HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/05/2006 Utility Advisory Committee Public Works Conference Room Port Angeles, W A 98362 July 5, 2006 5:00 P.M. AGENDA I. Call To Order II. Roll Call III. Discussion Items A. Consultant Selection for Design of CSO Projects, Project 06-01 B. Parametrix 2006 Engineering Services Agreement-Amendment No. 1 IV. Next Meeting Date - July 11,2006 V. Adjournment 5/2/06 N:\UAC\FinaI\042506.wpd ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: June 27, 2006 To: Utility Advisory Committee \ Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer From: Subject: Consultant Selection for the Design of Combined Sewer Overflow Projects, Project 06-01 Summary: The City has been required by the Department of Ecology to complete the con$truction ofa series ofprojects to address combined sewer overflows (CSO) into the Harbor. In January six firms were selected to receive a Request for Proposal for design services for the first. three ofthese projects. From these proposals and subsequent interviews Brown and Caldwell was selected as the best qualified firm to provide CSO design services. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for predesign of the first three of the CSO pro.iects for an amount not to exceed $340,000.00 Background/Analysis: In April of2004 the Washington Department of Ecology issued an administrative order requiring the City to reduce CSO discharges by 2015 to no more than one event, on average, per year at each CSO outfall. In response, the City developed a CSO plan and incorporated it into the General Sewer Plan to address scope, costs, funding and timing of the required projects. The City also continues to monitor and report CSO events to the Department of Ecology. I In January six firms were requested to submit a Proposal for design services for the first three of these projects. All six firms responded with a proposal. Of the six, four firms were chosen to interview in early April. From the interviews two firms were chosen as finalists and asked to respond to two different sets of written questions. Based upon the responses, Brown and Caldwell were selected as the most qualified firm for the proposed scope of work. City and Brown and Caldwell staffs have negotiated an Agreement for Professional Services. The Agreement consists of the City's standard consultant agreement with attachments defining a scope of work and budget for each task. The initial agreement and scope of work will cover thepredesign of the first three CSO projects only: . Francis Street Sewer Main (CSO 10) . Force Mains from Pump Station 4 . Railroad Avenue Sewer Main N:\UAC\Original\Francis Street Consultant Selection UAC Memo.doc Consultant Se Jul~, 2006 Page 2 A predesi possibili ti e ~bta~ed fo effort and first CSO p Council for The predes TAS 1. Proj 2. Ind 3.Prel 4. Prel 5.Env 6. Proj 7. En Total budg secured fro This is agr to be addre brought be approval to the Agree The schedu reqUlremen end of 200 and begin c It is reques Mayor to s Seattle, Wa $340,000.0 lection for the Design of Combined Sewer Overflow Projects gn effort is necessary, before detailed design commences, to evaluate different route s for the Francis Street sewer line as well as to analyze where cost savings may be r the group of projects using joint permitting, etc. Upon completion of the predesign final alternative selection, the scope of work and budget for the detailed design of the roject, Francis Street Sewer Main (see map below), will be brought back to the City authorization after fees are negotiated. ign tasks and budget have been defined as follows: K BUDGET $16,900 $36,600 $7,000 $66,100 $22,800 $167,100 $22,300 $338,000 ect Management ustrial Waterline (IWL) Condition Assessment and Base Mapping iminary Cultural Resources Assessment iminary Geotechnical Engineering ironmental Characterization and Permit Identification ect Alternatives Development and Evaluation gineering Report Total et for the tasks shown is $338,800. Funds are available from a low interest design loan m the Public Works Trust Fund, to be repaid by Wastewater Utility rates. eementis on the City Council agenda for the meeting today. Ifthe UAC asks for issues ssed and brought back to them, then this item will be pulled from the agenda and fore the UAC and Council at a later date. Ifthe UAC forwards a recommendation for the City Council, staffwill request that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign ment for predesign for an amount not to exceed $340,000. Ie for approval and design on these projects is being accelerated to accommodate the t from the Department of Ecology that the Francis Street project be constructed by the 7. We hope to complete design on the Francis Street Sewer Main by the end of the year onstruction in early 2007. ted that the UAC forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the Ign a professional consultant agreement with Brown and Caldwell of shington for predesign of the first three of the CSO projects for an amount not to exceed O. ; ',,;;.ji.,, !:,,~:;:j:"~:;'r; t ''\ "~"8' """ ~ofv.. .~'" fC~\ f~\\ 0,,1 ,~IO , ...fP . u....ir:: . AC Memo.doc Itant SelectIOn U . Street Consu N :\UAC\Original\FrancIs ,--- ..~RTRGELBS WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: July 5, 2006 To: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: GARY W. KENWORTHY P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: P ARAMETRIX 2006 ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT, AMENDMENT No.1 Summary: The project for the Landfill Bluff Stabilization has been awarded. The City requires additional engineering assistance for the construction management ofthe project. This added assistance was not.inc1uded in the current agreement with Parametrix. Recommendation: Approve forwarding to Council for consideration, amendment no. 1 to the agreement with Parametrix in the amount of $231,270, which includes $50,000 to be used for directed services. Background/Analysis: The full construction management services for the project to construct the bluff revetment at the landfill were not included in the initial 2006 Engineering Services Agreement with Parametrix. The full extent ofthe services required were not known when the scope of the agreement was developed and the availability of City Engineering staff to assist was also unknown at that time. The original agreement included minimal funding as a placeholder for limited construction support services. The critical location and permitting requirements for the project requires additional construction management beyond that normally expected for a project ofthis magnitude. Structural, geotechnical, and environmental engineering support is required during various phases along with daily construction inspection and monitoring. All work must be completed within the "fish window" of July 15, 2006 to February 15, 2007. In addition to constructing the retaining wall, the project includes facilities to capture any leachate seepage with provisions for future pumping to the landfill leachate system. The installation of two replacement wells for groundwater monitoring is also included. The current schedule has onsite construction starting in mid July 2006 with completion in early December 2006. The contractor plans to work ten hour days, six days a week. PW 0101_06 [Revised 07/24/03] Parametrix's estimated cost for the construction management task 6 is $304,200. This is 16% of the construction cost. This is higher than normal but acceptable considering the complexity of the project. Based-on-current agreement task-balances-and--anticipatedworkfemaining,-anet --- increase of $182,000 will be required for the construction management support. It is proposed to place $50,000 ofthe increase into the directed services task that requires require written approval prior to use. A table summarizing the funding revisions is attached. It is recommended that UAC approve forwarding to Council for approval amendment no. I tothe agreement with Parametrix in the amount of$231,270, which includes $50,000 to be used for directed services. This will increase the total not to exceed amount of the agreement to $737,662. Funding will be from the Solid Waste Utility as part of the Landfill Bluff Revetment CIP project. Prnx Amnd No 1 ~ Consultant Selection for the Design of Combined Sewer Overflow Projects - Phase I · Overview of CSO program · First Project - Francis Street Overflow (CSO 10) · Consultant Selection Process Terri Partch - Project Manager -Terri Partch - Project Manager for the design and construction of about $30- 40M ofCSO projects -Here today to discuss, and hopefully gain your recommendation to City Council for the approval of the consultant contract for the predesign of these projects I CSO Program Overview · April 2004 W A Department of Ecology issued Administrative Order · Updated the CSO Plan -The Administrative Order directed the City to improve its implementation of the so-called Nine Minimum Controls (ofCSO events) required in the WWTP's NPDES Permit - It also required City to update its CSO Plan -The CSO Plan requires the construction of a suite of projects, $30-40M, that will reduce CSO events to, on average, one per year per site by the year 2015. 2 r- CSO Location Map -cso outfall locations are: -CSO 6 -Oak. Street and Railroad Ave. - Avg. 2MG/yr. -CSO 7 - Laurel and Railroad Ave.- 5MG/yr. -CSO 8 - Lincoln St and the 1 stl2nd Alley - 0.5/yr. -CSO 10 - Francis St. Park - 24MG/yr. -Total average annual volume 32 MG. Average events per year is 20-50 per location, 150 total -Most at CSO 10, least at CSO 8. 3 CSO Program Overview (Continued) City Actions: · Updated the CSO Plan · Updated the General Sewer Plan , · Increased monitoring and reporting of all CSOs · Obtain low interest Loans and Grants · Select Design consultant for CSO Projects, Phase I. -General sewer plan addresses routine maintenance and replacement for sewer lines (gravity and force main), pump stations and the wastewater treatment plant -CSO plan specifically addresses replacement of sewer lines and pump stations related to the CSO issue - Loans and grants pursued so far: -Public Works Trust Fund low interest loan (0.5% with 15% local match - 5 years design, 20 years construction) - design loan obtained, construction loan applied for in May -Department of Ecology Centennial Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan (2.6% interest over 20 years)- will apply for construction loan in September 4 J?hase I Projects · Francis Street Sewer Main (CSO 10) · Force Mains from Pump Station #4 · Railroad Avenue Sewer Main ( -Show overall map slide again 5 Francis St. Sewer - Proposal is to install 4,500 feet of 30 inch diameter sewer pipe from the CSO Manhole to the WWTP -Two possible routes: - Toe ofthe bluff (within the industrial water line) - City streets to the north end of Water Street. Directional drill to WWTP. -Project will reduce discharge frequency by 30% -Will reduce total CSO volume by 75% 6 ~f;ic:]i~~;fo\~ i:-i~~?4/;,').; ,.- !\?:1':?~tW;'i~:~Y';:"f;" c CSO Location Map Force Mains from PS#4 -2 new force mains will replace existing 21" from PS 4 to the WWTP. Parallel 12" and 3D" diameter lines run in the IWL. Increases PS 4 capacity and eliminates possible salt water intrusion. Railroad Ave. Sewer Main -New 30" gravity line from Lincoln Street (may be able to start at Laurel) to PS 4, to increase capacity of sewer collection system downtown 7 ~ If ~ ,."" ':~:; "& "';' l\~'Jv ;If- Consultant Selection Process ,. '!' · Six consultants sent RFP · 4 Firms selected for interviews · 2 Firms Selt~cted to provide additional info -Pirms that received the proposals were: - Parametrix -BHC, formerly Berryman Henigar -CH2M Hill - Brown and Caldwell -PACE -Hammond. CoIJier Wade Livingstone" ~ , ,~.' 3 - All 6 responded -Consultant selection team consisted of Council Member Munro and 4 City Staff i,:iIi:i ~;" ~ '>-"~,i1 ^;. ,~, ~ I!l.l 'j;. ,~;;., ;O~ ~I i ~i 8 Consultant Selection Process ( continued) · Brown and Caldwell determined to be the most qualified · Negotiations of Scope of Work and Fee Complete - $340K for Pre-Design -Brown and Caldwell were most familiar with the existing conditions. -Selection team thought their approach to the Francis Street project was the least disruptive to the Rayonier site and most innovative. -B&C had developed and completed an update to the CSO Plan, as well as the General Sewer Plan. -The Pre-design cost appears to be high, but is due to the predesign analysis of the other two projects as well. 9 Scope of Work · Alternatives Development & Evaluation for the first 3 Projects · Industrial Water Line Assessment · Preliminary Cultural Resource Assessment · Geotechnical Engineering · Environmental Characterization & Permits Geotechnical engineering to include: -4 test borings -Evaluation of soils and groundwater data for directional drilling and excavation -Design recommendations Environmental characterization will include: -Mapping of sensitive natural resources -Zoning considerations -Mapping of other areas of environmental or community concern 10 ~ ~';"'"',?~"i;,-, ~::'A:-' .' ':i. --;~(j', :"~;~,,,- ~X~~ Summary of Costs · Pre-design Cost of $340K · Detailed Design Cost for 1 st Project of around $480K · Construction and CM of around $2,100,000 · Total Cost of $2,800,000 Approximately 120K in design costs for RR Ave. and PS 4 force mains 11 Next Steps · Approve Consultant Agreement for Pre- Design · Proceed with Francis Street detailed design after preferred alternative selection, most likely by amendment to Agreement · Complete the detailed design no later than December 2006 · Construction in 2007 12 Recommendation · Earlier today, UAC recommended approval of the Consultant Agreement to Council for authorization for Mayor's signature . 13 "' ~.. .. Questions? 14