HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/07/2000 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMI3-rEE
AUGUST 7, 2000
3:00 P.M.
I. Call TO ORDer
Iii. APPROVAL OF iVIINUteS Of dUlY I O, 2000, ReGulaR MeetiNg.
VI. LATE Items
Port Angeles, Washington
July 10, 2000
L Call to Order:
Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
IL Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Campbell, Dean Reed, Allen Bentley, Councilman Williams (3:10)
Members Absent: Mayor Larry Doyle
Staff Present: Michael Quinn, Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain,
Gary Kenworthy, Jim Harper, Jeff Young, Steve Sperr, Cate Rinehart
Others Present: None
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Campbell asked if there were any corrections to the meeting minutes of June 12, 2000.
Allen Bentley was introduced as the new UAC member and introductions were made. There was a
question as to who is the Vice Chairman, and a request was submitted for research on the issue. Dean
Reed moved to approve the minutes. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Biosolids Land Application and Equipment
A brief introduction was given by Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities. Jeff Young,
Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent, reviewed the biosolids land application quotes indicating that
Gagnon and Sons Farm was preferred according to price and reputation. Additionally, staff is considering
the purchase of a used truck mount spreader for future use as a better means of control. A brief discussion
Dean Reed moved to recommend the City Council approve the Public Works Department pursuit of
Option No. 1, utilizing Gagnon and Sons as the contractor for 2000 and proceed with the purchase
of used equipment when it becomes available for use in subsequent years. Councilman Williams
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Revised Solid Waste Ordinances
This item was held from the agenda due to new information that arrived late. It will be included in a future
July 10, 2000
C. Cresthaven Electrical Project
At the request of Dean Reed, Jim Harper, Electrical Engineer, gave a brief background on the original issue
that was brought before the committee. During that time it was determined that replacing the facilities
would include up to $1,000 financial assistance per customer. Conversion bids have come in approximately
50% higher than anticipated. A discussion followed regarding various solutions to the problem of the cost
increase to the customers.
Councilman Williams moved to recommend the City Council authorize a reimbursement to
homeowners of 100% up to $1,000 plus 90¥o ofthe cost over $1,000. Dean Reed seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
D. Ground Water Under the Influence of Surface Water
A brief introduction was given by Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities. Steve Sperr, Utility
Engineer, explained how the water quality of the Elwha affects the Ranney Collector and the alternatives
to treatment compliance. Mr. Sperr gave a summary of the Action Plan, filtration alternatives, critical path,
and interim measures. A discussion followed with a recommendation for staff to pursue informing the
public in layman's terms the reason for the compliance with an emphasis that there will be no decline in
water quality.
Dean Reed moved to recommend that the City Council approve the action plan and authorize the
Director of Public Works and Utilities to negotiate and sign the Bilateral Compliance Agreement
contained within the Action Plan and approve any modifications to the BCA that does not obligate
the City to expenditure of additional funds beyond that required to comply with the initial BCA.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
E. BP,4 Power Supply Contract Presentation
Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, gave a brief overview of the rate process, contract terms
and changes to power billing determinates (units used to calculate the power billing). Mr. McLain also
elaborated on the issues of conservation and renewable discounts, conservation surcharge (penalties on
utilities that don't perform conservation activities), the cost recovery and adjustment clause (temporary
upward adjustment to rates) and environmentally preferred power (a power source which protects the
environment). A brief discussion followed.
F. Revenue Requirements for Solid Waste and Light
Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained it had been determined that a revenue
requirements analysis needed to be done for the solid waste and the electric utility to determine if the rates
are adequate to cover operation and maintenance costs along with the projected capital spending for the
utilities. A discussion followed regarding the various factors that are involved.
July 10, 2000
Councilman Williams moved to recommend to the City Council to enter into a contract with
Economic and Engineering Services to perform a financial analysis of the Solid Waste Utility not to
exceed $11,600 and the Electric Utility not to exceed $27,950. Chairman Campbell requested that the
recommendation be amended to add "if the study goes beyond the revenue requirements phase that
staff would so advise". Councilman Williams approved the addition. Dean Reed seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
V. Information Only Items: None.
VI. Late Items: American Water Resources Association, Washington Section 2000Annual
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, handed out a flyer regarding a conference that will be
coming up November 15, 2000 and explained it may be of interest for some members of Council to attend.
VII. Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held August 7, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room.
VIII. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 5:15p.m.
Orville Campbell, Chairman Cate Rinehart
A:\jull Omin.wpd
DATE: August 7, 2000
FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer
SLmJECT: Consultant Agreement with CH2M Hill for Water System Services
Summary_:. CH2M Hill, Inc. has been selected to continue to l~rovide engineering services
related to the Elwha Dam Removal Mitigation Process, GWI Co: apliance, Covering of the City's
Reservoirs, Water System Plan Update, and other services as din cted. The current contract with
CH2M Hill will be completed by the end of August 2000. The ~bject Agreement will ensure
that ongoing engineering services provided by CH2M Hill will )ntinue, and additional needs
related to the City's Water System will be met in the near future The Agreement has a not-to-
exceed amount of $660,072.
~ Recommend that the City enter into an t ,greement for Professional
Services with CH2M Hill, Inc, and authorize the Mayor to sign fte Agreement.
Background / Analysis: On October 21, 1997, the City sig[ d a Contract with CH2M Hill
to complete a water supply study in light of the closure of the Ra ?onier pulp mill, the removal of
the Elwha dams, current and future drinking water regulations, a id water rights issues. The
Contract was amended a total of five times in the following 2 1/~ years, to include additional
services related to the removal of the Elwha dams and mitigatior efforts necessary to protect the
City's water supply.
By April 2000, the City had compiled a list of needed engineerir g services related to its Water
System that were beyond the original scope of the expiring Cont 'act. Based on the extensive
involvement that CH2M Hill has had in providing engineering s, ~rvices for the City's Water
System, including its involvement in issues that are overlapping the expiring Contract and the
proposed Agreement, CH2M Hill was selected as the best qualif ed to perform the services and a
new Agreement negotiated.
The following is a table of the key tasks in the proposed Agreerr ent, with estimated budget and
funding source. The work in the agreement will be ordered as fu ~ds are available and the total
fee is a not to exceed price. A summary of the Tasks and Budge t for this Agreement is attached.
CH2M Hill Contract to UAC Memo
Page 2 of 2
August 7, 2000
Table 1 - Summary of Scope and Budget
1. Elwha Dam Removal Mitigation $59,889 Federal Government~
2. GWI Compliance Assistance $88,408 Water Utility2
3. Black Diamond Improvements $160,101 PWTF & DWSRF loans3
4. Peabody Heights Reservoir Cover $84,581 PV~I-F loan3
5. Water System Plan Update $231,764 Water Utilitiy4
6. Other Services as Directed $44,330 varies5
Total (Reduced $9,001 for prior billing $660,072
and rounding)
~ Reimbursement of costs to be ~rovided per 1999 Congressional Appropriations
Bill wording.
2 - Unbudgeted. To be funded out of the water utility.
3. A Public Works Trust Fund Loan (1% interest) and Drinking Water State
Revolving Fund Loan (5 % interest) were obtained to cover the City's reservoirs
per a Bilateral Compliance Agreement with the Washington State Department of
Health (DOH).
4 $100,000 budgeted in 2000 and in 2001 respectively from water rates. If
additional funds are needed, they will come from the Water Utility reserves.
5. Directed services are likely to be for Task 1, which will be reimbursed by Federal
Government. If not, funding source will be the Water Utility.
The duration of the Agreement will be approximately two years from the date of execution, and
based on the completion of all Tasks. It is likely, however, that the Agreement will be amended
once the GWI Compliance Assistance (Task 2) is well under way and a determination of how to
proceed further is made. This may in turn extend the duration of the Agreement.
Attachment: Schedule B of the Agreement for Professional Services with CH2M Hill
Exhibit B
Budget Water System Assistance
Task No. and Description Total
I Elwha Dam Removal Mitigation
1.1 Monthly Mitigation Meetings
1.2 Planning Meeting Participation $15,910
1.3 T^C Participation $19,943
1.4 Project Report Review $5,712
1.5 Undefined Elwha Assistance $9,043
Elwha Dam Subtotal $59,989
2 GWl Compliance Assistance
2.1 Action Plan
2.1,1 Meeting with City Staff $1,495
2.1,2 Meeting with DOH $1,636
2.1.3 Prepare Action Plan $4,580
2.1.4 Bilateral Compliance Agreement $3,381
2.2 Preliminary Filtration Evaluation $17,283
2.3 Testing Protocol Report $17,283
2.4 Natural Filtration
2.4.1 Preliminar7 Particle Counting $6,279
2.4.2 Testing Protocol for Natural Filtration $12,270
2.5 Filtration Avoidance
2.5A Water Quality Testing Memo $3,381
2.5.2 Filtration Avoidance Proposal $15,638
2.5.3 Filtration Avoidance Negotiations Assistance $5,187
GW( Subtotal $88,408
3 Black Diamond Improvements
3.1 Pre-Design Site Visit $6,042
3.2 Reservoir Cover
3.2.1 Drainage Data $4,446
3.2.2 Geotechnical Data $3,663
3.2.3 Cover Design $111299
3.2.4 Inspection and Repair of Existing Structure $2,161
3.2.5 Overflow and Dechlorination Improvements $9,617
3.2.6 Energy Dissipation $4,258
3.3 New Chlorine Station
3.3.1 Base Mapping $2,074
3.3.2 Geotechnical $~0
3.3.3 Site Work/Drainage $1,808
3.3.4 St ruct utah/Architectural $14,049
3.3.5 Heating and Ventilation $3,855
3.3.6 Process Mechanical $7,951
3.3.7 Electrical $5,916
3.3.8 Instrumentation and Control $5,144
3.3.9 Demolition of Existing Chlodne Building $3,183
3.3.10 Safety Systems for Existing Access $1,832
3.3.11 Wastewatar Collection System $2,276
3.3.12 Construction Cost Estimate $3,355
3.4 Bidding and Contract Documents $7,375
3.5 Reviews Sets and Meetings
3.5.150% Draft Review Page 1 of 3 $6,053
3.5.2 100% Draft Review $7,144
3.5.3 Final Set $5,028
3,5.4 Meetings $4,83(
3.6 Bidding Services $2,471
3.7 Construction Services
3~7.1 Preconstruction Meeting $1,14~
3.7.2 Shop Drawing Review $13,03~
3.7.3 Technical Assistance $5,03E
3.7.4 As-Directed Site Visits $10,91C
3.7.5 Record Drawings $4,148
Black Diamond Subtotal $160,101
4 Peabody Heights Floating Cover
4.1 Pre-Design Activities $3,387
4.2 Surveying By City $772
4.3 Design
4.3.1 Floating Cover $12,674
4.3.2 Examination and Repair of Existing Liner $(~
4.3.3 Discharge Piping $6,694
4.3.4 Detention Basin $11,129
4.3.5 Electrical $3,632
4.3.6 Design Review and Meetings $10,821
3.3.12 Construction Cost Estimate $3,355
4.6 Bidding Services $2,471
4.7 Construction Services
4.7.1 Preconstruction Meeting $1,'145
4.7.2 Shop Drawing Review $12,118
4.7.3 Technical Assistance $4,580
4.7.4 As-Directed Site Visits $7,655
4.7.5 Record Drawings $4,148
Peabody Heights Subtotal $84,581
Water System Plan Update
5.1 Data Collection $2,815
5.2 Description of Water System
5.2.1 Ownership and Management $458
5.2.2 System Background $1,832
5.2,3 inventory of Existing Facilities ~
5.2,4 Related PLans $2,290
5.2.5 Existing Service Area Characteristics $3,757
5.2.6 Future Service Area $3,757
5.2.7 Service Area Agreements $916
5.2.8 Service Area Policies $2,748
5.2.9 Conditions of Service $1,374
5.2.10 Complaints $458
5.3 Basic Planning Data and Water Demand Forecasting
5.3.1 Current Pop, Serv Conn.'s, Water Use, and ERUs $4,647
5.3.2 Projected Land Use, Future Pop, and Demand $4,647
5.4 System Analysis
5.4.1 System Design Standards $1,832
5.4.2 Water Quality Analysis $3,731
5.4.3 System Description and Analysis
Source $2,748
Treatment $1,832
Storage $5,563
Distribution System S6,243
5.4.4 Summary of System Deficiencies Page 2 o_f 3 $3,664
"-- 5.4.5Selection and Justification of Proposed Projects $2,74~
5.5 Conservation, Water Rights, Sys. Reliability, Interties
5.5.1Conservation Program $3,731
5.5.2Water Rights $2,290
5.5.3System Reliability Analysis $1,832
5.5.4Interfies $1,374
5.6 Source Water Protection
5.6.1Watershed Description/Characteristics $5,131
5.6.2Activities/Land Uses Detrimental to Water Quality $983
5.6.3Watershed Management and Control Measures $983
5.6.4Monitoring Program $983
5.6.5System Operation $3,443
5.7 Operation and Maintenance Program $3,973
5.8 Distribution System Design and Construction Stds
5.8.1Project Review Procedures $1,374
5.8.2policies and Requirements for Outside Parties $916
5.8.3Design Standards (Performance and Sizing) $916
5.8.4Construction Standards (Materials and Methods) $916
5.8.5Construction Certs and Follow-up Procedures $916
5.9 Improvement Program $7,735
5.10 Financial Program $9,227
5.11 Miscellaneous Documents $6,937
5.12 Executive Summary $7,735
5.13 Hydraulic Modeling
5.13.1 Model Selection $2,268
5A3.2 Data Incorporation $5,670
5.13.3 Field Calibration Data Collection $3,488
5.13.4 Demand Allocation $4,536
5.13.5 Data Reduction and Calibration $3,620
5.13.6 Modeling Runs $28,212
5.13.7 Summary of Model Development $4,861
5.13.8 Training of City Staff $4,487
5.14 Document Preparation and Reviews
5.15.1 Preliminary Draft $11,608
5.15.2 Revisions of Preliminary Draft $5,980
5.15.3 Draft $9,198
5.15.4 Revisions of Draft $5,208
5.15.5 Final Plan $8,901
5.15 Miscellaneous Meetings $12,45(~
Water System Plan Subtotal $231,764
6 Directed Services $44,336
Project Total $669,072
Subtract Work Completed and Invoiced Already (Most of Subtask 2.1, Action Plan, and a portion of Subtask 5 $9,00~
Not-To-Exceed Agreement Total $660,072 -
Consultant and the City acknowledge that the task budgets presented herein account for annual rate increases for
Dnsultant staff performing work on the project.
Page 3 of 3
DATE: August 7, 2000
FROM: Dale A. Miller, Recycling Coordinator
SUBJECT: Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days
Summary_:. The City is being requested to participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste
Amnesty Days that is sponsored by Clallam County and the Department of Ecology(DOE). DOE
pays 60% of the costs and Clallam County bills the balance of the cost according to participation
percentages. The Solid Waste Division budgeted $7,500 to cover the anticipated City share.
Recommendation: Recommend to City Council to authorize the Mayor to execute the
agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum of $7,500 toward the cost of the
Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days Event.
Back_~round / Analysis: Clallam County sponsors the above referenced collection days with
supplemental funding from DOE. The event is scheduled for September 15 and 16 at the Wal-Mart
parking lot. The grant funding from DOE pays 60% of the total cost of the event which cost
approximately $50,000. The City's share of the balance historically has been approximately 40% of
the households bringing hazardous waste to the event.
In 1999 the City received credit for $1,153.33 for in-kind services and paid $ 6,346.67 in cash. City
residents disposed 34,320 pounds of waste.
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this __ day of August, 2000, between CLALLAM COUNTY, a
political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal
WHEREAS, the County and the City of Port Angeles desire to jointly sponsor a household
hazardous waste collection event which tentatively is scheduled for September 15 and 16, 2000; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an agreement setting forth their respective
NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree
as follows:
1. Clallam County shall be responsible for the organization, promotion, education, collection
and disposal of the hazardous waste collection event and the waste collected.
2. The City of Port Angeles agrees to contribute up to seven thousand, five hundred dollars
($7,500) in costs associated with event staffing, publicity and waste management and disposal of waste
collected; provided further, that the County shall provide documentation of the costs associated with the
event including, but not limited to, organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal and shall
provide the City of Port Angeles with such documentation, whereupon the City shall pay its financial
contribution hereunder to the Clallam County Department of Community Development within thirty (30)
days of receipt of the documentation.
3. - Clallam County agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles, its elected
and appointed officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, demand, judgment, cost or
expense, including reasonable attorney fees, because of personal or bodily injury, including death at any
time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person(s), or property damage arising from Clallam County's
negligence in the performance of its duties hereunder.
Name Howard V. Doherty, Jr. (Chair)
Title Ca, role Y. Boardman
Date Stephen P. Tharinger
Trish Perrott, Clerk of the Board
Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
for Clallam County