HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/27/2012PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. AGENDA A. CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. WORK SESSION 1. 2013 Preliminary Budget D. CONFIRM SCHEDULE No Work Session in December E. PENDING for FUTURE WORK SESSIONS Legislative Priorities Sign Regulations Including Sandwich Boards January 2013 Long -Range Financial Planning February 2013 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Update March 2013 City Debt Service Report April 2013 Regional Fire Authority Status Discuss Other Items for Consideration F. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 E. FIFTH STREET November 27, 2012 SPECIAL MEETING 5:00 P.M. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK November 27, 2012 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 2013 Budget BUDGET WORKSHOP November 27, 2012 Tonight's Schedule Review update to General Fund revenues Update on questions comments from Council Additional questions requests for information from City Manager staff Direction regarding changes to 2013 Recommended Budget 11/27/2012 1 Changes to Revenue General Fund: o Property Tax: Initial Revised 2012 Levy for 2013 Collection $4,109,700 $4,109,700 x 1.0% Increase 41,100 41,100 x New Construction 7,200 57,408 o Assessed Value 3,000,000 22,292,605 o Prior Yr. Levy Rate per $1,4900 2 .575 22 2 .575 22 x Refunds 0 19.240 x 2013 Levy Collection est. $4,158,000 $4, x Variance 6 9,44 8 x Allowance for non collection (1.0 42,274 x "Available" resources 27,174 Potential for Non Budgeted Impacts Police Fire labor agreements o Scheduled for mediation o Potential for arbitration (estimated costs $3o,000 per arbitration) Potential impacts to utility tax revenue from start-up of bio -mass co- generation facility o Estimated potential revenue loss $13o,000 for Sept. Dec Additional costs for records management compliance with public records requests Impact "fall out" from legislative action on State budget o Education funding shift may cost $1 Billion from existing revenues (McCleary v. State of Washington) reported by AWC o Impact from November elections on super majority requirements for tax increases; reduction of debt limit; etc Other unidentified issues that may arise 11/27/2012 2 Allowed employees to "sell" up to 8o hours of vacation leave back to the City Allowed for members of AFSCME and non represented /management employees Buy -back will be eliminated for non represented management employees with adoption of ordinance on non -rep. COLA Benefits o City has proposed same language for inclusion in AFSCME labor contract Costs: o 2012 $45,200 O 2011 91,000 O 2010 70,200 )City Council Part -Time Employees FICA Worker's Comp Office /Operating Supplies Professional Services Travel Training Advertising Legal Notices Dues/Subscriptions/Memberships TOTAL Leave Buy -Back City Council Budget 1 Actual Actual Actual Amend. #11 10 /31J2 YTD1 20 Budget $48,0001 $48,004 $48,000 $48,000 $40,000 $48,000 3,673 3,671 3,672 3,672 3,060 3,700 290 9101 910 9101 758 900 2,116 3,150 4,883 2,300 2,400 2,400 0 200 0 0 0 0 3,417 11,676 1 7,071 12,000 10,597 12,000 0I 225 0 0 0 0 2,191 1 2,256 1 2,306 1,800 1,489 1,800 $59,6871 $70,0921 $66,842 $68,6821 $58,3041 $68,800 11/27/2012 3 Health Human Services Proposed elimination of $56,25o for health human services via United Way Concerns from Councilmembers regarding loss of funding for Health Human Service Options for Health Human Services Funding 0 What is the best way for the City to fund assistance to the needy? o Via appropriation to United Way for disbursement to NGO service providers x $56,25o 2012 x $56,250 2011 x $56,25o 2010 x $62,500 2009 o Direct subsidization of utility bills only $83,000 provided for in 2013 budget x Assistance program for 2013 covers electric cost only no assistance for water, wastewater, stormwater x Assistance targeted to City of Port Angeles residents only 11/27/2012 4 Citizen Questions from Farmer's Market Can we get a hearing examiner in the 2013 budget? o The proposed Budget does not provide for funding for hearing examiner. Any consideration of a transportation benefit district? o We will consider and discuss as part of the development of the Strategic, Long -Range Plan. Potential for an RV Park located on Oak Street? o The property in question is privately owned at this time. o Future economic development options will include review of both public and privately -owned properties in Port Angeles Overtime is it "paid time off 1 Departrnent 1 CIty Manager {Community& Econ Development Finance 1 Fire' I Parks Recreation I Police !Public Works (TOTAL 1 •Fire Holiday /Reduction of Hour Pay Questions from Council, I COOO possible to reduce overtime through use of $390 $0 1 $0 $01 $01 501 $2,131 52,507 1 $764 53,419 5480 1 53,500 $6,655 55,211 54,956 56,888 $6,9481 56,9001 $46,635 $30,770 1 549,482 $45,730 548,9811 $69,300 519,966 525,148 520,112 $23,299 514,356 523,700 5254,171 $209,530 $255,466 $255,906 5205,076 5239,900 1 $33,144 $10,475 1 $31,428 $20,089 $8,1591 $20,500 1 5363,092 2009 2010 2011 2012 10/31/2012 2013 Rec Actual Actual Actual Amend 91 YTD Budget 5283,6411 $362,208 I $355,331 1 5284,0001 5363,800 $63,373 1 $67,3361 $62,811 $0 1 $34,769 1 $0 Police Department is developing an alternative work schedule plan 4/11 us. 5/8 that should substantially reduce overtime once implemented. 11/27/2012 5 Questions from Council, II Potential for reduction in budgeted costs: o Finance Professional Services $338,93o $225,ioo is associated with the printing /mailing of the utility bills by DataBar and service fees paid on credit /debit cards for payments taken by credit or debit card. Any potential savings would accrue to the various utilities and not the General Fund. $67,o3o is reserved for our annual audit costs by the State Auditor's Office and is based on a time and billing rate projection from the Auditor's Office based on a preliminary workplan. $11,300 is associated with a contract with Morningside for assisted workers who provide mail room services; collect re- cycling in City Hall and selected copying jobs. $5,5oo is reserved for a contract with Arbitrage Compliance Specialists to review and calculate compliance arbitrage requirements from the IRS on our various outstanding bond issues. Questions from Council, II Potential for reduction in budgeted costs: o Legal Supplies $17,800 x $1o,300 reserved for on -line legal research on -line research has eliminated the need for annual updates for much of the law library and is significantly less expensive that the cost of those annual updates. x $500 is reserved for printed law books and publications. x $6,900 balance is reserved for operating supplies and office supplies: items such as paper, pens, toner cartridges, office equipment and furnishings (except computers and copiers), special ordinance resolution paper, case file folders, binders for civil and labels for district court, and everything else x Note that the Legal Department has proactively implemented measures (such as, for example, electronic discovery and electronic file management) to substantially reduce costs in this category on a steady basis over the last number of years. This account is spent down to the last few dollars by the end of the year. 11/27/2012 6 Questions from Council, III Any potential to save costs by moving from 26 paychecks (bi- weekly) to 24 paychecks (twice per month) payroll? o Some savings related to printing of checks is possible but it would not be substantial. Bigger savings would come from staff time for data entry and accrual calculation required to sort out payroll activity assigned to a specific month versus specific pay period. o High on the priority list for 2013 will be implementation of an on- line time card entry system that will reduce the need for "multiple handling" of the time card data. Once that is fully implemented, our plan would be to convert to a twice per month payroll to eliminate the need to make the accrual calculation. Additional questions from Councilmembers were answered via e -mail to Council from the Chief Financial Officer on November 15th 11/27/2012 7