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Agenda Packet 04/12/2011
City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Jack Pittis Conference Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 April 12, 2011 3:00 PM AGENDA I. Call To Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes for March 8, 2011 and March 28, 2011 IV. Late Items V. Discussion Items: A. Proposed Wireless Network Open Access Policy B. Wireless Mobile Data System Sub -Grant Match Resolution C. Columbia Telecommunications Corporation Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 3 D. Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities, Project CL03 -2010, Change Order No. 1 E. Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I Constructability Review Results F. Electrical Work Permit Fees Update G. Moderate Risk Waste Facility Operation H. Retail Tiered Rate Methodology Study New Large Single Load Update (verbal report only) I. Retail Tiered Rate Methodology Commercial Customer Impact Study J. Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Services Agreement Project Order -03.3 K. Electric and Water Meter Clearance Ordinance Amendments VI. Information Only Items: A. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Agreement Update (verbal report only) B. Electric Vehicles VII. Next Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 VIII. Adjournment N \uac \final \041211 City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Jack Pittis Conference Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 March 8, 2011 3:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. II. Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmemebers Absent: Utility Advisory Committee Members Present: Utility Advisory Committee Members Absent: Staff Present: Others Present: III. Approval Of Minutes Chairman Dan DiGuilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of February 8, 2011. Councilmember Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Late Items None Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson N/A Don Perry, Brad Collins, Max mania, Patrick Downie Paul Elliott Dean Reed Kent Myers, Bill Bloor, Mike Puntenney, Larry Dunbar, Dan McKeen, Ken Debuc, Phil Lusk, Ernie Klimek, Rick Hostetler, Terry Gallagher, Brian Smith, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Randy Brackett, Kathryn Neal, Joey Currie, and Sondya Wray Greg Johnson, Bob Jensen, Frank Needham and Rob Kopp NoaNet, Shawn Delplain PUD #1 Clallam County, Tom Callis PDN V. Information Only Items A. Hybrid Electric Vehicle Update Chairman Dan DiGuilio stated that this topic was pulled from the agenda by staff and was not going to be discussed. B. Consumer Confidence/Water Quality Report for Calendar Year 2010 Ernie Klimek, Water Superintendent, addressed the annual Consumer Confidence Report is ready to send to all of the City of Port Angeles water customers. A copy of the report was provided. Information only. No action taken. VI. Executive Session Potential Litigation: RCW 42.30.110(1) (0 Bill Bloor, City Attorney, announced the executive session which was conducted as follows: Session began: 3:13 P.M. Session was extended by announcements at 3:28 P.M. and 3:43 P.M. Session ended: 3:47 P.M. VII. Discussion Items: A. Farallon Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 3 Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, discussed the construction scope of work, financing, and projects with the Rayonier Property Archaeology Exploration support and CSO Phase 1 Project Construction support. A PowerPoint slideshow was provided with information regarding the material management plan. A lengthy discussion followed. Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend City Council approve and authorize City Manager to 1) sign Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Agreement with Farallon Consulting in an amount not to exceed $120,600, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $95,800 to $216,400, and make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Wireless Mobile Data System Sub -Grant Acceptance Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, introduced Rob Kopp and Frank Needham from the Northwest Open Access Network. A background of the City, Police and Fire Departments wireless mobile data needs, and the grant process was presented. A brief discussion followed. Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council authorize City Manager to accept the Northwest Open Access Network Participation Agreement for the Wireless Mobile Data System Sub Grant, in accordance with the City's sub -grant application, and make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. Brooke Nelson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Information Only Items Continuation: A. Utility Discount for Low Income Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens Phil Lusk, Power Resource Manager, and Rick Hostetler, Customer Service Manager, shared a PowerPoint presentation on information regarding the Utility Discount for Low- Income Citizens. Information only. No action taken. B. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Agreement Update Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, shared that the Implementation Plan was approved by the City Manager, and that the fiber optic network connectors for the AMI system were given notice to proceed, and that the information technology hardware was ordered. Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, shared copies of the utility billing insert in support of the project. Information only. No action taken. C. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement Information only. No action taken. VII. Next Meeting Dates: March 23' 2011 Workshop March 28 2011 VIII. Adjournment: 4:52 p.m. Dan DiGuilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Dan DiGuilio, Chair Utility Advisory Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist Committee City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee Special Meeting Jack Pittis Conference Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 March 28, 2011 3:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. II. Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson. Other Councilmembers Present: Don Perry, Patrick Downie Other Councilmembers Absent: Brad Collins, Max mania Utility Advisory Committee Members Present: Paul Elliott, Dean Reed Utility Advisory Committee Members Absent: Staff Present: Others Present: III. Discussion Items: N/A Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Phil Lusk, and Sondya Wray. N/A A. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, provided a PowerPoint Presentation on the Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Proposed Settlement Agreement. The financial summary and proposed strategy were discussed. There was a lengthy discussion. IV. Executive Session Potential Litigation: RCW 42.30.110(1) (i) Bill Bloor, City Attorney, announced the Executive session which was conducted as follows: Session began: 3:40 P.M. Session ended: 4:15 P.M. Following the Executive Session, Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend to City Council to not approve the settlement agreement. Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VII. Next Meeting Dates: April 12, 2011 VIII. Adjournment: 4:17 p.m. Dan DiGuilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Dan DiGuilio, Chair Utility Advisory Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist Committee ORTNGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2010 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Brian Smith, Deputy Police Chief Subject: Proposed Wireless Network Open Access Policy Summary: As part of the City's grant under the Broadband Telecommunications Opportunity Program the City must establish policy in support of the Federal Communications Commission Policy Statement. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to establish policy for public access to the Wireless Network in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission Policy Statement FCC 05 -151, and authorize the City Manager to make minor changes to the policy, if necessary. Background /Analysis: As part of the City's grant under the Broadband Telecommunications Opportunity Program (BTOP) the City must establish policy in support of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Policy Statement FCC 05 -151. The City's wireless mobile data system will include access devices located throughout the city (mounts, power access, backhaul) to be shared by both secure public safety and the general public where and whenever feasible without compromising critical 4.9 GHz public safety network capacity, security and reliability requirements. In addition to the public safety infrastructure the proposed network will include a separate "pay to play" public access wireless network operating in other radio bands from the 4.9GHz Public Safety band such as the unlicensed 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands. The FCC 05 -151 Policy Statement relates to public access to the public wireless network is to ensure that broadband networks are widely deployed, open, affordable, and accessible to all consumers, and to encourage broadband deployment and preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of the public Internet, consumers are entitled to: Access the lawful Internet content of their choice. Run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement. Connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network. Competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers. If any of the above policy statements negatively affects local competitive market conditions in the future they should be amended. Staff recommends that the above policy statements are approved for the public wireless network component of the City's BTOP project. Attachment: FCC Policy Statement 05 -151 N \UAC \Final\Open Access Policy doc Legal Dept./Draft 4/5/11 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, committing reserves to fund the City's matching share of the BTOP Grant with NoaNet. WHEREAS, on March 15, 2011, the City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a Participation Agreement with Northwest Open Access Network NoaNet), to participate in the Broadband Telecommunications Opportunity Program (BTOP) Grant Cycle 2 Project (the "Project as specified herein; and; WHEREAS, the City has agreed to contribute matching funds that consist of in -kind and cash contributions to the project totaling $1,117,249; and WHEREAS, Section 3 of the Participation Agreement provides the City will establish security arrangements for its matching funds for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to commit City reserves as security for the City's cash contribution requirements under the BTOP Grant; and WHEREAS, the grant reserves committed by the City will be used solely for the purposes of security and payment of the cash contribution, as required, under the BTOP Grant; and WHEREAS, the commitment of reserves will be reduced by certain assets that are being contributed to the Project and allowed by Section 6.C. and Exhibit C of the Participation Agreement, and from time -to -time to reflect the value of the contributions made to the Project, and reported to and accounted by the Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration; Legal Dept./Draft 4/5/11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: Section 1. The City shall commit $1,117,249 of the City's reserves, specialty reserves in the City's general fund, as security for the City's cash matching requirement pursuant to the BTOP Grant. Section 2. In fulfilling its cash match obligations for the project, the City shall make in -kind contributions and Project expenditures at such times and in such amounts as is necessary to equal, at a minimum, thirty percent (30 of the cumulative grant requests made on behalf of the City for the Project. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of April, 2011. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk G: LEGAL1a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTLONS\RESOLUTIONS 2011107 Rccaves 3TOP.Gra,[04 04 11 wpd MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E Bloor, City Attorney Date: April 12, 2010 PT i NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Terry Gallagher, Police Chief Dan McKeen, Fire Chief Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Public Works and Utilities Director Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director Subject: Wireless Mobile Data System Sub -Grant Match Resolution Summary: As part of the City's grant under the Broadband Telecommunications Opportunity Program the City Council must pass a resolution to commit reserves for the City's matching share. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to pass a resolution committing reserves for the City's matching share of the Broadband Telecommunications Opportunity Program grant project with the Northwest Open Access Network if the City Manager accepts the Participation Agreement, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the resolution, if necessary. Background /Analysis: On March 15, 2011, City Council authorized the City Manager to accept the Northwest Open Access Network Participation Agreement (not signed at this time) for the Wireless Mobile Data System Sub -Grant in accordance with the City's sub -grant application, and make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. The Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet) recently advised staff that the Participation Agreement may be offered to the City by the end of April 2011, which is updated date that they anticipate receiving the FONSI. As part of the Participation Agreement, the City must pass a resolution to commit general fund reserves for the City's matching share. The resolution is an assurance that the City will proceed with the grant and has the means to do so. The resolution is required within 15 days of City acceptance of the Participation Agreement. In accordance with the Participation Agreement, staff is preparing a list of certain assets and future in -kind services that are being contributed to the project, which are anticipated to significantly reduce or eliminate the out of pocket expense for the City's matching amount. Staff will share additional information about certain assets, future in -kind services, and out of pocket expenses that will contribute to the City's match at today's meeting. The final proration of future out of pocket expenses, if any, will be based on the benefit to each fund. A total of $300,000 in criminal justice funds is available for any out of pocket expenses. Attachment: Proposed Resolution N \UAC\Final\BTOP Match Resolution doc Mr. Larry Dunbar April 5, 2011 Page 3 Task 1. Prepare RFP Task 2. Provide Pre -Bid Support Statement of Work To support the City of Port Angeles in meeting the requirements of an NTIA broadband grant as a sub grantee to NoaNet, CTC proposes to perform tasks in the following technical areas: Prepare an RFP process to competitively secure the services of a systems integrator for the City of Port Angeles, Washington Assist the City staff in evaluating the technical submissions from responders to the RFP Support the City as a sub grantee Based on the design submitted in the City's application to NTIA and the requirements information collected from participating City departments, we will develop a comprehensive engineering framework and scope of services for the RFP. The RFP will specify technical performance requirements for the network with regard to radio coverage, data throughput, security, and redundancy of key network components for both public agency and commercial network performance. The RFP will define at a system level the engineering structure and key technical requirements that will need to be met by the successful respondent in terms of: Required coverage areas Radio spectrum allocation Available locations for mounting wireless access points (WAP) Existing and proposed backhaul network access to interface to WAP Equipment technical standards with respect to open industry standards (FCC, IEEE) The RFP will clearly define the scope of responsibility for the systems integrator, including requirements for acceptance testing, management system, maintenance and support, work hours, documentation, and whether the systems integrator is to be responsible for any necessary changes to existing City infrastructure (e.g., power at poles, pole make ready, additional structures required, etc.). CTC will meet with City staff to review the RFP materials and to finalize the RFP based on City and NoaNet feedback. The RFP should require at least one mandatory pre -bid conference with candidate respondents after release of the RFP. We will attend this conference and assist in preparing responses and RFP addenda, as necessary, for questions presented by the respondents. Mr. Larry Dunbar April 5, 2011 Page 4 Task 3. Evaluate Proposals We will develop proposal evaluation criteria based on the RFP requirements. We will prepare evaluation forms for a structured review, and provide an independent evaluation of the proposals based on these criteria. Task 4. Provide Contract Negotiation Support We will assist in negotiating the final contract with the awarded systems integrator. Example tasks include developing a detailed list of deliverables and a recommended payment schedule corresponding to deliverables. We anticipate attending negotiation meetings. Task 5. Support the City as a Sub Grantee to NoaNet We will assist the City in meeting the requirements —both of NoaNet and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) concomitant with the City's role as a sub grantee to NoaNet under its BTOP grant. Based on our experience supporting other BTOP grantees, we anticipate that our services will include: Preparing engineering exhibits Representing the City in meetings (in person and via teleconference) with NoaNet, NTIA, and other local, state, and federal agencies involved in permitting and other project design and construction processes Developing any necessary engineering designs or modifications to ensure proper interoperability and interconnection Researching and developing necessary engineering materials to assist the City and its communications contractor with public information dissemination regarding the locations of access devices and the electro magnetic fields (EMF) associated with the installation, including issues such as: o compliance with standards and laws o exposure duration o frequency of exposure o intensity of output o duration and frequency of output o device transmission patterns and schedules (sending and receiving) o comparisons, as appropriate, to similar "everyday risks," such as cell phone usage, microwave ovens, etc. Mr. Larry Dunbar April 5, 2011 Page 5 Proposed Timeline Based on a start date of May 1, and assuming no delays in the City's procurement process, we believe that this project could be completed on the following approximate timeline: 1. Prepare RFP, May 1 to July 22, 2011 2. RFP issued and "on the street," July 22 to September 2, 2011 3. Evaluation of responses, September 5 to September 30, 2011 4. Contract negotiation and award, October 3, 2011 to January 6, 2012 5. System integrator begins work, January 9, 2012 6. Construction 67% complete by July 27, 2012 7. Construction 100% complete by July 26, 2013 A chart illustrating the proposed timeline is included on the following page. Mr. Larry Dunbar April 5, 2011 Page 6 Estimated Costs The total cost for this work, exclusive of travel, will be as follows: Hours Hourly Rate Sub Total Director of Engineering 240 $160.00 $38,400 Principal Engineer /Analyst 150 $150.00 $22.500 Total Professional Fees $60,900 Please note that CTC reserves the right to reallocate funds among task and staff categories so long as the total cost is not exceeded. We estimate that our total travel expenses for three trips will be $4,500. For mutually agreed -upon work performed beyond this statement of work, CTC will bill at the following hourly rates: Director of Engineering $160 Principal Engineer /Analyst $150 Senior Project Engineer /Analyst $140 Senior Engineer /Analyst $130 Staff Engineer /Analyst $120 Engineer Aide II 65 CTC's billing rates are inclusive of all routine expenses including administrative, accounting, computer support, telephone calls, and photocopying. Non routine expenses are billed at cost. CTC's rates are guaranteed for the term of this project. Payment is due within 30 days of invoice. I To be coordinated with client and billed at cost. CITY OF ORT NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2010 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Brian Smith, Deputy Police Chief Subject: Columbia Telecommunications Corporation Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 3 Summary: An amendment to the scope of work with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation has been negotiated to provide professional services to the City under the Northwest Open Access Network sub -grant for the wireless mobile data system. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign amendment No. 3 to the professional services agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an amount not to exceed $65,400.00, and make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: On March 17, 2009, City Council approved an agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation (CTC) to assess the City's network, including the Police and Fire Departments' wireless mobile data needs. On July 21, 2009, City Council authorized CTC to prepare a system -level design, cost estimate, business plan, and a grant application for a wireless mobile data system under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). For the recently approved Advanced Metering Infrastructure System, it took the City 4 months to prepare the request for proposal (RFP), another 7 months before the contract was awarded, and we anticipate a year for construction. If the RFP development and contract award timeline for the wireless mobile data system takes a similar amount of time and we get the sub -grant by the end of April, we will only have a 5 month window for construction of 67% of the network (and another year to finish). At this point it's the most optimistic possibility and achievable but quite challenging. Staff recommends that CTC is retained to prepare a RFP for the procurement of a City -owned wireless mobile data system. An amendment to the professional services agreement with CTC has been negotiated. The scope of work includes preparing the RFP, providing support to the City prior to the proposal due date, evaluating proposals, and support during contract negotiation (see the attached CTC Professional Services Proposal for more information). A fee not to exceed $65,400.00 was negotiated for the services. Notice to proceed to CTC will be withheld until the Participation Agreement is signed by the City Manager. Attachment: CTC Professional Services Proposal N \UAC \Final \CTC Professional Services Agreement Amendment 3 doc Dear Mr. Dunbar: CTC ('4 COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING ANALYSIS IN II FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR Columbia Telecommunications Corporation 10613 Concord Street Kensington, MD 20895 301.933.1488 fax: 301.933.3340 www.CTCnet.us Via Electronic and U.S. Mail Mr. Larry Dunbar City of Port Angeles Public Works Utilities Department 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0217 April 5, 2011 Re: Proposal and statement of work to prepare an RFP to select a systems integrator to plan, install, and operate a multiband high -speed broadband wireless communications network for Public Safety First Responders, other City agencies, and commercial and residential customers. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the initial technical support that will be required to support the City of Port Angeles as you enter into a partnership with the Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet). It is our understanding that NoaNet has accepted the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) grant to fund the construction of a broadband wireless network for City agencies. We further understand that the City has agreed to receive a contract from NoaNet to establish the City as a sub grantee to the overall NoaNet grant. And, based on information provided by NoaNet representatives, we understand that work will need to commence on the engineering portion of the City's portion of the project within several weeks. At your request, Columbia Telecommunications Corporation (CTC) is providing a statement of work to prepare contingent upon the City's receipt of federal grant funding through NoaNet —a competitive negotiation (consistent with RCW 39.04.270) through a request for proposals (RFP) process that represents the functional specifications for a multiband high -speed broadband wireless communications network consistent with the technical design defined by the City's own NTIA grant application. The RFP will be based on the technical design developed as part of the Communications Needs Assessment and Public Safety Considerations project we prepared for your office under an earlier assignment. We anticipate that the RFP will solicit responses from experienced systems California Illinois Maryland Minnesota North Carolina Tennessee Valley Washington, D.C. Wisconsin Mr. Larry Dunbar April 5, 2011 Page 2 integrators companies companies that provide a turnkey approach to projects such as this by combining all necessary hardware, software, equipment, and installation and testing services to create a functioning system. We further expect that these systems integrators will have demonstrated competence in both fiber optic and wireless technologies. (Though not in the scope of this project, we also note that the City might decide to issue a second RFP at some point in the future, separate from the sub grantee relationship with NoaNet, to identify a qualified provider of operations and maintenance services for the wireless network.) We have divided the project into five discrete tasks. We propose to complete the first task preparation of the primary RFP document within 90 days of a notice to proceed. We recommend that upon completion of the first task, the City place the RFP on public notice and that the remaining tasks and all work under this statement of work be completed within six months of the start of the project. A proposed project timeline is attached. We propose to perform all professional service support listed under this statement of work for a total cost of $60,900. We are estimating an additional $4,500 to cover out -of- pocket travel expenses. Travel expenses may vary and will be coordinated with your office prior to planning any onsite work. As we discussed during our meeting in Port Angeles last September, this statement of work only covers the project through the selection of the systems integrator. Additional engineering support from our organization or another qualified engineering firm will be required throughout this project. I anticipate that total engineering expenditures throughout the project might be in the $125,000 to $150,000 range, depending on the support available from City staff. We look forward to working with you and the City staff on this challenging project. Regards, Lee Afflerbach CITY OF FQRTANGfiLEB W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2011 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems Subject: Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities, Project CL03 -2010, Change Order No. 1 Summary: Capacity Provisioning, Inc. was awarded a contract to replace the customer premise equipment and construct the redundant fiber optic facilities for thirteen City sites. As part of the review of the plans and specifications, Capacity Provisioning, Inc. has identified a change in conditions that will reduce the City's cost for one City site, one City site will be postponed, increase the City's cost at four City sites, and staff has requested optional changes in the plans and specifications that effect the cost of two other locations (the remaining five locations unchanged). Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Capacity Provisioning, Inc. for Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities, Project CL03 -2010, in the amount of $40,756.48 for a total contract amount of $186,997.58, including applicable tax. Background /Analysis: On April 6, 2010, City Council awarded the Metropolitan Area Network Services Agreement to Capacity Provisioning, Inc. (CPI) As part of the redundant fiber optic facilities plans and specifications for twelve City sites that was completed last month, CPI identified a change in conditions that will decrease the City's cost for one City site, one City site will be postponed, increase the City's cost at four City sites, and staff has requested optional changes in the plans and specifications that effect the cost of six other locations (the remaining five locations unchanged). The work entailed in the project is summarized on the following page, all dollar amounts in this memo include applicable tax. Due to the sensitive nature of the City sites that are considered core facilities on the fiber optic network they are anonymous and listed by number in the summary on the following page. It has been confirmed that sufficient funding for this Change Order No. 1 is available within the existing budget. The negotiated amounts are fair and reasonable. Staff recommends that the Utility Advisory Committee forwards a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Capacity Provisioning, Inc. for Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities, Project CL03 -2010, in the amount of $40,756.48 for a total contract amount of $186,997.58, including applicable tax. N \UAC\Final\MAN Services Agreement Charge Order I docx Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities Project CL03 -2010, Change Order No 1 April 12, 2011 Page 2 City Site(s) 1 -6 1 7 8 1 I9 10 11A 11B 1 12A* 12B* 13* 11,382.00 1 Totals $146,241.10 Contract Amount 71,987.10 1 10,298.00 *Construction path is shared and these City sites cannot be separated. Summary of Contract and Change Order Options Option A B C D Archaelogist ER R PenCom Conservation 10,081.20 1 5,528.40 1 9,322.40 8,672.00 10,840.00 1 Original Contract Amount $146,241.10 $117.20 234.39 234.39 117.20 Summary of Proposed Change Order No. 1 Change Order Change Order Description N/A 1 No changes required (includes customer premise equipment). N/A Postpone until after 2012 when underground conduit is available at lower cost to the City. (1,517.60) 1 Use of existing underground conduits available. 2,069.71 1 Use of existing path did not establish redundancy. 5,731.65 The use of overhead facilities is not acceptable and underground trenching is needed. 1,300.00 Includes the use of overhead facilities including the cost to install one utility pole. 5,987.91 The use of overhead facilities is not recommended and underground trenching is needed. N/A 1 No changes required. 6,178.80 Underground trenching was requested to accommodate conduits for electric service at this site, which reduces future Electric Utility cost. 22,306.01 Clearances on utility poles not owned by the City are not in compliance with code which requires underground trenching. $29,889.77 1 Option A Items 1 -10, 11A, 12A, 13 $34,577.68 1 Option B Items 1 -10, 11B, 12A, 13 $36,068.57 1 Option C Items 1 -10, 11A, 12B, 13 $40,756.48 1 Option D Items 1 -10, 11B, 12B, 13 Change Order 1 $29,889.77 $34,577.68 $36,068.57 $40,756.48 Final Cost $176,130.87 $180,818.78 $182,309.67 $186,997.58 Staff recommends change order option D, which is allocated to all associated funds using the same methodology included in the 2011 budget. Below is a cost breakdown for each fund. Medic 1 $351.59 Water 24,649.92 Electric 11,301.54 Stormwater 117.20 Solid Waste Transfer Station Wastewater Project Cost Variance 20.4% 23.6% 24.7% 27.9% $937.56 1,171.96 1,523.54 F'ORT r NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo April 12, 2011 Date: To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager Subject: Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I Constructability Review Results Summary: Harris Associates completed their constructability review of the 90% Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1 (CSO Phase 1) project in January 2011, on schedule. Brown Caldwell delivered the 100% CSO Phase 1 project contract documents on March 15, 2011. Staff will give a short presentation on the results of Harris's review and of the value the City received from the review. Recommendation: For information only, no action requested. Background /Analysis: The City has committed to completing the Phase 1 Combined Sewer Overflow Project by the end of 2013. The complexity of this project is extensive in both its technical requirements as well as the interdependencies that exist between the multiple organizations that will be involved during construction. This first phase of the CSO project includes a gravity sewer main, two new force mains to convey flow from pump station #4, flow diversion facilities, various plant improvements and conversion of an existing industrial high capacity outfall to relocate discharges to a location outside of Port Angeles Harbor. The project goes through the Rayonier industrial site including areas of potential contaminated soil with Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup requirements as well as archaeological aspects. With a construction budget of approximately $20M including not only the construction contract but also construction management, archaeology, handling potentially contaminated soils and groundwater, and performance monitoring, the City will have a large investment at stake. A constructability review of the 90% design plans and specifications by an independent third party was an indispensable step for a project of this complexity. Constructability reviews for projects of this nature are performed to lower construction costs by reducing the risk of change orders and to avoid unnecessary delays during construction. Industry-wide, the expected savings from constructability reviews varies from design to design, but typically reduces change order costs by at least five times the amount invested in the review, and in some case studies the return on investment has been 25 fold. A presentation summarizing the results of this constructability review will occur at today's meeting. N \UAC\Final \CSO Phase I Constructability Review Update doc CITY OF pQRTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2011 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Randy Brackett, Deputy Director of Operations Subject: Electrical Work Permit Fees Update Summary: Staff compared our electrical work permit fees with other agencies and recommends commercial and residential fees be separated to fill the gap between revenues and expenses. Staff also invited electrical contractors to review recommendations through two meetings. The electrical contractors indicated support for the revised fee structure. Recommendation: For information only, no action requested. Background /Analysis: Revenues from electrical work permit fees annually lag expenses by about 27% or nearly $25,000. Unless the fees are adjusted, the revenue gap will continue to be made up through Electric Utility rates. In order to keep a close linkage between the fees and users that benefit directly from the service, a revision to the fees is recommended. Staff evaluated fee structures from other public entities and the Washington State Department of Labor Industries. In most cases, our fees trailed those of other entities. It was also noted that separate fees structures for commercial and residential rates were common, which staff anticipates proposing later this year as part of the Electric Utility rate study. Staff reviewed the separate fee structure with electrical contractors, and four companies participated which resulted in modest adjustments. All contractors known to work in the city were invited to a second meeting but only three contractors responded. A range of support for a revision to the fees was expressed, and contractors expressed support for continuing the City's electrical work permit service. A suggestion by contractors during both meetings was to make the permit processes more convenient for them by creating online access for preparing, submitting and paying for electrical work permits. Staff is exploring the feasibility, cost, and benefit of the Click2Gov service for electrical work permits. CITY OF FART NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2011 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Randy Brackett, Deputy Director of Operations Subject: Moderate Risk Waste Facility Operation Summary: The Department of Ecology currently supports the operation of the City of Port Angeles Solid Waste Moderate Risk Waste Facility with a grant covering 75% of the City's annual cost. Given the severe deficit the State is facing and cuts that are occurring in other State programs, an evaluation of the impacts and alternatives are appropriate. Recommendation: Provided for information and discussion. Background /Analysis: The Moderate Risk Waste Facility (MRWF) is a City owned facility that was constructed in 2006 and is operated by Waste Connections, Inc. under the Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services Agreement. The MRWF accommodates the handling and disposal of specific types of common residential wastes including oil base paint, paint related waste, flammable liquid, pesticides, aerosols, acids and alkaline, penta- chlordane, flammable solids, oxidizers, and organic peroxides. Commercial waste generators do not participate in the MRWF program. About 75% of the annual cost to operate the MRWF has been provided by the Washington State Department of Ecology. The remaining 25% has been paid through Transfer Station tipping fees. The Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board performed an initial evaluation of possible State funding cuts to identify impacts and alternatives to lessen or avoid financial impacts to Transfer Station customers. Recommendations from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee are pending. The State has not yet made any cuts to the City's MRWF funding and no staff action is proposed at this time. A discussion will be held at today's meeting to consider alternatives if funding is reduced or cut. CITY OF PART r NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2010 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager Subject: Retail Tiered Rate Methodology Commercial Customer Impact Study Summary: Based on the input from the City's largest commercial customers, staff requested that EES Consulting submit a proposal to perform the services necessary to complete a Retail Tiered Rate Methodology Impact Study for the City's Electric Utility. Recommendation: For information only, no action requested. Background /Analysis: In preparing for the shift to the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Tiered Rate Methodology (TRM) for wholesale power purchases effective October 1, 2011, the City needs to assess and evaluate methods to determine the impacts of the proposed BPA wholesale TRM costs and retail rate design for the City's largest commercial customers. This study will; 1) Review available data for the City's largest 210 commercial customers and determine energy consumption and peak demand by Time -Of -Use (TOU) period; 2) Develop a model for the current flat and TOU rate designs; 3) Develop a rate impact model for the recently approved TOU rate design for each of the City's 210 demand metered customers. This project will develop a model that can estimate the wholesale cost and retail rate impacts for commercial customers based on current flat rates, current TOU rates, and future TOU rates for each customer. The project will also help staff identify customers who are most potentially impacted by the changes to BPA's TRM, and allow staff to assess the potential for demand response techniques or technologies that may help mitigate customer impacts from the higher demand charges associated with the TRM. Later this week staff plans to seek the City Manager's acceptance of a professional services agreement with EES Consulting to conduct the study in an amount not to exceed $14,000, which is below his authorized limit of $25,000. Attachment: Proposal for Development of Commercial Customer Impact Study N \UAC\Final \Retail Tiered Rate Methodology Impact Study doc March 30, 2011 Dear Mr. Lusk: EI Consulting Mr. Phil Lusk, Power Supply Manager City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 SUBJECT: Proposal for Development of Commercial Customer Impact Study EES Consulting is pleased to offer a proposal to develop a model for the City of Port Angeles' (City's) 210 demand metered customers as discussed during our phone conversation last week. Proposed Approach EES Consulting staff has performed over five hundred electric, natural gas, water, wastewater and stormwater rate studies throughout the United States and Canada. Based on our experience we have prepared a proposed scope of services that summarizes the analysis and data to be provided in the City's project. In order to accomplish this project successfully, it is necessary to develop a detailed scope of services at the beginning. The proposed scope of work is based on our phone conversation and our experience providing rate design studies to other utilities, however, EES Consulting is flexible in its approach and can modify the scope of work as needed. The primary components of a cost of service and rate design study include: Gathering background data. Development of hourly wholesale purchases and retail sales based on actual 2010 data to project peak, shoulder, light load and heavy load energy and peak demands for the system. 570 Kirkland Way, Suite 200 Kirkland, Washington 98033 Telephone: 425 889 -2700 Facsimile: 425 889 -2725 A registered professional engineenng corporation with offices m Kirkland, WA; Portland, OR, and Bellingham, WA Mr. Phil Lusk March 30, 2011 Page 2 Review available data for 210 customers and determine load by period. Develop rate model for current flat and TOU rate design for 210 demand metered customers. Develop rate model for future TOU and demand rate design. Develop Bill Impact Analysis by customer. The following summarizes the study analysis and results to be provided to the City. Proposed Scope for Developing Hourly Wholesale Purchases and Retail Sales Objective: To determine the energy and demand consumption by time period for the system. 1. Obtain hourly load data for the system for 2010. 2. Obtain monthly retail sales and billed demand by class for 2010. 3. Estimate hourly retail sales by customer class based on available information and assumed allocation of loads. 4. Provide load data by peak, shoulder, light load and heavy load periods. In addition, provide peak demand per rate schedule. 5. Provide a list of assumptions behind the allocation of load into rate class. Proposed Scope for Large Customer Analysis Objective: Identify the energy and demand consumption by TOU rate period for each of the 210 demand metered customers 1. Obtain data (energy demand) for each of the 210 demand metered customers 2. For the 16 customers with TOU data, an estimate of the peak shoulder period demand will be developed 3. For the remaining customers without TOU data, an estimate of the peak, shoulder, light load and heavy load periods billing determinants will be developed. Mr. Phil Lusk March 30, 2011 Page 3 Proposed Scope for Rate Design Modeling Objective: Develop rate design model that can determine the bill impact based on current flat rates, current TOU rates and future TOU and demand rates for each of the demand metered customers. 1. Develop database with billing determinants for 210 customers 2. Develop bill calculation under current flat rates for each of the 210 customers 3. Develop bill calculation under current TOU rates for each of the 210 customers 4. Develop bill calculation under future TOU rates for each of the 210 customers. 5. Provide summary table with bill comparison between the three rate design options. Deliverables A draft model will be provided after the preliminary analysis has been performed. At this time, EES Consulting will discuss assumptions and data issues to be addressed before a final model can be developed. Once the City has reviewed the draft analysis, EES Consulting will incorporate any comments or suggestions into a final model. Once the project is completed, EES Consulting will provide the City with a copy of the model. Project Staffing EES Consulting has a large staff consultants experienced in the area of cost of service and rate design analysis. For this project, EES Consulting proposes that day to day analytical tasks be performed by Kelly Tarp, with project management performed by Anne Falcon and quality control and oversight provided by Gary Saleba. If necessary, the expertise of other staff members can be drawn on for specific technical assistance. The following summarizes qualifications of EES Consulting personnel. Resumes of all key EES Consulting project team members are attached at the end of this proposal. Gary Saleba, President As both a management and strategic planning consultant, Mr. Saleba is a principal and president of EES Consulting. He provides overall quality control and insight for comprehensive financial, rates and power supply planning studies. As a founding member of EES Consulting, Mr. Saleba has over 25 years of experience with electric, natural gas, water, wastewater, and disposal utilities. He has overseen more than 400 cost of service and rate design studies. He also has taught Northwest Public Power Association, American Public Power Association and American Water Works Mr. Phil Lusk March 30, 2011 Page 4 Association cost of service and rate design schools. Finally, Mr. Saleba has apprised virtually all of EES Consulting's clients in how to deal with fundamental changes in the energy and natural resource industries. These changes include increased competition, more emphasis on public input in major decision making, and strategic planning under an uncertain future. Gary Saleba will provide overall quality control and oversight for this project. Anne Falcon, Manager of Economics and Rates Anne Falcon's primary responsibility with EES Consulting includes providing project management and technical support for all types of economic studies. Ms. Falcon will be the project manager for this project. She has over 15 years of experience managing projects concerning cost of service and rate analyses, financial planning and regulatory proceedings for electric, water, wastewater, and natural gas utilities. Her area of expertise includes restructuring, strategic planning, forecasting, unbundled cost -of- service studies, optimization research and specialized statistical studies. Ms. Falcon, who has a graduate degree from Stanford in operation research, also provides technical assistance for EES Consulting's clients by applying modeling techniques for our client needs. This includes modeling in the following areas: dispatch modeling, least -cost planning, load forecasting, demand -side management studies, and cost of service studies. She assisted in developing optimization models in utility dispatch and resource planning. Steve Andersen, Manager of Project Evaluations Mr. Andersen is responsible for providing economic analysis for electric utility clients and for analysis of issues related to power transmission and scheduling. Since joining EES Consulting, Mr. Andersen has been involved in monitoring Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) rates and contract activities and analyzing their long -term impact on clients. He has experience working with BPA rates and penalties as they apply to all BPA contract customers. He is familiar with Pacific Northwest energy markets and how they function on a daily basis. Kelly Tarp, Project Manager Kelly Tarp specializes in the areas of project management, cost of service, rate analysis and financial studies. Ms. Tarp has more than six years experience as a consultant in the energy industry, completing a variety of technical assessments for electric and gas utilities, government agencies, and supporting energy organizations with a focus on distributed generation and renewable energy. In addition, Ms. Tarp has performed a variety of financial studies, including cost of service and rate analyses for electric, water, and wastewater utilities; valuation studies; and financial analyses. Since joining EES Consulting, Ms. Tarp has performed the analytical and technical work on a long range financial and rate impact analysis for a $500 million water project. Duties Mr. Phil Lusk March 30, 2011 Page 5 include developing detailed cost allocation models, evaluating and comparing project alternatives, projecting costs under different financing options, and allocating projected costs to individual participants. Ms. Tarp has a degree in mechanical engineering. Mr. Phil Lusk March 30, 2011 Page 6 Amber Nyquist, Senior Analyst Amber Nyquist provides analytical expertise for EES in support of economic and financial studies. Ms. Nyquist's background includes research in electric utilities and rates and also intensive analytical work and forecasting in various fields. She also brings to EES knowledge in mergers and acquisitions among other competition theory and practices. Ms. Nyquist assists in Integrated Resource Planning for small and large utilities. Specifically she analyzes and models conservation and other demand side management resources. In addition to resource planning, she uses her background in econometrics and data analysis to collect quality data and develop load forecasts. Also, she utilizes her research skills to amass current utility information, support survey projects, and to prepare presentation and reference material. Proposed Time Schedule and Fees Time Schedule EES Consulting has staff available to begin work on this project immediately. It is anticipated that initial results of the model can be available in 8 weeks after receipt of the necessary data. Basic Fee Estimates EES Consulting charges the following hourly billing rates. The fee estimates for this project have been developed on the basis of the following billing rates: President $185 Managing Director 165 Manager /Consultant 160 Project Manager 150 Senior Analyst 145 Analyst 140 Administrative 120 Based upon the above hourly billing rates, the following labor fee budget is estimated for the scope of services presented for the electric rate study. If the scope of services is modified, EES Consulting will discuss any required changes to the budget prior to proceeding with additional work. Hourly System Modeling $2,000 Development of Individual TOU Loads 4,000 Rate Design Model 8.000 Total Labor Cost $14,000 Mr. Phil Lusk March 30, 2011 Page 7 In addition, any presentations or meetings requested by the City are billed at the hourly rates listed above. Out -of- pocket and travel expenses will be billed separately at their actual cost. The above quoted fees will remain in effect until December 31, 2011. Thank you for thinking of EES Consulting. We look forward to working with you on this very interesting project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Very truly yours, O lfrte- eei Anne Falcon Managing Director of Economics and Rates P RT A GS W A S H I N G T O N U. S. A Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2010 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Philip Lusk, Power Resources Manager Subject: Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Services Agreement Project Order -03.3 Summary: The City has been offered an amendment to our Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Agreement to deliver energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps and showerheads to its low income senior citizens and low- income disabled customers. All City expenses would be eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's energy conservation program. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Project Order -03.3 to the Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Services Agreement, and to make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. Background /Analysis: The proposed amendment (Project Order -03.3) would include the installation of approximately 8,400 compact fluorescent lamps and 330 low -flow showerheads to 300 of the Cities' low- income senior citizens and low- income disabled customers that qualify for utility discounts. These products will lower the electrical demand for our utility discount customers through reduced consumption. Another benefit of the amendment will be audits of the homes where these products are to be installed. The audits will provide the City with valuable information about what might be done to help these customers further reduce their energy consumption and by pointing out any energy inefficiencies such as poor insulation or outdated windows. All City expenses are eligible for reimbursement under the BPA's energy conservation Program Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Project Order -03.3 to the Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Services Agreement, and to make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. Attachment: Proposed Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Services Agreement Project Order -03.3 N \UAC\Final \Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Agreement Rev 1 docx Project Order Title Simple Steps, Smart Savings Fluid Run Direct Install, Option 3 Project Order -03.3 Fluid's Authorized Representative Megan McCabe 503.808.9003x106 mmccabec fluidms.com EXHIBIT B TO PSA This Project Order is entered into pursuant to the terms and conditions of and as an amendment to the Promotion Services Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Fluid Market Strategies, Inc. (Fluid), dated May 19, 2010. Fluid's Objective To conduct home auditing and implement a successful direct install project in select homes within the City of Port Angeles service area in accordance with this document and in conformance with BPA's direct install program requirements. Scope of Services The Fluid run direct installation portion of the Simple Steps, Smart Savings program will increase adoption and use of energy saving products by offering the City of Port Angeles CFL installation and energy- saving showerhead distribution services. An installation fee and a $0.35 administration fee will be applied to all CFLs and showerheads provided to City of Port Angeles utility customers in accordance with this Project Order. Fluid will comply with BPA's current Implementation Manual for direct install measures pertaining to this Project Order. Administrative and Staff Suggort Services from Fluid will include development, delivery and facilitation of the direct installation portion of the Simple Steps, Smart Savings promotion as outlined in Attachment A Direct Install Proposal. Fluid's installation team members will: Participate in an orientation detailing customer service expectations, installation best practices and outlining the goals of the promotion. Secure needed CFL and showerhead product supply, and manage product distribution and inventory. Recruit select City of Port Angeles utility customers for participation and schedule customer services. Perform installations in compliance with local and state regulations. Collect audit data and track activity on the Home Snapshot Audit form (Attachment B). Provide the City of Port Angeles with reports of project activity and hardcopies of audit forms. Allow the City of Port Angeles representatives to work closely with Fluid's administration of this program to ensure the best possible public relations and the best chance of a successful outcome for Fluid and the City of Port Angeles. Marketing Services Fluid will provide and operate a consumer facing website that provides information about promotional products as well as a one page summary of promotion related services offered by the City of Port Angeles. A customer support telephone number will be provided and maintained by Fluid and made available to utility customers for services under this Project Order. Fluid will provide informational materials, including Home Energy Savings Steps brochures and Showerhead Installation Instructions, to utility customers who receive direct install services. Templates will be made available to the City of Port Angeles for utility bill inserts, newspaper ads, customer direct mail letters, door hangers, and newspaper copy /web graphics. Additionally, Fluid is available to design custom marketing materials as needed. The scope of any additional custom marketing will be detailed in a Change Order as an attachment to this document. Reporting Minimum reporting requirements will include: The City of Port Angeles will receive electronic reports of direct installation and auditing activity once a month. The report will document the information collected on Attachment B. Upon request, Fluid will conduct quality control efforts through select site verification to ensure customer satisfaction and proper product installation. Fluid will meet reporting standards enabling the City of Port Angeles to obtain reimbursement from BPA for qualifying PSA EXH B 1 work performed under this Project Order. Additional reporting requirements will be communicated to Fluid as they are identified. Incorporated Documents (Note: In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions contained in this Project Order and those set forth in any Incorporated Documents, the terms and conditions of this Project Order shall prevail.) Attachments A (Direct Install Proposal) Attachments 8 (Snapshot Audit Form) Compensation for the Services Fluid shall be compensated for the Fluid Run Direct Install Services described above as follows: Product Description CFL Twist 13 -15 Watt CFL Twist 18 -20 Watt CFL Twist 23 -26 Watt CFL Reflector CFL Globe Showerhead For selected product only. Administrative Fee Installation Fee $0.35 $2.25 $0.35 1 $2.25 $0.35 1 $2.00 $0.35 1 $2.25 $0.35 1 $2 25 $0.35 1 $8 00 In accordance with the unit prices listed in the chart above the City of Port Angeles commits to fund this direct install project until one of the following is achieved: Project costs for the City of Port Angeles have reached a maximum amount of or A maximum of utility customer homes are retrofitted within the City of Port Angeles service area. Any change in the scope of services in this document will be detailed in a written Change Order signed by both parties and attached to this agreement. lime of Performance for the Services Commencement Date Completion Date 2011 2011 Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the Master Promotion Services Agreement referenced above shall be incorporated into and become a part of this Project Order. This Project Order shall remain in effect unless terminated by either party at any time by giving a thirty (30) day notice to the other party or meeting completion obligations in this Project Order. Notice shall be effective when received. Accepted By: City of Port Angeles Please Print Name Signature Title PSA EXFI 8 Date Product Cost* $1.19 $1.39 $1.65 2.88 2.88 $3.50 Total Cost Per Unit $3.79 $3.99 $4.00 $5.48 $5.48 $11.85 Approved by: Fluid Market Strategies Please Print Name Signature Title Date i 2 Scope of Work Proposal City of Port Angeles Direct Install Program Description Fluid Market Strategies, Inc. "Fluid will conduct in -home Snapshot audits, on behalf of the City of Port Angeles, under the Simple Steps, SmartSavingsN direct installation program. Fluid will perform Snapshot audits in the homes of approximately 300 customers who qualify for the City of Port Angeles rate assistance program. In addition, Fluid will aim to install approximately 8,400 CFLs and distribute approximately 330 energy saving showerheads to these homes. Pricing for Snapshot auditing services, product, product installation, and administrative fee are listed in the following table. Product Product Description Cost Per Unit* Snapshot Audit N/A CFL Twist 13 -15 Watt $1.19 CFL Twist 23 -26 Watt $1.65 Specialty CFL Reflector $2.88 Specialty CFL Globe $2.88 Showerhead $3.50 Admin Fee Per Unit $0.00 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 Installation Cost Per Unit N/A $2.25 $2.00 $2.25 $2.25 8.00 Program Goals The program will address the following goals for the City of Port Angeles: Total CRC Utility Cost Per Unit Per Unit $0.00 1 N/A $3.79 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $5.48 1 $5.50 $5.48 1 $5.50 $11.85 1 $12.00 Pricing for select products only. Collect audit data from homes according to agreed upon auditing standards. An installation target of 8,400 CFLs in 300 homes. This goal is based on the 2008 NEEA MPER findings and our research, and takes into account the following: o Number of qualified sockets in each home. o Homes where the resident is not interested in having CFL replacement performed. o Sockets where CFLs are already installed. Fluid Market Strategies City of Port Angeles Direct Install Program o Sockets where a CFL would not be applicable to be installed, i.e., halogen lighting, dimmables. A distribution target of 330 energy saving showerheads in 300 homes. This is based on our research and takes into account the following: o Number of showers in each home. o Homes where the home owner is not interested in having showerhead replacements performed. o Homes where an energy saving showerhead is already installed. o Homes that do not contain an electric- resistance hot water heater. Provide excellent service to the City of Port Angeles customers. Ensure that the City of Port Angeles brand is associated and connected to the program activities. Program Tasks Task 1: Establish Program Plan Fluid will work with The City of Port Angeles to develop a plan for executing the program successfully from start to finish. Establish the size, length, and start date of the program (recommendations have been made in this document but can be adjusted accordingly). Other parameters such as target regions, target demographics, or time constraints will be determined at this initial stage. Provide training and clearly define codes of conduct and auditing standards for installation team. Establish products to be installed. Secure product supply. Map distribution of product to installation team members. Develop marketing and outreach strategies. Task 2 Training Fluid's installation team and qualified installers will be trained on the following: Product information including technical specs, application uses and benefits. Program information including goals, services available, and approved messaging. Installation techniques, protocols and best practices. Data collection /reporting methods, standards and protocols. Fluid Market Strategies l City of Port Angeles Direct Install Program Codes of conduct while performing outreach and in -home services. Task 3: Marketing, Outreach, and Customer Support Successful marketing and customer outreach plays an important role in making customers feel comfortable participating in this program. A plan will be developed to effectively and efficiently reach target customers and highlight that services are sponsored by the City of Port Angeles. Goals of this plan will be to: Establish program credibility. Provide customers with avenues for support via a toll free support hotline number and website. Educate customers of installation schedule and participation details. Educate customers on the benefits of energy efficiency and energy saving products. Methods of marketing and outreach may include: Distribution of press releases to local media prior to launch to establish credibility of the program activities with the community. Leave behind door hangers informing customers how to participate. Leave behind informational pieces offering product details and tips on ways to save energy. A website and phone number offering additional information and customer support. Task 4: Installation and Data Collection Installations and data collection will be performed efficiently and professionally by a trained installer whose goal is to perform a quality service with minimal invasion. For each home an installer will: Perform all eligible CFL installations. Whenever eligible, provide energy saving showerheads, required installation tools, and installation instructions. Log all activities performed using the Home Snapshot Audit Form, noting any obstacles or customer service issues encountered. Collect the following data using the Home Snapshot form: o Resident's name, address, and contact information. o Type of home, occupancy and other characteristics. o Number of light sockets. Fluid Market Strategies 1 City of Port Angeles Direct Install Program o Appliances and electronics present. o Type of heating /cooling systems. Installers will enter data from the forms into a database where it can be monitored and reported on by the management team. Task 5: Verification A select number of installations will be randomly selected to have quality assurance performed by program supervisors to ensure customer satisfaction, and that installation totals match installer submitted values. Verifications may occur through onsite visits, e-mails or telephone surveys. Task 6: Reporting and Invoicing Detailed reports of activity will be provided to the City of Port Angeles on a monthly basis, along with an invoice. Payment on invoices is due 30 days from the date of the invoice. Fluid Market Strategies 1 City of Port Angeles Direct Install Program Budget Number of Residences 300 Average Number of CFLs to Install per Residence: 28 Twist CFL 13 -watt 19 Twist CFL 23 -watt 3 Reflector CFL 3 Globe CFL 3 CFL Quantity Total 8,400 CFL Unit Cost Twist CFL 13 -watt (5,700 units) $1.19 Twist CFL 23 -watt (900 units) $1.65 Reflector CFL (900 units) $2.88 Globe CFL (900 units) $2.88 CFL Total Product Cost $13,452 23 -watt CFL Unit Installation Cost (900 units) Other CFL Unit Installation Cost (7,500 units) CFL Total. In Cost CFL COST Average Number of Showerheads to Install per Residence Showerhead Quantity Total Fixed Showerhead Unit Cost (230 units) Handheld Showerhead Unit Cost (100 units) Showerhead Total Product Cost Showerhead Unit Installation Cost Showerhead Total Installation Cost t' SHOWERHEAD TOTAL COST Total Units Admin Fee Unit Cost ADMIN MARKETING FEE TOTAL COST TOTAL PROGRAM COST Fluid Market Strategies !Budget $2.00 $2.25 $18,075 $32, 1.1 330 $3.50 $8.98 $1,703 8.00 $2,640 $4,343 8,730 $0.35 $3,056 3 9,526 5 Direct Installation and Home Snapshot Form The undersigned customer requests and authorizes the specified utility to verify information for the account listed below to the Simple Steps, Smart Savings program. All applicable fields are required. Account Information TO be completed by customer, 1. Date: 3. Home Address: 4. City: 7. Phone: D Cell D Home 9. Electric Utility: Products Installed To be completed by installer. Showerhead (Only homes with electnc water heat qualify for showerhead replacement. In Washington, install must be performed by customer. For showerheads installed by customer please circle "Installed" if you visually confirmed the installation.) Notes CFL Bulb (List quantity) 2. Customer Name: Type Twists Globes Reflectors Showerhead Unit (max two) Color Type GPM For Official Use Only 5. State: 8. Email: 10. Installer Name: Number by wattage Number by wattage Number by wattage 13 -15 Watt 14 -18 Watt 13 -16 Watt 23 -26 Watt #1 (circle details below) installed OR Left Behind Chrome OR White Fixed OR Handheld Existing Showerhead: New Showerhead: ID Number Batch Number. 6. Zip Code: Existing Showerhead: New Showerhead: #2 (circle detects below) Installed OR Left Behind Chrome on White Fixed OR Handheld V1: This form. created Sept 30.2010. is subject to chance. Effective until September 30. 2011. Signature required on last page. Return completed form to: Simple Steps, Smart Savings 625 SW Broadway, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 •Phone 888.553.SIMPLE (888.553.7467) info@SimpleStepsNW.com www.SimpleStepsNW.com Fax 503.808.9004 (preferred) 1 Home Inf robe completed by rhstalle 11. Which of the following describes the home: Multifamily /Apartment Detached single family house 12. Is this home a primary residence? 14. Total number of occupants living in the home: 14a Number of occupants under 18 years: Number of occupants between 18 -65 years: Number of occupants over 65 years: 15. Number of stories in home: 18. Has this home been weatherized /insulated? Yes 19. Insulation assessment Attic: None Less than 6 inches Wall: None insulated Floor /Crawl: None Insulated 20. Window assessment (estimate Single -paned wood Single -paned alum Double -paned wood Home Characteristics Check or fill in applicable fields Complete pre Direct Install. Existing Lighting Appliances Duplex Triplex Fourplex Yes No 16. Home square footage 17. Year home was built (f unknown, please estimate): (if unknown, please estimate): Double -paned alum 13. Is this home ENERGY STAR® rated? Yes No Do not know Single -paned vinyl Double -paned vinyl Number of incandescent/halogen bulbs Number of CFL/LED bulbs Number of dimmable sockets Total number of Tight sockets Dishwasher Refrigerator Second refrigerator Clothes washer Clothes dryer Freezer (stand alone) Return completed form to: Simple Steps, Smart Savings 625 SW Broadway, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 •Phone 888.553.SIMPLE (888.553.7467) info@SimpleStepsNW.com www.SimpleStepsNW.com Fax 503.808.9004 (preferred) Other No Do not know More than 6 inches Storm windows Interior Exterior V1: This form, created Sept 30, 2010, is subject to change. Effective until September 30, 2011. Signature required on last page. HVAC Equipment Water Heater Primary heat type: Electric Natural Gas Propane Other: Furnace Heat Pump Resistance (i.e. baseboard, cadets, ceiling cable, etc.) ❑Other: Ducts sealed? (Leave blank if not easily accessible) Yes No Does the home have air conditioning? Yes No If yes, what type? (mark one) Pipes insulated: Plumbing leak(s): Central Evaporative Cooler Zonal (.e. window and /or room A/C units), number of units Water temp: °F (OR: High Medium Low) Year: Model: Fuel type: Electric Natural Gas Propane Other Yes No ID Yes No V1: This form, created Sept 30, 2010, is subject to change. Effective until September 30, 2011. Signature required on last page. Return completed form to: Simple Steps, Smart Savings 625 SW Broadway, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 •Phone 888.553.SIMPLE (888.553.7467) info @SimpleStepsNW.com www.SimpleStepsNW.com Fax 503.808.9004 (preferred) 3 Terms and Conditions OFFICIAL FORM: This form must be filled out completely, truthfully and accurately. The Simple Steps, Smart Savings promotion and participating utility ("the utility") will not be responsible for lost documentation pertaining to the submission of this form. Promotion details, Including incentives, are subject to change without prior notice. HOMEOWNER EUGIBILITY: To be eligible for showerhead and aerator Installation, the site must have electric water heat. Additionally, at sites located In Washington, only licensed plumbers are eligible to install showerheads and faucet aerators. If the Installer is not a licensed plumber, they are to leave behind product at site for customer to Install. PRODUCT ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the direct install Promotion, products must be approved by the participating utility. Twist and specialty compact florescent light bulbs (CFLs) installed must be ENERGY STAR qualified and approved by the participating utility. Showerheads and faucet aerators must be designated equal to or less than 2.0 gallons per minute (GPM) and approved by the participating utility. INSTALLER EUGIBILITY: installers must have attended the Promotion orientation. In WA, only licensed plumbers are eligible to Install showerheads. VERIFICATION AND INSPECTION: Participating homes are subject to onsite inspections in order to verify that the products meet participating utility standards and that the home meets eligibility guidelines. Homes will be randomly chosen for onsite inspection. No warranty Is implied by this inspection. FACSIMILE/SCANNED: Facsimile transmission of any signed original document, and the retransmission of any signed facsimile transmission, shall be the same as delivery of the original signed document. Scanned original documents transmitted to the Promotion as an attachment via electronic mall shall be the same as delivery of the original signed document. At the request of the participating utility, the customer shall confittn documents with a facsimile transmitted signature or a scanned signature by providing the original document. TAX UABIUTY: Neither the participating unity nor the installer is responsible for any tax liability, which may be imposed on the customer as a result of payment of any incentives or as a result of obtaining financing. DISCLAIMER/NO LIABILITY: The customer understands that the participating utility is not supervising work performed for the customer and is not responsible for proper completion of that work or proper performance of any products purchased. The customer assumes the nsk of any loss or damage in connection with installation. The participating utility does not guarantee any particular energy savings results by its approval of the installation. ENDORSEMENT. The participating utility does not endorse any particular manufacturer, contractor, or product In promoting showerheads, faucet aerators, CFLs. or any other measures installed by the installer. The fact that the names of particular manufacturers, installers or products may appear on Promotion materials does not constitute an endorsement. Manufacturers, installers or products not mentioned are not implied to be unsuitable or defective in any way. SAFETY AND BUILDING CODES: The customer and installer agree to pursue compliance with federal, state, and local building and environmental codes for the installation of products. The installer certifies products have been installed consistent with the promotions Instructions. PROPERTY RIGHTS: The customer must have proper authority to install the products on the designated property, or has obtained any necessary consent from the landlord. Account Information (Optional) To be filled out by the electrical utility account holder. Note: if the home is occupied by a tenant, or the account holder is different from the customer listed in the contact information, the account information release should be signed by the person whose name appears on the electric utility account. Signing this release is optional. By doing so, the customer is allowing the performance data on their Simple Steps, Smart Savings installation to be used in the regionl program evaluation to determine energy savings and consumer satisfaction. INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED: The undersigned utility customer requests and authorizes the specified utility to release billing and usage information for the account listed below to the Simple Steps, Smart Savings program. With this authorization, the Simple Steps, Smart Savings program can request account information for up to two years pre installation and two years post installation. The utility customer also hereby releases the utility company from any and all liability arising from or connected with providing this information. Electric Utility Name: Electric Utility Account Number: SIGN HERE SIGN HERE SIGN HERE Account Holder Signature: Customer Signature The customer hereby accepts the above terms and conditions. Name (please print): Account Holder Name: Date: Authorized signature: Date: Installer Countersignature By signing below, the installer certifies that this form is complete and accurate and verifies that they have read the terms and conditions. The signature certifies the installer has received program installer orientation and performed installation in accordance with local and state codes. Name (please print): Authorized signature: Date V1: This form, created Sept 30.2010, is subject to change. Effective until September 30, 2011. Signature required on last page. Return completed form to: Simple Steps, Smart Savings 625 SW Broadway, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97205 •Phone 888.553.SIMPLE (888.553.7467) info ©SimpleStepsNW.00m www.SimpleStepsNW.com Fax 503.808.9004 (preferred) pORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2010 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager Subject: Electric and Water Meter Clearance Ordinance Amendments Summary: After reviewing the current ordinances it is apparent that amendments are needed to update the minimum meter clearance requirements for electric and water meters. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to proceed with a public hearing and adopt the amendments to ordinances relating to electric and water meter clearances. Background /Analysis: After reviewing the current ordinances on meter clearances, staff determined that a clearance for electric meters should be specified (similar to water meters), and that any water meter clearance issues should be corrected within a reasonable time period (similar to electric meters). Staff recommends that the ordinance amendments are updated prior to May 2011 when the first phase of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project begins. Attachment: Draft Meter Clearance Ordinance Amendments N \UAC \Final \Meter Clearance Ordinance Amendment doc Legal Department Draft March 21, 2011 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapters 13.10 and 13.28 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Electric Utility. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2341, as amended, and Chapter 13.10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Access to Facilities are hereby amended by amending 13.10.030 to read as follows: 13.10.030 Access to Facilities. A. The Director shall have free access at any reasonable time to any and all premises furnished with electric current by the City for the purpose of inspection of any wires or electric devices on such premises, reading or installing meters, and removing or repairing any property of the City, or for any other reasonable purpose connected with the light and power system of the City. For the Department's systems in underground areas, 24 -hour personnel access shall be provided to all vaults, switchgear rooms, or other facilities on customer property. B. All lamps, meters, wires and other electrical equipment or appliances supplied by the City shall be and remain the property of the City and may be removed, replaced or repaired whenever the Director may so elect. C. Customers shall maintain a minimum three feet wide clear working snace for three feet in front of every electric meter. service pedestal_ or Dad- mounted electrical eauipment related to the electrical sunnlv. The area defined by this working clearance shall be a minimum of six feet six inches high and accessible as defined in Paragranh 13.10.030(A). It is unlawful for anv person to store_ maintain or keen anv goods. materials. or rubbish within this access space. or to construct anv structure or plant vegetation that interferes with this working clearance. G.D. Upon request, the customer shall correct any condition that limits or restricts free and safe access to or operation of the Department's meters or service. Failure of the customer to comply within a reasonable time specified, as determined by the Director, shall subject the customer to disconnection of service. (Ord. 2341 §1, 5/28/1985) -1- Legal Department Draft March 21, 2011 Section 2. Ordinance 2181, as amended, and Chapter 13.28 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Unlawful Acts Defines are hereby amended by amending 13.28.040 to read as follows: 13.28.040 Unlawful Acts Defined. A. Any person causing damage to any property belonging to the Department shall be liable to the Department for any and all damages resulting either directly or indirectly therefrom. B. It is unlawful for any person to wilfully disturb, break, deface, damage or trespass upon any property belonging to or connected with the water system of the City, in any manner whatsoever. C. It is unlawful for any person to store, maintain or keep any goods, merchandise, materials or rubbish within a distance of five feet of, or to interfere with, the access or operation of any water meter, gate valve, fire hydrant, or other appurtenance in use on any water service, connection, water main, or fire protection service. (Ord. 2181 Ch. 2 §4, 12/3/1981) D. Upon request. the customer shall correct anv condition that limits or restricts free and safe access to the Department's meters or service. Failure of the customer to comnlv within a reasonable time specified. as determined by the Director. shall subiect the customer to disconnection of service. Section 3 Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4- Severabilitv. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 5 Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. -2- Legal Department Draft March 21, 2011 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2011. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: 2011 By Summary GILEGALIa ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONSIORDINANCES 2011108 Electric Amend Chapter 13 10 13 28 03 01 11.wpd (Apnl 7, 2011) MAYOR, DAN DiGUILIO APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney N \UAC \Final\Electric Vehicles doc PART NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: April 12, 2011 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems Subject: Electric Vehicles Summary: Staff has researched the cost of electric vehicle charging stations. Recommendation: For information only, no action requested. Background /Analysis: According to the `Electrification Roadmap" developed by the Electrification Coalition, electric miles are cheaper than gasoline miles, electric miles are cleaner than gasoline miles, and electrification of transportation is the best solution for reducing dependence on oil. According to the Northwest Public Power Association, half of the cars on the road today travel less than 25 miles per day, which is ideal for electric vehicles, and the operating cost of electric vehicles has an electrical equivalent of about 50 cents per gallon. Nissan now offers its all- electric Leaf, General Motors offers its all- electric Chevy Volt, and Toyota and Ford Motor Company offer plug -in hybrid models. To re -fuel an electric vehicle it needs to be electrically re- charged. Anticipating that customers will begin to purchase electric vehicles at some point in the future, staff has researched the three most common types of charging stations. Domestic charging stations are usually level 1 and would require about 14 hours to recharge a typical electric vehicle battery. Domestic and commercial charging stations could be level 2 and should recharge a vehicle in about 8 hours. Commercial level 3 charging stations can recharge a vehicle in as few as 15 minutes. A level 1 charging station may cost up to $1,000, a level 2 charging station may cost up to $15,000, and a level 3 charging station may cost up to $100,000. To determine the appropriate type of commercial charging station the following factors are usually considered: desired charge time (e.g., 15 minutes, 8 or 14 hours), adequacy of vehicle parking, convenient customer locations, availability of electrical facilities for the proposed level of charging station (voltage, amperage, phase), hours of operation, integration into the Advanced Metering Infrastructure System, street signage, customer convenience (e.g., debit and credit card compatible), and proposed battery charging fees (comparable to cost per gallon). Depending upon the future popularity of electric vehicles, improvements to the distribution system may also be necessary. For example, if multiple customers that are served off the same transformer have electric vehicles, it could overload the transformer and conductors.