HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/13/2009
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
January 13, 2009
3:00 P.M.
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For December 9, 2008
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items
A. Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Computerized Maintenance
Management System
B. Additional Easements for the Elwha Dam Removal Project
C. Bonneville Power Administration Wholesale Transmission
D. Bonneville Power Administration Demand Response Pilot
Program Update
E. Morse Creek License Amendment Update
F. Interagency Agreement For Performance-Based Contracting
Next Meeting Date:
February 10, 2009
VII. Adjournment
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
December 9,2008
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Members Present:
Chairman Reed, Betsy Wharton, Orville Campbell, Karen Rogers,
Dan Di Guilio
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Bill Bloor (3:40), Nathan West, Larry Dunbar, Steve Sperr,
Kathryn Neal, Phil Lusk, Ernie Klimek, Terri Partch, Cate Rinehart
Others Present:
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Reed asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of November 10,2008.
Councilman Di Guilio moved to approve the minutes. Orville Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously. Councilmember Rogers abstained due to absence at the meeting.
Late Items
BP A Wholesale Power 2007 Supplemental Proceeding
V. Discussion Items:
A. Corrosion Control Report
Ernie Klimek, Water Superintendent, reported that in June ortho phosphate was added to the
water with testing done in October. The preliminary results showed a positive application with a
reduction of copper levels. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
B. Ordinance Revisions Required For Storm water NPDES Compliance
Terri Partch, Stormwater Program Manager, distributed a handout and gave a presentation based
upon it. Ordinances to be developed and approved address pollutant discharge into the
stormwater system, construction site runoff, and private stormwater facilities. There was a
lengthy discussion.
December 9,2008
Information only. No action taken.
C. CFL Markdown Promotion Agreement Amendment
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, explained that the City was offered an amendment to
extend the term of the "Change a Light, Change the W orId" compact fluorescent lamp agreement
with Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. through September 30,2009. A discussion followed.
Staff was requested to provide a list of participating retailers.
Councilman Di Guilio moved to recommend City Council authorize the Public Works and
Utilities Director to sign the amendment and any subsequent amendments to the CFL
Markdown Promotion Agreement. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
D. Electric Utility Cost Of Service Study Consultant Agreement
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, noted that every three years a consultant is retained to
assess and evaluate the City utility services which includes cash reserve requirements, cost-of-
services, and rate structures. FCS Group will be completing the electric utility cost-of-service
study in 2009. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Rogers moved to recommend City Council 1) authorize the City Manager
to make minor modifications to the agreement, and 2) authorize the Mayor to sign an
amendment to the agreement with FCS Group for financial services in an additional
amount not to exceed $40,000 for the electric utility cost of service study. Orville Campbell
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. Green Motors Initiative Agreement
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, announced that the Bonneville Power Administration was
proposing that the City join its Green Motors Initiative, whose purpose is to support an industry
trade group of qualified motor service centers providing re-winds of energy efficient motors to
maintain energy efficiency. A discussion followed. Staff was requested to provide a list of
participating retailers.
Councilman Di Guilio moved to recommend City Council to 1) authorize the City Manager
to make minor modifications to the agreement, and 2) to authorize the Public Works and
Utilities Director to sign the Green Motors Initiative Agreement and any subsequent
amendments to the Agreement. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
F. Morse Creek Amendment Update
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, responded to a previous question regarding the power
December 9,2008
production impacts that could result from using the new minimum instream flows at the Morse
Creek Hydroelectric Project. Flow rates were reviewed noting an estimated "net-zero" impact in
avoided power purchases. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
G. BP A Demand Response Pilot Program
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained that the Bonneville Power
Administration recently announced the availability of a demand response pilot program related
to automatic meter reading, which was included in the Electric Utility's 2008-2014 Capital
Facilities Program. Staff participated in a teleconference and completed a survey expressing
interest in the pilot program. Should the City be chosen by BP A further information will be forth
coming. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
H. BP A Wholesale Power 2007 Supplemental Proceeding
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, disclosed that WP AG has petitioned the ninth
circuit court for settlement of the Residential Exchange Program overpayment to investor owned
utilities. The petition contests the amount of money received by investor owned utilities from
BP A. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
VL Next Meeting Date:
January 13, 2009
VIL Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m.
Chairman Reed
Cate Rinehart, Admin Spec II
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13, 2009
Utility Advisory Committee
Michael Puntenney, Deputy Director of Operations
Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Computerized Maintenance Management System
Summary: The City has advertised, received, and conducted evaluations for the procurement and
implementation of a Computerized Maintenance Management System for the Port Angeles Water
Treatment Plant. Weston Solutions, Inc., was ranked as providing the best overall solution and
their proposal was within the price range anticipated for this project.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to:
1) award and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Weston Solutions, Inc. for a
Computerized Maintenance Management System for the Port Angeles Water Treatment
Plant/Ranney Well Systems and the Water Utility in the amount of $90,014.00, including tax,
and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary.
2) authorize the City Manager to sign a planned modification to the contract to exercise pre-
priced optional task 8 in the amount of $12,000.00, expected for summer 2009.
Background/Analysis: After a long and complex negotiation process with the National Park
Service (NPS), in October 2009 the City signed a transfer agreement for the $35 million Port
Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PA WTP). The agreement supported the NPS's efforts with the
Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act. The project schedule for this work
indicates that the facility may be ready to undergo operational testing and be delivered to the City
by late spring or summer 2009.
As part of the transfer agreement, funding from NPS was provided to the City for start-up costs for
outfitting the P A WTP for furniture, appurtenances, software systems, tools, and the initial
inventory of parts and supplies. One of the longest lead-time items to deploy in support of the
PA WTP is the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). This system will be
central to the Water Division's ability to leverage the existing ESRI GIS environment currently in
use and provide the Water Utility with an efficient tool to manage facility and equipment
infrastructure, resources, operations, maintenance work, and permit activities for the P A WTP. The
CMMS will be used to manage preventive maintenance, maintenance activities, maintaining the
work and asset history of the plant, and interact directly with the plant's Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition system (SCADA) to issue work orders.
Ci\Documents and Settings\mpuntenn\Desktop\P A WTP CMMS - rev a,doc
January 13,2009
Page 2
The CMMS will incorporate data from the entire potable water system including the Ranney well,
reservoirs, transmission and distribution system, and other equipment so that a systems approach to
managing this infrastructure can be realized. The cost range for this project was estimated to be
$75,000 - $100,000 for the first year including implementation.
The City issued a request for proposal on November 12, 2008 with advertisements placed in the
Peninsula Daily News and the business periodical, Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce. Proposals
were received on December 4,2008 and were evaluated from December 5 through December 12,
2008 by City staff. The evaluation included adherence to and understanding of the project,
functionality, record of performance including reference checks, qualifications and experiences,
schedule, and pricing. An overall numeric score was assessed, which is provided in the last
column of the following table.
Terra Genesis, Inc.
Infor Global Solutions (MI), Inc.
GBA Master Series, Inc.
Timmons Group
Weston Solutions, Inc.
Infor EAM
Master Series
Home Office
Chandler, AZ
Alphoretto, GA
Overland Park, KS
Richmond, V A
Seattle, W A
Overall Score
(0 - Low, 5 - High)
Weston Solutions, Inc., was ranked as providing the best overall solution for the City. They were
invited to do a technical demonstration for the City that occurred on January 6, 2009. Using their
recommended software configuration, the first year cost was priced at $90, 140 including tax,
which was within the price range anticipated for this project. The annual cost of software licensing
for the remaining four years of the contract is priced at $27,100 per year including tax.
The Weston Solution's Inc. proposal provided unlimited licensing to the City, as opposed to the
minimum requirement of 3 concurrent licenses called for in the specification. This presents a very
significant and unexpected cost advantage to the City should it decide to further expand the use of
the software elsewhere in the Public Works and Utilities Department. The proposal also provided
pricing for additional professional services that the City could exercise in the future. Of particular
advantage to the City is pre-priced optional task 8 which provides the data structure and models
necessary to implement the plant's Operations and Maintenance Support Information (OMSI)
manuals. These manuals are currently under development with the NPS and this data is not
expected to be available to the vendor until possibly the summer of 2009. The amount of optional
task 8 is an additional $12,000.
This proj ect was planned as part of the P A WTP effort but was not budgeted due to the lateness of
signing the transfer agreement with NPS. Adequate funding is available within the Treatment
Plant Operating and Maintenance Fund (Fund 155) for the project.
Based on the strength of their proposal and the advantageous pricing to the City, it is
recommended that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City
Council to sign a contract with Weston Solutions, Inc. for a CMMS for the P A WTP and for
optional task 8.
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13, 2009
Utility Advisory Committee
Stephen Sperr, P.E., Engineering Manager
Additional Easements for the Elwha Dam Removal Project
Summary: The National Park Service has requested additional easements to address construction
ofa new pipeline adjacent to the City's existing Industrial Waterline, as part of the Elwha Dam
Removal Project.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
Mayor to sign easements and related documents for the construction, operation,
maintenance, implementation, repair, and inspection of pipelines associated with the Elwha
Dam Removal Project. '....
Background/Analysis: The Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act
(EREFRA), Public Law 102-495, provides authority for easements in association with construction
and operation of mitigation facilities. The City, as part of the Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) executed with the National Park Service (NPS) in 2004, agreed to grant easements over
portions of its properties adjacent to the Elwha River.
The NPS has requested additional easements to address construction of a new Tribal pipeline
adjacent to the City's existing Industrial Waterline (IWL), as part of the Elwha Dam Removal
Project. These proposed easements are located on both property the City owns, and on private
property in which the City has existing an existing easement for the IWL. The locations of
temporary and permanent easements are illustrated in the attached maps.
This is the fourth set of easements that have been requested by the NPS. The first easement was
for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant, which was authorized by City Council on November
7,2006. A second easement, for the Elwha Surface Water Intake, a new surface water intake on
the Elwha River, was authorized City Council at its February 6, 2007 meeting. A third easement,
for the Elwha Water Treatment Plant was authorized by City Council on April 17, 2007.
It is recommended that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to
City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign easements and related documents for the construction,
operation, maintenance, implementation, repair, and inspection of pipelines associated with the
Elwha Dam Removal Project.
Attachment: Maps of temporary and permanent easements
N:\UAC\Final\Additional EWTP Easements.doc
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..-..... Gravel Road (Estimate)
Gravel Road
Solids Pipeline
Proposed Hatchery Pipeline
City of Port Angeles Waterline
Industrial Pipeline
AFN 471021 Easement
Milwaukee Grade
Former Halberg Properly (see note on AFN 616556)
Lydiard Properly (see note on AFN 19991035122)
City of Port Angeles' Permanent Easement on Parcel
073003410275 (current USA ownership, former Halberg
ownership) "for ingress, egress, construction, reconstruction,
repair, and maintenance of City of Port Angeles' Industrial
Water Line, screen house, intake and outflow facilities ...
across the following described real estate ...that portion of
the NE1I4 of the SE1/4 of 53, T30N, RlW lying W'ly of City
of Port Angeles property commonly known as the abandoned
Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way..." (refer to AFN 616556)
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S,>ctions 2 & 3. Townsllip 30N, Range 7W, Clallam County, W,r:..
Olympic National Park
Elwha River Restoration Project
Temporarv Construction Easement - Parcel A
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~ AFN 1999 t03!H22 '
;~ 190260 30' Conveyance:o C:!y.
_ 100' ROW (llI'prox,) VoJ 94 pp154 & ISS'
D S9c:lon Line
Exisling above
ground 6' diam.
190260 Conveyance to City for 30' strip in fee
with reserved easement for accessing
property northwest of strip
19991035122 Access easement to City over
road to maintain municipal water line
located in 100' ROW (VOl 94 Deeds.
pp 154 & 158)
- ......- --
Vol 94 Deeds. pp 154 & 158 Conveyance 10
Seattle. Port Angeles & Lake Crescent
Railway for 100' slrip for ROW
o 100 200
i:~.,. r<.....""'~;." ~...... .....q;".....
Section 2. Township 30N, Range 7W, W.M., Clallam County, WA
Olympic National Park
Elwha River Restoration Project
Temporar Construction Easement - Parcels Band C
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- - Exisling Gr3vGl Road Edge
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- Exisl. 6'diam.lndustrial Plpefine<<g'& of pipe
- - Exist. 0' diam.lndu5trial P:peti'ne-centertine
190260 30' ConveyonOll !O Cily .
-.. AFN 47\018 .
...... AFN .:7t021 ..
~ AFN616556 ,
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" _ _. Industrial Pipeline Le\l&e as designed Aug 2C'01
o Section Uno
l..Ot .16
ReS ,2.;;5
ROS 62-65
190260 Conveyance to Ci~1 for 30' strip in fee
with reserved easement for accessing
property northwest of strip
Easement to acoess municipal water
line for maintenance
471018 Easement to access municipal water
line for maintenance
616556 Easement for 'ndustrial water line
facilities, including access thereto,
Statu ofWc;sl'1J1gton
A ~_ O<J
Vol 94 Deeds, PO 154 & 158 C<lnveyance to
Seattle, Port Angeles & Lake Crescent
Railway for lOa Sl1ip for ROW
Section 3, Township 30N, Range 7W. W.M.. Clallam County. WA
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an([ sHown on Drawmgs for ~ 'i' I .' i
the 'C<.tlnstruction of the Lower ~/' I .' , /
Elwh<iFish Hatchery (Aug. 2007) /' i :"
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Olympic National Park
Elwha River Restoration Project
Permanent Operations. Maintenance & Repair Easement - Parcel A
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US~..R5T'or ./1 "$.tf38'42" C ! /,,' Pipfiline 1
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E'ly margin of Easement
is 4' Wly from centerline I
of existing Industriat '
Pipeline (6' diam.) I
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tya..a"'O e.S~.J~€:
I2:J Permanent OM&R Easement
- - Existing Greve! Road Edge
-.... Surfaco Walet Pipeline as designed-centet1ine
- -. Exist Industrial Pipelin&-centertIne
._':.! 190260 30' Conveyance to City .
= AFN 1999 1035122'
:,:. 100' ROW (apP""'.) Vot 901 O.eds ppl54 & 158).
CJ Sedan line
190260 Conveyance to City for 30' strip in fee
with reserved easement fer accessing
property northwest of strip
1999 1035122 Access easement 10 City over
road to maintain municipal water line
located in 100' ROW (Vol 94 Deeds.
pp 154 & 158)
Vol 94 Deeds. pp 154 & 158 Conveyance to
Seattle. Port Angeles & La~e Crescent
Railwa for 100' strip for ROW
Section 2, Township 30N, Range 7W, W.M., Clallam County, WA
E"'~.~..-.(~.~h ;'......, ""'....nl,..:.'I..U
Olympic National Park
Elwha River Restoration Project
Permanent Operations, Maintenance & Repair Easement - Parcels Band C
Nm,cna: fin SUl";;...ee
us Oap3r!mertof~8 'r:!E-~
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ROS 13.2
N 23"49'15"E
45.58' ~
PO.B. Parcel B~ ~
S 87"50'13" W ROS 23.2
S 89'52'53" W ROS 62.65 26.32'
07JCO~' '10450:
E'ly margin of Ease ent is 4' N1y
and W7y from cent line of existing
Indus/rial Pipeline ( . diam.)
:l73t?34 "G::).:;a
Rct:ffi S. Pr,y;,s A
'3: 2
{ J"ifil;:to=l
Lo: -15
pcs <u.~5
Roter: 5Pr:ytl9. A
C~ates. nst.;;
Q Permanent OM&R Easement
- - Existing Grave! Road Edge
- Surface Wa!Bt ?lpeline as design-ed-centerfine
- exist 0' d2m.lndUStrl3t Pipeflne-edge of p:pe
- - Exist. 6' Ciam.lndustriaf Pii=eltne-cantemne
,-.:.. 190260 30' Conveyance 10 C;ty .
:~_., lCil' ROW (appro><) '10194. pol54 & 1511'
_u AFN 471018.
...... AFN 471021 '
!Ilf,l AFN 616556'
__ industrial Pipe5ne levee as designedAug 2007
o Sedionline
L" 4.
RQS ';;:-135
Let 47
ReS 62.65
Centerline of 3' diam. Surface
Water Pipeline as designe
and shown on Drawings for
the Construction of the Lower
Elwha Fish Hatchef)l
(Aug. 2007)
190260 Conveyance to City tor 30' strip In fee
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Bonneville Power Administration Wholesale Transmission Services
Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration recently proposed a partial settlement
agreement for wholesale transmission services for their fiscal years 2010 and 2011 without any
rate increases. A special meeting of Western Public Agencies Group will occur before today's
meeting to determine if its members, including the City of Port Angeles, support the agreement.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background/Analysis: On January 7; 2009, the Bonneville PoWer Administration (BPA)
proposed a partial settlement agreement for the 2010 Transmission Services Rate Case. The
agreement was negotiated, and has the support of several organizations (e.g., Public Power
Council, Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative, and National Requirements Utilities).
BP A is proposing to settle most wholesale transmission service rates for their fiscal years 2010 and
2011 at no increase above current overall rates. The proposed agreement allows BP A to propose
adjustments to some of its wholesale transmission rates as part of the wholesale generation rate
case. Based on 2008 wholesale transmission purchases, the rates that may be adjusted cost the
electric utility about $300,000 or about 13% of total transmission costs (about 2% of total
wholesale transmission and generation purchases).
BP A will be able to determine support for its proposal based on the number of electric utilities that
accept the agreement. Consequently, BP A could decide not to sign the agreement and would
proceed with filing an initial proposal supporting around a 4% wholesale transmission rate
increase. Based on 2008 wholesale transmission purchases, the initial proposal would increase
electric utility costs by about $100,000 per year (about 0.5% of total wholesale transmission and
generation purchases).
The Western Public Agencies Group (WP AG) usually represents its members on BP A rates, rather
than individual utilities accepting the agreement. A special meeting of WP AG will occur before
today's meeting to determine if its members, including the City of Port Angeles, support the
agreement. BPA requires acceptance of the agreement by January 16, 2009.
N:\UAC\Final\BP A Wholesale Transmission Services.doc
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Bonneville Power Administration Demand Response Pilot Project Update
Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration recently announced the availability of a
Demand Response Pilot Project related to advanced metering infrastructure, which was included in
the Electric Utility's 2008-2014 Capital Facilities Project. Based on the guidance received from
the Utility Advisory Committee at its last meeting, staff expressed interest in the BP A Pilot Project
and participated in a preliminary interview.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background/Analysis: On December 9,2008, staff provided an informational presentation
to the Utility Advisory Committee about the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) Demand
Response Pilot Project. The Pilot Project is related to automatic meter reading that is commonly
referred to as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which was included in the Electric Utility's
2008-2014 Capital Facilities Project. The BP A Pilot Project will launch in early 2009 with
additional pilots conducted through 2011.
Based on the guidance received from the Utility Advisory Committee at its last meeting, staff
expressed interest in the BP A Pilot Project, which is attached for more information. Staff also
participated in a preliminary interview on December 17, 2008. The BP A will be announcing their
final selection of2009 utility participants by January 15, 2009. Based on the City's AMI project
schedule, City collaboration with BP A is anticipated to occur in 2009 and a co-funding
commitment will be sought from BPA in 2010.
BP A is currently focusing on making commitments to utilities that will be implementing projects
before October 1, 2009. Staff expects to resume discussions with BP A later this month to
coordinate collaboration on the milestones in the City's AMI project during 2009. Staff will return
to the Utility Advisory Committee in 2010 seeking their recommendation to City Council on the
AMI and BPA Pilot Projects, at which time a BPA co-funding commitment would be anticipated.
The City's AMI project schedule (which incorporates the BP A Pilot Project) is attached for more
Attachment: 12/10/2008 Letter to Ms. Pam Sporborg, Bonneville Power Administration
Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Schedule
N:\UAC\Final\BPA Demand Response Pilot Program.doc
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Public Works & Utilities Department
December 10, 2008
Ms. Pam Sporborg KLH-1
Load Management Lead
Bonneville Power Administration
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-36210
Reference: BPA Demand Response (DR) Pilot Proiect - City Expression Of Interest
The City of Port Angeles completed the survey and wishes to further express our interest in
participating in the BPA DR pilot project. The Utility Advisory Committee and staff view this
as a timely opportunity to partner with BPA for peak demand management, wholesale
tiered rates, overhauling retail rate design, and a smart grid.
Our electric utility is a "green field" for a DR pilot project. We have made significant
investments in a citywide fiber optic communications network and substation supervisory
control and data acquisition systems. The City currently has no investment in any specific
hardware platform and plans to prepare a request for proposals in 2009 to procure a 2-way
advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), including replacement of our 10,500 residential,
commercial and industrial service meters. Since we spoke our largest industrial customer
(Nippon Paper Industries USA) confirmed their interest in DR.
Below is an initial proposal we consider being an ideal DR pilot project - combined with our
upcoming AMI project. Although AMI will be deployed citywide by the end of 2010, DR
would be enabled citywide and deployed at 200 or more consumer locations per year. The
City is willing to consider contributing in-house staff, securing consultants as needed,
possibly co-funding a portion of DR pilot project costs, and advancing the schedule of our
AMI project if that would help BPA reach it's DR pilot project objectives.
1. Update the City's 2006 AMI business case evaluation to include DR and estimate the
wholesale rate signal needed from BPA for DR to become cost-effective (6/1/2009)
2. Develop and advertise a state of the art AMI & DR request for proposals (9/18/2009)
3. Vendor proposal evaluations by BPA, City, and stakeholders (1/25/2010)
4. BPA and City funding commitments & vendor contract award (2/16/2010)
5. Retail rate design incorporating DR, and develop a DR marketing plan (9/1/2010)
6. AMI & DR installation (12/31/2010), retail rates incorporating DR in effect (1/1/2011)
7. Evaluate DR pilot project results, customer notification system, customer response to
DR, price and reliability of DR, and forecast DR load impacts (12/31/2011)
In summary, our initial proposal is ideal' for deploying automated direct load control,
dynamic pricing, and emergency system capacity. Port Angeles is small enough that BPA
funding leverages a citywide enabled DR approach, and large enough to provide a
meaningful pilot project. We look forward to partnering with BPA on an ideal DR pilot
project that would be a model for other customer utilities to follow.
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L~ Du ,r r t/ "-
Deputy Director of Power Systems
Phone: 360-417-4805 / Fax: 360-417-4542
Website: www.cityofpa.us / Email: publicworks@cityofpa.us
321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
December 10, 2008
iJl} DEe 1 2 20r8 tYJ
City 01 Port Aogele~
Public Works aod Utilities Dept
Englfleenng Services DiVision
Mr. Larry Dunbar
Deputy Director of Power Systems
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: BPA Demand Response Pilot Proiect
Dear Larry:
Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. (NPI) is very pleased that the City of Port Angeles is pursuing participation in the
new BPA Demand Response Pilot Project. With a swing load of approximately 40 megawatts, NPI is positioned to be a
significant contributor to the project.
NPI participated in two prior Demand Response Pilot Projects (BPA Contracts 04TX-11619 and 05TX-11936). In our view,
the outcome of both projects was beneficial to BPA and NPI. We look forward to learning more about the terms of the new
project and the opportunity to repeat the success of the previous pilot projects.
Engineering Manager
cc: Harold Norlund
Demand Response 2009 Support. doc
Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Schedule
Milestones Completion By
Draft Request for Information 5/1/2009
Request for Information advertised 5/29/2009
Update 2006 AMI business case evaluation to include demand
response (DR) and estimate the wholesale rate signal needed
from SPA for DR to become cost-effective 6/1/2009
Vendor Information response deadline 8/7/2009
AMI Project Team attends Utilimetrics Autovation 2009
Symposium, Denver CO 9/13-16/2009
Draft AMI & DR Request for Proposal 9/18/2009
Request for Proposal advertisement 10/2/2009
Vendor proposal submittal deadline 12/4/2009
RFP evaluation committee recommendation 12/11/2009
Oversight committee vendor ranking 12/18/2009
Vendor interviews and product demonstrations 1/15/2009
SPA DR co-funding commitment 1/20/2010
Scope of work, schedule, fee, agreement negotation 1/25/2010
City Attorney's office agreement review 2/1/2010
Utility Advisory Committee recommendation to City Council 2/9/2010
City Council agreement approval 2/16/2010
Vendor notice to proceed 2/16/2010
Retail rate design incorporating wholesale tiered rates & DR, DR
marketing plan 9/1/2010
AMI & DR installation complete 12/31/2010
Retail rates incorporating tiered rates & DR in effect 1/1/2011
Evaluate DR pilot project results, customer notification system,
customer response to DR, price and reliability of DR, and forecast
DR load impacts 12/31/2011
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13,2009
Utility Advisory Committee
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager
Morse Creek License Amendment Update
Summary: The City received a Clean Water Act 401 Certification issued by the Washington State
Department of Ecology as a component of its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license
amendment for its Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project on December 1.7,2008. Now that the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has received the new 401 Certification, they can begin
processing the license amendment, and they have advised City staff that they believe the
amendment will be issued within the next two-three months.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background/Analysis: On December 17,2008, the City received a Clean Water Act 401
Certification issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) as a component of its
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license amendment for its Morse Creek
Hydroelectric Project (Project). This Certification stipulated the minimum instream flows as
provided at the December Utility Advisory Committee meeting. The DOE also included a
stipulation regarding seasonal ramping rates, although there are no required changes to how the
Project is monitored and operated.
Now that the FERC has received the new 401 Certification, they can begin processing the license
amendment. FERC has advised City staff that it has received the necessary concurrence letters
from the federal Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service that the
Project will have no significant impact on the threatened fish species protected by the Endangered
Species Act, and that the FERC considers the amendment issuance process to be routine. FERC
advised City staff that they believe the amendment will be issued within the next two-three
N:\UAC\Final\Morse Creek License Amendment Update. doc
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13, 2009
Utility Advisory Committee
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Interagency Agreement For Performance-Based Contracting
Summary: The City was recently offered participation in the state sponsored performance-based
contracting program for reductions in the use or cost of energy, water, wastewater and solid waste.
Staff proposes to initially use the program for the City Hall Annex Energy Conservation
Improvements and Conservation Voltage Reduction projects.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to 1) adopt a
resolution in accordance with RCW 39.35A for a performance-based contract, and authorize
the Public Works and Utilities Director to 2) sign the Interagency Agreement with the State
of Washington and subsequent amendments to add and amend projects where the utility
savings are used to pay all project costs, and 3) submit a notice of intent and credit form
under the Washington State LOCAL lease/purchase program.
Background/Analysis: The City was recently offered participation in the state sponsored
performance-based contracting program for reductions in the use or cost of energy, water,
wastewater and solid waste. Performance-based contracts are allowed by RCW 39.35A for
improvements to City facilities without capital outlay. This approach is worth considering for
needed improvements where the utility savings are used to pay all project costs. As part of the
performance-based approach, the Energy Service Company (ESCO) guarantees both the maximum
project cost and the utility savings.
Under this program the State will provide project management services for each City project.
Project management services will include: assistance selecting an ESCO and identifying potential
improvements, project costs, and savings; negotiating the scope of work and fee for an audit of a
City facilities by an ESCO; reviewing and approving the audit and project proposal from the
ESCO; and assistance during ESCO design, construction and final project acceptance. The City
would have to pay the State a termination fee in the event it does not implement a project. For
ESCO's that do not provide financing, the State offers the Local Option Capital Asset Lending
Program (LOCAL) as a source for funding the improvements. The first step in the LOCAL
program is to submit a non-binding notice of intent and credit form.
Staff proposes to initially use the statewide program for the City Hall Annex Energy Conservation
Improvements and Conservation Voltage Reduction projects, which are part of the 2008-2014
Capital Facilities Plan.
N: \U AC\Final\Performance- Based Contract.doc
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
January 13,2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Power Generation Preliminary Feasibility Studies
Summary: The City is required by the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) to decide how it
will satisfy its October 2011 tier 2 power needs by November of 2009. Energy Northwest has
offered to conduct preliminary technical/financial feasibility studies for cogeneration at Port
Angeles Hardwood and generation using the landfill gas collection system.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background/Analysis: The City is required by the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A)
to decide how it will satisfy its October 2011 tier 2 power needs by November of 2009. The City
can choose a BP A tier 2 product (i.e., short-term, vintage or load growth) and/or a combination of
generation options within and outside of our service area, conservation within our service area, and
market purchases.
On July 15, 2008, City Council approved a resolution to become a member of Energy Northwest.
Membership allows the City to selectively participate in generating 'projects and other services,
which can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
On January 6, 2009, representatives from Energy Northwest visited the City to explore new
generation options. Energy Northwest has offered to conduct preliminary technical/financial
feasibility studies for cogeneration at Port Angeles Hardwood and generation using the landfill gas
collection system. As a membership benefit, Energy Northwest will conduct the feasibility studies
at no cost to the City.
Staff will return to the Utility Advisory Committee after Energy Northwest completes the
preliminary technical/financial feasibility studies. If the results are favorable, the City could
consider a joint development agreement with Energy Northwest to develop, finance, construct and
operate generation facilities.
Attachment: 1/13/2009 Letter from Thomas Krueger, Energy Northwest
N:\UAC\Final\Power Generation Feasibility.doc
Thomas W. Krueger
Manager, Generation Project Development
P.O. Box 968. Mail Drop 1035
Richland, WA 99352-0968
V 509.377.4761 F 509.377.8124
January 13, 2009
Mr. Larry Dunbar
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Dear Larry:
It was a pleasure spending time with you and Phil last week exploring local City of Port
Angeles Tier Two power generation opportunities. As discussed, Energy Northwest is
committed to seek and offer our public power members energy supply solutions. It is
particularly gratifying to assist member utilities to not only find new energy supplies but
also at the same time encourage economic development in their service area.
Based on the meeting that we jointly conducted, the City Landfill Gas and Port Angeles
Hardwood opportunities look to be the most promising. Energy Northwest (EN) has the
capability to evaluate, develop, finance, construct, and operate generation facilities of
this nature. If either one or both of these projects move forward, we would develop final
project strategies & organizational structures with the City of Port Angeles to ensure
alignment and optimization of your goals. All of our estimated services are at loaded
cost rates.
As a next step, EN proposes to conduct a preliminary technical\financial feasibility study
to proVide budgetary development, operational project performance, and costs. EN will
perform this evaluation at no cost to the City of Port Angeles. If/when the projectls are
constructed, EN costs would be reimbursed.
Following an acceptable feasibility study, EN and the City of Port Angeles may
negotiate and enter into a Joint Development Agreement to develop and construct the
EN appreciates having the City of Port Angeles as a member utility and we look forward
to working with you. Please let me know if you would like to proceed with the preliminary
technicallfinancial feasibility study.
Sincerely, . J ~
I h-'"\ c~ lr ~
G W. Krueger, M nager
Power Generation Resource Development