HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/08/2012Utility Advisory Committee
Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 8, 2012 3:00 PM
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Introduction of Mr. Murven Sears, II, Community Representative Position No. 2
IV. Approval Of Minutes For April 10, 2012 and April 13, 2012
V. Late Items
VI. Discussion Items:
A. Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement
Amendment No. 1
B. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Condition Assessment and Value Engineering
C. Clallam Spring Clean Up Event
D. 2012/2013 EnergySmart Grocer Utility Participation Agreement
E. Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments
VII. Information Only Items:
A. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
B. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
VIII. Next Meeting Dates: June 12, 2012
IX. Adjournment
\uac \final \050812
Utility Advisory Committee /Special City Council Meeting
Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
April 10, 2012
2:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio
Other Councilmembers
Present: Patrick Downie, Brooke Nelson (2:20), Max Mania (2:47)
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Sissi Bruch, PhD., Brad Collins
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Dean Reed, Paul Elliott
Staff Present: Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Phil Lusk,
Dan McKeen, Ernie Klimek, Mike Puntenney, Brian Smith,
Sondya Wray, Kathryn Neal (2:11), Linda Kheriaty (2:42), Rick
Hostetler (2:42)
Others Present: Timm Kelly IBEW Local Union No. 997 (2:17)
Ted Simpson PUD #1 (2:55)
Doug Nass PUD #1 (3:02)
Mike Kitz PUD #1 (3:02)
III. Approval Of Minutes
Chairman Dan Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of March 13, 2012.
Committee Member Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Cherie Kidd seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously
IV. Late Items:
Clallam County PUD #1 Gales Addition Reservoir Presentation
V. Discussion Items:
A. Columbia Telecommunications Corporation Professional Services Agreement
Amendment No.1
Brian Smith, Deputy Police Chief, discussed the proposed amendment includes an additional
professional services to complete a request for proposal process for the waterfront camera
project. A discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 1 to the professional services agreement with Columbia
Telecommunications Corporation in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 which increases
the maximum compensation under the agreement from $229,900.00 to $244,900.00, and to
make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliot seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
B. Proposed 2012 Medic I Utility Ambulance Transport Rate Adjustment
Dan McKeen, Fire Chief, reviewed the proposed medic transport fee adjustments. He also
mentioned there is no cost affects on both City residents and business owners. There was a breif
Cherie Kidd moved to recommend City Council to forward a favorable recommendation to
adjust the Medic I transport charges and mileage fees. Paul Elliot seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
C. Department of Ecology Stormwater Capacity Grant Amendment Acceptance
Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, shared that the Department of Ecology has offered to
amend the terms of the existing grant agreement with the City in order to increase the budget by
$50,000. This will extend the expiration date of the grant agreement by one year, to June 30,
2013. There was a lengthy discussion.
Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement No. G1100083 with the Department of Ecology
under the municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Program in the amount of $50,000.00,
and to extend the grant agreement by one year. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
D. Combined Sewer Overflow Phase II Project Public Work Trust Fund Loan
Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, explained that there is an opportunity to apply for a
low- interest loan from the Washington State Public Works Board, under the 2014 Public Works
Trust Fund (PWTF) construction loan program. Staff is proposing to apply for a $12.5 million
loan for the design and construction contracts for phase 2 of the CSO Reduction Program. A
lengthy discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to authorize staff to prepare and submit an application for a low- interest
loan to support Phase 2 of the CSO Reduction Program through the 2014 PWTF
construction loan program and authorize the City Manager to accept and sign the loan
agreement, if offered by the PWTF. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried
E. Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Letter Agreement
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed the Bonneville Power
Administration Tiered Rate Methodology that went into effect October 1, 2011. On September
20, 2011, City Council adopted the Industrial Transmission electric rate ordinance and
authorized the City Manager to accept a letter agreement that expires on April 30, 2012. A
discussion followed.
Brooke Nelson moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City manager to sign a
letter agreement, and to make minor modifications to the letter agreement, if necessary.
Paul Elliot abstained. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
F. Proposed Electric Utility Time of Use Rate Ordinance
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, provided a PowerPoint presentation. On
November 1, 2011, City Council directed staff to develop a time use of rate as soon as it is
feasible to do so. A lengthy discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to continue the public hearing, close the
public hearing, then adopt the proposed time of rate use ordinance. Paul Elliot seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
VL Information Only Items:
A. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, shared that EnerGate recently announced a
voluntary recall of its demand response load control switch, that needs to be removed from
voluntary peak power project participants homes.
B. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
VII. Executive Session Potential Litigation: RCW 42.30.110(1)(1)
Start Time: 4:00
End Time: 5:00
VIII. Next Meeting Date: April 13, 2012
May 8, 2012
Adjournment: 5:00 p.m.
Dan Di Guilio, Chair Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
Utility Advisory Committee
Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
April 13, 2012
9:00 a.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Di Guilio called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio, Sissi Bruch, PhD.
Other Councilmembers
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Max Mania, Patrick Downie
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
B. Applicant Interview
Dean Reed, Paul Elliott
Staff Present: Glenn Cutler, William Bloor, Larry Dunbar
III. Discussion Items
A. Utility Advisory Committee Membership
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, advised that after today's interviews that a
recommendation to City Council should be considered to appoint the second community
representative to the Utility Advisory Committee.
Catherine Harper, Daniel Hudgings, Donald Perry, Robert Reed, Andrew Schwab, Murven
Sears, II, and Betsy Wharton interviewed for the community representative position number 2.
By consensus, the Utility Advisory Committee recommended City Council appoint Murven
Sears, II to serve as the second community representative on the Utility Advisory
IV. Next Meeting Date: May 8, 2012
V. Adjournment: 10:45 a.m.
Dan Di Guilio, Chair Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: May 8, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager
Subject: Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 1
Summary: This undertaking is for engineering services to identify specific sources where high
fecal coliform bacteria counts have been detected in Peabody Creek within the City Limits. This
work is proposed to be added to the Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services
Agreement that was awarded to Herrera Environmental Consultants on August 16, 2011.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Stormwater Engineering Professional Services
Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $20,976,
which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $107,143 to
$128,119, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Background /Analysis: The Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement
(PSA) was awarded to Herrera Environmental Consultants on August 16, 2011. This work
focused on the evaluation of the City's current stormwater program for meeting both the City's
current Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit and its next 5 year renewal,
beginning in 2013. A supplementary study that was included in this project was a Water Quality
Data Analysis. This specific work is a high -level statistical analysis to identify where water quality
problems are the most severe and/or most treatable pulling together various data sets such as
Streamkeepers sampling. This study will conclude sometime in May 2012.
One of the prominent water quality problems in the Port Angeles creeks is high levels of fecal
coliform at specific points or outfalls that contribute to the creek. The proposed amendment is to
do a field analysis of the sources in order to determine specific causes and to be able to
recommend either corrective or treatment strategies. This analysis will focus on the lower half
mile of Peabody Creek where some of the highest fecal coliform problems have been detected.
Work will include preparation of a detailed drainage map, conducting a drainage contaminant
survey, measuring flows at key locations, collecting up to 36 water samples, dye testing, and
preparation of technical memorandum to document results and recommendations.
N: \UAC \Final \Stormwater Engineering Services PSA Amendment No. 1.doc
Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 1
May 8, 2012
Page 2
This added work has been negotiated at a price of $20,976. Funding for this work was specifically
budgeted in the 2012 Stormwater Budget in the amount of $50,000. In addition, there are funds
available from the recent 2012 amendment to the Stormwater Capacity Grant in the amount of
$50,000. Depending on the results of the additional work, subsequent studies or
corrective /treatment projects may be recommended later. The overall objective is to use a
systematic approach to reduce urban impacts and promote enhancement of water quality in Port
Angeles creeks.
Staff will make a short presentation summarizing Herrera's technical findings to date at today's
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: May 8, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Mike Puntenney, P.E., City Engineer
Subject: Concrete Cylinder Pipe Condition Assessment and Value Engineering
Summary: Mill Creek Management Technologies, Inc. has been selected to provide professional
services related to concrete cylinder pipe condition assessment and recommendations for comprehensive
pipe system inspection methods, oversight of the comprehensive inspections, and recommendations for
repair and rehabilitation following the inspections. This contract does not include the cost of the
comprehensive pipe system inspection.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background /Analysis: The technology for inspecting, upgrading, and replacing piped water and
wastewater infrastructure has rapidly changed in recent years. Trenchless and in -pipe repair methods are
often proving to be less invasive, require less permitting, and have considerable cost savings over
conventional excavated pipe replacement strategies. Where applicable, they can often save 25% to 50%
of the project cost. The next phase for the design of the Concrete Cylinder Replacement Program, Project
WT02 -2009, might offer the potential for significant cost savings if trenchless technologies could be
applied. This contract will use an expert in the field of piped infrastructure evaluation and trenchless
technologies to evaluate the condition of approximately 14,000 linear feet of concrete cylinder water
main and to recommend the appropriate repair or replacement strategy based on the evaluation.
Mill Creek Management Technologies, Inc., which specializes in piped infrastructure evaluation and
trenchless pipe installation and rehabilitation, has been selected to provide professional services related to
this concrete cylinder pipe condition assessment. Mill Creek Management Technologies, Inc., was
selected from the qualified firms appearing on the MRSC Consultant Roster which specialize in
trenchless technology and pipe condition assessment.
The cost of this assessment has been negotiated to be $12,000. This contract will be awarded within the
City Manager's authority. Separate from this, the City will contract with one or more specialized firms to
perform high technology inspections to support this assessment. Typical types of supporting inspections
services include ultra sonic, sonar, hydroscope, ground penetrating radar, smart-ball, etc. The specific
supporting inspections required will be determined upon the initial evaluation of the pipe to ensure the
appropriate tests are conducted. The specialized testing is expected to cost between $25,000 to $50,000
in addition to the amount being contracted with Mill Creek Management Technologies.
N.Wrofessional Services Agreements \2012 On -Call Construction Management Services (OCA 2012- 02) \30 Council and UAC
Concrete Cylinder Pipe Condition Assessment and Value Engineering
May 8, 2012
Page 2
The current estimate for wholesale replacement of the 14,000 linear feet using conventional open cut
methods is $6,000,000. If trenchless technologies can be applied to this work, the savings could be
significant. Savings will be in the form of reduced costs to rehabilitate rather than replace as well as
reduced permitting costs in environmentally sensitive areas.
This work will be funded from the August 2010 utility bond proceeds set aside for the design of WT02-
2009, Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement. Should any of the supporting inspection services contracts
exceed the City Manager's authority, they will be brought to City Council for their approval.
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
May 8, 2012
Utility Advisory Committee
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent
Clallam Spring Clean Up Event
Summary: The Clallam Spring Clean Up event was held April 23, 2012, from 9:00 AM to 3:00
PM. The public response to this event consisted of 642 vehicles disposing of 209.06 tons of solid
waste. Of the total tonnage, 23% of the waste materials were recyclable (metals, tires, yard waste,
glass, mixed paper, mixed containers, oil, and antifreeze). Participants donated $6,670 to the Port
Angeles Food Bank. Participation showed a significant improvement from last year and many
citizens expressed their appreciation for the event.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background /Analysis: This year, the Benefit Dump Day event was renamed "Clallam Spring
Clean Up" to encourage cleaning up properties in the City and Clallam County. Participants
donated $10 per load to the Port Angeles Food Bank. Participants and disposal tonnage increased
by 19% and 16 respectively, from last year's event. A waiting line developed at the gate prior
to opening at 9:00 AM and took less than an hour to clear. Participant traffic flowed fairly steady
throughout the rest of the event.
A total of 43 volunteers including 10 City staff members assisted with this six hour event. City
staff checked vehicle loads, managed the metal pile, and weighed vehicles at the scales. A Clallam
County staff person was stationed at the used oil/antifreeze area. Police volunteers helped with
vehicle checking and traffic control. The Food Bank staff collected the monetary donations.
Waste Connections staff directed traffic and helped unload vehicles at the Transfer Station.
The City of Sequim held a separate collection event on April 20-21, 2012 at their Public Works
Utility Yard. Sequim collected 50 tons of garbage, 5.22 tons of metal, and 3.92 tons of tires. This
was 28% more than what was collected in 2011.
2008 -2012 Event Summaries
Year Vehicle Total Tons
Trips Received
2008 1 529 1 163.30
2009 550 1 179.30
2010 688 1 229.39
2011 1 539 1 179.92
2012 1 642 1 209.06
Station Tons
Recycling Tons (metal, tires,
batteries, yard waste)
Minimum donation $10 since 2008 some donors elected to donate more
Benefit Dump Day Report
May 8, 2012
Page 2
Participant Demographics
1 City of P.A.
1 Sequim
1 Forks
1 East County
1 West County
Waste Materials
Vehicle Trips
Solid Waste Tons
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
251 268 289 215 269 78.47 89.22 92.18 68.69 86.83
24 27 16 10 33 6.70 10.16 4.87 2.16 11.33
1 1 1 0.08 0.64 0.31
176 172 253 203 207 56.85 52.10 89.40 72.07 67.74
78 83 129 110 132 21.28 27.82 42.86 36.36 42.85
529 550 688 53 642 163.30 179.30 229.39 179.92 209.06
Average Load Refrigerators Tires
Year Size (counted at scales) (counted at scales) Batteries
2008 617 pounds 186 units 718 66
2009 652 pounds 95 units 217 119
2010 667 pounds 79 units 367 83
1 2011 668 pounds 51 units 261 41
1 2012 651 pounds 77 units 378 20
2012 Event Cost
Description I Cost 2012
Employees (10 Public Works and Utilities staff members) I $2,477
Advertising (Peninsula Daily News KONP Radio) I 800
Sani -Can Rental (2) I 220
Freon Removal (77 units $20 /unit) I 1,540
Tire Recycling (378 tires, 6.67 tons $132.40 /ton) I 883
Hauling and Disposal Fee (160.95 tons @$53.90 /ton) 8,675
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: May 8, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager
Subject: 2012/2013 EnergySmart Grocer Utility Participation Agreement
Summary: The City was offered an agreement to participate in the "EnergySmart Grocer
Program" by Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. All City expenses under the agreement are
eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy Efficiency
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
City Manager to sign the EnergySmart Grocer Utility Participation Agreement and to make
minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Background /Analysis: The attached "Energy Smart Grocer Program" Agreement was recently
offered to the City by Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. The proposed agreement is in
connection with a region -wide promotion by the Bonneville Power Administration. As part of the
agreement, Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. would be responsible for energy audits, identifying
eligible energy conservation measures, and verifying all work is complete and acceptable.
The proposed agreement is anticipated to result in City payment of up to $50,000 through
September of 2013 to grocery stores within the City. All City expenses under the proposed
agreement are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy
Efficiency program.
The agreement term, incorporation of amendments to an agreement between Portland Energy
Conservation, Inc. and Bonneville Power Administration, and a few other minor modifications are
being negotiated. The proposed agreement will be reviewed by the City Attorney before seeking
City Council approval.
Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City
Council to authorize the City Manager to sign an EnergySmart Grocer Program Agreement and to
make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Attachment: EnergySmart Grocer Program Agreement
N \UAC \Final\EnergySmart Grocer Program Agreement doc
Pe c r
THIS UTILITY PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement is dated 2011 (the
"Effective Date between Portland Energy Conservation, Inc., an Oregon nonprofit corporation "PECI
and The City of Port Angeles, a municipal utility "Utility
A. PECI and the Bonneville Power Administration "BPA have entered into an agreement dated
October 21, 2011 (the `BPA Agreement") under which PECI is implementing and managing the
EnergySmart Grocer Program (the "Program throughout various territories in the Northwest
on behalf of BPA.
B. The Program encourages improvements in energy efficiency by evaluating and executing energy
saving initiatives. Customers (defined in Section 2 below) that participate in the Program may
qualify for incentives funded by Utility. PECI and Utility are entering into this Agreement so that
PECI may carry out its obligations under the BPA Agreement and Utility can avail itself and its
customers to the services offered by PECI.
C. By signing this Agreement, Utility affirms and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in
this Agreement. As an additional requirement for participation in the Program, Utility must
provide PECI with the Energy Smart Grocer Program Sign -up Form (the "Form provided by BPA
to be attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. Utility affirms and agrees that the information
provided by Utility in the Form (including the final incentive budget) is accurate and
acknowledges that such information will be relied upon by both PECI and BPA. Utility will
provide PECI with sixty (60) days notice prior to changing any funding amounts or program
1. TERM. This Agreement is effective from the Effective Date and will continue until September
30, 2013 renewing automatically for successive two (2) year periods, unless terminated in
accordance with the provisions in this Agreement. Prior to the expiration of the preceding
Term, Utility will provide PECI and BPA with an updated Form in the format set forth in Exhibit A.
2. PROGRAM ELIGIBLITY. "Customers" under the Program means Utility customers that have
commercial refrigeration Toad, including for example, supermarkets, restaurants, institutional
kitchens, and other commercial refrigeration sites (each, a "Facility").
a. Customer Contact. Utility authorizes PECI to contact Customers by phone, mail, email
or in person for the purpose of informing them about the Program and its processes.
b. Audits. PECI will work with Customers to schedule audits of their Facilities (each, an
"Audit"). Utility may elect to attend an Audit following notice to PECI. Audits will be
Page 1 of 8
P e c r
calculated measures, and post installation inspections will be offered on a case by case
basis and at PECI's sole discretion. PECI will also offer outreach training for Utility staff
(at Utility's request). Utilities in Service Level 11 will be required to commit a minimum
of $25,000 of incentive funding or be subject to PECI approval for participation in the
i. Rebate Processing and Reporting. PECI will review and approve all Customer rebate
applications and invoices for completeness and provide the information necessary to
substantiate energy savings and Customer rebate eligibility. For Utilities that elect the
BPA Turnkey Option, PECI will submit all rebates applications to BPA for its review and
approval. All rebates are subject to BPA's approval. PECI will not pay rebates that are
rejected by BPA. For Utilities that elect the Self- funded Turnkey Option, PECI will submit
all rebates applications to the Utility for its review and approval. PECI shall not be
responsible for any claims rejected by the Utility for any reason. PECI reserves the right
to subcontract rebate or check processing and similar functions. The chart below
designates the responsible party for each Program component depending on which
funding option is elected in the Form.
Program Component BPA Turnkey Option Self- funded Turnkey
Responsible Party Option Responsible
_Rebate_check issuance PECI I�` PECI
Post Installation PECI PECI"
Management of
required back =up
Review and acceptance BPA Utility
of PECI- submitted data
to BPA
Reimbursement to PECI BPA Utility
for incentives paid to
Rebate Payments. Within ten (10) business days of BPA's or Utility approval of
submitted rebates, PECI will mail checks to Customers or Customer designated rebate
payees. Checks will be accompanied with a letter including Utility's logo in accordance
with Section 5 below, thanking the Customer for their participation in the Program.
k. Program Reports. PECI will provide Utility with limited access to its online portal,
Salesforce Sprocket or Sprocket Dashboard, which Utility may use for the sole purpose
of viewing completed Audits, dates of any re- visits, rebate activity, rebate savings, to
obtain copies of completed audit reports, view pipeline projects and associated kWh
I. Targeted Facilities. Utility would like PECI to target all eligible facilities. More
specifically, for Program initiatives around refrigeration PECI will target:
Page 3 of 8
i. Grocers and national accounts;
ii. Convenience stores;
iii. Restaurants; and
iv. Other commercial refrigeration sites.
4. ACCEPTANCE. Utility's acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement is
required for participation in the Program. Utility acknowledges that the terms and conditions of
the Program are subject to change at PECI's sole discretion.
5. USE OF UTILITY MARKS. During the term of this Agreement, Utility grants to PECI a
nonexclusive, royalty free right to use its trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, or
similar markings (each a "Mark subject to the limitations contained in this Agreement. PECI
may use the Marks on its website, in its advertising and other promotional activities related to
the Program as well as on checks and other mailings to Customers or Contractors. Utility
represents and warrants that it owns title to all Marks and agrees to indemnify PECI for any third
party claims against PECI for misuse or infringement of the Marks or any claims by any third
party pursuant to the exercise of PECI's rights under this Agreement.
6. TERMINATION. The parties may terminate this Agreement for cause in the event of any default
by the other party following written notice of any default and commercially reasonable
opportunity for the defaulting party to cure such default. PECI reserves the right to terminate
the Program, this Agreement or any part of this Agreement at the direction of BPA for any
reason or for no reason in its sole discretion. In the event of such termination, the Utility shall
at the election of PECI: (a) immediately cease participation in the Program, including but not
limited to, any applicable use of Program materials, logos or other advertising tools, equipment,
and incentive forms; or (b) finalize Program projects in progress at the time of termination as
directed by PECI. PECI and BPA will not pay Utility for post- termination activity after receipt of
notice of termination unless such PECI elects for Utility to finalize such projects pursuant to
Section 6 (b) above.
7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The parties will not use any Confidential Information for any
purpose other than as needed to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement.
Each party agrees to hold all Confidential Information in strict confidence and not disclose any
Confidential Information to any person other than to its employees and independent
contractors who (a) have a "need to know", (b) have been advised of the confidential and
proprietary nature of the Confidential Information and (c) have signed a written agreement that
is as protective of the Confidential Information as that set forth in this Section. When the
parties have fully performed their respective obligations under this Agreement, or at any other
time upon request from the party disclosing the Confidential Information, the party in receipt of
the Confidential Information will return or destroy all Confidential Information in tangible form
that is in their possession. The term "Confidential Information" means all information and
materials relating to Utility or PECI's business, in whatever form or medium, disclosed to or
received by the receiving party, whether visually, by perception, orally or in writing, whether
disclosed before or after the Effective Date, and whether or not specifically marked or otherwise
identified as "Confidential" or "Proprietary," including all summaries and notes prepared by or
on behalf of the other party, except that "Confidential Information" does not include any
information that the receiving party demonstrates: (x) has become generally available to the
Page 4 of 8
p e e l
p u b l i c without breach of this Agreement; (y) was later received from another person who did
not violate any duty of confidentiality; or (z) that was developed without use of any Confidential
Information by persons who were not exposed to the Confidential Information. Utility
acknowledges the Program handles Customer information such as pricing, invoices,
Customer addresses, rebate information, utility account numbers and tax identification
numbers. If Utility receives a public records request for information that includes
Customer information, Utility shall notify PECI and the Customer of the request and
postpone the release of information for ten business days to allow the Customer to file
a lawsuit seeking an injunction preventing the release of the documents pursuant to
RCW 42.546.540. Unless the Customer obtains and serves an injunction upon the Utility
before the close of business on the tenth business day after the date of the notification,
the Utility may release the documents. It is the Customer's discretionary decision
whether to file the lawsuit. For purposes of this Agreement, any information related to
pricing, invoices, Customer addresses, rebate information, utility account numbers and
tax identification numbers to the Utility by PECI shall at all times be considered
confidential and proprietary.
8. PROGRAM CHANGES PECI reserves the right to make changes to the Program. PECI will notify
Utility of such changes by email or another nationally recognized mail carrier.
(a) Indemnity. Utility will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend BPA, PECI and, their
respective officers, employees, agents, representatives, and affiliates against any and all
losses, liabilities, damages, claims, suits, proceedings, judgments, assessments, costs,
and expenses (including interest and penalties), and including reasonable attorney fees
and expenses, incurred by BPA and PECI arising from (i) negligent or wrongful acts or
omissions of the Utility or of its officers, employees, agents, representatives, or
subcontractors, affiliates, or (ii) breach by Utility or its officers, employees, agents,
representatives, subcontractors, or affiliates of this Agreement.
PECI shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Utility, and its respective employees,
agents, officers and directors, from and against any losses, liabilities, damages, claims,
damages, proceedings, judgments, assessments, costs and expenses (including interest
and penalties), and including reasonable attorney fees and expenses arising out of, or
resulting from any act or omission of PECI relating to, or arising out of, performance or
nonperformance of this Agreement by PECI, except to the extent such act or omission is
due to the negligence:of Utility or its subcontractors or any other third party.
The parties specifically agree that the provisions of this Section also apply to any claim
of injury or damage to the persons or property of the Utility's employees. Utility
acknowledges and agrees that, as to such claims, Utility, with respect to PECI waives any
right of immunity which Utility may have under any applicable law. This waiver was
specifically negotiated by the Parties, is solely for the benefit of the Parties and their
successors and assigns, and is not intended as a waiver of Utility's right of immunity
under said industrial insurance for any other purpose.
Page 5 of 8
p ecr
(b) Attorney's Fees. In the event an action is brought to enforce any provision of or
declare a breach of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, in
addition to any other amounts awarded, reasonable legal costs including attorney's fees
(c) Notices. Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, all notices or other
communications under this Agreement must be in writing and delivered to the
addresses, including e-mail addresses, below the signatures to this Agreement. Such
addresses may be changed by notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this
section or by other form of notice agreed to by the parties.
(d) Assignment. Neither party may assign, voluntarily, or by operation of law, or
otherwise, any rights or delegate any duties under this Agreement without the other
Party's prior written consent. Any attempt to do so without that consent will be void.
(e) Entire Agreement; Counterparts. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of
the parties regarding the subject matter described of the Agreement, and all other
promises, representations, understandings, arrangements and prior agreements related
to this Agreement are merged and superseded by this Agreement. The provisions of
this Agreement may not be amended, except by an agreement in writing signed by the
party against whom enforcement of any amendment is sought. This Agreement may be
executed in two (2) or more counterparts, all of which will constitute but one and the
same instrument.
(f) Governing Law; Jurisdiction and Venue. This Agreement will be interpreted under,
and any disputes arising out of this Agreement will be governed by, the laws of the State
of Oregon, without reference to its conflicts of law principles. Utility irrevocably
consents to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the State of
Oregon, USA, in connection with all actions arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement, and waives any objections that venue is an inconvenient forum. Utility
further agrees that it will not initiate any action against PECI in any other jurisdiction.
(f) Severability. Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a tribunal of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement
will remain in full force and effect.
(g) Waiver of Breach. The failure of either party to enforce strict performance by the
other of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right available to the party
under this Agreement, shall not be construed as a waiver of such party's right to enforce
strict performance in the same or any other instance.
(h) Representation on Authority of Signatory. The individual signing this Agreement
represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized and has the legal capacity to
execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of Recipient. The Recipient represents
and warrants that the execution and delivery of this Agreement and Recipient's
obligations under this Agreement have been duly authorized and that the Agreement is
Page 6 of 8
Portland Energy Conservation, Inc.
Dana Cofer
Notice Address:
100 SW Main St., Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204
Attention: Dan McDonald
Phone: (503) 575 -4179
Email: dmcdonald @peci.org
With a copy to:
100 SW Main St., Suite 1500
Portland, OR 97204
Attention: Joe Mattoon
Phone: (503) 248 -4636
Email: jmattoon @peci.org
P e c r
a valid and legal agreement binding on Recipient and enforceable in accordance with its
The parties, by their respective duly authorized representatives, have executed this Agreement on the
date shown below. This Agreement shall not bind either party until executed by both parties.
Page 7 of 8
Acting City Manager:
Notice Address:
321 E 5 Street
Port Angeles. WA 98362
E- mail:conservationPcitvofoa.us
Work: (3601417 -4718
P e c r
Energy Smart Grocer Program Sign -up Form
Page 8 of 8
Energy Smart Grocer Program Sign -up Form FY2012- FY2013
Date: Is this a revision? Yes No
Email completed form to your EER and COTR. Upon COTR written acknowledgement of your completed
form, your information will be forwarded to PECI.
1. Customer Information
Customer: City of Port Anaeles
Contact Person: Bob Kaifasz Phone: 360 -417 -4718 Email: conservation(citvofoa.us
2. Option Election
Select one option below. Under all options, PECI is responsible for rebate processing and check issuance, post
installation checks as required, management of required back -up documentation and uploading project data to EE
BPA Turnkey Option (funded by the Energy Conservation Agreement Implementation Budget)
The COTR will make a reduction to the customer's Energy Conservation Agreement Implementation Budget,
Exhibit A, in an amount equal to elected funding. BPA will reimburse PECI for incentives paid to end users in
the customer's service territory and will review PECI submissions in EE Central for acceptability.
El Self funded Turnkey Option (funded by the customer's own funds)
Customers will use their own funds to reimburse PECI for incentives paid to end users in their service territory
and will review PECI submissions in EE Central for acceptability.
Combined BPA Turnkey Option and'- Self- fuhded Turnkey Option
Customers will initially be enrolled in the BPA Turnkey Option, and when the BPA Turnkey Option funding is
depleted, they will be automatically transitioned into the Self funded Turnkey Option. Customers electing this
option must complete funding amounts in section 3 for both the BPA Turnkey Option and the Self funded
Turnkey Option.
3. Funding Amount (FY2012 FY2013)
Provide the funding amount(s) (below) for the program option selected above. Customers must commit a
minimum of $25,000 or be approved for participation by PECI. Approved customers will receive a service
agreement from PECI. Non approved customers will be notified by BPA, and BPA engineers will help customers
deliver deemed refrigeration measures outside the Energy Smart Grocer Program.
BPA Turnkey Amount (ECA): $50.000
Self- Funded Turnkey Amount:
Total Funding:
Total Fundngvel" 1
$50,000.00 and above
$49,999.99 and under
Service Description°'`
PECI will (1) perform a minimum of two visits per fiscal year (to contractors
and /or end users) in customer's service territory, (2) perform requested audits
within 60 days of request, (3) provide deemed and calculated measures and (4)
Provide inspections for projects with total costs over $10,000.00.
PECI may perform one visit (to a contractor /end user) in customer's service
territory and will provide (1) a minimum of one end -user outreach training for
customer staff (at customer's request), (2) deemed measures only, and (3)
audits, calculated measures and post installation inspections on a case- by -case
basis at PECI's discretion.
4. Program Scope
Program scope automatically includes core refrigeration energy efficiency measures, including lighting
in refrigerated spaces, in all potential end -user types (e.g., grocery/convenience stores, restaurants,
schools, and other commercial refrigeration equipped facilities). Select additional program components
by checking the boxes below.
Interior and exterior lighting in other areas if a refrigeration project is completed or pursed
New construction (only in buildings equipped with refrigeration)
Existing building commissioning (only in buildings equipped with refrigeration)
HVAC (only in buildings equipped with refrigeration)
Date: May 8, 2012
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Rick Hostetler, Customer Services Manager
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager
Subject: Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments
Summary: The City provides discounts to qualified low- income senior and low- income disabled
residents receiving electric, water, wastewater, solid waste collection, stormwater, and medic I
utility services. The enabling ordinance was created in 1980, was last updated in 1992, and City
Council recently provided guidance to staff on proposed ordinance amendments.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to proceed with a
public hearing to amend the Utility Discount Ordinance for the Electric, Water, Wastewater,
Solid Waste Collection, Stormwater, and Medic I Utilities.
Background /Analysis: At the direction of the Utility Advisory Committee, staff recently
discussed and provided information on the utility discount ordinance on December 14, 2010,
March 8, 2011, December 13, 2011, March 13, 2012, and on April 24, 2012 at the City Council
work session. Staff received general guidance from City Council at the work session indicating
their support of the following ordinance amendments:
1. Simplifying the income requirements to be consistent with federal poverty guidelines,
adjusted for household size,
2. Expanding the number of eligible low- income customers by eliminating the senior and
disabled requirements,
3. Simplifying the discount calculation from 4 levels (5 10 20% and 30% based on
income) to 1 level (the proposed percent discount is yet to be determined),
4. Clarifying that participation in conservation programs is only required when the applicant
is the property owner and if the conservation program is available at no charge, and
5. Eliminating the requirement to participate in the average payment program.
Staff predicts that if proposed ordinance amendments 1 and 2 above are adopted, that the number
of qualifying low- income customers could significantly increase (from 340 customers up to 1,600
customers based on the last census).
N: \UAC\Final \Utility Discount Ordinance Amendment.doc
Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments
May 8, 2012
Page 2
Another consideration is if the utility discount ordinance should continue for all utilities or revert
back to the 1980 ordinance that only provided Electric Utility discounts (which provides State tax
benefits). The total annual subsidy for all utilities last year was $116,000 and if the discounts were
only provided by the Electric Utility there would be a $33,000 annual savings. If a similar
discount is provided to 1,600 customers the increased annual subsidy for all utilities would
approach $400,000.
The final consideration is if the current $28.40 overall average monthly discount (including 4
discount levels) should be the proposed discount in the ordinance amendment. A total of 180
customers currently receive 20% and 30% discounts and have an average monthly discount of
$43.86 and $65.80, respectively, and would be negatively impacted. However, the number of
qualifying low- income customers would significantly increase and benefits would be available to
additional households.
Following a presentation on the key policy issues including the estimated rate impacts for non-
participants, staff will seek the recommendation of the Utility Advisory Committee at today's
meeting to City Council to proceed with a public hearing on the utility discount ordinance
Staff will return to the Utility Advisory Committee on June 12, 2012 requesting a recommendation
to City Council on the key policy issues and to adopt the ordinance amendments. The key policy
issues are:
A. Anticipating a significant increase in qualifying low- income customers, a rate adjustment
for non participants will need to be considered during this year's utility rate study and an
annual subsidy budget limit needs to be established.
B. Should the current $28.40 overall average monthly discount be continued or a lower or
higher discount be established?
C. Should the utility discount continue to be included in the rates of all non participating
utility customers or only in the rates of residential customers?
D. Should the utility discount continue to apply to all utilities or only be available for electric
utility customers? Preliminary draft ordinance amendments are attached for both options,
which will be reviewed by the City Attorney prior to the public hearing. Additional sub
options are if utility discounts should be applied to base charges and/or consumption
charges for the electric and water utilities.
The proposed City Council public hearing is June 5, 2012 for a presentation and to allow public
input to the process after the presentation. The public hearing would be continued to June 19,
2012 at which time the public hearing will be closed. The proposed amendments would be
effective in January of 2013.
Attachments: Preliminary draft utility discount ordinance amendments all utilities
Preliminary draft utility discount ordinance amendments electric utility only
13.20.010 Purpose and findings.
13.20.020 Definitions.
13.20.030 Utility discount.
13.20.040 information to be made available.
13.20.050 Qualifications for utility discount.
13.20.060 Application for discount.
13.20.070 Calculation of discount.
13.20.080 Penalty for false information.
13.20.010 Purpose and findings.
The City Council of the City of Port Angeles finds that it is appropriate for the City of Port Angeles to
provide a discount against utility charges to low income residents of the City. The
Council further finds that this discount should be accompanied by energy conservation programs.
13.20.020 Definitions.
A. "Utility discount" means a discount granted pursuant to the terms of this chapter to a low- income
residents the amount of which is applied against
outstanding obligations of the citizen resident to the City of Port Angeles for residential electric utility
B. "Low- income c.cnior citizcnresident" means a person who:
1. Resides within the City of Port Angeles;
Is 62 years of age or older;
42. Receives residential utility services from the City of Port Angeles;
4. Is the head of a household;
5. Has a total income, including that of his or her spouse or co- tenant, which does not
exceed 100% of the U.S. Department of Health Human Services poverty guidelines
C. "Low incomc disabled citizen" means a person who:
Resides within thc City of Port Angeles;
Receives utility services from thc City of Port Angeles;
3. 's thc head of a household;
13.20.030 Utility discount.
adjusted for household size the amount specified in RCW 8436.381(5)(b), as now or
hereafter amended.
...321(1) through (f), or a blind
person as defined in RCW 7/.18.020, and whose incomc, including that of his or her
There is authorized a utility discount for each calendar year commencing January 1, 10022013. which
discount shall be applied to the monthly utility bills of qualified low- income residents
in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
13.20.040 Information to be made available.
The City's Customer Service Manager shall maintain at all times the following information which shall be
current and applicable to current applications for, and awards of, utility discounts under the terms of
this chapter:
A. A list of all Federal, State or local energy related programs which are available to
provide fiscal assistance to low- income residents senior and disabled citizens, for which
certification of application must be made by an applicant;
B. A list of all conservation or consumption reduction programs of the City that are
available at no charge to low income residents for which an applicant for a utility
discount must agree to applyis the property owner, and the requirements for each such
C. Current application forms.
13.20.050 Qualifications for utility discount.
A. Each recipient of a utility discount must meet the following criteria:
1. Be a low- income resident senior or disabled citizen, as defined in section 13.20.020
2. Certify that he or she has completed an application for and has either received or been denied,
aid for all Federal and; State, programs available to provide fiscal
assistance to low- income senior or disabled citizenaresidents:
3. Agree to participate in available conservation or consumption reduction programs of the City
that are available at no charge to a low- income resident that is the property owner.
Failure of the applicant to participate in an available conservation or consumption reduction
program that are available at no charge to low- income residents that are the property owner,
after receipt of a utility discount, shall constitute a basis for denial by the City of participation in
the utility discount program during the ensuing years until such conservation or consumption
reduction measures are installed.
13.20.060 Application for discount.
A. Applications for utility discounts shall be obtained from and filed with the City's Customer
Service Manager.
B. Submission of an application for a utility discount shall constitute a verification by the applicant
that all information provided in such application is true and correct to the best of the applicant's
13.20.70 13.20.070 Calculation of discount.
Calculation of the amount of the utility discount for eligible low- income residents
citizens shall be in accordance with the following procedure:
A. The electric utility monthly base charge shall be discounted bv 40
3. $11,501.00 $17,500.00 annual income 10% discount
1. $17,501.00 r2 a E% �t
B. The electric utility monthly consumption charges shall be discounted bv 40%The amount -ef
C. If the utility discount budget established bv City Council is depleted prior to the end of each
year, the Citv Council shall determine if utility discounts shall continue during the remainder of
each year.
13.20.080 Penalty for false information.
The willful provision to the City of false information in an application for utility discount shall forfeit the
low- income resident's 5cnior or disabled citizcn's eligibility for future credits. Additionally, the low
income resident ccnior or disabled citizen shall be required to repay the amount of any utility discount
received based upon such false information.
13.20.010 Purpose and findings.
13.20.020 Definitions.
13.20.030 Utility discount.
13.20.040 Information to be made available.
13.20.050 Qualifications for utility discount.
13.20.060 Application for discount.
13.20.070 Calculation of discount.
13.20.080 Penalty for false information.
13.20.010 Purpose and findings.
The City Council of the City of Port Angeles finds that it is appropriate for the City of Port Angeles to
provide a discount against utility charges to low income residents of the City. The
Council further finds that this discount should be accompanied by energy conservation programs.
13.20.020 Definitions.
A. "Utility discount" means a discount granted pursuant to the terms of this chapter to a low- income
residents senior citizen or a low income disabled citizen„ the amount of which is applied against
outstanding obligations of the citizen resident to the City of Port Angeles for residential electric. water.
wastewater. solid waste collection. stormwater. and medic I utility services.
B. "Low- income senior citizenresident" means a person who:
1. Resides within the City of Port Angeles;
2. !s 62 years of age or older;
32. Receives residential utility services from the City of Port Angeles;
4. Is the head of a household;
5. Has a total income, including that of his or her spouse or co- tenant, which does not
exceed 100% of the U.S. Department of Health Human Services poverty euidelines
adiusted for household size n RCW 84.36.381(5)(b), as now or
hereafter amended.
C. "Low income disabled citizen" means a person who:
Resides within the City of Port Angeles;
Receives utility services from the City of Port Angeles;
3. !s the head of a household;
person as defined in RCW 74.18.020, and whose income, including that of his or her
13.20.030 Utility discount.
There is authorized a utility discount for each calendar year commencing January 1, 19922013. which
discount shall be applied to the monthly utility bills of qualified low- income residents senior citizens and
low income d'icabled' citizens, in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
13.20.040 Information to be made available.
The City's Customer Service Manager shall maintain at all times the following information which shall be
current and applicable to current applications for, and awards of, utility discounts under the terms of
this chapter:
A. A list of all Federal, State or local energy related programs which are available to
provide fiscal assistance to low- income residents senior and dicablcd tizens, for which
certification of application must be made by an applicant;
B. A list of all conservation or consumption reduction programs of the City that are
available at no charge to low income residents for which an applicant for a utility
discount is the property owner, and the requirements for each such
C. Current application forms.
13.20.050 Qualifications for utility discount.
A. Each recipient of a utility discount must meet the following criteria:
1. Be a low- income resident as defined in section 13.20.020
2. Certify that he or she has completed an application for and has either received or been denied,
aid for all Federal and: State, programs available to provide fiscal
assistance to low income senior or disabled citizenaresidents;
3. Agree to participate in available conservation or consumption reduction programs of the City
that are available at no charge to a low- income resident that is the property owner.
Failure of the applicant to participate in an available conservation or consumption reduction
program that are available at no charge to low- income residents that are the property owner,
after receipt of a utility discount, shall constitute a basis for denial by the City of participation in
the utility discount program during the ensuing years until such conservation or consumption
reduction measures are installed.
13.20.060 Application for discount.
A. Applications for utility discounts shall be obtained from and filed with the City's Customer
Service Manager.
B. Submission of an application for a utility discount shall constitute a verification by the applicant
that all information provided in such application is true and correct to the best of the applicant's
13.20.070 Calculation of discount.
Calculation of the amount of the utility discount for eligible low- income residents
citizens shall be in accordance with the following procedure:
A. A. The electric utility monthly base charge shall be discounted by 25%.Te amount
a. $0.00 $7,999.00 annual income 30% discount
1. $17,501.00 ;`.24 g 5%
B. The water utility monthly customer charge shall be discounted by 25%
C. The wastewater utility monthly customer charge shall be discounted by 25
13.20.080 Penalty for false information.
The willful provision to the City of false information in an application for utility discount shall forfeit the
low- income resident's senior or disablcd tizcn's eligibility for future credits. Additionally, the low
income resident shall be required to repay the amount of any utility discount
received based upon such false information.
D. The solid waste collection utility monthly rate for either weekly or everv- other -week collection
shall be discounted bv 25
E. The stormwater utility monthly charee shall be discounted bv 25
F. The medic I utility monthly service fee shall be discounted bv 25
G. If the utility discount budeet established bv City Council is depleted prior to the end of each
year. the City Council shall determine if utility discounts shall continue during the remainder of
each year.