HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/09/2002 UTILITY ADVIBORY 0OMIVlITTEE
3:00 P.M.
414/0 3
Port Angeles, Washington
March 12, 2002
L Call to Order:
Chairman Bentley called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ~.~/~'~
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Bentley, Councilmember Erickson, Councilmembcr Rogers,
Dean Reed
Members Absent: Councilman Campbell
Staff Present: Craig Knutson, Brad Collins, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy,
Larry Dunbar, Tom McCabe, Doyle McGinley, Bob Kaj fasz, Cate
Others Present: Brian Gawley - Peninsula Daily News
Pete Grigorieff- Northland Cable TV
IIL Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Bentley asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of
February 12, 2002. None were given. Councilmember Erickson moved to approve the minutes.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously with the exception of
Dean Reed who abstained due to absence at that meeting.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Northland Cable Informal Negotiations Progress
Pete Grigorieff, Northland Cable Television Regional Manager, indicated that franchise talks with the
City were going well and a new document should be ready for Council approval in May. Good progress
was reported and significant issues had been addressed. There was a brief discussion with questions
regarding their upgrade improvement. Mr. Grigorieff indicated 80% of the city should be done by
December of this year.
Not action taken. Information only.
B. Water Quality Report for 2001
Doyle McGinley, Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent, gave a brief history and stressed that
many of the topics were required. Mandatory language use includes water system information, water
quality testing occurring daily by certified personnel, monitoring waivers, bilateral compliance
agreements and where to get more information. The report is scheduled to be included in utility bills, on
March 12, 2002
the interact, and an informational advertisement. There was a brief discussion. It was suggested to Mr.
McGinley that he stress the lack of contaminants found in future reports.
Dean Reed moved to approve the Water Quality Report for presentation to the City Council and
distribution to water customers of the City. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
C. Benefit Dump Day
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, explained the 2001 event was modified to limit the size of
vehicles, trailers, and amount of materials. Plarmed changes for 2002 are changing the start time from
10 a.m. to 9 a.m., additional man power for rotation of breaks, and increased traffic control devices. It
was noted that Benefit Dump Day was originally created to promote conservation by recycling and as a
means of assisting the Port Angeles Food Bank. A short discussion followed.
Councilmember Erickson moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to
approve the annual Free Dump Day at the City's Landfill on April 21, 2002 with the planned
changes. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Minimum Fee for the Port Angeles Landfill
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, indicated the requested fees had been returned to the UAC
for further review and analysis. A discussion followed with a number of questions and issues addressed
by staff. Mr. M¢Cabe was requested to have further information and justification available at the next
Council meeting.
Councilmember Eriekson moved to return to City Council with a recommendation to amend
Chapter 13.56.020A to increase the minimum rate at the Port Angeles Landfill from $2.00 to $7.00
effective May 1, 2002. Couneilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. Report on Septic Acceptance Program Trial
Item delayed until the April 9, 2002 meeting.
F. Waste Water Treatment Plant (NPDES) Permit
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, pointed out the Washington Department of Ecology
had reviewed the City's application and returned a draft permit. The next step is a 30 day formal public
comment period. An update on differences between the current permit and new permit will be presented
at the next UAC and included in a future City Managers report to Council.
No action taken. Information only.
March 12, 2002
G. Amendment to Consultant Agreement with CH2M Hill for Water System Services
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering, advised the scope and budget of the agreement
needed to be amended to reflect actual costs for completed tasks, additional costs for ongoing tasks, the
addition ora new task, and the extension of the time of performance. A review was given concerning
the vahous areas and the status of each. A discussion followed with concerns expressed regarding
contract cost versus the budgeted item.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an Amendment to the
Agreement for Professional Services with CH2M Hill, Inc. as outlined in the staff report.
Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Conservation Program Status Report
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, introduced Bob Kaj fasz, Commercial Energy
Analyst. Mr. Kajfasz explained the City had been offering various conservation programs for its electric
utility customers since June 2001. Window and appliance rebates had been the most popular. Staff
received favorable acknowledgment for a job well done.
No action taken. Information only.
I. City Authorized Retailer Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reported the compact fluorescent lamp coupon rebate program
ended December 31, 2001 with a redemption of over 6,000 coupons. There is strong customer and local
retailer interest in a continuing energy efficient lighting program. It was discovered under the last
program that retailers were not ready for the demand they experienced. Staff has developed a new
program to work with local retailers to expand the variety of styles and sizes of compact fluorescent
lamps (CFL) and torchiere floor lamps, to have a variety of CFL fixtures, and promote CFL fixtures in
new residential construction. A short discussion followed.
Councilmember Rogers moved to recommend City Council grant the Director of Public Works
and Utilities the authority to enter into City Authorized Retailer Agreements. Dean Reed
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
J. Landfill Bluff Erosion
Gary Kenworthy, Deputy Director of Engineering, gave a brief history concerning bluff erosion at the
landfill. Photos were displayed showing the erosion at the beach level. Mr. Kenworthy noted that the
County had put the City on notice to prepare a plan for correction of this problem. Parametrix, the
City's consultant, has been directed to study the issue and suggest remedy options. There was a brief
No action taken. Information only.
.March 12, 2002
K. Rate Study For Water/Wastewater Utility
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, indicated the financial performance of each of the
City's utilities was analyzed every three years to determine the appropriate rate levels. The rate study is
composed of a revenue requirement analysis, cost of service analysis, and rate design analysis. Mr.
McLain explained that the last Water/Wastewater utility evaluation was in 1999 and that Economic and
Engineering Services had done past studies with good performance. A short discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the mayor to sign an agreement with
Economic and Engineering Services Inc. to perform a comprehensive water and wastewater rate
study with a total cost not to exceed $26,150. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
V. Late Items: None
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be April 9, 2002. At 3:00 p.m.
VIIL Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
Allen Bentley, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative
N:~PWKS~LIGHT~C ON S\CATE~ar 12meet.wpd
DATE: April 9, 2002
FROM: Doyle W. McGinley, Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent
RE: Leak Detection 2002 Results
Summary: The City has contracted with Utility Services Associates to locate leaks in the
water distribution system for the past twelve years. Detecting and repairing these leaks results in
recovery of water revenue and water conservation. This year's leak detection survey was
performed fi.om February 19t~ through February 22nd. The estimated combined water loss that
was detected and repaired was found to be 55,800 gallons per day.
Recommendation: Information Only
Background/Analysis: Each year the Water/Wastewater Collection Division contracts with
Utility Services Associates to perform a leak detection survey of the water distribution system.
This year's leak survey was performed over a four day period. Extremely sensitive sound
amplification instruments and computer based correlations are used for pinpointing leaks.
The general location of the survey was fi.om Lauridsen Boulevard to Railroad Avenue and
Lincoln Street to Cedar Street. This year's survey inspected 92,003 lineal feet (17.5 miles) of
water distribution mains. A total of seven leaks were detected with an estimated water loss of
55,800 gallons of water per day. These leaks were generally small in nature, less then 10 gallons
per minute, but substantial in cumulative effect over a 24-hour time period. All of the leaks that
were detected have been repaired.
Attach: Summary of survey and Pinpointing Report,
Typical Leak Report, Chart
N:\UACX, FinalkLcak Decteehon 2002.~vpd
Summary of Survey and Pinpointing Report
Client: City of Port Angeles, WA Date: 02/23/2002
Period Covered: 02/19/2002 to 02/22/2002
General Area Covered: Cherry Hill & Pine Hill areas.
20,367,000.0 GALLONS
Distance Surveyed: 92003.000 feet, 17.420 miles
Points Surveyed Access Points Requiring further investigation
Valves 326 Leak sounds on: Valves 7
Services ls7 Hydrants 2
Other 4 Services 19
Total s6s Other o
Total 2S
MAIN LINE 5 2.92 38,0 54720.0 10,0 14400.0 5.00 7200.00 7.60
VALVE 1 0.50 0.5 720.0 0.5 720,0 0.50 720.00 0.50
HYDRANT 1 0.33 0.2 360.0 0.2 360.0 0.25 360.00 0.25
TOTALS 7 3.75 38.75 55800 n.a. n. a n. a n. a 5.540
"...~Sites Investigated for Pinpointing 28
,~Other Time Spent on Project (includes pinpointing false leak sounds) 5.00 hrs.
Utility Services Associates
div. Hughes Supply Co.
~-Date 02/20/2002 Leak Type
Location End of 7th St MAIN
Time spent pinpointing
Remarks Strong correlations indicate a leak at approximately 42.7 to 43' from "A". 50 minutes
Ground microphone results were inconclusive due to rainy conditions. Leak Site Marked
Cover Type: Asphalt
Corre ator Resu ts
Correlation Scan Time
Band Pass Filter Setting
Correlated Point Height
Footage from "A"
Leak # 1 Estimated GPM 10.00 Leak Classification
Water loss
Note: ~ (this leak, in gallons)
Map not to scale
DALLY 14,400
"- A" WEEKLY 100,800
TI?eaking 43, ~' '
__ .~ 11 of '1....................................... MONTHLY 446,400
2' of ~ 7th St
1" Gl I~' Location
..... '~' --' 94~Of ....... I"~ .......................... = of Leak
2" Cl Im']8"
Technician JA
Job # 5607
Page 1
Permit No. WA0023973
Refer to the Special and General Conditions of this permit for additional submittal requirements.
Permit Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date
15t~ day of the month
S3. Discharge Monitoring Report Monthly following first ~ompleted
reporting period
S3.E. Noncompliance Notification As necessary
S3.F. Shellfish Protection As necessary
S4.B. Plans for Maintaining Adequate Capacity As necessary
S4.C. Notification of New or Altered Sources As necessary
S4.D. Infiltration and Inflow Evaluation Annually May 15, 2002
S4.E. Waste load Assessment Annually May 15, 2002
S5.G. Operations and Maintenance Manual As necessary
S6.A.5. Pretrealment Report l/year October 31, 2002
Once in the Last Summer
& Once in the Last
S 8.A. Acute Toxicity Testing Resu Its ~21156rmit cycle Winter Prior to
L e ~' ~ Submission of the
Renewal Application
Once in the Last Summer
& Once in the Last
S9.A. Chronic Toxicity Testing Results ~_permit cycle Winter Prior to
Ce 5~ Submission of the
Renewal Application
S 10.A. Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan l/permit cycle Within Two Years of
Permit Effective Date
Within 12 Months of
S 10.B. Sediment Data Report 1/permit cycle Plan Approval
S1 i.D. Combined Sewer Overflow Report Annually May 15, 2002
SI 1.E, Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction Plan l/permit cycle 180 days before permit
Amendment expiration
Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction
S 1 I.F. December 31, 2003
Specific Project Milestones/Goals
S 12. Ouffall Evaluation l/permit cycle 180 days before permit
Gl. Not. ice of Change in Authorizat on As necessary
~ ~.~.~ Page 5 of 34
~: .. ~..~ Permit No. WA0023973
Permit Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date
Permit Application for Substantive Changes As necessary
G4. to the Discharge
Engineering Report for Construction or
As necessary
G5. Modification Activities
180 days before permit
G7. Application for Permit Renewal 1/permit cycle expiration
G21. Notice of Planned Changes As necessary
G22. Reporting Anticipated Non-compliance As necessary
Page 4 of 43
Permit No. WA-002397-3
Section Submittal Frequency Submittal Deadline
S3. Discharge Monitoring Monthly 15th day of month
Report following completed
reporting period
S4.B. Plan for Maintaining As necessary ......
Adequate Capacity
S4.D. Infiltration and Inflow Annual Every May 15~
S4.E. Annual Assessment of Annual Every May 15 ~
Flow and Waste Load
S7.D. Residual Solids 1/permit cycle February 1, 1994/
Management Plan
Update i/permit cycle June 1, 1996
S8. Pretreatment Report Annual Every October 31~
S8. Pretreatment Industrial Annual Every October 31~
Waste Survey
S8. Local Limits I/permit cycle August 1, 1995
S9. Acute Toxicity 4/year for 18 months Start March 1, 1995
Characterization (Effluent)
S10. Chronic Toxicity 4/year for 1 year Start March 1, 1995
Sll. Site-Specific Baseline i/permit cycle September 1, 1994
Study Plan (Sediment)
Sll. Acute Biomonitoring Study i/permit cycle 1995
Sll. Chemical Analysis of the 1/permit cycle 1995
Sll. Benthic Macroinvertebrate I/permit cycle, 1995
Abundance Study if necessary
Sll. Particulate Monitoring 270 days from date ......
Study of notification
S12.B. CSO Information Once February 1, 1994w"
S12.~. CSO Baseline Report i/permit cycle May 15, 1995
Page 5 of 43
Permit No. WA-002397-3
Section Submittal Frequency Submittal Deadline
S12.B. CSO Sediment Plan I/permit cycle September 1, 1994
S12.B. CSO Annual Report Annual May 15, 1996
S12.C. CSO Reduction Status Report Once June 1, 1996
S14. Outfall Study Scope of Work Once April 1, 1994 w/
S14. Outfall Study Once October 1, 1994
S14. Outfall Engineering Report Once December 1, 1994
S14. Outfall Repair Completion Once November 1, 1996
S15. Pump Station Reliability Once February 1, 1994//
Gl7. Application for Permit i/permit cycle June 1, 1996
DATE: April 9, 2002
Summary: Proposals were requested from five engineering consulting firms for electrical
rebuild designs. Three consulting firms responded and were evaluated. R.W. Beck of Seattle
was selected as the most qualified firm. The scope of work and associated costs are being
negotiated and the results will be presented at the UAC meeting.
Recommendation: City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with R. W.
Beck for electrical design services for a cost not to exceed the negotiated amount to be
presented at the UAC meeting.
Background/Analysis: Two electrical rebuild projects are scheduled for design in 2002. These
projects have been packaged as a single design contract.
Valley Feeder 1205 rebuild project (CL-02) involves the rebuild of approximately 2900 feet of
overhead along Valley Street from 3rd Street to 7/8 alley and along 7/8 alley f~om west of Cherry
to west of Laurel. This rebuild is necessary to pick up Laurel Feeder 1201 during projected peak
winter loading. The current conductor on Valley Feeder 1205 will be loaded in excess of its
rating ifLanrel Feeder 1201 is transferred during 2003 peak load conditions.
The Elwha Underground Rebuild project (CL-03) involves the rebuild of approximately 2.5
miles of direct buffed underground primary cable with new cable in conduit. This rebuild is
necessary to replace cables installed in 1977 which have reached their expected 20 year life.
Cable failures can be expected to increase in number ve~ rapidly over the next few years if the
cables are not replaced. The construction of this project is anticipated to be done over a three
year period. This construction project will be coordinated with the National Park Service for the
operation of a new Elwha water treatment facility and the landfill transfer station.
The Request for Proposals was sent to five electrical design consulting firms selected from the
Consultants Roster. Three of the firms submitted proposals which were evaluated by a four
person evaluating team. The team selected R. W. Beck with offices and staffin Seattle as the
most qualified for the design work being requested. Staffhas, therefore, initiated negotiations to
finalize the scope and cost for the contract.
DATE: April 9, 2002
FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer
SUBJECT: Phase Ill Downtown Watermain/Sidewalks Loan Application
Summary: This loan application is for thc third phase of the project to replace the watermains and
sidewalks in the downtown area and will complete the watcrmain replacements. It will replace all
downtown watermains west of Oak Strcct to Valley Street and along thc N. side of Front Street between
Laurel and Oak S1xects. It will also include sidewalk replacement wiLh pavers in the watermain
replacement areas along portions of First Street (Both sides, between Laurel and Valley Streets), Front
Strect (N. side, between Laurel and Oak Strccts ), and if bidding and funds allow Laurel (W. side,
between Railroad and Front Streets).
Recommendation: City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the PWTF loan application
certification in an amount not to exceed $1,980,000 for Phase III of the Downtown
Watermain/Sidewalk Replacement Project. In addition, if the loan is approved, authorize the
Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement provided that the loan amount does not exceed
Background/Analysis: This is the third phase of thc project to replace thc watcrmains and
sidewalks in thc downtown area. Phase I was completed in 1999. Phase II was completed in
January 2001. Completion of Phase III will bring the entire downtown area to a service level that
meets current fire flow standards. In addition, thc replacement mains will provide added safety
measures against failure duc to age (original watermains were installed in 1914) and seismic risks.
In conjunction with thc watcrmain replacement, sidewalks will be replaced in many areas with
pavers which enhance thc downtown appearance. Phase III will replace all downtown watermains
west of Oak Street to Valley Street and along thc N. side of Front Street between Laurel and Oak
Streets. It will also include sidewalk replacement with pavers in thc watermain replacement areas
along portions of First Street (Both sides, between Laurel and Valley Streets), Front Street (N. side,
between Laurel and Oak Streets ), and if bidding and funds allow Laurel (W. side, between Railroad
and Front Streets).
The City submitted a PWTF application for Phase III in 2001, but it did not make thc list of funded
projects. Thc City is in the process of completing this year's application, after consultation with thc
Washington State Public Works Board, with revisions that should result in a higher ranking. The
application will be submitted before thc May 13, 2002 deadline.
This project is currently included in thc Capital Facilities Plan (WT30-99) as a 2002 project and the
total cost of thc project is $2,000,000. Thc PWTF loan interest rate will be 0.5 - 2.0% over 20
years, depending on thc local match amount, which is currently being evaluated. The Utility
Advisory Committee supported the previous PWTF loan application in 2001.
W A S H I N G T O N, U. $. A.
DATE: April 9, 2002
FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer
SUBJECT: Consultant Selection for 2002/2003 Water & Wastewater Projects
Summary: There are four water and wastewater projects that require engineering and other
related services not already part of ~ existing consultant agreement. Requests for proposals
were sent to four firms from the City s consultant roster with two responses. Analysis of the
proposals resulted in the selection of Skillings-Connolly, Inc. of Lacey as the best qualified firm
to provide the requested engineering services.
Recomm___~endation: City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement with Skillings-
IConnolly, Inc. for engineering support services for a total amount not to exceed $160,000.
Background/Analysis: There are several projects in the City's approved 2002 Capital
Improvement Program that require engineering support services in the design and/or construction
phases over the next several years. The needed engineering services cannot be provided by the
Public Works & Utilities Department's Division of Engineering Services due to its existing
The Public Works & Utilities Department reviewed the Consultant Roster in the areas of Water
Systems and Wastewater Systems and selected four firms, each of which was sent a request for
proposal for the design and possible project management of the projects.
Two of the four firms submitted a proposal: Skillings-Connolly and Parametrix. Each firm's
proposal was evaluated, and on February 22, each firm made a presentation and was interviewed
to determine their qualifications. Based on the written proposal, presentation, and interview,
Skillings-Connolly, Inc., of Lacey, Washington was selected as the most qualified engineering
firm for the proposed scope of work.
After notification of their selection, Skillings-Connolly and the City began the process of
negotiating a Consultant Agreement. The Agreement consists of the City's standard consultant
agreement with attachments defining a scope of work and budget for each task.
Two projects will be included in the initial agreement where the scope of work and budgets have
been defined:
1. Replacement of approximately 2,600 feet of 24 and 30-inch concrete cylinder water
transmission pipeline. The pipeline is approximately 40 years old and is located in
Olympic National Park. Different types of pipe and methods of installation will be
investigated as the site conditions dictate. The design of this project will be completed
this year, and the construction will be accomplished either this year or 2003. A total of
$500,000 has been budgeted in 2002 for this work, of which approximately $125,000 will
be for design.
2. Replacement of approximately 3,100 feet of older, undersized water main at several
locations in the City. The locations for this work are usually in street fights-of-way, and
most of the water main is under asphalt paved streets. The total of $155,000 has been
budgeted for 2002, of which approximately $30,000 will be for design.
Additional tasks are anticipated to be added to this Agreement at a later date, and they include the
3. Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements, including the installation of 1,500 feet of
gravity sewer main and 1,000 feet of stonnwater main. This project entails the
elimination of Pump Station #1 and improvements to Pump Station #3 to meet NPDES
permit requirements. The total project estimate for this work is $600,000, of which
$500,000 has been budgeted for 2002.
4. Miscellaneous sewer main replacement work. The work includes the replacement of 6 to
1 O-inch gravity sewer in several locations that are experiencing excessive infiltration of
groundwater or Iow spots in the pipeline. $105,000 has been budgeted for both design and
construction in 2002.
Staff is recommending that City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement, which
includes Tasks 1 & 2, for a not-to-exceed amount of $160,000. Tasks 3 and 4 will be brought
back to City Council for authorization after fees are negotiated.
DATE: April 9, 2002
FROM: Gary W. Kenworthy, P.E., Deputy Director of Engineering/City Engineer
SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Engineering Services Agreement with Parametrix, Inc.
Summary: Parametrix, Inc. was selected in October 2000 to continue providing engineering
services for projects involving the City's Landfill and solid waste system through March 31,
2002. The scope and budget of this agreement needs to be amended to reflect actual costs for
completed tasks, additional costs for ongoing tasks, the addition ora new task, and the extension
of the time of performance. This first amendment to the agreement to provide service through
March 31, 2003 will increase the not-to-exceed amount from $295,284.00 to $607,970.00, an
increase of $312,686.00.
Recommendation: City Council authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 to the
Agreement for Professional Services with Parametrix, Inc., increasing the not-to-exceed
total of the agreement to $607,970.00.
Background / Analysis: On October 26, 2000, the City signed an Agreement for Professional
Services with Parametrix Inc. to provide engineering support services for the following landfill
and solid waste tasks:
1. General Operations Assistance; Engineering services to support the routine solid waste
handling and landfill operations.
2. Regulatory Coordination; Regulatory reporting and permit coordination for landfill
3. Revise Development and Closure Plan; Review, modification, and updating of the 1997
Development, Closure, and Post-Closure Plan.
4. Co-Composting Design Report; Finalizing design and operations criteria for upgrading
and operating the co-composting facility.
5. Long-Range Planning Report; Review of options and development of a business plan
regarding solid waste disposal alternatives, up to and following closure of the landfill.
6. Directed services; Provides for unforeseen engineering or other services that may be
required during the contract duration.
Amendment No. 1 to Parametxix Contract
Page 2 of 3, April 2002
All of the above tasks have been completed for the 2001 agreement and revised tasks have been
identified for the 2002 agreement amendment. The new tasks for the 2002 amendment are as
7. Operations-Engineering Assistance; Engineering services to support the routine solid
waste handling and landfill operations.
8. Design Services; Design services needed to develop plans, specifications, and estimates
for specific landfill improvements anticipated during 2002. Designs include design of Gas
System Expansion, Stormwater Improvements, and Cell Drainage and Access.
9. Regulatory Coordination; Regulatory reporting and permit coordination for landfill
operations. Inspection support, 2003 permit submittal, and groundwater monitoring report
10. Compliance Reports; Updating of documents required under WAC 173-351. The
Operations and Maintenance Manual will be updated to include operation and closure of
the cells which was not included in the 1997 Manual. Also included is the annual update
of the Development and Closures Plan.
11. Co-Composting Facility Improvements; Preparing plans, specifications, and estimates for
scheduled improvements to the co-composting facility.
12. Solid Waste Planning Assistance; Preparing technical submittals and consulting with the
City regarding the transition from a the landfill to a waste export system for solid waste.
13. Shoreline Stabilization; Design investigations and permitting activities to develop cost
impacts and design standards necessary to control erosion and to protect the waste placed
along the shoreline north of the landfill.
14. Directed Services; Provides for unforeseen engineering or other services that may be
required during the contract duration.
A table summarizing the budgets and funding sources for the tasks in the original and amended
agreement is attached.
Item 13, shoreline stabilization, is an unfunded emergency required for marine bluff stabilization
at the older portion of the landfill. If approved, the funds will be taken from the solid waste
reserves and the budget will be amended to reflect the additional expenditures in 2002.
Task 14, directed services, is included to facilitate engineering assistance for unanticipated needs
as we proceed through the duration of the agreement. Expenditure of these funds require written
direction from the City and the full task amount will not necessarily be expended.
We are requesting an increase of $125,000 in the 2002 solid waste budget to cover the added
Compliance Reports (Task 10, $25,000) and Shoreline Stabilization (Task 13, $100,000). Task
10 was overlooked in preparation of the budget last fall. Task 13 is a recent investigation and
design requirement that followed approval of the solid waste budget. The remaining shortfall of
approximately $50,000 will be covered in the 2003 budget request, since the engineering services
contract extends thru March 31, 2003.
The duration of the Agreement will be extended from March 31, 2002 to March 31, 2003 based
on the completion of all Tasks.
Amendment No. 1 to Parametrix Contract
Page 3 of 3, April 2002
I.General Operations Assistance $85,798.00 $99,513.53 $100,000.00
2. Regulatory Coordination $30,831.00 $25,800.81 $35,000.00 I
3. Rev. Dev. and Closme Plan $38,929.00 $37,648.51 $40,000.00
4. Co-Compostmg Design Report $49,726.00 $26,080.22 $50,000.00
5. Long-Range Planning Report $50,000.00 $49,513.21 $50,000.00
6. Directed Services $40,000.00 $26,860.98 $25,000.00
a. Soil Balance Assessment ($8,405.38)
b. 125 1~ Street Services ($18,455.60)
Subtotal 2001- 2002 Services $295,284.00 $265,417.26 $300,000.00
7. Operations-Engineering $36,021.00 $30,000.00
8. Design Services $26,004.00 $25,000.00
9. Regulatory Coordination $22,436.00 $15,000.00
t0. Compliance Reports $22,760.00 $0.00 I
11. Co-Composting Improvement $33,378.00 $35,000.00(a)
12. Solid Waste Planning $25,354.00 $15,000.00
13. Shoreline Stabilization $100,703.00 $0.00
14. Directed Services $40,000.00 $10,000.00
Direct Expenses $6,040.00 $0.00
Subtotal 2002- 2003 Services $312,686.00 $135,000.00 '
Proposed 2002 supplemental $125,000,00
budget increase
Proposed 2003 budget funding $50,000.00
Total Agreement including $607~970,00 $610,000.00
Amendment No. 1
a. Engineering portion of $146k+$15k in wastewater budget for co-composfing.
N:\UACheinal\UACPMXAmendmen t 1 .wpd