HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/08/2001 UTIII3~f ADVISORY COMMITTEE
POrt ANGELES, WA 9836~:
UANUARY 8, :~00 I
3:00 P.M.
Ii. ROLl Call
Rev 3
Port Angeles, Washington
December 11, 2000
L Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell cailcd the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Member Present: Chairman Campbell, Allen Bentley, Mayor Larry Doyle, Dean Reed, Larry
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy,
Jim Harper, Jeff Young, Tom McCabe, Larry Dunbar, and Carol Hagar (Cate
Rinehart absent)
Others Present: None.
Chairman Campbell asked if there were any changes or additions to the agenda, there were none.
IIL Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Campbell asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes. There being none, Allen
Bentley moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 13, 2000. Dean Read
seconded the motion, which carried nnanimously.
IV. Discussion Items
A. ~Vastewater Treatment Plant - NPDES Permit Renewal Status
Jeff Young, Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent, distributed information regarding the
renewal of the NPDES Permit. The old permit will be fulfilled following submission of three more
toxicity tests by the City. The new permit would be issued in 2001 and covers the period of July
2001 through July 2006. The City is requesting that some of the testing requirements be eliminated,
which would reduce treatment plant expenses by about $20,000 annually.
Discussion ensued and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. The permit renewal
will be submitted to the State. No action was necessary on behalf of the Committee.
B, Amendment to Solid Waste Hauler Contracts
Utility Advisory Committee
December 11, 2000
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste superintendent, reviewed the information contained in the packet. He
explained that this is only a one year renewal, as there may be a rate increase for 2002. Following
brief discussion and clarification, Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council approve the
amendment to the Private Hauler Contracts with Murrey's Disposal and the City of Sequim
for service during 2001 and authorize the City Manager to sign the amendment. Dean Reed
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Final Acceptance - Cresthaven Rebuild
Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, reviewed the information contained in the packet. He
stated that even though the contract exceeds the original contracted amount, the project still came
in lower than the next lowest bid received for the project.
Following discussion, Dean Reed moved to recommend the City Council accept the project,
authorize final payment in the amount of $23,48.25 and authorize release of Colvico's
retainage bond upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and
Industry. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. PUD Interlocal Agreeement
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Public Works and Utilities Operations, reviewed the information
provided in the packet. He noted a correction to the recommendation, in that the agreement would
be signed by the City Manager rather than the Mayor.
Discussion ensued and staffprovided clarification. It was noted that FEMA will no longer pay for
the exchange of manpower unless a written agreement is in place. Staff advised the Committee that
the City and the PUD have a history of exchanging manpower and equipment and it has worked out
very well, saving both agencies time and money.
Following further limited discussion, Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council
approve the Interiocal Cooperation and Mutual Aid Agreement with Public Utility District No.
1 and authorize the City Manager to sign it. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried
E. Industrial Watermain Repair
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, reviewed the information provided. The
repairs will be done during a scheduled Dalshowa shut down, thereby reducing the inconvenience
to the mill. Dean Reed gave the history of the leak problem, which began as a construction fault in
1929. Currently, approximately one half million gallons of water per day is being lost due to the
Discussion followed. No action was taken.
Utility Advisory Committee
December 11, 2000
F. PUD Electric Franchise Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, summarized the information provided. Mr. Dunbar
reviewed the key section of the franchise agreement and distributed a page summarizing Sections
1-10 of the new electric franchise agreement, as there was an omission in the one contained in the
Discussion and clarification followed, especially regarding the annexation of the eastern UGA and
the City taking over the utilities in the annexed area. Staff will provide the new franchise agreement
to the Public Utility District #1 for its review and acceptance.
No action was taken by the Committee.
G. Telecommunications Interim Procedures
This item was deferred to later in the agenda, as several of those present had already seen the
H. Update on Telecommunication Action Plan
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reviewed and clarified the information provided. Mr.
Dunbar summarized the procedures which included the need for a telecommunications ordinance,
the interim development timeline and procedures, and concluding with the comprehensive
ordinances timeline.
No action was taken.
I. Lease of Morse Creek Hydro Facilities
Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, summarized the highlights of the lease agreement
which covers a twenty year period and earns the City $10,150 per year for the first five years of the
lease. A brief discussion followed. Mr. McLain indicated after the recommendation that the lease
going to Council would be slightly altered to adjust some of the language.
Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council approve the lease agreement with Ebey
Hill Itydroeleetric, Ine for operation of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric facility. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Telecommunication Interim Procedures/Action Plan Update
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, gave a summary of interim procedures which included
wireless procedures, approval procedures and application requirements and the various ordinances
involved. The Telecommunications Workshop was rescheduled for Tuesday, January 16, 2001.
Utility Advisory Committee
December 11, 2000
No action taken. Information only.
V. Late Items - Information Only
1. Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, stated that the Solid Waste collection
for Woodhaven originally scheduled for December 1 ,t had been put on hold while research was being
done on legal requirements. An update will be given in January.
2. Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, indicated that the Yard Waste
ordinance was being modified and that a draft would be presented in January.
3. Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, advised the revised engineering
estimate had come in for the receiving station and holding tank at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Without a full review it appeared that the design would be $90,000 and the construction would be
$290,000 and indicated the possibility of the County assisting in the cost/risk. More information
will be available in January.
4. Chairman Campbell reminded committee members that a re-election of officers needed to
take place at the next meeting.
VI. Next meeting: January 8, 2001
VII. Adjournment:
Chairman Campbell adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.
Orville Campbell, Chairman Carol Hagar, Administrative Assistant
Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant
Adopted by Utility Advisory Committee
March 10, 1997
The purpose and du6es of the Utility Advisory Committee of the City of Port Angeles shall be as sot forth in
Chapter 2.68 of the P~t Angeles Municipal Code, a copy of which is attachod to these By-Laws and incorporated
herein by this reference.
The membership and organization of thc Utility Advisory Committce of thc City of Port Angeles shall be as set
forth in Chapter 2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Nomination of elective officers shall bc made fi.om thc floor at the annual election mceting, which shall be held at
the first regular meeting of each year. The election shall follow mediately thcrealter. Officers shall be nominated
and elected from the m~nbers ofthe comnUttce only. A nominee receiving a majority vote of thoso present at the
election meeting shall be declared elected. Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled mediately by regular
election procedure for the remainder of the year.
A. .Chainnas_ The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Utility Advisory Committee and shall call
special meetings when necessary or required to do so. Thc Chairman shall have the privilege of
discussing all matters before the Utility Advisory COrarmttce and voting thereon. The Chairman shall
have all the duties normally conferred by parliamentary usage on such off~cer and shall perform such other
duties ss may bc ordered by the Utility Advisory Committee, except as otherwiso provided in these By-
Laws or City Ordinances.
B. Vice-Chairman. Thc Vice-Chairman shall assume the dufias and powers of the Chairman in his absence.
If the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are both absent, the Utility Advisory Committee members present
may elect a temporary Chain'nan by a majority vote of thoso in attendance.
A. Regular Meeting. ~[he regular monthly meeting for the Utility Advisory Committee shall be held on the
Monday a_~er the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00 P.M. in the Pon Angeles City Hall, except as
otherwise designated by the Utility Advisory Conunittee.
B.Order of Business.
(1) Call to order by Chairman.
(2) Roll call.
(3) Approval of minutes of preceding meeting.
(4) Regular business.
(5) Late items.
A. Parliamentary Procedure. Procedures in Utility Advisory Committee meetings shall be governed by
Roberts Rules of Order, Revised (I 979 edition), unless otherwise provided by these By-Laws.
B. Voting. Decisions of the Utility Advisory Committee shall be by a majority vote of those present. If a
member is present but does not vote, such member shall be determined to have voted ~yes'~ at the time
the vote is taken.
These By-Laws may be emended at any regular meeting by the affn'mative vote of three members of the Utility
Advisory C_z~unittee, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous meeting.
DATE: January 8, 2001
FROM: Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent
SUBJECT: Solid Waste Ordinances
I Summary: New state regulations that prohibit outdoor burning of yard waste, land clearing debris,
and construction debris in Port Angeles and its urban growth area, begin January 1, 2001. New
regulations for handling yard waste are necessary to efficiently utilize the landfill and the yard waste.
Recommendation: Recommend the City Council adopt ordinance changes banning stumps
at the landfill, plastics from the yard waste stream, and yard waste from residential collection
containers, beginning March 1, 2001.
Background / Analysis: The Port Angeles Landfill receives approximately 4,000 tons of yard
waste annually. This material is comprised of grass clippings, branches, limbs, untreated lumber,
and pallets. Yard waste is accepted free at the landfill. Yard waste is currently ground into chips
by a private contractor for approximately $50,000 a year. This material is used for daily cover at
the landfill.
Yard Waste is projected to increase by twenty-five per cent as a result of the following factors:
A) Burn Ban
B) Banning yard waste from residential containers
C) 90 gallon residential conversion program
On October 24, 2000, a public forum on the outdoor burn ban was held at City Hall for
contractors, business owners, and citizens. Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority staff, the
Fire Chief, and the Director of Public Works and Utilities made presentations to the group with a
question and answer period. The focus was to provide information on State law, current yard
waste regulations, and feedback on potential impacts.
Solid Waste Ordinances
January 8, 2001
Page 2
City staff has developed a plan that will address the various issues and concerns in the yard waste
1. Tree stumps shall no longer be accepted at the Port Angles Landfill
Yard waste is ground by a private contractor. Payment to the contractor is based upon a
mobilization fee and cost per hour for their services. Stumps increase the cost as a result of extra
time to grind the material plus wear and tear on equipment.
Stump grinding service is available from private businesses located in Clallam County. This
service was discussed at the October 24, 2000 forum as a viable alternative. This alternative was
endorsed by the North Peninsula Building Association.
The new ordinance will identif3, a stump as 4 inches or larger in diameter.
2. Ban Plastics from the Yard Waste Stream
By removing plastics from the yard waste stream, two new potential markets may be created for
the ground yard waste. With some investment by the City, Class A compost could be created
and sold to the public, or the ground materials could be sold for hog fuel to local markets.
Yard waste comes to the landfill by two different methods. Customers throughout the county
bring their yard waste directly to the landfill, and City collection customers have their yard waste
picked up at the curbside. The City experimented with the removal of plastics with mixed
a) The Port Angeles Landfill has a voluntary program. The landfill attendant informs the
user when they come across the scales to empty their plastic bags. The landfill provides
two 300 gallon containers for citizens to dispose of their plastic bags. This program is
very successful and has a high compliance rate. The Landfill has eliminated
approximately 70% of the plastic bags from users.
b) Waste Management conducted a 30 day trial at no cost to the City. Waste Management
instructed their drivers to remove yard waste from the plastic bags. The trial period
permitted them to ascertain if it was cost effective and efficient to remove the plastic bags
at the curb. It was determined that a significant extra effort was required and the added
cost of the program was approximately $2,000 per month during high volume periods.
Solid Waste Ordinances
January 8, 2001
Page 3
A public relations program will be developed to assist the citizens with the transformation. This
would be done by the following methods:
a) Information distributed with City utility bills
b) Information distributed at the Home Show and County Fair
c) Informational distributed at the Landfill Scale
a) Information ads on Channel 21
The new ordinance will eliminate all plastics from the yard waste stream.
3. Ban yard waste from the residential containers
Yard waste that is disposed of in residential containers goes directly into the landfill cell. To save
landfill space, reduce collection cost, and decrease the volume of refuse, this type of material
should be banned from the collection containers. This will be especially critical if the City
begins long hauling solid waste after the current landfill cell is filled.
The new ordinance would ban yard waste from residential collection containers
The City Attorney has drafted the attached ordinance, which includes the above modifications.
Attachments: Ordinances
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
City's solid waste collection and disposal regulations and rates relating
to recycling and yard waste and amending Ordinances 2317 as amended
and 2630 and Chapters 13.54 and 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.54 PAMC are hereby amended
by amending PAMC 13.54.020 to read as follows:
13.54.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and
phrases have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this Section:
A. "Ashes" means solid waste products produced at~er the combustion of coal,
wood, other fuels, and other combustible material.
B. "City business" means any business whose principal place of business is within
the City limits of Port Angeles.
C. "City resident" means any person residing within the legal City limits of Port
D. "Collector of refuse" means the Solid Waste Utility within the Department of
Public Works and any person having a contract with or license from the City for the removal of
refuse, or any State-licensed refuse collector operating outside the City.
E. "Commercial dwelling" means a building or group of buildings designed,
intended for, or used for any purpose other than single or multiple dwellings, and shall include office
buildings. Any building or group of buildings where combined residence and business is practiced,
where such business is advertised by a sign of any type on the premises and/or is listed in the
telephone directory as a business, shall be classified as commercial, unless specifically exempted
by the City Manager or his designee, based on the services rendered.
F. "Container" means a receptacle which is of the type approved by the City and
furnished by the City for use with its mechanical refuse collection system. The container shall not
be less than 60 gallons nor more than 300 gallons in capacity. The two types of containers are roll-
out containers and stationary containers. Roll-out containers are 60 or 90 gallons in capacity and
have wheels for ease in moving the containers. Stationary containers are 300 gallons in capacity and
are used in alleys and for commercial applications.
G. "Contractor" means any authorized person contracting with or having a license
or permit to collect and dispose ofi'efuse in the City, or his authorized agent.
H. "Dangerous waste" means any discarded, useless, unwanted, or abandoned
nonradioactive substances, including but not limited to certain pesticides or any residues or
containers of such substances which are disposed of in such quantity or concentration as to pose a
substantial present or potential hazard to human health, wildlife, or the environment because such
wastes or constituents or combinations of such wastes:
1. have short-lived, toxic properties that may cause death, injury or illness
or have mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic properties; or
2. are corrosive, explosive, flammable, or may generate pressure through
decomposition or other means.
I. "Dead animals" means all animals, large or small, which may die or be killed for
other than food purposes.
J. "Director" means the Director of Public Works for the City of Port Angeles, and
his authorized supervisors.
K. "Garbage" means all putrescible animal or vegetable wastes resulting from
handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food in any private dwelling house, multiple
dwelling, hotel, restaurant, building or institution.
L. "Health officer" means the City or County health officer as defined by the laws
of the State.
M. "Landfill" means the Sanitary Landfill disposal area as administered and
regulated by the City under Chapter 13.56 PAMC.
N. "Multiple dwelling" means a building or group of buildings designed as, or
intended for, or used as two or more dwellings, such as apartments, rooming houses, multiple houses
or courts and tenant houses; provided such building or group of buildings are under common
ownership and have a common refuse disposal site; and provided further, that such group of
buildings by nature of construction or reference infer multiplex dwelling, except tourist courts,
motels, hotels and trailer courts, or any other establishment catering to transient residents; and
provided that, for the purpose of this Chapter, three rooms shall be equal to one apartment and any
number of rooms shall be billed to the nearest multiple of three.
O. "Offal" means waste animal matter from butcher, slaughterer or packing houses.
P. "Person" means every person, firm, partnership, association, institution and
corporation. The terms also mean the occupant or owner of the premises for which service is
rendered pursuant to this Chapter.
Q. "Recycling Container" means a receptacle which is of the type approved by the
City and furnished by the recycling contractor for the collection of recyclable materials.
R. "Recyclable materials" includes all metals, all glass, some plastics (at a
minimum, two-liter soda bottles and gallon milk jugs), and some paper (at a minimum newsprint,
cardboard, ledger paper, and computer paper).
S. "Refuse" means garbage, rubbish, trash, and offal, as defined herein, placed and
stored together in a standard refuse container.
T. "Rubbish" means all cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, food containers,
wastepaper, rags, sweepings, small pieces of wood, excelsior, rubber, leather and similar waste
materials that ordinarily accumulate around a home, business or industry including lawn cuttings.
It does not include bulk waste, tree and hedge trimmings, dead animals, dangerous wastes,
hazardous materials, industrial waste or building waste resulting from construction or alterations.
U. "Sanitation service charge" means a charge imposed by the City Council for the
services performed by the Solid Waste Utility.
~. "Single dwelling" means a building designed as, or intended for, or used as, a
residence for a single family or a group of persons other than a single family, using such building
as a single housekeeping unit.
W. "Trash" means all waste matter not subject to decay or putrefaction which, for
the purpose of this Chapter, includes ashes.
X. "Waste" and "wastes" means all discarded materials and/or substances.
Y. "Yard Wastes" includes leaves, grass, flowers, etc., as well as branches and
pruning, less than four inches (4") in diameter and four feet (4') in length. "Yard Wastes" excludes
food waste, metals, plastics, and synthetic fibers, lumber with metals, any wood or tree limbs over
four inches (4") in diameter and four feet (4') in length, rocks, sod, and dirt ~,,~,t,.,i~,atcd
(Ord. 2630, §1, 4/1/91; Ord. 2317 §2, 10/26/84)
Section 2. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.54 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.54.060 to read as follows:
13.54.060 Container Requirements.
A. Required. It shall be the duty of every person in possession, charge or control
of any single dwelling, multiple dwelling, or commercial dwelling where waste is created or
accumulated, at all times to use City-owned containers, or other containers as approved by the
Director, in accordance with this Chapter and to deposit or cause to be deposited refuse therein. If
such a person is furnished a roll-out container, then such person shall be responsible for maintaining
the container in a clean condition.
B. Sunken cans and containers shall be prohibited.
C. Location. No containers shall be kept or stored within the confines of any street
or public alley in the City, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. In blocks in which there
are alleys, stationary containers shall be kept on private property in a convenient-and accessible
location adjacent to such alley; provided that stationary containers may be located in City alley
rights-of-way if the Director determines that such placement is safe and practical. In blocks where
there are no alleys, roll-out containers shall be kept on private property until the day of collection;
provided that such roll-out containers shall be placed so that the lid opens toward the collection
vehicle when it is dumped and in a readily accessible location to the traveled roadway of the street
near the curb so that the automated collection vehicle can reach them on the appropriate day and
time; and provided further that such roll-out containers shall be removed from the curb within 24
hours after their collection.
For multiple dwellings and commercial dwellings, the stationary containers shall
be placed in a readily accessible location on private property, as approved by the Director for
collection using the mechanized vehicle.
Mobile home parks shall be required to provide central storage areas throughout
the mobile home parks for the location of refuse containers; provided that no individual mobile
home owner shall be required to walk more than 150 feet in any direction from his mobile home to
deposit or pick up his waste in the containers.
D. Special Containers. Suitable containers, such as compactor units and drop boxes,
may, with permission from the Director, be used by establishments which dispose of refuse in such
quantity that containers, as defined in this Chapter, would be impractical or inefficient. These
containers shall be kept in good condition with close-fitting lids and watertight construction. Should
the condition deteriorate, the Director may, upon notification in writing to the owner, require the
container to be replaced or repaired within 48 hours.
E. Prohibited Materials. .
1. No rocks or dirt are to be placed in containers.
2. No manure, animal droppings, or human excrement are to be placed in
containers, but such are to be placed in separate containers and hauled by the owner to the Landfill
at the owner's expense.
3. Notc¢c--' J .......
", -~'~s~ u-,~,,.-s~ a~c yard waste is to be placed in refuse
containers. ' ..... '~- ' " "- .... "' ~ · ...... '- ' '- -J
F. Container Damage and Replacement. If any container shall be damaged through
abuse by a residential or commercial user, the user shall replace the same orpay for its repair. (Ord.
2317 §3, 10/26/84)
Section 3. Ordinance 2360 and Chapter 13.54 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.54.065 to read as follows:
13.54.065 Recycling C,,~,tal,i~, Requirements.
A. Participation in the recycling program shall be voluntary.
B. Recyclable materials shall be deposited into City-provided recycling containers,
or other containers as approved by the Director. An approved container shall include a standard
plastic or metal earbage can. not exceeding 32 gallons in volume or 50 pounds in weight when
empty, with two sturdy handles on each side, and with a secure fitting lid with a handle.
C. Recycling containers shall be placed at the location and time designated by the
City for collection and shall be removed from that location within 24 hours after their collection.
D. All materials deposited into the City-provided recycling Containers are the
property of the City. No unauthorized person shall scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or dispose
of, sui:h materials unlcss authorized to do so by written permit of thc Director.
E. Yard waste to be collected shall be placed at the location and time designated
by the City for collection. Yard waste shall be placed in approved containers for collection and such'
containers shall be removed from the collection location within 24 hours after collection. Approved
yard waste containers may be leased from the City's recycling contractor for an additional fee. Yard
waste shall be tied in bundles of material meeting the definition of "yard waste" as set forth in
PAMC 13.54.020(Y). Plastic bags shall not be used as containers for yard waste.
F. No materials other than recyclable materials as defined herein and as designated
by the Director shall be placed in recycling containers. The presence ofnourecyclable materials will
cause the container to be treated as refuse and a special pick-up charge assessed to the account.
G. If any City-provided recycling container shall be damaged through the abuse
of the user, the user shall replace the same or pay for its replacement or repair.
H. Each loaded container shall weigh a maximum of fifty pounds.
I__. Christmas trees six feet and taller shall be cut into no smaller than four foot
sections for collection.
Section 4. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 PAMC are hereby amended
by amending PAMC 13.56.020 to read as follows:
13.56.020 Rates.
A. All Landfill users shall be charged and shall pay the following rates for dumping
refuse at the Sanitary Landfill site (except as set forth herein):
$76.80 per ton with a $2.00 minimum charge.
B. In addition to the fees established by subsection A of this Section, uncovered
loads shall be charged an additional $5 fee.
C. Refuse requiring special handling, including but not limited to asbestos and low
level radioactive materials, shall be charged $190 per ton; provided that the minimum charge for
refuse requiring special handling shall be $190. Special handling includes manifesting, immediate
burial, hand unloading and/or placement in the disposal pit by Landfill crews.
D. (1) Landfill users' clean yard waste, as determined by the Landfill attendant, that
may be converted to compost will not be charged a fee except as provided in subsection D(2) of this
(2) Commercial users, including but not limited to, landscapers, lawn
maintenance services, and tree p~mln~/removal services, shall be charged $20.00 per ton.
E. The Director may waive the Landfill fee for disposal of refuse and litter which
is collected and disposed of as a part of a City-sponsored beautification or cleanup program.
F. Recyclable materials being recycled at the Landfill will not be charged a fee.
G. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for solid waste collectors who
have filed a certificate of exemption under WAC 458-20-250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste
collection tax, so that the rate in effect on April 1, 1994, shall be $73.27.
H. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government,
its agencies and instrumentalities, and all refuse service contracts for such shall be exempt under
WAC 458-20-250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste collection tax, so that the rate for same
shall be $73.27. (Ord. 2908, 3/1/96; Ord. 2894, 10/27/95; Ord. 2813, §1, 7/1/94; Ord. 2803 §1,
4/29/94; Ord. 2790 §1, 4/1/94; Ord. 2784 §2, 1/1/94; Ord. 2729 §2, 1/1/93; Ord. 2630 §5, 7/1/91;
Ord. 2599 §3, 8/1/90; Ord. 2454 § 1, 8/24/87; Ord. 2436 §2, 3/1/87; Ord. 2378 §2, 2/7/86; Ord. 2317
§4, 10/26/84)
Section 5. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 PAMC are hereby amended
by amending PAMC 13.56.060 to read as follows:
13.56.060 Landfill Disposal Area Regulations.
A. Use Generally. The City Sanitary Landfill disposal area shall be open at such
times designated by the Director. Those persons hauling their own refuse to the disposal site shall
place such refuse where directed by the operator of the disposal area and shall pay those fees as set
forth by the City Council.
B. Origin of Refuse. Acceptable refuse originating within the City limits and
transported to the Sanitary Landfill by any person shall be accepted for disposal during the
designated hours of operation. All persons offering such acceptable refuse may be required to
submit proof of origin of the material in the form of a certificate certifying ownership and that the
material originated within the City. Use of the Sanitary Landfill site by persons living outside the
City limits shall be upon the basis of a special service charge set by the City Council. Waste
originating outside Clallam County shall be unacceptable for disposal at the Sanitary Landfill except
as otherwise provided in PAMC 13.54.070.
C. Burning. It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to set fire to, or burn, any
waste in the Landfill grounds used by the City unless granted permission by the Director to do so.
D. Scavenging. All materials delivered to and disposed of at the Landfill are the
property of the City. No unauthorized person shall scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or dispose
of, such material unless authorized to do so by written permit of the Director.
E. Unlawful Entry. It is unlawful for any person to enter the Landfill area except
when an attendant is present during the designated hours of operation.
F_. Wood waste. Wood waste consisting of material larger than four inches in
diameter shall not be accepted.
G_~. Yard waste. Yard waste shall be free of contaminants, including but not limited
to, plastic bags~ refuse, rocks, sod~ dirt, and construction and demolition debris.
Section 6. Severabilit3' If any provisions of this Ordinance or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of ,2001.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
po : NG s
Summary_: The feeder tie construction project along "0" Street has been designed for
overhead construction instead of underground because of cost and the inability to
determine at what grade the facilities must be to accommodate future
development in this unplatted area.
R c mm ndat' n' UAC concur with the staff recommendation to install this line overhead.
Background / Analysis:
The electric utility project to construct a feeder tie along "O" Street between 18th Street
and 10th Street has been designed to install the facilities overhead instead of underground for the
following reasons:
A. Between 18th Street and 14th Street the current facilities are overhead and only the
conductor is being increased in size. To install these facilities underground would
cost approximately $108,000 instead of approximately $20,000 for overhead
B. Between 14th Street and 10th Street a new overhead pole line is being proposed
for construction on the undeveloped west side of"O" Street instead of
underground because the grade in the location of the electrical facilities will
necessarily change considerably when the west side of the street develops. In
addition no plat of lots is available for the west side of "O" Street, therefore it is
impossible to position above ground equipment to not conflict with future
development. To install these facilities underground would cost approximately
$98,000 instead of approximately $39,000 for overhead construction. Between
144 Street and 12t~ Street only the east side of"O" Street is developed and is
currently served by underground electric facilities. Between 12th Street and l0th
Street both sides of unopened "O" Street are not platted or developed.
C. The project is currently designed for overhead construction based on a brief
discussion at the UAC when the design contract was under consideration for
award. The discussion of overhead / underground did not get into the minutes of
that meeting. The cost to redesign the project for underground construction would
be approximately $5,000.
Therefore, to construct this project underground instead of overhead as planned will cost
approximately $211,000 instead of $59,000. If only the area of new construction is constructed
underground the cost of the total project would be approximately $123,000.
In all probability the facilities between 14th Street and l0th Street will need to be adjusted for
grade and construction conflicts when the area develops. Overhead facilities can be adjusted
fairly easily, underground facilities are very costly to adjust grade or location. If the goal is for
underground utilities in this area, it would be more prudent to install overhead facilities until the
area develops and then when the area is platted and grade has been established convert the line to
underground as part of the development. The probable lost investment would be $59,000 instead
of $211,000
W A S H I N G T O N, U. -,~. A,
DATE: January 8, 2001
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
SUBJECT: Fiber Optic Cable Purchasing Revised Authority
~ The lead-time to order and receive fiber optic cable has been confirmed to be at least I
one-year due to unique market conditions. In lieu of placing an order, an unsuccessful attempt to
purchase fiber optic cable through the sealed bid process was made. Sealed bids were ad¥~ertised
and closed on December 6, 13, and 20, 2000. A single bid was received on December 20u' for
ADSS cable that would be delivered by 7/1/2001, which was 40% above the engineer's cost
Recommendation: Reject the sealed bid received on December 20, 2000; waive the
competitive bidding process for the advance purchase of fiber optic cable; grant the City
Manager with the Public Works and Utilities Director as his alternate, the authority to
negotiate and enter into contracts for the advance purchase of fiber optic cable; and grant
the City Manager with the Public Works and Utilities Director as his alternate, the
authority to place an order to purchase fiber optic cable under a cooperative purchase
agreement. Once contracts are executed, the City Manager, Mayor and City Council will
be promptly notified.
Background/Analysis: On October 17, 2000, City Council approved the Community
Telecommunications Action Plan ("Action Plan") as recommended by the Utility Advisory
Committee (UAC) and Port Angeles Works! (PA Works!). As part of that approval, Council
authorized Staff to start the process to purchase fiber optic cable, in an amount not to exceed
$350,000 (25 miles of 48 strand fiber optic cable) recognizing an advance purchase was
necessary due to the long lead-time between order and delivery. On November 21, 2000,
Council authorized the City Manager with the Public Works Director as his alternate, the
authority to enter into contracts for the purchase of fiber optic cable, for a total cost not to exceed
$400,000 (plus sales tax).
The City's consultant, Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC), completed the
preliminary business planning to determine fiber optic cable specifications, fiber count and reel
lengths, and assisted Staff with the development of a sealed bid document. The preliminary
business planning recommended the backbone contain a minimum of 48 strands, preferably 96
strands, of fiber optic cable. The budget was increased from $350,000 to $400,000 (sales tax not
included) to enable the purchase of 96 strand fiber optic cable if possible.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
RE: Fiber Optic Cable Purchasing Revised Authority
Page 2
A total of three attempts for the advance pumhase of fiber optic cable through the competitive
bidding process was made on December 6, 13, and 20, 2000. The advance pumhase sought
delivery prior to July 1, 2001. On December 20th, only one bid was received for fiber optic cable
that would be delivered by 7/1/2001 that was 40% above the engineer's cost estimate.
State law (RCW 35.23.352(9) and RCW 39.04.280(1)(b)) allows the City to waive the
competitive bidding requirements under certain conditions such as pumhases involving special
market conditions. Unsuccessful attempts to purchase fiber optic cable through the sealed bid
process have confirmed that special market conditions apply. Staff now recommends that
Council adopt a resolution to waive the entire competitive bidding process. The proposed
resolution recites the factual basis to waive the competitive bidding requirements as required by
State law (RCW 35.23.280(2)(a)).
Anticipating that an advance purchase of fiber optic cable may not be possible, Staff
recommends that an order be placed through a Public Utility District that has placed an order.
Such a purchase could be possible through an interlocal agreement. In the event that waiving the
competitive bidding process enables an advance purchase, the cooperative purchase agreement
would need to allow cancellation of the order. However, in the event advance purchase efforts
are unsuccessful, placing an order will ensure the project will be completed in a timely fashion.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, waiving the competitive bidding process, in
accordance with State law, for the purchase of fiber optic cable due
to special market conditions.
WHEREAS, the City Council has approved development of a fiber optic backbone as one
of its economic development goals; and
WHEREAS, delivery of fiber optic cable is currently from 12 to 16 months due to fixed
manufacturing capability and a worldwide shortage; and
WHEREAS, a call for bids by the City including 3 separate closing dates (December 6,
13, and 20, 2000) was unsuccessful, resulting in a single response for fiber optic cable 40%
beyond the engineer's cost estimate; and
WHEREAS, based on the fixed manufacturing capability for fiber optic cable, the
worldwide shortage of such cable, and the City's unsuccessful bidding process, there are special
market conditions that apply to the City's purchase of fiber optic cable; and
WHEREAS, State law (RCW 35.23.280(2)(a)) requires the City to recite the factual basis
of special market conditions that support a waiver from the competitive bidding requirements;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles as follows:
Section I. The City Council finds that the fixed manufacturing capability for fiber optic
cable, the worldwide shortage of such cable, and the City's unsuccessful competitive bidding
process for purchasing fiber optic cable demonstrate that purchase of fiber optic cable is subject
to special market conditions.
Section 2. Pursuant to State law (RCW 35.23.352(9) and RCW 39.04.280(1)(b)), the
City Council hereby declares that the competitive bidding requirement for fiber optic cable
purchases involves special market conditions and is therefore waived.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 16th day of January 2001.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
W A S H I N G T O N, IJ. S. A.
DATE: January 8, 2001
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
SUBJECT: Telecommunications Design Consultant Selection Update
Summary: A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process is underway to select a firm to design
the fiber optic backbone. A staff selection committee interviewed 3 firms on January 5, 2001
and will begin negotiations with the apparently successful firm this week.
Recommendation: A special meeting is requested on January 22, 2001 to obtain the UAC's
recommendation to City Council to proceed with telecommunications design engineering
Background/Analysis: On October 17, 2000, City Council authorized Staff to proceed with a
RFQ process for engineering services to design the fiber optic backbone. Staff previously stated
that it would seek the UAC's recommendation before requesting City Council approval to
proceed with telecommunications design engineering services. An illustration of the RFQ
selection process and timeline is presented below.
On November 9, 2000, the City advertised
u^c I [c~c~.c, 1 the RFQ for telecommunications design
,,22~, ~6~ engineering services. In response to the
invitation, 19 firms requested the detailed
RFQ (copy attached). A total of 6 firms
provided statements of qualifications by the
December 8, 2000 deadline. A staff
selection committee screened the
respondents down to 3 firms, which were
interviewed on January 5, 2001. The
selection committee expects to begin
contract negotiations with the apparently
successful firm the week of January 8, 2001.
Anticipating negotiations can be promptly and successfully completed, Staffcould seek contract
award as early as the City Council's February 6, 2001 meeting. However, the next scheduled
UAC meeting is on February 12, 2001. A special meeting on January 22, 2001 may be necessary
to obtain the UAC's recommendation before requesting City Council approval to proceed with
engineering design.
~'"O~ NOVEMI~ER 9, 2000
The City of Port Angeles, Public Works and Utilities Department is requesting letters of interest and qualifications
from telecommunications engineering firms to prepare construction documents, plans and specifications for a
fiber optic telecommunications network. The preliminary cost estimate for materials and installation is
The City of Port Angeles is developing a fiber optic telecommunications utility. The timeline for the completion of
the construction documents, plans and specifications is within 120 days of contract execution.
The following project is currently under consideration:
Fiber Optic Backbone Design And Construction Documents- This project will use a preliminary
engineering study and route map and business planning as a guide to design a fiber optic
telecommunications backbone network approximately 25 miles in length. Completion of this project will
require coordination with the City's business planning consultant, other telecommunications service
providers, and customers. A copy of the preliminary engineering route map is provided for moro
The initial scope of work is anticipated to include the following minimum elements:
A. Backbone Construction Plans
1, Construction plans shall be industry standard construction drawings in AutoCAD compatible
format, prepared to allow their incorporstion as a new layer on the City's electronic base maps.
2. Construction drawings shall be prepared and at a minimum shall contain:
· Tit;le sheet with location map, legend, and index.
· Sheet showing general notes, typical sections and miscellaneous details.
· Overall route map showing existing and proposed fiber locations with fiber type, fiber counts,
interconnections, hubs, site details and demarcation points, and other applicable facility data.
· Plan and profile sheets showing as required, right-of-way and property lines, existing utilities
and facilities, applicable topographical features and location of the proposed improvements.
S. Backbone Technical Specifications
1. The contract documents shall include detailed technical specifications for all materials such as
optical fiber cable, fiber termination hardware, equipment and construction in conformance with
the City's standard specifications.
2. The materials list shall identify the individual items of material, manufacturers, part or model
designations, quantities, and name of vendor or supplier.
3. Prepare construction documents, plans and specifications for interconnection with other networks
(e.g. QweSt, NoaNet) and at customer facilities.
4. Pole attachment construction documents, plans and specifications shall consider existing and
proposed facilities end verify adequate pole strength and electrical clearances to meet code
requirements per WAC 296-44 for each type of structure utilized. The majority ofthe fiber optic
backbone will be located on existing overhead facilities.
5. Underground construction documents, plans and specifications shall be in accordance with the
City's standard specifications.
C. Backbone Construction Bid Documents
1. Prepare bid documents including plans, specifications and engineering cost estimates, for the
construction of the fiber optic backbone,
2. The bid documents shall have a bid schedule for materials and installatioh showing a basic bid
according to the construction plans and technical specifications, individual bid items and
quantities. An engineer's estimate of unit prices and extended amounts will also be provided,
3. The bid documents shall permit the gathering and separate identification of all the materials and
installstion costs to serve each individual site to the extent possible.
11/9/00, 20OO
Page - 2
In addition to the Fiber Optic Backbone Design And Construction Documents scope of work described in Section
I, the actual work assigned may be extended to cover network construction and activation services, including all
or part of the projects below:
o Construction Management- This project may involve fiber optic backbone construction management and
oversight, ensuring the contractor(s) comply with the fiber optic backbone construction documents, plans and
o Testing- this project may involve end-to-end attenuation testing and Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
(OTDR) test to obtain a signature trace on all fibers and connector loss testing.
Equipment Bid Documenta- This project may involve development of a request for proposal document,
equipment installation construction documents, plans and specifications, including cost estimate, for the
purchase and installation of electrenic equipment, including, but not limited to transport and premise
equipment, to activate the fiber optic backbone.
Construction Integration- This project may involve equipment installation/construction management and
oversight, ensuring the contractor(s) comply with the request for proposal and equipment installation
construction documents, plans and specifications.
o Training And Testing- This project may involve training City staff in the construction, operation and
maintenance of the network. This project also includes equipment testing and activation of the fiber optic
o Network Expansion Construction Bid Documents- This project may involve development of construction
documents, plans and specifications for the expansion of the backbone into the City's urban growth area and
a distribution network from the fiber optic backbone to customer premises. Completion of this project will
require coordination with the City's business planning consultant.
o Other Services- This may involve other engineering, technical, and business services that may arise during
the design, construction, activation, business p~anning and startup of the City's fiber optic utility.
2. SIMILAR EXPERIENCE: List the experience of the firm's key staff proposed for this project.
Project Design: Provide detailed information, including references, on two of the firm's recent (within last
5 years) projects that the firm considers to be very similar to the project proposed in the scope of work
identified in Section I. It is preferred that one reference is provided for a public client and the other
reference for a private client, both projects completed in the State of Washington, (The selection
committee may choose to visit or contact the owners of projects that the firm has chosen as being
Additional Scope: You may also include detailed information, including references, on at least one of
the firm's projects that the firm considers to be very similar to the proposed projects identified in the
additional scope of work within Section I1.
3. PROPOSED STAFF: List the experience and number of years with the firm for the key members of the
staff proposed to be used on the project in the specific areas of project design and project management.
(R~sumb's shall be included as an appendix.), A project manager shall be identified including a
description of his/her availability and current workload.
Project Design: include the experience of any sub consultant's staff proposed on the project design
team. A Registered Communications DesignedLocal Area Network (RCDD/LAN) registered with Building
Industry Consulting Services, International (BICSI) unless otherwise permitted by the City shall certify the
network design. We specifically want to knew the experience of the team members in working together
on previous projects.
Additional Scope: You may also include the experience of any sub consultant's staff proposed on the
project design team working together on previous projects identified in the additional scope of work in
Section II.
11/9/00, 2000
P~ge - 3
4. DEMONSTRATION OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT: List and describe briefly what your firm
thinks are the important issues for the project and the team's approach for successful project completion.
Describe the design and quality control process, milestones and timelines anticipated in Section I of the
scope of work. Describe the measures that will be taken in the design process to ensure the cost of
construction will be within the engineer's estimate.
5. USE OF LOCAL PROFESSIONALS: Our experience has been that the use of local professionals can
result in a more efficient and successful project, if your firm plans to use local professionals, provide a
detailed explanation of how they will be used. Indicate the activities in which they will be involved and
estimate the percentage of the total work that wilt be completed by local professionals.
6. STAFF AVAILABILITY; Separately demonstrate the ability to provide the proposed staff for the fiber optic
backbone design and subsequent stages of this project. Can the proposed staff complefa the project
within the timeline indicated in the scope and background?
7. PROPOSAL FORMAT: Please provide the above information in the order listed in an organized fashion.
The total length of the proposal shall not exceed 15 double sided or 30 single sided, letter size pages
using a font size of 12. Graphics shall be kept to a minimum (r~sum~'s will not be counted as part of the
total number of pages), A design document for one similar project completed by the firm may be attached
to your proposal, which will be returned.
The qualifications received will be evaluated to determine the firm most qualified to provide the services required
for the project based upon the following criteria:
o Total overall impression of the proposal submitted.
o Understanding of the projects described in Sections I and I1.
o Experience and availability of the project manager.
o Experience and availability of the proposed staff.
o Experience and results of similar projects, including comparison of engineering estimates to bid amounts.
o Description of project execution/pro.iect management.
o Use of local professionals where possible.
o Engineering design quality control and assurances.
o Reference checks on two similar projects within the last five years.
o Qualifications to complete the additional scope of work in Section
Six copies of the above information shall be delivered to the Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department
by 5:00 P.M., December 8, 2000 at City Hall, 321 East 5th Street or mail to P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA
98362. Fax submittals are not acceptable.
Consultant interviews are planned for the week of December 18th, followed by consultant selection and contract
negotiations, anticipating City Council contract approval before February 2001. Should you have any questions
regarding the selection process contact Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems at (360) 417-4703 or
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager at (360) 417-4713.
The City of Port Angeles is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minority consultants/sub consultants are
encouraged to apply.
Glenn A. Curler, P.E.
Director of Public Works and Utilities
Attachment: Power Engineers Preliminary Engineering Route Map
DATE: January 8, 2001
FROM: Glenn Cutler, Public Works and Utilities Director
SUBJECT: Telecommunications and Related Ordinances Report
Summary: Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) and Staff have prepared a
Telecommunications And Related Ordinances Report. An overview of the report will be a topic
at a joint meeting of the City Council, Utility Advisory Committee, Planning Commission and
PA Works!, which is planned for January 16, 2001 at 6PM. Staff will provide an overview of
the report and be available to answer questions at the joint meeting.
Recommendation: The Report is attached with no action requested at this time.
Background/Analysis: On October 17, 2000, City Council approved the Community
Telecommunications Action Plan as recommended by the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC)
and Port Angeles Works! (PA Works!). As part of that approval, Council authorized
development of a telecommunications ordinance and updates to related ordinances.
During the week of December 11, 2000, Staff presented an overview of the draft interim
procedures to the UAC, PA Works!, and Planning Commission. The draft interim procedures
and draft telecommunications ordinance and updates to related ordinances have undergone an
internal and external legal review. With the legal review complete, interim procedures are now
in place which will be in effect until the ordinances are adopted, tentatively scheduled for April
17, 2001. The next step is to seek input on the Telecommunications And Related Ordinances
Report from City Council, UAC, PA Works!, Planning Commission, and other interested parties.
The comment period is from January 8, 2001 to February 12, 2001. In order to ensure all
comments are fully considered, they should be directed in writing to Larry Dunbar.
The Telecommunications Ordinance And Related Ordinance Report has been shared with
telecommunications service providers, all parties of City pole rental agreements, and other
interested parties. Telecommunications service providers and other interested parties have been
invited to attend the January 16, 2001 joint meeting to hear the presentation on the
Telecommunications and Related Ordinances Report.