HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/10/2004 UTILITY ADVIBORY COMMITTEE
FEBRUARY ] O~ 2004
~. CSO
Port Angeles, Washington
January 13, 2004
Call to Order:
Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Erickson, Mayor Headrick, Councilmember Rogers, Dean Reed,
Allen Bentley
Members Absent: None
StaffPresent: Dermis Dickson, Glenn Cutler, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Ken
Ridout, Tom McCabe, Larry Dunbar, Dave Ireland, Cate Rinehart
Others Present: Brian Gawley - Daily News
Paul Lamoureux - Citizen
III. .4pproval of Minutes:
Chairman Erickson asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of
December 9, 2003. Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Councilmember Rogers seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Headrick abstained.
IV. Election of Officers
Chairman Erickson requested nominations for Chairman. Allen Bentley nominated Councilmember
Rogers. The nomination carried unanimously. Counciimember Rogers accepted. Chairman
Erickson requested nominations for Vice Chairman. Mayor Headrick nominated Councilmember
Erickson. The nomination carried unanimously. Councilmember Erickson accepted. The meeting
was turned over to Chairman Rogers.
V. Discussion Items
Changes To chapter 14.05, Electrical Code, Of The Cffy Of Port ~4ngeles Municipal
Dave ixeland, Light Operations Manager, noted various changes to the code which reduce requirements
that exceed the Washington State and National Electric Codes and clarify the permitting process. Mr.
January 13, 2004
Ireland indicated some sections were unnecessary and others no longer applicable. Electrical
contractors were included in the reviewing process and indicated an appreciation in streamlining the
document. There was a brief discussion.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council approve the adoption of the ordinance.
Councilmember Eriekson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Conservation Program Rebate Adjustments
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, explained that rebate activity levels had been reviewed again
and expenses were above where they should be. Rebates were lowered on January 1, 2004 for most
conservation improvements in an attempt to meet the five year program budget. Staff was directed to
provide the Council members with a copy of the memo to keep them informed.
Information only. No action taken.
C. 2004 Consultant Agreement With Parametrix, Inc. For Engineering Services
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Public Works and Utilities/City Engineer, acknowledged the past
performance of the consultant and reviewed the key tasks in the proposed agreement. It was noted that
funding sources were from the solid waste and wastewater budgets. Additional tasks will be brought
before the UAC for authorization at a furore date. There was a short discussion.
Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement for
Professional Services with Parametrix in the amount of $501,532 and proceed with tasks 1-6.
Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Amendment No. $ To consultant Agreement With Skillings-Connolly For Engineering
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Public Works and Utilities/City Engineer, indicated it was
necessary to amend the agreement to provide new services related to the design of a new sewer main and
transportation improvements along Park Avenue and to expand an existing task. Various tasks were
reviewed and explained. There was a short discussion. Staff was requested to add a map to the Council
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 to
the Agreement for Professional Services with Skillings-Connolly, increasing the total contract
amount from $256,938 to an amount not to exceed $299,059.
E. Amendment No. 1 To Consultant Agreement With Brown & Caldwell For Engineering
Gary Kcnworthy, Deputy Director of Public Works and Utilities/City Engineer, analyzed the tasks
previously author/zed and noted the re-rating of the Wastewater Treatment Plant had been added. This
January 13, 2004
item involved negotiating with the Department of Ecology regarding capacity and would allow for
increased future services without requiting plant expansion. A short discussion followed.
Bean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 to
the Agreement for Professional Services with Brown & Caldwell, increasing the total contract
amount from $159,920 to an amount not to exceed $391,141. Councilmember Erickson seconded
the motion, with carried unanimously.
F. Transfer Station For Solid Waste Update
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, mentioned meetings had taken place between the
City of Port Angeles, the City of Sequim, and Clallam County administrators regarding an inteflocal
agreement. Further information would be made available at the next regular UAC meeting or at the
request of the Chairman for a special meeting.
Information only. No action taken.
G. Economic And Engineering Services, Solid Waste Rate Study
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, pointed out that the last solid waste utility analysis
was done in 2001 and was limited to overall revenue requirements and current revenues generated. This
study would analyze current operations until closure and operations after closure. There was a brief
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
agreement with Economic and Engineering Services for a comprehensive rate study for the Solid
Waste Utility in an amount not to exceed $28,000. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
H. Update On Municipal Water Treatment Plant
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, advised that after a meeting with the Realestate
Committee it was determined that by law compensation was required at a cost of $5,000 per acre.
$7,992.49 will be transferred fi.om the water fund to the general fund.
Information only. No action taken.
I. Rayonier Leachate Report
Information only. No action taken.
VII. Executive Session
The regular meeting adjoumed at 3:53 p.m. for an executive session. The executive session adjourned at
January 13, 2004
4:07 p.m. and the regular session reconvened.
BPA Lawsuit Settlement Agreement
Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor and our attorney of record
to sign the appropriate documents in support of the settlement. Dean Reed seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
VIII. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be February 10, 2004.
IX. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:09 p.m.
Councilmember Rogers, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative
DATE: February 10, 2004
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
RE: Energy Star Utility Participation Agreement
Summary: The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance has offered the City an agreement to
participate in this year's Energy Star Home Products Program. The program is available to help
promote energy efficient clothes washers as part of a national spring appliance promotion effort.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to approve
the 2004 Double Your Savings Energy Star Utility Participation Agreement.
Background / Analysis: The Energy Star Home Products Program is provided by the Northwest
Energy Efficiency Alliance 0XFEEA). As part ora national spring appliance promotion, NEEA
has formed a partnership with manufacturers that will provide a $25 -$50 rebate on qualified
energy efficient Energy Star clothes washers, dependent on rated efficiency. The "2004 Double
Your Savings With Energy Star" campaign promotes the combined energy/water savings Energy
Star clothes washers provide. Energy Star qualified clothes washers can reduce energy and water
use by up to 50% per load, actual savings vary.
Thc City currently provides a $50 rebate for energy efficient Energy Star clothes washers under
the Bonneville Power Administration Conservation and Renewable Credit (C&RD) Program. By
combining the regular $50 rebate available through the C&RD and the temporary $25-$50 rebate
available fi.om participating manufacturers, customers could receive a total of a $75-$100 rebate
for a limited time. The promotional period would be available for purchases after April 15, 2004
as long as the rebate application is received by NEEA no later than July 31, 2004.
As part of the City's responsibilities it would insert a coupon into utility bills this April to
promote the program. The coupons will bc provided at no cost to the City by NEEA. Customers
that purchase a qualifying clothes washer would submit the coupon along with the original
purchase receipt to NEEA. NEEA or thc manufacturer will provide a $25-$50 rebate to the
customer and notify the City that a customer has purchased a qualifying clothes washer. NEEA
will notify the City of approved customer applications on a weekly basis. The City would
provide the $50 rebate available through the C&RD program to the customer.
NEEA will be contacting local retailers to offer field support, training sessions, and point-of-
purchase displays. Retailers will also be offered cooperative advertising funds through NEEA.
w A S H I N G T O N, IJ, $, A.
DATE: February 10, 2004
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
SUBJECT: Cable Television Franchise Term Extension Compliance Report
Summary: The Institutional Network was recently. Wave Broadband has satisfied all Franchise
requirements in the allowed upon time period in order to obtain a fifteen year franchise term. A
final report has been prepared by Metropolitan Communications Consultants, LLC, which found
Wave Broadband in compliance with the 1-Net backbone and all other extended term Franchise
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to accept
completion of the institutional network backbone and authorize release of retainage to
Wave Broadband, and affirm that Wave Broadband has satisfied all extended term
Franchise requirements.
Background: On May 21, 2002, City Council approved Cable television franchise ordinance
No. 3116 (Franchise). The franchise term was subject to Wave Broadband (Wave) providing an
Institutional Network (I-Net) and meeting several other requirements. In the event that Wave
failed to satisfy the I-Net backbone and all other extended term Franchise requirements the term
would have been reduced to five years and would expire on May 31, 2007.
There were several acceptable substitutes allowed to the Franchise's I-Net backbone
requirements through the Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement with Wave including
two amendments to the Agreement. The acceptable substitutes included adjustments to the
backbone's route, relocation of four node enclosures, installation of a splice case in lieu of a
node enclosure at the Clallam County Public Utility District headquarters, and elimination of
four sections of the I-Net backbone.
On January 21, 2003, City Council approved the Dark Fiber Link and Nodes provided under the
Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement with Wave, which formed the fast track
backbone (also referred to as a "ring") of the network. The fast track did not include an
interconnection to the Clallam County Public Utility District (PUD).
February 10, 2004 Utility Advisory Committee
RE: Cable Television Frm~chise Term Extension Compliance Report
Page 2
Several additional Franchise requirements, such as a cable system upgrade to a broadband
infrastructure, activation of a 550 MHz headend providing a capacity of at least 78 analog
channels, one-way cable modem services, and an emergency alert system have also been
On January 21, 2003, City Council was informed that Capacity Provisioning, Inc. had
constructed the fiber optic site drops from the fast track backbone to reach City facilities,
installed equipment in node enclosures and customer premises equipment at City facilities, all of
which represented the last mile of the I-Net fast track project.
Analysis: At the time of writing this report, one of the two tests of fiber strands at the Valley
Substation node was incomplete. The results of the first test of fiber strands at the Valley
Substation node were all acceptable; both test results are acceptable at the other 5 node locations
and at the PUD interconnection. The second test should have been completed by February 6,
Staff and Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) find Wave in full compliance with
all other extended term franchise requirements. Other extended term franchise requirements
included an upgrade of the cable system to a broadband cable infrastructure including an
emergency alert system. The broadband cable infrastructure has an activated capacity of 550
MHZ and is capable of providing expanded cable services and two-way cable modem services to
all subscribers in accordance with the Franchise. A copy of MCC's final report is attached.
Wave completed the I-Net backbone at a cost below the City's Franchise obligation. The City's
Franchise obligation for the I-Net backbone was $350,000 and the actual total cost was
$305,978.85. The City paid Wave $208,407.92 under the Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use
Agreement (for the 1-Net fast track), which serves as a credit towards the City's $350,000
Franchise obligation. The City also paid Wave $55,000 as a fast track fee. In accordance with
the Franchise, retainage in the amount of $2,128.55 for work completed (after the fast track) has
been withheld from payments to Wave until the City Council formally accepts the I-Net.
Franchise Actual Total Fast Track I-Net FranChise I-Net Project COst
Agreement Cost~ Credit Cost Variance
$350,000.00 $305,978.85 $208,407.92 $42,570.93 -12.58%
~Includes Fast Track Fee under the Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement.
Staff will review the test results from the Valley Substation node prior to the UAC meeting.
Anticipating that the test results are satisfactory, staff will recommend that the Utility Advisory
Committee forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to accept completion of the
institutional network backbone and authorize release of retainage to Wave Broadband, and
affirm that Wave Broadband has satisfied all extended term Franchise requirements.
Attachment: MCC Cable Television Franchise Term Extension Compliance Report
Cable Television Franchise
Term Extension Compliance Report
February 5, 2004
Prepared for
The City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Seattle: 7850 E Greenlake Dr. N. #105, Seattle, Washington 98103
Tel: 206.522,6778 Fax: 206.522.6777
Tacoma: P.O. Box 88907, Steilacoom, Washington 98388-0907
Tel: 253.589.1770 Fax: 253.589.9254 w~v.mcco.com
Seal~le: 7950 E Greenlake Dr. N. t105, Seethe, Washington 98103
Tel: 206.522.6778 Fax: 206.522.6777
Tacoma: P.O. Box 88907,$milaceom, Washington 98388-0go7
Tel: 253.589.1770 Fax: 253.589.9254 www.mcco.com
February 5, 2004
Mr. Larry Dunbar
Power Resources Manager
The City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Re: Wave Broadband CATV Franchise
Term Extension Compliance
MCC Recommendation for Acceptance
Dear Larry:
On January 12 and February 2, 2004, we conducted a final inspection of Wave Broadband's upgraded
CATV infrastructure and witnessed confirmation of system testing. In addition we have reviewed the
Cable Operator's work to comply with all Franchise requirements governing the fifteen year term.
Our findings, including as-built documentation and OTDR testing results provided by the Operator, are
detailed in the attached report and exhibits. We find that all Franchise requirements have been met and
that the work has been satisfactorily completed 2 months ahead of schedule and 7.4% under budget.
We are pleased to recommend acceptance of the work by the Utility Advisory Committee and the City
Council and wish to congratulate Wave Broadband and the City on the completion of an outstanding
project that will benefit the community for years to come.
Very truly yours,
Richard C. T. Li, P.E.
cc: Wave Broadband
February 5, 2004
1. Cable Plant Upgrade 2
2. Institutional Network Fast Track 2
3. Institutional Network Full Construction 2
1. Programming and Services 3
2. Community Benefits and City Compensation 3
3. Legal and Administrative 4
1. Potential Benefits Available to the City 4
2. Franchise Management 5
1. Wave Certification of System Upgrade 8
2. Wave Channel Line-Up 9
3. Wave (cable modem) High Speed Internet Access 10
4. Wave CATV System Upgrade 11
5. I-Net As-Built Plans 12
6. I-Net OTDR Testing Summary 14
7. Budget and Cost Summary 15
MCC's findings of Franchise compliance items, particularly those required to satisfy a Franchise term of
fifteen years, are summarized below and described in the following pages.
A. Compliance Findings Related to 15 Year Term Section Compliance Notes
1 Cable Plant Upgrade Exhibit 1
Fiber to the node 5.4.2 yes
Typically, no more than 750 homes passed per node 5.4.2 yes
Future capability to segment to 250 homes passed 5.4.2 yes
Fiber backbone min. 750 MHz downstream capacity 5.4.2 yes
Capability for return path to NOC 5.4.2 yes
550 Mhz downstream system electronics 5.4.3 yes
5-40 MHz upstream capability 5.4.3 yes
Network Operating Center 5.5 yes
Air conditioned building 5.5 yes
48 hr standby power supply 5.5 yes
Analog channel capacity of at least 78 channels 5.9.1(4) yes Exhibit 2
Cable modem service 5.3 yes Exhibit 3
2 Institutional Network Fast Track
Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement Fr. Exh C yes
Fast Track cutover Fr. EXh C yes
3 Institutional Network Full Construction Exhibit 4
Materials 8.6 yes
I-Net and reserve fibers 8.6 yes
Use of I-Net reserve fibers 8.5 yes
As built drawings 8.6.1 yes Exhibit 5
Loss budgets and testing results 8.6.1 yes Exhibit 6
Schedule compliance 8.1.1 yes 2 months early
Budget and cost summary 8.11 yes Exhibit 7
B. Other Compliance Findings
I Programming and Services
Emergency Alert System 5.11 yes tested 1/21/03
Broad categories of programming 6.2 yes
Community programming needs 6.3 yes
Educational & government access equipment 7.11 yes
2 Community Benefits and City Compensation
Reasonable Subscriber Discounts 4.5.3 yes
CATV service to public buildings 6.9 yes
Bi-directional usage 8.4.2 yes
Franchise fees 10.1 yes
3 Legal end Administrative
Performance Bond 10.3 yes
Insurance 10.4 yes
Franchise transfer 12.1 yes
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Extended Term Compliance--Findings & Recommendations Page 2 of 18
1. Cable Plant Upgrade
Wave Broadband ("Wave") has spent over $2,7m to upgrade its Port Angeles cable system from coaxial to
a hybrid, fiber to the node/coaxial to the subscriber (I-IFC) network. The upgrade includes addition of 32
miles of optical fiber; replacement of existing 330MHz system devices including 195 trunk amplifiers and
526 line extenders with 550MHz equipment; and the addition of 17 (making a total of 27) cable television
neighborhood nodes, and power supplies with standby capacity. The upgrade summary plan (Exhibit 4)
shows each node typically has about 750 homes passed and the system laid out for future segmentation to
reduce the number of homes passed to no more than 250 per node. The system has the capability for high
definition television (HDTV) and video on demand (VOD) which is in Wave's planning for the near future.
The fiber backbone has an inherent capability in excess of 750 MHz and is limited only by the electronics
installed thereon. The return path electronics are installed in Wave's Headend building and were inspected
and confirmed on February 2, 2004.
Approximately two-thirds of the upgrade cost ($1.7m) has been spent in the immediate area of the City of
Port Angeles, where 13 of the 27 neighborhood nodes are located. A copy of Wave's certification affirming
the system upgrade is attached as Exhibit 1.
The system is capable of providing at least 78 analog channels and meets the requirements of Franchise
Section 5.9. A copy of the current lineup is included as Exhibit 2.
Wave's upgraded network has been used by Internet service providers to offer one-way cable modem
internet service since October of 2002. Wave has since exceeded the Franchise requirements by installing a
two way system and now offers bi-directional cable modem lnternet service to all subscribers. A copy of
Wave's current advertising material for its cable modem Internet service is attached as Exhibit 3.
Z. Institutional Network Fast Track
A fast track project to permit advance implementation of broadband services prior to completion of the full
I-Net was previously completed and accepted by the City in January, 2003. The fast track project was
accomplished under a separate Fiber Optic WAN Use Agreement, basically leasing the City the use of 2
existing Wave fibers in the interim while the full I-Net was being constructed. Under an I-Net Services
Agreement with Capacity Provisioning, Inc., these leased fibers have already been used to meet the City's
networking needs and community-wide telecommunications goals.
The initial term for the City's use of Wave's leased fibers will expire on April 22, 2004. Since the I-Net is
now ready, cutover to the I-Net and termination of the use of the leased fibers can be effected. S'mce there is
a 60 day notice for termination, the earliest termination date achievable by the City will be April 17, 2004
only 5 days prior to the lease running out by itself. Therefore, unless Wave wanb~ to terminate in advance,
the City's simplest course would be to just let the existing lease expire.
3. Institutional Network Full Construction
Wave has completed the full I-Net dark fiber backbone, consisting of 6 I-Net nodes and over 11 route miles
of 36-strand optical fiber. Ali activated I-Net nodes and the Network Operating Center (at the cable
Headend) are protected with emergency standby power. The activated I-Net nodes successfully weathered
a 3.5 hour outage on January 30, 2004 with 2 hours of surplus power still available. All customer premise
equipment and site equipment functioned smoothly without any intervention. Photographs of the
Headend building and electronics are shown following the Exhibits.
Included in the 36 strand backbone are 12 reserve dark fibers which can be used by Wave or a third party
for commercial telecommunications services and private WAN's, after reserve fibers have been used to
provide commercial services.
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Extended Term Compliance--Findings & Recommendations Page 3 of 18
Third parties and end users will be charged for use of the Wave's dark fiber backbone based on
competitive market rates. Materials examined and reviewed by MCC include:
a. I-Net Material (As Built) previously approved July 11, 2002 Node enclosures are Moore MCCE$2.
Fiber is Sterlite Duct-Lite cable, lashed to strand where existing or underground, as required.
Splice cases are Coyote brand closures. Telewire # 202591 (page 97 in Product catalog).
Splice shelves are Keptel LL-144S (page 57 of Telewire's Fiber Optic Product Catalog).
Pretermination Shelves are Keptel 72 Fiber Preterm shelf with a 50' tail and SC/APC connectors,
riser rated. Telewire # 252169 (page 51 in Product catalog).
b, As-Built Documents (hard copy and electronic files on CD) · I-Net Route Map (Exhibit 4).
· l-Net Plans (Exhibit 5--Index Map and 1'=200' Section Hans, 8 ea)
c. Installation and Testing (hard copy and electronic files on GD) Fiber installed by Diversified Northwest, Inc.
Fiber is fusion spliced and tested by WaveGuide Networks, Inc., of Mill Creek Washington.
Loss budget was calculated using contractor's splice and connector loss expectations and fiber
manufacturer's specifications (Exhibit 6).
· I-Net ODTR Testing Summaries (Exhibit 6)
The Franchise term of 15 years is subject to Wave meeting the compliance requirements of Section 4.2
including the items described on page 2 of these findings by April 27, 2004. All requirements have been
satisfactorily fulfilled more than 2 months ahead of schedule.
The City's total project has been completed at a cost of $893,133.44, approximately 7.4% below the City's
budget of $964,768. The City's prepayment to Wave of $208,407.92 for the I-Net fast-track has been
credited towards the City's final cost. A summary of the project cost is shown in Exhibit 7.
1. Programming and Services
Wave has installed an emergency alert system that has the capability for beth audio and video message
override of the cable system during emergencies. The installation is in accordance with provisions required
by Section 5.11 of the Franchise. The City's Fire Chief, Dan McKeen, has reported that the City satisfactorily
completed its testing of the new emergency alert system on January 21, 2003.
Wave is in compliance with the requirements in Section 6.2 for broad categories of programming, and a
copy of the current lineup is attached as Exhibit 2.
The City was made aware of a potential contract dispute over payment between Wave and Peninsula News
Network. Wave is required to air a minimum of 20 hours of locally produced programming but is not
required to pay for it. Since the potential dispute is over payment, City staff has determined that it would
not an be issue that could violate the Franchise Community Programming requirements.
Wave has provided the City with three playback units, event controller and software, and control
interfaces in accordance with Section 7.11 of the Franchise. The hardware and software have been
incorporated into the City's EG playback facilities.
2. Community Benefits and City Compensation
Wave is continuing to provide low-income senior citizens and low-income disabled citizens reasonable
discounts in accordance with Section 4.5.3 of the Franchise.
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Extended Term Compliance--Findings & Recommendations Page 4 of 18
Wave is in compliance with the requirement to provide complimentary cable television basic service to the
community facilities listed in Exhibit B of the Franchise.
Wave's upgraded network is now bi-directional, that is it is capable of two-way commurfications, and is
available per Franchise Section 8.4.2 for City use for utility and municipal applications if desired.
Wave is in compliance in making timely quarterly payments to the City for the Franchise fee of 5% of its
gross revenues in accordance with Section 10 of the Franchise.
3. Legal and Administrative
The Franchise transfer in 2003 from Northland to Wave was carried out in compliance with Section 12.1 of
the Franchise.
Wave has continuously maintained a performance bond and insurance in compliance with the Franchise.
1. Potential Benefits Available to the City
There are several benefits in the franchise that are available to the City but for which the City must make a
written request. The numbers in parentheses, e.g. (6.9) indicate the applicable Franchise Section:
a. Educational and Governmental (EG) Access
· The City currently manages an EG access playback system that provides programming on channel
21. The City can receive up to two additional EG channels if needed (Section 7.1).
b. Cablecast System
A cablecast system could be installed in the City Hall Council Chambers that would allow
mee~ngs to be televised. Televising meetings would improve communications from the City to its
citizens and make it easier for citizens to be involved in community issues (7.10.3).
Wave support for the equipment needed for a cablecast system is available after May 31, 2004. The
City would be responsible for the cost to install a cablecast system. Staffing and technical
assistance support provided through Wave should be adequate to televise a weekly meeting at no
expense to the City. Financial support provided by Wave should al/ow an additional monthly
meeting to be cablecast at no charge to the City.
· The City can request cablecasfing at an additional site, besides the Council Chambers and
Peninsula College (7.10.3). The availability of cablecasting, and eventually implementation of
videoconferencing, at these sites would be a valuable benefit to the City and community.
· A surnmary of the anticipated City EG expenses and cable operator support is provided below.
- City EG Expenses Wave Support (7.11)
- Cablecast System Equipment $60,000 or equipment specified by City (7.11.1)
- Cablecast System Installation $15,000 Estimate
Not provided by Wave (7.11.3)
- Staffing/Technical Support Up to 4 hours per week at no charge to City (7.10.2)
- Financial Support $3,500 per year based on $0.05/subscriber/month (7.11.5)
c. Bi-Directional Usage
· Now that the cable system is bi-directional (capable of providing both downstream and upstream
communications) the City can have access to Wave's subscriber network for mutually agreed upon
applications (8.4.2), Examples of applications that may be of interest include electric and possibly
water meter reading. Automation technologies for water revenue metering are lagging electric
revenue metering and the City's financial feasibility of automation depends on deployment of
both. Wave may charge the City for bi-directional access but must do so at its most favorable rate.
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Extended Term Compliance--Findings & Recommendations Page 5 of 18
d. Community Cable Service
· The City and Port Angeles School District currently enjoy basic cable service at several locations at
no charge. As part of the franchise, additional City and School District, as well as several Health
Care, Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and State and Federal facilities may also receive free
basic cable service (6.9).
· Current and future community facilities eligible to receive this service are specified in the franchise
and must be within 150 feet of the cable system and allow an overhead service drop. A non-
recurring installation charge may be applied for service drops exceeding 150 feet and for any
underground facilities. Interested parties will receive services within ninety days of the City's
request to the Cable Operator (6.9).
e. Use of I-Net Backbone Reserve Fibers
· In the event that the Cable Operator does not utilize the reserve fibers within two years following
City acceptance of the I-Net backbone, available reserve fibers may be used by the City for
commercial purposes (8.5).
2. Franchise Management
a. Franchise Management Plan
The City's Franchise Management Plan dated June 3, 2002 assigns overall franchise management to
the City Clerk. Major items that will require attention to ensure the City's rights under the
Franchise are:
· The Franchise permits the City to promulgate Subscriber Service Standards (6.10) and regulate
Basic Services rates to the extent allowed by law (4.5.1) on April 27, 2007. These aspects of
regulation should only be considered if Wave's performance becomes an issue.
· Upon the City's request, once during the term of this Franchise, Wave is obligated to survey
existing Subscribers for determination of the Subscribers' Programming preferences (6.4).
b. Financial Audits
· The Finance Director is responsible for audits. Franchise Section 10.6.1 requires thirty (30) days
written notice to inspect and audit Wave's records showing the Gross Revenue from which its
Franchise fee payments are computed. Any such inspection or audit must take place within thirty-
six (36) months following the respective calendar year and/or records thereof in question. The
current deadline to inspect the records under this Franchise is May 2005.
c. Key Projects
Key projects inchide the EAS which is the responsibility of the Fire Chief.
The Cablecast System is assigned to the City Clerk
The I-Net is assigned to the Power Resources Manager. A Franchise I-Net provision (5.7) that may
be of interest is the opportunity to receive a system technical upgrade to match new technology
provided by Wave or other comparable Cable Service providers in cities of comparable size.
End of Findings
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Extended Term Compliance--Findings & Recommendations Page 6 of 18
Based on the foregoing findings and discussion, the following recommendations are made for
consideration and act/on by the City:
1. The Institutional Network backbone, constructed by Wave in compliance with Section 8 of the Cable
Television Franchise and approved changes made through the WAN agreement, be accepted by the
City and that final payment and release of retainage be authorized.
2. Compliance by Wave with Section 4.2.1 of the Franchise and satisfaction of all requirements for a 15
year term be acknowledged and affirmed by the City.
The following suggestions are presented to assist the City in management of the Franchise and I-Net to
maximize the benefits obtainable from this valuable resource.
1. Since there is a 60 day notice for termination of the WAN agreement, the earliest achievable
termination date will be April 17, 2004, on]y 5 days prior to the lease running out by itself. Unless Wave
wants to terminate in advance, it is recommended that the existing fiber lease be allowed to expire.
2. The City's Franchise Management Plan dated June 3, 2002, should continue to be actively implemented
to ensure the City receives all available benefits to which it is entitled.
3. Within the one-year I-Net warranty period (8.6.3) the City should identify maintenance items requiring
attention and determine the items for which the City should pay routine or demand maintenance.
3. The Finance Department should decide whether to conduct the first financial audit prior to May 2005
(10.6) and based upon the findings, every 3 years thereafter as provided in the Franchise.
4. It is recommended that the City Clerk's office periodically notify the appropriate parties about the
availability of complimentary basic cable television service to community facilities.
5. The City sh~u~d m~rdt~r Wave~ s cab~e m~dem and ~ther services t~ ensure that te~ec~mmunicat/~ns
services are not provided until authorized.
6. As of February 1st, the City can submit a request and obtain either the capital or equipment from Wave
for an access channel production facility (7.11). The decision whether to televise meetings can be
deferred but the opportunity to obtain capital or equipment should not be missed. Eventually, such
equipment can be configured or modified to provide videoconferencing capability which in our
opinion will be a valuable asset to the City.
7. The City should continue its policy for use of I-Net dark fibers adopted October 15, 2002.
8. The City should consider easing its Franchise limitation (8.5) for use of reserve fibers for WANs in
exchange for fair value.
9. The Public Works and Utilities Department monitor the use of reserve fibers and report back to the
Utility Advisory Committee in approximately two years.
10. The Public Works and Utilities Department should continue to monitor the technical and financial
feasibility of automating electric and water revenue meter reading. When the cost of automation
becomes technically and financially feasible, bi-directional use of the cable system for meter reading
should be considered.
11. The City should maintain its current I-Net configuration where the PUD node is an interconnection
point and not part of the I-Net ring. This avoids security and lower quality of service risks due to
unnecessary dependency on another agency.
12. As time passes, the City may want to expand the I-Net to serve additional users or install physically
redundant routes for better service. With customer demand and willingness to pay, the City may want
other I-Net interconnections such as another connection to the PUD network. These and similar issues
should be considered periodically in a comprehensive review of I-Net growth and needs.
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
LIST OF EXHIBITS page 7 of 18
Exhibit Description page
1. Wave Certification of System Upgrade 8
2. Wave Channel Line-Up 9
3. Wave (cable modem) High Speed Internet Access 10
4. Wave CATV System Upgrade 11
5. I-Net As-Built Plans 12
6. I-Net OTDR Testing Summary 14
7. Budget and Cost Summary 15
Photographs 17
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/512004
February 9, 2004
Mr. Michael Quinn
City Manager
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
321 East 5th Slmet
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Re: Franchise Ordinance No. 3116 Extended Tern3 Affirmation
Dear Mr. Quinn,
Wave Division Holdings, LLC. (dba) Wave Broadband, hereby cedJfias that it has completed the Port
Angeles system upgrade and Institutional Network, in compliance with Ordinance No. 3116, subsedion
4.2.1 (1) (a-c) and Subsec~)n 4.2.1(2). The Institutional Network backbone includes 24 instJtufionai
and 12 resen/e fiber optic strands.
The Port Ax,~c~.. cable system has been upgraded to a broadband cable infmstmc~re including an
emergency alert system. The brcedband cable infrast~ctum has an activated capadty of 550 MHz and is
capable of providing expanded cable savices and t,~:~vay cable modem services to all subscribers in
The city conducted a final inspection and has determined that Wave has satisfied all extended term
franchise obligations.
Wave hereby requests that the City Council affirms that Wave Broadband will obtain an extended term
of 15 years fi'om the effective date of our fTanchise, in accordance with Ordinance No. 3116.
Pete G 'g' '
Regional Manager
Mike Sturgeon
Plant Manager
EXHIBIT 2 - WAVE Channel Line-Up page 9 of 18
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
EXHIBIT 3 - WAVE High Speed (cable modem) Internet Access page 10 of 18
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/512004
Node Homes Passed
Within City
1 new, typ 719
2 812
3 902
4 679
5 exist, typ 492
6 750
7 788
8 653
9 651
10 644
11 475
12 586
13 137
13 ea 8288
Outside City Limits
14 195
15 47
16 600
17 740
18 182
19 566
20 58
21 155
22 251
23 55
24 60
25 71
26 255
27 143
14 ea 11803
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/512004
EXHIBIT 5 - I-Net As-Built Plans page 12 of 18
a. Wave Cable Television Network Upgrade Overall As-Built Map (/u[1 size otis:final at CitT)
b. City Institutional Network Overall As-Built Map (full size original at Cib/)
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
EXHIBIT 5 - I-Net As-Built Plans page 13 of 18
c. As-Built Maps (12 ea, fifll size originals and electronic copy at City)
Wave Cable Television Network Upgrade Overall As-Built Map (copy shown on page 12)
City Institutional Network Upgrade Overall As-Built Map (copy shown on page 12)
Index to Section Maps
FA 47-51 Section Map, 1'=200' hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 47-52 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 48-51 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 48-52 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 49-51 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 49-52 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 50-51 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
FA 50-52 Section Map, 1'=20ff hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PA 51-51 Section Map, 1'=200' hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
d. I-Net Fiber Splicing Diagrams (16 ca)
Washington Substation Preterm shel~ 1, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Washington Substation ?reterm shaft 2, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PUD Intertie, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Splice & Node at PUD, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Golf Course & 3rd, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
2nd & 3rd & Washington, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
8th & 9th & Washington, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
4th & 5th & Laurel, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Laurel Substation, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Laurel & Boulevard, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Corp Yard, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
16th & I, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
16th & C, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
16th & Pine, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Valley Substation, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
City Hall (Pool), hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
e. I-Net Pretermination Shelf Diagrams (8 ea)
Washington Substation Preterm shelf 1, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Washington Substation Preterm shelf 2, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
PUD Intertie, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Laurel Substation, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Corp Yard, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
16th & I, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Valley Substation, hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
City Hall (Pool), hard copy and AutoCAD electronic file
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
EXHIBIT 6 - I-Net OTDR Testing Summary page 14 of 18
Strand Fiber No. of No. of Design loss Actual loss
Linkname Distance (fi:) Distance* splices connectors @ 1310 @1550 @1310 @1550
Pool to Washingto~ ~bstat~ofl 8841 3.118 3 2 2.3972 2.0854 ok, see traces
Washingto~ Substati~ to PUD 10102 3.554 3 2 2.5716 2.2162 ok, see traces
P~]~ to Lauret ~bs~a~Jon 19241 6.607 3 2 3.7928 3.1321 ok, see treces
La~el Substation to ~rp Yard 6196 2.240 3 2 2.0460 1.8220 ok, see t~aces
Co~p Yard to 16th & I 4458 1.651 3 2 1,8104 1,6453 ok, see traces
16th & I to Valle~ Substation 11883 4.124 3 2 2.79~6 2.3872 ok, see ~races
Valle~ 5ub~aeqn m Poo[ 4246 1.583 3 2 1.7832 1.6249 ok, see traces
plus 5% for sag and fib~ lay plus splice tails and storage
Then co,re,tad to kilometers.
I kilometar = 3280.8 feet 3280.8
connector loss 0.35
fiber mss @ 1310 0.4
~i~r loss @ 1550 0.3
Detailed test results, performed by WaveGuide Networks, Inc. of Bothell, Washington are presented in
separate three ring binders (2 ea) on file at the office of the City Power Resources Manager. The contents of
the binders are as follows:
Binder 1
16th and I Street Hub (I-Net Node) 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
Corp Yard Hub 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
Laurel Hub 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
Valley Hub 1310 nm fiber 3-72 OTDR Traces ?
1550 nm fiber 3-72 OTDR Traces ?
City Hall (Pool) Hub 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
1550 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
Washington Hub, Panel I 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 0!/02/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
Binder 2
Washington Hub, Panel 2 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
PUD, Panel 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/512004
EXHIBIT 7 - Budget and Cost Summary page 15 of 18
1. Franchise N/A
Total l, Franchise Contract Changes
2. WAN Use Agreement C Node enclosure uninterruptible power supplios, extra 10,591.70
batteries, environmental monit(xi~
Tetal 2, W,~l Use Agmemem Cc~trac~ Changes 10,591
3. I-Net Services Agreement
a. Network Equipment N/A
Subtotal a, Network Equipment Co~tract Changes
b. Sita Dropa To C~ Facilides A Addition ~ 3 and elimination of 4 City site drops (6,637.89)
B Additional scope of work and charges for customer 10,617,67
provided path at City site dmpa.
D Additional scope of work I'or customer provided path 924.87
at City site drops
E Collection o~ sales tax for City site drops. '~3,333.98
G Installation of fiber optic cable from Pool node 3,662.57
enciosure to City Na~l MDF.
Subtotal b, Site Drops To City Facilities Contract Changes 21,90]
c, Custc~er Premises Equipment [CPE) N/A
~ubtetal c, CPE Contract Changes
d. Local Area Networks G Installation of fiber optic cable from City Hall MDF to 2 3,229,93
H Additional scope of work for patch cords and LAN 'i,450.31
I Lift station Ethernet resp(x~ler prototype 2.937,63
I LAN services to install and connect City provided 1,731,20
switches and routers.
~. Additk~r~allittstatiooEtherr, etrespenders 14,845.04
I LAN equipment enclosures 6,438,06
2 S&B Ethernet responders for reservoirs 6,266,88
3 Avnet switches, routers & prngrammmg ser,/ces 69,743.71
0 Connectioo nt' existin§ fiber optic strands and 1,071,38
installation of media converters and new drcuit.
P Pending - Additional Corp Yard IDF due to CATSE 6,000,00
limitations (An~:~unt Estimated).
Subtotal d, Local Area Networks Contract Changes 113,711.94
Total 3, l-Net Survices Agreement Contract Changes 135,613,14
Total 1-3, I-Net Project Contract Changes 146,204.84
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 215/2004
EXHIBIT 7 - Budget and Cost Summary page 16 of 18
1, Franchise Obligation 309,734,52 42,570.93
Total 1, Franchise 309,734.52 42,570.93
2. WAN Use Agreement Ob~iga~nz 245,000.00 208,407.92
Fast Track Fee 55,000.00 55,000.00
Total 2, WAN Use Agreement 300,000,00 263,407.92
3. Network Equipment 151,480.00 151,480.00
Site Drops To City Fadlitles 183,940.00 183,940.00
Customer Premises Equipment 24,886.00 20,125.20
Local Area Networks 64,920.00 64,920.00
Total 3, I-Net Services Agreement 425,226.00 420,465.20
4. Franchise Contingency 40,265.48
WAN Use Agreement Contingency 30,000.00
I-Net Services Agreement Contingenc¥ 33,542.00 94,546.55
Total 4, Project Contingency 103,807.48 94,546.55
5. Consulting Services
Franchise Negotiations 25,000.00 25,000.00
I-Net Fast Track Services 21,000,00 22,14284
I-Net Backbone Services 25,000.00 25,000,00
Total 5, Consulting Services 71,000.00 72,142,84
Total 1-5, I-Net Non-Recurrin!] Costs 964,768.00 893,133.44
1On October 15, 2002, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute contract changes related to
contingencies up to the total contingency previously approved.
ZThe City's actual cost sep/es as a credit toward the City's Franchise Obligution.
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
Photographs page 17 of 18
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
Photographs page 18 of 18
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/5/2004
EXHIBIT 6 - I.Net OTDR Testing Summary page 14 of 18
Strand Fiber No. of No. of Design loss Actual loss
Link name Distance (fl) Distance* splices connectors @ 1310 @1550 @1310 @1550
Pool to Washington Subs~tion 8841 3.118 3 2 2.3972 2,0854 ok, see traces
Washington Substation to PUD 10102 3.554 3 2 2,5716 2.2162 ok, see traces
PUD m Laurel Substation 19241 6.607 3 2 3.7928 3.1321 ok, see traces
Laurel Substation to Corp Yard 6196 2.240 3 2 2.0460 1.8220 ok, see traces
Corp Yard to 16th & I 4458 1.651 3 2 1.8104 1.6453 ok, see traces
16th & I to Valley Substation 11883 4.124 3 2 2.7996 2.3872 ok, see traces
Valley Substation to Pool 4246 1.583 3 2 1.7832 1,6249 ok, see traces
* Estimated Fibe~ Distance equals strand distance
plus 5% for sag and I~ber lay plus splice tails and s~orage loops.
Then converted to kilometers.
1 kilometer = 3280,8 feet 3280.0
connector loss 0,35
splice loss 0.15
fiber loss @ 1310 0,4
fiber loss @ 1550 0.3
Detailed test results, performed by WaveGuide Networks, Inc. of Bothell, Washington are presented in
separate three ring binders (2 ea) on file at the office of the City Power Resources Manager. The contents of
the binders are as follows:
Binder 1
16th and I Street Hub (I-Net Node) 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 02/05/04
Corp Yard Hub 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
LaurelHub 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
Valley Hub 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 02/02/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 02/05/04
City Hall (Pool) Hub 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
1550 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/31/04
Washington Hub, Panel 1 1310 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 3-72 70 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
Binder 2
Washington Hub, Panel 2 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
PUD, Panel 1310 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
1550 nm fiber 1-72 72 OTDR Traces 01/02/04
Metropolitan Communications Consultants 2/9/2004
W A S H I N G T O N~ U.S.A.
DATE: February 10, 2004
FROM: Stephen Sperr, P.E., Engineering Manager
Summary: To meet DOE requirements and timetable for control of CSO events, a program is
needed to identify projects that will meet these needs. This program will have significant
financial impacts and this briefing is intended to provide the UAC an overview of the
requirements, proposed alternatives and schedules for compliance, cost estimates, and proposed
funding alternatives.
Recommendation: Following the presentation and discussion provide staffwith direction as
to which alternatives should be pursued further and what additional information should be
developed prior to presentation to Council.
Background/Analysis: The City has five Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) sites that require
monitoring as part of the WasteWater Treatment Plant's (WWTP) National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Department of Ecology (DOE). The five
CSO discharge outfalls are as follows:
001 - Pump Station #1, discharge into Strait of Juan De Fuca
006 - Oak & Railroad, discharge into Port Angeles Harbor
007 - Laurel & Railroad, discharge into Port Angeles Harbor
008 - 2nd & Lincoln, discharge into culvert for Peabody Creek, outlet into Port Angeles Harbor
010 - Francis Street (East Manhole), discharge into Port Angeles Harbor
A CSO event can occur when the sewer collection system becomes overloaded with stormwater
inflows and infiltration, usually during heavy rainfall. When these events occur some of the
sewage, when combined with the added stormwater runoff, will flow over wiers at one or more
of the CSO sites and discharges into the harbor. Our current NPDES permit for the WWTP
requires that the City update its CSO Comprehensive Reduction Plan, which includes a range of
projects to improve the sewer and stormwater collection systems so that them will only be one
CSO event per CSO outfall per year by 2015.
In addition, the EPA recently inspected the City's sewer system and to what extent the City is
meeting the requirements in its NPDES permit, especially as it pertains to CSOs. The EPA
N:~UACWinaI\UAC CSO Pres~ntation.wpd
February 10, 2004 UAC Meeting
CSO Plan Presentation
Page 2 of 2
inspector noted several shortcomings in how the City deals with CSOs, including the nine
minimum controls outlined in the permit. Subsequently, Steve Merrill from Brown & Caldwell,
Gary Kenworthy, JeffYoung and I met with DOE staff on January 23 and discussed how to
implement an effective plan addressing the nine minimum controls and the timing of an update to
the CSO Comprehensive Reduction Plan.
City staff has arranged for its wastewater consultant, Brown and Caldwell, to present an
overview of the draft update to the CSO Comprehensive Reduction Plan, including proposed
alternatives and schedules for compliance, cost estimates, and proposed funding alternatives.
Following the presentation Staff will present an update on recent DOE activities regarding CSO
permit monitoring, as well as current and proposed actions that will work toward meeting the
nine minimum controls requirements.
N:\UAC~Fina[UAC CSO Presentation.wpd
· Rayonier Acquisitions - Outfall
- Tank vs. Actiflo
- Property
· Pursue options to use 48" IWL
· Lincoln St. Stormwater- 1st Stormwater Project?
. $1001( from WW, $2801( from Stormwater
· Complete Ill study related to roof drains
· Return to UAC and follow-up with CC workshop
later this year
· Update CFP to include CSO and Stormwater
CSO Reduction Program
The 2015 Plan
February 10, 2004
CSO Plan Agenda
· Port Angeles System and Regulations
· Evaluation Tools and Results
· Action Plan
Plan Cost and Schedule
Port Angeles System and
Port Angeles System
CSO Regulatory Requirements
WDOE requirement to control to one overflow per year by 2015
Nine Minimum Controls
- Proper operation and maintenance
- Maximum use of the coltection system for storage
- Pretreatment requirements to assure CSO impacts are minimized
- Maximization of flow to the WWTP
- Prohibition of CSOs during dry weather
- Control of solid and floatable materials in CSOs
- Pollution prevention
- Public notification
- Monitoring of CSO impacts and the efficacy of controls
Evaluation Tools and Results
Data to Characterize System
· Program to Establish the CSO Design Flows: - Flow Monitoring at 9 Sites
- Infiltration/Inflow Modeling
- Hydraulic Pipe Modeling
· GIS data for pipes
· Results Determine the Sizing of CSO Reduction
~ Computer Model Used to
~ Define Conditions
Estimate III contribution
from flow monitors
· Refine calibration with
CSO flow data using a
hydraulic model
· Model 20 years of
rainfall record ~------, =~.~,.
Current Conditions: CSO Flow
Reduction Requirements
Control These Events to
Meet Dept of Ecology's
Once Per Year Standard
Flow Monitoring and
~ O_erationalp
Identify Causes for CSO Discharges
- Hydraulic Capacity vs. System Operation
· Minor Facility Upgrades with Big Impacts - CSO No. 6 (Railroad and Oak)
- CSO No. 8 (Lincoln and 1/2 Alley)
Seawater flows into CSO 6 at
high tide
CSO Reduction
Action Plan
· Avoid storage tanks away from the treatment plant - High O&M costs
- Odor control needed
- Requires additional staffing
Stormwater separation in downtown will continue at a slow
Overflows conveyed to the VWVTP for treatment and discharge.
Program completion in phases through 2015
West Side :Improvements
· Elimination of PS I and Discharge Force main
· Elimination of CSO 1
Improvements are currently under design by the
City for implementation this year
· $815,000 budget
~ Downtown / Eastside
Pump Station 4 to WWl'P
· Separate storm drainage on Lincoln ($380,000)
· Replace PS 4 with new larger capacity station and
reconstruct CSOs 0 and 7 ($9,400,000)
Install new force mains from PS 4 to WWTP inside
the IWL ($3,900,000)
· Installation of new gravity sewer from Francis to
existing force main ($500,000)
Improvements at WWTP
· WWTP capacity re-rating study ($80,000)
Modifications of WWTP to increase secondary
capacity ($1,250,000)
· Acquisition of additional VWVTP property ($630,000)
· Acquisition of Rayonier outfall for higher flows
Connection to new outfall ($740,000)
Treatment of CSO at WWTP
· Storage of excess flows - bleed through WWTP - Use existing Rayonier tank - move to WV~TP site
- Permanent or temporary use
- $4,380,000
Wet weather C$O treatment with Ballasted
- In place of tank, or to allow tank removal later
- To provide higher level of treatment if necessary
- $8,490,000
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Ballasted Flocculation of Wet
Weather CSOs
Ballasted FIoculation
Conventional Settling
~ 1 gpm/sf
~ Nine Minimum Controls
Control floatables for aesthetics and public health
- Interim use of baffles at existing overflows
- Re-construct CSO 10
Public Notification
- Signs; web site, etc.
Pollution Prevention Plan being prepared by City
- O&M to insure maximum system capacity
- Diversion of toxic compounds via public education and collection
- Document existing activities
Monitor beneficial uses near CSOs and prioritize controls
Continue flow monitoring program
Remove I/I from separated portion of system
$1,930,000 estimated
~ CSO Reduction Plan:
Tnspection Needed
Pig PS 3 force main
Inspect P4 4 Force Main
- Francis to INWTP
Inspect IWL
- Phase 1: PS No. 4 to WWTP
- Phase 2: PS No. 3 to PS No. 4
· $30,000 estimated
Permitting Zssues
· Large areas of sanitary only sewers will probably
cause Ecology to continue on-going
Infiltration/Inflow removal requirements
- Pilot downspout removal program for example
Plan Cost and Schedule
Recommended Facilities
Construction Cost Estimate
Total Project Cost 2004 Dollars*
Facility Upgrade Rayonier Tank Wet Weather Treatment
Pump Station No. 1 and CSO #1
elimination $815,000 $815,000
Downtown to WWTP - PS 4 and
new force main $14,290,000 $14,290,000
WWTp Upgrades $2,t40,000 $2,140,000
Use Rayonier Tank $4,380,000
Actiflo treatment system $8.490.000
9 Minimum Control Items $t,930,000 $1,930,000
Total C$0 Reduction Cost $24,30,000 $27,?00,000
*Construction, 25% contingency, and 25% design and administration
CSO Plan Action [tem Schedule
CSO Plan Annual Costs
Rayonier Tank Option
CSO Plan Annual Costs
Wet Weather Treatment Option
Rate :Empacts
Rate impacts based on Rayonier tank option
· Four funding scenarios
- A) Pay as you go
- B) Bond sale at commercial rates - 5%
- C) State Public Works Trust Fund one time - 1.5%
- D) State PWTF - two instances - 1.5%
· 45% of total in 2004
· 55%of total in 2011
· Assumed 8630 customers
· Analysis in 2004 dollars - inflation to be considered
Rate Impacts
Increase in Monthly Rate-2004 dollars
$18.00 Rayonier Tank Option
,~ $14.0{}
=' $12.00 D) Two bo~d issues,
Percent Tncrease in Rate
Rayonier Tank Opt]on
A) Pay as you go B) Commedcal C) PWlT:-~nce D) PWTF-2004 D) PW~-2011