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Agenda Packet 12/21/2004
pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET December 21, 2004 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. (5:50 P.M.) EXECUTIVE SESSION: 42.30.140(4): Review propesal for ernployee contract A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS WORK SESSION (1) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or City Council member (2) PUBLIC COMMENT This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything. To allow time for the Council to complete its' legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of J5 ,ninutes for this comment period. (These time periods may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of thc ?.;ayor.) D. FINANCE 1. Allocation of Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds 2. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Transmission Settlement 3. Purchase of Large Diameter Fire Hose 4. Downtown Signal Renovation Project 03-01 E. CONSENT AGENDA I. City Council Minutes of December 7, 2004 regular meeting 2. Expenditure Approval List - December 10, 2004 - $977,833.92 3. Electronic Payments - December 10, 2004 - $1,437,329.67 4. Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County re: Storm Water Utility Collection 5. Renew Ambulance Billing Agreement 6. Approve listing agreement for Del Guzzi 7. Approve 911 Interlocal Agreement with the County 1. Approve Allocation 2. Accept Settlement 3. Approve Purchase 4. Authorize Change Orders and Accept Project 1 - 7. Accept Consent Agenda NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK December 2 l, 2004 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page- 1 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. RESOLUTIONS H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Ordinance amending collection agency 71 1. Adopt Ordinance authority I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance 75 1. Authorize Police Chief & Mayor to sign Agreement - Westsound Regional Emergency proposed agreement Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) Instructors 2. Front Street Corridor Landscape Plan 95 2. Review plan 3. Motion to authorize contract negotiations for 103 3. Authorize negotiations telephone notification system J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL None (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER None L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Reports: 2. C.C. Humane Society Report - November 30, 2004 (Page 105) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) Executive Session for purposes of employee evaluation - RCW 42.30.110(g). N. ADJOURNMENT I I G:\CNCLPKT~AGENDA\Dec 21 04 final agenda wpd PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet ~egal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations, In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Ceftin matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK December 2 l, 2004 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 pORTANGELES WAS h IN Gt 0 N, U. $. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 21, 2004 CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Headrick Councilmember Braun Councilmember Erickson Councilmember Munro Councilmember Pittis Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams Staft Present: Manager Quirm ~. Attorney Bloor L Clerk Upton --- B. Collins c M. Connelly G. Cutler ~-~ D. McKeen .... T. Riepe ~ Y. Ziomkowski · ~ Other Staff Present: ? PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Ledby: ~ /~i~ ' pORTANOELES WASHINGTON, U. S, A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: LOCATION: December 21, 2004 City Council Chambers pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U S, A. City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of December 21~ 2004 Ordinance / Resolution No. City Mana[ger City Atty. (1) Planning City Clerk (2) Deputy Clerk (1) Personnel Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summary) Extra CoDies TOTAL WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of public Work~ and Utilities Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Distribution of Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds Summary: The distribution of STP Funds to local agencies in Clallam County requires the approval of an inter-local agreement for the years 2004-2006. These funds are used to assist in funding of surface transportation projects such as the recently completed Peabody Street Reconstruction project. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Inter-local Agreement for the distribution of funds pursuant to the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Equity Act. Background/Analysis: The Surface Transportation Program (STP) is part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Equity Act (ISTEA). STP is a program created to fund a broad range of surface transportation needs. Funds are derived from federal gas tax and can be spent on surface transportation projects such as roads, transit projects, sea and airport access projects, car and vanpool facilities, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian walkways. WSDOT administers the program for the Federal Highway Administration, and Clallam County is the local lead agency for administering the distribution of the funds. The allocation of funds to Clallam County is based upon population after WSDOT sets aside funds for special programs such as safety and transportation enhancements. The agencies within the county may, by inter-local agreement, allocate funds on a project competition basis or they may determine the allocation of funds in advance. Utilization of the STP funds requires meeting applicable federal funding requirements. Clallam County, Sequim, Forks, Port of Port Angeles, Clallam Transit and the City of Port Angeles agreed in the past to disburse the funds received based upon a percentage basis as follows: AGENCY SHARE FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 ClallamCounty 33.34% $259,828 $120,050 $208,912 City ofPort Angeles 16.74% $130,460 $128,295 $104,895 Sequim 12.48% $97,261 $95,646 $78,201 Forks 12.48% $97,261 $95,646 $78,201 Port &Port Angeles 12.48% $97,261 $95,646 $78,201 Clallam Transit 12.48% $97,261 $95,646 $78,201 1 December 21, 2004 City Council Re: STP Funds Interlocal Page 2 The distribution formula for the new inter-local agreement is unchanged from the previous agreement and outlines the planned allocation by agency of total funds in the mount of $2,204,253 over the three-year period, 2004 through 2006. The inter-local agreement must be approved by all agencies. This method of distributing the funds has been helpful in the past, permitting the agencies to plan on fixed receipt of funds for future years, and not be concerned about designing projects to compete with other agencies. It also removes the potential of not receiving funds if the project is not selected, and permits greater flexibility in allocation of the funds while permitting use of the funds as matching funds for other grant and loan requests if so desired. It is recommended that City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Inter-local Agreement for the distribution of funds pursuant to the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Equity Act. N:\CCOLrNCIL~FINAL\STP Inter-local agreement.doc Inter-Local Agreement for the 2004-2006 Clallam County Region STP Funding Allocation THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between certain member agencies of the State of Washington, as defined below, to establish the allocation of Surface Transportation Program funding pursuant to the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) of 1998 or its successor legislation slated for reauthorization in 2004. Definitions For the purpose of this inter-local agreement and all other agreements, contracts and documents executed, adopted or approved pursuant to this agreement, the following terms shall have the meaning prescribed to them within this section unless the context of their use dictates otherwise: (1) Member agency shall mean any local government which is a signatory to this inter-local agreement and is a County, City, Transit Authority or Port Authority within the region; (2) State shall mean the State of Washington; (3) Region shall mean the territory physically lying within the boundaries of Clallam County; (4) STP funds shall mean the federal funds allocated by the State to the Clallam County Region Surface Transportation Program; (5) TEA-21 shall mean the federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century of 1998 or its successor legislation slated for reauthorization in 2004; (6) Fuel tax shall mean State fuel taxes; (7) CA shall mean Certification of Acceptance. Recitals WHEREAS, the member agencies recognize the need and desirability to participate in cooperative decision making by elected officials of said agencies in order to comply with the requirements of TEA-21 or its successor legislation slated for reauthorization in 2004 concerning the utilization of federally provided transportation revenues; and STP Agreement 21~b4 - 2006 Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the member agencies are eligible to compete for STP funds provided to the region through the State in accordance with TEA-21 or its successor legislation slated for reauthorization in 2004; and WHEREAS, the member agencies agree to put forth a good faith effort to be in full compliance with the flexible provisions of TEA-21 or its successor legislation slated for reauthorization in 2004; and WHEREAS, the member agencies will take full opportunity to solicit public participation in their member agency prioritization process; and WHEREAS, the member agencies have received direction and have arrived at consensus amongst themselves as to STP funding allocation policy; and WHEREAS, CA member agencies will put forth a good faith effort and be ready to commit a reasonable portion of fuel taxes in any year to non-CA member agencies who desire to replace STP funds with fuel taxes pursuant of the Inter-Local Cooperation Act of 1967, Chapter 39.34 R.C.W.; and WHEREAS, the Clallam County Public Works Department will provide STP Coordination between member agencies to ensure obligation of STP funding; and WHEREAS, the member agencies are authorized and empowered to enter into this agreement pursuant to Chapter 39.34 R.C.W. THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed: STP Fundin.q Allocation Schedule: The method and process embodied in the attached STP funding allocation schedule is approved. Borrowing ahead to FFY2006 is allowable. Public Participation: Each member agency shall conduct a public hearing for the prioritization of STP funded projects based on selection criteria. The member agency shall solicit STP funds project applications from the public. Additional Re.qion Allocations: Should Clallam County Region receive more STP funds than $734,751 per year for the term of this agreement, the additional funds shall be proportionately distributed pursuant to the allocation funding formula among the member agencies according to the schedule. Replacement of Federal Revenue with Fuel Taxes: Any member agency may purchase, with State fuel taxes, any portion of another member agency's STP allocation at a ratio of $0.70 State fuel tax funding for each $1.00 of STP Funding Obligation. Though fuel taxes are not subject to federal expenditure STP Agreement 2~04 - 2006 Page 2 of 4 rules or regulations, the selling member agency agrees to spend such revenues only on transportation facilities and other eligible activities of STP funds. Joint Proiects: Whenever possible, the member agencies should consolidate allocations and coordinate joint-projects that will benefit multiple jurisdictions. Joint-projects shall receive extra recognition in the prioritization process. Terms of this Aqreement: This agreement shall include the period from January 1, 2004 through December 31,2006. No member agency shall have the right to withdraw from this inter-local agreement. Effective Date: This agreement shall become effective only if all member agencies listed in number 8 below, become signatories. It shall have full force and effect from and after the date the last agency becomes a signatory. Listing of Member Aqencies: Clallam County, Claliam Transit System, City of Forks, City of Port Angeles, City of Sequim and Port of Port Angeles. Adopted by official action on .,2004 Agency: By: Title: STP Agreement 20~4 - 2006 Page 3 of 4 Clallam County Region STP Funds Allocation Schedule Member Agency FFY04 FFY05 FFY06 2004-06 Funding Agency Allocation Total Formula Clallam County $244,966 $244,966 $244,966 $734,898 33.34 Cityof Port Angeles $122,997 $122,997 $122,997, $368,991 16.74 Clallam Transit System $91,697 $91,697 $91,697 $275,091 12.48 city of Forks $91,697 $91,697 $91,697 $275,091 12.48 City of Sequim $91,697 $91,697 $91,697 $275,091 12.48 Port of Port Angeles $91,697 $91,697 $91,697 $275,091 12.48 Fiscal Year Total $734,751 $734,751 $734,751 $2,204,253 100% STP Agreement 2~4 - 2006 Page 4 of 4 Approved as to Form Stacy Chao Deputy Prosecuting Attorney PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF .,2004 BOARD OF OLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Stephen P. Tharinger, Chair Michael C. Chapman ATTEST: Howard V. Doherty, Jr. Trish Perrott CMC Clerk of the Board STP Agreement 20704 - 2006 Page 5 of 4 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Rate Settlement Proposal Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has recently offered a settlement proposal for power transmission rates that will be in effect starting October 1, 2005. Initial rate proposals for the rate case were for an overall increase of 20%, with increases to Network Transmission (NT) rates of 10.2%. The settlement would increase NT rates by 8.9%. This would increase our transmission charges from BPA by $170,000. Recommendation: Support the proposed transmission rate settlement with BPA. Background/Analysis: The Bonneville Power Administration, Transmission Business Line, began workshops for a transmission rate case in the spring of 2004. IfBPA begins a formal rate process in early 2005, the initial proposal will be to increase transmission rates by 20% overall, and increase Network Transmission rates by 10.2%. The City signed a contract for NT transmission services with BPA that is in effect until September 30, 2006. The increases to rates are being driven by several factors. BPA has seen a drop in network transmission sales of more than 3000 MW since 2001. These reductions in load were mostly from reduced sales to direct service industries (DSI's), and to other customers finding more efficient ways to use their existing firm transmission rights. There are also increased debt service costs associated with infrastructure investments built to improve reliability and strengthen the system. BPA's transmission revenue has decreased $57 million in 2003 and an additional $21 million in 2004 even after a 1.5% increase in 2004. Revenues are projected to be flat in 2005 and BPA is expecting a $150 million net loss in fiscal years 2006 and 2007. While the settlement proposal is not a large decrease from the initial proposal, the settlement will avoid a lengthy and expensive formal rate ease. At this time, BPA is only looking for a general consensus for support of the rate settlement proposal. Most northwest utilities are supporting the proposed rate settlement. The Utility Advisory Committee recommended support of the transmission settlement proposal at the December 14, 2004 UAC meeting. 9 PW_I01.01 [Revised 07,r20/04] WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL Dan McKeen, Fire Chief ~,,~',/~--'-~----~.o.~,,~_~ Keith Bogues, Training Officer ¢-~-"' Purchase of Large Diameter Fire Hose Summary: An adequate mount of water is essential for successful firefighting operations. Under certain circumstances, the recently adopted "Low Impact Development Standards" may affect the fire department's ability to meet the fire flow requirements needed to control large, rapidly spreading ~res. To meet this basic need, bids were requested for large diameter fire hose, fittings, adapters, and :ools. Two bids were received and opened on December 10, 2004. U. S. Fire Equipment, LLC, submitted the lowest responsible bid. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council award the purchase for large diameter fire hose to U. S. Fire Equipment, LLC and authorize the Fire Chief to issue a purchase order in the amount of $29, 970.88. Background/Analysis.' An adequate and uninterrupted water supply is fundamental to the effective control of fire. Most fires in Port Angeles are extinguished with several hundred gallons of water applied quickly through on-board water supplies and pre-connected hose lines. Some incidents, such as the fires at the Pershing Hotel, Elks Building, and more involved residential fires, large amounts of water must be readily available for quick delivery at rates necessary to overwhelm growing and rapidly spreading fires. In the past, we have relied upon code enforcement to ensure that an adequate water supply is within 500 feet of most structures. The recently adopted "Low Impact Development Standards" have modified this requirement, allowing structures to be placed up to 1,000 feet away from the nearest fire hydrant. The utilization of large diameter hose allows an increase in fire flow over longer distances, without requiring any additional personnel or apparatus. 11 City Council Page 2 December 21, 2004 An additional advantage to the utilization of large diameter hose is that every building surveyed by Washington Survey and Rating Bureau that is within 1,000 feet ora fire hydrant will be given full credit. Essentially the use of large diameter hose will mitigate any potential impact that might have resulted from increased distances from structures that are now allowed by the Low Impact Development Standards. This can often be the difference between a better versus a poorer insurance rating, which can translate into favorable insurance rates. During the recent water main break, we used a fire engine to pump from a reservoir into the system. If we had large diameter hose available, we would have been able to move considerably more water. A detailed presentation on the benefits and advantages of large diameter hose was made to the City Council Health and Safety Committee in August, 2004. Bids were opened on December 10, 2004 and two bids were received. The result of the bid opening, corrected as needed in accordance with the specifications and including applicable taxes and shipping, is as follows: Vendor U S Fire Equipment, LLC Premier Rubber & Supply Total Bid (Including taxes and shipping) $29,970.88 incomplete U. S. Fire Equipment, LLC submitted the lowest responsible bid. It is recommended that the Council approve the purchase from U. S. Fire Equipment, LLC in the amount of $29,970.88, and that the Fire Chief be authorized to issue a purchase order. Funding to pumhase the hose is included in the Fire Department's amended 2004 budget. DM/cw 12 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Project Acceptance, change order approvals, and Release of Retained Percentage, Downtown Signal Renovation, Project No. 03-01 ~ummary: Signal Electric, Inc., has completed all work related to the subject project. It has been inspected and accepted as complete and the final payment will be processed upon council authorization. Recommendation: Accept the project as completed by Signal Electric, Inc., approve change orders 1 and 2, and authorize the release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required releases. Background/Analysis: Signal Electric, Inc., has completed all work associated with construction of the Downtown Signal Renovation, Project No. 03-01, which involved replacing seven (7) traffic signals and associated appurtenances at locations shown on the attached map. It bas been inspected and accepted as complete and the final payment will be processed upon council authorization. The following table is a summary of project construction costs, including applicable taxes: Original Contract Contract Change Unit Quantity Project Cost Amount Orders (2) Variations Final Cost Variance $301,368.00 $52,123.25 $2,982.00 $356,473.25 18% The two contract change orders that were required during the project included the following: 1. Sidewalk restoration at SE and NE comers of First & Lincoln Streets and NW and NE comers of Front & Lincoln along with conduit replacement and roadway restoration at Front & Oak Streets. This work was required for extra work to replace conduit for the signal system at these locations. Cost $7,240.93 13 N:\CCOLrNCIL~F1NALXDowmown Signal Acceptance, Proj 03-0 l.doc Sidewalk restoration at Mathew Glass (SE comer of Front and Lincoln). This work was required for extra work to replace conduit for the signal system. The work replaced old broken sidewalks and driveways, and removed four underground fuel tanks in the City right of way. Mathews Glass participated in the sidewalk and driveway material costs. Cost $44,882.32 The following table is a summary of funding sources used for the project: FUNDING SOURCES* Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) $257,494.00 TIB allowable Increase (10%) $21,285.00 City of Port Angeles Match $74,295.00 Conservation Rebate $23,030.24 Mathews Glass $ 4,232.00 TOTAL *Funding sources cover design and construction costs. $380,336.24 It is recommended that Council accept the project as completed by Signal Electric, Inc., approve the two change orders, and authorize the release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required releases. SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT LOCATIONS Railroad Ave. 2nd St, 2nd St. 14 N:\CCOLrNCIL~FINAL~D owntown Signal Acceptance, Proj 03-0 l.doc CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 7, 2004 CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Proclamation re. Highway 101 Traffic Safety Project WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Headrick called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:02 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Headrick, Councilmembers Braun, Erickson, Munro, Pittis, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Acting Manager Bloor, B. Collins, M. Connelly, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, C. Hagar, C. Kochanek, S. McLain, S. Johns, D Bellamente, J. Swenson, B. Coons, and J. Scniuk. Public Present: T. Jennings, E. Tschimperle, T. Ahlgrcn, L. Little, R. Johnson, G. Gleason, B. Booher, C. Kidd, C. Schramm, P. Lamoureux, M. Lang, P. Schaefer, T. Maddox, M. Roon, D. Rodriguez, M. Miller, J. Harmon, R. Gotham, N. Newman, J. Hordyk, E. Chadd, E. Brown, V. Rudin, K. Reavey, J. & T. Elliott, L. Nutter, D. Sharbel, A. Brastad, and J. McClean. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Piths. Proclamation re. Highway 101 Traffic Safety Project: Councilmember Munro served as a member of the Committee which this proclamation supports so, at Mayor Headrick's request, Councilmember Munro read the proclamation and invited everyone to attend the Public Kick Off Event scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 2004, at 2:00 p.m. in the lobby of the Deer Park Cinema. Mayor Headrick thanked Councilmember Munro for his efforts on behalf of this project. None. At Attorney Bloor's request, City Council agreed to add one late item to the agenda under Other Consideration, discussion of the 2005 Paddle Journey to be hosted by the Lower Elwha Tribe. Jack Harmon, P. O. Box 1928, Port Angeles, informed the Council that the letter dated November 22, sent by Diana Tschimperle, did not reflect the views of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, asked for an explanation of an expenditure noted on Page 32 of the packet, payment made to Simmons Electric for Plan Review of Obstetric in the amount of $894.83. Councilmember Rogers responded that this was for a plan 15 -1- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: (Com'd) FINANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: review of Olympic Medical Center's remodel of the obstetrics ward, whichis part of the Hospital's building perafit. Mr. Lamoureux then asked when Councilmember Williams would give a report on the Energy Convention he attended. This will be placed on the agenda for the meeting of December 21, 2004. David Chastain, 910 Pine Street, with the aid of Laura Gray, his helper, asked if consideration could be given to repairing the pot holes in the alley behind his home, as it is very difficult for him to maneuver his wheelchair down the alley to reach 8t~ Street. Mr. Chastain also inquired about wheel chair ramps being placed on the comers and if there was any possibility of a traffic signal being installed at the comer of 8th and Pine Streets. Deputy Director of Public Works & Utilities McLain will pass this request on to Director Cutler upon his return. Mayor Headrick suggested Ms. Gray make an appointment to meet with Director Cutler for further discussion of this matter. Larry Little, 1234 E. 2"a Street, distributed information to the CityCouncil regarding the North Olympic Discovery Marathon and read aloud a cover letter, which requests that the City Council consider financial support of this event, via Lodging Tax funds, which are distributed by the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the City. Mr. Little informed the Council that the 2005 registration numbers for this evem are 35% ahead of those for 2004. He assured the Council that the Marathon Committee is seeking outside funding sources; he offered to answer questions or provide additional information. Mayor Headrick asked AttomeyBloor for a response, andAtmmeyBloor indicated the Council could choose to support the event and inform the Chamber of this decision. Councilmember Rogers, Chair of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, stated $80,000 has been set aside to support this type of event, and there is a process to be followed to ensure all those seeking funds are treated fairly and equally. She lauded the event as it has done much for this community. She offered to assist Mr. Little in any way she could. Mr. Little said the problem was that no checks had been forthcoming and, without proper funding, the event would have to limit participants in 2005, as the financial burden is on the Board. Mr. Little stated he was very frustrated, as he felt more tourists could be brought to the area if there was up-front funding. He also requested that a competitive advantage be given to events that can demonstrate the largest return on investment. Funding was received in 2004, and today he received a letter from the VCB denying support of the event for 2005. Ftather discussion followed, and Mr. Little responded to questions and provided clarification of several points. Councilmember Rogers offered to speak to the Chamber of Commerce regarding this issue and to work with Mr. Little regarding funding for this event. At Councilmember Erickson's request, Councilmember Rogers explained the process used for allocation of funding to events. The Council thanked Mr. Little for his input. Noue. Counciimember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1 .) City Council Minutes of November 16, 2004; 2.) Expenditure Approval List - November 24, 2004 - $1,348,136.41; 3.) Electronic Payments - November 24, 2004 - $1,800,859.00; 4.) Peabody Heights Reservoir Cover, Project 00-167; and 5.) Peabody Street Reconstruction, Project 03-15. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried unanimously. Councilmember Rogers attended her first AWC Board of Director's meeting. It were very well, and there are many issues that AWC is monitoring on behalf of the City, especially land use issues. She will be attending another meeting on Friday, December 16 -2- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) RESOLUTIONS: Amendment to Financial Management Policy Resolution No. 21-04 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ordinance Amending Authorization for Use of Collection Agencies OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 2005 Paddle Journey CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 17, 2004. Councilmember Rogers noted that the Governor recentlyheld his Economic Development Council, and it is well recognized that this community has raised the bar to other communities as far as the ability to do industxy sector development, improving tourism, marine, timber, etc. She noted that when she attends meetings out of the area, it is well known what this area is doing to improve economic development. Councilmember Erickson announced that she had recently been appointed by the Governor as the AWC representative for the Forensic Investigation Council and will attend her first meeting on December 17, 2004. Councilmember Munro stated that he is a member of the Olympic Region Clean Air Authority (ORCAA) and, with some help from the Noffit Olympic Timber Action group, the ORCAA's Director and Smoke Management Specialists went to Forks to meet with the shake industry. This was a good meeting and will have an indirect impact on the City of Port Angeles. Connciimember Williams inquired about additional funding for the Gateway Project, and Mayor Headrick asked Councilmember Rogers for clarification. CounciLmember Rogers stated she received a phone call from Senator Murray, who was able to help support the City's funding gap with an additional $1 million. This will come through the Federal Transit Authority in the near furore and can be used for a variety of needs related to the project. Amendment to Financial Management Policy: Director Ziomkowski briefly reviewed the information provided on the issue. Following brief discussion and clarification, Mayor Headrick read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 21-04 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City's new Financial Management Policy and repealing Resolution 16-01. Councilmember Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilmember Pittis seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Ordinance Amending Authorization for Use of Collection Agencies: Attorney Bloor informed the Council that this was a housekeeping ordinance to comply with State Law; he summarized the information provided to the Council. Brief discussion and clarification followed. Councilmember Munro asked what departmems dealt with the collection agencies. Director Ziomkowski stated the Finance Department acted on behalf of all departments except Police. Councilmember Munro felt Finance should act on behalf of all departments. Police Cb_ief Riepe stated he would meet with Director Ziomkowski to discuss this matter. There was no action taken. 1. 2005 Paddle Journey Hosted by Lower Elwha Tribe Attorney Bloor stated that the Lower ElwhaTribe would be hosting the 2005 Paddle Journey planned for August 1 through August 6, 2005. It will be a significant event for both the Tribe and the community. The City has been invited to participate in providing staff or assistance for this event. Counciimember Munro spoke in favor of assisting the Lower Elwha Tribe. He felt this is a wonderful opportunity for the City as thousands of people will attend, thereby having a positive fmancialimpact to die community. Councilmember Rogers stated the 17 -3- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 2005 Paddle Journey (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2005 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3178 Tribe has already negotiated with local farmers to provide fresh produce for this event, and she believes the City should be very supportive. Councilmember Williams supported the City's participation in the event, but asked if the City was being asked to provide funding. If so, the same process must be followed as with any other event requesting Lodging Tax funds. Discussion ensued, and Police Chief Riepe informed the Council that his department was working with the Tribe regarding cross deputizing, and the City Attorney and the Tribal attorney are working to ensure all legalities are addressed. Following further discussion and clarification, CouncilmemberRogers suggested a Resolution of Support be prepared and passed at the next Council meeting. Attorney Bloor will prepare the Resolution for the meeting of December 21, 2004. Mayor Headrick recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:03 p.m. None. 1. 2005 Budget Hearing: Mayor Headrick opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. Director Ziomkowski gave a PowerPoint Presentation, which included a budget message presented by Manager Quinn via tape, and highlighted the amendments to the 2004 budget and the changes to the 2005 Preliminary Budget. Themajor changes to the Preliminary Budget included changes in designation to reserves and future CIP in the General Fund, changes in equipment purchases in Utilities, and internal changes between the Solid Waste Landfill and Solid Waste Collection Funds. Director Ziomkowskireviewed the changes made to the General Fund, which amounted to a decrease of $194,105 due to an increase of $105,895 in property taxes based on higher new construction and a decrease in sales tax of $300,000 because of a delay in the graving dock projects. Director Zinmkowski briefly reviewed changes in the Electric, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Utilities, and Equipment Replacement. She concluded the presentation, stating the proposed 2005 budget is $76,308,000, and the proposed 2004 Amended Budget is $76,473,818. Director Ziomkowski then gave a brief PowerPoint Presentation of the fmal Property Tax levy for 2005. She reviewed the Ordinance adopted in November and stated the assessed valuation of the City was unknown at that time, but based on the real estate market, a 10% increase in the assessed valuation was assumed. With this assumption, plus estimating $9 million in newconstruction, it was anticipated that the regular tax levy would be approximately $2.94 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. However, the fmal numbers received from the Assessor's Office assumed only a 5.9% increase in assessed valuation and estimated new construction at $24,438.260. By calculating the regular property tax, plus new constxuction, annexation, and the refund levy, the total regular tax levy is estimated at $3,505,750. This amounts to a tax rate of $3.04 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, which is $0.10 less than the 2004 levy. Director Ziomkowski then compared how the new rate affects the average homeowner and offered to answer any questions. Councilmember Williams stated he had met with Director Ziomkowskiafter finding out about the Assessor's estimate of the City's assessed value being less than originally projected. He stated a 10% increase would have been a conservative estimate of the current assessed value. To double check that, numbers were mn based on home sales in the area, and increases were found to be 25% to 35% based on current market values. 18 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2005 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3178 (Cont'd) CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 Councilmember Williams felt this was a troubling trend. It jeopardizes purchases and sales when assessed values are so far off. It has implications for future budgets, and he felt the City must serve notice to the Assessor's Office that this will be monitored next year and that continuance of this practice cannot be tolerated. Director Ziomkowski stated that she and Councilmember Williams did an analysis between actual homes sold and the assessed valuation. This was done for the worst three month period, January through March, and the numbers indicated an almost 35% increase in the assessed valuation. However, as she is not a professional assessor, she must rely on the information provided by the County Assessor's Office. Councilmember Williams said we have seen the fallout of this in the past. In 1994 or 1996, at Four Seasons Ranch, the assessed valuation jumped from 50% to 90%. Overall values were being driven and people were being taxed out of their fixed incomes. Director Ziomkowski reminded the Council that the public is protected by Initiative 747 and property tax cannot be increased by more than 1%. Councilmember Erickson stated that, as she is the attorney for the Assessor's Office, she will not be participating in any discussions pertinent to the Office. Councilmember Munro asked if the Senior Center Capital Expansion Project was part of the budget. Director Ziomkowski stated that it is not included in the budget; however, the funding for the project is available. It will probably be included in the Capital Facility Plan in Spring of 2005. Councilmember Braun asked Director Ziomkowski to explain the paragraph in her memo which stated that should the Council approve the reorganization, the net effect of budget changes are difficult to predict, especially in the event that additional services take place in lieu of savings. Director Ziomkowskistated that if the Council decided to increase field services for Parks, there are funds available in lieu of savings, as the budget has not been decreased due to organizational changes. Mayor Headrick opened the floor to public comment at 7:34 p.m. Bob Philpott, Planning Commissioner, stated that fellow Commissioner Fred Norton could not attend this meeting; however, he and Mr. Norton had met with Manager Quinn to discuss the reorganization. Mr. Philpott stated that Manager Quinn had assured themthat the reorganization could be separated from the budget. He stated that the Planning Commission would like to meet with Director Collins to discuss this issue, and Manager Quinn assured them there would be time to meet with Director Collins prior to any changes taking place. Mr. Philpott wanted the Council to be aware of this, as it would have an affect on the way Council handles the separation of the reorganization from the budget. Ron Johnson, 1110 W. l0th Street, stated he is a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission, but was speaking tonight on his own behalf. He urged the Council to remove the reorganization from the Budget Ordinance, and he felt the Parks & Recreation Commission should have been involved in discussion regarding the reorganization. Damaris Roddguez, 1114 W. 8~' Street, a member of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, expressed her disappointment at the Council's decision to restructure the Parks and Recreation Department into the Public Works Department. Ms. Rodriguez listed the reasons she is unhappy with this decision and stated that the letter from Diana Tschimperle regarding Mr. Counelly in no way reflected her beliefs. Councilmember Williams called for point of order. He felt that discussion of the reorganization was fmc; however, Section 3 of the Rules of Council state "no member of the City Council, employee of the City, or other persons present during Executive 19 -5- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2005 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3178 (Cont'd) Session of the City Council shall disclose to any person, the content or substance of any discussion or action which has taken place during said Executive Session unless the majority of the City Council shall authorize such disclosure." Councilmember Williams was concerned that if this tamed into a public personnel evaluation, then Council is clearly out of bounds. He asked Attorney Bloor to address this situation before proceeding. Attomey Bloor stated that any matters that tended toward personnel evaluation or performance ofindividuallyidentifiedpeople are subject to Executive Session. Under the Council Rules, Executive Session matters should be treated in Executive Session unless a majority of the Council requests that they not be treated in Executive Session. In addition, under State Law for personnel matters, it is the person being discussed who has that right, not the City Council. Therefore, Councilmember Williams is correct. If someone wishes to direct testimony toward a specific person, good or bad, that would be inappropriate in the public forum. The comments should be restricted to the reorganization. Councilmember Erickson asked if it was acceptable for Diana Tschimperle to write a letter to the City Council, but unacceptable for the Parks Board members to respond. Attorney Bloor stated it was permissible for them to state they disassociate themselves from the comments made in thatletter. However, it is not acceptable to bring up and discuss specific individuals. Councilmember Erickson moved that the letter received by the Council from Diana Tschimperle be torn up and not considered in any way by the City Council. The motion failed for lack of a second. Attorney Bloor stated there was no obligation for the Council to consider that letter. Councilmember Erickson stated that the City Council was then under no obligation to consider Ms. Rodriguez's cormnents either. Ms. Rodriguez then finished her comments, stating the Parks Director had done an incredible job, and she urged the City Council to not proceed with the reorganization of the Parks and Recreation Department. Vicci Rudin, 1002 Strait View Drive, spoke on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Clallam County. Ms. Rudin read aloud a letter to the City Council from the League of Women Voters, which stated that while the League supports government efforts to increase efficiency and enhance the allocation of available resources, it was asking the City Council to reconsider the organizational changes. Jack Harmon, P. O. Box 1928, said that while he spoke on behalf of no particular group, he felt he spoke on behalf of many. He said he understood the theory of the economy of scale, and everyone appreciates the value of fiscal responsibility, but he felt there was a lack of process in reaching the decision to reorganize. Mr. Harmon urged the Council to separate the reorganization f~om the budget process and allow for public input on this issue. Mayor Headrick stated that he understood the reorganization is an administrative process and, as such, does not require a public hearing. He said the Council has been criticized for not bringing the public into discussion of this issue, yet the public is being given that opportunity this evening. Council could have acted on this without a public hearing, without giving the public the opportunity to speak. He asked that it not be said that Council is acting unfairly or inappropriatelyby not bringing the community into this process, because part of the Council's job as administrators is to make administrative decisions. Terry Roth, 3042 Mt. Pleasant Road, a member of the Executive Committee of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, asked his fellow Board members to stand and be recognized. He asked the Council to carefully read the letter sent by the PAl)A, which 20 -6- PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2005 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3178 (Cont'd) CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 stated its position on the proposed reorganization. He asked the Council to pay close attention to the areas of concern regarding communitydevelopment that were outlined in that letter. Mr. Roth urged the Council to move carefully and bring good balance to government. Gary Gleason, 2211 E. 7th Avenue, addressed three points that will impact the budget regarding the Discovery Trail issues. He distributed pictures to the City Council which he took in September demonstrating that the trail had not been mowed, weeded, or cared for appropriately. He stated his f~rst concern was to see the trail better maintained, regardless of the reorganization. Second, he asked there be a public hearing on the Gateway project and asked that bike storage and access issues be fully explored for this project. He felt a large public outreach was necessary for the success of the project. Finally, Mr. Gleasun offered his services to any appropriate committee to improve the Discovery Trail. He also suggested a guide book be written on the Trail, which would bring in more tourists. Darlene Ryan, 1217 E. 7t~ Street, representing the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, asked those present from the Fine Arts Center to stand and be recognized. Ms. Ryan thanked the City Council for its continued support of the volunteers who do an amazing job keeping the Fine Arts Center open to the public. Councilmember Pittis thanked Ms. Ryan for her efforts, and Mayor Headrick stated that he is very impressed with the volunteers in this community. Jean Hordyk, 1122 E. 9® Street, stated she was impressed with the budget and thanked the City Council for all its hard work. However, she requested the Council reconsider the reorganization and that it at least be postponed for one year and include the Boards and Commissions in the discussion process. She supported the motion to tear up the letter received from Ms. Tschimperle. Ed Chadd, 307 W. 6~ Street, stated that getting public input before the fact would have eliminated many of the problems facing the reorganization. He further stated he supported the motion of Councilmember Erickson regarding tearing up the letter from Ms. Tschimperle. Chuck Schramm, 829 E. First Street, spoke as a businessman and a member of the Planning Cormmssion. He requested the reorganization be separated from the budget process and asked the Council to take time for further stody of this issue. He also supported Councilmember Erickson's motion to destroy the letter from Ms. Tschimperle. Nancy Newman, 2711 W. 14th Street, stated she concurred with the comments made in opposition to the reorganization. She felt it should be dropped altogether, but at the very least postponed for further study. Tony Steinman, 1134 E. Second Street, said he was involved in a reorganization effort at his place of work. He felt Parks was different than Public Works, and this reorganization wouldn't work; therefore, he asked the Council to not act hastily. Mr. Steinman did commend the City Council for its saving efforts. Councilmember Braun agreed with Mr. Steinman and stated he said the same thing several weeks ago. He stated he was not in favor of taking 40+ Parks people and placing them in Pubhc Works and did not see any rationale for this. Roger Wheeler, 514 Irving Jacobs Road, stated he is a contractor and is also very involved in recreational activities. Therefore, he has worked closely with both Public Works and Parks Department staff. Both are great to work with, but he felt it would be difficult to have Public Works handle recreational activities. He was against the reorganization. 21 -7- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2005 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3178 (Cont'd) Councilmember Erickson reminded the Council that she had a motion on the floorto strike the reorganization from the budget ordinance. The more thought she gave to the idea and, taking into consideration the comments she heard regarding the reorganization, she felt it would be an unmitigated disaster. Regarding the conflict issue, Councilmember Erickson felt it was inappropriate to have a Director of Economic Development in charge of the SEPA Official and the Building Official. Further, she stated she has read about China being an economic engine, and the one thing always pointed out is that China is consistently held back by corruption. She felt there was an analogy here, as the government has always erected firewalls to prevent conflicts, such as the one under discussion. She did not mean corruption in the form of pay-offs, but in the sense of perverting the system. Councilmember Erickson went on to describe other forms of corruption that have been problematic in the recent past, such as the occurrences on Wall Street and the expense involved in resolving these situations. Councilmember Erickson went on to express her displeasure and unease with following through with the reorganization. Councilmember Braun asked Councilmember Erickson to repeat her motion from the last meeting. Mayor Headrick felt the public hearing should be closed first and asked if there was any further testimony from the public. There being none, Mayor Headriek dosed the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. Councilmember Erickson then restated the motion she made at the November 16, 2004, as follows: Councilmember Eriekson moved to amend the proposed 2005 Budget to strike the restructuring of the current City departments wherein the Parks Department will be folded into Public Works and DCD will become the Department of Economic Development and be run by a Director of Economic Development. Councilmember Erickson then amended the motion to include: There will be no reduction in pay for either head of the Department of Community Development or the head of the Parks Department. The motion and the amendment were seconded by Councilmember Braun. There being no obj ection, the motion was considered as amended. Councilmember Braun reminded everyone that the City Council does not work for itself, but for all of the citizens, and he hears them loud and clear. He thanked everyone for being present tonight and taking time to participate in the budget hearing. Councilmember Williams asked for confu'mation that the proposal regarding the reorganization does not drive the budget itself. Director Ziomkowski responded affirmatively, the budget can be approved either with or without the organizational changes. The budget is in place to support the decision the Council makes regarding whether or not to reorganize. Councilmember Williams agreed with Councilmember Ericks on in that the Councilmembers not dictate to department heads, as that is the j ob of the City Manager. He stated he would be voting against the motion, as he believes in supporting the City Manager's position, and the City Manager has said he supports this action. Councilmember Williams said he would trust that the Council has hired the City Manager appropriately, trust him with his responsibilities, and trust that he will listen to the public input. Councilmember Munro echoed Councilmember Williams' comments and asked Councilmember Pittis his opinion of the reorganization, as he has worked as a consultant for other cities and has more experience in evaluating the success of this type of restructuring. Councilmember Pittis stated there are some cities that have done this, but most are in other states. Generally cities organize around their stiengths in order to minimize their weaknesses. That is what he would rely upon the City Manager to do after hearing this input, to look at the City's strengths and weaknesses and manage it accordingly. Councilmember Pitfis then stated that hc has a relative working for the Parks 22 -8- PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2005 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3178 (Cont'd) CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 Department. He stated if any Councilmember has a concern with his voting on this issue, he will step down. Councilmember Erickson stated she had a concern and asked Councilmember Pittis to recuse himself, which he did. Following further limited discussion, a vote was taken on the amended motion which failed 2 - 4, with Councilmembers Braun and Erickson voting in support and Mayor Headrick, and Councilmembers Munro, Rogers, and Williams voting in opposition. Councilmember Pittis abstained. In studying the budget, Councilmember Williams said he understood there was no money included under Capital Improvements for fluoridation. Director Ziomkowski stated he was correct, there is no money in the budget for fluoridation, for supplies, or capital expenses. Councilmember Williams then asked how much money had been expended on this project in terms of staff time, and Director Ziomkowski responded a little more than $52,000. Councilmember Williams noted that, even though the City is supposed to receive a grant to cover the installation, the City is still spending money on fluoridation. Director Ziomkowski responded affirmatively. Councilmember Pitlis asked to add $10,000 to the Council budget, which he understood had funding to adjust without increasing the total budget. Director Ziomkowski said that yes, the Council's budget had $160,000 for emergency use. Councilmember Pittis moved to use $10,000 of the Council's budget to provide for a public vote at the next election on whether or not to fluoridate the City's water supply. Councilmember Williams seconded the motion. Councilmember Williams felt that spending $10,000 for a vote on this issue would be a wise investment. Councilmember Erickson asked for time to think about this issue, and while she is not against it, she felt she needed time to think about it. Director Ziomkowski informed the Council that the vote was not necessary tonight, because the money is there for emergencies. Even if the budget is adopted this evening, projects can be added in the future as there are available funds. Councilmember Pittis asked to add this item to a future agenda for further discussion. This was agreed to by the Council, so Couneilmember Pittis withdrew his motion from the floor and Councilmember Williams, as seconder of the motion, agreed. Councilmember Munro moved to proceed with the reorganization as outlined by the City Manager. Councilmember Williams seconded the motion. Mayor Headrick stated that contrary to what some may believe, the Council is listening. He heard and understood what everyone had to say, but he views this from a different perspective. In part, there is information that the Council has that cannot be repeated. Mayor Headrick stated this has not been an easy decision. Any transition has some difficulties, but the goal is to do a better job, and he felt this reorganization would benefit the City of Port Angeles. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority, with Councilmembers Braun and Erickson voting in opposition and Couneilmember Pitfis abstaining. Mayor Headrick read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3178 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the 2004 budget, adopting the 2005 budget, and providing for a cost of living increase for certain city employees. Councilmember Pittis moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 23 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 Break Municipal Code Amendment- MCA 04-02 - City-wide Ordinance No. 3179 Ordinance No. 3180 Ordinance No. 3181 Mayor Headrick recessed the meeting for a break at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:54 p.m. 2. Municipal Code ,~mendment - MC/I 04-02 - City-wide: Proposed Amendments to Various City Development Regulations Particularly Titles 3, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of the Port ,,1 ngeles Municipal Code, and Three A rea-wide Rezones for RS-I 1, Community Shopping District, and Public Buildings and Parks (Continued from November 16, 2004): Mayor Headrick opened the public hearing at 8:54 p.m. Joel Elliott, 2710 W. 14~' Street, spoke in support of creating the RS-Il District, especially in his neighborhood where there has been a problem with standing water. If the RS- 11 District is created, it will cut back on development and hopefully decrease the water problem. At Council's request, Mr. Elliott explained that Milwaukee Drive was his cross street and provided clarification as to where his property is located. Nancy Newman, 2711 S. 14~ Street, stated she was Mr. Elliott's neighbor. She also was in support of RS-1 lfor reasons similar to Mr. Elliott's. She stated that since development has increased at Butler and 18t~ Streets, she has noticed a difference in the amount of water runoff in her yard. She stated she supports the RS-11 District for the area north of 16t~ Street, as this is in a sensitive range where the impacts of stormwater and the nature of the area make it nonsensical to zone it for medium density housing. Ms. Newnmn noted that the impact of the rain on the gravel roads in this area calls for continuous filling of dangerons potholes, and this filling is currentlybemg done by one of the neighbors. Councilmember Pittis asked for clarification of where she would like to see the RS-11 zoning placed, and Ms. Newman felt that ideally it would be on both sides of Milwaukee Drive. Councilmembar Williams understood that an RS-11 zone would preclude lots smaller than 11,000 square feet, but asked if an area was zoned RMD or RS-7 could the lots be larger. Director Collins answered affirmatively. Ms. Newman again stressed the importance of changing the zoning, because of the impact denser housing would have on stormwater, as well as the impact on the surrounding lots in terms of how the water is conveyed Andy Brastad, 1622 Milwaukee Drive, stated his home is located just off 18* Street. He also supported the RS- 11 designation and also supported that designation for both the north and south sides of Milwaukee Drive. Mr. Brastad agreed with the comments made by Mr. Elliott and Ms. Newman and also noted that if you look at the bluff line, which is located near where these density changes would occur, you would see that there have been changes caused by erosion. He stated that an increase in stormwater would react with the bluffand cause more problems. Environmental impacts could be avoided by good planning now. Tamara Elliott, 2710 W. 14t~ Street, also spoke in support of creating the RS-11 District, but was concerned about the project akeady in place on Cronaner's property. She stated that Mr. Cronanar wishes to put up four-plexes; she was concerned about the impact of this project should he develop his whole piece in this manner, as there is no plan for stormwater, and there has been a past problem. Director Collins stated that Mr. Cronauer plans on putting ten four-plexes on his property, but has applied for a building permit for one four-plex. If the Council votes to apply the RS- 11 zoning to both sides of Milwankee Drive, Mr. Cronauer will not be vested for all of his plan, but would be vested for one four-plex. Ms. Elliott asked if Mr. Cronaner would be mandated to put in a street. Director Collins stated that he would have to pave the street back to the nearest fully improved street before building - 10- Municipal Code Amendment ~ MCA 04-02 - City-wide Ordinance No. 3179 Ordinance No. 3180 Ordinance No. 3181 (Cunt'd) CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 the four-plex. Associate Planner Johns used PowerPoint slides to give a brief overview of the development regulations update for 2004. Mr. Johns stated that major updates were made to the Critical Areas Ordinance and the Zoning Code and minor updates made to the Subdivision Ordinance and the Sign Code. Mr. Johns reviewed the changes made in the Critical Areas Ordinances and explained why they were necessary. Director Collins pointed out that the Growth Management Act has mandated that these inclusions of best available science be added to "Comprehensive Plan Policies" and in some measures, to the development regulations. Under the Zoning Code changes, Director Collins stated four new zones were added: the RS-I 1, CR (Commercial Regional), MI (Marine Industrial) and PID, Planned Industrial Development Overlay Zone. Director Collins reminded the Council that there was a question on the height def'mitionincluded in the proposed changes to the Zoning Code. Based on comments received, that de£mition has been returned to committee for further study. Director Collins said there were three proposed area-wide rezones, RMD and RS-9 to new RS-11 near Milwaukee Drive; CN to CSD near 8t~ and Lincoln and IL to PBP near the City Landfill. Using PowerPoint, a map was displayed showing the current zoning, and Director Collins described the requirements of each. Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarifications regarding the various zones, their locations, and the requirements for each. For the first proposed rezone, RMD and RS-9 to RS-11, a map was displayed which demonstrated the area under consideration. Director Collins stated that when the Comprehensive Plan was changed in June, a portion of the R/VID along 82 and 16th was left unchanged. The remaining portion of the subject area was changed to Low Density Residential, which is the reason why staff came forward with this proposal to return a low density proposal to this area. Councilmember Williams asked and Director Collins confirrned that the underlying zoning does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan designation. And, as it exists currently, the yellow area on the map is pre-existing, non-conforming according to the Comprehensive Plan. Director Collins stated that, from the land use point of view, either the zoning or the Comprehensive Plan must be changed. Since the Comprehensive Plan was just changed, staff proposes to change the zoning. Lengthy discussion followed, and Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarification, especially regarding the need for areas to be zoned RMD, as there is a shortage of this zoning designation at present time. Councilmember Williams moved to accept the Alternate RS-II area. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion. Councilmember Pittis stated he could support this motion if the Planning Commission was asked to study replacement areas for RMDs. Associate Planner Johns informed the Council that replacement of RMD zones is on the list for Comprehensive Plan amendments in 2005. Councilmember Pittis asked that the motion be amended to have the Planning Commission consider addressing the needs of the neighborhood along Milwaukee Drive if possible, and where replacement RMD zoning be found within the City. Councilmember Williams, as maker of the motion, and Councilmember Rogers, as seconder, agreed to this amendment. There being no objection, the motion was considered as amended. Associate Planner Johns pointed out that the ordinance creating the RS-11 zone had not yet been adopted. He stated that there is one Ordinance to cover three rezones, and if the Council wished, it could defer voting on each of the rezones until the end of the presentation and approve all three with one vote. Mayor Headrick noted he did not 25 -11- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 Municipal Code Amendment- MCA 04-02 - City-wide Ordinance No. 3179 Ordinance No. 3180 Ordinance No. 3181 (Cont'd) have the ordinances in his packet and Director Collins stated they had been placed in the Council's mailboxes separately as they were very bulky. Councilmember Williams recognized a woman in the audience who lived in the area under discussion and asked if she wished to address the Council on the issue. Mary Meyer, 1504 McDonald Street, noted that the large rocks on the beach were eroding very quickly, especially in front the trailer park area and two other lots. As this erosion increases, it will bring the wave action closer to the bank. She agreed that there is a water problem, and two roads are often flooded in the winter time. Ms. Meyer stated she was supportive of the RS-11 designation for this area. There was no further testimony and Mayor Headrick closed the public hearing. Mayor Headrick called for a vote on the motion and Associate Planner Johns pointed out that the Ordinance creating the RS-11 had not yet been adopted. Therefore, Couneilmember Erickann called for the amended motion to be approved pending the adoption of the RS-11 zone. A vote was taken on the amended motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Williams moved to extend the meeting beyond I0:00 p.m. Councilmember Munro seconded the motion, which passed by a majority with Councilmembers Braun and Erickson voting in opposition. Mr. Johns then displayed the map demonstrating the proposed 8t~ Street rezone and described the area which would be affected. Councilmember Rogers stated that she was a tenant in the area under discussion and offered to recuse herself if Council felt it was a conflict of interest. Councilmember Williams stated he lived a block away from the subject property and also offered to recuse himself if necessary. Being both were tenants and did not own the property, Council did not feel there was a conflict. Couneilmember Erickson moved to approve the proposed 8th Street rezone from Commercial, Neighborhood to Community Shopping District. Councilmember Pittis seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Johns then displayed the map demonstrating the proposed rezone near the landfill. Mr. Johns explained that this rezone would allow the City to build its water treatment plant without meeting the setback that would be required if the land remained Industrial Light. Councilmember Rogers noted it allows the Federal government to build the water plant for the City. Councilmember Williams asked if this plant would include a fluoride installation, and Mr. Johns responded negatively Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilmember Williams moved to approve the proposed Rezone near the Landfill from Industrial Light to Public Buildings and Parks. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Associate Planner Johns then quickly reviewed the amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and the Sign Code and noted that Park Impact Fees have been returned for further study. Councilmember Pittis stated he had asked questions of Mr. Johns regarding streetscape improvements covered in the Subdivision Ordinance, and he indicated staffwas working on urban standards that would reinforce the street trees and landscaping areas. Councilmember Piths felt he was comfortable with this. Referring to the Zoning Code, he noted that the density increase in the PRD was being eliminated. He was informed by Mr. Johns that this had been a disincentive to a Planned Residential Development; therefore, this change is being made. Director Collins stated there were Findings and Conclusions for the Municipal Code amendments, as well as for the rczones themselves, and asked Mr. Johns to make 26 - 12- Municipal Code Amendment- MCA 04-02 - City-wide Ordinance No. 3179 Ordinance No. 3180 Ordinance No. 3181 (Cont'd) Street Vacation Petition - STV 04-01 - Reid - Portion of 16/17 Alley East of"A" Street in Block 444 INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 distribution of those documents. Director Collins noted that the City Attorney had supplied add~ttonal Findings and Conclusions, which were placed on the Councd s d as earlier. Director Collins pointed out that there were three Ordinances placed on the dias. The first dealt with Titles 14 through 16, the second dealt with Title 17, and the Ordinance dealing with the Rezunes. The Findings and Conclusions deal with all of those, plus the specific Findings and Conclusions for the three rezones. Councilmember Erickson moved to adopt the Ordinances as read by title, with the appropriate Findings and Facts and Conclusions of law for each. Councilmember Munro seconded the motion. Mayor Headrick then read the Ordinances by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3179 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending and up dating the City' s development regulations to be consistent with the City's revised Comprehensive Plan by adding a new Chapter 15.02 Definitions, and amending Chapters 14.36, 15.20, 15.24,15.28, and 16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. ORDINANCE NO. 3180 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending and updating the City's development regulations to be consistent with the City's revised Comprehensive Plan by amending portions of the Zoning Code, Title 17, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. ORDINANCE NO. 3181 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning three areas of property. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Street Vacation Petition - STV 04-01 - Reid - Portion of l 6/l 7 ~tlley East of "/1 "Street in Block 444 (Continued from November 1, 2004): Hearing no objections, this matter was continued to January 4, 2005. Councilmember Braun felt this matter should not be returned to the City Council until matters are settled with Mr. Reid. Director Collins stated that Mr. Reid would like the City to take action if there is no agreement by January 4, 2005. None. Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Headrick announced the need for an Executive Session for one-half hour for four items under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(i), to discuss with Legal Counsel matters relating to agency litigation or potential litigation, and one item under the authority of RCW 42.30.140, that portion of a meeting during which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceedings, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Director Ziomkowski reminded the Council that the Employee Association Holiday 97 - 13- CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2004 EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: party was going to be held on Saturday, December 11, 2004. If anyone still needed tickets, they could see her. Also, she thanked the Council for their generous donations toward raffle gffis for that party. The Mayor called an Executive Session per RCW 42.30.110(g) and (i) and 42.30.140(4) for 40 minutes, which convened at 10:40 p.m., and at approximately 11:15 p.m., the Session was extended to 11:45 p.m. by announcement of the Mayor. The Executive Session concluded at 11:45 p.m., and the Council reconvened in regular open session. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Richard A. Headrick, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 28 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: I 1/25/04 To: 12/~0/04 Vendor BROOKE & ASSOC INC, ROBERT CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER CPS DISPATCH MONTHLY MAGAZINE EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC FIRE PREVENTION CANADA GOV'I' ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BRD LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY Christmas Cottage Curtis Shuck JAMES H SCHAEFER NCS PEARSON INC PEAK SOFTWARE SYSTEMS INC QUILL CORPORATION RWE DISTRIBUTING TJ CONEVERA'S INC WA STATE PATROL - WASIS WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Legislative OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC VERIZON WIRELESS City Manager Department CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PRIMA-PUBLIC RISK MGMT ASSN City Manager Department PENINSULA DAILY NEWS City Manager Department Description HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS CVCA Remittance-Nov FIRE CAPTAINS TEST ENTRY FF TEST MATERIALS 1 yr Subscription 2005 HOSP SURG ACCES & SUNDRIS VHS FIRE PREVENTION CANAD GASB 2004 - 2005 BOOKS Supplies Supplies DEP RFD VBMCC BA5 KEY RFD Rfd concealed weapon fee COMM OFFICER TEST SportsMan Basic pe 05-05 Office supplies PLASTICS Ammunition Criminal history-Baublits Cdminal history-Bolz Criminal history-Reed District Ct Revenue-Nov District Ct Revenue-Nov PAPER, FiLE JACKETS Mayor & Council Legislative CM LTRHEAD CALENDAR, WRIST PAD FAX INK Maint agreement-Dec 11-15 a/c 36421103700001 City Manager Office PREEMPLOYMENT SCREENING November shipping chgs FILE FOLDERS, CLIPS, MIS MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Human Resources Ord 3175-Increase Prop Tx Ord 3177-Fees City Clerk 29 Account Number Invoice Amount 001-0000-237.00-00 -5.15 001-0000-229.40-00 224.42 001-0000-237.00-00 -41.43 001-0000-237.00-00 -45.34 001-0000-237.00-00 -1.66 001-0000-237.00-00 -7.17 001-0000-237.00-00 -1.66 001-0000-237.00-00 -14.53 001-0000-237.00-00 -6.95 001-0000-237.00-00 -6.95 001-0000-239.10-00 81.40 001-0000-239.10-00 100.00 001-0000-229.50-00 24.00 001-0000-237.00-00 -10.61 001-0000-237.00-00 -24.82 001-0000-237.00-00 -28.24 001-0000-237.00-00 -34.37 001-0000-237.00-00 -13.12 001-0000-229.50-00 24.00 001-0000-229.50-00 24.00 001-0000-229.50-00 24.00 001-0000-229.10-00 175.50 001-0000-229.30-00 9,640.95 Division Total: $'10,076.27 Department Total: $10,076.27 001-1160-511.31 -01 71.19 Division Total: $71.19 Department Total: $7'1.19 001-1210-513.31-01 144.80 001-1210-513.31-01 75.93 001-1210-513.31-01 75.05 001-1210-513.48-10 32.49 001-1210-513.42-10 9.98 Division Total: $338.25 001-1220-516.41-31 117.00 001-1220-516.42-10 5.82 001-1220-516.31-01 26.72 001-1220-516.49-01 310.00 Division Total: $459.54 001-1230-514.44-10 25.87 001-1230-514.44-10 10.35 Division Total: $36.22 Page 1 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor Description City Manager Department GOVTACCOUNTING STANDARDS BRD GASB 2004 - 2005 BOOKS PENINSULA DAILY NEWS BUDGET AT A GLANCE AD PUGET SOUND FINANCE OFFICERS Assr HAGAR ZIOMKOWSKI SEMINAR Finance Department Finance Administration OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC COPY PAPER PUGET SOUND FINANCE OFFICERS ASSr HORTON SEMINAR Finance Department APEX CREDIT BUREAU DATABAR INCORPORATED EQUIFAX METROCALL Yvonne Ziornkowski OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Finance D,partment AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCE CENTER OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER SAVIN CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION Finance Department CDW GOVERNMENT INC DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE FURNITURE PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER WEST GROUP Attorney CDW GOVERNMENT INC Accounting COMM. CREDIT REPORT CYCLES 11-15 11/18/04 CYCLES 16-20 11/24/04 CREDIT REPORTS 11-14 a/c 298-A16153 REIMBURSE FOR MONITOR DEPOSIT SLIPS COPY PAPER Suuplies-Kheriaty,Droz Customer Service COLORED COPY PAPER COLORED COPY PAPER NOV COPY RM SERVICES COPY PAPER COPY PAPER COPY PAPER SHREDDER REPAIRS Shredder bags COPY COSTS INV 006559730 INV 006559741 INV 006559731 Reprographics Finance Department RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 Credit overpmt inv 112114 COPY PAPER TRANSPARENCIES-FLUORIDE OFFICE FURNITURE-BLOOR Chamber lunch-Bloor ONLINE LEGAL RESEARCH Attorney Office RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 30 Account Number Invoice Amount Department Total: $834.01 001-2010-514.31-01 189.53 001-2010-514.44-10 1,953.98 001-2010-514.43-10 50.00 Division Total: $2,t93.51 001-2023-514.31-01 43.86 001-2023-514.43-10 25.00 Division Total: $68.86 001-2025-514.41-50 27.05 001-2025-514.41-50 1,441.77 001-2025-514.41-50 1,071.90 001-2025-514.41 ~50 70.99 001-2025-514.42-10 28.94 001-2025-514.31-60 415.68 001-2025-514.31-01 238.31 001-2025-514.31-01 87.72 001-2025-514.31-01 26.79 Division Total: $3,409.15 001-2080-514.31-01 225.53 001-2080-514.31-01 32.22 001-2080-514.41-50 814.00 001-2080-514,31-01 438.62 001-2080-51431-01 438.62 001-2080-514.31-01 438.62 001-2080-514.48-10 97.47 001-2080-514.31-01 33.98 001-2080-514.45-30 1,386.65 001-2080-514.45-30 653.39 001-2080-514.45-30 99.27 001-2080-514.45-30 2,606.20 Division Totah $7,264,57 Department Total: $12,936.09 001-3010-515.31-01 518.93 001-3010-515.45-30 19.51 001-3010-515.31-01 -25.00 001-3010-515.31-01 43.86 001-3010-515.31-01 5.25 001-3010-515.31-01 977.95 001-3010-515.43-10 10.00 001-3010-515.31-01 240.40 Division Total: $1,790.91 001-3021-515.31-01 267.33 Page 2 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor CLALLAM JEFFERSON PUBLIC DFNDR DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC MULLINS, MARK D OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC pLA'I-r IRWIN TAYLOR SPACESAVER NORTHWEST LLC WEST GROUP Attorney OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA DALLY NEWS Community Developmt Dept AT&T WIRELESS AT&T WIRELESS (DIGITAL) DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC ICC WA FIELD OFFICE OLYMPIC PENINSULA CHAPTER ICC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Community Developmt Dept GLOSALSTAR USA NED(TEL COMMUNICATIONS PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS QWEST RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO Police Department BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP BRATWEAR NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS Police Department Description Public Defender fees-Dec COPY iNVOICES 3013-3026 P ROF SVCS-10/5-10/26 Credit overpmt inv 112114 COPY PAPER DEF ATTY-PAJOR PCR9722 FILE LABEL SUPPLIES ONLINE LEGAL RESEARCH Prosecution Attorney COPY PAPER File folders OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Stormwater-Mantooth Rezoning-LaRue Ord 3173-Oly Hts Subdiv Ord 3171-Vacate on "K" St Ord 3160-Vacate Wolcott Planning 11-14 a/c 49079080 11-27 a/c 00333802563 COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 IRC COMMENTARY COMBO ANNUAL DUES-LIERLY COPY PAPER Business meaI-Lierly Building Community Developmt Dept 11-16 a/c 1.10012928 11-27 a/c 312753523 Maint agreement-Dec Ord 3172-Foot scooters Ord 3176-Animal Control 11-20 a/c 206Z200017790B 11-23 a/c 206T411918873B Repair Administration Boots-Ensor Uniform allowance-Swayze 11-27 a/c 312753523 Investigation 31 Account Number Invoice Amount 001-3021-515.41-50 2,750.00 001-3021-515.45-30 45,51 001-3021-515.41-50 535,73 001-3021-515.31-01 -25.00 001-3021-515.31-01 43.87 001-3021-515.50-90 839.82 001-3021-515.31-01 34,38 001-3021-515.31-01 240.39 Division Total: $4,732.03 Department Total: $6,522.94 001-4010-558.31-01 43.86 001-4010-558.31-01 14.06 001-4010-558.31-01 34.19 001-4010-558.31-01 27,71 001-4010-558.44-10 62,10 001-4010-558.44-10 65.70 001-4010-558.44-10 10.35 001-4010-558.44-10 28.80 001-4010-558.44-10 22.50 Division Total: $309.27 001-4020-524.42-10 8.25 001-4020-524.42-10 48.47 001-4020-524.45-30 69.07 001-4020-524.31-01 142.99 001-4020-524.43-10 25.00 001-4020-524.31-01 43.86 001-4020-524,43-10 22.00 Division Total: $359.64 Department Total: $668.91 001-5010-521.42-10 39.91 001-5010-521.42-10 39,17 001-5010-521.48-10 32.49 001-5010-521,42-10 26.00 001-5010-521.42-10 25.88 001-5010-521.42-10 261.70 001-5010-521.42-10 60.56 001-5010-521.31 -01 87.71 Division Total: $573.42 001-5021-521.31 -11 83.72 001-5021-521.20-80 403.10 001-5021-521.42-10 140.22 Division Total: $627.04 Page 3 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: I I /2 5/04 To: ~ 2/10/04 Vendor BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CAPTAIN T'S JIM'S PHARMACY INC LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY DANIEL MORSE EDWARD W SCHILKE KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO SECOND CHANCE BODY ARMOR INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TJ CONEVERA'S INC Police Department BRAIWEAR Police Department LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QUILL CORPORATION Police Department CLALLAM CNTY HUMANE SOCIETY VERIZON WIRELESS Police Department DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC INTL ASSN OF FIRE CHIEFS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Description Holster-Viada Shoulder emblems Uniform allowance-Miller Clothing allowance-Morse Hats,logos First Aid supplies Supplies Reimb Pm-Timer Reimb tuition expenses EVOC Course- 6 attendees 11-27 a/c 312753523 Repair Repair Repair Repair Repair Repair radio Body armor Clothing allowance-Miller Ziplock bags Cleaning supplies Cleaning supplies Ammunition Patrol Uniform-Helgeson Reserves & Volunteers Supplies COPY PAPER Knob Color cartridge Headset Maint agreement-Dec Maint agreement-Dec Office supplies Records NOV 2004 CONTRACT PAYMENT 11-15 a/c 26421103600001 Animal Control Police Department COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 MEMBERSHIP DUES SUPPLIES 32 Account Number 001-5022-521.31-11 001-5022-521.31-11 001-5022-521.20-80 001-5022-521.20-80 001-5022-521.20-80 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.43-10 001-5022-521.43-10 001-5022-521.42-10 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-11 001-5022-521.48-10 001-5022-521.48-10 001-5022-521.48-10 001-5022-521.31-11 001-5022-521.20-80 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.31-01 Division Totah 001-5026-521.31-11 Division Totah 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-80 001-5029-521.48-10 001-5029-521.48-10 001-5029-521.31-01 Division Torah 001-5090-521.41-50 001-5090-521.42-10 Division Total: Department Totah 001-6010-522.45-30 001-6010-522.49-01 001-6010-522.31-01 Invoice Amount 34.22 486.34 441.18 442,27 33.03 48.69 90,65 107.31 500,00 180,00 353.07 129.96 32.49 63.35 454.86 37.90 160.28 2,016.33 230.40 32.32 5.97 5.10 171,12 $6,056.84 452.06 $452.06 90.65 175.45 17.62 46.46 20.04 108.30 167.97 368.47 $994.96 3,855.66 19.96 $3,875.62 $12,579,94 68.99 215.00 3.51 Page 4 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Fire Department cPs KELLY ZIEGLER SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE iNC VERIZON WIRELESS Fire Department AT&T WIRELESS CAPTAIN T'S METROCALL Fire Department AT&T WIRELESS CLALLAM CNTY EMS EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS LIFE ASSIST JOHN L HALL MOROZ, JAMES NORTHWEST REGION EMS COUNCIL PENINSULA DAILY NEWS SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE ~NC SYSTEMS DESIGN VERIZON WIRELESS Fire Department FIRE PREVENTION CANADA Fire Department AT&T WIRELESS PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Fire Department AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Fire Department AT&T WIRELESS Description RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 Administration ENTRY FF TEST MATERIALS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF001-6020-522.20-80 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-6020-522.20-80 11-15 a/c 66421143200001 11-15 a/c 6642437200001 Fire Supression 12-02 a/c 43736255 FD CLOTHING 11-01 A/C 298-A25896 12-01 a/c 298-A25896 Fire Volunteers 12-02 a/c 47951801 Medic 1 Advisory-December HOSP SURG ACCES & SUNDRIS ENGINGEERING SERVICES COT MATTRESS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FIRST AID CLASS 11/15 FIRST AID CLASS 11/30 RECERTIFY-JP,LD,MT Credit duplicate ad pmt HOSP SURG ACCES & SUNDRIS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES MONTHLY BILLING SERVICE 11-15 a/c 26439572400001 Medic I VHS FIRE PREVENTION CANAD Fire Prevention 12-02 a/c 47190061 Fire Hose Bid Fire Training CLEANING SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Facilities Maintenance Fire Department 11-27 a/c 48933287 12-02 a/c 43263680 33 Account Number Invoice Amount 001-6010-522.31-01 7.53 001-6010-522.31-01 26.53 Division Total: $321.56 001-6020-522,31-01 591.59 001-6020-522.20~80 108.59 59.42 30.26 001-6020-522.42-10 2.58 001-6020-522.42-10 10.31 Division Total: $802.75 001-6021-522.42-10 8.00 001-6021-522.31-11 113.17 001-6021-522.42-10 48.82 001-6021-522.42-10 40.70 Division Total: $2t0.69 001-6025-526.42-10 31.76 001-6025-526.41-50 600.00 001-6025-526.31-01 93.46 001-6025-526.41-50 54.15 001-6025-526.31-01 150.96 001-6025-526.20-80 39.60 001-6025-526.31-08 200.00 001-6025-528.31-08 200.00 001-6025-626.43-10 330.00 001-6025-526.44-10 -171.73 001-6025-526.31-13 9.65 001-6025-526,31-13 1.59 001-6025-526.41-50 1,938.87 001-6025-526.42-10 9.98 Division Total: $3,488.29 001-6030-522.31-01 21.66 Division Total: $21.66 001-6040-522,42-10 17.52 001-6040-522.42-10 144.00 Division Total: $161.52 001-6050-522.31-20 34.85 001-6050-522.31-01 14.05 001-6050-522.31-20 21.25 001-6050-522.31-20 11.41 Division Total: $81.56 Department Total: $5,088.03 001-7010-532.42-10 5.06 001-7010-532.42-10 14.86 Page 5 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor COMPLETE LINE, THE DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC KUKER-RANKIN INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PENINSULA DALLY NEWS XEROX CORPORATION Public Works-Gen Fnd RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS WA RECREATION & PARK ASSNNVRPA Parks & Recreation OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC pEAK SOFTVVARE SYSTEMS INC Parks & Recreation AMERICAN GUIDE SERVICES INC DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST Parks & Recreation PETE HAWKINS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST Parks & Recreation PENINSULA DAILY NEWS XEROX CORPORATION Parks & Recreation AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Description File pockets PAPER TOWELS COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 Reflective vest Office supplies OFFICE SUPPLIES FAX MACHINE REPAIR CELL PHONE CASE SUBSCRIPTION Ord 3174-WW Rates INV 006559725 Administration Public Works-Gen Fnd 11/04 COPIER LEASE WRPA RENEWAL Administration OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL SportsMan Basic pe 05-05 Recreation 4 Page Newsletter COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 Inkjet photo paper 11-20 a/c 206T217227465B 11-14 a/c 3604577004947B Senior Center Fee refund Supplies-Morris 11-14 a/c 3604570241950B William Shore Pool COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT Ocean View Cemetery Account Number 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.45-30 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.44-10 001-7010-532.45-30 Division Totak Depa~mentTotal: 001-8010-574.45-30 001-8010-574.49-01 Division Total: 001-8011-574.31-01 001-8011-574.41-50 Division Total: 001-8012-555.44-10 001-80t2-555.45-30 001-8012-555.31-01 001-8012-555.42-10 001-8012-555.42-10 Division Total: 001-8020-347.30-12 001-8020-576.31-01 001-8020-576.42-10 Division Torah 001-8050-536.44-10 001-8050-536,45-30 Division Total: WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEIV001-8080-576.31-20 CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 001-8080-576.31-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001-8080-576.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-594.63-10 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-594.63-10 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 001-8080-576.31-20 34 Invoice Amount 50.92 46.07 5.08 1,612.89 40.52 22.59 75.81 21.61 117.00 10.35 1,211.45 $3,234.21 $3,234.21 256.48 155.00 $41t.48 49.83 323.82 $373.65 714.73 41.88 14.08 60.56 38.73 $869.98 100.09 15.23 39.90 $t55.22 402.30 58.17 $460.47 197.81 175.99 648.18 38.31 17.49 19.45 21.89 18.17 84.84 178.44 13.97 Page 6 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor OLYMPIC SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC QWEST RWE DISTRIBUTING SHOTVVELL CORP, JONATHAN SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY XEROX CORPORATION Parks & Recreation ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BLUE MOUNTAIN TREE SERVICE INC BROOKE & ASSOC INC, ROBERT CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC MCCRORIEiNTERIORS OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY INC PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMANSUPPLY XEROX CORPORATION Parks & Rec-Main~nance BREWER, DAVID PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM Convention Center Description PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV PLASTICS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT Park Facilities Parks & Recreation AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG Account Number 001-8080-594.63-10 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.42-10 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-40 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.31-20 001-8080-576.45-30 Division Total: Department Totah 001-8130-518.31-20 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 001-8130-518.48-10 HARDWARE,ANDALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-518.31-20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FLOOR COVERING, INSTALLED 001-8130-518.31-20 001-8130-518.31-20 001-8130-518.31-20 001-8130-518.31-20 PRODUCTION&MANUFACTURING 001-8130-518.31-20 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-8130-518.45-30 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8130-518.31-20 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8130-518.42-10 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8130-518.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Parks & Rec-Maintenance General Fund Contract services-Dec 2005 MEMBERSHIP DUES 2004 MKTG CONTRACT Convention Center Convention Center Convention Center Fund 35 001-8130-518.31-20 001-8130-518.31-20 001-8130-518.45-30 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 101-1430-557.49-90 101-1430-557.50-83 101-1430-557.50-83 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Invoice Amount 121.16 55.22 12.95 517.72 113.81 39.84 448.47 43.32 108.30 30.15 12.36 12.35 31.83 33.36 94.75 58.17 $3,148.30 $5,419.10 216.55 433.20 67.09 70.44 41.59 334.21 71.87 516.59 1,507.40 45.70 28.20 20.52 9.11 73.01 58.16 $3,493.64 $3,493.64 $60,924.33 100.00 692.00 7,481.28 $8,273.28 $8,273.28 $8,273.28 Page 7 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/2 5/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER ANGELES CONCRETEPRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC L & L TOOL SPECIALTIES LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP M & P GARAGE DOORS MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Description Account Number FEED,BEDDING,VIT-ANIMALS 102-7230-542.31-20 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 102-7230-542.31-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 ROOFING MATERIALS 102-7230-542.31-20 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 102-7230-542.31-20 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102-7230-542.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 102-7230-542.31-20 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF102-7230-542.31-20 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102-7230-542.31-20 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. ROOFING MATERIALS ROOFING MATERIALS ROOFING MATERIALS 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31~20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.35-01 AIR COMPRESSORS & ACCESS ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER SUPPLIES 11-19 LAURIDSEN BLVD FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. LAUNDRY TEXTILES& SUPPLIS FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.35-01 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.48-10 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.47-10 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 36 Invoice Amount 27.08 95.28 75.81 75.81 75.81 135.38 19.47 0.01 17.87 41.13 6.32 3.89 20.30 33.12 7.56 16.87 8.27 14.61 329.77 36.98 128.23 26.53 49.82 147.78 21.38 123.47 -50.48 62.74 333.44 595.63 1,877.24 21.34 129.96 21.09 19.78 114.02 29.13 15.39 14.61 9.79 29.23 54.29 Page 8 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To:1~10/04 Date: 12/15~04 Vendor SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC... UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON DEPT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP WHITE CAP CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY Public Works-Street PA DOWNTOWN ASSN PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Economic Development SEQUIM POLICE DEPARTMENT CAPTAIN '~S CENTURYTEL DISPATCH MONTHLY MAGAZINE GLOBALSTAR USA IBM CORPORATION MARATHON COMMUNICATIONS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC POWERPHONE INC QWEST INTERPRISE AMERICA INC Pencom KREI ARCHTECTURE RAVENHURST DEVELOPMENT INC Economic Development CLALLAM CNTY ECONOMIC DEV CNCL Description Account Number HARDWARE,AN D ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF 102-7230-542.31-20 FARE COLLECTION EQUIP&SUP 102-7230-542.31-20 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS SHIPPING AND HANDLING 11-15 a/c 76426408900001 BAGS,BAGGING,TIES,EROSION FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS Street Public Works-Street Street Fund Contract pmt-3rd Qtr 2004 Business meals-Smith Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development 4TH QTR PENCOM OVERPMT Shirts,logos 11-06 a/c 300539444 11-06 a/c 300509854 11-06 a/c 300496579 1 yr Subscription 2005 11-16 a/c 1.10012959 Computer equip-Clallam 11-20 a/c BWA0012014 COPY PAPER EMD Recertification 11-22 a/c WAM182-0205 Pencom Pencom Pencom Fund Prof svcs pe 08-27 Prof svcs PA Works (Rayonier Money) Economic Development PA Works Reimb Partner Ad exp $7 Invoice Amount 31.93 20.44 8.63 102-7230-542.31-20 86.50 102-7230-542.31-20 8.66 102-7230-542.31-20 7.88 102-7230-542.42-10 3.35 102-7230-542.31-20 180.59 102-7230-542.31-20 75.81 102-7230-542.31 -20 844.95 Division Total: $6,084.49 Department Total: $6,084.49 Fund Total: $6,084.49 103-1511-558.41-50 4,375.00 103-1511-558.43-10 21.95 Division Total: $4,396.98 Department Total: $4,396.99 Fund Total: $4,396.95 107-0000-213.10-90 18,074.25 Division Total: $18,074.25 Department Total: $18,074.25 107-5160-528.20-80 32.49 107-5160-528.42-11 83.86 107-5160-528.42-11 96.24 107-5160-528.42-11 255.49 107-5160-528.49-01 21.66 107-5160-528.42-10 39.91 107-5160-528.31-60 1,594.75 107-5160-528.42-11 21.14 107-5160-528.31-01 87.72 107-5160-528.43-10 327.00 107-5160-528.42-11 217.20 Division Total: $2,777.46 Department Total: $2,777.46 Fund Total: $20,851.71 110-1510-552.41-50 2,951.40 110-1510-552.41-50 1,350.00 Division Total: $4,301.40 Department Total: $4,301.40 Fund Total: $4,30t.46 150-1580-558.44-10 500.00 Page 9 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor DEN-REE PRODUCTIONS Economic Development CAPTAIN TS Recreation Activities CAPTAIN Greg Brown Robert Moss Tim Estes Tom Owen OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Recreation Activities AT&T WIRELESS (DIGITAL) SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Recreation Activities SOUND RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC Recreation Activities MT PLEASANT LAWN CARE Firearms Range SCHMI3TS ROOFING INC Senior Cntr Maintenance REID MIDDLETON INC Capital Projects-Pub Wks OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGCY ZENOVIC & ASSOCIATES Capital Projects.Attny WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF Description Business Report Elec Util Rural Econ Dev Economic Development Elec/Util Rural Econ Dev SOCCER AWARDS Sports Programs BASKETBALL AWARDS BASKETBALL AWARDS TOURNEY RFD TOURNEY ENTRY RFD TOURNEY ENTRY RFD TOURNEY ENTRY RFD COPY PAPER BB Officials meals-WP Special Events 11-27 a/c 0038436241 SUPPLIES Youth/Family Programs KITCHEN SUPPLIES Kitchen Recreation Activities Park & Recreation Fund Firearms Range grounds Firearms Range Firearms Range Firearms Range ROOFING MATERIALS Account Number 150-1580-558.44-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 174-8221-574.31-01 Division Total: 174-8222-574.31-01 174-8222-574.31-01 174-8222-347.60-21 174-8222-347.60-21 174-8222-347.60-21 174-8222-347.60-21 174-8222-574.31-01 174-8222-574.31-01 Division Total: 174-8224-574.42-10 174-8224-574.31-01 Division Total: 174-8229-574.31-01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 178-5351-521.48-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 184-8350-555.41-50 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 184-8350-555.41-50 Senior Cntr Maintenance Senior Cntr Maintenance Senior Center Maintenance Prof svcs pc11-05 GF-Pub Wks Projects Capital Projects-Pub Wks Capital Improvement Application-Asbestos rem Prof svcs-inspection Property Management Capital Projects-A ttny Property Management Fund Project Mgt-October 38 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 310-7919-594,41-50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 314-3920-518.41-50 314-3920-518.41-50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 328-7950-595.41-50 Invoice Amount 10,000.00 $10,500.00 $10,500.00 $10,500.0o 165.70 $165.70 328.15 252.61 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 43.88 55.66 $1,520.28 36.52 4.19 $40.71 92.76 $92.76 $1,819.45 $1,819.45 416.57 $416.57 $416.57 $416.57 1,600.33 5,750.73 $7,351.66 $7,351.06 $7,351.06 1,645.50 $1,645.50 $1,645.50 $1,645.50 125.00 835.39 $960.39 $960.39 $960.39 164.78 Page 10 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: '1 fl25104 To: f2/'10/04 Vendor WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF... Capital Projects-Pub Wks ADVANTICA INC CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELSTER ELECTRICITY LLC ANDERSON, RICHARD C ANISHANSLIN, BRI~-NE BABERS, CALVIN EGENHOFF, CHRISTY FULLERTON, CONNIE FULLERTON, KATHY GUTIERREZ, ANDERS HALLOWAY, BRAD RAWES, DOUG JOHNSON, RANDAL KEPLER, DENISE KING, TERRY KOEHLER, TAMARA L KOWALSKI, MIKE LEE, MOON HEE MAYNOCK, DUSTIN MOORE, COLIN MURRAY, CHRISTOPHER OLSON, LAURE POSSINGER, ERIC RODOCKER, MICHAEL & JANICE SANDERS, ELIZABETH SERENITY HOUSE OF CLALLAM CO STEINBACH, TIANA STUMPF, MARY WEBBER, ERNIE WENTZ, ANDREA WHEELER, KATHRYN WILKINSON, GRAYSON NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY WESTERN STATES ELECTRIC INC Description Project Mgt-October 8th St Bridge Reconst Capital Projects-Pub Wks 8th St Bridge Reconstr SYNERGEE SOFTWARE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS OVERPAYMENT REFUND UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS DEPOSIT REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND UB CR REFUND-FiNALS DEPOSIT REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND UB CR REFUND-FINALS DEPOSIT REFUND UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS OVERPAYMENT-2201 18TH D15 DEPOSIT REFUND UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 39 Account Number Invoice Amount 328-7950-595.41-50 49.11 Division Total: $2'13.89 Department Total: $213.89 Fund Total: $213.8-~ 401-0000-237.00-00 -155.63 401-0000-141.40-00 148.91 401-0000-237.00-00 -8.30 401-0000-122.10-99 89.80 401-0000-122.10-99 97.91 401-0000-122.10-99 86,48 401-0000-122.10-99 51.40 401-0000-122.10-99 64.27 401-0000-122.10-99 69.80 401-0000-122.10-99 17.15 401-0000-122.10-99 30.97 401-0000-122.10-99 175.88 401-0000-122.10-99 35.93 401-0000-122.10-99 83.21 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 401-0000-122.10-99 61.81 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 401-0000-122.10-99 83.09 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 401-0000-122.10-99 12.65 401-0000-122.10-99 27.84 401-0000-122.10-99 144.95 401-0000-122.10-99 18.50 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 401-0000-122.10-99 28.03 401-0000-122.10-99 83.62 401-0000-122.10-99 75.45 401-0000-122.10-99 110.68 401-0000-122.10-99 85.39 401-0000-141.40-00 143.35 401-0000-141.40-00 1,432.87 401-0000-141.40-00 3,403.87 401-0000-141.40-00 20,468.70 401-0000-141.40-00 906.48 Division Total: $29,125.06 Page 11 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 Vendor ADVANTICA INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Public Works-Electric LOWER ELWHA KLALLAM TRIBE (TEQ) PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Public Works-Electric A+ EQUIPMENT AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANGELES CONCRETEPRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BUSINESS ANSWERPHONE SERVICE CDW GOVERNMENTINC CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DISTINC COLEMAN DIESEL REPAIR DIGITAL COPY SERVICES INC DIVERSIFIED RESOURCE CENTER ELSTER ELECTRICITY LLC FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL GENERAL PACIFIC INC Charles McCaughan NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Description SYNERGEE SOFTWARE Stakes November shipping chgs Engineering-Electric BIO ASSESSMENT-MORSE CRK Wheeling chgs pe 09-2004 Power Resource Mgmt HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CONTROL DENSITY FILL ROCK ROCK-ELWA UG REBUILD PEA GRAVEL-MORSE CRK Account Number Depa~mentTotah 401-7111-533.48-02 401-7111-533.31-01 401-7111-533.42-10 Division Torah 401-7120-533.41-50 401-7120-533.33-50 Division Totah 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 CONCRETE PUMPER-MORSE CRF401-7180-533.48-10 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES Coat hook,board LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY SECTIONALIZER CABINET PAN COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 NOVEMBER JANITORIAL ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY DOT PHYSICAL ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 40 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.42-10 401-7180-533.31-60 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48~10 401-7180-533.45-30 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.34-02 401-7180-533.43-10 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-20 Invoice Amount $29,125.06 2,030.63 13.63 10.92 $2,055.1~ 6,701.94 4,149.28 $10,851.22 499.62 72.42 86.59 758.10 82.13 283.75 317.32 303.24 12.32 24.96 6.32 26.43 367.01 160.00 525.67 140.32 122.38 346.56 282.94 14.93 96.00 108.30 9.20 717.83 85.50 14.81 210.86 97.74 114.94 57.47 1,301.90 25.34 25.18 25.34 Page 12 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: ~ 2/~ 0/04 Vendor OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS... OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC PEN PRINT INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC RACEWAYS TECHNOLOGY INC ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC THURMAN SUPPLY VERIZON WIRELESS WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO WASHINGTON (DRS), STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF CORRECTIONS WASHINGTON FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Public Works-Electric FLI LEARNING SYSTEMS INC FOWLER COMPANY, H D Description JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Landscape maint-November FORMS, CONT. COMPUTER Callout meals-O'Donnell Filing fees-Funston 1%12 SR101 & Euclid FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Account Number 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-01 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.43-10 401-7180-533.49-90 401-7180-533.47-10 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.35-01 401-7180-533.48-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF401-7180-533.35-01 CLEANING COMPOSlTtON/SOLV 401-7180-533.35-01 CLOTHING & APPAREL 401-7180-533.35-01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.48-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF401-7180-533.35-01 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.48-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF401-7180-533.35-01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS Supplies 11-15 a/c 56453528700001 11-19 a/c 37025112500001 11-19 a/c 27025123900001 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.42-10 401-7180-533.42-10 401-7180-533.42-10 401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF401-7180-533.35-01 Statewide Pensioners BAGS,BAGGING,TIES,EROSION FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Electric Operations Public Works-Electric Electric Utility Fund SUPPLIES PiPE AND TUBING PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 4] 401-7180-533.20-30 401~7180-533.48-10 401-7180-533.31-20 401-7180-533.48-10 Division To~h Depa~ment To~h Fund To~h 402-0000-237.00-00 402-0000-141.40-00 402-0000-141.40-00 Invoice Amount 25.34 25.34 12.28 1,732.80 319.49 21.50 39.00 17.33 69.48 91.98 91.37 54.10 167.65 1,039.46 1,403.39 11.92 11.69 43.15 11.23 13.65 18.92 3.83 221.79 337.20 9.58 1.95 9.13 41.62 74.51 74.26 78.51 73.87 200.16 270.75 16.25 299.20 $14,257.10 $27,163.50 $56,288.56 -19.64 162.90 117.68 Page 13 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/I0/04 Date: 12/15/04 Vendor FOWLER COMPANY, H D... AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL iNC CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DIVERSIFIED RESOURCE CENTER EDGE ANALYTICAL FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP FLI LEARNING SYSTEMS INC FLOW PRODUCTS INC HACH COMPANY HILTI INC JCl-JONES CHEMICALS INC KEYRIFFIC KEYS CORP MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC Jeff Groves Tracy Betts OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PEN PRINT INC QWEST SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Description Account Number PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-0000-141.40-00 Division Total: Department Total: WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM~02-7380-534.31-05 SUPPLIES 11-15 a/c 0584912554001 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL DOT PHYSICAL NOVEMBER JANITORIAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI November shipping chgs SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.43-10 402-7380-534.43-10 402-7380-534.43-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.35-01 402-7380-534.31-05 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF402-7380-534.35-01 WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM=~02-7380-534.31-05 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS SUPPLIES JEFF GROVES-CDL PHYS CDL FEES OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) WATER SERVICE APPLICATION 11-23 a/c 206T411255315B WELDING EQUIPMENT/SUPPLY SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.43-10 402-7380-534.43-10 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.31-05 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWEF402-7380-534.35-01 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. PiPE AND TUBING SUPPLIES SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534,34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN402-7380-534.34-02 42 Invoice Amount 470.71 $731.65 $73t.65 197.81 5,862.34 44.03 20.73 124.55 75.00 75.00 75.00 26~00 37.00 219.00 37.00 21.58 256.24 1,156.81 747.71 499.87 381.33 965.05 5.20 52.14 105.00 165.00 122.26 131.58 151.62 64.21 16.23 19.48 0.52 54.56 19.35 7.01 11.77 17.84 16.25 28.21 22.47 10.80 Page 14 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor THURMAN SUPPLY TWlSS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON DEPT OF CORRECTIONS Public Works-Water AQUA BEN CORP NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY AMTESTINC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO AQUA BEN CORP BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BLAKE SAND & GRAVELINC DIGITAL COPY SERVICESINC FEIEVERETT3023 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP METROCALL MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES OLYMPIC SPRINGS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Description SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PIPE FITTINGS PIPE FITTINGS SUPPLIES FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 11-15 a/c 26421490800002 11-15 a/c 2642149080001 BAGS,BAGGING,TIES,EROSION Water Public Works-Water Water Fund Account Number 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.34-02 402-7380-534.35-01 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.34-02 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEIVA03-0000-237.00-00 LAB &FIELD EQUIP,BIO,BOT 403-0000-237.00-00 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI SUPPLIES Division Total: Department Total: 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.48-10 403-7480-535.31-20 WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM,03-7480-535.31-20 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AIR COMPRESSORS & ACCESS CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE COPY INVOICES 3013-3026 PIPE AND TUBING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 12-01 a/c 298-A24878 SAMPLING&SAMPLE PREPARATI LAB &FIELD EQUIP,BIO,BOT FOODS: PERISHABLE RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 43 403-7480-535.31~20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-01 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403~7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31~20 403-7480-535.42-10 403-7480-535.48-10 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-01 Invoice Amount 17.63 8.01 10.07 7.61 14.07 10.61 5.40 114.00 133.00 171.00 38.00 152.00 31.16 34.97 270.75 $12,861.83 $12,861.83 $13,593.48 -300.46 -23.28 -$323.74 -$323.74 10.88 445.00 29.97 3,920.46 23.80 54.56 61.44 43.32 37.95 2,813.10 54.46 95.50 141.26 23.72 32.52 28.00 303.74 25.00 21.56 3.78 Page 15 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Date: 12/15/04 Vendor OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC... PARKER PAINT MFG CO PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC PE?rlT OIL COMPANY PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST ROGERS MACHINERY CO INC SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (ECOLOGY), STATE OF Public Works. WW/Storrnwtr CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DIVERSIFIED RESOURCE CENTER OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC RADIO PACIFIC INC Description PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER Landscape maint-November FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES Business meals-Young 11-20 a/c 206T819363533B AIR COMPRESSORS & ACCESS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL Account Number 403-7480-535.31-01 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535A1-50 403-7480-535.32-11 403-7480-535.32-11 403-7480-535.32-11 403-7480-535.32-11 403-7480-535.32-11 403-7480-535.43-10 403-7480-535.42-10 403-7480-535.48-10 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-01 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEM,03-7480-535.31-20 POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR SUPPLIES ACOUST TILE, INSULAT MAT PIPE FITTINGS SUPPLIES 11-15 a/c 36469358100001 11-15 a/c 76423363300001 SRF Loan L91001 SRF Loan L91001 Wastewater Public Work$-WW/Stormwtr Wastewater Fund DOT PHYSICAL NOVEMBER JANITORIAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TWINE SUPPLIES Landscape maint-November COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 44 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.31-20 403-7480-535.35-01 403-7480-535.42-10 403-7480-535.42-10 403-7480-591.71-10 403-7480-592.81-10 Division Totah Depa~ment Total: Fund Total: 404-7580-537.43-10 404-7580-537.48-10 404-7580-537.31-01 404-7580-537.31-01 404-7580-537.35-01 404-7580-537.35-01 404-7580-537.48-10 404-7580-537.44-10 404-7580-537.44-10 Invoice Amount 143.26 75.05 4.42 20.76 633.63 940.55 1,071.40 1,030.97 1,029.92 897.07 38.05 40.79 8,452.60 18.44 4.38 21.52 61.54 36.91 2.17 106.79 15.92 7.52 18.47 2.58 6.45 254,51 12.30 28.73 110,789.92 19,018.13 $152,954,77 $152,954.77 $152,631.03 75.00 19.00 125.62 40.42 3.84 40.04 652.06 270.00 433.00 Page 16 Date: 12J15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC WA STATE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Public Works-Solid Waste FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS ANDERSON & SONS GRAVEL ANGELES ELECTRIC iNC CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH DIVERSIFIED RESOURCE CENTER EMERALD RECYCLING ENGINEERED COMPOST SYSTEMS HDPJEES INC MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC MORRISON EXCAVATING INC NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY NORTHWEST BUSINESS FINANCE LLC OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC OVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICES INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PARAMETRIX INC PEN PRINT INC SHOTWELL CORP, JONATHAN SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Public Works-Solid Waste EVERWARM HEARTH & HOME INC GLASS SERVICES CO INC BILL AND DENA SOMMERS JOHN GILMORE Public Works-Electric Description PIPE FITTINGS PIPE AND TUBING SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Solid Waste-Collections Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Collections FOREVER NPC RESORTS, LLC FOREVER NPC RESORTS, LLC FOREVER NPC RESORTS, LLC FOREVER NPC RESORTS, LLC CRUSHED ROCK FOR ROADS Account Number 404-7580-537.35-01 404-7580-537.35-01 404-7580-537.49-01 404-7580-537.35-01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 405-0000-213.10-90 405-0000-213.10-90 405-0000-213.10-90 405-0000-213.10-90 Division Total: Department Total: 405-7585-537.31-20 CONNECTING COMPOST SENSOF405-7585-537.48-10 HAZ WASTE COLLECTION EVEN 405-7585-537.48-10 NOVEMBER JANITORIAL CONTAMINATED OIL REMOVAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC SOLID WASTE REVIEW SUBMIT AIR COMPRESSOR EXCAVATION WORK LIGHT FIXTURE BALLAST TIRE RECYCLING TROUBLESHOOT FLARE MOTOR COVERALL AND FLOORMAT REN OFFICE SUPPLIES,PAPER/RIB OFFICE SUPPLIES,PAPER/RIB Prof svcs pe '10-29 PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER Solid Waste-Landfili Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Landfill City rebate-Mouret City rebate-Harper City rebate City rebate Conservation Loans 45 405-7585-537.48-10 405-7585-537.48-10 405-7585-537.48-10 405-7585-537.41-50 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.48-10 405-7585-537.48-10 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.48-10 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.41-50 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.31-20 405-7585-537.31-20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 Division Total: invoice Amount 10.73 7.86 125.00 660.72 $2,463.29 $2,463.29 $2,463.2-~ 13.82 19.20 99.84 216.57 $349.43 $349.43 2,859.12 311.81 2,927.90 47.00 1,441.98 982.05 7,795.75 590.67 324.90 36.45 850.00 74.73 94.62 243.68 19.49 14,769.61 287.00 389.88 324.90 3.76 17.20 $34,392.50 $34,392.50 $34,741.93 196.00 139.79 60.00 50.00 $445.79 Page 17 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor SNELSON COMPANIES INC US BANK Public Works-Water BROWN AND CALDWELL GEOTIVITY INC HALBERG PACIFIC APPRAISAL SVCS NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES INC PARAMETRIX INC Public Works-WW/Stormwtr PARAMETRIX INC Public Works-Solid Waste BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 HElL ENVIRONMENTAL IND LTD MCPHERSON EMERG VEH SRVC CTR MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC NORTHWEST MFG & DIST INC PE~rlT OIL COMPANY SCHUCK'S AUTO PARTS Description Public Works. Electric Conse~/ation Loans/Grants Prof svcs pe 11-17 Escrow 153555919973 Water Projects Public Works-Water Water Utility CIP Prof svcs-pe 11-11 Prof svcs-pe 11-11 Prof svcs-pe 11-11 Prof svcs pe 11-18 Prof svcs pe 11-18 Data processing Marine Dr parcel Prof svcs pe 11-20 Prof svcs pe 10-29 Wastewater Projects Public Works-WW/Stormwtr WasteWater Utility ClP Prof svcs pe 10-29 Prof svcs pe 10-29 Solid Waste Coil Projects Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste Utility CIP AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS HOSES, ALL KINDS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. iTEMS HOSES, ALL KINDS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Diesel Gasoline,Diesel AUTO & TRUCK AUTO & TRUCK AUTO & TRUCK AUTO & TRUCK AUTO & TRUCK AUTO & TRUCK AUTO & TRUCK MArNT. rTEMS MAINT. ITEMS MAINT. ITEMS MAINT. ITEMS MArNT. ITEMS MAINT. ITEMS MAINT. ITEMS 46 Account Number Invoice Amount Department Total: $445.79 Fund Total: $445.7g 452-7388-594.65-10 257,074.90 452-7388-594.65-10 12,443.12 Division Total: $269,5'18.02 Department Total: $269,518.02 Fund Total: $269,518.02 453-7488-594.41-50 7,147.96 453-7488-594.41-50 3,040.76 453-7488-594.41-50 15,106.77 453-7488-594.41-50 6,013.07 453-7488-594.41-50 102.13 453-7488-594.41-50 3,145.37 453-7488-594.41-50 2,325.00 453-7488-594.41-50 126.00 453-7488-594.41-50 4,396.49 Division Total: $41,403.55 Department Total: $41,403.55 Fund Total: $41,403.5-~ 454-7588-594.41-50 2,559.47 454-7588-594.41-50 10,612.05 Division Total: $13,171.52 Department Total: $13,171.52 Fund Total: $13,~71.52 501-0000-141.40-00 64.85 501-0000-141.40-00 25.01 501-0000-237.00-00 -30.61 501-0000-141.40-00 315.13 501-0000-141.40-00 51.59 501-0000-141.40-00 107.87 501-0000-141.40-00 283.53 501-0000~237.00-00 -16.19 501-0000-141.20-00 2,462.68 501-0000-141.20-00 8,211.13 501-0000-141.40-00 130.58 501-0000-141.40-00 20.04 501-0000-141.40-00 12.56 501-0000-141.40-00 78.13 501-0000-141.40-00 65.30 501-0000-141.40-00 44.58 501-0000-141.40-00 62.75 Page 18 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor SCHUCK'S AUTO PARTS... SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE THURMAN SUPPLY ANGELES AUTO ALECTRIC DENVER'S TIRE COINC DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. iTEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES LICENSING FEE 47 Account Number Invoice Amount 501-0000-141.40-00 64.43 501-0000-141.40-00 62.79 501-0000-141.40-00 20.04 501-0000-141.40-00 8.28 501-0000-141.40-00 16.60 501-0000-141.40-00 22.41 501-0000-141.40-00 28.43 501-0000-141.40-00 28.43 501-0000-141.40-00 82.85 Divi$ion Totah $t2,223.29 Depa~mentTotah $12,223.29 501-7630-548.34-02 268.58 501-7630-548.31-10 153.79 501-7630-548.31-10 203.60 501-7630-548.31-10 329.23 501-7630-548.34-02 16.25 501-7630-548.34-02 105.05 501-7630-548.34-02 2.44 501-7630-548.34-02 2.44 501-7630-548.34-02 2.44 501-7630-548.34-02 2.44 501-7630-548.34-02 2.44 501-7630-548.34-02 4.06 501-7630-548.34-02 40.07 501-7630-548.34-02 65.25 501-7630-548.48-10 27.07 501-7630-548.48-10 8.12 501-7630-548.48-10 8.12 501-7630-548.48-10 28.15 501-7630-548.48-10 28.15 501-7630-548.48-10 28.15 501-7630-548.48-10 28.15 501-7630-548.48-10 28.15 501-7630-548.48-10 28.16 501-7630-548.48-10 34.66 501-7630-548.48-10 43.32 501-7630-548.48-10 98.01 501-7630-548.48-10 105.59 501-7630-548.48-10 83.93 501-7630-548.48-10 140.79 501-7630-548.48-10 60.65 501-7630-594.64-10 15.75 Page 19 Date: 12./15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: f 1/25/04 To: 12/'10/04 Vendor DIVERSIFIED RESOURCE CENTER GROENVELD PACIFIC WEST INC H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLINE HElL ENVIRONMENTAL [ND LTD LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER (CITY) LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC MURRAy MOTORS INC N C MACHINERY CO Description NOVEMBER JANITORIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 48 Account Number 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 50%7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 Invoice Amount 47.00 275.16 20.92 61.32 201.66 17.65 51.25 -80.14 1,318.36 68.17 217.52 147.18 399.40 4.87 17.33 70.88 33.10 20.04 32.44 8.75 99.59 11.19 10.39 4.31 4.31 16.14 16.67 199.10 4.53 12.95 5.44 8.57 38.51 20.11 10.23 15.26 5.61 59.18 4.84 100.11 28.17 31.50 Page 20 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: f ~ /2 5/04 To: ~ 2/ ~ 0/04 Vendor N C MACHINERY CO... NORTHWEST MFG & DIST iNC OVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICES INC PAPE' MACHINERY PERRY'S TIRE FACTORY PETTIT OIL COMPANY Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. rTEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES Nov Gasoline-EQ0009 Nov Gasoline-EQ0015 Nov Gasoline-EQ0018 Nov Gasoline-EQ0027 Nov Gasoline-EQ0028 Nov Gasoline-EQ0029 Nov Gasoline-EQO030 Nov Gasoline-EQ0034 Nov Gasoline-EQO035 Nov Gasoline-EQ0036 Nov Gasoline-EQ0041 Nov Gasoline-EQO042 Nov Gasoline-EQO044 Nov Gasoline-EQ0045 Nov Gasoline-EQ0046 Nov Gasoline-EQ0047 Nov Gasoline-EQ0048 Nov Gasoline-EQO053 Nov Gasoline-EQ0054 Nov Gasoline-EQO065 Nov Gasoline-EQ0082 Nov Gasoline-EQ0087 Nov Gasoline-EQ0088 Nov Gasoline-EQ0089 Nov Gasoline-EQO095 49 Account Number 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.49-90 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.31-10 501-7630-548.31-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 Invoice Amount 85.62 2.23 104.23 132.70 211.19 226.22 50.27 191.04 395.99 86.64 57.08 57.10 57.10 57.10 57.10 45.49 131.95 72.16 19.32 100.41 25.21 66.61 46.82 31.94 203.34 19.76 171.49 67.96 61.54 254.66 90.92 164.27 137.18 78.92 165.49 110.32 130.13 35.43 81.47 74.58 127.64 82.29 Page 21 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: '11/25/04 To: f2/I0/04 Date: 12/15/04 Vendor PE'I-TIT OIL COMPANY... RUDDELLAUTO MALL SCHUCK'SAUTOPARTS SIMPSON'S USED PARTS & TOWING SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE Description Nov Gasoline-EQ0096 Nov Gasoline-EQ0138 Nov Gasoline-EQ4101 Nov Gasoline-EQ4102 Nov Gasoline-EQ4103 Nov Gasoline-EQ4105 Nov Gasoline-EQ4200 Nov Gasoline-EQ4201 Nov Gasoline-EQ4900 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. iTEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, iTEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 5O Account Number 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 50%7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-54834-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501~7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548,34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.35-01 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 Invoice Amount 27.78 190.61 219.76 19.55 101.10 128.60 228.53 90.00 51.99 9.59 25.23 28.56 11.00 -11.00 87.93 38.98 6.54 4.19 3.64 161.75 131.99 70.40 50.68 5.16 33.66 323.54 -96.74 14.28 96.74 332.07 42.67 10.79 0.67 1.26 55.84 31.28 4.28 486.27 5.42 5.41 2.93 72.01 Page 22 Date; 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: f f/25/04 To: f2/fO/04 Vendor SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC VERIZON WIRELESS WESTERN PETERBILT INC Public Works-Equip Svcs US NETCOM CORPORATION ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO CDW GOVERNMENT INC COSTCO CREDIT CARD PMTS PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT [NC US NETCOM CORPORATION Finance Department RASLER, PHYLLIS AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST BAILEY, JAMES A BALSER, FRED Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. iTEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MA{NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 11-15 A/C 26421490800003 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT, ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Equipment Services Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Account Number 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548,42-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 Division Totah Department Torah Fund Total: DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-0000-237.00-00 Division Total: Department Torah SMALL TOOLS 502-2081-518.35-01 SUPPLIES 502-2081-518.31-01 SUPPLIES 502-2081-518.31-01 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502-2081-518,31-01 SUPPLIES 502-2081-518.31-01 SUPPLIES 502-2081-518.31-01 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH 502-2081-518.31-60 RADIO&TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2081-518.31-60 RADIO&TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2081-518.31-60 KEYBOARDS 502-2081-518.31-01 TONER CARTRIDGE 502-2081-518.31-01 DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 Information Technologies Finance Department Information Technology 01/05/2004 COBRA OVERPMT December premium December premium December premium Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov 51 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503-0000-213.10-90 Division Total: Department Torah 503-1631-517.46-30 503-1631-517.46-32 503-1631-517.46-35 503-1631-517.46-35 503~1631-517,46-35 503-1631-517.46-35 Invoice Amount 12.25 6.43 -462.35 30.93 462.35 40.29 43.40 65,27 11,74 38.58 124,86 -81.34 $13,398.63 $13,398.63 $25,621.92 -23.16 -$23.16 -$23.16 14.14 161.25 60.65 643.30 108.30 831.74 1,184.80 842.06 431.03 259.88 54.15 302.16 $4,893.46 $4,893.46 $4,870.30 31.81 $31.81 $31.81 121,920.19 1,513.03 5,265.00 66.60 139.76 58.70 Page 23 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 11/25/04 To: 12./10/04 Vendor BALSER, SHARYN BISHOP, VIRGIL CAMERON, KENNETH CAMPORINI, RICHARD CPS GLENN, LARRY GROOMS, MICHAEL ILK, STEPHEN A JOHNSON, DONALD G JOHNSON, HARRY JORISSEN, ROBERT R LIND, DARWIN PETER LINDLEY, JAMES K LOUCKS, JASPER MIESEL JR, PHILIP C Barbara McFall Charles McCaughan Coral Wheeler David Dombrowski Edward W Schilke Glenn Cutler Kathleen Emery Ken Loghry Rebecca Horton MORGAN, ROY NCS PEARSON INC NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT SWEA'I-r, JOHNNIE THOMPSON, BRUCE TURTON, F GALE Self Insurance HEALTHCARE MGMT ADMNSTRS INC Self Insurance CAPTAIN 'PS Self Insurance Bridget Bell-Kraft Description Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov FIRE CAPTAINS TEST Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT Medicare premium-Nov COMM OFFICER TEST December premium December premium Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Other Insurance Programs 11-23 Dental claims EFT 11-30 Dental claims EFT Medical Benefits SAFETY COMM LOGO Worker"s Compensation CLAIM SETTLEMENT 52 Account Number Invoice Amount 503-1631-517.46-35 182.58 503-1631-517.46-35 129.10 503-1631-517,46-35 57.00 503-1631-517.46-35 91,90 503-1631-517.46-35 65.00 503-1631-517.46-35 65.60 503-1631-517.41-50 540.53 503-1631-517.46-35 58.70 503-1631-517.46-35 65.00 503-1631-517.46-35 66.60 503-1631-517.46-35 433,38 503-1631-517.46-35 66.60 503-1631-517.46-35 66.60 503-1631-517,46-35 58.70 503-1631-517,46-35 66.60 503-1631-517.46-35 54.00 503-1631-517,46-35 30.67 503-1631-517.46-35 133.20 503-1631-517.46-35 61.60 503-1631-517.46-30 154.90 503-1631-517.41-51 162.00 503-1631-517,41-51 250.00 503-1631-517.41-51 250.00 503-1631-517.46-30 165.00 503-1631-517.46-30 111.61 503-1631-517.41-51 75.50 503-1631-517.46-30 103.05 503-1631-517.41-51 75.50 503-1631-517.46-35 65,60 503-1631-517.41-50 138.40 503-1631-517.46-33 47,162.25 503-1631-517.46-34 10,877.65 503-1631-517.46-35 65.70 503-1631-517.46-35 60.60 503-1631-517.46-35 345,23 Division Total: $19'1,319.63 503-1637-517.46-01 1,036.71 503-1637-517.46-01 610.00 Division Total: $1,646.71 503-1661-517.49-09 10.03 Division Total: $t0.03 503-1671-517~49-98 3,274.58 Page 24 Date: 12/15/04 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: I 1/25/04 To: 12/10/04 Vendor Gene and Mudelle Fulrner Pauia Cunningham and Self Insurance BRAUN, GARY CAMPBELL, MALCOLM D EVANS, SIDNEY RYAN, ED Fireman's Pension PA DOWNTOWN A$SN Description CLAIM SETTLEMENT CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT Comp Liability Self Insurance Self-Insurance Fund Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Disability Board-November Medicare premium-Nov Medicare premium-Nov Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Firemen's Pension DUPAR LEASE PBIA QWEST Esther Webster/Fine Arts AFSCME LOCAL 1619 DIMARTINONVSCFF DISABILITY FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 IBEW LOCAL 997 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS POLICE ASSOCIATION PROF COLLECTION AGENCIES INC TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO Off Street Parking Fund 11-23 a/c 206T418577331B 11-14 a/c 3604573532775B Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 11-21 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 P/R Deductions pe 12-05 Totals for check period Payroll Clearing From: 11/25/04 53 Account Number Invoice Amount 503-1671-517.49-98 7,360.76 503-1671-517.49-98 3,384.82 Division Total: $14,020.16 Department Total: $206,996.53 Fund Total: $207,028.34 602-6221-517.46-35 66.60 602-6221-517.46-35 65.60 602-6221-517.46-35 55.00 602-6221-517.46-35 66.60 602-6221-517.46-35 60.60 Division Total: $314.40 Department Totah $314.40 Fund Total: $314.4{~ 650-0000-231.91-00 3,000.00 650-0000-231.92-00 10,000.00 Division Total: $13,000.00 Department Total: $13,000.00 Fund Total: $13,000.0{] 652-8630-575.42-10 60.56 652-8630-575.42-10 41.20 Division Total: $10t.76 Department Total: $101.76 Fund Total: $101.76 920-0000-231.54-40 89.00 920-0000-231.54-40 178.00 920-0000-231.53-40 820.16 920-0000-231.54-30 1,349.00 920-0000-231.54-20 532.40 920-0000-231.56-20 169.85 920-0000-231.56-20 1,672.65 920-0000-231.51-11 3,239.17 920-0000-231.55-10 234.00 920-0000-231.56-30 254.31 920-0000~231.54-10 2,714.00 920-0000-231.56-10 208.47 920-0000-231.54-40 3,440.00 Division Total: $14,901.01 Department Total: $14,901.01 Fund Total: $t4,901.01 To: 12/10/04 $977,833.92 Page 25 Finance Department Electronic Payments November 25, 2004 - December 10, 2004 Fund 501 207 401 401 12-01-04 12-01-04 12-03-04 12-06-04 Bank of New York Debt Service POR0230-001 Bank of New York Debt Service PORANGREF92 Energy NW Transmission - October Energy NW Power Bill - October 14,288.67 52,385.00 179,794.00 1,185,862.00 Total 1,437,329.67 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. ClT'Y COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DECEMBER 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM BLOOR~ CITY ATTORNEY GLENN CUTLER~ PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI~ FINANCE DIRECTOR INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND CLALLAM COUNTY FOR THE COLLECTION OF STORMWATER UTILITY ASSESSMENTS Summary: In 2003, the City Council approved the implementation of a Stormwater Utility. At that time, the City entered into an informal agreement with Clallam County to collect the Stormwater Utili{y Assessment in concert with Property Tax for the year 2004. The attached Agreement will formalize this Agreement Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County for the collection of Stormwater Utility Assessment fees. Background / Analysis: In 2003, the City Council voted to approve the implementation of Stormwater Utility. At that time, it was determined that the easiest way to collect this utility was to approach Clallam County and ask to have this collected in concert with property taxes. Clallam County agreed, but no formal Agreement was signed. This process is the most effective method of collecting this utility assessment. It worked well in 2004, therefore, it is now time to formalize this Agreement with Clallam County. The County charged the City 1% of the collected fees to perform this service, which is actually one half percent less than agreed upon initially, and will continue to charge only 1% in 2005. This Agreement benefits both agencies and staff recommends Council Approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign. 57 INTERLOCALAGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between CLALLAM COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation or public agency of the State of Washington, hereinafter "Agency." RECITALS WHEREAS, the Agency has requested that CLALLAM COUNTY collect the Storm Water Assessment for the Agency in concert with the annual tax collection, staking with the assessment/tax year 2004, and WHEREAS, Agency has imposed .Storm Water Assessments in the amount of $36.00 per year on the standard parcel in the City Limits of Port Angeles, and in increments thereof for larger parcels: and WHEREAS, the partiesi ~d~ii:e {o;bnter::~t~;;an:~l't~(~docal Agreement pursuant to RCW 39.34 and 84.56.035. 11 ." ~NOW; WHEREFORE, jn cor~iderati0n-0~.the.mUtuail i~rA~i~es c0nVJir~d 'h-ei:e~n~, the par:lies agr*ee as foll0ws~ ....... *' -'. 1. The Agency shall provide' {h~' Clalt~m Coun~ Treasurer with a copy of the :: ! c[~rrent: res01ution: ~o~-: or(Jinanci~ ' e${abliShi~g ';tl~-~-a'nt{uAF, Stbrm' Wat~ ', '- ,, ':': ' Assessments. ~nd, shall* furtl~er Proyi;de the Clallam County Treasurer with : ",: " :: :Sufficient g~iidance:~r'dete~rnihing:Which -~S~sS~ent applies to which p~rcels of land. · . ,- :... ~ 2.;' ~iallanl C~)unty~,shall'bill.the::"taxpa:~s -~:":~i~*~r~s '~f;".'~t0~.'.~at~ · . .~...:: ':Assessments !mpp~ed .by the Agency and shall collect the Agency's Assessment and remit said Assessments collected to the Agency once per : --, -: month, r ' ' :-~ ' ~'3'~' ~" Clallarh C6unty is authorized to retain 1% of the Assessments collected from the monthly remittance to the Agency or such other amount as the sta~e legislature may hereinafter"authodze: An~/ ' increase wou d be' wffh , 120 day- notice to the'Age~lCyprior to i~plern~ntatiem -4. · "R~fuhds authorized by the Agency may be paid by either the County or the AgencY as follows:. If the:'a_ssessment has been..~r_,e~tted.to-the Agency, then?the Agency/'~w:i I rem t: the ~efund the assessment.has ~ot been remitted. to. thejAgency;.then,O allam County witl remit'the ~efund to the~taxpayer/.assessme~t~payer.. 5, TheAgenc~/'§hall defend, indemnify and hold Clallam County, its elected 'and..appg_.iptPd 0~ers., and; employees h.armles~s from ~.'aoy c{a[ms~ ,58 demands, actions, suits,, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees, arising from or caused by any act, failure to act, error or omission of the Agency. This clause will survive termination of agreement between Clallam County and Agency that results from or is caused by any act, failure to act, error or omission of the Agency. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party without cause by giwng written notice of termination to the other, This Agreement shall remain in force and effect for 120 days after notice of termination is given. At the expiration of 120 days, this agreement shall terminate. The County shall record this Agreement as required by law. AGENCY: City of Port Anqele~s, By: (Agency Authorized Signer)~.~ Please Pdnt Date: ,20 BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Steve Thannger, Chair Date~. _ _ . ,_20__ A:I-rES¥: Clerk 5g WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL Dan McKeen, Fire Chief ~ Ambulance Transport Billing Agreement Summary: The City's agreement with Systems Design for ambulance transport billing services expires on December 31, 2004. City staff proposes to extend the term of the agreement through December 31,2005. In addition, the proposed agreement eliminates an out-dated charge associated with a disposable fee and includes an increase in billing charges from $20.00 to $21.00 for each medical incident report billed. Expenses associated with the proposed agreement have been included in the City's 2005 budget. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed agreement with System Design Northwest, Inc. Background/Analysis: For the past few years, the City has contracted with Systems Design to provide billing services for Medic I ambulance transports. Since contracting with Systems Design, the City has been able to stay on top of the constantly changing Medicare roles and regulations - achieving a significantly higher collection rate as compared to the City's previous in-house billing. Our currem agreement with System Design expires on December 31, 2004. The new agreement covers the period between January 1, 2005 thxough December 31, 2005. In addition, the new agreement contains the following modifications: Eliminates billing charges associated with the disposable fee only charge of $33.00 for City residents. This disposable fee charge was eliminated when the City adopted third-party-payer billing. 61 City Council Page 2 December 21, 2004 · An increase from $20.00 to $21.00 for each medical incident report billed. The Fire Department worked with the Finance Department and the City Attorney's office to create an ambulance transport billing agreement that will continue to meet the needs of the City and our customers. The annual expenses associated with the agreement are estimated at $24,000. This expense is included in the City's 2005 budget. DM/cw Attachment PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made this 21 ~t day of December, 2004, by and between the City of Port Angeles ("City") and Systems Design Northwest, Inc., a sole proprietorship ("Systems Design"). ARTICLE I - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Systems Design agrees to provide billing services to the City for its ambulance transportation services, which services shall be in accordance with recognized standards for ambulance transport billing services and shall be in accordance with applicable government rules and regulations. Responsibilities of the City: 1. Apply for "Provider Status" with Medicare, DSHS, Labor & Industries, and any private insurance company which will be billed. 2. Complete the Medical Incident Report ("MIR"), including patient name, address, and pertinent billing information. 3. Forward MIRs, hospital face sheets, and copies of payments made to the City to Systems Design on a weekly basis. 4. Provide additional information as may be required by insurance companies or agencies in order to complete the processing of billing ambulance charges. Responsibilities of Systems Design: 1. Entry of Account/Patient records. 2. Entry of all charges, payments, and adjustments. 3. Production and mailing ofHCFA 1500 forms for all insurance charges entered. Optionally, the claims may be transmitted electronically to participating insurance companies and agencies. 4. Print, stuff, and mail private statements (monthly). 5. Production of monthly reports and delivery to the City. Selection of reports to be mutually agreed upon based on the current reports available in the Systems Design MMS software. 6. Collection procedures as approved by the City. 7. Review all accounts and rebill/follow-up as necessary. Page 1 of 4 63 Deposit all payments mailed to Systems Design in an account specified by the City no less than weekly or when the total of the checks on hand reaches $2,500.00. The City shall have sole control over this account with Systems Design having deposit only access. Copies of all deposit slips will be forwarded directly to the City. Systems Design shall investigate the feasibility of electronic remittance. If it is mutually determined to be in its best interest of the City, Systems Design shall implement electronic remittance from major insurance carriers. 10. Provide customer service via toll free phone lines for all patient billing questions, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Federal holidays excepted). 11. Provide all necessary supplies including insurance forms, private statements, envelopes and backup diskettes. ARTICLE II - TERM AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be for ambulance transports occurring between J~,ly 25, 2~,03 January 1,2005 through December 31, 2P, O4 2005. This Agreement may be renewed for additional terms upon the mutual agreement of both parties. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the other party at the address below. Upon termination of this Agreement, Systems Design shall provide follow-up private billings and payment posting as necessary for a period of one additional month. Within 30 days of this additional month of service, Systems Design shall return all materials, medical incident reports, and other documentation provided to it by the City under this Agreement. Systems Design shall also provide a detailed report of the current status of all outstanding accounts. ARTICLE III - PAYMENT FOR SERVICES Systems Design shall submit a bill to the City on a monthly basis for services provided. The amount of the bill shall be calculated as the total of: $21.00 $20,.00 for each MIR entered during the current billing period. con/ e ___: .... ~ -J fv£ " __:a ...... · , ~ ..... Actual postage expenses. Payment by the City to Systems Design shall be made within 30 days o freceipt of such billing. Upon renewal of this Agreement for additional terms, the rate used in the above calculation may be adjusted to a new rate as mutually agreed. Page 2 of 4 64 ARTICLE IV - CONFIDENTIALITY Systems Design shall not release any information provided to it under this Agreement to any source, provided however, that it may release information (including copies of MIRs) as required by insurance companies or agencies to facilitate payment for claims submitted. ARTICLE V - INDEMNIFICATION / HOLD HARMLESS Systems Design shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out o for in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City shall defend, indemnify and hold Systems Design its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of Systems Design. ARTICLE VI - INSURANCE Systems Design shall obtain and maintain professional liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and shall forward the City a certificate of insurance so verifying. ARTICLE VII - MISCELLANEOUS This Agreement may be modified or amended only in writing and signed by each of the parties. This Agreement is to be governed and construed under the laws of the State of Washington. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the City and Systems Design with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. All prior arrangements or undertakings are superseded by this Agreement. In the case any one or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall be determined to be invalid, illegal or unenfomeable in any respect, the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The tolerance of a breach or default under this Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of such breach or default. All notices hereunder by either party to the other shall be in writing. All notices, demands and requests shall be deemed given when mailed, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to the address below. Page 3 of 4 65 City of Port Angeles POBox 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Systems Design Northwest, Inc. P O Box 3510 Silverdale, WA 98383-3510 By: Richard Headrick, Mayor President, Systems Design Northwest, Inc. Attest: Date By: Becky Upton, City Clerk Approved as to form: William Bloor, City Attorney Page 4 of 4 66 pORT A GI LES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CiTY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL DENNIS C. DICKSON, SENIOR ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DEL GUZZI LISTING AGREEMENT Summary: Listing agreement for sale of Parcels 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Survey rec. pg. 44, Parcels of Del Guzzi properties. Action: Ratify agreement. Discussion: This agreement is proposed to follow the same process used to sell other portions of Del Guzzi property. Real Estate Committee has reviewed the proposal for sale of Parcels 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Survey rec. pg 44, of the City owned properties on Del Guzzi Drive. Thus, all remaining properties owned by the City that were obtained through the LID foreclosure would be placed for sale except for Lot #3, which is the most northerly of the lots owned by the City. The price recommended by the Real Estate Committee was $299,000.00 as a listing price with a commission rate at 10% on the first $100,000.00 and 5% thereafter. (This is the same fee arrangement as upon the prior sale.) Respectfully submitted, denms C. D'~mkson Senior Assistant City Attorney tip G:kLEGALWIEMOS.2004\Council.DelGuzzi- 12-21-04. mem.wpd W.A.R. Form No, L-102-R © Copyright 1996 NWMLS Form No. IA Exclusive Sale EXCLUSIVE SALE AND LISTING AGREEMENT Washington information Network ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Rev 12/96 Page 1 of 2 pages The undersigned Seller ("Seller") hereby grants to PORT AN~-I~T'~'S P,.~ALT¥. INC. , ("Broker") from date hereof until midnight of November 3O, 2OO5 , the sole and exclusive right to submit offers to purchase, and to receipt for deposits in connection therewith, the real property ("the Property") commonly known as in the City of __ PORT ANGELES , County of and legally described as: LOT , VOL DEL ~UZZI DRIVE CLALLAM , BLOCK , PAGE State of Washington, Zip i DIVISION 98362 ; _PARCELS 2r 5, 1. 6, 7 AND 8 OF au~vg¥ P, EC PG 44 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement: (a) "MLS" means the OL~PIC LISTING SERVICE Multiple Listing Service/Association/Bureau; and (b) "sell" includes a contract to sell; an exchange or contract to exchange; an option to purchase; and/or a lease with option to purchase. AGENCY/DUAL AGENCY. Seller authorizes Broker to appoint r'~T,~S R. TUP,/,~R to act as Seller's Listing Agent(s). It is understood and agreed that this Agreement creates an agency relationship with Listing Agent(s) and Broker only, not with any other sales associates of Broker. Any broker or salespersons, other than Broker or Listing Agent, who procures a prospective buyer for the Property will not be representing Seller and may represent the Buyer. Accordingly, for the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Broker" means Listing Agent(s) and Listing Agent's Broker or Designated Broker, unless expressly stated otherwise. Seller agrees that if the Property is sold to a buyer represented by one of Broker's salespersons other than Listing Agent(s), then Seller consents to Broker acting as a dual agent. Seller further agrees that if the Property is sold to a buyer who Listing Agent also represents, then Seller consents to Listing Agent(s) and Broker acting as dual agents, Seller acknowledges that a dual agent represents both parties to a transaction; that the parties' interest in the transaction may differ and that a dual agent is not permitted to give advice to either party to the detriment of the other party, promote or advocate the interest of either party over the other party, or disclose to either party confidential information from or concerning the other party. If this Agreement is executed on or · ' ' of after January 1, 1997, then Seller acknowledges receipt of the pamphlet ent tied The Law Real Estate Agency". If Broker acts as a dual agent, then Broker shall be entitled to the entire commission payable under this Agreement plus any additional compensation Broker may have negotiated with the Buyer. COMMISSION. If (a) Broker procures a Buyer on the terms in this Agreement, or on other terms acceptable to Seller; or (b) Seller directly or indirectly or through any person or entity other than Broker, during the term hereof, sells the Property; then Seller will pay Broker a commission of (fill in one and strike the other) ~.0/5 % of the sales price, or $ . Further, if Seller shall, within days (180 days if not filled in) after the expiration of this Agreement, sell the Property to any person to whose attention it was brought through the signs, advedising or other action of Broker, or on information secured directly or indirectly from or through Broker, during the term of this Agreement, then Seller will pay Broker the above commission. Provided, that if a commission is paid to a member of MLS in conjunction with a sale, the amount of commission payable to Broker shall be limited to the amount of commission which would have been payable pursuant to this Agreement less any commission so paid to another member of MLS. Provided further, that if Seller cancels this Agreement without legal cause, Seller may be liable for damages incurred by Broker as a result of cancellation, regardless of whether Seller pays a commission to another MLS member. KEYBOX. Broker is authorized to install a keybox on the Property. Such keybox may be opened by a master key held by all members of MLS and their salespeople, A master key also may be held by affiliated third parties such as inspectors and appraisers who cannot have access to the Property without Broker's prior approval which will not be given without Broker first making reasonable efforts to obtain Seller's approval· SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Seller warrants that he/she has the right to sell the Property on the terms herein and that the Property information on the additional pages to this Agreement is correct. Further, Seller represents that to the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no structures or boundary indicators that either encroach on adjacent property or on this Property. Seller understands that Broker and other members of MLS will make representations to prospective buyers based on the Property information on the additiona~ pages to this Agreement. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Broker and other members of MLS harmless in the event the foregoing warranties and representations are incorrect. Washington Association of REALTORS© Form No. L-102-R, 12/96 Page 1 of 2 Produced with Z~pForm "by RE FormsNet LLC 8025 Fifteen Mile Road Clinton Township Michigan 48035, (8643) 383-9805 6. CLOSING COSTS. Seller agrees to furnish and pay for a buyer's policy of title insurance showing marketable title to the Property. Seller agrees to pay real estate excise tax and one-half of any escrow fees or such portion of escrow fees and any other fees or charges as provided by law in the case of FHA or VA financed sale. Rent, taxes, interest, reserves, assumed encumbrances, homeowner fees and insurance are to be prorated between Seller and Buyer as of the date of closing. 7. MULTIPLE LISTING. Broker shall cause this listing to be published by MLS. Broker may refer this listing to any other multiple listing service at Broker's discretion. Broker shall cooperate with all other members of MLS, or of the multiple listing service to which this listing is referred, in working toward the sale of the Property. Regardless of whether a cooperating MLS member is the agent of the Buyer, the Seller, neither or both, the member shall be entitled to receive the selling office's share of the commission. SELLER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT THE PROPERTY INFORMATION ON THE ADDITIONAL PAGES TO THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GIVEN TO PROSPECTIVE BUYERS AND TO OTHER COOPERATING MEMBERS OF MLS WHO DO NOT REPRESENT THE SELLER AND, IN SOME INSTANCES, MAY REPRESENT THE BUYER. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT MLS IS NOT A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT AND ITS SOLE FUNCTION IS TO FURNISH THE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION ON THE ADDITIONAL PAGES OF THIS LISTING TO ITS MEMBERS, WITHOUT VERIFICATION AND WITHOUT ASSUMING ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH INFORMATION OR IN RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT. 8. DISCLAIMER/SELLER'S INSURANCE. Neither Broker, MLS, nor any members of MLS or of any multiple listing service to which this listing is referred shall be responsible for loss, theft, or damage of any nature or kind whatsoever to the Property and/or to any personal property therein, including entry by the master key to the keybox and/or at open houses. Seller is advised to notif7 Seller's insurance company that the Property is listed for sale and ascertain that the Seller has adequate insurance coverage. If the Property is to be vacant during all or part of the term of this listing, Seller should request that a "vacancy clause" be added to Seller's insurance policy. 9. BROKER'S RIGHT TO MARKET THE PROPERTY. Seller shall not commit any act which materially impairs Broker's ability to market and sell the Property under the terms of this Agreement. In the event of breach of the foregoing, Seller agrees to pay Broker a commission in the above amount, or at the above rate applied to the listing price herein, whichever is applicable. Broker shall be entitled to show the Property at all reasonable times. Broker need not submit to Seller any offers to lease, rent, execute an option to purchase, or enter into any agreement other than for immediate sale of the Property. RCW 64.06, Seller shall provide to 10. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Unless Seller is exempt under " A R Broker as soon as reasonably practicable a completed and s gned Re Property Transfer Disclosure Statement (W... Form D- 5 or NWMLS Form 17). Seller agrees to indemnifT, defend and hold Broker harmless from and against any and all claims that the information Seller provides on W.A.R. Form D-5 or NWMLS Form 17 is inaccurate. . ,. DAMAGES IN THE EVENT OF BUYER'S BREACH. In the event Seller retains earnest money as liquidated damages on Buyer's breach, any costs advanced or committed by Broker on Seller's behalf shall be paid therefrom and the balance divided equally between Seller and Broker. 12. ATTORNEYS' FEES. In the event either party employs an attorney to enforce any terms of this Agreement and is successful, the other party agrees to pay reasonable attorneys' fees. In the event of trial, the successful party shall be entitled to an award of attorneys' fees and expenses; the amount of the attorneys' fees and expenses shall be fixed by the court. The venue of any suit shall be the county in which the property is located. DATED THIS __ DAY OF BROKER (COMPANY) .PORT ANGELES ]~.AT.q"y, INC. · Are the undersigned th~e~ole owner(s)?r~ Yes [] No CITY OF PORT ~GELES BY CHARLES R. TURNER SELLER Washington Association of REALTORS® Form No. L-102-R, 12/96 Page 2 of 2 Produced with ZipForm TM by RE FormsNet LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road Clinton Townsh p Michigan 4B035, 800 383-9805 T6669096 ZFX LAND DATA FORM Seller: Phone: Mailing Address: List Price: Type [Z]Less Than 1 Acre []1-6 Acres _~More Than 6 Ac. View -] Neigh borhood ]City ]Territorial ]Salt Water Mountain ~SW/MTN Remarks Marked L.A. Per Owner Some Marked 3urveyed lnknown Remarks Directions: Remarks: ~ent []Chuck ~]Linda E~]Joe ~/TY OF ?%)~2'~gGELE~ 3~O-4_I_ -Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zz~.~32 Add ress: Zip: For Sale/Rent Waterfront ~JNone ]Saltwater ]Stream ]Lake ]River -]Pond -~Agriculture -~Commercial -]Forest ]industrial ]Multi ~Residentiat Map Code: County: School District: Pa rcel #: Subdivision Legal: Tax Exemo~ -~Farm/Ag -]New Cons -~None --~Open Space -]Remarks ~Senior [Z]Timber 2! ~OUTH ON ~EL ~UZZ/ OL[? EX/STING ~UI~VEY MAI~KEI~ NOT LOCA ?EP. ?EI~EAIN VAI~IE~ F~OM LEVEL 70 ~TEE~ ~LO~E. A GO00 ~O~T/ON OF THE~E LOT~ ARE EFFE~ER fly THE ~TEE~ ~LO~E~ AN~ C~ITICAL A~EA D~PlNANCE~, THE~E WIL~ ~E ~ME ELE~7~I~A~ ~ENWI~E~ ~ THE ~ITE. EOgF ANGELE~ A~TIV_E I~--~Yes ~;~ No List Price: City: Status: Mobiles Allowed .$2lgVEY ITM I 73Gg_44 AR~. Sq. Ft. Lot Dimm: Zoning Code Taxes: Tax Year: Fee: Seller: Phone: Sign: Keybox: C[Z'r'_OF~Z_OSP T ~N_EILE [[]Yes [] No Showing: Spec Instruct Key Located: List Date: Expiration: Sell Corn: i A~'JACE"T TO ~S~ ~OT DESCR~PaON ~ re]AIRFIELD []WETLAND ["]IRREGULAR E]AIRFIELD , ]CIT'f PARK E]WATERSHEp ~CORNER ~GR~EN ~ELT ~DEPT. NAT. RES. ~FLOOD PLAIN ~PRIVATE ~POOL ~GOLF COURSE ~GE0-STABILI~ ~LARQE LOT PLAN ~HORSES ~GREENBELT ~PROT. SPEC ~SHORT PLAT ~OAT LAUNCH ~NATIONAL PARK ~REMARKS ~SUBDIVISION ~MARINA ~PLAYGROU~D ~NONE ~PUD ~RV PARKING ~STATE PARK ~UNPLAT ~DOCKSLIP FENCEO ~CLUB HOUSE ~REMARKS ~PARTIAL PHONE ~MOORAGE DOCUMENTS ~ALL ~MULTI-LINE ~TENNtS ~APPRAISAL ~CHAIN LINK ~ISDN ~COMMUNI~ BEACH ~SEP. PERMIT ~WIRE ~T-1 ~PARK ~BY-LAWS ~WOOD ~HOOKED-UP ~EXERCISE FACILI~ ~PRE-TITLE ~REMARKS ~ON SITE ~GOLF ~SHORT PLAT ~TO PROPER~ ~PLAY GROUND ~TIMBER CLAUSE IMPROVEMENT~ ~IN AT ROAD ~TRAIL ~CC&R ~BARN ~<200 FEET ~ROAD MAINT AGREE ~BUS LINE ~>200 FEET ~ ~SITE REG ~COMMON AREA ~>500 FEET ~AGE ~TIMBER CRUISE ~COMM ENTRY ~REMARKS ~ANIMAL ~DISCLOSURE ~COVEREO PORCH ~CC&R ~MAINT AGREEMENT ~GATED pOSSESSION ~HE~GHT ~SOILS REPORT ~GM HOUSE ~CLOSING ~SQ. FT. ~WELL AGREEMENT ~CABIN ~CLOSING +3 ~NO MODULARS ~EASEMENT ~HOT TUB ~NEGOTIABLE ~NO MANUFACTURED ~PERC FOR PLAT ~OUTBUILDING ~REMARKS ~MOOULARS OK ~SEPTIC AS BUILT ~PUMP HOUSE ~MOBILES OK ~SURVEY ~SIDEWALK ~ ~MANUFACTURED OK ~WELL LOG ~SECURI~ LIGHT ~CtTY ~MA~S ~S~O~A~ ~uP ~ ~WOOOSHEO ~PS* ~PU~L~C DRIVEWAY ~GARAGE/SHOP ~ON-SITE ~PRIVATE ~PAVED ~REMARKS ~TO PROEPR~ ~PAVED ~S~V*L ~, AT ~0.0 ~OIL ~OC~ ~UNIMPROVED IRRIGATION ~<200 FEET ~GRAVEL ~REMARKS ~DITCH ~>200 FEET ~UNIMPROVED ~DITCH CO ~>500 FEET ~HIGHWAY EASEME~ ~DITCH DIST ~ ~COUN~ ROAD ~ACCESS ~ON PROPER~ ~STREET ~ENCROACHMENT ~SHARES ~EASEMENT ~MAINTENANCE ~REMARKS ~DEAD-END ~CUL-DE-SAC Q~,co,o,o ~,LL,Y ~UTILI~ ~REMARKS ~REMARKS SCHOOLS TERMS ['-~DRY CREEK []TERMS AVAILABLE ~;~UNQBSTRUCTEO SW ~--]NO BA~K ~FAIRVIEW ~1031 EXCHANGE ~UNQBSTRUCTED MT ~LO BANK ~FRANKLIN ~ASSUME ~CI~ ~MEDIUM BANK ~HAMILTON ~CASH ~CREEK ~HIGH BANK ~JEFFERSON ~CONV ~GOLF COURSE ~SALT WATER ~MONROE ~OWNER ~LAKE ~LAKE ~STEVENS MS ~OWNER 2No ~PARTIAL MTNS ~POND ~ROOSEVELT ~REMARK5 ~POND ~RIVER ~GREY WOLF TOPOGRAPH~ ~PARTIAL SW ~TIDELANDS ~HELEN HALLER ~LEVEL ~REMARKS ~BEACH ACCESS ~SEQUtM M.S. ~ROLLING ~COMMUNI~ BEACH ~SEQUIM H.S. ~SLIGHT SLOPE WATER ~DOCKS ~FORKS ~MEDIUM SLOPE ~C~ ~REMARKS ~STEEP SLOPE ~PUD SEWAGE ~ABOVE ROAD GRADE ~INSTALLED ~CI~ ~BELOW ROAD G~DE ~COMMUNI~ ~COMMUNI~ ~HOOKED-UP ~SEWER VEGETATION ~iN AT ROAD ~GRAVI~ ~TIMBER ~TO PROPERW ~PRESS PARTIALFiLL ~WOODED ~NONE ~PRESS DP TR ~PARTiALLY WOODED ~REMARKS ~SANDFILTER ~LOGGED ~MOUND ~REPLANTED ~BiO-FILTER ~CLEARED ~PUMP-UP ~PASTURE ~T0 PROPER~ ~SEPTIC ~INSTALLED ~SHARES ~REMARKS INITIAL INITIAL Seller has received a copy of "?HfZ LA W OF/e~AL ~,~TA ?~ AGENCY" SELLER DATE SELLER DATE AGENT * y PoRTANozL~s~k REALT 3OO I Feet Legena ~arcels ;~arcels for sale ~'arcel sold WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: December 16, 2004 To: City Council From: Naomi Riggins, Communications Manager ~lZ~ RE: Interlocal Agreement Regarding Clallam County 9-1-1 Fund Summary: The attached document titled "Interlocal Agreement" formalizes the process for transferring Clallam County 9-1-1 tax revenues to Peninsula Communications (PenCom) for the purpose of administering and operating the County 9-1-1 system. Recommendation: The Police Department, Finance Director and City Attorney recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed interlocal agreement. Background/Analysis: Since the passage of Referendum 42 in 1992, Clallam County has collected a local 9-1-1 tax for the operation and maintenance of the County Enhanced 9-1-1 system. The County created a separate annual budget for this purpose. The reasons for this interlocal agreement are twofold. Over the years, more and more responsibility for the 9-1-1 system has been transferred to the City through PenCom and the funding has followed. This agreement formalizes that process and transfers all funding and responsibility in an orderly fashion. Second, budget items that are legal and necessary for the County to allocate from the local fund are not included in the WAC that the State follows to determine eligiblity of the County for State 9-1-1 funding. This works to our detriment in that these items are paid from the 9-1-1 revenues but cannot be considered in the State's formula for funding. This agreement ensures that only WAC eligible items are funded by the local fund and that the local only budget items will continue to be funded through PenCom. Attachment: (1) Interlocal Agreement M645 67 INTERLOCAL AGREElvlENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Clallam County, a political. subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter, code municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "City"). WlTHNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, RCW 38.52.510 requires the County to provide funding for enhanced 911 communication within the county, and; WHEREAS, the County has imposed a tax pursuant to RCW 82.14B.030 to support the countywide 911 system, and; WHEREAS, the City has entered into an inteflocal agreement with the County to house, staff and operate the primary 91 l center known as Peninsula Communications, and; WHEREAS, there are additional obligations to support Peninsula Communications that the County has undertaken and fall outside the definition ofg-l-1 and, therefore, are not directly funded by the 9-t-1 tax, and; WHEREAS, the City recognizes these additional obligations of the County, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing as a basis for cooperative agreements and assistance between the parties hereto in their mutually compatible objectives, the parties agree as follows: I. PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this agreement to provide a mechanism whereby the County and City will financially support the obligations oftbe other in providing enhanced 9-1-1 to the citizens of Clallam County. IL FINANCES A. The County agrees to: 1. Collect all revenues pursuant to RCW 82.14B.030 and provide these revenues to the City upon receipt of detailed invoices that support the operation of the countywide 9-1-1 system. 2. Budget and expend only those expenses eligible under WAC 118.66 from its Ennanced 911 fund. 3. Prepare and submit to the City an annual budget detailing the County's projected expenditures for providing agreed upon services to the City for the operation of Peninsula Communications. These services are: a) The system analyst position. b) County Information Technology expenses in supporting the IBM E-Series computer and, c) Indirect Cost Charges. d) Any additional services agreed to between the County and City. 4. Present invoices to the City for payment for expenses detailed in A3 above on a quarterly basis. 5. Promptly make payment on invoices submitted by the City for the expenses detailed under B2 below. 6. Make application for State and other funding available to support the E911 system and/or operations. 7. Transfer the title and maintenance contract oftbe IBM E-series computer, serial number 10-C650B, to the City. The City agrees to: 1. Prepare and submit to the County a detailed annual budget accounting for all 9-1-1 related expenses allowable under WAC 118456. 2. Submit quarterly invoices to the County for the amount expended for all 9-1-1 related expenses allowable under WAC 118-66, up to the amount budgeted by the County. 3. Use 9-1-I funds paid to the City only for allowable purposes as defined in applicable statutes and WAC's. 4. Promptly make payment on invoices submitted by the County for the expenses detailed under A3 above. me DURATION, TERMINATION AND REMEDIES. This agreement shall be in effect the 1st of January, 2005 and shall be perpetual and continue year-to-year; provided, however, any party may terminate this agreement upon providing written notice to the other not later than June 30th of any year for withdrawal and effective January 1 of the following calendar year. DISPUTES BETWEEN PARTIES Should a dispute arise between the City and County, any party may resolve the same by submitting the dispute to non-binding mediation. The mediator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties, and the cost of mediation shall be shared equally between the parties. Should the parties be unable to negotiate a resolution or refuse to accept a mediated resolution to a dispute, the parties agree that the venue of any legal action shall be the Clallam County Superior Court. In the event any party files litigation to enforce this Agreement or any portion thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs, including any fees and costs incurred in an appeal, as determined by the appropriate court. SEVERABILITY. The terms of this Agreement are severable and a determination by an appropriate body having jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement that results in the invalidity of any part shall not affect the remainder of the Agreement. FILING. The County will file this agreement as required by law. SUBSCRIBED by the appropriate officers who are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the governing bodies of the below-named governmental entities. CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Dated this day of ,2004 Mayor, City of Port Angeles City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney CLALLAM COUNTY: Dated this day of ,2004 Chair, Clallam County Board of Commissioners Clerk of the Board Deputy Prosecutor WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance Authorizing Use of Collection Agencies Summary: The City currently uses collection agencies for a variety of delinquent debts. This updates the City's ordinance to correlate with state law. Action: Read and discuss the proposed ordinance at the December 7th council meeting. Adopt ordinance at December 21 council meeting. Discussion: For a number of years the City has used collection agencies to pursue delinquent debts. A state statute authorizes cities to use collection agencies. The City ordinance invoking that authority was last updated in early 1997. Later in 1997 the state legislature adopted substantive changes to the state statute. As a result, the City's ordinance now is, in some respects, inconsistent with the state statute. This inconsistency was recently highlighted by one of the local judges. The proposed is intended to make the City ordinance consistent with the state statue. This should not cause any change in the actual practice or procedure that the City has been following for the last number of years. As always~any questions, please do William E. Bloor City Attorney feel free to contact me. cc: Mike Quinn, City Manager Becky Upton, City Clerk Tom Riepe, Police Chief Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director WEB/jd ¸71 G:'~LEGAL'aMEMOS.2004\Council.Collection Agency 11-30-04. mem.wpd ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to the use of collection agencies by the City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Ordinances 2942, as amended, and Chapter 10.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 10.20.170 to read as follows: 10.20.170 Collections. The Chief of Police orhis designee(s) shall administer the collection of fees and penalties, established pursuant to this Chapter__. ;h~; ,~¢ Any amounts not paid within thirty (30) days by rcf~A~J~ ~I,,,~ },ai-kin~ vi~,la~ion~ maybe assigned for collection to a collection agency, pursuant to PAMC 3.66 - Use of Collection Agency. The Chief of Police is authorized to enter into agreements with collection agencies to carry out the purpose of this Section. Reports on collection of unpaid parking fines and penalties shall be included in the departmental activity reports. Section 2. A new Chapter 3.66 to read as follows: Chapter 3.66 Use of Collection Agency. 3.66.010 The City and each of its depa~hnents are hereby granted authority to use collection agencies to the full extent authorized pursuant to RCW 19.16.500. 3.66.020 Each City department is authorized to administer the collection of costs, charges, fees, and penalties due to the department or to the City by use of a collection agency pursuant to RCW 19.16.500. Any amounts not paid within thirty (30) days may be assigned for collection. The City and each of its departments are author/zed to enter into agreements with collection agencies to carr~ out the purpose of this Chapter. -1- 3.66.030 If the collection agency pursues a debt in a court action, the collection agency is authoriz'---'~d to collect all costs of litigation, including attorney's fees and court costs, and other amounts as authorized by law. Section 3 - Severabilit¥. If any provision ofthis Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the __ day of December, 2004. ATTEST: MAYOR Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary O:\Legal_Backup\ORDlNANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2004-26.CollecfionAgencyFees.Ord.wpd -2- WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: December 21, 2004 To: City Council From: Thomas Riepe, Chief of Policei~//~ Re: Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement - Westsound Regional EVOC Instructors Summary: The attached document, Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement - Westsound Regional EVOC Instructors, formalizes a costs savings training partnership that has actually been in existence for the past three years. The purpose of the Regional Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Team is to efficiently pool regional law enforcement resources and instructors for the purpose of routinely maintaining and updating the emergency driving skills and technical knowledge of police officers. This training partnership has been a cost savings measure for the Police Department and the formal agreement carries no additional cost to the City. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Recommendation: The Police Department and City Attorney recommend that the City Council authorize the Police Chief and Mayor to sign the proposed Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement - Westsound Regional EVOC Instructors. Background/Analysis: For the past three years the Port Angeles Police Department has participated with other law enforcement agencies, primarily from the Kitsap County area, in jointly training at and instructing an Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC). Specially trained and certified EVOC instructors from PAPD and other law enfomement agencies use the Bremerton Speedway to train and keep their fellow officers updated and skilled in the various areas related to emergency vehicle operations. This annual EVOC training is critical for the safety of the officers and the public. A modest fee is charged to defray the costs involved, and most of this is reimbursed to the Department by Washington Cities Insurance Authority. This agreement will allow agencies throughout the region to cooperate in EVOC instruction for the benefit of all agencies involved. For example, joint agency training has greatly reduced overtime costs. Officers are able to attend training as part of their regular shift and shifts are scheduled to allow for this. The only overtime is for PAPD instructors. Attachment: (1) Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement - Westsound Regional EVOC Instructors 1014)4-028 75 THIS MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the undersigned parties in order to provide for the creation and administration of a consolidated Regional Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Team. Therefore, for and in consideration of the following covenants, the parties agree as follows: Effective Date and Duration. This Agreement shall be effective from the date the Agreement is executed by Kitsap County and at least one other party and shall remain in force and effect for a period of three (3) years. All parties intend that the effective date and term of the agreement contained herein shall govern. Purpose and Function. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the creation and administration of a single, functionally consolidated Westsound Regional EVOC instructor Team. Organization. No separate legal or administrative entity is created by this Agreement and this Agreement does not effect the organization or functions of the parties, except as provided below: Joint Administrative Board. This Agreement shall be administered by a joint board comprised of the chief law enforcement officer from each party or his or her designee. b. Structure. The functionally consolidated Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team will consist of officers from the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office, Bremerton Police Department, Port Orchard Police Department, Bainbridge Island Police Department, Poulsbo Police Department, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Shelton Police Department, Port Townsend Police Department, Port Angeles Police Department and the Gig Harbor Police Department. When subsequent attrition occurs in the Regional EVOC Instructor team, such vacancies shall be filled based on a mutually agreed to and managed selection process. MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS - Page 1 of 18 11/18/04 77 The Team Commander will consist of one (1) sergeant from th~ Kitsap County Sheriff's Office. The sergeant will be responsible for the organization, operation, budget, and staffmg of the Regional EVOC team. Coordination provided by Kitsap County shall not be considered an allocation of liability under RCW 10.93.040, nor as the intent of the parties that the Regional EVOC Instructor team is acting under the direction and control of Kitsap County Team leaders for the Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team will consist of two instructors fiom the instructor pool. The Team Commander will select the team leaders, and they will be responsible for all functions associated with the team's activities, training, and requirements. Ifa transfer of personnel occUrs between participating agencies, by a current member of the Westsound Regional EVOC Insa'uctor Team, that transferred member shall only be ensUred of continued membership so long as performance is maintained to the satisfaction of the receiving agency. The transfer shall create an opening on the team in the transferring agency. Vehicles created by each separate department and designated as "training" vehicles by those departments shall be maintained and inventoried by each individual department. Maintenance costs for such vehicles shall be the responsibility of the owning depar~nents. If an agency donates a vehicle to the Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team for 'Raining" purposes only, Westsound Regional EVOC will take' over responsibility for maintenance costs of the vehicle. All Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team instructors agree to receive initial training in standardized techniques such as PIT (Pursuit Immobilization Technique) and the SkidCar. All instructors will receive instructor-level training in PIT. Except as provided herein, all personnel are deemed to be continuing employment for their respective employers when activated as members of the functionally consolidated Westsoand Regional EVOC Instructor Team. Tactics used by the Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team will be tactics generally recognized as viable by the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, Washington State Patrol, or by other reputable sources. c. Team Selection: To compete for positions on the Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team, all officers who wish to apply will submit a resume and letter of recommendation from their current supervisor with approval of their department head. MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASS!STAN~E AGREEMENT :; WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INsTRUCToRS ~ p~ 2 of 18 11/18/04 78 An oral interview panel consisting of current team instructors from, at least two (2) of the participating departments will be convened. The interview panel will include a minimum of three (3) instructors and the Team Commander. Instructor candidates will participate in an oral interview that will ~clude questions and answers and a brief presentation to demonstrate insltactor skills for preparing a lesson plan. Following the oral interview, the instructor candidates will demonslrate driving skills on a designated training course. One current EVOC Instructor team member will accompany them in the vehicle. The instructor candidates will be scored during both the interview and driving phases of the selection process, and a selection will be made based on the scored results from both phases. Additional instructors will be added to the team as vacancies occur and when mutually agreed upon by all participating agencies. The minimum length of assignment shall be two years. New instructors will be required to complete a probationary period of 12 months (1 year), during which time they will be evaluated based on their performance, skills, abilities, participation, and commitment to the EVOC program. Seniority will be based by the entry date of each member into the combined team. Budget and Finance. The parties agree to budget and finance provisions for co~s incurred by or in connection with the operations of the consolidated Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team, in the following particulars: Each participating agency shall bear the financial responsibility for such of its employees as participate in the Task Force, including but not limited to salary, benefits and worker's compensation insurance. For purposes of budget and finance, the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office shall act as the host agency. Kitsap County Sheriff's Office will establish an EVOC maintenance, training, and equipment budget. EVOC costs including, supplies, services, and equipment will be expensed from the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office EVOC budget. Emergency expenses outside the parameters of the approved budget can be approved after the fact but are limited to operational necessity (i.e. s~pplies related to specific EVOC needs). MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUcToRS 2Page 3 of 18 11/18/04 79 Money received from hosted training will be used to pay training expenses including fees, facility rentals, and necessary equipment (i.e. cones, spray paint/chalk, stopwatches, etc.). Funds retained in the EVOC budget account may be used to supplement costs associated with advanced training and equipment for instructors covered by this agreement. The cost for training will be calculated by dividing the number of officers attending the training into the ~ntal cost of the facility, which will give a cost per officer. An additional cost ofnnt more than five dollars will be added per officer for EVOC vehicle maintenance, supplies, and equipment. All parties intend that the budget and finance provisions contained herein shall govern the activities of the Westsound Regional EVOC Instructor Team. Policy Development and Review. As the host agency, the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office will coordinate the development of EVOC policies, subject to review by all participating agencies. At a minimum, such policies shall address: · Special Procedures · Vehicle Use and Maintenance · Equipment Purchase, Maintenance, and Storage · Lesson Plan Development · Implementation of Training Programs Following policy ratification, The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office shall forward copies of all EVOC policies to all participating agencies for inclusion into those departments' respective department manuals. Termination and Disposition of Property. During the initial term of this Agreement, any party may terminate participation hereunder by providing one year's (365 days) prior written notice to the other parties. During any period of extension or renewal of this Agreement, any party may terminate participation hereunder by providing six months' prior written notice to the other parties. Upon termination of this agreement, personal property, including vehicles and equipment shall belong to the party who provided or paid for them. Jointly purchased items will be distributed to participating agencies using the same percentage formula as used for cost distribution. All patties intend that the provisions contained herein concerning termination and disposition of property shall govern. MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS ~p~e ~ of 18 11/18/04 ; 80 Choice of Law/Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. The parties agree that, in connection with their activities under this Interlocal Agreement, they shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws or regulations and, further, that this Interlocal Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Washington. Each party, including the Suquamish Tribe, consents to the personal jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the State of Washin~on for all claims, disputes, proceedings or actions in any way arising under, or relating to, this agreement or the subject matter of this agreement. Venue for any such claim shall be exclusively in the Superior Court for the County of Kitsap. The Suquamish Tribe grants a limited waiver of sovereign immunity to suit solely for the purposes of this provision. Responsibility: Each party shall act as an independent contractor and not as employee of the Regional Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Team or of another party to this agreement. As such, the parties shall not have the authority to bind other parties nor control employees of other parties, contractors or other entities. Personnel assigned to the Regional Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Team shall be considered employees of the contributing agency, which shall be solely and exclusively responsible for that employee. All rights, duties and obligations of the employer shall remain with the contributing agency. The personnel assigned by the contributing agencies shall continue under the employment of that agency for purposes of any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to the services provided to the Regional Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Team or the activities of the Regional Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructor Team. Each pan'y, in any action arising from the sole negligence of that party's employee, agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the other parties, including all costs of defense and attorney's fees. A party, in an action arising from the sole negligence of that agency's employee, shall not be responsible for indemnifying another party for any attorney's fees and costs incurred in the defense of an action prior to the date of receipt of a tender of defense from the other party. MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS ' Page 5 of 18 11118104 8'1 DATED this day of. ~ 20 . CHIEF MATTHEW HANEY Bainbridge Island Police Department Approved this day of ,20 . CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR DARLENE KORDONOWY CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGKEEMENT WEsTSOUND REgioNAL EVO~ ~gTRuCTORS ~ Pag~ ~ ~ i s 11/18/04 DATED this day of Approved this __ day of CHIEF ROB FORBES Bremerton Police Depa~ment ,20 CITY OF BREMERTON APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR CARY BOSEMAN CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK WESTSOLrND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS Pag67 0f 18 [ 11/18/04 [ 83 DATED this 'day of ,2O Approved this day of CHIEF ALAN TOWNSEND Port Orchard Police Depa, hnent ,20 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD MAYOR KIM E. ABEL APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY ATFEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL L~:~ORCEMENT ASSISTANCE A~REEMENT WESTSOUND REGION~ EVOC INSTRUCTORS ~page 8 0f 18 11/18/04 DATED this day of ,20 CHIEF JEFF DORAN Poulsbo Police Department Approved this__day of ,20 CITY OF POULSBO APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR DONNA ~EAN BRUCE CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASS!STANCE AGREEMENT : : : WE STSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS ~ Page 9 Of ! 8 1 m8/o4 85 DATED this __.day of ,2o__ SHERIFF STEVE BOYER Kitsap County Sheriff's Office APPROVED this day of 2O BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KITSAP COUNTY, WASHINGTON PATTY LENT, Chair CHRIS ENDRESEN, Commissioner JAN ANGEL, Commissioner ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: OPAL ROBERTSON, Clerk of the Board JOHN S. DOLESE Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attomey Office of the Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ~SSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL E¥Oc INSTRUCTORS ;10 Of ! 8 11/04/04 . 06 DATED this day of ,20 CHIEF TERRY DAVENPORT Shelton Police Department Approved this day of ,20 CITY OF SHELTON MAYOR JOHN TARRANT APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSIST~CE 6GRE~ WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORs 07 DATED this __.day of ,20 . CHIEF KRISTEN ANDERSON Port Townsend Police Department Approved this day of ,20 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR CATHARINE ROBINSON CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS -12 Of 18 11104/04 DATED this __ day of ,20 CI-~EF TOM RIEPE Port Angeles Police Department Approved this day of ,20 CITY OF PORT ANGELES APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR RICHARD HEADRICK CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCE~T ASS!~T~CE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVO~ INSTRUCTORS- 13 Of !8 11/04/04 ; DATED this day of ,20 APPROVED this day of SHERIFF MIKE BRASFIELD Jefferson County SherilTs Office 20 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JEFFERSON COUNTY, WASHINGTON , Chair · Commissioner ATTEST: , Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Clerk of the Board Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Office of the Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREE~ WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS. 14 of 18 . o4/oa 90 : DATED this day of ,20 CHIEF MIKE LASNIER Suquamish Police Department APPROVED this day of 20__ SUQUAMISH TRIBAL COUNCIL APPROVED AS TO FORM: CHAIRMAN ATTORNEY ATTEST: , COUNCIL CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WEsTS~UND REgIONaL EVOC ~STRucTORS; 15 ~f 18 11/04/04 : ~ DATED this day of ,20 CHIEF JIM REINHOLD Ruston Police Department Approved this __ day of ,20 CITY OF RUSTON MAYOR KIM WHEELER APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT ' WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS ~ 16 of 18 DATED this __ day of ,2O CHIEF MIKE DAVIS Gig Harbor Police Depa~ tment Approved this __ day of ~ 20 . . CITY OF GIG HARBOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR GRETCHEN WILBERT CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY CLERK DATED this day of ,20 ~TUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 6sSISTANCE AGREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC ~sTRUCTORS ~ 17 Of 18 11/04/04: : : ,~,~ DATED this __ day of ,20 SHERII:F JOE MARTIN Clallam County Sheriff's Office APPROVED this day of 20 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON , Chair · Commissioner ATTEST: , Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Clerk of the Board Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Clallam County MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTA_NCE ~GREEMENT WESTSOUND REGIONAL EVOC INSTRUCTORS: 18 of 15 11/04/04 I' ORT GELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DECEMBER 21, 2004 CITY COUNCIL MARC CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION FRONT STREET CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION PLAN Summary: At their regular meeting held on November 4~h 2003, the Council directed staffto prepare a comprehensive landscaping plan for the Front Street Corridor. Over the past year the staff, working with Charlie Smith of Lindberg and Smith Architects has prepared a draft plan for the corridor from Penn Street to Lincoln Street. The Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission, Port Angeles Forward and the Parks and Facilities Committee of the City Council have reviewed the draft, plan. Recommendation: That the City Council review and comment on the draft landscape plan for the Front Street .Corridor and provide further direction to staff. Background / Analysis: Attached is a copy of the proposed draft Front Street Corridor Landscape plan. The plan is developed block by block. Also attached are preliminary cost estimates for maintenance and operations as well as construction. The cost estimates for the majority of the work are based on field experience for work already performed on a pilot project between Albert and Vine Streets. At the meeting staff will present the highlights of the draft plan and some options for possible future consideration. 2001-2003 Beginning in 2001 funding was set aside in the amount of $25,000 annually for a street tree program along Front Street. In 2002, approximately 30 street trees were planted from Penn Street to Ennis Street as part of the Sidewalk and Street Tree Capital Program. In 2003, the second phase of the street tree project was placed out for bid. At the regular meeting of the City Council held on November 4, 2003 those bids were rejected and as a result the staff was directed to develop a landscape plan for the entire corridor in an effort to better plan for the resources needed and respond to volunteer requests to assist with the improvement of the corridor's appearance. April-September 2004 Accordingly, staff has been working with Lindberg & Smith Architects to coordinate and develop a landscape plan that acknowledges the volunteer work of Len Beil, on behalf of the Port Angeles Rotary, to adopt a block of Front Street, and also recognizes some of the existing effective efforts on the part of some private p~rty owners, and the desire on the part of the City to have a clear and consistent beautification plan from Penn Street to Lincoln Street. Initial Planning The corridor currently has three types of character along its length. The character of the corridor is generally either commercial, residential or a mix of both. At its beginning stage of development, the plan considered a mix of landscaping options including lawn, trees, as well as annual and perennial plantings depending upon the adjacent land use or the appearance of the adjacent land use (i.e. residential like structure or commercial building.) Permanent locations for parallel parking are not identified on either side of the Front Street. The initial plan suggested that these parking locations be marked on the pavement. This would provide for the strategic placement of certain types of plantings and to avoid conflicts for individuals having to cross certain types of landscaping to get into and out of their parked cars and onto the sidewalk. Along the entire corridor the initial plan assumed that all landscaping would have automatic irrigation and that any annuals would be planted only on a very limited basis. Shrub beds with perennial plantings were to be encouraged, and trees with grates and sidewalks to the curb without landscape strips preferred in commercial areas. This approach was considered to enable greater flexibility for planting and plant survivability and limit the amount of on-going maintenance required. It was also intended to make it easier for civic groups and organizations to maintain certain area if an "adopt a block" program is implemented. It was anticipated that civic organizations or other groups/agencies could assume (adopt) all maintenance of landscaped areas in accordance with the plan, with the exception of those areas landscaped with only concrete sidewalks and street trees from property line to curb (such as Penn Street to Ennis Street); otherwise City maintenance resources would be required to maintain the entire corridor. In any event, this was the beginning of the landscape plan. On May 24, 2004 Port Angeles Forward discussed the work Len Beil had accomplished with assistance of Parks Maintenance staff on landscaping between Albert and Vine. A major obstacle to any successful landscaping along the corridor was uninterrupted power to supply irrigation controllers. Often uninterrupted power could only be found a significant distance away, which to install would be quite costly. The answer was to utilize a lithium battery power source. Along Albert and Vine an irrigation controller is installed with a 10-year electrical source provided by battery power. PA Forward also discussed other beautification issues along the Front Street Corridor including flower baskets. Later staff, the architect, and Brooke Taylor representing PA Forward took a field trip beginning at the east end of the corridor and ending at a point many blocks west. The purpose of the trip was to get a pedestrian perspective of the corridor. Whether traveling by car or on foot, the corridor was found to have a wide variety of signage, different levels of care for signs, landscaping, sidewalks and curbs, inconsistent types of landscaping (or none at all), unoccupied buildings, sign clutter, overhead wires, and power/telephone poles out of plumb. It was this observation that led to the decision to greatly simplify the landscape plan. This sentiment for simplification along the corridor was further emphasized during discussion with the City Council during its retreat on July 22, 2004 where beautification, and community image was a major topic of discussion. The preliminary development of the corridor beautification plan was discussed. Concern regarding both capital and operating cost were mentioned along with the desire for simplicity along the corridor. "Clean and green" was the general sentiment among Council and staff. On July 26, 2004 staff, along with Charlie Smith, presented this preliminary "simplified" plan for the corridor, which detailed corridor beautification block by block from Ennis Street to Lincoln Street. The presentation included a virtual tour of existing conditions, plans for improvements, along with cost estimates for c~tmction. The corridor plan included irrigated grass landscape strips where possible, street trees where practical, as well as repaired sidewalks and curbs. The plan also recognized and kept in place quality existing landscaping such as that found in front of Chestnut Cottage and Windermere Realty. It also recognized sight lines, transit stops and other affecting conditions. At their regular August 23rd meeting, Port Angeles Forward met again to discuss the final draft proposal for the Front Street Corridor Landscape Plan. Changes to the plan included revised capital costs, water consumption and cost estimates, and estimates for on-going operations and maintenance if performed solely by the City. The plan was presented in sections block by block including cost estimates for the purpose of noting the different conditions in each block and the corresponding landscaping, as well as to illustrate that the plan could be implemented in phases over time. It was also noted that funding has been set aside in the amount of $25,000 in the CFP in 2003 and 2004 for beautification along the corridor amounting to a total of about $50,000. Accordingly, this funding could be used for a project along the corridor if the City Council chose to do so. Port Angeles Forward adopted the plan unanimously and recommended that it be forwarded to City Council. They further recommended that the City proceed with the installation of water for irrigation beginning at Lincoln Street to Peabody as a priority. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 417-4551. 97 LINDBER~ SMITH ARCHITECTS New Landscaping Plan For: Front Street, Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department December 2004 Lincoln Street to Peabody Street - South Side Concrete Block Retaining Wall $18,936.00 Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Shrub ~ Sign Top S0il Lawn Shrub (24] Trees (3) Tree Grates $1,750.00 $ 750.00 $ 4,158.00 $ 500.00 $5000.00 $ 4574.00 $1047.00 $ 560.00 $24,000.00 $1,8oo.oo Total $ 63,075.00', Lincoln Street to Peabody Street - North Side Irrigation Main Assembly' $1,750.00 Controller $ 750.00 Lawn $ 4,102.00 'fop Soil $ 4,376.00 Lawn $1,127.00 Total $12,105.00 98 319 south peab~)dy suite b / port fingeles wa 98362 / 360 4~52.6116 fax'360.452.7064 email contact(~lindarch.com / www. lindarch.com Peabody Street to Vine Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Top Soil Lawn (1) Trees Total $ 364.00 $ 413.00 $ 3,500.00 $1,5OO.OO $ 2,5OO.OO $ 2,535.00 $ 658.00 $1,000.00 $12,470.00 Vine Street to Albert Street Concrete Removal Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Shrub Beds Top Soil Lawn Shrubs (7) Trees Total $ 3,578.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 750.00 $ 2,907.00 $145.00 $ 3,057.00 $ 765.00 $160.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 21,862.00 Albert Street to Eunice Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Top Soil Lawn (5) Trees Total $ 549.00 $1,386.00 $ 3,5OO.OO $1,500.00 $1,552.00 $1,573.00 $ 410.00 $ 5,OOO.OO $14,921.00 Eunice Street to Francis Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Shrub Beds Top Soil Lawn Shrubs (1) Trees Total Francis Street to Race street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Top Soil Lawn (3) Trees Total Race Street to Washington Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Shrub Beds Top Soil Lawn (2) Trees Total $ 366.00 $1,435.OO $ 3,500.00 $1,500.00 $ 68O.OO $162.00 $ 689.00 $ 242.00 $ 227.00 $1,000.00 $ 9,801.00 $ 816.00 1,904.00 3,5OO.0O 1,500.00 1,490.00 1,510.00 $ 392.00 31000.00 $14,112.00 $ 497.00 $1,189.00 $ 3,5OO.OO $1,500.00 $1,437.00 $1,339.00 $1,456.00 $ 378.00 $ 2,000.00 $13,296.00 1 O0 Washington Street to Chambers Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Top Soil Lawn (6) Trees Total Chambers Street to Jones Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Shrub Beds Top Soil Lawn (6) Trees Total Jones Street to Liberty Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Top Soil Lawn (4) Trees Total $1,208.00 $ 2,818.00 $ 3,500.00 $1,5OO.0O $ 2,334.OO $ 2,366.00 $ 615.00 $ 6,ooo.oo $ 20,341.00 $1,097.00 $ 2,559.00 $ 3,500.00 $1,500.00 $ 2,362.00 $ 605.00 $ 2,391.00 $ 622.O0 $ 6,000.00 $ 20,636.00 $ 498.00 $ 1162.00 $ 3,500.00 $1,500.00 $ 2,076.00 $ 2,104.00 $ 547.OO $ 4,ooo.oo $15,387.00 101 Liberty Street to Ennis Street Concrete Removal New Concrete Patch Irrigation Main Assembly Controller Lawn Area Top Soil Lawn (3) Trees Total Grand'Total $ 288.00 $1,162.00 $ 3,500.O0 $1,5OO.OO $1,601.00 $1,623.00 $ 421.00 $ 3,000.00 $18,686.00 $236,691.00 Maintenance 9 month period Water 1,807,078 cubic feet at 0.0119/cubic feet (22) Water meters at $18.15/month (year) Lawn mowing Equipment Rental Total $ 21,505.00 $ 4,792.00 $14,820.00 $ 5,40O.OO $ 46,517.00 102 , ~ Ill AND UJALL PLAN ,Glen AN:::~ LU,,~LL. ELE'v'4,TION ~4/..1~ I/4,, i'.~' m === E TT ,=== . ST. · I ALi~E.R TO EUNICE. STI~HT~' '=== E t=F~C~qT ~T I ELINICE T~ FI~.,~NC[5 STREET5 ,==~ E.4~T I:=t~)NT E~T ===== LAND6CAPE PLAN LANDSGA~E PLAN RACE TO ~,iE~IN~TC~N E~TREET$ L,,~ND~APE PLAN ==~== E~,~T FRONT STET LANDSCAPE PLAN '== E t=RC~T ST · [ L AN]::) 5C:::;APIE PLAN JONE,~ TO LIt~Et~'i'¥ LANDSCAPE PLAN LIE~Ef~T"r' TO ENNIS, ~t'~EET~ WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: December 16, 2004 To: City Council From: Naomi Riggins, Communications Manager RE: Vendor Selection for Emergency Telephone Notification System Summary: For the past several months, the Police Department, in cooperation with City Staff and Emergency Managers of Clallam County, has been working on the selection of a new emergency telephone notification system or, as it is generically known, reverse 9-1-1. After careful analysis and evaluation of the eight proposals received through the Request For Proposal (RFP) process, the product proposed by Twenty First Century Communications, Inc. was determined to best meet the specifications and evaluation criteria as determined by the emergency management needs of this County. Recommendation: The Police Department and City Attorney recommend that City Council authorize staff to enter into contract negotiations with Twenty First Century Communications. Background/Analysis One of the major goals of the Police Department for 2004 is acquiring an emergency telephone notification system or ETNS. This service will provide mass public notifications of emergency events involving public safety and health. The Request For Proposal was released on October 18, 2004 and eight firms submitted proposals. Vendors were allowed to demonstrate their products and the selection team, made up of three emergency managers and the communications manager, concluded on December 2na that the firm of Twenty First Century Communications, Inc. was the most thorough in meeting and exceeding the requirements and expectations of the RFP. The proposals were evaluated on techical ability (20%), maintenance and support (20%), cost effectiveness (18%), implementation plan (14%), experience (14%), and training plan (14%). Six of the eight firms'costs submitted proposals that included costs over the budgeted amount for this project. Twenty First Centmy was one of these proposals. We anticipate this project will exceed the budgeted amount by $10,000, an amount that is available from existing sales tax revenues. M646 103 106 107