HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/09/2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
April 9, 2008
3:00 P.M.
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For March 11,2008
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items
A. Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality)
B. Stormwater Program Presentation
C. 2008 Electrical Utility Mandates
VI. Next Meeting Date - May 13,2008
VII. Adjournment
N :IUACIFinalI040908. wpd
Utility Advisory Committee
Public Works Conference Room
Port Angeles, W A 98362
March 11, 2008
3:00 P.M.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Members Present:
Chairman Reed, Betsy Wharton, Orville Campbell, Dan Di Guilio
Members Absent:
Karen Rogers
Staff Present:
Yvonne Ziomkowski, Mike Puntenney,Richard Bonine, Tom
McCabe, Steve Sperr, Larry Dunbar, Terry Dahlquist, Cate
Others Present:
Brian Gawley (3 :07)
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Reed asked ifthere were any corrections to the minutes of February 12, 2008. Orville
Campbell moved to approve the minutes. Councilman Di Guilio seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. Benefit Dump Day
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, advised that Mikki Saunders, Director of the Port
Angeles Food Bank, had asked the City to consider increasing the minimum suggested donation
to $10 per vehicle. Benefit Dump Day is scheduled for April 20th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There
was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
B. Revised Compost Sales Ordinance
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, explained that a more flexible rate structure was
March 11, 2008
needed to attract new sales by allowing greater discounts for schools, non-profits, government
agencies, and customers purchasing large quantities. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Council modify the existing ordinance
to include the new rate structure as outlined. Councilman Di Guilio seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
C. Power Pole Replacement Contract, Project No. WF-65680
Michael Puntenney, Deputy Director of Operations, explained that numerous power poles are in
critical need of replacement and in order to maintain the integrity ofthe power system for the
City it is imperative that these poles be replaced now. A discussion followed.
Orville Campbell moved to recommend City Council transfer funds in the amount of
$70,000 from the 401-7180-533-4150 account to the 401-7111-533-4810 account and award
and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract for the Power Pole Replacement Contract,
Project No. WF-65680, with Michels Corporation, Tacoma, W A. Councilmember Wharton
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Conservation Rate Credit Program Status Report
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, gave an overview of the achievements from October 1,
2006 through February 29,2008 and a summary of currently available rebates. There was a brief
Information only. No action taken.
E. Energy Champion Cooperative Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, acknowledged that the Bonneville Power
Administration had offered the City a Cooperative Agreement to equally share the cost of an
energy champion engineer with Nippon Paper Industries USA and that a separate Participation
Agreement was need to deliver the benefits ofthe Cooperative Agreement from the City to
Nippon. A discussion followed.
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Council authorize the Public Works
and Utilities Director to sign Cooperative Agreement No. 36911 with the Bonneville Power
Administration and a Participation Agreement with Nippon. Orville Campbell seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Consultant Agreement For Utility Cost Of Service Studies
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, noted that every three years a consultant completes a
March 11, 2008
study to assess and evaluate the cost of City utility services and rates. Studies are to be
completed this year for the water, wastewater, solid waste collection, and solid waste transfer
station utilities. There was a lengthy discussion. Staff was directed to include a review ofthe
Public Utilities rate ordinance.
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend City Council approve and authorize the
Mayor to sign an agreement with FCS Group for financial services in an amount not to
exceed $71,932, which includes tasks 1-3,5-7 of the proposed scope of work. Councilman
Di Guilio seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Standstill and Interim Relief Payment Agreement
Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director, noted that due to a successful court challenge on a
Bonneville Power Administration rate setting issue, the City is due a substantial wholesale power
cost rebate at the completion of a supplementary BP A rate proceeding which should be
concluded in September 2008. There was a lengthy discussion.
Councilman Di Guilio moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to
sign the Standstill and Interim Relief Payment Agreement with the Bonneville Power
Administration. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Interview Industrial Applicant For UAC
bean Reed, Engineering Manager of Nippon Paper Industries USA, gave a brief overview of his
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend Dean remain the industrial representative
on the Utility Advisory Committee. Councilman Di Guilio seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously. Chairman Reed abstained.
I. Election Of Officers
Councilmember Wharton moved to recommend Dean Reed remain committee chairman.
Chairman Reed moved to recommend Councilmember Wharton act as Vice Chairman.
Councilman Di Guilio seconded both motions, which carried unanimously.
VI. Next Meeting Date: April 9, 2008
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
March 11, 2008
Chairman Reed
Cate Rinehart, Admin Spec IT
N:\PWKS\LIGH1\CONS\CA TE\march] ] meet.wpd
April 9, 2008
Ernie Klimek, W ater/W astewater Collection Superintendent
Consumer ConfidencelW ater Quality Report for calendar year 2007
Summary: The Washington State Department of Health requires that every water system
provide an annual Consumer Confidence Report to its customers. The report is to contain
information on the potential contaminants present in the water supply that customers receive.
The attached report for the Port Angeles Water Supply has been prepared for distribution to the
City's water customers.
Recommendation: For Information Only.
Background/Analysis: In 1996 Congress passed amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act
that included a mandate from the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A), to require
community water systems to provide each of their customers with a "Consumer Confidence
Report (CCR)" every twelve months. This year's report, using 2007 data, will be delivered to all
City of Port Angeles water customers with the May/June utility billing statements, along with a
public information announcement in the local paper, and posted on the City's website. This
year's report must be distributed by July 1, 2008.
The attached Water Quality Report for calendar year 2007 has been developed in accordance
with the EP AlCCR regulations by City staff. The regulations require information on the quality
of the water delivered by the system, and characterization of any risks from exposure to
contaminants in the drinking water in an accurate and understandable manner. The City has
already provided the content of the Water Quality Report to our wholesale customers and
Clallam County Public Utility District #1 as it is required to do by April 1 S\ 2008.
Attachment: Water Quality Report - 2007
N:\UAC\DepDir\UAC Memo WQ Report-2007.doc
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A Note To Our Customers:
The City of Port Angeles is pleased to
provide you with our Annual Consumer
Confidence Water Quality Report for 2007.
The purpose of this report is to share infor-
mation with you, our customers, about the
quality of your water and to convey a basic
knowledge of our water system.
This report is a summary of the quality
of water we provided to you in 2007 and
gives details about where the water comes
from and how it compares to
standards set by regulatory
The source of the City's
, water comes from the Ranney
Collector well on the Elwha
River. The Washington State
Department of Health has re-
, designated that source from a
, "protected ground water
source" to a "Ground Water Under the In-
fluence of Surface Water" (OWl). The
'Washington State Department of Health,
per Agreed Order, Docket #2007 -SAG-
,0001, required us to provide you with the
, information that is included quarterly in
, your utility bill about how our water sys-
tem does not meet treatment requirements.
We want to reassure you that al-
though the classification of the water
has changed, your water has not
changed. Y 011 do not need to boil your
water or take other corrective actions.
However, if you have specific health
concerns, consult your health care pro-
The City of Port Angeles is working
with the Washington State Department of
Health on the appropriate steps to protect
your health. To that end, groundbreaking
for the new Port Angeles Water Treat-
ment Plant has taken place to address
these issues, with a completion date
scheduled by December 2009.
If you have any questions about this
report or at anytime have concerns about
the quality of your dlinking water please
visit our website at www.cityofpa.us/
pwWaterU.htm or contact me bye-mail
at eklimek@cityofpa.us or phone
Thank you,
Ernie Klimek
Water Distribution Manager III
Water Treatment Plant Operator II
W aterIW astewater Collections Superintendent
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'. The$ource for' the City of Port Angeles
. Water System is a Ranney' Collector
(well) located cmth~ east bank ofille
. Elwha River. The system identification
. nUl11ber is 6.8$:50M. The Ranney 0.01..
lector has been classified as ground-
water under the influence (GWl) of sur..
face water. This designation requires
t.he .City to. meet the requirements of
. .'.. ,- .- ..', ....' .... - . ,"
the .Surface Water Tre.atment Rule
(SWTR). Regulatory complianceop.
tions available under the SWTR in.
c1tidefiltratiori and complying withcri-
teria.. to avoid filtration. The Gity and
theWashingtohState Department of
Health (DOH), have negotiated an
. . agreement that will effectively meet
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the.SWTfl bycoostruction of a fed.;
eraHy.fuhded municipal water treat.
meot faCility under. the Elwha River
Ecosyst~m and Fisheries Restora-
tioriAct.,ln theagreementttie wa'-
ter tl"eatmentfacifity willbe.io plac.e
by December 2009, . before dam re..
moval begins. '
~&1lside ~gS i~!.Oe
~J.u: SaElin(OJMngC~
Page 2
ConseuV~i.Dn TilPJs'
Page 4
Is My Water Safe?
In 2007, we conducted over 435 tests for con-
taminants. Three hundred twenty-four of these
were routine Coliform sampling, one sample for
Nitrate-N, four (one-per quarter) samples each for
total trihalomethane (TTHM), and haloacetic acid
(HAA5), twelve monthly samples for total organic
carbon (TOC's), sixty samples for lead and cop-
per, and thirty-four samples for a combination of
new main construction and investigation. Persu-
ant to the Agreed Order, with the Washington
State Department of Health, (DOH), 2007-SAG-
0001, corrosion control treatment will be in-
stalled by June 2008.
Do I need to take special precautions?
Some people may be more vulnerable to contami-
nants in drinking water than the general popula-
tion. Immuno-compromised persons such as per-
sons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, per-
sons who have undergone organ transplants,
people with HIVjAIDS or other immune system dis-
orders, some elderly, and infants can be particu-
larly at risk from infections. These people should
seek advice about drinking water from their health
care providers. EPA/Centers for Disease Control
(COG) guidelines on appropriate means to lessen
the risk of infection by cryptosporidium and other
microbial contaminants are available from the
Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800.426.4791).
Samplim! Conducted Sample Date Unit MCL MCLG Detected Viola- Major Sources
Level tion
Nitrates (EPA Regulated) at 7/09/07 ppm -mgfL 10 (State Re- ND NO Erosion of natural de-
source--Elwha porting (None De- posits; Runoff from fer-
Level = teeted) tilizer lIse.
0.100 mg!
Microbiological Contaminants Monthly and as ppm -mgfL Contami- No Con- ND NO Naturally present in the
Monthly Samples (27) Plus 34 Needl>d nant Pre- taminant environment
New Construction & Investiga- sent Present
Total Organic Carbons 1 Sample per ppm -mg/L NE NE ND NO Monthly sampling re-
(TOC's) Month quired for reduced
monitoring ofDIDBP
Trihalomethane (TTHM) I Sample per ug/L 100 100 Avg. Detected NO Byproduct of Chlorine
Quarter 2.85 Disinfections Process
Halo-Acetic Acid (HAAS) I Sample per ug/L 60 NE Avg. Detected NO Byproduct of Chlorine
Quarter .725 Disinfections Process
Fluoride I Sample per ppm -mg!L 4 ~ 0.949 Avg. NO Testing of this chemical
Month is regulated by State
Term Definition Term Definition
110m - mg/L Parts per million. or milligrams per liter (mglL) lTHM Total Trihalomethane
!!&1. Micrograms per liter HAA5 HaJoacetlc Acid
NE Not Evaluated D/DBP Disinfectant! Disinfection By- Products
ND Not Detected MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
MCLG Maximum Contaminant Level Goal TOC Total Organic Carbon
Source water assessment and its
Water from the Ranney Collector is
tested following the guidelines estab-
lished by the DOH to detect potential
contaminants that could reasonably be
expected to be found in drinking water.
Because most of the land through
which the Elwha River flows is inside the
Olympic National Park, there is limited
opportunity for human contamination
of the water. Contaminants that might
be expected in untreated water include:
biological contaminants such as viruses
and bacteria, inorganic contaminants
such as salts and metals, pesticides
and herbicides, organic chemicals from
industrial or petroleum use, and radio-
active materials.
Why are there contaminants in my
drinking water?
Drinking water, including bottled water,
may reasonably be expected to contain
at least small amounts of some con-
taminants. The presence of contami-
nants does not necessarily indicate that
water poses a health risk. More infor-
mation about contaminants and poten-
tial health effects can be obtained by
calling the EPA's Safe Drinking Water
Hotline (800-426-4791). This informa-
tion can also be accessed at the EPA's
The source of drinking water
(both tap and bottled water) include riv-
ers, lakes, streams, ponds. reservoirs,
springs, and wells. As water travels
over the surface of the land or through
the ground, it dissolves naturally occur-
ring minerals and, in some cases. radio-
active material, and can pick up sub-
stances resulting from the presence of
animals or from human activity.
Contaminants that may be present in
source water include:
A) Microbial contaminants, such as vi-
ruses and bacteria. that may come
from sewage treatment plants. septic
systems, agricultural livestock opera-
tions, and wildlife;
B) Inorganic contaminants, such as
salts and metals, which can be natu-
rally occurring or result from urban
stormwater runoff, industrial, or do-
mestic wastewater discharges, oil and
gas production, mining or farming;
C) Pesticides and herbicides, which may
come from a variety of sources such as
agriculture. urban stormwater runoff
and residential uses; ,
D) Organic chemical contaminants, in-
cluding synthetic and volatile organic
chemicals, are by-products of industrial
processes and petroleum production,
which can also come from gas sta-
tions, urban stormwater runoff. and
septic systems;
E) Radioactive contaminants. which can
be naturally occurring or be the result
of oil and gas production and mining
In order to ensure that tap water is safe
to drink. EPA prescribes regulations that
limit the amount of certain contaminants
in the water provided by public water sys-
tems. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) regulations establish limits for con-
taminants in bottled water which must
provide the same protection for public
Variance and Exemotions
In 2003 the City requested and was ap-
proved to reduce monitoring of Disinfec-
tionsjDisinfectant-By-Products by the DOH,
having met the sampling requirements
agreed to. being below the MCL, of TTHM's,
HAA(5)'s. and TOC's.
Violations and Exceedences
Copper-action level at consumer taps.
Copper is an essential nutrient, but some
people who drink water containing copper in
excess of the action level over a relatively
short amount of time could experience gas-
trointestinal distress. Some people who
drink water containing copper in excess of
the action level over many years could suffer
liver or kidney damage. People with Wilson's
Disease should consult their personal doc-
tor. The City Water Utility sampled sixty
homes that were identified between the
years 1982-1988 where contractors had
installed copper water service lines with lead
solder joints within the home. The "Action
Level" (1.3 ppm-mgjL) for copper was ex-
ceeded by 0.34 ppm-mgjL. Construction of
a corrosion control system will be con-
structed by June 2008. pursuant to the
Agreed Order, Docket #2007-SAG-0001.
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The Water QtiaHt)t $~tohorth~Water& Wastewater cbll~cirot1DiVISic)flha$therespbnsit)ility of <aggreSSivelY $afeguardfn.g'
ypur. water system..()ik gdaf)s to ensure that weme.efalLregulatory agenqy standard~and retaili,yourqonfidenceii'itlS to
.provi<te.Yo~ with.S.~fearld.'tellabr~orlhk.ing~~ter. ~vetylilr1e)'ouop~r\..yo.ur..wat$r tap...l'hEi WaterQlJalitys.~cttoni$c()mpo$e~
of4emplQyees. rhey haVe acom9inedtotalgf1T Ye~rsof ~xperience ami serVe you wifhexper;tlse;andpfpfessionatism.
Co.ntirruingectucatfonismandatory foro.urer'(iplciyeestorneetthe h,igh standards that you have come to~xpect Curren.t cere
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agel', W",ter bistribqtion $Peci~ust,. Weiter Treatment. Plant Operator, CroSs. Cotll:1e~iof',lC()ntrol SpeciaH$t,and,~ackflow. As.
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Page 4
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
April 9, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Kathryn Neal, Engineering Manager
2007 Annual Report for the Stormwater NPDES Phase 2 Permit and Draft
Stormwater Management Program
Summary: Update on the Stormwater Management Program. Engineering staffwill present a
summary of2007 accomplishments and of activities planned for 2008.
Recommendation: Information only.
Background/Analysis: As required, the 2007 Annual Report for the City's NPDES Phase 2
Stormwater Permit was submitted to Ecology before the March 31, 2008 deadline. In addition, a
draft version of the City of Port Angeles Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) was posted
on the City web site for the purposes of inviting public comment. Engineering staff will show a
brief presentation suinmarizing the accomplishments of the Stormwater Program in 2007, planned
activities for 2008, and other NPDES Phase 2 permit requirements to be met over the next four
N:\UAC\Final\Stormwater Program Presentation. doc
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· NPDES Phase II Permit Overview
· 2007 Permit Requirements
· Additional Activities in 2007
· 2008 Permit Requirements
· Additional Activities Planned for 2008
Phase II Stormwater Permit
· Permit authorizes discharge of stormwater
from municipal separate stormwater
· Permittees are required to develop a
Stormwater Management Program to
reduce discharge of pollutants and protegf
water quality
Stormwater Management Program
1. Public Education & Outreach
2. Public Involvement and Participation
3. Illicit Discharge Elimination
4. Development Runoff Control
5. Operations & Maintenance
One Year Later...
designated as Phase II: January 17, 2007
permit effective: May 17, 2007
first annual repc>!1 dYE3: March 31,
2007 Permit Requirements
o Program to map new connections
stormwater system
o Retain existing local development
2007 Permit Requirements
o Notify DOE of known harmful discharges
o Stormwater Management Program
(SWM P) - first annual submission
o First annual report to DOE
Public Education & Outreach in 2007
(full program development & implementation required by 2/16/09)
· Stormwater website ~ I~~~~~~;;a
· Stormwater hotline _.7-;:...~-:;'~'
· Email address r~'DCllroarmmcm;mnr;xm'I' .;.;;::~=::..~~:=~:.:=
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· Events ~.;:';',:;:~:J[~=::'~J I ';-;~~.:.::. .~~.:::::=:.:-
_' "i~~~:~~'=- ~'C7::~~~~~~' ;~:~;'~:,~
KONP Home Show .______ ...._o~...
_ Clallam County Fair I~~~~;;;:~,~i;:i;;':"- =--~=--~
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- tream est ., ..~=:,~-~~~: .,._ ~~~~:;i-~
· Utility bill mailer -.- ~:::'-:::.:::::.-=~
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Additional Activities in 2007
· Hired stormwater engineer
· Stormwater rate adjustment
· Applications for implementation grants
· Administration of existing stormwater
· Ongoing permit
Additional Activities in 2007
· "No Dumping" labels on catch basins
· Stream Keepers 2008 program development
· Planned Low Impact Development overlay
2008 Permit Requirements
o SWMP on website
D Develop program to
receive public comments on
D Second SWMP annual
D Second annual report to
restored section of Valley Creek
Additional 2008 Program Goals
· Develop incentive program
· Begin pre-design of capital projects
· Continue public education and outreach
· Apply for available grants
Additional 2008 Program Goals
· Work toward 2009 permit requirements
- Illicit discharge program
- Development runoff control program
catch basin label
silt fence for 8lh St Bridges project
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Utility Advisory Committee Memo
April 9, 2008
Utility Advisory Committee
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
2008 Electric Utility Mandates
Summary: This year the City's electric utility must comply with a Washington state mandate to
develop a resource plan and a federal mandate to commence consideration of a "Smart Grid".
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background/Analysis: The electric utility is required by RCW 19.280.030 to develop a resource
plan by September 1, 2008. The resource plan must estimate loads for the next ten years, identify
the resources to serve the load, and explain why resources were or weren't chosen. The state
required resource plan is required to be updated every two years and may be available to the public
from the City's website.
Staff plans to prepare the resource
plan based on typical growth rates
and our current and anticipated
future mix of resources, which
are summarized to the right.
Natural Gas
The electric utility is also
required by the federal Energy
Independence & Security Act of
2007, which amended the Public
Utility Regulatory Policies Act, to
commence consideration of
modernization of its electric
distribution system by December 19, 2008. A determination of whether or not to proceed with a
"Smart Grid" is required one year later. Over the last two years the City's electric utility has been
required to commence, consider and reach a determination on several other matters such as
advanced metering and time-of-use rates.
85.61 %
Staff will present this year's electric utility mandates with no action requested at this time.
N:\UAC\Origina1\Electric utility mandates.doc