HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/13/2004 UTILITY ADVISORY P-OMMITTEE
· IULY I 3~ 20D4
:3:00 P.M.
Port Angeles, Washington
June 8, 2004
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
IL Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Rogers, Mayor Headrick, Councilmember Erickson, Dean Reed,
Allen Bentley
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy,,
Tom McCabe, Ken Loghry, Cate Rinehart
Others Present: Brian Gawley - Daily News
Chuck Forman - Bonneville Power Administration
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Rogers asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of May
11, 2004. Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Mayor Headriek seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Chairman Rogers asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of May
25, 2004. Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Mayor Headrick seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items - Investor Owned Utility Agreement
Chuck Forman, Bonneville Power Administration Account Executive, announced that due to an
agreement with the IOU's and a endeavor to reduce internal costs, a rate increase due this fall may be
deferred. Specific information is not available at this time. Staff will give a progress report at a later date.
There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
June 8, 2004
V. Discussion Items
A. Revision To Port Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter 13.44 Water Rates
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Operations, pointed out that water rates are presently based on the size
of the service line and not the size of the meter. The code revision will correct this error. There was a
brief discussion.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council make an Ordinance change to reflect
that services with a 5/8 inch or 3/4 inch meters be charged based on the meter size. Mayor
Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Benefit Dump Day
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, deferred specifics to Ken Loghry, Operations Supervisor.
Mr. Loghry reviewed the information contained in the packet, responded to questions and provided
clarification. It was noted that although response was lower this year than previous years, staff felt the
decrease was probably due to implementation of the higher minimum fee resulting in more material being
brought to the landfill during the year.
No action taken. Information only.
C. Solid Waste Export And Trnsport System Update
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, briefed the committee on a recent meeting with the
City of Sequim noting a lack of communication within Sequim staff. Written comments from the City of
Sequim will be forthcoming.
Information only. No action taken.
D. Update Of Combined Sewer Overflow Directed Actions By The Department Of Ecology
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, reviewed the summary of actions and their status.
Mr. Cutler responded to questions and provided clarification. There was a brief discussion.
Information only. No action taken.
FI. Executive Session
The regular meeting adjourned at 3:57 p.m. for an executive session. The executive session adjourned at
4:30 p.m.
VII. Next meeting date- July 13, 2004
June 8, 2004
Fill. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Chairman Rogers Cate Rinehart, Administrative
N 5PWKSLLIGHT~CONS\CATE\j une8meet.wpd
DATE: July 13, 2004
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent
RE: Solid Waste Rate Study - Pre-Closure
~ummary: Economic and Engineering Services and City staffhave recently completed a
5nancial analysis of the Solid Waste utility's rates. A similar study was completed in 2002 with
~o rate adjustments recommended at that time. The financial analysis will be presented by
Economic and Engineering Services at the Utility Advisory Committee meeting.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to amend
Chapters 13.54.040 and 13.56.020 to increase sanitary landfill and garbage collection rates
in accordance with the recommendations herein.
Background/Analysis: The City contracted with Economic and Engineering Services (EES)
during 2003 to assist staffwith an analysis of 1) revenue requirements for the Solid Waste utility
prior to landfill closure, and 2) a cost of service analysis (COSA) after the landfill is closed. The
first component of EES's scope of work (landfill pre-closure revenue requirements) was recently
completed. Capital construction projects and closure and post-closure plans were updated by
Parametrix and financial recommendations have been made by EES that will maintain the
solvency of the fund. The analysis was based on a load forecast that staffprepared earlier this
year and assumes that the City moves forward with the Request for Proposals for Solid Waste
Processing Facility Development and Management Services.
EES will be completing a COSA to determine rates that will need to be in effect after the landfill
closes. Based on the procurement schedule (Request for Proposal for Solid Waste Processing
Facility Development and Management Services), the COSA will need to be completed in the
Fall of 2004. EES will present the COSA to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board (JSWAB)
and the Utility Advisory Committee. The COSA will be used to assist the JSWAB and the City
to determine rates based on differences in waste types, the type of facility receiving that waste,
commercial and self-haulers, and for any other fair, reasonable and equitable reason permitted by
Solid Waste Rate Study
Page 2
July 13, 2004
The proposed adjustments to solid waste rates (Chapters 13.54.040 and 13.56.020 of the Port
Angeles municipal code) are summarized below. The combination of significant reductions in
anticipated closure expenses and increased revenues from proposed rate adjustments should
result in full funding of the revetment project prior to 2007. Based on Parametrix's updated cost
estimate, the post-closure fund should be sufficiently funded before 2007. The proposed
adjustments to all landfill and collection rates are five percent (5.0%) per year in 2005 and 2006
including applicable taxes. Although the landfill minimum charge was increased from $2.00 to
$7.00 in 2002, all other landfill and collection rates have not been increased since 1994.
Proposed Collection Rate Adjustments
Garbage Collection Rate Component Current Rate Proposed Rate Proposed Rate
Chapter 13.54.040 2004 2005 2006
A. Residential collections per month
(90 gallon container once per week) $19.80 $20.80 $21.80
B. Commemial collections per month
90 gallon container once per week) $19.80 $20.80 $21.80
300 gallon container once per week) $68.60 $72.00 $75.60
D. Federal agency collections per month
(90 gallon container once per week) $18.90 $19.85 $20.85
(300 gallon container once per week) $65.40 $68.70 $72.10
Sections 13.54.040 C and E of the Port Angeles municipal code should be deleted. This is
because of the conversion to mechanized waste and 60 gallon containers are no longer provided.
Section 13.56.020 G should also be deleted because there are no exempt collectors.
Proposed Landfill Rate Adjustments
Sanitary Landfill Rate Component Current Rate Proposed Rate Proposed Rate
Chapter 13.56.020 2004 2005 2006
A. Landfill charge per ton (selfhanl) $76.80 $80.65 $84.70
Landfill minimum charge $7.00 $7.50 $8.00
B. Uncovered loads $5.00 $5.25 $5.50
C. Special waste handling $190.00 $199.50 $209.50
D. Landfill yard waste (commercial only) $20.00 $21.00 $22.00
H. Landfill charge per ton
(Federal govemment) $73.27 $76.05 $80.80
· Landfill charge per ton
(commercial haulers by contract) $63.00 $66.15 $69.45
~k In accordance with existing contracts with Waste Connections and the City of Sequim, the
rate applicable to commercial haulers shall remain at the same level that is currently charged in
proportion to the revised landfill charge per ton through December 31,2006.
DATE: JULY 12, 2004
FROM: Michael Quinn, City ManagcrC~t/(~-~~
SUBJECT: Nippon Paper Industries - Adjustment of Basic Monthly Charge
Summary: The City has an interest in promoting operational efficiencies and reducing
unnecessary regulations for the benefit of public and private customers. One area that has
previously been adjusted on a temporary basis was the basic monthly charge for electricity to our
major industrial user. We desire to continue this procedure on a consistent basis of annual
Recommendation: Adopt the attached Ordinance.
Background/Analysis: Nippon Paper Industries (N-Po is our largest private employer and
largest individual customer of electricity from the City. Previously, in response to significant
increases in the wholesale power rate from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) in 2001,
thc City temporarily eliminated thc basic monthly charge to our Industrial transmission class user
- NPI. The annual savings was $70,440 plus applicable taxes based on a monthly administrative
overhead charge of $5,870. This administrative charge is called the basic monthly fee and is not
a consumptive charge but intended to cover salary and overhead allocations. Staff proposes to
waive this fee for 2004 and annually review thc fee status per the following:
1. Compliance with Resolution 8-04 adopted 5/4/04 which reaffirmed the City's
comxnitment to NPI to pursue operational efficiencies, reduce regulatory costs, and encourage
private sector investment in our community.
2. Support of our largest industrial customer with a stake in thc economic vitality of the
community, and a community interest in assuring their continued success.
3. Prior precedent fi'om the 10/01 - 9/02 period waiver of thc basic monthly charge in
response to reducing thc impact of BPA rate increases to our customer base.
4. The current receipts for this user's power purchases are ahead of the incremental
difference involved in the waiver of this fee results in no negative impact to our Budget.
5. The annual impact of the fee waiver is unchanged from prior experience at $77,395
including the monthly basic charge and applicable taxes.
6. Thc waiver will be annually reviewed for applicability and continuance based upon the
current circumstances. This would allow future variation as to full or partial waiver.
7. Thc cost basis for this charge can be evaluated as part of the City's utility rate analysis.
DATE: July 13, 2004
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
SUBJECT: Solid Waste Export and Transfer Station System Interlocal Agreements
Summary: A Solid Waste Export and Transfer Station System Interlocal Agreement has been
prepared in cooperation with the City of Sequim and Clallam County. A decision by the City of
Sequim to accept the Interlocal Agreement is anticipated no later than July 15, 2004. Due to the
timing of Sequim's decision and the need to move forward with the Request for Proposals as
soon as possible, staff prepared two versions of the Interlocal Agreement, one including Sequim,
the other without Sequim.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve
proposed revisions to the lnterlocal Agreement with and without Sequim.
Background/Analysis: The City, County and City of Sequim have continued negotiation of an
Interlocal Agreement (agreement) for a solid waste export and transfer station system (SWETSS)
to replace the Port Angeles Landfill function. The County and City staff concurred on the
agreement which was approved by City Council on June 8, 2004. The City Council also
authorized staff to proceed with the Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and
Management Services Request for Proposals (RFP) on June 8, 2004.
A decision by the City of Sequim to accept the agreement is anticipated no later than July 15,
2004. A decision by the County to accept the proposed revisions to the agreement is anticipated
on July 20, 2004. Execution of the agreement prior to soliciting proposals under the RFP is
needed to ensure favorable pricing from contractors. Advertisement of the Request for Proposals
is anticipated on July 25, 2004. The agreement was revised at the request of the City of Sequim
after it was approved by City Council. In addition to the revisions requested by Sequim, other
revisions are recommended based on whether Sequim accepts or rejects the agreement.
Attached are copies of the proposed revisions to the agreement with and without Sequim for
review and consideration. Also attached is a summary of the proposed revisions to the
agreement. After a presentation by staff, it is recommended that the UAC discuss the proposed
revisions to the agreement and forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the
proposed revisions to the agreement. The revisions to the agreement have been reviewed by the
City Attorney, the legislative bodies of the other agencies may require changes in language.
Attachments: Summary of proposed revisions to the Interlocal Agreement
Interlocal Agreement (with Sequim)
Interlocal Agreement (without Sequim)
N :\UAC~Final\interlocalagreememchanges.wpd
;/30/2004 Summary of the Proposed Changes to the Interlocal Agreement -With~'and Without~ Sequim
Section Proposed Changes Justification With Without
Revise "party" and "parties" to
title case because they are -~ ·
All defined terms. Minor housekeeping item.
Definition of "Cities" revised to
"City" which only includes Port ·
1 Angeles. Minor housekeeping item.
Definition of "Plan" revised toAn amendment to the Plan is ,~ ·
1 include amendments, underway.
Definition of "Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer The term "moderate risk waste" under
System" revised to become State law is "moderate-risk waste". ,jr ·
consistent with State law and The term "drop box" under the RFP is
1 the RFP. "drop-box".
Revise the definition of Plan
and other Sections to only allow
amendments to the Plan that Only parties to the agreement should
affects Parties to the be allowed to amend elements of the ~ ·
2A, 6E4, Agreement by Parties to the Plan that affect parties to the
9E Agreement. Agreement.
21, 3J, * ·
4E & G Delete "Recycling:" heading. Minor housekeeping item.
Costs should also be able to be ~ ·
3C Revise to include "costs". reviewed by the JSWAB.
If Sequim isn't a party to the
Agreement this Section should be
Revise "Responsibilities of therevised to apply to additional parties
City of Sequim" to that become a party to the Agreement. ·
"Responsibilities of additionalPrior subsection 4C and 4D deleted
4 parties" since they would not apply.
Revise to require designation of This would result in less risk of
regional system as additional stranded costs for the regional ·
4C party's solid waste system, system.
Revise to require additional This would result in less risk of
parties to agree to a disposal stranded costs for the regional ·
New 4D district, system.
Removes Sequim from JSWAB.
Includes 1 vote per Party.
Includes JSWAB review of ·
amendments to the Plan and
6A the Agreement.
Inserts the word "Utilities" into ¢r ·
6B position title. Corrects position title.
The JSWAB should review and
Revise to include "disposal recommend fees and charges for -jr ·
6E3 districts", disposal districts.
Cost shall be fair, reasonable and .Ct ·
7G Expand description of costs equitable to all Parties.
Fees shall be based on the cost of
service and may be set in various CC ·
7H Expand description of fees. amounts...
Creates a level playing field if This would create equity among the
an additional party enters the current and additional parties to the -jr ·
9B Agreement Agreement.
Revise liability related to thePort Angeles to assume all risk for the~ ·
~ 91 Port Angeles landfill Port Angeles landfill
THIS AGREEMENT is executed by and among Clallam County ("County") and
the r.;~;~ City of Port Angeles ""~ c .....;~. r,:~:~
............. t ...... (the "Citie.~Cit¥"') (the County and the .......
City are collectively referred to herein as "the Parties") for the purposes of providing for
competitively-priced regional solid waste export and transfer system facilities and
....... -City s
services; promoting the health, safety and welfare of the County's and r~:~;~, · ,
residents; and protecting the natural environment throughout the County. The Parties
enter into this Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement") effective as of the date set forth in
Section 9(A) £or the purposes and under the terms contained herein.
WHEREAS, the Parties have cooperated in developing and implementing the
County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan ("the Plan") pursuant to
Chapters 35.21, 36.58 and 70.95 RCW on behalf of the County and the Citic:City; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends exporting solid waste to meet future disposal
needs of the residents, businesses, visitors and institutions within the Gi-ties-City and the
County; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends using interlocal agreements to create the
institutional arrangements needed to implement the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends closing the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, the
only operating municipal solid waste landfill in Clallam County serving the area from
Lake Crescent eastward, as depicted in the map and legal description attached hereto as
Exhibit A, when it reaches capacity (projected by the end of 2006), and citing a transfer
station at the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, for the purposes of exporting solid waste for
final disposal after the landfill is closed; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation of the closure of the Port Angeles landfill and in
recognition of the absence of alternative local landfill sites, the Parties desire to cooperate
to provide for a Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System consistent with the
Plan; and
WHEREAS, by entering into an interlocal agreement providing for each Party's
cooperation, the Parties can more effectively and efficiently implement the Plan and
procure management of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System; and
7/9/200~ ............... 004 Page I
WHEREAS, the Plan anticipates that the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities will be located at the current site of the Port Angeles Sanitary
Landfill, will be operated by the City of Port Angeles or a private company under
contract with the City of Port Angeles, and will be utilized by the Citiv. sCitv, County and
by the private solid waste collection companies that serve the ~Citv and
unincorporated area of the County from Lake Crescent eastward; and
WHEREAS, the Pa~ies to t!~iz !nter!oca! Agreement l~aYeCit¥ of Pon Angeles has
been responsible for accumulating closure and post-closure funds as required by law for
the Port Angeles LandfillrLand whereas the Parties intend for the Regional Solid Waste
Transfer and Export System funding arrangement to provide for any additional funds
related to unmet or unanticipated Port Angeles Landfill requirements provided, however,
that this shall not make Clallam County separately or individuallv obligated for liabilities
arisin~ fi'om Port Angeles' landfill site; and
WHEREAS, the Parties intend that a portion of the tipping fees for the Blue
Mountain Transfer Station be collected to continue to pay for the lease fee and upkeep
costs for this site presently being covered by the Blue Mountain Drop Box fees collected
by the County; and
WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized and empowered to enter into this
Agreement pursuant to Chapters 39.34 and 70.95 RCW.
THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants herein, and in
order to implement the terms of the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management
Plan, the Parties agree:
Section 1.
Definitions: Except for the terms defined in this section, and unless the context
indicates otherwise, for the purposes of this Agreement and any related
agreements, the Parties shall use the definitions found in RCW 70.95.030 and
WAC 173-350, as they maybe amended.
"Agreement" means this interlocal agreement.
"C444esCitv" means hat~ ~f the Cities City of Port Angeles--amt--Seqafim,
Washington (ce!!ectivc!y, t!:e "Cities").
"County" means Clallam County, Washington.
"Ecology" means the Washington State Department of Ecology or its successor
"Plan" means the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
as amended in accordance with this Agreement.
7/9/20047/9!2004~/30/2004 Page 2
"Solid Waste Advisory Committee" is an advisory committee whose members are
appointed by the County Commissioners to advise them on solid waste matters.
"Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System" means the facilities owned
by and/or contracted by, the City of Port Angeles, where deposit, processing,
recycling, composting, m~dc:'atc moderate-risk waste handling, and transfer of
solid waste for disposal through a long-haul contract occurs. This will include the
Blue Mountain d:',zp ~box site, facilities, and operations, unless the Board of
Clallam County Commissioners determines in its sole discretion at any time
during the term of this agreement that the Blue Mountain dre, p ,4rop-box facilities
should no longer be operated.
"Vendor" means either the City of Port Angeles or any company or person with
whom the City of Port Angeles contracts for any or all of the design, construction,
ownership, or operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the County. The County shall:
A. Process amendments to the Plan that are submitted by the Joint Solid
Waste AdvisoB, Board to the Solid Waste Advisory Conmfittee to provide
for disposal of all non-recyclable solid waste generated in the
unincorporated areas of the County from Lake Crescent eastward at the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) to the extent
permitted by law. The Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
will be the only designated Export and Transfer System in the County East
of Lake Crescent for the term of this Agreement.
B. Process amendments to the County's zoning code, solid waste facility
permitting process ordinance, and other applicable ordinances to prohibit
solid waste transfer and export facilities that are not consistent with the
Plan and to designate the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer
System as the County's solid waste system consistent with the Plan and
RCW 36.58.040, to the extent permitted by law.
C. Make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute with Jefferson County
an interlocal agreement requiring each county to amend its comprehensive
solid waste management plan and other related ordinances and
agreements, to the extent permitted by law, to prohibit accepting waste
generated outside its boundaries at disposal sites within said county;
unless approved as an emergency.
D. Consider forming a solid waste disposal district in the eastern part of the
County, to the extent it may become necessary to provide a dedicated
source of funds to help finance the capital and operations and maintenance
costs associated with the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
7/9/20047/9/2004 {3/g012004 Page 3
E. Shall not construct or have constructed any municipal solid waste export
and transfer system in the eastern part of Clallam County without the
approval of the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
F. Participate in developing the request for qualifications/proposals and
selecting the contractor(s), for designing, building and if appropriate
operating the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System facilities, disposal
services, and long haul services.
G. Appoint representatives to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
H. Negotiate and administer the land lease between the County and the
Washington Department of Natural Resources enabling the continuation of
drop box services at Blue Mountain.
R~ r ..... ,,,- Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles
A. Conduct a procurement process for selecting one or more Vendors to
provide solid waste export and transfer system facilities, disposal services,
and long-haul services consistent with the Plan;
County .....sl~
B. In consultation and cooperation with the ~'~ ........ ~ .... , ..... ,
either provide itself, or enter into and administer a contract with one or
more Vendors for, solid waste export and transfer system, and disposal
services for the Parties consistent with the Plan; and
C. In consultation and cooperation with the County and '~-~
~,~ ~,~ r,;~,, ~c o~ ^ ..... ~ establish a Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
that will review policies, procedures, costs, rates and will operate as an
advisory group to the City of Port Angeles.
D. Provide administrative service related to the operation of the Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) and long-haul service
including but not limited to:
1. Act as custodian of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System/landfill enterprise fund created under this
7/9/20047/9/299%/~9:209~. Page 4
2. Incorporate in its annual budget the budget for Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System services under
this Agreement including, but not limited to revenues,
administrative costs of the paniesParties, direct costs,
indirect costs according to approved cost allocation plans,
personnel services, insurance and land leases.
3. For facilities that are operated by the City of Port Angeles
as part of the solid waste export and transfer system,
provide for administrative service including, but not limited
to personnel services and insurance.
E. Provide a site at the existing site of the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill for
the regional Solid Waste Export System facilities at no cost to the
F. The Blue Mountain operations and facilities will be included in the
enterprise fund of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
with consideration of increased service, if approved by the Joint Solid
Waste Advisory Committee.
G. Direct solid waste collected within the City of Port Angeles (whether
collected directly by the City of Port Angeles or by a solid waste
collection company) to the Vendor selected through the procurement
process; take reasonable action to enforce such direction, including but not
limited to entering into a long term contract that requires disposal of solid
waste generated in the City of Port Angeles at the Regional Solid Waste
Export and Transfer System facilities; and if the City of Port Angeles
ceases to operate its own solid waste collection system, then the City shall
require that any contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid
waste hauled is disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities consistent with the Plan.
H. Process consideration of an ordinance designating the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System as the City's solid waste system
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120, and amendments to the
City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
I. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the
extent the district includes incorporated areas of the City of Port Angeles.
J. Rec';c!ing: Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
7/9/20047/9/20046~30;200~. Page 5
Section 4. Responsibilities of thc r'; .... c c ...... ;~., · · ,
.... ~ .....~ ...... addmonal parties,,,,~ ._,,.~ ..,
8eqmmAdditional parties to this Agreement shall:
A. Direct solid waste (except yad debris ~d composting operations
mate~als) collected within the ~: .... c c ..... ;_.. . · -
~,.j .... ~ ..... innsdmtmnal area of the
additional pa~v (whether collected directly by the ~:~,,~ ..... ~,c
~additioual party or by a solid waste collection company) to the
Vendor selected t~ough the procurement process; take reasonable action
to enforce such direction, including but not limited to entering into a long
te~ contract with the City of Poa ~geles for disposal of solid waste
generated in the ~a,~.,~ ~,"c c,,..,.~,.~-~,~ ..... luns&ctKnal"' "'~ ' area of the additional party I
at the Regional Solid Waste Expo~ and Tr~sfer System hcilities; and if
the City. ..... u ..... ad&tlonal pat2y ceases to operate its own solid waste
collection system, then the City additional party shall require that any
contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid waste hauled is
disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Expoa and Transfer System
facilities consistent with the Plan; ~d
B. Cooperate in implementing Plan elements.
f ~: ..... ;~'Ad pt I ti by
tbe additional pa~y's governing body approving the designation of the
Regional Solid Waste Expo~ ~d Transfer System as the ~ ..~ ~ additional
paay's solid waste system consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120,
~d amendments to the ~a.~,~..j ~ additional party's zoning code ~d other
applicable ordin~ces to prohibit solid waste facilities that ~e not
consistent with the PI~. Tbe resolution and amendments lo zoning code
and other applicable ordinances shall be made concurrent with or prior to
the additional pa~y accepting an amendment to this Agreement to include
the additional pa~y.
Cooperate with the County in the fo~ation of a disposal district including
adoption of a resolution by the additional pmly's governing body
approving the district to the extent the district includes inco~orated ~eas
of the ~:*-' c ~,
.... ~ ef ,~%uimadditional party, The resolution shall be made
concurrent with or prior to ll~e additiona pa~y accepting an mnendment to
this Agreement to include the additional pl~y.
7 9/2004 ................... Page 6
GE._ '---J~'",~.r' ....... ~: ..... Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 5. Duration of A,m-eement: This Agreement shall be in full force and
effect from and after its effective date, as set forth in Section 9(A), and shall
remain in force for 20 years from the date the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System first commences r-ei~lav-commercial operations. Any changes to
this Agreement must be agreed upon by all ...... ;~r, - '
~ ........ mtms. This Agreement shall
automatically be extended for a period of five (5) years unless notice is given by
any },,,,,.~Palt~, to the other parities within eighteen (18) months prior to the
expiration of the original twenty (20) year term, and in writing, that they do not
desire to extend the agreement.
Section 6. Governance and Rates.
A. Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board: A Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
(JSWAB) shall be established. The Board will be composed of staff from
Parties to this Aareement. The Board will act as an advisory committee to
the Port Angeles City Council, the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory
Committee and others as necessary. Althotmh Clallmn Connty and the
City of Port Angeles ma,/each be represented by multiple members on the
JSWAB in accordance with 6(B), each Party shall only be entitled to a
single vote on recommendations to the Port Angeles City Council, the
Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Conm~ittee and others as necessary.
B. Membership Body: The JSWAB shall consist of the following members:
(1) Director of Public Works Clallam County, (2) Director of Public
Works and Utilities City of Port Angeles, (3) Direct',~r ef Public Wer!:s
,.,; ...... ~ ...... , ~ ,2 Sohd Waste Supenntendent City of Port Angeles, (54)
Utilities Division Manager or designee from Clallam County. The Board
shall draw upon other staff members from the agencies as necessary and
appropriate to assist is carrying out its duties.
C. Officers and Procedures: The JSWAB shall select a chair and such other
officers as deemed necessary to conduct business. The Board shall adopt
rules and procedures it deems necessary for the proper and efficient
conduct of its business.
D. Meetings: The JSWAB shall be responsible to fix a time and place for its
E. Powers and Duties: The JSWAB shall have the following powers and
7/9/20047/9/299~.6/~9/200~, Page 7
1. Make recommendations for the management and operation
of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
operated under this Agreement.
2. Submit budget recommendations to the participating
jurisdictions for action.
3. Review and recommend fees and charges and for services
related to disposal, operation of facilities~_ 'and transfer an~d
disposal of solid waste associated with the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System, and for disposal
4. Review and recommend amendments to the Plan to thc
Sol d ¥¥ ast¢ Advisory Committee. Review and recoinme:nd
amendments to this At~reement to the Parties of this
F. Enterprise Fund: There shall be maintained an enterprise fund separate
from all other funds within the City of Port Angeles into which revenues
received from the ~Parties to this Agreement, fees, charges, and any
other revenues associated with the operation and management of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System shall be deposited.
This fund shall be part of the City of Port Angeles annual budget and
administered in accordance with the City budget regulation and guidelines.
Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for the Solid Waste Export
and Transfer System and landfill projects and closure and post closure
costs not captured during the operation of the landfill activities, including
actual administrative costs of the pmaqesParties pursuant to their
obligations under this agreement, the comprehensive solid waste plan,
state and federal laws.
G. Costs: The costs of solid waste disposal and management of all
pamesparties to this Agreement not otherwise reimbursed shall be
included in the operation of the enterprise fund. These costs shall include,
but not be limited to, operation of transfer sites, long haul, recycling
operations, composting, capitalization of facilities and equipment,
administrative costs, planning, and other costs directly related to regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System/Landfill operations. The
JSWAB shall determine inclusive costs which shall be fair, reasonable and
equitable to all Parties of this Agreement when making budget
recommendations to the City of Port Angeles City Council.
H. Fees and Charges: Fees for disposal shall be fair, reasonable and equitable
and shall be applied equally throughout the jurisdiction of all participating
~a~'~aa~ t;~m'*a Page 8
7/9/20047 ................. ,04
?articsParfies at the Port Angeles regional site. Fees shall be determined
based on the cost of service and may be set in '~arious amounts based on
differences in waste t,/pes, the type of fac lt¥ receiving that waste,
commercial and setf-hanlers, and for any other fair. reasonable and
equitable reason pern~dtted by law. A separate fee structure may be
developed for the Blue Mountain site, which shall be sufficient to cover all
costs associated with operation of the Blue Mountain site. A surcharge or
higher rate may be charged for solid waste collected within jurisdictions
that are not signatories to this Agreement.
Section 7. Access to Records: Duly authorized representative of the ~ ......... arl~es
to this Agreement shall have the right to inspect the records of the JSWAB and
the accounts and records of the City of Port Angeles relating to solid waste
disposal and transfer operations at any reasonable time.
Section 8. Assets and Liabilities: On termination of this Agreement, any assets
owned separately by a Party shall remain the property of that Party. In entering
into this Agreement, no Party assumes liability for the actions or activities of the
other, except as provided by law or as may be agreed by the Parties.
Section 9. Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Effective Date: This Agreement shall take effect the first date on which all
Parties have taken all necessary action to authorize and execute this
B. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and only
by agreement of all Parties except as set forth in this section. The Parties
hereby agree that this Agreement may be amended to allow any other
governmental entity within Clallam County, including the City of Seqnim,
tribes and the Town of Forks, to join as an additional party. Additional
parties joining shall not be members of the 3SWAB ................ ~ ,.~ ....
.... ~ .... ~ ............ ~ ~o~ ^c ~ ........ ~ '~ ..... :~ +~'~ County Additional
parties shall be bound by all provisions of this Agreement.
C. Withdrawal: A pa.~:,'Part¥ may withdraw from this Agreement only upon
unanimous agreement of all ptmiesParties, which agreement shall provide
the means by which a penalty may be charged for withdrawal from the
agreement by the particaParties.
D. Non-Waiver: No waiver by any partvParty of any term or condition of this
Agreement shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any
other term or condition or of any subsequent breach whether of the same
or of a different provision of this Agreement.
7/9/2004 .................. Page 9
E. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is entered into to protect the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Gi44es-City_and
County and to promote the effective and efficient disposal or other
handling of solid waste in the ~Cit¥ and the County. This Agreement
is not entered into no__r may any amendment to the Plan be made with the
intent that it shall benefit any party not signing this Agreement, and no
other person or entity shall be entitled to be treated as a third-party
beneficiary of this Agreement.
F. Assignment: Upon the creation of a solid waste disposal district pursuant
to Ch. 36.58 RCW, the County and any City opting into such a disposal
district may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to the
solid waste disposal district. No other assignment of this Agreement is
permitted without the prior written consent of all Parties.
G. Severabilit¥: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be
invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
H. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original
instrument. All such counterparts together will constitute one and the
same Agreement.
I. Risk Allocation - Liability: As among the Parties, the City of Port
Angeles shall assume the risk for all activities and liabilities arising from
the ownership and operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System and the Port Angeles landfill and shall hold harmless
from the defense costs and liability Clallam County~m4~
8equim, except that Clallam County shall assume the risk from all
activities and liabilities arising from the ownership and operation of the
Blue Mountain facility. It is agreed among the Parties that the cost of
liability insurance for such risk shall be considered an operation cost of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System and that any uninsured
risk which results in a cost to the City and or County may be recovered by
an appropriate increase in rates to cover any uninsured loss.
1N WITNESS HEREOF, this Agreement is executed by Clallam County and by
the C~4/es-City of Port Angeles~, Washington.
Dated this __ day of ,2004. Dated this __ day of ,2004.
Richard Headrick, Mayor Steve Tharinger, Chair
7/"/ .... ~/"~"r~a~ '" ..... Page 10
Attest: Attest:
Becky Upton, City Clerk Tr/sh Perrott, Clerk of Board
Approved As To Form: Approved As To Form:
William E. Bloor, City Attorney Chris Melly, County Attorney
7/9/20047 ......... ......... Page
THIS AGREEMENT is executed by and among Clallam County ("County") and
the Cities of Port Angeles and Sequim (the "Cities") (the County and the Cities are
collectively referred to herein as "the Parties") for the purposes of providing for
competitively-priced regional solid waste export and transfer system facilities and
services; promoting the health, safety and welfare of the County's and Cities' residents;
and protecting the natural environment throughout the County. The Parties enter into this
lnterlocal Agreement ("Agreement") effective as of the date set forth in Section 9(A) for
the purposes and under the terms contained herein.
WHEREAS, the Parties have cooperated in developing and implementing the
County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan ("the Plan") pursuant to
Chapters 35.21, 36.58 and 70.95 RCW on behalf of the County and the Cities; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends exporting solid waste to meet future disposal
needs of the residents, businesses, visitors and institutions within the Cities and the
County; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends using interlocal agreements to create the
institutional arrangements needed to implement the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends closing the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, the
only operating municipal solid waste landfill in Clallam County serving the area fi.om
Lake Crescent eastward, as depicted in the map and legal description attached hereto as
Exhibit A, when it reaches capacity (projected by the end of 2006), and citing a transfer
station at the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, for the purposes of exporting solid waste for
final disposal after the landfill is closed; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation of the closure of the Port Angeles landfill and in
recognition of the absence of alternative local landfill sites, the Parties desire to cooperate
to provide for a Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System consistent with the
Plan; and
WHEREAS, by entering into an inteflocal agreement providing for each Party's
cooperation, the Parties can more effectively and efficiently implement the Plan and
procure management of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System; and
WHEREAS, the Plan anticipates that the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities will be located at the current site of the Port Angeles Sanitary
Landfill, will be operated by the City of Port Angeles or a private company under
contract with the City of Port Angeles, and will be utilized by the Cities, County and by
the private solid waste collection companies that serve the Cities and unincorporated area
of the County from Lake Crescent eastward; and
WHEREAS, the Pa~ies t,~ t!:i~ !nter!~eal Agreement !:aYeC_.it¥ of Port Angeles has
been responsible for accumulating closure and post-closure funds as required by law for
the Port Angeles LandfillrLand whereas the Parties intend for the Regional Solid Waste
Transfer and Export System funding arrangement to provide for any additional funds
related to unmet or unanticipated Port Angeles Landfill requirements provided, however,
that this shall not make Clallam County or the Cil¥ of Sequhn separately or individually
obligmed tbr liabilities arising t¥om Port Angeles' landfill site_; and
WHEREAS, the Parties intend that a portion of the tipping fees for the Blue
Mountain Transfer Station be collected to continue to pay for the lease fee and upkeep
costs for this site presently being covered by the Blue Mountain Drop Box fees collected
by the County; and
WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized and empowered to enter into this
Agreement pursuant to Chapters 39.34 and 70.95 RCW.
THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants herein, and in
order to implement the terms of the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management
Plan, the Parties agree:
Section 1.
Definitions: Except for the terms defined in this section, and unless the context
indicates otherwise, for the purposes of this Agreement and any related
agreements, the Parties shall use the definitions found in RCW 70.95.030 and
WAC 173-350, as they may be amended.
"Agreement" means this inteflocal agreement.
"Cities" means both of the Cities of Port Angeles and Sequim, Washington
(collectively, the "Cities").
"County" means Clallam County, Washington.
"Ecology" means the Washington State Department of Ecology or its successor
"Plan" means the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
as mnended in accordance with this A~eement.
7/9/20047/9/2004~/30"2~,X)4 Page 2
"Solid Waste Advisory Committee" is an advisory committee whose members are
appointed by the County Commissioners to advise them on solid waste matters.
"Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System" means the facilities owned
by and/or contracted by, the City of Port Angeles, where deposit, processing,
recycling, composting, ~moderate-risk waste handling, and transfer of
solid waste for disposal through a long-haul contract occurs. This will include the
Blue Mountain &,97 ~box site, facilities, and operations, unless the Board of
Clallam County Commissioners determines in its sole discretion at any time
during the term of this agreement that the Blue Mountain ~]r,9? drop-box facilities
should no longer be operated.
"Vendor" means either the City of Port Angeles or any company or person with
whom the City of Port Angeles contracts for any or all of the design, construction,
ownership, or operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
Section2. Responsibilities of the County. The County shall:
A. Process amendments to the Plan that are submitted by the Joint Solid
Waste Advisory Board to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee to provide
for disposal of all non-recyclable solid waste generated in the
unincorporated areas of the County from Lake Crescent eastward at the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) to the extent
permitted by law. The Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
will be the only designated Export and Transfer System in the County East
of Lake Crescent for the term of this Agreement.
B. Process amendments to the County's zoning code, solid waste facility
permitting process ordinance, and other applicable ordinances to prohibit
solid waste transfer and export thcilities that are not consistent with the
Plan and to designate the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer
System as the County's solid waste system consistent with the Plan and
RCW 36.58.040, to the extent permitted by law.
C. Make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute with Jefferson County
an interlocal agreement requiring each county to amend its comprehensive
solid waste management plan and other related ordinances and
agreements, to the extent permitted by law, to prohibit accepting waste
generated outside its boundaries at disposal sites within said county;
unless approved as an emergency.
D. Consider forming a solid waste disposal district in the eastern part of the
County, to the extent it may become necessary to provide a dedicated
7/9/20047/9/200a, 6/29/2004
Page 3
source of funds to help finance the capital and operations and maintenance
costs associated with the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
E. Shall not construct or have constructed any municipal solid waste export
and transfer system in the eastem part of Clallam County without the
approval of the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
F. Participate in developing the request for qualifications/proposals and
selecting the contractor(s), for designing, building and if appropriate
operating the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System facilities, disposal
services, and long haul services.
G. Appoint representatives to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
H. Negotiate and administer the land lease between the County and the
Washington Department of Natural Resoumes enabling the continuation of
drop box services at Blue Mountain.
I. Recyc!ing: Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the mounts of material for
waste export.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles
A. Conduct a procurement process for selecting one or more Vendors to
provide solid waste export and transfer system facilities, disposal services,
and long-haul services consistent with the Plan;
B. In consultation and cooperation with the County and the City of Sequim,
either provide itself, or enter into and administer a contract with one or
more Vendors for, solid waste export and transfer system, and disposal
services for the Parties consistent with the Plan; and
C. In consultation and cooperation with the County and the City of Sequim
and the City of Port Angeles establish a Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
that will review policies, procedures, costs, rates and will operate as an
advisory group to the City of Port Angeles.
D. Provide administrative service related to the operation of the Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) and long-haul service
including but not limited to:
1. Act as custodian of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System/landfill enterprise fund created under this
Page 4
2. Incorporate in its annual budget the budget for Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System services under
this Agreement including, but not limited to revenues,
administrative costs of the pa~desParties, direct costs,
indirect costs according to approved cost allocation plans,
personnel services, insurance and land leases.
3. For facilities that are operated by the City of Port Angeles
as part of the solid waste export and transfer system,
provide for administrative service including, but not limited
to personnel services and insurance.
E. Provide a site at the existing site of the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill for
the regional Solid Waste Export System facilities at no cost to the
F. The Blue Mountain operations and facilities will be included in the
enterprise fund of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
with consideration of increased service, if approved by the Joint Solid
Waste Advisory Committee.
G. Direct solid waste collected within the City of Port Angeles (whether
collected directly by the City of Port Angeles or by a solid waste
collection company) to the Vendor selected through the procurement
process; take reasonable action to enforce such direction, including but not
limited to entering into a long term contract that requires disposal of solid
waste generated in the City of Port Angeles at the Regional Solid Waste
Export and Transfer System facilities; and if the City of Port Angeles
ceases to operate its own solid waste collection system, then the City shall
require that any contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid
waste hauled is disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities consistent with the Plan.
H. Process consideration of an ordinance designating the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System as the City's solid waste system
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120, and amendments to the
City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
I. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the
extent the district includes incorporated areas of the City of Port Angeles.
J. ~Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
7/9/20047/9/2~9~,~ 79/2£~(?,
Page 5
land cleating waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 4. Responsibilities of the City of Sequim. The City of Sequim shall:
A. Direct solid waste (except yard debris and composting operations and
materials) collected within the City of Sequim (whether collected directly
by the City of Sequim or by a solid waste collection company) to the
Vendor selected through the procurement process; take reasonable action
to enforce such direction, including but not limited to entering into a long
term contract with the City of Port Angeles for disposal of solid waste
generated in the City of Sequim at the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities; and if the City of Sequim ceases to operate its
own solid waste collection system, then the City shall require that any
contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid waste hauled is
disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
facilities consistent with the Plan; and
B. Cooperate in implementing Plan elements.
C. Participate in developing the request for qualifications/proposals and
selecting the contractor(s), for designing, building and if appropriate
operating the solid waste facilities.
D. Appoint a representative to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
E. Process consideration of an ordinance designating the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System as the City's solid waste system
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120, and amendments to the
City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
F. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the
extent the district includes incorporated areas of the City of Sequim.
G. Recyc!:~ng: Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land cleating waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 5. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement shall be in full force and
effect from and after its effective date, as set forth in Section 9(A), and shall
remain in force for 20 years from the date the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System first commences reg~:!ar commercial operations. Any changes to
this Agreement must be agreed upon by all tmmesparties. This Agreement shall
automatically be extended for a period of five (5) years unless notice is given by
7/9/200~.7/9/299~,5, ~9!299a. Page 6
any party to the other parities within eighteen (18) months prior to the expiration
of the original twenty (20) year term, and in writing, that they do not desire to
extend the agreement.
Section 6. Governance and Rates.
A. Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board: A Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
(JSWAB) shall be established. The Board will be composed of staff from
CI ............... :, ·
Parties to this Agreement. The Board will act as an advisory committee to
the Port Angeles City Council, the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory
Committee and others as necessary. Although C a a n Cou ~tv. the City of
Sequirn, and the City of Port Angeles may each be represented by multiple
members on the JSWAB in accordance with 6(B), each Party shall only be
entitled to a single vote on recommendations to the Port Angeles C tx,,
Ad tsorx, Committee and others
Council, the Clallam Countx,, Solid Waste v' '
B. Membership Body: The JSWAB shall consist of the following members:
(1) Director of Public Works Clallam County, (2) Director of Public
Works m~d Utilities City of Port Angeles, (3) Director of Public Works
City of Sequim, (4) Solid Waste Superintendent City of Port Angeles, (5)
Utilities Division Manager or designee from Clallam County. The Board
shall draw upon other staff members from the agencies as necessary and
appropriate to assist is carrying out its duties.
C. Officers and Procedures: The JSWAB shall select a chair and such other
officers as deemed necessary to conduct business. The Board shall adopt
rules and procedures it deems necessary for the proper and efficient
conduct of its business.
D. Meetings: The JSWAB shall be responsible to fix a time and place for its
E. Powers and Duties: The JSWAB shall have the following powers and
1. Make recommendations for the management and operation
of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
operated under this Agreement.
2. Submit budget recommendations to the participating
jurisdictions for action.
3. Review and recommend fees and charges and for services
related to disposal, operation of facilities,_ and transfer and
7 9/20047
Page 7
disposal of solid waste associated with the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System. and for disposal
4. Review and recmmnend mnendments to the Plan to the
Solid Waste Advisotw Comnfittee. Review and recommend
amendments to this Agreement to the Parties of this
Enterprise Fund: There shall be maintained an enterprise fund separate
from all other funds within the City of Port Angeles into which revenues
received from the partics-Parties to this Agreement, fees, charges, and any
other revenues associated with the operation and management of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System shall be deposited.
This fund shall be part of the City of Port Angeles aunual budget and
administered in accordance with the City budget regulation and guidelines.
Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for the Solid Waste Export
and Transfer System and landfill projects and closure and post closure
costs not captured during the operation of the landfill activities, including
actual administrative costs of the ~Parties pursuant to their
obligations under this agreement, the comprehensive solid waste plan,
state and federal laws.
G:.G. Costs: The costs of solid waste disposal and management of all pm4es
Parties to this Agreement not otherwise reimbursed shall be included in
the operation of the enterprise fund. These costs shall include, but not be
limited to, operation of transfer sites, long haul, recycling operations,
composting, capitalization of facilities and equipment, administrative
costs, planning, and other costs directly related to regional Solid Waste
Export and Transfer System/Landfill operations. The JSWAB shall
determine inclusive costs which shall be fair, reasonable m~d equitable to
all Parties of this A~eement when making budget recommendations to the
City of Port Angeles City Council.
I4:.H. Fees and Charges: Fees for disposal shall be fair. reasonable and equitable
and shall be applied equally throughout the jurisdiction of all participating
pa,cries-Parties at the Port Angeles regional site. Fees shall be determined
based on the cost of sen, ice and may be set in various amounts based oil
differences in waste lvpes, the type of facility receiving that waste,
commercial and sell-haulers, and tbr any other fair, reasonable and
equitable reason permitted by law. A separate fee structure may be
developed for the Blue Mountain site, which shall be sufficient to cover all
costs associated with operation of the Blue Mountain site. A surcharge or
higher rate may be charged for solid waste collected within jurisdictions
7/9/20047/9/2994(;/':02~,~4 Page 8
that are not signatories to this Agreement.
Section 7. Access to Records: Duly authorized representative of the pa."t, ic:
Parties to this Agreement sham have the right to inspect the records of the JSWAB
and the accounts and records of the City of Port Angeles relating to solid waste
disposal and transfer operations at any reasonable time.
Section 8. Assets and Liabilities: On termination of this Agreement, any assets
owned separately by a Party sham remain the property of that Party. In entering
into this Agreement, no Party assumes liability for the actions or activities of the
other, except as provided by law or as may be agreed by the Parties.
Section 9. Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Effective Date: This Agreement shall take effect the first date on which all
Parties have taken all necessary action to authorize and execute this
B. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and only
by agreement of all Parties except as set forth in this section. The Parties
hereby agree that this Agreement may be amended to allow any other
governmental entity within Clallam County, including tribes and the Town
of Forks, to join as a party. Additional parties joining shall not be
members of the JSWAB-:,'ithout .... : .... :"~"- ...~j ...... ol 8% of
'~ .......... ~ ..... ;" "'~ '-' ..... +" Additional parties shall be bound by all
provisions of this Agreement.
C. Withdrawal: A party Party may withdraw from this Agreement only upon
unanimous agreement of all _,...;~op,~,.t;,~~.... _~o ,..~o, which agreement shall provide
the means by which a penalty may be charged for withdrawal from the
agreement by the pa~iesParties.
D. Non-Waiver: No waiver by any party Patty of any term or condition of
this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any
other term or condition or of any subsequent breach whether of the same
or of a different provision of this Agreement.
E. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is entered into to protect the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Cities and County
and to promote the effective and efficient disposal or other handling of
solid waste in the Cities and the County. This Agreement is not entered
into nor may any amendment to the Plan be made with the intent that it
shall benefit any party not signing this Agreement, and no other person or
entity shall be entitled to be treated as a third-party beneficiary of this
7/9/20047/9/2004(;'20/200'1 Page 9
F. Assignment: Upon the creation of a solid waste disposal district pursuant
to Ch. 36.58 RCW, the County and any City opting into such a disposal
district may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to the
solid waste disposal district. No other assignment of this Agreement is
permitted without the prior written consent of all Parties.
G. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be
invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full rome and effect.
H. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original
instrument. All such counterparts together will constitute one and the
same Agreement.
I. Risk Allocation - Liability: As among the Parties, the City of Port
Angeles shall assume the risk for all activities and liabilities arising from
the ownership and operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System and the Port Angeles landfill and shall hold harmless I
from the defense costs and liability Clallam County and the City of
Sequim, except that Clallam County shall assume the risk from all
activities and liabilities arising from the ownership and operation of the
Blue Mountain facility. It is agreed among the Parties that the cost of
liability insurance for such risk shall be considered an operation cost of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System and that any uninsured
risk which results in a cost to the City and or County may be recovered by
an appropriate increase in rates to cover any uninsured loss.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, this Agreement is executed by Clallam County and by
the Cities of Port Angeles and Sequim, Washington.
Dated this __ day of ,2004. Dated this day of ., 2004.
Richard Headrick, Mayor Steve Tharinger, Chair
Attest: Attest:
Becky Upton, City Clerk Trish Perrott, Clerk of Board
Approved As To Form: Approved As To Form:
7/9/20047/9/20045/g 0'2004 J
Page 10
William E. Bloor, City Attorney Chris Melly, County Attorney
Walter E. Schubert, Mayor
Karen Kuznek, City Clerk
Approved As To Form:
Craig Ritchie, City Attorney
7/9/20047/9/299~',:~ 20/299 Page
'113/2004 Summary of the Proposed Changes to the Interlocal Agreement - With'Ct'and Without~ Sequim
Revise "party" and "parties' to title
All case because they are defined terms. Minor housekeeping item. * ·
Definition of "Cities" revised to "City' ·
i which only includes Port Angeles. Minor housekeeping item.
Definition of "Plan' revised to include An amendment to the Plan is
amendments, underway:, ,, * ·
Definition of "Regional Solid Waste The term moderate risk waste under
Export and Transfer System" revised State law !s "moder.ate-risk waste".
to become consistent with State law The term 'drop box under the RFP is * ·
and the RFP. "drop-box".
2A, 6E4 Revise the definition of Plan and other
Sections to only allow amendments to Only parties to the agreement should
the Plan that affects Parties to the be allowed to amend elements of the . ·
Agreement by Parties to the Plan that affect parties to the
Agreement. Agreement.
21, 3J, 4E
& G Delete "Recycling:" heading. Minor housekeeping item. * ·
3A Insert "services to operate facilities" Minor housekeeping item. * ·
Costs should also be able to be
Revise to include "costs". reviewed by the JSWAB. * ·
If Sequim isn't a party to the
Agreement this Section should be
revised to apply to additional parties
that become a party to the ·
Revise "Responsibilities of the City of Agreement. Prior subsection 4C and
Sequim" to "Responsibilities of 4D deleted since they would not
additional parties" apply.
Revise to require designation of This would result in less risk of
regional system as additional party's stranded costs for the regional ·
4C solid waste system, system.
This Would result in less risk of
Revise to require additional parties to stranded costs for the regional ·
ew 4D
!~N,, . ¢~;~i~ agree t~ a di?osal district, system.
Removes Sequim from JSWAB.
Includes 1 vote per Party. Includes ·
JSWAB review of amendments to the
6A Plan and the Agreement.
Inserts the word "Utilities" into position
6B title. Corrects position title. * ·
The JSWAB should review and
recommend fees and charges for · ·
6E3 Revise to include "disposal districts", disposal districts.
Cost shall be fair, reasonable and
7G Expand description of costs equitable to all Parties. * ·
Fees shall be based on the cost of
service and may be set in various . ·
7H Expand description of fees. amounts...
This would create equity among the
Creates a level playing field if an current and additional parties to the . ·
9B additional party enters the Agreement Agreement.
Revise liability related to the Port Port Angeles to assume all risk for the
91 An~leles landfill Port Angeles landfill * ·
THIS AGREEMENT is executed by and among Clallam County ("County") and
the Cities of Port Angeles and Sequim (the "Cities") (the County and the Cities are
collectively referred to herein as "the Parties") for the purposes of providing for
competitively-priced regional solid waste export and transfer system facilities and
services; promoting the health, safety and welfare of the County's and Cities' residents;
and protecting the natural environment throughout the County. The Parties enter into this
Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement") effective as of the date set forth in Section 9(A) for
the purposes and under the terms contained herein.
WHEREAS, the Parties have cooperated in developing and implementing the
County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan ("the Plan") pursuant to
Chapters 35.21, 36.58 and 70.95 RCW on behalf of the County and the Cities; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends exporting solid waste to meet future disposal
needs of the residents, businesses, visitors and institutions within the Cities and the
County; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends using interlocal agreements to create the
institutional arrangements needed to implement the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends closing the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, the
only operating municipal solid waste landfill in Clallam County serving the area from
Lake Crescent eastward, as depicted in the map and legal description attached hereto as
Exhibit A, when it reaches capacity (projected by the end of 2006), and citing a transfer
station at the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, for the purposes of exporting solid waste for
final disposal after the landfill is closed; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation of the closure of the Port Angeles landfill and in
recognition of the absence of alternative local landfill sites, the Parties desire to cooperate
to provide for a Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System consistent with the
Plan; and
WHEREAS, by entering into an interlocal agreement providing for each Party's
cooperation, the Parties can more effectively and efficiently implement the Plan and
procure management of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System; and
7/13/2004~2004 Page
WHEREAS, the Plan anticipates that the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities will be located at the current site of the Port Angeles Sanitary
Landfill, will be operated by the City of Port Angeles or a private company under
contract with the City of Port Angeles, and will be utilized by the Cities, County and by
the private solid waste collection companies that serve the Cities and unincorporated area
of the County from Lake Crescent eastward; and
D.**,;~o *.x *N~o l,~4..~l~nl . '~v ................ Clty of Port Angeles has
WHEREAS, the .......................... ^ .........' ~ ..... ' '
been responsible for accumulating closure and post-closure funds as required by law for
the Port Angeles Landfill,i_and whereas the Parties intend for the Regional Solid Waste
Transfer and Export System funding arrangement to provide for any additional funds
related to unmet or unanticipated Port Angeles Landfill requirements provided, however.
that this shall not make Clallam Count, or the Clt} of Seqmm separately or individually
obligated for liabilities m'ising from Port Angeles' landfill site; and
WHEREAS, the Parties intend that a portion of the tipping fees for the Blue
Mountain Transfer Station be collected to continue to pay for the lease fee and upkeep
costs for this site presently being covered by the Blue Mountain Drop Box fees collected
by the County; and
WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized and empowered to enter into this
Agreement pursuant to Chapters 39.34 and 70.95 RCW.
THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants herein, and in
order to implement the terms of the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management
Plan, the Parties agree:
Section 1.
Definitions: Except for the terms defined in this section, and unless the context
indicates otherwise, for the purposes of this Agreement and any related
agreements, the Parties shall use the definitions found in RCW 70.95.030 and
WAC 173-350, as they may be amended.
"Agreement" means this interlocal agreement.
"Cities" means both of the Cities of Port Angeles and Seqnim, Washington
(collectively, the "Cities").
"County" means Clallam County, Washington.
"Ecology" means the Washington State Department of Ecology or its successor
"Plan" means the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
as alnended in accordance with this A~'cement.
Page 2 I
"Solid Waste Advisory Committee" is an advisory committee whose members are
appointed by the County Commissioners to advise them on solid waste matters.
"Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System" means the facilities owned
by and/or contracted by, the City of Port Angeles, where deposit, processing,
recycling, composting, n:zderate moderate-risk waste handling, and transfer of
solid waste for disposal through a long-haul contract occurs. This will include the
Blue Mountain drz? drop-box site, facilities, and operations, unless the Board of
Clallam County Commissioners determines in its sole discretion at any time
during the term of this agreement that the Blue Mountain drcp drop-box facilities
should no longer be operated.
"Vendor" means either the City of Port Angeles or any company or person with
whom the City of Port Angeles contracts for any or all of the design, construction,
ownership, or operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the County. The County shall:
A. erocess(~consideration of~m~endments to the Plan that are submitted by the
Joint Soli~waste~AUV~sorv~'~ Board to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee
to provide for disposal of all non-recyclable solid waste generated in the
unincorporated areas of the County from Lake Crescent eastward at the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) to the extent
permitted by law. The Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
will be the only designated Export and Transfer System in the County East
of Lake Crescent for the term of this Agreement.
B. Process~~amendments to the County's zoning code, solid
waste fai'~li~fi~m~ing process ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances to prohibit solid waste transfer and export facilities that are not
consistent with the Plan and to designate the Regional Solid Waste Export
and Transfer System as the County's solid waste system consistent with
the Plan and RCW 36.58.040, to the extent permitted by law.
C. Make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute with Jefferson County
an interlocal agreement requiring each county to amend its comprehensive
solid waste management plan and other related ordinances and
agreements, to the extent permitted by law, to prohibit accepting waste
generated outside its boundaries at disposal sites within said county;
unless approved as an emergency.
D. Consider forming a solid waste disposal district in the eastern part of the
County, to the extent it may become necessary to provide a dedicated
7/13/2004 ,x4:'4&~2a004 Page 3
source of funds to help finance the capital and operations and maintenance
costs associated with the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
E. Shall not construct or have constructed any municipal solid waste export
and transfer system in the eastern part of Clallam County without the
approval of the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
F. Participate in developing the request for qualifications/proposals and
selecting the contractor(s), for designing, building and if appropriate
operating the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System facilities, disposal
services, and long haul services.
G. Appoint representatives to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
H. Negotiate and administer the land lease between the County and the
Washington Department of Natural Resources enabling the continuation of
drop box services at Blue Mountain.
I. ~Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles
A. Conduct a procurement process for selecting one or more Vendors to
provide solid waste export and transfer system facilities, services to
operate the facilities if appropriate, disposal services, and long-haul
services consistent with the Plan;
B. In consultation and cooperation with the County and the City of Sequim,
either provide itself, or enter into and administer a contract with one or
more Vendors for, solid waste export and transfer system, and disposal
services for the Parties consistent with the Plan; and
C. In consultation and cooperation with the County and the City of Sequim
and the City of Port Angeles establish a Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
that will review policies, procedures, costs, rates and will operate as an
advisory group to the City of Port Angeles.
D. Provide administrative service related to the operation of the Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) and long-haul service
including but not limited to:
-~ -, ~ ~ ,"mn,~ Page 4
,~1 ~2004~ 1
1. Act as custodian of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System/landfill enterprise fund created under this
2. Incorporate in its annual budget the budget for Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System services under
this Agreement including, but not limited to revenues,
administrative costs of the pa~qesParties, direct costs,
indirect costs according to approved cost allocation plans,
personnel services, insurance and land leases.
3. For facilities that are operated by the City of Port Angeles
as part of the solid waste export and transfer system,
provide for administrative service including, but not limited
to personnel services and insurance.
E. Provide a site at the existing site of the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill for
the regional Solid Waste Export System facilities at no cost to the
F. The Blue Mountain operations and facilities will be included in the
enterprise fund of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
with consideration of increased service, if approved by the Joint Solid
Waste Advisory Committee.
G. Direct solid waste collected within the City of Port Angeles (whether
collected directly by the City of Port Angeles or by a solid waste
collection company) to the Vendor selected through the procurement
process; take reasonable action to enforce such direction, including but not
limited to entering into a long term contract that requires disposal of solid
waste generated in the City of Port Angeles at the Regional Solid Waste
Export and Transfer System facilities; and if the City of Port Angeles
ceases to operate its own solid waste collection system, then the City shall
require that any contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid
waste hauled is disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities consistent with the Plan.
H. Process consideration of an ordinance designating the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System as the City's solid waste system
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120, and amendments to the
City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
I. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the
extent the district includes incorporated areas of the City of Port Angeles.
'L/ 3~2004~/2004 Page 5 I
J. Recycling: Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible I
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 4. Responsibilities of the City of Sequim. The City of Sequim shall:
A. Direct solid waste (except yard debris and composting operations and
materials) collected within the City of Sequim (whether collected directly
by the City of Sequim or by a solid waste collection company) to the
Vendor selected through the procurement process; take reasonable action
to enforce such direction, including but not limited to entering into a long
term contract with the City of Port Angeles for disposal of solid waste
generated in the City of Sequim at the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities; and if the City of Sequim ceases to operate its
own solid waste collection system, then the City shall require that any
contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid waste hauled is
disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
facilities consistent with the Plan; and
B. Cooperate in implementing Plan elements.
C. Participate in developing the request for qualifications/proposals and
selecting the contractor(s), for designing, building and if appropriate
operating the solid waste facilities.
D. Appoint a representative to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
E. Process consideration of an ordinance designating the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System as the City's solid waste system
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120, and amendments to the
City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
F. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the
extent the district includes incorporated areas of the City of Sequim.
G. Recycling: Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land cleating waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 5. Responsibilities of additional parties. Additional parties to this
Agreement shall:
7/13/20042,q2/2004 Page 6 I
A. Direct solid waste (except yard debris and composting operations and
materials) collected within the jurisdictional area of the additional party
Iwhether collected directly by the additional pt~'ty or by a solid waste
collection company) to the Vendor selected through the procuremenl
process: take reasonable action to enforce such direction, including but not
limited to entering into a long term contract with the City of Port Angeles
tbr disposal of solid waste generated in the iurisdictional area of the
additional party at the Re~oional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
facilities: and if the additional party ceases to operate its own solid waste
collection system, then the additional party shall require that any contract
with solid waste haulers provides that solid waste hauled is disposed of at
the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System facilities consistent
with the Plan; and
B. Cooperate in implementing Plan elements.
C. Adopt a resolution by the additional party's governing body approving the
designation of the Re~onal Solid Waste Export and Transfer System as
rite additional part~,'s solid waste system consislent with the Plan and
RCW 35.21.120, and mnendments to the additional party's zoning code
and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste facilities that are
not consistent with the Plan. The resolution and amendments to zoning
code and other applicable ordinances shall be made concun'ent with or
prior to the additional party accepting an amenchuent to this A~eement to
include the additional party.
D. Cooperate with the Coantv in the formation of a disposal district including
adoption of a resolution by the additional pm'ty's governing body
approving the district to the extent the district includes incorporated areas
of the additional party. The resolution shall be made concurrent with or
prior to the additional party accepting an mnendment to this Agreement to
include the additional party.
E. Encore'age recycling eftbrts to the maximum extent possible for yard
debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and land
clearing waste) programs to minimize the amotmts of material for waste
Section 56. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement shall be in full force and
effect from and after its effective date, as set forth in Section 9(A), and shall
remain in force for 20 years from the date the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System first commences regular ,ommercial operations. Any changes to
this Agreement must be agreed upon by all particaParties. This Agreement shall
automatically be extended for a period of five (5) years unless notice is given by
any party to the other parities within eighteen (18) months prior to the expiration
7/13/20047/12.'g004 Page 7
of the original twenty (20) year term, and in writing, that they do not. desire to
extend the agreement.
Section 67. Governance and Rates.
A. Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board: A Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
(JSWAB) shall be established. The Board will be composed of staff from
Parties to this Af~reement. The Board wJl] act as an advisory committee to
the Port Angeles City Council, the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory
Committee and others as necessary. Although Clal mn Coanty, the City of
Sequim, and the City of Port Angeles may each be represented by multiple
members on the JSWAB in accordance with 6(B). each Party shall only be
entitled to a single vote on recommendations to the Port Angeles
Cotmcil. the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Committee and others
as necessary.
B. Membership Body: The JSWAB shall consist of the following members:
(1) Director of Public Works Clallam County, (2) Director of Public
Works mad Utilities City of Port Angeles, (3) Director of Public Works
City of Sequim, (4) Solid Waste Superintendent City of Port Angeles, (5)
Utilities Division Manager or designee from Clallam County. The Board
shall draw upon other staff members from the agencies as necessary and
appropriate to assist is carrying out its duties.
C. Officers and Procedures: The JSWAB shall select a chair and such other
officers as deemed necessary to conduct business. The Board shall adopt
rules and procedures it deems necessary for the proper and efficient
conduct of its business.
D. Meetings: The JSWAB shall be responsible to fix a time and place for its
E. Powers and Duties: The JSWAB shall have the following powers and
1. Make recommendations for the management and operation
of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
operated under this Agreement.
2. Submit budget recommendations to the participating
jurisdictions for action.
3. Review and recommend fees and charges and for services
related to disposal, operation of facilities._ and transfer and
disposal of solid waste associated with the Regional Solid
,, I.~, 2004 ......... Page
Waste Export and Transfer System. and for disposal
4. Review and recommend amendments to the Plan to the
Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Review and recommend
amendments to this Agreement to the Parties of this
BF. Enterprise Fund: There shall be maintained an enterprise fund separate
from all other funds within the City of Port Angeles into which revenues
received from the pa,~ies Pm~ties to this Agreement, fees, charges, and any
other revenues associated with the operation and management of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System shall be deposited.
This fund shall be part of the City of Port Angeles annual budget and
administered in accordance with the City budget regulation and guidelines.
Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for the Solid Waste Export
and Transfer System and landfill projects and closure and post closure
costs not captured during the operation of the landfill activities, including
actual administrative costs of the -~*;~ Parties .pursuant to their
obligations under this agreement, the comprehensive solid waste plan,
state and federal laws.
G:.G. Costs: The costs of solid waste disposal and management of all
Parties to this Agreement not otherwise reimbursed shall be included in
the operation of the enterprise fund. These costs shall include, but not be
limited to, operation of transfer sites, long haul, recycling operations,
composting, capitalization of facilities and equipment, administrative
costs, planning, and other costs directly related to regional Solid Waste
Export and Transfer System/Landfill operations. The JSWAB shall
determine inclusive costs which shall be fair~ reasonable and equitable to
all Parties oftbis AgTeement when making budget recommendations to the
City of Port Angeles City Council.
~.H. Fees and Charges: Fees for disposal shall be fair, reasonable and equitable
and shall be applied equally throughout the jurisdiction of all participating
pa.~cg parties at the Port Angeles regional site. Fees shall be determined
based on the cost of service and may be set in various mnounts based on
differences in waste types, the type of facility receiving that wasle.
commercial and self-haulers, and for any otber fair. reasonable and
equitable reason pem~itted by law. A separate fee structure may be
developed for the Blue Mountain site, which shall be sufficient to cover all
costs associated with operation of the Blue Mountain site. A surcharge or
higher rate may be charged for solid waste collected within jurisdictions
7/13/2004:~¢42:'2004 Page 9
that are not signatories to this Agreement.
Section :78. Access to Records: Duly authorized representative of the .... :~-
Parties to this Agreement shall have the right to inspect the records of the JSWAB
and the accounts and records of the City of Port Angeles relating to solid waste
disposal and transfer operations at any reasonable time.
Section 89. Assets and Liabilities: On termination of this Agreement, any assets
owned separately by a Party shall remain the property of that Party. In entering
into this Agreement, no Party assumes liability for the actions or activities of the
other, except as provided by law or as may be agreed by the Parties.
Section 910. Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Effective Date: This Agreement shall take effect the first date on which all
Parties have taken ail necessary action to authorize and execute this
B. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and only
by agreement of all Parties except as set forth in this section. The Parties
hereby agree that this Agreement may be amended to allow any other
governmental entity within Clallam County, including tribes and the Town
of Forks, to join as a party. Additional parties joining shall not be
members of the JSWAE .......... -.,-~: .... ~.~'-+ ..... ' .... ~- ........... , oo/_ -
he ..... ~ of ..... :" ~'~ c .... *'~ Additional parties shall be bound by ail
provisions of this Aereement.
C. Withdrawal: A ,, .... Part3 may withdraw from this Agreement only upon
unanimous agreement of all ?~,~:~csPm'ties, which agreement shall provide
the means by which a penalty may be charged for withdrawal from the
agreement by the pa:x,~c:Pm'ties.
D. Non-Waiver: No waiver by any pa:fy Party of any term or condition of
this Agreement shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any
other term or condition or of any subsequent breach whether of the same
or of a different provision of this Agreement.
E. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is entered into to protect the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Cities and County
and to promote the effective and efficient disposal or other handling of
solid waste in the Cities and the County. This Agreement is not entered
into with the intent that it shall benefit any party not signing this
Agreement, and no other person or entity shall be entitled to be treated as
a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement.
7/13/20047/12/290.! Page 10
F. Assignment: Upon the creation of a solid waste disposal district pursuant
to Ch. 36.58 RCW, the County and any City opting into such a disposal
district may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to the
solid waste disposal district. No other assignment of this Agreement is
permitted without the prior written consent of all Parties.
G. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement 'is determined to be
invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
H. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original
instrument. All such counterparts together will constitute one and the
same Agreement.
I. Risk Allocation - Liability: As among the Parties, the City of Port
Angeles shall assume the risk for all activities and liabilities arising from
the ownership and operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System m~d the Port Angeles landfill and shall hold harmless
from the defense costs and liability Clallam County and the City of
Sequim, except that Clallam County shall assume the risk from all
activities and liabilities arising from the ownership and operation of the
Blue Mountain facility. It is agreed among the Parties that the cost of
liability insurance for such risk shall be considered an operation cost of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System and that any uninsured
risk which results in a cost to the City and or County may be recovered by
an appropriate increase in rates to cover any uninsured loss.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, this Agreement is executed by Clallam County and by
the Cities of Port Angeles and Sequim, Washington.
Dated this __ day of ,2004. Dated this day of ., 2004.
Richard Headrick, Mayor Steve Tharinger, Chair
Attest: Attest:
Becky Upton, City Clerk Trish Perrott, Clerk of Board
Approved As To Form: Approved As To Form:
7/13/2004g~2/2004 Page 11 I
William E. Bloor, City Attorney Chris Melly, County Attorney
Walter E. Schubert, Mayor
Karen Kuznek, City Clerk
Approved As To Form:
Craig Ritchie, City Attorney
7/13~,2)04¢q_Z_c24(k4 Page 12 I
THIS AGREEMENT is executed by and among Clallam County ("County") and
the C4,qes-CiW of Port Angeles a~(the "G4t-iesCity") (the County and the Ckicg
City are collectively referred to herein as "the Parties") for the purposes of providing for
competitively-priced regional solid waste export and transfer system facilities and
services; promoting the health, safety and welfare of the County's and Gides~City's
residents; and protecting the natural environment throughout the County. The Parties
enter into this Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement") effective as of the date set forth in
Section 9(A) for the purposes and under the terms contained herein.
WHEREAS, the Parties have cooperated in developing and implementing the
County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan ("the Plan") pursuant to
Chapters 35.21, 36.58 and 70.95 RCW on behalf of the County and the Ckic3Citv; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends exporting solid waste to meet future disposal
needs of the residents, businesses, visitors and institutions within the Ck;~e: City and the
County; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends using interlocal agreements to create the
institutional arrangements needed to implement the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends closing the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, the
only operating municipal solid waste landfill in Clallam County serving the area from
Lake Crescent eastward, as depicted in the map and legal description attached hereto as
Exhibit A, when it reaches capacity (.projected by the end of 2006), and citing a transfer
station at the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill, for the purposes of exporting solid waste for
final disposal after the landfill is closed; and
WHEREAS, in anticipation of the closure of the Port Angeles landfill and in
recognition of the absence of alternative local landfill sites, the Parties desire to cooperate
to provide for a Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System consistent with the
Plan; and
WHEREAS, by entering into an inteflocal agreement providing for each Party's
cooperation, the Parties can more effectively and efficiently implement the Plan and
procure management of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System; and
7/13/20047/12/2~a0'! Page 1
WHEREAS, the Plan anticipates that the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities will be located at the current site of the Port Angeles Sanitary
Landfill, will be operated by the City of Port Angeles or a private company under
contract with the City of Port Angeles, and will be utilized by the C?3cgCit3_,, County and
by the private solid waste collection companies that serve the Citic: City and
unincorporated area of the County from Lake Crescent eastward; and
WHEREAS, the ~'~'; ..... ~:~ ~'~ ^ .......... ' l:avcCit¥ of Port Angeles has
been responsible for accumulating closure and post-closure funds as required by law for
the Port Angeles Landfillr;_and whereas the Parties intend for the Regional Solid Waste
Transfer and Export System funding arrangement to provide for any additional funds
related to unmet or unanticipated Port Angeles Landfill requirements provided, however,
that this shall not make Clallmn Cotmty separately or individually obligated for liabilities
arising from Port Angeles' landfill site; and
WHEREAS, the Part/es intend that a portion of the tipping fees for the Blue
Mountain Transfer Station be collected to continue to pay for the lease fee and upkeep
costs for this site presently being covered by the Blue Mountain Drop Box fees collected
by the County; and
WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized and empowered to enter into this
Agreement pursuant to Chapters 39.34 and 70.95 RCW.
THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants herein, and in
order to implement the terms of the County's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management
Plan, the Parties agree:
Section 1.
Definitions: Except for the terms defined in this section, and unless the context
indicates otherwise, for the purposes of this Agreement and any related
agreements, the Parties shall use the definitions found in RCW 70.95.030 and
WAC 173-350, as they may be amended.
"Agreement" means this interlocal agreement.
C.,,,sC~t~ means ..... the City of Port Angeles and e .... ;~
Washington ~^'~*:-'~"' *~'~" ':*:~"
"County" means Clallam County, Washington.
"Ecology" means the Washington State Department of Ecology or its successor
"Plan" means the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
as amended in accordance with this Agreement.
7~ I~ 20047 ....... Page 2
"Solid Waste Advisory Committee" is an advisory committee whose members are
appointed by the County Commissioners to advise them on solid waste matters.
"Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System" means the facilities owned
by and/or contracted by, the City of Port Angeles, where deposit, processing,
recycling, composting, mederate-moderate-fisk waste handling, and transfer of
solid waste for disposal through a long-hanl contract occurs. This will include the
Blue Mountain drc;~ ~box site, facilities, and operations, unless the Board of
Clallam County Commissioners determines in its sole discretion at any time
during the term of this agreement that the Blue Mountain &rap drop-box facilities
should no longer be Operated.
"Vendor" means either the City of Port Angeles or any company or person with
whom the City of Port Angeles contracts for any or all of the design, construction,
ownership, or operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the County. The County shall:
A. Process o(ns.~ideration~o amendments to the Plan that are submitted by the
Joint Solid 'gZ/~[~'A-3V~sory Board to the Solid Waste Advisory. Committee
to provide for disposal of all non-recyclable solid waste generated in the
unincorporated areas of the County from Lake Crescent eastward at the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) to the extent
permitted by law. The Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
will be the only designated Export and Transfer System in the County East
of Lake Crescent for the term of this Agreement.
B. Process co~"~-nsideration of~tmendments to the County's zoning code, solid
waste fac~-'ilR2I~ryelS~tting process ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances to prohibit solid waste transfer and export facilities that are not
consistent with the Plan and to designate the Regional Solid Waste Export
and Transfer System as the County's solid waste system consistent with
the Plan and RCW 36.58.040, to the extent permitted by law.
C. Make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute with Jefferson County
an interlocal agreement requiring each county to amend its comprehensive
solid waste management plan and other related ordinances and
agreements, to the extent permitted by law, to prohibit accepting waste
generated outside its boundaries at disposal sites within said county;
unless approved as an emergency.
D. Consider forming a solid waste disposal district in the eastern part of the
County, to the extent it may become necessary to provide a dedicated
source of funds to help finance the capital and operations and maintenance
costs associated with the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System.
7/13/20047/12/200.! Page 3
E. Shall not construct or have constructed any municipal solid waste export
and transfer system in the eastem part of Clallam County without the
approval of the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
F. Participate in developing the request for qualifications/proposals and
selecting the contractor(s), for designing, building and if appropriate
operating the Solid Waste Export and Transfer System facilities, disposal
services, and long haul services.
G. Appoint representatives to the Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board.
H. Negotiate and administer the land lease between the County and the
Washington Department of Natural Resources enabling the continuation of
drop box services at Blue Mountain.
I..,~>.~ ...... ~ ~·~;.~,.. Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles
A. Conduct a procurement process for selecting one or more Vendors to
provide solid waste export and transfer system facilities, services to
operate the facilities if appropriate, disposal services, and long-haul
services consistent with the Plan;
B. In consultation and cooperation with the County an~ *~'~ r,;*., cf e .... :~
either provide itself, or enter into and administer a contract with one or
more Vendors for, solid waste export and transfer system, and disposal
services for the Parties consistent with the Plan; and
C. In consultation and cooperation with the County and the C~ty cf $cqu:.m
an'3 ,~.,.,,~ ,-:,..,_ .............. ~.rD~., ^-....~ .... estabhsh' a Jmnt' Solid Waste Advisory Board
that will review policies, procedures, costs, rates and will operate as an
advisory group to the City of Port Angeles.
D. Provide administrative service related to the operation of the Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System site(s) and long-haul service
including but not limited to:
1. Act as custodian of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System/landfill enterprise fund created under this
7/13/20047/12/299,! Page 4 [
2. Incorporate in its annual budget the budget for Regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System services under
this Agreement including, but not limited to revenues,
administrative costs of the pa,~iesParties, direct costs,
indirect costs according to approved cost allocation plans,
personnel services, insurance and land leases.
3. For facilities that are operated by the City of Port Angeles
as part of the solid waste export and transfer system,
provide for administrative service including, but not limited
to personnel services and insurance.
E. Provide a site at the existing site of the Port Angeles Sanitary Landfill for
the regional Solid Waste Export System facilities at no cost to the
F. The Blue Mountain operations and facilities will be included in the
enterprise fund of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
with consideration of increased service, if approved by the Joint Solid
Waste Advisory Committee.
G. Direct solid waste collected within the City of Port Angeles (whether
collected directly by the City of Port Angeles or by a solid waste
collection company) to the Vendor selected through the procurement
process; take reasonable action to enforce such direction, including but not
limited to entering into a long term contract that requires disposal of solid
waste generated in the City of Port Angeles at the Regional Solid Waste
Export and Transfer System facilities; and if the City of Port Angeles
ceases to operate its own solid waste collection system, then the City shall
require that any contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid
waste hauled is disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System facilities consistent with the Plan.
H. Process consideration of an ordinance designating the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System as the City's solid waste system
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120, and amendments to the
City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
I. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the
extent the district includes incorporated areas of the City of Port Angeles.
J. Rec¥clin;~: Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
7/I 3/20047/22/2904 Page 5
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
Section 4. Responsibilities of ........ ~ ...... ~ ..... addluonal parties. Thc r,:
ScquimAdditional parties to this Agreement shall:
A. Direct solid waste (except yard debris and composting operations and
materials) collected within the ~iurisdictional area of the
additional party (whether collected directly by the...,,~r': .... .,~
$cquimadditional party or by a solid waste collection company) to the
Vendor selected through the procurement process; take reasonable action
to enforce such direction, including but not limited to entering into a long
term contract with the City of Port Angeles for disposal of solid waste
generated in the ~ urisdictional area of the additional party
at the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System facilities; and if
the r~:~.,..,.j w o..~ ..... addmonal party ceases to operate its own solid waste
collection system, then the..,,~'~:~" additional party shall require that any
contract with solid waste haulers provides that solid waste hauled is
disposed of at the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
facilities consistent with the Plan; and
B. Cooperate in implementing Plan elements.
C Part. ..... * .... .~.,~1 ...... +,. ..........+ c ...... l:,e:,~.:~/ ........ 1. ~A
' cf ' '~: .... *:"'~Ad pt sol ti bi
the additional pam,'s governing body approving the desim~ation of the
the ~,.: ~ additional
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System as t-:, ....
party's solid waste system consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120,
and amendments to the r,:~ ..... additional party's zoning code and other
applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste facilities that are not
consistent with the Plan. The resolution and mnendments to zoning code
and other applicable ordinances shall be made concnrrent with or prior to
the additional party accepling m~ amenchnent to this A~'eement to include
the additional partx,,
$I_), Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district includimz
adoption of a resolutk)n by the additional party's governing body
approving the district to the extent the district includes incorporated areas
of the reit:,' ,cf ,.cqu:madd]t]onal pm-ty. The resolution shall be made
concurrent with or prior to the additional party accepting em amendment to
this Agreement to include the additional pm'ty.
GE. D ...... ~:-"' Encourage recycling efforts to the maximum extent possible
for yard debris, special wastes, and CDL (construction, demolition, and
land clearing waste) programs to minimize the amounts of material for
waste export.
.Section 5. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement shall be in full force and
effect from and after its effective date, as set forth in Section 9(A), and shall
remain in force for 20 years from the date the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System first commences ~gutav-commercial operations. Any changes to
v ...... Part~ s. This Agreement shall
this Agreement must be agreed upon by all -~'~:~ 'e
automatically be extended for a period of five (5) years unless notice is given by
v,,,~j~ arty to the other parities within eighteen (18) months prior to the
expiration of the original twenty (20) year term, and in writing, that they do not
desire to extend the agreement.
Section 6. Governance and Rates.
A. Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board: A Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board
(JSWAB) shall be established. The Board will be composed of staff from
Parties to this A~reement. The Board will act as an advisory committee to
the Port Angeles City Council, the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory
Cormnittee and others as necessary. Although Clallam County m~d the
City of Port Angeles may each be represented by multiple members on the
JSWAB in accordance with 6(B). each Party shall only be entitled to a
single vote on recommendations to the Port Angeles City Council. the
Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Committee and others as necessary.
B. Membership Body: The JSWAB shall consist of the following members:
(1) Director of Public Works Clallam County, (2) Director of Public
Works and Utilities City of Port Angeles, (3) Director cf P'a~!ic Wor!:~
r~:~,, ,,c c .... :~ ,a x Solid Waste Superintendent City of Port Angeles, (-5,~_)
Utilities Division Manager or designee from Clallam County. The Board
shall draw upon other staff members from the agencies as necessary and
appropriate to assist is carrying out its duties.
C. Officers and Procedures: The JSWAB shall select a chair and such other
officers as deemed necessary to conduct business. The Board shall adopt
rules and procedures it deems necessary for the proper and efficient
conduct of its business.
D. Meetings: The JSWAB shall be responsible to fix a time and place for its
., 1.~ 20047 ........ Page 7
E. Powers and Duties: The JSWAB shall have the following powers and
1. Make recommendations for the management and operation
of the Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System
operated under this Agreement.
2. Submit budget recommendations to the participating
jurisdictions for action.
3. Review and recommend fees and charges and for services
related to disposal, operation of facilities._ m:d transfer and
disposal of solid waste associated with the Regional Solid
Waste Export and Transfer System, and for disposal
4. Review and recommend amendments to the Plan to the
Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Review and recommend
amendments to this Agreement to the Parties of this
F. Enterprise Fund: There shall be maintained an enterprise fund separate
from all other funds within the City of Port Angeles into which revenues
received from the pa~iegParties to this Agreement, fees, charges, and any
other revenues associated with the operation and management of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System shall be deposited.
This fund shall be part of the City of Port Angeles annual budget and
administered in accordance with the City budget regulation and guidelines.
Expenditures from the fund shall be made only for the Solid Waste Export
and Transfer System and landfill projects and closure and post closure
costs not captured during the operation of the landfill activities, including
actual administrative costs of the partiesParties pursuant to their
obligations under this agreement, the comprehensive solid waste plan,
state and federal laws.
G. Costs: The costs of solid waste disposal and management of all
;3a~ic:l?arties to this Agreement not otherwise reimbursed shall be
included in the operation of the enterprise fund. These costs shall include,
but not be limited to, operation of transfer sites, long haul, recycling
operations, composting, capitalization of facilities and equipment,
administrative costs, planning, and other costs directly related to regional
Solid Waste Export and Transfer System/Landfill operations. The
JSWAB shall determine inclusive costs which shall be fair. reasonable and
equitable to all Pm'ties of this .Agreement when making budget
reconunendations to the City of Port Angeles City Council.
7/13/20047:12/2994 Page 8
H. Fees and Charges: Fees for disposal shall be fair, reasonable and equitable
and shall be applied equally throughout the jurisdiction of all participating
p:'~tiezParties at the Port Angeles regional site. Fees shall be determined
based on the cost of selwice and may be set in various amounts based on
differences in waste types, the type of facilit3, receivin~ that waste,
commercial and self-haulers~ and for any other t:air, reasonable and
equitable reason permitted by law. A separate fee structure may be
developed for the Blue Mountain site, which shall be sufficient to cover all
costs associated with operation of the Blue Mountain site. A surcharge or
higher rate may be charged for solid waste collected within jurisdictions
that are not signatories to this Agreement.
Section 7. Access to Records: Duly authorized representative of the ~. ..... oJ artles
to this Agreement shall have the right to inspect the records of the JSWAB and
the accounts and records of the City of Port Angeles relating to solid waste
disposal and transfer operations at any reasonable time.
Section 8. Assets and Liabilities: On termination of this Agreement, any assets
owned separately by a Party shall remain the property of that Party. In entering
into this Agreement, no Party assumes liability for the actions or activities of the
other, except as provided by law or as may be agreed by the Parties.
Section 9. Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Effective Date: This Agreement shall take effect the first date on which all
Parties have taken all necessary action to authorize and execute this
B. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and only
by agreement of all Parties except as set forth in this section. The Parties
hereby agree that this Agreement may be amended to allow any other
governmental entity within Clallam County, including the City of Sequim,
tribes and the Town of Forks, to join as an additional party. Additional
parties joining shall not be members of the JSWAE
,,~ ..... ~. ........... ~ ~0/_ cf '~ ............ ~ .... ;~ ,~.~ r. .... ~.. Additional
parties shall be bound bv all provisions of th s Aereement.
C. Withdrawal: A ?artyPany may withdraw from this Agreement only upon
unanimous agreement of all ~. ...... artles, which agreement shall provide
the means by which a penalty may be charged for withdrawal from the
agreement by the ....;~x)' ' ·
F ...... ames.
D. Non-Waiver: No waiver by any p=~ypart¥ of any term or condition of this
Agreement shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any
7/13/20047¢42/200'I Page 9
other term or condition or of any subsequent breach whether of the same
or of a different provision of this Agreement.
E. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is entered into to protect the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the C:,t~cz City and
County and to promote the effective and efficient disposal or other
handling of solid waste in the ~City and the County. This Agreement
is not entered into with the intent that it shall benefit any party not signing
this Agreement, and no other person or entity shall be entitled to be treated
as a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement.
F. Assignment: Upon the creation of a solid waste disposal district pursuant
to Ch. 36.58 RCW, the County and any City opting into such a disposal
district may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to the
solid waste disposal district. No other assignment of this Agreement is
permitted without the prior written consent of all Parties.
G. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be
invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
H. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in two or more
counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original
instnunent. All such counterparts together will constitute one and the
same Agreement.
I. Risk Allocation - Liability: As among the Parties, the City of Port
Angeles shall assume the risk for all activities and liabilities arising from
the ownership and operation of the Regional Solid Waste Export and
Transfer System and the Port Angeles landfill and shall hold harmless
from the defense costs and liability Clallam County and ,~,~,,,,~
c,,,.,~.._,:-- except that Clallam County shall assume the risk from all
activities and liabilities arising from the ownership and operation of the
Blue Mountain facility. It is agreed among the Parties that the cost of
liability insurance for such risk shall be considered an operation cost of the
Regional Solid Waste Export and Transfer System and that any uninsured
risk which results in a cost to the City and or County may be recovered by
an appropriate increase in rates to cover any uninsured loss.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, this Agreement is executed by Clallam County and by
the Git4es-Citv of Port Angeles ...... ,~ ...... , Washington.
Dated this ~_ day of ,2004. Dated this day of ., 2004.
Page 10 I
Richard Headrick, Mayor Steve Tharinger, Chair
Attest: Attest:
Becky Upton, City Clerk Trish Perrott, Clerk of Board
Approved As To Form: Approved As To Form:
William E. Bloor, City Attorney Chris Melly, County Attorney
7/13/200,~ 7/12/2004 Page
DATE: July 13, 2004
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
RE: Washington Consumer Energy Fund
Summary: A grant opportunity is available to the City under the Washington Consumer Energy
Fund. A total of $201,014 is available under WCEF for Clallam County which would be shared
between the Olympic Community Action Programs, Clallam County Public Utility District No.
1, and the City.
Recommendation: Concur with Staff in providing a letter of endorsement for a
collaborative project proposal under the Washington Consumer Energ~ Fund.
Background/Analysis: The Washington Consumer Energy Fund (WCEF) was established in
December of 2003. The fund was created from the proceeds of settlements negotiated by the
Washington Attorney General with Williams Energy Company and the E1 Paso Corporation. The
Seattle Foundation is managing the distribution of grants to non-profit organizations and
governmental entities in Washington State for projects that benefit residential electric customers.
The City, Olympic Community Action Programs (OlyCAP), and the Clallam County Public
Utility District No. 1 (PUD) have been recruited by the Seattle Foundation to submit a
collaborative project under the WCEF for a total of $201,014. OlyCAP will be the lead agency
submitting a grant application. OlyCAP is anticipated to propose use of 1/3 of the available
funds for energy assistance. The remaining 2/3 of the available funds will be divided between
the City and the PUD based on residential customer count (8,500 City customers, 24,900 PUD
customers). It does not appear that the City will be required to enter into an agreement to
participate in the WCEF.
N: IUAC\Ofi g~nal\washin gl on consumerenergyfand I wpd
DATE: July 13, 2004
FROM: Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent
SUBJECT: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
;ummar¥: The City is being requested to participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste
Collection Event that is sponsored by Clallam County Environmental Health and the Department
>f Ecology (DOE). DOE pays 75% of the costs and Clallam County bills the balance of the cost
according to participation percentages. The Solid Waste Division budget includes funds to cover
Ihe anticipated City share.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
Mayor to sign the 2004 agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum of $6,000
toward the cost of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
Background: Clallam County sponsors the above referenced collection days with supplemental
funding from DOE. The event is scheduled for September 24 and 25, Friday and Saturday, at the
Wal-Mart parking lot. Grant funding from DOE pays 75% of the total costs of the event, which
costs approximately $59,000. The City share of the balance historically has been approximately
33% of the households bringing hazardous waste to the event.
Clallam County Environmental Health and Human Services has requested our participation in
this event in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for in-kind services and/or cash. In 2003 the City
received credit for $1,282, of in-kind services and paid $2,818, in cash for a total cost of $4,100.
The Solid Waste Division budget includes funds for this annual event.
Attachment: Memo from Clallam County Department of Health and Services
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Agreement
N :\UAC~FinaI\H H WEvent2004.wpd
Clallam County Department of
. Health and Human Services
-?~.,S,~_~,~ '~ Telephone: 360-417-2258 * FAX: 360-4'i7-2313
~,' ~UM/x~~
June 9, 2004
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: 2004 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Dear Mr. McCabe:
Thank you for your continued support of the Clallam County Household Hazardous Waste Event.
Clallam County Department of Health and Human Services is once again soliciting your interest in
sponsoring the annual Household Hazardous Waste collection event. The event date is scheduled for
Friday, September 24th and Saturday, September 25th, 2004, at the Port Angeles Wal'l' Mart parking lot
and on Sunday, September 26th, 2004, at the City of Sequim.
As you know, the annual HHW collection event is identified as a task in the County's Moderate Risk
Waste Plan. The events are costly but the Department of Ecology provides grant funding for the program.
Through grant funding, the Department of Ecology will reimburse 75% of the cost, with the participating
jurisdictions contributing a 25% cash match.
Though we have not determined exact cost figures, I anticipate a cost of approximately $59,000 for the
entire event. The County's cash match would then be $14,750; we are asking the City of Port Angeles
contribute up to $6,000. We base funding contributions from the City of Port Angeles on historical
participation rates of approximately 35%. The total cost for the 2003 event was $58,574, and the City of
Port Angeles's participation rate was 28%. Last year's cost for the City of Port Angeles for the HHW
Event was $4,100.
I have enclosed two copies of the Memorandum of Agreement between Clallam County and the City of
Port Angeles for signature. Please have both copies signed and return them to me as soon as possible for
signature by the Commissioners. We will return one signed original to you for your records.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience at (360) 417-2347 if you have any questions.
c: Andy Brastad, Director of Environmental Health
DeeDee Oman, Accountant, Health and Human Services
project file
correspondence file
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into :his day o?, ,2004, bar,,,,een CLALLAM COdNTY, a
political subdivision c,t tho State of Washinc4~on, and 3'6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, ~ municipal
WHEREAS, Ihe Country and lhe Oil,' el Peri Angeles desto to jointly epensor a household
hazardous waste ca edt on event, which tent,.tire y s scheduled for So.ember 24 and 20 , 2004 in Port
Angeles, and September 26'", 2004 i~ Sequin: and
WHEREAS, the parde~ desire le Oh'(er into an agrearrlent setting forth their respeclive
NOW, THE,~FORE, ~r'~ '~d:L:al Curl~:idera:i0rt of the 3r~r-lises canlair:ed he,cie, Ihe parties agree
as follows:
Ceiam Oour~y shal~ be oesF, onsib e for I~e organization, prcmot on, educalion, collection
ar~d disposal of tee hazardous waste coileclion evenl and the waste collected,
2. Ti~e Oily of Pa'l Angeles agrees t~ contribute, L~O to s × d~usand (S6,COP,} i'~ costs
associated wit,q event stallinG, pu~iici:y a,3d waste management a~c disposal of waste collected; ~'ovided
further, tqat the County shail provide cocumom~.tio~ of the costs associated with the evont including, but
not lim~ed to, c~anizallon, prcmot on, education, collection and disposal and shall provide the City cf Port
Angeles with such documentatior~, whereupon the City shell Fay its linanoiel cc~ntdbution hereunder to the
Clallarn County Deparlment of Heakh and Human Services within ~hirty {30) days of receipt of the
3. Clallam Cobnty agrees :e defend; i2demnify and hoJc the Oily of Port Angele.~, Ee elected
and appo:nted officers and employees harmless from and against any cia{m, demand, judgment, cost cr
expense, including roasonaole a~ornoy foes, because of personal or bodily injur;,, including de~h ~t any
dme resulting therefrom, st.;stained by any person(s), or properly damage arising from Clallam Coum'y's
ne~!~gance in the pedormance of fr.,~ dc.rice hereunden
Name Stephen P. Tharinger (Chair)
Trish Perrett, Clerk of ~he Board
C~$f Deputy Prcseculing Attorney
'or C;allem County
DATE: July 13, 2004
FROM: Jeff Young, Supt. WWTP
SUBJECT: Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Prevention Plan
Summary: The Pollution Prevention Plan required by Department of Ecology (DOE) has been
reviewed by our consultant, Brown & Caldwell, and City Staff. The Pollution Prevention Plan
(PPP) will be submitted to DOE by July 22, 2004. Upon DOE approval, City staffwill
implement the PPP. The PPP will require additional staff hours for compliance activities.
IRecommendation: For information only.
Background/Analysis: The City of Port Angeles was issued a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Waste Discharge Permit on May 31, 2002. This permit, which
went into effect on July 1, 2002, requires the City to comply with the EPA's nine minimum
controls for combined sewer overflows (CSOs).
In a previous correspondence to DOE dated August 9, 2002, the City outlined our approach and
level of effort that would be required to comply with these requirements. Before the City could
fully implement the nine minimum controls, EPA inspected our facility and the combined sewer
system on October 27th, 2003 and noted that we were only partially in compliance.
City staffnext met with DOE to discuss how to address the noted deficiencies related to CSOs.
One of these is the requirement to implement a CSO Pollution Prevention Plan addressing the
nine minimum controls. City Staff, in consultation with Brown & Caldwell, have drafted a PPP
for DOE review and approval. The work load required to implement the PPP is estimated to be
approximately 1.5 FTE's.
A Powerpoint presentation outlining the details of the PPP will be presented by staff.
D:\wwtp~vl EMOS\uac\uacppp71304.wpd
City of Port Angeles
Combined Sewer Overflow
Pollution Prevention
Presented by:
Jeff Young
City of Port Angeles
Wastewater Treatment Plant
July 13, 2004
Why a Pollution
Prevention Plan
· NPDES - Requirement
· EPA Combined Sewer Overflow Control
Policy (40CFR122) Nine minimum controls
Nine Minimum Controls
· Operation and Maintenance Programs
· Maximum Use of the Sewer System
· Review and Modify Pretreatment Systems
· WWTP Maximum Flow Operation
· Prohibition of CSOs During Dry Weather
· Solids and Floatable Controls
· Pollution Prevention Program
· Public Notification
· Monitoring and Sampling Plan
Operation and Maintenance
(Collection System)
· Outfalls and Regulator Structures
· Manholes and Catch Basins
· Sanitary and Storm Sewers
Added Emphasis & Improved Documentation
Maximum Use of Sewer
· System Limitations
· Small sewer trunk lines
· Limited Pump Station Storage
· Leachate Lagoons at Landfill
· No storage available in Critical Areas
· Downtown or Francis Street area where
Pretreatment Program
(Minor Industrial Dischargers)
· Monitor and Inspect Spill Control Plans
· Perform Pretreatment Surveys
WWTP Maximum Flow
(System Limitations)
· Emergency Bypass Capability will remain
· Plant Rerating (2004), Suspended Solids
reached 85% limit during wet weather flows
Prohibition of CSOs During
Dry Weather
· Replacing Check Valves w/Tideflex
· Inspect CSO Site (when notified)
· Improved Inspection Procedures & Documentation
· Pump stations : ~ - .
· Catch Basins
Solids and Floatable
· Interim Baffles Installed
· Implement Fats, Oil & Grease (FOG) BMP Plan
· Install Permanent Baffles
~ Pollution Prevention
Program (on going)
· Sewer Cleaning ~
· Catch Basin Cleaning
· Street Sweeping
· Storm Drain Labeling
· Household Hazardous Waste Collection
· Public Education
· Litter Control
Public Notification
· CSO event notification
· Signage
· Web Site
Monitoring and Sampling
· Sampling Program
· Locations
· Frequency
· I~rotocols
· Data Management
· Implementation
· Personnel Scheduling
Implementation Timetable
· O&M Programs - 3,~/4~ Qtr 2005
· Maximum Use of the Sewer System - Current
· Review and Modify Pretreatment Systems - 2005
· WWTP Maximum Flow Operation - 3~d/4th Qtr 2004
· Prohibition of CSOs During Dry Weather -ongoing
· Plan to be presented to UAC 8/17/04
· Solids and Floatable Controls - Ongoing
· FOG Program June 2005
· Pollution Prevention Program - ~,v2.~ Qtr 2005
· Public Notification - Ongoing
· Monitoring and Sampling Plan - Summer 2004
DATE: JULY 13, 2004
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Update of Combined Sewer Overflow Directed Actions by Department of
;ummary: Per the May 11, 2004 UAC meeting, attached is a summary of actions and their
;tatus required to meet the Department of Ecology's CSO requirements.
lecommendation: No action required. Provided for information.
Background/Analysis: City Staff and our consultant, Brown and Caldwetl, have been
aggressively pursuing accomplishing the DOE required actions within the required time lines. A
table of the required items, actions, and completion dates is attached.
The information is provided for information.
Attach: DOE Actions & Schedule Table
N:\UAC~FinaI\CSO-UAC update 2.wpd
WAS H ~ N G T O N,
DATE: July 13, 2004
Summary: The City currently requires any developer or individual customer to pay for all
electrical improvements necessary to serve their proposed development prior to starting the
installation. The establishment of a connection fee to cover costs associated with the connection
of the customer and collecting these fees directly from the customer rather than the developer
will not appreciably change the ultimate cost of service to the customer. It will result in the City
>articipating in a portion of the cost until the lots are developed.
Recommendation: UAC forward a positive recommendation to Council to approve
electrical connection fees of $410.00 for overhead service and $713.00 for underground
service and direct the Electrical Extension Policy be revised accordingly.
The City currently requires any developer or individual customer to pay for all electrical
improvements necessary to serve a proposed development prior to starting the installation.
Between 1990 and 1996 the City had a Service Credit for new electrical customers. This Service
Credit was $917 for any new service until 1993 when it was increased to $1013 and restricted to
underground service only until being discontinued in 1996. The Service Credit was a credit
applied to the cost of extending service. It reduced the payment required from a customer
transferring that burden to the City to be recovered in rates.
We have reviewed the current policy at the request of the City Manager. The current City policy
was reviewed and compared to those of Clallam County PUD, Douglas County PUD, Grays
Harbor PUD and Puget Sound Energy whose policies could be obtained in a timely manner. All
of these utilities charge developers or new customers less than the total cost of providing service.
Most of the discounts are directly tied to not charging for transformers, transformer capacity or
meters. A brief comparison is attached as Exhibit A.
We are proposing the establishment of a fixed connection fee to be paid by each customer to
cover the cost deemed applicable by the City Council for the transformer, meter and connection
labor. This will recover these costs directly from the customer and not collect them in advance
from the developer who ultimately passes them on to the customer. The developer will only be
required to pay the cost of extending primary power to each lot and the connection fee, paid by
the customer, will cover charges for transforming and connecting power to each residence.
Individual customers requiting extension of the primary for service would pay the estimated cost . ·
of the primary extension in addition to the service connection fee.
The potential connection fee has been calculated for two options.
Option 1: Continue the current policy, where the developer pays all costs, no connection
Option 2: The developer pays all costs except for transformer, meter and service. The
customer pays an overhead connection fee of $410.00 or an underground
connection lee of$713.00 for costs including a portion of the transformer, the
meter and service connection labor.
' The staff recommends Option 2, which will result in minimal increased cost to the City and no
increased cost to the customer.
The projected financial impact to the City Electric Fund based on enclosed typical residential
development is approximately $350 per lot of which the principle amount is recoverable thru the
connection fees as the lots are built out or recovery and reuse of the transformers if the lots do
not build out. The City Electric Fund will experience only the expense of the interest during the
build out of the lots.
The Community and Economic Development Committee has reviewed the proposal and
recommended that the connection fees be established and the extension policy be revised to so
Staff recommends the UAC discuss the issue and forward a positive recommendation to Council
to approve electrical connection fees of $410.00 for overhead service and $713.00 for
underground service and direct the Electrical Extension Policy be revised to so reflect.
City Light Utility - Current Policy Total cost of any facilities required toNo Charge
Development extend power to a new development
is requested in advance of
City Light Utility - Current Policy Not Applicable Total cost of any facilities required to
Single Customer extend power to a new customer is
requested in advance of construction.
Connection Charge for each customer
CitYDevelopmentLight Utility - Proposed Policy Total cost of all facilities required to based on cost of typical transformer,
extend power to a new development meter and service.
excluding transformers, meters and
services is requested in advance of
City Light Utility - Proposed Policy Not Applicable Total cost of all facilities required to
Single Customer extend power excluding transformers,
meters and services plus Connection
Charge based on cost of typical
transformer, meter and service.
Clallam County PUD #1
Development Total cost of all facilities required to Connection Charge for each customer
based on installation labor cost of typical
extend power to a new development transformer, meter and service.
excluding transformers, meters and
services is requested in advance of
Clallam County PUD #1 Not Applicable Total cost of all facilities required to
Single Customer extend power excluding transformers,
meters and services plus Connection
Charge based on installation labor cost
of typical transformer, meter and
Douglas County PUD No charges
Development Total cost of all facilities less five (5)
times the extimated annual revenue
not to be less than 50% of total cost.
May require secured funds for
discounted amount to be refunded as
customers are added.
Douglas County PUD Not Applicable Total cost of all facilities less five (5)
Single Customer times the estimated annual revenue not
to be less than 50% of total cost.
Grays Harbor PUD Total cost of all facilities required toTotal cost of required facilities to extend
Development extend power to each lot excluding from developer provided facilities to
transformers, meters and services is customer including transformer, meter
requested in advance of construction, and service less $30.00 per KVA of the
estimated required transformer capacity.
A revenue guarantee contract for 20% of
the PUD cost per year for 8 years.
Grays Harbor PUD Not Applicable Total cost of required facilities to extend
Single Customer from existing facilities to customer
including transformer, meter and service
less $30.00 per KVA of the estimated
required transformer capacity. Aisc
require a connection charge plus a
revenue guarantee contract for 20% of
the PUD cost per year for 8 years.
Puget Sound Energy Total cost of all facilities required to No charges
Development extend power to each lot including
transformers, meters and services
less a "Margin Allowance" of $1117
per lot is requested in advance of
Puget Sound Energy Not Applicable Total cost of all facilities required to
Single Customer extend power to the customer including
transformers, meters and services less a
"Margin Allowance" of $1 117 is
requested in advance of construction.
W A S H I N G T O N, U, ,~. A,
DATE: July 13, 2004
SUBJECT: Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase II, Project 00-06
Summary: The City Council, starting in 1999 and annually thereafter has approved the
bud'~eting of $50,000 per year to underground the overhead electrical facilities along Ediz Hook.
Phase I was completed in 2001. Prior to finalizing the 2005 budget we are requesting that the
UAC review the concept of this project and affirm budgeting Phase II for 2005.
Recommendation: The UAC reaffirm the concept of this project and approve including
$250,000 in the 2005 budget for Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase II,
Project 00-06.
Background / Analysis: Ediz Hook is one of the prime interest areas for tourists visiting the
City. The overhead electric facilities along the Hook are visually obtrusive in this scenic area
and interfere with some recreational uses.
The City Council starting in 1999 and annually thereafter has approved the budgeting of $50,000
per year to fund the undergrounding of the overhead electrical facilities along Ediz Hook. To
achieve economies of scale the project has been planned for construction in three phases. Phase
I, completed in 2001 at a cost of $150,000, extended from the Coast Guard entrance to the police
radio tower. Approximately 6,700 feet of overhead remains between the Police radio tower and
the Nippon Paper Mill. The Phases are summarized as follows:
I Coast Guard to Radio Tower 2000 fi $150,000 Completed in 2001
II Radio Tower to Log Dump 2500 ft $250,000 Scheduled for 2005
III Log Dump To BP Fuel Tanks 4200 ft $250,000* Scheduled for 2010
Total Project 8700 ft
*Waterfront Trail repaving not required for this ~hase resulted in the lower ~roject costs.
The UAC is requested to reaffirm the concept of this project and support inclusion of $250,000
in the 2005 Electic Utility budget for Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase II,
Project 00-06.
Project Location:
DATE: July 13, 2004
FROM: Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems
SUBJECT: Non-Wires Alternatives Demonstration Project
Summary: Alternatives to building transmission lines with more capacity are being
investigated as a means to delay construction on the main transmission lines serving the North
Olympic peninsula. The attached proposal identifies two of the City's generators that could
become part of a larger generation aggregation project by Celerity Energy, a consulting firm
under contract with the Bonneville Power Administration.
Recommendation: UAC express support to continue investigating the attached proposal
by Celerity Energy.
Background/Analysis: The Bonneville Power Administration is investigating several
alternatives that will allow a delay in rebuilding the transmission line serving the North Olympic
peninsula. Delaying this project will save money for all users of the transmission system.
This project is the second of three types of alternatives that are being evaluated on the peninsula.
Nippon Paper Company has been participating in a load curtailment alternative and there will be
one more alternative that focuses on peak conservation.
The proposal for this project includes two diesel fired generators owned by the City. The first is
a 900 kW generator located at the Rarmey collector, and the second is a 550 kW generator
located at the wastewater treatment plant. The conceptual details are included in the proposal.
This proposal does not obligate the City in any way to participate in this project. Celerity wanted
to get a preliminary approval for the concept before they invest a lot of money into the detailed
economic evaluation and engineering design.
IfUAC approves this conceptual proposal, staff will return with a participation agreement in the
future after design and analysis have been completed. City Council approval will be required for
the participation agreement.
N :\UAC\Final\Non-wires alternatives.doc
creating powerful solulio~s together
Bonneville Power Administration
Upper Peninsula Demonstration Project
Non-Wires Alternatives
Mr. Scott McLain
Deputy Director of Power Systems
Public Works and Utilities Dept.
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Dear Mr. McLain;
On behalf of Celerity Energy, I am pleased to provide you with the following proposal for
participation in the Upper Peninsula Demonstration Project.
First, we'd like to describe the purpose of the Project and its scope. Then we will describe for you
how your organization can participate and the benefits that you and the Project realize.
Information about the Proiect
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is demonstrating the benefits of
dispatchable distributed generation as a means to defer the construction of
transmission line upgrades and provide rate savings to the Region.
BPA has identified the Upper Olympic Peninsula as a region that could benefit from the
availability of dispatchable loads and resources as a means to manage super-peak winter usage in
the unlikely event that transmission line delivery becomes unstable. The likelihood of events such
as this occurring are small, but the value of managing certain targeted loads during these critical
times could pay large dividends in increased reliability and the possible avoidance of larger outage
With this Project, Celerity Energy, under contract with BPA, is aggregating up to twelve customer
sites where the concept of load shedding can be put to actual application. Celerity Energy will
manage all implementation aspects of the Project, including the scope of your participation.
6 r-I 6 R G Y
There are a number of facets in determining how loads, supported by existing standby generators,
can be effectively deployed so as to minimize any potential negative impacts to your operations,
while helping you realize economic and operational improvements.
The Project is targeting end-use customers, such as City of Port Angeles, that can utilize existing
standby generation to provide their resoume requirements during load shedding events.
The Project will involve the installation of communications and control equipment, an evaluation
of the environmental aspects of participation (i.e. emissions, noise), and possible upgrades to your
electrical system to more effectively and fully deploy your resoume capability.
After this evaluation and installation period, the Project will operate for up to three years by
periodically exercising your generator through a coordinated process with you. The hours
anticipated for operation for the Project are expected to be between 50 and 100 hours annually and
will, to the extent possible, coincide with testing that you routinely conduct with your facility.
Proposal for Your Participation.
Celerity Energy has had the opportunity to visit with you and your facility to determine whether
City of Port Angeles would be a suitable candidate for participation. We believe that an excellent
opportunity exists and are prepared to offer the following:
1. Generator serving domestic water use at Elwha Ranney collector:
· Communications and Control System.
Install a communications gateway to provide remote dispatch capability and recording of
Elwha diesel standby generator output during periods of operation (Elwha Generator). The
Elwha Generator has a standby capacity of about 900 kW. Monthly reporting of actual
operating hours, including monthly testing, Project operation and local outage response will
be provided to City of Port Angeles through the use of this communications equipment.
Enhancements, such as a local alarm can be installed (i.e. flashing light) to signal that
generator operation will commence within a prescribed period of time (i.e. 2 minutes).
· Upgrade the existing switchgear and intercoimection arrangement for parallel operation.
The current electrical operation at the Elwha pumping station is for the existing standby
generator to provide for the power needs of the pumps during local outage conditions. The
Elwha Generator currently only operates in a "break before make" condition. That is, the
switchgear currently installed at the station first senses a loss of power from the local grid,
disconnects the station from the grid and finally starts the Elwha Generator. This current
configuration is typical for standby operation. Since the load at the Elwha station is
intermittent (i.e. the pumps operate to fill the reservoir, which is then drawn down for
domestic water use) if operated for Project purposes, there is no assurance that the Elwha
Generator would be operating to support the pumps if no pumping is occurring. Therefore,
the load reduction would be uncertain. The Project is proposing to reconfigure the
switchgear arrangement from the current Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) arrangement to
one where the Elwha Generator would operate in parallel with Port Angeles' local
distribution grid, thereby assuring that the Elwha Generator is contributing its capacity in
all circumstances. This approach, though typical in many other regions of the US, is not as
commonplace in the Pacific Northwest for smaller generator sites such as the Elwha
Generator due to the lack of financial incentive that would normally support the higher
electrical equipment costs. The Project provides that unique financial incentive and is
prepared to explore that option with the City. Based on confirmation of costs, the Project is
prepared to contribute 100% of the cost of the Elwha Generator switchgear upgrade
necessary for interconnecting to the City's grid, including equipment and installation, up to
Based on the City's acceptance of this conceptual proposal, Celerity Energy is prepared to
secure an electrical engineering firm to provide a cost estimate for the Elwha Generator
switchgear upgrade. We are prepared to have the engineering firm meet with the City's
appropriate personnel to review and discuss the necessary system protection arrangements
and to provide relevant industry standards and references. Once Celerity Energy has
confirmed costs for equipment and installation and has presented the engineering approach
and configuration to the City, we will prepare a Participant Agreement that defines the
roles and responsibilities of the parties. This would be the definitive agreement that the
City and Celerity Energy would enter into. At the end of the Project operation period of
three years, the equipment would remain as the property of the City.
2. Generator serving wastewater treatment plant.
· Communications and Control System.
Install a communications gateway to provide remote dispatch capability and recording of
wastewater treatment diesel standby generator output during periods of operation (WWT
Generator). The WWT Generator has a standby capacity of 550 kW. Monthly reporting of
actual operating hours, including monthly testing, Project operation and local outage
response will be provided to City of Port Angeles through the use of this communications
equipment. Enhancements, such as a local alarm can be installed (i.e. flashing light) to
signal that generator operation will commence within a prescribed period of time (i.e. 2
· Upgrade ATS for WWT Generator.
a. Confirm cost estimate for change-out of existing ATS that supports the WWT
Generator to provide for a closed transition. The existing unit is an ATS that
operates in a break before make mode during normal outage conditions. The
replacement ATS proposed by Celerity Energy will provide for a closed transition
that allows for the connected loads to transition from grid power to generator power
without interruption during periods of generator testing and for dispatch for the
Project. During local outages, the transfer scheme will operate as it does now,
when it sees a loss of grid power, the standby generator operates and picks up the
connected load. During local grid failures, them will continue to be a momentary
loss of supply until the generator can pick up the load. The difference with the new
scheme is that more loads will be connected to the generator, alleviating the need to
manually shift loads onto the generator and improving its load factor during
operations. Celerity Energy will investigate whether a closed transition switch is
commercially available in the size range of the WWT Generator.
· Based on confirmation of costs, Celerity Energy is prepared to contribute 100% of the cost
of the ATS upgrade, including equipment and installation, up to ?.
· Scheduled Maintenance of the Elwha Generator.
a. Celerity Energy will either directly contract for the City's routine standby generator
maintenance on the Elwha and WWT Generators or reimburse City for scheduled
maintenance on the units. The scope of the scheduled maintenance will encompass
charges associated with semi-annual and mmual scheduled maintenance work,
including an annual load bank test on the WWT Generator. This equates to an
annual benefit to the City of approximately $3,500 annually. This benefit is
available to the City upon commencement of the generators' participation in the
b. Scheduled maintenance will be according to the program attached (to be provided)
and will comply with all industry-recommended maintenance services.
· Operation and Testing of Standby Generators.
a. Celerity Energy will reimburse the City for fuel used for Project operation and
testing of the participating standby generators. This reimbursement will be capped
at a maximum of 12 hours annually for testing plus any additional hours of Project
operation that do not coincide with routine tests. We will limit operation of the two
generators for Project purposes to no more than 100 hours annually each. Celerity
Energy and the City will agree on an average fuel use per hour (in gallons) for the
generators based on its established output and will provide payment based on the
most recent cost (S/gal) for replacement fuel incurred by the City. Celerity Energy
is exploring the use of bio-diesel for use in the Project and will approach the City
regarding the use of bio-diesel, or a blend, once more detailed information is
collected and can be presented.
Other Features.
We will conduct periodic tests with you to verify generator performance and output during the
Project operation period. These tests will be scheduled with your cooperation. Your facilities will
not be faced with any performance related penalties or assessments. Your agreement to be
available and allow for remote start/stops for Project operation is all we require. The upgrades we
propose for your facility are intended to enhance your operational effectiveness both for the benefit
of your constituents as well as for local reliability.
We'll provide you with reports regarding all operating hours as well as reports relating to the
scheduled maintenance we perform on your equipment.
Contact Us.
We at Celerity Energy are very excited about working with you on this Project. As always, please
feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding your participation and this proposal.
Call Dennis Quinn at 503-526-8686 or (m) 503-332-3212. We'll be happy to review this proposal
with you and others in your organization.
Dennis J. Quinn
Celerity Energy Partners, LLC
With your acceptance of the Proposal as outlined, Celerity Energy will confirm the costs and scope
and prepare a Participant Agreement. You are not committed to participate in the Project and are
not obligating City for any costs until a Participant Agreement is executed between City and
Celerity Energy.
Accepted by: