HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/12/2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
February 12, 2008
3:00 P.M.
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For January 8, 2008
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items
A. Statewide PUD Mutual Aid Agreement
B. City/PUD Interlocal For Elwha Restoration Project
C. Move April UAC Meeting Date
VI. Next Meeting Date - March 11, 2008
VII. Adjournment
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
January 8,2008
3:00 P.M.
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I. Call To Order
Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Members Present:
Chairman Reed, Mayor Rogers (3:04), Betsy Wharton, Orville
Campbell, Larry Williams (3:14), Elizabeth Butler
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Mark Madsen, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Dan
McKeen, Larry Dunbar, Mike Puntenney, Steve Sperr, Ernie
Klimek, Kathryn Neal,Cate Rinehart
Others Present:
Brian Gawley - Daily News
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Reed asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of December 12, 2007.
Councilmember Wharton moved to approve the minutes. Orville Campbell seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Late Items:
Water System Overview
V. Discussion Items:
A. Proposed Medic I Utility Rate Adjustments
Dan McKeen, Fire Chief, introduced Elizabeth Butler of Saint Andrews Place as an appointed
member of the Utility Advisory Committee. Mr. McKeen then distributed a handout and gave a
presentation based upon that information. Based on the service study a $0.36 monthly residential
rate adjustment and a $0.29 monthly commerciallbusiness rate adjustment was recommended for
2008/2009. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Council proceed with a public
hearing and the proposed Medic I monthly rate adjustments. Orville Campbell seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
January 8,2008
B. CFL Markdown Promotion Agreement Amendment
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, noted that City utility customers had purchased
approximately 2,400 CFL,s during the promotion which was scheduled to end December 15,
2007 and that Fluid Market Strategies, Inc. had offered to extend the promotion through
February 28, 2008. There was a brief discussion.
Orville Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Public Works and
Utilities Director to sign the amendment to the Change-A-Light CFL Promotion Agreement
along with any future additional amendments. Councilmember Wharton seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Energy Champion Agreement,
Larry Dunbar, PClwer Resources Manager, explained that the Bonneville Power Administration
was interested in equally sharing the cost of an energy champion with Nippon Paper Industries
USA. This experienced engineer would promote continuous energy improvements, supervise an
energy management program, and identify and prioritize energy conservation projects. A
discussion follo\yed.
Information only. No action taken.
VI. Late Item: Fluoridation Overview
Ernie Klimek, Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent, gave a presentation identifying the
water system flow chart noting the chlorine was put into the system for disinfection and fluoride
for fluoridation. Mr. Klimek noted that there was daily water testing and a monthly sample was
sent to the State. There was a brief discussion
Information only. No action taken.
VII. Executive Session
Bill Bloor, City Attorney, announced the need for an Executive Session under the authority of
RCW 42.20.110(1) (d) to review negotiations on the performance of publicly bid contracts when
public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs and
(i) to discuss with legal counsel potential litigation. The Executive Session convened at 4: 1 0
p.m. and returned to open session at 4:48 p.m.
January 8, 2008
Next Regular Meeting Date:
February 12, 2008
A djornment:
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Chairman Reed
Cate Rinehart, Admin Spec II
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
February 12, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Jim Klarr, Light Operations Manager
Public Utility District, Mutual Aid Agreement
Summary: The Washington Public Utility District Mutual Aid Plan provides the organizational
framework, terms, and conditions under which all PUDs and municipal utilities can provide assistance to
each other in response to emergency situations.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council for the City of Port
Angeles Electric Utility to become a signatory to the Washington Public Utility District Mutual Aid
Background/Analysis: The State of Washington has typically experienced a high number of seasonal
storms as well as other natural disasters, and it has also been identified as an area with severe earthquake
potential. Washington public utilities (municipal and PUDs) have traditionally worked closely on many
matters, including the provision of mutual assistance for storm response and recovery. Being part of the
larger support framework enables the City of Port Angeles Electric Utility to be able to both provide and
receive support from the other signatory utilities in an efficient and timely manner in the event of a
The attached mutual aid plan and agreement is administered by SnohomishCounty PUD and provides the
organizational framework, terms, and conditions under which all PUDs (and municipal utilities) agree to
provide assistance to each other when resources can be made available in response to any request. This
plan is intended to apply to emergency situations such as, but not limited to, storms and earthquakes that
could cause electric system damage or destruction to the degree that assistance is needed by one or more
organizations to timely restore public safety and electric service. This plan is further intended to suffice as
a written "Mutual Aid Agreement" meeting the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) for reimbursement of eligible response costs in the event of a qualifYing major disaster or
Being part of the larger support framework enables the City of Port Angeles Electric Utility to be able to
provide and receive support from other signatory utilities in an efficient and timely manner in the' event of
an emergency situation in Washington State.
Staff recommends UAC forward a favorable recommendation to City Council for the City of Port Angeles
Electric Utility to become a signatory to the Washington Public Utility District Mutual Aid Plan.
Attachments: Mututal Aid Plan
Signatory List
N:\UAC\Final\Mutual Air Agreement for PUDs,doc
East Side Reaional Coordinator:
Harlan Scherer
Benton County PUD
Term: Fall 2006 to Fall 2010
West Side Reaional Coordinator:
Dan Krebs
Clark County PUD
Term: Fall 2004 to Fall 2008
East Side Plannina Committee:
Bob Sparks
Chelan County PUD
Term: Fall 2006 to Fall 2010
West Side Plannina Committee:
Terry Smith
Snohomish County PUD
Term: Fall 2004 to Fall 2008
October, 2006
The State of Washington has typically experienced a high number of seasonal storms as well as
other natural disasters, and it has also been identified as an area with severe earthquake
potential. Washington Public Utility Districts (PUDs) have traditionally worked closely on many
matters, including the provision of mutual assistance for storm response and recovery.
The general objective of this Mutual Aid Plan and Agreement (the "Plan") is to provide the
organizational framework, terms and conditions under which all PUDs executing this Plan (the
"Participating PUDs") agree to provide assistance to each other when resources can be made
available in response to any request. Participating PUDs may be either a "Requesting PUD" or
an "Assisting PUD" (such terms are defined in Section IX) or they may fall within both categories
during a single event. This Plan is intended to apply to emergency situations such as, but not
limited to, storms and earthquakes that could cause electric system damage or destruction to
the degree that assistance is needed by one or more PUDs to timely restore public safety and
electric service. This Plan is further intended to suffice as a written "Mutual Aid Agreement"
meeting the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for
reimbursement of eligible response costs in the event of a qualifying major disaster or
· Plan Oversight and Updating
· Plan Coordination
· Coordinator Procedures and Responsibilities
· Procedures
· List of Coordinators
· Principles for Providing Assistance
· Listing of Utility Contacts
· List of Contractors (Not Exhaustive)
· Operating Considerations
· Map Describing Regions (needs to be developed)
A two-member committee shall be comprised of one (1) representative from each Region; there
shall be an "East Region" and a "West Region"; each member shall be elected to serve a four
(4) year term, with one of the representatives elected from alternate Regions every two (2)
years. Elections shall commence in 2000, and the initial term for the "East Region"
representative shall be six (6) years, so that the initial "West Region" representative shall be
replaced in 2004 and the initial "East Side" representative shall be replaced in 2006. A
Chairman will be selected and shall be rotated every two (2) years. Committee members shall
be elected by the superintendents of the Participating PUDs at the last PUD superintendents
meeting of each even-numbered year for the following period. The Committee shall be
responsible for the followinQ:
. Updating and distributing a list of utility contact persons on an annual basis, and more
often if required
. Updating and distributing a list of contractors on an annual basis
. Reviewing the Plan annually at a PUD Superintendents meeting, which Regional
Coordinators should attend
. Modifying the Plan as appropriate and sending amendments for review and approval by
the Participating PUDs
. Maintaining an updated list of contacts for non-member utilities
. Assembling an up-to-date list of Participating PUDs and providing such list to each
Participating PUD, along with a copy of the current executed signature page from each of
the other Participating PUDs
. Receiving, assembling and holding the original executed Mutual Aid Plan and
Agreements from each of the Participating PUDs
· Receiving updated "Exhibit A" forms from Participating PUDs and distributing a copy of
such forms to each of the Participating PUDs as necessary
· Providing to each of the Participating PUDs an updated list of the respective Regional
Coordinators and alternates, including name, "home PUD", mailing address, telephone
number, fax number and e-mail address.
The overall coordination between the Participating PUDs is carried out by the "East Side"
Regional Coordinator and the "West Side" Regional Coordinator. Each Coordinator shall be
from a utility strategically located within the state and shall be assisted by a "backup" person if
the regular Coordinator is unavailable. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Plan,
Coordinators shall have the following responsibilities within their respective regions:
· To monitor the assignment and location of crews
· To receive requests for assistance for both Participating PUDs and other receiving
or providing assistance to or from Participating PUDs
· To determine when crews can be transferred between utilities after they have
been initially assigned to a utility
· To coordinate requests between regions
The followino is a oeneral ouide for procedures and responsibilities relatino to Reoional
1. If the "home PUD" of the Regional Coordinator is substantially affected by any major
storm or other such emergency event, such person shall notify the other Regional
Coordinator and transfer responsibilities under this Plan to the other Regional
Coordinator, who shall assume such responsibilities. The Regional Coordinator of the
substantially affected PUD shall also notify other PUDs within his/her Region of the
transfer. Subject to the other terms of this Plan, if both East and West Regions are
affected, each coordinator will maintain coordination within his/her own area and work
jointly to share resources to the extent reasonably possible, without unduly impacting
his/her own PUD.
2. If an event involves more than one Participating PUD, the Regional Coordinator first
aware of the event will advise the other Regional Coordinator that this Plan has been
implemented. Such notification should be provided as soon as reasonably possible, and
in any event should be provided before the affected Regional Coordinator contacts any
utilities for assistance within the other Coordinator's Region. For a larger event requiring
significant coordination activities, each Regional Coordinator will contact utilities within its
own region on behalf of affected PUDs. In such event, each Regional Coordinator is the
primary contact for PUDs requesting assistance within his/her own Region, and for
evaluating priorities and dispatching crews. The non-affected Regional Coordinator will
locate crews and resources to be made available to the affected Regional Coordinator.
For purposes of this Plan and Aareement. each Reaional Coordinator actina in aood faith
and within the scope of his or her role and responsibilities hereunder. and his or her
"home" PUD. its officers. commissioners and employees. shall be released. indemnified
and held harmless by other Participatina PUDs from and aaainst any and all claims.
demands. losses and damaaes arisina from or related to any and all claims. demands.
losses and damaaes arisina from or related to any of the Reaional Coordinators'
nealiaent acts and omissions hereunder. This release. indemnification and hold
harmless provision shall extend to the Reaional Coordinator's heirs. successors and
3. Subject to the terms of this Plan, and based upon his or her evaluation of need, the
Regional Coordinator can, reassign an assisting crew to a different utility from that to
which it was originally assigned; this authority to reassign crews shall also apply when
crews have been requested and assigned in preparation for and in anticipation of a
forecasted storm event. All pre-event requests for assistance will be coordinated under
this Plan, and the respective Regional Coordinators will be fully informed of which crews
are sent to the requesting utility or utilities. In this situation, or whenever a major storm is
forecasted that is deemed likely to result in one or more requests for aid under this Plan
and Agreement, the Regional Coordinator within the non-affected region shall be notified
in advance and all participating utilities informed of the expected event.
The procedures in this Plan are based on two main scenarios:
Scenario A ....! Widespread damage is forecasted or has occurred throughout the State or a
Region within the State. As a result, several PUDs need assistance.
1. The PUD needing assistance calls the Regional Coordinator in its Region and requests
the type of assistance needed.
2. The Regional Coordinator calls other PUDs or utilities and makes arrangements for
3. The Regional Coordinator calls the Requesting PUD back and confirms where the
assistance is coming from and when crews should arrive. Both Requesting and Assisting
PUDs shall provide a contact person and phone numbers to the Regional Coordinator.
4. When the Requesting PUD determines that it will no longer need assistance, it shall let
the Regional Coordinator and the Assisting PUD know as much in advance as possible.
5. The Regional Coordinator will then determine if another PUD needs assistance and work
with that crew's home PUD to determine if the crew should be reassigned or released to
return home.
6. When an assisting PUD determines because of local needs and before its crews are
released to return home that it can no longer continue to give assistance to any
Requesting PUD, the Assisting PUD will advise the Regional Coordinator that its crews
need to be released and the Regional Coordinator shall release such crews so they may
return home.
7. The Regional Coordinator will inform the Assisting PUD when its crews will be released
and expected to return home.
Scenario B - Under this scenario, the Requesting PUD would have the knowledge that the
emergency has only occurred in its own electric service area and would react as follows:
1. Contact directly the closest PUD that may provide assistance and make direct
arrangements. Advise the Regional Coordinator if appropriate.
2. If contacted by an Investor Owned Utility, make sure that it is the only utility needing
assistance and that other PUDs are not affected. Contact the Regional Coordinator as
3. Make direct arrangements with the Investor Owned Utility as appropriate.
A list of the current Regional Coordinators and alternates shall be provided to each of the
Participating PUDs as necessary, with all of the data described in Section IV, above. Such list
shall be a part of this Plan and is hereby incorporated into this Plan by this reference.
This section establishes additional terms and conditions QoverninQ all requests for assistance
and all assistance provided under this Plan and AQreement:
1. PROVISION OF ASSISTANCE VOLUNTARY. Every Participating PUD sometimes also
referred to as a "party" herein below) under this plan understands and agrees that neither
such party nor any otherp arty hereto is obligated by this Plan to request or to provide
labor, equipment or materials to any other Participating PUD at any time or under any
circumstances. However, if assistance is requested and provided pursuant to this Plan,
the terms and conditions contained herein shall apply. The party providing labor,
equipment and/or materials shall, in all cases, have the final determination whether it is
in good faith reasonably able and willing to respond partially or fully to a request for
assistance under the circumstances. Assistance, once offered or provided, may be
withdrawn at any time upon reasonable notice. The "Assisting PUD" is the party which
supplies labor crews, equipment and/or materials upon request of another party to this
Plan in response to a particular event. The "Requesting PUD" is the party requesting
assistance and receiving assistance in the form of labor crews, equipment and/or
materials from another party under this Plan in response to a particular event.
2. Assistance will be first offered to other participants of this Plan before it is provided to any
non-member utilities.
3. During "Scenario A" conditions, requests for assistance from non-participating utilities
shall be referred to the appropriate the Regional Coordinator.
4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. It is understood and agreed that in providing
assistance under this Plan in the form of labor, equipment and materials, the Assisting
PUD shall be and remain at all times an independent contractor, and that the Assisting
PUDs employees shall be and remain at all times solely the employees of the Assisting
PUD. The Assisting PUD shall pay its employees in accordance with such Assisting
PUD's then-existing collective bargaining agreement or other applicable policy.
5. REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE. Requests for labor assistance shall be for not less
than one or more functional work crews established in accordance with the Assisting
PUD's existing collective bargaining agreements and safety policies, and to the extent
reasonably possible such crews shall remain as units while performing work to the
Requesting PUD, unless expressly agreed to otherwise. Requests for assistance shall
describe the number and type(s) of crew(s) desired, the equipment desired, and any
materials desired. The reporting point shall be described. The Assisting PUD shall have
a reasonable period of time within which to provide verbal response to a request,
indicating availability of crews, equipment or materials. EVEN IF AN INITIAL INQUIRY IS
6. Each Assisting PUD's crews will follow their own work rules and safety practices, with the
exception of switching procedures and clearances which will fall under the procedures of
the Requesting PUD.
7. COSTS OF ASSISTANCE. All Participating PUDs, upon execution of this Plan, shall
provide to the other parties an "Exhibit A'. Participating PUDs shall provide to the other
parties a new "Exhibit A" each time it is amended. "Exhibit A" shall contain: a) a list of all
equipment, including but not limited to trucks, backhoes, mobile transformers and other
equipment (need not include smaller items of equipment that are ordinarily included with
and necessary for normal operation of the larger piece of equipment) that may be made
available for assistance, and shall include the regular hourly rate to be charged for such
equipment, based upon the Assisting PUD's cost, including applicable overhead; and b) a
list of all types or categories of labor personnel and crews that may be made available as
individual functioning units for assistance, along with the current hourly rate or wage
scale for each such unit, based upon the Assisting PUD's cost, including fringe benefits
and applicable overhead. Except as expressly provided otherwise herein, Assisting
PUDs shall invoice Requesting PUDs for assistance provided hereunder in accordance
with the costs and charges described in their respective current "Exhibit A".
Hourly costs of individual large pieces of equipment described in "Exhibit A" shall be
reimbursed for the number of hours such equipment is in actual field use by Assisting
PUD crews, including mobilization and demobilization; costs shall not be charged during
non-compensatory crew rest periods. The hourly wage to be reimbursed to the Assisting
PUD for each employee provided in response to request for assistance shall be in
accordance with the "Exhibit A" and shall be applicable from the time the employee
leaves home or place of duty until he/she returns, except for non-compensatory periods
of rest; provided, however, that in the event of conflict herewith, the Assisting PUD's
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall control with regard to matters addressed herein.
"Exhibit A" need not contain a list of individual items of materials that may be made
available upon request and regularly utilized in the work provided under this Plan and
Agreement. However it is understood that such materials as are provided shall be
supplied at the Assisting PUD's actual cost, and such actual cost, plus any other
applicable amounts described below shall be reimbursed upon invoice to the Requesting
The Assisting PUD shall also be reimbursed for all documented actual, reasonable costs
of travel expenses, meals (if not provided by the Requesting PUD and excluding alcohol),
and lodging (if not provided by the Requesting PUD).
All costs to be reimbursed to the Assistina PUD shall include reqular frinqe benefits
(applicable to labor onlv) and reqular overhead costs (applicable to all labor, equipment
and materials) as determined bv the Assistina PUD and provided for in accordance with
this Plan.
Each Participating PUD shall provide an updated "Exhibit An to the other Participating
PUDs as provided here in any time one or more of the matters contained therein is
Except to the extent such loss, damage or costs are proximately caused by the negligent
act or omission of the Requesting PUD, all risk of loss or damage or maintenance and
repair costs of equipment supplied by an Assisting PUD shall be included within the
Assisting PUD's regular equipment rates and charges described herein, and there shall
be no additional charges therefore.
8. REIMBURSEMENT. A Requesting PUD receiving assistance under this Plan shall
reimburse the Assisting PUD's documented costs of assistance within thirty (30) days of
receipt of invoice from the Assisting PUD. Any invoice not paid by the Requesting PUD
within such period shall accrue interest at a rate of 1 percent per month
on the outstanding balance until paid. All invoices for reimbursement of costs of
providing assistance hereunder shall be addressed to the attention of the Requesting
PUD's designated Contact Person identified upon its signature page to this Plan.
Notwithstandina anvthina else to the contrary herein, should the Assistina PUD have dulv
adopted amendments to its Collective Baraainina Aareement. waae scale or schedule of
equipment costs and charaes which are not vet reflected in its "Exhibit An at the time it
provides assistance hereunder to a Requestina PUD, the Requestina PUD shall in anv
such event reimburse the Assistina PUD in accordance with the Assistina PUD's newly
amended Collective Baraainina Aareement. waae scale or cost schedule.
9. RECORDS RETENTION. All written requests for assistance and all documentation of
services rendered or received, costs incurred and amounts paid shall be maintained by
the parties in accordance with applicable state records retention policies.
10. INDEMNIFICATION. Each party executing this Plan hereby agrees to defend and
indemnify the other Participating PUDs from and against any and all claims, demands
losses and damages arising from activities carried out hereunder by such party to the
extent of such party's own negligent or wrongful act or acts. EACH PARTY HEREBY
11. TERMINATION. Participation in this Plan may be terminated by any party upon thirty
(30) days written notice sent by first class mail, postage paid, and addressed to the other
Participating PUDs and to the Regional Coordinators. However, termination of this
Agreement shall not relieve any such party of any unsatisfied obligation incurred
hereunder prior to such termination. The term of this Agreement and Plan shall be ten
years from the time it has been executed by two or more Participating PUDs; at the end
of such term, this Agreement and Plan shall be automatically renewed for an additional
term of ten years unless a majority of the Participating PUDs agrees in writing that it shall
be terminated.
12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This writing contains the entire, final and exclusive agreement of
the Participating PUDs with regard to the matter of mutual aid services, and it supersedes
all other prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written. This Plan shall
not be amended except in writing, executed in the same manner as this Plan.
13. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Except as expressly set forth herein, none of the
provisions of this Plan shall inure to the benefit of or be enforceable by any person not
signatory hereto.
14. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE. This Plan shall be governed by the laws of the state of
Washington, with venue for any disputes in the county where the work or other acts
giving rise to the dispute or claim occurred.
To the extent possible, the Requestinq PUD should address the followinq to improve the
· Establish a key contact person and alternate and provide such updated
information, including telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and mailing
address to each of the Regional Coordinators and to each of the other
Participating PUDs
· Provide a local employee for guiding and communications during an event
· Whenever possible, leave outside crews intact
· Provide dedicated lodging for outside crews
. Provide hot meals (as needed)
· Provide for minor emergency expenses of outside crew workers
· Watch for tired workers.
We agree with and will abide by the terms, conditions and guidelines of this Washington Public
Utility District Mutual Aid Plan and Agreement:
City of Port Angeles, Electric Utility
Public Utility District Name
Mark E. Madsen
City Manager
James Klarr, Light Operations Manager
Initial Contact Person's Name and Title
City of Port Angeles
Attn: Light Operations
321 E. Sili Streetp
Port Angeles WA 98362
Initial Contact Person's Telephone Number, e-mail address,
and mailing address
Current Signatories:
Benton PUD
Chelan PUD
City of Ellensburg **
Clallam PUD
Clark PUD
Cowlitz PUD
Douglas PUD
Ferry PUD
Franklin PUD
Grant PUD
Grays Harbor PUD
Klickitat PUD
Lewis PUD
Mason PUD # 1
Mason PUD # 3
Okanogan PUD
Pacific PUD
Pend Orielle PUD
Peninsula Light
Skamania PUD
Snohomish PUD
Wahkiakum PUD
** Note: the City of Ellensburg is currently in the process of signing
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
February 12, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Terry Dahlquist, Electrical Engineering Manager
Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County PUD #1
Summary: Reconstruction of power lines related to the Elwha Restoration Project will involve
transferring ownership of some new lines to Clallam County Public Utility District No. I (PUD).
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council authorizing the
City Manager to approve an interlocal agreement with PUD regarding facility ownership on
the Elwha River.
Background/Analysis: Some overhead power lines need to be relocated due to construction of
the Elwha Water Facilities on the Elwha River as part of the National Park Service Elwha
Restoration Project. Some of these existing lines are owned by the City of Port Angeles, and some
are owned by the PUD. The National Park Service is paying the entire relocation cost, but does
not have an agreement directly with PUD.
It is planned that the City of Port Angeles will contract for completion of all the work required,
then transfer ownership to PUD of those facilities that will be owned and maintained by PUD in
the future to serve their customers, which include the WDFW Fish Rearing Facility on City
property at this location. The facilities related to the Elwha Water Treatment Plant, Elwha Surface
Water Intake, Ranney Collector well and its control building, and Industrial Water Line facilities
will be City-owned. This approach provides the economy and scheduling benefits of one
contractor performing all of the work. Each utility will have new facilities in the area, to be paid
for by the Elwha Restoration Project. There will be no cost to the City.
The proposed interlocal agreement formalizes the ownership transfer to PUD of the appropriate
facilities after completion of construction. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by the
City Attorney and the attorney for PUD.
Staff requests the Utility Advisory Council forward a favorable recommendation to the City
Council authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal agreement with PUD for
transferring ownership of some electric facilities upon completion of the Elwha construction.
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
February 12, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Stephen Sperr, P.E., Deputy Director of Engineering Services
Design Phase 1 CSO Projects, Amendment No.3 to Agreement 06-01
Summary: The detailed design of the Phase 1 CSO Projects has been underway since April 2007.
Several unanticipated elements of work critical to the design effort have been identified, and an
amendment to the consultant agreement is required.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
Mayor to sign Amendment No.3 to the Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the detailed
design of Phase 1 CSO Projects, increasing the maximum compensation amount under the
agreement by $102,700, from $1,745,000 to $1,847,700.
Background/Analysis: In April 2007, the scope of the detailed design effort for the Phase'l CSO
Projects was solidified in Amendment No.2 to Consultant Agreement 06-01 with Brown and
Caldwell. Costs associated with each task of the detailed design are summarized in Table 2.
The City had previously negotiated with the Washington Department of Ecology an updated CSO
Reduction Facilities Plan/General Sewer Plan (CSO Plan), dated June 2006, and signed Agreed
Order 3853 in October 2006. The four projects associated known as the Phase 1 CSO Project
under that CSO Plan include:
· Francis Street Sewer Main
. Storage Tank Modifications
. Force Mains from Pump Station 4
· Wastewater Treatment Plant and Outfall Modifications
Since April 2007 and as a result of further site investigations related to pipeline routing on both
City and Rayonier property, several unanticipated elements of work critical to the design effort
have been identified. They are as follows, costs for which are listed in Table 1:
· Discussion with the Department of Ecology (DOE) to get their support were more involved
than anticipated once the design included the potential for CSO overflows to occur from
the control system at the wastewater treatment plant. (Task 5.7)
B & C Agreement Amendment No.3
Febmary 12, 2008 UAC
Page 2
. In order to realize some construction cost savings, the use of existing Rayonier pipelines
are being explored, reducing excavation impacts to the site. In order to verify their
potential for re-use, condition assessments of these pipelines are needed. (Task 6.0A)
. Connecting pipelines to the Rayonier deep-water outfall at a different location than
anticipated requires some additional design effort. (Task 6.0B)
. In order to avoid several identified wetlands, some pipeline re-alignment is required,
avoiding more stringent Army Corps of Engineer permitting requirements.
. A greater effort associated with environmental documentation for this project requires
additional consultant work.
Table 1 - Summary of Additional Work
Task 5.7 - DOE Support $7,400
Task 6.0 - Design
A. Pipeline Condition and Locations $28,400
B. New Outfall Design $48,000
C. ReDesign for Wetlands Conflict $9,900
D. Permit Exhibits $9,000
TOTAL $102,700
Amendment No.3 to the Agreement will allow Brown and Caldwell to continue and complete the
design of the Phase 1 projects. Table 2 on page 3 below summarizes the revised costs associated
with the Phase 1 projects.
Funds for all portion of the design work are covered by the combination of two low interest design
loans secured from the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) and Wastewater Utility rates. It is
requested that the UAC forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
Mayor to sign Amendment No.3 to the Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for detailed design
of Phase 1 CSO Projects, increasing the maximum compensation amount under the agreement by
$102,700, from $1,745,000 to $1,847,700.
B & C Agreement Amendment No.3
February 12, 2008 UAC
Page 3
Table 2 -Summary of Tasks and Budgets Through Amendment No.3
Through Amendment
Task Amend. No.2 No.3
1. Proj ect Management $115,000
2. Survey and Base Mapping $110,600
3. Cultural Resources Consultation $23,000
4. Geotechnical Engineering $145,000
5. Permitting and Environmental $136,800 $7,400
6. Preparation of Contract Documents, including Design $1 ,041,100 $95,300
7. Bidding Assistance $35,300
8. Additional Alternatives $21,100
9. Plant Flow Management $109,100
10. Additional Cultural and Geotechnical Work $8,000
Total $1,745,000* $102,700
*Billings to date = $994,176.52