HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/03/2001 '~0R~N{f;EtES ~#<'-<-,-'~_:'" -".-,'-. "\;,:- -.:'-:'.:-:,,~;-- '" """.",,-' 'W'A'S H I N G'T 0 N, U. S. A. AGENDA.., '"CITY COUNCIUfME~TING ',:i7 ," ( 321EAST FIFfHSTREET; '.'. " " . "\. . ,''; f " " ' . , . 'u. Decelllb~r 3" 2Q01':";;1\' REGULAR MEETING -6:00p.m. A. ROLLCALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - B. C. . D. FINANCE E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council meeting minutes - November 20,2001 2. Check register- November26, 2001 - $518,980.37 3. Payroll Information - November 2~;}001 27 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS ,'",>. _': :-;;. ,- "",..;r ,,-" >~ ,_:-- :$.-,-,.-:' ":t:.~~_ ",:,. Human Services Funding - Cat111eenMcKeoWn%} : '29 ,'" '" I;' -, ',' ~,;,< ,-// :~ -,'-:'" ~ ,-bJ-' ':;;';,:;" '-'. :' ,,-'-.', ,':" ','" ,.'-,: ".-" G. O@INr\NC:ESNOTREQW:1UNG~UB~~~' HEARINGS " 1. Ordinances adopting changes in charges for (1 )f~~,t;llgn.~t=p:ter m!:;lJl~e..r~J}Jp,an~ (?)i?}3,~sis;;~; Life Support (BLS) transport charges, and ' Medic I disposablefee charge'(new). H. RESOLUTIONS . j N()TE:HE~NG J:)J1:y:ICES ;AY AJ~~!t;~fE8~THP~E:~~I)ING.AS~I~:rAN€F\~~ MAYOR TODE'U:~INEi:J:JME,QE:BREAK .' , Decemoer 3, 200 IPortAngele~Gity;,s:;,9UrlCiIMeeting ..h.. ';Page -I "" " , 'p ~-,#t', ~- -,:~~~:-~~t\- /.s-,;: " ()fHER~CONSIDERATIONS . .. "'f'_<_:_:>__*_ ::."hl._.:'!;::,t'_<'.:.",:,_ '/.:,' 1. ~endrri~nt to'199t~~eement between the €Hy and Klallarn E1whaTrtbe' 2: Carnegie Library Project - Renovation or Restoration 3. Olympic Peninsula Bicyqlists support for :xw at~frontTrail extensi()~; t$01Jgh Rayonier i.. 'J\1jll' sit~. '.' '. ... .......... '., ..<> ..7' .' 4. cLSerenity House RezoneOl~.05 :.ConsiCleration "'.:>.'>' "''-:'_': -, ,'.," ",' ,"h :.,.. "-,,,:,,_"_.""":"~",",,"" '.._ '."'_,.." '.._-__>._.__,._,.,~,..,' of findings and conclusions in denial of rezone request. S. Athletic Field Improvements to Lincoln Park North Olym}Jic7Ba.seball~Softball" 6. 2002 Counci}.,g~.~I~..~:Objectiyes 47 Accept 53 Approve Renovation with Restoration options Comments and Discussion -'-'''-'~.i.:-.:..--;:':':;_:. 63 Acce,Ptfiridihgs and conclusions 73 Review and Approve Installation of Improvements 79 'i Adopt or>Amend Document .. ',.0; -, -'-,' .,', ,'''....'. -,-;. PUBLIC HEARINGS -QUASI-JUDICIAL (7 :00 P.M. or soorithereafter) ;"" .:..... ,,',-' .',_ .;"",;.7.' '. "!.:'i~'i"<",~-4'f.""-- ...,i.... "."':',';';" PUBLIC HEARING8- OTHER Ordi~~~~~ ~d~ptirig~Oq2,4~udgetand amending fOQ1~udget . L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Calendar' (page 93) * Change Orders I Contracts under lSK (Page 95) 2. Planning Commission Minutes of November 14, 2001 (Page 97) 3.!Iumane Society Report - Octobe~2001 (Page 103) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed, and determined by City Atto':r!eyj, N. ADJOURNMENT Adopt 2~02. Bud.get and .. ':'i,'r:~,< -.1!' \";:- -;, '-,', " " amend 2901 Budget ",,'-"';;'.;?-',; 'J " Public hearings are se amendments to City public input prior to . opinion through the publi G:\CNCLPKT\AGENDA \01-1203. wpd . _,-J"> ,~'. <:~::,'-,,;>> -:j-'i --~ i. ,J~>>;" - ,_.", .-";' NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE ':: ,._'~:':.~'::Z':~:l(,.. ,_':;,.\::}..-, _'__:-':',' :.'''::':', __ ":.', " < ""_:~.' .. _,.:. .. ": ',.L" ,":'" -:'-,'\: ',_0", . ',MXy(jR"TO~DETERMINETIMEOF.BREAK December 3, 2001 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski ~ =* ~ V V \/' ~ Z December 3. 2001 fcI9- D. 'IV\. . r III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: &0 ^e..LQ,fY\fl ~ Yij)01~ MJ.--/' CITY OF PORT ANGELES · FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: December 3.2001 LOCATION: City Council Chambers ~3l E- \d~ ~-t 4~{ ~. I J-VA.. S <gr E: 6t4Y5T ./'A- Q-?Cd 'vV. nft, PA \ \ \/1- Wi \ "2.~t-\ 5o~ "2-~c\-e-s I(t , ~~ '~ ~~l -~A _ E J ~~ ~ 5T ~Jt. ~~").. _3. (4 eJ- 1 N vt D . 32.~ WI (L ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES · :FORTANGELES WAS H 1 N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: December 3. 2001 LOCATION: City Council Chambers DO 350 V I~U/crerf- ~O;Jp \)C~ vJ. tt{ I- S+ CITY OF PORT ANGELES · ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: December 3. 2001 LOCATION: City Council Chambers City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. City Council Meeting of December 3.2001 ~d. &/~ f);,J ~ · ...- ~ . I vKA. {I n '^ 'hi A. IAsl ,:)f)f)~ ..~ IJIJ .A J ~ \nA · JI '1'". ~'J" 'n^ -....A <r City Manager ~ City Atty. (1) IV I ~ } / Planning City Clerk (2) ~../ ...:J v'" ~ ./ Deputy Clerk (1) I V jV: I V' Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance J/ Dir. /Mgr. Police Dept. ,/ Fire Dept. J/ Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) / Parks & Rec. I J MRSC (1) , V' I ../ I / PDN (Summary) .I. , Nt Nt. I vel MM J i" WI ft\ \/ Extra Copies j)., (lo.nTbJt ,../ I TOTAL I '7 //7 //'J . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES. WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 3, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Francis St. Park Project Number 21-07, Change Order No.3 Summary: The construction project for the Francis Street Park is nearly complete. However, it is necessary to accomplish work to mitigate impacts by installing landscaping and include the installation of the playground area. This work was not included in the original contract documents. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Contract Change Order No.3 in the amount not to exceed $30,000 to perform the additional work as required. Back~round / Analysis: The Francis Street Park contractor, Primo Construction, was requested to add additional landscaping around the view pavilion to help prevent erosion and install a playground area with equipment. The lump sum price proposed to perform this work and other minor related task is approximately $30,000. Also, it was determined to build a play area at this time due to the availability of funds. This change order was determined to be the most efficient and cost- effective way to perform the work. Due to the dollar value of the change order work to date it is necessary to obtain City Council approval. The original contract price was $312,605.93. Approved Change Orders land 2 have increased the contract price to $358,641.50. The new contract total upon approval of change order No.3 will be $388,641.50. The total anticipated costs for the contract and city effort are $458,617.45. Available funds are $462,000 leaving a balance of$3,382.55. N:\PROJECTS\21-07 Francis Park\DCVR's & CO's\CCchange order.wpd . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 20, 2001 Mayor Doyle called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, D. Dickson, and R. Johnson. Public Present: K. Smith, G. Braun, D. Jacobs, A. McLean, L. Lee, B. Grauberger, E. McCormick, J. Fairchild, N. Place, L. Harvey-Boyd, M. Mertz, A. Bentley, 1. Harmon, K. Rogers, K. Spence, L. Kross, A. Ziomkowski, P.& S. Hicklin, S. Lamica, L. Ross, 1. Butler, K. Monds, J. Seniuk, B. & 1. Sallee, and 1. Sampont. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session to discuss potential litigation for approximately one hour. Councilmember Williams asked to be excused due to appearance of fairness. The meeting returned to Open Session at 5:55 p.m. Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilman Williams returned to the Council Chambers at this time. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle, followed by a moment of silence in memory of Mac Ruddell. A suggestion was made to nominate Mr. Ruddell for the memorial wall in the atrium. Mayor Doyle deferred to Councilmember McKeown who introduced Jean Fairchild, Lisa Harvey-Boyd, and Ellie McCormick of Soroptimist-Jet Set. Ms. Fairchild summarized the history of the Jet Set's involvement in the Waterfront Trail and Park and thanked members of the City staff for their cooperation and assistance. Ms. Harvey-Boyd then presented a check to Parks & Recreation Director Connelly in the amount of$22,422.27 for children's playground equipment at the Francis Street Park. None. Jerry Sampont, 2309 E. 3rd Avenue, representing the Citizens for Annexation Group, spoke to the Council regarding what is currently happening with Annexation and those opposed, who, in his opinion, are mis-representing issues involved. He expressed concerns regarding loss of support through intimidation, scare tactics, and general alarm 11- I-- I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 20, 2001 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: (Cont'd) FINANCE: Public Utility District Water Sales Contract Landfill Closure Change Order CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ..:",,::"(T",' raised by opponents to Annexation. Mr. Sampont then supplied Councilmembers with a hand-out by The Bay Loop Neighborhood Association and one from the Citizens for Annexation and asked the Council for its support in disseminating correct information about Annexation.. Manager Quinn advised the Council of upcoming focus group . meetings and.. thei,C;ity:S~ epdeavors to provide more than adequate and factual information to those in the UGA. Kathe Smith, 607 East 4th Street, speaking for the Olympic Peninsula Bicyclists, asked to have an opportunity at the December 3rd Council meeting for members to express their support for the Watemont Trail extension through the Rayonier Mill site. Mayor Doyle welcomed the input of the group, and Manager Quinn indicated the requested agenda item would be placed under Other Considerations for the next Council meeting. 1. Public Utility District Water Sales Contract Following Mayor Doyle's reading of the summary of the Public Utility District Water Sales Contract, Public Works & Utilities Director Glenn Cutler added that the PUD had been informed that the rate will go up an additional 7 percent, the same increase initiated for others who utilize the City's system. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.6 to the Wholesale Water Contract with Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Landfill Closure Change Order Mayor Doyle read the summary, after which Director Cutler explained the potential for leachate to migrate beyond the liner, thus necessitating this change order. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order #5 in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 to perform the additional work as . required. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) Council Minutes of November 6, 2001; 2) Electronic Payments - November 9,2001 - $1,880,522.67; 3) Check Register - November 13,2001 -$778,443.38; and 4) Payroll Information - November 11, 2001 - $424,562.12. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Williams had no report. Coun.cilman Wiggins mentioned the Hurricane Ridge PDA Winterfest and commented on how well it was attended. Councilman Campbell attended the EDC meeting and mentioned that the Board has finalized arrangements for sponsoring a business column in the Peninsula Daily News beginning in December. He also noted that the EDC major membership drive will begin in January. In addition, Councilman Campbell reported on the Conference Center Review Committee meetings; he updated the Council on progress regarding proposals for the Conference Center. . The Committee will interview developers at the next two meetings. Councilman Campbell then offered congratulations to Police Chief Riepe and his;stafffor the wonderful Open House this past Saturday. Councilmember McKeown represented the City in Victoria, placing a wreath for their Remembrance Day Celebration. Councilman Hulett reported on attendance at the Real Estate Committee meeting, at which time discussion was held concerning the cost of fencing for the Waterfront Trail . through Rayonier. 2 - 2- . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) OTHER CONSIDERA nONS: Carnegie Library Project Presentation by Olympic Design Works PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2002 Budget Hearing . . CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 20, 2001 Mayor Doyle att d the Veteran's Day Celebration at the High School; he . complimented the Veteran's groups who sponsored the ceremony. The Mayor also compliI11e~te~_the Police I)"~p~ent on their presentation and professionalism at the Open House;: The Mayor attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for The Port Angeles Association~()~,~~ligio~s C~mmunity Clinic. 1. Carnegie Library Project Presentation by Olympic Design Works Following Mayor Doyle's introduction, Director Cutler referenced a replacement to packet pages 29 and 30, documenting a change in the funding available for the project, which now totals $912,049. Director Cutler advised the Council that a decision on this project need not be made this evening but, rather, at the December 3 meeting. He then introduced Stuart Bonney of Olympic Design Works. Mr. Bonney began the power- point presentation by summarizing the history of the project and progress made thus far. He discussed the differences between renovation and restoration, and itemized the costs that might be anticipated with either endeavor. In concluding the presentation, Mr. Bonney stressed the historical aspects in preserving our heritage. Questions that followed involved a brief discussion on additional funding available to supply interior decoration and necessary cabinetry to house the Historical Society and building materials involved in restoration versus those for renovation. None. Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing on the 2002 Budget at 7:05 p.m. Manager Quinn stated that this Budget proposal is the community's means of achieving desired goals and, with the direction provided by these Council goals, the dedication of employees, and the support of the citizenry, the City of Port Angeles will provide the highest level of municipal services~ithin the available resources. Manager Quinn then covered the challenges the City faces, major efforts for improvements and how these things will be implemented. He discussed the Budget process, noting the preliminary Budget was $66,642,010. The Budget Committee had recommended certain decreases in the amount of$207 ,335. Manager Quinn then summarized the Budget highlights for 2002. Finance Director Ziomkowski followed Manager Quinn's introduction by explaining the Operating Budget and Expenditures; General Fund expenditures and overviews, and General Fund Reserves. Alternately, Director Ziomkowski and Manager Quinn reviewed other proposed expenditures for the City which differed from the preliminary Budget. Following a brief question and answer session regarding specific proposed reductions, Mayor Doyle asked for responses from the audience. James Butler, 711 Milwaukee Drive, Chairman of the Board for the Fine Arts Center, began by introducing Scott Nagle who is representing the Friends and also Washington State Director for the local Festival of Associations and Jake Seniuk, Fine Arts Director. Mr. Butler thanked the Council for their support and assured members that the Center will meet matching funds. Scott Nagle, Executive Director of the Washington Festival and Events Association, mentioned that the Fine Arts Center is a national treasure, becoming more and more recognized because of the work of the Board and the Friends. Mr. Nagle's work will include making the Center a focal point for tourism by increasing the amount of over- night stays. Jake Seniuk, Director of the Fine Arts Center, 33 Salt Creek Road, also thanked the Council and City for their support of the Center. Councilman Campbell complimented the Fine Arts Center in their attempts to increase tourism to the Center. 3 - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 20, 2001 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2002 Budget Hearing Break Property Tax Levy Ordinances Ordinance No. 3102 Ordinance No. 3103 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: ( Cont' d) Serenity House Rezone Kathe Smith, 607 East 4th, inquired about the State Transportation Improvement Plan and the amount ofma:tching funds not listed in the Budget and whether or not those monies could be apl'li~d to the Waterfront Trail through the Rayonier Mill site. Ms. Smith's intent is to'give this information to the members of the public who wish to . address this issue~tthe m;xt youncil meeting. Manager Quinn responded that the City has one grant proj~c{fuat currently relates to the Trail and that the Staff is looking into other grants availab~e for permanent improvements. He also responded to Ms. Smith's concern about monies' designated to the Centennial Trail project stating that the grant might be reallocated to the Waterfront Trail. Ms. Smith then asked if the City Budget included matching fuDds, and Director Ziomkowski responded that it did not. Ms. Smith then asked Council members to consider those funds in the Budget. There being no further testimony, Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. However, Finance Director Ziomkowski asked that the hearing be continued to the next Council meeting, so Mayor Doyle retracted the closing of the public hearing. He then continued the publi~ ~earing to Monday, December 3,2001. Mayor Doyle recognized and welcomed members of the audience, including County Commissioner Mike Doherty; and the three newly-elected Councilmembers - Richard Headrick, Gary Braun, and Karen Rogers. Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:28 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. Director Ziomkowski IIlade a briefPowerPoint presentation, summarizing the proposed property taxes and special levy taxes for 2002. Citing an example of projected taxes on a $150,000 house, Director Ziomkowski noted the taxes would actually decrease by approximately $37.50. Mayor Doyle read the Property Tax Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3102. . AN ORDINANCE of the City ofPort Angeles, Washington, authorizing. a $75,095 increase in the regular property tax levy for the fiscal y~ar 2002, which amount is 1 percent more than the property tax levied for collection in 2001 and includes property taxes from new construction. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Doyle read the. Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3103 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, determining and fixing the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes for the year 2002 and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners. Councilmember Mc~eown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Serenity House Rezone OJ-05 Mayor Doyle noted that this item had been tabled at the November 6th Council meeting, and he asked at this time for a motion to remove the item from the table. . -~ - . . . OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Serenity House Rezone District Court Contract with Clallam County ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 20, 2001 moved to remove the matter of the Serenity House rezone from the for discussion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins. CpUfcihnan Williams' because of appearance of fairness, excused himself from the discussion and 'departed the Council Chambers at 8:50 p.m. The six remaining C;ouncilmember:s voted on the motion, which carried unanimously. \.: .~." !:'?~- e ,',' '~', ' ,0"":<'1: Mayor Doyle asked if any Councilmembers would be willing to change their vote to break the tie from the last session; none responded. The Mayor then asked staff to explain procedure. Attorney Knutson responded by explaining that the legal effect of the 3-to-3 tie vote is to deny the rezone application, consistent with the general rules of Parliamentary Procedure and land use situations. Since the Council is still dead-locked, it was Attorney Knutson's suggestion to consider a motion directing staff to return to the next Council meeting with [mdings and conclusions in support of the 3-to-3 tie. Findings would consist of factors which supported the three Councilmembers who voted against the rezone and the factors supporting the three Councilmembers who supported it. Conclusions would be to deny the rezone. Therefore, Council member McKeown moved to direct staff to prepare findings and conclusions to support a 3-to-3 tie in denial ofthe rezone. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried 6 - O. Councilman Williams returned to the Council Chambers at 8:55 p.m. 3. District Court Contract with Clal/am County: Following Mayor Doyle's summary of the proposed contract and recommendation, Senior Assistant City Attorney Dickson summarized the contract negotiations and increase offees and explained the necessity of the re-negotiation. He also explained the assessment of filing fees, the second major change in the contract. Councilmember Erickson recused herself from the vote. Mayor Doyle read the recommendation, and Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the Clallam County District Court Contract. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. None. Manager Quinn highlighted the Annexation Outreach Meetings on November 291h, December 6th, and December 13th, and then extended an invitation to Council members to the December 14th Employee Association Christmas Party. Added to the meeting calendar was a Real Estate Committee meeting on the 11th of December at 5 p.m. Manager Quinn gave Council notice that the City has lifted the voluntary water usage restrictions. None. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. Larry Doyle, Mayor Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Ps- . . . 6 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page CHECK REGISTER . Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 66650 Dispatch Monthly Magazine 04301 Subscription-WU #11826 2002 1 2370000 1.64- 66652 Epson Accesories Inc 05036 NIMH battery 1 2370000 2.67- 66682 Natural Structures 14145 Benches 1 2370000 12.23- 66731 Second Chance Body Armor Inc 19759 Body armor 1 2370000 71.93- 66734 Strafford Publications Inc. 19303 Municipal Litigation Reporter 1 2370000 38.30- 66792 Quill Corporation 17000 Audio tapes,pens,staples 1 2370000 4.28- Carbon paper,pencils.clips 1 2370000 11.47- 66796 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Kirkendall 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Olson 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Vogel 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Wilson 1 2295000 24.00 Total for Department 46.52- 0001 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 111 4210 2.86- 10-02 AVAYA billing 113 4210 2.86- 10-02 AVAYA billing 124 4210 1.43- 11-02 AVAYA billing 111 4210 49.13 11-02 AVAYA billing 113 4210 49.13 11-02 AVAYA billing 124 4210 24.57 . 66642 Clallam Co Treasurer 03075 Primary Election share 09-18 124 4150 6,338.86 66643 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Employment physical-King 113 4131 139.00 Employment physical-Oman 113 4131 117.00 66653 Evergreen Safety Council Inc 05011 Renew member Coons pe 11-2002 113 4901 195.00 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Clasp envelopes,post-its,pens 124 3101 59.65 Pens,labels,pads 111 3101 50.54 Clear covers, pens 111 3101 78.73 Calendars and refills 124 3101 29.08 Paper,calculator ribbons 111 3101 37.87 File folder labels 124 3101 22.05 Name plate 124 3101 13.31 Folders 124 3101 92.80 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 NP6412 lease agreement-Nov 111 4810 32.46 66703 paymentech 16421 Regs-Doyle,Campbell 112 3101 650.00 Business meals 111 4310 8.50 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 October scan charges 111 4210 176.88 October scan charges 113 4210 24.41 October scan charges 124 4210 7.90 Total for Administration 8,189.72 0002 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 201 4210 2.86- 10-02 AVAYA billing 230 4210 3.57- 10-02 AVAYA billing 240 4210 8.58- 11-02 AVAYA billing 201 4210 49.13 . 11-02 AVAYA billing 230 4210 61.42 11-02 AVAYA billing 240 4210 147.40 66621 Angeles Mi llwork 01073 Plastic laminate 230 4810 78.34 Stepladder 240 3101 75.73 66622 Asset Valuation Services Inc. 01264 GASB 34 Consulting mtg 09-10 230 4150 1,124.77 66661 Hainstock, Lisa 08472 Reimburse boot expense 240 3111 100.00 7 ---- 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER Oate From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 . l)L<f\N . _ Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor DescrIptIon GL Code Amount Number Name Number NlI1lber 66687 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Oct delivery services 240 4150 104.75 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 205 3101 157.76 Paper 205 3101 17.53 66690 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Credit 1000 laser A/P checks 230 3101 63.42- 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper 230 3101 37.87 Paper 205 3101 227.22 Boxes,binders,paper,folders 230 3101 487.57 Letter openers 240 3101 18.31 Paper,calculator ribbons 240 3101 54.25 Paper,calculator ribbons 230 3101 31.62 Paper,calculator ribbons 201 3101 37.87 Paper, calculator ribbons 205 3101 37.87 Folders, paper 230 3101 275.13 Folders, paper 205 3101 184.05 Paper, indexes 230 3101 56.83 Paper, indexes 205 3101 378.70 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Ribbons 240 3101 22.73 Toner 240 3101 34.09 66698 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 Chair mat 230 3101 21.64 66703 paymentech 16421 Software de~ refreshments 201 3101 96.79 Laptop-Ziomkowski 201 3160 1,7:. Software tech support 2054150 15 Internet svcs 201 4150 35. 66706 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Integrated Financial software 201 4410 100.04 Ord #3099,3100-Refunding Bonds 201 4410 46.74 Budget Hearing 11/06 201 4410 68.88 66724 Radix Corporation 18004 December maintenance 2404810 176.37 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Keys 240 3101 2.16 Flashl ight 240 3101 9.60 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 HP Laserjet printer 201 3160 n8.92 Office XP Pro Enterprise 201 3160 622.82 October scan charges 201 4210 54.93 October scan charges 230 4210 65.52 October scan charges 240 4210 18.41 66756 Washington Research Council 23050 Renew member 211-2 Ziomkowski 201 4901 250.00 66790 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 Refund collection money 240 4150 1,100.00 66792 Quill Corporation 17000 Adder rolls 240 3101 140.64 Pencils,clips.calendar refill 230 3101 10.66 Total for Finance 9,249.61 0003 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 311 4210 5.00- 11-02 AVAYA billing 311 4210 85.98 66640 Clallam Co District Court 03069 Court costs-October 312 5090 5,111.54 66675 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc. 13106 WAAppellate Rpts Vol 102 311 3101 16.94 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper, calculator ribbons 311 3101 3. Legal forms 311 3101 66695 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 Legal svcspe 10-31 312 4150 1,522. 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Service typewriter 311 4810, 36.79 66732 Spacesaver Northwest LLC 19476 Manilla folders, fasteners 311 3101 373.62 66734 Strafford Publications Inc. 19303 M~~ipal Litigation Reporter 311 3101 252.65 01/11/26-14:04 . City of Port Angeles - MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 rnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number . . 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 0004 66610 AT&T Wireless Services 66611 AVAYA INC 01404 12215 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 66706 Peninsula Daily News 16012 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 19037 23111 0005 12215 66611 AVAYA INC 66617 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 66636 Camera Corner 03044 66639 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 66641 Clallam Co Sheriff's Dept 03074 66652 Epson Accesories Inc 05036 66677 Metrocall 20000 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Description GL Code Number Municipal Litigation Reporter 312 3101 October scan charges 311 4210 11-02 AT&T alc 44324994 420 4210 10-02 AVAYA billing 411 4210 11-02 AVAYA billing 411 4210 Folders 411 3101 X-stamper 411 3101 Serenity House rezone 411 4410 Duplex Bent Cedars Way-Key 411 4410 Development Application-Port 411 4410 Establish Gertie's farmers mkt 411 4410 Peabody St Right of Way 411 4410 Deep Water Dredge Disposal 411 4410 Notice of correction 411 4410 Tape measure 420 3501 Office XP Pro Enterprise 420 3101 October scan charges 411 4210 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing Move extension 4943 Photos Photos Inmate care 09-27 statement Inmate care 11-05 statement Inmate care-June 2001 Inmate care-July 2001 NIMH battery 10-27 MetrocaLl billing Bags Paper Paper,calculator ribbons Credit returned chalk,board Frame Frames Credit returned frames Badges, frames Ink cartridge Ink cartridge NP1020 lease agreement-Nov NP3050 lease agreement-Nov N~30 lease agreement-Nov 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 534 4150 530 4990 530 4990 512 5099 512 5099 512 5099 512 5099 534 3101 530 4210 530 3101 534 3101 534 3101 511 3101 511 3101 511 3101 511 3101 511 3101 534 3101 534 3101 511 4810 534 4810 534 4810 November 26 2001 Total for Attorney Total for Planning Page 3 Amount 252.65 15.02 7,703.81 22.41 2.86- 49.13 17.18 70.82 35.26 22.14 53.30 41. 82 22.96 74.62 22.96 17.17 311.46 20.95 779.32 5.00- 3.57- .71- 85.98 61.42 12.28 59.51 35.20 16.33 433.67 24.76 49,769.20 42,448.38 35.17 61.82 31.26 75.74 75.74 17.72- 20.94 33.69 33.69- 47.13 62.22 62.22 32.46 54.10 167.82 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Nl.IIlber 66706 Peninsula Daily News 16012 66708 Pocket Press Inc 16459 66723 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 66725 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 66731 Second Chance Body Armor Inc 19759 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 667~5 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 0006 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 66636 Camera Corner 03044 66654 Fire & Rescue Training {FRTC) 06244 66666 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 66688 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 66690 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 66703 paymentech 16421 66711 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 66725 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19035 19037 1r .,:; ,~} Description GL Code Number Halloween safety 10-14,10-17 Washington Criminal Codes Exchange micro-recorder Adapter plugs, speaker Radio repair,parts,labor Radio service Cell phone PAsystem check, labor Body armor Wash mitt,cleaner,protectant Spot remover,rags,scrub brush Spot remover Nai ls Boots October scan charges October scan charges October scan charges Extinguisher Maintenance 534 4150 530 3101 530 3501 530 3501 530 3114 530 4810 530 4210 530 3114 530 3111 530 3101 530 3101 530 3101 584 3120 530 2080 511 4210 530 4210 534 4210 530 3101 10-02 AVAYA billing 611 4210 10-02 AVAYA billing 642 4210 10-02 AVAYA billing 643 4210 10-02 AVAYA billing 641 4210 11-02 AVAYA billing 611 4210 11-02 AVAYA billing 642 4210 11-02 AVAYA billing 641 4210 Strandboard,nails 641 3101 Photos 642 3101 Photos 642 3101 \ Basic Trauma-Nielsen 11-3,11-4 643 4310 Oxygen fill 643 3101 Oxygen fill 643 3101 Oxygen fill 643 3101 Lamp bulb 684 4810 October laundry svcs 641 3101 Business cards-Support Officer 611 3101 Meeting room, refreshments 611 3101 ' Reimburse petty cash 643 3199 Reimburse petty cash 643 3101 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 Headset repair 641 3114 Belt clip 641 3114 Motorola radio 02-05-99 641 3114 Radio service 641 3114 Oxygen 643 3101 Broom stick 684 3120. Handle,hoses 684 4810 Sparkplug 684 3120 c;J,Oiner 643 3101 November 26 2001 Total for Police Page 4 . Amount 40.00 276.06 3.31- 49.74 269.42 32.46 312.69 97.38 949.04 15.38 10.97 4.84 .90 70.19 24.23 40.88 5.88 16.23 95,859.33 . .71- .71- 2.14- 61.42 12.28 36.85 106.21 14.66 8.74 125.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 1.67 14.08 80.83 63.26 10.00 9.20 49.53 32.46 10.82 9.16.04 1:. 2. 8.92 3.61 4.19 01/11/26-14:04 . City of Port Angeles MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 I'nd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number . . 66742 Thurman Supply 20005 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 66755 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 66778 Kitsap Co Fire Chiefs Assn 11074 0007 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 66633 CH2M Hill Inc 03005 66636 Camera Corner 03044 66638 Clallam Co Auditor 03018 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 66698 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 66703 Paymentech 16421 66704 Pen Print Inc 16009 66749 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 66754 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 0008 66610 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 66613 Albertson's Inc. 01204 Description S i l i cone spray Water filter cartridge Cartridge Cartridge October scan charges October scan charges October scan charges Extinguisher maintenance Repl #26859 reg fees 09-1995 GL Code Nl.IIlber 641 3101 684 4810 684 4810 684 4810 611 4210 641 4210 643 4210 684 3120 645 4310 10-02 AVAYA billing 711 4210 11-02 AVAYA billing 711 4210 Morse Creek IFIM pe 11-02 711 4150 Photos 711 3101 Copies July-Octoberr 711 4990 Adhesive, hose clamps 711 3501 Paper,tapes,folders,protectors 711 3101 Versadater stamp 711 3101 Stamp,clips,flags,tape 711 3101 Hole punch 711 3101 Pens,folders 711 3101 Labels,tabs 711 3101 Pens,clips,panel hook 711 3101 Binders 711 3101 Partition,connectors 711 3101 Camera disks 711 3501 Registration-Rasler WWW class 711 4310 October locates 711 4150 October scan charges 711 4210 Hydrology-Mahlum,Sperr 711 4310 Hydrology training-Gloor 711 4310 11-02 AT&T alc 44704773 11-02 AT&T alc 46008926 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 10-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing Rlfleshments November 26 2001 Total for Fire Total for Public Works 865 4210 865 4210 811 4210 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 811 4210 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 861 3101 Page 5 Amount 2.46 11.39 13.69 11.39 17.91 3.95 2.16 59.51 280.00 2,204.50 19.37- 331.66 125.17 7.80 2.75 8.75 110.16 70.82 82.22 87.92 19.81 17.16 156.01 112.57 108.20 15.04 99.00 19.25 150.67 150.00 75.00 1,730.59 14.41 7.94 2.14- .71- .71- 1.43- .71- 2.14- 36.85 12.28 12.28 24.57 12.28 36.85 23.78 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 . :\::: :;"f~ Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name NlIlIber NlIlIber 66617 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Hook up new jacks 863 4210 59.51 66619 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Shaft for paint sprayer 865 3120 19.39 Sprayers 865 3120 28.80 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 Wire brush 865 3120 5.13 Gloves 865 3120 7.18 Gloves 865 3120 5.13 Hanmer 865 3501 15.41 Duct tape,pipe insulation 865 3120 8.63 Pipe,bit 830 3120 25.67 Cotter pins 865 3120 3.79 CH Building maintenance-tape 830 6310 3.99 Screws, nuts 865 3120 .78 CH Building main-texture spray 830 6310 14.38 Cover 830 6310 3.59 Grinding wheel 865 3120 5.44 Lunber 865 3120 39.90 66626 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Rebar caps 865 3120 45.44 66636 Camera Corner 03044 Photo pages 865 3101 10.82 66674 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Elbows,pipes,labor 865 3120 215.16 Floats from docks to storage 865 4810 238.04 Flatbar 865 3120 4~. 66676 Matthews International 13664 Urn-Dyker 866 3401 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Rust treatment 863 3120 14.02 66681 National Rec & Park Assn 14146 Membership-Cole 861 4901 185.00 66688 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Laundry svcs-Oct alc 1003 861 3101 53.48 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Mat 863 3120 95.95 Doodlebug pad holder,handle 862 3120 14.57 Mighty grip tape 863 3120 31.15 Toilet tissue,cleaner,vac bags 830 3120 173.07 Toilet tissue,liners 830 3120 133.83 Toilet ti ssue 865 3120 48.55 Weatherstripping 863 3120 64.86 66690 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Receipt books 863 3101 131.14 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Easel pads 811 3101 30.84 Date book refill,pens,calendar 865 3101 60.74 Ink jet cartridge 811 3101 29.20 Message pads,notes,pens 866 3101 42.53 Dividers 865 3101 9.79 Correction tape & fluid,glue 866 3101 38.51 File folder 866 3101 8.10 Reinforcements, indexes 866 3101 23.13 66702 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint~bucket,brushes 865 3120 27.49 66712 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Piston and rod 865 3120 73.20 Grass bags 865 3120 97.35 66718 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Drill vase hole-Baublits 866 3401 19.00 Marker, foundation-Hubert 866 3401 , 279. Inscription-Oerther 866 3401 52 Final date-Moffat 866 3401 52. Marker, foundation-Harkins 866 3401 1,140.95 Marker-Bright 866 3401 134.90 66719 Qwest 21001 11-~ Qwest billing 863 4210 39.08 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 7 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 66725 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 66730 Lovell Paint & Decorating 12184 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 . 66742 Thurman Supply 20005 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 66755 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 66764 American Red Cross 01032 66791 Peninsula Daily News 16012 . 101 0001 66710 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 Description GL Code Amount Number Radio repair 865 4810 16.23 Paint 830 6310 151.43 Shackle 865 3120 30.06 Hinge handle, socket 865 3501 49.74 Gasket kits,gasket,belt,rings 865 3120 101.24 Ballcock,hasp 865 3120 14.79 Shackles,wire 865 3120 33.94 Nuts 830 3120 5.45 Flat bar,shackles 865 3120 14.79 Washers,chains 865 3120 40.51 Chain link 865 3120 1.21 Cylinder rentals for Oct 865 3101 16.23 Cylinder rental Oct 866 3101 10.82 Cleaner,bulbs 866 3120 18.71 Gloves 865 3120 8.59 Caulk, bulbs 830 3120 15.17 Duct tape,masking tape 863 3120 4.48 Shackle pin,eyebolts 811 3101 22.67 Cleanser,sponge 865 3120 7.84 starting fluid,light bulbs 866 3120 13.44 Vacuum bags, brush 865 3120 5.13 Pole,roller covers 865 3120 6.61 Sleeve,nut 830 3120 2.49 Hose 865 3120 3.97 Water 862 3120 5.25 Brush 865 3120 4.17 Canvas 865 3120 12.89 Parts to repair door-VBCC 830 3120 20.49 Rain gear 866 3120 167.43 Gloves 865 3140 5.27 Bulbs 863 3120 23.78 Gang plank plate, bulbs 863 3120 98.03 Lights 865 3120 23.80 Brass nipple, insert coupling 862 3120 4.n October scan charges 811 4210 11. 23 October scan charges 861 4210 28.78 October scan charges 862 4210 1.67 October scan charges 863 4210 1.05 October scan charges 865 4210 ~88 October scan charges 866 4210 22.54 Suppression inspection,link 865 4810 76.82 Lifeguard classes-August 862 4310 640.00 Prearrangement makes sense 866 4410 195.00 Kids club 10-15,10-17 862 4210 50.00 Total for Parks & Recreation 6,073.26 Total for General Fund 131,743.62 November expenses 115 5083 3,313.38 Ml~r Investment pe 12-2002 115 5082 672.00 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 . Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Nl.IIlber Name Nl.IIlber Nl.IIlber Hurricane Sports, Historical 115 5083 2,031.34 Total for Convention Center Fund 6,016.n 102 0007 66610 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 11-02 AT&T a/c 43487438 752 4210 12.94 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 752 4210 2.14- 11-02 AVAYA billing 752 4210 36.85 66612 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Chains,box files 752 3120 69.24 66618 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 752 3120 306.21 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 Flag pole sockets 752 3125 13.35 Flag pole sockets 752 3125 16.66 Blow gun lever,safety walk 752 3120 42.31 Outlet cover 752 3120 2.55 Paint 752 3101 6.n Connector 752 3120 3.90 Carpet tape,utility knife 752 3120 6.05 Stakes 752 3120 14.59 Cleaner 752 3120 7.24 66626 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Expansion joints 752 3120 27.05 66631 Builders Hardware & Supply Co. 02071 Gloves 752 3120 102.88 66663 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Weatherproof glue, brush 752 3120 ~. Melanine 752 3120 66671 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3120 Asphal t 752 3120 48.69 Asphalt 752 3120 618.90 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Toilet paper,paper towels 752 3120 82.36 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper,tapes,folders,protectors 752 3101 110.16 Pens, folders 7523101 19.81 Mounting squares,markers 752 3120 3.29 Pens, hole punch,paper 752 3125 18.18 66709 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 Asphalt cutter,chisel,point 752 3120 23.87 66712 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Stihl chain saw 752 3120 346.19 66n6 Ridout, Ken 18011 Reimburse mileage 752 4310 72.19 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Stop/slow paddles 752 3125 25.96 Brushes 752 3125 4.10 Sleeve, paint' 752 3120 26.64 Culvert bands,pipe 752 3120 157.96 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. , .19037 Door 752 3101 18.90 Bike strobes 752 3125 8.37 Film 752 3120 64.86 Hedge Shears 752 3120 17.82 Spouts '752 3120 14.31 66750 Verizon Wireless,' Bellevue 01105 11-05 Verizon billing 752 4210 11.62 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 October scan charges 752 4210 2.85 66755 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 752 3120 16.23 66791 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Outstanding Public svc Award 752 4210 176.25 2,672. Total for'Street Fund 103 0001 66611 AVAYA INC ,12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 123 4210 .71- 1iJ-4 AVAYA billing 123 4210 12.28 01/11/26-14:04 Ci ty of Port Angeles -} YLlVE MACHINE November 26 2001 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 107 0005 66608 APCO (Assn of Public Safety 01158 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 66650 Dispatch Monthly Magazine 04301 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 66703 paymentech 16421 66725 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 66792 Quill Corporation 17000 174 0008 66610 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 66627 Boyd Coffee Company 02603 . 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Description GL Code Number October scan charges 123 4210 Total for Economic Development Member dues-Rife 102531 10-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing Subscription-WU #11826 2002 Paper,calculator ribbons Ink Hotel,Conference-WU Reset base station Reprogram zetron October scan charges Audio tapes, pens, staples 532 4901 532 4210 532 4210 532 4901 532 3101 532 3101 532 4310 532 4810 532 4810 532 4210 532 3101 Total for PenCom 11-02 AT&T alc 44889988 888 4210 Filters 8893101 Paper 880 3101 Scissors, tape dispenser,staple 888 3101 Office XP Pro Enterprise 880 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 182 0005 66798 Smith, Timothy P 19838 Return seized money 536 36990000 Total for Drug Task Force 186 0008 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Caulk,caulk gun 873 3101 66797 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Trail survey pe 10-25 873 4150 Total for Waterfront Trai l Fund 310 0007 66636 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 783 3101 66662 Harding ESE Inc 08248 Airport Rd/Edgewood pe 05-25 774 4150 66720 R & R Technologies Inc 18435 Health check of units 792 4810 66761 Wetherholt and Associates P.S. 23380 Prof svcs pe 08-30 783 4150 Total for Public Works 0008 66682 Natural Structures 66714 Primo Construction Inc. 14145 16033 . 314 0007 66649 Dept of Natural Resources 04010 Benches Francis St Park pmt #4 896 3101 890 4150 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Forest Land Assessment 15 715 4950 Page 9 Amount 26.13 37.70 45.00 12.15- 208.81 21.64 113.61 57.35 275.06 129.84 865.60 56.13 56.37 1,817.26 7.93 21.29 37.87 20.42 311.41 398.92 9n.00 9n.00 15.59 784.00 799.59 3.41 1,449.99 480.00 70.00 2,003.40 n6.19 74,490.40 75,266.59 n,269.99 273.46 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor NliI1ber Description GL Code NlIllber Amount Total for Property Management Fund 273.46 316 0008 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 Wallboard compound, sander 860 3101 8.29 Primer,gloves,brush,thinner 860 3101 26.31 Paint 860 3101 19.47 Tape,roller,paint tray 860 3101 17.25 Molding 860 3101 26.05 66742 Thurman Supply 20005 Blank cover 860 3101 .57 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 97.94 401 66624 Bauder, Angela 02640 Utility deposit rfd-021768010 401 2391200 250.00 66635 Caldwell, Robin and Tracy 03630 Util ity deposit rfd-026239005 401 2391200 250.00 66637 Chalepah, Jennifer and Thomas 03631 Util ity deposit rfd-019178003 401 2391200 48.00 66645 Davis, Sonya 04396 Util ity deposit rfd-026344015 401 2391200 250.00 66646 DeLeon, Jennifer Diaz 04397 Util ity deposit rfd-026026016 401 2391200 250.00 66658 Greenlee, Zacharia 07363 Utility overpmt rfd-119009014 401 1222200 27.78 Util ity deposit rfd-119009014 401 2391200 88.75 66665 lotte, Serena 09146 Utility overpmt rfd-063126050 401 1222200 23.39 66701 Paopao, Anthony and Rena 16558 Util ity deposit rfd-021202023 401 2391200 250.00 66741 Thomsen, Marc 20203 Util ity deposit rfd-022977003 401 2391200 25~ 66751 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Alpha meters 401 1414000 3,48 Alpha meters 401 1411000 295. 66758 Weems, Anita 23474 Util ity deposit rfd-066966022 401 2391200 95.31 Utility overpmt rfd-066966022 401 1222200 207.69 66760 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Switches 401 1414000 4,734.00 Switches 401 1411000 388.19 66780 Lancaster, Josiah 12398 Utility deposit rfd-044440020 401 2391200 57.97 66792 Quill Corporation 17000 Penci l s 401 2370000 .49- Calendars,planners,pencils 401 2370000 5.31- Total for Department 10,941.08 0009 66610 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 11-02 AT&T ale 44625127 911 4210 16.38 10-27 AT&T ale 48531602 911 4210 21.36 11-02 AT&T ale 44690139 911 4210 13.34 11-02 AT&T a/c45528387 911 4210 12.10 11-02 AT&T ale 45570652 911 4210 34.94 11-05 AT&T ale 48555460 911 4210 63.05 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 911 4210 10.00- 11-02 AVAYAbilling 911 4210 171.96 66612 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Spray,filter 911 4810 12.91 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 LliI1ber 911 4810 1.92 Door stop, spring hinge 911 4810 20.54 66626 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Concrete mix 930 3402 5.83 Mortar mix 911 4810 17.50 Concrete mix 911 3402 ~. Lava rock 911 3402 66628 Branom Instrument Company 02090 Multi-meter repair 911 4810 94.85 66643 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 DOT Physical-Wahto 911 4310 72.00 66644 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Gal~ material,adhesive 911 4810 16.57 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - 'lI\lE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 11 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number 66663 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 Paint 911 4810 11.66 66669 l & l Tool Specialties 12035 Ammunition for Hiltigun 911 4810 12.96 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Fittings 911 3402 12.92 Hose ends 911 3402 48.50 66680 NWPPA 14013 OSHA Safety program-October 911 4310 1,592.76 66683 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 Albert St Cleanup pe 10-20 911 4150 386.70 66706 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Tree trimming alc 4001149 930 4410 205.62 66712 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Spark plug,labor 911 3501 22.77 66713 Potelco Inc 16537 UG Conversion-Ediz Hook pmt 1 930 6510 55,609.22 66715 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 11-13 billing SR 101 & Euclid 911 3350 20.52 11-08 billing 2110 Glass Rd 911 3350 60.23 66719 Qwest 21001 11-02 Qwest billing 911 4210 64.92 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Washers 911 4810 14.54 Paints,brushes,bits 911 3120 39.70 Screws,straps,bits 911 4810 26.45 Screws 911 3501 2.14 Paints,wrench 911 4810 38.44 Nuts,washers 911 3120 13.96 Screws 911 4810 6.92 Tool box,nipples,clamps 911 4810 63.77 . 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Divider,binder 911 4810 3.07 Fix-all,drill bits 911 4810 16.62 Water container 911 3402 7.43 Box 911 3501 .6.35 Plugs, caps 911 4810 3.07 Plugs, caps 911 4810 9.88 Tape measure 911 3501 18.15 Paint 911 4810 9.32 Cable connector,receptacle 911 4810 7.83 66742 Thurman Supply 20005 Conduits,screws,gaskets 911 4810 50.85 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 October scan charges 911 4210 35.41 66760 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Scorer w/adjustable blade 911 3501 122.95 Starter boards 911 4810 89.96 66792 Quill Corporation 17000 penc il s 911 3101 6.47 Calendars,planners,pencils 911 3101 70.03 Total for Light 59,299.14 Total for Light Fund 70,240.22 402 66721 Raco Manufacturing & Eng Co 18445 Verbatim Upgrade kit 402 2370000 9.43- 66746 USA BlueBook 21060 long handled dippers 402 2370000 10.89- Total for Department 20.32- 0007 66609 AT&T Business Service 01085 10-15 AT&T billing 753 4210 28.88 . 66610 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 11-02 AT&T alc 46031977 753 4210 15.17 11-02 AT&T alc 43263680 753 4210 19.18 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 753 4210 .71- 10-02 AVAYA billing 754 4210 1.43- 11-~ AVAYA billing 754 4210 24.57 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Nl.Il1ber 66614 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 66618 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 66623 Automated Business Sys. Inc. 01050 66629 Brown and Caldwell 02057 66633 CH2M Hill Inc 03005 66648 Dept of Community Development 03066 66656 Good Man Sanitation 07362 66663 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 66671 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 66677 Metrocall 20000 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 66690 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 66691. Olympic Sewer & Drain Cleaning 15169 66692 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 66698 66703 66709 66715 66719 Pacific Office Furniture paymentech Points Sharp Steel Inc. Public Utility Dist Clallam Co Qwest 16518 16421 16092 16038 21001 .;. f ;~~ ,;\ Description Gl Code Nl.Il1ber 11-02 AVAYA billing 753 4210 Midget fuses 754 3120 Concrete 753 3402 Brushes 753 3402 Battery 754 3120 Wall anchors,pipe 793 6510 Cleaner 793 6510 Cell phone case 753 3402 WW Projects pe 10-26 794 4150 WW Projects pe 10-26 794 4150 Elwha Dam removal pe 11-02 793 4150 GWI Compliance pe 11-02 793 4150 Water System Update pe 11-02 793 4150 Peabody Heights pe 11-02 793 4150 Surge Tank Spec pe 11-02 753 6510 Water tests 753 4150 Restroom rental pe 11-18 793 6510 Adapter 753 3120 Plywood 753 3402 Asphalt 754 3120 . 10-27 Metrocall bill ing 754 4210 Gear wrench set 754 3501 Paper rags 754 3120 Toilet paper,paper towels 753 3120 Towels, deodorant 753 3120 Cleaner,paper towels 754 3120 Chlorine 753 3105 Time cards 754 3101 Inspect main line 754 3120 Water 754 3120 Cooler rentals 754 3120 Paper,tapes,folders,protectors 753 3101 Pens, folders 753 3101 Pens, folders 754 3101 Glue sticks,memo books 753 3101 Keyboard,copy stand, stapler 754 3120 labels, pens 754 3101 Deskjets 753 3101 Tapes,clipboards 754 3101 Formatted diskettes 753 3101 Service printer equipment 753 3160 Keyboard tray 754 3120, Water pump 793 6510 Asphalt cutter,chisel,point 753 3402 11-07 billing 203 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 11-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 11-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 10-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 10-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 10-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 1~~ Qwest billing 754 4210 November 26 2001 Page 12 . Amount 12.28 147.78 344.62 28.86 10.33 6.99 16.42 17.30 3,601.28 1,259.96 364.45 11,633.96 10,149.25 6,015.54 1,567.68 882.00 108.00 2.91 75.31 113.92 3~ 1~;Y 82.36 86.58 242.24 178.96 118.86 172.43 11.36 21.53 110.16 19.80 19.80 7.84 271.85 45.25 68.71 15.13 21.64 75.74 135.25 1,201.40 23.87 65.84 :. 57.42 57.42 63.28 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 13 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name NlJTIber Number 66721 Raco Manufacturing & Eng Co 18445 Verbatim Upgrade kit 754 3120 124.43 66728 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Safety hats 753 3402 183.09 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Sheave 753 3402 43.23 Bolts 753 3402 2.92 Gloves 753 3402 95.82 Fasteners 754 3120 34.41 Shackles,washers,bolts,cables 793 6510 226.03 Paint pail,lid,concrete mix 793 6510 24.76 Coupling,teflon tape 754 3120 3.12 Safety glasses,cordless drill 754 3120 268.77 Bench grinder 753 3501 194.75 Couplings,elbows 793 6510 3.83 Bolts 793 6510 25.10 Battery post 753 3402 2.22 C02 refill 753 3105 29.21 Hex key 754 3120 10.81 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Batteries 754 3120 9.25 Post hole digger 754 3120 31.35 Battery 753 3402 4.30 Rope 754 3120 19.48 . Lopper shears,wastebasket,bags 753 3120 24.36 Batteries,squeegee,screwdriver 754 3120 69.55 Hammers,screwdrivers,battery 753 3120 74.28 Markers,correction fluid 754 3101 6.04 Wire 793 6510 46.53 Bolt 793 6510 1.59 Coveralls 754 3120 69.91 Elbow,conduit 793 6510 6.18 Hose,nozzle,cleaner 754 3120 60.04 Leatherman,wrench,tape measure 754 3120 151.69 Shovel 7533402 19.44 Foam,bulbs,nozzle gun grips 754 3120 31.11 66742 Thurman Supply 20005 Bulbs,stripper,receptacles 753 3120 36.36 Fasteners 754 3120 2.99 PVC cement,primer,fasteners 793 6510 16.46 Teflon paste,bushing 753 3402 5.38 Coupling,primer,cement 753 3402 9.72 PVC ball valve 793 6510 9.20 66746 USA BlueBook 21060 Long handled dippers 754 3120 143.63 66749 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 October locates 753 4150 9.63 October locates 754 4150 9.62 66750 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 10-15 Verizon billing 754 4210 12.09 66752 WSU-CAHE Cashier 23438 Pesticide Training-Owens 754 4310 70.00 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Excel 2002 753 3160 170.93 October scan charges 753 4210 8.34 . October scan charges 754 4210 39.08 66754 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 Renew Young-WW #6823 754 4901 30.00 Renew Williams-WW #6822 754 4901 30.00 Renew Waldron-WW #6511 754 4901 30.00 Renew Gaul-WW #6843 754 4901 30.00 19 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Number D~sc:ription GL Code NlJ1lber Vendor Name Vendor Number Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 404 66757 Waste News 66767 Busch Systems Int'l Inc 404 2370000 404 2370000 23238 02495 Waste News-McCabe Recycle containers Total for Department 0007 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 755 4210 11-02 AVAYA billing 755 4210 66615 Alternative Technologies 01465 Refund Landfill #01-655521 755 34370015 66669 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Blow guns,filters 755 3120 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Fuses 755 3120 66688 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Laundry svcs-Oct a/c 353 755 4990 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Toilet paper,paper towels 755 3120 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Calendar,clipboard 755 3120 66704 Pen Print Inc 16009 Door hangers 755 3120 66719 Qwest 21001 11-05 Qwest billing 755 4210 66722 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 KIKN Commercials-Oct #71 755 4410 KONP Commercials-Oct #71 7554410 Home Show 2002 Booth Deposits 755 4901 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Grease gun lever,nozzle 755 3120 Oxygen 755 3120 Screws,bolts 755 3120 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hose hangers,filters 755 3120 Washers, nuts 755 3120 66742 Thurman Supply 20005 Lampholders,bulbs,light covers 755 3120 Motion sensors 755 3120 66743 Toter Incorporated 20330 720 96-gallon containers 755 3501 720 96-gallon containers 755 3501 288 96-gallon containers 755 3501 66747 USDA, APHIS,Wildlife Services 21069 Wildlife Strike Hazard svcs 755 4150 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 October scan charges 755 4210 66755 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher 755 4810 66757 Waste News 23238 Waste News-McCabe 755 4901 66767 Busch Systems Int'l Inc 02495 Recycle containers 755 3120 66771 Drake's Pizza & Subs 04023 Business lunch 755 4310 66791 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Yard waste 10-15,11-01 755 3120 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund 421 0009 66703 Paymentech 16421 Torhiere display lamps 913 4410 66706 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Power Saver 10-28 913 4410 Energy Conservation Matters 913 4410 66763 Alley, Betty R0120 City rebate program 913 4986 66765 Bogues, Keith R0121' City rebate program 913 4986 66766 Brandts, Brad R0122 City rebate program 913 4986 66768 C & F Insulation 03102 c~()rebate program-Webster 913 4986 Page 14 . Amount 42,499.56 42,479.24 2.05- 89.08- 91.13- 3.57- 61.42 431.70 26.99 6.69 76.52 82.37 30.67 135.25 83.56 41.00 37. 780 51.99 14.61 9.42 24.99 7.55 60.25 62.49 30,803.24 30,803.24 12,321.30 16,480.79 15.63 75.74 27.05 1,175.33 45.44 235.00 94,004.16 93,913.03 84.37 282.0 105 60..., 40.00 120.00 3,360.00 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles "."LIVE MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 15 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Nunber 66769 Cox, Willi am R0123 City rebate program 913 4986 120.00 66nO DePoe, Brad and Sherri R0124 City rebate program 913 4986 40.00 66n2 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 05013 City rebate program-Spence 913 4986 604.75 City rebate program-Kane 913 4986 168.00 66n5 Gifford, Helen R0126 City rebate program 913 4986 30.00 66n6 Green, Robin R0125 City rebate program 913 4986 20.00 667n Hinderer, Raechel R0127 City rebate program 913 4986 120.00 66n9 Kovatch, Eric R0128 City rebate program 913 4986 40.00 66781 Little, Jim R0129 City rebate program 913 4986 40.00 66782 Markley, Dianne R0130 City rebate program 913 4986 40.00 66784 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 City rebate program-Boddy 913 4986 750.80 City rebate prog~am-Ayers 913 4986 480.00 City rebate program-Hopkins 913 4986 456.30 City rebate program-Droz 913 4986 173.50 66785 McFadden, Lisa R0131 City rebate program 913 4986 40.00 66786 Mi tchel, Alan R0132 City rebate program 913 4986 120.00 66787 Moffett, Carol R0133 City rebate program 913 4986 120.00 66788 Open Bible Church R0118 City rebate program 913 4986 48.00 66789 Partridge, Brad R0134 City rebate program 913 4986 30.00 66793 Serenity House R0137 City rebate program ' 913 4986 180.00 . 66794 Sharonbroich, Richard R0135 City rebate program 913 4986 60.00 66795 Shore, Karen R0136 City rebate program 913 4986 120.00 Total for Conservation Fund 7,853.47 501 66707 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Diesel 501 1412000 280.67 Diesel 501 1412000 1,296.93 Diesel 501 1412000 176.63 Gasoline,diesel 501 1412000 6,916.00 Total for Department 8,670.23 0007 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 760 4210 .71- 11-02 AVAYA billing 760 4210 24.57 66616 Angeles Auto Alectric 01067 Regulator,bearing 760 3402 58.43 Regulator,bearing 760 4810 60.59 66619 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Sweeper 760 4810 92.51 66621 Angeles Millwork 01073 Chest handle 760 3402 7.38 Lumber,bolts,hangers 760 3101 19.71 Screws 760 3101 6.37 66630 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 Upholstery materials, labor 760 4810 64.92 66634 Schuck's 19008 Tailgate net 760 3402 19.47 66644 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Oil seal 760 3402 4.44 66647 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 Flat repai r 760 4810 6.49 Safety check,filters,lights 760 4810 42.20 . Safety check,filters,lights 760 3110 147.15 Safety check,filters,lights 760 3402 36.52 Turnpike sweeper 760 3110 566.97 Lug nuts,clamps,caps,seals 760 3402 552.47 Safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.31 s~ely check,lubra kleen 760 3402 13.26 November 26 2001 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Page 16 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Nl.Illber 66659 Groeneveld Pacific West Inc 07290 66660 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 66664 Heartline, The 08054 66668 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 19199 66672 Les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 66673 Les Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 66674 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 66679 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 . '. .,. <'\.< c,. Description GL Code Nl.Illber Amount Sensor, labor 760 4810 29.21 Sensor, labor 760 3402 59.51 Battery 760 4810 102.79 Flat repai r 760 3110 6.49 Hose stud,adapter,unions 760 3402 250.85 Housings 760 3402 38.91 Batteries 760 3402 501.83 Batteries 760 3402 136.31 Batteries 760 3402 136.30 Batteries 760 3402 214.07 Batteries 760 3402 81.15 Towing fee 760 4810 54.10 Ti res 760 3110 146.44 Flat repai r 760 4810 42.58 Flat repair 760 4810 24.62 Repair,refinish rear panel 760 4810 310.13 Grip strut 760 3402 72.32 Grip strut 760 3402 24.35 Filter 760 3402 19.35 Seal 760 3402 6.19 Shock 760 3402 r:t Brake light assembly 760 3402 Fly wheel assembly 760 3402 Filters,bulbs,adhesive 760 3402 177 .05 Brake line 760 3402 3.82 Sensors 760 3402 44.96 Muff l er 760 3402 34.10 Sockets 760 3402 8.22 Thermostat,gasket 760 3402 6.24 Filter 760 3402 9.50 PlII1p 760 3402 35.70 Tail pipe 760 3402 12.79 Elbow 760 3402 22.29 Switch 760 3402 10.48 Sockets 760 3501 6.71 Degreaser,brush 760 3402 15.39 Cleaner 7603101 8.89 Bolts 760 3402 10.13 Pin 760 3402 18.63 Degreaser 760 3101 23.37 Bulbs 760 3402 15.47 Lens 760 3402 8.28 Discs 760 3402, 1.97 Lens 760 3402 9.93 Discs 760 3402 49.23 Spark plugs 760 3402 10.30 Switch,filters,seals,cleaner 760 3402 17. Connector 760 3402 Wheel assembly,filter kit 760 3402' 50.37 Starter, core deposit 760 3402 82.98 C~t filter kit, lens 760 3402 21.13- :("1;:' 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - MACHINE November 26 2001 Page 17 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 250 Hoses 760 3402 730.35 Filters,switch,bulbs,connector 760 3402 124.95 Hose ends, fittings 760 3402 34.21 Flashers 760 3402 43.23 Credit core deposit 760 3402 17.85- Sensor 760 3402 18.88 Collets 760 3402 138.09 Collets 760 3402 138.09 Collets 760 3402 138.09 Collets 760 3402 138.08 Bulbs 760 3402 6.49 Cleaner 760 3101 17.79 150 hoses,55 hose ends 760 3402 520.27 Fi l ters 760 3402 15.85 Light,cap screw 760 3402 125.45 Switch 760 3402 103.45 Fittings 760 3402 36.33 Thermostat, gasket 760 3402 5.16 66684 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Reseal 760 4810 70.33 Remove and install glass 760 4810 91. 97 . 66688 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Laundry svcs-Sept a/c241 760 4990 199.19 'October laundry svc alc 241 760 4990 354.49 66689 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Toilet tissue 760 3101 62.76 66691 Olympic Sewer & Drain Cleaning 15169 Labor,machine fee, parts 760 4990 93.71 66694 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper,tapes,folders,protectors 760 3101 110.16 Binders 760 3101 6.43 66697 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Film 760 3101 52.75 66699 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 Hydraul ic line 760 3402 43.17 66707 Pettit Oil Company. 16302 Oil 760 3220 697.81 Oil 760 3220 290.86 Oil 760 3220 749.79 EQ01 October gasoline 760 3210 14.38 EQ9 October gasoline 760 3210 35.59 EQ15 October gasoline 760 3210 35.51 EQ18 October gasoline 760 3210 17.70 EQ21 October gasoline 760 3210 34.00 EQ28 October gasoline 760 3210 43.66 EQ30 October gasoline 760 3210 43.70 EQ40 October gasoline 760 3210 51.17 EQ41 October gasoline 760 3210 58.92 EQ42 October gasoline 760 3210 38.93 EQ43 October gasoline 760 3210 87.83 EQ44 October gasoline 760 3210 120.76 EQ45 October gasoline 760 3210 59.29 EQ46 October gasoline 760 3210 69.75 . EQ47 October gasoline 760 3210 85.37 EQ48 October gasoline 760 3210 67.96 EQ66 October gasoline 7603210 49.07 EQ77 October gasoline 760 3210 141.53 EQ78 October gasoline 760 3210 96.98 E~~ctober gasoline 760 3210 73.94 01/11/26-14:04 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 66716 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 66727 Ruddell Auto Mall 66737 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 Vendor Number 17006 18019 19035 19037 66753 Washington (015), State of 23111 66759 Western Equipment Distrib. Inc 23019 66762 Wurth USA West Inc. 23062 502 0002 66611 AVAYA INC 66617 Angeles Communications Inc 66651 Dungeness Communications & 66706 Peninsula Daily News 66729 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 66753 Washington (015), State of 12215 01069 04210 16012 19058 23111 Description EQ81 October gasoline EQ82 October gasoline EQ83 October gasoline EQ84 October gasoline EQ85 October gasoline EQ86 October gasoline EQ87 October gasoline EQ88 October gasoline EQ89 October gasoline EQ90 October gasoline EQ95 October gasoline EQ96 October gasoline EQ136 October gasoline EQ147 October gasoline EQ151 October gasoline EQ356 October gasoline EQ124 October diesel EQ155 October diesel U-bolt Cushion and cover Auger,drain opener, brushes Springs Bolts,studs Clamps Hitch bar,ball Hooks Tape measure, nipples, bushings Steel angle Cylinder rentals Key Cleaner,shop towels,rags,wax Car wax Rental fees for tanks October scan charges Ball joints,bushings,nuts Gaskets, tubes November 26 2001 GL Code NlIIlber 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3210 760 3211 760 3211 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3101 760 3402. 760 3402 760 3101 760 3402 760 4210 760 3402 760 3402 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund 10-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing Repair wire-Caucus room Tech labor-Caucus room Hook up extension 4714 October maintenance, changes Long Distance Service Long Distance Service October scan charges 24 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4150 250 4410 250 4410 250 4210 Page 18 . Amount 89.44 57.66 96.46 115.42 74.50 63.95 69.88 63.62 74.86 41.61 56.09 45.92 47.26 24.95 39.33 12.44 2.96 30.10 3.41 123.35 2* 1 ~..", 9.67 47.91 10.15 139.22 38.30 27.05 2.79 16.36 9.24 27.05 19.07 315.16 81.87 13,331.19 22,001.42 2.14- 36.85 119.02 59.51 59lt5 1,103 101. 207.90 21.42 ":,' "P,\Y'i;,':,r:'~r'" , .'r,:. :l'ft November 26 2001 Page 19 City of Port Angeles - MACHINE 01/11/26-14:04 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/10/2001 To 11/23/2001 . Vendor Number Description GL Code Number Amount Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 1,707.50 Total for Information Technology Fund 75.70 85.98 15.46 495.40 64.50 1,314.61 1,069.92 535.59 375.00 3,790.30 4,097.90 118 4909 118 4909 121 4630 121 4632 119 4150 121 4631 121 4631 121 4150 121 4630 117 4601 117 4601 503 0001 66657 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 07272 66667 Kaufmann, Tom 11131 66733 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 66735 SlIIIIIit Law Group PLLC 19437 66744 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 66m Fitness West Inc 06306 66783 Marks, Arthur G. 13002 865985 Healthcare Mgt Administrators 08492 873295 Healthcare Mgt Administrators 08492 Safety meeting Pizza 07-19-01 Reimburse medical expenses December premium Legal svcs pe 09-30 Admi n December premi um Police/IBEW December premium Membership-Oman Reimburse medical expenses 11-06 Weekly claims pd by EFT 11-13 weekly claims pd by EFT 11,920.36 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 66611 AVAYA INC 12215 10-02 AVAYA billing 11-02 AVAYA billing Photos Paints,rollers,liners,razors Baster,paper towels Plastic cover,paint roller Credit poly leaf,rake Cord plug,bulbs October scan charges Extinguisher maintainance 652 0008 868 4210 868 4210 868 3101 868 3120 868 3120 868 3501 868 3501 868 3120 868 4210 868 3120 .71- 12.28 16.97 69.07 8.70 17.68 9.63- 51.21 20.31 19.48 66636 Camera Corner 66700 Paint Store, The 66740 Swain's General Store Inc. 03044 16064 19037 . 66742 Thurman 'Supply 20005 66753 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 66755 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 205.36 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 66625 Bigley, Robert H 02641 Refund Medic 1 overpmt 697 2391000 66n4 Forever NPC Resorts LLC 06308 Refund overpmt 697 2391000 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund 66655 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 11-11 698 2315210 66670 LEOFF 12043 October contribution 698 2315120 66685 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 11-11 698 2315210 66686 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 11-11 698 2315210 66696 PERS 16016 October contribution 698 2315130 66705 Peninsula Collection Services 01364 Payroll deductions pe 11-11 698 2315210 66745 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 11-11 698 2315210 66748 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 11-11 698 2315240 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total 493.00 52.89 697 545.89 698 962.48 17,144.91 1,065.81 181.38 26,261.15 6.00 69.41 318.53 46,009.67 518,980.37 . 25 . . . 26 . MEMO FINANCE DEPARTMENT Yvonne Ziomkowski Finance Director [4601] Karen Asquith Accounting Mgr. [4605] ~carol Hagar . . strative Assistant [4600] . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Date: November 29,2001 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council From: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director Re: Payroll Information for November 25th, 2001 For November 25th, the payroll was $435,604.01. The year-to date change from 2000 to 2001 is 4.88%. General Fund remains at less than 1 %. A correction to the YTD 2000 total created no change in the overall percentage vanance. The Mayor/Council, Volunteer Fire and Firemen's Pension processed this pay period eliminating the -9.09% variance for Mayor/Council, the -1.03% for Firemen's Pension and creating an insignificant change for the Fire Department. Suggestions and comments are welcome. 27 PAYROLL INFORMATION AS OF NOV. 25, 2001 Yr2000 2001 2000 YTD . Current Fund/Department PP # 24 PP # 24 TOTAL TOTAL VARIANCE 11/25/01 11/26/00 YTD YTD $ % General Fund Mayor/Council 2,850.00 31,350.00 31,350.00 0.00 0.00% City Manager (Adm,HR,Clerk) 12,016.21 11 ,262.93 304,503.43 269,885.77 34,617.66 12.83% Superior Performance/OPS 140.75 155.40 10,083.54 11 ,482.23 (1,398.69) -12.18% Finance 30,963.64 27,832.02 718,046.53 658,029.54 60,016.99 9.12% City Attorney 9,150.89 8,540.86 226,668.33 215,674.67 10,993.66 5.10% Community Development 7,675.30 9,592.24 215,906.30 205,381.72 10,524.58 5.12% Police Department 74,571.13 66,793.53 1,698,794.04 1,719,279.74 (20,485.70) -1.19% Fire Department 52,997.02 48,461.50 1,295,685.97 1,234,075.42 61,610.55 4.99% PW /Utility 42,639.95 39,485.58 1,001,557.58 948,037.61 53,519.97 5.65% Park/Recreation 34,495.70 29,337.05 998,982.96 958,158.69 40,824.27 4.26% Facility Maintenance 3,524.99 2,943.27 67,335.05 63,434.66 3,900.39 6.15% Total General Fund 271,025.58 244,404.38 6,568,913.73 6,314,790.05 254,123.68 0.40 Economic Development 2,452.09 2,345.52 58,796.69 57,408.66 1,388.03 2.42% Pen Com 28,719.77 25,257.67 644,604.18 613,877.87 30,726.31 5.01% Street 15,280.41 13,935.60 381,386.79 369,845.77 11,541.02 3.12% Recreation Activities 1,967.91 2,136.41 69,824.98 78,464.62 (8,639.64) -11.01% Light 35,745.59 31,119.84 787,312.57 718,854.03 68,458.54 9.52% Water 20,423.44 18,195.86 461,834.97 428,034.58 33,800.39 7.9-, Wastewater 15,598.04 12,582.45 325,849.54 313,243.48 12,606.06 4.0 Solid Waste 24,973.17 23,221.04 548,229.14 496,939.20 51,289.94 10.3 Equipment Services 8,474.85 7,886.09 206,235.04 189,900.92 16,334.12 8.60% Information Technology 6,402.56 7,252.65 153,536.31 151,657.15 1,879.16 1.24% Firemen's Pension 1,730.20 18,954.68 17,403.81 1,550.87 8.91% Esther Webster Trust 2,810.40 2,665.26 67,585.18 64,101.65 3,483.53 5.43% Total Payroll 435,604.01 391,002.77 10,293,063.80 9,814,521.79 478,542.01 4.88% . 28 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ";,':C'),I ~ORTANarLES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITVCOUNCIL MEMO November 29,2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Michael Quinn, City Manager~9-- Human Service Funding Summary: The attached list of Human Service funding recommendations was included in your last Council packet. It was also requested by Council member McKeown that this list be reviewed and any adjustments be offered at this current meeting. Recommendation: Incorporate the attached funding recommendation as part ofthe 2001 Budget by consensus of the City Council. Back!!Tound / Analysis: No additional information necessary. G:\MASTFORM\COUNCIL.WPT Last Revised: 6/29/99 29 (,) o . Port Angeles Human Service Funding Grants Year 2000, 2001 and 2001 comparisons 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 AaencYlProaram Reauested Grant Reauested Grant Reauested Recommend Black is brief descriotion. Blue comments are from me nla = did not reouest funds. Luthlran Social Slrvlcl. Ex Dad is comlt1g out of jail. wants to see Ilis kids Many times, Suoervised family visits nla 1,200 120C nla nla law enforcement is with them. DruG Court suoervision. too. Drug Court SUDoort 600 0 nla nla nla nla Parent Line 1,000 0 nla n/a 2,000 2,000 Consults with child care providers and parents of children with soecial needs. Olympic Communtty Action Adutt Action 15000 6500 15000 8000 15000 10000 Day care for frail and elderly Heatth Care Access 10,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Provide assistance to low.income individuals & families for health and dental needs. Peninsula Community Mental Health There was 411 crises calls from Jan throuah Jun CIlsls Line 6,000 6000 8500 8.5OC n/a nla Older Adutts 5000 0 nla nla nla nla Chamable Care 6000 5000 8500 5000 nla nla Crisis Line & Respite Care Combine nla nla n/a nla 18,000 18,000 24 hourn day crises line call-In line. Therapeutic programs for emotionally disturbed children - addttionally gives parents a break. Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center 4,000 ( 5,000 0 7,500 7,500 Parentlteen mediation orogram. Pro Bono Lawyers 0 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 Legal help for families: parenting plans, patemtty, crisis resolution. Serentty House FamilY Shetter Services 6500 0 nla nla nla nla \,;nuacare at I-amily Village 3,50( 3,5lX 5,000 9,8001 9,6001 9,6oolChildcare and preschool YMCA 30% to 50% of those in child care are subsidized Scholarshlos 8.000 4500 4500 0 nla nla ChildcarelDay Camo 7000 0 7,000 11500 nla nla Teen SceneIYouth at Risk 20 000 16500 20 000 20 000 nla nla Youth Soorts 4000 0 n/a nla nla nla Combined Youth Programming n/a nla nla nla 35,000 28.700 Teen Scene. sports, childcare. etc. Boys and Girls Club PANVest End 7750 7500 n/a nla nla nla Closed PAlMI. Angeles Club 15.000 13,000 30,000 25.000 15,000 15,000 Daily activtties for children Concemed Cttizens . 8.000 o Assist DD families or families with DD children find needed services Diversified Resource Center Emolovment SUDDOrt 7500 7500 nla nla nla nla Residential 4500 4500 nla nla nla nla Transttlon Youth Proaram nla nla 10.000 10.000 nla nla Family Planning Clinic Services 5000 1000 nla n/a n/a" nla Communtty Education 3,000 0 nla n/a 21,000 o Fund heatth educator who wiil be schools classrooms communttv aoencles maintain suooort orouos Middle School education 32.000 19.5OC nla nla nla nla First step Family Support Center Drop-In Center 13.000 13.000 13,000 13.000 13,500 13.500 Funding for drop-In center 4 afternoons each week. Healthy Families Exchanae Club Center 13000 12,000 25000 25000 nla nla Safe Home/Sexual Assautt 13000 13m nla nla n/a nla Combined Services nla nla n/a 30,000 25,000 Fund ongoing services of the agency -- parent education, home visiting, counseling, and suoport --.------ ------ - .-- -- ----.. -----..- - ------ ---- 210.350 141,000 165,700 147.000 187.800 142,500 Untted Way Fee @ 2% 2,820 2.94 2.850 ..-..---- ----- --------- 143 820 1499 145 350 . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: oft', " ""<!IJl,l"," ~i'" 'j" !'r"." \;\""~" '1' ,>" ", ok: ,/:'-';'~~~{;' i;-~ . ~~~", l',./f, ';:~ b't:: ~,.} " l~;"""" -~~'~'~'<!~"::;~;::"; :~~!., no,' 'R' 'T A lN' F.).-..fi iLE'S'" ': " i' '..,' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 3, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL MICHAEL QUINN, CITY MANAGER ~ YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIREEt'\'f ,. BUDGET ORDINANCE Summary: The City of Port Angeles is required to amend the current budget to reflect expense appropriations, especially in cases where we are amending prior Council authorizations; and we are required to adopt the new budget prior to the New Year. This document attempts to relate the desired work program of the City as directed by Council Goals, and allocates available resources accordingly toward their accomplishment. Recommendation: Adoption of the proposed Ordinance. Back~round / Analysis: The attached documents are the proposed final adjustments to establish three budgetary items; namely, the amendment ofthe 2001 Budget, the adoption of the 2002 Budget, and adoption of a 3.15% pay increase for the majority of City employees. This increase, representing 90 percent of Seattle CPI, is included in the 2002 Budget. The preliminary budget was presented to the City Council on October 24, 200 1. We have reviewed all known items of adjustment with the Finance Committee on five separate workshops. We held two public hearings on budget and revenue sources on November 6, and November 20,2001. The attached budget allocations appear to cover the items agreed to by the Finance Committee and from prior information submitted either formally or informally through the budget process. This budget ordinance reflects changes made to the preliminary budget as a result of the budget workshops. Attached spreadsheets show these changes in detail. Staff will be happy to review any details desired by the Council. 31 . . . General Fund Expenditures by Department: "'f.)~!il:f~:~',;'~:~~'8 j:\f;',/; :t;\';':~~~{':"~:X'::~\~' ':,<,' ~.; ',', ";, f'>, .:: 'it.,;: ~A ,;;: ;f<>;.:~:. 'i~ ,'~ ' "20tH Budget Amended 2002 Preliminary Proposed Changes 2002 Budget Mayor & Council City Manager Community Services City Attorney Finance Community Development Fire Police Parks & Recreation Public Works & Utilities Facility Maintenance Transfer for CIP Projects Reserved for Emergencies or Rev. shortfall Total General Fund List of Proposed Changes: 60,952 546.418 157,500 446,364 1.481,194 370,287 2,159,789 3.493,100 2,082,964 1,643,861 284,287 305,000 32,777 13,064.493 * Elimination of emergency fund * Replacement of equipment #1885, small backhoe, cemetery, cost $30,000, accumulated funds $27,189 * Contribution to Fine Art Center * Flower baskets at the fountain * Salvage value of eliminated police equipment designated towards replacement value for eq. #70 * Contribute to replacement of eq. #70 (Police) * Elimination of retirement charges for PW & U Deputy * Elimination of retirement charges for PW & U Deputy * Elimination of retirement charges for PW & U Deputy * Transfer PCB starage facility from 2001 budget * Elimination of retirement charges for PW & U Deputy * Transfer design for Southeast reservoir from 2001 budget * Transfer surge tank replacement from 2001 budget * Transfer sewer line repairs from 2001 budget * Transferblower rebuild from 2001 budget * Transfer rebuild for three pump stations from 2001 budget * Transfer wonderware software installation from 2001 budget * Elimination of retirement charges for PW & U Deputy * Compost facility (maintenance) * Landscaping at Landfill * Reduction of Fine Art Center personnel by 0.5 FTE 33 56,072 550,622 157,500 444,307 1.465,074 342,805 2,123,111 3,598,084 2,118,323 1,554,273 286,571 555,000 o 13,251,742 61,013 538,289 152,350 493,060 1,595,326 348,239 2,215,001 3,633,895 2,132,563 1,241,605 305,351 250,860 36,934 13,004.486 (9,800) 19,011 (94,810) (36,934) (122,533) (36,934) General Fund 2,811 General Fund/Parks 15,000 General Fund/Parks 1,200 General Fund/Parks (9,800) General Fund/Police 9,800 Equipment Services (15,833) Equipment Services (94,810) General Fund/PW & U (15,833) Electric Utility 60,000 Electric Utility (31,666) Water/Wastewater 25,000 Water/Wastewater 75,000 Water/Wastewater 40,000 Water/Wastewater 3,000 Water/Wastewater 60,000 Water/Wastewater 69,000 Water/Wastewater (15,833) Solid Waste 10,000 Solid Waste 10,000 Solid Waste (15,437) Esther Webster Trust Fund 144,665 61,013 538,289 152,350 493,060 1,595,326 348,239 2,215,001 3,624,095 2,151,574 1,146,795 305,351 250,860 o 12,881,953 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising the budget for tp.e fiscal year ending December 31, 2001, ad6ptingthe budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,2002, providing for a cost ofliving increase for certain city employees, and amending Ordinance 3070. as follows: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN Section 1. The annual budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2002, as prepared by the City Manager for said City, and as finally amended, fixed, and determined as to every item by the City Council ciftei3: public hearing haying been held on Tuesday, November 20, 2001, and Monday,.r?ese~?C(F },20P l.: and n?~k~;-9f..~ai~:he~p.ghfl~jpg been given and .' .. -.. .'. - '- ~." .~." ... '-w" - ,. .. '.' .::.... '..- .~~ ..).. ~;.,. published in the manner provided~hy'law; is'hereby-adopted"approved and ;confirmed. ~ -.' . ,.' .". . Section 2.--i~e~OO{~ridget ~ppibpriati6~s a~~s~t,Y~J~)~- -Ordinance 3070 are .. .... . - ~ ~ - -0 .,. ,,,-,, . ',,' . ' ~ ','. .' .', .:', hereby amended, and the 2002'budget appropriations are hetebyadopted; linaccordance with the following summary of the totals' of appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate total for all such funds ;6orribiIled~ " " 'd 'd '-: Department or Fund 2001 Amended A. 'General Fund .. . Mayor & Counoil City, Manager, CO~UnitySerVices" ,"- ". . ,City Attorney'''';,;: '.' Finance Community Developmenf ',Fire . ,-,., -. Polic~ '" ..' ...." . Parks &. Recreation - ',PublicWorks& Utilities Facility Maintenance Transfer for CIP Projects . '$56;072<" ,550~6~f ,', ; , 157,500" -:' " .....444,307..;.} ~>: 1,465;Q74.:, " <342;805: ;-, ; .,. ' <::~ ",; ',2;123j111:':"L\;,": 3,598,9.84',1,., 2,1'1'8,323 ' . 1'554273 <, , , 286,~71 555',060 ~. i ~ ~ !...... -'. . .' -.:'.,-.' - 'j'_.,_:" ;...~. .1..:,.. .~ ".' '-~ T.QrAL~ G,ENERAL FUND , ..... ,. _.~ - :;,. ~. . . - - - .... , $13.251.742 34 -: 1 - . 2002 Adopted~ $61,013 '. 538,289. "i52~350 . .' . 493,060 1,595,32Q "348239 , ".'--:-:2,215\001 :.,: , 3,624,095, , " 2T51u574" , , <1146795 , , 305,3~ 1 250.860 .-\ "_'"'0". _'. $.12.881.953 B. Special Revenue Funds . Lodging Tax Street R. E. Excise Tax #1 R. E.Excise Tax #2 Criminal Justice PenCom Drug Task Force Recreation Activities Port Angeles Works Electric Utility Rural Economic Dev. Fund Economic Development TOTAL, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS .. . -, C Debt Service Funds''''; 1991'G.O.Bond Fund - Senior Center 2()OfRefund~pg Gn. Bond 1992 Refunding aha Conv.Ctr. Bond 1992 G.O.Bon'd~FireStation 1995 G.O.Borid - Library . TOTAL, DEBTSERVICE FUNDS Esther Webster ThistFund TOT At; PERMANENT FUNDS - . -- .. E. EhterPri~e:Furtd~.':-:', Eiedric'Util1ty C,' Water/Wast~water Solid 'Wa.st~;;;"" ~-, -, '>:. ," ':'~.'. ;-,;'1 ToT A(, 'ENTERPRiSE'FUNDS . , F. Iritb:"nal SerVice Funds Bq~ipment;Services Inf()rmation Technology S elfInsufance" tOT At, INTERNAL' SERVICE FUNDS . ,35 - 2- ^.. .1 '....-....".,..,.. .- ,.$469,979, 1,314,587 173,668 13,580 196,486 1,040,752 14,500 119,500 37,365 10,000 , 144.704 $3.535.121 $750~0'16 $.1 io.s.i4 "~$li6.5i4 $22,934;682 7,80~,491 4.6~2J27 ~ :. ;,': - '~ $35.362;300 $1,569,599 379,838 2.1 13527 $4.009.964 ...... ", 2002 Adopted , ;,-,.$443;880 1,417,648 221,466 108,904 195,000 1,093,447 1,000 142,661 70,000 40,000 135.718 $3.869.724 ,"~ ~'$O '183,218 75 405 , '. . 95,100 287~895 I: . . $64Lbt8 $102,469 ;$102.469 $26',1'51,02b 10,199;668 5.1 7SJ35 ': . .:::~ . (. t ': \ Hl.525.823 , $1,30'1,'0'00 . ?27 ,.~ 0:) 2.4663:'76 $4j94;~79 '., < ... ..-, "..... . 2001 Amended G. 2002 Adopted Firenien'sPension " , " " -60.000 _. ,', 46.944 $60.000 $46.944 TOTAL, TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS H. Governmental Capital Proiects $1,545,000 $3,631,000 $66.994.010 TOTAL FUNDS $58.624.657 Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to keep on file the budget referred to in Sections 1 ap.d 2, above and to transmit a complete copy of the final budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office ofthe State Auditor~dtothe Association ofWa1i1Vngton , . '. Cities. '_'..':-:,"::::::__ ',:\~}>' ;\-~;".~r;~'-' :,~:..::~:;<;.~~ . .;: ._' <:~;. .::~:-..,~--.-i-'?;-"~-:'/'.:~ ':;-::':,"; "\f~<;~.>.- -- -, ----.Sectioii'2[TIi 'accordance with the Budget referreol6in: Sections 1 and- 2 ab-6Ve;-oeffective January;1,:20d2:;lfifough December 31, 2002, salaries alldwige~,lfdr employeesrepresen:ted by IAFF#656,AFSCME #)6J9, A4ministrativ:e/Management, n:9~:r,~,Bi~sented Pool emp~~?:,-~~,~, and 'Teamsters N().n~S~orn~589 e~I?loyees shall be increase,dby3.15%. :~_:_.. ~_.....~_..~:~2::".: .~,..,.;v~..:-:-. . ;'-..:~._._..:._:__...:..:... _-':..'-~ -' -'''.' ,- The above salaries and wages shall be paid in bi-weekly installments per accounting procedures established by the City of Port Angeles, and sh~hb-@:piid:within five'(5}\V6rking days after the end"oJthe payroll period~or as soon thereafter,per:proceduresestablishe-dhythe:City of Port Angeles! . ... .. " ,l '. . ~ '.. ),:.' . '.. t.. , Section 5. This Ordinance'shaU'takeeffecf-fivedays'afterpublication;' PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said ~ , ' , -, CounCit.hel&o~"theird'day'ofDecember;,2001., :, " "1:-""- , - .. ."--. . .. . ~, .' -'. ATTES~:'- , '. MAYOr( ; ; - j "~r ~.:-: ; ,I \.:".;,- ,.. \ 'j'_' ,", ,'. , ~,'I .Becky J:Upton;'City' Clerk .' APPROVED 'As TO FORM': . Ii.'" - ,.'--,' l ' '.' ;_ : 1"' ~, _;v",: ., .; - . --.- .,: . - '~" : '"-' ,_ ,:.. (i Craig D; Knutson; City Attorney '.:, ','.' .' ~_ ' I. ':;. ~ _' ~ ._: i- PUBLISHED. '(By-Summary) . ,;~. :'~ ' ":36,. - 3- ,- ,.', . ";,,;:'-i"~:1:Tir'; ''i,:'''d;;;''~,:,~ ~"'~';'i " '\~; _,I" or (",'I,; ,~l.*:;,~t~m~~i3~\::~'*jN1t'.( ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G T P !,~" U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL _.-/' MICHAEL QUINN, CITY MANAGER ~tI YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRE~~ FEE INCREASES FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: As part of the budget for the year 2002, the City Council's Budget Committee and staff are recommending updating the fees, for Senior'Center membership and basic life support transport charges for non-city residents. Additionally, we are proposing a new fee for disposable equipment for all Medic I transports. . Recommendation: ordinances. The City Manager and Budget Committee recommend adopting the attached Back!!round / Analysis: As part of the annual budget process, the fees charged for services provided by the various City departments are reviewed and updated as necessary. The last time there were recommended increases to some charges was for the year 2000 budget. The fees recommended for approval for the 2002 budget were not included in the prior update. Recommended fee increases for the year 2002 are summarized as follows: 1. Senior Center annual membership fees for City residents to be raised from $7.00 to $10.00 and non-resident membership fees raised from $10.00 to $15.00. The current fees have been in effect since 1993. 2. Change the basic life support transport charge for non-city residents from $250.00 to $280.00. This recommendation is based upon an average of both public and private ambulance providers within the Port Angeles area. 3. Implement a new fee of$33 .00 for disposable protective equipment to all Medic I transports. This recommendation is based on WISHA mandates (requirements) to provide medical responders with personal protective equipment, Hepatitis B vaccinations, tuberculin skin tests, and for the replacement of expired medications. . Attached is a memo from the Fire Chief explaining the need for the proposed Medic I fee changes in greater detail. 37 ~ ~ORTANGELES WASHINGTON U. S. A. . CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: November 29,2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Dan McKeen, Fire Chief a \ FROM: RE: Proposed Fees Disposable Equipment Fee Charge Since the inception of the City's Medic I program, numerous regulatory mandates have been imposed - many of which are unfunded. In addition, there have been other system changes that were put into practice by outside agencies that have also created additional costs to the Fire Department's Medic I program. The disposable fee charge was proposed to help offset many of these added unfunded expenses - adding needed revenue to assist the City in balancing the budget. The following represents a portion of the significant added expenses that have occurred due to these mandates and system changes: Disposable Protective Equipment . WISHA mandates that the employer provide emergency medical responders with personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of occupational exposure. Personal protective equipment is clothing or equipment worn to protect responders from blood or other . potentially infectious materials. Disposable gloves have become a standard component of personal protective equipment, and shall be worn by all emergency medical responders prior to initiating patient care. Prior to 1994, the Department has been able to acquire disposable gloves through Olympic Medical Center at no charge. Since that time, the Department has been ordering high-risk disposable gloves to adequately protect our responders from occupational exposure as well as meet the requirement. Hepatitis Vaccinations WISHA requires that t~e employer must provide, free of charge, the Hepatitis B vaccination series to all emergency responders. Any booster doses which are recommended must also be provided. Tuberculosis Guidelines During 1994, WISHA issued a directive to emergency medical service (EMS) responders outlining procedures for limiting occupational exposures to tuberculosis. In these guidelines, . the EMS provider must provide both annual tuberculin skin test and high-efficiency particulate air respirators. 38 ~'; ';\~-!.xY;\:~:''>;f~~j<~~'::'j:#;,~),i';;,y "!>;:; -r,\~:'/W:t~",";1;,,;(:;';;;:~\^ Page 2 November 29,2001 . Expired Medications Due to Olympic Medical Center's recent concerns over liability, the Fire Department can no longer rotate its medications back into Olympic Medical Center's stock prior to their expiration date. This change creates a significant expense tothe Medic I program as many of the medications are rarely used, causing the Department to purchase those medications that expire. Technology Improvements The sophistication of life saving equipment used by paramedics is increasing at such a rapid pace that it is nearly impossible for the department to maintain the "latest" technology. However, as major advances to lifesaving equipment take place, the Fire Department has a responsibility to purchase new equipment in an effort to improve patient outcomes. This becomes an additional budget challenge at a time of declining revenues. In 1984, a basic cardiac defibrillator/monitor cost $4,000. Today, a cardiac defibrillator/monitor with industry standard technology costs approximately $23,000. The recommended $33.00 fee is the maximum charge allowed by Medicare for disposable equipment. Medicare patients, who represent the largest group transported by Medic I, would only be responsible for 20% of the above fee, or $6.60 as Medicare would pay 80% of the fee. For those patients with private insurance, or Medicare supplemental insurance, 100% of the charge would be paid by the appropriate third party payor (insurance). . Change to Medic I BLS Transport Charge The Fire Department recently reviewed its non-City resident Medic I transport fees and recommends a $30 increase to our existing BLS transport charge. This recommendation is based upon an average of both public and private ambulance providers within our area. The Fire Department does not recommend an increase to our ALS transport charge as our existing charge is consistent with the areas average.! Local Ambulance Transport Charge Agency ALS BLS Base Rate Mileage * Other Base Rate Mileage * Olympic Ambulance 506.72 12.62 329.09 12.05 Poulsbo Fire 375.00 8.00 35.00 O2 275.00 8.00 35.00 IV Jefferson County #1 450.00 8.00 260.00 8.00 Jefferson County #3 450.00 10.00 210.00 10.00 Central Kitsap Fire & 380.00 7.00 25.00 O2 325.00 7.00 Rescue 15.00 IV Bremerton I 345.00 ---- 285.00 ----- AVERAGE 417.79 7.60 30.00 O2 280.68 7.51 25.00 IV . * Mileage is per transported mile. I The Fire Department's ALS transport S(~ge falls within the areas average when oxygen (02) and IV are added. ~9 ~ I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing Senior Center membership fees and amending Ordinance 2789, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2789, as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 3.70.040 to read as follows: 3.70.040 Parks and Recreation Department Fees. A. The fee schedule for use of the William Shore Memorial Pool shall be as follows, inclusive of sales tax: I. Lockers - $0.25 2. Shower/Suits/Towel rental- a. City resident - $1.50 b. Non-City resident - $2.00 3. Pool rental a. City resident - $45.00 per hour Off hour rate - $25.00 per hour b. Non-City resident - $65.00 per hour Off hour rate - $50;00 per hour 4. Instruction classes a. City resident - $2.50 per ~ hour lesson b. Non-City resident.; $3.00 per ~ hour lesson 5. Private Lessons a.' City resident - $15.00 per 40-minute lesson b. Non-City resident - $20.00 per 40-minute lesson 6. Exercise Classes a. City resident - $3.00 per class , b. Non-City resident - $3.50 per class 7. AdmissionIPasses a. Youth, Senior, Earlybird, Disabled, Evening Laps (I) City resident - $1.50 (2) Non-City resident - $2.00 b. Adult (I) City resident - $2.00 - 1 - 40 -"\"" ~';';'1:'-:,r',::' . (2) Non-City resident - $2.50 c. Youth/Senior 3 Month Passes (1) City resident - $40.00 (2) Non-City resident - $50.00 d. Adult 3 Month Passes (1) City resident - $45.00 (2) Non-City resident - $60.00 e. Youth/Senior Annual Passes (1) City resident - $100.00 (2) Non-City resident - $125.00 f. Adult Annual Passes (1) City resident - $150.00 (2) Non-City resident - $200.00 g. Family Annual Passes (1) City resident - $250.00 (2) Non-City resident - $312.00 h. Family Six-month Pass (1) City resident - $150.00 (2) Non-City resident - $187.00 1. Adult script 12 swims (1) City resident - $20.00 (2) Non-City resident - $25.00 J . Youth script 12 swims (1) City resident - $15.00 (2) Non-City resident - $20.00 B. Thefee for installing banners across Front and First Streets shall be $60.00. The surcharge for use of the City's banner shall be an additional $15.00. C. The. fees for the use of the following Lincoln Park, City Pier and Lions park facilities shall be as follows: 1. Overnight camping - $8.00 per night 2. Clubhouse/Longhouses/Loomis Building Non-Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate . (over 10 hrs) a. b. Profit City resident Non-City resident $15.00 20.00 $150.00 175.00 Flat Rate (over 10 Hourlv Rate hrs) a. City resident b. Non-City resident City Pier Non-Profit $20.00 25.00 $175.00 200.00 3. Hourly Rate (over 10 hrs) $15.00 25.00 Flat Rate . a. City resident b. Non-City resident - 2 -' $200.00 300.00 41 Profit Hourly Rate Flat Rate ( over 10 hrs) a. City resident $25.00 $250.00 b. Non-City resident 30.00 350.00 4. Lions Park Shelter Non-Profit a. City resident - $10.00 b. Non-City resident - $15.00 Profit a. City resident - $15.00 b. Non-City resident - $20.00 D. The fee schedule for the use of Civic Field Stadium shall be as follows: Non-Profit Light fee Field paint fee a. City resident - $35./hr $30./hr. $25.00 per gallon b. Non-City resident - $40./hr 30./hr 25.00 per gallon Profit Light fee Field paint fee a. City resident - $100./hr 30./hr. $25.00 per gallon b. Non-City resident - $125./hr 30./hr 25.00 per gallon Flat fee rates Non Profit a. City resident - $350.00 over 10 hours b. Non-City resident - $400.00 over 10 hours Profit a. City resident - $750.00 over 10 hours b. Non-City resident - $1,250.00 over 10 hours. E. The fee for membership in the Port Angeles Senior Center shall be ~$l 0.00 for .City residents and $10.00$15.00 for non,.City residents; provided that any senior citizen who is unable to pay this fee may be granted a membership, through the performance of a community service, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Port Angeles Senior Center. F. City Hall User Fees. Thefees for use ofthe City Hall Council Chambers and lobby area shall be as follows: 1. Category I (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) - no charge 2. Category II (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) a. City resident $ 12.00/hr. b. Non-City resident $ 16.00/hr. 3. Category III (as defined in PAMC 3.70.060) a. City resident $ 16.00/hr. b. Non-City resident $20.00/hr. G. Moorage Fees. The moorage fees for use of the City Pier and Waterfront Park shall be as follows: 1. Overnight moorage at floating moorage facilities: $8:00/night. 2. 24-hour moorage at Coast Guard moorage area: (a) 0-100 feet: $ 85. (b) 100-150 feet: $115. (c) 150-200 feet: $250. (d) 200-300 feet: $280. (Ord. 3034 ~1 (part), 11/26/99; Ord. 2961, 6/27/97; - 3 - 42 i',z:.;:'1'f;r%F,~!I~:lW:~~~f~~~~m0::,:~.;;,,~:H::ir:~~Z(J~t~~~:~r;~~"~~'~!rgi . Ord. 2932 ~3/ 10/11/96; Ord. 2789 ~ 15, 1/1194). Section 2 - Effective Date.u,This,.ordinance shall take effect five (5) days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of December, 2001. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\200 1-30.ord. wpd November 27,2001 . . - 4 - 43 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing the basic life support transport charge for non-residents from $250.00 to $280.00, applying the $33.00 disposable equipment fee to all Medic I transports rather than just non-resident transports, and amending Ordinance 2274, as amended, and Chapter 8.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2274, as amended, and Chapter 8.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal code are hereby amended by amending P AMC 8.360.030 to read as follows: 8.36.030 Rate - Charge. A. Each commercial utility account, each dwelling unit as defined in the Uniform Building Code, and each sleeping room in Licensed Care (LC) occupancies as defined in the Uniform Building Code ofthe City of Port Angeles shall be charged $3.50 per month for the Medic I Program; provided that the $3.50 per month per sleeping room charge for LC occupancies shall not apply to the first five sleeping rooms. E. Every non-resident ofthe City of Port Angeles who is transported by the City's Medic I program shall be charged szse$280 each time he or she is transported with basic life support services, $450 each time he/she is transported with advanced life support services, and an additional $10.00 per mile for mileage and $33.00001 disposable. equipment each time he or she is transported with either basic or advanced life support services; provided that such charge shall not apply to any non-resident who is a primary or general owner of a business within the City or to any of such business owner's immediate family members, which shall include the spouse, children, step-children, parents, and grandparents; and provided further that if a non-resident is transported from outside the City to Olympic Memorial Hospital under the mutual aid pact that the City has with various fire districts and governmental entities, there shall be no charge to the non- resident. Any funds so received shall be used solely for the provision of Medic I services. C. Every patient who is transported by the City's Medic I program shall be charged $33.00 for disposable equipment each time he or she is transported with either basic or advanced life support services. (Ord. 3036,11/26/99; Ord. 2968,10/17/97; Ord. 2958 ~4, 6/13/97; Ord. 2902,12/29/95; Drd. 2789 ~6, 1/1/94; Grd. 2661 ~l, 12/27/91, Ord. 2619 SI, 1/1/91; Ord. 2510 ~l, 9/28/88; Ord. 2381 SI, 3/1/86; Ord. 2274 ~1, 12/1/83) Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days following - 1 - 44 1-- ;')~:~l;~;r~i!~:~~~~;{W';\ti~)l~~*~;''''f'~;'',>,::::\~o/;,;W~;~'&:~~R~~:i~;,:";;~:' . the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the ,City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of December, 2001. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2001-31.ord.wpd November 27, 2001 . . - 2 - 45 . . . 46 . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL . ~ Timotby J. Smitb, Economic DcvclopmcntDirec~ Amendment to 1992 Agreement between the City and Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: Staffhas been working with the Lower ElwhaKlallam Tribe in crafting an amendment to the 1992 Agreement between the City and the Tribe regarding the use ofEdiz Hook. The current agreement allows for the lease to the Tribe of a portion of federal land on Ediz Hook for a term of 99 years. The amendment, which would allow the Tribe the potential for developing a marina, would provide an opportunity for supporting our local marine trades industry by broadening Port Angeles's exposure to the yacht building, maintenance and repair market. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment to the 1992 Agreement between the City and Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Background / Analysis: In an effort to leverage economic development opportunities, staff has been working closely with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (Tribe) in crafting an amendment to the 1992 Agreement between the City and the Tribe regarding the use of Ediz Hook. The 1992 Agreement between the City and the Tribe was entered into as a direct result of the Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act (Elwha Act). The current 1992 Agreement and the Elwha Act allows for the lease to the Tribe of a portion of federal land on Ediz Hook within the boundaries of the City for a term of 99 years. The intended purpose of the lease to the Tribe is for the construction and operation of a Tribal cultural facility such as a longhouse or a museum, together with associated interpretive and parking facilities. During the last year, the City has worked closely with the Port, the EDC and our local business community in a variety of efforts aimed at boosting various aspects of the marine trades industries along the inner harbor industrial area. The marine trades industries, which includes boat building, repair and maintenance, has shown a strong interest in Port Angeles due in part to the location and character of the Port Angeles Harbor, the marine trades industry infrastructure and equipment which we have built or acquired, and the quality of our available workforce and workforce education systems. In particular, boat and yacht construction, maintenance and repair companies have taken great interest in Port Angeles. As a result, this particular industry has become a specific target by the Port, EDC and City in our endeavor to grow a diversified local economy that provides opportunity for family wage jobs. I:\DATA\WP\WP60\PAWORKS\Elwha Tribe agenda item 12-03.wpd 47 During the last several months, one opportunity for supporting the local marine trades has been identified through a potential partnership between the Tribe and the City. The partnership would involve the City's approval of the Tribe's lease on Ediz Hook to include specific economic development opportunities. The Tribe's intended project involves the potential development of a yacht marina in conjunction with their proposed cultural facility on Ediz Hook. If a yacht marina could be added to the Port Angeles Harbor, City, EDC and Port staff believe it would be a substantial . asset which would support growing our existing.marine industries and marine supply providers by providing them a broader exposure to the yacht market. To accomplish this potential, an amendment (attached) to the 1992 Agreement has been drafted. The revised language would allow the Tribe to include economic development opportunities, such as the construction and operation of a marina, subject to approval of a specific development plan by the City. The amendment also provides for an increase in size of the lease parcel in order to accommodate the proposed project. If the amendment is approved by the City, the Tribe would still need to secure a similar revision to the federal Elwha Act. Representatives from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and their development team will be present at tonight's Council Meeting to present their proposal and answer any questions by the City Council. . . I:\DATA\WP\WP60\PAWORKS\Elwha Tribe agenda item 12-03.wpd 48 , ,,' ".; v~!~"~A;~4~;f~'t~:}I:.~'t;~,",' \:, ," \,i:'r/V'-f:i";';':"~~?hi~",j,;~;;\o";' ,~\-. . AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND THE LOWEREL WHA KLALLAM TRIBE REGARDING EDIZ HOOK THE AGREEMENT entered into on August 11, 1992 between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter "City") and the LOWER EL WHA KLALLAM TRIBE, a federally recognized Indian Tribal government (hereinafter "Tribe") in order to achieve mutual goals and to provide a framework for the relationship between the parties regarding the use ofEdiz Hook, Clallam County, State of Washington, is hereby amended as follows: RECITALS 1. In the event that the proposed Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act (hereinafter "EREFRA") becomes federal law, each party will be a lessee of portions offederalland on Ediz Hook within the boundaries of the City fora term of ninety-nine (99) years beginning January 1, 1994. 2. The lease to the Tribe will be issued pursuant to the Act of June 14, 1926, as amended . (43 V.S.C. 869) and EREFRA; will be for the purpose of cultural heritage and economic development opportunities. such as constructing and operating a Tribal cultural facility (e.g. a longhouse or a museum) and/or a marina, and associated interpretative and parking facilities, subiect to approval of a specific development plan by the City: and will encompass: That parcel ofland on Ediz Hook, Clallam County, Washington, lying south of the existing roadway and extending southward to the southern boundary of the land currently leased to the City of Port Angeles (Lease #DOT -CG 13- 4811-72, dated April 4, 1972, as amended) and beginning at the, North South line, 200 fe,e,t e,ast oftile we,ste,m botmdary of Outlot 6 and mooing eassteIly 600 reGt to the North-SOuth line JOO feet we,st of the eastem boundary of Outlot 6 and beginning at the northwest comer of Outlot 6 thence 69 feet south along the west line of Outlot 6 to true point of beginning thence 331 feet south along said line to the southwest comer of Outlot 6 thence 1108 feet along the south boundary of Outlot 6 to the southwest corner of Outlot 7 thence 566 feet along the south boundary of Outlot 7 thence 416 feet north parallel to the east boundary of Outlot Tthence 1670 feet west along the south pavement edge of Ediz Hook Rd to true point of beginning. . 3. The lease to the City willalso be issued pursuant to the Act of June 14, 1926, (43 Page 1 00 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\ElwhaAgmt-EdizHook 49 U.S.C. 869), and EREFRA and will encompass Outlots 4,5, and 6, except that portion of Outlot 6 leased to the Tribe as described in Recital #2, and a portion of Outlot 7. 4. Both lessees will be subject to the general terms and conditions set out in the lease agreements with the United States. Following negotiations with representatives ofthe United States, the Tribe agreed to the following additional lease conditions: A. the public shall have access to the beach along the south side of the parcel at all times; B. the City shall have the right to construct and maintain a waterfront. trail adjacent to the existing roadway along the north side of the parcel; and C. parking facilities on the parcel shall be open to the public at all times. . AGREEMENTS As soon as Section 6 of H the proposed Elwha RiverEco~ystem and Fisheries Restoration Act is implemented bv the federal government bee.omes :&dcral law;. the -undertakings and understandings between the parties regarding use oftheir respective leasehold interests shall be as follows: 1. In the interest of compatible and coordinated use of adjacent lands within the exterior boundaries of the City of Port Angeles, the Tribe agrees that any development of its to e.xe.rdse. its leasehold interest shall be subject to approval of a specific development plan by the City.in e.ompliance with the followil1g ordinances, as codified in th, rort Angde.s Municipal Cod, 011 the date this Agr e.eme.nt is signed, tr tle. and COll eGt copies of w hiGh ate attae.hed and incorporated her ein, to the. extent that these. ordina.ll,es do not ddGat 01 ale. not inconsistent with th, Gonstmction and operAtion of a cultural facility, such A5 a HlLlSe.Un1 or longhous" and/or matina. A. Construction Codes, Chapter 14.01, 14.03, 14.05, and 14.21 rAMC. D. Off-strcet rat king, Chapter 14.40 FAMe. C. Zoning, Title 17 FAMC. D. TIn\1iroument, Title 15, rAMC. E. l'irewOlks, Chaptel 5.32 rAMC. l'. Nuisanc.es, Chapter 8.04 rAMC. Z: ThG. Tribe. agrees to comply with ame.ndment-s to the ordinance.s de.5cribed above, as well as with ne.~ ge.ne.rally applie.able ordiuAnc.e.s whie.h Ulay be. adopte.d by the. City Coundl in the. Page 2 oD F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\ElwhaAgmt-EdizHook 50 . . . . . . AC.""",.; ., fuhl1 e, only to the c.xtGnt that the Cit}, Tilb", and Sec.! c.tary of the Inteilo! ag! ee that SUGh 01 dinances 01 amc.ndmellts should be. applic.able to the TIibe's lease offedGlalland on Ddiz Hook. 3:2. The Tribe agrees to comply with the lease conditions set forth in Recitals #2 and #4. 4:3. The City agrees to provide utility services to the property leased by the Tribe to the extent such services are available through existing infrastructure, or infrastructure which the City may construct in the future, provided that in receiving such utility services the Tribe shall be subject to, and comply with, City ordinances regulating the City's public utility services as set forth in Title 13 PAMC as well as the duly adopted policies of the Public Works and Light Department and all future amendments to such ordinances and policies. 5:4. The City agrees that parking on its parcel will be available to users of the Tribe's parcel at all times and that City fire, ambulance and other public safety services will be extended in accordance with City ordinances and policies. 6:-5. Both parties agree to work cooperatively to resolve any questions which may arise under this Agreement. 9-:6. This Agreement and the leases with the United States comprise the entire agreement between the parties. . Both parties agree that this Agreement cannot be changed, modified, or amended in any respect except by written instrument signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this _ day of , 2001. This Agreement is valid if signed in counterpart. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LOWER EL WHA KLALLAM TRIBE By: By: Mayor Chairperson ATTEST: Vice-Chairperson Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney Page 3 of3 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\ElwhaAgmt-EdizHook 51 . . . 52 - - - . L _I L -j :: 1 . . . ~ORTANGEtES WAS H J N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 3,2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: CARNEGIE LIBRARY RENOVATION VERSUS RESTORATION Summary: Design development forthe Renovation/Restoration ofthe Carnegie Library is at 35% completion. Renovation and restoration construction costs for the project are estimated at $791,922 and $1,065,157respectively. Potential funds available for construction are $912,049. Olympic Design Works needs to be provided direction to complete the final design. Recommendation: Direct the Public Works and Utilities Director to proceed with the preparation of construction documents to accomplish the renovation of the Carnegie Library and develop additive bid items that will permit restoration dependent upon availability of funds. The Director shall return to City Council prior to advertising the project with an update on funding along with a prioritized list of restoration features to be considered for inclusion in the project. The Director is authorized to amend the contract with Olympic Design Works to accomplish document preparation. Back~round I Analysis: On November 20,2001 a presentation was made by Olympic Design Works, the design agent for the Carnegie Library project, concerning the costs for renovation versus restoration based upon a 35%design effort. The following table summarizes the costs: Table I Construction Cost Fees Project Cost Renovation (2000) $859,569 $137,951 $997,520 Renovation (2002) $791.922 $137.951 $929 873 Restoration (2000) $1,091,411 $137,951 $1,229,362 Restoration (2002) $1,065,157 $137,951 $1,203,108 53 Funding is not currently available to perform a full restoration. The available funding is summarized in the following table. . Table II Library Construction Bond Balance $200,000 Transfer 2000 Capital Facilities fund 250,000 2001 Budget 50,000 2001 Capital Facilities Fund 200,000 Walkling Trust (Potential) 200,000 Subtotal $900,000 2001 Operating Budget Surplus (Potential) $150,000 Total Available (Potential) $1,050,000 Design Fee $137,951 Total Available for Construction $912,049 (Potential) . Attached is a narrative description of those items that have the potential to be restored versus renovation if funding is available. It is segregated between interior and exterior items. Also attached is a table showing the incremental increased costs associated with restoration. Items on the table are listed in a preliminary priority order if funding becomes available. The 2 attached photos are close up to show in greater detail some of the referenced restoration elements of the project. Staff has been unable to convene a meeting with Clallam County, the Historical Society and the Walkling Trust on funding and operating concepts due to holiday schedules. It is recommended that the Public Works and Utilities Department staff proceed with the preparation of construction documents to accomplish the renovation of the Carnegie Library and develop additive bid items that will permit restoration dependent upon availability of funds. It is also recommended that the staffretum to the City Council prior to advertising the project with an update on funding along wIth a prioritized list of restorations. features to be considered for inclusion in the project. If the recommendation is approved by City Council additional effort will be required of Olympic Design Works to develop alternate plans and specifications for the additive bid items. If approved, the staff needs authority to amend the contract with Olympic Design Works to accomplish the direction. No fee proposal has been requested. . N :\PROJECTS\97 -080L\ESTIMA TE\CONSUL T\Design corr\35% counclreport_B. wpd 54 . . . RENOVATION vs RESTORATION - DESCRIPTIVE DIFFERENCES Costs indicated include General Conditions; Profit & Overhead, Bond and WSST Exterior - Up-grade to Restoration-Grad~\VG Fir Wirldows In Renovation, we have priced a new aluminum-sashed window package for the entire building. These units are fit with thermal-pane glazing. Due to the nature of contemporary aluminum and vinyl window manufacturing processes, these windows would be made up of standard mullion bars and sashes. Therefore, while these manufacturers may claim to create custom windows they merely assemble windows from standards parts. These components typically have larger cross-sections than wood, resulting in smaller glazing areas and less daylight. In short, the resulting product can only hope to resemble the original. The cost for a thermally-efficient aluminum window package is estimated at $55,562.00. In Restoration, we have a quote from Quantum Window, Inc to provide a top quality restoration-grade vertical-grain Douglas, Fir window package. The quality of this package is similar to the original materials and craftsmanship of the original windows. Only wood windows such as these can be truly custom-created. We can create drawings of the original windows from photographs and existing original windows in other buildings built by the same Architect, such as the Lincoln and Beaver Schools. Original sash and mullion profiles can then be easily duplicated in wood. Our quote from Quantum is reflected in the estimate with a restoration upgrade of$84,539.00, total restoration price for authentic windows is $140,101.00. We have received another quote for a fir window package that is comparably priced to the aluminum windows but we have been unable to determine the quality level of this new manufacturer at this time. Should this product prove to be viable, we could save the project an additional $73,804.00 from the current restoration estimate. Exterior - Up-grade to Restoration-Grade Front Door In Renovation, we have priced an aluminum store front door and sidelight system. Refer to the Lee Hotel entrance for a visual example. Renovation estimate: $1,409.00. In Restoration, the original configuration of heavy wood door, relite, and hardware would be re-created. The additional cost for this would run as high as $1,610.00, the total restoration cost would therefore be $3,019.00. It would be of similar materials, quality, and appear as the original. Exterior - Replicate and Install Tin Pediment In Renovation, a triangular area of dri-vit would be installed to cover the poor brickwork covered by the original tin pediment. No ornamentation would be applied for the $2,550.00 price in the estimate. Refer to the new state office (old JC Penney) building downtown for a visual example. In Restoration, the original configuration would be re-created and installed by specialty craftsman. The additional cost for this could run as high as $46,564.00. It would be of similar materials, quality, and appear as the original. Total restoration cost: $49,114.00. As an alternate incremental scheme, the basic form of the pediment, with its crown molding, could be installed in the original tin material without the decorative scrollwork, lettering, and pilaster deco caps. These labor-:intensive decorative elements could be bid separately, thus saving significant front-end costs. Total cost for the initial installation would be $13,687.00. Cost of replicating the decorative work would be $35,427.00. 55 "1' Exterior - Replicate Front Porch Lamp In Renovation, two old style porch lamps would be installed. These would be . inexpensive aluminum stock, off-the-,shelf; castings of a similar size as the originals. They would have a globe and cap. These are old style lamps but do not closely resemble the unique square-based lamps on the original Carnegie. Price for these two fixtures are quoted at $2,592.00. If these are used, we could not make use of the original cast iron lamp that we have found. Refer to the illustration at right. In Restoration, the original lamp base on-hand would be used to create a mold from which a duplicate could be cast by a Seattle foundry. The additional cost for this could run as high as $9,955.00, the total restoration cost would therefore be $12,547.00. Both lamps would then be of similar materials, quality and appear as the original. Also included in this price is the cost of restoring the existing lamp base and refitting the fixtures with modem wiring and lamp type. Exterior - Duplicate (2) Tin Downspout Cans In Renovation, the estimate provides for new aluminum downspouts to be placed on the building without the decorative cans and brackets. A lump-sum amoun1t of$3,355.00 for this work along with new gutters has been placed in the renovation esti,lllate. The existing ornamentation could be removed from the building and placed on display. In Restoration, we would make use of the existing tin brackets and cans to replicate an additional two new sets for the front of the building. The additional cost for this could run as high as $4,294.00, the total restoration cost would therefore be $7,649.00. All . brackets and cans would then be of similar materials, quality and appear as the original. Also included in this price is the cost of new aluminum gutters. Interior - Refinish Upper Wood Floor In Renovation, the upper wood floor would be re-covered with new pad and carpet. Cost would be around $10,064.00. In Restoration, an additional $8,454.00 was added to the estimate to cover the cost of refinishing the original floor bringing the total restoration-grade upper floor to $18,518.00. Exterior - Up-grade to Banded Shingle Roof In Renovation, the cost of a composition shingle roof has been placed within the estimate, price $11,742.00. The appearance would be similar to the material currently installed on the building. In Restoration, the original configuration of the banded cedar roof would be re-created by doubling every seventh course of shingles. The additional cost for this would roughly double roofing costs by adding $10,735.00, the restoration total cost would therefore be $22,477.00. It would be of similar materials, quality, and appear as the original. Exterior - Provide Drinking Fountain at Front Walk In Renovation, no fountain would be provided. In Restoration, the original front walk drinking fountain would be recreated as part of the cultural landscape of the original building site. Cost would be as much as $5,636.00. . 56 . I' . . :~. ...,.. ,:~..:< ,.'..) ~ Exterior - Forge, cast and Install Replication Marquee In Renovation base bid, a steel framed canopy would be suspended by rods or chains from the building. The face of this ironwork would be a painted steel channel. The roof would be a single ply membrane with a drivit/ plaster soffit. No ornamentation would be applied for the $14,090.00 price in the,estimaty. Refer to the Lee Hotel canopy, without skylight, for a visual example. In Restoration, the original configuration of cast bronze ornamentation and copper cladding would be re-created by specialty craftsman. These materials are applied to the steel framework created in renovation. The additional cost for this could run as high as $36,902.00, the total cost would therefore be $50,992.00. It would be of similar materials, quality, and appear as the original. Exterior - Restore Fireplaces and Chimneys In Renovation, no chimneys would be placed back onto the building and the fireplaces would remain inactive. In Restoration, the original fireplace and chimneys would be restored as part of the character defining elements of the original Reading Room. Fireplaces could be re-pointed for wood or re-fitted for propane. Restoration cost would be as much as $13,285.00. Interior - Refinish Upper Wood Floor In Renovation, the upper wood floor would be re-covered with new pad and carpet. Cost would be around $10,064.00. In Restoration, an additional $8,454.00 was added to the estimate to cover the cost of refinishing the original floor bringing the total restoration-grade upper floor to $18,518.00. Interior - Upgrade for Restoration Quality Lighting - Upstairs In Renovation, we included the cost for (18) moderate quality replica type schoolhouse pendant fixtures. Cost for these is estimated at $2,778.00. In Restoration, we upgraded the quality of these fixtures to get a fixture that duplicates the look of the original fixtures and added a lump sum for a feature fixture over the entry stairway. The upgrade cost for these items is $4,562.00, thus the total restoration lighting cost for upstairs is estimated at $7,340.00. Interior - Refinishing Doors ( downstairs) In Renovation, we included $369.00 per interior door or $2,583.00 total to prep and paint the existing and new interior doors. In Restoration, this price increases for a complete stripping and restoration of each door at an additional $430.00 per door, bringing the total restoration cost to $6,018.00. Interior - Lower Floor Doors (Meeting Room) In Renovation, new doors are installed in two locations in the downstairs corridor, cost $1,463.00. In Restoration, some doors are shuffled around to provide the configuration most accurate to the original layout. This shuffle creates a unique doorway to the Meeting Room that matches the original configuration. This upgrade would cost an additional $3,864.00, total restoration cost would be $5,327.00. 5~ Interior - Refinish Lower Wood Floor ~ Meeting Room In Renovation, the new wood sub-floor would be covered with new pad and carpet. Cost would be around $3,757.00. In Restoration, an additional $6,495.00 was added to the estimate to cover the cost of salvaging and refinishing the wood floor bringing the total restoration-grade Meeting . Room floor to $10,252.00. Interior - Upgrade for Restoration Quality Lighting - Downstairs In Renovation, we included the cost for moderate quality replica type fixtures. Cost for these is estimated at $2,932.00. In Restoration, we upgraded the quality of these fixtures to get a fixture that duplicates the look of the original fixtures. The upgrade cost for these items is $4,227.00, thus the total restoration lighting cost for upstairs is estimated at $7,159.00. . N:\PROJECTS\97-080L\CORR\Renovation - Restoration descriptive incl P&O, WSST.doc . sa . . . >:\'.;/"I RENOV A TIONvs RESTORATION - COST DIfFERENCES (Preliminary Order of Importance to Restoration) Costs reflect General Conditions, Profit & Overhead, Bond, and WSST (costs do not include contingencies) * = Priority Skips to an Interior Item Priority Work Item Renovation Restoration Cost Cost Cost Difference . Exterior 1 Fir Windows $ 55,562 $140,101 $ 84,539 2 Front Door $ 1,409 $ 3,019 $ 1,610 3 Banded Shingle Roof $ 11,742 $ 22,477 $ 10,735 4 Fireplaces and Not $ 13,285 $ 13,285 Chimneys Accomplished 5 Tin Downspout Cans $ 3,355 $ 7,649 $ 4,294 6 Front Porch Lamp $ 2,592 $ 1 2,547 $ 12,547 6A Existing Front Porch Not $1,637 $1,637 Lamp Accomplished 7 Tin Pediment $ 2,550 $13,687 $ 11,137 14* Marquee $ 14,090 $ 50,992 $ 36,902 15 Scroll, Lettering, and Pilaster Deco to Tin Not $ 37,977 $ 37,977 Pediment Accomplished 16 Drinking Fountain Not $5,636 $5,636 Accomplished Interior 8 Refinish Upper Wood $ 10,064 $ 18,518 $ 8,454 Floor 9 Lighting - Upstairs $ 2,778 $ 7,340 $ 4,562 10 Refinishing Doors . $ 2,583 . $ 6,018 $ 3,435 (downstairs) 11 Lower Floor Doors $ 1,463 $ 5,327 $ 3,864 (Meeting Room) . . 12 Refinish Lower Wood. $ 3,757 $ 10,252 $ 6,495 Floor @ Meeting , Room , ..' , 13 Lighting - Downstairs $ 2,932 $ 7,159 $4,227 N:\PROJECTS\97-080L\CORR\Renovation - Restoration $ ehart P&O. WSST priority-B.doe 59 '" {j . . . 62 Resolution on Carnegie Building To the Port Angeles City Council From the Clallam County Historic~1 Society The Clallam County Historical Society has previously expressed its preference for the restoration of the exterior of the Carnegie Library Building, and the renovation of the building's interior with the goal of capturing the flavor of the original interior. This continues to be our first preference. However, considering the constraints of time and money faced by the City of Port Angeles, we would like to voice support for the city staffs Dec. 3 recommendation, vis-a-vis the Carnegie Building. We believe it is the best interests of the public that the city immediately move ahead with the renovation of the Carnegie Building, adding as much restoration' work as' can be accomplished with the appropriated funds. An important point of the city staff proposal is that if appropriated funds can be stretched, or if additional funds become available, additional steps toward more exterior restoration would be taken during the project. And nothing in the staff proposal would prevent additional exterior restoration work to be done, even after the initial renovation is complete. These factors, and the unflagging support of this project by the City Manager and City Council, make us feel that the city's objective (within its financial limitations) is in line with ours. Thus we are influenced us to endorse the city staff recommendation. - Approved by the Clallam County Historical Society's Executive Committee on Dec. 3, 2001. CLALLAM COUNTY HERITAGE ADVISORY BOARD 2 December 2001 The C1allam County Heritage Advisory Board, at its regular November 28 meeting, went on record as recommending "Restoration" of the Carnegie Library facade to its original appearance. With restoration the City of Port Angeles will bring to life another original historic building on Lincoln Street. The work done by the county on the Courthouse is the first. It will become a major point of attraction for heritage tourists to the peninsula and the city. For the interior, we understand that to make it as useable as possible appropriate wiring, lighting and temperature controls -- as well as insulation are essential: We would hope that in the big room upstairs the fireplaces could be retained and the ceiling paneling remain, possibly with the natural wood finish they probably had when they were installed. We support adding an elevator for access to the rear of the building and possibly modifying the interior front staircase to make it more useable. If you have any questions, please call on me or any member of the Heritage Board. -J~~s.- June Robinson, Chairman 941 East Alder Street Sequiln, Washington 98382 360-681-0674 " Petition presented to City Council December 3, 2001, in support of temporary Waterfront Trail connection 2 b through Rayonier Mill site We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3, 2001 WRITE LEGffiL Y PLEASE - n~ X city resident? ~: y PA 2-4 We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December J, 2001 · WRITE LEGIBL Y PLEASE r J; 'Zb We, the undersigned, ho.pe that the P A City Co.uncil will premptly address co.nstructing a tempo.rary Waterfront Trail co.nnectio.n thro.ugh the Rayonier Mill to. enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to. Sequini. December! 2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE X city resident? /~..- b./A 9,f."~d X ~ I ~ X .z f ~ >< ,< u We, the undersigne<L hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructirig a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4, 200 I WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE X city resident? C:'l~, ~I-' -. i "C- C1t~ '/ .- (L;1,~ -~ . cD4 +k ~b=~~ . ^4 :=:J r-r \~.sA-~ ~: J r\ ~ To ~~'C~ ~ c:..:r~ Q;~ ~ W~~ r\~( to \. We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4,2001 WRITE LEGmL Y PLEASE (YO 50 . ~f~' ~ ,.~#' a We, the 1,mdersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December ., 2001 ; WRITE LEGffiL Y PLEASE '..... 'Z--6 We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequirn. December ~, 2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE -:z..(? 'AJ .t-J J?./1 ~1""'~- e' 1:114 ~) o:~ dI ,I .4 /....J (...1.f't- ~)\t ~ ~~ I~ 6" r t . 1 'Pvp.,~ .', 3U f.,,- 5215 C lu~yy'1 or! 4Wi s. Vytt st. J Il/let.. U It tJ 16 5-; 'lbe(~KJ:7 b:"C \0 ~2. S t:'::t-~..r\'l ~ \-, ~~!JJ:Jjf;jc IIi \AI ~ ')1-, ?k. <2..\ q \.0 Cl tl-1 Pit 2/n JI~12iJ 'A; fYr f?A- /931 tV r:;/;tk. ~ rB7~ ~ )j 7 IIINt.} 7 {/"fI 0/11 .~ ,; X city resident? /E.f' '1r:.5 ~ " ....l!::J..c. ~ ~ ~ yes ..::H.s I..ES. ~<. ~ ]Jl .~ lAt n ~ :t.7r ,r.,t' 2--0 We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. . December3, 2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE X city resident? 2-0 We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4, 2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE A L-e..,....:. \'" ~ Address , (p I~ W (o-p... st- f~ ";5CR5" +tuJS'f ((0 rA. ~~&i~cll. . 1'6K ~ C\ I ~\1JJo Ic?: NKl ~.3 () w / I q 'S f. j), ,4- I ~~~. [J1-Y-~ ?~ /I f- S' 'a/1 ;; /8~;? 32 Eo 'fL1 IS-,):2.. W 7 ' I~ ~ /f<! s.~ -Ii V -ts3 5-~ n 4"53 MC~~ ~. ~~I~~bJ!~. f/~ 12 :tt'Ob ~ ""7'" I ~ 101:': j 8 ~ /~ ~k,6P~~ ~~ I :3 3"'g" €i)lJ-C]::JtIE ?If Qo~ w. Ilf~sf. ?4 I z 11 u). I Z.. PLI_ Y I it- ~. '/J/'//- IA){~ 11J9rf3~;2 X city resident? ~ -s< -t ~ 'X ~ - ,X -K ~ ~ ~ -:/1e- ~ ho 'X' ~ -yt ..~ ~ ,()n 26 We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December~. 2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE SOteKcL L-;y' ~..hf 2-6 We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will prom}.1.,.. - .. ",s constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3, 2001 . WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE Address Un (4 LUST 191-t.t '9'~ /(1'" ~..LJ JZ- We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December'-)\(, 200 I " -3 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE <. ~.v~L. .. ~~ if VA l.(..,.. Ovt.---- .-f::: p; ~~~ / ;(... X C.o u_ ~,\.....t"y city re.~idOtj- resident? X Address ID~ f""" 141M VtL / 5d.;;2." 60 lP (,"tmt r<:Jt"':. J2d) tP 0 - BCi '" . e- . "f.?"3" -1- 2- 01- . (.{ . r- l.G,,..Q. <'1'\" ).(.1 .' .. ". b, "~~7J:ik~ t;: k( / <0/ ." fI/etf~/7/' l.{ J. qG I/-t-\A 40/7 ~'~/)r:5e~S k.!,d~ (/J.I\ y... 10 ~ . Ca.-..J-J \S.. 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December 4,2001 lA,cop"", WRITE LEGIBL Y PLEASE X city resident? 9 We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the exi.sting Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3, 2001 . WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE X city resident? t:-- ~ V' ? (l.... ..~ \ C;:/ / \.~..// "2-2- We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. DecemberJ, 2001 G, : 00 ~M.-r WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE ~ We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4, 2001 WRITE LEGffiL Y PLEASE { ?ra ~ iJvt.III . <(o~ .~~~j)_k 2'1 D 34 , t 'J..I2...., . G. r:: lac.. S-Z ,?~v..f Cr;$.--~"_ Jt...) (.3'''-'-$. IV.9I- ~ Sto 5. Lt ..' :3 2~ ( ~AI . If J"L-1 ~' :,.L/"7 G ",{/'~/// ~ ~ 6~ Rr--7\.ltl) ~ AUe-.:::> L .f"'z..1... .vT''''''''' ~ R . tv~.fl~ ' ~~2 V/!'S ~cf Jii. A~I eA ~\(:'b2 jd &7-17- tvM;~ca~d ,pA... "fINC3 <J 0', '" 3sAl ol' A.. \'.la, fll G~e+ l-'~ to x city resident? ~ ~ "X. ~. ~ ~ ~ X' v 1 We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier MilIto enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4, 2001 WRITE LEGffiL Y PLEASE X city resident? hct. II We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3,2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE ~ ~ 2. We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3, 2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE N S' Addr, X city 'dent? ----. ; /w I~ F,'r ."" <"l ...; (:; . c:::." L j () 0... _ }/tl'? 101, '1~ /111 pI.,. Cd n f-N C'..r/j,'_ r ~ f{; } ~ c-.ar-:_:i~ - r31h j), ~ ~..{.r-' ~l. -':: (]/),{J / J.....n- ,7 A If . - - - - - - J t- ~ If We, the undersif,rned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4> 2001 WRITE LEGrBL Y PLEASE Address X city resident? ------------~- --~~_._-,._--- ------ ----- -------.--------- -_.-._-~-~._--_._.---- -----~----- -....-........-------- -._~--------~.- ~ l'i We, the undersigned. hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3,2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE l' ). We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. . December 3,2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE /7 ---- We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4,2001 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE x city resident? y We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 3, 200 1 WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE """" S' /7 We, the undersigned, hope that the PA City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4, 200 I WRITE LEGIBLY PLEASE X city Address ~ resident? 32~ WMl- If!:> 51- X ~ ~ "'~t~NtL~~ ~~-=~-- l~r; t~Uff.J' ~~I i _~ w.~___~ --:. --___ $lft-~~q ~ ! 0/ ;..1 t L-=-- A~ /lA..oPL'~__ -__~. - .,Lk1~~-=:=- I fLM-E...sr!!:::.S'f-----4- . "_. - .-7...- ~ . .~... . .. _ ",",,-. .' r~~~ r~~~--__---~p~---~-----~.----3p s_~_______/x- ~_~i c.hQ.eL_~w_________ _ _~_ _______ ____Cl2~;J. 41tt.91-. X j ~ 1),.>l;-t.~----- '1T.b1---:----- 51L.c~I"; 11- ~J ~ · ---U-.Ka.k.b:--~----------------- --'. .-~______ ---------328-bliC:j;tk_5_t 1.~O-C. --~Q1~--- _ ~-Q~------_---_-_-_~~~4ilt----51---- -:: _ii -J- ~ 3" lJ. - ,,,.Q, ~r_~4)-C1~;~-_~----------- \';. ~~~---~=~------- -IwL~JrIJ-~<l} I ~~:~~=-------~~-=~~_---~I~t~;1 I L_~~d~e~--C.6. S..lfL-------.------ ~.-.. J~.........._.. -----------------______lJJ2.-~-~J..... '.~.-.--.-.~..1~.. ;..'.....'....... H--'" I-j-~ .. - - · - - - 1'-'- !C- --. -.- -." -- . - - _ p~d-;.~=-~-=::----=:::::---iTIT\J~7~ - t-.: <~ ---~ ..J .-....---,---..- .;:~ ~,~~ ... -.....---.----.-----.-.. .--.-----.--- ~--"-'._""-"'-'-'_._-~-'-'._--_. --_n_ m~_=_~=---=:==--=-~~~-==-==- - -- ----~ ---j r-------------.---- 1______.__ I L=~~_~~=~_~_=~~-~_~ ~__~~_~~~-- ~_. .__.. --. -----... . ..---------1 I i -~.~--.~::....~ - .--.--. .__..._,...~._.--.__.._"---'--'.--------- ...-..--.-------.--.-.-.-----.. J We, the undersigned, hope that the P A City Council will promptly address constructing a temporary Waterfront Trail connection through the Rayonier Mill to enable access between the City and the existing Olympic Discovery Trail to Sequim. December 4, 2001 WRITE LEGffiL Y PLEASE X city resident? '" 0( , .......- . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: December 3, 2001 To: Mayor Doyle and City Councilmembers Brad Collins, Commuoity Development Director ~ Serenity House REZ 01-05 Application From: Subject: Following the Council's deadlock on a decision regarding the Serenity House Rezone 01-05 application, the City Council directed staff to bring back findings and conclusions in support of the 3-3 tie. On November 28,2001, Serenity House requested that their application REZ 01-05 be withdrawn and not acted upon by the City Council. Action on approval of the fmdings and conclusions in support of the 3-3 tie vote (Attachment A) or on acceptance of the Serenity House request to withdraw their application REZ 01-05 (Attachment B) would make the other action moot. The City Council may choose to proceed with one action or the other. If you have any questions, staff will be available at the meeting to answer them. 63 . . . 64 . . . ATTACHMENT A Findings and Conclusions regarding REZ 01-05 - Serenity House Based on the information provided in the public record and any written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and testimony at the November 6, 2001, public hearing, the City of Port Angeles City Council denies RElOI-05 based of the following 30 findings and 5 conclusions: Findines: 1. The applicant requests a change in the Zoning map designation of a 4.31 acre rectangular parcel located on north of 18th Street and the William R. Fairchild International Airport from Residential, Single Family (RS-9) to Residential, Medium Density (RMD). 2. The proposal consists of two lots that are 188,074.28 square feet in size and undeveloped at this time. 3. The site is located in the Northwest Planning Area of the City, and the Northwest Planning Area has the largest segment of undeveloped residential land in the City. 4. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the area as a margin between Low Density Residential (LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR). 5. The properties to the east of the subject site are designated, zoned, and developed for medium density multiple family residential uses, including Serenity House family housing. 6. The properties to the west and north of the subject site are designated, zoned, but sparsely developed for low density single family residential uses. 7. The properties to the south across 18th Street are designated, zoned, and developed for industrial uses as the William R. Fairchild International Airport and industrial park. 8. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone, and the most relevant are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A, Land Use Element Goal A, Policies A.l and A.2, Objective AI, Goal B, Goal C, Policies C.I-CA, Transportation Element Goal A, Goal B, Policies 8.9-8.10, Objective B.8, Housing Element Goal A, Policies Al and A.7, Goal B, Policies B.1, B.2, 8.6, B.9, Objectives B.l and B.2, Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A.I-A.3, A.6, A.9, A13, Goal B, Policies 8.1-B.2. 9. The subject site is served by 18th Street, which is a designated arterial that is only partially. improved with sidewalks serving the multi-family housing developments east of the subject property. 10. Clallam Transit provides bus service along 18th Street with bus stops in the near vicinity. 65 Attachment A REZO 1-05 - Serenity House December 3, 2001 Page 2 11. Because the applicant has another near1:>Y location where Serenity House provides other housing and social services, there are already existing services which may be utilized. ;;~ ';,.h)'~, . 12. The location adjacent to the airport is a concern due to potential noise conflicts with residential activities. 13. Multiple family housing may be constructed with greater soundproofmg as a normal part of its design. 14. Transitional housing for the homeless is a special housing need that is given specific attention in the Comprehensive Plan but requires a conditional use permit in the Zoning Code. 15. The 18th Street district has all the conditions available for this special housing need in place such as public transit, an arterial street, vacant affordable land, and a non-profit service provider. 16. A residential neighborhood is not established along 18th St., since the area is still in the process of being developed with a mix of housing types and densities. 17. The purpose of the RMD zone is to all~w for a mix of single family, duplexes, and apartments at a density of greater than single family neighborhoods but less than the RHD zone. . 18. If approved to RMD zoning, a total of 53 dwelling units compared to 20 dwelling units under RS-9 zoning could be permitted on the 188,074.28 square feet of area. 19. Per Port Angeles Municipal Code 17.96.100, "In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Councilshall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the"Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map." 20. In 1995, the lower density residential zoning comprised approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the higher density residential zoning. Based on this analysis the Zoning Map was changed to add 139 acres of mostly buildable Medium Density Residential (RMD) zoning to the available acreage and to subtract the same 139 acres from RS-9 Residential Single Family. This additional RMD zoned land increased the higher density" residential acreage from 4 to 6.3% and similarly decreased the lower density residential acreage from 46 to 43.6%. 21. At the November 6, 2001, public hearing on REZ 01-05, Mr. Bill Sallee testified that a large percentage of the vacant buildable RMD zoned land in the City was already located west of "N" St. in a ratio of approximately I to 2 compared to vacant buildable RS-9 zoned land also west of "N" St. . 66 I. :. . Attachment A REZO 1-05 - Serenity House December 3,2001 Page 3 22. There have been minimal changes in the City;sdevelopment trends or patterns in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi.i.family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single family and 22% multi-family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in decreasing single family and increasing multi-family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi-family zoned land. 23. The Public Works and Fire Departments and the Building Division have made no comments on the proposed rezone. 24. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official adopted the Environmental Impact Statement, Addendum, and Supplemental EIS issued for the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1993-1995 and issued a Determination of Non Significance for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on October 9, 2001. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as it applies. 25. Public Notice was given on September 19,2001, identifying a written comment deadline of October 3, 2001, for consideration in the staff report and the Planning Commission recommendation and a public hearing date of November 6, 2001, on the proposed rezone before the City Council when oral testimony will be taken. The staff received two inquiries from nearby residents during the public comment period but no written comments by October 3, 2001. 26. This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not apublic hearing, and oral public testimony cannot be taken. According to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any written public testimony that was received by October 3, 2001. 27. The City Council held a public hearing on REZ 01-05 on November 6,2001. Councilmember Larry Williams recused himself based on the appearance offaimess doctrine. 28. Following the close of the public hearing, the City Council twice voted 3-3 on whether or not to approve REZ 01-05. 29. Action on REZ 01-05 was tabled at the November 6,2001, City Council meeting and brought back for a decision at the November 20,2001, City Council meeting at which 67 Attachment A REZO 1-05 - Serenity House December 3,2001 Page 4 time none of the City Councilmembers would change their original votes which were deadlocked 3-3. ."X", 30. The City Council directed staff to prepare findings and conclusions to support a 3-to-3 tie in denial of the rezone. Conclusions: 1. The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed land use according to the Zoning Code. 2. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies, and objectives of the LandUse Element should take precedence. Therefore, in this case where the Comp Plan Land Use Map is not clear, analysis of the rezone must specifically rely on the most relevant Comp Plan goals, policies, and objectives. 3. The vote of the three Councilmembers in favor of the proposed rezone is supported by the following conclusions: a. Rezone REZ 01-05 for Serenity House is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management, Land Use, Transportation, Housing, and Capital Facilities Elements as described in Finding #8. . b. The Comp Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Since the surrounding existing development includes airport/industrial and multiple family land uses as well as single family residential uses, 18th Street is a district within the Northwest Planning Area of the City. c. The need for multi-family housing has been identified and can be seen as a transitional use between more intensive uses such as airport/industrial and less intensive low density residential land uses. Based on these needs for additional multi-family zoned land in the City of Port Angeles, the proposed rezone is found to be beneficial for the community as a whole and compatible with the desired urban design of the City. d. Rezone REZ 01-05 is in the public interest and would increase the availability of land for multi-family housing and possibly for special needs transitional housing in the City. . 68 ! , Attachment A REZO I-OS - Serenity House December 3, 2001 Page 5 - 4. The vote of the three Councilmembers against of the proposed rezone is supported by the following conclusions: a. The City should ensure that the supply of land will be sufficient for all housing needs including the provision of transitional and temporary housing for the homeless and/or displaced families. However, in the Northwest Planning Area of the City, there is a sufficient supply of land for all housing needs. b. The circumstances at this time do not warrant the need for additional RMD zoned land in the Northwest Planning Area of the City. c. Rezone REZ 01-05 is not supported by the change in circumstances since the current zoning was established and is not the public interest under the existing circumstances of land supply in the City of Port Angeles. 5. The legal effect of the City Council's 3-3 vote is to deny Rezone REZ 01-05. I- - 69 . . . 70 . . . ATTACHMENT B Serenity House of Clallam County P.o. IJdx 4047 . Port Angeles, W A 98363 f5) lE (C IE n WI IE rrn lr~\ a 28. [lW em Of PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT November 28, 2001 . Brad Collins, Director Department of Community Development City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Mr. Collins: This letter is to request that our application for Rezone of our property at 2321 West 18th Street be withdrawn. The Board of Directors of Serenity House voted to take...t!tis action at its regularly scheduled meeting held on November 27, 2001. Sincerely, Dan Jaco s Executive Director 452-7224 71 . A United Way Agency . . . 72 . . . ,,:~"< , ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION Marc Connelly1~ctor of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Proposed Improvements to Lincoln Park Athletic Fields Summary: The North Olympic Baseball/Softball Association has proposed to construct improvements to athletic fields at Lincoln Park. The improvements consist of score booths for two fields with additional space for "dry concession" operations in one and umpire changing area in another. The other improvements include the construction of permanent dugouts to replace temporary ones Recommendation: The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Committee recommend that City Council approve the construction of new scorebooths at fields 6 and 7 and permanent dugouts at field 5 at Lincoln Park. Background I Analysis: At their regular November meeting, the Parks Recreation and Beautification Commission reviewed plans and recommended approval of plans submitted by the North Olympic Baseball/Softball Association for the construction of improvements to athletic fields located at Lincoln Park. Attached is a copy of the site plan and elevations for the score booths and plans and elevations for the dugouts. City staff and the Clallam County Parks, Fair and Building Maintenance Director have reviewed the proposal and recommend approval 73 . . . 74 'XI ,. lit... , ., ::CAT 1..o.C. II ~. ---zxo 1IC _,_ II hSlIN .... TO ... POST Z-2" 12/1 " Tel' 'LA," . 5aIPSON PC .. CII IPC "4 en Post CAP. AS AfIPUCAar I I Z" 12/1 or SNOS . "- 0.' Ik I/r IIPA .303 (I 1-11) SlOItCi NAlL1D Wild SlDfiG NM.S A1 ... o.c. IMJS AND mcoa. II. o.c. flEl.D II ~PTDf' (TOT'" or I' ; I_bv-~ ~ ~=-\ ~ ) J 1 r - - - - - - - - - - - -CROSS=SECTION - - - - - - - - -- I J.ffillJhrJlIP1'1 "IS . 3. Ct.R ~-".--lf'~~'~. . ~ _ . _~. . .~-~-:--:----:....L:' -ilI/O/IO/IO/- Ii::, ": ':; '.. -.. " ...~. ~":":~" .':. ". '-.,--:--,.:' .:.,-. ;: .'.:;:: .... :: :. ...: 'lJ l. :of''''''' ....... . '. . .,..... '... . I .. I'.~.< ::......~ :~~.~..<:::..:.~:::~>. :':,:'_J."~.! ~~-~-_._--~---~---~_:_--' ~ "-0- J ,. II[8AO lOOPS (2) SECTION @ "IS ~:a "'N:.7:' YCS Al .- o.c. IXIGD AND DGS. 12"' o.c. IUD 0:1DID 4" 'OST TO 10"'* SID( 01 ROar SHtA'IttWC AT "-"11 POSTS; .... EHO IUI1UtS FCJIII 'DCHl PI' YO POSt ~ 10 . tIDH-IIlBKD "'Ai. ItOClF1NO cr.tJI t-\.A1IR ,." FUT JtOCJf'M 'APrIl SJWSCJt LC8 44 POST lASE jf.~. c.................r ,...-." . .. . '. .:.:... ; ../..~. './L'.:;'j, ...,__ ~.. .~I j.. . '. '12" >>A ~J!. AI r o.c._ '" " . "'lid __ _ ..... .. J _ IDGO. 0" o.c. J ... . ~SlWPSOtt P8 44 POST BASI: -:-.' "'-'. .L.=:!' LI:...-.~.. . ." I. .' - li'r'f SECTION MIS E9 SECTION MIS (B . 1/1. COil IItOaP' Stt(AlHlNG 2X1 lM emM '''SOA ..... STUDS MOUND END RAtlOt AS SHCNtIi IUJO( K'RlUN S1UNS lr I'':.t' 1MS 414 I'l IT Of' POST :a..zo,uz.r or END WALL SECTION MIS No. R........JI_ Dol. ...., OUOCIUT CONS1IUCftCIrItPlI..ACDl f'OIt ra.o ~ UNCCIUI 'la, Jell' ...ea.lI. .~QTCJrI SECTIONS AND DETAILS ........ DRAYI1IIG: .IQI'''"-,,,,2.OIIl NORTH OlYMPIC BASEBALL ot SOf'lBALL 221 LOPEZ STREET ... No. !ICtT PORT ANGELES. WA 9B302 DOl'! 0A1l 2 Z ENOVIC & ... .. .0.' at. Ill. · NO~ 2001 ASSOCIATES =""=t./r"::z sc.u .IIICWCllAllD 'Q: (SID) .17"',. 1/4" . 1'-0. or 2 .. I "' .. I ;.. ~=================~=======~====~ ~ I ~ I ~ : I ~~ ~ ~ ~-----------------------------~ ~ BENCH ~ '<-----+~LDZ0Z07.D7OTLDZ0Z07.D7.D7OTLDZ0Z07.D7OTmzozm.D7D7OTU7Z07.D7.D7D7~ v v 1 ~ ~ ~4 SITE LAYOUT SCAU 1/C"."-O" C" lllK. CONC. SLAB WITH SIMPSON LCB CC POST 0/0/'0/'0 _ BASE (3 Pl.) ~": W-"' '4" ...... 0. '-(III .114- { SCAU 1/C".,'-O' No. Rcwlalonjlu.o Oate wu DUOOU' CGNSwtUC'IDI toil NUtS. UNCCIJf 'AM. Pat, III'CLUr. WAtlINGTON SITE LAYOUT AND FOUNDATION PLAN eLEI'" DRAWING: ,,7Sl__lt-flGllS-1.l1'lO NDRTH 01. 'I1IPIC 8ASE8Al.l. " SOFTBAl.l. HIt 221 LOPEZ STREET ... 110. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 00175 h. 1 Z ENOVIC & "" L K_' It. IlL' NO\lElot8ER 2001 ASSOCIATES ~~.~=2 SCJU IICCIPOflAtm 'AI!: (JIG) '17-011. 1/." - 1'-0. " 2 FOUNDA TION/SLAB PLAN . . . Tnu Nay OB 10: 2B: 54 20bl -- -- - I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I , I , - -I-- , -.. , I ~ . o .' N 'VNZ i i!:!i ~ z P I'~~ ...... i! .. UP I J;;...t ~-r"l JI'~n >po ~ J....~ III iln .. QI .. ~ ... i~ji '" .. i ;1 I g .~I: '" ~ I Z :R~: ~ ~ I: is -Nil ,. . ,... "'0 '::> ,... I It C ..if -. ga8~: ~ ~ . ~ ~~ I N '" U s;) .. C!.:a I " ,. .. 'it I ~ ~ e ~ ~ i j ; t - ~ L. E Ii" '\ \ \ \...... -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -p- - - -.. - -.. - - - . I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .....---4 /' I , , , I ..... ..... ..... ..... -- ..... ..... - ..... ..... 77 ""i, 1&'-0. _~ n...~__.~_.. _ .....w........ . -'....... b I \ COUNTER J'-O. I. S 'I -' .., SCOREKEEPER' BOOTH I .. . ... .:. + 28. AFr COUNTER b I ~ 068 DOOR CONCESSION STANO (FIELD #7) UMPIRE'S ROOM (FIELD 1/6) COUNTER ----' SAU:S lMNOOW SECTION . I I I i! I II' III i' ; i I II i I II ,I I ! I I I ! i II SIDE ELEVATION D , I I I I ' I I I~ ELEVA TION - CONCESSION SIDE . i I I , I II I' o SIDE ELEVATION I I I- ELEVA TION - FIELD SIDE ~. '/." . "-0. . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: .'1<"',,: :,\r)~;,':':,,:,/,. ~ORT.ANCBLES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO November 29,2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Michael Quinn, City Manager ~f9- 2002 Council Goals & Community Work Plan Summary: Attached are the Goals-Objectives-Programs/Projects designations for our 2002 Work Plan. This document has been coordinated with the proposed final Budget and Departmental work plans. The highlighted areas are additions or changes to the prior 2001 document. Those projects that are carry-overs from 2001 are left as non-highlighted, and those projects that were completed have been removed from the list. Ifthe Council has additional program/project designations, this document can be amended and either adopted or tabled for final action. A "Report Card" stating the status of2001 projects will be submitted at the December 18th Council meeting for your review. Recommendation: Adoption of the 2002 Council Goals & Community Work Plan Backeround / Analysis: No additional information necessary. G:\MASTFORM\COUNCIL.WPT Last Revised: 6/29/99 79 CITY COUNCIL . GOALS-OBJECTfVES-PROG~S/PROJECTS (Adopted 121 101) 2002 - OUR COMMUNITY WORKPLAN GOAL: FINANCIAL STABILITY Provide consistent and quality municipal services through the adequacy, utilization, and development of financial resources that maximize return on investment, leverage of outside sources, and equity for local taxpayers. Update and improve long-range financial projections, mr4~ and trend profiles to facilitate strategic forecasting. . Avoid diminishing operating reserves and maintain fund balances at prescribed policy levels. Evaluate 'capital equipment replacement and capital facility support with a long-range plan. Miriimize potential tax, fee, and utility rate increases while reviewing staff and operations to maximize effectiveness. Pursue outside grants and loans whenever feasible. UPd.~.:~t~ ,.:_,"'m. " ~ t.~.""~r- :\'''0'''_1*10;; 'lI"~~~~~ "'l'-.~,. ~ ~ t., K ~ . - ~, <-< _ f' . ., ~ ~" f' ' . , ' .. '",' .~ . II 0\ t :i;~ " > .. ' . .' , , . ,.f" ,'to', '" '<.. .', ~,.~ ~,,~"'~.... t. f Evaluate changes to business licenses regulation . -1- 80 . ,1~':i~";y.llTC~ f: ITfin:fK~~z ._~, financial system software and hardware proposals Evaluate equipment replacement fund and develop a strategic plan Explore options for fire apparatus equipment replacement Analyze utility rate structure Pursue outside fundin ';lH":::>':'>'.; J:)~~~. ancf""~'~' auridsen Boulevard bridge, 5th & Race signalization, Ennis Creek bridge, non-motorized improvements, and the Carnegie Library building renovation . RestrUcturcf; , . Stabi1i7~ the;',~ Inci~e ,.' GOAL: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Promote communications, legislative influence, and agency cooperation with all public entities on the North Olympic Peninsula, as well as State, Federal, and Tribal agencies which impact our community and environment. 9 i~m'L'~U\'..d"~' 'l~',; ,.',' ",' ;,'J " " ,,' ,', .' ',' .' " ., , . , I IJJ II ~.;# "--' .J I J '. J"" , ' ' ! , " I ~"," ~ , ~ ~ -"JJ.jf! ; .;-~...!' ~~- ~> ~~ ~1" V . '"'" " ',.ok, ' <" ., " . Interact with other public agencies and their staffs in a productive, professional, and participatory process that enables cooperation, fiscal economy, and effective results which serve our community. -2- 81 Protect the City's water system as it relates to impacts of the Elwha River dam removal project. Coordinate major capital projects, financial impacts and resources, and strategic goals to promote a commonly shared vision for the future development of our community and region. . }fr;:'I.@TIDIf(',IFfH1m::ft(L1'i:.', ." ;;'~;,<~,,'1Jiitt~':ft1':~~ii;1, O<iri1:igJ:ie agency cooperation on personnel, efficiency, shared resources, etc. . Develop a comprehensive marine emergency response plan and service agreements 01:>t~~.~~- ear renewal permit for landfill operations Ff~'!lt!~:.''''...,..... . . -3- 82 I- - - GOAL: QUALITY MUNICIPAL SERVICES Organize and provide municipal services th!li are oriented toward meeting the needs of our citizens, effectively utilizing available resources, and achieving improvements in our community's quality of life. jJIth~~J])~~) , ' Assure that community support services are provided, within available resources, to aid those segments of our community most in need such as the elderly, disabled, children, and others needing assistance. Promote emergency preparedness and welfare. ,H consumer safety information to enhance the public Strategically plan municipal services to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness over the long term. Update, modify and enforce local regulations and codes which reduce nuisances, improve permit processing, and orients regulations in a more user-friendly direction. Implement cost efficiencies with District Court such as e-mail for documents, fine allocations ful.a~v!{fi Str,~J1,~~9:..!h~.,,2ll~;:~!gB/R~~t process >"~>"""'" Ii.' '" ..... .....::fi.'.iip.'.entrf'ij'.. "'1:"""'/""/'/" 'ts aJ.SQn()rz~! ., ,.,~.,;P!()J~~t Develop an information database of emergency services information accessed through wireless support ~'m~J,~$~~~Wf"",,,~'!"M'31"'~::',t~~:~~~':),,,~1;';;'''';;!;<:>,('j""'~""~'''''''~''1'''~ Initiate a WRICOPS study of police services to promote 1i!~t~IiQmm~K~ym;i ; ': ,>, ':::",::~: ': -f "",'::,"',:';~\i>:": ,,~t"l'jt,;t:~,:rJ;<:;q:i:;;r;F:~'::~>~1~"'\F)~~Bi 1m 1ement'a:Co':CoM "stUfl" . ,P,. .. """"'~'" ".PQ...."g..,.~_..._.."- _J~ biosolids and yard waste Execute phase collection ",.;,ofthe 300 gallon to 90 gallon conversion program for residential refuse ;""',:,~ \ ;;(i~::,~:' ';; ';''':;~'?'~:f?:\:.; ~~Yf4 ',~~,::~~"t~5i~<~\i:~~t'9:~<~'!j~\~~,~:~~':<~ Comple~;tliC:CQ~ti'Q)\lQf the Black Diamond reservoir cover and install a new disinfection system -4- 83 i~:-'''; ?';-::~<;-;:~'~, the Peabody Heights reservoir cover nii~ the Water Comprehensive Plan. State Health Department's approval .. Construct and update electrical services through line replacements, transformer upgrades, undergrounding, etc. to assure quality service and reliability Obtain new NPDES person for WWTP operations Continue Parks Maintenance Plan through miscellaneous irrigation projects, landscaping, facility maintenance I1i~~~".' b~~~iop'.. . DeSl&tt' ~,....".g.... ci~'" It '.'1~'ifu{Bf'Z."tti8~t6'f'mgra,1l~a~~iffiimh~~r6R~$~~ ep ~ po .. . .... _.,........ ._.__' _. ._...~.~,,~~......._.... .~..,.... N.......".. .... 'V"'~" Reb1ii1~('''':' . -5- 84 . . . GOAL: EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE Expand programs and policies that enhance the work environment, stimulate employee performance, and promote customer service to assure the provision of quality municipal services and prepare our employees for the future challenges in municipal government. 'uYilY:.,'\;\ qi"'I~1.' Expand l~adership training and development for employees. Evaluate the Customer Commitment Program and related impacts. Integrate the city's Statement of Values into the workplace. Improve the effectiveness of employee incentive programs. ~-J'-;i;,_.'>L~~>ni.1;'~;'0fi):-,\-~;,:4;U Integration'o. .'1:f fFWl'7~:;""'r \f.", j1\~" '4' J"<.-,~...Jf> ~J/~,...'t: ! ;/_, ~ J" _ \ . _," ^, J ~ "x , 113!!l. II e"'q iJt..'tfuL"" >f1, I :1 "I' .' \ I l {~ , ,~ , )~.~ r _ ~ :ii-v. ,.(~ ,..v ' , .~ ,,< ' :>-~:-;/>><)<'~:!; ~.~ eonti:ii~:jLeadership Academy training courses and participation with outside agencies EnCo~e;'. updatc;~~f~~~eiW~:~~~6Im~~!fi;~~~~Ng}t. R.efa~~1ili~1e:fiq~~~ -6- 85 . GOAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . Develop policies and promote implementation measures that enact our Comprehensive Plan, preserve the character of our community, and provide the necessary public facilities and infrastructure consistent with our vision for the future. ""''' ..'U i)tr~wr~ " , . " Monitor efforts and impacts associated with utility legislation, financing, and operations. Maintain, replace, expand, and improve necessary public facilities and infrastructure to serve and protect the community's needs within available resources as established in the Capital Facilities Plan. Review and evaluate the feasibility and cost / benefits of fiber optic expansion, or other technological source, to provide broadband services, other advanced technology services, and advanced communication and information services to the community. Update and prepare comprehensive plans and strategies to guide our future capacity, quality, design, and capitalization of public facilities and infrastructure. . Comply with intergovernmental regulations and goals that impact our provision"'1md operation of public utilities. Develop a property management plan for all land and facilities which provides inventory and information suitable for proactive"decision-making. Evaluate the options and impacts of expanding the UGA and corresponding annexation plan. Establish a regular maintenance program for City facilities with a comprehensive assessment and replacement analysis completed on a periodic basis. ",~.; -4 ~11[[ID1- .~ c_," . . " ': " .,'. !..' I 0 ,II -;Of{ ~ ts: : ,~..' " " . . -; ",',' ['~.' . ' . , . ..:Je,.,:'w.<_ , _....,,;4..">>0 ~;, "l Implem~Hli~~' Annexation Plan '<'-_.'~\ ';<. ,;>>$ .", \.:c~;f;;".; "-u, ,,-0;'- ~ co~c.mfotr". ",.. Expand the UGA to Deer Park area . -7- 86 1_ . . . project and. partner with the Historical Society for Update Regional Transportation Plan, CIP, Shorelines Master Program, Zoning, etc. Develop Stormwater Management strategy and program Reactivate the Morse Creek Hydro Facility via lease with private sector ~>" Construct Laurel Street slope stabilization project 8th Street Restoration Project hnprove stormwater discharge at vicinity of Crown Park Reduce the combined sewer overflow discharges into Port Angeles Harbor for Centennial Waterfront Trail c6ffi.~i~~;~~J~~~~ of Friendship Bridge at Valley Creek Estuary Conduct a Pool Project feasibility study Inventory all City-owned property and facilities for utilization lJPd~t(;~ili~g~~ C6mp\~;~. o..,J ..":<"y;l",;,,,(','t'<i~'~n 'C:o,..1" ..., .LJA}llor~. Instal(a'::::;:' -8- 87 pt.eJjiiig;i;'iDBiII~~e;mEifijfi~}wiml~~T~lW~filMa\!~piin~a~h1t'i~a~ri$k aSSes$iep:tr~t~11Fl~iji~~1f-'.~" .....~..,.. .""du..._"rtL.' --~."....... ,.'.'..., .....*.. _M .... .... ...__,rt,~-,,,_. . ',' ,-., ';;,-,';:.,-_.-':::}:;"~'f_''''~\\/'~~0$.',"";:<:?''-'::I:';'_'"'f:~7Z'':4;~p''*~ ComTTience~eSr4.4'"O .',"..... ,',"''-'''''..,' ..,~.,. C]allam:PtD:> Co~ta~ffi~~gric~f~;piftii!I;~ ConstIuctthe:~ia~~~11l~;iii5il~~~(j)l1it~~w~~~fGQn-:e9~,g5~J;'I":h~~ GOAL: ECONOMUCDEVELOPMENT Stimulate the community's economy through a combination of policies and programs which diversify the economic base, support the community and resource-based activities, provide .. adequate infrastructure and support, promote the opportunities for high technology and innovative applications for our business and industrial base, and establish the community's prominence as the service and activity center of the North Olympic Peninsula. . Implement comprehensive community support programs that recommend economic development strategies and projects to the City Council and provide timely informational reports on economic activity. Collaborate with other agencies to promote a timely cleanup and redevelopment of the Rayonier site that serves the best interests of the corporation and community. Cooperate with the Port of Port Angeles to stimulate and develop Port property and support the proposal of an Airport Industrial/Business Park. Support efforts of the Economic Development Council, Port Angeles Downtown Association, Chamber of Commerce, Visitors and Convention Bureau, and other community agencies to create a positive business climate that stimulates private investment. Promote tourism and establish linkages with Victoria, B.C., Puget Sound cities, and other Cascade area communities to enhance economic opportunities. Revitalize the downtown core and create an economic partnership with local business that .' -9- 88 . encourages economic vitality, encourages pedestrian interaction, and incorporates the objectives of the "Main Street" model. Explore opportunities to support and promote the economic diversification of the community, especially in areas of advanced technology, marine industrial, telecommunications, and other potential businesses that can expand our local economy. ::wme===~r p'''.lF~;ifil~eo~~fui;~ Programs I PI-oj ects<'" Sappho Gap project infrastructure developed with public agency/private participation , ,_ ,_, ' .' _, _ _ _ " , ,_,,',( ,:;:;:_~,;<-L~":'-_<:';"~"':/J:':(,:~:'#~}'~\:'. r:.::::.:::\:)\,):-";':/">n>.!'--','^" ~_<;"F/-'C!'<:';>"":;~::'" "C'.:::,:;:', i -.:', .,., ,::,._',':<:-::C:"),:::,:::://;;! ,:';::,-~;":<"-"'.:, .:;" " Evaluate Conference Center Proposals:arid.;e~"iiijt'a;public<cl{;~tefora successful project Secure the site and construction for the Gateway Project Institute Small-Business Incubator Project Market Del Guzzi property and develop business plan for use . Implementthe master plan for land use of the landfill area after its closure in 2006 Coordinate with the Chamber, Port, Downtown Association, and other stakehold~ on a Waterfront Vision Initiate special event promotionS tOstiID.u1a~~t()~:srichasth~"iIiaugUral Port Angeles Mounttlin Bike Rendezvous to be scheduledin' October . -10- 89 GOAL: COMMUNITY LIVABILITY . Protect, preserve and enhance the quality of living within our community which fosters a commitment toward excellence in environmental, cultural, social, and physical benefits to our citizens. t!i 1~j7.'~'rff~J:~~r-~ti';1~1",~ i"'~TIi';'f'1~, l"t'.l,,?'~""'~~,~ I ;,~-'~",./; ~~ ",,// ~ -, ,,: " ' _ . .~', ,~l;~ '/" <~l -~ <>~ _'''~''\v.~ iii I . !U~~~~t~~:?l;,~r~~tt~1~~;;':":~~:1~1~'~~~"lt::~:;"...;;;<", ~h N ~~ ~>)" .~1 ,k I <,.....'"J~;..~,'-i.~ ~i 11~:\/,,...,'-4,,~j .;~,{ (.'~'t-....~.t~~tt Promote responsible efforts of forest management, fish preservation, and other programs that preserve, protect, and balance our community's livability with our natural environment, while stimulating economic activity and family wage jobs. Research and adopt as necessary new ordinances that improve community aesthetics and welfare through responsible enforcement and regulations as well as heightened community awareness (Drug Treatment Centers, Cellular Tower regulations). Acknowledge citizens for civic contributions and public service on Boards and Commissions. . Promote our annual clean-up and recycling events through improved results and increased participation. Evaluate the usefulness of neighborhood planning. Enhance ourRecyc1iIlg;anaYat'dW~Prp~: Programs -/ Proj ects Initiate Watershed Planni9:~.~~[~Et~_with planning agencies 8:ndcoordiri'il~',;Willi{lo~1~5~~ittees such as WRIA 18,EMMf;an:aLEG Evaluate neighborhood planning process Revise Fire Alann Ordinance to allow for consistent interpretation and application Coordinate with other agencies in ESA regulations compliance and NMFS 4( d) rule Review feasibility of accepting septage at the WWTP . Increas~ vc>lUriteei'stipP6rt;f6t'iliipfa~~ents'arid,:ri~i~@~rice of the Wa.~c>tif;~d<C61tefu1ia1 . 90- . . . Trai1~ Devel~p;:aria;1~p1~6it~~p .. miti;reJi~p; . GOAL: COMMUNITY RELATIONS Enhance citizen - government communication in order to promote a more responsive and accountable municipal organization which functions with understanding and support for its constituency. Improve the governments access programming and information available on Charmel 21 (access channel) to promote topics of interest, information and welfare to the communit). Strengthen community participation and interaction in local government affairs. Develop performance measures to gauge the effectiveness of municipal services and customer satisfaction. Utilize technology to improve informational exchange and communications between the City and its customers. Programs /Projects' Enhatl.ce we:t:>-1la.g~atl4",C?x1?lore portal use of information kiosks.to provide community information i andpromote\CiWJp{()~ . Explore use of Internet for utility billing/financial transactions Incorporate performance measures into the annual budget process Develop:ah:aa.-li()g~ec;rii;fii~~~', . . classes 'Y~~ljf:'€i'~"ffi~1liia 9i12- E loret1lc'feasibmty'" 'ofi)fu~~Gi' xp , '. . . .... < '.. .>, .,<.. > "~~?ffi;~if~;~~~GHR~~~l~1 . Continue CATS wiikgiri'ci1.ii=f~Yj.~:~i~~i~Y€f~~Sl:lli~~;{1f~Wifi~~ijfg Coordinate'special:~v~ts:pio~",~iil~~~(ff":i'. . F.nha"~'Poli~:.airl~: ,,' /~s ~"-', '- -,:;~~'-:~:-'i_')'t::;'/"'-1"'~U};>;il,; serieS'ofciiuCatlo";" ,,' J~q~f~~y~tilo'se~>at~ri~li;;tbiotigb a . , - --.:, ".:..< ': _,_, ,~: C-:~i"-:"'-\/':1?,:/:<,tt-",';/~0ttt: ;.k{~~:~'''~''~?:,:,>;:,fNY''-\'I\1'':Y>~~P;~ii":;.I':''lt:~iA*,~,,-#'''''''-'mi1P~~~"i~~~',j...q-&--?;'lm~~~^;,:~~.~~t;:i'.'~'(;~'Yftk~::,~<' Eril1an tb ' ,,:..:, . .,' ....a.....arii".' aU" "'~"'*ft1i' wp'~t1"'4.ftS.,''''"'''''+Y'01-.'1.reer~'''/..'''''.. ce e nusslon'an;p , Clp, on::o ,",ei:9 ~~_~()r,;~~JW:.:,', ()gram G:\EXCHANGE\CITYMGR\GOALS02-01.dat Report to Council December 3,2001 .' . 9Q- . . . ;: ,.,~...~~~J#:,~}~~~;t;f.:~~m~t1t~,:~>~:.'~;d~b~~~~0~~,:tf~:';"<"'0' '::0'; 2002 Budget Ordinance This item was moved on the agenda after the copying ~ was completed. . CITY COUNCIL MEMO ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT December 3, 2001 City Council Meeting (Changed from Dec. 4) Monday, December 3 6:00 p.m. Gateway Committee Meeting Thursday, December 6 8:15 a.m. Annexation Outreach Meeting - Roosevelt Middle School Library Thursday, December 6 7 - 9 p.m. (Questions and Answers) Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, December 10 3:00 p.m. Real Estate Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 11 5:00 p.m. . Outstanding Public Service A ward Luncheon - VBMCC Wednesday, December 12 11 :30 a.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, December 12 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, December 12 7:00 p.m. Annexation Outreach Meeting - Roosevelt Middle School library Thursday, December 13 7 - 9 p.m. (Fire, Police and Emergency Medical Services) Christmas Party hosted by Employee Association (Vern Burton) Friday, December 14 6:00 p.m. Downtown Forward / Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Joint Monday, December 17 7:30 a.m. Meeting - City Council Chambers City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 18 6:00 p.m. North Olympic Peninsula Cities Association Meeting (Mayors) Wednesday, December 19 6:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Meeting Thursday, December 20 7:00 p.m. Christmas Holiday Tuesday, December 25 Closed Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, December 26 7:00 p.m. New Year's Day Holiday . City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 1 Wednesday, January 2 Closed 6:00 p.m. G:\CNCLPK1\CTYMGR\CMREPT\2001\Ol-1203.wpd 93 . . . 94 ';"'/\~\:ri':f':.~7;: ':'1",.~'/ o;_"ji\~h"f'"' PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS . PROJECT PROJECT ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE NUMBER CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Airport Rd. Realignment 91-07 $951,589.91 $15,430.00 $50,569.69(a) $1,017,589.60 8th Street Restoration 99-08 $1,684,518.60 $140,547.31 $0.00 $1,825,065.91 Black Diamond Res. Imp. 99-18 $884,958.00 $53,339.22 $0.00 $938,297.22 Landfill Closure 20-04 $883,325.65 $150,413.44 $30,000.00(b) $1,063,739.09 Francis Street Park 21-07 $312,605.93 $46,035.57 $29,623.89(c) $388,265.39 Ediz Hook Elect. UG 20-06 $111,668.25 $0.00 $5,000.00( d) $116,668.25 Laurel Retaining Wall 96-05 $116,405.77 $0.00 $0.00 $116,405.77 "I" Street Transformer 20-03 $318,864.00 $9,795.00 $0.00 $328,659.00 2001 Paving 21-15 $210,875.20 $0.00 $0.00 $210,875.20 8TH Street Bridge Repairs 21-16 $27,700.00 $0.00 ($617.46)( e) $28,317.46 Annual Tree Trimming 21-18 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, NOVEMBER, 2001 (Costs shown do not include taxes) . a. Change orders #2, 3, & 4 provided for driveway revisions ($11,791), detention pond revisions ($28,392.97), and added misc. grading ($10,385) not anticipated in original contract. b. Change order #5 provided for waste relocation and drainage improvements not anticipated in original contract. c. Change order #3 provided for play area, landscaping and drainage, not anticipated in original contract along with credits for electrical work and job shack not provided. d. Change order # 1 provided for mobilizations required due to material delivery delays. e. Change order #1 provided credit for materials purchased but not utilized in the repairs. Materials provided to City for future repairs. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER NOVEMBER, 2001 (Costs shown do not include taxes) . CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# Jordan Excavating Install underground 3-phase tie $9,197.00 N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRPT\coll-Ol.wpd 95 . . . 96 . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 November 14, 2001 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm, Mary Craver Members Excused: Rick Porter Staff Present: Sue Roberds, Ken Dubuc Public Present: Cindy Kochanek, Gertrud Rohrbach, Burdette Greeny, Lily Thomson, Joan Daman, Don Dauran, Beverly Sellers, Brian Gawley APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioners Philpott and Nutter noted that on page 3, third paragraph from the bottom, second to the last sentence should read "Without these issues being addressedll ...". It was also noted that Commissioner Porter was present at the October 24th meeting, and there are no vacancies. Commissioner Hewins moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and passed 5 - 1 with Commissioner Craver abstaining due to absence from that meeting. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: Chair Nutter indicated that those who wish to testify before the Planning Commission must sign in and acknowledge that their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 01-10 - SERENITY HOUSE. 2321 West Ei~hteenth Street: Request for a conditional use permit to allow a social service agency providing 24-hour care/emergency single adult shelter in the RMD, Residential Medium Density zone. (This item was continued from the October 10, 2001, regular meeting.) Chair Nutter noted that the issue had been continued from the October 10, 2001, regular meeting to November 14th so that the City Council could act on a pertinent rezone for the property. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds explained that the Council had not been able to reach a decision on the rezone application at its November 6th meeting and had continued that deliberation to November 20th. It will be necessary to further continue the conditional use permit action at this time to either the Commission's November 28th or December 12th. Chair Nutter opened the continued 97 Planning Commission Minutes November 14,2001 Page 2 public hearing. There being no one present to testify, Commissioner Hewins moved to continue the public hearing to December 12, 2001, 7 p.m., Council Chambers. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and passed 6 - O. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 01-11 - GERTIE'S FARMERS MARKET. 1016 East First Street: A request to allow a farmers market use in the Commercial Arterial zone. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Division's staff report recommending approval of the requested conditional use permit with conditions. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing. Cindy Kochanek, 335 Alpine, Port Angeles, represented the applicant and stated that she spoke to surrounding property owners about the proposal. In her opinion,. surrounding property owners are in favor of the use and noted enthusiasm regarding the activity in that it could attract more walk-in customers to their businesses as well. In searching for a new site at which to locate, members of the market were concerned about adequate parking and better visibility than where the market has been located at the northwest comer of Chase and Eighth Streets. The proposed location offers an abundance of parking and is more visible, and can be better contained. In response to Conmrissioner Schramm, Mrs. Kochanek indicated that they did not inquire at Skipper's Restaurant for restroom availability due to the nature ofthe use. They felt it would be an intrusion to ask to use the restroom facilities without being a customer. Business owners in the vicinity that offered their restroom facilities believe that the market may draw some business to their operations. If customers choose to eat at Skipper's Restaurant, they could use the restroom facilities there as a customer of that use. In response to Commissioner Hewins, Mrs. Kochanek stated that they inquired as to the use of a porta potty, but the expense is more than can be afforded. The market basically is non-profit in operation with monies going to the joint operation of the use. Commissioner Hewins asked if there is a concern with patrons or vendors crossing East First Street to use the restroom facilities that have been offered, which are all located on the north side of East First Street. Mrs. Kochanek noted that most of customers do not use the restroom during their visit as they don't stay long. Vendors are prepared to be very careful. There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Following discussion between Commission members regarding safety issues, Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following 6 conditions supported by 16 findings and 4 conclusions. in support of the action: Conditions: 1. Approval of CUP 01-03 shall be valid for an initial one (l)year and may be extended by the City Department of Community Development upon satisfactory review by the Planning Commission of the conditions of approval and operation of the Market. 98 . . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes November 14.2001 Page 3 2. Products to be sold shall be limited to those items that are either baked, made, or grown by the vendor. The use is not intended to evolve into a street fair and shall be limited to those uses described in the applicant's application and elaborated upon in the staff report dated November 14, 2001 for CUP 01-11. 3. Musicians, a petting zoo, or resale activities have not been considered in this analysis and are not part of this permit approval. 4. Compliance with State and County requirements for the handling and sale of food and/or food products is required. The site manager shall be responsible for ensuring that these license needs are met prior to market activities. 5. Sanitation facilities shall be provided according to State and County health code requirements and as proposed by the applicant. The use of at least one of the proposed sites ~ the Maytag Laundry, Race Street Car Wash, and Ace Equipment (all located on East First Street) - is required for continued operation of the activity. 6. Trash shall be removed from the site. The use of local trash receptacles is not permitted. Findings: 1. A conditional use permit application was submitted on October 2, 2001 to operate a farmers market use in the Commercial Arterial zone at 1016 East First Street. 2. The request for a conditional use permit is to allow the operation of a weekly farmers market where local farmers and artisans can sell their goods to the public. The proposed location is vacant property located at 1016 East First Street. The applicant has indicated that approximately 75 vendor spaces are available, however, verbal information from the applicant's representative indicates that a maximum of 40 vendors are anticipated during peak season. 3. The applicant has operated a farmers market activity at location in the Community Shopping District for approximately the past 24 years. The City has not received any complaints about that operation. 4. Farmers markets are a popular community activity and are widely supported. Distinction as to what products may be sold at the proposed farmers market has been identified by the applicant's representative as those goods which are either baked, made, or grown by the vendor. The application does not propose the resale of items or other more typical street fair activities. The intent is to aid local farmers and artisans. 5. Environmental health and sanitation requirements for hand washing and restroom facilities are addressed by the applicant by the provision of letters of approval from three nearby established business uses - the Maytag Laundry, Ace Equipment, and Race Street Car Wash- 99 Planning Commission Minutes November 14,2001 Page 4 that have offered the use of their restroom/sanitation facilities during operation periods of . the proposed market use. These,business uses are located either directly across East First Street from the site or within 240 feet to the west (Race Street Car Wash) ofthe location. 6. The subject property consists of six lots equaling approximately 31,500 square feet in area. Dimensions of the site are 225' x 140'. A second property containing 10,485 square feet and measuring 46' x 225' in dimension is also included in the application and could be used for overflow parking if needed. The additional site has historically been associated with the subject property as an overflow parking area and is located adjacent to the main site south of the alley (see attached site map). Both properties (total of 41,985 square feet) are covered with impervious surface material. 7. Proposed parking areas are striped and partially bumpered and will allow for 82 vehicles. A transit bus stop is located adjacent to the main property along East First Street. 8. Surrounding uses north, east and west along East First Street are all commercial in nature with a multiple dwelling unit apartment complex located south of the site along Chambers Street and other residential uses extending south and west along Second Street to Race Street. The City's Civic Field use is located in this southwest location as well. 9. Access to the site will be by way of East First Street which is a State Highway (101) and is designated as a principal arterial street within the City. Access could also occur from Washington Street which borders the site to the west and is a neighborhood street. . 10. The City's Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the application. The following goals and policies are relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A. 1., and A.2.; Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D., Policy D.l., and Goal E.; Economic Development Element Goal A., Policy A.l, A.2, and B.6. ,11. The purpose of the CA, Commercial Arterial zone is to create and preserve areas for business serving the entire City and needing an arterial location because of the nature of the business or intensity of traffic generated by the business. Although farmers markets are not listed as a permitted or conditional use in the CA zone, the various segments of sales represented by vendors in a farmers market would be individually permitted uses iIi theCA zone if they were located within structures. The market atmosphere is a variation of a typical business activity which would otherwise be permitted in the CA zone. Section 17.23.160(0) ofthe P AMC allows for "Other uses compatible with the intent ofthe zone." 12. Farmers markets are not specifically mentioned in the City's Parking Ordinance. The most similar use would be grocery/retail which requires 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area and is normally conducted within a structure. The market area would utilize approximately 14,000 square feet oftheentire area with the remaining area designated for parking Using the stated parking ratio, 47 parking spaces would be required for the vendor use. A remaining 35 parking spaces would then be available for customers. . 13. The City's SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance on 100 . . . ....r;'_",;:-'.f;>:' Planning Commission Minutes November 14.2001 Page 5 November 8, 2001. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A). 14. The Maytag Laundry, Ace Equipment, and Race Street Car Wash businesses are all located north of East First Street in this area. All of those business owners have agreed by written permission to allow the use of restroom/sanitation facilities for the proposed market use. 15. The City Police, Public WorkslUtilities, and Building Division ofDCD had no objections to the proposal.. 16. Legal publication appeared in the Peninsula Daily News per PAMC 17.96.140 on October 18, 2001, with public notice mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site on October 16,2001. No written public comments were received within the public comment time lines. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, CUP 01-11 is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.l., and A.2.; Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D., Policy D.l., and Goal E.; Economic Development Element Goal A., Policy A.l, A.2, and B.6. B. As conditioned, CUP 01-11 is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code, specifically the CA zone. C. As conditioned, CUP 01-11 will maintain the public interest and general welfare. D. As conditioned, CUP 01-11 complies with the requirements for approval ofa conditional use permit as specified in P AMC 17.96.050. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 6 - O. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mrs. Gertrud Rohrbach and Beverly Sellers thanked the Commission for their consideration of the conditional use permit - CUP 01-11. STAFF REPORTS REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Schramm noted that previous concerns about the possibility of a pedestrian/auto collision at the intersection of Francis and East Front Street had unfortunately occurred. With the popularity ofthe Francis Street park at that location, it is a favored crossing with very little visibility. He hoped that the City's Engineering Division would take note. 101 Planning Commission Minutes November 14. 2001 Page 6 Commissioners Norton and Schramm asked why the waterfront trail is not available yet in the area of the Francis Street park. Planning Specialist Roberds did not know but stated that she had been informed the section of trail would be open by now, however, the park may be awhile yet. She will mqurre. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Sue Roberds, Acting Secretary Linda Nutter, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 102 . ... . . . i CLALLAM COUNTY HUMANE SHELTER REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCT.' 2001! .-.........-..........--...........-.-..-...-.7...-....-..-.............-.....--...................f..-..-..-..-....-..---.--.--...-......-r-..-.....-..-.-.....-;-..------.--.....-..,.-.--.--.----T--.-.--..-..-.T....-.-....-..-.-..-...T-....-.--..-.............,......-..-..--..,--..-..-..-....-.........---. --.-..-..~..._-.------........i-..--....-.-.-...... 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