HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/11/2011Presented by Michael Puntenney, City Engineer since 10/7/2010. Presentation for the City Council and Council Candidates, 10/11/2011. Guest Participants: Jack Warburton, Senior Vice President, Brown and Caldwell, Inc., and Greg Zentner, Supervisor of the of the Municipal Operations Unit, Water Quality Program, Department of Ecology Introduction: This presentation characterizes the historic basis of the City of Port Angeles’ CSO problem and the solutions to fix it. Each city’s infrastructure historically developed differently, has different geographical and geological conditions, are in different economic straits, and each must be evaluated for which solution will work best for that community. We often read in the Press that this is the most expensive project ever undertaken in the City’s history, with little emphasis on the elegant, efficient, and economical engineering accomplishment that Brown and Caldwell has created in developing the current CSO designs. I am certain that this project ‘s estimated cost of just under $40M feels extremely burdensome to the citizens of Port Angeles, and should not be taken lightly. However, the project’s approach is truly the most inexpensive way to solve the problem, which we will show in this presentation. At the end of it, I hope that the Council, council candidates, and citizens of Port Angeles will have the necessary information and be in a position to confidently make a decision on this project, both for what it does for Port Angeles and what it doesn’t cost. For any other approach will certainly cost the citizens a great deal more. 1 2 Photo from Emeryville Tattler, California for an outfall in the San Francisco bay area. From an separate article in “Pollution Engineering” based on the Bremerton CSO experience, when a discharge occurs, receiving waters become polluted with as much as 95 percent untreated sanitary sewage. This could certainly be the case for the first flush of the system at the beginning of the storm event causing it. Solving the CSO issue is important for Port Angeles. I truly believe this. The main pollutants in raw sewage are: Bacteria Viruses Pathogens intestinal parasites and other microorganisms excessive nutrients light industrial wastes for Port Angeles toxic pollutants such as oil and pesticides wastewater solids and debris These can cause serious illness such as: cholera dysentery hepatitis The most common effects of sewage-related illness are: Gastro intestinal problems skin rashes infection of open cuts. Often symptoms can be treated, but no curative medical treatment is available for some sewage -related illnesses. _____________________________ The main pollutants in raw sewage are bacteria, viruses, pathogens, excessive nutrients, industrial wastes, toxic pollutants such as oil and pesticides, and wastewater solids and debris. SSOs and CSOs are of special concern to public health because they expose citizens to bacte ria, viruses, intestinal parasites, and other microorganisms that can cause serious illness such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, cryptosporidiosis, and giardiasis. Sensitive populations - - children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems - - can be at a higher risk of illness from exposure to sewage. The most common effects of sewage-related illness are gastroenteritis, which is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes, and infection of open cuts. Gastroenteritis affects the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach and small and large intestines. Symptoms typically include abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea and vomiting which can last from one to ten days, depending on the severity of the illness and the sensitivity of the individual. Infected cuts and rashes can become swollen and red, and in some cases can result in septicemia or blood pois oning. Although symptoms can be treated, no curative medical treatment is available for some sewage-related illnesses. 3 The most common effects of sewage-related illness are: Gastro intestinal problems skin rashes infection of open cuts. Often symptoms can be treated, but no curative medical treatment is available for some sewage-related illnesses. The main pollutants in raw sewage are bacteria, viruses, pathogens, excessive nutrients, industrial wastes, toxic pollutants such as oil and pesticides, and wastewater solids and debris. SSOs and CSOs are of special concern to public health because they expose citizens to bacteria, viruses, intestinal parasites, and other microorganisms that can cause serious illness such as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, cryptosporidiosis, and giardiasis. Sensitive populations - - children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems - - can be at a higher risk of illness from exposure to sewage. The most common effects of sewage-related illness are gastroenteritis, which is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract, skin rashes, and infection of open cuts. Gastroenteritis affects the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach and small and large intestines. Symptoms typically include abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea and vomiting which can last from one to ten days, depending on the severity of the illness and the sensitivity of the individual. Infected cuts and rashes can become swollen and red, and in some cases can result in septicemia or blood poisoning. Although symptoms can be treated, no curative medical treatment is available for some sewage-related illnesses. 4 CSO cities in the United States. Notice that they consistently are the older historic cities. They are the ones that are having to contend with this problem. New cities in the United States that have been created that you’d recognize in urban sprawl are not those that you’d find having this. So it is that that have the very old infrastructure. That is also the case for Port Angeles. ________________________ CSO control is a vital part of the statewide effort to reduce and control stormwater discharges. CSO reduction programs are in place in 11 cities in Washington. Ecology estimated that, in 1988, the average volume of untreated CSOs discharged to the state waters was 3.3 billion gallons of untreated discharges per year. Since then, Washington has made progress with a reduction of CSOs to less than one billion gallons in 2009. CSO Communities in Washington NPDES Permittees with CSO Outfalls CSO Outfalls Anacortes 3 Bellingham 2 Bremerton 15 Everett 13 King County- West Point Treatment Service Area 34 LOTT (Olympia) 1 Mount Vernon 2 Port Angeles 4 Seattle Public Utilities – City of Seattle 92 Snohomish 2 Spokane 22 5 Note that San Diego is on its 3rd large settlement. We want to solve this once. In 1972, Congress enacted the first comprehensive national clean water legislation in response to growing public concern for serious and widespread water pollution. The Clean Water Act is the primary federal law that protects our nation's waters, including lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. The Clean Water Act focuses on improving the quality of the nation's waters. It provides a comprehensive framework of standards, technical tools and financial assistance to address the many causes of pollution and poor water quality, including municipal and industrial wastewater discharges, polluted runoff from urban and rural areas, and habitat destruction. The Clean Water Act: - requires municipalities and major industries to meet performance standards to ensure pollution control; - charges states and tribes with setting specific water quality criteria appropriate for their waters and developing pollution control programs to meet them; - provides funding to states and communities to help them meet their clean water infrastructure needs; and - protects valuable wetlands and other aquatic habitats through a permitting process that ensures development and other activities are conducted in an environmentally sound manner. 6 A recent settlement in Cleveland. Notice their solution involves tunnel storage. Of most of the cities with large CSO volumes, storage and treatment becomes an essential part of the solution. 7 Even in Washington, D.C., a city that has been touted as having a “greener” CSO approach, the workhorse of the solution relies on conveyance to treatment. 8 The City currently has until December 31, 2015 to complete the CSO Phase 1 and 2 projects. $10,000 per day fine equates to $3,650,000 year, a sizeable sum. 9 Note: The following series of slides depict another Washington State CSO City and how they solved their problem. They are shown to illustrate what it takes to solve CSO problems of this magnitude. Many parallels can be drawn and lesson can be learned from their experience. POC: Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) / Water Conservation – (360)473-5929 – Chance Berchiaume Combined Sewer Ordinance: 1.Extra fee based on additional impervious area such as roofs or parking area drains if a residence or commercial activity chooses or is not able to disconnect. 2.Downtown area, a number of businesses have disconnected. Disconnects are typically taken to the curb line. In numerous cases, if there is no separated stormwater system, it goes back to the combined sewer system. There may be future stormwater separation projects that can then pick this up. CSO Strategy. 1.Basic storage in tanks and existing pipes, transfer, and treat at west WWTP or CSO Treatment Plant. 2.Storage occurs in tank and transmission pipes. 3.Both primary transmissions lines, the cross-town and the Naval Ave, are at capacity during large storm events. 4.Both plants provides most of the capacity for handling CSOs. 5.Disconnection program provided some reduction; but most CSO water is handled through the plants. 6.A variety of pipelines were increased in capacity for transmission to the plant; some realignment to transfer surplus CSO to pipes with residual capacity, and some separation. 7.West WWTP was increased in capacity to handle more CSO water. 8.Bremerton received a federal grant for some of the work. Eastern CSO Treatment Plant 1.Solids/sediment removal process (similar to actiflo). 2.Ultraviolet disinfection. 3.Stores solids until west WWTP can accept; transferred in the cross-town pipeline; will spike solids at the west WWTP when this occurs. 10 The run up to solving the CSO problem in Bremerton was as controversial there as it is for Port Angeles. 11 99% reduction was achieved required. This is a phenomenal amount to reduce. 12 13 14 In discussion with the Engineering Tech overseeing the disconnection program at Bremerton, it wasn’t feasible to disconnect all CSO connections. In numerous other instances, health codes determined that it wasn’t allowed such as sumps or drains from within buildings due to the potential for disease or pollution transmission. They also found that foundation drains and driveway drain systems were difficult. Essentially, if a facility wasn’t reasonably able to disconnect, they owner had to pay either a 50% or 100% surcharge on there stormwater fee. In some instances such as parts of the commercial district where separated stormwater systems didn’t exist, disconnections were made to the street curb, where the water would travel along the gutter to the next catchbasin and back into the combined sewer system. Nevertheless, the business would then qualify for the lower rate. Even this strategy has potential, because when the opportunity occurs to put in a separate stormwater system in those locations, those facilities will already be in compliance. Smoke & dye testing occurred for the CSO drainage basins from 1991 – 1993. A few thousand were identified; ultimately, only 390 were resolved. Bremerton’s incentive program provide $25 per downspout for residential disconnections only. Commercial received nothing. Residences could also receive up to $500 for an infiltration system such as a wet well. Bremerton’s base residential stormwater fee is $8.67 per month per impervious surface unit (ISU) equivalent to 2,500 SF. Note that the 300,000 SF of imperious surface is less than the area of Civic Field Park in Port Angeles. 15 Note that the 300,000 SF of imperious surface is less than the area of Civic Field Park in Port Angeles. It would require a lot more than this alone to solve the magnitude of CSO volumes experienced in significant storm events for either Bremerton or Port Angeles. 16 Statistics: 1.11/16 & 11/17 event: - 2 days of continuous rain - 32.1 MGD instantaneous peak for CSOs’ occurred at 8:46 pm on 11/16 - 42.5 MGD instantaneous peak flow was experienced for the entire system (WWTP treatment plus CSOs) - 2.25 inch rain event - 8.4 MG of overflow volume occurred 11/16 - 6.7 MG of overflow volume occurred 11/17 2.12/12/2010 Event: - 13.75 MG of overflow volume occurred 12/12 - duration of the CSO event was only 24 minutes - less than 1 inch rain event 17 18 19 Inverted siphons at Port Washington Narrows include a 16” cast iron pipe placed in 1946 and a 24” ductile iron pipe place in 1983. Photo shows the Pacific Ave Trunk sewer 20 21 22 23 24 25 Even to this day, Bremerton still characterizes much of their system as a “Combined Sewer Collection System” 26 Yes, even back in 1863, without all the impervious surfaces and pavements we have now, storms were an issue. Its not surprising due to Port Angeles’ soils. Storm’s and flooding can be powerful, that’s why we need to be attentive to them also. So not only do you have to worry about sewage, but storms also. Let’s refresh on recent storms. 27 From Peninsula Daily News 28 From Peninsula Daily News 29 From Peninsula Daily News 30 From Peninsula Daily News 31 From Peninsula Daily News 32 From Peninsula Daily News 33 From Peninsula Daily News 34 Note that a 100 year storm is only about twice the quantity of that of a 2 year storm for Port Angeles. 35 From 2003 storm. The City’s stormwater system has many capacity issues. 36 37 38 4th & Jones 39 40 41 From a 2008 storm. Stormwater systems limitations exist to this day. 42 43 Note that the yellow area is the Clallam Hyopus and the orange area is the variegated Clallam Gravelly Sandy Loam. So, Port Angeles has soils with either moderately high runoff characteristics (yellow) or a variegated soil of moderately high runoff interspersed with soil with low runoff characteristics (orange). It is about 2/3 probability that you will encounter the poorer draining soils than the better soil. This will make if more costly to effect LID solutions in Port Angeles. Generally described, significant rainfalls saturate the ground, and runoff. For Port Angeles, many of the LID systems will have to be backed up with gray infrastructure, that is, piped overflow systems to the City’s stormwater system. With many parts of the stormwater system already at capacity, the City would need to invest in upsizing that system. 44 Glacial till forms a barrier to water at about the 20 inch to 40 inch depth. 45 New Proposed Language for the 2012 reissuance for the Municipal Stormwater General Permit. Expect greater mandates for LID. Permittees shall review and revise their local development-related codes, rules, standards, or other enforceable documents to incorporate and require LID principles and Best Management Practices (BMPs) to the maximum extent practicable. The intent of the revisions shall be to make LID the preferred and commonly-used approach to site development. In reviewing the local codes, rules, standards, or other enforceable documents, Permittees shall look for opportunities to minimize impervious surfaces, native vegetation loss, and stormwater runoff in all types of development situations. Permittees shall conduct a review and revision process similar to the steps and range of issues outlined in the following document: Integrating LID into Local Codes: A Guidebook for Local Governments (Puget Sound Partnership, 2011). City Staff is evaluating these requirements, but expect to have to infiltrate and/or treat stormwater on site at least (if not more) to the extent that it occurred on pre-development (or native) land. Underground utility projects Exemption: Underground utility projects that replace the ground surface with in-kind material or materials with similar runoff characteristics are only subject to Minimum Requirement #2, Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention. Road Maintenance Exemption: The following road maintenance practices are exempt: pothole and square cut patching, overlaying existing asphalt or concrete pavement with asphalt or concrete without expanding the area of coverage, shoulder grading, reshaping/regrading drainage systems, crack sealing, resurfacing with in-kind material without expanding the road prism, and vegetation maintenance. 46 The Portland rain gardens do not have under drains. Generally the soils in Portland have sufficient permeability. 47 Some Portland rain gardens designed by Brown & Caldwell. These didn’t require overflow drains to the stormwater system since the soils were good, and would accept the expected stormwater flows. For Seattle where the soils are much tighter Brown and Caldwell looked at a number of options to increase capacity: – Over excavating and filling with granular material ( this increases the volume of storage and increases the vertical interface for infiltration and in some cases excavating down to a more permeable layer). – Installation of ‘rock’ columns below the treatment soil layer (facilitates a greater depth than #1 above)– to increase volume and potentially to penetrate a layer of more permeable soils. – Installation of an under drain system connected to either a catch basin or manhole with an orifice controlled release. The effectiveness of this approach is a function of being able to attenuate the peak flows 48 Portland rain garden by Brown & Caldwell (left). Parking lot rain garden at Peninsula College (right); note the overflow drain system that was required due to the poor soils that are prevalent in the area of the college. 49 Peninsula College Systems (left) and Family Medicine (right). These systems tie to the City’s stormwater system through overflow piping. 50 A recent news story of the difficulty of some rain gardens in Seattle. Designing rain gardens where soils don’t drain well requires careful consideration and typically additional control features. The following is some of the comments in the news story: The gardens, which look sort of like shallow, sparsely planted ditches running between the road and sidewalk, fill with water – and stay filled. Some of the rain gardens drain over the course of hours or days, but some become miniponds until the city comes to pump them out. Now the financially pressed city will have to spend $500,000 to fix the rain gardens. And after the fixes, the gardens will do less of what they were designed to do: keep runoff from sewers to prevent overflows. Many of the residents are not pleased. They worry that the swamped gardens are a drowning hazard for young children, a breeding ground for mosquitoes and a flaw that will lower property values. There’s even a neighborhood blog calling for their removal. 51 Peninsula College rain gardens. Note wet area on lower-right picture. This spot has been there for over a month. While it has reduce in size in the more recent dryer weather, it still exists. Due to the poorer draining soils and all of the water sent to the ground from their LID improvements, water is naturally finding locations of least resistance that were unanticipated. Similar unintended consequences could occur in Port Angeles if rain gardens aren’t carefully considered for location and permeability of soil. 52 Infiltration Test & Certification (From Seattle Public Utilities; required for their LID program) How water flows through soil plays a significant role in how large to build a rain garden. Subsoil characteristics can also play a role in water movement. A glacial till or clay subsoil can act as a seal underneath the topsoil. If there is enough rain, the topsoil will become saturated and there will be no place for the water to go regardless of the characteristics of the topsoil. To properly size your rain garden perform the following infiltration test: 1)Dig a hole 24 inches deep and at least 10 inches across. Add a stake with a ruler attached to it. (Duct tape works for this.) 2)Fill with a hose, and let drain completely. 3)Repeat fill and drain a second time. This may take overnight. 4)On the third fill: – Measure the water height every hour. Note your results. – Continue until the rate of fall stabilizes. (Same amount of fall for 2-3 hours) – Use that as the infiltration rate. (inches/hour) If you find any of the following conditions during your test You hit hard pan Your test hole does not drain at least .25” per hour Your test hole fills with water Do not attempt to install a rain garden or other infiltration system! 53 54 The City’s website host a number of programs led by Terri Partch, the City’s stormwater engineer. 55 56 Olympian House right and Globe Hotel left Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 57 Olympian House right and Globe Hotel left Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 58 Perched at the end of a ramp leading from the hotel, the lower portion of the unique outhouse was cleansed regularly by the rise and fall of the tide. Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 59 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 60 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System. At the turn of the century, you can see the early development. The alleys are developing between the two unpaved streets. At this point, sanitation would be becoming a larger issue. I would expect that the early plans for the eventual sewer system began because of issues that can be imagined in this photo. Also, note the general lack of trees for the Olympic Peninsula. 61 62 Note: The first project to be undertaken in 1914 required tunneling through the “hog Back” hillside at Lincoln Street Between First and Front Streets, changing the course of Peabody Creek so that it would enter the bay near what is now the City Pier. The old east-west creek bed winding through the downtown business district was then filled to allow more construction there. Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 63 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 64 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 65 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 66 Note: Lincoln Street just before construction of the planked thoroughfare was finished. The trestle spanned a tributary gully to Peabody Creek which has since been filled. A streamlet ran down the gulch parallel to Lincoln Street. Near Third Street, the stream entered Peabody Creek behind the Library. Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 67 Notice the alleys in this 1919 construction drawing. The combined sewer system was originally created there, being used to drain low areas as well as being the sanitary sewer system. Area is Cherry thru Laurel between 8th St and 15th St. Combined sewers were not without rational. It was cheaper to build one pipe, especially when retrofitting an urban area, as many where doing (first we had cities – then we had sewers). At a time when the goal was to get the stuff away from people to minimize public health risks and treatment systems were not common, combined systems with overflows were a significant improvement and probably made sense. 68 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 69 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 70 Note: Historic photos cannot be redistributed without permission of the North Olympic Library System 71 Back in 1969, this project was receiving as much controversy as the CSO project is receiving today. 72 73 Note that the stormwater system was largely installed to replace road stormwater ditches. It was designed to handle surface run-off, predominantly from streets and driveways. It didn’t replace the alley drainage system that was handled through the sewer system. 74 Map depicting the sewer (green) and the stormwater system (red) with line thickness representing increasing pipe sizes. The alleys and streets alternate for those running in the east – west direction. Note that in many areas, the stormwater lines only run north – south. Because of the general topography, the stormwater system was designed to rely on the streets surfaces in the east-west direction to surface drain to the catchbasins located at the intersections with the north – south running streets where it enters the stormwater piping system. Alleys can also surface drain to the north – south intersections, but on many alleys, there are low lying areas in the alley that cannot reach one of the intersections. In those locations, grated manholes or catchbasins are found attached to the sanitary sewer system to drain them. In many of these locations, the surface area draining to the sanitary sewer can be quite significant. Typically, you will find backyard driveways, ground and lawn surfaces, garage and house downspouts, and other drainage features all draining to these catchments. Because of the prevailing soils types encountered, the soils would be inadequate to handle all of this stormwater, particularly after successive storms when the ground is saturated. To remove these from the sanitary stormwater system would require new stormwater lines to be installed to these manholes and catchments. That would be expensive. 75 Real view of north – south direction where stormwater lines generally run. 76 Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant as it exists today. The initial plant was constructed in 1968 and was primary treatment only. It was expanded to secondary treatment, completing construction in 1993. The photo above is after completion of this upgrade. Again, controvery ensued for the need to go to secondary treatment. - The average daily flow rate is about 0.117 MGH and the average dry weather flow rate is about 0.083 MGH (million gallons per hour) 77 78 Map showing route of main sanitary sewer interceptor line installed in 1968. Many outfalls on the line have been removed. Four remain. Map showing CSO drainage basins to their outfalls. 79 80 Note the alternating street/alley structure in the east – west direction that is common in Port Angeles. In the very center of the map is a grated manhole depicted as a green circle and a catchbasin attached to the sewer system shown as a red square. Note the nearest storm water mains (red lines) run in the south-north direction and are half a block away. Removing these from the sewer system would require putting a new stormwater main down the alley to separate it from the sanitary sewer system. This is found in a multitude of locations throughout the City’s alley system. (To avoid misinterpretation, the sewer lines have been painted in this map over the top of the stormwater system by the GIS. In some cases such as at the street intersections, some stormwater lines appear to interconnect with the sewer. They do not; due to resolution in the drawing, one system is covered up by the other pictorially.) 81 Typical alley structure with internal grated manholes and/or catchbasins directly attached to the sewer. Note the nearest storm water mains run in the south -north direction and are half a block away which requires putting a new stormwater main down the alley to separate it from the sanitary sewer system. The City is replete with this situation. 82 Hancock/Dolan Area. Alley grated manhole on sewer line. Hillside draining water to alley. Large surface area to pick up. 83 Hancock/Dolan Area. Note drainage from hillside which is prevalent in many locations of Port Angeles due to its geology. 84 Downspouts, parking areas, and drainage at alley locations. Requires new storm lines to be installed down the alleys to the nearest stormwater trunk line. 85 Downspouts, parking areas, and drainage at alley locations. Large drainage areas. 86 Downspouts, parking areas, and drainage at alley locations. 87 Downspouts, parking areas, and drainage at alley locations. Note inundated soil. 88 Downspouts, parking areas, and drainage at alley locations. 89 Areas with catchment inflow into the sanitary sewer system, primarily at the alleys. Size of circle is relative to amount of inflow area. (Map still under development) 90 Stormwater system mains evaluated to be at capacity. Source: 1990 B&C Stormwater Plan. This shows that the City already has capacity issues in its main trunk lines for its stormwater system. This is also true for its smaller stormwater lines in many locations, though not evaluated for this presentation. In many locations, the capacity of the stormwater piping system is inadequate to accept additional stormwater that was originally designed to be handled by the sewer system. 91 House disconnection represents only 13.7 percent of the CSO volume. The City ran a pilot disconnection program in 2003. Additional houses were added late in the program that skewed the actual cost to a larger number than was originally estimated. This was because of the area involved and its soil conditions, which required additional piping to curb outlets at the street to be installed. 92 93 Downtown area (about 1.75 million SF). 94 Downtown business alleys. Low lying areas will require pumping are a deep storm line. Lots of impervious surface to capture. 95 Downtown business alleys. Low lying areas will require pumping are a deep storm line. Lots of impervious surface to capture. 96 Downtown business alleys. Lots of impervious surface to capture. 97 Picture taken from atop Naval Elks Lodge. Downtown roofs. 98 Downtown roofs. Many historic buildings with non-exterior roof drain systems. 99 Downtown roofs. Many historic buildings with non-exterior roof drain systems. 100 Downtown roofs. Many historic buildings with non-exterior roof drain systems. 101 EPA definitions: “Infiltration” occurs when groundwater enters a sewer system through broken pipes, defective pipe joints, or illegal connections of foundation drains. “Inflow” is surface runoff that enters a sewer system through manhole covers, exposed broken pipe and defective pipe joints, cross connections between storm sewers and sanitary sewers, and illegal connection of roof leaders, cellar drains, yard drains, or catch basins. EPA expects “Infiltration” to be managed such that it in not excessive. The October 1991 EPA handbook Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and Rehabilitation is one resource available for determining whether the level of I/I in a collection system is excessive. The 1991 EPA criteria define the non-excessive infiltration as a flow rate that does not significantly exceed 120 gallons per capita per day (gpcpd). The sum of the domestic base flow and infiltration based on a 7-14 day average during high groundwater conditions is used as a basis of comparison when applying the EPA criteria. This assessment uses readily available information that an agency can assemble from existing sources. This 1991 handbook Rainfall/Flow Monitoring Program was again cited in the 2004 EPA documentation as the best available guidance for the preliminary evaluation of whether a collection system is subject to cost -effective I/I to pursue. This threshold is further confirmed in EPA’s 1985 document Infiltration/Inflow, I/I Analysis and Project Certification, No. 97-03. This requirement is cited in the national Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) Permit WA0023973, City of Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant. The requirement is quoted below: 102 “Determination of Non-Excessive Infiltration Based on Needs Survey data from 270 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area Cities, the national average for dry weather flow is 120 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). This includes domestic wastewater flow, infiltration and nominal industrial and commercial flows. This average dry weather flow should be used as an indicator to determine the limit of non-excessive infiltration. If the average daily flow per capita (excluding major industrial and commercial flows greater than 50,000 gpd each) is less than 120 gpcd (i.e., a 7-14 day average measured during periods of seasonal high groundwater), the amount of infiltration is considered non-excessive.” From the City’s NPDES Permit: S4.F Infiltration and Inflow Evaluation I. The Permittee must conduct an infiltration and inflow evaluation. Refer to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publication, III Analysis and Project Certification, available as Publication No. 97-03 at: Publications Office, DepaJtment of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, Washington 98504-7600 or at h(11):/ /www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/permits/guidance.html. The Permittee may use plant monitoring records to aSsess measurable infiltration and inflow. 103 From the City’s NPDES Permit: S4.F Infiltration and Inflow Evaluation I. The Permittee must conduct an infiltration and inflow evaluation. Refer to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publication, III Analysis and Project Certification, available as Publication No. 97-03 at: Publications Office, DepaJtment of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, Washington 98504-7600 or at h(11):/ /www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/permits/guidance.html. The Permittee may use plant monitoring records to aSsess measurable infiltration and inflow. 2. The Permittee must prepare a report which summarizes any measurable infiltration and intlow. If infiltration and inflow have increased by more than 15 percent from that found in the previous report based on equivalent rainfall, the report must contain a plan and a schedule for: a.Locating the source of infiltration and inflow; and b.Correcting the problem. 3. For any infiltration or inflow identified in segments of the collection system which are under or adjacent to surface water (100 yards), the Permittee must evaluate these segments for the existence of exfiltration. 4. The Permittee must submit a report summarizing the results of the evaluation by May 15, 2009, and annnally thereafter. Any recommendations for corrective actions must be submitted with the report. 104 Dates of predominant sewer system installation. This and the following map shows that the sanitary sewer system and the stormwater system were placed in two different eras, and largely were designed for two separate purposes, and not to replace or duplicate one another. The City of Port Angeles truly has a combined sewer system and a separate stormwater system. 105 Approximate dates of predominant stormwater system installation. 106 What most residents see today in Port Angeles, but what is under that sewer manhole cover? The next shot is the same manhole cover, followed by various inside shots of the old brick that was in this one and ones adjacent to it. This relates to infiltration which will be discussed later. 107 The same manhole cover. 108 This shows the old brick that was in this manhole. This relates to infiltration which will be discussed later. 109 Brick was used in manhole construction in Port Angeles as late as 1965. Historic records indicate 927 manholes out of 1,797 that were built entirely or partially out of brick. 110 A lot of the sewer pipes that were historically installed in Port Angeles were concrete. These pipes are notoriously vulnerable to concrete corrosion as described below, particularly due to their age. In addition, much of the piping is in four foot sections, with joints that have long ago begun to leak due to such corrosion. Infiltration is a large portion of the CSO volume, comprising about 41%. Photos and figures from “The Problem of Hydrogen Sulphide in Sewers.” by Dr. Pomeroy. Hydrogen sulfide gas combines with moisture and water condensation droplets on the pipe crown to form sulfuric acid. Corrosion slowly, steadily eats the sewer crown and walls. The pipe becomes thinner. Eventually, the pipe crown becomes completely eaten away. When it is so thin it cannot support soil loads, the sewer collapses. Most sewer failures are collapse events resulting from severe crown corrosion. Trunk sewers are prone to corrosion problems. They are more likely to be constructed of concrete pipe, the sewage is older as it ravels down through the collection system, and hydrogen sulfide release mechanism, such as turbulence, large volume drop structures, pump stations, radical junctions, and thick debris buildup are more frequent. (Wastewater Collection System Maintenance, Michael J. Parcher). Fractures and wall thinness that leads to fractures or breaks is typically fixed as a total pipe solution since it is usually a pervasive problem in its entire length. Typical solutions are cured- in-place-pipe (CIPP), slip-lining, or replacement, depending on the specific deterioration and situation. 111 Infiltration, corrosion, tree roots, breaks (from photo clips from video tapping). Various locations. 112 Concrete, clay, and unknown piping received through annexations (probably clay or concrete) are candidates for infiltration. There is a lot of this in the City. 113 April 2011. The above photograph was from the 2011 Bi-annual Sewer Main Replacement Project. Grease is inundating an 8” sewer main. Note the loss of wall thickness in lower area due to corrosion from hydrogen sulfide gas. The acronym FOG is used in the industry for “Fats, Oil, and Grease.” 114 Sewer pipe was laid at a depth of 7’ to 12’ 115 5,900’ of mains and 10,600’ of side sewers for $1.3M 88 parcels More cost effective way to solve infiltration where no structural defects exist. Cost comparison: flood grouting (Sanipor): $1,275,000 joint grouting: $1,320,000 pipe bursting: $3,650,000 CIPP lining: $3,750,000 116 While OEC desires a LID based solution to eliminate the combined sewer overflow problem, many other infrastructure issues would have to simultaneously be addressed in order to approach a reduction in the number events to be within standards set by Ecology. The following slide looks at all of those fixes, and for a variety of reasons, what their effectiveness might be in reducing their part of combined sewer overflows. The slide directs attention to the conclusion that all of the categories would have to be fully implemented in order to even approach the reduction amount imposed for CSOs. 117 The infiltration percent was determined from the B&C system flow model. 118 Proportions of CSOs are estimates only based on square footage calculations. The infiltration percent was determined from the B&C system flow model. Design and permitting cost is included in amounts above. Marine Harbor Sewer Line Replacement would cost an additional $7+ million. 119 Drawing showing Demand Management Approach construction impacts. 1.Downspout Disconnection – red dots, 41% of housing units 2.Eastern Corridor – magenta, two main lines 3.Alley Catch-basin/Grated Manhole Disconnection – yellow 4.Infiltration - turquoise 5.Stormwater Capacity Upgrades - purple 120 And the area just west is even harder, having numerous sewer catch-basins and grated sewer manholes. 121 Mathematical improbability that you will be able to attain the required CSO compliance levels, and even if you did, it would be difficult to maintain compliance. It would require a lot of involuntary actions on the citizens and a lot of City staff to enforce it. 122 The Demand Management Approact, that is, not doing a “bypass, storage, and treat” solution, is hugely expensive to implement and would not ensure compliance with our CSO reduction mandates. Even then, it must rely largely on our gray infrastructure (stormwater and wastewater) to remain effective. And the most perplexing part is that it appears to allow for a vulnerable pressurized sewer main to continue to operate in the harbor. This latter aspect simply should not occur. 123 The following slides represent the Phase 1 & 2 project proposed by the City and the other routes considered that would have done the same storage and treatment. 124 Quick Statistics: Existing - 10,000 ft continuous forcemain - 21” & 27” diameter from PS4 to WWTP -4,000 LF located offshore 30 – 40 ft in the harbor -PS4: Two 1,150 gpm (8 MGD) pumps (16” main from Francis area pushes against the force main) New Project: -30” & two 17” pipes inserted into an abandoned 48” industrial main then reverting to a 30” and 24” east of Francis Park plus a separate 36” from Francis -380% total increase in pipe conveyance -PS4 upgraded to three 5,800 gpm pumps (25 MGD total) -313% total increase in pump capacity at PS4 -5 MG tank -Plant upgrades -Bridge across Ennis Creek Originally constructed in 1967-1968 timeframe. Main interceptor truck line tying the west end along Hill Street, along Marine Drive eastward parallel to what is now is the Olympic Discovery Trail, across the Rayonier Mill site and to the newly constructed 125 primary wastewater treatment facility. Note that the main interceptor trunk line in the harbor went in at this time. Pipeline was laid approximately 48’ due North of the industrial water line in the harbor, typically buried to a depth of between 2 to 4 feet. In the design drawings, pipe was to be either concrete cylinder pipe or welded steel pipe. To date, pipe identified has been concrete cylinder. The typical closure section detail for concrete cylinder pipe is shown on drawing C3701-2 of the drawing set, and shows a normal dresser with gasket and anchor flange. The Harbor Sewer Main presents a very serious environmental & health risk in the event of its failure. Difficulty will pervade in effecting a timely repair on this system in an underwater marine environment should such a rupture occur. It is crucial that this pressurized sewer pipe be replaced outside of the harbor as soon as the City can reasonably effect it. Nothing that the OEC has presented to date recognizes this environmental risk nor the need to replace this line or how that might be accomplished without using the Rayonier Mill site property. The pipeline is now 44 years old. On May 18, 2011, Greg Zentner and Mahbub Alum of the Department of Ecology were asked by Michael Puntenney about the possibility of entertaining an alternate solution such as LID for solving the CSO overflow problem at Port Angeles. It was stated that Ecology would always listen to proposals, but that this would be difficult for them to accept for the Port Angeles situation . Additionally, they would not consider State support for a higher cost solution. Lastly, they stated that the City would still have to do something about removing the force main from the harbor. 125 Harbor force main close-up. 126 This spill occurred on the pressured force main due to a rupture just east of Pumpstation 4. This is the same line and type that the force main in the harbor is. Final estimate of spill, 6 – 8 million gallons of sewage. 127 It is intended that all plant effluent and CSOs from the storage tank be discharged through the industrial outfall. However, at extreme high tides coincident with the highest influent flows there may be insufficient industrial outfall capacity. Under these rare events, flow will be spilled over a weir to the City outfall to control backups into the WWTP. A third overflow weir in the IDS wet well is provided for times of pump failure or extremely high flow rates (flows greater than approx. 2.08 MGH) to divert excess flow to the outfall (CSO). Normally, CSOs will only occur when the storage tank becomes full from an overflow feature built in the tank. When the influent flow rate drops below 10 MGD, the influent slide gate is opened [automated] and the system is returned to “normal”. When the influent flow reaches a flow that can accommodate the maximum possible return flow from the CSO tank, the automated return sequence shall be initiated. 128 This map shows the current routing of the proposed CSO Phase 1 & 2 projects. Note the piping follows nearly where the existing pressurize pipeline including on the Rayonier Mill Site. The only location that the pipes come out of the existing industrial water line or out of the ground is at the bridge. They are inside the bridge girder system and hidden. At the inside edge of the bridge abutments, the natural ground elevation is currently about at the 16 ft. elevation level, and ultimately the bottom of the girders of the bridge will be two feet above that. The abutment top, which will be the road level, will be at about elevation 24.5 ft for the west abutment, the higher of the two. So the top of the bridge deck is only about 8.5 ft higher than the existing ground level . On top of the road is a 4' 8" pedestrian safety railing. The pipes are buried in the bridge approaches or hidden underneath inside the girder system when directly transiting the bridge span. So, for all intents, the only thing anyone would see is a bridge spanning Ennis Creek with gently sloping approaches. All pipelines between the tank and wastewater treatment plant are below ground 129 The drawing is a profile of the overland route from Francis Park to Ennis Creek, which were considered as design alternatives for this strategy. The routes predominantly considered either Caroline St or Georgiana St and the alley in between. These were ruled out due high cost for tunneling if a gravity main were considered. Note 40+ ft excavation depth on the east end which had exceedingly high cost. Another option would be a pressurized force main to pick up the Francis basin which would have required the building of an additional pump station, also ruled due to cost. Other alternatives were consider including a 12 ft storage tunnel in order to forego using the Rayonier Tank. Volume would be 5 MG, the same as the Rayonier tank. It would require a 12 ft diameter pipe, 4,000 ft long that would run from Albert St. to the west Ennis Creek bank. It also was ruled out as being cost hugely cost prohibitive. 130 Rayonier Sales Parcel. It has long term advantages to the City for future WWTP needs. It is on the cleaner portion of the Rayonier Mill site, a MTCA site. The City purchased if for just under $1 million. Considering the land and its tank, it was considered very favorably priced for the City. 131 From B&C CSO Vunerability Assessment of 5/19/2011: 132 133 Outfalls are restricted to less than one overflow per year based on a 5 year average. After completion of the Phase 1 & 2 projects, average annual discharge volume from CSO events will reduce to about 5 MG and be heavily diluted. CSO outfall #7 and #8 will be eliminated. The CSO event analysis indicates 1.3 events per year at the City's newly acquired industrial outfall that enters the harbor offshore from the Rayonier property that will be put into operation as part of the CSO project. Additionally, it will occur once in 8 years at CSO outfall #6 (Railroad & Oak) and once in 1.7 years at CSO outfall #10 (Francis St.). Both CSO outfalls #6 and #10 will be reset so that overflows could only occur in very extreme storm events. Statistics: 1.11/16 & 11/17 event: - 2 days of continuous rain - 22,290 gpm (32.1 MGD) instantaneous peak for CSOs’ occurred at 8:46 pm on 11/16 - 29,500 gpm (42.5 MGD) instantaneous peak flow was experienced for the entire system (WWTP treatment plus CSOs) - 2.25 inch rain event - 8.4 MG of overflow volume occurred 11/16 - 6.7 MG of overflow volume occurred 11/17 2.12/12/2010 Event: - 13.75 MG of overflow volume occurred 12/12 134 Ranking criteria for State Revolving Fund (SRF) Water Quality loans. 135 The City’s CSO Phase 1 project loan request ranked 1st out of 82 requests for State Revolving Funds loans for Water Quality Projects. It was the high scoring project for fiscal year 2012 funding. This demonstrates its importance to the State for water quality. 136 Note: Approximately 11.3% for predesign, design, and permitting. The Phase 1 and 2 CSO projects are estimated to cost approximately $40 million, the ensure compliance, the eliminate overflows to the harbor, and it eliminates an environmental vulnerability of having a force main in the harbor. Funding for it has been accumulating in the rates. $26.40 per month (or $317 annually) per residence is what is anticipated rates will top out at in 2015 for the CSO project cost. In 2005, the original rates was $2.00 monthly and presently residential accounts are paying $15.75 a month (for less than 430 cubic feet of water) or $17.60 (for more than 430 cubic feet of water). The total cost will probably be around $5,000 per residence or in that range. It will be collected until such time as the amounts are collected that are anticipated to be needed to pay off the low-interest loans that will be incurred. How many more years into the future that will take is uncertain since it will depend on the construction cost at time of award of the contracts and interest rates at the time the loans are obtained. Currently, both are expected to be favorable. Phase 1 & 2 CSO project ensures compliance while the alternative can only approach it and is vulnerable to falling out of compliance. For downspout disconnection, parking drainage, and infiltration, there will be some loss of attainment due to difficulties in locating all of the items. Additionally, there is a recidivism factor for re-emergent infiltration due to continued settlement and aging of infrastructure or for trauma to the sewer system. Additionally, there will be some unidentifiable reconnection by residents for the disconnection effort (e.g. dissatisfation with swampy lawns) or deliberate and approved reconnection due to unanticipated consequences to neighboring properties. 137 This drawing shows what the CSO Phase 1 & 2 construction impacts might look like. Infiltration improvement projects are shown spread across a number of years even though they would really be done in a variety of locations throughout the City. Many are already programmed in the City’s CFP program with others being added in the 2011 cycle. Through year 2023, identified for the CFP is $7 million on infiltration and pipe replacement related projects for the sewer system. This can be an appropriate target year to change weir plates in the influent diversion structure should measurements of outfalls indicate a sufficient drop in flow rates due to I&I reduction in order to ensure everything from the combined sewer receives secondary treatment. Additionally, through the stormwater fund, promoting LID could facilitate getting to this goal earlier. CSO pipeline upgrade and removal from the harbor – blue. Infiltration restoration – turquoise 138 The City’s CSO projects are the least cost and most feasible solution for the City of Port Angeles to truly solve their CSO problem. No other course of action can do this as well. 139 Final thoughts and acknowledgements. The City’s CSO project is the least cost and most feasible solution for the City of Port Angeles to truly solve our CSO problem. No other course of action can guarantee that this will occur to the level that these projects do. No other set of projects will be as helpful to the environment. These projects do protect the harbor environment and the public health. When coupled with future infiltration projects, particularly those that are in the vicinity of our streams, even greater environmental benefit will be realized. It is not to say that well-targeted LID projects would not be helpful. They do, and restoring water to the groundwater system is beneficial in lot of ways. Where they make sense, they provide a significant benefit. But we must remember, that there is only so much that our soils can sustain for certain areas within the City. So we should be deliberate in our choices. LID projects should be undertaken by the City and continue to be encouraged and supported wherever possibly for the public. Much of this research was brought on by questions brought forth by the Olympic Environmental Council. My thanks go out to them for pushing us. Also, to my staff and to Jack Warburton and Mike O’Neal from Brown & Caldwell, who were instrumental in the data gathering and validating. It was a lot of work. We must continue on this path. Our dollars are dear to us, so we must choose to spend them wisely and get the most from them, both for the public and for the environment. Like I said, we only have one earth and also one Port Angeles. 140 M. C. Puntenney 140 141 Table indicates different treatment levels dependent on flow rate. Adaptability. System set-points and weirs can be readily replaced as treatment and flow parameters change. The primary flow management control concept is the proportion of flow diverted to storage versus flow through treatment plant. As flow exceeds 11,100 gpm, the current weir design is based on flow from 0 to 20,800 gpm diversion to storage while the plant will only increase from 11,100 gpm to 13,900 gpm during the same time. If this proportional relationship is required to be changed in the future, the weirs are simple steel plates bolted to the concrete walls in the Influent Diversion Structure that can be changed. Conceivably, if CSO flow rate can be reduced and maintained sufficiently, e.g., infiltration reductions, downspout disconnections, etc., then the need to bypass secondary treatment might be eliminated. Modification of the weir plates could be done readily to effect this. 142 Table indicates different treatment levels dependent on flow rate. Adaptability. System set-points and weirs can be readily replaced as treatment and flow parameters change. The primary flow management control concept is the proportion of flow diverted to storage versus flow through treatment plant. As flow exceeds 16 MGD, the current weir design is based on flow from 0 to 30 MGD diversion to storage while the plant will only increase from 16 MGD to 20 MGD during the same time. If this proportional relationship is required to be changed in the future, the weirs are simple steel plates bolted to the concrete walls in the Influent Diversion Structure that can be changed. Conceivably, if CSO flow rate can be reduced and maintained sufficiently, e.g., infiltration reductions, downspout disconnections, etc., then the need to bypass secondary treatment might be eliminated. Modification of the weir plates could be done readily to effect this. 143 Concept to eliminate the bypassing of secondary treatment at certain flows by 2024 . Many projects are already programmed in the City’s CFP program with others being added in the 2011 cycle. Through year 2023, identified for the CFP is $7 million on infiltration and pipe replacement related projects for the sewer system. This can be an appropriate target year to change weir plates in the influent diversion structure should measurements of outfalls indicate a sufficient drop in flow rates due to I&I reduction in order to ensure everything from the combined sewer receives secondary treatment. Additionally, through the stormwater fund, promoting LID could facilitate getting to this goal earlier. The current operating strategy has all flow going through both primary and secondary treatment up to a flow rate of 0.56 MGH. When the flow rate exceeds a flow rate of 0.56 MGH, that portion above 0.56 MGH bypasses secondary treatment, receiving only primary treatment and full chlorination for disinfection. When the flow rate exceeds 0.67 MGH, that flow above this flow rate is split between the tank and receiving only primary treatment (including chlorination). When flows exceeds 0.83 MGH, that portion that exceeds this flow rate goes to the storage tank. For the “all secondary option,’” that is, 100% of flows in excess of 0.56 MGH being transferred directly to the tank to prevent an overflow, a volume of the flow equivalent to that receiving just primary treatment would have to be removed from the system. For the one year event this translates to approximately 1.0MG of volume. Based on the input hydrograph for the one-year event, peak flow would have to be reduced by approximately 0.31 144 MGH. For the one-year event, peak infiltration was estimated at 1.05 MGH. Thus, if assuming just a focus on infiltration, the required reduction in infiltration is 0.31/1.05 = 29.6% to move to an “all secondary” option for the 1- year storm event. 144 This map was prepared as part of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to aid local governments in designing evacuation plans for areas at risk from potentially damaging tsunamis.The landward limit of tsunami inundation is based on a computer model of waves generated by two different scenario earthquakes, both moment magnitude 9.1, on the Cascadia subduction zone. The model used is a finite element model called ADCIRC. The model runs do not include the influences of changes in tides but use a tide height of four feet. The tide stage and tidal currents can amplify or reduce the impact of a tsunami on a specific community. Note that the first wave crest is predicted to arrive 90 minutes after the earthquake, but significant flooding occurs before the crest, rendering evacuation time even shorter. Actual flooding depth and extent will depend on the tide height at the time of tsunami arrival. 145 Roof Drains. Most of the roof drains in the pilot test area were not smoke sources. Only 48 of the houses proved to have roof drains connected directly to a sanitary sewer. In some of those 48 cases, all downspouts were connected to the sewer, but for most of the homes, only some of the downspouts were connected to the sewer and the rest were routed to the driveway or lawn. To assist the construction team that would perform the disconnection and allow it to focus only on the downspouts needing removal, Brown and Caldwell prepared a set of figures with aerial photos of the pilot basin and the approximate location of the connected roof drains. Rain Barrel: Connection of a rain barrel simply requires saw cutting the existing downspout for reconnection to the rain barrel. The cost of the rain barrel varies depending upon manufacturer or self- construction; costs range from approximately $20 - $130 dollars. The City of Bremerton estimated the minimum materials cost for construction of a rain barrel on the order of $20 dollars. The purchase price of a rain barrel can vary from as low as $85 up to $130 dollars. Variation in purchase price is based on materials of construction ranging from 50 -gallon plastic barrels to 211-gallon wooden barrels, with the majority of barrels above $100 having overflow connections. Consideration of this option allows for potential overflows during heavy periods of rainfall. An overflow bypass needs to be considered where this option is applicable. (Page 36, 146 http://water.me.vccs.edu/courses/ENV149/advanced.htm Tertiary treatment is the next wastewater treatment process after secondary treatment. This step removes stubborn contaminants that secondary treatment was not able to clean up. Tertiary treatment technologies can be extensions of conventional secondary biological treatment to further stabilize oxygen-demanding substances in the wastewater, or to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. Tertiary treatment may also involve physical-chemical separation techniques such as carbon adsorption. One methodology is to create lagoons and/or aeration basins. Advanced Wastewater Treatment may be broken into three major categories by the type of process flow scheme utilized: 1. Tertiary Treatment 2. Physical-Chemical Treatment 3. Combined Biological-Physical Treatment Tertiary treatment may be defined as any treatment process in which unit operations are added to the flow scheme following conventional secondary treatment. Additions to conventional secondary treatment could be as simple as the addition of a filter for suspended solids removal or as complex as the addition of many unit processes for organic, suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorous removal. Physical-chemical treatment is defined as a treatment process in which biological and physical-chemical processes are intermixed to achieve the desired effluent. Combined biological-physical-chemical treatment is differentiated from tertiary treatment in that in tertiary treatment any unit processes are added after conventional biological treatment, while in combined treatment, biological and physical-chemical treatment are mixed. Another way to classify advanced wastewater treatment is to differentiate on the basis of desired treatment goals. Advanced wastewater treatment is used for: 1. Additional organic and suspended solids removal 2. Removal of nitrogenous oxygen demand (NOD) 3. Nutrient removal 4. Removal of toxic materials In many, if not most instances today, conventional secondary treatment gives adequate BOD and suspended solids removals. Why, then, is additional organic and suspended solids removal by advanced treatment necessary? There are a number of good answers to this question. 1. Advanced wastewater treatment plant effluents may be recycled directly or indirectly to increase the available domestic water supply. 147 2. Advanced wastewater treatment effluents may be used for industrial process or cooling water supplies. 3. Some receiving waters are not capable of withstanding the pollutional loads from the discharge of secondary effluents. 4. Secondary treatment does not remove as much of the organic pollution in wastewater as may be assumed. The first three reasons for additional organic removal through advanced wastewater treatment are simple. The fourth requires some explanation. The performance of secondary treatment plants is almost always measured in terms of BOD and SS removals. A well designed and operated secondary plant will remove from 85 to 95% of the influent BOD and SS. However, the BOD test does not measure all of the organic material present in the wastewater. An average secondary effluent may have a BOD of 20 mg/L and a COD of 60 to 100 mg/L. The average secondary plant removes approximately 65% of the influent COD. Thus, when high quality effluents are required, additional organic removals must be accomplished. In addition to the organic materials remaining in most secondary effluents, there is an additional oxygen demand resulting from the nitrogen present in the wastewater. In wastewaters, much of the nitrogen is found in the form of ammonia. When secondary treatment is used, a great deal of this ammonia is discharged in the effluent. Bacteria can utilize this ammonia as an energy source and convert ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. NH3 + O2 + Bacteria ® NO2 + O2 + Bacteria ®NO3 Another reason for advanced wastewater treatment may be to remove nutrients contained in discharges from secondary treatment plants. The effluents from secondary treatment plants contain both nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P). N and P are ingredients in all fertilizers. When excess amounts of N and P are discharged, plant growth in the receiving waters may be accelerated. Algae growth may be stimulated causing blooms which are toxic to fish life as well as aesthetically unpleasing. Fixed plant growth may also be accelerated causing the eventual process of a lake becoming a swamp to be speeded up. Therefore, it has become necessary to remove nitrogen and phosphorous prior to discharge in some cases Toxic materials, both organic and inorganic are discharged into many sewage collections systems. When these materials are present in sufficient quantities to be toxic to bacteria, it will be necessary to remove them prior to biological treatment. In other cases, it is necessary to remove even small amounts of these materials prior to discharge to protect receiving waters or drinking water supplies. Thus, advanced wastewater treatment processes have been used in cases where conventional 147 secondary treatment was not possible due to materials toxic to bacteria entering the plant as well as in cases where even trace amounts of toxic materials were unacceptable in plant effluents. Rapid sand filters, micro straining and fluidized bed systems are commonly used in tertiary treatment. Activated carbon and sand are typically used. Beds of aquatic macrophytes and reed bed systesm (artificial wetlands) are also used in tertiary treatment. The biomass should be harvested frequently to maintain the productivity of the system for efficient functioning. A macrophyte is an aquatic plant that grows in or near water and is either emergent, submergent, or floating. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewage_treatment Constructed wetlands Constructed wetlands (can either be surface flow or subsurface flow, horizontal or vertical flow), include engineered reedbeds and belong to the family of phytorestoration and ecotechnologies; they provide a high degree of biological improvement and depending on design, act as a primary, secondary and sometimes tertiary treatment, also see phytoremediation. One example is a small reedbed used to clean the drainage from the elephants' enclosure at Chester Zoo in England; numerous CWs are used to recycle the water of the city of Honfleur in France and numerous other towns in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia. They are known to be highly productive systems as they copy natural wetlands, called the "Kidneys of the earth" for their fundamental recycling capacity of the hydrological cycle in the biosphere. Robust and reliable, their treatment capacities improve as time go by, at the opposite of conventional treatment plants whose machinery age with time. They are being increasingly used, although adequate and experienced design are more fundamental than for other systems and space limitation may impede their use. Lagooning Lagooning provides settlement and further biological improvement through storage in large man-made ponds or lagoons. These lagoons are highly aerobic and colonization by native macrophytes, especially reeds, is often encouraged. Small filter feeding invertebrates such as Daphnia and species of Rotifera greatly assist in treatment by removing fine particulates. Another Alternative for Tertiary Treatment - Mechanical treatment plants Typically 2 to 3 times as expensive to construct as lagoons Full time, trained operators required High maintenance and energy costs 147 Continual sludge handling and disposal Poor performance record in small communities Aerobic stabilization ponds or lagoons are very shallow. They are only about 3 feet deep. They are most often the final cells in a multi-staged lagoon system. They are also used as polishing ponds for tertiary treatment of trickling filter plant effluent. Their shallow depth allows sunlight to penetrate to the bottom of the pond to encourage algae growth and aerobic conditions throughout the pond. The low solids loadings found in these tertiary treatment applications means that these ponds normally have no sludge zone. These ponds may be mechanically aerated. Sunlight penetration can also help dechlorinate treated effluents. 147 From NPDES Permit S12.B. Technology-based Requirements for CSOs The Permittee must comply with the following technology-based requirements: 1. The Permittee must implement proper operation and maintenance programs for the sewer system and all CSO outfalls to reduce the magnitude, frequency, and duration of CSOs. The program must consider regular sewer inspections; sewer, catch basin, and regulator cleaning; equipment and sewer collection system repair or replacement, where necessary; and disconnection of illegal connections. 2. The Permittee must implement procedures that will maximize use of the collection system for wastewater storage that can be accommodated by the storage capacity of the collection system in order to reduce the magnitude, frequency, and duration of CSOs. 3. The Permittee must review and modify, as appropriate, its existing pretreatment program to minimize CSO impacts from the discharges from nondomestic users. 4. The Permittee must operate the wastewater treatment plant at maximum treatable flow during all wet weather flow conditions to reduce the magnitude, frequency, and duration of CSOs. The Permittee must deliver all flows to the treatment plant within the constraints of the treatment capacity of the POTW. 148 5. Dry weather overflows from CSO outfalls are prohibited. The Permittee must report a dry weather overtlow to the Depm1ment as soon as the Pemittee becomes aware of such an overtlow. When the Permittee detects a dry weather overflow, the Permittee must begin corrective action immediately. The Permittee must inspect the dry weather overflow each subsequent day until the overflow has been eliminated. 6. The Permittee must implement measures to control solid and floatable materials in CSOs. 7. The Permittee must implement a pollution prevention program focused on reducing the impact of CSOs on receiving waters. 8. The Permittee must implement a public notification process to inform citizens of when and where CSOs occur. The process must include (a) a mechanism to alert persons of the occurrence of CSOs and (b) a system to determine the nature and duration of conditions that are potentially harmful for users of receiving waters due to CSOs. 9. The Permittee must monitor CSO outfalls to characterize CSO impacts and the efficacy of CSO controls. This must include collection of data that will be used to evaluate the efficacy of the technology-based controls., These data shall include: Total number of CSO events and frequency and duration of CSOs for a representative number of events; Locations and designated uses of receiving water bodies; and Water quality impacts directly related to CSOs (e.g., beach closings, floatables wash-up episodes, fish kills). 149