HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/23/2002 PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM
,JULY 23, 2002
3.'00 P.M.
Port Angeles, Washington
July 9, 2002
I. Call to Order:
Chairman Bentley called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ~-
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Bentley, Councilmember Rogers, Councilman Campbell,
Councilmember Erickson, Dean Reed
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Larry Dunbar,
Tom McCabe, Steve Sperr, Cate Rinehart
Others Present: Brian Gawley - Peninsula Daily News
Pete Grigorieff- Northland Cable
Craig Johnson - Capacity Provisioning
Bill Roberds - Capacity Provisioning
Bob Jensen - Capacity Provisioning
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Bentley asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of June
24, 2002. A minor typo was corrected. Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes.
Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Note: Due to technical difficulties
the above portion of the meeting will not be available on tape. The remainder of the meeting was
taped without incident.
IV. Late Items:
Amendment No. 1 To Consultant Agreement With Skillings-Connolly, Contract #22-01
inserted after Item B
V. Discussion Items:
A. Rayonier Leachate Report
Revenue chart for 2001 - 2002.
No action taken. Information only.
B. Waiver Of Landfill Fees For Chain Gang And WSDOT "Adopt A Highway" Programs
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, reported the program is funded by a State grant of $60,000
Utility Advisory Committee
July 9, 2002
every two years with a goal of providing a countywide comprehensive litter and illegal dump site clean-
up using prisoners supervised by Sheriff's deputies. The private sector donates some equipment and
supplies, and the Road and Sheriff's departments provide staffing support, litter bags, use of additional
equipment and transportation. In exchange for the fee waiver winter maintenance of the Tumwater
Track Route will continue which includes sanding and de-icing, snow removal and sand removal. A
short discuss followed.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend the program as presented to the Council to waive
landfill fees for the Community Litter Cleanup and the WSDOT "Adopt a ltighway" programs.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Amendment No. 1 To Consultant Agreement With Skillings-Connolly, Contract #22-01
Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer, explained the necessity of amending the agreement to perform design
work for various sewer main replacement projects indicating that a scope and budget for the work had
been negotiated. Mr. Sperr noted four locations would be a part of the work effort which were
combined to reduce design and construction costs. Funds would be shifted to remain within the budget.
There was a brief discussion.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 in
the amount of $36,351 to Skillings-Connolly, Inc. for a total contract amount not to exceed
$196,351. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Billing Credits Agreement and Transmission
Contract Revisions'
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, indicated the revisions requested were routine
changes to reflect the latest power prices and Federal Energy Regulatory connnission (FERC)
requirements. A brief discussion followed.
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Director fo Public Works
and Utilities to sign the revisions to the BPA Billing Credits Agreement and Transmission
Contract and authorize future revisions to Exhibit H of the Billing Credits Agreement. Dean Reed
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. BPA Wholesale Rate Adjustments
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, reviewed the three cost recovery adjustment clauses
(CRAC) which included load based (can be adjusted every six months), financial based (temporary one-
year rate adjustments), and safety net (triggered anytime BPA forecasts a 50% probability that it will
miss a treasury or other creditor payment). There was a short discussion with concern regarding the
safety net likelihood. Mr. McLain indicated there would be a sixty day window after notification before
this rate would take effect.
Utility Advisory Committee
July 9, 20O2
No action taken. Information only.
F. Northland Cable Wide Area Network (WAN) Use Agreement
Councilman Campbell moved to table the item and place it on a Special Meeting agenda Tuesday,
July 30, 2002 at 2 PM. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Capacity Provisioning Institutional Network Services Agreement
Councilman Campbell moved to table the item and place it on a Special Meeting agenda Tuesday,
July 30, 2002 at 2 PM. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Capacity Provisioning Master Permit
Councilman Campbell moved to table the item and place it on a Special Meeting agenda Tuesday,
July 30, 2002 at 2 PM. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
I. Clallam PUD Right-Of-Way License Agreement Amendment
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, pointed out that originally the District accepted a right-of-way
license that enabled construction of telecommunications infrastructure within the City for the District's
own use. An amendment to the right-of-way license with the PUD is no longer necessary because the
District will now provide an intercormection outside of the City limits at their headquarters. A short
discussion followed.
No action taken. Information only.
J. Institutional Network Implementation Consulting Services Monthly Status Report
There was an acknowledgment to staff for the excellent information provided which allows monitoring
of progress both as an activity as well as budgeted money spent.
No action taken. Information only,
VI. Next Meeting:
Special Meeting - July 23, 3 p.m.
Special Meeting - July 30, 2 p.m.
Northland Cable Wide Area Network (WAN) Use Agreement
Capacity Provisioning Institutional Network Services Agreement
Capacity Provisioning Master Permit
Regular Meeting - August 13, 3 p.m.
July 9, 2002
VIL Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Allen Bentley, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Admimstrative
DATE: July 23, 2002
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
RE: Implementation of Stormwater Utility
Summary: One of our major goals, as directed by City Council is the implementation ora
Stormwater Utility. At the May 30, 2002 UAC meeting it was decided that an additional special
meeting was required to review additional information and the proposed revised ordinance.
Recommendation: Review new information and proposed revised ordinance. Discuss the
issues raised during the May 30, 2002 UAC meeting and direct staff to incorporate any
additional recommendations into the a pre-final ordinance and, if needed, return to the
UAC for further discussion.
Background/Analysis: A lengthy discussion was held at the May 30, 2002 Utility Advisory
Committee concerning the Stormwater Utility implementation. It was decided to hold an
additional special meeting to discuss the issues in further detail and have staff provide additional
information. Specifically requested was information on dates for compliance with NPDES Phase
II, ESA, and CSO regulations, Stormwater Utility budget projections, Stormwater Utility
revenue projections based on lower ESU rates, and impacts of including City owned properties.
In development of the revised ordinance staff has taken into account the various comments from
citizens, businesses, other City Department personnel, UAC members, and City Council
A copy of the proposed ordinance, revised per UAC discussions, is attached. The revisions
1. Addition of section 13.63.005 Purpose.
2. Revision of section 13.63.060 to include taking into account exceptions to Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington to reflect the City's particular conditions·
In addition language was added to delay implementation should State or Federal action
delay the deadline for compliance.
3. Revise section 13.63.90 to reflect the proposed ESU charge of $3.00 per month for
residential users, revise the non-residential user minimum monthly charge equal to
residential charge, and place a cap of $30.00 (10 ESUs) per month on non-residential
4. Revise section 13.63.100 to not exempt City properties.
5. Revise section 13.63.130 to clarify billing procedures.
N:\?ROJECTS~21 - 12STRM$\7-2 3 U AC wpd
An internal memo dated June 7, 2002 is also attached which covers compliance dates for ESA,
The proposed Stormwater utility budget is also attached which shows current costs and proposed
costs for O & M, administration and capital improvements. The proposed costs shown are those
anticipated initially to meet the minimum requirements of State and Federal regulations. The
Capital Improvements costs will vary in future years depending on negotiated permit
requirements and the aggressiveness of the compliance schedule.
A table showing the financial impact of stormwater fees to representative businesses is also
attached for your information.
Tables showing current preliminary projections for revenues and impacts of including City
properties are also attached. The development of these tables is an ongoing work in progress and
the latest update will be provided at the meeting.
Proposed Ordinance
Compliance Dates Memo
Stormwater utility budget, current & proposed
Financial impact of stormwater fees
Preliminary projections for revenues and impacts
N:~PROJECTS~21 - 12STRM $\7 23UAC.wpd ~
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing a
storm and surface water utility, establishing a monthly stormwater utility
charge, adopting appropriate regulations for the management and
operation of said utility, and amending Ordinance 2394 and Ch. 13.63
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2394 and Chapter 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.63 PAMC to read as follows:
Chapter 13.63
13.63.005 Purpose.
13.63.010 Stormwater Discharge Not Permitted.
13.63.020 Unpolluted Discharge Shall Have Approved Outlet.
13.63.030 Stormwater Connection Not Permitted in Sanitary System.
13.63.040 Utility established.
13.63.050 Jurisdiction.
13.63.060 Plan adopted.
13.63.070 Transfer of property.
13.63.080 Definitions.
13.63.090 Monthly charge
13.63.100 Exemptions
13.63.110 Private stormwater retention system rate reduction.
13.63.120 Application for rate reductions - Appeal.
13.63.130 Billing and payment.
13.63.140 Remedies - Termination of water service.
t 3.63.150 Lien for service - Interest.
13.63.160 Inspections - R/ght of entry - Emergency.
13.63.005 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish a storm and surface
water management program to promote sound development policies and construction procedures,
which respect and preserve the City's watercourses; to minimize water quality degradation and
control of sedimentation of creeks, streams, ponds, and other water bodies; to protect property
owners adiacent to developing and developed land from increased mnoffrates, which could cause
erosion of abutting property; to protect downstream owners; to preserve and enhance the suitability
of waters for contact recreation and fishing; to preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of waters;
to provide public education, outreach, participation, and involvement in protection of water quality;
to maintain safe City streets and rights-of-way; and to decrease drainage-related damage to public
and private property. The program shall consist of stormwater regulations and a stormwater utility,
which shall be implemented and operated by the City's Department of Public Works and Utilities
in accordance with standards established by the appropriate governmental entities with iurisdiction.
13.63.010 Stormwater Discharge Not Permitted. No person shall discharge or cause to
be discharged any stormwater, surface water, ground water, roof nmoff, subsurface drainage,
uncontaminated cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process waters into any sanitary sewer, unless
otherwise approved by the Director. (Ord. 2394 Ch. IV §1, 6/2/86)
13.63.020 Unpolluted Discharge Shall Have Approved Outlet. Stormwater and all other
unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as combined
sewers or storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the Director. Industrial cooling water or
unpolluted process waters may be discharged on approval of the Director to a storm sewer or natural
outlet. (Ord. 2394 Ch. IV §2, 6/2/86)
13.63.030 Stormwater Connection Not Permitted in Sanitary System.
A. No person shall make connection of roof downpours, exterior foundation drains,
area drains, or other sources of stormwater surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or
building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer, unless such
connection is otherwise approved by the Director.
B. Storm drainage from hard-surfaced or graded areas, such as parking lots, service
station yards, and storage yards, shall enter the public storm sewer system or other outlet approved
by the Director and as required by this Chapter and as such facilities are available. Such storm
drainage shall not be connected to or enter a sanitary sewer, unless otherwise approved. (Ord. 2394
Ch. IV §3, 6/2/86)
13.63.040 Stormwater Utility established. There is created and established a storm and
surface water utility (also referred to as the "stormwater utility"). The utility shall be administered
under direction of the Director of Public Works and Utilities.
13.63.050 Jurisdiction. The City shall have jurisdiction over all storm and surface
water facilities within the City's boundaries. No modifications or additions shall be made to the
City's storm and surface water facilities without the prior approval of the City.
13.63.060 Plan adopted. The stormwater utility shall be managed and operated in
accordance with (1) the Stormwater Management Plan prepared by Economic and Engineering
Services Inc. dated June 1996 and adopted by the City Council on December 17, 1996, (2) applicable
sections of the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines dated October 1995, and (3) the Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington, dated August 2001. The Urban Services Standards
and Guidelines shall be revised to reflect the requirements of the Stormwater Management Manual
for Western Washington and to take into account any exceptions to the those requirements necessary
to reflect the City's particular conditions. The effective date of adoption for the Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington shall be the March 10, 2003 deadline for meetin~
NDPES Phase II Stormwater Regulations unless delayed to a later date by State or Federal action.
13.63.070 Transfer of property. All properties and property rights and interests
owned or held by the City, however acquired, insofar as they relate to or concern storm or surface
water sewage, are hereby transferred to the stormwater utility, including by way of examples and
not limitation, all properties, and property rights and interests acquired by adverse possession or by
prescription in and to the drainage and storage of storm or surface waters over and under lands,
watercourses, streams, ponds and sloughs to the full extent of inundation caused bythe largest Storm
or flood condition.
13.63.080 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Chapter:
A. "Commercial/multiple property" means all property zoned or used for multi family,
commercial, retail, public, government, non-profit, and all other non-residential uses.
B. "Impervious area" means any part of any parcel of land that has been modified by the
action of persons to reduce the land's natural ability to absorb and hold rainfall. This includes areas
which have been cleared, graded, paved or compacted. Excluded, however, are all lawns, agricultural
areas, and landscaped areas.
C. "Single -family and duplex property" means and includes all property used for single
family and duplex residential uses.
13.63.90 Monthly Charge.
A. The owners of all real property in the City which contributes drainage water to and/or
which benefits from the City's stormwater utility shall pay a monthly utility charge at the rate as set
forth in this Section.
B. Monthly stormwater utility charge shall be reviewed by stormwater utility rate studies
to be performed on not less than a three year cycle.
C. Single-family and duplex residential fees. The monthly stormwater utility charge
for each single-family and duplex residential dwelling shall be $ 3.00.
D. The monthly stormwater utility charge for all commercial/multiple property shall
be calculated by dividing the total impervious area in square feet by the 4000 square feet, with the
results rounded down to the whole number, times the single family and duplex residential fee. The
minimum monthly fee for a commercial/multiple property shall be not less than the monthly fee for
a single-family dwelling, and the maximum monthly fee shall be not more than $30.00.
13.63.100 Exemptions. City streets, State highways, private streets with storm and
surface facilities in place meeting City standards, and other public or private owned properties or
portions thereof having their own NPDES permitted storm and surface water runoff facilities which
do not discharge to City facilities shall be exempted from the monthly stormwater utility charge.
13.63.110 Private stormwater retention system rate reduction. For any property other
than a single-family residence or duplex residential dwelling, if the property owner (1) has been
required by the City since January 15, 1993 to install a private stormwater retention system as a
condition of the property's development or (2) has installed voluntarily since January 15, 1993 a
private stormwater retention system serving the property and meeting City standards at the time of
installation, the City may at its sole discretion reduce monthly stormwater charges for the Dro¢ertv
pursuant to PAMC 13.63.090D by up to 25 percent for systems meeting or exceeding the minimum
requirements of the 1992 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washin~on and up to 50
percent for systems meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements of the 2001 Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington. The rate reduction authorized by this Section shall
not be used in coniunction with any other rate reduction authorized in Title 13 PAMC.
13.63.120 Application for rate reductions - Appeal.
A. In order to qualify for exemptions or rate reductions set forth in PANIC 13.63.100 and
13.63.110, the property owner must file an application with the Director of Public Works and
Utilities by November 15th of the year prior to the year in which the rate reduction is to be effective.
B. Any person acgrieved by any decision of the Director of Public Works and Utilities
relating to an application for exemption or rate reductions authorized by PANIC 13.63.100 and
13.63.110 may appeal the Director's decision to the City Manager within 30 days of the date of the
Director's decision. The City Manager's decision maybe appealed to the City Council within 30
days of the date of the City Manager's decision.
13.63.130 Billing and payment. The City shall bill stormwater utility service
accounts monthly and shall bill to properW owners in the same manner as water and sewer. The
amount to be billed shall be included on the existing utilities bill as a separate line item. A
"stormwater only" billing will be sent to those property owners who are not current City utilities
customers. Utility rates and charges specified in this Chapter shall be the responsibility of the owner
in fee of any property chargeable for such service. Such charges shall be billed to the owner in fee
of the property served last made known to the City and to the last known address. It shall be the duty
of ever,/property owner within the City to notify the office of the Finance Director of the fact of
ownership and the address to which billing should be made. Any purchaser of property within the
City shall notify the office of the Finance Director of the date of purchase and the proper billing
address immediately upon acquisition of such interest; provided, however, that any owner in fee may
designate another party to receive billing statements (such as a tenant), if such owner shall do so in
writing together with a waiver of notice of such bills or any liens for delinquent accounts. This shall
not relieve the owner from final liability for utility charges. Owners of multiple contiguous parcels
within the City may apply to the Director of Public Works and Utilities for consideration of
consolidating the billing for such parcels.
13.63.140 Remedies - termination of water service. The Director of Public Works
and Utilities or designee is authorized to terminate water service to any property owner who fails to
pay the stormwater utility service fees imposed by this Chapter in the same manner as delinquent
water bills. Termination of such water service shall not limit other remedies available to the City.
13.63.150 Lien for service - Interest. Pursuant to RCW 35.67.200 et seq. the City
shall have a lien for delinquent and'unpaid stormwater charges. A stormwater lien shall be effective
for a total not to exceed one year's delinquent service charges without the necessity of any writing
or recording of the lien with the County Auditor. Enforcement and foreclosure of any stormwater
lien shall be in the manner provided by state law. Interest on the unpaid balance shall be eight
percent per annum or higher rate as authorized by law.
13.63.160 Inspections - Right of entry - Emergency. The City is authorized to enter
at all reasonable times in or upon any property, public or private, for the purpose of operating or
maintaining the storm and surface water facilities, or to inspect or investigate any condition relating
to the stormwater utility; provided, that the City shall first obtain permission to enter from the owner
or person responsible for such premises. If entry is refused, the City shall have recourse to every
remedy provided by law to secure entry. Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever it appears to the
City that conditions exist requiring immediate action to protect the public health or safety, the City
is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any property, public or private, for the
purpose of inspecting, investigating or correcting such emergency condition.
Section 2 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected.
Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date
of its publication by summary.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of July, 2002.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
DATE: June 7, 2002
ESA, Compliance Date January 1, 2001
The City of Port Angeles being located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca which is a water body through
which listed endangered species migrate and taking water from the Elwha watershed which also is
habitat for endangered species falls under the regulations of the Environmental Species Act (ESA).
The ESA regulations took effect in January 2001 following listing of the Chinook salmon in July
2001 and subsequent listing of the bull trout. ESA prohibits taking of a listed species. The National
Marine Fisheries Service (Chinook Salmon) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Bull Trout) are the
primary leads for implementing and enforcing the federal land management, stormwater management,
and road maintenance requirements of ESA. The City and County are working together in
development ora road maintenance program which will satisfy some of these requirements. In an
effort to maintain continuity and avoid "reinventing the wheel" our programs will follow the Tri-
County (King, Snohomish, and Pierce) regional road maintenance program which is currently under
review by NMFS. If needed we will modify the program as necessary to meet our unique local
environment. These modifications will require federal approval. Adoption of the DOE Stormwater
Manual for Western Washington and our participation in the WRIA 18 watershed planning process
will help to meet the ESA requirements.
NPDES Phase II, Compliance Date March 10, 2002
The City of Port Angeles is specifically listed in the Federal EPA regulations as a MS4 (Small
Municipal Storm Sewer Systems) entity. Even though we are located outside of an urbanized area our
population and density place us in an urban classification (Over 10,000 and greater than 1,000 per
square mile) place us in a group which will be evaluated for the need of a permit. In the we havea
combined sewer overflow system (CSO) we will more than likely remain on the list of Cities that will
require permitting under the NPDES Phase II regulations. According to EPA rules the Washington
Department of Ecology must issue a general permit for all Phase II municipalities by December 2002
and the City must have permit coverage by March 2003. Should DOE fail to meet the December 2002
deadline we will have to apply to the EPA for a permit to avoid being out of compliance.
CSOs, Compliance by 2015 with interim milestone dates.
The City of Port Angeles has a combined sanitary and storm system in the older (downtown) sections
of the City. During storm events the system is overloaded and overflows into the Strait of Juan de
Fuca and Port Angeles harbor. In our NPDES Waste Discharge Permit for the WWTP, issued May
31, 2002 by DOE, we have conditions placed which require us to meet the requirement of one CSO
per outfall per year by 2015. In addition we have complete construction of pump stations 1 and 3 to
maximum pump size by December 31, 2003.
N:~PROJECTS~21-12STRM$\compliance dates.wpd
July 18, 2002
STREET SWEEPING (100%) $120,000 $120,000
CATCH BASIN P,2EPAIRS & $45,000 $45,000
DITCH/CULVERT $45,000 $45,000
CULVERT $40,000 $40,000
O & M SUBTOTAL $130,000 $120,000 $0 $250,000
ADMIN., ENGINEERING, & $20,000 $30,000 $50,000
TOTAL STORMWATER $200,000 $120,000 $30,000 $350,000
The currem stormwater fund equates roughly to a $3.00 per month ESU charge.
STREET SWEEPiNG (100%) $120,000
O & M SUBTOTAL $395,000
UTILITY TAX (8%) $75,000
* Includes 2 FTE Utility Worker II
**Include 1 FTE Utility Engineer and 0.5 FTE Assoc. Planner
Notes: The Total Stormwater program assumes the following:
1. Continuing street sweeping, culvert replacements, and emergency repairs at our current
2. Increasing catch basin cleaning and repairs from once every two years to once a year.
3. Increasing ditch and culvert cleaning from once every three years to once a year.
4. Train crews in methods of water quality protection.
5. Repair/Replacement ofeductor track
Admin., Engineering & Planning
1. Develop and implement a public education, outreach, participation and involvement.
2. Implement and enforce guidelines and procedures in Stormwater Manual for Western
3. Provide engineering planning, design, and construction management for capital
improvement projects.
4. Update stormwater management plan and develop small works and CFP projects for
prioritization and funding.
5. Persue grant and low interest loan assistance.
6. Monitor water quality.
7. Review development permitting and design for compliance with new manual.
N:~PROJECTS~21 - 12 STRM $\O&M $4.wpd
Updated July 18, 2002
Property No. Impervious ESU Unit Total ESU Annual Revenue
Type* Parcels Area Area ESUs Fee/mo
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $3.00 $262,800.00
Other 1,037 4,000 600 $3.00 $21,600.00
Totals 7,399 7,900 $284,400.00
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $3.50 $306,600.00
Other 1,037 4,000 600 $3.50 $25,200.00
Totals 7,399 7,900 $331,$00.00
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $6.00 $525,600.00
Other 1,037 4,000 600 $6.00 $43,200.00
Totals 7,399 7,900 $568,800.00
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $8.00 $700,800.00
Other 1,037 4,000 600 $8.00 $57,600.00
Totals 7,399 7,900 $758,400.00
N:~PROJECTSL214 2 STRM $~revenue table3.wpd
Updated July 18, 2002
Property No. Impervious ESU Unit Total ESU AnnuaIRevenue
Type* Parcels Area Area ESUs Fee/mo
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $3.00 $262,800.00
Other 1,037 4,000 3,300 $3.00 $118,800.00
Totals 7,399 10,600 $381,600.00
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $3.50 $306,600.00
Other 1,037 4,000 3,300 $3.50 $138,600.00
Totals 7,399 10,600 $445,200.00
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $6.00 $525,600.00
Other 1,037 4,000 3,300 $6.00 $237,600.00
Totals 7,399 10,600 $763,200.00
Residential 6,362 NA NA 7,300 $8.00 $700,800.00
Other 1,037 4,000 3,300 $8.00 $316,800.00
Totals 7,399 10,600 $1,017,600.00
$3.00 per Month Impact Breakdown
Descriptions ESUs Monthly Annual ESUs Capped Capped
w/o Fee Fee w/cap Monthly Annual
cap Fee Fee
Residential, business & Misc 7,339 $22,017 $264,204 7,335 $22,005 $264,060
City of Port Angeles 545 $1,635 $19,620 234 $702 $8,424
Clallam County 79 $237 $2,844 71 $213 $2,556
Washington State 198 $594 $7,128 41 $123 $1,476
Federal Government 191 $573 $6,876 41 $123 $1,476
Port Angeles School District 291 $873 $10,476 63 $189 $2,268
Port of Port Angeles 1,591' $4,773 $57,276 17 $51 $612
Clallam Transit 41 $123 $1,476 10 $30 $360
Hospital & Care Facilities 83 $249 $2,988 30 $90 $1,080
Library 19 $57 $684 10 $30 $360
Clallam Co. Hist. Soc. 5 $15 $180 5 $15 $180
Places of Worship 170 $510 $6,120 122 $366 $4,392
Totals 10,552 $31,656 $379,872 7,979 $23,937 $287,244
* Majority of property is at north airport industrial ~ark.
Note: Businesses are spread throughout this breakdown depending on the property they are
located (ie Port, Federal, Hospital & Care, Residential)
$3.50 per Month Impact Breakdown
Descriptions ESUs Monthly Annual ESUs Capped Capped
w/o Fee Fee w/cap Monthly Annual
cap Fee Fee
Residential, business & Misc 7,339 $25,687 $308,238 7,335 $25,673 $308,070
City of Port Angeles 545 $1,908 $22,890 234 $819 $9,828
Clallam County 79 $277 $3,318 71 $249 $2,9821
Washington State 198 $693 $8,316 41 $144 $1,722
Federal Government 191 $669 $8,022 41 $144 $1,722
Port Angeles School District 291 $1,019 $12,222 63 $221 $2,646
Port of Port Angeles 1,591' $5,569 $66,822 17 $60 $714
Clallam Transit 41 $144 $1,722 10 $35 $420
Hospital & Care Facilities 83 $291 $3,486 30 $105 $1,260
Library 19 $67 $798 10 $35 $420
Clallam Co. Hist. Soc. 5 $18 $210 5 $18 $210
Places of Worship 170 $595 $7,140 122 $427 $5,124
Totals 10,552 $36,932 $443,184 7,979 $27,927 $335,118
* Majority of property is at north airport ndustrial lark.
Note: Businesses are spread throughout this breakdown depending on the property they are
located (ie Port, Federal, Hospital & Care, Residential)
$6.00 per Month Impact Breakdown
Descriptions ESUs Monthly Annual ESUs Capped Capped
w/o Fee Fee w/cap Monthly Annual
cap Fee Fee
Residential, business &Misc 7,339 $44,034 $528,408 7,335 $44,010 $528,120
City of Port Angeles 545 $3,270 $39,240 234 $1,404 $16,848
Clallam County 79 $474 $5,688 71 $426 $5,112
Washington State 198 $1,188 $14,256 41 $246 $2,952
Federal Government 191 $1,146 $13,752 41 $246 $2,952
Port Angeles School District 291 $1,746 $20,952 63 $378 $4,536
Port of Port Angeles 1,591' $9,546 $114,552 17 $102 $1,224
Clallam Transit 41 $246 $2,952 10 $60 $720
Hospital & Care Facilities 83 $498 $5,976 30 $180 $2,160
Library 19 $114 $1,368 10 $60 $720
Clallam Co. Hist. Soc. 5 $30 $360 5 $30 $360
Places of Worship 170 $1,020 $12,240 122 $732 $8,784
Totals 10,552 $63,312 $759,744 7,979 $47,874 $574,488
* Majority of property is at north airport industrial ,ark.
Note: Businesses are spread throughout this breakdown depending on the property they are
located (ie Port, Federal, Hospital & Care, Residential)
$8.00 per Month Impact Breakdown
Descriptions ESUs Monthly Annual ESUs Capped Capped
w/o Fee Fee w/cap Monthly Annual
cap Fee Fee
Residential, business &Misc 7,339 $58,712 $704,544 7,335 $58,680 $704,160
City of Port Angeles 545 $4,360 $52,320 234 $1,872 $22,464
Clallam County 79 $632 $7,584 71 $568 $6,816
Washington State 198 $1,584 $19,008 41 $328 $3,936
Federal Government 191 $1,528 $18,336 41 $328 $3,936
Port Angeles School District 291 $2,328 $27,936 63 $504 $6,048
Port of Port Angeles 1,591' $12,728 $152,736 17 $136 $1,632
Clallam Transit 41 $328 $3,936 10 $80 $960
Hospital & Care Facilities 83 $664 $7,968 30 $240 $2,880
Library 19 $152 $1,824 10 $80 $960
Clallam Co. Hist. Soc. 5 $40 $480 5 $40 $480
Places of Worship 170 $1,360 $16,320 122 $976 $11,712
Totals 10,552 $84,416 $1,012,992 7,979 $63,832 $765,984
* Majority of property is at north airport industrial ~ark.
Note: Businesses are spread throughout this breakdown depending on the property they are
located (ie Port, Federal, Hospital & Care, Residential)