HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/19/2000 . . ~~~RT1\N~JmS WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. .............'....................... .........'l\GE.. ND.....A.......... .' ~J€riY.c.9UNCILM~ETING 371~AST FIFTH STREET :,," ,'",c,.; Def;emJ>er I?, 2.900...,., REGULA.R'MEETING' ~6:-0Pp;m. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.~.) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - CEREMONIAL MA T');.ERS & PROCLAMATIONS B. WORK SESSION ..,. .:;\.:".,:':, . ><_ . \_ -"'~:L,,'::,, .- __ \, ~1 ";"; ..:;.;:?.,- ~" C.LATE ITEMS TO BE 'PLACRQ;9N THIS ORFU.1;U~AGENDAS (By CounCil,;,$Jgffoi;,'P'/AHJiC) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMSN01; O~ AGENDi\ (This is the opport~nity iC?"''!}HijJ~~~~Jo{th~ public to speak to the City Councii'about anything notimtheagenda, please keep comrfze~ti;t~:5~7 qt'!1i~u(e~.) ",' .-~.t.-, D.FINANCE l:.Final Acceptance of Crest haven R.~~uiidSonira6t, ;1\ ward Bid f?t Se",er 9leaning Je~':rru~~'/'''; ,3." 2991 Contract for In?igent Defe~~,e~eti'ic;es., Action "'.:"Actibn Action E:' GONSENT AGENDA ,.l::/City Council.rrriD,u!e~.ofNovelllber 3Q;)QOo~peci~' ",,' .',. ;,' '., ............ . ... ..,,,,,,., ',.' ...., meeting and December 5, 2000 r~gulaYmeeting 2. c:heck Register - December 8,2000':.$979,241.54 F. ,.,' CITY COUNCIL COMMITT,EE REPORTS G.pRDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS Speed Limit Ordinance , Action 51 Action ,"' H. RESOLUTIONS 59 Action 77 A-ction 83 Action 87 Action I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS l:Lease of Morse. Creek Hydro Facilities , 2. lnterlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid 'Agreement V.,;.l".,.~_,,' ,,_ 'f;._., . .'~ ;. ........ with the PUD .' ;",' , ..... .' 3. Amendment to Solid Waste Private Hauler Contracts for 2001 4. Langley property Acquisition and lnterlocal Agreement with Clallam County NOTE: HEARING Df;WpES;1-VA.ILABLE FOR THOSE,NEEDING;ASSIST ANCE -> MA'VOmU'()iDETERMINE:J'IME(}FdlREAK December 19, 2000 ,}P{)tt~Arigel~s,c:ity ,Council Meeting Page - 1 . J. ,.;'~: ",f:- ;:'~'J~::'1' ','/i::} -;,~t:r"f~;;,:;j/f';)-li-':t'-'t(\ PUBLICHEARI~GS~: <1uASI-JUDICIAL (7:00P.M. o.rsooI!'Y!~r~ftsr) PUBLIC HEARINGS10THER Petition for Vacation Right-of-Way - STY 00-03 - Port Angeles School District: Request for vacation of unopened right -of-way known as the 8/10 Crossover in Block 306, north,oHOthStreet between "I" Street and "G" Street 105 Action .1K. L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Calendar (page 121) 2. Park Boaid'fuiilutes':Nov'emlJer 16, 2000 (page 123) 3, Planning Commission MimJtes - November 8,2000 (page 129) 4. Chamber ofCcimmerceTreasurer's Report ending November 30,2000 (Pa.geI4l) 5. Parks andR~~jic:l~ Mc:lp~Y_R.~Pc:lI! - November 2000 (pag~J51) ;' . 6. Fire DepartmentMoi1th1y~ep6rt - November 2000 (page 165), ,', 7. Public Works & Utilities Monthly Report - November 2000 (page 171)' 8. Planning Departm~nt M2l!@y~epo!1- N:ovember2000 (pag~175) 9. Police DepartmentMonthly Report - November 2000 (Page 177) . ..,..'~. M. EXF;CUTIVE SE,S~I()N" (4~reeded and de!f!l"?i,!efI,by qfJ:...~ttq17Jey) N. ADJOURNMENT . .......,,- '-""'. ....... --........... ........ . ." - - ". ,..._, :><>.::,'>":C>><: ":: . 'PUblic,hearings.are'Set'by the'9ity.9<>u~I.ln.bt~#fto;~eetleg~~~;~~~~::~:~~~~~~r~.~\A~~.~~I'J;~~.H~,~.~.rmitap~!ICatiPnsl.proposep a~endment~toC~ I,and us~ r~tlll!tiAn$i~rl~g~~a,~~ann!!xations...ln,i3~~iti?~;th~~ity.qR~ncil.m~Y,~~~t~)'R!J.9!l?u~rn9 !9order to receiv~, ~blic input prior to making deCISions whlchlmpactthec~iiens;,Certalnmatters maybecontroversial;andtneClttCouncilrnaychoose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. " ., ". .. . G:\CNCLPK1IAGENDA\OO-1219,WPD foc '~ Jj~' We' wisl'JjoUHaJJJJIJ':JliJlidaJ1$:r" .~ and ,p A P'o~p'~roJls .New';Hear!/i:~: , . . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE fOR THO~~.jNE~DING;ASSIST ANCE MAoY0RlfODETERMINE TIMEGFIBREAK pecember 19, 2000 . ',' "'Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 J r- I I FORTANGELES WAS H J N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski v V / ~ # ~ December 19, 2000 ~ III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: (} ()J.J~~QWVJ ~_ ~OO~~Al./ ------ , · FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: December 19.2000 LOCATION: City Council Chambers L~L-I7N.6 LEE" -.JI M JON~ ~R- . /I~ S~~R.t~t-~ peA c~' City of Port Angeles FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. OrdinanceIResolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of Qo fI Q. rri) O.k..J I t{ I rt) /)/Y) (p,rl. emR1e),tl ~ 7" ~~ ') City Manager City Atty. (1) J/ JV' Planning 1../ 1/ City Clerk ,!) ../' ,Q ./ Deputy Clerk )/ I V Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir .IMgr. Police Dept. IV Fire Dept. Light Dept. ./ ~~V !J./V / Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) IV' II PDN (Summarv) vt'.IMM ./ vt'IJ'lILM VV Extra Copies .~ \.4;Oe/ (Y. 'fw;WJIIM ~V -q(' ~ - . >J:::: .' )~. ~~ )K' TOTAL /1) 1/ . . . ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 19, 2000 To: MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF CRESTHA VEN REBUILD CONTRACT [PROJECT 20-15] Summary: Colvico Construction has completed the work specified in the contract for Project 20-15 Cresthaven Underground Electric Rebuild. The final contract cost of $151,818.75 exceeds the $131,319.70 contract plus approved change orders by $20,499.05. In addition the final contract cost combined with the material cost exceeds the $180,000 budgeted for this construction by $11,659.81. All work has been inspected and accepted as complete. Recommendation: Accept the project, authorize final payment in the amount of $23,498.25 and authorize release of Colvico's retain age bond upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. Back~round / Analysis: This project consists of an underground rebuild ofthe landlocked facilities between Liberty and Alder Streets and between Fifth Street and Lauridsen Blvd. These facilities are landlocked and contain deteriorated 4.16kV facilities requiring replacement in the public right of way to allow completion ofthe last ofthe conversion to 12.4 7kV. A construction contract for the project was awarded to Colvico by the City Council on May 16, 2000. Colvico Construction has completed the contract for Cresthaven Underground Electric Rebuild Project 20-15. The final contract total $151,818.75 exceeds the contracted amount plus approved change orders of $131,319.70 by $20,499.05. The material cost of$39,841.06 combined with the $151,818.75 results in the total construction cost exceeding the $180,000.00 budgeted by $11,659.81. All work associated with the project has been inspected and accepted as complete. The final billing of $23,498.25 has been received and payment is pending Council action. The final contract cost is approximately $19,000 below the next lowest of four bidders on the original contract. Approximately $12,484.45 of the cost overrun was due to an increase in construction units over the bid quantities. During the last week of the project, three street crossing conduits which were anticipated to be existing and complete were discovered to be only partial crossings. This required extensive hand digging in proximity to energized electric cables in order to locate and extend the ends ofthe existing conduit stubs. This item was not covered in the contract and was completed at a cost of $5,513.48. The disposal of some construction debris not covered by the contract was also completed at a cost of $2,50 1.12. Time constraints for the project did not permit processing of a change order prior to the completion of the work. 1 ,--------------.:,~--:~--- . . . ~.<" ... ;,-" '\;i,:)\~~t'.::~ < ,1'~~L\ ~ORT A~G~iES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 19,2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Acceptance of Bid for Sewer Jet Truck Summary: Bids were opened on November 23, 2000 for the replacement ofthe Sewer Jet Truck. One bid was received in the amount of$252,893.56 and it meets all bid specifications. The bidder has offered $5,000.00 as a trade-in allowance for the unit to be replaced. The allowance is not considered to be fair and reasonable. The unit is valued in the range of $10,000 to $12,000. Recommendation: Accept the bid from Ben-Ko-Matic and authorize the Public Works and Utilities (PW&U) Director to proceed with the procurement of the Sewer Jet Truck in the amount of $252,893.56. Additionally authorize the PW & U Director to sell the existing sewer jet truck after the new unit is received and attempt to secure a price in the range of $10,000 to $12,000. Back~round / Analysis: Bids for the sewer jet truck were opened on Tuesday, November 28, 2000. Vendors were requested to bid on the replacement of the 1985 Aquatech sewer jet-vac unit. The City sent out 3 bid packages and received a bid from Ben-Ko-Matic Equipment Co. of Kent, Washington. The bid was reviewed and conformed to the specifications. The sewer jet truck is a specialized piece of equipment and only a limited number of vendors have this type of truck and equipment configuration. The total bid for the unit is $252,893.56 including sales tax. The vender offered a $5,000.00 credit and trade-in for the old unit. The Equipment Services Division Manager, Pete BUffett, has indicted that the unit may bring a higher price if sold to another public agency. It is requested that City Council approve selling the unit and not using it as a trade-in to reduce the purchase price. It is estimated that the unit will sell in the range of $10,000 to $12,000. The procurement of the unit is in the 2000 budget, $224,000 from the Equipment Services Division and $90,000 from the Wastewater Budget, for $314,000. N :\PWKS\EQUIPSVClJetTruckReplcc. wpd 3 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO NOVEMBER 30, 2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL CRAIG D. KNUTSON, CITY ATTORNEY 2001 CONTRACT FOR INDIGENT DEFENSE SERVICES Summary: The Agreement for Indigent Defense Services with the Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender for 2000 will expire on December 31, 2000, and a new contract needs to be authorized. , Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Agreement for Indigent Legal Defense Services with the Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender in the amount of $30,000.00 per year. r Background I Analysis: In 1997, the City of Port Angeles entered into a contract with the Clallam-Jefferson County Public Defender after putting out a request for proposals for indigent legal defense services as required by the federal and state constitutions. The City receive two proposals and decided on the Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender proposal for $23,000 per year. In December, 1997, the Council approved a 2-year amendment to Agreement for Indigent Legal Defense Services increasing the compensation to $30,000 for the years 1998 and 1999 due to the increased case load. . With the caseload remaining steady, the contract was renewed in the year 2000 in the amount of $30,000. The contract is now up for renewal. The Public Defender has agreed once again to remain at th~ $30,000 compensation amount since the caseload figures appear to have stabilized at 425-475 cases per year. C:\DMEMOICKCOUNClL (~5 . . . The Contractor has the right, for good cause shown and with the Court's permission;i:t6 decline 't:O represent or discontinue representing any individual, who by his or her request, action, conduct, or financial ability, waives the right to the assistance of counsel at public expense. In the event of a conflict of interest arising and precluding contractor from representing a client, and upon a finding by the Court that such conflict exists and precludes contractor from representing the defendant, and the court designates another attorney to represent the client, it shall be at the expense of the City. The Contractor will continue active representation and will complete cases which were assigned in the calendar year covered by the term of this contract briefly and with due diligence, and in the event that the Contractor is not awarded the contract for the following calendar year, the Contractor shall then be compensated at the hourly rate of $35.00 per hour. In the event that work is necessary on carryover cases and the Contractor is not awarded the contract, Contractor will be responsible for keeping a record of time worked under the term of this contract on cases for the City and must submit a monthly itemized statement of hours worked and request for paYment to the City. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to impair or inhibit the exercise of independent professional judgment when an attorney/client privilege has been established, nor shall this agreement require or authorize any attorney to engage in conduct prohibited by the Code of Professional Responsibility. In order to make sure that the Contractor's caseload is being handled efficiently and in cooperation with the efforts of the District Court and the City Attorney's Office, the Contractor agrees to comply with the following guidelines to the extent possible: a. A specific Public Defender shall be assigned to each case as soon as notice is received of the District Court appointment. b. The Public Defender shall meet with the client and discuss the City Prosecutor's plea offer before the arraignment. c. The Public Defender shall attend the arraignment for each case and be prepared to respond to the plea offer. d. To the maximum extent practicable, the Contractor shall arrange for backup coverage for Public Defenders who are unable to make scheduled court appearances due to vacation or other such reasons that allow advance notice, in order to minimi.ze continuances. 3. Com~ensation; Based upon the anticipated case load of 425 to 475 cases for the 2001 calendar year, paYment from the City - 2 - 7 . Contractor. The Contract:e>r.shall bear any extra expenses incurred by the City in completirl~ff':ehe work,:,i'iilcluding all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage sustained, or which may be sustained by the City by reason of such default. 9. Nondiscrimination. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 10. Indemnification/Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of orin connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. 11. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement a policy of professional liability insurance providing coverage of at least $1,000,000 against professional liability in connection with the work to be performed by Contractor under this agreement. . 12. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the. event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CONTRACTOR BY BY TITLE MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRAIG D. KNUTSON CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: BECKY J. UPTON CITY CLERK . lNOI.CON 11/30/0 - 4 - 9 . . . MINTUES OF JOINT MEETING CLALLAM COUNTY, CITY OF PORT ANGELES, PORT OF PORT ANGELES November 30, 2000 Present: aallam County: Jim Rumpeltes, Mike Doherty, Steve Tharinger, Bob Martin, Joe Martin, Andy Brastad, Joe aarlo, Mike Chapman aty of Port Angeles: Orville Campbell, Larry Doyle, Michael Quinn, Larry Williams, Jim Hulett, Glenn A. Cutler Port of Port Anaeles: Leonard W. Beil, Glenn Beckman, Jack Waud, Chris Anderson, Bill James, Curtis Shuck, Dave Hagiwara atizens: Darlene Schanfald, Dan Kari (KONP), Mel Rudin, Vied Rudin Commissioner Doherty opened the meeting for the County Commissioner Jack Waud opened the meeting for the Port Mayor Larry Doyle opened the meeting for the City ANNEXATION Mike Quinn presented the aty of Port Angeles's plan for annexation to the east of the dty. He suggested an interlocal agreement defining the guiding prindples of annexation. There were other comments/questions by Larry Doyle, Jim Hulett, Steve Tharinger, Bob Martin SOUTH FAIRCHILD INDUSTRIAL PARK Chris Anderson introduced Dave Hagiwara who gave a status report on the South Fairchild Industrial Park and distributed a recent study on the area by Reid Middleton. Dave said that a key goal of the project was to . provide the costs and elements for development of industrial property near the airport that could be sold. Stormwater management is an issue with the property because drainage water held in ponds over 72 hours is a problem with the FAA. There were other comments and questions from Larry Doyle, Chris Anderson, Larry Williams, Leonard Beil, Steve Tharinger, and Mike Quinn. AIRPORT AREA STORMWATER Chris Anderson presented photographs and described some of the challenges concerning stormwater management in this area. Dave Hagiwara further explained the improvement project west of the terminal. Other questions and comments were made by Brad Collins, Bob Martin, Glenn Beckman, Steve Tharinger, Chris Anderson, and Mike Quinn. . SALMON RESTORATION AND ESA IMPACTS Bob Martin gave an overview of the county's salmon restoration effort and how they are preparing to meet requirements concerning county roads. Other questions and comments were made by Leonard Beil, Jack Waud, Brad Collins, Chris Anderson, Larry Doyle, Mike Doherty, Steve Tharinger, Jim Rumpeltes, and Glenn Cutler. STATUS OF PORT ANGELES Glenn Cutler described the status of the Port Angeles landfill. He said that the City plans to dose it December 2006. The current permit expires December 2001. The aty has worked a lot with the Port and County concerning bird management. He also talked about the future of waste disposal after the landfill closes. Joe Ciarlo presented the status of the county's solid waste planning effort. There were other comments and questions by Bob Martin. INITIATIVE 722 Representatives from the City, Port, and County described what their jurisdictions are doing. Other comments and questions were made by Larry Williams, Mike Quinn, Mike Doherty, and Chris Anderson. 11 . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 5, 2000 Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmember McKeown. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, G. Kenworthy. Public Present: L. Lee, D. Schreck, A. Hills. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Hulett. None. None. An Information Agenda item pertinent to the property exchange for the Airport Road/Lauridsen Boulevard right-of-way was moved to Other Considerations, Item 3. None. After brief discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council minutes - November 21, 2000 regular meeting and November 28, 2000 special meeting; and 2.) Voice Stress Analyzer Training for the Police Department. The motion was s~conded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. Councilman Campbell reported on his attendance at meetings pertinent to the 4(d) Rule; the NMFS is coming to town on Thursday to review this area's plan for compliance with the 4( d) Rule take provisions. Councilman Wiggins attended a "Communities in Schools" meeting, at which time it was learned there is funding coming forth from the Gates Foundation, as well as the Boeing Company. The main focus of the program is mentoring children, which has been proven to have a better rate of success than some other programs offered for the children. Councilman Wiggins felt that "Communities in Schools" would provide an opportunity to improve and increase the rate ofmentoring in this community. - 1 - 13 RESOLUTIONS: . OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Hazard Elimination Safety Program Grant Application Waterfront Trail Easement . Property Exchange for Airport Road / Lauridsen Boulevard Right-of- W ay . CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 2000 None. 1. Hazard Elimination Safety Program Grant Application Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Director Cutler recommending that authorization be given for the submittal of a grant application in the amount of$520,000 for 5th Street, Cherry to Race, improvements and a traffic signal at Race Street. Director Cutler advised the Council that Public Works has taken an aggressive approach in seeking additional funding from other organizations for projects that are traditionally accounted for in the yearly budget. City Engineer Kenworthy explained the project would primarily involve overlay from Cherry to Race Street, installation of a new traffic signal at Race Street and Fifth, and curb and sidewalk would be put in across from Francis and Albert. Mayor Doyle asked if the City would need to match 50% of the funds if the grant is approved. Engineer Kenworthy responded this would not be required, but more points would be added if there were such a match. After brief discussion, Councilman Hulett moved to authorize submittal of grant applications in the amount of $520,000 for the construction of curb, gutter, sidewalk, asphalt overlay and traffic signal installation along Fifth Street and, in addition, if the grants are approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the Hazard Elimination Safety agreement provided that the grant amounts do not exceed $520,000. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Waterfront Trail Easement Dedication Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by John Hicks, Recreation Manager, regarding dedication by the Port of Port Angeles of an easement for a portion of the Waterfront Trail between Oak and Cherry Street. Manager Quinn explained the wetlands need to be replaced, and the two entities have been working together on the construction of the 2.5 acre marine estuary. He felt this was a necessary part of the project in order for the wetlands mitigation to be carried out. Councihnan Hulett asked if there would be access to the dock facility. Manager Quinn stated that the easement is for the trail access and, to his knowledge, there wouldn't be any disruption to businesses that deal with the Port of Port Angeles. Councilman Wiggins asked about liability issues, and Mayor Doyle followed up this question by asking if the trail crossed any City streets. Attorney Knutson agreed that safety considerations needed to be taken into account, and he indicated the Parks Department could be informed of the matter so that appropriate signage could be put in place. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the Waterfront Trail Easement Agreement with the Port of Port Angeles as presented. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Property Exchange for A irport Road/Lauridsen Boulevard Right-of- Way Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Public Works & Utilities concerning approval of the property exchange agreement which will complete the right- of-way acquisition to conform to the approved design. Director Cutler elaborated on the memorandum, stating that this was the last piece of property needed to receive certification from the State in order to advertise the project. The City acquired a parcel of land from .the Port of Port Angeles for a stormwater detention pond, and the FAA then required that the pond be redesigned longer and more narrow to be further away from the Airport; Director Cutler noted the importance of acquiring the area needed for the new detention pond in exchange for the previously acquired rectangular pond area. - 3 - 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) - Municipal Code Amendment MCA 00-03 Ordinance No. 3071 (Cont'd) . . CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 2000 ') ',__ ,'.I': Director Collins adyi~6d the Council that the City has experienced issues during implementation of the Zoning Code, such as the Highland Courte matter, where the City needs to be more explicit with the Code. Additionally, the City has experienced problems stich-as how to deal with tree trinuning in environmentally sensitive areas. The City has attempted to streamline the process so that trimming of vegetation can occur without an extended process. The proposed changes are an effort to deal with certain issues under a common sense approach. Discussion followed, with questions being raised as to whether the proposed vegetation trimming changes would make the Code more restrictive, and Director Collins responded the Code would be less restrictive. Clarification was sought on the different zones and what types of activities would be permitted. Mayor Doyle suggested that when reports like this are given, it would be helpful for the Council to have information setting forth the current regulations and the proposed regulations. If one is not especially familiar with the Zoning Code, then it is difficult to envision the impacts of the proposed changes. Attorney Knutson felt it would be more beneficial to see the entire chapter which, although not legally required, could be made available to the Council. Mayor Doyle indicated an example of confusion could relate to water types in that he would need to look at the WACs to determine how water types are defined. These definitions are not necessarily stated in the Ordinance, and it is difficult to ascertain the changes. In the discussion that ensued, Councilman Williams directed attention to the Environmental Policy standards wherein the comment period was cut from 15 to 14 days to be consistent with permanent processing. Yet, within the body of the Ordinance, there is a reference to 14 working days. In another part of the Ordinance, reference is made to 15 days, and another section states 14 days. Councilman Williams asked if there was the ability to have consistency in this regard. Director Collins responded the language was consistent with State law which does include both calendar days and working days. If working days are not specified in the language, then calendar days are used. Councilman Williams then asked if, in the RHD zone where hotels and hospitals are being eliminated, would there be any pre-existing, non-conforming uses because of this action. Director Collins stated that in every instance, except for one, the hotels would all be within a commercial zone. The exception would be the motel on the comer of 2nd and Laurel, whereby the property could be rezoned by the City to resolve the zoning Issue. A question was raised about viewshed enhancement, and Director Collins indicated the recommendation is to exempt non-destructive trimming of vegetation in the Clearing and Grading Ordinance. Notification of the activity would be required, but approval would not. Mayor Doyle opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7:25 p.m. Mayor Doyle read the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3071 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the city of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's land use development regulations to be consistent with other City ordinance provisions and recent changes in State law, amending the Environmental Policy Ordinance to standardize time lines, amending the Clearing and Grading and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinances to exempt - 5 - 17 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number . . 0003 Vendor Name 60817 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 60821 Paymentech 60823 Peninsula Daily News 60826 Port Angeles City Treasurer 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 60861 Washington (DIS), State of 60863 Washington (Unemp), State of 60871 AVAYA INC 60873 American Payroll Assn, The 60919 Practitioners Publishing Co. 61004 Hainstock, Lisa 61041 Quill Corporation 61055 System Configuration Service 61065 Viking Office Products 61069 Washington Research Council 61076 Xerox Corporation 61121 Costco Credit Card Pmts 61123 Insight Direct Inc. 61145 Pitney Bowes Inc. 61147 Port Angeles City Treasurer 61152 Qwest 61156 Ricoh Business Systems 60741 60759 60782 60815 Advanced Travel Civic Research Institute Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. Olympic Stationers Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To. 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 16004 16421 16012 03062 19037 23111 23178 12215 01029 16173 08472 17000 19736 22054 23050 24001 03261 09085 16018 03062 21001 18398 01090 03581 08052 15030 Description GL Code Nunber Scissors 201 3101 Scissors 230 3101 Toner 230 3101 Toner cartridge 240 3101 Toner cartridge 240 3101 File cabinet 230 3101 Black,color inkjet cartridges 201 3101 Postage 205 4210 Accounting Manager ad 230 4410 Cashier-Meter Reader ad 240 4410 Part-time Cashier ad 240 4410 After hours meals 201 3101 Mileage reimbursement 205 3101 Surge suppressor 240 3101 Keys 240 3101 Hardware 240 3101 Minwax,parka 240 3111 MS Office,Excel 2000 240 3160 October scan charges 201 4210 October scan charges 230 4210 October scan charges 240 4210 3rd Qtr 2000 Unemployment Ins 240 2060 11-02 Billing 201 4210 11-02 Billing 230 4210 11-02 Billing 2404210 Renewal #19795-Bryant 11-30-01 230 4901 Guide to GAAP 201 3101 Reimburse raingear 240 3111 Organizer 240 3101 Calculator 201 3101 Repair greenbar printer 240 4810 Calculator,punch 230 3101 Membership renewal 2001 201 4901 DC230SLX lease agreement 10-30 205 4530 DC214S lease agreement-October 205 4530 5800 Duplicator lease-October 205 4530 Disinfectant wipes 201 3101 Adobe Pagemaker Plus 201 3160 Galaxy Power Stacker 205 4810 Flu shots 240 3101 11-16 Billing 201 4210 11-16 Billing 230 4210 11-16 Billing 240 4210 Copier rental-December 205 4530 Dickson to Renton 11-02 One year subscription Plywood Moni tor stand 312 4310 312 4901 311 3101 311 3101 December 11 2000 Total for Finance Page 3 Amount 3.79 3.78 91.n 181.27 181.27 193.14 114.27 79.20 176.10 123.60 76.80 22.59 11.05 17.23 2.59 2.59 118.41 1,083.39 37.05 31.49 15.53 1,365.00 31.26 39.08 93.79 380.00 83.82 200.00 28.05 62.45 224.43 153.53 250.00 1,328.97 96.67 2,474.n 7.11 520.08 1,430.27 30.00 93.47 116.83 280.40 630.38 14,395.85 178.96 140.22 27.84 ~, 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles -VVE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 60801 Metrocall 60803 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 60804 Miller, Kevin 60813 Olympic Printers Inc. 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 60817 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 60823 Peninsula Daily News . 60836 Richmond 2-Way Radio 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 60858 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 60861 Washington (DIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 20000 13117 13175 15027 15030 16004 16012 18009 19037 23003 23111 60864 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 60871 AVAYA INC 12215 60890 60898 60932 60967 Federal Express Corp. In The Line of Duty Inc. United Parcel Service' Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt - 06022 09005 21005 02047 60978 Clallam Co Humane Society 03072 60997 GTE Communications Systems 07005 61001 Gouin Inc, Daniel L 07304 61036 Port Angeles Pol ice Department ,16105 . 61041 Quill Corporation 17000 Description GL Code Number Enlargements,prints 530 4990 10-28 Billing 530 4210 Paint 530 4810 Reimburse tuition expense 530 4310 Reimburse drug locker hardware 530 4980 Business cards-Riepe Cover stock Computer paper Notary update Cover, battery Service printer CXL90926 main agrmt pe 11-15 NBZ08561 main agrmt pe 11-15 NGM21820 mann agrmt pe 11-15 Cord cover Fax machine Inkjet cartridges Toner Unclaimed Property ad Unclaimed property-PA Police Repair Police radio system Repair transmitter Repair siren amplifier Video tapes Crayola crayons Holster repairs UV clear with paper Electronic Monitoring-August October scan charges October scan charges October scan charges Extinguisher maintenance 11- 02 B illi ng 11-02 Billing ~ 11-02 Billing 10-30 Shipping Charges 'Rapid Response Shooter'video 11-04 Shipping chgs Hats Sample emblems Drug test kits Contract payment-November Calibrate traffic radar Computer svcs 04-01 to 05-10 Hefty bags Hardware, candy Postage Holster repairs Labels Folders, labels Tray set,paper clips,binder 534 4990 534 3101 534 3101 534 4150 530 4810 534 4810 511 4810 534 4810 534 4810 511 3101 511 3101 534 3101 534 3101 534 4410 534 4410 530 4810 530 4810 530 4810 530 3101 530.3101 530 4810 530 3101 512 5099 511 4210 530 4210 534 4210 530 3101 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 511 4210 530 4310 530 4210 530 3111 530 2080 530 3101 530 4150 530 4810 530 4150 534 3101 530 3101 530 4210 530 4810 534 3101 511 3101 530 3101 December 11 2000 Page 5 Amount 198.72 59.75 8.29 293.67 63.00 91.88 11.65 75.53 19.75 21.77 59.35 32.37 53.95 167.35 16.72 325.71 74.45 63.66 90.88 23.20 1,186.90 64.74 64.74 4.07 4.82 14.18 18.73 655.50 38.59 85.12 21.83 30.21 54.71 39.08 7.82 9.00 102.51 36.34 96.69 6.96 55.57 3,459.33 69.33 5,075.00 30.14 32.61 35.06 4.06 35.59 16.18 ~~ 'fiT' '~r":~j),";'t~b;,~;f~~:' ":I:./~;.f\~i'~ ':~:<";;Y..i;(:;~ 00/12/11-08:35 >, City of Port Angeles -LIVE MACHINE December 11 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 . Fnd Opt Check Nunber Vendor Name Vendor Nunber 60864 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 60871 AVAYA INC 12215 60887 Emergency Services Consulting 05067 60907 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 60917 Peninsula Radiologists ?S. 16014 60932 United Parcel Service 21005 60960 Avery's Cameras 11016 60967 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 60977 Clallam Co EMS/ 03068 61014 Li fe Assist 12202 61048 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 61076 Xerox Corporation 24001 61082 Abram, Jeff 01054 61100 Clallam Co Fire District 3 03332 . 61107 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 03098 61120 Gunn, Robert J. 07134 61121 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 61124 Int'l Assn of Fire Chiefs 09099 61129 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 61130 Life Assist 12202 61133 McKeen, Daniel 13110 61144 Peninsula Radiologists P.S. 16014 61148 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 61152 Qwest 21001 61166 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 61170 WSAFC 23304 Description GL Code Number October scan charges 643 4210 Extinguisher maintenance 641 3101 11-02 Billing 611 4210 11-02 Billing 642 4210 11-02 Billing 643 4210 11-02 Billing 641 4210 'Making Pieces Fit' book,disk 642 3101 National Fire Codes renewal 642 4901 802000089427-Gunn 643 4150 11-04 Shipping chgs 611 4210 Film processing 642 3101 Jacket,emblems-Gunn 643 2080 Pants,shirts,emblems-Abrams 641 2080 Medic 1 Advisory-December 643 4150 Gloves,hot packs 643 3101 Repair regulator leak #13 641 3501 Repair airpack #6 641 3501 DC220SS lease-October 611 4530 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 Reimb expenses-Hazardous Mater 641 4310 Mounting plates,nipples 641 3101 Reimburse Haz Mat expenses 641 4310 Bucket,tissue,towels 684 3101 File folders,post-its 611 3101 Renew Membership Dues-McKeen 611 4901 Janitorial svcs-November 684 4150 EKG papers 643 3101 Reimburse labor/mgt mtg meal 611 3101 #8020107393-X-Rays Bogues 643 4150 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 11-16 Billing 611 4210 11-16 Billing 642 4210 11-16 Billing 643 4210 "-'6,Billing 641 4210 11-15 Billing 642 4210 11-15 Billing 643 4210 11-15 Billing 641 4210 2001 Membership Dues 611 4901 Total for Fire 0007 60739 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 11 - 03 Bill i ng 711 4210 60776 Engineered Electrical Systems 05196 PA Plan Review 711 32210017 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Bookends, envelopes, binders 711 3101 Paper . 711 3101' 60820 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint tray,drop cloth 711 3501 . Paint base 711 3501 60844 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware. 19035 Metal gas can 711 3501 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Tree prun'er 711 3501 60861 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 MS Excel 2000 711 3101 October scan charges 711 4210 Page 7 Amount 2.09 30.21 39.08 7.82 7.82 23.45 73.38 685 . 17 24.00 59.89 9.42 254.74 120.95 500.00 177.24 53.04 55.58 197.42 53.95 1,840.07 137.55 243.80 98.89 21.00 140.00 395.00 23.96 48.07 24.00 34.61 116.83 23.37 23.37 70.10 5.62 34.90 9.57 850.00 8,154.03 18.20 180.00 179.28 151.03 3.39 19.09 23.62 60.39 146.55 ~5 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - ,LIVE MACHINE :'1 December 11 2000 . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 60790 L & L Tool Specialties 60795 lincoln Industrial Corp. 60812 Olympic Paper Company 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 60817 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. . 60819 Paint Store, The 60820 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 60823 Peninsula Daily News 60826 Port Angeles City Treasurer 60828 Port Angeles Power Equipment 60835 Red Lion Hotel-Port Angeles 60844 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. . CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 12035 12047 15111 15030 16004 16064 16201 16012 03062 16122 18112 19035 19037 Oescription GL Code Number Scraper, rubber washer 862 3120 Drill bits 862 3120 Flashing,snips 866 3120 Lumber-Civic Field door 865 3120 Lumber 865 3120 Parts for compressor air hose 865 3501 Parts for mower trailer 865 3120 Paint sprayer 865 3120 Anti-fatigue mat 862 3120 Lifehook 862 3120 Cleaner 862 3120 Toilet tissue dispenser 861 3101 Bowl mop, carpet deodorizer 861 3101 Liquid chlorine 862 3120 Yet mop 830 3120 Cleaner,disinfectant 830 3120 Pump for gallon jug 830 3120 Laminating pouches 865 3101 Calculator paper holders 862 3101 Service transcriber 811 3101 Black,color cartridge refills 862 3101 Inkjet cartridges 861 4810 Paint,paint supplies 8663120 Paint 866 3120 Paint 862 3120 Paint,brushes,drop cloths 865 3120 Neutral base 865 3120 'Homecoming' green paint 865 3120 Paint,brushes-Park signs 865 3120 Youth Recreation 861 4410 Cemetery ad June-Oct @ 90 each 866 4410 Kids Pool ad June-Oct @ 50 ea 862 4210 Parks and Rec Director ad 811 4410 Lesson refunds 862 34760013 Switch 865 3120 Parks Director #AR1176 811 3101 Grind wheels 865 3120 Bolts 865 3120 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 Cylinder rentals 8663101 Screws 862 3120 Tape,nails 865 3501 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 Cylinder rentals 8663101 Hardware 862 3120 Gripper gloves 865 3120 light'bulbs 861 3101 Drain cleaner,bandaids 862 3120 Yashers,spray paint,brushes 863 3120 Gripper gloves 865 3120 Nipples,elbows,valve ball, tees 862 3120 Page 9 Amount 13.53 7.24 18.16 1.42 9.47 98.08 12.69 5.05 99.99 26.28 175.48 53.95 9.20 18.34 13.60 37.41 6.26 12.71 16.19 53.96 42.84 33.18 196.66 25.96 9.05 136.29 92.88 92.88 14.69 148.44 450.00 250.00 123.60 49.50 2.81 500.47 15.08 3.24 10.79 16.19 18.33 44.00 16.19 10.79 2.n 5.25 4.28 25.05 20.50 5.25 ~I r--------u-..- 00/12/11-08:35 . Fnd Opt Check Number 101 0001 . 102 . 61153 61155 61166 61176 City of Port Angeles - .- :+-;;::~:;;--".-, MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date FrOm 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Reifenstahl, Patty 18180 Verizon ~ireless, Bellevue 01105 ~ayne's Nursery 23063 60825 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 60969 Brewer, David 61026 North Olympic Peninsula 02055 14127 61146 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 61003 Graphic Products 07050 61086 American Industrial Supply Inc 01476 61136 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 0007 60739 AT&T ~ireless Services 01404 60741 Advanced Travel 01090 60747 Angeles Millwork 01073 60752 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 60782 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Description 11-16 Billing 11-16 Billing 11-16 Bill ing 11-16 Billing 11-16 Billing 11-14 Billing 11- 20 Bill i ng VB Sound System repairs Printer 11-15 Billing 11-15 Billing Evergreen baskets Reimburse September expenses Reimburse October expenses Contract svcs-December Print PA Visitor Guides 5-Day Tour Planner Gatefold Seattle Times/PI 3 insertions 5 Day Tour Ads Hotel-Motel Tax Study Contract svcs-October,November Annual Dues 2001 December 11 2000 GL Code Number 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 863 4210 863 4210 861 3101 862 3101 861 4210 861 4210 865 3140 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 115 5083 115 5083 115 4990 122 4150 122 4150 122 4150 122 4150 122 4150 115 5083 115 5082 Total for Convention Center Fund Graphpro vinyl, ribbon Ice melter,grime gobbler Pressure washer, accessories 102 2370000 102 2370000 102 2370000 Total for Department 11-03 Billing 752 4210 11-03 Billing 752 4210 11-03 Billing 752 4210 Horton,Kaufmann,Miller 10-26 752 4310 Kaufmann,Money to Tacoma 11-02 752 4310 Gloor to Pt Hadlock 11-02 752 4310 . Kenworthy to Pt Hadlock 11-02 752 4310 Lumber 752 3101 Blade dispenser, sandpaper 752 3101 Paint brushes 752 3101 Aerosol spray, tape 752 3101 Building material 752 3101 Concrete mix 752 3125 Tee gaskets,PVC 752 3101 Minwax 752 3101 Page 11 Amount 23.37 23.37 46.73 23.37 70.10 58.32 47.81 41.89 53.94 29.10 32.98 701.35 13,845.37 219,203.44 2,968.00 4,881.00 100.00 8,785.68 6,526.00 10,355.98 6,525.72 410.00 7,416.00 672.00 48,640.38 116.45- 26.98- 47.79- 191.22- 12.05 13-.44 13.80 117 . 75 15.00 17.00 37.50 11.87 18.08 8.09 10.02 15.98 134. 14 35.90 2.~ 00/12/11-08:35 ,~~f:(l;::-~f' 'L';,~;: ;'~:JifX''!i:'" ';:':f-l~;~\;;. City of Port Angeles - . Fnd Opt Check Number 103 0001 107 0005 Vendor Name 60760 Clallam Co EDC 60861 Washington (oIS), State of 60869 Martin, Sam 60871 AVAYA INC 60932 United Parcel Service 61066 WAEoC-Wa Assn. of Economic 61109 oen-Ree Productions 61152 Qwest 61154 Ravenhurst Development Inc 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 60817 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. MACHINE December 11 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 03067 23111 13199 12215 21005 23448 04342 21001 18362 15030 16004 60821 Paymentech 16421 . 60861 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 60871 AVAYA INC 12215 60908 New World Systems 14184 60932 United Parcel Service 21005 60947 APCO (Assn of Public Safety 01158 110 0001 . 0002 60974 Captain T'S 61001 Gouin Inc, Daniel L 61034 Plantronics/Santa Cruz 61041 Quill Corporation 61112 Dispatch Monthly Magazine 61152 Qwest 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 03048 07304 16089 17000 04301 21001 15030 60809 Olympic Community Action progs 03022 60979 Clallam Co Treasurer 03075 Description GL Code Number MerrillCom #7-final October scan charges Reimb for disposable cameras 11-02 Bill i ng 11-04 Shipping chgs Membership dues 00-01 E-nable consulting pe 11-05 11-16 Billing PA Conference Center 123 4150 123 4210 123 3101 123 4210 123 4210 123 4901 123 4150 123 4210 123 4150 Total for Economic Development Computer paper 532 3101 Service printer 532 4810 Replace bad cartridge 532 3101 Repair fuser 532 4810 Exchange toner cartridge 532 3101 Credit cartridge replacement 532 3101 Toner cartridge 532 3101 Travel 532 4310 October scan charges 532 4210 11-02 Billing 532 4210 Install Cad Interface software 532 6510 11-04 Shipping chgs 532 4210 10 Dues renewals @45 each 532 4901 Renewal #101141-Ahsoak-Stevens 532 4901 Dues renewal #102531-Rife 532 4901 Dues renewal #57241-Wu 532 4901 Dues renewal 82643-Blakekfield 532 4901 Dues renewal #99667-Baughman 532 4901 Dues renewal #99668-VanSickle 532 4901 Dues renewal #99755-Barber 532 4901 Shirt,embroidery-Roedeil 532 2080 Computer svcs 04-01 to 05-10 532 6510 Adapter,amplifier 532 3501 Wrist rest,sheet protectors 532 3101 Renewal 1 yr-#11826 532 4901 11-16 Billing 532 4210 11-23 Billing 532 4210 Total for PenCom Cover stock 130 3101 Total for "Port Angeles Works" 2% Loan fee-Levick 98PA53L RE taxes-#063008581360000000 214 4150 214 4950 Total for PA Housing Rehab Project Page 13 Amount 1,695.84 11.97 135.05 7.82 32.10 250.00 17,250.00 23.37 150.00 19,556.15 37.77 86.32 86.32 59.35 157.53- 86.32- 157.53 164.71 42.47 132.87 385.00 4.32 450.00 45.00 19.00 60.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 30.00 44.67 3,625.00 94.95 30.17 21.58 397.23 47.81 5,913.22 198.10 198.10 378.16 589.10 967.26 31 00/12/11-08:35 . Fnd Opt Check Number 206 0002 208 0002 310 0007 0008 . 316 0008 401 . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 60964 Bank of New York, The December 11 2000 CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 02175 60955 Alternative Tech Construction 01465 61073 West rem, John & Evelyn M 23460 61085 Alternative Technologies 01465 60747 Angeles Millwork 60775 Eclipse C Corp. 60844 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 60849 Thurman Supply 60747 Angeles Millwork 60762 Copies,Plus 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 60849 Thurman Supply 60748 Austin, Tiffany 60766 Damon, Jed 60770 Dilworth, David 60772 ,Drake, Richard 60m Dwelley, Danny 60777 LaFountain, Greg or Erica 60784 Hinman, James 60787 Johnston, Cynthia 60789 Kipp, Stephanie 60793 Lawrence, James 01073 19019 19035 20005 01073 03091 19037 20005 01472 04349 04350 04351 04352 12005 08470 10209 11228 12220 Descripti on GL Code Number Plaque-Phi II ips 873 3101 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund Admin fees-PORANG92 295 4150 Total for 1991 GO Bonds ( Sr. Center) Admin fees-PORANGCLID90 292 4150 Page 15 Amount 75.75 780.39 62.40 62.40 Total for L.I.D. Control Fund 40.88 40.88 Edgewood Dr-pmt 4 774 4150 Rent 1424 Airport Rd-December 774 4150 Pmt 5-Edgewood Dr Realignment 774 4150 Total for Public Works PVC ell Estuary Pk irrigation Reject-Estuary Park Crushed rock-Estuary Park Reject-Estuary Park Bush rod Saw blade Teflon tape,bushings PVC Cement, stripe spray 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Cement for catch basin project 860 3101 Entry-Lincoln House 860 3101 Laminates 860 3101 Wedges 860 3101 Compression test plug 860 3101 Thermotstat-hot water heater 860 3101 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Utility deposit rfd-114391007 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-013641024 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-026506012 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-026506012 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-005487014 401 2131100 utility deposit rfd-042943023 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-124631007 401 2131100 Util ity deposit rfd-114405021 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-059293021 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-052434020 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-033898037 401 2131100 3,570.00 540.00 5,230.40 9,340.40 8.35 194.22 21.58 194.22 6.00 8.73 17.19 11. 92 462.21 9,802.61 47.96 54.45 29.13 11.80 3.08 12.79 159.21 92.87 85.58 40.75 122.22 94.65 250.00 103.99 98.46 34.15 125.00 ~.~ . \:')\~;;<~~i '.j.'::~,~------<:~ 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - .tIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 61104 Cook, Marta 61118 General Pacific Inc. 61122 Houston, Steve 61126 Jeter, Tambra 61142 Parker, Denise 61147 Port Angeles City Treasurer 61161 Short, Gail 61177 Weed, Myrtle 61179 Western States Electric Inc. . 0009 60739 AT&T Wireless Services 60741 Advanced Travel CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 03588 07034 08190 10210 16508 03062 19737 23552 23025 01404 01090 60744 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 60763 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 60764 Cornell, Maxine 03583 60767 Daugaard, Vern 04234 60774 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 60798 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 60812 Olympic Paper Company 15111 60813 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 60817 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 60823 Peninsula Daily News 16012 60826 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 60828 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 . 60844 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Description Utility deposit rfd-124481004 Bronze connectors, sleeves Utility deposit rfd-001813012 Utility deposit rfd-043389039 Utility deposit rfd-044130016 Rebate Utility deposit rfd-033308022 Utility overpmt rfd-062294001 Connectors, end seal caps End seal caps Protective caps Flood seals Connectors.sleeves Pole hardware dead-ends Insulators Insulators Pole hardware dead-ends 11- 03 Bill i ng 11-03 Billing 11-03 Billing 11- 03 Bill i ng McGinn to Tacoma 11-02 Ireland to Bel~evue 10-26 Hagan to Bellevue 10-19 Dunbar to Tacoma 11-02 Install jacks, face plates Wire cable Underground wiring refund Seattle 11-13-digger,derrick Slice share 1/8-September 2000 WPAG pe 09-30 WPAG pe 09-30 WPAG pe 10-31 Liners Wiper pop-up box, paper cups 'While You Were Away' hangers Paper Inkjet color cartridge Commercial Energy Analyst ad Power Resources Manager ad Fi ling fees Storm breakfast stipends Chains Flow adjuster, seam sealer Shovel,work gloves Frame hammer Hardware Battery for locater December 11 2000 GL Code Number 401 2131100 401 1411000 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 1343300 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1411000 Total for Department 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4310 911 4310 911 4310 911 4310 911 4210 911 4810 930 4150 911 4310 911 4901 911 4901 911 4901 911 4901 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 4410 911 4410 911 4990 911 3101 911 4810 911 4810 911 3101 9113501 911 4810 911 3101 Page 17 Amount 89.46 1,063.46 108.85 25.09 30.70 25.00 125.00 834.28 901.40 241 .70 252.49 362.98 834.07 244.13 660.00 52.14 . 244.13 20,274.87 13.68 11.40 18.06 23.70 25.00 104.40 34.50 15.00 81. 84 10.36 750.98 85.50 298.12 206.95 645.54 233.89 70.70 420.93 342.04 75.54 36.15 113.20 122.60 56.00 57.00 46.61 18.42 78.84 30.18 2.59 3S f~~:'r~}f~'i~,~~\,<'!~}i>t~~.'I..,.: \:~,0f'~~<;r""" 3,.; 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - ,EVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER DateFrcim 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 61065 Viking Office Products 22054 61067 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 61072 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 61076 Xerox Corporation 24001 61077 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 . 61079 AT&T Business Service 01085 61090 Asplundh Tree Expert Co. 01119 61095 Business Answerphone Service 02166 61119 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 07040 61125 Ireland, David H 09133 61143 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 61150 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 61152 Qwest 21001 61158 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 61160 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 61171 Washington (DOT), State of 23119 402 60876 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 60889 Familian NW 02346 06020 . 60899 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Description 11-15 Billing 11 -15 Bill i ng 11-15 Billing 11-15 Billing 11-15 Billing Laser fax, toner Bankers boxes Wedge connectors Long nose pliers Diagonal cut pliers Long nose pliers Breaker simulator,relay Bolts,insulators,pins,rods Bolts,insulators,pins,rods Bolts, insulators,pins, rods Flat nose pliers Anchor bolts Poles #9126 DC220SS lease-October City Light Training,logo 11 - 06 Bill i ng Tree trim pe 11/18 less 5% Tree trim pe 11-25 less 5% December svcs 2% Discount Street light ballasts Reimburse mileage Substations,WW plant-November 11-28 Billing-2110 Glass Rd 11-16 Billing Refinish 8' extension Fiberglass tubes Spiral line guards Gloves,keepers,glove bags Engineering services 'Traffic Control I-Beckett Backflow preventer,rubber kit Valve box tops, lids Valve box tops,lids Valve box tops,lids Valve box tops, lids Coupl ings Couplings Valves Valves Enterprise software December 11 2000 GL Code Number 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 3101 911 3101 911 3402 911 3501 911 3501 911 3501 911 4810 930 3402 930 3402 930 3402 911 3501 911 3402 911 3402 911 4530 911 3101 911 4210 911 4810 911 4810 911 4210 911 4810 911 4810 911 4310 911 4150 911 3350 911 4210 911 4150 911 3501 911 3501 911 3501 911 4410 911 4310 Total for Light Total for Light Fund 402 2370000 402 1414000 402 1411000 402 1414000 402 1411000 402 1414000 402 1411000 402 1414000 402 1411000 402 2370000 Page 19 Amount 9.32 18.42 9.32 35.36 9.32 504.38 51.87 346.46 26.07 93.97 49.48 4,742.50 179.33 418.44 398.51 93.85 142.43 2,468.22 197.42 30.24 15.82 4,837.40 2,902.44 130.00 14.83- 741.46 50.70 2,233.53 56.59 327.13 173.12 400.34 597.85 464.55 68.40 100.00 115,660.25 135,935.12 12.11- 169.26 73.64 502.20 44.23 211.99 59.91 750.00 59.25 27.65- 37 ~:~ .:i "j~,j{"'j<i',~~~.~'i ,(\> 10'~:~"~:', '! '~> ,.\x:~:-'h:~~i' 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - {,LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 60817 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 60820 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 60826 Port Angeles City Treasurer 60828 Port Angeles Power Equipment 60844 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware . 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 60849 Thurman Supply . CHECK REGISTER Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 16004 16201 03062 16122 19035 19037 20005 60850 Tobin, Eric and Linda 20176 60854 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 Description GL Code Number Paper,pad,pens,cartridge 753 3101 Cartridge, pens 753 3101 Push pins,calendar 754 3101 Post-its,canary pads 754 3101 Paper,clipboards,pens 754 3101 Safety yellow paint 753 3101 Paint,masking paper, trays 754 3101 Roller covers,brushes,paint 754 3101 Plant Safety meeting food 754 4310 Shipping cartons 754 3101 Safety mtg pizza 754 4310 Gearshift parts 753 3101 Washers,bolt,nut 753 3101 Adapter,valve,ball,chain 754 3101 Valve,ball,chain 754 3101 Sanding cloth,solder,couplings 754 3101 Acetone 754 3101 Solder 754 3101 Tube 754 3101 PVC union, adapter 754 3101 Saw blade 754 3501 Combination square,nuts,bolts 754 3101 Paint brush set 753 3101 Nozzle,sprayer,push broom 754 3101 Hose helper 754 3101 Surge suppressor 753 3101 Connector,clamp 753 3101 Raingear 753 3501 Credit on raingear 753 3501 Raingear 753 3501 Raingear 753 3501 Raingear 753 3501 Tarp 753 3101 Raingear 753 3501 Paint,spray paint 754 3101 Latex gloves 753 3101 Scrubbers,cleanser,cleaner 754 3101 Flashlights,icepacks,batteries 754 3101 Oil 754 3101 Snap hooks,wrench 754 3101 Paint,battery,rope 754 3101 Copper pipe 754 3101 PVC union.adapter,elbow 754 3101 Adapters,unions,PVC cement 754 3101 Swivel hose connector 753 3101 ,Conduit,work box, connector 753 3101 Switch;dLiplex outlet 753 3101 Outlet box, receptacle 753 3101 Teflontape,electrical tape 754 3101 Pmt #1"Release Agreement #9905 793 4150 August locates 753 4150 December 11 2000 Page 21 Amount 45.98 36.14 21.63 22.63 56.56 34.52 51.32 42.85 25.65 11.29 21.55 28.53 9.15 8.49 15.52 28.21 3.98 19.37 6.39 3.00 9.27 33.33 5.36 41. 05 18.49 20.47 4.73 193.66 34.53- 79.57 88.06 81. 72 16.04 603.22 16.92 7.38 6.88 77.18 5.91 42.57 17.60 7.00 5.02 12.15 10.75 17.08 15.05 15.90 12.83 8,900.00 j.~ 00/12/11-08:35 . Fnd Opt Check Number ;;.~~;;~!~,;:f~r~Zi;~'~;/ '~~;j , >"~$,~,~~~{: City of Port Angeles - "dVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date~rOm 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Name Vendor Number 61039 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 61040 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 61061 USA BlueBook 21060 61063 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 61064 Verizon ~ireless, Bellevue 01105 . 61065 61070 61071 61078 61079 61081 61084 61086 61087 61091 61110 61113 61114 61116 Viking Office Products 22054 ~ashington State Bar Assn 23198 ~ater Environment Federation 23031 ADS Equipment Inc. 01003 AT&T Business Service 01085 A~~A N~ Subsection 01371 Alpine Products Inc. 01177 American Industrial Supply Inc 01476 American ~ater ~orks Assoc. 01066 'r' Babbitt Construction Inc 02562 Dept of Community Development 03066 ERIKS ~est Inc 05228 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06063 61127 Key Bank National Association 11089 61136 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 61147 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61149 Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 16175 61150 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 61152 Qwest 21001 . 61153 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 61159 Ron's Custom ~elding and 18337 Description GL Code Number Bell ends 793 3402 Ells,elbows 793 3402 Elbows 793 3402 ~ire 793 3402 ~ire 793 3402 Sweep 793 3402 11-09 Billing 203 Reservoir RD 753 4710 Lab coat 754 3101 PUOlp,repair kit 754 3101 Underground locates-October 753 4150 Underground locates-October 754 4150 11-15 Billing 753 4210 11-15 Billing 754 4210 Pens,binder clips,markers 754 3101 ~ater Law Seminar-Knutson 753 4310 Membership Invoice-Hunt 754 4901 Replacement motor starters 754 3101 11-15 Billing 753 4210 '~ater Rights 101'-Knutson 7534310 Traffic cones 753 3101 Spill kits,grime gobbler 753 3101 Maint Mgt-~ater Utilities 2 753 3101 ~ater Main Imp #2012-pmt #2 793 4150 ~ater tests 753 4150 O-Rings 754 3101 11-27 Shipping charges 754 4210 ~ater Rights Issues pe 11-29 753 4150 Elha Dam Removal pe 11-29 793 4150 Escrow #4714452022950-Babbitt 793 4150 Pressure washer,accessories 753 4810 Permit fee,Class 'A' Skill tes 754 4310 Postage 754 3101 Elwha Legislation pe 11-29 753 4150 11-21 Billing Crown Z ~ater Rd 753 4710 11-16 Billing 754 4210 11-16 Billing 753 4210 11-08 Billing 754 4210 11-16 Billing 754 4210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 11-23 Billing 753 4210 11-23 Billing 754 4210 11-23 Billing 7544210 11-23 Billing 7544210 11-20 Billing 754 4210 Batteries for test meters 753 3101 Safety inspection-OH Hoists 754 4150 December 11 2000 Page 23 Amount 167.85 433.40 111.45 27.81 183.86 74.87 54.41 57.22 975.28 18.15 18.15 5.05 7.78 26.74 299.00 60.00 1,563.84 27.75 25.00 901.65 449.03 43.75 66,143.60 762.00 28.08 74.20 562.50 378.22 3,213.98 652.70 72.00 15.75 363.56 13.28 46.73 23.37 39.14 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 44.66 59.20 44.66 44.66 44.66 28.11 24.08 4.' 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - ,LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date FrOm 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 . 60861 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 60864 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 60871 AVAYA INC 12215 60885 Eckstrom Industries Inc 05226 60889 Familian NW 06020 60890 Federal Express Corp. 06022 60896 Hermann Bros. Inc. 08127 60920 Qwest 21001 60925 Seattle Marine 19597 60934 WA State Recycling Association 23058 60937 Waste Management - Northwest 23060 60976 Clallam Co Department of 03020 60985 Drake's Pizza & Subs 04023 60994 Forestry Suppliers Inc. 06217 61038 Preston Gates & Ellis 16175 61057 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 61088 Analytical Resources Inc. 01252 61096 CSI Geosynthetics 03316 61109 Den-Ree Productions 04342 61136 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 61147 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61152 Qwest 21001 61163 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 61169 WORC 23486 421 60826 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 . 0009 60761 Collier, Phil 03582 60874 Bailey, Jean 60905 Morris, Darryl 02566 13587 Description Tapping bolts,washers,nuts Chaps Power blocks Sprinklers, adapter Extension cords Push broom, shovel Trash cans PVC pipe Rain suit,boots Ammunition,hack saw,drill bits Oil Gloves.pants,jacket,supplies Hammer,key ID tags October scan charges Extinguisher maintenance 11- 02 Bill i ng Repair two Landfill blowers Galvanized pipe 10-30 Shipping Charges Grind wood waste 11- 05 Bill i ng Tarred twine WSRA 2001 Member Dues #5057 October recycling Sept 2000 HHW Collection Event Refreshments Submersible purge pump, tubing Professional svcs pe 10-31 Remove freon, compressors Ground water analysis Geotextile Container Conversion video Pressure washer,accessories Cameras 11-16 Billing Remove freon, compressors 2001 membership dues FiL ing fees December 11 2000 GL Code Number 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 4210 755 3101 755 4210 755 4810 755 3101 755 3101 755 4150 755 4210 755 3101 755 4901 755 4150 755 4150 755 3101 755 3101 755 4150 755 3101 755 4150 755 3101 755 4410 755 4810 755 3101 755 4210 755 3101 755 4901 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund 421 2451000 Total for Department Energy rebate-wall insulation 913 4986 Energy rebate-attic venting,in 913 4986 Energy rebate-heat pump 913 4986 Energy rebate-attic insulation 913 4986 Energy rebate-floor insulation 913 4986 Page 25 Amount 17.26 122.24 40.88 41.12 29.04 51.66 70.37 10.81 172.36 118.45 27.48 58.02 18.54 32.57 37.77 39.08 3,628.05 217 .80 57.30 11,922.95 84.27 193.44 125.00 41,616.06 4,020.30 48.14 857.45 1,805.31 1,618.50 3,758.00 1,712.43 620.00 652.71 38.84 116.83 1,456.65 100.00 84,765.59 84,655.02 16.00 16.00 203.00 235.00 250.00 158.33 40j ;"i, ';~t; "':.:>';;"";~;,1;;+I;";'" 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE December 11 2000 Page 27 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number LOF,lubra kleen 760 3101 13.22 LOF,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.26 Tires,mount,balance,alignment 760 3101 215.81 Tires,mount,balance,alignment 760 4810 62.52 LOF,lubra kleen 760 3101 13.22 LOF,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.26 LOF,tires,mount,balance 760 3101 145.94 LOF,tires,mount,balance 760 4810 39.92 LOF,water pump,manifold set 760 3101 211. 22 LOF,water pump,manifold set 760 4810 133.79 LOF,lubra kleen 760 3101 13.22 LOF,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.26 Flat repair 760 4810 6.47 Tires,mount,demount,balance 760 3101 66.37 Tires,mount,demount,balance 760 4810 11.32 Alternator 760 3101 167.25 Alternator 760 4810 43.16 Mount,demount,wheel balance 760 4810 17.80 King pin set,bushings 760 3101 270.84 King pin set,bushings 760 4810 249.24 . 60778 Ferre II gas (I nc) 06024 Propane 760 3212 39.72 60781 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 Oil plugs 760 3101 15.78 Correct price 760 3101 .06- Tensioner 760 3101 241 .71 60783 Heartl ine, The 08054 8attery 760 3101 73.32 Credit battery 760 3101 73.32- Batteries 760 3101 144.48 Battery 760 3101 50.66 Battery 760 3101 29.08 Batteries 760 3101 125.06 Battery 760 3101 53.90 Battery 760 3101 110.00 Battery 760 3101 62.53 60788 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Connecting link 760 3101 3.14 60795 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Paint wheel 760 4810 202.30 Strip, paint hood 760 4810 700.90 Repaint hood 760 4810 287.02 Repaint hood 760 3101 58.26 Hold downs 760 3101 35.07 Frame side step 760 3101 89.70 Welding supplies 760 3101 23.31 Channel 760 3101 34.06 60803 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Loom 760 3101 10.41 Brake pads 760 3101 73.34 Switch 760 3101 29.60 Lamps,gronmets 760 3101 34.94 . Credit core deposit 760 3101 20.50- Switch 760 3101 12.05 Headlight,filters,switch 760 3101 61.16 Display lights 760 3101 24.13 Headlights,nuts 760 3101 4b .:'."::,;$?<,t~~;:'~;;"'I.1'?* 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - ,LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date FrOm 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Numbe r 60812 Olympic Paper Company 15111 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 60823 Peninsula Daily News 60824 Pettit Oil Company 15030 16012 16302 60827 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 60831 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 60838 Ruddell Auto Mall 60840 Schneider Trucking Inc 17006 18019 19581 60841 Schwab Tire Center, Les 19459 . 60844 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 60861 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 60865 Western Peterbilt Inc. 23020 60866 Wi lder Toyota Inc. 23225 60871 AVAYA INC 12215 60903 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 . 60906 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Description Wiper pop-up box Wiper pop.up box 'No Smoking' sign Abernathy Award-Achziger Oil October cardlock Gasoline Fuel oi l Diesel Diesel Diesel Wire assembly Key Flares Cap Pilot cars-LF to NC Machinery Pilot cars-Tukwila,Poulsbo-LF Cat-LF to NC Machinery to LF Wastehauler lugs,tire recaps Tire recap,repair Valves,wheel,switch wheel Valves,wheel,switch wheel Switch wheel Tire recap Flat repai r Lugs,casings,valves,wheels Lugs, casings, valves, wheels Credit truck casings Cylinder rentals Bolts,nuts,washers,goggles Hex caps Cable, sleeves Oxygen Hose wrap, hose li ght bulb Auto studs Nylon cord, work gloves Pump,shop supplies Cord minderfor shop October scan charges Door strap,signal generator Door strap,signal generator Steering lock 11- 02 Bill i ng Embosser kit,slings,mirrors Cardstock tags Mirror,rings,tags,markers Equipment rental pe 10-20 Film,actuator Parts, labor Parts, labor GL Code Number 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4410 760 3220 760 3210 760 3210 760 3211 760 3211 760 3211 760 3211 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4210 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4210 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 . 760 3101 760 4810 December 11 2000 Page 29 Amount 67.17 67.17 9.23 170.40 268.92 3,336.72 4,327.05 824.85 2,080.19 4,199.00 534.57 16.06 12.95 83.87 11.87 250.00 - 812.00 244.50 897.17 192.82 35.58 35.57 16.19 239.67 32.64 500.65 49.63 172.64- 26.98 17.25 8.85 8.29 15.65 .84.50 9.16 23.79 68.28 77.57 12.92 8.16 199.60 198.79 136.86 7.82 361.56 32.52 399.07 12,408.50 300.29 13,323.63 7,194.23 47 00/12/11-08:35 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 60931 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 60949 AWC Employee Benefit Trust .60961 Bailey, Jim 60962 Balser, Fred 60963 Balser, Sharyn 60965 Bishop, Virgil 60968 Braun, Gary 60972 Cameron, Kenneth . 60973 Camporini, Richard 60996 Fox, Kenneth 60998 Galyean, Marjorie L 61000 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 61010 Johnson, Donald G 61011 Johnson, Harry 61015 Lindley, James K. 61016 Loucks, Jasper 61020 Messinger, Larry 61022 Miesel, Phil 61023 Morgan, Roy 61043 Rainier EAP Inc. 61054 Sweatt, Johnnie 61134 NW Admin Transfer Acct 61138 Osborn, Arlene 61178 Wells, Neil 602 0002 60988 Evans, Sid 61005 Hansen, George D. 652 0008 60755 Camera Corner 60815 Olympic Stationers Inc. 60820 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 60833 Randlett, Mary 60847 Swain's General Store Inc. . 60849 Thurman Supply 60861 Washington (DIS), State of 60871 AVAYA INC CHECK REGISTER Date FrOm 11/11/2000 To 12/08/2000 Vendor Number 21000 01231 02567 02243 02078 02019 02173 03252 03273 06191 07337 07272 10052 10047 12019 12186 13047 13261 13145 18057 19146 14169 15204 23066 05103 08048 03044 15030 16201 18395 19037 20005 23111 12215 Description Admin Group-Dec premium Police/IBEW-Dec premium December premium December premium December premium Disability Board Claims-Nov Disability Board Claims-Nov Medicare Premium-December Disability Board Claims-Nov Medicare premium-December Medicare Premium-December Disability Board Claims-Nov Medicare Premium-December Medicare Premium-December Disability Board Claims-Nov Claim settlement #18-00 Safety meeting refreshments Medicare Premium-December Medicare Premium-December Medicare Premium-December Disability Board Claims-Nov Medicare Premium-December Reimburse medical expenses Medicare Premium-December Medicare Premium-December Assessment, referral-November Diability Board Claims-Nov Medicare Premium-December December premium December premium December premium Reimburse broken eyeglasses Reimburse medical expenses GL Code Number 121 4631 121 4631 121 4630 121 4632 121 4634 121 4634 121 4634 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4635 121 4634 119 4999 118 4909 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4634 121 4635 121 4630 121 4635 121 4635 121 4150 121 4634 121 4635 121 4633 121 4633 121 4634 119 4999 121 4630 December 11 2000 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Medicare Premium-December Medicare Premium-December 225 4635 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Slide processing Paper Paint base Artist Honorarium Spray paint Bicycle tube Halogen lights Exchange halogen lights October scan charges 11-02 Billing 868 3101 868 3101 868 3120 868 4150 868 3101 868 3101 868 3120 868 3120 868 4210 868 4210 Page 31 Amount 1,124.92 966.45 61,993.20 1,248.85 6,870.10 115.56 33.61 45.50 154.35 94.00 45.50 128.89 68.30 46.10 34.40 552.27 76.87 43.80 45.50 45.50 10.68 85.00 70.12 46.10 46.10 330.00 484 . 22 65.70 11,329.10 13,988.40 6,009.10 150.00 375.00 110,328.85 45.50 46.80 92.30 8.36 18.45 13.11 200.00 6.19 3.20 40.96 10.77 64.34 4~ . . . >:.!('~"r;;;,/tc~'~<' \"j~i,f~~:!.;:':;"_' FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNciL MEMO DATE: December 19, 2000 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities I~V FROM: SUBJECT: Revised Speed Limits Ordinance Summary: The current speed limit ordinance was adopted in 1992. A review of the current speed limit ordinance indicated the need for revisions to be consistent with the revised street classification and designations ordinance adopted in 1999. An engineering study was completed to assure enforceability of the revised speed limits. The proposed revisions to the Speed Limits Ordinance are as follows: LOCATION EXISTING REVISED M1. Angeles Rd.- Park Ave. to So. City Limits 35 mph 30 mph Park Ave. - Laurel S1. to Race St. 35 & 25 mph 30 mph Recommendation: Adopt the attached ordinance revisin2 the Speed Limits Ordinance. Back~round / Analvsis: The current Speed Limits Ordinance (Ord. 2706) was adopted in 1992. In June of 1999, the City Council adopted a revised Street Classification and Designations Ordinance (Ord. 3022). This ordinance reclassified some streets as arterials and removed other streets from their previously designated arterial classification in accordance with the recommendations of the 1996 Transportation Services and Facilities Plan. A review of the current speed limit ordinance indicated the need for revisions to be consistent with the revised street classification and designations ordinance. RCW 46.61.415 states that speed limits may be revised by ordinance of the legislative body of the City following an engineering study. An engineering study in accordance with the MUTCD (Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices) was completed for the proposed revisions to assure enforceability of the revised speed limits. The MUTCD is a national standard adopted by the State of Washington which has mandated its use by all cities in order to assure uniformity in traffic safety devices and regulations. In setting speed zones the MUTCD notes that "In order to determine the proper numerical value for a speed zone on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation the following factors should be considered: 1. Road surface characteristics, shoulder condition, grade, alignment and sight distance. 2. The 85-percentile speed and pace speed. 3. Roadside development and culture, and roadside friction. N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\TRAFFIC\SPEEDS\ORDINANC\CCTSOO I. WPD 51 1 I , c', I ..... ~ .... ... I ~; ; ...:..w...1.J.....t~~ ..J \ If''''''D /_.j / ..-.; r c, I I I ~ I ~ I ~ I' i' , j C, .'~, / (, -I '-./ ....L_......_;.-._.._ ~ N l ] <:1 Z-6>O ~ I ~ , , "'-'-.. ..... . -., ~ ~ ::::J ~ i ~ .~ ~ I .a ~ i (5 Ci5 , . ~j I \ \ \ .....1.. .1 i T . -.{..... _.~ .... -:'" _. _n. .... \ \ 1 \\ io,. 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(-'-"\ ;--",,/ i l ..,..",.,."; ;/' /' '" ...-..... /....., ~.--i \ i ! Map speed study ~ -- City boundary Street centerline N Speed Study Area Map 0.5 0 0.5 Miles Streets studied :;.v....,.,._;,;...,....,...;_..,' Speed limit change No speed limit change This map is not intended for use as a legal description. Locations of features are approximate only. Topographic features are :l: 5 feet of actual locations. This map/drawing is produced by the Ci~' of Port Angeles for its own use and purposes. Any other use of this map/drawing shall not be the responsibility of the City. . . . 54 ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing speed limits on certain public streets in the City, amending Section 22 of Ordinance 1310, as most recently amended by Ordinance 2706, and amending Chapter 10.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 22 of Ordinance 1310, as most recently amended by Ordinance 2706, and Chapter 10.16 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 10.16.020 to read as follows: 10.16.020 Speed Limits on Specified Streets. It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle or any other vehicle at a speed in excess of the following speeds in the following locations: A. 15 miles per hour on Second Street from the east margin of Lincoln Street to the east margin of Chase Street. . 20 miles per hour on: 1. First Street and Front Street from the west margin of Lincoln Street to the west margin of Cherry Street. B. 2. Cherry Street from the south margin of Front Street to the north margin of First Street. 3. Railroad A venue from the east margin of Lincoln Street to the west margin of Oak Street. 4. Oak Street from the south margin of Railroad Avenue to the north margin of First Street. 5. Laurel Street from the south margin of Railroad A venue to the north margin of First Street. . -1- 55 6. Lincoln Street from the south margin of Railroad Avenue to the north . margin of Front Street. 7. Del Guzzi Drive from the south margin of SR 101 to the north margin of Lindberg Road. C. 30 miles per hour on: 1. "I" Street from the south margin of Fifth Street to the north margin of 16th Street. 2. 16th Street from the west margin of "c" Street to the east margin of "I" Street. 3. Tumwater Street from the south margin of Marine Drive to the north margin of Fifth Street. 4. Fifth Street from the east margin ofTumwater Street to the east margin of "L" Street. 5. Eighth Street from the east margin of "I" Street to the west margin o. Race Street. 6. Lauridsen Boulevard from the west margin of Cherry Street to the west margin of Ennis Street. 7. Peabody Street from the south margin of First Street to the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard. 8. Laurel Street from the south margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the north margin of Viewcrest Avenue. 9. Race Street from the south margin of First Street to the north margin of Park Avenue. 10. Tenth Street from the west margin of "I" Street to the east margin of"N" Street. . -2- 56 . 11. Lincoln Street from the north margin of Front Street to the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard. 12. Marine Drive from the west margin ofthe intersection of First Stre~t and Valley Street to the west margin of "A" Street, except as otherwise posted. 13. S.R.I0l from the margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the west City limits. H.,. Park A venue from the east margin of Laurel Street to the west margin of Race Street. 12:. Mount Angeles Road from the north margin of Park Avenue to the south City limits. D. 35 miles per hour on: 1. 18th Street from the west margin of "I" Street to the west City limits. 2. "C" Street from the south margin of Eighth Street to the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard. . 3. to the west City limits. 4. Lauridsen Boulevard from the west margin ofthe Tumwater Truck Route fark Avenue from the cast margin offeabody StIcet to the west margin ofRac,- StIeet. 5. Mount AJlgeks Road from the. Horth margIn offark.Avenuc to the sOuth City limits. 6:4. Marine Drive from the west margin of "A" Street to the United States Coast Guard Air Station on Ediz Hook, except as otherwise posted. 9-:5. . Front Street from the east margin of Lincoln Street to the east City limits. 8:6. First Street from the east margin of Lincoln Street to the east City limits. 9-:7. Golf Course Road from the south margin of First Street to the north margin of Lindberg Road. . -3- 57 +&:8. "L" Street from the south margin of 18th Street to the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard. . E. 40 miles per hour on: 1. The Tumwater Truck Route (SR 117) from the south margin of Marine Drive to the north margin ofSR 101. (Ord. 2706 ~1, 8/28/92.) Section 2. This ordinance shall be forwarded to the Department of Transportation for approval by the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to RCW 46.61.415(5), along with such documentation as may exist or reasonably may be produced which will help insure its approval; provided that, if the Secretary of Transportation denies approval for any speed limit for any location covered by this ordinance, the maximum speed in that location will be the lowest maximum speed acceptable to the Secretary of Transportation but not below the speed limit of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect five days after publication or after approval by the Secretary of Transportation, whichever is later. Section 4. If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder Of the ordinance, or the application of the provision t. other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of ,2000. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: F :\ORDlNANCES&RESOLUTIONSI2000-25.ord. wpd . -4- 58 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ,ii" ~ORT AN~ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 19,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Lease of Morse Creek Hydro Facilities to Ebey Hill Hydro, Inc. Summary: Staffhas negotiated a lease agreement with Ebey Hill Hydroelectric to operate the Morse Creek hydroelectric project for a 20 year period. The attached lease agreement specifies the terms and conditions under which Ebey Hill must operate the project. The City will receive $10,150 per year for the first five years of the lease. Compensation in future years will be negotiated. All obligations (financial, inspections, and other) of the project are transferred to Ebey Hill. Recommendation: Approve the attached lease agreement with Ebey Hill Hydroelectric, Inc. for o eration of the Morse Creek H droelectric facilit and authorize the Ma or to si n. . Back~round / Analysis: During the process of surrendering our Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project license, the City was offered a proposal by Ebey Hill Hydroelectric, Inc. to lease the facilities from the City and begin operating the project. Since that time, staff has been negotiating a lease agreement with Ebey Hill. The attached lease agreement specifies the terms and conditions that were negotiated between the parties. Highlights of the lease agreement are summarized below: . . . . . . . . . . . . Lease payments to the City at $10,150 per year for the first five years, to be negotiated in five year increments thereafter. City retains ownership of the project and facilities. FERC license remains with the City. Ebey Hill is responsible for all aspects of the project, including complying with all license provisions and orders. Total lease term is 20 Years. Lease can be terminated if Ebey Hill fails to perform under the agreement or any of the FERC provisions. The City will not incur any costs associated with the project other than internal costs of monitoring the project. The City's liability and risk exposure is the responsibility ofEbey Hill. The City retains the right to utilize water rights and diversion for water supply needs ofthe City. Ebey Hill would own the electrical output from the facility. Ebey Hill would provide for all inspections. N:\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\MEMOS\cc 121900.wpd 59 60 · Ebey Hill would be responsible for all maintenance, repair, inspection, and operation of the ~~ . · Ebey Hill will maintain insurance meeting the specifications of the City. There are some initial repairs that need to be completed by Ebey Hill before generation can begin at the project. It is expected that the project will begin operating again by April 2001. This lease agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney, and has received a recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee to approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign. Attach: Lease Agreement N :\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\MEMOS\cc 121900.wpd . . . LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Lease") THIS AGREEMENT, (the "Lease"), is made effective the _ day of December, 2000 the ("lease date"), by and between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a Washington municipality ("Lessor"), and EBEY HILL HYDRO, INC., a Washington corporation ("Lessee"). 1. PROPERTY LEASED S 1.1 DEMISE. Lessor leases to Lessee and Lessee leases from Lessor the following property (the "land") along with the penstock, powerhouse, generation equipment (the "facilities") and other improvements constructed on it as more particularly described in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Project No. 6461 (all collectively called "the Project"). Legal Description: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. . S 1.2 COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT. The Lessor promises, subject to Lessee's performance of all of the terms and conditions of the Lease and the rights retained by Lessor hereunder, that Lessee shall be entitled to the quiet and peaceful enjoyment and undisturbed possession of the Project for the term of this Lease. S 1.3 OUTPUT. Lessee shall have title to any electrical output produced by the Project during the term of the Lease, and may dispose of such output in any manner the Lessee deems appropriate. II. TERM S2.1 ORIGINAL TERM. The original term of this Lease (the "original term") shall commence on December _, 2000 (the "commencement date"), and shall expire on December _, 2020, (the "original term expiration date"). S2.2 POSSESSION. Possession of the Project shall be delivered to the Lessee on the commencement date. Lessee agrees that from the commencement date, it shall operate the Project continuously during the term of this Lease, except in the event that such operation is interrupted due to acts of God or other causes beyond the control of Lessee, in which event the terms of paragraph 5.7 shall control. S2.J END OF TER.t\1. At the expiration of this Lease, any fixture added to the Project . during the term of the Lease at the sole expense of the Lessee shall become the property of the -1- 61 Lessor. With respect to any such fixtures, Lessor shall pay to Lessee (or, if Lessee is indebted to Lessor, Lessor shall credit Lessee) an amount equal to the fair market value of such fixtures, not to . exceed the amount originally paid by Lessee for such fixtures. If, at that time, Lessee has fully complied with Lease terms and conditions, Lessor hereby waives any right to claim any personalty owned by Lessee located at the Project. The personalty may then be removed by Lessee provided that the Project is restored to its original condition, normal wear and tear excepted. III. CONSIDERA nON ~3.1 RENT FOR FIRST FIVE YEARS OF LEASE TERM. Lessee agrees to pay and Lessor agrees to accept an annual payment for each Lease Year of the first five years of the term of this Lease in the amount of $10,150.00 for each such Lease Year, with the first payment due on December _, 2000, and each subsequent annual payment due on each December _ thereafter. The term "Lease Year" shall mean the first consecutive twelve (12) month period beginning on the commencement date of the Lease and each succeeding twelve (12) month period thereafter. ~3.2 RENT FOR SIXTH AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS OF THE LEASE. The annual payment due from Lessee to Lessor for Lease Years 6 through 20 shall be subject to negotiation. Provided that all the terms and conditions of this Lease have been complied with by Lessee, Lessee and Lessor shall no later than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the expiration date of the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth Lease Years enter into good faith negotiations to determine a mutually agreeable annual payment to be made by Lessee to Lessor for the next five Lease Years. All terms, . provisions and covenants of this Lease shall continue to apply, except that the Lessor and Lessee may agree on an annual payment that differs from that payable during the first five Lease Years. In the event that the Lessor and Lessee have not agreed to an annual payment 90 days prior to the start of the next Lease Year, such annual payment shall be determined by arbitration conducted in accordance with paragraph 13.1. If the annual payment for any subsequent five year period has not been determined and evidenced by an amendment to this Lease by the first day of the Lease Year that commences the five year period,' then Lessee shall pay as minimum rent an amount equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the minimum rent from the prior term until the renewal rent is established. Once such annual payment is established, Lessee shall payor receive credit for any difference between the annual payment so established and amount(s) paid between the . commencement of the Lease Year and the date the revised annual payment is established. ~3.3 LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX. Lessee shall pay in advance, together with the annual payment required pursuant to paragraph 3.2 above, the required Washington State leasehold excise tax as set forth in chapter 82.28A RCW as now or' hereafter amended, which tax is currently 12.84%. ~3.4 FINANCIAL REPORTS (a) Annual Accounting. Within,thirty (30) days following each/Lease Year, the Lesseeagrees to deliver to Lessor' an annual audited [mancial statement showing the amount of electricity generated at the Project, any amounts spent on operations and maintenance, and . -2- 62 1'~~;~~f~~~J~;;#~":;:~-'-~:'~~:~iii'~~~q:\;,Mr!}~~~:~~i;t~~ ,~ - - ';' .~ " -- '- " , ~ . the amount and type of an)' capital improveme]Jt~ Jnade to the Project, all for the proceeding year. (b) Records and Audit. Lessee agrees to keep full, true and accurate records and books of accounts of all transactions connected with its business. Lessor shall have the right to examine and inspect the books and records of Lessee at any reasonable time during normal business hours in order to verify the accuracy of statements rendered by the Lessee. S3.5 ADDITIONAL CHARGES. Lessee and Lessor agree that the rent accruing under this Lease shall be net to Lessor and that all taxes, costs, common area maintenance fees, expenses and charges of every kind and nature ("additional charges") relating to the Project (except the taxes of Lessor referred to in S6.3) which may arise or become due during the term or any extension of this Lease, shall be paid by Lessee, and iliat Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless Lessor from and against them. All additional charges which Lessee assumes or agrees to pay under any provisions of this Lease, together with all interest and penalties that may accrue on these additional charges in the event Lessee fails to pay them, as well as all other damages, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and other legal and court costs which Lessor may incur in enforcing this Lease, and any and all other sums which may become due by reason of Lessee's default or failure to comply with its obligations under this Lease, shall be deemed to be additional rent. In the event of non-payment, Lessor shall have all the rights and remedies as provided in the case of non-payment of rent. IV. . INSURANCE S4.1 COVERAGE. During the term, Lessee, at its own cost and expense, shall: (a) Keep the Project and fixtures and personalty on it insured with an all risk insurance policy in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of replacement (without deduction for. depreciation). Such replacement cost shall be determined from time to time at the request of Lessor, but not more frequently than once in any thirty-six (36) consecutive calendar months. Replacement cost shall be determined by one of the insurers or, at the option of Lessor, by an appraiser, architect or contractor who is mutually and reasonably acceptable to Lessor and Lessee, and whom shall be retained and paid by Lessee. (b) Provide and keep in force comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or abqut the Project in limits of not less th~ $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for property damage, or in such other amounts as Lessor may reasonably request. S4.2 Policies. All insurance required by Lessor and provided by Lessee shall be carried in favor of Lessor and Lessee, as their respective interests may appear, and any underlying lessor, fee owner, affiliate corporation, trustee, mortgagee or other person designated by Lessor. All insurance . shall be obtained from companies licensed to do business in the State of Washington and which -3- 63 have at least a Class A:VII rating by Best's Insurance Guide or are otherwise approved by Lessor. Lessee shall procure policies for all insurance for periods of not less than one year and shall deliver . to Lessor all policies or certificates of insurance with evidence of payment of all premiums. Lessee shall procure renewals of these policies from time to time before their respective expiration dates. All insurance policies shall be non-assessable and shall require thirty (30) days notice by registered mail to Lessor of any cancellation or change affecting Lessor's coverage under the policies. 94.3 ADJUSTING; PROCEEDS. Claims for loss due to damage to the Project under any policies provided for in this Lease shall be adjusted with the insurance companies (a) by Lessee in the case of any particular casualty resulting in damage or destruction not exceeding $25,000, or (b) by Lessor and Lessee, in the case of any particular casualty resulting in damage or destruction exceeding $25,000 in the aggregate. Subject to the rights of any mortgagee, the proceeds of any insurance shall be payable as follows: (1) With respect to any loss not exceeding $25,000 in the aggregate, proceeds shall be paid to Lessee, who shall hold them in trust for the purpose of paying the costs of repair and restoration; and (2) With respect to losses exceeding $25,000 in the aggregate, the proceeds shall be paid to Lessor and shall be applied to pay the costs of repair and maintenance. 94.4 JOINT EFFORTS. Lessee and Lessor shall cooperate in attempts to collect any insurance proceeds that may be due in the event of loss, and Lessee shall execute and deliver to Lessor such proofs of loss and other instruments which may be required for the purpose of . recovering these proceeds. 94.5 WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. Lessee agrees to look solely to the proceeds of its own insurer for indemnity against exposure for loss of property or business interruption. Lessee warrants that its property and business interruption insurers shall have no rights against Lessor by virtue of assignment, subrogation, loan agreement or otherwise: 94.6 CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE. If any insurance policy covering the Project or any part of it is cancelled or is threatened by the insurer to be cancelled, or if the coverage thereunder is reduced in any way by the insurer for any reason, and if Lessee fails to remedy the condition giving rise to cancellation, threatened cancellation, or reduction of coverage within 48 hours after notice thereof by Lessor, Lessor may, at its option, either (i) reenter the Project forthwith by leaving upon the Project a notice in writing of its intention to do so (in which case the provisions of paragraph VIII shall apply) or (ii) enter the Project and remedy the condition giving rise to such cancellation, threatened cancellation or reduction, and Lessee shall forthwith pay the cost thereof to Lessor (which cost may be collected by Lessor as rent) and Lessor shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused to any property of Lessee or of others located at the Project as a result of any such entry. 94.7 LOSS AND DAMAGE. Lessor shall not be liable for any death or injury occurring at the Project, nor for the loss of or damage to any of the personalty or other property of Lessee or of others by theft or otherwise, from. any cause whatsoever. Without limiting the generality of the . -4- 64 . . . foregoing, Lessor shall not be liable for any injury or. ~age to persons or property resulting from ftre, explosion, electricity, water, raili; snow, or fromaAyother cause whatsoever. Lessor shall not be liable for any such damage caused by other persons or occupants of adjacent property, or the public, or caused by operations in construction of any private, public or quasi-public work. All of the personalty or any other property of Lessee kept or stored at the Project shall be kept or stored at the risk of Lessee. V. THE PROJECT ~5.1 USE AND SERVICES. Except as may be otherwise speciftcally provided by the terms. of this Lease, Lessor shall not be. required to furnish to Lessee any facilities or services of any kind whatsoever, such as, but not limited to water, sewer, steam, heat, gas, hot water, electricity, light and power. ~5.2 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE. Lessee shall, at all times during the term, at its own cost and expense, keep and maintain the Project and all ftxtures and personalty located on it in good order and condition, and subject to all applicable terms of paragraphs 5.3 and 5.7, shall make all necessary and desirable repairs, restorations and replacements thereof, structural and non- structural, seen or unforeseen (hereinafter collectively called "repairs"), and shall use all reasonable precaution to prevent waste, damage or injury. In the event that Lessee fa"j.ls or neglects to make all necessary repairs or fulftll its other obligations as set forth above, Lessor or its agents may enter the Project for the purpose of making such repairs or fulftlling those obligations. All costs and expenses incurred as a consequence of Lessor's action shall be repaid by Lessee to Lessor within 15 days after Lessee receives copies of receipts showing payment by Lessor for such repairs or other obligations. These receipts shall be prima facie evidence of the payment of the charges paid by Lessor. Except in the case of emergency, Lessor shall give Lessee ten (10) days notice before taking any such action. ~5.3 ALTERATIONS. Lessee shall not at any time make any alteration, change, addition or improvement (hereinafter collectively called "alterations") in or to the Project without the prior written consent of Lessor. In the event consent is given: (a) the alterations shall be performed in a ftrst class workmanlike manner at Lessee's sole expense; (b) the alterations shall be made according to plans and speciftcations therefor, which shall be ftrst submitted to and approved in writing by Lessor; (c) . before the commencement of work on any alterations, such plans and speciftcations shall be approved by all governmental authorities having jurisdiction; (d) before the commencement of any alterations, Lessee shall pay the amount of any increase in premiums on insurance policies for endorsements covering the risk during work -5- 65 on the alterations, and workmen's compensation insurance covering all persons employed in connection with that work. . (e) if the estimated cost of the alteration exceeds $25,000.00, Lessee shall furnish to Lessor a surety bond of a company acceptable to Lessor, in an amount equal to the estimated cost of such work, or other security satisfactory to Lessor, guaranteeing the completion of such work, free and clear to all liens and encumbrances. (f) before the commencement of any alterations which involve a contract for labor, services, materials, or supplies in excess of $25,000.00, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor, where permitted by law, either (1) a duplicate original of the contract, if in writing, which shall provide that no lien or claim against the Project or the equipment on it shall be created or filed as a result of performance of work under the contract or (2) a written waiver by the architect, engineer, contractor, subcontractor, materialman, mechanic, or other person contracting to furnish such labor, services, materials or supplies, of all lien rights which he or it might otherwise have against the Project or Lessor's interest in it. All buildings, additions, improvements, fixtures and appurtenances in or at the Project at the commencement date and those which may be erected, affixed or installed in or on the Project during the term are deemed to be and shall immediately become part of the Project and the sole property of Lessor. All personalty installed by Lessee shall remain the property of Lessee. S5.4 LIENS. Should Lessee cause any alterations or repairs to be made to the Project, or cause any labor to be performed or material to be furnished, neither Lessor nor the Project shall . under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred, and all such alterations and repairs shall be made and performed at Lessee's expense. If, because of any act or omission of Lessee, any mechanic's or other lien, charge, claim or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the Project or against Lessor, Lessee shall; at its own expense, cause it to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded within fifteen (15) days after notice of filing thereof. In the event that the Lessee fails to cause any such mechanics' or other lien, charge or order to be cancelled and discharged or bonded, then, in addition to any other right or remedy of the Lessor, the Lessor may, at its option, cancel or discharge it by paying the amount claimed to be due into Court or directly to any claimant and the amount so paid by Lessor and all costs and expenses including attorneys' fees incurred for the cancellation or discharge of such lien shall be due from the Lessee to the Lessor as an additional charge payable on demand. S5.5 INSPECTION. Lessor or its representatives shall have the right to enter the Project at reasonable hours of any business day to ascertain if the Project is in proper repair and condition. S5.6 LICENSE AND LAWS., The Lessee shall, at its own cost and expense, obtain all necessary licenses and/or permits which may be required for the conduct of its business; and Lessee . shall. observe and comply with all present and future laws, ordinances, requirements, orders, directions, rules and regulations (referred to generally as "regulations") of governmental authorities having or claiming jurisdiction over the Project or the conduct. of Lessee's business, including without limitation the terms and conditions containeq in,the FERC license for FERC Project No. 6461, as such terms: and conditions may be revised or amended from time to time. Lessee may . -6- 66 . contest in good faith, after notice.to Lessor, by aPBr~griate proceedings conducted promptly at Lessee's own expense, in Lessee's,riaine (and/or wheriev~r necessary and with Lessor's consent, in Lessor's name), the validity or enforcement of any such regulation; provided that (i) such contest or any associated deferment of payment does not subject Lessor to a fine or other criminal liability, or subject the Project to any encumbrance, (ii) Lessee diligently prosecutes such contest to a final determination by the governing authority, and (iii) Lessee furnishes Lessor with any security that Lessor may reasonably request in connection with such contest. 95.7 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION. If, during the term, the Project or the personalty or fixtures on it are destroyed or damaged in whole or in part by fire or other cause, Lessee shall give Lessor immediate notice, and Lessee, at its own cost and expense, shall cause the prompt repair, replacement and rebuilding of same ("restoration"), subject to paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of this Lease. Lessor shall in no event be called upon to repair, replace or rebuild any such buildings, fixtures or personalty, nor to pay any of the costs or expenses thereof beyond or in excess of any insurance proceeds, as provided in this Lease. (a) All insurance proceeds received by Lessor or by any Insurance Trustee on account of such damage or destruction, less the actual cost, fees and expenses, if any, incurred in connection with adjustment of the loss, shall be applied by Lessor to payor reimburse Lessee for the payment of the cost of the restoration, including the cost of temporary repairs or for the protection of the Project pending the completion of permanent restoration, and shall be paid out from time to time as restoration progresses upon the written request of Lessee, accompanied by evidence satisfactory to Lessor that: . (1) the sum then 'hrequested either has been paid by lessee or is justly due to contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, or other person who have rendered services or furnished materials for the restoration pursuant to a certificate or claim for payment ("certificate"), and that the sum then requested does not exceed the amount of the services and materials described in the certificate; (2) except for the amount if any, stated in the certificate to be due for services or materials, there is no outstanding indebtedness known to the persons signing such certificate, after due inquiry, which is then due for labor, wages, materials, supplies, or services in connection with the restoration; (3) the cost of the restoration required to be done does not exceed the insurance proceeds, and (b) that there have not been filed against the Project any vendor's, contractor's, mechanic's, laborer's or materialman's statutory or similar lien ("liens") which have not been discharged of record, except those that will be discharged upon payment of the sum requested in the certificate, or bonded or contested in accordance with paragraph 5.4. Upon compliance with the above provisions, Lessor or the Insurance Trustee shall, out of such ,insurance proceeds and such other funds as may have been made available, payor cause to be . paid to Lessee or its designee, the respective amounts due. -7- 67 If the insurance proceeds and other funds deposited with Lessor or the Insurance Trustee, . less the actual cost, fees and expenses, if any, incurred in connection with the adjustment of the loss, are insufficient to pay the entire cost of the restoration, Lessee will pay the deficiency. At least ten (10) days before the commencement of restoration, Lessee shall notify Lessor of its intention to restore the Project. During restoration, this Lease shall not terminate, nor shall the rental and other charges payable under this Lease be abated or be affected in any manner. ~5.8 WARRANTIES: DISCLAIMER. Lessor expressly disclaims any other warranty, either express or implied, and Lessee acknowledges that neither Lessor nor its agents have made any representations or promises with respect to the Project except as expressly set forth in this Lease, and no rights, easements or licenses are acquired by Lessee by implication or otherwise except as expressly set forth herein. The taking of possession of the Project by Lessee shall be conclusive evidence that the Lessee has accepted the Project "AS IS". ~5.9 CONTRACTS. Lessee shall not without Lessor's consent enter into any service contract or agreement relating to the furnishing of any services to the Project unless such contract or agreement shall by its terms be terminable on no more than thirty (30) days notice or shall expressly provide that it shall not become binding on Lessor in the event that this Lease is terminated or expires. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with copies of all service contracts or agreements affecting the Project that are now in existence or that are subsequently entered into. VI. . TAXES AND OTHER CHARGES ~6.1 PAYMENT. Lessee shall pay on or before the last day on which payment may be made without penalty or interest, all taxes, assessments, charges for public utilities, excises, levies, license and permit fees and other governmental impositions and charges of every kind and nature whatsoever ("charges"), which may be assessed, imposed, or become due and payable in connection with the ownership, occupancy or possession of the Project or the fixtures or personalty on it, or any charges which may be imposed in lieu of, or as a substitution for, any such charges. At any time after the time for payment of each charge; upon Lessor's request, Lessee shall exhibit to . Lessor satisfactory evidence of payment. All charges assessed or imposed for the fiscal periods in which the term of this Lease commences and terminates shall be apportioned. ~6.2 CONTESTS. Lessee has the right to promptly contest or review any of the charges by appropriate proceedings ("proceedings") at its own expense, and if necessary, with the prior written consent of Lessor, in the name of Lessor. Lessee may defer payment of a contested charge only if, before instituting any proceedings, Lessee furnishes to Lessor security satisfactory to Lessor and sufficient to cover the amount of each contested charge, with interest and penalties for the period which the proceedings may be expected to take. Notwithstanding the furnishing of security (other than a cash deposit), Lessee shall promptly pay each contested charge if, at any time, the Project or any part of it are in danger of being sold, forfeited or otherwise lost or Lessor becomes subject to criminal or any other liability for such non-payment; provided that in that event, if Lessee has made . -8- 68 ~~~~i1~~~;~~4:~':;':"~:1- - - :;: '~i.~"t~fo;,~t~~}:}~~~':~J;i::W . a cash deposit to Lessor, Lessor may pay each contested charge out of the deposit. When any contested charge is paid or cancelled,' any balance of any cash deposit not so applied shall be repaid to Lessee without interest. All proceedings shall be begun as soon as possible after the imposition or assessment of any contested item and shall be diligently prosecuted to fmal adjudication. If there is any refund with respect to any contested charge based on a payment by Lessee, Lessee shall be entitled to it to the extent of such payment. S6.3 LIMITATION; SUBSTITUTION. Nothing contained in this Lease shall be construed to require Lessee to pay any transfer, gift, franchise, corporation, income or profit tax, or capital levy that is or may be imposed upon Lessor, its successors or assigns; provided, however, that if at any time during the term of this Lease the methods of taxation prevailing at the commencement date were altered so that in lieu of or as a substitute for the whole or any part of the taxes, assessments, levies, impositions or charges (collectively "assessments") now levied, assessed or imposed ("imposed") on real estate and improvements thereon, there is imposed (1) an assessment made wholly or partially as a capital levy, or (2) an assessment measured by or based in whole or in part on the Project, or (3) a license fee measured by the rent payable by Lessee under this Lease, INDEMNIFICATION S7.1 INDEMNITY. Lessee shall indemnify and save Lessor harmless from and against all costs, expenses, liabilities, losses, damages, injunctions, suits, actions, fines, penalties, claims and demands of every kind or nature, including reasonable attorneys' fees, by or on behalf of any person, party or governmental authority whatsoever arising out of (a) any failure by Lessee to perform any of its obligations under this Lease, (b) any accident, injury or damage which occurs in or about the Project, however occurring, (c) any matter arising out of the condition, occupation, maintenance, alteration, repair, use or operation of the Project or any part of it, (d) the contest or challenge by Lessee of any imposed tax, assessment, or other charges, or (e) any other matter arising from or relating to Lessee's use, operation or occupation of the Project. S7.2 WAIVER. Lessee hereby waives its right to indemnification pursuant to the Washington Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51. VIII. . ENFORCEMENT -9- 69 ~8.1 DEF AUL T. Each of the following events is a default and a breach of this Lease by Lessee: . (a) If Lessee files a petition in bankruptcy, insolvency, dissolution or for reorganization or arrangement under the laws of the United States or of any state, or voluntarily takes advantage of any such law or act or is dissolved or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; (b) If involuntary proceedings under any bankruptcy law or insolvency act or for the dissolution of a corporation are instituted against Lessee or if a receiver or trustee is appointed of all or substantially all of the property of Lessee and such proceedings are not .dismissed or such receivership or trusteeship vacated within ninety (90) days after such institution or appointment; (c) If Lessee vacates or abandons the Project or indicates its intention to do so; (d) If this Lease or the estate of Lessee hereunder is transferred to any other person or party, except in a manner permitted by the terms of this Lease; (e) If Lessee fails to pay Lessor any rent or other charge when it becomes due and payable and fails to make such payment within ten (10) days after notice thereof by Lessor to Lessee; (f) If Lessee fails to perform any of its obligations under this Lease and such non- . performance continues for a period within which performance is required to be made by specific provision of this Lease or, if no such period is provided, for a period of thirty (30) days after notice thereof by Lessor to Lessee; or, if such performance cannot be reasonably had within such thirty day period, Lessee has not in good faith commenced such performance within such thirty day period or has not diligently proceeded therewith to completion; (g) If the Lessee or any agent of Lessee falsifies any report required to be furnished to Lessor pursuant to the terms of this Lease and fails to notify Lessor of such falsification within sixty (60) days of submission of such report. In the event ofa default under subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) or Cd) above, the term of this Lease shall automatically terminate without additional notice to Lessee. In the event a default under subparagraphs (e), (f) or (g) above, shall occur and be continuing after the notice period provided, Lessor has the right, in addition to any other rights or remedies it may have, to terminate this Lease without further notice to Lessee, and in such event the term hereof shall expire in the same manner and with the same force and effect, except as to Lessee's liability, as if the expiration of the time fixed in such notice was the original term expiration date. ~8.2 CURE BY LESSOR. After expirationi of the applicable period of notice, or without notice in the event of any emergency, Lessor at its option may, but shall not be obligated to, make any payment required of Lessee or perform any obligation of Lessee, and the amount Lessor pays, . -10- 70 . . . 1~;t~~~~f7r~l~\~!-:~~:<t\~{;::: ':__~:;;~,'.:~;V~;~~~;,~:.;:"',}r-:'~Rr<\' or the cost of its performance, together with interest thereon at the highest legal rate permitted shall be deemed to be an additional charge payable by Lessee on demand. Lessor shall have the right to enter the Project for the purpose of correcting or remedying any default, but neither any expenditure nor any such performance by Lessor shall be deemed to waive or release Lessee's default or the right of Lessor to take such action as may be otherwise permissible in the case of default. The Lessor shall have no liability to the Lessee for any loss or damages resulting from any such action by the Lessor, and entry by the Lessor under the provisions of Article V or VIII shall not constitute breach of the covenant for quiet enjoyment or an eviction. ~8.3 SURRENDER; REENTRY; RELETTING. In the event of cancellation or termination of this Lease either by operation of law or otherwise, or in the event Lessor gives notice to Lessee to vacate the Project pursuant to a default of this Lease, Lessee agrees to immediately peacefully surrender the Project to Lessor, and if Lessee refuses to do so, Lessor may, among other things, reenter and repossess the Project, using such force for that purpose as may be necessary, and Lessee shall nevertheless remain and continue to be liable to Lessor in a sum equal to all rent, additional rent and other charges payable under this Lease through the original term expiration date. If Lessor shall so reenter, Lessor may let or relet the Project or any part of it for the whole or any part of the remainder of the term or for a longer period, in Lessor's name or as the agent of Lessee, and out of any rent collected or received from subtenants or as a result of such letting or reletting, Lessor shall first pay to itself the cost and expense of retaking, repairing and/or altering the Project, and the cost and expense of removing all persons and property from the Project; second, pay to itself the cost and expense sustained in securing the new tenant, and if Lessor maintains and operates the Project, the cost and expense of operating and maintaining the Project; and, third, pay to itself any balance remaining on account of the liability of Lessee for the sum equal to all rent, additional rent and other charges due from Lessee through the original term expiration date. Should Lessor, pursuant to this paragraph, not collect rent which, after deductions is sufficient to fully pay to Lessor a sum equal to all rent, additional rent and other charges payable through the original term expiration date, the balance or deficiency shall, at the election of Lessor, be paid by Lessee on the first of each month. ~8.4 ACCELERATION. Whether or not Lessor relets the Project, Lessor may recover against Lessee as damages for loss of the bargain and not as a penalty, in addition to any other damages, an aggregate sum which, at the time of the termination of this Lease, represents the then present worth of the excess, if any, of (a) the sum of the rent, additional rent and all other charges payable by Lessee hereunder that would have accrued for the balance of the term, over (b) the amount of rent loss which Lessee proves that Lessor could reasonably avoid over the balance of the term. ~8.5 SUITS. Suit or suits for the recovery of the deficiency or damage or for any . installment or installments of rent, additional rent or any other charge due under this Lease may be brought by Lessor at any time or, at Lessor's election, from time to time, and nothing in this Lease shall be deemed to require Lessor to wait until the original term expiration date to bring suit. ~8.6 ; WAIVER.. Lessee hereby expressly waives service of any notice of intention to ; reenter. Lessee hereby, waives any and all rights to recover or to regain possession of the Project or to reinstate or to redeem this Lease as permitted or provided by any statute, law or decision now or -11- 71 hereafter in force and effect. No receipt of moneys by Lessor from Lessee after the cancellation or termination of the Lease shall reinstate, continue to extend the Lease, or affect any prior notice . given to Lessee or operate as a waiver of the right of Lessor to enforce the payment of rent and additional rent then due or subsequently falling due, or operate as a waiver of the right of Lessor to recover possession of the Project by suit, action, proceeding or other remedy, and any and all moneys so collected shall be deemed to be payments on account of the use and occupancy of the Project, or at the election of the Lessor, on account of Lessee's liability under this Lease. S8.7 PROOF OF CLAIM. Nothing in this Article shall limit or prejudice the right of Lessor to prove and obtain as liquidated damages in any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, reorganization or dissolution proceeding an amount equal to the maximum allowed by any statute or rule of law governing such proceeding, whether or not such amount is greater, equal to or less than the amount of the damages referred to in any of the preceding sections. S8.8 INJUNCTION. In the event ofa breach or a threatened breach by Lessee of any of its Lease obligations, Lessor shall have the right to enjoin and restrain the breach and to invoke any remedy allowed by law or in equity, in addition to other remedies provided in this Lease. ) S8.9 INDEPENDENT RIGHTS. The rights and remedies of Lessor are distinct, separate and cumulative, and no one of them, whether or not exercised by Lessor, shall be deemed to be to the exclusion of any of the others. S8.10 NON- WAIVER. The failure of Lessor to insist upon strict performance of any of Lessee's obligations under this Lease shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights or remedies that . Lessor may have and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default by Lessee. IX. NO RENT ABATEMENT S9.1 NO ABATEMENT. Unless specifically provided in this Lease, no abatement, diminution, or reduction of rent, additional rent, charges or other compensation shall be claimed by or allowed to Lessee, or any persons claiming under Lessee, under any circumstances, whether for inconvenience, discomfort, interruption of business, or otherwise. X. REGULATION S 1 0.1 FERC LICENSE. The' operation of the Project is governed by the terms and conditions of the FERC license for FERC Project No. 6461, as such terms and conditions may be revised or amended from time to time. The Lessee agrees to operate the Project and all facilities located thereon in conformance with all such terms and conditions, and to take all actions necessary to ensure that the Project is at all times in compliance with all such terms and conditions, and any orders that may be issued by the FERC with respect to the Project. .' -12- 72 . . . t'~~~~f'~;~;;~,'~V"i1t."1~~_i,.:~: ;:~3~~~~~\~S~~~t;_~~!:~;{' 910.2 INSPECTIONS. Lessee will at its own expense perform all inspections required by state or federal agencies with jurisdiction over the ProjeCt as required from time to time by such agencIes. 910.3 OWNERSHIP. Lessee understands and agrees that the ownership of the Project (FERC Project No. 6461) shall remain with the Lessor. XI. WATER RIGHTS 911.1 USE OF WATER. Lessor will retain the right to utilize the diversion dam that is part of the Project in any manner it deems necessary in order to obtain water under its water right for purposes of providing water to the residents of the City of Port Angeles. XII. ASSIGNMENT 912.1 BY LESSOR. This Lease shall be fully assignable by the Lessor or its assigns. 912.2 BY LESSEE. Neither Lessee, nor Lessee's successors or assigns, shall (unless expressly permitted in this Lease) assign, mortgage, give as security, pledge or encumber this Lease, in whole or in part, by openition of law or otherwise, or sublet the Project, in whole or in part, or permit the Project or any portion of it to be used by others, or enter into a management contract or other arrangement whereby the Project shall be managed and operated by anyone other than the Lessee, without the prior consent in writing of Lessor in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Consent to an assignment of this Lease by Lessor shall not constitute a release of liability of Lessee, and any guarantor, from further liability hereunder. If this Lease is assigned or transferred, or if all or any part of the Project is sublet by anybody other than Lessee, Lessor may collect rent from the assignee, transferee, subtenant or occupant, and apply the net amount collected to the rent reserved in this Lease, but no such assignment, subletting, occupancy or collection shall be deemed a waiver of any covenant or condition of this Lease, or the acceptance of the assignee, transferee, subtenant or occupant as lessee, or a release of Lessee from the performance or further performance by Lessee of its obligations under this Lease, and Lessee shall continue to be liable for all its obligations under this Lease. The consent by Lessor to an assignment, mortgage, pledge, encumbrance, transfer, management contract or subletting shall not in any way be construed to relieve Lessee from obtaining the express consent in writing of Lessor in each instance to any subsequent similar action that the Lessee may intend to take. 912.3 ASSUMPTION OF ASSIGNEE. An assignment made with Lessor's consent or as otherwise permitted shall not be effective until.Lessee delivers to Lessor an executed counterpart of such assignment containing an agreement, in recordable form, executed by the assignor and the proposed assignee, in which the assignee assumes the performance of the obligations of the -13- 73 assignor under this Lease to the original term expiration date. XIII. . MISCELLANEOUS ~13.1 ARBITRATION. Any disputes or controversies between the parties arising under this Lease, which cannot be resolved by informal discussion between the parties, shall be resolved by binding arbitration. Any such arbitration proceeding shall be held in the City of Seattle, Washington, in accordance with the rules of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service (JAMS) requiring the appointment of one (1) arbitrator. ~ 13.2 NOTICES. Every notice, approval, consent or other communication authorized or required by this Lease shall be effective if given in writing and if hand delivered or sent by United States Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, with postage prepaid, and addressed directly to Lessor at City of Port Angeles, Atln: Director of Public Works and Utilities, 321 E. 5th Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 and to Lessee at 25829 Jim Creek Road, Arlington, W A 98223, or at such other address as either party shall from time to time designate in writing. Every notice shall be deemed to be effective upon delivery, if delivered, or on the ,second business day after mailing, if mailed. All payments to the Lessor shall be made at the address designated for notices to the Lessor. ~13.3 CONSTRUCTION. In the event that any of the provisions of this Lease shall be court order be held invalid or in contravention of any of the laws of the United States or of any state . having jurisdiction over the subject matter or of any dispute arising under it, such invalidation shall not serve to affect the remaining portion of this Lease. This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. ~13.4 SUCCESSORS. This Lease shall bind Lessor and Lessee and their successors, heirs, assigns, administrators, and legal representatives, as the case may be. ~13.5 RECORDING. Lessee shall upon request of Lessor execute a short form of this Lease on a written document witnessed and acknowledged in a form capable of being recorded in the public records of the county where the Project are located. Lessee shall not record this Lease . without prior written consent of Lessor. ~13.6 COUNTERPARTS. This Lease is being executed simultaneously in counterparts, anyone of which shall be deemed an original. ~ 13.7 NO AGENCY. The parties hereto agree that the business relationship created by this Lease is solely that of Lessor and Lessee. Nothing contairied in this Lease shall make Lessee an agent, legal representative, partner, subsidiary, joint venturer or employee of Lessor. Lessee shall have no right or power to, and shall not bind or obligate Lessor in any way, manner or thing whatsoever, nor represent that it has any right to do so. ~13.8 TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time shall be of the essence in every part of this Lease. . -14- 74 . . . ;':; ,;~:t~'~~,~_~:J~{;::0;;':i !~Ht::'?:::'1 ~- '( . \"/!.:\;i9;Y< !,'~:'}::,~;.~") ,::}.~:';f:~}~ ! S13.9 BINDING EFFECT. This Lease shall become immediately binding on the "parties to this Lease on the date the last party signs it, notwithstanding that the term of this Lease shall commence upon a future date. S13.10 HEADINGS. The headings of the paragraphs and subparagraphs are inserted solely for the convenience of reference and shall not constitute a part of this Lease, nor limit, define or describe the scope or intent of this Lease. S13.11 JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY. If Lessee consists of more than one person, each individual's liability under this Lease shall be joint and several. IN WIlNESS WHEREOF, this Lease is entered into the day and year first above written. LESSOR: CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a Washington municipality By: Its: LESSEE: EBEY HILL HYDRO, Inc., a Washington corporation By: Its: -15- 75 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this _ day of , 2001, before me personally appeared , to me known to be the for the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN unto my hand and official seal this day of ,2000. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at My Commission Expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this ---,-day of , 200 I, before me personally appeared to me known to be the of Ebey Hill Hydro, Inc., a Washington corporation, that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated the he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEEN unto my hand and official seal this day of ,2000. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at My Commission Expires: -16- 76 . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ,1.H"t01U;:":'~;j,-J'1'i\'7n;';;,~ " ,,' ^~,~ ~ORT ANd'ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 19,2000 MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities lnterlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement Summary: The City and PUD have been working on an agreement to provide mutual aid in the case of emergencies and also to utilize each other's specialized equipment. This agreement will also satisfy Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rules. Recommendation: Approve the Interlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement with Public Utilit District No.1 and authorize the Cit Mana er to si n. Back2round / Analysis: The City of Port Angeles and Public Utility District No.1 ofClallam County (PUD) have been providing mutual support with manpower and equipment for several years. The City and PUD have agreements in place for such items as wholesale purchase of water and joint purchasing of supplies; however, we do not have a formal agreement for mutual aid in case of an emergency or the need to borrow each other's specialized equipment. We have been working with the PUD to write an agreement that will allow our agencies to utilize each other's manpower and equipment and set forth covenants for this use. This agreement is especially critical when we have a severe storm or emergency that requires mutual aid. FEMA has advised both agencies that they will pay for the exchange of manpower only if we have a written agreement in place. This agreement has been discussed with the Utility Advisory Committee and they concur with the staff recommendation to approve the agreement. Attach: lnterlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement N :\Agree-Contract\cc yudinterlocal. wpd . N :\Agree-Contract\cc Jludinterlocal. wpd 77 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AND MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT . This agreement is made and entered into this _ day of , 2000, by and between the City of Port Angeles (City) and the Public Utility District No.1 ofClallam County (PUD). REPRESENTATIONS 1. The City and the PUD are each charged with the responsibility of constructing and maintaining their facilities and maintaining staff, equipment, and materials to perform the necessary work therefor. 2. Each party from time to time has need for additional labor, equipment or materials or has labor, equipment and materials available in certain locations which could be used by the other party to this agreement. 3. The City and the PUD recognize the importance of working together in times of emergencies and of jointly making equipment and personnel available during routine conditions, to best serve the residents and businesses of the greater Port Angeles and Clallam County areas. 4. Both parties also recognize that a mutual aid agreement is necessary in order to provide the highest level of reliability and responsiveness and will provide the basis for each party to provide or receive assistance in a coordinated manner. . 5. The City and the PUD further recognize that the mutual lending of aid and equipment needs to be voluntary and that crews and equipment need to be recallable by the assisting utility at any time. 6. This agreement is entered into pursuant to the Washington State Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW. Each party has the necessary authority to enter into this agreement. 7. This agreement does not call for or provide for. any additional organization other than the two parties involved. AGREEMENTS In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: . 1. Purpose and Intent.' The 'purpose of this agreement is to permit the parties to make the most efficient use of their resources by enabling them to cooperate by furnishing each other labor and equipment when available for construction, maintenance, and repair activities. It is intended and understood that the work of the owner of the requested resources will have first priority. . 78 Interlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement - Page I of 5 E:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRAcrS\PUD-INTERLOCAL.wpd . . . r!~f~ff'~;<!;::!'1_rt;r:";'lt'#.:\f~j~\'";' ",_"t:)?ii";;Ni$j~l~'~~~:}~~#'r, 2. Duration. This agreement shall commence on the date of signature by both parties and shall continue until terminated by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 3. Request for Services. Each request for service shall be in writing and shall specify the particular service required, the amounts and types oflabor and equipment required, the location of the work, the estimated cost of the work (if applicable), and any other information pertinent to the request. The party which has been requested to assist will indicate its acceptance or rejection ofthe request, have it signed by its authorized official, and return one copy to the requesting party. In cases of emergency, the request and approval may be done verbally but must be documented in writing within 48 hours of the verbal request. 4. Payment. The parties agree that the requesting party shall reimburse the assisting party for the costs of the labor and equipment in accordance with the schedule of fees established by the assisting party, except that there shall be no charge for loans of equipment for 5 days or less. The assisting party will invoice the requesting party upon completion of the work or use of equipment, and payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of such invoice. The parties further agree that at times, labor and equipment may be furnished by one party to the other in exchange for labor and equipment furnished by the other or in recognition of the benefit to the party and/or customers of said party. Such exchange or benefit shall constitute reimbursement as required in this agreement and shall be documented in writing and agreed to by both parties. 5. Loan of Equipment. a. The requesting party will notify the assisting party of the need for the equipment or vehicle (hereafter referred to collectively as "equipment") in advance of the needed date to allow sufficient time for the assisting party to determine the availability of the equipment. b. Determination of whether to loan the equipment will be at the sole discretion of the utility which owns the equipment and may be based on whether the equipment is available and on an evaluation ofthe skill, knowledge, and ability of the requesting party's personnel to safely and efficiently operate the equipment. c. If the owner determines that it will not loan the equipment without the owner's experienced operator, then the owner will so notify the requesting party. The requesting party may then revise its request to include performance of work and will be governed by section 6 of this agreement. d. The requesting party will make all arrangements to pick up and return the requested equipment. In addition, the requesting party will properly store the equipment and will maintain it in good repair. Interlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement - Page 2 of 5 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\PUD-INTERLOCAL. wpd 79 e. The requesting party will be responsible for the proper care, maintenance, and security of the equipment until the equipment is returned to the owner. Any damage other than . normal wear and tear will be the responsibility of the party in possession of the equipment at the time the equipmert is damaged. 6. Performance of Work. a. Upon request from either party to the other, the assisting party agrees to perform work related to the requesting party's electric or water utility systems, subject to the assisting party reserving the right to deny or approve each request in its sole discretion. . b. Personnel shall remain on the assisting utility's payroll. Each utility shall pay its personnel in accordance with its collective bargaining agreement or established pay scale. c. The requesting party shall: i. Monitor and watch workers for fatigue or any other safety factors and ensure safe work conditions and procedures. ii. Establish a primary contact person for disseminating information to assisting personnel, including general directions, clearances, switching orders, completion of work, reassignment, etc. . iii. Assign assisting crews to work as operating units, which will follow their own work practices and work under their own supervisors. d. Each of the parties shall at all times be solely responsible for the acts or the failures to act of its personnel that occur or arise in any way out of the performance of this agreement by its personnel only and shall indemnify, defend, and hold the other party and its personnel and officials harmless from all costs, expenses, losses and damages, including cost of defense, incurred as a result of any acts or omissions of such responsible party's personnel relating to the performance of this agreement. Ifinjury or damage is caused by the joint action of the parties, they will be responsible in accordance with their percentage of negligent conduct contributing to the loss or injury. Each party expressly waives any right to interpose a bar to recovery against it as a result of immunity of any kind including Worker's Compensation and employer protection. This provision has been specifically negotiated. 7. General Provisions. a. Each party will assign an individual to annually review the effectiveness of this mutual aid agreement over the previous year and make any recommendations necessary to modify the agreement. b. The requesting party will obtain any required permits and comply with all applicable legal requirements, including bid laws. . 80 Interlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement - Page 3 of 5 E:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\PUD-INTERLOCAL.wpd t::I?::j"<'J~f":-}:,:i';,(,::~;;.c'A;-;'l'"k" . --, '<f(;;;)~~f.*?;~:::;~r-~r-"'~ c. The relationship of the parties shall be that of independent contracting entities. . i. Each party's employees, while engaged in the performance of any work under this agreement, shall be considered employees of said party only and not of the other party, and claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the party of said party's employees while so engaged, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of said party, except that ifboth parties' negligent acts or omissions have contributed to damage or injury to a third party, then each party shall be responsible proportionate to the amount of its negligence that contributed to the injury or damage. ii. Each party shall assume full responsibility for payment of all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required for its employees, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, worker's compensation insurance, social security benefits, and income tax withholding. d. No liability shall attach to the parties to this agreement by reason of entering into the agreement except as expressly provided herein. e. This agreement cannot be assigned, transferred, or any portion subcontracted . hereunder without the written agreement of both parties. f. The parties agree that should an emergency arise during the contemplated period of use of equipment or performance of work, which in the sole opinion ofthe assisting party requireJ the return of the equipment or manpower, the requesting party shall make every reasonable effort to return it as soon as possible. g. The parties agree to maintain records of all costs incurred under this agreement, in accordance with a work order accounting system as prescribed and approved by the State auditor's office. These records shall be kept available for inspection and audit by the party requesting the service for 5 years after payment of the requested service. . 8. Dispute Resolution. Both parties agree that any dispute that arises out of the interpretation, performance, enforcement, or any other aspect of this Agreement, shall be resolved by submitting the same to binding arbitration which shall proceed according to the rules and regulations ofthe American Arbitration Association; provided, however, that each party shall select a nominating person within ten (10) days of notice of the dispute from either party to the other. The PUD shall elect one nominating person and the City shall elect one nominating person. The two nominating persons shall then meet and promptly select the arbitration from the Seattle Office of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service list~ If the nominating persons do not select a person who agrees to serve as arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the first notice, the arbitrator shall be selected by a Superior Court Judge ofClallamCounty. Interlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement - Page 4 of 5 E:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\PUO-INTERLOCAL.wpd 81 82 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by the undersigned duly authorized officials. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 By: By: Michael McInnes, General Manager Michael Quinn, City Manager Approved as to form: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney Attest: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk lnterlocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement - Page 5 of 5 E:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\PUD-INTERLOCAL. wpd . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO December 19,2000 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Amendment Extending Solid Waste Private Hauler Contracts Through 2001 Summary: The City's Private Hauler Contracts with Murrey's Disposal and the City of Sequim expire December 31, 2000. An amendment to the contract is needed to continue service to these large customers for the calendar year 2001. Tipping fees will remain the same at $63.00 per ton. Recommendation: Recommend Council approve the amendment to the Private Hauler Contracts with Murrey's Disposal and the City of Sequim for service during 2001 and authorize the Cit Mana er to si n the amendments. Back~round / Analysis: The City executed contracts with Murrey's disposal and the City of Sequim in February of2000 for landfilling of the refuse they collect. The contracts expire on December 31, 2000. The contracts also allows for amendments to extend the contracts for additional periods. The attached amendments will extend each of the contracts for an additional one year period, and will expire on December 31, 2001. The original contract is also attached for reference. PAMC 13.56.045 allows special rates for commercial haulers of over 2000 tons per year that deliver compacted refuse to the landfill and utilize reduced services at the landfill. Tipping fees for these haulers were set at $63.00 per ton in 1997 (Ord. 2950,2/28/97). These amendments have been drafted by the City Attorney and discussed with the Utility Advisory Committee. The UAC agrees with the staff recommendation to approve both contract extensions. N :\Agree-Contract\S Whaulerscc. wpd 83 FIRST AMENDMENT TO SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL CONTRACT . THIS AMENDMENT to the solid waste disposal contract dated February 7, 2000 is made - and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "City", and Murrey's Disposal, hereinafter called the "Contractor". WHEREAS, the City and Contractor are parties to a solid waste disposal contract in effect until December 31, 2000; and WHEREAS, the City and Contractor have agreed to extend the solid waste disposal contract through December 31, 2001; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Contractor hereby agree that the solid waste disposal contract dated February 7,2000 shall be amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 2, Terms of Contract, is hereby amended to read as follows: The term of this contract shall commence on January 1, 2000 and continue until December 31, 2001 or until such additional time as the parties may agree by a written amendment extending this contract for an additional period based on mutually acceptable terms and conditions. This contract shall terminate in the event that the City's legal authority to operate the landfill expires, is rescinded, or is invalidated. . DATED this _ day of CITY OF PORT ANGELES MURREY'S DISPOSAL Michael Quinn, City Manager Name: Title: ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D.-Knutson, City Attorney . 84 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\murreys-arnend. wpd November 30, 2000 (9:47am) . . . FIRST AMENDMENT TO SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL CONTRACT THIS AMENDMENT to the solid waste disposal contract dated February 14,2000 is made and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "City", and the City of Sequim, hereinafter called the "Contractor". WHEREAS, the City and Contractor are parties to a solid waste disposal contract in effect until December 31, 2000; and WHEREAS, the City and Contractor have agreed to extend the solid waste disposal contract through December 31, 2001; NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Contractor hereby agree that the solid waste disposal contract dated February 14,2000 shall be amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 2, Terms of Contract, is hereby amended to read as follows: The term of this contract shall commence on January 1,2000 and continue until December 31, 2001 or until such additional time as the parties may agree by a written amendment extending this contract for an additional period based on mutually acceptable terms and conditions. This contract shall terminate in the event that the City's legal authority to operate the landfill expires, is rescinded, or is invalidated. DATED this _ day of CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF SEQUIM Michael Quinn, City Manager Name: Title: ATTEST: ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney City Attorney E:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\sequim-amend.wpd December 4, 2000 (11:28am) 85 . .. . 86 o ~ e; ~ORTANGELES \AI ASH I N G TON, U. S. A. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date: December 11,2000 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council From: John Hicks, Recreation Manager Subject: Langley Property Acquisition and Inter-local Agreement with Clallam County Summary: The City of Port Angeles has successfully negotiated a purchase price with the Langley family for the acquisition of railroad right-of-way and property, for the purposes oflinking the Waterfront Trail to the west with the Olympic Discovery Trail to the east. The Langley property purchase is a grant funded project through the DNRI ALEA program. The property includes approximately 4.36 acres and 1900 feet ofrailroad right-of-way. The sale price was agreed upon by both parties for $164,000. Additionally, Langley's will donate an approximate 650 If(20' wide) of easement worth $18,000 to the City. Due to the fact that the City only has $133,000 of grant funding available, Clallam County has agreed to be an active participant by funding the remaining $31,000 of the tota purchase price. . In order for Clallam County to participate in the purchase of the property, an interlocal agreement allowing the City to accept the funds needs to be established. As detailed in the purchase and sale agreement, the County in essence will be funding the third and final payment of the property. Recommendation: The Real Estate Committee recommends approval of an interlocal agreement with Clallam County to accept funds for the purchase of the Langely property. Additionally, the Real Estate Committe{ recommends proceeding with the acquisition of the Langley property as outlined in the attached draft purchase and sale agreement for the purchase price of$164,000, plus closing costs. Also, the Real Estate Committee recommends authorization by the Mayor to sign all legal documents necessary to complete the transaction. Background/Analysis: On July 12, 1998 the City entered into an agreement with DNR for the acquisition of property in aid of the Centennial Trail Acquisition Project. The grant amount of $148,000 was to be used for two property acquisitions: 1) The Langley purchase, located near the mouth of Morse Creek at the trail's east end; 2) The Deane purchase, located northeast of the term inous of Moss Street fronting Port Angeles Harbor. Lane:ley Due to the Langley family's desire to reconfigure the area to be acquired and the limitations of grant funding, it was recommended by the Real Estate Committee to pursue a joint purchase by involving the County. Clallam County has agreed to assist with the purchase to complete the transaction; thus an agreement needs to be established to accept County funds. . Deane The Deane property is currently under negotiations and will be dealt with separately. The local match requirement will have been met through the purchase of the Francis Street property as well as the donated property easement by the Langely's. The project that was proposed to DNR included Francis Street. Thus the reimbursement request to DNR will include all acquisitions, and the reimbursement to the City will be in full. 87 AGREEMENT DRAFT Whereas, the City of Port Angeles and the County of ClaIIam have worked cooperatively to establish the Olympic Discovery Trail which benefits all city and county residents, and . Whereas, acquisition of property as described in Exhibit A from the Langley family near the mouth of Morse Creek is necessary to the completion of a segment of the Olympic Discovery Trail and the cost of acquisition exceeds the funds immediately available for that purpose from either entity, but that the Langley family desires that the transaction be completed under one agreement, and, Whereas, Clallam County has obtained grant funding for the additional cost but is able to fund that cost out of local trail funds and utilize the grant funds to construct the trail, which will facilitate the sellers' desires to spread payments over time, . Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual benefits deriving to the parties from the linking of City and County trail to be accomplished through this transaction the parties agree as follows: 1. The City of Port Angeles wiII complete the acquisition of the Langley property in December 2000, for the previously agreed cost of $164,000.00 and take title thereto. 2. Upon authorization by the Washington State Department of Transportation, the Clallam County Road Department will utilize the $31,000.00 of grant funding obtained for the additional acquisition costs of this property for the purpose of actually constructing this trail segment, with construction anticipated in 2001. 3. Following completion of construction, the City of Port Angeles wi II assume all maintenance for the trail. . 88 :F:,~Y!/'\.1~-:'~"'~' "i,:~' :\~.r;~~;~ ,(~(;,'~"";,:";?;'~ ,{~' ~I;\;,:~,;~:~\;, DRAFT 4. Clallam County further agrees that it willfdrward $31,000 oflocal trail funding to the City of . Port Angeles in January of2002 to facilitate the required final payment to the Langley Family for this property acquisition. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by and \.through their respective officers thereunto duly authorized on the date written below their t:,l' ~signatures. APPROVED BY: CITY OF PORT ANGELES CLALLAM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Howard V. Doherty, Jr., Chair Carole Y. Boardman . Stephen P. Tharinger Date: Date: ATTEST: Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: DeborahS. Kelly Deputy Prosecuting Attorney . 89 OFFER AND AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND KENNETH R. LANGLEY AND ALICE M. LANGLEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE . The City of Port Angeles, hereinafter also referred to as "City", in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein set forth, offers to purchase from the undersigned owners, Kenneth R. Langley and Alice M. Langley, husband and wife, and their heirs and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "Seller",the real estate legally described in the attached Exhibit "A" and shown in the attached Exhibit "C" located in Clallam County, Washington, hereinafter referred to as "Property". The terms and conditions of this Offer and Agreement are as follows: 1. Acceptance. The Seller, by delivering or mailing an executed copy of this Offer and Agreement to the City of Port Angeles at the address stated below, accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions of this Offer and Agreement, and said acceptance shall constitute a binding agreement between the parties, hereinafter also referred to as "Agreement". 2. Conveyance. After Seller's acceptance of this Offer and Agreement, the City of Port Angeles shall purchase the Property from Seller, and Seller shall convey the Property to the City by statutory warranty deed in the form of the attached Exhibit "D", subject only to the specifically noted exceptions or reservations approved by the City therein. . 3. Seller's Obligations. Seller agrees to perform and comply with the following covenants and agreements: a. Seller shall convey to the City clear title that is acceptable to the City by delivery of a properly executed statutory warranty deed in the form of the attached Exhibit "D" together with a properly executed excise tax affidavit and IRS form W-9. b. Seller shall convey to the City of Port Angeles a donation easement of the area legally described in the attached Exhibit "B" and shown in the attached Exhibit "C", hereinafter referred to as "Donation Easement".. Said conveyance shall be by an easement document in the form of the attached Exhibit "E". Said Donation Easement shall be for trail and/or utility purposes. As set forth in this Agreement, "utility purposes" shall include purposes related to water, wastewater, stormwater, and underground electric and telecommunication facilities . but shall not include natural gas, oil, or overhead electric and telecommunication facilities. The Seller shall not be obligated to pay any costs for the installation of such utility facilities except for standard connection fees as may be required by City ordinance to be paid for any new utility connection. . Langley Purchase & Sale Agreement - Page 1 of 4 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\langley-trail 90 . . . *;~~~?f;i~~t';~~t'0l~~:~~,~,~:'*l/ ::;.:-i':,-"(};,~.'~{~~'1;;~~\\';~~f~~'~~~~ c. Seller agrees to satisfy of record from the sale proceeds at or before the transfer of the interest all encumbrances and special assessments which are superior to the statutory warranty deed other than the specifically noted exceptions or reservations approved by the City therein. d. Seller represents and warrants that, as of the date of closing, Seller has no knowledge of hazardous or toxic wastes or substances on or in the Property or Donation Easement. Seller shall provide written notice to the City immediately upon Seller becoming aware that the Property or Donation Easement is being or has been contaminated with hazardous waste or toxic waste or substances. Seller further represents and warrants that there are no .~, underground storage tanks located on the Property or Donation Easement and that there is no pending or threatened investigation or remedial action by any governmental agency regarding the release of hazardous substances or the violation of any environmental law at the Property or Donation Easement. As used herein, the term "hazardous or toxic wastes or substances" shall mean any substance or material now or hereafter defined or regulated as a hazardous waste or substance, toxic waste or substance, pollutant, or contaminant under any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance governing any substance that could cause actual or suspected harm to human health or the environment, specifically including, but not limited to, petroleum, petroleum byproducts, and asbestos. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive closing or termination of the Agreement. e. Seller hereby grants to the City the right of immediate occupancy and use ofthe Property '. and Donation Easement for trail and utility purposes from and after the date of acceptance of this Offer and Agreement,py Seller, provided, however, that the trail shall not be opened for public use until the fencing, gates, and signs required under paragraph 4 have been installed. f. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the Seller. g. All terms and conditions of the purchase and sale ofthe Property are expressly contained in this Agreement, and the Seller agrees that no representative or agent ofthe City has made any representation or promise with respect to this Offer and Agreement not expressly contained herein. 4. City's Obligations. The City agrees to perform and comply with the following covenants and agreements: a. The City shall pay to Seller the sum of One Hundred Sixty Four Thousand and No/IOO Dollars ($164,000.00) in three payments. The first payment shall be on the date of closing in the amount of$66,500, the second payment shall be one year later or before in the amount of $66,500, and the third payment shall be one year after the second payment or before in the amount of $31 ,000. Langley Purchase & Sale Agreement - Page 2 of 4 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\langley-trail 91 b. The City agrees that the Property and Donation Easement shall be used for trail and/or utility purposes and that, ifthe Property or Donation Easement is not so used for a period of . time in excess of two (2) years, Seller shall have the right of first refusal to purchase the Property at its fair market value and/or for reversion ofthe Donation Easement, as may be applicable under the circumstances. c. The City shall pay the expenses incident to preparation and recording of the statutory warranty deed, any transfer taxes, and the procurement of the necessary title policies. d. The City shall install and maintain a four (4) foot high chain lipk fence or other type of fence as agreed to by the Seller on both sides ofthe Donation Easement, and to extend from the west end ofthe Donation Easement north to the beach (along the boundary ofthe Seller's property and the City's property) as shown in the attached Exhibit "C". Said fencing will include two (2) pedestrian gates and two (2) vehicle gates at locations acceptable to the Seller. The City further agrees to install a four (4) foot high chain link fence or other type of barrier as agreed by the Seller along the east side of the trail along any portion of the Property that is adjacent to the Seller's ownership upon request of the Seller. The chain link fence must be installed in a professional manner and will be maintained and repaired upon request of the Seller. The City further agrees to increase the height of the fence from four (4) feet to six (6) feet upon request of the Seller, if the Seller experiences vandalism or malicious mischief problems associated with use of the trail on the Property or Donation Easement. e. The City shall preserve existing vegetative buffers between the trail and the residences . on the Seller's adjacent property, provided that said buffers shall be located on the portions of the Property and Donation Easement not utilized for construction, operation, and maintenance of the actual trail and drainage surfaces. The City further agrees to not use chemical vegetative control methods. f. The City agrees that Seller shall retain the right to use the trail grade for access in the event of an emergency which blocks the driveway access into the Seller's adjacent property, provided that other access is not available through the Four Seasons Ranch area, until such reasonable time as repair of the driveway access blockage can be achieved. g. The City agrees to install "private property" and "no trespassing" signs at appropriate intervals along the trail and at the pedestrian and vehicle crossing gates and to install a "yield to vehicular traffic" sign at each of the vehicular crossing gates. The City agrees to install vehicle traffic control bollards along the vehicle crossings. 5. Closing. The date of closing shall be on or before December 31, 2000. All representations and warranties contained herein shall survive the closing. The City and the Seller shall, immediately on demand, deposit with the closing agent, Olympic Peninsula Title Company, all instruments and monies required to complete the purchase in accordance with this Agreement. "Closing" shall be deemed to have occurred when all documents are recorded and the sale proceeds are available to Seller. If this sale cannot be completed by the above date, because of circumstances beyond the control of the party whose performance is . Langley Purchase & Sale Agreement - Page 3 of 4 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\langley-trail 92 . . . delayed, closing shall be extended seven (7) days beyond cessation of such circumstance but in no event more than thirty (30) days beyond die above date. Time is ofthe essence in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Exhibits. The following Exhibits are attached to this Agreement and are hereby incorporated herein: a. Exhibit "A" is the legal description ofthe Property. b. Exhibit "B" is the legal description of the Donation Easement. c. Exhibit "C" is the map of the Property and Donation Easement. d. Exhibit "D" is the form of the statutory warranty deed for the Property. e. Exhibit "E" is the form of the Donation Easement document. PURCHASER: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 By: Larry Doyle, Mayor Date: ,2000 Attested: Approved as to form: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney SELLER: KENNETH R. LANGLEY AND ALICE M. LANGLEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE Signed and accepted this day of ,2000: Kenneth R Langley Alice M. Langley Langley Purchase & Sale Agreement - Page 4 of 4 F:\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\langley-trail 93 ~;,. "AU ~ rt'( ,,{ t=>.14. OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL R-O- W (LANGLEY TO I ) A PORTION OF TIlE FORMER CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST:PAUL, & PACIFIC RAILROAD, LYING WITHIN TIlE N 1/2 OF TIlE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTII, RANGE 5 WEST, W.M., CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT TIlE SOUTIlEAST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 8, TIlENCE N 87056'57" W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NWI/4 NWI/4, 132.55 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD AND TO TIlE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5679.25 FEET, AND SUBTENDING A CHORD BEARING OF N 15020'25"E, SAID CHORD HAVING A LENGTH OF 51.38 FEET; TIlENCE NORTIlERL Y, ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID , CURVE, 51.38 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0031'06", TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 87056' 57"W, 71.97 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE' EASTERLY 70.00 FEET OF SAID RAILROAD AND THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5749.25 FEET, AND SUBTENDING A CHORD BEARING OF N 15036'22" E, SAID CHORD HAVING ^ LENGTH OF 35.10 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 35.10 FEET; THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0020' 59"; TIlENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, N 15046'52" E, 780.89, FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCA VE WESTERLY, AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 553.69 FEET; , , THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE AND ALONG mE ARC OF SAID CURVE 299,47 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30059'19" TO THE soum LINE OF 1HE NORTH 155.99 FEET OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NW1/4 OF SAID SECI10N 8; ", I iHENCE S 88006'54"E, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 36.51 TO 1HE WESTERLY LINE OF TIlE EASTERLY 35.00 FEET OF SAID RAILROAD AND 1HE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 588.69 FEET AND S.uBTENDING A CHORD BEARING OF S 0048'33" W, SAID CHORD HAVING A LENGTH OF 304.17 FEET; TIIENCE SOUTIlERL Y, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE AND ALONG mE ARC OF SAID CURVE 307.66 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29056'39"; . THENCE S 15046'52" W, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, 170:14 FEET TO niE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 16.90 FEET OF THE NW1/4 NW1I4 OF SAID SECTION 8; . ' THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE S 3001'26" W, 158.51 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD; . THENCE S Is046'52"W, ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, 456.16 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 5679.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTIlERL Y ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, 18.02 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF-QolO'SS", TO nm POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.34 AC. (58,490 S,F.) nus DESCRIPTION IS BASED ON SECTION SUBDIVISION SHOWN ON VOLUME 39 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES HEREIN CONFORM TO SAID SURVEY. 94 5f~'~ /~~? /91 EXPlR6 8- :$t:?-~d . :. . ex#/e/r OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL R-O-W (LANGLEY TO ll1E CITY OF PORT ANGELES) . THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCELS LOCATED IN THE NI/2 OF THE NWII4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, W.M. CLALLAM COUNTY, WA.: THAT PORTION OF THE NWI/4 OF THE NWI/4 OF SAID SECTION 8 LYING EASTERLY OF THE FORMER CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC (C.M.S.P.&P.) RAILROAD, SAID PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NW 1/4 NW 1/4, THENCE ALONG THE t~SOUll-1 LINE OF SAID NWI/4 NW1/4, N 87056'57"W, 132.55 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF 'j.SAID RAILROAD; . ;THENCE NORTHERLY, 69.40 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF A ;'1 NON- TANGENT CURVE, CONCA VE EASTERLY, HA VING A RADIUS OF 5679.25 FEET, AND ;SUBTENDlNG A CHORD BEARING OF N 15-025'52"E, SAID CHORD HAVING A LENGTH OF .,.:.69.39 FEET; 'THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE N 15046' 52"E, 532.68 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID NWI/4 NWI/4; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE S 1"111 '26"W, 585.05 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NWI/4 NWI/4 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID FORMER C.M.S.P.&P. RAILROAD DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 8, THENCE ALONG THE SOUU{ LINE OF SAID NWI/4 NW1/4, N 870S6'S7"W, 132.55 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; :rHENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE N 87056'57" W, 71.82 FEET TO THE rWESTERL Y LINE OF THE EASTERLY 70.00 FEET OF SAID RAILROAD; . -,THENCE NORTHERLY 51.34 FEET ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE AND ALONG TI-IE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5749.25 FEET AND ;/ XSUBTENDING A CHORD BEARING OF N 15010'32" E, SAID CHORD HAVING A LENGTH OF 51.34 FEET; . THENCE S 87056'57" E, 71.97 FEET TO TIm EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY 51.38 FEET, ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND ALONG THE ARC OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5679.25 FEET, AND SUBTENDlNG A CHORD OF S 15020'25" W, SAID CHORD HAVING A LENGTH OF 51.38 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID FORMER C.M.S.P.&P. RAILROAD DESCRIBED AS \ FOllOWS: . COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 8, THENCE N 3001'26" E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NWII4 NW1/4, 585.05 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID RAILROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 15046'52" W, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 76.52 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 16.90 fEET OF SAID NWI/4 NWI/4; THENCE N 3001'26"E, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 158.51 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE EASTERLY 35:00 fEET Of SAID RAILROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, N 15046'52" E, 170.14 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCA VE WESTERLY AND HA VING A RADIUS OF 588.69 FEET; THENCE NORTIIERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 307.66 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29056'39" TO TilE SOUTII LINE OF THE NORTII 155.99 FEET OF TilE NEI/4 NW 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE S 88006'54" 1:., ALONG SAID SOUTII LINE, 36.34 FEET TO TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD; . 95 ~ .. ~ 1-;',"6," t ;A . LANGLEY TO THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ALL OF THAT 100 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND BEING THE FORMER CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD SITUATED WITHIN THE SW 1,4 OF THE NW 1,4 AND THE NW 1,4 OF THE SW 1,4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, W.M., CALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID 100 FOOT WIDE STRIP WHICH LIES SOUTHERLY OF THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTH LINE OF EBEN STREET, PER VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 40, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID 100 FOOT WIDE STRIP LYING WITHIN RIGHT-OF -WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO.101 PER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY DRAWING, MORSE CREEK TRUCK LANES, SHEET 3 OF 5, APPROVED NOVEMBER 24, 1953. CONTAINING 4.47 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. . . 96 ~JJ,&'r 'iv' . THENCE SOUTHERLY 315.91 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY UNE AND ALONG TIlE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCA VE WESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 623.69 FEET, AND SUBTENDlNG A CHORD BEARING OF S 1016'14" W, SAID CHORD HAVING A LENGTH OF 312.54 FEET; THENCE S 15046'52" W, ALONG SAID EASTERLY UNE OF SAID RAILROAD, 248.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ~i --...-. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS CONTAINING 1.42 AC. (62,061 S.F.) THIS DESCRIPTION IS BASED ON SECTION SUBDIVISION SHOWN ON VOLUME 39 OF * SURVEYS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BEARINGS AND : DISTANCES HEREIN CONFORM TO SAID RECORDED SURVEY. . . 97 , "'"- E}f.~~f' Ii 6~1 r.. . 'j . - . "':l" O. OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL EASEMENT (LANGLEY TO CITY OF PORT ANGELES) . An easement for construction and maintenance of the Olympic Discovery Trail, being a portion of former Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way within Government Lot 4 in Section 5, and within the northerly 156.00 feet of the northwest quarter of Section 8 all in Township 30 North, Range 5 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington, said easement being 20.00 feet in width, having a centerline described as follows: Commenc:ing at the northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 8; Thence South 88006'54" East, along the Nort/:l line of said Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, a distance of 132.00 feet to the northeast comer of a parcel of land described in recorded Deed Volume 824, Page 5n, records of said Clallam County; Thence South 3001'26" West, a distance of 156.00 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel; Thence North 88006'54" West along the southerly boundary of said parcel and the westerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 138.59 feet to a point on a. non~tangent curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 582.74 feet, to whlch,J)olnt a radial line bears North 75034'27" East, said point being the southerly terminus of the centerline . .~. of said easement and the Point of Beginning; . : . . "., :.. Thence northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 172.46 feet, through a central angle of 16057'23" to the North line of said Section 8; . Thence c~ntinuing northwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 116.41 feet, through a central angle of 11026'44" to the beginning of a compound curve, concave to the southwest and having a radius of 555.03 feet, to which point a radial line bears North 47010'20" East; Thence nQrthwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 347.76 feet, through a central angle of 35053'58" to the northerly prolongation of the East line of the West 864.05 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 8 and the northwesterly terminus of said centerline. Containing 0.29 acres All bearings contained herein are based on recorded Survey Volume 39, Page 6. 98 CD CD . RT ANGELES ~PG35) pER AF OF SURvEY , (VOL 39 CUR V[ 1 L 172,46' R 582, 74 ' Ie 16'57'23" CURVE 2 L 116,41' R 582. 74 ' lei 1 '26 '44 ' , CURVE 3 L 347. 76 ' R 555. 03 ' / e 35' 53 '58 ' , . lu ,-1. c,v t-:~ v ~ .- .,. p SEC. 5 SEC. 8 - c ~ N 88'06'54" W -1. 'lvX- t v lu~ ~~ -Jlu '-~ V) W~ EllPIRD '6'.20_ ~ .__,..~". n, ~~. ~ 20' WIDE PROPOSED EASEMENT LANGLEY TO CITY OF PORT ANGELES " '" (,V '?:~ \..: APPROX. LIMITS OF FORMER 100' WIDE R.R. R/W ~ S 88'06'54" E 175.00' .. VI 5 75'34'27 . "~'~}~~~'~,t ~. ~ ~, ~. "'t . ~ NW CORNER OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SEC. 5 SEC. 8 S 88'06 '54" E 132.00' '''' (,V '?:~ \, ~ \Co ,"-I C atO , It) l"')_ c tr) .~ OL YMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL PRELIMINARY SKETCH OF PROPOSED EASEMENT (LANGLEY TO CITY OF PORT ANGELES) IN SEC. 5 8/ 8, T.JO N.. R. 5 W" W.M. ,t":"". ~ ~/'.- I I I , I \ SOUTH LINE OF THE Ni \ 75599 FEET OF THE \ NW 1/4 NW 7/4 SEC I I I I "-l 'I I I J I I J J J , , i I , I I fJs' I I I 3S'/ "'i , , 'VI. ~i~ ~/~ ,/'V </ , I I , , , I /I /~L5 I , J / I J I I I I , I I I ",I , I ,~/g i31~ ~r I , I I I I . I I S.E. COR. NW 7/4 NW 7/4 SECTION 8 /;/ .../ ~JUltei17 ...... OL YMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL R-O- W (PRELIMINARY) PREPARED BY R.M. WALTERS L.S., 12/15/99 NORTH LINE SEe. 8 ( ~o NUMBER Ll L2 L.3 L4 L5 L6 DIRECTION S 87'56'57" E S 88'06'54" E S 03"01'26" W S 75'46'52" W S 75'46'52" IV S 88'06'54" E DISTANCE 77.97' J6.51' 158.51' 17014' 7652' J6.J4' NUMBER DEL TA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD DIRECTION CHORD LENGTH Cl 00'JO'42" 574925 51.34 S 15'10'J2" W 51.34 C2 00'20'59" 5749.25 35.10 S 15'36'22" W J5.10 CJ 00'37'06" 5679.25 57.38 S 15'20'25" W 51,38 C4 00'70'55" 5679.25 1802 S 15'47 '25" W 1802 C5 30'59'79" 553.69 299.47 N 00'17'72" E 295.83 C6 29'56'39" 588.69 307.66 N 00'48'33" E 304.17 C7 29'07'77" 62J.69 J7597 N 01'16'74" E 312.54 C8 00'5"47" 5749.25 86.44' N 15'21'07" E 86.44 C9 00'42'07 " 5679.25 69.40' N 75'25'52" E 69.39 LANGLEY TO CLALLAM COUNTY LANGLEY TO CITY OF PORT ANGELES 100 iJ iiiiii Scale: 7" = 700' 700 '200 100 ll:J <.J Ll t f) 77.82' 'J( 732.55' c ~""'.c::r:'c::~" r . NE COR. NW '/4 NW . SECTION 8 S 88"06 '54" E \ . ;;- XII-, 131 ~ (r- ~, ~ .;p:~'r,~~'i;lc"i~i':':,;j/<I'" -'. ;.t'if'~'~*',;i '~\ '''''':ri~,'?!-~'Xii . SW 1/4 NW 1/4 WAITS OF HIGHWA Y 101 RIGHT OF WA Y AS SHOWN ON WASHINGTON STA TE: HIGHWA Y PLANS 'MORSE CREEK TRUCK LANES', SHEET J OF 5, APPROVE:D NOVE:MBER 24, 1 95J. -- \ -... ........ ..... ..... "- "- "- . , , ~C) , . < "' , ", ' . , , \ \. \ -c L .--....... " " ". . \ \ \ . \ \ i '/ ; r, i II i I , I I .I A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 SW 1/4 EBEN STREET . I , I -100' 0' 100' 200' ~-- Scale: I' . 300' 300' I SKETCH OF FORMER CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL & PACIFIC RAILROAD WITHIN THE SW 7/4 OF THE NW 7/4 AND BLOCKS 3 & 6 OF RAILWA Y ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, ALL IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, W.M., CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON . PREPARED BY RICHARD M. WALTERS L.S. ZENOVlC AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. 519 SOUTH PEABODY ST. PORT ANGELES. WA. 98363 101 e.x.1h~'~ - . Name Address City, State, Zip STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Reference # (If applicable): Grantor(s): (1) Grantees(s): (1) Additional Granlor(s) on pg. Legal (2) (2) Additional Granlee(s) on pg. Oescnption (abbreviated): Additicnal legal(s) on page Assesso(s Tax Parcel 10# THE GRANTOR for and in consideration of in hand paid, conveys and warrants to the following described real estate. situated in the County of of Washington: , State . Dated STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF On this day perso':lally appeared STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ss ~~ -~ .. 55 before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public III and for the State of before me Washingtcn. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be the individual descnbed In and who executed the within and foregoing Instrument. and acknowledged that _ signed the same as _ free and volur.tary act and deed for the. uses ~nd purposas therein mentioned GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of ------- WItness my hand and official seal hereto affIxed the day and year first above written and to me known to be me respectively. of the corporation that execuled the foregoing Instrument. and acknowledged the said Instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therem mentioned. and on oath stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affIxed IS the corporate seal of said corporation. PreSloent and Secretary. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington reSiding at My appointment exp'res: Notary. Public In and for the State of WaShington. residing at Signature My appointment expires ;0 Transnation ,I.,'," ,.:, Fomn 3159-5 \Rev. 12i9S) TRANSNATION TITLE II\:SLJll,\NCE COMPA"''' . 102 6'1."-51'" t:=. . Name Address City, State, Zip Quit Claim Deed Reference # (If applicable): Grantor(s): (1) Grantee(s): (1) Additional Grantor(s) on pg. Legal Description (abbreviated): Assessor's Tax Parcel 10# (2) (2) Additional Grantee(s) on pg. Additional legal(s) on page THE GRANTOR for and in consideration of conveys and quit claims to the following described real estate, situated in the County of together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: State of Washington, Dated . (Individual) (Individual) By By (President) (Secretary) STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me }ss. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF } ss. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person(s) acknowledged that (helshelthey) signed this instrument, on oath stated that (helshelthey) was (were) authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. to me known to be the Individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that signed the same as free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this oayof Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My appointment expires: Signature (SEAL OR STAMP) Tille My appointment expires o Transnation .~ L"'D.\.\!ERl'::"\ '~n.,{f'.\.'';y . Form 3156-6 (Rev. 12/96) TRA'S'ATJO' TITLE I.'SLJRA'U: COMPA"Y 103 . . . 104 ~ Ri Ii ~--~ .... ....,-. -~------- i'l I TOZM I I Donated Easement lION....,.. CIfI N.rL.GIIIlI..,. PLAt , \. -- a IU:eM ~ --- ~- -------- P//4 1 11 8 TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS LANGLEY SITE II I II II ! ;\*'~:1" I Ii . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 19,2000 To: MA YOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Brad Collins, Planning Director ~ STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STV 00-03 PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT - PORTION OF THE 8/10 CROSSOVER FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: A petition for vacation of unopened City right-ol-way has been received from the Port Angeles School District. Recommendation: Following the scheduled public hearing the Planning Department recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached ordinance, citing the Planning Commission's 14 findings and 5 conclusions in support of that action. Background / Analysis: A petition was received from the Port Angeles School District to vacate a portion of unopened right-of-way commonly known as the 8/1 0 Crossover. The Crossover is located between "R" and "I" Streets and between 8th and 1 oth Streets, and was dedicated in the 1950's but never . developed. The northern one-half of the Crossover was vacated in 1985 as a part of the current Park View Villas senior apartment complex. The remaining (subject) one-quarter of the Crossover right-of-way located south of the 9/10 alley remains unopened. The majority of property adjacent to the right-of-way is owned by the Port Angeles School District. The petition is in an effort to put the property back on the ta~ rolls so that it can be developed into single family housing in conjunction with a program that the North Peninsula Building Association (NPBA) and the Port Angeles School District have sponsored to teach the skill of home building and general lot development techniques. Per 35.79 RCW the City Council set a public hearing for consideration ofthe petition at the regular November 21, 2000, City Council meeting. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the request at its December 13, 2000, regular meeting, following which a unanimous recommendation for approval was filed. A draft ordinance along with findings and conclusions recommended by staff and the Planning Commission in support of the petition is attached for your consideration. Staffs report is also attached, and staff will be available for questions. 105 . . . 106 r----- . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of the 8thll Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate the ndeveloped street commonly identified as the 8thll Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306, ownsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the roperty abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 14-00; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the tate Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice ursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES OES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the ollowing described right-of-way as shown on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated: That portion ofthe undeveloped street commonly identified as the 8thll Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. - I - 10 Section 2 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, the compensation required for he vacation of this street is $1.43 per square foot. Section 3 - Ouit Claim Deed. The owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated treet, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for xecution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction f the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. Upon that satisfaction, the City Clerk is hereby irected to publish this Ordinance and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and he Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said ouncil held on the _ day of , 2000. MAYOR ecky J. Upton, City Clerk PPROVED AS TO FORM: raig D. Knutson, City Attorney By Summary - ;\ORDJ:-IANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2000-2 7 .o~d. wpd - 2 - 108 f7" ,. ....-.>';..........:,-..,." I. -I ~ (/) ~ -I I I I I I I ! 1--1 ~ I() II - CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ~ I:.... Plot Do. tel x o , NINTH ST, 9 I~ 13 TENTH ST, SCALE ~ (/) ~ I ~ -,1 I I I 50 TOO 'CROSSOVER' VACA TION REQUEST BLK.306 I Revision Do. tel x . . . 110 . Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STV 00-03 Port Angeles School District. Findings: 1. A petition for vacation of right-of-way was submitted by the Port Angeles School District on November 1, 2000. 2. The proposed street vacation is for the remaining portion of what is known as the 8/10 Crossover described as being a portion of Lots 13 - 20, Block 306, Townsite of Port Angeles. No portion of the unimproved 9/1 0 alley is included in this proposed street vacation. 3. Lots 13 - 14 have been developed as a single building lot which is developed as a single- family residence. Lot 13 contains a portion of the Crossover right-of-way along the southeastern frontage. Lot 14 is entirely fronted by the right-of-way. The proposed vacation would clear title to this property for the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant. 4. Lots 15 - 20 are owned by the Port Angeles School District. The Port Angeles School District has partnered with the North Peninsula Building Association (NPBA) and intends to construct five single family residential homes on Lots 15 - 20 through the Future Builder's Training Program offered at the Port Angeles High School. The proposed vacation would allow the properties to be developed and placed on the public tax rolls. . 5. The properties abutting the proposed street vacation are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7). The properties north of the 9/1 0 alley are zoned Residential High Density (RHD) and Community Shopping District (CSD) with the RHD property developed as a senior residential community know as Park View Villas. The CSD property is currently undeveloped. 6. No utilities are located in the right-of-way proposed for vacation. 7. The City's Fire and Police Departments had no comment or concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. 8. Tenth Street, "I" Street, and Eighth Streets are identified as arterial streets on the City's Circulation Plan Map. 9. The properties south of Tenth Street are zoned and developed as RS-7 Residential Single Famlly. . 111 10. The City Council set a hearing for consideration of the petition per 35.79 RCW at the November 21, 2000, regular meeting by ~esolution 14-00. . 11. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 12. The proposed street vacation was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. 13. The site was posted and notice of the action was published in the Peninsula Daily News on November 26, 2000. No written comments were received during the publication and posting period. 14. The Planning Commission recommended approval to th~ City Council on December 13, 2000. The City Council held a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its December 19,2000, regular meeting. Conclusions: A. Current traffic circulation in the area will not be affected by this vacation. Future development will access the area in the established pattern from nearby arterials. B. The vacation of the proposed rights-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare. . C. Residential development patterns in the area south of Tenth Street will not change as a result of the proposed street vacation. D. The proposed street vacation is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The following goals and policies were found to be the most relevant: Economic Development Element Goal B, Policy 5; Housing Element Goals A and B; and Land Use Element Policies 8.2 and B.3. E. ' Because the right-of-way is not needed nor intended for use as a public right-of-way by the City, vacation of the property is in the public's interest as it will place the property on the public tax rolls and allow residential development in a normal manner. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of December 19, 2000. Mayor, City of Port Angeles . Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 112 . ., .' ",';:{"O"r'~'Ji/'" '-! ""3 ~ORTAN8ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: CHAIR HEWINS AND PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist DATE: December 13, 2000 RE: . STREET V ACA nON PETITION - STV 00-03 APPLICANT: Port Angeles School District OWNERS: Port Angeles School District, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant REQUEST: Vacation of a portion of right-of-way known as the 8/10 Crossover located in Block 306, TPA, not including the 9110 alley. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for street vacation petition STV 00-03 based on 13 findings, and 5 conclusions found in Attachment A. ANALYSIS: A petition for vacation of the remaining portion of right-of-way known as the 8/10 . Crossover Was submitted by the Port 'Angeles School District on November 1, 2000. The proposed vacation is for the right-of-way described as being in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306, TP A. The Port Angeles School District is the property owner of Lots 15 - 20, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant being property owners of Lots 13 - 14, Block 306. The application materials and a map of the area are provided as Attachment B. The purpose of the right-of-way vacation is to allow the property to be developed for residential use consistent with other development in the area. The 8/10 Crossover right-of-way was originally dedicated by separate deeds in 1955 and 1956 as an alternate access route for the area. There is rio indication why an alternate access ro~te was desired for the area, however, information on the 1956 quit claim deed for the northern portion (vacated in 1985) indicates it was for the purposes of "clearing the above described land of trees, brush, undergrowth, filling, grading, and draining the same..." The north one-half of the crossover has been developed as the Park View 113 Planning Department Staff Report STV 00-03 - Port Angeles School District December 13, 2000 Page 2' Villas apartments. The subject portion of the crossover was originally proposed for vacation in 1985 . along with the northern portion but was withdrawn from the petition prior to action. The remaining (subject) portion of the crossover serves no public purpose as Tenth Street, "f' Street and "G" Street adequately serve the traffic needs of the area "H" Street adjacent to this block was recently vacated. in June, 2000. The properties abutting the proposed street vacation are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7). There are only two lots within the south one-half of Block 306 that are free from encumbrance ofthe undeveloped right-of-way. Those lots (Lots 11 and 12) are developed with a single-family home. Lots 13 and 14, which are owned by Mr. and Mn. Charles Grant, are encumbered along the south frontage of Lots 13 and 14 by the undeveloped right-of-way. The properties directly north of the 9/10 alley and "H" St form a small pocket of Residential High Density (RHO) and CommunitY Shopping District (CSD) properties. Otherwise properties north of the block are zoned and developed as RS-7, Residential Single Family, along with the City's Shane Park. The RHD property is developed as a senior residential community know as Park View Villas. The CSD portion remains undeveloped. Properties south, west, and east are otherwise zoned and developed as RS-7 single family residential. Current traffic circulation in the area would not be affected by this vacation. Future development of properties in the block north of the site will be by Eighth Street which is a collector arterial. The vacation of the proposed rights-of-way win not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare as the unimproved 9/10 alley adjacent to the subject property (west of vacated . "H" Street) is not proposed for vacation and will be retained for future public use and utility ~ purposes. ..- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Vacation of rights-'of-way is a process that is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. Department Reviews and Comments: The Public Works Department had no objections or comments: The Public Works Light Division had no objection to the proposal. The Fire Department had no comment. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation. The fonowing goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal: . 114 . .' . -PllmnmgDepartment Stan Report ',<,,""" 4' ,.!,\,'j"f';"'Y';"~"!'i"'</"';:!:!!';"'r"'('i'" STY ()()'()3 - Port Angeles School District uecemDCl' I J. ':\IU\J Page 3 Economic Development Element . Goal B, Policy 5 - "The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire spectrum of the community's work force." Housing Element · Goal A - "To improve the variety, quality, availability, and affordability of housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles." · Goal B - "To participate with Clallam County and other entities in programs to increase the availability and affordability of public assisted housing and rental units as well as other affordable housing opportunities." Land Use Policies - Residential · Policy B.2 - "Single family lots should be of reasonable shape and should have access provided by an alley or by a local access street or a collector arterial." . Policy B.3. - "All residential developments should be designed with the provisions of fire protection and service vehicle access as key factors in street design and circulation pattern. For efficient circulation, rights-of-way should be obtained and improvements made to further the grid street pattern of the City. Cul-de-sacs may be permitted when designed as an integral part of the major grid street pattern of the City." The abutting properties are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7) and designated as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. PUBLIC COMMENTINOTIFICA TION: The site was posted and notice of the proposed action was published in the Peninsula Daily News on November 26, 2000. No comments were received during the publication and posting period. I This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its December 19, 2000, regular meeting. STVOOO3,WPD 115 . . . 116 . . . Planning Department Staff Report STY 00-03 - Port Angeles School District Decernber13,2000 Page 4 ATTACHMENT A Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STY 00-03 Port Angeles School District Findings: 1. A petition for vacation of right-of-way was submitted by the Port Angeles School District on November 1,2000. 2. The proposed street vacation is for the remaining portion of what is known as the 8/10 Crossover described as being a portion of Lots 13 - 20, Block 306, Townsite of Port Angeles. No portion of the unimproved 9/10 alley is included in this proposed street vacation. 3. Lots 13 - 14 have been developed as a single building lot which is developed as a single- family residence. Lot 13 contains a portion of the Crossover right-of-way along the southeastern frontage. Lot 14 is entirely fronted by the right-of-way. The proposed vacation would clear title to this property for the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant. 4. Lots 15 - 20 are owned by the Port Angeles School District. The Port Angeles School District has partnered with the North Peninsula Building Association (NPBA) and intends to construct five single family residential homes on Lots 15 - 20 through the Future Builder's Training Program offered at the Port Angeles High School. The proposed vacation would allow the properties to be developed and placed on the public tax rolls. 5. The properties abutting the proposed street vacation are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7). The properties north of the 9/1 0 alley are zoned Residential High Density (RHD) and Community Shopping District (CSD) with the RHD property developed as a senior residential community know as Park View Villas. The CSD property is currently undeveloped. 6. No utilities are located in the right-of-way proposed for vacation. 7. The City's Fire and Police Departments had no comment or concerns regarding the proposed street vacation. 8. Tenth Street, "I" Street, and Eighth Streets are identified as arterial streets on the City's Circulation Plan Map. 9. The properties south of Tenth Street are zoned and developed as RS-7 Residential Single Family. 117 Planning Department Staff Report STY 00-03 - Port Angeles School District December 13, 2000 Page 5 10. The City Council set a hearing for consideration of the petition per 35.79 RCW at the November 21,2000, regular meeting by Resolution 14-00. 11. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. . 12. The proposed street vacation was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. 13. The site was posted and notice of the action was published in the Peninsula Daily News on November 26, 2000. No written comments were received during the publication and posting period. 14. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing for consideration of the petition at its December 19, 2000, regular meeting. Conclusions: A. Current traffic circulation in the area will not be affected by this vacation. Future development will access the area in the established pattern from nearby arteri;tls. B. ~-,-- The vacation of the proposed rights-of-way will not interfere with the public's health, safety, or welfare. c. Residential development patterns in the area south of Tenth Street will not change as a result of the proposed street vacation. . D. The proposed street vacation is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The following goals and policies were found to be the most relevant: Economic Development Element Goal B, Policy 5; Housing Element Goals A and B; and Land Use Element Policies 8.2 and B.3. E. Because the right-of-way is not needed nor intended for use as a public right-of-way by the City, vacation of the property is in the public's interest as it will place the property on the public tax rolls and allow residential development in a normal manner. . 118 . '-1 . '. "::r;':';~;:1,;rfc;;;,1,;r'/(;~;iN..~t;' '.IV. All A L tllVl.EN 'I' H-. Ci.L:Y OF;;~ORT ANGELE~ STREET V A@ATION PETITION TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington- Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of the 8/1rCrossover Stleet/Alleyin the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the property requested for vacation be/ow). \. L IJ ...~o ~ That portion of the 81lCCrossover abutting Lo~ -H;Block 306, TP A 2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. 3. -1.....- Agency own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: ~ Address ~..r 4r-sbel~ SC.&#4dl ))'ST~ltr :2.1 ~ E. 'I~#-Sr. ~ltr ~6-f'l'.s 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said Street/Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, Address .J.. ( " ~. V"'-J/. r-.,. Phone t{S] -8~lT Hearing(s) Date~ 9 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, W A 98362 (360) 417-4750 9 --r-- - ---_.-.-._-~....._------;:-------------;:---:---_._------ ,.- vw'. .... , ~ (/) , I If) NINTH ST, ~ C/) ~ ~ f----I II /~ /3 I ~ ~ . -f-1 () q) i ~ d (.. CJ c9 6 ::;- TENTH ST, CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ~ ~1 0. tel x if SCALE o I I 50 100 I 'CROSSOVER' VACA TION REQUEST BLK.306 Revision Do. tel x File. CROSSDVi . ~' " ' ,-, pORTANGELES WAS H ( N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT December 19, 2000 City Employee Association Holiday Party - Vem Burton Friday, December 15 6:30 p.rn. Lodging Tax Advisory Cojmrnittee Meeting Tuesday, December 19 2:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, December 19 6:00 p.m. Outstanding Public Service Award Luncheon - Vem Burton Thursday, December 21 II :30 a.m. Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting Thursday, December 21 7:00 p.m. . Christmas Holiday Monday, December 25 Closed Planning Commission Meeting - cancelled Wednesday, December 27 7:00 p.m. New Year Holiday Board of Adjustment - canceled Mike to speak on KONP Open Line City Council Meeting Monday, January 1 Closed Monday, January I 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 2 1:00 p.rn. Tuesday, January 2 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 4 8:15 a.rn. Saturday, January 6 8:30 a.m. Monday, January 8 10:00 a.rn. Monday, January 8 3:00 p.rn. Tuesday, January 9 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 10 6:30 p.rn. Wednesday, January 10 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 16 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 18 7:00 p.m. 121 . Gateway Committee meeting Public Development Authority Work Session Port Angeles Works! meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Real Estate Committee meeting (as needed) Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting City Council Meeting Parks, Recreation & Beautification Committee Meeting G:\CNCLPKT\CfYMGR\CMREPT\2000\OO-1219.WPD . . , " i 1 . 122 . . . Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission November 16, 2000 I. Minutes II. III. IV. V. Call to Order: The November 16, 2000 meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission was called to order at 7 pm in the Vern Burton Community Center meeting room by Pat McDonagh, Chairperson. Roll Call: Members Present: Matt Kirsch, Pat McDonagh, Leslie Perizzo, and Diana Tschimperle Members Absent: David Morris Staff Present: John Hicks Approval of Minutes & Audio Tape DiSpOsition for September 21. 2000 Diana Tschimperle moved to approve the minutes as presented and dispose of the tapes in the usual manner. Matt Kirsch seconded the motion which carried. Items from Audience not on Aeenda: None Finance: November voucher listings were not available for this meeting VI. Leeislation A. Lincoln Park Concession Stand Relocation Steve Zenovic, representative for the North Olympic Baseball and Softball Association, was in attendance requesting approval from Park Board to build a new concession stand within the Lincoln Park ballfield complex. The proposed stand would be located on the park's south side between the boys and girls diamonds. The Association is also requesting Parks be responsible for processing necessary permits and provide in-kind assistance. The construction of the new building, including utilities costs, will be funded by the Association. The cost for the 900 - 1000 square foot building & canopy area is estimated at $40,000 and will be completed in two to three years. The goal this year is to pour the slab so the building can be fully enclosed by the first of March. Park Superintendent Dyker has expressed concerns regarding this project. J. Hicks stated he wasn't sure these concerns would keep park board from making a decisio~ this evening. He also suggested that it is not imperative a decision be made this quickly, but since the Association would like to get footings poured soon the project would need to be approved tonight. M. Kirsch moved to approve the concept of relocating the Baseball Association 123 Park Board November 16, 2000 Page 2 . concession stand and address individual building items as they arise. Additionally, detailed plans and information need to be presented to Park Board before a final recommendation can be adopted L. Perizzo seconded the motion. which carried. B. Proposed Youth Soccer Storaee Buildine Staff reviewed for Park Board that some time ago a letter was received from Terry James, Youth Soccer President, which explained the concept of a storage building. The letter also contained misconceptions that the Parks Department had okayed the project and had asked soccer to move out of the "Ice House" Actually, the idea had only briefly been discussed with Parks. Steve Zenovic further explained that over the past few years the Soccer Association has been contemplating a centrally located building for the storage of goals, jerseys, balls, nets, etc. Currently the goals and some equipment are stored in the "Ice House" at Lincoln Park and the jerseys are stored at various coaches' homes. After deliberating between Lincoln Park & Volunteer Park for building locations, the Soccer Association chose Volunteer Field as it is fenced and secure. . Zenovic stated that the Soccer Association would be responsible for utility costs as lights and heat are required. He also stated that the association is not asking for city funding, only for permission to place the building where they choose. D. Tschimperle voiced the opinion that "baseball people" have developed all the fields then soccer uses them. She felt that the in-kind service youth baseball is giving to the community versus the in-kind service youth soccer has given doesn't balance. Staff explained that in order to receive the grant for Volunteer Field, it had to be multi-use. M. Kirsch felt that all buildings of this nature should be kept in a similar location and not haphazardly placed. M. Kirsch suggested the youth soccer organization bring a formal written proposal to Park Board, identifying optional locations for the storage building and why it's needed. Matt Kirsch moved to table this matter until Park Board receives a formal proposal. Diana Tschimperle seconded the motion which carried. c. Equipment Use Policy: . 124 ':-'$~~'::W1Y_ \;fr<: ~,~~!.r,:"-;'rc -r_' -;. "!~,',Ij:;,.,: ,{t~~~;~~~,~f:~;~;,~'t?~~)> Park Board November 16, 2000 Page 3 . . . Staff explained that for many years, at no charge, the Parks Department has allowed community groups to borrow equipment which was initially purchased to be used in the Vern Burton & City Hall facilities (tables, chairs, mats, risers, tents, PA systems, etc.). Only specific non-profit groups (youth, County, Port, United Way, etc) have been allowed to use the equipment, unless the city was involved. Problems arose when the groups would request not only the free use of the equipment, but also wanted the parks maintenance division to transport the equipment to and from the venue (also at no charge). T~ese numerous requests have been disruptive and impact the budget. If the equipment policy is adopted, groups will be charged and asked to provide their own crews and transportation to move the equipment. The lending of City equipment warrants better regulation and assurance that the city's investment is protected. Equipment is coming back damaged, not returned in a timely manner, -or not returned at all. With normal wear and tear of constant transporting, a user fee and damage deposit could be used to replace damaged and worn-out items. Discussion ensued regarding the groups who use the equipment. M. Kirsch suggested adding a time line to the policy specifying when the equipment would be examined for damage and the deposit returned. Kirsch also suggested staff check the policy language making sure it is specifically applicable to the equipment. Staff suggested that another option would be not allowing any equipment to be used outside the Vern Burton facility. M. Kirsch felt it would be extreme to suddenly not allow equipment to leave the facility when it's always been allowed. Park Board collectively felt there was a definite need for a equipment use policy. Perhaps the users will take better care of the equipment if they have to pay for it. Staff will finalize the policy and return it for Park Board approval at a later date. D. Civic Field Phone This issue was recently brought to the forefront due to an angry letter written by a concerned parent whose child did not have access to a phone following a soccer event at Civic Field. Over the years the issue of installing a pay phone at Civic Field has been researched and discussed many times. Each time the subject was visited, it was 125 Park Board November 16, 2000 Page 4 . decided not to install the phone due to cost, maintenance and vandalism. Plus, the phone company was never willing to install a pay phone at this location. Recently, when researching this issue once again, it was discovered that Qwest is no longer installing payphones anywhere in our area. Although Highmark Communications is willing to install a payphone, the following stipulations were made: 1) The city could purchase a payphone and enclosure, then contract for maintenance, or 2) Highmark could install one of their payphones at no cost, but would charge a monthly fee if the phone did not generate enough revenue to cover costs. Highmark also offered to install a phone at no cost outside the fence at Civic Field then charge the city a monthly fee - if the city would allow them to install more phones elsewhere. P. McDonagh shared with Park Board major problems the Gull Station at 1 SI and Lincoln Streets is experiencing with their payphone. It's is being used for unsavory purposes with disastrous results. Park Board questioned why a phone is needed at Civic Field when the field is only in use periodically throughout the year for two to four hours a day during scheduled events; the remainder of time it is a locked facility. . D. Tschimperle maintained that the expense of a payphone was too great for the minimal amount of times people would need to use it. P. McDonagh stated a payphone would create another place for people to gather and ultimately cause disturbances. M. Kirsch reiterated that a payphone at Civic would only cause the city grief and trouble in damage, vandalism, and maintenance. Park Board, by consensus, chose not to allow a payphone at Civic. E. Marine Lab Final Report Park Board reviewed and commented on the Summer Operations Final Report provided by Rob Erdman, Art Feiro Marine Life Center Director. The Marine Lab has made some outstanding changes and upgrades to the facility utilizing Peninsula College staff. F. Park Director Selection Update Staff recapped the Parks & Recreation Director selection process. Interviews . 126 . . . ,~"'.:~i:~'1~1:~~'ngi\~~ 'N:,:.,:.~,,,,,-,, "\';C:j-:;"'~\:j'-<itfI;:i4i:'tfJ:;'!~'_~',';~;:'~~- Park Board November 16, 2000 Page 5 were held on November 9th. G. Preliminary Budeet Review 2001 Parks Preliminary Budget was reviewed and discussed. VII. Staff Proeress Reports. Work Plans & Updates A. Valley Creek Estuary Irrigation is almost complete. Landscaping & turf areas are scheduled to be installed before the end of the year. The east sidewalk needs to be finished. Easement agreement with the Port is in progress. The bridge maybe approved with some adjustments in design. B. Francis Street Park Bid documents are being drafted with hopes of going to bid in December. C. Laneley & Deane Property Acquisitions The City is currently waiting to hear from the Langleys and their lawyer regarding the final offer and conditions for purchase of their property. Contact has been made with the Deane Family's attorney regarding the resolution of liabilitY issues. D. Upper Valley Creek Bridee Approval for a temporary bridge has been granted by the Fisheries Department. Currently the City is working on an agreement with Daishowa to place a temporary bridge across Valley Creek. When the agreement is reached, a gangway from Lincoln Park Pond will be utilized for a bridge until a permanent one is approved for placement in 2001. E. Rayonier Site Trail Discussion will soon begin regarding temporary extension of the Waterfront Trail through the Rayonier Mill site. When cleanup is completed a permanent route will be selected. VIII. Park Board Late Items None IX. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9: 15 pm. 127 . . . 128 . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 November 8, 2000 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Bob King, Chuck Schramm, Members Absent: Bob Philpott, Mary Craver Staff Present: Brad Collins, Debra Barnes Public Present: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the October 25, 2000, meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 00-03 - City wide. Associate Planner Debra Barnes provided the staff report for MCAOO-03 which proposed minor amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code, specifically Chapters 15.04 Environmental Policy, 15.20 Environmentally Sensitive Areas, 15.28 Clearing and Grading, and 18.02 Consolidated Development Permit Process, and also Title 17, Zoning. Staff noted several corrections to the staff report, adding that similar changes need to be made in the findings, as well as in the draft ordinance. Commissioner Schramm moved to approve MCA 00-03 citing the changes, 17 findings and 4 concl~sions, and minor typographical changes listed below. List of changes · l5.20.070(B)(6) to add subsection (c) to read "Revegetate disturbed land to reduce erosion and landslide potential" · l5.28.090(F) same as above · 17.20.160 to read "chemical dependency treatment centers" · 17.23.040 to read "chemical dependency treatment centers" as a permitted use in CA zone 129 Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 2000 Page 2 Findings: 1. The applicant, City of Port Angeles, proposed Municipal Code Amendment to change several sections of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, including Chapters 15.04 Environmental Policy, 15.20 Environmentally Sensitive - Areas, 15.28 Clearing and Grading, and 18.02 Consolidated Development Permit Process and Title 17, Zoning. 2. The changes proposed to Chapter 15.04 Environmental Policy comply with current state laws, in compliance with R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review. 3. The first amendment to Chapter 15.04 proposes a change to the comment period in Sections 15.04.180(C) and (F) from 15 days to 14 days in order to be consistent with permit process integration and streamlining requirements. 15.04.180 Use of Mitigated DNS. C. The Responsible Official should respond to the request for early notice withinfiftull (15) fourteen (]4) working days. F. A Mitigated DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2), requiring a fiftun fourteen day comment period and public notice. 4. The second amendment to Chapter 15.04 clarifies the appeal section so that appeals of a Determination of NonSignificance associated with permits processed under Chapter 18.02 in order to ensure that only one open record hearing and one closed record appeal hearing is held. Appeals of a DNS for non-project actions, such as the legislative amendments that we are currently reviewing, are not subject to "Regulatory Reform" requirements. 15.04.280. Appeals. The City of Port Angeles establishes the following administrative appeal procedures under RCW 43. 21C. 075 and WAC 197-11-680: A. Any agency or person aggrieved by an action of the City may appeal the City's procedural compliance with Chapter 197-11 WA C for issuance of the following: 1. A final DNS. Appeal of the DNS must be. made to the City Council within fourteen (14) days of the date the DNS is final (see WAC 197-11-390(2)(a) for those determinations associated with a oermitor action not subiect to review under PAMC 18.02. For those determinations subiect toPAMC 18:02. the filing of the aooeal shall be consistent with the requirements of that chaoter and made within fourteen (]4) days of the date of decision. 130 5. The proposed administrative amendments to PAMC 15.20, Environmentally Sensitive Areas are minor in nature. The new definitions proposed under 15.20.030 (K, 0, U) are proposed so that consistency between 15.20 and 15.28 Clearing and Grading Code is made. The proposed amendments would result in distinguishing the minor act of . . . . . . 0t1t1~'~~~"f~~:~;'''' "!i,)'t!.'l':!0~f~lr~"')t::(;~;.\d~,<(p:, Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 2000 Page 3 trimming l~bs and shrubs (so lon~. as damage to the plant does not result) from tree removal and/or exposure' of the soils which can often times affect the integrity and/or stability of a bank or bluff. The additional definition U - Viewshed Enhancement would include those activities in a sensitive area such as tree removal or grading which should not be exempt. 15.20.030 - Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply: K. "Land-disturbing activity" means any use of the land that results in: 1) change in the natural cover or topography that exposes soils or 2) may cause or contribute to erosion or sedimentation. This does not include non-destructive vegetation trimming. P. "Nondestructive vegetation trimming "means the trimming. topping. or pruning of trees. shrubs. or plants which does not result in harm to the continued life and health of the plant and does not expose the soil surface. U. ('Viewshed enhancement II means the removal of trees or vegetation to enhance a view when proposed in a ravine and marine bluff buffers. Viewshed enhancement does not include non-destructive trimming of vegetation as defined by this chaoter. 6. The proposed amendment to Defmition V - Water Types is to reflect recent emergency rules changes that are effective between March 2000 and June 2001 as well as proper reference to WAC 222-16-030. Because the water typing definitions have been under scrutiny associated with the Forest and Fish Report, emergency legislation, court appeals and because it would take several years for new maps to be available, staff recommends that a simple referral to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) definitions be made until this issue is sorted out. An alternative would be to include the new definitions according to current WACs which means that we may need to re-evaluate the definitions to avoid code conflicts if they are changed again next year. V. "Water types" include categories established ptmmant to and defined in WAC 222-16-020 and -030, as amended. Refer to the WAC for a current descriotion. foHr)y~'S. - ]. "Type ] r~ate.1 " means all 'r~atel'S, r~ithin theil mdinary high-r~(jtel mal*, as illventmied as "shmelines oftJu state" unMI chapuI 90.58 R.W., but not including those .~atel'S' ass(Jciated r~etlallds. 2. "Type 2 r~(jUI " shall meall segmellts of natural rttatel'S .vhich ale not classified as Type ] ,~atel and ita,;e a high use and aI e important ftYJ11l a .~ater quality standpoillt for domestic .~ater supplieS, public I eo eation, fish spawning, I earing, 01 migmtion 01 .~ildlife uses, .or al e highly significant to P1(JUct water quality. This classification shall be applied to segments of naturttl .~aters ',~hich. a. Are di veltetl for dmllestic uu by more than] 00 I esidential or camping units m by tt public accom17wdation facility licenud to UI ve more t-han } 00 perSOIlJ, where such diversion is determined by the Depa1111letlt of Ntttuml Resow ces to be a !laUd approp' itttioll o./, ware, and the ollly practical 'rttaUI source f01 such usel 'S. Such rt!atel'S shall be cOllsideled f{J be Type 2 ~htel ttpstleamftom the point of such 131 Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 2000 Page 4 132 diversionfol 1,5oofeet 01 until the dtailu:lge a~ is reduced by 50pefcent, whiche',.:el is less, b. Ale ~~ithin afrderal, state, local, Of plivate campground ,'1'a'v'ing mOl e than ]0 camping units, p1() tlilkd, ho .~e vel, that the '~~ater shall not be consilkl ed to entel a campglound until it I eacltes the boundary vf the palk lands available JOI public use and comes .~itltin 100 feet of a camping unit, tl ail 01 othel pal k implo'v'ement, c. AI e used by sttbs({mtiallfumbef S oj mtatbYJl1tOtiS or resident game fish jOt spawning, reari.ng 01 migtation. W'r%teIS having the fOflo'rtiing chal aetel istics al el" i!sumed to ha vi! highly significant fish populations. i. St1 eam segments hav'ing a defined channel 20 fut or greatel in ~~idth bf!h~Un the ordinary high 'rl,atu mtll.b and having a gmdient of less than 4 pel cent. r tti . ImpoU1 ments ha ving a stilface area of' 1 acre or . . . Planning Commission Minutes - November 8, 2000 Page 5 . 1 01 2 n~tl!I or tmtil theb dl ainage tlf ett is less . than 50 pel cent of their dl (tinage tlf ett at the point of colifluence, whichevel is less 4. "Type 4 rtJatel " shall mettll seg mellts of natural rvatl!f S rtihich tlf e not classified as Type 1, 2 01 J. Theil significance lies in theil infltullce on rtJtiUf qttality dOrtJnstlettm in Type 1, 201 J rtJtiUfS. These may be perennial 01 intl!fmittellt. This classification s{fall be applied to segments oflfa!ttltil rtJ'tltels rtlhiCh tlfe not dassified as Type 1, 2 01 J, and J"YJI the purpou of pI '()tecting 'rtJ(ttel qlttllity do'wnstl ett11l are classified as Type 4 "~tl!f ttpStf ettm until the channel rtJidth becomes less than 2 fut in width bet rtJun the 01 dinar, high )tJatel "faIts 5. "Type 5 rtJatl!f " 11lettlZS all other r'Patels, in lfatuf'tll rtlaUr courses including streams rtJith or rtJithOtlt a rtJell defined dtamlel, tlf etts of pe, etlnial 01 intl!'11littent seepage, pmlds, mM Iftttuf'tll sinks. Dminage rtJays having shm1 peliods of sp1ing luno!f ale consideled to be Type 5 rtJatelS. 17lis classification shall be applied to all natm al rtJate, S not classified as Type 1, 2, J 01 4, al ettS of' pere'l1lial or intef11littent seepage, ponds and dminage'rvays /raving shm1 pel iods ~f" spling or st0111l ,., It -qt:f' 7. The following proposed amendments to PAMe 15.20.040 (B) may help to integrate permit actions and lessen the number of permit decisions or actions that will be needed to be made. Examples would be combining an Environmentally Sensitive Areas approval with a clearing and grading permit, and also other actions, such as an ESA approval with a shorelin~ substantial development permit. Amendment to Subsection "0" provides clarification as to the jurisdiction of the code. . . 15.20.040 - Applicability. This Section establishes regulations for the protection of areas which are environmentally sensitive. Areas listed, identified, classified, or rated as environmentally sensitive are those which are or may become designated environmentally sensitive by the City of Pon Angeles Comprehensive Plan or by separate studies which indicate that an area is environmentally sensitive. A site specific analysis which indicates that any element regulated by this Chapter is present will result in an area being classified as environmentally sensitive. B. For the purposes of this Chapter, development proposals include proposals which require any of the following: building permit, clearing and grading permit, shoreline substantial development permit, shoreline conditional use permit, shoreline variance, shoreline environmental redesignation, conditional use permit, zoning variance, zone reclassification, planned residential development, subdivision, shon subdivision, or any other land use approvals required by ordinan ce of the City of Pon Angeles or the Revised Code of Washington. Where possible. the City shall attach conditions to development Droposals or combine permit decisions to ensure comDliance with this chaDter while alleviating dUDlicate permit decisions. D. This Chapter applies to all environmentally sensitive areas located on or adiacent to proDenies within the jurisdiction of the City of Pon Angeles. Specific environmentally sensitive features (streams, ravines, marine bluffs, beaches) shall be defined and designated as setfonh below. The approximate distribution and extent of environmentally sensitive areas in the City are displayed on the following series of maps on file with the City of Pon Angeles Planning Depanment: 133 Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 2000 Page 6 8. The proposed amendments to the definition section of Chapter 15.28 would coincide with those proposed in the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Code. The proposed amendments to the exemption section under 15.28.040 would clarify that minor activities such as pruning trees would be exempt from the public notice and SEPA requirements. The proposed additions to 15.28.090 to add viewshed enhancement criteria would be consistent with the existing requirements set forth in the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Code under 15.20.070(6). . 15.28.020 - Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions describe the meaning of the terms used: L. "Land-disturbing activity" means any use of the land that results in: 11-change in the natural cover or topography that exvoses the soils or 2.1. may cause or contribute to erosion or sedimentation. This does not include non-destructive vegetation trimming. M. "Nondestructive vegetation trimming II means the trimming. tovping. or vruning of trees. shrubs. or vlants which does not result in harm to the continued life and health of the vlant and does not exvose the soil swjace. O. "Viewshed enhancement II means the removal of trees or vegetation to enhance a view when proposed in a ravine and marine bluff buffers. Viewshed enhancement does not include non-destructive trimming of vegetation as defined by this chamer. . 15.28.040 - Permit Exemvtions. Written permit exemptions shall be issued by the City Engineer. The following shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this Chap ter, provided that the exemptions set fonh in Subsections G-JF-=-l shall not apply in situations where propenies include environmentally sensitive areas: L Non-destructive vegetation trimming with prover removal and disvosal of debris. J 5.20.070(8) (6L Viewshed enhancement. In ravine and marine bluff buffers, the Planning Director may approve alterations in vegetation coverage for the purposes of viewshed enhancement, so long as such alterations will not: (a) Increase geological hazards such as erosion potential, landslidepotentialior seismic hazardpotential; 11.0r. (b) Adversely affect significant fish and wildlife habitat areas: and will (c) Revegetate disturbed land to reduce erosion and landslide potential. J 5.28.090 .- Standards. No land-disturbing activity subject to the control of this Chapter shall be undenaken except in accordance with the following mandatory standards: . 134 . . . '(~~:~''''~ ;"F":~l,,:,;ti'rr~:~:'~': '!~'~'*"":" ,",i:-+i";~-- :"-,,,.t,:',;. Planning Commission Minutes - November 8, 2000 Page 7 F. Viewshed enhancement. In ravine and marine bluff buffers. alterations in vegetation coverage for'the Durposes of viewshed enhancement may be approved. so long as such alterations will not: (a) Increase geological hazards such as erosion Dotential. landslide Dotential. or seismic hazard Dotential: nor (b) Adversely affect significant fish and wildlife habitat areas: and will (c) Revegetate disturbed land to reduce erosion and landslide Dotential. 9. The proposed amendments to Title 17, Zoning Code, are minor in nature and generally pertain to clarification of definitions and land uses. The proposed amendments to land uses that are specified in various zoning designations are generally a result of issues that have been raised throughout the year, many of which are associated with the analysis of the proposed drug and alcohol center in the RHD zone, as well as compatibility of new' cell tower placement with adjacent uses, along with establishing an adequate review process for such proposals. 10. Through the review and subsequent approval of the drug and alcohol treatment center in an RHD zone, it was also discussed that hospitals and motels do not belong in that zone. In order to allow for new motel facilities, the Planning Department recommends that they be allowed by conditional use approval in the CO, CN and CSD zones. Motels are currently permitted in theCA and CBD zones. Also, allowing drug and alcohol centers in the Commercial zones as a conditional use should also be made. 17.15.040 Delete hospitals (G) and motels (I) from the RHD zone. 17.20.160, 17.21.160, 17.22.160. Add Motels as a conditional use in the Commercial Office, Commercial Neighborhood, and Community Shopping District. 17.20.160 Add chemical dependency treatment centers as a CUP in the Commercial Office zone. 17.23.040 Add chemical dependency treatment centers as a permitted use in the CA zone. 11. The following amendments to definitions in Title 17, Zoning, will improve the current regulatory process for reviewing the placement of new telecommunication towers. This includes adding a definition for wireless communication facilities, amending the definition of utility .structure and also adding telecommunication facilities that exceed the maximum building height as an unclassified use. 17.08.115 Add definition of wireless communication facilities, asfollows: Wireless Communication Facilities (WCFs)...means an unstaffedfacility for the transmission and/or reception of wireless telecommunications services included support structures, antennas, accessory equipment and appurtenances used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide or offer personal wireless communication services. WCFs include but are not 135 Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 1000 Page 8 limited to antennas, poles, towers, cables, wires conduits, ducts, pedestals, vaults, buildings, electronic and switching equipment. . 17.08.105 Amend definition of utility building or structure to include wireless communication facilities to which the structure height is less than the - maximum building height of the zone in which is will be located. 17.96.060(D) Add to list of unclassified uses: wireless communication support structures that exceed the maximum building height specified by the particular zone. 12. The following minor amendments are proposed to address granunatical, typographical or other minor corrections in Title 17. Various Remove "conditional"in titles of 17.17, 17.18, and 17.26, as well as the table of contents for these sections. 17.96.060(D) Add to list of unclassified uses: 1) aquaculture 17. 17.040(H) Add: The number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined by the Planning Director. Any improvements to the parking area shall be determined by the City Engineer in accordance with PAMC 14.40 whereby said improvements shall be completed within two years of the date of approval. . 13. The proposed changes to PAMe 18.02 are minor in nature and would be consistent with the 1997 changes to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review. 18.02.070 Aoolication Review Process. F. Notice of Decision. A notice of decision, which may be a copy of the report 0 r decision on the project permit application, shall be provided to the applicant and to any person who, prior to the rendering of the decision, requested notice of the decisio n or submitted substantive comments on the application. The notice of dec ision shall be consistent with R. Cw. 36.70B. and shall include a statement of any threshold determination made under Chapter 43.21C RCW and Chapter 197-11 WAC and the procedures for administrative appeal, if any. For non-administrative approvals, notice of the decision shall be published in the City's officially designated newspaper. 18.02.080 - Concurrent Environmental Review. C. The following requirements shall apply to concurrent SEPA review: 1. Except for a threshold determination of Jignijiamce, the City may not issue its 011 eS:UJld dele1 minatit}1l m iJJtie a decision or a recommendation on . a development application until the expiration of the public comment period on the notice of application. 136 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 2000 Page 9 18.02. 070(E). Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in R.C. W. 43.21C.075 and WAC 197-11-680, appeals of other threshold determinations shall be submitted prior to and combied with any predecision open record hearing, if one is provided for the development application involved or combined with an aDpeal of the underlying Dro;ect decision Der PAMC 18.02.120. 18.02. 080(C) (2) If a public hearing is required and the City;s threshold dete rmination requires public notice under Chapter 43.21C R.C. W., and 197-11 WAC, the City shall issues its threshold decision at least 15 days prior to the public hearing or shall comDly with Drocedures under WAC 197-11-355 . ODtional DNS Drocess. 18.02. 120(A). If an administrative appeal of the project decision is provided by ordinance, combined with any environmental determinations, such appeal shall befiled within 14 days after the notice of the decision or after other notice that the decision has been made and is appealable. The City shall extend the aDpeal period for an additional seven days. if state or local rules adoDted pursuant to ChaDter 43.21C R. C. W. allow Dublic comments on a determination of nonsignificance issued as Dart of the aDDealable Dro;ect Dermit decision. - - 14. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are most relevant to the proposed amendments: a) Growth Management Element, Policy (A)(1)(g) - Permits. Applications for both state and local government permits should be processed in a timely and fair manner to ensure predictability; b) Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objectives - Goal A -To guide current ana future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future; c) Goal B -To have a community where residential development and use of the land area done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics ofthe use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City; d) Goal C -To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interest; e) Policy C(1)- Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are. all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. . 15. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for this proposal on November 2,2000. 16. The City received no written public comments on the proposed Municipal Code Amendment MCA 00-03. 137 Planning Commission Minutes - November 8. 2000 Page 10 17. The relevant state laws that provide authority for the code chapters that are included in these amendments, as well as the amendments include the following: Growth Management Act, R.C.W. 36.70A, Local Project Review, R.C.W. 36.70B, State Environmental Policy Act, R.C.W. 43.21C, and associated Washington Administrative Codes (WAC) including WAC 365-195 and WAC 197- Requirements for amending Title 17, Zoning are specified in Section 17.96.100, as follows: . 17.96.100 Amendments. A. In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relations~ip of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map. B. Any amendments adopted by the Council may be modified from the form in which they were advertised within the limits necessary to relate properly such amendment or amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject to review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final passage by the City Council. C. No application for a change of zoning of any lot, parcel or portion thereof shall be considered by the Council within one year of the final action of the Council upon a prior application covering any of the same described land. This provision, however, shall not impair the right of the Council to propose by their own action any amendment or change in the boundaries of any of the zones in these regulations. . Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Planning Department Staff Report dated November 8, 2000 for MCA 00-03, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 1. The proposed amendments are consistent with the goals and policies of the City 's. Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to, Land Use Element Goals A- C and Policy Cl. 2. The proposed amendments will result in overall improved administration of regulations adopted by the city that pertain to the location of drug and alcohol treatment centers, hospitals and motels; the definitions of utility structures and wireless communication facilities, as well as the applicability of existing structure height standards as they relate to telecommunication towers. 3. The amendments will result in improved public service relating to permit processing and regulation integration. . 138 . . . ,,~;j,:'~~,:'~;A>.:(if;'\'~f'~'~'~~4i~; A';P,:'~~'""~~"~',~~'Y1F":t Planning Commission Minutes October 25. 2000 Page 11 4. The proposed amendments are in the public use and interest. Commissioner King seconded the motion which passed 5-0. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Brad Collins presented the Memorandum by Sue Roberds which provided a status report on the progress for the telecommunications ordinance. A public hearing is anticipated for the December 13th meeting. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8: 1 0 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Fred Hewins, Chair PREPARED BY: D. Barnes 139 . '. . 140 . . . GARNERO SMITH HURD 8: MILLER Cerrifled Public AcrounUUlts P.O. BOX 2013 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 (360) 457-0436 FAX (360) 452-4965 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON We have compiled the accompanying treasurer's report and balance sheet and statements of operating funds and visitor center funds of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce for the period of eleven months ended November 30, 2000, in accordance with the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. ~7M4/~ December 4, 2000 141 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TREASURER'S REPORT November 30. 2000 MONTH OF NOVEMBER 30. 2000: Net cash balances at October 31, 2000 Cash increase (decrease) from operations during November, 2000 Net cash balances at November 30, 2000 YEAR- TO-DATE NOVEMBER 30. 2000: Net cash balances at January 1, 2000 Cash (decrease) from operations year- to-date Net cash balances at November 30, 2000 TOTAL Funds on deposit: Checking accounts $ 9,876 105,516 6,551 Savings accounts Other assets Inter-fund loan November 30,2000 payables 121,943 (10.389) $111.554 TOTAL $111,982 (428) $111.554 $123,954 (12.400) $111.554 VIStTOR CENTER CHAMBER TRUST FUNDS FUNDS $127,366 $(15,384) (5.218) 4.790 $122.148 $(10.594) $131,590 (9.442) $122.148 CHAMBER FUNDS GENERAL OPERATING BUILDING FUNDS FUNDS $ 15,470 609 6,551 (74.954) (52,324) (5.389) $(57.713) $ 104,907 74.954 179,861 $179.861 See Accountants' Compilation Report. 142 $ (7,636) (2.958) $(10.594) VISITOR CENTER TRUST FUNDS $ (5.594) (5,594) (5.000) $(10.594) . . . ~!:";~;r;:r:~:#:.~:"): -', :r'!;-~'~: '<~1;\;f"":~ :.f , . PORT ANGELES ~ER OF COMMERCE BA.LANC2E SHEET For Period Endsa~'!'November 30, 2000 . CURRENT ASSETS PETTY CASH CASH IN BANK - US BANK CASH IN BANK - KEY BANK POSTAL METER ACCOUNT SAVINGS CD-KEY BANK ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CREDIT CARD RECEIVABLE DUE FROM GENERAL FUND PREPAID EXPENSE TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS OTHER ASSETS EQUIPMENT LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL OTHER ASSETS . CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DUE TO BUILDING FUND PAYROLL TAXES PAYABLE SALES & BUS TAX PAYABLE TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES NET WORTH NET WORTH CURRENT EARNINGS (LOSS) . ASSETS LIABILITIES & NET WORTH ~} See Accountants' Compilation Report. $ 70 2, 073 7,803 100 105,541 3,565 286 74,954 2.700 197,092 39,761 43.368 83.129 $ 280.221 $ 8,778 74,954 1,428 184 85,344 207,277 (12.400) 194.877 $ 280.221 143 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF CCM4ERCE STATEMENT OF. OPERATING FUNDS For Period End~ Novenmer 30, 2000 ACTUAL . ACTUAL 2000 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1999 INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE TOTAL MONTH TO-DATE MONTH TO-DATE TRANSFER FROM RESERVES S 17,429 REVENUES MEMBERSHIP DUES S 3,366 S 61,518 S 64 , 000 S 2,121 S 57,195 S 1,245 S 4,323 COUNTER SALES 543 18,974 22,000 1,329 20,349 (786.) (1,375) BUILDING RENTAL 450 2,004 1 ,755 (1,305) GRANTS 500 (500) N.W. WOOD SHOWCASE 45 2,088 3,000 317 3,325 (272) (1,237) ANNUAL BANQUET 1,325 1,325 1,250 75 CHAMBER FUND RAISERS 3,974 14,500 245 13,454 (245) (9,481> FUND RAISER'AUCTION 7,400 7,389 7,499 <7,389) <7,499) INTEREST EARNED 476 7,198 6,500 1,416 4,107 (940) 3,091 BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION 55 300 55 DONATIONS 71 1,657 2,300 62 1 ,701 9 (44) MISCELLANEOUS 90 532 600 179 583 (89) (51) CONCERTS ON THE PIER 2,500 2,539 (39) JULY 4TH INCOME 10,291 12,000 8,950 1,341 INTERNET ADVERTISING 750 3,000 100 2,125 (100) (1,375) NEWSLETTER INSERTS & AD 35 170 100 35 35 135 JET SKI RACE 13.962 11.160 13.962 . TOTAL REVENUES 4,626 125,443 150,189 13,157 125,422 (8,531) 21 EXPENDITURES MATERIALS-COUNTER SALES 146 8,841 13,200 1,241 11,101 (1,095) (2,260) MATERIALS-SHOWCASE 591 1,158 2,250 2,107 591 (949) CONSULTANT 44 279 44 279 RECRUITING/TRANSITION E 726 5,702 15,000 726 5,702 DIRECTOR SALARY OVERLAP 4,000 SALARY . DIRECTOR 4,167 35,710 45, 176 3,765 41,411 402 (5,702) BONUS - DIRECTOR 1,624 (1,624) SALARY - OFFICE MGR 845 8,767 9,512 m 8,739 72 28 WAGES-OFFICE ASST. 896 5,152 896 5,152 PENSION EXPENSE (SIMPLE 81 1,480 2,000 157 1,803 (76) (323 ) FICA TAX 517 4,467 406 4,629 110 (162) FEDERAL U/C EXPENSE 139 112 27 STATE U/C EXPENSE 223 4,743 190 34 STATE INDUSTRIAL INS. 266 186 80 LESS VC ALLOCATION (65) (801) (59) (795 ) (6) (6) MEDICAL INS.-DIRECTOR 315 4,984 8,004 679 6,533 (364) (1,549) MEDICAL INS.-OFFICE MGR 539 532 355 184 EMPLOYEE GIFTS 2,878 2,878 R.E. & P.P. TAXES 13 20 19 (7) LIABILITY & FIRE INS. 119 111 111 8 BANK CHARGES 1,099 500 65 815 (65) 283 OFFICE SUPPLIES 250 1,823 1,100 186 1,114 64 709 . OFFICE EQUIPMENT 178 500 (96) 559 96 (381) 144 See Accountants' Compilation Report. -"""", }~ oj., PORT ANGEL~.&,.c:iwtsER OF COOlERCE STATEMENT OF OPERATING FUNDS For Period Ended November 30, 2000 . ACTUAL ACTUAL 2000 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1999 INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE TOTAL MONTH TO-DATE MONTH TO-DATE AUTO ALLOWANCE $ 50 $ 2,300 $ 3,600 $ 300 $ 3,300 $ (250) $ (1,000) DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 440 750 210 705 (210) (265) POSTAGE 100 1,825 2,500 178 2,856 (78) (1,031) OFF I CE RENT 337 3,703 4,000 337 3,715 (1) (11) UTILITIES 350 335 (335) EQUIPMENT RENTAL 48 708 650 600 48 108 TELEPHONE 53 641 867 63 809 (10) (168) REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 15 86 200 2 170 13 (84) MANAGER TRAVEL EXPENSES 41 398 1,000 90 674 (49) (276) OFFICE MGR'S EXPENSE 95 1,489 1,000 880 95 609 EXECUTIVE TRAINING 419 419 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 375 4,125 4,500 375 4,100 25 ANNUAL BANQUET 2,261 1,553 1,802 459 GUEST SPEAKER HEALS 655 500 511 144 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 165 250 282 (118) CONCERTS ON THE PIER 1,800 1,800 1,650 150 JULY 4TH EVENT 786 500 450 336 JULY 4TH FIREWORKS 10,000 10,200 8,500 1 ,500 JET SKI RACE 12,268 11 ,050 12,268 . HOSPITALITY DIVISION 50 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 500 TOURIST PROMOTION 2,173 2,000 80 195 (80) 1,978 INTERNET EXPENSE 40 2,450 1,800 290 40 2,160 FUND RAISER - EXP 1,599 7,850 10,164 (8,565) FUND RAISER - AUCTION 2,000 2,524 2,710 (2,524) (2,710) AMBASSADORS EXPENSE 48 27 21 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 178 1,197 500 (171 ) 412 349 786 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ---1ll -L.QQQ --1....Q.1! ---1m) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9.844 134.885 167.618 11. 104 126.767 (1.260) ~ EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) S (5.218) $ (9.442) - $ 2.053 S (1.345) $ (7.271) $ (8.096) - . See Accountants' Compilation Report. 145 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STATEMENT OF,VI$nOR CENTER FUNDS For Period EndediNovember 30, 2000 ACTUAL . ACTUAL 2000 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1999 INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MOHTH TO-DATE TOTAL MONTH TO-DATE MONTH TO-DATE REVENUES CITY ALLOCATION S 7,849 S 36,118 S 48,000 S 6,582 S 43,348 S 1,267 S (7 ~230) EXPENDITURES VIC CONSULTANT S 131 S 836 S 131 S 836 BROCHURES & ADVERTISING 99 3,467 7,596 20,448 99 (16,982) VIC MEDICAL INSURANCE 539 532 355 184 VIC EQUIPMENT 132 132 VIC VAGES 845 8,767 9,512 m 8,739 n 28 VIC RENT 1,010 ",110 12,156 1,012 11,144 (2) (34) VIC UTILITIES 1,006 1,006 (1,OD6) VIC REPAIR & MAINT. 45 279 528 5 511 40 (232) VIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 3,489 3,410 558 3,343 (547) 145 VIC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 144 2,125 1,941 1,800 144 325 VIC POSTAGE 300 3,169 7,500 3,409 300 (240) VIC BUILDING INS. 356 334 332 24 VIC TELEPHONE 160 1,924 2,600 189 2,428 (29) (504) VIC PAYROLL TAXES ~ 801 ~ ---22 795 ~ ~ . .- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 36.992 48.000 2.596 54.311 -lli (17.319) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) $ 5.040 $ (874) - $ 3.986 S (10.963) S 1 .053 S 10.089 - . 146 See Accountants' Compilation Report. . . . ,I''''' \''f;{l,',''" X" ~>J;' -:. '~~}i ~ PORT ANGELE,*CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STATEMENT OF VISITOR CENTER FUNDS - REIMBURSEMENT 2% For Period Ended Novenber 30, 2000 ACTUAL 2000 CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE ACTUAL INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE BUDGET 2000 YEAR TOTAL ACTUAL 1999 CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE REVENUES CITY ALLOCATION S 1,120 S (1,120) EXPENDITURES POSTAGE 250 2,084 250 2,084 EQUIPMENT 1,664 (1,664) EXPENSE REIMBURSEME - ----1.R ~) TOTAL EXPENDITURES ~ 2.084 1.796 ~ ~ EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) S (250) S (2.084) S (675) S (250) S (1.409) - See Accountants' Compilation Report. 147 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FUND RAISERS . 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL REVENUES EXPENSES NET RESERVATION BOARD $ 3,175 $ 1,599 $ 1,576 VICTORIA TRIP CHAMBER DIRECTORY CITY MAP (1999) 799 799 TOTALS YEAR TO-DATE $ 3,974 $ 1,599 $ 2,375 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET REVENUES EXPENSES NET . RESERVATION BOARD $ 7,000 $ 4.550 $ 2,450 VICTORIA TRIP 4,500 3,300 1.200 CHAMBER DIRECTORY 3.000 3,000 TOTALS FOR YEAR $ 14,500 $ 7,850 $ 6.650 . 148 . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SUMMARY 11/3012000 OPERATING FUNDS: OAK ST. PLEDGES NOVEMBER RENT VICTORIA TRIP 981.55 1,346.87 1,450.00 3, n8.42 PAYROLL TAXES 1,428.14 SALES TAX 183.54 ROUNDING (1.10) . TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS 5,389.00 VISITOR CENTER FUNDS: VISITOR CENTER VIDEO 5 000 00 TOTAL PAYABLES $ 10.389.00 . }:",'::~':';~+f;;l:t::',1';;c;':._~,: ' 149 . . . 150 . . . ANGfW a RECllEAnON VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK CELEBRATING VETERAN'S DAY - NOVEMBER II, 1000 NOVEMBER 1000. 151 PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE November 2000 . Ocean View Cemetery William Shore Memorial Pool Vern Burton Community Center Senior Services Center - Rentals Senior Services Center - Kitchen Fees Senior Services Center - Leases Banner Lincoln Park Camping Fees City Pier Moorage Fees General Fund Revenue Total $133,374.23 $138,909.27 $17,764.50 $12,118.50 $1,840.00 $9,201.00 $4,171.00 $2,660.00 $1,183.00 $321,221.47 $114,557.41 $128,421.51 $16,442.00 $8,220.00 $0.00 $9,500.00 $4,385.00 $1,568.85 $1,251.00 $284,345.77 .-----.,.,' ...~.'-'"'''''''''''' '. ,.... I1IWiOt1)i!N..tRj '. .)'/'''' IMBli(ID)v'r~N1~~':;,iF;' Longhouse/Clubhouse Lincoln Park Camping Fees Improvement Fund Total $13,066.41 * $446.00 $13,512.41 $37,620.59** . $1,164.52 $38,785.11 ...,.---,"." -_.....".,.............................-.........-..-. ;REVENWI:"Z'jD" RECReATI0NA.... Vern Burton Kitchen Fees Co-Rec Volleyball Volleyball Tourney Fund Slowpitch Slowpitch Tourney Fund Mens Basketball Basketball Tourney Fund Youth Programs Adult Programs Adult Soccer Recreation Activities Fund Total $2,217.50 $3,765.00 $0.00 $19,614.00 $2,951.00 $4,395.00 $1,396.00 $46,728.90 $1,322.75 $6.116.00 $88,506.15 $2,027.75 $4,140.00 $50.00 $21,170.00 $2,073.00 $7,006.00 $2,912.75 $38,344.54 $2,204.50 $2,210.00 $82,138.54 . ** Includes Junior Soccer Club Donation & Little League Field Plane Crash Insurance payment * lAC Grant Payment . . . . 152 ">(~I ~., ,.~ J(", . " ,.~ . ':~:;"",,~~.:,W,~~,M\~~f.~i.'1_~:t.:t.\i_-,t:.:;' ':~~';';";G~:\~~;~-"':','._>\,,?':t~'~r{, t ' :~ -" '- - ~,'- -: . VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER November 2 November 3-4 November 9-12 November 16-17 November 18 November 19-27 Presbyterian Church Dinner Olympic Christian School Dinner & Auction Christmas Cottage Hurricane Ridge Ski Club Annual Ski Fest Ski Swap Festival of Trees VBMCC - GYM USERS Noon Open Gym Gym Walkers VERN BURTON MEETING ROOM EVENTS: November 1 Clallam County Food Handlers Class November 7 Department of Personnel Testing November 10 Clallam County Salmon Recovery November 14-15 55 Live Defensive Driving Class November 15 Garden Party & Open House Clallam County Food Handlers Class Stop & Shop Gift Sale Festival of Trees North Olympic Building Association Workshop Clallam County Food Handlers Evergreen Rural Water Seminar Clallam County Elwha Mitigation . November 18 November 21-27 November 28 November 29 November 30 Parks & Rec After School Program Family Center Toddlers VBMCC - REGULAR MEETING ROOM USERS: Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Swim Club Transit Union Juan de Fuca Festival Board of Appeals Co-ed Soccer Coaches Bike Club Land Trust , Puzzle Exchange Junior Babe Ruth Ski Club High School Parents COUNCIL CHAMBERS: City Council Meetings Board of Adjustments Plan'ning Chamber of Commerce Bid Openings . our Victims Panel Clallam County Bar Assoc. Clallam County Valley Creek Kiwanis Historical Society .. - .. .. .. .. . Olympic Christian School Elwha Management Team Parks & Rec After School Program Park Board Senior Class Parents Football Club First Federal Savings & Loan Inquiring Minds Education Foundation Phone Lady .. .. .. -- 153 Recreation continued- LINCOLN PARK RENTALS Clubhouse Longhouse Loomis Building November 1 2 1 LIONS PARK o To Date 58 42 27 5 RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAMS: Square Dance Lessons each Monday at the Senior Center - 24 participants Line Dance Classes at the Vern Burton Center -20 participants Country Western Dance Classes -16 participants After School Program at Franklin & Jefferson Elementary Schools -56 children enrolled Puzzle Exchange Scrabble Club Last Sunday ot each month First Sunday ot each month PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL EVENTS: November 4-5 Talking Rain - Mens' Basketball Tournament 5 teams; 4 out-ot-town November 4-5 Boys' Tipoff - Youth Basketball Tournament 15 teams; 12 out-ot-town November 5 Winter Open League Basketball Begins 4 teams participating November 6 Winter "0" League Basketball Begins 8 teams participating November 18-19 Turkey Shoot - Boys' Basketball Tourney 21 teams; 14 out-at-town UP-COMING RECREATION December 10 Children's Holiday Brunch January 13-14 Martin Luther King Invite February 3-4 All Comers Swim Meet February 17-18 Presidents' Day Tournament March 10-11 Spring Hooptest OTHER USES Scout Meetings each Wed. evening 4-H & Scout Meetings alternating Tuesdays WEEKLY ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM and FIELD SCHEDULING FOR: Junior.Soccer AAU YMCA PAHSBaseball Junior Babe Ruth Little League CITY PIER EVENTS: Ongoing Use at Fire Pit by various groups UP-COMING PIER EVENTS: None Scheduled 1 . . . ,. -;:~-. "C;'2'o';' .',.';'?\t~_:;'fI,':~~~~~:' William Shote. Pool Activities November 2000 ADMINISTRA TION *Completed American Red Cross Life Guard Class *Conducted monthly in-service training class for pool staff *Pool staff is currently organizing a New Years' Eve party for Middle School aged children INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for September: * Water Aerobics AM classes * Water Aerobics PM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Deep Water PM classes * Water Walking AM classes * Evening Aerobics 7 pm class Man - Fri Man - Fri Man & Fri Tue & Thurs Man, Wed, Fri. e> Man & Fri C> Swim Lessons Schedule: * Oct. 23 - Nov. 17 * Oct. 24 - Nov. 16 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Private lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TIONS Port Angeles Swim Club * 5:30 - 7:00 pm Monday - Friday Port Angeles School District * 7:45 - 8:15 am PE Classes 9:05 - 9:35 am PE Classes 1 :00 - 1 :30 pm Special Education Classes 3:00 - 4:30 pm Girls' Swim Team Man - Fri Wed Man - Fri Man - Fri United States Coast Guard * 9:00 - 10:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training Tues & Thurs RECREA TlONAL SWIMMING November 18 Kid's Day November 18 .' Middle School Night 32 Participants 6 Participants 155 William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Activity Report RECREA TION--- Children 753 11,355 667 10,602 Adult 2,007 20,593 1,681 18,586 Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Days 6/32 114/210 17/32 108/178 Pool Parties/Participants 19/212 147/1,769 9/98 128/1,557 "_~"~.:""",rM:'!:",,,,,,.,~,...~tto/!',.,..;~~:t"'1I~~"4''''''1l'~~~~'V~_'"'t_____~_~''~_r'r.'''___'i'->::1:' "1l -~"I1,,\"'"!,~"'<'Y""'~^;"""'"~"'-r"'1U""'..:r--;F': 'I. "t<.~ ~Ui{t'''''r''lO''''::^'~;;If':4~R'''F-;:-jr~'-''>'1 "'W]Q''''''''~A!"'':1!'j,~in.f&:f&~:''i'Y'':<k'ff>.>,,pi.'k<;:;:';':',,, ., ^ 't{:<~.. ~ 7'4'cl;.~J" ~ ~;l::ll ': " > .~*L '. '. :>, / ;; I.r!) , ~ ~ /<.0 '-.. ."{ ~ ^.. f...,.,' J-~>-t "~"<,r. "" i -4 ~,~~ ",,\;,.i'. j<\"...., '-' ':l;::-~ ;-~~ R ~ WI'" l ~?' ~ n~ t'" r:~. ':t" iI:.~ f: ,"it. ~J-"?~1:t'~)~r~;i';;f,W1 :;-;t1, t~ :...('- .::u~ ""~'\'~_ ;~i(<t ryf ~r"j ['1 ~ ~ '~~~j,"l~l ;""': t~ -4 l'; "" ;,A 'I ~1"'~; V. l.-- !;l:$'/ ,l. f. >;;t '; ~ ,~< ',. i{};,:'k)~. ~.1f <(~ ~ ~~. ;'\i ift ~ l':': % i,# .~e~ ~ vO!~~ 4t~ ,....;1'i'..l(~^. ....-\.'W';...,. , k<~'" ~ _' "'~>;'i"l,~.;jI" ,'t>." <1 I ~ o'",,~~.", . '< '~""',:-,, .."r/<"'l~"~,''''~ .t ~~ "" ^ 1':.\)AJ' ."Ii j~<,ti~~'i~~~~"~~4:~,._.~~fw,^.r'(",,,,~~v.[~~~~"'~.xJ if>~' ~"N' "k ~'>'.~....W~~i"1 ...~,(),,~....."" .:'1.", ~ ~ .,:;.~;~U. :4...L...~_ J~ ~ .~... .,..,"" ~...~:l:a,-."","41}~ik.h&d~, " . ';,.~J~s,jJ...h,t<i,'. j INSTRUCTION -- Children 799 10,709 753 Adults 314 21 Parent/Child Orientation 514 Pre-School 236 5,561 364 Water Exercise 655 7,589 717 School District 710 8,822 1,039 Pool Rentals/Classes 407 7,016 694 2,807 40,525 3,588 POOL OPERATIONS- Days Open 29 330 29 301 Hours Open 401.75 4,434.50 384.50 4,032.75 REVENUE -- Rental: Suits, towels, caps $314.87 $983.16 $41.22 $668.29 Admissions $2,075.22 $29,075.72 $1,826.18 $27;000.50 Lessons $2,592.00 $52,443.75 $2,860.30 $49,851.75 Aerobics . $2,085.00 $18,299.50 $1,511.00 $16,214.50 Passes $1,978.76 $22,406.60 $2,093.68 $20,427.84 Showers . $83.28 $1,484.90 $22.20 $1,401.62 Lockers $101.50 $1,692.83 $49.50 $1,591.3 Pool Rentals $838.74 $7,650.83 $291.94 $6,812.0 $418.39 $4,871.98 $338.41 $4,453.59 1 . November 2 November 4 November 9 November 11 November 18 November 19 November 28 November 29 Port Angeles School District Stringer Wedding Reception Estate Planning Workshop Peninsula Singers Partridge Family Birthday Unity Church Music Concert Port Angeles Association of Religious Community Thanksgiving Clallam County Septic Tank Workshop Estate Planning By Ted Ripley SENIOR CENTER REGULAR USERS .Senior Nutrition Board .Soroptimists Jet Set .Square Dance Council . NARFE Board .Eckankar . Parks & Rec After School Program Venture Club . Law Enforcement . .Senior Providers .CCWAB. .Retired Teachers .Olympic Area Agency on Aging . Virginia Mason .United Way . Rhody Society ~ SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAMS November 1 & 7 November 4 November 7 Volunteer Office. Staff Meeting 19th Annual Center Flea Market & Luncheon Coping Strategies for hard of hearing Aids for People with Low or No Vision November 9 Knife Sharpening Clinic Sponsored by Swain's November 1 0,23,24 Center closed for Veterans Pay and Thanksgiving Holidays November 14 Flu Shots by Jim's Pharmacy . 157 November 2000 . SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - REGULAR PROGRAMS Stretch Class/Weight Training Blood Pressure Checks Chair Massage Alzheimers Support Group Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs Yoga Tai Chi Health Amputee Support Group Chair Exercise (3x wk) Low Vision Support Self Help for Hard of Hearing Foot Care (4x month) Exercise Class 158 Education Round Table on Politics Defensive Driving Class Tap Classes Driftwood Sculpture Infinite Variety of Music Investment Class Water Color Geography of United States Social/Recreational . Paint on Own . Golden Agers .Senior Swingers Dance .Senior Singers .One Day/Over Night Trips .Pool .Bridge .Cribbage .Calligraphy ..1';. I · AI~,J 'f' ". . III /I .;;r ..... : · ~('','rti'.~". ill iii A ~1//: I .,~ · Ia fl.,', '.' i ~ ".:q. _ iii 1I.!l.:..,~./... '''lJ ...~, ........~ Harmonica Lessons Spring Chicken Band Investment Club Spanish Conversation Russian Language Huck Weaving Class Oil Painting . . Coffee Lounge .P R Committee .At the Movies (weekly) .Bingo (3x week) .Olympic Peninsula Chess Club .Pinochle (3x week) .Pickle Ball (3x w~ek) . Crafts . ?'''?':Fl~':f;~1~!~;3t~~:._" c;;~~;C';i~:~kyl}.:<-,,-;; -- ',- . PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT November 2000 Information & Referral 1,726 19,163 1,816 19,497 Estimated Attendance 4,942 55,179 4,462 49,072 Health Programs 612 6,577 517 5,697 Education Programs 928 6,721 642 12,934 . Social/Events/Programs/Meals 1,618 20,003 1,714 18,430 Trips: Taken 7 70 4 71 Passengers 78 918 52 716 Volunteers: 176 151 Hours 1 ,400 16,250 1 ,423 16,901 Membership: 2 1,563 5 1,388 City 1 1,029 2 937 County 1 534 3 451 . 159 Ground Burials 26 16 8 1 51 24 20 10 o 54 26 23 11 1 61 22 22 13 1 58 Ground Burial Inumments Niche Inumments Entombments Year to Date Totals I' .':p~~~D,SAJjES;:"" ...; """.'1 ' .. THIS MONTH TIDS YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR TO DATE $10,861.39 $57 ,898~60 $5,659.57 $32,475.59 160 . . . ,~t~~~~;~Jt~;;hi~~, ~;. .;~~:?F}J~t~~~~l~ Parks & Cemetery Monthly Division Report November 2000 . Accomplishments Turf Management II. Mowing and trimming ALL locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.0 hours II" Turfrenovation(thatching, aeration, topdressing, fertilizing, irrigating at Elks Play Field, Civic Field and Volunteer Field .... . . .... . . ... ......... ..... .. .. .. 52.0 hours III" Equipment repairs and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.0 hours Total Hours: ........ ........ ....... ....... ... 151.0 . Beautification , 11,* Downtown planter maintenance(cleanup water etc.) . . ........ . ... . ...... .. . .. .. . ... . 56.5 hours 11-' Maintenance of planted areas .. . . . .. . . .... ... . ..... . .. . . . .... .... ... . . ... . . .. .. . 15.5 hours III" Greenhouse, plant maintenance . ... .. .... .. .... . . ..... ... . . . ....... . . . . .. . . . . . .. 19.5 hours II" Tree well cleaning and maintenance . . ..... .......... .... . ..... . . . . . .. ... . . .. .. . . . 8.0 hours Total Hours: .. ........ ...... ...... ........ ... 99.5 . Amenities II" Pier general maintenance . .. .. . . . .. . .. ....... .... .. .. .. . ..... .... ... . . . . . ... . .. . 9.0 hours II. Floats; removed for winter .... . . .. .... . .. ..... . . ... .. ... . .. ... . ...... ... .. ... . . . 6.0 hours II" Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance .. .. .. . . ."......... . . . .. . .. .... 72.5 hours II" Park sign maintenance . ....... . ... ...... . . . .. .... . ... .. . ... .. .. . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . 2.5 hours II~ Play equipment maintenance . . .... . . . .. . ..... . ... . .. . . . . . .... . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . . . . 77.0 hours 11,* Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.5 hours Total Hours: .... ...... ...... ...... e.. ..... ... 187.5 . 161 Sports Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance "" Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields .............................................................. 39.0 hours "" Layout and maintain soccer fields ................................................ 0.5 hours "" Layout and maintain football fields .............................................. 13.0 hours "'" Tennis net adjustment and posts repairs at Erickson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.0 hours III" Field lighting repairs .........................................:................. 0.0 hours Total Hours: ... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63.5 Waterfront Trail "" Bench and memorial installations/maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 hour Total Hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.5 Building Maintenance General Maintenance and Repairs "" William Shore Pool .......................................................... 48.0 hours "" Vern Burton Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.0 hours "" City Hall and Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .138.0 hours II" Senior Center .....................................................:........ 100.0 hours Total Hours: ...........................'...... 389.0 ., Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas II" Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 14.0 hours Total Hours: ....... ....... ................ .... 14.0 . 162 ~i~'f:}i~i~~rili}?:t~J~~, ' ..;)i';'\";' /~f'~"::"~':;t'~..J.:~?!:, . Parks Genetal Maintenance .~l~'~ {~.~~;' II" Litter pickup from various park locations ..... ................... .......... 81.0 hours 11* Park improvements(playground improvements etc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94.5 hours II" Building maintenance; assisting at Fine Arts Center ...... ........ ............. ........ ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. 17.5 hours II" Forest Management; park trail clearing, road and trail repairs, pond maintenance and repairs, vandalism repairs etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138.0 hours Total Hours: ..... .......... .................. 331.0 Special Events II" Prepare and install Downtown Christmas Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.0 hours III" Total Hours: .. ...... ............. .... ......... 94.0 Campground II" Closed for season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 hours II" Total Hours: .. ......... .... ........ ........ .... 0.0 . Cemetery . II.. Ground burial interments .. . . ........... . . .. ........... .. ... ....... ... . . .. . . . .. . .. . 31. 0 hours II" Cremation interments . . ...... . . .. ....... .... . . . ..... ..... ......... . . ..... ... ... .... .. . ... . 11.0 hours II" Crypt entombmerit. . . . . . . . . . : " . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... .0.0 hours 11,* Niche inumments .. . .. .. .... . . ........... . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .... . ... . . ... . .... . . . . . . . 2.0 hours . . .. .... . 11* Memorial marker settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 hours . .. . . .. . . III. Mowing and trimming 7.0 hours . . ...... . .. .. ... . .. ... . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .... ....... .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . II" Building/Chapel cleaning and maintenance 100.5 hours . .0. ... ...... . .. ... .. .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . II. Grave site refilling/regrading 9.0 hours . .. . .............. .. . . . . ......... .. . .. ..... . . . ...... .. .. .. .... .... .. . . .... II'" Customer Service 2.0 hours .. ...... . . ... ........ .......... . .. ...... ........... .. .... . ......... ............ ... .. .. .. .... .. . .. . .. .. . . -c- Total Hours: ...................... . . . . . . ..... 166.0 . 163 Parks Administration "" Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings ............................... 170.0 hours Total Hours:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 170.0 Sub total hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,666.0 Total NON Productive hours (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370.5 Total Parks and Cemetery Division hours for November 2000: .. . . . ...... . . . . .2,036.5 ~ Total Monthly Maintenance Hours November 2000 , ' ql . LJ ':11 II II II II o 164 . # I Turf Management 151 hrs. . i j #3 Amenities 187.5 hrs. , #5 Waterfront Trail 0.5 hrs. #7 Civic Complex 14 hrs. #9 Special Events 94 hrs. # II Cemetery 166 hrs. #13 Time Loss 370.5 hrs. II . #2 Beautification 99.5 hrs I. #4 Sports Facilities 63.5 hrs. II #6 Building Maintenance 389 hrs. I #8 Parks General Maintenance 331 hrs. II # I 0 Campground 0 hrs. II # 12 Parks Administration 170 hrs. . ~:':~~lPW'1ll'l~~l. ,'e?;f!~N,"Fi",.'j, ',.' . P art Angeles Fire Department Saving Hearts and Homes . . I I .OJ November 2000 . 165 November 2000 Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved . 2500 2250 2000 1750----- 1500----- 1250 --- 1000 750 500---~ 250----- o -----~ 1998 2,000,000 --- - 1,000,000 ______-1 ; i L______ I l----- i I 1,500,000 -- __~______m I 500,000 ~------i ~,l '., ' . 0- I I ~- --.- 1999 2000 1999 2000 D Saved . Loss Nov 99/00 Total Calls 178/212 2000 Total Calls YTD 2,476 1999 Total Calls YTD 2,401 Saved Loss 2000 YTD 2,336,750 381,558 1999 YTD 575,845 413,496 140 80 . 120 100 o .. . 60 40 20 Fires> 5K Fires < 5K Auto B ru s h Haz Mat . 1999 .2000 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Date Incidents 2000 1999 11 7 56 64 9 16 35 29 35 !j 134 166 Fire & Life Safety Insp 1200 1000 - I . 800.--j 600 --i 400 -~ 200 -~-J I I o Inspections Reinspections [j 1999 II 2000 Inspections Reinspections 2000 YTD 1,023 975 1999 YTD 963 838 Medic I Transports .1000 800 600 400 200 o ALS BLS 1999 . 2000 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Fire Dept. 1999 2000 % ALS-YTD 907 867 4.4 I BLS-YTD 81 137 40.8 1 . i:-':~~):; Prevention Activities YTD 200 -;---1 250 ~~--- ------ f.---~~.------_.-.,. .- 150 ----j ; 100~ 50 --I o . f--- i i I I ---==--~- 1999 2000 o Permit Inspections . Plan Reviews . Public Education Contacts Perm it Plan Public Ed Inspections Reviews Contacts 2000 240 34 57 1999 225 61 34 2500 2000 --- 1500 1000 500 o Patients Assisted Fire Dept Olympic Ambulance 1999 . 2000 Patients Assisted Fire Dept. 1999 2000 % YTO 1,908 2,062 7.4 1 167 FIR E PREVENTION ACTIVITIES . November 2000 This Year to Last Year Last Year Month Date This Month Year to Date Fire & Life Safety Inspection 73 1,023 85 963 Fire & Life Safety Reinspection 91 975 41 838 Code Violations Found 93 1,397 130 1,501 Code Violations Corrected 113 1,300 69 1,183 Building Survey 0 13 0 5 Complaints Investigated 3 64 1 31 Fire Drills Supervised 0 2 1 6 Lectures, Classes, Demonstrations, Station 7 57 3 34 Tours Fires Investigated 1 13 0 11 Fire Alarm Test 7 104 8 162 Sprinkler System Test 13 157 10 163 Hydrants 35 81 0 20 Permit Inspection 16 240 24 225 , < Juvenile Fire Setters Counseled 1 4 0 7 . Plan Checks: 1. Commercial 0 18 5 26 2. Multi-family 0 0 0 4 3. Sprinkler System 0 10 1 17 .4. Fire Alarm 0 6 2 14 FP - 32 Revised 10/4/95 . 168 . . . ~"/;l'::':"'~:~r'l'i-( ,,," "L. ,\(,~:~:,," ,,"'i",,'",. Medic I Statistics November, 2000 ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT PAFD OLY PAFD OLY Cardiac Arrest 1 0 0 0 0 3 Cardiac, Other 27 1 0 0 0 0 Major/Minor Medical 46 2 0 6 1 4 Motor Vehicle Accident 1 0 0 3 2 6 Drug/Alcohol 3 0 2 0 1 1 Accident, Other 9 0 3 16 4 21 False Call 0 0 0 0 0 5 Total 87 3 5 25 8 40 * Note: P AFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OL Y -- Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport Total Medic I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 168 2,062 146 1,908 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 30 279 20 237 169 rl'-Ir/tJ.?, 1Io1l-e4I(be~ 10, 2000 . Oa.k ;tfo~(Jz (}j(rI P~tl(e~ '" I titirt fIOa ~()I(/ hol(/ /f(a()~ 100jJfCe(}iate fIOaI" I~at kf; tol('i~t/ Oeteet!irj I(/k~ tk ~/f(()k I(/a~ (}()/f(lirj {I"O/f( ().I(r/ tkl( et'/f(lirat!irj it ... I tluvrt fIOa ue~/I ~/ir(}e~'" {()~ fIOaI" e"Pe~t ().I(r/ jJl"O~~/(;l(af ~e~V1ee.f. ~ ~()I( . #tief (ho/f(e ()I(/I(e~) a~if /f(e to e~tel(r/ it~ tluvrif ().I(r/ OI'pfCe(}iat!(;1( a!&>(). ': L , , '.: ,~f'Ot~ Jo{ta~ , .,,, I ---'- I 1 ;' ,. 'I . ~ '. . ~.' <'. L...... ...~ - l,.; (....- , , . ,; t . ~.' '. .i I . , , 1.' ::.. " . '. ~ ,j , I ~.. . ; ;. _J , t , . '. 170 . . . "r '~(),'~:': .,<,~ ";/';'iS~ PW&u~REPORi:-:o;:....o;;~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS Be UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER 2000 WATER DEMAND >- <( o in z o ..J "' ..J Z ~ 34 W :! Cl <( a: w > <( , - - - - - c-- - - - JAN fEe MAR APR MAY JUN .JUI.. ...00 SEP OCT NOV DEe [J 1999 .2000 AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND LAST YEAR TO DATE (MG) THIS YEAR TO DATE (MG) SEWER/STORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE SEWER SYSTEM JETTED STORM DRAINS JETTED SYSTEM TV INSPECTED co RfS MAlA. co COM -... jTOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSALI LANDFILL ANNUAL TONS , RAYONtER DEMOLITION REVENUES 197..ge+99+20001 THIS YR TO DATE (TONS) i LAST YR TO DATE (TONS) IoIQRfPTOOWK4.12!1312C(JO RAINFALL -' -' <( ... Z ~ 01999 . 2000 _ 10 Year Average RAINFALL DATA 10 YR AVG. TOTAL TO DATE THIS YR TO DATE (IN) RECORD HIGH THIS MONTH RECORD LOW THIS MONTH 24.20 15.42 9.32 0.56 TEMPERATURE w a: ::J _. ~ .... <( :: Q:: ~ 00 W '" Q. ~ ::iE -. W ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ... - ~ .- - - - ~ - - FE. JUL AUG SEP OCT NiOY DIe 01999 _2000 - 10 Year Average ELECTRICAL USAGE w Cl <( en ~. ::J ..J ~ . <( c U ~ ~ it: :i! ~ -. U W ..J W FE. JUN .IUL AUO UP OCT NOV DEe Cl 1999 _ 2000 171 PW&U MONTH REPORT . 0Mt00n R........... ~ PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT NOVEMBER 2000 WATER . New water service: 1 . Cross-Tie completed at 18th & "N" Streets . Repaired 7 water service leaks . Replaced 5 meters . Installed tee on 8" main at 5th & "A" . 2"Cast iron watermain repairs . Watermain repairs: 3 four inch lines . Flushed/sampled new mains at Grant Avenue & Downtown WASTEWATER COLLECTION . Pump Station #10: replaced gasket & repaired roof . Pump Station #4: serviced generators, reinstalled pump #2 . Jetted storm lines for the Street Division WASTEWATER TREATMENT . Worked on 03 monitoring well report for DOE . Worked on NPDES permit renewal . Assisted Landfill staff with 04 sampling . Performed soil and well sampling on biosolids application sites . Worked on Pump #2 at PS #2 . Load tested all plant overhead hoists EQUIPMENT SERVICES . Work Orders: 105 . De(lvers Work Orders: 42 . Service Orders: 13 . . Denvers'Se.rvice 'Orde'rs 6 \ . #13 Ambulance, replace head gasket and injectors . #44 Ford K-9 Patrol Sedan. Install Arco kennel . #1246 Servjce Truck, snow tires and reorganize . #1383 Ford flatbed,seat repair and bOdy work . #1561 10 Yd Dump Truck, snow plow and hydrulic repair #1581 10 Yd Dump Truck, outfit for plow and retrofit for sander . #1741 Boom Truck, rear brakes, wheel cylinders, tires #1948 1994 Ford, replace power steering box and pump 1 MOR"7w2,~ . SOLID WASTE RECYCLING: Recycle Relay Races, Dry Creek and Jefferson Schools . Draft ordinances to modify yard waste collection & disposal . Develop recycling program for Hamilton Scool . Delivered 201 90-gallon residential containers LANDFILL: . Installed rails at drop boxes . Painted drop boxes . Improved signage at Landfill . Recycled 10 tons of tires STREET . Gravel/Grade unpaved streets . Grade/compact rock for access to Food Bank . AC Restoration . Landfill, install signs, reconstruct public dumping area . Landfill, install eco blocks for biosolids storage . Sweeping for Contractors on 8th Street and Downtown . Apply anti-icing agent as needed Equipment, prep for winter with snow & ice equipment and tools . Training: Asphalt Seminar Leadership Academy Class Work Zone Traffic Contol . ENGINEERING & PERMITS . Southwood - landlocked facilities design support Airport Road Realignment right of way certification in progress Cresthaven undergrounding construction completed . 8th Street reconstruction project construction support . Elwha Dam removal mitigation support . I & I Pilot Program Support . "A" StreeUGrant Avenue watermain eonstruction support . Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replace., Ph. II construction support Gateway Design support Landfill Cover Project construction support Aerial Mapping contrilct support . Laurel Street Side Repair consultant design support Distribution System rebuild bids rejected, rebid in 2001 . Rayonier to Lee's Creek trail design support Airport Road house move completed . "I" Street Substation transformer bid awarded . Grant application preparation Awarded TEA-21 Grant for sidewalks, bike striping LIGHT OPERATIONS Responded to 3 storm outages . Completed vault maintenance, west side . Installed tie between College and Washington substations Completed 4kv conversion . Installed Christmas lights downtown . . . . INftUEMBER_ii#~'.flItQoaYI . ... . Wilt. . '. '. .' :",' Jf;..\;firriJi'ffF', ....... '. .... .~ CA TEGORY JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 2000 YTO 1999YTO RESIDENTIAL-NEW .............~g.!?y.~.~.~..!..~.!?~!~.~.......... .............)............... 1 1 2 1 6 8 ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. .......$"5:.000........ ............................. ................................. .......$.4.'9:..5.00....... ............................. ................................ ................................ .......$22'5;481"...... ........S459;6iiii....-... Value $49,900 $51.081 $70,000 ..................~!.~.ggX~.~.!~:!:.............. 1 1 2 1 2 7 9 ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .....$T58;.'3'9..... ............................. ................................. ............................... ............................. .....'$T74}54....... ................................ .......$628;633........ ......$1..12'7;606..--. Value $69,000 $106,740 $120,000 ...................~.l!.~.!.~:F..~.~.!~.'!:............... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ................................. ............................... ............................. ................................ ................................ ................................. 2 Value ......-$736.362"-...... ...................~~~~.~.~.c?.~.I.~~............... 2 3 4 4 4 ............}.............. 5 1 2 3 ..............~................ 34 40 ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .....$'2'95:.000..... .............................. ................................. ............................... ....'$.'i2i;TJJo..... ................................ ........683;839......... ........$739.3'64.......... Value $8,400 $26,387 $100,242 $36,420 $16.230 $23,500 $4,900 $3,600 $48,000 COMMERCIAL-NEW ...........................~.~.!.~.I~....................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ................................. ............................... ............................. ................................ ................................ ................................. 1 Value ..........53'7'000........... 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Revenue $1,665 NEW SEWER SERVo .............~.............. ..............L............. 2 2 3 2 ..............~................ 17 26 :::::::3..:.........jie~(;;;~-;;....................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .......$'i';.662........ ...........$.'.77........... ........$2;'930........ .......$.;.;425........ ................................ -_...$14;167......... ...........$6.822............ $3,003 $3,290 $1,680 ~ ~~~~;W~~-- 16 0 1 0 3 .._i..__ .' 6 ._-_..~=-- 1 1 6 ...........JL.___ 0 62 81 '--s5~5ij6"" --$0-"- ...--"'i45-....- ......-.so........-... ...-....$135..-- $3,420 "$4,~ $2,962 -i5:56r"- ---$2;550-...... 53.745 '''''''''-'$ij.-.. -$28;388-' "'-""$5"3;502-"-' Ua . . . 174 . . . ~ORTA.NGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: December 19, 2000 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council Members FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist SUBJECT: Planning Department Monthly Report - November, 2000 CURRENT PLANNING ApPLICATIONS: Bed and Breakfast Permit Boundary Line Adjustments Conditional Use Permits Environmentally Sens. Areas Home Occupation Permit Minor Deviations Retail Stand Permit Rezone Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Short Plats Street Vacation Subdivisions Variances Wetland Permits Code Enforcement Appeals Shoreline Exemption o o o o o o o I o o 1 o o o o o 1 SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATIONS: Determinations of Non Significance 2 Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 0 Determinations of Significance 0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ApPLICATIONS: Clearing and Grading Permits 0 Building Permits 3 17\5 ), . . . 176 . . . THE CITY OF ~RT ANGELES Police Department ~be~ ~e ~,,\y ~~ ~~ ~O~~~ /~_", "~.'~~ ~ ,/ , 'C',,'~""'~ :\..,.~~,: ~~ Q , '. "<; ". \' 'l: ' i: "<""" ._...., ~' " ;.l~..... '.'~' ".l /i/~'ffl'C' ~ ~>~0LiC ~ ~. . <. p... &. ~, Iff', ,~ l~;:;' ~r+'1 '; :, :~..~. '. r-~ ~ , 1.-. , .'....--. . ~.:" ?(f .(J....h~.... ",' , ltT ANGL --'5' ~~ 'l~ 911 ';q" ) ;!:)" ,,~~ 177 Mission Statement:.. In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind, pride in our neighborhoods, and the safety of our families. . ~~~~ <:c--~. -~JY~ . Several promotions were announced during the month. Terry Gallagher to Deputy Chief, Eric Kovatch to Patrol Sergeant and Jack Lowell to Detective Corporal. . While investigating a bad check case detectives located and interviewed a 30 year old women from Forks. She had seven additional warrants for her arrest, six of which were also for the Unlawful Issuance of Back Checks. . After a three day jury trial a 19-year old male college student was found guilty of Possession of Marijuana in his college dorm room with the Intent to Deliver and Possession of Stolen Property in the Second Degree. · Detectives arrested a 32-year old male for forgery and theft in the Second Degree. The case has been referred to the Prosecutor for the filing of charges. · Members of the detective division assisted the FBI in the investigation of Rape of a Child in the Third Degree. Unrelated local arrest warrants have been issued for the suspect, and he has su~sequently fled to Canada. · Officer Bob Ensor attempted to stop a 49-old female accused of threatening to kill a young baby and a dog.. The suspect failed to yield to' the police car and continued driving at slow speeds. After 90 minutes officers discontinued the attempted to stop her after it was determined she was not a threat to the public. The suspect was subsequently taken into custody and evaluated by mental health 178 personnel at Western State Hospital. .A vehicle being driven by a 2I-year old male driver with a suspended drivers license was stopped. Once stopped the driver attempted to switch places with a passenger prior to being contacted by the officer. A search of the car incident a lawful arrest revealed a small amount of methamphetamine and a rifle. The driver was incarcerated for Driving while License Suspended, Possession of Methamphetamine and Felon in Possession of a firearm. · The police department continues to study the impact of annexing east of the City. . · Jodi Simmons has been hired as the new Warrant Entry Clerk. Jodi's previous work experience includes sales and five years at Boeing. For the past ten years Jodi has been a "stay at home" mom, and is enjoying the challenge and change of pace that her . new job has brought to her life. Jodi moved to p.ort Angeles last year with husband, Chris, and their two sons. Having lived in the Port Angeles area six years earlier, Jodi says commg back to the Peninsula was like a dream come true. In her free time Jodi enjoys being with her family, boating, fishing, hiking, reading, and working on their new home. . . . . ~~{~'~~1i~':;( . --~)~' "~~;~'r~18~:t~~;1S%:~ SUMMARY OF POLICE EMPLOYEE TRAINING HOURS SEPTEMBER 2000 Police Employee Training Current Month Administration Hours o Communications: o Operations: Video Training 18 Defensive Tactics / OC refresher 60 Total Hours This Month 78 Total Hours-Year to Date 1922.5 .Electronic Home Monitoring During the month of October 2000, a total of one person served a total of 30 days of electronic confinement. At the jails daily rate of $57 per day per prisoner it equates to approximately $1710 in savings. The City of Port Angeles will soon terminate its EHM program. W ASPC has agreed to accept responsibility. for the programs management and has hired Bill Loman to oversee the program. W ASPC will assume responsibility for all EHM participants in the County . CRIME PREVENTION Detective Jack Lowell Crime Prevention: · Two new Crime Stoppers profiles · Crime Fax Alerts · Safe Kids Coalition Meeting · Crime Stoppers Meeting · RUAD Meeting . Fax alerts Miscellaneous: · Departmental report · Drafted a policy for use of in car video cameras. · Raised funding to purchase time lapse re- corder. · Updating the Field Training Manual for new police officers. Grant proiects: · Path Grant (YMCA). · Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. Investieations: · Follow up investigations on earlier cases. Our Police Department Senior /' Volunteers provided 148.5 .,.:..-:e'NlDP--"o hours of service during the i month of October. Most of i this was dedicated to office . Ii work, vacation house checks, I radar/speed watch and other I services. 53 of these hours in- i volved the handling of animal control duties while Officer Mike McCawley is out on sick leave. 2 179 LA W ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY BOARD November 8, 2000 . Call to Order: Chairman Leland Lee called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Members present - Leland Lee (Chairman), David Brewer, Chuck Lisk, and Lynda Minor. Members absent - Rod Anderson, Leonard Beil, Frank Prince, Jim Jones, Jr. and Dennis Wilcox. Staff present - Interim Deputy Chief Terry Gallagher, Secretary Lena Washke. Guests - Bruce Knight, School Resource Officer. Minutes: The minutes were not available for review. Communications and Letters: There were no letters. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. Old Business: There was no old business. New Business: Bruce Knight Officer Knight, the School Resource Officer assigned to the Port Angeles High School, updated the Board on the SRO program this year. He works jointly with Cheryl Johnson the P AHS Security Officer. As necessary, he also serves the middle schools. There has been the following list of incidents at the high school since the beginning of the school year: M 21 Citations for smoking. These citations can result in a requirement for a smoking cessation class rather than simply a fine. M 1 illegal knife on the school grounds. There was no arrest in this incident. The knife, which was about two inches in total length, was seized. M 6 Theft reports. .. 4 Drug incidents. 3 were marijuana and I was suspected mushrooms. This number is significantly lower than years past. ~ 3 Assaults .. 4 MIP. These occurred after or during high school dances. ~ 3 Warrant arrests. M 3 Rape reports. These incidents did not occur at the school but rather were reported to Officer Knight after building a solid rapport with the students. .. And approximately 30 students were sent to mediation. Both adult and peer mediation is available for students with conflicts. This is an excellent option for the students to work out their issues be- fore escalating into something more severe. . Officer Knight has established effective working relationships with the high school security officers, while building the confidence of students. This has culminated in an excellent SRO program this year. Department Updates After updates on Arco's current active full time work schedule, current case updates and some department issues, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm. - ;' .. 3 180 . . . SUMMARY OF POLICE OFFICER OVERTIME HOURS NOVEMBER 2000 (thru 11-26-00) * Range, K-9 Training, DUI Emphasis, Firearms Instruction, Special Events Actimy fhas vm 0illlB:k 3 59.25 Cami=lnl~ 13.25 125.5 Out Tire 6.25 175.5 D'IRE. SciIrl Renn:e a6ce'. Sdl:rl PlIId 0 405 Pa.kllliaiIs (o.nsd: finirW 40.75 276.25 l-tiidly 0 624.5 InCl1l1~' Amss 5 137.75 lmesj~<m~ Vrlen:e, w.rnns 20 334.75 Rqx:rt 'Mting 4.5 8225 91iftC~ 52 79).5 T miring am Travel 19 948.25 T~rtu~iIe 16 152 J\.tscelJam:u;' 5 346.75 TOI3I 18t75 <<lSJ.75 ~n:ent ofSd'rlklkd \\i>rkHlun 4,1"/e 4.7% 'R.c.'l" K-9T"""'l'.llU Iir!fmIS,FII131TOIn<.II:Ua\ ~a1&._ 911 Calls YTD totals are read on the right scale 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 c.... " !: :t- s: <- c.... :t- en 0 Ql CD Ql ~ Ql c: c: c: CD n :J. 0- n '< :J -< co " 0 c: <: CD c: iii Ql =r !a- 0- -< Ql 3 ~ -< 0- ~ ~ o z o < CD 3 0- ~ -< -l o -< -l o N o o o o CD lil 3 0- ~ ..... <0 <0 Q) ..... <0 <0 <0 ~~1i~or ';~~M;:~i~;'~:il~j}lv~~~~~~r~~Y!~:~ti"~~~"\~h?~ftrf!ttt.\{.1~;~~ ;'if~;@7iJ4~1\:~:i:~~.~- ..,:, "~.~S>: >,f:~~~~~}?~.lt ~:i$1 ~~~J~.};{ ::t;ir1!;~~~j -~:';'<>~~ ~r;g;'J;i$-\~;:ft'\\~,['; 'f;11: ~"'W:"~'":~"t> _~~r- l:?...~. ~~~' ,-;V,,~?, < ;J<(.~ '(. ! 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''J..-!'''V '1'" :-lfli'~1tJ'~~'<f';~~ p.,~; '~'%~~h,-, v.-\,,~:<>~~~~~ .," '-'. l~-'<<i<M~;'" ~~""~;>N-.." _' ,_ ~, ._,-_, ~,_,' ~~k_ "'.... ___"''' ......., ,_ ~,~. _ \>' ~~~'\~~~..;""'F,.r;:!;J 4 26000 24000 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 181 Calls for Service YTD totals are read on the right scale . 2500 20000 19000 ,0, 2000 . . . 18000 17000 1500 .-..............-..- . 16000 15000 1000 14000 13000 500 12000 11000 0 10000 <- ., s: )> s: <- <- )> en 0 z 0 ~ ~ -< OJ C1l OJ -g. III C C C C1l n. 0 -l ::l 0- 0 '< ::l .:;:: (Q "0 < C1l 0 0 0 c 2 C1l c r0- o C1l 0 OJ :T !a. 0- 3 C1l .... .... I\J -< III 3 ~ 3 (Q <D 0 -< 0- CT ~ 0- <D <D 0 ~ ~ (Xl <D 0 . Police Department Dispatches YTD totals are read on the right scale 2000 20000 1900 19000 1800 18000 1700 . 17000 1600 16000 1500 . 15000 1400 . 14000 1300 13000 1200 12000 1100 11000 1000 10000 '- "T1 :!: )> :!: '- '- )> en 0 z 0 ~ ~ -< OJ Cll ... ~ OJ C C c: Cll U 0 -i :> rr S '< :> .:;:: <C "0 < Cll 0 0 0 c: 2 ro c: en 0 Cll @ ... !e- rr 3 ~ ~ IV -< ... 3 !!: 3 <0 <0 0 -< rr rr rr <0 <0 0 !!: !!: !!: 0> <0 0 . 5 1 82 ~_;:j. .-,",':cT' ,",c,':":::;' . Parking Enforcement Revenues are reflected on the right scale 300 50 $30,000 250 $25,000 200 2W----- $20,000 150 . .~f)--------'------------ $15,000 100 .... .-.----'------.....-....- $10,000 . $5,213~_ $2:~188~-b~--- ---.- .... .. --.-tJ. : ; ------ ..---- ..__m____.____m__. .-- ..... 0- -... i:i7 '~3~ ~.1t-1:0~~ ~...: .o",;llt~..O~~"1~~A.?W;,Ogg '3i1,8flil~.$..1.~11 $5,000 0 c.... 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Mise/Other Runaway Violate Protection Order Alcohol Violations DUI Domestic-Verbal Drug Violation Crime Against Child/Sex Weapon Violation Mal Mischief 3rd Mal Mischief - Felony UIBC/Fraud Stalk/Harass ResistlObstruc o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 LO~C")N..-O())COI"-<DLO~C")N"- ~,-,-,-,- . CI) ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 III 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E LO v M N N 0 C7l co r-- <D LO CJ) N N N N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .<:: <:: I I. .1 I. I . Ii .1 I. I I YTD 2000 0 "0 '" ~ ~ '" III I '. ..."oo. 't YTD 1999 ro 13 a \;: '0 ~:2" I:: - o 8 o E _c: nI <1l E ~ ._ u 1::- < , ..1-.. J-.....f ....j ! i I i II , I t+ "1 mim m..t i Animal - Other Animal - Vicious Animal - Stray Animal - Noise Animal - Complaints Animal - Lost Animal - Injured/Sick Animal - Found Animal - Dead Animal - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~ OLOOLOOLOOLOOLOOLOOLOOLO COr--..t'--tDCOLOlO.....'l:t("l")(")NNT"-,- . . LO CO ~ 00 186 'I;':~.r:r"~',ci-,--,,'C},;" . 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 c.... 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