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Agenda Packet 03/05/2001
UTILITY ADVISORY COI,,1MI3-i"EE - SPECIAL NEETING PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM PORt ANGELES, WA 98362 MARCH 5, ~OOI 3:00 P.M. AGENDA J. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY ~ P, 200 I IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. MORSE CREEK LEASE AGREEMENT (SCOTT) B. WATER SHORTAGE RESPONSE PLAN (DOYLE - VERBAL) C. WATERLINE LEAK LOCATION PROUECT (DOYLE) D. INDUSTRIAL WATERLINE REPAIRS (STEVE) E. TELeCOMHUNICATIONS AND BUSINESS pLAN UPDATE (LARRY) V. NeXT MEETING - APRIL ~, 200 I VI. ADUOURNMENT REV 3/I UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington February 12, 2001 L Call to Order: ~.~'~- Vice Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. I1. Roll Call: Members Present: Vice Chairman Williams, Allen Bentley, Mayor Larry Doyle, Orville Campbell Members Absent: Chairman Reed Staff Present: Mike Quinn, Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Scott McLain, Ken Ridont, Larry Dunbar, Jeff Young, Dale Miller, Tom McCabe, Jim Harper, Cate Rinehart Others Present: Gary Gleason (EMMT Board) Eloise Kalin (EMMT Board) Don Schuba (EMMT Board) III. Approval of Minutes: Vice Chairman Williams chaired the meeting. Vice Chairmen Williams asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of January 8, 2001 or January 29, 2001. None were noted. Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes. Allen Bently seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: A. Biosolids Permit Approval Jeff Young, Treatment Plant Superintendent, reported the program had been approved by the State with the stipulations of a specific growing period for application and covered storage for the biosolids. A short discussion followed. No action taken. Information only. B. Free Dump Day Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, gave a brief introduction of the program. Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, gave a short history of the event including past costs, reviewed staff concerns, and summarized the various options. A brief discussion followed concerning the different alternatives. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 12, 2001 Orville Campbell moved to recommend the City Council restrict the size of vehicles to 3/4 ton pick- ups or cars with trailers not to exceed 5' x 9'. One load per household with a limit of four tires and one each for refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances such as washers and dr3rers. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Video on 90's Conversion Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, showed an 11 minute video which addressed container conversion, recycling, enhanced landfill services and programs for the elderly and disabled. The video was narrated by Dennis Bragg and featured Mayor Doyle, City Manager Mike Quinn, Glenn Cutler (Director of Public Works and Utilities), Tom McCabe (Solid Waster Superintendent), Dale Miller (Recycling Coordinator), and Russ Carlson (Community Service Coordinator). The video will be shown at the Home Show as well as on Channel 21 (during March of this year). No action taken. Information only. D. Wholesale Power Rates Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed the volatility of the current situation and rates from BPA fluctuating between 100% and 400%. Mr. McLain requested rescheduling this item due to the illness of the BPA representative. E. Solid Waste Ordinance Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, stummarized the various issues and highlighted the changes in the ordinance. Changes include banning stumps at the landfill, plastics from the yard waste stream and yard waste from residential collection containers. During the discussion that followed several items were clarified and modified. Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council adopt the proposed ordinance with corrections as noted. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. F. Southwood Community Meeting Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, explained letters were being sent to residents and property owners regarding a scheduled public meeting for questions and answers. Mr. Harper further indicated an ad would be placed in the local newspaper with the same information. A brief discussion followed. No action taken. Information only. G. Cable Television Franchise Renewal Lan'y Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reviewed the renewal process and outlined the required procedures necessary under the Federal law pertaining to cable TV operators. Mr. Dunbar further clarified 2 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 12, 2001 a survey to determine needs and interests, and to review past performance. There were short discussions throughout the presentation. This will be presented to Council as an information item. Mayor Doyle moved to present the public proceeding to the next Council meeting as an informational item. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. H. Western Public Agencies Group (WPAG) contracts for 2001 Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, gave a brief background of WPAG and how this group could assist the City in regional issues during 2001. A short discussion followed. Orville Campbell moved to recommend Council authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign the agreements with Marsh MundorfPratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting for WPAG services during the year 2001 for an amount not to exceed $10,000. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. I. Expanded Membership on the Utility Advisory Committee Chairman Williams indicate the possible need for 2 additional members with the potential annexation and additional complications with high technology. Mr. Williams perceived these positions as a representative from the UGA and business. A brief discussion followed noting the concept had been brought up before. It was generally agreed to keep the current membership. Craig Knutson, City Attorney, suggested a UGA representative could be invited to the City Annexation Task Force when the process was further along. No action taken. V. Late Items Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, handed out a Rayonier Leachate Revenue graph. VII. Next Meeting: Due to scheduling problems the next meeting will be held March 5, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room instead of the regular scheduled date of March 12. VIII. Adjournment: Vice Chairman Williams adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. 3 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: March 5, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Sco~t McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems SUBJECT: Morse Creek Lease Agreement with EBEY Hill Hydroelectric Summary: Changes were required for the lease agreement with EBEY Hill Hydroelectric for operation of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project. A new lease agreement is being drafted to satisfy the needs of both EBEY Hill and the City. Recommendation: Recommend City Council approve the 20 year lease agreement with EBEY Hill Hydroelectric Inc. for operation of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project. Background / Analysis: EBEY Hill Hydroelectric (EHH) was not comfortable with some of the terms of the lease agreement which the City Council approved in December of 2000. That agreement called for renegotiation of the lease payments at five year intervals. If those negotiations became contentious, EHH felt the investment they will make to get the project operating again could be at risk. A new lease agreement would set a minimal lease payment in for the remainder of 2001, fix the lease payment for the next five years, and would set the lease payment at a percentage of gross power revenues for the remainder of the lease term. This is the only substantial change to the agreement which was approved by the City Council in December. Staff made a presentation to the Elwha Morse Creek Management Team (EMMT) at its meeting on February 22, 2001. The main issues that were discussed at that meeting were the instream flow requirements and data, and the SEPA requirements for the project. Attached is a letter from Brad Collins, City Planning Director, to Eloise Kailin outlining the requirements of the SEPA process. On Friday, March 2"a, City staff provided a tour of the Morse Creek Hydro Project to three members of the EMMT group. Mr. Matt Bierne, representing the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Mr. Don Schuba, environmental representative, and Ms. Valerie Wilson, the Clallam County Watershed Associate Planner were scheduled to make the tour. As this memo was written prior to the tour, staff will update the UAC of any issues that arose during the tour. It should also be made clear that the City is not reapplying for a permit to operate the Morse Creek Hydro Project. We are only changing from City personnel operating the project to leasing the operation of the project to a private contractor. Flows in Morse Creek during project operation have become a topic of discussion recently. Prior to the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project, the City had a certificate of water right for 20 CFS from Morse Creek during all months of the year. At the time of the hydro project application for license, the City agreed to reduce flows in the creek for hydroelectric production to optimize conditions in the river for both anadromous and resident fish in certain months of the year. Attached is the streamflow requirements from our FERC permit along with letters from the Department of Ecology, National Marine Fisheries Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Department of Fisheries, commenting on the cooperative effort the City extended in maximizing the flows for the benefit of the anadromous and resident fish. N:\PWKS~LIGHTxPOWIVhMEMOS\UAC030501 .wpd p. ORTAN ; L S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 1, 2001 Eloise Kailin 771 Old Blyn Hwy. Sequim, WA 98382 Re: Morse Creek Hydro Project SEPA Review Dear Ms. Kailin: Since I was not at the last EMMT meeting, I was asked to clear up the status of the Morse Creek Hydro Project SEPA review. When you and I first discussed the matter at the end of January, I explained what SEPA categorical exemptions would pertain under the City's ordinance and that leases, which are normally exempt, would not be in areas designated as environmentally sensitive. In reviewing the interpretation with the Department of Ecology, they said that the County's categorical exemptions would apply rather than the City's. Even though the City may assume lead agency status because it is the City's action, the project is located in the County, and the County's rules govern the SEPA review process. Andy Meyer, the County's SEPA Responsible Official, has made the determination that categorical exemptions aren't properly set aside for environmentally sensitive areas by the County's ordinance, and, therefore, a "lease" action remains categorically exempt from a SEPA threshold determination even in an environmentally sensitive area such as Morse Creek. I hope this explanation clears up your understanding of the SEPA status of the City's hydro project lease. When the City did the original SEPA review at the time the FERC license was granted in the mid-1980% the hydro project was also thoroughly reviewed and approved by WDFW and NMFS. The lease is an agreement for operation and maintenance of the hydroelectric project and does not change the requirements of the FERC license. . Sincerely, Brad Collins, Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official xc: Glenn Cutler, Public Works and Utilities Director Mike Langley, EMMT Chair 321 EAST fifth STREET ® P O. BOX 1 ~50 ® PORT ANGELES. WA 9B362-O217 PHONE: 360-417-4750 ® FAX: 360-z~17-4609 · TTY: 360-417-4645 E-MAIL: PLAN N ING(~Cl. PORT-A NG ELES.WA. U S Article 19. Licensee shall operate the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project and release minimum flows according to the following schedule to protect resident trout populations and protect anadro- mous trout and salmon spawning habitats: Month(s). Operation January through March At all streamflows. April Project must shut down when streamflow, as measured at the intake structure, is less than 85 cubic feet per second (cfs) May through July At all streamflows. August Project must shut down ~hen streamflow, as measured at the intake structure, is less than 90 cfs. Project must shut down at all September streamflows. October Project must shut down when streamflow, as measured at the intake structure, is less than 100 cfs. November Project must shut down when streamflow, as measured at intake structure, is less than 65 cfs. December At all streamflows. This schedule may be temporarily modified if required by operating emergencies beyond the control of Licensee, and for short periods upon mutual agreement between Licensee and the Washington Departments of Fisheries and Game. STATE OF ~SH~NGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY I?~'? 2 9 7272 Cleanwater lane, LU-H · Olympia Washington 98504 · (206) 753-2353 May 24, 1984 " -:: ................ . <.. · '.7 .......... Mr. regory A. 8ooth i.?:,... : ,:H ..... :,_ Power Manager : : ..... City of Port Angel'es [-?":"':?::' ...... 240 West Front Street ...... !--! ~ :,.<.~...:: P.O. Box 1150 j :'~.',, - ......... Port Angeles, WA 98362 , :' :.::?~ I i~.,:C~:..:~~ :~ , RE: April 9, 1984, meeting and the April 18, 1984, Summary-iTs'-lpl~el~d ~y ~" Ken Bruya of the Washington. State Department of Fisheries Dear Mr. Booth: Both Ken Slattery and I have reviewed the memo regarding the April 9, 1984, meeting on the proposed Morse Creek Hydro-power project. We both feel that the flows agreed to in that meeting are most generous and should provide the most optimum conditions for the fishery, both resident and anadromous. I am puzzled by the requirement that if and when the waters of Morse Creek are required to be used in an emergency basis, notification must be given to Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Department of Game, Washington State Department of Fisheries, and the Point No Point Treaty Council for written approval.. The water right involved is a certif~cate of water right which is a property right of the City of Port Angeles. It is my opinion that requiring written approval at this late date for emergency use is an effort to condition an existing contract and would not be approved by any court. I Therefore, do not believe we can require such a condition in the hydro-power agreement. I hope this information will be of use to you. Sincerely, WALTER BERGSTRO~ Resource Management WB:pw UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Nstional Oceanic and Atmonpherio Administrstion NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE ENVIRONMENTS & TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISIO~ " 847 NE 19th AVENUE, SUEE 350 PORT~NO. OREGON 97232-2279 (503) 230-5400 May 30, 1984 Y/NWR Mr. Gregory Ao Booth, Power Manager City of Port Angeles : .......... Port Angeles, Washingfon 98362 Re: Draft License Application for Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project, FERC 96461 Dear Booth: ................ ~he National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has reviewed t~:d~'~'--_------'-~_J~:-----~ - ' application for license for the hydroelectric projeot proposed b~'~,~h~ Ci%~-o~ Port Angeles to be located on Morse Creek in Cla~lam County, Washington. We concur with the content of the application. It includes the measures to mitigate potential project impacts that were identified in consultations with the fishery resource agencies. We did note a lack of specificity on some projeot features, but realize that little time has passed since we arrived at the agreements on mitigation. For example, Figure F-2, page 23 shows little detail of the fish harrier at the powerhouse tailrace. Also it appears that the discharge from the turbine ~ypass is walled off from the tailrace. When specifications for such details are developed and resolved in the project design we ask that they be made available for fishery agency approval prior licensing. review and to We wish to commend the City of Port Angeles for the forthright, cooperative efforts made to provide the needed environmental information and tailoK the Morse Creek Project to resolve the concerns of the fishery resource agencies. Sincerely yours, Dale R. Evans Division Chief cc: Ke~in Bauersfeld, WDF Jill Zarnowitz, WDG David Stout, FWS, Olympia Will Sandoval, Point No Point Treaty Council 2625 Parkmont Lane, S.W., Bldg. B-3 Olj~npia, Washington 98502 ....... ~-~-~------___~: May 14, 1984 Mr, Grego~ A. Booth, Power Manager City of Port Angeles Light Department 240 West Front Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Draft Application for License for the Morse Creek Project, FERC #6461, Clallam County, Washington Dear Mr. Booth: My staff has completed their review of the draft license application for the Morse Creek Project. Due to the excellent coordination between the City of Port Angel es and the Service during the prelimina~ pemit stage, all of our concerns have been satisfactorily identified in this document and appropriate mitigation proposed. We especially appreciate the City's diligence in work- ing towards a mutually acceptable regime of minim~ instre~ flows for the bypass reach. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. Sincerely, Charles A. Dunn Field Supervisor cc: WDF (Bruya) WDG (Zarnowitz) NMFS (Groves) PNPTC {Sandoval) WDOE (Bergstrom) IN .SPELLMAN ~.~'~) WILLIAM R. WlLKERSON Governor ~ OJreclor STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES 115 General Administration Building · Olympia, Washington 98504 . (206) 753-6600 · .~.5.C_..,~_I~1)___2.3~4,-6600_ ...... May 18, 1984 21 '84 Mr. Gregory Booth, Power Manager City of Port Angeles Light Department . · ....... 240 West Front Street P. 0. BOX 1150 ' ":'::~'~ " -~- Fort Angeles, Washington 98362 , .......... ~:'~:~ Dear Mr. Booth: -r ~'-;:. ....... Comments on the Draft License for a Minor ! .':,:::.~>..i--- --~--E Project on Morse Creek~ FERC No. 6461 The Washington Department of Fisheries (WDF) staff appreciates your coopera~tyi'~-' attitude and active involvement with us during the preliminary permit stage of this project. We would also like to thank you for providing us with a draft copy of your license application to review and comment on before its to Energy Regulatory (FERC). hope the submittal the Federal Commission We following comments will assist you in the preparation of the license application. General Comments The license application reflects your communication with WDF and generally addresses our concerns. However, there is a certain lack of specific detail that is usually included in the license application. We realize that many of the areas where we would like greater detail were agreed to on April 9, 1984 and there has been insufficient time for you to research and design these features to the fish and wildlife However, protect resources. our agency would like to see most, if not all? of these features and the erosion control measures for the new penstock, access road, and powerhouse be as complete as possible prior to license application. On all incomplete measures, designs, or plans, we would reserve the right to review and provide comments and necessary changes, if any are needed, before they are accepted for construction. We would appreciate a statement to this effect to be included in the license application. Specific Comments Section 4.1.2, page 4. According to the description contained here, all removed vegetation along the proposed access road, penstock route, and at Gregory Booth - 2 - May 18, 1984 the powerhouse site will be replaced with asphalt and/or 9ravel. Are none of the disturbed areas to be replanted? More complete design and construction specifics of the penstock, pipeline, road and powerhouse with the associated erosion control measures are needed in the application. Also, the section of the river downstream of the powerhouse has been identified as a potential cause of flooding due to log jams (Appendix C, page C-1). The penstock, access road and powerhouse construction will increase the chances of wind throw in an area directly upstream of this potentially hazardous stretch of Morse Creek, thus increasing the chances of powerhouse flooding. WDF requests that you reassess this situation and develop the necessary methods to protect the powerhouse from flooding that will not require annual instream maintenance and subsequent streambed disturbance. Section 4.2.3, page 8. A situation has recently developed where an applicant has lost funding for the project and has halted construction without erosion control measures in place. A statement regarding how Port Angeles City Light can ensure that necessary erosion controls will be implemented if construction is temporarily or permanently halted should be included in this section. (For example, on Forest Service Lands that a9ency often requires a performance bond to cover such occurrences..) Section 4.3.3, page 16, paragraph 2. This adequately describes a §ood tailrace design. However, the drawings in Section F are insufficient to determine how the proposed design will accomplish this result. Section 4.4.2, page 17, paragraph 1. The description of the intake and the design drawings in exhibit F are insufficient to show that no air entrainment (and hence no gas supersaturation) is possible. It will be necessary to monitor gas saturation levels for at least a year to show that the effluent waters are at equilibrium with the receiving waters. Section 4.4.3, page 17, No. 3. There are no design drawings or sufficient information presented in the application to adequately assess the proposed automatic intake closure system. WDF requests to review and approve this system after it has been designed. Section 4.5.2 and 4.5.3, page 18. As we explained in our April 20, 1984 comments to Mr. Paul Carr regarding the draft Environmental Assessment, WDF would like to see additional, specific information regarding the proposed construction and erosion plans for the penstock and access road routes. We thank you for your cooperation in this project. If you have any questions concerning our remarks, please contact Mr. Ken Bruya of my staff at 753-0250. Sincerely, WilliamDirectorR. Wilkerson~_._ cc: Tehan Groves Sandoval Zarnowitz McDonald WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: March 5, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Water Line Leak Location Project Background / Analysis: Each year the Public Works and Utilities Department contracts with Utility Services Associates to perform five days of leak surveying. Extremely sensitive sound amplification instruments and a computer based correlator are used for pinpointing leaks. Last year the survey identified seven leaks, 10.1 million gallons of total annual water loss, in the 20 miles of water line surveyed. That project included the Elwha transmission line from the Ranney Well site to Black Diamond Reservoir and to the E Street Reservoir, and Morse Creek transmission line from the Peabody Reservoir east to Mount Pleasant Road. The 20" concrete cylinder line that broke in the Lions Park / Whidbey Avenue area was also surveyed. All seven leaks were repaired in an timely matter. This year's effort will focus on the area between Lincoln Street and Race Street, and from 8th Street to Water Street. The attached map shows the area of the water distribution system to be surveyed. The Elwha Industrial Line will also be surveyed. This will help identify any additional leaks on the industrial line and assist in determining the exact location of the known leaks. An important characteristic of a leak location project is that the final report can be used in formulating a database for decision making of the need for possible future rehabilitation and pipe line replacement. Prompt repair of any leak reported provides an immediate benefit to the utility, which includes recovery of lost water revenue and water conservation. NSPWKS\WATER\UACIeak.wpd WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: March 5, 2001 To: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer SUBJECT: Industrial Water Line Repairs Summary:. The City will contract to have several leaks in the Industrial Water Line repaired during the week of May 14, 2001. This work will be coordinated with Daishowa America, and will coincide with their planned shutdown. Daishowa will reimburse the City for the cost and coordination of this work. Recommendation: For information only. Background / Analysis: The Public Works and Utilities Department is working with Daishowa to schedule repairs on the Industrial Water Line (IWL). At least three locations on the IWL currently have leaks of varying volume. These leaks can only be repaired during a planned mill shut down and when the IWL is empty. The shutdown will last approximately 72 hours, which should allow for about 60 hours of focused repair work. The repair work will involve contract personnel going inside the pipeline and tunnels to apply material at the leaking sites. It is anticipated that the method of repair will be similar to previous repair work completed on the IWL in 1985 and 1991, when a hydraulic cement was applied by hand to visibly leaking areas. The City is preparing bids and specifications in anticipation of advertising the work the first two weeks in April. The City has consulted with Washington State's Department of Labor and Industries, due to the nature of the work, on what requirements will be needed to safely complete the work. The cost to complete the work is in the range of $70,000-110,000. N:\PROJECTS\20-27 I.W.L. repairs\UACmemo2.wpd WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: March 5, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager SUBJECT: Community Telecommunications Assessment and Business Plan Summary,: Completion of a community telecommunications needs and interests assessment and a fiber optic backbone business plan are underway by the City's consultant, Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC). Mr. Richard Li and Mr. Brian Roberts from MCC will update the UAC on these efforts at the meeting. Recommendation: Prior to the meeting, Staff requests UAC members to review a draft telecommunications survey questionnaire. The update on the assessment and business plan w/Il be provided with no action requested by the UAC. Background/Analysis: On October 17, 2000, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) for completion of a telecommunications future needs and interests assessment and a fiber optic backbone business plan. On February 6, 2001, City Council approved a professional services agreement for fiber optic backbone engineering services, withholding notice to proceed until the business plan is approved. As part of the assessment, a cable television survey questionnaire was prepared and is currently available for completion by the public at large. As an additional part of the assessment, a telecommunications survey questionnaire has been drafted. The telecommunications survey is mainly intended for completion by businesses. Staff requests that UAC members review the draft telecommunications survey and provide comments and suggestions at the meeting. The draft telecommunications survey is temporarily available on the Internet at the following address: http://www.mcc~.~~m/P~rtAngeles/shelFTele~~mmunica~~ns%2~Survey/TC-Survey-e2-2.asp Staffhas been striving to compress the Community Telecommunications Action Plan project schedule where possible. However, completion of the assessment and business plan has created more workload on Staffand MCC than anticipated. The original schedule was to complete the assessment by July 14, 2001 and the business plan by September 12, 2001. The previous compressed target date for substantial completion of these efforts by the end of February is not possible. Substantial completion of these efforts is now anticipated by the end of March 2001. The business plan will include a strategic direction, overview of the project environment, implementation plan and business analyses. Team Members and Staff present: (from Attendance List) Education Gary Gleason Sports Fishing Eloise Kailin Environmelat Don Schuba Water Purveyors Absent Environment City of Port Angeles Lauren Erikson Forestry ~ No Representative City of Port Angeles Home/La~d Owners No Representative Clallam County Valerie Wilson Industry Dean Read WA Dept. of Ecology Cynthia Nelson Lower Elwha Tribe Mat~ Beirne Civic Not Represented Lower Elwha Tribe David Corpuz Commercial/Econ. Dev. Randy Johnson Recreation Mike Langley, Vice Chair Commercial Fishing No Representative Sports Fishing Dick Coin Sports Fishing Eloise mailin ~ .,~ ~ iC' ~ Interested Parties Present: (from Attendance List) ~ Allan Bentley, Andy Brastad,, Glen Cutler, L.C. Dawley, Mary Peck, Mike Quinn Notes taken by: Karen Whalley, Clallam County Public Comments/Announcements Valerie Wilson called attention to a memorandum, which was an apology to EMMT members. The Executive Committee had sent a letter to FCAAP without the approval of all EMMT members. Eloise Kailin suggested that such a letter, in the future, not appear to have been written by EMMT unless prior approval had been given. Approval of Agenda I. Valerie Wilson anl~OUnced that Brian Winters from the National Park Service may not be present for his "Update on water-related issues in the EIwha River." Approval of Minutes Randy Johnson noted that that he had attended the meeting pf January 25, 2001, though his presence was not recorded in the minutes. Valerie Wilson moved and Randy Johnson seconded that the minutes be approved. Update of activity on the Morse Creek hydro plan owned by the City of Port Angeles Glen Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility, acknowledged that they should have notified EMMT prior to the leasing of the hydro plant. He gave a brief history of the plant, which was built in 1985. City officials believe that the plant may operate more efficiently and at a lower cost ifa private company manages it. Power prices declined to the present low point. In 1997, the water transmission line developed a leak The City thought it would be too expensive to fix and wanted to surrender their license to a private company. By 2000, City staff who had worked on the project had left for jobs elsewhere, which is when Scott McLean became involved. Power prices are increasing now, and the plant should be able to run economically. The leak is 80 to 100 gallons per minute, and the PUD filtration plant is below the leak. That portion of the pipeline isn't watered currently. Dick Coin asked whether the leak Mr. Cutler was speaking of is Pag~ 1 of 2 EMMT Meeting Minutes - January 2§, 2001 the same as a leak he knew of 1998 that existed below the area Mr. Cutler pointed to on the map. Other concerns EMMT members had were: · Whether the plant would shut off during low flow months. Dick Goin asked that they look at the effects of flow species-by-species. · Matt 13eirne said that the Elwha Tribe has the same concerns as Dick. · Scott McLean from The City said that the leak will be fixed after the lease is signed. · The timeframe will be worked out with DOE. Probably, the leak can not be fixed until the summer. On March 5, 2000, the lease will be presented to the Utility Advisory Committee for approval. On March 20,2000, the City Council will give the lease final approval. · Mr. McLean was uncertain as to whether the fish streams were current with ESA. Given that this is a bull trout stream, it would have to comply with ESA. · Dean Reed questioned EMMT's role during this process: intervention or recommendation. EMMT members were divided on the role they would take. Some saw their role as making recommendations and thought they should be doing so throughout the process, not just at completion. · Valerie Wilson wanted The City to provide more scientific information and data before EMMT took any position publicly. · Though EMMT members were divided as to how they perceived their role in the process of this issue, they all agreed on the fact that they needed more information from the City of Port Angeles, their representatives or experts speaking on their behalf before EMMT could come to any conclusions as a group. · Three EMMT members will go with Mr. Cutler to Morse Creek to view the site: Matt Beirne, Don Schuba and Valerie Wilson. Report from the Executive Committee~Getting Through Phase 2 Valerie Wilson gave a Power Point Presentation on the results of the last Executive Committee meeting. She pointed out that EMMT needs to know what information it has before it goes out into the field collecting data. In order to go into phase 3, EMMT needs: meeting facilitation, data synthesis, and 2 paid interns for policy and outreach. Jeremy Pratt gave a presentation on how he might be able to help EMMT's transition through these phases: · Helping them decide what a watershed plan is. Establishing procedures of RCW 25.14. · Conducting a series of workshops that would focus on defining issues, seeping alternatives, and evaluating choices that would lead to a preferred alternative. · Taking EMMT to the public in the recommendation stage EMMT members reached concensus on the following three items that Jeremy Pratt would oversee for phase 2: · Meeting facilitation Data synthesis In addition, EMMT agreed that Valerie would contact Huxley College for: · Two interns, paid by 2514 Watershed Planning funding · Agenda Items for Next Meeting: A Watershed Plan Vision Workshop was scheduled by WRIA 18 Initiating Governments for EMMT's March 22, 2001 meeting. Page 2 of 2 City of Port Telecommunications Survey Angeles [FrontPage Save Results Component[ The City of Port Angeles is conducting a community telecommunications needs and interests survey and asking for input from its business, educational, community organizations and interested citizens. The information you provide will be treated confidentially, will not be disclosed, and will only be used for the City's survey. ZNSTRUCTZON FOR COMPLETZNG THE SURVEY: Please provide your name and contact information, and respond to each question by darkening the circle with a click of your mouse. Please select the response that comes closest to your own opinion. A space is provided at the end of the survey if you have any additional comments or recommendations you would like to share. After you have completed the survey locate the "submit" button and send it to the City with a click of your mouse. Contact person [Richard L~ MCC S Organization name eattle Service address Telephone number [206-522-6778 What telecommunications resources does your organization have? VolGe communications Description NO, of systems Total users Satisfied? Ethernet - ........... Ij_:5 ...... l lYes Loca~ area network J .................. Wide areanetw0rk JNotapplicabme ~ JNotappmicable ~ INotapplicable lyes Desktop video JVideoconference ~ ~ Jl-50 ~ J~_~ What telecommunications services does your organization receive, and what is the estimated monthly cost? Centrex lines INotapPlicab'e ~ INot~?_R!']c.ab]~_~ L~s!~p_p]?~b~e PBX trunks [~?t appli?__b!e._~ J Not applicable ~ J~!2??_l_i.?~l_e_._]~ ~o.~ ~,~..~ Io- ~oo~ I0~"~ Datalines [NotapplicabJe ~ lNotapplit~}~__~ INmapplicable Internetaccess JDSLllOOkbps ~ Io-~oo ~ 19~ ....... Interne[ web page [Information only ~ ~e ~ JWe host Video transpo~ I~S~R~L~P~e. ~ I~MRR~?~ .~ JNot ~RR~ .cs/w,r.,.~ JAnalog sewice _~ IO- 100 ......... ~ L~]~ ....... vo,ce commun,caUons INto applicable ~ INto applicable What are Your Future Needs and [nterests? Not apphcab e not applicable ~ I video transport ~1~! .~.~!!C, ?Je ~ I~?.p.?lica hie PCS/Wireless May We Have Your Opinion? Strongly Strongly agree Agree Disagree disagree No opinion Telecommunications networks should be developed and owned by private enterprise The City should develop common high speed network that all service providers can use to eliminate duplicate The City should develop common high-speed network because of the network~s economic development benefits The City should work with telecommunications service providers to develop a high-speed network for economic development tfthe City develops a high-speed network, telecommunications services should be offered by private enterprise and not by the City tf the City develops a high-speed network, operation and maintenance should be by private enterprise Port Angeles needs more telecom service providers so users can have more choice ! would change providers if similar services were available at e lower cost ! would change providers if similar services were available at the same cost but at higher speed Copyright ©200! Port Angeles Telecom. 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