HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/08/2011I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For January 11, 2011
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. Bonneville Power Administration Initial Rate Proposal (Account
Executive verbal report only)
B. Post Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2
C. 2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement
D. Washington Water Trust Blue Water Program
E. Electric Franchise Ordinance Automatic Term Extension
VI. Information Only Items:
F. Retail Tiered Rate Methodology Study New Large Single Load Update
(verbal report only)
G. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program
Settlement Agreement Update
H. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Agreement Update (verbal
report only)
VII. Next Meeting Date March 8, 2011
VIII. Adjournment
N: \uac \final \020811
Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
February 8, 2011 3:00 PM
Others Present: None
III. Approval Of Minutes
Information only. No action taken.
City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pitts Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
January 11, 2011
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmember Present: Chairman Dan DiGuilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson, and Max
UAC Members
Present: Paul Elliott, Dean Reed (3:10)
Staff Present: Kent Myers, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Larry Dunbar, Randall
Brackett, Phil Lusk, Derek Beery, Bob Kajfasz and Sondya Wray
Chairman DiGuilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of December 14, 2010.
Brooke Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Councilmember Paul Elliott seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items None.
V. Discussion Items
A. Cost Saving Archaeological Support Option
Derek Beery, City Archaeologist, reviewed services that are required during the construction of
the First Street Stormwater Separation Project and the Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I
Project. Differences and cost effective measures with hiring a temporary field archaeologist and
the past contracted professional services provided to support the City Archaeologist were
discussed. There was a lengthy discussion.
B. Farallon Engineering Services Agreement, Amendment 2 Rayonier Property
Sales Agreement Support, Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
Glenn Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities, overviewed Farallon Consulting,
LLC, provided technical and environmental assistance regarding the former Rayonier site in
matters relating to the Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I project. Farallon is currently
performing the Phase I assessment that is scheduled to be complete by January 28 A brief
discussion followed.
Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the
City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Consultant Agreement with Farallon
Consulting in an amount not to exceed $70,000, which increases the maximum
compensation under the agreement from $25,800 to $95,800. Councilmember Elliot
seconded the motion, which passed on a vote of four to one with Dean Reed not present
with the full motion.
C. Energy Conservation Program Update
Bob Kajfasz, Commercial Energy Analyst, presented a PowerPoint presentation on the current
Residential Energy Conservation Programs. There was a lengthy discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
D. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program
Settlement Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained the issue of the Bonneville Power
Administration Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement and requested member
availability in February of 2011 for a local evening workshop on this matter.
Information only. No action taken.
E. Electric Utility Grant Status Report Update
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, noted the Electric Utility has applied for twelve grants in
the last two years for projects, and a Grant Status Report has been updated to summaries their
Information only. No action taken.
F. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Capital Agreement
Amendment No. 1
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, advised the City was awarded an Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant Program from the Washington State Department of Commerce in the
amount of $135,000. Funds are being used to support the City Hall Annex Energy Conservation
Improvements project and the Conservation Fund. A discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to accept
Amendment No. 1 to the Washington State Department of Commerce grant providing a
time extension to May 31, 2011, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if
necessary. Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Communications Plan
Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, announced the Communications Plan scope of work for
the AMI System and Demand Response Pilot Project have been completed. Additional funding
was received from the Bonneville Power Administration to develop additional media materials
for the Residential Demand Response Pilot Project. A brief discussion followed.
Paul Elliott moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Parker LePla in an amount
not to exceed $27,015, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Metropolitan Area Network Services Agreement Update
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, reported that Capacity Provisioning,
Incorporated, submitted plans and specifications for the redundant fiber optic facilities. A brief
discussion followed.
Information only. No action taken.
I. Energy NewsData
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed the City's subscription to Energy
NewsData services, and how to sign up for their electronic newsletter.
Information only. No action taken.
VII. Next Meeting Date: February 8, 2011
VIII. Adjournment: 3:54 p.m.
Dan DiGuilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
Dan DiGuilio, Chair Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
Utility Advisory Committee
W A S H I N G T O N U S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: February 8, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Terri Partch, P.E., Civil Engineer
Subject: Post Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2
Summary: In October of 2008 the City entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to
provide engineering services in support of the Port Angeles Landfill Post Closure Permit
requirements. It is necessary to add tasks and extend the agreement through 2011.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Aspect
Consulting for Landfill Engineering in an amount not to exceed $64,000, and authorize the
City Manager to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Background /Analysis: The thirty-year post closure phase of the Port Angeles Landfill (Landfill)
began in 2008 after the last two cells of the landfill were covered and the seawall at the beach was
constructed in 2007. Management of the landfill is regulated through the Solid Waste Post
Closure Permit (SLW08 -0001) issued by Clallam County Environmental Health Services
(CCEHS), working in close cooperation with Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE).
The permit covers the entire Landfill and addresses the different regulations that were in place at
the time the particular cells of the landfill were in operation. The permit was issued on August 29,
2008 and was amended on April 15, 2009.
For the landfill's post closure phase, additional groundwater wells were added along the beach in
2007, and the permit established new requirements for monitoring the seawall and beach
morphology. Groundwater and leachate monitoring was required by CCEHS and DOE at the
landfill in the past, and associated sampling, analysis, and documentation continues under the
permit. In addition, there are various annual requirements for surface water quality monitoring and
documentation, air quality, minimizing explosive gases, bird control, and documentation of
inspection and maintenance activities.
In October of 2008 the City entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to provide
engineering services in support of Post Closure Permit requirements. Amendment No. 2 is
intended to extend the consultant agreement through 2011. The tasks to be accomplished in 2011
are similar to the 2010 requirements, with the exception of three new tasks; that result from the
City's first two years of Permit implementation.
Post Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2
February 8, 2011
Page 2
The first new task will address improving the safety of sampling the beach groundwater wells and
the quality of the data. The second new task will be an analysis of the past 20 years of
environmental monitoring (gas and groundwater sampling) and a request to be submitted to DOE
to discontinue monitoring the oldest landfill cells. If the oldest portion of the landfill has stabilized,
it will be reasonable and cost effective to limit the required monitoring. The third new task will be
an evaluation of issues with the City's landfill gas flare system. Funding for the proposed
amendment is available from the Solid Waste Landfill Post Closure Fund. A summary of the 2011
tasks is included in the following table.
Task No.
Summary of Tasks and Budgets for Amendment No. 2
Descnption Proposed 2011 Budget
1.1 1 Groundwater Monitoring Reports
1.1.1 Biannual Reports $8,000
1.1 2 1 Annual Groundwater Report 15,000
1.1 3 1 2008 -2009 Seawall Fluid Report 0
Annual Beach Morphology Monitoring Report and Transect
1.2 Technical Memo
1 2.1 1 Transect Technical Memo
1.2.3 I Annual Beach Morphology Report
1.3 Evaluation of MW 3
Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring of the 304 Compliant
1.4 Landfill
1 5 Evaluation of the Landfill Gas System
2 Maintenance Support
3 Macro -Algae Survey
1 Totals
8,000 I
$64,000 1
It is requested that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City
Council to authorize the Mayor City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Consultant
Professional Services Agreement with Aspect Consulting for Landfill Engineering in an amount
not to exceed $64,000, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the
agreement, if necessary.
W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: February 8, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager
Subject: 2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement
Summary: CH2M Hill, Inc. has been selected to provide professional engineering services related
to the City's water utility system. This agreement will provide engineering services for on -call
technical assistance for engineers and operators of the PAWTP and the water distribution system
and for studies, design, engineering and permitting of water system projects. This professional
services agreement is being awarded initially for two 2010 Capital Facilities Program projects.
They are Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WT02 -2009) and McDougal Pressure Subzone
Improvements (WT64- 1999).
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
City Manager to sign a professional services agreement with CH2M Hill for Concrete
Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WT02- 2009), McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements
(WT64- 1999), and on -call technical services in an amount not to exceed $874,522, including
any minor modifications, if necessary.
Background /Analysis: This agreement will provide engineering services for on -call technical
assistance for engineers and operators of the PAWTP and the water distribution system. In addition,
it provides for studies and the design, engineering, and permitting of water system projects under the
Capital Facilities Program. This professional services agreement is being awarded initially with two
2011 Capital Facilities Program projects, both projects identified as critical work in the 2010 Water
Systems Plan. A component of the 2010 Water System Plan was the identification and prioritization
of tasks and projects necessary to meet current Department of Health (DOH) requirements and
maintain system reliability and functionality. Potential additional projects may be added for the
remainder of 2011 and 2012 as specifically authorized by Council to meet needs related to the
City's water system.
The first project for award under this contract is the Concrete Cylinder Pipe (CCP) Replacement
(WT02- 2009), which was identified as a priority due to fatigue and deterioration in the existing
concrete cylinder water mains. The CCP transmission pipeline was predominantly installed in the
late 1950s. Originally used to transmit water from the Morse Creek System, it is currently in use to
tie many of our reservoirs to the distribution system. It has experienced several leaks/blow outs over
a long period of time going back at least to the 1980s. The particular type of CCP is bar wrapped
and is subject to corrosion when the cement mortar coating and lining crack. When the reinforcing
2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement
February 8, 2011
Page 2
rods fail due to corrosion, additional stress is placed on the steel cylinder, causing leakage and the
potential of a pipe cylinder bursting with catastrophic consequences. This project will design the
replacement of approximately 19,000 lineal feet of existing 20 inch, 24 inch, and 30 inch water
mains. It is anticipated that construction would follow in three separate phases over a five year
The second project for award under this contract is the McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements
(WT64 -1999) project. The McDougal Booster Station serves approximately 75 residences and has
no redundant pumping source nor does it have backup power. Additionally, it cannot meet fire flow
requirements. Hydraulic analysis by CH2M Hill during the development of the 2010 Water System
Plan indicates that the issues can be alleviated most cost effectively by replacing approximately
1,000 feet of existing 6" diameter water main with a new 14" diameter pipe. For normal operating
conditions this will exceed DOH minimum standards for service connections of 30 psi and fire flow
capacity that exceeds the City's standard for single- family residential development of 1,000 gpm.
The firm of CH2M Hill, Inc. has been selected for this new professional engineering services
agreement related to the City's water utility system. A total of 30 firms were evaluated from the
MRSC design/engineering professional services roster. On January 4, 2011, eight firms were
requested to provide proposals of which three firms submitted. After interviews and evaluation,
CH2M Hill was selected as the best qualified firm based on their extensive involvement in
providing engineering services for the City's water system, including its involvement in issues that
are overlapping the 2010 Water System Plan. Funding for the design of both projects and
construction of phase 1 of the Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement project were included in the
2010 utility bond in the amount of $2,045,000. The tasks initially being awarded for this agreement
are summarized in the table below:
Tasks Budget
1. On call Technical Assistance 1 $50,000
2. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WT02 -2009) Project design and 736,539
3. McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements (WT64 -1999) Project design and 88,013
1 Total 1 $874,5521
Funding for task 1 is available from the 2011 water utility operating budget and funding for tasks 2
and 3 is available from the August 2010 bond proceeds.
It is recommended that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City
Council to authorize the City Manager to sign a professional services agreement with CH2M Hill
for Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WT02- 2009), McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements
(WT64- 1999), and on -call technical services in an amount not to exceed $874,552, including any
minor modifications, if necessary.
W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: February 8, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Subject: Washington Water Trust Blue Water Program
Summary: The Washington Water Trust has offered to provide a presentation to the Utility
Advisory Committee on their Blue Water program at a future meeting.
Recommendation: Provide guidance to staff.
Background /Analysis: Washington Water Trust works to improve and protect stream flows
and water quality throughout Washington that benefit agriculture, fisheries and wildlife by using
innovative, market -based transactions and cooperative partnerships to create balanced solutions.
Ms. Amanda Cronin, Project Manager, from Washington Water Trust has offered to provide a
presentation to the Utility Advisory Committee on their Blue Water program at a future meeting.
The Blue Water program could provide City of Port Angeles water utility customers the
opportunity to make direct contributions to restore local streamflows and improve water quality.
For more information about Washington Water Trust visit httu: //washinutonwatertrust.ors/
Information about the Blue Water program being implemented at the Avion Water Company is
attached. For additional information about the Deschutes River Conservancy visit
httn: /www.deschutesriver.ore /Blue Water /default.asnx.
Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee determine if they are interested in the Blue
Water program and provide guidance to staff.
Attachment: Avion Water Company Blue Water program flyer
N \UAC\Final \Washington Water Trust Blue Water Program docx
What is Blue Water? Blue Water is an innovative partnership between Avion Water Company and the Deschutes River
Conservancy (DRC), a local non profit working to restore streamflows and improve water quality in the Deschutes Basin. Blue
Water gives Avion Water customers an opportunity to make direct contributions to the DRC.
What is the problem? The Deschutes River suffers water quality problems resulting from drastic seasonal fluctuations in
streamflow. Fluctuations in flows create temperature, sedimentation and other problems. Combined, these can adversely affect
fish, wildlife habitat, recreation and scenic values of the river.
Where does my money go? Every dollar you donate through the Blue Water program goes directly to the DRC to support
streamflow restoration programs. The mission of the DRC is to: restore streamflow and improve water quality in the Deschutes
Basin. This mission is accomplished by working collaboratively with many partners Blue Water contributions protected over
52 6 million gallons instream in 2007 The program is expected to protect more than 375 million gallons instream in 2008
For more information on DRC programs visit www deschutesriver orq
What does my money do? Money raised by the Blue Water program is used to improve instream flows in the Deschutes River
for the benefit of fish, water quality and wildlife habitat. Just $1.00 can put 46,550 gallons of water back in the River!
How do t sign up? Sign up by filling in the enrollment form below and returning to Avion Water with your bill payment. If you pay
your bill online you can enroll by sending the completed enrollment form to Avion Water in the envelope provided. You can opt
out of the program at any time by calling Avion Water.
YES! I would like to 'GIVE TO THE FLOW' through the Blue Water program and help put water back into
the Deschutes River. I agree to sign up for the selected level and pay the extra charge on my monthly
water bill. Please return the completed form with your Avion Water bill.
You can discontinue at any time by contacting Avion Water Information not sold or shared
River Otter $6.40
Blue Heron $4.80
Rainbow Trout $3.20
Spotted Frog $1.60
Thank you for your contribution to
the Deschutes River' 100 percent
of your donation goes to the
Deschutes River Conservancy,
a local 501(c(3 non profit.
W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
February 8, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Subject: Electric Franchise Ordinance Automatic Term Extension
Summary: On June 18, 2001, the City Council approved an ordinance granting the Clallam
County Public Utility District a franchise for their electric facilities located within the Port Angeles
City limits. The initial term of the ordinance concluded February 20, 2006 and it was
automatically extended by 5- years. The term can be automatically extended another 5 -years
providing the District is in substantial compliance with the franchise.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to acknowledge the
Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 has been in compliance with the franchise during the
last 5- years, which will automatically extend the term of the franchise for an additional 5- years.
Background /Analysis: On November 24, 1948, the City granted the Clallam County Public
Utility District No. 1 (District) a 50 -year right to construct, maintain and operate an electric
transmission system within a specific geographical area of the City. On June 18, 2001, the City
granted the District up to a 25 -year franchise for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining a
transmission and distribution within the City.
Although the term of the current franchise is up to 25- years, its initial term concluded February 20,
2006. In 2006, the franchise term was automatically extended for an additional 5 -years since the
District was in substantial compliance with the franchise. A request was received from the
Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 for a 5 -year extension of the franchise term.
Staff recommends that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to the
City Council to acknowledge the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 has been in
compliance with the franchise during the last 5- years, which will automatically extend the term of
the franchise for an additional 5- years.
N \UAC \Final\Electric Franchis Ordinance 2011 Automatic Term Extension docx
W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: February 8, 2011
To: City Council and the Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Subject: BPA Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement Update
Summary: The settlement agreement is still being prepared for City Council consideration
regarding the Bonneville Power Administration's Residential Exchange Program. The local
evening workshop that was scheduled for February 9, 2011 has been canceled. Based on the most
current information staff anticipates the workshop will be rescheduled in March or April after the
settlement agreement is available.
Recommendation: Information only, no action requested.
Background /Analysis: The settlement agreement is still being prepared for City Council
consideration regarding the Bonneville Power Administration's Residential Exchange Program.
The settlement agreement is a very significant issue for the Electric Utility and will affect future
wholesale power costs for the next twenty years. A draft of the settlement agreement was
anticipated around mid to late January 2011, and is now anticipated by the end of February 2011.
Through the City's memberships with the Western Public Agencies Group and the Public Power
Council, a local evening workshop was scheduled on February 9, 2011 for policymakers and staff
to discuss and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the settlement agreement. The February
9, 2011 workshop is canceled and will be rescheduled after the settlement agreement is complete.
Based on the most current information staff anticipates the workshop will be rescheduled in March
or April after the settlement agreement is available. After a future date has been selected staff will
extend an invitation to the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 to attend.
N \UAC\Flnal\BPA Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement Update docx