HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/06/2005 Becky Upton City Clerk AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET December 6, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:15 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. CITY OF FORTANGELES @ WAS H I N G TON, U. 5 A A. CALL TO ORDER - SpecIal MeetIng (5:15 p.m.) EXECUTIVE SESSION B. CALL TO ORDER - Regular MeetIng (6:00 pm) ROLLCALL- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, & CEREMONIAL MATTERS C. WORK SESSION 1. Frrefighter's partICIpatIon m Humcane Katrma rellef efforts None 1 PresentatIon . D. (1) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIDS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or City Counczl member (2) PUBLIC COMMENT An opportunzty for the publzc to speak to the City Counczl Comments should be lzmlted to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of J 5 minutes for the comment perIOd, at the discretIOn of the Mayor E. FINANCE 1. Crown Park Stormwater Sludge Pump Purchase, 1 Approve Purchase Project 21-08 2. Contract for Frre Records Management System 3 2. Authorize City Manager to SIgn Contract F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Councd mmutes of November 10, 2005, 21 Accept Consent Agenda SpecIal MeetIng, and November 15,2005, Regular 23 Meeting 2. ExpendIture LIst - November 25,2005 - 33 $804,266.13 3. Electromc Payments - November 25, 2005, 69 $1,603,771.00 4. Landfill Gas System Improvements 2005, Project 71 05-17, Fmal Acceptance 5. Appomtrnent of CIty representatIves to Clallam 73 County Advisory Boards 6. Appomtrnent of Councd Member Rogers to 75 Clallam Busmess Incubator (CBI) Board of Drrectors 7. Acceptance of 2005-2007 Washmgton State 77 Archives Local Records Grant 8. Amend Parking Lease - Dupar 78A . 9. Utdity RIght-of-Way Easement on CIty Property 79 G. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK December 6, 2005 Port Angeles CIty Councd Meeting Page - 1 H. RESOLUTIONS 1. Amended Resoluhon settmg Public Heanng - 83 1. Pass Resoluhon . STY - 05-05- Gardner I. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PresentatIon regardmg purchase of property for 87 1. Hear PresentatIon; FIrst readmg of ordinance, downtown parkmg, and set pubhc heanng for set heanng for December 20 December 20 2 Nmsance Ordmance 91 2. FIrst Readmg 3. Ordmance Creahng Fund 109 3 FIrst Readmg J. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1 Appeal of State EnVIronmental Pohcy Act (SEP A) 113 1. Conduct pubhc meehng and Issue determmatlOn determmatlOn of nOllSIgmficance regardmg a subdiVislOn / 140-umt planned resIdentIal housmg development m the RS-9 zone. 2. COllSIderahon of subdIvIsIon / planned resIdentIal 127 2 If appeal IS demed, Approve proposal housmg development m the RS-9 zone located If appeal IS upheld, No achon necessary southwest of the mtersechon of Ahlvers RoadlLaurel Street K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M or soon thereafter) L. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER 1. 2006 Budget Heanng 141 1. Adopt the Budget Ordmance 2. Water / Wastewater Rate Adjustment 149 2 Close Pubhc Hearmg - Adopt Ordmance M. INFORMATION 1. City Manager Reports: A. Fnends of the Skate Park Meehng mmutes - November 16,2005 (Page 151) B. Change Orders, Contracts under $15K, BIds, Grants & Loans (Page 153) C. Law Enforcement AdVISOry Board letter of support for Downtown Resource Officer (Page 155) 2. Park COmmISSIOn Meehng mmutes - October 2005 (Page 157) N. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determmed by CIty Attorney) O. ADJOURNMENT ^, PUBLIC HEARINGS Public heanngs are set by the City Council In order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as,land use p~;'rTllt applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zOning changes, annexations fn addition, the City CounCil may set a public hearing in order to receive public input pnor to makll1g deCISIons which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City CounCil may choose to seek public opinion through the public heanng process. , ( ~ I 4 > ~ , 1 "- ~ '- \ '". , ~ I \MyFtles\Backup\OFFICE\WPWIN\MYFILES\agendas\Dec 6 '05 age wpd . NOTE: BEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK December 6, 2005 Port Angeles City Council Meehng Page - 2 ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, USA CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~W-fl- I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Headrick Councilmember Braun Councilmember Enckson Councilmember Munro Councilmember PIths Councilmember Rogers Councilmember WIllIams Staff Present: Manager Madsen Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowskl ~ Y/. V, V ~ (J~Q'\T ~ December 6~ 2005 &:" J tf( tlQ -'" ~ - n. '1')\ , - to r' '11'\... W ~-D. '1J1 , r III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE' Led by: l1.J/\!.~()~IJA./ ~~ EXECUTIVE SESSION Date' f}?& t# / rz--O:/' ~- Expected length of seSSIOn. If,) - IN ,J1 Is actIOn expected followmg the seSSIOn' y.e5 / Reason for ExecutIve SeSSIOn: _ To consIder matters affectmg natIOnal secunty ~ To consIder the selectIOn of a SIte or the acqulSltIOn of real estate by lease or purchase when publIc knowledge regardmg such consIderatIOn would cause a lIkelIhood of mcreased pnce. _ To consIder the mInImUm pnce at which real estate WIll be offered for sale or lease when publIc knowledge regardmg such consIderatIOn would cause a lIkelIhood of decreased pnce. However, final actIOn sellmg or leasmg publIc property shall be taken m a meetmg open to the publIc. _ To reVIew negotIatIOns on the performance of publIc bId contracts when publIc knowledge regardmg such consIderatIOn would cause a lIkelIhood of mcreased costs. _ To consIder, m the case of an export trading company, financial and commercIal mformation supplIed by pnvate persons to the export tradmg company. _ To receIve and evaluate complamts or charges brought agamst a publIc officer or employee However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a publIc heanng or a meetmg open to the publIc shall be conducted upon such complamt or charge. _ To evaluate the qualIficatIOns of an applIcant for publIc employment or to reVIew the performance of a publIc employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), dIscussIOn by a governmg body of salanes, wages, and other condItIons of employment to be generally applIed withm the agency shall occur m a meetmg open to the publIc, and when a governmg body elects to take final actIOn hmng, settmg the salary of an mdIVIdual employee or class of employees, or dIschargmg or dIscIplmmg an employee, that actIOn shall be taken m a meetmg open to the publIc. _ To evaluate the qualIficatIOns of a candIdate for appomtment to electIve office However, any mtervIew of such candIdate and final actIOn appomtmg a candIdate to electIve office shall be m a meetmg open to the publIc. _ To dISCUSS wIth legal counsel representmg the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actIOns, or to discuss wIth legal counsel representmg the agency litIgatIOn or potential litIgation to whIch the agency, the governmg body, or a member actmg m an offiCIal capaCIty IS, or IS lIkely to become, a party, when publIc knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financIal consequence to the agency. Closed seSSIOn under RCW 42.30 140. _ To dISCUSS proceedmgs concerned wIth the formal Issuance of an order grantmg, suspendmg, revokmg, or denymg any lIcense, permIt, or certIficate to engage many busmess, occupatIOn, or profeSSIon, or to receIve a lIcense for a sports actIvIty or to operate any mechamcal devIce or motor vehIcle where a lIcense or regIstratIOn IS necessary; or _ Meetmg of a quasi-JudIcIal body relatmg to a quasI-JudIcIal matter between named partIes as dIstmgUIshed from a matter havmg general effect on the publIc or on a class or group _ Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the AdmImstrative Procedure Act i6. CollectIve bargammg seSSIOn WIth employee orgamzatIOn, mcludmg contract negotIatIOns, grIevance meetmgs, and dISCUSSIOns relatmg to the mterpretatIOn or applIcatIOn of a labor agreement or a portIOn of a meetmg WhICh the governmg body IS planmng or adoptmg the strategy or pOSItIOn to be taken by the governmg body dUrIng the course of any collectIve bargammg, professIOnal negotIatIOns, or grievance or medIatIOn proceedmg, or revIewmg the proposals made m the negotIatIOns or proceedmgs whIle m progress. TIme seSSIOn began s- d ~ IS-. f. rOO TIme sesSIon ended' Was seSSIOn extended by announcement: ;1/0 If so, when: - Mayor CIty Clerk G \LEGALIFonns\EXECUTIVE SESSION. 1 0-17-05 wpd · FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON. USA CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: December 6. 2005 LOCATION: City Council Chambers r< ~ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster WAS H I N G TON, USA DATE OF MEETING: December 6. 2005 LOCATION: City Council Chambers ~~ --........... City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON, USA City Council Meeting of December 6, 2005 Ordmance / <', f),AII~ :t!)~ f) 1..1'1 !J. ,,'V~ firl ~~"1 ,.e.A ~!\.f)! , .g A .o1"",1l1=. Resolution No. ...... , \ I ~ ~ . l\G.. ...... '1m ~ .-ql, ^ ....,.- ; ;/ I A ... ~~ J'/I fXJn j \ .- " ~ 'I-"A , .. . ~ CIty Manager City Atty (1) 1/ J vi } / J/ IV'" Plannmg J V' J v7 CIty Clerk (2) ~ V h? ~ ,.;) .,/ d v" ~V Deputy Clerk (1) " ./ 1 V' J/ J./ J ~ Personnel Cust Svcs ,~ /' ,J:::; ./ Fmance ,/ Dlr /Mgr Pohce Dept 1./ FIre Dept 1/ LIght Dept Parks & Rec PW J./ 1 v' J/ MRSC (1) } ./ J/ J V J/ 1/ PDN (Summary) ,~l 1IAff\ I vtlMM. .; .hl JYIh\ .; - . Extra Caples / ~,Ai' _~V ~J' 0 0 _ J ./ I V' ) IAIl ,,: b. _ J ~ 1 / A:IJ() , J/ ~ q I J (;f.. TOTAL I I J~ Council Presentation December 6, 2005 1 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 1 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 2 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 3 " Council Presentation December 6, 2005 4 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 7 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 8 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 9 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 10 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 11 ~ Council Presentation December 6, 2005 li~m~ql1ary Home t:,:u ",,-:By 12 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 13 Council Presentation December 6, 2005 14 E.. F. G H, :L. *~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, USA " A. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meetmg (515pm) EXECUTIVE SESSION B. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meetmg (6 00 pm) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PRESENT A nONS, PROCLAMATIONS, & None CEREMONIAL MA TIERS \ . C. WORK SESSION I Frrefighter's participatIOn m Humcane Katnna PresentatIOn rehef efforts D. (1) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determmed by CIty Manager or CIty Council member -- (2) PUBLIC COMMENT An opportunity for the public to speak to the CIty Council Comments should be lzmlted to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for the comment perzod, at the dIScretion of the Mayor PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7 00 P M or soon thereafter) PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER 1 2006 Budget Heanng 2 Water / Wastewafe'r Rate Adjustment 141 I 149 2 Adopt the Budget Ordmance Close PublIc Heanng - Adopt Ordmance -, .. ~... _ ............. ~ ~ N OTHER CONSIDERA nONS 1 Appeal of State Envuoninental Policy Aci (SEP A) detemunatIon of nOTlSlgmficance regardmg a subdiVIsion / 140-urut planned reSidential housmg development m the RS-9 zone 2 COTlSlderatlOn of subdivIsIOn / planned resldenl1al housmg development m the RS-9 zone located soWhwest of the mtersectIon of Ahlvers Road/Laurel Street - ,"' ',r ,', ,0"" 113 - Conduct pubhc meetIng and Issue detemunatIon 127 2 If appeal IS demed, Approve proposal If appeal IS upheld, No actIon necessary , , ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS I PresentatIon regardmg purchase of property for downtown parlong, and set public heanng for December 20 2 NUisance Ordmance 3 Ordmance CreatIng Fund 87 Hear PresentatIon; Frrst readmg of ordmance, set heanng for December 20 91 2 Fust Readmg 109 3 Fust Readmg RESOLUTIONS I Amended ResolutIon settmg Public Heanng - STY - 05-05- Gardner 83 1, Pass Resolunon , , -J: FINANCE I Crown Park Stormwater Sludge Pump Purchase, ProJ ect 21-08 2 Contract for Fue Records Management System K* CONSENT AGENDA I City Council nunutes of November 10,2005, Special Meetmg, and November 15, 2005, Regular Meetmg 2 Expenditure LIst - November 25, 2005 - $804,266 13 3 Electrolllc Payments - November 25, 2005, $1,603,771 00 4 Landfill Gas System Improvements 2005, Project 05: 17, Fmal Acceptance 5 Appomtrnent of City representatives to Clallam COImty AdVISOry Boards 6 Appomtrnent of Council Member Rogers to Clallam Busmess Incubator (CBI) Board of Duectors 7 Acceptance of 2005-2007 Washmgton State Arcluves Local Records Grant 8 Amend Parkmg Lease - Dupar 9 Utility Rlght-of- Way Easement on City Property L ,. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS ,,..-\ '~>\~: ' " ~, Approve Purchase 3 2 Authonze City Manager to Sign Contract 21 23 Accept Consent Agenda 33 69 71 73 75 77 78A 79 M. INFORMA nON I City Manager Reports A Fnends of the Skate Park Meetmg rrunutes - November 16, 2005 (Page 151) B Change Orders, Contracts under $15K, Bids, Grants & Loans (Page 153) C Law Enforcement AdVISOry Board letter of support for Downtown Resource Officer (Page 155) 2 Park ComnusslOn Meetmg rrunutes - October 2005 (Page 157) O. ADJOURNMENT N. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) , '.+ ~ .: , r~~ ' ;r ,,::'\ c:-'" ;, J', ~ ~ ,,' 't' '". PUBLIC HEARINGS Public heanngs are set by the City Council In order to meet legal reqUIrements pertaining to matters such as, land use pennlt appllcabons, proposed amendments to City land use regulatJons, zOning changes, annexatJons In addltJon, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public Input pnor to making deCISions which Impact the cltJzens Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion tl'frough the public heanng process , . I-IMyFlles\Backup\QFFlCE\WPWJNIMYFILESlagendaslOcc: 6 'OS age wpd NOTE: HEARING DEVICES A V AILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE' MA VOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK December 6, 2005 Port Angeles City Council MeetIng Page - 2 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: r A~N6EliS . n io: .:~ ~fu WASHINGTON, U.S.A CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and UtilitIes 1Jff\ Crown Park Stormwater Sludge Pump Purchase, Project 21-08. Summary: A stormwater treatment structure was mstalled at Crown Park m 2004 as part of the Crown Park Sewer/Stormwater Improvement Project 03-12. The structure removes suspended solids from the stormwater discharge. The structure must be mamtamed by pumpmg to clear accumulated solids from the sump area on a regular baSiS. ThiS Godwm pump meets the particular reqmrements to be able to do this work. Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign a purchase contract for the Godwin portable pump system, Heidra 100 Hydraulic submersible pump, from Godwin Pumps of America, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $28,250. . . Background/Analysis: The recent construction project to improve the Crown Park area stormwater system included a hydrodynamiC separator. ThiS treatment structure provides a highly effective means for the removal of suspended solids and free floating 011 and grease. This unit is designed to accumulate these solids and must be pumped out on a regular mamtenance schedule. The sump of this stormwater treatment structure is approximately 35 feet deep and has a small diameter opening which cannot be accessed by any of the City'S existmg pumps or the vactor truck. One ofthe caveats m the perpetual easement which allowed thiS system to cross land owned by Nippon Paper Industries (NPI) was that the City would perform all reqmred mamtenance recommended by the manufacturer of this separator. The Heidra 100 hydraulic submersible pump, from Godwm Pumps of America, Inc. meets the maintenance requirements for thiS treatment structure. It is only 17 Y2 mches m diameter, can pump two mch solids, and is able to pump up to 130 feet of total dynamiC head. The Heidra 100 submersible pump is the only aVailable, hydraulically operated pump that meets the specifications to perform these tasks. This pump is Sized small enough to be able to be lowered to the bottom of the solids sump at Crown Park, and runs using a hydraulic power pack which gives it the portability required. ThiS pump also is capable of servmg many other needs for our wastewater system and wastewater treatment plant. Funds are aVailable for this purchase from Crown Park project funds. The pump is considered a pollutiOn control faCility deVice, so that requuements for competItive bidding and restrictions imposed for the award of contracts are not applicable per RCW 70.95A.090. It is recommended that the City Councll approve and authonze the Director of Public Works & UtIlities to sign a purchase contract with Godwm Pumps of Amenca, Inc. to proVide a Heidra 100 Hydraulic Submersible pump in an amount not t~ exceed $28,250. N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Crown Park Sludge Pump Purchase, ProJ 21-08.DOC . FORTANGE1ES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2005 FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Dan McKeen, Fire Chief ~ - Naomi RIggins, CommunicatIOns Manager To: SUBJECT: RegIOnal Fire Records Management System Summary: The local fire protection agencies utilIze computer based record management systems to manage a multitude of fire service records. These programs are a part ofthe servIces provided by PENCOM to Its subscriber fire agencies. Due the age ofthe programs and to technological advances, many ofthese programs are no longer supported and are failing. The cntical nature ofthese records necessitates the need to replace the eXIstmg record management systems WIth a program that utilIzes current available technology. The local fire protectIOn agencIes have identified the Emergency Reporting Record Management System as best meetmg their needs. This program also decreases the need for local IT staff mvolvement and infrastructure enhancements. The cost for this program is $27,628.00. Funding IS currently in place utIlizmg a combmation of fire servIce grant funds and existmg 9-1-1 fundmg. . Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached contracts between the City and Emergency Reporting, Inc. for a new Internet based record management system and related mterface that will be utilized by five area fire protection agencies. Back2round/ Analysis: The areas fire protection agencies have been utilizing computer based record management systems smce the early 1990s. Many of these systems were put into place when PEN COM was created and are part of the servIces PEN COM provides. . These record management systems are used to store and retrieve information electrOnIcally. ThIS includes information about emergency incidents, pre-fire plans, hazardous materials storage areas, inspections, eqUipment, preventative maintenance, permits, employee scheduling, training and personnel records. Having this information properly stored and easily retrievable IS critical to effective fire and rescue operatIOns. Due to age and technologIcal advancements, many of these programs are no longer supported and are failmg. The nature of the records maintained necessitates the need to replace these programs. 3 CIty CouncIl Page 2 December 6, 2005 . The area fire service agencies have spent the last several years evaluating vanous record management systems seekmg a program the meets the following criteria: · Does not rely heavily upon local IT support to maintam · Does not require a heavy investment m computer technology or infrastructure · ProvIdes smgle source comprehensive record keeping for admimstrative and employee information, emergency incIdents, inventory and training records, code enforcement records, fire investigatIOn and fire loss data · Provides a file-sharing interface between computer aided dispatch and the central database to eliminate duplicated entry and duphcate records between PENCOM and the fire agencies · Allows fire agencies to perform a single data entry that will carry thIS information across to all related records, thus minimizmg data entry requirements · Allows for seamless data submittals to State agencIes as required · Provides fire agencies the abIlity to benchmark performance standards in time management of emergency service delivery, conduct predIctive data analysis and future modeling to track trends and to report outcomes. The local fire agenCIes have selected the Internet based Emergency Reporting Inc. program. This program meets the above cnteria and will allow PENCOM to extend records management services to several user agencies that were not preVIOusly served due to the lack of support infrastructure. This is now possible as the proposed Emergency Reporting program merely requires an active Internet connection between PENCOM, the user fire agencies and the central database to function properly. . Early recognItion of the need to replace the current systems has allowed the local fire agencies to seek outSIde funding sources to offset the cost of replacmg the old system. The cost for the new record management system is $27,628.00. $12,400.00 of this amount will be paid for by utilizing grant funds, the remammg $15,228.00 will be paid with current 9-1-1 funds. PENCOM and the Port Angeles Fire Department are requesting that the Council authorize the City Manager to sign the attached contracts for the acqmsItion of a new fire record management system. Attachments: Contracts . 4 . . . Computer System Services Agreement This Computer System Services Agreement (" Agreement") is made and entered into this day of (the Effective Date") by and between Reporting Systems, Inc. ("RSI") a Washington corporation having corporate offices at 851 Coho Way, Suite #307, Bellingham, W A 98225, and the City of Port Angeles ("City"), a Non-Charter, Code Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington located at 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362. Recitals Whereas RSI provides a Web-based, remote-access Fire and Emergency Medical Services Records Management System ("Fire/EMS RMS"); and Whereas RSI has the capability and desires to provide these services to the Agency; and Whereas the City desires to obtain these services on behalf of it's subscriber fire agencies from RSI solely in accordance with terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement: Now, Therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 "Fire/EMS RMS" means the Fire and Emergency Medical Service Records Management System provided by Reporting Systems, Inc. 1.2 "Website" means the internet website accessible at "http/ /www.emergencyreporting.com.. that is maintained by Reporting Systems, Inc. provides access to Fire/EMS RMS. 1.3 "Station" means each separate physical fire station. Each of these Stations may have multiple computers with access to the Website. 1.4 "Fire Agencies" means all the Peninsula Communications subscriber fire agencies and districts listed in Exhibit 1 - Fire Agency Listing. 1.5 "Emergency Response Data" means all information entered by the Fire Agencies related to the Fire Agencies response to fire and emergency medical incidents and as required by the current and future National Fire q Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standards. . 2.0 SERVICES 2.1 RSI shall provide to the Fire Agencies access to the Fire/EMS RMS via the Internet utilizing the current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. 2.2 RSI shall collect emergency response data via a website accessible at http/ /www.emergencyreporting.com or through a participating Fire Agencies website, in which the Fire Agencies is an active member. 2.3 All data collected via the website above shall be compliant with FEMA's National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Release 5.0 or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Release 2.0 Federal Department of Transportation's Uniform Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical (EMS) Data Conference. 2.4 RSI shall provide ongoing updates, changes, and bug fixes, at no additional charge, to remain compliant with NFIRS and NHTSA standards and to remain operational with new releases of Internet Explorer and other software necessary for the operation of Fire/EMS RMS. . 2.5 RSI shall upload via the Internet, transfer via electronic media, or otherwise transmit appropriate NFIRS and/ or NHST A data to the appropriate state office as necessary to meet the individual Fire Agencies reporting requirements. 2.6 RSI shall export the Fire Agencies data to the Fire Agencies on electronic media four times per year. 2.7 RSI shall provide to the Fire Agencies designated personnel a train-the- trainer course in the proper use of the Fire/EMS RMS and the website, to include all aspects of the program. 2.8 RSI shall ensure appropriate security and privacy of all data transmitted to the website in compliance with HIP AA regulations and all other applicable federal, state and/ or local rules, regulations and/ or laws. 2.9 RSI shall maintain the Website and store the Fire Agencies data at the Bellingham Fibercloud Data Center. If RSI utilizes another data center in . ~ . . . the future, it shall meet or exceed the accessibility, reliability, and security standards of the Fibercloud Data Center. 2.10 RSI shall provide the Website to be accessible by current browser technology (Internet Explorer 5.5) as standardized by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). In the event that non-standard browsers must be supported, additional time and funding may need to be negotiated separately from this Agreement. 2.11 RSI shall provide at least daily data backups to guard against data loss in the event of catastrophic system failure. 2.12 RSI shall maintain all data submitted on the Website for a period of eight years (96 months) from the time of submission by the Fire Agencies. Data older than eight years shall be archived and removed from the servers, but may be reloaded for a nominal fee if the data is needed. 2.13 RSI shall begin these services within thirty days of execution on this Agreement. 3.0 FUTURE SERVICES AND MODIFICATIONS 3.1 RSI shall make available to the Fire Agencies the ability to download the Fire Agencies specific reports from the Website to the Fire Agencies computer upon re-release of the reporting program. 3.2 RSI shall make available to the Fire Agencies the ability to track and view reports for the individual Fire Agency's personnel hours on incidents, training, etc. and points received during incidents, training, etc., and shall become part of the standard system at no additional cost. 3.3 RSI shall make available to the Fire Agencies the training classes/ codes submitted by the Fire Agencies. These classes/codes will display in the training section as available training and shall be available to the regional capabilities. These classes/codes can only be modified by RSI after a designated Fire Agencies person approves the modifications/ changes and will not populate all other Fire Agencies databases within the regional capabilities. 3.4 RSI shall convert the Fire Agencies existing Fire/EMS records from the records current format in the Fire Agencies system to the Fire/EMS RMS format and import the records into the Fire/EMS RMS for a fee of $0.07 to ~ $0.10 per record, depending on the total number of records to be . converted, and depending if the Fire Agency orders the work. 3.5 Support services shall be provided by RSI to mdividual Fire Agencies. RSI will provide telephone and/or Internet based technical support. RSI technical support shall be limited to inquiries regarding the records management system and shall NOT cover hardware or operating system problems including, but not limited to, local area networks, firewall issues, or modems, etc. 4.0 SERVICE AVAILABILITY COMMITMENT 4.1 RSI warrants that the Fire/EMS RMS shall be operational and available for access by the Fire Agencies 99% of the time during any given month. 4.2 RSI shall not be responsible for Service Interruptions for reasons outside RSI's and/ or the Bellingham Fibercloud Data Center's reasonable control such as failures of the Fire Agencies ISP or failure of the Internet. 4.3 Service suspensions due to scheduled system maintenance or upgrades shall not be considered a Service Interruption so long as RSI has notified the Fire Agencies of such suspension at least twenty-four hours in advance. . 4.4 When the Fire Agencies notices a Service Interruption or believes there has been a service interruption, the Fire Agencies shall notify RSI of such interruption bye-mail or in writing within five working days of first notice. Failure to comply with this requirement will forfeit the Fire Agency's right to a remedy for the Service Interruption. 4.5 If a Service Interruption occurs despite the fact that the Fire Agencies fulfills all of its obligations under this Agreement, the Fire Agencies shall have the following remedy: RSI will provide a pro-rata credit on the Agency's fee for the month in which the Service Interruption occurred. The pro-rata credit shall be calculated by multiplying the Service Interruption percentage by the Agency's total monthly fee for the month in which the Service Interruption occurred. This credit will be applied against the next invoice from RSI. Furthermore, if the Fire Agencies experiences a Service Interruption within three consecutive months, the Agency has the option to terminate the Agreement. . ~ . . . 5.0 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 The Fire Agencies shall maintain an active user list of accounts that are authorized to access the Website. 5.2 The City shall pay all valid invoices in a timely manner. 5.3 The individual Fire Agencies shall provide an active Internet Service Provider (ISP) to access the Website. Such ISP charges are not included in this Agreement. ISP failures are not the responsibility of RSI. 5.4 The Fire Agencies shall enter emergency response data into the Website per instructions included in the training provided by RSI. 6.0 FEES AND PAYMENTS 6.1 The billing cycle shall occur fifteen days prior to next month's service, and payments are to be made by the City on a net 30 days basis. Yearly or quarterly payments may be made at the City's option. If yearly or quarterly payment options are selected, the billing cycle shall occur fifteen days prior to the next year or quarter's service, and are to be made by the City on a net 30 days basis. 6.2 The fees shall remain the same for the term of this Agreement, The fee agreed upon by RSI and the City is $99.00 per month, per Reporting Station, per Fire Agency, except for a yearly adjustment based on the "West Coast-Consumer Price Index" up to, but not to exceed 5%. For the purposes of this contract the City shall be responsible for all fees associated with providing the above-described services to each Fire Agency identified in Exhibit 1 - Fire Agency Listing. 6.3 In the event that a Fire Agency adds a station or changes the location of a station during the initial term of this Agreement, the fee for the new station shall be the same as the fee for the existing station(s). 6.4 In the event that a Fire Agency reduces the number of stations, the fee for that station(s) shall be eliminated. 6.5 The fees may be renegotiated upon renewal of this Agreement. RSI must notify the City of any changes in the fees at least forty-five (45) days prior to renewal. In no event will the fees exceed the standard, advertised fees RSI charges for equivalent services at the time of renewal. ~ 6.6 All amounts payable hereunder shall be payable in United States funds without deductions for taxes or assessments. . 6.7 The City shall be responsible for paying sale, use, excise, value-added, or other tax or governmental charges impose on the use of the services provided for herein. 7.0 DATA OWNERSHIP AND CONFIDENTIALITY 7.1 All data transmitted to the website shall remain the property of the Fire Agencies. Retransmission of this data to the State of Washington and FEMA is authorized. Modifying, deleting or other modifications of submitted data by RSI is prohibited. Scientific research that is based on broad data trends is authorized, but no Fire Agencies specific data must be visible to any third parties. 7.2 Each party agrees to keep confidential information disclosed to it by the other party in accordance herewith, and to protect the confidentiality thereof in the same manner it protects the confidentiality of similar information and data of its own (at all times exercising at least a reasonable degree of care in the protection of confidential information); . provided, however, that neither party shall have any such obligations with respect to use of disclosure to other parties of this Agreement of such confidential information as can be established to: (a) have been known publicly; (b) have been known generally in the industry before communication by the disclosing party to the recipient; (c) have become known publicly, without the fault on the part of the recipient, subsequent to disclosure by the disclosing party; (d) have been known otherwise by the recipient before communication by the disclosing party; or (e) have been received by the recipient without any obligation of confidentiality from a source, other than the disclosing party, lawfully having possession of such information. Notwithstanding the above, the parties agree to keep confidential all confidential information except as legally required under Washington State law or as otherwise required under applicable statute. 7.3 The parties obligations under this Article 7 will survive the termination of this agreement. 8.0 TERM 8.1 The term of this Agreement is the period from the date of the last signature through December 31, 2008.o . ltP . . . 8.2 At the end of the initial term and any subsequent terms, this Agreement shall be assumed renewed by the City and RSI, unless written notice to the City and/ or RSI is sent at least thirty days prior to the end of each term. 9.0 NON-ASSIGNABILITY Neither Party may assign their rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party. 10.0 DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 10.1 This Agreement may be terminated by the non-defaulting party if any of the following events of default occur: (a) if either party materially fails to perform or comply with this Agreement or any provision hereof; (b) if either party fails to strictly comply with the provisions of Section 7 - Data Ownership and Confidentiality or makes an assignment in violation of Section 9 - Non-assignability; (c) if either becomes insolvent or admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they mature, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; (d) if a petition under any foreign state, or the United States bankruptcy act, receivership statute or the like, as they now exist, or as they may be amended, is filed by a party; or (e) if such a petition is filed by any third party, or an application for a receiver is made by anyone and such petition or application is not resolved favorably within ninety days. 10.2 Termination due to a material breach of Section 7 - Data Ownership and Confidentiality shall be effective upon notice. In all other cases, termination shall be effective thirty days after notification of termination to the defaulting party if the defaults have not been cured within such thirty-day period. 10.3 Within thirty days of termination, RSI shall issue a pro-rata refund to the City. The pro-rata refund shall be calculated by multiplying the annualized fee by the percentage of time remaining in the prepaid service period. 10.4 Any waiver by either party of any default or breach hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of any provision of this Agreement or of any subsequent default or breach of the same or different kind. l~ 11.0 COPYRIGHT AND INDEMNIFICATION . 11.1 The City recognizes that the RSI website is protected under U.S. copyright and trademark law, international conventions and other applicable law. The City agrees not to license, sell, publish or create any kind of derivative system using the RSI website as a source of information. 11.2 RSI shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City and Fire Agencies against any claim that use of the RSI Website, the Fire/EMS RMS, or any other RSI product infringes third party propriety rights and shall indemnify the City and member Fire Agencies against any loss, damage, or expense arising from such claim, provided that the City and member Fire Agencies provides prompt notice to RSI of any such claim and further provided that RSI shall have sole control of the defense of any such action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise. 12.0 NOTICES All notices, authorizations, and requests in connection with this Agreement will be deemed given (a) five days after being deposited in the U.S. mail postage prepaid, certified or registered, return receipt requested; . or (b) one day after being sent by overnight courier, charges prepaid, with a confirming FAX. 13.0 GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE The validity, interpretation, construction, and performance of this Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Sole and exclusive jurisdiction for any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement will be in Clallam County Superior Court. 14.0 SEVERABILITY 14.1 If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any part, term, or provision of this Agreement to be illegal or invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the parties' rights and obligations shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 14.2 If any provision of this Agreement is in direct conflict with any state and/ or federal statutory provision, that provision which may conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may conflict and shall be deemed modified to conform to such statutory provision(s). 14.3 Should the City or RSI determine that the severed portions substantially . alter this Agreement so that the original intent and purpose of the It . . . 15.0 16.0 Agreement no longer exist, the City or RSI may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days of such termination, RSI shall issue a pro-rata refund to the City. The pro-rata refund shall be calculated by multiplying the annualized fee by the percentage of time remaining in the prepaid service period. CAPTIONS AND HEADINGS All captions and headings in this Agreement are for purposes of convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of its provisions. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and its Exhibits contain the entire understanding and agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be supplemented, modified, amended, released, or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by each party's duly authorized representative. This Agreement may not be modified by acceptance of a purchase order with conflicting terms; in such an event the terms of this Agreement shall control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written. By: Name Title: Date: City of Port Angeles Reporting Systems, Inc. By: (Authorized Signatory) (Mayor) Name: Title Date: Address for Notice: Address for Notice: City of Port Angeles 102 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Reporting Systems, Inc. 851 Coho Way, Suite #307 Bellingham, W A 98225 l~ . . . 14 . . . AGREEMENT V.2.3 Computer System Services Agreement - CAD Interface Software Program, CAD Link & EMS Data Link for the City of Port Angeles This Computer System Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 2005 the ("Effective Date") by and between Reporting Systems, Inc. ("RSI") a Washmgton State "s" corporation, doing business as Emergency Reporting, located at 851 Coho Way, Suite #307, Bellingham, WA 98225, and the City of Port Angeles ("City"), a Non-Charter, Code Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington located at 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362. 1.0 FUTURE SERVICES AND MODIFICATIONS 1.1 CAD Interface Software Program. Upon execution of this Agreement, RSI shall begin computer system services defined as a custom interface to reside on the City's network in order to pull data from the City's CAD, enabling the CAD Link (see 1.2) to be effective. The custom interface is defined in Exhibit 1 - CAD Interface Program. The cost of this interface shall not exceed Five thousand dollars ($5,000). 1.2 CAD Link. Upon execution of this Agreement, RSI shall begin computer system services defined in Exhibit 2 - CAD Link to Records Management System. The cost of this CAD Link shall not exceed Seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500). 1.3 EMS Billing Link. Upon execution of this Agreement, RSI shall begin computer system services defined in Exhibit 3 - EMS Billing Link to City's Medical Billing Company. The services are estimated to take 60 business days and are contingent on the medical billing company's ability and cooperatIon to work with RSI. The cost ofthis interface shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). 2.0 CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 The City shall pay all valid invoices in a timely manner. 2.2 The City shall provide an Internet connection to the Emergency Reporting system for a CAD interface. Internet Service Provider (ISP) charges, if necessary, are not included in this Agreement. ISP failures are not the responsibility ofRSI and will not be considered "down-time" of the system. 2.3 City agrees to cooperate with RSI to design a CAD interface software program to reside on the City's server in a manner agreeable to all parties, provided the work fits within the scope of the RSI work outlined in the Exhibit. 2.4 City agrees to cooperate with RSI and the appropriate dispatch vendors to design a CAD link and transmission method that is agreeable to all parties. Emergency Reporting 15 City of Port Angeles Peninsula Communications 1 2.5 City agrees to cooperate with RSI and the medical billing company to design an electronic interface for the secure submittal of patient related medical records as required for medical billing purposes. . 3.0 FEES AND PAYMENTS 3.1 All amounts payable hereunder shall be payable in United States funds without deductions for taxes or assessments. A sum of 50% is due at time of signing and the balance is due upon completIOn by RSI and activation to City's live account. City will use reasonable cooperatIOn to bring the finished product live. If the City elects to delay the electromc interface activation dates for more than 30 days following the time the work is declared complete by both parties, then the final payment is due immediately. 3.2 The City shall be responsible for paying sales, use, excise, value-added, or other tax or governmental charges impose on the use of the services provided for herein. 3.3 If City decides to cancel the project prior to completion all funds paid will be considered to be payment in full and no refund will be gIven. 3.4 This Agreement applIes to RSI only. Other third parties (dIspatch vendors, medical billing companies, etc.) may charge additional fees, and these fees are beyond the control ofRSI. 4.0 NON-ASSIGNABILITY . 4.1 Neither Party may assign their rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent ofthe other Party. 5.0 DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 5.1 This Agreement may be terminated by the non-defaulting party if any of the following events of default occur: (a) if either party materially fails to perform or comply with this Agreement or any provision hereof (b) If a petition under any foreign state, or the United States bankruptcy act, receivership statute or the like, as they now exist, or as they may be amended, is filed by a party; or ( c) if such a petition is filed by any third party, or an application for a receiver is made by anyone and such petition or application is not resolved favorably within ninety days. 5.2 In all cases, termination shall be effective thirty days after notification of termination to the defaulting party if the defaults have not been cured within such thirty-day period. 5.3 Any waiver by eIther party of any default or breach hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of any provision of this Agreement or of any subsequent default or breach of the same or different kind. . Emergency Reportmg '~ofPort Angeles 2 . . . 6.0 NOTICES 6.1 All notices, authorizations, and requests in connection with this Agreement will be deemed given (a) five days after being deposited in the U.S. mail postage prepaid, certified or registered, return receipt requested; or (b) one day after being sent by overnight courier, charges prepaid, wIth a confirming FAX. 7.0 WARRANTY OF PERFORMANCE 7.1 Service Level Definitions 7.1.1 "Performance Problem" refers to an occurrence where mission critical components of the system are accessible, but are not performing at 100% of normal operation. Examples of a performance problem would be if the EMS Export Link were down. 7.1.2 "Service Interruption" refers to any unscheduled network event that results in the user being unable to connect to Emergency Reporting servers for a period of 30 minutes or more. 7.1.3 "System Notice" refers to any of the following methods of communications between RSI and the City: A electronic Message on the "Daybook" portion of the system A electronic message on the login portion of the main screen emergencyreporting.com<http://www.emergencyreporting.com/ A electronic mail (e-mail) message containing a notice of the event A "pop-up" notice to users currently logged onto the system A letter delivered by the US Postal Service A written notice delivered by FAX 7.1.4 "Unscheduled Event" means any service interruption, in which the City was not provided a minimum of24-hours prior notification via a System Notice. 7.1.5 "Outside Factors" refers to factors outside RSI's control. Broad Internet problems, ISP failures, power failures, CAD vendor issues, etc. are not the responsibility of RSI and do not constitute an "Unscheduled Event" or "Performance Problem. 7.1.6 "System Maintenance" refers to scheduled system maintenance performed on RSI's systems. 7.1.7 RSI shall not be responsible for service interruptions caused by outside factors beyond the control of RSI. 7.2 RSI warrants that the CAD Interface Software Program, the CAD Link and the EMS Billing Link shall be operational and avaIlable for use by the City 99% of the time during any given month. Emergency Reportmg ~17 of Port Angeles 3 7.3 Service interruptions due to system maintenance or upgrades shall not be considered a Service Interruption so long as RSI has notified the City of such suspension at least twenty-four hours m advance via a system notice. . 7.4 In the event of a system failure, the City will follow the failure procedures as provided by RSI in the technical documentation. These procedures outline troubleshooting tasks, restart procedures and RSI techmcal assistance contact information in the event the system fails. Technical assistance is available 24/7 for emergency support. Non-critical assistance is available dunng normal business hours, Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00 pm PST. Failure to comply with this requirement will forfeit the City's right to a remedy for the Service Interruption. 7.5 In the event of five (5) or more service interruptions or a performance problem in excess of five (5) days in length within any calendar month, the City shall have the following remedy: RSI will provide a pro-rata credit on the CIty'S fee equal to 1I30th ofthe monthly fee for each calendar day the system was available. Any credit(s) accrued during a month will be applied to the following month's invoice for services. 7.6 In no case will the out of service credit exceed the monthly fee paid by the City to RSI. RSI shall provide ongoing updates, changes, and fixes, at no additional charge, to remain operational with new improved operating systems and other software necessary for the operation of CAD Interface Software Program, the CAD Lmk and the EMS Billing Link, as identified in Exhibits 1,2, and 3. . 8.0 GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE 8.1 The laws ofthe State of Washington will govern the validity, interpretation, construction, and performance ofthis Agreement. Sole and exclusive Jurisdiction for any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement will be in Clallam County Superior Court, or the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington State. 9.0 9.1 9.2 SEVERABILITY 9.3 If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any part, term, or provision of this Agreement to be illegal or invahd in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the parties' rights and obligations shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. If any provision of this Agreement is in direct conflict with any state and/or federal statutory provision, that provision which may conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may conflict and shall be deemed modified to conform to such statutory provision(s). Should the City or RSI determine that the severed portions substantially alter this Agreement so that the original intent and purpose of the Agreement no longer exist, the City or RSI may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement. Within thirty (30) days . Emergency Reportmg lp8 of Port Angeles 4 . . . of such termination, RSI shall issue a pro-rata refund to the City. The pro-rata refund is determined by multiplying the annualized fee by the percentage of time remaining in the prepaid service period. 10.0 10.1 TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND UPGRADES Support services shall be provided by RSI to City in order to maintain the CAD interface. RSI will not provide support to City in those instances where City has not elected to purchase RSI Fire / EMS records management services. RSI will provide telephone and/or Internet based technical support. RSI technical support shall be limited to inquiries regarding the CAD interface to the records management system and shall not cover hardware or operatmg system problems including, but not limited to, local area networks, firewall issues, or modems. 10.2 City agrees to pay a yearly maintenance fee of 20% of the CAD Interface Software and the CAD Link, in order to cover the technical labor costs directly associated with support, improvements, and upgrades. 11.0 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 11.1 RSI shall not be liable for any damages of any type, including but not limited to, lost revenue, loss of expected benefits or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the CAD interface software, whether arising out of contract, negligence, strict tort, or under any warranty, or otherwise, even if City has been advised of the possibility of such damages or for any other claim by any other party. The City acknowledges there are circumstances in which the CAD provider may prevent or otherwise prohibIt the CAD interface or CAD link from operating properly. RSI's liability for damages in no event shall exceed the fees paid for the electronic interfaces. 12.0 CAPTIONS AND HEADINGS 12.1 All captions and headings in this Agreement are for purposes of convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of its provisions. 13.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 13.1 This Agreement and its Exhibits contain the entire understanding and agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be supplemented, modified, amended, released, or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by each party's duly authorized representative. This Agreement may not be modified by acceptance of a purchase order with conflIcting terms; in such an event the terms of this Agreement shall control. Emergency Reporting '9 of Port Angeles 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written. City of Port Angeles By: Name TItle: Date: Address for Notice: City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Emergency Reportmg Reporting Systems, Inc. By: Name: Title: Date: Address for Notice: Reporting Systems, Inc. 851 Coho Way, Suite #307 Bellingham, W A 98225 20ofPort Angeles . . . 6 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 2, 2005 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Dan McKeen, Fire Chief D..-- -- Costs/Benefit Analysis for a New Regional FIre Records Management System The attached is a Cost/Benefit Analysis for the proposed "new" regional fire records management system that is on the December 6th Council agenda. The analysis provides a comparison between the existing fire records management system and the proposed fire records management system. These comparisons were used as factors in the final selection. The additional cost for the new fire records management system over the existing system is approximately $300 per user agency. The new fire records management system will provide a significantly more efficient and effective system and wIll reduce the system's overall in-house operating expenses. It is conservatively estimated that in-house IT staff time will be reduced by 80 hours per year, or a savings of $2,300 using IT staff s base hourly rate. If you have any questions regarding the attachment, I can be reached at 417- 4651. DM Attachment: Cost/Benefit Analysis Table pc: Mark Madsen, CIty Manager . . . Cost / Benefit Analysis Proposed Fire Record Management System vs Existing Records Management System Benefits Existing Proposed Multiple records management systems are All records are maintamed wltlun a single currently bemg used records management system . Combination of paper and electronic Records must be manually updated as contact Files are cross lmked, which updates all informatIOn and other mformatIOn changes related fields with a single data entry ReqUIres SIgnificant mfrastructure to support Decreases needed mfrastructure various systems . No City IT support required · ReqUIres City and County IT support · All records stored electronically · Paper records require storage Files are backed up at single location, FlIes are backed up at multiple locations that vulnerable to a large scale disaster are geographically separated. Files are SIgnIficantly less vulnerable to a large scale disaster Data retneval requires manual searches Access to records is faster and more thorough Access to system limIted to City network Allows access from any Internet capable connectIOn location State required data submittals must be State required data submittals occur performed by in-house staff automatIcally Due to age of systems and technological TechnIcal support is available 24/7 with advances, support is no longer available on routine updates provided based upon user some critical components mput Cost Annual cost. $880.00 I Annual cost $1,188.00 For comparable purposes, cost is based upon a single agency (Port Angeles FIre Department) . 2006 Budget Hearmg (Cont'd) 2006 Property Tax Levy Ordinance No. 3223 . Break Contmue Meetmg Beyond 10'00 p m . ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Amendment to Ordmance No 3200 Ordinance No. 3224 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15, 2005 a coordmated sales effort wIth respectIve government agencIes m order to aVOId a fragmented approach. He felt there IS a need for a comprehensIve plan so hotels/motels, etc., are lIsted m one place With accompanymg maps. In a couple of years, the TraIl Will mvolve over 60 mIles, so Mr. Gleason felt the CIty had the necessary lead tIme to appropnately plan a marketmg effort Followmg bnef dISCUSSIOn, Deputy Mayor Braun asked Mr. Gleason to provIde the City With an outlme as to what he envisIOned m thIs regard. Peter RIpley, 114 E. 6t\ #102, thanked the CouncIl for the chIp seal and curb cuts m hIS neIghborhood He pomted out that the area at Manne Dnve, Cedar Street up to Pme HIll, IS also m need of curb cuts. Paul Lamoureux, 602 WhIdby, asked about vanous components ofthe Budget m terms of overlays and alleys, he spoke m support of LIDS for fundmg the pavmg of alleys Drrector Cutler mdlcated the CIty trIes to use avaIlable funds as leverage WIth property owners for that purpose. There bemg no further testrrnony, Deputy Mayor Braun contmued the publIc heanng to December 6, 2005. 2 2006 Property Tax Levy Drrector ZIOmkowskI revIewed the Ordinance reqUirements for the Property Tax Levy and dIscussed the calculatIon methodology for the regular levy as well as the specIal leVIes based on debt payment. Bnef dIScussIon followed, and correctIons needed to some of the figures m the Ordmance were noted. Deputy Mayor Braun opened the public heanng at 9.47 p.m. There bemg no publIc testImony, he closed the publIc heanng at 9.47 p.m and read the Ordmance by tItle, entItled, ORDINANCE NO. 3223 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton, authonzmg a 1 %, or $34,487, over the hIghest lawful levy for 2005, mcrease m the regular property tax levy plus any mcrease resultIng from new constructIon and other specIfied mcreases m assessed valuatIOn, authonzmg a $60,000 tax refund levy, deterrnmmg and fixmg the amount to be raIsed by ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year 2006, and dlrectmg the City Clerk to certIfy saId amount to the Board of Clallam County ComrmSSIOners Councilmember Pittis moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and as corrected. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. Deputy Mayor Braun recessed the meetIng for a break at 9'42 p m ~e meetmg reconvened at 9:58 p.m. Councilmember Erickson moved to continue the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Munro and carried unanimously. I Amendment to Ordmance No 3200 ClarifYmg Rebates for FIre Sprmkler Fees and Amendmg Buddmg PermIt Fees Plannmg Manager Roberds presented InformatIon relatIve to the preVIOUS adoptIon of Ordmance No 3200, amendmg bUIldmg permIt fees to allow credIts for rrre sprInkler systems An amendmg Ordmance has been submItted m order to remedy faulty calculatIons for the fees and to clanfy the rebate. Ms Roberds offered a mInor change 29 - 7 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15, 2005 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) Amendment to Ordmance No 3200 Ordinance No. 3224 (Cont'd) W ater/W astewater Rate Adjustments m Ordmance language on Page 2, Paragraph l' "An applIcant for a bmldmg perrmt shall have a $500.00 credIt applIed agamst the base fees when a fire spnnkler system approved by the FIre Department IS voluntanly mstalled m a smgle farmly reSIdence or duplex WIthm the City, not to exceed the base perrmt fee." Bnef dIScussIon ensued, and Planning Manager Roberds and Frre CmefMcKeen proVIded further clanfic~tIOn to the COunCIl. Ms. Roberds mdlcated that the fees m the pnor Ordmance had not been nnposed, so she asked that the Ordmance be adopted tills evening followmg a waIver of the second readmg and, further, that the Ordmance become effectIve Immediately . Deputy Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by tItle, entItled ORDINANCE NO. 3224 AN ORDINANCE of the CIty ofPort Angeles, Washmgton, amendmg Port Angeles MumcIpal Code 3 70 080 relatlng to buIldmg, mechamcal, and plumbmg perrmt fees. Councilmember Williams moved to waive the second reading of the Ordinance. Councilmember Pittis seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and as amended, to become effective immediately. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Pittis and carried unanimously. 4. Water / Wastewater Rate Adjustments Drrector Cutler mtroduced the matter of proposed water/wastewater rate adjustments He recommended the publIc heanng be held and then continued to the CouncIl meetlng of December 6, 2005, at wmch tune the CouncIl WIll be asked to waIve the second readmg and proceed to adoptIon Drrector Cutler mtroduced Angle Sanchez V Imoche, HDR, who was present to subrmt a PowerPomt presentatlon on the rate smdy results . Ms Vrrnoche provIded an m-depth reVIew of the rate settmg process and preVIOUS smdles, the last ofwmch was completed m 2002 and revealed a projected 29% mcrease that would be requrred by 2006. PreVIOUS rate adjustments mcluded 4% m 2003, 4% m 2004, and 3% m 2005 Approxrrnately $1 rmllIon of reserves supplemented the revenue defiCIency. After revlewmg the key factors m the rate smdy, Ms Vrrnoche summanzed the water revenue requrrements, key assumptlons m the water rate deSIgns, and the proposed water rates She noted that the average resldentlal customer would mcur a monthly mcrease of $4.67 for 790 CUbIC feet of water. She then provIded an overvIew of monthly water bIll compansons WIth other mumclpahtIes Ms V Imoche concluded that the rates are msufficlent for the test penod, and that a rate mcrease for 2006 would be requrred. She added that addItIonal future adjustments WIll be requrred, and the projected adjustments will be reVIsIted annually. Ms Vrrnoche then provIded mformatlon relatIve to the wastewater rate adjustments, emphasIZmg there were no rate adjustments for the penod 2003 - 2005, but the 2005 CSO 5.5% rate mcrease was clearly an unfunded mandate. She adVIsed the CouncIl that, of the $286 rmlhon wastewater capItal expendItures scheduled for 2006 - 2011, $18.8 rmlhon relates to CSO proJects. Ms. Vrrnoche summanzed the CSO revenue requrrements, capItal improvement projects planned, as well as the key assumptIOns for the rate deSIgns She revIewed m depth the proposed rates for wastewater, mdIcatmg the Wastewater/CSO combmed monthly mcrease for 2006 would be $3 75 She then provIded a monthly bIll companson WIth other mumclpahtIes DISCUSSIon followed regardmg system development charges and what water would cost If the rate stabIlIZatIon fund hadn't been utIlIZed. . Deputy Mayor Braun opened the publIc heanng at 10.48 p.m 30 - 8 - . . . Water/Wastewater Rate Adjustments (Cont'd) OTHER CONSIDERA nONS: CIty/WSDOT ReCIprocal MaIntenance Agreement ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: OrdInance RegulatIng Use of CompressIOn Brakes FINANCE: (Cont'd) CIty/PUD Wholesale Water Contract ExtenSIon Stormwater Phase II Grant ApphcatIOn CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: INFORMATION: CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15,2005 Paul Lamoureux, 602 WhIdby, engaged In a dISCUSSIon WIth Ms. VlTIloche as to whether consIderatIon had been gIven to tIered rates for water He then read to the CouncIl a proclamatIon on water rates, proposIng a base rate at 1000 CUbIC feet There beIng no further pubhc testImony, Deputy Mayor Braun contInued the publIc hearmg to December 6,2005 1 City / Washmgton State Department ofTransportatwn (WSDOT) RecIprocal Mamtenance Agreement: Drrector Cutler brIefly reviewed the ReCIprocal MaIntenance Agreement WIth the WashIngton State Department of TransportatIon for road maIntenance and repaIr servIces Councilmember Munro moved to authorize the Public Works & Utilities Director to sign an Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for road maintenance and repair services. Councilmember Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3 Ordmance Regulatmg Use of Compresswn Brakes WIthdrawn from agenda pendIng dISCUSSion WIth the truckIng Industry 5. Clty/PUD Wholesale Water Contract Extenswn' Director Cutler explaIned that City and PUD staff members have been negotIatIng a new wholesale water contract. Because the negotIatIOns are stIll In process, an extenSIOn IS needed to March 31, 2006 The extensIOn would Include an adjustment to the rates effectIve January 1, 2006 Councilmember Williams moved to extend the term of the current wholesale water contract with Clallam PUD #1 until March 31, 2006, and adjust the rates effective January 1, 2006, equal to the same percentage increase as other classes of customers, and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract extension. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and carried unanimously. 6 Storm water Phase II Grant Appilcatwn InformatIOn only. Councilmember Erickson moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City CouncIl MInutes of November 1, 2005, 2.) ExpendIture Report - November 14, 2005 - $1,846,873.17; 3.) Electromc Payments - November 4, 2005 - $117,57400,4.) AppOIntments to Port Angeles Forward Committee; and 5.) Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. Manager Madsen referenced the news release on the matter of speed lrrmts on Highway 101 West, as CitIZens had expressed concern WIth the pOSSibIlity of a reduced speed hmIt on a permanent baSIS. Councllmember Pittls noted that WSDOT must first approve any changes to the speed lrrmt. Councilmember Munro met WIth Rotary Club leaders on the fInanCial condItIon of the 31 - 9 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 15, 2005 INFORMATION: (Cont'd) EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Skate Park, a project that was sponsored by the Club. Because the project has stIll not been fully funded, Councllmember Munro asked for a larger contnbutlOn to the Park from the CIty Followmg dISCUSSIon, It was agreed the matter would be consIdered by . staff and the Fmance Comnuttee who would formulate a recommendatlOn Based on mput from Attorney Bloor, Deputy Mayor Braun announced the need for an ExecutIve SesslOn for approximately 30 nunutes under the authonty of RCW 42.30.140(4) collectIve bargaming; and 4230.110(1) subsectIons (b) real estate, (g) personnel performance, and (1) potentIal htIgatIon. No action was antICIpated. The ExecutIve SeSSlOn convened at 11 :20 p.m. and, at 11 :50 p.m , the ExecutIve SesslOn was extended for an addItIonal 50 mmutes by announcement of the Deputy Mayor The ExecutIve SesslOn concluded at 12'40 a 01., and the Councll convened m regular open seSSlOn No actlOn was taken. The meetIng was adjourned at 1240 a m RIchard A HeadrIck, Mayor Becky J. Upton, CIty Clerk 32 - 10- . . S Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ""- ~ ~- -~" From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 . ~ I ~'1"fo..)." Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC OSHA TRAINING GUIDE 001-0000-23700-00 -875 BIDDLE CONSULTING GROUP INC CRITICALL MAINT-NOV 06 001-0000-237 00-00 -49 72 CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREAS 001-0000-22940-00 224 74 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Log book 001-0000-23700-00 -766 Clothing 001-0000-237 00-00 -21 99 Cell phone cas 001-0000-237 00-00 -282 Office supplies 001-0000-23700-00 -431 Background reports 001-0000-23700-00 -1 74 Drug test supplies 001-0000-237 00-00 -1245 Holster accessones 001-0000-23700-00 -1320 Plaques,certlflcates 001-0000-23700-00 -1740 ELMERS FLAG AND BANNER FLAGS,POLES ,BAN N ERS ,ACCES 001-0000-23700-00 -13 56 KELCO SUPPLY CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-0000-23700-00 -255 LAMOTTE COMPANY PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001-0000-23700-00 -17 63 Diana & Gary Smith ORA 93-01 001-0000-239 20-00 71660 JOHN RICKENBACKER PERMIT OVERCHARGE 001-0000-239 90-00 1938 Mike Libera ELECTRIC PERMIT REFUND 001-0000-239 90-00 9580 Norman & Janice Rockford ORA 93-01 ,ORA 93-02 001-0000-23920-00 2,838 96 . WA STATE PATROL - WASIS Cnmlnal history-Walker 001-0000-229 50-00 2400 Cnmlnal history-Mahany 001-0000-22950-00 2400 Cnmlnal hIstory-Crain 001-0000-229 50-00 2400 Cnmlnal hlstory-Goln 001-0000-229 50-00 2400 WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER BUILDING SURCHARGES 10-05 001-0000-229 10-00 184 50 DIST C REV TO ST 001-0000-22930-00 9,972 22 Division Total: $13,974.42 Department Total: $13,974.42 ADVANCED TRAVEL CouncIl BUSiness mtgs-RH 001-1160-51143-10 7464 AWC Reglonal-Plttls 001-1160-51143-10 3500 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY KITCHEN SUPPLIES 001-1160-511 31-01 203 09 KITCHEN SUPPLY 001-1160-511 31-01 1783 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Business meal 001-1160-51143-10 1404 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS WELCOME SIGN AD 001-1160-51144-10 412 02 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber mtg,ferry-Braun 001-1160-511 43-10 3100 SAFEWAY INC COUNCIL REFRESHMENTS 001-1160-511 31-01 5536 CC REFRESHMENTS 001-1160-511 31-01 2505 VICTORIA REMEMBRANCE CENOTAPH WREATH 001-1160-51131-01 7300 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $941.03 Legislative Department Total: $941.03 . COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Business meal 001-1210-51331-01 1000 Credit AWC mtg 001-1210-51343-10 -25 00 ICMA Membershlp-MM 001-1210-51349-01 840 00 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-1210-51342-10 2875 33 Page 1 City of Port Angeles Dale 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLY 001-1210-51331-01 162 63 SHREDDER, PAPER 001-1210-513 31-01 468 26 Credit headphone 001-1210-513 31-01 -1461 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SERVICE CONTRACT 001-1210-51348-10 3249 QWEST 11-12 alc 36045704111998 001-1210-51342-10 9059 RICK'S PLACE NIICHEL-LUNCH 001-1210-51331-01 3340 NIICHEL LUNCH 001-1210-51331-01 2370 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shlppmg chgs 001-1210-51342-10 485 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-1210-51342-10 6378 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $1,718.84 COSTCO CREDIT CARD PMTS OPS luncheon 001-1211-51331-01 345 50 City Manager Department Customer Commitment Division Total: $345.50 ADVANCED TRAVEL WAPELRA Cont-Sellln 001-1220-51643-10 345 45 CLlNICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC PREEMPLOY DRUG SCREEN 001-1220-51641-31 72 00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Test Evaluators meals 001-1220-51641-50 2004 ' CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-1220-51642-10 2875 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENCILS,P ADS, FOLDER, ETC 001-1220-51631-01 3444 PRIMA-PUBLIC RISK MGMT ASSN MEMBERSHIP FEE 001-1220-51649-01 310 00 QWEST 11-12 alc 36045704111998 001-1220-51642-10 9059 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-1220-51642-10 2552 . City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total: $926.79 ADVANCED TRAVEL Laserflche Cont-Upton 001-1230-51443-10 422 25 WMCA Board mtg-Upton 001-1230-51443-10 416 62 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-1230-51442-10 1437 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS ORD 3219 001-1230-51444-10 2280 CDBG PU8 HEARING 001-1230-51444-10 33.25 CDBG PU8 HEARING 001-1230-51444-10 3895 BUDGET HEARING NOTICE 001-1230-51444-10 8360 PUB HEARING - SURPLUS PRO 001-1230-51444-10 130 80 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 001-1230-51442-10 4529 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shlppmg chgs 001-1230-51431-01 402 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-1230-51442-10 327 City Manager Department City Clerk Division Total: $1,215.22 City Manager Department Department Total: $4,206.35 57049 RFD CK12171610-25-05 001-2001-369 90-00 941 75 Finance Department Finance Revenues Division Total: $941.75 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA SeaTac-YZ 001-2010-51443-10 15411 CAPTAIN T'S UNIFORM SHIRTSIJACKETS 001-2010-51431-01 7512 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-2010-51442-10 2875 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2010-51431-01 4386 . PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber luncheon-YZ 001-2010-51431-01 2000 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 001-2010-51442-10 9059 34 Page 2 Dale 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount RICK'S PLACE BUSINESS MEALS-FINANCE 001-2010-51431-01 8620 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-2010-51442-10 1274 WASHINGTON RESEARCH COUNCIL ZIOMKOWSKI 2006 DUES 001-2010-51449-01 250 00 Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $761.37 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA Conf-Tnna,Cheryl 001-2023-51443-10 575 25 CAPTAIN T'S UNIFORM SHIRTS/JACKETS 001-2023-51431-01 279 37 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Labels 001-2023-51431-01 9074 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-2023-51442-10 3593 COSTCO CREDIT CARD PMTS Chair 001-2023-51431-01 173 27 Tnna Nevanl WORK STATION CHAIR 001-2023-51431-01 6515 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-51431-01 1505 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2023-51431-01 10721 QWEST 11-12 a/c 3604570411199B 001-2023-51442-10 113 23 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shipping chgs 001-2023-51442-10 2355 October Shipping chgs 001-2023-51442-10 5933 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-2023-51442-10 806 Finance Department Accounting Division Total: $1,546.14 APEX CREDIT BUREAU WALL DESIGN LF CREDIT RPT 001-2025-514 41-50 2705 . CAPTAIN T'S UNIFORM SHIRTS/JACKETS 001-2025-51431-11 71809 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Labels 001-2025-51431-01 9073 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-2025-51442-10 8624 DATABARINCORPORATED CYCLES 1-5 11/3/05 001-2025-51441-50 1,649 93 CYCLES 6-10 11/10/05 001-2025-51441-50 2,08617 CYCLES 11-1511/17 001-2025-51441-50 1,533 56 EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES ON CALL CASHIER SERVICES 001-2025-51441-50 466 04 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC DEPOSIT SLIPS 001-2025-51431-01 706 27 DOORHANGERS 001-2025-51431-01 387 44 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2025-51431-01 109 65 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2025-51431-01 4421 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2025-51431-01 10721 QWEST 11-12 a/c 3604570411199B 001-2025-51442-10 271 76 RADIX CORPORATION MAINTENANCE-DEC 001-2025-51448-10 192 77 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING ALLOWANCE-BOOTS 001-2025-51431-11 6484 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shipping chgs 001-2025-51442-10 -23 55 VERIZON WIRELESS 11-09 a/c 47024274400001 001-2025-51442-10 6054 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-2025-51442-10 381 Finance Department Customer Service Division Total: $8,582.76 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51431-01 390 13 . DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 001-2080-51445-30 115 96 MORNINGS IDE OCT COpy ROOM SERVICES 001-2080-51441-50 855 00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 8772 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 9040 35 Page 3 (i City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report ~, ., II 'l"..,j.lJ From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 2038 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 438 62 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 307 03 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 438 62 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 133 24 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 61406 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-2080-51431-01 438 62 PITNEY BOWES INC POSTAGE MACHINE SUPPLIES 001-2080-51431-01 57521 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51445-30 189 80 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shlppmg chgs 001-2080-51442-10 6100 XEROX CORPORATION OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51431-01 661 14 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51445-30 2,637 75 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51445-30 100 04 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51445-30 2,637 75 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51445-30 14375 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-2080-51445-30 661 14 Finance Department Reprographics Division Total: $11,597.36 Finance Department Department Total: $23,429.38 ADVANCED TRAVEL WCIA City Atty semmar-WB 001-3010-51543-10 255 68 . WSAMA Conf-Bloor 001-3010-51543-10 387 88 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Wireless keyboard 001-3010-51531-01 205 72 Flash Drive 001-3010-51531-01 158 46 Stamps 001-3010-51542-10 1332 Travel-Bloor 001-3010-51543-10 222 45 Semmar-Bloor 001-3010-51543-10 695 00 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-3010-51542-10 3593 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 001-3010-51545-30 2466 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-3010-51531-01 4386 QWEST 11-12 ale 3604570411199B 001-3010-515 42-10 113 23 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-3010-51542-10 1085 WEST GROUP ON-LINE LEGAL RESEARCH 001-3010-51531-01 24760 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $2,414.64 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH JAIL COSTS OF INMATESI 001-3012-59851-23 128 76 CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT INMATE CARE FOR OCT 001-3012-59851-23 15,05773 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER JAIL MEDICAL 001-3012-59851-23 104 90 Attorney Jail Contributions Division Total: $15,291.39 CAMERON, PAMELA OCTOBER CONTRACT ATTY 001-3021-51541-50 1 ,430 00 CLALLAM CNTY DIST 1 COURT OCTOBER COURT COSTS 001-3021-51550-90 5,057 40 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-3021-51542-10 1437 COSTCO CREDIT CARD PMTS MOnltor,keyboard mouse 001-3021-51531-60 403 94 . DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 001-3021-51545-30 2466 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-3021-51531-01 8772 36 Page 4 Date 11/28/2005 . City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report " From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor QWEST SPACESAVER NORTHWEST LLC WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WEST GROUP Attorney ADVANCED TRAVEL AMERICAN PLANNING ASSN COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS CONTINUANT INC COSTCO CREDIT CARD PMTS OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC . PACIFIC OFFICE FURNITURE PENINSULA DAILY NEWS QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Community Deve/opmt Dept ADVANCED TRAVEL CINGULAR WIRELESS ATL YS CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC VERIZON WIRELESS Community Deve/opmt Dept . CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS CONTINUANT INC Description 11-12 a/c 36045704111998 ALPHA FILE LA8ELS October Scan chgs WA PRAC V5D EVIDENCE ON-LINE LEGAL RESEARCH Account Number 001-3021-51542-10 001-3021-51531-01 001-3021-51542-10 001-3021-51531-01 001-3021-51531-01 Invoice Amount 4529 9729 1 01 5226 247 60 $7,461.54 $25,167.57 6720 8850 342 00 798 11 2875 649 78 107 05 107 05 4386 2266 4955 536 43781 196 20 5605 6460 31 35 5605 5415 6175 9059 2488 $3,383.30 7021 6395 824 11401 8772 11 54 $355.67 $3,738.97 172 00 22700 181 20 5031 Prosecution Division Total: Attorney Department Total: Planners Forum 001-4010-55843-10 SEPA Trammg 001-4010-55843-10 PLANNING ASSOC DUES 001-4010-55849-01 Travel-Wllkmson 001-4010-55843-10 Mamtenance-December 001-4010-55842-10 MOnitor 001-4010-55831-60 TIME CARDS 001-4010-55831-01 TIME CARDS 001-4010-55831-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-55831-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-55831-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-55831-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-55831-01 COMPUTER DESK 001-4010-55831-01 OPS AWARD 001-4010-55844-10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-55844-10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-55844-10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-55844-10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-55844-10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-55844-10 11-12 a/c 36045704111998 001-4010-55842-10 October Scan chgs 001-4010-55842-10 Planning Division Total: Plumbmg semmar-lIerly 001-4020-52443-10 10-27 a/c 0033802563 001-4020-52442-10 10-14 a/c 04749079080 001-4020-52442-10 OCT 3659-3672 001-4020-524 45-30 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4020-52431-01 11-06 a/c 26470706000001 001-4020-52442-10 Building Division Total: Community Deve/opmt Dept Department Total: INET Nov-Clty Hall 001-5010-521 42-12 Plaques,certlficates 001-5010-521.31-01 Travel-Riepe 001-5010-521 43-10 Mamtenance-December 001-5010-521 42-10 37 Page 5 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 001-5010-521 45-30 1040 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC DEPOSIT SLIPS 001-5010-521 31-01 100 90 ORBIT ONE COMMUNICATIONS 10-31 alc 10428 28 001-5010-521 42-10 3695 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5010-521 31-01 933 71 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5010-521 31-01 876 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5010-521 31-01 4122 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 001-5010-52142-10 158 52 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5010-521 35-01 1218 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-5010-521 42-10 4328 Police Department Administration Division Total: $1,976.43 ADVANCED TRAVEL Crime Lab-Raymond 001-5021-521 43-10 1696 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-5021-521 42-10 719 Enc Kovatch SHOES DET SGT KOVATCH 001-5021-521 20-80 6492 Jesse Winfield JACKET DET J WINFIELD 001-5021-521 20-80 7331 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 001-5021-521 42-10 2265 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-5021-521 42-10 41 50 Police Department Investigation Division Total: $226.53 ADVANCED TRAVEL S Imunltlons-Dombrowskl 001-5022-521 43-10 242 25 K-9 Seminar-Brusseau 001-5022-521 43-10 456 58 K-9 Seminar-Miller 001-5022-521 43-10 456 58 . Glock class-Wood 001-5022-521 43-10 3825 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC EQUIP FOR STALKER RADAR 001-5022-521 31-01 3740 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521 20-80 5761 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521 20-80 108 20 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521 48-10 3916 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521 49-90 3095 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521 49-90 4733 BRATWEAR CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521 20-80 471 65 CAMERA CORNER POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521 49-90 3591 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Holster accessories 001-5022-521 20-80 172 18 Drug test supplies 001-5022-521 31-01 162 45 Background reports 001-5022-521 42-10 2274 Travel-Dombrowski 001-5022-521 43-10 305 72 MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC MESH STEERNG WHEEL CVR 001-5022-521 31-80 974 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521 31-01 108 56 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521 49-90 1225 WASHINGTON FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP 1 MAINT,5 FILLS PATROL 001-5022-521 49-90 3466 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $2,850.17 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5026-521 31-11 366 66 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5026-521 31-11 5309 . BRATWEAR CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5026-521 31-11 41670 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $836.45 38 Page 6 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 CONTINUANT INC DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Police Department . AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS CONTINUANT INC DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS . CONTINUANT INC MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC Mike Sanders PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT Description UCR Training-Jacobi WSP Conference-Washke WSP Conf-Zenoman Electromc Tlcketlng-LZ UCR Tralmng-LZ Maintenance-December OCT 3659-3672 TIME CARDS POLICE OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 11-12 alc 36045704111998 October Scan chgs Records Police Department Invoice Amount 1950 31 00 3710 3225 1950 3593 253 05 263 87 131 59 8001 103 23 11 77 -11 77 -876 47373 113 23 1303 $1,598.26 $7,487.84 8610 172 00 9991 2175 395 168 44 3593 71 08 101 94 100 90 848 113 23 4085 992 $1,034.48 21600 286 94 795 144 00 21 56 648 4010 898 Account Number 001-5029-521 43-10 001-5029-521 43-10 001-5029-521 43-10 001-5029-521 43-10 001-5029-521 43-10 001-5029-521 42-10 001-5029-521 45-30 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 31-01 001-5029-521 42-10 001-5029-521 42-10 Division Total: Department Total: COpy PAPER 001-6010-52231-01 INET Nov-Flre Station 001-6010-52242-12 Log book 001-6010-52231-01 Cell phone case 001-6010-52231-01 Postage 001-6010-52242-10 Travel-McKeen 001-6010-52243-10 Maintenance-December 001-6010-52242-10 OCT 3659-3672 001-6010-52245-30 LAUNDRY 001-6010-52231-01 DEPOSIT SLIPS 001-6010-52231-01 UPS chgs 001-6010-52242-10 11-12 alc 36045704111998 001-6010-52242-10 October Shipping chgs 001-6010-52242-10 October Scan chgs 001-6010-52242-10 Administration Division Total: Nat'l Fire Academy-Reid 001-6020-52243-10 Clothing 001-6020-52231-11 Shipping chg 001-6020-52231-11 Travel-Rose,Chastaln 001-6020-522 43-10 Maintenance-December 001-6020-522 42-10 FRAME 001-6020-52231-01 REIM8UR CLOTHING ALLOWANC 001-6020-52220-80 8akery-College welding 001-6020-522 31-01 39 Page 7 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 001-6020-52242-10 6794 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-6020-52231-01 925 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-6020-52231-01 235 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-6020-52242-10 067 Fire Department Fire Supression Division Total: $812.22 BRD FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS Deposit-Speziale 001-6021-52249-01 9000 CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE 11-02 alc 04743736255 001-6021-522 42-10 798 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH Immunization-Warren 001-6021-522 41-50 5000 CLlNICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DRUG SCREEN 001-6021-522 41-50 7500 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Support officer lunch 001-6021-52231-01 2352 Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total: $246.50 ADVANCED TRAVEL Medical Conf-Patterson 001-6025-526 43-10 187 37 ACLS-Sundln,Montana 001-6025-52643-10 112 50 CHASTAIN, DAVID FIRST AID CLASS 001-6025-52631-08 200 00 CORDERY, SHARON CPR CLASS 001-6025-52631-08 5000 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6025-52631-01 11 09 FURNITURE, OFFICE 001-6025-52631-01 1430 WHATCOM CNTY EMS COUNCIL WORKSHOP FEES 001-6025-52643-10 440 00 Fire Department Medic I Division Total: $1,015.26 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Safety boots 001-6030-522 20-80 81 20 . Business refreshments 001-6030-52231-01 5847 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-6030-52242-10 719 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 001-6030-52242-10 2265 Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Total: $169.51 CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE 11-02 alc 04747190061 001-6040-52242-10 867 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Background checks 001-6040-52231-01 2000 Business refreshments 001-6040-52231-01 2590 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT Business meals-evaluation 001-6040-52231-01 4930 Fire Department Fire Training Division Total: $103.87 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-6050-52231-01 6103 PACIFIC OFFICE FURNITURE SAUDER 001-6050-52231-20 487 35 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CUTLERY,DISHES GLASS ETC 001-6050-52231-20 618 Fire Department Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $554.56 ORBIT ONE COMMUNICATIONS 10-31 alc 10434 24 001-6060-52542-10 3695 Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: $36.95 Fire Department Department Total: $3,973.35 ADVANCED TRAVEL WA Ecology 2007-Sperr 001-7010-53243-10 8590 APWA Stormwater Mgt-MS 001-7010-53243-10 8620 CAPTAIN T'S DENIM SHIRTS W/PW&U LOGO 001-7010-53231-01 643 04 SHIRTS FOR INDONESIANS 001-7010-532.31-01 11440 . CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE 10-27 aalc 04748966287 001-7010-53242-10 878 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Management manual 001-7010-53231-01 2955 Office supplies 40 001-7010-53231-01 5626 Page 8 Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Conference-Puntenney 001-7010-53243-10 449 00 COMPLETE LINE, THE OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-7010-53231-01 4696 CONTINUANT INC MaIntenance-December 001-7010-53242-10 201 22 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 001-7010-53245-30 1326 Gary Kenworthy MILEAGE REIM8URSEMENT 001-7010-53243-10 7920 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-7010-53231-01 116 52 QWEST 11-05 alc 36045201409458 001-7010-53242-10 4072 11-12 alc 36045704111998 001-7010-53242-10 634 04 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shipping chgs 001-7010-53242-10 762 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND lOC CTR UNDERGROUND LOCATE 001-7010-53241-50 5060 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-7010-53242-10 100 45 XEROX CORPORATION OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-7010-53245-30 1,225 35 Public Works-Gen Fnd Administration Division Total: $3,989.07 Public Works-Gen Fnd Department Total: $3,989.07 ADVANCED TRAVEL NOVA Grant-Olympia 001-8010-57443-10 1929 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-Flne Arts Ctr 001-8010-57442-12 172 00 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-8010-57442-10 21 56 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC DEPOSIT SLIPS 001-8010-57431-01 100 90 .PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber luncheon-Sterling 001-8010-57431-01 1000 8uslness meal-Cutler 001-8010-57443-10 1059 QWEST 11-12 alc 36045704111998 001-8010-57442-10 6794 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 001-8010-57449-60 3000 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-8010-57442-10 292 Parks & Recreation Administration Division Total: $435.20 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Office supples 001-8011-57431-01 8073 Tonercartndges 001-8011-57431-60 190 52 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-8011-57442-10 1437 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-8011-57431-01 4386 OFFICE SUPPLY 001-8011-57431-99 5303 QWEST 11-12 alc 36045704111998 001-8011-57442-10 4529 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 001-8011-57449-60 4361 STRAIT MUSIC MICROPHONES, ETC 001-8011-57431-20 31699 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-8011-57442-10 1305 Parks & Recreation Recreation Division Total: $801.45 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-Semor Ctr 001-8012-55542-12 172 00 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-8012-555 42-10 21 56 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 001-8012-55545-30 4927 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Receipt book 001-8012-55531-01 12070 . Membership cards 001-8012-55531-01 268 04 Membership cards 001-8012-55531-01 268 04 Receipt books 001-8012-55531-01 261 76 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Office supplies 001-8012-555 31-99 4906 41 Page 9 Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . QWEST 10-20 ale 206T2172274658 001-8012-55542-10 231 32 11-02 ale 36041719424138 001-8012-555 42-10 7959 11-05 ale 36045242858198 001-8012-55542-10 20418 11-12 ale 36045704111998 001-8012-55542-10 6794 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 001-8012-55549-60 1453 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-8012-55542-10 334 Parks & Recreation Senior Center Division Total: $1,811.33 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8020-57631-06 6408 ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC OSHA TRAINING GUIDE 001-8020-57631-01 114 16 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-Wm Shore Pool 001-8020-57642-12 172 00 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-8020-57642-10 719 FSH COMMUNICATIONS LLC 11-01 ale 001001087584 001-8020-57642-10 4976 LAMOTTE COMPANY PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001-8020-57631-05 229 98 Patncla Relfenstahl 81NDERS 001-8020-57631-01 906 CANDY FOR RESALE 001-8020-576 34-01 21434 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Caples 001-8020-57631-01 299 93 QWEST 10-14 ale 36045702419508 001-8020-576 42-10 3990 11-12 ale 36045704111998 001-8020-57642-10 2265 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 001-8020-57649-60 1348 . WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-8020-57642-10 008 Parks & Recreation William Shore Pool Division Total: $1,236.61 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO 8UILDER'S SUPPLIES 001-8050-536 31-20 1378 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 001-8050-53631-20 140 79 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-Cemetery 001-8050-53642-12 172 00 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 001-8050-53642-10 719 HORIZON PLUM81NG EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8050-53631-20 294 82 KELCO SUPPLY CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8050-53631-20 3317 QWEST 11-12 ale 36045704111998 001-8050-53642-10 2265 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEr:; 001-8050-536 31-20 164 58 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF001-8050-536 31-20 161 58 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF001-8050-536 31-20 51 98 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8050-53631-20 11 77 TACOMA MONUMENT CO LLC CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536 34-01 260 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536 34-01 21 0 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536 34-01 210 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-53634-01 395 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-53634-01 905 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-53634-01 820 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536 34-01 365 00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-53634-01 375 00 . CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536 34-01 77 00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 001-8050-53642-10 952 42 Page 10 Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Parks & Recreation Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $4,700.83 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY WATER&SEWER TREATING CHE~001-8080-576 31-20 427 17 WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEI\001-8080-576 31-20 211 84 CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 001-8080-57631-20 245 03 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-57631-20 739 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-57631-20 3357 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 909 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 194 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001-8080-57631-40 438 94 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-VBCC 001-8080-57642-12 172 00 INET Nov-Pk FacIlities 001-8080-57642-12 172 00 INET Nov-Pk Carnegie 001-8080-57642-12 172 00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone eas 001-8080-57631-01 3676 CONTINUANT INC Mamtenance-December 001-8080-57642-10 719 ELMERS FLAG AND BANNER FLAGS ,POLES, BAN NERS,ACCES 001-8080-57631-20 17691 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-57631-20 520 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-57631-20 3021 KEYRIFFIC KEYS CORP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 325 . KNIGHT FIRE PROTECTION INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 001-8080-57648-10 1,332 63 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 001-8080-57631-20 4553 QWEST 11-12 ale 3604570411199B 001-8080-57642-10 2265 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 8771 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-57631-20 969 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-57631-20 3533 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-57631-20 1340 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC AIR COMPRESSORS & ACCESS 001-8080-57631-20 3293 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 1828 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-8080-57631-20 527 PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-57631-20 185 57 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 936 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-8080-57631-20 1571 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-57631-20 2353 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF001-8080-576 31-20 3460 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-57631-20 2456 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 001-8080-57631-20 1069 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-57631-20 860 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF001-8080-576 35-01 238 23 TAYLOR-SPARKS REFRIGERATION INC REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT 001-8080-57648-10 284 83 . THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE FITTINGS 001-8080-576 31-20 536 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576 31-20 2578 PIPE FITTINGS 001-8080-57631-40 1091 VERIZON WIRELESS 11-06 ale 57043720500001 001-8080-57642-10 2098 43 Page 11 City of Port Angeles Dale 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Oetober Sean ehgs 001-8080-57642-10 033 Parks & Recreation Park Facilities Division Total: $4,652.95 Parks & Recreation Department Total: $13,638.37 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-51831-20 284 90 PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 001-8130-51831-20 186 23 PAPER & PLASTIC-D1SPOSABL 001-8130-51831-20 9312 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-51848-10 1979 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51848-10 988 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51848-10 1000 CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 001-8130-51848-10 241 53 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8130-51848-10 4075 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51848-10 627 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51848-10 5467 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8130-51848-10 6212 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8130-51848-10 365 68 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8130-51831-20 183 18 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51831-20 477 PLASTICS 001-8130-51848-10 6660 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8130-51848-10 1643 . JOHNSTONE SUPPLY INC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 001-8130-51831-20 266 30 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC POISONS AGRICUL & INDUSTR 001-8130-51841-50 5740 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8130-51831-20 5066 PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8130-51831-20 8369 QWEST 11-02 ale 3604170786905B 001-8130-51842-10 2821 11-02 ale 3604175328784B 001-8130-51842-10 3719 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51848-10 11 67 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-51848-10 759 PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8130-51848-10 41 01 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8130-51848-10 3226 PIPE FITTINGS 001-8130-51848-10 312 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8130-51848-10 71 30 US FLAG ETIQUETTE ADVISORY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 001-8130-51848-10 6000 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8130-518 45-30 188 19 Parks & Rec-Maintenance Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Division Total: $2,584.51 Parks & Rec-Maintenance Department Total: $2,584.51 General Fund Fund Total: $103,130.86 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM 2005 MKTG CONTRACT 101-1430-55750-83 15,00650 2006 CHAMBER DUES 101-1430-55750-83 692 00 Convention Center Convention Center Division Total: $15,698.50 Convention Center Department Total: $15,698.50 . Convention Center Fund Fund Total: $15,698.50 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone ease 102-0000-237 00-00 -1 66 44 Page 12 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report . From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO PIPE FITTINGS 102-0000-237 00-00 -1 41 PIPE FITTINGS 102-0000-237 00-00 -020 PIPE FITTINGS 102-0000-237 00-00 -029 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-0000-237 00-00 -62 92 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-0000-237 00-00 -59 06 Division Total: -$125.54 Department Total: -$125.54 AM SAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102-7230-54231-20 102 24 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-54231-20 879 PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 102-7230-542 31-20 3068 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542 31-20 523 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542 31-20 865 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-54231-25 269 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-54231-25 5254 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-54231-25 511 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF102-7230-542 48-10 1948 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 102-7230-54231-20 2946 .APACITY PROVISIONING INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-54248-10 6206 INET Nov-Corp Yard 102-7230-542 42-12 172 00 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH TWINRIX SHOT-RAY&WHEATLEY 102-7230-54243-10 130 00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone case 102-7230-54231-01 2165 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 102-7230-542 42-10 21 56 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC BAGS,BAGGING,TIES,EROSION 102-7230-542 31-20 1732 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-54231-20 21691 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542 31-20 4494 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHL T 102-7230-54231-20 749 55 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHL T 102-7230-54231-20 1,99093 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHL T 102-7230-54231-20 12950 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-54231-20 81 75 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP MET ALS,BARS,PLA TES,RODS 102-7230-542.31-20 31365 MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 102-7230-54231-20 2609 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-54248-10 1515 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-7230-54231-20 1,011 85 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-7230-54231-20 47448 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-7230-54248-10 186 48 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO PIPE FITTINGS 102-7230-54231-20 1835 PIPE FITTINGS 102-7230-54231-20 251 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-7230-54231-20 820 89 . PIPE FITTINGS 102-7230-54248-10 374 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 102-7230-54248-10 770 61 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 102-7230-542 31-25 4673 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 102-7230-54231-50 4683 45 Page 13 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 Invoice Amount 1,03964 51980 1560 4315 5045 7036 6794 638 11 26 91 07 039 2308 4909 2640 5388 2813 239 3359 1441 5875 8628 042 $9,932.86 $9,932.86 $9,807.32 114 00 719 235 70 2265 $379.54 $379.54 $379.54 12780 6200 6200 648 72 7479 9602 255 49 8494 122 17 4,275 68 . Vendor PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Public Works-Street ADVANCED TRAVEL CONTINUANT INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS QWEST Economic Development ADVANCED TRAVEL APCO ASSN OF PUBLIC SAFETY BIDDLE CONSULTING GROUP INC CAPTAIN T'S CENTURYTEL CONTINUANT INC EATON CORPORATION Description Account Number HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542 35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-54235-01 11-10 SR101 & Euclid 102-7230-54247-10 11-10 SR101 & Tumwater 102-7230-54247-10 11-10 SR 101 & Airport Rd 102-7230-54247-10 11-10 SR101 & Benson Rd 102-7230-54247-10 11-12 ale 36045704111 99B 102-7230-542 42-10 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-54231-20 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-54231-20 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-54231-20 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-54231-20 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 102-7230-54231-20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-54231-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-54231-20 GASES CONT EQUIP LAB,WELD 102-7230-54231-20 GASES CONT EQUIP LAB,WELD 102-7230-54231-20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-54231-25 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-54231-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-54231-20 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 102-7230-54231-20 11-06 ale 26470706000002 102-7230-54242-10 October Scan chgs 102-7230-542 42-10 Street Division Total: Public Works-Street Department Total: Street Fund Fund Total: CDBG Grant W/S-Madsen Maintenance-December ECON DEV SPECIALIST 11-12 ale 36045704111 99B Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development 911 Mtgs-Rlgglns S BAUGHMAN MBRSHIP 06 06 MBRSHIP V GERMAN CRITICALL MAINT-NOV 06 MATERNITY TOPS ORSBORN 11-06 ale 300509854 11-06 ale 300496579 11-06 ale 300539444 Maintenance-December SUPPLIES 46 103-1511-558 43-10 103-1511-55842-10 103-1511-55844-10 103-1511-55842-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107 -5160-528 43-10 107-5160-52849-01 107-5160-52849-01 107 -5160-528 48-10 107 -5160-528 20-80 107-5160-52842-11 107 -5160-528 42-11 107-5160-52842-11 107 -5160-528 42-10 107 -5160-528 48-10 . . Page 14 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report . From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES October charges 107-5160-52842-11 2261 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 107-5160-52831-01 109 65 ORBIT ONE COMMUNICATIONS 10-31 alc 1042630 107-5160-52842-10 3695 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC HIGH YIELD TONER 107-5160-52831-01 14079 MS WHEELMOUSE OPTICAL 107-5160-52831-01 4269 PENCOM USB CABLE 107-5160-52831-01 2921 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 107-5160-52831-01 6482 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 107-5160-52831-01 226 11 FURNITURE, OFFICE 107-5160-52843-10 905 08 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 107-5160-52842-10 384 99 11-02 alc 360Z020380301 B 107-5160-52842-11 5,72247 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 107-5160-52842-10 3198 Pen com Pencom Division Total: $13,526.96 Pen com Department Total: $13,526.96 Pen com Fund Fund Total: $13,526.96 CAPTAIN T'S SOFTBALL AWARDS 174-8221-57431-01 160 28 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 174-8221-57431-01 5809 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $218.37 . CAPTAIN T'S WATER AMBASS JACKET 174-8222-57431-01 4492 TOURNAMENT AWARDS 174-8222-57431-01 292 60 TOURNAMENT AWARDS 174-8222-57431-01 539 33 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Recreation supplies 174-8222-57431-01 3000 HALBERG, JAMES G REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 180 00 HANSEN'S TROPHY TALKING RAIN AWARDS 174-8222-57431-01 4278 TIPOFF TOURNEY AWARDS 174-8222-57431-01 230 14 HELPENSTELL,BROOKE SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 12000 HOLLOWAY, MICHAEL REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 6000 JOHNSON, STEPHEN REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-57441-50 320 00 KETCHUM III, JOHN W REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 6000 LEINART, TOM REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 220 00 MCHONE, RANDY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-57441-50 160 00 MINOR, KATHLEEN ROSE SCORKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 110 00 NAPIONTEK, SHELBY SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 100 00 PIMENTEL, HENRY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 6000 RAMSEY, SCOTT REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 160 00 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 174-8222-574 49-60 72 61 ROBERTS, MICHAEL REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 120 00 ROBINSON, JASON SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 6000 . ROONEY, RANDY L REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 200 00 STONE, RICHARD REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574 41-50 6000 ULlN, BRADLEY V REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-57441-50 300 00 Recreation Activities Special Events Division Total: $3,542.38 , 47 Page 15 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . ALBERTSONS INC SUPPLIES 174-8224-57431-01 1747 SUPPLIES 174-8224-57431-01 1587 SUPPLIES 174-8224-57431-01 1594 SUPPLIES 174-8224-57431-01 1569 SUPPLIES 174-8224-57431-01 2641 SUPPLIES 174-8224-57431-01 2106 SUPPLIES 174-8224-574 31-01 11 16 CINGULAR WIRELESS ATL YS 10-27 alc 0038436241 174-8224-574 42-10 2808 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Recreation supplies 174-8224-57431-01 943 Jeffrey Kuss RFD CANCELLED CLASS 174-8224-347 60-23 4000 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Rec Xpress ads-Sept 174-8224-57444-10 158 92 Skate Park Instructor 174-8224-574 44-10 8141 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER After school supp-Mozlngo 174-8224-57431-01 1924 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 174-8224-57431-01 4357 Recreation Activities Youth/Family Programs Division Total: $504.25 SOUND RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC VBMCC KITCHEN 174-8229-57431-01 108 62 Recreation Activities Kitchen Division Total: $108.62 Recreation Activities Department Total: $4,373.62 Park & Recreation Fund Fund Total: $4,373.62 . MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL INC CEMETERY MARKERS 186-8576-576 34-01 15361 CEMETERY MARKERS 186-8576-576 34-01 8379 Waterfront Trail Waterfront Trail Division Total: $237.40 Waterfront Trail Department Total: $237.40 Waterfront Trail Fund Total: $237.40 BANK OF NEW YORK PORUTGOREF01 ADMIN FEES 211-2419-59141-50 303 50 Debt Service 2001 GO Bond-Refunding Division Total: $303.50 Debt Service Department Total: $303.50 2001 GO Refunding Bonds Fund Total: $303.50 REID MIDDLETON INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 310-7919-59441-50 1,287 11 Capital Projects-Pub Wks GF-Pub Wks Projects Division Total: $1,287.11 EXEL TECH CONSULTING INC CONSULTING SERVICES 310-7930-595 41-50 4,077 70 MILBOR-PITA & ASSOCIATES INC DRAFTING SERVICES 310-7930-595 41-50 7,38758 Capital Projects-Pub Wks GF-Street Projects Division Total: $11,465.28 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $12,752.39 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber luncheon-Cutler 310-8921-59443-10 1000 Capital proj-parks & Rec Wm Shore Pool Renovation Division Total: $10.00 FOWLER COMPANY, H D PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 -7541 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-594 65-10 3,234 76 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-594 65-10 3675 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 9594 . PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-594 65-10 3,24661 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 2,473 57 48 Page 16 . City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 Description Account Number PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 RETAINAGE PMT 1 310-8985-59465-10 SURETY PMT1 310-8985-59465-10 RETAINAGE PMT2 310-8985-59465-10 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 310-8985-59465-10 NORTHWEST TRANSPORTATION SVCS I~MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 310-8985-59465-10 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 310-8985-59441-50 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 310-8985-59441-50 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 310-8985-59441-50 MARKER PAINT 310-8985-59465-10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 310-8985-59441-50 Misc Parks Projects Division Total: Capital Proj-Parks & Rec Department Total: Capital Improvement Fund Total: , ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 329-7188-59434-03 WATER SYSTEM ASSISTANCE 329-7188-59441-50 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 329-7188-59434-03 Vendor FOWLER COMPANY, H D HILL MATERIALS INC, FRED IDDINGS INC LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC . SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Capital proj-Parks & Rec AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER CH2M HILL INC WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Public Works-Electric BLUE MOUNTAIN LEASING CH2M HILL INC Stephen Sperr Public Works-Water ADVANCED TRAVEL CH2M HILL INC Public Works-WW/Stormwtr . CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC Electric Projects Division Total: Public Works-Electric Department Total: ECLIPSE STORAGE WATER SYSTEM ASSISTANCE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Water Projects Public Works-Water WA Ecology Olympla-Sperr WATER SYSTEM ASSISTANCE Wastewater Projects Public Works-WW/Stormwtr WUGA ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP a~PPL Y Page 17 329-7388-594 45-30 329-7388-594 41-50 329-7388-59443-10 Division Total: Department Total: 329-7488-594 43-10 329-7488-594 41-50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401-0000-141 40-00 401-0000-141 40-00 401-0000-141 40-00 Invoice Amount 224 38 1,07020 4236 140 98 348 60 1,80907 1,83517 2,452 84 1,84446 1,80000 20,622 00 1,96985 17,32800 1,653 43 176 54 1,03680 1401 1231 682 2476 2145 $63,446.25 $63,456.25 $76,208.64 4386 1,262 81 71046 $2,017 .13 $2,017.13 700 00 3,294 29 5840 $4,052.69 $4,052.69 7560 7,80499 $7,880.59 $7,880.59 $13,950.41 297 83 676 88 880 80 ~ ~~~ 'li,._~ '-- -~~ "f ,l-p....,).~ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 Invoice Amount 25000 135 52 886 6342 9778 6214 142 73 21 92 141 94 4722 31 30 2991 5200 2362 250 00 72 28 1960 250 00 3524 108 57 11 51 250 00 192 36 121 24 1580 3969 3,395 53 300 71 405 54 -869 3,91680 445 54 2,088 96 417 96 5,659 76 51984 $21,472.11 $21,472.11 260 06 $260.06 10081 1525 . Vendor ADAMS, SCOTT BEAUDETTE,CHARLES BROWN, RALPH CARROLL REALTY PROPERTY MNGT CAWYER, ASHLEY COOPER, SUMMER DAMAZIO, MARY & JOHN GARCIA, DARLENE R GAUL, RONDA GETCHELL, RHONDA HALL, MICHAEL R JOHN L SCOTT REAL ESTATE KIRSH, NICOLE LAIDIG, AARON LAMBACHER, ZOE MORRISON, BRENT MULDER, STEVE PRIEST, KYLE & CARRIE RHOADS, PAM ROMAN, MATTHEW RUNNION, H E SCHULTZ, JULE J STREETER, VALERIE SZYDLEK, LANCE WASHBURN, SUSAN WILCOX, STEPHANIE NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES INC UTILITY VAULT COMPANY INC WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC WESTERN STATES ELECTRIC INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Public Works-Electric ADVANCED TRAVEL Description Account Number MANUAL DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 OVERPMT-1411 PACIFIC VIST 401-0000-12210-99 FINAL CREDIT BALANCE 401-0000-122 10-99 OVERPAYMENT-1523 MCDONALD 401-0000-12210-99 US CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122 10-99 OVERPAYMENT-1729 E 3RD ST 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 OVERPAYMENT-1017 E 3RD ST 401-0000-12210-99 US CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 OVERPAYMENT-10B W 5TH A 401-0000-122 10-99 OVERPAYMENT-1226 CRAIG #3 401-0000-12210-99 US CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122 10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 OVERPAYMENT-432 E 5TH GAR 401-0000-12210-99 DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-12210-99 OVERPAYMENT-1250AKCREST 401-0000-122 10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-12210-99 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141 40-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-14140-00 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-14140-00 MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 401-0000-237 00-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-14140-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-14140-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141 40-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-14140-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-14140-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-14140-00 Division Total: Department Total: INET Nov-Lt Eng CH Engineering-Electric Compressed Air W/S-RK AWC Interconnectlons-SMcL 401-7111-53342-12 Division Total: 401-7120-53343-10 401-7120-53343-10 . . 50 Page 18 . Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 EES CONSULTING INC MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLIVAN PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Public Works-Electric ADVANCED TRAFFIC PRODUCTS ADVANCED TRAVEL AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC C & D TECHNOLOGIES INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC . CAPTAIN T'S CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS CONTINUANT INC DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC EMERALD RECYCLING GENERAL PACIFIC INC JACO ANALYTICAL LABORATORY INC KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Bill Klldall GNL Developents . PA Hardwood Suzann Pilot MORNINGSIDE NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY Description Solar summlt-Kajfasz INET Nov-Marketlng INET Nov-Lt Resource WPAG2005 CONSULTING WPAG2005 SERVICES WHEELING CHARGES 11-012110 Glass Rd Account Number 401-7120-53343-10 401-7120-53341-50 401-7120-53342-12 401-7120-53349-01 401-7120-53349-01 401-7120-53333-50 401-7120-53333-50 Invoice Amount 28681 3,12375 260 06 400 11 564 47 4970 5617 $4,857.13 84708 127 00 4386 7590 151 79 227 69 1753 2545 2,699 53 2,08047 77 96 4232 5019 2200 188 44 72 31 1 00 61 161 70 2051 209 50 562 08 9964 6227 6227 6300 440 84 5400 954 4850 538 34 1,697 28 111 40 9600 1945 Power Resource Mgmt Division Total: EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-53348-10 Inspector Training-Oman 401-7180-533 43-10 ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-53348-10 RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 401-7180-53331-20 RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 401-7180-53331-20 RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 401-7180-53348-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEr;401-7180-533 35-01 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 401-7180-53348-10 EQUIP MAl NT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-59464-10 INET Nov-Llght DIVISion 401-7180-53342-12 CLOTHING & APPAREL 401-7180-53331-20 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 401-7180-53331-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEr;401-7180-533 35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEr;401-7180-533 35-01 TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-7180-53348-10 Cable 401-7180-53348-10 Maintenance-December 401-7180-53342-10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-53348-10 OCT 3659-3672 401-7180-53345-30 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-53348-10 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 401-7180-53331-20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-53348-10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-53348-10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-53348-10 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-53348-10 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-53348-10 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-53348-10 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-53335-01 NEW SERVICE REFUND 401-7180-37900-00 NEW ELEC SERVICE REFUND 401-7180-37900-00 LINE EXTENSION REFUND 401-7180-37900-00 POLE REFUND 401-7180-37900-00 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-53348-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWH401-7180-533 35-01 51 Page 19 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533 35-01 172 10 NORTHWEST LINE JATC CONSULTING SERVICES 401-7180-53343-10 1462 CONSULTING SERVICES 401-7180-53343-10 451 77 CONSULTING SERVICES 401-7180-53343-10 31542 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 401-7180-53343-10 1,641 16 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401-7180-53331-20 3266 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 401-7180-53348-10 3266 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 6271 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 2490 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF401-7180-533 31-20 4007 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 401-7180-53331-20 3244 PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC ARCHITECT&OTHER DESIGN 401-7180-53348-10 1,73280 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 401-7180-53344-10 130 80 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER CDL License-Hixson 401-7180-53343-10 3000 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-53348-10 2463 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 401-7180-53335-01 284 65 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 401-7180-53335-01 304 13 CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 401-7180-53348-10 5388 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPL Y,INKS,LEADS 401-7180-53331-01 21 55 . OFFICE SUPPL Y,INKS,LEADS 401-7180-53331-01 129 58 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 6359 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 1082 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 -26 84 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 126 04 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 3538 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-53331-01 -1 0 82 QWEST 11-02 a/c 3604178095336B 401-7180-53342-10 3936 11-02 a/c 206Z020411942B 401-7180-53342-10 6498 11-12 a/c 3604570411199B 401-7180-53342-10 31705 11-14 a/c 3604574717777B 401-7180-53342-10 3819 RADIOS HACK COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF401-7180-533 35-01 2165 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-7180-53348-10 4220 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 401-7180-53335-01 10444 SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD #1 APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM 401-7180-53343-10 5,18800 STATES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-59464-10 670 54 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEf"401-7180-533 35-01 710 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEf"401-7180-533 35-01 -11 49 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-53335-01 925 TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-7180-53348-10 1333 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 401-7180-53348-10 2272 . FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-53348-10 2036 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 401-7180-53348-10 217 52 Page 20 . Vendor SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WASHINGTON (DRS), STATE OF WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC WESTERN STATES ELECTRIC INC . Public Works-Electric AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN FOWLER COMPANY, H 0 ADVANCED TRAVEL AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN AM SAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANGELES ELECTRIC INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO . BANK OF NEW YORK BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CONTINUANT INC EDGE ANALYTICAL FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC Description PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES BARRELS,DRUMS,KEGS,CTN MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER October Shipping chgs 11-04 a/c 87025112400001 11-04 ale 87025110300001 11-12 ale 77025110300001 11-12 ale 77025112400001 October Scan chgs Statewide pensioners FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Electric Operations Public Works-Electric Electric Utility Fund PUBLICA TIO NIAU DIOVISUAL PIPE FITTINGS Account Number 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53331-20 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53342-10 401-7180-53342-10 401-7180-53342-10 401-7180-53342-10 401-7180-53342-10 401-7180-53342-10 401-7180-533 20-30 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 401-7180-53348-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 402-0000-237 00-00 402-0000-141 40-00 Division Total: Department Total: Business wntlng-Becker 402-7380-534 43-10 WWCCPP Group-WB 402-7380-53443-10 PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 402-7380-53443-10 PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 402-7380-53431-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-53434-02 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-53434-02 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-53448-10 HOSES, ALL KINDS 402-7380-53431-20 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534,31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF402-7380-534 35-01 PORANGWAT98 ADMIN FEES 402-7380-53441-50 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-53434-02 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 402-7380-53434-02 (NET Nov-Water DIVISion 402-7380-534.42-12 Maintenance-December 402-7380-534 42-10 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-53448-10 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-53434-02 53 Invoice Amount 3529 213 2984 8355 5858 838 1018 5968 14089 5968 5968 1922 200 16 6365 1,04390 36931 14945 127 79 $25,908.36 $31,025.55 $52,497.66 -21 92 640 56 $618.64 $618.64 533 96 133 42 285 92 8642 14296 274 54 77 98 929 1609 3853 6070 1297 3682 356 82 719 3800 386 12 Page 21 Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . MORNINGS IDE BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 402-7380-534 48-10 2600 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 402-7380-53431-01 4876 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 402-7380-534 31-20 1376 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY 10-24 Crown Z Water Rd 402-7380-53447-10 11 34 11-09 203 Reservoir Rd 402-7380-53447-10 6869 QWEST 11-12 alc 3604570411199B 402-7380-53442-10 2265 RADIOS HACK HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-53431-20 2176 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE WELDING EQUIPMENT/SUPPL Y 402-7380-53431-20 3546 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 2539 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 402-7380-53431-20 2388 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 402-7380-53431-20 1323 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP 402-7380-53431-20 -941 CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST 402-7380-534 34-02 3544 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 402-7380-53434-02 745 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-53435-01 1653 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 402-7380-53431-20 253 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-53431-20 4190 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-53431-20 187 lWlSS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-53448-10 120 00 . TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-53448-10 139 00 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-53448-10 12700 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR UNDERGROUND LOCATE 402-7380-534 48-10 2530 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF402-7380-534 31-01 330 80 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 402-7380-53431-60 150 68 October Scan chgs 402-7380-53442-10 950 Public Works-Water Water Division Total: $3,807.24 Public Works-Water Department Total: $3,807.24 Water Fund Fund Total: $4,425.88 BUSINESS AND LEGAL REPORTS INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 403-0000-237 00-00 -26 56 Division Total: -$26.56 Department Total: -$26.56 ADVANCED TRAVEL PNCWA Conf-Young 403-7480-535 43-10 430 85 Operator II test-Beckley 403-7480-535 43-10 8950 AM SAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 403-7480-535 31-20 5873 PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 403-7480-535 31-20 208 91 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 3428 AMTEST INC TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 403-7480-535 41-50 180 00 BANK OF NEW YORK PORANGWAT98 ADMIN FEES 403-7480-535 41-50 242 80 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 403-7480-53531-20 4000 . BUSINESS AND LEGAL REPORTS INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 403-7480-535 43-10 346 56 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-Water/WW DIV 403-7480-53542-12 654 18 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Travel Beckley 403-7480-535 43-10 348 29 54 Page 22 , , . .tL- City pf Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report . From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 403-7480-535 42-10 1437 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OCT 3659-3672 403-7480-53531-01 11 83 FEI EVERETT 3023 PIPE AND TUBING 403-7480-53531-20 482 42 STEAM & HOT WATER FITTING 403-7480-53531-20 4,15615 GOBLE SAMPSON ASSOCIATES PLASTICS 403-7480-594 64-10 3,060 06 JCI-JONES CHEMICALS INC WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEtl.403-7480-535 31-20 5,420 89 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 403-7480-53531-20 11 37 Kerry Rice OVERPMTSEWERCHGS 403-7480-343 50-11 806 31 OVERPMTSEWERCHGS 403-7480-535 49-51 103 54 MUNICIPAL RESEARCH & SVC CTR 5 PUBLICATIONS 403-7480-53531-01 8200 OLYMPIC SPRINGS INC FOODS PERISHABLE 403-7480-53531-20 31 25 RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 403-7480-53531-20 21 56 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 403-7480-53531-01 4876 SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-01 3305 PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC ARCHITECT&OTHER DESIGN 403-7480-535 41-50 633 63 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-53531-20 1,678 48 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Safety mtg-Puntenney 403-7480-53531-01 4600 Shlppmg-Young 403-7480-53542-10 2270 . PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 2377 QWEST 11-02 ale 3604170190080B 403-7480-53542-10 3898 11-02 ale 3604170591196B 403-7480-535 42-10 3719 11-08 ale 3605650365696B 403-7480-53542-10 3719 11-12 ale 3604570411199B 403-7480-53542-10 4529 S & B INC CONSULTING SERVICES 403-7480-535 48-10 6,274 90 ENGINGEERING SERVICES 403-7480-535 48-10 13,00250 SANDY'S RACE STREET AUTO PARTS BELTS AND BELTING 403-7480-535 31-20 209 58 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 3641 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-53531-20 058 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 403-7480-53531-20 5838 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 403-7480-53531-20 1204 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 403-7480-535 31-20 3088 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535 31-20 1919 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535 31-20 1414 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-53531-20 7164 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 403-7480-53531-20 838 SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 3400 SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 2774 LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR 403-7480-53531-20 5731 . PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-53531-20 232 SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 1827 LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR 403-7480-53531-20 150 88 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-53531-20 147 55 Page 23 ~~ Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles ~ City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 I. "...~ Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . THURMAN SUPPLY WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EG403-7480-535 31-20 681 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-53531-20 10620 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-53531-20 775 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-53531-20 3643 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535 31-20 1577 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE October Shipping chgs 403-7480-535 42-10 583 UNIVAR USA INC CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 403-7480-53531-20 1,507 66 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR UNDERGROUND LOCATE 403-7480-535 41-50 2530 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 403-7480-53531-01 336 80 October Scan chgs 403-7480-53542-10 11 14 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Wastewater Division Total: $41,571.19 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $41,571.19 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $41,544.63 NORSEMAN PLASTICS BARRELS,DRUMS,KEGS,CTN 404-0000-237 00-00 -415 02 Division Total: -$415.02 Department Total: -$415.02 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 404-7580-53731-20 386 81 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-SW Corp Yd 404-7580-53742-12 18700 CLlNICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DOT PHYSICAL - R FOSTER 404-7580-53743-10 7500 . CONTINUANT \NC Maintenance-December 404-7580-53742-10 3593 MORNINGSIDE BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7580-537 48-10 1900 NORSEMAN PLASTICS BARRELS,DRUMS,KEGS,CTN 404-7580-53735-01 5,41523 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 404-7580-53731-20 4876 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COPYING MACHINE SUPPLIES 404-7580-53731-01 4170 QWEST 11-12 alc 36045704111998 404-7580-53742-10 113 23 RADIO PACIFIC INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 404-7580-53744-10 433 00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 404-7580-53731-20 354 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7580-53735-01 973 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 404-7580-53742-10 1331 WASTE MANAGEMENT MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 404-7580-53741-50 44,601 92 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $51,384.16 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $51,384.16 Solid Waste-Collections Fund Total: $50,969.14 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone case 405-0000-237 00-00 -1 66 Division Total: -$1.66 Department Total: -$1.66 ADVANCED TRAVEL W/W Cert Test-Loghry 405-7585-53743-10 8650 ANDERSON & SONS GRAVEL ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 405-7585-53731-20 3,795 92 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-SW Landfill 405-7585-53742-12 187 00 . CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH SOLID WASTE ENVIRONMENTAL 405-7585-53749-90 5,250 00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone case 405-7585-53731-01 2165 Class regIstration 56 405-7585-53743-10 129 00 Page 24 1 ~ I ' . Vendor MORNINGSIDE OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICES INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PARAMETRIX INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE Public Works-Solid Waste ADVANCED TRAVEL CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE CONTINUANT INC QWEST WASHINGTON (OIS), STATE OF . Fire Department ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING MATHEWS GLASS CO INC Public Works-Electric CH2M HILL INC JORDAN EXCAVATING INC WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Public Works-Water JORDAN EXCAVATING INC KEY BANK SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Description Account Number BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 405-7585-53748-10 DEPOSIT SLIPS 405-7585-53731-01 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 405-7585-53731-20 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF405-7585-537 31-01 SOLID WASTE PLAN UPDATE 405-7585-53741-50 LANDFILL ENG SERVICES 405-7585-53741-50 ARCHITECT&OTHER DESIGN 405-7585-53748-10 Recycle ads 405-7585-537 44-10 Compost-Sept 405-7585-53744-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEr;405-7585-537.31-20 Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: Solid Waste-Landfill Fund Total: Medical Conf- TWitchell 11-02 alc 04747951801 Maintenance-December 11-12 alc 3604570411199B October Scan chgs Medic I Fire Department Medic I Utility CITY REBATE-SCHWARTZ CITY REBATE-HOFFMAN Conservation Loans Public Works-Electric Conservation Loans/Grants 409-6025-526 43-10 409-6025-526 42-10 409-6025-526 42-10 409-6025-526 42-10 409-6025-52642-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421-7121-53349-86 421-7121-53349-86 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: WATER SYSTEM ASSISTANCE 452-7388-59441-50 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 452-7388-59465-10 REVIEW PROJECT REPORT 452-7388-59465-10 Water Projects Division Total: Public Works-Water Department Total: Water Utility CIP Fund Total: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 453-7488-59465-10 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 453-7488-59465-10 ESC472909016231-JORDAN 453-7488-59465-10 RURAL MAILBOXES 453-7488-59465-10 Wastewater Projects Public Works-WW/Stormwtr WasteWater Utility CIP GLACIER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC LANDFILL GAS SYS IMPROVEM PARAMETRIX INC LANDFILL ENG SERVICES . 57 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 454-7588-59465-10 454-7588-59441-50 Invoice Amount 4700 1 00 90 101 92 8169 2,60010 7,77837 652 06 156 00 255 06 11981 $21,362.98 $21,362.98 $21,361.32 187 06 31 78 719 2265 723 $255.91 $255.91 $255.91 1,00000 805 88 $1,805.88 $1,805.88 $1,805.88 8,078 57 13,23316 719 00 $22,030.73 $22,030.73 $22,030.73 13,326 35 93,51418 5,94247 2232 $112,805.32 $112,805.32 $112,805.32 101,401 02 1,371 01 Page 25 Date 11/28/2005 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . PARAMETRIX INC LANDFILL ENG SERVICES 454-7588-594 41-50 3,473 16 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste Call Projects Division Total: $106,245.19 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $106,245.19 Solid Waste Utility CIP Fund Total: $106,245.19 AMERICAN VAN EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-23700-00 -29 09 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone case 501-0000-23700-00 -1 41 IBS INCORPORATED AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 347 71 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-0000-23700-00 -27 19 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-0000-23700-00 -46 73 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-23700-00 -1 65 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-237 00-00 -1 34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-23700-00 -1 80 MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 2596 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 2965 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 2680 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 1904 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 3574 HOSES, ALL KINDS 501-0000-141 40-00 3401 PETTIT OIL COMPANY Diesel 501-0000-141 20-00 3,00042 . Diesel 501-0000-141 20-00 740 23 SCHUCK'S AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 615 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 119 35 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 665 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 1287 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 12931 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 2240 WURTH USA INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 307 70 Division Total: $4,754.78 Department Total: $4,754.78 ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54831-20 177 05 AMERICAN VAN EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 335 19 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501-7630-54834-02 4435 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54831-60 394 65 ANGELES AUTO ALECTRIC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 359 85 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 324 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INET Nov-Equlpment Svcs 501-7630-548 42-12 41 00 CHEVRON USA GAS PURCHASE 501-7630-54832-10 3310 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Cell phone case 501-7630-54831-01 1838 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 501-7630-54842-10 719 COPY CAT GRAPHICS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 557 75 . AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 173 28 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 8664 58 Page 26 City of Port Angeles City Councii Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 . Vendor copy CAT GRAPHICS Description EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 59 DENVER'S TIRE CO INC . . To: 11/25/2005 Account Number 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 Date 11/28/2005 Invoice Amount 8664 270 75 151 62 106 40 17545 189 52 3791 3059 2166 3059 3059 1895 3059 975 2816 8231 9964 1895 111 55 975 6281 295 12 9476 2274 5415 1300 6281 2626 9801 11913 2816 232 30 122 92 23230 6747 194 94 303 24 2816 2816 460 2220 11372 Page 27 City of Port Angeles Dale 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report -~;--=:",,_7 From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 .. "r.~'k/ Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . DENVER'S TIRE CO INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 2707 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 11041 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 2816 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 1949 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 2816 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 1300 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 975 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 129 96 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 2274 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 232 30 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 177 61 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-54834-02 152 71 EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 153 60 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 3336 FERRELLGAS INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-54832-12 1,361 07 H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 9875 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 5673 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 494 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 2855 . HEARTLlNE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 7576 IBS INCORPORATED SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501-7630-54831-01 1065 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 1,06844 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 9057 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 13729 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER (CITY) EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 4480 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 141 77 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 255 94 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 5811 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 276 84 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 238 96 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 31568 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 237 87 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 394 38 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 276 84 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 126 50 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 7954 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 4935 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 466 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 7589 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 11 56 . MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-54831-20 354 68 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 6778 60 Page 28 . City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 Vendor MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC . MORNINGS IDE N C MACHINERY CO NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO INC NORTHEND TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC NORTHWEST INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC OVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICES INC PERRY'S TIRE FACTORY PETTIT OIL COMPANY . Description Account Number AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-54835-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF501-7630-548 34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-54848-10 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 OFFICE SUPPL Y,INKS,LEADS 501-7630-54831-01 OFFICE SUPPL Y,iNKS,LEADS 501-7630-54831-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-54831-01 AGRICULTURAL EQUIP&IMPLEM 501-7630-54831-20 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-54849-90 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-54849-90 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 October cardlock-EQ0048 501-7630-548 32-10 October cardlock-EQ0082 501-7630-54832-10 October cardlock-EQ5601 501-7630-548 32-10 October cardlock-EQ5106 501-7630-54832-10 October cardlock-EQ5107 501-7630-54832-10 61 Invoice Amount 21 50 1749 2344 541 89 431 400 1033 714 1935 747 1596 8792 31 91 1093 887 4427 31 91 976 5218 1816 21 81 17 20 694 61 06 4700 676 88 369 30 13404 2679 4,71365 1223 891 4874 91 84 22912 7644 600 8828 3831 3204 173 53 312 92 Page 29 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . PETTIT OIL COMPANY October cardlock-EQ5601 501-7630-54832-10 3381 October cardlock-EQ0014 501-7630-54832-10 2497 October cardlock-EQ0015 501-7630-54832-10 5427 October cardlock-EQ0018 501-7630-54832-10 7503 October cardlock-EQ0027 501-7630-54832-10 3560 October cardlock-EQ0028 501-7630-54832-10 7392 October cardlock-EQ0029 501-7630-54832-10 6175 October cardlock-EQ0034 501-7630-54832-10 204 71 October cardlock-EQ0035 501-7630-54832-10 7603 October cardlock-EQ0036 501-7630-548 32-10 211 50 October cardlock-EQ0040 501-7630-54832-10 5357 October cardlock-EQ0041 501-7630-54832-10 4650 October cardlock-EQ0042 501-7630-54832-10 5845 October cardlock-EQ0043 501-7630-548 32-10 204 54 October cardlock-EQ0044 501-7630-54832-10 280 24 October cardlock-EQ0045 501-7630-54832-10 16837 October cardlock-EQ0046 501-7630-54832-10 121 55 October cardlock-EQ0047 501-7630-54832-10 4675 October cardlock-EQ0053 501-7630-54832-10 186 71 . October cardlock-EQ0054 501-7630-548 32-10 163 32 October cardlock-EQ0065 501-7630-54832-10 122 79 October cardlock-EQ0087 501-7630-54832-10 150 27 October cardlock-EQ0088 501-7630-54832-10 168 24 October cardlock-EQ0089 501-7630-54832-10 4046 October cardlock-EQ0095 501-7630-54832-10 161 36 October cardlock-EQ0096 501-7630-548 32-10 3435 October cardlock-EQ0139 501-7630-54832-10 7302 October cardlock-EQ41 01 501-7630-54832-10 259 40 October cardlock-EQ41 02 501-7630-548 32-10 20296 October cardlock-EQ4103 501-7630-54832-10 11218 October cardlock-EQ41 04 501-7630-54832-10 298 21 October cardlock-EQ41 05 501-7630-54832-10 186 40 October cardlock-EQ4200 501-7630-54832-10 8211 October cardlock-EQ4201 501-7630-54832-10 8503 October cardlock-EQ5426 501-7630-548 32-10 4344 October cardlock-EQ4900 501-7630-54832-10 7015 October cardlock-EQOO07 501-7630-54832-11 14919 Credit duplicate pmt 501-7630-54834-02 -231 36 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 12675 QWEST 11-12 a/c 3604570411199B 501-7630-54842-10 2265 . RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 34-02 121 30 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 465 69 62 Page 30 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 . Vendor RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 63 RUDDELL AUTO MALL SCHUCK'S AUTO PARTS . . To: 11/25/2005 Account Number 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 32-20 501-7630-548 32-20 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-548 34-02 501-7630-54834-02 Date 11/28/2005 Invoice Amount 13646 184 11 11 92 2857 4754 272 01 72 52 -161 80 876 95 2140 321 13 8988 2047 5561 -21631 540 1948 1748 -32 49 4981 1232 1696 726 26791 176 51 1462 4438 480 35 198 15 432 -11493 -22 58 6543 21116 292 39 -31970 -98 50 235 70 -37 30 13731 -190 59 -662 Page 31 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . SCHUCK'S AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 -803 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 267 91 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 17651 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-54835-01 7356 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-54835-01 144 11 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 3898 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 1406 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 35-01 233 90 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 292 25 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 999 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54835-01 19478 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 914 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 311 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 614 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 819 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 147 33 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 778 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 481 88 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 447 . AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 341 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 1850 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 295 63 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-54835-01 4316 TEREX UTILITIES WEST AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 540 06 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 111 98 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 91 59 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 -653 63 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 1 ,133 00 THURMAN SUPPLY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-763q-548 34-02 1038 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501-7630-548 34-02 4251 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 1,41181 VALLEY FREIGHTLlNER INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 4513 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-54834-02 4452 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 186 96 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF October Scan chgs 501-7630-54842-10 1484 WURTH USA INC SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501-7630-54849-90 1505 Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $34,825.87 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $34,825.87 Equipment Services Fund Total: $39,580.65 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Groupwlse upgrade Manual 502-0000-237 00-00 -382 . Groupwlse training Items 502-0000-237 00-00 -304 Division Total: -$6.86 64 Page 32 . Vendor City o{Port Angeles City Coundl Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 ADVANCED TRAVEL CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CAPTAIN T'S COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS CONTINUANT INC COSTCO CREDIT CARD PMTS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST . UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department Jeffrey Groves Kevin Denton Self Insurance HEAL THCARE MGMT ADMNSTRS INC Self Insurance RON SCHROEDER OLYMPIC SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC Self Insurance . ADVANCED TRAVEL AMERICAN ASSN OF MUSEUMS ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC Account Number Department Total: LaserFlche Cont-Harper 502-2081-51843-10 Gov't Webmaster Cont-TP 502-2081-51843-10 Security Seminar-StraIt 502-2081-51843-10 INET Nov-lnternetAccess 502-2081-51842-10 UNIFORM SHIRTS/JACKETS 502-2081-51831-01 Clip art 502-2081-51831-01 Groupwlse upgrade manual 502-2081-51831-02 APC battery, cable 502-2081-518 31-60 Groupwlse training Items 502-2081-51843-10 Travel-Harper 502-2081-51843-10 Restock return 502-2081-51848-10 Maintenance-December 502-2081-518 42-10 CD's,batterles 502-2081-51831-01 LaserFlche mOnitor 502-2081-51831-60 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 502-2081-51831-01 Batteries-Strait 502-2081-51831-01 11-12 a/c 3604570411199B 502-2081-51842-10 October Shipping chgs 502-2081-51831-01 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 502-2081-51831-60 October Scan chgs 502-2081-51842-10 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 502-2081-518 48-02 Description Information Technologies Finance Department Information Technology MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT Other Insurance Programs 11-08 Dental claims EFT 11-15 Dental claims EFT 11-22 Dental claims EFT Medical Benefits CLAIM SETTLEMENT INHOUSE CLAIM SETTLEMENT OCT LEGAL FEES Comp Liability Self Insurance Self-Insurance Fund PT TV Appearance-JS East SeqUlm StudiO VISit 2006 Dues #43794 Run extension to tront 65 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503-1631-517 46-30 503-1631-517 46-30 Division Total: 503-1637-51746-01 503-1637-51746-01 503-1637-51746-01 Division Total: 503-1671-51749-98 503-1671-51749-98 503-1671-51741-50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 652-8630-57543-10 652-8630-575 43-10 652-8630-575 49-01 652-8630-57542-10 Invoice Amount -$6.86 142 34 253 25 5292 500 00 100 22 3245 4982 628 09 3969 330 41 1485 21 56 4957 324 89 8086 540 6794 645 867 43 4316 266 68 $3,877 .98 $3,877 .98 $3,871.12 146 16 332 48 $478.64 4.386 80 2,094 20 4,89410 $11,375.10 17328 196 29 100 00 $469.57 $12,323.31 $12,323.31 3760 1680 118 00 12341 Page 33 City of Port Angeles Date 11/28/2005 City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . ASM SIGNS Copper,whlte vmyls 652-8630-57531-01 7338 CONTINUANT INC Maintenance-December 652-8630-575 42-10 719 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 652-8630-57531-01 4387 QWEST 10-14 a/c 36045735327758 652-8630-57542-10 3828 11-12 a/c 36045704111998 652-8630-57542-10 2265 RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES OCT COPIES 652-8630-575 49-60 1453 SENIUK, JAKE Pond equipment 652-8630-57531-01 188 17 Office supplies,fIIters 652-8630-575 31-01 4573 Photo supplies 652-8630-57531-01 158 74 Office supplies 652-8630-57531-01 6415 Gasoline-weedwhacker 652-8630-57532-10 282 ArtlsWolunteer lunch 652-8630-575 41-50 2704 Phone card 652-8630-57542-10 1775 Postage 652-8630-57542-10 1365 Photoshop c1ass-JS,BS 652-8630-575 43-10 11200 Lehan! studio VISit 652-8630-57543-10 395 Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Division Total: $1,129.71 Esther Webster/Fine Arts Department Total: $1,129.71 Esther Webster Fund Fund Total: $1,129.71 . AFSCME LOCAL 1619 P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 54-40 8800 P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 54-40 176 00 CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 56-30 628 00 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 920-0000-231 56-30 628 00 DIMARTINOIWSCFF DISABILITY P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 53-40 890 76 EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 11-20 920-0000-231 55-30 380 00 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 54-30 1,460 00 IBEW LOCAL 997 P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 54-20 632 70 LEOFF Oct contnbutlon pe 10-23 920-0000-231 51-20 984 Contnbutlon pe 11-06-05 920-0000-231 51-20 656 Oct contnbutlon pe 10-23 920-0000-231 51-21 24,10533 Contnbutlon pe 11-06-05 920-0000-231 51-21 14,86683 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 56-20 16985 P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231 56-20 1 ,464 22 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 920-0000-231 56-20 169 85 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 920-0000-231 56-20 1,455 68 PERS Oct contnbutlon pe 10-23 920-0000-231 51-10 2,286 04 Contnbutlon pe 11-06-05 920-0000-231 51-10 2,38861 Contribution pe 11-06-05 920-0000-231 51-11 4,81025 Oct contnbutlon pe 10-23 920-0000-231.51-12 18,33594 Contnbutlon pe 11-06-05 920-0000-231 51-12 12,208 89 . POLICE ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 11-06 920-0000-231.55-10 232.00 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 920-0000-231 54-10 2,81650 66 Page 34 ....\.'l{U", :i:"~*( ..-";/~~"'J ~ ......_ ~..3 ~ -Ll ~~-:- ~ ", .,"~ Vendor UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST Totals for check period ~ ~ City of Port Angeles City Councii Expenditure Report From: 11/5/2005 To: 11/25/2005 Date 11/28/2005 Invoice Amount 222 67 327 59 3000 3,51282 1,500 00 $95,802.93 $95,802.93 $95,802.93 $804,266.13 Description P/R Deductions pe 11-06 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 P/R Deductions pe 11-06 P/R Deductions pe 11-20 Account Number 920-0000-231 56-10 920-0000-231 56-10 920-0000-231 55-20 920-0000-231 54-40 920-0000-231 53-20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Payroll Clearing From 11/5/2005 To 11/25/2005 67 Page 35 . . . Finance Department Electronic Payments November 05, 2005 - November 25, 2005 Fund 401 11-07-05 Energy NW Power Bill - September Total 69 1.603.771.00 1,603,771.00 . . . 70 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, DIrector of Public Works and UtilItIeS~ Fmal Acceptance for the 2005 Landfill Gas System Improvements Project [Project 05-17] Summary: Glacier ConstructIOn ServIces, Inc. has completed the subject work. The work has been inspected and accepted as complete. Recommendation: Accept the project and authorize release of the retainage funds upon receipt of the required clearances. Back2:round / Analvsis: The construction project to add gas transmissIOn lines at the landfill has been mspected and accepted as complete. GlacIer ConstructIOn Services, Inc. has been paid m full and retainage funds held by the City will be released upon receipt of the reqUired clearances. Funding for the entire project, mcludmg change orders, came from the CIty'S solId waste fund. A summary of the project costs follows: Original Contract Change Orders Unit Quantity Project Cost Amount (0) Variations Final Cost Variance $97,590.26 $8,718.84 $106,309.10 8.9% It IS recommended that Council accept the project and authonze release of the retamage upon receIpt of the reqUired clearances. 71 N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\LandfilJ Gas System Improvements 2005, ProJ 05-17 doc . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 6, 2005 FROM: CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City ClerklManagement Assistant WV To: SUBJECT: Appointment of City Representatives to Clallam County Advisory Boards Summary: The terms of office for two City representatives serving on Clallam County Advisory Boards expire as of December 31, 2005. The County has asked for the City's recommendation as to the reappointment of the two representatives. In addition, the County has asked that a City representative serve on the recently formed Homelessness Task Force. . Recommendation: Recommend the reappointment of Karen McCormick to the Clallam County Opportunity Fund and Dan McKeen to the Public Health Advisory Board and, further, recommend the 'appointment of Mark Madsen as the CIty representative to the Homelessness Task Force. Backeround / Analysis: Various City representatives serve on Clallam County Advisory Boards, and two terms of office expire as of December 31, 2005. Karen McCormick has been serving as the City's representative to the Clallam County Opportunity Fund, and she has expressed a desire to continue serving in that capacity for another two-year term. Ms. McCormick is very interested in economic development and, to that end, she is a valuable asset to the Opportunity Fund Board. Fire Chief Dan McKeen has been the City's representative on the Public Health Advisory Board for the last several years and he, too, has expressed a desire to continue servmg in that capacity for another two-year term. The Clallam County Commissioners recently established the Homelessness Task Force for the purpose of developing a Ten-Year Homeless Housing Strategic Plan for the County. The Task Force will also assist the Board of Commissioners in reviewing proposals for expenditures of funds, prioritizmg and recommending fund distribution, and ensuring that funds are spent to accomplish the goals set forth in the plan. The City of Port Angeles has been asked to provide a representative to the Task Force, and Manager Madsen has offered to fill that role. . The City Council's recommendations will be forwarded to the Clallam County Commissioners, who will then make the final appointments. 73 . . . 74 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL Mark E. Madsen, City Manager )11~~ Appointment of Councilmember Rogers to Clallam Business Incubator Board of Directors Summary: The composition of the Board of Directors of the Clallam Business Incubator is increasing from three to five members. The Board has asked that Councilmember Karen Rogers join its membership. Recommendation: Appoint Councilmember Karen Rogers to the Clallam Business Incubator Board of Directors. Back2round I Analysis: As you know, the City of Port Angeles has greatly expanded its role in helping to manage the Clallam Business Incubator. The Board is desirous of increasing its membership from three to five members, and Councilmember Karen Rogers has been asked to join the Board in order to benefit from her leadership, her entrepreneurial spirit, and her dedication to economic development in the community. The Council is being asked to formally appoint Councilmember Rogers to the Board at this time. 75 . . . 76 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City ClerklManagement Assistant ~ Acceptance of 2005-2007 Washington State Archives Local Records Grant Summary: The City of Port Angeles has been awarded a 2005-2007 Washington State Archives Local Records Grant in the amount of $7,000. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign acceptance ofthe grant award and the rant a reement, sub' ect to the a royal of the Ci Attorne. Backeround I Analvsis: At the present time, original City Council Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions, all dating back to 1890, are stored in the City's vault. It has long been a goal to transfer all ofthese original documents to the State Archives for safekeeping, as it is extremely important for documents of such historic value to be stored in a safe and environmentally sound location. In addition, the original documents should be stored away from City Hall in the State Archives Center in the interest of emergency preparedness. . Although many of these documents have been microfilmed over the years, the ideal situation is to have all of them digitized into the City's LaserFiche system with back-ups of the digitized version sent to the State Digital Archives Center. Also, in keeping with State standards, these documents must be microfilmed with back-ups stored at the State. Once the digitizing and microfilming has been completed, the original documents can then be moved to the State Archives for safekeeping. The City applied for a $7,000 Local Records Grant from the Secretary of State, a grant designed for jurisdictions under 20,000 to enhance or improve the preservation and management oflegal archIval and historic documents. Notification was just received that the grant has been awarded to the City, and it is intended that the State Archives Imaging Division will do the digitizing and microfilming ofthe Minutes, Ordinances, and Resolutions for the City. The added benefit ofthis project is that all documents can then be made available on the City's website in a digital form. Weare pleased to be the recipient ofthese grant funds and look forward to protecting and preservmg these very important records. . 77 . . . F. CONSENT AGENDA: 8. Amend Parking Lease - Dupar Paperwork to be distributed at Meeting l8A . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL Mark Madsen - CIty Manager/Property Manager 7JI!~ '1'1"L UtIlIty RIght-of-Way (ROW) Easement Summary: Electnc UtIlIty DIVISIOn needs to establIsh a permanent easement across CIty owned property located on Golf Course Road Just North of the BP A power transmISSIOn lInes. Recommendation: Approve granting an easement on CIty Owned property identified as Tax Parcel # 0630141401100000, and authonze Mayor to SIgn Easement Agreement. Background / Analysis: To install and maintain power utilIty poles and equipment, the City's Electric UtIlity DivlSlon reqUIres an easement across property currently owned by the City in the vicmity of Golf Course Road and the BP A power transmissIOn lInes (see attached survey map). Easement Agreement will create a permanent 20' wide utility ROW easement on this parcel. ThIS item has been approved by the Real Estate Committee. 79 . . " . 80 ~'A' , . CASDICNT FOR aECTRtC TRANSJJfSS/ON N<<J tJt5TRfBVrION I.JNC OR mrr.w IN FAKJR OF THE arr OF' PORT ANGElES. . 1HIS SUFMY IS ElASE:D ON THe WASHINGTQN COOROINATe S'r'STCM NORTH ZONe NAOf(9I), SASEO ON TIES 0 City CONtROL 10 N JI4-4-' J'5-J~1 AND Kr4-4-1 PE. VOL J' OF SURV(Y5, PACe 22 gy FlF:1.D SeCOND AND AN gNlCe WITH A NOrrs' I THIS SUFMY IS BASeD ON THe SecnON SUBDIVISION PeR VOLUMe 9 OF SURV(Y5 PAGe IJ9, THeN ROTATeD AND SC4LE:D TO BCST m 1998 TRAVCRSe BnwreN crrr CONTROL ID No J14-.f-7, J7S-J-1 4" Kr"-;f-l THe MONUMeNTS AT THe Ne AND NW CORNCRS or THe Se 1/' OF THe Ne 1/' or SecnON " AND CITY CONTROL 10 Ik> Jl'-'- I weRe USeD FOR BASIS or ROTAnON 2 THe C8flFRUNe OF THe B P A CASCMeNT WAS ORIGINALL Y C4LCULATE:D BASeD ON SecnON SUBDMSION peR VOLUMe 9 OF SURV(Y5 PAGe lJ9, A ROTAnON ANGLe or -00'02 .9" WAS USeD ElASeD ON COMPARISlONS WITH SUBDIVISION UNeS SHOWN ON THe BPA RIGHT-OF-WAY PLANS DATeD JUNr 19 1964 11111111111911111 1998 1006773 = \..o~ '\ GO'l/~~~"'~~~ b \..0"( '\ s",O~"( ___~ ,\" O:p..G~ 9" 'I/O\.. ?\..p..,-&.---_____ FfNCC CORNE1I J.D' SOI.ITH ~ 0.' CAST OF &stJl.<EN'T 2.0 ft,WIDE.. ro<nC> M4$S CAI'/ CITY ID No. JI~ I PCR .a. J4 OF 5UMlS. f'G. :u NBrlJ'S..w 'Zo' T PARCEL 1 IH1I2 IlEV4 8EV4 1lE1/41 4.18 AC -- .v- NO 241<<b - -- - nNCE J,5 $(JIJ1H OF .v 58716"1 J" -----~~Jg~: 'C,,'$OfJTHOf'iiNr" --___ ___ 1DICC z r SoutH OF UNt FrHCC 2" SOUTH or LN :t I "- 5 ~ ~ i!: ~: ;t~ ~~ I:!:> :li'" ~ ~\'l g.. ~ u.., ~~ ~ ,,::s ~~ ~~ RECORD OF SURVEY SURVEY OF PARCEL 1 OF SURVEY RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 139, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST, W.M., CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET THEREOF. FOR: THE crrr OF PORT ANGELES DATE: FEBRUARY J, 1998 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE' AUDITOR'S FILE No 717525 LEGEND @ $CT 5/T RC1WI wmf PI.).SnC SIJINtY eN' -WT7-SCOJT LS zJ.I()(1' WfTH FtASnc GU'tRD LATH SCT ,/6* IfCBAR wr7H Fl.AS71C $tJR\of'Y CAP .Im-SCOTT LS 2J4(}(f . WITH PI.AS7JC GUMO l.A1H ALSO FOVHD ~ PIPe I7l..UI) w/COHC ~Hll"}~ ~ COPPeR ".~ SO, ,n, D.M FROM CClCUA7lD I'OSInoH SCT '/If' Rf:8AR Itfflf Pl.AST1C 5UIM'Y CAP "1ffl-SCOTT LS 23<<Kf" IM1l1 FVSnC CU4RO 1.A1H ALSO FOUND 5'" PfPC F1ULD W/CONC NtID COPPCR WtRc. sot"2~ C ',,22 FRON C"C.CVLArrD /'OSITION. o 100 ~..._ I 200 I @ ~ . , FOUND ,. IRON PtP( Itfflf CAP "t.S '.47S" HJ(1'~."W 0.22 FROM CALCUlA1lD POsmoN. fOUND I" IRON PIPe 'Itf1H CAP "g,7tf" HJ70r'C 0.24. FROIrI CALCtIl.A1lD POS/T1ON. J CORNCR AND UNe MONUMeNT AnON PCRFORMeO """"'1l3 CX/S1INC FrNCC UNC FeBRUARY 10, 199B ~ < o ,. (/J .0 ..- - -zv .NlCAlD o:rST1NG wet OF MI/EItIENT SUFM:YOR'S CERTIFICATE t BARRAT G SCOTT, P l-S 2J~00, A UCeNSE:D PROF<SSIONAJ. LAND SURVf:YOI1 IN THe STAtr or WASHINGTON HCRCBY CeRnFY THAT THIS MAP CORReCTlY RCPReS8fT5 A suFMY MADe BY Mf OR UNOCR MY OIReCnON IN CONrORMANCe WITH THe SURYO'ReCOROING ACT AT THe RCOUeST or STCVf: HURSH, eNGINEERING .lWlAGCR. aTY or PORT ANGa.CS RITORDING CERTlF1CATE FlLE:D flJ.R .ReCORO AT'AT1:JL ReOueST or NORTHWE:StrRN trRRITORICS INC ~DAY }!r, e!{.IL 1998 AD AT~MINrJtrS PAST ,,ft/t':.o;tJifl:'17~ ~~A~f:f~r ,{!,Sfuugg8ff~. '?'fs:';:~for: w ~lb~~'~a~~'::a"::"CC::DMC .....::a Cl NOR1HWCSTCIm TrRllfTDRLS, ,.;. rln $CAlL. ,. _ 100 OAlL oZ/2O/N Oft"...... ffHJ Pl.AT Ot[oaD 8Y. RHJ fiN...... RfIAE" RCC SHtIT , Of" I Dep~~TYJ!:://~ O NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES. INC. ~.l"",,",""'''''''''''' ColIIIfrvdlM CoonIlVIbt . "',.",.., T",*" NT I m SOUTH I'EAIOD1I'OllI AllOMS. w...,..r~ tun. IJM) .,,...... RECORD OF SURVEY PARCEL 1, GOLF COURSE ROAD FOR: THE CITY OF PORT ELES ..,:>oH-<<GWl rn ~-~......"-",,,--~ ......-~~~.~~~.. ,-~-- ...~,- ~~~.-"......~-- ~""~-~--=-'" < City of Port Angeles Pubhc Works and UtIhty Engmeenng 321 E 5TH ST. Port Angeles, W A 98362 RIGHT -OF- WAY EASEMENT . Grantor(s) CITY OF PORT ANGELES Grantee(s) City of Port Angeles, WashIngton For good and valuable consideratIon, receipt of whICh IS hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, owners of the land below descnbed, hereby grant to the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporatIOn, the Grantee, the perpetual, Irrevocable easement and nght of way under, over and across the land descnbed below The Grantee shall have the nght to place, locate, construct, operate, repair, mamtam, replace and keep clear thereon an overhead and/or underground electnc transmiSSion and dlstnbutIon lme and/or system, together With such other Imes and eqUIpment as may be placed there on by the grantee or by others WIth ItS consent, mcludmg the nght to cut down and tnm trees to the extent necessary to keep them clear of such lme or system and to cut down, from time to tIme, all dead, weak, leamng or dangerous trees that are tall enough to stnke the wires The Grantor(s) shall not erect or place any structure, buIldmg, tree or shrub on the land below descnbed WIthOut the express wntten penmsslOn of the City of Port Angeles. The land referred to IS m Section 14, TownshIp TPA 30 N, Range 6 WWM, Clallam County, Washmgton, and the easement IS more specifically descnbed as follows' Lot!Block. SUR V39 P37 493A Tax Parcel 0630141401100000 An all-mcluslve easement twenty (20') feet Wide along the north property lme 1) Grantee shall have the nght to mgress and egress over and across the land ofthe Grantor to and from the above-descnbed property and the nght to clear all obstructIons from the descnbed property Grantee shall at all tImes have the nght to full and free mgress to and egress from such said property for all purposes herem mentIoned 2) Grantee shall not be responSible for damage caused to Grantor ansmg from Grantee's exercise of the nghts and pnvIleges herem granted 3) The Grantor shall not occupy or use the descnbed property m a manner mconslstent With or mterfenng With the herem granted 4) Ifm the future the nght-ofway easement IS abandoned by the City, the nghts conveyed to the City of Port Angeles by thiS easement wIll thereupon revert back to the property owner(s) and thIs easement shall be VOId . 5) The nght herem granted shall mure to the benefit of the grantee's successorS'and aSSigns, mcludmg any party wmch It may grant contact, Jomt user or other similar nghts . DATED STATE OF WASHINGTON} COUNTY OF CLALLAM} ss Dus IS to certify that on this day of , personally appeared before me to me known to be the mdlVldual _ descnbed m and who executed the foregomg mstrument, and acknowledged that ----,-signed the same as _ free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purpose therem mentJoned Given under my hand and offiCial seal thiS _ day of Notary Pubhc m and for the State ofWashmgton Resldmg at . 82 DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY 2006 Contract for fudIgent Defense ServIces SUMMARY: The Clallam PublIc Defender has agreed to provIde mdIgent defense servIces for the calendar year of 2006 m the annual amount of $33,000. RECOMMENDATION: It IS recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached agreement for mdIgent legal services with the Clallam Public Defender in the amount of $33,000 for the year 2006 Discussion: fu 1997, the CIty of Port Angeles entered mto a contract with the Clallam-Jefferson PublIc Defender (now known as Clallam PublIc Defender) after puttmg out a request for proposals for mdlgent legal defense servIces as reqUIred by federal and state constItutIOns. The CIty CouncIl has authonzed the annual compensatIOn at $33,000 smce 2002 Tills year, the PublIc Defender has agreed to prOVIde those servIces for the same amount of compen ation for the year 2006 at $33,000. WEB\rf Attachment G \LEGAL\MEMOS 2005\Conncll Memo 2006 Contract Pub Defwpd AGREEMENT FOR INDIGENT LEGAL DEFENSE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT IS entered mto between the CIty of Port Angeles (heremafter called "C1~lallam Pubhc Defender (heremafter called "Contractor") 1S entered mlo tms ~ day of ,2005. REPRESENTATIONS 1. The City reqmres the professlOnal servIces of the Contractor m order to provIde mdlgent representatlOn for mIsdemeanor and gross mIsdemeanor defendants that are prosecuted by the CIty of Port Angeles and under CITcumstances that legal defense IS requITed eIther under the ConstltutlOn of the Umted States or under the ConstItution and laws of the State ofWashmgton. 2 The Contractor IS qualified and capable of meetmg the professIOnal standards for provldmg cnmmal defense and related servIces for mdlgent mIsdemeanor and gross mIsdemeanor defendants facmg commItment or mcarceratlOn for offenses prosecuted by the CIty of Port Angeles AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, in conslderatlOn of specIfied legal servIces to be provIded by the Contractor and the monetary payments to be made to the Contractor by the CIty, as herem provIded, the partIes hereby agree as follows: 1 Term of Agreement. ThIS agreement shall be m effect from the first day of January, 2006 through the 31 st day of December, 2006. 2 Scope of Work. The Contractor shall provIde cnmma1 defense and related servIces ror mdlgent mIsdemeanor and gross mIsdemeanor derendants and cenam other persons facmg commItment or mcarceratlOn for offenses prosecuted by the City of Port Angeles. The Contractor's ob1igatlOn to provIde servIces, and the CIty'S obligatlOn to pay for such servIces, under this agreement shall be limIted to cases or matters m which the DIStnCt Court Judge or pro-tern judge or commisslOner havmg jUnSdlctlOn over the case or matter makes a specIfic determinatlOn of mdlgence, based on a faIT study of need, and appomts Contractor to the case or matter by court order. The Contractor has the right, for good cause shown and WIth the Court's permISSIOn, to dechne to represent or dlscontmue representmg any mdlvldual, who by his or her request, action, conduct, or finanCIal abIlity, Waives the nght to the aSSIstance of counsel at public expense - 1 - In the event of a conflIct of mterest ansing and prec1udmg contractor from representmg a clIent, and upon a fmdmg by the Court that such conflIct eXIsts and precludes contractor from representmg the defendant, and the court desIgnates another attorney to represent the clIent, It shall be at the expense of the City. The Contractor wIll contmue actIve representatIOn and wIll complete cases whIch were assIgned m the calendar year covered by the term oftms contract briefly and WIth due dIlIgence, and m the event that the Contractor IS not awarded the contract for the following calendar year, the Contractor shall then be compensated at the hourly rate of $35 00 per hour In the event that work IS necessary on carryover cases and the Contractor IS not awarded the contract, Contractor will be responSIble for keepmg a record of tIme worked under the term OfthIS contract on cases for the CIty and must submIt a monthly ItemIzed statement of hours worked and request for payment to the CIty. Nothmg m thIS agreement shall be construed to Imparr or mhlblt the exerCIse of mdependent profeSSIOnal Judgment when an attorney/clIent pnvllege has been establIshed, nor shall thIS agreement requrre or authonze any attorney to engage m conduct prohibIted by the Code of ProfeSSIOnal ResponSIbIlIty In order to make sure that the Contractor's caseload IS bemg handled effiCIently and ill cooperatIOn WIth the efforts of the DIStnCt Court and the CIty Attorney's Office, the Contractor agrees to comply WIth the followmg gmdelmes to the extent possible: " C7 a. A specific PublIc Defender shall be aSSIgned to each case as soon as notIce IS receIved of the DIStrIct Court appomtment. b The PublIc Defender shall meet WIth the clIent and dISCUSS the CIty Prosecutor's plea offer before the arraignment c The PublIc Defender shall attend the arraignment for each case and be prepared to respond to the plea offer. d To the maXImum extent practIcable, the Contractor shall arrange for backup coverage for PublIc Defenders who are unable to make scheduled court appearances due to vacatIOn or other such reasons that allow advance notice, ill order to mInImIZe contmuances. 3. CompensatIOn. Based upon the antIcipated case load of approXImately 490 cases for the 2006 calendar year, payment from the CIty to the Contractor shall be $33,000 per calendar year to be made on a monthly baSIS WIth each monthly payment equal to 1/12th of the total amount as herem stated. Tills agreement may be periodIcally reVIewed and renegotIated as necessary by eIther party WIth respect to case load, but m the event that Contractor's court aSSIgnments/appointments exceed, or are predIcted to exceed, more than 525 cases, the contract shall be renegotIated unless the contractor waives the nght of renegotIatIOn or does not gIVe the CIty notIce of mtent to renegotIate at least 90 days before the end of the calendar year 2006. - 2 - 4. Independent contractor The status of the Contractor hereunder IS that of an mdependent contractor and the Contractor shall not be construed to be an employee or employees of the CIty of Port Angeles As an mdependent contractor, the Contractor is not entItled to any benefits avaIlable to employees of the CIty, and the Contractor IS responsIble for wlthholdmg any momes reqUIred to be WIthheld from Contractor's employees pursuant to local, state or federal law, mcludmg but not lImIted to worker's compensatIOn, socIal secunty, mcome taxes, use taxes and busmess and occupatIOns taxes collected by the State ofWashmgton. 5. Records The CIty shall have the nght to reasonably audIt busmess records of the Contractor (exclusIve of attorney-clIent confidentIal records) WhICh are relevant to the performance of thIS Agreement. Such reVIew may occur upon thIrty days notIce to the Contractor, and may mclude, but not be lImited to, on-sIte mspectIOn by CIty agents or employees of all financIal and non- pnvIleged records or other matenals WhICh are pertment to thIS Agreement and Its performance, and any and all non-pnvIleged commumcatIOns relevant to the performance of thIS Agreement. The Contractor shall preserve and mamtam all finanCIal records and records relatmg to the performance of thIS agreement for three years after contract termmatlOn and shall make such records aVaIlable for reVIew by the CIty upon request. 6 ModIficatIOns. EIther party may request changes m the agreement, however, any and all modlficatlOns shall be m writing and sIgned by each of the partIes " 7. TermmatlOn. The CIty may termmate this agreement at any tIme upon not less than mnety (90) days wntten notice to the Contractor, m whIch event the Contractor shall be paId for the percentage of the caseload completed by the Contractor 8. Default. In the event that the Contractor defaults by fallIng to perform any of the obhgatlOns of this agreement, the CIty shall have aVailable all contractual remedIes under the laws of the State of Washmgton. If the CIty chooses to termmate the agreement for default by the Contractor, the CIty may at Its option obtam performance ofthe work elsewhere and shall be entItled to recover any extra cost or damage to the CIty resultmg from such default by deductIOn from any money due or commg to the Contractor. The Contractor shall bear any extra expenses mcurred by the City in completmg the work, mcludmg all mcreased costs for completrng the work, and all damage sustamed, or whIch may be sustamed by the CIty by reason of such default. 9 NondlscnmmatlOn. The Contractor shall not discrimmate agamst any person on the baSIS of race, color, relIglOn, sex, mantal status, VIetnam era veteran's status, dIsabled veteran condItIOn, physIcal or mental handIcap, or natIOnal ongm. 10. IndemmficatIOn/Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, mdemmfy and hold the City, Its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claIms, injuries, damages, losses or SUIts mcludmg attorney fees, ansmg out of or m connectlOn WIth the performance of thIS Agreement, except for mJunes and damages caused by the sole neglIgence of the CIty. 11. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and main tam for the duratIOn of thIS agreement a polIcy of profeSSIOnal lIabIlIty msurance provIding coverage of at least $1,000,000 - 3 - against professIOnal liabilIty In connectIOn wIth the work to be performed by Contractor under thIS agreement. 12 ApplIcable Law. ThIS Agreement shall be construed and mterpreted In accordance With the laws of the State of Washmgton, and m the event of dIspute the venue of any lItIgatIOn brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed tills Agreement as of the day and year first wntten above CITY OF PORT ANGELES CONTRACTOR BY Richard A. Headnck, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM' WIllIam E. Bloor CIty Attorney ATTEST Becky J Upton City Clerk G ILegal_ BaekupIAGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS12005 Agml,&Conlraets12006PubheDefenderll-30-05Conlrael wpd - 4 - . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORT ANGELES ..L .L.L WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL Sue Roberds, Plannmg + Amended ResolutIOn settmg public hearing for consideratIOn of Street Vacation - STV 05-05 - Gardner Summary: Adoption of an amended resolutIOn. Recommendation: The City Council should adopt the attached amended resolution. Backt!found / Analysis: . On November 15, 2005, the CIty CouncIl adopted Resolution 22-05 setting a publIc heanng for January 17, 2006, for consIderation of a portion of Second Street located east of vacated alder Street. The legal descnption was not correct and IS amended by the attached amended resolutIOn. Notlnng else about the process is changed. Attachment T \FORMS\Councllmemo . 83 . AMENDED RESOLUTION NO. AN AMENDED RESOLUTION ofthe CIty CouncIl ofthe CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton, correctmg the legal descnptlon m ResolutIOn 22-05 and settmg a heanng date of January 17, 2006 for a petItIOn to vacate a portIOn of Second Street located east of vacated Alder Street, In Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washmgton. WHEREAS, a petItIOn IS on file WIth the City of Port Angeles to vacate property in Port Angeles, Washmgton described as follows: . That portIOn of Second Street abuttmg Lots 10, 11, Block 120 T.W. Carter's, Lots 8,9, Block B, T.W. Carter's together WIth that portion of Second Street abuttIng Alder Street preVIOusly vacated by CIty of Port Angeles OrdInances # 1228 and 2352, TownSIte of Port Angeles, all m Clallam County, Washmgton. WHEREAS, the petItIOners own more than two-thirds ofthe property abuttmg upon the nght-of-way to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CIty Council of the CIty of Port Angeles as follows: SectIOn 1. The petition to vacate the above-descnbed CIty nght-of-way shall be heard and determIned by the CIty Council In the CouncIl Chambers, 321 East FIfth Street, at the CouncIl's regular meetmg on January 17,2006 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. SectIOn 2. The CIty Clerk is hereby dIrected to gIve notice ofthe pendency ofthe petItIOn and the time and place ofthe heanng in accordance WIth the proVIsions ofRCW 35.79.020. . 85 -1- PASSED by the City Councll of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of Said Councll held on the 6th day of December, 2005. RIchard A Headrick, Mayor ATTEST: Becky J Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wilham E Bloor, City Attorney G ILegal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2005-21 GardmerStreetVac-Hear'g 110905 wpd November 29, 2005 86 _ 2 _ . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: F'ORT' '~, N'GiE' /1' E'S J}I ) ,y 'I f i' I i ~ ,,:;iY <<N ~ ~ u" i __~ ,.,--< r WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY Gateway - Niichel Property Summary: One principal reason to purchase the Niichel property IS to provide additional public parking in the downtown area. To move forward with the purchase of the Niichel property, since a substantial purpose, is off-street parking, then some additional requirements apply. This will outline the steps to satisfy those requirements. . Action: On December 6, first reading of proposed ordinance and set a public hearing for December 20,2005. The hearing will address the acquisition of the land, operation of the parking facilIty, and the method of financing. December 20, hold pubhc hearing. After the public hearing, if appropriate, the City Council may adopt an ordinance approving the acquisition, parking plan, and financmg. Back2round: ProvIsIon of additional public off-street parking is one reason prompting the purchase of the NiIchel property. Smce parking is one reason supporting purchase of the property, several statutory reqUIrements apply. In brief, for the Nhchel property purchase the City CouncIl must conduct a pubhc hearing and then adopt an ordinance. The ordinance must list the reasons (findings) off-street parking facihties are needed and the manner in whIch they will be financed and operated. Pnor to adopting such an ordinance the City must hold a public hearing. . To satisfy these requirements, Council should set a public hearing for December 20. In addition, staff will present to Council a financing plan, a parkmg report, and an operating plan. After 87 Page 2 December l, 2005 Memo to COlUlCll - Nnchel Property receiving the public comment and those reports, the CouncIl, on December 20, may determine whether to adopt an ordinance approving the purchase. ~ I ~~ ~/ Wllliam E. Bloor, City Attorney Attachment WEB\jd G ILEGAL\MEMOS 2005\CouncllNllchelAcqUlSll1on wpd 88 . . . . ~ORT ANGELES .. WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 6, 2005 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST AIL! PRINCIPAL PLANNER SUBJECT: Downtown Parking Facility Summary: Findings in support of a downtown parking facility. Recommendation: Adoptfindings supporting a Downtown parkingfacility and direct staff to prepare detailed plans for parking. . Backe:round I Analvsis: Multiple studies have been conducted that have identified the need for additional parking in downtown Port Angeles. Further parking demand will be created by completion of the Gateway project and the development of the Oak Street property. An appropriately designed pedestrian friendly and transit oriented parking facility would complement and directly contribute to the intent of the Gateway project. The availability of convenient parking would encourage the use of mass transit includmg busses and ferries. Centrally located parking would promote the walk-ability of Downtown. Additionally, it is in the public's best interest to reduce the number of parking lots in the Downtown area by consolidating parking. Concentration of parking can result in the aggregation of Downtown properties into more attractive, developable parcels that provide opportunities for new economic development. The 2002 "Ravenhurst Development Inc. Parking Garage Feasibility Study" identified the need for short term parking for ferry customers and tourism in the Downtown area. The Ravenhurst study noted that the Gateway project and the Oak Street project are anticipated to result in a shortfall of 250 parking spaces for tourists and ferry passengers during peak summer months. The report established that additional parking is necessary for regular Downtown public events, including summer concerts and festivals. "The Port Angeles Multimodal Transportation Project Action Plan Report" from December 1994 recommended joint use parking structures to allow for parking during peak demand. It further recommended that business and long term ferry parking be increased in the Downtown. The plan noted that added ferry parking is a seasonal problem that is significant only 3 to 4 months of the year as well as holidays and weekends. . The 1998 "Downtown Parking Development Management Plan" established policies in support of Downtown parking structures. The plan indicated that there should be no net loss of parking spaces in the Downtown. A goal (Goal A) of the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan directs . the development of a coordinated multi-modal transportation system in or near the Downtown core. The Transportation Element notes that parking requirements should make allowances for shared parking facilities. Consolidation of parking facilities supports the above plans and will help to reallocate valuable commercial real estate for new development and common open space areas. Such a facility will contribute to creating a more transit friendly and walkable Downtown. The parking facility will show positive city leadership in establishing a trend towards central downtown parking that will enhance the attractiveness and business opportunities in the Central Business District. A spreadsheet illustrating site preparation costs and potential parking areas is attached for your information. Upon Council direction, staff will proceed to draft a plan for a centralized parking facility that incorporates a transit oriented and pedestrian friendly design. Attachments A 8 C D Findings and ConclUSions In support of a centralized parking structure Draft Ordinance and Resolution Parking faCIlity spreadsheet Area map . T'\CC\Parkmg Facility Memo to City Council doc . . . . Attachment A Findings and Conclusions in Support of Downtown Parking Facility - CITY OF PORT ANGELES Findine:s 1. Several studies have been done to ascertain parking needs in the Central Business District (CBD) commonly referred to as downtown. 2. In 2002, the City contracted for a study to determine parking needs in the Port Angeles CBD. The resulting study was entitled "Ravenhurst Development Inc Parking Garage Feasibility Study" and identified the need for short term parking for ferry customers and tourism. 3. The Ravenhurst study predicted that the City's proposed Gateway project and the Oak Street project are anticipated to result in a shortfall of250 parking spaces for tourists and ferry passengers during peak summer months. 4. The Ravenhurst study indicated that additional parking is necessary for regular Downtown public events, including summer concerts and festivals. 5. Heavy ferry parking is mainly a seasonal problem that is particularly significant only 3 to 4 months of the year as well as holidays and weekends. Summer months include additional ferry traffic with the addition of a passenger only ferry to Victoria. 6. "The December 1994 Port Angeles Multimodal Transportation Project Action Plan Report" recommends joint use parking structures to allow for parking during peak demand. It further recommended that parking be increased for businesses and 10ng- term ferry parking. 7. The 1998 "Downtown Parking Development Management Plan" identifies policies in support of Downtown parking structures. Policy 11 of the document states that: There should be no permanent loss of parking spaces in the Downtown. 8. In accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element, Goal F, Policy 4, Objective 4, "The City will consider various parking options to mitigate parking impacts from the Gateway Project and other Downtown projects." 9. Transportation Element Goal B Policy 16 "Parking requirements should make allowances for shared parking facilities." 10. Capital Facilities Element Goal E supports a structure as it aids in the reduction of impervious surfaces. 11. The CBD encourages a variety of uses including mixed residential and commercial as well as office and hospitality uses that are currently restricted due to the limitation of centralized parking. 12. Pedestrian oriented Downtown areas are historically enhanced by centralized . parking that can stimulate the development of open space and plaza areas that would otherwise be needed for parking. In an auto oriented society it is important to provide parking that is convenient but also encourages people to stay longer due to its convenient, centralized location. 13. Private enterprise has been unable to develop parking structures or areas that can adequately provide large scale parking in the CBD although such a plans have been discussed for more than twenty (20) years. Conclusions: 1. A parking facility is necessary to mitigate the construction of Gateway and Oak Street Developments. 2. The development of a centralized parking facility contribute to building a transit oriented and pedestrian friendly Downtown. 3. Construction of a parking facility will reallocate space for new development Downtown. It will also encourage additional consolidated economic development opportunities in the CBD that do not now exist. Infill and the consolidation of . properties is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and long range planning goals for healthy economic development and is therefore in the public interest. 4. The proposed parking facility will benefit the public by providing adequate parking for a variety of Downtown uses. 5. The expansion and diversification of a variety of uses and activities in the Downtown will be greatly enhanced by development of a consolidated parking facility in a centralized location. T \CC\Parkmg FacilIty Memo to CIty CouncIl doc . . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the CIty Council of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton, settmg a pubhc hearmg on December 20th, 2005 to consIder an ordmance authonzmg the purchase of property to be acqUlred, m part, for off-street parkmg. WHEREAS, a pubhc heanng IS necessary to consider the purchase of property to be acqurred, in part, for off-street parkmg; BE IT RESOLVED, that the CIty Councll will hold a public hearing on the 20th day of December, 2005, commencmg at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter, at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washmgton, to consIder the purchase of property for off-street parkmg The subject of the heanng will be the requrrements for off-street parkmg facilitIes m the downtown area, the . frnancrng for the purchase of the property and the method by which the property will be operated and managed. PASSED by the City CouncIl of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meetrng of said Council held on the _ th day of ,2005. Richard A. Headrick, Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, CIty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wilham E. Bloor, CIty Attorney R2005-24 SettlDgHeanngDale-Nllchel wpd . -1- ORDThlANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washington approvmg the purchase of the NiIchel property to be acquIred m part for off- street parkmg. WHEREAS, the CIty of Port Angeles, CIty Council conducted a publIc heanng on December 20th, 2005 for consIderatIOn of the purchase of property to be acqUIred, m part, for off- street parking ; and WHEREAS, as a result of the comments, testImony and eVIdence presented, the CouncIl fmds that it IS in the best mterest of the CIty to approve the purchase of the property, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNClL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The attached findmgs and conclusions, marked ExhIbIt A, are . mcorporated herein by tills reference, approved and adopted Section 2. The CIty Council approves the purchase of the property to be acqUIred, m part, for publIc parking. Section 3. The plan for fmancmg the acqUISItion ofthe property, marked ExhibIt B, IS mcorporated herein by this reference, approved and adopted. Section 4. The plan for management, operation and construction of parking facilities, marked ExhibIt C, IS incorporated herein by this reference, adopted and approved. Section 5. The ComprehensIve ParkIng Plan for downtown parking, origmally approved m 1998, IS hereby amended and updated to include the information relatmg to the additional parkmg facilities made possible by acquisItion ofthe property. With that addition, the . comprehensIVe Parking Plan is hereby ratIfied and confirmed. -1- . SectIOn 4. EffectIve Date. This ordinance shall take effect five days after Its publIcatIOn by summary PASSED by the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of Said Council held on the day of ,2005 Richard A Headnck, Mayor ATTEST' APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky 1. Upton, CIty Clerk WIllIam Bloor, CIty Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary G \Legal_ Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2005-48 NucheJPro petty wpd . . -2- . Parking Analysis for Gtlway and Niichel Site . Attac.ntc PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE Parking Area Parking Area 1" Overlay 2" Paving Building Site Dimensions Square Feet Costs* Costs* Removal Costs Total Costs Budget ParkinQ Lot 50x290 14,500 $ 21,750 $ 30,000 $ 51,750 Restaurant Lot 75x150 11,250 $ - $ 30,938 $ 150,000 $ 180,938 Budget Garage(Est ) 75x140 10,500 $ - $ 28,875 $ 390,000 $ 418,875 Total NA 36,250 $ 21,750 $ 59,813 $ 570,000 $ 651,563 NO PARKING STRUCTURE Parking Area Parking Area 1" Overlay 2" Paving Building Site Dimensions Square Feet Costs* Costs* Removal Costs Total Costs BudQet ParklnQ Lot 110x290 31 ,900 $ 47,850 $ 30,000 $ 77,850 Restaurant Lot 75x150 11,250 $ - $ 30,938 $ 150,000 $ 180,938 Budget Garage(Est ) 75x140 10,500 $ - $ 31,625 $ 390,000 $ 421,625 Total NA 53,650 $ 47,850 $ 62,563 $ 570,000 $ 680,413 * Costs Per Square Foot 1" Overlay $ 1 50 2" New Paving $ 2 75 Gateway and Parking Structure Costs Not Included m Estimates PARKING SPACES Proposed Proposed Parking With Parking No Site Existing Structure Structure Gatewav 165 59 59 ParklnQ Structure 0 120 0 BudQet Parking Lot 45 45 124 Restaurant Lot 19 19 19 BudQet GaraQe(Est ) 64 32 32 Parking Galns* 0 14 17 Total 293 289 251 *Gams as a result of reconfiguration Nllchel Purch Parklng2 xis 1 of 1 II / / / "" ,/ , / ~ I ~/ /" / '" I I I / /t:- '"\ , ''^'-. 1i>~/h 1"0 ~O' .-<1 v$. I"~, "'"' / 'j " "'- ~ <7 "'v o f8 S ..J "',", ,/ / <, 7'?,... "'" " '"' / " j::-A, '0' '0 7"'-"l)/& 7/7 t " < 7 , "'0' , ';C.".. o ~ CJO .~ 'V " ''"' ''', 7.;>.;> / <"07 <" " ~" 7",>--., /~2'" ""', ", " ""-,- Attachment 0 ,r", / "'" /v~ "'"' '-'" -/" '.....,~...... , ') <., N w.' s /'/ \\\ . J .- , , . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton approvmg the purchase ofthe Nllchel property to be acqUIred m part for off- street parking. WHEREAS, the CIty of Port Angeles, City Council conducted a publIc heanng on December 20th, 2005 for consideratIOn ofthe purchase of property to be acqUIred, m part, for off- street parkmg ; and WHEREAS, as a result of the comments, testImony and evidence presented, the Council fmds that It IS m the best mterest of the CIty to approve the purchase of the property, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO . HEREBY ORDAlN as follows: SectIOn 1. The attached fmdmgs and conclusIOns, marked ExhIbit A, are mcorporated herein by this reference, approved and adopted. Section 2. The CIty Council approves the purchase of the property to be acqUIred, ill part, for publIc parkmg. Section 3. The plan for fmancmg the acqUISItIOn ofthe property, marked ExhIbIt B, IS illcorporated herem by this reference, approved and adopted. SectIOn 4. The plan for management, operatIOn and construction of parking faCIlItIes, marked ExhIbit C, IS incorporated herein by this reference, adopted and approved. SectIOn 5. The ComprehenSIve Parking Plan for downtown parkmg, ongmally approved ill 1998, IS hereby amended and updated to include the mformation relatmg to the . additional parkmg faCIlities made pOSSIble by acqUIsition ofthe property. With that additIOn, the comprehensive Parkmg Plan is hereby ratified and confirmed. 89 -1- , SectIOn 4. EffectIve Date. ThIS ordmance shall take effect five days after Its . pubhcatIOn by summary. PASSED by the CIty Council of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of saId Council held on the _ day of ,2005. RIchard A Headrick, Mayor ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM- Becky 1. Upton, CIty Clerk WIlham Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED- By Summary G \Legal_ Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTlONS\200548 NucheIPro perty wpd -2- . . . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the CIty Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, setting a public heanng on December 20th, 2005 to consIder an ordmance authonzmg the purchase of property to be acqUIred, m part, for off-street parkmg. \VHEREAS, a public heanng IS necessary to consIder the purchase of property to be acqUIred, in part, for off-street parking; BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council will hold a publIc hearing on the 20th day of December, 2005, commencmg at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter, at 321 East Flfth Street, Port Angeles, Washmgton, to consIder the purchase of property for off-street parkmg The subject of the heanng will be the reqUIrements for off-street parking faCIlitIes in the downtown area, the . fmancmg for the purchase of the property and the method by wmch the property will be operated and managed. PASSED by the City Council of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of SaId Council held on the th day of ,2005. Richard A. Headnck, Mayor ATTEST. Becky J. Upton, CIty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney R2005-24 SettmgHeanngDate-Nllcbel wpd . 90 -1- . . . FORTA,NGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2005 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STAFF SUBJECT: NUISANCE ORDINANCE & COMPLIANCE OFFICER SUMMARY: This memo outlines staff's proposal for adoption of a new nuisance ordinance and implementation of a program for code compliance. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Follow a process leading to adoption of a new nuisance ordinance at the December 20th Council meetmg. Approve the plan for implementation of the nuisance ordinance throu h establishin a code com liance officer osition. BACKGROUND: Attached are copies of the proposed new nuisance ordinance and Compliance Officer job descnption. These are first presented first to the full CouncIl at the regular Council meeting on November 15th. Prior to that, they have been reviewed by all departments. All have given a favorable recommendatIOn for adoption of the new nuisance ordinance. The Code Compliance Officer is a new posItion. As part of the evaluation of proposals done through the budget process, staff recommends that this new posItion be established. Fundmg for this position is provided m the proposed 2006 budget. The new nuisance ordmance and the compliance officer positIOn are intended to work together to produce, over time, recognizable benefits. These benefits are difficult to quantify. Nevertheless, it has been well established that a conSIstent and reliable program of code compliance efforts does produce tangible benefits for a community. Consistent and uniform code compliance increases property values and enhances the quality of life m the City. Code comphance helps keep the community safe. It affects the citizens' attitude toward the community - how they perceive their own city. It IS well recognIzed that enforcement of codes, clean up of property, and beautificatIOn efforts are part of crime preventIOn and economIC development activities. The phYSIcal condition of neighborhoods and business distncts can convey a message, both to our local citizens and to visitors, about the city and the quahty of life here. 91 To. CITYCOUNCIL RE: NUISANCE ORDINANCE & COMPLIANCE OFFICER DATE: December 6, 2005 Page 2 . In addItion to the commumty benefits, the nuisance ordmance and new position are intended to strengthen the City's internal administrative procedures. The model we envision it as is "proactive compliance. " Historically, complaints have been receIved by a number of individuals in the City, including the Buildmg Inspector, Planners, Plannmg Director, Fue and Pollee Department personnel. This creates duplIcation of efforts, and delays in response. It is challenging administratively since a number of departments are responsible for enforcement of different requirements. Another concern has been the efficient and expeditious handling of complaints. When the City's response IS not efficient and expedient, it can give the impression that the City is not responding. There has also been a lack of sufficient communication and follow up, both with citizens and various departments mvolved m the process. To address these concerns, our intent is to adopt a more fleXIble and comprehensIve nmsance ordinance and to establish a complIance officer who can be a single point of contact for code compliance. The ComplIance Officer is not expected to be an expert in every technical area that may arise, but he will be the driver that keeps the entire process moving forward. This approach provides . the Compliance Officer WIth the tools, resources, and flexibility needed to provide the most appropriate response to a particular situation. A key philosophy of the compliance program IS to seek voluntary compliance through various means, includmg education, collaboration, and gentle persuaSIOn. It is not mtended as a program that will generate numerous court cases. Undoubtedly m a few cases, wntten warnmg followed by formal action WIll be necessary. However, in most cases it is intended that the Compliance Officer WIll use informal means of achieving compliance. The focus is less on criminal citations and more on education, understanding, and voluntary resolution. The Compliance Officer WIll receive traming, both in the formal and the mformal aspects of the job. As a final element, the ComplIance Officer will allow the CIty, once again, to use community service workers as a cost-efficIent method to implement cleanup both of nuisances and general CIty-wide projects. This beneficial program fell by the waYSIde due to budget cuts, which elIminated the staff necessary to supervIse and admimster It. By fundmg the Code Compliance Officer, we hope to return the function and benefits that the City can derive from it. To complement the Compliance Officer, we are also proposing a new nuisance ordinance. The nuisance ordmance is more comprehensive than the existing ordinance. It also offers more fleXIbility m the means and the tools of enforcement. At the same time, in drafting this ordmance, we have endeavored not to make It oppressIve or onerous. It IS intended to provide a moderate set of rules. . Other enacted ordinances are far more stnct in their terms. 92 . . . To: CITY COUNCIL RE NUISANCE ORDINANCE & COMPLIANCE OFFICER DATE: December 6,2005 Page 3 CONCLUSION: The proposed nuisance ordmance, along with the compliance officer positIon provided in the proposed budget, are offered as a combined program. The program is intended to have specIfic benefits for the City and the citizens. AddItionally It is intended to create a more efficIent admimstration mternally for the City m dealing wIth compliance issues. Staff recommends that the first formal reading of the ordinance and the discussIOn of the implementatIon program take place at the December 6thCouncil meeting and that the ordinance be adopted and the position be authorIzed at the December 20th regular Council meeting. Attachments WEB\dl G ILEGAL\MEMOS 2005\CouncIl Nwsance Ord-Compbance Officer 102605 93 ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revIsing the nuisance and junk vehicle enforcement procedures, addmg a new chapter 8.30, and amendmg Ordmances 2469 and 2698, as amended, and repealIng Chapter 8.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Chapter 8.04 P AMC IS hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 2. A new chapter, 8.30, IS hereby added to the Port Angeles MunicIpal Code to read as follows: SectIOns' 8.30.010 8.30.020 8.30 025 8 30.030 8.30.035 8.30.040 8.30.045 8.30.050 8.30.070 8.30.080 8 30.090 8.30 100 8.30.110 8.30.120 8.30.130 8.30.140 8.30.150 Chapter 8.30 NUISANCES . Scope. Purpose. DefinitIOns. Authority. Property Owner Responsible for Abatmg Street and Alley RIghts of Way. Nmsances generally defined. Nuisances specIfically defined. Parkmg of vehIcles on reSIdential property. Enforcement. AdmmistratIve reviews by the Director. Appeals to the HearIng Exammer. Penalty. Alternate criminal penalty. Abatement. Collection of ludgments. AddItional relief. Conflicts. . 94 -1- . 8.30.010 Scope. The Nuisance Code is supplemental to all other laws that have been adopted by the CIty, and shall be used to help enforce elements withm other laws: provided, If specific terms of enforcement and penalties are set forth m the other laws, such provIsions shall take precedence over the provIsions m the Nuisance Code. The Nuisance Code also applIes to situatIOns and conditions which are not addressed by other laws of the City. 8.30.020 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter IS to provIde for the health, safety, and welfare of the CItIzens ofthe City by protectmg the qualIty of lIfe wIthin the CIty and by providmg standards for the appearance and condItIon of propertIes: to protect the expectatIOns of the CItIzens ofthe CIty to enJOY theIr dwellmgs and property without bemg subiected to unpleasant conditIOns: and to protect property values. 8.30.025 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms, phrases, words, and theIr denvatIves shall be construed as specified in thIS section. Terms, phrases, and words used in the singular include the pluraL and the plural the smgular. . Terms, phrases, and words used in the masculine gender mclude the femmine, and feminine the masculine. Where terms, phrases, and words are not defined herein, their definition shall be taken from the BUIlding Code first and, if not defined therein, shall have theIr ordmary accepted meanmg WIthin the context which they are used. Webster's Third New International Dictionarv o(the Enf!lish Lanf!uaf!e. Unabridf!ed. copyright 2000, shall be consIdered as provIdmg ordinary accepted meaning. "Attractive nuisance" shall mean any oblect or conditIOn whIch can reasonably constitute a hazard or danger, WhICh is accessible to unauthorized persons, and whIch tends to draw attentIOn or entices. "BUIlding Code" shall mean the buildmg code as adopted and amended by the CIty m TItle 14 P AMC. "Director" shall mclude, but not be lImited to, the Chiefs of the Police Department or FIre Department, DIrectors ofthe PublIc Works and UtIlities Department and ofthe Department of Economic and Community Development. The director of the department may designate an mdividual to act in his or her stead. "Dnveway" shall mean, for the purposes of this chapter, an Improved surface for use by a motor vehicle, for the purpose of accessing a parkmg area or for the parkmg of vehIcles. "Front Yard" shall mean, for the purposes of this chapter, that area between the front property line and the face of the residential structure furthest from said property line. "Improved Surface" shall mean, for the purposes of this chapter, any area that has been altered from a natural surface. "Inoperable vehicle" shall mean, for the purposes of thIS chapter, a vehicle whIch cannot be legally operated on roads, hIghways, nghts-of-way, waterways, or publIc lands as appropriate for the particular vehicle due to the condition of the vehIcle or the status of the ownershIP, registration, or license of the vehicle. Inoperable vehicles shall include. but not be . 95 -2- limIted to. those whIch appear inoperable due to missing lights. windows. or other critical parts. . equipment. or safety elements. "Junk Vehicle." for the purposes of this chapter. adopts the definition contained in RCW 46.55.010. "Light trespass" means any light emitted bv an outdoor fixture at any time between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 5 :00 A.M. for longer than 30 minutes continuously that shInes directly beyond the property on whIch the fixture is Installed. or Indirectly shines beyond the property on which the fixture is installed at a brightness (IllumInance) that exceeds 0.1 foot-candles at the property line. "Maintained Surface" shall mean. for the purposes of this chapter. a natural planted surface. such as grass or ground cover that IS mowed and/or maintained to keep It in good condition and to prevent soIl erosion. "Person" shall mean an individual or his or her heIrS. executors. admInistrators or assigns: and also Includes a company. partnership. corporation. LLC. a governmental entity. and the successors. assigns. and the agent of any ofthe aforesaid. "Plumbing Code" shall mean the plumbing code as adopted and amended bv the City in TItle 14 P AMC. "Recreation Vehicles" shall mean. for the purposes of thIS chapter. any trailer. camper. RV. motor home. or boat over fourteen (14) feet in length. "Screemng." for the purposes of this chapter. shall include. but not be lImited to. solid wood fencing. chain lInk fencing with slats. or solid landscaping capable of hIdIng parked yehicles or other storage from sight bv standing individuals at or near the property lines: however. such screen need not exceed six feet in height. . "Stored vehicle" shall mean. for the purposes of this chapter. vehicles kept on a single- famIly reSIdentIal lot for over two months without substantial movement of Said vehicle. "Vehicle." for the purposes of this chapter. shall include. but not be limIted to. automobiles. motorcycles. trucks. motonzed recreational vehicles. campers. travel trailers. boats on or off trailers. utilIty trailers. or other vehicles defined as such III Title 46 RCW. Campers. If removed from the pickup and stored separately. shall be counted as a separate vehicle. 8.30.030 Authoritv. Anv Police Officer of the City and those employees of the CItv designated bv the CItv Manager may enforce the provisions of thIS Chapter. 830.035 Property Owner Responsible for AbatIng Street and Allev RIghts ofWav. The owner of property IS responSIble for and shall abate. any nuisance condition that exists on any street or alley right- of- way that abuts his property. except for that part ofthe nght of way that is developed and maintaIned for vehicle traffic. 8.30.045 Nuisances specifically defined. The following acts. omissions. places. conditions. and thIngs. unless expresslvpermitted bv thIS Code. are hereby declared to be nuisances. No person or persons shall erect. contrive. cause. continue. maIntaIn. or permIt to exist any public nuisances within the City. Prohibited publIc nuisances include. but are not lImited to: . A. Excavations or naturally occurring holes. including. but not limited to. privies. 96 - 3 - . vaults. cesspools. sumps. pits. wells. or any other similar conditIons. which are not secure and WhICh constitute a concealed danger or attractIve nuisances. B. The dIScharge of sewage. human excrement. or other wastes in any locatIon or manner. except through systems approved for the conveyance of such. to approved public or PrIvate dIsposal systems and which are constructed and maintamed m accordance with the provisIOn of the Plumbmg Code and all other adopted laws pertaming to such systems. C. Filthy. littered. trash-covered. or overgrown premises or abutting street and alley rights-of-way for which a property owner is responsIble to include. but not be limited to: 1. Accumulated human or animal wastes which are Improperly handled. contained. or removed from the premises. includmg bones. meats. hides. skms. or any part of the animaL fish. or fowl. 2. Vegetation: a. Overgrown. uncultivated. or unkempt vegetation of any type. Illcludmg. but not hmlted to. shrubs. brush. trees. weeds. blackbemes. and grasses over one foot III heIght. Where erosion control Issues or mdigenous species are present. an exception or modification may be made to these requirements. b. Vegetation exceeding twelve (12) mches in height. excludmg any cultIvated. tended plants and flowers withm a flower bed or contamer. shrubbery. or trees. c. Overhangmg limbs or branches that are less than eIght (8) feet above a pubhc walkway or sidewalk. or less than fourteen (14) feet above a pubhc street. d. Dead. decaymg or dIseased trees or branches. e. Any growth of noxious weeds or any toxic vegetatIOn. f: Accumulation for more than two weeks of vegetatIOn waste. includmg. but not limited to. grass clippings. cut brush. cut trees. and/or cut weeds. 3. Debris and Trash. a. An accumulation of garbage. litter. debris. rubble. hazardous waste. or blight. which mcludes. but is not limited to. improperly stored bottles. cans. paper. glass. plastIC. cardboard. auto parts. tires. scrap metaL scrap woods. discarded or broken apphances. furniture. equipment. bICycles or parts thereof. barrels. boxes. crates. pallets. mattresses. clothing. household goods. construction materials. lumber. metaL improperly piled or stored firewood. or anything in which flIes may breed or multiply. which provides harborage for rats or other vermm. or WhICh may be a fire hazard. b. Accumulations of broken or neglected items. litter. salvage materIals. and iunk not in an approved enclosed structure. 4. Machmery and Equipment. a. All places used or maintained as dumps. iunk yards. or automobIle or machmery disassembly yards or bmldmgs. not licensed and/or located in an improper use zone. or which are operating outside of specific condItions set forth for the operation of such businesses. b. Broken. inoperable. accumulations of. or parts of machmery or equipment not in an approved enclosed structure. 5. Inoperable. abandoned. dIsassembled. or dilapidated apphances. machmery. or vehicles. These proviSIOns shall not apply to licensed and permitted vehicle storage areas. . . 97 -4- D. Loud unnecessary noises. mcludmg. but not lImited to. making. causing. or permittmg nOIses to be made by sound trucks. loudspeakers or other sound-amplifying devices. E. Buildings. Structures. Fences. 1. BUIldmgs. structures. fences or other constructed objects that are decayed. dilapidated. or unsafe. damaged. or in disrepaIr to the extent that they pose a threat of collapse. structural failure. or falling. 2. Any unsIghtly. abandoned. or deteriorated building or structure; or any bUIldmg or structure constructed with inappropriate materials. or improperly fastened together or anchored against the forces of nature. 3. Any buildmg or structure where construction was commenced and the bUIldmg or structure was left unfinished. F. Burning or disposal of refuse. sawdust. or other materials in such a manner as to cause or permIt ashes. sawdust. soot. or cinders to be cast upon the'streets or alleys ofthe City. or to cause or permIt the smoke. ashes. soot. or gases ansing from such burning to become annoying or to imure or endanger the health. comfort. or repose of said persons. G. Any premises or structures allowing or mamtainmg prostItution. lewd behaVIOr. underage consumption of alcohol. the harbonng of lUvemle runaways or wanted persons. or where there is the use. sale. manufacturing or dIstributing of any narcotic or controlled substance. or at which there is a pattern of criminal activity. H. Throwing. depositing. exposing. or causing to be disposed of. in any street or other public place wlthm the City. any garbage. waste. refuse. lItter. debris. or other offensive material. unless the dIsposal of such items in such place is speCIfically authorized by law. 1 Causmg or allowing garbage. waste. refuse. litter. debns. or other offensive matenals. to be collected or deposIted. or to remain in any place in the City unless otherwIse permitted by law. 1. All obstructions to streets. rights of way. or other public ways in the City. and all excavations in or under the same. which are by ordinance prohIbIted. or which may be made WIthout lawful permission. or whIch. having been made by lawful permIssion. are kept and maintamed after the purpose thereof has been accomplished. or for an unreasonable length of time. K. Erectmg. mamtainmg. using. placing. depositing. leavmg. or permitting to be or remain in or upon. any private lot. building. structure. or premises. or in or upon any street. alley. SIdewalk. park. parkway. or other public or private place in the CIty. anyone or more of. but not lImited to. the following conditions or thmgs: 1. Any unsound. putnd. or unwholesome bone. meat. hides. skin. or the whole or parts of any dead animal or fish. or any unsound. putrid. or unwholesome substances; or the offal. garbage. or other offensIve parts of any animals. or any noxious. offensIve. dangerous or otherwise mjurious chemicals or other materials such as 011. grease. poisons. explosIves. radIOactive materials. and other similar substances in such a manner as to be offenSIve or iniurious to public health. or unpleasant or disagreeable to the adjacent residences or persons. 2. Any cellar. vault. drain. sewer. or septic tank to become. from any cause. noxious. foul. offensive. or injurious to public health. or unpleasant or disagreeable to the adjacent residences or persons. 3. Any noxious. foul. or putnd lIquid or substance. or any lIquid or substance likely to become noxious. foul. offensIve. or putrid. to be dIscharged. placed. or thrown upon. or 98 -5- . . . . to flow from or out of, any premIses Into, or upon; any adiacent premises, or any pubhc street or alley, or to stand, remain, or be upon any premIses. L. All vacant. unused, or unoccupied buildings and structures within the CIty, which are allowed to become or remain open to entrance by unauthorized persons or the general public, because of broken, mIssing, or open doors, windows, or other openings, so that the same may be used by vagrants or other persons, In a manner detnmental to the health and welfare of the InhabItants of the CIty. M. Furniture and Appliances. 1. Any refrigerator, icebox or deep- freeze locker having a capacity of one and one-half (1-1/2) CUbIC feet or more or any other container manufactured, custom-made or homemade designed for storage which IS discarded, abandoned or left in any place acceSSIble to children and WhICh has not had the door or latching mechanism removed to prevent the latching or locking of the door. 2. All broken or discarded household furniture, furnishings or eqmpment. or any apphances not in an approved enclosed structure. N. Unauthorized Signs. 1. All unauthorized signs, SIgnals, markings or devices that are displayed to resemble an official traffic control device. 2. Any sign, poster or other advertising matter of any nature placed upon a light. telephone or other poles, trees, SIdewalks, streets, signs, traffic SIgnS or other traffic-control devices or other structures or places WIthin streets, alleys or other pubhc places or rights of way. O. LIght trespass. P. Sidewalks. 1. Any protruSIOn, awning, or overhang that Inhibits or obstructs use of a public walkway or sidewalk. 2. Any obiect. construction, or damage that inhibits or obstructs the surface use of a public walkway or sidewalk. 3. Snow or ice not removed from a public SIdewalk within 48 hours. 4. Accumulations of dirt or debris not removed from a pubhc sidewalk. .Q., Building and ConstructIOn Materials. Accumulation, stacks, or piles ofbmlding or constructIOn materials not associated WIth a current in-progress project including metaL wood, WIre, electrIcal or plumbing materials in disarray or exposed to the elements on the property. 1. Fire Hazards. Stacks or accumulations of newspapers, cardboard, or other paper, clothing, or wood products left III a manner that could pose a substantial nsk of combustion or the spread of fire. 2. Toxic or Caustic Substances. Improper storing or keeping of any tOXIC, flammable, or caustIc substances or matenals. 3. Insect or Vermin AttractIOns. CreatIng or maintaining accumulatIOns of matter, includIng food stuffs, that harbors or is an attraction for the infestation of insects or vermIn or failing to ehminate such infestations, or failing to elimInate Intrusive insects such as tent cateroiIIars. R. Bodies of Water. 1. Except for City approved structures connected to storm drainage systems, all stagnant. pooled water. 2. The polluting of any waterway, wells, or body of water. . . 99 - 6 - S. Garbage. Recyclables. and Compost. . In addItion to the regulations in Chapter 13.54 PAMC: 1. Garbage not kept in a proper receptacle with a tight fitting lId. 2. Recyclables not properly stored and regularly disposed of. 3. Compost not kept in a manner to prevent it from attracting infestations of msects or emitting foul odors. T. AttractIve Nuisances. Any attractIve nUIsance accessible to chIldren mcluding. but not lImited to. unattended machmery or eqmpment. unsecured abandoned or vacant bUIldmgs. open and unattended vehicle trunks. or other unguarded conditions or SItuatIons that could iniure or trap a child. U. CondItIons or acts that unreasonably annoy. mJUre. or endanger the comfort. repose. health. or safety of others. V. CondItions or acts which interfere WIth. obstruct. or tend to obstruct or render dangerous for passage any stream. public park. parkway. square. SIdewalk. street. or highway and other rights-of-way m the City. W. Illicit discharges mto the municmal storm drainage system (illicit discharges are defined in Chapter 13.63). X. Unauthorized mterference with. damage to. or polluting of designated habitat areas. publIcly owned restoration sites. streams. creeks. lakes. wetlands. or tnbutanes and SImIlar areas thereto. y. The Improper parking or storage of vehicles on smgle-familyresidentiallots whIch Impedes the use of yard areas for lIght. aIr circulatIOn. recreation. and landscaping. Z. GraffitI. The eXIstence of graffiti or unauthorized defacement of any surface . located on a private property must be removed within ten (10) days of discovery or notificatIOn by the City. 8.30.050. PermItting - Mamtammg: It is unlawful for any person. by himself or by hIS agents or employees. or as the agent or employee of another person. to do. or permit to be done. upon anv premises over which he has control; or to mamtam. carry on. suffer. or allow. any of the acts or things declared to be nuisances m this Chapter; or to do or cause or permit. or suffer to be done. or to maintam. any act or thing which is detrimental or iniunous to publIc health. or offensive to the senses. or contrary to publIc decency or moralIty. If the owner or agent of any premises has actual or constructIve knowledge of the mamtenance on or in hIS premIses of any nUIsance. as defined in thIS Chapter. he shall be deemed one of the persons m control of the premIses. 8.30.060 Parking of vehIcles on residentIal property. The pnmarv function of yards on residentlallots IS to provide access to light and air and to provide circulatIOn. recreatIOn. and landscaping. It is the intent of this section to establish standards by which parking vehicles on residential lots is allowable. The parking or storage of vehIcles on residential lots in violation of the following standards shall be considered a nUIsance. and subiect to penalties in accordance with thIS chapter. Intact. operable. and appropnately licensed vehicles may be parked or stored outside an approved structure subiect to the followmg condItlons: . A. Side yard and rear yard. Parking of vehicles on residentlallots m the side and rear 1 00 - 7 - . yard areas shall be limited to those lots which have legal access from the adjacent street or alley. Parking m side and rear vard areas combmed shall be limited to UP to four vehicles or to no more than 40 percent ofthe combined side and rear yard area. whichever is less. In additIOn. vehicles may be parked m a side or rear yard only if the following conditions are met: 1. All vehicles parked in a side yard must have a minImum of three feet of unobstructed space between the vehicle and the structure. and have a minImum of five feet vehicle-clear space on one of the side property Imes. 2. No more than four vehicles of any kind may be parked m a back yard. 3. All vehicles parked m a Side or back are on an Improved or maintained surface. R Front vard. Where alley access is available. parking in the front yard is prohibited. Parking of vehicles on residential lots in the front yard shall be permitted only to those lots which have legal access from the adiacent street or alley. Parking of vehicles shall be on a properly prepared all-weather surface. including. but not lImited to. concrete. asphalt. gravel. approved permeable paving materIals. or other material approved by the Buildmg Official. The all-weather surface shall be lImited to no more than 40 percent ofthe front yard area. Parking m front yard areas shall be lImited to UP to four vehicles or the number of vehicles which can be parked on the all-weather surfacmg. whichever IS less. Parkmg of stored or moperable vehicles m front yards is prohibited. C. Number of vehicles parked m the open. The total number of vehicles parked or stored m the open on a residential lot shall be no more than four. D. ExceptIOns. The BUIlding Official may. under the following circumstances. grant an exception to the maximum number of private vehicles parked on a single-family residential lot or allowed in the front. rear. or Side yards: 1. Additional vehicles may be allowed m a particular yard if vehicle access to other yards is unavailable. 2. If the number of individuals with valid driver's licenses wlthm the household exceeds four. ApplIcations for an exception shall be made in writmg to the Building OffiCial within 30 days of the receipt of the initial Notice of Violation. The Building Official. when determining the outcome of the exception. may take additional mltigatmg factors under consideration. ExceptIOns are subJect to review upon receipt of additional complaints. E. Storage standards. Inoperable stored vehicles on residential lots shall be limited to the rear yard area. ScreenIng shall be provided between the moperable vehicles and adJacent properties or rights-of-way. All stored vehicles must be maintained in a clear and safe manner. F. Parkmg withm an enclosed structure. All private vehicles which are fully enclosed within a legally constructed garage or other structure are not considered as part of the allotted number of vehicles. G. Recreational Vehicles. No more than two recreatIonal vehicles of any kind may be parked anywhere on a property. Storing boats. campers or other recreation or accessory vehicles in an unstable manner is prohibited. H. Junk vehicles. Junk vehicles are defined in Chapter 8.05 and are subject to the provIsIOns contained therem. In additIOn. junk or inoperable vehicles are prohibited from being stored outside of an approved enclosed structure anyWhere on a property in excess of thirty (30) days. . . 101 -8- L Repairing of vehicles on a property is ProhIbIted unless: . 1. The maIntenance or repair does not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days per vehIcle: and 2. The vehicle being repaired is regIstered to a resident of the property, and 3. The repair IS not In assocIatIOn WIth any business, licensed or not, of buying, sellIng, repamng or restoring of vehIcles or parts, unless the property is authorized and lIcensed by the City for such business, and 4. The repair IS conducted In a manner that does not violate nOIse regulations, and 5. The repaIr IS conducted in a manner so as not to allow any vehicle flUIds to saturate the ground or enter any draInage system or body of water. J. Leaving vehicles unattended on blocks, lacks, ramps or otherwIse elevated above the ground In an unstable manner is prohIbited. K. All vehIcle parts and accessories, including but not limited to, containers of oils and fluids must be appropriately stored In an approved structure. 8.30 070 Enforcement. The follOWIng procedures shall be avaIlable in the event of any VIOlation ofthis Chapter: A. V oluntarv abatement pursuant to 8.30.080: B. Notice and Order to abate pursuant to 8.30.100: C. CIvIl infraction pursuant to 8.30.110: and D. Abatement pursuant to 8.30.130. . These enforcement procedures shall not be mutually exclUSIve. Exercise of one procedure shall not constitute an election which prevents use of another procedure. The enforcement officer shall have the right and authonty to determine WhICh enforcement procedure( s) to employ and to combine enforcement procedures to effect the purposes of this Chapter. . 1 02 - 9 - . . 8.30.100 Administrative reVIews b the Director. A. Genera. A person w 0 receIves a NotIce and Order mav request an administrative . 103 -10- . rovision of this cha ter is a civil . . 104 -11- . . 8.30 130 Conflicts. All ordinances or parts of ordmances of the City in conflict herewith are herebv repealed. Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or applicatIOn of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. . 1 05 -12- Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of . its publicatIOn by summary. PASSED by the City CouncIl of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said CouncIl held on the _ day of ,2005. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: WIlham E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: . By Summary G ILegatBackupIORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2004-14 NUIsances wpd (May 10,2005) . 1 06 - 13 - . I 2. 3. 4. . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . CITY OF PORT ANGELES JOB DESCRIPTION Commumty & Econoll1lc Development Department CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER Nature of Work: Under general direction of the Community & Econoll1lc Development Director, receIves, Investigates, researches and resolves questions, complaInts, and violations concerning city codes and ordInances InvolVIng land use, sigmng, nuisances, nght of way and other similar governmental regulatIOns. Prepares reports and maIntaInS a variety of records concerning work actiVIty. ThIS position is also serves as back up for the BuIlding Inspector. This pOSItion works closely WIth the City Attorney's Office and the PolIce Department for enforcement of City Codes and Ordinances. Examples of Duties: The follOWIng duties are not Inclusive of all duties and the Incumbent performs other related duties as reqUIred. ReceIves, Investigates, researches, and resolves questions, complamts, VIOlations and Issues concernIng CIty codes and ordInances related to buildmg, zonIng, land use, and other publIc works related Issues. Conducts on-site Inspections to assure compliance WIth applicable zoning, building, and other mumcIpal codes and ordinances. Assists at the public counter concerning bUIlding permits and aSSIsts the BuIlding Inspector with field InSpectIOn for bUIldIng and construction pernuts. Prepares Investigative reports and maIntains comprehensive records of work activity to document InSpectIOns, includIng photographs, e-malls, and wntten correspondence and forwards records to the PolIce Department and CIty Attorney's office for action as necessary. Investigations include such matters as complaInts regardIng bUIlding code, violations of zonIng, SIgnS, set backs, dangerous structures, overgrown vegetatIOn, Improper fenCIng, abandon vehicles, gradIng of property, shorelIne, wetlands, and forest practice violatIOns. ProVIdes and Interprets information to the public, contractors, bUIlders, governmental agencies, citizen and community groups concerning CIty codes and ordInances. Negotiates and establIshes acceptable resolution of violations, including actions to be taken by the city and the violator with specific time frames for corrective action. Conducts follow up inspections to ensure compliance and enforcement measures. MaintaInS computer based records in the city's management Information software, including a chronologIcal lIst of field and investigative actIOns. Physical Limitations: Works both Indoors and outdoors in Inclement weather visiting various sites In the City; walk on uneven terrain, climb, lift 30 pounds or more, stooping, bending, and standmg for long periods of time. Operate a city vehicle in conducting field investIgatIOns. Operates a personal computer dally. Qualifications: . Two years of college level course work in planmng, public relations, buildmg codes or a closely related field. . Three years of work experience involving enforcement/code interpretation, project management, construction or any combination of experience and traIning that would provide the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities for the pOSItion. . AbIlIty to operate a PC profiCIently using a vanety of municipal software, Including speCIalIzed BuildIng InspectIon/Planmng software. . Must be able to obtain ICBO certIfication as a Building Inspector within one year of hire . Possession of a valId Washington State Drivers license withIn 30 days of appomtment and have a good driving record acceptable to the City. 107 Knowled2es. Abilities. and Skills: . Knowledge of: - CIty of Port Angeles municIpal codes and ordinances for land use, zoning, buildmg, nght of way, sIgning, abandon vehIcles, overgrown vegetation, - BUIldmg and construction codes, laws, regulatIons, including ICBO certification. - AlternatIve methods of conflIct and dIspute resolution - Applicable City rules, regulations, polICIes and procedures, codes, ordinances, and laws concernmg enforcement activIties. - City department operations, orgamzational functions, and service programs. Ability to: - Work mdependently, wIthout close supervIsIon and show ImtIatIve m resolvmg dIsputes and complamts, wlthm guldelmes establIshed by the Department Head or city procedures. - Understand complex Issues and interpret CIty polICIes, procedures, codes, ordinances. - Coordmate effective resolutIon of problems wIth vanous CIty departments and outsIde agencies. - Commumcate effectively both verbally and m wntmg - Understand and mterpret construction plans, analyze property surveys and boundary mformatIOn, and legal descriptIOns. - Assist the publIc at the counter and answer questIOns relative to codes and ordinances and display effectIve public relations skills. - Present the CIty m a posItIve Image through effective publIc relatIons, courteous and friendly treatment, and exemplIfy exceptIonal customer service values and ethics. - Operate a personal computer usmg a variety of mumclpal software for word processing, spreadsheet applIcations, and speCIalIzed software for Commumty Development and BuIldmg InspectIons . EffectIve Date: November 2005 Representation: AFSCME Dates Amended: Approval Signatures: Department Head: CIty Manager: Human Resources: Date: Date. Date: . 108 . . . FOR TANG ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 6, 2005 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Creating a fund for the AdmimstratiOn and Accountmg of Revenue Summary: This ordinance creates a new for the administration and accounting of revenue received from the Department of Interior, Olympic National Park Foundation and/or National Park ServIce (NPS) for upkeep, operation, maintenance and repairs of the City's municipal water treatment plant. Action: First reading on December 6. Adopt ordmance on December 20,2005. Back~round: Congress has appropriated all the money needed to cover the water quality mitigation costs identified for the Elwha dams removal project. As part ofthat project, the federal government has agreed to transfer to the City sufficient money for the City to operate, maintam and repair water treatment facIhties in accordance with the Elwha Act. The CIty has agreed to create a separate fund specifically to hold, administer and account for that money. The City expects that the Olympic National Park Foundation and/or National Park Service (NPS) will make contributions to this fund in the near future, before the end of January, 2006. The City needs to estabhsh the fund for the receIpt. ~ William E. Bloor, City Attorney Attachment WEB\jd G \LEGALIMEMOS 200S\CouncJlfundordmancell-30-0S wpd 109 ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a fund for the administration and accounting of revenue from the Department of the Interior for upkeep, operation, maintenance, and repairs of the City's municipal water treatment plant, and adding a new section, 3.42, to Chapter 3 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find that there is need to establish a special fund to be identified as "Treatment Plant Operating and Maintenance Fund" for the purpose of administering and accounting for revenue received from the Department of the Interior for the purposes of upkeep, operation, maintenance, and repairs of the City's municipal water treatment plant. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as . follows: Section 1. Chapter 3, Revenue and Finance, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter, PAMC 3.4, to read as follows: Chapter 3.42 TREA TMENT PLANT OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE FUND Sections: 3.42.010 3.42.015 3.42.020 3.42.030 3.42.040 Fund Created. Fund Subject to Conditions. Expenditures. Limitation on Expenditures. Administration. . 110 -1- . 3.42.010 - Fund Created. There is hereby established in the City Treasury a fund for the fiscal admimstration and accounting of revenue appropriated from the Department of the Intenor for upkeep, operation, maintenance, and repairs ofthe City of Port Angeles municipal water treatment plant. Interest earmngs on the fund shall be administered consistent with the City's current finanCIal investment policy. SaId fund shall be entitled "Treatment Plant Operating and Maintenance Fund. " . 3.42.015 - Fund Subiect to Conditions. The City expects that the Olympic National Park Foundation and/or National Park Service (NPS) will make contributions to this fund. The City recognizes and accepts the following conditions placed on money paid into this Fund by those entities. Specifically, the City recognizes and accepts the payments from those entities subject to the following conditions: A. Any use of such money, other than the use contemplated in sectIOn 3.42.020 below, must be approved III advance of expenditure by the Superintendent of Olympic National Park (Superintendent); and B. The City will make available to the Superintendent any audit, including annual State audits, that includes the Fund; in addition, the Superintendent is authorized to conduct an audit of the Fund at any time; and . C. If the Elwha Dam and Glines Canyon Dam are not removed, or if the Port Angeles Municipal Water Treatment Plant is not transferred to the City, then the money paid to the Fund by those entities, plus accrued interest, less expenses incurred by the City for or related to a municipal water treatment plant, shall be refunded to those entities upon the written request and direction of the Supenntendent. 3.42.020 - Expenditures. The Treatment Plant Operating and Maintenance Fund shall be used and expended only for the payment of necessary or proper expenditures or obligations incurred in or incident to the repair, upkeep, maintenance or operation ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Water Treatment Plant, and usual expenses related to the administration of the fund and its equitable share of general utIlity expenses. DIsbursements shall be made out of saId fund upon the request of the Director of Public Works and Utilities to defray such costs and expenses. 3.42.030 - Limitation on Expenditures. No expenditure shall be made from this fund, and no amount shall otherwise be transferred out of this fund except expenditures and transfers for the purpose of repair, upkeep, maintenance or operation of the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant 3.42.040 - Administration. The Finance Director is charged with the administration of said fund. . 111 -2- Section 2 - Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of . this ordinance should be held to be mvalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdIction, such mvalidity or unconstitutIonality thereof shall not affect the vabdity or constitutionality of any other section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance. Section 3 - Effective Date. ThIs Ordinance shall take effect five days followmg the date of its publication by summary. Section 4 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordmance are authorized to make necessary correctIOns to thIS ordinance mcluding, but not bmIted to, the correction ofthe scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of ,2005. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary G \Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2005-47 Elwha Fund Crealton 112105 wpd November 23, 2005 112 -3- . . MEMO LEGAL DEPARTMENT WIlham E. Bloor CIty Attorney [4531] Dennis DIckson Sr. AssIstant CIty Attorney [4532] Candace Kathol Legal AssIstant [4536] . DIana Lusby al AdmInIstrative AssIstant [4530] Jeame DeFrang Legal Administrative AssIstant [4530] Randi Felton Legal Records Specialist [4576] . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: December 6, 2005 To: City CouncIl FROM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney SUBJECT: SEP A DNS Appeal - Reserve at Valley Creek PRD - Criteria for Decision Summary: The review criteria for appeal of a Determination of Non Sigmficance (DNS) made by the responsible City officIal is "clearly erroneous" standard Discussion: As part of the application process for the Reserve at Valley Creek PRD, the City's SEP A official revIewed an environmental checklist completed by the applicant. After that reVIew, the SEP A official made a determination of non- significance. That decision has been appealed to the City Council. In thIS setting, the CIty Council IS acting in a quasi-judicial role. Law regarding determination of non-significance. Under RCW 43.21C.090, the determmation of non-significance (DNS) by the CIty'S ResponSIble Official shall be accorded substantial weight. Moss v. Bellingham, 109 Wash.App. 6, 31 P.3d 703 (2001). Not only does the law require the DNS to be accorded substantial weight, but It places the burden on the appellants to prove that the deCIsion to Issue a DNS is clearly erroneous. A deciSIOn is "clearly erroneous" when the city council is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed. The council does not substitute its judgment for that ofthe decision-maker. Instead, It reVIews the record to determine if the DNS was a fully informed deCISIOn that gave envIronmental values appropriate consideration. Moss v. BellIngham, supra. The DNS must be based on reasonably sufficient information to determine the 113 Page 2 December 6, 2005 Memo to Council Re SEP A DNS . 62 Wash.App. 800, 811, 816 P.2d 37 (1991). A DNS is adequately supported by an environmental checklist that addresses all of the factors set forth in the SEP A gUIdelines, CH. 197-11 WAC. San Juan Countyv. DNR, 28 Wash.App. 796, 802, 626 P.2d 995 (1981). In making the threshold determination, the responsible official may engage m additional analysIs and obtain additional information beyond what is included with the environmental checklIst. Brown v. Tacoma, 30 Wash.App. 762, 767, 637 P.2d 1005 (1981). Also, the record of the SEPA appeal hearing may be used to further demonstrate the examination of environmental polICIes and concerns. Pease HIll Community Group v. Spokane County, supra. Further, eXIstmg laws and regulations may establish the lack of significant adverse impacts, such that further analysis in an EIS is neither encouraged or required by SEPA. RCW 43.21C.240; Moss v. Bellmgham, supra. In this case, existing ordinances and regulations of the City address many of the concerns raised by the appellants. Because these ordinances and regulations do exist, many of the concerns raIsed wIll be address through the permit process. For that reason they do not require preparation of an EIS. Finally, there is no legal requirement that alternatIves be addressed m the environmental checklist or as part ofth threshold determination process. Rather, SEP A and the SEP A guidelines only require that alternatives be address in an EIS. RCW 43.21C.031(1), WAC 197-11-440(5) and 960. . Determination In your determination you may: (1) affirm the action taken by the City SEP A officIal, or (2) find that the DNS was issued m error and return the matter back with a direction to take actIOn in accordance wIth the applicable law It is not my role to tell you what the ultimate decision should be. That IS up to you. This is intended only to proVIde guidance in reaching your decision. If you do have any ques~f ns, please do feel free to call me. ~truj yours" c) / / William E. Bloor City Attorney . WEB:jd G \LEGAL\MEMOS 2005\CounC11 DNsReserv1ttrcreek wpd MEMO LEGAL DEPARTMENT WillIam E. Bloor City Attorney [4531 ] Denms Dickson Sr Assistant City Attorney [4532] Candace Kathol Legal Assistant [4536] Diana Lusby Legal Adrmmstratlve Assistant [4530] Jeanie DeFrang Legal Adrmmstratlve Assistant [4530] RandlFelton Legal Records SpecialIst [4576] Fa. -T,ANGELES ~~rct= ~D WAS H N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: December 6, 2005 To: CIty Council FROM: William E Bloor, CIty Attorney SUBJECT: SEP A DNS A eal - Reserve at Valle Creek PRD - Criteri for DecisIOn I The review cnteria for appeal of a DetermmatIOn of Non I (DNS) made by the responsible City officIal is "clearly errone0us" Summary: SIgmficance standard Discussion: As part of the applicatIOn process for the Reserve at Valley eek PRD, the CIt 's SEP A offiCial revIewed an environmental checklist comple ed by the applicant After that reVIew, the SEP A offiCial made a determinatIOn of on- sigmficance. That declSlon has been appealed to the CIty Council. In this settin , the City Council is acting in a quasi-Judicial role. Law re ardI determination of non-si Ificance. Under RCW 43.21C.090, the determmatIOn ofnon-sigmficance (DNS) bytJe City's ResponsIble fficIaI shall be accorded substantial weIght. Moss v. Bellmgl1am, 109 Wash.App. ,31 P.3d 703 (2001) I I Not only doe the law reqUire the DNS to be accorded substantIal weIght, butlit places the burden n the appellants to prove that the deCISIOn to Issue a DNS i~ clearly erroneous. deciSIOn IS "clearly erroneous" when the CIty councIl IS leftjlwIth the definite and Irm convIction that a mistake has been committed The council does not substitute ItS udgment for that of the declSlon-maker. Instead, It reVIews the ecord to determme If he DNS was a fully mformed declSlon that gave envIronment~1 values appropriate onsIderation. Moss V Bellmgham, supra. The DNS ust be based on reasonably suffiCIent mformation to dete me the I ! I I P~e2 ' December 6, 2005 I Memo to Council Re SEP A DNS I i I ' environmenth Impact of a proposal. Pease Hill Commumty Group v S pOkanel County, 62 Wash.Ap .800,811,816 P.2d 37 (1991). A DNS IS adequately supportpd by an envIronment I checkhst that addresses all of the factors set forth m thF SEP A gUIdelmes, C . 197 -11 WAC. San Juan County v. DNR, 28 Wash.App. 796, f02, 626 P.2d 995 (19 1). I In makmg tre threshold determmatlOn, the responsIble officIal may e~gage m addItlonal analysIs and obtain addItlonal mformatlOn beyond what IS mcluded with the envlronment!l checkhst Brown v Tacoma, 30 Wash.App 762, 767, 637 P 2d 1005 (1981) Alsb, the record of the SEP A appeal hearing may be used t further demonstrate ~he examinatlOn of environmental pohcles and concerns. Pdase HIll Community <Group v. Spokane County, supra. I I Further, eXIS~ng laws and regulatlOns may estabhsh the lack of SIgnIficant adverse impacts, suc that further analysIs m an EIS IS neIther encouraged or reqUlred by SEPA. RC 43.21C.240, Moss v. Bellmgham, supra. In thIS case,lexistmg ordmances Jd regulatlOns of the City address many of the concerns ralse~ by the appellants. ecause these ordmances and regulatlOns do eXIst, many of the ~oncerns raised wIll b I address through the permIt process. For that reason they do no~ reqUlre preparation qf an EIS. I I I Fmally, the~e IS no legal reqUIrement that alternatlves be addresse~ m the envlronmentfl checklist or as part ofth threshold determmatIOn process. Rath~r, SEP A and the SEPt guldelmes only reqUIre that alternatlves be address m an EI~. RCW 43.21C.031( ), WAC 197-11-440(5) and 960. Determinatio I In your deteJinatiOn you may: (I) affmn the actIOn taken by the CIty SEP ~ offiCIal, or (2) find th,h the DNS was Issued m error and return the matter back wIth a ~IrectlOn to take actioj in accordance with the applicable law I It is not my ole to tell you what the ultlmate decision should be. That IS u1 to you. ThIS IS mten ed only to provide guidance in reachmg your decIsIOn. I If you do ha e any questions, please do feel free to call me I I I I I I I i I I I Very truly yrS, William E. ~loor City Attorney I WEB'jd j G \LEGAL\MEM S 2005\CouncIl DNSReserveatValleyCreek wpd ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Quasi Judicial Hearing Date: I ~ - f.p - 05 Hearing On: ~ Time Public Hearing Opened: .s 5EPA. ~ p.WL. Il~ p''1rL. PN~ Time Public Hearing Closed: Procedure: · Mayor opens the heanng · State the purpose of the heanng. · State the ground rules for the hearing' · IdentIfy time lImIts on speakmg. · Ask all speakers to speak mto the mIcrophone and gIve theIr names and addresses. · All comments should be addressed to the CIty councIl, should be relevant to the application, and should not be of a personal nature. · A VOId repetitive comments · Unruly behavIOr, such as boomg or hIssmg or harassmg remarks, IS prohIbIted. · Ask if everybody understands these rules Address appearance of fairness Issues' · ThIS heanng should be fair m form and substance as well as appearance. · Does any member of thIS CouncIl stand to gam or lose any financIal benefit as a result of the outcome of thIS heanng? · Can you hear and consIder thIS m a faIr and objective manner? · Has any member of thIS CouncIl engaged m commUnICatIOn outsIde thIS heanng wIth opponents or proponents on the Issue to be heard? · If so, that member must place on the record the substance of any such commUnICatIOn so that other mterested partIes may have the right at this heanng to rebut the substance of the commUnICatIOn. · Does any member of thIS CouncIl know whether or not theIr employer has a financIal mterest m the area for whIch thIS appeal IS based, or has an mterest in the outcome of thIS proceedmg? · Does any member of thIS CouncIl lIve or own property wlthm 300 feet of the area for which thIS appeal is based? · Does any member of thIS CouncIl have any special knowledge about the substance or the merits of thIS proceedmg which would or could cause the CouncIl person to prejudge the outcome of thIS proceedmg? · Is there a member of thIS CouncIl who belIeves that he or she cannot SIt and hear thIS matter faIrly and Impartially, both as to the respectIve posItions of the proponents and the opponents of the requested appeal? · Is there any member of the audIence who because of the "Appearance of Fairness Doctnne" has grounds to dIsqualIfy any member of thIS CouncIl from hearing this matter? · If so, please state the name of the CouncIl person and the reason or reasons why you belIeve that CouncIl person should be disqualified because of the "Appearance of Fairness Doctnne." . Any member disqualified based on appearance of fairness grounds must leave the heanng room and must not partIcIpate further concernmg the applIcatIOn. After the CouncIl persons have been qualified the Mayor should read the followmg: Dunng the pendency of any quasi-judicial proceedmg, no member of a declSlon-makmg body may engage m ex parte commumcatiOns wIth opponents or proponents wIth respect to the proposal WhICh is the subject of the proceedmg. ThIS prohIbItiOn does not preclude a member of a declSlon-making body from seekmg m a public heanng specIfic mformatiOn or data from such partIes relative to the decision If both the request and the results are a part of the record The Hearmg proceeds as follows: · City Planning staff IS allowed adequate time to present a staff report. · Proponents and Opponents are allowed equal time to present argument · Equal time IS allowed for rebuttal. At conclusiOn of arguments: · Close the heanng and state what steps are to occur next. · DeliberatiOns on a quasI-JudIcIal matter can occur followmg the hearing or at some other time. Council may find It best to postpone deliberatiOns until members have had time to review the record. Be careful not to delay the deliberatiOns and eventual declSlon beyond the statutory time limIt. · It IS strongly recommended that the deliberations occur in open seSSiOn. However, the Open Public Meetmgs Act exempts from ItS coverage that part of a meetmg WhICh relates to quasI-judicial matters. · If the deliberatiOns are held m an open meetmg, comments from the audIence should not be permItted. · DeliberatiOns by the council are not consIdered part of the record for purposes of jUdICial reVIew of the decIsiOn. · The vote on the appeals must occur in open session. After the vote IS taken, the CIty councIl should dIrect the staff or legal counsel to prepare findmgs of fact and conclusions of law m support of the declSlon. After preparatiOn of the findings and conclusiOns, the council must vote to approve them or to send them back for modIfication. · The decIsIOn must be based on evidence included in the record and be consIstent WIth the legal standards that apply to the appeal Dated: /~- G~O~- ,200 \'n ,f) 0 IJJJ ~ Mayor -A~~ ~ CIty Clerk G \LEGAL\FonnslAppearofFarrnesslO-18-05 wpd . . . CITY OF ~ORT ANGELES ~ ~. WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITYCOUNCILMEMO DATE: December 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL J., SCOTT K JOHNS /:::f ASSOCIATE PLANNER r; ! V ~ To: FROM: SUBJECT: SEP A appeal of DNS # 1109 for The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision Summary: An appeal of Determination of Non-Significance #11 09 for the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development. The appellant claims environmental impacts were notfully investigated and requests that a Determination of Significance be issued and afull environmental impact statement be required. Recommendation: Following closure of the closed record hearing, Council should uphold staff's initial Determination of Non-Significance based on the attached Findings and Conclusions. Back!!round / Analysis: A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS#1109) was issued for The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD/subdivIsion on July 6, 2005, based on information available at the time and anticipation of applying adequate conditions through the PRD permit process to implement the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance and other development regulations to adequately address environmental concerns. The appellant based the appeal on several issues and maintains that the DNS should be withdrawn and a Determmation of Sigmficance be issued which would then require that an EnVIronmental Impact Statement be generated. The issues identified include that. 1) the traffic study is inadequate and is based on an earlier traffic study; 2) Impacts to the critical areas, Valley Creek ravine and the on-site wetland were not fully analyzed; 3) stormwater runoff issues were not fully addressed; 4) impacts to and from wildlife living in the Valley Creek ravine were not fully analyzed; 5) population of the PRD was underestimated on the SEPA checklist; 6) the checklist dId not address defensible space for nearby forest lands; 7) noise and air pollution issues were not fully addressed; 8) Police Department comments indicate that they are understaffed and unable to effectively monitor traffic in the area; and 9) the PRD is inconsistent with zoning and the Comprehensive Plan based on the required level of service for parks and open space. In response to these issues, staff offers the following responses: Issue 1 The traffic study IS inadequate and based on earlzer information that did not address this project. City staff recognized the limItations of the traffic study that was submitted and stIpulated that additional information be submitted and that mitigatmg conditions be put in place prior to approval of the PRD/subdivision. This is a permit issue, not a SEP A issue. 115 Issue 2. The impacts to Valley Creek and the on-site wetland. Staff considered potential Impacts to adjacent critical areas and stipulated that the project meet the requirements of City's CrItical Areas Ordinance pnor to approval of the PRD/suhdlVision This is a permit issue, not a SEP A issue. Issue 3. Stormwater runoff Issues were not fully addressed Staff reviewed the proposal for potential impacts and stipulated that the proj ect meet the standards of the 1996 City of Port Angeles Stormwater Management Plan. , Issue 4. Impacts to wIldlife hving in the Valley Creek ravine and the potential threat to inhabItants of the P RD ji-om the wIldlife hVIng In the raVine. Staff stipulated that the project must meet the requirements of the City's critical areas ondinance and thus the wildlife inhabiting those areas. This is a permit issue, not a SEP A Issue Issue 5. The populatlOn of the PRD was underestImated on the SEPA checkhst. Staff reviewed the proposal WIth regard to densIty and determined that the proposal met the density requirements of P AMC Title 17, Zonmg. Issue 6. The checkhst dId not address defensIble space for nearby forestland and contends that forest fire risk IS high. This is not a SEP A Issue. Setbacks from property lines along the exterior of the PRDlsubdivIsion must meet the criteria of P AMC Title 17, Zoning. Issue 7 Noise and azr pollution issues were not adequately addressed. Staff requested comments from appropriate agencies on these issues No comments were received. Both air pollution and noise levels are regulated by State agencies. Issue 8. Police Department comments that police are under staffed and will not be able to effectIvely momtor the traffic. The level of service for emergency services is not a SEP A issue. The required level of service for police and other emergency services are defined in the City of Port Angeles' Comprehensive Plan. The level of service for police protection stated in the Comprehensive plan is not exceeded by this project. Issue 9. Consistency WIth the zoning and the ComprehensIve Plan. The level of service for parks and open space requirement is not a SEP A issue. The City stipulated that all zoning and Comprehensive Plan requirements must be met pnor to approval of the PRDlsubdivision. Attachments Attch A Fmdmgs and ConclUSions Attch B Appellant letters T \PRD\The reserve at Valley Creek\CC Memo for SEPA appeal doc 116 . . . . . . ATTACHMENT A Fmdings and Conclusions m support ofupholdmg staffs recommendation to deny the appeal of DNS # 1109 fm the Reserve at Valley Creek. FINDINGS: 1. An application for the Reserve at Valley Creek PRD was submitted on May 3, 2005. 2. Proper notIfication of the propose land use action was provided in the Penmsula Dmly News on June 10,2005, posted on the site on June 10,2005, and mailed to surrounding property owners on June 6, 2005. 3 Comments on the proposal were requested from appropriate agencies during the specified public comment period. 4. A DeterminatlOn ofNonSigmficance was issued for the Reserve at Valley Creek on July 6, 2005. 5 . WAC 197-11-330 states, "The lead agency decides whether an EIS is required in the threshold determination process, as described below. (1) In making a threshold determination, the responsible official shall: (c) Consider mitigation measures which an agency or the applicant wIll implement as part of the proposal, includmg any mitigation measures required by development regu1atlOn, comprehensive plans, or other eXIsting environmental rules or laws". 6. A SEP A determination of significance need only be mitigated by conditions added to the Determination when existing environmental rules or development standards would not adequately reduce the potential significant adverse impacts that could not otherwise be reduced to a point of non-significance. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The concern for environmental impacts associated with the Reserve at Valley Creek have been thoroughly reviewed, relative to existing City of Port Angeles development regulations and environmental rules. 2. Existing developmental regulations and environmental rules provide an adequate framework to mitigate potential significant adverse impacts. 3. The City of Port Angeles' SEP A responsible official did consider whether potential significant adverse impacts were likely and determined that any potential adverse impacts would be adequately mitigated through existing development standards and environmental rules. 117 ~ e /1 (...- -, e NO.~ CITY OF PO:RT ~ANGELES DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE Description of Proposal: A 147 lot Planned Residential Development located on a 34.46 acre site. A mixture of smgle family, duplex, and fourplex row houses with common zero lot lines will be developed. The site contains a portion of Valley Creek ravine and a wetland area. Location of Proposal (including street address, if any): The southwest comer of Ahlvers Road and Laurel Street, Port Angeles, W A. APPLICANT: Development and Construction Group, Inc. Lead Agency: City of Port Angeles The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review ofa completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [ ] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Comments must be submitted by . at which time the DNS may be retained, modified, or withdrawn. [ ] There is no comment period for this DNS. [X] This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period. Julv 6. 2005 Date You may appeal this determmation to the Port Angeles City Council through the Department of Commumty & Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, W A, 98362, by submitting such written appeal to the Department no later than Julv 20. 2005 You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Mark E Madsen, Director, Port Angeles Department of Community & Economic Development, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362, phone (360) 417 - 4750. Pub N/A Post N/ A Mall 7/6/05 DOE .' e e Filing Fee: *$250.00 Admin. $ 75.00. CITY OF PORT ANGELES ' fBJ fE ~ fE ~ WJ fE inlrry-j ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST lIll[ lidJj Purpose of ChecklIst: MAY - 3 20115 J ,i I CITY QF PORT ANGELES The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW,4&W-I~l.i98!rr.!Q~entall agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental Impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency deCide whether an EIS IS required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determIne whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question to the best of your knowledge. In most cases you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply (N/A". Complete answers to the questions will aVOid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if yOU can. If you have problems please ask the City Department of Community Development employees to assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to phase them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects and include a site map. BACKGROUND 1. Name of project: The Reserve at Valley Creek ----- A. Address or general location of site: Ahlvers Road at South Laurel Street, Port Angeles 2. Name, address, and phone number of applicant: Development and Construction Group, Inc. 12501 Bellevue-Redmond Road, Suite 106 Bellevue, WA 98005-2509 (360) 452-7175 3. Name, address and phone number of contact person if other than applicant: Zenovic & Associates, Inc. 519 S. Peabody Street, Suite 22 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Steve Zenovic (360) 417-0501 ~~~ ( ~ L.;)- 79 Y - I 0 Slc (3/"'0) &83- L./L3i ~L 4. Date checklist prepared: May 2,2005 5. Agency requesting checklist: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 6. Proposed timing or .dule (including phasing, if apPhcablee Complete project by 1/1/07 A. What is the long term objective of this proposal? Create 147 mixed density residential lots B. How does this project relate to long-term plans? There are no other facets of this project 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: A wetlands report and a traffic study will be prepared in conjunction with this application 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? 10. known. Site is currently being annexed to the City of Port Angeles If yes, explain. c." 11 List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if 1\ vr:P t-'~~ ~/ ~ \.... ~/";>'::? 'l/ ':> Preliminary and Final Short Plat approval; Clearing and Grading Permit; f(V Environmentally Sensitive Areas Permit \1.) 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses .y and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that vt>1)~ . ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those \ b rxr""~ answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to Include additional specific ~.A~I':~b information on project description.) \~J>~01) 7' 9 'J'" V\j ,t"' ()f.,,Jv I Project consists of subdividing a 34.5 ac+/- parcel into sixty-one (61) conventional ~~, i- ~ .".;:> ~fl'~ single-family residential lots, fifty-four (54) duplex lots (27 duplexes with zero lot line ~,~... \. ~1S.' > between units with duplex), and thirty-two (32) high density lots with up to 4 units !/ \JV':p. ' ,~/O with zero lot lines; lots will be between 2000 sf and 11,900 sf; all lots will front on ~ R 1 1 newly constructed paved roadways meeting City standards y~y J! 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans J4 ~ e required by the agency, you are not!uired to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. Project IS located at the southwest corner of Ahlvers Road and South Laurel Street in the City of Port Angeles; property is described as the NE 'l4 of the SW 'l4 of Section 16, T 30 N. R 6 W, WM PROJECT SPECIFIC ACTIONS: Complete this section if your proposal involves a project specific action such as a subdivision, new construction, a new or expanding business, a site specific rezone (not area-wide), a conditional use permit, a shoreline permit, or similar action: ENVIRONMENT 1. Earth A. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rollina, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other B. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Approximately 65% C. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agncultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Soils are Clallam-Hoypus gravelly sandy loam~ no prime agricultural soils are found on the site. D. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No E. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any Filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill: Grading will be required for the construction of improvements to the proposed roadways; an estimated 15,000 c.y of overburden will be removed ___and_an equiYaJent alJ1o_uot qf ~tructural fill will be placed for roadway construction; mass excavation/fill is proposed for lot development, quantities are unknown at tis time but are estimated at less than 50,000 c.y. F. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No; site is gently sloped in the areas where construction is proposed and has stable surface soils G. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Estimated at 30% (combined road construction and site development at full project buildout) )~ e e H. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: A siltation fence/work area barrier will be installed between the work area and adjoining properties to the north as well as at the top of the steep slope into the Valley Creek ravine; all construction will be in conformance with the requirements of the Puget Sound Stormwater Management Manual 2. Air A. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, Industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Emissions from construction equipment fumes and dust would occur during construction; potential emissions from wood stoves and fireplaces at full build out B. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No C. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: All construction equipment will be properly maintained to mimmize fumes during construction; roadways will be watered as necessary to minimize dust ~, . :1'!> (;;/1 f/+(~ " j) ,SA 1lV ~t'1t ~~ oy I.(l~.,# ~ t,fll>, ~ vi" ;r 11" /1 v,..J ~'v Valley Creek, a Type 3 stream, crosses the southwest corner of the ~oF' 't;It'. or / property; Valley Creek flows into Port Angeles Harbor approximately 2.5 --yi vi '\ . (..:I-.l / ci) miles north ofhe project site ~Jl.-' r~(V' l' ~ .I ii.) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 It-> ) feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. 3. Water A. Surface: i.) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate Vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No iii.) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material: None iv.) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No - v.) Does the prope lie within a 1 DO-year floodplain? If seote location on the site plan. "'I^ ...v vi.) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No B. Ground: i.) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No ii.) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the Ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing chemicals; agricultural wastes; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None C. Water Runoff (including storm water): L) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and 0' method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this lI..c;~~I;~ '0\1-'--- t'-o water flow? Will the water flow mto other waters? If so, describe. ~ ",v \ \ \, l,; ,L1. (2..>. .\..; Ir ~. . v.?p Runoff from impervious surfaces will occur at build out; runoff will be directed ~~ ~ I 0 ;It-~.-r / to a subsurface storm drain system which will terminate in two stormwater ..{~~ }iO'P'(. ob retention ponds; ultimate discharge from the storm water control system will\?;>'t-. 1~pJ( t ~ / be routed into the existing drainage along the north Side of the property and'\I'\&J-' '7 r " to Valley Creek to the west ! ii.) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Potential exists for runoff to contain silt and oil as is typical of paved roadways and single-family residential site development D. -Proposed measures-to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Runoff discharge rates from the system will be equal to or less than the rate if the site was fully timbered as determined by the standards of the puget Sound Storm Water Management Manual (1992); bioswales will be provided for runoff treatment prior to discharge to the natural drainage systems (Valley Creek to west and wetlands to the north 4. Plants A. Check or circle the type of vegetation found on the site: _X_ deciduous tree: alder. maple, aspen, other _X_ evergreen tree: fir. cedar, pine, other -p_ shrubs 1 e e grass _X_ pasture crop or grain _X_wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other Other types of vegetation B. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Existing trees and pasture grass will be removed for roadway construction and site development; no trees, brush, or gras will be removed within 25 feet of the top of the Valley Creek ravine; total area to be cleared is approximately 20 acres C. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any. None proposed at this stage of site development 5. Animals A. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, sonabirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other B. Threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known or observed C. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No D. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. None proposed 6. Energy and Natural Resources A. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric energy and possible wood heat at full buildout; no energy needs for this phase of the project B. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No C. What kinds of energy conservation features are included In the ) " plans of this proposal? Ust oth'proposed measUres to reduce or cont!nergy impacts, if any. None proposed 7. Environmental Health A. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No i) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None ii) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any. None B. NOise i) What types of noise exist in the area which may effect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None ii) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. At full buildout, some traffic noise as is typical of single-family residential development iii) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise Impacts, if any: None 8. Land and Shoreline Use A. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Site is an abanaoried farm; properties to the south and west are undeveloped, properties to the north are large parcel residential or __yapant land, the Independe~t Bible Church is to the east B. _ _ HasJhe site been used for agriculture? If sO,__c!escribe. _ Yes; the site is part of a no longer active farm C. Describe any structures on the site. An abandoned farm house is on the site D. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? 1~ I The farm house I be demolished e E. What is the current zoning classification of the site? RS-7 F. What is the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the site? Low density residential G. What is the current Shoreline Master Program designation of the site? N/A H. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Yes; the Valley Creek ravine and Valley Creek are classified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas I. How many people would reside or work in the completed project? Estimated at 300 residents at full buildout J. displace? Approximately how many people would the completed project None K. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None L. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Project is consistent with underlying zoning, Comprehensive Plan guidelines and uses. 9. Housing A. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. A total of 147 units are proposed; in general, the units will be middle in~~me____ ____ _~_ B. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any. N/A ~~1) ,fi ~i' ~c -j) ~yf,O / /V~ \6 .c.~' Db. ,,')01 IY l.V /-' \I f.,,1 1/~ D V {l(,.f\lr 1 :l' ()-- \ /J '" ~ I e e 10. Aesthetics ,Ii.. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not inc!udi!1g antennas; what is the principal exterior building matenal(s) proposed? No structures are proposed at this time; future residences will meet City standards (30' maximum building height). B. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Views from the existing large parcel residentially developed lots to the north would change; in addition, view for the Independent Bible Church facility will change from open space to residential C. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. None 11. Light and Glare A. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Lighting typical of suburban residential areas B. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No C. What eXisting off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Site security lighting from the church facility to the east could impact the residences along the common property line D. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. None 12. Recreation A. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? No designated opportunities are in the immediate vicinity; Port Angeles High School is approximately 1/4 mile to the north B. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, ) " '61-" o_u{l l~ ~lP . 1C1~ ~ ~ - .j;(J1u ~b " ~1IfL; A'(if I. I 0 i \\ ';,9, JO v ~o ~JY~' r>f< 0 ~ p'\; {Iv v~ /(t' ~ ~l ,,~ v'" ~u -f' ' r i- t-d d. "J~ ~../e 110- ~\t- (LD'V' t~ E. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or \ l1""~u~i '}- air transportation? If so, generally describe. \ l;, } , mcluding recreation opportuniti. be provided by the project or apPlice if any. None 13. Histonc and Cultural Preservation A. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe: None known or observed B. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known or observed C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None 14. Transportation A. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Site is served by Ahlvers Road and South Laurel Street; South Laurel Street is a designated collector but is currently not constructed to City standards adjacent to the project site; Ahlvers Road is also a designated collector with the portion of the roadway nearest the site constructed to collector standards B. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes C. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? No spaces will be created D. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (Indicate either public or private). Yes; improvements to South Laurel Street could be required from Viewcrest Street to the project site; approximately 4400 feet of 28 foot wide paved roadway (2-10 foot travel lanes and a parking lane on one side) will be constructed on the site No F. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. )4- " It e Estimated 1000 additional tripS per day are anticipated at full site development G. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. Internal roadways will be constructed to City of Port Angeles standards as required to serve anticipated traffic load; improvements to Ahlvers Road and South Laurel Street may be required based on the analysis in the forthcoming traffic study 15. Public Services A. Would the project result In an increased need for public services (for example?: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No B. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None 16. Utilities A. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water. refuse service. telephone. sanitary sewer, septic system, other. B. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Sanitary sewer, water, power - City of Port Angeles Telephone - Qwest Communications Cable Television - Wave Broadband 17. Economics A. If the proposal will result in expansion of an existing business, please describe the nature of the expansion: (e.g., additional land and/or buildings, new equipment, new employees). N/A B. If the proposal is the creation of a new business, please describe (e.g., re-use of an existing building and site, construction of a new building). N/A C. Describe if the proposal is the first of its type in the community, or what the similar uses are. Project is ancillary to existing use ) .; e e D. How many people will the proposal provide employment for at its completion and what types of .lobs will be creClted (e.g., sales clerks. factory workers. etc.)? (Jobs created by the construction of the proposal should be reported separately.) None E. Where will the materials, goods or services utilized by the proposal come from? N/A F. Where will the goods or services produced by the proposal be utilized? N/A G. Who will utilize the goods or services produced by the proposal? N/A H. Will the proposal alter the tax assessments of the area? No ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT (ESA) INFORMATION A. LISTED SPECIES If ESA listed species (salmon, trout, and chars, e.g. bull trout) are present or ever were present in the watershed where your project will be located, your project has the potential for affecting them, and you need to comply with the ESA. The questions in this section will help determine if the ESA listings will impact your project. Within the City of Port Angeles, the watershed is the Port Angeles Harbor. Are ESA listed salmonids currently present in the watershed in which your project will be: Yes X No Has there ever been an ESA listed salmonid stock present in this watershed: Yes X No Uncertain Please describe Puaet Sound Chinook Salmon. Strait of Juan de Fuca summer chum salmon. and bull trout are listed as threatened species in the Elwha River, Morse Creek. and the Strait of Juan de Fuca includina Port Anaeles Harbor. [ If you answered 'yes" to either of the above questions, you should complete the remainder of this section. If not, skip to Non Project Action Section Page 13] 1. Name of watershed Port Anaeles Reaional Watershed (Elwha Morse). 2. Name of nearest waterbody Valley Creek )~ '" 3. What is the distanceem this project to the nearest body evater? (Often a buffer between the project and a stream can reduce the chance of a negative impact to fish.) Valley Creek runs through the southwest comer of the site 4. What is the current land use between the project and the potentially affected water body (parking lot, farmland, etc.)? Primarily undisturbed native vegetation although the ravine slopes appear to have been logged in the past and naturally restocked 5. Is the project above a: ( ) natural permanent barrier (waterfall) natural temporary barrier (beaver pond); (X) man made barrier (culvert, dam); ( ) other (explain) No 6. If you checked any of the items listed in the above question #5, are there any resident salmonid populations above the blockage? Yes _No_ Don't know X 7. What percent of the project will be impervious surface (including pavement and roof area)? Approximately 10% at lot site development; estimated at less than 30% at full development B. FISH MIGRATION: The following questions will help determine if this project could interfere with migration of adult and juvenile fish. (Both increases and decreases to water flow can affect fish migration.) 1. Does the project require the withdrawal of: Surface water? No Name of surface water body Ground water? No Amount From where? 2. Will any water be rerouted? No 3. Will there be retention ponds? Yes If yes, will this be an infiltration pond or a surface discharge to either a municipal storm water system or a surface water body? Depth of well j~ Discharge is pr.ed to be either to Valley Creek (4erly portion of the project or to an existing drainageway that terminates _.&. a ..-.. ~___I... __-"L.. _.& "'L..._ _.........:,,_... al IVIIII vi t::t::" IIUllIl UI 1I1ti tJl UJtivL If a surface water discharge, name of waterbody Valley Creek and Mill Creek 4. Will new roads be required? Yes (Increased road mileage may affect the timing of water reaching a stream and may impact fish habitat.) 5. Are culverts proposed as part of the project? Yes 6. Will topography changes affect the duration/direction of runoff flows? If yes, describe: No 7. Will the project involve any reduction of the floodway or floodplain by filling or other partial blockage of flows? No If yes, how will the loss of flood storage be mitigated by your project? C. WATER QUALITY. 1. Do you know of any problems with water quality in any of the streams within this watershed? If so, describe No 2. Will your project reduce or increase shade along or over a waterbody? No 3. Will the project increase nutrient loading or have the potential to increase nutrient loading or contaminants (fertilizers, other waste discharges, or runoff) to the waterbody? No 4. Will turbidity be increased because of the project activities? No 5. Will your project require long term maintenance, i.e., bridge cleaning, highway salting, chemical sprays for vegetation management, clearing of parking lots? Maintenance of the biofiltration swale and stormwater discharge system will be required J~ " D. VEGETATION e e 1 . Will the project involve the removal of any vegetation from stream banks? No 2. If any vegetation is removed, do you plan to replant? N/A I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge, the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of nonsignificance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. SIGNED:~ DATE: 0'/1-/0 S PHONE: 300- Ll-l"'-IO~ I /4 e ::\ -~ SHEET --., 1 " \ ".----- // , ..-/ ,,-- __ or . . . November 2S, 2005 I ~ fE (G fE r\0~ rE !DJ I I NOV2b~l I CITY OF PORT ANGELES j l Deel of C~~m~unlll' De~_~~~ Port Angeles City Council City Hall Port Angeles, W A 98362 Re: Appeal of Determination of Non-Significance for the Reserve at Valley Creek Dear Council Members; We have submitted an appeal of the City's Determination of Non-Significance for the project known as the Reserve at Valley Creek. We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with additional comments relating to our original reasons for submitting the appeal. We understand that no new items may be presented, but we did wish to provide additional details regarding our original items. As we stated in our letter of 07/18/05, there are several areas where the answers provided in the City of Port Angeles Environmental Checklist are either incomplete or inaccurate. It is our understanding that the Planning Department made their decision to issue the Determination of Non-Significance based on this information. We feel that there are simply too many discrepancies and problems that should be more properly addressed by a full Environmental Impact Statement. We will address each reason in greater detail. The greatest area of concern is the impact of this project on the environment. As we stated earlier, the Critical Area of Valley Creek and the wetlands should have generated a need for a full EIS. We are even more concerned because it appears that the DNS was not sent to all of the agencies with jurisdiction so not all of the agencies had proper opportunity to comment on the project as is required according to the SEP A Unit Manager. There are also significant differences in the preliminary report that was prepared by ALKAI consultants on OS/23/05 and the report submitted 10/17/05. Our earlier statement expressed our concerns with the many unanswered questions. The later report directly contradicts several of the answers provide in the Environmental Checklist. The checklist indicated that there would be no fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands. The last ALKAI report indicated that they would be excavating 7,500 square feet to a depth of3.5 feet. A "water component" in Wetland B is referred to also in the report. This would appear to be the storm water retention pond referred to in the beginning information on the project. Water runoff and storm water management is also an area of concern referred to in our original appeal. There is no development of this density along Valley Creek. According to the information on Valley Creek compiled in the draft WRIA-18 Watershed Plan (Entrex 2003), " in the watershed plan, thermal pollution, untreated stormwater inputs, and nonpoint pollution from high-density areas are water quality concerns in Valley Creek." The report indicates that "stormwater impacts to Valley Creek are severe with 60% of the watershed in urban area that has 50% impervious cover." This development projects increasing the impervious cover by 30%. Adding 140 more 119 residential units seems inappropriate considered the importance of Valley Creek and its proximity to the Port Angeles Harbor. Additionally the 30% constitutes the entire 34 acres. Of major concern is that the entire project will actually be on 15 acres which we feel constitutes a major point source of problems with regards to pollution, erosion, landslides, and water runoff affecting the quality of Valley Creek for all the values it provides. The first ALKAI report indicated that "over half ofthe watershed is privately owned and its natural resources are threatened by land use development, surface water sediment influx, loss offish habitat and problematic blockages to upstream reached." The Environmental Checklist indicated that runoff and stormwater would be discharged either to Valley Creek or to an existing drainageway that crosses into our pond and on into Mill Creek. It also indicated that the project would not increase nutrient loading which has the potential to be a significant impact on the watershed. The questionnaire also answered "no" to the question of increased turbidity which is also questionable. With the Neilton soils present in this area, especially along the slopes of Valley Creek, these water quality and quantity issues should be addressed and referred to the proper agencies with jurisdiction for comment. Obviously erosion, especially in the Creek ravine area is a significant area of concern. The Detention Pipe Discharge Line appears to provide an outfall to the Creek.slope with a biofiltration swale. This appears to be in the proposed habitat enhancement area which suggests that this is also part of the development's "open space/recreational area." This would change the nature of the area and the extra impact of people into this area could create additional concerns. Wildlife is also an area of concern that was not addressed at all in the staff report and the Checklist contains some significant errors. The Checklist listed no birds except songbirds and only deer under mammals. We have redtail hawks, eagles, great blue herons, and grouse as well as a multitude of songbirds. There are owls that hunt the field, woodpeckers including the magnificent Pileated Woodpeckers, jays, mallard ducks, wood ducks, and many quail. The area provides habitat for many creatures. Clearly the wetlands provide important functions for wildlife of all types. The deer are numerous but there are also many other mammals and their presence is not noted or acknowledged. Coyotes, raccoons, bears and cougars are regularly in the area as well as squirrels, chipmunks, voles, and field mice. The inlpact on the wildlife needs to be considered as well as the safety of the residents and their animals. Salmon and trout are present in Valley Creek and are listed species under the Endangered Species Act. While they are acknowledged in the questionnaire, there is little information in the answers to the water quality/quantity issues that definitely impact these species. The increase in the impervious cover is a major concern as is erosion. We addressed the issue of the density of the project. We do feel the estimate of 300 residents at full buildout is most likely an understatement. The questionnaire indicates that this is a "middle income" project, however, it has been generally presented as affordable housing for new home buyers such as single moms. We question this assessment and feel that the impacts on the area don't justify a development with this kind of density. Defensible space for adjacent timberlands and properties was not addressed in the Checklist at all and should be. Our area has always been susceptible to wildfire and having the proper defensible space is critical. Also with the influx of . . . 120 . . . tml11lies with children and not much area to play, the woods will become attractive as a play area leading to the increased possibility of fire danger. Noise and Air Pollution are not fully addressed in the Checklist. The area is like a bowl and sounds reverberate through the neighborhood. This was demonstrated even with the single home on the property. The area is also subject to inversions which trap and hold smoke and fog. Chris Melly has already provided information from ORCAA which should be considered. The Checklist also responded "No" to the question regarding the impact on City Services, however, the Police Department has indicated that traffic would be a problem as well as the potential increase in service calls. Also with the existing water issues (for example, the flooding that generally occurs at the intersection of Laurel and Boulevard after a good rain), we are concerned about the ability of the City's current resources to handle this additional influx. The other major issue is traffic. It is our understanding that the most recent traffic study did not include Peabody Street and also really didn't specifically address the many concerns of the area residents. While we don't expect that this developer would be required to foot the bill for everything that is needed in the area, more information is needed on this. The pedestrian safety issue was a major concern for many. For these many reasons, we feel that a full EIS should be requested. There still are too many unanswered questions to allow this project to go forward without more information and without making certain that all of the agencies with jurisdiction are included and have the opportunity to comment. As citizens we are very frustrated. It doesn't seem like the public truly gets an opportunity for adequate input and consideration. We are not made fully aware of our options or limitations generally until time runs out. Having a full EIS would help reassure us and the neighborhood that the important issues have properly been dealt with and that restrictions and requirements are in place to protect the environment and the community. We respectfully request that you support our appeal. Sincerely, ~~ c() ~ Kfv L1 Fred & Wendy Rix 139 West Ahlvers Rd Port Angeles, W A 98362 121 . . . 122 " ~ inl! -- -7!.!:V I _~JUL2 U Ll105 I' : ~':: ~ 't ~iP1 Pd"I..3ELES E "Jr..." 'tprrrLril ~ . July 18,2005 Scott Johns Planning Department City of Port Angeles City Hall Port Angeles, W A 98362 Re: The Reserve at Valley Creek Appeal of the Determination of Non-significance . Dear Scott; Per our conversation of July 15, 2005, on behalf of a concerned neighborhood, we wish to appeal the Determination of Non-significance on the Reserve at Valley Creek project. We feel a full EIS is necessary on this project due to the scope and density of the project and its probable impacts on the surrounding area and the community. While we understand that an EIS was required when the expansion project for the Independent Bible Church was approved, that EIS did not deal with the potential impacts on Valley Creek and the wetlands or noise and air pollution issues. While traffic was addressed, it did not include the impact of the addition of 147 residential units either. This is a new project and it raises its own issues and concerns. The impact of the project on the environment, specifically the critical area of Valley Creek and the wetlands, is one of the most pressing reasons for requiring a full EIS. The City has indicated that all the proper permits and final plans will be submitted prior to fmal approval, but that leaves too many unanswered questions. The very density of the project will have a significant impact on these areas and should be carefully reviewed prior to any approval. Water runoff and storm water management are not fully addressed. The number of households with families going about their daily activities will have a profound impact on water runoff Flooding is already a common occurrence at Boulevard and Laurel after a good rain. The impact on wildlife was not addressed in the staff report and the questionnaire does not provide a true representation of the number of animals present in the area. The bird population is amazing. We have far more than the songbirds the City's questionnaire indicates. We regularly have redtail hawks, great blue herons, grouse, and eagles as well as songbirds, owls, woodpeckers, robins, jays, and even large Pileated woodpeckers that are a delight to observe. We have many mallard ducks and quail. In our pond right across the road, we have been fortunate to have had several pairs of wood ducks nest. The deer are numerous and were acknowledged in the questionnaire, but there is no mention of the other mammals and their presence is significant and should be addressed for safety reasons at the very least. We see coyotes, bears, cougars, and raccoons, and other small mammals such as squirrels, chipmunks, voles and field mice in the area. As Bruce Moorhead stated, this project creates a large bait station unless proper steps are taken to . 123 protect both the residents and then pets~and the wildlife. Sevcaa1 yedis ago, Jeff Woolridge's children were playing on Valley Creek just adjacent to the planned trail area and their dog treed a large cougar that was stalking them. The cougar was shot and while the Game Department was investigating it, another cougar walked out of the creek draw above them. Valley Creek is a stream with listed species. Salmon, bull trout, and other aquatic creatures are found there. The impact ofthis project on the restoration and improvements efforts that have been made to Valley Creek deserves attention. This area is abundant with wildlife. Even the wetlands that Alkai found nonsignificant for habitat are truly full of life and provide an important area for these many creatures. The questionnaire estimates 300 residents at full buildout. We contend that this is unrealistically low. 147 units that are being primarily marketed for first home buyers will generate more than 2 people per household and since many ofthese will likely wind up as rentals, it will no doubt be significantly higher with the many families that will likely come along with renting. Even at 300 people, that seems excessive to place right next to a critical area. The questionnaire and the staff report did not address the issue of defensible space for the adjacent timberlands. This is definitely a potential fire hazard to the critical areas, the development, and the neighboring area. With the influx of families with children, the woods will be attractive as a play area, especially since the yard areas and play areas are so limited in the development. Noise and Air Pollution were not really addressed in the questionnaire. The area is a like a bowl and noise reverberates throughout the area. Even with the single house in the area, general household activities and conversations could be clearly heard not only at our place, but further into the neighborhood as well. The traffic noise will be dramatically increased with a project this size. There are no proposed measures to deal with this. We understand that the City can't mandate any restrictions on the use of wood stoves, but the Air Pollution issue was not addressed. The area regularly is subject to inversions and smoke and fog collect and settle in that bowl area and throughout the surrounding neighborhood, but most especially over the project area. Since no restrictions can be placed on wood stoves and fireplaces, perhaps the density needs to be adjusted if the project is to go forward. Chris Melly, another neighbor, provided information from ORCAA for consideration. Light and glare from such a large number of homes could be detrimental to safety and views. There is no assessment of this. The questionnaire indicated that there would be no impact on City services, but the Police Department indicated that traffic would be a problem as they do not have enough officers to handle that many more vehicles. With the existing water issues, we feel more information should be provided regarding the ability of the City currently to handle the additional load this project will create. Traffic issues need to be more clearly addressed. When we attended the meeting at the IBC church back in March, the City staff indicated that a full traffic study would be required, however, the developer didn't attend to this in a timely manner and now they can't even do the study until school starts back up. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety for school children and others is of paramount concern to the neighborhood as the roads are inadequate for that traffic load. We need more information in order to determine what requirements should be made. . . . 124 . . . r 1 ; .' \ I J1 11 There are ~ome question~ a~ to whtther this proposal is ~onsisteni with underlying zoning, the Comprehensive Plan guidelines and uses that need to be addressed. It doesn't seem to satisfy all the ordinances. Common Usable Space and Recreational land certainly doesn't seem to meet the ordinance requirements. The developer needs to be held to proper compliance and not allowed to avoid these responsibilities by looking to other properties (such as the IBC) to meet recreational acreage. Without proper covenants there is no way that this project will deliver the "cohesiveness" that is required of a PRD. More information needs to be provided by the developer as he has already indicated his intent to build the fourplexes and maybe one house and one duplex-and then he's gone. A full EIS could help nail down some of these issues. The size and density of this project really mandate the need for a full EIS to make sure that the interests of the neighborhood and the community are properly addressed. It is our opinion that this site is not the appropriate place for such a development and that there are probably other sites-without all these issues-that would be better for such a project. We feel a full EIS is definitely needed and that is why we are appealing the Determination of Non-significance. We look forward to providing additional information when this is brought to the City Council for consideration. Sincerely, ...1 I f y"j', r~U-'fJ ~ Wendy Rix Fred Rix 139 West Ahlvers Rd Port Angeles, W A 360-452-2388 125 . . . 126 . . . CITY OF FORT ANGELES . - . - _._..-. --....-... .---... ~ ~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE. DECEMBER 6, 2005 To: CITY COUNCIL t SconK JOHNS ,f-A ASSOCIATE PL~ER FROM: SUBJECT: "The Reserve at Valley reek" PRD and Subdivision Summary: Development of a 34.5 acre site in the RS-7 Single Family zone into 55 single family resIdential lots, 60 zero lot line duplex lots, 26 zero lot line 4-plex town house lots, and several common useable open space areas. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and subdivision provide an alternative resIdential development design to the basic single family residential neighborhood and the basic multi-family residential neighborhood in a manner that is affordable as starter homes for new families and other first time home buyers. Conditions are recommended that would satisfy the PRD standards that are not included in the initial plans. Recommendation: The City Council should concur with the recommendation of the Planning CommissIOn to give preliminary approval to the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and subdivision with the attached conditions, findings, and conclusions Backeround I Analvsis: The proposed "The Reserve at Valley Creek" planned residential development (PRD) and subdivIsion SIte IS located south of Ahlvers Road and east of Laurel Street. The site contains a portion of the Valley Creek ravine on the southwest comer of the site, and a category III wetland complex in the northeastern portion of the site. The two sensitive areas comprise approximately 14 acres of the site. Both of the areas will be set aside as part of the common usable open space that IS required as part of a planned residential development. Condition # 21 requiring a wetland mitigation plan has been met with the mitigation plan being submitted on November 18, 2005. The site will be accessed from a southerly extension of Laurel Street. Laurel Street north of the site does not meet City standards and will require improvement by the developer. Existing utilities are provided to the site are sized to accommodate the proposed 140 dwelling units. A portIOn of CondItion #2 requiring additional traffic study information has been met with the submission of a revised traffic study on October 17, 2005. The proposal is a mix of single family units, zero lot line duplex units, and zero lot line 4- plex townhouse units. While the proposed subdivision does not conform to RS-7 residential 127 development standards, smaller lot sizes and shared lot line configurations are permissible through City approval of a sIte specific plmmed residentIal development overlay subject to overall density limitatIOns. The overall density of "The Reserve at Valley Creek" IS less than 4 1 dwellmg units per acre The RS-7 zone allows 6.22 dwelling units per acre As conditioned, the configuration of the proposed subdivision lots and street layout conforms to the desired urban design of the City for residentIal developments in outlying areas where there is no grid street pattern and low impact development standards are allowed. The curvilinear streets will include two 10-foot travel lanes, an 8-foot parking lane with rolled curbs, and a 6-foot concrete sidewalk on one side of the street. The prelimmary plat applicatIOn includes a drawmg receIved June 6, 2005, and a revised drawing receIved July 11, 2005, prepared for the applicant by Development and Construction Group, Inc , and Zenovic and Associates, and used as the basis of the prelIminary plat review. The final plat will be entItled "The Reserve at Valley Creek" Planned Residential Development and subdivisIOn. As conditIOned, the public interest is served m the preliminary approval of plmmed residential development and platting of the subdIvIsion as articulated in the CIty'S Comprehensive Plan, Zomng Code, and SubdiVIsion Ordmance. The proposed subdiVIsion provides for the development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base. The final PRD and plat approval shall provide conditions, covenants, and restrictions that WIll prOVIde for maintenance of common public areas and a mechanism for dispute resolution. The small lot and zero lot line housing model designs for duplex and 4-plex dwelling units are designed to be priced as moderate, cost affordable housing, providing starter homes for new families or other first time buyers, or for those wishing to downsize their housing needs. This design is rather unique to the City and provides opportunity to provide alternatIve housing options. Since the August 3, 2005 Plannmg CommIssion meeting, the applicant has submitted a wetland mitigation plan for reVIew. The plan proposes replacement of impacted wetland areas at a 3: 1 ratio (P AMC 15.24 requires 1.5:1 replacement ratio), the addition of approximately 1,200 plants, and a ten-year monitoring schedule. Successful performance of the wetland mitigation plan is supported by bond. The Wetland MItigation plan more than meets that minimum requirements set forth m PAMC 15.24, and satisfies Condition #21 of the August 3, 2005, Amended Staff Report. The wetland mitigatIOn plan is currently under review and a Wetland Permit is pending. As requested by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department, addItional traffic informatIOn was gathered at a time that included high school traffic. The results were sent to Washington State Department of Transportation for comment Based on the resulting information, a monetary value has been determined to compensate for anticipated traffic impacts. Included in the packet is a copy of the July 13, 2005, staff report and the August 3, 2005, amended staff report. It should be noted that the August 3, 2005, staff report mc1udes a revised site plan map showing a reduction oflots from 147 to 140. Attachments (PreVIOusly delIvered to CounCIl) CondItIOns, findmgs, and conclusions Excerpts of July 13, and August 3, 2005 Plannmg CommIssion Minutes Amended staff report August 3, 2005, SpeCIal Plannmg CommIssion Meetmg Staff report July 13,2005 T \PRD\The reserve at Valley Creek\CC Memo reserve prd .doc 128 . . . . . . I' ;i,: -€-iT-Y-eF pORT Al\.JGELES . WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Scott Johns, Associate Planner DATE: August 3, 2005 RE: Amended Staff Report The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision Preliminary Plat APPLICANT: Development and Construction Group, Inc. OWNER: Francis M. Andrews, Mary O. Brist, and Nancy Hagin LOCATION: Southwest corner of Ahlvers and Laurel Streets PROPOSAL: Development of a 34.5 acre ~te in the RS-7 Residential Single Family Zone into 140 residential lots and several common usable open space areas. The project will include a mix of housing types including single family residences, duplexes, and zero lot line row houses. / The following amended staff analysis is the result of testimony presented at the July 13, 2005, public hearing before the Port Angeles Planning Commission. Several specific issues were identified at that time. Developer modifications to the project have been reviewed by staff. The Department of Community and Economic Development continues to recommend that the Planning Commission recommend preliminary approval of the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision preliminary plat with the revised 21 conditions, 35 findings, and 18 concJusions (see Attachment A). Transportation Issues The project is anticipated to create up to 140 dwelling units. The potential number of residents from a development of this scale will have impacts to traffic on the local street system. There is general consensus that at minimum improvements to Laurel S1. and possible improvements to Ahlvers Rd. will be required. The extent of those impacts and improvements have not been fully defined at this time. The applicant has agreed to a further study of traffic impacts at the Laurel/Lauridsen intersection that will include AM peak hour counts during the school year. The current traffic study estimates that the development's potential traffic impact will be divided such that 80% of the traffic would use Laurel St. and 20% would use Ahlvers Rd. The Public Works and Utilities Department is revising estimates of required work and the costs of improvements to Laurel St., Ahlvers Rd., anQ J.he Laurel/Lauridsen intersection. A revised condition requiring that the developer and the Cijy~Pall reach agreement on the required street and The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 2 intersection improvements and the monetary contribution that the developer will make to those . improvements prior to the PRD final approval is provided in attachment A. Drainage Issues Prior to preliminary approval of subdivisions, drainage plans are required, including topography, existing drainage patterns, and estimated amount of impervious surfaces that will result from the development. Once preliminary approval is obtained for a subdivision, the developer will tnpn pmnlov :m engineer to finali7e drainage nlans. State and local storm water regulations are verv ~-- - -- - --- r - - '" - ...... ...... oJ. _ '" specIfic in that stormwater leaving a development site shall not exceed the flow rate or volume higher than that which would leave the site under undisturbed, forested conditions. The qual1ty of the storm water leaving a site is also regulated. Requiring a detailed drainage plan at this point in the process is premature since exact figures of the amount of impervious surface expected for roads, SIdewalks, buildings, or driveways is not available. It is known that currently the dramage pattern is that storm and ground water from surrounding properties drains to and across the subject site. The water from this site all drains to the Valley Creek ravine. No stormwater from this site contributes to seasonal flooding that occurs at the Laurel/Laundsen intersection, and the proposed development will not contribute storm water to that location. Recreation Area The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan establishes the level of service for parks in the City. That level is a City-wide level of service rather than a neighborhood or district level of service. Currently the level of service is 9 acres of park land for each 1,000 residents. The City's . Park and Recreation Draft Comprehensive Plan states that currently the City has 17.3 acres of parks, open space and public grounds for each 1,000 residents. The Parks plan also recognizes the partial contribution of school properties to provide recreational opportunities. The Port Angeles High School is less than a mile from the site and would provide some additional recreational opportunity. Staff has also had contact with the Independent Bible Church with regard to access to the recreational area being developed adjacent to the subject site. The church is not opposed to allowing residents of the development access to their field as long as the church is not held liable for possible injuries sustained during use of the site. Thus a substantial amount of recreational opportunity exists in the area meeting PRD requirement for common usable open space. A revIsion to the proposed PRD shows the primary access road being shifted to the south approximately 120 feet. This results in a smaller portion of the large wetland being impacted, a larger wetland/common usable open space area, and a reduction in density by six lots. The reduced wetland impacts and increased mitigation area results in a decrease in the amount of wetland that will need to be mitigated and therefore, more area added to the common usable open space. Currently the plan shows 3 play areas totaling 14,370 square feet, the enhanced habitat area of Valley Creek ravine being 52,272 square feet, and an increase in the wetland mitigation area of 36,100 square feet. The result is an area of 4.7 acres of common usable open space. The requirement for common usable open space, half of which is devoted to recreational purposes is 15% (half of 30% common usable open space) will be met as a result of this plan alteration. Density P AMC 1719.060 specifically states that "Every Planned Residential Development shall be allowed the denSity of the underlying zone or zones in which the site is located". Density . calculations for this project are based on 29.84 acres, which is the area of the site that was annexed into the city. The entire area is zoned RS-7 even though a portion of the site is located in the Valley Creek ravine. No part of the site was zoned PPj~(f AMC 17.19.020 Applicability does state that . . . The Reserve at VaHey Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 3 "Planned Residential Developments may be established. ..In all districts which allow residential uses and may mclude land which is zoned PBP". The proposed density is below the allowed densIty for the zone based on the total land area. Wildlife in Valley Creek ravine Dunng the public hearing, Mr. Bill Moorhead, who is a WIldlife biologist indicated that in his expenence the ravine is used by a variety of ammals. Some of these animals are large and may pose a threat to residents and pets in the PRD. This is a common occurrence as urban areas expand toward undeveloped areas. A new condItIOn is being proposed to provide a more effective barrier at the top of the ravme in an attempt to discourage animals from entering the residential area as well as to limit reSIdent's access to the ravine. Control of building design and dispute resolution Control of building design, possible disputes between home owners, and maintenance of common areas were brought up as issues of concern. The inability of the City to control design aspects of the development, especially in light of the developer's comments that he would develop the zero lot line four-plexes and possibly some of the duplex and single family residences as models whIle selling the remainder of the lots so that individual buyers would build homes on the lots, is a major citizen concern. The use of zero lot line structures, where adjacent home owners may come into conflict with each other over paint or roof color, was also an expressed concern. The responsibility of maintenance for the common areas, open space critical areas, and other facilities not dedicated to the City was an issue raised at the public hearing. These issues can all be addressed through the use of a homeowners association, CC&Rs, or some other mechanism. A new condition has been included requiring that the developer submit for city approval an example of such a mechanism, along with developer building architectural design guidelines. Noise and air pollution PAMC 1516 adopts WAC 173.60.040 specifying Maximum Permissible Environmental Noise Levels, which allows up to 55 dBA for a residential receiving zone. There is no evidence nor reason to believe that this development will produce noise levels that are different than other subdivisions or will be above the State threshold. The issue of air pollution from wood stoves located in an area where localized weather conditions intensify impacts from wood stoves was brought up in written comments and at the public hearing. The use of wood stoves is not an issue that the City can control. Air pollution is monitored and violations enforced by the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA). ORCAA can regulate wood stove use during periods of prolonged air stagnation and/or temperature inversion. All solid fuel stoves installed in residences in Port Angeles must meet specific certification standards for safety and emissions. Air pollution is not an issue that the City of Port Angeles can regulate at the time of subdivision. The development is atypical for the zone and vicinity The City of Port Angeles has only processed three Planned Residential Developments since the PRD overlay zone was created. Only one of the PRDs has been completed to this point. This makes the Reserve at Valley Creek development unlike previous development located in the City only because the process has not been well used city-wide. Furthermore, the subject site was annexetiJ<1 the City and zoned RS-7 at that time. As no other RS-7 zoning exists in the area, the RS- 7 zoAM~ is atypical for the specific area. - The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3,2005 Page 4 It is difficult to establish what could be considered 'typical' for the area. Properties directly adjacent to the subject site include small noncommercial farms of more than one acre in size and a large church. Directly east of the church are small subdivisions (Galaxy Place, Hawthorn Place, and Crabapple Court) where some building lots are less than the minimum 9,000 square feet. To the northeast of the subject site are a mix of parcels ranging to over an acre in size, some of which are developed with single family homes and some undeveloped. It is not possible to predict how those properties will develop in the future. The Mill Creek Court subdivision is primarily 1 1_ _ _ J ___':,LL __..._.....C'..............._.........J ~......___"r- __ 1_+("0 :..,. +1...00 0 (\(\(\ conno1'"P fnl"'\t rt;lnn~ ~p"pr~l n!1rrplc pVlct ;n UeVt;lUpCU YVILU luau.UJ.avl.Ul\,..oU HUll1"""'" V.lJ. .LV"''''' .U.1 L..U,,", ./,VVV ....~y.IIo.4I....... .L""....." ...-.......0-. .......-. -....-... l"'-..--...... -............. ......- the area that are well over an acre in size. This development is atypical for the area from the perspective that the surrounding areas are generally zoned RS-9 not RS-7. The development is not located near the center of the City but on the outskirts. The interior street system is more typical of nearby developments, some of which have curvilmear streets (i.e., Hawthorn PI., Crabapple PI., Park Knoll, Canyon Edge, Galaxy Place) and no alleys. The proposed street design of the development is similar to the surroundmg developments that have curvilinear street patterns. The differences that set this development apart from surrounding development are smaller yards and common lot line housing types being proposed. The proposed development is not a type of development available in any location in the City at this time. New housing opportunities have recently been limited to larger homes on larger lots while the demographics of home ownership is changing to smaller families, empty-nesters, and retirees who may be seeking alternative residential options. This development will provIde Port Angeles with housing options that do not exist at this time. 132 . . . . . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 5 ATTACHMENT A The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned ResIdential Development and SubdIvision are recommended for preliminary approval subject to the following revised conditions and citing the following revised findings and conclusions: Conditions' 1. The final plat shall show the building front lot lines drawn on the face of the plat. All building line setbacks on external lot lines shall meet RS-7 Zone requirements. All lot lines (solid lines) and building setback lines (dashed lines) shall be accurately dimensioned on the final plat The developer and the City shall negotiate an agreement indicating the level of contribution to roadway improvements that the developer wIll be responsible for prior to final approval of the PRO and subdivision. Prior to final PRD/Subdivision approval. the applicant must complete a traffic study that includes AM peak hour traffic counts at the intersection of Laurel St. and Lauridsen Blvd. (US 101) taken dUrIng a period when school is in session. The developer's contribution to improvements to Laurel Street. Ahlvers Road. and possible signalization at the intersection of Laurel Street and LaUrIdsen Blvd. (US 101) shall be agreed upon by the developer and the City and shall be based upon results of the traffic study done during the fall of2005. All necessary on-SIte easements for access, drainage, and utilities shall be shown on the final plat. A stormwater drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval by Public Works and Utilities Department. The drainage plan for on-site and off-site facilities shall be approved by the City Engmeer prior to final subdivision approval. The stormwater drainage improvements shall be installed or bonded per the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and consistent with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife hydraulics permit approval requirements and the Department of Ecology NPDES permit requirements. The final plat shall provide for common usable recreational area and common usable open space per PAMC Sections 17.19.011 and 17.19.050. Common usable recreation areas shall be generally level, of a regular shape and contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. The common usable recreational area may be comprised of areas located separately from each other as long as they each contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. Specific use areas, such as trails in the more accessible areas of the wetland buffers, may be included as common usable recreation area but must not reduce the environmental functions and values of the buffer. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on-site for each lot, in addition to any parking provided elsewhere on the site. Electrical, telecommunications, and street lighting shall be installed or bonded per the Light Division standards. Electric utility service shall be underground. Address numbers shall be identified and placed on the final plat as provided by the City. The final PID shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space, common recreation facilities, utilities and utility easements, common parking areas, and other similar development within the boundaries of the PRD in form and mar.ner acceptable to the CIty. Parking shall be limited to one side of the interior streets only. The developer is responsible for providing "NO PARKING" signs on the side of the street that parking is not allowed. Fire hydrants shall be placed per the 12.roject drawing included in the application with the modifications required by the City's Firl3&artment. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRO Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 6 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Findings: 11. 12. Twenty (20) feet of clear width shall be required for fire department access. +he Residential fire sprinkler system~ as required by the Fire Department shall be a conditIOn of any new residential building permit. Wording shall be placed on the final plat and recorded WIth the County Auditor upon filing of the final subdivision indicating that all multi-family (tri-plex and above) residences shall be fitted with residential sprinkler systems prior to occupancy. Potable water lines shall be proVIded as shown, with Fire Hydrant installation per the Fire no~"..t""'ont ,..,....n->"",ont" "'....rl \,.,."",torl ;.... tho "",;rlrllo ,.,.f tho ;nto.......'" \ ..,.,.",rln,,,,,, no.. r;h, T T..h<ln .L.J.....p.................l.................. ......"'.........1..1............................. ..............- ....'-'.................- ............ ............. ...............--......... _.I. ............... ...................................... ............--..'-J J:-'........ --.......J '-".1.__.&.1. 13. 14. Standards. Samtary sewer shall be provided as shown per City Urban Standards. and line size and detention calculations for proposed storm drain shall be required. Proposed roadway construction of internal roadways shall be to 28 foot paved width, rolled curbs, and paved sidewalks on one side of the streets, and dedicated to the City. The developer shall dedicate a 30- foot strip ofland along the north side of the site, from the east property line to a point approximately 570 feet from the eastern property line to a point where the County line intersects the subiect site. The legal description of the subject property of the PRD shall be provided. The applicant shall provide an example of an agreement, formation of an association, or other mechamsm, that provides for the contmued perpetual maintenance of all common areas located in the PRDlsubdivision. The document should provide for the protection of critical areas from inappropriate uses that would be detrimental to the critical areas, maintenance of all utIlitv structures such as storm water and drainage facilities not located in publicly owned areas, and common usable recreational areas, and provide for a method of dIspute resolution for residents of the PRDlsubdivision. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the city a proposed set of architectural design elements andlor guidelines to be followed during construction of all residential structures on the site. The architectural guidelines shall be included in a written document that includes CC&Rs, the formation of an owners association, or other mechanism that will proVIde adequate oversight and authority to ensure a high quality development. A physical barrier (wood or chain link fence), 6 feet in height shall be constructed along the entire upper rim of the Valley Creek ravine. The barrier shall include the designated common usable open space with the private residential areas of the development. Gates may be included to provide for access to planned future recreational trails in the Valley Creek ravme. Prior to final approval. the applicant shall submit a completed wetland mitigation plan showing all existing wetland areas, additional wetland areas created for mitigation, a planting list, proposed buffer areas and dimensions, location of trails and other amenities, and a monitoring schedule, The plan must indicate that the outer edge of the buffer area will be identified with a split rail wooden fence and signage (supplied by the City) indicating the senSItive nature of the wetlands. A wetland permit must be issued prior to any earth disturbing activity being done within the wetland area. 15. 16. 1. Following a pre-application meeting on March 31, 2005, a PRD application was submitted on May 3, 2005. Following a request for aeditional information, a revised site plan was submitted on June 5, 2005. The Reservl3t40alley Creek application was determined to be . . . . . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 7 2. complete on June 6, 2005. The revised prelIminary plat drawing for The Reserve at Valley Creek shows a 140 lot subdivision proposal. All of the lots access from the intersection of Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road. The preliminary plat would subdivide the approximately 29.84 acres of land into 140 reSIdential building lots, ranging from 2,000 to 11,900 square feet (see Atta_chment C for the preliminary plat). While the proposed subdivision does not conforms to all preliminary plat requirements, smaller lot size and private street access are permissible through City approval of a sIte specific planned residential development per P AMC Chapter 17.19. The small lots though permissible in a planned residential development are subject to overall density limitation The overall density of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD is 4.92 . units/acre. Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC) Chapter 17.19 sets forth the City's reqUIrements for the approval of planned residential developments, and P AMC Chapter 16.08 sets forth the City's requirements for the approval of subdivisions. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform division ofland withm the State of Washington. Section 58.17.11 0 requires a city to inquire mto the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision It shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditIOns for students who only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served bv the subdivision. A proposed subdivisio!?- shall not be approved unless the city can make written findings that these provisions are made. The purpose of a planned residential development (PRD) is set forth in Section 17.19.010 as follows: This Overlay Zone lS to provzde alternative zoning regulations which permit and encourage deszgn flexibility, conservation and protection of natural amenities and critical areas, and znnovation in residential developments to those regulations found in the underlyzng zone. It is intended that a Planned Residential Development will result zn a residential environment of hzgher quality than traditional lot-by-Iot development by use of a design process which zncludes within the site design all the components of a residential neighborhood, such as open space, circulation, building types, and natural features, in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. Section l6.08.050(B)(1) PAMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove the submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the CIty Council within a period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary plat at a public meeting. The PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat applications were determined to be complete on June 6, 2005. The City Council must act on the PRD and preliminary subdivision by its September 6, 2005, meeting to be within the 90-day time limit set by RCW 58.17.140. The applicant may consent to a 2l-day extension to the 90-day time limit. The proposed 29.84 acre The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Subdivision site is located 4 ~5 southwest comer of Ahlvers Road and Laurel 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 8 Street. The development provides for subdivision of the subject site into 140 lots designed . for small-lot single family residences, zero lot line duplexes and fourplex row houses. 9. The site is topographically diverse, with the southwest portion of the site containing the Valley Creek Ravine with the northern portion sloping gently from south to north, and resulting in a small depressional wetland adjacent to the northern boundary of the property. 10. A wetland delmeatIOn and preliminary wetland mitigation plan have been received by the City of Port Angeles. The mitigation plan indIcates that the wetland will be increased in size and the functions and values far sta!"mwate!" and habitat wi!! be e!'_l1anced. 11. The prelIminary plat application includes a drawing dated received June 5, 2005, prepared for the applicant, Development and Construction Group by Zenovic and Associates, Inc., provided in Attachment B, and used as the basis of the preliminary plat review. The final plat will be entitled The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and SubdiVIsion. 12. The site is served by Ahlvers Road and Laurel Street, which do not meet City arterial street standards south of V iewcrest. 13. Utilities are provided to the site. 14. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and SubdiVIsion Ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan land use designations for the site is Low Density ReSIdential (LDR). The approximately 29.84 acre property of the PRD was zoned as RS-7 Residential Single Family at the time the property was annexed to the City (ANX 05-02 dated May 31, 2005). Other surrounding propertIes are zoned RS-9 Residential Single Family (located in the City), LD, or RCC5 (located in the County) and are developed with low density residential uses or are undeveloped. The Independent Bible Church is . located directly east of the site. 15. The proposed planned residential development and subdivision prelimmary plat were reviewed by the City's Fire, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Economic and Community Development Departments. 16. The proposed The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision is in the Fire Department four minute response area. According to P AMC 18.08.110 - Fire Suppression Requirements, each multi-family residence within a new subdivision shall be equipped with a residential sprinkler system that is installed and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFP A) standards. 17. Public notice of the PRD and subdivision application was published in the Peninsula Daily News on June 10, 2005, posted on the site on June 10, 2005 and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision on June 7, 2005. The Department of Community and Economic Development received twenty-five public comment letters, which are provided in Attachment D. 18. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles . Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.2, Goal B, Policies B.l, B.2, & BA, B.6 & 7, Goal C, PolicyC.1 - 3, Goal I, Objective 1.1; Transportation Element Goal A, Policies A.3 and A6; Utilities and Public Services Element Policy D.I; Housing Element Goal A; Conservation Element Goal A, Policies A.I-A3, Goal B, Policies B.1-BA, B.16, Objectives B.3-BA; Capital Facilities Element, PolIcies AlD, B.6, C.3. . 19. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.9). 136 The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report . August 3 2005 Page 9 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. . . 26. The Comprehensive Plan recommends concurrency for solid waste collection, stormwater management, telecommunicatIOns service, and emergency services (police, fire and emergency medical response) (Capital FacIlIties Element Policy A.1 0). The City's Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Element Goal B) states the intention to have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the envlTonment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the deslTed urban design of the City. A planned residential development is one of the innovative technIques the City has to achIeve implementation of Open Space and Conservation policies and the desired urban design of the City. The proposal meets the mimmum site size for a planned residential development. The subject property in The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as RS-7 Residential Single Family, which allows a density of up to 6.22 units per acre. The revised preliminary plat drawing dated June 5, 2005, indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 2,000 square feet in size and that the size of most of the single family residential lots is 6,000 to 7,000 square feet, the duplex lots are between 3,050 square feet and 5,400 square feet and the row house lots are between 2,000 and 3,500 square feet. The small lot and PRD housing model designs are priced to be affordable in costs for new single family homes, providing starter homes for new families and other first time home buyers. This small lot housing design is still rather unique to the City and provides another opportunity similar to Highland Estates, a senior housing development off Golf Course Road and Lauridsen Boulevard. All required utility improvements including potable water, sanitary waste, electrical, and refuse collection have been provided to the subject site or are available in the area. The Port Angeles School District currently serves the area, and school capacity is not an issue with the present trend in declining enrollments. There currently are no designated school walking routes in the vicinity, however the school district is in the process of reevaluating the school walking route map and it is likely that both Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road will be added to the school walking route map. The site is currently served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. Building permits are required for all structures on any approved building lots. All local Building and Fire Codes apply to any new construction on the subject property. Clearing and grading permits are required for any initial site development on sites greater than one acre in size. A Wetland Permit is required prior to the start of the wetland mitigation work. The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS #1108) on July 6, 2005, satisfying the City's SEPA responsibility. Ci y of Port An_eles Public Works and Utilities De artment en ineerin staff determined that the JIE traffic study lacked certain detail that will only be available after the school ear be ins in the fall. Until further stud IS com leted the Ci and the developer cannot know the extent of the 1m acts to local streets and can therefore not be ex ected to formulate a detailed agreement to mitigate those impacts. PAMC 17.19.050 C re lilres all PRDs to rovide for continuous and e etual maintenance of common 0 en s ace common recreation facilities rivate roads utilities arkin areas and other similar development withm the boundaries of the PRD in form and manner acceptable to the City. 137 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 10 P AMC 17.19 .090(G) reqUIres that an applicant for a PRD submit "Preliminary elevation and perspective drawmgs of proiects structures" which provIde the City and the neighbors with a degree of surety as to the deSIgn, look, and feel of a PRD where typical lot sizes and setbacks are likely to be reduced. Testimony from a retired Biologist was presented at the July 13, 2005, public hearing stating that the Valley Creek ravine is a wildlife corndor used by resident native animals Some of the reported animals (bear, cougar, coyote) may pose a threat to life or property for the n:::,iJe1l1S of the PRDlsubdivisioii. 37. A revised SIte plan for the PRD shows a total of 4.7 acres of open space that can be used for recreational purposes. 35. 36. Conclusions: A. The conditions of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision are consistent with the Zomng Code, required by the Subdivision Ordinance, and necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan. B. As conditioned, all the necessary public improvements will be installed per the City Urban Services Standards and GUIdelines. C. As conditIOned, the configuration of the proposed subdivIsion lots and street layouts conform to the desired urban design of the City for the residential developments in outlying areas where there is no grid street pattern and low impact development standards are allowed. The curvilinear streets with a 28 foot paved surface and no parking along one side of the streets reduce storm water runoff and still provide adequate access for each residential lot. D. As conditIOned, the utility services will be provided consistent with the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan level of service standards. Analysis of downstream sanitary sewer capacity has been provided that indicates no capacity improvements are needed for the additional 140 units of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD. E. Because the City does not have any neighborhood parks or playfields in the vicinity and the subdivision will have more than 30 new home sites, one or more of the community areas shown in the planned residential development and subdivision preliminary plat should be desIgned as a children's play area. F. The small lots proposed for The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision are desired for the following reasons: 1) the provision of attractive and affordable homes for new families and other first time home buyers, and 2) the lots satisfy the desired urban design of the City, except for their small size, which fits the density requirements of the RS-7 zone and the PRD Overlay Zone. G. This is not the basic urban land use pattern for the City's lower density single family residential neighborhoods. The density is much more like a multi-family residential neighborhood due to the concentration of homes outside of the critical areas. The PRD does provide for a higher density single family development with surrounding open spaces consistent with the PRD Overlay Zone. H. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision provide an alternative residential development design to the basic single family residential neighborhood and the basic multi- family residential neighborhood in a manner that is affordable as starter homes for new families and other first time home buyers. Conditions are recommended that would satisfy the PRD standards that are not included in the proposal plans. 138 . . . . . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 11 1. J. K. 1. As conditioned, The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. As condItioned, The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat is in conformance wIth the Port Angeles SubdIvisIOn Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 PAMC, and the Washmgton State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. As conditioned, appropriate provisIOns have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school. As condItioned, the public interest is served in the preliminary approval of planned residential development and platting of the subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision, Ordinance. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the CIty of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base. The final drainage plan must be approved by the City Engineer, and the City's stormwater drainage standards will require that the proposed development not impact downstream properties anymore than pre-development conditions. The drainage and erosion control plans also are subject to the Department of Ecology NPDES permit. The P AMC Chapter 17.19 Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone and Chapter 16 08 Subdivision Regulations allow for variations from standards variations in street improvements, blocks, lots, and building line setbacks. Conditions are recommended where certain proposed variation should not be approved due to the small lot design, which allows for less on-site variation. A more detailed traffic studv that meets the City's expectations will provide a basis for evaluation and mitigation of traffic impacts. As conditioned, the City will be assured that common space areas located in the PRD will be provided with adequate maintenance. As conditioned, the inclusion of specific building design or the use of design guidelines, the City will be able to control the look and feel of the structures in the PRD by the strict application of the designs or guidelmes at the time building permits are issued. As conditioned. a physical barrier located at the top of the ravine will provide adequate protection for the residents of the PRDlsubdivision from potential impacts posed by wildlife inhabiting the Valley Creek ravine. The revised site plan for the PRD provides adequate area for common usable open space, half of which is usable for recreation purposes. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T \PRD\The reserve at Valley Creek\Amended Staff Report wpd 139 ,. . . 140 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL SCOTT K JOHNS ASSOCIATE PLANNER "The Reserve at Valley Creek" PRD and Subdivision Summary: Development of a 34.5 acre site in the RS-7 Single Family zone into 55 single family residential lots, 60 zero lot line duplex lots, 26 zero lot line 4-plex town house lots, and several common useable open space areas. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and subdivision provide an alternative residential development design to the basic single family residential neighborhood and the basic multi-family residential neighborhood in a manner that is affordable as starter homes for new families and other first time home buyers. Conditions are recommended that would satisfy the PRD standards that are not included in . the initial plans. Recommendation: The City Council should concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to give preliminary approval to the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and subdivision with the attached conditions, findings, and conclusions Back2round / Analvsis: The proposed "The Reserve at Valley Creek" planned residential development (PRD) and subdivision site is located south of Ahlvers Road and east of Laurel Street. The site contains a portion of the Valley Creek ravine on the southwest comer of the site, and a category III wetland complex in the northeastern portion of the site. The two sensitive areas comprise approximately 14 acres of the site Both of the areas will be set aside as part of the common usable open space that is required as part of a planned residential development. Condition # 21 requiring a wetland mitigation plan has been met WIth the mitigation plan being submitted on November 18,2005. The site will be accessed from a southerly extensIOn of Laurel Street. Laurel Street north of the site does not meet City standards and will require improvement by the developer. Existing utilities are provided to the site are sized to accommodate the proposed 140 dwelling units. A portion of Condition #2 requiring additional traffic study information has been met with the submission of a revised traffic study on October 17,2005. The proposal is a mix of smgle family units, zero lot line duplex units, and zero lot line 4- plex townhouse units. While the proposed subdivision does not conform to RS-7 residential . . . . development standards, smaller lot sizes and shared lot line configurations are permissible through City approval of a site specific planned residential development overlay subject to overall density limitations. The overall density of "The Reserve at Valley Creek" is less than 4.1 dwelling units per acre. The RS-7 zone allows 6.22 dwelling units per acre. As conditioned, the configuration of the proposed subdivision lots and street layout conforms to the desIred urban design of the City for reSIdential developments in outlying areas where there is no grid street pattern and low Impact development standards are allowed. The curvilinear streets will include two 10-foot travel lanes, an 8-foot parking lane with rolled curbs, and a 6-foot concrete sidewalk on one side of the street. The preliminary plat application includes a drawing received June 6, 2005, and a revised drawing received July 11,2005, prepared for the applicant by Development and Construction Group, Inc , and Zenovic and Associates, and used as the basis of the preliminary plat review. The final plat will be entitled "The Reserve at Valley Creek" Planned Residential Development and subdivision As conditioned, the publIc interest is served in the preliminary approval of planned residential development and platting of the subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed subdivision provides for the development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base. The final PRD and plat approval shall provide conditions, covenants, and restrictions that will provide for mamtenance of common public areas and a mechanism for dispute resolution. The small lot and zero lot line housing model designs for duplex and 4-plex dwelling units are designed to be priced as moderate, cost affordable housing, providing starter homes for new families or other first time buyers, or for those wishing to downsize their housing needs. This design is rather unique to the City and provides opportunity to provide alternative housing options. Since the August 3, 2005 Planning Commission meeting, the applicant has submitted a wetland mitigation plan for review. The plan proposes replacement of impacted wetland areas at a 3: 1 ratio (P AMC 15.24 requires 1.5 1 replacement ratio), the addition of approximately 1,200 plants, and a ten-year monitoring schedule. Successful performance of the wetland mitigation plan is supported by bond. The Wetland Mitigation plan more than meets that minimum requirements set forth in PAMC 15.24, and satisfies Condition #21 of the August 3, 2005, Amended Staff Report. The wetland mitigation plan is currently under review and a Wetland Permit is pending. As requested by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department, additional traffic information was gathered at a time that included high school traffic. The results were sent to Washington State Department of Transportation for comment. Based on the resulting information, a monetary value has been determined to compensate for anticipated traffic impacts. Included m the packet is a copy of the July 13,2005, staff report and the August 3, 2005, amended staff report. It should be noted that the August 3, 2005, staff report includes a revised site plan map showing a reduction oflots from 147 to 140. Attachments (PrevIOusly delIvered to CounCIl) CondItIOns, findmgs, and conclUSIOns Excerpts of July 13, and August 3, 2005 Plannmg CommISSIOn Mmutes Amended staff report August 3, 2005, SpeCIal Plannmg CommIssIOn Meeting Staff report July 13,2005 T \PRD\The reserve at Valley Creek\CC Memo reserve prd doc . TO: FROM: DATE: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Commission Scott Johns, Associate Planner August 3, 2005 RE: APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: . PROPOSAL: Amended Staff Report The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision Preliminary Plat Development and Construction Group, Inc. Francis M. Andrews, Mary O. Brist, and Nancy Hagin Southwest comer of Ahlvers and Laurel Streets Development of a 34.5 acre ~te in the RS-7 Residential Single Family Zone into 140 residential lots and several common usable open space areas. The project will include a mix of housing types including single family residences, duplexes, and zero lot line row houses. The following amended staff analysis is the result of testimony presented at the July 13, 2005, public hearing before the Port Angeles Planning Commission. Several specific issues were identified at that time. Developer modifications to the project have been reviewed by staff. The Department of Community and Economic Development continues to recommend that the Planning Commission recommend preliminary approval of the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision preliminary plat with the revised 21 conditions, 35 findings, and 18 conclusions (see Attachment A). Transportation Issues The project is anticipated to create up to 140 dwelling units. The potential number of reSIdents from a development of this scale will have impacts to traffic on the local street system. There is general consensus that at minimum improvements to Laurel St. and possible improvements to Ahlvers Rd. will be required. The extent of those impacts and improvements have not been fully defined at this time. The applicant has agreed to a further study of traffic impacts at the Laurel/Lauridsen intersection that will include AM peak hour counts during the school year. The current traffic study estimates that the development's potential traffic impact will be divided such that 80% of the traffic would use Laurel St. and 20% would use Ahlvers Rd. The Public Works and Utilities Department is revising estimates of required work and the costs of improvements to Laurel St., Ahlvers Rd., and the Laurel/Lauridsen intersection. A revised condition requiring that the developer and the City shall reach agreement on ~he required street and . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 2 mtersection improvements and the monetary contribution that the developer will make to those . improvements prior to the PRD final approval is provided in attachment A. Drainage Issues Prior to preliminary approval of subdivisions, drainage plans are required, including topography, existing drainage patterns, and estimated amount of impervious surfaces that will result from the development. Once preliminary approval is obtained for a subdivision, the developer will then employ an engineer to finalize drainage plans. State and local stormwater regulations are very specific in that stormwater leaving a development site shall not exceed the flow rate or volume higher than that which would leave the site under undisturbed, forested conditions. The quality of the stormwater leaving a site is also regulated. Requiring a detailed drainage plan at this point in the process is premature since exact figures of the amount of impervious surface expected for roads, sidewalks, buildings, or driveways is not available. It is known that currently the drainage pattern is that storm and ground water from surrounding properties drains to and across the subject site. The water from this site all drains to the Valley Creek ravine. No stormwater from thIS site contributes to seasonal flooding that occurs at the Laurel/Lauridsen intersection, and the proposed development will not contribute stormwater to that location. Recreation Area The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan establishes the level of service for parks in the City. That level is a City-wide level of service rather than a neighborhood or district level of service. Currently the level of service is 9 acres of park land for each 1,000 residents. The City's . Park and Recreation Draft Comprehensive Plan states that currently the City has 17.3 acres of parks, open space and public grounds for each 1,000 residents. The Parks plan also recognizes the partial contribution of school properties to provide recreational opportunities. The Port Angeles High School is less than a mile from the site and would provide some additional recreational opportunity. Staff has also had contact with the Independent Bible Church with regard to access to the recreational area being developed adjacent to the subject site. The church is not opposed to allowing residents of the development access to their field as long as the church is not held liable for possible injuries sustained during use of the site. Thus a substantial amount of recreational opportunity exists in the area meeting PRD requirement for common usable open space. A revision to the proposed PRD shows the primary access road being shifted to the south approximately 120 feet. This results in a smaller portion of the large wetland being impacted, a larger wetland/common usable open space area, and a reduction in density by six lots. The reduced wetland Impacts and increased mitigation area results in a decrease in the amount of wetland that will need to be mitigated and therefore, more area added to the common usable open space. Currently the plan shows 3 play areas totaling 14,370 square feet, the enhanced habitat area of Valley Creek ravine being 52,272 square feet, and an increase in the wetland mitigation area of 36,100 square feet. The result is an area of 4.7 acres of common usable open space. The requirement for common usable open space, half of which is devoted to recreational purposes is 15% (half of 30% common usable open space) will be met as a result of this plan alteration. Density PAMC 1719.060 specifically states that "Every Planned Residential Development shall be allowed the density of the underlymg zone or zones in which the site is located" Density . calculations for this project are based on 29.84 acres, which is the area of the site that was annexed into the city. The entire area is zoned RS-7 even though a portion of the site is located in the Valley Creek ravine. No part of the site was zoned PBP. P AMC 17.19.020 Applicability does state that . . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3,2005 Page 3 "Planned ResidentlOl Developments may be established.....in all districts which allow residential uses and may include land which IS zoned PBP". The proposed density is below the allowed density for the zone based on the total land area. Wildlife in V alley Creek ravine During the public hearing, Mr. Bill Moorhead, who is a wildlife biologist indicated that in his experience the ravine is used by a variety of animals. Some of these animals are large and may pose a threat to residents and pets in the PRD. This is a common occurrence as urban areas expand toward undeveloped areas. A new condition is being proposed to provide a more effective barrier at the top of the ravine in an attempt to discourage animals from entering the residential area as well as to limit resident's access to the ravine. Control of building design and dispute resolution Control of building design, possible disputes between home owners, and maintenance of common areas were brought up as issues of concern. The inability of the City to control design aspects of the development, especially in light of the developer's comments that he would develop the zero lot line four-plexes and possibly some of the duplex and single family residences as models while selling the remamder of the lots so that individual buyers would build homes on the lots, is a major citizen concern. The use of zero lot line structures, where adjacent home owners may come into conflict with each other over paint or roof color, was also an expressed concern. The responsibility of maintenance for the common areas, open space critical areas, and other facilities not dedicated to the City was an issue raised at the public hearing. These issues can all be addressed through the use of a homeowners association, CC&Rs, or some other mechanism. A new condition has been included requiring that the developer submit for city approval an example of such a mechanism, along with developer building architectural design guidelines. Noise and air pollution P AMC 15.16 adopts WAC 173.60.040 specifying Maximum Permissible Environmental Noise Levels, which allows up to 55 dBA for a residential receiving zone. There is no evidence nor reason to believe that this development will produce noise levels that are different than other subdivisions or will be above the State threshold. The issue of air pollution from wood stoves located in an area where localized weather conditions intensify impacts from wood stoves was brought up in written comments and at the public hearing. The use of wood stoves is not an issue that the City can control. Air pollution is monitored and violations enforced by the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA). ORCAA can regulate wood stove use during periods of prolonged air stagnation and/or temperature inversion. All solid fuel stoves installed in residences in Port Angeles must meet specific certification standards for safety and emissions. Air pollution is not an issue that the City of Port Angeles can regulate at the time of subdivision. The development is atypical for the zone and vicinity The City of Port Angeles has only processed three Planned Residential Developments since the PRD overlay zone was created. Only one of the PRDs has been completed to this point. This makes the Reserve at Valley Creek development unlike previous development located in the City only because the process has not been well used city-wide. Furthermore, the subject site was annexed to the City and zoned RS-7 at that time. As no other RS-7 zoning exists in the area, the RS-7 zoning is atypical for the specific area. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3,2005 Page 4 It is difficult to establish what could be considered 'typical' for the area. Properties directly adjacent to the subject site include small noncommercial farms of more than one acre in size and a large church. Directly east of the church are small subdivisions (Galaxy Place, Hawthorn Place, and Crabapple Court) where some building lots are less than the minimum 9,000 square feet. To the northeast of the subject site are a mix of parcels ranging to over an acre in size, some of which are developed with single family homes and some undeveloped. It is not possible to predict how those properties will develop in the future. The Mill Creek Court subdivision is primarily developed with manufactured homes on lots in the 9,000 square foot range. Several parcels exist in the area that are well over an acre in size. This development is atypical for the area from the perspective that the surrounding areas are generally zoned RS-9 not RS-7. The development is not located near the center of the City but on the outskirts. The interior street system is more typical of nearby developments, some of which have curvilinear streets (i.e., Hawthorn PI., Crabapple PI., Park Knoll, Canyon Edge, Galaxy Place) and no alleys. The proposed street design of the development is similar to the surrounding developments that have curvilinear street patterns. The differences that set this development apart from surrounding development are smaller yards and common lot hne housing types being proposed. The proposed development is not a type of development available in any location in the City at this time. New housing opportunities have recently been limited to larger homes on larger lots while the demographics of home ownership is changing to smaller families, empty-nesters, and retirees who may be seeking alternative residential options. This development will provide Port Angeles with housing options that do not exist at this time. .l . . . . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended StatfReport August 3,2005 Page 5 A TT ACHMENT A The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision are recommended for preliminary approval subject to the following revised conditions and citing the following revised findings and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The final plat shall show the building front lot lines drawn on the face of the plat. All building line setbacks on external lot lines shall meet RS-7 Zone requirements. All lot lines (solid lines) and building setback lines (dashed lines) shall be accurately dimensioned on the final plat. 2. The developer and the City shall negotiate an agreement indicating the level of contribution to roadway improvements that the dcweloper will be responsible for prior to final approval of the PRO and subdivision. Prior to final PRD/Subdivision approval. the applicant must complete a traffic study that includes AM peak hour traffic counts at the intersection of Laurel St. and Lauridsen Blvd. (US 101) taken during a period when school is in session. The developer's contribution to improvements to Laurel Street, Ahlvers Road, and possible signalization at the intersection of Laurel Street and Lauridsen Blvd. (US 101) shall be agreed upon by the developer and the City and shall be based upon results of the traffic study done during the fall of2005. 3. All necessary on-site easements for access, drainage, and utilities shall be shown on the final plat. 4. A stormwater drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval by Public Works and Utilities Department. The drainage plan for on-site and off-site facilities shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to final subdivision approval. The stormwater drainage improvements shall be installed or bonded per the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and consistent with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife hydraulics permit approval requirements and the Department of Ecology NPDES permit requirements. 5. The final plat shall provide for common usable recreational area and common usable open space per PAMC Sections 17.19.011 and 17.19.050. Common usable recreation areas shall be generally level, of a regular shape and contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. The common usable recreational area may be comprised of areas located separately from each other as long as they each contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. Specific use areas, such as trails in the more accessible areas of the wetland buffers, may be included as common usable recreation area but must not reduce the environmental functions and values of the buffer. 6. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on-site for each lot, in addition to any parking provided elsewhere on the site. 7. Electrical, telecommunications, and street lighting shall be installed or bonded per the Light Division standards. Electric utility service shall be underground. 8. Address numbers shall be identified and placed on the final plat as provided by the City. 9. The final PRO shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space, common recreation facilities, utilities and utility easements, common parking areas, and other similar development vii thin the boundaries of the PRD in form and mur.ner acceptable to the City. 9. Parking shall be limited to one side of the interior streets only. The developer is responsible for provIding "NO PARKING" signs on the side ofthe street that parking is not allowed. 10. Fire hydrants shall be placed per the project drawing included in the application with the modifications required by the City's Fire Department. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3,2005 Page 6 11. 12. 13. 14 15 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 19. Twenty (20) feet of clear width shall be required for fire department access. +he Residential fire sprinkler system~ as required by the Fire Department shall be a condition of any new residential building permit. Wording shall be placed on the final plat and recorded with the County Auditor upon filing of the final subdivision indicating that all multi-family (tri-plex and above) residences shall be fitted WIth residential sprinkler systems prior to occupancy. Potable water lines shall be provided as shown, with Fire Hydrant installation per the Fire Department comments and located in the middle of the internal roadway per City Urban Standards. Sanitary sewer shall be provided as shown per City Urban Standards. and line size and detention calculations for proposed storm drain shall be required. Proposed roadway construction of internal roadways shall be to 28 foot paved width, rolled curbs, and paved sidewalks on one side of the streets, and dedicated to the City. The developer shall dedicate a 30- foot strip of land along the north side of the site, from the east property hne to a point approximately 570 feet from the eastern property line to a point where the County line intersects the subiect site. The legal description of the subject property of the PRD shall be provided. The applicant shall provide an example of an agreement. formation of an association. or other mechanism. that provides for the continued perpetual maintenance of all common areas located in the PRD/subdivision. The document should provide for the protection of critical areas from inappropriate uses that would be detrimental to the critical areas. maintenance of all utility structures such as storm water and drainage facilities not located in publicly owned areas. and common usable recreational areas. and provide for a method of dispute resolution for residents ofthe PRD/subdivision. The applicant shall submit for review and approval by the city a proposed set of architectural design elements and/or guidelines to be followed during construction of all residential structures on the site The architectural guidelines shall be included in a written document that includes CC&Rs. the formation of an owners association. or other mechanism that will provide adequate oversight and authority to ensure a high quality development. A physical barrier (wood or chain link fence). 6 feet in height shall be constructed along the entire upper rim of the Valley Creek ravine. The barrier shall include the designated common usable open space with the private residential areas of the development. Gates may be included to provide for access to planned future recreational trails in the Valley Creek ravme. Prior to final approval. the apphcant shall submit a completed wetland mitigation plan showing all existing wetland areas. additional wetland areas created for mitigation. a planting list. proposed buffer areas and dimensions. location of trails and other amenities. and a monitoring schedule. The plan must indicate that the outer edge of the buffer area will be identified with a split rail wooden fence and signage (supplied by the City) indicating the sensitive nature of the wetlands. A wetland permit must be issued prIor to any earth disturbing activity being done within the wetland area. Findings: 1. Following a pre-apphcation meeting on March 31, 2005, a PRD application was submitted on May 3, 2005. Following a request for additional information, a revised SIte plan was submitted on June 5, 2005. The Reserve at Valley Creek application was determined to be . . . . . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 7 2. complete on June 6, 2005. The revised preliminary plat drawing for The Reserve at Valley Creek shows a 140 lot subdivision proposal. All of the lots access from the intersection of Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road. The preliminary plat would subdivide the approximately 29.84 acres of land into 140 residential building lots, ranging from 2,000 to 11,900 square feet (see Attachment C for the preliminary plat). While the proposed subdivision does not conforms to all preliminary plat requirements, smaller lot size and private street access are permissible through City approval of a site specific planned residential development per P AMC Chapter 17.19. The small lots though permissible in a planned residential development are subject to overall density limitation. The overall density of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD is 4.92 units/acre. Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) Chapter 17.19 sets forth the City's requirements for the approval of planned residential developments, and P AMC Chapter 16 08 sets forth the City's requirements for the approval of subdivisions. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform division ofland within the State of Washington. Section 58.17.11 0 requires a city to inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision. It shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts induding sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall not be approved unless the city can make written findings that these provisions are made. The purpose of a planned residential development (PRD) is set forth in Section 17.19.010 as follows: This Overlay Zone is to provide alternative zoning regulations which permit and encourage deSign flexibility, conservation and protectlOn of natural amenities and critical areas, and innovatlOn in residential developments to those regulations found in the underlying zone It IS intended that a Planned Residential Development will result in a residential environment of higher quality than traditional lot-by-lot development by use of a deSign process which includes within the site design all the components of a reSidential neighborhood, such as open space, circulation, bUilding types, and natural features, in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare Section 16.08.050(B)(1) P AMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove the submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the City Council within a period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary plat at a public meeting. The PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat applications were determined to be complete on June 6, 2005. The City Council must act on the PRD and preliminary subdivision by its September 6, 2005, meeting to be within the 90-day time limit set by RCW 58.17.140. The applicant may consent to a 21-day extension to the 90-day time limit. The proposed 29.84 acre The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Subdivision site is located at the southwest comer of Ahlvers Road and Laurel 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3,2005 Page 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Street. The development provides for subdivision of the subject site into 140 lots designed for small-lot single family residences, zero lot line duplexes and fourplex row houses. The site is topographically diverse, with the southwest portion of the site containing the Valley Creek Ravine with the northern portion sloping gently from south to north, and resulting in a small depressional wetland adjacent to the northern boundary of the property. A wetland dehneation and preliminary wetland mitigation plan have been received by the City of Port Angeles. The mitigation plan indicates that the wetland will be increased in size and the functions and values for stormwater and habitat will be enhanced. The preliminary plat application includes a drawing dated received June 5, 2005, prepared for the applicant, Development and Construction Group by Zenovic and Associates, Inc., provided in Attachment B, and used as the basis of the preliminary plat review. The final plat will be entitled The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision. The site is served by Ahlvers Road and Laurel Street, which do not meet City arterial street standards south of View crest. Utilities are provided to the site. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan land use designations for the site is Low Density Residential (LDR). The approximately 29.84 acre property of the PRD was zoned as RS-7 Residential Single Family at the time the property was annexed to the City (ANX 05-02 dated May 31, 2005). Other surrounding properties are zoned RS-9 Residential Single Family (located in the City), LD, or RCC5 (located in the County) and are developed wIth low density residential uses or are undeveloped. The Independent Bible Church is located directly east of the site. The proposed planned residential development and subdivision preliminary plat were reviewed by the City's Fire, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Economic and Community Development Departments. The proposed The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision is in the Fire Department four minute response area. According to P AMC 18.08.110 - Fire Suppression Requirements, each multi-family residence within a new subdivision shall be equipped with a residential sprinkler system that is installed and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and NatIOnal Fire Protection Association (NFP A) standards. Public notice of the PRD and subdivision application was published in the Peninsula Daily News on June 10,2005, posted on the site on June 10,2005 and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision on June 7, 2005. The Department of Community and Economic Development received twenty-five public comment letters, which are provided in Attachment D. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.2, Goal B, Policies B.l, B.2, & B.4, B.6 & 7, Goal C, PolicyC.1 - 3, Goal I, Objective 1.1; Transportation Element Goal A, Policies A.3 and A.6; Utilities and Pubhc Services Element Policy D.l, Housing Element Goal A, Conservation Element Goal A, Policies A.I-A.3, Goal B, Policies B.1-B.4, B.16, Objectives B.3-B.4; Capital Facilities Element, Policies A.l 0, B.6, C.3. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.9). . . 16. 17. 18. . 19. . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 9 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. . 26. 27. . 34. 28. The Comprehensive Plan recommends concurrency for solid waste collection, stormwater management, telecommunications service, and emergency services (police, fire and emergency medical response) (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.l 0). The City's Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Element Goal B) states the intention to have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. A planned residential development is one of the innovative techniques the City has to achieve implementation of Open Space and Conservation policies and the desired urban design of the City. The proposal meets the minimum site size for a planned residential development. The subject property in The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as RS-7 Residential Single Family, which allows a density of up to 6.22 units per acre. The revised preliminary plat drawing dated June 5, 2005, indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 2,000 square feet in size and that the size of most of the single family residential lots is 6,000 to 7,000 square feet, the duplex lots are between 3,050 square feet and 5,400 square feet and the row house lots are between 2,000 and 3,500 square feet. The small lot and PRD housing model designs are priced to be affordable in costs for new single family homes, providing starter homes for new families and other first time home buyers. This small lot housing design is still rather unique to the City and provides another opportunity similar to Highland Estates, a senior housing development off Golf Course Road and Lauridsen Boulevard. All required utility improvements including potable water, sanitary waste, electrical, and refuse collection have been provided to the subject site or are available in the area. The Port Angeles School District currently serves the area, and school capacity is not an issue with the present trend in declining enrollments. There currently are no designated school walking routes in the vicinity, however the school district is in the process of reevaluating the school walking route map and it is likely that both Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road will be added to the school walking route map. The site is currently served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. Building permits are required for all structures on any approved building lots. All local Building and Fire Codes apply to any new construction on the subject property. Clearing and grading permits are required for any initial site development on sites greater than one acre in size. A Wetland Permit is required prior to the start of the wetland mitigation work. The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS #1108) on July 6,2005, satisfying the City's SEPA responsibility. City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department engineering staff determined that the JTE traffic study lacked certain detail that will only be available after the school year begins in the fall. Until further study is completed, the City and the developer cannot know the extent of the impacts to local streets and can therefore not be expected to formulate a detailed agreement to mitigate those impacts. PAMC 17.19 050(C) requires all PRDs to provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space, common recreation facilities, private roads, utilities, parking areas and other similar development within the boundaries of the PRD in form and manner acceptable to the Citv. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3, 2005 Page 10 37. P AMC 17.19 .090(G) requires that an applicant for a PRD submit "Preliminary elevation and perspective drawings of proiects structures" which provide the City and the neighbors with a degree of surety as to the design. look. and feel of a PRD where typical lot sizes and setbacks are lIkely to be reduced. Testimony from a retired Biologist was presented at the July 13.2005. public hearing stating that the Valley Creek ravine is a wildlife corridor used by resident native animals. Some of the reported animals (bear. cougar. coyote) may pose a threat to life or property for the residents of the PRD/subdivision. A revised site plan for the PRD shows a total of 4.7 acres of open space that can be used for recreational purposes. . 35. 36. Conclusions: A. The conditions of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision are consistent with the Zoning Code, required by the Subdivision Ordinance, and necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan. B. As conditioned, all the necessary public improvements will be installed per the City Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. C. As conditioned, the configuration of the proposed subdivision lots and street layouts conform to the desired urban design of the City for the residential developments in outlying areas where there is no grid street pattern and low impact development standards are allowed. The curvilinear streets with a 28 foot paved surface and no parking along one side of the streets reduce stormwater runoff and still provide adequate access for each residential . lot. D. As conditioned, the utility services will be provided consistent with the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan level of service standards. Analysis of downstream sanitary sewer capacity has been provided that indicates no capacity improvements are needed for the additional 140 units of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD. E. Because the City does not have any neighborhood parks or playfields in the vicinity and the subdivision will have more than 30 new home sites, one or more of the community areas shown in the planned residential development and subdivision preliminary plat should be designed as a children's play area. F. The small lots proposed for The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision are desired for the following reasons: 1) the provision of attractive and affordable homes for new families and other first time home buyers, and 2) the lots satisfy the desired urban design of the City, except for their small size, which fits the density requirements of the RS-7 zone and the PRD Overlay Zone. G. This is not the basic urban land use pattern for the City's lower density single family residential neighborhoods. The density is much more like a multi-family residential neighborhood due to the concentration of homes outside of the critical areas. The PRD does provide for a higher density single family development with surrounding open spaces consistent with the PRD Overlay Zone. H. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision provide an alternative residential development design to the basic single family residential neighborhood and the basic multi- family residential neighborhood in a manner that is affordable as starter homes for new . families and other first time home buyers. Conditions are recommended that would satisfy the PRD standards that are not included in the proposal plans. . N. . O. P. Q. R. . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Amended Staff Report August 3,2005 Page 11 I. As conditioned, The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. J. As conditioned, The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat is in conformance with the Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 P AMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. K. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school. L. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the preliminary approval of planned residential development and platting of the subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision, Ordinance. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base. M. The final drainage plan must be approved by the City Engineer, and the City's stormwater drainage standards will require that the proposed development not impact downstream properties anymore than pre-development conditions. The drainage and erosion control plans also are subject to the Department of Ecology NPDES permit. The P AMC Chapter 17.19 Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone and Chapter 16.08 Subdivision Regulations allow for variations from standards variations in street improvements, blocks, lots, and building line setbacks. Conditions are recommended where certain proposed variation should not be approved due to the small lot design, which allows for less on-site variation. A more detailed traffic study that meets the City's expectations will provide a basis for evaluation and mitigation of traffic impacts. As conditioned, the City will be assured that common space areas located in the PRD will be provided with adequate maintenance. As conditioned, the inclusion of specific building design or the use of design guidelines, the City will be able to control the look and feel of the structures in the PRD by the strict application of the designs or guidelines at the time building permits are issued. As conditioned, a physical barrier located at the top of the ravine willlJrovide adequate protection for the residents of the PRDlsubdivision from potential impacts posed by wildlife inhabiting the Valley Creek ravine. S. The revised SIte plan for the PRD provides adequate area for common usable open space, half of which is usable for recreation purposes. T \PRD\The reserve at Valley Creek\Amended Staff Report wpd ~ : 'II': i l! ~ l) . r ; i I ! AJ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ -l .Oel>OOOJ>() ;, 1111': i i:... ~ ~ ; I I M ~ ~ I fTl 0 1Il .l;\<;;i~pH . 11111:i () 01 ~ C : I ~ ~ ! -l b ~ ~ , I II III! I 0 ~ ~ 01 ~ Ugni!!~ UU~UIUIU~ " s;; I 51 ~ }> () AJ 6 ~ lI'i!!d' Il~Wllli! I! ~ z ::J Ul I IUI I !II! ii~ is ii:ii! =< - . ~U Hi U ~ I. Ir ~ ~; ii~i ~ )> nil! ~6~ ~b~ 610 i Ai "U i~6 i~6 ~b II ,I III 01 III 01 01 a I I ; I I I I I; II ~:II uS i l: i ? i~6 G -< i ~ ~: ~ ~ :: &:.. it:: I i il ~ Ul .:> Ul - Iil PREll MI NARY LAYOUT - THE RESERVE AT V ALLEY CREEK RE\IISlONS DATE \lARK !UN' Df:vnOPMENT cI: CONSTRucnON GROUP, tNC 12501 BELLE1ItJE-REDUOND ROAD BEllEU\f:. WA 98005-2509 ZENOVIC& ~TS~~Yw~T~222 ASSOCI A TES ~p~~~~:?-D501 INClM'OOA I[D (MAl!.: l!:HlMCIWIlMC.HH . '.. . CITY OF ..~. "~ ,.~" FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Scott K. Johns, Associate Planner DATE: July 13, 2005 RE: Planned Residential Development and Subdivision Preliminary Plat - The Reserve at Valley Creek APPLICANT: Development and Construction Group, Inc. OWNER: Francis M. Andrews, Mary O. Brist and Nancy Hagin . LOCATION: PROPOSAL: Southwest comer of Ahlvers and Laurel Streets Development of a 34.5 acre site in the RS-7 Residential Single Family Zone into 147 residential lots and several common usable open space areas. The project will include a mix of housing types including single family residences, duplexes, and zero lot line row houses. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: The PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat applications were determined to be complete on June 7, 2005. The City Council must act on the PRD and preliminary subdivision by its September 6,2005, meeting to be within the 90-day time limit set by RCW 58.17.140. The applicant may consent to a 2l-day extension to the 90-day time limit. The Department of Community and Economic Development recommends that the Planning Commission recommend preliminary approval ofthe Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision preliminary plat with the 18 conditions, 31 findings, and 14 conclusions (see Attachment A). PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: The proposed 34.5 acre The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Subdivision site is located on the southwest side of the Ahlvers Road and Laurel Street intersection. The site was recently annexed into the City. At the time of annexation the area was designated Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoned as RS-7. Only an area of 29 84 acres was located within the Urban Growth Area and annexed into the City, therefore, that is the area used for analysis of this proposal. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13,2005 Pa~2 ~ The site includes a portion of Valley Creek which exists in a deep ravine and crosses the southwestern portion of the site diagonally from south to west. The remainder of the site has been selectively cleared and an abandoned single family residence exists centrally on the property. Portions of the site have been used for agricultural purposes in the past and a remnant orchard still exists. A wetland report, authored by Alkai Consultants, Inc., indicated the presence of wetlands on the northeast portion of the site. From the north edge of the Valley Creek ravine, the site generally slopes downward to the northwest. The surrounding area is developed with single family homes situated on large parcels to the north. Those residents are engaged in agricultural practices including the raising of livestock. The Independent Bible Church is locate directly to the east ofthe site with the Galaxy Place subdivision directly east of the church. North of Ahlvers Road and east of Laurel Street (northeast of the project site) are single family residences on large parcels up to one acre in area. The areas to the south and west are undeveloped and forested. The site is accessed from the intersection of Ahlvers and Laurel Streets. Laurel Street south of Viewcrest has a travel width of 24 feet with narrow shoulders and intermittent walking paths. Ahlvers Street for 350 feet east of the Independent Bible Church (IBC) is developed with a 24-foot travel surface and 8-foot parking lanes. No pedestrian facilities are provided. Approximately 150 feet west of Galaxy Place, the street narrows to 24 feet in width with no parking lane and only narrow shoulders. The only areas developed with curbs is Ahlvers Road in front of IBC, at the intersection of Mill Creek Court, and the intersection of Galaxy Place. The only sidewalks provided _ on Ahlvers Road are at Old Mill Court and extend approximately 100 feet east and west from the . intersection. The narrowest section of Ahlvers Road is at the crossing of Old Mill Creek, where the travel surface is 22 feet and the shoulders are two feet or less in width. DEP ARTMENT AL REVIEW: The Fire Department commented that: 1. It appears that the entrance drive to the development will be divided with a planting strip. I spoke with Steve Zenovic and his memory was that the road width was 40', and that it was proposed to put in two 16' lanes with an 8' wide planting strip between. The International Fire Code requires a minimum 20' wide access. My suggestion would be to either reduce the width of the planting strip, or offset it to one side so that one of the lanes (preferably the lane going in to the development) is at least 20' wide. 2. All multi-family structures (tri-plex and above within the development will be required to be fitted with residential sprinkler systems that meet NFP A requirements. 3. The fire hydrant located at the NE comer oflot #46 should be relocated to the NW comer of Lot # 1. The Public Works and Utilities Department commented that: 1. Utilities available at Ahlvers RoadlLaurel Street includes water, sanitary sewer and el~~. ~ 2. Road improvements to be discussed upon review of subdivision PRD plans - (needs transportation study - offsite road improvements may be required). - -. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13,2005 Page 3 3. Cost estimate for electrical services will be prepared after final plat/layout is approved - customer responsible for all costs. 4. Drainage report required. and regarding the Traffic Impact Analysis: 1. The study appears to use old outdated traffic count data from 2002. The data is not shown anywhere in the analysis. 2. The study only looks at the PM Peak Hour, based upon my observation of the intersection, I believe that the AM Peak hour (during school) should be evaluated as well. An updated count should involve: a. 24 hour directional count (During school hours) b. AM Peak hour count (During school hours) 3. The study should evaluate the intersection for the possibility of the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection at Laurel Street and Lauridsen Blvd. 4. The proposed development is on a school walking route. It will add a significantly amount of pedestrian traffic to an already narrow roadway. The development should be required to participate in a future curb, gutter and sidewalk project when funded. The Police Department commented that: 1. The planned sidewalks are a very positive plus in lessening the societal complaints/problems, which will accompany a PRD of this size, and which the Department will be called to address. Children and sometimes adults, play ball, run, ride bicycles and tricycles, etc., in the street, increasingly so where there are no sidewalks. 2. . The negative impacts to the PRD and surrounding neighborhood due to a relatively large number of families with children who will seek outlets for their social and physical needs to exercise and play would be lessened if the PRD provided a recreation area large enough to accommodated activities such as baseball, basketball, or the like. 3. The Department recommends that the City and Developer think out side the normal measures to address the traffic issues, which will accompany the PRD. Wide low speed bumps, traffic circles, stop signs, etc., are all things that, the City hasn't historically used or required, but should be considered in this case. The current limited number of on-duty police officers does not allow the Department to address traffic control in the manner that we would like. Proper design of the PRD can ameliorate such issues. 4. Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road border the proposed development. Laurel Street, as presently constructed is a cause for concern. It has no sidewalks (and, south of Viewcrest Street), no shoulder area and is currently heavily utilized by pedestrians. Presumably it will carry the bulk of traffic entering or exiting the PRD. Ahlvers Road is also sans sidewalks and, in fact, does not even have shoulders capable of allowing safe passage to pedestrians. Traffic on Ahlvers Road will also increase the already heavy traffic burden on Peabody Street where it parallels the high school. 5. Northbound traffic from the PRD will greatly increase congestion at the Laurel Street/Lauridsen Boulevard intersection. The police department believes that the The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13,2005 Page 4 .- construction of the PRD would necessitate the installation of a traffic light at that intersection. Lauridsen Boulevard at Laurel Street is Highway 101; it carries virtually all traffic entering or leaving the City's western boundary. Further, there is a grade school nearby and a large grocery store, both of which contribute heavily to the areas pedestrian and vehicle traffic. As accidents increase, so too will the demands on the City's emergency services agencies. The Parks & Recreation Department did not comment. The Building Division did not comment. PUBLIC COMMENT: Notice of the proposed action was posted on the site on June 10,2005, mailed to residents within 300 feet of the site on June 7, 2005, and published in the Peninsula Daily News on June 10, 2005. As a result of the published notice, posting, and required mailing to property owners,'the City received twenty-five letters (from twenty letter writers) and one petition signed by 15 members of the public (see Attachment D). The letter writers concerns included the potential increase in traffic on local streets, surface and storm water management issues, including the existence of a wetland area on the site, concern for air pollution from wood stoves, the overall density and appearance of . the proposed project, and the belief that the development will become a district of rental properties attracting low income, indigent residents that will harm the existing character of the neighborhood. These issues are all discussed under the Staff Analysis section of this staff report. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Per the procedures in WAC 197-11-355, a Determination of Non-Significance No. 1108 was issued for the proposal on July 6, 2005. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Following a pre-application meeting on March 31, 2005, a PRD application was submitted on May 3, 2005. Following a request for additional information, a revised site plan and additional materials was submitted on June 5, 2005. The application was determined to be complete on June 6, 2005. The revised preliminary plat drawing for The Reserve at Valley Creek shows a 147 lot subdivision proposal. Sixty-one lots are designed for single family residences and range in size form 5,200 Square feet to1l,900 square feet, however, the majority of the single family lots are approximately 6,000 square feet in area. A second group of 54 lots are designed as "duplex" lots that will utilize a zero lot line configuration with the duplex units having common walls contiguous with the lot line. These lots range from as small as 3,200 Square feet to 4,550 square feet and will occupy a more central position on the site. The remaining 32 lots will also use a zero lot line concept, but are designed to accommodate a row house or town house concept where four dwelling units are constructed in a single structure and share a common wall and lot line. These lots range . between 2,000 square feet and 3,500 square feet, with one exception that is 7,500 square feet in area. -. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 5 . Density The entire site is 34.46 acres in area and is zoned RS-7. However, when the site was annexed to the City, the 4.62 acre portion of the site lying southwest of Valley Creek was not located within the Urban Growth Area and was therefore not annexed into the City. The resulting land area annexed to the City is 29.84 acres. The allowed density in the RS-7 zone is 6.22 dwelling units per acre. Based on the gross density allowable for the RS-7 zone, 185 dwelling units could be permitted ifno environmental constraints were present. Gfthat area, 32.1% (9.58 acres) of the site is constrained by either the Valley Creek ravine or the wetland areas. The remainder of the site is proposed for either residential uses or right-of-way. The resulting uses are 51.84% (15.47 acres) of the site being developed for residential uses and 15.11 % (4.51 acres) being utilized for right-of-way. The overall density ofthe The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD is 4.93 dwelling units/acre (147 units/29.84 acres). The density of the area not encumbered by critical areas is 7.26 dwelling units/acre (147 units/20.26 acres). A break down of the density analysis is included as Attachment D. Prior to the site being annexed to the City, the Clallam County zoning was Low Density (LD) Clallam County Code 33.13.040. Under LD zoning, single family residences, duplexes, and multi-family dwellings are all permitted uses. The allowable residential density for the LD zone is 9 dwelling units per acre or 310 units for a 34.46 acre site, the minimum lot size 4,840 square feet. Critical areas A portion of the site is located within the Valley Creek ravine. This area covers approximately 10.8 acres and is considered an environmentally sensitive area under PAMC 15.20. The creek and ravine area cannot be developed due to the environmental constraints. The planned residential development was created to provide a land owner or prospective developer the opportunity to develop a site to its fullest extent and to the density of the underlying zone while at the same time preserve environmentally sensitive areas that benefit the entire area and citizenry. The creek and ravine area will be left in its naturally occurring (current) condition and be set aside as an open space tract. A 1.2 acre portion of the site will be enhanced with walking trails and made available for the use of local residents. A second portion of the site contains a Category III wetland. Three smaller Category III wetlands, totaling 17,550 square feet exist to the south of the larger wetland. These wetlands were delineated by Alkai Consultants of Silverdale, Washington. The evaluation indicated that they have little structural complexity or species diversity and therefore have little to no habitat value. It was further assessed that for the three smaller wetlands compensatory mitigation for direct impacts could be achieved with creation of additional wetland area adjacent to the larger wetland that is adjacent to the northern boundary ofthe project site. The large wetland area is dominated by the non-native, invasive Reed Canary grass, which limits its functions for habitat. However, it is a high functioning wetland for stormwater, biofiltration, sediment capture, and flood attenuation. The project developer has commissioned Alkai Consultants to provide a wetland mitigation plan for inclusion of the smaller wetlands into the larger wetland and for enhancement of the larger wetland. A conceptual wetland mitigation summary was submitted on July 6,2005. That mitigation summary indicates that the larger wetland would be enhanced and enlarged resulting in a mitigation ratio of 2.12 to 1. PAMC 15.24.070.H(6) requires a mitigation ratio for a Category III emergent wetland of 1.5 to 1. The inclusion of native trees and sluubs to enhance the wetland buffer will provide added screening of the project for the surrounding properties. The mitigation plan should be reviewed and approved by the City and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers prior to final approval of the PRD. . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 6 Common usable open space In addition to the 147 residential building lots, which comprised approximately 15.47 acres, a revised preliminary plat shows three common usable open space areas totaling approximately 12,000 square feet and 4.51 acres in streets and driveways. The planned residential development overlay zone requires that 30% of the site, or 10.2 acres, to be common usable open space. Half(or 15% of the overall PRD site, or 4.48 acres) must be for recreational purposes and maintained in common ownership, usually through a homeowners association. City staff and the developer met to discuss this requirement on July 6,2005. An agreement to revise the proposal was reached and it was indicatee that approximately 12,000 square feet of play area will be developed for common usage in three separate areas, a 1.2 acre portion of the Valley Creek ravine will be enhanced for habitat with trails for access and recreation purposes, and portions of the enhanced wetland buffer will include trails for common use. The combination ofthese public active spaces has been approved by City staff to meet the required 15% common usable open space requirement. The proposal does not make clear how common ownership of the open space, trails, and walkways will managed and maintained. Transportation/streets The City's Subdivision Ordinance and Urban Services Standards and Guidelines require the development of sidewalks along arterial streets but not on local access streets. No developed City street abuts the development site. Approximately 200 feet of Laurel Street will be extended south of the intersection of Ahlvers and Laurel Streets. This section of street will be divided with a planted median strip and include a sidewalk on the west side. A bus stop shelter area will be provided at the intersection. The proposal shows that the travel lanes will be 16 feet in width, however, the fire department has commented that the travel lanes must be 20 feet in width, which the developer has agreed to meet. Interior streets are designed to have a 20-foot travel surface with an 8-foot parking lane on one side of the street, rolled curbs, with sidewalks along one side. The right-of-way is to be 50 feet in width. This design is acceptable to the City and the interior street will be dedicated to the City. The local streets leading to the site are South Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road. Both of these streets are narrow and in some places have narrow shoulders and lack sidewalks. A major concern of the residents in the area, which was expressed repeatedly in the letters received by the City, is the inability of the local streets to handle the increased traffic volume expected from this development. Improvements to South Laurel Street south of Viewer est and to Ahlvers Road from Laurel to Canyon Edge are listed in the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2007. A developers agreement between the City and the Developer to determine the extent of the developer's contribution to street improvements will be negotiated and signed prior to final approval of the PRD and subdivision. Zoning Code While the proposed subdivision does not conform to all RS-7 preliminary plat requirements for lot size and street standards, smaller lot size and narrower access streets are permissible through City approval of a site specific planned residential development per P AMC Chapter 17.19. These smaller lots, though permissible in a planned residential development, are subject to overall density limitations of the entire site. The proposed subdivision does appear to conform with RS-7 zoning requirements regarding density, given the allowances in a PRD overlay zone to waive the minimum lot size. Since the PRD is designed as a small lot, single family subdivision in a Residential Single Family Zone, the City has discretion to determine if the purposes in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances are met per PAMC Sections 17.19.040 and 17.19.050. .- . . -. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 7 This is not the basic urban land use pattern for the City's lower density single family residential neighborhoods. The density of the developable area (7 .26DUI Ac) is slightly more than that allowed in the low density RS-7 residential neighborhood (6.22 DUlAc), the site's overall density is only 4.93 DUlAc. The development is atypical for this zone and vicinity where no other small lot, single family subdivisions exist nearby. While the development does not appear meet the low density purposes of the RS-7 Zone, it does meet the specific requirements as allowed in a PRD overlay zone while providing a higher density single family neighborhood type development with surrounding open spaces, which is also consistent with the PRD Overlay Zone. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City. It is the basis upon which City officials are to make land use decisions. ,Any project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The most relevant Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and objectives are cited in Attachment B to this staff report. Map Designation The Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map identifies the site as Low Density Residential. The Low Density Residential designation allows an overall residential density of a project or property to range up to 7 units per acre. The site development proposal results in an overall site development of approximately 4.92 units per acre, for the 29.84 acre area annexed to the City. Even when considering only the 20.26 acres that are not designated as critical area or for wetland mitigation, the overall density is 7.26 units per acre. The lots that are designated as single family residential lots range in size from 5,200 square feet to 11,900 square feet and average 6,525 square feet in area. The 54 lots designated as duplex lots range in size from 3,050 square feet to 5,400 square feet and average 3,524 square feet in area. The 32 "Row-house" lots range in size from 2,000 square feet to 7,500 square feet and average 2,828 square feet in area. The subject site is not located in an area with a grid street system and may be developed with cul-de-sacs and curvilinear streets to achieve the desired urban design of the City. Land Use Element The configuration of the lots and streets conform to the desired urban design of the City for residential developments on outlying areas of the City. The 28 foot paved travel surface with rolled curbs and paved sidewalks on one side of the streets that are located within a 50-foot right-of-way provide adequate access to each residential lot. Utility services will be provided consistent with the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan level of service standards. The design of the PRD is such that 9.58 acres or 32.1 % of the site will be preserved as open space in the Valley Creek ravine or in the wetland mitigation areas. The PRD is designed to include a mixture of single family residences, duplexes, and "row houses". Based on existing services, including availability of transit, the proximity of the high school, existing shopping opportunities, and other urban services, the PRD is well situated and supports the district and neighborhood concept described in the Comprehensive Plan. A planned residential development is one of the innovative techniques the City has adopted to achieve implementation of Open Space and Conservation policies. The Reserve at Valley Creek proposal must be conditioned to meet the 30% common usable open space requirements ofPAMC 17.19 .050. Available open space on the site plan appears to provide less than the 4.48 acres of common usable open space area required of the approximately 29.84 acre site. The 6.18 acres of .. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 8 .- Valley Creek ravine, the 1.2 acres of habitat enhancement area, and the 2.2 acres of wetland mitigation area, will be suitable for the required open space for preserving natural features. In a meeting with the developer, certain modifications to the site plan were agreed upon that will provide an acceptable level of usable open space. Two of the larger parcels will be reduced in size with the remainder dedicated to usable open space, providing approximately 12,000 square feet of common usable open space. The agreement also included provisions for trails and other common usable open space in the buffer areas of the mitigated wetland area. A revised plan showing open space area and recreational facilities must be submitted before final approval. Transportation Element The proposed street improvements provide for local traffic with special emphasis on pedestrian walkway facilities along interior streets. No provisions for pedestrian facilities are planned for the streets providing access to the development. Housing Element The small lot and PRD housing model designs are intended to be attractive in costs for new single family homes, providing starter homes for new families, first time home buyers, those that require or desire smaller homes and yards, or other middle income buyer. This small lot housing design with zero lot lines is a rather new concept in Port Angeles and provides another opportunity for those entering the housing market or those who require a housing option with less maintenance requirements than larger homes on large lots. Conservation Element The site open space areas are separated from the residential lots. The Valley Creek ravine is designated as a critical area and the portion ofthe site that will be developed for residential uses will not encroach into the ravine area. The wetlands that exist on the site are low quality wetlands that have potential to function at a higher level than they currently function at and will be consolidated into a single, enhanced wetland that is separate from the housing area. Capital FacUlties Element & Utilities and public Services Element Stormwater drainage improvements must meet the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and are subject to the Department of Ecology's NPDES permit requirements. The Fire Department's comments regarding residential sprinkler system have been included in the conditions of preliminary approval of the PRD and subdivision plat. Utilities already conform to City standards and the final plat requirements for subdivisions. . . -. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 9 ATTACHMENT A The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision are recommended for preliminary approval subject to the following conditions and citing the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The final plat shall show the building front lot lines drawn on the face of the plat. All building line setbacks on external lot lines shall meet RS-7 Zone requirements. All lot lines (solid lines) and building setback lines (dashed lines) shall be accurately dimensioned on the final plat. 2. The developer and the City shall negotiate an agreement indicating the level of contribution to roadway improvements that the developer will be responsible for prior to final approval of the PRD and subdivision. 3. All necessary on-site easements for access, drainage, and utilities shall be shown on the final plat. 4. The stormwater drainage improvements shall be installed or bonded per the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and consistent with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife hydraulics permit application requirements and the Department of Ecology NPDES permit requirements. The drainage plan for on-site and off-site facilities shall be approved by the City Engineer. 5. The final plat shall provide for common usable recreational area and common usable open space per PAMC Sections 17.19.011 and 17.19.050. Common usable recreation areas shall be generally level, of a regular shape and contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. The common usable recreational area may be comprised of areas located separately from each other as long as they each contain a minimum of 1,000 square feet. Specific use areas, such as trails in the more accessible areas of the wetland buffers, may be included as common usable recreation area but must not reduce the environmental functions and values of the buffer. 6. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on-site for each lot, in addition to any parking provided elsewhere on the site. 7. Electrical, telecommunications, and street lighting shall be installed or bonded per the Light Division standards. Electric utility service shall be underground. 8. Address numbers shall be identified and placed on the final plat as provided by the City. 9. The final PRD shall provide for continuous and perpetual maintenance of common open space, common recreation facilities, utilities and utility easements, common parking areas, and other similar development within the boundaries of the PRD in form and manner acceptable to the City. 10. Parking shall be limited to one side of the interior streets only. The developer is responsible for providing "NO PARKING" signs on the side of the street that parking is not allowed. 11. Fire hydrants shall be placed per the project drawing included in the application with the modifications required by the City's Fire Department. 12. Twenty (20) feet of clear width shall be required for fire department access. 13. The fire sprinkler system as required by the Fire Department shall be a condition of any new residential building permit. Wording shall be placed on the final plat and recorded with the The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 10 County Auditor upon filing of the final subdivision indicating that all multi-family (tri-plex and above) residences shall be fitted with residential sprinkler systems prior to occupancy. 14. Potable water lines shall be provided as shown, with Fire Hydrant installation per the Fire Department comments and located in the middle of the internal roadway per City Urban Standards. 15. Sanitary sewer shall be provided as shown per City Urban Standards, and line size and detention calculations for proposed storm drain shall be required. 16. Proposed roadway construction of internal roadways shall be to 28 foot paved width, rolled curbs, and paved sidewalks on one side of the streets, and dedicated to the City. 17. The developer shall dedicate a 30-foot strip ofland along the north side of the site, from the east property line to a point approximately 570 feet from the eastern property line. 18. The legal description of the subject property of the PRD ,shall be provided. Findings: 1. Following a pre-application meeting on March 31,2005, a PRD application was submitted on May 3,2005. Following a request for additional information, a revised site plan was submitted on June 5, 2005. The Reserve at Valley Creek application was determined to be complete on June 6, 2005. The revised preliminary plat drawing for The Reserve at Valley Creek shows a 147 lot subdivision proposal. All of the lots access from the intersection of Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road. 2. The preliminary plat would subdivide the approximately 29.84 acres ofIand into147 residential building lots, ranging from 2,000 to 11,900 square feet (see Attachment C for the preliminary plat). While the proposed subdivision does not conforms to all preliminary plat requirements, smaller lot size and private street access are permissible through City approval of a site specific planned residential development per P AMC Chapter 17.19. 3. The small lots though permissible in a planned residential development are subject to overall density limitation. The overall density of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD is 4.92 units/acre. Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AM C) Chapter 17.19 sets forth the City's requirements for the approval of planned residential developments, and P AMC Chapter 16.08 sets forth the City's requirements for the approval of subdivisions. 4. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform division ofIand within the State of Washington. Section 58.17.110 requires a city to inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision. It shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall not be approved unless the city can make written findings that these provisions are made. 5. The purpose of a planned residential development (PRD) is set forth in Section 17.19.010 as follows: This Overlay Zone is to provide alternative zoning regulations which permit and encourage deSign fleXibility, conservatzon and protection of natural amenities and critical areas, and innovation In residentzal developments to those regulations found .- . . --. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 11 6. in the underlying zone. It is intended that a Planned Residential Development will result in a residential environment of higher quality than traditionallot-by-lot development by use of a design process which includes within the site design all the components of a residential neIghborhood, such as open space, circulation, building types, and natural features, in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. Section 16.08.050(B)(1) PAMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove the submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the City Council within a period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary plat at a public meeting. The PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat applications ~ere determined to be complete on June 6, 2005. The City Council must act on the PRD and preliminary subdivision by its September 6,2005, meeting to be within the 90-day time limit set by RCW 58.17.140. The applicant may consent to a 21-day extension to the 90-day time limit. The proposed 29.84 acre The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development (PRD) and Subdivision site is located at the southwest comer of Ahlvers Road and Laurel Street. The development provides for subdivision of the subject site into 147 lots designed for small-lot single family residences, zero lot line duplexes and fourplex row houses. The site is topographically diverse, with the southwest portion of the site containing the Valley Creek Ravine with the northern portion sloping gently from south to north, and resulting in a small depressional wetland adjacent to the northern boundary of the property. The preliminary plat application includes a drawing dated received June 5,2005, prepared for the applicant, Development and Construction Group by Zenovic and Associates, Inc., provided in Attachment B, and used as the basis of the preliminary plat review. The final plat will be entitled The Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development and Subdivision. The site is served by Ahlvers Road and Laurel Street, which do not meet City arterial street standards south of Viewer est. Utilities are provided to the site. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Ordinance. The Comprehensive Plan land use designations for the site is Low Density Residential (LDR). The approximately 29.84 acre property of the PRD was zoned as RS-7 Residential Single Family at the time the property was annexed to the City (ANX 05-02 dated May 31, 2005). Other surrounding properties are zoned RS-9 Residential Single Family (located in the City), LD, or RCC5 (located in the County) and are developed with low density residential uses or are undeveloped. The Independent Bible Church is located directly east of the site. The proposed planned residential development and subdivision preliminary plat were reviewed by the City's Fire, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Economic and Community Development Departments. The proposed The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision is in the Fire Department four minute response area. According to P AMC 18 08.110 - Fire Suppression Requirements, each multi-family residence within a new subdivision shall be equipped with 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13, 2005 Page 12 .- a residential sprinkler system that is installed and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFP A) standards. 16. Public notice of the PRD and subdivision application was published in the Peninsula Daily News on June 10,2005, posted on the site on June 10,2005 and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision on June 7, 2005. The Department of Community and Economic Development received twenty-five public comment letters, which are provided in Attachment D. 17. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A2, Goal B, Policies B.I, B.2, & BA, B.6 & 7, Goal C, PolicyC.l _ 3, Goal I, Objective 1.1; Transportation Element Goal A, Policies A3 and A.6; Utilities and Public Services Element Policy D.I; Housing Element Goal A; Conservation Element Goal A, Policies A.l-A3, Goal B, Policies B.l-BA, B.16, Objectives B.3-B.4; Capital Facilities Element, Policies Al 0, B.6, C.3. 18. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A9). 19. The Comprehensive Plan recommends concurrency for solid waste collection, stormwater management, telecommunications service, and emergency services (police, fire and emergency medical response) (Capital Facilities Element Policy Al 0). 20. The City's Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Element Goal B) states the intention to have a . community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. 21. A planned residential development is one of the innovative techniques the City has to achieve implementation of Open Space and Conservation policies and the desired urban design of the City. 22. The proposal meets the minimum site size for a planned residential development. 23. The subject property in The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as RS-7 Residential Single Family, which allows a density of up to 6.22 units per acre. The revised preliminary plat drawing dated June 5, 2005, indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 2,000 square feet in size and that the size of most of the single family residential lots is 6,000 to 7,000 square feet, the duplex lots are between 3,050 square feet and 5,400 square feet and the row house lots are between 2,000 and 3,500 square feet. 24. The small lot and PRD housing model designs are priced to be affordable in costs for new single family homes, providing starter homes for new families and other first time home buyers. This small lot housing design is still rather unique to the City and provides another opportunity similar to Highland Estates, a senior housing development off Golf Course Road and Lauridsen Boulevard. 25. All required utility improvements including potable water, sanitary waste, electrical, and refuse collection have been provided to the subject site or are available in the area. . 26. The Port Angeles School District currently serves the area, and school capacity is not an issue with the present trend in declining enrollments. 27. There currently are no designated school walking routes in the vicinity, however the school - -. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13,2005 Page 13 28. 29. district is in the process of reevaluating the school walking route map and it is likely that both Laurel Street and Ahlvers Road will be added to the school walking route map. The site is currently served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. Building permits are required for all structures on any approved building lots. All local Building and Fire Codes apply to any new construction on the subject property. Clearing and grading permits are required for any initial site development on sites greater than one acre in size. A Wetland Permit is required prior to the start of the wetland mitigation work. The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS #1108) on July 6, 2005, satisfying the City's SEPA responsibility. 30. 31. Conclusions: A. The conditions of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision are consistent with the Zoning Code, required by the Subdivision Ordinance, and necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan. B. As conditioned, all the necessary public improvements will be installed per the City Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. C. As conditioned, the configuration of the proposed subdivision lots and street layouts conform to the desired urban design of the City for the residential developments in outlying areas where there is no grid street pattern and low impact development standards are allowed. The curvilinear streets with a 28 foot paved surface and no parking along one side of the streets reduce stormwater runoff and still provide adequate access for each residential lot. D. As conditioned, the utility services will be provided consistent with the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan level of service standards. Analysis of downstream sanitary sewer capacity has been provided that indicates no capacity improvements are needed for the additional 147 units of The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD. E. Because the City does not have any neighborhood parks or playfields in the vicinity and the subdivision will have more than 30 new home sites, one or more of the community areas shown in the planned residential development and subdivision preliminary plat should be designed as a children's play area. F. The small lots proposed for The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision are desired for the following reasons: 1) the provision of attractive and affordable homes for new families and other first time home buyers, and 2) the lots satisfy the desired urban design of the City, except for their small size, which fits the density requirements of the RS-7 zone and the PRD Overlay Zone. G. This is not the basic urban land use pattern for the City's lower density single family residential neighborhoods. The density is much more like a multi-family residential neighborhood due to the concentration of homes outside of the critical areas. The PRD does provide for a higher density single family development with surrounding open spaces consistent with the PRD Overlay Zone. H. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision provide an alternative residential development design to the basic single family residential neighborhood and the basic multi- The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13,2005 Page 14 .- 1. family residential neighborhood in a manner that is affordable as starter homes for new . families and other first time home buyers. Conditions are recommended that would satisfy the PRD standards that are not included in the proposal plans. As conditioned, The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. As conditioned, The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD and Subdivision preliminary plat is in conformance with the Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 P AMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the preliminary approval of planned residential development and platting of the subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision, Ordinance. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base. The final drainage plan must be approved by the City Engineer, and the City's stormwater drainage standards will require that the proposed development not impact downstream properties anymore than pre-development conditions. The drainage and erosion control plans also are subject to the Department of Ecology NPDES permit. The P AMC Chapter 17.19 Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone and Chapter 16.08 Subdivision Regulations allow for variations from standards variations in street improvements, blocks, lots, and building line setbacks. Conditions are recommended where certain proposed variation should not be approved due to the small lot design, which allows for less on-site variation. . 1. K. L. M. N. . .. . . The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD Staff Report July 13,2005 Page 15 ATTACHMENTB COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The ComprehensIve Plan establishes the long range goals and policies of the City. It is the basis upon which CIty officials are to make land use decIsIons. Any project proposed in the CIty must be consistent with the goals and polIcies of the Comprehensive Plan. Goals, PolIcies, and Objectives The folJowing goals, policies and objectIves have been identified as bemg the most relevant to the proposed subdIvisIOn. LAND USE ELEMENT Residential Goal A: To gUIde current andfuture development wzthm the City m a manner that provides certamty to Its citizens about future land use and the flexibilIty necessary to meet the challenges and opportumtles of the future Policy A.2: All land use deczslOns and approvals made by the City Counczl and/or any of Its appomted CommiSSIOns, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and ItS land ~se map. Goal B: To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done In a manner that IS compatible with the envzronment, the charactenstlcs of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City Policy B.2: Smgle famzly lots should be of reasonable shape and should have access provided by an alley or by a local access street or a collector artenal Policy B.4: All resldentwl developments should be designed with the provIsions of fire protectIOn and service vehicle access as key factors m the street design and circulatIOn pattern For efficzent circulatIOn, nghts-of- way should be obtamed and Improvements made to further the gnd street pattern of the City Cul-de-sacs may be permuted when designed as an mtegral part of the major grid street pattern of the City. Policy B.t: Urban services shall be avazlablefor all reSidential areas as required by the Capital FacIlIties Element concurrency polIcy Policy B.6: All reSidential developments should be encouraged to preserve and capitalIze on existing unusual, unique, and mterestmg natural, hlstonc, archaeological, and/or cultural features, should preserve and utilIze natural vegetatIOn, should utllzze and preserve scenic Views, should maximize southern exposures and solar efficzency, should offer protectIOn from prevO/lmg wmds, and should be designed to minimize energy use Policy B 7: Planned Resldentwl Development techmques should emphasize the overall density of the development rather than minimum lot sizes Goal C: To have a community of Viable dlstncts and neighborhoods with a vanety of resldentwl opportUnities for personal mteractlOn, fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages, charactenstlcs and mterests. Policy c.t: Resldentwlland should be developed on the dlstnct and neighborhood concept Although such districts may be composed pnmanly of resident wi uses of a uniform denSity, a healthy, viable district should be composed ofreszdentwl uses ofvarymg denSities, which may be augmented, by subordmate and compatible uses Smgle family and multi-famzly homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, daycare and resldentJaI services, home occupatIOns, and dlstnct shoppmg areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement A neighborhood should be pnmarzly composed of low, medium, or high density housmg . . .. 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JVl{lluawdo[atl.ap AUD atl.o.lddD IOU P[nolfs NIJ al{l :"';) AJ!(Od NIJ at{1 Aq paldopD sv UlSD[J punoS Ja3nc/ at{J .IofIvnuvw luawa3vuDW .IaJDM.W.l01S at{1 Aq paM.ollv lvlfl puoAaq JJo-un.l .IaJVM.W.l01S lUawdo[atl.ap-Jsod s,alls D sasva.l:JUl JVl{lluawdo[atl.ap AUV atl.o.lddD IOU p[nol{s NIJ al{l :9'0: AJ!lOd '(asuodSa.l[D:Jlpaw t0ua3.1awa PUD a.lif 'a:JI[od) sa:JltUas t0ua3.1awa PUD 'a:JltUas SUOIJv:Jlunwwo:Ja/dJ 'Juawa3vuow.laJoM.w.loJs 'uolpallo:J alSVM. P!los Juawdo[atl.ap jo aWIJ at{J JV sa:J!tUas puv SaIJI[lm 3UlM.Olloj at{J a.lmbtJ.I p[nol{s N1:J tJl{l :0 rv AJ!(Od ~N3W3'"I3 S3UI'll;)V d '"IV.tIdV;) . 'N'llJnb .IaJDM. paJo.ld 01 tUlJsstJ:JtJu saIJI/I:JDjuOlJutJJapjUOIJUaJa.l .IaJvM.w.loJs aJDnbapo apItl.o.ld 01lUawdo[attap M..aU liD a.lmba.ll{:JIl{M. SuolJD[n3a.l a:J.lojua puv ldopD lllM. NIJ alf1 :"'0: 3AllJ3fqO va.lv aMJIsuas AllD1UaWUO.llt\.ua UD SD paif,luapI Oa.lv UD 01 Af.lD[n:Jll.1Dd 'Juawdo[dtl.ap al{J Aq paJDa./:J spodwI atl.IJv3au AUO aJD31J/w OJ s/Dsodo./d Juawdo[attap [vnpltl.lpU/ ./oj sJuawa.lmba.l :J!fbads ails Juawa/dwI PUD ijzJuapIll'M. N1:J al{l :E'O: 3AllJ3fqO S.lOpU.lO:J afi[p[lM. puv sJ[aquaa.l3 [V.lnJvu so atUas .I0/pUD sa.lnJDaj[lJ:JlSAl{d anblun .10 .Iofvw atUasa.ld OJ soa.lo a:Jvds uado allJu31sap P[nolfs NIJ al{l :91'0: AJ!(Od aSoa.l:JUl SJUIV.llSUO:J [O.lnJou sv aSlJa.l:Jap p[not{s Nlsuap 3Ulpflng :"'0: AJ!(Od spOol{.Ioql{31au [lJ!JutJplsa.l anblUn slljo s:JllsUapV.lvt{:J alfJ a:Juvt{ua puv paJo.ld P[nolfs NIJ tJt{l :E'O: AJ!(Od 'SIVJlqVt{ afi[p[lM.. PUD t{SifPUD 'stJU/[tJ.lol{s 'sJJnN 'saU/AD.I 'SpUD[laM. 'spuod'sa'lD[ 'SWDa.llS 'SJfaa.l:J SD If:Jns 'sa/1luaWD [D.lnJDU PUD sa.lnJlJaj [D:JISAlfd anblun SJI atUasa.ld PUD UIVJUIVW P/nolfs NIJ alf1 :Z'O: AJ!(Od dllfs.lauM.O alDtl.udjo SJt{3u at{13ulZIu30:Ja.l a/ll{M. 'Juawuo.lItl.ua llD.latl.o al{l PUD 'sa/1luawv [D.lnJ[n:J puo '[D:J130[OaDt{:J.lD '[D:Jl.lOJSll{ '/O.lnlDU aNDn[Otl. 'StunJoaj [o:J!sAt{d anblun s, Da.lD at{J 3Ul:Juot{ua PUD 3ulpaJo.ld Aq Jsa.lalUl :JINnd .Ialfl.1nj P[nolfs NIJ at{l : 1'0: AJ!lOd '" Juawuo.lItl.ua llo.latl.o al{J puo 'so/1IuawlJ [D.lnJ[n:J puo '/o:J!30[Oc)f)If:J.lD '[V:Jl.lOJSlt{ '/D.lnJDU SJI 'sa.lnJoaj [D:JISAl{d anblun s, Da.lD at{J a:Juot{ua puo palo.ld 01 :0: 18o~ L 1 :I'iilld !;OOZ 'tI Alof llod:l'H jJlllS mId )(:1:11:) A:llIB ^ III :lAl:lS:I'H :llj.L . - . . - .- Nl;) alfl OJ aJqvlda;XJV .laUUVUl pUV Ul.lOjUl cnJcf alfJjo sal.lvpunoq alfl UllfJIM. JuaUldo[at\3p .lVl!UlIS .lalfl0 puv Sva.lV 3Ul1f.lvd 'SalJI[lln 'SPVO.l aJIJil.ud 'Sa/1l[IJvjUOlllJa.lJa.l UOUlUlOJ 'aJlJds uado UOUlUlOJ jo a:JuvualullJUl[vnJad.lad puv SnOnUlJUO:J .loj aplil.o.ld lllJlfS sIUaUldo[at\3a [VllUaplSa~ pauulJlcf [IV ;) a:Jvds uado a[qvsn UOUlUlO:J OJ paJOt\3p Va.lV alfJ 3UlJV[nJ[m Ul papnpUl aq llvlfs sa.lnpn.llS UOlllJa.lJa.l pUV Sall1[IJVjuollVa.lJa.l NIUnUlUlO;) UOIJVl:JOSSV s.lauM.oaUlolf v tCq pauM.o aq 01 a.lV s[aJ.lvd If:Jns ssa[un s[iJ:J.lvd .10 [aJ.lvd alv.lvdas V sv palv3a.l3as aq IOU tWUl puv ails alfJjo l.lvd [V.l3alUI UIJ SIJ paUllJlu/VUl aq llvlfs a:Jvds uado aNvsn UOUlUlO;) a:Jvds uado aNvsn UOUlUlOJ alfljo l.lvd sv palunoJ aq IOU llvlfs sa.lnpn.lJs Nl[lm PUIJ SI0[3Ul1f.lvd'StWMail./.lP 'tWM.-f0-SJlf3u Jaa.llS cnJcf alfJjo SaUl[ N.lado.ld .lo!.laJxa alfl3uo[v pa.lmba.l SlJa.lV 1fJlJqJas alfl UI pal1pa.lJ aq lllM.lfJllfM. jo auou puv sasod.lnd [IJUO!IVa.l:Ja.l .loj pasn aq IsnUllf:JllfM. jo jjVlf 'a:Jvds uado a[qvsn UOUlUlOJ 01 ails alfljo va.lV SSO.l3 alfljo %Of ISVa[IV al0t\3p llVlfS SIUaUldo[ail.aa [Vl1uaplsa~ pauuv[cf llV fl alVil.l.ld .10 JINnd .lalfl1a aq tWUl Slaa.llS UOllV[n:J.llJ .lOl.lalUl pUV 'SUOllv[n3a~ UOlSli\.lpqnS alfJ Ul pa.lmba.l SlfJp'M. UlO.lj MViI. tWUl SlflP'M. Jaa.llS sa[a3uv 1.l0cf jo Nl;) alfl tCq payiJads Sp.lVpuvJs 01 papn.llsuo:J aq llvlfs slUaUlail.o.ldUl! N![lm puv Jaa.llS llV V ,SIUaUldo[at\3a [VllUaplsa~ pauuv[cf lllJ 01 '([ddv lllJlfS SP.lVPUIJJs 3UlM.ollojalf.L SP.lVpuVJS O~O 6l t.l N.lado.ld alfJ jo UOlSli\.lpqns .laifv uOIJv.ln3ifuoJ JO[[lJuifalfJ uo pasvq aq llvlfs SaUl[ N.lado.ld .lOl.laJxo 3uo[v S1fJvqJas UlnUlIUlUl 'uolpas SllfJjo asod.lnd alfJ .lOd ;)VM n-fLl.laJdvlf;) Ul paplil.o.ld SIJ Jda:Jxo Ulv.l30.lcf .laJsvw aUl[a.lolfS alfJjo sJuaUla.lmba.l alfJjo.lo cnJcf alfJjo saUl[ N.lado.ld .louaJxo alfJ 3uo[v sauoz 3Ul,{[.lapUn alfl,(q pa.lmba.l sva.lV 1fJvqlas alfJjo .lail./VM..lO a:Jum.lViI. 'UOIJm!fipoUl v apnpUlllvlfs [vi\.o.lddv ou JVlfllda:JxtJ '.laJdvlf;) Sllfljo SUOIJV1IUll[ alfl 01 pafqns paJv:Jo/ Sl pafo.ld alfJ If:JllfM. Ul auoz alfljo SUOllV[n3a.l asn PUV[3UltC[.lapUn alfJjo SP.lVPUIJJs puv sJuaUla.lmba.l alfJ Ul SUOIJVJ!fipOUl apnpUl tWUl JuaUldo[iJMa [vl1uaplsa~ pauuvlcf v jo [vi\.O.lddv alf.L SuoIJv[niJa~ asn puvl )0 SUOIJVJljlPOW paJJlUl.lacf OfrO 6 l L / a.lvjjaM. puv 'Najvs 'lfl[Valf :JIJqnd alfJ If JIM. lualS1SUOJ .laUUVUlIJ Ul 'sa.ln/vaj[v.ln/vu puv 'sadN 3Ulp[mq 'UOllV[n:J.llJ 'a:Jvds uado sv lfJns POOlf.loqlf31au [VlJUapISa.l v jo sJuauodUloJ tJlfJ llv u31sap aJls alfl Ullfl1M. sapnpUl lfJllfM. ssa:Jo.ld u31sap v jo asn ,(q lUaUldo[aMp 10[-,{q-JO[[VUO!llpV.ll UlJlfl NI[lJnb .lalf3flf jo JuaUlUO.lfil.Ua [1J/1UaplSa.lv Ul1[nsa.llllM. JuaUldo[ail.aa [VllUaplsa~ pauuvlcf v lVlfJ papuaJul Sl Jf auoz 3Ul,{[.lapUn alp Ul punoj SuoIJv[n3a.l asolfJ OJ sJuaUldo[ai\.ap [VllUaplSa.l Ul UOllVi\.OUUl puv 'Sva.lV [V:JIJU:J puv salJluaUlV [V.lnlvujo uOlpaJo.ld puv UOIJViI..laSuo:J 'N1[lqlxoyu31sap a3v./n0:JutJ puv JlUl.lad lfJllfM. sUOIJv[n3a.l3UlUOZ ail.lJvU.laJ[v apli\.o.ld 01 Sl auoz tW[.lail() sllf.L :lq~F)q wnwlx~w ~ :a~~JaAo:> lOI wnWlx~w p alnl~aJ J~IIWIS JO 'w~alls 'aU!A~J JJnlq ~ SU!~lUO:> 4radoJd aql uaqM paJ!nbaJ aq A~W alls ~U1PI!nq aJ~s ~ aJnsua Ol s~:>~qlas UInWlU!W l~uo!l!Ppu luql 'JaAaMoq 'a3:GIAO'tld ~laaJ 0 I AallU U~ ~U1>>nqu 'aplS 'laaJ EI laalls u ~U1>>nqu 'ap!s lOI aquo pJlql-auo JuaJ aql UI S~U1PI!nq AJossa:>:>u paq:>ulap JOJ laaJ E lda:>xa 'laaJ L ~101 aquo pl!ql-auo J~aJ alp U! s~U1PI!nq AJossa:>:>u paq:>ulap JOJ laaJ 0 Ilda:>xa 'laaJ 0(; ~laaJ 0(; laaJ OE %OE JOlJalU! 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SUolllJlngaN LpnS IfllM gUlUl.iojUO:J SIll ssalun pai\.o.lddlJ aq !llJlfS suolllJlngaN gUluoz gUllSlxa jo paffa PUlJ a:J.loj alfl UllfllM PUlJl jo mId l/Juy oN IlJld tU/J UO UMolfs aq NJlU 'SPlJ.ll .10 s101 jo S.laUMO a.lnmj IllJ gUlpUlq PUlJ gUlu.lai\.og 'pUlJl jo asn alfl gUlp.llJga.l suoll/Jlnga.l gUl1S/xa 01 tUlJ.llUO:J IOU SIUlJUai\.o:J ai\.lpl.llsaN . 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SSO.l:JV /uawasva uaa.l:Js 'fJUl/uv/d V uOI/V1uauo puv tfl1dv.llJodo/jo sa'fJv/uvtlpvsIP :JyiJads awo:J.latlo 0/.10 saua/.lV :J!!JV.l/ wo.if/uawdo/atlap /Vl/uaplSa.ljo uOI/v.lvdas apltlo.ld o//v!1uassa a.lal1M. /dan3 'paplOtlV aq llvlis s/o/ a'fJv/uo.if as.latla.l puv a'fJv/uo.if aNnoa !; /aa.l/s :JINnd 'fJUl/SlXd uv 0/ ssa:J:JV tUo/:Jvjsl/vs 11/1M. /o/l1:Jva '/aa.l/s :JINnd V jo suvaw tfq 'aplt\.o.ld llvl1s puv/ jo 'fJUlpltl/pqns al1/ 'tOajos puv a:Jualuail.UOJ '11//val1 JINnd a.lnsua 0.1 fr s/aa.l/s l1/oq 01 UOllVluauo puv wo.if )pvqlas 'fJUlpflnq alvudo.lddv Ilw.lad oll1lplM. V.lJXd atlVl111vl1s asn /VlluapISa.l.lojslo/.laU.loJ f 111plM. S11 a:JIM.] UVI11 .lalva.l'f1l1ldap V atlVl111vl{s 10/ oN paplOtlV aq llvl{s lilplM. 01 UOllVfd.l UI l{/dap ail.lssa:Jx'3 Z a:JuvUlp.lO 'fJU!UOZ al{l jo s/uawa.lmba.l al{Il{/lM. W.lojuO:J llvl{s puv 'palv/dwaluO:J asn puv/ puv Iuawdo/at\.ap jo adtO al1l .loj 'uOIsltl/pqns al{ljo UOIIV:JO/ al{l .loj alvudo.lddv aq llvl{S saul/ )f:Jvqlas 'fJUlp[mq wnwlulw al{/ puv 'UOllV1UiJUO puv advl{s 'l{/dap 'lilplM. 'va.lv 10[ al{.L I S.L01 ''3 paplOtlV aq llvl1s UOlpaS.la/Ul a/'fJuv am:JV sa/'fJuv 1l{'fJI.llV aN'ssod sv t</.lvau sv paS.lalUl 01 sv os ]nO PIO/ aq llvl{s s/aa.lIS 0 I :J!!JV.lI/V:JO/ puv l{'fJno.ll{/jo uOIlv.lvdas P.loJfv 01 (Z) puo 'sall.lado.ld (VllUaplSa.ljo uOlpal0.ld alvnbapo al{/.loj ([) tUossa:Jau aq tWW so Iuaw/va.l/ a.lmba.l tWW UOISSIWWOJ al{1 'Pl.llS1P /Vl.lISnpUl .10 /Vl:J.laWwo:J 'ssaUlsnq pauuo/d .l0 'fJUllsIXd uv o//ua:Jofpv SI .10 'pOO.l .lo{vw pasodo.ld .10 'fJulISIXiJ UO SUI01UO:J .10 smqo uOlsltl/pqns pasodo.ld 0 a.lal{M 8 spool{.loql{'fJlau /Vlluap,sa.l Ull{IIM. :JiflV.lll{'fJno.ll{1 a'fJo.lno:Jslp 01 mo PIO[ aq llvl{s Slaa.lIS .lOUlW '/v:JIPv.ld .lail.a.lal{M L asn .llal{11UO.l.lOM. SUOI/lPUO:J ualfM. pasn aq tWW (:Jos-ap-[n:J) pua auo /0 puno./D-u.ln] v lfllM. pau'fJlsap SPVO.l '.la(\.(JM.O H paplOtlV aq llvlfs Slaa.llS pua-pvap '/v:JIPv.ld .latla.lal{M 9 SUOllV[n'fJaN asatfl UI payiJads sluawa.lmba.llo/ puv laa.llS al{Il{IIM. tOlW.lOjUO:J Ul uOlsltl/pqnSa.l .lalv/ 0 Jlw.lad 01 so If:Jns Slaa.llS puo s/o/ jo luawa'fJuv.l.lo uo a.lmba.l tWW UOlSSlWWOJ al{l 'va.lV Ul a.lOW .10 a.lJV uo fo SPV.ll .10 S/O[ OIUl papltl/pqns SI PV.l1 0 a.laliM !; panv[d t<llnjual{M. PV.lI a.lllua al{Il{11M. a/vulp.lOO:J ll'M. pa1Jlwqns /v/d al{l jo u.lanvd /aa.l/s alf/ M.ol{ alv:J!pur 01 pa1Jlwqns aq llol{s I:JV.l1 a.lllua al{l.lojuv/d laa.llS V 'papltl/pqns aq 0/ Sl PO.lI s,.lapltl/pqns V fo uOI/.lod v ualiM fr - uv[d al{l 01 aJuvw.lojuo:J [v.laua'fJ Ul aq llvlfs va.lv uv l{:Jns Ul UOlsltllpqns pasodo.ld v jo motW/ laa.llS alfl 'UOlSSlWWOJ al{1 t<q apow uaaq sVlf va.lv uo .lojuv/d palsa'fJ'fJns.lo tUvUlwl[a.ld v.II f SUOIsltllpqns .la/snp 01 tf/ddo os[v llol{s Sllf.1 aNv:JIPV.ldwl SPVO.l 'fJUl/SlXiJ 01 a:Juvw.lojuo:J .10 a:JuvnUl/UO:J a'Jfow SUOlIIPUO:J .lal{lo .l0 :Jll{dv.I'fJodol a.lal{M. uOllon/lS .lv/n:Jll.lvd v laaw 01 'UOISSIWWOJ al{l tfq pail.o.lddo 'pOOl{.loql{'fJlau al{/ .loj uv/d V 01 w.lojuo:J llolis.lO 'Va.lv'fJUlpUnO.l.lns al{l Ul Slaa.llS .lo{vw 'fJUllS1XiJ jo uOIPa{o.ld alVl.ldo.lddv .10 UOllvnUI/uo:J al{/ .loj apllto.ld .lali/la llvl{s UOlSltllpqns o Ul slaa.lls jo luawa'fJuv.l.lv al{1 'uv[d ail.lsual{a.ldwoJ al{1 uo UM.ol{s IOU Sl l{Jns a.lal{M Z SPVO.l tpns tfq patl.las aq 01 puv/ al{ljo sasn pasodo.ld al{1 01 UOIIV[a.l a/vudo.lddo .llalf/ Ul puv 'tOajvs puv aJUalUail.UO:J JINnd 01 'suolllpUO:J :J1l{dv.l'fJodol 01 'spOO.l pauuv/d puo 'fJUlISlXiJ 01 uOllo/a.l .llalfl Ul paJaplsuo:J aq llvl{s puv a:JuvUlp.lO sa:Jltl.las uvqJfl puv 'UV[d Salll[l:Jvd /v/ldvJ al{l 'fJUlpnpUl 'uv[d atllsual{a.ldwoJ al{Il{/lM. W.lojUOJ llvl{s spVOJ llv jo UOIIV:JO/ puv apoJ'fJ 'l{lplM. 'lua/XiJ 'JapV.lvl{:J 'luawa'fJuo.l.lv al{.1 I SaVON aNV S.1'3W.1S J aJUalUatlUO:J puv tOajos 'l{I/valf :JINnd 01 a/qv.lotlVj SUOl/lPUO:J alVa.l:J ll'M. l{:Jll{M. :JiflV.l1 puv uOl/o/ndod jo uOI/nqu/Slp (f) '.l1O puo 1l{'fJ1[ 's[ool{:Js 'UOI/va.l:Ja.l Joj sa:Jvds uado alvnbapv (Z) 'uv[d ail.lsual{a.ldwoJ al{/ jo sluawa/a .lal1lo lfJlM..lO 'slaa.l/s pauuv/d .10 'fJUl/SlXiJ 11/1M. SUolsltllpqns UlI1/1M. Slaa.llS jo UOllVUlP.lOO:J 'fJul.llnba.l tfq spool1.1oql1'fJlau jo luawdo/ail.ap snOlUOW.lVI1 alf/ ([) .loj apvw Sl UOlSlil.O.ld alVl.ldo.lddv IOlfl a.lnsua llvlfs UOlSSlWWOJ al1.1 S'3IJI70d 'S'31dDNllid 1nI'3N'3D F/ tf[ddo llolfs P.lVpuv/s Isal{'fJ11f alfl 'SUOIIV[n'fJaN /Vl:Jiflo .lal1/o.lo 'sapoJ 'fJUlP/LnF/ 'Suollv[n'fJaN 'fJUluoZ Ul paUllJluo:J asolfl puv Ula.lal1 palou suolsuawlp .10 SP.lVPUVIS wnWIUlW uaaM.]aq huvda.l:Jslp v Sl a.lal{1 .lail.aual1M OC: :l31ld ~ooz: 'EI ^Inf lJOd:l'M1JlllS CnId :l(:l:lJ:) A:l((llA III :lAJ:lS:l'M :lql . pdM )JOd:)~lJlllS\)(:):)JJ '\:)Il11i\ III :)AJ:)S:)J :)Ij~\a~d\ ~ aplJUl a.llJ suoIs/ilo.ld asatfJ llJt(l S3UlpuifuaJ1l.lM. a'flJUl UV:J tOl:J at(l ssa/un patlo.lddlJ aq IOU lllJt(s UOIS/illpqns pasodo.ld V .uOIsltllpqns at(l tCq patl.las aq ll!M. lSa.lalUI :JIJqnd at(l .lat(lat(M. PUlJ /oot(:Js UlO.if PUlJ 01 'I1VM. tC/UO 0t(M. sluapnls .loj suompuo:J 3Ul'f/VM. ajvs a.lnSSV llJt(l sa.lnJ1Jaj3uluuv/d .lat(10 pUV fUtllJM.aPIS 3UlpnpUl SPlJj lUlJtla/a.l .lat(10 lllJ .laplsuo:J lllJt(S PUlJ 'spuno.l3/00t(:Js PUlJ S/OOt(:JS 'spuno.l3tW/d 'UO!llJa.l:Ja.l PUlJ S'f.llJd 'SalSlJM. MlJllUlJS 'sal/ddns .lallJM. aJqvlod 'sdO}s I!SUV.ll 'StWM. :JlJqnd .lat(10 'SMllV 'SplJO.l .10 Slaa.llS 'StWM. a3vU/lJ.lp 'sa:JlJds uado .loj 'a.llJfJaM./v.laua3 PUlJ 'tOajvs 't(I/lJat( :JIJqnd at(l '01 pamulJ IOU mq '.wj aplJUl a.lD SUOIS/ilO.ld alVl.ldo.lddlJ fi iJUIUl.liJlap lllJlfS II U01Sltllpqns D jo JuaUllfslJqDJsa alfJ ,(q patl.la:> aq 01 pasodo.ld lSa.lalUl PUlJ asn :JIJqnd at(l 01UI a.lmbuI 01 tOl:J lJ sa.lmba.l 0 I [ L I 8~ UOlpas U013Ult(SlJ M jo al1JJS at(l UllfllM. PUD[ jo UOISltllp Ul.lofiun at(l .loj sauI[apm3 S, alD1S at(l SUllJ1UO:J L [ 8~ M;)~ u013Ult(SlJ M jo apo;) pas/ila~ at(i UOIS/illpqns at(ljo UOlllJ:J!filuap' .lojpaJ1lUl.lad aq lllJt(s lJa.llJ Ullaaj a.llJnbs (p,) .lnoj-tOUiJM.J UlJt(l.la3.lD[ OU u31s 3UlpUlJ1S aa.if ([) auO 3DVNDIS cl SlD/d llD UO aUl/ pat(slJp lJ tCq pallJ:JlpUl aq lllJt(S Slo/lllJ jo saUll to.lado.ld at(l UlO.if'plJqlas aUl/3UlPlmq at(i I )/;)Vfl13S 3Nn DNJa7Infl JiV tC/ddD lllJt(s uOIsuaUllp atllJ:Jl.llSa.llS0Ul at(l uat(l 'suollDln3a~ pllJS at(l UDt(l atllpl.llSa.l a.lOW SlllJ/d V u/ uOIsuawlp tCuD Jr SuolllJ/n3a~ 3UlUOZ tOl;) t(11M. W.lOjuO:J lllJt(s SUOIsltllpqns pasodo.ld UI slo/llD jo sUOlsuawlp 'I:JDqlas PUlJ lJa.llJ 't(ldap 't(lplM. UlnWIUlW a/fi I . Sl07 7 llJ:JIPIJ.ldwl suollIJ/n3a~ asa/fl 01 a:Jua.la/fpIJ a'fIJw SUOlJlpuo:J 3UllSIXO .lat(10 .10 :Jlt(dIJ.l30dOl a.lat(M. 'UOISSIWUlO;) at(1 tCq apIJw aq tW~ Sp.llJpUIJ1S 3UlM.Olloja/fl 01 suollda:Jxa PUIJ wo.ifSUOllIJ/.lIJA Sffi/VaNViS 7VNOlSN3WIa I sp.rnpU~lS u~qlfl sA!:) ::lqll::ld p::ll!nb::ll ::lq A~W iJU!lQj3[[ l::l::lllS .laaU/3u3 tOo a/fljo Sp.lIJpUIJ1S PUIJ SUOllIJUlW.lalap at(l/fllM. a:JUIJp.lo:J:JIJ Ul PUIJ saa.ll uM.o.l3llnj jo SUOlsuaWlp at(1 01 a:Jua.laja.l u/ palIJ:JO/ aq lllJt(s SUOllIJlllJ1SUl 3ullt(31/1aa.llS DNllHD17 i3~lS H t(llM.a.la/fl uOlpauuO:J Ul pa.lmba.l aq tWW stWM.'f.lIJd .10 SpIJO.l JOllIJ.lIJcl asod.lnd a/fl.lojalIJnbaplJ aq ll'M. SIJ 't(10q.lO 'UOlpn.llSuO:J.lO /flP'M. .lat(lJ.njt(:Jns PUIJ 'asJ.no:J J.alIJM. t(:Jns jo sauIl at(11111M. tCllIJ/1UIJlsqns 3UlWJ.ojUO:J MJM.-j0-lt(31.1 a3IJullJJ.p .10 lUaUlaSIJa .lalIJM. W.l01S IJ papltloJ.d aq llIJ/fS aJ.a/fl 'wlJa.llS .10 '/aUUIJt(:J 'tWM. a3IJullJ.lp 'asJ.no:J J.alIJM. IJ tCq paS.latlIJ.ll SI UOlSltllpqns lJ a.liJ/fM , saUl/l0[ apls.lo '.lIJa.l 'lUO.ifUO pa.lalua:J 'papltloJ.d aq llIJt(s slUaWaSlJa tOl/lln I SlN3W3SV3 0 .a:JUIJUlp.lO uOlpalo.lcl sIJa.lV Otlll1SUaS tCl/VluaUlUOJ./ilU3 at(l PUIJ 'a:JUlJUlpJ.O uOlpal0.lcl spuIJ/1aM a/fl 'UIJlcl atllsua/fa.ldUlO:J a/fl t(11M. lUalS!SUO:J 'salIs :Jl.l01SI/f PUIJ 'sas.lno:J J.allJM. 'slods :Jlua:Js SIJ t(:Jns sa.lnJIJaj/IJ.lnJln:J PUIJ /IJ.lnJIJU 3UlpUIJJS1nO jo uOllIJtl.lasaJ.d at(l J.ojUM.Ot(S aq llIJt(S p.lIJ3a.l ana [ sasod.lnd poot(J.oq/f3Iau .lat(lo PUIJ S'f.lIJd 's/oot(:Js .loj luaUldol'Jtlap /f:Jns tCq palIJa.l:J spaau a/fl 01 a/qIJlmS UOllIJ:JO/ PUlJ lualxo '.lapIJ.lIJt(:J D jo saJls .10 SIJa.lIJ /f:Jns jo uOllIJtl.lasaJ. .10 uOtlIJ:Jtpap at(l a.lmbaJ. tWUl UOISSIUlWO:J a111 'UlJlcl atllsuat(aJ.dwo:J CJt(1 Ul IZ ~~lld ~OOZ '[I ^Inr llod::l~.IJ1l1S mId )[~~JJ ^~lIllA 11l ~Al~S~~ ~4.L . 'j . ~ Attachment D The Reserve At Valley Creek Acres Total site area 3446 Site within the City 2984 Percent of site based on 29 84 acres Area In ravine Critical Area 618 2071% Area In habitat enhancement area 120 402% Area of wetland mitigation 220 737% Total critical area 9.58 32 10% Usable open space 028 092% R-O-W area 4.51 1511% SFR lots 904 30 29% Duplex lots 428 1434% Town-house lots 215 7.21% Total developable area 1547 51 84% Total 29.84 99 99% Non Critical Area 20.26 67 88% Area of lots 1547 Allowed DenSity @ 6 22 DU/Ac Planned denSity (units/area) . RS-7denslty for total site 214.34 Dwelling Units gross denSity 493 RS-7 denSity for area In City 185 60 Dwelling Units minus CA 7.26 RS-7 denSity for non critical area 125 99 Dwelling Units Allowed LD denSity 21294 Dwelling Units . . APPLICATION MATERIALS . . ATTACHMENTC FOR OFFICE USE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date Rec'd File:/l SUB ReceIver: APPUCATJ ~ IE ~ IE ~ WI IE ill) MAY - 3 2005 lnv. :/I' APPLICANT rnFORMATlON: CI Y OF PORT ANGELES Dept of ComMunity De\'elopmeO\ I APPLICANT: D.e.\I<.u,plM.J...d- ~ ~ ~ i--v ~ 1M. lJ"" ~ I~. PH. #: 4.'2.$- 4.-'4- (&c; 00 ADDRESS: \1.'6'0 I ~\ L<vu< _ lk ~ lNlP"\.J nJ '/ ~ k. \oe... I ~J\..... VU'I!, \JJ A Cff'XlO5- "2..SO~ APPLICANT'S REPRESENTA11VE: ~MO\II L l h..'-D'-'J ~. t~~ ~M"'.ll") PH.#: 4...l1 -OS"tl , ADDRESS: ~ \41 S, -P..... ...1000 ~ *. ~ 't. '1...; ?.........-i- L"..t ld , w).. 4ll ~ !.IP ~ PROPERTY OWNER (If other than applicant) f:1AA A..... Aw.&lU .I M.D. 6",..~ l N.. Y-...r,.... ADDRESS: 5 ~ 6. LMCM. W ~ f2e....^) ~~ ~",l~ L w A %~ (, '2. ROPERTY INFORMATION: Property address: General location' 511 ') (o,,,,~) A-\...' IJoM. TU. ~ Lt.ov-e\ ~. Legal description: "..il~".L ..~ -Uu.. s e '/ A-J ~.ec, H... L TIt) ~ ') f2. ~ \)oJ. LU w\ . Property zonmg: Q. ~-1 Existing site areas: 'oJ Co ,AoI\. + \,(. ~ - "3 4-- S' ITc. 4i ,. Proposed site areas: "5~Lo~ _ c...\ loi'f,../\.l,kk-j I>,,~\~- t:5U~/ A.'S"~i t4uJ~W&. -"3'2..\dt-!.~"o.\.c.\1 Acreage in: Streets 5.~ ~ 11- Parks Method OfproVldmg: potable Water: c..,~ Streets serving site: ~\. \~ ~..J) ~l..'.,.d. !::.~ Other non-residential land uses (J,~ ~"P~~ Sewer: t...+y \'3.0 A-+t- I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY that I (we) am (are) the owner(s) of the above-described property and request that the proposed subdlvJsioD be approved. It IS understood that wilful IDlsrepresentanoD of the iDformattOD win teTIDlDatt ~Ie apphca.nOD. I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY that 1 (we) am (are) the applicant(s) of the above-described property and request that the proposed SUbdlVJSJOD be approved. It IS uDderstood that wilful misrepreseDtaOon will tennmate the apphcaoon. SIgned SIgned SIgned Slgned: Date: Date: . OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE #1. Located in the southwest comer of the 34.47 acres, is approximately ten plus acres of canyon, at the bottom of which is Valley Creek. Although, only that portion of this area lying northeast of Valley Creek, is within the Urban Growth Area, of the city; It is th~ intention of the developer to commit all of this area to open space. The plat map submitted, shows a tract, between lots 36 and 93, reserved for access to the aforementioned open space. It would be possible to develop some parking within that tract. It is our intent to develop a "Active/Native Enhancement" area, southwest of the ridge line, accessed by the above mentioned tract; to include trails, picnic areas and other such appropriate active uses that may be permitted by the city. OPEN SPACE #2. · Located in the northeast comer, of the property, parallel with Ahlvers street, is the dedicated wetlands area. This area will contain the main detention pond and bio-swales as required. It is our intent to enhance the existing wetlands area "B", by removing the invasive canary grass, and adding high quality, native wetlands vegetation. Further it is planned to place landscaping and walking paths in this area, to the extent they are compatible with the wetlands designation. OPEN SPACE #3. Immediately west of lot 103, we would develop a "TOT-LOT", which would include playground equipment. PLEASE NOTE; The total area we have committed to open space is OVER 37% OF THE GROSS AREA. . . . . COVER LETTER Mr. Brad Collins Community Development Director City HaD Port Angeles, Washington Re: Preliminary Plat of 34.47 acres @ Laurel & Ahlvers Mr. Collins, We respectfully submit the attached information for your consideration. Please understand, that Sberron and Assoc., of Bellevue, Wa. is very serious about finding a solution to our present problem. Any help you may be able to advance, will be greatly appreciated. March 8, 2005 PAGE 1 . PRE PURCHASE THINKING AS TO 34.47 ACRES A) A very special, but large tract, located in a smaller market area. B) To make financial sense, come up with a way to market the properties, in approximately three years. C) To accomplish this plan, develop and build, to three defined types of buyers: 1. Single family, at a variety of prices 2. "0" lot line duplexes, at a variety of sizes & prices. 3. "0" lot line townhouse & single level types, also at a variety of sizes and prices. D) Avoid a cookie cutter type of development. E) Strive for the best amenities (infrastructure) possible, to produce a unique and pleasant place to live. . F) Use topography and streets to delineate the three housing areas. G) Strive for some affordable housing, so single Mom's and new families can get a start on home ownership. H) Above all, develop plans, etc., that will fit the Port Angeles market. Don't just bring King County plans to P.A. . . . . PAGE 2 GAME PLAN TO DATE HAS BEEN A) Prepare a preliminary plat drawing acceptable to the Planning Commission and City Council of Port Angeles. B) While the preliminary plat made it's way thru the Planning Commission and City Council hearings, etc., do professional Market research. C) While the infrastructure is being constructed, create, plans unique to the Port Angeles market. D) Be prepared to submit exhibits, for model home permits, when the~ final plat is recorded. ~ E) Sherron and Assoc., construction division, to kick ofT the project, with a model or models, of each housing type. F) PLEASE NOTE: Sherron and Assoc., is fully capable of bringing to Port Angeles, it's own suppliers and sub-contracton, BUT it has always been the plan to open this up to local builden, hence local suppliers, subs and jobs. H in the final analysis, Sherron is forced to spend the time and the money to design for every property, then they might as well build out tbe entire project. PAGE 3 . WHERE ARE WE NOW A) As to the physical requirements of the city, aD these things seem to be negotiable, and lor correctable on the plan we reviewed. The density is 50 or more units below, that which could be approved in an RS-7 zone. So that's not a problem. > B) BUT.......the requirement of a site specific plot plan, floor plan with an elevation or elevations for each lot, has brought us to a halt. q SO.....Mr. Armstrong was poised to expand tbe pre-purcbase market studies, tbat were done in Nov. & Dec., has decided to wait to see if and bow this problem can be resolved. Further be bas asked Steve Zenovic, to stop any further work, for tbe same reasons. D) Our Purchase and Sale agreement calls for closing upon approval of tbe preliminary plat, witb a 120 day free feasibility period. We are nearing tbe end of said free period, and will soon have to pay for extended time, so Sherron and Assoe. are now having to re-think tbe deal. . '\ E) To back away from tbe PRD concept, to a RS-7 cookie cutter plat, " would flood tbe Port Angeles market, witb only one option of the type \ of housing that could be built. The first tbing we would lose, is any \ chance of producing any atTordable bousing, and more than likely J extend tbe period needed to market tbe properties, to several additional / years, thereby increasing interest costs to a degree, that tbe project / would not be profitable. . . . . PAGE 4 PORT ANGELES PRD ORDINANCE & ornER CITIES A) If my information is correct, the PA ordinance is over 20 years old. Further there have been only three or four PRD applications. Of these only one was in fact developed. B) OTHER CITJES.....My second daughter, worked for the city of Bothell for over 15 years in the community development department. Then she went to work for "Tidemark", I believe it was, a company that makes soft- ware for the permit process. I had her call around to some people she knew in some of the jurisdictions around Bothell. I realize it is cursory information, but the consensus seems to be, that while all PUD or PRD ordinances have somewhat similar language, to P A's, it is only used on those occasions where over zealous developers, attempt to squeeze in to many lots, and such things as proper access, setbacks, proper light, etc., are not obviously able to be obtained. (Please look at some of the photographic examples I have attached) Or when topography or other pbysical limitations, might make it impossible to adhere to normal practices. Further, that since tbey, the various jurisdictions, bad the final authority of approval or denial, at the time on permit application, it was just a duplication of effort, that served no purpose. C) SEQUlM.......I am attaching an "application requirements" page from tbe city of Sequim, PUD ordinance. It also contains similar language as PA, but Melinda, assured me that they make no use of it. Now I realize that none of this, makes their practices in any way applicable to P A, but I am obviously trying to point out the experience of others. p~ L/ - A "R" zoning districts: "C-ll," "C-ID," "C-IV" zoning districts: "MU" zoning districts: "M" zoning districts: 5.0 acres no minimum no minimum no minimum (Ord. 98-006 ~ 4, Exh. B) 18.40.050 Preapplication required. Preapplication review shall be required for all applications for planned unit development approval consistent with the provisions of Chapter 20.01 SMC. The following information shall be submitted concurrent with the request for preappJication: A. A completed preapplication form as provided by the department; and B. A preliminary sketch or conceptual design, graphically depicting the information requested in the preapplication form; and . C. At least one alternative sketch plan, of the same scale as the proposed plan, prepared to illustrate the results of strict adherence to the bulk, dimensional, use and density requirements of the underlying zoning district and the design standards contained in SMC Title 17. Alternative plans should be so labeled, and include a north arrow and a bar scale. (Ord. 98-006 9 4, Exh. B) . 18.40.060 Application requirements. An application for PUD approval shall be submitted to the city public works and planning department and shall include 12 copies of all of the following materials: A. A completed official city ofSequim planned unit development application form. B. A preliminary plan drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equaling 100 feet which includes: 1. North arrow; 2. Bar scale; 3. Acreage of proposed lots, tracts or areas; 4. Dimensions of proposed lots, tracts and areas; 5. Size and location of any existing and proposed structures; 6. Proposed uses and building envelopes;> 7. Size and location of any existing or proposed streets, alleys and/or right-of-ways; 8. Proposed ownership of streets, aJleys and rights-of-way; 9. Proposed open spaces or public or private dedications of land for trails, parks, andlor passive or active recreation; 10. Any streams, irrigation ditches, drainage ditches, wetlands, ponds, floodways or other water courses on or within 200 feet of the proposed project boundaries; 11. Nature and extent of wooded areas, including boundaries of wooded areas, location of all trees greater than eight inches in diameter, location of all trees and plants identified as species of local significance consistent with SMC Title 16, existing landscaping, steep slopes (more than 15 percent), and other significant physical features; 12. Topography at two-foot contour intervals; 13. Proposed and existing easements for ingress, egress, utility corridors, irrigation ditch access, and other easements. C. A preliminary circulation plan indicating the proposed movement of vehicles, goods, and pedestrians within the development and to and from adjacent public thoroughfares. Any special @2oo2 Code Publishing Page 45 . . . .~ r . . . PAGE 5 CONCLUSION A) The preliminary plat plan, as submitted, is or can be made to conform to all city requests. B) The site bas no extraordinary conditions tbat would make it difficult to comply with all city requirements, as prescribed by tbe PRD ordinance. C) Architecture, floor plans, styles sucb as craftsman, traditional, etc. change witb time. So commitments to site specific plans could be disastrous to future sales. How can we possibly know wbat a local builder or custom borne buyer wiD want to build, years from now? D) No responsible investor, could possibly tie tbeir bands, as to tbe need for future cbanges in style, size, ete. ~ , ..'J< <~ TBEREFORE......We respectfully request an exemption from tbe site ~r ~ . ,f specific plot plan, floor plan and elevations requirement. V~ e,+~ Dated March 8. 2005 li'l f- J 1'4- -' C'"'-~- ~ [~ ~_~lE ~ Wi ~~ MAY 1 6 2005 ; ~ITY OF PORT ANGELES D"pl of Community Development "THE RESERVE" AT VALLEY CREEK . . . . . . THE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SHERRON ASSOCIATES. INC. Sherron Associates, Inc. was founded in 1969, and over its more than 36 years, has integrated almost every facet of the real estate industry into our business plan: * Real Estate Acquisitions * Property Management * Construction & Development * Financing * Brokerage Services From Seattle to Dallas and the Napa Valley to Springfield, Mi., Sherron Associates, Inc. has financed, developed, managed and constructed properties valued at more than $270 million, and are constantly in search of real estate investment opportunities. "THE RESERVE" at Valley Creek project will be handled by our Construction & Development division headed by Vice President Tom Armstrong. Sherron Associates is located at: 12501 Bellevue-Redmond Rd. Bellevue, Wa. 98005 (425) 454-8900 www.sherronassoc.com THE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT . This is a large property, (34.47 acres), located in a relatively small market. The topography of this acreage, ( approximately 10 acres of canyon adjacent to Valley Creek), plus about two acres of designated wetlands, make it absolutely necessary to come up with a development plan that would bring into play many different residential uses; hence our application for a "Planned Residential Development." (PRO) The underlying zoning of this property, as annexed by the city of Port Angeles, is R-7, or 7,000 sq. ft. lots. The PRO concept allows for the lot sizes to vary from the norm, thereby increasing the density, of the useable land; and also allows changes in certain setback requirements, and most important allows for mixed residential uses. For a property this size, the Port Angeles PRO ordinance would allow up to 214 units...the preliminary plan we are submitting has a total of 147 units, and has the following residential types. 61 Single Family Properties, Lots 1 thru 61, typical size 55' x 110', Ave. 6,050 sq. ft. 54 One-Half Duplex lots, Lots 62 thru 115, sizes vary. This concept allows for the constrution of a typical duplex on abutting lots, then under the "0" lot line concept, (not a condominium), sales could be made to different individual buyers, for each side of the duplex. · 32 "0" Lot Line Properties, Lots 116 thru 147, sizes vary. This will allow for up to four attached units ( 4-plex). This approach will provide a variety of pricing, for those buyers that otherwise would not be able to afford new construction purchases. Ie. Singles, Single Moms, Widows, etc. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. On the final mylar plat map, the exact frontage measurements, of the 4-plex lots, may change slightly, to accommodate the final building plans. 2. A relatively new product, being built in many areas, is a single-family home, two story, constructed on a narrow lot, to keep the land price down. If this were to prove popular, several of the "0" lot line properties could be used for this type of home. For your inform- ation, an example of this type of home, is provided on the next page. . . ~ 9' -"""I .~ ~t'~:;~€~~~'" ':~ ~~J.: ~:~'~r~~ -.- i;t.~:..:. ~~ :: ~,-,,:!,~~ ;.,,~ <:.;' .~~~~~~~~"':'~..~'I"~">V r" ~ .-. - '"~- ~ ~ -...~ ->~'-~~--.:~~~~tl~~~~~~ .._~-- ....__ .t~~~~2~ ~~~1f.f~~~~,~;p;-q:-~~ ~ .~ '-:~~::.:; ~~:>>.o~~: ;;:7..~~.1'~~~ "";..k.~jJ~:;;~'{w,,"~ The W lllow "B" 1565 Sq Ft - - ---- -:,=- II rltJ --'-j kJ - f.~,~,i K\Tl:\-1 i:N ~~ [- 1 tJ ~ PAN", ) ..J I, ,. Lt='J.. ' DIN INt. 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I I I 21 e _ _'IlTLAlOUT-PLANNED -------:'" ~: \' ~i' _ I Ii! II I ~ """"""Ala:ttLl)PlolEl< - 0 - . Ie I _ ......:.=- _ ,,- .-- i 1QJZI.fIf;.. _I/DIIIJ ..c Zl:NOVlC& ,-' ...s f'UIIliD1'SL. .~An:s ~..::. - - ==== ~~~ ................ ---"' =- - . . . . OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE #1. Located in the southwest comer of the 34.47 acres, is approximately ten plus acres of canyon, at the bottom of which is Valley Creek. All of this area will be dedicated open space, With the possible exception of a small area for a stOrln water detention pond, if required. Regardless of the need for a second d~tention pond, there will be public access provided to this area. An access space for a walk or road, as needed, of at least 20 foot width will be provided between lots. . OPEN SPACE #2. Located in the northeast comer, of the property, parallel with Ahlvers street, is the dedicated wetlands area. This area will contain the main detention pond and bio-swales as required. . -- ~ _ :'~.::. s:u~1 _ ___- """'Z . ~ .. ."",,'" - . - -=. .- - - ~ """"""'" - _:= I III I I ~ J~r~ _, ,,"-""''''' ..,~ Ie. II - ~ ~ r~ ; ~' .,-- -- """!"..1JlOln..............-= G I' ~ ~ ...., . . r ~ .;:",rr; ----- · , R . . T1 ~;-<; ! ~ I ,'J..) II -, .) 0,-:::;'-\ -; _\11 I ~"'I ~I ~ I~ -I ;if .~l', " .' · \"j ~ (I 1 I 1 ( I I ( , ~ 'i J!l L," · /J " I 1 ( I ( J( I \ II \/ill I t... i '. \. i' . I _ '. _ \ \ I \" ( \ l ( \ \ \ , I ~ /'1' ~ f '~! ;( . II (, 'l }) ~ '-- ~ \ I H \ \ ",,~" .. ..,_.L" il\'! / fl ',i\ (JI ': \ \'11 1/ t '\ 7~ ~. .~ ~>+- ,; II "ll l \ (~ ))\ / I , _,_~._~:~~~ \1: r \Tr/'1,::;~~l.\ 1~S0 ')) ))~~\\ \ \ I j I - 1 ~ .,,- . ~ .' .... '!-, '\. .... >~ .~ \J;" ': I,\;~i~'r,:,j,~ ,,'~, 1\: .: ~ 'IS' .. '. ' i \1 i.. ..'l:. v ' ~)_-J 7 t . ~r I '~L-:l j. r4::::~'" ' = ~ ,;:- u . ?2~ * .' 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I r · II I / ~ ' ~_ , " ," i'/AI Ie-./. j I' ~ II ( ~ 111/ ! iip;fl, ~ 1.131\, iY/"~~ -c'J .l< rf ( /[L J I ~~) &D: "" ,.... .' ..~ .c::;? ~ \.~;g:' 'Ii ~il r'!t)~) ~ .I !.-II' l\: ,.~ \?:'J%/;;:~/ ,//.'/1 \,\\,,~ ~~ ' =-- ,J~ '--t.'C. .;''''' v--/$~ ~~~~ f~ ~ '/ ~~~~')~~~ \,J;!~~~?4~) /#~~ 'i I //;::_3:;.;~;j/ .f.4Jfl{(;;=~"~~"~ ;:;lff??$:;~!;jrrf;;Jl~'--; -~~ .3i::(~;:::~;'~/ /-::J:;;j~ - ~,;~~- · =.::;:;~;::::-;:~---'" ///'ffl.dPI//J(J r1ff~~~; ~~/~f/#1ffJ1$!f!/ / lll!!I((~~' ~ Jff;:Z~:i.%~ I/. :..//(\11;) ),>\11(0'\:" - ./. _ I I ! ( /j 0 I / J " I / /1 J /.\, ~~- 11/lllll1ltll},) - -- --. -- - . . . . VEGETATION The land under all the lots, as shown on the plat drawing, was logged in late 1992. A portion of the three plus acres on the SW side of Valley Creek, was also logged in 1992. Many smaller caliper evergreens exist on the site. The area between Valley Creek and the platted area, and most of the three acres SW of the creek have numerous large evergreens. None of these will be touched, UNLESS it becomes necessary to create a second detention pond, then any cutting or clearing would be held to the minimum necessary. Trees in the road right of ways or building pad areas will have to be removed. In the perimeter setback areas, every effort will be made to preserve said trees. Obviously these trees can be an asset, to the marketing of the properties. . ~ "it . . . STREETS & STORM WATER STREETS: It is proposed that all streets, with the exception of one private access drive, to lots 94, 95, 96 & 97, be fully dedicated city streets. The proposed right of way width, of said streets, is to be 50 feet, the improved portion of the streets, is proposed to be 28 feet, curb to curb, with parking on one side only; rolled concrete curbs, both sides of the street and a sidewalk on one side only. A full page photo of the type of curbs we ~ould like to use is provided on the next page. STORM WATER: A storm water collection system will be designed, to deliver said water to the designated detention ponds. . j \ f J ~'~:Jt,._ \..... T- ':' '\::~~~\~~~~ ..' ,~ ., < ~~~~> -: ~~::i _:~, <<"-~~;" -~ .... ". ---s.. ... ~ - r" - .. I I ..."....~:. ~~:..~ ~ t-"":~~ . H;J,( . ="H ~/-' - j;,Jilf ..- 1 .. l,.,.~ . :: ;;:. 'I Ii - . -Q ~ ;. - :f.:--. I i '-' (<.-~...~' <-:_~!i~.:_c~~ P_ ~ . OUTER PERIMETER OF SITE SETBACKS EAST.. SOUTH AND NORTH PROPERTY LINE SETBACKS: The setback from the above described property lines to any structure, constructed on the abutting lots shall be twenty fe~t. THE RIDGE LINE.. THAT LINE BETWEEN THE PLATTED LOTS AND THE OPEN SPACE TO THE SOUTHWEST: . The setback from said ridge line to any structure, constructed on the abutting lots, shall be 25 feet. Since the average distance to Valley Creek, from this ridge line is in excess of 200 feet, and at no point closer than 190 feet, we ar~ requesting relief from any further additional "buffer" or other setback requirement. . ORTH REEK CREEKSIDE COMMUNI1Y - ONLY 8 HOMES REMAIN! . LOT *6 7 11 13 18 32 33 ADDRESS 3316 239th PI SE 23926 33rd Dr SE 23914 33rd Dr SE 23906 33rd Dr SE 23915 33rd Dr SE 23921 33rd Dr SE 23917 33rd Dr SE HOME PLAN FEATURES Leschl (1153 A) 3 BR/2.5 BA/Den/1 Car Leschl (1153 B) 3 BR/2.5 BA/Den/1 Car Magnoha (1154 A) 2 BRI2.5 BMofl/1 Car Leschi (1153 B) 3 BR/?:5 BA/Denl1 9..ar Carriage House (1155A)1 BR/1 BA/1 Car Wedgwood (1134) 2 BR/2 BA/1 Car in Carriage House Wedgwood (1134) 2 BR/2 BA/1 Car In Camage House COMPLETION DATE PRICE Complete . Model June ~w $317,950 June $299,950 Sold-Ctg Jl!ly ~315,9~Q _ __ Complete $219,950 Complete $229.950 June $234.950 -= e without nollce SQuare footage IS approximate E&OE must Vl:nfy to own sallsfactlon N + North Creek * Model Home '4OlhSlSE \ \ Randy Reeves (206) 947-9979 ~ Windermere ,\...."-.R.."Idh..:.wn......... Email: rreeves@windermere.com S-6-04 . . , - .- " f \ , l, ", \ \ I \ ( , \ \ \ i, , I I I I \ \ ) , } I I , \ " '. I I I ~( rTI \ 11 l 1__" , ,,' \ 1/ )/ \ I I I ~ ~mu: / \ \ ~ ~ '.'l ~ -~ ~ 2: c:: ~ '" -< '" o o <.n 2: o ~ e CU'NT DEveLOPMENT'" CONS TRue nON CROUP. IN 12501 BELLEIlUE-REDMOND ROAD BELLWVE. WA 98005-2509 RE..,SIONS DA TE MARK NO . . . " I, LJ.f1' 9 II - + ~L__H_ 1 _A!.::iC---'-'-_____ - ./. -",-,-LL ","--L_ __ _ + . ~...:::l.-____ ___ ___ _ =-=--:..-=-~=-tpL ___ 1 E ~ t:::=:Il' ~ ' ~ \,~, ~,~ ," I--ft ~~ ~,,~ I,,' - 1 -- - : - ",' , ," \,\. 1m =ii ~,\, '\. ' '~ "'l; =Ii -,- "- Y: ::i" ,~, i~ f- =II ::: ~41 , :B E:=l --" '\~ f- I ~:~ G 11- ...... "" "- G =tI ::: ~ . =II 1===1 "- , . r= . - ~, '- ~ ~ = - - ,. - q........ - ,~ - -,,--...._-~ ..... --- .- '- .- ,,~-- ~- -- - .- - -' - - , j --(~~ST~O"'''' "&ill" ,_~=.,- H":'_~ "."'" t -.---~ ~ EOn f../A/I?11-l,t FR ~-;"'f-'.D PAJ;o1""'f:'O _ ::4:::F L t:. '1- :::\-:-...J:S,. O.N _ L .__ -E_L1:;.._y::'__ - NO \ t~-------- - - 'FTIO~- A ~ t-' H 7i L T S1=ITN-C;-CSS S Inl N[., - I-tA R 0 I _ ;-'LA-N ~._- .S&L:&..1J.P.5lS' 5" ::~_s..-- -vTl5JYJ:::~ e>t I I I , I i I I ~! ~g ~' i! , I ;0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ I iA1 I ~ 1~: ' I~I ~ I i l-l bj :d N ~ ~t~1 H ~! [ ! i7f" I i ,ot" ,,0,.Ge- I ~.p , J.. ,"; ~ l ,~'- 1" I fJ I ., I . :1' r J ~ I " ! I I , , , i I' it " 'I II II . 'I II \i ,I ,I Ii i I 1 I I i , I~i: I \ J !\ 'I I I 'I \i II i: " 1 : II i I I ,I ,j ,I I ~ '\ , Ii I ~ ! jJ (>1,/, , . , " ~l I~ " IJ ; :\1; ~'l 1 . I ~~ ! I 1 I d :' ca' ~ 'I II 'I II :1 I' , I II 111 I ~ ,! 'W 'i I ,I , :1 , y ii '~ 'I W ! r-.: ~ f-' . 1~.9 . . PUBLIC COMMENT LETTERS . . City of Port Angeles r - ._,~ 1- - - I lit ~~._I; . __ - '__ .__ ,I I JUN 28 2005 I"'" i I CITY OF PORT ANGELES I DepL of Community Development Subject: Planned Residential Development at Laurel St. and Ahlvers Road, Port Angeles. . June 24, 2005 We wish to voice our concern about the planned development for creation of 147 residential buildings which will consist of 61 single family homes, 54 duplex units and 32 attached townhouse units. Pleased be advised that we are not anti-growth, but we are against this particular development. We have no problem with keeping the area to single family units requiring the standard 9000 sqft lot for each house. That would conform to the building codes in our area,' We do have a great concern about the increased traffic that this development will create. Laurel Street in the present state, will not handle a huge increase in traffic and the danger that this traffic will create to people that walk along Laurel. Laurel Street is barely able to accommodate the many, many automobiles, trucks and the large bus that use Laurel Street every day of the week. We have no comment about the environmental impact on the area, as we have no knowledge if it will create any problems. We also have no comment on the impact on the water and sewer systems, that must be determined by the Port Angeles City staff. As we stated in the beginning, we have no objection to the development of single family homes that will conform to our area, but we do object to the present planned development that does not conform to the code for our area. . Sincerely, J.O~Q: 'B~___3iJ ~ Mr. & Mrs. e bert F. Gustafson 511 E. Ahlvers Road Port Angeles, Wa. . SCQtrJohiis _ Residentlal-Oeveiopmen(at Ahlvers-& Laurel --- . .. ~~ y ~. -- '. . . . From: To: Date: Subject: Clayton Rennie <renme@wavecable com> <SJOHNS@CITYOFPA US> 6/24/05 4 03PM Residential Development at Ahlvers & Laurel We are strongly opposed to the Residential Development at Ahlvers and Laurel Zonmg laws should be respected. The incredible denSity of this development, zero lot lines, enVIronmental degradation, water run-off, traffic clogged up on Peabody and Laurel, (which are unable to handle it ) ..these are only some of the Issues. We are requesting a full environmental Impact statement before such a project IS even voted on. Clayton and Fay Rennie cc: <councllatcltyofpa. us> ----...--~-_...---_..."'- ................-.... ~_... 'p~e-1 ,\ Mark Madsen - reSldentlaf Develo'pement Page 1 . From: To: Date: Subject: robert n phillips <mkpbob@olypen.com> <Councll@cityof pa us> 6/25/05 3:57PM residential Developement lffi IE ~ IE ~ \IB IE ~ r;N 27 -1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept oi Commun]\vE.,::.Je~opment . RE: Planned residential Development at Ahlvers Road @ Laurel Considenng that there are only two through streets leading to the planned development at Ahlvers Road and Laurel, and the amount of traffiC which would be generated by such a large number of dwellings, we (the undersigned) feel that the amount of traffiC would increase enough that an LID would have to be developed, which would impact all of us In his quiet neighborhood. Robert N. Phillips Mary K Phillips 410 Vista View Dr. Port Angeles, W A. . . . . . ~ IE ~ ~ [i \.'~-'; r JUN 2 7 2005 ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES 6i /z f ~ ~ 9 11 o'pl. of C "mf, "",fopm"f '/- /' ~ : /t;,' rCY2- T If'JbU&J ~''1' 'Lfl-".M/,J (, /i2olPl: u/;u. I tm j), ~ SE5-I '.5:,8J--z7c:r.' ~Z.;J ;/mveti /L..t<-r.ef-L- 0~ : ~Ec-c;P/I1.~.u/ :L 1(-EOlfi6 k f$ I!MES" k b!/Jve ;a. ;::;~ ~c ~5'. 7iiE C;c 1k.4,</ M1i;r710-! 70 71ili" ~77--'bC$I06Rcq;i:l:. -Ja.6&d. ~ b /A/~"'- ~'N 4E - ~c.~w'" /,,/..t ...J""7J.€<f..75": 5S6t.u61.., /.;6/1774, ~.a."" tJ~J /,.IC/$~ &~ /..Jc 7?i; GI5??"'!... St71.Ei37 ~C<f) b#/.J6 f ;be- as /(;d.-- 7lr6" ~t..&-;e; :;P76<A 0/ ~6.-0jJ""'VJY o'^"' flll6e>tJl ~ fItIL\/~/ DU:J 1111L<.... 120M) 15 ,VOT" ~~ /1r fJ~c.>-:Jr: 70 jiJP1'f J~7 It t/IPf.4t..-rj DP 1s5~,!3...:?:' o...J!} /1{1t.L : N(ef}S WIP6.J;V~ ~ t/77f&- G (} t; m.. J 6; j?tkf}€S ,KoIt1? IS A 30/ 6/t:;'SAt0JT - ~c..r~1 orJEJ2-Ulr)l:?/J.A; '&- fJ,.6u;o..-s ~,oM.>..JT .; ?,4r:.L.. QJd I%J77MzPlI'" , -fVr C >;f" /l.,1?Jv/P?/' /tfN~ jJM i/ts A- .J6ilsa.€. i aceo It liS I I .Jl,. W' iJii r- ar i 13 (!, 18 e.. J?, 7.5 , / , ~f}ec.rf Le/tA/tJ.6 (J,J /JIz-vBl--S I U1-</R.EL l' ~L) I A5 .Po~5 lNo~ 1/)2../.577,<)6 ~,€.L--tI aN , L ;h-c;~ ~ ~55 7b~!r ~ ~M..l "oJ fJ~6 B,-/w I.. /hT divE:. ~ /-.J 71ft C? -z,-r:;!- [}o>:& (:> ~ - /{' /;'ff3\f tS' eNd. .J''(''12S'T /...t6H1 tl0 \A ~V72ffr {/~ :.n/r.L b~6. ~(~ 6" Ala 16ule ~-mo{.. 0<) jJ. Si7z&Er hlml t1- i5' /J//!'I -y~ctJ l..4o;,<-E ,~/!N.o.b 5D mpH - prr7P p,J .t!%a 4-= t!?oALJ. . y 1/7;.&A- ~ T/if! //;Vf ~C660<. 7JucL..,J 0-80 C/tE5T k-"",o 7JK- /fi'l1Z-f:;L /iJr,;Ll/b2.SI/b1#4Pi ;!..LoP /5 RJ1>>/?iCF~/ ~ t3Jf lJud. L(JtJ ~f'L-( ;::l-d PAy --- /kr /;J-t92.!C ;Iv. ~ S;tJE ;V/h...L5 1frJ// IT _ II _ A...... _ L?r~ A/J ~ ~ I--kH;PJ e.A.i_ Mark Madsen - reSidential develop.ment a; P -:rs and Laurel Page 1 I ~~_~_lEJ.9~~' l JUN 2,7 2005 \ CITY OF PORT ANGELES ['leD! of Community Develcpment . From: To: Date: Subject: Clayton Rennie <renme@wavecable.com> <councll@cityofpa.us> 6/25/05 1 :36PM residential development at Ahlvers and Laurel We are strongly opposed to the Residential Development at Ahlvers and I Laurel. Zonmg laws should be respected. The incredible density of this development, zero lot lines, enVIronmental degradation, water run-off, traffiC clogged up on Peabody and Laurel, (streets unable to handle It). .. these are only some of the Issues. We are requesting a full environmental impact analysis before such a project is even voted on. Clayton and Fay Rennie Vista View and Peabody St. . . t. '- To: The City of Port Angeles City Planning Department rfC~JE ~ ~ IE ~ IU U~~N 2 ~ 200S rBlfi~'- ,N I If-l1 F' ... JUN 2 5 200S CITY OF PORT ANGELES D~pl. of Community Development . June 22, 2005 Re: Planned Residential Development .A ~reage at Ahlvers and Laurel My husband and I find we are very concerned regarding the development of the 34+ acres at the west end of Ahlvers. We feel that development is a wonderful thing, however we do not agree with overcrowding and overbuilding on a piece of property. These neighborhoods are single family residential (RS-7) with good sized lots, putting duplexes and townhouses is of great conce~ to our family. This will significantly impact our quiet, single family neighborhoods. The environmental affects are also concerning. What affect will so many houses have on the run-off from Valley Creek? We would like to see the environmental effect addressed as well as the huge expense to the present landowners that will be impacted by the LID. If the Laur~l Street fill needs to be widened this will also impact Mill Creek. We do not understand why these environmental issues are being overlooked so a developer can make money selling low income and multiple family housing. . We believe the developer should have to absorb the cost of the LID required for Laurel Street up from Viewcrest and from Peabody to LaUl:el on Ahlvers. The increase in tr~ffic (1000 cars per day) will severely affect the flow of normal traffic in this area. It is already a problem getting onto Park from Peabody during the school year and the LaurelllOl intersection will only get worse. Please reconsider the developers plans and come up with a plan more neighborhood friendly to this particular area. We believe there is a need for a full Environmental Impact Statement before this project is voted on. Sin, rely, / II /-1 M-AA';;L, )Ii:v~ ~ J nni~; ~ Sc~tt Michaelis 3518 Galaxy Place Port Angeles, W A 98362 . D emphasizes the importance of sustaining natural landscapes and habitats for fish and wildlife. This serves a large variety of birds and animals. G seeks ''to prevent the over crowding of land and undue concentration of structures" to preserve the natural landscape. A project of this scale will have an extreme impact on the natural landscape and the creatures that live there. . Item 0 deals with many of the neighborhood's concerns about this project. The mandate is to avoid or mitigate significant adverse impacts such as hazardous materials, air and water pollution. noise. traffic. outside storage, large structures, and public safet).7 Woblems which can be associated with specific land uses and thereby reduce conflicts between adjacent land uses. Our neighborhood is defmitely not in favor of such a high density project. It is inappropriate for the area. People are not opposed to development, but they are opposed to such an extremely dense concentration of lower value homes. It simply doesn't fit. We hope the Planning Commission will consider all these factors in making their recommendation. There are other areas that would be a better fit. The PRD as proposed doesn't even appear to meet the zoning requirements it is supposed to adhere to. We hope that these comments and the letters and calls from the neighborhood will demonstrate how deeply this project is opposed by those who will be most clearly impacted by it. . Sincerely, 1MC( ~'{ LUJ.uv.~o/' Fred Rix and Wendy Rix cc: Mayor Headrick and Council Members . . . Tuesday, June 21, 2005 Regarding Planned Residential Development For lots at the comer of Laurel and Ahlvers lffi IE ~ [E ~ \VI [E ~!i l JUN 2 5 2lI!i \- i CITY OF PORT ANGELES I DeDI of Community DevelOPlllent , .. Greetings, We are concerned about the proposed development at the south end of Laurel Street and the west end of Ahlvers. According to the posted notice 147 dwellings will be built. The current Laurel Street is not adequate to accommodate that increase in traffic without significant changes. The increase in traffic on the current street will not allow for safe, comfortable pedestrian access for children, the elderly, and the rest of the neighborhood. The neighborhood has a school, 2 churches and another proposed school. All ofthese entities have pedestrian traffic that the proposed development will affect with the increase in traffic. The City of Port Angeles must require that this development provide a "complete street" for traffic calming to slow down the passing of vehicles to provide for safe, comfortable pedestrian access up and down Laurel and Ahlvers. The city needs to require that the development create a "complete street", a street that works for motorists, for bus riders, for bicyclists, and for pedestrians, including people with disabilities. A complete streets policy is aimed at producing roads that are safe and convenient for all users. South of Park Street there are no sidewalks and the road narrows from View Crest south and is barely adequate for the increase in traffic already present from the Independent Bible Church at the south end of Laurel. Currently, due to the lack of sidewalks the pedestrians and joggers have to share the road with the cars. The intersection of Laurel and Lauridsen Blvd at times is difficult to get through heading north, the wait is often 8-10 cars on a school day as Laurel is a gateway to the High School, adding an additional 147 households is mind boggling without some major reconstruction and city planning. Who will pay for all of this planning and restructuring? Since the development is going to significantly increase the traffic by 1,000 cars a day, the developer needs to be fmancially responsible for any measures taken to create a traffic calming safe, comfortable pedestrian access. . I am not totally familiar with the parcel of land under consideration, but I think it is quite close to Valley Creek that has just been through a major restoration, returning a salmon run. It would be very unfortunate to destroy all that with a development pouring run off into the river. I would think that the parcel must be a wetland as well. In addition, the flow of water after a storm down Laurel Street is tremendous, frequently more than the current storm drains are able to handle, adding a large amount of asphalt and removing a lot of vegetation will certainly make a tremendous impact on the water drainage for the area. . Some plan needs to be made to accommodate the increase in homes. This proposal comes at the same time as another proposal at the other end of Ahlvers where an additional 40 + homes are being considered. . ~ lE~lE~\YllE ~ I JUN -;-3 2lXli \ CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dent 01 Comm~~~Yel/.:l_opment . June 23, 2005 Re: Planned Residential Development Acreage at Ahlvers & Laurel To Whom It May Concern, As a neighbor to the propose development, 1 feel that this projects impact to the area would be disastrous. At the initial presentation, it was indicated that this project will increase the traffic in our area by more than 1,000 cars per day. The streets are not designed to handle such an increase which means that an LID, which all of us will have to pay for is also a certainty. Our neighborhood is a single family residential and should stay that way. Allowing this huge anomaly in the middle of this, is not in the best interests of our community. If this proposed development would be in line with the existing developments in the area, su bdivided into lots like that of galaxy circle or mill creek court, the environmental impact would no! be as great, water quality issues, water run off, and impacllo valley creek. · 1 hope that the city requests a full Environmental Impact Statement & Study, before the project is voted upon. I look forward to attending all public hearings concerning the development of the property. Sincerely, /J~ /k;t?-bj lse Hertzog 3407 Mill Creek Court Port Angeles, WA 98362 . ::,.. ,. -II . . . 22 June 2005 port Angeles Planning Commission 321 East Fifth street port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Planned Residential Development Acerage at Ah1vers & Laurel Dear Sirs: ~ ~ ~~JJill~l~ ~N 2 3 2l11!i I ' D~T~~~;~~~i~~~~~~~1 I - - I wish to formally oppose the planned Residential Development at the acerage at Ah1vers & Laurel for the following reasons: 1. A low income rental area with the accompaning social issues. . 2. Water quality, the impact to Valley Creek, water run off, etc. 3. The substantial increase in the traffic. I feel that this project is not in the best interests of our community. I feel we need a Full Environment Impact gtatement should be completed before the project is voted on. Thank you. sincere1'y' :M-' --., ~ J, . . .{ev~. '>.' ~ 1. een J. p~e 3524 Galaxy place port Angeles, WA 98362 .. . becoming rentals. in fact, one contractor who lives in the neighborhood told the . developers that's exactly what most of these dwellings would be-"Iower income rentals". The perception is that this will create a concentration of societal problems in an otherwise '. qUIet community. No one wants such a high density of potential, if not probable, rental properties. I have to agree with this concern among the homeowners here. We moved to our home on Ahlvers to avoid such problems. Whether or not this will be the case, the community again, senses this is exactly what will happen. The problem with this proposed development runs much deeper than the development itself. I don't think anyone really has any objection to seein!s tbe Page faIflily sell their property to a developer. They certainly have every right to do so. I also don't think anyone has objections to seeing homes provided for most income ranges. People do, however, object to such high cOI}~entrations and density of small lots, small homes mcluding duplexes and fourplexes that are likely to become rental properties in such an otherwise open space community-bringing with It a'll the environmental issues of noise, air, soil, and water pollution, traffic, safety, and societal problems. To try and understand how such a development IS even pOSSIble takes liS to the root of how we got here today. Ask yourself who benefits the most from the proJect. The future homeowners or renters? Possibly, but there is a good argument that other housing,options exist, that there are more practical and appropriate locations, and that other mcome levels have real housing neeos as well. So who really benefIts from it1 My guess is first and foremost those who have financial stakes in seeing it happen- such as realtors, developers, and the . builders -and suppliers. There are some question.s that need to be answered. Who changed the zoning on the parcel and why wasn't this subject to public comment? Who deoided that because Valley Creek runs through this property that the density of the structures can be increased and that so many bom.esites can be packed in in order to maximize the developers return? Valley Creek has existed since before man walked on this earth. When the Pages' bought the property, they didn't fann along it: It grew timber as it has for milIenniwns. It just existed, nonusable except for the benefits of great value it provides. Now, our laws have a-1lowed1hose-witlr an agenaa to can lhis creation .an "Open Space"~ 'thereby allowing higher than normal aeI'isities to b~ c'ftistered adjacent to it. The Open Space area concept should not be used to allow for higher density clustered development as it can be just as detrimental if not more due to the concentration adjoining it. This truly doesn't seem to protect the Open S.pace as it was intended. When the realtor and developer walk away from this, we, the community of Port Ang~es, ~vip ~i;ve .Y'itll the .impaGtS. of this.. development for ~pcrations. It.must be done to the best of our technical and political resources. This proposal has a high probability of becoming.a.r.eal black ey.e to ihe .c.ommunity. Not al1.dey.elopmentsOO. .Many .are yery well done and leave the community with a sense of pride and accomplishment. The property in question has tremendous potential for both developer and community. We need to look at what is really important when we balance property rights with community values. This is somethin,g sore!y lacki~g in Clallam and Jefferson counties. All the . {#> ~ . . . June 20, 2005 I [ffi ~ lG ~T\IU [E I ~ I JUN 2 210115 I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES I i rJept of Community Dfvelopmem I -..-- ._-~"........-.........- Scott Johns City Planning Port Angeles, Washington Re: Planned Residential Development Acreage at Ahlvers and Laurel Dear Scott, I am writing this letter in opposition to the currently planned development on the 34 acres next to our home. The entire neighborhood has grave concerns about the negative impacts this development will bring. I would like to list the concerns Wendy and I have, but by no means is this inclusive of all impacts the project brings. First and foremost we are concerned about security and the inevitable societal problems associated with such a high density oflow income rental properties. As you know, these are small lots, small homes and small square footage duplexes and four-plexes. No aspect ofthis development fits in our community of Peabody, Laurel, Ahlvers, Old Mill and the numerous side streets. After all is said and done and the developer walks away the city of Port Angeles will have to live with all of the problems this development will create for generations to come. This will be a black eye to the city. Air quality: As mentioned at the IBC Church meeting, for some reason fog lays in this acreage more intensely than anywhere else that we see around Port Angeles, possibly cold air drainage being trapped. Such high a density of dwellings will most likely cause major air quality problems. Wood burning stoves would be a disaster. Noise pollution: Because of the high density of dwellings with little or no trees remaining and the geographical configuration of the land, this will be a very noisy location and not the quiet neighborhood it is now. Water quality o/Valley Creek and associated runofffrom development: Because of the high density of dwellings and less impervious soils and bio-filters, this development can't help but be a huge point source of pollution. Valley Creek will suffer ultimately from the close proximity of dwellings and people at such high densities. ~ ,\ Sewer and water pressure: How will such a dense population impact our water pressure and sewer capacities? Who has to pay for any upgrades, the developer or the surrounding community that doesn't want this dense of a development? . Property Values: Certainly there are arguments on both sides. However, it seems to me the more reasonable argument is that it will have an adverse effect on property values in the neighborhood, especially the adjacent properties and those closest to the development. If regular size lots were available with trees being left and average size homes were being built as we see in so many developments in the area, it follows that property values would not be adversely affected, they may even be enhanced. I can't buy the argument by the realtor and developer that property values will increase because of their development. Because of the many concerns and the variety of impacts on the surrounding are~ it seems like a complete environmental impact statement should be required on this project. Clearly it is not appropriate that a determination of non-significance be granted for this development There are too many potential problems and too many unanswered questions to allow this development to move forward without much more review. Sincerely, Fred and Wendy Rix ~~Y . ~cC CR~ . , )c . . . "\ \'" June 22, 2005 I~ [E ~ [E~\VI~@' l JUIO 2"201!i \ ' CITY OF PORT ANGELES Depl of Community Dev:!.~~ To: City Plmming Department To whom it may concern: We are writing in regard to the planned residential development being proposed for the acreage at Ahlvers and Laurel streets. We are very concerned about this plan. Our neighborhood is made up of single family residential units and we believe it should stay that way. Of special concern is the amount of traffic this development will create. Our streets are not designed to handle the more than 1,000 additional cars per day (as per the project's initial estimate). Traffic is already difficult at the intersections of Laurel and Highway 101, and Laurel and Park. We foresee many accidents occurring during High School hours! We are also concerned about potential environmental issues which may be affected, such as water quality, the impact to Valley Creek, water run-off, etc. We ask that you require a full Environmental Impact Statement before this project is voted on. While we agree that additional housing is needed in the Port Angeles area, we urge you to maintain the caliber of our neighborhood by allowing only single family residential units to be built on this property. ~~ t:v\1,"-- (tM1Jv{J~A;L Steve & Kim dmpbell 3510 Galaxy Place , Wood smoke generates Hazardous Air pollutants (HAP), which are federally regulated', and Toxic Air pollutants (TAP), which are regulated by the state. HAPs and TAPs are generally defined as those pollutants that are known or suspected to cause serious health problems. including cancer. Human exposure to these pollutants can result In cancer, pOisoning and rapid onset of sickness. Other adverse health effects Include Immunological. neurological. reproductive. developmental and respiratory diseases. Air tOXICS deposited onto sOil or Into lakes and streams can adversely affect ecological systems. Besides breathing polluted air. human health can be Impacted further by exposure to contaminated water, soils, sediments and through consumption of contaminated food Exhibit 1 (ORCAA Report at 1, excerpt) and Exhibit 2 (Id. at 2, ~2.2, excerpt). Woodstove emissions were greater than total tOXICS from autobody, furniture finishing, dry cleaning, door manufactunng and hot mix asphalt area source categories combined. Id at 1; Exhibit 3 (Id. at Table 1). The HAPs and TAPs emitted are Identified In Exhibits 4-7 (/d. at Tables 3, 5,8 and 9). " . One wnter under the auspices of the ORCAA has stated that woodstove emiSSions were nearly equal to total toxics emissions from all area source categories combined. Aggregated emiSSions estimates for reSidential wood combustion were found to be four or five times higher than estimates for this category in the National EmiSSion Inventory (NEI). Exhibit 8 (Kelly, John T.. A Comparison of Local and National Air Toxlcs Emissions Estimates: Regional Importance of Selected Source Categories, at 4, excerpt). He states further t1~?lt Resldenttal wood combustion [RWC] has been implicated as the prime cause for violations of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NMQS) for Particulate Matter (PM1o) In several areas In the region. Elevated ambient particulate matter levels have also been associated with a variety of health effects. Presumably, partIculate phase air tOXICS from RWC contribute (albeit to an unknown degree) to these health effects. While no quantItative estimate of exposure to RWC emissions can be surmised from the data reported here, the magnitude of the difference between these estimates and those In the NEI suggests that regional health impact from thiS source category are likely to be greater than previously thought. . Id. at 7. Some of the identified tOXinS include, but are not limited to: -Benzene -Flourene -Napthalene .pyrene -Toluene Almost two dozen tOXIC substances are listed as deriving from the wood burning process. The Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) reports that the emiSSions from burning wood account for 11 % of the state's air pollution. The wood burning units emits hundreds of times more pollution than other forms of heat such as electriCity, natural gas, or oil. Exhibit 9 (DOE, Focus _ Controlling Wood Smoke pollution at 1, excerpt). I have appended at Exhibit 10 a document entitled the Health Effects of Wood Smoke promulgated by the DOE. The prevailing weather, the stagnant winter air, the adverse health effects of wood smoke and the sensitive enVIronmental areas militate against permItting the use of wood burning devices (stoves or fireplaces) in any of the units. The department and the Planning CommiSSion are encouraged to condition the proposed development so that wood burning devices will not be permitted by either the developer or subsequent owners of the property. . /' ~ . . . June 15~2UU5 W[p rn ~1~1 I I JUt! 2l'2OlI5 I ; ~~lTY.oF PORT ANGELES, ! L~:':~ ~1 Community Development I _..--~ -;- l':ayor Richard Headrick e: (;i ty council Members city Hall Port Angeles, Wa. ~8362 Re: Page Property Development Dear l~ayor Headrick & council j,\embers, I am \.rri ting my thoughts concerning the flanned Residential ))evelop- ment at the corner of Ahlvers Roed and Laurel. A public nobce, arriving last week, encouraged my input at this time. r am a new resident to the Ahlvers Road area, purchasing my home at 113 3. Ahlvers, last August. "rom my windows , I see tne beautiful r.lympics, The I.B.C. church, and the area which is being proposed for development into home sites. It appears to be a prime location for some homes, but I have several concerns as a result of attending tne meetine at I.B.C. earlier this spring, sponsored by the Realitor and the Developer. Lot Size- RS-7 seems :?.l3.11, thus creating a" densit~r of homes. ~)ther homes in this area range from 7200' sq~ foot lots to an acre 0r Illore in size. Transportation flow-- IJaurel street, from View Crest south, is currently a one-car road, with lots of doe walking space on either side. I would hope that the responsibility for street widening, curbs; etc. would not fall to current property owners, but become the sole responsibility of the developer. The proposed development could generate "ore than 600 cars CO mine and going each day. Overcrowding of a semi-rural area--Are apartments and to~n houses really needed at th~s s~te? I thi~~ not. Duplexes bring renters, and many remteTs are lax to aSsume upkeep of someone elses property. I feel we need to look further for a developer who recognizes the beautiful potential of this area, a~~ould encourage only single home development. I ask yOU to rezone this area. (most in the neighborhood were very surprised and disappointed that the prevailing requirements were hastily r~ssed, without allowing for public in~ut.) I would respect a Environmental Impact ascessment of this parcel. Sincerely, ~)1Mi ~. &C/~ Bernice C Cook 113 E.Ahlvers Road. Port Angeles,Wa. ~8362 Copy 10 ?!(jI}/1/~J)epl . ( <I kids used it for 4-wheeling. . Please protect this beautiful neighborhood for our grandkids-It is your job. It will be too late after all these houses are built. Some of you grew up here. You know what this area looked like when you went to school. Where else in the city can you see horses in fields; have to watch out for deer and their babies and see Bald Headed Eagles flying over with the wind currents. Again, please consider carefully what that many houses will do. Do you want us to look like Los Angeles or even Sequim, noW. Sincerely, t".I~ J-- g~~ Everett E Anderson Eulah MAnderson 228 E Ahlvers Rd. Port Angeles, W A 98362 360-457-9227. t(Q){?Y cc: Planning commission . . r ... . . . I am not against affordable housing. I am for sensible housing that takes into account the ' , impacts on the neighborhood in terms of traffic issues, crime and fire protection. Thank you for reading this, Tom. Please feel free to call me if you have any comments or questions. Take care and best regards, ~ FTed Rix -' becoming rentals. In fact, one contractor who lives ill the neighborhood told the developers that's exactly what most ofthese dwelhngs would be."lower income rentals", The perception is that this will create a concentration of societal problems in an otherwise quiet community No one wants such a hIgh density of potential, if not probable, rental properties I have to agree with thIS concern among the homeowners here We moved to our home on Ahlvers to aVOid such problems. Whether or not this will be the case, the community again, senses thIS IS exactly what will happen. . The problem with tills proposed development runs much deeper than the development itself. I don't think anyone really has any objection to seeing the Page famIly sell ilieir property to a developer. 'l~hey certainly have every nght to do so. I also don't think anyone has objections to seeing homes provided for most income ranges People do, however, object to such high concentrations and denSIty of sma1110ts, small homes including duplexes and fourplexes that are likely to become rental properties in such an otherwise open space community-bringing with it all the envlfonmental issues of noise, air, soil, and water pollution, traffic, safety, and societal problems To try and understand how such a development is even possible takes us to the root of how we got here today Ask yourself who benefits the most from the project The future homeowners or renters') POSSibly, but there is a good argument that other housmg options exist, that there are more practical and appropriate locatIOns, and that other lUcome levels have real housing needs as well. So who really benefits from It? My guess is first and foremost those who have financial stakes ill seeing it happen- such as realtors, developers, and the builders and suppliers . There are some questions that need to be answered. Who changed the zoning on the parcel and why wasn't this subject to publIc comment') WOO decided that because Valley Creek runs through this property that the density of the structures can be increased and that so many .bom.esites can be packed in in order to maximize the develop.ers return? Valley Creek has existed since before man walked on this earth. When the Pages' bought the property, they didn't fann along it It grew timber as it has for millenniums. It just existed, nonusable except for the benefits of great value it provides. N.ow, .our laws have allowed those with an agenda tp pall1his creation an "Open Space"., thereby allowing higher than normal densities to be chistered adjacent to it. The Open Space area concept should not be used to allow for higher density clustered development as it can be just as detrimental if not more due to the concentration adj oining it. This truly doesn't seem to protect the Open Space as it was intended. When the realtor and developer walk away from this. we, the commuDity of Port Angeles, ~~,l11ive ,with the impa0ts. of this development f-or generations. It must be done to the best of our technical and political resources. This proposal has a high probability of be.c.oming_a r..eal b.1a.ck .ey.e.1O.1he .c..ommunity. .N.ot.a11.d.ev.elopments .dn..M.any are very well done and leave the community with a sense of pride and accomplishment. The property in question has tremendous potential for both developer and community. We need to look at what is really important when we balance property rights with community values. This is somethinz sorely lackinll in Clallam and Jefferson counties All the . ./ 'Po d' 'If JJ b {Lc~ !jJ fA ;J iJ / f.. (11'H .#II' ~ S /()!V ,/ ~, . -;;: h n-" e .4 '-"s <f ~ ,,,, ~ f41P~ ,.& pz-tf> ,.s~ qI' L -r' IV L t:'J tA. /1.,[ L 1- ..s ~ (,.J", A- H L..., {...-c.-.S . ~t,...)~ <f""""'1./ () --r:- lA Iv J- rl;."-!!;.. 4- d-~ ~14 r,u ~ ~..L4- { I ~ ~.,? ..-t.. I t,/ 7 !C / -' c. Lf. ;:: ..,. Y>' . I;, l-/ ^'. f...s '" IV A /;2 /Lt -,c _ ..? y rJ- C "'L <:.5 Ii ~ &~dJ. -rL. l' d.. d ILl "'- ;;. M p(. 7"- 0/' '-'" <><- hA.- ~. (]A ~ j)jC G=? /9. flY;' t d ~ ~ ' oS. , -r- L N V l,u .-vi E~ ;L{:;. ) " 5:4'</ ".J b" c.J ~-f '--"- (2M.,v iF,c vJ /) fA. r.d k0 'i:.. ,.q f"~.5 L ~.J 'v(. + Low ~ --,--{ 4 '77"24 r= r:; '- /r7 c;..s-S - E~~ cL ~...q ~ L.r fr t/ . WI -ri rr-ic:.. ~~ H r1 c_ ~ l' c c) V It PU~,v.L / ~ r:;-. .s;:C/'~ L . ;:: F ryi,,, r? (4.v N) ..v "" C<l r>) '"'" ,.s:.s 'Ii 'V O. k" J '}t ,...s fJflO d kT ) ~ ..s,4.7 / /'>> vi '/2- Eo- J9L L- I,J S?-rlJ < . o ,-S. d /Lu....v -I- {E- .t? <Lt {I '2.?"c.J. ()" ~~ ~ ~ ~Jt[ \Y! ~IW ~N l 0 2005 J . CITY OF PORT ANGELES I Depl of~munlty Development If 5'1 9" -Sb. GJ10 rJ 'r /211/ L;t/ rn /8-/ L ''''' ~ (p o. (J by d.0JZ ') 9.,4. klJ9- 7J3t'Z- Goals and Policies Guiding Saiary and Benefits To Keep and Attract A Strong Management Team Goals: 1 The CIty desnes to recruIt, retam and cultlVate a dedIcated, enthuslastlc, hard workmg, well qualIfied, and expenenced workforce that can and wIll delIver excellent servIces to the CIty and Its cItIzens 2 The CIty desIres to promote a posItIve work enVIronment that wIll stImulate employee performance and dedIcatIOn to qualIty m the provISIOn of mumclpal servIces. 3. The CIty desIres to strengthen m ItS employees a commItment to excellence 4 The CIty'S polIcIes for settmg salanes and employment benefits should be fmr, obJectIve, pnnclpled, and reasonable 5 The CIty'S polIcIes for settmg salanes and employment benefits must remain fiscally responsIble. To achieve these goals, the City adopts the following Policies: 1. The CIty should elImmate eXIsting polIcies that make It dIfficult to promote from wIthm or that Impede recruItment and retentIOn of well-qualIfied employees. 2 All CIty employees eventually should be covered by the same health care benefits and all should be covered by a long-term dIsabIlIty plan. 3. Employees who advance by mternal promotIOn should receIve salary and benefits m panty WIth external hIres. 4. The followmg pnnclples shall gUIde the establIshment of salanes and benefits for the CIty'S management group employees. A. Managers are expected to prOVIde innovatIOn, creatIVIty, and Improved cost- savmg measures for the CIty They also are expected to bear the greatest oblIgatIOns and responslbIhtIes. TheIr role IS to deal WIth and untangle the compleXItIes of mumclpal government TheIr declSlons mvolve substantlalIssues of both personal and mstltutIOnal ExhIbIt "A" legal habllny Slgmficant cun~equeIlces follow nom theIr decIsIons. The package of salary and benefits for the management group should recognize their oblIgatIOns and responsibIlities B. The City wIll mcorporate mto its salary and benefit structure mcentIves to encourage well-qualIfied managers to come to work for the City and to stay with the City. C. The management salary and benefit structure should be reViewed every 3 years, at least D To hire and retam qualIty employees at the management level, the compensatIOn paid by the City must be competitive With other cities lookmg for simIlar talent E There must be mternal panty m the salanes paid to employees m the management group. CompensatIOn should be based on the responsibilIties, expectatIOns, and potential liabilIty of a positIOn relative to other positIOns internally These factors should be weighed and balanced to achieve a compensatIOn package that is both fair and meets the City'S goals of providmg and mamtammg a competent, energetIc management team 5. Longevity pay is unfair, undesirable, and bad polIcy. Over time, the City should stnve to elimmate longevity pay. Exhibit "A" . Benefits and Hiring Tools to Keep and Attract a Strong Management Team Benefits: 1 AddItIonal deferred compensatIOn - A mImmum of$1,800 or 3 0% of base salary, whIchever IS greater amount. 2 AddItIOnal money compensatIOn to pay for medIcal, VISIOn and/or dental m the amount of $50 per month to be placed dIrectly mto Flex 125 Plan. 3. AbIlIty for mdIVIduals to cash out 80 hours ofvacatlOnlgeneralleave per year Hinng Tools (Recruitment Incentives) to be used by the City Manager: 1. Start mdIvIduals WIth a vacatIOn balance such as 80 hours to be used upon hIre and/or commence earning ofvacationlgeneralleave at a hIgher rate. 2 ProvIde compensatIOn to offset a portIOn ofmovmg expenses. ExhIbIt "BOO . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DECEMBER 6, 2005 CITY COUNCIL YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR BUDGET ORDINANCE Summary: The CIty of Port Angeles is required to amend the current budget to reflect expense appropriatIOns, especIally m cases where we are amending prior Council authorizations. It is also required to adopt Its new budget prior to the New Year. ThIs document attempts to relate the desired work program of the City as directed by the Council Goals, and allocates available resources accordingly toward theIr accomplishment. Recommendation: Staff recommends the CouncIl adopt the proposed Ordinance . Background / Analysis: The attached documents are the proposed final adjustments to establish three budgetary Items These include the amendments ofthe 2005 Budget, the adoptIOn ofthe 2006 Budget, and the adoption of a 2.7% pay increase for AdmmIstratIve, Management, and other non- represented employees. The recommended 2005 amended budget IS $87,823,373. ThIS IS $11,514,374 more than originally adopted. Most ofthese changes are related to the utility extension to the Western UGA annexation. The 2006 budget totals $104,044,019 and includes $29,864,500 m capItal Improvement proJects. The prelIminary budget was presented to the CIty Council on November 1, and November 15, 2005. We have revIewed all known items of adjustment with the Fmance CommIttee during five separate workshops. PublIc Hearings were held on budget and revenue sources on November 1, November 15, and December 6, 2005. The attached budget allocatIOns appear to cover the Items agreed to by the Finance CommIttee and from prior mformatIOn submitted either formally or informally through the budget process. Last minute, additional request for a Public Safety System Analyst was added to the proposed budget. All CouncIlmembers received an e-mail with the information regardmg thIS request. ThIS budget ordmance reflects changes made to the prelimmary budget as a result of the budget workshops. . The attached spreadsheets show these changes m detail. As always, staff will be present to answer questions or provIde addItional details. 141 . . . 142 . Budget 2005 & 2006 Preliminary Expenditures 200 Budget General Fund 13,711,705 15,084,262 Special Revenue Funds Lodging Tax 537,230 355,200 Street 1,489,332 1,612,011 Real Estate Excise Tax #1 217,770 216,985 Real Estate Excise Tax #2 123,295 122,491 Criminal Justice 195,000 200,000 PenCom 1,880,699 2,130,534 Drug Task Force 5,000 5,000 Recreational Activities 244,271 325,051 Port Angeles Works 0 23,021 Electric Utlirty Rural Econ Dev Fund 18,000 50,000 EconomiC Development 148,834 173,441 LID Guaranty 0 0 Contingency Fund 0 0 Community Development Grants Fund 0 0 PA HOUSing Rehab Project Fund 0 100,000 Dare Fund 0 0 Senior Center Maintenance Fund 2,500 2,500 Firearms Range Fund 850 2,350 Waterfront Trail Fund 2,400 2,400 Total Special Revenue Funds 4,865,181 5,320,984 Debt Service Funds 1991 GO Bond - Senior Center 0 0 . 2001 Refunding G 0 Bond 382,363 387,313 1992 Refunding and Conv Ctr Bond 67,035 84,127 1992 G 0 Bond - Fire Station 0 0 1995 G 0 Bond - Library 292,825 2,539 2005 Refunding G 0 Bond 0 274,200 2005 L TGO WUGA Bond 0 127,485 2005-A L TGO Gateway Property Bond 0 0 85,906 LID Control 0 0 Total Debt Service Funds 742,223 875,664 85,906 Permanent Funds Esther Webster Trust Fund 117,141 120,694 Total Permanent Funds 117,141 120,694 0 Enterprise Funds Electnc 28,748,145 Water 6,373,175 (2,146,373) Wastewater 6,420,937 (100,000) Solid Waste Collection 2,303,798 537,802 Solid Waste Landfill 6,119,456 130,956 Stormwater 510,680 Medici 1,142,730 Total Enterprise Funds 51,618,921 (1,577,615 Internal Service Funds EqUipment Services 2,011,324 3,822,358 Information Technology 716,410 754,203 22,000 Self-Insurance 3,492,696 3,673,506 Totallntemal Service Funds 6,220,430 8,250,067 22,000 Fiduciary Firemen's Pension 109,526 Total FidUCiary Funds 109,526 . Governmental CapItal Projects 24,411,674 Total All Funds $ 105,791,792 $ 143 List of Proposed Changes to 2006 Preliminary Budget . Expenses Change in 2006 Proposed 2006 Fund Description Preliminary Addition Deletion Final Pen com Fund Pen com System Analyst 0 60,936 60,936 PA Housing Rehab Project Fund Housing Authority Grant and Loan (Included In 2005 budget) 100,000 100,000 (100,000) Firearms Range Fund Rebuild Berm 0 11,000 11,000 PA Housing Rehab Project Fund HOUSing Authority Grant 50,000 50,000 (50,000) HOUSing Authority Deferred Loan 50,000 50,000 (50,000) Total PA HOUSing Rehab Project Fund 0 100,000 (100,000) C?ntlngency Fund Transfer to 2005-A L TGO Fund (Gateway Property) 0 100,000 100,000 2005.A L TGO Gateway Property OS Fund Principal 0 8,146 8,146 Interest 0 77,760 77,760 Total 2005.A L TGO Gateway Property OS Fund 85,906 85,906 Capital Projects Funds Capital Improvement Fund: Reserves deSignated for CIP (In GF) 500,000 0 500,000 (500,000) Property Management Fund Transfer to 2005-A L TGO Fund (Gateway Property) 0 150,000 0 150,000 . Total Capital Projects Funds 150,000 500,000 (350,000) Water Fund Downtown Watermaln Phase III (2007) 1,900,000 1,900,000 (1,900,000) BI-annual replacement (2008) 320,000 320,000 (320,000) Directed Services 50,000 25,000 (25,000) Campbell Avenue 0 56,000 56,000 UGA Water Customers (Dry Creek) 0 10,000 10,000 Utility Tax (result of rate study) 257,981 32,627 32,627 Total Water Fund 98,627 2,245,000 (2,146,373) Wastewater Fund Park Avenue Sewer 0 75,000 75,000 Directed Services 0 50,000 50,000 CSO Professional Services 0 75,000 75,000 New FranCIS Street Gravity Sewer 400,000 100,000 100,000 Lincoln St Stormwater (In Stormwater Fund) 500,000 400,000 (400,000) Total Wastewater Fund 300,000 400,000 (100,000) Solid Waste Collection Fund Charges for Landfill 0 537,802 537,802 Solid Waste Landfill Fund City Utility Tax (result of rate study) 196,160 56,440 56,440 State Tax 89,155 24,516 24,516 Transfer Station ProfeSSional Services 366,572 50,000 50,000 Total Solid Waste Landfill Fund 130,956 0 130,956 Information Technology Fund RecreatIOnal Software 0 22,000 22,000 Total Proposed Changes 1,497,227 3,245,000 (1,747,773) . 144 ORDINANCE NO . . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the 2005 budget, adopting the 2006 budget, and providing for a cost of livmg mcrease for certain city employees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The annual budget of the CIty of Port Angeles for the year 2006, as finally amended, fixed, and determmed by the CIty Council after public heanngs held on Tuesday, November 1, 2005, Tuesday, November 15,2005, and Tuesday, December 6, 2005, notice of saId heanngs havmg been gIven and pubhshed m the manner provIded by law, IS hereby adopted, approved and confirmed. Section 2. The 2005 budget appropnatlOns as set forth in Ordinance 3178 are hereby amended, and the 2005 budget appropnations are hereby adopted, m accordance wIth the followmg summary of the totals of appropnatlOns for each separate fund and the aggregate total for all such funds combined: . 2005 2006 Fund Amended Adopted A. General Fund Mayor & Councll $ 56,590 $ 68,063 City Manager 657,118 574,722 Community ServIces 135,000 135,000 Legal Department 503,612 544,767 Finance Department 1,800,152 1,922,189 Commumty & EconomIC Development Department 449,523 494,485 Fire Department 2,408,034 1,708,337 Pohce Department 3,736,833 3,960,794 PublIc Works & UtIlitIes Department 1,260,111 1,378,631 Parks & Recreation 2,156,436 2,188,798 Facility Maintenance 493,813 470,976 County J all Contribution 330,000 350,000 Transfers to Street Fund 270,000 325,000 Transfers to Fine Arts Center Fund 25,000 35,000 Transfers to EconomIC Development Fund 35,000 35,000 Transfers to Recreation ActivitIes Fund 31,000 127,500 Transfers to Medic I Fund 11,617 265,000 . Transfers to Gateway Property Debt ServIce Fund 0 500,000 Transfers to CIP Funds 1 ,500,000 0 TOTAL, GENERAL FUND $15,859,839 $15,084,262 145 B. SpecIal Revenue Funds 2005 Amended 2006 Adopted Lodgmg Tax $ 667,230 $ 355,200 . Street 1,505,231 1,612,011 R. E. ExcIse Tax #1 217,770 216,985 R. E. Excise Tax #2 123,295 122,491 CrIminal Justice 195,000 200,000 PenCom 1,630,915 2,191,470 Drug Task Force 5,000 5,000 Recreational ActIvItIes 225,760 325,051 Port Angeles Works 180,110 23,021 Electric UtIlIty Rural Economic Dev. 73,000 50,000 EconomIc Development 143,024 173,441 LID Guaranty 140,223 0 Contmgency 0 100,000 Commumty Development Grants 120,000 0 P A Housing Rehab Project 115,000 0 DARE 220 0 Senior Center Maintenance 35,000 2,500 Firearms Range 850 13,350 Waterfront Trml 2.400 2.400 TOTAL, SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $5380,028 $5392,920 C. Debt ServIce Funds . 2001 Refunding G.O. Bond $ 382,463 $ 387,313 1992 Refunding and Conv. Ctr. Bond 352,113 84,127 1995 G.O. Bond - LIbrary 172,929 2,539 2005 Refunding G. O. Bond 2,509,794 274,200 2005 LTGO WUGA Bond 0 127,485 2005-A LTGO Gateway Property Bond 0 85,906 LID Control 174,667 0 TOTAL, DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $3,591,966 $961,570 D. CapItal Proiects Funds CapItal Improvement $2,491,078 $ 7,620,000 Property Management 12,000 162,000 Lmcoln Park Improvement 9,000 8,000 Senior Center Construction 0 35,000 CarnegIe LIbrary RestoratIon 0 11 ,674 8th Street Bridge Replacement 991,000 16,225,000 Underground Project 561 0 Stormwater Basin Improvement 23,589 0 Finance System 183,377 0 Western Urban Growth Area 5,878,859 0 . TOTAL, CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS $9,589.464 $24,061,674 146 E. Permanent Funds 2005 Amended 2006 Adopted . Esther Webster Trust $118.466 $120.694 TOTAL, PERMANENT FUNDS $118.466 $120.694 F. Enterprise Funds Electric $30,005,679 $28,748,145 Water 5,011,103 4,226,802 Wastewater 4,475,946 6,320,937 Solid Waste CollectIOn 3,078,731 2,841,600 SolId Waste Landfill 3,543,534 6,250,412 Stormwater 380,535 510,680 Medic I 221 .1 17 1.142.730 TOTAL, ENTERPRISE FUNDS $46.716.645 $50.041.306 G. Internal ServIce Funds Equipment Services $2,207,896 $3,822,358 Information Technology 689,257 776,203 SelfInsurance 3.568.696 3.673.506 TOTAL, INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $6.465.849 $8.272.067 . H. FIdUCIary Funds FIremen's Pension $101.116 $109.526 TOTAL, FIDUCIARY FUNDS $101.116 $109.526 TOTAL FUNDS $87.823.373 $104.044.019 . Section 3. The CIty Clerk IS hereby dIrected to keep on file the budget referred to m SectIOns 1 and 2 above and to transmit a complete copy of the final budget to the Division of MUnICIpal Corporations in the Office of the State AudItor and to the ASSOCIation of Washmgton Cities. Section 4. In accordance WIth the budget referred to in SectIOns 1 and 2 above, effective January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2006, salaries and wages for AdmInIstrattve/Management and other non-represented employees shall be mcreased by 2.7%. The above salaries and wages shall be paId m bI-weekly installments per accountmg procedures establIshed by the City of Port Angeles, and shall be paId withm five (5) working days after the end of the payroll period, or as soon thereafter, per procedures establIshed by the City of Port Angela 7 SectIon 5. The City Clerk and the codIfiers of thIS ordmance are authonzed to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but limited to, the correctlon of the scrivener's/clencal errors, references, ordmance numbenng, sectIOn/subsectIOn numbers and any references thereto. SectIOn 6 . ThIs Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. PASSED by the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of SaId CouncIl held on the 6th day of December, 2005. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, CIty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wilham E. Bloor, CIty Attorney PUBLISHED (By Summary) 148 . . . - - ~ - ~ ' ~ 5 :~~: -1 A X ~ '<" - -~ - --~ 2006 B-udget O_~dinan'ce 1!-~ , ,~ ;. ~ ~ ~ < ~~ ~ " I And... I- ~ , ~ <l '" .,,~ ~ '"'I: '" f' ;f~ ~.. ~ - - - " - " ~ -" -: ""-~~ " '{' ~ ~ - '" --" - - - -- . Amel1dl09 2005 BU~.ge~_ ~ - ~- ~ ~ ,:",- 1 -".# - ;::'~~,.?N_ ~;: r~~:':9:::;=:;':'~~- ~ -- - -:, ~}:~~ ~ -:~~~ jY:~:g ~:: <?; ~ ~~ "'~~:,~~~ tfg~~ td~~~~l5'?"ludget ~~';UtrfL:. ~~~~ ~'St~ri~l~!J - WUG~~';:proj~pt cost $5~~-8~J~;852 (t.5f{etgeted as~~rf:t{~Xpeose in sepaE(~le::~~~cj~tosffltction fund--:::~~rnd-~ as - a tra nsfer-l~:Q}lt:~1frornj0~:(Jti I ities - a-n~<:Liother funds tQ:t~~{~JfEl:s this"",;_ projecf;-~;-~--t~tal combined ~'cr~~an~tu:nt ~,:in:j:c__ budget~ ~j is $11 7 5 7 718-;Y"'" --~,- jj~~ - =- I , J ~~~~q;~~-~;Z-~FE_ . 8th Street Bridge-Z$:~~~~qoo - *;~--~-f ,*:;F;:.,..2-'C.;,,>iif w ~ lJ> "\_.;: . Defer Gateway Pro~~~~~~~~2pO'6 -$3 M . Designating $1,500,'bnU~~Efom GF to CIP . $250,000 for Fire Ladde-,.. 2 ~~ ~ 11 - ~...+ 2006 ~'lJ_dget "10 _ '\ ~ '-~ $104, 044,019 $74,179,519 Operating Budget ~ $29,864,500 Capital Projects , - A - Preliminary Budget $105,791,792 _~ A- 't .. - - .. . """ ->-' - ~A,>- A _ " ~ ~ - "'" '" --- A ~ A ~ -.;!' _ ,+ ~ "'..:?""~ .---:.: ~ '> ~~ "" v'" -~- ---;.. ~ 0-'"' " A '"<- -" '" Proposed Changes -$1,747,773 - - ') _v~.r .J. A - ~ - .,. , ~ ~ ~., ,,. ~ -' ~ -. ~ ~ - '. " --: ~'%1\2 :i':" ~ ~- ~n i'; :> ~ ~ ~ ~ Final:'Pro~.ct'Bud9Atl-' \~)'Jroval: ~ t " ...." ~ }$~ '::' s ^'" ' rltff'>ft ;{.\i"~.( \\;, 7 ~ ~~ ~ , - ,V,' ~ftA 044" - -, ',' " - '-< ~ j . "" ~ ~-"i;: <1" "f.QAt: ->' ~ ~:,,,,,,,,,Jt? I '" ~ "'" , ~~~, :! 4 "f J' '~'~;~j:_~ "n -o_."':,....~~..,... < .. , 3 paYI' - GF $5 w:~, - Conting~:, - Property , . Debt paymen $85,906 (fundin ~~=:~ arKib,€); revenue and interest. RemafOJ ~"4:,=t~rest revenue will be accumulatedf6i,~f@i!+balloon payment in 15 years) '", " ," ,:,~"~:~k==;J) a~9~g es t' ~:::=~:re]J,m i nary '+:,"~}" ,\,," ''','''}::, B d,~=~,=,::"'~'=t~:::L~ {~:~~~~,' =' "" L,', U g=~ ,=. ~"!':q;'==, ~-- ~ ~~ - - - - ~ x f '" .V~" ";~""-~~->-- ~ ~- ~ - .HoLrsiFlgw'Rehat;j~:,$100,do]t::i~, " (inclu~aed,'iti~:~=90'5:'b~~dget) , . Capital Jr:i;f~fb:vem Fund -$5d' =0Q"_~,, (designatecr~d~jCl:e)~J ' service fund f6~~::,)"' J '~'?, Gateway properf'. purchase instead 0 CIP) 4 Ct!a-nges to Preliminary .. - H Budget , - , - \..'>- -". ~-., \ ~ iii Dup'ficaUons ,to construction projects: - Lin;coin~St. Stormwater -$400;090 ' . - (IF> transfer' -$500/000 . Other changes in construction proJects: - Postponing Downtovyn Watermain - $1/900/000 ' - Postponing annual sewer replacement -$320,00J) . Ch'anges to '~Prel.iminary , --~~,~ -~' " Budg~~t ", _'_ , . . SoU:cfWaste Collection +$537,802), tra'rlsf~r~to Landfill f?r disposql' ?~r\7.ices, . Solid W.i(ste Landfill +$130,956~' '-. . include fhcrease in prQfessional " ,-- , services $50,000 and st~Je and city" taxes $80,956 as a .resulf'of:.higher - - --. __ ....;l-"'.:....~*_ revenue 5 r ~ ~- _: Last Moment. Change \ ' . PenCQm, additional positionr Public Safety' ?'Ystem Analyst, '$90,936. " Proposed 2006 Budget $104,044,019 Proposed,2!J05',ff, d)' $81~&~~" , "T~"",'~ , ~~ '~'-<., " 6 . . . ~ORTNGELES WAS H IN G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 6, 2005 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of PublIc Works and UtilItles~ Water and Wastewater Rate Adjustments SUBJECT: Summary: HDR Engineering, Inc. and City staff completed comprehensive rate studies for the Water and Wastewater UtilIties. The studies were presented to the Councll on November 15, 2005, includmg the recommended retail rate adjustments. Recommendation: 1) Open the public hearing that was continued from November 15, 2005, 2) Close the public hearing, 3) By motion waive Council's policy to require a 2nd readin of the ro osed ordinances, and 4 Ado t the attached ordinances. Background/Analysis: At the November 15,2005 City Council meeting, the City'S consultant, HDR Engineering, Inc., made a presentation on the requirements to increase water and wastewater rates commencing January 1, 2006. No comments have been provided to staff smce the November 15, 2005 Council meetmg concernmg the rate increases. The main reasons retail rate adjustments are needed include' draw down of rate stabilIzatlOn reserves to mmimize rate impacts; mcreased operatlOnal and mamtenance expenses; mflatlOn of expenses; reductlOn of retail revenues due to water conservatlOn efforts; implementation of un- funded federally mandated Combined Sewer Overflow projects; and mcreased debt service. It Will be necessary to adjust retail water and wastewater rates at thiS time to mamtain the funds m a finanCially prudent position. The proposed ordinances mclude wastewater rate adjustments in years 2006 through 2008 and a water rate adjustment in year 2006. The proposed ordmances also mclude' adjustments to the water and wastewater system development fees, street cut fees, and hot tap fees; and clanfy that street cuts are not mcluded m water connectlOn and sewer permit fees. Staff Will return to the Utllity Advisory Committee in the summer of 2006 to discuss future water rate adjustments at that time. Staff recommends that Council Waive by motlon its policy to require a 2nd reading of the proposed ordmances and adopt the proposed ordinances at tomght's meeting. Attachment: Proposed Rate Ordmances 149 N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Water & Wastewater Rate Adjustments doc . . . 150 ~ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton, revIsmg wastewater servIce rates and amendmg Chapters 13.65 and 13.69 of the Port Angeles MunICIpal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF-PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows' Section 1. Chapter 13.65, Wastewater ServIce - Rates, ofthe Port Angeles MumcIpal Code IS hereby amended by amendmg P AMC 13.65 to read as follows' 13.65.010 Single ResIdential Umt MontWy Rate. A. Each resIdential umt and each hvmg umt connected wIth the CIty water system shall be charged a monthly customer charge durmg months m whIch water IS consumed. B The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds 430 CUbIC feet shall be as follows' 1. $30.00 pel month on bIlls bcginl1lng July 1, 199G 2. $3240 on bIlls begmllmg January 1,2000. J. $ J4.G5 011 bIlls beginnmg January 1,2001. 4 $3G.25 on bills 'ucgmnmg January 1,2002 5. $3825 on bIlls bcgullung January 1,2005 1 $42.00 on bIlls beginmng Januarv L 2006 2 $46.10 on bIlls begmnmg Januarv L 2007 3 $5060 on bIlls begmlllng January L 2008. C The rate for customers whose montWywater consumptIOn falls below 430 CUbIC feet shall be as follows: 1. $27.00 on bIlls begnm111g July 1, 199G. 2 $29 15 on bIlls bcgin1llng Janua!")' 1,2000. 3 $31.20 on bills begmnlllg January 1,2001. 4. $32.GO on bills bcgm1ll11g January 1,2002 5. $3440011 bill bcgmn111g January 1 2005. 1. $37.75 on bIlls begmning January L 2006. 2 $41 45 on bIlls begmnmg January L 2007. 3. $45.50 on bIlls begInnmg January L 2008. 13.65.020 Commercial and IndustrIal Rate. Each commercIal and mdustrIal dIscharger connected with the City water system shall be charged monthly as follows 1. A cmjtomcI chaIge of$7.00 per monthpltls $1.98 per 100 cubic fec:,t for the amount of mete1ed W atel GOnsumcd by the uscr 111 the bIlhng pCIlod 011 bIlls bc:,ginlllng July 1, t996: -1- 13 65.030 CommercIal and IndustrIal EqUIvalent P1umbmg FIxture Rate A ~eommercla1 and mdustna1 dIschargers. at Its optIOn, which have a lower watcr Oi wMtcwate1 dischaigc mto the publIc sewer5 thal1l5 rdlectcdby thCH watci GOn5umptlOn may apply m wntmg to the Department of PublIc Works to have theIr sewer charges calculated at the followmg rate' 1. $2.30 time,5 the total numbu of eq Ui valent p1umbll1g fixtur 05 on bills begllnmg July 1, 199G. 2 $2.48 tIme5 the total munber of eqUivalent p1umbmg fixtuIC:5 on bills begiID1mg January 1,2000. 3. $2 GG tImes the total numbu of eqUivalent plumbmg fixturE5 on bills begnmmg J anuaTY 1, 2001. 4. $2.78 times the, total number of eqUivalent plambmg fixtuie5 011 bIlls beg,lIDl1llg, January 1, 2002 5. $2 93 times the total ntlmber of eq aI valent p1umbmg fixtur C5 on bIlls begnmmg January 1, 2005. 1 $3.25 tImes the total number of eqUIvalent p1umbmg fixtures on bIlls begmnmg January L 2006. 2. $3.60 times the total number of eqUivalent plumbmg fixtures on bIlls begmmng January 1. 2007. 3. $4 00 tImes the total number of eqUIvalent plumbmg fixtures on bIlls beginnmg January L 2008. The total number of EqUIvalent Plumbmg Fixtures shall be calculated, based upon the following table, WhICh is hereby adopted from the United States of America Standards Institute NatIOnal Plumbing Code, USASI, A40.8-1955: -2- EOUN ALENT PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS FIXTURE TYPE EQUIVALENT PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS One bathroom group consIstmg of tank-operated water closet, lavatory, and bathtub or shower stall Bathtub (wIth or without overhead shower) BIdet CombmatlOn sInk-and-tray CombmatlOn sInk-and-tray with food-dIsposal umt Dental umt or cuspIdor Dental lavatory Dnnkmg fountam DIshwasher, domestIc Floor drams KItchen sInk, domestIc 6 2 3 3 4 1 1 'li 2 1 2 FIXTURE TYPE EQUIVALENT PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS KItchen sInk, domestIc, with food waste gnnder Lavatory Lavatory Lavatory, barber, beauty parlor Lavatory, surgeon's Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) Shower stall, domestIc Showers (group) per head SInkS Surgeon's Flushmg nm (WIth valve) ServIce (trap standard) Service (P trap) Pot, scullery, etc. Urmal, pedestal, syphon Jet, blowout Unnal, wall IIp Unnal stall, washout Unnal trough (each 2-ft. section) 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 8 3 2 4 8 4 4 2 -3- Wash smk (cIrcular or multIple) each set of faucets Water closet, tank-operated Water closet, valve-operated 2 4 8 In addItIOn to the above umts, the followmg fixture types shall be assIgned eqUIvalent plumbmg fixture umts as follows: FIXTURE TYPE EQUIVALENT PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS 400-lb. commercial washer 200-lb commercial washer 50-lb. commercIal washer 35-lb. commercIal washer 25-lb. commercial washer 18 lbs and under commercIal washer 89.6 448 11.2 7.8 5.6 40 13.65.040 Rate for User OutSIde CIty LImIts All samtary sewage dIsposal furnIshed to a user outSIde the CIty lImIts shall be charged at the rate of 150% of the schedule for rates and charges as set forth herem or as amended. Section 2. Chapter 13.69, System Development Charge, of the Port Angeles Mumclpal Code IS amended by amendmg P AMC 13.69.040 to read as follows' 13.69.040 Sewer System Development Charge A. The City Council hereby finds and determmes that the capItal cost ofthe CIty'S sewer system mcludmg the treatment plant, collectIOn lmes, pump statIOns, nghts of ways and easements, has been borne by the CIty and ItS sewer system users. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025, smce such sewer system wIll be utIhzed by newly connectmg propertIes, it IS appropnate to establIsh a reasonable connectIOn charge in order that such property owners bear theIr eqUItable share of the capItal cost of the system. B. The CIty CounCIl further determmes that beglnnmg J anuarv 1, 2006, $745 00$870.00 per eqUIvalent water meter represents a reasonable baSIS for a fair sewer system development charge that property owners newly connectmg to the CIty'S sewer system should bear as their eqUItable share of the capItal cost of the system. The City CounCIl further determmes that beglnnmg January L 2007, $1.000 00 per equivalent water meter represents a reasonable basIs for a faIT sewer system development charge that property owners newly connectmg to the CIty'S sewer system should bear as their eqUItable share of the caPItal cost of the system The CIty CounCIl further determines that beginnmg January 1, 2008, $1,125.00 per eqUIvalent water meter represents a reasonable basis for a fair sewer system development charge that property owners newly connecting to the City's sewer system should bear as theIr eqUItable share ofthe caPItal cost of the system. -4- C. In additIOn to other fees Imposed, by ordinance or pursuant to agreements, then: IS hereby Imposed upon the owners of property seekmg to provIde sewer servIce to theIr property by connecting to the CIty'S sewer system, thev shall pay to the City a sewer system development charge determmed bymu1tlplymg the total number of eqUIvalent water meter factors for the water servIce, WhIch contributes to sewer system loadmgs, to be mstalled by $745.00the amount specIfied m Paragraph B above. Section 3 - Corrections. The CIty Clerk and the codIfiers OfthIS ordmance are authonzed to make necessary correctIOns to thIS ordmance mcludmg, but not lImIted to, the correctIOn of the scnvener' s/clencal errors, references, ordmance numbenng, sectIOn/subsectIOn numbers and any references thereto Section 4 - Severability. If any provlSlons of thIS Ordmance, or ItS applIcatIOn to any person or crrcumstances, are held mvalId, the remamder of the Ordmance, or applicatIOn of the provIsIOns of the Ordmance to other persons or crrcumstances, IS not affected Section 5 - Effective Date. ThIS Ordmance shall take effect January 1, 2006 PASSED by the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of SaId CouncIl held on the day of December, 2005. RIchard A. Headrick, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, CIty Clerk WIllIam E. Bloor, CIty Attorney PUBLISHED: December ,2005 By Summary G \Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2005-46 WastewaterServlceRates 111705 wpd November 22, 2005 -5- ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton, revIsmg water servIce rates and amendmg Chapters 3.70, 13 24, 13 32, 13.44, and 13.69 of the Port Angeles MumcIpal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows' Section 1. Chapter 3.70 ofthe Port Angeles MuniCIpal Code IS hereby amended by amendmg Sections A, K and L ofPAMC 3.70 110 to read as follows 3.70 110 - PublIc Works Department (Department) Fees and DeposIts. A. The fee for a permIt for constructIOn or excavatIOn work m the CIty nght-of- way shall be as follows' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Curb & gutter removal and/or replacement Dnveway mstallatIOn All other work Street cut-allev = Street cut-other $170 00 $170.00 $50.00 $270 00 $400 00 K. The fees for vanous underground utIlIty work performed by the Department shall be as follows 1. Tappmg sewer or storm dram mam lmes to mstall a tee or wye $170.00. Hot tap water mam' $J25 00. Tap 2" on 6" or 8" mam' $600.00 Tap 4" on 6" mam $90000 Tap 4" on 8" main: $1.000.00 Tap 6" on 6" mam' $950 00 Tap 6" on 8" mam: $950.00 Tap 8" on 8" mam. $1.250.00 Tap 8" on 10" mam' fee based on actual time and matenal costs mcurred bv the City. 3. Tappmg samtary or storm manhole: $390.00 4. Install fire hydrant. $3,365.00. All work to actnallyinstall the tap the mam shall be performed by the Department. All excavatIOn of trench, exposure of the mam= and trench backfill. thrust blockmg, and SIte restoratIOn shall be proVIded by the applIcant. 2. -1- L. In addItIOn to the water, sewer or storm dram fees reqUIred under this SectIOn, any person receIvmg a pcrmlt [10m thc CIty for a water, sewer or storm dram connectIOn shall pay to the CIty of Port Angeles the actual cost mcurred by the CIty m the restoratIon of any street, alley, curb, SIdewalk, utilIty or other structure of the City of Port Angeles, whIch IS m any way altered or damaged as a result of construction pursuant to a sewer or storm dram connectIOn permIt. Section 2. Chapter 13.24, Water ServIce DefimtIOns, is amended by msertmg a new defimtIOn at P AMC 13 .24 085 to read as follows: 13 24.085 Hot Tap "Hot Tap" means a connectIOn to an eXIstmg actIve water lme Section 3 Chapter 13 32, Water ServIce ConnectIOn Charges, of the Port Angeles MumcIpal Code IS hereby amended by amendmg PAMC 13.32.020 and 13.32.040 to read as follows. 13.32020 CondItIOns ApplIcable to All Water ServIce ConnectIOns A. All servIce connectIOns shall be metered B. Each served premIses must have a separate connectIOn to a mam, unless otherwIse approved by the DIrector when impOSSIble or Impractical. C. Water WIll not be provIded to more than one customer or dwellmg through a single servIce connectIOn, and separate servIce applicatIOns are reqUIred for each dwellmg When two customers are bemg served by a smgle servIce connection on the effectIve date of the ordmance codIfied in Chapters 13.24 through 13 48, the DIrector may reqUIre the mstallatIOn of a new service, when necessary, for effiCIent operation of the system, at the cost of the customer D When the premIses for which service IS sought does not abut a mam WIth suffiCIent pressure and capaCIty to proVIde the reqUIred flow at the property lme, the applIcatIOn for servIce shall be rejected. E. Unless approved bv the DIrector m accordance WIth Ordmance No. 3082, nNo applIcatIOn for water service shall be accepted or approved for locatIOns outSIde of the CIty water servIce area. F. The furmshing of water by a customer to premIses other than that served by the customer's servIce IS prohibited, except as may be approved by the DIrector, and except dunng emergenCIes; prOVIded, that emergency servIce cannot contmue for more than thIrty days and an applIcation for emergency service shall be made to the Department wIthm forty-eight hours ofthe onset of the emergency. G. A request for a change in the size of servIce connection shall be treated as a request for a new servIce mstallatIOn. H. A change of use of the served premIses WIll reqUIre a new servIce connectIOn, unless the eXIsting service IS adequate for the changed use, as determmed by the Director. -2- 13 32040 New ResIdentIal ServIce ConnectIOn Fee A The fee for new resIdentIal water servIce connectIOns, mc1udmg the meter, shall be as set forth m Chapter 3.70 PAMe. B. Whenever resIdentIal water servIce connections are to be installed by the Department at the same tIme a water mam IS bemg mstalled, and the t1 cneh IS open, and/or 'W hen ten Ollllore adjacent connectrons ale mstalkd smlUltancously, the fee for new connectIOns may be reduced by ten percent for each such connection when ten or more adiacent connectIOns are mstalled sImultaneouslv. All excavatIOn of trench. exposure ofthe mam and trench backfill shall be proVIded bv the applrcant. C Tills fee shall cover the cost oftappmg the CIty'S water mam for the necessary SIze of servIce, mstalhng the copper tubmg, type "K" or 160 P.S.1. PVC or P .E. necessary to reach to wIthm two feet of the property lme, to a maXImum dIstance of SIXty feet, and proVIde and mstall a yoke, shut-off, meter and meter box. For any addItIOnal extra length of servIce pIpe beyond SIXty feet, the customer shall be bIlled for the addItIOnal cost plus admmIstratIve overhead Section 4. Chapter 13.44, Water Rates, of the Port Angeles MUlllcIpal Code IS hereby amended by amendmg SectIOns 13.44.020, 13.44.025, 13.44040, and 13.44.050 to read as follows: 13 44.020 Monthly ResidentIal Metered Rate - WIthm CIty. A The followmg monthly customer charges are apphcable to water servIce to smgle- famIly reSIdences WIthm the corporate lrmlts ofthe CIty of Port Angeles. For the purposes ofthis sectIon, "smgle-family residences" are defmed as structures deSIgned for occupancy by a smgle famIly only, contammg a complete krtchen Ulllt. Structures whrch are not "smgle-famIly residences" mc1ude, but are not limIted to, duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and roommghouses The charge IS based upon size of the servIce line, and not SIze of the meter, except as speCIfied below for the 5/8-mch and 3/4 mch meters. The customer charges are as follows' ServIce SIze Customer Charge Per Month On BIlls Beglnnmg On The Pollo'Wmg DatesJanuarv L 2006' ~ 1.LlLQJ .lLlLQ1 1/1/05 1/1/06 $13.40 $1].95 $14.50 $14.95 $1780 14.55 15.15 15.75 IG.20 19.30 IG 30 1G 95 17.G5 18.15 21 60 30.15 31.35 32 GO J3.GO 4000 47.15 49.05 51.00 52.55 6255 WIth 5/8-inch meter service WIth 314-inch meter I-mch servIce 1 1I2-inch service 2- mch servIce B. Metered consumption shall be as follows. 1. $1.07 for each one hundred WbIC feet consumed 011 bIlls begIIDung January 1, z.etfr 2. $1.11 for each one hundred WbIC feet consumed on bills beglImmg January 1, ZOO3-:- -3- 3 $1.1G for each one hundred CUbIC feet consumed on bIlls bcgllUlmg January 1, 2-004-:- 4. $1.19 for Gach one hundred CUbIC fGct c0115umed 011 bIlls bcgmnmg J al1tlary 1, zeB5-:- 1 $1.42 for each one hundred CUbIC feet consumed on bllIs begmmngJanuary 1, 2006. 13.44.025 CommerclaI and All Other Monthly Metered Rates A The followmg monthly customer charges are applicable to commercIal and all other water servIces other than those provided for under S ectlOns 13.44 010 through 13 44.040 OfthI5 Chapter, wlthm the corporate hmits ofthe CIty of Port Angeles. Except as speclfied below for 5/8-mch and 3/4 -mch meters the customer charge IS based upon SIze of the servIce hne, and not the SIze of the meter. The customer charges are as follows. ServlCe SIze Customer Charge Per Month On BIlls Begmmng On The l'ollowing DcltesJanuary 1, 2006: 1/1/02 .lL.lLill .lLL1M ~ 1/1/06 WIth 5/8-mch meter servIce $1905 $19.80 $20 GO $21.20 $25.25 WIth 3/4-mch meter 20.30 21.10 21.95 22.GO $2690 I-mch servIce 22.40 23.30 24.25 2495 $2970 1 1/2-mch servIce 39.50 41.10 42 70 44.00 $52.35 2-mch servIce GO 10 G2.50 G5.00 GG.95 $7970 3-mch servIce 107.90 112.20 llG.70 120.20 $143 05 4-inch servIce 17G.40 18345 19080 19G.50 $233 85 6-mch servIce 347.50 3G1.40 375.85 387 15 $46070 8-mch or IO-mch servIce 552.70 57480 597.80 GI5.75 $732.75 B. Metered consumptlOn shall be as follows: 1. $.87 fO! each onc hundred CUbIC feet consumcd on bIlls begmnmg January 1, zooz- 2. $.90 fO! cach onc hundred cubic feet consumcd on bIlls bcgm1ll11g January 1, ZOO3:- J $.94 for cach one hundred CUbIC feet consumcd on bIlls begllllllllg January 1, 2-004-:- 4. $.97 for ~ach one htllldrcd CUbIC fect eonsumed on bIlls bcglllilmg January 1, zeB5-:- 1 $1.15 for each one hundred CUbIC feet consumed on bIlls begmmng January L 2006 13.44 040 Monthly Resldentlal Metered Rate - OutsIde CIty. A. The followmg monthly customer charges are apphcable to water service outsIde the corporate hmlts of the CIty of Port Angeles. Except as specIfied below for 5/8-mch and 3/4- mch meters the charge IS based upon size of the servIce line, and not SIze of the meter The customer charges are as follows: -4- Customer Charge Per Month On Bills Begmmng 011 The, :rollowing Date,1'Januarv L 2006' .lL1LQ2 .l.L.WU. .lL1.LQ:i l.L1LQ2 1/1/06 1- mch service (With 5/8-inch meter) 1-mch service (With 3/4-mch meter) 21.85 22 70 2J.G5 1-mch service 24.45 25 45 2G.45 1 1/2-mch service 45.25 4705 48.95 2-mch service 70.70 7J 55 7G.45 B. Metered consumptiOn shall be as follows: 1 $1.GO fOl e-ach one hundied CUbIC fcd consumed 1ega1dk55 of 51ze of 5C1 vice on blll5 begmmng JanuaTJ 1,2002. 2. $1.GG for each one hU1H.tled CubiC feet con5umed lega1dk55 of 5iZC of 5e1 v Ice on bI115 begll111111g January 1, 200J. J. $1 7J for each 011e hundred WbIC fGet con5umed 1ega1dk55 of 51ze of 5e1 vice 011 bill5 beginning January 1,2004. 4. $1.78 fOl each one hund1ed CUbIC fect c01l5um~d icga1dk55 of 51ZC of 5Cl v Ice on bi1l5 beglllning January 1,2005. 1 $2.12 for each one hundred cubiC feet consumed regardless of Size of service on bills begmnmg Januarv L 2006. Service Size $20.15 $21. 75 $22.40 $26.65 $20 95 24 J5 2725 5040 78.75 $29.00 $32.45 $60.00 $93 75 13.44 050 Monthly Commercial Metered Rate - Outside the City A. The followmg monthly customer charges are apphcable to commercial water service outside the corporate hmits of the City of Port Angeles Except as specified below for 5/8-mch and 3/4-mch meters the charge is based upon the Size of the service hne and not the Size of the meter The customer charges are as follows Customer Charge Per Month On Bills Begmmng On The :rolloW1l1g Datc5Januarv L 2006' .lL1LQ2 .l.L.WU. .1LlLQ.4 l.L1LQ2 1/1/06 1-mch service (With 5/8-inch meter) 1- mch service (WIth 3/4-inch meter) J0.45 J 1 G5 J2 95 1-mch servIce JJ.G5 J5.00 JG.40 1112-mch service 59.30 G1 65 G4.15 2-mch service 90.15 93.75 97.50 3-mch service 1 G1.85 1 G8.JO 175 05 4-mch service 2G4.G5 275.25 28G.25 6-mch service 521.JO 542.15 5GJ 85 A. Metered consumptIon shall be as follows. 1. $1.31 for each 011e hundred CUbIC fect co1l5umed on bill5 begmning JanUa1y 1, Service Size $28.GO $29.75 $J095 $3185 33.90 37.50 GG 05 100.45 180.JO 294.85 580.75 2OOZ:- -5- $37.90 $40.35 $44.65 $78.60 $119.55 $214.55 $350.90 $691.10 2. $1.JG fOI each onc hundred WbIC feet commll1ed on bIlts beglnnmg January 1, ZOO:3-:- J. $1.42 fOI each one, hundled wble feet conwmed on bIlts beglnnmg January 1, z.ee.4-: 4 $lAG for each one, lnIndr cd CUbIC fcet consull1e,d on bIlls bCgllll1111g J anual) 1, ZOO5- 1 $1.74 for each one hundred CUbIC feet consumed on bIlls begmmng January 1, 2006. Section 5. Chapter 13.69, System Development Charge, of the Port Angeles Mumclpal Code IS amended by amendmg PAMC 13.69.030 to read as follows' 13 69.030 Water System Development Charge A The City CouncIl hereby finds and determmes that the capItal cost of the CIty'S water system mc1udmgpumps, well, dIstrIbutIOn and transmISSIOn lmes, reservoIrS, rights of ways and easements, has been borne by the Crty and ItS water system users. Pursuant to RCW 3592.025, smce such water system WIll be utIlIzed by newly connectmg propertIes, It IS appropnate to establIsh a reasonable connection charge in order that such property owners bear theIr equitable share of the capItal cost of the system. B Begmmng January 1, 2006, t':Fhe City Council further determmes that $1,025.00 $1.20000 per eqUIvalent water meter represents a reasonable basIs for a faIr water system development charge that property owners newly connectmg to the CIty'S water system should bear as theIr equitable share of the capItal cost of the system. Begmnmg January 1. 2007, the CIty CounCIl further determmes that $1,230.00 per eqUIvalent water meter represents a reasonable basIs for a faIr water svstem development charge that property owners newly connectmg to the CIty'S water svstem should bear as theIr eqUItable share of the caPital cost of the svstem Begmmng January 1, 2008, the CIty Council further determmes that $1,26500 per eqUIvalent water meter represents a reasonable basIs for a faIr water svstem development charge that property owners newlv connectmg to the CIty'S water system should bear as theIr equitable share of the caPItal cost of the svstem C. In addItIOn to other fees Imposed by ordmance or pursuant to agreements, there IS hereby imposed, upon the owners of property seekmg to provide water service to theIr property by connecting to the CIty'S water system, a water system development charge determmed by multiplymg the total number of eqUIvalent water meter factors for the servlce(s) to be mstalled by $1,025.00the amount speCIfied In 13 69 030B Section 6 - Corrections. The CIty Clerk and the codlfiers oftms ordmance are authonzed to make necessary correctIOns to thIS ordmance inc1udmg, but not lllmted to, the correction of the scnvener's/c1encal errors, references, ordmancenumbenng, section/subsectIon numbers and any references thereto. -6- Section 7 - Severability If any provIsIOns of thIS Ordmance, or ItS applIcatIOn to any person or cIrcumstances, are held rnvalId, the remarnder of the Ordmance, or applIcatIOn of the proVIsIOns of the Ordmance to other persons or cIrcumstances, IS not affected Section 8 - Effective Date. ThIs Ordmance shall take effect January 1,2006 PASSED by the CIty Council of the CIty of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of Said CouncIl held on the day of December, 2005. RIchard A. HeadrIck, Mayor ATTEST' APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky 1. Upton, CIty Clerk WIllIam E. Bloor, CIty Attorney PUBLISHED: December .2005 By Summary G \Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2005-45 WaterServlceRates 111605 wpd November 22, 2005 -7- iti1!f~ I~- u- 05 B LflG-<--<- (~KrJc~ tJ2p;t;/;:~ ~ LJJtt;j~L1~ .~ doT Lf.3o ~ ~.-pK~! @ U 1+,/ -: ~ ICY ~}QdJL_~ A~~.-S2 ~ jlo ~a-4.-S2- ~ $A5E ~ r ~~:? ~-------- ~~ @ ;I~ ~NY o;Y.~ ~ wl-lr ~. ~ _sTILL ~f J.!a II-? (43oC. F;: (!f) A1cr ~tJRti~~=- bES:S~~~ {fJ ~~;j ~ --7~~f;;- .-rll~ ~ C. -#-.LA- No; ~ ~~~ q o/-~o.-r.-l- ~~II , 1liJU"r~ ~ ~~,!R4 )! C9 LV.~ /lV'JZ 1-f1G-/JEl( w~ IJ sEX:> 1&I (/ . ~ ~.r'L9- 1- (j) JI dcu-Z ~ Nt /); ~ ~ ff 0 W ;/(j ~ eETTE7Z 4LUE',~ ~ r~~. , j~- ~ j)--() ~~~; /<i) /.,- " \..\ ~ WL>4~ ~AJc1?~/vJ~/vIAL ~ _ ~ ~ ~ -- a-~ uJ~~~ ~ ;.g-- NOr - ;;;;;r if {Jr q . . Friends of the Skate Park meeting (11/16/05) 2nd Meeting Attendance: 21 attendees total, 4 non-skateboarders (community members/parents of skateboarders) Discussions 1. Skaters are still very much in support of the proposed "Key Holder" program. .; It was suggested that a donation box be set up inside the skate park, for users to donate money to maintenance equipment. .; Skaters also felt the locker could be designed into a grind box obstacle, however if more obstacles were added to the park this would be unnecessary . 2. All attendees felt that obstacles need to be added to the flat area in order to provide a safer less advanced skating area. . 3. Attendees were mor~ than willing to donate time and supplies to build obstacles with City approval. 4. Skaters would like to see a demo and contest this coming spring. ../' Format for the contest is still to be determined; options include a judged competition or a timed point to point race. ../' April or June would be the proposed month of events 5. The skaters attending the contest still understand the importance of their role as stewards to the park. ../' Several past examples of picking up litter and encouraging appropriate behavior were stated. ../' The skaters understand that their personal access to the proposed tool locker is based upon their observed behavior as well as their meeting attendance. . 6. Issues that the skaters and parents brought up. ../' Covered skating area needed .; Lights needed (the idea of coin operated lights was suggested) .; Dogs need not to be tied up to the inside or the skate park nor should they be in the skate park. ../' Skaters feel that the "non-skater hang out crowd" is less of an issue at this time because of poor weather. However, they observed that often the park is being used by non-skaters as well as novice skaters when the park skating surface is wet. This is seen as very dangerous by experienced skaters. 151 . Overall Due to the wet weather the Skate Park has seen much less use in the past few weeks. Skaters are still interested in being involved in supporting the Skate Park as well as a "Key Holder" program once the park dries out this spring. The Future Our next meeting should occur next April. We will focus on the upcoming demo and contest. Hopefully by this time improvements to the park will of occurred, such as the installation of a locked equipment locker, additional garbage cans, bleachers, painted lines and the very much need additional obstacles in the flat area. I plan on utilizing the winter to organize a contest as well as demo event to be held in Mayor June as mentioned above. As of right now Frank Crippen, from NXNW, has shown interest in co-sponsoring these events. . . 152 . PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS STATUS REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2005 CHANGE ORDERS FOR ACTIVE CONSTRUCITON PROJECTS (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Valley Sub. Rebuild 04-15 $137,000 $104,314.56 $12,370.00 $0.00 $116,684.56 Elwha Elec. UG Extension $220,000 $202,466.85 $0.00 $0.00 $202,466.85 02-11 2005 Tree Trimming* $35,000 $35,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35,000 HMI Primary Efluent $32,000 $30,435.22 $0.00 $0.00 $30,435.22 Wetwell Bypass Controls* WUGA UTILITY Ext. $3,300,000 $3,067,083.08 $0.00 $0.00 $3,067,083.08 05-01 Shane Pk Drainage 05-14 $290,000 $209,803.93 ($110,574.30) $26,419.71 $125,646.34 PALF Stormwater 05-16 $685,000 $641,654.12 $0.00 $0.00 $641,654.12 Park/Campbell Imp $716,000 $674,658.24 $106,000 $0.00 $780,658.24 04-04/05-12 OaklLaurel Outfall 05-24 $95,000 $55,210.26 $0.00 $0.00 $55,210.26 Muni. Pier Repairs 03-18 $450,000 $434,212 $0.00 $0.00 $434,212 *Small Works Project PUBLIC WORKS CONT ACTS/PURHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER . (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# PUBLIC WORKS CONT ACTS/PURHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) PROJECT ADVERTISE BID OPENING START END TITLE FOR BIDS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION Cedar Street Wall December, 2005 January, 2006 February, 2006 May, 2006 8th St Bridges Late Dec., 2005 February, 2006 Spring, 2006 Fall, 2007 P ALF Shoreline January, 2006 February, 2006 March, 2006 Fall, 2006 Stabilization . 153 PUBLIC WORKS GRANT & LOAN APPLICATION STATUS REPORT NOVEMBER 2005 Project Description Project Total GrantlLoan Source & Grant Match or Award Status. Cost Cost Loan Data Listine: CSO/Stormwater Centennial Grant Loan rates and grant June 2006 Application Projects $32,000,000 SRF & PWTF Loans matches vary with programs filed $ Vary with Program Eastern Corridor $430,000 SAFETEA-LU Grant: 15.6% ($67,000) February Application Entryway, Phase II Enhancement Grant minimum match. City 2006 filed $363,000 $25,000, City $41,000 in-kind Dry Creek Bridge & $93,000 lAC Grant: 22% ($20,460) local November Made cutoff, Trail Planning $72,540 match 2005 approval pending 16th St. Sidewalk, $250,000 TIB, PSMP Grant: School Dish iet November Not Selected Phase I: Stevens to "F" $200,000 $28,888, City $25,000, City 18, 2005 $25,000 in-kind 16th St. Sidewalk, $280,000 TIB, PSMP Grant: School Dish iet November Not Selected Phase II: "F" to "I" $220,000 $28,888, City $25,000, City 18, 2005 $35,000 in-kind BRAC: Centennial: DWSRF: lAC: PWTF: Safe Routes to School SAFETEA-LU: TIB, AlP: TIB, PSMP: Bndge Replacement AdvISOry COmmIttee DOE ad111ll11stered grant /loan fundmg for water quahty Improvement projects Dnnkmg Water State Revolvmg Fund InterAgency COmmIttee for Outdoor RecreatIOn Pubhc Works Trust Fund WSDOT adrmmstered grant program for School Route safety Improvements . Safe, Accountable, FleXIble, EffiCIent, TransportatIOn Eqmty Act, a Legacy for Users. WSDOT admmIstered fe hIghway grant fundmg for mtermodal transportatIOn projects TransportatIOn Improvement Board, Artenal Improvement Program TransportatIon Improvement Board, PedestrIan Safety and MobIhty Program N \PWKS\ENGINEER\Management Reports\Grants & Loans\Grants & Loans 2005\Grants & Loans 11-05 wpd . 154 ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Washington State Accredited Law Enforcement Agency I Police Department Dear City Council: The purpose of this letter is to convey the enthusiastic support of the City's Law Enforcement Advisory Boar-d for the position of Downtown Resource Officer (DRO). The Board has been in- volved in the development of this program since its inception. Some members of the Board have actlvely participated with the Police Department and community stakeholders to develop and implement the DRO program. It is now included for your approval in the proposed 2006 budget. The Police Department has long recognized the law enforcement issues in the downtown area. The Department has responded to the greatest extent possible given the constraints of its resources and obligations to the rest of the community. The DRO program was conceived as a proactive and innovative community oriented policing program to address the specific needs of the downtown area. Community commitment to this program is not in name only; it is a partnership between the City of Port Angeles and the downtown stakeholders who have pledged resources to bring this program to fruition. The DRO program is an exceptional opportunity for the City of Port Angeles and members of its business community to join in a partnership that will benefit the entire community. We believe the DRO program may well become a model for future governmental and private sector partnerships. In conclusion, we want to thank you for your hard work in support of the community and the Police Department. We urge you to approve and fund the Downtown Resource Officer program. Sincerely, LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY BOARD J~1:~ ~-:tIu-~~ ;:;J~U) Katherine S Flowers ){a;~J.~~ Maria pert). . . \~r:4r!; dl;ft1;,J ~lljJ Kathy Steinkamp >DFM:~ Dennis Wilcox ~~ Eric A. Braun .~ f) "..AA"'-. / /VV"' vv -. 321 East Fifth Street / Port Angeles, WA 9lS63206 Phone. 360-452-4545/ Website www.cityofpa.us / Email: pollce@cltyofpa.us Fax: Operations/Communications' 360-417-4909/ Records' 360-417-4537/ Administration' 360-417-45~ . . . 156 . . . CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: Introduction of Interim Deputy Director of Recreation: Approval of Minutes/Audio Tape Disposition - August 15,2005: Late Items: Items From Audience not on Agenda: Discussion Items: Restroom Prototype Presentation: Special Event Application Packet Status: Pool Oversight Committee Update: City of Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Port Angeles, Washington October 20, 2005 Chairman, Chuck Whidden called the regular meetmg of the Port Angeles Parks, RecreatiOn & BeautificatiOn CommisSion to order at 701 pm m the Vem Burton Commumty Center meetmg room Members Present. Chuck WhIdden, Diana Tschimperle, Ron Johnson, David Shargel and Jack Harmon Members Absent Jean Hordyk and Damans Rodnguez Staff Present. WIllIam SterlIng, Deputy Director of RecreatiOn, Glenn Cutler, Director ofPW & U, & Man A BIlsborrow. Audience' None present CommisSiOn chairman, Whidden mtroduced BIll Sterlmg, Intenm Deputy Drrector of RecreatiOn Mr Sterhng follows Allan Goff who reSigned m October to dedicate more time to hIS company CommiSSiOn member, Shargel moved to accept the mmutes of September 15, 2005 and dispose of the tapes m the usual manner CommiSSiOn member, Johnson seconded Upon call for the question motion carrIed unammously Restroom Prototype PresentatiOn None presented Mr Alan StarceVich of Ahwahnee Precast made a short presentation to the Parks CommiSSIOn regardmg their restroom prototype deSIgn. Questions and discussion followed. Staff mformed the Parks CommiSSiOn that currently two quotes were receiVed from pre-fabncated restroom compames The specificatIOns are now bemg reViewed along WIth the request for additional mformation Input for reVISiOns to the Parks and Open Spaces SpeCial Event Apphcation packet were receIved and a final draft Will be ready for the Parks CommiSSion's reVIew at the November 17,2005 meetmg The Pool OverSight Committee met on October 19,2005 During thiS meetmg the Committee reVIewed the City and YMCA SIte proposals. Durmg the November 10, 2005 meeting, diSCUSSiOn will take place m regards to the productiOn and distributiOn of a commumty pool survey DiSCUSSiOn ensued regardmg the type of bonds WhICh may be used to fund the proposed pool It was pomted out that the Pool OverSight CommIttee's only task IS to choose a pool SIte, not to deterrmne how it Will be funded 157 N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Park Board Mm Oct 05 doc - 1 - Skate Park Operation Update: Liability Issue Clarification: Elks Park Playground Update: Restroom Prototype Update: Bench Prototype Status: Shane Park Renovation Status: Approved 2006 Capital Improvement Program: Followmg many complamts regardmg vandalIsm, trash and unacceptable behavior at the Dream Playground and Skate Park, the Skate Park was closed from October 12 through 15,2005. Staff met wIth the users and theIr parents on Saturday, October . 15 at the Skate Park. A subsequent meetmg was also held wIth the Dream Playground users CIty staff decIded some Improvements would be made at the Skate Park to help detour negative behaVIOr m that area A fence wIll be mstalled between the Skate Park and the Dream Playground to help separate those groups. The entrance to the Skate Park wIll be changed from the south SIde to the west SIde Volunteers are also bemg recruIted to help at the Skate Park Staff IS currently m the process of developmg a stewardshIp program by enlIsting skate boarders and adult volunteers to help polIce, clean and mamtam the faCIlIty Pnor to openmg the Skate Park, staff had several dISCUSSIOns WIth Parks COnUTIlSSIOn and several departments concernmg the rules One Issue dIscussed at length was whether to reqUIre helmets, pads, and SImIlar protective gear The consensus was to recommend, but not reqUIre, protective gear The CIty has greater lIabIlity If It adopts a rule requmng protective gear As the Skate Park IS not supervIsed, the CIty has no means to consIstently enforce a requIrement for protective gear In thIS CIrcumstance, a recommendation IS better than a reqUIrement The CIty'S msurance group, whIch represents more than 100 CIties, agrees Staff updated the Parks CommISSIon In regards to the Elks Playground EqUIpment. The contract has been awarded to, and ordered from Northwest RecreatIOn for $29,451.00 Staff WIll be workIng WIth the Elks Club m regards to theIr donation of the surface matting The equipment wIll be Installed pnor to Spnng of 2006 Two proposals were receIved for pre-cast prototype restrooms, WhICh Included a . certam number of fixtures Unfortunately, SInce neIther of the proposals met current speCIficatIOns, the process WIll be repeated. Staff shared mformatIOn WIth the Parks CommISSIon regardIng the recently researched prototype benches and plcme tables. DISCUSSIOn ensued m regards to the Parks CommISSIon's chOIce of the bench prototypes The CommISSIOn unammously chose the Barco Bench for utIlIzation In all parks, deSIgnated spaces, and on the waterfront traIl. Staff Informed the Parks CommISSIOn that the McGreavy family is ready to purchase two benches and a pIcmc table as soon as possible. The CommISSIon agreed that once the polIcy IS adopted, the McGreavey famIly can move ahead WIth theIr plans CIty CounCIl approved the proposed Downtown ASSOCIation benches. They WIll be Installed only In the downtown area. A construction contract was awarded to IddIngs, Ine of CovIngton, WashIngton In the amount of $209,800. The project IS underway and scheduled to be completed before ThanksgIVmg The fields should be aVaIlable for use In late spnng dependIng on the wmter weather. CopIes of the 2006 CapItal Improvement Program were dIstnbuted to the Parks CommISSIOn for mformation only. Deputy Director The Parks CommISSIOn was mformed that the mterview scheduled for two . Recruitment Status: candIdates on October 21,2006 has now dImInished to one. CommIssion ChaIr, WhIdden choose members Tschlmperle and Shargel to SIt on the mtervlew team WIth hIm N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Park Board Mm Oct 05.doe 158 - 2 - . . . Youth Member Application: Memorials & DonationslFee Schedule: Other Considerations/Late Items: Executive Session: Adjournment: Next Meeting: To date, one apphcation for the student member posItion has been receIved DIscussIOn ensued on proceedmg WIth the mtervlew process or ImmedIately appomtmg the apphcant, once CIty hmlt residency had been establIshed The Parks CommIsSIOn agreed to Immediately appomt the apphcant. The MemorIals, DonatIOns and Fee Schedule Pohcy has been edIted and IS ready for Park CommIssion adoption EXlstmg CIty ordinance (2 32 040) grants the Parks CommIssIOn authorIty to accept donatIOns for park purposes Therefore the CommIssIOn may adopt the proposed pohcy. It does not reqUIre actIOn by the CIty CouncIl and no change to the CIty ordmance IS necessary. A pubhc hearIng IS not mandated, but the CommISSIOn may elect to hold a hearIng as a pubhc pohcy measure Memorials or donatIOns wIll not be accepted until a park master plan IS m place. MemorIal wordmg wIll be a part of the bench, not a separate memorIal. Followmg dIScussIon CommIssion member Shargel moved to adopt the MemorIals, DonatIOns and Fee Schedule Pohcy. CommissIOn member Tschlmperle seconded the motion. Upon call for the questIOn, motion carried unammously Upon adoptIOn by the CommIssIOn, staff WIll begm Implementmg the pohcy on January 1,2006. Staff dIstrIbuted a hst of SIgns proposed for various parks, askmg the Parks CommIssIon to rate the top ten. Director Cutler asked the Parks CommISSIOn to consider what CapItal Project work Items they Wish to see staff focus on for the upcommg year. ThIS Will be dIscussed at the November 17,2005 meetmg None CommiSSIOn member Harmon moved to adjOurn. Meetmg adjourned at 830 pm November 17,2005 7 00 pm Vem Burton Center Meetmg Room 159 N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Park Board Mm Oct 05.doc - 3 - . . . 160