HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/09/2013N: \uac \final \0713 Utility Advisory Committee Jack Pittis Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 July 9, 2013 3:00 PM AGENDA I. Call To Order II. Roll CaII 111. Approval Of Minutes For May 14, 2013 IV. Late Items V. Discussion Items: A. E Street Reservoir Cover Rehabilitation Project WT01 -2009, Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., Amendment No. 2 B. Landfill Bluff Cell Stabilization —Phase 1, Project SW02 -2012, Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Amendment 4 C. "Simple Steps" Promotion Agreement D. Utility Cost -of- Service Analysis Update (verbal report) VI. Information Only Items: VII. Next Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 VIII. Adjournment Call To Order IL Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Dan Di Guilio, Utility Advisory Committee Members Present: Paul Elliot Utility Advisory Committee Members Absent: Staff Present: Others Present: III. Approval of Minutes IV. Late Items: Utility Advisory Committee Jack Pittis Conference Rooms Port Angeles, WA 98362 May 14, 2013 3:00 p.m. Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Other Councilmembers Present: Patrick Downie, Brad Collins (3:01) Other Councilmembers Absent: Cherie Kidd, Sissi Bruch, Brooke Nelson, Max Mania, Dean Reed, Michael Jacobs, Murven Sears I1 Phil Lusk, Byron Olson, Mike Puntenney, Sondya Wray, Dan McKeen, Glenn Cutler, Maher Abed, Jim Harper, Brian Smith, Byron Olson, Jeff Young, Bill Bloor. Craig Johnson Kurt Lorentzen CPI Jeremy Shwartz PDN Lee Afflerbach via phone Chairman Dan Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of April 9, 2013. Paul Elliot moved to approve the minutes. Dan Di Guilio seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Policy Questions for Solid Waste Collection and Transfer Station Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) 1 V. Discussion Items: A. Wireless Mobile Data System, Project CL05 -2011 Final Acceptance Phil Lusk, Deputy Director of Power Telecommunications Systems overviewed that the wireless mobile data system project is under the initial budget and schedule. Capacity Provisioning, Inc. has completed the construction contract and the work has been inspected and accepted. There was a brief discussion. Paul Elliot moved to forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to accept Project CL05 -2011, the Wireless Mobile Data System funded by the Northwest Open Access Network with a grant from the Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program, and authorize release of the final payment of $255,092.58. Pat Downie seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Upgrade and Expansion of Wastewater Utility Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System, Project WW02 -2010 Phase 1 Mike Puntenney, City Engineer, gave a PowerPoint Presentation on the Upgrade and Expansion on the Wastewater Utility SCADA System Project. The SCANDA system is in need of an upgrade and expansion in order to integrate into data servers that can be managed by the City's IT system. There was a lengthy discussion. Brad Collins move to forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and authorize City Manager to: 1) Amend the CFP and Budget Phases A and B for project WW02 -2010 to $730,103 from sources identified in the memo; and 2) Authorize City Manager to sign a contract with Technical Services, Inc., of Lynnwood, Washington in the amount of $570,103 including taxes; and 3) Authorize City Manager to sign purchase Orders in the amount of $125,000 for supporting IT equipment for the project. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Policy Questions for Solid Waste Collection and Transfer Station Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) Phil Lusk, Deputy Director of Power Telecommunications Systems reviewed the Solid Waste Collection and Transfer Station Cost of Services Analysis. FCS Group has been working on the Cost of Services Analysis (COSA) and needs guidance to be as efficient as possible so they can accomplish the analysis. There was a lengthy discussion. Provide guidance to staff on focus areas associated with the Solid Waste COSA. 2 VI. Information Only Items: A. Utility Account Write -Offs Information only. No discussion or action taken. B. Clallam Spring Clean -Up Event Information only. No discussion or action taken. C. 2013 Power Supply Strategic Planning Workshop (verbal report) Information only. No discussion or action taken. VII. Next Meeting Date: June 11, 2013 June 21, 2013 Planning Workshop VIII. Adjournment: 4:27 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist 3 W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utilities Advisory Committee Memo DATE: July 9, 2013 To: Utility Advisory Committee FROM: Kathryn Neal, Engineering Manager SUBJECT: E Street Reservoir Cover Rehabilitation Project WT01 2009, Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., Amendment No. 2 Summary: As part of the E Street Reservoir Cover Rehabilitation design process, HDR has completed their seismic evaluation and estimate to repair the cover. Because the repair cost is high, and the projected life of the repaired cover is low, the Consultant has recommended constructing a new cover that has a similar cost but much longer service life. Recommendation: 1) Provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to sign Amendment No. 2 to the 2012 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement in an amount not to exceed $37,463, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $97,792 to $135,255, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. 2) Authorize increasing the project budget by $37,463 from unused capital funds from prior years remaining available in the Water Utility Fund. Background /Analysis: In August 2012, Council authorized the award of the 2012 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement that had as its first project the preservation and recoating of the E Street Reservoir cover system. This agreement was awarded to HDR Engineering of Bellevue, Washington. As part of their initial tasking, a structural and seismic evaluation was required prior to commencing the design in order to ensure the integrity of the structure. The City received this report on October 26, 2012. The report indicated more extensive repairs were warranted due to severe corrosion on the cover's structural members and connections and failure of some of the reservoir's nonstructural elements. Additional structural analysis indicates that some structural elements could fail under code -based design snow load and live loads. HDR prepared a preliminary plan to repair the existing roof truss system. While feasible, when evaluated as a life cycle cost, the repair cost was high in comparison to its estimated lifespan. N: \UAC \MEETINGS \UAC2013 \UAC070913 \E St Reservoir Cover Repair HDR Prof Sery Agreement Amend 2 kn.docx TASK DESCRIPTION Contract Amount through Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Total Contract Amount Task 1 Project management and QA /QC $5439 $15,245 $20,684 Task 2.1 Data Collection and Cover Support Structure Inspection $7110 $3 $7,113 (completed) Task 2.2 Finding and Evaluation Tech Memo $9,049 $4,886 $4,163 (completed) Task 3 Prepare Cover Support Recoating Specifications $10,030 $6,857 $3,173 (completed Task 4 Seismic Evaluation of Reservoir Cover System $8,116 $2,067 $10,183 (completed) Option Description Initial Cost* Service Life Cost per Year I Repair Existing Roof $891,100 8 Yr $111,387 2 Floating Roof Cover and New HDPE Liner $554,800 25 Yr $26,192 3 Pre- Manufactured Steel Roof and New HDPE Liner $626,600 50 Yr $12,532 July 9, 2013 Utilities Advisory Committee Re: Seismic Retrofit to E St Reservoir HDR PSA Amend No. 2 Page 2 HDR also analyzed two alternative roofing systems, a floating roof cover similar to the Peabody reservoir and a pre- manufactured roof system similar to a standard metal building. At the same time, HDR looked at replacing the reservoir liner and reconstructing the inlet control valve. Installed in 1990, the liner has exceeded its 20 -year service life. The inlet control valve was installed in 1960. Results of the economic analysis are shown in the following table. Initial costs include construction and engineering. Floating roof covers are subject to higher maintenance costs (yearly cleaning and leaf removal) than fixed roof systems. This has been factored into the cost per year. The E Street reservoir was constructed in 1918 of concrete and is rectangular in shape. The existing cover was added in 1987 and is supported by light weight steel truss. The cost of the truss repair is excessive. Based on the economic analysis, staff recommends replacing the existing cover with a pre- manufactured steel roof that is capable of handling wind, snow, and seismic loads. This roof system would use heavy, galvanized bents and coated steel panels and have a 50- year warranty. At the same time, a new HDPE liner would be installed which also would have a 50 -year warranty. The budget level estimate for the repairs is approximately $626,600 including engineering. Funds are available for the project from the Water Utility fund and the 2010 Utility bond. An additional amount of $37,463 is required to complete the design and be added to the project budget as shown in the following table: Task 5 Services During Bidding and Construction 20,213 $7,633 $12,580 Task 6 Design of Roof and Liner 37,517 $31,008 $68,844 Task 7 Design Altitude Control Vault Valve Modifications $8,517 $8,517 TOTAL 97,792 S37,463 $135,255 It is recommended that the Utilities Advisory Committee provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to: I) Sign Amendment No. 2 to the 2012 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement in an amount not to exceed $37,463, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $97,792 to $135,255, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. 2) Authorize increasing the project budget by $37,463 from unused capital funds from prior years remaining available in the Water Utility Fund. N: \UAC \MEETINGS \UAC2013 \UAC070913 \E St Reservoir Cover Repair HDR Prof Sery Agreement Amend 2 kn.docx PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: July 9, 2013 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager Subject: Landfill Bluff Cell Stabilization Phase 1, Project SW02 -2012, Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Amendment 4 Summary: Port Angeles Landfill (PALF) is located along the Straits of Juan de Fuca, and erosion of the marine bluffs is threatening to expose municipal solid waste and allow that waste to spill onto the beach. Staff is proposing amendment 4 to the Herrera Professional Services Agreement to complete 100% design and obtain permits for the project. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $931,000, which will increase the contract amount to $2,498,771, and to make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. Background /Analysis: In March 2013 the City Council authorized Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. to proceed with 30% design of the preferred alternative, and to initiate the permit submittal process. In the past 3 months, Herrera has substantially completed these tasks, and has submitted the results of their technical design work in a series of Technical Memorandums. Based on this work, and on detailed discussions with regulators, (including Clallam County Environmental Health and State Department of Ecology for waste relocation and re- opening the landfill, and Corps of Engineers, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe with respect to work along the shoreline), it is now possible to provide a more accurate scope and budget for finishing the design. The schedule remains unchanged with construct commencement in the summer of 2014. Staff will provide a brief presentation of the results of the conceptual design, and of design team discussions with regulatory agencies. The remaining design work includes obtaining all permits, including Cultural Resources approvals, and completing of the design, consistent with regulatory feedback. It also includes engineering services during advertisement and award of the construction contract. There will be a subsequent amendment to Description Amount Design Preliminary investigation and short term remediation (complete) $96,650 Design Amendment 2 Engineering Feasibility Study (complete) $300,000 Design Amendment 3 30% Design Development (this request) $1,171,121 Subtotal $1,567,771 Design Amendment 4 100% Design $931,000 Design Subtotal $2,498,771 Engineering Services during Construction $350,000 Construction Management $1,600,000 Construction Contract $13,102,000 Total $17,550,771 $33,000 Financial Assistance (potential) $4,000,000 Financed Amount $13,550,771 Tasks Amount Task 19 Project Management $60,000 Task 20 Final design (60% and 90 $525,000 Task 21— 100% Contract Documents $140,000 Task 22 Site Investigations $96,000 Task 23 Permits and Cultural Resources $62,000 Task 24 Public Involvement $15,000 Task 25 Bid Phase Support $33,000 Total $931,000 2012 Landfill BlunStabilization Phase 1, Project SW02 -2012 July 9, 2013 Page 2 the professional services agreement with Herrera to cover engineering services during construction. The tasks and amounts negotiated with Herrera for Amendment 4 are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1: Task and Amounts The overall project cost includes not only the phased design, but also construction, construction management, and design services during construction. The planning level estimates for the complete project costs are shown in Table 2 below. Table 2: Project cost estimate Funding is available from the Landfill Post Closure Fund. This fund was set aside to provide for post closure maintenance activities for the mandatory period of 30 years as prescribed in law. The current balance in the fund is $3,553,994. Because this will be an unanticipated expenditure in this fund, its balance will need to be restored. It is anticipated that the source of reimbursement will come from future municipal revenue bonds in conjunction with adjustments to Transfer Station tipping fees to support the debt service. At this time, staff estimates that the revenue bond would be at 4% interest with a 20 year repayment period. The City has applied for funding assistance from the State, and a $4M allocation is in the budget request awaiting legislative approval. The municipal revenue bond will be sought after more N: \Professional Services Agreements \2011 Landfill Cell Stabilization Task Order 7 -13 \30 Council definitive estimates are finalized in the 30% design report. A reimbursement resolution was approved by Council in June, 2012. It is requested that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $931,000, which will increase the contract amount to $2,498,771, and to make minor modifications to the agreement if necessary. PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. Utility Advisory Committee Memo Date: July 9, 2013 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Philip Lusk, Deputy Director of Power Telecommunications Systems Subject: Project Order -02 Simple Steps, Smart Savings -LED Promotion Summary: The City was offered a new Project Order -02 Simple Steps, Smart Savings -LED Promotion by Fluid Market Strategies. The Project Order incorporates LED lighting product into the product selection for the energy efficient product promotion. All City expenses under the Agreement and Project Order -02 are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy Efficiency Incentive program. Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Project Order -02 Simple Steps, Smart Savings -LED Promotion and any subsequent amendments to the Simple Steps -Smart Solutions Agreement. Background /Analysis: In March of 2013, the City entered into a new Simple Steps -Smart Savings (Simple Steps) agreement with Fluid Market Strategies (Fluid). Fluid has recently negotiated with suppliers and retailers to include LED lighting product in the Simple Steps promotion. Project Order -02 adds LED lighting products to the Simple Steps agreement between Fluid and the City and increases agreement funding by $25,000. City payments to Fluid will be used to markdown prices for LED screw -in lamps and LED downlight retrofit fixture kits at local retailers, which ultimately reduce the cost of products purchased by Port Angeles electric utility customers. Project Order -02 is anticipated to result in an additional City payment of up to $25,000 to Fluid. All City expenses under Project Order -02 are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy Efficiency Incentive program. The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed Project Order. Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Project Order -02 to the Simple Steps/ Smart Savings agreement with Fluid and make minor modifications to the Project Order, if necessary. N: \UAC \MEETINGS \UAC2013 \UAC070913 \Project Order -02 Simple Steps, Smart Savings LED Promotion UAC Memo.doc Scope of Services Marketing Services Store List, Allocations, Product List and Sales Forecasts See Attachment A EXH A Project Order -02 EXHIBIT A TO MSA Project Order Title Simple Steps, Smart SavingsTM LED Promotion Contractor's Authorized Representative Brian Simmons 503.688.1545 bsimmons@ fluidms.com This Project Order is entered into pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Master Services Agreement between City of Port Angeles and Fluid Market Strategies "Fluid effective February 1, 2013. Fluid's Objective To implement a successful LED retail markdown promotion for the Simple Steps, Smart Savings promotion. The Simple Steps, Smart Savings promotion will increase sales of ENERGY STAR® LED products in the marketplace. This goal will be accomplished by providing an incentive of: $3.00 per qualified LED lamp (decorative, omnidirectional, directional), and $8.00 per qualified LED downlight retrofit fixture Administrative fees of $0.50 per unit on LED lamps and LED retrofit fixtures will be charged. Administrative Support Services shall include development, delivery and facilitation of projected unit movement of identified SKUs at approved retail locations. Fluid staff will receive retail sales reports from partnering retailer locations and monitor sales reports into a proprietary tracking and reporting data system. Fluid will supply retail Point of Purchase (POP) materials for participating retail locations, including those in City of Port Angeles territory. Marketing materials will be delivered directly to the stores by the Fluid field representatives. Field representatives will support participating retail stores in City of Port Angeles territory, provide on -site merchandising, sales associate training and event staffing. Reporting Minimum reporting requirements will include: Detailed electronic reports of promotional product sales once a month. Sales will be distinguished by retail location and individual product SKUs. This data can be provided in a hard copy along with the monthly invoice upon request. Invoices for promotional product sales and administrative costs per unit sold within the prior month will be sent to City of Port Angeles monthly. Invoicing is dependent upon Fluid receiving sales data reports from manufacturer /retailer partners in a timely manner. Sales data is due from manufacturer on the 15 of each month. Additional necessary reporting requirements will be communicated to Fluid as they are identified Incorporated Documents (Note: In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions contained in this Project Order and those set forth In any Incorporated Documents, the terms and conditions of this Project Order shall prevail.) Compensation for the Services Fluid shall be compensated for the Services described above as follows: City of Port Angeles commits to fund the following product(s): (Select all products to include) ENERGY STAR® LED lamps L� ENERGY STAR® LED downlight retrofit fixtures And for the product(s) selected above commits to: (Select one funding option) L� Funding of 25,000 for promotional products selected above. Time of Performance for the Services Commencement Date June 1, 2013 Completion Date January 31, 2014 Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the Master Promotion Services Agreement referenced above shall be incorporated into and become a part of this Project Order. City of Port Angeles has the right to terminate this agreement at any time. Termination notice must be received in writing and will have a termination date effective at the end of the month following the month in which written notice is received. Accepted By: City of Port Angeles Please Print Name Signature Title Date Title EXH A Approved by: Fluid Market Strategies Signature Date