HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/09/2005 PORT ANGELES~ WA cJS36~
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Port Angeles, Washington
June 14, 2005
L Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Rogers, Allen Bentley, Mayor Headrick, Dean Reed,
Councilmember Erickson
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Michael Quinn, William Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Yvoune Ziomkowski, Dan
MeKeen, Mark Madsen, Scott MeLain, Gm-y Kenworthy (4:00), Steve
Sperr (4:00), Cate Rinehart
Others Present: Brian Gawley- Daily News
Brian Davidson - Port Angeles Care Center
Hershel Lester - Port Angeles Care Center
Liz Butler - Saint Andrew's Place
IIL Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Rogers asked ffthere were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of May
10, 2005. Mayor Headrick moved to approve the minutes. Councflmember Erieksou seconded the
motion, which csrried unanimously.
I}5. Late Items: Washington Department OfFish And Wt'ldlife }t/elis Agreement
Western Annexation Financing Proposal
Executive Session
V. Discussion Items:
A. Medic ! Utility Restructuring And Related Rate Modifications
Dan McKeen, Fire Chief, distributed a handout and gave a presentation based on that information.
Funding alternatives were explained as well as proposed rate structures.
At this point the meeting was adjourned to Executive session (4:03 p.m.) as a long distance phone
call had previously been arranged. Return to regular session (4:35 p.m.) with a confiuned discussion
June 14, 2005
regarding cost allocation and user classifications. Staffwas given a pat on the back for the in-depth rate
study done in house.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council adopt ordinance changes pertaining to a Merit I
utility and to authorize rates to be established in accordance with the Medic I Utility Rate Study.
Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Washington State Department offish and Wildlife Agreement on City Property along
the Elwha River
Steve Sperr, Engineering Manager, noted the WDFW operates five wells on City property along the
Elwha River under an agreement made in 1994. The Department of Ecology, which had given the
WDFW a temporary permit in 1996 to operate the wells, has now required a new a~reement with the
City before they will renew the temporary permit. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Erickson moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
Agreement with the WDFW to allow the continued use of wells on City property. Allen Bentley
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Western Annexation Utility Extension Project Update
Glenn Cutler, Public Works and Utilities Director, indicated that the material installation bid had just
gone out this morning (due June 246) and the construction contract bid, which had already gone out, was
due to be opened July 13. A target date of August 1't is the current goal.
No action taken. Information only.
D. Western Annexation Financing Proposal
Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director, distributed a handout and gave a presentation based on that
information. Project expenses, funding, and several bond scenarios were covered. A brief discussion
No action taken. Information only.
VI. Next meeting date: July 12, 2005
VII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Chairman Rogers Cate Rinehart, Administrative
Specialist II
W A S H I N G T O N, U, S, A,
DATE: August 9, 2005
FROM: Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent
Subject: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Summary,: The City is being requested to participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste
Collection Event that is sponsored by Clallam County Environmental Health, and the Department
of Ecology (DOE). DOE pays 75% of the costs and Clallam County bills the balance of the cost
according to participation percentages. The Solid Waste Division budget includes funds to cover
the anticipated City share.
Recommendation: Forward n favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
Mayor to sign the 2005 agreement with Ciallam County to provide a maximum of $6,000
toward the cost of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
Background: Clallam County sponsors the above referenced collection days with supplemental
funding from DOE. The event is scheduled for September 23 and 24, Friday and Saturday, at the
Port Angeles Wal-Mart parking lot. The event costs approximately $62,000, with the DOE
funding 75%. The City's share of the remaining balance is based on the participation rate of City
residents. In 2004, the rate was 28% and the City's cost was $4,250. The City received a $1,322
credit for in-kind services (labor and equipment) and paid $2,928 cash for the remaining balance.
Clallam County Environmental Health and Human Services has requested our participation again
this year in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for in-kind services and/or cash. The Solid Waste
Division budget includes funds for this annual event.
Attachment: Memo fi-om Clallam County Depat hnent of Health and Services
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Agreement
Clallam County Department of
Health and Human Services
WA 98362-3015
Telephone: 360-417-2258 ~ FAX: 7-231
~ ..~g Environmental Health Services, 223 East 4th Street, Suite360-41#14, Port Angeies,3
June 6, 2005
Glenn Cutler
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: 2005 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
Dear Mr. Cutler:
Clallam County Department of Health and Human Services is soliciting the City of Port Angeles's
interest in sponsoring the 2005 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. The event date is ~
scheduled for Friday, September 23'a and Saturday, September 24t~, 2005, at the Port Angeles WalWMart
parking lot, and on Sunday, September 25t~, 2005, at the City of Sequim.
The annual HI-IW collection event is identified as a task in the County's Moderate Risk Waste Plan. The
events are costly but the Depax tment of Ecology provides grant funding for the program. Through grant
funding, the Department of Ecology will reimburse 75% of the cost, with the participating jurisdictions
contributing a 25% cash match.
Though we have not determined exact cost figures, I anticipate a cost of approximately $62,000 for the
entire event. The County's cash match would then be $15,500; we are asking the City of Port Angeles
contxibute up to $6,000. We base funding contr/butions from the City of Port Angeles on historical
participation rates of approximately 35%. The total cost for the 2004 event was $60,714, and the City of
Port Angeles's participat/on rate was 28%. Last year's cost for the City of Port Angeles for the HHW
Event was $4,250.
I have enclosed two copies of the Memorandum of Agreement between Clallam County and the City of
Port Angeles for signature. Please have both copies signed and return them to me as soon as possible for
signature by the Commissioners. We will return one signed original to you for your records.
Thank you for your continued support of the Clallam County Household Hazardous Waste Event. Please
contact me at your earliest convenience at (360) 417-2347 if you have any questions.
t/Environmental Health Specialist II
Enclosure-2 copies of MOU
~ 500-05-HHWPA {
Cit7 of Port An~lstse
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 2005, between CLALLAM COUNTY
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, a political subdivision of the Stste of Washington,
and THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation.
WHEREAS, the County and the City of Port Angeles desire to jointly sponso, r a Hou,s~ hold
Hazardous Waste Collection Event which tentatively is scheduled for September 23'~ and 24 , 2005 in
Port Angeles, and September 25~, 2005 in Sequim; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an agreement setting forth their respective
NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the premises contained herein, the parties agree
as follows:
1. Ctallam County shall be responsible for the organization, promotion, education, collection
and disposal of the hazardous waste collection event and the waste collected.
2. The City of Port Angeles agrees to contribute up to six thousand ($6,000) in costs
associated with event staffing, publicity and waste management and disposal of waste collected; provided
further, that the County shall provide documentation of the costs associated with the event including, but
not limited to, organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal and shall provide the City of Port
Angeles with such documentation, whereupon the City shall pay its financial contribution hereunder to the
Clallam County Department of Health & Human Services within thirty (30) days of receipt of the
3. Clallam County agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles, its ele~'.ed
and appointed officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, demand, judgment, cost or
expense, including reasonable attorney fees, because of personal or bodily injury, including death at any
time resulting therefrom, sustained by any paraon(s), or property damage arising from Clallam County's
negligence in the performance of its duties hereunder.
Michael C. Chapman, Chair Date Date
Tdsh Perrott, CMC, Clerk of the Board Mark Nichols, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
J:~Contracts~nv Health'Sv~s~Solld Waste~Contracts~lHW,C, oliectlo~ PA 2005.doc
W A S H I N G T O N, U. $. A.
DATE: August 9, 2005
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
SUBJECT: Solid Waste Rate Adjus~nent - Pre Closure
Summary: HDR and City staff completed a financial analysis of the Solid Waste utility's rates
in 2004. City Council approved a 5% rate increase for 2005 and directed staff to review the need
for an increase for 2006.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to amend
Chapters 13.54.040 and 13.56.020 to increase sanitary landfill and garbage collection rates
in accordance with the recommendations herein.
Background/Analysis: On September 7, 2004, the Ci~y Council adopted an ordinance that
increased sanitary landfill and garbage collection rates by five percent (5%). The rate increase
was based on revenue requirements for the Solid Waste utility prior to landfill closure. As part
of approval of the 2005 rate adjustments City Council directed staff to revisit the need for the
2006 proposed increase. Staffreviewed the financial analysis and confirmed its recommendation
to increase rates by 5% in 2006 prior to landfill closure. The proposed rate increase provides a
logical transition to rates that will need to be in place by 2010 to recover the higher cost of
service due to the future waste export system.
Staff anticipates returning to the utility advisory committee in 2006 to determine rates that will
be in effect after the landfill closes. The post-closure rates will be reviewed by the Joint Solid
Waste Advisory Board. The rates will be based on the cost of service study and will take into
account differences in waste types, the type of facility receiving that waste, commercial and self-
haulers, and other fair, reasonable and equitable reasons permitted by law.
N:\UACXFinalXSolid Waste Rates 2005.doc
Solid Waste Rate Study
Page 2
July 13, 2004
The proposed adjustments to solid waste rates (Chapters 13.54.040 and 13.56.020 of the Port
Angeles municipal code) are summarized below. The proposed rate adjustment is five percent
(5.0%) in 2006 including applicable taxes.
[. Residential collections per month
(90 gallon container once per week) $20.80 $21.80
B. Commemial collections per month
90gallon container once per week) $20.80 $21.80
30Ogallon container once per week) $72.00 $75.60
D. Federal agency collections per month
(90gallon container once per week) $19.85 $20.85
(300-gallon container once per week) $68.70 $72.10
A. Landfill chgrge per ton (self haul) $80.65 $84.70
Landfill minimm charge $7.50 $8.00
B. Uncovered loads $5.25 $5.50
C. Special waste handling $199.50 $199.50
D. Landfill yard waste (commercial only) $21.00 $22.00
G. Landfill charge per ton
(ExemPt collectors) $76.05 $80.80
H. Landfill charge per ton
(Federal government) $76.05 $80.80
* Landfill charge per ton
(commercial'haulers by contract) $66.15 $69.45
* In accordance with existing contracts with Waste Connections and the City of Sequim, the rate
applicable to commercial haulers shall remain at the same level that is currently charged in
proportion to the revised landfill charge per ton through December 31, 2006 or closure of the
N:\UACXFinaI~Solid Waste Rates 2005.doc
DATE: August 9, 2005
FROM: Gary W. Kenworthy P.E., Deputy Director of Engineering/City Engineer
SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement with Parametrix,
Contract #05-06
Summary: It is necessary to amend the agreement with Parametrix to provide funding for added
design engineering services related to mitigation for the bluff stabilization and addition of a new
task for soils management engineering in support of the new Port Angeles Transfer Station
(PATS) and Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PAWTP). A scope and budget for the
additional work has been negotiated.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to a. uth. orize the
Mayor to sign Amendment blo. 1 to the Consultant Agreement with Parametnx, an the
amount not to exceed $130,000 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $599,529.
Background/Analysis: In January 2005, the City signed a Consultant agreement with
Parametrix to provide engineering services in support of the landfill and the solid waste utility.
There is a need to amend the agreement for two reasons: (1) to provide added engineering
funding for design services related to permitting and design of the landfill bluff revetment
mitigations, and (2) to expand the scope of the agreement to provide engineering services for
soils management engineering in support of the new Port Angeles Transfer Station (PATS) and
Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PAWTP).
The added engineering design and permitting for the landfill bluff revetment is due to meeting
the requirements of the permitting agencies. This involved meetings and coordination with
several agencies, including the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT), Clallam County Health
Department, Department of Ecology (DOE), Corps of Engineers, Department of Natural
Resoumes (DNR), and the Washington Department offish and Wildlife, in permitting and
design of the revetment wall. This also involved negotiations and development of post
construction monitoring and mitigation measures for beach replenishment.
PW 0101_06 [Revised 07/24/03]
UAC- Parametrix amendment
Page 2
August 9, 2005
The soils management engineering is required as a result of the PAWTP construction being
delayed. In our negotiations with Waste Connections of Washington Inc. (WCWI) it was
anticipated that the PAWTP would be constructed before the PATS and that the site would be
graded in accordance with an earlier agreement with the National Park Service (N-PS). It is now
apparent that the PAWTP project has slipped and the PATS will be constructed first. In order to
avoid delays on the PATS construction and to properly compensate WCWI for not having the
site graded as planned in our negotiations it is required to reevaluate the soils needs, grading,
mass balance, and provide construction support. Staff met with NPS, WCWI, and Parametrix
representatives to develop a scope of work and an aggressive schedule to meet these needs. NPS
will reimburse the City for work by Parametrix, WCWI, and City staffrelated to the changes
resulting from the PAWTP delays.
The following is a summary of the Paramethx contract tasks:
TASK Original Internal Amendment
Amount Adjustments No. 1
1. Engineering Assistance $105,769 $105,769 $105,769
2. Permitting and Compliance $75,261 $75,261 $75,261
3. Waste Export System $0 $0 $0
4. Design Services $238,499 $288,499 $338,499
5. NPDES Permit Support $0 $0 $0
6. Construction Support $0 $0 $0
7. Directed Services $50,000 $0 $0
8. PAWTP/PATS Soils Mgnmt NA NA $80,000
(funded by NPS)
Totals $469,529 $469,529 $599,529
The added funding for the task 4 design services will come from the Solid Waste Utility. The
costs related to task 8, soils management will reimbursed by the NPS.
It is recommended that the UAC forward a favorable recommendation to Council in support of
Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement with Parametrix, in the amount not to exceed
$130,000 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $599,529.
Amend 1 to PMX Agreement
W A $ H I N G T O I~1, U. $. A.
DATE: August 9, 2005
FROM: Stephen Sperr, P.E., Engineering Manager
SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement with Brown and Caldwell,
Contract #05-04
Summary: Brown and Caldwell, Inc. (B&C) was selected to continue to provide engineering
services related to the City's wastewater, combined sewer and stormwater systems in February
2005. An Amendment to the Agreement with B&C is needed to fund the development of the
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Reduction Plan into a Sewer Facility Plan. This will make it
easier to apply for and receive loans and grants for the CSO Plan's Capital Improvement
Program (CIP).
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to amend the
Agreement for Professional Services with Brown and Caldwell, Inc, and authorize the
Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $54,700, for a total contract amount not
to exceed $214,700.
Background/Analysis: On February 17, 2005, the City signed an Agreement for Professional
Services with Brown and Caldwell (B&C) to provide continuing assistance in negotiations with
Department of Ecology (DOE) for approval of an update to its CSO Reduction Plan, complete
the re-rating of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and additional services as directed.
The purpose of Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement is to supplement the existing Draft CSO
Reduction Plan with content that fulfills the requirements of the State Environmental Review
Process (SERP) in order to use the Plan (once approved by DOE) to obtain funding through the
Washington State Public Works Board. The funding will be used to assist in financing the CIP
fi.om the CSO Reduction Plan.
There are three main elements that need to be added to the CSO Reduction Plan that will make it
consistent with the SERP requirements. The elements are a National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) element, a Washington State wastewater engineering report element, and an EPA
PW 0101_06 [Revised 07/24/03]
wastewater facilities plan element. B&C will complete these elements under Task 4.
The following is a table of the tasks in the proposed Amendment No 1. to the Agreement, with
estimated budget and funding source.
Task Original Amendment Funding Source
Amount No. 1
1. CSO Comprehensive $30,000
Reduction Plan Update $30,000 Budget2005 Wastewater Utility
2. Re-rating ofthe WWTP $80,000 $80,000 2004 Wastewater Utility
3. Other Services as Directed $50,000 $50,000 2006 Wastewater Utility
4. Sewer Facility Plan NA $54,700 2005 Wastewater Utility
Total $160,000 $214,700
* Funds are being carded over from thc 2004 budget, as unusual winter weather kept re-
rating from being completed in 2004.
** Directed Services will not be authorized until the 2006 budget is approved
The duration of the Agreement will be through July 31, 2006, and based on the completion of all
Tasks. Staffrecommends that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable
recommendation to the City Council to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment
No. 1 to the Consultant Agreement with Brown and Caldwell, in the mount of $54,700, for a
total contract amount not to exceed $214,700.
w A S H i N G T O N, U. $. A.
DATE: August 9, 2005
FROM: Stephen Sperr, P.E., Engineering Manager
SUBJECT: Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Agreement with CH2M Hill,
Contract #04-11
Summary: It is necessary to amend the agreement with CH2M Hill to provide construction
support services related to the construction of utility extensions to the newly annexed area
(Eclipse) that was formerly part of the western urban growth area (WUGA). This amendment is
to provide for these services, as well as adjust the final cost for task 8, the design of said
facilities. A sc~pe and budget for the additional work has yeen negotiated.. .
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
Mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Agreement with CH2M Hill, in the
amount of $92,588~ for a total contract amount not to exceed $997,091.
Background/Analysis: On October 19, 2004, the City signed a Consultant agreement with
CH2M Hill to provide a number of engineering services, organized as Tasks 1-7 listed in the
table below. Amendment No.1 to the agreement (Task 8) was approved by Council on February
2, 2005 to provide engineering services related to extending utilities to Eclipse and to expand the
scope of an Emergency Response Plan (ER.P) for the Water Utility. Amendment No. 2 (Task 9)
provided for an update of the City's Wastewater Facilities Plan, as required by Department of
Ecology, for extension of sewer facilities into a new service area outside of that covered in the
Now Amendment No. 3 has been drafted to provide for construction support services during the
construction of the utilities to the Eclipse area. Task 10 includes the following services:
1. Participation in the pre-construction meeting with the contractor
2. Shop drawing (submittal) review
3. Miscellaneous technical assistance
4. Participation in weekly construction meetings
5. As-directed site visits
6. Record (as-built) drawings
PW 0101_06 [Revised 07/24/03]
In addition, the task amounts for Tasks 7 and 8 have been adjusted to reflect the final amounts.
Directed changes to the scope of Task 8 resulted in the increase in that task amount. These
changes included the development of the extra pre-purchase document for long-lead items
(pumps, MCC, non-pipe stuff), incorporation of additional electrical and fiber optic work into the
contract documents, and preparing hard copies of the final Project Manual that was put out to
The following is a summary of the CH2M Hill contract tasks and the revised task amounts:
TASK (Amendment No.) Amount Thru Amendment l~lnding Source
Amend. No. 2 No. 3
Federal Government,
1. Elwha Dam Removal $71,759 $71,759 Water Utility~
2002 Water/Wastewater
2. Phase 2 of Concrete $224,160 $224,160 ! Bond
Cylinder Pipe Replaeament
3. Develop Vulnerability 2005 Water Utility
Assessment-Related Capital $15,423 $15,423 Budget
Improvement Program
4. Emergency Response Plan
(Amendment 1) $19,436 $19,436 Utility2004 &Budget2005 Water
5. Fairmount Pump Station $28,581 $28,581 2004 Water Utility
Consh'uction Support Budget
6. Update Scope and Budget
for Water Projects $3,663 $3,663 Budget 2005 Water Utility
7. Other Services as Directed $59,978 $5,000 Varies2
8. West UGA Utilities
$419,059 $486,385 Utilities3
(Amendment 1)
9. General Sewer Plan
Amendment for West UGA $62,472 $62,472 Utilities3
(Amendment 2)
10. WUGA Construction
Support Services NA $80,209 Utilities3
Total $904,533 $997,091
~ Reimbursement of some, but not all, of the costs to be )rovided by the federal
2 Directed services are likely to be for Task I, which will be reimbursed by the
federal government. If not, funding source will be the Water Utility.
3 Funding sources will be the Water, Wastewater and Light Operations funds.
Staff recommends that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to
the City Council to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant
Agreement with CH2M Hill, in the amount of $92,558, for a total contract amount not to exceed
$997,091. The duration of the agreement will remain through October 31, 2006, and is based on
the completion of all tasks.
W AS H ~ N G T O N, U.S.A.
DATE: August 9, 2005
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
SUBJECT: Electric Rate Adjustments
Summary: HDR Engineering, Inc. and City staff completed a comprehensive rate study for the
Electric Utility. The study will be presented to the Utility Advisory Committee including the
recommended retail rate adjustments. It will be necessary to adjust retail electric rates at this
time to maintain the fund in a financially prudent position.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to proceed with z
public hearing on the rate study and proposed rate adjustments.
Background/Analysis: The City contracted with HDR Engineering, Inc. earlier this year to
assist staffwith a comprehensive rate study for the Electric Utility. A comprehensive rate study
includes a load forecast, review of the revenue requirements, capital projects, and reserves, along
with a functionalization and classification study that determines the appropriate retail rates for
each class of customer. The last comprehensive rate study was completed in 1996 when the
Bonneville Power Administration made significant changes to wholesale power and transmission
rates. A study was completed in 2003 due to significant increases to wholesale power costs, but
was limited to a review of the utility's revenue requirements. The 2003 retail rate adjustments
partially covered increased wholesale power costs and rate stabilization reserves were used to
minimize rate impacts, anticipating wholesale power costs would eventually decrease.
The main reasons retail rate adjustments are needed include: drawdown &rate stabilization
reserves to minimize rate impacts; increased labor expenses (additional apprentice position);
additional increases to Bonneville Power Administration wholesale power and transmission
costs; rebuilding operating, capital and rate stabilization reserve funds beginning in 2007;
inflation of expenses; and increased debt service. It will be necessary to adjust retail electric
rates at this time to maintain the fund in a financially prudent position.
N:\UAC~Final~Electric COSA 2005.doc
Utility Advisory Committee
Page 2
August 9, 2005
Proposed changes to the rate ordinance include: retail rate adjustments; pole attachment fee
adjustments; establishing street lighting and traffic signal base charges for maintenance of
municipal facilities; and revision to the municipal water pumping energy season. The proposed
retail rate adjustments will be included in the presentation.
On August 1, 2005, the Bonneville Power Administration announced that it may reach its
financial targets this fiscal year (October 2004 through September 2005) and will be deciding in
September whether a wholesale rote adjustment during their next fiscal year (October 2005
through September 2006) is necessary. The preliminary results of their 34 quarter financial
review will be available earlier today and summarized at the utility advisory committee meeting.
If their preliminary numbers hold, a wholesale power increase may not be needed which will
slightly reduce the proposed adjustments to the City's retail rotes because the cost recovery
adjustment clauses (CRACS) increased.
Due to the uncertainty of wholesale power costs beyond September of 2006, the proposed retail
rote adjustments are calculated based on revenue requirements from October of this year through
September of 2006. Staff will return to the utility advisory committee in August of 2006 to
discuss future rate adjustments at that time.
The City Council set a public hearing date on August 16, 2005 for a presentation of the study and
to allow public input to the process after the presentation. The public heating will be continued
to September 6, 2005 at which time the public hearing will be closed. City Council will be
requested to consider adoption of a new rate ordinance at the Sept. 6th or Sept. 20th City Council
meeting, once final BPA wholesale rates are known.
Staff recommends forwarding a favorable recommendation to City Council to proceed with a
public heating on the rate study and the proposed rate adjustments.
N:\IJAC~Final~Electric COSA 2005.doc
Household Hazardous Waste
Free Collection Event- Sept, 2005
Carefully store your hazardous waste
and bring to this once a year event/.
Port Angeles Sequim
Sept. 23 10 6 Sept. 25 t 0-4
Sept. 24 10:4OakddgeR°ad Nf 2-^ye
TogA ~ ToSe~quim Heml0ckSt SequimAve
I 69 Hemloc~
............................. '~ City Shop
I i Home Haz-Waste
Re.tal I i Highway
! w~,*u., 1 01
Clallam County Health and Human Services Division of Environmental Health 417-2258
City of Port Angeles Public Wofl(s and Utilities Division q£Solid l~aste 417-4874
Recycling and Disposal All Year
The following materials can be recycled or disposed locally throughout
the year in Clallam County.
Antifreeze: FREE disposal at the Port Angeles Landfill, Blue Mountain Transfer Station, and the City of
Sequim. Antifreeze is processed for re-use.
Batteries, Auto: FREE disposal at the Port Angeles Landfill and Wal-Mart.
Batteries, Household::(alkaline AA, C, D, etc) no longer contain hazardous waste - dispose with household
garbage or at the landfill.
Batteries, Rechargeable and Button: return to your retailer.
The metals in batteries are re-claimed to make new products.
Computers and Televisions: The nearest collection is the Jefferson County Recycling Center in Port
Townsend. Cost is $0.35/pound. www. co.jefferson.wa.us Materials are processed by Total Reclaim out of
Seattle and shipped out for domestic recycling. If the computer or TV is in working condition, place it on the
www.2good2toss.com website.
Latex Paint: Open the can and allow to dry out or add kitty litter until it solidifies. Once the paint is solid, you
can put in your garbage can. Empty paint cans also go in your household garbage or to the landfill.
Motor Oil: FREE disposal at the Port Angeles Landfill, Blue Mountain and West Waste (Forks) transfer
stations, City of Sequim, Wal-Mart, Jiffy Lube, and Shucks Auto Supply. Motor oil is refined for re-use or
burned for fuel.
The Annual Collection Event in September
A Swap Table is provided to swap usable materials such as paints and
stains, cleaning products, unused motor oil, etc.
Clallam County hires Phillip Services Corp to collect and dispose of the hazardous waste. Here
is a brief description of what happens to the materials you bring in.
Flammables (oil-based paint, thinners, solvents, gasoline, aerosol paints, contaminated motor oil, etc.): Liquid
flammables are poured into a 55-gallon drum. Oil based paint is left in the paint can and put in either a 55-
gallon drum or a large fiber box. Aerosol paints are depressurized on-site. A machine punctures the can and
captures the propellant and paint, filters out the vapors, and then funnels the materials into a 55-gallon drum.
The flammable materials are transported to a collection site where the liquid is consolidated, then transported to
cement kilns with specific permits to use hazardous waste as an alternative fuel source.
Poisonous liquids, solids, and aerosols (Weed & Feed, pesticides, DDT, paint strippers, carburetor cleaner,
etc):.These products contain various chemicals that are either known or suspected human carcinogens. Poisons
are packed into 55-gallon drams and transported to a specially permitted facility for incineration. The residue
ash from this process is sent to a special hazardous waste landfill.
Mercury: ls reclaimed and recycled.
Corrosives (acids, alkalines, household cleaners, etc): are placed in a plastic-lined, 55-gallon drum and
transported to a central location and are chemically neutralized. The material is then discharged into an
approved wastewater treatment facility, or solidified, stabilized and sent to a permitted landfill. Pure liquids are
usually eligible for wastewater treatment, and solids or sludgy liquids are generally stabilized and land filled.
Oxidizers (pool and spa chemicals, household bleach, etc): Are packed into a plastic-lined, 55-gallon drum and
chemically treated to deactivate them. The sludgy liquid is then mixed with solidification media, stabilized and
sent to a permitted landfill for final disposal.
Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes: Are broken in a special f~acility to capture the harmful vapors; the glass and
end caps are recycled and tbe mercury is purified and used in industrial applications.
Coming Soon!
Moderate Risk Waste Facility
Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station
A permanent collection.facility for your household hazardous waste.
Scheduled to open October 2006
The Hazardous Waste Collection Event and this publication are partially funded by a Department of
Ecology, Coordinated Prevention Grant 2005.
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