HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/23/2010I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For February 9, 2010
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items
A. Utility Advisory Committee Membership
B. Applicant Interview
VI. Next Meeting Date: March 9, 2010
VII. Adjournment
N, lu ac \final \0222310
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
February 23, 2010
Staff Present:
Others Present:
III. Approval Of Minutes
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
February 9, 2010
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Di Guilio called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A A ai T
Members Present: Chairman Di Guilio, Brooke Nelson, Max Mania, Orville
Campbell, Paul Elliott
Kent Myers, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Larry Dunbar,
Ssteve Sperr, Phil Lusk, Kathryn Neal, Jeff Young, Cate
Mike Sturgeon Wave Broadband
Robert Knapp Clallam County DCD
Shirley Nixon Citizen
Darlene Schanfald Olympic Environmental Council
Chairman Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of January 12,
2010. Councilmember Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Councilmember Mania
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items: None
V. Discussion Items:
A. Shared Resource Conservation Manager Interlocal Agreement
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, noted that the Shared Resource Conservation
Manager Program was a new program created by the Washington State Department of
Commerce to assist cities and counties in establishing and implementing long -term
energy efficiency strategies. There was a brief discussion.
Orville Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize 1) the Mayor to sign
an Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County in an amount not to exceed $43,000,
and 2) the City Manager to make minor modifications to the Agreement, if
necessary. Councilmember Mania seconded the motion, which carried
B. Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Ordinance Amendments
Kathryn Neal, Engineering Manager, distributed a handout and gave a powerpoint
presentation citing management of fats, oils, and greases. There was a lengthy discussion
Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend City Council proceed with a public
hearing an amendments to the municipal code to update the City's Industrial
Wastewater Pretreatment Program consistent with current environmental
regulations. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Western Public Agencies Group Consulting Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained that the Western Public
Agencies Group represents the interests of its electric utility members before the
Bonneville Power Administrations and that each year they propose an agreement and
scope of services to its members. A discussion followed.
Councilmember Mania moved to recommend City Council authorize the City
Manager to sign an agreement with EES Consulting, Inc., and Marsh Mundorf
Pratt Sullivan and McKenzie in an amount not to exceed $11,356. Orville Campbell
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Utility Advisory Committee Project Participation
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, advised that there are three projects
in various stages of the procurement process and that staff would like to invite
Councilmembers on the Utility Advisory Committee to participate in the process. There
was a brief discussion.
Chairman Di Guilio designated himself to serve on the Metropolitan Area Network
Services Request for Proposals, Councilmember Nelson to serve on the Advanced
Metering Infrastructure and Demand Response Request for Proposals, and
Councilmember Mania to serve on the Downtown Stormwater Separation
Construction Management Request for Proposals.
E. Utility Advisory Committee Membership
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems pointed out that the community
representative and Medic 1 representative had reached the end of their four -year term and
a special meeting needs to be held to review applications and interview applicants. Staff
was requested to develop a list of questions and schedule interviews for 20 minutes.
Tuesday, February 23 at 3 pm was the decided date and time.
VI. Information Only Items
Staff provided a summary on the following items with no action requested or taken.
A. Network Needs Assessment And Public Safety Considerations Update
B. Sea Breeze Power Corporation
C. Building A Smarter Grid Article
VII. Next Meeting Date: March 9, 2010
VIII. Adjournment: 4:36 p.m.
Dan Di Guilio, Chair Cate Rinehart, Admin. Spec.
N: \UAC\Final \feb9meet doc
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: February 23, 2010
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Subject: Utility Advisory Committee Membership
Summary: The Utility Advisory Committee's community representative and Medic 1
representative have reached the end of their first four -year term. As a result of a recent recruitment
effort one application was received for the community representative and no applications were
received for the Medic 1 representative.
Recommendation: Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee 1) review the
application, 2) interview the applicant, and 3) provide a favorable recommendation to City
Council to appoint the applicant to serve on the Utility Advisory Committee to represent the
Background /Analysis: The Utility Advisory Committee's community representative
(Orville Campbell) and Medic 1 representative (Elizabeth Butler) will reach the end of their first
four -year term at the end of February. The City Manager's office recently announced that
applicants are being sought for these positions on the Utility Advisory Committee including a
February 16, 2010 application deadline.
An application (see attachment) was received for the community representative, which is intended
to be an advocate for customers of the City's utilities. There were no applications received for the
Medic 1 representative, which is intended to be an advocate for licensed care facilities including
adult family homes, boarding homes /assisted living facilities, and nursing homes.
Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee 1) review the application, 2) interview the
applicant, and 3) provide a favorable recommendation to City Council to appoint the applicant to
serve on the Utility Advisory Committee to represent the community.
Attachment: Applicant for community representative on the Utility Advisory Committee
N \UAC\Final \UAC Membership doc
Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
J\L\ ,\FS 1 ccr:n
Applicant Name and General Information
\E1 1\A1
First MI
r E \NCOb AvEhi tom.
Home Street Address
►�i' A14. LEA ANA 62-
City State Zip
3 45- S546 36c F8
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
E -mail address
Date of Birth
Certification and Location Information (circle one)
Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Are you a City resident?
If so, how lone
P0RTANGELEs e c E xv e
W A S H I N G T O N U S A V�8
I -CEt1)
(to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal
history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020)
Do you own/manage a business in the City?
Yes CN
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field? No
If so, please list. B;0; bwg.. E 2. Lv4i-.1 C.\l
1�_-111J0g1.1 SVAI L.IC&
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please
Work Experience List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
P 1h1. i. szll\C, Mme i/ (j w
Employer Title From (M /Y) To (M /Y)
Brief job description
=1" *WO cl..EANN•NEEs t_t_m_i_D
Employer Title rom (M/Y) ToN/Y)
bESK44 1 e n1 1 qF CA_\- 1 —1 P_lP (2—
Brief job description
SVAi 2b OM— cE CANOWA Iff11.11. CAzr -D. 4-! x- 1211°x`76
Employer Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Education List most recent experience first
tJl SS it CC 6) 11401 3S I AMCAL 0&2. No
Institution/Location Degree 'earned/Major area of, study Graduated?
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study raduated?
PE _111011 No
Institution/Location Degree arned/Major area of study uated?
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
CM of PA t,xnust4 Awiss 1 covw\ E h
Organization/Location Group's purpose /objective of members
Brief description of your participatton:����. SSUUCiI)1
I141S tN 1` 302 ?xx35.
Organization /Location
Brief descnption of your participation:.
Group's purpose /objective of members
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
5 AN Jb I cy `s l\ sAsia&s
�"15 1 fig,_ BpIE iE 1AHC.'S IhU,SMAL
UpmEevls °SIZv1'h i 41. 5 tJi4C 61TwE �5C{ Q1EFY�
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What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board?
33 YEARS zirta e('eSaiY4k wrN14 c1;Wsnn -4l M4"-'
1 B A T S lisva Exvera 4 asucgc10FZ F.zc cc v L ,es
�y v►� vIst h cIvsp1(? cK U.AC._. SX3\I t x 1 070,1, ALL.
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or Commission?
1 C' 1 G A1rZ C L.
At aF 'c: pc. 1.
.4 1.•■■
Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application.
Applicant Signature
Submit completed forms to:
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5 Street
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Z /S1 2010
In compliance with the Amencans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 417 4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Utility Advisory Committee 2/23/2010 Community Representative Interviews
Applicant Interviewed: Dean Reed
Dan Di Guilio Max Mania Brooke Nelson Orville Campbell Paul Elliot
Interview Questions Notes:
1. What is your understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the
2. Why are you interested in serving as the community representative on the
Utility Advisory Committee?
3. Please describe your background, qualifications and experience related to
utility policy and operations?
4 What are the most pressing issues facing the City's utilities?
5 Are you able to be impartial on various utility- related issues?
Total Score
0 (low) 20 (high)