HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/15/2009Ant550', tt Krj AGENDA "W'_ ORT NGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING P �321 East 5 Street �WASHINGTON, U S. A December 15, 2009 REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM First Page RECOMMENDATION Note. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following. A. CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- PUBLIC CEREMONIES/PRESENTATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS B-1 1. Present to Leonard Beil 1. Public Safety Meritorious Sen>>ce Award 2. Port Angeles Harbor -Works Development Authority ---- 2. Presentation by Jeffrey Lincoln, Executive Director 3. Recognize Public Service of Councilmembers ---- 3. Present Certificates of Recognition Braun, Rogers, Wharton, and Williams. PUBLIC COMMENT. This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 mirtuules for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response fr am City Councilmembers and/or City staff. C. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS D. WORK SESSION E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member F. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Municipal Code Amendment MCA 09-02 / Minor F-1 l V Reading; Continue to January 5, 2010. Amendments G. RESOLUTIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK -------December 15, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 AGENDA ITEM First Page RECOMMENDATION H. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Clallam County Shared Resource Conservation Manager H-1 1. Approve Program - 2. Dry -Creek Water Association Special Services Agreement- H-2 2 Approve 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS - -QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) - J. . PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) Mandatory J-1 1. Close Public Hearing, Pass Resolution Standards Determination 2. Wildwood Terrace - Project Performance for CDBG Grant J-8 2. Conduct Public Hearing; Approve. K. FINANCE 1. Energy Northwest Interlocal Agreement - Morse Creek K-1 1. Approve Hydroelectric Project 2 Interagency Agreement for Performance Based Contracting, K-10 2. Approve Amendment No. 2 3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 2010 Capital Projects K-14 3. Approve Funding Recommendations 4. Consultant Agreement with Hammond, Collier, Wade & K-37 4. Approve Livingston (HCWL) for Disaster Events on Nov 16 & 17 L. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2009 L-1 1. Accept Consent Agenda. • 2. Expenditure Approval List from 11/21/09 to 12/3/09 for L-5 - $3,069,327.44. 3. Materials Purchase: Electrical Transformer, Contract PW- L-22 09-026 4. Lipman - Stone / Resolution to Set Public Hearing L-23 5. Enron Settlement Agreement L-28 6. Faeade Improvement Program Grant Awards & Contracts L-37 M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Finance Monthly Newsletter M-1 2. Planning Commission Minutes - November 10, 2009. M-3 3. Building Report - November 2009. M-5 4. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes - Nov. 18, 2009 M-6 5. PA Forward Minutes - October 8, and Nov. 12, 2009. M-11 6. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) Reports M-19 -N. EXECUTIVE SESSION- - Under authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) regarding performance of a public employee. O. ADJOURNMENT - NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK - - - - -- - -- -- --- - - - - - December 15, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 I. II. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING WASHINGTON, U S. A. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: Members Present: V/ Mayor Braun ✓ Deputy Mayor Wharton 1✓, Councilmember Di Guilio ✓ Councilmember Kidd ✓ Councilmember Perry ✓ Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams V/ Staff Present: / Manager Myers v�_ Attorney Bloor Clerk Hurd ✓ G. Cutler V/ T. Gallagher ✓ D. McKeon 1✓, N. West Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: GAGROMCLERK\FORMS\Council Roll Calkvpd December 15, 2009 Other Staff Present: 1 PPAI" _ PQRTNjGELEl CITY COUNCIL MEETING WASHINGTON, U S A. Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: December 15, 2009 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Name Address �- �, z w. i y-,74 S; q S- J� S �TsAf�) &12-lfQ9kd14Cy < C) T# 3-71, � 1 �h ►'Yl � L. C:\CROUP\CLERh'\FOR,iN9S\Council Attendance Roster.%vpd PROCLAMATION In Recognition of Leonard Beil's Meritorious Service to the Community WHEREAS, Leonard Beil has given freely of his personal time over many years, and on many occasions, for the betterment of the community; and WHEREAS, Leonard Beil, as a member of the original Medic 1 Advisory Board, was instrumental in bringing life-saving paramedic services to Port Angeles, a move that dramatically improved the quality of life for everyone who lives in, works in or visits the City; and WHEREAS, Leonard Beil served selflessly for many years as a member of the City of Port Angeles Law Enforcement Advisory Board; and WHEREAS, Leonard Beil continued to serve as a founding member of the Public Safety Advisory Board, while working with at -risk youth as they perform community service projects; and WHEREAS, Leonard Beil, over a lifetime of service, has gone above and beyond the call of good citizenship, helping to make Port Angeles the wonderful place that it is to live, work, visit, and raise a family. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, Gary Braun, Mayor; Kent Myers, City Manager; Dan McKeen, Fire Chief; and Terry Gallagher, Police Chief; ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, do hereby urge all citizens to join us in recognizing Leonard Beil's many years meritorious of service to Port Angeles and his dedication towards the continuous improvement in the level of public safety provided to our citizens, businesses and visitors. Gary Bra64, Mayor Daniel McKeen, Furs Chief Kent Mvers. allagher, PolicefChief This Honor is Bestowed Upon Larry. Wi"Ili*ams G, In Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Public Service and Professional Excellence as a Port Angeles City Councilmember from January 1998 to December 2009, and as Deputy Mayor from January 2006 to December 2007. OF pORTgN 0,�� 4 CFIFr And is Presented This Certificate By -�—� The City of Port Angeles -- Port AiZgeles, Washington x ` This 15th Day Of December, 2009;, Kent Myers, Manager Jan a Hurd, City Clerk I I Reto gnitton z(Pprect'att"On This Honor is Bestowed Upon Karen A. In Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Public Service and Professional Excellence as a Port Angeles City Councilmember from January 2002 to December 2009, and as Mayor from January 2006 to December 2007. OF pORTgNCF RFs And is Presented This Certificate By The City of Port Angeles, ;�-- Port Angeles, Washington This 15th Day Of December, 2009 sH( C 14 Kent Myer ity Manager Janq9a Hurd, City Clerk This Honor is Bestowed Upon Gary, •_-..� Braun In Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Public Service and Professional Excellence as a Port Angeles City Councilmember from January 1992 to December 1999, and January 2002 to December 2009; as Deputy Mayor from January 2004 to December 2005, and as Mayor from January 1998 to December 1999, and January 2008 to December 2009. And is Presented This Certificate By The City of Port Angeles Port Aa eles Washii-igton This 15th Day Of December, 2009 r - J( d'r, . •,t.j.1��'. K nt Myers, Manager Jan a Hurd, City Clerk r r r r tt ��D ttt tD tt This Honor is Bestowed Upon B-� rton e is _ a _ __ - _ _ In Recognition and Appreciation of Outstanding Public Service and Professional Excellence as a Port Angeles City Councilmember from January 2006 to December 2009, and as Deputy Mayor from January 2008 to December 2009. �y OF PORT NCF And is Presented This Certificate By ►... s The Cityof Port Angeles Port Angeles, Washington _I This 15th Day Of December, 2009 - - '_ Kent Myers, i Manager Jan a Hurd, City Clerk • • ORT! A N G EL E S _W - A--S--H--I-N- G--T-O- N, - -U.- S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 15, 2009 - - _— - - TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN WEST; DIRECTOR -- - - - COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT MCA 09-02-- 2009 MINOR AMENDMENTS Summarv: Amendments to Titles 14, and 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (2009 Minor Amendments). Recommendation: Council should conduct a first reading of the attached ordinances amending the Port Angeles Municipal Code and continue the matter to the January 5, 2010 Council Meeting. Background / Analysis: At a public hearing conducted on December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission considered MCA09-02 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) The proposed changes are located in Titles 14 and 17 of the PAMC. Following the public hearing the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend that the City Council adopt the identified changes. As part of the Community and Economic Development Department's annual review efforts, the PAMC was reviewed for necessary changes identified. during application of the code throughout the year. The proposed amendments are considered to be minor in nature. Changes are a result of deficiencies found within the Code that have been exposed during application of the various regulations. A majority of the changes make minor improvements to the code, correct typing errors, grammatical mistakes, or result in greater consistency. Changes are highlighted in the attached Planning Commission staff report (Attachment A). = It is recommended that Council conduct the first reading of the attached ordinances. Staff will be available to respond to any questions regarding the proposed amendments. Attachments: A. B. C. Planning Commission Staff Report Draft Ordinances December 9, 2009 Planning Commission Minutes Excerpt F-1 TO: FROM: 0O�)'_1' -:-�'ELES 11V -A DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -Planning Commission Sue Roberds, Planning Manager DATE: - December 9,- 2009 RE: Municipal Code Amendments — MCA 09-02 APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles While working with various Code sections over the past year, incorrect information has been found and areas where clarification could be helpful have been identified-..- Staff -is therefore proposing a few amendments to land use development regulations for clarity or correction. Specific areas of review include four chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code -'dealing with ' land use: zoning, sign ordinance, building, and parking. _ • ZONING ORDINANCE 17.08.015 - "B" (Definitions Section) A. Breezeway — a roofed open -sided passageway connecting two buildings. (The following sections would be re numbered accordingly.) -.- ---- -- - - - B. Building, Accessory - (See "Accessory Building or Use"). "Breezeway" is discussed elsewhere in the Zoning Code but is not defined. - -- 17.08.070 — "M (Definitions) A. Manufactured Home - Factory'` bWlt,'`single-family structures - that. meet the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401), commonly known as the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and -Urban Development) Code, and -- that also meets the following requirements: 5. Is served by underground electrical power; and 6. h -Has a r6of of not less than 3:12 pitch. It doesn't seem reasonable to specify 4 particuiar-'roofi' ig`material for - manufactured home. Roofing materials should be permitted to'be the same as for conventional housing without explanation. ■■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■■■�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt F-2 Memo to PC ---- ---- -_- December 9, 2009 Page 2 - — - - - -- --- Amend side setbacks for all residential zones -as -shown in attached ordinance and per the • following example: - -- - 17.10.050 Area and -Dimensional Requirements (RS -7 RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) A. 'Pefmitied-Us-e—s 1. Minimum Lot Area: 7,000 -square feet. 2. Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet. 3. Minimum Setback: Front Rear Side, interior Side, abutting a street 20 feet; - 20 feet, except 10 feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; 7 feet, except 3 feet for detached accessory buildings in'the rear one-third of the lot .. 13 feet except for structures that provide; a driveway or similar area with access to the street. In such case, a minimum side yard setback of 20 feet is required in the area providing the access. Side, abutting an alley : 10 feet; Side yard setbacks abutting a street can be and have been a problem if the area • contains a driveway or parking area—A vehicle situated in the driveway/side area can obstruct a sidewalk -or otherwise 'hang into the right of way such that it obstructs and can .be a safety hazard. The driveway/access area needs -to be deep enough to accommodate a vehicle length without encroachment into a right of way. The amended wording will ensure that adequate space is made available in that area of a development such that vehicles are parked entirely within the lot when structures are placed adjacent to a street. Only the driveway/parking area would need the setback, the remainder of the .site would observe existing setback distances. • Amend all conunercial zones to clarify what standards residential develop- shall follow. Ekample is as follows: 17.21.040 Permitted Uses — S. Residential uses per the RHD Residential High Density zone on.the.first floor -or above with a primary commercial use located, ---'fronting that portion of the site facing an arterial street. F-3 Memo to PC _ - - -- - - -- — - December 9, 2009 Page 3 This was an oversight during an earlier amendment, and clarifies the standards allowed for residential development in all commercial zones without the need to • hunt through the PAMC for that interpretation: The relevant section numbers are noted in the. attached ordinance. 17.45.090 - Application Procedure. INFILL OVERLAY ZONE - - --- - -- The- application for an IOZ: shall contain the following: - = - 4. Landscape Plan showing: - a. Common garde open space areas (must be 5% of site); b. Detailed specifications -of trees and landscaping on site; 17.45.050 Standards: ---- The following standards shall apply to all IOZs: 3. Provide a walkable, active, and.transit.oriented environment including, but _not limited to, bicycle or pedestrian paths, proximity to public transit, children's play areas, and common gens- open space areas; These changes are proposed due to a recent IOZ application process, which was the first time an IOZ development had been considered. The word --"gardens" is too narrow. 17.96.25 NONRESIDENTIAL DWELLING PROHIBITION. House trailers-, • automobiles, automobile trailers; --mobile•homes;-park model manufactured homes, ----- - boats, recreation vehicles, vacation trailers and campers shall not be used for " residential purposes in the City of Port Angeles except in approved Trailer Parks, the - Port Angeles Boat Haven (boats only), or as permitted by Section 17.95.060 PAMC (Temporary Use Permit). This is. another oversight of many years. Oftentimes visitors choose to dwell on— their-vessels n :their -vessels when visiting. This is very common. Additionally, at the discretion of the Marina owner, some residential -occupancy of vessels has been permitted - over the past many years. BUILDING -CODE - Section 14.03.020 Amendments to International Building Codes: (Building Code -Section) 14.03.020 Amendments to International Codes. Pursuant to RCW 19.27.040, RCW 19.27.060(3) - and (4); and PAMC 14.04.020, the following amendments to the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and Uniform Sign Code are adopted: _ F. One story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar accessory uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet. _ r� U F-4 Memo to PC December 9, 2009 Page 4 • The City uses the International Residential Code (IRC 2006) for building purposes. Future editions may allow a difference in the size of non permittable structures. To avoid confusion, this amendment will ensure consistency in retaining the current exception for of square feet. SIGN ORDINANCE - =- - 14.36.090 Removal of Prohibited and Nonconforming Signs. (Sign Code) --- A. The Building Division shall notify the business owner and the sign owner or lessee and -- - the owner of the property of each sign that is either a prohibited' or nonconforming signunder the terms of this Chapter when signs are found to be non compliant. - ^iD „b existing Y avube�sold pu-the 1 7 it shall be r- eveddy,4_43;i�_ ihifty e tiee fre„, the DuilD.-Aisien.The 365 day per4edhall alse b "plied to businessest t elesed pr-ief- te Pier -1-5, 20 Signs advertising a business no longer operating must be removed upon closure of the business. Signs advertising_a product no longer being sold on the premises must be removed upon cessation of the sale of the product. A free standing support structure supporting'a sign that advertises'a- business no longer doing business shall be removed within 365 days of closure of the business. An extension of this time period may be requested by - appeal to the Community and Economic Development Director. Such extension shall only be considered for conforming sign structures when use of the structure ds' imminent and/or retention _ is deemed to be valuable to the integrity of the site. If signs are not removed within the- . • prescribed time period, notification will be given by the Building Division to the business owner ------..--..----- and property owner. Signs must be removed within 14 days from the date of such notice or If -the _ _ed Aithiii the fiik4y (3 0) day 13er-ie , the City may remove the sign or cause it to be removed and place a lien against the property for the cost of such removal. This proposal is for nonconforming signs and supports the need to require business owners to remove not only signs but their nonconforming support structures within a reasonable period of time following closure of a business. A conforming, structure.may also become an eyesore or signi0cantly deteriorate if not maintained, thus the proposed wording would address.that concern. If circumstances are present to indicate a support structure is conforming, is valuable to the future -tenant or owner of a site, and a plan is in place for-uselan appeal.mechanism is proposed as was suggested by the Planning Commission. Currently, there is no requirement to addfess support -structure removal, -which has resulted in the r6iemiori of -some very old,--- - - - - dilapidated, and unsightly nonconforming sign structures. Additionally,' thirty (30) days Is too long for removal of a:standard sign once notified that it requires removal or closure--of.a- -business.-•It-should-just be removed when the -business closes.:- ----- -- F-5 Memo to PC -- December 9, 2009- Page S - -- --- - Y 14.40.140 -Building Permits. -Before -the-granting of a building or-occupancy permit for any __ -- new building or structure,–or--for anyenlargement or change of use in any-existing building or.. structure, where the proposed use is subject to the requirements ;of-this-Chapter, the applicant for such building permit shall comply with the requirements of this-Chapter. Compliance shall consist of either of the following: —B.-- - Proof_thaf.the applicant is-a participant in a City approved Parking. and- Business _Improvement Area (PBIA), which provides the off-street parking spaces_which-would otherwise be required from each of the individual participating uses. o fte-�r�aeet. __.,fevem eaeh required parldng spare provided through member4Ap in a City appr-eved PBIA. The specific $$ assessment is a disincentive to increased development in the _-`- Downtown-and is-being-reviewed-by the City CoGncil _The. amount should not be included in this sectiori-of the Code but will be addressed further in the appropriate agreements upon Council decision in the matter. _ •i F-6 -� 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Zoning. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF -PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinances 1709 and 2796, as amended, and Chapter 17.08, Rules and Definitions, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC Sections 17.08.015 and 17.08.070(A) to read as follows: .17.08.015="B" Breezeway-- a roofed open -sided passageway connecting, two buildings. *13. Building, Accessory-- (See "Accessory Building or Use"). _�771�`d6di-rig-, Detached - a bu . ilding surrounded by an unoccupied -and -unobstructed space which is on tfi6 same lot as the principal building and which provides for air and light from the ground to the sky. - Q. Building, Principal - the major building on a lot, the building which houses the _major use of the land and the structures On a zoning lot.. DE. Building, Residential - a bUilding arranged; designed, used, or intended to be used _-f6f-fdsiddhti5I occupancy by one or more families -6f Iddg&§. EF. Building Li n e - -front, side -an d -rear b uil di ng lines are the lines on each zoning lot that delineate the area -within which construction of principal buildings is -confined. FG. - Business Parking Lot a dc.V,. 6—r. S' ti.rje s`-- - a 'cbiffihm erci al off-street parking lot o r structure used exclusively for parking and/or storage.of vehicles, 17.08.070 - "M" A. -—Manufactured -Home- - Factory -built,---singlerfamily structures that meet the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401), commonly known as the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Code, and that also meets the following requirements:. 1. Consists of two or more fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet -wide by 36 feet long; 2. Bears an. -insignia. issued by -the appropriate federal agency 'indicating compliance with the construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as amended and as approved by the State of Washington. F-7 C _3.. Is -placed on -an -on -grade permanent -foundation -or -on footings and piers or on blocks in accordance with HUD's specifications for_the specific home and has skirting installed so that no more than one foot of the skirting is visible above grade;- 4. rade;4. Has all transport appurtenances removed; - - - -- -- 5. Is served by underground electrical power; and 6. Was originally constructed with mid pi io, to OCCUpallCy has a v, vyood shake o, shingle, coated metal, o, simila roof:of not less than 3:12 pitch. -- - - Section 2. Ordinance 1709, as amended, and`,Chapter 17.1.0, RS -7 Residential, Single -- -Family,-of the Port -Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.10.050 to read as -follows: -17.10.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements. A. PeTtiritted Uses +A. Minimum Lot Area: 7,000 square feet. 2B. Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet. _ -a C. Minimum Setback: - Front 20 feet; = _ _ _ _. .__ • _ - — - - -- Rear -- 20 feet, 6-xcept.-.10 feet for detached accessory _ buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; -..__Side, interior: - 7 feet, except, 3 . feet- for -detached accessory - buildings in the rear one-third of the lot Side, _ab_utt_ing_a_street _1_3 feet-. except. for..structures served by a driveway or -.similar. -feature .-.that- .provides - _ vehicular access to the abutting side street. In - - _ such case a minimum side yard setback of 20 feet is required. -- Side, abutting an alley 10 feet; ` - - PROVIDED, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site may be required when the property contains -a bluff, -ravine, stream, or similar feature. $D. Maximum Lot Coverage: 30%, subject to paragraph'D below. EE. Maximum Site Coverage: 50%, subject. to.paragraph D below. DF. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is shown, by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington, to infiltrate on-site, according to -the requirements of the most recent edition -of - the Stormwater-Management Manual for Western Washington, portions of the project can be exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PANIC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) £-G. Maximum Building Height: 30 feet. _ • -2- F-8 • w - _ FH:- .---Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for -every 7,000 square feet of lot area (6.22 units/gross acre), except that an "accessory residential -unit" and conditionally approved duplexes- shall be exempt from density -limitations. :. 61. - Conditional uses- shall comply with the minimum standards in Subsection - - – 17.10.050A, unless otherwise specified in Table "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated - - herein by this reference, -or -as may be increased by the City Council to ensure that specific . conditional uses are compatible with the -RS -7 zone. Section 3. Ordinance 1709, as amended, and Chapter 17.11 -,RS --9 Residential, Single Family, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.11.050 to read as follows: 17.11.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements. +A. Minimum Lot Area: 9,000 square feet. -2B. Minimum Lot Width: 75 feet. K. -Minimum Setback: Front 25 feet; • Rear 25 feet, except 10 feet for detached accessory _: __ __-_ : - – – _ _ buildings -in- the rear one-third of the lot; Side, interior 8 feet, except 3 feet for detached accessory buildings. in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, abutting a street 18 feet, except for structures served by a driveway - or similar feature that provides vehicular access to -- ------------------ -- - -- ---- J _ the abuttiniz side street. In such case, a minimum side yard setback of 20 feet is -required:. - PROVIDED, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a safe building site maybe required when the property contains a bluff, ravine, stream, or similar feature. $D. Maximum Lot Coverage:__ 30%, subject to paragraph D below. EE. Maximum Site Coverage: 50%, subject to paragraph D below. DF. _-In _locations -where stormwater runoff. from structures, paved driveways, _ sidewalks, patios and other surfaces is shown, by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Washington, to -infiltrate on-site,–according to the requirements of the most recent edition of the Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, portions of the project can be _ exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.94.135 for exemptions.) EG. Maximum Building Height: 30 feet. Density shall not exceed one -dwelling unit.for every 9,000 square feet of lot area (4.84 units/gross acre) except-that_an °`accessory.residential unit" and conditionally approved duplexes shall be exempt from density limitations. - .- _ _ - Conditional Uses. Conditional uses shall comply with the minimum standards _ in Subsection 17.11.050A, unless otherwise specified in Table "A", or as may be increased by • the City Council to ensure that specific conditional uses are compatible with the RS -9 zone. -3- F-9 Section -4.- Ordinance-31-80'as:amended, and Chapter 1.7.12, RS -1"I Residential, Single Family; of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.42:050 to- read -as --follows:— - :. -- 17.12 ead-as--follows:- -17.12 .050 Area and -Dimensional Requirements. Permitted tises +A. Minimum Lot Area: 11,000 square feet. 2B. Minimum Lot.Width: 75 feet. 3C. Minimum Setback: —25 feet; Rear 25 feet, except 10 feet for detached accessory buildings in the rear one-third of the lot; Side, interior - 8 feet, except 3 feet for detached accessory buildingsin-therear one-third of the lot; Side, abutting a street 18 feet, except for structures served by a driveway or similar feature that provides vehicular access to the abutting side street. In such case, a minimum side yard -setback of 20 feet is -required.- PROVIDED, however, that additional minimum setbacks to ensure a -safe building site may be • required when the property contains a bluff, ravine, stream,.or similar feature. RD. Maximum Lot Coverage: 30%, subject to paragraph D below- - ---eE. Maximum. Site -Coveragei --50%;suVjecf-t'o-p-aragraphDbe]6w.- BF. In locations where stormwater runoff from structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, Ratios and other surfaces is shown, b)�a professional engineer licensed in the state of WashingtQn,,to infiltrate on site, according to the requirements of the-m-ost-recentedition of the Stormwater Management -Manual for Western Washington; .portions of the project can ..be -- exempt from lot and site coverage calculations. (See PAMC 17.9 .135 for exemptions.) EQ. Maximum- Height: 30 feet. T,. - -- FH. Density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for every I 1,000.squAre feet of lot area (3.96-units/gross acre) except -that an "accessory residential unit' -'..-,and conditionally approved —duplexes shall be exempt from density limitations. 61.. —Conditional Uses. Conditional uses shdll comply with the minimum standards in- Subsection 17.12.050A, unless otherwise specified in Table "A'% or as may_be increased. by -the City Council to ensure that specific conditional uses are compatible with the RS- I I zone. Section 5—Ordinance 2715, as amended, and Chapter 17.14, RMD Residential, Density; -of: the -Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by-amendiffg*PAMC 17-.14.040(C) to read as follows: 4- F - 10 • _..17-1.4 040 .Area -=and Dimensional Requirements. C. Minimum Setback: -- Front: 25 feet from -front-property line. -- - Sides:-------- =No strudture shall be permitted closer than 7 feet -to any side lot line on 'the front two-thirds of the lot. Detached accessory buildings only on the rear one-third of the lot may be permitted to within 3 feet of the side lot line. Oncomej iots; Side. abutting a street: 13 feet, except for structures served by a drivewayor similar feature that provides vehicular access to the abutting side street. In such case, a minimum side yard setback of 20 feet is required. Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within 25 feet of the rear property line. Detached accessory buildings are permitted not closer than 10 feet to the Year property line or alley.' Section 6. Ordinance 1709, as amended, and Chapter 17.15,. RHD - Residential, High Density, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC -- - 17.15.050(C) to read as follows: - 17.15.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements. C. Minimum Setback: -- - -- Front: 25 feet from front lot hiff" Sides: No structure shall be permitted closer -than 7 feet -to any side lot - - line on the front two thirds of the- lot. Detached accessory - _. buildings only, on the -rear one third.of the lot may be permitted to within 3 feet of the side line. , - the side y abattingp stiect shall have a setback of 13 feet aniess inme i's Side, abuttmu a street: --- 13 feet, -except, for structures served by a driveway or similar feature that provides vehicular access to the abutting side street. In such case, a minimum side yard setback of 20 feet is required. - ----- -- --- Rear: - -- No residential structure shall be permitted within 25 feet of the rear property.line. Detached accessory buildings are permitted- _- - not closer than 10 feet to the rear property line or alley. ... _. Section 7. Ordinance 2797, as amended, and_ Chapter 17.21, CN -Commercial, Neighborhood, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.21.040 (S) to read as follows: -- -- ---- -- 17.21.040 Permitted Uses. - ^ S: Residential -uses, -as -permitted in PAMG`17.15,020 on the first floor or above with a primary commercial use located fronting that portion of the site facing an arterial street. Section 8. Ordinance 2797, as amended, and Chapter 17.22, CSD - Community Shopping District of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.22.040 (V) to read as follows: 17.22.040 Permitted Uses. V. Residential uses as permitted iri PAMC 17.1-5.020, on the first floor or above • With a primary commercial use located fronting that portion of the site facing an arterial street. Section 9. Ordinance 2293, as amended, and Chapter 17.23, CA -Commercial, Arterial, _ - of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.23,040 (D) -to- = read as follows: - - -- -- -- 17.23.040 Permitted Uses. ------ - - - D. Residential: 1. Reconstruction, remodeling, or improvements to residential structures existing or established prior to January 1, 2007. - - - -.---_ - - -- 2. Residential uses as permitted in PAMC 17.15.020, on the first floor or above with a primary commercial use located fronting that portion of the site facing an arterial street. -6- F-12 • Section 10._ -: Ordinance 2303, as amended, and Chapter 17.24, CBD -Central Business _._District, of the -Port Angeles Municipal_Code_ are hereby amended by amending PAMC _ 17.24.041 (D) to.read as follows:_ _= - 17.24.041- Permitted Uses. - - D. Residential: - - -- .1.`Residential uses, as permitted in PAMC 17.15 020 on the first floor or above with a primary commercial .use located fronting that portion of the site facing a street. -- - - Section 11. Ordinance 2303, as .amended, and Chapter 17.25, CR - Commercial, Regional, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are -hereby amended by amending PAMC -- - 17.25.040 (D) to -read as follows: _ -- 17.25.040 Permitted Uses D. Residential: 1. Reconstruction, remodeling, or improvements to residential structures ----existing or -established prior.to January 1,_.2007. 2. Residential uses, as permitted in PAMC 17.15 020 on the first floor or above with a primary commercial use -located fronting that portion of the_site facing an arterial street. Section 12. Ordinance 3294, as amended, and Chapter 17.45, IOZ - Infill Overlay Zone, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.45.050(J) and 17.45.090(E) toread as follows: 17.45.050 - Standards. The following standards shall apply to all IOZs: - J. To encourage -design flexibility, maximum density, and innovations that result in a higher quality residential environment than traditional subdivisions, site planning and architectural review that address specific criteria are required of all development in the IOZ.._ Where applicable, the design of IOZs shall accomplish -the--following to the greatest extent possible: 1. Maximize the urban density of the underlying zone; --- - -7- F-13 2. -Provide affordable -housing and attainable housing that complements the surrounding residential environment; 3--Provide-a-walkable,-active, and transit oriented environment.including,.but not limited to, bicycle or pedestrian paths, proximity to -public transit, children's play areas, and common gai dens open space areas; _:= - 4. Preserve scenic view corridors, both internal and external -to the site; and 5. The design of all open space areas and building structures shall be compatible with and complementary to the environment in which they are placed. 17.45.090 - Application Procedure. The application for an IOZ shall contain the following: E. Detailed site statistics including but not limited to: 1. Total site area in both acres and square feet; 2. Site coverage expressed in square feet and percentage of-, a. Total footprint area of buildings for: i. Residential structures; ii. Non-residential structure§; - b. Roadway and sidewalk paved surfaces; C. Parking lot areas; - -- -- • -- -- d.---- Any -areas paved with permeable -paving systems; 3. Total area in lots; : - 4. Landscape Plan showing: a. Common garden oo a area (must be 5% of site); b. Detailed specifications of trees and landscaping on site; _ 5. Number and location of off. -street. parking; _. 6. Number of residential units proposed and approximate -square footage; 7. Total number of lots being created;:' 8. Density of site expressed as residential units per acre. Section 13. Ordinance 3155, as amended, and Chapter 17.96, Administration and --Enforcement,-of-the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC- -- — 17.96.025 to read as follows: =--- - -- - 17.96.025 Nonresidential Dwelling Prohibition Housetrailers, automobiles, automobile trailers, mobile homes, park model manufactured homes, boats, recreation vehicles, vacation trailers and campers shall not be used for residential purposes.in the City of Port Angeles except in approved Trailer Parks the Port Angeles Boat Haven (boats only), or as permitted by Section 17.95.060 PAMC (Temporary Use Permit). -8- F-14 -- Section 14 --Corrections. „-The. City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance --are — ----~ authorized -to -make necessary corrections to. -this ordinance including, -but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical,,errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto:. Section 15 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or -circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 16 -Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication_by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the- - day of January, 2010. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: January 2010 - - - -- By Summary GAUSM_Backup\ORDINANCFS&RESOLUnONS1ORDINANCFS.2009W3 - ChapW 17.ZwfM9.1I i909.w, A _ • -9- F-15 ORDINANCE NO. - -- - - -- --- - -- -- - -- AN ORDINANCE of the Cityof Port Angeles, -Washington, revising Title -- -- " 14 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating .to Building and _. ---Construction. - THE CITY COUNCIL OF -THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1.- Ordinance 2552, as amended, -and -Chapter 14.03, Building -Code, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending-PAMC 14.03.020 and adding - Subsection -F -as follows:- 14.03.020 ollows:- 14.03.020 Amendments to International Codes. Pursuant to RCW 19.27.040, RCW - 19.2 7.060(3) and (4); and PAMC 14.04.020, the following --amendments to the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and Uniform Sign Code are adopted: - -- A. International Building Codes, Chapter 5, Table 503 is amended by adding the • following footnote: (9) Type V -B construction prohibited in CBD - Central Business District. B. International Building Code, Section�903.2.10 is amended- by adding the following: - 903.2.10.4 Automatic Sprinklers shall be provided: (a) In all buildings where the floor area exceeds 6-,250 square feet on -all floors; - - (b) In any adult family home, boarding home, or group care facility that is licensed by the Washington State Depaftment-of Social and -Health Services for more than five persons; - - - - - However, the height and area increases specified in Section 504 and 506 (for sprinklers) shall be permitted. - - - For the purpose of the subsection, portions of buildings separated from the rest of the building, -in accordance with Section 705, with openings allowed by the International Building Code -protected by the installation of approved magnetic hold -open devices which are activated by smoke detection devices installed on both sides of said openings, may be considered as separate buildings. - - C. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3; Section 3-Ol, is:amended by adding the following: Provided that presently existing signs -not in conformity with this -code, as amended, may be- maintained emaintained in their present condition unless hazardous,. but may -not be altered -or reconstructed unless in conformity with this code. -------- - - - • F-16 D. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section -303: Delete -#3, signs less than 6'feet - - above grade. E. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 4, delete Table 4-B. In lieu thereof, Chapter 32, Section 3205.1 of -the -U- niforin Building -Code, 1997 Edition, -shall apply to projection of signs. F. - One story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds - - - playhouses and similar accessory uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet Section 2. Ordinance 2152, as amended, and Chapter 14.36, Sign Code, -of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PANIC 14.36.090 to read -as -follows- 14.36.090 Removal of Prohibited and Nonconformin Signs.._ _ A. The Building Division shall notify the business owner and the sign owner or lessee and the owner of the property of each sign that is either a prohibited or nonconforming sign under the terms of this Chapter. B. ff a sign advertises a business no longe, �,xisting o, a ptodact.nu longe, sold-= the plenlises ft i the pieviotis 365 days, it shall be, einoved widiin thirty (30) days ofmccipt of the ncytj�� flul I '"h%, Building Division. The 365 day pe�iod Shall aiSo be applied to - ----- _ __ - Suns advertising a business no longer operating must _ the premises must be removed upon cessation of the sale of the product A free standing support • - structure supporting a sign that advertises a business no roneer doing business shall be removed within 365 days of closure of the busmess An extension of this time period may be requested by appeal to the Community and Economic Development Director. Such extension shall only be considered for conforming sign structures when use of the structure is imminent and/or retention is deemed to be valuable to the integrity of the site Failure to remove a sign or free- standing support as required by this section is a violation of this chapter. In the event of such violation- the City shalf have all rights and remedies available at law. In addition and not in limitation of its rights and remedies otherwise available at law. the City, in its discretion Ifthe _ , _ may remove the signor cause it to be removed and place a lien against the property for the cost of such removal. C. Any sign which is of a type of sign permitted under PAMC 14.36.070, but which does not -conform to the specific requirements for that type -of sign, -and which was legally erected before November 15, 2002, shall be classified as_ legal nonconforming and may remain in use. Section 3. Ordinance 2228 and 3161, as amended, and Chapter 14.40, Off -Street Parking, of the -Port =Angeles _Municipal Code are hereby_ amended by amending PAMC _ 14.40.140 and pAMC 14.40.160 to read as follows: -2- F-17 • 14.40 140 Building Permits. Before the granting of a building or occupancy permit for any new building -or structure, or for any enlargement or, -change of use in any existing building or structure, where the proposed use is subject to the requirements of this Chapter, the applicant for- such -building- permit shall comply -with the requirements of -this Chapter. Compliance shall consist of either of the following: A. Proof of the existence of, e off-street . parking spaces required by this Chapter, including a site plan showing such off-street parking, which has been submitted to and approved by the Community Development Director and City _ - ---Engineer. -The site -plan shall be prepared at a reasonable scale, showing property lines, dimensions of the property, size and arrangement of all parking spaces, the means of ingress and egress to such parking spaces and interior circulation within the parking area, the extend of any change required in existing site conditions to provide required parking, and such other information -as maybe necessary to permit review and approval of the proposed parking; or B. Proof that the applicant is apwticipant subject to assessment in a City approved Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) vvhich that provides the off-street parking spaces within the PBIA. Applicants nicethig ali ot a portion of their iequi. ed needs th, vtT6h the p, Ovisiun!5 a ---- = - - 14.40.160 Parking Lot Activity Standards. All parking -lot -activities shall comply with the following standards: A. No -such activity shall occur in parking spaces directly in front of entrances or windows of-a-buildin --� - B. Such activities shall not occupy more than 10% of the total -number of spaces in - the parking lot: --- - - -- -- - - - ._ - C. Such activities shall not block entrances:and exits to the parking lot or fire exit - - -_ - doors of any buildings. - - - D. Such activities shall not occur in parking lots containing fewer than 20 spaces. - E. All -such activities shall comply with all other applicable City Ordinances and _- ...- State Statutes.- F= tatutes.-F= Each parking lot activity -shall only be -for" *acperiod-not- to exceed thirty.(30) consecutive -days. for private businesses and sixty (60) consecutive days for private .non-profit and charitable organizations within a one calendar year period. -- _ - G: -- The location and activity shall-not-endangei the-publie health, morals,'safety and - welfare - - -- : - -- --- - - • - ------ - - - =-- -- -- - -- - - -=- — r� -3- F-18 . --- • • -= -- -Section_4- Corrections. -'The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including; but•not-limited to, the -correction of the scrivener's/clerical_ errors, references, ordinance numbering, section subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of.the Ordinance, or application of the- _ _-pr-ovisions-of the Ordinance to other persons�or circumstances, is not affected. Section 6 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically --- - delegated to the City legislative body, is not -subject to•referendunr. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. -~ PASSED by the CityCouncil of the Cit of PortAngelesat a regular meeting of said — - Council held on the -- day of January, 2010. MAYOR ATTEST-: - - APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ - Janessa Hurd, -City -Clerk- : -_. William E.-Bloor, City Attorney PUBLTSHED: January- 2016 By Summary G:\Legel_Backup\ORDINANCES&RFSOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES.2009V44 • Chapter 14-Buikluµ{ Cude.11,1909.wpd C, -4- F-19 t MUNCIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 09-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Proposed amendments to Chapters 14 (Building and Signs) and 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relative to providing clarification of existing regulations, including definition that is-lacking, and identifying zoning of -- - properties thafliave lieeri vacate .-_- Community and-Economic Development -Director West reviewed staff s report and noted one additional amendment to Section 14.40.160 Parking Lot Activity Standards such that it is clearly identified that each activity may be for a consecutive period of days.. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. In discussing proposed amendments to Section 1436.090(B) Removal of Prohibited-and _ Nonconforming Signs, Planning Manager_Roberds indicated-that the current wording reflects the changes "suggested by the Commission during the November work-session on the amendments. Mike Millar, ASM Signs, 1327 East First Street noted the importance of the ability to protect a conforming electronic (or lit) sign in the event a business closes by providing a blank face over the sign mechanics to protect from the elements until such time as a new business is located on the site. Commissioners and staff discussed the matter and concluded that if a blank face is present there -is no sign, and therefore a conforming sign structure could rertj-ain for up .to -one year from the date of closure of the previous business use with a potential extension as is provided -by the proposed amendment in the event a new business does not locate within one year from the date of closure of1he previous business. Staff agreed that the intent is -to cause the removal of derelict nonconforming structures. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Commissioner Beier moved to recommend approval of Municipal Code Amendment MCA 09-02 as proposed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and passed 6 - 0. TAm i nutes\2009\120909draft F-20 J • • WASH ING TO N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 15, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities - SUBJECT: Clallam County Shared Resource Conservation Manager Program Summary: The Shared Resource Conservation Manager Program is a new program created by the Washington State Department of Commerce The Program's purpose is to assist cities and counties in establishing and implementing long-term energy efficiency strategies. Recommendation: Support Clallam County's. initial proposal under the Shared Resource Conservation Manager Program. Background/Analysis: The Shared Resource Conservation Manager (RCM) Program is sponsored by the Washington State Department -of Commerce and is administered by Washington _ State University's (WSU) Extension Energy Program. For a limited time, the sponsors are offering a grant of $75,000 per partnership to provide about 40% of the funding for an initial two year period. The anticipated cost -share for the prospective partners is estimated to be $125,000. A RCM is an individual who supports an organization's energy and resource efficiency program. This is done through improved practices, greater attention to utility billings and the installation and use of resource management equipment. According to the sponsors, previous RCM Program efforts have provided a 10% overall savings on utility bills beginning in the first year. On behalf of local eligible entities, Clallam County indicates that it plans to submit an initial proposal for the grant funds later this month. The proposed partnership includes the City -of Port Angeles, the City of Sequim, Olympic Medical Center, Clallam Transit, and Clallam County as the lead agency. In the event the initial proposal is accepted, Clallam County will be submitting a full proposal for the grant in early -January. If Clallam County is offered a grant, staff will return to the City Council to consider an interlocal agreement to participate in the program. That agreement may include the City providing financial support to the partnership at a level commensurate to the expected future benefits likely to be received by the City. The Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to support Clallam County's initial proposal under the Shared RCM Program. N•\CC01 NCIL\FINAL\Clallam County Shared RCM Program.doc H-1 JO RT NGELES WAS H I N G T O N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 15, 2009 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: - Dry Creek Water Association Special Service Agreement Summary: In May of 2005, the City entered into an Interagency Water Facilities Agreement with the Dry Creek Water Association. The Agreement discussed transfer of customers as service areas change during annexations, and the need for Special Service Agreements to address water service by one agency in another agency's service area. A Special Service Agreement has been negotiated to address water customers in a portion of the Western Urban Growth Area annexed in 2005. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a Special Service Agreement with the Dry Creek Water Association and, authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background / Analysis: In 2005, the City annexed a portion of the Western Urban Growth Area to support economic growth. In May of 2005, the City entered into an Interagency_ Water Facilities Agreement (IWFA) with the Dry Creek Water Association (DCWA). The IWFA addresses service area boundaries, sales of facilities, and new development. It also outlines the terms to enter into Special Service Agreements (SSA) that address water service to existing DCWA customers that are inside the City. The attached SSA was negotiated over the past four years, and is now ready for consideration. The SSA covers water service to customers in the area annexed in 2005 as follows: 1. Current DCWA water customers in the annexed area west of Eclipse Industrial Parkway will continue to be served by DCWA facilities, but become! customers of the City. These customers (3 commercial and 5 residential) will be billed at regular City water rates. The City will pay DCWA a wholesale water rate that is their regular water rate plus 20%. 2. Existing DCWA water customers that are now inside the City and located east of Eclipse Industrial Parkway and south of highway US 101 will be disconnected from DCWA and served through City water facilities. These customers (6 commercial and 4 residential) are in the annexed area between Gakin Road and Eclipse Industrial Parkway. The City will purchase the service rights for these customers from DCWA. The net cost will be approximately $25,000. N•\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\DCWA Special Services Agreement.doc • • December 15, 2009 City Council - - -- Re: DCWA Special Services Agreement Page 2 • The -cost to execute thea agreement is approximately $89 938. The final cost reflects interestpayments g pp Y associated with plant value, Part A of Exhibit "B", and net revenue, Part C of Exhibit `B." The attached agreement reflects a cost of approximately $5,100 morethan the anticipated final cost for severance costs- Part B of Exhibit "B." At the time of publishing the City Council packet, this item was still under discussion. The DCWA customers to be connected to the City water system will pay to the City their refund for surrendering their membership in the DCWA. Residential and commercial customers should receive a refund of $5,000 and $7,500 respectively. This will return to the City approximately $65,000 which will adjust the net cost to approximately $25,000. Funds are identified in the Water Utility for this agreement. After action is taken by the City Council, the DCWA will consider the agreement. It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign.a Special Service _ Agreement with the Dry Creek Water Association and, authorize the City Manager to make lninor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Attachment: Special Service Agreement • • H-3 SPECIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT #1 BETWEEN - - CITY OF PORT ANGELES > • - - -- AND DRY CREEK WATER ASSOCIATION. INC This special service agreement is made and entered into the Is` of December 2009, by and between Dry Creek Water Association, Inc. (hereinafter called the Association) and City of Port Angeles (hereinafter called the City). WHEREAS, on May 3, 2005, the Association and City signed an Interagency Water Facilities Agreement, which may hereafter be called the IWFA; and WHEREAS, the Association and City desire to enter into this Agreement to address provision of potable water to current customers of the Association located within the City limits; and WHEREAS, the Association and City desire to enter into this Agreement to address the sale to the City of certain Association facilities located within the City limits; and, NOW, THEREFORE IT IS AGREED between the parties hereto as follows: 1. Incorporation: The IWFA is incorporated herein by this reference. 2.� Special Service To Be Provided By The Association: a. Pursuant to the IWFA, the City requested a special service agreement with the Association for properties inside the city limits, south of Hwy 101, and west of Eclipse Industrial Parkway, which may hereafter be referred to as "the special service area." b. This special service agreement specifies the conditions and charges for service pursuant to Exhibit "C" of the IWFA. c. The parties agree that the special service area qualifies fora special service agreement under the conditions stated in the IWFA.- d. The water customers within the special service area shown in Exhibit "D-2" of the IWFA are and shall be customers of the City's water utility. The Association agrees to provide and. be: responsible for potable water service to and as required b' City's water customers within the special service area shown in Exhibit "A" of the IWFA. As consideration for the special service to be provided by the Association pursuant to this Agreement, the City shall pay the Association - - compensation as provided in Section 6 below. • H-4 • 3. Sale of Facilities: -The City, as:part of this agreement, is purchasing a portion of the Association's system -(excluding the distribution main lines) currently serving properties within -the City -limits located south of Hwy 101 and east of the special service area depicted in Exhibit "D-2" of the IWFA. The facilities to be transferred, the purchase price for the facilities, and the customers served by the facilities all are set forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto and made a part of this agreement. b. For purchase of the facilities, the City agrees to pay to the Association the sum of $82,360.15, as detailed in Exhibit `B"- Calculation of Purchase Terms, plus interest from and after December 1, 2005, at 7.45% per annum to the date it shall become due in accordance with paragraph ;3.c. below. The parties agree to pursue in good faith closing of the transaction on or before December 31, 2009. c. Payment shall become due on the date, the -Association provides to the City and the City accepts.a bill of sale and other documents as appropriate to convey to the City all right, title and ownership in and to the said water system. d. The water customers identified in Exhibit B are and shall be customers of the City's water utility. The City agrees to provide and be responsible for potable water service to and as required by the City's water customers identified in Exhibit B. 0e. The City and the Association acknowledge that water service to the customers identified in Exhibit B must be disconnected from the Association's supply lines and then reconnected to the City's,supply lines. The parties agree that they shall coordinate the work of disconnection and reconnection so that the customers experience the shortest possible loss of water service. 4. Term: This agreement shall become effective on this 1St day of December 2009. It shall remain in effect until terminated as provided below. 5. Duration and Termination of Agreement: This Agreement shall continue in force and effect until terminated in accordance with the following procedures: - - The Association may terminate this Agreement at any time upon receiving the* consent of the City; After December 1, 2014, City may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the Association at least sixty (60) days notice prior to termination; Additionally, after December 1, 201.4, the Association may tenninate this Agreement upon one hundred eighty (180) days notice to City when, in the reasonable opinion of U H-5 2 f — -- the Association, the pre -conditions set forth in Section 11 of the Interagency • - — —=--Agreement are no longer applicable to this Agreement: In such event, at the _ expiration of the notice period, the City shall proceed" to implement -service in the -- - - _ -- --- - __---manner-and subject to the time frame set forth in Section 6 -of the Interagency Agreement. 6. Payment for Water to Special Service Area: From and after the effective date of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Association, a monthly amount to be calculated in accordance with the Exhibit "C", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference The parties agree that the Association is entitled to payment from the City of the 20% surcharge set forth in C for the period included in billings beginning with May 2005 through November 2009, together with interest on the surcharges due at the rate of 7.45% per annum from the date of each original billing to the date paid. The Association shall recalculate past -due 20% surcharges, plus applicable -interest thereon, and submit an invoice to the City therefor within ten (10) days of the effective date of this Agreement. The balance due shall be paid on or before December 31, 2009. 7. Changes to Agreement: Changes in the terms and conditions of this special service agreement may be made at any time upon the mutual -consent of both parties. Either party desiring a change shall given the other party written notice. The notice shall;contain-the desired changes and -- -- with a full explanation of the reasons for the changes. If, the parties hereto cannot mutually agree to the proposed changes, the agreement shall remain unchanged. 8. IIold Harmless: The City agrees, upon completion of the transfer of the water facilities, to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Association and its officials, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims for damages or any other relief due'to property damage, personal injury, or any other form of loss arising from acts or failures to act occurring after the date of the transfer and from the ownership or operation of the transferred facilities. The City agrees to accept facilities as is with no warranty as to condition or suitability for use by the City except as otherwise provided in the IWFA. - The Association agrees, upon completion of the transfer of the water facilities, to ____indemnify,_defend=and.hold:harniless the City and its officials, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims for damages or any other relief due to property damage, personal injury, or any other form of loss arising from acts or failures to act occurring prior to the date of the transfer and from the ownership or operation of the transferred facilities. • M • 9. Arbitration: — 'The:par(es agree that any dispute with regard to the interpretation or enforcement of this special service agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration conducted pursuant to the arbitration statutes of the State of Washington in effect at the time of the dispute. 10. Authority: Each party warrants that the undersigned representative has full and complete legal authority to sign .for it and to commit it to the performance of the agreement set forth herein. 11. Priority. This Agreement is intended to implement provisions of the IWFA, and the parties have not intended to create any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the IWFA. However, in the event of any conflict between the terms of the agreements, the 1WFA shall control. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the SPECIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT to be duly signed and executed in two counterparts as of the day and year first above written. ATTEST: ATTEST: James Critchfield, President of the Board Gary Braun, Mayor Dry Creek Watcr Association, Inc. City of Port Angeles ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk City of Port Angeles - - _ APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, Attorney City of Port Angeles • G.XLcgal Das,ktiplAGRFT;l N &COTdTRACTS0009 Agrmts&Con1raetsV)CWA.Specia1 Services Agmit.12.02.09 FinaLdoc H-7 4 • H-8 EXHIBIT «A" PROPERTY OWN RS Richard Owen 1930 West Hwy 101 Residential Service (3/4") Richard Owen 1938 West Hwy 101 Residential Service (3/4") Lynda Erdmann Eshom 2010 West Hwy 101 Commercial Service (3/4") Mrs. Charles Nyhus 2156 West Hwy 101 Residential Service (3/4") Kurt Bruch 2346 West Hwy 101 Commercial Service (3/4') B&D Inc.. _ 2358 West Hwy 101 Commercial Service (3/4") William Smith 2414 West Hwy 101 Residential Service (3/4") Donna Jacobsen 51 Cameron Road = Residential Service (314") • H-8 • • EXHIBIT "B" CALCULATION OF PURCHASE TERMS Purchase Price for Transfer of Facilities: The purchase price shall be compensation based on five (5) years of net revenue plus plant value plus severance costs. Any sums paid to Dry Creek Water Association by the City of Port Angeles pursuant to Section 9 of the IWFA will not be included in acquisition costs. A. PLANT VALUE: Current replacement costs for all system facilities multiplied by the depreciation factor of 2% per year through year 45 and 90% per year thereafter. Trenching and labor costs for underground services are not included. 4.45% annual yield rate plus 3% charge are included. Detail Service Expenditures DOT Road Permit 3/ water line 2" steel casing under Hwy 4" service saddle Customer shut off valve Corporation stop 3/ "PRV Unit Meter setter 3/ " service meter Meter boxes $27.00 ($00.37 -per lineal foot -LF) ($03.51 per lineal foot -LF) $30.84 $ 7.45 $27.32 $58.83 $54.05 $38.95 $41.16 Customer #1— (Patsy Triggs —1248 West Hwy 101.) - $1003.28 x 60% (1988) = $601.97 x 7.45% ($44.85) = $646.82 (121 LF plus detail service expenditures) Customer #2 — (Ronald Richmond Estate - 1246 West Hwy 10 1) - $303.37 x 38% (1977) = $115.28 x 7.45% ($8.59) = $123.87'(121 LF plus detail service expenditures minus - --- - - permit & casing) - — - Customer #3 — (Kenneth Spencer —1330 West Hwy 101) - $1003.28 x 12% (1964) _ $120.39 x 7.45% ($8.97) = $129.36 (1'21 LF plus detail service expenditures) Customer #4 — (Kenneth Patterson— 31 Benson Road) - $1003.28 x 12% (1964) _ $120.39 x 7.45% ($8.97) = $129.36 (121 LF plus detail service expenditures) H-9 Customer -#5 - (Bruch & Bruch -1706 West Hwy 101) - $855.64 x 30% (1973) _ - - - 4256.69 x 7.45% ($19:12) = $275.81 (83 LF plus detail.service expenditures) = Customer #6 - (Jeffrey Young -1708 West Hwy 10 1) - $289.31 x 68% (1992) = $196.73 x 7.45% ($14.66) = $211.39 (83 LF plus detail service expenditures minus permit & casing) Customer 47 - (Richard Katt -1734 West Hwy 101) - $855.64 x 78% (1997) = $667.40 x 7.45% ($49.72) _ $717.12 (83 LF plus detail service expenditures) Customer #8 - (Lakeside Industries - Lot #2 - Eclipse Parkway) - $855.64 x 78% (1997) -- _ $667.40 x 7.45% ($49.72) = $717.12 (83 LF phis detail service expenditures) Customer #9 - (NC Machinery - 73 Eclipse Parkway) - $289.31 x 78% (1997) = $225.66 x 7.45%.($16.81) = $242.47 (83 -LF plus detail service expenditures minus permit & casing) Customer #10 - (Richard Kott-1734 West Hwy 101) - $855.64 x 50% (1983) = $427.82 x 7.45% ($31.87) = $459.69) (83 LF plus detail service expenditures) One time $2,000.00 capital costs for fees agreed upon by Dry Creek Water Association and the City of Port Angeles. Subtotal, fart A= $5.653.01 B. SEVERANCE COSTS: - All costs mutually agreed upon by Dry Creek Water Association and the City of Port Angeles associated with the transfer of customers including but not limited to removing interconnecting pipes, facilities, and meteis and administration costs. Detailed Severance Expenditures Operator, Equipment, Laborer (2 hrs/open-close work main) $258.00 Maintenance Worker (2 hrs/open-close work main) $ 48.00 Administration (1 hr administration work) $ 31.00 Totals $337.00 -.- --- .-•---.:--Membership Reimbursement (Residential (primary) $5,000.00 _ Commercial (Secondary) $7,500.00 4.45% annual yield rate plus 3% charge are included. - - - H-10 is • • • Customer #1- (Patsy Triggs -1248 West Hwy 101) Residential Membership = $5,337.00 x 7.45% ($397.61) = $5,734.61 'Custoiffd ##2 - (Ronald Richmond Estate -1246 West Hwy 10 1) : - - ' - Commercial Membership = $7,837.00 x 7.45% ($583.86) = $8,420.86 Customer #3 - (Kenneth Spencer -1330 West Hwy 101) Residential Membership = $5,337.00 x 7.45% ($397.61) = $5,734.61 Customer #4 - (Kenneth Patterson - 31 Benson Road) Residential Membership = $5,337.00 x 7.45% ($397.61) = $5,734.61 - Customer #5 - (Bruch &Bruch -1706 West Hwy I01) . Commercial Membership = $7,837.00 x 7.45% ($583.86) = $8,420.86 Customer #6 - (Jeffrey Young -1708 West Hwy 10 1) Residential Membership = $5,337.00 x 7.45% ($397.61) - $5,734.61 Customer #7 - (Richard Kott -1734 West Hwy 10 1) Commercial Membership = $7,837.00 x 7.45% ($583.86) = $8,420.86 Customer #8 - (Lakeside Industries - Lot #2 - Eclipse Parkway) Commercial Membership = $7,837.00 x 7.45% ($583.86) = $8,420.86 • Customer #9 - (NC Machinery - 73 Eclipse Parkway) Commercial Membership = $7,837.00 x 7.45% ($583.86) = $8,420.86 Customer #10 - (Richard Kott -1734 West Hwy 101) Commercial Membership = $7,837.00 x 7.45% ($583.86) = $8,420.86 Subtotal, fart B = $73,463.60 C. NET REVENUE: Five years worth of net revenue from transferred customers as determined by the following formula: Customer Monthly Billing Amount (W) x Annual Net Revenue Factor (W) = Five years the sum of the most recent 12 customer monthly billing - amount for each transferring customer. ® = Annual operating revenue from the most recent annual financial staternent minus annual operating expenses for the same financial C, statement with the remainder divided by operating revenues. The annual --.:.=.= _---:financialatafierrrent-is included as Attachment "1"to Exhibit "B". Operating Revenue minus Operating Expenses $404,666. minus $239,093. _----------------------------------------------------- =----------------------- = .59 Operating Revenue $404,666 - Customer #1-- (Patsy Triggs -1248 West Hwy 10 1) (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) _ $314.74 x 5 years = $1,573.70 x;59 = $645.22 x 7.45% ($48.07) = $693.29 Customer #2 - (Ronald Richmond Estate -1246 West Hwy 10 1) (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) = $321.44 x 5 years = $1,607.20 x.59 = $658.95 x _-- �- - --- 7.45%_($49.09).= $708.04-- -- Customer #3 -(Kenneth Spencer -1330 West Hwy 101) (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) = $375.06 x 5 years= $1,875.30 x.59= $768.87 x 7.45% ($57.28) = $826.15 Customer #4 - (Kenneth Patterson - 31 Benson Road) - (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) = $384.81 x 5 years = $1,924.05 x.59 = $788.86 x 7.45% ($58.77) = $847.63 Customer #5 - (Bruch & Bruch - 1706 West Hwy 10 1) • (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) = $339.87 x 5 years = $.1,699.35 x.59 = $696.73 x 7.45% ($51.91) = $748.64 Customcr #6 - (Jeffrey Young -1708 West Hwy 101) - (W) = 2008 .billings (12 months) = $370.29 x 5 years = $1,851.45 x.59 = $759.09 x 7.45% ($56.55) = $815.64 Customer #7 - (Richard Kott -1734 West Hwy 101) (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) = $1,065.53 x 5 years = $5,327.65 x .59 = $2,184.34 x 1.45% ($162.73) = $2,347.07 Customer 48 - (Lakeside Industries - Lot #2 - Eclipse Parkway) . (W) = 2008 billings (12 months) = $445.21 x 5 years = $2,226.05 x .59 = $912.68 x 7.45% ($67.99) = $980.58 (NC Machinery - 73 Eclipse Parkway) ' =-s- lings (12 months) = $295.12 x 5 years= 91,475.60 x.59 = $605.00 x = $650.07 H-12 • Customer #10 — (Richard Kota— 1734 West Hwy 101) - _---:-"-,-'---'(W)=2008 billings (12 months) =S278.18 x 5 years= $1,391.90x.59=-$570.68 x 7.45% ($42.52) = $613.20 Subtotal, Part C = $9,230.31 Total Due for Purchase of Facilities under Exhibit B = $88,346.92 • • H-13 DRY CREEK WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. STATEMENTS OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES'IN ASSOCIATION'S EQUITY • FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2008, AND 2007 ---- - — .- =- - — - -_ -- .2008 - - REVENUES Water Assessments $ 261,886.87 Interest Income 47,887.29 Elwha Project 93,317.20 Other Income 1,574.52 Total Revenues 404,665.88 EXPENSES Accounting Fees 1,409.68 Bank Charges 968.27 Dues and Subscriptions 775.50 Depreciation .34,868.00 Insurance _ - T 5,608.97 _ Leases _ 1,500.00.-- Meals and Entertainment 651.64 Office Supplies : 2,795.35 Other Expenses 5,568.34 Salaries and Wages 91,396.00 Taxes - Payroll = 6,754.67 Taxes - Other 13,572.28 Telephone 1 3,090.37 Travel and Lodging 2,741.43 Training and Seminars 50.00 Utilities .14,593.73 Line Extension Fees - Elwha Mitigation Expenses 2,772.20 Water System Expenses 49,976.59 Total Expenses 239,093.02 Excess (Deficit) Revenue Over Expenses 165,572.86 Membership Fees 45,695.00 Association's Equity - Beginning of the Year 1,153,481.20 Association's Equity - End of the Year q ty � 1,364,749.06 ATTACHMENT 1 '- H-14 I -H 64C» SPECIAL SERVICE TERMS Customers served under this special service agreement are the customers of the City of Port Angeles, receiving water service by agreement from Dry Creek Water Association. 1. Definitions: "Special service water rate". Dry Creek Water Association will charge the established --Association- customer rate (residential or commercial, as the case may be) plus twenty percent (20%). 2. Facility Costs Associated with Special Service Agicements: All costs of new or improved facilities in order to provide water pursuant to this special service agreement shall be baine by the City. These costs shaff include but not be limited to the cost of providing meters and disconnect between the facilities of the two parties when applicable. Payment of costs by the City shall be made within forty-five (45) days -- - of invoice by the Association upon completion of the project. The Association as owner of the existing facilities shall be responsible for maintenance of the existing facilities. 3. Special Service Charges:The Association shall provide monthly statements to the City of the total metered consumption of all customers included in this special service agreement. Special service conditions and charges for this service will be as follows: % Residential Service: $25.00 Monthly Base Rate 0-499 cubic feet = $.005 per cubic feet 500-999 cubic feet = $.010 per cubic feet 1006-1499 cubic feet = $.015 per cubic feet 1500-1999 cubic feet = $.020 per cubic feet _.•........ , - —,_..,_...2600-1= cubic -feet = $.-025'-Der Plus 20% = Total Billing '/4 Commercial Service: $28.50 Monthly Base Rate up to 1,000 cubic feet 0-499 cubic feet = $.005 per cubia:feet 500-999 cubic feet = $.010 per cubic feet - • H-15 i f f $38.00 Monthly Base Rate from 1001 to 1999 cubic feet "- 1000-1499 cubic feet = $.015 per cubic feet 1500-1999 cubic feet = $.020 per cubic feet = $48.00 Monthly Base Rate from 2000 cubic feet and over 2000 -over cubic feet = $.025 per cubic feet Plus 20% = Total. Bi11in If a rate change happens by the membership of the Association before the termination of this agmement, Dry Creek Water Association will submit change agreement request to this special service agreement. H-16 • • _ EXHIBIT f Gc-17 SPECIAL SERVICE TERMS _ Payment for Water to Special Service Area: From and after the effective date of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Association, a monthly amount to be calculated in accordance with Exhibit "C", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The calculations below include monthly billings from May 2005 through October 2009. Customer -#1 - (Patsy Triggs - 1248 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,422.98 x 20% surcharge = $284.60 Customer #2 - (Ronald Richmond Estate- 1246 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009billings = $1,313.67 x 20% surcharge = $262.73 Customer 43 - (Kenneth Spencer -1330' West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,800.95 x 20% surcharge = $360.19 Customer #4 - (Kenneth Patterson. - 31 Benson -Road) 2005-2009 billings = $1,433.44 x 20% surcharge = $286.69 • Customer #5 - (Bruch & Bruch -1706 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $2,899.07 x 20% surcharge = $579.81 Customer #6 - (Jeffrey Young -1708 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $3,000.46 x 20% surcharge = $600.09 Customer #7 - (Richard Kott -1734 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $3,817.67 x 20% surcharge = $763.53 Customer 98 - (Lakeside Industries - Lot #2 - Eclipse Parkway) 2005-2009 billings = $1,568.86 x 20% surcharge = $313.77 Customer #9 - (NC Machinery - 73 Eclipse Parkway) 2005-2009 billings = $1,349.32 x 20% surcharge = $269.86 Customer #10 - (Richard Kott -1734 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $1,255.42 x 20% surcharge = $251.08 Customer #11- (Richard Owen -1930 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $1,337.93 x 20% surcharge = $267.59 • H-17 0 Customer #�12 — (Richard Owen -1938 West Hwy 101) _ 2005=2009 billings'= $1;295.30-x 20% surcharge = $259.06 - Customer #13 — ( Lynda Erdmann Eshom -2010 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $2,117.65 x 20% surcharge = $423.53 Customer #14 — (Mrs. Charles Nyhus-2156 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $2,084.22 x 20% surcharge = $416.84 Customer #15 — (Kurt Bruch -2346 West Hwy 10 1) - 2005-2009 billings = $1,460.75 x 20% surcharge = $292.15 Customer #16 — (B&D Inc -2258 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,708.29 x 20% surcharge = $341.66 Customer #17 — (William Smith -2414 West Hwy 1.01) .. 2005-2009 billings= $1,604.81 x 20% surcharge= $320.96 Customer #18 — (Donna Jacobsen -51 Cameron Road) 2005-2009 billings= $1,954.14 x 20% surcharge= $390.83 Total Due: $6,684.97 Grand Total Due. $95,031,89 • 0 SPECIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT #1 BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND DRY CREEK WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. Errata Sheet I. Page 1(H-4): Paragraph 2.d.line 4; delete "of the IWFA" 2. Page 2 (H-5): Paragraph 3.b. line 2; delete "$82,360.15" insert "$83,253.32" 3. Page 3 (H-6): Paragraph 6. line6; delete "November" insert "December" 4. Page 3 (H-6): Paragraph 6. Insert at the end of the paragraph "The time period May 2005 through December 2009 is included in this agreement for reimbursement from the City to the Association as Exhibit "C-1" 5. Page 9 (H-11): On the line for Subtotal, Part B delete "$73,463.60" insert "$68,370.00" 6. Page 11 (H-13): On the line for Total Due for Purchase of Facilities under Exhibit B delete "$88,346.92" insert "$83,253.32" 7. Replace pages 14 (H-17) and 15 (H-18): Changes are highlighted EXHIBIT "C-1 " SPECIAL SERVICE TERMS Payment for Water to Special Service Area: From and after the effective date of this agreement, the City shall pay to the Association, a monthly amount to be calculated in accordance with Exhibit "C", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The calculations below include monthly billings from May 2005 through December 2009. Customer #1 — (Patsy Triggs — 1248 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,451.61 x 20% surcharge = $290.32 Customer #2 — (Ronald Richmond Estate— 1246 West Hwy 10 1 2005-2009billings = $1,342.42, x 20% surcharge = $268.48; Customer #3 — (Kenneth Spencer — 1330 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $1,834.86, x 20% surcharge = $366.97 Customer #4 — (Kenneth Patterson — 31 Benson Road) 2005-2009 billings = $1,460.15 x 20% surcharge = $292.03 Customer #5 — (Bruch & Bruch — 1706 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $2,929.66 x 20% surcharge = $585.93 Customer #6 — (Jeffrey Young — 1708 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $3,031.22 x 20% surcharge = $606.24 Customer #7 — (Richard Kott — 1734 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $3,862.39 x 20% surcharge = $772.48, Customer #8 — (Lakeside Industries — Lot #2 — Eclipse Parkway) 2005-2009 billings = $1,597.84 x 20% surcharge = $319.57 Customer #9 — (NC Machinery — 73 Eclipse Parkway) 2005-2009 billings = $1,378.91 x 20% surcharge = $275.78 Customer #10 — (Richard Kott — 1734 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $1,284.25, x 20% surcharge = $256.85 Customer #11 —(Richard Owen -1930 West Hwy 101) 2005-2009 billings = $1,365.28 x 20% surcharge = $273.06 14 Customer #12 — (Richard Owen -1938 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,321.75 x 20% surcharge = $264.35, Customer # 13 — ( Lynda Erdmann Eshom -2010 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $2,145.99 x 20% surcharge = $429.26 Customer #14 — (Mrs. Charles Nyhus-2156 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $2,110.69 x 20% surcharge = $422.14 Customer # 15 — (Kurt Bruch -2346 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,528.69, x 20% surcharge = $305.74 Customer # 16 — (B&D Inc -2258 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,737.68 x 20% surcharge = $347.54 Customer #17 — (William Smith -2414 West Hwy 10 1) 2005-2009 billings = $1,632.76 x 20% surcharge = $326.55 Customer #18 — (Donna Jacobsen -51 Cameron Road) 2005-2009 billings = $1,984.40 x 20% surcharge = $396.88 Total Due: $6,800.11, Grand Total Due: $90,053.43 15 • PQ, "ORT NGELES • - G T O N U. S. A. `- WAS H { N , ,7.. r= F CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 15, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act Mandatory Standards Determination Summary: The City is required by the Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 to make determinations on four new Electric Utility standards embodied in the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act. Recommendation: 1) Continue/close the public hearing, 2) Consider final testimony by staff and the public, 3) Make a determination on whether or not each standard is appropriate for adoption by the Electric Utility on behalf of its customers, and 4) Consider passing the - resolution. - - - - is Background/Analysis: In accordance with the Public Utility -Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) as amended by Section 1307 of the Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 (EISA), all electric utilities in the United States of America must consider four new standards. The new standards that must be considered include: 1) an investment in a qualified "Smart Grid" system, 2) providing Smart Grid information to electric customers, 3) should the City conduct integrated resource planning, and 4) rate design modifications that promote energy efficiency. Although PURPA mandates the City must consider the standards, it allows the City Council to snake a determination if it is appropriate to implement or decline each standard. The City commenced its consideration of the four standards as required by this unfunded mandate upon the approval of City Council on November 18, 2008. As part of this commencement, a public notice was published in the Peninsula Daily News and the notice was posted on the City's - --- website. -Following a -presentation by staff, City Council opened a -public hearing -to receive written comments and testimony from the public at its November 17, 2009 meeting. To -date, no public comments have been received. City Council is now being asked to continue the public hearing and to consider any final testimony presented by staff and the public. Council will then be asked to - —close the publi-0 - - ng and to make a determination on whether or not-each=standard is appropriate for adoption by the Electric Utility on behalf of its customers. The Utility Advisory Committee -forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to pass -- -- - - the=proposed resolution regarding the PURPA standards. Attachment: Proposed resolution regarding the PURPA standards. NACCOUNCILFINALPURPA Mandatory Considerations.doc J _ 1 - -- - - - --- ---- - - — -- RESOLUTION NO.: - - - - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port- Angeles; Washington, adopting Findings and Conclusions relating to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). r WHEREAS, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 amended the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), requiring certain public utilities consider four new standards, including Integrated Resource Planning, Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments, Consideration of "Smart Grid" Investments, and Smart Grid Information; and WHEREAS, the key goals of PURPA are to encourage: _ 1) Conservation of energy supplied by electric utilities; • 2) Optimization of the efficiency of use of facilities and resources by electric utilities; - 3) Equitable rates to electric consumers; and WHEREAS, the City currently integrates energy efficiency resources into its plans, and has adopted policies establishing cost-effective energy efficiency as a priority; and WHEREAS, the City is planning to double its energy conservation program during the 2010-2014 time period and may consider modifications to retail -rates to further promote energy efficiency in the future; and -- _ -- WHEREAS, the City is planning to implement an Advanced Metering Infrastructure project for its electric utility that is the necessary technology to enable future Smart Grid services to its customers when they become available; and J-2 WHEREAS, the City is subject to the requirements of PURPA; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, being the governing body of the City's electric utility did, after public notice, hold public hearings on the 17t° of November 2009 and the 15' of December 2009 to consider and discuss the adoption of Findings and Conclusions relating to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). NOW, THEREFORE-, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Findings and Conclusions attached as Exhibit A. Section 2. - -Based on the Findings and Conclusions, the City Council decides and declares: • -2.1- Integrated Resource Planning: Since the City already has adopted policies, specifically tailored to the City's utility system, that integrates cost-effective energy efficiency as a priority, the City of Port Angeles should not adopt the Integrated Resource Planning standard because the increased cost and complexity of compliance with that standard exceeds any benefit beyond the City's already adopted policies. 2.2 Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments: Because the City already has adopted a long-range plan to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency, the City of Port Angeles should not adopt Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments standard at this time, but should reconsider the standard in, 2010 for possible adoption in 2011. 2.3 Consideration of "Smart Grid" Investments: The City declares its commitment to the Smart Grid program, but recognized that BPA currently does not provide Smart Grid services to the City. Therefore, the City of Port Angeles should not adopt the Smart Grid Investments standard at this time, but should reconsider the standard after the Bonneville Power Administration provides wholesale Smart Grid services to the City. - • -2- J-3 --_ _—_-_ - ----- 2.4" - Smart Grid Information: _ Recognizing that the.City_'s 2010 b_udgetincludes funds to implement Advanced = - - -Metering Infrasfructure for the electric utility, and that Advanced Metering Infrastructure must - -- - ---be-in-place-before Smart Grid services can be enabled, the City of Port Angeles-should not adopt- : - the Smart Grid Information standard at this time, but-should reconsider -the-standard after the proposed Advanced Metering Infrastructure project is completed. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December, 2009. MAYOR - -"-- -- - —" "ATTEST: - APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney --- G•U.egal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS.2009\31.PURPA.110209 wpd, December 10, 2009 -3- --------- - - - -- - - - • EXHIBIT "A" - _ Based on the evidence presented at the public hearing conducted-on.November. 17t, 2009, the City Council makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT: - The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 amended the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), requiring public utilities with annual sales greater than 500 Million kWh to consider four new standards, including integrated Resource Planning, Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments, Consideration of "Smart Grid" Investments and Smart Grid Information; and- 1) nd 1) With regard to the Integrated Resource Planning standard; a) Port Angeles currently integrates energy efficiency resources into its plans, and has adopted policies establishing cost-effective energy efficiency as a priority resource. Energy efficiency resources are currently obtained by providing incentives to retail _ consumers -for the installation of energy efficient equipment. — — -b) Port Angeles must update its Resource Plan on a regular basis at minimum intervals • of every two years as required by RCW 19.280:030. c) Port Angeles must submit an Electric Utility Resource Plan to the Washington = Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development by September 1, 2010 as required by RCW 19.280.030, which will incorporate cost-effective energy efficiency measures as a priority resource. d) Port Angeles would not benefit from the increased complexity -and cost of conducting an integrated resource planning based on the City's historically low growth rates.- - 2) With regard to the Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments; a) Port .Angeles currently provides utility incentives for the delivery of cost-effective energy_efficiency, and_promotes energy efficiency investments to its customers. b) Port Angeles currently operates an energy conservation program in cooperation with the Bonneville Power Administration, which in turn develops it energy conservation program with the input from. the Power Plans t_liat_-aredeveloped by.the Northwest - Power and Conservation Council. c) Port Angeles is proposing to double its energy conservation program during the 2010- --- - ::_-_20141ime-period------ - — - - - d) Port Angeles will be conducting a study in 2010 for electric utility retail rate design alternatives, and may consider modifications to'f n-ther promote energy efficiency in - the future. - - -- - - - - — - -- - - e)Port Angeles-offers-time=of=use rates to all of its retail electric customers. .-f) Port Angeles is committed to cost -based rates and intends to keep the retail cost of electric power as close to the wholesale cost of power as possible. • 3) With regard to the Consideration of "Smart Grid" Investments; .. a) Port Angeles has evaluated both Advanced Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMD technologies since 2006.. _. i) This evaluation has been based on a number of factors, including: 1)Total costs,'* 2) Cost-effectiveness, 3) Improved reliability, 4) Security, 5) System performance, and 6) Societal benefit. b) Port Angeles included an AMI project in its current Capital Facilities Plan for the City's electric, water and wastewater utilities commencing in 2010. i) This project will replace the majority of all existing non -advanced revenue meters now being used by the City's distribution system customers. c) Port Angeles does not currently receive any Smart Grid services or incentives to • reduce its power costs under it present wholesale power sales or wholesale transmission agreements with the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). d) Port Angeles cannot evaluate the costs and benefits of this proposed standard until such time that Smart Grid services are available -on its wholesale power and transmission purchases from the BPA. 4) With regard to the Smart Grid Information; a) Port Angeles now provides consumer information thfough reasonable means other. than a smart grid infrastructure, such as by e-mail, the City's web site, information printed on the bill, and bill inserts. Port Angeles is interested in exploring -the technological capabilities of a smart grid system and will carefully manage the cost of such a system should it ever become a practical method of delivering information concerning time -based wholesale electricity prices along with available retail rates data to its customers. b) Port Angeles now provides its customers with access to the data concerning the sources of power provided by the electric utility, including greenhouse gas emissions associated with each type of generation. This information is provided by means such as by e-mail, the City's web site, information printed on the bill, and bill inserts. • ---- -- 2 -- J - 6 • • c) Port Angeles cannot provide retail Smart Grid information to its electricity customers -until after it completes the proposed AMI project in 2010. d) .-Port Angeles -cannot provide wholesale. Smart Grid information to its customers until such a time as those services are provided to the City by the BPA. e) Port Angeles has already deployed a fiber optic network that links all of its electric utility substations, enab]big future Smart Grid services to its customers when they become available. = - Based on the foregoing Findings, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles makes the following Conclusions: - 1. The City of Port Angeles should not adopt the Integrated Resource -Planning standard because the .increased cost and complexity of compliance with such a standard would exceed any benefits that would be derived from its use. 2. The City of Port Angeles should not adopt additional Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments standard at this time, but should reconsider the standard in 2010. - 3- The City of Port Angeles should not -adopt the Consideration of "Smart Grid" Tnvestments standard at this time; but should reconsider the standard after. the Bonneville Power Administration provides wholesale Smart Grid services to the City. 4. The City of Port Angeles should not adopt the Smart Grid* Information standard at this time, but should reconsider the standard after the proposed Advanced Metcring - Infrastructure project is completed-=--= - DATED this _ _ day -of -December, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor -- — City of Port Angeles-- G:\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS.2009\31.PURPA.Ex9ibit A.I 10409.doc (12/2/2009) 3 J-7 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act Amendments Af PORTgN Phil Lusk ` s Power Resources Manager City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works and Utilities December 15, 2009 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA07) ■ Requires consideration of four new standards ❑ Integrated resource planning ❑ Rate design modifications to promote energy efficiency investments ❑ Smart Grid investments ❑ Smart Grid information 1 Public Comments Since 2008 ■ None Integrated Resource Planning ■ Staff Recommendation ❑ Do not adopt the Integrated Resource Planning standard because the increased cost and complexity of compliance would exceed any benefits derived from it use ■ Continue with state -mandated bi-annual Resource Plan ■ Continue with existing City, state and regional policies establishing cost-effective energy efficiency as a priority resource 2 Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments ■ Staff Recommendation ❑ Do not adopt the Rate Design Modifications to Promote Energy Efficiency Investments at this time, but reconsider the standard in 2010 ■ Continue for now with existing City and regional policies establishing cost-effective energy efficiency as a priority resource Consideration of Smart Grid Investments ■ Staff Recommendation ❑ Do not adopt the Smart Grid Investments standard at this time, but reconsider the standard after the BPA provides wholesale Smart Grid services to the City ■ Continue with existing City efforts to obtain an AMI system for its electric utility customers 3 Smart Grid Information ■ Staff Recommendation o Do not adopt the Smart Grid Information standard at this time, but reconsider it after completion of the proposed Advanced Metering Infrastructure project ■ Continue with existing City efforts of providing information to its electric utility customers 4 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: RTANGELES WASH I N G T O N, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL --MEMO December 15, 2009 CITY COUNCIL NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON PROJECT PERFORMANCE FOR WILDWOOD TERRACE APARTMENTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) Summarv: In March of 2006, the City of Port Angeles was awarded a CDBG grant for rehabilitation of the Wildwood Terrace Apartments. Before the City can close out the grant, the State requires that the City Council formally hold a public hearing on project performance. Recommendation: Conduct the public hearing and authorize the CDBG Chief Administrative Official to sign the close out report. Background / Analysis: In March of 2006, the City of Port Angeles was selected by the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) (now Department of Commerce) to receive a Community Development Block Grant for the Wildwood Terrace Apartments. The Housing Authority of Clallam County utilized these grant funds for the rehabilitation of the development. Prior to signing the final close out report, the City is required to hold a public hearing on project performance. The public hearing was noticed in accordance with the requirements of the 2009 CDBG Manual. It is important to note tharDepartnient of Commerce and City staff evaluated the work done on the project and no additional action is required. A letter from the Department of Commerce is attached. Additionally, staff has attached the required closeout report. Staff recommends that Council authorize the CDBG Chief Administrative Official to sign the - closeout report following the required public hearing. Attachments: Letter from Department of Commerce Closeout Report _ -- J-8 • • • Rif• SrArga� -- - --- - c` 6 N - STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 128 - 10'" Avenue SW-• POBax 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 (360) 725-4000 ID May 18, 2009 The Honorable Gary Braun Mayor of Port Angeles Cay o PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 _ Re: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Contract Number 06-64006-028 Dear Mayor Rogers: On April 13, Diane Norton and I met with Cheryl Possenger, accountant, and Kay Kassinger, Development Manager of the Housing Authority of Clallam County, to -conduct an. on-site;moriitoring of ' the city's Community Developm6nt Block Grant (CDBG), contract number 06:64006 -'029. -'This grant funded the rehabilitation of the Wildwood Terrace low-income apartments. The subrecipient organization for the project is the Housing Authority of Clallam County (HACC). The purpose of this letter is.to summarize the results of my review and to request any corrective actions that must be completed by the city of Port Angeles. Compliance areas reviewed are: • Overall Management System and Record Keeping • " Subrecipients . • National Objectives= Civil Rights -- ------ •--.Environmental Review- --- -------- - - - - --- -. -.- . - Acquisition. • Financial Management -• Relocation • Procurement and Use -df Women- and Minority Owned- - Citizen Participation -- - Business (MWBE - - - - • Progress in .Activities _ • Labor Standards . OVERALL MANAGEMENT AND RECORD KEEPING The project appears to have received appropriate management attention based on .the progress made to date on the project and the record.keeping system presented at the monitoring. All documentation requested thus far during the progress of this project has been submitted on a time basis, and all:'of the additional documentation requested was presented at the on-site monitoring_The city and HACC__ _ :obviously 666perated•and worked diligently to comply with CDBG regulations. No corrective -action is required NATIONAL OBJECTIVES This CDBG project provided funding for the rehabilitation of a 56 -unit apartment complex _that provides housing to -people earning 50% or less -of -the median income in Clallam-County, -and. meets the CDBG low -and moderate.housing -(LMH)-national objective. Housing Authority. of Clallam County (HACC) • collects income data-fromros ective tenant p• p s prior to occupancy and at appropriate intervals for existing tenants to document continued' income eligibility, and was available to substantiate that the occupants adre_ 9 100% low or very -low income. - No corrective action is required The Honorable Gary Braun _---P.age2- - _ - - . • _ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - - - - —The environmental review records were complete and.in-order.Appropriate checklists -and. - determinations were made. 'The project was. found to be exempt under the National Envirohmental Policy Act (NEPA) and categorically exempt under the State Environmental°Policy.Act (SEPA). No corrective action is required. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I reviewed the city's and subrecipient's financial management. system' and found it, satisfactory. Back-up , documentation verifies the grant has been used for CDBG-eligible costs. The city makes timely. - disbursement of funds and ensures internal control while-ma:ffitaining satisfactory records -on project: expenditures and grant receipts. No corrective action is required - PROCUREMENT AND USE OF MINORITY- AND WOMEN -OWNED BTJSINIi;SSES XWBE) The city used the recommended procedures. foe the engineer and contractor procurements. A Request for. Proposals (RFP) procurement was used to procure Zenovic & Associates Engineering. All:of the required, documentation was.included in the advertisement. Verification was made that Zenovic & Associates :. Engineering were not suspended or debarred. An invitation for bid method was used 'fou the procurement of the prime contractor. Hoch Consti-uction was awarded the construcfion-contract; and the required•Bonds were obtained.. All'.of the required documentation v✓a's included' in "the advertisement for bid and bid package. Verification was made that ' Hoch was not suspended or debarred. Isent • The city has a Code of Conduct on file with CDBG. The city both procurement packages to the Washington State Office of Women and Minority -Owned Business Enterprises, as well as the Urban League of Seattle, where it was posted on their websites. No corrective action is required - LABOR STANDARDS - Labor standards 'files are being maintained as required. Certified payrolls are being reviewed - and employee interviews accomplished b�y Kay Kassinger -of the Housing authority.. The-.21—day- he.2l=day-labor laborpackage revealed instances of underpayments to employees by subcontractors. Underpayments have been paid and corrected certified payrolls have been submitted by the subcontractors. Additionally, a Semi-annual Labor Standards Compliance Report Data Form - was completed and submitted. Random sampling of additional certified payrolls received at CTED throughout the project and random sampling.of the certified payrolls and employee - - — - -interviews done -on-site at the monitoring; revealed no. further wage violations.- No corrective •.. -- - action is regidrerl --- - '- -- - SUBRECIPIENT - ----- -_---. --- The subrecipient-organization for the project is the -Housing Authority of Clallaun County (HACC). Kay Kassinger, Development Manager, is the contact. A CDBG compliant subrecipient agreement .between the city and HACC was executed. Verification was done that HACC is not suspended or debarred. Per the on-site monitoring,lbe city monitored the subrecipient on October 1.2, 2008. The city has not - - - submitted a copy of their monitoring to me. The subrecipient has completed and submitted a written Code of Conduct, ADA checklist, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) form.., Fair Housing and EEO posters were on display at the HACC 0 ice. • Corrective Action Required:, Please submit a copy of the results of the city's monitoring of HACC for this project by June 15, 2009. -J - 10 The Honorable Gary Braun Page 3 -- - - -- -- - - CIVIL RIGHTSIIF'A. R HOU; .INGIs'CCTI©N 504/ADA:_ The city submitted a Title -VI Certification, and there. is no evidence that discrimination is occurring in 'the of the protect. - Thecity and subrscipiei t have .copies of the ADA Seli Evaluation Form; EEQ-4 Form and Fair Housing Resolution an file with'CDBG. ,No corrective actibn -is requirett ACQUISITION - _ The Purchase and Sales Agreement for the acquisition of the Wildwood Terrace Apartment was.srgned on Augusv5, 2045;, prior to CDBG involvement in this. project. However, the acquisition appeays'to have met the URA requirements for -a voluntary acquisition `in that the Purchase and Sales Agreement states that the HACC=would hot We its'power of emineni,dornain aiad/or condemnation to acquire he property from the seller, and an appraisal was done to estaablish the .fair market value for the property Maple Properties, LLC, initiated discussions with USDA -RD to Iocating a buyer for the -property:, USDA=RD contacted the T!XCC who agreed to purcliase,the property if it could'successfully negotiate -an agreement _- __with_the -owner of the property, obtain funding for the fair market price of'the propsrty and obtain subsequent funding for the much needed rehabilitation. The bulls of the documentation:for these items: is located on-site with both the city and HACC, however a dopy of the Purchase,and:Sales Agreement and the fair market appraisal are located in the CDBG file. • =-Corrective-Action Reg uiredt-F'or-any future acquisition project that may subsequently dnyolve:GDBG funding, please.refer to -the 2409 CDBG Manageriient.Handbobk, Section 11, in order to more clearly -- document URA Compliance (The Uniform Relocation Assistance anis Real Property Acquisition Policies ._ Act of 1970). Specifically, when acquisition occurs with the intent to seekfederal funding for -the project,. project files must document the owner received one of the following mforinational-notices: I) Voluntary ! acquisition notice for purchasers not using their power of eminent domain, or 2) Voluntary acquisition notice for purchasers without power of eminent domain. Additionally, the following items must be documented in the tiles: 1) Purchaser informs seller -in writing the property will not be acquired if negotiations fail to result in an agreement with the owner of the property; 2) ]Purchaser informs seller iia - writing of the Fair Market Value of the property. This value must be established by -a person familiar with real estate values.and- the basis documented. For high value or complex property acquisitions, an " appraisal is required, and -3) Owners donating property arse similarly irifonried of their rights -under the' • - -URA in writing. RELOCATION = - - - -- The'HACC established a system and-procedures, for codrdinating the relocation.and•non- -di,sp,lacernehf of its tenants,, with the goal ofminimizing airy =adverse impacts of displacement for ---- the tenants. An informational merno,•URA brochures and tFcopy of the temporary relocation plan was mailed to -each tenant and information meetings were held to respond to any questions = - — or coneems- of the tenants. The tenant(s) of each unit scheduled foo- rehab was interviewed .and-- �. -- - provided=a-notice-of iron -displacement.; -The -rehabilitation -was staged so -that four vacant t-•-_-. apartments -were rehal ilitated first. Proper, 9G.d4y written notification -of non-displacement were - - -- _. sent to all `of the tdAahts,who were moved to new units within the complex during the -- - — rehabilitation. None of the tenants chose to be relocated.off-site. None of the tenants -terminated their tenancy during the rehabilitation. All re.Jocation costs were paid for the tenants who were---- - relocated to .different apartment touts. A random sampling of the relocation files during the on-- - -- - site monito ing revealei:l goad documentation of compliance with the UR.A. No complaints - --__----- - -- regarding the relocation or rehabilitation }process were received by the city or H_ ACC_. No - COri•'ectiye-adroit is ietlilil.e(l =- -------- --- - - — , ---- - - -- -- -.- ._ — - The Honorable Gary Braun Page 4-- _-- LEAD -BASED -PAINT -- An inspection by certified- lead-based paint inspectors, during the rehab process, revealed, no - lead`basecl paanf iri't�ie units: 1do-correcdve cdoh is reiidirdd. - __--C-ITTZEN_PARTICIPATIaN- _ The -city -of -Port Angeles has a grievance procedure in place ,and it appears citizens -are inform- ed abcut:the, --- ----- -- ------ - project, No complaints have been feceive- . No corrective dction -is rerfaiired. PROGRESS IN ACTIVITIEES The final product for thi's contract, a completed, reh'abilitatei Vildwood Terrace is approximately 95%, corrrplete. "All'requesfsrfor docurriertfation were campleted.;in a timely mintier. Both .the City said subrecipient appear to'be working cooperatively to complete the -project on time aqd -in compliance with all CDBG regtilatioris. No corrective action is reauireil IN SUMMARY- - - - - The project is approximately -95% Ornplete. The'five percent retainage balance of $44,657,45 is; , remaining on this grant, and Will be paid -when the project'is coriaplete and the final closeout forrA Inas - been received in this office. It is anticipated that this balance Will be expended for additional eligible • _ CDBG costs for the project. Please inform me if any of the balance of this grant will- rernain .after the project is complete; as fhese funds will be deobligated° Please subinit a copy city's monitoring of the subrecipient'by June 15, 2009. Enclosed is a,copy - - �- of the Grantee Closeout Report. Please complete this form and submit it to me, as -soon as- -the.. - - - - _- final public hearing for the project: is scheduled. _ I wish to thank city of Port Angeles, and especially Cheryl Possenger, city accountant, and Kay Kassing er ofthe Hauszng Authority of Clallaim County for the assistance -and cooperation I :_- -received-throughout project.=_If you have_aiay questions regarding this -letter. -or -the .monitoring - process, feel free to contact -roe by'ernail at Leonaci"lag.cted.wa.gov or by phone at (3 60) 725-3088: - _- - - Sincerely; - _ - LeouaMoon Coldeen -------------- CAU Project Manager__-- --'------ _-- cc: Cheryl 'Possenger - - Kay Kassinger J-12 _ ATTACHMENT 16-A (1) TED -�cmrr��arAityt Trade-andO-C;- - - Economic Development Grantee Closeout -Performance Report for -Community -- Development Block Grant Contract No.: 06-64046-028 1. Grantee Jurisdiction. - 2. Current Address.: _ Port Angdles =— --- - _-- P.O. Box 1.150 Port Angeles, WA -98362--- A-98362- 3. Name and Title of Chief - - 3. - - -' - Administrative Official: Nathan A west 4. Project Period: :5. Insert date of Final Public Hearing: 31712006 through 1/3112010 December 15, 2009 The chief administrative official of the grantee jurisdiction certifies Haat;. 01. To the best of his/her Knowledge and belief, the data provided in this report is true and correct as of the date -of signing below. - 2. Records supporting the information provided in this report are being maintained and will be made - - - available upon request. -- - - — 3. Assistance riaade available through the state CDBG Program has not beedused to -substantially reduce the amount of local financial support for the community development activities below the level of suck --_ - - _- - - = support -prior to the start of the CDBG- assisted activities reported here..- In the event the audits disclose disallowable costs, the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Econarhic Development -shall retain the right to recover an appropriate amount after fully -considering the recommendations on disallowed costs resulting from the final audit. _ - - - Signature: - --- --- =_- -_ — --- - - — Chief Administrative Official - - - - Date: - Revised 312009 ATTACHMENT 16-A (2) CDBG Grantee Closeout Pefflorlmance Report TABLE OF CONTENTS - Cover Page and Certifications....................................................:...................................................I General lnstructions�and-table of contents ...................... .......•...•.................................. .................. 2 - - Financial -Summary Reporting:................................................... 3_ - Program Income Reporting......................................................................::...................................3 ----Benefit Summary Page...................................................................................................................5 Benefit Summary Page Instructions..............................................................................................6 HUD Contract and Subcontract Activity Form (for Entire Project}...........................•..•.....,.............7 - HUD Contract and Subcontract Activity Form Instructions .. ............ - - Final Labor Standards Compliance Report ..................... I.......................•... .............. 9 INSTRUCTIONS The Grantee Cioseout Performance Report is designed to provide a format for grantees to document project completion in compliance with federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding requirements regarding national objective, citizen participation, and certify that the project was completed in compliance with the grant contract.- - It is recommended that you obtain a copy of.this.report electronically from your proj.ect.manager OR by contacting the Contracts Administration Unit (CAU) at 350-725-3090. This report is also available electronically at www.cted/wa/Aov/cdbg.------------- -- — - - - - - - 1. _- Items 1 through 3 on the cover page are self explanatory. y 2. Item 4. PIease put the time frame of your project. The start date is -usually -_on the cover page of your .. contract. If no start date is listed on the contract cover sheet, please use the date of the latest signature on the cover sheet for the start date. The end date is listed on your contract cover sheet also, or on the - -most recent amendment•- If - your project -was completed prior to -this end date, please put the date the _ - - Project was completed. - 3. Item S: Please insert the date of the required final public hearing to review the CDBG-funded project with your jurisdiction's citizens. 4. Signature Block: This is the signature of the grantee's chief administrative official or designee. Financial Summary, page 3: Please insert the data requested. If you are uncertain what data to include, please contact your project manager. Program Income Report, page 4: Please choose one answer - Yes or No. The information provided here is also in section 4 of the CDBG Management Handbook. Most projects will not have program income. Please contact your project manager if you have questions. Benefit Summary, page 5: The data on the beneficiaries has its own, instructions. Please contact your project--�- manager if you have questions. - contract and Subcontract Activity Report, page 8. This form has its own instructions. Please contact your - project manager if you have questions. -- -- _-- _ - Semi -Annual Labor Standards Compliance Report, page 9: This form must be completed and SIGNED for construction projects. Complete this report for the entire project. This -report is not necessary for non- construction_rojects such as planning, public services, housing rehabilitation, and non -construction job creationtretention grants. Please contact your project manager if you have questions.--, _ 1 Revised 312009 - — 2 jft I 1 � � .� ! i '� • II i li i CDBG Grantee Closeout Performance; Report FINANCIAL SUMMARY PAGE Activity and Budget, Line Number (This can be found on the attachment 1 of your contract and on the Contract Data Sheet sent to the Grantee with the fully executed contract.] 2{ Brief Project Description and Physical Address of the ! Activity i 3 Status of Activity (Complete or i Incomplete) i 4 a' Completion . Date i 5 Budget Amount! f 6;1 Funds Expended. I I T Balance ! I i Complete 10/05/2009 $893',144.00: $893.14400 $ 0.00 14B 4959 Rehabilitation of 56 Low a , i Income Housing Units 934 West Lauridsen Blvd. Fort Angeles, WA 98363 , i I {•, I f I I j � , i j TOTAL $893,144.00 $893,144 00 $0.00 Please contact your project irmanager if you have questions. WILL THIS PROJECT GENERATE PROGRAM INCOME (please .circle only one - yes or no). Yes NO IfcXou circled "Yes," you will be contacted in the future for more information on program iineome enerat6d. Please see next page.for general information on Program Income. cn Revised 3/2009 '3 PROGRAM INC ONE: Program income is defined as the gross income received by a CDBG grantee or subrecipient that was generated from the use of CDBG funds and that equals or exceeds,$25,Q00 in a single calendar year. When income is generated by an activity that is only partially assisted with CDBG funds, the income shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of CDBG funds used. Requirements for m'ana`ging program Tconne can be found in Attachment 4-F of the' Manage Handbook (24 CFR Part 570.489 (e). Program Income: cludes: ,I ;i Proceeds fxom th ' disposition by sale, or long-term lease of real pkoperty purchased or. improved with CDBG funds; Proceeds from the disposition of equipment purchased with CDBG fuhds; Gross income froUl the use or rental of real or personal property ;acggired by a grantee or a subrecipient with CDBG fiends, less the costs incidental to, the generation of the income; -Gross income from the use or rental of real property owned by the grantee that was constructedior irnproved with CDBG funds, less the costs incid6nial to' the generation of the income; 'Payments of principal and interest on loans made using CDBG funds; Proceeds from i the sale of loans made with CDBG funds; Proceeds from the 'sale of obligations secured by, loans made with CDBG funds; Interest earned on funds Held in a revolving funds account; Interest carred on program income pending disposition of the income; Funds collected through special assessments made against properties owned and occupied by households not of low. -income, where the special assessments are used to recover all or part oath le CDBG-;otion of a public improvement; and Grosse income paid to a grantee or sublecipient from! the ownership interest in a for-profit entity acquired Lan. retuiro` for the provision of CDBG assistance. �t1•! I i i , i � ! i Using Program. Income and. Record Keeping Requirements i 'I Grantees may -retain program income during the project'period provided it is accounted for and used before requesting additional CDBG funds. Program income that is received and retained by the grantee before closeout of the grant is treated as additional CDBG funds, must be used on the existing project, and is subject to, all applicable,requirements. j Grantee may retain !and use programi !'core after the project period and closeout. Ihcome earned after closeout is considered "program income" with accompanying requirements] and restrictions, if the total amount earned; equals or'exceeds $25,000 in a single year (January — December). If the total amount of post -closeout uacammie earned is Tess than $251,000 iiz a single year, then th& CDBG require,ments'da not .need to apply Less than $25,000: If a jurisdiction expects,to earn less than $25,400 and use this income for non--CDBG' eligible uses, the jurisdiction must wait until the end of the year to verily with the CDBG program that this $25,000 threshold was not exceeded. Once this is determined, these funds can be used without CDBG restrictions: In general, it is recommended that any income earned (whether above or below, $25,000), be used to, continue the CDBG- funded activity, such as a revolving loanifunc. $2 ,000 or more: if the total;amount 0"f p" income equals or exceeds $25,000 in a single year, the amount and intended .use of this program income mit be reported to the CDBG program. The;income must be used to continue the CDBG-funded activity, such as a revolving loan hand, or fund a CDBG-eligible activity: ! • S. LJML7 Urantee L.toseout meporr BENEFICIARY SUMMARY PAGE -Grantee: Port Angeles Date: 11/06/2009 Name of Person completing this data: Kay Kassinger Phone: 360-452-7631 ext 41 • Line Item 14B ActivityNumber 4959 1. Total Households Served 54 Two units currently vacant Ethnic Breakdown Hispanic 0 Non -Hispanic 54 2. Total by Ethnicity - 54 Racial Breakdown White --- 52 Black / African American 0 Asian 0 American Indian / Alaskan Native 2 Asian and White 0 Black / African American and White - 0 American Indian / Alaskan Native and Black/ African American 0 Other Multi -Racial 0 3. Total by Race 54 Low -Moderate Income Breakdown Extremely Low Income 0-30% AMI 42 Very Low Income 31-50% AMD 10 Low Income 51-80 AMD 2 4. Total LMI Served -- 54 Group Breakdown (If available) Homeless - - Female Headed Households 45 Disabled / Special Needs 5 5. Total Served by Group 50 Note: Totals for Lines 1, 2 and 3 should match each other. Revised 3/2009 J-- 17-- 5 BENEFIT SUMMARY PAGE INSTRUCTIONS: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires this information for your project. _ Beneficiary Information: If your -project has a mixed national objective, a beneficiary table will be required for each national objective. The national objective can be found on the Contract Data Sheet sent to the Grantee with the fully executed. contract:' If you need assistance, please contact your project manager. = The totals for section 1, 2, and 3 should all be the same number. Section 1 Total Persons Served (Households Served) - - - Total Person's Served - Enter the total number of beneficiaries for this project. IF the national objective for your project is low- and moderate -income households (LMH), you will need -to report Households served instead of people served. This information is listed on the Contract Data Form that was sent to you with your signed contract. Please call your project manager if you have questions. Section 2 Beneficiaries by Ethnicity Ethnic Makeup Hispanic or Non -Hispanic - Everyone should be counted as belonging to one of these two groups and everyone should be counted only once. Please note - Hispanic persons may include people from Puerto Rico, the other Caribbean islands, Mexico, Central and South America and other locations that share a" cultural heritage linked to the Spanish language: There are many different ethnic groups but Hispanic is the only ethnic group being tracked at this time. — - N • Section 3 Beneficiaries by Race - - Racial Makeup Information A person of Hispanic ethnicity can be considered as being from any of the racial categories. Race is separate from ethnic -makeup and everyone should be counted once in a Single Race - OR a Multi -Race group. - The totals for section 1, 2, and 3 should all be the same number. Low -Moderate Income Information _- - - --" At a minimum, enter the total number of low -moderate income beneficiaries at the bottom of - ==section _four. If y-ou have detailed income data for beneficiaries please, provide that detail by the income category listed.- Group isted. Group Information " Please provide this information. by group served if it is available to you. J-18 Revised 3/2009 6 i f I 1 1 . Contract and Subcontract Activity U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development OMB Approval No.: 2577-0088 (exp. 10131/2000) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and,completing and reviewing the collection Of Information. This agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control number. Executive Orders 12432 and 11625 requires Federal agencies to promote Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation in their programs and prescribes additional arrangements for develiping and coordinating a National Program for MBE. Pursuant to Executive Order 12432, the Department of Commerce requires, an annual report on MBE achievements. The information provided on Public and Indian Housing Programs will be used to monitor and evaluate HA performance and to develop and submit the Annual Report to the PfetldPnl_ R­­­m}he miler}inn of lnfn....=e:nn=.=.,nl,....=.., rr.,, i..,......_u__ .__..__._� �___ __. ,__., ,.__,.,_ 1. Grantee/Project OwnerlDevetoper/Sponsor/Buflder/Agency, i I Port Angeles I ! i Check CPD: 2 Location (City, State, ZIP Code) P O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 PIH ❑ CPD ® Housing ❑ 3a. Name of Contact Person Kay Kassinger 3b. Phone Number (Inducting Area Code) 360-452-7631 ext 41 4. Reporting Period May 2008—October 2009 5. Program Code (Not applicable for CPD programs.) .) See explanation of codes at bottom of page. Use a separate sheet for each program code. 5 = Section 202 6• Date Submitted to Field Office Grant/Project Number or HUD Case Number or other identification of property, subdivision, dwelling unit etc. 7a. Amount of Contract ar Subconbad 7b Type of Trade .I Coda I (See below) 7c Contractoror Subcontmcto r Business RadaVEthnlc Code (See below) 7d. Woman I Owned Business (Mesar No) 7e. Prime Contractor Identification (ID) Number 7f. Sea 3 7A. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number 7h. Sec. 3 71. Contractor/SuboontractorName and Address 7j - , } Name i, I Street 'I City State Ztp Code 06-64006-028 1,105,971 79 i 1 N 91-1257605 Y Hoch Construction 4201 Tumwiter Tr at PcrtlAngeles WA 98363 Previous editions are obsolete. 78,720.80 1 1 1 N 1 form HUD -2516 8/98 N 90-0355503 2 Grade Excavation b. Dev P.i O Box'1570 i PortlAngeles I WA 98362 i 72,235.28 1 1 N N 518-82-2395 7 Dungeness Plumbing 21- Steve Place Sequim WA 98382 102,007.41 1 1 i N Y 91-1711674 ' Fairchild Mgmt. Corp. 1404 E Front St, Ste DI Port'Angeles WA 98362 49,225 00 1 1 N N 20-8912411 North Peninsula Electric 760 Freshwater Park Port Angeles WA 98363 115,890.00 i1 1 N Y 91-1549045. Todd Robinson Painting, Inc. 5030 Joppa St. SW Tumwater WA 98512 I • —• •,r= —• • • �o ���_�• , r0: naciaucmmc cones: b: Program,Codes (Complete for Housing and Public and Indian Housing programs only): CPD: , , 1 =Now Construction 1 =White Americans 1 =Ali insured, Including Section 8 5 = Section 202 1 =New Construction 2 = Substantial Rehab. 8 = Professional 2 = Black Americans 2 = Flexible Subsidy 6 = HUD -Held (Management) 2 = Education/iraintng 3 = Repair i 7 - Tenant Services 3 - Native Americans 3 = Section 8 Noninsured, Non-HFDA 7 = Public/Indian Housing 3 -Other 4 = Service 8 = EducaOon/rrelning 4 = Hispanic Americans 41= Insured (Management 8 = Section 811 5 = Project Man t. e g 9 = ArchJEn gig. Appraisal 5 = AslanlPaUBc Americans • 0 =Other 1 8 = Hasidic Jews � Previous editions are obsolete. i form HUD -2516 8/98 Revised AW i r 7 Instructions for completing the Contract and Subcontract Activity Form (HUD -2516) Please note that the instructions contained on the back of the HUD -2516, dated 8/98, have not been updated_ to reflect legislative/regulatory changes. The following instructions should be used in lieu thereof. - - - - Block 1. Enter name of the local government or non-profit organization who contracts directly with CTED. Those entities that have a direct contractual relationship with CTED are responsible for submitting the report. Block 2. Location (Self-explanatory) Block 3a. Enter the name of the individual responsible for completing the report. Block 3b. Enter the phone number of the individual responsible for completing the report. Block 4. Although the current HUD -2516 indicates that the report is an annual report, this document covers the entire project. Please put the start date and end date of your project here. Block 5. Not applicable to CPD Programs. Block 6. Self-explanatory Block 7a. Enter the CTED grant number under which the contract/subcontract expenditure is authorized. Block 7b. Enter the TOTAL amount of each contract and /or subcontract in excess of $25,000, awarded to each Prime Contractor or Subcontractor identified in blocks 7e or 7f. Although contracts/subcontracts of less than $25,000 need only be reported if the recipient believes such contracts represent a significant portion of the recipient's total contracting activity, HUD encourages recipients to report - — ALL minority enterprise contracts/subcontracts issued during the reporting - _period. --- Block 7c. CDBG is a HUD CPD Program. Enter (1) if the activity involves construction, i.e., new construction or rehabilitation. Enter (2) if the activity involves education or training. Enter (3) for all other activities such as a supply, professional services and all other activities that do not fall under (1) or (2). Block 7d. Enter the numeric code that best indicates the racial/ethnic character of the owner(s) or controller(s) (refer to the definition of Minority Business in the MBE Policy Guide to determine minority status). Codes can be found at the bottom of the form under "7d: Racial/Ethnic Codes". One of these codes must be used for each contractor/subcontractor. If a Subcontractor ID is provided in 7g., the code would apply to the Subcontractor and not the Prime Contractor. Block 7e.- - Indicate whether the Contractor/Subcontractor is a Woman Owned Business. • • • J - 20. --_- CDBG-SEMI-ANNUAL LABOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE REPORT DATA FORM Restitution of $,00 to $999.999 (See Federal Labor Siandards'Har►dbook 1344. 1, Paragraph g., page 3-15 for amounts totaling 1 M0 or more) - To Be Forwarded To CTED: Attn L.eonaMoon Coldeen ____,when Each Construction Contract Is - --Completed'- See CDBG Manage ment Handbook, page 9-6 for further information on this forma Agency Name and Address: Housing Authority of the County of C1a11am Description of Work: Rehabilitation of 56 units low income housing - Wildwood Terrace Apartments HUD Program or Source of Funds: CDBG Prime Contractor: Hoch Construction, Inc. _ _ Contract Amount: $1,105,971.79 Pre -Construction Conference Date: 05/1612008 - Location: HACC office -Port Angeles (Labor Standards Provisions) included in Specs? Yes Form #. HUD 4010 Was a Wage Determination Included in the Specs: Yes Number: WA200$0020 Number of Modifications: 0 Have all Contractor/Subcontractor Certifications been received? Yes Are Contractor(s) Payroll Certifications Submissions Current & Complete? Yes - Number of Construction Wage Interviews (HUD --11) Completed: 11 -- ber of Trades Interviewed. fi _- Were any Violations Discovered and Resolved? Yes Number: 1 Number of Employees Involved: 1 - Number of Subs Involved: I. - - Total Amount of Underpayments: D -B: $0 WA State prevailing - CWHSSA: 0 -- -$293.75- --- - - - - - Briefly Describe any Labor Standards Complaints & Resolutions: North Peninsula Electric was underpaying state prevailing wage to one employee. This was- corrected at week 5 payroll. Is any -contractor Retainage Held at this Time? No Amount: [] _ SUBCONTRACTOR(S) WHO WORKED ON THIS PROJECT Name Address Contract Amount Type of -Work Dungeness Plumbing= — Z1 Steve Place, Sequim,'WA 98382- $72,235.28 Plumbing Fairchild Floors 1404 E. Front St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 $102,007;4. ----Floor Coverings Modern Drywall 96 Bluff View Dr. Port Angeles, WA 98363 $12,270 Drywall repair-` N. Peninsula Electric 760 Freshwater Park, Port Angeles, 'L74WA 98363 $49,225 Electrical insula Concrete Cutting P. O. Box 1136, Seguim WA 98382 $2,940 Sidewalk cutting bow Sweepers, P. 0. Box 231, Port Angeles, WA 9835.2 $15,286.30 Parking lot repairlseallstripe Todd Robinson Painting_- 5030 Joppa St. SW,-Tumwater, WA 98512 $115,890 Interior/exterior paintan�Prep Revised -312009 - _ - _ _Note -1-P] ease- use reverse -sid e -of th is'forM ora n attachin ont for a hy ad ditioha [J hf6rn!4tio n'., WERE PAIb.IN-AqCOADANC_9_WItH THE,LABOR PROVISIONS, EXCEPT -AS -NOTED. THERE -ARE. NO OU,.-(�.TAN1_)lN_G OR UNRESOLVED LABOR.STANDARDS, UNDERPAYMENTS, COMPLAINTS, OR DISPUTES, Da.te 11117-120 P '.MT - NGELES W=AS H I N G T O N, U.S.A. .T:Y:-G-0,U,N.,C_I L- M E M O Date: December 15, 2009 To: CITY COUNCIL - From: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Energy Northwest Interlocal Agreement - Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Summary: Energy Northwest possesses expertise that can be used to upgrade the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an interlocal agreement with Energy Northwest in an amount not to exceed $42,750. Background/Analysis: On July 15, 2008, City Council approved a resolution to become a member _ • of Energy Northwest. Energy Northwest has the authority to acquire, construct, operate, and own plants, systems, and other facilities for the generation and/or transmission of electric energy and power. The main reason the City became a member of Energy Northwest was to consider power resource alternatives under the Bonneville Power Administration's Tiered Rates Methodology. The recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license and Department of Ecology 401 Water Quality certification created new ramping and water temperature monitoring requirements for Morse Creek Hydro. The ramping requirement is to ensure that the depth of water (downstream of the generator) is not reduced by more than 2 inches:per hour after generator startup. The water - temperature monitoring requirement is to ensure that the generator discharge water temperature does not exceed 16 degrees Celsius (60 8 degrees Fahrenheit). Energy Northwest possesses expertise that can be used to upgrade the controls and the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System -for the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project. The proposed system upgrades include an interface to the, existing electric distribution SCADA System, incorporation of existing control points, additiotial temperature and water flow sensors, installation of a programmable logic controller and communications to allow remote operation. The upgrade will increase generation and reduce operating costs. Sufficient funds for the project are available in the Morse Creek Contingency & Replacement reserve. - On October 13, 2009, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign an interlocal Agreement with Energy Northwest in an amount not to exceed $42,750. • - Attachment: Interagency/Inter-Local Agreement Number X-40464 K - 1 N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Energy Northwest Interlocal Agreement - Morse Creek Hydro.doc 0 ENERGY -- NORTHWESY INTERAGENCY/INTER-LOCAL AGREEMENT NUMBER X-40464 BETWEEN _ ENERGY_ NORTHWEST AND THE CITY OF`.PORT ANGELES - TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL SERVICES AT MORSE CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT As provided under RCW Title -39, Chapter 39.34, this Agreement for Technical Services - (the "Agreement") is by and between City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, (hereinafter -"City"); -and Energy Northwest; doing business by and through its Business Development Fund, a municipal corporation and joint operating agency of the State of Washington, with its principal office.at P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 (hereinafter "Energy Northwest"). WHEREAS, the City- finds that Energy Northwest is willing to perform -certain services hereinafter described in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City finds that Energy Northwest is qualified to perform the = • services, all relevant factors considered, and that such performance will be in furtherance of the City's business; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein and intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto agree as follows: - 1 SERVICES _ Energy Northwest agrees to perform the services as set forth in the proposal titled "Energy Northwest Morse Creek SCADA Upgrade Proposal," dated October 6, 2009 ("Proposal"). - The period of performance under this Agreement shall run through December 31, 2010; provided, that within 60 days of the last date identified on the signature lines of this Agreement, if Energy Northwest has been unable to negotiate an agreed to contract with the Vendor identified in the. Proposal, Energy Northwest may terminate this Agreement upon ten(10)-days-.written-notice-to. .the City. at no - cost to either party. • K-2 -.- - 2= -----PAYMENT AND. INVOICING TERMS= - 2.1-Payrttent-for-Seryi es'=Tf e=City shall pay Energy Northwest as.fallows. Charges will -be invoiced'`to`tlie `City by Energy Northwest and will provide detail ----____- __--_-- -: -_ '-- on--the-number-of--hour's"chargeable, travel and' subsistence -charges, and any T-- -- - - special services delivered as they are ordered/approved by the City -- - -2 2 -Reimbursable Costs—TW City shall- reimburse Energy Northwest -all costs incurred in connection with the Services rendered, including, but not limited to,- _ travel costs, subcontractors, materials (subcontract and materials costs include the supplier's invoiced -cost to- Energy Northwest plus Energy/Business-Systems Overhead charge), computer costs, telephone,- copies, delivery -that -are attributable to a project or Service (the "Reimbursable Costs"); provided, -- - however, the total compensation to Energy Northwest for the Services shall not exceed $42,750.00 Energy Northwest shall provide substantiation of _ Reimbursable Costs incurred to the City 2.3 Invoicing Invoices will be submitted monthly by Energy Northwest for payment by the City, Payment is due upon receipt and is past due thirty (30) days from receipt of invoice If the City has any valid reason for disputing -any pgrtion of an invoice, it will so notify Energy Northwest within_ seven_ (i) calendar days- of receipt of invoice by the City, and if no such notification is given, the invoice will be deemed valid The portion of an invoice which is not in dispute shall be paid in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. Any attorney fees, court costs, or other costs incurred in -collection of delinquent accounts shall be paid by the City. 2.4 Taxes The City shall pay all state, local sales and -use taxes applicable to goods - and services provided under this Agreement. Energy Northwest shall include _ sales tax charges, separately identified, in the Energy Northwest invoices to the City. 2.5 Prevailing Wages. The Services shall be- conducted by Energy Northwest supplemental personnel paid at least prevailing wages, as stated in RCW Title 39 3. CHANGES The City may, with the approval of Energy Northwest; issue written directions within - the general scope of the Services. Such changes (the "Change Carder") may be for _additional work or Energy--Northwest-may be directed to change the direction -of the--- - work, but no change will be allowed unless agreed to by Energy Northwest in writing. 4. STANDARD OF CARE - - 2 - K-3 - Energy_ -Northwest warrants that the Services shall meet or exceed industry _stand ards:_-rNor.other=_representation, express or implied, .and no warranty or - _—gua a eed are=included or intended in this Agreement, or in any report; opanion; -- deliverable, work product, document or otherwise THIS SECTION SETS FORTH THE ONLY WARRANTIES PROVIDED BY ENERGY NORTHWEST CONCERNING THE SERVICES AND RELATED WORK PRODUCT, THIS WARRANTY IS MADE --= EXPRESSLY— IN- LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS =-.-FOR-A-PART_IC:ULAR'PURP_.OSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR OTHERWISE. _... __.. 5. LIABILITY • __- a--_-Energy-Northwest shall indemnify -and -save harmless the City or its = representatives from and- against any and all liability arising -from injury or death of - -_ persons: or -damage -to -property --to the -extent -caused -by any -negligent actor _ __.omission. of Energy -Northwest, its agents, representatives or employees, including -any and -aII-expense; legal -or otherwise incurred by the City or its. rep resentatives-in=------_ ----- - the defense of any claim or suit relating to such injury or damage. This -- indemnification does not apply to liability arising from the negligence of the City or --__- its representatives. - b. The City shall indemnify and save harmless Energy Northwest or its = - _ --_= -representatives from and against any and all liability arising from injury or death - - _-=- -- _ - -- --- -= of persons or damage to property to the extent caused by any negligent act or -- =_-- omission of the City, its agents, representatives or employees, including any - and all expense, legal or otherwise inc_ urred by Energy Northwest or its representatives in the defense of any claim or suit relating to such injury or damage,- This indemnification does not apply to liability arising from the negligence of Energy Northwest or fits representatives. c For the purpose of fulfilling this indemnity obligation to the City and its representatives, - - Energy Northwest hereby waives-any-and-alI immunity rights -or protections created by the -- Workers' Compensation Act.and € 0her agrees that this indemnity agreement shafl apply to, but shall not be limited to, actions brought by its own employees The City and Energy Northwest agree that for actions brought by Energy Northwest's employees where Energy Northwest_ is -the- sole defendant; Energy Northwest has not waived its Industrial Insurance Act immunity rights -or- protections.-- ENERGY NORTHWEST HEREBY _— - ACKNOWLEDGES -THIS---INDEMNITY=PROVISION--WAS--- MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED - ----,--.---------AND-AGREED,--TO-BY BOTH PARTIES C. As used in this provision, the phrase "any and all expense" includes, but is not limited to claims, suits, judgments or proceedings for services, taxes, labor performed, materials furnished, provisions and supplies, board and room, liens, medical expense, pain and suffering, bodily injury, death, loss of earnings, loss of consortium, garnishments, court costs and attorney's fees (including those required 3 K-4 • to seek enforcement of this Contract), costs of replacements, cost of repair, and :. other -costs including reasonable cost of defense. e. Under no circumstances shall either party be liable to the other, whether in contract, —in -tort --(including negligence), strict liability, under any warranty, or under any other legal or equitable theory of law, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. The foregoing waiver shall include specifically, but without limitation, losses by the City, `which result from the loss -of power production, cost of capital, loss- of profits or revenues or the loss of use thereof, cost of purchased or replacement- power (including additional expenses --incurred in using existing power facilities) or claims of any customers of the City f. Energy Northwest's cumulative liability to the City under this Agreement is limited to applicable insurance proceeds and the assets of the -Business Development Fund of Energy Northwest. Obligations of'the Energy Northwest Business Development Fund are not, nor shall they be :construed as, general obligations of Energy Northwest or other Energy Northwest projects or funds. 6. MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 Insecurity and Adequate Assurances If reasonable grounds for insecurity arise with respect to the City's ability to pay for the Services in a timely fashion, Energy Northwest may demand in writing adequate assurances of the City's ability to meet its payment obligations under this- Agreement. Unless the City provides the assurances in a reasonable time and manner acceptable to Energy Northwest, - in addition to any other rights and remedies available, Energy Northwest may partially or totally suspend its performance while awaiting assurances, without liability to the City. 6.2 Severability Should any part of this. Agreement for any reason be declared invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining provisions, which remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect as if this Agreement had been executed with the invalid portion thereof eliminated, and it is hereby declared the intention of the parties that they would have executed the remaining portion of this Agreement without including any -such part, parts, or portions which may, for any- reason, nyreason, be hereafter declared invalid Any provision shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect in all other circumstances. 6.3 Modification and Waive Waiver of breach of this -Agreement by_either party shall - - - not be considered a waiver of any other subsequent breach. 6.4 Independent Contractor Energy Northwest is_ an independent contractor to the City: - _ 6.5 Notices All notices or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and 4 K-5 shall be deemed given when delivered to the address .specified below or such other - _ -- - address as may be specified in a written notice in accordance with this Section. • c -_ - - - If to the Energy Northwest: -- — -- - - - -Energy Northwest------- Attn: orthwest--- _-_Attn: Jack A. Barnaby, Procurement, M/D 1040 P. O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352-0968 Telephone: (509) 377-4799 - - Fax: (509) 377-5014. Email: jabarnaby@energy-northwest.com - If to the City -- - City of Port Angeles - — - Attn: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems P.O. box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Telephone: (360) 417-4710 Fax: (360) 417-4709 Any party may, by notice given in accordance with this _Section to the other parties, designate another address or person or entity for receipt of notices hereunder. 6.6 Assi nment _The Agreement is not assignable or transferable by either party without - the _written._ consent of the_ other party,. which consent shall not _ be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 6.7 Disputes Energy Northwest and the City recognize that disputes arising under this Agreement are best resolved at the working level by the parties directly involved. Both-- parties are encouraged to be imaginative in designing mechanism and procedures to resolve disputes at this. level. Such efforts shall include the referral of -- . any -remaining issues in dispute to higher authority within each participating party's organization for resolution. Failing resolution of conflicts at the organizational level, then -the parties .may take other appropriate action subject to the other terms of this Agreement. _ 6.8 Section Headings Title and headings of sections of this Agreement are for convenience of reference -_only_ and shall not affect the construction of any provision of I- -- ------ - - -----.this Agreement. - 6.9 Representations; Counterparts Each person executing this Agreement on behalf of - a -party hereto...repr-esents__and warrants that such person is duly and validly - _ authorized Jo do so on behalf of such party, with full right -and authority to execute this Agreement and to bind such party with respect to all of its obligations hereunder. 5 .9— K- K-6 _ • - 6.10 Residuals Nothing in this..Agreement or elsewhere will prohibit or limit Energy Northwest's ownership and use of ideas, concepts,' know-how, methods, models, data,• techniques, skill knowledge and experience that were used, developed or gained in, connection with_ this_ Agreement. Energy Northwest and the City shall each have the d0t.to"use all data collected or generated under this.Agreernent. • 6.11 Non -solicitation of Employees During and for one (1) year after the term of this Agreement, the City will not solicit the employment of, -or employ Energy -Northwest's personnel, without Energy Northwest's prior written consent. _ .6.12 Cooperation. ...The _.City. will. cooperate with Energy .Northwest in taking actions and executing documents, as appropriate, to achieve the objectives of this Agreement. The ,City agrees -that Energy -Northwest's; performance is dependent on the City's timely and effective cooperation with Energy Northwest. Accordingly, the City acknowledges that any delay by the City may result in Energy Northwest being .released .from..an -obligation or.. scheduled deadline or -in the City having to pay extra fees for Energy Northwest's agreement to meet a specific obligation or deadline despite the delay. ; 6.13 Governing Law and Construction This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Washington, without regard to the principles of conflicts of law. Each party agrees that any action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be brought solely_ in courts of the State of Washington, in Clallam County. = 6.14Entire Agreement This Agreement, including any Exhibits, states the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous contracts, proposals, oral or written, and all other communications --between__ the parties respecting the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior - understandings, representations, warranties, agreements or contracts (whether oral or written). between. the City and Energy Northwest respecting the subject matter hereof. This. -Agreement may only be amended by an agreement in -----------_--writing executed by the parties hereto. 6.15 Survival Articles 4 and 5 survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement - -- - - for any reason. 6.16 Force Majeure Energy Northwest shall not be responsible for delays or failures _----_--(including any delay_by__Energy" Northwest to make progress in -the prosecution of -any " Services) if such delay arises out of causes beyond its control.- Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, floods, epidemics, riots, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, earthquakes, electrical outages; computer or communications failures, and severe weather, and acts or omissions of subcontractors or third parties. 6 -K-7 6.1.7_.Use-By—Third-.Parties Work performed by Energy Northwest pursuant to this _:.. Agreement are-:only:-for':the-purpose intended and may be misleading if used in another context. The City agrees not to use any documents produced under this Agreement for anything other than the intended purpose without Energy Northwest's written permission. This Agreement shall, therefore, not create any rights or benefits to parties other than to the City and Energy Northwest. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year last below written: ENERGY NORTHWEST CITY OF PORT ANGELES N,aml e: Jack A. Barnaby C/ I Name: Title: Principal Contracting Officer I Title: • - -- Date: ��� ��d�: I - Date: 4 K-8 Energy"Northwest Morse Creek SCADA Upgrade Proposal (October 6, 2009) - _-Energy'Northwest (EN)' has met with the City of Port Angeles (PA) and toured the -Morse Creek -Hydroelectric Project. The purpose of the tour was to coordinate tfie development -ofa plan for installing: new communication and control capability _ at the -Powerhouse so the site could operate at lower water conditions than the' current control strategy, and be monitored and started remotely, thus reducing labor costs. The prima_ry._activity for this scope of work is to install, program and test a programmable logic controller (PLC) to control the Morse Creek Hydro Station and interface to the existing City SCADA system. SCADA / PLC 1. EN will utilize the information provided by City of -PA to commission a ---- _ - qualified -Vendor to upgrade their 6urrent Survalento SCADA system and provide remote'PLC capabilities for response and: control of the project. EN shall invite PowerbaseEriergy Systems, Inc. and other qualified vendors to submit a proposal under this project. 2.- City of PA -has provided the initial component list and data points that will be required to monitor or operate specific components. 3. City of PA has provided the specific set points or operating ranges for these components _ a) See page 2 for Status and Control Points b) See Page 3 for Analog Points - . - 4. Vendor will program the SCADA using these data points, as provided by the • City of PA and install/test the completed system. The proposed location of additional data points shall be included in the Vendor proposal. - 5. The stream flow rate at the diversion dam shallh ave an operational range of a -minimum of 0 cubic feet per second (cfs) to a maximum of 1,500 cfs. 6. The ramping rate.in the anadromous portion of Morse Creek shall have an operational range of measuring changes in stream height of between 0-4 inches per hour._. SCADA monthly�ramping. set points shall correspond to - _ - - the- FEFC-license. - 7. Water temperature shall have an operational range of 0-20 degrees Celsius. - - -- -- - - SCADA set points shall be in accordance with the FERC license. -- _ _- 8: Generator -needle valves shall be programmed to reduce generator output to as low as 50% of the generator rating, to allow hydro operation when minimum in stream flows are present. 9. Vendor proposal shall include use -of existing Qwest phone line for communications and identify requirements and specifications for any City proyided computer hardware and software. 10. The SCADA system shall be capable of providing hourly history for each control point - 11. The SCADA.system and data points shall be capable of complying with the _ City's FERC license ramping rates: and minimum inflow flows. - K-9 Energy Northwest Morse Creek SCADA Upgrade Proposal (October 6, 2009) - Deliverables 1. Provide a fully functional and operational SCADA interface (including but not - - -- =-- --- limited td -interface to PLC and phone line, phone Iine.to-City-server., and - - - = visual- image on City SCADA-system) and obtain a vendor proposal... 2. Prepare a summary of the functional capabilities of the proposed system. -- - - 3. Provide licensed copy of SCADA software - 4. Provide as built drawings -for the installed system - "5. Provide system component manuals as required — �— 6. Provide-SCADA system -programming and scheduling to comply with the City's -FERC license including monthly minimum in -stream flows and maximum ramping rates - 7. Provide Vendor supported training on system operation and troubleshooting ._to City of-PA_petsonnel as -necessary - 8. Provide a report documenting as found and as left conditions. - -- - Any adverse conditions encountered, during the commission of this work, will be immediately brought to the attention of the CITY of PA authorized representative PA Responsibilities 1. Lock out/tag out orders are to be provided by the City of PA and cover all aspects of the work 2. All system lock out/tag outs -required to perform -this work will be researched and completed by qualified personnel from the City of PA. 3. House power should -be available during this work -for test equipment 4. Temporary sanitary facilities may be required at.the work site 5.- Review the functional capabilities of the proposed system, the SCADA terface design, vendor proposal, and completed project including as builts K2- 10 • • Z7, DATE: - To: FROM: NGELES W A•S H I N G T Q N, rY---COUNCIL M -EMO December 15, 2009 CITE' COUNCIL Glernr A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUIiE:CT: Interagency Agreement for Performance -Based Contracting Amendment No. 2 - -Summary: The Ct:ty is a -participant in a State-sponsored performance-based coritractin.g program _- to reduce utility costs at the city hall complex. A proposal has been received and an amendment (including a funding commitment) to the Interagency Agreement is -needed to -authorize the capital improvements phase of the project to proceed. Also, a grant award notice was received from the Washington State Department of Commerce, which, in combination with the Conservation Fund, - will fund the project. Recommendation: 1) Authorize the Mayor to accept the Washington State Department of Commerce grant award in the amount of $135,000 for the City Halal Complex Energy _. Conservation Improvements project, and 2) Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign Amendment -No. 2 -(including a_funding commitment) to the existing -T Interagency Agreement with the State of Washington to proceed with the City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements project in an amount. not to- exceed $435,000. Background/Analysis: Following City Council's approval on February 17, 2009, the City has participated in a State-sponsored performance-based contracting program to reduce utility costs. - - -- -- - -- Performance-based contracts are allowed per RCW 39.35A for improvements to City facilities. -- - _ --As part of the performance -based -approach, the Energy Service Company (ESCO) conducted an ----- _ "investment -grade's erietgy.audit on the city hall complex. This energy audit guarantees both the _ - maximum -project cost and the rninimum utility cost savings. Among other items, the energy audit - - revealed that the city hall complex energy costs are about 50% higher than similar facilities of this type and construction in the Pacific Northwest. As energy expenses for the facility have averaged about $70,000/year, this suggests that normalizing the city hall complex's energy expenses to regional averages could save $20,000 to $25,000 annually. - - - -_- - The ESCC-submitted a proposal -for capital improyirnients for the City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements project, which was included in the 2009-201-5 Capital Facilities ,Plan. Therefore, a necessary second_ainendment (including a funding commitment) to the Interagency - - Agreement with the State is being sought to authorize the project -to proceed. - - The proposed scope of work includes installing the following measures: 1) cooling/economizer repairs for the city hall main floor offices, 2) heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) - K-11 December 15, Zoog I ntcragen cy Agreement for Performance -Based Contracting Amendment No 2 -Tagel—­ miprovements for the 2nd floor Legal Department area and; 3) installing a Direct Digital Controls system that will be used for enhanced time -of -day scheduling,]and optimizing the use of outside air for natural cooling, addition to energy savings —that are -guarantied to total approxii-nately $20,000---- -- per year, other benefits include ensuring that adequate ventilation is provided pursuant to -the requirements of the State Building Code and enhanced workplace comfort.Further -more, the ­jcurrent equipment that being proposed for replacement isat or past, its service life and will be _ replaced with new -higher -efficiency equipment. – On July 21, 2009, City Council authorized the Public Works and Utilities Director to submit grant applications ations for funds, made in available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) ppli-- of 2009, Public Law 111-5 An application was submitted on'September 1, 2009 f6r funding under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG),Program. - The Washington State Department of Commerce (formerly the Department of Community, Trade and: Economic Development) recently sent an award notice that it intends to provide the City a $135,000 grant for the proposed City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements project. Acceptance of this award would commit the City to providing a 50% cost -share. While the ESCO's audit identified a number of energy efficiency improvements that should be considered for the city hall complex, staff is recommending that only three improvements be implemented -by the ESCO at -this -time -as -they represent the key measures within the available budget. City staff will continue to work independently on the -audit's "no -cost" to "low-cost" recommendations, such as lighting and lighting controls. Several of these have -already been including the lighting improvements made earltizx this --_year in the Vern Burton Gymnasium and Employee's Lounge. L -Considering just -the use of City funds, the complete portfolio :of proposed ESCO and City -led energy conservation. improvements for the city hall complex has an estimated simple. payback period of 14 years, which can be translated into a return on ini7estment of 7%. This is similar in scale to the City's overall conservation program that has an overall simple payback period from the customer's perspective of about 17 years, It should also be noted that capital -intensive - improvements such as those being proposed are not always amenable to strict economic evaluation. This conservation project is expected to help reduce the City's purchase of Tier 11 power from the Bonneville Power Administration. City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements Project Sources of Funds Statement Conservation Fund $300,000 State -Energy Efficiency -Go $ 135,000 mmunity Block Grant TOTAL FUNDS $435,000 The Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the Mayor to accept the Washington State Department of Commerce" grant award in the I In amount of $1351000 for the City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements project, and 2) Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign Amendment No. 2 (including a funding commitment) to the existing Interagency Agreement with the State of Washington to proceed with the City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements project in an arnount not to exceed -- $435,000. K-12 N-%CCOUNCTL\FINAI., Interagency Agreement for Performance -Based Contracting Amendment No Idoc 0 0 ,'.Fx+�t.- •f �"'r r� If �'t ,�l'�^•�` E -, a r�4 f.O �f 'i ��r�p f� r1 � ���, •4' r` C Ej � � 1 ,, 1 r Lot! t ..a""oil! • lll����,'{ { 3 $' 1. `111 ,....._' WS � 'I �` .1 � �� ' `�� ♦ ;y—+�,_`'.:z�,•"^^_j`4, �` �� : � • t.� � Vic` a'!, jiff 11Y� tt f� i ' , � � r • .- - . _ � �,��� K• _-.-�"""�_.�. may..., .v ,_.n_------'+. -•t a y...�-12� b. "*y tY rr t ..._ x�_.,JI -t�••)�� �` �-, I f� 4py.'1 �p'4 �,�� r)\'d � r ' ��`•P�i4-'dr" Z�' - t �' �x ' 1__-.f__ i•.•��..�.r,.:.,"r� r' r/'�-,r'�:" ,', •44wr`�5.-�'a�{>�it ..4:ii_.� 'Ttj7 I ,'. "'t.r i _�, - I. i � • 'tea � � ,e +�` 'J''=")t i"1. -L— -77 i F-7 ''� , ( r_ - ♦ �_ .,� r y . T ■ Interagency Agreement for Performance -biased Contracting Amendment No. 2 �v°Fg�skraW Phil Lusk Power Resources Manager City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works and Utilities December 15, 2909 State Performance Contracting Program ■ Program objective is to reduce utility costs ❑ City participates following Council's approval ■ City Hall Complex initial demonstration 1 Investment -Grade Energy Audit ■ Guarantees ❑ Maximum project cost ❑ Minimum utility cost savings ❑ City pays audit cost ■ Revealed Complex's energy costs are -59% higher than similar facilities in region ❑ Cost savings $20,000-$25,000 per year? Proposed Capital Improvements ■ In 2009-2015 Capital Facilities Plan ■ Proposed Measures ❑ Coolingleconomizer repairs for main floor offices ❑ HVAC improvements for legal department ❑ Direct Digital Controls system Enhanced time -of -day scheduling and optimizing the use of outside air for natural cooling 3 City -led Conservation Efforts ■ Staff to continue independently on audit's Uno-cost" to "low-cost" recommendations ❑ Lighting and lighting controls + Vern Burton gymnasium ■ Employee lounge ■ office motion sensors Benefits ■ Complete project savings—$22,350/year ❑ Simple payback —1 4 years on City funding ■ Source of City funds is Conservation Program Q ESCo savings will be verified by State ■ Other benefits ❑ Adequate ventilation Required by State Building Code ❑ Enhanced workplace comfort ❑ Higher -efficiency equipment and advanced controls to be used 0 State Block Grant for City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements Project ■ Application authorized by City Council w Award notice for $135,000 u Acceptance commits City to 50% cost -share City Mall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements Project Sources of Funds Statement Conservation Fund $ 300,000 State Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant $ 135,000 TOTAL FUNDS $ 435,000 5 Staff Recommendation ■ Authorize ❑ Mayor to accept grant of $135,000 a Public Works and Utilities Director to sign Amendment, including funding commitment, to existing State Interagency Agreement a Amount not to exceed $435,000 C 'E,S-- N � '-, El ORT n.- 8 -P W - DATE: December 15, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FRAM: NATHAN A.WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUS.IECT: LODGING TAx ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2010 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS Summary: At a meeting held on December 2, 2004 the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - provided recommendations regarding the allocation of 2310 lodging talc funds for Capital Projects Recommendation: Concur with Lodging Tax Advisory recommendations and direct staff to incorporate recommendations into the 2010 Budget and develop associated contracts. Background 1 Analysis: - On December 2, 2009, the Lodging Tax Advisory Comnuttee held a meeting to consider recommendations for funding requests for capital projects Multiple projects were reviewed and five projects -were chosen for funding.as noted in the table below. The Committee was interested in ensuring that all projects were successfully completed and not just started. As a result, the Committee identiFied future allocations for 2011 for the completion of the signage and wayfindiiig - program and the entryway monuments. Projects- - 2010 2011 Total Waterfront romenade Promenade- - $67,000 $0 $67,000 Signage Signage and Wa findin $75;000 _--$50;000 $125;000 EntnMay Monuments $151000 $35,000 $50,000 Feiro — Elwha Exhibit $13,000 - - $0 $13,000 Dry Creek Bridge. $$0,000 $0 $80,000 Total $250,000 $85,000 = $335,000 In total, the Lodging -Tax Advisory Committee recommended approval of $250,000 in capital- - ----.. - _ project ?pplications. Per the Conunitfe- decision, staff re_ commends that Council concur with th_e. _ recommended funding and direct staff to incorporate the specific -projects in the 2010 budget. Additionally, staff recommends that Council direct staff to prepare and execute the necessary contract with the Feiru Marine life center. - = Attachment A City Placemaking Lodging Tax Proposal — � Attachment S Feiro Marine Life Center Lodging Tac Proposal = - ---_ - - ----- - :_SLAC -_ MAKING- PLAN � --- - - --=A�'PI�� T �N FOR CAPITAL-PROJECTSFUN17Ii�Crl= - - - THE - CITY GF --PG T ANGELES LODGING TAK- EVENUE=-- K -15� -=- _ TABILE-OF CONTENTS ---- — PROJECT SUMMARY.. -.. ........ :::........ 3 :.. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Downtown Waterfront .............. .................4 Signage and Wayfinding .......................... 9 Entry Monuments REQUEST AMOUNT.........................................13 PROJECT BUDGET::—. ............. - FUNDING SOURCES ............. . -14 - =:TOURISMAND` r - - - ---- - - --- - -- _ -- - - - - - EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS .......................... 14 - -_,, PROJECT LOCATIONS-— -- _ _--_ - -_....15 -- - - = - ---- - --- K 16 This project is based largely on the recommendations made in -the American-Institute -Archtitects' Assessment of the City. Their report empNgsized�the needto enh a' nce the - - Asual quality, accessibilty, and connectivity of Port Angeles' key assets. The results of = the study were discussed and prioritized by City citizens and the Port Angeles Forward -_- -_ - Committee: --This plan will focus -on- implementing those projects -with the highest rankings - and set the framework for many -future -projects to improve -the City's tourism product. - -PROJECT SiJMMARY. _ -- __ The -City of Port Angeles is applying for a Lodging Tai"Revenue grantof$170,000-to help fund phase one of a three year comprehensive placemaking plan to. better develop the City of Port Angeles as a tourism destination Three components are included in the plan's initial phase as follows. Downtown Waterfront. -_$80,000 _ __- - The downtown waterfront development will revise, renovate, and ,create - new public access areas along the City's northern _wat+erfront_-between - - - -_ -Hollywood Beach and the Valley Creek Estuary.-, Specifically, the Project - - - - will revise traffic flow_ to and -from the Coho_Ferry,=develop a pedestrian ---- -- _~_ - promenade, improve walkability and accessibility, -continue the Waterfront - - Trail along the waterfront, develop and enhance park space, and improve - - --- - the.overall visual quality of the waterfront: -The City is requesting $80,000 to help fund the waterfront -design efforts. Signage and Wayfinding - $75,000 e - - The City is budgeting $75;000 to implement and install an initial wayfinding - -- and signage system to eliminate existing signage "clutter' and effectively - guide -tourists to key attractions in and around Port Angeles. This phase will include design, an invent.ry_ of existing signs to be replaced or removed, and a competitive bid process for construction and installation of the -new signs. -The City intends that -this project=will=set_the tone for -- - - -- many additional projects_ around the City. - Entry Monuments - $15,000 - This -component-will create a -visual- marker _ for travelers upon entrance- - the City=of_Pert-Flrig les thaf serves=as a seri-r of-the=vitality and --- --_-history - f_=our City:-SpecifcallY--_ one=mor}uments=win a==created=- - -- similar in -nature to the tines currently located_at_,Front and -Peabody -and r-----�_-_-, --_�_� the Front, Eir_st,_Marine_ and Valley -Street intersection downtown_-.-= $15,000 -_ --- - --- is being requested for the design of these monuments. - - - - This project is based largely on the recommendations made in -the American-Institute -Archtitects' Assessment of the City. Their report empNgsized�the needto enh a' nce the - - Asual quality, accessibilty, and connectivity of Port Angeles' key assets. The results of = the study were discussed and prioritized by City citizens and the Port Angeles Forward -_- -_ - Committee: --This plan will focus -on- implementing those projects -with the highest rankings - and set the framework for many -future -projects to improve -the City's tourism product. - _ DETAILED P.ROJECT.DESCRIPTION! ®vwntown_Waterfront.-.- ------------ — __-The-overall goal ofthe -Downtown Water -front -Project includes the renovation and revision of the;existing. downtown waterfront and -creation of new: public areas between Hollywood Beach and the Valley Creek- Estuary,-- Specific example's of -proposed .changes include revisions in traffic flow to and from the Coho Ferry, development of a pedestrian promenade, improvement of the walk -ability and accessibility along Railroad Avenue, continuation of the Olympic Discovery Trail, development of park space, and enhancement of the visual quality -of the waterfront. The Waterfront Development project was -identified in the 1997 Downtown Devitalization Plan. It aims at distinguishing the City of Port Angeles downtown waterfront as focal = point -for the City -'s economic, cultural, -and environmental assets: The Project has gained -- increasing support from various agencies, including the 2009_ visit from the American Institute of Architects' Sustainable Design Assessment Team._ -Ther --report identified over ten recommendation items associated with the downtown waterfront and this .Project. Concentrating on Railroad Avenue between Lincoln and Oak streets, the Project consists of six main components to be implemented in a phased approach as follows: PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT {IN ORDER}-- — - - - �S oYR FO ARES ; :_. RAIL 130.0 AVEgUE INMESiCROSSWAI+ F_T-J RARK AREA5 O'BE IREIDEVELOPED f ' v i, 1. TRAFFIC REVISIONS:===---- =--__- ----- - -. - _- In conjunction with the _BlackbaII Ferry redevelop ment.plaris-, the City will work on revisiing the flava of,traffic_along _Raiiroad.Avenue to improve vehicle queue., entrances and exits, ._ and accessibility to the Ferry—as well_ as_ vehicular, Iinkage from .Railroad to --Oak and Lincoln -Streets. Design' implernertta#ion-will develop in.conjunction _w'th the Blackball --- - - -- Ferry Terminal improvements.-_ - -- --- _ `=- - - - - — K 1 - - 4 2. WATERFRONT PROMENADE: A: pede§teidn-oriented waterfront promenade will be deVeloped on the north side of Railro-'a- d- 'AydnCle _bJdtweeh "'Laurel and Oak Streets. This phase 'is currently a -conceptual design thatle, includes. Venues for performance artists, artwork, and vendors -Public-hart arvie; Ihd `access affY - -- Seatirig, lightihg,and-cliMshelters • Information kiosks and wayfinding" Water features • Ferry passenger waiting • Native, wind -resistant landscaping 3. WATERFRONT TRAIL:------,- along The Water -front -Trail-will-BeAefined a g the downtown waterfront to connect Hollywood -Beach ----and- Valley -Creek -Estuary., -The- Waterfront Trail currently enters the downtown from the east -and .merges onto Railroad Avenue at -Lincoln Street without clear delineation The trail will provide clear and safe.pedestria n and bicycle crossing to the no rtNem-waterfront - side - of RailroadAvenue tend to Oak Street A ffic, w x at--Lincoln--Street. -.two-way bike lane, buffered from vehicular tra ill e and reconnect to the Waterfront Trail at the base of . Cedar Str6bt to the west. 4. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS: -improvements to wa I ka bi I ity a n d the pedestrian -experience along the waterfront will be developed through landscaping and streetscape improvements. Focus areas will include: Widened -sidewalks. - Comprehensive street tree design Improved -curb -cuts and crossings at driveway entrances Enhanced -facades to street -facing buildings _-------.---Better visibility and access to businesses along RAilroad Avenue, 5. NODES AND CROSSWALKS: -Asecondagjo- improving vehicular and pedestrian traffic_ -will be to design better- c9rrIpp�qept _--cirtulatioh at the= Oak- ' -Laurel;-and Lincoln Street intersections -along -Railroad Avenue. Plaza _crosswalks will be _cr developed- at these intersections to pedestrian connectivitv and----. -.-.,mediate ve h 1cu la r, traffic-.- Ele merits to be developed may include; ---�i-���-Differentiated--pavement-patterns Sidewalk bump -outs • Removable bollards • Light signals 6. -WEST END AND CITY PRIER -REDEVELOPMENT-_ To anchor the dbw' ntowrf--'w8terfrbrit-.tW&-"pe[r.k.'Lareas will 6ezdeveloped a n d �renovated --to the east at City Pier and the west between -Oak Street and the Valley Creek Estuary. City Pier will be __ __ redeveliaped fas a -P -fbtal- oiritt6--tl!6—w-aterfro--nf-dO-Veloorii-ent,--Ren0vations will include revisions d-, -performance- --larm caping—,an-d-existing structures. The -area;spac�ei, d Raii road- Avenu e -and --the Valley -Creek -Estuary- Oak---Street-parcel-along the -waterfront- between has the potential for an "open space" development to extend the bicycle trail along the waterfront and incorporate recreational activities. V K- 19 5 it j� i. i I ii � I � i. I i j � � { j'� i• E' , WATERFRID NTI IMPROVEMENT PLANS Lincoln io;©ak Streets along Railroad Avenue ,•I I Street hierarchy allowing for 2 -way hike traffic a widened sidewalk new signage,'landscapjng and!lightirrg along north side of Railroad Avenue, f II ' +{� ...• � r '4 ' p . . » ,......� a _• --.—®® ,..--- T,yF r ;4 3- _ Ferry gateway" improvements at Rail- r ,',,' :_; 4 I ; Broad -laurel 'intersection. See,betow, Waterfran[ promenade extending from � l{; :ferry terminal to Oak Street along Rall-, road Avenue.; See next page f" > C K s ' , ' � ��-"" - m a • �.5.-��� j ...... ~' €♦ alai I I_ • { 1..} �,♦ '' , IVCV ontinuation of Olympic Trail ' Improved pedestrian crosswalks at Ma -Bike and pedestrian designated paths to Traffic calming at Lincoln Street and removeable est to!Valley Creek Estuary jor interseciicnslalong Railroad Avenue continue the frail on the north side of Railroad bollards at City Pier to close off for special events _. 400' � I• WATERFRONT -PROMENADE Section A Ferry Terminal to Oak St,r.e6tfl More passive area along the west with elements to include, - Landscaped windbreaks to allow yearlong use - Food vendor and dining areas - Private and group seating areas - Lowered water viewing areas - Designated art area along, pathways Section A Looking to*9rds'pr0me-nad4'6h Railr6ad A-VendO j �Y More active area along the east with elements to include. Ferry waiting area/gateway Venues for street performers Signage and tourist information V. IF, Accessible water features .................. 1 .i C Section B Looking Last along Railroad at Laurel Street DCIWNTOW,N WATERFRONT FEATURES - Promenade e'xtend i n, f om Lincoln, Str�eet to Valley Cre6k Estuary II I . I - Extek sion of Olympi, biscove 1 Trail from east along downtown waterfront - Impr,oved pedestrian crosswalks at,Oak, Laurel, and Lincoln Streets' I - Venues -far perfoirriance artist - Local artwork' I' - Landscaping to reduce wind and provide shelter allowing, foq yearlong use - Street improvementsincluding signoge, lighting, seating, "and landscaping ,iI I - 24 hour activity through!festivals", markets, and other, activities - Optimal public,wate rant access and Views - Commer6i.all development along south side of Railroad Avenue rn� entrance1 - Traffic itigation at aand exit of ferry terminal - Walking, jagging, biking; and other recreational activity - T urist, W'ayfindihg, andlocal information kiosf s I' I 1:10 . .. .... . ............. . ............... .... .. Local artwork Gandy Dancer along promenade near ferry terminal. Well-Footus Pelicanus statues on waterfront near Oak Street fishing pier 7 6i ---Signage and Wayfinding The project is the design and installation of a unified and systematic approach to provide coherent and attractive signage in the City of Port Angeles. - A design for jJ� directional signs to,b�Q sxed:Cnughout the city indicating tW66-6-tes to the city's most important tourist uses- facilities, �a*ndattractions_will. be the first -step. -After acceptance of the unified sign design, the next step will be the determination of the most appropriate locations to place the new signs. This step will include an inventory of existing signs to l replaced or removed. The goal of the wayfinding effort is to make it easy for visitors to navigate around and through the city as well as highlighting its attraction's and offerings in an appealing and informative manner. This proposal includes creation of a-desigg--establishment of sign locations and the construction -and installation of the first group of signs. It is important to note that this is.a project supported by the City's Comprehensive Plan -and -was added to the Capital — Facilities -Plan by Council in 2009 The project -is scheduled for 2010. Potential Sign Locations Traveling WEST on Hwy 101 East entry to -city at Golf Course Front approaching '_Rac_ e Front approaching Downtown Traveling EAST on Hwy 1 Lauridsen and Lincoln Lincoln approaching 5th Lincoln approaching 1 st First approaching Race . -Hwy 101 --- Locations off Marine (traveling west) approaching Truck Rautte c Vi_ e _(tr=aveling south) approadhihg 8th Truck'.,Route (traveling south) approaching Lauridsen Marine approaching Hill Other Major Destination Points: Feiro ' Marine Life Center - Olympic Medical Center Hospital Chamller Visitor's Center ----=--- Peninsula -College unity Playe-irs Theater --- Olympic National Park Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Ferrids. 'Library Government Complex Golf Colu Downtown.--- ---Boat -Haven Clallam County Fair Grounds Senior Center Airport------ Civic field., Dream--Playg rou nd,_ skate park Ediz Hook Post Office IN Zo 9 - 5HUTTLEIAUri� 77 "U, Examples of varying heights, scales, and styles for wayfinding signage -- i� 24 10 T - _- ENTRY MONUMENTS The ro'ect includes the lacement- f at-leasttwo -newent . monumen s. o - e- -laced at - p l I- - -.f? _ o_ ry_ __ t t b p the east entry.,ta the -city -at -the -intersection of Flighway_101 and Golf Course Road and - __ the -west entry to the city -at- Lincoln Street and_ Cauridseri=Bbulevard:=-The design will - compliment the =existing lighthouse= sfyle-designs that burreritly .mark the Font Street/ Peabody Street intersection and the west -entry to downtown at the`Front, First, Marine, - and Valley street -intersections. The image to the left is similar to the concept being proposed for the entry points at the --east and west -entry- point to the city. The lighthouse- design employs a maritime- element resembling the nautical structures that were once an -,important design element of the -working waterfronts of the Northwest. _-Although Port. Angeles no longer supports a lighthouse, "the design is a part of -aur history and can be seen as a continuation of our diVerse maritime -heritage.- Similar reasoning and attributes of Port Angeles will be factored in to- the new entryway monument concepts.-- Structures oncepts.- Structures are anticipated to be approximately 30 feet in height. A recurring design will -be repeated at both locations bringing cohtinuity - - to these markers as the entrances: and-exiis to aur City. THE WEST ENTRANCE_ t w.n.M_ _ - ------- The western location= would _be_the' intersection -of. Lincoln Street and Lauridsen'_. B-6-u-1-6—vard .-Highway-101_ follows Lincoln Street to this intersection and -proceeds west aping Lauridsen Boulevard. Although._. the official City Limits- are about -'/4- mile west-, this is the significant _ intersection where Highway 101 --enters the City's _L1rt�an-Cricridor. _- -This position thus provides the gest tiarisition--point and is treiefore:_ _ , most appropriate- for the location -of a- new entrance monument. It - - should be noted that consideration has Been given_ to the fact that if -_the intersection_of Highway101 and Highway 117 (Tumwater-Truck -- Route) is reconfigured in the future, or=a_ri appropriate location farther_... west is identified -or 'created, the .monument may be relocated, or _ another monument created for an'alternate. location in the future. - THE EAST ENTRANCE The- s_qcond_ loc_ation,,_a_s=_proposed by-- the American Institute of _. _Arch ifec_t's-Sustainab le_Design Assessment Teary-(SDAT), is the -east entry to the city at Highway 101 and Golf Course Road. This is the first significant intersection at the, -east end_-of_the-city and provides a locetiori-of-high- visibility-- The design -of the structure-�s such that - rr MiMal-issues af_interference to visibility will. occur. _ 11 - --- — - -:-a- ----- -- - Potential Entry Monument Locations ^^^^- Ewe of road IYD Vegelation palyg n Feet 0 -50 -10d 2n 300 400_ -_..-_ _ - L `�d'gei, �A y. • . ,q r'�a"'t�„»v.'r'y «i . 1�. •• .: a.3 1�F - - - - _ Jn . T. - = - - - a�' • °'� �' .:�,.' .£-: a �r �:;x, • . _ r�'cr;-; ; € t's �.+ � T 15s x �„T'� 1�. _ t iy�'F.3.' J ♦ 2r•,�.Y.�1C •m :�t,F If .x '£` �"'��< -f . p t ti ::ac's •�r.> �_» >_ € i� �"'-• - - - - - --- ----" • -- - .. �. .:� C , �.. :fir .T Yom; � a _ e , ,A �b » � � - _- � �:� _ '�3"H - A - �Yr��1l k 5 :i..6 `' •,.�.^ d Rf �'R _ _ Edge of road Vegetation Oman >. Feet � - - Sidewalk 0 50 300 2W 300 - �4d0-`- - —= K-26 --- ' REQUEST AMOUNT COMPONENET REQUEST AMOUNT CONSTRUCTION OTHER FEES TOTAL DOWN TOWN- WATERFRONT Entry- Monuments $15,000 to --help fund the design -and construction of 2 entry monuments Total $170,000. � ----- - - '- � -- - - PROJECT BUOGET COMPONENT DESIGN/PLANNING CONSTRUCTION OTHER FEES TOTAL DOWN TOWN- WATERFRONT Traffic Revisions 25,560 .1 �71440 213,000 00 187,000 .-Streetscape 33,000 2425000- 275,000 Nodes/Crosswalks 96,000 .704,00a - 800,000 21,200 21,2001 TOTAL 520,200 3�814,800 21,200 4,356,200 25,000 _.25,000 44,000 50,000 TOTAL 6,000 --25,000 75,000 ENTRY MONUMENTS Support Structures —1. Boo. 7 �A 3j200. --_15,000 Lamp Construction 2,880 21,120 24,000 Installation 115000 11;000 00 4,481,2,00 13 - FUNDING SOURCES L'-Oth ee known. sources of revenue- available include -City of'Port Angeles - Economi6 Develo pment --7famds:-pd-t5lCVVo-rk's-Litilitie's Department labor- and equipment, New Improvements forcommunity ­-.E-hft9-ffC-eMe-fft7_(N. 1, C. EJ. The City has_also"-- applied_ -for TIGER grant, funding with the United States Department of Transportation. --With-anticipated -. fund i ng --the entire Placemaking plan is a three -year -project. We would like to ----=request r &�ft7L&d-jiffg-Tak-Flindifi-j -for the duratio6of-the project;.'eq u TOURISM --and- EMPLOYMENT IMPACT f The i n tent -of the City's Placern a ki ng Plan is to'&eate a sense of iden tity for the City of Port Ang eles. By creating attractions, accessibility, and visibility to -highlight -our assets-, the placernaking -plan---'- -----WiVattract­visitoesimprove their experience-, encourageto stay and stimulate personal �: investment from-.. residents. - Specifically, each component of the project will benefit local tourism - and employment as -follows: Downtown Waterfront -The Downtown Waterfront acts as the City's northern gateway and encompasses our environmental, scenic, economic, and cultural strengths. The Co ho Ferry is currently planning renovation -to its facility which is a step towards_ improving tourists' initial impressions of the A redevelopment of the entire dovVntown waterfront expands this concept of creating a positive initial impression, and turning it into a lasting and viable destination for both visitors and residents The Waterfront Project aims at generating social and recreational activities, -improving traffic flow, and stimulating -economic vitality which will attract people to and -make them- want to stay: - Based on a formula developed with the ;State Governor's Office of Financial Management-,--- --­a--n-estimated 49 jobs would be created directly ily this Capital Facilities project. The project would likely ge-nerate other economic incentives that -would stimulate additional_jobs.-- Signage and_Wayfinding Thproject willenhancethe experiencd 'oflb�oth­visitors to Port Angeles and its residents. - ---------- --The-City-is-interested in improving the tdurist, experience, including_ the general appearance of -the -city, -a visitor's - ability to move in�, around- -and throddh the -city in an -efficient and-- ---plea su rab IeJnan ner; and to provide the -'visitor, -with a positive, memorable experience once they jl�pve left, Creati ng -a -vi sual. theme that is unique a nd attracti ve - wil I instill a sense of place in the minds of visitors, supporting, the memory of a well maintained, easy to navigate, and attractive location. As tourists take these positive experiences away, the likelihood of a- re urn trip will i- t -or relating the positive experien 616 -others I ncrea.se--- -roject =Jbbs­-Will::be-�:prdvided through: -the pr6posed p by _­­--­;- -- .. - ­-.- - - the - - through= -the ­ ---. L-- -- - the design, -manufacture a -n -d -- placement of th e sig n s. Request for proposals, contracts for manufacture and­inst,�Il of the -signs will put focus on providing locaI-jobs - I nd i rect j ob rete n tio in or creation would be provided -by- creating a positive visitor experience that results in additional visits and longer stays in the city. K-28 14 _ Entry Monuments --The -two new features will serve as points of interest and become visual clues to help orient w _ travelers_along-the-way, thus reinforcing the identification--of_place a6d signifying that a __-- _- destinatian-l�as-laeen reached: The visitors will be aware of a -transition from-8transportation -- -- =- -corridor=to=ora urban center with maritime _history. _Tl is_wiil_ help to orient the Visitor and - .---- _ Local -artisans -and -craft people contributed to the creation of the -two existing lighthouse ---- - - - structures-inTexistenae _Several- local individuals and �'cormi anies have the expertise to - design, build, and install the proposed structures. It is assumed -that each structure will -- - - employ at least two local workers as priority will be given to Iacal_ applicants. _ Place_maing Plan — - -- - - _ —_- - -=--- -Phase 1 Prd'ject LcacatiDns r g' - - :-Feiro Marine Ufe - 315 North Lincoln Street P.O. Box 625 Port Angeles Washington 96362 360;417-6254 City Manager's Office November 3, 2009 City of Port Angeles -- 32I, East 5`h Street_ - _ - Port Angeles, WA 98352 Dear City of Poem Angeles, - Please find attached answers to queition,� Posed for (tic Capital Pro.jects Funding from thv City of Port Angeles Lodging Tax Revenue Grant. Please call or e-mail Deborah — _ - Moriarty at '60-417-6254 or Det)(ir,tli.mc,)ri it€y@no l,i.F=rty if you have -any further - - questions. Sincerely, Debarah Moriarty - . - -- ---- - — �ii:.tlt�sC�'l'' .T� .�F `•,;oil , i 'i4F. _ti t2 -'sr{--= — ----- _T i- _ I l�F,',,f.'.frt 1� isi• _ � "d iii. _. Atlp _ '1 — _- — —_ _. — 1 is '•l. .Z1 a � _—_. .�_—-- —__ - __ — a___. _. __ ._ ._ - - � ij K 30 - __ - Eeiro Marine Life Center 2009 _ -- - City of Port Angeles Lodging Tax Revenue - - - l) Provide A detailed description of y[>ut_capikal 1u.nciinl;.irequest.:Please note - - ---_-- your-proje =musf a eri ly with= W 67.28 it[ order to he considered for funding•-- - — ----- -- - _-- _- - _ - - - Elwha River Exhibit _ elro3 M Trine Life Centel: is requesting funding frdff the City: Cat ,Parr , .17b t'•s for Capital --- - - - projects Funding from tile, Lodgirig Tax*R-&en,ue to install a new exhibit in the Feiro -- - - -- Marine, Life--Center--M6 ex ibit- +ill lie hanM=dn model of.-Ilie Elwha River, and more - - specifically Gltites Canyon, where -v',itor5 can explore laow the darris will be removed_. - and how this might affect the river. the volley. the estuary, the strait and the harbor of Port Angeles. This hands-on mo&l will compliment: the plans' of Olympic National Park acid the City of Part Angeles for additional Elwha liver infarmation at the Gateway _ - Traniportation Center. - - The Elwha Dain Removal and Restoration is the largest planpetl dam removal in the - %vorld and -our corn munity and visitors to OUT community are -interested in the process -acid - tlie aftermath of the removal. The-Elwha Dain models are built by the University of Alinnesota. The University- has previously suppl,ted two smaller, portable inMel s to Olympic National Park for educational purposes. Feiro will purchase a ten foot model to be on permanent display at the center. A backdrop depicting Olympic National Park -will - - provide the setting for the display and Olynipic National Park, will make available the - -- - ge._The hands -ori model supports the applied interpretive education already provided at F. -- -- - --- - - ====-Visitors to lice celrcer have the opportunity to discover for themselves rvha[ will hzlaers as - - -- - thousands of cubic yards of sedMi erit are 5uddeiily Ieleased into the river system; they -- can observe the chances to the river valley as this sediment finds Its way downstream, - the v -can be engineers and discover. the preferred ine.thod fi"sr f l*)val to - decrease impacts to the lower re=aches of the river The learning 01)pDrtunit1cs are eiidlesc- I addition; the rno will be used tn_eo11Jutiction with Noilh 013'tnpie-W-atershed===-_-- - - Scri nde;-Ferro's K-1? prograrn funded by a National Oceanic, and Atmospheric�- - AdiiilnlsIrat iori-(.NOAA) Grant, tosupport watershed educatib i-for_bver 1,2100 students Feiro is working with i_ither_in_dii,iduals_aIi_ci ol'gariizatioris fonsupport in updating other.- - components of the.lf aui ity. Thiw 'l Kk1 a m del is the first. til a plalinCd number. of new ---- - .- - exhibits to the center. As Ir'e R�isic at updciti.clg lice facility. tive'wt11 work closely With lice - City and other agencies involved In the work planned ,for the -Port -Angeles Waterfront.- aterfront.Feiro FeiroMarine Life Center rwi11 be the anchor tenant to the -east.on the new]y planned promenade We usade•r5taiid it. is important that we provide a e,ohesive- Bial. and stoEv and - _ - -- oder-, rath6Fthafi detract, f bi the vi�icin pis irerill-iii c forNv-drd t0 enhalice the valu . our City's downtown and waterfront areas Feiro-has applied For furidiiig-io tiv ork with an architecture and design team to develop plans for a. phased .reifovation for the center The - _ City w,i11 be ineluded in all thci.e di,c ussions Ferro Marine Life Center 2009 City cif Part Angeles Lodging Tai x ReWenti K-31-- _ - Feiro Marine Life Center development committee has been meeting on a regular basis to define goads for 2010 The Strategic Plan dpgWnent tlraduced as list of six gu als for.Feirka_ and capital. improvements are a priority. 2008 and 1.009 were spent securing funding for - ---_ administrative and educatronal-purposes to'replace.City of fart Angeles and 1'zaiaasula -- .------ College funding loses. 2010 is the year for` Feiro to work with the City and show our community and visitors to the community that there is something new and exciting happening at the center Feiro Marine Life Center {retro} eras the inspiration -of community inember Art Feiro and was built 28 years ago ori the then ne:,�� 1"'0€I Angeles City Pier. Feiro has served its con-ununity well over the pea>.t tic arly three. decades., teaching the community and .visitors to the community about our lural sea life. As we approach an era of projected unprecedented change in climate and an the: ocean, the'Ferro must tell a inure updatc;rt story - an updated story, an updated center for our updated cc�n��n�ar€it5r:_ - - • F�: The smaller portable Flwha liver/Glides Canyon model- s used at festivals and for :ducational programs around he county. The Feiro model vill be a built -in -model with additional features including In Dympic Park backdrop. - K - 32---- Feiro Marine Life Center - 2009--- , City of Port Angeles Lodging Tax Revenue 2. What is the amount or your -grant. reauest? The FMLC requests $4 3,QO ff-the Lodging Tux Revenue. rdqiLd _01ko 3. What is the overall budget or the project? A full budg6t is helpful and you are encouraged to provide as much detail as you can Elwha River Model Feiro Marine Life Center 2009 Request to 4. Whatother sources of.reven ue-are. available to support the capital cost of this Olympic National Park will provide partnership support for the duration of the project. Their in-kind support for model design and display is ongoing, Ptyg1pic National -Park '7i will alsoWithr .work e ro educators to train V61unt-ce-r-s to explain the processes which will - happen during the darn removal. Feiro volunteers are availaBle I'd h6,l-p- with the installati6n of the model. Is this 2 request fibr one-time funding F6F11`-p eject= or -are you -re uesting_ fundifigs over a numbeir of years? -The F-MLC-is.requesting onetime -funding for this display. this project -support or expand --tourism in PQ'&AngelCS,,6_i1i1P --ye, -Afige This project Will expand tourism by: ff-ab&fthe greatest s6dritiU -Prox idin--a�handq�,on"c)prforwniTC5f-f6e--i�isit-0 rs ,'td-lear ..-experinient of the-eral­ and 6ther-p-laces-to-visit will.16-in- thq 11rezi 3. PrpE.idiiig_ anew exhib-a-at. -Fei.rp _Nk.irine. Life Center-and-son.iething to see -while-_ v:qitirig Pon Angeles K-33 Feiro Marine Life Center 2009 City of Port An-ge lc� Lod gi n gTax Revenue C City Model Design - .$1,00000 1,000.00 Model Manufacturing= $8.000.00 s8; oo-00 M6del'fnstallaboo-­ $2,0{ 0.60 Y$2,00000 Set desi n $2,00000 Set installation $2,00,0.00 $2,000.00 Proposed Total Marketing Budget $15,000.00 91 3,000.00J 4. Whatother sources of.reven ue-are. available to support the capital cost of this Olympic National Park will provide partnership support for the duration of the project. Their in-kind support for model design and display is ongoing, Ptyg1pic National -Park '7i will alsoWithr .work e ro educators to train V61unt-ce-r-s to explain the processes which will - happen during the darn removal. Feiro volunteers are availaBle I'd h6,l-p- with the installati6n of the model. Is this 2 request fibr one-time funding F6F11`-p eject= or -are you -re uesting_ fundifigs over a numbeir of years? -The F-MLC-is.requesting onetime -funding for this display. this project -support or expand --tourism in PQ'&AngelCS,,6_i1i1P --ye, -Afige This project Will expand tourism by: ff-ab&fthe greatest s6dritiU -Prox idin--a�handq�,on"c)prforwniTC5f-f6e--i�isit-0 rs ,'td-lear ..-experinient of the-eral­ and 6ther-p-laces-to-visit will.16-in- thq 11rezi 3. PrpE.idiiig_ anew exhib-a-at. -Fei.rp _Nk.irine. Life Center-and-son.iething to see -while-_ v:qitirig Pon Angeles K-33 Feiro Marine Life Center 2009 City of Port An-ge lc� Lod gi n gTax Revenue C Cmprove Port Angeles as a.desti€acation. I 'The Elwha River/Glines C anyosn ?\1odel is a one -of -a -hind display and_is not replicated at an), other marine sciem;v center Visitors will comae to see this specific exhibit and continue their exploraation of 01�nipic Nattonal Park and the Olympic Peninsula. ?. Visitors from Canada have heard about the darn renaoval, this will 5-nve thein an 43.P orti€a ily to learn even more-, ---- - - ' 3. Ferro staff and vol uaateers will share with visitors the bcUUty of Port Angeles and collaborate rnarketin- and protyrams with ether businesses in the area to help build al strong and welcoming identity (i.e , visit the FeiroVarine Life Center and the ----- Olympic Coast Discovery Center) _ E 7. Are there any new jobs created by this project? ; -- - Yes, Feiro will hire contractors he build and install the display. I 8. Is the project located in the City or Dort Angeles:' Priority will he given to projects that are within the city- limits. - The Feiro Marine Life Center as Located on the City Pier. in Part Angeles, Washington. L �r Students using the portable model in their hydrology studies. -- -. -- • - -- - - K - 34 Peoria It�l:triae.afi. Center 2C3 City of'Port, fir gc les Laadgartg Tatx Revenue 1) L" Ax J b U ]07 SU 17 U_L Yinp Na c a- o naL v a r K HAY 1e, ! Linited States Department of the Intorior N ATIONAL PARK SERVI CE 60-1 East Park Avenue ,,.cFLY TLIFFEY Tol Pda kngples. Washington 9836? -6798 7 A YM I Ei --- City Mer.iaggr's.0flice Cil". 011 Port An-elu's 321 East 5" S.reet AnuIcs, Wiishington 98362_' Die 01v!nric National Park in1husiastically supports the Feirk, Marine Life Center (FIMLC) in their grant p ropos.,i I Ior Capital Pvjjeats FundIlIg. ff'Orn The CA3' -Of Poll Angeles Lodging Tax Revemi o Grant. The znvt'ici fi-oin this gratit would support the production and installation of an interactiverrfodel and an asu;ot,iarcd e.?Jiibit at the Ff\fLC°s faciliTN kicated at thcity pier. This'hiddel and 6-xMbit-_"el A provide uuz:ua) i d i i q way for i;itors, students, and local corniniinily meniburs to cagage in hane-;-on learning about Blviha ecosysUni'in Olympic klatioaal Park. The—— die Ldv ta Rcsioratio, Project and the restoration of the s c a le o f the darn in r en ic, val s aril tFeass&_, t -C-111 res to rat i 0 [1 eff6lis- ln. ak. � the 1_7 I W -11a Project 11 it ! 0 lip. I I Y the, p351 ye -A -v Olympic Sc.ieficce education P'r_ograiiis for fifth gradd c lasses from Pott Angeles, -,,,�l>riiig.Qlv;npic'j\latioiiaI Park Nvill work. with tli5 FNfLC and 01 ___i�llarklnsuttite( I Ujip QP ymp -iroFaind e.N.Iiibit will foster de-6per seventh grade fo;�using on the-EINvIia Rivei The niodei an nd -sta-i _rft a' _,ivI' strong additiori t('3 bo-thof -Jean Uinding of t?,e)-,5j 6 of sedun transfer and rnov� etl e lid I students on 010_01),nipic, Peninsula abOUt _ t lie. cri tica Hinporia n, -v -of-pt otect iiin and restoring .watersheds that suppjrt the lickIIIII -0 f, terrsl Hat and _1,1q Uadu -ra-undia- lands and waters. This work. complerrients a - ml quppw-,:� Niiiiniial - ec-bsystenis Ln flic, park and sui 1, trk sfj-v ice guals Aentified in the Pacif Ic Pilrks S tralegic Ptail Conserving 0 Or Consta 1, Is I al I d . H nd 1`.l trita Rt!"'ources, 2—, ----- - S;q)(mntendc,ill K_35- • City Manager's Office Cityof Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street .. _ .-- - • bort Anoelc s, N�,"A _9S 362 _. November 12, 2000 b`.V-: 4 *.r'E T CSF COMMERCE fNI ' 9 Nat ion al U0eaItI a€.6 Miro:;'Iienc Administration §.r, � 3 z•'�1�f.`rjr� Csi. t; „1'� aY';;� ..A [tf' 7€2'`} .. r. Iii:: Capital Projects Funding from the City of Port. Angeles Lodging Tax Revenue Grant TC Whore it May Concern. Y =_I fo aan Writing to express the s pport of Olympic Gast Nati.�ona(,M,arine Sanctuary in regards to the . funding application r Fciro Lfaaine Life Center:to update displays at the center. The Proposed purchase anti .installation of the. Elwha River Model in the center will provide visitors information on the rernoval of two dams on the Elwha River, a ideally occurring project that is one of the largest scientific restoration and research experinients iliat has ever taken place. Fei.ro has more tli3n 1.0,000 visitors to its center annually. The riew exhibit will. al low visitors, including student ;coups, to learn -more about the -,darn removal process, as well, as the possible effects on local near shore and harbor coniniunittes. Since its designation in 1994, Olympic Coast Nah4nal Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) has combined innovative ocean research, progressive managenkrit and polic.y,-and inspiring education programs to --- -_ protect one of America's most significatit-ocean treasures OCNMS is currently partnering with l°eirco Marine Life Center, Olympic National Parts, Olyrnpic ll as_k. Institute; City of Port Aingeles: and Clallam ConsisrvRition-District on --a watershed-educiational program called NOW (North Olympic,. Watershed Science-Prograin) for fourth and fifth grade students from --- - P6 rt Angeles, Setluim, and joyce school districts. The additto-n of the exhibit will assis9_st_tideiits in - -- understaridino xvatmheds, and help them appreciate the connection of watersheds to various ---- ecosystems -and- ariousecosystems-and- the -ocean.. _- - - - Fetro-M'trine. Ltfc Ce;ntei• lizis earned its reputa€icon a,� the_.gt?-tt) place on north Olympic M:aa.insula for marine, education The Elwha Rivur Model display will enhance visitor experience.and .xx ill include-- them nclude-them in -this ugique-and-exciting restoration research project. - - - - _--- - Sincerely, --- _ : - __ - Jacqueline Liverdure Olympic C6ast. NationaI Marine S at-ictuary Education a'nd Outreach Specialist _ -- Volunteer Coordinator - _�; 7.36 mm ■ P ORT' NG, ELE -WASH'INGTON, U.S A, G f T'Y -C- Q V 4-C _1-L M E M O - DATE: December 15, 2009 - To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutter, --Director of Public Works and Utilities - - - - S>1WECT: Consultant Agreement with Hammond, Collier, Wade & Livingston (HOWL) for - - Disaster Events of November 16 & 17, Project TR01-2010 Summary: City facilities experienced extensive storm damage on November 16, 2009. Two areas experienced significant damage that requires securing the services of a consultant to provide engineering and surveying Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Hammond, Collier, Wade & Livingston (HCWL) for professional services in an amount not to exceed $29,220 and approve total expenditures of $33,720 for survey, design, and permitting in association with Project TR01-2010. - - - Background/analysis: The greater Port Angeles area experienced extended periods of rainfall for ow ---several-days prior to- an-exceptionally_beavy rainfallevent that occurred on the evening of November -- -- --= 16, 2009 -This exceptionally heavy rain, coupled with alreadysaturated soils; resulted in significant"'" areas of localized flooding, causing landslides and erosion damage to a number of areas in the City. Two areas in particular, a slide along Race Street between Lauridsen Blvd.- and Park Avenue, and - - damage to Valley Street just northof Eighth Street, need to be -addressed as -soon as possible. -- --- -_-_ On November --l`9, 2009 Council -declared-of-a-state of emergency to enable the City and other - _- - - - affected parties to waive some laid tequirein hts, which would enable more immediate corrective - - -measures.--Moving quicklywillhelp to protect the health and welfare -of the citizens -and prevent-- - - - further damage:_ If at some point a Governor or Presidential Disaster Proclamation is trade, this-- - declaration of -a state of emergency -will enable the City and -other a-fected=parties to more readily gain access, to possible State and/or Federal -funding for mitigation efforts In order to gather survey information for the design and pennitting effort for the projects along Race Street and Va11ey.Street, Johnston Land Surveying, a local survey company, has been hired under Che-----__ Utilities Director's autliofity-, to provide thele survey services..for the --sites" Those - - -costs are $3,000 for the Race Street Slide {includes permitting,=design, and construction survey) and - - --- _. - =-$1;500-for--Malley Creek erosion (includes permitting -and design survey) for a total cost of $4,500:-- - Staff .has also negotiated for design and permitting services with Hanunond, Collier, -Wavle & Livingston (HCWL), in the total amount of $29,220 for the Race Street site: ' The Valley Street site -will only be stabilized at this time. Additional evaluation by sfaff of this site needs to be Y -- K-37 NXCOUNCUFINALZonsultant Agreement with HCWL for Disaster Events of Nov 16 & 17, Proj TRO 1-2010 doc December 15, 2009 City Council Re: Consultant Agreement with HCwL for November Storm Projects Page 2 = accomplished__H,CWL_hadpreviously gone through a selection process associated with_ _ — - y = ion -rued stimulus projects anticipated to -he funded earlier this year - - ---- -- - -- - - In order to-a11aw HCWL to coinp7ete the effort necessary in su�iport-of_the project in a timely manner, -- staff is requesting that City Council authorize the -,Mayor to sign an agreement with Hammond, - _ Collier, Wade & Livingston (HOWL) fqr professional services in an amount not to exceed $29,220 and approve -total expenditures -of $33,720 -for -survey, design and permitting in association with Project. TRO 1-2010. Funds are to be allocated from the City's General Fund reserves. - --- --- ---- - - -- CITY COUN{C1 _MEETING - - -- - Port Angeles,- Washington - December 1, 2009 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the e Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p m• ROLL CALL: Member's Present Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers [arrived at 7.00 p m.], and -Williams. r -Afembers absent - None. Staff Present Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. Mckeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, and T Pierce Public Present. C Warne, P Lamoureux, M. VanCantfort, V Rudin, P. -- - Downie, A. Dueno, C. La, T, Callis, and T. Dammann, Jody M. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember'Perry, .A moment ALLEGIANCE: of silence was observed in remembrance of the Lakewood Police officers. PUBLIC CEREMONIES/ 1, Certificate of Recognition-- Holiday Tree Donation to the City of Port PRESENTATIONS & Angeles - - EMPLOYEE ------ MPLOYEE----- R'ECOGNITIONS:----- - RECOGNITIONS:- -- —Mayor Braun presented -a c e rti fi cat e -of rec ogn i ti on to Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild for _ Certificate of Recognition- _= their donation of the City of Port -Angeles 2009 Holiday Tree - - PUBLIC COMMENT: - Maggie Vancantfort,'316 W. 5"' St., board member of the Port Angeles 'Farmers Market Board of Directors, spoke on behalf of the market. She discussed their budget, their move to the Gateway Center, and thanked the City for their assistance over the past year. Cynthia Warne, 715 E. e St., fort Angeles Farmers Market Manager, spoke on y behaff of the -market, -thanking Council and the City for their support and assistance - - -- over the past year. _ -----__- __-----_.-- __-- Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whrdby; spoke regarding the Rayonier site; unfunded - mandates, and his appreciation for the City Councilmembers. CITY COUNCIL - Councilmember Di Guilio spoke regarding the William Shore Memorial Pool Park -- --• -- COMMITTEE --------- _ r_-= _____-District-Board meeting, stating that the•board received a proposal from the YMCA - REPO'RTS:=:�_.:_ . ;-_ :;_for pool operations. The proposal will be considered at the next meeting, on --January 5, 2010, in the Clallam County -Commissioners board room. Couneilmember'Kidd discussed a recent article in the Italian Vanity Fair magazine, -- - - _ where the City of Port Angeles was highlighted favorably regarding Twilight. Councilmember Perry reported on the Holiday Tree lighting ceremony downtown CITY COUNCIL MEETING _ December 1, 2009 WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE CounciImember Williams added discussion of an upcoming event to the agenda PLACED ON TRIS OR under Other Considerations. FUTURE AGENDAS: ORDINANCES NOT 1, William Shore Memorial Pao] Distnet Fund Creation REQUIRING PUBLIC BEARINGS: Finance Director Ziomkowski presented a proposal to create a separate fund for accounting of the William Shore Memorial Pool Park District. She explained that William Shore Memorial the fund would assist in keeping pool activities separate from the General Fund, and _ I'ooI District'FCnd Creafion `� ''`" iuould Help support accurate f nancial reports. She stated that staff requests Council Ordinance No. 3386 waive the second reading of the Ordinance Mayor Braun conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3385 - - --.: AN•ORDrNANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a fund for contract administration, maintenance and operation of the William Shore Memorial 'Pool, and adding a new section, 3.16. to - Chapter 3 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code - _ Councilmember Perry moved to waive the second reading of the Ordinance, and Councilmember Di Guilio seconded the motion. Brief discussion ensued regarding the waiving of second readings of ordinances, waiting to adopt the budget until the following City Council meeting, and the need for the creation of the separate fund. A vote was taken on- the motion, which carried unanimously. - - Councilmember Perry moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Deputy Mayor Wharton seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which - carried unanimously. - - RESOLUTIONS: None. JER Councilmember Williams discussed the process for determining the Mayor and _C3T - - - CONSIDERATIONS: Deputy Mayor for the upcoming year, urging discussion tsi take place between the Councilmembers regarding the matter Bnef discussion ensued regarding the Open - Public Meeting Act and the first Council meeting of the new year.--- -- - ----- - CONSENT- AGENDA:_ _ - Mayor Braun read the Consent Agenda, to include: 1 3 City Council meeting minutes of November 17, 2009, 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 11/06/09 to 11/20/09 for $1,323,426.35, 3 ) Dry Creel: Pedestrian BridgelTrail Construction - -- - - - - -' -' - - Grant, Pr6ject7TR04-2005, 4 ) 2009 Tree Trimming, Project WF9410312, Final Acceptance, and 5 ) Contract for Indigent Defense Services and Contract for Supplemental Indigent Defense Services. Councilmember Kidd moved to accept ----"--- - the Consent Agenda as read. _Deputy Maj,or_Wharton seconded the motion.- _______ -_-which ,carried unanimously. Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 6.43p.m. The meeting reconvened - _ at 7.00 p.m. PUBLIC BEARINGS - - - _ None QUASI-dUDIC IAL: - - - -- -- -- - -- -- ------ __-•-- -- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December -1,-2009 - -1._-__,_--.Medic,I.Rate.Ad,ustment _r _ __--. PUBLIC HEARI,NGS--_-__-- �. - T'= —Fire Chief'McKeen explained one miitor change to the Ordinance from the first = - - - Medic I"Rate Adjustment- - - --reading conducted at the City Council meeting on 'November 17, 2009. He stated Ordinance No. 3387' _ - that the original ordinance included'h'ow the 2011' -rates would be calculated, and in the new ordinance, that was left open for determination in 2010. Mayor Braun continued the public hearing at 7.01 p.m. There being no public comment, he closed the public hearing at 7.01 p.m - -� - Mayor Braun conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled -- - ORDINANCE NO. 3387 - _ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising= - - Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to - - - Medic I Charges.--.- — _---- = -- - -- --- - Councilmember Rogers moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and Councilmember Perry seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2010 Budget 2 2010 Budget Ordinance No. 3388 - - Director 7_iomk'awski conducted a brief presentation concerning the amended 2009 Budget and the 2010 Budget, including minor changes to revenues and - - -= expenditures, resulting in a $99,414,667 budget for 2010 Brief discussion ensued regarding the PERS contribution rates and the Gateway Project. - - - - Mayor Braun continued the public hearing at 7:11 p.m. _ Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, questioned the difference between the operating and capital expenditure budgets _ Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7.14 p.m, - Mayor Braun conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled _ -- ORDINANCE NO 3388 _ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2009 budget and adopting the 2010 budget for the fiscal year ending - - becember 31, 2010, Councilmember Perry moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Deputy _ Mayor Wharton seconded the motion. Brief discussion ensued regarding appreciation for staffs effort on the 2,010 Budget the economy; and the budget for ---- 2011 A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. --- CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Rogers reported on her meetings in Olympia as the AWC - COMMITTEE _ _ = representative_, stating that there wouM be tough times ahead for the State of - - - - -- - - RE PORTS: Washington. She stated that the Governor was working hard to consider the needs - (Cont'd) -- of counties and cities when determining the possible cuts over the next few years. L- 3- -- --- - - CITY COUNCIL MEETING - December 1, 2009 INFORMATION: Manager'Myers reported that staffuld announce the date to swear to the new Yers re P wc Councilmembers later in -the meek. He stated that the Council could expect to see - the final -contract on the Port Angeles Farmers Market, an update of the Port = - _ = Angeles Chamber of Commerce contract, and the Lodging Tax Committee capital project recommendations at the next Council meeting. EXECUTIVE'SESSION: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Gary Braun, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - L - 4--- Date: 17191WL)9-- City_'Of Port Angeles City Couneil Expenditure Report From. 1112112009 TO: 121412009 Vendor Description- Account Number Invoice Amount KITSAP BANK REF DLJP PMT INV 23955:.- 001-0000-213 10-90 180.60 MICROFLEX­ -CREDIT FOR PREY ORDER-_- 001-0000-237 00-00 8.84 GLOVES MED,LG,XL6 FOR OPS 001-0000-237.60-00 -5302 PENINSULA COLLEGE REFUND OF ADPL FEE, 001-0000-239 90-00 29240 Division Total. $428.22 Department Total., $428.22 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2010 001-1160-511 49-01 702.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Council Rfshmts-Pierce 001-1160-511.31-01 3044 Legislative Mayor & C®uncil Division Total. $73244 Legislative Department Total. $732.44 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 001-1210-513.42-10 1.72 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Meals-Kent Myers 001-1210-513 31-01 6898 Lunches -K Myers 001-1210-513 31-01 4998 City .Manager Department_ City Manager Office -- Division Total. $120.68 ADVANCED TRAVEL WCIA Trng-Coons 001-1220-516.43-10 12870 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 001-1220-516 42-10 034 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC, SUPPLIES-LEGAL FOLDERS 001-1220-516,31-01 3796 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CRTRDGE/J HEIKKILA 001-1220-516 31 -01 35.77 TONER CRTRDGE/J HEIKKILA 001-1220-516 31-01 35.76 City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total. $238.53 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-1230-514 42-10 017 --INTL INST-MUNICIPAL CLERKS IIMC MEMBERSHIP DUES - JA 001-1230-514,49-01 125.00 City Manager Department City_ Clerk Division Total: $125.17 City Manager Department Department Total: $484.38 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIASERV 001-2010-514.42-10 1.21 Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $1.21 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA Mtg-BH/SWNZ 001-2023-514 43-10 99.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-2023-514 42-10 1 55 GOVT FINANCE OFFCRS ASN AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT& SUP 001-2023-51443-10- 8500 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT &SUP 001-2023-514.43-10 8500 --- AUTO SH - OP EQUIPMENT & SUP - 001-2023-514 43-10 8500 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 001-2023-514 43-10 8500 MICROFLEX TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 001-2023-514 41-50 246 83 Tax Audit Program 001-2023-614 41-50 -246.83 -2023-514 41-50 MICROFLEX INC. 24683 Tax Audit Program 001 --'--�-PACIFICOFFirE-EQUIPMENT -INC ---=: FINACCT CARTRIDGE ----001-2023-514.31-01 - 32519----- PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER GFOA Trng Lunch-CP 001-2023-514 31-01 50.08 Finance Department:- Accounting-__ Division -Total:---------- $1,062.65 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE --COMM U N iCATIONS/MED IA SERV 001-2025-514 42-10 = 2.24 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC- COPIES THRU 113000 001-2025-514 45-31 12.83 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP NOV COPIER LEASE, 001-2025-514 45-31 125.92 Steve Dryke CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-2025-514 31-11 75.87 L-5 Page 1 L-6 Page 2 Date 121912009 City of Port Angers '~- City Council Expenditure Report YY From: 11/21/2009 To: 12/4/2009 • - -Vendor == ::=<:s _ -_-- - Description Account-Number Invoice Amount -_OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC --_COPY PAPER - 001-2025•-514 31-01 5279 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING ALLOWANCE DRYKE 001,2025-51431-11 3997 VERIZON WIRELESS 11-13 a/c 271272753-00001 001-2025-514 42-10 70.71 Finance Department _ Customer Service Division Total:. $380.33 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 001-2080-514 45-31 30012 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP NOV COPIER CHARGES 001-2080•-514 45-31 26855 --- _-_ _--_- NOV COPIER LEASE 001-2080-5.14.45-31 _ _. 63827 NOV COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 60763 NOV COPIER LEASE 001--21380-514.45-31 14372 Finance Department Reprographics = Division Total: $1,958.29- Finance Department Department Total: $3,402.48 ADVANCED TRAVEL WSAM Conf-Bloor 001--3010-515 43-10 703.74 WSAMA Conf-Dickson 001-3010-515 43-10 _ _ _ _ 275.99 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE Comm UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-3010-515 42-10 1 03 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113049 001-3010-515 45-31 29.16 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP COPIER LEASE 001-3010-515 45-31 16347 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COPY PAPER 001-3010-515 31-01 79 19 Attorney -Attorney Dice - Division Total: $1,252.58 FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES EHM-PCR 12540-ADAMS 001-3012-598 51-23 -- 12000- 2000- Attorney Attorney =-- - - Jail Contributions - Division Total: $120.00 ADVANCED TRAVEL - WSAMA Conf-Dickson 00'x-3021-515.43-10 27598 _- -•_-_ _-_-- ._._.. _ ._._...... - -_-- _-_- -. _-_. __ _Nat Dorn Vio Cpnf-Moore_. 001-3021-515 43-10 1,437.20 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE .. . ., ._ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3021-515.42-10 - _ 0 69 -- CLALLAM CNTY DIST 1 COURT NOVEMBER COURT COSTS 001-3021-515 50-90 6,250.41 CLALLAM PUBLIC DEFENDER Public Defender Fees 001--3021=515.41-50 3,88872 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 001-3021-515 45-31 29.16 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP COPIER LEASE 001-3021-515 45-31 163.47 MYERS, STAN DEF ATTY-PCR15436-FISHER 001-3021-515 50-90 175.00 DEF ATTY-P9-138-FISHER 001-3021=515.50-90 ------ 17500 _ - DEF ATTY-PCR15525-PALOMBI 001.-3021-515 50-90 175.00 DEF ATTY-PCR15018-PALOMBI 001-3021-51550-90 175.00 - - - - DEF ATTY-PCR15467-GASPER 001-3021-515 50-90 175.00 DEF ATTY-PCR12540-ADAMS 001-3021-515.50-90 17500 DEF ATTY-PCR15857-MCKEAN 001-3021-515.50-90 17500 DEF-ATTY=P9-156=KITCHEN 001-3021-515 50-90: 17500 .__DEF.ATTY-PCR14941-WEST - 001,3021-515 50-90 -- _-- -- - 17500 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COPY PAPER 001-3021-515.31-01 79 19 Attorney - _.-.'_ _ - Prosecution Division Total: _ $13,699.82 - _- _.:, ;.----=_-•-_-:-=-- Attorney-, - DepartmentTotal:= ,. _- $15,072.44 . ADVANCED. TRAVEL ; ,.: , -_ ,_ _ = PSP/FCS Mtgs-West - 001-4010-558 43-10 - 33 10 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMM UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001_-4010-558 42-10 1.29 Clallam County Auditor RECORDING FEES 001-4010-558 49-90 203.00 L-6 Page 2 ---------- -Date. -12/912009­­— City of Port Angeles- -City Council ExpenditurLoReport From: 1112112009 To:4 21412009 Vendor Account Number Invoice Amount IriternaUonal�society­ ISA MEMBERSHIP -RENEWAL--_ - 001-4010 558-.49-01 250.00 RORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER, Batteries-Roberds 001-4010-558 31-01 6.47 Blackberry Memory -West 061-,4010-558 31-01 1083 Community Development Planning Division Total. $504-69 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4020-524A2-10 045 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 001-4020-524.45-31 12.84 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP W -----NOV COPIER LEASE 001-40207524 45-31, 12593 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INCCHAIR ­ .­ - ------ MAT 001-4020-524 �1-01 3793 VERIZON WIRELESS 15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4020-524 42-10 -6338 Community Development Building Division Total:-' $240.53 AT&T - BUSINESS SERVICE- COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-4030-559 42-10 0.07 VERIZON WIRELESS 11 -15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4030-559.42-10 1584 Community Development Code Compliance Division Total: $15.91 Community Development Department Total: $761.13 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-5010-521.4210 276 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5010-521 20-80 11431 GLOBALSTAR USA 11-16 a/c 1 50018856 001-5010-521 42-10 41 74 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING INC 2010 INV FOR POLICE TESTI 001-5010-52141-50 1,000 00 Police Department-'-------------- --- Police Administration Division Total: $1,158.81 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE" COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5021-521 42-10 172 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS BADGES FOR SPENCER AND KN 00-176021-521 20-80 238.83 Police Department Investigation Division Total. $240.55 ADVANCED TRAVEL = VCA-Wkshop-Knight 001-5022-521.43-10 23075 -- -VCR Wkshp-Kuch 001-5022-521 43-10 230.75 Interview School -Maynard 001-5022-521 43-10 1,248.44 Taser Inst Recert-Morse 001-5022-521.43-10 67740 WSPCA Smnr-Brusseau 001-5022-521.49-80 411 20 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-5022-521 42-10 4.82 -EVERGREEN TOWING AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 001-5022-521 49-90- 18482 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC CANINE FOOD ORIJEN KM 001-5022-521.49-80 3901 MICROFLEX_ CREDIT FOR PREY ORDER 001-6022-521 31-01 -11404 MED,LG,XLG-FOR OPS- 001_5022-521.31-_01 684.22 Gary Brooks CDR FOR PATROL, BOUGHT AT 001-5022-521.31-01 12997 FCI LOCK FOR AR -15 RIFLE IN B_ 001-5022-521,35-01 13551 - PORTLAND -HABILITATION CNTR --REFURBISHED I __ - _— HELMETS FOR -0---001- — ­­­ -- . -_ --- 5 0227521 31-8Q - - 3,90000 MORE REFURBISHED HELMETS 001-5022-521 35-01 3,90450 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521 31-01 23662 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE ALITO& TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 001-5022-521.49-90 16.41 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $11,920-38 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS--_ 11 -26 a/c 312753523 001-5026-521 42-10 81.63 Reserves & Volunteers Division Total-- $81.63 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5029-521.42-10 1 72 ----- ------ CANON USA, INC` --COPIER LEASES OCT 09 TH RU 001-5029-521 45-31 1,53884 L -7 Page 3 Date �zs1zoas _ _ - City of Port Angeles - - -- -" - City Council Expenditure Report f..�* From: 1112112009 To:121412©09 Vendor DescriptIori=-=-=- -- - -- Account -Number Invoice Amount - -. ---DELL MARKETING -LP= =---------- -=COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI001-5029-521 31-60 1,07055 --- PACIEIC OFEICE-EOUIP_M ENT INC - " OFFICE MACHINES &-ACCESS 001-5029-521 45-31 8626 OVERAGE ON COPIES FROM LE 001-5029-52145-31 9439 _ - QWE5T_ _.-• _ 11-20 alc 2067200017790B 001-5.029-52142-10 19903 11-23 a/c 206TO31979835B 001-5029-521.42-10 54.74 - - Police Department Records Division Total: _ _ $3,055.53 - --•--_-_-- _ -.. _-.:: _ _ - :.r .-_--- _ Police Department Department Total:- $16,456.90- - - ADVANCED TRAVEL - WFAS Conf-Wheeler 001-6010-522 43-10 - 12263 - PTownsend Mtg-Wheeler 001-6010-522.43-10 42.35 - PT'bwnsend Mtg-Wheeler- _- 001-6010-522 43-10 42.35 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 241 COMM UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-11 0.69 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 001-6010-522.45-31 5857 - GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP NOV COPIER LEASE - 001-6010-522.45-31 21303 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $482.03 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6020-522 42-10 2.24 " CURTIS & SONS INC, L N GATED WYE 001-6020-522 31-01 501.14 - _ - - VALVE 001-6020-522 31-02 501 14 SUNSET DO -IT 'BEST HARDWARE PROSTHETIC,HEARING AID ET 001-6020-522.31-01 - 5365 - - - HOSES, ALL KINDS 001-6020-522.31-02 74.60 - = SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 6504 - CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-6026-522 20-80 21.68 -- - _ - �- _._.._. , - . -- - - -_-• • ' - CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 21.68 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 21.68 VERIZON WIRELESS 11-15 a/c 264395724-00001 001-6020-522 42-10 2516 Fire Department _ - Fire Supression Division Total: $1,288.01 - -- ' AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6021-522 42-10 0.17 CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC PHYSICALS 001-6021-522.41-50 110.00 'Fire Department- - Fire Volunteers Division Total: $110.17 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE - COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-6030-522 42-10 034 NEPA MEMBERSHIP _ 001-6:030-522-49-01 .15000 Fire Department - _ - Fire Prevention- Division Total: - $150.34 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6040-522.42-10 0.34 Keith Bogues SUPPLIES 001-6040-522 31-01 5255 VERIZON WIRELESS- 11=10 a1c 571099962-00001_- __ 001-6040-52242-10--,__; __ -_:--__34.34•--_. Fire _Department _ _ _ _T Fire Training oivision Total: _ $87.23 - ANGELES FURNITURE & CARPET CO RECLINERS 001-6050-522.31-02 1,08398 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC LIGHT BULBS - _ _ _ 001-6050-522_31-20:_ 8338 MRS CLEAN - BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER- 001-6050-522 41-50 395 00 Fire Department Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $1,56236 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE - Fire Department COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV Emergency Management 001-6060-525.42-10 Division Total: --- 1.55 $1.55 Fire Department Department Total: $3,681.69 Page 4 -- 4-fiFrom: Date 12/9/2009 ity of,Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report -9912112009- To: 721412009• Description - - - -_ - Account Number Invoice Amount _ -- - - AMERICAN -PUBLIC WORKS ASSN _- _ -MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 001-7010-532.49-01 - 8$2.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-7010-532.42-10 534 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113op9 001-7010-532.45-31 896.18 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COPY PAPER 001-7010-532.31-01 5179 VERIZON WIRELESS 11-22 NC 571136182-00001 001-7010-532.42-10 10781 WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC CMMS-ADV COACHING 001-7010-532.43-10 3,50000 - - ------ Public Works -Gen Fnd--- - - - - - Pub Wks Administration - - Division Total: $5,444.12 - -- - Public Works -Gen Fnd Department Total: - $5,444.12 - - - ADVANCED TRAVEL - WRPA Conf-Bonine 001--8010-574.43-10 362.24 _ AFTER HOURS UPHOLSTERY EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV.. 001-8010-574 31-01 4336 ASM SIGNS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-8010-574 41-50 1,064.48 -AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574 42-10 0.52 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 001-8010-574 45731 22.85 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8010-574 45-31 3658 Part Angeles Garden Club BANNER RENTAL CANCELLATIO 001-8010-347 90-15 7500 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF001-8010-574.31-01 52.92 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF001-8010-574 3 1 -01- - - 11 91 Parks Dept Parks Administration Division Total: $1,669.86 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE - = =COMM UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-8012-555 42-10 052 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 001-8012-555 45-31 61 09 COPIES THRU 113009 001-8012-555.45-31 21 09 - ELECTRI;]NICS SUPPLY & REPAIR REPAIR SOUND SYSTEM--_:' 001-8012-555.31-01 26988 - = GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8012-555 45-31 3377 - - - NOV COPIER LEASE - " 001-8012-555.45-31 171 55 PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER ADVERTISEMENTS _ 001-8012-555 44-10 1,09962 Parks Dept - -_ Senior Center Division Total.' $1,557.52 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMM UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-8020-576 42-10 0.69 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COPIER OVERAGE 00.1_-8020-576 31-01_ 91 54 Parks Dept William Shore Pool Division Total: $92.23 _ AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8050-536 42-10 0 34 - QUIRING MONUMENTS INC -CEMETERY MARKERS -- 001-8050-536 34-01 100,00 - Parks Dept - — Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: - $100.34 -- ANGELES MILLWORK& LUMBER CO PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576 31-20 1378 _ HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 00 1 -8080-576 31-20 2888 ------------AT&T BUSINESS -SERVICE—__ ... --.:COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8080-576 42-10 ' - 1.72 _- --= OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES -- -- =____- _._ _ 001-8080-576.31-471 -' - = .31.17 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND;ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576 31-20 68.71 _- -- THURMAN•SUPPLY­ _ - _ PIPE AND TUBING - 001-8080-576.31-20 2855 �-•.Tn -- � - -°� 'HARDWARE,AND-ALLIED ITEMS - 001-8080-576 31-20 11.34 FASTENERS, FASTENING REVS 001-8080-576.31-20 25.64 Parks Dept Park Facilities Parks Dept Division Total: Department Total:- --- $209.79 $3,729.74 L=9- ----- - - Page 5 - - -- -- _ -- �_ �,•,.Fa � - �.-.M-_,_.,.. - _ Date 12/9/2009 -- --.- -- - -- City of Port Angeles-_:: _.--- - - - -.-- City -Council Expenditure epvrt -- -- From: 1112112009 To:421412009 en Account Number invoice AMownt -THURMAN-SUPPLY _-- - -------- -SUPPLIES 001-8112:555.31-20 _ 10 84 --' = Facilities Maiiafanance .:-... _-____ Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $14.84 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-518 31-01 329.05 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8130-518 42-10 0 17 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC , HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-8130-518.31-01 34.42 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8130-518.31-01 21.55 Maintanance-_._____._..._._ CusfodiallJaniforiaf Svcs Division Total: $385.19 ___AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE._.. _ .-COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-$131-518.42-10 __._ _ _ 0 17. __. COSCOIFEDERAL FIRESAFETY INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 89.46 - - HOME DEPOT SUPPLY INC, THE - SUPPLIES _ -- 001-8131-518.31-20 - 433.58 JOHNSTONESUPPLY INQ- SUPPLIES 001-$131-518.31-20 192.21 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 15,24 Facilities Maintanance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $730.66 Facilities Maintanance Department Total: $1,126.69 General Fund Fund Total: PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM 09 MKTG & MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101-1430-557 50-83 -- - -_= -09 MKTG & MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101-1430-557 50-83 -- - - Lodging Excise Tax- Lodging Excise Tax division Total: - Lodging Excise -Tax- - - - Department Total: - - Economic Development Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Total: ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 - -- _ _ _- -- - -- - - - - MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102-7230-542.31-20 Archaeologist SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 102-7230-542.42-10 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 - - _ CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 102-7230-542.48-10 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542,31-20 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542,31-01 - PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF 102-7230-542 31-01 PUD #'I OF CLALLAM COUNTY- Woodhaven/Golf Course Rd 102-7230-542 47-11 - SUNSET DO -IT BEST 'HARDWARE---_.._.-FUEL,0IL,GREASE, &'LUBES - 102--.7230-542 31-01 PIPE AND TUBING 102-7230-542 31-20 PIPE AND TUBING 102-7230-542 31-20 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY CONSULTING SERVICES 102-7230-542.43-10 - Public Works -Street ----Street _--i�isioii Total: Public Warks -Street - Department Total: $51,320.19 13,842.54 9,427.95 $23,270.49 $23,270.49 $23,270.49 5813 12.56 813- 12.56 2438 086 24.88 6,99236 1,83900 7843 17574 1232 24 37 404.96 -202.48 349 00-- $9,794.51 $9,794.5'1 Street Fund Fund Total: _ $9,794.51 wT&r a`U51niEss SERVICE- CQMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 103-1511-558 42-10 0.09 PORT ANGELES -CITY TREASURER DOG/ACTI Lunch -West _ 103-1511-558.31-01 900 - - Economic Development Economic Development Division Total: - -- $9.09 VERIZON WIRELESS 11-15 a/c 264230412-00003 103-1512-558 42-10 39.61 Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total: $39.61 - - -- - - L =-1 a - Page 6 = Date. 12/9/2009 •-- �,.� - City of Port Angeles-- City Council Expenditure Report ^'"'•��^'�'� From: 11/21/2009 To:,12/4/2009 ---_ Vendor _---- Description--. --- Account Number _ Invoice Amount - Economic Development— Department Total: $48.70 Economic Development Fund Total: $48.70 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 106-1512-558.42-10 0.17 Economic Development- Archaeologist Division Total: $0.17 - Economic Development Department Total: $0.17 Cultural Resources Fund Total: $0.17 ADVANCED TRAVEL E911 Trng-Homan 107-5160-528 43-10 106.50 - AHRENS, KENNETH E Rental Fees-Pencom ' 107-5160-528.45-30-' 700.00 APCO INTERNATIONAL �R BELL - 2010 APCO MEMBER 107-5160-528.49-01 6900 V GERMAN - 2010 APCO MEMB 107-5160-528 49-01 - 69.00 M SHEATS-2010 APCO MEMBER 107-5160-528.49-01 69.00 R VANGORDON-2010 APCO MEM 107-5160-528.49-01 69.00 K HATTON-2010 APCO MEMBER 107-5160-528.49-01 69.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 107-5160-528.42-10 4.65 GLOBALSTAR USA 11-16 a/c 1.50018859 107-5160-528.42-10 41.74 HEALTHFORCE OCCMED BILLING DEPT DS, NON-SAMSHA, COLLECTIO 107-5160-528.41-50 47.00 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS MSP CAD UPGRADE -ONLINE PR 107-5160-594 65-10 2,81840 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COPY PAPER 107-5160-528.31-01 10558 11-23 a/c 206T411918873 107-5160-528 42-10 - 5746 •OWEST -Pencom Pencom Division Total: $4,226.33 ------- --- --- Pencom Department Total: _$4,226.33 - Pencom Fund ` Fund Total: - $4,226.33 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 174-8221-574 42-10 0.17 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 174-8221-574 45-31 40.42 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8221-574.45-31 64.72 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $105.31 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 174-8222-574.42-10 0.17 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU-113009 -_ 174-8222-574 45-31 .4042 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8222-574.45-31 . 64.72 Recreation Activities Special Events Division Total: $105.31 - -.._-.-_AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE___. _..: COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 174-8224-574.42-10 0.17 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 174-8224-574.45-31 4042 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8224-574.45-31 64.72 PORT ANGELES CITY .TREASURER- After School Party -AM . - 174-8224-367.11-00 :- - 50.00 - -----After School Supplies=BR - 174-8224-574.31-01 23.78 - Recreation Activities Youth/Family Programs Division Total: $179.09 Recreation Activities Department Total: $389.71 Recreational Activities Fund Total: $389.71 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 182-5423-521.31-01 764.22 . Drug Task Force - Drug Task Force - Drug Task Force -Division Total: Department Total:'- $764.22 764.22-L-11 - _ $764.22- L - 11 Page 7 Date: 12/9/2009 - �,,�' - - City of Port Angeles.- City ngeles:City Council Expenditure Report Alt'��, - = From: 11/21/2009 To: 1214/2009 _. -.--Vendor ::_-----:--:=:=-- - Description-==-•--::-- Account Number Invoice Amount. - Drug Task Force -- ----Fund Total: $764.22 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC: _�: ==SANIKAN RAYONIER-SITE-OCT 186-0000-239 91-00 85.00 SANIKAN RAYONIER SITE NOV 186-0000-239.91-00 85.00 NATURAL STRUCTURES REPLACEMENT BENCH FRAMES 186-0000-239.91-00 634.14 CORRECT REPLACEMENT BENCH. 186-0000-239.91 -00 170.24 Division Total: $974.38 ---- -- ------ -- - - . -- --- - --- - - -------- Department Total: $974.38 -- Waterfront Trail Fund Total: $974.38 BANK OF NEW YORK PORUTGOREF01 211-2419-591.41-50 30350 Debt Service 2001 GO Bond -Refunding Division Total: $303.50 Debt Service Department Total: $303.50 2001 GO Refunding Bonds - Fund Total: $303.50 BANK OF NEW YORK PORANGREF05 212-2489-591 41-50 303.50 Debt Service 2005 GO Bond Refunding Division Total: $303.50 Debt Service Department Total: $303.50 2005 GO Refunding Bonds Fund Total: $303.50 PRIMO CONSTRUCTION INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310-7930-595.65-10 284,939.71 Capital Projects -Pub Wks GF -Street Projects Division Total: $284,939.71 Capital Projects -Pub Wks Department Total: $284,939.71 • Capital Improvement Fund Total: $284,939.71 BPA -POWER WIRES October Power Wire -EFT 401-0000-213.10-00 1,911,904.00 October Power Wire -EFT 401-0000-213.10-00 2261847.00 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 289.97 _ ... FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 211.38 CARMICHAEL, CRYSTAL R FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 310.70 CORK, VAUGHN M FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 6943 GALLAGHER, JOYCE FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 248.05 KUPERUS, DOUGLAS W OVERPAYMENT -826 MADELINE 401-0000-122.10-99 240.73 PARR, DARRAN FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 101.10 PLUARD, JOHN & LISA __ OVERPAYMENT -1403 SHIRLEY 401-0000-122.10-99 0.44 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-14140-00 245.04 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.40-00 544.63 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 _ 113.39 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 _ 21541 - _____ ELECTRICAL CABLES:&WIRES 401-0000-14140-00 1,677.49 Division Total: $2,143,018.76 Department Total:-_ _ .$2,143,018.76. AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE _- ..._ COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7111-533.42-10 0.53 Public Works Electric Engineering -Electric Division Total: $0.53 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.42-10 053 • COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR DEVELOP BROADBAND RFP 401-7120-533.41-50 17,640.00 -- _ - L -.12 Page 8 -:. ----- -- - . •�'or - - ''.ti�y;�-;--��, _ •- - -• _ - - - - - _ - -=--_---=- - _ - _ - __ - - - Date 121912009 City of Port Angeles - - - City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/2912009 _ To: 92/412009 �=Vendor:=-. --=-=-=---== - Descriptivrb Account Number Invoice Amount EES CONSULTING -INC _._.-.__NOV-2009 WPAG DUES .22670 - 401-7120-533 49-01 195:81 Public Works -Electric - ..- - Power Systems--- Division Total: $17,836.34 _ ADVANCED TRAVEL PUD Sptdnt Mtg-Klarr 401-7180-533 43-10 25354 Leadership Skills-Wahto 401-7180-533 43-10 38898 ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK - 401-7180-533.48-10 - 22,073.60 ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533 48-10 10,586.80 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE _ COMMUNICATION SIMEDIA, SERV 401-7180-533.42-10 4.14 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 RENTALlLEASE EQUIPMENT 4011-7180-533 34-02 40 28 PLUMBING EQUIP FiXT,S'UPP 401-7180-533 34-02 1746 CAPTAIN T'S- FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPlSUF' 401-7180-533 48-10 2385 - CDW GOVERNMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF401-7180-533 35-01 62.38 CEDICONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 9.76 _ CRASH SUPPLY INC OPTICAL EQUIP ACESS& SUPP 401-7180-533.31-01 188,95 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COPIES THRU 113009 401-7180-533.45-31 1990 DIRECTV DIRECT TV -SATELLITE TV 401-7180-533.42-10 16498 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 17833 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY- - 401-7180-533.34-02 8666 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01. 9884 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 3382 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 4369 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP ----- RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES - - 401-7180=533.45=31 179.29 - -- ----- - - NOV COPIER LEASE .-.401-7180-533.45-31 186.66 IMSA NW CONFERENCE 2007 MEMBERSHIPS 401-7180-533 49-01 6000 - -- - - - -MEMBERSHIPS 401-7180-533 49-01 -60.00 IMSA-INTN L MUNICIPAL SGML ASSC - MEMBERSHIPS - 401-7180-533 49-01 6000 MASON COUNTY PUD #3 SECURI-r ,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533 41-50 4,148.86 Brent Robinson MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401E-7180-533 31-01 3050 Brian Wahto MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533 31-01 3050 Bruca Rowley --- -- MEAC-REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533 31-01 3050 - Derrick Halsey- MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533 31-01 30,50 - George Drake _`_:_ -� - MEAL REIMBURSEMENT-- " - 401-7180-533.31-01- - 3050 Greg McCabe _ _ - MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533 31-01 3050 Jim Shay MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533 31-01 30.50 - Lagan Deane _.___ _ --_ _ _ _ MEAL REIMBURSEMENT _,_ 401-7180-533 31-01 - 3050 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT — - 401=7180-533 31-01- -_ 3050 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT - _ _.401-7180-533 31-01 3050 Richard Hixson MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7180-533,31-01 3050 Tabin Beckett -- - MEAL REIMBURSEMENT - 401--7180-533 31-01 - 3050 - ��- Tad Eisele MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 441-7180-533 31-01 3050 - - —Vern Daugaard-------- -�- - .MEAL REIMBURSEMENT -----7401-7180-533 31-01---- 30.50 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN - HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533 43-10 65000 -0Y MPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-53341-50- - --64.42- — - --- -- - L - 13 -- Page 9 - -- --' '- om* 1'2x9/200e — - (City ��8^ ���� �,�n'Council ------- ' Froor'Y1121/2OD9 Tm�-121412009, ' Vendor Account Nummber' Invoice Amount ` - OLYMPIC LAUNDRY aDRY CLEANERS- LAUNDR\YDRYCLEANING SERV 401`718U -53341'5O 6442 - - :--L\UNDRY/DRYCLEAN|N0GERV 401 41-50 8442 LAUNDRY/DRYCLEAN|N(�SERV 401-7'180-5 3341-50 ' 8442 . OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401'7180'533.31'0M 3138 PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT 8nonk0Stonn'K|orr - 401'7180'533.31'01 1048 CDLReimb'Deane. 401-7180'533.31'01 3000 . ---- - '' Safety MtgDunum*K|on— 401^7180'533.31'01 11 98 --' ---- ' - - -�'� Extension Condo'B�ele'----��-_'4U1~71BU'533.91'01 '' 8.4 ' ' ' Coffea'peppan1 ��� .� 401-7180'833.31'01 - - 7.35 ---PORT xwosLsaCITY TREASURER CaUuu Meals -Light Ops 401-7180-533 31-01 427.00 Pizza -Light Ops ^^� 4W7180-533.31-01 4Q0�'' - - poRT OF-RORT ANGELES r'---LeaseFees-Light Ops . 401--7180-53345-30 4,10000 - - - PUD onopcu\uLAmCOUNTY Lauridsen &LSt 401-7180-533 41-50 12.32 --GR1U1&Euclid Ave 4O1'718O63341'5D 15.88 - '' ' - ' puoETSAFETY EQUIPMENT INC. ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401'7180-533.34'02 42032 oWEaT 11'14a/c 3UU45747177778 401-7180-533 42-10 4085 - ---' -' -11-10a/c-208T328157000B---- 401-7180'63342'10 '54.54 1148��2O8T3238D199B8- 401�718D'533.42'1D' 5454 . . - ---------�------- - - 1148a1c206T3238799968 4O1-'718O'533/42'1O ' ''' 5464 114Ua/c 2OOT32270O11O8 4O1'718O'533.42'10 54.54 . '- RoxuwosRENTERPRISES INC TESTNG&CAL|BRAT ION 3ERY| 401-7180-53348'10 1�4BB5 - --- ' - '-�'—�-- ---EQUIP MA|NT&REPAIR SERV 401-7180-538.48-10- 59820 EQUIP MA|NT&REPAIR SERV 4U1 -718O'53348 -1O 5824 - aArsTv&auppuodMpxwY- FIRST AID &SAFETY EQUIP 401-7180'533.34-02 88444 - SEATTLE CITY LIGHT- HUMAN SERVICES --' 4O1 -718O'5334340 -- 5.20000 - -- 'SUNSET uc-11TBEST HARDWARE — ELECTn|CAL sQU|P ^ -^401 34-02 37.73 - - '--------------- - �FASTENERS, FASTENING DEV8 401-'7180-533.34-D2 4.09 - - ELEOTR1CAL EQU|P&8UPPLy' 401-7180-533 34-02 1116. �L��TRO�[l�Q0�-��D�p[9����01�1�����3��2-' 145.2 ---' --'---------' ='-'-''' - �'---FUELO IL.8REAS E.-9LOBES '-4D1-718O-S3334-02 `-- 45.53 -FASTENERS, F&STEN|NGDEV8 401-.7180-533 34-02 18�23' _-_ - - -FASTENERS, FASTENING DEV8 4O1 -718O -53334-0Q 412 - ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180'533.34-02 487 ELECTRICAL EQUIP &SUPPLY 401-7180-533 34-02 1051 EQUIP MA|NT@REPAIR SERV 401-,1180-53348-1O 7Q12 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533 34-02 293_3 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401 �7180-533,34-02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 585 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533,34-02 6.31 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-53334-02 1638 _' -_ _--- ---_-_--_ - Page ' --- ' -- - | - - - -' ' i - - Date: 12/9/2009 ---------- City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report - -- _ From: 11/2112009 To: 121412009 ------_ Vendor - = _ ----=--::== =- Descnptiort- _- == ----=_ -- Account Number - _ Invoice Amount THURMAN SUPPLY _ ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 9.47 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 26.63' ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533 34-02 43.21 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 12.02 • VERIZON WIRELESS 10-28 a/c 271138138-00003 401-7180-533 42-10 61.31 WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 -215.99 " ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 246.91 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC - -- ELECTRICAL EQUIP& SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 357.47 - - ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 259.29 Public Works -Electric - Electric Operations Division Total: $55,107.35 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $72,944.22 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: $2,215,962.98 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402-7380-534 31-20 2.51 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.42-10 1.03 AWWA PACIFIC NORTHWEST SECTION WWUC 2010 DUES 402-7380-534.49-01 750.00 CALENCE LLC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 402-7380-534 31-60 1,476.70 JCI-JONES CHEMICALS INC WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM402-7380-534.31-05 1,637.65 GASES CONT EQUIP:LAB,WELD 402-7380-534.31-05 -85000 L & L TOOL SPECIALTIES ISA HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 MEMBERSHIP DUES 402-7380-534 49-01 139.99 100.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 402-7380'-534.31-01 128.67 _ PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF402-7380-534.31-01 175.74 POINTS SHARP STEEL INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.35-01 30.35 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Crown Z Water Rd 402-7380-534 47-10 17.86 QWEST 11-5 a/c 3604525230978B 402-7380-534.42-10 301.47 11-10 a/c 360Z1 00240955B 402-7380-534.42-10 414.56 RADIOSHACK COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 402-7380-534.31-20 33.58 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE- PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20-- -. 5999 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC• -• HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7-380-534.31-20 129.19 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 522.90 - - . THURMAN SUPPLY--- _ .. SUPPLIES - 402-7380-534.31-20 - 53.93 TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTI NG&CALI B RATION SERVI 402-7380-534 41-50 22.00 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 133.34 WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC CMMS-ON CALL SUPPORT 402-7380-534 41-50 59500 -• -Public Works-Water `_ =•_ _ --- ---- --Water Division Total: $5,876.46 Public Works-Water Department Total: $5,876.46 Water Fund Fund Total. $5,876.46 - ADVANCED TRAVEL - Crane Wkshop-Brockopp 403-7,480-535 43-10 50556 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE - COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 403-7480-535.42-10 1 38 - CALENCE LLc IMAGING SOLUTIONS COMPUTERS,DP &•WORD PROC 403-7480-535.31-60 1,47670 ..DIGITAL INC-._.._COPIES THRU 113009. 403-7480-535.31-01 -- . - 61.38 --- - • -• -ENVIRO CLEAN EQUIPMENT • PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 403-7480-535 31-20 362.26 - - -- L-15 Page 11 - Date: 12/9/2009 City of Port Angeles - - ,�- City Council Expenditure Report _ From: 1112112009 To: 121412009 • Vendor - :---__-_� --Description-=== _._= Account Number Invoice Amount OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC - < - SUPPLIES 403=7480-535.31-01 35.99 - PAC IFIC_OFFICE.EQUIPMENT-INC: COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF403-7480-535.31-01 17534 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 1,496.19 PORT.ANGELES CITY TREASURER _ Postage -Young _ . _ _ 403-7480-535.42-10 2369 QWEST 11-16 a/c 206T32558509013 403-7480-535.42-10 54.40 11-16 a/c 206T32954491213 403=7480-535.42-10 54.40 ..WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 - 30.00• - - - Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Wastewater Division Total: $4,277.69 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $4,277.69 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $4,277.69 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 404=7580-537.42-10 0.69 - PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF404-7580-537.31-01 - - 175.74 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.35-01 21.09 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Collections Division Total: $197.52 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $197.52 Solid Waste -Collections Fund Total: $197.52 AUSTIN, JERRY REF DUP PMT INV 23800 405-0000-213.10-90 34.13 GARY PRIEST EXCAVATING REF DUP PMT 02/17/09 405=0000-213.10-90 56.32 HIGHLAND COMMONS I REF OVRPMT 10/23/09 405-0000-213.10-90 1760 • HIGHLAND COMMONS II REF OVRPMT 10/23/09 405=0000-213.10-90 13.96 KIESLING, EDWARD RFND DUP PMT INV 23351 405-0000-213.10-90 67.79 SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS REF DUP PMT INV 23686 405-0000-213.10-90 11.49 -- - REF DUP PMT INV 23686 405-0000-213.10-90 1.15 Division Total: $202.44 - Department Total: $202.44 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 405-7538-537 42-10 0.69 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.49-90 8,950.00 MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 405=7538-537.41-50 '236.00 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGCY SUPPLIES 405-7538-537.49-90 34000 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 405-7538-537.31-20 44.12 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) - - COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 4057538-537 44-10 477.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 405-7538-537.31-01 20.46 WORC-WA ORGANIC RECYCLING CNCL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 405-7538-537 43-10 185.00 Public Works -Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $10,253.27 EDGE ANALYTICAL ------- TESTI NG&CALIBRATION SERVI 405-7585-537.41-50 273.00 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Landfill Division Total: $273.00 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $10,526.27 - Solid Waste-LF/Trf Stn Fund Total: $10,728.71 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 406-7412-538.42-10 0.35 VERIZON WIRELESS - - 11-22 A/C 571136182-00001 406=7412-538.42-10 1894 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY CONSULTING SERVICES 406-7412-538.43-10 349.00 --- Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Stormwater Division Total: $368.29 L-16 Page 12 " " •Angeles T - - - Coin of port ty ricil Expenditure Report Ci -- -- -. _ _.- .- •- From: 17-12112009 ._ To: 121412009 =zzWendort Description _ Account Number Invoice Amount ----- - _- - •- •-=_ -:_-_= - _ - Public.Works-WWIStormwtr Department Total: $368.29 - _ - Stormwater Fund = = . Fund Total. $368.29 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 409-6025-526.42-10 - 2.07 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 15821 - CHURCH, JEREMY CPR CLASS 1 1J2010 409-6025-526 31-08 5000 CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medic I Advisory 409-6025-526.41-50 600.00 -= = CORDERY, SHARON--- - CPR CLASS 11117109—.----_- 409-6025-526 31-08 50:00 GE HEALTHCARE SERVICES ENGINGEERING SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 16748 LIFE ASSIST. - --HOSP-SURD ACCES`& SUNDRIS-- 409-6025-526.31-02 -5.83 _ — -- Mark iCarjalainen - CLOTHING- - - - 409-6025-526.20-80 102 98 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526 20-80 29782 - _ CLOTHING & APPAREL - 409-6025-526 20-80 21 68 -- --- - - - -- CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526 20-80 _ 4336 CLOTHING & APPAREL 40976025-526 20-80 21 68 CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526 20-80 21 68 SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC FINANCIAL SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 1,922.80 VERIION VVIFRDCESS 11-15 a/c 264395724-00001 409-6025-526.42-10 84.98 Fire ,Department - ?Medic l- Division Total: $3,550.57 Fire Department Department Total: $3,550.57 Medic l Utility -Fund Total: $3,550.57 - GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE -TYSON -- A21-7121-533 49-86 -319.98 - - - CITY REBATE - SELF`IEL❑ -- - 421-71-21-533 49-86- 1,180.02 - Allen, Darcy 1 CITY REBATE -REFRIGERATOR 421-7121-533 49-86 25 00_1 - Alward, Vicky CITY REBATE -WATER HEATER 421-7121-533 49-86 5000 T -- Alwine, Chelsea CITY REBATE -WASHER 421-7121-533.49-86 5000 Bank of America WA6-105 CITY REBATE - WA6-105 - 421-7121-533 49-86 86900 Barnes, Gerald CITY REBATE -WASHER 421-7121-533 49-86 50.00 - - 6ennen, Tarimmy Jo - _ CITY REBATE -WASHER ------ 421-7121-533 49-$5 5000 -s,.•_.- Borchers, kristi - 'CITY REBATE -WASHER - 421-7121-533 49-86 50.00 - "- Boyd, Evelyn - - CITY REBATE -DISHWASHER 421-7121-533 49-86 25.00 Hetton, Loren - -- -_ CITY REBATE -WASHER = - 421'-7121-533 49-86 5000 Hernandez, Anthony & Lara CITY REBATE - WINDOWS 421-7121-533 49-86 404.94 Jones, Sue CITY REBATE -REFRIGERATOR 421-7121-533 49-86 2500 - Kesl, MichaelC --- -- _- - -r- CITY REBATE -REFRIGERATOR -- 421-71_21-53349-86 _._ - 125.00 --------- ----- _ Sissori-Zella = - =-=CITY'REBATE-REFRIGERATOR 421-7-121-533 49-86 12500 OLYMPIC COMMuhIITY ACTION PRGMS CITY REBATE - HAHN 421-7121-533.49-86 3,77303 CITY REBATE - HALVORSON " 421-7121-533.49-86 6,78786 " - - ----- - -- - • -- --- - CITY REBATE-JELDNESS--- 421-7121-533 49-86_ m 4,415.11 - - - - _ _--- --- - `-CITY REBATE = R®GERS 421-7121 533 49-86 2,033.88 SIMPSON EL=ECTRIC, LLC — ^CITY REBATE BALANCE- - 421-7121-533.49-86 _ - =- 391 00 - Public Works -Electric - -- Conservation----- - - -Division Total:-- m$20,799m82,- - _--- Public Works -Electric _ - Departmeni Total: $20,799.82 -1-7 Page 13 0:�'' - - -r" Date. 12/9/2009 -__-= City of Port Angeles --- - City Council Expenditure Report - "`',,. 4- _ From: 11/2112009 To,. '121412009 - - - ----- -- ~� - -- - Vendor .. -Description- _--_ =. Account Number Invoice Amount---. - _...___._._._ ------- -- Conservation Fund'Total: $20,799.82 -- CEDICONSOLIDATED'EEEC-81ST-INC -ELECTRICAL -EQUIP-&-SUPPLY 451-7188-594 34-02 - 125.13 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451-7188-594 34-02 340 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451-7188-594 34-02 2006, THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451-7188-594 34-02 2663 Public Works -Electric Electric Projects :'Division Total: $175.22 = - ----- Public Works -Electric Department. Total: - . $175.22_- �- Electric Utility C!P Fund Total. $175.22 AUTO ADDITIONS, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 122.69 - bAXfr ii AUTO PARTS ii 5 - AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40100 27.98 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-14140-00 14.54- AUTO 4.54- AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501--0000-141-40-00 -15563--- -_ AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00 3302 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141 40-00-. 3346 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO CONTRL,IND ICA, RECORD INST 509-0000-237 00-00 405 OWEN EQUIPMENT AUTO? & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 55842 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501.-0000-141.20-00 6,84380 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141 20-00- 660.22 Division Total: $ 8,445.1 Department Total: - $8,445.T1 1 _ ARAMARK -- LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548 49-90 2637 _ LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 - 26.37 - - LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548 49-90 _ 26.37 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE COMM UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 501-7630=548 42-10 1.21 _ - - -BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 - -_ - P - AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501.-7530-548 34-92 Al 68 _ AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 -4011 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 2798 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501--7630-548 34-02 23.88 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501=7630-548 34-02 7.57 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501.7630-548 34-02 5.72 _ - _ -• -- - •"- AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501'-7630-548 34-02 3.32 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 6.85 EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER EQUIP MAINT AUTO,TRUCK 501-7630-548,48-10 682.05 - __ FARR_::WES_T_MACHINE � HYDRAULICS_._ -- AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. _ITEMS 50,76 30 548 34 372.81 --- H & R PARTS &'EQUIPMENT INC -AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548 34-02 - - 24 92 HEAFRruNE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS 501-7634548 34-02 93.17 __.__HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548,34-02 182.91 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630548 34-02 -^ __ 27.10 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 1495 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST 501-7630-548.34-02 52.16 -N C MACHINERY CO - EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 48-10_-- --= -= 2,44687-1 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 48-10 563.98 .- Page 14 - -- __-----_- -_-_ 46FN � ;, �-< • ''° «'�� City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1112112009 To: -121412009 Date: 12/9/2009 -.--.Vendor - __ Description Account Number- Invoice Amount NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,49636 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF501-7630-548.31-01 L1 Med/Vis Premiums 351 47 PETTIT OIL COMPANY AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548 34-02 _ 84.66 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548 48-10 30.35 9640 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 6049 256.94 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 73.50 20,338.96 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 11.87 RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO - -EXTERNAL-LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 55.28 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.48-02 866.78 -SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE ' AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 10.32 96.40 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 35.86 L-19 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 12.66 ROAD/HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548 34-02 137.40 WILDER TOYOTA INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 566.39 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 53.59 Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $8,361.75 Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: $8,361.75 Equipment Services Fund Total: $16,807.46 BUSINESS SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 502-2081-518 42-10 1.55 •AT&T INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518 48-02 2,26339 INX, INC ..... COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502-2081-518.48-02 4,653.07 NORTHPOINT CONSULTING INC FW DMS VM CONFIG CHANGES 502-2081-518.41-50 437.50 VP CONSULTING INC ARCH ITECTURAL&ENGINEERING 502-2081-518.41-50 7,050.78 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 502-2081-518.48-02 11,018.00 WASHINGTON (DOP), STATE OF DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518 43-10 985.00 Finance Department Information Technologies Division Total: $26,409.29 CALENCE LLC "- - COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 502-2082-594.65-10 5,253.05 Finance Department IT Capital Projects Division Total: $5,253.05 - Finance Department Department Total: $31,662.34 Information Technology Fund Total: $31,662.34 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Med/Den/Vis Premium 503-1631-517.46-30 204,685 64 LT Disability 503-1631-517.46-31 4,571 94 L1 Med/Vis Premiums 503-1631-517.46-34 8,046.70 Disability Board -Nov 503-1631-517.46-35 1,225.71 _ BALSER, FRED _ Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 9640 - - - : ----- Disability Board -Nov 503-1631-517.46-35 256.94 Disability Board -Nov 503-1631-517.46-35 20,338.96 BISHOP, VIRGIL Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 212.10 CAMPORINI, RICHARD Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 9640 CLELAND, MICHAEL • Reimb Medicare -November Disability Board -Nov 503-1631-517.46-35 503-1631-517 46-35 96.40 397.60 GLENN, LARRY Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517 46-35 96.40 - L-19 Page 15 - - - - - City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/2112009 To: 121412009 Date: 12/9/2009 - • Vendor - Description Account Number Invoice Amount . GOODRICH, RUTH L Reirrib Medicare 503-1631-517.46-35 539.40 Disability Board -Nov 503=1631-517.46-35 114.80 GROOMS, MICHAEL Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517 46-35 96.40 Disability Board -Nov _. 503-1631-517.46-35 1.39.75 JOHNSON, DONALD G Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35. 96.40 JOHNSON, HARRY Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517 46-35 96.40 -- - -- -- ----- - -- Disability Board -Nov -. - - - -- --- 503-1631-517 46-35 - 264.66 JORISSEN, ROBERT R Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-51.7.46-35 9640 LIND, DARWIN PETER Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 LINDLEY, JAMES K Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517 46-35 .96.40 Disability Board -Nov - 503-1631-517.46-35 91.07 LOUCKS, JASPER Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517 46-35 192.80 MIESEL JR, PHILIP C Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 92.40 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 532.08 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 65.32 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517 46-30 69.91 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 224.36 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 215.15 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT SW/NS/TRUST 503-1631-517.46-33 43,781.41 RETIREES 503-1631-517.46-34 11,609.75 • THOMPSON, BRUCE Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board -Nov 503-1631-517.46-35 26 59 - Disability Board -Nov 503-1631-517 46-35 256.00 WARD, DENNIS H Reimb Medicare -November 503-1631-517.46-35 9640 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $299,107.84 Self Insurance Department Total: $299,107.84 Self -Insurance Fund Fund Total: $299,107.84 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Retiree Premiums 602-6221-517.46-35 4,589.40 Disability Board -Nov 602-6221-517.46-35 131.00 BRAUN, GARY Reimb Medicare -November 602-6221-517.46-35 9640 Disability Board -Nov 602-6221-517 46-35 141.10 CAMPBELL, MALCOLM D Reimb Medicare -November 602-6221-517.46-35 9640 Disability Board -Nov 602-6221-517.46-35 2,333.99 Disability Board -Nov - 602-6221-517.46-35 81.28 DOYLE, JERRY L Reimb Medicare -November 602-6221-517.46-35 96.40 RYAN, ED Reimb Medicare -November 602-6221-517 46-35 96.40 Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Division Total: $7,662.37 - -- Fireman's Pension Department Total: $7,662.37 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $7,662.37 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV COPIES THRU 113009 652-8630-575 42-10 652-8630-575.45-31 0.52 1054 • GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 652-8630-575.45-31 16.88 L - 20 - -- Page 16 - -- _ - - rcr �c•�- r, --- -- City of Port Angeles - Date: 12/9/2009 �-�, City Council Expenditure Report - `,",�� y- From: 11/21/2009 To: 1214/2009 -=--- Vend or-----='_=- -_-_-. -----=Description - Account Number Invoice Amount -11-23 a/c 206T418577331B 652-8630-575 42-10 5746 -� �- Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Division Total: $85.40 Esther Webster/Fine Arts Department Total: $85.40 Esther Webster Fund Fund Total: $85.40 AFLAC AFLAC SUPP INS 920-0000-231.53-10 750.10 AFSCME LOCAL 1619 P/R Deductions pe 11-29 920-0000-231.54-40 8900 - ' ' - -- -- - P/R Deductions pe 1 T--29 920-0000-231:54-40 - -- 178.00 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES SUPP LIFE 920-0000-231 53-30 477.90 - CLALLAM CNTI SUPERIOR COURT P/R Deductions pe 11=29 920-0000-231:56-30 414.33 --- -- DIMARTINO/WSCFF DISABILITY P/R Deductions pe 11"-29 " 920-0000-231 53-40 1,218.27 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 P/R Deductions pe 11=29 920-0000-231.54-30 1,620.00 IBEW LOCAL 997- P/R Deductions pe 11-29 920-0000-231.54-20 888.12 LEOFF P/R Deductions pe 11-15 920-0000-231.51-21 23,297.98 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 11-15 920-0000-231 56-20 1,181.32 P/R Deductions pe 11-15 920-0000-231.56-20 169.85 PERS P/R Deductions pe 11-15 920-0000-231.51-10 1,721.55 P/R Deductions pe 11-15 920-0000-231.51-11 7,780.71 P/R Deductions pe 1115 920-0000-231.51-12 30,668.49 •POLICE ASSOCIATION UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) P/R Deductions pe 11129 P/R Deductions pe 11.15 920-0000-231.55-10 920-0000-231.56-10 256.00 461.00 P/R Deductions pe 11=29- - 920-0000-231.56-10 343.00 - WSCCCE-AFSCME AFL-CIO P/R Deductions pe 11=.29 920-0000-231.54-40 4,213.74 - Division Total: $75,729.36 Department Total: $75,729.36 -- — -" Payroll Clearing- -- Fund Total. $75,729.36 Totals for check period From. 11/21/2009To- 12/4/2009 $3,069,327.44 L-21 --- - - Page 17 • SRT NGELES: --__w_A­_S=N I N: -G j�=QzN.j== U. S. A. a . UW,-- w �MOM CITY COUNCIL MEMO - -- DATE:- December 15, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL ---.-._ --FROM-. - _ _= -Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities - - SUBJECT: Material Purchase: Transformer, Award Contract PW -09-026 Summary: Bids were received on November 24, 2009 for the purchase of one 1500 kVA pad - mounted transformer to serve additional loads at Green Creek Timber. Three vendors bid on this material purchase. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract and purchase order with HD Supply Utilities Ltd., of Portland, Oregon for one 1500 kVA transformer manufactured by General Electric at a price of $29,903.22,_ including sales tax. Background/Analysis: Bids were received on November 24,;2009 for one 1500 kVA pad - mounted transformer to supply new loads at Green Creek Timber in the Eclipse Industrial Park. Three vendors, all located in Portland, Oregon, bid on this material purchase: General Pacific, Inc., HD Supply Utilities, Ltd., and WESCO Distribution, Inc. A bid summary is provided below. The Total Life -Cycle Cost includes the effects of transfonner efficiencies and the cost of lost energy over the life of the unit. The General- Electric (GE) unit is not the least expensive initially, but it has the lowest life -cycle operating cost. Material Purchase Contract, PW -09-026 (Prices Include Sales Tax)---- Distributer (Manufacturer) - - - Total Cost for Transformers Total Life -Cycle Cost HD Supply Utilities Ltd. (GE) $29,903.22 $53,905.22 HD Supply Utilities Ltd. (Cooper) $27,882.38 $58,132.38 HD Supply Utilities Ltd.- (CG Power) $26,786.72 159,430.72 Pacific, Inc-(Ermco) $25,722.24 $565278.24 -General- General Pacific, Inc. Howard Industries $35,844.63 $65,082.63 WESCO Distribution, Inc. ABB $30,693.46 $54,951.46 Government.Estimate_._ --- $33,562.00 _. It is recormnended that the Council authorize the City Manager to sign a contract and purchase _ order with HD Supply Utilities, Ltd., of Portland, Oregon for one GE 1500 kVA pad -mounted transforner in the amount of $29,903.22, including sales tax. -Funds for this have been paid by Green Creek.L - 22 is _ - __--- -NGEL,ES::- -W-A S H [_ N G T _G N, U. S. A. - - - ... CITY C OUN'_CIL MEMO DATE: DECEMBER 15, 2009 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR -COMAIUNITV & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN r -_ S RIECT: STREET VACATION PETITION— = 09-05 LIPMANISTONE — PORTIONS OF VINE STREET Summary: Consideration of a petition to vacate the remaining portion of the Vine Street right of way between the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley and the Lopez/Orcas Avenue Alley. Recommendation: Council should adopt the attached resolution setting a public hearing for February 2, 201,0, inconsideration of the attached petition. - Background_: -A_petition requesting vacation of the remaining right of way located betweeri the WhidbylLopei Aveinue Alley arid-Lopez/Orcas Avenue Alley has been received .by one hundred percent of the abutting property owners. -Therefore, the petition is valid. The majority of Vine Street in the area has been previously vacated. A copy of the petition is attached for your infon-nation. - - Per RCW-35.79.010, the owners of an -interest in any real estate abutting upon anystreetor _ alley may petition -the legislative-authornty to vacate any or all of a street or r alley. Once such a petition is received, the City shall fix a time when the petition will be heard and determined which __time_ shall be no less than 20 nor more than 60_d_ays from that notice - - - The'Planning Cominission will consider the petition at its January 13, 2010, regulai meeting and will forward -a reconinrnendatnon to the City -Council following a public hearing.. Attachments: Resolution - --- --= - - - _ ---- - ----------- -- ---- ----- --- Petition aiid map - — - - - - L-23 _ - RESOLUTION NO. -- - A RESOLUTION ofthe City Council of the City ofPort Angeles, - -- Washington, setting a hearing date of February 2, 2010 for consideration of a petition to vacate portions of Vine Street between Whidby and Orcas Streets. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to 'vacate a portion of -Wine Street= abutting Lot 20, Block 17, ,Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's -2n'• - Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and abutting Lot 1, Block 12, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's 2" Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property -abutting upon the right-of-way to be vacated, and WHEREAS, City Council has determined it will hear and consider the Petition. - _ - _ .. -NO'W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port _ -.Angelus as -follows: _ _ -.---- Section 1 The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be - .heard and determined by the City Council in the Council`Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, - - - - at -the---- regular meeting at 7.00 p.m.; or as soon thereafter as possible, on February 2, 2010 Section 2. The City,Clerk'is hereby -directed to give twenty (Zfl}-days notice of -- -- - the -pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions ofRCW 35.79.020.- - --- - - - L-24 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of December, 2009. - MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: - William E. Bloor, City Attorney • O-\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLU7'IONS.2009\33.Stone LipmanVineStreciVac.120809 wpd - - - - --- L-25 Filing fee: $325 File #,-e <D —P -t- Date Reod —0 c.::) 9 — 4 -s' —STREET VACATION PETITION REC E HE.B NOV - 9 2009 rwry OF PORT ANGELES TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles: I De . pt. of Community Development We, the undersigned- petitioners request that the followinig described part of Vine •S Fre et. in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuanttoChapter 35.79 RCW. The right-of-way is legally described as: D'ba+hlot- A6 8 /6-c, k 1'7 PSCC- '�iq ki C)afoa¢'s CC "R There are owners of property abutting said. right-of-way. The undersigned petitioners are - the owners of interest in real estate abutting the above described area. Name Address Pf -X k, C e *8 Toth) A al d 3 Ston e- Pa Lop e2- A V e. WA 6 7IA4+k . The undersigned- petitioners constitute more than two-thirds of the owners of said abutting -property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners prays that proceeding -S be had hereon for thevacation of said area of Respectfully submitted, NAME -777Z� PHONE NO. 3 60 -4 57<R 3g /q -DATE L-26 t7 -- - L- = 27---.___--- - - CITY OF NGELES �f- ­ -- H4-1--N—G -r-O 'IV. " -U` 'S: A. r'` Stu r-" SII ■I -I I RA rxe r DATE: December 15, 2009 - - --- __--------- -- FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Enron Settlement Agreement_ Summary: The City has been offered the opportunity to participate in the Attorney General's Enron energy restitution program. The Attorney General has requested that the City sign an Agreement with the State to use the City's allocation of settlement funds for low-income energy assistance or weatherization programs. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Enron Settlement Agreement with - the State of Washington: _Background/Analysis: Washington State has concluded the Enron_bankruptcy proceedings, and - - is arranging to distribute the funds recovered from the Enron bankruptcy related to the 2000_-2441 _ - -West Coast energy crisis.---- ' The Attorney General of Washington State is offering the City the opportunity to participate in the distribution, and could provide the City with $19,505 36 to be used for low-income energy - - assistance or wcatherization programs - - Staff recommends that the funds be used for providing low-income energy assistance to the City's _ residential customers, which includes a records -keeping requirement in accordance with the Agreement. The money provided under this distribution must be spent by December 31., 2010. The terms of the distribution are covered in the Entergy ,SettIcinent Cv.Pres Recipient Agreement _ BeNreera_the 'tate of Washington and City of Port Angeles. -The agreement has been reviewed by - - .the City Attorney's Office. - -- : --- - -- _ The Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the Enron Settlement Agreement with the State of Washington. Attachments. Kent Myers letter to Attorney General, November 23, 2009 -- _ Proposed Enron Settlement Agreement - - • _ _ _ _ N•1CCOUNCILTINALTriron Settlement Agreement.douu R W A S H-1- N: November 23, 2009 NG E +: U. ---S -- A. Brady R. Johnson Senior Counsel Antit--ust Division Office of the Attorqey General of 800 Fifth Avenue 92000 Seattle, WA 98104-3198 RE: Enron Settlement Di ghibution Money Dear Thank you for considering the City of Poil Angeles (City) in the Attorney General's Enron energy restitution program, and we are keenly interested in assistmg your office in distributing the settlement funds tbio Ligh either our local low -iii come.energy assistance program or our low-income weatherizzfion--program, However, only our City Council can makc-a decision to approve an agreernebt and, prior to the City Council's approval, our Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) M1119t &st xevirw any issues affecting the City's City staff -will make axecommendation to the UAC to. forward a favorable-- recoinmendation to accept the Energy Settlement Agreement at its next meeting an December 8, 2009. If the UAC concurs with staff and does forward a favorable recommendation, City Council will consider this matter at its neFt meeting on December 1.5, 2009. If. our City Council should decide to participate, we will then be able to provide the requested signed copy of the agreement after that meeting. -Inantle General's office to ensure restitution is provided to our. low-income residential electric utility customers. Sincerely, ers ae City ?an ager,.- cc: Glean A Cutler, P3., Pubbe Works and Utilities Director Phone: 360-417-4500 Fax: 360-4.17-4509 Website: wW,�v.cltv lea-ris lEmaif citynvanagerdbitpfpa.LIS - 321 East Fifth Street - P 0 Box 11501 Port Angq les, WA 98362-0217 r� I Rob McKenna ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINNG_ TON 800 Fifth Avenue ##2000 • Seattle WA 9$104-318$ = November 17, 2009 { 11 w L E Bob Kajfasz City of Port Angeles .. P O Box 1150 - Port Angeles, WA- 98362 Ul,.vi Ped Angeles 'Ak Storks �pid WiliilU3 Dept Eugi4!arp f* 5r.:vicvs, 0Pvisirin _ RE: Enron Settlement Distribution Morley Greetings. Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Attorney General's --Enron energy restitution program. This distribution ends a long-running matter concerning the energy crisis of 2000- 2001. With the completion of the Enron bankruptcy we are finally able to distribute funds to residential consurners. The settlement with Enron provides that the money must be used for the benefit of Washington energy consumers, either directly or indirectly. Due to the uipmeticahty of providing individual refunds, we have decided that the funds should be used to aid each utility's low-income energy assistance prograin or an equivalent program in your area. You -have indicated that you are. willing to oversee the proper usage of such funds. To that end, enclosed is a contract between the Attorney General's Office and City of Port Angeles which provides for the proper usage of the funds per our prior contacts with you. The contract also requires that you provide a written report demonstrating that the funds were used properly. Please sign and return the contract by November 25, so that we can proceed with the distribution. You will not receive funds -until you have returned the contract. If we do not heat back from you by:�Tovember 25, we will assume you no longer want the funds and will direct your funds to LIHEAP, with directions to spend your allocation of funds in your service area, Please contact Senior Counsel Brady Johnson if you have any questions about this procedure. Thank you again For your help with this worthwhile project. Sincerely, &A BRADY R. JQHNsoN - - - - — Senior Counsel ---- - - -- -- - - - - - - Antitrust Division 206-389-2845 >3tU:clkc — Enclosure L-30 - • • :-----ENERGY SE TTLEMENY CY PRES-RECIPIENT AGREEIVIENYBETWEEN THE STATE OF WAS14INGTON AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES The State of Washington, Antitrust Division, investigated several energy companies concoming,possible- illegal. activity occurring during the 2000-2001 energy crisis. In settlement -Of that- itivestigation, energy- companies. agreed to pay restitution to --benefit- consumers and businesses in Washington --for the harm- allegedly caused by the companies' conduct Due to the amount of money received and the, number of customers who were harmed, the Attorney General has determined that residential consumers shall receive the benefit -of the settlement in the forin of a ey pres distribution,3The amount to be distributed for cy pres use to benefit residential customers is approximately $6,249,540.64. The Attorney General's Office has allocated the residential Cy pres amount to utilities throughout the state -basqd-on-their residential populations served. Bas6l on that ainount, the allocation to City of Port Angeles is $19,505.36. City of Port Angeles- has preliminarily committed to use the funds received for low income energy assistance and/or weatherization programs. The state of WashingtonacidCity of Port Angeles further agree that: I. PARTIES This Agreement is between the Office of the Waslun'gton State Attorney General -and- _ - City eneral-and— City of Port Angeles. 3 The settlement agreements with the energy companies permit the Attorney General to deterniine how best to provide restitution to individual consumers and businesses. The restitution can be provided directly, or in an iridirect mariner "Cy pros" refers to an indirect method of distribution used when direct restitution is impracticable L-31 TI. REPRESENTATIONS AND CONDITIONS AGREED TO BY RECIPIENT A.--__--, Cit; *of P@!D= -e� -les-Hereby-agrees that all funds received will be used to benefit - - its residential customers. Funds will be used to support residential low-income energy_ _assistance or- i, esideptial weatherization prograins unless prior mitten approval is obtained from the Attorney General's Office. B. City of Port Angeles will deposit the funding in an interest bearing account. Any - interest accrued thereon is subject to the same restrictions set forth Herein as bind the principal funding. C. City of Port Angeles will use the funding only to fund activities not funded previously or which, but for the receipt of money from the settlement fund, would-- - not be fall funded. If an, activity has been previcusiy -funded, City of Polk Amies shall not use any portion of the funding to supplant existing f indii-ig and -- - _ -- - sha11 only use it to fund -an expansion of activities. = - - -- - -- - - - ty- - art''-Ange es 'shall- disburse allthe money- provided to it as soon as reasonably practical, but in -no- event by no later than December. 31,. 2.010,_ unless - _ -- the Attorney General's Office grants an extension in writing in advance. E. City of Port Ankles has obtained all necessary.approvalsrequired to execute this contract. IIT. CERTIFICATION S - - A. City of Port Angeles certifies that it will comply -with all- applicable laws, rules, - - -- and regulations -of the State, which are in effect or become effective during the term of this Agreement. 2 L-32 B- _-, City of Port Angeles certifies_ that.it will comply with all applicable federal, state; . — -- and local -laws relating to nondiscrimination in employment; will not discriminate against any individual who receives or applies for services on the basis of actual or perceived age, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, gender, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, alienage, or citizenship; and, will forward to the Attorney General's Office a copy of any finding by a court or administrative------- - - -- - --- =_=--•---•—•--•-•-::- -•••- __agency_ that. it .has violated any.. federal, state, or local law relating to nondiscrimination. - C. - City of Port Angeles certifies thai it will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local labor and employment laws and regulations, including any applicable schedules or determinations made by the State Department of Labor and - - Industries and Employment Security Department and will forward to the Attorney • General's Office a copy of any finding by a court or administrative agency that it has violated any federal, state, or -local -law or regulation relating to labor or _-• -- -employment... _ --- D. City of Port Angeles certifies that- any services provided pursuant to this Agreement will be secular in nature and will be performed in a manner that does not discriminate on the basis of religious belief, or promote or discourage - - - : - adherence• to religion in general or particular religioubeliefs: s - - E. If City of Port Angeles retains any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or other t entity to provide services funded by these monies, City of Port Angeles must ensure that such an entity completes all certifications set forth in paragraphs M. - - - - - - - - - -- - -- A-D supra. - - 3 L-33 INDEMIFICATION - - If City of Port Angeles enters into subcontracts in adrAinistering the project, City of Port Angeles shall take full responsibility for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors. Nothing in the subcontract shall irnpau• the rights of the State under this Agreement. No contractual relationship shall be deemed to exist between the subcontractor and State. V. RECORDS AND REPORTING A. City of Port Angeles shall establish and maintain complete and accurate books, records, documents, accounts and other evidence directly pertinent to performance under this contract (hereinafter, collectively, "the Records"). The Records must be kept for the balance of the calendar year in which they were 0 - made and for three (3) additional years thereafter. The Attorney General, his staff, and their agents, including but not limited to any audit or accounting firm retained for funding oversight, and any other person or entity authorized to • -� -- -- - — conduct an examination, shall have access to the Records during norrnal business hours at City of Port Angeles for the term specified above for the purposes of inspection, auditing and copying. _ B.. , : --City. of Port Angeles shall provide written reports to the Office of the Washington - State Attorney General or its designated agent. on a semi-annual basis, beginning six months from the date of receipt of funding.: These reports shall be sent to the Office of the Washington State Attorney General, Antitrust Division, Suite 2000, P ' 800 Fifth Avenue, WA 98104, Attention: Dale Eastman. Each semi-annual report - shall include: (a) all expenditures using generally accepted accounting principles; (b) the status of the project; (c) the programs provided; (d) an explanation of how 4 L - 34 -- • the programs fulfilled the purpose of the underlying Court -approved settlement, i.e., how the programs benefited residential energy customers in Washington state; (e) the number of persons served or benefited; and (f) any other specific • Vl. • information that the Office of the Washington State Attorney General or its agents deem reasonable in monitoring the program. C. The Attorney General and his designated staff have discretion to request additional reports or information at any time - during the term of the award necessary to ensure compliance with this agreement and/or the court's order. D. After City of Port Angeles has fully used the funds, if shall provide a final report that describes all matters covered by the semiannual report described in paragraph B, supra. The Attorney General or his agent has discretion to promulgate guideluies for the format and contents of the final report. E. City of Port Angeles will fully cooperate with requests from the Washington State Attorney General's Office and its agents including any audit or'accounting firms or other contractors retained to assist in evaluating and/or auditing City of Port Angeles's use.of the -energy distribution monies. TERMINATION A. The parties to -this Agreement acknowledge the obligation of the Washington State -Attorney General to ensure that the monies- are spent in a-mamler-consistent-- with the settlement agreement between the State and the energy companies. Any failure by City of Port Angeles to provide requested access, information or reports, or any expenditures made from the monies that do not comply with this Agreement, or any other violation of this Agreement, may cause the Office of the 5 - -L - 35 Washington State Attorney General to seek removal of City of Port Angeles as'an pproved. repipieat -of -funds and to -demand full reimbursement to the state of Washington: - '13'. If at any ti - ind the state of Washington believes City of Port Angeles to be in noncompliance with any provisions of this Agreement, the State shall give City o Port Angeles thirty (30) days' written notice describing the claimed -noncompliance with sufficient specificity to enable City of Port Angeles to cease and correct the claimed noncompliance. If City- of Port Angeles doesceaseand correct all claimed noncompliance within a thirty (30) day period, the state of Washington shall take no further action. Dated this 17th day of November, 2009 AGREED: ROB MCKENNA ATTORNEY GENERAL OF WASHINGTON By: BRADR.. JOHNSON Senior Counsel Washington. State Attorney GeneraFs Office CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Printed Name: Title: 6 -- - L-36 AW. ,0 T NGELErS WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO - DATE: December 15, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR -COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT AWARDS AND CONTRACTS Summary: City-wide Fa�ade-Improvement Program award announcement and Council authorization of contract execution. Recommendation: Council should authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with award recipients. = - Background / Analysis: At a City Council meeting held on August 4, 2009, the Council approved a City-wide Fagade Improvement Program. Over the past few months staff has successfully implemented the fagade program. Staff received eleven (11) applications -representing over $350,000 in new construction projects under the first pilot program offering. A total of $80,000 in awards were requested. On December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission awarded the following four (4) grants totaling $25,179. -- - - --- FACADE APPLICATION ADDRESS - GRANT AMOUNT 09-01 Kaufman -Miller 123 E: I" Street $10,000.00 09-07 Serenity House 535 E.']` Street $4,179.00 09-02 Bailey's Signs " -"— --- - 112 S._Lincoln Street - $10,000.00 - _........_.. SIGNAGE APPLICATION..._-__ _ _ ADDRESS. _ GRANT AMOUNT 09-09 Pacific Refrigeration 600 E. I" Street $1,000 It is important to note that the values noted in the table above represent only the City award - to the project. -The total -cost -of each project exceeds the award amount by -at least 50% and results in larger community wide financial benefits in new construction and improved tax assessments for - - each property.-- --- -- - - ---- - - Each grant recipient is required to enter a'contract with the City of Port -Angeles prior to- - - - receiving payment of the award. Staff will work closely with the Legal Department to ensure each - contract meets the City's financial obligations and requirements. Staff is requesting authorization • for the City Manager to sign and execute the contracts on behalf of the City. L-37 _40 -Monthly -Financial Update NOVEMBER_ .2009 General Fund & Street Overview As 2009 comes to a close, we are optimistic that General Fund revenues will finish the Sear either at or slighth• above the amended budget. As you will recall, the Council voted to decrease year- end estimates for tw-o-'of the larg- est revenue sources; sales tax and utility tales. However, these de- creases are partially offset by addi- - - 2009 Variance _ GENERAL FUND Actual Budget $ % Revenues -through November 15;221,502 17,425,527 2,204,025 87.4°/a Expenditures -through November 15,604,187 17,986,426 2,382,239 86.80/c Net Rev. over/(under) Exp. (382,685) (560,899) STREET FUND Revenues -through November 1,450,338 1,542,523 92,185 94.0% Expenditures -through November 1,279,319 1,579,017 299,698 81.0% Net Rev, over/(under) Exp. 171,020 (36,494) tional grants and higher than an- Expenditures are also on track to come ticipated permit revenue General in sbghtly lower than the amended Fund revenue was reduced Sl 16K budget, with 87% of the nearly S18M from the original 2009 budget. To amended budget -spent to date. This is a date, we have collected S15.22\1, or result of controlled luring, along with • 87% of the amended budget closely monitored spending and careful u amont, with additional grant reviexr• of all mayor purchases. revenue anticipated by year-end. 4 rib 0 2008 Actual 0 2009 Actual xLari�S� \Vith 92% of the year completed, the Street Fund is significantly below- tar- get with expenditures (81% of budget spent) while revenues are on slightlj. ahead of target (94% collected). We expect this trend to continue through the end of 2009. Revenue through November 2009 Actual 2009 Budget Gas Tax $ 380,959 $ 425,766 89% collected through November REET $ 204,888 $ 220,000 93% collected through November Through. November, wee have col.lected.-- 92% of budgeted Sales Tax reuenue (based on. the amended bitdget). Historically, tue have collected 9-51% of budgeted sales tax revenue at this point iMhe ;,ear. Through November (92% of the year completed) tale City has collected lust under 93% of all uti it -v taxes in the • amended budget. We are shghtl above - target as we have historically* collected just under 90% at this point in -the tear. The amended 2009 budget reflects reduc- tions to Electric (-$ t 5K�, Water (-S32K), SW Collections (-SSKI , and Transfer Sta- tion (S114K). These lower than antici- pated revenues are a result of lower ton- nage levels at the transfer station and the closure and furlough of local businesses. The total reduction in utility tales is nearly S229K. Ho-,vever, the amended budget was increased for Wastewater (+S18K) and Stormx- ater (+31K), for a net reduction in utility revenue of ap- proximately S21 OK for 2010. Community & Economic 469,868 Community Development 449,169 Revenue Collected through November Development Revenue Lodging Tax Revenue thru November 2008 2009 2009 Revenue Source Actual Actual Budget 20;'�Ctll4feirenue Building Permits $ 158,737 $229,833 $220,000 e Plumbing Permits 10,173 12,682 13,000 ttian the 4m «co.unt Mechanical Permits 17,059 18,975 15,000 -er e Sign Permits 4,482 2,159 3,000 Plan Checking Fees 62,805 116,489 115,000 period Planning Permits 7,400 6,370 6,730 Zoning Fees 7,540 13,450 13 250 Total Revenue 268,196 $ 399,958 $ 385,980 $ 85,000 Lodging Tax Revenue $70,000 $ 55,000 $40,000 $25,000 $10,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Od Nov Dec - 2008 - Actual - 2009 Budget $490,000 $4 70,000 $450,000 $430,000 $410,000 $390,000 $370,000 $350,000 ---- - ❑2008 ®2009 Actual --- 469,868 449,169 Lodging Tax Revenue thru November -- M-2 7 .MIINUTES -. PLANNING COMMISSION .Port Angeles, Washington 98362 : - November 10;2009 - 6:00 p.m. - ROLL CALL Members Present: John Matthews, Werner Meier, Mike Caudill, Doc Reiss, LL 'Wim Boyle, Nancy ,Powers, Carla Sue Members Absent: None Staff Present:: - Nathan West, Sue Roberds -- Public Present: -- -- None-_ - APPROVAL OF -MINUTES----------- --.---- Commissioner -- - Commissioner Boyle moved to approve the October 28, 2009, regular meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and passed 4 - 0 with Commissioner Sue abstaining due to her absence at the meeting. WORK SESSION: Discussion of potential Amendments to Port Angeles Municipal Code. .._—Planning_ Commission and, staff members openly discussed the -staff's memorandum on potential amendments= to --various sections -of -the Port Angeles Municipal Code ... -Potential Code amendments are intended to clarify existing regulations, correct side yard setbacks when conflict with driveways and rights-of-way occur, amend minor wording relative to open space or garden space in the Infill Overlay Zone, and provide clarification and definitions where lacking. - In discussing existing wording that requires the removal of signs where businesses no longer -- -_- operate or where merchandise.-is.advertised:-that is no longer sold, Commissioner ,Reiss indicated he would not be able to support wording to require removal of the- sign supportsystemas well as the sign unless the support system was in disrepair or without an appeal mechanism in place. - _ --- _ - Staff noted=that-there-have-been several -highly visible instances where a .busynesshas-ceased to - - -operate=but-a--sign structure -has remained for many years falling -into disrepair Staff noted that long standing law requires that nonconformities be removed if not functioning within a specific - _ = --period -of time: == The -current= Code =wording- is -not -in line with other--nonconfon-ning-pr-ovisions found in the -Zoning Ordiriance-that requires nonconfon-nities-:,to be -removed within one year._-_ The proposed amendment would make that time period clear. Since a sign structure is a significant-investinent, a confon-ring structure could be retained by appeal.. Staff will -work- appeal workappeal language into -the amendment__, - -- COMMUNICATIONS -FROM THE ,PUBLIC----- - -- -None M-3 Planning Commission Minutes NoVEMbE'r 10, 20091 — - - STAFF REPORTS Staff reported that the City Council acted favorably on the Cronauer Street Vacation petition, per -- - - -the Commission's recommendation at Council's November 171' regular meeting. Director West reported that eleven ( 11) facade improvement applications .had .been submitted for consideration under the City's Facade Improvement Program. Staff reviewed the applications and forwarded suggestions to qualifying applicants as to how applications might be more complete. Thi applications will be forwarded for .Planning Conunission action at the December -9--meeting. - - - - - ------ --- _ REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS-..., None --. ADJOURNMENT_ The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Sue Roberds, Secretary Doc Reiss, Chair - -- -- --- - – - - -- a __ - - � - - - PREPARED BY 5 Roberds --- - - _ - iEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IUILDING DIVISION MONTHLY PERMIT REPORT NOVEMBER 2009 CATEGORY JAN. FEB. MAR. I APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT OCT NOV 2009 YTD 2 8 YTD RESIDENTIAL -NEW MODULA /MA UFACT N . .. ... Value SINGLE FAMILY . ... ........ ........ ... .... . ...... Value 11 ...... .... . . .. ...... 50,000 .. $.1..52,102 .......... ........ f ..... $129,271 2 $357,069 .... .. ... 1 .. . ....... $11 i. 831 2 $560,347 ........... 2 5426,255 . .. 58,431 10 51,151,666 ..... . .... i ...... . $58,431 3 $5N"*�iw . ..... . ..... . .......... - 1 �i6,60* 6 3 $474,964 $162,875 . 23 16 $3,690.738 $3,070,741 . ... .....MULTI -FAMILY .... ..... ..... Value ACCESSORIES . ........ Value , . ... ........ ........... I ........ .... . 1, 2 . ....... I .. ..... .... . ...... 2 .. ...... ......... 2 . ..... ... .. .... 1 $21,600 ... ...... 4 . ......... ... ... ... 3 ... .... ...... 1 5 .... 3 . ...... $249,518 26 19 $718,231 $431,151 COMMERCIAL -NEW ... RETAIL....... Value ................ ....... $573.450 . ...... .. ........ ... . ...... ........ . ... ....... . . ........ ....... . . ... ...... ....... ...... .. . ....... ..... . ...... . 1 ... .......... $4.600 ........... 2 $7.0 . 0 . 0 .... 4 $585,250 HOTEL/MOTEL Value........ .... .. .. .... .. .... ....... ... .... .... .. . OFFICE....... Value DRINKING/DINING .... . Value...... A.U.TO./SE.RVICE ........ Value INDUSTRIAL Value ..... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ..... .. .. ......... .... 1 894,496 !. I . . ............ .... . ... ....... ....... .... . $6,400 . .... ..... ... ... .... . . .... ..... ... . .... ...... ... ... .... . ... ... .... .... .... ... $293,821 . ... ... ... . ..... .... .... .. $94,496 $478,680 1 $10,000 $6,400 $5001,000 5 8293,821,_ $2,178,769 PUBLIC - NEW Value CHURCHES ...... .... .... ... ....... .. Value ..... ... ........ .... ... .... ..... ... .. ... ... ....... . ... ........... ............ .... ... ... ........... . ....... . . ... ......... . 2 . ....... I .... .. . $39,776 ... ...... ... . ...... .... . ..... .... . 1 ... .. . ........... . ..... $26,000,000 ... .......... .. .. .... . . ...... ..... ... . ......... . . ....... ... ... ....... ... ....... $26,039,776 $1,800,000 .... ... ....RECREATION..... ....... Value ... .......... .... . .... .... .... ...... ... .,..l........... . .... ....... .......... ..... . .......... ...... . ..... ... .......... 2 $50,000 REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL Value COMMERCIAL ... Value PUBLIC . ....... Value , DEMOLITION /MOVE ' Value 2�2 �2 4,294 ....... ......2 $55.078 3 $3i.*j1F""­­ 2.. .... .. $140,600 16 . .... ....... ..... 11 $182,569 ? I ..... . $5,000 .... ...... ... .... $120 ... ....... $278,00i 8 $113,NY" J ... .... ..... s9,566 . .......... i . ..... .... . $100 27 . 8 $3,8P,990 .... . .. .... ... $0 . ..... .. 2.2 ...... . ... $168,392 12 .. ..... ..... . $408,466 . ... . . . .. ... ........ $44,640 ....... .... ... ........ 35 $ . 362,835 14 . ....... . .. ..... $846,861 . $11,000 . 1 38 $125,490 16 ....... ... . . ......... $4�6.W4 .. .. .... ....... . . $374,243 5 ....... .... 40 ...... $326.-783 .. ... 6 $54,'5-9'0- .. ........ .. .. . .. . $22.500 1 28 .. ....... ...... $�§8,573 9 l' 5"4*,'3** 2-8 . ...... ........ ....... 31 ... $223,846 .. .. ..... 68,455 1 $0 34 ...... ... . .... $Ijb.357 6 . .... .... ........... 5292,403 320 367 $2,553,128 $3,075,656 107 127 - - - $6,484,921 $3,023,011 14 16 _$510,201 $1,492,217 17 19 $10,220 $366,501 BUILDING TOTALS BLDG PERMITS CONST. VA'E'Liff" '] 35 $1,360,465 35 $586,360 42 073 $662, f 41 2 $4,208, *i8 40 $1,1i�,438­ 60 $2,032,525 67 $1,420,460 62 ... .... ... .... . $27,917,391 46 ...... ...... $1,165,586 53 ....... ..... .... $556,167 . ..... ... ... .... $604,443 525 577 $41,643146 $16,839,119 BLDG PERMITS FEE 11 $16,919 $11,789 $18,091 1 $39,022 1 $13,446 $32,994 1 $22,478 $196,936 $21,281 $12,816 1 $11,524 1 $397,296 $243,335 M-5 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES. November 18, 2009 Vern Burton Meeting Rooms / Port Angeles, Washington ■ CALL TO ORDER Councilmember and Committee Chair Karen Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:04p.m. -ROLL CALL- Voting ALLVoting Members Present: Council Member & Chair Rogers, Edna Petersen, Greg Woodland,. Scott Nagel. Voting Members Absent: Joseph Mollerus Non -Voting Members Present: Rian Anderson, Pat Davis. Non -Voting Members Absent._ Citizen At Large Position (vacant). Port Angeles Forward Representative (Non -Voting) Member Present: TerryRoth. Staff Present: Kent Myers, Roberta Korcz, Richard Bonine, Teresa Pierce. Public Present. Russ Veenema, Bob Stokes, Rob Sorenson and Jake Seniuk. • Chair Rogers announced that Greg Woodland will be leaving the area as of December 1, and that Tim Block will be taking his position at O_ly_mpic Lodge. Chair Rogers thanked Woodland for his service on the Committee. _ ■ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by E. Petersen to approve the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes of October 7, 2009. The motion was seconded by G. Woodland and passed unanimously. ■ REVIEW CRITERIA FOR FUI\'DING CAPITAL PROJECTS - Chair Rogers suggested general discussion on the applications so as to possibly determine a sbort-list for further consideration. Rogers stressed -the importance -of selecting pt Jects that fit the criteria for Lodging= - Tax - keep people here more than 2 hours, and put "heads on beds": Davis expressed questions:ori tlie-— best way to detennine an appropriate protect. Rogers offered that -projects can also entertain_a better - experience for visitors by making areas more functional, attractive and inviting. _ Woodland offered that Port Townsend has done a wonderful job of putting the infrastructure in place to -- attract people. Appropriate projects help clean up the -area and make -it more attractive for visitors. There needs to be reasons for people to come here and it is very important fora long -term -vision to be in place to bring people back. Davis added the ambiance of the town is a very important factor to attracting and getting people to return. Petersen added that there is a defining line between "heads on beds"project and beautification. Projects need to be practical, not just for beautification, and projects need to be done right:- Discussion continued - - --on ways -to improve the overall experience in Port Angeles. LTAC Minutes November 18, 2009 --- - Page 2 ■ REVIEW CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING APPLICATIONS List of applications received (in alphabetical -order) - - a. City of Port Angeles — Entry Monuments b City of Port Angeles — Race Street Modes Project - - -c: City of Port Angeles - Waterfront Development Project - d. City of Port Angeles — Wayfinding and Signage System Planning e. Feiry Marine Life Center — Elwha River Exhibit f Michael's Pine Dining - 6`t-' Annual Pearl Dive Event g, Port Angeles Downtown Association — Banner Bracket Project h. Port Angeles Fine Arts Center — The Entryway Project i. Port -Angeles Speedway — Electronic Sign — -- j. 'Robert Stokes — Avenue of the Peoples — Part AMetes Speedway —Electronic Sura - Chair Rogers noted that the PA Speedway =Electronic Sign application is loeated-outside of the_ City limits and outside of the Urban Growth Area. She asked for the committee's thoughts on this. Petersen moved to suggest that the PA Speedway apply for County Lodging Tax funds. Nagel second. Motion passed unanimously. _ - Michael's Fine Dirtiarz — b`k Annual ,Pearl ,Dive Event - - R. Veenema said he will encourage Michael's to apply through the Chamber of Commerce for - _ special events funding,- Petersen moved to suggest they approach the Chamber for event funding. --Woodland second. Motion passed unanimously. - City of Port Angeles — Entry Monuments Discussion continued on the style and locations of these monuments. Lighting and landscaping would be a great enhancement: Members discussed how this project is related to the .Item D — Wayfinding and Signage System Planning Project. Cit otPart Angeles L Wayrinding and Si ngge System Plannine- Petersen. described how_ Bremerton has recently redone their signage. Rogers added -that- those signs all have the same look .to them that snakes them very recognizable. Woodland expressed -_ --- -_ - concerns about projects overlapping in the overall planning process. _ - Committee discussed the idea that projects A through D be combined together into one proposal. Roth reported that Deputy Mayor Betsy Wharton recently made a „presentation to PA Forward showing all of the "bld and Out--of-date-signs still in place Roth -stressed that the sign issue really --- -- " needs to be addressed first. Anderson added that he=would like -to-see-the entry monuments.enhanced on a larger scale with more landscaping'.7 Davis Mated thaf Projects A, B, C, and D could he -incorporated into a four- year-plan,-and,suggested having City staff bring it these back as a combined.four year plan; have the Committee approve it and then not look at any other plans or proposals until this project is 40 - M-7 LTAC Minutes November 16, 2009 Page 3 - -- -- ­=-done-Woodland added that this would provide for better long-term planning. Petersen was concerned with the Race Street Nodes project as the Lauridsen Bridge will also need to be replaced in order for the nodes to be truly effective, Roth agreed with that perspective. Petersen -- -suggested that the Race Street Nodes project not be considered at this time Davis agreed. Chair Rogers asked if the Committee wished for the four City proposals to come back as a combined multi-year proposal. Nagel was concerned that the Committee needs to approve projects that can definitely lie completed and be sure to avoid the possibility of projects getting - lost in the overall .process. Roth suggested the City provide a prioritized last of projects that would be.done over several years. Davis stated that he is not a proponent of piecemeal projects. - -- ------- ,Roth -reported -that'thd Port Angeles -Downtown -Association (PADA) Banner Bracket project would replace existing banners in the downtown and not be a project that would be.adding signs. Nagel favored the banner bracket project. Rogers also liked the project and how it made sure that the hardware is in place for future uses and to highlight special events. Anderson would like the PADA Banner Bracket Project to coordinate with the Wayfinding and Signage System - Planning Project -so all signage would all have the same look and feel -Discussion continued on how the City could work with the ,PADA to combine the Banner Project into the other four projects. Petersen moved that Projects A, B, C, D, and G, be combined into one project as part of an overall comprehensive plan with City staff making a unified presentation at the next meeting. Woodland second. Motion passed unanimously. -- - ---_-__ --Feirn Marine Life -Center - Elwha Rimer Exhibit —Petersen stated that the 1 1wha River Restoration &Dam Removal pioject is a big deal and that the National Park Service (NPS) will be doing some fund raising to further promote the educational piece that is really important for that project - and also important for the waterfront area and those visitors:- Removal of the dams is a world-wide event. She offered that the -_ - proposal is not a significant amount to consider. Rogers would like to know what amount the ONP will be putting towards this project in the form of a match. She would appreciate more ' information -if ONP displays be in one location or scattered at different locations. Rogers would like -to -know more -information whar the ONP -plans to do for the_overall educational .piece of the — darn It_ has_ furthee'hoted' that one `of the main recommendations from-tl e A,fX -grant-was to have an - - ©NP presence in the da�v -town. Petersen moved for the Feiro-Marine Life Center project --to come back to next meeting with more information detailing the relationship with UNP, leveraging, and plans .to. include-a..iarger_DNP_-presence in .downtown. -Woodland seconded. -- - --------Motion-passed---unanimously.. • Part JiMles Fine .-lrt Center - The Entryway Proket Davis loves the sigh, but was not sure that with only so much money available if this project - =would -be -at -the -top of his priority list -Woodland agreed concerning=the.value and -limited -.. _ T=--=. = ftuiding: Na el su ested-t> ati-this- ra ect—la s a art -in the overall signage a issue as visitors do _66m ____ g g� P J P Y P' g g _ -- T come fray the cultural feel which includes the Port Angeles Fin - er - Fine Art Center tPAFAC) and Feiro - - - M-8 LTAC Minutes November 18, 2009 Page 4 _. • Marine Life Centers. Rogers asked R. Sorenson if the numbers in the proposal had really been evaluated. Sorenson responded they had. He commented that -the PAFAC should be the flagship of the arts community. Discussion continued on the contributions of PAFAC on tourism. Nagel moved to ask the PAFAC to return and make a further detailed presentation. No seconded was offered. Motion failed for lack of a second. Discussion of the project continued with Petersen adding that the PAFAC has the ability to help themselves while other organizations do not when it comes to fund raising opportunities. Nagel pointed out that the Race Street Nodes project did include an element that directing visitors to the PAFAC. Woodland likes the proposal but favors an overall signage plan being established first. Rogers offered that there is always the issue of."things we want to do vs. things we need to do". She continued that the PAFAC is a wonderful facility with a strong marketing force. However, it all comes down to deciding how to best use the limited funding. These are tough choices and a $250,000 project is tough for people to grasp at this time. Decisions are often based on either funding projects that help the greater city area, or specific individual projects. The PAFAC has had difficulty with visitors finding the entrance to their location. Sorenson agreed that the Wayfinding and Signage System Planning project is valuable. Davis offered that determining priorities is what is necessary to accomplish first and he further agreed that a $250,000 project is a huge amount to consider at this time even though the PAFAC is requesting $25,000 per year for 3 years. With no motion being offered, the project will not move forward for further • consideration by the Committee. - Robert Stokes - Avenue of the Peoples } Roth offered that the project remains controversial, but is very noticeable by tourists, and this request would further complete the project. He' added that this project has become part of what we are. Anderson offered that he is getting used to the statues and people do show great interest in having their picture taken with them. He added that it truly is a unique project that does snake an impression on people. Davis recalled that previously he voted no to fund this project, but now he would -vote for the project - if he could vote. Stokes mentioned the need for installing lighting - - either -oii the sidewalks or solar units attached to nearby buildings. The original plan had been to do both sides of the street but he has scaled down the proposal to include just the area between - -- Railroad and Front on Laurel. -. Nagel stressed that if the- committee is going to prioritize -signage then considering other projects at this time may not be best right now. - - — Rogers encouraged Stokes to talk to the City about exploring uses of solar lighting for the _ existing_ pieces. Rogers offered her assistance in finding resources, including leveraging the pi7vate sector as'part of'a-promotional plan. With no motion being offered, the project will- - - -not move forward-fof-further consideration by the Committee. • M-9 LTAC Minutes - November 13, 2009 Page 5 -- -_ -- -■_ NIEXT-MEETING._ . .. I - - 2, at'3:00'p.-m- in`the Cify'Couiicil Chambers if available,=and-if not in the Vem Burton Meeting Rooms. ■ ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned_at_4:45 Minutes approved as presented on December 2, 2009. Karen Rogers, Chair _ Teresa Pierce, Executive Communications Coord. • r � • PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington Meeting; Minutes for October 8,- 2009 _. 'Mission Statement: �• •• = To create-a-strong.�econornically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m. - ROLL CALL: - Members Present/ _ Char r_Cherie- Kidd, Co -Chair Don Perry, Willie Nelson, Linda- Rotmark, Terry --- --- Roth, Terry Weed, Terry Smithton, Dave Miller, Mike Edwards, Doug -Nass, and Tim Boyle. _Staf)"Present' Bent Myers, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce Others &Public Present- Deputy Mayor Betsy Wharton. • .4pprm>al of Minutes T. Roth moved to accept the September 10, 2009 minutes as presented. M. Edwards seconded the motion— The minutes werr _approved _unanimously.-_- .4L4 Grain Final Report Open Public Forunt on October 13 at 6.00 p.m. in Council Chambers N. West reported that the original date for -the public forum -of October 15E was rescheduled to October 13 due to conflicts with other events He reviewed the agenda for the forum -which includes a welcome by City Manager Myers, a review of the process by N. West, a brief description of projects by S. Johns, with a brief summary by Mike Gentry regarding project purposes. A public comment period will follow that will include a public input process by M Edwards A take home_ survey, along_with one online, will be also available The forum will end -with closing remarks. Chair Kidd asked. M. Edwards to explain the weighted voting process. The process will include a way for the public to use a method of giving projects more points than others so people will have to think a bat more about how to distribute their choices. Public results will be added to the other rankings to form an overall list of priorities. A weighted process helps people better determine priorities rather than marking each .project_as a priority.- - _ The subcommittee.will meet an Tuesday, October,20 at 7 30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room to go over the results. Manager Myers reported that he and N. West from the City will be making presentations regarding the AIA Final Report to various community groups starting on November 9 at the Chamber of Commerce Meeting. M-11 Port Angeles ,Forward Meeting Minutes October 8, 2009 Sr riaa Issues — Presentation h De u , Mayor .fiefs , 1F harton Deputy Mayor Wharton made a presentation regarding signage based on the recommendations from the AIA report. Her focus -today was on public signs with the idea of removing signs rather than adding any thing new Decorative signs have become more like bulletin boards, and some mrns have become seriously out of date. 1.t is her goal for PA Forward to 'become more aware of signage issues and this can start by taking down signs that obviously need to be This can be used as a teaching moment to 'bring awareness to the community that big 'improvements can be made without using a lot of money. M. Edwards agrees with Deputy ,Mayor Wharton's ideas and referred to the AIA suggestion about a - specific design -for wayfaring signage. Currently, $100,000 is in the=Capital Facilities Plan for this type of new signs, but that does nai mean that -the -'project -would necessarily be done in 20,1-0 S johns added that the most significant corners in town seem to be the most cluttered. Wharton stressed the motto of "less is more" and to work. to get things out of the way so people can focus on the natural beauty of the area. T Pierce added the idea of observing someone not from the area as they try to navigate their way to certain destinations and/or get their perspective on how effective, or not, signs are City Manager Myers added that some of the signs are statutory requirements from the State Department of Transportation, and that signage issues are somewhat discretionary in what constitutes clutter PA Forward can work through these issues to define clutter, and address issues such as signs on vacant buildings. N. West reported that he has tasked the City's Code Compliance Officer to work on this project and that work recently included enforcement action on the banner issue The _Tourisin 1610 ,Radia sign will be removed, along with the 1997 Babe Ruth sign being relocated to l:incoln Park. _- The Scenic Bvwaa, and Bicycle Friendly signs were approved by a previous City Council. community Service Board signs have been requested to be looked into. Log Ww-,ning signs at the beach will be researched and a letter sent to Rayonier regarding their truck route signage. Current City Code only requires the interior part of the sign to be removed, and not the framing. Enforcement action is currently in process on the Chinook Motel sign. N. West also reported that the Facade & Sign Replacement program is currently underway which should be a positive impact. Many signs belong to the State and he recommended that the wayfaring survey be done first City Staff have contacted the State about removing some signs, and City Staff will continue to work with the State. N. West added that the City does not have the ability -to regulate all signs in the Downtown ` area and it would be very helpful to have a sign design criteria in place. T Pierce added about importance of good sign design and sign placement. M. Edwards asked about how projects get put into the City's budget. 'City Manager Myers added that a lot depends on the public comments W Nelson asked if there were any grants available for signs. N. West described that all projects are included in the CFP, so should grants become available those, projects --already in the CFP can qualify. - _ — - -- - - City Manager Myers added that with all the synergy from the Paint the Downtown project, using that the signage issues as a Phase 2 of that project could capitalize on the interest and also encourage the clean up signs in the downtown. Chair Kidd stressed that we should take the momentum and keep it going. T. Roth agreed that this effort needs to expand past the downtown area into other part of the City and community Page 2 of 4 -= _ M-12 • Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes October 8; 2009 and Lodging Tax may be a way to fund some of this. Co -Chair D. Perry reported that for the first time, -in at least nine years, he was hearing comments about how clean the downtown is now after the downtown painting. T. Roth reported that there are three more building set to be painted next year. Deputy Mayor Wharton asked to please include the schools' signage issues as we are raising kids in areas with a current message that aesthetics do not matter. In the long term, it is very important to include the -- - schools -in this process. Co -Chair D. Perry moved that PA Forward support further educating the public with the next step being to look throughout the area for places to remove and clean up of signs. Second was offered by T. Roth. Motion approved unanimously. • .7 Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:39 a.m. M. Edwards offered some information about the 2010 Olympics for the Committee members to review. New Meeting(s) Date: • Open Public Form on the AIA Team Grant Final Report - Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chamber in City Hall. - • AIA Sub -Committee meeting - Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference - Room. All PA Forward members are welcome to attend. • Next regular meeting'- November 12, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, City Hall. Approved as presented on December 10, 2009. Don Perry., Co -Chair.___ -- --__-- -- _ Teresa Pierce - - Executive Communications Coordinator Page 3 of 4 -- - M-13 Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes October 8, 2009 — - -- -_ --NEW-AND ON-GOING ACTION =ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY TARGET DEADLINE 2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On -Going Housing / Jobs 3-13-2008 "2010" Theme Adopted Group On -Goin 1-08-09 Follow-up & Survey for Subcommittee Immediate April -May Business Resource Event Group 1 Completed 5-11-06 Summer 09 AIA Grant Final Report.Roll. Subcommittee - October 13; 2009 February Out August 2010 Census Bureau r N. West November 2009 2009 Presentation COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS DATE_-_ DESCRIPTION .. RESPONSIBLE PARTY --- RESULT 3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed Planning Commission and County regarding Southern Cross -Route April -May Strategic Planning Meetings Group 1 Completed 5-11-06 2006 with Jim Ha uewood February Make recommendation to 2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07 Harbor Plan May 10, Determine PA Forward 2007 representative to Lodging Group _ Completed 5-10-2007 - Tax Committee October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07 2007 Representative October Gather_ input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07 2007 Route issue December Give Recommendation to 2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed Cross -Town Route January Host Business Resource ` Subcommittee January8, 2009 2009 Event / Council Chambers March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009 Forward Recommendations April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9, 2009 CFP & Policy Issues Page 4 of 4 M-14 _ PO_RTANGELES___ ___ FORWARD COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington Summary for Novemb617' 4 2, 2009 Mission Statement: To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens. CALL TO ORDER: -- Co -Chair Perry opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m. - ROLL CALL:- Members ALL: Members Present: - Co -Chair Don Perry, George Schoenfeldt, Willie Nelson, Terry Weed, Mike Edwards, and Jan Harbick for Terry Roth. -- Members Absent: Chair Cherie Kidd, Mike Chapman, Frances Charles, Doug Nass, Linda Rotmark, Terry Smithton, David Miller and Buck Gieseke. - StaffPresent: Kent Myers, Nathan West, Teresa Pierce. Others &Public Present:-- Tim Boyle, Council -elect Pat Downie; Mike Sturgeon of Wave Broadband; Gladys Romero and Erica Martinez of the Census Bureau; Debbie Frazier of • Peninsula College; Mike Gentry of Gentry Architects. Approval of Minutes Lacking a quorum, the October meeting minutes were not approved. _ Although there was a lack of a quorum, Co -Chair Perry continued the meeting to accommodate special guests that had prearranged to attend. Wave Broadband Street Banner Program Proposal Mike Sturgeon of Wave Broadband presented information concerning the Blue Star Banner program that recognizes active military personnel. The banners are purchased by individuals, families, or businesses. Wave would install the banners at -fib chafge. "Banners would be placed on either light or utility poles. The cost is $350 each with a life expectancy of three to five years. Individuals must give their consent prior to installation and the banners �vould'be removed when the individual leaves military service. He added that ` - -banners could be°placed•in`coirimercial and/or residential areas. ~ • - - N. West explained the process where -PA Forward would forward a recommendation to City Council. Code requirements would also have to be changed to allow the installation of the banners on utility poles. Chair _ Ferry expressed concerns -about possible conflicts with the AIA :Study recommendation to reduce sign clutter. -M:-Edwards-expressed--similar--concerns- City=Manager Myers suggested that the banners would - have more impact if they were placed in one area rather than throughout the city. J. Harbick added that the Port Angeles Downtown Association is* also currently working on a separate - banner project for the downtown and Railroad Street areas.- Suggestion was made to consider the Lincoln Street corridor as a place to install the signs. SBeing without a quorum, consensus of those in attendance was to further- consider support for the project. - M-15 Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes November 12, 2009 • 2010 Census Opportunities for Involvement City Manager Myers stressed the importance of the census and collecting accurate local population count. PA Forward may be a good candidate to be a Complete Count Committee. Gladys Romero presented information on the background of the Census Bureau and the process. Federal funding is often distributed based on population, transportation, education, and also plays a factor in determining the number of representatives each State has in the House of Representatives. -- - G. Romero emphasized that leaders are, needed to influence and encourage the community to complete the forms and send them back. She suggested for the City to issue a proclamationor resolution in support of the census. A tremendous amount of data is available to share with local agencies and help is available to navigate the information at no cost. G. Romero provided materials that further detail the census process and how the count is conducted. Door- to-door is the last method used to gather the count. The Census Bureau is looking for agency support to promote the census at events and programs to encourage people to complete the forms. Being without a quorum, consensus of those in attendance was to further consider support for the project. .Tuan de Fuca Statue Proiect N. West introduced the proposal from the Hellenists group to donate a statue of Juan de Fuca to the City. of Port Angeles. The group would create a bronze statue and donate it to the City. The City and/or other • partners would be responsible for the base of the statue and installation. N. West provided illustrations and reference materials from the Hellenism group. An appropriate location would need to be determined and also be coordinated with the various plans in process for the waterfront, the Rayonier property, and any plans that the Port may have.—City Manager Myers suggested contacting the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to see what their opinion is of the statue and its historical reference. Being without a quorum, consensus was for general support for the concept of the project. Staff will bring back more information to a future meeting. Economic Development /Downtown Port AnI,,eles M. Edwards reported that the survey was narrowed down to three -basic questions with the focus on a - variety of businesses. Questions are- "What is working well today? What are your biggest business challenges? What could the City do to help? Discussion continued on determining the best way to get the survey out to businesses either through websites or via a service such as Survey Monkey. T. Pierce suggested the use of survey monkey as the portal for participants. That way all data would be collected in one place. Being without a quorum, consensus was to continue with developing the project with the use of survey monkey and report progress at the next meeting. Page 2 of 4 1TM • _Port Angelis-Fonuard Meeting Minutes November 12, 20019 _ - "-Pick L1n PA" No discussion. Continuation - .Discussion. of 2010 Luture topics per City Council recommendations City Manager- Myers reported that he and N. West have given three presentations on the AIA report to date including the County Commissioners, Rotary Club, and Chamber of Commerce. Enthusiasm continues for the project N. West added-that the October 13 public forum was very productive and surveys were returned._-- - "_-_-_ _ - - -- - - AIA Items included in the 2010 budget include Signage and wayhnding, waterfront promenade project, training for form-based code writing, building hetght analysis, parking code amendments changes for downtown area, and -consideration of residential parking to the downtown-area. Member ReportsNo discussion. Other N. West introduced Deb ,Frazier from Peninsula College. It was noted that due to the lack of a quorum, all of these items will be continued to the next meeting for formal approval by the committee. - SAdournment Meeting adjourned at-8:39 a.m. _ - -- Next Meetinje Date: • Next regular meeting - December 10, 2009 at 7.30 a.m. in the Zack ,Potts Conference Room, City Hall. ---Don-Perry, Co-Chair - -- - - - -- - T"--. Teresa Pierce -- - -- - - -- -- -- - E'xecutive-Communications Coordinator Page 3 of 4-- Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes November 12, 2009 NEW AND ON-GOING ACTION TITE'MS .DATE DESCRIPTION - RESPONSIBLE PARTY - TARGET DEADLINE 2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Housing1 Jobs G roup On -Going 3-13-2008 "20 10" Theme Adopted _._ .. Grou On -Goin 1-08-09 - _ -Follow-up.& Survey for Business Resource Event = -Subcommittee Immediate __ .. COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY RESULT 3-9-0E Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed Planning Commission and County regarding Southern Cross -Route April -May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06 2006 with Jim Ha uewood February Make recommendation to 2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07 Harbor Plan May 10, Determine PA Forward 2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007 - - Tax Committee - - October 11, Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07 2007 Re resentative _October Gather input regarding Cross- _ _ Group Completed 10-11-07 2007 Route issue - _- December Give Recommendation to 2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed - Cross -Town Route - January Host Business Resource Subcommittee January 8, 2009 2009 Event 1 Council Chambers March 2009 ALA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009 Forward Recommendations - - - April 2009 to City Council regarding Group April 9, 2009 -- - CFP & Policy Issues " Summer AIA Grant Subcommittee October 2009 2009 Final Report Roll Out August 2010 Census Bureau N 'Vest November 2009 2009 Presentation • Page 4 of 4 M-18 • • • OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940 B Limited Lane NW Olympia, Washington 98502_ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - - _`October 14, 2009 Members present: Clay Harwood, Pacific County (Chair) Emmett Dobey for Ross Gallagher, Mason County Mike Doherty, Clallam County Phil Johnson, Jefferson County Art Starry, Thurston County Representative Ann Burgman, City of Lacey Members absent: Joan Machlis, City of Olympia (Vice Chair) Terry Willis, Grays Harbor County - Grant Munro, City of Port Angeles Representative Ecology: Sean Lundblad Legal Counsel: Fred Gentry of Bean, Gentry, Wheeler & Peternell Staff Present: Fran McNair, Executive Director; Robert Moody, Compliance Supervisor, Mark Goodin, Professional Engineer; Dan Nelson, Public Information Officer; Lynn Harding, Administrative Services Manager; Jimmy Werner, Senior Air Monitoring Technician; and Debbie Moody, Recorder The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. There were no additions or omissions to the Agenda. Burgman moved approval of the Agenda. Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Johhson' moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Doherty seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT / INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Paneltech Presentation McNair introduced Roy Nott of Paneltech. Nott gave a history of the 13 year old company and described the process of making their products which include such things as countertops and siding. Nott had several sample products with him to show the7-Board. The Board asked some general questions about the business. The Board thanked Nott- for his presentation. DIRECTOR'S REPORT McNair wanted to introduced the full compliance staff; Robert Moody, Mike Shults, Stephanie _ Sears, Rita Cirulis, and Aly Dyson. McNair stated when she came to ORCAA the compliance inspection list was over five pages long. At this time, McNair noted, we are completely caught up McNair stated she is very proud of the staff and she wanted to thank them publicly. Compliance Update Robert Moody, Compliance Supervisor reminded the Board of a hearing we took part of in June. R.Moody shared some pictures of the burn with the Board. R.Moody noted this was the Leppell case and we did win, in fact we received the settlement payment recently. Outdoor burning has begun again so staff is gearing up for complaints. R.Moody noted it appears we are nearing the end of the Soil Key issue. They have spread and seeded the material and we are waitinpAor 49 to sprout. McNair thanked Thurston County for assisting in moving this along as well. Starry noted it is very close although it has been a bit slow; there has ,been tremendous progress in the • past few weeks. -R.Moody noted we have been working on the woodstove grant -the Board committed to spend. _ - We have spent $18,000 -on the replacement of 25 uncertified woodstoves in the Clallam County area. ORCAA Permit Actions Mark Goodin, Professional Engineer, wanted to give a bit of information on three of the sources on the NSR list. Goodin explained Gordon Lance, ORCAA Engineer completed the Air Operating Renewal for Westport Shipyard in Westport. The next source, Goodin continued, is Dart Containers Corporation in Tumwater. Their application was .for foam recycling component of their facility. They currently make polystyrene foam (foam cups, etc). People will be able to take foam packing, etc and place it in a recycle container at Dart Container. The final source is the LOTT Alliance Co -generation -plant, Goodin stated. LOTT has many things going on downtown in Olympia. They are currently upgrading their power end of the facility, adding a co- generation plant. The plant will take digester gas, burn it and create both electricity and heat. Education and Outreach Dan Nelson, Public Information Officer, noted it has been a little over a month since we launched our new website. We think it is much cleaner and easier to navigate. Redesigning the entire foundation of the website will assist us in doing more innovative things in the future. Nelson stated we had been trying to take on a grant from ecology with regards to a wood smoke • education program. We did not receive the grant. Ecology didn't agree to cover administrative costs and Spokane agreed to do it at a loss. Because it is a statewide program we will stay very closely involved Nelson noted. Moving into burn season we will continue with educational efforts in the communities. Nelson stated he is also working with the Puget Sound area media with regards to broadcasting our information along with King County. Doherty asked if there is an easy link to Cheeka Peak on our new website. Nelson noted we --- continue to have problems with the monitoring side of things due to the fact it is fed from Ecology. The new format will allow for it, we are still working with Ecology to fine tune things. _ McNair noted we have applied for NCore monies for Cheeka Peak. McNair stated she has quite a list of items to discuss with Norm Dicks, and Cheeka Peak is definitely one of them. - McNair stated when she came on board she wanted to go around to the jurisdictions and meet with the counties/cities. She noted we are now on our second round; we have been to Mason County and next week we are meeting in Clallam County with the county folks along with the Port, the cities of Port Angeles, Forks, and Sequim. Staff is talking to these folks about working together more. We will follow that up with Jefferson County in the following week. McNair also noted we did not get the grant Goodin was working on. The proposal was very good and it included looking at reduction of energy and reducing emissions. We are meeting with other key people and see if we can't find our own way to fund this project. We would also like to work on reducing woodstoves. We want to work with the residential community as much as are regulated sources. is M -20 Administrative Services Update Lynn Harding, Administrative Services Manager, noted the Financial .Committee met for our - - quarterly update this morning. Staff shared various financial forms with the committee to give them the opportunity to have greater detail'of our income/expenditure statements. We are pretty well on target, Harding stated. Harding noted we also discussed the benefit changes that are coming up for staff. She gave a brief update on the benefit changes. Harding noted we are currently going out to bid to have someone come in to prepare the inside of our building for disaster. We need to secure tall cabinets, bookshelves, etc. We will be sharing the information (bid) with Catholic Community Services. There was some discussion regarding our ability to make sure CCS follows through with safety preparedness. Harding noted we could put it in their lease next time, but currently we can't make them do it. - McNair stated we could discuss it with them and if they agree, we can add it to their lease. Doherty stated traditionally this would be a landlord:cost to do these types of things, but if there is some phrase that says we have to keep the building up to safe standards and we increase our safety and not theirs, it could put you in a liability.= Gentry agreed there needs to be a specified clause. Harwood noted it is our responsibility to make the building safe, but it would be their responsibility to secure their own properties within the building. Air Quality Summary Jimmy Werner, Senior Air Quality Technician, noted we had set up a monitor in Brinnon at the request of the Park Service, due to a fire inthe area. The most impact from the fire was within __-- the -first few days. We didn't measure anything of significance after that time. We have had good air quality for September, as expected. • Werner did note on our website, if you click on the links in the monitoring section you can get to _each of the sites, except Raymond. We are working on moving the Raymond monitor so we have a bit more control over the communications portion of the site. Our main focus now will be winter heating season. Werner noted we are working on adding _- forecast information to the website as well. There are a lot of people interested in forecasting information and they'll be able to see what we are seeing. McNair noted there are a number of things coming down the pike. We are going to be looking at Ozone levels,.a decision should be made this spring. We may be in nonattainment for Ozone after the changes are made. There are a lot of new rules coming down through EPA and we are trying to.stayon.top of -them so we can -get our comments in and also be prepared. McNair stated we held our staff annual retreat and she felt it was very successful. This retreat focused on the employees with regards to looking at good nutrition, exercise, how we can be more productive, dealing with stress in the workplace, etc. The concepts we learned could be used in our personal lives as well. We also had a talk on organics recycling and we are going to be cutting our costs with regards to our trash:- We also had a talk on rain gardens. Thurston Regional Planning Council Burgman noted she did attend the last meeting. Burgman stated they received a report on the natural hazards mitigation plan and she shared Thurston County's plan with the Board. The council did discuss legislative preparation by bringing our top priorities forward. There was discussion regarding the Capital Lake issue. Burgman also noted the council received more _• _ ---stimulus money_.and they_gave it to Intercity Transit._ With that_money_ Intercity Transit purchased six hybrid buses as replacements for older diesel buses.- - -- M - 21 --- Harwood asked if there was anything further to come before the Board. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:12 a.m. k PRESENTED BY: Francea L. McNair, Executive Director . APPROVED BY: APPROVED and SIGNED this day of 2009 4 M-22 7 • OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940 B LIMITED LANE NW_- -- -- - OLYMPIA WA 98502 ==Regular Meeting -- December 9; 2009 10.00 am Be courteous — Please silence all cell phones - -I.--- - CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Ask for any corrections, additions/omissions) Ill. CONSENT AGENDA _ Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 14, 2009_ - Expenditures and Disbursements - IV. PUBLIC COMMENT 1 INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS 1. Rohm and Haas V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. - - VI. NEW BUSINESS - 2. VII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT - 1 Compliance Update - 2. ORCAA Permit Actions 3 Education and Outreach 4. Administrative Update -- - - - _ 5. Air Quality Summary B. Thurston Regional Planning Council Report VIII. ADJOURN M-23 I Current, ORCAA. Land Clearing Bum Permit ORCAA , FIreDlitrlct. Expiration # Legal Desc Burn Site Address City Last Name CompanyName Phone .:rsurgerrr::'.c,:::•s,�':"�-.:7»-w..-:::•'^-r_.sxv--^'::rm,�ax-:4;.:::az�.ax' CFD #4, Joyce 1219712009 2991 `-c't:: '::.T "..:,�'� ar-:.•�;;:: ;aww ::':•-r :-"m-'=^."'•.r. r �-�•�s:s:;�-•:r•-�.'�+=.�xr�"•�.•^:s-.s:rma.�•�r-^-:+.�;a�=.c:'c�-4�; Sec35 T31ROBw 538 Deer Tracks Road Joyce Gagnon �axxr_a7•:ar: r..-^" aarr:::c� Gagnon Buseling (360) 460-4988 •East Jefferson Fire u 12/4/2009 2975 SecO5 T29R01 W 5413 State Route 20 Port Townse Klthcart Landmark Excavating (360) 379-6652 Department I 12/92/2009 2983 1673 Woodland Drive Pert Townse Africa (360) 385-5342 GHFD #5, 12/6/2009 2979 12 Elkhorn Lane Elma Yakovich Yakovich (380) 580-2608 PorterlElrnalSptsop #r F JFD #1, Chimacum 12/9/2009 2981 Sec27 T30R01 W 1603 Woodland Drive Port Townse Leavitt Bill Leavitt Tracking (360) 385-4200 Inc. 1211012009 2984 Sec20 T30ROl a 9272 FPagler Rd Nordland Bland (360) 301-3330 12/12/2009 2982 Sec17 T30R01w 82 Cape George Road Port Townse Stewart Excavating (360) 385-2220 12J12120©9 2987 Seel8 T29RD1 E Washington Street and Port Hadlock Seton Seton Construction (360) 385-0213 Oak Bay Road 1211312009 2990 Seel2 T29R01w 605 Elkins Road Port Hadlock Huntingford Shold Excavating (350) 385-0480 12/3012009 2995 Sec34 T30R01 W 43 Wililson Avenue Port Townse Ericsen (360) 301-0324 �:�»s�.��.c,..--:.xr..r�•�c-.rte---.---:—_.�� -'•-�..-.�P�„ wv��-.�,s-�-�.�- r_.,.,-„,-->..a;:,«a-,.: M�.��r-�^x JFD #3, Port Ludlow 12131/2009 2996 Sec16 T27R01 E Thorndyke Road & Seattle Port Ludlow Thompson (380) 437-9913 Drive J F D #5,f Discovery Bay 12/412009 2977 Sec33 T30R02W 474-700 Old Gardiner Road Port Townse grown Western Pacific (360) 460-4202 Construction JFD #6 12/512008 2878 a Sec17 T3DR01 W Cape Georgy Road Port Townse Seton Seton Construction (360) 385-0213 12124/2009 2982 3001 Cape George Road Port Townse Johnson (360) 341-1367 trsr.tc-^7e.K•rzr::sxh,. asp-:c.:rsrra:•rzssM_�rx.�•.x:r.�sa: �::5: cc_��-_aos craw--xx:�mnxx.:� Wass.::��ss:s�.�..:::�r-^:r.-=�-rav>.;�a;rr;=;,_;�xsc-..=•��_u.:•�t•”�scs:x:s::.-7c-x:�.r;.:rr�.Yt:r+r�;�:-::::,•��:r.=�--.-mac-x :•r.�::.:.,xra South Bend Fire 12/6/2009 2965 lot 14 - 15 Gunnar Lane South Bend mark (360) 875-5017 Department .,��w:,�,�3:.:�w�,. ��.n:=�..�W-�-,n=��,�•_. �.�.-�,::�:.,:::�,�.:��-,.�.,�-.�--...���,�:��-�,�w �_.:���:�:,,-.�_��.:u��r �.--',�nz....A� _�:r:.-a-.rr.�:'r;:.�.�_:-.LL -�.� TFD#11, Little rock 12112/2009 2988 10539 Jones Road Olympia Baublits BLC Construction (360) 701-1566 l G 12/30/2009 2993 .5051 Maytown Road Olympia Yauge Kev-Co Bulldozing (360) 8664434 �w�Xe�%"BCSY991'?'titF%FCX.1:]1T.R:.-"'"-..�:�'�'1`C`a"�:"�.Cf=+'.'.;: :.� �.� - ..._T—�^.��_ _. TFL] 413, Griffin ! 12131/2009 2997 .se'..':':vm.-A11rT'"....�Y•^'I•'C"-^-I.CCi:.'--•�f^��'-^•-,5:1'3'-:1'95ts:�^crmr:�-.•a•?v'i�,..._...::.k��TC�a R'daY +w�"-'�':fGr.'.� �5a4;A''.`�3- �: .�.-^�'��.�•m� 5802 Young Road NW Olympia Klssick (360) 865-5276 TFL] 42, Yetm 1216/2009 2980 15307 159rth Lane SE Yetm Fredericksen (360) 528-1770 Friday, December 04, 2009 t i M-24 J ( i I Niday, December 04, 2009 1 •M - 25 FireDistrict Expiration # Legal Desc Burn Site Address City Last Name CompanyName Phone .,�.,.M,,.,.-�r.-�.-�,•,::�,r.:,�-.._>-..,•�,ff=-�..�->� v.,,e.-::r.�.,--_ .,•�.�•:,z �-�•..�_n,�.-�,� TFD #3, Lacey 12/10/2009 2985 Sec12 T17R01w �>^_�z �,>,:�-.�•:.,�.-t,s,,>.,�:;,._�:�:.n,<n,.,�:�.�,,,�:�r�,,: 9041 80th Lane SE �: � �<,_,��.• Olympia Allred �-.-:��,_.,�,•c:� �.,�,:.-.s�.�.,.,_,,:..� (360) 943-2459 :_m cr aer;.^.:sxea-:�:::9z�_a•-••--,� 12/30/2009 2994 10521 Thomsen Road Se Olympia Forsberg (360) 878-6634 TFD #6, East Olympia =.ra:+-sza:ser._;s�ircxrrtc.:¢r.-^••--�-:,;--...-...i.,_:..—a.�.^.:.a:._ 12/13/2009 2989 _:.gra-r.::c-•.••.-,.,-•��-eze.::•��:zaaxs,:�v'-carr 9601 Old Highway 99 SE Olympia Brewer a•� �rn^a::�czscv American Pump & rr•.c_�zr:aavrar-x^::xaeeao (360) 507-1000 a:-r.-:xr.:.^::�c�c3s:��r^•rs�e;sr�..•^:._-••-: •2ccx:•-crcr_�=....r^�¢r.:_-::r_-:��csx:rJc�m:_scea_--mcxr_^c��er..:__: Electric TFD #8, South Bay 12/4/2009 2976 Sec30 T19R01 W ri�e�:tc:-�,^a:a--ixc..,a�rrc 4841 Lemon Road — �.•.• `_c_ +-cc:c•r.�zrc�-xet Olympia Willie OSZ Dozing, Inc. s,.asr�ssarsasr snt^-�.•r^� (360) 705-4319 I J ( i I Niday, December 04, 2009 1 •M - 25 Asbestos Permit Status Report I • Permit # Staff Rec'd Address city Completion Date Status I ' Actual Completion ' 08AS6002490 MS 9/512008 611 South Main Street McCleary First amendment: 9/18/08 - on hold until 08AS8002546 MS 11/10/2008 11629 Endicott Road SW Olympia 11/12/08 -Siding has been identified and 08ASB002559 MS 12/2/2008 600 E. Park Street! Port Angeles f 12/17/08 - On hold (will reschedule after i ! i 08ASB002566 SS 12/8/2008 4301 6th Avenue NE Lacey P.O. # 2680800120 - invoiced 12/08/08 kl 12/8/2009f 08AS8002574 MS 12/15/2008 See Permit (annual) Bellevue Annual Permit 12/15/2009 . 09AS6002589 RTM... 1/13/2009., 2329 .West Dayton Airport Road. Shelton .::.,., .,, r .. invoked 1/13/09. kle ' ; i• ., , , .. , t r. F, � , 09ASB002592 RTM 1/14/2009 Capital Campus Olympia 1/15/09 - invoiced. Kle 12/31/2009 09ASB002607 SS 2/3/2009 Fairgrounds Road & Highway 101 Shelton First amendment 11/30J09 - changed co 11/30/2009 i 09ASB002660 AD 3/30/2009 2651 Martin Way i Olympia 4/2/09 AD asbestos permit for 3 structure 4/1/2010 09ASB002726 AD 6/9/2009 i 282 Bush Creek Road Elma 7!7/09 change start date to 7/8/09 kle r 09ASB002772 AD 8/7/2009 . 1717 E. Beacon Street Montesano First amendment 8/18/09 -on hold. Kle 8/1 09ASB002777 AD 8/14/2009 Jefferson Street & 14th Olympia 1 Emergency permit 11/30/2009 09AS6002778 AD 8/17/2009 7380 Linderson Way SW Tumwate AD -Duplicate permit 09ASB002795 was 11/28/2009 09ASk02781 AD 8/20/2009 1600 - Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey 08/20/09 -Waiting for survey i; .12/31/2009 09ASB002789 AD 8/25/2009 77 Chickamin Ocean Shores First amendment 9/9/09 - could not compl 09ASB002825 AD 10/5/2009. W 2321 Dayton Airport Road Shelton First amendment 10/26/09 -changed co 11/2/2009 09ASB002830 AD ; 10/9/2009 336'423, 434, 435, 469, 766 N Sh Lake Quilnault 1026/2009 I, I. 09AS8002i34 AD 10/1412009 940 Pine Street Shelton Demo: 09DEM002490! 09ASB002836 AD 10/15/2009 289'Knappton Rd Naselle I i 71/5/2009 ! ;, 09ASB002837 AD 10/15/2009 2712 Lewis Road Olympia i Demo: 09DEM0024911 f 11/2/2009. 09ASB002839 AD , 10/16/2009 607 Water Street Port Townsend Lee Ann no longer works at wrecking ball. 11/10009 09ASB002841 t AD I 10/20/2009 91 Marine View Place Port Townsend First amendment 11/02/09' change of st • 11/4/20091 t { Friday, December 04, 2009 Page 1 of 2 ' ' M-26 Friday, [December 04, 2009; I Page 2 of 2 M-21 i Completion Date Actual Permit # Staff Ree'd Address City Status Completion 09ASB002842 AD 10/21/2009 1717 Beacon Avenue East Montesano 10/21/09 Ata called June. Need new erne 1012712009 09ASB002843 AD A 10/21/2099 3506 Holiday Drive SE Olympia 11/4/2909 09ASBO02W AD 10/2212009 2430 Columbia Street SW Olympia 10/23/2009 09ASS002845 AD 1012312009 2700 Evergreen Parkway NW Olympia RC: Paul Wolf called to notify ORCAA of 111612DO9 1116/2009 09ASS002850 AD 10/2812909 1901 Legion Way SE Olympia 6/1/2014 09ASB002851 AD 10126/2009 381 Farnsworth Place Sequim 19/2812009 09ASB002852 AD 10/25/2009 915 Anderson Drive Aberdeen Emergency - letter. 10130/2,009 09ASB002856 AD 1013012009 3491 Old Olympic Highway Pofrt Angeles 09DEM002499 1111012009 09AS13002858 SS 11/212009 101 East Railroad Avenue Port Angeles First amendment '11117109 - on hold. Ke 11116/2009 + 09ASB002859 SS 111212009 2798 265th Lane Ocean Park First amendment 11/05109 - change of st 1111012009 i 09ASB002861 • SS 11/4/2009 5325 Littlerock Road Tumwater First amendment 11/20109 - on hold. Kle 1'112512009 09ASB0028M SS 111412009 927 4th Avenue E. f Olympia Time Oil Company 11/19/2009 09ASB002884 M5 111612009 2215 Willows Road ! seaviely 1IM12009 09ASB002866 SS 1111612009 5211 Normandy Drive SE Olympia � #111812009 09ASB002868 SS, 11/1812009 214 North B Street Aberdeen Demo. 09DEM0025161 /21912009 09ASB002869 Sall 11/23/2009 3471 E. Kolonels Way Port Angeles Demo; 09DEM002515 12/1812009 09ASB002871 MS-- 11/24/2009 920-N. Montesano Westport 1218/2009 09AS8002872 IMSi 11/30/2009 501 Ontario Street Hoquiam Contractor TBD. Invafced 11/30/09 $65 12131/2009 09ASB002874 MS 11/30/2009 1111 Dickerson Avenue Shelton Deme; 091DEM002523• 12112/2009 09ASB002675 SS! I 11/30/2909 3223 Lorne Street Tumwater 12/15/2009 09ASB002877 MS f 1213/2009 901 Mount View Drive Shelton 1213112009 Friday, [December 04, 2009; I Page 2 of 2 M-21 I � I I Demelitian ,Permit Status Report Peririlt# Recd Staff Address City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit# OBDEM002219 1017/2008 SS 3025 Meridian Rd NE Olympia 2 buildings on property ❑ ASS 08DEM002227 10/20/2008 NIS 26709 Vernon Avenue Ocean Park Non NVLAP lab but it is a renovation 0 ASB 08DEM002240 1916/2008 MS 115 Ward Creek Raymond The douse has been burned iln a fire. = � ❑ ASB 08DEM002244 11/1012408 MS 11629 Endicott Road SW Olympia Surveywas obtained. El 08ASB002546 08bEM002249 11/1712008 FSC 73 Gold Street Sequim I j ❑� ASB 08DEM002253 11/18/2008 MS 3120 Highway 105 Westport lj 1❑ ASB OBDEM002265 12/5/2008 AD 8900 Libby Rd NE Olympia waiting on Asbestos Survey -'Dan Ve ❑ ASS 09DEM002276 110009 RC 64 Lake Aldwell Road Port Angeles , 0 ASB � 09DEM002278 1/14/2009 AD 2120 Black Point Road Brinnon ❑✓ ASB 09DEM002287 2/2/2009 RC. 131 Shore Drive Port Ludlow ❑ ASB 09DEM002288 212/2009 AD 2425, Marvin Road Lacey D ASB I 09bEM002297 2/19/2009 MS 2 Barley Lane Menlo this will probably ba a trainig fire for t ❑✓ I ASB j i 09DEM002300 2/23/2009 SS 1718 Jones Road Shelton Q ASB I 09DEM002304 2/26/2009 MS 322 3rd Street Shelton Clerk called in and said that they wou ASS, 09DEM002311 3/912009 AD 840 Beckett Point Port'rownsend 1[] ASB I • on �� k 09DEM002312 3110/2009 AD 181 Marjory Lane Sequim Asbestos present survey 'Nc asb ASB I 09DEM002317 I, 3/16/2009 MS I 1603 Washington Avenue N Long Beach ; ! j❑ ASS 09DEM002319 I 3/17/2009 AD; 19405 Johnson Road SE Yeim 10/27/09 AD msg ASS 0917EMO0' 2323 3/25/2009 AD 981 Gibbs Lake Road Chimecum 07/20/09 Parks and Rec - Not reside i ASB 09DEI 0IOM26 3/26/2009 MSI 9480 Oak Bay Road Port Ludlowi KD5 will sendin asbestos applicat10 �❑ ,® ASS 09DEM002341 4!1012009 AD! 1906 N. 201 at Lang Beach ASB 09DEM002342 4113/2009 AD 25602 Z Street Ilwaco l +❑ ASS' 0913EM602345 4/17/2009 ' AD 127 Daniels Street Aberdeen I I ill , ki ® ASB I Friday; December 04, 2009 I ISI I Page 1 of 6 A -,28 ' -=-----------,-- ---------- - Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status AsbSurvey AsbPermit# 09DEM002357 4/23/2009 MS 3101 W. 1st Street Hoquiam ASB 09DEM002361 4/28/2009 MS 804 First St Westport Q 'ASB 09DEM002362 4/28/2009 MS 680 W Spokane Westport ASB 09DEM002375 5/11/2009 RC 2025 Keller Dr Port Angeles RC: The application was dropped off ASB 09DEM002385 5/18/2009 MS 4611 Tumwater Valley Dr Tumwater will be contacting us with contractors 0 ASB 09DEM002386 5/18/2009 MS 415 38th Ave NE Olympia 5/18/09 - Waiting for training fire notif ASB 09DEM002409 6/11/2009 AD 301 Ocean Beach Blvd North Long Beach On hold- Until after burn ban ASB 09DEM002416 6/18/2009 AD 100 E. North Bay Place Allyn 06/18/09 AD contacted Ray, builder. ASB 09DEM002417 6/19/2009 AD 65th and Sandridge Road Long Beach Pacific FD #1 training burn. Mike K❑ ' ASB 09DEM002430 7/13/2009 AD I 917 Yelm Avenue West Yelm 10/27/09 AD talked to Scott Ritter. T ASB 09DEM002431 7/13/2009 AD 1102 Chestnut Street SE Olympia 0 ASB 09DEM002432 7/14/2009 AD I 7380 Linderson Way SW Tumwater 09/24/09 Approve permit when proof ❑ ASB 09DEM002434-' 7/17/2009 AD 300 Disney Road Nordland ASB 09DEM002436 7/17/2009 AD 3103 Clearwater Road Forks ASB 09DEM002440 ' 7/22/2009 AD 2620 Simpson Avenue Hoquiam ❑ ASB 09DEM002445 8/4/2009 AD 330 Broadway Avenue South Bend 10/27/09 AD talked to JPCHA - dem ❑ ASB 09DEM002452 8/21/2009 AD Jefferson Street & 14th Street Olympia 08/21/09 After the fact emergency pe 21 ASB 09DEM002455 8/24/2009 AD 77 Chickamin : Ocean Shores 08/24/09 Contains Asbestos - permit Q 09ASB002789 09DEM002459 9/2/2009 AD 61 Critter Crossing Port Angeles ASB 09DEM002460 9/3/2009 AD 824 Billy Smith Road Port Angeles ASB 09DEM002461 9/8/2009 AD 21107 Pacific.Way Ocean Park 09/22/09 AD proof of asbestos remo ASB , 09DEM002464 9/14/2009 AD ;16400 Pacific Way Ocean Park 09/14/09 AD - Pacific County Fire #1 ASB 09DEM002465 \ 9/15/2009 AD 6140 Britton Lane Lacey i 09/15/09 AD Start date 09/28/09 or I ASB 09DEM002466 9/16/2009 AD 4830 Pacific Avenue se #12 Lacey Asbestos abatement completed 10/2 ❑ ASB 09DEM002467 9/16/2009 AD 1129 Willow Street Lacey ASB Friday, December 04, 2009 Pace 2 of 5 M-29 Friday, December 04, 2009 Page 3 of 5 M-30 • Permit# Rec'd Staff Address City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit # 09DEM002468 9/16/2009 AD 330 Broadway Avenue South Bend ❑✓ ASB 09DEM002469 9/16/2009 AD 340 Price Street Port Hadlock Commercial permit on old residential ASB 09DEM002470 9/18/2009 AD 4661 Sequim Dungeness Way Sequim 0 ASB i 09DEM002471 9/21/2009 RC 33 Karie Ct Sequim ASB 09DEM002472 9/28/2009 AD 320 Columbia Street NW Olympia ASB 09DEM002473 9/28/2009 AD 917 Terry Street Tumwater 09/28/09 AD Proof of asbestos remo 0 ASB 09DEM002474 9/30/2009 AD 102 East Park Avenue Westport i ASB 09DEM002477 10/1/2009 AD 2111 West 5th Street Aberdeen ! ASB 09DEM002478 10/1/2009 AD 5401 Olympic Hot Springs Road :Port Angeles 10/27/09 AD new start date 10/29/09 ASB 09DEM002480 10/5/2009 AD 170 Marvin Road Lacey 10/05/09 Letter from contractor Indic ASB 09DEM002481 10/5/2009 AD 403 Cleveland Hoqufam Demo and Asbestos permit approved ASB 09DEM002482 10/6/2009 AD 1600 Stealer Kinney Road SE Lacey 10/06/09 AD waiting on asbestos re 0 09AS13002781 09DEM002483 10/9/2009 SS 3748 80th Ave SE Olympia ASB 09DEM002485 10/13/2009 AD 506 North Montesano Street Westport Approved AD & MS ASB 09DEM002486 10/13/2009 AD 2112 S. Capital Way S. Olympia 10/13/09 AD called owner. She will n ❑ ASB 09DEM002487 10/13/2009 RC 4310 Newel Road Port Angeles pending asbestos removal applicatio © ASB 09DEM002488 10/14/2009 AD 9011 Old Highway 99 #103 Olympia ASB 09DEM002489 10/14/2009 AD 343 Port Wiliffams Sequim Asbestos abatement complete. ASB 09DEM002490 10/14/2009 AD 940 Pine Street Shelton 10/13/09 Asbestos and demo permit © 09ASB002834 09DEM002491 10/15/2009 AD 2712 Lewis Road Olympia Pending asbestos removal. 09ASB002837 09DEM002492 10/16/2009 AD 12301 Endiicott Road SW Olympia 0 ASS 09DEM002493 10/19/2009 AD 6317 Shelby Ln SE Lacey © ASB 09DEM002495 10/19/2009 AD 51 E. Alder Port Ludlow ASB 09DEM002496 10/19/2009 AD 6325 Churchill Rd SE Tenino [0 ASB 09DEM002497 10/20/2009 AD McMicken Island, Shelton No survey needed, pictures, per RT ❑ ASB Friday, December 04, 2009 Page 3 of 5 M-30 Permit# Rec'd Staff Address City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit# 09DEM002498 10/21/2009 AD 3391 Johns Prairie Road Shelton 10/21/09 $35 paid. Is commercial, ne ASB 09DEM002499 10/23/2009 RC 3.401 Old Olympic Highway Port Angeles pending submittal of owner/occupied 09ASB002856 09DEM002500 10/23/2009 SS 1802 Yelm Highway Se Olympia ❑ ASB 09DEM002502 10/27/2009 AD 21020 Highway 101 North Shelton Proof of asbestos removal received. ASB 09DEM002503 10/28/2009 SS 1110 201st Lane Long Beach ASB 09DEM002504 11/2/2009 SS 310 South I Street ' Aberdeen Per Mike, emergency permit OK'd. S ❑ ASB 09DEM002505 11/4/2009 RTM 625 Black Lake Boulevard SW Olympia ❑ ASB. 09DEM002506 11/6/2009 MS 28912 W Lane Ocean Park ASB 09DEM002507 11/6/2009 MS I 1207 151st Lane Long Beach ASB 09DEM002508 11/9/2009 MS 1303225th Ocean Park © ASB 09DEM002509 11/9/2009 MS 3521 Stoll Road SE Olympia emergency letter from the olympia fir ❑ ASB' 09DEM002510 11/12/2009 SS 301 Ocean Beach Boulevard Long Beach O ASB' 09DEM002511 11/12/2009 SS 90 State Route 108 Shelton ❑ ASB 09DEM002512 11/13/2009 SS 6197 NE Northshore Road Belfair ❑d ASB 09DEM002513 11/16/2009 MS 292 Oyster House Road Sequim 11/16/09 - On hold until we get a star ASB 09DEM002514 11/17/2009 MS 282 Bush Creek Road Elma 09ASB002726 09DEM0025.15 11/18/2009 SS 3471 E. Kolonels Way a Port Angeles ❑ 09ASB002869 09DEM002516 11/18/2009 SS 214 North B. Street Aberdeen Q 09ASB002868 09DEM002517 11/20/2009 MS 3152 SR 109 Copalls Beach No asbestos survey; no contractor. ❑ ASB• 09DEM002518 11/20/2009 MS 607 Water Street Port Townsend Wating on survey. MS 11-30-09❑ ASB. , 09DEM002519 11/24/2009 SS 957 Benson Road Port Angeles I spoke with Jim Bradford regarding�/❑ ASB. 09DEM002520 11/30/2009 MS 5610 Grapeview Loop Road Grapeview ASB 09DEM002521 11/30/2009 MS 501 Ontario Street Hoqulam 11-30-09 Approval is on hold until we 09ASB002872 09DEM002522 11/30/2009 MS 2310 Simpson Avenue Hoquiam No asbestos survey/permit. No start ❑ ASB• 09DEM002523 11/30/2009 210 Morgan Rd Shelton © 09ASB002874 Friday, December 04, 2009 Page 4 of 5 .M-31 • 1 Permit# Recd Staff Address city Status Asb Survey Asb Permit# 09DEM002524 12/3/2009 MS 4911 Sequim Dungeness Way Sequim © ASB d9DEM002525 12/3/2009 MS 244 Franks Lane Quilcene ASB 09DEM002526 12/3/2009 RTM 17326 Little Rock Road SW Rochester ASB 09DEM002528 12/4/2009 SS 7906 Mountain Avenue Loop SE Olympia ❑ ASB i Friday, December 04, 2009 I , Page 5 of 5 'M-32 i I, i Complaint Report for period from 10/09/2009 to 12/04/2009 Date Source "City Recd Forinal Oncall OnWie Sinoke Odor Open vire Dust Woodstov 'Other Referred to: AD 10/12/2009 A+.Plumbing and Septic Olympia RTM �/ ❑ 10/13/2009 NORTH MASON FIBER CO INC BELFAIR RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21, ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/13/2009 Unknown Olympia i AD ❑ ❑ ❑ R ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/14/2009 Lindsay Andreotti Etal (Union DJM ❑ El 91 R ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/14/2009 No specific name 1 Olympia DJM ❑ ❑ ❑ 91 © ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/15/2009 Bill Hunt Olympia AD ❑ ❑ ❑ Sa ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/16/2009 David Zinski Yelm RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ El❑ 10/16/2009 North Fork Timber Olympia AD 13 El El91 El ❑ 10/16/2009 Unknown Olympia DJM LJ ❑ ❑ Rj ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/27/2009 Willard Debow Olympia DJM ❑ ❑ 0 W ❑ ❑ ❑ �/❑ 10/28/2009 James & Jacquie Iddings Yelm AD ❑ ❑ ❑ W ❑ © ❑ ❑ 10/28/2009 VILLA GROVE POODLINER OLYMPIA ' AD "' ' ❑' ❑ '0 ❑- '' ' ❑ ❑" ❑ " Referred to: DAN i 11/30/2009 Tacoma Rail ;East Olympia RTM 01/ Li Li H Referred to: JTk 11/25/2009 NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES USA PORT ANGELES SS ; CO, LTD Referred to: MS 10/09/2009 John Callen - Classic Hi Crop Org Aberdeen MS Fert Et al. 10/12/2009 (Calvin Mrsny Shelton MS ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/12/2009 Robert Lindholm ; Oakville ! MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ` 11.❑ El 10/12/2009 TBD Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ a a ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/17/2009 OCEAN PROTEIN LLC HOQUTAM GDL ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/20/2009 Dale Lonborg Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/20/2009 Edna Scalpino (Hunt) ; Ocean Park MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ©` ❑ ❑ 10/20/2009 JAMES - Owned by Robert Lindholm Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ R] W ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/20/2009 Pamela Hill Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 ❑ 91 ❑ ❑ 10/20/2009 Philip Bowman ? Oakville MS El ❑ E3 El ® ❑ ❑ ..^.:3::C:.:.7.•1^"...'1.3^.:'GSr'`:.LvECF'.;�4a"Y.:....4:.^�:.^'iS"�.,"^iR"a'''Ti:'8K._:.��Il'f•...^..L-.1T.C^u":.S...2feL'!C..4T.�Y2Sc4.CT Friday, December 04, 2009 ._�'G.�.�W`C9.L =—•,,_„^ray M �L .i 1 of 3 • Date Source City Recd . Formal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Fire Dust Woodstov Other 10/21/2009 Clifford and Patti Kramer Pacific Beach MS LJ 77= U Li Li Li LJ 10/24/2009 Peter and Sandra Yeaman Belfair KLE 0 ❑ ❑ 0 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/24/2009 Unknown Olympia RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ 96 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/26/2009 Unknown Aberdeen MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ RI ❑ ❑. ❑ 10/27/2009 Eshom, Ernest and Olive Belfair KLE ❑ ❑ R ® ❑ ❑ i ❑ 10/27/2009 TBD Raymond AD ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ 10/30/2009 Auto Sales Unlimited - Rob Shank Oakville MS ❑ 11 W © ❑ ❑ i ❑ 10/30/2009 Edward and Janet Wesley Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ R ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 10/30/2009 Pape and Sons Elma MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 ❑ ; 0 ❑ i ❑ 10/30/2009 Unknown I Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑✓ ❑. ; �' ❑ 10/30/2009 WOOD PELLET'COMPANY Oakville MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 S�,; ❑ Q; ❑ 11/01/2009 Bdouthavy and Khamphou South Bend MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑✓ CD,;, ❑ 0' , ❑ "Paxdumthong 11/03/2009 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0V ❑ 11/08/2009 Tony Wildhaber Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 6a RJ ❑ ❑ I s] 11/08/2009 unknown Lacey DJM ❑ ❑ 0 O 91 ❑ ❑ O ! 11/11/2009 Jeri Bogar and Chad Searls Elma MS ❑ ❑ ❑ S ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 11/16/2009 MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ : ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/16/2009 James Jackson McCleary JPW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/16/2009 Randy Goodman McCleary MS ❑ Q ❑ sa ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/17/2009 James Bain Ocosta MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/20/2009 Judy and Raymond Riggins Olympia MS ❑ ❑ ❑ R ❑ R 0 I ❑ 11/21/2009 Judy and Raymond Riggins Olympia MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 21 ❑ . W ❑ ❑ 11/23/2009 John Bogar Elma MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑. ❑ S6 ❑ ❑ 11/23/2009 Judy and Raymond Riggins Olympia MS ❑ ❑ ❑9, ❑ ❑ i ❑ I i 11/25/2009 Unknown - Robert Gittins (owner) Montesano MS ❑ ❑ Q © ©;' R ❑ , ❑ ! 12/02/2009 Robert Howell - David Lush (owner) Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ i ❑✓ ❑ ❑ Referred to: RC 10/12/2009 TBD f RTM 116; 'Li 10/15/2009 Gerald Chase Beaver RC ❑ ❑ ❑ F0 ❑ R ❑ ❑ 10/19/2009 Don Clayton RC ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ i; © Q ' I ❑ 10/21/2009 Louis Lato Forks RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑(I ❑ ❑ 10/22/2009 J. Leise RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 21 10/22/2009 Robert Henry DDS RC ❑ 0 ❑ W ❑ 0 ' Q ❑ r�:,..�.. i a�•�^�.,.�.,,.._._�..;,,..._:,::�:-:.�..,:.r,, ;�.� ..nx.�,,,a�; ;.� --xA.�..� :.:.4..•�.:: �-•rte.: -•x.�_�c! Friday, December 04, 2009 ' __ I )F a4age 2 of 3 E I t Date Source City Recd Formal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Fire Dust i • Woodstov Other' 11/13/2009 Alder Wood Bistro Sequim RC Li Li Li Ll U L U 11/16/2009 Platypus or Westport? - TBD RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ R) ❑ ❑ ❑ 12/03/2009 TBD RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 a ❑ ❑ Referred to: SS 10/14/2009 Dennis Peterson Olympia SS I 10/15/2009 SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I� 10/15/2009 Dave & Joan Merdian Tenino SS ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ V ❑ ❑ 10/15/2009 Steven Vanderhoof Olympia SS ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q 10/20/2009 Sandra Forland Rochester MS ❑ ❑ ❑ W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I 10/23/2009 unknown SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/28/2009 Ft Blakely Timber co Elma SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10/29/2009 Rainier Timber Company Raymond SS ❑ '❑ ❑ >/ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ i 10/30/2009 Gail Spain Olympia MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ II 10/30/2009 Joe Zaino Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q j 11/01/2009 Willard Debow Olympia RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/04/2009 Joe Zaino Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 5 11/04/2009 Norma Loree Olympia SS ❑ E)❑ 11 El El El11/04/2009 Sierra Doig Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/04/2009 unknown SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/09/2009 Amber Rotella Olympia DJM ❑ ❑ RI ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 11/12/2009 Joe Zaino Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/12/2009 Patricia & Howard Winkler Olympia DAN ❑ ❑ ❑ C] ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/13/2009 Silvia Shaw Yelm SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/13/2009 Tony & Donna Roberts SHELTON SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/20/2009 Joe Zaino Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 11/23/2009 Mary Ann Norris Rochester SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ 11/29/2009 Stephen Heringlake Yelm KLE ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/30/2009 Joe Zaino Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 11/30/2009 No name given - group of young men Olympia KLE ❑ ❑ ❑ 9 ❑ © ❑ ❑ 12/01/2009 Allan Bergman Belfair SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ �- 12/02/2009 C Jonathan Neel Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 12/03/2009 unknown Lacey SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ .�...�..:.,... �•.:....�....r.,..,._..y..,�...�..:..w,�.--�.sar�--���.�:��-max-......-.......,,.....�K:�rm:---^-���r, ��r ....ter-��---�--�„�s-��-�-,��c �----5 �-- Fridnp, December 04, 2009 -�' age 3 0 3 NOV. Monthly Report For the period 10/09/2009 to 12/04/2009 NOV # Name Issued City. Regulation(s) NOV Penalty Amount Amount Penalty by Issued Assessed. Suspended Paid Issued 1755 NESBITTS BODY & JAW PACIFIC 5.05 Annual Registration Fees 11/21/2000 $100.00 $100.00 01/22/2001 PAINT i 2554 LEPPELL RC CLALLAM 6.2(a)(1) Open fire containing proMbito 08/06/2008 $15,635:00 $8,135.00 $7,500.00 09/17/2008 2694 HARDER CUSTOM MS THURSTON 6.3.2(a)(3) Unlawful to'cauie or allow wo: 03/24/2008 $900.00 i $900.00 06/17/2008 CONSTRUCTION project or demolition withou p: application and certifications. , i' 2742 ARMOR COATINGS RC CLALLAM 6.1(x)(2) Violation of Notice ofConstru 08/10/2009 $400.00 10/20/2009 application modification requu sources 2743 NORTHWEST RC CLALLAM 6.3.2 (e) (2) Asbestos project completed pri 10/23/2009 ENVIRONMENTAL as outlined in ORCAA Asbestc i SOLUTIONS I 2744 ANCIENT AUTO WORKS RC CLALLAM 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 INC , 2745 ANS TETT AUTO BODY RC CLALLAM 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 ' 2746 ARMOR COATINGS RC CLALLAM 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 2747 DIMS AUTO BODY RC JEFFERSON 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 2822 KLMi AD THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) Open free containing prohibite' 03/02/2009 $250.00 $250.00 04/09/2009 2823 ASSURED QUALITY AD JEFFERSON 6.3.2 Notification Requirements - de 03/02/2009 $600.00 $600.00 04/08/2009 JEFFERSON started prior to approval of per. 2834 TEFFT MS PACIFIC. 6.3.2 Notification Requirements - de 04/14/2009 $230:00 $230.00 06/18/2009 i t started prior to approval of per. 2846 BAIN' MS GRAYS 6.2(a)(1) Open fire containingprolubite, 11/18/2009 HARBOR 2847 SNAP,'CO INC MS GRAYS 3 1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 • HARBOR j ' l i M-36 . I , Penalty Amount Assessed Suspended Amount Penalty Paid Issued Failure to pay amoral Registrat 'NOV #, Name Issued City Regulation(s) $1,100.00 $1,100.00 10/09/2009 Failure to pay annual Registrat by 2848 ROAD RUNNER GAS MS THURSTON 3.1(d) 11/19/2009 AND GROCERY 11/06/2009 Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 2849 AM CLEANERS MS THURSTON 3 1(d) 2850 t SUPER CLEANERS MS THURSTON 3.1(d) 12851 NORTHWEST MS GRAYS 31(d) COLLISION 2 HARBOR 07/10/2009 ; 2852 SUN CORP - ABERDEEN MS GRAYS, 3.1(d) Open fire containing prohibiter 07/14/2009 HARBOR 11/05/2009 2853 SUN CORP - HOQUTAM MS GRAYS 3.1(d) t HARBOR 2865 OCEAN PROTEIN LLC MS GRAYS 8.5(c) HARBOR 2866 OCEAN PROTEIN LLC MS GRAYS 8.5(c) HARBOR 2867 OCEAN PROTEIN LLC MS GRAYS 6.1.8 HARBOR 2868 HOBAUGH MS GRAYS 6.2(a)(1) HARBOR 2869 CLEGG AD GRAYS 6.3.2 HARBOR, 2871 MEINDERSEE AD THURSTON 6.3.2(a) (asbestos) 2872 GOODREAU AD THURSTON 2874 PELAEZ SS THURSTON 6.2(a)(7) 2875 BALLL t SS MASON 6.2(a)(1) 2879 PERFORMANCE SS THURSTON 6.3.2(x)(2) ABATEMENT Notification Requirements - dt NOV Issued Penalty Amount Assessed Suspended Amount Penalty Paid Issued Failure to pay amoral Registrat 11/19/2009 Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 10/09/2009 Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 $300.00 $300.00 10/09/2009 Failure to pay amival Registrat 11/19/2009 $600.00 11/06/2009 Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 Odor emissions interferes unre 07/10/2009 $10,000.00 10/09/2009 person's use and enjoyment.of 10/01/2009 $250.00 11/24/2009 Odor emissions interferes unre 07/10/2009 $10,000.00 r ,10/09/2009 person's use and enjoyment of Conditions in Approval of Ord 07/10/2009 ; $700.00 $700.00 10/09/2009 Enforceable; failure to comply Open fire containing prohibiter 07/14/2009 $500.00 11/05/2009 Notification Requirements - dt 07/16/2009 $360.00 $360.00 1 10/20/2009 started prior to approval of per No asbestos permit aquired fro 08/10/2009 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 10/09/2009 prior to abatement 08/10/2009 $300.00 $300.00 10/09/2009 Violation of fire within Urban 09/01/2009 $600.00 11/06/2009 (UGA) of county Open fire containing prohibits 09/08/2009 $2,600.00 11/05/2009 Unlawful to cause or allow wo: 10/01/2009 $250.00 11/24/2009 or demolition project without application from agency M-37 NOV # Name Issued City Regulation(s) NOV Penalty Amount Amount Penalty by Issued Assessed Suspended Paid Issued 2880 LANDMAN SS MASON 6.2(aXl) Open fire containingprohibite 10/01/2009 $1,100.00 11/24/2009 2881 BOYSEN SS MASON 6.2(x)(1) Open fire containingprohibiteu 10/01/2009 .$1,100.00 ; '� 11/24/2009 2882' PADGETT SS GRAYS 6.3.2(a)(2) Unlawful to cause or allow war, 10/14/2009 HARBOR or demolition project without r application from agency i '2883 HOWARDS CLEANERS- SS THURSTON 6.1 (a) Violation of not applying for 1, 10/15/2009 LACEY Construction for business 2884 SCALPINO MS PACIFIC' 6.2(a)(1) Open fire containing prohibiter 10/27/2009 i 2885 MCFADDEN SS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) Open fire containing prohibiter 11/04/2009 2886 KELLEY I SS THURSTON 6.2(x)(1) Open fire containing prohibiter 11/18/2009 i 2887 BRINNON GENERAL SS JEFFERSON 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 STORE INC 2888 CHAMBERS PRAIRIE SS THURSTON 3 t(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/20/2009 GENERALSTORE 2889 FRONTIER VILLAGE SS THURSTON 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registiat 11/19/2009 CLEANERS ; 2891 LILLTWAUP STORE & SS MASON 3.1(d) Failure to pay amoral Registrat 11/19/2009 MOTEL 2892 SHELTON SHELL SS MASON 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 i i 2893 SK STATION SS THURSTON 3.1(d) Failure to pay amoral Registrat 11/20/2009 2895 VALERO ONE STOP MS :GRAYS 11/20/2009 I ` HARBOR 2913 SIMPSON LUMBER CO RTM MASON 6.1.8 Conditions in Approval of Ord 12/02/2009 j LLC Enforceable; failure to comply 8.2 Failure to comply with condith ' 1 Simpson Air Operating Permit Totals: $46,725.00 $10,235.00 59,940.00 M+ - 38 , ------ - ---- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -------- - - - -- - - - - 1-0--l-n- s- - ectlons-Comp leted-- i __:...-.Printed_12/4/2009 12:.39:30 P Between 10/9/2009 and 12/4/2009 _ - iInsp. Date Inspection Type File # Source Name Location i AD 10/13/2009 Source Test —1102 ALBERTSON'S EXPRESS #407 TUMWATER RC GG - 10/132009 Unannounced 10/21/2009 Unannounced 747 WINDFALL LUMBER TUMWATER 521 - MS PORT ANGELES 10/132009 Announced 341 PORT ANGELES HARDWOOD LLC 10/09/2009 Unannounced 992 TANGLEWILDE CHEVRON OLYMPIA PORT ANGELES 10/15/2009 Unannounced 956 ELMA TEXACO FOOD MART 9851 ELMA 10/192009 10/28/2009 Unannounced 284 76 STATION - HOQUTAM Unannounced 10/28/2009 Unannounced 661 ECONOMY CLEANERS HOQUTAM 170 11/05/2009 Driveby 750 SNAPCOINC HOQUTAM 11/10/2009 Unannounced 992 TANGLEWILDE CHEVRON OLYMPIA 11/16/2009 Source Test 565 SAFEWAY - ABERDEEN # 1546 ABERDEEN 11/23/2009 Unannounced 570 MASON COUNTY FOREST PRODUCTS SHELTON 11/2312009 Driveby 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON • 11/23/2009 Unannounced 264 FAIR HARBOR MARINE AND RESORT GRAPEVIEW 11/23/2009 Unannounced 776 JAMES FOOD MART SHELTON 1123/2009 Driveby 926 ACE PAVING - SHELTON SHELTON 11252009 Announced 545 OCEAN SHORES WASTE WATER TREA OCEAN SHORES 1125/2009 Driveby 750 SNAPCOINC HOQUTAM 11252009 Unannounced 962 OCEAN SHORES MINI MARKET OCEAN SHORES 12/01/2009 Announced 162 PACIFIC GRO LLC` RAYMOND RC 10/132009 Unannounced 701 MOUNT PLEASANT AUTO BODY & TO PORT ANGELES 10/132009 Unannounced 521 - ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS PORT ANGELES 10/132009 Announced 341 PORT ANGELES HARDWOOD LLC PORT ANGELES 10/132009 Unannounced 653 JIFFY CLEANERS PORT ANGELES 10/132009 Unannounced 139 ANCIENT AUTO WORKS INC PORT ANGELES 10/192009 Unannounced 231 DELHUR INDUSTRIES INC - PORTABLE PORT ANGELES 1021/2009 Unannounced 65I OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & CLEANERS INC PORT ANGELES 101212009 Business Assistance 170 MASCO PETROLEUM - PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES Page 1 of 2 M -39 i- Insp. Date Inspection Type File # Source Name Location • ' 1023/2009 Announced -- -277 -- JEFFERSON HEALTH CARE - PORT TOWNSEND 11/042009 Driveby - 906 FOUR CORNERS GROCERY & DELI YELM 11/042009 Driveby 978 FOUR CORNERS STORE PORT TOWNSEND 11/102009 Source Test 170 MASCO PETROLEUM - PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES 11/102009 Unannounced 670 DOCKSIDE DRY CLEANERS PORT TOWNSEND 11/102009 Unannounced 334 MT PLEASANT VILLAGE & 76 PORT ANGELES 11/10/2009 i Source Test 1231 PACIFIC PRIDE CARDLOCK - FORKS FORKS 11/102009 Driveby 154 PORT TOWNSEND PAPER COMPANY PORT TOWNSEND 11/122009-- Announced 678 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER PORT ANGELES RTM 10212009 Unannounced 747 WINDFALL LUMBER TUMWATER 11/03/2009 Announced 1100 SOIL KEY Tenino SS 11/12/2009 Source Test 852 SAFEWAY - YELM #1619 YELM 11/12/2009 Source Test 500 SAFEWAY - TUMWATER #1503 TUMWATER 11/122009 Source Test 911 SAFEWAY - PORT ANGELES # 1922 PORT ANGELES 11/122009 Source Test 740 CAPITOL CITY SHELL OLYMPIA • - 11242009 Announced 120 SAINT MARTINS UNIVERSITY - - LACEY 12/012009 Unannounced 642 FRONTIER VILLAGE CLEANERS YELM I 12/042009 Source Test 839 ARCO 44435 BPWC #739 - SLEATER KIN LACEY I 12/04/2009 Announced 1036 SHORT STOP 76 DELI ROCHESTER -; --_-_Page 2of2--- -. i M-40 i i --`� NSR and AOP Summary Re ort_ 09NOC660 Report for all NSR and AOP revision applications currently pending and applications finalized between _ OF PUBLIC WORKS - - --10/09/2009 to 12/04/2009 - - --emergency Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld 4TH AVE FOOD MART 372 Nreg GG 09NOC695 OLYMPIA Perform site remediation ❑ and increase WRF - on a lot contaminated with gasoline. __ ......... 7456 CORPORATION AD GG 09NOC704 ROCHESTER install spray booth ❑ ARMOR COATINGS RC JTK 09NOC703 SEQUIM ❑ BELCO SHELTON MILL_ _ AD GDL 09NOC683 SHELTON ❑ BELFAIR CLEANERS MS GDL 08NOC650 BELFAIR install dry cleaning ❑ machine CITY OF LONG BEACH MS GG 09NOC715 LONG BEACH install a diesel -fired backup generator CITY OF SEQUIM, DEPT. Nreg GDL 09NOC660 SEQUIM install a 500kW _ OF PUBLIC WORKS - =-- - - --emergency generator WWTP AD GG 09NOC676 OLYMPIA and increase WRF MERCANTILE capacityfrom.80 mgd to __ ......... _ _ .. 1.67 mgd CITY OF SHELTON - WWTP AD GDL 09NOC694 SHELTON install dry cleaning SEAFOODS MS 09NOC711 SOUTH BEND install an emergency •COAST COMPANY - SOUTH BEND _MS GG 09NOC700 -BELFAIR diesel generator CONNALLY FINISHES SS GG 09NOC709 YELM install cyclone/bahouse and intake air filters DEPARTMENT OF RTM GG 09NOC712 OLYMPIA install emergency INFORMATIONAL generators SERVICES FUNERAL ALTERNATIVES MS GG 09NOC692 LACEY install and operate a OF WASHINGTON INC crematory GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY RTM MVG 09AOP672 ELMA LLC GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY-.,-RTM- MVG 08NOC636__-ELMA LLC GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP RC GDL 08NOC607 HOQUTAM -- - install and operate a fuel =-- - ----- dryer --- GULL HARBOR AD GG 09NOC676 OLYMPIA perform soil and MERCANTILE groundwater remediation __ ......... _ _ .. at gas station. HOWARDS PRESTIGE. _ _ _ SS- GDL 08NOC647 OLYMPIA install dry cleaning CLEANERS machine INNOVATIVE AUTO BODY _MS GG 09NOC700 -BELFAIR install and operate an --- automotive spray booth. • Friday, December 04, 2009 . Page 1 of 3 M-41 ❑ - El Page 1 of 3 M-41 Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld+ ! INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - RC GG 09MOD677 FORKS modify Condition 6(I) of Li FORKS DIVISION _ _ _ _02NOC236 INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - RC GG 09MOD675 PORT modify condition 9(k) of PORT ANGELES DIVISION ANGELES 97N00047 MASON COUNTY FOREST MS JTK 06NOC479 SHELTON Construct a lumber mill PRODUCTS LLC (after the fact approval) MCFARLAND CASCADE MS GG 09NOC708 SHELTON make poles, um, ok? 0 POLE & LUMBER COMPANY i NIPPON PAPER RC JTK 08NOC645 PORT Add De -ink plant drum INDUSTRIES USA CO LTD ANGELES pulper rejects to list of ... items to be burned at the - NO. 8 power boiler OLYMPIC PANEL RC JTK 09AOP688 SHELTON renew AOP 0 PRODUCTS LLC PACIFIC GRO LLC MS JTK 09NOC716 RAYMOND High speed air drying ID system for shellfish PACIFIC GRO LLC -_ - MS JTK 09NO1714 RAYMOND — - PANELTECH INT. LLC JAW GG 08NOC648 HOQUTAM install 2 treater lines, 1 El ! reactive thermal oxidizer, ! 1 composit press and a i 3mil btu hot oil boiler PENINSULA PLYWOOD RC MVG 08AOP640 PORT renew AOP permit GROUP LLC ANGELES • PORT ANGELES RC GG 09MOD713 PORT modify Condition 5 and 8, ! LANDFILL - COMPOST ANGELES _ and Table One of Permit —' FACILITY 05NOC681 i RUDDELL LEASE SALES RC GG 09NOC655 PORT install spray in bedliner INC ANGELES booth RYANS AUTO DETAILING & SS JTK 08NOC602 LACEY After the fact approval of SPRAY ON VORTEX a truckbed lining I BEDLINER operation SANDQUIST CABINETS RC GDL 08NOC610 BRINNON install a spray booth 0 - SHEARER BROS CHIPPER SS GG 08NOC603 SHELTON r`" -install and operate chip LLC mill and log yard SI CUSTOMS SS JTK _ 08NOC631 OLYMPIA - After the fact approval of an automotive spraycoating facility SIERRA PACIFIC RTM GG 09REV699 ABERDEEN modify monitoring INDUSTRIES - parameters for _ COGENERATION : _ particulate control_ - equipment. SIERRA PACIFIC RTM GG 08AOP625 ABERDEEN application El INDUSTRIES - LUMBER _ MILL — - Page 2 of� Friday, December 04, 2009 -- - - -- M -42 _ • Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld SIMPSON DOOR CO MS JTK 09AOP717 MCCLEARY AOP Renewal- Wood ------ ' Door Manufacturer. SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC RTM MVG 09AOP690 SHELTON renew AOP - SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC RTM MVG 09REV678 SHELTON ST PETERS HOSPITAL SS GG 09NOC710 OLYMPIA install an emergency generator WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 09REV702 WESTPORT WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 09NO1682 WESTPORT ❑ LOTT ALLIANCE AD MVG 09NOC689 OLYMPIA install a cogeneration 10/09/2009_ = engine and replacement - - natural gas boilers SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC - -RTM MVG 09NOC706 SHELTON install a baghouse to - 10/12/2009 -- - _ cyclone #NP -2 MASTER BODY WORKS RC GG 09NOC698 PORT install and operate an 10/16/2009 ❑ ANGELES automotive spray booth BLACK LAKE COLLISION AD - JTK_ 09NOC705 — TUMWATER n install a spray booth 10/29/2009- El WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 09MOD701 WESTPORT modify 01 MOD181 10/29/2009 El QFC GAS STATION SS GDL 09NOC707 BELFAIR gasoline dispensing 10/30/2009 "station • Friday, December 04, 2009 Page 3 of 3 M -43 • - OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940-B Limited Lane NW, Olympia WA 98502-6503 Consent Agenda to Board of Directors Meeting WARRANTS ISSUED & SUBMITTED FOR THE PERIOD October 9, 2009 through December 8, 2009 Fund: — Warrant #'s: Scheduled Payment Date: Issue Amount 6471 63002462 - 63002479 October 22 _ $9,454.65 ORC! -A started 63002480.- 63002481 October 27 = $24,043.83 issuing their V-- - - own warrants 63002482 - 63002498 October 29 $5,061.99 October 2007. Auto-- Mo. Wire Transfer T.C. Accounting Charge $201.00 293543 - 293560 Payroll $92,199.85 5065, 5072, 5076 Benefits $28,07400 63002499 - 63002501 November 2 $534.00 63002502 - 63002511 November 13 $2,640.07 • - 63002512 - 63002514 --- November 19 - - $13,622.30 63002527 - 63002539 November 24 $12,139.50 63002540 November 30 $2,122.00 295131 - 295148 Payroll $88,437.05 5091, 5098, 5100 Benefits $27,582.64 Auto - Mo. Wire Transfer T.C. Accounting Charge -- $201 00 63002541 - 63002546 - - - December 3 - $1,749.57 JOURNALALS Total Expenditures This Period. $308,063.45 Included with Consent Agenda for Monthly Board of Directors Meeting. M - 4AP-009 Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Check Register For the Period From Oct 9, 2009 to Dec 8, 2009 FilterCritcria includes: 1) Check Numbers from 63101462 to 63002546. Report or Check6 - - Date Paiee Amount .. -. _ ___..63003462 105109 Angelo Communications - - - ._ 43.36 - - 63002463 IW -2109 AT & T Mobility 100.70 63002464 1012"09 Bean Gentry Whaler & Petcmeil, PLLC 675.00 _ 63002465 1 01=09 Bank of America 3,311.70 63002466 105109 Capital Business Machines 129.34 63002467 1045/09 CiryofOlympia 63127 6300'-'46S 10/75/09 Dcpt. ofGeneml Administration 50.00 63002469 IO/72/D9 Matric 97.32 63002470 100-2/09 Lynn Harding - 13738 _ 63002471 Ior.? 09 Labor & Industries 1,517.19 63002472 10/1209 Mountain Mist Water 58.25 63002473 10/22/09 Dari Nelson 55.55 63002474 1022109 On Hold Concepts, Inc. 117.00 63002475 105/9 PNWIS 650.00 63002476 1022/9 Progressive Body Training Systems 200.00 63002477 IOP -209 Puget Sound Energy 491.96 - 63002478 - 1022/9 Scott-Marrin, Inc. 238.63 63002479 102"09 Yakima Region Clean Air Agency 900.00 63002450 1027109 Cummins Northwest, LLC 22-293.83 - 63002481 1027109 Evenvann Inc, 1,750.00 63002482 1029/9 Comcast _ 577.29 - - - - •• - - -- - -- --= - `63002483 - --- - 1029009 Alarm Centei, Inc. 120.00 • '-` "' 63002484 1029/09 De iMedia West LLC - 27.00 63002485 !01_9/09 Department ofEcology 722.15 63002436 1 OP -9/09 Howard Doherty 162.00 63002487 1029/09 Department of Personnel 210.00 630024881029109 Clay Harwood 67.10 63002439 1029109 IKON Office Solutions 19.92 - - -- - -- -- -`-'- 63002490 10_9109 Phil•Johnson-----_ - •-- - 135.00 63002491 104_9109 North Pacific Electric, Inc 312.05 63002492 1029109 Office Depot 269.67 63002493 105109 Pacific Disposal 51.83 63002494 1029/9 PUD 91 ofClallam County 127.69 63002495 1029/09 Dan Rydholm 2.122.00 63002496 1029/9 Sunrise Pest Management, Inc 64.29 63002497 1029/09 Thurston County Sherifh Office 45.00 63002498 1029/09 James Werner 29.00 Auto -Wim Transfer I0_9/D9 T.C. Accounting Charge 201.00 • Payroll !029/09 Salaries & Benefits 120-273.85 63002499 I I/V09 Capacity Provisioning Inc. 35.00 63002500 II2JO9 CPI,'VenturesLLC 299.00 63002501 114"119 Willapa Community Dev. Assn. 200.00 63002502 11/13/09 AT & T Mobility 100.63 63002503 11/13109 Bean Gentry Wheeler& Peteme0, PLLC 500.00 63002504 11/13/9 Century Link 158.14 63002505 11/13109 Department of lnfonn ition Services 139.61 63002506 11/13109 Firestone Store 45.89 - 63002507 11/13/09 Matrix 12.36 63007508 11/13/09 Puget Sound Energy 375.25 63W2509 11/13/09 Scot-Marrin,Inc. 5320 6300'7310 11013/09 Sunset Air Incorporated - 67758 63002511 11/13/09 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 467.41 63002512 11019009 Cummins Northwest, LLC 11,872.30 63002513 11/19/09 Francis lyall - 750 -OD 63002514 11/19/09 The DeRousie Co. 1,000.00 63002515.63002526 1124/09 Voids 0,00 -- 6300'7527 1124/09 Bank ofAmerica ._- 63002528 1124/9 .- Capital Business Machines _4,327.17 144.27 - 63002529 1124109 Comcast 53264 63002530 1124109 Geoffrey Glass _ _ . _ _ 123.00 _ 63002531 1124009 Gordon Lartce 123.00 63002532 1120/09 Frartcea L. McNair 42.35 63002533 i 124109 Mountain Mist Water 39.50 63002534 1124/09 Office Depot 186.91 63002535 1124/09 PUD tllofClallamCounty 127.87 63002536 1124/09 Stockholm Environmental Institute US 5,386.00 63007337 1124/9 Michael Shults 71.00 63002538 1124009 --Sunrise Pest Management, Inc. - - - - -• -- 64.29 63002539 1124/09 James Werner - -- 47150 63002540 11/30/09 Dan Rydholm 2,122.00 Auto-Wirc TransFcr 100109 T.C. Accounting Charge 201.00 Payroll 11/30/09 Salaries & Benefits 116,019.69 63002541 M/09 Capacity Provisioning Ina 35.00 6300342 123/09 CPI, Ventures LLC 299.00 63002543 12/3109 Electronic Resourcing, Inc. 9.58 63002544 12/3/09 Thermo En riromnental Inst Inc. 735.78 63002545 12/3/09 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 47021 • 6300'346 - - - - 12x/9 Willapa CommunityDev. Assn. 7 200.00 Total 308.063.45 M -45 1214/2009 at 8:16 AM Page: 1 EXECUTIVE SESSION Date: '0, � � , � c7 4 Expected length of session:_ Is action expected following the session: At 'alae .,of `Executive.esiori ; remind, artzr" `Gs =that. Y7. v: -ldf6: ip ••,,: i� -.1.£' {•:: - .J:1 --•: .2•'%}tia�riu 1[•,e • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential Reason for Executive Session: To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. XTo evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a'governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session. under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: Was session extended { �� by announcement: , If so, when: g J I Time session ended: �—d In at endance. /jam C� Ott e fi r I "f e We'r.s .� ayor Cit Jerk GAEGAL\Fenns\EXECLITIVE SGSSION.061509.wpd