department Department Total: $7,050.73
Page 7
�- -- , . � Date:11/10/2009 -
` ' City of Port Angeles
- - ------ � �� -_ _____ _ City Council.Expenditure Report ____ _ -
- - - - � "`.� �, __ _ R _ _ . _ -- . .
. _ __
��� From:..10/24/2009 To:11/6/2009
- -_•°--�Vendor-=-- _ •�= -- - - •-- �- Description : Account Number Invoice Amount
�' ��=� ADVANCED TRAVEL = Pt Townsend Mtg-Wheeler 001 42.35
- � � �. Pt Townsend Mtg-Wheeler 001-6010-522.43-10 42.35
- " - _ _ Pt Townsend Mtg-Wheeler _ . . 001-6010-522.43-10 . 42.35
AT&T BUSINESS SERV�CE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 � -�-- - 2.41 - .
- -- � ' � - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 0.69 -
�� ' COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS � Rfshmts AM Mtg-McKeen 001-6010-522.31-01 9.68
•-- � -- - Olymp Amb Mtg Lunch-DM 001-6010-522.31-01 20.21
-- ��--------- ------ - � - Rfshmts AM Mtg-McKeem ---- --- - 001-6010-522.31-01 -9.68
� �- -- Olymp Amb Mtg Lunch-DM 001-6010-522.31-01 -20.21
• PEN PRINT INC COIL BINDING 001-6010-522.31-01 26.56
QUILLCORPORATION SUPPLIES '� - 001-6010-522.31-01 87.35
QwESr COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 1.59
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 _ 2.36 -
-• COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 � 3.18
�--�� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 9.86
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 87.88 �
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 38.95
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 0.45
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 0.67
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 0.91
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 2.82
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 25.11
` ' '' -�- �••-- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 11.13- -
_ wSAFC. . . � 2010 MEMBERSHIP _ . _ 001-6010-522.49-01 __ 825.00 _ .
- � - - - --_= 2010�MEMBERSHIP -. -- 001-6010=522.49-01 95.00
Fire Department Fire Administration Division Tofal: � �$1,488.20
_ ..-a,T&T BUSiNESS.SERVICE . � , , _ : _ COMMUNICATIO.NS/MEDIA SERV. 001-6020-522.42-10 2.24 �
BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 .- CAR WASH SOAP . _ 001-6020-522.31-02 78.25
.lake Patterson ._ , REIMBURSE FOR SUPPLIES _._ 001-6020-522.31-02 56.49
� ooH -_ -__ - . : PATCHES __ _::_ 001-6020-522.31-11 25.00
Legend Data Systems INC -- --- CUSTOM NAME TAGS ._ . 001-6020-522.31-11 46.38
:, -• Occupational Health Dynamics ANNUAL CALIBRATION _ 001-6020-522.35-01 590.00
. __...... ...._ ___T....„,. ... -_ .:, .... CAR WASH - ::. 001-6020-522.31-02 5.14
- ------------._- - --------SUPPUES :- - - 001-6020-522.31-02 - 27.30 -
_ . . - ' ' COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6020-522.42-10 2.19
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6020-522.42-10 2.96 •
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6020-522.42-10 9.15
Page 8
�c��` �r, - � - " Date: 11/10/2009
�.,�,,.., City of Port Angeles
--_----- ---'� � � `°- - City Council Expenditure Report _. _._
� �-�, -- -- --- - - - - -
�'''�'�•*�'� - - From: 10/24/2009 -. . . To: 11/6/2009
-- •- - - - - � .. _ - .
Vendor - -... -. _-- Description - Account Number Invoice Amount
� QwEST �" -� - - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6020-522.42-10 81.60
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6020-522.42-10 36.17
SEAWESTERN INC CLOTHING & APPAREL: 001-6020-522.35-01 14.42
7wITCHELL, MEL ' FLU IMMUNIZATION 001-6020-522.41-50 20.00
VERIZON WIRELESS 10-15 a/c 264395724-00001 001-6020-522.42-10 25.14
Fire Department ----- - Fire Supression - Division Total: $1,033.27
QwEST COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522.42-10 0.11
. COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522.42-10 0.16
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522.42-10 0.23
- - _ _ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522.42-10 0.70
_ _ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522.42-10 6.28
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522.42-10 2.78
Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total: $10.43
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Travel-T Reid 001-6030-522.43-10 159.24
__ Travel-T Reid : 001-6030-522.43-10 -159.24
� (.1WEST COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 0.33
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 0.45
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 1.41
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 12.55
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 5.56
Fire Department _ Fire Prevention Division Total: $35.27
-. --_ _ AT�T BUSwESS SERVICE -- - ;COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 0.34
: _... _
_ _ __ _ QWEST__-_ _ - _- __ - __ _ - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23
__ _ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 0.33
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 0.45
- - � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 1.41
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 12.55
--'-- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 5.56
-�- Fire Department- -. Fire Training Division Total: $20.87
___ ___ ANGELES PLUMBING INC REPAIR 001-6050-522.48-10 77.83
-� MRS CLEAN EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-01 78.02
_._ _ -_ _ ,_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-6050-522.41-50 395.00
PORT.ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT . SUPPLIES � - - 001-6050-522.3'I-O2 2g.4g
__. -: - Fire Department- - - Facilities Maintenance Division TotaL• $579.33
__ .• QwEST ._ . COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-6060-525.42-10 1.02
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6060-525.42-10 1.51
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6060-525.42-10 2.05
� -.- L - 17
Page 9
,�.a`�� ,�� . Date:11/10/2009
City of Port Angeles
- �' �'� -= - - - - -- City Cou�cil Expenditure Report
�. �--� .
-- Fiom:10/24/2009 To:.11/6/2009
. .. . - - - - - .. _ . .
Vendor � - - � - = Description - � - � �� - - Account Number Invoice Amount
QWEST --.--- _ � - •- - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 001-6060-525.42-10 6.35
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6060-525.42-10 56.49
� - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6060-525.42-10 25.05
Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: $94.02
- - • - Fire Department Department rotal: $3,261.39
ADVANCED TRAVEL - APWA F811 CO�f-CUtlef 001 609.59
COMPLETE LINE, THE ELECTRIC STAPLER --' 001-;7010-532.31-01 54.19
DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 103109 001-7010-532.45-31 1,060.81
Great Wolf Lodge APWA SPRING CONFERENCE 001-7010-532.43-10 316.80
o�YnnPic SrATioNERS iNC - OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 -- --- 199.32
aWEST COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-7010-532.42-10 3.53
� � ' � -- -- � - ' - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-7010=532:42-10- - - -7.05
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-7010-532.42-10 21.83 �
- - - " - - -- � --=--- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA�SERV 001-�010-532.42-10 - 194.59
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-7010-532.42-10 86.26
VERIZON WIRELESS 10-22 a/c 571136182-00001 001-7010-532.42-10 108.94
Public Works-Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Division Total: $3,878.78
Public Works-Gen Fnd Department Tofal: $3,878.78
-- ASM ' � -- - _ - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-801.0-574.41-50 __ _ 867.20_ .
COMMERCIA� Ca,RD SO�urioNS -� Survey Service-KocFianek - 001=8010-574.41-50' 19.95
Survey Service-Kochanek 001-8010-574.41-50 -19.95
-- � PLASTICS 001-8010-574.31-01 10.30
QwEST � �� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574.42-10 0.50
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574.42-10 0.68
- --- --- ._-- -- - ---- - ..._
-"� �� "- �""-' " -"--� "�` `--`-"'� � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574.42-10 2.11
'- - -`-- " Y�' "" -" ' "- �� - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001=8010-574.42-10 18.83
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574.42-10 8.35
VERIZON WIRELESS 10-22 a/c 571136182-00005 001-8010-574.42-10 16.23 •
Parks & Recreation Parks Administration Division Total: $1,157.18
Page 10
---- - -
•�-ir _
- - � �� . , ��� .- --- -- __. . -- - -- - - - - - Date: .1'f114I2C1(79
City o� Pvrt Ang�te�
�' - Ci�y Cauncil Expenditure .R�por� �
� _ ._, _ ._ _ __. - - - -- -
ry rs�,•,.��f"' -, --_• ..,... -v==--- -:---: From: �Q1241�Oa9 To: 7TIfi120U9-
_��`-- . . . _ . - - .
- - - -- -
-- -- Vendor- -_--__ ,._,_ ._,�_.__ _�._ Descriptinrr- ..= -=--- -- Ac�QUnt Numbe�r Inv�aic� Am�e�nt" - -
-_: _: DIGETAL IMAGI€JG 5CILUTIQNS INC=: _;- COPIES T�-1�2U 103109-: - ��'�-$�'[2-555:45-31_ - __ 44.74
G�EAT AMERICR LEA5ING C❑RP _ ❑FFICE MACHINES & AC�ESS 001-80'E2-555.45-31 33.77
_, CarePartnership- _ �_..: .__,�._ �!1EMBERSHIPDUES _ Q[11-$p�2-5�a5.49-41 250.00
-_ ,. , . - -�- - -- __ __. ..- , ._ , _ . _
qui�� Co�aPaRATION " _ �.. . ._--- -- QFFICE SUPPLIES - - DD'l-8012-555.31-0'} �37.2C}
CaWEST __ .- -__ --. - 10-14 aIc 36D4537�049478 QD'E-$�'I2-555.42-10 40.58
COMMIJfVICRTIaf�SJMEQIA 5ERl1 D01-$0'E�-555.42-10 C1.34
_ .. . - -
- - - - C�MMLINIGATIQN�lMEaIA S�RV QQ1-8�12-555.42-10 0.54
CDMMU�IICATIDI�SlMEE]If� SERV 001-$(]"E�-555.�2-10 a.�$
C�MM�INICATIDI�SlMEf]IA S�F2l1 DD1-$[J12-555.42-.1� �.11
_. _ -.. CDMMUNICATI�NSIMEdIA SERV f]0'i�80�2-555.42-1 � 18.$3
C[JMMUNICATI7Af51M�1]IASERV Dq'!-8�'f2-555.42-10 8.35
.--� - -- i D-20 a1c 2Q5T2 � 7227465B 001-80'� 2-555.42-10 57.4fi
-- - --- - - - -
Parks & Recreafion Senrar Cent�er Divisior� Totaf: $2,691.08
anrtEaic�r� ��o cROSS-PA GPRlA�a, LGT CAR�S 001-8�]20-347.30-� 3 16.��
FIRS� AIR & SAFETI' �QUIP. QD`�-802�-576.43-10 4$.00
f1NS5AN OLYMPIC SUPPLY STOP S�IP D��-$�2(]-57�.31-06 "E72.36
AT&T Bu51NE55 SERVICE CQMMUNIC�ITf�N51M�DIA SERV 001-8�2Qo-576.42-10- - I].59
Jayna Lafferty --- ------- SECLIRITY CAMERA OD1-8D2D-576.31-�'1 29.00
_ -.--- -- -. CASI�E ��1-802�-57E.31-Q1 5.49
Leah Gvuld -- ------ -- REPLACEMEiVT �HUfVE, VIDEI� 0�1-6Q20-576.31=�i 133.�1 '
Hayin Tse MISS�� 6 CLA5SE5 QL1E T� I Q�1-SD2�-347.3�-13 33.75
aF�fc� �EPOT MiSC �FFICE StJPPLIES OU1-8020-576.31-�1 14.08
M15C OFFIC'� SLJPPLIES f}01-$i32Q-576.31-01 4'i.fi2
A�E7ITIONAL HAND5ET5, SHR� fl01-8020-576.31-01 2C10.5�
,_._ :__ _ _ -
_ .:. - -� ��, � --- -- • - - �
` - �. � 1�EMS RE7URNEp _ f3D1-8Q20-57fi.31-D1 -�0.21
--- ------------ . ___. .�__ _
_. _. _
. , _ _ . ITEMS RET�1RNEa. ------ C1�1-8024-576.31-01 - -1fl8.'96
__ _ . ... - -- -- - - . . _ _ .
QIJILL�QRPQRATIL7EJ -�- � TONER BAT7ERI�S 0�71-8(�2�-575.31-01 227.57
qwEST CDMMUNICATICJNSIME�IA SERV 001-$�20-575.42=10. . �.4fi
CDMMUNICATIDNSIME❑IR SERV J01-8�20-576.42-14 O.fi7 - -
CJMMUNICRTI�N5IMEDIA SERV 0€}1-$(}24-576.42-1fl [3.91
�� - ,..:__:�_,._ - -
GC?NIMUNICATI�IVSIMEDIA SERV OQ1-$020-�76.42-10 - � - 2.82 --- _..
- - -- -_ - CUMMUNICATIQNSIMEDIASEF�V 001-$(}20-57f.42-1� -- 25.11
. � - .. _ _.:_ : _ , COMMUNICA`fIaNSlMEDIASERV pQ1-842U-57fi,42-117 - --- 11.13 .
_ _ _ .... . _. ._ _ __
WASHINGT0�1 (❑A51], STATE OF 3rd C�tr Unemployment Q�1$02Q-'�76.20-6�7 _ 6 ,951.7D
�::...,.,: �-;.: ,:_.;._
:,:� .__��. ,- ., _ � . _ . ,.. _. . _
Parks & Recreatfon "�' _"-- Wilfiam 5hore Pno! Divisio►� Tota�. $T,8'i 1.83
- --<: .. _- _.�� .
._._. _-__._ .--- -- - - - -----
_. ...__-__.._---..:. ... _ . _
' - - - -� ANGELES lv1fLLWORK & LUfv1E3ER C� �i�QFING MATERIALS p0'1-$��Q-�3�.3'� -�{] . 38.44
,_._....__..�.. ._ ..- . �.-,_..,_�. Y,..r-.� _. _
_- .- �-.�-' � .T-�-_ _ -=-� _._W .;_:_-.�- - .:-- - � �_-_-- _ _- _ - - - _
- __. ---_
��BO DESiGn�s -- MISC PRC3FESSI�NAL SERViCE D�1-8fl50-53�.4"1-aQ 1,293.67
� N1A77�iEUVS CNTERNAT€aNA� CEMETER`( MARKERS 001-8f350-53F.34-Q1 1$5,48 � �
CEMETERY MARKERS C1d1�8050-535.34-0'� 18a,4$
L- 19 -
Page 11
"""' .''_� 6:F�
.� �'�'a � - Dat�:11170l20D�
� City of Port Ang�leS
' __ "� ` _ - _ _ -- -- City Cauncil E�penditure Report ,
�..- ,�,-� �. - - _
_ , . . _ _ f ,,�,.��►�` - - From: .7D12412aQ9 _ . . Ta: 'T �1612009
- � . _ _ _. --�- ..
--- - - Vendor ---°__---==�-�=-_-..- ;- °°-�- Descrip#inn � - �_ - :._-Acc�unt Nurnher " Inrroice �Wmo€ant
--- . _ - --- -_.
�--- �W�S� -_-_ _ - = ---_.:.- -` - -COMM�lNICRTI��ESlM��IA SERV �01-$050-53fi:42-1fl _._ [J.23 -
----.-; - _ .--__._ �-.._ __. _ C�MM�INI�R71aAfSlM��IA�ER�1 D.33
-_-.-_--._--_ _--- __-- --- -_� - - ---- �pMMUNICATI�NSfM�DIASERV OQ1-$Q54-53fi.42-10 . 0.4� .
•_- -` - -- CQMMUNICATI�NSlMEDIA S�RV DQ'! 1.41 _ .
� - - - -- -- CDN1MUf�ICATIdIV51M��1A-5ERV- OD'{-Sd5�-53�.4�-1C1 -- .-- . .. .. �2.55
, . _ - -° - -.- _.. - -� .- - - - -- - C�MMLINICATIONSIMEQIA 5EF2V �D1-845fl°536.42-10 5.56
. _ . . ---� Parks.B�.Recreafion - O�ean View Cerrretery - --- Divisian Yatal: $1,121.94
-_.-.--_-_-AMSANflLYMPICSUPPLY . . PLASTICS - -. -_...._. .. ....- - -OO1'-8C}8{�-57�.31-�1 2$4.55
_ LAW�I MAINTENAAICE EQUIP Q�1-8[3$D-576.31-2D 31.[]�
-- ANGELES MILLW[]RK & LUM6ER CO CLQTHING & APPAREL Qp1-$�$0-57�,31-01 9.54
�- : _- JANITORIAL SUPP�IES DD1-80$�-576.31-�D 4.47
PAINTS,COA�6INGS,WALLPAPER OC]1-8D8D-576.3.'€-2L1 �1.73
- - - - -- - - - BRlJ5H�5 {I�OTCIASSIFE�l7} � 47.1�]
_ . PAINTS,CQATPNGS,WALLPAPER 00�-8{�$(3-576.�1-2� 15.��
-_ ,- AT&7 suSINE55 SERVICE __.. COMMUNECATi❑NSIM�DIA SERV 001-$Q8D-57G.42-1 Q 1.72
_ . _BAILEY51GN5 &GRAPHICS______ ___ MARKERS, PLAQUES _ , �Q1 . 52Q.32
-�- - - . -- --- -.- MARKERS, PLAQUES,5iGN5 .-_ -" I701.-8Q$�-576.31-20 fi77.5Q --- - -- -- ..
; - . - 6�5T ACCE55 5YS7EM5 - _ - HARDWARE ALLIE❑ I�EMS DD1-$OS�-576:31-2D 95.14
BLAfCE SANQ & GRAVEL INC SUpPLfES . -.__..---- _...._.. . .. , .001-8(]$D-576.31-20 _ 29.42 _ �
GROV�S CRA�JE CO - F2EN7ALIL�F��E EC�UIPMENT 07�-848�-575.48-1[] 292.�$
�iARTNR�EL B111L�ING SllPPLY INC SL1PPLlES DD1-$0$0-576.31-�D 33.16
Ha�canna & connPawv, 0 SUPPLEES 0�1-8�80-576.31-4p 478.04
• M[3BILE ML151G I�NLIhn��EO Cell Phane Caver pp1-$(?$fl-575.31-01 21 .F7
----- ------------Ce€IPhoneCaver_....._... _ .. .- --. _.�01-8Q84-576.31-D.1 _ -- - -21.�7 - -----
- , --_• __ .. . . --- - --- -_._ ,.
--.--_. _� _
-- _-- - .__ _ ----- = GeIIPh�neCo�er -��_: ___...... - QQ1-g080-576.31-D1_.._ _ -� 2'�:67
�._ �_.._ _ _ --- _
- -- -- . -- dLYMPIC EAl1NDRY & pRY CLEANERS RAC�S,SHOP TQWELS ,1NIPfNG . _ .QQ:1_-8080=576.31-2D 16.26
_ _ -__:..: __. _ = - suPPU�s .. - - -- � aaa-soso-5�s.��-20 - -_-- ���.ae
____. ._ ",�ARKER PAIN3 MFG C� fNC : JAI�ilTpRIAL Sl1PPL6E5 � 0�1-$08�-576.31-01 _ _ 5.75.
[�wEST Ct7MMUNICAT1oN51MEDIA SERV 001-SOSD-576.42-10 1.14
GQMMUNlCATIUN5IMEDIR SERV QGl1-8�8�-57F.42-10 1.�i$
-- . - - C�MMUNICATIDNSIMEQIR SERV Ofli-80�0-�75.42-1t]--- , . 2.27
� - • CQMMUNICATIQNSIMEQIA S�RV Qd1-$Q$D-57�i.42-1t]� - 7.Q4 . _
--- - -__..
, ,�,.. _
_ . COMMUNICATIDN5IM��€ASERV ��1-$4$Q-57�.4�-90 52.77
- - - --,:. -- _= CdMMl1NICATION51MEL3EASERV []01-$D$0-5�6.�12-1Q - �7.82
- ---_i-- -_ .-5L1N5�7�o0_I7 BEST HAROwARE--•-=-5lJPPLI�S __ - -- �Q1-80$�-576.31-20 _ _ . 13.25 ' '
� , ---- - - - - - -
__.__�__ SWAIN'S.GEIVERAL STORE IN� HAR�WARE,AND RLL1E❑ ITEMS Op1-817$Q-57fi.31-2a _ --- 24.89 -.- -
_..-- - � . - - .-_ . _._.._._ FU�L,DIL,GF2EA5E, & LU�ES ��`�-$Q80-576.31-2CI 15.75 - -
, PAINTS,CQATlNGS,WALLPAPER Qg1-8080-57fi.31-2D 'k4,87 �
� BRLISWES �NQT CLASSIFIEQ} OQ1-80$d-576.31-24 13.89
� Page 12
_ -- � ., - -
� � ���r�� ` Date: 11/10/2009
�►...,�.. City of Port Angeles
.:��....__�__ ,� _'1Ir� :- __ _ ._ -- City C.ouncil Expenditu re Report - _ -- -_ .
---=_----�� =--=_-=-=-- -- - . . . . . _.. _ .
�``��'>�*�*'�^ - _ _ From: 10/24/2009 _ _ To: 11/6/2009
-- -�• _-. - � . .
- Vendor. .: =-- == -- - .-= ° Description -- - Account Number Invoice Amount
SWAIN �ENEtu��sTORE wC - ---SUPPLIES- � '- -- - 001-8080-576.31-20 76.86 -
usa, s�uEBOOK SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 414.40
vERizOrv wiRELESS 10-22 a/c 571136182-00003 001-8080-576.42-10 83.42
Parks 8 Recreation -- Park Facilities Division Total: $4,200.38 �
- Parks & Recreation - - Department Total: - � � - - $17,582.21
� � ANGELES MILLWORK 8 LUMBER CO SUPPLIES . 001-8112-555.31-20 97.91
� Facilities Maintanance Senior Center Facilities - Division Total: � $97.91 -
WATERB�SEWER TREATING CHEN001-8120-576.31-05 802.36
SUPPLIES __ ____ . 001-8120-576.31-20 ___ _. 25.52
RECREONICS INCORPOr�aTED HOSES, ALL KINDS 001-8120-576.31-20 521.46
WATERMIL� INC, THE STEAM & HOT WATER BOILERS 001-8120-576.31-05 1,660.73
Facilities Maintanance Pool Facilities Division Total: . $3,346.66
• QWEST COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11
• COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8130-518.42-10 0.16
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8130-518.42-10 0.70
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8130-518.42-10 6.28
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 001-8130-518.42-10 2.7$
vERizoN w�RE�ESS__ _ 10-22 a/c 571136182-00005 ____ 001-8130-518.42-10 --- - 25.84 �-
Facilities Maintanance --- Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Division Total: $70.67
ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO SUPPLIES . 001-8131-518.31-20 5.44
� ___ SUPPUES - 001-8131-518.31-20 19.51
- PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8131-518.31-20 42.41
_ QWESr._ _.__ .. COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11
__ � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8131-518.42-10 0.16
- . .. :-. _ - _ __-__-GOMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8131-518.42-10 . -- - 0.23
-- --- � . _._ :. - - - - � - _COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8131-518.42-10 0.70
- �' - COMMUNICATIONS/M.EDIASERV.001-8131-518.42-10 6.28
. COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8131-518.42-10 2,7$
Page 13
,F.�`��i' - - - _
- Date: 11 /10/2009
�,.:;!'^� ' City of Port Angeles
°-- -=' � a-�- =��-=="- = ---===' ___ City_ Council Expenditur.e_Report . .-
: f;±!!M : .
- - • ---: _��-,.*.��" _ = - --_ - -_=-- _- - - -- - From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009.
__: _ �.
. ..
- Vendor �- - -- - •- -----Description- - =�-=---- Account Number - - Invoice Amount� �
- - � -- THURMAN SUPPLY - - - - - ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001=8131-518.31-20� 14.50
- - °-" ° '' PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8131-518.31-20 322.66
-- - . . SUPPLIES ' 001-8131-518.31-20 11.96
- � "' -- - -"�" � _ _. PLUMBINGEQUIP.FIXT,SUPP 001 25.82
': =_ � ' - - - PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001 - � 28.65
�- - • � PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8131-518.31-20 30.29
- - -- Facilities Maintanance � Central Svcs Facilities �Division Total: -� -- $831.47
- - - --- --- - - --- Facifities Maintanance Department Total: - $4,346.71
� � - � -�-� � Genera/ Fund _ Fund Total: � $80,348.31
PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM 09 MKTG & MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101=1430-557.50-83 20,319.70
"" 09 MKTG 8� MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101-1430-557.50-83 10,654.06
Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $30,973.76
Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $30,973.76
Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Total: $30,973.76
ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 234.96
� LUMBERB RELATED PRODUCTS 102J230-542.31-20 17.17
_ . SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 216.78
BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 102-7230-542.31-20 10.86
SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 26.25
SU PPLI ES 102-7230-542.31-20 23.32
PIPE AND TUBING 102-7230-542.31-20 30.38
. _,_ _ ___ . _._ . _:. _�, ___. . _ PIPE AND TUBING - _ 102-7230-542.31-20 4.27
- -.... -- - -- _ . - -.- - -. .
....._ . _ _._ _ . .._. .. . .. PIPE AND TUBING _ 102,7230-542.31-20 _ _ _ _--_- -__..6.60 .---.. .
PIPE AND TUBING 102-7230-542.31-20 8.77
.- LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 173.22
FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102=7230-542.31-20 9.73
PLASTICS 102=7230-542.31-20 108.13
LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 43.86
- - - �. FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL-- - - - - • - SUPFLIES._ _- 102-723�-542.31-�1 18.21
--- -- -- LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 _. 638:37
__�. ____ _ _ _ _ . - - .- SUPPLIES - -- 102-7230-542.31-20 634.36
-- SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 - 18.86
SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 81.08 .
ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 91.33
ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 308.19
Page 14
,�. Date:11/10/2009 -
��' City of Port Angeles
_____-__ � �-��, -- - -- - City Gouncil Expenditure Report-----� -- --
� - - - From: 10/24/2009 To: �11/6/2009
-_-•_ . . .
- - -- Vendor - �� --- - ---- Description >-- --� -- Account Number Invoice Amount
�- =�" LAKESIDE WDUSTRIES INC . ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 2,471.67
� " '-'� ' ' "' ' - ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 60.70
ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 1,315.30
' - - - �- -- -- - � - -- � ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102=7230=542:31-20 ' 878.04
N C MACHINERY CO -- RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 102-7230-542.45-30 468.49
OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC -- - - SUPPLIES - - 102-�23�-542.31-�1 �° 22.84
PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Lauridsen Blvd & L St 102-7230-542.47-10 13.64
� Woodhaven/Golf Course Rd 102-7230-542.47-11 12.76
QwEST COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 102-7230-542.42-10 0.84
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 102-7230-542.42-10 1.14
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 102-7230-542.42-10 3.52
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 102-7230-542.42-10 - 31.39
VERIZON wIRELESS - 10-22 a/c 571136182-00003 102-7230-542.42-10 83.36 -- --
WASHINGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 102 4, 990.50
Public Works-Street -- Street Division Total: $17,610.43
. - Public Works-Street Department Total: $17,610.43 ----- -
----- � ---
- ._. . . .
" �� � " �Street Fund Fund Total: $17,610.43 - - :
ADVANCED TRAVEL Tourism/Plnrs/RC&D-NW 103-1511-558.43-10 26.70
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Travel-Korcz 103-151 1-558.43-1 O 385.00
Travel-Korcz 103-1511-558.43-10 -385.00
Nathan West '--'- -' 1/2 AIRFARE REIMBURSE 103=1511-558.43-10 172.20
QWEST '� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 103-1511-558.42-10 0.07
� - - - '- � - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 103-1511-558.42-10 0.08
- " � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 103-1511-558.42-10 0.11
---- - - - - - -
- = -= COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV� �103=1511=558.42-10 0.35
�� �-- - - - -- --- ---- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 103=1511-558.42-10 3.14
COMMUNICATIOIVS/MEDIA SERV 103-1511-558.42-10 1.39
• Economic Development Economic Development - �� Division Total: � $204.13
VERIZON WIRELESS 10-15 a/c 264230412-00003 103-1512-558.42-10 45.60
Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total: $45.60
Page 15
- - ,��" - _----- - - Date:11%10/2009 -
' City of Port Angeles
� = -- =-�_�-- � �~�""�---� - --- - -- Gity Council Expenditure Report -
� �--� .
-- - r f``:" , �.���`~ FrOm: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009 '�
Vendor • -- - - -- -- Description :• --- Account Number Invoice Amount
"' �� - --- `- ' Economic Development Department Total: $249.73
- - Economic Development Fund Total: $249.73
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 106-1512-558.42-10 0.16
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 106-1512-558.42-10 0.23
- - �-` -- y - �- - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 106-1512-558.42-10 0.70
- ---__ .�::_. .-�.: -. ...
��� � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 106-1512-558.42-10 6.28
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 106-1512-558.42-10 2.78
Economic Development � Archaeologist Division Total: $10.43
� Economic Development Department Total: $10.43
Cultural Resources Fund Total: $10.43
a�va,NCE� T�vE� � Grant Wrtng-Roedell �� 107-5160-528.43-10 446.04
E911 Mtg-Romberg 107-5160-528.43-10 514.32
AHRENS, KENNETH E Medic I Advisory 107 700.00
CAPTAIN T'S 4 SHIRTS, 1 JKT�- HAFER 107-5160-528.20-80 156.53
PENCOM UNIFORM - JOHNSON 107-5160-528.20-80 59.06 �
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Keyboards-Romberg 107-5160-528.31-60 127.04
Lantronix Server-Romberg 107-5160-528.31-60 253.94
Memory Stick-Romberg 107-5160-528.31-60 18.34
Multimedia Card Reader-SR 107-5160-528.31-60 16.24
Keyboards-Romberg 107-5160-528.31-60 -127.04
� - � - - -_ - Lantronix ServerRomberg � 107-5160-528.31-60 -253.94
..-.. - - -- -- -__=-_ --- Memory Stick-Romberg � 107-5160-528.31-60 -18.34 .
� � � - - Multimedia Card Reader-SR 107-5160-528.31-60 -16.24
� -- � - Comp Memory/Adapt-SR 107-5160-528.31-80 175.98
�- - -^ � Comp Memory/Adapt-SR 107-5160-528.31-80 -175.98
Travel/Trng-Romberg 107-5160-528.43-10 133.93
- _ - -_- _ Travel/Trng-Romberg 107-5160-528.43-10 -133.93
GLOBALSTAR USA 10-16 a/c 1.50018859 107 41.74
-••-- ��=-•= Northwesf Leadership Seminar DR GILMARTIN LEADERSHIP T 107-5160-528.43-10 275.00
--- � -�-�° NEW WORLD SYSTEMS� "---�� TRVL-10/4-10/8 BUDZYNSKI - 107-5160-594.65-10 1 ,652.09
� �o�YMPiC INC - COPY PAPER - -- 107-5160 105.58
QwEST� � - - - • � � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 107-5160-528.42-10 3.07 •
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 107-5160-528.42-10 4.55
COMMUNICATIONSlMEDIA SERV 107-5160-528.42-10 6.14
Page 16
_...__ . _
���,. �r� �. -- ----...._--� - - ---==-- -
�.. •g �, .. . • -. , . ,. _ _._ ._. . -- ---- _�- _ - - ---. - - Oate: 11110120f}9
�l�y O� PUI'� I�1]�£�@S
- -� -- City Cauncil E,xpenditure.Repvrt_ __. . - _ T
. _ �. - � ----=- - - - . ---
-- � -- . . _ ..
r ,:.�.����� --- -- . . - Fr�m. �oi�aizoos � ra: z �����vag .: ... - -
--�^ _ - -
- -_ Vendar - � = -=-- _- -_- _-.-�De"scription--- ," _ . - -- Accvunt Number lnvvi���imount "
.. . - QW�ST .-:.__.. -- -- -•• COMMUNICATfCJN51NlEDIASERV 907-5�60-52$:42-1� 1�,D1
- . _ - - - : - CQMM�JNICATI�NSiMEDIA SERV 1 D7-5160-528.42-10 169.48
._- -- - - - - - - _- - _- - . - C�MMIJNICATIQNSfME�IA SERV 1 p7-5160-52$.�2-10 75.13
R9CHMON6J 2-WAY RADIp SVC CALL TQ CHECK FDFiKS E 1'07'-5164-528.48-14 14fi.34
❑iAGNQSE AND REPLACL E5-9 fi07-5160-528.48-1�Q � 146.�4
WASHiNGT��V (DASI}, 57A7E �F 3rd Qtr Unemployment- �p7-5'6fi�-528.20-60 2,247.39
- =--Pencorn - - � -- _ -_ -=-- - - --- •• - --- -- - - - Pencnrrr ar�isian Total: - $7,545.41
- Pencom ..- . , Department Tafal; $7,545.41
. � -- - -� � - - Pencam Fund Fund 7nta1.: $7,545.�4'[
_= - _ . - ATAT Bu59NES5 sE�VRCE � _. _ •. C�MMUNICATiUI�S11v1EDIA S�RV 174-$221-574.42-10 �.17
!�EtERMEYER, CARL REFERE� PAYM�NT� 174-$2�1-574_41-50 87.5�
❑o8yN5, r�E��sa REFEREE P,4YMENT 174-8221-574.41-5� 3�0.0�
GRAY, MARTIN - REFEREE RAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-5� 187.50
� GREAT AM�f�ICA LEA5ING C�RP �FFICE MACHENES � ACCESS 174-8�21-�74.45-31 54.72
MATTH�WS CoRY REF�F2�E PAYMENT 174-8221-574.4��5C1 3T5.Q0
�nuvsK�wS, RrA�v REFER�E PAYMENT 174-$�2�-574,41-54 37.50
C]WEST ------ - - - - ��pMMUNICATIC7N5lMEI71A - SERV 774-8221-574.�2-1{} 0.11 -
• -- . _
------- - - -. C�MMUH�CATIQN5IMEDIA S�R11 174-8221-574.42-1� - a.16
C[JMMUhIiCATIONSIMEDIASERV 174-8221-574.42-10- -- - �.C3 -
� CC�n�n�uNICATIONSInrt�oia s�R�u 174-8221-574,42-�� _. D.TO
- -- - -- . - ----- ------ - �CQMML�IVIGATI�M5IM�DIRSERV 174-82�1-�74.42-1Q 6.28
CDMMLlNICATICJNSfME�IA 5EF2V 174-8221-574.�2-1 � �.78
RISK, ALEHA�IDER G. R�FER€E PAYMEN� 174-5��'f-5T4.41-50 352.50
Recrealion Ac#ivifies 5parts Prograrns aiVrslon Tataf: $9,475,15
C�NtMERCIALCARQSOf�UTIbN5 ` _E3ike�ign5 - � 174 $�.93
���._�__. ., == ��'�_: ; -- =- 174-822�=574:31=�1 -- . _ . -82.93
.. . .
. . . _.._ .
- - -- G��7 AMER9CA tEASI�v� CqRP' - = --- pFFICE MACHIN�S_& ACCESS' 174-8222-574.45-31 - -- T _ - 64.72 '. `� .
_ QWEST -. - C�MMUNICATIpN51ME01A SERV 174-82�2-574.42-1� 0.1 �
- _ - _ � _ __ _ �C]MMUNICATI�fV51MEC3�,�1 SERV � 74-82�2-574.42-10 0.16
- CC�MMUNICATI�N51ME�fA SERV 174-8��2-574.42-1(] 023
�C]MMIJNlCATI�N51ME�8ASERV 174-8222-574.42-1D �.70 -
_. COMMUIVICA710NSIkl+'IE�lASERV 974-$�22-574.42-10 5,28
_ CDMfVIU�[lCATIONSIMEDIA SERV 174-$22�-574.4�-1 D 2.?8
_.�-��creatior� Acti+vities _ _ __ Specfa! Er�enfs Drvisror� T�tal: $l5.`15 _ -_
- _.- __ AT&T 6USINESS SERVICE C�MMLJNICA71flN5lMECll�4 SERV . 174-8224-574.4�-94 . D.17
�----• ..�-r-cAMQF�RE.usA�-_ .-_ _ 6ABY51� CLASS QCT 9- 174-8224-347.6�]-23 45J.Qfl
_.. .
-- -
_--- . - Gl�EAl'AMERICA LEA5ING C�RP OFFICE MACHIhiES +� AGCESS 174 - 64.72 -
- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -. _ �, - - - _ ..
_Candi Gates-::-.--_s..- :_ _ _ _ . _ - --_F�FD CHEER X2Ka�5 � 174-$224-347.60-23 - 7�.00
_Amher Moxingo� .�:. _. _ _ REIM A�TERSCHQDI� SUPPL9E5 �74-$2�4-574.31-D� 62.9$
. y � QWEST C�MMUNICFITiQNSlMEDIA SERV 174-8224-574.42-1�] 0.13
COMMUNICRTIONSlM��IA S�F�V 174-822'4-�74.42-1� p.95
--- L - ��5
Page 17
- -- ��1 - - 4s•�rcrq� _ _-- - - ----- - - . . . �
�, F . - - - - - - Qate: 11110f2009_
� ' Gity �f:Part Angeles
-� -� -- --- �_�.� -_--_- °City.iCQUncilExp�nditure_�eport =--_-----
_ : ��
:. - . � .. _ - --- _ -
_ �-'�,r.r.,�°T� - ---_ --- --- From:101�412DD9 To 7T/6f20U9_-� . _. -
� - -
�--. _....
_ � - �---_• . ._ _ - -
_ . _ -- -- _ , _ _-- -- - -
------�---- Vendor - _--- - --� -- --- - AceauntNumber In�oi�eAmount
_ _
_--. =-� ----
awEST .--, ° - -- -_°` -�- -:.' --- - - COMMU�vIGAT€r�n�SlMEOiASERV-�74-8224-574.�2-1� _ �.23 --
_ r .. _ - - - COMMUNICATI�N51MEp[ASERV �.7�
" - _ _ - CDMMUNICATIQNSfMEa9A SERV 174-$224-574.42-10 �.2$
� - - C�MMCINICATIQNSlMEDIA SERV 174-$2�4-574.42-1� �i.78
_ - -- �`- -- 5UN5ET D�-IT B�ST HARC]WARE.. . � -SLlP.PLIES - - � 74-$224-574.31-�1 - - 69.��
SWAIN GErveaA� sror�E INC- --- SIJI'PLI�S - 174-8224-574.31-01 2p.42
-.-.-��.. :�..,_,.�_.�� _ - - _--..�T._. r��_�... SUPPLIES = _ �....-.m�-=R,�.-, -- 174-8224-574.31-D1 • 21.69
_._. . _,...__...__.. �._..�.�.__ _�...,._.�:_.�.._._.__�__�:..SUPPLIES �._..�,_._..._ .__ ------ 1T4-8224-574.31-01 1.�7
��RizON WIR�LE55 _.= 10-22 alc 57113fi182-��QQ� . 174-$22�-574.42-1 � 26.08
--.�_ -_:.- � PARK:A5SNIWRPA� WF�f?R MEMBERSHIP.-M�ZINGQ --- 174-8224-5�4.3"k-�1 __ 104.00
-=-- _-- :-- _:Recreation Actrvifies � -� -` -`-: - YoufhlFamily`Programs ` Drvisivrr Total: �'��9.fiv
- - Recreatifln Acfivities ... Departmenf Fotal: $2,459.95
F��creational Act�rvities - -FurteY Tatal: - $2,4�5.95 _
' BLUMEN7HAt LJNIFORMS &�C�UIP E3ALL,ISTIC VE�TS ,�K,TD,F[M, 1$2 .3� - 8{� 4,6'f 2.42
Drug Task Foree Drug Task Force ❑ivision Tofaf: �i4,fi12.42
- - - - --- - - _ _ - Drug Task Farce - Departmerrt Tofar: $4,fi12.42
----- _ _
- - - - . --- --
-- � ------- � ----- - -- -- Drug Task Farce -- ...____- F�inr1 T�o�al: _..._.. .. $4,6'12.42
� Br�NK o� n�Ew voR�t-oEBT 5vC WIRE �e�t_Ser�ice Pmt-EFT .__ . 211-2�i19-59'� .71=1 � 34�,OOD.00 ___ _.
' - - - _ - --- ---=- �eht 5ervtce Pmt-EFT 211-2419-592.$1-10 24,075.0[]
De6# 5ervic� - ���7 GQ �vnd-Refunding - f�ivisian Tv�a1: $364,U75.DD � -
� - ---- ._
_ -- -- Deht Servfce DeParfiner►t Tatal: $36�,�75.D0
' -- -- -- -- = - - - _ - - - ---- � - -- .. _ _ _.. . _ .
� 200'� G� fi'efundin Bonds Furrc! Tataf: $364,{}T�.�O
� BANK �F NEW Y�RI(-dEBT 5VC WIRE tiebt Servi�e Pmt-EFT 212-24$�-59�.T9-1D 215 ,oao.ao
� ❑ebt Sen+ice Pmt-EFY 212-2489-592.81-10 33,025.00
� Deht 5ervice _._ ._ . ._ 2005 G� BQnd Refunafing diwisian Total: $248,U25.00
- _ - _ _ Debt Se�rvi�e ,�epart,rrrerrt Tntaf: $248,025.U�
_. _.. ` _ _-. - . - - _ -_ _ - 42005 G� Refundr_ng.Bvnds _ � Feirid Total: $248,025.�1a � -
-=- --�� _ - . . :-__--- _ r� _ •. _
�. ---�. ___ - > - - -
- - - . ... ..
- - - -- ._
-----'- z�r�bvica,�ssoc�ar�s = _�- - . - =.r SURVEYIN� 31�D-793D-5g5.G5-1fl 911.4D -
- � Capital Projecfs-Pu+� Wks-- .---� __ - GF-5�freet Rrajects Dr+�isivr+ Tatal:-= _- - $�11.4Q
_..._ __ �� --. - __ -_� -. - ----,� -- --_ -_-- - ,::_ Capital Projects-Pub Wks ❑epartrne►at Tvta�l: $9'E1.44
--- -- -- - -
-: =..-= -- . _._-�_---_ - - .. . ,_-__' - :- - - CapitallmFrovement- - Fur�d �o#al�: $911.4f�
�_-- -- -' - DEPT �F IvA�u�At FtES�i1RC�S '-' -�^ FiRE A55MNTNACAI�T LAND 314-3920-518.41-5Q 407.$5
_ - , -_ CapitalPri�je�ts-Affny _•�---: - -- Prop�r�MaRagement aivisiorr $4E}7,fi5
-. _ ,.�: ,_ -._:. _ _ ._. -- . __ _ . . �;�pifal Prvjects-Attn� D�,parlmenf Totat: • $4a7.65
�- - - -, � -- _- - ° - -- _ __-' -Y `-- - Properdy Nlanag�menf Fund Fund Totaf: _ $407.65 .
-- - - - -
._ _ _ _
- -- - � J �� - COMMERCiAL CARC7 S�LUTIOEJ5 -- �SC�nner-Hanley � ��" � 4�1-�7D00-237.DD-0�_ -13.56
- -- - . -�. -- -- - - -
. � .. _ . _ . _ .�_ _ , .. . _ - -
-. --- -.- ---- -- - . _ -.__.- ._� ___.-- ---. _ . . _. Scanner-Hanley - 401-��1Q0-237.00-00 13.55
_- =, -- - -.
� -_ --- - - -
_ __. ANaERS�iV, DAVI�_CL "`_ _ � ` BILL REFLINO _ __- - -- 4�1-0�0�-122.10-99 - $4.D5
--- - _ _.-- - •
- - •- - - : . ._:... - - - -_-- - -- --� - - -- - -
- `"6ERGNER GEQRGE H "' �` TFI�iAL 81LL REFUN� 40'I-f}�O(J-122.10-99 77.58
'`'-� BpRG, ERIN �- _ DEPQ5IT REFUN❑ 4�9-O�DO-122.10-99 12�aA� �
c�a�us, TH(]nn�S R J FINAL 61LL REFl1N❑ 4Q1-0000-122.1Q-99 79.56
' Page 18
4 ��<:cra k:
,�c�-��r,� Date� 11/10/2009
�►,.., City of Port Angeles
__:.__.-�___°� � ° - --- -==- -=--=� -�__- City Council Expeoditure_Report.__ _
- � --�:�
.--: ._---- .-_... _-.- _-- --
- �` y ':: , .*�'�� . . -. _• - - - From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009. . -
- - •`- - - - - --- -- - -
Vendor � - -' � " . - = -- Descriptiorr - �-� -- Account Number Invoice_ Amount
----•--CITYOF PORTANGELES-.- .-- . - UB Cr Refund-NSF Chk - 401-0000-122.10-99 74.01
CLEVENGER, DEBORAH L DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00
CRUMe, JEFFREY F FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 150.68
� DOtz�N, DAVID A FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 80.06
ELIAS, JENNIFER D FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 - 114.29
ERICKSON, NORMA OVERPAYMENT-421 E 3RD ST 401-0000-122.10-99 82.21
GAGAN JOHN DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00
HOPKINS, TODD W DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 150.00
DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 100.00
LEVINE, MICHAEL FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 57.59
OVERPAYMENT-905 BENJAMIN 401-0000-122.10-99 50.69
LIPMAN RODNEY ___ FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 43.00
MANUEL WILSON R .- .__ FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 26.02
MCNALLY, JEFFERY A FINAL BILL REFUND . 401-0000-122.10-99 37.99
� PARKER , CHARLES THOMAS UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 52.76
SHORT JUUE FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 72.19
STARKS BRAEDI J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 93.05
THOMPSON, SYLVIAA DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00
UTLEY THOM,4S G FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 14.23
wHEELER, THOMAS A OVERPAYMENT-1039 S VALLEY 401-0000-122.10-99 92.52
Division Total: $2,745.69
_ _ Department Total: $2,745.69
AT�r BuSwESS sERVicE - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 0.53 _.__ -
- - - --- - - .._ . : - - - - -
PENIrvSUL/a D,4ILY NEWS - ____ RENEWAL ACCT #40010116 401-7111-533.49-01 135.20
QwESr - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 0.50
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 0.68
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 2.11
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533,42-10 18.83
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 8.35
__ Public Works-Electric - Engineering-Electric Division Total: _$166.54 .
a,DVAtvCED r►�vEL WPAG Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 85.85
_ _ - ' - - -- - Energy NW Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 478.02
-� --
. .... _. ---- - -- - _ _ .. . -_. . , _ ._.
QWEST- - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 -
� - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 0.50
• COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 0.68
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 2.11
Page 19
-- -- c�r�.
, �_��,�� Date: 11/10/2009
City of Port Angeles
- � -- . - � �-°,.:--.--_�.._� -_ _City Council_Expenditur-e-Report- - ---�--=--�= -- - -__ --
� �=� - - - - - - =--- - - :
• � �f'X��������' - - - From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009
-- - -- � . .
- -- Vendor - �� --= � = � --__= Description ° - __� - Account Numbe� �� Invoice Amount � �
� �-- ° � QwEST � ' -: -' :.- : --- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 18.83
� - - - " • COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 8.35
Public Works-Electric -� � Power Systems Division Total: $595.21
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Scanner-Hanley 401=7180-533.31-60 175.04
Scanner-Hanley 401-7180-533.31-60 -175.04
- � - - Bee Spray-Hairell � • 401-7180-533.34-02 88.71
Bottled Water-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 39.92
. _ Bee Spray-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 -88.71
_ _ - - Bottled Water-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 -39.92
Digital Camera-Hairell 401-7180-533.35-01 145.15
- _ Memory Card-Hairell 401-7180-533.35-01 15.59
. . . _ _ . Digital Camera-Hairell 401-7180-533.35-01 -145.15
Memory Card-Hairell 401-7180-533.35-01 -15.59
_ Direct N-Light Ops 401-7180-533.42-10 79.99
Direct N-Light Ops 401-7180-533.42-10 _ _ . -79.99
Ferry Tickets-Hairell 401_Z180-533.43-10 369.60 .
Mobile Crane Exams-DL 401-7180-533.43-10 200.00
_ Mobile Crane Exams-DL 401-7180-533.43-10 -200.00 � .
Ferry Tickets-Hairell _ 401-7180-533.43-10 -369.60
DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 103109 401-7180-533.45-31 14.75
NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY Wire 401-7180-533.34-02 444.54
Wire 401-7180-533.34-02 19.33
PORT OF PORT ANGELES Medic I Advisory � 401-7180-533.45-30 4,1 ��.00
- QWEST � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 401-7180-533.42-10 • 2.73
- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180=533.42-10 4.05 _
� - - -- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 401-7180-533.42-10 5.46
� - --- �- - " � �-� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401=7180-533.42-10 16.90
� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.42-10 150.65
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.42-10 � 66.78
uriuriES uN�ERCROUNO �oC crR SEPTEMBER LOCATES 401-7180-533.49-90 21.19
WASHINGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 401-7180-533.20-60 -- - 7,553.20 -
Public Works-Electric - Electric Operations Division Total: $13,077.65 ---------
. _ ... . Public Works-Electric Department Total: $13,839.40
_--.__--_ _ - _ -- ; -_ _.___: . � ___ __ Electric Utility Fund _ Fund Total: $16,585.09
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Scanner=Hanley - 402-0000-237.00-00 -13.56 -"---
� - � ' ' �`- -�� � � Scanner-Hanley �" " 402-0000-237.00-00 13.56 -
Division Total: $0.00 �
Department Total: $0.00 •
ADVANCED TRAVEL Cross Conn Smnr-Becker 402-7380-534.43-10 49.75
Page 20
-- - -- � ,�a�'� �r, Date: 11/10/2009 -
�,,.`,.� City of Port Angeles
---- -__-- . _... CityCouncilExpenditure.Report __.____ __ .
- - �.�� -_ - - -
��� c . . . . ._ . .
�''�'�•�a-`�� From: 10/24/2009 - To: 11/6/2009 ��
� - -Vendor-- ---: --- - -- --Description -- - � --� Account Number Invoice Amount �
BANK OF NEW YORK-DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt-EFT 402-7380-591.71-10 $�,400.00
-- Debt Service Pmt-EFT. 402-7380-591.71-10 67,000.00 _.
__ Debt Service Pmt-EFT� 402-7380-591 J1-10 29,000.00
- - - - - . _ �- : Debt Service Pmt-EFT: 402-7380-592.81-10 55,177.01-
- - Debt Service Pmt-EFT.. 402-7380-592.81-10 1,373.50
- Debt Service Pmt-EFT� 402-7380-592.81-10 5,193.78
CALENCE LLC --- COMPUTER HARDWAREB�PERIPHI402-7380-534.31-20 7,269.70
COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 402-7380-534.31-20 657.81
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Scanner-Hanley �. 402-7380-534.31-60 175.04
Scanner-Hanley 402-7380-534.31-60 -175.04
Mobile Crane Exams-DL _ 402-7380-534.43-10 400.00
Mobile Crane Exams-DL 402-7380-534.43-10 -400.00
NFPA Mmbrship-Klimek 402-7380-534.49-01 150.00
NFPA Mmbrship-Klimek 402-7380-534.49-01 -150.00
FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs-pe 10-23 402-7380-534.42-10 111.19
• PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Crown Z Water Rd 402-7380-534.47-10 16.74
QwEST.. 10-10 a/c 360Z100240955B 402-7380-534.42-10 409.27
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 1.01
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 1.36 '
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 4.23
COMMUNICATIONSlMEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 37.66
� COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 16.69
•- -- - • - • - - . . 10-23 a/c 206T411255315B � 402-7380-534.42-10 � 64.59
. .. -
-- _
. ....... _
� THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE FITTINGS ` ' - 402 � � � �� 12.81
. UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC SUPPLIES • 402-7380-534.35-01 244.85
WESTON SOLUTIONS �NC CMMS-On Call Task � 402-7380-534.41-50 2,662.50
Public Works-Water - -- - - - - Water Division Total: $249,884.17
Public Works-Water Department Total: $249,884.17
• - -- - ----_ �-- - - - - -- :- - � Water Fund Fund Total: $249,884.17
ADVANCED TRAVEL NW Biosolids Cnf-Richmond � 403-7480-535.43-10 298.78
_. . _ - - - --- - -.
-- -� - '--- - � �� � PNWCWA-Young/Williams- --- 403-7480-535.43-10 30.50
- ` �� - � ATBT BUSINESS SERVICE ' ' " � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 1.38
BANK OF NEW YORK SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt-EFT= 403-7480-591.71-10 39 ,600.00
• Debt Seroice Pmt-EFT 403-7480-591.71-10 268,000.00
Debt Service Pmt-EFT 403-7480-591.71-10 116,000.00
Debt Service Pmt-EFT 403-7480-592.81-10 27,176.74
Page 21
- _ �ti.i:F7� , . _ :
�c.��r� Date: 11/10/2009
�,,,' City of Port Angeles
- ~�'�;.--====_-=-----��-- --- -City Council Expenditu� Report ----- ---.. -
_ . - --- �.. �:� --- - - -
. . . - - -. = _ �'`'�:�•.�•��~ � � _. - From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009
_-_ __ _ •' •
� -- Vendo� � � - - - Description Account Number Invoice Amount -
•�-- •-•- • BANK•OFNEW YORK-DEBT SVC WIRE- Debt Service Pmt-EFT � 403-7480-592.81-10 5 ,494.00
•- Debt Service Pmt-EFT 403-7480-592.81-10 20,775.14
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Sterilizer Parts-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-20 9024
_ _ Manhole Ring Cover-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-20 512.34
- - - Adjustable Rings 403-7480-535.31-20 542.23
- Sterilizer Parts-Hanley- - - 403-7480-535.31-20 -90.24
Manhole Ring Cover-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-20 -512.34 --
Adjustable Rings. _ 403-7480-535.31-20 -542.23
_ . . . _ . . . _ ._ Mobile Crane Exams-DL 403-7480-535.43-10 300.00
Mobile Crane Exams-DL 403-7480-535.43-10 -300.00
FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs-pe 10-23 403-7480-535.42-10 64.54
GRAINGER ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-01 312.08
PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Brook Ave 403 95.95
CLOTHING 8� APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 54.83
QWEST 10-16 a/c 206T3255850906 403-7480-535.42-10 .. 54.40 - �.
10-16 a/c 206T329544912B 403-7480-535.42-10 54.40
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 -
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 1.35
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 1.82
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 5.63
. .. _._ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 403-7480-535.42-10 � 50.22
:----- --- - -- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-Z480-535..42-10 ._. . : 22.26
- - - - -. 10-14 a/c 3604574859247B - - 403-7480=535.42=10 � � 79.06 �
10-14 a/c 3604576315689B 403-7480-535.42-10 79.13
R,4DIOSHACK - � ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 403-7480-535.31-20 32.50
RJM CO ELECTRICAL EDUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-535.35-01 1,032.10
S& B INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1403-7480-535.48-10 1,913.26
__ _ CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.35-01 754.80
� WASHWGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 403-7480-535.20-60 594.00-�
Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Division Total: $486,885.24
Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $486,885.24
Page 22
axr = --
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'��,��,'{ ---- _ . , --_------Date:..�.1l1al2aa9---_ -
_ � ,�,' �ity af Part Angeles
, -_ ._°_� = - -_.�ity Council Expenditure^R_eQc�rt- _�
- - - '�-�-� - � -- -: _� :. ..__ __. _.. ... : _
T �--...� -.
'J�<<;i,�#� Fram: 7DI24120Q9 ro: rz,rs�2oas. -
=� ---- - _ _ „ -_-_-- _ - - -- - - - _- . ... . ..
-- -- Vencior � -.- - , �- -aescription---=------------ - Aecnun# Numher -- 1nVaice Ama�r�t
WasfewaterFund - =;:- _-� , Fund Total: --- $486,$85.24 - _
R7&T 6U511�ES5 SERVIGE -- C�1V1MLfNICATIONSIME�IA SERV 4D4=758�-537:42-1D 0.59
nnoRr�in�GSioE � _ ellILDING MAINTBREPAIR 5ER 4Q�-758D-537.41-5fl - 84.82
�WEST C�MMIJNICATIC]�15fMEDIA 5ER11 404-75$Q-537.42-10 0.45
. - C�MMUI�ICATI�NSlME�IA SERV 4D4-7580-537.42-1� - - --- - - -- 0.57= -
--- ->-- ,, - _ . -°-°-- _ _ ----.-- C�MMUNICATIaN51ME�lA SERV 404-7580-537.42-10 - = : - Q.91
. ... .....�.--_-- -._ _.. _._, .... •--: .; - �QMMUNICATIONSlME�IASERV 404�7580-537.4�=1� . . 2.82
. . .. - - - - - - CC7MML1lVICATIQNSlMEDIAS�RV 4�4=7580-537.42-1� __ - - ..- 25.11 -
CC3MMUIVICATIQ�ESIMEQIA SERV 404-758D-537.42-1� 11.13
_ �oEO P�CiF�C INC [KaNP} :_._. .. . -- COMMUNICAT1L7f�51MEC}IA SERV 404-7580-537.44-�� - 477.�p '
--= PubliC Works-Sadrd Waste -� 5o�id Waste-�ollectivns -- - Divisivn TafaJ: $�iD3.50
- - - - - -- Public Warks-Snlid Waste De,par#ment To#a!: $fi43.fi4
- - - - --�_._._..... --5nlid Waste-Cvlle�tions _ -- -_ . .-Fund Total; $6U3.6a . .
AT&� suslivE55 5EFtvICE GClMML1NICATIOAtSlMEC}IA SERV 4�5-75�8-537.42-i 0. �.69
CLALLRM CNTY RoAp DEPT -_ BL�G CON5TF2UC. S�RVIC�S- 4D5-7538-537.49-90 2,580.fl9 ..
FEDERAL E5(PRESS C�RP -- Shlpping ChgS-pe '10-23 _ _ 4��-7�j�8-�j�7.42-"� Q _ '� $.38
Pu�Er 5���7Y E�uiPrtnEn7T I�vC F�RST AIQ & SAFE7Y EC2L�IP. 4D5-7538-537.31-01 328.54
QwEST CqMMU�1CATI�NSiME�IA SERV 4[]5-753$-537.42-1 D �.45
- ----- COMMLINICATIDiV51ME�fASERV 4D5=.7538-537:42-'fD 0.6�
C�MMUNlCATIaN51M�fJ1A 5E�211 4Q5-7538-537.42-1Q Q.91
� CDMML.Ff�6CATIDN5IMEDIA SERV 405=753$-537.42-1D� 2.82
CQMMLlNIGATI�N5IMEC]lA SER4' 405-753$-537.4�-1a 25.11
� - - - C�M�NUNICA`I'I�NSIMEQIASERV 4[?5-T538-537.42-1� 1�.13
UNlTEC C�RP�RATI❑N - - --- -- �ATA PRQC CARf]S & PAPER" - �445=753$-537.31=01 � '� 1$9,fi2
-- _ _ :
....__.,.._. _. . , - - - f.._�.._.,.___ . .
- "- MISC PROFESSIDNAL S� 405=7538-537.4 � � 876.41
--_- _-------- -------- - --- _ - - - - - - -- -
- - - - - -: --
_ - - - x�r�Ox �aRPaRATIQN '_ _..._�. _ . �QUIPMENT _ 4{]5-753$-537.45-31 - --- ---- 7D.52
Public YCI"arks-Salid Waste SW - Transfer Statierr Di►�isran Tofal:• $5,621.34
_ _ . _. _ , _.._ . .•-- .. .....
Public Works-5olfd Waste Qepar�trnent TnfaJ: $5,621.34
.: - - ..._: , -__,__: .�.._:=.:_-;.- - :
_ . - - `Salyd Waste-LFITrf Sfn Fund Total; _ $S,fi21:34
AT&T 6llSlNE55 SERVfGE �_ _ __CC3MMUNICATI��l51M�QIA SEI�V 466=7412-53$.42-1 � 4.35
FEQERAL ExPRESS CoRP �_ � Shipping Chgs-pe 1(]-23 4p6-7492-538.49-9p 5.$7
- QWEST �- -- - -- - - ��� . CflMMUNICAT�C]N5lMEDIA SEI�V 4DE-7412-538.4�-�0 � �7.23
- . - - - -- .-�_ -..�.� -- _ �pMMIJNICATIQNSlIv1��lA SERV 406-T412-536.42-'€D � �.33
- _• ----- . - -• _- -. - - - � C�MMlJNICATlON51M�DIA S�f�V 4�6-7412-53$.42-'�� �.�4�
- - - _ - �- f ---" - �-� :- C�MMUNICATfQIV�IM�DIA SERV 4n�-�412-538.42-'!D 1.41 -
- _ ____ __ _ - _:..
- --- :.- - --- =� - -- - - - - _
- - - - -- - `GOMNIUNIGATfON51MEDIASERV 406-74�2=538:42='k�� _' - 12.55
-_--. _ - -- --- -=t __ ..�._ __-" -_ �:--: =�= �QMML1fV9CATf0�ISlME�IA SERV d�6=7432-53$.42 1� 5.56
� 11T]LITIES UNDERGR�U�1D L�C CTR '' SEPTEM�ER LOCATES 406-�412-538.49-90 21,18
VERIZC)iV WIRELESS - ` 10-22 81G 57113fi182-OOQQ1 406-741 �-538.�2-1Q 18.�4
Pu+b1i� Wvrks-WWIStorrriw -�- - 5formwa�'er aiV6sron 7nta�: $fifi.87
- L-3�
Page 23
- -- f==
1 ��� City of I'Ut't Axtgele� �ate: � v�o�zoos
---____ ., --- ��';.���_- . �_._ _ _�_.-�z _- City Cvunci_1_Expeaditure_Ttepart __- .
"x ;��,2.�.+'�'- -- - - _ FrQm;.7D/�41�809__- . . Ta: 171612Q09
-� - - �
_____ . - -Vendar - --- ,:-_`-==_--__= -_ _`_-" --- . -_ - Ac�c+�nt hlur�ber _ Invoice Arnount
- . . Public Wvrks-WWAStormwtr Deparfmenf Tatar: _ - - $66.87 - _
, . . - - - 5tormuu►�afer Fund Fur+d Tatal: $E6.81. -
-_ ----= co�1n���tc�A� G��o so�uTiQr�S- _'- Diabekic Test 5trips-ICB 4Q9-4{}QO-237.00-00 -15. � 2
_ _; - � _ - Defib Pads-❑ubuc: --._.__ _ ._ - 409-000�-�37.€}�-[}fJ - -9.67 - -
. -- _-- -------- -
_� - -
- - - -
Riabetic Test 5trips-KB - -- ---. -- 4C19-40QQ-237.Ofl-40 15.12
_ - Defb Pads-Dubuc . 409-�C�a0-23T.00-�D _ 9.57
- ---�------ -. _ . .. ---- -- -- ------- --- --=� - - .-
_ ,v►vis►on rarai; - - - : ��.vo
._._ . __. _ .. .. _.. . �_-------- ... aepartmertt Total: _ �U.�D
CLALLAM CN�1' EMS MedlC I Advlsc7ry 40�-�6�25-52�.41-5D 6�d:0�
CoM4NERCIAL CARa SOLUTlOwS Diat�etiC TeSt Strips-K8 4{}�-6�25-a26.31-D2 195.'12
� _
_. - ._ ..._ -- _ . - - :4�9-602�-52fi.�1-D2... 124.83
pefib Pads-Dubuc: . . _ _ _
- -----------�.-- ---- ----- ----- DiaheticTestStrips-KB ------- ---- 409=�02�-'526.31-Q2 ' . -195.1�
- . �efib �ads-0uhuc -- 4Q9-6025-a2fi.3'I-D2 . -124.83
c�RO�RY, SHqR�N -_ . _ CPR CLASS 1Q12Q1�9 •- .. 4Q9-5D25�526.31-08 50.Q�
- - . LIFE a58i5� - - _ - -:- HaSP SURG ACC�S & SUN�R15 409-60�5-52fi.31-02 1,958.49 -- - - --
- - -- - --. _ _.
- - - • - - -- _ HOSP SURG ACCES 8 5L1NQF2I5 409-6025-5�6.31-13 �76.�9
S�W Health�are Carporation y SU�PLIES 4a9 334.�3�
M���z, JA�nES E�UCATIDNAL SERVICES 409-6025-5�$.31-D8 4DO.OQ
- _ ' _ � _.
- -- ` �- Edl1CATiQNA� SERVICES• .. . . 409-6�25=526.31-08 ' ------ �- - Z00.�0 -- -
oLY�v1PIC OxYGEN C]xYG�1V 4C19-6�25-526.31-D2 3$.7D
PEN PRlIVT iNC MEQICAL IfVCI�EdV� R�PQRTS 4D9-fi025-5�6.31-�2 27� .�1t7
�WES7 COMML1fVICATIC7IVSlMEDIASEF2V 4C}9-6�25-526.�12-"fD '�.3�
- - . _ _ _�_ . �.: �Q�MUNICATI�NS1MEalA SERV 4�9-6D25-526.4�-10 2.�2
. _ _
_... _.---...- - - -
° - _ -` � - �aMMUNICAT1QN51MEDIA SERII 409-6�25-5�6.42-1D 2.73
.:; . _�._. _ - -•.. ..___...._. • ----_ _ .. ..
_�... _. � _.. . . ..._.. _ _ . _
__'---�"---`---_-_-- - -- -=-=-- COMMEJNICATfON51ME0lAS�RV..4�9-E425-526.42-`I� .
� - - - � - -� -- - -8.45
-- :- , . . . . - -- -- _ , - . _ , . .
CDMMIJNIGATI�iVSIME�3A SERV 409-6025-526.4�-1D 75.33
' CQMMUNICAYIONSIME�IA SERV 4[}9-�D25-526.42-10 33.39
- -` . . ` -- ��Rizar� w�R���ss - -- - - - ��-15 alc 2543957�4-oD0o1 409-6D25-526.42-1Q - 89.44 -
Z�LLivFEDICALCaRP�RA7101V" REPAIR. -- --- - 409 1 ,016.Q3
FFreQe�varfinent' :�-- _ - Medic! !]ivision Tata1: $5,595.1D
' =- ,�_ _- ° _ - - " - ,. --- - Fire �beparfinent ❑epartment Tatal: $5,595.70
. r _ :__�_, _._ -_ _ __ --.-- . MediG 1 Utrlity �err�rl ]`ntaL• $5,595.'!0
---- , .AOVA�ICEp�RAVEL - lVWPPAWkshop-Lusk _ 4�"f-7121-533.41-5E] - 607.5Q
_ .�_.
ALL W€fITHER HEATING & CDOL ING ._ CITY_RE6A -- 421-7121-533.49-$� -- 50�.Ofl
. . _.:_ - --- - - - - - -
.,_.._ ___ �___ - -- - - --
: c & � fNS��.a�'�orv - _ CI7Y R�6ATE " - _ - --� 421-�� 21-533.49-86 - - - - - -- 1;g38.0� - _
--_ , ° CLALLAM CNTYAUDITQR - �," FILING FEE '.-_ - .__.. ... _ _���-��2�-�sa.oa-oo �as.aa
_ __--______---------- -- - - -- - - - - -_- - - - -- - -
' �AVE'S FlEATING & CDQLING SVC C1lY REBATE 421-71�1-533.49-8fi g'� �.�a
; EVERWARM &}-{dNfE INC � CITY F2E$ATE 42'�-71�1-533.49-SB 1, 284.0�7 �
� CITY REBATE 421-7921-533.49-Sfi 27Q.D�
' CITY REBATE 421-7�21-533.49-85 L,DD��D
Page 24
�c+�� f'i7
�r,� Date: 11/10/2009
r,�� City of Port Angeles
- -�- �-�_ : City Coun�cil Expenditure_Report__ �
----- ��--_-- _ � __ - .
- - -F`�n��- From:10/24/2009 To:11/6
.-� _ _. _ .
- - Vendor °__---�-� - �_- - ---=_-�- =--:: Description -- . - � - Account Number Invoice Amount
----� -- - Adam oejusus- ---- - CITY REBATE � 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
_ -- Brenda Hanrah CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00
--- Diana Somerville CITY REBATE ; 421-7121-533.49-86. 150.00
Eric Meldrum - CITY REBATE . 421-7121-533.49-86 942.24
Fred Eckenberg= . ---_. __ _.: CITY REBATE _ . ; . .. _ . - 421-7121-533.49-86 - 100.00
- Hanne�ore Reiber - CITY REBATE . 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
.lames French CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
--- -- .lames �unt � --- - --- - - - � CITY-REBATE - 421-7121-533.49-86- 50.00
Jason Hawkins CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
- - -., .lerre Boyd �_ _ CITY REBATE �- 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00
Keith A wollen CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 100.00
Kim Kwarsick ---- CITY REBATE ' 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00
_ Kuen Fu CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00
Laura Campbell CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 939.00
Marilyn Whidden CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
Mary �awrence -- CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00
Mike Shore _ CITY REBATE � 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
Pat Flodd CITY REBATE '._ 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00
_• Philip Che CITY REBATE ' 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
_ Randall Sexton.-_ _ _.. __ _ . CITY REBATE , . _ .. 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
Sam erenkman CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
Theresa Tracy CITY REBATE - - 421-7121-533.49-86 75.00
Wendy Buck CITY REBATE . 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00
PENINSULA HEAT INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,500.00
- TRACY 's-�rvsu�ATtoN- _ - CITY REBATE . 421-7121-533.49-86 750.00 - -
- - - - - -- . -- -: - _CITY REBATE ._ : , : ---. 421-7121-533.49-86 588.00
___. - - CITY REBATE . _ 421-7121-533.49-86_ _ _ _ � 1,141.50
Public Works-Electric Conservation Division Total: $17,969.80 .
_ _ Public Works-Electric -� Department Total: $17,969.80
Conservation Fund Total: $17,969.80 _
WESTON SOLUTIONS �NC �MMS-Phase I 452-7388-594.65-10 100.00
- Public Works-Water Water Projects Division Total: . $100.00 _
� Public Works-Water Department Total: $100.00
_. Wafer Utility CIP Fund Total: _ $100.00
_. ._ _--:. aROwrv.ANO c,a��wE�� CSO PLAN UPDATE :. 453-7488-594.41-50 89,239.58 .
------ Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Projects Division Total: - $89,239.58
------ ---- ---- -- - ------ - Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $89,239.58
� � � - � � WasteWater Utility CIP Fund TotaL• $89,239.58 �
• BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAWT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 110.44
AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 69.04
AUTO 8 TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 13 48
Page 25
,�,�'����'�"�"�� - - Date:11/10/2009
� � ' City of Port Angeles
�--°�� --- -= = �- City Council Expenditure Report
� ���� - --- � - ----- --.
r `' � -- = -=�. : - = - � - From: 10/24/2009 To:.11/6/2009 � - -- - - - -
. _.y. =-°r'':r..r..r}�- �
---- -- Vendor � ---- Description=-----°= Account Number Invoice Amount -
BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 � � � AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501;0000-141.40-00 54.37
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS -- Electronic Manual=DL• - 501 - 5.12
. . -' - - Electronic Manual-0L 501=0000-237.00-00 5.12
- -._ . . --- AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501=0000-237.00-00 -11.84
- - JANITORIAL SUPPUES 501-0000-237.00-00 -22.48
PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-,0000-141.20-00 7,025.05
--=- --- �--- - ---_-�- fUEL;OIL,GREASE,-& LUBES 501=0000-141.20-00 735.08
FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 7,323.97
. :. - �. Division Total: $15,711.62
.. _ _ _ _ _ . _. Department Total: $15,711.62
-- - ADVANCED TRAVEL -- --------- - Fire Mech Course 501-7630 350.61
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Electronic Manual-DL 501-7630-548.49-01 66.12 .
- Electronic Manual-DL - 501-7630-548.49-01 � -66.12
GROVES CRANE CO AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.43-10 1,317.06
- HEARTLINE AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501=7630-548.34-02 87.75
�-- •-- MCMASTER-CARR SUPPL-Y CO---•---- -JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.34-02 • 290.03 -
nnORrv�NGSIDE - -- -- BUILDING MAINT8�REPAIR SER 501=7630-548.41-50 -- 117.43
N C MACHINERY CO --�-- -= AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501=7630-548.34-02 52.81 _
AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630-548.34-02 200.30
�-' "' - NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 � 5.93
� AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 45.98 �
� ' '-� AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 48.54
- QWEST --- -�- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80
- � _._.- _- _ _�.'__-._,__ -_- COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501=7630-548.42-10 - . 1.18 - -
• -_�_,..�_-..:- __, _�_ __ --_-,___- �' ..COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501 ;7630-548.42-10 - 1.59
� - �_. --,_ - _ _ __ - __ -: -- - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501 7630-548.42-10 4.93
. ---- . . _ _ - �- � � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501-7630-548.42-10 43.94
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501-7630-548.42-10 19.48 •
Page 26
-- �� - - ,�,c•��� ^ 'J r � Date: 1 1 /1 0120 0 9
' City of Port Angeles
- - �� - - - -- - - -- City Council Expenditure Report - .
-_'.. �. rr- _ _ . _ _ . _. . . . ..
- - . - �^-- r ` �T �s _ _ From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009
_•�'� . _
- � � • Vendor � - - �� D escription Account Number Invoice Amount
- - - �_ .____ __._ ___ __ ___ _AUTO 8_TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 . 13.76
AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT 8� SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 23.10
SWAIrv'S GENERaL STORE INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 5.13
WASHINGTON (OASI), STATE OF 3rd Qtr Unemployment 501-7630-548.20-60 4,310.06
� � Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $11,829.82
Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Tofal: $11,829.82
_ _ _ ^ Equipment Services Fund Total: $27,541.44
ADVANCED 7RAVEL Laserfische Trng-Harper 502-2081-518.43-10 235.25 �
Laserfische Trng-Matthews 502-2081-518.43-10 208.25
ITILUS Trng-Strait 502-2081-518.43-10 385.90
COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Credit-Harper 502-2081-518.31-60 -69.33.
Credit-Harper - 502-2081-518.31-60 - 69.33
- - Tools for Toolbox-Harper 502-2081-518.35-01 169.68
• - TooisforToolbox-Harper 502-2081-518.35-01 -169.68
TravellTrng-Harper 502-2081-518.43-10 - 514.28
Travel/Trng-Harper 502-2081-518.43-10 -514.28
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42-10 1.51
. . - - - ----.. . _ _.
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42-10 2.05
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42-10 6.34
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42=10 56.49
_ _ - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518.42-10 - 25.05 "
. _ _:. . . _ _ - . _
Finance Department Information Techno/ogies Division Total: $923.41 ..
Finance Departmenf Department Tofal: $923.41
Information Technology � Fund Total: $923.41
awC EMP�oYEE aEtvEF�rs TRUST - Med/DenNis Premium 503-1631-517.46-30 202,134.39
LT Disabiliry 503-1631-517.46-31 4,542.08
" � � L1� MedNis Premiums 503-1631-517.46-34 " 8,046.70
BALSER FRE� Reimb Medicare-October � 503-1631-517.46-35 -�- 96.40
BISHOP, VIRGIL Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 212.10
CAMPORINI RICHARD Reimb Medicare-October 503-1.631-517.46-35 96.40 .
CLELAND MicHaE�A _ __ _Reimb Medicare-October-__ 503-1631-517.46-35 - 96.40
�- -� -- � Disabiliry Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 359.61
GLENN, LARRY Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40
• Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 678.23
GOODRICH, RUTH L Reimb Medicare 503-1631-517.46-35 539.40
Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 106.54
Page 27
�c.�� ���_"��r� Date: 11/10/2009
�,..,,,,�.' City of Port Angeles
°- = - `---'�==� - - -- - - - -- =- -City_Council Expenditure Report _._
-- -- �. F-�--�-� _-- - --- - -�
- - �-- - ---�`'�::•.L�^'���- From: 10/24/2009 To: 11/6/2009 .
- - -. .._- . . . �
= - _ - =Vendor - "'��•=-== � ==_===�==Description-- � � Account Number Invoice Amount
� • GROOMS MicHAE� - _ Reimb Medicare-October _ 503-1631-517.96-35 . 96..40 -
_ _ � '"_ _ � - Disabiliry Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 323.08
- " -.� �- _ DisabiliryBoard-October 503-1631-517.46-35 170.00
JOHNSON �oNA�� G .. Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40
- -_ _ . . - . . - DisabilityBoard-October -- - 503-1631-517.46-35 401.63
JOHNSON, HARRY - Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40
� � � -� � - � - " Disability Board-October 503-1631-517.46-35 16.00
-- � �• . . JORISSEN ROBERT R - -- -- Reimb Medicare-October __ 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40
LIND, DARWIN PETER Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40
LINDLEY �aMES ►c -. - . Reimb Medicare-October - 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 �-
�ouc►cs JASPER Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 192.80
MIESEL JR PHILIP C Reimb Medicare-October 503 92.40
_ _ . _ ._ _ __ _ _____ MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT_ __. 503 -- 11.75
MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 31.87
• MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 23.80
- . -- - _ - - TEAMSTERS `MED AUDIT SW ON 503 2,370.67 -
TEAMSTERS MED PREM AUDIT 503-1631-517.46-33 3,428.74
RETIREES : 503-1631-517.46-34 11,609.75 •
THOMPSON BRUCE ___._ _ Reimb Medicare _ 503 96.40
WARD DENNiS H � Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40
Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $306,554.71
Self Insurance Worker's Compensation Division Total: $33,949.30
Tranco Transmission INHOUSE LIAB CLAIM 503-1671-517.49-98 830.24
... . . _ . Self Insurance _ . _ _ Comp. Liability , Division Total: . $830.24
� . Selflnsurance . DepartmentTotal: $341,334.25
. � Self-Insurance Fund Fund Total: $341,334.25 . .
AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Retiree Premiums 602-6221-517.46-35 4, 589.40
Disability Board-October -- 602-6221-517.46-35 _ __ 176.00
BRAUN, GARY Reimb Medicare-October 602-6221-517.46-35 - 96.40
CAMPBELL, MALCOLM D Reimb Medicare 602 - 96.40
DOYLE �ERRY � Reimb Medicare _ 602 __ 96.40
RYAN E� - Reimb Medicare-October 602-6221-517.46-35 . 96.40
Fireman's Pension - Fireman's Pension - .. Division Tota/: � $5,151.00
. . _ Fireman's Pension Department Total: $5,151.00
Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $5,151.00 . .
o�YnnPic SraTioNERS wC - Refiu 652 9.75 .
C1wES7 10-14 a/c 3604573532775B 652-8630-575.42-10 40.67
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 652-8630-575.42-10 0.34
Page 28
_a_=-�.�� ,�°f.lv�r, - _ Date:11/10/2009
�..��' City of Port Angeles
------- ---_-�_'���- -- ----__ - ___ _.. .__ -- -City Council-Expenditure Repor_t---_ _:_.. _.. . .. _. .
- - -- � �::;,�a
�� : .:---... . �..
r 'Y��'••2�� From:10/24/2009 To:11/6/2009
�•� . . ..•
�-- -- ..----
� � � --- � =- -_ --=- . _ -- Description -- - Account Number lnvoice Amount
- -.- _ . _ QWEST _ - =-. COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 652-8630-575.42-10 0.50 -
• - - � COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 652-8630-575.42-10 0.68
.COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 652-8630-575.42-10 2.11
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 652-8630-575.42-10 18.83
COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 652-8630-575.42-10 8.35
--- 10-23 a/c 206T418577331 B 652 57.46
soRENSEN � SoRENSEN CONSULTING SERVICES 652-8630-575.41-50 2,200.00
Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther WebsterLFine Arts - Division Total: $2,356.09
-- Esther Websfer/Fine Arts Department Total: $2,356.09
-�" - � - -- - - � - - --- - - Esther Webster Fund Fund Total: $2,356.09
AFSCME LOCAL 1619 � P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.54-40 87.00
P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.54-40 174.00
CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.56-30 414.33
DIMARTINO/WSCFF DISABILITY P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.53-40 1,218.27
EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.56-30 262.85
FIREFIGHTER�S LOCAL 656 P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.54-30 1,620.00
IBEW LOCAL 997 P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.54-20 888.12
�EOFF - - P/R Deductions pe 10-18 - 920-0000-231.51-21 23,781.51
• OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 10-18 920-0000-231.56-20 1, 231.32
- --- ---- � - P/R Deductions pe�10-18 920-0000-231.56-20 169.85
PERS P/R Deductions pe 10-18 920-0000-231.51-10 1,687.34
P/R Deductions pe 10-18 920-0000-231.51-11 7,575.05
P/R Deductions pe 10-18 920-0000-231.51-12 31,262.64
POLICE ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.55-10 214.00
UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.56-10 358.00
_ _.wSCCCE aFSCnnE nF�-Ci0 P/R Deductions pe 11-1 920-0000-231.54-40 3,736.89
- - - _ _ _. _ _ .. --_--_--. Division_ Total . � $74,681.17
�. __.._ .. _. _ .
� ' � -`� � - - • Deparfinent Total: $74,681.17 �
- - Payroll Clearing Fund Tofal: $74,681.17
Totals for check period From: 10/24/2009To: 11/6/2009 $2,081,767.64
• .___
Page 29
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DATE November 17, 2009 - - - -
FROM Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities �
SUB.IECT: 8` Street Bridge Replacements - Project US2002-15, Final Acceptance
Summary: Parson RCI, Inc., has completed the 8�' Street Bridge Replacements contract. The
_ — work Yias beeri irispected and� accepted as complete and Parsori RCI, Inc., has been paid the final
payment in the amount of � 18,629,316.54. A retainage bond of 5% of the payment has been held
for tlie project.
Recommendation: Accept the 8 Street Bridge Replacements and authorize release of the
retainage bond upon receipt of required clearances.
Background/Analysis: The project was advertised on February 4, 2007 for the reconstruction of •
the 8 Street Bridges. Parson RCI, Inc., was awarded the contract in the amount of
$18,416,067.20 and the construction of the 8 Street Bridge Replacements Project began on June -�
25, 2007. 8�' Street was closed on August 20, 2007 and the bridges were opened to traffic on
February 24, 2009. The project has been inspected and accepted as coinplete and final payment
has been processed.
The project was submitted to Roads & Bridges magazine, for ari award, and was chosen as number
, ._ _
8 of 10 projects selected:= This award will be presented toniglit. .. _
� -- The originaT contract amount was $18,416,067.20 and the final contract amount, adjusted for
-• -- -_ --- quantity variance, was $-18,629,316.54.- The following table is a suinmary of project construction
costs: -- - � -
Original Contract Change Orders Unit-Quantity � Final Cost Project Cost
Amount - (33) Variations Variance
$18,416,067.20 $305,244.80 ($91,995.46) $18,629,316.54 1.2%
-- - - -.: : ----- - _... . __ ._ _ _ --- -- --- - -._— _. .
_� There were 33 contract change orders which were previously approved by City Council�that �� �
allowed for tlie adjushrients to final quantities froin the estimated quantities based upon the
-.. _ •
N:\CCOUNCIL�FINAL\8th Streel Bridge Replacement, Proj US2002-15, Final.doc_ _ . _ _ L 3H
November 17, 2UU9 _ .. _---- _-
Re: 8' Street Bridge Replacements Final Acceptance
Page 2 . _ _ .
• completed work.,. T�is pi•oject_has coirie budget in the amount of $820,�59.73, as can be ., �
seen in the following — — � -' -
� - . _-�� ---- � -- -:Original Budget Revised 4/7/2009 Final Cost
Base Bid and Additives �18,416,067,00 �18,637,341.04 $18,629,316.54
- Construction Management ' ''_"$�',942;410:00 $2,160,8:10.00 $2,149,248.73 .
_ : __ - ._ Contingencies —__. -; -_ $•1,173;664.00 $730,000.00 � $0.00
._. ---- _..---•----- ----
. . .
� Traffic Signals -� � : :- - � -� � � --�
, . _ , : . . _ _ _ _ . , _ . _ . _ _$175,000.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.00
� � � � � � = - CTS/Paratransit " � --- ` ' � �
--� ��--�� ��� �$70,000.00 $5,000.00 $216.00
Sub-Total $21,777,141.00 $21,708,151.04 $20,953,781.27
� - Available Grant Funding__ _; _�$20,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00
- City Fundirig�Required= -- = =- �j . �����141.00 $1,708,151.04 $953,781.27
It is recoirunended that Council accept the project as completed by Parsons RCI, Inc., and
authorize the release of the retained bond upon receipt of required clearances. -
--- -------� -------- ----- ---- ---- - -- �--------...... .. _
• _ _ --- ---- --- - -----._ ._ -- - -- - - - - - -..__. .._. .
� - �._ _--=� -,_. -----:�= ---: _._-:--. --. --- - � .
.. _--. � . — ... . --.�. -. . -°' "' . -..-_.. . . _._ -_--- . - -_:- ' - . .
N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\8th Street Bridge Replacement, Proj US2002-I5, Final.doc
, , , ' ; ; , , - - -- - — --- --� - --. . . _.
_ __ • 1 , ; ' ,.
� ,
f '
_ . .. . / . . . . � �� ... � �•. � r_ • .. l . . . . . . , � .
- �-- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
�:.- ��� �
. --�
DATE - November 17, 2009
FROM Daniel McKeen, Fire Chief � -
-__- ---_- Sus.� ECT:--. - Affiliation Agreement witfi Tacoma Community College Re-designating the Port
Angeles Fire Department as a Paramedic Training Site
Summarv: Tacoma Community College is requesting that the Port Angeles Fire Department be
re-designated as a field-training site for paramedic students enrolled at the College. There are
several benefits in maintaining our paramedic training site status. These benefits include an
-- — - =-�improverrient in our own paramedic's pre-hospital medical skills, increased Port Angeles Medic I
recognition and the subsequent increase in paramedic candidates when testing.
_____ ___ ._.__ _Recommendation: _ Authorize the Fire Chief, to. sign the Affiliation Agreement between the City �..
of Port Angeles and Tacoma Community College.
Back�round / Analvsis: During the past few years, the Fire Department was designated as a
"field" training site for paran�edic students enrolled at Tacoma Community College. This was
made possible through an affiliation agreement approved by the Council in 2005. Tacotna
�-� "---.�"� -- — Comrriuriity" College �is �asking the City to �"renew its Affiliation Agreement, re-designating the
�- - �� Port Angeles Fire D"epartinent as a field training site for_students enrolled at Tacoma Community
Colle�e. There are no changes to the existing Agreement that was previously reviewed by the
-- City Attorney and approved by the Council. - _
_ The following outlines the benefits of obtaining paramedic training site status:
___ __ _. •_ _, When _ instructing and/or evaluating paramedic students, our paramedics will be -.
____. _ voluntarily refreshing their own skills to stay on top of the latest techniques and
--;-_ -- ---infonnation in providing pre-hospital medical care.
--' •� The Port Angeles Fire Department increases its recognition throughout the area's EMS
__�_____� _._�_� _� -ty— _paramedic studei�ts � from- Tacoma Community College obtain their ,
., __ _ . _ ..; _ practical_training through our 1Vledic I program. � .. -- . . - -
City Council . _._ _. . ._ .
Page 2- -- : - �-- -- . : .. _ . .
::-.-- -;,�.,_-..-N�ovember'17, 2009�'.;::<:-:..r.- - -: - : . . � . , . �. . . ,
-�-- -• � The City receives more firefighter/paramedic applications when testing for the above
°' -�'° -�� �' --"- ��` positYOn. This occurs as Tacoma Community College paramedic students become familiar
with the deparnnent and our area. ����� --�� � � �
As a field training site, the Port Angeles Fire Department will continue to 1'unit taking no more
than-one-or two-students per year, with each student requiring no more than approximately 30
shifts of field instruction per year. �
DM � -
_. _. Attachment -,Affiliation Agreement -
• -- — - - --
• .
/, _C"O.:MM_U�1=I=T_Y"�_ - - --. — �• - --' •--_-. ---
. �— -. . .----
� :_ COLLEGE �
- : .-- -- --��. _. _-- ---- - -- -. - - - - -_.. . - �
�:�:::�.. --
-- - - - :�•-_ ., :���: .:� :: ... ... .. . .. � ..: - --� - -- - -- _ . - - - . . . . . ,
- This Agreement is made and entered into between
- Tacoma Community Colfege ("School")
_ located at 65Q1 South 19th Street, Tacoma, Washington, and
_ Port Angeles Fire Department ("Training Site"�
_. ___ _ focated at 102 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington '
The purpose of this Agreement is for Training Site, which is committed to training health �
care professionals, to provide desirable clinical learning experiences and facilities for
- � Schaol's students who are enrolled in its Emergency Medical and �Health Services
program (the "education program"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and i
agreements contained herein, School and Training Site agree as follows:
A. School and Training Site agree that contemporaneous with or following execution .:
of this Agreement and within the scope of its pro�isions, School may develop
letter agreements with Training Site to formalize operational details of the clinica!
education program. These details include, but are not limited to, the following: .
• Beginning dates and fength of experience (to be mutually agreed upon at
� least one month before the beginning of the clinicai education program); �
• Number of students eligible to participate in the clinical education program;
-� � Specific days, hours and locations for the clinical education program; __ .__. ;__� �
� • Specific learning objectives and performance expectations for students;
• Specific allocation of responsibilities for the faculty Liaison, clinical education;
• Supe�visor and Preceptors, if any, referenced elsewhere in this Agreement;
• Deadlines and format for student progress reports and evaluation forms. �
Any such letter agreements will be considered to be attachments to this
Agreement, will be binding when signed by authorized representatives of each
� party, and may be modified by subsequent letter agreements signed by
authorized representatives of each party. �
B. School and Training Site will jointly plan the clinical education program and jointly
evaluate students. Exchange of information will be maintained by on-site visits .
when practicai and by letter or telephone in other instances.
Tacoma Community College •
is acerediced by the
I`torrhwest Associacion of
s�oa� �,d con��. L - 42
C. School and Training Site will instruct their respective faculty, staff, and students
• participating in the clinical education pro,gram, to maintain confidentiality of . .
_ student and_patient inforrnation�as required by law and by�the policies and
---'---���--�-�---`- procedures of School and Training Site. :
_ D. There will be na.payment of charges or fees befirveen School and Training Site. ..
. .. : .,__.-_-�-----__:_-,__ -- - --- --------- . .
E. There will be .no discrimination against any pragram pa�ticipant or applicant _---
� . _ . .. ---
� � � covered under th'is Agreement because of race, color, religion, national origin,
_.,, age, handicap.,-status a Vietnam era or disabled veteran, sex, or sexual
. _. --._ _.; orientation, nor wi(I School or Training Site engage in such discrimination in their :
-- � employment or personnel policies. _`_ _ _
. - _ �
A. School will provide infarmation to Training Site concerning its curriculum and the
professional and academic credentials of its faculty for the students at Training
- Site. Schoof will designate an appropriately qual�ed and credentialed faculty �
member to coordinate and act as the Liaison with Training Site. School will be
responsible for instruction and administration of the students' academic �
- education program. School will_notify Training Site in writing of any change or
proposed change of i#s Liaison. Schoof will have the final responsibility for
grading students. .
•. B.� School's faculty will meet with the�Training Site cfinical education Supervisor and � �
Preceptors, if any, at the beginning and end of ti�e clinical educafiion program to ,-� -
discuss and evaluate the clinical education program. These meetings will take
place in person if practicable, otherwise by telephone conference. School is _
responsible for arranging and pianning the meetings. :
C. School wilf provide the names and information pertaining to relevant education and .
training for a{I students enrolled in the clinical education program at least four
- weeks befare the beginning date of the clinical education program: School is
responsible for supplying any addifiional information required by Training Site as ..
� - �set forth in this Agreement, prior to the arrival of students. School wi11 notify
� _. Training Site in writing�of�any change or proposed.change in a student's status.
D. School wiH obtain evidence of current immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, �
poliomyelitis, meas(es {rubeola), mumps, rube{la (or a pos�tive rubefla titer), and of
hepatitis B immunization status for those students who wil! be in contact with
patients/clients. For each student born after 1956,-Schaol will maintain on file
records of positive titer or of post-1967 immunization for rubella and rubeo{a. At
the time of immunization, sfiudents with no history of exposure to chickenpox.will
be�advised to get an immune titer. School will require yearly PPD testing or folfow=
up as recommended if the students are PPD-positive or have had BCG. School _
will provide information to Training Site regarding student status concerning the
• above requirements.
Afnliation Agreement with
Port Angeles Fire Department� �- 43
Page 2 of 9
� -- -
. E. School will assign to Training Site only those students who have satisfactoril _
-�� 'completed the prerequisite didactic portion of the curriculum and who have�current --- �� --
CPR certification. � - � -.
_ -_ ��' _^ F. Schoof shall ask each student who may by placed in Training Site to obtain his/her
criminal history background record from the Washington State Patrol, pursuant to
: __ RCW 43.43.834 and RCW 43.43.838, to release a copy of tha# record to School,
� and to autho�ize tfie School to transmit that record or copy thereof to Training Site.
School will provide Training Site with the names of any students who have failed to
_____ __ provide the requested records, or who refuse to au#horize the release of records to
Training Site. The students will be informed that, whether or not they agree to
..._ .__. _ obtain the record and agree to release it to School and Training Site, Training Site
- .. may conduct the background inquiry directly and the Training Site may refuse
-���� ' placement of a student who does not provide�the requested records or who has a �
. record of prior criminal conduct. '
_ _ _._ �
____ __-. ____ __._ G, -Training Site understands and.agrees that any information forwarded to it by _ . -
School has been procured through this process. Schoo! does not certify the
�__ _ __ !_ veracity of the records provided and, furthermore, the obfigation to conduct �
appropriate background checks and the fiability for non-compliance therewi#h �
. remains the responsibility of Training Site. .
_ H. School will compiy with and ensure to�the extent possible that students comply -
_--- _
with the poficies and procedures established by Training Site. School will notify
each student of his/her status and responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement.
I. School will encourage each student par�icipating in the clinical education
___. __ program to acquire comprehensive health and accident insurance that will
_ provide continuous coverage of such student during his o� her participation in the :
� �educafi�on_ program. School will inform students that they are responsible for their
�� ��� own he alth needs, health care costs, and_health_insurance coverage.
-- � - . .. . _
-� --- -�- -. ., . __ _ .. _ :_._�..... . .-- --..._- -- ._ : .-..
-�����'- �� �A: Training Site will provide_students with a desirable clinical education experience
�� within the scope of health care services provided by Training Site. Training Site
� wi11 designate in writing Preceptors, if any, to be responsible for the clinical .
� -� � �'�-� = =`�education program, and will designafe in writing one person as the clinical
� - educafion'Supervisor, who will maintain contact with the Schoof-designated
�-- -�-� ' L' iaison to assure mutual participation in and review of the clinical education
- � program and student progress.� Training Site will submit in writing to School the :
professional and academic credentials for the Preceptors and clinicaf education �
- ��-- Supervisor: =�Training Site wil( notify School in writing of any change or proposed
"�change of'fhe Preceptors or clinical education Supervisor. -
Affiliation Agreement wifh •
Port Angeles Fire Department .
Page 3 of 9 L- 44
--.-- ---.. -,_ -- B:-_Training Site.will provide students with access to sources of information
- necessary,-for__the_education program,__within Training Site's policies and
� ---procedure.s_and commensurate with.patients' rights, including library resources ____. __ __
and reference materials. - - - -
_-_ ---. ;-- C. .Trainiag_Site=wiU:make_available to students basic suppfies and equipment
necessary for care of patients/cfients and the clinicaf education program. Within
_ ,. the.limitation of facilities, Training Site wifl make available office and conference
— .
_ . _ _ � � . space_for.students and,_if applicable, School faculty. .
__.�. ___.. ._ D. Training Site will submit required reports on each student's performance and wil!
provide an evaluation to School on forms provided by School.
� ,
E. Training Site retains full responsibilify for the care of patientslclients, and wilf `
maintain the quality of patient care without relying on the students' clinical �
training activities for staffing purposes. .
F. Training Site will have the right to taKe immediate temporary action to correct a - �
situation where a student's actions endange� patient care. � As soon as possible
thereafter, Training Site's clinical education Supervisor will notify School of the ,
. actian taken.- AU final resolutions of the student's academic status in such
---- - _- situations-will-be-_made solely by School after reviewing the matter and
considering whatever written factual information Training Site provides for
� Schooi; however, Training Site reserves the right to terminate tFie use of�its
-• _ facilities_by a particular.student where necessary to maintain its operation free of
_ __ _ disruption and to ensure quality of patient care. _
G. On any day when a student is participating in the clinica! education program at its .
facilities, Training Site will provide to such student necessary emergency health
care or first aid for accidents occurring in its facifities. Financial responsibility for ,
_ _ such emergency care, including care.described elsewhere in this Agreement, will
_ : . _ , be as follows:-- :: .
__ _ __... --•- 7rain'sng Site will not bill students for the cost of initial emergency care; '.
• At the student's expense, Training Site wilf provide follow-up care, testing and �
__._ ___ _. counseling, including HIV testsng,:and counse{ing associated with that testing, --
in the absence of any similar service being immediately avai{able from .
_ School's health services;
�-- -� -� __ • The. student_will be responsible for the costs of any and all such follow-up j
.-__ care, testing and counseling. � ,
�_. -� !. .— —M-�Except-as-provided-in this-Agreement; Training Site will have no obligation to - ;
- -. -.- -- - :- furnish-medical or.surgical care to any student.--- - - � - -- - - �
-- : __,--�_�--- - _ .. _ - -- - . -- -- --. ._. _
-__-•-- - ----
_ . - -- -- - ---- �
• liation A reement with
. Affi g
_ _ _. ___ Port A�geles F+�e Department L- 45
Page 4 of 9
_ , , . . .. . �. � _� . _ . �. .
A. Students will have the status of learners and wilf not replace Training Site
personnel. Any service rendered by students is incidental to the educational �
-- �-�:------��--�--�-�----�- ��•<-�purpose-of the c(inical education �program. - - - �
. B. Students are required to adhere to the standards, policies, and regulations of
Training Site during their clinical education program.
-- --- - �_--- C: Students will wear appropriate attire and nametags,- and will conform to the
standards and practices established by School during their clinical education
� • program at Training Site. � �
. �
D. Students assigned to Training Site wiA be and will �remain students of School, and
will in no sense be considered employees of Training Site. Training Site does
not and witl not assume any liability under any law:relating to Worker's
Compensation on account of any School student's-performing, receiving training,
or traveling pursuant to this Agreement. Students will not be entitled #o any
� monetary or other remuneration for services performed by them at Training Site,
nor will Training Site otherwise have any monetary obligation to School or its
students by virtue of this Agreement. �
A. Each a to this a reement will be res onsible for the ne li ent acts or •�
P�Y 9 p 9 9
omissions of its own employees, officers, or agents in the performance of this
Agreement. Neither party will be considered the agent of the other and neither �
party assumes any responsibility to the other party for the consequences of any �
act or omission of any person, firm, or corporatian not a party to this Agreement.
B. School is covered by the State of Washington Self=lnsurance Program and the y _ �
Tort Claims Act (RCW 4.92.060 et seq.), and clairris against School and its . -- .
employees, officers, and agents in the performance of their duties and this
Agreement will be paid from the tort claims liability.account as provided in RCW
4.92.134. � �
C. Training Site maintains professional liability insurance coverage with � �
. Through that coverage, Training Site provides
' liability coverage for its employee's officers, and agents in the performance of
this Agreement, and further provides the means for defense and payment of :
� claims tha# may arise against such individuals. �
Affiliation Agreement with � •
� Port Angeles Fire Department �
Page 5 of 9 L- 46 �
VI. TERM . _
-_ ' — --- - -- - ..:. . .
•_ , �-A-.. This.Agreement is efFective beginning, January''!; 2010 and will continue �' . �
thereafter from year to year. This, agreement wilf 6e reviewed no later than three
years from its effective date, or earlier at the request of either party. School and
Training Site will jointly plan student placement in advance of each year's
beginning taking into account the needs of the school for c(inical pfacement,
� maximum number of students for whom Training Site can provide a desirable
clinica! education experience, and the needs of ofher disciplines or schools
___ requesfing clinical placements.
B. This agreement may be canceled by written notice one year prior to .
termination; however, such termination shafl not become efFective for the
students then enrolled in the clinical education program if such termination �
prevents completion of their requirements for completion of the clinical education
program. -
--- --.— — -- -- - � __ . �
_ �
-. -- . _ �
, A. School certifies that it has trained each student it sends to Training Site in
universal precautions and transmission of blaod-borne pathogens, and that it will
send to Training Site on[y students who have been trained in and have pracficed ;
using universal precautions. School has provided the opportunity to receive
• _ Hepatitis B(HBV) vaccine to_all_cl_inical education..program sfudents before �
assignment to Training Site. Training Site will provide personal protection
equipment that is appropriate for the tasks assigned to School's students.
B. In the event a student sustains a needle-s#ick injury or other substantial exposure
to bodily f(uids of another or other potentiaily infectious material while �
participating in the clinical education program at Training Site, Training Site
agrees to provide the following services: " ��
• Being seen by Training Site's employee health" service and/or emergency �-
� department as soon as possible after the injury;
__ _ :_ _ � _� • Emergency medical care following the injury; ` "
•�Initiation of HBV, Hepatitis C{HCV) and H1V protocol; �
� • HIV counseling and appropriate testing.
C. The source patienYs HBV, HCV and HIV status will be �determined by Training �- �- -
Site in the usual manner to the extent possible. Training Site does not accept
liability for any illness or injury subsequent to such accidental exposure, except
as otherwise provided in�this Agreement.
--- - - - — - - - - - t
Affiliation Agreement with
Port Angeles Fire Department
Page6of9 L-47
� I
-_:_�_ - — - - ... . - _ : _.: ._. .. . . . , .. . . : •
- :--.---- ------ _-__- ---P_ROV1S10N-- — - ->. - -- - - -
School shall direct its faculty and students to comply with the policies and
.._ _. _.,�_ ;,.., __.� procedur.e,s of the Training Site, including_those governing the use and disclosure
__.__ __ _—. __ _ of individually identifiable health information under federal law, specifically 45 '
�� '� CFR parts 160 and 164. Soleiy for the purposes of defining the trainees' role in
.___ _ _,__ ___.rel.ation_to the use and disclosure of_Training Site's protected health information,
"�- _�- --:- ."�-,- as�fiiafterm is defined in 45 CFR parts 160 and 1.64, the trainees are defined as ;
� - � members of the Training Site's wo�kforce, as that term is defned by 45 CFR .
160.103, when engaged in activities pursuant to this Agreement. However, the '
trainees are not and shall not be considered to be employees or volunteers of the
�� ._ �_ Training Site, nor are the trainees aqents of the Traininq Site bv virtue of this
_ _ _ _ _. _. _._ provision. - .
_. _ _ •_ ,; -
A. Entire Aareement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
_-- - - parties,` and supersedes all prior ora! or written agreements, commitments, or
understandings concerning the matters provided for herein.
B. Amendment. This Agreement may be modified only by a subsequent written •
Agreement executed by the parties. - The provisions in this Agreement may not
be modified by any attachment or letter agreement as described elsewhere in .
this Agreement.
C. Order of Precedence. Any conflict or inconsistency in this Agreement and its �
attachments will be resofved by giving the documents precedence in the
. . ,. following order: . _
- -- -- - ---. .-- - 1 _This Agreement; . ._ . _ . . .
� -= " 2��Attachrnents to this Agreement in reverse chrono(ogica! order:
"" D. Governinq Law. The parties' rights or obligations under this Agreement will be ,
construed in accordance with, and the laws of the State of Washington will . �
govern any claim or dispute reiating thereto. �
. . _ �- - - . - - - -, � i
Affiliation A reement with •
Port Angeles Fire Department
Page 7 of 9 L- 4$
E. Notices. All notices, demands, requests, or other communications required to be
g�ven or sent by School or Training Site, wil! be in writing and will be rnaifed by
__ .__—__:__,__=-_fcst mail,-postage by hand delivery or fac'simile; . ��
-�• -- --_=_ _-- �� addressed as follows: _ _ __
- � --- � ._ � __ � -_ --- �. _ a)_ To School: _ i
- - ._ :- ._ . - ------ - Tacoma Community Coflege _... __ _ . I
6501-South 19 Street = -- �� - � � - � `
�- - --- - .. -_ ______ Tacoma, Washington 98466 ` — - �� � - � �
Attention: Pat Brown, Dean for Health, Justice & Human Services
_ _._ _, _. . �,_,�_ _ To Traininq Site: � .
.. : . . --- - • - _ -:_ -. Port.Angeles Fire Department- -
____.: - _ _____1A2 East 5�' Street
-- -- ._ - :_- -.. ---- Port-Angeles WA 98362 � - . .
Attention: Dan McKeen, Chief �
Each party may designate a change of address by notice in writing. Afl notices,
_ -_ = demands, requests, or communicatians that are not hand-delivered will be
� deemed received three (3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid; �
or upon confirmation of successful facsimile transmission .
___. ____. - F__ Survival. School and Training Site expressly intend and �agree that the liability - _
�- coverage provisions of this Agreement wifl survive the termination of this
• - - -- Agreement for any reason. � � _
G. Severabilitv._ If any provision of this Agreement, or of any other agreement, �
document or writing pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, shall be
_ held to be wholly or partia[iy invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, said �
provision will be ineffective to that extent only, without in any way affecting the
.- _ remaining parts or provisions of said agreement.
H. Waiver. Neither the waiver by any of the�parties hereto of a breach of or a � � �
-- -- _ __._ __._ .__default under any of the provisions of this Agreement, nor the failure of either of �
the parties, on one or more occasions, to enforce any of the provisions of this
Agreement ar to exercise any right or privilege hereunder, will thereafter be -
construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of a simifar nature, or ,
as a waiver of any of such provisions, rights or privileges hereunder.
Affiliation Agreement with
Port Angeles Fire Department �
Page 8 of 9 L- 49 ;
__ .,_ �_ . I. Inspection Training_ Site will permit,-on reasonable nofice and request, the- :
_ , inspection of clinical and related facilities by agenc�es charged with:responsibility -: .•
-- - _. for acc�editation of S chool__v�__ _ - - _ _ __ _ . � �
Tacoma Community Coliege Port Angeles Fire Deparment
--- --- . . _ .s _.: - - �. - � --- - � -- . ;--
-- - . � _ =-- - - _ - .
_ BY --- ---� = BY - .-. - .
-- --- -
- - -� ---- - --- -- - . ;
'- - �
- � - -- - - - - - _� .. ----- : ;
- _... ..�...... �.�BY= ,__.._.._. _ .,.�_-_.._. BY : _ -
Silvia Barajas Dan McKeen ._ ____: ____ . _. . .
_ - Vice President, College Services, Fire Chief ;
. . _ DATE _..- -- _ DATE " _ . �
� I
_ . _ .. _ - � �-
- _. _ ..
. _.�. ----- --- ---.__ _ .. `- -. � .. : . •
_ . . i
Affiliation Agreement with •
Port Angeles Fire Department !
Page 9 of 9 L- 50 �
; � ;_. :. ..
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. , .� ; - ;
: _.__.
• �' �,' � ; .
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— � -�
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W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. -�� .'• -- - --
�. n��
- � _ _
.,._ .... . :. .. ........ _ -- :� -- � --- -
DATE: NOVEM�ER 17, 2009
Summarv: The City's agreement with Systeins Design Northwest, Inc., for ambulance transport
billing expires on December 31, 2009. City staff proposes to extend the tenn of the agreement
. through December 31, 2010. The proposed extension includes no rate_increase over last year. .
Expenses associated with the proposed agreement have been included in the City's 2010 budget.
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council authorize the City Manager to sign the
ro osed extension a eement with S stems Desi Northwest, Inc.
• Background: For the past seven years, the City has contracted with Systems Design Northwest,
Inc., to provide billing services for Medic I ambulance transports. Since contracting with
Systems Design Northwest, the City has been able to stay on top of the constantly changing
Medicare rules and regulations — achieving a significantly higher collection rate as compared to
the City's previous in-house billing.
Our current agreement with Systems Design Northwest, Inc., expires on December 31, 2009.
Systems Design Northwest has submitted an agreement extension that covers the period from
January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. The proposed agreement extension contains no rate -
- - . _increases over last year's agreement. - =- � ��� _ --- - - -
_ The annual expenses associated with the agreement are estimated at $35,157: This expense is
- included in the Fire Department's 2010 budget.
The Fire Department, Finance Departnient, and the City Attorney's Office reviewed the 2008
. agreement to ensure if_meets the needs of the City and our customers. There are no changes to
the proposed agreement as compared to 2008.
DM -- �
Attachment: Agreement Extension_ _ __ .. _ �
• C:�Documents and Settings\tpierceU�Iy Documents\Systems Design l 1.17.09.doc
- ..--- - . . ---- . - .'_ -- .... . .� � ry . . � •
-- - __ - S'�'�S�`�MS DE��GN
October 19�, 2009 _ �
City�of Port Angeles Fire Department
Attn: Cluef.Daniel McKeen � "
102 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA._98362_3014_ _
Dear Chief McKeen, . �
:. . ,. . ,
. ;
. ;;; ::, �.. .
� -� - :
Another::year has come-and alinost gone, we hope that all is well with you and 3=our.staff as ;
we come;to;�ie end�:of t3ie �sear. :It has a busy year for Systems Design; vve have made �
many improvements to our sex�viceS, we plan to continue to upgxade our operations as
we move forward. ..0ur,.objective is to.:;provide our first responder clients with world class.
:::, ,,� . :=
patient billing services at the most reasonable price�possible.
� !
: �_:. ..�,,:�:.
. ,:,,:. ,�.: :;:: :.
_.:. ..;. . . ... .
;.;.,. �- `r:,t ~ Y:: k<f. . �ti,.' .} .
That brings me to the �cos�: of our ser`nces. `I a� proposvig to extend our �Professi.onal
Y P. .'• t l ' '.. " .. . '.. �.
Services.Agreemeat for�`an�addit�.onal year which wonl,d� ta3�e us_ thrgugh�;;Decembez 31�, •
' `_5.. � �'iF� � _. � ::'i. ..:i.��:":
2010. .I am pleased to offer the same 2009 contract price of (� 22) transport, �plus actual
� � postage expense, for the 2010 contract period. Even though some costs have increased, we
. are able to msintain pux prices this year and improve our delivery of services. Our softwaze :
:. J. � r '
. and operatioiis=irives��ierits are yielding resuTts,,that we are passing on to our clients.
,. _ ,. .
, :o ��:� ;��.. •
':; ,=� ,
` The S�stenis Design coniract may be extended foi' additi�onal terms upon. mutual agreement .
of both parti.es (See Arfa.cl.e 2- Terin �of the Agreement). This Ietter, when signed below, can
serve as mutual agreement of both parties. If you agree with this e�tension, please return __
one signed copy of.this letter to our office at your earliest convenience. Please don't hesitate
to call me with an.y questions you may have: � . ---- . � ---- _.- _ ..---.-_ ... ._. _.. _ .
On behal£ of all of the staff at Systems Design, we would like to thank you for your .
continued support. We look forward to another successful yeax of service� vvith your
orgariization. .
Approved: Systems Design West, LLC Approved: City of Port Angeles Fire Dept
By. BY� i
C. Maxk pi.ce � '
CEO,� Sy tems Design West, LLC Date: �
, � • .
� � L-52
PO Box 3510 • Silverdale, WA 98383 •(360)692.5242 • Fax (360)698.4968 ,
www.SystemsDesignEMS.com � � �
_=� • :��O-RT % 1 �GE.LE.S . __ __: . __ _ :: _
_ _ , _ _
V � _ � - ;-- -- W A S H I N G T O�N, U. S. A.
�... � -..- �, -
Date: November 17, 2009
From: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of`Public Works & Utilities
Subject: � Utility�Advisory Committee Industrial Customer Representative Appointment
Summary: ' Tlie Utility Advisory CommitCee's Industrial Customer Representative concluded his
appointment at the November 2009 meeting. An application for appointment to the committee was
requested and received from Nippon Paper Industries USA CO., LTD and was reviewed and the
applicant interviewed by the Utility Advisory Committee.
Recommendation: Appoint Mr. Paul Elliot, Maintenance Engineering Manager, Nippon
Paper Industries OSA Co., LTD, as the Industrial Customer Representative to the Utility
.- Advisory Committee effective December -1, 2009.
Background/Analysis: On October 13, 2009, staff advised the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC)
that Mr. Dean Reed with Nippon Paper Industries USA CO., LTD would conclude his appointment
to the UAC at the end of 2009. Staff has since been infoi7ned that Mr. Reed will conclude his
appointment immediately following the November 2009 meeting.
... . .. . . _ . _ . .
�� Based on the direchon provided by the UAC last month, the City Manager requested an application
:-..::_--- --- .....,...�._ .:,. . . __ .
-_ from an employee of Nippon Paper Industries USA CO., LTD. Mr. Harold Norlund, Resident Mill
Manager, subinitted an application for Mr. Paul Elliot to serve on the coinmittee. A letter from the
__ City Manager and the application froin Mr. Elliot are attached.
In accordance with the City Council Rules of Procedure, the UAC interviewed the candidate in open
public session at its November 10, 2009 meeting, and forwa�•ded a favorable recommendation to
City Council to appoint Mr. Paul Elliot as the Industrial Customer Representative to the Utility
� � Advisory Committee effective December l, 2009.
Attachments: Letter from the City Manager to Mr. Harold Norlund dated October 19, 2009
Application for appoinnnent from Mr. Paul Elliot to seive on the committee
N:\CCOLTNCIL�FINAL\UAC Industrial Customer Representative Appointment.doc L- 53
• ��I�T l ���I���S � . �
______.. . - -- - .�- _._----__ _ _.__ - -- - -- . . . .
- _ - ; Rt �,� ...� �...�..�... , . . - ._�� _ _ - - . - - -: - �
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.. • 1_ � W A S N f� N' G T-�-O'�N; U. S. A. - _. ...__ . -
_. _. - _.��- .:a _ . - • • — - - - — _
°� Public Works & Utilities Department
" � � � October 19, 2009
Mr. Harold Norlund
Resident Mill Manager .
Nippon Paper Industries USA CO., LTD :-- � _-
� P.O. Box 27I
Port Angeles, WA 98363 .
Dear Mr. Norlund:
-- -� Please accept our sincei•e�appreciation for Mr. Dean Reed's service ori the Utilify Ad�isory � �
Committee. 1VIr. Reed's ideas, input, enthusiasm, and leadership have helped guide the City's
electric, telecommunications, water, wastewater, solid waste, and stormwater utilities on poiicy
and operational issues during the last ten years. Siaff sincerely appreciates his service to the
committee and expertise on electric power, i.ndustrial water, and Flwha water mitigation.
_ _ On behalf of the City, I ivvite you to nominate a representative of your company ta succeed Mr. .
' Reed as the Industi�ial Customer Representative on the Utility Advisory Committee. The term �
of office is four years and would start on January l, 2010. Tlie Utility Advisory Committee has
its regular meeting on the seeond Tuesday of each m�nth. .
• The appointment to the Utility Advisory Committee will follow the City Council's Rules of
Frocedure, The first step in the process.is to select an employee of your preference and have. _..
that individual submit the enclosed application t� the City no tater than November 2, 2009. The
__ _____` second step in the appointrnent process will include an interview by the Utility Advisory
Comcnittee at its November 10, 2009 meeting, including their.favorable recommendarion to City
�-- ���- Council last step in the_process is-City Council consider�atian of the appointment at its
- - __= . _ _
- � __-.-- November.-1-7 20Q9_meetin � "-� � - --� - � �
=-='- __ :_ . . -- - - - - . �• --- _ � - - -..- - - _ --._ ..
- Please contact me if you have any questions about the appoiritment process. We look forward to
�-- - continuing to haVe an Industri�il Customer Representative on the Utility Advisory Committee.
� Sincerely, -
�' .
Kent M ers
City Ma r ._
Enclosure: Application f.or Appointment to Board, Commission or Committee
� Phone: 360-417-4805 / Fax: 360-417-4542
Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: publicworksC�cityofpa.us L- 54
321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
- � __�_�•�E
• QRT NGfiLES . .� g 2009 . :
� � _ _ � -- - �
.._ _. . . _ _ ��, _. _ ; -N . -
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_. _ _. _
,_ - � "'` Q t,T Ai��EL�S .
. - -- CITY QF P �,' < <.
_ _- --- --- _ � : Pl!GLI., \Jti.�KS _
Board, Commission or Committee to which you are secking appoinhnent:
Applicant Name and General Information �
.-='� �_�::_::- .-- �G�� - ��C 1�'�I ��
F t . MI Last
�2�'�� ,�r���� 5��� � -
Home Street Address
�T �ti��c�2� �ti� ����� . _
�ty State Zip
1��� ��U �7 �V�� � / ���L
• Home phone Work phone ,_ . Cell phone
�llL a t-LC.�d�7 � ,��G�S F CC�� --- -
E-mail address -
Date of Birth (ta be completed only by app]icants for Pubiic Safety Advisory Soard for purposes of criminal
• history check to ensurc compliance witi� Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020)
Certi6cation and Location Information (circle one) � _ '
- - - - — - - Ai�e you employed by the City of Port Angeles? - • — -- - - - - - - — - - - Yes � - - - - • - - - - - - -- - -
Are you a citizen of the United States? � �.]o '
Are you a City resident? � No
lf so, how ]ong � r��s -- -- �
Do you owi�/manage a business in the City? __" � Yes -� -�� _
�--- --- �-• Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field? Yes (��
If so, please list:
• , ---
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please
. . • - ezplain: . , . , :. . . . . _ . . .. . _ . . . . .
. -� ---. .. _ .. _
Wol'k Experience - List most recent experience first or attach a resume
/U ��� ��� ��I"���1�� T `�%�iG ����' /����� -
�mployer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
: ',��G�IJS �' ���5'�'� .%
Brief job description . �
� � �� �i� ' s 1// ` ��� -- 7 ��S
Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y
Brief job description
.. .-. � '�� - c' �' - r�/ ��'ti� � � ,���� .� 1� - Z ��7
E loyer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
" " - ""� " Brief job descriprion� -
: EdaCation - List most recent experience first �- •
vi' l��v ���� �f ��1 I �S �C � C r"� Yes No
-- Institution/Locadon egree eamed/Major erea of sh�dy raduated? .. .
_ Yes No
- I.nstitution/Location__-_ • - Degree eamed/Major area of study- - .--- Graduated?
� - - - -- ---- � - - Yes No
Institution/Locadon Degree eamed/Major area of study Graduated7
Charitable Social and Civic ActiVitieS Bnd�Membea'ShipS - List major activities you have participated in .
•---� - -�-• --- - - ------�- •-- -- -• ---
. . , _ . : .. . clunng fFie�1ast five yeais - . . - - - - - - - � -
_ - -
. _. .. ___ �S/� -- . -- _ - - - _ - �.� - �c�r�"S � 3D
Organization/Location Group's purpose/oUjective # of inembers
Brief descripiion of your participarion:�CO�� ���Z ��i� ����� �
C��'1'i'�'Il ��/�� /�'I�/�'i�� • C h`�7�'�f1/7 lJ��iy� ��7tc�� /2,� �'
�— —�---
����' C �G� 7lf �%xc �% �C� �
Orgamzation/Location Group's purpose%bjecdve �i of inemUers _ ____
Bricf description of your participation: 5� ����T
2 •
L� - 56
Q ueshons _.. _ _. : -_—_ ... _ . _ . . . .
. ! � •-... . � ..
Why are you interested in serving on th� particular Boai•d or Commission? - _
- 1
; . _ . �,�� _ -_ �� � :,� �� _ -�-, y 1�, �� - ���� ���Y�
What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Baard?
i � z.v ,� .��P �� ��1 ��z�t � z����.�
,�/ �' G ��iL! � nC'� Zit�
U�� C 1'7�' �CGC1�lLcif� s y-��i�:r�s
What is your undecstanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Cornmission?
� 7� �� fL ��� � Z/!�" � J -�L�7�C�ft-
t- G9 7 Z� Z�/ 5����C!'� --/�D��� ��
? � Zt�� �l f�/��� � � �1,��3/" s�� � �'
"�r� � s
�� 7�L� �0 ��- `�/�,� /.: �/, G�J���" _ _ -
Please feel free to add any a ditional coirunents you wish to inake regarding your application.
� � -_: . . --- �C�' .� ��'�� - - -�
Appl.icant Signature • Date
Submit completed forms to: ON��cE or T� C1TY MAnACFtt
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5t Street �
_ _ --- - - PO Box 11SO ,
Pott Angeles, WA 98362
Tn compliance with the Ameiicans with Disabilities Act, if you need special aecommodaCions because of a physicdl
limitation, please contact fhe City Nlaoager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriele an�angements can be made.
• 3
. . . _ . . . � : - - ,---: _-- - MINUTES �: - - .
: ,. __ _ ..� __-- ----- --- -
--- - . _ .
=- -__ --�-_------ -- --_ ----� -�LAN1vING� CO1VIlVIISSION� --- -: . -- -- - - - - --. : - - _ : .- - - -
- - - - - -- _--- - -. _
� � � Port Angeles, Washington 98362
. . . Oc tober 28, 2009
— -- -- ---- -
-- - - —
. . 6:00 p.m. -- --
. . ... . . . . .... _ . . . -- - .
ROLL CALL - - � - . ._ _--- - - = - - -_ :.
_._ � Members Present: �-: �Jolin MattYiews, Werner Beier, Mike Caudill, Doc Reiss, Tim
. � . . . . . Boyle; Nancy Powe"rs _ -- . _ .
,... .. .. __ _ .
- --- .
_ _ _ ._ _. -_, _-, . _.�._..Members Excused: ___: Carla Sue -.-- . - __ - . . _ :. . ... �
. . ._ _ _ _. .
. . ... .
: ._ :- . - . . . . Staff.Present: . .__ : .Scott Roberta Korcz, William Bloor, Heidi Greenwood,_Sue _ _._ . .
� Roberds
: Public Present: Richard E. Nordberg, Richard T.:Nordberg, Matthew Nordberg, �
Jonathan Shotwell � - - --- -
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - -- —�- � ��� -- - - - - -- - -
_. . Commissioner Powers moved to. approve the September 23 regular meeting minutes �vith �-�
corrections noted in the matter of the Laurel Heights �=preliminary subdivision action. �
• Correct conditions, findings and conclusions were revie�ved, and the motion seconded by
Commissioner Beier, passing 5- 0 with Commissioner Caudill �abstaining• due to absence at�
that meeting. - � '
-- - --- - --- - -- - - _ - - -
Commissioner Boyle moved to accept the October 14, 2009, regular meeting minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers and passed 4- 0 with
Commissioners Reiss and Beier abstaining due to their absence at that meeting.
_ _ PUBLIC HEARINGS: --- - . _ "
_._ .
. : . . . __ _ .
-- CONDITIONAL� USE PERMIT - CUP 09-07 - RPM ItECYCLING 1000 Block -- --�
Fields Drive: A proposal to establish a metal recycling use in the IH Industrial zone. .
Associate Planner Scott Johns indicated that due to a procedural .requiring the applicant = ---
to obtain a permit from the Clallam County Departrnent of Enviromnental Health to conduct the
' • recycling use,- actiori on the matter- is premafure at this time. He asked that the matter be
�' continued to the December 9, 2009, regular meeting. The applicant is aware of the additional
__ _ - --- - - -- -
procedural requirements. _ - . _ - . - _. _ - - : _ _
� ��Cliai'r Reiss reviewed quasi`ju�icial pulilic hearing procedures for the public and qualified the
________ ._Commissioners regarding_:_appeararice-of- fairness of interest matters. All -- -
Commissioners �responded for the that tliey_had _no-appearance=of fairness or conflict of -- `-
interest issues with regard to the pending application.- The Chair then opened the public hearing. ----
-- - --- - --
-- - - - - ._ -
• Conzmissioner Beier moved to coiatinue the public heai•ing until Decen:ber 9, 2009, 6 p.nr. to __ -
___ _ t?lannrng Commissiai Minutes -- - •
Octaber 2R, 2009 - . .
. Pag ,
— — � ---- - � _._— --_ � _ � :: - — �- - - . . . _ _ . _ . � . .- � . - -: •
� allow procedurul issues to be completec� The moti.on was seconded by - Commissioner �
Matthews. The Chair asked if there was anyone in. the audience wlTO wislied to speak to the
issue. There was none. The motion then passed 6– 0.
"� STREET VACATION – STV 08-01 – CRONAUER�– Request for vacation of a
portion of Fourth Street between Cedar Street and the Tumwater Truck Route:
—....-- ---(-The petitioner-was not present) � -- - - �--
Associate Planner Scott Jnlins reviewed; the Department Report recommending. that right-of- �
�-- way�abuttingLot 2, Block�83,_be vacated fo the abutting property owner/petitioner.. . ---
� � The petitioner was nof pi•esent but staff re:sponded to Co�ninissioners that the reason for vacation
is due to an encroaclunent of a retaining-wall into the right-of-way in 2003 during construction
. by the abutting properiy owner. The right-of-way abutting Lot 2 is not necessary for public
purposes; however, the City-is not in favor of the vacation of right-of-way abutting Lot 1, which -
-� --� ��� is needed to access the ravine wall and Cedar Street abutting the ravine wall. The subject area is
entirely usable and is being used by the abutting property owner/petitioner. _
Planning Manager Roberds agreed to the purchase price and the meeting date: He was notified
of the meeting date and was sent a copy of the sta .ff report and agenda by mail. She did not know
why he was not present. ` - _ __ . __ _.. . _. . . .. _ . _ .
The matter is legislative not quasi judicial: The Chair opened the public hearing. There being no .
one present to �speak to the matter, he closed tlie public hearing. .-.... � .. .
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Planning 1Vlanager Roberds identified properties in the
area that are owned by the petitioner by use of a Power Point display. She noted that the
_ _-.petitioner is-using the: property for storage of commercial vehicles and in association with a
_ ._--storage use on the adjacent properiy. The original petition included several more properties in
the location but-.was. reduced to-this one area._ __. .�� -
• Co»:missioner Beier »roved to reco»:mend vacation of thut portion of Fourth Street abuttii�g �_. �
Lot 2, Block 83, TPA, citing two conditions, 14 findi»gs, und 4 conclusions us follows:
Conditions �
1. Properiy owned by the petitioner and the vacated right of way (approximately 1,750
- square feet) shall be coinbined into one building site. by the filing of a Zoning Lot
Covenant prior to the issuance of a quit claun deed for the right of way.
. 2. The area to be vacated shall be limited to that portion of Fourth Street adjacent to Lot 2,
Block 83, To�msite of Port Angeles. _ _ _
-`-�- = - --- Findin s: � --
- 1. A petition requesting vacation of portions of right of way east of the Tumwater Truck
Route was submitted to the City Department of Community and Economic Development •
on August 18, 2008. Following review by the City's Real Estate Coinmittee, the street
Pltu�ning Commission Minu�es ,.
October 28, 2009 . .
Puge 3 '" " • - -
_ • T -- . . • � . �r _. _ , -
�°' ` --"� -- vacation petition was corrected by the petitioner and re submitted to be only for that .
� � portion of the Fourth Street right of way abutting Lots 1 and 2, Block 83, Townsite of
Port Angeles on September 2, 2009. The petitioner is Paul Cronauer.
2. A concrete retaining wall was constnicted on Lot 19, Block 75, TPA, that extends across �
previously vacated right of way (abutting Lot 2, Block $3, TPA) into fhe unvacated right �
of way abutting Lot 2 a distance of approximately 25 feet of the 35 foot width of the right
- �- of way adjacent to L;ot 2: The petition was submitted in order for the retaining wall to
remain and be the responsibility of the petitioner/abutting properiy owner. .
- -. --- -
- r . .
3. RCW 58.17 requires a petition for vacation of right of way to contain the.signatures of �
_ two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid. Petitioner Paul Cronauer is the
--�� --- �_ owner of Lot 2, Block 83, TPA and the abutting Lots 19 and 20, Block 75, TPA
including that portion of the Fourth Street right of way previously vacated that abuts
same. The City of Port Angeles is the property owner of Lot 1, Block 83, TPA. The City
-�`-� "- �� �-" did�not object'to�f ling of the petition but did not sign the petition.
, 4. Properties in the iinmediate area are zoned PBP Public Buildings and Parks and IL
Industrial Light. Development of the subject property below the toe of the ravine can be
done to industrial standards. Adjacent property owned by the petitioner contains an
. industrial storage_structure and a retaining wall.. A log scaling use is located in the area
as well. . -
5. Minimum lot size in the City's IL and PBP zones is 7,000 square feet. The right of way
•--- - - --
abutting Lot 2, Block 83, TPA is approximately 1750 square feet in area. �.
-. 6. ___Except for a small.portion of the north corner of Lot 2, the site is designated Open Space
—__. .: -_ (OS) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The City's Comprehensive Plan
-_ -___ .__ .--_ ___ -_ and Land Use Map were reviewed in their entirety in consideration of the proposal. Staff
did not identify specific Goals, Policie"s; or Objectives that would be relevant to the
proposal. -- _.. . �= .- . � . .
---- ---- -- 7.- _ The site rises approxunately 50 feet from the Tumwater Truck Route tov��ard Cedar --
��� -� -- ---� -� -� Street: The area above the toe of the adjacent bank and below the top of the ravine are
classified as environmentally sensitive areas per Section 15.20.070 PAMC. Tumwater
-- - -=- _—_Creek:is.culverted;unmediately to the�south.o£the site and is directed across the
_---- - — Tumwater Truck Route to the west in�the area. -
�. .�,,. , _ .--- � -_ . . .. - . - , ; -
---- 8- ---- The-City's Public Works and Utilitie��Departmerit reviewed the petition and did not favor
a��acation of right of way adjacent to - Lot 1 due to the need to access the Cedar Street
roadway from the right of way location and due to the site being a geologic hazard area.
_- .---9--. :-. There:are•no•utilities�in the portion of'ri,ght of way being requested for vacation. .
.._ _.__. -....�,- �,. .:�.. ,---- _. . ; - -
-�-----�--�---�---10.-- -�The Port t�ngeles_Gity Council's Rea� Estate Conunittee met on October 20, 2008, and
_ deterniined a minimum value for the unopened right of way. Upon further consideration
� - �_by - the.Corrunittee, - compensation-was recommended to be $10 per square foot. �
Plnnning Commi,rsion Mim�tes _ '_ ' _ . - -- _ .
October 2b, 1009
_ Page 4
_ - - ' _ . .- • ' .. . - . . . , . - - . .
11. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act
• - (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800_(2) (h) of the Washinb on Administrative Code.
. This satisfies the City's responsibility under SEPA. _; � -
� ..- :
_ _ . ._ _ ..
--- - - __ _ - -- - - - _. � . _. .._- --- - .- . .
12: The site was posted on October.8, 2009, announcing the requested land use action, and
_. legal publication appeared in the Pe�7insula-Duily Netivs on October.11, 2009. No written _-.
.,. . :: _ .. ::-.. _ . . . -- - - - - - -
comment was received during the public commenf period thaf ended on October 21,
- --- ,.. _ -
_. .. . --- --2009: ---- - ._. . . _ . ------ - - - - -
-..._.__.._,_._._....__ .---------_._._____-------- _^,_-.,. .,-�..- .._, ...
�� 13. -- � At-its-October=6 2009 re ular meetin ,-the-Port An el'es Council established a �� '
----�- --�-..-_: > >:_ g . g g n'.
=- - public hearing date by resolution for action on the stree't vacation petition as November 4,
. . _ . _. -- - �- - - -- __ . . .. _ _ __ ::
_ -�- --2009. --- - - - : : :- - _-__
-�---- 14. - The Port Angeles Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the matter on - -
Oc tober 2 8; 2009. " - - � - . : . . . .
. - - -- _ .
- -
Conclusions � - �-- � -
-- --._ -,_ _ — �__.__— _ . . , =-- - ,- -_. �. - ---
1. As conditioned, srte will prevent tlie creation of a lot and_ ___-- �-
�_ _ � . ;. . �
will appropriately combine the vacated of way as part of an acceptable building site. `
Site consolidation is in accordance with expected land inanagement arid development" ��" -�
policies of the City of Port Angeles and development standards of the City's Industrial •
2. The vacation will allow for ownership of the right of way underneath the existing
� retaining wall that extends into the right of way from the petitioner's property. Upon
vacation, the unintended encroachment is not a liability to the public as the property
owner, and the vacation is therefore in the public interest. The City has stated that the
.___. . right,of._way is not needed to serve a Cypical right of wa� use_ :-
`__ . 3. The .vacation.of�right:o�way_abutting only Lot 2, Block 83, TPA� will allow.for access to :
---- --- Cedar Street�from 83; TPA and will allow;_for the Ciry to the ravine " �
- - - -. _. --- - -_area that supports�the Cedar Street_right of way. - _ .. - _- : = - � - � �
_____ 4. ��The street vacation�p was processed_in accordance with RCW 58.1.7 and with �
- _ _ - - _ _ -- publ'ic notif"ication'procedures-re.quired.for public hearings as required in_the Port Angeles � � � ----
- -- — _---- - - ---
- _- -- -
_ - ,_ __- �Mumcipal-Code =_ -_- _---- - - :_� _ _ _.
- -= _- -- - � -
_ . _..
' _ . ' —_. s . .,�- � . ....� .. . . .
_ -. _ _ —_ _—' ' ��' __—' '_ . ' ' _ . ' " "' � � .. r� _ _ . . . . .
. - " " '" _ ._. .. _ " ' " �_. '" ' .r _�' ' .. _. . . . �� .' "' " . _ ' . .
- The ntotion was sec�nded by Coinfnissi�»er M atthews u nd passed �6_�- 0. _: _-__ , ._: �
---- - -- - ---_-- _ ---- - -.
- --
- - - _. _ - - -None - : - - _ - -_ -._ -:�--_ ..- - _ -.-- � - _ . _
- =_• - -
- .- ---- -- - -- . `�--- -- - _ - _ _�_ _ •
Plmining Commissiai Minutes
Ocrobcr 2h. 2009
Page S _
!•_-- - _- --_- . ___- - __ —_ : , _ - . • - . ' .
--.- - . - - --- • — - -
-�_�- -� _..-°'_ ,. --___° ---___-__- _ =— - - _ - -
�° -�
Attorney Greenwood provided information regarding the importance of the appearance of -
fairness in the conduct of public hearings: She stressed that those sitting in positions of authority
.. -�� must be fair and imparfial iri�their actions arid actions must be fair and trarisparent.
- - ---- ---- --------.._. _._. .._... _
Planner Johns provided an update on the AIA survey results and identified ranking of the �
projects through a spreadsheet. . .
:___ _ Planner Korcz stated that the fa�ade improvemerit program is on track with the
application being available on the City's web site. Sta�f has . received inyuiries but no
- - applications as yet_ _ -
� - None. � . - - . .
--- :
_ :--•=:-._--. --. . -
_ �- ADJOURNMENT-' -- -=-_ -_ '_� - - - -- - - - � - — - - .
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. . _. �
• Sue Roberds, Secretary Doc Reiss, Chair
- _ _ _-_ -- — �i- _.� .- _.� - - �—__ -_ .- ; _: __ . — _ . • ----__-_ • -- -
• - -- --- -
� , • � •
> > 6 3
.. .. .. ........................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................................... .............................. ..............................
Value 550,000 566,000 $129,271 5112,831 558,431 558,431 5474,964 5162,875
............. 1 1 2 2 2 � 10 3 1 22 16
Vafue, ........ ......5190,653 .......................... ......5152,102 ....... ............ .......5357.069 ......54P6,255.............51,151,666.............5524,257............5158,708...... 53,521,055 53,070,741
.............. MULTI-FAMILY ............................................................ ............................................................
. ............. ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ..........................:..... ................................ .........
Value 249,
.ACCESSORIES 3 2 2 2 1 4 3 1 5 3 26 19
............ ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................................... .............................. ..............................
Value $188,072 $33,912 $87,024 324,960 $21,600 $98,475 $24,228 S9,600 ' $130,000 $100,360 $716,231 $431,151
. : 1 2
................:..... R E TA I L.................... .............. �................ ............:................... ............................... ................................ .........................., ..:.. ................................ ......:......................... ..................................... .............................. .............. ...............
Value 5573,450 $4,800 5578,250
HOTEL/MOTEL ...... ........... ................................ .............................:...... .............................. ..............................
......................................................... ................................................................ ............................... ................................................................ ......... ......
7 1
..................... O .............................................. �................ ................................................................................................ ................................ .........................................................................,.......................................................
Val�e $94,496 • ' $94,496 5478,680
......................................................... ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .....................:.............. .............................. ..............................
......................................................... ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................................... ............................. ..............................
Value $6.400 ' $6,400 E500,000
.................INDUSTRIAL � 1 1 4
. ............... ................................ .........:...................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................................... .............................. ..............................
Value � 3293,821 5293,821 52,168,769
. ......... ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ......................:......... ................................ ............................:... ..................................... .............................. .............................. 3 1
Value ' $39,776 $26,Oa0,000• b26,039,776 $1,800,000
......................................................... ................................ ........ :................... .......................... .......................... ......................... .......................... ....................... ...
... ... ... ...
... ....
�RECREATfON ,. . �:� .. . , . . .�., � ,� , .. .......................... ..................... . .
�. . ......................................................... ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ..............:.:..... �.... ... ... ... ... .... .............................. ................. ........................
`.....: ' ' ° ...:......... ' .....: .: '
Value $15,000 $35,000 350,000
REPAIR 8� ALT. .............. �
RESIDENTIAL 22 I ' 16 27 27 22 35 38 40 28 31 286 347
............. ............. .................. .................. . ............................... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...:................................. .............................. ..............................
Value $124.294 $204,263 5278,007 $310,288 $168,392 5362,835 S125,490 $326,783 5298,573 $223,846 $2,422,771 E2,888,041
...............COMMERCIAL 2 11 ...................8..............................8............................12...........................14...........................16......................... 6� 9. 15 101 118
............. ................................ ......................... . . . ................... .............................. ..............................
Value 555,078 5182,569 $113,940 $3,837.990 $408,466 $846,861 5470,244 � 554,590 Si54,325 $68,455 56,192,518 52,931,866
PUBLIC 3 I. 2 1 2 ' 1 3 1 13 16
......................................................... ................................ ........,. ................... ................................ ................................ ............................... ................................ ................................ .................................... .............................. ..............................
Value 338.318 35,000 39,500 $44,640 $1�,000 $374,243 322,500 8505,201 $�,492,217
DEMOUTION / MOVE 2 � 2 1 3 i 1 5 ; • 1 I 2 �� �a
.. ...... ........................ � ........................ . .. . .. ........... ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................................... .............................. ..............................
Value $140,600 ' ' 3120 .�$100 g0 ' 5400 SO "$0 � SO 5141,220 5366,500
� , ;
BUILDING TOTALS . i � • � i �' � - �
BLDG PERMITS � 35 ;I � � 35 �� � 42 . 41 40 i 60 67 :' ; 62!' - 46 � 53 481 546
......................................................... ....................... ........................................ ................................................................................................ ................................ ..........................,..........................I..................................................................7...... 1 038 703 $16,550,360
CONST. VALUE E1,360,465 E586,360 : 5662,073 '34,208,238 $1,129,438 $2,032,525 $1,42Q460y 327,917,391 51,165,586 5556,16 S4 �
BLDG PERMITS FEE 3�s ,919� . ��511,789 r. 518,09'I '$39,022 b13;446 �532,994 522,478 �� E196,936 , ?$21,281 I �312,816 3385,772 5237,833
�j ' � (' ' , i ' '{• i: C � I
� : ;c . �� ': '! , i . . '3 , j ',, { , � i
' '. t F � ; �� .. . i i � ' i I L i ' , . ,
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, . • . �, ( . �a . ••� . , , ', . ; � � � `��i , i ; I�,� , . ,.. . I. .
' ' � . C � ' i . . . . � � � .. e � ' . � . I . • '. . . � ' _ .
- Port Angeles:Police Department - ---- --� -- � -
• . � n T AN((p � � . � ` ' " — " � " ' __.. . . . _ ._ . . . . . . . .. . . . "
,� '
�`��p�� uarterl Re ort
.� . . �.A -. ..-. ___ Y p .
: :• � Third Quarfer .. . - +
� July - September, 2009
_. . _ ....._... ;. : . .... .._. ... .... .
' ......... . . .....
' - - --- _ . ---; Chief's Message
. _ _ .._..._.._ __.___�...--.. _--.-- - -
.--- — - .. -- -- __ _ -- -..- -----� =- ---- _------ . - . .
! Highlights ' _ . . _
f • Funding received from De I
; !,� -� the STOPP grant and the a budget honest in its re -
p a r c m e n t o f H o m e l a n d S e ;,�...� ��' - Department's domestic vio- resentation of our needs.
curity (Page 4) lence prevention efforts. One goal was to be at or
• Mobile Data Projecc - -=-� Sergeant Tyler Peninger is under 2009 spending levels �
Stone arden Grant Pa e b responsible for Department ��rithout compromising
g � g � ' '� .�r trainin and, in articular ualit or p g
�,� �; g P , q Y leo ardizin
• AED/Automated External � travel associated with that community or officer
Defibrillator (Page 7) �`p ,°� training. Corporal Jason safety. Staff accomplished
Viada addresses budget the objective. Things that
• Armed robber sencenced to I � issues in respect to less- need to be funded are
Chief Terry Gallaghcr
� 75 months (Poge 8) ; �. lethal training programs . funded, albeit at minimum
: and related munitions. levels. Program qual.ity
`He who does not '. Steve Romberg and his staff and service delivery have
� economize will liaue Put together the PenCom been maintained. In part
? � _ budget. And so on across this is due to our success in
a to a,gonize." _ the or anization — because a
� g ggressively pursuing
- Cortfucius K ,e know that involvement grant opportunities that
Inside this issue: A in the budget process is a� came our way and taking
� good portion of the tremendous tool for devel- advantage of other pro-
I third quarter was spent in oping future managers. grams that allowed us to
Dep. Chief's Message 2 the preparation of the 2010 Further, that informed em- acquire equipment at little
I � Department budget. As ployees tend to be more or no cost — as evidenced in
i the work was being done, I- satisfied and more produo- the reports of Deputy
i Arresu 3- � 1033 loomed on the hori- tive than employees with a Chief Brian Smith and
j � zon. We all ]cnew t;he dev- poor understanding of how D e t e c t i v e�� K e v i n
f Detective Division g I astating potential of that and why decisions are made _ Spencer contained herein.
I I initiative. And we kriew within the agency. Knowl-
� that, absent our best ..ef- edgeable people are empow- PAPD should end 2009
� OPNET q� forts in the developmenE of ered people. under budget. We �<<ill
� � an adequate but austere - - enter 2010 with our pencils
budget, the words of Confu- At the age of 21 I worked sharpened and �rell pre-
� Patrol Division 6 cius could come true. for a man who told me, I
� " f pared to "watch the pen-
' ° you watch tJie pennies, t)te nies." (We will actually
I ; The annual budget of the doll.a.rs take ca.re o thena- have a full complement of
Records Division 8 police department is not f
selues." . I_ have always 33 officers for the first time
the work of the Chief, nor found that statement to be in years.) We know that
PenCom - Calls & 13 � is it just a product of De- true. Ben Franklin gave the needs of our commu-
Dispatches , partment acimin.istration. voice to the same concept nity are many. Our man-
� It is instead the work` of when he said `Beware. of date is to give our citizens
i Support Services, Porking 14 � personnel at all levels_ of little expenses; a sniall leak a return on the money they
� En(orcement ( the organization and, ide- will sinlz a great ship." In have invested in - and en-
F ally, all nersonnel at : all preparing our 2010 budget, _ trusted to - us.
Crime Statisda �s i levels. Sergeant Barb those quotes became the Pl.ease l,et u,s
� McFall, for example, pre- operating guidelines for 1rn.ow i,f we /:ave
, � pares a budget specific to staff. We set out to prepare done thut
I -_�.__ ---.._.._.._ .............._...._.._._���...�.. ------......___..�..___. �
---�.._��.....-------------....-----.._..___......_..___...._....�.._�..�......_....�...._�......��....,,......�.._..__..._ __ ___ M = 7
� y
. . .. .- -
De ut Chief's Messa e-�Crime Prevention -
� ---- : ---P_ . Y - ..-:--= -. - -- --- - --g. - - . . . �
' " � ' " - . ' ' _ �' � - •s Depa.rtment programs, such � as cost for criminal behavior in Port
=��` �;= Crime Stoppers, the Downtown Angeles.
- , . �- - . - Resource Officer, and School Re- -
" =`�. �*" n - ""'°"� - A�� - •... .... source Officer programs meet the For example, PAPD arrests in-
� ` i ' j� definition of proactive programs creased by appro�:imately 25% in
�---�- � '�; � � that work toward prevention.- �008, and they are on track to in-
When they have been successful, crease again in 2009. There is an
�''- i �- a � --" they help make Port Angeles 'a argument amongst criminal jus-
place that is less than crime tice researchers that suggests that
. .. . - �. �� friendly.- � : �riore arrests do not necessarily- - -
.. _. mean more people being arrested.-
�- In measuring the results of these The argument further suggests
�� -�� - " ' � � - � � �' ' ' � that man criminal offenders com-
a prevention programs, we often y
seek to measure the thing that did mit a wide range of offenses, in-
not happen. For example, in re- cluding relatively minor quality of
- I r��: gards to the, Downtown Resource life offenses (the criminological
� r Officer program, analysis in 2005 theory of low self A ca-
j Depury Chief Brian Smi� o reer bur 11T WI70 1S arrested for
. showed that 1.4 /o of the Port An- .__ . g__
geles area (the downtown) gener- dliving suspended and misde-
--� � �� � ated over 20% of the calls for po- meanor warrants does not get to
T he operational goal of the lice services. In 2004, off`icers �re- commit a burglary (at least in the - �
Port Angeles Police Department is sponded to 3,598 calls for service short term). A serial child abuser
� to have a meaningful impact on in the downtown area. In 2008, �'ho is the subject of a long term
Lhe perception and reality that that . crime response number criminal investigation and suc- �
. Port_ Angeles is a safe place to dropped to 1,756, a 51 % d.ecrease. cessful prosecution has his crime.
live, work, visit, recreate, and During this four-year period, the of preference interrupted or ended
� learn. While we spend consider- Police Department implemented (depending on the sentence).
able time'and effort 'responding �:' the' Downtown Resource O�'icer� -
� to criminal activity, we are also Program. � While there-are other =�- - A crime delayed is a crime - pre-
�i squarely in the crime prevention - variables � in play, the 51% de- �ented. There can be an effective
` business. - -- crease in calls for police service in linkage between pro and
� the downtown area is an indicator Ieactive policing; and -taken to-
� « ether the can stron tools in -
According to Wikipedia, Crime of a successful overall crime pre-- - g Y g _
_ __ I prevention is the to re-- ,. �'Ention program. c � overall crime prevention. The
cluce victimization and to deter �• strong patrol, arrest, investigative
I crime and criminals. _It is applied ,,_ we also look at the PAPD :re- and case management posture of
� �--' �� specifically to efforts made by gov- sponse, criminal interdiction, and . the Port Angeles Police Depart-
- ernments to reduce crime, enforce investigative efforts as important ment will continue to be as impor= .
=- -- the -law, and maintain criminal components of crime prevention in tant a crime prevention measure
°� justice." our city. How well and capably as the more traditional crime pre-
________ we respond to calls for police ser- vention approaches. We think
- . f, -_-----.-_. _ .
i Crime prevention is any initiative vice, how successful we are at in- both efforts work �,rell together.
� or policy which reduces or elimi- terdiction or interruption of crimi- - �- --- � '. �-
f nates the total level of victiniiza- nal activity, and how thorough
�. tion or the risk of individual and successful we are in criminal
_-_- -- criminal participation. It�includes investigations are all things that - �/�� �
�I government and communit3�-based lead to successful prosecution of j:
; programs to reduce the incidents criminal cases. Successful prose- �� ��(�� �;
of risk factors the rate of victimi- cution is a strong component "in --� r l� ------ , q
-s�-�.__- . .: -- =-- � - -- - -_ � �.� ,�
_. ;_ z well as efforts to change our crime prevention efforts, as it f ---- _�. � I�° �� •
i p e r c e p t i o n s. P o r t A n g e l e s P o l i c e serves to raise the o p portunit y �- " -
�---------- - -- -- - — �
- �-$
_F, � " ' ' . . .
' - - . _
-. • .
- . - -rrests- ---- _ . . . . .
. ..... ._ . . . .. ......_.._ ._
__ Arrests - Year to Date Comperison __ __, . Arrests - 3rd Qtr Comparison — --
'� -- -- ••:•.• -•, --° --' " ---- .;. . . - . .
--- •
.. :. . �. ... . :. 1000 :..,:,.: --�� �---=- --. -,._-.,_---:--,--.- --:
- - - �` ._ . . .. . - . - � - �- - -- ---
800 �o ❑ 2008 ' _ _ 400 ' g'�� `�a - p 2008 .. . _ .. . - --
– - , . :: - :: —. •_- ;.
......_ �_�: _ _. . - ..
600 - - - -- � - - -.O 2009:: . .. : ._ 300 - --'� _ . - � 2009
. -- --- --
400 — - - _ . . . . . 200 - . .
.. �� -��. ^ � o .. ...
200 . . _ 100 ; �:. . y � 6h �� -
_.. _ .._ ...0 - _ . ....�" - ----- -- 0 . I� .
_ __
- --- ----•-:_--... ._. , -:_...
,. . Adult . . Juvenile � , Adult Juvenile • •
( PAPD Si ns E-Traee c erns in the sources and kinds of eTrace access is free of charge. �
MOU with ATF crime guns. _
The benefits of eTrace for PAPD
__ eTrace is , a web-based firearm include the ability to interactively
. ........ ... . .. . .. , . ... y .
trace requesf:-submission system --..develop investigative- leads rela-
A s of Octolier 6�009, all com- that provides for the electron�c tive to a trace request; a signifi-
• missioned PAPD Officers have exchange of crime gun data in a cant decrease in the turnaround
the ability to ]og and access the secure web-based_ environment. .-....time required to process a trace
Federal Bureau of Alcohol, To- Participating law enforcement request; improved data quality of
-- -----� — - �~ ---~- - °- -- a encies with access to the inter- � - trace-related information by pro- . -
bacco and Firearms (ATF) g .
"eTrace" system. net can acquue 24/7 real-time viding real time data validation;
capabilities to 'electronically the ability to monitor the
- ATF's National Tracing Center submit firearm trace re- status of traces in a real-
- assists Federal, State, local,. and ,�tuests, monitor the pro- time en��ironment; the abil-
" gress of traces, �' retrieve it to view/ rint/download
----_... _ forei .la enforcement . _ Y P ._
�� • compleEed trace results, and completed trace results; and
� by tracing_the --origin of ,.U:S� -- �uery firearm` trace related -�- the abilit to enerate various -
source firearms that have been �-- y g
recovered in criminal investiga- , data in ATF''s database. Through � statistical reports and perform
eTrace,_ registered_ users have tlie on-line analytical research rela-
tions. Firearms• tracing �is� the'---•� �•- _-•• - � �� ••- -- - _. _ _
systematic tracking of'the` move-' --- to initiate a search foi_ .._tive to your jurisdiction
ment of - a - firearm recovered•�b traces in various .ways. For ex-
-- Y _ ample,.users_can search.by.a fire- There are nearly 30 foreign coun-
]aw enforcement'ogicials;�from its - arm's serial number, individuaPs tries now participating in the
creation by the manufacturer or name t e of crime, date of re- eTrace program,. as well as thou-
its introduction - into U:S: com- - —' Yp -
merce by the importer through�� " covery, and- numerous other iden- .-- . sands of police agencies through- �
the distribution chain to the .first ��ifiers. Registered users can also out the UniLed States. Each par-
retail purchase'� Law� `' generate various : statistical re- ticipating law enforcement
� ment traces a� fir`earm recove'red" ' Ports ::regarding...the number of agency must sign a Memorandum
at a crime scerie to develo inves'"` �— ti:aces-submitted=:over_time,. th�e -_ of Understanding (MOLn �vith
._. __ _ _
' � p •-- -- -_top fiieacros-_traced; the=average ,ATF. arid designate each author-
tigative leads that may �a . -- -
suspect Lo a firea in a criminal -�� t�me-to-crime-'�rates,--and- more. -.—ized user by name.
— --� ----- --- �- This will �allow law enforce- � -
investigation; identify potential„ �ent agency �o d"evelop investig�= -]3��ian.Srrcith, Deputy Chief
• traffickers; and detect in-state, - tive atrategies to'reduce firearms-_ ==-
intersLate, and international pat- lel ate d c r i m e a n d v i o l e n c e.
-- M 9 ----
-_a-- .
- _- .- =W _shi_ngton �State Law .Enfo:rcement ---- - _ . . . . . . . - � .
Terrorism Prevention Program Funding -
, ...�.. . __... .. . . -
1 he Port Angeles Police Department (PAPD) h'�s been, forEunate enough to apply for and receive a vai-iety of
critical ]aw enforcement and emergency services equipment from the State of Washington Department of
-" -- Homeland Security'(DHS) Region 2 _To date in _2009 FAPD_has received $49,345.71 in equipment and
- - - - • -- -
-= - � funds to backfill overtime .wages. -. _ . '` �
�..--- - - -. . .
- - ----�_ -- -- .__... . '
- ---- $� Night Vision Binocular.s ��� ^�` -� � ° � �
:.:: � �. = ----:, - -
.. ..
. _ _ __ ,-. _. $ 1,480.88 Throw Bags °..
-- _ . _ . .. . , _ .
- ::. . _ . . .
$ 3,191. l 0 _ Floatation Vests .. _ _�. _ ---- - -
.,__ , __ $ 7,58].03 Helmets/Level 4 Body'.:Armor _ .
$ 9,298.55 Thermal Imagers .
_$21,903.63 Mobile VHF-Interoperable Trunk Mount Radios -
-- - ---- . .. _ .. .
- .$45,229.45...Total Equipment for law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program
$ 1,596.26 Qperation Green Seal Backfill Wages
$ 2,520.00_ Operation Alligator Backfill Wages
$ 4,116.26 Total Officer/Operational Tr6ining Backfill Woges
Pending for the first quarter of 2010 is a.cargo tra with a 20-radio VHF radio cache, wall charger, ei:tension •
cord, and portable repeater. This will be a County-wide asset that will be staged in Port Angeles and avai.lable
to all fire and law enforcement agencies. �
^ All of this important equipment e�pands the capacity of the Port Angeles Police Department_to respond at a
higher level to a wider variety of emergency incidents. Each PAPD police sedan is now equipped with either a
__ _. dual band radio or a second radio and the officer can thus communicate with all fire or law enforcement agen-
cies on the Peninsula. __ •--- - _ .
Each police vehicle will also soon be equipped with a rope bag and personal floatation dev'rce, -
thus allowing the officer to provide immediate �� assistance during water rescue incidents. The
thermal imaging and night vision devices will allo�v the Police and Fire Departments a higher
_. capacity i.n all types of search incidents, whether it is a lost person or a fugitive. The
__ thermal imaging devices . also provide the _�__ Fire Department ..with a_ better. tool to locate a
structural fire that may be hidden .in the wall or. roof of a structure. The �tactical �body armor and
Kevlar helmets are added to the equip- ment already possessed by the PAPD and allocv the officers a
greater margin of safety_when engaged _ in high risk arrests, warrant service, or fugitive manhunts.
The radio cache, ivhen deployed, wil] allow Police and Fire (�vho no�� operate on various UHF or VHF
radio bands) to communicate directly � on portable radios when away from their vehicles.
A11 the above equipment was provided the Police Department from DHS programs whose purpose is to en-
hance agency-to-agency "interoperability", enhance "teclinical rescue" capabilities, and mitigate
threats from response to= poteritial-terrorism incidents.� It is equipment that is and will be deployed
every day in Port Angeles, and thus contribuLe to=public safety and improve PAPD's operational capacity.
- - - -.� — - - - - - - - - -- - - Deputy Chief Brian Smrth - -- -
� . .� - - - - �
..........---......_..__. �_ ..........................� �_ _.._�..�.._.._..---_......_......__..._..�..�----..__....__..................__�.._..------ ------_...�....�..__.._.._.._ _ _....__--- - � --- �iV1 = 1-0 ------�
• � - D efe n se ��- F rom January 1, 2009,� to daCe, . PAPD has been participating in the '�
. .. . Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) Law Enforcement
R euti I �zation Equipment Program (LEEP). This program is designed to provide quali-
fied law enforcement agencies with surplus military equipment for use in
� ----- P r..ogr- am � ounter-terrorism and counter-drug operations. I have activated an ac-
count for the Port Angeles Police Departnient and have been utiIizing the
� Program to`.equip the Tactical Tracl:.ing/rural operations response team,
� - __ as well as Patrol and Detectives._ _
- Detective Kevin_Spencer I haue procured over �'48,844 in surplus niilitary equipnient a.t no cost to
: __--_ -- the Departnaent. Other items are in requisition status and have not been
: received by:the Department and are not reflected in this account update.
� ' The following is a partial list of items procured to date: ':
Advanced combat helmets 8 $254.22 $ 2,033.76 Personal protection
i PRC-139 porfable radios 20 $7643.75 $15,287.50 Emergency communications
I - PRC-77 radios 4 $4325.00 $17,300.00 Emergency communications
' Mustang life vests b $253.88� � $ 1,523.28 Marine operations
Combat backpacks 10 $67.43 ; $ 674.30 Tactical Tracking Team
� — - � - Pews� -������•- •-- ---•---�--�--- ----2- $10,254_ $20,508.00 Electronicsensorsystem
• � Molle combat_vests , 10 $113.00 $ 1,130.00 Tactical Tracking Team
Combat load carrying vests -- � 10 $87.00 � - $ 870.00 TacticaFTracking Team -
Combat sleep system __6 $312.00 � __. $ 1,872.00 Tactical Tracking Team
Combat shelters �-�-- -'� b $293.00 $ 1;758.00 Tactical Tracking Team _
- Binoculars _ __ 7 $387.00 $ 2,709.00 Patrol - TTf
_ , 548,844.20 TOTAL � - �
� - — — ------- - -
_: .... , . _ __ . _ -- -- - - - - -._ . ... .. _ . . — -
_: I .- - _ _- _ '__ .-:-• - ,_____ � ---... . . - -
----�-- . - �
•-, ___ _ , _
1 Men at Work -
x. .
_ :.-
. _.. �_ •��� S
- Detectives generally wear business attire during �
• the normal - course of their duties� ' However, one ,
-_�-.-- - of the � duties perfo�med by detectives is the ser-
vice of search warrants. While serving search war- , �
_ � rants, Detectives oft. en_wear clothing -that will al- f " ; . _
-•__ �. low them to be easily identified as law enforce-
-...�__� i� .ment officers and that will be more practical than ? _
_ _;_ a standard uniform when searching for and proc-
.. r
essing evidence from homes, vehicles, attics, -
.... . ...._..__ . . . ......_
_ _ � basements, oufbuildings,.and�other property.
_ . ' .. :�` _. _ . . . __ _ . . `�
�` �` ; Back Row: Detective Bruce Knight, Detective Tom �-• '�' � f
1 - I" �Kuch, Officer Clay Rife ' } ' +� ` , '
- - - � — �Front Row: Detective �Kevin Spencer; Dan
� .�
: '� Morse,_Detective Corporal Jason X. Viada
� _...._........ ----__��_.._...�......
� _—..._...._.._..�_...._�_.._----- ---------__���_�._._.__ _
--- = 1_1 __...
� Mobi le Data. Project- - Stonegarden G ra�n�t ��.
- e - -This.project is being done in con- Mobile computers and mobile
. -_- 1 ls� a precizrsor to a County- junction with the Clallam County camera systems have been sliown
wide implementation of the Sheriffs Department and �he to be force multipliers, tools that
$550,000 U.S. Department of Sequim Police Department, which speed up communication and are
Homeland Security "Stonegarden" also have or are conducting ex- value-added for public safety and _
Grant, the Port Angeles Police tended mobile data product crime reduction efforts. The
Department has continued �� tests. The goal of this project_ funding to kick off this project is
with a trial and testing pro- ' w �' � is threefold: 1) Select :an through the Stonegarden grant
gram of various patrol car ; '�� "in-car" computer and cam- received by Clallam County. The
mounted mobile computer ;,�' �, ��� � era system and specifica- purpose of this grant is to im-
and video products. -To. �� ��-• - tions _,that,_will be usable prove cooperation and collabora-
,�. �.,.:- r _. .
date, PAPD has mounted. � .. , County..wide; 2) Have mo- . tion between " agencies (inter-
in patrol cars for 30 to 90 � �� �= bile data computers and operability) and thus have a posi-
-- days complete mobile data ;�' _,, `_''•'- �camera _ systems _ opera-� .tive_impact. on_ law enforcement
` (camera systems and com- � ' tional in�' police vehicles and criminal interdiction efforts
puter) from Coban, L3, �! - assigned to various agen- in communities: Deploy- -
and Panasonic. In progress �1 cies, including PAPD, by _ ment of mobile data/computer
are test and demonstration pro- spring 2010; 3) Use the initial and camera systems will be a key
-- �- jects using Vivue mobile camera deployment of in-car computers componerit in fulfilling the re- �
systems and Data 911 computer_ __. and , c as an ex- quirements of this Federal grant.
and camera systems. These pro- tended beta test and proof of con- Local agencies, including PAPD,
jects involved each manufacturer cept of a s}�stem that will ulti- are fortunate to have received
providing the equipment and tech- mately be utilized in every PAPD, Federal funding for a project that
nical support to get a computer Sequim Police, Clallam Sheriffs will provide a significant and
and camera system up and run- Department, Forks Police, and positive impact on public safety
ning in a patrol car and connected 'I�ibal Police vehicle in the in our communities.
to a manufacturer provided County. . • __ __.- . .
server. In each test the manufac- -
turers have sent out technicians Video
and equipment and spent consid- """` r ��"• ��, ' camera .
erable time and effort -toward-- °'?' '^'�- � �`'� :.-
, -�-�
. making their systems fully opera- Moving ,, � s _ ..--" .
� tional in PAPD vehicles. +� � radar � „. _ " ;,:�"°`-� ' �
� � � In addition to providing PAPD �� � � ` �� . �:�:: `�"' xT- " �
_ :'�° _ -. � � - , .- -- � ... _ , . � ,�l+��
with a functioning camera and � '�-� ---� 4;
recording� system and working in- ,':' Mobile
� car computer during the test peri--. _ " computer
ods, this project has also allowed .
. ,. _
the Department- to test various • ,��,
products and configurations and --� � n'd�.
gain considerable subject matter �'" - "
� knowledge in tlie � area of police �°°°"'"
�-, _ ..�..
. ' � ' � �i� _ ._ �..
mobi.le data. The project has ,„�;
� been managed and coordinated by.- _ ''� �"'"
`� ,� ,.� f V_'� 'S
— --- --Officer_ Dan Morse, .and techni- -_: �.. - �,a.,
Radio ��;�
cal assistance _ has . been provided �'``' v �° �
- by PenCom Systems �Coordina-�. �
tors Gary Brooks - and� Mary=.: '
Wilgocki. � �
---- ----- __ _-�---------- -----------_.��----- ----...._�..�_.�.___ _.. - ------- . .. .��--------I
---�=�= � External- Defibrillator)- � ----=--=-
- - --- - -
___ __. ._ demic studies of police defibrilla- . more opportunities for the Fire
. . . -
s the Department's�Medical tor shown �sig- ' Department's EMT's and Para- -
_—. . - -- _ . _ . .
_, __ ._ Safety Officer I have been placed _: :. nificant .improyement in cardiac medics to treat viable patients
--- . ... . ------ -�--_--- - ---- ----- - - -
.__ in charge of that . arrest sur��iyal,.rates when a de-_ ...and obtain.more cardiac arrest
. ...._ . .. .. _ . .
� - ---- - - -- ---- - -- ._. . _ . _ .
� of�'icers . have , the necessary . fibrillator is administered as patient "saves," with ultimate .
."-�- equipment, education, and train- little as one minute sooner. - �delivery of �the patient to addi-
- _- � ing to not only save each other . : _.. . . _ ... _ .tional advanced hospital care � �
___ __ during_.highsisk.. situations._.but --� �� for treatment and successful
- - - - to also assist the Fire Depart- p �n � �` recover � . _-- �� • � --
Y• -
- __ ment and other medical profes-' �`
--- .. ..
°'"�� sionals"in both emer ent and
g �"'� The Port Angeles arid Sequim
non-emergent situations. �� � Police Departments have. each .�
-' � � -- � � � � -� been given t���o AEDs by the - -
��� A Currently, �I am_ the only' officer� ' � Olympic Medical Center � Foun-
--- --� � with th"e Department who is cer- dation. PAPD has received an
tified as an Emergency Medical `� �"„u,,, ;;�,.:, additional donation from the
Technician-Basic(EMT-B). , ~ _ First Federal Foundation and is
Trevor Dropp is currently at- ��� �� '� �� looking to match that donation -
�tending � the 130-hour training � � -:, to purchase a thu d unit. The
course to become the De art- '�.�`�-' ���`
P ' units are manufactured by the
ments 2nd certified EMT-B. He - �. � � ZOL Corporation and cost about
should finish the ro ram in De- ' � x
P g ��- �� $1200. apiece. They are ful.ly
cember. All officers are trained . compatible with the automatic
to provide basic first-aid and and manual defibrillator units
. CPR.. .. . . carried by the Fire Department.
- �� PAPD will conduct joint train-
One of the major tasks I have �= �`� ` �'� '' ing of Police Officers with the
assisted in is the implementa- Port Angeles Fire Department
--- -- tion of the Count �'s first law en- w�th AED similar to the ones that
3 will be cqrried__by our _ officers -_ and then immediately _ deploy .. �._ _
-—` '�forceinent Automated � . Left: _ Officer_ _ Dan._Morse;. Right:. __. the AEDs _ in on-duty Patrol
- _. _ Defibrillator . _ (AED) _ program. - Firefighter-paramedic- _Mark Kar- _. .units: Data on numbers of calls
- _= The benefit of having police ve who also has a limited -- responded to and patient out= ---
—_. _ hicles_ equipped with AEDs is = commission as an arson investiga- comes will be kept in conjunc-
_ quicker response ��time to a - tor for the Police Department. - � tion with the Fire Department.
"shock-able" patient._ . Every . _ _ - _ __ _�_ . .� -_--_ _ 1'he ultimate program goa�l will � -
__ -� minute__someone_ is down_ and With the geographical of be to have al] the marked, on= -
_= CPR isn't started that Port Angeles and typica.l Patrol -- duty Patrol vehicles in Port An-
__ _patient's- survivability_ _ Studies .__ Officer:deployment, a PAPD pa-_: geles equipped with an AED.
done by th'e American Heart As-� trol vehicle has a strong chance ._ ._ . __ _ _____
sociation have shown that deliv- of being in the immediate vicin- We believe this is a value-added -
ery of an AED to a cardiac arrest ity of a cardiac arrest patient. program that will help the Port
• � patient within the first five min _`_ This means there is a better op- Angeles Police and Fire Depar.t-
utes increases his or her chances - portunity for patient survival by ments better serv.e their com-
of survival up to 90%. Ho�vever, having CPR and ��defibrillation munity. �
with each minute of delay until delivered ahead of the Fire lle- - ___. .._:._
__ defibrillation, the survival rate partment's advanced life support - Officer Sky Sexton
__� = drops by 10%_. Some other aca- . arrival. Our vision is to provide __ :._ ___
�----- ------- ------------ ------- --�__��_-_------.....__....___....__..��......__......_. _
--- M -...._ _�_ --_-
_ __.�----- -_�.._...._..--- --_,........�....___.._..__.. -----...._.._���_..---------------- -
_: _: _, .
• • • • '
. . . . . -
_ T-- _�-- - -ete_ctive= -ivision--.� -�__ _ _- . . . � .
,��cq Woods was sentenced to 75 months complete . the follo�v-up investiga-
.,-,. +-�� ��� • O ur mis- of confinement. tion. On 08/12/09 Detective Ja-
_ ,. .
.... � -' sion states :� son Viada �and� Detective Ser- --
.� `• •_ that we will Preaiotcsly Conuicted Chi.ld Mo- geant Steve Coyle apprehended
_ _ ..
,, . _ � ��.. promote �free- - lest.er Sentenced to 43 iYlonths in . the suspect m Island County and
_ : y� dom, peace of _ New Case. On 05/15/09, while in- transported h.im back to Port Ange-
_ . . _.. .
�'�-- mind, pride ---vestigating a report that a.young . les where the hs was booked into
�. _ _- , _ _ . ::
. :. i n _ o u r boy had':been molested in a resi- _ the Clallam County Jail. On
,, _.
�i �. n e i g h b o r- dence on the west side of Poi�t Ange• 08/13/2009 Joel A. Wilson, 40, of
_ .._.__,
. hoods; and les, Detectives � Kevin Spencer Clinton was charged with 13 counts
--------_._ . ._� ' .
safety for all. and Jason Viada located and ap- of First Degree Child Rape for the
In an .effort prehende.d the suspect. On 05/18/09 series of crimes that occurred in
DecettiveCorporalJasonViada to accomplish Bria.n C:_ Taylor-Rose, 31, of Port Port Angeles when the female vic-
our mission, the Detective Unit pro= Angeles was charged with First De- tim was between six and eleven
vides prompt and thorough investi- - gree Cfiild • Molestation. On years of age. � �
gations. When p��ioritizing cases, 08/15/09.Taylor-Rose pleaded guilty
�ve consider the investigation of the Third Degree Child Molestation. Suspect Charged in Rape of 15-
crimes against persons, especially After a pre-sentence investigation Yeur-Ol.d Boy. On 07/19/09 Offi-
children, to be of highest impor- Taylor-Rose was sentenced to 43 cer Erik Smith took a report fiom
� tance. We are motivated by the -- months -confinement on 09/23/09. - a parent that a 15-year-old boy had
ideal that chiidren wiil grow up free Tayl.or-Rose has a previous convic- been sexually assaulted while
fiom victimization; that parents will tion for a similar Child Molestation spending the night at a friend's
experience peace of mind while chil- incident.that also occurred on the house. Detective Jason Viada
-- - dren and young people come and go west side of Port Angeles. completed the follow-up investiga- �
fiom school, sports, and community . tion. On OS/03/2009 Ma:t Yj%right,
activities; and that people in Port Suspect.. Chnrged i.n I�-Cou.nt 19, of Port Angeles was charged
- Angeles will be proud to live in safe Chi.ld Rcape/Molest Case. On with 3� Degree Rape.
neighborhoods. 08/28/09 a family came to the police
station and reported to Officer Su.spect Arrested an.d Charged
Armed Home Invader• Sentenced Mike Johnson that theu 12-year- in Voyeuri.sm Case. On 0 r/29/09
- t.o 75 Months. On 09/09/08"Officers �old daughter had been victimized by Detective Tom Kuch received a
"-�- - responded - :to a report of. an armed _ a� family_ acquaintance. Because of report that a 17-year-old gul had
_ _ . _. _ _
- - - h6m e-invasion - robber.y - that-has - just --- the= thorough in.itial . investigation_- -:.:been filmed w'it}iout her knowledge
-_ �ccurred��t a_iesideuce. on. the-west _=_.completed. by_ Officer Johnson, lle-� : by a camera that had been placed
side of Port Angeles. Detectives tectives were able to promptly com in the bathroom at a local resi- .
�� - also responded to investigate. Pa- plete the follow-up investigation. dence. During the investigation,
- trol officers initiated a ptusuit with Detective Jason Viada arrested a Detective Kuch arrested the sus-
��-••--- -�� the fleeing suspect vehicle. Officers -- suspect'in - the case. On 09/04/09 -' pect: On 08/03/09 Dua.ne A.
-- I and detectives fiom several agen- Larry M: (Mar•sh.a.11) Wol•ley, _27 of _ Getclzell, 39, of Port- Angeles_ was
.-- --- �� - cies responded _ to Port Townsend Port _Angeles was charged_ ���ith a = charged with Voyeurism; a felony: �-�
- I where the piusuit_ended,_and all :. series. of.:15 crimes that included. ... -. _ _-= ___
_ four suspects (all_fiom:-Kent),-were -- five - counts of'Child Rape and 10 Su.spect Ch.arged in Firea►ms -
- � apprehended. Al1 � four_ suspects -- counts of Child Molestation. -- _ Case. On 06/26/09 Officer John - .
- were charged with Robbery. T�vo of _ - - _ . _ _ _ � _ _ _ � - •Nutter took a report that a man • -
-- : ' the suspects coopeiated with the_ Su.spect: Charged in 13-Cou.nt who had been providing in-home
___ investigation and pleaded guilty to_ _ Child,. Ra�e C�se. On 06/30/09 care for an elderly man �vas sus- _._
-- Robber.y 2. On 05/13/09 Delandre Of�cer _Dave Arand took a report pected of stealing from his patient. .
- - ;-=R- Woods,_19,.�leaded guilty to Bur= a$e.11inghain family_regarding� Detective _ Kevin Spencer_ com _-
__. __ _ glary-l-While Axmed with a Fire- a series of child rapes that had oc- pleted the follow-up iiivestigation _
-- - -; = arm. On =06/11/09 a third curred wliile mem6ers of the family and recovered a I:uger pistol.� -.Ori. -__ _._.__
_ -- pleaded .guilty_ to_Robber.y_ 2 While_--were__living-in-P-ort Arigeles-Port - 08/22/09 Steuen A_ Biirnh.a.ni, 28, of
�` �— Armed with a Firearm and was sen- Angeles Police Detectives traveled Port Angeles was charged with Pos- •__
-� tenced to 42 months. On 0$/20/09 Lo Island and Whatcom Counties to session of a Stiolen Fireaim.
i ;�n-� 4�
I ;
. _
• • �
_ :_:�_, �ORNET_=_-_OI_ympic_ Peninsula. Narcotics � . � �
Enforcement Team �
. : . _ � � .�� ,:=�;.. �� �� ;�� __ .
:� � p.
� g
--- -..- i _ R �; �,, .. � x� '
_ _ i _ ..� .�. .
-- � -
. . ..,
- ---- . .
. -._ ... < �` '
':,�< ,.,� -� '� `
.--_. . �-- � -- , i�r�. x ...`� ' � _�
d' _ .
� � uring the �months of July, August,
and September, ° a high priority for '�
- - � OPNET is to locate and dismantle out- .. _
. _ _ ' .� .
door marijuana grow operations. The :� , �
----- -
� --- concern is not only the cultivation of a �'�` '�
controlled substance, but also the envu•onmental damage caused by such things as creek and river diver-
sion, and the introduction of chemicals that kill fish and �vildlife dependant upon that water system for
.. - - theu survival. _ _ . .. __ ...__ .-- -.._.__ ._ . _. _.. _ _. . .. ._ . _. . - -. .
- —-- Traditionally, Olympic Peninsula weather is nice and conducive to growing marijuana outdoors. In the �
-- ------- past we have seen marijuana plants that have been planted outdoors for theu entire cycle and have also
. seen marijuana plants that have been started indoors and moved outdoors to finish theu cycle. ._
-- OPNET assisted in this endeavor by the Washington Air National Guard (WAf1NG). WAANG pro- -
vides air support in the form of helicopters for the entue state of Washington. �---- �
Although the majority of outdoor marijuana gzo�ving operations are in Eastern Washington, Western
Washington outdoor marijuana grows are increasing. Washington State ranks second in the nation, be-
hind orily California, in marijuana cultivated outdoors. In 2008, nearly 750,000 marijuana plants were
seized fiom outdoor gro�vs in Washington State. , •
' These photographs show marijuana_� growirig outdoors. The aerial photographs were taken by
OPNET detectives 6om WAANG helicopters. The ground photographs were taken by OPNET detectives - -
� � ` � :. _ . when the plants were eradicated.
x. � �
;� _ _ __. . .. . . . .. .
- Detective Ser•gea.nt Eric Koua.tch
. . .. .. ,3: --- . .. .� .. . . . . . . _ . . . . .
— � . - - ._ � . .
( � � o-'. _, . .. _
( '�'�w4�;, a ' ��,
r. � � '� �
,.,' � 1 k
�, � �� t �> ,° �. .,�, �
... .=�i 5 ^ , � ':� ,.. _ ..
_ '" _. "' � ��� . 1 �.'Ww� 7s.. '� � f .
w � M s � � «„ �'.
� • r � �r . ._ .
� `� � �x fi !'Y��'' � r
•� . . _. . _ __ �,� . ;��� � ...��. a� a ���#��+� . . 1 � ,
4 i �
�1.� � � �� � . •� . •�T
L�_ 4 • , . • L,t . . - l�...
� . =. ' txr.. �._�.� R
_"__"__".._.. ..___'__...�......_._....""_ ___._"____� ___'__...__._.._.���........�_..._...._"_"__"""___.._.�.�.... _
-- M = 1-5 --------_
— _ -- : • • • .
�atr-ol-Divrsion -. =---__:.=._� :�..�^,— :_.- � . � . .
- - _� _� � °'� �� lam County Jail - and later turned__ w arrant � � � �
� ' ��� �w; ��� �` '�� over to the cusiody' of the UriiLed
States Marsliar s��v��e. Program -
` Bank Robbery. A local bank�was
- � . `
�:' • -- robbed on Augus�-318L. A lone male � ' �
_ ` • suspect d.isplayed a weapon -and _
,��' - demanded money. A large scale D w.ing the months of July, Au-
manhunt was conducted for che,sus- gust, and September, the Port An-
..���-r x• pect after a possible suspect :was
seen in a residential neighborhood geles Police Department seived 253 ..
� near the bank. Over 30 officers arrest warrants for a total of 174
__-_- - from several jurisdictions were in- subjects taken into custody.
volved in the house-to-house search. This arrest warrant service and _
Also utilized were a United States number of subjects arrested reflects - --
Coast Guard_helicopter and a heli- hard work at both ends of the spec-.
-- :E- trum, from PenCom to the Patrol
- copter from the Customs and Bor- Division.
der Patrol Au and Marine Wing
Sergeant Glen Roggenbuck located in Bellingham. The suspect
} . was not located during the search; The front end �vork is done by �Var-
-- -and case is now in the hands of rant Entry Clerk Jodi Simmons
� the Detective Division. and by our public safety
P atrol remained very active this __ _� � ers, who provide confirmation.
summer. - The back end work is done by Pa- •
Terrorism Drill. In September '�rol in their diligent pursuit and
Stand off with murderer. On the Patrol Division participated'in a apprehension of fugitives and per-
July 4�h Officer Mike Johnson large scale terrorism drill. Spon- Sons non-compliant �tirith du•ection • -
observed a suspect wanted on an sored by Region Two of Ghe V�'ash- � from the court. PenCom's capacity
outstanding fugitive warrant go ington State Homeland Security to keep up with the volume of war-
into a house located at 8�b and"A" - Department, the drill involved an I lants issued current is what allows
-- - Streets. The suspect was wanted on active_ shooter scenario along with �
PaY,rol access to timely and accu-
a federal warrant relating to his numerous injuries fiom several e�- rate information about wanted sub-
- conviction for a double murder that P�osions at a fictitious school. Along
with the Port Angeles Police � De- Jects and their current status.
occurred in Clallam County in 1991. �This ability to serve arrest war-
The house was surrounded by Pa- Partment, other participating agen- lants is an�important crime inter-
- trol Officers. They �t�ere assisted by cies included_ the Clallam_ County_. diction tool for pol.ice officers and is
agents fiom the Border Patrol and Sheriff's=:�Department,- the Sequim _. something that returns "quality of
_: _ _.
deputies fi•om the Clal.lam County Police Department, Olympic Memo- life" value to the community:==- `-� �'
Sheriff's Office. The suspect re- llal Hospital, Clallam County_ Fire __ __ __ _._ __ . _
fused to siurender, and a standoff - District 3, and_the Olympic Penin- � ___ .- =----- --- ----- - ""
_ ,.
- sula Chapter of the Red Cioss. -- `-
_ .. _ ensued. The suspect concealed him - _:_ _ __ =_
--- - -- -� - -- :----- -- --- : - - -- - -
_ __ .
self in the attic space over the ga- _ _- -- =- "-
. - '- = .— _ _ _
rage. As the day �jent on, it became� �New - Officers-_There are t�yo �ne�v �
- -- ---- - - .
more and- more uncomfortable_for _ adclitions to_the_Pohce-Department __ _ - : .-- - - .
the - suspect due to the - increasing -__ Justin _Ler-oux a as on Sep- -_ _-- --
- — th __� _— .
teiuperature: �- Shortly after noon, tember .8 , and h�e rs curi•ently_.. at-. ,_ T11e appllCat10I1
-- � ten.din basic police=academy "'- ` •
Crisis Negotiators na��a DQm -- g- process for becomin 1-
-- � -` --' Kori �Malone started_ on OctQber' __. _ _� � . __ , b
browski and Gary Gort at_____—_ - - •• --- - __„ .
_ Lempted to contact the suspect by _: 5th Kori comes to us fiom=the - ]?A�?D-Off Cer -.— -- ---
- � --� public address system. - After a- Sequim Police Department wheie _ - _--- . - - -. � �
.. .._ -
-- -- - � ----"` she speni�almost 10-yeais as a Pa - beg1I1S 1t
short time the suspect responded to _' �----- - _._ -
- those efforts, and the were able to —t''ol Of$cer- and most ie- � --- •-
- - y publccsa fetytestcng. com.
negotiate a peacefizl surrender. The cently as a Detective.— -- --�- .
suspect was booked into the Clal-
-- -- __ _—_- ---- M- =-�-g
•_ • _ . .
--�� - K=9 � Program . - _� . -- � � _ �_ . . - - . � -
� ' �, �t. _V O ur mission is to provide the best support to ow� law enforcement agen-
�_ T__ - 1 � �=�`� cies and citizens throughout the greater Olympic Peninsula. In order to
F �,
achieve this, it is vital that we maintain a high level of realistic training to
� simulate all possible situations that we may
; � � t. �:
- � i encounter in the field. This quarter we have j , ^
really challenged our dogs, and we are work-
;':.� � ing to prepare them for upcoming S.tate ac-
�� � �- creditations in November. _ � , :µ
�::..�.�,..Y' ��-, . '_ _ . . �..
_�, � � The Department facilitates monthly train- �;�NI � � .
ing for a number of agencies across four ' �iM
counties, which allows us to share our resouxces and optimize our training time. `
Kilo is currently our only dog that is cross trained-for narcotics. _The rest of the ;`�'
dogs are single purpose:.patrol or "generalist" dogs that are trained in the tracking
and apprehension of suspects and locating evi-
�--,� dence tluough scent ��vork. We generally focus our training on issues encountered i.n
� �-,_ .
the field and expose the canine to eveiy possible experience so that the dog is men-
tally prepared in h.is development and has_the confidence
to handle the stress of actual street applications. - .
---- -
�� During the last couple of training sessions, we have been �
., �` working on tactical team deployments and exposing the
• `,^� dogs to a myriad of munitions. VVe started� by exposing
them to less lethal munitions, traditional• fuearms, flash �.
- bangs, and then CS gas in conjunction �vith being utilized
with tactical teams. We joined forces with the Kitsap
County Sheriffs SWAT Team to expose the dogs to tactical .
team movements and gas exposures. All :of the dogs did ��.�;;��. '�
veiy well working through the e�posure and apprehending " •
the decoy. '�
We added more commands and hand signals, getting the dogs to go left, right, or deeper in '
their searche ad ded an_o_ff_the-back jump, haying the dog jump off his�handler's Uack "'°� . �
and up and over an elevated obstacle,,a=situation we commonly encounter in the field. '. � -
_ - -- - -- -- -- - — ----- — ---- - -
- This gives the handler-the-option getting_his�partner up:and oy_er seven,to eight foot- ---
-- �=___ --- Uarrier-"-problem:'� VVe also did a-1ot of group obedience=and control work:�� Each�dog-has strengths and weaknesses
� ._ . -_ . __
" - -._- which we constantly address in.our.individual',traiiung:sessions �-�— : ' �__ -'
• _ �-- _ --_ - ,-_� .___
- - . ----_ _ � _ —. _ _ __. _ � .
-_ - In case you'i•e wondering about the little German shepherd,
� she's a foster pup at our house that my eight year old is worliing _
�vith._.She-will be rotated_out foi: another: one in_November:` -" :_. -
, :._ �
-- - - - - ._ , � , .,,,-.�..<., -- - Corporal Keuin Mil•ler
-- - -_ _. . . . : - .,�,
. _ - - �`�":. ,^ �`�'^�" --
- � �� � � " ---- ,,�
- � ��� ��' � ��� � � _ -
—' ' — ' �'' �� " I'�ufllo�'�� o�e� �' pW �
-- _ ��� -- _ _
---- ' e ... � �. � � � �
� �:.�� - -- °
Jag Kilo
vr = 17
' .
- � ��-Records Division = A-.day in the � life : . . _ � _ � � _
. ._ . �
� - you could _very well observe any, -. marijuana lying around that he"
. ' � "��• �� �'� g:�, � �- or all, of these activities going on. conld use £or medicinal reasons,
' �� . Add in citizens wanting to speak because, otherwise, he would
� ---- with an officer-for. reasons as di- . ha�e to go to Seattle .to get son�e"
��� verse as credit card fraud to as- �
... .. . .. � '� , . �Response: No). .
��� � - ;' � sault, to violation of a court order,
_ __ ��,�w�'" - to stalking..' We also facilitate an I have been asked what a
_� _ ----- . ---- _. . .
""'� ��'- -'=-- s .� ;♦ �� ,,� � occasional__ arrest... moet . often "normal" day in Police Records is
_�: :: ° -:-- �' -.� v when someone with a warrant like. My response is usually
walks in for another reason and along the .lines o£ "T don't know.
we advise a"n officer of their pres- I haven't e�perienced one yet!"
- " ence in the lobby. _ _. " Every day is differerit. We may
- - - have contact with a dozen or
Ask _ any _ Records _Specialist, and more people, or we may not have
-- she will tell you we can chart the anyone come in... but that doesn't
phases of the moon by the types of happen very often! We try to
Cindy Carino, Records Specialist contacts we have over a month's reet each
g person as quickly as
��------- time. The more unusual do seem possible, with a smile and a help-
arking tickets? Yep.... we to come in: during a full moon! ful attitude, no matter what their
handle `em. Concealed Pistol Li- -- Such as the person to situation. Our contact with them
cense applications? Yep... we--�--- report a theft £rom his house... may be the first and/or only con-
process `em. Fingerprints? Yep... and oh, b the wa ' •
y y... it s in tact they have with the Police
we take. `em. Bicycle licenses? Sequim (Response: Please contact Department, a�d we want that
Yep... we issue `em. ��Vhen you the Sequim .Police Department). . experience to be a positive one,
enter the Port Angeles Police De- Or my personal favorite, the gen- even if their reason for coming in
, partment lobby Monday through tteman who us his doctor sent isn't so "positive."
Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., him over to see if we had "e�tra" ��
_ � � Third Quarter Third Quarter Amount of Percent
Records Process (Task) � � 2009 2008 Change Inc/Dec
._ .
-- ---� � � Crime Re orts Pcocessed _. _ :. _ 906_ . . _ . 1000 . -94 = 9 %
Crime Re orfs Taken b Records staff 105 -� 147 -42 -29 %
- . - Dissemination number of records _ . _ _ : 430 . (not available) — —
� � Live Scan Transmissions fin er rints _. � 36 -- 35 �l 3%
- - Concealed Pistol Licenses _. - _ 58 � 50 8 16 %
Pistol Transfer A lications= �--- : � 76 -. 68 - g 12 %
-� Fin er rints - General�Public 43 _ 76 .. - -33 - 43.%
� � - -- -Pdrkin Tickets Entered 650 1057 -407 . - 39 %
� - --- Traffic lnfractions Entered � - � 227 422 -195 -46 %
i` "-`=��-" _Transcri ti _:-_-- - - ----. _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 35 -1 -3 %
_ -- _- _-_---__- -- � __. _ _� - .__ . - . - -..-__ ------ - ...
- _ �_
- -
I -- ,-... _ - _. _ _ - .. '" � " _ 4 �:
. . - _ . .�--�' . .
__ -
- - . _ . .�
. _ . �.
-� ---- - '.:_"� - -�,- �. �,� '-�,.-.
- -- ..-TEAM�--.�T�ogethe_r E�ery_one Ach�eves More
: ___. �
t____-----------__ �..�_�----------- ----......---��_..--�--------- _-------------`M__ _�..8_.-------...�__J
- -� :� PenCom - Calls & Dispat�hes - . _�. - _ . -_ . - �
3rd Qtr Com parison 3rd Qtr Comparison . 3rd Qtr Comparison �
. - . � 2008 : - ❑2008 O 2008 -
:,_ . :: :... : .....,;_ - -- - _ . 20 �
� 6ry '• '❑ 2009``. 10000 0,'`� 0,'`�� O 2009 . 3500 � ,�O . . _._ ❑ 09 . .
- _ �- � ---- . . ._..
_ - --
..: .._.. 550o c,° ��y°' .::._ _ ti . ._.. . 9000 . ._ _ i .__ . . ... _ ,ye . o
.::. •..�... ::: . ,.
... . y
- 5000 � o �'` 8000 a
. . - - 4500 - 2500 ry
. . - . - 4000 -- -- 7000_ _ � �
__— ._._---._ - - - � -- 6000 ;-= --- . 2000
_ � _ _ --r..^_.._.- - - = - -
� 3000 - - - --__ - 5000 --- _ - - .
__ 2500 -- - - __ - - °4000 � - _ � _ _ - - 1500 .
2000 3000 `
:.._ ,.,_. . . . =
-._ �.
. . . . _ _ . � --_. . _. . _ : _ _
1000 - -- — _ _ _ - 2000 = - . _ . 1000 : . _
- 500 1000 500 �
-� � ---- ---------_=== �.__ . =' _—'--�.• :. _ . . _ .
_ , p
� CaUs for Service Dispatches _ Total,Count 911 Calls
y PO Quick Calls
Calls for Service are any request for police action documented by: PenCom. Those requests may be �enerated by citizens and/or officers via
phone calls, field contac�s, and lobby contacts. Dispatches.are any.request for police service that is dispatched to an Officer for action.
Quick Calls are any police action initiated by an Officer without a dispatch; e.g., axraffic stop, a citizen contact, or a security check. . .
� - - - - -- - - -- _ _
� � - Traffic I nfractions----- --:=- : - -- - -. _ . . --
- � - ------ . _-- .. _ __--._ _._ . T._-- - - - -- -. . -
� 3rd Qtr Comparison_- - ❑ Zppg _ 3rd Qtr Comparison p 2008
- -- - - -- ------- . - _--- 0 2Q09 _ . ❑ 2009
_ . _ �
fls ----- 35. 30
150 ---- ---- -- - --- -- -- - . - 30 - .
125 . _ ?524
25 _ _
100 20 - -- --
- - -. , - : . 75 -- s2 s � ._ �s 65 � � � 15 �
. ; _ 5p --zaZZ - - �-- � 10 g 5 6 7. 6 7 . 9 8 4
-- �. _ _ _ 2 0 __ _ - 5 ._ .
_ � �"l �... __ _
_ _. . �
_ . . _ - 0 -
_ J�P �.o�. _ a.o . �5 �5 �, . - a� o �a e e � o
- - -- � `o e � � \� \� - .. . _ ��� 5.0 ��e G � o S � �SO \ �;��o
. e o - J 5 Q a �. �. � :: Q ' . �o o � O �o - - --_ . .
�,`° �.� ae J ; -- - �oQ� 5`' t�a�- - '�°- 2� � - e�� ----- - - -
- -- i.� 5 ��� . y Q e � ��e ' --- -�� � a��` o � ° � \c o,� �eA�' - a �� - -- - - - - . --
. � �� �' �i _ _ - _ F � - � e - � � --- - ----- - -
_ _:._'-� ._----- --_- _ _ ------ -• ----�------- - 5 � e
-- -- -=--
- :---_.f .�----------------- _------ -- -- -- - -- - - -- - -
� Collision Comparison Suspended Driving - _ -' Analysis � -- - __
-- _-- - -� ❑ 2008 Year to Da4e � 2007 n�ost tiaffic enforcements ha��e stayed the
- � =- � � - - - - � �� � ❑ 2009 " - -- - ❑ 2008 - - same or dropped. Suspended License en-
- - _ '. �-- 400 - _--_- - - --- - - - O 2009 for em t" s r so - -
_. c en ha isen and has been doing
- -- — � - - - - ., - -
• -�- -
�-_ _300. ._ --_. 287259 300 :. steadily. Seethree-yearcomparison.�
-° ---- : - _ :___ _ _ . - ===-- --" 212— -.--'
- -- - - _ . 188 - _ . -- _ - - . _ .
- - _ _200 - ---- __ __ ___ 200__ __-_ _ - - _�_ Suspended- License -enforcement enerally
-- - � 108.96 : - - - . g - -
100_ 79 � "_� results_in ph3�sical,arx�est of the of.fender and �-
a search of his.or her person._Sorrietimes�f,he '
- - . _ 100• - - •_
_�• -��� � pat-down search yields controlled substancea, _
3fd QU Y'i� � , search warrant(s), and additional arrests.
�..___ ��.._....__.._.__.........__....------
��---_____._.._............_......_.�...._.� _..--- -...._��� ..............--
_�,__-----------� . .....__. �. ......_
' _ ___QuarterlyComparison ozooe-2ndav ; . Year'to Date Comparison o2oos •
_:_._ � ; SuP_Po_rt ----- ---_�_- -__- =- � - - - - .- -. _ .
, - --_- : ��__ �.._- - - - . � - , : o zoos- srd a� >� - - - � 'so a zoos
S ervices 60 - � 47 43 - _� 41 .. a3
O 40 � 35 30
30 2fi 19 22 :30 19' 22
� ` � � � �r. 20 � � ` �
ro _ , p _
-- - - .- o -_- •
; — - - = ` .- =- - - - .._ Removed by Other Aclion
_.. �-.� � ,__. __ JVPP _ JVCP Removedby OtherACion - ' ' -
- — - ;.�''�� - - -- --- - - ' _ _ O.v - --- - - - -. .
- ----- - ----. ._. _ e_ . _ � � - ner
Ow�r -.
- - ----
�.:� �F . .x'�.u.. ..�� ..:, __ . _ _ � - - - _ . ., . . . . . _. . . .
� ---- --- - -- ' .. --- .. . . - -- - .. . ._ . . .... . . --
�� y - ,_ - - - Gale s the Department pomt man f r unk
i o
-- ��-' -�-� - vehicle abatement. and parking issues outside of the Downtown area. This "key" relates to the charts: .R'PP
-- ._- -�,,,_ ,``,�;; . -� &-,T�'-CP- junk-vehicles and authoriz.ed for toev_ing at the request o.f private property
� _ (PP), or the City (CP). Remoyed _by_ Owner - moved from City property subsequent contact: Other .
_ �aie T°�°", s°PP°n _- .Action - Self initi during the course=of other dufies. Often there is no dispatch re-
- _-- - __ -- ------_, --�_ _ — _ _._ _ - - - t:
. .- - - -
._.. :.....
-- -- .; -. --. .
r _ --
Parkin En orcement� --= - - _
�- - - g - - : _ ., . ___.- -- _ __� _._.:__ � � . . .
. .. ....:� � ,.,�'� .r� ��- ----. � -- - ` -� ----- - ---- --- �. __ . _ . . . .
� �� - �. - Month Tickets _ , _ _ . . Revenue. , "-. Tickets �� � - Re.venue
�� . r ��,> --- _— --�-- --- 3�`' Qtr 2009 � 3 Qtr 2009 3� Qtr 2008 3 Qtr 2008
' ;';�,
�� April 231 � 4,082 296 $ 3,600
� Ma 205 $ 2,483 403 $ 4,098
_ y _
June 214" - $ 2,SSS� � - � 358 � � � 4,080
.___.. _.. . ..__ . .
Totals for 650 $ 9,120 1057 $11,778 •
Sandra Svallord, Parking -- QUarter -__ . __ _ _ _ .
Crime Statistics - Analysis _ . _ -
- The chart on the following page shows representing "norrual" that is calcu- the 2nd quarter.
-- -� the number of Uniform Crime Report - lated from historical data. Theoreti- . Very positive to note that Donies-
Part I and Part II Crimes reported to cally, if crime statistics fall �vithin.the. tic Violence rates are dowri in ' -
� - the Port Angeles Police Department in threshold, there is little cause: for quarterly and yearly comparisons.
the 3�� quarter of 2009. - A_compai7son _alarin; however, further evaluation of . Most Part II crimes are a�ithin the '' -
is made with the number of lil:e . large swings may still be necessary. threshold of "normal." Several
-- -� cri.mes-reported in the pre��ious quar- may fall short of the yearly
'------ -ter. Crimes year-to-date for 2008-and--Readers must also keep in mind-that--_--- threshold. � " �-� "" '
--_ -- �2009 are also_contrasted._ . small numbers yield high percentage . Resist/OUstruct Off.icer is still set
_ __ ._ - __ -- _-_ _-- _ _ - -= differences - when only a few more irici � - to fall above threshold range.
_ Crime trends cannot be determined-by dents have occurred. • Adult ?,rrest rates are showing an - -
_'coiiiparing changes over short dura- `" � upward trend. There� could be
�:_ - : - tions." However, evahiation signifi__ _.Some evaluation of_tlus,data yields the. -- several reasons for this. Stream-
. . - -- •: - - _
- -- cant -short-term-changes_ can�give- an--following-clarifying information: ' - - _ ' lined procedures have allowed _ -- _
- - � _ _-- - -- - -
_- __= _ early_ of, __upward or __.__ Most Part I:. crime rates appear - Officers more time for investiga= -_-
� -._ dow•nward trends. Upward trends do -- within the threshold -of "normal," �-- tion, traffic enforcemenY., and -
. "'. " not necessarily that crime is=oiit _::_— w�ith R,obbery a bit and T}ieft` other self-initiated acti��ity. En-_ .
-__. ' police officers -- and"Arson rates�lower tliari `nor= - forcement of Driv w ith Sus-
- - - _._ .�_— . ___ — __ .- - - - - - - -
:__ _ : -,- _ can_ cause an _increase _�.n .crime--and - � _ � mal.�-_ --- - . ---= -- pended License has risen sharply.
arrest=; statistics, as__ca.rL: a. cr.i.me • The Theft- ra't dropp dramati- - -
— - . "s t•ee:''Dbwnwai�d"trends could mean - - - , - -' ` -` �'- -�`-- ---- - -- --- -- � - -- -- - -
_A . , a _� _ , _ _ _. _ cally this quarter__ Further arialy- _. * Monthly .comparisons reveal some •
�-_�- cnme'is dow`n; or that-people. ai e. jiist� �-- '- - veals a vex hi h number of ---
sis re y g large percentage changes; however,
, noC repoiting crune for some reason:� vehicle prowls occurred in June, the actual numbers represent a small •
causing an inflated Cheft rate in increase or decrease
A threshold is a range of nuiubers
__.._.. ___.........._ �----- -------_--....----............_......�_.._----- -- -----.._...._��_.._..---........---��_�._ --M -�- 20
_ � , . .. . .. .
� � Crime Statistics .. . . . - - . �. . .
� — . ---- --- - -- - - -----.. .. -.- ----_ .-. - ----- -.---- -. - -- - - -
, .
' - Amount percent YTD YTD Amount Percent Threshold
� -- � : � -- Part I Offenses - --- 2009 2009 _..
� — - rd - — --
,� :.... ,. ,. 3. e a nc e r
. . . ..... . . . : .... Qtr d Qtir (N m)
_ . , . .. : . ; _ , . •. -.� ... -- -
- 2" : ! Inc/D c 2009 2008 f Ch ng I/D c o
__ �
_ . .. . . ...... ...� . ..... — �,--; . Change
� omicide 1 0 1 N/C 2 l 1 * 100% -
. ;
- � apelSex Offense __ 8 . 6._. _ 2 33% 19 . 12 7 60% 17-31
_ _. . : .. . .
� obbery . - . 4.. 4 � _ - - 10 . _. 8 2 - -25% 6-12
... _
�"elony Assault 10 12 -2 -17% 31 23 8 35% � 33-49 . .
. ...� ....
- --_
I ssault�4th Degree ��� _�:: : �' � � 58 ��� � 5 9% 184 168 16 10% 235-263
� ur�lary 32 32 - - 107 92 l5 16% 138-170 '
- -- ; heft-- � - ----------=-- ---= � ==---� : -=' 140-- = = 21'6 -- - "�-76 - - -35% 4$5 520 -3_5 -7% 635-771 _ .
- - --��
otor Vehicle Theft - 11 14 -3 -2l.% 31 33 -2 -6% 45-83
son 3 3 - - 6 12 -6 -50% ]1-23
� V Of'fenses - - � -- 49 55 -6 -] 1% 1:57 207 -50 -24°io 192-272
uvenile Arrests 28 49 1�20 159 � �
, dult Arrests 341 380 887 684 �
•! -- Amount =` � -
.__. _ __._... PartIlOffenses. 2009 �2009 of Percent yTD YTD Amount percent Threshold
3 � d Qtr 2� Qtr Chan e Inc/Dec 2009 2008 f Chang Inc/Dec �orm)
esist/Obstruct Officer ------- ----14-�--- -� 12--�- ��-- 2 17% 36 32 4 - 13% 19-41
� Stalk/Harass/Endanger � 6 - 16 -10 -63% 28 33 _ -5 -].5°l0. 50-78
= - -.- [TIBC/Fraud-Embezzle/Prop. __;. :� . 14- . .:.-�.2 _. •. -33`% 63 57 6 11% 67-97
' '� - aliciousMischiefFelony 10 25 --1� � -60% 54 72 -18 -2�% 75-99
alicious Mischief - 3rd 54 58 -4 -Z%_ - __ 1_43 _ _18_1_ _ -3�5 :__ -21 % 142-216_
- -- eapons Violations - • • -• - - -3 -. 4 -1 -25% 7 - 12 -5 -42% 16-26
rimes Against Child-Sex Offense 10 11 -1 -9% 24 25 - -1 -4°�0 31-41 --
Drug Violation 28 43 -15 -35% �8 63 25 40% 87-125 - -
_-_ = omestic-= Verbal --17� -� --- 8 �- - 9- *113% 4l 46 - �-� -l1% 48-]08
- 1JI - - . � 28 - .20 8 40% 62 71 -9 -13% 78-94
_ cohol Violations -.. 12 ___ :.- _ - - 37 49 -12 — -24°0 55-85
- iolation Prot. Order 18 14 4 29% 50 64 --14 -22% 74-100
unaway Juvenile 1•5 I S - - 48 68 - 20 - 29% - 64 - 96
isc./other 34 13 21 *l62% 70 46 24 . , 52% 63-101-
I n � ^ --- — . - ---- --= _ - -
� . ./--��` o — �. - �� �'■ � t s n � � � - �� -- -- -_.- _ - - - .�-
���-���� ���it', �'-;�LI� ii__ �° � .ci�� I �� �a` .
� 11-1_l _.��.i �t� �V� L��� r r l_.—��I.�S._..'`�- .__gS
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M = 2�1
. � • . �. . . . _
__.._._. Poli�e Volunteers - - - . . . - .- � .
�'1 �. �1. ��.� 1 ._
- - Events- � - 320.0� �� � � �i �
. . ,. ..
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__ ___ _ �� �l
Office work for Records - - - - -- 76.0.- -� �
.... _ -. - � � - . .- . - �
_ ... _....... ____ -.-,.... ___._.�. ___ ..:. .... .. .. .. .... ...... . . .
Radar/speed watch •� 273.0 �
-- - -- - : � � ►,
Vacation home checks . 24.0 ----- - • I 1--- I- --
' ► ► I�
_ _ �_ .��__ _
-. - Bank run for Finance Department - -- 85.0
Day/night patrols � — � - � � 66.0 �
j . }�.
� Sex Offender notifications � - -� � 50.0 �" �� �
- � -- � � ,
f ���� � �: ���
� Other details y 407.5 '�'' - - �
� Volunteer training 0.0 �
Volunteer administration 1 18.5 Photos belo�v: Do�smtown Resource Offi-
cer Duane Benedict and Police Volunteers
TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS Gary Marler and Bob Agee participated in .
��' - - July - September 2009 1420.0 the Ruddel�l Auto Mall Safety Day on Sep-
_ . __ tember 20 . The Volunteers helped issue -
. -- ___ - - � _: . . - helmets to young bike riders. -
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� � �Happenings . � � -: _ . - -- . .. . : __
_ � _ c _ _ __ '� " F :' .1
- , - � First Annual�" = ' � � �
i , �t''��; ;- , , �, � ��,� :•=.�.:
Kristine Fairbanks._ _�,��:,,�,_; _ _ � ,,., -
_ ° - � - - � Golf Tournament �' � r • -� y "
- - ,_, -
--- �-We- traveled to-Elma- on September 19�h -for- the First �
Annual �uistine Fairbanks Memorial Golf_Tournament. ` �•�
- - The Tow�nainent; held o�he of Kri's's � ' ,�
untimely death, was established to_raise_funds_ £or the �:'� ° � "°"�'�`'�
Kris Fairbanks Memorial Fund. This fund is design_ed �� �''
- to assist-police families in need. There were 28 golfers e �' �__
who played in�the tournament� Our team took second
- -
place with a score of 9 under par. .._ :. ;;;
_ _ � .. � ��a
A greaG time was had by- all and- maybe a few tears - �;
--- were shed at the end when a moment of silence �vas '� ;e �
_ _ held in honor of Kris. It was with great pride_ that ��e
represented C1aIlam County Law
v 4�;�' F ; Enforcement. We look forward to
- _ �- possibly hosting the Tournament in
�� Clallam County next year.
_ - Se�geant Glen Roggenbuck � Left to right: Bob Orfh, Retired WSP Trooper and current
�.��� __ _ _ WSIN Analyst assigned to OPNET; Michael Grall, WSP De-
• '� � ___ _ - � tective assigned to OPNEf; Sergeant Glen Roggenbuck; '
_ _ _ . . . _ _. ..._ Detective Sergeant Eric Kovatch _
__ _ ____�� _ _....
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___ -__- F �!�/ "� /� � ;�• ' � q �� .
' •' �+ IF �1: �.
- -- - - Fire Marshal knew exactly, - - � ♦ �� � r
__ __ __ .. what_ to get Deputy Chief Brian _ Snvth for �' �►o'� Py `
his birthda � Ken and Brian share the same Bil'tl�,� . �
— y•_ -- ap. � Chief Terry Gallagher tried to ignore
• birthday_and : grew up_in the same California - his birthday, but certain dispatchers
neighborhood. - __ -_ -` . -� _ - � weren't about to let it slip by!
- ---- ----------_�.._..�_........_........_....-----_ ......................_......�..........................�......_..-----�.
_ ___�.23
� Tcrry Gallagher . . Alan Bamard,-Chair
- - - ' - PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMEN7•. ,' � ' � , � •
- - Chiefo(Police , Ed 7oble, Vice-chair '
360.417.4901 ' B��an Browv -
321 East Fifth Sveet tgallagh�ilcityofpa.us Joe Fisk
Porc Angeles, WA 98362 Maria Pena
� � [irian Smith . Kalhy Steinkamp
. _ . _ - . .. '� _ . . = ' - " . I Deputy Chief •. - Dan Sterling
- - ------- -
360.417.4902 Nick Simpson �
- •- -- - • - - bsmith�cityofpa.us ' Dennis Wilcox
Phone: 360.452.4545 � � �
. . . . ...._.__ �
--, __..__. _Fax:360.417.4537_ --=�-- . .. . Ste��c Rombcrg , - -
' Email: police@ciryofpa.us _ � PenCom Manager
--- . �� .. j 360.4i7.4911 :
I sromberg�cityofpa.us; �i�his Board was created "as a mea�u of
. eciliancing Pnlice. and- Fire community . ...
- -- - ' Liz Zenonian relations, communicatians, coimnunity
- • . __.. . :-
- - - -. _ . . . _-- - - c• icieo
-- -•• • � � � • Management OtTice Assistpnt -- confidence, and the effective and eff � t
.._ _ . -' -- �_ -- - � 360.417.4910 ;. - dclivery of public safety serviccs." .
" � ezenonia@cityofpa.us _ -- - City Ordinance
' ; ,i `„
�: -_ . . _ ' . ... .. . . . _ RZ ANCEf. S. --.C' - -- • � -. _ . . _. ._ . . . L. . . �
.. O --
�I;�� .
EI'i _ - ' ..
, Wn ::; -
Steve Coylc Jason Viada Ed Schilkc
Detective Sergeant • Detective Corporal Adminislrative Sergeant
-- - - - 360.417.4924 360.417.4959 360.417.4925
-. . scoyle a cityofpa.us _ jviada(a3ciryofpa.us eschilke@cityofpa.us '
- -- - - -- - ---- - --'-' ---' - L"-ric Kovatch ' Kcvin Miller -
To Serue and Protect OPNBT Sergcant � Natrol Cotpor�l
360.417.4950 360.417.4926
� ekovatch@ciryofpa.us kmillera)cifyoSpa.us �
Glen Koggenbuck Jcsse Winfield Mike O'Connor •
Patrol Sergeant : Natrol Corporel PenCom Supervisor
360.417.495] 360.�17.4955 360.417.4982
groggenb a)cityo[pa.us �• jwinficlLcityof'pa.us moconnor�,alcityofpa.us
�! _~�� --� Tylcr Peninger � Robert Ensor Todd VanSickle
_ _ _ / - � ; • Patrol Sergeant . Patrol Corponl - PenCom Supervisor
�'` . 1 �fl0 � � Ol]O ( 360.417.4957 360.417.4958 360.417.4981
� �-�� tpeningeCcityofj�a.us rensor@cityofpa.us tvansick@cityofpa.us
\ o Q Do
� 0� _. ' - - - �
Barbara McFall Karl 1-latton
_ __ . _ _ : . Paaol Scrgeant . . PenCom Supervuor
- _ _ - . � _ . _ _ - � - `-- -_.- ` 360.912.0034 . V 360.4t7.4976
• bmcfall@cityofpa.us khatton@cityofpa.us
� �
I � • _ �
� Mission Statemerit - __
_ In partne,rship wtith.our.comniunity, the �Port Angeles Police
Department recognizes its-mission to serve in conzpassionate,
courteous, and professional m,anner, to promote freedom and peace of� J
-- - -
; - . _ �
� I :: _=n.2ind,..pride.in our.:neighborhoods, the:safety of our faniilies.
j - . - �.. - -_—= .- _--_ -_ -_ : - - ---_. _ •
I ,
l _—_--___...........�...__ -----_-___ .............�....�.___ _.�__......._. _—..__ -------- ------ M =__24 �