HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/01/2009 �� - - -- - -- -- -- ------ -- - -- -- ---_ AGE-N-DA - -_ - -- _ - -_ - . _� — -_ - - --- - - = _-- _ � -- �!�� � �IGEL�S _�- _ __- -cr��=cau���� �:�rT�N�_ 32� East St Str��t _ . -- _ — - .. _ __ ,. _�.. _ - - _— -_.,_ _._ i � ��� W,A S f-i I fV G T O N U. S. A. - ----- V�C�I�I7b�T' ,1 y 2��� , ... . _ -:�..,.__., _ � �� , .. ,,-�, .....� � �., =-- R.E�iLTLA,R MEETING - 6:�0 p.m. � ` AGEI�DA'�ITE�L!I ;�' ., F�"r`�f �'a�e �� REC�i171►�ENDA 1,'�Q1\ =,��� ��m ° ._,�� •,� �� �� � �: -- Not�: - Th� Mayor may cletet-min� the order of business far a pc�i�licular Ci1y Cauncil meeting. The agenda-sho�rld be ari•angr:d to l�est ___ serue, the, needs arrdlor convenzence of the Cazrncil-and tlae parF�fic. The itcrns of bx�siness j�a�r rcgulr�r Cn�sncil meetings mav irrclude il�e ._ f�lloiving: � __ _._. _ -- A. CALI� T� ORDER - R�GL.ULAR MEETIl�IG �4T G:�[� �.m. ' S. ROLL CE1I:L PL�D�E iDF ALLE�GIANCE � �'�JBL,IC CEREMpN�ESIPRESENTAT�[��V� & EMPL�YEE R�C[JGNITIOiNS --= 1: Certi�cate Qf Recognition -'Holiday Tree T]onatian to City ---- � 1:. Pr�sent to M:r. 8z; M:rs, Fai.rc-hi'Id. � Pi7l3L1C ��M117ENT. 3�his is an o�pnr°crxniry_J'ar nrembers of the public to speu� ia llre Citv Cou�aciL To aldo�� time fa�� the Cnuncil tn cr�m��ete its le�i.rlatiue crgenda,.�ornmefzts shotrld be dimited to �ro more than i minutes per• pefson anif u toEal of 15 - mirtt�tes for thas cnrrarr:ent �erind. �4t the dis�retinn �i �the Mayor, these ti;pne �er•ancl.s may he Iength�ned r�r shr�rte,ned. Fnlloivir�g an,vpirbl camn aent, th� Mayri� may al�ow tirne, limited to fue mirzuiGS, for res�onse fi Cit�� Cauracidmern�e�s rrr�cllr�r Ciry st��° — _ - _ CITI' CCfi1NCI� CCIMMITTEE REF+a1ZT� - -- - �]. VL'QR.I� SESSIaN -- _ - - E. - ,LATE7TEl1�S 7`� BE Y�'�` C]IV'�T�S A�GENI7A� us il�tei=mincd b3� �ityMrar�r�,;er n�- C�urrcil meniber F. . ��I]�NA,NCES N�'�' REQCT�R.ING :Pi3RI - -- � - - :,rc -- - - --. --- - H:Er?►RI.N�S -- � 1. Fund Creation - William Shore Memorial Pool D'astrict� F-1 1. 1 Reading; Waive 2°`� Reading; Adopt �Lli]Cl �PCi'F11aT.1CG. G. RESOL�]TIC7NS - — - H. OT'H'E'R C�NS'I'D'E'RATIGN� I. PLTSLIC fIEARINGS - Q[IASI-J (7.0[l P.M. or �oan thereafter} __. .. _ T _ .. - - _ � NOTE: HEA�iNG DEV�CES A� A1:LABLE FQR T,H,C)S� NEEI)iNG ASSI�TANCE - _. . . _ ._ _ _ --- --- -- - _ _._______-: ..�---- ----. _ __ MAY�?R TD DETEItMINE TIME QF S:REAI� _ December 1, "?OD9 —� _-- Part Angeles City Cnun�ii Meeting Page -'1 - „ .�, ���r� - � e , ,�_,�__. " � .. . '" .: . r -- • � g e , ... AG�Nl] TEII'I , � �� � _ � � ra F�rsc�P �e - R�GC)IYI�A��NDA I.1QN � ` . � �- --- � � � � � ���� �.:� � � , ���r� J. P�TSLIC FIEAHIN�G� -- QTHER - - -- - -- -- ... _ . _ -- (7;40 P.11!I. or�saauthereaft�r) - =- --_ -- --�-.: . :---: -' —= --_ - .:- - - _- - ; 1. - Me�ii�-I:Raie:Adjustments -.:- =-_ -- = - -- �-1 ' I . �vnduct Public Heanng; Z Readmg; r�dopt . . . _ - - - - - _ prdenance , - - 2. : 2O10 Budget_:-� - ,� .— . _: • : •.:::�_..- „�.-:-: — -..- � � _ :•. � - -a � - 2: : Cpnduct �?ublic Hearing; ?nd 'Readin. �; Adopt _ . ... -- - - -- - - _ . . . ; - - - dL.nan _ ___ � _ _� . . _ --- - �..__. . .�._�,_._ , �. _ �- Ur � ce � . . . ,- -- -. K. FINANCE L. CONSENT AGENDA - _ � . - ----- ---- 1.--CiTy-Gouncil.Meeting-i'viinutes of Nove�nber 17, ?�C19. ____�_ _— .,L-� .. ._ _ 1. . Accept Cvnsent Agend�. - - - 2. Expenditure A�pr�i�al List from '111Q61(}9 to 11120109. fc�r ''T.-� - . .. . $1,323,42�.35. -. _ _ - 3. Dry Cre�k 'Pedestrian Brid�elTrail Constru�tian Grant, L-5fl -- -- - Project TI�f74-2L1�5 4. �Ot�9 Tree Trimmang, 'Pro�ect WF9410312, Final Acceptance L-51 5. Contract f�r Indigent Defense 5ervices and Contract fc�r L-S? "� 5upplemental Indi�eni Defer�se Sen�ices 1VI..FIVFDI�MATION - - ---- _ _ _ City Manager'kcpons: l . Lodging "'1"ax Ad�isory Can�rnitTee Minuies - act. 7 ?�(�9 - M-1 - _ - . - - 2. Con�trya�rion Status �epart M�4 _ _ _ _ - 3. Grants and L�ans Status F�eport M-5 - -- N. EXECL3TZVE SESSI�N . - �. ELi]JOLIR1�1V1"EIVT - _ PLIBLEC H�AR{NGS - . Pub�ic hearings are set by kh� City..Council in arder ta meet I�gal requirements. ln addition, the City Caun�il may set a pubki� hearing in --- t�rder-fo receiVe-public inpuf priar #o_making-decisions which �mpact the�citizEns:= mafters-may be contro�ersi�l, and f�e City --- CQUncil may choose to seek puh€ic v�inion through the p��lic hearing process. - `-- - _ � - --- - - � __ .. _. _ . _- — - -- ltii[1TE: �IEARIlVG I}EVICES AVA.ILABL'F-FCfR'T'HdS'E tiIE�III�IG ASS'.�5"TANC'E �._ . _ � . _ � iVIAYOR T� I)ETER112I1VE TIi'�!LE �F SREA,K -- L)e�ember '1, ?Q09 1'ort An�eles City �o�ncil Mee�in� F'age - 2 • PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING � � W A 5 H I N G T O N, U. 5. A. � December 1, 2009 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: �•� � II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: ✓ Mayor Braun Deputy Mayor Wharton � Councilmember Di Guilio ✓ Councilmember Kidd � Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers (hil� 7' 0 0 � ` Councilmember Williams ✓ Staff Present: Other Staff Present: Manager Myers �✓ , � . i�i�,r Ce. Attorney Bloor Clerk Hurd � G. Cutler T. Gallagher � D. McKeen �� N. West � Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANC�: Led by:__� ��W�1/ G:\GROUP\CLERK\fORMS\Council Roll Call.wpd �� � PORT CITY COUNCIL MEETING � ;� W A S H � N G T O N, �. S. A. Attendance Roster _9 l= DATE OF MEETING: December 1, 2009 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Name Address �� ����� � 1 c� v+� . i� ��-�� �-�—. �� �' o ��2 � V X- (� � z l.-� r�( +� g � �t C � � �, V Q,h �,n� � ?: � �' V6� � U� �� c� ' ,z. �e� � � -; r�� �- o v�' �' � � i � , t.�l - y-_ 5 �- 1�O i� .� C�-��- j � ° 1��' � � s --f-. � ��� i� d �M n w� IM l�! ��� �. �� S i �� � 1 I S V� � 1� �� , I �'l� � � � 17 ��� � � G:\CROUP\CLERh1FORMS\Council Attendancc Nostcr.wpd � � ' / / � ��D I�i i� � ����� �� � . This Honor is Bestowed Upon . ' .� � '� � � !, f � � �� � I ����'��;.��� � ��_'r��� I�T�(�" _ �arre __�_� �, � � e�an _,. a �_.__ �.�_ ____ _ __._. In Recognition and Appreciation of their generous donation of a beautiful Noble Fir as the City of Port Angeles 2009 Holiday Tree. \�\ �F pORT qNCF `_ .. ,. �, �F And is Presented This Certificate By �_:� T , • r �u _ __ � . '; � e C 1 ��, j o f _P� ��:.�rt l' __ � _ � r � � ►_e s� Y .., � _ _ � . _ _ _�_ _ . _ tY g � '� . � �---„� Port Angeles, tiVashington r• F`.� � �.- '� a, This 1 Day Of December, 2009 �� , Gary Braun, Mayor • .�o��- I �TGELES ; • -� r-� W A S H i N G T O N, U. S. A. � �_� � CITY COUNCIL MEMO Da7E: December 1. 2009 TO: CITY COUi�TCIL Fxov�: Yvonne Ziomko�i�ski, Finance Director SUBJECT: FL1'D CREATION -�VILLI:IN1 $IiORE �'I.ER70RIAL POOL DISTRICT FIJND Summar�: This ordinance creates a new fiind for the administration and accounting of revenues and expenditures related to operations and uiaintenance of the Williain Shore Memorial Pool. Recommendation: Conduct the first reading of tbe proposed ordinance; «=aive the second reading and adopt ordinance at tonight's meeting. B�ckaround: In May 20Q9, tlle community voted to create a ne��� Metropolitan Pool District (MPD) to assume • responsibility of the William Shore Memorial Pool. Effective June 3, 2009, the MPD became a legally separat�e taxing district, and is no longer under the Cih�'s ownership. However, the Cit�J still maintains responsibility for operations and maintenance of the pool under a cont�•act anan�ement �vith the :VIPD. The Ciry invoices the IvLPD for all expenses incurred related to fl�e pool. v In order to keep these rivo legal entities separate for accounting and reporting purposes, it is necessary to create a ne��� Special Revenue Fund to account for activities related to pool operations. This newly created fund, cal.led the William Shore Memorial Pool District Fund, will be establislied effective June 3, 2009, the date the I�IPD became a legally separate taxing district. Creating this ne«� fund �vill provide a ceut�•al point witbin the Ciry that focuses an appropriate level � of attention towards the administration and accounting of pool revenues and expenditures t�hat are no longer the responsibility of the City. Tlie Finance Director ���ill be responsible for the administration of this fund and the Public Works Director ���ill be responsible for disbursements made from the fund. This new fund must be created by ordinauce, therefore staff requests that the Council «�aive the second reading and adopt the ordinance at tonight's ineeting. Approval of tl�is ordinance must occur before the 2010 Budget ordinance is adopted. Attachment: • A. William Shore Memorial Pool DistricC Fund Ordinance F-1 ORDINANCE NO. � AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a fund f'or cc�ntract administration maintenance and operation of the William Shore Memorial Pool, and adding a neu� section, 3.16, to Chapter 3 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the City Council does l�ereby fmd that there is need to establish a special fund to be identified as the "William Shore Memorial Pool District Administration Fund" for the purpose of administration, maintenance and operation of re�jenue received from the William Shore Memorial Pool District. NOW, THERL-FORE, THE CITY COLTNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereb}� ordain as follows: Section 1. Chapter 3 Revenue and Finance, of the Pon Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a ne��� chapter, PAMC 3.16, to read as follov��s: •- Chauter 3.16 ViTILLI AR� SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DISTRICT FUND Sections: 3.16.010 Fund Created. 3.16.020 Revemie. 3.16.030 Expenditures. - - — - � 3.16.040 Administration. 3.34.O10 - Fund Created There is hereby established in the City Treasurv a special fund designated and knoi��n as the "William Shore Memorial Pool District Fund." 3.34.020 - Revenue All sums collected under the Agreement for Operation of William Shore Memorial Pool dated June 26, 2009 bet«�een the City and the �'��illiam Shore Memorial Pool District shall be deposited and kept in the " Wil (iam Shore Me�norial Pool District Fund." 3.34.030 - Expenditures. The "��Iilliam Shore V[emorial Pool District Fund" shall be used and expended only for • -1- F - 2 . the pa�rment of necessari,� or proper expenditures or obligations incurred in or incident to the performance of the City's duties and obligations under The contract bet�Teen the City and VJilliaill Shore A�emarial Pool District. - " � -- 3.34.040 - Administration. The Director of Public Z�orks and UtiLities is authorized to approve expenditures from this fund. The Finance Director is charged with administration of said fund. Section 2- Severabilih�. If any provisions of this Ordinance o�� its applications to any person or circumstances is held to be in��alid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of - -- � the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 3- Effective Date. This ordinance, being an e�ercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall ta�e effect fi�Je (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. � __ Section 4- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessa�y corrections to thi ordinance Uul not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references ordinance niunbering, sectionlsubsecuon nuinbers and any references thereto. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular u�eeting of said - ---- ---- - ------- Council held on the dayofDecember, 2009. MAYOR ATTES?: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk �Tilliam E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: , 2009 By Summary • G �lc�ai_l3ackup`(1KUI�A\CL'S&KL'tiOLU'i'IU\S:OKUIK��\CLti?Oq914i _ 11'ti�1PU.i 1.23.bu.mpA tiovcmbcr 23, ?Ofl9 _ F - 3 • ;ORT � I �GE�LE�S - _� -� -_, - . ...... .. _..-... ;`- W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. - _ � �- � � CfTY COUNCIL MEM(J � Date: December 1, 2009 - To: City Council _ . From: Dan McKeen, Fire Chief � �� --� � � � � ' Subject: Medic 1 Rate Adjustments – Second Public Hearing Summary: Staff recently completed a comprehensive Cost of Service Study for the City's Medic 1(ambulance) utility. Based upon the results of the study, staff is proposing a$0.08 - annual residentia] rate adjusnnent and a$].19 annual cominerciaUbusiness rate adjustment for 2010. Recommendation: (1) Open public hearing that is continued from November 17, 2009, (2) Close public hearing, and (3) Consider adoption of the attached rate adjustment ordinance. - Background/Analysis: The City of Port Angeles' Medic I program is structured as a utility – supported by transport charges, a monthly utility charge, and a General Fund contribution. The • Medic 1 Utility rates are based upon a Cost of Service Study, which: - _• Assigns costs to customer classes based on a rate that reflects the cost incurred for the . availability and delivery of services. � • Ensures that rates charged are equitable across the customer classes. � � • Ensures that rates are based on the cost of actually providing the services. The Fire Deparhnent, along with the Fi.nance Department, recently completed a comprehensive Medic 1 Cost of Service Study for 2010. Based on this study, the annual residential customer rate would increase from �52.12 to $52.20 in 2010, a nominal increase, and the -- cominerciaUbusiness annual rate would increase from $53.74 fo $54.93, or approximately $0.10 per month. The high demand user classifcations, such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities, will see both an increase and a decrease, depending upon the user classification. The City's Utility Advisory Committee, during their Noveinber 10, 2009 meeting, unanimously a;reed to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to proceed with the proposed Medic 1 rate adjustments. _ __ _ Attached is a copy of the ordinance revising Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic 1 charges. In addition, the Cost of Service Study can be viewed on-line at https�//www.cityofpa.us/firedept.htm#ml. If you have any quesfioris regarding tlie Cost� of _ Service �Study priar to the_ meeting, - I- can be reached. at 4] 7-465 ] or by email at = -- - --- � dnlckeen(�cityofpa.us. - - _ -- - ---- • ---- -- -- _ . . _ --- ,1 - 1 ---- - - ORDINANCE NO. . � . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter -��"-- � ---- �� � ��" �- - 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic 1 Charges. -� � � THE CiTY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN - .... .. ---- AS FOLLOWS: --- _ Section 1 . Ordinance 3351, as amended, and Chapter 13.73 of tl�e Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending subparts 13.73.300(C)(9) to read as follows: 9. Multiple residential units that are served by a single utility connection shall be given the option of (1) paying the utility fees for the units as a single combined amount or (2) charging an monthly fee to each unit occupant . Those that select the first option shall be entitled to a rate adjustment based on average occupancy-, and shall received a 25% reduction from the utilitv • fees calculated pursuant to Section 13.73.400. - Section 2. Ordinance 3351, as . amended, and Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending subparts 13.73.400 and E�chibit A PAMC to - read as follows: 13.73.400. Char�es Established. In accordance with the rate study presented to lhe City -____ .: _-Council,_effective January 4, 2010 the base rates and fees for the Utility shall be as follows: User Classification Rate . Residential $5�--}� 52.20 per year, per unit ___ __ _ __ Adult family homes* �66�--g6 852 per year, per classification Assisted living facilities* $�� 12.574 per year, per classification -� �-- 24-Hour nursing facilities*- $�� 6,184 per year, per classification • Group homes* � $��� 1,936 per year, per classification =i- J - 2 _ ,... .. , .: > : � - --- �ail facilities* - =---- : -. ... $�5�- 1..29[] per year; pe,r classifi�at�on --: .. - ` - - Schools* ' a. -� .$_��� 2:031 per year, per classi.fcatapn. {CammerciallBusines� - $5�3�� 54.93 pe� year, per unit City pu�l ,i� are -$�fr,3�6�� 12.947 �rcr ycar; per classification '� Rates for indi�i�ual �acilities d� not include a�lowable exemptians and vary based upan thcir percentage of use within that elassi,fcat.ion. For indi�idual facility rates, wit�. �lloruable exemptions, �ee Exhibit A. - l - � �- � -� ' . 5ectinn 3- Se�erability. If any.provisians of Chis Drdinance or it� appli�atipns -� - - - _- ----- - -- ,..�_ _ _ �- any persQn. �r cir�urn�tances is hcld to �e invalid, the rema.inder af the Ordinance car application of tYie pro�isions af the �rdi:n�ce ta ozher persons ❑r c,ircum�tances is nnt affectcd. Se�#ian 4- Correcti�ns. The City Clerk and the �a�iifiiers �f tlais ordinance are : -_ authorized_ to-r�ak� necessary corrections to tlzis ordinance it�cl�ciing, bu� not ]imited to, tk�e __ correction of the scriWener'slclerical errors, re�ferences, r�rdinance numiaering, sectionlsul�se�tian - ----_._.--______ _ ._ ---- . - ----�- -- - ---- numbers and any re�'eren��s-thereto.- — -_-_ - --- - - - - --=- - ----- - -- - -- ,- . _. . __. _- - - -- _ _ Section -5 - Effective Date _- This ordinance, bei.n,� an exercise af a paw�r specifically . __ _- - -- -. = .. -- delcgatc� to the City legislati�e is na� sub�ect� ta referendurn. - This ordanance 5ha11 take �----- effect January 4, 2010. - -- PA�SED by the City Cauncil af the Ciry of Port Angeles at a re�ular meetin� of said. . - -- _ ... . - �Couneil held an the l st day af Decexr�ber, 2�a9. -. -- --- -- - - - - - MAY❑R --- _ _ _ . , -_-- - --- - - - _ - - - -- -- --- . _.. _ - - _ _._. - - - - - - ATTEST: AP,�'RflVE� A5 TD F�RM: - -- _ - - . ��_____ :Fanessa Hurd, City CFerk _ "_____ . Willi�rn E. Bl.00r, _Ciry Att�rney --- _ _PLT,BL,IS�IE,D; ,DEC�mbet' „ �(�a} G:u.ega]_Bnc]cuplDkOITFANCL•S&RCS�419T10W5LpR0INAhlCFS.2U04'A9-M�c . ___ I iJ�ili�y Ratcs,] 02fi09.vrpd (Novcmbcr 23, 2UUI) � � �.� :-..�. ---'-. _ -_ _. . . -- -- -� .— ---- _. _._ �. . � � . - ---'- _ . _ . . - By Summary _ _ _ .. - - � _—. _ _ - - - - - - --- _ . _ . -z- J - 3- . _ .- __ _ I� ' ' . ' ' � ' . . . i i � ; i . . . ' 'i i . il ' � . � � .' � I � • ,� i . � � � � � ' , , �� . � ' � � ; � . 1 . .��� . . . . � ' � ' � � � . . 7 ' I l i i I f i i � �'' ' 11�'IeC1iC 1 Utl�lty ���.0 .E�a1nUa1 F@eS � � �; ' � � ' � ' E�hihit A ' � H ;'�: ! .�' � „ , , ; �, ; � � ' I� � � , . 1 � i � � ' �, � �igh llEema�d User Ciassifica#ion� � � • � ;; � ,� , �'' I, Facilii� B�se I3,ate Utxiixation Amount % of Exemptian A,nnual Fee AWxilabi�ity �� Fi�ia1 j�� j.I� ' ' °/'o , Befnre Exemptio� AmQUnt After i� A�justment Ann►�al Fee i' � ' �! � Exeynption Exerap�ia'� ;I � i z4-Houx' N!ursi� Facili `' ' ' ! i ' j` . � i Grest�vood � � �'� � 1�1 ].'G �iLauridsen Bl�rd �6,1$4 104°/a $6,184 . 6�°/❑ $3,7I{� $�,474 � �� � �!. i $�,475 Grnu Hoxnes i" ' i ; i ; � , 2nd St�eetHvuse $1,936 ���.� $�94I � 98% � $2$8 $5 � i $1 � � $7 138 1� 2nd _ - Clallar�i �aun#y HOStelri�s � l a u 1 ' 1132 �xel $1,g35 �I�.7./0 $42U 1D43/o !.: $420 "�g NIA , $� � S�renity.'House � $r,�36� d3.1'% �1,2�2 � 29% $35A� �86$ $1 i $$�9 Z321 W 18t1� Adult Faxufl Hames � � � ' Home ,Away Frana Hvzne $85� . 5$.3% $497 ! 4�% $ I �9 5298 $� � $299 1319 W l6th �lympic RN Adult Famaly $852 29.2% $249 �]°/o $0 5�49 $1 . $25[i 1725 W 1 tch . , �,�• GQad 5hepherds Haven o $1�06 4°/0 � $fl �145 `. '$I f �� ���7 231�} S Linooln $85� � 12.5l0 , , A.ssi�tetI Lir�in � �,aurel Par�C ` ��� p ; a ' , ' t 133 E Fark,�4r�enue �12,574 21.�/0 ��,641 15/0 $�23 �2,218 . . �I $2,219 �ark View Vidla $12,574 43..4% �5,457 0% � ${� $5,457 $1 � $5,�458 1435 & 1445 P�.rk Vsew ,Ln Pet7in5�1a 1VIanar $12,574 5:8°l0 $72.9 S�°/a $36S $364 �l, ��65 �4�7 GV �7th St. Araclz-ews �'lace $�2,574 29.8% $3,747 b3.57°l0 � $2,38Z ��,3G5 $1. $1,,366 524 East Paxk AVenu� . A i. i�; • " ° . ; � ''; r j' ! 1: � � � j. , ; i • . � , ; � � ! 1 , � I' ! � �. , � � � I � ; � � : , ; , ,� � � ; ,. ,:� . I �� I � . . � I � ! • � � � I � � .. i I �, �: � �� � i i .I I � Fiigh Demand �C7ser Glassi�cati�rns (Cont�.u�red� � 4 ; � � �'�eility Base �te Uti�ation Amour�t % nf E�ce�uption Annual Fee Avai�a�iliiy � Fi�a't � % Seafnre Exemptian �1,rnount After Adjnst�ient An�uual Fee �xetnp�ie�n Exemp�ian '� i' Jail Facilities ' � Clallarn. Caunty Aduit ��,29� 71°/v � � 223 E 4th �g1+6. NIA NIA $91�6 $I ��4I7 C1aIlam Count;�.�uven�le $�,�g� �g�lo $374 NIA NIA $374 � $T � i $375 �9T2 W 18rh � � ScI�oo�s � � { Liracotn Sch❑al $2,�31 �.3°/� � , 424 �N 9th I ' �87 ; N'IA N1A $$7 $ I $88 Frar�k]in Niiridle Schavl � � � 1 ' $1 ` $54.93 �SOS S Was1�i� on �2,D31 �.1°/n $43 NIA NIA $43; . � Hamilta�, Midiile Schaal �2,031 6.4% $134. � �lIA ' NIA �13� $I , i �J.3 � x 822 �i 7�1x '� .Te£fersvn iVliddIe 5chool �2,031 2. i% �43 � 1�'IA NIA $43 $1 � $54.�3 � 2 Z$ W est 12fh' , Peninsula�ellege� �2,fl31 1�.9% $3�3 �7'�fA NIA $303 $I � $347� 1502 E Lauridsen �'ort Angeles High 5ciivvl $�.�31 34:,1°/d : $69� : NIA : NIA $b92 . .$ l � •. : . $fig3 3 �4 Ea�t F� A�e�aue ' C�ueers �f �ngels , $�,�� 1 l0.fi°/o $2I5, ''NfA NIA $215 $1 i � '$2'16 2p9W�lth ' � . �tevens Middie School , g��4� 1 ZS $�!o ' � ; �.�� ! �518 NIA NIA $518 $1 $5.19 i Hi�► demand user classif cations chat do not quali�y far ar� exemptian eannat have a per-unit Fee less than that of the comFnerciaUbusiness classi�cation. , � , , � i ,. � , � ' i � � ; ,. � � i � c tz , � • � z � ' 4i � : � . , , ' : ' : �' � � ' , . 1 , � ; ,, . �� I � 1 i I, i I i I �I � { . . � ��i If � i . . . � ' . � f . . . . . . . . j . . • '� i i i , ,� . � � ' Apart�nent B�i�di�ags �with �ing�e Utility Cvnnectian '� ' � ; i � � u� �� � I �:' ,} Fa�ality Xiase Rate A�era.ge Va�auey Fee After Cnmbin�d k'ee After �. Availabili#y I. �Final �I ; ��: Vaca�ncy Amoe�nf Vacan�y 25°/o Ri[ling 25°I� Adjus[tnent Annual F�e 4I ; ! Exerriptio� Ad�ustinent Adjr�stment i Gerald Aus�in A�artnzents ��,337 ��°�o $267. $I,07� $26$ $8d� ; $24 ; I345 � 1'st ' � €���� �ayview Apartax�ents $617 18% �I.l.l' $505 $1�7 $379 $13 � .�392 3Q5 W lst ! � f 8�h Street Apar�ments �41 � 4�°!0 $ I F4' $247 �52 $185 �9 � �114 G 15 �T Sth ' � Housin� Autitority Apart. �3,6�� �.�2% ^ i 323 E�St 2nd� �i , $73 �i�,527 �8$2 $�,b4S $77 � $2,722 Housing Autharzty AAart, �2,Q5? 0°/a � 401 L'Sth �� I $� � $�,057 $514 $'k,543 � $44 t $i,5$7 Mornin; G�ory; Apartments �463 Q% . � � $10 �� , ;$357 529 E �st $� : . � $463 �116 $347 .;, ' � : Roaelle A artYtieixts '' � 2I2 W 3z'�d '; , $5 J 4 � 0% $D :, ; $514 $129 $3$5 . $11:,� � . �3�6 Jean Trison ,t�partrnents $245 [l% $D �� ��Qfi $52 $154 I ' $4 � �$P58 40S E �'ront : ! Upto�n Apartments , $3fJ9 4°rQ $D ; . 5309 �77 $232 : $7 '� $Z39 12Q 5 Laurel �txeet � , �. � Texnpest A�a�er�ts $bG9 4% $0 ; . �$b9 $167 $542. �� $1 � I C $51 d i z z�r'.�tb�� str��� � , , , � . � � _ '� ; ' ' ' , , , j ' � , � ;. ; k , ; ,_ . , , '' , ; ' � ; �; .� � , , ; � � I � i � � �; � � �. � ; , �. � � � � i ' �, ; , cyi ;; ;' � ; : , . , � , , .� i; � . �. , �f� ' i I � F. � : I � , �� I , � , � � . : . , I Y ^ - _.. -- .--- � �I_ -'��,J��� ' � w�[L[� ` r�. t� ---------- ■ �.� - W A. S H 1 N G T C3 N � L] . 5 . A, ----�---- -- -- - - . . _. _ - -- -- - �.. � -... � _ ��� Ci�'Y Coun�ci�.M��no� - --. � --- ------- ...- -- -- - _ __ .. . .. . _ - - ---- - Dai��: - I)�c�nxg�R 1, ZD�9 _ _ _ r��: CI'1�1' C�[,'1C1I. F�o�z: T��TT 1�I�°�x�, CiT� �L�I���,c�R _ : . �'r�on�� �ro��a«�s�, F'r�.=�.�c� i�ru�:ervx 5r�r�.��cT: 201� Br.r�c�r ,��v�rio�= - - Sur�m�r`': �he Cit�� of Part Angeles laas held �ublic licari��gs.an tl�c.I��.id�et �s requir�ed by _ Skaie la�v prior to laud�et �do�Cius�. T�r�igl�t"s pu�li� Iiearin� is a cs���tinu�tior� fr�L�� Nov�mt�er -- 13..T�ae prelitninary budget l�as �een a�-ailal��e for cirizen re�riew sin�e Na�emher 2. - - -- _ _- ` -- --- _-- - - _ . - � Reeo�nEtie«datin�r: ` � -- -- -- -- — --- - - ]..} Cor.�tin,ue t��e puhlic liearin� �-arn Na�ernl�er 17; -- : - . 2:} _Consider adoptiol���f the Sudget.aa'di,r�ance..._ ;. .- - . _. '_ _ Ea�kg�•oun�lAna 1y s is Lu acc[�rd�nce ti�'iih state statutes, the ?{�1p Prelii�inary Budget �vas f�le"d ti��i�l� tt�e �i.iy �lerk an Nor�einher 2, 20�9. Prior ta that the full ��runcil r��iel��ed the pro�os�d preliininary �udget at faux separate l�ud�et ��orks�c�ps in SelateernherlQckoher, and received an tapdate €�n 241f] rez��nues _:.._ and expendit��res a� �e �Ft�i�eaial�er 4 az�d l.7 Cour�c,il, aneet,i,n�s..,__ _. -_ . As a final review tFie publi� is invited to �omrsien�t on l�rojected reveiiues a�d expenditures as vaell as any� speci.fic inf�z con,tained i.n the bLgdget dacun�.er�,t. The �irst pt�l�lic hearing was - lield No�ernl�er 4 and facused on revEnue sauB ai7d pro�erty taxes: - At t17e P+TavernE��� 17- _ public he�ri��, staff�resented t�Ce e�pense parti6n oftl�e budget. - - --- -- -- - - --- -- ___.__ �. . :--_ _ --_ - -- - - . . _,,. _ _ .. _ ,. .. -- . __ Une si�ni�icant c�an�e ii�cl��il�d in ih� kinal �3tYdget is the cre�i�i�za vF a ne�� 5peci�l Ke�e�ue Fun.�l tv aec:�u�,�t f�r c�peratit�ns at r�s,� �L':illian� Shore ��I�:�aaor:ial Pnol. bs of June 3, ?C109 the ��al is 1ega�Iy o��r�ed by the ne��l}r ca Met�npali�an �'nal I7is�iet. Hra«c�er, u��dei� the ccs�lxact - �vitli tl�e i4I�'U, .the �ity i� si�il:l ohli�ated Co c�perate T�e laool and 1�e3 routine rnaintenaiace. - --_- Tl�is � ti�e Ciry to bL�d�et p�al �peratic�ns separare frana t�,�e C�eneral �ur�d. A new ��illism :_- __----- -���are �'o�l ]7i�t�i�t F�t�id has l�een estal�lished tb ���oun� far ��ol operatians as af --- ----_ _ _ June 3, 2009_ �. separate ardi���r�ce is �ei.ng presented at tt�r�.i�ht's nieetin� t�d farma�ly create this -- -- - -- _ - - -_ - --- - - -- _ .. . . .. . ---- - - -new . n :---- - -- - � --- - -- _ - -- --- -- .�_�:. _ - --. _._ _ � _ - - - —_ __ _. _ __ _. _ - - ---�- - - -- -- . a..��.... _ _ _ _. . . _. _ - _ --- - -- - ,1 - 7 .Atta�he�l is �he fisaai t�uddet c�rdi���nce .iilaich is sclieduled far adoptian at toY.i.i�I�t's r�eetia��. Ttiis .. or.dinan�e rncludes t�ie Yie��r Varilli�rs� Shute NFeanorial Fool Distr�ct Fur�d. � i _. - - - - - - ---- - - _ . _ _ =_— � -=--- - . . -- � - Attac�rnez�ts: Suci�et C]rdinance _ .. - - - - ------ - — � - - � - ---- -_- _ . _ .. . - --- -- : -. -- ._._ . -- . - - _ -- �.- $ -- ------ • --. _ -� ----- -- - -.. . _ . .. . . . ._. ORDL��ANCE NO. �� . � _ � ---. . __ . _ - -- - _ - — ----- - - - -- _-- --� - - - �- -- - ----- --..—�.___.--- �- - •------ -.._ .......---- . —_ . - -- - ��---� �- ` -` �� AN ORDINANCF. of the Citv of Port An�eles, Vijashington amendinV the 2009 bud��et and adopting the 2010 bud�et far the fiscal year endin� December 31, 2010. ---- �t%HEREAS, the Cit}� Manager of the City of Por[-Angeles completed and placed on file -� with the Cit�r Clerk an estimate of the amount of che moneys required to meet the public expenses, reserve funds, and espenses of govermnent of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2009, as amended, and a proposed bud<�et for the fiscal year endin� December 31, 2010, as attached hereto as part of E�:hibit "A"; and ���I�EREAS, a notice u=as publislted that the City Council u�ould meet and liold public - hearings at the hour of 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Port Angeles City Ilall, on -• t�lednesday, November 4, 2009, Tuesday, Noveinber 17, 2009, and Tuesdav December ], 2009, for the purpose of making and adoptin� a budget for fiscal year 2010 and gi��in� ta�payers within the limits of the City of Port Angeles an opportuniry to be Ueard upon said bud�;et; and ��VHEREAS, the Cit�� Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the matter of sai� proposed budget, NO��J, THEREFORE, the Giry Council of the Ciry of Port An�eles, �t�asbington, do ordain as follo��s: Section 1. The 2009 budget appropriations for each separate fund and Ior the a�� - egate total for all such funds combined set forth in Ordinance 3354 are hereby amencied as sho��n ul the Exhibit t� that is attached hereto. Section 2. The budget for the City of Part Au��eles, �Vashington, for the year 2d ] 0 T is hereby ado�ted at the fund level in its fonn and content as set forth in the document entitled • , --- ---- - - --- - _.__ _ -- - ----- -- =-- - - - : -1- - - = J-9 : .._.__ ... _ --... :_.�.. � "City of Port An�eles, Washinr�ton 2010 Bud�et,�' a copy of �ti�hich is on file in the Office of the Gity Clerk, and which is incorporated herein by ihis reference. - � - � Section 3. Esrimated resources for each separate fwid of the City of Pon Anteles, and ag�regate expenditures for atl such Ewids for the year 2010 are set forth in sununaiy fonn in E�:hibit A that is attached hereto, and are hereliy appropriated for ehpenditure at the fund level durint� the year 20] 0. Section 4. The Cit}r Clerk is hereby directed to keep on file the budget referred to in Section 2 above and co transnut a complete copy of the final budbet to the Division of Municipal Cor}�orations in the Of�ice of the State Auditor and co the Association of V�'ashington Cities. Section �. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener's/clerical errors, references ord'uiance nuinbering, sectioi�/subsection nuinbers and any references diereto. • Section 6. This Ordinance eYercises authority � exclusively to the Gity Council and is not subject to referendum. It sl�all be in force and take effect �(five) days after publication according to la�v. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, ���asliin�*ton, at a regular meeting of said Council on die lst day of December, 2009. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk VVilliam E. $loor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: December . - .-2009 _ - - _ --- - _- -- -- - By Summary � G:'LeZri Bcrkap'ORU(X1xC.ESfiRESbLt'rtO�S�ORUfNA\CES?049�.1?-BuJgr��dop:uu�.lii�fif�9.u���d ' • . -2- .. . _ ,1 - 10 ClTY �F POftT ANG�LES, WASHINGTC�N 2009 AMENQ�b and 2D10 FIPIf�I� �Uf]GET ' .. _... : ., , .. _ _ .. . EXHIBI7 A - ` - - - - - _. - - ' zao� suus �aoae aooe xosn so�o zo�o - � � � • � � � Baglnnlrtg Amendad � Afnendad End[ng Propospd Proposed ' - � - �nding - � � � "" � � " � Fund f3alance Ravanuo Expondlf�ras 9alnncu ii0vanuos ExEiandi�ures 6alu�oa . . . , ---..q,39B,fl2^J.,---77,.706,89&_---- 7�;F60,297-3,844,737_._�S,7,a5Q,612_�__77,240, _ 3,85d,797 .. . . - . ---------Gonorul�Fund,---�-----_�•-.-�-�,-----.. . . ..,.....___._ .__..._ � �puclol Rvvanue Funds � � ' LodgingExdsa7ax 464,944 A47,2Sfi 596,921 3i5,279 -076,�61 76q,559 34,905 - Strael @6B,23a 1,542,523 1,578,017 B?9,T44 1,662,625 1,SOi,995 A9�,37� Economic�evelopment 6,396,002 465,5aB t370,359 5,991,157 253,ti4 852,338 ; 5,361,927 . CvHural Rosources 339,8&3 288,032 ' 1�7,467 A37,A6fS e,F395 338,414 1D5,�G9 ., Re�E ESiata Exclae TaztF7 _ 557,548 522,584 283,41 i �I10,729 12$,8'i5 62,53(i 4�77,Fi06 • � - Reaf Estate �xcfse 7extk2 333,951 776,$55 :�-286,078 16�,528 125,480 f39,27q 196,334 -: � .. . . _. : ._ _.__ ponCom - •- ... _ . _. .___. _ _ : _ 9t18,3i4 _ 2,25&,8if1� 2,51L! 434 .. . 65fi T67 7,888,960 2,782,T6A 362,957 � cnminalJustme - -- - - -- - 3A7,180 25&;494 ' 27Q;000' 329,674 25b,48M1 235,UQ0 - 357,15tS - - Electdc UIIIIty Rurol Econ. oev. Rbv. Fund �27,428 55,335 5�,�00 233,3fi3 54,F338 6D,000 238,599 � portAngnlas liouslna �ehaq. 42B,185 226,784 327,F372 327,097 521,655 73�,300 118,R52 Racreatlana4netivinas 70D,793 398,03Q 391,]65 i67,558 c442,932 4��v,36[] 905,230 Wlillem Sl�cxe M+�mwlai Paol �istrict' . - . 306,23U 306,230 . 591;OOp 50],U00 - PrugT�skForm -� a5,572 6,790 5,f3�0 � 7T,362 5,327 5,p0� 77,fiti3 - - ° GonNngencyFun6 - --- -- - 250,OOD-..--- --- • 250,U�0 - ° 250,0�4 Cammunlry Aavalopment �ran:s � 36,fi9B - ^ 3fi,598 - _ - - 1C 11,669 322 - 91,891 24fi - .'12,237 FirearmsRe�ipa 16,265 1�,9d8 - A,13i 23,042 9,776 4,10Q 2Ei,7"iS ' - SanlorCentertirtalnlanance 58,933 1,576 - 60,509 �,2a9 - 61,712 � WalertrQniTrail 334Ci2 2,3�D 35,T82 97fi 36,69Ei� 7otal Spcckal RnVanuo Funds 4i '197 fl63 8,510,218 7,692,723 9,99$,558 6,29G,919 �ii 6,286,843 I7o6t Satvlco F¢nda � 20oi Refunding [3.0. Aand - sr. CenterlFire Ha10 125,295 393,708 388,A54 S3a,55t1 3GP,,929 386,70A 53,675 2oo5Refundingo.�.8ond-Uhrary 7,913 282;63U. -281,35A- ---B,1II9-- 2o5,�OS- 284,904 ----ia,a9'k---- ------. 2ao6 L'i`�O flond - W[!GR - 255 248,8fi❑ 2A9,7P9 - 346 2q9,T69 249,169 348 _ 20�6LTGOBond-PmryeriyRequlslllon 759,222 75,772 8S,$9a � 74(3,1{74 75,084 Bfi,(389 73b,309 LID Conkal � � 138 935 �� � 13$,935 - � i3f3,935 _ � . . . . . . � 7otal da6t Servico F�nds 9 031 S2d 1 009 s7'1 1 008,48T 1,027,12A 919,498 'i 839 358 -"- -- - � F�crrnenent Funas ., . - - - - ---- - -� _ - . . - ^ - -- - - � . _ - � - . . . CemeferyEndowmeni 358,656 7i217 �6�5,$&T 5,505 371,372 EstherWahsterTrus; 578,741 228,d40 203 589,325 i93,425 223,76v 568,965 Totnl Pnrmnnnnt Funds � - "- 9�5 397 233 677 20� 8'f8 985,792 � � 79il,9S0 � 223,765 �� 9d0,3$7_ _�� � _ __, -�_ , _ __ --- - - 'sntcrprlsv Funda � - � -- r ... _ ._. � .. ... . .. • . . . . , . �tecirlc 6,323,439 28,2RA,849 27,674,317 T,895,97'l 33,633,947 �3,i79,212 FS,351,706 -- �iectrlcConservatlon i,2ts1,290 dFa5,480 9A7,844 798,626 763,3G3 1,275,2�4 28S,S85 � Walvr 2,443,610 5,291,75a 5,532,236 @,103,132 7,[i98,6'39 7,718,678 2,2fS3,21S waterTrnalmentplant' E3,C12Q,95ti 214,518 223,263 8,012,205 183,765 189,277 7,J95,753 wastewater 1d,571,R12 8,B41,282 7,85A,289 9,558,4�5 7,931,a92 7,591,761 . 9,897,65fi SalEd Wasla GotlacUon 3,444,165 3,224,347 S�95,409 3,i76,0&$ 3,204,372 3,492,844 2,88'1,79$ SaIYd Wasfe TransforStaUontLendfill 6,R70,294 4,343,822 5,�10,53t . 5,543,565 4�,d8h,302 5,�'{5,3F34 A�,fi72,503 � S�ormwntor 43'f,737 795,T78 755,659 477,859 - i,7b8,49p 7,204,6ff3 1,�25,749 PAedicl 72 725 7 411 555 1�00 584 83,7[16 j,424,92Q � 9,5UU�.�73 1,553 - 7olaf Enfarpdse �unda 39,D56 62� 61 833 3B'I 53 231,232 77 698 75�2 67 269,8T8 81,457,T1fi 37,4Q3,074 - In[emal Scrvloo Funde � � � . ' - -- -�- - - - ' . . . .. .. .. . EqutpmentSaMws 5,683,418 7,5B7,�S95 i,�2Q,5S7 6,154,T46 1,6(19,160 �,750,839 5,Ba3,Z67 • fMarma6nn7'echnofagY 1,283,010 7,093,&33 h,273,1££ 1,i13,�37� 941,475 919,031 i,�39,12} SelFlnsursnce 4,293,739 �k -046,586 4,433,37k 1,a18,951 R,B17,794 4,817,79d i,3'ff3,957 TatallntomalServlce Funds _ 8,R60,167 7,SY4,314 7,077,707 8,587,374 7 548,429 7,'�87,4Sb B,D4iS Fl�lucfary - � _. . _ . _ .. , , Flraman's Ponslon 847 616 35 B62 ;25,300 758,A78 32,15(i 1k1,74D 69$,[3B6 � 7ota1 Fiduolary punds 947,SSfi 35 962 725,3DC1 768,47$ 32,758 747,740 6A8,$9fi � � Govommonfal Capltal fmprovament Funda � � Capflallmpra��nnm 712,7U1 A,7�3,938 5,rSOv,886 A�9,B38 3,0�1,5041 3,A03,000 AE1,138 PropertyManagemsnt t14,816 5,921 24,55Q 86,"187 5,247 24,560 76,8$4 Park lmprovomvnt 172,812 7,D71 26,Ot1t7 159,&�3 5,99d -" = 165,573 BtN Strest 6rtAges Reconstruclfon 5,458,741 33,229 1,5Ui,97U � - - -� - 7okAI Govnrnmonla4 CepltaE fm�rov6ment Funr�s � 2,46B,2T0 4,75p,754 6,562,916 � fi6E,8flB 3,052,737 3,427,5fi0 .. 230,695 _._ SU6-T[]TA�ALLFUNOS -- BB,3S8,aT9 89,598,58B. 97,549,842 63,445,123 96,4B1,161 99,R1A,667 64,192,2�{7 Roservas - ' � � . . - . � . . � . _ . . . RdSQIV65-I}SQtJ 4,953,256 - 3,P53,5�6 � , ' _. � T�77a�atLFlrNOS --- fi8,396,9T9 93,548,a42 93,549,8d2 8�,4A5�723 9s,414,5fi7 88,4�Sd,657- 5fl,t92,217 - -- --_ . . . .-._.---- ' In May 20uy, rotarc appmwd the ereatlnn oF the pool dlslrlci far fhe purpose af operallng uin Waltam Shnre htemorlak Pooi, The Wllilam Pool Momorlal Paol 171s�rlct Fund was c�salqd 3o accdvnt for ponl �6vunsfps nnd azpendlSures aRar Junu 3, 2009, ihr �omnining p�W �rm+cmuca and expendiiures are accouniod For withln Ifre �enersl Fund. �� � �- � -_. . . ' The Gammunlly []evalupma[�[ �rant Fund wus cfosed, and funde were transferred tQ Ihr Economic aavolapment Fund. � ' � ---' ° For anQ9, the beginning [und halunca FQr ireafmant plent �poratlons Is restatod In ihe oew Water 7realmnnt planl funtl, �- --- -- � � - J_-'� '� �� CiTY OF POF27' ANGEI.ES, WASHIEVCTOH 2Q'!D FINAL BlJL]GE7 - - EXFiIBIT � _ . . . • _ _ -_- _._ _ _ _--- - - _- - 2oin 2aio sota zato �xo�n-- 20�0 2uio _ _ . . _.._...... _- -- `-"�'--", -.��-;_ .. .-_..: -_._- _" _ _ . .BnginPln9 ..._ . FinAI -� Flna� � � Ending Prullm€nary _ Prnliminnry _. .�Ending . . � � . .. . _. . _, � Fund Bala�eoo Royanus Expendltures BAlaace Ro+renuos Expenditurcs Snlance . , � . . .:..:��_c.___.�.. ....r :....,. _ �.. . _. . . . . . ._. Gonoral�Fund-- . -- .-, 3,A44,717- -iT,Q5�,512 �-"17,24a�632 .- .g�g54�T17 --77,OBA,OTJ � 7T�23�,m7B� '- 3;59A�,737�� . . ... �. , �. .. . Spoclsl Rownun Funds � � LndflingEceise7ax . --- -- 315,278 - -RT6,261- 760,551- - 30,989 476,251 76U,551 30,9iS9 _. ___ Slreet 629,744 __ 1,662,625 7,801,985 490,374 1,,662,625 1,807,SB5 . 49k,374 _ -- `---- Econnmlcpovelapmant � 5,891,157 253,114 (3fi2,398 .. - 5,38t,927 253�,1'fq ._. 862,33& � 5,38i,827 �� - ---- ,_____ __�_Culwral Rasvuroes __. A37, 380 6,895 338,4SR 105,869 ; G,iE85 338,414 i05,95f1 •_ RealEs�ataExclse7ax#� ------ 41R,729 --- 129,6i5 --- 62,53fi 477,8p6 129,875 82,538 47I,866 fteal Es�ate Exclsa7ax II2 160,52$ 125,08U 88,274 196,334 - 525,�80� - &f1 196,334 - � � � -- - ?enCom G56,7�i1 7�&88,984 2,782,T69 - 362,$57 T;888,$5D 2,i82,7BA 3fi�,957 -. - - _ -- - . GrlminPl.lustica 928,fi7d 25S,4Bd 235p�0 357,758 256,4�a4 235,00q 351,'i5& �" Flndno Utllily Rursl Ecan. Dev. Rev. Fund 2�3,783 54,936 50,A00 239,599 54,636 5Q,00� 238,598 PortAngelos HPUSInp R�h&kl. 327,09� 521.555 73D,3[7f3 i18,452 � 521,fi55 730,$90 918,452 RecrauilonelAclivtllos 707 4D2,932 4�5,360 105,230 462,932 +}i1 360 99,230 wnilnm 61wre Mamada[ pool blstnc� - 5t11,tl00 5fl1,000 - - ' - - orvg7nekFarce 17,362 5,321 5,000 37,683 5,321 5,DC10 17,683 Go7Ungancy Fund ' . .250,ODF1 - - 250,�Op - . - �- - �-- 250,�00- . � . K-aProgram 11,997 2Af - 12,�37 246 _ - 12,237 Flraa�rnsRanpe 28,042 �3,776 4,10Q 29,718 9,7T6 A,10k 28,718 SanlarContorN;aln�ananco 60,5fF& 9,203 - 61,712 1,2�8 - 6�,.712 ' - LVaiertrontTrs�1 35,782 916 - 36,698 818 36,fi98 7ola! speclsl f{ovonua Funds 8,998,55B 6,,296,819 S,p28,H34' 8,266,&43 S,79fi,919 7,633,634 8,260,843 ❑Rdi 55rVlca Funds ' 2001 ReNridin� G.O. Bond- 5r. CenterlFlre Hall 13FY,550 3�$,829 3@5,704 53,675 308,8'29 ,. _ 385�744 53,675 -- 2006Rcs{und(�7gG.f7.Bond-�Ihr,sry --�,1B9� - 285,B08 -- - 284,9Q4� 'f�,OB'! Z65,808 28k,80�i 10,095 - ----- -----------_- --- 2005 L7GO Bond - WLIGA � � � - 346 - ` 249�789- ---� - - 2d9�7fi9 ---' - 344 - '249,799 � -� -°- 249,7G9 � 348 - . -.. _. .. 200fiL700Bond-PropartyAcqulsliion 74�,io�+ 75,Of74 � £f6,f399 73fi,349 . 75,094 . 86,�68 736�3�9 IIQCaniral 13A,a35 13f3;935 � 'i36;835 � Total�o6[SunrlcoFunds i 949,d9B i,Qd7,266 � 939,356 �-9i9,498 ._ i 938,388 � �� Parmnnani Funds - � � � � ... - -- - - - Csmuiery Endawment • 365,967 5,5D5 • 971,372 5,505 - 371,372 - - EsfherNle6starTrust 539 193,425 223,765 56[i,565 i93,A25� �� - 223,785 568,585 � � 'Fofai PerTanonk Fundc - 8fi5,982 " 198,830 223,765 94a,357 198,980 223,766 &40;357 . . . .. . . EnlcrprisoFunda _ .__-�- - ' '� - " - _ ' _ - ` Electric__ - -' - - ;: ---- 7,696,971 33,533,9d7 33,179,2i2___8,35f,70C. ..33;fi33,947 33,934,627 8,398,28i -.. - _ �IeclrlaConservaliQn 79IS,828 783,363 7,275,2U4 286,9t35 � 763,3fi3 1�x75,20d 28$,985 - water . 2,103,732 7,898,899 7,718,816 2,283,213 7,528,524 7,618,799 2,311,457 vVatertraetme�ipfuni S,i]la,2i75 163,7b5 1H0,211 7,985,753 163,765 159,bt2 8,�57,928 Wasiawator ' 9,55B,A�5 . 7,931,072 7,591,751 9,897,556 7,939,fY12 7,521,647 8,967,Tl0 Solid WASEsCollea6on 3,770,058 3,20�i,37� 3,492,844 2,881,788 3,20A,372 3,465,�134 2,90$,606 solid Was€nTransfnrSlafloNV.and(fll � 5,5C33,585 4,4�C,302. 5,315,38d 4,672,5d3 4,464,30� 5,�43,4i2 4,844,475 Stormweter 471,654 i,758,48�' 1,264,693 1.{325,749 i,75B,49$ 1,164,d82 9,Ofi5,87f1 ... .. � Medlc{ � � 83,7L16 1,A2M1,02� 1,506,073 . 7,fi63 7,424,020 '1,SQ0,073 7,fi53 � . T6tal Entcrprlac Funds 3T,598,752 61 261,878 Bi 457,775 37,dD5,014 61,189,503 61,181,5z9 37 � �- • [nfornal5crvlcaFunds , � � � � - �� Eq4lp�monlSqrvlco5 9,154��74fi 1,689,164 2,15U,639 5,693,267 i,68J,164 2,159,775 : 5,684,137 Inl�srmatlonTechnQtogY 1,113,677 $47,RT5 979,U31 . 1,036,127 . SR1,A75 958,�31 i,�38,12'f Solf-insura:tce ' S,81f3,951 d,8S�,794 4,817,784 'f,378,951 4,8'V7,794 �7,8'17,794 i,3'I0,957 7otal Intumal snrvlcc Funds 8,587,37d 7,34@,429 7$87,A6A 8,048,339 7,548,42@ T,$86,600 B,Q39,203 - - Fiducla - � _ _ - , -___.___ � �_ .___ __ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ . .. _. • _ `_ _ ry= � _--- - � . ---- �" - -__=---- - � Firemsn's Penslon ..__ - ' 758 q78 32 158 141,740 64B,f39G 32,758 }41,740 6d£1,$86- ----- . "- ' TotalFlduciaryFunds --- 758478 - 32,158 941,T40 648,885 32,958 - 7Ai,7A0 BA8,89B � � . �ovemmontak.CapltallmprovnmentFunds � -� ' - � � . -� .. "` _' - ' ' : �Capifal IrC�prover�ieni `--"' �� ' - - AQ9,63B � 3,041,500 3,403,0�6 4$,13F] 3 3,403,000 �18,13$ _ � PmpartyMunagamonE 56,S�T 5,247 24�55Q 76,884 5,247 24,550 7�i,8fi4 ' - -- Park Improvemen� -- - . _ - - 159 893 5 996 - 165,673 , 5,994 . -. 165 673 7otal [iovemmentaC Cap�tal Improve. Funds eBS,&fl8 3,052,737 3,427,6fia 290,685 3,052,737 3,�f27,556 296,695 ----- - - --• - Sl1B-TOTALALLFIINPS - 63,4A5,72S 9fi,ifi1,7fi1 89,414,667 60,492,217 96,82'1,853 �98,9Rfi,95A- -�60,R�21,722 � � _ . Reservos • �eskgnated � Ru$orves - llsnd 3,253,SOFj 3,�24,Bd'l � - -- .. .-- - -- - -- �- - ---- ' ^__.. �- �'� -"� - ` -- -- -- � - ' ---- --' - - � -- -� --�--� . 7Q7ALALLFLINUS�- -_ - _--- �� -.--_ - _. 83, &, 3 -. 98,. . ,697 -- 99, 4� fi_ � �, ,217 08,648�,15A 98,6 fiO4 � - -' - - ---..-.._�_ - . _. _. Y -- � ---�.. . . . � ------ " ... . _-� ._._.. . . _. .. - -- � - -- ------ -_ .- - _ _ . __ - ,J - 1 � - - ` � yQ f pORTq f 2010 Final Budget %''''�►�! � Presented by: Kent Myers, City Manager Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director Tonight's Agenda ❑ Brief Overview of 2009 Amended Budget ❑ Review of 2010 Final Budget ❑ Adopt New William Shore Memorial Pool District Fund ❑ Adopt Budget Ordinance 1 2009 Amended Budget 2009 Budqet Variance Ori inal Amended $ % Revenues $ 96,818,512 $ 88,596,586 $ (8,221,926) -8.5% Expenditures 103,307,699 93,549,842 9,757,857 -9.4% Use of Reserves $ 6,489,187 $ 4,953,256 $ (1,535,931) -23.7% Effective June 3, 2009, the Willi�un Shore Memorial Pool is accounted for in the new William Shore Memorial Pool District Fund (Rev R Exp =$306K). From Jan. 1 to June 2, 2009, pool operations are included in the General Fund. 2010 Final Budget 2010 Budqet Variance Prelimina (< Final $ % Revenues $ 95,621,553 $ 96,161,161 � $ 539,608 0.6% Expenditures 98,646,154 99,414,667 768,513 0.8% Use Of Reserves $ 3,024,601 �$ 3,253,506 $ 228,905 7.6% The 2010 f�inal Budget includes $�OIK in Rev. & Exp. in the new William Shore Memorial Pool District Fund. This wa.� NOT included in the 2010 Preliminary [3udget. 2 Changes to General Fund 2010 Budqet Variance GENERAL FUND Prelimina Final $ °/, Revenues $ 17,084,079 $ 17,050,512 $ (33,567) -0.2°/a Expenditures 17,234,079 17,240,532 6,453 0.0% Use of Reserves $ 150,000 $ 190,020 $ 40,020 26.7% Since Council voted to not increase property taxes in 2010, the use of General Fund Reserves increased by $40K Changes to Citywide Revenues DECREASE ❑ Property Taxes $40K INCREASES ❑ Metropolitan Pool District Fund $SO1K Nct ❑ Water increase based on rate study '72I{ Increase ❑ Utility Taxes �K of $540K TOTAL INCREASE $580K 3 �I Changes to Citywide Expenditures DECREASES ❑ Family Fun Day $6K ❑ Utility Exp. due to Rate Study 7K ❑ Pool Car (no hybrid) 9K TOTAL DECREASE $22K INCREASES ❑ Metropolitan Pool District Fund $SO1K Net ❑ Downtown Restroom Maintenance 6K increase ❑ Debt Payment for new Bonds 284K of $769K TOTAL INCREASE �791K 2010 Final Budget Total Budget $99,414,667 Operating Budget Capital Budget 86% 14% $85,804,767 $13,609,900 4 Council Action ❑ Adopt new William Shore Memorial Pool District Fund ❑ Adopt Budget Ordinance Questions? 5 • � • - � � . --- � - - . _ � CITY COUNCIL ME�TING Port An�efes, Washingtun . __ _--- . � -- �_-- - — -. � . ' Novcinber 17, 2409 CALL TO Oi2llER - Mayor Br1un called the special meeting ofthe Port An�eles City Councii to'o'r'de�• at 5:18� . _ ._ ____ ... SP,ECIAL MEF,TfNG: _ p.m. . . ROLL CALL: lYiember,� P���ent; Mayor Brauu, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers - • Kidd, Pcrry, Rogers and �X!i�liams. , . Alembe�•s �fb,rent: Councilmember Di Guilin. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Bascd on input fram Attorney Bloor, Mayor Braun a�inounecd the need for an Lxecutive Session for approximately forCy rninutcs under the authoi7ty ofRCW 42.30,110 (1) (i} to .. discuss potentifll litigation. ._ .. . .. � R�TUTtN TO OPEN '1'he Executive Session concluded at S:SS p.m, and the Council con�rened in regular open SESSIUN: session.. No action was takcn. ADJOURN SP�CIAL Thc special meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p,m. MFET(NG: . • CALL TO ORDER Mayorl3rauu.called the regular meet'v�g of the Porc Angeles City Counci] to order at 6:05 RF.GULAR MEETINC: p.m, RULLCALL: MenTbe,�a•Prc�sent.• MayorBraua,DeputyMayorWh�rton,AndCouncilmemUers, --- Kidd, Perry, Rogers nnd Williams. Memhers Absent: Councilmember Di Guilio. � Slaff Presenl; Mauager Myei•s, Attorney Bloor, l�eputy Clerlc I-Tagar, G. � _ __ Cutler,l', Gallagher, D. McKeen, Y. Ziomkowski, P, Lusk, — --- — ._ _ . _ T. Pierce; and S. Rabei•ds. _ . Public Present.� B. Nelsan, L. Brabint, N. Peterson, A. R'asnock, E. .. Stocltard, C, Brabant, C. Siocz, C. Butler, J. Stockard, L. —- . Butler, K. Kirker, S. Nelson, G, Thompson, D. Holiday, G, - & M, Kenwurthy P. Lamoureux D. Schanfiald, G, VanRossen, $. Vaubht, P, f.)owniq C. Reeves-Speis•, R, � McCoy, and G, Shields. All others present 'vi the audience . failed to si3n th.e roster. � PLEDG� OF -'I'he Pledge of E111ebiance to the Ffag was led by.Deputy �1!(ayor Wha�ton. ALL�C�ANC�: PUBLICCFRF,iVIONCES/ 1. DECA ►�eekProclanrativn: PR�S�NTATIONS & . EMPLOYEE Mayor Rraun inlroduccd the.DECA Officers present: Corbin BraUanl, Eric Stockard, RECOGNITCONS: Amanda �Vasnocic, Ca��er.on Siet�, and Catisidy Butler, Lora Brabant, DECA Advisor, • , �gavc a brief review of some of the DECA projects in which these students participated. DECA Weelc Proclam�Cion Mayor Braun then rcad a proclamation declaring Novembar 16 - November 20, 2409, as . National DBCA Week in Por[ Mgelcs. - L-1 � . CITY COUNCIL MEETING - November 17, 2U09 PURLIC CEREIVIOIVI L�S/ 2, 8`�' Street Brictges Iteplacement Project �Iward: PRESEN'fAT1ON5 & • � _. : EA1PLn)'FF.. __ .. ___ ,•_.. Public Works &.Utilifies Diractar Cutler�invited the Mayor to join him in presenting a _ RECnGNITIOI�TS, Ictter of covunendation for the 8'�' Strcct firidges Replacement Project to Santosh . (Cont'd) ICttruvilla and Kari. Kirkcr of Exeltech Gonsulfuig, lna The letter, signed by Mayor Braun, was read aloud by Director Cutler�who noted that this pr�ject culminated 'ui fhe .. 8' Street Bridges -- bridges being recoguized as one of the Top Tc+n Bridges ui 2008 Uy Roads R. Bridgcs -- ' Replacement Project Magazine. . Awa��d D'u•ectoi• Cutler stated that further on in the agenda Council would Ue asked to accept thc � brid�es even fliough thcy are ali•eady iu use. Ofparticular note is the fACt that the origiz�al � - � -__-- - - — -- � �"" - amount was $1 S,41b,067.20, and�thc final cost was $18,G29,316,54, a variation -- � � -� - - --- -� � � - - � - � � —� ' " � �- of only 1�2%, which is unprecedented for a-project this long and complex: Director � Cutler concluded_'by thankin5 all fliose connected with tlie � " . . ; Mr. Kuruvilla tt��nked the Council for the recognition and the opportunity to scrva He � presente� the City with the origival framed, architect's sketch of the bridges. Yorl Angeles HarbarVJorks 3. Por! �ingeles� Har�GorWorhs Development Autlzorily Updat�:_ _� Development Authority • � Update JeffLincoln, HarborWorks, 11 i5 E. Front Street, used Po�verPouit slides lo demonstrate the due diligcnce status ofthe Port Angeles HarborWorks 1?cvelopment Authority. Mr, Lincoln st�led that marl:et, environmental, nnd engineering analyses of lhe site a�•e hcing done simultaneously to assist with dcciding the vest revenua potential if the site is properly redeveloped, ljrom the engineerinb perspective; cost of uifrastrac�ure to make the land developable must be considered, The cost,of development will Ue used to formulate a financial �ro forma to determine if this. is a viable project for the public to undei�ake. Regarding the environmental issue, A4r. Lincoln understood there �vas concern • regarding site contaminatioi�, and the sfatus of the contamination is being dioroughly _ - - -- - - investigated. - The project tuneline and the due diligence study �vorkf7ow show the tasks to Ue on target, . as the PDA has engaged in negotiations witl� Rayonier. Due diligence has been divided into two phascs, wilh lhe report on the first phase due in March. 'I'his will Ue die Uasis of rnoving forward to com�lete negotiations with Ra}ronier if a viable project does exist. . At that point, land use approvals would begin, and the PDt1 would move foitivard in a � -- period ot three. years to be ready for redevelopment. The last three years would be ___ -._- engaged in development of tlie project. ' --� The first niilestone, liolding a public opeii hoi�se, was Accomplished in October, with - — more than 100 in attendance and a lot of information was bathered, Draft reports on the � stafiGs of tlie contamination, es�imated c�st of clean up, as well as the mai•1cetlbiLity of ehe site, should be ava'ilable wid�in the next three weeks. . R9r. Lincoln responded to �ucslions posed by the Council and �vns thanked for the d�e diligence process and for providing the repart which demonsirates that thiu�s are moving forw�ard, �mployee Reco�uition . - 4. Employee Recognition: ManagerMyers anno�mced that due to dxe effo�ts of�rnie Kl imek, Water Superinten8ent, and Pfiil Lusk, Power Systems Mlnager, fl numbor ofbacicflo�v issues in the Morse Creek area'a��e now in compliance v,�ith the City ordina�ice. Illegal taps ��ere removed from ttic ' line and repairs made, resulting iu water consumption in thc area�being reduced fi•om • 142,000 cubic f'eet per month to 7,000 cubic feet'per month for this area. L-2 2 . CT1'Y C(7IJhiCII,MEL�TING Noveiill�er J,?, 2DQ� FiTBLIC C�C3�IVI�N'I` Kandall McC6 � � � tke�,L�1�u� nd tl e. �'�� �n a�vard on behaff of the g 1I2 �. 11 5tiee, � y' . Cascade l3icycle Clula_SunuiSer Ti' � �izem�ership af the.A]teznafiiue . ,... _.___� .._.�. __ ..__....._.._____m __. ......... - -- -- Transportal�on �c�v�ca�y Fai� Ange�es: Nlr, fG1�Cay s�aied �?ort Acigel�s taok fu'sf . ' --.. . ._ . _ .__._.� .. ::.. ,:.. _:.. ..- - �. .. � : .. • = ���ac� nut�of 97 comniu�ities tlaat participated' in the Sununer �3 ike ��eague in ��umber �f - -.. •-- ----:-• -- -.__--------_.._._�_.____.._�iles Uiked.--'Pnrt Arig�les had 30 }�articip�nts v��i�h mare fhan I5,044 miies bilced. . .. _ _ __ . . _ _ .._ . _. _ - - --- - . _ •.:._. - - -='1'etex C�scy� Exec�tir�e I]irectar Qf the �'eninsula Mental Hea[th Clinic, asl�ed fhat d�e---� _ G�unci� make vo furthet' �uts tp Human S�rvi�es :�unding, as the ne�d is greater than e�er. DarleneScFianFald distributcdalistof�rsmmenisregardingt�iePut�li.�Re�nr�s.Drdu�aiiee ' and I'oli�y, rea�inp aloud frnrn her su��este� changes to the draft oz•�iinance. CI'I"Y C`D�]NCIL Nat�e. -- -- _ — ---- - ----.. C(7N1M�'!"�'�� .. . iiFPORTS: : '�01�i� Sk�SSI01� ; None; ' - _ [,AT� ITEIVIS T� T3E Nfant�er Ivlyers ar.�ded a 1�osolutivn decltu'ing a7i e��ergez�cy as Itetn G, 1„ , Y'LAL'L'1] UN 'l'HIS �12 ' FU'i'l]'lt� AC�.�NDAS: � F3rea�c M�yvr Braun recessed tl�e rneoting ['nrA br�ak ae 6:5D p,rn, �'��� �meetin� recQn��ncd �t 7:0� p,m, PUI��IC I•IEAIZ'I�'GS � �. Street Ye�cnli'Qn f'etitian •- STY �8-01 Cr•e�nar�er - Portiara �af �"' Street: f}'1"��R: � � Pianxiuig Mana��r Robcrds presenier� in£vrinatio�a reaarding ihe Gtirr�nnuer Street Street waca�ivu Pctiiinn - V�catinn, respoi�ding to a questioi� fr�m a�revia�is meeting regarditzg th� r�fain'sng �nr�ll S'1'V 48�1 locate� in the suhject ri,ghl-of �ray that erecfe$ it� ?Qa3 hy Mr. Tom Lundervi€�e., C3�onauer - Partion of � - -- . Streei Maunr'l3rann �nntimied tlie pulili� hearinb=at 7:43 p.m. ;1'3�ere �ieing no one presex�t ivl�fl ' �k�dinance P���, 3382 � u�isl�ed to address tlye issne, M'a} or T3r�un closed the public he�rin� at 7:i�4 p.m. Mayc�r I3rnun co,ndua�ed a secgnd reddii7� �,tth� 5treei V��a�ic�n �rdinnnce by title, entitled CIRDIN�INCE N'i1. 3382 - ---- -- AN D.Tt.DIN�NC� af the C;i�y cr[' F'ort Angeles, �5'asl�i►zgto�i, .__ - - _. _ vac�tsne a�artian a�'�ol�ifh Street, Poi �+n��.les; in Cl��llam ' ' County, Wasliinb an, -- -- -- �`t was m�+�ved k�yF i3eputy IV�ayvr i�'3aartou attd secauded hy Councilm�m�er Perry -- - --- -- to adnpt the 47r�linsnce as read hy t�tle. Dis�ussian ensued, es�ecially as pertains tn thc relainingwafl being an enci•aachrnent u�t�ze C'a#y riglit-of �v�y. Mana�erRnberds st�•essed -- - _ -. _ _€hat Y1i� Public VVtrrlcs Dc�rartment' has determined the City has no z��ed fo� the ��i�hf-of . � ��y, and the wa11 do�s setve a�iieed'as it hot�is up the de[�r�is behiud it �nd prateels the - __ __._ s�a[es tc� the right of it. 51ie stated it ►�as possiUle that if fhe ret:aining wa11 E�ad not beei� ' _. . Uuilt� by M.r. t,.uliderville, lhe Gity m1y haye h�d to ere�t aa�e. FaJlr�wing £�rther di;scussion, a^VOtc wzs [akcn nAa the mntii�n, which cxrri�d �y 8�'6te OF 4- 2, �vitYr - --` -- Couiz�ilmerr�bers')�nge7•s a�d WilEiamS votin�; in oppasifion. �?ii6liciJtil'skies Re�ulatnry - 2, �'irbldr, �1lidtt�es Re�zrlato� Pa[rcf�s rfct (F�'};'1'�!� stila�d�rtory St�rad�rr•ds k�oii�ies A�tM�ndatory - � Cr�:zr�i��rrrteuta,• 5tand�t�}s �r�nsrderatinri ' ' . • Uirecfor Cutler ii�,tr❑duced 1'l�il Lusl�, PoF�#er Sys�eins l�anag�r, whr�'used Potiverl'�int _ � slides to gir�e a brief descriptiun ��'I��1:[t�A. ,ITe noY�d t��at PE�T{PA's bnals incl�de coiiser�ation, ef£i�ien��+ an�i equitah[e rates tc�r olectric cot�stuness. Mana.�er L.usk re�iewed the ret�ulreit�et��s �fthe Energy Inciependence ancl Security Act c�f2,��7 �d t�ie L � CITY CnU ML+� d�.iIYG , - �l��eniber f 7, 20�9 . • PUBLIC HEr�E�f1�G5 - P�]'H.PA �rocedural requircrne�its. ZIe listed Cou�zciI's opYions for a��a��tictn af �UhPi1 QTT�EIt:.(Cont'd): st�nc�ar�s and eE�u��erated a�d des�ribed �kie tntegratarl Resouree Plaiming Stanr�azds.--- -- _ _�_ _ .- -- ----- - -- , -. . . . �-��� , Puhhc Utflitiies Rcgul�tary_ __ ...1_�iana�er Lusk �veni on.ta.t�lk ab��it.rate �iesign rnv�if cations in nrdci pr�moke ener�y .-__.__ .__. �'olicics �ctMa��datory _.-- .- investtnents, arzd he�pr�vided ini'or�rt�tifln an �mart Grad Tn<<estments. He " _-__ —.__._ :;. Slandards,Consideranon :.:nvted thac S#affdoe5 not recomm��nd adap�iun, oft'he Smart Grid Investcnents standard at - -� __. .. �Gont'_d} --: ___::__:__ ._ tliis ti.me, but should ►��ait until af�er the BPrI prnvides w;hnlesale 5niarC Cii�id serviees.to " ---- tlae CifY. - -- ---- - - ---M�y'or 13rflun n�seued the pu}�]ic hear at 7,33 p.m. '�'here Ueing tzo oi�� ��esen[ wha � 4Vis�led tn aC{dTeS5 #�� issu�, ak 7 ;33 ��,m., Mayas' Brx�in �:an#it�Uecl the �u61ic heariitg ta - --- - - - - - = --- --.I?ecemhei• 15, 2 009.---- - l�ro�asec� Medic I Ratc . 3. F'ropased IYledre I kcrre �ldjustmen[s: -- . Adj�zsttnent:s , _. _ Fire Citie�119ciCeen used I?owerPnint slic3es to aompara tlie Medic I�]tility Ea ���ater -- Utility and des�i�ibed t]ze n�an��:c�sts assoaiatcr� �;i�i� lhis �pe afi�itili[y, Her�ated thata oost v� servfce stu�y is necessary tn enszai�e that i�ates f�re ['aiz- artd e�uirable. Chief 1�1cI�ee� ricseriUed tlae proc�ss usad �vr parforming � enst of ser�ice stu�ly anc{ inf4nned the CQUnEiI vf t}ie ratcs being considerc[1 �or 2{}1Q, iC:liie#' Mc'K�en stated that zn adjusitnent equal [o the GPI-ll �s aP 3une 201U will 6e used fvi� 2[lI I rltes, with .nc� ---- --_ ---.- -.- -- - incre�se i� �11e CPI is zero nr less. Chief M�Kecn stated tlie cost nf seri�ice study ���as cani��leted in-k�suse tlianl:s ta fhe assistance nf t�e Finance and Legal Departments. Hc _ -- - �l�en respondc�l lo questians pased hy the Coi�n�il. Mayor Bz��in apencd fh� gulalic he��•ing ai 8:11 p.m: . • . Paul i,a�noureux, b�2 Whic�by, aslced Ca�mciL t� cozlsider raising ratcs sli�htly iaxare than '- -- - neede� ta I�ss�n tlie need for an iticrc:ase ,ix,r fi�te �iear fiit�u�e. � � There beiazg no £ur[hcr tesr�anoziy, at 8: ] 5�.m,, Mayor I3raun continued the hearing to -- - D�cember t, �(109, 'Mayar T3raun es�nde�cted a�irst reading ot tIie drdinance hy Citl� - - -- ---------- — --- -` entitled -. -- - --- ___ --.._ . C�ffiDT�iVANC� �NU, AN C]Ri71Nt1��[CL of the Cify �f P�rt::�7beles, Washizi�ta�i, _ _ . . - - • --._ . r�vising �hapler l.� ,73 af the `�'nrC �1,��geles lviuniGipai C�de _. __ ----� ---- -- ---- - re[ati��g tu Medie I Charges, 201 D 33udget �!. 241f] 23ud�et: --- .-- _-_- --- -- __ lJsing PvwerPtaine slides,-N1an��er Myer� and Fina�lce I7irecfar Giamknwski-re�iewed - _.. �17e Bud�ei. preparatian prncess, �vhi�h included evalu�tang �L! seruices and prog��anns. - _ . --- V {_ ._ _ _ - ________ _ . - ' 7'he 20�fl prr�p�sed Uudget is �98,6 inillion, innre than .54.Fi m,iilian less •tlaan iat 20�19._ _ -- . Ciey-wi�e suppl�ment�l rer�uests weE'e re�icwed, and ancreases and decreases iri _ .. _ __ _ expend�tures rverc cxplained. Counci[ ���;�s infarmed �hat current levels ofservle� were _ ° _--- -----_�--- -- -_. ._ maint�ined it�s most services in Puhlic Safet��, 5treeis, asad uudities and th�Cimpra�en��nts - . _ - ta infr�,s� remains a pr'tority. - =_:" --- . '1'he preseclta�ioz� u�as caniluded by dernonstrating tF�e Iiiika,�e bet�veen t'hc 8udget a��d fhe Strategic YE1n, and it was atof�d thai' tl�is ��relitninary bu�igit is bal�ne�d a�id any :_ - _ ---. - - -- - _ - -- - � suggestedincreas�srnustha�e�cax �l�t�'tl�en res�,�nd�d to questians p�sec� h3� t�,e Cauncil, . —�_ _ . . __ At $:3�5 ��.m., Mayvz' DraLin �pera�d Ehe �ublic he�ring, � �-� 4 _ ' CITY COUNCIL MEETTI�?G � November 17, ?009 PUBLTC HEARINGS - Cherie� Rcevcs-Sperr, 254 Foxglove Lane, thanked Council for the Humau Se�vices • OTIi�R: (Coiit'd} -- �� --- 'fiinding and urged-theni to continue t:haf support. She sCatzd her agency had received � — -- - - ---- . �..... ���--- -�- ---$5,000 from the 20Q9 allocfltion and describcd how that mouey wAS used: � - "�- ----._ .__.. ---•--•.2010'BudgeY(Cont'd).,...._._,.,�„__,.;.- . . �-- ----------:::�:�: -- ----�---------�� ��---�- ���---= -�-- --� �'Chere being no further commeiit, at 8:�10 p.m. Mayoz• Braun continued the public hearing to Decembcr 1, 2009, ._. . . ._. Mayor Braun conducted a fiest reading of the Budget Ord'u�ance by title, entided ORDINANCE NO. � . .� AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, . . amending the 2009 budeet and adopting the 201 U b�.idget Por t'hc fiscai yea�• end.ing .nccemher 31., 2010, - ; . 2010 Property'1'2x Levy 5. � � 201 U Property 7ax Levy and l�ee Ordinance: a�id Tee Ordinu�co _ Direclor Ziomkowski stated Staffrecotnmends an iiicrease in property tax by tEie 1°l0 Resolution No. 26-09 allowed in tbe amount of $40,02Q and a decreasc in tlie special levy by using reserves i❑ Ordinance No. 33$3 the amount of $80,000. Tliis would i•esult ii� a$40,000 dccrease in property taxes. - Mayor IIt•aun contiziued the public heazaig at 8:43 p.m, ' I'hcre �vas no one present who wished to address Che issue; therefore Mayor Braun closed the public hearing ac 8:43 p.m. � and read the Resolucion by title, eniiileci � _ RESOLUTION NO. � - A RESOLl1TCON of tlie Ciry Council of the City of Poirt Angelcs, • Washington, authorizing an increase in the regular properry tax levy of l.%, or $40,420 over.tlie highest lawful I.evy far 2Q09. '-__= - `�- Deputy Mayor WhArton moved to puss the Resolution as rcad by titic. CouncilmemberPerrysecondedtttemotion. Discussionensued,withCouncilmembers gi��ing tl�eir views on the advisability of raising propeity taxes durin� an economic recession. Director Ziomkov�=ski poiuted outthat i#'the Resolution is na.ssed, there would . still be an overall decreasc in property tax of $40 Potlowing further discussion and clarification, a vote tivas taken on the motion, which failed for lacic of a majorit�� with a vofe of_ 3-_3�with_.Cguncilmembers Kidd, Rogcrs and �Villiams voting in . . . op�osition. � - - ---- - - It was exptained io Council that duc to the failure of the Resolution, a mc�t'ton musC be made specifying what Council wants the Ordinance to say and the amount shown as - — Regular Levy ml�st-be adjusted. Furtt�er discussion ensued regard'uig the wording of the Ordinance to ensure property tax rates remained thc same �s those oP2009. The Council considered the proposed reviscd Ordinance, and Couneilntember Rogers rnoved to adopt tl�c reviscd OrdinAnce, tl�e title of which is set forth bclo�v, iiiclusive � �-- ""- - of the amending language which would stipulate that Council intends t� levy lhe taxes at fhe 20d9 rate, �vith the remainder of fhe Ordinancc remAining as written. ORT�INANCE NO. 3383 ' � AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, W�shington, levying � regular ad valorem property taxes for the fiscal year 2010, 1nd. • � directing the Ciry Clerk to certify slid amount to the,Board of Cl�►Ilam County Conunissioners. .. � L-5 S CITY COtJNCU� MEETING - • November 17, 2009 . � YU BLIC HGARINCS - Attorney B looz• clarified the changes to the Ordinance and suggested that Council include OTI3�R; (Cont'd) in the motion authorization.to approve a Resolution 1s needed. Said. Resolurion would • state th�t chc levy will Ue the saute as l�st year. Councilmember Ragcrs Amended her . 2010 Properiy T�x Le�y motion to includc authorization of Resolution No. 26-09 as ap�ropriate to tl�e andree Ordinance(Cont'd) revised Ordinance. Councilmember ICidd seconded the mofion. Fpllowing further Resolution Yo. 26-09 discussion a�id clarificatiou, a vote was tnlcen on the motion, �cliich carried � ' Ordivaucc No. 3383 Yu�animously. { Sreak ivlayor Braun recessed the meeting for a brcak at 9;03 p.m. The meetipg recouvened at 9:11 p.m. . „ ORDINANCES NOT � J, P7�blic Records Ordinunce arad Policy: -- � Ii�•QUIItInTG PUBLiC , � -- - uEAItINGS: Atlorney Bloor rcminded the Couticil thlt this is lhe third readiiig of the Ordinance and stated that the goals of the Ordinance remain the same. �Ie.noted tl�t this version of the Public Records Ordinance Ordit�ance integrates both ordinance and policy and includes fl new seccion dedicated to and Policy Ad�ninistrative process. � � Ordinance No. 3384 • At Council's rec�uest; Attocney Bloor responded to a citizen's comments and explained , � �vhy lhird parties should be uotified,.in cerl�ain instances and what type of information would normally be subject to third p�u notificatiou. , _ .. Atcainey Bloor noted that�a small change needed to Ue made at the end of the first � sentence in Section 2.74.017. A. The end of the sentence should read "...shall deli�er -- such rccards to the City Clerk," as under the City's O�•dinances, the City Clerlc is charged with records� reteution duties. . Mayor Araun conducted a third reading of the PuUlic Records Ordinance Uy tide, entiticd � ORDiNANCE NO. 3384 • _ . — -- - � � AN OKDINANCE khe City of Port Arigeles, Washingcon, • amending Chapter 2,74 of thc Poirt Angeles Municipal Code relating to inspection of puUlic recoi•ds. � Councilmember Pcrry moved ta :�dopt the Ordinaucc �s read by title and as � eorrected. Deputy Ma}�or Wharton scconded the �notion, which carried . unanimously. _ _ , � . _ ------. . � --- � Parking B usiness 2. Parking Busrness Imprnvement Ai�eu {PBlft) — Map Raiification: Improvement Area (PBJA} . , . — Map Ra�ification Mauager Roberds noted an eiror made ui 1995 will be corrected by adoption of this Ordinance. ' - Ordinance No: 3385 . � Mayor 13raun eonducted a second reading of the Ordinance i atifying tlie PBIA boundary n�ap by title, entitled . _ . . ORllINANCE NO. 3385 _ - - -- ---. AN ORD1Nt1NCE of the City of Port A�zgele5, Washulgton, ra.tz#'yinb die PBIA boundary map. Councilmember Rogcrs moved to adopt the OrdinAncc As rcad by tiile. Ueputy Mayor �VhArton scconded the motioi�, which carried uuaiiimously. : - - — - --- --- • �� L-6 6 � CITY C�ItI��CT1.11!]EE'fING Nov�mlaer 17, 2Qag R��'C]�C3Tl.QiVS: 1. I�°eso[ufron P_ eclaring S�c�te c���rr�er��nc��; _ ' r. 3]eclar��ian af T��ncrgency D,irectar Cutler �xplaii�ed that due ta ihe iieavY�xairsfall 4vhich culmin�ted in lon�lir�d - .,. __,_ ,. ., •-�--------._---_ -_-- ° �ooding ; `ii tivas neees`sary ka de�k�re a stafe of �mergai�cu in arder to a�law fnr x��pairs ta •. --� .=� Resc�le�tinn Yu.-�.7-1f9=:�= he r��ade ir� a timefy nzanrzer. I7irec:tor Cutler.descrihed th.e �+ai'ious are•as whi�l� ��ere - _-- - - pac�iGU�arly hard hit and flie st�ps taken tc� coi-��ecttli� situati,�n. ,H'c skated th€�t passing the ._ - - . �.� ... _ . , , - ReSOl,utinn �vifl allar�� tho �ity trs enove i�iiickl� anr� passibly prevent furtl�ei� da�nage. Caunciln�cntk�er k?erry n�c�wed tQ pass tk�e ftrsol�sti�n declnrazi� a st}��e a,Ferner�ency eiititled ----•= - __ . __ __,_-_-----:- : .:-_-__„_- = --._ _,.. . - — _ --- ItESOLUTFpN Nf). 7.7•{�9 - ..:.. . . . .. ..._..__ . _ --- -- - - t� RF;50'i_.11T1UN a!" the �ii� Council of tl�e Citj� vf Part �ngeles, Washingtou, de��arinb a state c�f emerg�n�y; �ncf autfiorixi�g the , ---- -- - cxercise of.eznergene�+po�°ers to pro��ida assistas�ce �o victims of' flflQdin� �id to inake repairs resultii�g from fhe hea:v;7 rainf�tll stortn _ . - - a�Novernber 1� and 17, 20{13� __. _ GauncilmemT�er ICidd secdnded the ��atian, which �ass�rl ��n;�nirnonsly. CC]M:lVTr'I"['�� Naae, . _ -- - - - ----- ----_-- .--_ _ It��PC)RTS: - - - _-..:. 4T�-IF� I�Fazze. - � - - - - _ - �CENSIU'ER�,TiONS: -._ _ � � � PU,A�,IC HEEU2Ll�GS- �Lrlvne. C�ITASI ,TUI7JCTAL,: �'IN�iNC�: �7e�uty Nlaynr �Vhai movccl to �dil fl�c�follawing Finar�c� itr�ms tn the Cnn�enf _ Agenda. -- : .. . .. . .. .._ ._ 1. .4mentfinent No. 2#o �atet�+cty Co�rsfr�a�ctrnn A�anr�gerrten!'.4�ree�ne�a[ will� Ezellech �onsu2tin�, Iiac, Ft�r�jcct 97-�(?; �. .4me�xd»zents'IF� 3 to Gon,stafid��`�i�yr will� P�rtiel f I'�i� I�isasler ' Fve�zt.r I8�'71)I�-W�t� _ - - - _ - . .- - - -- - - ,--___ -- - _.3. _.. - . Credrt Card Prog�a�r:.�,�reenrent;. and _. . _ - . . — _ _ 4 _ . Clu�lum-C`�ur�1v-Inle�lacal �Igrcren��nl�or• Dist�-ict..C�i�:-t :...-. _ , Councilznember Perry sccaiicled thc mtition, which c�rries3 unai�im�rrsly.. (;[]h'SEI��T AG,FN�7A: GouncilF�iva�rier �+i1'aiams stated he �vauld not bc �oting an #�'re minut�s.a� C3ctol�cr ?7, _ - - � - - - - . - 24Q9, as he was _a�sent,fram tltiat inee�ing• � _ _ _ _. - . _- ---. Cnt�ncilmerr�ber Rog�rs mnved to u�Ce}�t the Cnnse�rf Agerld�, [� itacli�de: 1.} Ciiy - Councii Meetfiig Mimites of Qctn'�er 27 and Navernbor 4, 2(IOJ; �,] �xpetx�iatur� -- �•-- -''�PProv�l List r•arr3 1�1241�9 �a.111E�61�9 far_$�,�81,767.64; �,) 8 Str�ec E3ridge -. - Re�slacen�en�s, Proje�t US2Q62-,15, Fina( A�Geptanae; 4,} I�f£'liation Agreen�ent with � 'I'acoma Cortimunity College; 5,) Aii3taulance Tra?�spori $ill.ing �,greement; 6.� Utility Ad�isaiy CommitTae {UAC} lndi�sirial Customer Repi�esenCafive Appoinlm�.nt; 7.} Arttendment NQ. �. to G�teway CQnstructian h'dand��men�� Agreement with Ex�ltecl� Cansulting, Inc. P��c�jcct 97-2�; 8.} Amendment No. 3 tu Consultazrt �'S.g�'e�tnent with Perta�t foz• F�MA Ilisast�r Euen�.s 1817-I)�-Wn,; �,) .Credit C�rd E�rogram A��ecm�zit; �a��f �a.) Ciall�m Gn�xnr,� I�itertoca! Agra�rri�nC for Dista�ict Gourt. I)e�uty .lVlaynx � �liartnn seca��rle� the motian, which carried C��, �vilh Gauncilmernbcr `'Villiams a l�sf aiiiiztg• - -- L-7 � CITT'' COLINCTI:.'7�!JEETIN'C _ Novemher 1?, 20Q9 ]NFO�{i1!CA�TIpN; �!!Iai3a�erMye,rs caf led #'he �auncil's atteniion to �h,� �la�ee repor�.s ineluded �� the �oilncil � � . packet. Hc �ls� xe�orted t�iat penple £roar� a1I awer ti�e wnrlcl su-e fraye�ing to 1?nrt �1nge�es. ___ _— -- - — -- ..._ _.#'ar Tla�rsd,�y,rzigiit s tlxe maVt� "Ne�v MoQn." He i.�'elcorned �11 w�ia wet�e - - _ _. _ a .. -- _ _::co�in�.aud.haped.they:wauld re�urn again. .Nlazrager M'yers �lso announced that khe . .. _.._._.�..__.. -- -_ ' ------ ---do.wntnw�n.restraants:�auld be a�en liy "�n�rsd�y due �:o ti�e e�'forts of staff and informeci - - _-- _ ___ _-- _..., .,.._ _.CQUncil tliat.,Community and_EcanamiG Dcuelapnaen� l7irectvr u�est is altent3in� t�ie .� ,.,, „_ ,__ — . = �ticrnal 8rnwnfzeld's Gvufer�nac in Nee�� �x•]enns. - - - • __=- --- E1ll.]C3UR1�[M�NT: The ineeting was a�ljcruzned at 9:3.8 p.rn, Gar�� F�r�u�, Mayar _ .. _ . _ - •: - �an�ssa I-Iurd, �i�y �Ierk • - J � � , � � L - V O � . . �- � . . I7ate:11IZ�f2009 . . City v� Purt Angeles � ��, Ci�y CQUncil �xpenditur� :Repvrt �-� _._._ � rf,, ::tr.� - � " _. Fram: 9'fIB120f19 - Ta: �712012QQ9 _....--- _ . .�__�:- _�_, .:llendor . - -... --;:... . . _ . : - � � . �;.. ,: . .. . . �A�catant Number . Inaoice Am�u�tt ,_-::, - - -._.-.-- CLRL�AM CNT-Y-7REASURER • ::.:::_ ,,.�=:..CUCR-_�� CLALLAM C� TREAS DD1-OD40-229.4�-00 �39.93 _... . -- .---- - -CpMN1EREkAL EAR� -= '= = CIf]i GfBdlt �Sfd Pfnt ..- C1I] 1-OD{�0-213.1 {}-9� . _ -9,'� ��.Q7 - _ _ .. _ . f -------------__ _._�__._... � . _ . _ _ Memory 5tiek-Rvmherg �01-OQQ4-237.t��-QQ -1.42 _ _ .. .- - -. ,__ �ocking Crasile-S�hilke_. -.-.- _ Qai-Q�0�-237.00-DO -7.44 Pro Fiesponse 2 Bag-5mith . - 0(}1-���f�-�37_QQ-00 -5.�6 _ Baots-Gallagher - 001-0000-�37.D0-�Q -9.66 -- -- Flashlights-Gallagher �' 001-0�300-237.0�-f}� -30.75 - - --- _ - - -_---P_isto!_5afe-Gallagher - : ----•- _ - 00�-00QQ-237:00-�� -24.35 - Rudio �apeslCity Glerk-CH �Q1-0000-237.00-OL} -2.22 - �igital Camera-Hairell �D1-6Q00-237.D0-0� -1'f.25 --- - --- - Memory Card-Nairell � �D1-�OpQ-237.��-�lp . -1.21 Rescue Riggers Guides-KB �171-(]p00-237.D0-00 -23.�6 35' VGA Cak�le-gagues �D1-6DDD-237.00-fl0 -2.4D -- ---- - _ -- ------------ -.--- Uniform �tcAecess-TG.- -�01-0000-�3.7.�0-C10 -- - -35.86 _ -. - -- - Uniform Et� Access-TG. 001-Q�00-237.D�-0(} -18.64 Tactical Access-TG 00'�-�OQ�-237.00-00 -13.88 - Tacticai Access-TG �v1-0DDD-237.4D-Da -5.85 Cal�ulafors-Cust S�c-CH 001-[717�(]�Z37.00-0D -68.88 Rec Program Supplies-CK ��1-Qi]DO-237.QQ-Od -fi.8� � Rec Prog Supplies-CK ��1-17�0�-237.Qi7-�p -32.3'! C ONNEY SRFETY PRQt]L1C7 FIRBT AID & SAFETY EC�U.IP. ��1-[}D(�4-237:OD-OQ -13.93 - ----- - - - -- - - - --- - ------- --- . . - Angie BergEund - _- L�DMIS ��PD51T REFUh '0�1-QC1QQ-�39:1q-QD - 5(].C]0 __. _ .. BIJSNWHACKER RESTAURANT - - D�}1-00�0-213.'��3-9"l 16.Qa - _ Christmas Goitage VBCC & KITCH�N DEPQSIT R� flfl3 -00(30-239.1 Q-00 30D.OD Clallam Gounty Barr Assoc. __. C�UNCfL CF-IAMB�RS Q�P[JSfT 0�1-0(]00-239.1 [3-OD �O.OD �ar� vat�s �EP R�� oo�-000a-���.gs-4a S�.Op _ _ Mar[ene Moare - - ---- �- =-=-'---DEP RFD - - -- - .- -- - 001-�D�Q-239.93-00 150.00 Porce�io Esfaie Buyers - ��P F2�D --:`- ----_- - D01�DDDC]-239.93-0C3 � 5C1.�Q Stateaf WashingYs�rr VSCC MEETING Ra�M �EPC?51T 001-0000-239.10-44 50.��] ��CRE�7nliC5 �NCORPORprEa H❑SES, ALL KINaS �01-0000-237.00-00 -40.41 - . --------- - - WA STRTE PATROL __ _ __ , ° BACIC�R�L�NCY CHECKS ==-="` 00'i-0000-�29.5D-OQ _ ___... - -- 231:40 _ _ -- _- _ _ _ - - - - . _ -- - WASHINGTQNSTATETf�EASURER -- BL;1lLDll�lG 5L]RCHARG� `1Q109 OD1-0000-229.10-OQ 121.50 - - - .--- - - --- - ---. --- -- : �IS3 CT REV TQ ST TREASUR - �O'f-p000-229.30-DO "fD,727.85 - _ _. - -- - - - -__ _�__-- .-- - - - -- - ai�isinn Total: $2,53�.71 - - -- - - - --__�__ �_ - - --- -_ -- _ _ _. Department Total.• $2,�3fl.7'1 - - - - --•-- - - =- - _ _ _ -. - A'WCMtg-eraun _ QQ1-115�-5i1.43-10 74.25 - GQMMERCIALCARQ5f7LL1T10N5 _ Chafl'1befLUnC�BS�FCidd 0�1-11�D-511.31-01 'i3.DD . __.._. -- • - - _-_ : _ -• � : _ - �_Caun�il Rfshmts-Pierce� - - --- OQ1-11�p=511.31-Q1 20.46 - - --- - • _ --- - _- - .- _ _ -=.:.. , �- _ _ -- -. -__�- ._.�_. PIRA Mtg 001-1160-511.31-01 25.59 - - __.- _--= =---�ChamherlPIRA=Kidd � (}01-115�-511.31-�1 4�.4D _ . �_ _ - _ _ =- _ - ° - 009-11�fl-511.31-01 213.79 Tra�+el-Ragers Ofl1-11 �4-591.43-1 � � 33.�5a --- - L-9 Page 1 d•xr , � ��'°z Qate: 1 1120120 0 9 City t�f Port Angel�s � ,-�.-.--� - City C�unc�l Expenditure Reporf ' ��.r..:-.�� , ,. Frnm • 7 7/61�DD� 7'a 7712p12409 __ - . .. -� ---..._�_-__. _ ._�.�._�.._.._.._ _... �.....�._.__- _, _. Vendor Descriptian Account Number Ir€�oice Amaunt .. _. ;: ;.:- • . . - .COMMERCiAL CARD S�LUTIONS •_---: - --AWC ,Regist=Braun-- Ot71=1160-511.43-1 J . 40.�0 . _ ..__ _.. .. .. � .. --- -_-- tegislafive _ _ _ Mayvr 8 Caur�ciF _ _ DiVisPvn.TotaP: $564.49 2.egislat�ve Departmenf Tv�al: $5�4.49 COMMERCYAL CARD SpLUTIflNS Meeting Meals-Myers 0�1-9 �10-513.3'1-01 65.$g - Lunch Mtg-Myers D01-1210-5'6 3.31-01 52.fi2 _ _ ' Various Lun�hes-N}yers--- - - �]�1-:1�10-513.31-D.1. ..... :__ 127.84 ' .-. Bopk-Myers . _ 00�--1210-513.31-D'� 73.$� _ _. TraveE-Myers D01--121(3-513.4�-1 Q - '1,096.99 Audio ConF Myers �D1-1210-513.43-'!O 298.Qp P❑RTANG�LES CITY TREASLIF2ER 8usiness Lunches-TPlKRrt ��1=1Z"EO-5'13.31-�1 2D.8$ Business Lunches-Myers - �41-'1210-513.31-�1- 48.31 C�wEST _. - '10-23 Al� 20FT3�23�5084B 001-1210-513.42-� � 20.37 10-23 AIC 206T31671645$4� DD1-12�Q-5�3.42-10 27,$2 --- . --- 1 .-- -- D�1-��1[l_513.4�-10 1.�5 _ - --- -- - --------- - ---- - _ .. - - -- - _- _--- - - 11-5 AIC 3fiD�525834211 B �D 1-� 21 fl-513.42-1 �l -_ � '€ .3f 11-5RIC36D45251�9E236 ��1-1�1�-513.42-1� 1.13 - 11-� AIC 36Q4523$778178 0�1-1210-513.42-iQ 1.13 � 1-5 AiC 3fiD452988765�B �01-1 �1 �-5'f 3.42-1 � 1.13 - 11-5AIC3fifS452J$82$11B - - 001-1�1Q-513.42-1� 1.13 � VEREZpn! WIRELE55 14-25 A1C 671442D94-OOQD1 001-1�1Q-513,42-10 72fi�.�4 wa�sHi�v�ra�v {oisf, sraT� pF__ SCAN CHGS-�CT7B�#�. �01-:1210-513.42-1D . �0.82 . - Gity Mahager Departmenf _--- CPfy Ma,�ager Dffice -_-- _- 8ivisinn. Tota1:== _- -- $9,9�1.�7 - ,ao�awc�Q ��AVE� _ AWC Summit-Cvons . . _ _. 001--12�0-a15:4�-1D_-=�_ __`_ --- 60.90 . _ . Wellness Canf-Gates Q�1-122�-516.43-'EO 3�5.90 VIlAPELRA Gonf-�ates 0��-12��-516.G3-'EO 381.23 GC3MMERCIALCf1ROSC]LUT10N$ F�fryTlCk�tS-C�Of15 _ � 001-122p-516.43-"�0 �8.90 _ . _. -_-=-�= Pafking-Coons� -_: .._.._`------ -- 00�=1�2(]-51fi.43-10 _ -- --- ..34.0{] ... -. ,--=--. ., - - - .- ._ . . - -. - - _ Parking-Coons oQ�-�zzo-��s.�3-�a -��.00 -= EVERGR�EN S,h'FE7Y CdUiVCEL 9NC ANIVLIAL M�MB E�ElVEWAL �Q1-12�0-516.49-�1 195.�0 -_. NATIONAL SAF�TY CpUNCIL�,_._.��= P+NI�I��qL MEM$ RENEVIlAL __- -- 001--122�-�1 E.4g-�1 4Sd.�� C�LYMPtC S�pTian�ERS iNG --- -HR-SUPPLE�S- --=- �709=1220-516. -- -- --- -- �3.37 �w�sr - 14-2�fi7C - _ - a01=122Q-516.42=1� --_-- 4.08 1fl-23A1C206T31(]1E45848 -- �Q�-1220-516.42-10 � ----- . 5.5� - . - - _ _ - - T.1-51�IC 3E0452377258�B-T-.009-1220-51Fi.42-�i� - - . [J.35 - - � 1-5 AlC� 3604525$34211 B : -• --- (JQ1=1 �20-516.4'2-'f � -- - _ . _� �4.27 - - - . - - - ��-5 A1C 36�45�54fl96238 - �D1-1220-516.4�-1� �3.22 �1-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-1�2Q-516.42-10 fJ.22 11-5 AIC 36045298876528 0�1-1220-516.42-'40 Q.22 -- -- 11-5 AIG 36D452�88281 `i 8 ��1-� 220-516.42-10 0.22 LJN3TE�PARC�LSERVIGE 5hl{]plflgChgS-p�E'�1_-7..__ 001-1��{)-$'��.�'�-��1 �.�'� vER�zo�v wiRE�ESS 10-25 AIC_F714Q2Q94-00001 __ �01 �� 22f]-51 F.4�-1 Q, 56.97 � WR STATE PATRpL W/aYCH CFiECK �01-12�{}-5�6.�'�-5� '��.�� . L - 1 �] Page 2 41 ..C;f7q ., . . . . . . . . �. �� ❑ate:11f2DI2Qa9 City nf Pvr� Ange�es � � - - iCify Cauneil �xp�nditrure R�part ` � � , "�;:�.x��'� � From: '� TI61?OO9 T a: 17 . . �.�� ----- - - -- - - - - -- - --- --- --- - - - --- - -_ --- . . . . . . -. - Vendor - -----------• _ .. � Descriptir�n-�Y----�--- - Account Number Inwo€ce Amount ..._. - ---- - - - . WF�SHINGTi71V (RlSj,:STRTE OF : •: � : :: SGAN CHGS-C7CTDBE,i� 0�1-9 220-516.42-10 -- - _ _ 17. � 3 -- ---- . _ City Manager-Deparfinei+t=;r. Fluman Resources Drvisfvn T�tal:... .... .---.--- $�,6[�f.55 COMMERCIAL CAF20 SdLUTIQNS Audio TapeslCity Clerk-CH �Q1-1230-514.31-�1 2�.67 4WEST 10-23 A!C 2�6T3Q23q6084�3 DA1-123Q-514.4�-10 � 2.D4 - 10-23AlC�DfiT31C]1E45$4S D�1-123L1-514.42-1D . 2.78 11-5 AIC 36[3452371�5858... (]�1-1230-5�4.42-"40 . [].17 . .. - - - - . _.._. . . _ . _ -. .. _,.__..__�_.�-------:.------ - ---- --::_..._. .-___..�.:.._ .� 13-5 AIC 36445�5834211 B �01-123�-514,42-1 D _ . . 0.13 �1-5 A1C 36�4525109523� 001-1230-514.42-1� ' D.17 ----- _ 11-5 A!C 36[]452387T8178 001-1230-514.42-"f0 �.12 - 11-5 PJG 3fiO4529887fi52B Q�'�-123Q-514.4�-10 0.12 -- - - -.--_-_- --.--.- -__ ._ _. -- 11-5 AIC 3644529�828� 1 B -- �0'f -1-23D-514.42-10 0.12 . WASHINGTqIV {DIS}, STATE �F SCAAf C�iGS-DCTOBER 001-123�-514.42-10 3.48 Ci�fy Mar�ager Departmenf Cify Clerk Dau�ision To#a!: $37.75 City Manager �epartme�t ❑epartmerrt Tafaf: $3,69 5.57 - Ct7NEMERCIAL CARR SQLUTIONS- -- _ TravellTmg-Khe�iaty ��1-2�110-514.43-1 D 50.�3�3 Grazyna �VVOnne} Ziamkowski -- AIF2FAREISPQKAN� a�i27110. 00�-2�10-514.43-1 � 13fi.�� P�NIr�Su�A aRI�Y NEWS LEGALA❑ - �01-201D-514.44-10 - 95.E8 PORT ANG�LES C1TY TREA5L9RER Book p�1 '� 3.97 Chamb�rlSR� Lunch-YZ DD1-20'lD-514.31-01 37.a8 � CiWEST 1�-23 AIC 2fl6T3023b5484B �01-2Q1D-514.42-1 d 14.28 -- -- . 1a-�3 A1C 2QfiT31p1B4584B - QQ1-2p1Q-5'�4.42-1�. . 19.48 -'--_-=-=-= 11-SAIC 350452379�5856 DD1-2�1D-514.42-1a 1.22 �------- _ _ ._ _ _.. _ . - -`--` 11-SAIC 3604525834�11B _ IJ[71-2�1(]-514.42-1�- - D.�6 - � 11-5 AIC 3604�25149623B �01-2(31{]-51�.42-10 �.7� 11-5 AIC 3504523877817B 401-2D1Q-514.42-10 0.79 11-5 AIC 36�4529887652B 041-2a1Q-514.42-1Q 0.79 - - . - -11-5 AIC 36045298828118 D01-241 �-514.42-1 Q -=--_. - . -- - `- - - �.79 - . -.. _ _ _. .. . _ __ ���TE� �RRCE� S�RVICE� Chgs-pe 11-7� fl{�1-2Q10-514.4�-14 - 11:17 ' . VERlznhl WIRELE55 1D-251VC 6714Q2Q94-ODQO"f �fl1 5fi.99 WA3HINGTON {�IS], STA�E DF,_ _.__ _.. SCAlV CHGS-�CTOB�R L]fl1-�{�1�}-514.42-14 - 8.93 . WASHINGTON RESEARCH GbuNGI�--2p REN�WA� Dfl1-2{�1D-514.49-01 �75.4C] ------ _ _ Finanre Aeparfinerrt - ---: -- --_ -- �inar�ceAdm►nistr�fiar+ - divrs+vn Tvtal: $724.12 _ __.. C�MMERCIAL CARp SQLUTforvs Lun�h Trng-hiagar 001-2[]23-514.31-01 37.87 :----- - - --- - 7raVellTmg-Ne�aril DD7-2C123-5�4.43-�0 85.[]4} - _ . _ _ _ . __ _ - - � We�iinars_{4} .__. . ____._ __ �p1 _2�23-5�4.43-10 _ _ 370.C10 --- flLYNiPIC STATIaNERSINC _: -. ..- =-. PC]ST fT FLP,G515Ci55DR5- UD1-2�23-5�4.31-D1 - 32.fl4 _ PEN PRIN71lJG PR]hiTiNG,SILK SCR,T1'PSET_ QQ1_2a23-5��}.31-01 A82.38 PORT ArvGE�ES Cil'Y TFtEASURER .. __ Training Lunches-Agessan 001-2023-5'14.3'E-0'1 28.14 [�w�sr - �-- _- 1�-23 AIC 2[}6T3fl230B084� DD1-2Q23-514.42-10 18.35 - --- -.- --- - -_- ___ . __ - -.- 1�-23 A!C 24ST310fi645848 001-2023-5�4.42-�� - 25.[34 - --- - --_ .--. - :- _ '� _� 1'[-5 AfG 3644523712585$ �01-2023-514.42-7 Q 7.58 � . _ . _ __ -_ 1 �-5 AIC 360�525834Z11 B - - DI71-2023-514.42-10 1.24 -- -- - �..-�� Page 3 ��sa:cr,� ., Qate� 11l2QI�flfl9 �'��,, �ity af Port Ang;�les � City Council Expenditure �ep�rt � .�� , -- ._ _... �`'rr�r Fra►TI: tT�S/2009 7[]: 97/2�1��09 _... ... -Vendvr:-�- ---___-=--. -.--�----- Descriptian� Accvunt Nurre�er inr�aice ►4maunt - _.._ -.: : :; 11-5 AIC 36a45251fl96238 ��1-2Q23-514.42-1{? '�.�2 - ------ - -- _, �=�--11-5 PJC 3fiO4523873817B 0�'k-2423=5'E4.42-.1.{] 1.�2 11-5 A1G 36Q4529$87E52B �01-20�3-5'�4.42-10 1.�2 11-5 AIC 360452�882811 B �[] 1-2023-514.42-1 � 1.4� LINITEa PARCEL 5ERVICE 5h�pping Chgs-pe 11-T ��1 �2D23-514.42-10 21.82 INASHIfVGTQN {�15}, STATE dF ---- SCAIV CFiGS-dCTi �BER 001-2�23-514.42-1I] �.47 - Firran�e Department� ..-. �4ccounting Qi�ision TmtaF: $1,`�10.41 AccuRwT --_-- --.- .. PERSaN SEARCHES DD1-�025-514.41-5D 5A.2D ADVANCEa TRAV�L NWpPA Gonf-Haney D�1-2025-514.�#3-1 D 291.22 - COnnMERC�AL CARQ SOLLtlTI�NS Calculators Svc QQ1 853.10 - - - - - TrvlfTrng-NostetleriHaney 001-2�25-514,43-10 774.01 pATABAR INCbRP�RATE� CYCLES 1 10P91�9 D61 1,99�.7� CYC�ES fi-Tfl 101151fl9 DD�-2(725-514.41-5D 1,928.87 CYCLES 1_1-15__101�21fl9_.. ._ �)01-2D25-514.41-5D-- -- 1,901.31--- -------,. - - - - - - -- -- - -- ----_-_.----._ . .. ., _ . . . -. � CYCLES 16-20 1Q12910�_ � _OQ.1-2�25-5�4.41-�a[1. . 1,524.�8 -- GYCLES 4-5 11I�109 DD3-��25-5�4.41-5D 1,957.10 - ----- ---- CYCLE5.6-1fl :11112l�9 0�9-2�72b-514.49-5� 1,926.18 GREAT AMERICR LEA5i1VG CDRP �CT COPIER L�ASE Qd1 125.�2 ��LYlulPIC STATIQNERS INC LETT'ER �PEIV�RS _. DD� 2�6.34 PORTAh1GELE5CITYTR�A5LIRER T7�gBonBS 001 7.46 � - - - - - - --. --_ . -- _ ..-- Key for Poal Register_K�-. _.___ . . DD�-��25-5�4.�1-0'f 19.51 __ _ _ _Adhesi�e Tape-Hostetler. __ OC19-�[�25-514.31-D'f 9.37 . --.-- - - Sungard Up�radelQinner - 001-2025-514:4�-1� 9.70 c�w�sr 1 D-23 PJC 2�]BT3023p60848 001-Z025-514.4�-1 � 25.51 1 a-23 AIG 2�]6T31 fl164584B �01-2�2�-514.A2-1 � 36.17 '� 9-5 AIC 3604523712585B 00'1-2425-514.42-1 d 2.2$ _ - -- _ i.�=5.�IIC_36�4525834211.B- -- Q01-20�5-514.42-10 1.79 . . .. ---____� - - - -" � 1-5 R1C 3E045251D96238 . DQ1-2Q25-514.4Z-10 1:47 11-5 AIC 3fia45238778175 �[71-2U25-5'f�l.�l2-1� 1.�7 - _ . _ _ _ 11-5 A1C 3��45298876528 OQ'i-2t]25-514.42-10 - _ -- 1.47 ---- -- = - - -�- =--- - - -- - - . . 11-5 RfC 36D4529�82811 B - - DD 1-2025-514.42-1 fl -- -- -- - - 1.47- - --- _- - --- SwA�r��s_GEIVERAL STQRE INC - -- - -- BQC]T ALLOWANCEf 5.�. 401-2025-514.3'1-11 - - .: -- -124.3$ - -- _. _ - - --- - - M�TER }��RQER FLASHLIGHT 001-2C725-514.31-8�} - - 21.54 = - VERIZ�N WIRELE55 4Q-13 al� 271272753-DDQ01 441-2025-514.42-1� 7f1.71 . - - ---- WASNINGY�ON (015},=STATE�F_--=-- - _SCAN �HG� - - 22.0$ _ _ _. .... _ _Finance L�epartmenf Gustamer Service C]i�isiorr Total: $13,722.63 D,�lABa.SE ❑CT. RECORDS f]ESTRUCTIaN Q01-2D8�-514.�1-50 203.99 dIGITAL iMAG1NG S�LU79L]N5 IIVC CUPIES THRU 1a31Q9 0�1-2�$Q-5�4.45-31 � 1,7fi4.95 - - -GREATAMERECA�EASING CORP D�CTC�PI��d LEA$E Q01 2F8.�J� - �CT C�PIER LEASE D01-2080-514.45-3� 5Q7.63 . - ---- _ _ -_-_:__..-___._..... - OCTCaPIEl�'LEASE OD'!-2�}8�-514.45-3� 63$.27 --� -- --- �CT CCIPiER LEASE ��1-2C180-514.45-31 143.72 � _ �2 €'age 4 - - �4�.�;fr�.,a� - o�t�: �7rzorzaa9 ' Ci�y ❑f Part Ang�les - �. . - City �vuncil Expenditure Repart '�:-,.��'-'-�,. , . Frvm:7716f2 � Tn: 7712DIZU09. � - - --- ., _. . : , : �. . . Ver�dnr�------r-- -==�--_=--�=-0escription Accaunt Number Inaoiee Amqunt -- MoRNINGSio�-:: -- OCT. CQPI�R R�C]M S�RVICES . QQ1-2�$p-514.�#1-5a 855.04 ._. . .. _ . - PITNEY•BOwES:C��o�r �a�t� .� . _ 31�D�Q : _..Qp� -ZU80-514.45-30 -, - 'E,'344.40 : _ LlNIT�C7 PARCEL 5Ef?VIGE 5hipping Chgs-pe � 1-7 001-2080-514.42-1.Q $2.00 Firra►�ce Department lReprvgra�ahics ,�irr"sivn Total: $5,$$8.11 -- - - Fr`nan�e Aepartment �epartmenf Fa�al: . �21,444.87 COMMERCI,4L SeminarCancel Fee-Lusby-- _-_-. -_�0-1.-3�10-515:43-1�0- 25.�Q - -.--._. .__.. _ _ _ .. - - - -- ---- -- ----- --- -- --.. Baggage Fees-Sloor ..._:--- _- . 001-301D-515.43-10 1�.QD _ _ _� ,.° Airfare-BlQar - - ----- Q�1-3Q1�-515.43-10 1$�.10 - WSAMA Refur�d-'�usby _ 001-3010-515.43-1Q -75.D0 -- - oiGiTa� innaGi�vG �oLUTaaNS INC COPIE51'HR�1 1��149 i�D1-3D10-515.45'-31 73.73 GRERT AMERiCR LEeA51NG CORP CQPIER LEASE-0CT�6ER 001-301�-515.45-31 ' 163.47 QUILL GORPQRATIbAi �FFICE SUPPLIES Q01-3p14-515.31-�1 188.48 [�WEST 10-23 AIC 2DfiT3a23flSf]84B D(J"�-3010-515.42-10 12.24 . _ 1 fl-23 AIC 2fl6T31 D� 64584B Dv1-301 �-515.4�-1 D 1�.69 _-_ . ------•- __ ....._.. ---- - 1'�-5 AIC 36fl45237125856 �[11-3D'E Q-515.4�-1 D "! .32 �- 1�-5 AIC 36fl45�5834211B 001-3��0-515.42-10 1.08 _ - - ---- - - - = 11-5 AIC 36�45251 D95236 �01-�D1 �-515.42-1 D - - -- - 0.89 - . -' - 11-5 AIC 36�4523877817� �Q[]1-3�10-515.42-10 D.89 � 11-5 WC 3604529887�52B 001-3010-515.42-14 Q.$9 11-5AIC3fifl452988�8118 �p1-3�1Q-515.4�-10 C].89 VERIZaIV WIRELE55---- 1fl-25AIC671402094-f]fl�D4- - �01-3�10-515.42-10 5fi.96 WASHINGTON �d15], STATE OF SCAlV CNGS-OCTDBER . 001-3C11 IJ=S� 5.42-1 D � 5.01 WEST GRDUP CC]LlRT RULES 5TA7EIFEqlLOC aa� -so� o-�� �.3�-0� �s.s� � WESTLAW RESEARCH �0�-3��0-���.��-o� ��5.�� Attvrney Attorney Office Division Tofal: $�,Od1.82 CLA�I.Advl CNTY SHERIFF'S QEPT QCT 2D09 JAEL �ILL D�1-3O12-598.5�-23 36 ,61�.49 --- ---- -- FRIE�vpSHfe.DivERSip�v SE��iCES - - H�M� MONITOR-PCR1.2540-----. Q�1-3a12-598.51-23 . _ 37�.Da. - - . - Attarney - - - Jail Contrihutia�as �-- Divisi�n Total: �$36:984:49 �---- - �-- ADVANCEaTRRVEL �omViaConf-Greenwood ��'1-3�21-515.43-10 �.00 W�AMA Conf-Greenwood 00�-3021-5� 5.43-1 D 491.31 �AUMANN _ATT_Y_A.T_�AW.,. MARK- _�__CT. APP. F�R PCR Oi 5D5$ -. - 0�1-302'1-515.50-9d -- - - - "� ��.0[1 cur�v�nn c�vrr a�sr � cau�r -- -OCTDBER CQUR� C�5T5- _ . -. aQ1-3�29-515.5D-90 :.._. �,491.5D-- - _ -__ CLALLAMPL1BLiC�EFEfVDER IV1BdICIAdVISDf7� - - '- O[]'I=3QZ'�-�'I ' - -- -- 3 ;888:72 �_- GOMM�RCIRLCARd54LUTIOf�S WSAMRFt'EfLllld-LUSbY __ D�'�-���`�-�15.43-'10 -��j.QQ --- - DIGITAL iMA�fNG SOLUTI[7N51NC CaPIES THRU 1fl3109 DD1-3021-515.45-31.- --' 73.73 GREAT AMERICA LERSjNG COF2P . CCIPIER LEASE-OCT�BER - �0�-3�2"1-51 �.4�3-3'� 1fi3.47 �obin pC. Auld, Attorney at Law �EFEIWSE ATTY-PCR 14987 001-3�2�-515.5�-90 28$.�0 ValerieA!lard, CCR _.._ TRANSCEiIPTS,PCR15212__ .._- 001-30�1-515.5�-g� 342.C70 MYERS, STAN _ CICELSKI,PCR910a,114�a - (?�1-3�21-515.5�-9[] � 175.aa NELSCIN,PCR15325,959D1 - �fl�-3��1-515.50-90 175.flA � � FfL1GHES,PCR�5926 0�1-3D21-515.50-90 - - 175.00 vESS,PCR153�3 041-3021-515.�0-9D 175:fl0 - . . - - -- --- - - L- 13 Page 5 h�.�� �•cxn . ; ❑ate' 1112�I2QQ9 ' City of 1'art Angele� ;� �,: - - .. -- - City �Cauncil Expendi�ure Report �� . ' "�.,.��" � : From • ? 1I612UD9 To. 7 912012�09 . ._..: .. _. _. __w4 .__._. _.. __ .__ __._-_ _ _.__ ._ _ .._. .-. ..-... ..... _ ..__ . -_. _ ., � -- _ .._ . .... . _ . � _ --_- Ve�dar . � _ _-s� .-- -----== �}es�ription �-= _�__�_- A�counf Rlumb�r inVaice ►�maunt. : . - - �-:. ' -�,:--� _�.. :.--,_..: HQPKINS,PCR'63643.•. 001-3021-515.5D-90 � '175.00 -_ - - -_ -.�. MYERS,•.STAN - - - - - - - . • - -- - ---:-=:-_ ..-;.--=: �-.:- �1RAN,PCR1�324;R:fN22D�6 {]D1-3�21-515.5Q-9� 175.flQ -- - --- RQ�3ERT5,PGR15429 001-3D21-5�5.5D-90 175.fl0 -, - - - .---- RDBEFdTS ,PCl�14695 0�1-3Q21-515.5D-90 �75.�0 fSLINE,PCR15349 qq1-3021-515.5D-90 --- -- �75.�0 - �AVIS,P9-136 ��11-3�21-59 5.5�-9� .. . _ 175.0� Qui�� ca�POR�TEanr - O�FICE SUPPUES QQ1-�D21-515.31-01 188.49 -- Qw�sr -_ -=-- _ _ 10-23 RIC 2DfiT3oz9ofiasaa - (J01-3a21-51.5.�42-10 = _-- . 8.16 _ 10-23 AIC ZD6T310164584B D01-3Q21-515.42-10 11.13 -. �1-SAIG 36D4523712585B . _ I][31-3�21-515.42-1� -_---..- - 4].70 . _ _ 11-5AIC3fia4525834211B 001-3d21-515.42-10 D.55 11-5AIC3644525109E23B 001-3Q21-515.42-10 0.45 11-5 AIC 35a45238778� 7B 001-3021-515.42-1 a 0.45 ----- --- - . 1.1-5AIC3fiD45�9887�652B _ 0�1-3[]2�-515.42-90_. . -- ----- - 0.45. . -- - - - - . _ _ , ------ - _.. .. - -• - - - -- -- . _ . _ --- _ _. .. .. �.____ . -- - 11-� AIG 3fiQ45�9882811 E� DD1-3021-515.42-10 . i].45 VERIZON WIkELESS 1p-25 AIG 6744Q2�94-D0001 001-3021-515.42-1U 56.96 WASHINGT�iV {DIS}, STATE OF SCAN �HGS-�CTDBER �Q1-3�21-515.42-10 9,55 WESTGR�UP WA PRAC V5D & C�URT RUL�S 001 "f29.28 WESTLAW RE�EARCH �{11-3D21-�1`a.31-�1 355.56 � Attorney Prosecutlon fiivision Tofal: �'14,364.0'! - - - : . . - - _ .. _ . Attorney [?e�vartment Tatal: $52,42�.32 _ .__ _- RDVA��EOr�4vE�-=� _ -- _- Brownfieid Conf-Korcx - 4fl1-4��0-�58.43-1� 139.37 TourismlPlnrslRC&d-NW Q01-4D'iD-558.43-10 59.40 Urfo�n Wtr€mt C4nf-Karcz Od1-4Q1�-55$.44-14 1D3.65 CaMME!RCIALCARDSOLUTIQNS TravelfTrng-Ka�czlJo�ns �D�-4���-558.43-14 741.70 LINCpLN STFtEETSTATlQN SHIPPING C(]5T PR[N�EE2 REP oo�-�a�o-��s.��-o� 79.9Q = ----Nathanwest - - 112/i"iRFAR� RE9MBL1R5E �01-4010�558.43-14 - - 172.2�----=-- - - ---- - - -- - - '. -- - - --- P�nliwsuu� oAi�v r�Ews AIA lvleeting Q01-4f]1D-55$.43-1{} ___ _ 74.44 LEGAL A� - �01-4[31(?-558.44-1 � 56$.45 ❑WEST 10-2� AIC 2Q6T302306Q84B D0�-4C71 Q-558.42-10 � 5.30 - - --- - -- - -•-_ -_ - -------- - 1�-23 PJC 2�6T31�1645848 - DD1-401d-558.42-117 - 2I7.87 - --=- - - - --- - - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - --- -. _ - -- - __ _ .- � _ - 11-5 AIC 360452371 Z585� OD 1-4010-55$.42-10 ._ � _ � - _- 1.31. - -- _.--- ---- _ _ _ . _. . 11-5 AI� 36fl452583421 tiB (101-4�10-55$.42-1 � - - 1.�� 11-5AIC 3fiO45251(}9623B �01-4010-5�8.42-10 0.8� -- 1�-5 AJC 35045�38178176 flfli-4�'i�-558.4�-'k� _ -_ [}.85 11-5 A!C 3E04529887652B �O i-4{� 1 D-558.4'2-'� D - - 0.85 11-5 AJC 3604529882811 B Q� 1-4010-558.42-1 D -. 0.85 _ • �ER�zaw wi�E��SS �0-25 AIC 6714[}zQ94-O�DD1 001-4[?14-558.42-10 58.02 ---. - _ WASHINGTaN (QIS], STATE {?� SCAN CHG�-p�TQBER �01-4fl1Q-558.42-14 24.96 - _. . _ Gammunify Develnpment - Plannrngr Drvisivrr Total: _ . $2,U64.D1 �lGITAL IMAfaING SC]LfJTIQAIS INC COPIES THRU 143109 vo�-4aza-���.4�-s� 23.83 _�. COPi�5TFiRU 1�3109 D01-4D2D-524,45-31 23.$z -- - L- 14 PagE fi � a.,.<:rx��� date� 1'P1201�609 �,�'..��., ��ty a� Pvrt A.r�g�l�s � �� -- - Cify CvUncil Expen�iture T��p�rt ''���r�.*�' � ,. Fram: 27/fi/20A9 � 'n:171�41�QD9 -��� _ . _ _ :. . _ - --_ -- -_- Vendor - _-_ _. � Qescripti�n�- -__ _. Account Nurnber In�oice�Amaunt . - , . - ;:... .-. -�REAT AMERfCR L"EPiSING CORP� .� - __� pCT COPIER LEASE - flQ'E " . ' 125.92 _ _._ ....:__'_POE2TANGE�ES Cirr'FREASURE�_-='�-�ffice Suppiies-Pangrle t3fl1-4�2�-5�4:31-01 _...Z7.51 QvvEST 10-�3 PJC 2U5T3623�6084B p�i-4i]24-524.42-1❑ 5.3D -.-- 9G 23 AIC 206T31�164584� 001-40�R-a2�.�2-�0 7.�3 -- _- -. ------�=- 11-5 A!C 3604523T-12585�3 D4}1-402C1-524.42-�� 0.45 .----.-_-... :. __._-- _._ _---: � . ----- AIC 36�45258342118-:_ Of31-442U-5�4.42-1�3 0.35 _.- --- - �. ----=_ =--=11=5 PJC 36D4525149fi23B D[]1-4E1�fl-524.42-1(} D.�9 -- . . ... ----- - _ - - - __ - � 1-5 AIC 3f04523$7'78178 OQ1-4�2D�524.42-1 � 0.29 11-5 A1C 360452988T552B Oa1-4020-524.42-1 � 0.29 - -- 11-5 AIC 38{]�52988�81 tiB _. ��1-4�2D-5�4.42-1 � 0.29 ��REZOra wiRELESS -- -_` �fl-15 alc 254230412-40003 OD1-41720-524.42-'f� - - - ` � 72.96 WASHIkJGTOAI [015}, STATE i7F SCAiV CHGS-Q�TaBER DQ1-402�-524.42-10 2.76 ZENC7VIC & AsSOCIATES ENGINEEI�IIVG SERVICES OQ'4-402�-524.41-5D 2,352.L�� -. - --- -- .Commu►rity 17evelapmerrt- -_- - .. _ _ . 6uilding Qi►�fsion 7ofa1:.._. $2,843.29 C�MMERCIAL CAFtD S�LIJTI[]NS Travel-RotaerdlBartho[ick --- 001-4�30-i59.43=10 35.60 ' ❑WEST 10-�3 AIC 2Q6T3Q230fi0848 �01-4D3Q-559.42-'fD D.8� _ 1 a-23 FIlG 2fJfiT3104 6458�1B J01-403Ct-559.42-'i � 1.11 - -- 11-5 AIC 36a45237125858 Qa1-4430-559.42-1� 4.07 11-5 A!C 36Q45�5834211 B DQ1-403fl-559.42-1L] O.QS � 11-5 AlC 36a4525109623� �di-4030-559.42-10 i�.D4 11-5 AIG 36045�38T7$17B 001-403[3-559.42-10 4.�4 __ ------ -- - ---- -- T -1 �-5 AIC 36fl4529887652B - : . DD� -4fl30-559.42-1 � _ -: {} . _ - --- - ---- --:-_= - 11-5AIC36fl45�988281'f6 - - --0Q1-4a30-559.42-10 -- _ --- - p.�4 _ -_ - - �E�izow wiRE�ESS 1 D-15 alc 26�23a41 �-OQ�03 ��1-4D3�-559.42-1 �J 18.25 WASHINGTC7IV (QIS], STRTE bF SCAN CHGS-L�CTOBER (JD"�-403�-559.4Z-10 2.70 Cammurrify DeveloArrrent Code Camplrance F)ivisian Tota[: -"- $58.�6 - __ . _ __ _ _ Comme�nity Developmenf �epartmenf Total: .. . _ -. - $4,7G6.f16 -- - --- ------ - - .... .. .. CaPACITI' PRO�IS�Qr�iNG irvC --- - INeCChgs-City HaiR p�1-501Ci-521.42-12 i7�.D0 CDMNiEf2CIAL CAFtQ SQLIlT40N5 Resufts Grp Trng Lunch-T� pp1-��1Q-521.31-p`i 34.58 - _ __ ._ _ Sealant-5rr�ith Q�1-5D10-521.31-41 _ 1�.51 ----- --- - - -_ - - - - Ferry�ickets-5rnith Q�1-5Q1{]-52'�.43-10 ----- 35.$D ��OeA�srAR usA �-- �-- 1fl-16 alc 1.50�18856 -- _ �Q1-5�1�-521.42-�Q 4'i.74 - - _ . _.. .. _ --- - - _ a�YMP�c P�iNrERS i�c - Time Cards-Police . _ Op�-5fl1f?-5�1:31=(}1_ � 311.81 PQRT ANGELES POLICE C1E�ARTMENT PoStage __. _ DO1-5f�1 [3-5Z1.4�-10 �.4$ QUILLCORRQRR�ibrv __ EnvelopeslBatterieslCf�'s 001-5010-521-.3'1-01 - � 304.30 - Casn�EST - -- � 10-�3 alc 2�6T41 1 91 8873B ��1-5D1 �-521.4�-'[ � 57.4fi _ - 14-23a1c2[16743197J835B 0�71-50�0-52�.42-10 64.74 - - --..^ _ .. 10-23 AIC 2D6T3fl23fl6a848 _° (3D1-5010-521.42-1 D 32.63 1�-23 AIC �06T3101 fi4584B. 001-5010-521.42-10 44.52 _� ti-5 AIC 36045237 � 25858 - �q 1-5� 1 �-521.4�-1 D 2.80 - .. - � 11-5 AIC 3604525834211 B a01-5� 10-521.42-1 [J �.2� - - - - - -- ---- - - ----__ _�_ _ _ -- 11-SAIG 36�4525��9fi23E3 - - a{�1-5010-521.�F�-10 1.8`� -- - -- --_ - L- 15 Page 7 � �,• � o�te� ���2oizoos City ❑f Port Angeles � City Council Expenditur�e �tepart � �� k -,�. , '!` �;°sx ��� Frvm: T TISI2aA9 To: 7 7120 I2�lQ 9 _-..-_ - _ �._ - -- - -- _ . - -_- . - - . ':.: : _ . _ �. _ °=.--Vendor-==- - -F.. - ___ ___;- description =: Accaunt Number... inaoice Amn�nt . _ .,: --- C�WEST--:- . - ,� 71-5 FJC 3�fl45�3877,8� 7B � 0�1-5D10-�21.�2-10 1.81 _ _.._... _-. .-:: - ._.._. ..__ . . - _ _ 1.1-5 AIC �604529887fi5�B 001-5[]1�-521:4�-1C1. . . : - - 1:81 . 11-5 PJC 35D45�9882811 B �101-5C11 �-521.42-10 1.81 -- RIGHMt7NI7 2-wAY RA�I[] . RAfJIa & TEL��GQMML.IiVICP�TION 001-5�1Q-521.35-�1 �26.03 •- - .�_ RepairHT750 Portable -_ Q01-5C11Q-521.48-10 126.Q3 -. -`- -.. ------ Parking Lt Mflnitor R�pair OR1-5410-521.48-'� d 146.34- - __.:�. : _��P�C� MIClAIViP- NEGC]TEAT� �fl1-5010-521:48-10 31$.70 RUHL& ASSDCIFITES -- F2EBUILT CNAIRS _ 0(31-5D1�-521.3'I-$O .-- _-- 7�Q.D� R�BUILT �hiAIRS OQ1-�010-52'V'.35-�1 4�6.75 --- VERIZC3N WIRELESS - --- 1�-25 A!C 5714fl2094-0�001 QO'6 174.55 -- WASF�in�G�rc]w (p�5), 5T�7E 6F SGAN C!-iGS-OCT�BER D01-5{�1�-521.42-'dD --- - _. ..__.._ ....- �5.69' Poliee aepartmenf Police Admrnistrafiarr Divisian T�faf. $3,"�9&.8a ACCURIN� �CT CFiARGE5 LEXISNE?CI5 IN 0��-5QZ1-521.42-10 54.2� _ _.ADVANGEOTRAVEL PickupEquip-Bened�ct (?i�1-5�29-52�.�3-�0 36.75 . -- - -- � �- -- -- -- ._ _ - --- - - _.. _ �btain �vidence-Kuch- ------ g01-5021-521.43-9fl.._. .. .. _. . . 82.15. BLUMENTHAL UNIFflRMS & EQUIP Unifarm Shirt Carrier (}(71-5p21-5�1.2�-$0 � 7�.fi4 --_: __ CQMMERCIAL-CAR� 5C]LUTI[7�fS P�fSOn 5B3rChes-T� __ __. --_ �tQ1-5�29-521.42-1� _ 5�.00 Person Searches-TG Q01-5023-521.4�-1�D 54.20 Tas�r Training-Mprse 001-5a21-52�.43-10 395.QQ PpRTANGELES PpL10E DEPARTMENT �f#i�e 5u{�plies QQ1 `I.30 � . �erry Tickets - OD1-5��1-521.43-1 D -_- - - 11.85 . _ _ PCJRT O� PoRT ANGELES _-- - , H2ng8r REntal . _ �p1-5{�21-521.A�9-9[1 15�.5fl - - - -- -- Deposit(Lociclkej+jHangar'= � --- p01-5fl21-521.49-9D = 4fl.�C1 c�wEST 1�-23 PJC �05T302305084� Q0�-�D2�-521.42-10 20.39 10-23 A!C 2�6T3101645848 00�-5Q2'�-521.42-10 27.82 71-5 WC 3604523712585B pp�-5[J�1-521.42-10 1.75 --.- - - - ._. _.__ . - .- _ 11-5 A1C 35d45Z5834211B 601-5Q21-521.42-90 1.37 ' 1�-5 A!C �5�4525109623B' - _ �3D1=5021-521.42-1� _ 1.13 �---- - 11-5 AIC 35�4523877817B . t�Q1-5��1-521.42-10 1.'�3 11-5 AIC 3604529887fi52B �41-5�21-521.42-10 1.13 - - --11-�vA1C 36fl452988281-1.g. - C}�1-5�21-521.42-1� 1.13 _ -- _ �zICHMQNO 2-WAY RADIb - _ Replaee 8attery �--- - QCii-5Q29-�21.3�-14 - 136.5D - - - --- - Repair Throw Phane 0{11-5Q21-521.48-1{? 318.70 ��H��A55oCIA��S . REBEJIL7CH�haRS 001-5021-521.31-80 70a.0� VERIZON WIRE�E55 - - 10-�5 Al'C 6714p2[]94-4Dfl�1._ . 0[J1-�021-521.4�°1C1 - 539.C18 - WASHINGTpN [�IS}, 5TA7EOF SCAN CHGS-OCTDBER D{�1-�aD21-52"G.42-�D 2[].53 Pofice aepartmenf P�avestiga�ior� C3rvisivn Total.: $2,829.�5 _ . _k�vANCED TRA�E� _ WSCJTC Trng-Heuett _ �01-502�-521.43°1[] 976.78 AIRP�RT GARD�N CENTER ODg FOOd D�1-5022-�Z�.4�-$� - E�J.03 s�uM�rarr�a� uNiFaRnns & Ec�uiP Reversi�le Rnct-Leroux . �D1-5�22-521.2D-�D - - - 104.01 - - -- - - - Uni�arm_ 5hirt-5pencer - � DQ'E -5422-521.2Q-80 93. � 2 � Misc Em�roidery-S�c ears _. DD1-5622-521.20-80 "! 51.�6 -- - - L � 1 fi ���� s � - - Qate: i 112�l2009 � City of Pvrt Angeles �' - - - C�ty Gouncal E�penditupe R�part � ��.;, ``' �°•�.��'°,� From: 770G12G119 T�: 191�U0�l7D9 --���` . " . . _._...... . . -- -=-- �Vendor - ,_ - r =- ,-�..Descripti�n . . ►4ccaunt IW�am�er Invaice ,Amount � . -. . • g�ATw�A�.- _ --::_; - _:,iumpsuits-Leraux _ 001-5D�2-521.2D-80 993.54 - .. . ::.� : COnAMERCIAC:CARD SDLUTIaNS -;---Baats--Gallagher _ 001-5[122°521,2(1=80. . . 124.65 - . Unifqrm Etc Ac�ess-TG p�1-�C122-521.20-8� 45�.7'� Tactical Access-�G Q[] 1-5i122-521.24-SO 178.'E E _ _ Taetical Access-TG -- 001-5022=521:24-8D 75.46 _ _ - - : -- -- .. Pist41 5afe-Galfagher - . - _-.. .. - • 0�1-50�2-521:31-01 3`14.�5 _ _ _ .- _---=-_- . -.. " _:- __ �everages-5mith Ofl1-50�2=521.31-80 �6.$8 -- _ _Pro Response 2 Bag-5mifh ` 001-5422-5�1.31-80 . 6fi.64 _ Flashlights-Gaifagher pD1-5(322-529.31-8(] 396.$fi -- _ ------- --- -- Tase�firaining=Viada �[1'�-5D22-521.43-10 _ 395.OfJ EVERGREEN 7aWlNG -` 93 CF��ILLAC 27$5W0 TO [MP DD1-50Z2$21.49-9� 184.82 PAPD IMPDUND �2 �IIAXIMA 64 001-5022-521.49-9� 184.82 FAMILY SHOE STORE Uni�orm Baots-Senedict �001-5[122-52�.2D-80 1$9.55 __.__._______ OLYMPIC MERICRL �EM17ER � 001 �fld.�0 -- -"" PACIFIC �FF10E ERLfIPMENT INC OFFIC� SfJPPLIES, GEN�RAL p01-5422-521.3i-(J� "I22.56 PdRT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMEA9T Assarted Markers �fJ1 10.$3 _ _- 32 Gal Can for Range 001-5�22-52� .31-8t7 1(].$1 � Pastage pQ1-5022-521.42-10 1 �.$5 � Postage 001-5022-5Z1.42-�� 17.$5 Bridge ToIlfMeals 0�1-�022-521.43-1 Q 31.24 _ :__ qU1LtCbRPflRATION - Batteries - --.. �-.:.-.:-,-_ . Qp1-5�22-521.31=0� _ . 4fi_29 - -- - ---- ---------- {�WEST __ - ----------- . 1 D-�3 A!C 206T3023fl50846 - - : - 0�1-5��Z-52"� .42-1 � 57. i f� - . _ _ _ ._ _ -- -- - - - _ _ -- 1 i�-23 A1C z05T3101645848 {}� 1-5Q22-521.4�-i (J - 77.91 - 11-5 AIC 36a452371258�B QC11�5022-521.42-10 4.91 11-� AIC 3604525834211 R 001-5022-521.42-1 fl 3.85 ---- -- 11-5 AIC 35�4525109fi23� ��1-502�-521.42-10 3.1$ _- - - ` - -_---11-5 AlC 3fi�45��8778:7 78---=: - _ : 001-5[]22-5�1.42-� Q . ... _ : -- - '4i.18 : _. . - - ,. - _ .., .. . . : : _ - --- - - - -. ... - ..--.... - - - - - 11-5AIC36a4�29887652B DD1-5022�52�.4�-1D ---J--- �•$ 11-5 A!G 36d4529882811 B OQ 1-5D22-521.42-"l 0 3.18 RICH�noN�7 2-wav Ra�lo Mabile Model 7est 001-5�722-521:48-14 - 97,55 - - - - - Reset APSAP PI] Repeater-- -- - fl01-50?2-521.48-1� 48.78 --- - Turn Scrambfe Switch ❑fF 001-5i722-�21.48-1f3 - -- -- - 48.78 - - -- -- V�RiZat� wiR�i�ESS -- _-- 10-25 AIG fi714fl2094-O���i 001 �5022-521.42-1 � 'E,197.97 WASHiA1GTbPJ {015y, STATE QF SCAN GHGS-ClCTCJBER 00"E-50�2-521.42-1 fJ 43.51 - -- _ _. ___.. . ---°- - _ Departmen��-.-- - -- _ - --- _- - - Pafral._-__ __ DiVision 'Total: �- -- - $7,445.T2 -_ BLUMENTHAL llNI�CJRRAB & EQUIP CL(�THII�G � APPAREL 001-5D�fi-521.31-11 19.4�i CQMNSERCIAL CAR� 50LUTIONS Unifarm �tc Rccess-TG 001-5026-521.35-D1 �4�,�7 � _-_ _ - IVE}CTE� CC�R+iMIJNICATfONS 10-2� aIC 31275�5Z3 t�D1-50�6-521.42-10 48.56 -- PpRTRNGELES POLICE DEPARTMEhlT Flalfaween Candy f?�1-5D26-521.3�-�i1 46.93 _. - --- --. Police Departmenf _-- - - -_ --. Reserves � Volunteers Divisior� Tntal: $355.52 � CC]MNIERCIA�CARQ SOLLlTIONS �OCkirlg GI'3d1�-SG�1[IkB �D1-5D2Q-5�1.31-01 96.03 _ _ , lfniform5hi�ts-Gaflagher 0�1-5029-52�.31�11 92.1fl _ L- 17 Page 9 � a cr,��. , �' �`J City of Part Angel�s f3at�: 1112DI20q9 � �` _ _ _ � - - -- City Cauncil Expend:iture .Repo�-t . . , . f Cr.X. . , , � _ . . . , . . Fro�m: 79]612449 rQ: 1 �1����'�Qg ' . . � . . � . , -- - - - - - - _ -- - �� � _ - - Vendor . . _.� . = -: . __ O�scri�stiore.-=_---- - - Accaunt_�I�mher. � Invoice Amnunt. - - --= .. NExTE� GDMMUNICA7�ows`-- .- - _- �0-26 aIc 312753523- Q�1=�029-521.42-10 36.4� _ _.. _ _ . .. --. -,_flLYNiPIC:STATI£1NERS=INC�'° -_=- �(]PYPAPER,.:-� QD1�5C129-52�.3'!-fl'� . _ 21'�.16 PAGI�IC flFFICE E[�UIP�AE{�T INC Toner �01-5Q29-521 .31-�1 7$.04 QUILLCC7RPORATI�N Capy Holder _ 001-5029-523.31-(}1 30.3� QWEST -- 10-23 AIC 2�$T30�306Q84B 001=5029-521.42-1p 2�.39 -:--_ _ _ 10-23 t'11C 2D8731�164584E3 Q�1-5029-521.42-1� 27.82 � ._ . . ... - -- -.. _. __ 1�-20 alc z06Z2Q4fl1779QB D01=5�29-521.42-1 � 199.Q3 11-5 A!G 3E�452371258��3 OD1-5�29-52-1.42-'VO 1.75 �1-5 AIC 3Ea4525834211B D01-5D29-521.42-10 �.37 11-5 AIC 35fl4525109623B 041-5D29-52�.4�-1�? 1.13 11-5AIC36Q4523877817B -- 0�1=5p29-521.42-1D - �.�3 ' 11-5 AIC 36445298875528 {l� 1-5D29-521.42-'{ D 1.13 11-5 A1C 36�45�9882811 B Qa'l-5Q29-521.42-1 a 1.13 WASHINGTON (t]IS}, STATE OF --- CLIMPLITERS,E�P & WQR�} PROC. 001-5029-521.3� -6f7.-- -_ - -. . . . _. 341.6� . _ . . - SCAN CHGS-DCT�BER �D1-5429-521.42-1a - 6.33 Pnlice Departm�nt R�cor�ls Di►•isivn Total: -$1,'�46.93 Police Departmenf - - aepartment Tata�s �14,57'6.22 - = ApVAIVGEaTRAV�L Pt Tqwnsend Mtg-Wheeier pC11-6010-522.43-1Q 42.35 PtTvwnsend Mtg-Wheefer 4}a1-fi01�-5�2.43-1D 42.?,5 � Pt Townsend Mtg-Wheeler fl{11-6�10-522.43-1Q 42.35 - CAPACITY PRpV151flNING INC __. .___ ENet Chgs 5tation QQ1-6010-5Z2.42 _._. 172.4� _ Connrt�Er��IA�CAR[�5o�iirior�5 Rfshmts.AM Mtg-MeKeen OU1-6010-522.31-�'1 .. -- 9.68 _ �lymp Amb Mtg Lun�h-C3M DD�-6010-522.31-0� 20.21 ❑IGI7AL IMAGII�lG SOEUT]ONS INC CDPkES 7HRU 4fl3109 001-F�10-522.45-31 71.13 GREWT Afv�ERICA LEASING CC1RP ❑CT C�PI�R LEASE 001-fi{}1a-a22.45-31 213.Q3 DLYMPICSTATICJhl�R51NC SIJPPLIES 0�1-fi014-522.3�-f�� �Q.�G� - - -�- - P�NPRFr�r"irvc--- - -- =-- C�iLgEfvDING--- --- - 001-fig9q-522.37-�1---, - -Z6.56 . __ _ PENINSU�� a�I�Y r�EwS - -- -- - - ��GAL AD _ - 00�-fi�i�-522.44-10 -- 32A� - �ORT ANGELES FERE �EPARTMENT C�EFR�SI J�1-F5CJ10-SZ�.�1-01 17.98 -- - - STAPER o0�-6��o-��z.s�-o� ��.s7 _--------- --_ �u���coRRDRATIDw . ' _-- gUPI�LIES ---- -- - �fl1=6a'i0�522.31=Q1 - - 87.35 _ G2WEST --- -- - 1D-23 AIC 2fl6�30�3660$48 fl�1-6010-522.42-1� 2$.55 _ . _ - - --- - �o-2�,vc�os�s�a�s�5s4B a��-so�o-�2z.42-�a 38.95 11-5 AIC 3604523712585B �gi-6�1[J-522.42-1� 2.45 _�_ . . - -- ---- . _ _ . _ -- -- - - - -.� . - .-- --- --- 11-5AIC 36fl4525834211B OD1-601�-52�.42-1Q '1.92 - - - ---- - 11-a AIC 36045251Q9623B � {}�1-6p9 d-522.42-�D 1.�9 - - = 11-5AIC36045�3877$17B 401-5010-5�2.42-10 1.59 _ -- - -.-.-_ ----- -- _ . 11 _� AIC 3�045298876528 001-601 a-5��.42-10 1.55 - - - - 11-5 �IIC 36��529882811 B D� 1-6� 1 p-5�2.42-1 Q 1.59 . _� - - _ - 10-23 AI� 2(}6T3p23�fiD84B [701-8010-522.42-11 $.16 _ _ . - 1fl-23 AIC 2D6T3101�4584B pD1-50� 0-522.42-11 '� 1.13 � --_--- --= ti' �-5 AIC 36Q45237125858 ��'�-6Q3 a-�22.42-� 1 4.7D - L-18 Page '� 0 � , oate: � �r�or�aa9 . .-.. � - -� - City of Port Ar�geles - - �. - . - - - . - �City Cvuncil Expen+d'zture Repvrt ` ,,,,�.*��" . From: 971fi12�49 7'a: '�tl�(Jf28�9 -�� - _. . - ___ _ . � ,_ _ Vendor �. --..�- ::=_�_- �es�ript�or�.--:.....-- __ AccQUnt Nurr�ber _ I�rr►ai�e Amount . -----,--: .--.:- QW�ST;; �: . ._.. :.. .-..--. : • : 11-5 FUC 36a45258342� 16 QQ9-fi010-522.42-11 0.55 _---- ------.. - -- - -. __.-- ;--1'1=5Pi1C 4Q�-6D•1�-5�2:42 11 .. - �.45 - 11-5 A!C 36D4523877817B 001-6�]i0-522.42-11 0.45 - --- 11-5 AIC 36045�98876526 - - - ❑Q1-fig1❑-52�.42-11 i�.45 ---- --- - - 11-5 R!C 36045298828�1B fl01-6C11fl-522.42-11 �.45 � U►virEa pa�tCEt S�Rr�iCE ------ -_ Shipping Chgs-pe 11-7 001-6010-522.42-10 �3.84 - ---- - � - - _ . . --•--� VERlZBN WI�iELESS -� -_-.- _- - AIC fiT1�}�2094-��001 �7(11 5T.3� . . . WASHIhlGT�N {DIS}, STATE OF SCAN CH�S-C]CT�BER - �101-6010-522,42-1�0 1,53 SGAN CHGS-OCTDBER tlal-fi41�i-522.42-11 9.50 wSAFC - _ - FALL WOE�i4SHC]P 001-fi41C}-522.43-1Q 65.44 -- - 2010MEM8ER5HIP �Q1-fi01�-522.49-�1 $�5.�0 20�a MEM8ER5HIP 0(�1-601�-522.49-Q1 95.{10 Fire Department Ffre Admir�istrati�n Diaision Tofaf: $2,07f.fi7 _ BA}CTER AUd� PARTS #15 CAR WP,SH S�AP �Q(71-6D2D-522.31-02 78.25 - ,1ake Patterson - -- REIMBURSE FDR SUPPLIES -- QQ1-6A2[7-522.31-D2 56.49 Legend Data 5ystems, INC CU5T7M iVAME TAGS 001-6�2�-522.31-11 46.38 �ccupaYional Heakth 6ynamics ANNLlAL CALIBF2ATI�E�! 401-6�2�-522.3'�-d1 5��.�4 - I�APA AUTO PARTS FiAL LAI11�P OQ 1-5Q�Q-522.31-C12 7.50 PORTANGELES FIRE DEPARTfvfEI�T KEYS �01 2.17 � CAR WASN DD1-6D2�-�22.31-02 5.'�4 - - - SuPPUES []�71-5�2�-522.31-02 � 27.3D --. .. - Qw��r �fl 23 AIC 206T3a23afi�84B - D01-602D-522.42-� 0 _.. . . . 26.51 - -- _ - - - - 10-23 AIC 205T3�015�5848 - ��1-E�2Q-522:42-1D� -_- _- - 3fi.17 11-5 A{C 36�452371258�B {70�-6D2D-522.42-�0 �.28 �1-5 AIC 3604525834�11B �Q1-6�2�-522.42-1� 1.79 �� �soa52����s23B 001 1.47 -- _ - - - - - � 1_� AIC 36�45238T7$17B 401-6D2D-522.42-1 D . 1.47 _ , - -- • 11-5 AIC ��1-6Q20-52�.42-'iQ - -- - - -- 1:47 - 11-5 WC 36�45298828118 I]D1-6020-522.42-1D 1.47 SEAUV�STERN INC GLOTHIh�G & APPAREL �p1-5�2Q-522.2fl°8[J - 58.53 ___ ._ _. __CL�THIf�EG&APPAREL aQ1-5��0-522.35-�� _ _ 14.42 -- .- 5u�l5ET QO-PT BEST HAROWARE _ MF1Cf11f�lEF2Y &�1EF#VY NRQWA�iE 001-6020-52�.31-d� 7.19 -. TWITCHELL, MEL ' FLEJ IMMU�IEZATIpN QQ1-6020-522.41-5� 2D.0� -- -- wASr�ir�crow �d�s} S7A7EDF SCAN CF4GS-OCT�eER �Q1-6020-52Z.42-�� 4.01 - -- - - WHEELER Cowa.L -_= FLU IMMUNI�P,7iDN -----_ qq1-6�2�-522.41-�CJ - 3D..Q(] Fire eepartmer�t Frre Supressian !)iVisran Total: $1,a16.91 - C�MINERCIALCAR�SOLUTI�N5 SUpp�flClfflCC:fLUf1Ch-CJM 0�1-50�1-522.�1-�1 __ _. 43.48 - . - RichardTA9derson-- -- - Tl11TI0h�R�EMBLIRS�MENT DD'i-6021-52�.43-1� 377.52 CIVVEST 1f]-�3 PJC 2�fiT3�23�5Q84B fl0'�-61J21-522.42-1C1 . Z.i34 -_ � 1fl-23AICZOfiT3101fi4884B �01-6021-522.�2-10 �.7$.. _ � 11-5 AfC 3fiO4�237125858 O[]1-6D21-5�2.42-1� 0_17 _ � 1-5 AIC 3604525834Z11 B (30'f -6021-522.42-10 0.13 - - L-'�9 -- - - Page 11 � 4• � 'FI' � •• . ,� �� �at�:1 ��2or�oo9 � �City of Part Angeles �. - Gity �Council E�penditure Re�ort � . . nr.:r...v�+��. �` . �f0l17 � T'�1������� � TO: � 7�i2Q��Q�� ' � . ._ .. --' -� - � -- � --- - � � - - -- ... . � . . ._, _ .. . . . . . _. _r - �_ _�_-��-.--::Description _: : Acce�unt Numh�r .- In�oi�� Amaurtt -':: :qWEST ,- 11-5 PJC 36045251f196�3g DQ1-6021-522.42-1� 0.12 -----=�-=-- • -- --11�5AlC35O4523$77817B �01-6t�21-5�C2.42-10 - i3.1.2 . 11-5 A!C 38a45�9881552� OQ'4-6421-522.42-1 Q 0.12 - _ _ 11-5 A!C 3604529882811g Q�1-6Q21-522.42-10 {J.32 - -- -- Fire-C1epa,rtm�t�t � - - ---- Fire Volunteers liivisian TotaT: - $42fi.fD ..___GOnnnnERCIA�_CARD SaLUTio�vs Rescue Riggers Guides-KB 0�1-6(?��-522.31-D1 297.56. •Fire aeAartmerr� - Specra� C]peratiorrs Divisr'vn Totaf: $297.58 -. CoM�iERCIAL CR�to 50�urI�NS ❑lyon Amb Luncl�-Duhuc 0�1-603(}-522.31-Q1 23.�4 PakntlFirst Aid Bqcath-FtiJ �Q1-5D30-5C2.31-01 55.45 Trauef-T Reid 001-603�3-522.43-10 159,24 - P�RTRNGELES FIRE DEF'A�t7M�NT FIRE 1IVVESTIGATIDN DD1-6[}34-522.31-(]'I -'14.4� - PDSTA�GE vo � -�o3o-�zz.�� -o� 8.55 4w�sr 10-23 AIC 205T3fl23a6a84B D�1-5D30-5��.42-� � 4.�D8 14-23 A1C 2�6T31fl164584B 0�1-6C134-522.42-10 5.5� _ 11-5 A,+C 3604523712585g OD1-6D3fl-522.42-� 0` __ _ 0.35 .---- "11-5A1C36f145258342718 ��1-EQ3(}-522.42-10 p.27 11-5 A1C 3604525109623B --.-- 0�"�-6Q30-522.42-10 6.2� _ �1-5AIC3604523877$176 DD1-503d-522.42-1Q 0.22 11-5 AIC 35D45�9887652B 001-603Q-5�2,42-10 [].22 11-5A1� 3604529882811B OQ1-6Q3p-5�Z42-1� Q.�2 � VERIZON WIFtE�E55 10-25 AIC 6714fl2�94-00��]1 (��11-503�-522.42-"l� 56.97 wasffir��raN_{oQS�. srArF oF SCAN CHGS-oC�08ER 041-6030-5�2.42-10 - - 6.36 Fire Departmer�t FFre Preventian - D�visior� Totaf: _, __ _ $335.'15 COMMERCIAL CAftD SflLU�rIDN5 35' VGA Cal�le-Bogues 041 3fl.J9 Offi�e �7 S�ftwa�e-Bogues a�1-6Q4�-522.31-�1 357.T'k - __ - Region 1 Mtg-Bvgues QQ1-fiO40-522.43-1i7 16.50 QWEST 1p -23 AIC 20fi73023050848 4D�-5040-522.42-1[} 4.D8 _ -- - -. . . : : ,. , . ,. . ._ _ --__- .. - 1D-23 A1C 20573'lfl'f645848.=�.�-.. -= Q�1-$�40-5��.42-1D �.5fi 1i-5A1C3fia45�3712585B OD1-$�4�-5�2.4�-1fl 0.35 1�-5RIC3fip4525834211B D�1-604(}-522.42-1fl D27 . _ 11-5 AfC 3fib4525109623B _ - - - 0�"f -6040-522.42-1 � �.�2 --- - --- 11-5 AIC 35D45�38778176 00"E-6040-522.42-�Q 0.22 11-5AIC3�04529887652� flD1-6040-52�.42-1d f}.22 - 11-5 R1� 3fi{]45�9882811 B �Q01 _fi(]40-522.42-10 0.22 WASNlNGTON {DI5), STATE OF SCAN CHGS 4�1 0.84 . � Fire �epartmerrt Fire Trairring Aivision Total: $417,'! 8 ANG��ES PLLlMBING INC REPAIR a[]1-605�-522.48-1� _ --. .- --T7.83 _ MR5 CLEAN Et�UIP MA9N7 � REPAIf� SERV DD1-�f}5D-5�2.31-01 78.D2 _ gUlLQING MAINTBREPAIR 5ER C101-6[]5f1-522.41-5f] 395.Ofl P{7RTANG�LESFIR�p�RARTMENT SLJPPLf�S QD1-E050-52Z.31-O2 28.4$ SUPPLfES On1-605a-522.31-2a 25.77 � Frre Department Facilities Nlairrfe►rance Di�vision 7vtal: $6(}8.10 QWEST 1�-23 A1G �Ofi�3023��4�48 D�1-60fia-525.42-1a i8.35 L-zo Page � 2 r.,.w;crn�., _ , �c. ' , � �ate: 11I20I2049 -- - - - City of Part An�el�s - - _ _ Gity Cvuncil �xpenditure Repart __ _ . - - _ - --- � _�: - - ,_. ,�``'���;.•��� . . . From: 91/512� ,..T�: T9I2�312i)89: � -- _ - --- _---. _. . _ --- � p . Account Mt�mber � In�oice Amaunt . �.� ��.. Vend�r:-�..�,�..� . . _ ��� _. �-�;I�es��i tian. --- _� c�v11EST:��.-:_ ----- 10-�3 WC 2D6T31Q1645845 �01-�06Q=525.42-1I] 25.�4 _ _ .11-5 A1C 35445237125�5B �... ._ .:. . : D�D'E -6060-525.42-'E O 1.58 11-5 A!C 36fl4525834�� 1 B DD1-�060-525.42-1� 1.24 - -- - - - - - - ------ 11-5 �I/C 38�45251 D9fi23B DD 1-6D60-525.42-1(3 � � .0� _ _. - _ - _ _ -14-5AIG 36fl45238778:176 ��1-��60-a25.42-'fD 3.U2 _ - --- -- - . ;:-- 11-5AI� 36fl4529887652g . 4D1-60fi0-525:42-1[J 1.fl� ----_ - - - - .._ -___==_---_--.--.-:-__-=- ------ 11-�AlC360�529882811B 001-6Q6�-5'25.42-10 1.02 -- - Fire De�artmerrt --_-----.--- Emergerr�y-Managem�rit -- --Di►+isiort_Ta�al:. . . $�0.�9 Fire Department [7epartmenf Tatal: $5,22�.fi(Y AQVAr�CEO rRauE� - APWA Fa!! Canf-CutEer _ �-. _ ��J'i=7�1{�-532.�3-94 - . fi09.59 - AMERICARI PU6LIC WaRKS ASSN ASPHALT PRESERVATI�N Q01-7010-53�.43-1 d � 75.Q� CAPACITY PROl1ESIQNING INC IEVet Chgs-Dark Fiber 001-7t}14-53�.42-1 D � 08.4� C�MMERC�AL CAFtd S�LUTIONS Car �ental �ee-Cutler D�1-7�10-53�,43-1 a 35.74 We�inar Mtg-Rinehart QQ1-7�14-532.43-1 Q- 99.�3(] � -- - - - - - ----- - - - .. . �1GITAL IMAG{NG 50LU7'l�NS INC - C�PIES THRIJ 1031�9 OQ1-701 O°'S��.45-3'1 1,QE[7.$1 GREAT 11MERICA LEASkNG C(]RP �CT CC3PIER L�ASE DD1-701 �-532.45-31 760.16 -- 1Nf5A-INTN� fv1UNICIPAL SGNL A55C ' MEMBEI�SHlP �UES : - ��1-7�1 [7-532:49-Q1 - 6�.d0 - INSIGN7 Pt16LIC SECTQR CpMPl1TERS & wo�o ��c�c. 00�-70� a-��2.3�-so 2r�.s� C�MPU7ER 11CGES5DRf�5&SUPF�01-7Q`�Q-532.31-8D �43.9 9 � OLYMPIC PRiNTERS INC pEJgLIC WQRKS LETTER}1ERIJ �41-7D"fD-532.31-01 �25.04 --- - D�Yr�P�c srArion�E�s Ir�C - . :- ❑FF10E �L1F'P�IES __ _ - . C1D1-701�-532.31-D1 - 179.75 - _ -- - PACIFlC{3FFICE EQIJIPMENT INC MAINTENANC�,. ' . : -- 4{71-7fJ1�-�32:4$-0� 124.6C - - - _�.-= � - - .- .._---' --___ _... .. . _ P�Ni�suLA oAi�r w�v+is _ _ - �EGAL Ao _ _ OQ�-7{?10-532.44-1� 78.34 _ -. P�R7ANGELESCiTYTREASLfRER P�stage-Nea� �Q1-7�1Q-532.�42-1Q �$,05 ❑W�ST 10-23 AIG 206T3�234C�D$4�3 001-7010-�32.42-10 �fi3.22 1Q-23 AIC 2�fiT310�fi4584B D�1-7�90-532.4�-1i} 8�.2fi --- - - --= _-•-- � , _- - --- 11-5 A!C 36045237125858 �- - _ (301-7D1 �-532.42=1 D . _ - . 5.4�3 . _.-._� -__--_ _.: ._- _ _; - - - -- 11-5 Ft1C 3604525834211B ' _ _ 4.27 � 1-5 PJG 35D45�51 g9fi23B �q 1-7� 1�-532.42-1 � 3.52 _ - 11-5 AfC 36D45�3877817B D41-7�1 �-532.42-10 - 3.52 - - - - 11-5 AIC 350�5Z9$87fi52B 001-7� 1 �-532.4�-`1 Q - -- - 3:52 _ . - - - _- - - - - ____ --_- _=__-_- - - - - - -- : 11=5 A!C 3fiO4529882811 B - 0(}1-701 �-5�2.4�-1 � 3.52 -- SWARR E�ECTROfvICS Ci]RP --- . COPIER M�L 26Q�I�-QCT&NDV 001-701[1-532.45-31 285.74 VERIZC]N WIRELESS - ---' 117-�2 �IC 5711351$2-I�D��?1 OO'� -�C1'I O-��Z.4Z-� � 1 �8.94 - _ . -- --- - - -- - -._ . _ .. ... . . __ 10-28 a7c 271138138-DD�Q2 001-Ti31 {�-532.�2-� D 4Z.39 -- WASHINGT�EJ {f]iS}, 5TF1TE �F -- 5Ct'�N CFiC7S-OCT�BER - DD1-7�1fl-532.42-1fl 93.58 - - - _ -- _ _. ...-::_ -- - - ' SUPPLIES _ _ -- 001 �701 f3-532.48-02 , 5,534.E3 - Public Wor'ks-Gen Fnd -- -- = P[rb Wks Rdminisiratron _ Qivr'siqn Tvtal: $10,406.3� _ _ . - _ . . Public Warks-Gen Frad - Department Total: $'14,�4pB.30 Asn� SiGtiS M]SCELi�A�IE�US SERVICES D01-8010-5�4.41-50 867.�� � C�MMERCIAI GAR� SOLUTf{]N5 O�cE SuppliBS�Kachanek _ 'Q[]1-8�1 p-�74,31-Q1 14$.$4 - -- - - 5urvey Ser�ice-Kochanek� - -� 0�1-801a-574.41-54 - 19.95 -- L-�� .. Pag� 13 9: FT�1' . � �.�"��-,��`' - _ _ . oate: � ii2ot�oos r -- - - - -- C�ty of Part Angeles '- -- - - - City Cnuncil Expend:�ture Repnrt � �--��,� - - - • �':.�.,;'-�-��� . . . , � Fram: 9'11fi12D09 To.: 9112D12p�9 • . • ' � �: Vendor . - ... � - =�- Descripti�n . - � Acc�ur�t Number In�oice Amuun'� •�-. --:: --- r�WEST ' - _.,.�� _=-_,_--::,- 10-23 AIC �fl5T3a2306{784B DQ1�-$010=574'.4�-1� 6.12 ------- ---- -. --. ..___.___..._--- --•�.1.0 23 AIC 205�31 a1 fi4584� 001-$D1 D-574.42-"f.0 8.35 11-SAIC 36{7452371�5858 QQ'I-$�10-574.4�-1D 0.�2 -- -- - 11-5 AIC 3604525834211 � �741-8D10-574.42-� Q �}.41 ----- 11-5 AJC 35045251�9623B 001-801 d-574,42-10 C?.34 --- - _- - . - '11-5 A!G 36Q4523877817B : - {J�1-Sd10-574.42-1t? . ._: _- �.34 -- _._._..---- _ . ._... . ..____.. _ . ,:_.__ 1�-� �,lC 36045�s88765�B a�1�8014-574.4�-10 �.34 -. . - _ -.-- . -- - - - -_�_ 11-5 AIC 36fl4529882811B 001=8010-574.�}2-1[] • a.34 vERi�oN wIRELE55 . 10-22 aIc 571136182-dD005 �D�-$010-574.42-'!Q 16.23 WR RECREAT90N � PARK HSSNIWRPA EpUCATIONAL SE�VICES �a1-801D-574:43=10 289.D4 '- - ` WASHINGTON [bl5j, 5TAT� QF -- SCAN CHC�S-�CTOBEF� aQ1-8�1�-574.42-1� 2.0$ Parks Adrttinistrafian alVlSIp17 T�tal: �'I ,3fi0.D6 CAPAC[TY PFt�VISIC7NING INC Il�et Chgs-S�nior Center �01-8012-555.42-12 172.DQ . _�___ . . . -, OIGiTAL IMAGIIJG SOLl1TEO�fS !NC C�PIES THRfJ 103109 �D'[.-8012-55 ;.45-31 4[�.74 _ . ' GREA"f AMEF2ICA LEASl�G CflRP -- []CT CQP3ER LEASE ' DO1'-S01Z-555.45-31 171.55 Care Partnership IUIEMBERSFiIP �l1ES 001-$41�-555.49-D1 25D.Q0 � - []�YnnPIC PRiN7ER5 i�C -- - Senior Center Newslefter D01-8012-555.31-�p1 -- - 87$.80 - - , - PflR� ANGELES SENIflR CENTEF2 SENI❑R GAEVIES EXPEN5E5 001-SD12-555.31-01 2,DO�.QD QiJILL GORPORA71bN QFFICE 5UPPLIES pD�-$012-555.31-D1 2�7.20 OFFICE SUPPLIES OQ1-SQ'�2-555.3'i-�1 15$.34 � 4wE5T ----- _ 1t1-�0a1c2�6T�1�2274558 0�1=8�.'k2-555.42-10. . 57.45 .. _ . .. - - - -- 1�-23 A!C 20fiT302305a84B � 001-8012-55'5.42-10- -- - - 5.12 --:'---- . 1 �-23 AlC 205T3101645848 401=$Q12-5�5.42-1 C1 _ `- - - ' $.35 11-5 aIc 36045298��8198 (J01-$Q12-555.42-10 4�.84 11-5 AIC 3fiO4523712585H 001-$Q12°555.42-14 0.52 11-5 AIC 36�4525834211B �1�1-$D12-555.42-10 0.41 - --- ., - - _ _ 11-5 AIG 3604525109623B - QC] 1=8012-555.42-i Q= -_-_ -- - - - �.34 . ------ - - -------- -. - - - � 1-51a1C 3604523877817B -- Q{]1-8[}12-5�a5.42-10=- _ -- 0.34 1�-5 A,IC 3604529887652B QQ1$g12-555.42-iQ �.34 - - 11-5 WC 3fiC14529882811 B 0�1-8C1� 2-555.42-'I � �.34 WASHINGTON [RIS} sr�r� oF. - . SGAN CHGS-OCT❑�ER - ---001-8�1�-5�5.42-1D -- - -Q.57 - _ _ 5enior. Cer�ter _ - Divisran Total: _._ - _ $4,02F.26. -.- -- I�MERICAhJ REDCRGSS-F'A - CPRIAE� l.GT CAR�S - DD�-80�0-347.3Q-13 _- 1�.00 ..- - - �IRST AID & SRFETY Ei�U1P. _ 001-8D�0-57�.43-10 48.�Q _ - AMSRN QLYINPIC Suf�PLY _ _ STOP - aQ1 - - ' 172.35 - _ BL�ACH, ST�P SLIP, S[]AP 001-$�20-576.31-06 516.2�i -- ❑UST MA5K5 _ - 001-$0��-575.3'1-05 � 13.16 BATH TISSUE, �ETERGEN� --- 0�1-842�-576.31-(l6 _ 291.3$ GA�ACITY PROVISibNING INC ENet Chgs-Wm Shore Rool _ 0�1-802�-576.42-12 _ 172.00 JaynaLafferty - SECR.JRIT1'CAMEF�A ---- -- [}01-8f72�-57�i.�1-01 -. -._ . - - 29.DD' -__ _- _. - CABLE fl�1-8a2[]-57�.31-fli - - - 5.49 ---- - - -- - PUNKIfV PATCH SUPPLIES _ U01-802�-576.31-01 - _----- fi5.79 -- -� - _ -. --- �.. ° �2 - Pa�e 14 � �. �ate� 11Ic'012Q1}9 City crf Port r�ngeles � - - - � - - _ - City Coun�il Exp�nditure Re�art � ._� � ''��:.��-�' :. . . Frnm: 7TI8/2009 _ To: 71/20/7�JDJ ��..� � - - _ ,. . .._. __--.. Vendor �:- . . -_. _ :-� -- ►4ccvunt Number In�aice Ama�ant ;. ---;-:.,__,�.;LeahGould - . - --:�--:-: -_.,. REPLACEMENTPH�NE, VI�EC] OD1-8�2Q-576.31-(7.1 933.21 Hoyin rse .:: _MISS�D 6 CLAS5�5 Dl1E TO E_ _ DD1-802�-347..30-13.-- .. 33.75- - oF�icE o�POT MPSC OFFlC� S[JPPLiES Q�1-8(120-576,31-6� 14.D8 MiSG pFFIGE SUPPLfES 4L}1-$fl��-57Fi.31-D1 -- -- 41.62 - ---- _ -- ---- - ----A❑DITIQNAL HANOS��S, SHRE 001-$fl2D-57fi.31-17� 2(7�.5D - -=-- =-- _=: :�-�r�n�s�� _ oa�-aa2o-�7�.31-0� -sa.2T _ ----_ -:--- __ ITEMS RETLIRNE❑ _ _ _ DD1-8D2�-576.31-01 - : .. --:-- -10$.95- QUaLLCQRP�RAT4bN -___. TC]NER eA�7'ERIES Dp1-8D�0-57�.31-�1 227.57' QWEST 1a-23 AIC 2�]fiT3a2306❑84B 001-8�2�-�76.42-1D 8.36 - 10-23 A{C 2R5T31fl164584B. - 0�1-8�2�-575.4�-14 --- - 11.13 --- - 11-5 RIC 3G445237�25858 001-80��-57fi.42-10 0.7� -_. - 11-5 AIC 364�}525834� 11 B D41-$020-576.42-� 0 (}.55 � 1-5 �11G 3fi�45251096238 0�1-80�Q-57F.42-14 0.45 _ 11-5 R1C 38045238778178 --- f}Q3 -$020-575.42-� �- _ �.45 - - - - - 11-5 AlC 3Bfl45�9887652� oo� -ao�o-��6.4�-� o 0.4� ---- - - 1�-5 AIC 36a452988281 t B--- - 001-8020-576.42-10 -� 0.45 - wa 5`eR�E PA�'RC7t _ 6ACKGRDl1Na RICHAR❑SQN 0�'�-8020-576.41-�0 1(}.0� _-. _.. _.. WASHI�lGTOiV {�15] S�ATE oF SCAN CHGS-�CTDgER _ D41-8[120-576.42-10 - 0.74 William Snare Po�f Divr'srvrr Totaf: $1,844.OQ � ANGELES MILLWOFZlC & LUNIBER CC� R�QFEIVG MATEF2lAL5 {�i�1 �6.44 CRPRCITY PRaVISIOIVING INC IIVet Chgs-Cemetery Office 401-$050-536.42-12 172.Qf} - LOea �ESPGNS -- --__ _MISC PRQFES5IDNAL SERVICE 001-805D-5�fi_41-5� 1,293.67 PENINSllLA [7AILY.N�WS -_ _ COMMUNkCATIQhJ51MEQIA SERV QQ1-8050_536.44-1 D _ 25Q.QL] QUIRENG MOfVUMENTS INC CEMETERY MARKEF2S ��1 3D�a.QO e�WEST 10-23 AIC 206T3fl2�05D84B O(J 1-8050-536.4Z- i � 4.t}8 1a-23 AlC 2�fiT310154584B 401-8450-53fi.42-10 5.55 _-- --: - - _----.-- ---- --=: - - - ..11 = 5 A1C 3Bfl45237125858 . _ i]41-$45fl-536.42-1f}. d.35 _ _. � 1-5 AIC 3��4525834211 B J�1-8�50-536.42-14 . 0.27 11-5 AIC 3604525109623B d01-8a5f3-536.42-10 �.22 ._. _ _ 11-� AIC 3604�238778178 OD1-8050-536.�2-'E [1 �.2� -- - - - - - 11-a AIC-36045298$7fi52B --- -- DO'5-8050-53fi.�2-1�- -- -- �-- C1.22 - - - . - - _ . _ - 36D45298828 . I]D1-$fJ5a-536.42-10 Q.^�2 5Uh15ET QC7 BEST HARC]NfARE REEVl"RLILEASE E{�UIPMENT OD1-8050-53F.4a-3C] ----- " 14.09 7MURMAN Sl1PPLY ELECTRIGR� �QU�P & SUPPLY (30�-$450-53�.3'l-�[] 25.25 �-- --- - vERIZi7N V+/IRE�ESS -_ 10-28 alc 27� 13$138-0O�Q3 pd1-8050-536.42-10 ----- 6fi.61 -- -- -- -_;, WASHINGTf]N (a15�, STAT!E C]F SCA�I �HGS-aCTOBER D01-865D-536.42-1D 1.41 - - - -- - - _ -_ yQcear� UiEw Gemet°ery t]iVisian Total: $2,186.fi� AMSAN c7LYNiPIC SuPPLY _..f JANITC?R1AL SUPPLIES D01-8�8[]-576.31-01 4.p4 ,_-- - - -- - --_ - - - - - - -- - --- - �- .- - .1AN17�F21A1. SUPP�IES DD1-8D80-576.31-2� �4.85 - RNGELES MILLWQRk( & LUIVIBER CO PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAP�R 001-808q-STFa.31-20 15,60 � _ _ -- --z - . _ � R�RDIHWY MAT AfONASP}iALTIC Cf01-$4${}-576 31-2Q 4�.29 ' _. _. , Iv}ACHIIVERY & Fi�A11Y FiR❑WARE fl0� -8�8D-57B.3�a-01 _ _ 385.89 � - -- - __T, --.._ _ - - - -- _ L - �3 - - Page 15 t F7q�. �c �' ,.. r� �ate: 11120l2D�S City of Port Ang�les -- ---- -- _ � � City �buncii Exper�diture Repor� -- _ � � - - `�';:�.x•r�� Frvm: 'f T1BI2009 . . Fo: 791�DI2009 • - - � - �.s - .,--•_� Vendor� � - __ - - _ - _--=--bescription -� Accaunt Nurnher Inu�ice Amount - � g�AKE SAI�b 8� �RA�EL INC NURS�RY 5TC]CK & SUPPLIES '��1-8D80-576.31-4D 26F.34 --_..._,_....-•----:-------_._..__.-•- -- .. -,: .:-__ IVURSERY ST�CIt & SUPPLIES. .. . �01_808Q-5��.31-40 - . 38.�a - -- - - - NURSERY ST�CK & �lJ�'PLIES �p1-$fl$0-576.31-4i] 38.05 - CRPACITY PROVISIflNING INC INet Chgs-Vern Burton -. A��-80$0-576.42-12 172.[]0 -- -_ _- _--- INet Chgs-�Park Facilities 001-848D-576.42-12 172.Q� __.. - . INet Ch�s-Park Cameras =�= Q�1-$�SO-576.42-12 _ 94.00 _ .. . ... . -- - . . . _ ---- - - . -.----....--._ _._.__ -- - - -- - ENetChgs-Carn�gie� - - 0�1-808fJ-576.42-12. _ �72.D0 CEdlCC11�SOLIDAT�97 ELEC DIST !NC ELECTf�ICAL EQUIP � SL�PPLI' - DD1-8D${}-576.31-2�J __ 74.41 ELECTRfCAL EQL11P & SUPPLY I][]1-$�$D-576.3�-24] 70.42 - - EC.ECTR�CAL EQUIP & S�JPPLY _. OQ�-80$0-a7fi.31-2Q_ 8.96 COMMERCIAL CARO SQLUTIDNS I�A Dues-Keahakalale �]Q1-$�$0=576.4g-01 2(JO.QO Cor�r�EY SAF�7Y PRaoUCTS FIRST AIQ & SAF�TY Et�UIP. 0�1-80$0-57E.31-20 179.7� �RAENGER SUPP�IES 001-8�80-575.31-2� 249.�7 Md8]LE MUSfC UNLfMITED Cell Phone GQ�er .. ... . ._ DQ9-80$� 21.57 ��YMPIC LAUN�RY & DRY CLE,4NER5 RAGS ,SH�P T[�WELS,WIF'ING 001 2�,76 d�YMPIC SzATIOdvERS Ir�c SUPRUES D01-8�SD-576.31-01 45.63 _.. .- -- _ _ -- - - - Discount -_ - 0(}1-8D80-575.31-C11 -(J.97 S�IPPLIES ��1-S[�8�-576.31-01 73,50 PARKER PAfNT MFG CO INC PAINTS,G�A�"lhlGS,WALL,PAPER (1t71-808D-575.3"l-20 7�.28 � PAINTS,CC]ATINGS,WALLPAP�R pQ1-8080-576.31-2Q E3.93 -- P[]RT ANGELES POWER EQLiIPMENT LAWN MAINTEhiANCE EQUIP 0�'l-8�8� _. 1�4.65 -- - ------ - - -- PiPE �Il71NG5=-�= ___ - - �= D01-$fl8�-57E.31-20 38.96 - ---- _ _ . . .__.. _,__.. _ ---r-- - =-- - _--- - --- , _ -=- __, PIPEF6TTINGS - . -` - �D1-$08�-575.3�-�fl ' 28.0$ - EQU1P MAINT & REPAtR SERV 0�1-8�8�-576.35-�1 423.85 QwEST 10-23 A1C 24fiT3fl2306084B �(}1-80$D-57fi.42-1Q 2�.3'� 14-23 A!C 2067�10164584B f3Q1-$DS�-576.42-10 27.$2 - -- -. -_ --- - - .- - - �i-5 AIC 3G04�237.��585B--_. �_ - Of31-8O80-5T6.42-�0 _ _ _ . 1.75 _. . . �-- - - - 11-5 A1C 350452�834211B - 041-SOSD-576.42-10 1.37 11-5 WG 3BQ45251D9C2�� {7a1-8C180-575.4�-10 1.13 - - _. 11-5 P,IC 35{14523877817g Q�1-8080-57fi.4�-1 D 1.13 --- -- ---- 11-5 AIG 3604529887E52B Q�1-8080-578.42-1fl 1.93 -- -� .- -- _=_ -- � - -_ -.- _-__�-- - - - ,- 1't-5 AIG 36D45298828118-='=° - 001-8[3${}-576.42-1C1 'I_13 " SUN5E7 �O BEST HAR�WARE '-- FiAR[3WARE ALLIE� ITEMS 0�1-$fl$0-576.39 -2t7 -- -_ 61:8i3 _ __ - - - - - - - HAN� 7DC]LS ,PQW�9VON P�WERQOI-$0$Cl-57fi.31-�0 1fl.2�C - -- - - -- -- --- -- - '- __- - = -- •HANI] �qOLS ,I��W&NQN PQWEfiQ�1 �$0$�-576.35-01 - 214.62 RENTAUL�ASE EClL.11PM�NT OfJ1-$0$0-576.�5-3(} 21.'€4 ` - 5WAln1 GEM1IERAL STQRE ING HARC]WRF2E,AEVQ ALL��Q IT�MS OD1$0$LJ 35.49 - _ -- - .. - °� - - - - HARC�WARE,ANDALLIEQ Il`EM5 �Q�-$08i3-576.31-Q1 -14.82 • - -- - --- - = JANITC]RlAL SEJPP�IES OD1-8�$[1-576.31-20 24.92 _. � : _ __ . _ __. __.. _ ... - - - - --- _ ------- HAPVD TO❑LS ,POVI�&IV�N P�WEROCII-$D8D-575.35-0'E 43.45 _ 7HtiFtMAN SUPPLY _ ___- _ _ EL�CTFiICAL EQIJIP & SUPPLY QQ1-S[180-576.31-2Q -25.28 � -- - - PLlJMBIIi1G EQUI� FIXT,SUPP C}01-8D8�-576.31-�Q 13.90 L-24 Pa�e 1 fi i•Fr � ���,��� Qate: '! 1f2Dl2�a9 - City nf �Port Angeles - � - City Gauncil Expenditure Repv�t ��' � � �Y ��" From �r �rs�zaa9 . r�: r ��aQ��no� . --��� _ _ - - -- -- _. _ _ . . . - _ -- -.__. - --..�_----- _.,,�,_��escriptic�n , Acco�nt.Number .� - �nrr�ice Amnunt . . __ ... : --u5A B�uEeC�aK� :-.SU�PL.I�S . �D1-SD8D-576.31-2� 414.40 _ - • - ,: Y...: _.. .. . . . .. . .. . . . --- . -. 83.42 ,_, � _ , , _ : _z_v�aiZan� wiRE�ESS 4.fl-22 alc 571136182�DD4�3."-- -" - _ , -0�'E -$p80-576.4�-1 D: .. �fl-28 al� 271138138-aQQi}4 �01-$080-576.42-1 d 1 D9.fiD WASHfNGT�Oh! (D15}, STR�'E �F SCAIV CHGS-�C7CJB�R �D1-808�-578.42�1 f} �.12 - - - - Fark Fa�ilitr'es Division '��taf: $4,18D.68 _ _:...: :.. _ Department Tntal: $13,597.fi2 ��CEDIC�NSOUaATER ELEC DIST INC -- ELEGTftICA� EQUIP=& SiJPPLY [101-$112-555.31-2fl 333.79 - - --- � -.:. QVVEST 11-� a1c 36�41707859a56 001-811�-555.42-1.D 3[].63. Facrlities Ma�ntanance Senior Center �acilities Divisivrr Tofal: $3fi4.4� AquATI� SPECIA�TY SERVICES WATER&SEW�R TREAT€NG GH�fVC}01-81�0-�76.3�-D5 842.3F GRAINGER SUPPLfES 4Q1-81�a-576.31-2� 1�3.65 RECREfllJICS INCORPORA7EC7 t-ID5E5, ALL ICIN�S • Q[31-$12(]-57fi.31-20 b21.45 SWAIN'S GENERAL STf3RE fNC FUEL & LUB�S OD1-81�0-576.31-2D 1Q.�6 THURMAN SUPPLY s�PP�i�s oo�-s�zo-��6.s�-�a �14.49 - - - SUPP�IES 001-$12fJ-576.31-20 87.55 w�r�Rn�i�� i�vc THE STEAM � HC}T WATER BoILERS OQ1-8920-576.31-05 1,55D.73 --- - -Facilities Maintarra►rce - - - Pnal Facilifies. -= - Drvision Tr�tal: $3,fi28.40 Alv15AN OLYIv1PIC SUPPLY PLASTI�S p(31-813�-518.3�-01 279.[72 �LYMPIC LAUNC]RY & �F�Y CLEANERS JAhJ6TORIAL SLIPPLIES 0�1-$130-51$.39-(71 15.73 � OLYtNPIC 57A71dNERS INC ❑FFICE MA�CWINE$ & ACC�SS 4�1 1fi5.SD QWEST .. 14-23 A1C 206T3fl23fl6084B _ D01-813�-518.�2-10 �.04 r, . -:_.....__.�.._._�_.. _ ..._ --•-•- - - - -- 1 �-23 FUC 2�6T31 Q164584B � (701-8130=5'f 8.42-1 D.:--. _. 2.78 - .. - --- _ :, - . _ ---- - - - -_ . _ _ _ �, -� �vc �s�4�zs7� z�s�e _ _ oo � -s � 30=� 1 s.�z-� a _ a. � 7 11-5 A!C �504a25$34211 B (]01-813Q-51$.42-'k � {3.13 11-5 AIC 3�045259a9623B OD1-813D-51$.42-10 0.11 11-5 AIC 3604523$778176 pQ1-8130-518.42-10 0.'E'f __ _ . _ ..... - � �-5 A!C 3604�298875_528--- --_ [l�'i-8130-�18.42-1 Q 0.11 --- -- - ._ ___�_ _- - .- - --- _ - :- . 11-5 A!C 36045�9882$1'f�B- ---- DO'€-8130-518.42-� f} ----- 0:11� ` ` - STRAIT MLJSIC SDIJN� 5Y5TEM5 & ACG�SSQRY 001-8130-53 $.3"f-01 9�.48 SWAIM1!'S G�NERAL STQRE �NC HAR�WAFtE,ANO ALLIE❑ ITEMS 001-833Q-518.31-Q1 1$,57 - --- - . ---VERIZUN WIRELESS _ 10-22.21C 5711361$2-f]QQ[}5_. __ .- �D�-$1$0-51$.42:_10 25.$4 Facilities Maintanar�ce _ CustodiallJarritarial Svcs . _ Qiu�sian .7'otal: _ : - - - $6�7.1 n - - - . _ CEO1CarvSOUOATEO ���c o�sr iwc - .ELECT.RICA� EQUIP & SUPPLY- 001-8131-51$:3'�=�0 - � 5a.37_ _- _ __._ ELECTRICAL E{�UIP & SUPPLY flE11-8131_,518.31-20 6_34 -- - ---_ - - _ .ELECTRICAf� E{�LtIP & SUPPLY fl01-8131-518.31=2fl _ 42.31 � _ - ELECTRICRL Ei�UIP & SLJPPLY 001-8131-518.31-2� 11.46 ELECTRICAL EQUIP.B� SIJPPLY ��1-8131-518.39-2D 170.73 _ HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY ING CLOTHING & APPAREL - {J(71-$131-5'f$.3�-20 • 28.89 -- - -- _ PAINTS,C�ATINGS,WALLPA�ER �Q1-8131-a18.31-20 - 5�7.98 = - -- FIQME bEPd�SUPPLY ING �HE HAR�WARE,AN� F1L�IE� 1TEM5 001-8'�3'i-518.31-2� 145.71 - --' � PARKEft IPRINT MFG CO INC PAINTS,CQATINGS �01 _ 84.90 QWES� 14-2{]alc2a�T813953fi23B DD1-$131-51$.42-1� - -53.45 -- -- -- ----- -.. - -- L-�5 Page 17 - � 6,. � cr �'�� : �ate: 11l2(]l2q09 ' - City of P'orf Angeie� __ - - � - --= City Council Expenditure Repor� . . ';'F��R;.,.,:.�.� � , . , Fron '1 �1612 Tv: ? 712DI��t7S . , . - - __. � . -:-,� - Vendor A.._ ._..__ -.� -� - Des�eription �-� ss=�� � Accsaunt Nur�t��r ln�oi�e Amount .. - �--= • - -� :::• -=:= : :--��- :.--:--:4 -:. i{7-16 alc 2(]6T3557247688 ��1-813�-518.42-1Q 57.46 .. . - _ r_ =a =••-: -=aa,23 wC 2afi��oz�osaa4g 001=813�-5�8.4�--�.� - - -- �.�4: � o-z� �rc �asT3� a� ea�aag D{�1-8131-51$.42-10 2.7s 11-2a1�36i14 1 7 5 328 784B 0{}1-$131-51$.42-�[3 39.58 .. . - - - - ---. - - ` - -= 11-5 AIC 36a4�237125858 001-5131-51$.42-1 Q ' �J.17 ----- _._ _. 11-aA1C.36Q4525834�11B ��1-81'31-518.42-10. 0.13 _ . .. - - - , - - - --- - - 11-5 AfC 36045�51 �9623B -- �fl 1 �=8131-518.42-10 _ 0 11 -- ,� __. , .. . .. . . = -- - � 11-5 AIC 36�4523877817B 40�=813'i-518.4�-1 [� -------------- D.11 _ _ - 11-5 AIC 36045�98876526 OD1-$131-518.42-10 0.11 � 1-5 P1C 35�45�9882811 B 001-8131-518.42-1 � �.11 SUNSET RQ BEST HARDWARE -- --- HARCIWI�RE ALLIELI ITEMS �01=8131-5'f 8.31-2� ---- 22:47 - - SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE IIVC E�ECTRIGAL EQl11P & SUPPLY ��1-$131-518.31-�[} 64.7� . SUPPLIES QQ1-8� 31-518.3�-24 22.16 THU�MAN SuPPLr _ HAR�WARE,AND F�LLI�a IT�MS 001-8�31-51$.3.1-20 33.17 - :- �' - `ELEC7FiICALEQIJIP&SLiPPLY- D01-8139-518.31-20 5.�� HAR�WARE,AND A�LIEa IT�MS ��1-8131-51$.31-20- - - 7.5D WRSHINGT�IV {D15} STiATE oF --- - SCRN CHGS-�GT�B�R OQ1�81�1=5� 8.42-1 D �--_ _` Q.4� � �acifities Maintanance -- - Ge�tral Sves Facilifies - .D►►•ision TotaL $8�2.27 Fa�ilFtres Nlaintanan�e Department �'ataf: $5,46D.19 Gerreral Fund Fund Total: $1�4,fi07.95 � . - �a oowr��oww;assra -. . _ - - - T�UR15M PRQMaTiQN � 1U1-.1430-557.50-83 _... _ 3,�5a.4� - --• -•--- ---�------ - - - -- .. "�-" � ANGELES CHA{NBER OF COMM" 09 MKTG & IVIE�'IA CAIUIPAIGN 1�1 �143�=557:5d-$3-: -" -. 1fi;071.�7 toclg►"ng ExEise Tax - Lodgrrrg Excrse �ax r aivisiorr Tatal: $�9,121.47 Lodging Excise Tax De�aartment Tatat: $19,121.47 � Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Tofal.: $19,12�1.�7 NORTHERN TQOL 8 EQLIIPMENT CU SUPPL{E5 102-0000-2�7.L}D-OO °5.1$ - - -- - ._ .-- - ----- -. _.. - ------------ -- , . . - _Olvisibrr Tdta1:. _. _ . . -$5.18 _ . - _ - . _ - - - ["1e,partrrrenf �Tatal: -�5.1$ � ANGELES L�C�{ 5F1OP FiARDWARE,RNQ AL�IED ITEMS 102-7230-542.�1-20 12.�fl ANGELES MILLWI7RK & LIJMBER CO FAST�NERS FASTENING �EV� 1�2-7230-542.31-20 9.73 _ _ •-- -- -- - - PLA5TIC5 102�7230-542.31-2� _ _. .. � Q � . � 3 . --- - -- _ . - -------- =�-- - _ - ' LUMSER& RELATEQ PRQDUC7S � Qz-723D-542.31-20 - _ . - . - 43.86 - -- - - - • - _- _ . -- .- - - - _--^�- SUPPLiES 102-7230-542.31-2� 34.7� - -- -- -- --. _ _--: - . � - FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 1[12-7234-542.31-25 32.�(] _ CRPACITV PROViSi�NiNG �ivC�� 1Net Chgs-Corp Yard 1�2-723Q-542.4�-1� 172.46 _ CEDICONS�LIRATEI] ELEC �IST INC �LECTRICAL EQUIP � SUPPLY 1�2-72�D-a42.31-20 54.74 CbMMERGIAL CARa 50LEJTIONS Web Class Reg-Hanley � �2-7�30-542.43-1 D 175.OD -- - - - -_- _ - � ._ -- ---�--_ - - _--_- - We� Cfass �2eg-Hanley =_ - 1 Q2-7�3{�-542.43-10 175.�a' EaG� ANRLYTkCAL - _. T�STIN[`,&CALI6RATEC�N SERV F 1 D2-7230-542.41 °5D 67'i .a� -.-"°. -� FRSTENAL INDlJSTRIAL � AlI7 & SAFETY �C]UIP. 1'Q�-723[�-542.31-Q1 46.$7 _. _. _ .-- - _ - --- - - --- . . - _-- _ � = ---�. �;�ANi�FC3RIAL SUPPLIES 1�2=723�-542.31-2� 270.89 � _ . _. ____ -- _ --.-- F-iAF�[}WARE,ANO A�LIED lT�MS 142-7230-542.35-�1 3.25 - __ --- �-��7 F'age 1 S _ _ . _ _ �;�Y;i7A1•. ��r� Date: 11/20l2009 ��� City of Port Angeles � � - City Council Expenditure Report + ....� r �`� r, From:11/6/2009 To:11/20/2009 ':7.T.!J- . , . . . _ -•�_ . . .. . . . - " , -=.=w - Vendor �--�- -----=-Descriptior�==.=1-=-=---- Account Number .. Invoice Amount -_ -HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY ING RELATED PRODUCTS 102-Z230-542.31-20 26.2Z -. HOLCOMB_&_COMPANY � ___.� STOCK & SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 - . : . 143.63 - �� � - LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 91.33 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 308.19 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 2,471.67 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 60.70. . . . . --- - -- - -.. _._ -- • - • - - -. . . . . ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 1,339.89 _ ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 1,315.30 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 878.04 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 278.34 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 686.75 NORTHERN TOOL 8 EQUIPMENT CO SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 66.82 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY 8 DRY CLEANERS RAGS TOWELS ,WIPING 102-7230-542.31-01 22.76 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 32.56 - - --- SUPPUES 102-7230-542.31-01 43.39 Discount 102-7230-542.31-01 -0.97 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 -19.89 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 11.91 PENINSULA SEPTIC TANKS PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 102-7230-542.31-20 2,092.12 • POINTS SHARP STEEL INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 41.19 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER CDL License-Groves/Romero 102-7230-542.49-90 30.00 - Pu� #� oF C�a��a,n�t CoutvrY ' Lauridsen Bivd & L St 102-7230-542.47-10 13.64 � QWEST 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 102-7230-542.42-10 10.20 10-23 A/C 206T3101645846 102-7230-542.42-10 13.91 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 102-7230-542.42-10 0.87 11-5 A/C 36045258342116 102-7230-542.42-10 0.68 "" - � 11-5 A/_C_3604525109623B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.56 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 102-7230-542.42-10 0.56 11 A/C 36045298876526 102 0.56 11 A/C 36045298828118 102 0.56 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.35-01 49.70 Sw,41N'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 " 11.65 ---�� - -- SUPPUES � 102 10.99 THURMAN SUPPLY HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 7.70 SUPPLIES - 102-7230-542.31-20 18.51 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs-pe 11-7 102 8.43 vERiZON WiRELESS 10-22 a/c 571136182-00003 102-7230-542.42-10 � 83.36 10-28 a/c 271138138-00004 102-7230-542.42-10 71.65 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER 102-7230-542.42-10 4.92 Public Works-Streef Street Division Total: $12,038.27 • Public Works-Street Department Total: $12,038.27 Street Fund Fund Total: - $12,033.09 L-27 Page 19 ,� 6• ' ��r� � - "- - - - - - Date: 11 /20/2009 � ' City of Port Angeles - � City Council Expenditure Report � �- ,., �''����-*�-'�``'� . From: T o:11/20/2009 " . . -• -- _ •. ==-Vendor -=---- �--==_�=- - _-�_�=:_: Description : Account Number Invoice Amount �. --�. ADVANCE� TRAVE� - Tourism/Plnrs/RC8�D-NW 103-1511-558.43-10 26.70 .- : Travel-Korcz . . _. _ 103-1511-558.43-10 . 385.00 -� - . : - .:. COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS � �. .. � Nathan West 1/2 AIRFARE REIMBURSE 103-1511-558.43-10 172.20 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber Luch-West 103-1511-558.31-01 13.00 ----- -- PABA Brkfst Mtgs-West 103-1511-558.43-10 28.37 QwESr --.. : 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 103-1511-558.42-10 1.02 � 10-23 AIC 206T3101645846 103-1511-558.42-10 1.39 __. 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 103-1511-558.42-10 0.08 11-5 A/C 3604525834211B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 11-5 A/C 36045251096236 103-1511-558.42-10 0.05 - " 11-5A/C3604523877817B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.05 11-5 A/C 36045298876526 103-1511-558.42-10 0.05 11-5 A/C 3604529882811B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.05 Economic Development Economic Development Division Total: $628.02 VERIZON WIRELESS 10-15 a/c 264230412-00003 103-1512-558.42-10 45.60 Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total: $45.60 Economic Development - - Department Total: $673.62 Economic Development Fund Total: $673.62 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Travel/Trng-Roberds 106-1512-558.43-10 248.32 QWEST 10-23 A/C 206T3023060846 106-1512-558.42-10 2.04 . ___ 10-23 A/C 206T310164584B 106-1512-558.42-10 2.78 - � 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 106-1512-558.42-10 0.17 11-5 A/C 36045258342116 106-1512-558.42-10 0.13 11-5 A/C 3604525109623B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 11 A/C 36045298876528 106 0.12 11-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.12 '' SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC RAIN GEAR 106-1512-558.31-01 231.75 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER 106-1512-558.42-10 6.27 Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total: $491.94 Economic Development Department Totel: $491.94 - ___ __ . Cultural Resources . _ _ Fund Total: $491.94 .___ _ _ ADVANCED TRAVEL Grant Wrtng-Roedell 107-5160-528.43-10 446.04 - -- E911 Mtg-Romberg 107-5160-528.43=10 514.32 AHRENS, KENNETH E Medic I Advisory 107-5160-528.45-30 700.00 APCO INTERNATIONAL 7 APCO MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 107-5160-528.49-01 506.00 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-PenCom/Peabody 107-5160-528.42-10 , 165.00 CAPTAIN T 'S PENCOM UNIFORM - JOHNSON 107-5160-528.20-80 59.06 CENTURYLINK 11-6 a/c 406063845 107-5160-528.42-11 160.22 11-6 a/c 300539444 107-5160-528.42-11 85.44 11-6 a/c 300509854 - 107-5160-528.42-11 96.53 • COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Headset Access-Romberg 107-5160-528.31-14 289.43 L-28-.. Page 20 4sctfrn�k - - . . __- � � _ - - ----- Date: 1 �11��12�D9 City vf Pnrt Angeles - � ,-��-�-, _ C�ty Counci� Expenditure Report f _...,.�:�� From: � �r��zoo� . . : . ra: � ��ao�zavs . , . ��!� -_ _ - - _ . _ . . , ..-=Vendoe-� --,=- -- ==-[3es�riptinn .-. AccountAlumt���;: I�v�oiceAmount . _ s-_---: ; _-CdMMEf2CiAL�GAR� SOLU71ON5 _ PhonelCvrd-Ramher g:.: - i Q7-51 �0-'5�8.31-� 4 29.25 " .. . . - �.:Ite boafds-Rpmb�r " . . 107-5� 50-52$.3�-60 ---° --=__=___-------.._.__-:_.,._. _ ....127.D4 . - - y g-� ..- LantranixServer-Ramberg 9p7-51fi0-528.31-fi0 253.94 MemQry 5tick-Rnrri�erg - - 107-516[1-528.31-6�J � 8.3� _ kNultim�dia Card Reader-5R --- 107=51FO-5�8:31-60 �6.24 ' - . - - -- - Carnp MemorylAdapt-SR 1�7-�1fiD-5�8.31-80 175.98 - _ - -- - _ . - - - - - TravellTmg-Romt�er __ .. . 1 D7-516Q-528.43-1 Cf . 133.93 ._ _... .. -- - - --- - _ . Class Reg-Ramherg = 147-5160-528.43-10 2a(3.OD Certificate Renew-Romberg 107-5150-528.48�.10 350.Da - - G�PY CATGRAPHIGS -- PUBLkC EE3lJCATlQI�I��ATE RE 1�7-5160-528.31=51 455.2$ GLOBALSTAR lJSA -� 1D-16 aIC 1.5Qfl�8859 �C�7-5160-5�8.42-1Q 41.74 LINCQLN STREET STATIpN F�DE?C CaS1�5 TQ SEN❑ BIU T 1 Q7-5"16�-52$.4$-1 L1 48.14 IJorthw�st Leadership Seminar dR CiL'MARTfN LEA�ERShIIP T 107 �� p 275.4Q MDTORDLA C!❑ RICHM�1�� zW�7 R.RENTALILEAS� E(�UIPM�NT 107 fi0 � 41,359.36 NA7I�NAL EMERGENCY NLIMBER R55lV AIVA1tJAL MEMBERSHIP - S RC7M 1 �7-5150-52$.49-�71 12�.OD f�ElrV WORLD SYSTEMS �RVL 1014-1018 SUaZYNSKI 1D7-5�fi[7-594.fi5-1a 1,65�.09 _ - -- M�P U���oE �RaJECT 1a7-5160-594.fi5-�D - 5�O.Q0 INS7FILLlTRNG �E RECaR�S 5 1 Q7-5160-594.65-1 � �$0.00 - TRVL EXPENSES J SMITH 1 W 107-51$i]-594.65-1[] 2,530.23 � DA�AFILEC�I�1/ER51ON 1�7-51�ii�-594.65-1D 1,5{1�.4f} . - aATA FILE CaNVER5I�N __. 1 C17�5� 66-594.55=14 �,5(]Q.�fl _. _... _, . tJLYMPIG PRINTERS IfvC- Time Gards-PoliCe - 107-5160-52$.31-01 160.0� - -- - ---- �- PACIFIC OFFICE EQUiPMENT IN� RpLLER & SEPARATIQI� A 1 �7-5160-a28.4$-1� -- 17,44 ` Fu51NG AS5Y,5WINC GR RSSY 1�7-516�-528.48-1 Q 361.84 P(]RT AMGELES P�LICE QEPARTMEN7 ET Equip 107 17.�� ❑UIL� CoRPC}RRTlDN WI7E OIJT � DESK TOP FILE 107-516�-528.31-01 49.60 - QVs1EST -_ -. - - - - - - _ ---= 1 a-�3 AIC 20673023�60848_- -- - 1 �7-5164-528.42-10 55.d5 -- --- .. . - -- ------ .. = ---=- :. . . _... -- - _ ._ - - -`-- -�--- - 1�-231�IC 20fiT3101645848- _ -_ 107-516C1-528.42-10_ . ._ _.. 75.13-- 11-5 AIC 36fl45237125858 1 n7-515�-5�$.42-10 4.74 11-5AIC3�fl45258342118 �1D7-516D-�28.42-10 - 3.T� -- ---- - - - -11-5 A1'C 35�45251 �9523B--- -•-107-5160-528:42-10 � 3.Q� _ ` --- 1.1-5 AIG 36045238778� 7B -_ -- - 1 Q7-5160°528.42-1 � 3.07_ - _ - - _ _ - -_- 11-5 AIC 3fiQ45�988Tfi528 107-516�-5�$.42-'i Q - . -- 3.47 - - __-. - --_- 11-5 Pu'G.36045298828118 1�l-516Q-528.42-'[� 3.�7 - - . - - - -- - - -- - 11-Z a1� 360ZQ�(}3803fl�B - 107-5164-5�'$:42-�i'i 9,�13'[:03 -- -- - �w�ST-C�aIMS ._-- DATA�ASE EXTRACT FOf2 REVE 1fl7-51 fi�-52$.4$-10 65q.OQ :-- -- RICNMONp 2-WAY RAOlO - SVC CALL TO CHECI{ F[JRKS E 1�T-5154-528.48-10 146.34 -- - - -- -_ --� - _- - --_-- -. --- ❑IAG�I�SE ANQ REPLACE E5-9 i d7-516�-5Z$.48-1 � 146.34 - VERIZ�M WIRELE55 --- ---- 10-25 AIC $71402094-0�D[}1. _, : 1 �T-5� fi0-52$.4�-10 17�.$$ WA5HI�IG�ON (oIS}, STA3'� OF _ �_SGAN CHGS-OCT�BER .- _ 107-a1 fif]-52$.�2-1� - fi4.$2 � PerrCOm - - - - - = - � PenGOrr�-- - -- Divi$►on Total: $59,385.52 - - - -= Pencom � Department Total: $59,365.52 � _ .. _. L-2J Page �1 � .. . ��z'<:Fr„�=�J - - . -•_-------- .�ate: �.1f2b12009 City o� Port Angeles - � �' _ _ : - City Cauncil Expend�tu�-e �iepart �� � � "�;,,,_;�.� �• l� From: i�1612009 7'a: f i12D12DD9 . . .- . . --_.,---- Vendvr ._.. .._..-:� - �--x=�� .=:� Qescri�t�on�-:= .:.._. Ac�aunt Number In�vice Ama�nt - . .. - , - _ _ . _..�..., - . . . . . , . � : - - - Per�carn Fund �. - Ferrrc! Ta�a1: S5J,3B5.52 __.__.._.�__- c�A��aM CNT'� Hausit��<a,Ui'HOFtlzv- BLC7G CDNSTRUC. SERVICES- 172-231Q-559.41-5D ° . - 1[]�,+�00.00 --- PA Housing Rehabilitatior PA Hvusing Reha6ilrtatfar� a�vision 7'oraf: $1�D,000.{}4 GLRLLAM CN7'Y H[71JSlN� AUTHflRlTY C(]NSUCTING ��RV10E5 172-2359-559.41-50 �7,740.87 P�l Hausin I�eha�iilifa�ior --� - -- Housin Aufhnri - "t]rvfsFon Tvtal: .. $27,74D.87 - - 9 9' - tY - -. - PA Nousingr Rehabilifatian Department Tofat: $72T,74�.8'T --------= �_�._�.._--.__---_-:_ -___----.------ PA Hv+�sit�g Rehab_Proj - - � , : = Furr� Totaf: $127,T4Q.81 - - - aw�sr - - - -10-23 P,lC �nsT3023DGD84B 174-82�1-574:42-10 Z.04 - _ -- 1�-23 PJC 206T31fl1845848 1a4-$��1-574.42-1� 2.78 11-5 A!C 3604�237 � 25858 174-8221-574.42-1 � 0.17 11-5 AIC 360452583421 i S 174-8221-574.42-'k 0 {}.13 11-5 AIC 3fifl4525�❑9E23B 174-8�21-574.42-10 Q.11 11-5 AIG 36{145238778178 17�-8221-574.4Z-10 �. i 1 ----- 11-SAIC 3fi4452988T6526 174-8�21-574.42-�0 D.11 11-5 AIC 36a45298828116 'V 74-8�21-574.42-1 fl �.1 � -- WASHINGT�N [QIS], STAT� OF SCAlV CHGS-�C7�8ER - 174-8��1-57�.42-1�3 - �.51 - - - Recreatia►a Activities 5parts prvgrams Divrsiorr Tafal: -- �7.O1 ADAMICk �RAr�oi AwN SGaR�KE�PER PAYlVIENT 174-8��2-574.41-50 100.�17 ANDERSE�l, BRIAN L REFEREE PAYMENT '174-8222-574.41-5Q 22�.OD � AT&T R+1081LI7Y �0 alc'99475389� 174 22.52 _ BAKER �RRRY - REFEREE �'Al'MENT -- �74-8�22-5T�1.41-50 - 132.OD ' - - CAPTAlN T'S - -- -' TALKING RAIN TDURNAMENT A 174-8222-574.31-0'€ --- ----_: - - ,_ 220. : - - - TIPDFF BASKE7gALL TDURh11�M 174-8222-574.31-0'� 552.84 COMMERCIAL CAR� SdLUTIpNS Bifce Signs-Rinehart 174-8222-574.31-01 $2.93 CORNELL, GHRISTOPHEFi S REFEREE PAY�111ENT 174-8222-574.41-5� $S.L�� oAR�ENG RCIBERT L REFEREE PAYMEN7 174-8222-574.41-5Q 22D.�� �_,_ . �€tA�cE'S PIZZA & suBS -`- " FQDDS: P�RISHAB�E 174:8222-5�?�.3-1-0� _.. _ 25.28 _ . -= -_- -_-- _--- F�QI�S: P�RISHAB�E 174-8222-574�3'€-01 - 134.12 , "� -- - - HALBERG, .iAft+tES G REFEF2EE PAYMENT `174-8222n574.41-50 E6.00 HANSEN'S TRLIPHY MAR{CERS PLAQlJES ,SIGiVS 174 �4.2'� �OlvES, ICIAH N -- -- SCaf2ElCEEPE� PAYMEN� ���-s��z-5�a.4�-�0 ��.aa - KNQWLES, .1AY - SG�R�KEEP�F2 PAYMEN�" ---- - 174-$2��-�574.4"�-5f� i 10.0{] - --- �EiNAR�', TflM � - ___- _REFEREE PAYMENT --_ - 1T4-8222-574.41-5Q 154.D[} 6oys & girls clubs foundatian a15FER5MEh{T OF PRaCEEGS F �aa-sz22-���.sa-2a 3,15[3.00 -- - --- --- P�c�KER, PAU� RAnnaw -- REFERE� PAYMENT - - - 174=8222-574.41-50 _.- -. 2��},DQ PIME�vTEI, HENRY F2EFEREE PAYMENT 174-82��-574.41-5D �42.�4 ❑WEST 1�-23 WC 2Q6T3423fl50�4B 174-8222-574,42-10 2.174 --- - 1 a-23 �AIC 206T31 �1 fi45846_ _ 174-$222-574.42-1 � 2.7$ 11-5AIC3604523712585B 174-822�-574.42-ifl 0.17 - 11-5 AlC 3604525834211 B - 174-8222-574.42-� (3 �. � 3 - -- - - - 11-5AJG3�fl452�1D96236 174-82Z�-574.42-141 �.�'1 � 11-5 AIC 3�a45238778178 -� . 174-8222-574.42-10 �.� 1 _ L-3+D Page 22 ,��'`'��-r, o�tE � �i�o�zoo9 - - . � City of Pt�rt A�tgele� _ � ,�....� - _ �City Cauncil Expenditure Report �� ��'�';:� From:7�16l20d9 To:7T120120U9 �" .. , � '� , . _ - - - � ,. __ - Vendar -.- ...._- __-_.-- �_,,. Qescription �=- :.�,- :- _._ Acc�unt Nurxrher-- Inwai�e ►�Irn�unt , - - � -=- -:-. ..qWEST :.: :;--_:..:..` ;•,: 11-5 AIC 36�4529887fi526 174-8�22-574.42-1C] �.1 � - � - ---- -:=_--- - � .. __ - _11-5 A1G.3604529882811 B 174-8���2-574.42-1 � 0.1 � . w�nnSEr, 5CO7r REFER�� PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 3fl$.0� REI�, €LISE M 5C❑REKEEPER PAYMEI�T ..'E74-$222-5�4,41-5i� 70.�f7 -- - -- -----ROBERTS, MICHA�L -- ------: - --- REFEREE PAYMEh1T 174-5222°574.41-50 4�.�D -- - - -- -R�]BINS❑n1, .1A501v-----------------.SC�REKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-5� -. .. 1117.0� - -- - - RppN�Y , RAfVpYL - ---- - REFERE� PAY1VIEfVT' -- 174-$222-574.41-50 -- 198.00 S7EWAR7 FETEFd ALLAN d�EFEREE PAYME�IT. _. � 74-8222-574.41-�� 22,00 SWAIN'S G�h�ERA� 5T[JRE fNC SPORTI�MG & ATFILETIC E[�UIP 174-822�-574.31-01 � 1.8fi THAYE�, JEFFREY _ - -- REFEREE PAYMENT. 174-8222-574.41-5f� _ 132,06 -- - TwQnnAS, GR��aRr REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8�22-574.41-50 �}4.4� LJLfN, 6RAQLEY V REFEREE PAYMEN7 174-8222-574.4�-5fl �$6.4� WRSNINGTON (DIS�, 5TA7E QF SCAN CHGS-nCTaBER 174-8222-574.4�-iQ 4.38 Recrea�ian Rctivifies _ ___ Special E►•enfs Ai�ision Tofal: $�,081.57 _ . _ .. . . CC]Mk4iERCIA� CARp 50LUTIOIVS ' gqc]k5-KpCh2flEk 174-8224-574.31-0� 55.24 MarKerslGlue Stx-CK _. 1 T4-8224-574.31-�1 96.36 F�rstAid 5up�liea-CK - 174-$224-574.31-01 1�3.14 - Rec Program Supplies-GK 174-8224-574.31-D� $$.11 Legos-Kochanek 174-$224-574.31-0� �$�.5$ � �ec Prog Sup�iies-CK 174-8�24-574.31-fl1 373.�49 - ---- - - - __-- - --_- ftec Prog 5up�fies-CK � 74-8224-574.31-01 41 fi.96 - - - _ _ . _ : -: __: - Mobile �rganizer-CK - � 74-$224-574.31-01 7�.87 - Am6ertvlazingo _ ---- i�FIM AFTERSCH�OL SUPP�IES 174--8�24-574.31-41 - 62,98 PEhfINSULA f]AILY NEWS AD F�R REC C�iJNSELpR 1 T4-$224-574.44-iC1 '13�.T5 Pbf2T AAIGELES CITY TFiEASLJRER After SChool SuppGes-F1N1 174-8��4-574.31-�1 1�,�� After 5chool 5upplies-BR 17�-8224-574.31-Q1 17.$4 - - - - Qw�Sr ----- - PRiG 2fl5T3�23�60848 17�-$224-574 .42,1D -_ - • - - _ _ 2,C14 _ _. _ _ ... _ - - - - -_ ---- - -- - - - - -- 10-23 AIC 206�310154584B . -- -- 174-8224-574.42-10 2.7$ 11-5 P,1C 3fiO45�3712585B 174-8224-574.42-1Q f�.17 - - - _ 11-5 AIC 360452583421 �B 174-$2�4-574.42-10 - �.13 _- 11-5 AIC 36045251�9623� 174-8224-574.42-10 fl.12 - - - -- _ --- - - - - - - i 1-5 PJC 36D4523a77817� - � 74-82��-574.42-10 - - - - �.1 � _' - - - - -- - T- • - 11-5 PsIC 360452986765�8 174-8224-574.4�-10 - 0.12 - . -- - - - . . - - _ - --- _11-5 AIC 35p4529882811 B '174-8224-574.4�-1 � {�.12 _-. -v�RlzoN WIRE�E55 __ ._. -_ 1a-22 alc 571136182-OnOQ5 - 174-$224-574.42-1 Cl 26.0$ WA STATE PATR�L BACKGR�IJNf} PRULSEN 174-$�24-574.41-�U 10.[IO WASHING70N [�I5], STATE pF 5CF1N CHGS-DGT�BER 174-$�24-574.$2-1� D.pB __ ._ -..-� = R�creation Activities _. _ _ YouthlFamrly Programs Clivisiart Tota1: $1,6fi2.59 - --- -- _ - !?eereafion Activifies �Depart�erzt 7'nf�l: $8,75'1.23 Recr�afrvnal Ac�iviti�s Fund Total: $S,T59.23 � BLL1M�h1THAf .LJNIF❑FiMS& EC�U1F._ �_, B�IIIStIC 1125t-V11QOd 1$�-�4�3-�21.3�-8D 767.87 - Drug Task Force, _; _- . Drug Task Force aP►•ision TofaL: $76T.87 - - _ - L-31 Page 23 ��,,�e:xxq�� . Date: 11I2Q12609 City af P�rt Angeles � ` City Cauncil Expend�ture Repvr� � . ... , '�ra_ . From: ?�1I&f2 . � .To: ? ,? • � � -__-- � -- __ . _-___-::. :. �- ._- �scription ; Accvunt �umber lnv�oice Amount- ::: _�.=.:-_--.=Vendor�.__ �.._. - - - -=-- � Drug DepartmenfTafal: $T67.87 -• -- - --- - ---- -- • . -: : : -:-::-;_,: .- ;. -.•-�:�-:_:-_- --- - - --- - �]rug Fask'Farce .: .. - . _ Fund Tota►: . _. �TfiT'.S7 zEr�ovic a, a�ssaci�rES SURV�YiNG 31 �-793�-595.65-1 a 911.4� Gapital Praject�s-Pub Wks GF-Street Proje�ts - aivision Tatal: $91'i.4� Caprtal Projects-Pub 1Nks Department Tatal: $911.4� P�RT��T, �rac RIPRAP REPAIR- � _ 310-8985-5'34.65-10 892.10 -=- • --_,-_ -., :-__--_ --:-- -- . . - - _ -- -- - 1"RAlL RIPRAP 31Q-$98�-594.fi5-1f} 2,092.50 Capita! Prr�j-Parks � Rec - Misc Parks Projects !]i►�ision Totaf: $2,9�4.�6a �� Caprta! F'roj-Parks c� Rec Departme►at Tc�tal: $2,984.fi0 Ca�ai�al Imprvvement Fund Fvtal: $3,896.{}0 DEPl' C}F NATLIRAL RESt7iJRCES FIRE A�SMIVTNACAfVT LAN❑ 314 4f37.�5 Capifa! Praje�fs-A#tny Prvperty Marragemera� Di►•ision Total: $407.65 Gapifal Prvjects-Aftr�y ,Department Tatal: $407.6� Prr�Aer#y Management Fund Fund Te�ar: $40T.fi5 ALTERNATNE TECHNOL�GIES, INC AUTC) SHQP �QUIPME�fT & SUP 4�1-dQ�0-�37.fl0-0� -58.�0 cannnnERCi�� caRO sp�ur�on�s Scanner-Fianley 4Q1-�aDD-237.f��-�� -13.5fi __ _ FARWEST �INE 5PEC1AI�71E5 ELECTRICAL EQIJIP � SUPPLY 4fl1-OOn0-�37.Q0-00 -149.78 GENERAL PACIFIG IN� ELECTRiCAL EQL�lP & SUPPLY 441-0000-141.40-�Q 92n.86 �LECTRlCAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 4{}1-�[1QQ-141.4�-00 164.23 � __ _ ___ _.ELECTRICA�.�'QL11P_&_5LIPPLY _. 40�-fl000-141.40-00 256.9� ELECTRICRL E�llIP.& SUPPLY 4D1-{]Q��-�41.4�-DD 492.6$ --- --- HuGHES uTI�I7lES �T[3 ��E�TRICAL EQUIP 8� SUPF'LY 401-0�J00-14� .40-00 � 2,913.9i ELECTRfCAL E(�UIP & SUP�'LY 4�1-{}pD�-141.4�-00 �59.5'f F�18TENERS, FASTENING DEVS 4D1-C]�0�-'f4'i.4�-40 672.08 ELECT�'ECAL EC�LflP $� SUPPLY aa�-0000-���.�o-oa z�s.�� - -.----- - - -- ELECTRiGAL CABLES & WIRES �101-D�DO-141.4D-fli] - 849.75 -- --- . . _ -._ ._ �__ , . ....---- . . ._. . . . - -- --- ----- - --- - - - ELECTRICAL EQ�JIP & SL�PPLY 4fl1-�D�D-141.4�-0C1 -- ---- 2,�34:12. �LECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPF'LY 401-i�Qp�-141.4C1-00 7� 1.98 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY GC] �APE(N�T DP,SC]CJNQ,VI�EO} 401-0000-237.�D-00 -31.45 - - - TAPE(NO� DP,SC3UN�,VEDEa} 4D1-���4-237.0�-f!� _ _ -8.27 __ ANOERS{7�7 oavia c_ F6NA� B1LL RE�LIND 4�1-p�U�-�22.10-99 84.�5 .. AN�ERSOhI, MARCIA L �EP�51� REFL�N❑ 441-O��Q-122.1 a-99 �5O.4a BERGNER, GE�RGE H FII�AL �ILf� REFU�I❑ 4�`�-���0-'���.10-�� 77.5� -_.___ eoR� ERIN E ___ __ DEPOSI7 REFUlVa 4a1-ODDD-122.10-99 _ 125.D(� _ CALLiS, TH�MAS R � F��IAL BILL REFUIV❑ 4a1-fl00�-122.1�-99 79.5$ _._ CLEVENGER, DEBORAH L �EP�S1T REFIJN❑ 40fi-OOf��-122.1i7-99 25�.�� . cR�n�g, ��wFREY F _ FIEVAL 6lLL REFUN[] 401 _. 15U.fi8 - DdRAN, pAVID A FIAEAL BIL� REFl.1Nd 401-DDOa-122.1 Q-99 SC1.06 � EKLUfVD, dEBF2A FINRL BILL REFUND 401-��Od-122.1 []-99 � Q2.33 E�IAS JENNIFER ❑ FINAL BILL REFUNQ 4Q1-�000-122.ti�-99 '�'i4.�9 � GAGAN, JaHN ❑EPpSIT REFl1ND 4�9-0000-122.iQ-99 25�.D� �.-�� page 24 �c•�`�yr �r, Date: 11/20/2009 �,,.,�.' City of Port Angeles � ,-T.-.x-, City Council Expenditure Report r �•���t�" From:11/6/2009 To:11/20/2009 � -.=:_ _ - - .Vendor----- ------ � -- - Description - Account Number Invoice Amount •. - - GILLEY cURTIS L FINAL BILL REFUND �- 401-0000-122.10-99 94.22 � - GRIFFIrH, SUSAN_M _ - DEPOSIT REFUND _ - --. 401-0000-122.10-99 . . � . 200.00 - HEFTON, DAVID G FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 19.73 HOGAN, JOHN W FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 88.23 - JOAQUIN, MARCUS P FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 45.83 KIRKMAN MARILYN J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 4.15 � LEVINE, MICHAEL- FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 57.59 OVERPAYMENT-905BENJAMIN � 401-0000-122.10-99 50.69 . LIPMAN RODNEY FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 43.00 MANUEL, WILSON R FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 26.02 MCNALLY, JEFFERY A FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 37.99 PARKER, CHARLES THOMAS UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 52.76 PORT ANGELES REALTY OVERPAYMENT-723 EVANS AVE 401-0000-122.10-99 40.83 ROUNDTREE AMBER DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 SHORT, �ULIE FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 72.19 STARKS BRAEDI J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 93.05 UTLEY, THOMAS G FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 14.23 WHEELER, THOMAS A OVERPAYMENT-1039 S VALLEY 401-0000-122.10-99 92.52 . WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.40-00 6,650.43 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.40-00 6,650.43 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 - 3,767.60 ELECTRICAL EQUIP_& SUPFLY .401-0000-141.40-00 214.63 � ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 682.27 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 281.74 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 670.62 Division Total: $30,838.30 - - Department Total: $30,838.30 . _ ._ --- - - -- - -- : --= CAPAC�TY PROVIS�oNING INC INet Chgs-Light-Engineers �- 401-7111-533.42-12 �� 225.24 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS RENEWAL ACCT #40010116 401-7111-533.49-01 135.20 QwESr 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 401-7111-533.42-10 6.12 10-23 A/C 206T3101645846 401-7111-533.42-10 8.35 11-5 A/C 3604523712585B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.52 11-5 A/C 36045258342116 401-7111-533.42-10 0.41 11-5 A/C 3604525109623B 401-7111-533.42-10 - 0.34 - 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 11-5 A/C 36045298876526 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 11-5 A/C 3604529882811B � 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 WASHINGTON (DIS) sr,arE oF = SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER � - 401-7111-533.42-10 2.45 Public Works-Electric � Engineering-Electric Division Total: $379.65 ADVANCEDTRAVEL WPAG Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 85.85 Energy NW Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 478.02 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Light-Pwr Systm 401-7120-533.42-12 225.24 L-33 Page 25 ,F:�'� �%; � � � Date: 11/20/2009 �,.�,�., City of Port A�geles � r-�.,--, �_�� City Council Expenditure Report � ..� - --- ___ - ��``"',.� µ�, . , From: 11/6/2009 To: 11/20/2009 • ----Vendor -: - �_-_-- •.,.�--Description �-:--_---- Account Number Invoice Amount ----- - MUNDORF PRATT WPAAG 2009 __ 4O1 7120-533.4J-01 2,577.48 ' ` --�- PENINSU�.a DAILY NEWS " "" "' "` DISPLAY AD - --- " �:--_- 401-�120-533.44-10 � - 977.07 • • � qwESr 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 401-7120-533.42-10 6.12 10-23 A/C 206T3101645846 401-7120-533.42-10 8.35 � 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 401-7120-533.42-10 0.52 11-5 A/C 3604525834211B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.41 - - -- - - - - 11-5 A/C 3604525109623B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 11-5 A/C 36045298876526 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 - -- - 11-5 A/C 36045298828116 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER 401-7120-533.42-10 25.89 Public Works-Electric Power Systems Division Total: $4,386.31 ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT 8� SUP 401-7180-533.48-10 758.80 __ ANGELES MILLWORK 8 LUMBER CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-20 8.27 - - SUPPUES 401-7180-533.31-20 15.05 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.31-01 13.76 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 18.60 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Light/Operation 401-7180-533.42-12 458.85 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 4.88 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 37.89 • TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-7180-533.34-02 • 663.41 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 27.37 _ - . -- - --- - . -;= - � --_�= . ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533".34-02 4.88 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 151.54 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 93.77 ELECTRICAL EQUIP 8� SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 13.24 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Scanner-Hanley 401-7180-533.31-60 __ 175.04 ___ - - Shop Cing Supplies-SH -- - 401-7180-533.34=01= -- 474.25 Bee Spray-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 88.71 Bottled Water-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 39.92 Nitril Gloves-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 --- - 60.74 - Trash Cmrs/Glves-Hairell 401-7180-533.34-02 341.63 Digital Camera-Hairell 401-7180-533.35-01 145.15 Memory Card-Hairell 401-7180-533.35-01 15.59 --- -------- -- Direct N-Light Ops 401-7180-533.42-10 . 79.99 Shipping Chgs-Hanley 401-7180-533.42-10 24.28 Scanners Return-Hanley 401-7180-533.42-10 � -134.29 - Mobile Crane Exams-DL 401-7180-533.43-10 200.00 Ferry Tickets-Hairell 401-7180-533.43-10 369.60 Ferry Tickets-Hairell 401-7180-533.43-10 28.90 COMPLETE LINE, THE FURNITURE, OFFICE 401-7180-533.31-01 513.90 • DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 103109 401-7180-533.45-31 14.75 L-34 Page 26 ,�,��` ��'�'-`� ° t �''w ,rr Date: 11 /20/2009 City of Port Angeles �� - City Council Expenditure Report '�`'�:� F rom:1 1 /6/ 2 009 To: � --• � .. . Vendor �---------- ,-$_- Descciption.-- - - Account Number Invoice Amount �� FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES __ ._ ELECTRICAL.EQUIP.8� SUPPLY 401 1,932.78 -_--___�--�-FASTENALINDUSTRIAL�-=•.:.---�-:�-__-:=-ELECTRICAL�EQUIR&SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 . 86.94 GENERAL PACIFIC INC SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 401-7180-533.34-02 524.66 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 401-7180-533.45-31 110.86 OCT COPIER LEASE• 401-7180-533.45-31 186.66 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 374.64 � iMSa rvw corvFERENCE 200�. MEMBERSHIPS 401=7180-533.49-01 60.00 - LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.48-10 334.41 MATCO TOOLS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 577.41 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-7180-533.34-02 405.75 TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401 106.65 Rose Garden Real Estate REFUND 401-7180-379.00-00 31,762.00 Rycor, Inc. REFUND 401-7180-379.00-00 28,000.00 .NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 401-7180-533.34-02 46.29 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN HUMAN SERVICES 401-�1 SO-533.43-10 75.00 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS RAGS ,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 401-7180-533.34-02 15.18 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 64.42 .- LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 64.42 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.41-50 64.42 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.41-50 64.42 OLYMPIC SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS LAUNDRY TEXTILES8� SUPPLIS 401-7180-533.48-10 121.49 _ _ . _ '. _ _ LAUNDRY TEXTILES& SUPPLIS 401-7180-533.48-10 206.83 LAUNDRY TEXTILES& SUPPLIS 401-7180-533.48-10 218.45 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-7180-533.31-01 21.63 PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC October Landscape Maint 401-7180-533.41-50 2, 413.42 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.34-02 456.77 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35_01__., _ 469.24__ __. _ __ -- PORT OF PORT ANGELES MedIC I AdvISOry 4O 1-71 SO-533.45-30 4,1 ��.�� PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Glass Rd 401-7180-533.41-50 102.73 oUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 40.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 78.96 QwEST __ 10-5 a/c 3604526236776B 401-7180-533.42-10 42.03 10-5 a/c 3604529541353B 401-7180-533.42-10 39.58 _10-16 a/c 206T322760994B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 __ . _ 10-16 a/c 206T323881998B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 _ 10-16 a/c 206T3261570006 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 10-14 a/c 36045747177776 . 401-7180-533.42-10 40.65 � 10-23 A/C 206T3023060848- 401-7180-533.42-10 48.94 - 10-23 A/C 206T310164584B 401-7180-533.42-10 66.78 10-16 a/c 206T323879996B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 • 11-5 a/c 3604526236776B , 401-7180-533.42-10 _ 42.45 11-5 a/c 36045295413536 401-7180-533.42-10 -- 39.58 L-35 Page 27 ��� Date: 11/20/2009 �,��,. City of Port Angeles � � City Council Expenditure Report .: f ```'����.��' - `' ' From 11/6/2009 To: 11/20/2009 • -----Vendor-- --� - - - _-----�--- Description � Account Number Invoice Amount• aWEST---; 11-2a/c3604178095336B 401-7180-533.42-10 42.84 - � �� " ' -• • ' � �- 11-2 a/c 206Z020411942B 401-7180-533.42-10 65.05- 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 401-7180-533.42-10 4.21 _ 11-5 A/C 3604525834211B 401-7180-533.42-10 3.30 11-5A/C3604525109623B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.72 : 11-5 A/C 3604523877817B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.72 -- � - � - � 11-5 A/C 36045298876526 `"' 401-7180-533.42-10 2.72 � 11-5 A/C 36045298828116 401-7180-533.42-10 2.72 SCHMITT'S SHEET METAL INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.48-10 76.75 SECURITY SERVICE NW INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 600.00 - SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD #1 ' Apprentice Training 401-7180-533.43-10 -� 4,435.00 SOUND SAFETY FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPlSUP 401-7180-533.31-01 1,616.08 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE BUILDER SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.31-20 11.21 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.34-02 17.50 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401 114.97 THURMAN SUPPLY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 401-7180-533.34-02 12.72 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 16.98 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1.15 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 401-7180-533.48-10 19.35 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs-pe 11-7 401-7180-533.42-10 14.26 • - - UNITED SALES ASSOCIATES INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.34-02 9,955.28 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR OCTOBER LOCATES� 401 23.72 VERIZON WIRELESS 10-22 a/c 571136182-00002 401-7180-533.42-10 - 125.49 WAGNER EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 479.94 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 279.65 ELECTRICAL EQUIP 8� SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 36.15 WASHINGTON (DIS) sTArE oF - SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER _ 401-7180-533.42-10 - 18.61 - WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP &�SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 �� 778.59 �- Public Works-Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $97,093.71 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $101,859.67 - Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: $132,697.97 AMERICAN CONTRACTOR SUPPLY EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 402 - 77.13 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Scanner-Hanley 402 - 13.56 FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILIAN) PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 327.14 - PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 348.42 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-0000-141.40-00 1,035.98 GOLDAK/UDSEC SUPPLIES � 402-0000-237.00-00 -15.93 TRIDENT WATER WORKS INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 1,855.97 Division Total: $3,460.89 Department Total: $3,460.89 ADVANCED TRAVEL Cross Conn Smnr 402-7380 49.75 • AMERICAN CONTRACTOR SUPPLY EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 402-7380-534.31-20 995.27 L-36 Page 28 . s�r .�;��� Dale: 11 f20l2009 Cii�,y vf Pvrt Ang�les - °�. ,-.,�--�; - C�ty Ca�ncil Ex�enditure Repart � �A1'.�/ , ar. �l'O�►1 ���s��L�Q� rQ. �'�/�d���d9 • ' -_ -==:Vendnr�_=--- �-.�.:..�;:._--��_-:�;�;pescriptiorr =- Account Number Invoice Amaunt, ..- . : , - - ' AMSAN DLYMPIC S�JPPLY _.: :PAPEFt & PLASTIC-aISPDSABL 4�Z-7380-534.31-01 46.48 . � ' ,--- -- " _: � .:_.�:;-_�.;_---- � . -WATER&SEWER 7R�RTING CHEN402-7380-534.31-05 . . . . 235.31 CALENCE LLC G�MPLITERS & W�Rti PR�C. 4Q2F7380-534.31-2Q 657.81 CAPACITY PRQVISIflNfI�G INC IN�I Chgs-Water . 4Q�-7380-534.42-12 5�1 .82 CEalCOr�SOLIaA7�o ���c D�sT Ir�C ELEGTRICAL E�UEP & SUPPE.Y 402-738��534.35-01 64.�6 ---- - --� - CLA�LAM CNTY QEPT OF HEALTM •-- TESTING&GALIBRATION SERVI 442-73$�-534.41-5�7 " 4�.00 -. C�Mnn�RCIAt� CAR� 5a�u7�orvs �-Safet�+ T-5hirts-Hariley- - 4fl2-738fl-534.31-01 492.4I] _ -- . _...... . _ _-- - -. -- - - 5canner-HanleY---- =------ - 442-7384-'�34.31-fi{] . _ _ 175.�4 5hippin� Chgs-Hanl�y 4(}2-73$0-534.4�-10 24.28 _ - 5canners Retum-Hanley 402-7380-534.4�-10 -13�.29 - Mabile Crane Exams-QL 4L��-738�-534.43-1� 4�Q.i]fl - NFPA Mm�rship-Itlimek 402-73$fl-5�4.49-[]1 154.00 EDGE ANRLYTICAL TESTING$�CA�18F7AT1[]I�I S�RVI 4p2-738�-a34.41-5a 3�5.0� TES7ING�CALIBRATI�N SERVI 4�2 �5�.0� FASTENAL INGLJSTRI,hL SUPPLIES � 4D2-738D-�34.31-2D 35.97 - FEI EVERETT 3423[FAMILIAN} _ FiAfVD.TOQLS ,PQW&NO� PQWER4d2-738f3-534.31-20 --- 84.8"f - -- - ' - _ SIJPP�IES - 4D2-738Q-534.31-.2D . 38.1[] �o�oAK�uns�c _ SUP�LIES 4[]2-73�0-534.48-10 205.49 � HACH CC]MPAtJY CH�MICAL C�MMERCIAL,8LILK 4D2-7380-a34.39-20 1,253.49 SuPP�.lES 402-T38�-534.3�-�Q 601.6� DLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SLIPPLIEB -_- ----- 4L�2-7380�534.31 �01 44.79 -- _ SUPPLIES .,__..__.._.- --. . -.4�2-7.�8C1,534.31-Q1 35.45 - - Discaunt _ 4L�2-7380-534.�1-Q1 -i7.97 SUPPLI�S 402-738D-534.�1-Q� 238.50 SUPPLlES 4C12-738a-534.3'�-Q1 '15.45 PQRS AT�Y AT L4W, THqMAS M DCWA SETTLEMENT 402-738C1-534.41-50 �,51 �.�� - P�RT ANGELES P�WER EQUIPMEN�'� -- -SLIPPLE�S = -- - 4�2-73$0-534.4$-10 21.0$ . ---. . . .. . --- -- Pu� #� o� cu���ann couwrr . ._ Service a� ReservQir Rd __ - 402-7384-5��.47-1 � 78.12 ❑WEST 10-�3 alc �05T41125531�B 4{12-73$0-534.42-10 64.59 �Q-23 �11C 2�CT342306a848 4{�2-73$0-534.42-10 12.24 -------- - -- - 1[}-23 A1C 2f36731�164584B 4fl�-73$0-534.42-10 --•-- - 16.69 - - - - ----- --- 11-2 alc 36Q4175f]79758B - 4C}�-73$Q-534.42-1D. _ 39.58 ._ -- - 11-5 AIC 36045�3712585B 402-73$[7-534.42=1� 1.05 - 11-5 AIC 3604525834211B 402-7380-534.42-10 �.$2 -- - -- -- --- 11-5 AIC 360452�149523B - 41J2-738D-534.42-1Q U.68 - - - 11-5 AIC 360452387i817B 4C12-738�-534.42-"f� Q.5$ 11-5 AIC 36045298876528 402-738p-534.42-1 D 0.6$ ---- -- 11-5 AIC 36fl4529$8�811 B 4o�-�ss�-�34.a�-� a a.�s --. _ -- - SRNpERS�N SAFETY SUPPLY Cfl CL,QTHING & APPAF2EL 4�2-7380-534.31-�1 �- 179.34 � SUN5E7 �fl-17 BEST HAR�wRRE �iAR�WARE,RND ALLIE� ITEMS 402-73$D-534.35-01 3�.8$ - __ _ - - - SUPPLIES . 402-738�-534.35-d1 594.62 � swA��u•5 ��n�ES�A� SroR� in�C -�- FERST AIC� 8 SAFETY EQUIP. 402-738n-534.31-�1 �2T.42 -- - _ . _ �_37 Page �9 . .. C t ?i:FTy� , ,�c�� Date' 11126124a9 . �� City vf �ort Ang�les - ,� �. - -- Gity Council Expendit�re R�port '�'; ..�, Fram: T TIfiI2DD9 To: 7 712Uf2D0�9 .. _ _ __�_ . _ ' .._ -- ---- - - - - -- ., _, , ,. _- - _.Vendar: -�-,. >.:_-_-- . --•s=- :__ =Qescription--=--�-�.�- : . - Acavunt Nurr�k�er ir�vaice Amarant . : ..•..- �- SwAin��s GENERAli STOF�€ INC_. �_::�� FIRST AI� & SAFETY_EQUIP. 4p2-:73$4-534.3�-41 162.46 - - ---- - __. ._----- HANE] T���S ,PC�W&NON POWER4�2-7380-534.31-20 =---: -- -- :-� _14:54 HARQWARE,FII�D ALLf�I7 ITEMS 4D2-73$f�-534.31-24 26.9a THURMAN SUPPL.Y AIR CONDITI�hIING 8 H�A7fJG 4Q2-73$i]-534.3�-�0 13�.$2 TW�55 ANRLYTICAL l�ABdRA"�ORI�S---TESTING&CALIBRATIQfJ SERVI 4Q2 - • 1 fi5.4� . _ _ . �__._ .._ _ __�- TESTIIVG&�ALI�F�ATIOIV SERVI 4D2-7384-a34.4�-5fl 165.�� -_ _ =----__ - - --_=_--_---_ = --==TES7ING�CALIBf2ATIDiV SERVI 4Q2-73${1-534.4�-50 155.OJ- - - - - - _ - T�STING&CA�IBRATIl7N SERVI 4D2-738i]-534.41-50 � 205.�?Q USA BLUEBOOK StJPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 9'f 6.45 11TILITIES fJN�ERGRC]IJND LOG CTR OCTQBER �OCATES 4�2-T3$0-534.49-41 �3.73 �ERmZO� WIRELESS 14-�8 alc 27113813B-DDflQ5 40�-738�-534.42-� � 122.19 wASHin��ro�v {r��s}, s�ArE a� SCa�N Ch�GS-aCTDeER 4q2-7380-534.4�-� � 26.01 W�iISTLE WQRKWEAR FIRST AID & SAFETI' EGtUIP. 4�2-738€?-534.31-a1 9D.$� P�6lic Works-Water Water arvisrnrr i�ataP: $75,D32.7fi Prrhfi� Works-Waf�r Departme�f Total: $15,032.7fr _ Water Fur�c! Fernd Total: -- $18,493,65 - BU51NE55 RND LEGAL REPJRTS IPlC 5�CLIRITY,FIR� SERV 4{�3 - - -- 28.81 NC� NQRTH CENTRAL LABORAT�RIES CHEMICAL LAB EQL11P & Sl1PP 4O3-OOOQ-237.QQ-OO � -32.88 Divrsian To#al: -$B9.$9 � De�rartmen� Tvtal.: -$fi1.69 �o�Anlc�o rRa�E� I�W Biasolids'Cnf-F�ichmond 403-748D=535.43-�0 298.78 '___._ .. - . ----- "-- . ----. - P�1WC+JVA-YounglWilliams 403-748�=535.43-1� 3�.5Q AMSAN O�YMPIC SUPP�1� PAPER & PLA5TIC-DI�PdSABL 4Q3-748�-535.31-(31 453.71 PAP�R & P�,STIC-0kSPQSABL 403-7480-535.31-[J1 173.5$ BL151NE55 A�f� �EGAL REPC}RTS INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAF�TY S��V 4�3-748n-535.31-01 371.�8 CAPACITY PR�VI510tJIIVG Ii�C l�Vet Chgs-Wastewa#er 4�3-74$0-535.42-12 f 54.1 � - -- -- :.._ _. . COMMERCIAL GARD S�LL�TIDM1lS 5terilizer Parts-Hanley -- 403=7�80=535:31`-2fl"` '"^ "- "' 90.24` . -- - - ManhaEe I�ing Cr�ver-Nanley 4fl3-748�-535.31-.�D 512.34 Adjustable Ring$ 4�3-748D-535.31-�D � 542.23 Pivot Wall Rack-Hanley 403-748a-535.3�-20 48.25 Mobile Crane �xams-QL 4C13-7480-535.43-10 � 30[3.[]Q C5K AUTO Ih1C (SCHUCK'Sj -- - HAND T�OLS ,P�W&NDfW POWER4D3-748[�-535.35-�'!__. 841.1 � EDGE ataaLV'TICaI. TES�ING&�ALIBRATlC]N SERVi 4�3-748�-535.41-5D 1,413.DD - - -- -- - --- TESTIN��CALI6RI�ITIQN SERVI �4D3-7480-535.41-50 �92.00 _ _ -- - - -- - FERI�ELLGAS INC �` 'FllEL ,DIL,GREAS�; & LUBES - 403-748�-535.32-11 �17.77 G4 CONSlJLTfNG If�C PROGRAM L}PDAAT� 4�]3-748D-535.41-5fl 4,425.Q0 GRAINGE�2 - _ -- SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 443 47.41 _ ��A�ic�i EnrGiNE�RE� �RoouCTS in�c INACFf�IV�RY & HEAVY HR�WARE 443-7480-535.48-10 4,�9�.57 HACI� CC]NIPANY -- - WRTER&SEWER TF�EATING �CHEN4d3-7480-535.$1-fJ1 31�.55 - ' K & L SUPPLY INC ` - - CLQTNE9V.� & APPI�REL _ ��3-��5�-�35.31-0� ��$.63 hfALC� COMPANY_ -_'. �- TREA`�ING CFiEN403-748(}-535.31-D5 5,449.7fl NCL N�RTH CE�9TRAL LABORATQRIES C�i�MIGAL l-Ag EC�UIP & SUPP 4Q3-74$0-535.31-Q1 424.28 - _ - L-�8 Page 30 ,F°� Y:FI --�� %r, Date: 11 /20/2009 �� � ' City of Port A�geles � r �:, .� _ City Council Expenditure Report �` �* �'�' � From: 11/6/2009 To: 11/20/2009 - -. -- _. _ -- -_ - - -- - � --- - _ . --. . _..- -. - ... . . Vendor �. - ��-� . -� .- Description- --- - Account Number Invoice Amount : OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC--- --- :• OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL 403-7480-535.31-01 103.24 �- � ' � -=- - SUPPLIES � � ` `�-" =- 403-7480-535.31-01 - 45425 - SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 94.78 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF403-7480-535.31-01 74.80 _-- PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC �• October Landscape Maint 403-�480-535.41-50 921.40 PETfIT OIL COMPANY -- FUEL ,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 820.40 ._ _. ___PNCWA _.. _ _ _ . _ AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 403-7480-535.43-10 900.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Safety Mtg Snacks-Young 403-7480-535.31-01 10.28 Postage-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 21.50 Postage-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 24.30 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Brook Ave 403-7480-535.47-10 95.95 Service @ Masters Rd 403-7480-535.47-10 152.14 awEST 10-14 a/c 3604574859247B 403-7480-535.42-10 79.06 _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 10-14 a/c 3604576315689B 403-7480-535.42-10 79.13 10-23 A/C 206T3023060846 403-7480-535.42-10 16.31 10-23 A/C 206T3101645846 403-7480-535.42-10 22.26 11-2 a/c 3604170591196B 403-7480-535.42-10 39.58 11-2 a/c 36041719424138 403-7480-535.42-10 46.31 � 11-2 a/c 3604170190080B 403-7480-535.42-10 42.74 11-8 a/c 3605650365696B 403-7480-535.42-10 39.58 _,11-5 A/C 36045237125856 403-7480-535.42-10 1.40 11-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 403-7480-535.42-10 _ 1.10 11-5A/C3604525109623B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.90 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 403-7480-535.42-10 0.90 11-5 A/C 36045298876526 403-7480-535.42-10 0.90 11-5 A/C 3604529882811B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.90 , __RADIOSHACK _ __�_ SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 . 47:67 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE PiPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 10.91 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.35-01 9.75 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 23.37 - _ _ SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 21.54 _ _ _ . _._ _____ _ SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 44.13 THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT 403-7480-535.31-20 207.02 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs-pe 11-7 403-7480-535.42-10 19.98 USA BLUEBOOK JANITORIAL SUPPUES 403-7480-535.31-01 187.37 . UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR OCTOBER LOCATES 403-7480-535.49-01 23.72 VERIZON WIRELESS 10-22 2/C 571136182-00004 403-7480-535.42-10 40.09 . _ . 10-28 a/c 271138138-00006 403-7480-535.42-10 45.01 VWR INTERNATIONAL, LLC CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP 8 SUPP 403-7480-535.35-01 754.80 • WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 180.00 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 8,412.50 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER 403-7480-535.42-10 12.18 - L-39 Page 31 - - � �c�r1 , �c��„�1� Date: 11/20/2009 �� City of Port Angeles � ,.T-,-� City Council Expenditure Report� ,� � �,`''���•*��^ From:11/6/2009 To:11/20/2009 : : _._- - _-- _. . . -- - � • - Vendor - =_--• -- •� -:.=---_.= Description � Account Number Invoice Amount � � Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Division Total: $36,533.89 - - -- - ��- - .Public Works-WlN/Stormwtr Department Total: ... . $36,533.89 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $36,472.20 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-SW-Corp Yard 404-7580-537.42-12 187.00 Qwesr 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 404-7580-537.42-10 8.16 - � � 10-23 A/C 206T3101645846 404-7580-537.42-10 11.19 � - - 11-5 A/C 3604523712585B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.70 - -- 11-5 A/C 36045258342116 404-7580-537.42-10 0.55 11-5 A/C 36045251096236 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 _ 11-5 A/C 36045298876526 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 " "� 11-5 A/C 36045298828116 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 404-7580-537.44-10 477.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER 404-7580-537.42-10 11.06 WASTE CONNECTIONS INC ENVIRONMENTAL8�ECOLOGICAL 404-7580-537.41-51 47,567.33 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $48,264.79 - Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $48,264.79 Solid Waste-Collections Fund Total: $48,264.79 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-SW-Transfer Stn 405-7538-537.42-12 187.00 � OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 405-7538-537.31-20 39.00 Discount 405-7538-537.31-20 -0.97 PORT ANG�LES CITY TREASURER Safety Mtg-Young � 405-7538-537.49-90 23.81 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC FIRST AID 8� SAFETY EQUIP. 405-7538-537.31-20 82.37 QWEST 10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 405-7538-537.42-10 8.16 10-23 A/C 206T3101645846 405-7538-537.42-10 11.13 11-5 a/c 36045281005326 405-7538-537.42-10 39.58 '- 11-5 a/c 3604522245145B - 405-7538-537.42-10 � 39.62 � 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 405-7538-537.42-10 0.70 11-5 A/C 36045258342116 405-7538-537.42-10 0.55 11-5 A/C 36045251096236 405-7538-537.42-10 0.45 11-5 A/C 36045238778176 405-7538-537.42-10 0.45 -- � - - 11 A/C 36045298876526 405 0.45 11-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.45 --- RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 405-7538-537.44-10 1,170.00 ____ SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 405-7538-537.31-01 37.04 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS 405 16.07 --- - WASTE CONNECTIONS wC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-537.41-51 - 314,113.70 -"- --"- " � - ENVIRONMENTALB�ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.41-51 1,261.50 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-537.41-51 -3,809.79 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-537.41-51 13,540.56 • - - ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.45-30 5,367.27 -- _ - - � --- - � ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-591.71-10 22,582.04 L-40 - Page 32 _ .. _.�.._�_ _: � e; , .a:cr� . J _ .. .. pat�: � �rzorznos - - City �f Port Angeles - - -.._ _ _ - � � ' Ci� �vuacil �xp�nditure Repvrt --- `� ° Fram• 9''fI6/�Of]9 To: 'f7iZfll2DD9 " ,. . p �. �_. : _ _ ___.Accvunt Number. .- ,: In��ice Amaunt . . , . .. . - - - ---Vend�r _ - _ ._ .�:�:�� tian :.._ ... WASTECONNE��I�NS,ING :.ENVIRD�9MENTP��.&ECC7L❑GfCAL 405-7�3$-592.$1-1� ., - 40 ,196.69 _. .. . ---==Public-INorks=SolidWaste -=-�-=-===SW-Transfer �- ---- ai�isir�nTatalr � - $394,907.83 . _ .... _ _. . _ . - _ . .._ . .,. . ... .. CDMMERCIAL CARd 50LUTI�NS Hours Meter-Hanley 4�5-7585-537.31-20 264.44 -- Puhlic. Works-SaPid Waste 5olid Waste-Landfill Af�isian Tatal; $264.�4 Pu�lic Wvrks-Satir! Wasfe ... aepartment Tafal: $395,'172.27 - -- ----- -- ----- - -- - -- 5olid Waste=LF/Trf.Stn Fu,�c� Total: $395 - --_... COMMERCIAL GARD S�LUTIC]�vS _ _ _.. TESt' Kits-Rlnehaff "° :-:. .. . 4fl$-4Df��-237.(]0-00 _. .-.---_ . ..._-14.2$ -- • _ _ : _, . -------------- - -- -- - - - divisror� Fotal: -- -�14.28 _ 2�epartrnenf Total: -$94.28 CflMMERC9AL CARD SC3LUTIDIJS Test Klts-Rinehart 406-7412-538.41-5Q 184.24 - - - Webinar-Rinehart _ 4D6-74'I2-538.43-10 117.9CJ QWEST 10-�3 AIC 20fiT3a2306fl846 40fi-7412-538.4�-1 � 4.D$ 10-23 A1C 206T314164584B 4�6-7412-538.42-10 5.55 --- 11-5 A!C 36�4523712585B - -- �Ofi-74'12-538.42-`k� a.35 _ 11-5 A!G 36045�58342118 44fi-74'�2-538.42-10 �.27 -- - __- 11-5 A!C 3fiD4525�fl9623B 4D�-7412-538.42-1� - fl.�� 11-5 WC 3fia4523877817B 406-7412-538.42-1�} D,22 11-5 AIC 3604529887652B 4t}6-7412-538.42-1� 0.22 � 11-5 AIC 3fiO4�29882891 B 4QG-7412-53$.42-10 D.22 UTILfTIE� Lif�i]ERGRflUN� LC7C CTR ❑GTQ6ER LDCAT�S 406-�412-53$.49-9(} 23.73 ----- VERIZON W1�t�LE55 ---- _ 40-22 alc 5711�6182-Q00�1 406-74� 2-538.42-10 � 8.94 WASHIiVGTON (�I6] srAr� oF SCAN CFfGS-�CTOB�R=-- -= �-- 4D�-7�12-538.4�-1C1 � 2.99 ___. - - ._ _. zErvoViC � A55oCiATES WATER LEVEL LOGGER 4Q6-7412-538.41-50 1,547.37 Pu�lic Wvrks-WW/Sformw Stormwafer DPVisinn Totaf: $'�,9U5.4i P'ublF� Works-WWIStormwfr Departmer�t Tatal: $1,905.�7 Sformwa�er Fund Funr� Total: $� ,899 .13 _ -- _. . _ ___ __..- - • p � .. . . CaMMERCEAL CARO S{7L�JTIpNS ❑iahetic Test Stri s 409 - 15.12 - . Defit� Pads-�ubuc - -- 4Q9-0000-237.f]Q-DO -9.87 _ Dirrisron Totaf: -$24.79 -- _ -- --- -- -- - -_ Department FotaL• -524.73 - CHiJF�CH .IEREMY - 2 CPR �LASSES 1114 & 11l9 409-6025-526.31-08 � D[].flQ G�a��4rvi CN7Y EMS - _ -- - INedic 1 rAd�isory - -_ " -- - 4�9-6025-526.41-5D _ _ ���,0� CQMMERGIAL CAR� 50LUT9ON5 MGAfee 5ub�riptlDr�-BOgueS 409-6025-526.31-01 $6.7{J --- --_= M�afe� cr�d��-�o = 4a�-so2�-�zs.s�-a� -ss.7�_ _ - - - - _ --- - -- - -- piabetiG Test 5trips-K6 ` 4�9-6025-52fi.31-02 - - --- - - 195.12 � ---- -- - - � �- aefib Pads-Qubuc 409-fi025-5�8.31-C12 124.83 CCIRpERY, SHARCIN �--- Y FIRST AIQ CLA�S 11171d9 449-6�25-526.31-08 2QD.L]D �IFE w5s�sr H�SP SURG ACCES & SU�VDRIS 4D9-B{125-5��.3�-U2 1,958.49 _ H05R SURG ACCES & SUN�R15 4d5-6[}�5-'5�6.31-13 _ 476.�9 � 58�W Healthcare Corporatian SiJI'PLIES - - 4D9-6D25-526.31-02 330.00 MOROZ, .1AMES � EE3UCATIDNAL SERVICES__ ___ 409-6025-526.31-{�$ 40�.OD _ �DUGATIQNAL SERViCES__. .__ 409-6�2�-�26.�1-08 -- _ � 2p�.i�0 . _ - _. . - ---- - - - - L - 41 Page 33 . 44 •�:LY� . . ' . . ,� �� C7ate:11I20120D9 �Gity of Port Ang�les ,� _ _ _ __ Cify Cvun�il Exp�nditure R�p❑rt ", ���.•r.i;��' .. :4 Frvm; 7716/2�09 TQ: T7120120D9 . . � ....., .. -==�-:--. Ver�dar -�= �- s--�--- --�--- 0escription��- --� -: Account N�arr�her Irr�a�ce Amaur�t --- - -- . �-;,nno�az;=�a,MES- � --: : -- == - �DUCATI�NAL SERVIC�S 44�-5�25-�26.31-fl8 �D�.00 _- -- - -- ------.-- - - - . -�-_--- -_ - Ea1JCATI�NAL SEF2VICES 4(79=6025=526.3� -0$ _ 200.OD E6UCATIaNA� SEF2VECE5 4[19-6025-52fi.31-Q8 2C1�.�� QLYMPIC MEf]ICRLCENTER SALE SLJRPLlJSI�B5DL�TE 4�9-6{725-526.31-13 1�.43 - o�vn��ic bxv��N DxYG�r� 4Q9=�025-525.31-02 - 38.70 ------- - .. - - aw�s.r.-- _- -..- -�_•----_-_----- . _ - 10-23 AIC 206�3a23a6p�4� ' 4{?9:-6025-526.42-1 D 24.47 . -- ------- - -- - � - - -_ _--_-- _ _ 1 a-23 AIC 2{]6T3101 F4584� 409=-fi025-52f .42-� D 33.39 '! 1-5 RIC 38045237125858 4{�9-6(]25-526.42-10 2.10 11-5 AiC 38445�583421�B 449-6Q25-5�6.42-1� 1.65 - 11-5 AIC 3fi�45�5��9623� 4D9-6fl�5-526.42-1� 1.3� -- �1-5 AJC 3604523877817B �09-6025-526.42-1a - 1.3fi 11-5 AIC 36045�9887fi52B 4D9-6025-526.4�-1Q 1.36 11-5 AIG 3�045�888281 t E3 4Q9-6�25-526.42-1 D "1.36 WASFiINGTCIN {DI5] ,_sTAr� aF .. scan� cM�s-oc 4�s-s���-��s.42-� o o.a� ZOLL MEdICAL GORP�RATION REPAI�4 4D9 � 1 ,�1 fi.Q3 - - - Fire Department � - --- - - __- - - Medic ! Arvrsrnrr Tofal: - $fi,322.T4 F�re Department Depa►°tment Tv�al: $fi,�2Z,74 Merlic I Cltility Fur�d Tota�: $fi,�97.95 ApVANCE� TRAVEL fVWPPA Wkshop-Lusk 42�-71�1-533.41-5� 64�.5fl � CLALLANi CNTY AUI]ITOR FI�ING FE� 421 �7121-368.0�-d0 24$.0� aAVE'S HEA7ING & GCJ�7LlNG SVC CITY R�BATE -- 421=7121-533.49-86 915.00 - �VERWARM HEAR7H & HOME INC - CITY F2EBATE 421=7'121-533.49-$6 "'"- - 27[],D�7 CITY REBAT� 42�-7121-533.49-86 3,(3�5,40 CITY RE6ATE 421-7121-533.49-8fi 360.�D CITY F2�BATE 42�-7121-533.49-8fi 25B.2D CITY REBA�E 421-7"f2�-533.49-$6 1,i�3�.ad � --- -- CETY RE6ATE -- 421=7'i21-533.49-86 - 27[�.OD. - __.. - ----- --. _ _ - CETY RE6ATE - � 421-7121-533.49-8fi -:_._ .. . - g74.�6 CfTY RE6ATE 421-7121-533.49-$fi 522.66 CITY REBATE 421-7121-�33.49-$6 7$2.52 GLA55 S�Ri110E5 GD fNC CITI' REBATE - 421-7121-533.49-86 - 45D.i�D CiTr REBATE - 421-7121-533.49-$6 _ 55$.50 ClTY REBATE 421-712�-533.49-$� 1,�22.2[} CfTI' REBA7E 421-1121-533.49-86 202.50 CITI° RE$ATE - 421-712�-533.49-86 2,�7D.DD - - - - CITY RE8P,7E �21-7121-533.49-$f 57fi.0� GITY REBATE 42�-7121-533.49-85 525.30 MATHEWS GLASS Cd I�lC CI7Y REBATE 421=7�21-533.49-8fi. 1, 956.k7� CITY REBATE 421-7� 21-533.4�-88 9� S.OQ �ITY F2E8ATE 421-7121-5�3.49-8fi 1,504.32 Arrrr Agren CITI' �2EBATE _ 421-7127-533.49-$5 50.0�3 � Apryl Weikel C9TY REBt�TE 421-712'l-533.49-SF 1(3�.00 - . �-4� Page 34 ��t.w:crn�. r� ,. �� aate: 11f2�l2009 �,�: City of Porf �ingeles �` �.� _ - -- - _ Ci�ty +Council Expendi�ure Report ' r - . From: ��IB12a09 To: 7712di2DD9 � . � :. . . . . _. ..... -- . .. ... . ,-��..__..- Vendor .-�. ..__,-.-: ,-. -_:. Qescr-iptiflr�-:=:::=-_= -. Accaunt Number ln�oice Amr�unt . . .- __... ...,.: Burt 5enf � . _.... .. � , --... GITl' REBA�"E 421-71 �1-533:49-86 125.�D , -� � Claudette Mingnri..,..:. . _.. __ �,=..-.:.:--- - - _ClTY REBA7E -__._.-.-- _ 421-7-12"l-533.48=$6 - . 25.D� ci�tr5�nisusner C9Tl' REBATE 421-�121-a33.49-Sfi �5.00 Curtis Barnet C�TY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.�Q -- - - Qavid R McGoy- -_ _ G]TY RE6ATE - - - - 421-7121-533.49-Sfi . - _ - 5Q.a0 - Frank Morris- - � ---- - ---- -.- .C1TY REBRTE - - 4�1-792�-53�.49-86 25,17d .�Gary Ge6ha'rt- -- --._.� ._ _ .__. _ C�TY REBA�E-�-- ----=- 42�-712.1-533.4�-86 25.0� . _ - - --- - Gene Fulmer •--- -- -------. _CITY RE6AT� _ . -- - - - - - 421-7121-53�.49-86 '� ,389.J0 _ 'Hannelare �E R'eiber C6TY REBA`FE 42`E-T121-533.4�-86 �5.0� ,leanette Gossard - - - --- -- CETY REBAT� - - - 4�1-7'121-533.49-86 5{�.�D Kathhryn K�IIa - - - - C&TY F2�BAT� - ---- 421-712�=533.�k9=$6 - -- 25.D(J Katie Brenkman CETY REBAT� 421-7121-�33.49-86 453.4$ Kent Myers CI71' REBATE 421-712�-533.�9-8fi 75.DD _: Kerri Merritt ,_ ClTY REBA�E 421-7.12`i-�a33.49-$6 5�.a0 Lyle Newell C17Y REBATE �� 42"f-712`�-533.49-86 . 125.007 Margaret Ghittick CITY RE�AT� 421-7121-533.49-86 125.�0� ______ Melanie []unning GITY REBAT� 42�-712�-�33.49-86 25.DD Naney Mills GITY REBATE 4�1-7121-533.49-$6 5[7.04 Nancy �]'Gorman_ . CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86. - 25.�� � tiathan Bruns CITY REeATE 421-7��1-533.49-8� 25.00 Qrville Campbeil - -_. . CITY REBRTE 421-7121-533.49-$6 _. 2 5.0{7 -- ._ . �eterWatkins. ._ __CITY REBATE - 421-712`I-533.49-86 - - 50.�� Rick Hostetler CI�`l REBATE 421 5C}.D� Ro6ert Frantt CITY REBATE 421-7� 21-533.49-86 100.�fl Ro�ert Manger CITY REBATE 4�1-7�21-533.49-5� �52.OD 5ste�en Ford CITY F�EBAT� 421-7121-533.49-8fi �5.00 _ 5ummer Evert -- Cll REBATE- ------- 421_7121-533.49-86 �O.dq ��rry Gailagher - CI�Y' REBATE 421-7121-533.49-$6 50.t7a Theresa Tracy CITY'REBATE 421-7121-533.49-$6 7a.OQ M1l�RTH COAST £LECTRIC CQMPANY C[JiVS 11[]LTAAC�E RE�UC710N 4�1-71�1-533,49-$�. 93.18 - __. . . _ =_ - - - . . . __ _ C�NS V�LTA�GE REQIJC`�It7N 421-7121-533.49-$6 2�,$.�$ T CaNS V�LTAGE REQL.flCTIDN - 421-71�1-53�.49-$$ $71.95 PC)RT ANG�LES GITY TR�ASLfRER Filin� Fees-Rin�h3!'t 4�'1-71 � 1-�3��.� �-�J� ��.Q� PQRTLANQ EN�RGYGONSERVRTION _ CITl` RE81�TE 421-7121�533.49-86 4,395.20 - . _-=- - - `- -- - --- . . - - RAQIfl PACIFIC I�fC [K�NP1 - - _-- -- WEATHERWIDE A�S -- 42'1-�1�1-533.4"1-1�7 -- -- - 775.00 - - REIVOV?,Tl��f SdLUTIQNS, LLC_, _ _ C6TY REBATE 42� 95�.�E sinn�saw E��c��ic. ��c - cF� R�gAT� 421-7121-533.49-86 2,fi20.Dfl - - - - - . -: . GITY F2�BATE _ 421-7121-533.49�$6 1,609.OQ Pe�blic W'arks-Elecfric. �.;.__ ___ _ Car�servafiorr Divisron rntal: $34,949.37 .__ _ �_ .�__ Publi� �Nvrks-Electri� Departmer�t Tafal: $34,949.31 - - � - _.-- - - - --- -. . Cons�n.atror� _ : Fund Pataf: $34,949.�9 � - - _ _ - ---- - - - -- - WESTaN 5[3tL1TI0N5, INC - - -- - CMMS FEES• _-- -- - -�_r..�_- - 452-738$-594.65-94 13,595.Q[] - - - - - L-4� Page 35 �3.scr�� � � date:lll20l20d9 City of Pnrt Angeles �� City �a�ncil Exper�ditur� Report -- __ - - � 't'"�"� . Fram: 771fi12DQ9 To: 7112QIZ009 � .__._ _ _t_Vendor =--_ ,:_.:_:_.�___:.___ ❑�s�ri tion .. A�cc�unt Wuml�er;;- Invoice Amount - P .._ , -.----- Pu6ri� Works-Water Water Prvjecfs !]ivisiv�r Total: $13,535.DD -- ------ -:-- Pu�alrc Wc�rks-Wafer .. �epartrrrent Tr��al: $13,595.D� . - INater U�ility C1P ' Fu►td Fata�: $13,�9�.D0 - BRC1Whl ANd CALQWELL C50 PLA�1 UPQATE ��3-7488-594.41-5f} $9,239.58 17VPiSH]NGTON`��DT] srAr� pF FRANCHISE FEE 453-7488-�94.fi5-10 2, 480.�� FRANCHISE FEE . _ . 453-74$8-594.65-1� ---- • 2,81.1.�2 -- - - _ - . - FRANCHISS� FEE 453-7488-594.fi5-1p -- - 7$9.�2 . FRANCHISE FEE - - -- -- 453-748$-594.�5-10 - 303.69 Pu6[ic Warks-WVUIStormv� Wasteuvater Projects [3ivisran �afaf. $95,624,�fl PuE�lic Werks-WWIStorrrawfr De�artment Tataf: _ $95,624.Oa WasteWater Utllity C1P Fund Tofal: $95,624.Q� �axr�� a,ur� �,aRrs #�� AUTD &�F�uCK MRI�1T. ITEMS 501-0000-141.4D-DD 135,48 ALJTQ &TRUCK N1a�lENT. IT�MS' S01-�]OflQ-141.40-On 54.37 - - --- � � -- - - - - ' AUTD & TRIJCff NTAINT.'ITEMS 5�1-�44C1-141.46-017 - -- : . . _ °4�.05. . AUTO & TRUCK INl�,1�i7. ITEMS 501-Ofl�D-141.40-00 51.25 _ - - --_ - - --- --.. - - - AI�TQ & TRUC�f MAINT. ITEMS , 501-0{�0�-1�1 f.4�}-4fl 41,93 - - -- - - - - - - AUT� & TRLICK M�IIfV�. ITEMS 501-0�4�-141.40-00 19.4Q BELTS AND BELTING 5Q1-OOOCf-'l�11.4�}-D[} 83.49 AUT� & TRL�CK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0DDO-141.4fl-I]� �3.26 � COMMERCIAL CAR� 50LlJTI�NS ElectroniC Manual-�L 5p1-I]OQ0-Z37.Li�-00 -5.1� -- - -- Handle Lock-Lafferfy ------ 501-DDi��-�37.00-0(3 . -- -.-1.$4 FAR-WEST NfACHIN� & �4YQRAL}LICS HOSES ALL KINDS -- � ` - � 5C}1-QQQp-141.4�-00 _ 44$.84 _ LINCOLlJ IN�U5TRIAL CORP AUT� & TRUCK MAIIVT. fTEMS 501-DDDD-141,4�-0tJ 35.99 � AUTD & TRLJCK MAIIVT. fTEMS 5i}1-017[1�-141.40-(3D 7.75 IsACMA57ER-CARR SLJPPLY C� F1UTQ & TRUCK 'IV1AIf�T. fTEMS 5�1-O�DLI-141.40-0� .' � 91.2� JANITORIAL SEJPPLI�S 501-�000-237.4�}-DU -22.48 - -- - -- AUTO & 7RUCK MAINT. 9TEM� _501-00�0-237.00-�4 . - -34.$2 NAPA ALJTQ PARTS AUT� & TRLICK MAINT. iTEMS 501-DDQD-141.40-pp '9.19 BELTS AND gELTING 5�Q1-DDDD-141.4�-�Q 6$.4.� -- -- - A�JTO & TRUCK�MAINT. lT�Iv1S 501-�D00-14�.44-Q0. _ 12.96 - -- - - oWEht �QL]IPMEN7 -- - ALJT� & TRUCK IIIIAINT. aTEMS 5[J1-D�OA-14�.40-�Q - - - 1,156.55 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTr�RY -- --- RIJT� & TRUCI� MAINT. iTEMS 5�1-Di]�Q-14�.41J-fJ0 1,733.5$ WASHINGTaN FlRE & SAFETY EC�ll1P AL1T0 $z TRLICK ACCESSCIF�I�S 5C11-(J�DO-141 .40-�fl 31t7.0� , -- - -__ �iNisior� 'Total: $4,377.48 - :. _ _ flepartment TofaJ: $4,3T7.48 A�W,4NCE� TRAV�� Fire Me�h �ourse-Cob�rn 5�1-753�-548.43-'60 35q.61 RMSAN OLYMPIG 5l]PPLY JANITQRIAL SEJPP�IES 5�1 47.38 ARA�na�RK -- - -- - LAI�NDRYI[JRY GLEANING S�E�V 501-7fi3D-548.34-0� 2�i.37 - �FILJNL�f�YIC�RY CLEANING SERV 5i?1-763Q-548.49-9D 35.63 BA}CTER RUTO PARTS #15 AUT{J & TRl1CK MlIINT. 1�EMS 5�11-7fi30-548.34-02 34.�9 � AEJTD 8� TF2UCK MAINT. 17"EM5 5q1-763�-54$.34-02 28.3� AUTO & TRLICK MAINT. �TEMS 501-763D-548.34-�Z 18.22 L-44 Page 36 � ° `�r, Date: 11/20/2009 ��►��,�..' City of Port Angeles _ - -. _. � �� - City Council Expenditure Report �F `' ��'r�*�~'�`" From: 11/6/2009 , To: 11/20/2009 - . � =•-' - - -- - -- -- -:- - --- - .. . - .,_ - ..�__. - _ - =:.=y°5�.:.:Description . Account Number Invoice Amount . BAX7ER AUTO PARTS #�5 :: .AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT 8� SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 133.92 • - - _- -_.-� • �_- - �- �--� __.: .-_ _ _ _ _.AUTO & TRUCK MAINT..•ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 - 3.32 _ .. AUTO 8 TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -97.17 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs Services 501 41.00 CoMMERCia,� CaR� So�uT�oNS Handbook-Lafferty = 501-7630-548.31-01 55.60 Handle Lock-Lafferty 501-7630-548.34-02 23.71 Electronic Manual-DL - 501-7630-548.49-01 66.12 . coPY ca,T cRaPHics - - AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 86.72 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 86.72 CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK - AUTO 8� TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 30.33 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -64.75 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 23.02 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-7630-548.35-01 21.66 EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER EQUIP. MAINT. AUTO,TRUCK 501-7630-548.48-10 584.06 GROVES CRANE CO � AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.43-10 1,317.06 H� R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 85.76 HEARTLINE - - AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 87.75 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -221.91 • AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -66.30 AUTO 8� TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 - 221.91 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 335.10 -- - ---- - - - - � -• - _-__ - . - - AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES-� 501-7630-548.34-02 , . 385.18 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 218.82 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 220.45 KOENIG CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 272.08 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 910.03 '- - -� - -- -. .EXTERNAC LABOR SERVICES -. .5Q1-7630-548.48-10 403.74 - LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP -- AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 15.37 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 6.83 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 28.57 - -- MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 501-7630-548.34-02 290.03 -- - - DENNIS McBRIDE -. OCT 09 SAFETY COMMITTEE M 501-7630-548.43-10 116.46 OCT 09 SAFETY COMMITTEE M 501-7630-548.43-10 5.30 OCT 09 SAFETY COMMITTEE M 501-7630-548.43-10 10.83 --. _ _ NAPA,4UT0 PARTS- �--- . __ _ AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT: ITEMS - 501-7630-548.34-02 - -24.27 -- AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 83.41 AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.55 AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8.70 PAPE' MATERIAL HANDLING - EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 5,815.00 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD 501-7630-548.44-10 64.08 _ • PENINSULA TRUCK LINES __ ___ __ AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 146.41 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL ,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-10 1,148.78 _ L-45 Page 37 . � . . . � � . � Date: 11 /20/2009 �,,�� City of Port Angeles � ��, - City Council Expenditure Report ,� - -_- -' --�`'_'.-. '��_.__ -' From: 11/6/2009 To: 11/20/2009 • . � ,,.� • : •=��---= Vendor - �� - � - w� - �--�--�-� ---�-Y Description --� -- �� � Account Number Invoice Amount � _ .. ... - . � PETTIT:OIC COMFANY' ::: -:_. __....� .. AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT 8� SUP 501 - 48.79 -- -=POR 501 • 37.49 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 75.83 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 16.21 ---- --- -- EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630-548.48-10 16.21 . _ . ____QwEST_ _ _ _-- - -_ -10-23 A/C 206T302306084B 501 7630-548.42-10 14.28 - - --- - - --�-- - -_-= 10-23 A/C 206T3101645848 501-7630-548.42-10 19.48 11-5 A/C 36045237125856 501-7630-548.42-10 1.22 11-5 A/C 3604525834211B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.96 11-5 A/C 3604525109623B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.79 11-5 A/C 3604523877817B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.79 11-5 A/C 3604529887652B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.79 11-5 A!C 3604529882811 B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.79 RICHMOND 2 tv�DlO ._ - EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 284.01 RUDDELL AUTO MALL AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 127.12 SEawESTERN INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 902.67 SUNSET DO BEST HARDWARE AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 . 23.10 AUTO 8� TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 23.00 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.34-02 35.23 • AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 34.03 - TEREX UTIUTIES WEST • - AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 66.57 _ . -- uN�TE�_PARCE�SERV�CE. .. - . Shipping Chgs 11 - • 501 7630 81.85 WASHINGTON (DIS) STATE OF . SCAN CHGS-OCTOBER 501-7630-548.42-10 10.20 WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION AUTO BODIES & ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 1,017.96 Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $15,722.77 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $15,722.77 -: _.__- _ . _ _ _.. -__ _ Equipment Services Fund TotaL• $20,100.25 - FLUXLIGHT INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1502-0000-237.00-00 -413.17 Division Total: -$413.17 Department Total: -$413.17 ADVANCED TRAVEL _ � Laserfische Tmg-Harper 502-2081-518.43-10 235.25 -- _^ __ Laserfische Trng-Matthews 502-2081-518.43-10 208.25 ITILUS Trng-Strait 502-2081-518.43-10 385.90 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC _ EQUIPMENT RACK RELOCATION 502-2081-518.41-50 177.78 "- � CHECK OPX LINES FOR DISCO 502-2081-518.41=50 177.78 - CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-IT 502 500.00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Memory Stx/Stools-Harper 502 102.65 - •• - .- - - - Credit-Harper - - 502-2081-518.31-60 -69.33 __ Tools for Toolbox-Harper 502-2081-518.35-01 169.68 � - _ ____ Travel/Trng-Harper 502-2081-518.43-10 514.28 • -- _ -_ �- - _ _ -- � � - - _ _- Laptop Memory-Harper 502-2081-518.48-10 105.34 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER -- Sungard Upgrade/Dinner 502 24.34 L-46 Page 38 �,�cFx _ �s � .,, � �ate� 11l2Q12009 City of Port Angeles __ �'-- _ _� City Co�uncil Exper�ditu[re l�epnrt . '"�;:;,•�-�'�__._ : .. . :. . From: 771fi12009 ro: rv�o�zaos . . . . , . -^ _ - _ -�� - -Vend�ar- - -� C?escription Accaunt Numb�r . ln�oice Amount . _ _ . - - - - c�wEST - -- - --- ----- - 9 [}-Z3-aJC 2aCT3o23C35�848 �, _ 5D2-�081-5'i 8.42-1 � 18.35 -- _ - -. 10-23 AIC 206�3101545848 5Q2-248-1-5�8.42-1D 2�.�4 _. - - •----- -. .. . . . . ... . 11-5 AIC 36fl4523712585B 50�-2Q81-518.4�-1� 1.58 11-5 Al'C 35a4525834211 B 5�2-2{�$1-5 "� 8.42-1 q 'E .24 -- 11-5 AIG 36fl45�51Q�B23B 542-�481-518.42-1� 1:Q2 11-5 AIC 3604 a238778176 502-�081-518:42-i0 1.E)2 11-5 AIG 3fifl45�988T652B 5�}2-2{181-518.�2-1D 1.C�2 -. _ 11-5 AIC 3�04529882811 B 5�2-20$1-518.42-10 '� .02 SOLEJTI�EVS li, I�vG CpMPUTER HAI�QWARE&PEF21F'M15��-ZO$1-51$.4$-1D 3,637.06 L]5 NETCOM CQRPORATI�N APE�ILJAL EVIAINI� F2ENEWAL AL1TQ 502-2081-518.4$-[32 3�2.44 I+VASHINGTON (RISJ, STATE aF SCAN CHGS-QCTOSER 5�2-2481-518.4c�-1D 2"6.59 Finan�e Departmerrt lnformation Technolagies l�iaisian To�al: $6,543.30 FLUxLfGHT, INC GaMPIJTER HARE3WARE&PERIPH150�-2Q$�-594.65-1� 3,9�5.OD COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPW1502-2�82-594.6'5-'€0 1,4�6.77 -- - ------- - ---- ---- - -------- ----- - - - Frnarice De�artment iT Capi€al Pralecfs 17i�isior+ Tofal: - $5,331.77 Financ� Aepartment Departmerrt '�ota1: $11,87�.U7 lnfvrma#inr� ]"ech►ralogy Fund Tataf: $11,461.9D _ . _- - ----_-- -- -- _-- - - - - - - SALSER F�?�❑ Reimt� Medicar�-��tobar_-- ---5fl3-1fi31 --- 95.40 815HaP, VfRGIL Reirnb Medicare --_ - - 543 -- -- 212.1� --- - � CAivtFDR1Nl, RICHAf�D Reimb Medicare 5t�3 9Ea.4Q CLELAPI❑ n��ch�A��a Reim� M'edicare-Oc#o4er 5Q3-1531-517.45-3� . 96.40 - - - _ . .__._ - - - ❑isability Board-�ctober -- ---- - 503-1fi31-517.4�E-35 .._- 359.Fi1 GLENN u�R�v -- Reimb Medicare-�ctaber,. -- 5�3-163�-517.46-35 -- - 96.46 �isability B4ard-October 5p3-1C39-51�.46-35 fi78.23 GOa�RICH, RUTH L R�imh Medicare 503-1631-517.4fi-35 539.40 �isability Baard-October 5D3-3 �31-517.4�-35 106.54 - GROQMS MICHAE� �" - - --- Reimb Medicare-�ctober- - - 503-� 63'I =517.46-35 9fi.4D - - �isahility Board-October = 5D3-1631-517.46-35 - 3�3.�8 -_- ----- -- - Disability 8vard-�ctaber 503-� fi31-59 7.46-35 'i 7a.D4 JOHN$QN, Q[]NALD G Reim� Medicare-dctoher 503�1631-51 T.4fi-35 96.40 Disability8oard-flctaber 503-�'1531-517.46-35' 441.fi3 -- -- -- J{JHNSbN, HARRY -- - Reimb MediCare-aGtak��r 503-16�1-597.�8-35 3fi.40 -- - --- --- - -- -- ---- -- _ _ _ _ _ --= �--. _ - - - -- - --- - - - - - - -- - - -- - -.: - � Disability �aard-�ctnber _ . _ 5�3-1631-517.4fi-35 � - - - - - � 6.DU ,JQRISSEN, ROB�R� R Fteimb Medicare-Qctnber 5D3-1631-517.4fi-3� 9�.4Q - _ - LIAl� QARWEn� PE�ER - ----- _ Reimb Medicare-��tober = -�=--- 5D3-163fi-517.4�-35 --- - - - 96.40 - - _ LINbLEY, JAMES K Reimb MediCare-0c#aber 5D3 95,4D �.QUC�tS,.IAS��� Reimb Medicare 5p3 1g2.$� MfESEL JR, PHILIP C Reimb MediCarO-C]ctpt�er 5(73-1 B3"[-51 T.4�-35 92.4'� -.- MEDfCAL REIMBUR5�ME6�7 503-1 fi3�-51 �.48-30 23.8C1 ME�iCAL R�IM6l1RSEMENT 5�3-163"k-517.46-30 3�6.34 _ � MEDECAL REfMBURSEME�9T 503-1fi3�-517.46-30 32.77 _ _ MEDiCAL REfMBURSEM�NT 5�3-1fi31-�17.46-3D 24.�t] - L-47 Page 39 a•�' __._^ � "'�'��J oate: � lrzar2aag - _ �� - Gity �f Pvrt A�agel�s _ � �, ' City Cvuncil Expenditure Report '' r t}•f. � Frvm: �T TI6120E19 ,. To: �TI2U12�09 -. _ - ---.____._ _ -------- - ----_- :. _. �- .�-.=..:Vendar-; -- .:=r£ m�=-�.-E _::=::; Qescri�tiorr- :. : A�count Numhe� In�aice Amount � -... :: -._. _ _.....--• - MEDiCAL R�IMBURSEMEI�T' 5�3-�631-517.46-3C} ' -- 43.93 - �-_--- _-- NW TRANSFER ACCT - . 7EAMS�FERS MED .P_REM_RUpf'F.. 503-1631-517.4�-33 .._.:. _ . 3;42$.74 THfJMP50N, 6RUC� Reimb Medicare-October 503-1631-517.�fi-35 9�.40 WARa C7ENNIS H Reimb Medicare-�ctober 503-1631-517.4fi-35 96.40 - -----Self-lnsurance ❑t�er Insuran�e Programs - � - DivisFar� Tatal: $8,168.77 aEPT �F LAe�R & INOUS7RIE5 L&I 3RD Ql1ARTER 5D3-1�61-5�7.49-50 33,949.3� _ . . .:.�.�._:. Self �ns�rance - .. IMorker"s CumpeRSa#iarr Dfvisinn Tofal� $33,949.3� Red Lioa wote� LIABILITY CLAEM �Q3-1871-517.49-9$ 2,279.37 �elf lnsurance Camp Lrahility Di►►rsian Total: $2,279.3T Selflnsurance Departmer+t Tvfal: $44,39I.44 Self-lnsurance �u►rd Fund 7otal: $44,397.4� �isat�ilit,y Boarci-Octot�er C��-6�2�-597.46-35 176.�DQ BRAUN, GAFiY �eimb Medicar� 502 9C.40 - - - . . cAnnPBE�� MALCflLM a Reimt� �Iledicare-Qctpber fi�2-fi221-a17.46-35 96.44 . _ , bor�E, .�ERRV L Reimt� Medicare-ac#ober 602-62�1-517.45-35 9�.40 RvAN, Eo _ Reimb Medi�are-�]ctober fi02-6221-517.4fi-35.. 96.4Q Fireman s Pension Faremar�'s Pens►on aiVision Total: $5fi1.6� _ - Firernan's PensiQra oepartmenr rorar: $5s�.sa -- - - - Firemerr's Per�sior� Fund Tofal_ $5&'! .60 � PH OflWNTOWN ASSM OCT aECRL 5AL�5 6'5�l-ODQ�-Z31.9'V-DD 930.97 - - QGT PgIFI RECEIFTS - _ _ . .�50-d000-231.92-QO 5,251.0� .- -- - ---------- ------ - --- -- -- ------ - --- � QCT DUPARIF�RST 5T PLEiZA • - 65{}-04DQ-231.93-00 -�` ."_ . -- 3,744.Q0 _ _ - - . . .. � aiVisfan Tatal: $�,935.97 []epartmen� Totaf: $9,935.9a _ - _ - ` - _- -- pff 5tr�e� f'arkir�g Fe►nr! Fund Tofad: $9,935.97 ANGELES Is/IILLW�RK & LLJMBER CO ICey Cut 652-8fi30-575.35-0'Q fi.44 -- - CAPRCITY Pft�Vi510NING'INC --- .- INet Chgs-Fine AftS Ctr =- 652-8Ei3D-575.42-12 - "� T2.�3� ~ - CUMMINS, REBECCA H0110rafiuCT1 �52-8�30-575.41-50 2�'.5.34 PENIMSULA [?fll�l' �fEWS Fin� Arts Ctr Ad� B52-SG�O-575.�4-1D 420.QC} QWEST 10-23 alc 20fiT4185T73318 652-8fi30-575.42-1D a7.45 -- - - = 10-23 AIC 206T3023Qfi084B - 652-$fi30-57�.42-1D - - -- - 6.12 --. -.---------_--- - , �a-23 AIC 2I]fiT3101645845. _ 652-$Ei3[�-575..4�-10_ .. _ 8.35 _. 1�-5 AIC �604��3712585� E52-$830-5T5.�32-1� D.52 _ . � �-� �re sso4�z�asaz, �� _ s�z-$�3o-���.4�-�a -- --- a.4� -- -- -- _ �- -- _ _ _ 11-5 A!C 36045251�9623B _ 652-8634-575.42-1�} --- -_ _ - - �.34 -- ---- 11-5 A!C 3604523877817g 652-8�i3fl-575.42-10 0.34 1�-5 AIC 35[]45298876528 -- fi52-8634-575:42-1� _. � 4.34 - -- - - -- - - 11-5 AIC 3�ia45�988�811 B - - 652-863b-575.42-1 fl �_34 SQRE�lSEN & SORENSEN CONSU�1"ING SE�t1110ES 652 - 2 ,���.�d swA�N GENERAL STQRE fNC GIuelScrewdrivee E52-853D-575.31-fl1 7.47 Esth�r Websferl�ine Arts €sther We6sterlFine Arts ❑ivfsiorr Total: $3,'! 35.a7 _ �__ _ Es#her WebsterlFine Arts Deparfiner�t Fo�a[: $3,'135.a7 _ �.-48 - - Page 4� � � {..����J - - � - - -- �a�e: � �rzarzaa9 . �ity of Part Ang�les _ _ _ _ _ City Goun�il Expend:it�r� Report- . = . - ,�� _ - - -- _ . - ---- - --- �; . - , , f" Fram ,7' �18120a9 . . . To: '�.712DI�Df19 - � _-- --- _ --- - ------ - - -�--- -v - _ , . . _ - . . . :-�::_:Ver�dr�r--=--_: -__.�._��...__--_.-_-=.=.-Descri}�tion ;._. _ A�countNumber_. . .ln�ot�eAmount _ _• Esther Webst�r Furrd - Fund Tvt�al: $3,'� 35.U7 ❑LYMPIC CQMML7NITY AC7iflN PRGMS PTB F�EMI7T�II�CE- -------_--�-- - ---- - - � -- - -.. .. _ __ _ - - -. . 657-000Q-239.91-0C1 : 2.99 . Drvision Tvtal: $2,998.34 L7epartmen� To�af: $2,�98.34 [Iti! Vnf Cantrih Program Fund Total: $2,�98.34 . -- AFU�C =-_ - SUPP INS 92�-���0-231.53-10 75�.'EQ --- - . . . _._ �.. . _ - -- - - AFSGME LOGAL 1619 - ----- - � PIR deduGtiOnS �3e . 11-1 _ �Z�l-�3��Q-�3'�.�J4-4� $�,a� - - - P!R �eductians pe 11-1 92D-D000-231.54-4C3 174.D0 CLALLAM CfJTY SUPERIQR CflL1RT _ PJR DBdUCtIQl�S p2 11-1 �ZO-OOO�-��1.��-a�O 414.33 - --- �IMAR�ENdIWSCFF OfSABlLITY P1R Deductions pe 11-1 � 92�-0000-231.53�4Q 1,218.27 EA�PLQYEES ASSOCIA710N PIR �edLlCt1af15 p0 '�'�-15 �2{l-�Q�7�-2�1.55-�0 �98.40 EMRLDYMENT SECLJRITY DEPT P!R aedu�tions pe 11-1 920�OOOC1-231.56-30 2E2.85 PIR �eduCtions pe 11-15 92C}-00{70-231.56-34 150.76 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCA� 658 PIR Deductiar�s pe 11-1-- 92fl-��C](3-231.54-3{� 1 ,s�o.00 � IBEW LflCAL997 PIF2 Qeductions pe 11 920 888.12 LEaFF PIR [�eductions pe 11-1 --- 92Q-0OOD-�31.51-Z1 22 ,706.85 - ---___- - . ._ �FFICE �F SUPPORT ENFQRCENIENT Pl�i Qeducki�ris pe 11-� 920-00�0-23� .55-2� 1,1$1.32 P!R aeci�rctivns pe 11-1 92L1-�DQD-231.�fi-20 16�.85 PERS --- PlF2 [3ed�etions pe 11-1 920-00�0-231.51-1 Q 1,677.41 � �!R �edu�tians pe � �-1 92�-D[10D-231.51-� 1 7,567.42 - P1R Deductians pe 11-1�----- 92D-OCJ0�-231.51-12 - 3�,983.13 PC7uCE ASSOCiAri4N P1R �eductions pe :11=1 92D-DDDD-231.55�10 214.QD TEAMSTERS LaCAL589 PIR DEduCfloT15 pe 11-15 sza-oaoo-2a�.�4-�o s ,4�2.�� L1N1��0 WRY {PRYR�RLJ PIR �eductions pe 1'� 92�-000�-231.56-1Q 35$.OQ VOLLlNTEER FII�E ASSOCIATIOM1! PIR Deductions pe 11-15 9��-0�}fl{}-231.55-20 4�.�� WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CI� PIR I7eductions pe 11-1 924-[]000�231.54-4fl 3 ,73fi.89 ==WSEFFlEMPLOYEE B�N�FIT TRUST- --- PIR DeductiDns pe 11-1�-=-------92fl-4�[]t}-231.53-20 1,500.�0 - - - - - -- : - _ - -:- -._. _ _ _ _ _ . - _.---. _ �-__ --. � .._. _�_-.:.__: __.. �__- -. - - - Division Tntad: $T9,52D.�0 f]epartment 7'vtal: $�9,52�.3U - -- - -_ - _ Payroll Crearing .- Fund Total: _ ___ _ _ __ $79,5�D.34 - _ - _ -Totais for ch�ck peraod _ . _ - _ - Fr�m: 1116l2Q�9 To: 111��l2�Q9 $?,323,4Z6.35 -- . _ _ _ __ _ _ - - - -. - -- _ L-49 Page 41 ■ E � "� � �—%' �, _ 1 �� —. E'�r�f'��'�f�� _. . . . i � � ' �. �.'��_ �?� .� _ �� . � .s � � — . .. "x .. . .. —e -= _ ..."'--"-- T.`.- ..., . _ . .. �. s _ . .. _ , . . - . . _ . _ .' ' "'.... , -� . _ _ . .. . .. , � . Y ��.��.�_ . �, . ' ` � . . - a G o—� ,= u. s� a _ �, ��r _ - - - _. - --. -�.� .�.�� �.�—=-=- ..sw-.�. ��.=.���x, �-- - e , �-�._- -- - �.. � . . � . �. ,. . , - �.� _ -.--:_-- _- _- . _. � :.: ..- _..� �� , _ --G I T Y G-t3 U N C-I-L M�'E-M D '..::.. ... �ATF,,: IDecen�ber ], ��09 Ta: - -- - - - .Ci� Co�ncil. ___ __ . _ _. . . _ _. - ------- _ .. _._.._ ___.___ .____ - --- - - - FR�m: Glenn A CuC�er, Director of Publrc Warks and [ltilitfes _SUBJ�CT: Dry �reek Pedest�c-ian BridgelTt'ail �Constructian Grant, Frflject TI�{14-2446 Sunn.m.ary=: The Washir�gtQn Stat� Recreation &. Cpnserv�tie�n Off ce (RC�� has appro�ed fundi.ng for fihe I}ry �reek Pe��s�rian ,BridgelTrail Fhase II pr�jcefi. -- - - Re�flmmendation;_ Appro�e and autharize th�e Mayar to s'rgn the Washington �ildlife and . - Reereatian Pragrain (�VWRP} Project A�reement with the State of Washingtan Recreati�n and Conservation Office. „ - - � - -- - - - . __ _ BackgrQUndlA.na�ysis: In Sept�inber 2df�$, th.e Cify Coun�i� approued a resolutian permitti:ng City staff ta pursue �rants f�r the Dry Greek ,Bridge ajzd Trail Improveancnt ProjecC fr�rn the State of -- - Washin�ton I"�ecreati�n and Conservatian Office {RCD}, The �CD ranked the projeci #4 in a Iist of � 3€i statevvide projects. �n June 16, ZU� 9, t1-te Cily Couticil approved a r�satutian to certi f� t h� - -- spansor match.-'�'�ie RCC7 Board has now.appro�ed fille pr�ject for funding and a Project - -- - - .. _. .. Agreement fo� City �ignatuxe. - _. - ---- —_ ._.. ------. .._.. . The project laudget of $735,�0� reinains unchang�d from the 20[�8 submittal. �f this total amount, $3G7,S�fJ wi�l be pa:id by I�CQ with the rcrnainder af the 5�:50 cast shar� app�rticrned as fflllows: -- -- ---__ _,.. ... ,_ __--:._�----.- _ . - _- - �_� � �... . . . _ . .-�_ -- - _ .. F'roject Funding - - _ Lodgin� Tax �antribution -- - ____..__, -- - 1 �� , � Q � . __.. . Peninsula Trails Coalation �ash Cantribution af�,[]0� Peninsula T"rails Coalition Labor 8� MaTerials Contribution-- -.._ -- _ 50,Ofl[� _ _. --- _ - TLower �l�ha Klallam Tribe Contri�utic��i -- --- - : ' : - — --- 37,540 -.- -. - - - - _ City af Port Ar�g�les Can�ribution _- - -- - -. ---_ -_ - 7�,0[?4 --- _ _ _ -- -- - - - _ - -- Total Match " 367,544._ _ - Washingtan State ReCreat�on & Conser�ation �f�ce 367,50� - - - --- . - -- - - --:-Tolal �'rflj�ct-____ �735,040-=--_--- - -- - It is recomrnende� that Council apprave an� authoriae the Mayor tc� �ign. T:he WVVRP Pro�ect. AgreemenC wiTh the State of Vi�ashington Recreation and Canserva�ion Office. - --- �---- --- -- - : __ _. .- � _ _ ' - - �-50 N:ICCDLINCIL1Ff�]AL1Dn� Creek P�iestnan l3ridge= I`sai.! Canstruction Grant, Proj TRLW-2004.Eioc � I�RT 1 �GELE�S • -� � � . � --- � . . _ _ ;►o . W A S H I N.. G,T O N, U. S. A. a.. �- � — � . . :. - -...:.. �� �"� � � � C I T Y C O�U N�C�I�L M E M O -�- - DATE: December 1, 2009 . ....._ _ .. TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM Glenn A. Cutler, Director oPPublic Works and Utilities Su�ECT: 2009 Tree Trimming_Contract, Project No.VVF-94103/2, Final Acceptance Summary: Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has completed the trimming of trees in power line rights o – way for-Project WF-94-103/2. The project has been inspected and accepted as complete, and the final invoice received. Recommendation: Accept Project No.WF-94103/2 as completed by Asplundh Tree Expert Co., and authorize release of the retainage in the amount of $2,703.25 upon receipt of re uired clearances. � Background / Analysis: Asplundh Tree Expert Co. has completed the annual trimming of trees _ along power lines throughout the City as_contracted onProject WF-94103/2. The t�•imming was � . —necessary to keep trees_a_safe distance_Gom_power lines and.to iiiinimize tree caused outages that normally occur during storms: �- - ° - - --- �– The contract was awarded.to Asplundh on an hourly basis at prevailing state wage rates in an ___ amount not to exceed $55,000.00. The final contract amount was $54,064.95. There were no change orders. It is recoirunended that Council accept the project as completed by Asplundh Tree Expert Co., and authorize release of the retainage in the_amount of �2,703.25 upon receipt of required clearances. • N:\CCOUNCII�\FINAL12009 Tree Trimming, Project 1��F94103-2doc L- 51 � . . • � -� RT' � N :E�LE' ' i '. � J , • - � r . , .. . _ , _ -- . _. _ . _, _ .. : �� W A S H I N G T O N, ._ U. 5. A. Q.. r__r__. r . ; . . . . .. . . . . . _ . . � - �s - - ---- � _ - C-IT�Y C OUNCIL M�EMO DATE: DECEMBER �., ZOO9 TO: C1TY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM W. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY R' . _ __ ___ DENNIS C. DICKSON, SR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: 2O1 O-ZOI 1 CONTRACT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES AND ZOlO-ZO1 1 CONTRACT FOR SUPPLEMENTAL INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES _______- ---__ _. Suivr�vraxy:—Renew_the two existing contracts to provide indigent defense services on the City's criminal cases. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Mayor to sign the attached agreements for indigent legal - defense services-with the Clallam Public Defender for the years 2010 and 2011, and with the - law office of Stan Myers for supplemental indigent defense services for the years 2010 and � 2011. Discussio��: The City of Port Angeles �is mandated to provide legal defense for those criminal defendants qualifying as indigent. The City has fulfilled this mandate by contracting «�ith Clallam Public Dcfender and with Stan Myers. Both contracts expire at the end of this year. Tl�e City staff has been successful in negotiating a contract renewal with the Clallam Public Defender's office to provide indigent public defense services in the amount of $60,000 for the year 2010 azid continue to provide services during the year 2011 at the rate of �60,000 plus an increase based upon CPI of no less than 2 nor more than 5 percent. The contract is based upon the case _ number assignment of 435 cases per year with a monthly cap of 40 cases per month. -- The City has contracted witb Stan Myers for the services of additional provider of indigent legal defense services in the cvent that case assignments from District Court exceed the 40 case cap per month on the contract with Clallam Public Defender. Mr. Myers l�as agreed to continue to provide - said services for the years 20l 0 and 2011 at the same rate of compensation on a per case assignment - --- - basis. - - �_ -_- _-� Both contracts are renewals of contracts that currently are in effect. The expenses were anticipated and are included in the budget. DCDjd • — -� G:�I.EGA1.Vv1E�fOS1ML•MOS.2W9�Council.IfdigmtDcCcnscContrecis.112309.wpd L-52 . _. ._ � ... - ----- -__- ----__ .. � - - ____ . ---- __ _ . _ - - _ A�REEMENT FOR : --- rT LE�AL D�FEI�SE �FRVIGES � THIS AGREEMENT is entered into b�#vveen the City of Port An�eles (hereinafter called "City") ar�d Cl�llam Public �efender (hexeinafter calted "Cant�act�r°} this �ay nf , 2�fl9. . -. - . _ � . _. _ --- - REPIt�SEl�iTATI�NS --. _-- - - - - __ Y. �`�e City requir�s the pro�essianal. ser�ices af the Cors[r.a�tax in ordea to prav.ide indigent representatian fo� �.isdernear�ar and gro�s .misde�near�or defendants that are pz'r�seciYted by the Ciiy �f I'�rt Azxgeles and under carcurnstances that 1Ega1 defense is req�aire� ei�h�r under th� CQnstit��ian �f ihe LFnited S�tes or under the Constatution and laws o�t�e Sta:te of V�ashington. ---- -- =-------- -- -:. -------- - — �- -- -- - � 2. The Caiit� is qualifred an.d capahle af �neetin� the professianal starzdards for �aroviding cruninal def�nse and related ser�i�es ��r ind.igexat ,rnisc�eineanor �d gcoss r�r�isdeme�nor --- defendant� �acing_commi�ment o�- incarcerati�li ,fQr offenses prasecuted by fihe City a�'Port An�eles. ___ -- - Cantract❑r par�zci�ates in regular training pragrams on p�xbli� def�rise law includ�ig a xninimua� ❑f se�en ha�ars 4f continuing eclucatian aiiz�ually in areas rela�a,ng t� fiheir public defense pz:actice, � - - - - - �C'r�EEMENTS . -- - --- - -- - - - - - - _.. _ .._._--- - — _ _- = N�'W,_:THEREF�RE, ; iii consideration of speci-�ed legal ser�i�es �r be provided hy the . -_- _- ---_- _-- . .___. _ Coniract�r and the monctary pa�nents to b� rnade t� the Contracta� by t��e C,it}+, as hereiri �ro�ider�, the partie� here�iy agree as fallavvs: 1. `I'errt� af A�i•eeriient. 1'hi� tl�reement sYia}l, be in effect frqm tlle �:rst day af January, 2fl1� thraugh the 31st.day af I3eceznher, ZOl I; prQyided, hawe�er, rn_the event:ihe siate adopts tegislatian lhai reyuires a substanlial th,e tliis either -- - party xnay g'tve noti�e af �ermina�ion. T1�is A�nec�nent sha11 terxninate 6(l �lays followin� the date such notice is gi,�en. .- _ ---- - - -- - 2. �cape of V+Tork. T�e Can#ractor shall pro�ide crirnanal (ie�'ense and related services �'or indigent misd�meanor a��d gros� �n�sd�mean�r defendants and certain atY�er persons fa�ing . commitment or incarceration �'c�r c���'enses prosecuted by the City of Port Angeles. The Conh•ac�o�r's obligaiion to proVide services, and the Clxy's s�6ligatipn ta pay for ---� such services, .undec thi.s Agreement shall be Iimifed tcr cases or xnattcrs in w��iclt tli� Dlstrict Coiu�t • having jurisd.ictian over the case or �atter rnaPces a specif� determinatian that tkse def.en�ar�t is eligi6ie far ap�oinfed c��unsel and appai,nts Cantractar #o t$e case �� znatt�er �y �ourt Qrder, '1"he Contra�tor's ok��i�a�ian to acce�t case �signments and pro�ide seruices und�r � this A�reexnex�t sha11 be capped a:�d Iirrzi�ed to f�rty (4Q) case assi per cal�ndar ��a�ntlt. _. -i=- - L�53 - -- , . q : . . .yl ,i . . t 1 ' . . . . . . :. . . . �� �ppointm�nts vf legal c❑t�nse� fcai indigeiat defendauts on City a�'Fcirt �ingeles cases exc�ed�rig the --- ._,- __��._ fa 4{� �a�e �a shall�be to a"tt�rrze s`otlier �li� t�iose er�a lo red 1a Gantra�tor. . , .. rtY� � ��` � Y � � �' _ �.� _ - — -. � . _. . __ _ �_— -,._.=- � The Can�ractor kias �e xzgYit,'for goad cause sh�swti and with the Caurt'� permissian, _ ta deciine 10 r�present ar disconkinue representing any i.ndir�i��aal, wha by his or her request, action, ea,nduct, ar financial abilify, waives the right to the assistance of counsel at �ublic expense. ___ ___---�= the - event af a c�nfli�t v�- interest aur�sing , and_ preciudir�g Cc,ntract�r £�am _ --_--- -- � representi.t�g-a upon a finding b� - fhe Caurt tkaat such conilict exists_ an� �recludes Cvntra�tar froni representii�g the defendant, and the court desigiiafes ariother attorney'f� represent �.e client, it shail be at t�e expense af the City. _ T�e Confxactor will contiz�ue acti�ve repres�ntatian. attd will cam.plete cases �v�}ich ruere assi.gned in the �alcndar year covered by �khe term of tktis conkract wit� d►�e di3.i,genc�, artd in the e�enl ti�at the Contract�ar is not awarc�ed the eontxact �nr the following �aI�nda�' ye ar, the Cantractor shall lhcn be campensated at the houxly rate o� �35.(}�1 per hgur. Tza the eve�t that vvork is tt�cessarry �n carrya�ver cases and the Contractar is not awarded �� contracti; Contractor wiJJ �e �esp�nsible for - - keeping a recare� o{' time wcsrked under the terin of this �nntract on cases far th� �ify �cl mus� _ submit a�nonthly itexnized statetnen� af hours worked an,�i request for payment ta the City. Nothing ------- "in .this Agreement shai� - be canstrued tQ xmpair ar inhi l�it �:he ex�rcise n,f ir�ciependent prof�ss,iQnal --- j�adgmenf vt�hen an attarneylcli�ni: priviTege has be�n esta�Iished, nar s�all this Agreement require ar ae�th�ri�e az�y attarney ta eng�ge incanduct �rahibitcd bythe Code ��Professi6�al Itespons�hility. - - ' hand�e 1 �nd _ � _ xn order to mak� sure fhat the Car�tractar s ca�eload 1s being __ d e�#icr.ent y --- ---- _ itt coog�rativn.vvzth the ef�'cr1�s ofthe District CQUS� and the City Attorney's (?ffice, Cantractoi•-- agrees tn Geamply wi�h the �o�lowz�g guidel,i,nes tQ th� exten,� poss�ble; -- a. A specifiG PLlb�ic I)e:�ender shall be assi�r�eci to each case as s�aon. as n�tice is rece'tv�d af ��e Distric.t C�urL a�pointment. -- --- - __ _ _ --- = - - - .... -- -- — h. The P�blic Defender s11a'�1 me�t with the cIient �I7C�. �15C1IS5 1he. Ci�y PraseGUto�'s �alea affer hefc�re the arrai�nent. c. �he P�b1ic Defend�r shal� attend the arrai�zunerit �fvr ea�h case atxd �e --- --- —. pr�pared ta r�spand ta the piea crffer. - -- _ d. To the maximum extent practical�ie, t�ae Can#ractpc �haF] arrang� fvr �ackup cavera�e far �'ub�i� D�fenders whn axe unable to make s�heduled c�u�. . app�arances due ta �acation t�i ather suck� �ea�ans th�t allo�T �dvance notice, in ard�r ta minimize can�inuan.ces. e. Contractar sha�l use its be� effar� ta r�view th� Cldllam C;ounty Ta'sl rnsie�- on a daily hasis t� de�ermine wtie�her cli.en�s are inGarcerated and s�al� �ansul� w�ith tncarcer��ed cli�nt� as saon as �ossi��e to repre�etit fheir interes�.s, � -�- L - 54 • - - - � " --. . . . 3. Compensation. Based upon the case load of 435 cases for the 2010 calendar year, payment from the City to the Contractor shall be $60,000.00 for calendar year 2010 to be made on ---.--=-=-=_� :---:—= �a monfhly with-eaeh-mouthly-payment equal to 1/12th of �ie total amount as herein stated, . Based upon the case load of 435 cases for the 2011 calendar yea�•, payment from the City to the Cont�actor shall be $60,000.00 plus CPI-U adjusted increase based upon the Seattle- ____ Bremerton-Tacoma lndex (but no less than 2% nor more than 5%.increase) for calendar year 2011 ��--- --� to be made a monthly basis with each monthly payment equal to 1/12th of the total atnount stated herein. - Should the 435 case benchmarlc be reached befare the end of the calendar year Contractor agrees that it will continue to accept case appointments, however not in excess of 40 cases per calendar month. In the event case appointments are Accepted in excess of 435 in a calendar , year, then Contractor shall be endtled to additio.nal compensation on a pr. o rata basis based upon the current yearly rate. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "one case" shail mean al.l proceed'uigs concerning a single def.endant charged with one or multiple misdemeanors or �ross misdemeanors from first appearance to fina] case disposition. Each appointment to represent a single defendant on an appeal shall constitute one case. Each appointment for a single defeudant alleging a violation • ofthe teims or conditions ofprobation sha11 equal one-third (1/3} case. Each appointmentwhere the defendant retains counsel resulting in withdrawal of Contractor shall equal one-third (1 /3) case. On cases where Contractor has withdrawn because defendant goes to warrant for failure to appear, said -- � a��ointment shal] _count as one � case. .In. the event that Contractor is subseguenily re-appointed following withdrawal based on defendant's failure to appear, then the subsequent appointment sha11 _ equal one-tliird (1/3) case. Tlus caseload contemplates the assignment of no more than one full-time attorney acting in compliance with the rules of professional conduct. 4. Independent Contractor. The status of the Contractor hereund�r is that of an - independent contractor and the Contractor shall not be construed to be an.employee or employees -- of the City of Port Angeles. As an independent contractor, the Contractar is not entitleci to any benefits available to employees of the City, and the Contractor is responsible for withholding any monies required to be withheld from Contractor's employees pursuant to local, state or federal_law, --- -- including but not limited to worker's coinpensation, social security, income taxes, use taxes and business and occupations taxes collected by the State of Washington. 5. Reports/Records. The Contractor will continue to report to the City and to District Court I upon reaching the monthly case cap on case assignments to City of Pori Angeles cases. The City shall have the riglit to reasouably audit business records flf the Conti•actor (exclusive of attorney-client confidential records) which are relevant to the performance of this Agreement. Such review may occur upon thiriy days notice to the Contractoi•, and may include, but not be limited to, on-s.ite inspection by City age.nts or enzployees of a1l:financial and non-privil.eged • records ar other materials which are pertinent to this Agreement and its perfo.r.mance, an.d any and -3- L-55 .. :. '' .. ��- all non-privileged communications relevant to the performance of this Agreement. The Contractor � shall preserve and maintain al1 financial records and records relating to the pei�formance of this � -- ---- - for three years after contract termination and shall malce such records available for review by the City upon request. • 6. Modifications. Either party may request changes in the Agreement; however, any and ---- - ._---a11 rnodifications shall-:be in writing and si.gned by each of the parties. -- -- -- 7. -- Default. -- In the event that the Contractor defaults by failing to perform any of the obligations of this Agreement, the City shall have available all contractual remedies under the laws of the State of Washington. If the City chooses to terminate the Agreement for default by the Contractor, the City may at its option obtain performance of the work elsewhere and shall be entitled to recovcr any ext�a cost or damage to the City resulting from sueh default by deducti�n from any money due or coming to the Contractor. The Contractor shall bear any extra e�:penses uicurred by the City in completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all -- --___damage sustained; or which may be sustained by the City by reason of.such default. 8. Nondiscrimination. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any person on tbe basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran . condition, physical or mental handicap, or nafional origin. 9. Indemnification/Nold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold • _._. . _.. the City, its officers, officials, employees and harmless an.y and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suifs including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance _ of this Agreement, eacept for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. 10. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement a policy of professional liability ins«rance providing coverage of at least �1,000,000 against professional liability in connection with the work to be performed by Contractor under this --- Agreement�- --= - --. . � . _ - - - . -. _ _ _ 11. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed and inteipreted in accordance ._ with the-laws of the StaCe-of Washingtr�n, and in_the event of dispute the venue of any litigataon � brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. IN WITN�SS THER�OI', the parties hereto have executed. this Agreeinent as of the day and year first written above. CIT'Y OF PORT ANGELES CLALLAM b�DEFENDER, CONTRACTOR BY BY Gary Braun, Mayor ry asm •, irec or • -4- L-56 • � � . ._ ... . . . = _:�_-__=:=ARPROVED-AS ---- -- = William E. Bloor, City Attorney . _. � ATTEST: __ . ---_-- - Janessa Hw•d, City Clerk - �. . — - . G:V..cgal_BackuplAGRL•EMENTS&COPTI'RACTS12009 AgrmtsB.CootrectslPublic Defcnder.110609.wyA • __ _. . . - � -- � . .._ . , .. . c. ,- _ . . - _ — - - — -s- - L-57 � _ . _ AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR — __. -_-..:_:--=--=-=-----. .— � SUPPLEMENTAL ; . PUBLIC DEFENSE SERVICF_,S THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal coiporation for the State of Washington, (hereinafter referred to as "City") and The Law Office of Stanley B. Myers (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), on the terms and conditions described below. This contract is effective upon the day it is signed by the last party to this conf�•act. � r.. - - - _ - - ___ . EMPLOYiV1ENT The Contractor agrees to provide supplemental public defender services pursuant to the terms of this contract. --- - - - -- " - - - II. - _ _ _ - . SCOPE OF SERVICE;S a. Pursuant to Chapter 10.101 of the RCW, all indigent criminal defendants, deternuned to be eligible, are entitled to appointed counsel. The City of Port Angeles currently contracts with the Clallam County Public Defender to provide indigent defense services in Clal lam County District • Court No. 1. The terms of the contract between the City and the Clallazn County Public Defender provides a cap at 40 assignments per month. The purpose of this contract is to provide services should the. number of appointments exceed 40 in a given calendar month. --- - ;. b. The Contractor will provide re�resentation to eligible criminal defezidants when the number af appointments exceeds the 40-case-per-month cap. When appointed, the Contractor pursuant to this contract shall provide criminat defense serviees to appointed defendants in -- accordance with lhe Rules of-Prafessional Conduct, Standards for Public Defense Services,__ .__ _ _ _ Washington State Court Rules, and-applicable law. _ _ - _ _ _ c. Representation of appointed defendant shall occur from the date of appointment througb fmal resolution of the case, and shall include any and all courl hearings for an appointed _ defendanYs case, including arraignment hearings, pre-trial hearings, readin.ess hearings, motion hearings, triai,_se�itencing, post sentencing hearings. _ _._- -- d. Duruig the term of this Conh•act, the Cont�actor shall have professional liability coverage in a minuniun amount of $1,000,000.00, or alternatively, if fhe proposer is apublic agency, � shall provide proof of self=iusurance with terms acceptable to the City. e. _ The_ City shall provide the Contractor with a copy of the City of Port Angeles Criminal Code and any amendments Ihereto adopted during the term of this Contract. - .__- _ ---_-----_- _1_ _ : __- • _ _._ L-58 -- - .- _ _ _ _ _ . .. . .. ` - � . =- _ _-_ - - �f� ------� =The shall��ia� asszgri ax _transfei• any interest in fhis Contract witho�t t�e � . .: . _ _ ;- _ . ... . . --._- --_ _ --- pi-ior wt`it[eri cc,inseiit t�ie`C� _ .. . �'�_ _ _ — - - -. - - - — -- - _ . - -- . _ . APPD�iTMENT O� C[7NTRACTQR Td REPRESENT INDIGENT DEFENDANT� 5c� ta deter�nine eligibilit}� ar�d appointment to pro�id� legal represeni:a.tion: at_pui�lic - - -- _ .. - - expense vvil� tae dane bythe Clallar.n Caunty IJistrict �C.ou� [ No. l�hereina$er:ce�'e�zed �n as "Court"}. The �C�ty shall piovide the Cai�tractor wr-itten uotice of th� �►a�ne, add�e5�, a�d phane r�uizaber of each ` appointed defendant (her�inaf#er re�e�red to as "defen�az��"}, �c�gethex with the c�aa�•ge and caY7se i�umber, and within areasanablc time after c�eterminafion of eligi�ility, Receipt afthe �vritten notic� � s�ai� constitute appointment ta pror�,i,de legal services to such a�pr��.nl:eci de�'endar�ts. N. _ ��MPENSATTC37V Th� �c�ntractor shal.l he �c�mpensated as fallovvs: '1`he Cc�ntraLtar shall �e cornp�nsaier� at �he *ate of �dQ,�DO per appointment as �ounsei ,far �uali�ed ii�digent defendants an �r�}�atian cases. - � T�ae C�ntractor shall he campensate�l at the rate af $�(].4� per case appoi��eni wtien tYie defendant re�ains prz�ate counsel prior fo Jut� �eadiness resulting in �rithdrawal of �vr�tractor as counsel. . - The Gnntraetar shal� be cozr�pensate�i at the rate af $1 [](7.00 per case appointmettt v��hen the defenciai�t fails t� a�pear resulti�� in issuance a�'� warra�t �d wit�drawal o�EC�ntract��: a� counsel. - The Cot�trac�or �hall b� compensated �y the City at tlie-rate c�f �175.Da per appaintment. -- 'T�at arn�unt i�:the f�II and teria�i ctirr.�pensation �'or all I�g�.I serV��es ,frnnl�tlie date af �ppai.ntmenf - _ (exnept bcnch or jury trial), ir���uding senten�ing hearings, past-senten�e znotions and hearings. AdcfitianaI cc�mpensa�ic�n r:�1' $3�0 shall be paid f4x er�ch ca�e that go�s ta jury txial. Add�tianal compensat�on af :� 15� s�all �e paid for each case fihat goes to hencta tr a�I, Carn�ensati� �ha11 �e -- - ---.- payab]e at the c��sin� of each cas�. � - V. __ SILL�IVG- -- - -- - - a. The Car�tra�tar si�2�,i,] subrnit malzthl}J hillirag staternent�� ta the City in�i�dting the request for compensatiaz� for ea�h appoin�e�it stating de��x�daizt's na�n�, ci�:a1:ian n�mber and date - -- af case tiispasitian. The �ity shall ha�e the rignt tfl r�quii�e additi�nal con�rma�ion �rcrm �e __ Cantra�t�r i� �rder to deterniine Fhe appropriate e�mpe�a�atiax� due'under fihis contract. - -- — - _. �. -- -___. -� - _ - ------- -- -- -�- -- _ - - -- L-59 � -- - b, �.ec�uest f�r compensatioa shall �e made ano Iater thar� th� 15"' of tl�,e month fallnwir�g � the dat� Qf c�z�e dispasition. -- : . - _ - _ . .. . c: -- The City shall make payrzienf ta the Conf�t'actar rfa t}iari�3� ��fa.ys after bill.irig - ". . . st�tement is receiVed by the City. ---- - _ ._ _ __ _ ,. _ _, . _ . . -- - ---- - -. . _ _ �T. _ _ , - - . . __..�_. _ . --- -- -_ ....�.__..---------------- -- ._ : , EXPERT WZTNESS._Il�TTER�'�tET�R�. - - -------__------------___ :. . _ . PRE-SENrFN[;F. R.�EPORTS, AN,'� �THER COSTS a. Disca�ery� inforrna�aan wzll be provided h�r t,he City to th� Contractar �ithout cost. b, W�ien a��roved by the Court, in accarda�ce with applicable st.�tu�s and co� rules, _ t�e City wzll pravide and pay �or necessary ex,pett witnesses, interpreters, and similar mat�ers necessary tn t��e defense. _ �. Far any appeal from a decision of. th� �;n�,t� foI:lo�ving a �harge against a deferadant represetat�d by the Cantractor, the City v��il,l pr.a�ide the Cantractor with �eeess�y �le�tron,ic xecordings of the �roce�dings o�t�ae Caurt and with necessazy vv�itten transci•ipfs af'paroceedar�gs ar shall pay the cpsLs �or ixanscribin� such nec�ssary ,i•ecords, _ _ _ V II. -- - - — - - _ --- - - ---- - � - -- - - T�iBEMNTFT:CA'T`I�N - - - - -- - . . ,. _ __ ._.. . _ -_. ___- --_ -- -- .-'�`he Cantracfar shall indemnify and hold h�mless k�e City, its off�ers, fl�cials, ermplayees and volrxnteers harmless fr�m any and alI clairris, injuries, damag�s, lo�ses nr su.its inclu�ing �ttt�rney - �'ees, arising aut of mr iia connectiota wsth thc CDntractor's perfarcnance ofany ser�ices puxsuaz�t ta �his �ontract. - - ---------- — - -- ----- .T.�- - -- VIII:-- -� - - - -- ---- - - T_.,�.: . ._ _ - ----..-:... - - _ CONFLTCTS QF I�ITEREST - - - - In the e��nt that a conflict of interest prec�ents the Cantractor �•orn accepting represe�atat�c�n _ ____ ___ in certa:in instan�:��,:the C:�n#ra�tor shall not��y �n_th City and the Court of the �onflic� of interesT at: _- � ---- __-. the earliest possihle d�te sa tha� appropria:te ��epr�seiltation can. lae arranged for defendant in a tirnely _ __ - --- �xa�nner.- _ -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - _---=-_----- --- - _ � __ -- - - �NQNUISCRIMI�TATI�N _ T�e Cantractar shaIl strictly abide by all �ocal state and �'ederai �ti-dis�rimination �nd equal �r€�ployment opportunity laws �nd p�licies in regard l� hirin� and �m�al�ymeni laws and �r�ctices, and in regaxd tc� prav ic�ing the servic�es ta d�:fenciants. _ � 3 - _ _. � L-fi0 � � -- . - - _._ . . _ �_., .�� -- • u _. . - . ._-.. �----_-- - TER1vI - - - a. This ca�hact shall ter,sninate on T7ecember 3 3, 2011, w�aless.the City and Can�actQr . . -. . ..._ agrce, in writing, to extend the term �'�3` an addit�t�rial period of�me: ._ -�- �-- --- -_ b. Nai�vit�standing t;h�:�'nreg�i:ng, in the euent flf �iv�a�iQns ofth�. R:uI,es �f Professiona� - CQnduct, any br�ach of �l�is �ontra�t; or c�ther goQd ca�se, eif�aer �arty may terminate the cantra�t ----- -- " - af�ez'pxovi - dinb.the Qthe"r.party rvi,th wratten natice �fthe'de�Z�ien� anrl an n nrtuni ta carrect �:n y ' . ��? �Y Y _ .- -_ - �-sueh=defi�ier�ey=within�a t�iirty day per�ac�. Notice af�suicli deficiency and re�uired dat� afcure; and - = - - notice of termination rriiisi �� in �vriting. � __ - -- - - - - - - _ ----=- - - -- .-- --= — XT. - - _ -- -- - - - - 'rURI�DI�T�C]N AND VENUE This �crntr.act shal.l he c�nstru�d and inteipreted an accardance with the laws n�the S�ate of V�lashington. It is agreed �hat +CIallaxn. C�un4y, G�as� sha11 �e the ��enrae should arYy leg� --- action �e pursued ta enfi�r�:e nr ,int�r�ret the t�rtris �if tk�is -- - -- - - �II. - - --- - - - C0�1TR.ACT AI�MINISTRATaR � �his caa�t�•act shall be admznistexed far the Cit� �iy 1he City Ma.nager, or hi� designee, _._ �_ _ IN WIT�TFSS "I"�TEREOF, the parti�s hereto have execuied t�.is Agreemen� as of t�ae day and -- year written be3aw. - - _.__�_�_ __ . .. _. CITY OF �Q1ZT ANG�LTS CdNTRACTflR .I3�C: k3 Y: F I�ent Myers, City Manager Sfanley B, yers - - -- - ---- --- -_-__ _ _. - -- ------- - ----- --�--- — - — -- - -- - -- - I7ate. -�- - - -_-- _ Date: �����1 - -- - - �1PPR�JVEF� AS TD F�RM: I1T7'��'T: Wi�Iiam E. Blo�r, Giiy Att�rney _ __ JanESSa Hurd, City Clerk ¢:U,egµl_[iar . . � _ . _ '__ _ — _ .._ __ . _ .. . . . _- 4 - --- - - - -- - L - 6'f • LODGTNG TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES October 7, 2009 Vern Burton 1Vleeting Rooms / Port Angeles, Washington ■ CALL TO ORDER Councilmember and Committee Chair Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:OSp.m. ■ ROLL CALL - Voting Member.s Present: Council Member & Chair Rogers, Edna Petersen, and Joseph Mollerus. With Scott Nagel arriving at 3:15 p.m. and Greg Woodland arriving at 4:00 p.m. Voting Members Abse�it.• None. Nan-Voting Members Pr•esent: Pat Davis. Non-Voting Members Absent: Rian Anderson, Citizen At Large Position (vacant). Port Angeles Fonvurtl Rep�-esentative (Non-Votin,� Membe�• Present: Terry Roth. StuffPresent: Kent Myers, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Nathan West, Richard Bonine, Teresa Pierce. • Public Present: Russ Veenema, Brooke Nelson. ■ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by J. Mollerus to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of July 8, 2009. The mocion was seconded by E. Petersen and passed unanimously. • LODCING TAX BUDGET REPORT Finance Director Ziomkowski presented the budget report. Report contained historical data back to 2003 and preliminary 2010 budget data. Sales tax for the City is down, but preliminary Lodging Tax projections are estimated at $486,000 with some revenue from interest on investments. Expenditures include contract with Chamber of Commerce, long-term commitments including debt payment on sidewalk/underground project and �250,000 reserved for possible capital projects, with an ending balance of $59,000 expected at the end of 2010. ■ DISCUSS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MARKETING PROPOSALS Chair Rogers opened the discussion. She is an optimist but is still very cautious about the economy and would rather be very conservative at this time. The Elwha Dam Removal project will probably bring in �nore workers to hotels rather than tourists for 2010. She supports a budget of $486,000. P. Davis added that the 2010 Olympics could actually hurt us as some people make a point not to come to the area to avoid traffic and congestion. • M-1 LTAC vlinutes October 7, 2009 Page 2 N. West stressed the importance of watching the budget on a month-by-month basis rather than an entire � year. R. Veenema added details about adjustments and affect of Hood Canal Bridge being down. The months pretty much averaged out over the years included in the report. No significant increases were indicated with �nost figures being relatively flat. He felt that the area would be returning to previous years' trends. He also felt that the Winter 2010 Olympics will not be a big draw for tourism to Port - Angeles. - - P. Davis brought up the loss of the Strait Thunder Event and that his numbers were dovvn significantly for that time period this year. Scott Nagel arrived at 3:15 p.m. R. Veenema felt there would be a sib*nificant inerease in tourism in 2010 rather than a decline. The Olympic Peninsula provides short trips for tourists which is still attractive. Tivilight is still a huge factor and will continue to be for the next several years. Elwha Dam Removal may not bring a lot of tourists yet – but will bring a lot of press coverage to the area. He continued that the $486,000 is not an overly optimist number and he does not believe it will be down in the $450,000 range. T. Roth commented that he felt that a lack of disposal income will be significant at Christmas and that we have not seen the bottom of the economy yet. He would rather be on lhe conservative side and be surprised. P. Davis said that Downriggers sales are up 8%, but credit card sales are up over 40% which shows that more people are running on debt. J. Mollerus offered that the Red Lion is projecting a 7% drop for 2010, but he expects it to be more like 12%. Septeinber was down about 17%. Demand in market has dropped and will continue to decline in —• 20] 0. E. Petersen offered that indications are that this will be a difficult holiday season in the retail industry. � Customers are buying Christmas presents now – but at 25% less in sales than they would have before. P. Davis preferred to error on the side of caution. T. Roth said the local food bank is up in 35% in demand. Northwest Harvest is also struggling. S. Nagel reported that local festivals are up this year as people seem to be staying hoine this year. The Lavender Festival had the best year ever, but nol everyone stays over in a hotel. Rooms filled up much slower this year - where in the past, rooms were booked months in advance. R. Veenema reported that the Jazz Festival was flat last year, but he expects it to be about the same for 2010 in attendance. R. Bonine added that participation in Parks & Recreation Tournaments have actually increased when the economy has been down and he believes that people are using toumaments as their vacation. J. Mollerus said t1�ey took in inore tournament guests this year at the Red Lion. R. Bonine offered that the City's Parks & Recreation Division are trying to bring in more youth tournaments and an additional $10,000 to $20,000 for tournament recruirinent would provide a sib ificant return on investment for new tournaments in the area. P. Davis agreed with the positive impact that youth tournaments bring to the area. Chair Rogers fully supports the youth and sports activities that come, but the overall economic outlook is just not looking hopeful. J. Mollerus said that hotel chains are budgeting down right now for 2010. • M-2 LTAC Minutes October 7, 2009 Page 3 • 2010 Bud�et E. Petersen moved to increase the allocation to Parks & Recreation specifically for new youth events by � 12,000. Second offered by J. Mollerus. S. Nagel requested a report on the success of that use. R. Bonine responded that he will track this increase separately in the Parks & Recreation Division budget. Motion passed unanimously. T. Roth reported that ferry traffic is down for 2009. P. Davis added that this year after the Victoria Express shut down the typical overloads on the Coho were not there. Bus tours are also down. Y. Ziomkowski reported that the City CounciPs preliminary budget includes $420,000 for the Lodging Taac Budget. But, after meeting with R. Veenema, Ziomkowski believes this number could be adjusted higher at approximately $462,000. R. Veenema suggested keeping lhe numbers as they are, include the additional $12,000 for Parks & Recreation and consider decreasing capital funding. N. West reported that there is a backlog of projects in the CFP that are tourism related, and he recommended maintaining capital funding. Chair Rogers stressed that although that these are projections that we really need to start watching this rnonthly and that might initiate a change during the year. She stressed that the committee be diligent in watching the economy. The City's Finance Department and the Chamber constantly monitor revenues on a monthly basis and can report those figures to the corrunittee on a more regular basis. Greg Woodland amved at 4:00 p.m. Chair Rogers called for a morion. Joseph Mollerus moved to approve the Lodging Tax 2010 Budget in • the amount of $470,000. E. Petersen seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ■ DISCUSS PROCESS AND TIMELIl�'E TO REQUEST AND ACCEPT APPLICATIONS FOR CAPTIAL PROJECTS - Committee discussed the applicarions process to allow enough time for interested parties to submit their applications. It was detennined to set the deadline for applications to be no later than 5:00 p.m., on November 13, 2009. ■ NEXT NIEETING Wednesday, November 18, 2009, at 3:00 p.m. in the Vern Burton Meeting Rooms to review Capital Project Applications ■ ADJOfJRNMEI�TT The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Mirzutes upproved as presented oiT November l8, 2009. �� Karen Rogers, Chair Teresa Pierce, Executive Communications Coord. • M-3 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STATUS REPORT December 2009 (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) • ORIGINAL PREVIOUS LAST �VISED BUDGET MONTH - -, .—PROJECT_TITLE_�. __ .CONTRACT_ _ CHANGE CONTRACT _ - _ __ __ _(Construction)� _ _ .AMOUNT- ORDERS CHANGE AMOiJNT ORDERS Gateway, 97-20 $8,500,000 $7,970,200.00 �470,563.00 $0.00 $8,440,763.00 Elwha Power Distr. $?00,000* $173,440.00 $26,870.00 $0.00 $200,3010.00 Relocation, CL0016 - Eastern Corridor $625,000 $514,669.44 $15,500.00 �0.00 $530,169.44 Phase 2, US0621 Peabody & Fifth St. $1,021,000 $920,139.45 $0.00 �0.00 -- �920,139.45 Reconstruct., US0606 Electric Distr. System �60,000 $56,619.98 $0.00 $0.00 $56,619.98 Protection, CLO1-2007 — – - - -- *Fully reimbursed by federal government - � CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS UNDER $25,000 APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER CONTRACTOR - CONTRACT DESCRIPTION DATE pMOUNT OR VENDOR / PO # - AWARDED none * Small Works Roster Contract � - - CONTRACTS OVER $15 000 CONTRACTOR CONTRACT/ DESCRIPTION DATE AWARDED �OUNT (tax OR VENDOR PO # included) General Pacific Inc. LO-09-020 Transformers for 11/4/09 $33,517.28 Ermco Manufacturer) lnvento _ McFarland Cascade LO-09-021 Wood Power Poles for 11/4/09 $31,446.84 Holdin s lnc. Invento Eden Excavating DR 03-2009 4 & H Stormwater ll/9/09 $15,419.90 UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS XT 30 DAYS, ESTIMATED DATES SHOVVN) PROJECT ADVERTISE START END TITLE FOR BIDS B� OPENING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION • M-4 N:ICCOUNCIL\FINAL112-09 Monthly Contrad Status Report.doc PUBLIC WORKS GRANT & LOAN STATUS REPORT December 2009 • — - ---- - - - ------ - - -� GRANT MATCH - PROJECT PROJECT GRANT/LOAN OK AWARD DESCRIPTiON COST SOURCE & COST LOAN DATA LISTING STATUS Energy Efficiency $364,000 Washington $135,000 grant August Award notice - ._._ _. and Conservation __ Department of $ 37,300 BPA 2009 received -� Block Grant Commerce $191,700 City 1�'ovember 10 CSO Phase 1 $11,800,000 PW'CF Loan - 0.5%, 20- January Design underway Projects, Construction Yr, 15% 2008 — Construction �"- � - - Loan $10,000,000 ($1.8M) local - _ - � match Sidewalks $260,000 WSDOT Grants, no March Grant aH�arded; 16' GStevens Pedestrian & matching 2008 Design School Grants underwa}�, construction _ _ . . __ spring 2010 Dry Creek Bridge $725,000 RCO Grant $361,708.00 Spring Grant agreement for Olympic 2009 to Dec.l City Discovery Trail - Council Stormwater Ongoing DOE Pass- $50,000; no local August Grant agreement Phase 2 (Arogram) Through Grant _ match required 2009 signed in October • lmplementation List of Acronvms 13RAC: Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DOE: Department of Ecology D�'�'SRF or SRF Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund PSP Puget Sound Partnership PWB: Public VVorks Board, administers the PWTF Program PWTF: --- Public Works Trust Fund � - - RCO: Recreation and Conservation Office __..__TIB, AIP or PSME:__ _. Transportation.improvement Board, Arterial Improvement Program or Pedestrian Safety and _ Mobility Program � - - - - - �'�'SDOT: Washington State Department of Transportation • M-5