HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/07/2002 3:DD ABENDA Ii. ~lL P-AL1 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington December 10, 2001 I. Call to Order: ,~1~'~ Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. IL Roll Call: Members Present: Chairman Reed, Mayor Doyle, Councilman Campbell, Allen Bentley, Councilman Williams Members Absent: None Staff Present: Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Gary Kenworthy, Tom McCabe, Steve Sperr, Karen Asquith, Cate Rinehart Others Present: None IIL Approval of Minutes: Chairman Reed asked if there were any changes or additions to the agenda. An amendment to the landfill contract for the City of Sequim was added as a Late Item. Chairman Reed asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of November 13, 2001. None were given. Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: A. Adjustment to Daishowa's Monthly Basic Charges Chairman Reed requested Vice Chairman Williams lead this item due to a possible conflict of interest indicating that he would be part of the discussion representing Daishowa's interest. Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director, pointed out that the Utility Advisory Committee addressed the issue of a partial rebate of electric utility taxes to Daishowa America at the June 11, 2001 meeting. To facilitate the rebate staff had concluded the simplest method would be to reduce the monthly basic charge. A short discussion followed. Allen Bently moved to recommend City Council eliminate the Monthly Basic Charge to Daishowa America for one year beginning October 1, 2001, for a total amount of $70,440. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Water System Plan Steve Sperr, Utility Engineer, reviewed the ten parts of the plan indicating the Department of Health required an update every six years (the last one was in 1995). Improvements will be needed in the distribution system Utility Advisory Committee December 10, 2001 fire flow and other, pumping, storage, telemetry, planning, and treatment. A discussion followed with some questions regarding financing the improvements. Mr. Sperr indicated the Water System Plan would be brought back to the committee when it is finalized. No action taken. Information only. C. Minimum Fee at the Port Angeles Landfill Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, explained that volume of self-haul had increased on Saturday and Monday to the point that the City would either need to hire more help or raise fees to discourage small haulers. A discussion followed with concerns raised concerning an increase in illegal dumping. Mr. McCabe was requested to discuss this with the County solid waste committee and to return to the UAC with further data. No action taken. Tabled for future review. V. Late Items: Amendment to the Landfill Contract for the City of Sequim Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, emphasized thc Sequim contract for municipal solid waste tipping fees is reviewed and renewed annually. Thc only change in the amendment is that if thc contract is assigned to a private collection company the company will still get the same rates. A short discussion followed. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the contract amendment with the City of Sequim. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which pass unanimously. VII. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held January 7, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. VIIL .4djournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Dean Reed, Cchairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant 12/11/01 N:XPWKS~LIGHTxCONS\CATEXdec 10meet.wpd Adopted by Utility Advisory Committee March 10, 1997 BY-LAWS UTHATY ADVISORY COMMITTEE I P~SE AND DUTIES. The propose and duties of thc Utility Advisory Commit[cc of the City of Port Angeles shall bc as set forth in Chapter 2.68 of the Pc~t Angclas Municipal Code, a copy of which is attached to these By-Laws and incoq~orated herein by this ~ferenea. II MEMBERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION. The membership and organization of the Utility Advisory Committee of the City of Port Angeles shall be as set forth in Chapter 2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Nomination ofeleetivc officers shall be made from the floor at the annual cleetion meeting, which shall be held at ~ first regular meeting of each year. Thc elec~tJon ~ follow immediately thcreal~er. Officers shall be nominated and elected fr~n thc rn~nbers ofth~ Committee only. A nomJnes receiving a majority vote of those present at the election meeting shall bc declared elected. Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled immediately by regular election procedure for thc remainder of the year. IV UTIE$ O CER$. A. ~ The ChaLrman shah preside at all meetings of the Utility Advisory Committee and shall call special meetings when neeessary or required to do so. The Chairman shall have the privileg~ of discussing all matters before the Utility Advisory Committee and voting thc~on. Thc Chairman shah have all thc dutic~ nommlly confcned by parli~mcntzry usage on such officer and shall per~orm such other dufias ~s may be ordered by the Utility Advisory Committec, except as otherv(~so provided in these By- Laws or City Ordinances. 13. V~cc-Cha/rman. The Vicc--~ shall ass~w,c the duties and powers of the Chairman in his absence. If the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are both absent, the Utility Advisory Committee members present may elect a temporary Cha'uman by a majority vote of thoso in attendance. -1- v A. Regular Meetings. The regular money meeting for the Utility Advisory Committee shall bc held on the Monday after the fwst Tuesday of each month a! 3:00 P.M. in the Por~ Angeles City Hall, except as otherwise designated by the Utility Advisory Committee. B. Ordc-r of Business. (1) Call to order by Chairman. (2) Roll call. (3) Approval of minutes of preceding meeting. (4) Regular busines~ (5) Late items. A. Parliamemm'v Procedure. Procedures in Utility Advisory Commitlee meetings shall be governed by Robe,s Rules of Order, Revised (1979 edition), unless otherwise provided by these By-Laws. B. Votin£. Decisinns of the Utility Advisory Comn'~ittee shall bc by a majority vom of those present. Ifa m~mber is pi~sont but does not vote, such member shall be detoxnined to have voted '~e.s~ at the time the vot~ is takon. These By-Laws may be amended at any rel~uler meeting by the affn'mative vote of three members of the Utifity Advisery C~mmittee, provided thal the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at a p~vious mee6nlg. AT.,~2 -2- CHAPTER 2.68 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sections: 2.68.010 Purpose. 2.66.020 Committee Created. 2.68.0:30 Membership. 2.68.040 Organization. 2.68.050 Duties. 2.68.010 Purpose. The declared purpose of this Chapter is to provide a mechanism for the City Council of Port Angeles to obtain the benefits of recommendations, advice, and opinions on those matters altec[inA City utility policy and operations from a committee which may devote the necessary study to careful consideration or. such. ma, tie. rs and which will increase citizen participation and input to local government. (Ord. 2489 §1, 5/27/88) 2.68.020 Committee Created. Thgre is hereby created a Utility Advisory Committee which shall consist o[ five members. (Ord. 2489 ¢1, 5/27/88~ 2.68.030 Membership. A. Procedures. 1. Three Council members of the Utility Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor from the seven members of the City Council. 2. Two citizen members of the Committee shall be setected and appointed in accordance with the City Council's Rules of Procedure. One of these two members shall represent [he industrial customers of the City's utilities and the second member shall represent all other customers of the City's utilities. 3. Citizen members may be removed [rom office for reasons deemed appropriate by authority, including, not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. the appointing but · Criteria. Criteria used in selecting citizen members shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Members shall be residents of the City. 2. Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Committee. 3. Members shall be selected in accordance with the Equal Opportunity guidelines. 4. Members shall be appointed without regard to political afl,ha[ion. 5. Members shall not be City employees. 8/21)t)1 2 - 48 Terms. Terms for citizen members shall be as follows: I A full term of office shall be four years. 2. As of December 31, 1997, the term of office of the member representing industrial customers shall be extended to December 31, 1999, and the term of office of the member representing other customers of the Citylls utilities shall be extended to December 31, 2001, after which the two members shall be considered to have served two full terms. 3. The term of office shall start on i~arch is{ of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment. 4. Members of the Committee may be appointed to succeed themselves; provided that no person shall be allowed to serve more than two eonsecu'tive four (4) year terms, 5. Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be made. 6. Members shall serve without pay. (Ord. 3051 93, 5/26/2000; Ord. 2975, 11/28/97; Ord. 2489 §1, 2.68.040 Organization. A. The Committee shall elect/ts own chairman and vice-chairman from among its members and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. It sh~l adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, tindings and determinations, which record shal[be a public record. B. The Committee shall hold meetings as deemed necessary by the City Council to carry out its duties. There shall be a fixed time and place of meetings which shall be made known to the public, and all regular sessions of the Committee shall I~e open to Ce pgbli9. ?hree members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of official business. (Ord. 2489 §1, 5/27/88.) 2.68.050 Duties. The Committee shall be responsible to the City Council for its duties and actions. The duties of the Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A. To give advisory recommendations to the City Council on matters relating to City utility policy and operation and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. B. To adopt bylaws, rules and regulations consistent with the laws of [he State ol Washington for conducting the meetings of the Utility Advisory Committee. C. To maintain and preserve the co.n, fidentiality of information discussed in executive session pursuant to Ch. 42.30 RCW and [he City Council s Rules of Procedure. (Ord. 2489 §1, 5/27/88.) 2 - 49 8/2001 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: January 7, 2002 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager SUBJECT: Cable Television Franchise Formal Renewal Proposal Denial Summary: The next step of the cable television franchise formal renewal process is to either accept or render a preliminary decision to deny the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal. This step is required unless an informal proposal is negotiated by the first week of February 2002. An informal negotiation is being held concurrent with the formal renewal process. Recommendation: That City Council renders a preliminary decision to deny the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal and authorize informal negotiation to continue through May of 2002. Background/Analysis: On December 15, 1987, City Council approved a fifteen-year non- exclusive cable television franchise that will expire on September 30, 2003. On October 3, 2000, Northland Cable Television, Inc. (Cable Operator) requested its franchise be renewed in accordance with the formal procedures of the Cable Communications Policy Act (Act). On October 17, 2000, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) that included a cable television and telecommunications public proceeding and development of a draft cable television franchise for renewal negotiations. On May 22, 2001, the City Council approved professional services agreements with MCC and the law firm of Winstead, Sechrest & Minick (WSM), for technical and legal services during the cable television franchise renewal negotiations. On August 31, 2001, MCC completed the Cable Television and Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report that was provided to the Cable Operator. On September 18, 2001, Council accepted the Cable Television and Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report and authorized staff to request a formal proposal from the Cable Operator to reasonably meet future cable-related needs and interests as identified in thc report. On October 19, 2001, the Cable Operator delivered its formal renewal proposal to the City. The City provided public notice that it received the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal on November 11, 2001. January 7, 2002 Utility Advisory Committee Memo RE: Cable Television Franchise Renewal Formal Proposal Denial Page 2 In accordance with the Act the City must either accept or provide a preliminary decision to deny the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal by February 19, 2002. If the City were to render a preliminary or formal decision to deny the formal renewal proposal, upon Cable Operator request or City initiative, the City Council would conduct an administrative proceeding. An administrative proceeding is an opportunity for the Cable Operator to present evidence on whether its formal renewal proposal is reasonable to meet the future cable-related community needs and interests. At the completion of the administrative proceeding, the City would either grant or affirm denial of the formal renewal proposal. Any denial would be based on one or more of the following adverse findings: 1. The Cable Operator's service quality has not been reasonable in light of community needs. An adverse finding was made in the Cable Television and Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report. 2. The Cable Operator has the financial, legal and technical ability to provide the services, facilities, and equipment as set forth in the Cable Operator's proposal. This assessment has not been made on the formal proposal. 3. The Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal does not reasonably meet the future cable- related community needs and interests, taking into account the cost of meeting such needs and interests. A preliminary assessment of this adverse finding is summarized in the following paragraphs. A preliminary assessment of the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal includes a total of twenty-one adverse findings. A summary of the preliminary assessment is included as Attachment "A". MCC and WSM recommend that the City should issue a preliminary decision to deny the Cable Operator's formal proposal. Their recommendations are included as Attachment "B". Based on the preliminary assessment and recommendations from the City's technical and legal consultants, Staff recommends that a preliminary decision be made to deny the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal. This step is required unless an informal proposal is negotiated by the first week of February 2002. The formal renewal procedures will be terminated after an informal proposal is negotiated and the renewal is granted. A copy of the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal is available upon request or from the City's website. If a franchise is not negotiated under the informal method by the end of May 2002, Staff will return to the UAC on June 10, 2002 asking for a recommendation to the City Council that it "formally deny" the Cable Operator's formal renewal proposal. Extension of the informal negotiation timeline should provide ample opportunity for both parties to refine various terms and conditions. A summary of the formal and informal franchise renewal timelines and milestones is included as Attachment "C". A copy of this memorandum was provided to the Port Angeles Works! Committee and the Govemment and Educational Access Advisory Committee Attachment "A' Preliminary assessment of formal renewal proposal adverse findings Formal Preliminary assessment of formal proposal Cable-related community needs and interests renewal proposal adverse findings Subscriber The minimum analog channel capacity for a 1. Channel capacity of only 550 Needs and contemporary cable system including at least 70 MHz. Interests activated channels should bc 750 MHz. The City 2, Omission of requirement for should establish minimum system performance broad programming categories. standards and minimum programming requirements 3. Omission of requirements for for local, regional and national news and sports, local and educational programming. Franchise To ensure compliance with the terms of the franchise, 4. Omission of lesser violation Violations short of franchise termination, liquidated damages sanctions in lieu of franchise should be paid to the City for Franchise violations, termination. Payment of liquidated damages should be secured by a 5. Omission of letter of credit or letter of credit, other financial means to secure payment of liquidated damages. Term A basic term of four-years is recommended if there is 6. A fifteen-year basic term was no new capital investment by the Cable Operator, proposed without a cable plant specifically including an upgrade to 750 MHz, a upgrade. broadband capable open access network, cable modem 7. A six-year extension was service, and a dark fiber institutional network. A six- proposed (total term of 21 years) year extension is recommended subject to completion for a capital upgrade within and City acceptance of the upgrade within nine twenty-four months after the months after the effective date of the initial four-year effective date of the renewed term of the renewed franchise. The maximum term franchise including: recommended is fifteen years. · Broadband capable open access network · Cable modem service · Dark fiber institutional network · Channel capacity of only 550 MHz 8. Authorized uses of the 1-Net are not explicit and subject to separate agreement to be negotiated. 9. No I-Net warranty provided Access The franchise should require up to three access 10. Provides a maximum of two Channels channels, with the capability of up to five access access channels. channels, based on needs and interests over the 11. Does not provide City capital Government franchise term. The Cable Operator should provide funds to support an adequate & the City capital funds and other resources for an access channel program. Educational adequate educational and government access channel 12. Does not provide other resources system. (staffing, equipment, technical services) to support an adequate access channel program. 13. Requires City to establish an access provider at its expense. Attachment "A" Continuation Preliminary assessment of formal renewal proposal adverse findings Formal Preliminary assessment of formal proposal Cable-related community needs and interests renewal proposal adverse findings Franchise Fee Continuation of a 5% franchise fee as permitted by 14. Revision to gross revenue law is recommended. The franchise fee will be definition that will reduce City allowed to be a full credit against any public utility franchise fee revenues tax. significantly below that allowed by law. Utility Tax The City does not currently collect a public utility tax 15. Omission of utility taxes. Only on cable television services. A 6.0% public utility tax the franchise fee is proposed and (effective rate of utility tax is 1.0%) is recommended would be in lieu of other City if there is no new capital investment in the cable plant compensation. upgrade by the Cable Operator. Compliance The franchise should require the Cable Operator to 16. Reduction of City police powers with City comply with all other City ordinances, related to regulation of Police Power construction work in the right-of- ordinances way. 17. Reduction of City standard insurance requirements. Subscriber The proposed subscriber service standards are based 18. Omission of customer service Service on Federal Communications Commission standards standards for providing written Standards and and authority granted to the City to adopt additional information to subscribers. (City Reporting standards. The recommended standards address has unilateral authority to adopt Requirements installations, service interruptions and other service reasonable standards). problems, appointments, notices and subscriber 19. Periodic surveys would be communications, disconnection of service, completed at City expense. deposits/refunds/credits, rates/fees/charges, and 20. Omission of public relations privacy protections. Subscribers should be program. periodically surveyed on programming needs and 21. Omission of requirements for interests. The Cable Operator should establish a report contents and reporting public relations program and increase the frequency of frequency. City reporting. Attachment "B" (METROPOLITAN COMMUNICATIONS _ CONSULTANTS Seattle: 6847 McKinle)~ PI. N., Seattle, Washington g8103-5710 Tel: 206.522.6778 Fax: 206.522.6777 www.mcco.com Tacoma: P.O. Box 88907, Steilacoom, Washington 96388,0907 Tel: 263.589.1770 F~: 253.589.9264 December 20, 2001 Mr. Larry Dunbar Power Resources Manager The City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Re: Northland 10/19/01 Formal Proposal - Recommendation to Deny Dear Larry': In response to your requesL we are submitting our recommendation regarding City action on Northland Cable Television's formal proposal for its franchise renewal, dated October 19, 2001. The Cable Act provides four factors for consideration by the City in connection with evaluation of an Operator's proposal. These are listed on pages 1 and 2 of MCC's Needs and Interests Report dated August 31, 2001 excerpted below together with MCC's evaluation: (A) The cable operator has substantially complied with the material terms of the existing frd. nchise and with applicable law; ~avorab/ed~mttYtoo - substantlg[ comp/iance; see summamj and Ex,S/b/t 1 t)t MCC Report (B) the quality of the operator% service, including signal quality, response to consumer complaints, and billing practices, but without regard to the mix or quality of cable services or other services provided over the system, has been reasonable in light of community needs; (C) the operator has the financial, legal, and technical ability to provide the services, facilities, and equipment as set forth in the operator's proposal; and (Ci¢~ determinat~bn) (D) the operator's proposal is reasonable to meet the future cable-related community needs and interests, taking into account the cost of meeting such needs and interests. (adverse fTmli~zg, - ba.~e'd on proposal.¢llbmitted 10/19/01. 3~t'c(/~' deta//s art, sumt~mrl~ed bi ?roject Based on an adverse finding in Factors B and D of the four factors prescribed by the Cable Act, we recommend a preliminary decision to deny the proposal as submitted. Very truly yours, METROPOLITAN COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS, tLC Richard C. T. Li, P.E. Attachment "B" NSTEAD December 26, 2001 direct dial: 512.370.2698 cwest~winstead.eom City of Port Angeles Attn.: Mr. Larry Dunbar 321 Eat 5th Avenue P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 Re: Preliminary Assessment of the Franchise of Northland Cable Television, Inc. ("Northland") with the City of Port Angeles Should Not be Renewed Dear Larry: I forward you this letter per your request. In accordance with 47 U.S.C. § 546(d) "Basis for Denial", the City may "issue a preliminary assessment that the [Northland] franchise should not be renewed". The "formal proposal" was submitted by Northland on October 19, 2001 in response to the formal request of the City. There is sufficient information to support an adverse finding of one or more of the factors outlined in Subsection (d) 47 USC § 546 to provide ample grounds for denial of the renewal. Among them, but not limited to, 'that the cable operators' proposal of October 19, 2001 did not reasonably meet the future cable-related community needs and interests, as determined by the City, taking into account the costs of any such needs and interest. This is consistent with case law on this particular issue in the leading case of Union CATV, Inc. v. City of Sturgess, Kentucky, 107 F.3~, 434 (Court of Appeals 6th Circuit, 1997). It should be noted that this is just a "preliminary assessment" of a denial. It does not conclude the renewal process nor does it preclude continued "informal" negotiations on a new franchise. The City may initiate or the cable operator may request an administrative hearing on the preliminary assessment to deny the renewal. That hearing must be concluded before the City can issue a final written decision denying the cable operator's proposal for a renewal, based upon the record of the administrative hearing, and with the reasons for that denial stated in that written decision. There is no specific statutory time frame under federal law for either the administrative hearing or the formal denial, other than it should be acted upon prior to when the current franchise expires, and in all instances the City should carefully provide the cable operator adequate notice, and an opportunity to be heard on the issues. Sincerely, CAW:cm 12/28/2001 - 37064-1 Sap-03 Franchise Expires 9/30/2003 Franchise Expires 9/3012003 Aug-03 Jul-03 Jun-03 May-03 o~ O Apr-03 '~ Mar-03 ~ ~o Feb-03 ~ ~ Jan-03 o Dec-02 ~ Nov-02 '-- · '~ Oct-02 <~ ~ Sep-02 ~ Aug-02 · .~, Jul-02 ~.~ ~: Jun-02 ~ City formal decision to deny formal proposal 6/18/02 I.IJ ~ ~ May-02 Z;~ LU2: Informal negotiation conclusion desired by 5/31/02 ~ Apr-02 ~ ~ o Mar-02 ~ ~ d= Feb-02 ~ City preliminary decision to deny formal proposal 2/19/02 Jan-02 0 Dec-01 m:~ Nov-01 Public notice of formal proposal provided 11/11/01 informal negotiation session 11/15/01 ~ Oct-01 Formal proposal received 10/19/01 ~ Sep-01 City requests formal proposal 9/21/01 ~,~ Aug-01 Future cable-related community needs and interests 8/31/01 City delivers informal proposal to Cable Operator 8/21/( o ~ Jul-01 ~ Jun-01 = May-01 Apr-01 Mar-01 Feb-01 City commenced public proceeding 2/24/01 Jan-01 Dec-00 Nov-00 Oct-00 Cable Operator formal renewal request 10/3/00