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Agenda Packet 08/13/2001
UTILITY ADVISORY I"~-DMMITTE~' PUBLIC WORKS P-ONFERENCE ROOM PORT ANGELES~ WA AUGUST 3:00 P.M. AGENDA Io [~ALL TO ORDER ii. ROLL [~ALL III. E[:ORREE:TED COPY OF ~JUNE 1 I ~ ,'~OO lJ MINUTES CORRECTED COPY UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE/PORT ANGELES WORKS! COMBINED MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 11, 2001 L Call to Order: Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. It was noted that the agenda was amended to remove the works "Special Meeting". IL Roll Call: Members Present: Chairman Reed, Larry Williams, Mayor Doyle, Orville Campbell, Allen Bentley Members Absent: None Staff Present: Michael Quinn, Craig Knutson, Tim Smith, Tanya O'Neill, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Brad Collins, Gary Kenworthy, K~n Ridout, Scott McLain, Larry Dunbar, Doyle McGinley, JeffYoung, Tom McCabe, Steve Sperr, Cate Rinehart Others Present: Richard Li - Metropolitan Communications Consultants Dr. Paul Carlson - Metropolitan Communications Consultants Bob Jensen- Capacity Provisioning Bill Roberds - Capacity Provisioning Leonard Beil - PA Works Mae Ruddell - PA Works Randy Johnson- PA Works Jim Hulett - PA Works Dennis Bragg - Den-Ree Productions IlL Approval of Minutes: Chairman Reed recognized the need to alter the order of the agenda to accommodate certain individuals in attendance. Chairman Reed asked if there were any further changes or additions to the agenda. None were given. Chairman Reed then asked if there were any additions or corrections tO the meeting minutes of April 30, 2001. Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minute. Councilman Wiiliams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Chairman Reed asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of May 7, 2001. Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: .4. Fiber Optic Backbone Business Plan Revised Scope of Work UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 11, 2001 Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, introduced Richard Li and Dr. Paul Carlson of Metropolitan Communications Consultants. Mr. Dunbar indicated additional services for consortium building and network implementation would be required depending upon solicitation response. It was explained that the venture was attractive to outsiders and fostered an environment for the local businesses. A short discussion followed. PA Works! moved to recommend City Council approval as presented. Mayor Doyle moved to recommend City Council approval of the revised scope of work to proceed with implementation of the City/Telephone partnership and City/Cable/Telephone consortium and amend the consulting services agreement scope of work and compensation with Metropolitan Communication consultants. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Fiber Optic Pilot Project Consultants Richard Li and Dr. Paul Carlson reviewed the project goals which included a test design, demonstration objective, cost validation, technology and acceptance. The pilot project planning aarea and survey respondents were displayed with results indicating readiness and demand. After a brief discussion it was pointed out that the pilot project will include two nodes and that services w/Il be available at the same rate as Seattle. No action taken. Information only. C, MagnaDriva Proposal JeffYoung, Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, reviewed the potential benefits derived through conversion of power couplings. Concern was expressed over a study which indicated lower horse power conversion was not cost effective. It was suggested that this may be a different application than the study mentioned. A brief discussion followed. Mayor Doyle moved to recommend to City Council approve the MagnaDrive retrofit amending staff recommendation to retrofit one blower instead of two. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion which carried four to one with Chairman Reed in opposition. D. Water Quality Report (Calendar Year 2000) Doyle McGinley, Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent, gave a brief overview of the report that will be distributed to the public noting various areas of mandatory language. Some minor changes were made with the suggestion of placing it as information under the City Manager's Report. Councilman Campbell moved to approve the Water Quality Report for presentation to the City Council and distribution to water customers of the City. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 11, 2001 E. Codification of the Water Shortage Response Plan Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Utility Operations, clarified penalties changing restriction to 10 gallons per minute and prior notice before shutoff with an oppommity for the customer to comment. Mr. Ridout further stated the $100 charge was considered mm on fee. A discussion followed with concerns regarding the penalties. Craig Knntson, City Attorney, explained the difference between having an ordinance or not during a time of crisis. Mayor Doyle moved to direct staffto develop an ordinance for UAC review prior to recommending to the City Council adopting the Water Shortage Response Plan. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion which carried four to one with Allen Bentley in opposition. F. .4ssumption of Solid Waste Services In Upper Golf Course Road Annexation ~4rea Chairman Reed stepped down for the appeameas of fairness due to his home location. Vice Chair Williams continued the meeting on this topic only. Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, identified 31 homes which the City could provide refuse and recycling services. Mr. McCabe reviewed the history stating the City did not meet certain conditions at the time of annexation therefore an amendment was required to the contract with Waste Connections. Following the discussion staff was directed to notify homeewners of possible changes in services. Mayor Doyle moved to table this item and return it to the UAC at a future date. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. G. UtiliO~ Tax on Electric Sales Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director, raised the issue of increased electric rates this fall explaining a rebate of the increased utility taxes could assist retail rate increases. Mrs. Ziomkowski further indicated that due to the unknown factors a general figure of five percent is being currently used for inflation. Scott Mcl-ain~ Deputy Director of Power Systems, pointed out that figures would probably change but that the UAC needed to be aware of some of the things staff was looking into. A brief discussion followed. Chairman Reed moved to table this item and return it to the UAC at a future date. Couueilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. H. CP~4 01-01 Utility Extension Policy Change Brad Collins, Community Development Director, pointed out the Comprehensive Plan policy prohibiting the extension of City services outside the Citylimits without annexation was not working. Mr. Collins noted the extension of facilities would be in the UGA only and would be cost effective. There was a short discussion with some concern expressed over the meaning of"no protest agreement". Councilman Williams moved to forward a recommendation of approval to change Utilities and Public Services Element Policy D.3 in the City's Comprehensive Plan to allow for the extension of urban services by the City, at its sole discretion, to the urban growth area without prior annexation. Allen 3 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 11, 2001 Bently seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. I. Marketing Services Professional Services ~4greement Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, introduced Dennis Bragg of Den-Ree Productions. Mr. Dunbar reviewed the need to inform customers qonceming the reasons for rate increases and educating them on how to reduce consumption and cost. It was explained that placing the same information in print, radio and television advertisements would give positive results and the most effective way to implement it would be to use a service agreement. A short discussion followed. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend the Mayor be authorized to enter into the Marketing Services Professional Services Agreement with Den-Ree Productions. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. J. Right-of-}Fay Permit for CiO~ Drain Line through National Park Service Property Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer, reported that the existing line ends approximately 500 feet from Peabody Creek and is causing erosion problems in the area within Olympic National Park. Obtaining a permit will allow the City to construct a replacement drainline and use the facilities for the next ten years. A brief discussion followed. Allen Bentley moved to recommend the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Right-of- Way permit on behalf of the City. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. K. Completion of Industrial }Fater £ine Repairs, Project 20-27 Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer, announced the repairs had been completed during a scheduled mill shutdown by Daishowa the week of May 14 quickly and safely. An estimate of $70,000 to $100,000 will be reimbursed to the City. There was a brief discussion. No action taken. Information only. Conservation Program Summary of Offerings Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reviewed the various conservation programs which included customer coupons for compact fluorescent lamps, energy rebates, appliance rebates, and fxee energy and water saving devices. A display for the lobby was shown along with the various pamphlets available to customers. Scott McLaln, Deputy Director of Power Systems, indicated a Vending Miser program was also being added which would power down a vending machine when the surrounding area was unoccupied. There was a short discussion. No action taken. Information only. M. Commercial Lighting Conservation Program 4 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 11, 2001 Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, pointed out that energy efficient lighting was a cost-effective activity with high customer acceptance. Approval of an agreement could provide up to $200,000 for lighting projects to local businesses. A discussion followed with the additional comment that this is an extension of an existing program. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend to the City Council that the Mayor be authorized to enter into the Purchase of Conservation Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. N. BPA Rate Mitigation Agreement Scott McLaln, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained that all utilities in the Northwest are being asked to reduce their load on BPA by 10% starting this fall to reduce market purchases and lower the rate increase. Mr. McLain indicated it can be done through a combination of conservation program offerings, residential and commercial consumer electricity reduction and an agreement with Dishowa to reduce pulp refining load. A brief discussion followed. Mayor Doyle moved to recommend the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Rate Mitigation Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration along with an agreement with Daishowa America to commit to reduce their load requirements on the City. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. O. Consumer Eleetrieitg Reduction Agreement Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, advised that customers who reduce their load by more than 10% can receive an incentive at a rate of $.046 per kWh for all savings above 10%. To qualify the residential customer must have lived at the same address and commercial customers must have had the same place of business for the past twelve months. During the discussion that followed Mr. McLain pointed out the individual is required to sign a commitment. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into the Consumer Electricity Reduction Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. P. Contribution to Washington PUD Association for D$l effort Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, reported the Direct Service Industries are pushing for wholesale rates from BPA based on a tiered rate structure. An increase up to 250% could be realized as a result. The was some concern during the discussion that followed regarding the amount of money the City was being asked to contribute towards a consultant to divert this problem. Mr. McLain noted cost was based on number of customers and retail revenue. Mayor Doyle moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to contribute to the effort against "tiered rates" by BPA in the amount of $4,000. Allen Bently seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 11, 2001 V. Late Items: None VII. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held July 9, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. VIII. ~4djournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Dean Reed, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant Larry Williams, Vice Chairmman 6/15/01 N:\PWKS',LIGHT~CON S~CATE\j une 1 lmeet.wpd UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE/PORT ANGELES WORKS! COMBINED MEETING Port Angeles, Washington Q~ July 9, 2001 1. Call to Order: Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. IL Roll Call: Members Present: Chairman Reed, Larry Williams, Mayor Doyle, Orville Campbell, Allen Bentley Members Absent: None Staff Present: Craig Knntson, Glenn Cutler, Ken Ridout, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Jim Harper, Doyle McKinley, Steve Sperr, Dale Miller, Tom McCabe, Larry Dunbar, Cate Rinehart Others Present: Karen Rogers - Northstar Data Sales and Marketing III. Approval of Minutes: Chairman Reed agked ifthere were any further changes or additions to the agenda. None were given. Chairman Reed then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of June 11, 2001. It was noted that under items D, G and H motions were indicated but the party seconding had been inadvertently left out. Mayor Doyle moved to approve the minutes as amended. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: A. Benefit Dump Day Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator, showed a short film made by Dennis Bragg for $300 that will be used to promote the program. Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, reported there were volunteers fi.om the Port Angel es Food Bank, Waste Management and Clallam County Environmental Health. $2,854 in cash and over 3 tons of food was taken in. Concerns were expressed by citizens over blocked driveways and intersections however these issues were resolved. Staffrecommends additional personnel, increased traffic control and an earlier start time of SAM for next year. A short discussion followed. No action taken. Information only. B. Sole Source Resolution - "I" Street Substation, Switchgear Door Replacement Jim Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager, explained that to maintain an acceptable level of service on 1 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 9, 2001 the west side of the city the 'T' Street Substation needed upgrading. Significant load growth has used almost all of the reserve capacity. Mr. Harper further stressed that by using the original manufacturer of the switchgear there would be a savings of $13,500. A brief discussion followed. Allen Bentley moved to recommend City Council approve a sole source resolution and accept the $68,555.52 negotiated price, including applicable sales taxes, from Pedersou Power Products, Inc. for the purchase of five replacement switchgear doors complete with new electronic relays and wiring harness and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which curried unanimously. C. Codification of the Water Shortage Response Plan Doyle McGiniey, Superintendent of Water/Wastewater Collection, reviewed the ordinance noting the various stages and penalties. Concern was expressed regarding the method of giving notice with the possibility of personal notification followed by certified mail if no contact was made. Mayor Doyle moved to recommend to City Council to adopt the Water Shortage Response Plan. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Craig Knutson, City Attorney, suggested a minor change in the provision to allow certified mail under method of giving notice. Mayor Doyle moved to accept the change. Allen Bentley seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Elwha Pump Station (Ranney Well), Surge Tank Inspection Doyle McGinley, Superintendent of Water/Wastewater Collection, explained the prima~y purpose of the tank is to protect pipelines against destruction due to excess surge pressure. An initial inspection had been made which revealed large mst deposits inside the tank and deteriorating protective paint coating outside. A determination has not been made whether to replace the tank or perform major repairs. Cost estimate is $50,000 to $100,000. Concerns were expressed regarding the frequency of inspections. No action taken. Information only. E. Realignment of Industrial Water Line Overflow Channel Steve Sperr, Utility Engineer, relayed the State Department ofFish and Wildlife had requested permission to alter the channel to increase flow from their adult pond at the Elwha Hatchery. This would increase the attraction flow for adult Chinook returning to the hatchery. It was determined that there would be no adverse impact. Mr. Sperr further indicated an approval letter was being drafted. A brief discussion followed. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Director of PublicWorks and Utilities to give the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife written approval for the proposed work. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. F. Fiber Optic Pilot Project Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, proposed special meetings to include Po~ Angeles Works! for UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 9, 2001 the purpose of recommending potential users, providers, connection fees and rates and to obtain feedback prior to finalizing the engineering design. Meetings have been tentatively scheduled for July 23, 2001 at llAM and August 13, 2001 at 3PM. A discussion followed with updated information on the area dimensions and cooperation with Quest. Allen Bentley moved to hold special meetings of the Utility Advisory Committee and Port Angeles Works! Committee for presentation of the fiber optic project status reports 2 and 3 on ,Iuly 23, 2001 with the time changed to 3PM and August 13, 2001 at 3PM respectively. Mayor Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. G. Telecommunications Right-Of-Way License Agreement Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, advised that two applications had been received to construct telecommurfications facilities. Clallam County Public Utility Distract No. 1 submitted a master permit application but was only offered a right-of-way licence agreement due to their limited authority under State law. Capacityprovisiuning submitted a letter of intent to apply however no action has been taken at this time. No action taken. Information only. H. Electric Rate Summary Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, pointed out the increase to the initial rates is 46.225% for wholesale and was held to that level due to the efforts of many utilities reducing their load. BPA was able to achieve 95% of'the target reduction amount. Retail and oommercia~ customers w/Il see about a 24% increase. A revenue requirements and cost of service study is currently underway to identify actual increases required. There was a discussion regarding mechanisms to reduce the amount of the increase such as lifeline rates and using reserves. Further information will be available at the August meeting No action taken. Information only. V. Late Items: Morse Creek Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, gave a brief update on the instream flows, lease evaluation, and pipeline repairs. No action taken. Information only Solid Waste Services in Upper Golf Course Road.4nnexation Area Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, passed out a copy of a letter survey being sent to residences. The survey is to determine the wants of the residences as whether they would like solid waste services or not. Information from the survey will assistance the UAC in making an informed decision. Replies are requested by July 20th. 3 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 9, 2001 No action taken. Information only. VII. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held July 23, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. This is a special joint meeting with Port Angeles Works! VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Dean Reed, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant 7/16/01 N:~PWKS~LIGHT~CONS\CATE\j uly9meet.wpd 4 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE/PORT ANGELES WORKS! SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington ~ July 23, 2001 I. Call to Order: Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. IL Roll Call: Members Present: Chairman Reed, Larry Williams, Mayor Doyle, Orville Campbell, Allen Bentley Members Absent: None Staff Present: Michael Quinn, Craig Knutson, Glenn Cutler, Scott McLain, Tim Smith, Tanya O'Neill, Jim Harper Jr, Phyllis Rasler, Larry Dunbar, Cate Rinehart Others Present: Richard Li - Metropolitan Communications Consultants Jane Nishita - Qwest (Via phone) Stella Ley - Qwest (Via phone) Fred Mitchell - Clallam PUD Doug Harrison - Clallam PUD Dennis Bragg - Den-Ree Productions Bob Jensen - Angeles Communications Mike Sturgeon - Northland Cable Pete Grigorieff- Northland Cable Mac Ruddell - PA Works Jim Haguewood - PA Works Karen Rogers - PA Works IIL Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes of July 9, 2001 will occur at the regular meeting August 13, 2001. I~. Discussion Item: Fiber Optic Pilot Project Status Report #2 Scott McLain, Deputy Director of Power Systems, pointed out that this was an informational meeting with no recommendation being presented. Attendees were requested to feel free to comment throughout the presentation. Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, reported written interest to participate by Northland Cable and Qwest. Copies of these documents were distributed along with a copy of the letter being sent to businesses announcing a meeting to discuss the project August Ist. Mr. Dunbar in~roduced Richard Li, of Metropolitan Communications Consultants. Mr. Li reviewed the key theme, project goals, performance UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE JULY 23, 2001 criteria, and value proposition. Information on the value proposition portion was expanded to explain how various backbones could be incorporated. The planning area was reviewed noting the routes of Capacity Provisioning, Clallam PUD, Qwest and the pilot project. A brief discussion followed with concern regarding duplication of infrastructure. Mr. Li indicated that out of S01 Port Angeles businesses surveyed there had been 107 responses to a telecom survey with 64 prospects identified. A minimum of 20 users is preferred. The 90 day project would require a $200 deposit which would be refunded if the service was discominued after that time. A short discussion followed with concerns expressed over what the city would provide the customer and the costs involved. No action taken. Information only. V. Late Items: None VII. Next Meeting: The next meeting will bc held August 13, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Dean Reed, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant 7/26/01 N 5PWKS~LIGHT~CONS~CATE\july23meet.wpd WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PORT ANGELES WORKS! COMMITTEE FROM: LarO' Dunbar, Power Resources Manager SUBJECT-' Fiber Optic Pilot Project Due to a delay in the project schedule, the August 13~h special meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee and Port Angeles Works! to present the third project status report is postponed until September 10, 2001. The delay is due to workload beyond that anticipated to recruit potential users to participate in the pilot project. On May 22, 2001, Council approved a fiber optic infrastructure pilot project. On June 11, 2001, at a special meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee and the Port Angeles Works! Committee, Metropolitan Communications Consultants presented status report 1 on the project's definition stage including goals, performance criteria, participating customer screening process, approximate planning area, and potential service providers. On July 23, 2001, Metropolitan Commmfications Consultants presented status report 2 that recommended potential users, providers, services, rates and a preliminary design. The purpose of the special meetings was to obtain your feedback prior to recruiting participation from prospective users, completing the engineering design, and preparing bid documents. On August 1, 2001, Metropolitan Communications Consultants held a meeting to recruit potential users. All recommended potential users received an invitation to attend the meeting which was also advertised in the newspaper. A presentation was made at this meeting to provide information about the pilot project and to distribute and explain the project application forms. A copy of the August 1 st presentation and application form are attached. Staff has rescheduled the special meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee and the Port Angeles Works! Committee to present status report 3, to September 10, 2001 at 3PM. Status report 3 will be delivered at 75% design completion. We will solicit your feedback on September l0th prior to finalizing the engineering design, sealed bid and equipment purchase documents. After the design is complete, which is anticipated by September 30, 2001, Staffwill provide a report to the Utility Advisory Committee and PA Works! Committee prior to solicitation of sealed bids and purchasing required equipment. A copy of the revised project schedule is attached. Pilot Project - Revised Schedule 8/13/01 IV, Pilot Project A. Pilot E)efi.ltio. & E)eslg. ........ 1~' Demo~a~on Goals 2. U~, Pro~dem and Se~c~ 6/6 3. Status RepoA 2 to UAUPA Wo~! 4. Conrad Pro~e~s 5. Riot C~tomer M~Ung 9. Pre-~d Co~ E~imate 9. O~ ~c~nce o © FIBER OP TIC, PIL 0 T PR OJEC 7' USER APPLICATION City Contact: Mr. Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Business (360) 417-4710 Fax (360) 417-4709 Please provide User name, address, and contact information below. USER NAME ~ MAILING ADDRESS PORT ANGEl, ES SERVICE ADDRESS (if different) WORK PHONE CITY/STATFJZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS {if available) WORK FAX ' sectiol n below. A Please check the box that most closely represents your location: D Residence [] Home Office [] Finance, Insurance, Real Estate r~ Professional Services [3 Retail Trade [] Health Services [] Educational Services [] Lodging Places [3 City Government [] County Government [3 State Government D Federal Government [] Other B Please list all of your service addresses (in addition to the service address above) that you need in your wide area network (both within and outside of the City of Port Angeles) Please list the addresses of other organizations you need to have in your wide area network (both within and outside of the City of Port Angeles). The User(s) have read, understood and agreed to the service requirements, and hereby submit this application, the attached site plan, the needs and interest worksheet, and a deposit in the amount of $200. Your completed application and deposit must be provided to the City by the close of business on August 8 2001. The User(s) certifies the information provided in the application is complete, true, and correct. User Acceptance Date User Acceptance Da1 FIBER OPTIC PILOT PROJECT Page 2 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ;er Eli,clibility Requirements Participation is available for users within the illustrated project area below. ~.;~. "~' ,~,~, -,,~~~ Pilot Project Operational Period The City is ~. -,~*"-~--~--..."~.~:..~?,:, .,.,...~~-~,~~~~.*:~,~------~--~,..-~.*~.~.~,~-~ currently designing the pilot project and ~-q~',.~- "'::" '~ ~..=:,,.?.~~~~~ anticipates going out to bid in September, ">~. ,~" ,,' -~ z~ q'~'- ~ ~ -wj~w.~.~.~ ~.w, -~.~j followed by bid award and construction prior to ~.' ~;' ~';g-~-~ ~~ the end of year 2001. The pilot project is · .- ~ ~, ~ ~.~, ...,?...,~.~.;,,~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~- ~,~...-~.),7_ -'-.~-'"~'~_ anticipated to be operational from January 1, . ~,..~, . ~ y.:.~.~..~?.~-~",=~4 ~{ ~ >~.. ,~. '~...:~ 2002 to March 31, 2002. ,,~. ,, -.~.,, ,~.~ ~~; Survey Users shall complete a monthly survey · ,.,~..~? ,:~, ~.'....~.~-':'"~%' ~'zc-.-.-.-.-.-.-~.z,-.-~/../~..~.~....z,},,\%.~'-~'~,.:,~.~///~¥~- "~';!/?.~-~'7~.~'.~-.~ and attend one meeting to provide feedback on ;;,' ,' ,_,2,~ ~% ~ ,~, -~. ' the pilot project. gD~ .... . · · ~, g,~ ~. ~?,~ City Costs The City shall be responsible for ~ ~~~,~~~ the cost of constm~ing the fiber optic pilot provide a $200 , =~n~ deposit that is re~ndable if se~i~ is ~continued after the pilot proje~ operational period. The user shall not be responsible for any of the ,nstmdion ~sts to build the fiber optic pilot proje~. The user shall be responsible for the ~st of the :ernet se~ice provider during the pilot project operational period. The user shall be responsible for ~sts of ~uipment on the user side of the Ci~s fiber termination. This includes, but is not limited to routers and local 9a ne~oA equipment. 'ivacy Act Notice It is necessa~ for the User to provide some information to the Ci~ of PeA Angeles, ~ich will help us evaluate the pilot pmje~. The info~ation to be ~llected includes techni~l data about the ,plications and uses of the pilot pmje~. The Ci~ will only release information to the public and other erested paAies in anonymous statisfi~l fo~. Jality of Se~ice The Ci~ makes no warrant, expressed or implied, about the quali~ of se~ice ovided during the pilot proje~ operational pedod. sclaimer of Liabill~ The User shall defend, indemni~ and hold harmless the Ci~ of PeA Angeles, its ~cem, officials, employees, and volunteem from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits ;luding a~orney fees arising out of or in connection with the fiber optic pilot proje~. )nflnuation of Se~ice The Ci~ rese~es the right to establish the terms and ~nditions bf se~ice ~yond the pilot proje~ operational period without notice. Ce~ain restrictions may apply. ;er Site Requiremenffi ~ch site must provide a physi~l Io~tion (e.g, telecommunications closet) to te~inate the fiber and ~nne~ luipment within the site facile. This Io~tion should have the following chamMefisti~: The Io~tion should be within 20 feet of an outside wall (ideally it will be on an outside wall, in an existing "phone closet" that also has sufficient space and air circulation.) An adequate power supply for the Ci~'s equipment. Adequate air quali~ and cimulation. (i.e. it cannot be an unvented broom closet or a humid washroom.) The location must be reasonably secure. ~e Ci~ will bring the sewice drop to the user Io~tion and resinate the fiber in a small ~binet provided by e Ci~, wall mounted ~r the users dire~ion. If prefe~ and if the user has an existing fl~r ~unted relay ck, the fiber may be te~inat~ in the rack, in a Io~tion as dire~ed by the user. FIBER OPTIC PILOT PROJECT Page 3 SITE PLAN ! USER NAME~ / PORT ANGELES SERVICE ADDRES,~ I User Site Plan Instructions In the space below, please prepare a hand drawn sketch of your site. If you have paper copies of blueprints or site drawings, these are preferred, electronic copies are even more desirable. Please provide a site plan for each building you would like connected to the pilot project showing the following: · How the building sits on the property · The location of any phone or wiring rooms & closets within the building · The location of power and telecommunications utility entrances to building · The proposed location for Pilot Project equipment within this site · Adjacent streets · An arrow pointing north, and · Any other information you think might be helpful to the City. FIBER OPTIC PILOT PROJECT Page 4 NEEDS AND INTERESTS .USER NAME PORT ANGELES ,~ERVICE ADDRESS Please respond to the following questions in the spaces provided below. Do you have a local area network at this site? What is the speed of your local area network? (e.g. 10mbps) Are you connected to a wide area network at this site? How is your local area network connected to the wide area network? 'Wi;~'t"~'~'iJi'~'dff~¥&"~i~T~'d'rFn"~'r'~'~'~'d'~'fi~i~¥'i~;~7~¥7~ii~ ................................................ '~6']~'~i~'i~'t'~i~-i'§'~'~i6~'~i~i,'~i~' ..................................................................................... What is the speed of your current Internet connection? Please briefly describe your local and wide area networks in the space below: Please briefly describe the applications you currently have on your local and wide area networks: Please bdefly describe the applications you would be able to have if you are connected to the pilot project: pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTIIITY ADVISORY COMMITTI:::I= DATE: August 12, 2001 To: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ]~'ROM ? JAMES L. HARPER, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER SUIIJECT: Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I Contract Award S~Summar~: The City Council budgeted $130,000.00 in 2001 to construct Phase I of converting the overhead electric facilities on Ediz Hook to underground. Phase I, extending approximately 1975 feet, was advertised for bids on July 16 and 23, 2001. Sealed bids were received from four (4) bidders on August 9, 2001. Potelco, Inc. was the low bidder with a bid of $120,825.04. The engineering estimate is $124,430.00. The low bid combined with other City costs is anticipated to exceed the budgeted amount by approximately $34,000.00 after crediting Quest's trench joint use contributions. The cost exceeds the budgeted amount due to the unanticipated necessity to trenching in the paved trail and repaying it at an added cost of $40,000.00. Recommendation: Recommend the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the $120,825.04 contract with Potelco, Inc. of Sumner Washington for the construction of Electric Underground , Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I. ~Backeround / Analysis; Ediz Hook is one of the prime interest areas for tourists visiting the City. The overhead electric facilities along the Hook are visually obtrusive in this scenic area and interfere with some recreational uses. It was planned to construct this convemion in phases over 8 to 10 years. The City Council in 1999 and the years since have approved the budgeting of $50,000 per year to underground the overhead electrical facilities along Ediz Hook. The budgeted amounts were carried forward each year with approximately $20,000 being expended in 2000 for design and $130,000 budgeted for 2001 construction of Phase I. Phase I extends from the Police radio tower to the end of the line near the boat launch ramp, a distance of approximately 1975 feet. This scope of Phase I was selected because it allows Quest to also underground their overhead fiber optic cable so the poles can be removed. The only tap point in the Quest fiber optic cable is at the Police radio tower. Bids were solicited by advertisement on July 16 and 23, 2001 for the Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I (Project 20-06). Sealed bids from four (4) companies were received on August 9, 2001 and reviewed. The lowest bidder was Potelco, Inc. of Sunmer, Washington with a bid of $120,825.04 including sales tax. The bid summary is included below. BID SUMMARY ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CONVERSION EDIZ HOOK PHASE I BIDDER OFFICE BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID LOCATION 1 ~otelco, Inc. Sumner, Washin[~ton $111,668.2,~ $9,156.80 $120~825.05 2 Superior Electric Northwest, Inc. Bothell, Washington $129,000.01: $10,578.00 $139,578.00 3 Lakesidelndustries PortAn~eles, Washington $180,312.17 $14,785.60 $195,097.7; 4 Intermountain Eletric, Inc. Bellevue, Washington $222,763.3,~ $18,266.59 $241,029.9z Engineerin9 Estimate $115~000.0(2 $9,430.00 $124~430.0( The low bid when combined with the 2001 engineering costs, archeological monitoring costs, material costs, and contribution from Quest for their portion of the work is anticipated to exceed the $130,000.00 budgeted by approximately $34,000.00· The cost increase is the result of not being able to place the trench as planned due to underground conflicts. The underground conflicts and the hydraulic permit restrictions forced the trench to relocate to under the trail. This increased the Phase I cost by approximately $40,000.00 for cutting and repaying the trail. The project cost summary is shown below. ITEM COST Incl. Sales tax Low Bid $120,825.0{ 2001 engineering costs $11~927·11 ~,rcheolo~ical Monitorin~l costs $14,985.01: Cit7 supplied materials $47,100.0(: Iow bid + amh. + mat.+ en~. $194~837.1(~ Quest contribution -$31~264.0~: City 2001 Net Cost $163~573.1~ Project Location Map: · *~ ~,_/ ~' ..... ,. · ........ ~.:., , --~,- EDIZ HOOK PROJECT Staff recommends the UAC concur with the staff recommendation that the contract be awarded to Potelco, Inc. for $120,825.04. N 5PWKS~LIGHT~NGR~PROJECTS~Edizhook~UACawd.wpd p_ ORTAMGELES W A S H I ~ G T O N, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: Urli~lT¥ Ai) WSOR¥ CoMMirrEig FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer SUmIECT: Sole Source Resolution for Phase 2 of Water System SCADA Project & Contract with S&B for Installation of Equipment, Project 21-22 Summary: Phase 2 of the Water System SCADA project requires the design, acquisition, and installation of additional facilities. S&B Inc. provided the design, acquisition, and installation under Phase 1, and is the only contractor that can reasonably complete the design and installation as required for Phase 2. Recommendation: City Council approve the attached Sole Source Resolution designating S&B Inc. as the providers of SCADA equipment for the City's Water System, and mthorize the City Manager to sign a contract with S&B Inc. to complete the work for a )rice not to exceed $60,000~ including tax. Background/Anal¥:~is: In 1999, a request for proposals (RFP) was advertised for the design, acquisition, and installation ora Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for the City's Water System. A conixact with S&B Inc. was then negotiated to complete Phase 1 of the work. Phase 1 included the design ora SCA.DA System and installation of monitoring and control facilities at the Elwha Ranney Collector, Black Diamond Reservoir, Peabody Heights Reservoir and Mill Creek Pump Station. The cost to complete Phase 1 was $91,100, excluding tax. Funding for Phase 2 of the SCA.DA System, which includes expansion to Jones and E Street Reservoirs and the Elwha Emergency Valve, is in this year's budget for the Water/Wastewater Division. Due to the proprietary nature of the SCADA System and the need to have Phase 2 smoothly integrated with Phase 1, S&~ Inc. is the only available conll'actor that can reasonably complete the design and installation. RCW 39.04.280 (1)(a) states that "Competitive bidding requirements may be waived by the governing body of the municipality for...Purchases that are clearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply...". A Sole Source Resolution is therefore required to allow the City to negotiate a contract with S&B Inc. for the design, furnishing and installation of the necessary facilities under Phase 2. Staffrecommends that the UAC and the City Council approve a Sole Source Resolution authorizing S&B Inc. to be the provider of SCADA facilities for the City's Water System. In addition, staff recommends that the UAC and the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a Contract with S&B Inc. to complete the work for a price not to exceed $60,000, including tax. The cost to complete Phase 2 has been evaluated by staff and found to be reasonable and comparable to the costs incurred under Phase 1. Attachment: Sole Source Resolution N:~PROJECTS~2 ! -22 SCADA Phase 2~lJACmemo0S_{ 3_01 .w'pd RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating S & B Inc. as the sole source for the design, acquisition, and installation of additional Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System facilities for the City's water system and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements. WHEREAS, the Water Utility Division of the City's Public Works and Utilities Department has budgeted this year to proceed with Phase 2 of the water system SCADA project, which involves expanding the SCADA system to several other sites in the City's water system; and WHEREAS, following a competitive negotiation process as set forth in RCW 39.04.270, S & B/nc. was selected as the contractor for Phase 1 of the SCADA system work; WHEREAS, due to the proprietary nature of the SCA. DA system and the need to have Phase 2 smoothly integrated with Phase 1, S & B Inc. is the only contractor suitable for Phase 2 of the SCADA system work, which under RCW 39.04.280(1)(a) is an allowable basis for waiving competitive bidding requirements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. S & B Inc. is designated the "sole source" supplier for the design, acquisition, and installation of facilities for Phase 2 of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System project for the City's water system. ~ection 2. An exception from normal bidding requirements is hereby implemented, under which the design, acquisition, and installation of Phase 2 of the water system SCADA project need not be competitively bid. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said -1- Council held on the__ day of August, 2001. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney F:'~O RDINANCES& RE SO LUTIONS'~{2001-13 -2- I9_ ORTANC.; b WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer SUBJECT: Ground Water under the Influence of surface water (GWI) Filtration Avoidance Proposal Summary.: Last year the City's water source, the Elwha Rarmey Collector, was designated by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) as GWI. A Bilateral Compliance Agreement (BCA) was executed that requires the City to meet certain deadlines, working towards construction of a water filtration plant by January 23, 2006. The City, through its consultant CH2M Hill, presented a Filtration Avoidance Proposal to DOH for review. DOH responded witl a proposed two phase approach that could result in eliminating the need for a water filtration rant to treat the City's source water. Staffis pursuing this approach. lecommendatiola: For information only. Background/Analysis: On April 25, 2000 the DOH designated the City's water supply source, the Elwha Ranney Collector, as GWI. An Action Plan was submitted to DOH by the City, under the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR). A BCA was then executed in December, 2000, that specified the steps the City must take towards the constmctien of a water treatment (filtration) plant. The BCA also addressed the possibility of the City avoiding construction of a treatment plant if it can meet the criteria to remain unfiltered in the State version of the SWTR defined by WAC 246-290-690. CH2M Hill submitted a Filtration Avoidance Proposal (FAP) to DOH at the end of May, 2000, on behalf of the City. The FAP showed that the City can easily meet all criteria to remain unfiltered except watershed control. The FAP discussed how the City can implement a watershed control program. DOH responded in a letter (copy attached) outlining how the City needs to develop and implement a watershed control program that will be acceptable and thus avoid filtration. CH2M Hill has been instructed to start developing the first phase of this program, while at the same time continue to follow the requirements of the BCA as amended by the letter from DOH. City staffand CH2M Hill remain cautiously optimistic that filtration can be avoided with the development of an aclYtevable watershed control plan. Attachment: Letter from DOH N:gaROJECTS~0-18 O~I~MOSXUACS_ 13_01 July 20, 2001 Steven Sport, P.E. City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362-0217 Subject: City of Port Angeles, ID #68550M, Clallam County; Filtration Avoidance, DOH Project #01-0607 Dear Mr. Sport: The City of Port Angeles' (City) filtration avoidance proposal has been reviewed and discussed by the Department of Health (DOH). This letter contains the DOH response and additional actions requiring completion by the City in order for the City to avoid filtration under the requirements contained in WAC 246-290-690. This project is being conducted during a period in which an existing Bilateral Compliance Agreement (BCA) is in place between DOH and the City. Your letter requesting consideration of the filtration avoidance proposal also requested a time extension for several items of the BCA. DOH agrees that the City may need more time to complete items 2 and 3 ("Provide Preliminary Evaluation of Alternatives" and "Provide Testing Protocol Report") of the agreement; however, we do not agree that these items should be delayed for an additional year. DOH understands that compliance with the BCA is on a parallel track with the activities being conducted by the National Park Service (NPS) as a part of the Elwha Dam Removal Project. It is possible that activities conducted by NPS will preclude the completion of most of the items contained in the BCA. However, it is also entirely possible that the N-PS project will never be completed. This requires the City to proceed with the BCA as planned for the time being. Therefore, DOH will unilaterally extend the deadlines of items 2 and 3 to September 4, 2001. This would allow time for review of the pilot plant proposal and to allow for pilot plant set-up and operation in October. You and your consultants identified October as the critical time for testing with respect to water quality. It is also possible that by meeting the criteria to remain unfiltered as defined by WAC 246-290-690, the City would not need to complete many of the items of the BCA. However, it is not certain to DOH that the City can meet all of these criteria. DOH agrees that all of the requirements, except Steven Sperr, P.E. Page 2 July 20, 2001 one, are being met or can easily be met by the City at the present time. That one exceptional item is Watershed Control as defined by WAC 246-290-690 (e). WAC 246-290-690 (e) states that the purveyor shall develop and implement a department-approved watershed control program. This does not currently exist but one may be developed by the City for consideration by DOH. DOH proposes that thc development and consideration cfa watershed control plan proceed in two phases. The first phase would identify the land ownership, watershed characteristics, and activities within the watershed (as required in WAC 246-290-690 (e) (iii)). This phase would identify the scope of activities that the City may need to undertake to establish DOH-acceptable control. This phase would also include information about how property owners may react to potential watershed controls. Initially, it is anticipated that those property owners who have the greatest potential water quality impacts must be willing to agree to enter into written agreements. Although it may not be possible to achieve initially, it is the goal of DOld and the purveyor to obtain 100% participation and agreement with ali landowners within the watershed. DOll proposes that this be completed for review by January 2, 2002. The second phase would involve development of the actual watershed control program. Guidance for development cfa watershed control program may be found in the DOH publication Guidance Manual Surface Water Treatment Rule (Sept, 1995). For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of Chapter 5 of the Guidance Manual, which contains the guidance on watershed control programs. DOH envisions that the watershed control program will be developed on a parallel track with the tasks in the BCA and with the activities currently being pursued by the NPS. To maintain a parallel track, DOH proposes that the watershed control program be submitled for review on July 1, 2002. I am aware that this process presents a significant challenge to the City. I also anticipate that this will be an interactive process and that DOH and the City will participate in a number of conversations during the development of the watershed control program. If you have any question~, please contact me at (360) 753-2452. Sine ~e~.,, ly, ^ _ r', ~"} .-'!/1 1'* JOHN RYDING, P.E. WSDOH Regional Engineer Enclosure cc: Dean Butz, Clallam County Environmental llealth Nancy Feagin, WSDOH Gregg Grunenfelder, WSDOH Karen Klocke, WSDOH Bill Lieehty, WSDOH Phil Ma~inez, P.E., CH2MHill Chris McMeen, WSDOH Ethan Moseng, WSDOH WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer SUBJECT-' Pilot Testing of Municipal Treatment Options for Elwha Dam Removal Mitigation ISummary: The National Park's URS evaluated different Olympic (OlaP) consultant, Corp., municipal treatment options as part of its efforts to ensure that anticipated water quality changes as a result of dam removal are adequately mitigated. Two high rate flocculation processes were chosen as most appropriate for this situation, Actiflo and Superpulsator. Pilot testing will be used to satisfy Washington State Department of Health (DOH) requirements for testing treatment processes and will also be used by the City to ensure that the municipal treatment process designed and built under the Elwha Mitigation process is the most appropriate for meeting the City's needs. Recommendation: Recommend that City Council concur with the ONP's decision to pilot test i the Acfiflo and Superpulsator treatment processes in order to determine the best municipal treatment i facility to be installed under the Elwha Mitigation process. Background/Analysis: ONP's consultant, URS Corp., has evaluated different municipal treatment options as part of its efforts to ensure that anticipated water quality changes as a result of dam ramoval are adequately mitigated. These treatment options include (1) conventional filtration, (2) direct filtration, (3) ultra filtration membranes, (4) high rate treatment, (5) diatomaceous earth, and (6) slow sand filters. In evaluating these treatment processes, it was assumed that the existing Elwha Rarmey Collector will continue to be used as the municipal water intake and act as a pre-treatment process. The evaluation did not, however, address the City's requirement that an additional Ranney Collector be installed as a back-up municipal water intake. Nor did this evaluation process addross treatment of industrial and fisheries water. The evaluation of treatment options assumed that the water would be pumped from the Ranney Collector to a separate treatment facility, which would be followed by a disinfection process. Each of the treatment options were evaluated based on capital costs, O&M requirements and associated costs, treatment capabilities, specific treatment requirements based on the Ranney Collector water quality data, the anticipated effects of dam romoval, and land use requirements. URS published a Draft "Elwha River Water Quality Mitigation Project Planning Report" on July 31, 2001, which summarized their evaluation of the different treatment options and included comments they received during a Technical Review Meeting attended by technical August 13, 2001 memo to UAC Elwha Pilot Testing Page 2 of 2 representatives of the City and DOH on June 27 and 28, 2001. The recommended process for municipal treatment that resulted from this evaluation is a coagulation-sedimentation-filtration process. There are two such treatment processes, the "traditional" conventional filtration process, and a high rate ballasted flocculation process. Both of these processes use coagulation chemistry followed by filtration to treat water, which allows for the greatest flexibility and reliability for treating a source water of unknown or highly variable quality. The major difference is in the way each of these processes get suspended particles to coagulate and then settle. Either conventional treatment or one of the high rate ballasted flocculation processes would be a technically appropriate treatment process to mitigate against the adverse impacts of dam removal, and these processes would meet all of the requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR). URS recommended the high rate flocculation process over conventional filtration and the other treatment processes investigated for the following reasons: 1. Lower capital cost 2. Lower chemical cost 3. Smaller facility footprint 4. Higher treatment performance in side by side comparison 5. Similar power and operating costs There are two high rate flocculation processes that are appropriate for this situation, Actiflo and Superpulsator. To confirm which of these two processes is more appropriate, the two will be pilot tested this fall together to determine the following: 1. Cost of operation 2. Ease of operation 3. Stability of the process 4. Chemical usage 5. Performance at high and low Total Suspended Solids (TSS) levels 6. Sludge characteristics and volume 7. Sand rate loss for Actiflo 8. Capability to remove iron, manganese, color, taste and odor The pilot testing will be used to satisfy the DOH requirements for testing treatment processes. It will also be used by the City to ensure that the municipal treatment process designed and built under the Elwha Mitigation process is the most appropriate for meeting the City's needs. In order for the pilot testing's planning and preparation activities to proceed, the ONP needs City concurrence. The optimal time of year for pilot testing is October, and a certain amount of lead time is needed to schedule the test equipment. While specific details of the pilot testing process are still being worked out, Public Works & Utilities staffrecommend that the Utility Advisory Committee encourage the City Council to concur with the ONP's decision to pilot test the Actiflo and Superpulsator treatment processes in order to determine the best municipal treatment facility to be installed under the Elwha Mitigation process. N:~PROJECTS~0-16 Elwha Dams~VlEMOS\UACS_13_01.wpd pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Stephen Sperr, Utility Engineer SUBJECT: Statll~ of Comprehensive Water System Plan Summa.fy; The City's consultant preparing the Comprehensive Water System Plan (WSP), CH2M Hill, anticipates that Washington State Department of Health (DOH) approval of the WSP will likely occur about one month after the DOH-mandated deadline of November 2001. 'Circumstances relating to GWI, the Elwha Mitigation Process, and local water purveyors have resulted in this delay. The delay in approval of the WSP will not effect the operation or quality of the City's water system. Recommendation: For information only. Background/Analysis: The City's consultant, CH2M llill, has been working on the WSP since October, 2000. A fmal draft, before submission to the DOH for review, is currently being reviewed by City staff. Submission to DOH was originally scheduled for July, 2001, but has been delayed due to the following: 1. Submission of a Filtration Avoidance Proposal to DOH for review, including requests to change deadlines in the GWI Bilateral Compliance Agreement (BCA) to allow the City to pursue alternatives to filtration. 2. Requests by the Olympic National Park (ON'P) to assist in their evaluation of municipal treatment alternatives as part of the Elwha Mitigation process. 3. Informal inquiries from both Black Diamond Water District and Dry Creek Water Association on the possibility ora water system intertie and/or wholesale water agreement. All of the above have had an impact on the WSP, and some assumptions will have to be made in order to have a draft ready for DOB to review by September. It is anticipated that, due to the time required by DOH for review, the updated WSP will not be approved by DOit until after the November 2001 due date. Instead, it is likely that it will be approved in December, 2001. The City's water system will be placed in "yellow" status by DOH if it does not have an approved WSP by December 1, 2001. While this means that DOH will at that time consider the City's water system as not under compliance, DOH acknowledges the circumstances that have resulted in this delay. "Yellow" status will not result in fines or adverse health impacts. The DOH engineer has indicated that as long as the City is proceeding at its current pace, the WSP will be approved in a timely manner with no negative impacts. Once the WSP is approved, the status of the City's water system will return to its current "green" StatllS. N:\PROJECTS~20-17 Water System Plan up~ate\UACS_13_01 ,wpd UTILITY D¥1$ORY GOMMITTEE DATE: AUGUST 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: JeffYoung, Superintendent, WWTP RE: Indian Health Service Request to Process Sludge Prom Makah Indian Reservation at Neah Bay iSummary: The Indian Health Service has asked the City to accept and treat up to 200,000 gallons &waste fi.om the Makah Tribe's closed wastewater sewage lagoon in Neah Bay. The biosolids generated would be about 30,000 pounds, (15 tons). This added 15 tons is not expected to cause any problems in processing, storing or land application ofbiosolids within our existing }ermits. lecommendation: City Council authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to negotiate an agreement with the Indian Health Service to receive up to 200,000 gallons of lagoon sludge at fifteen cents a gallon, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Background/Analysis; I have been working with Craig Haugland fi.om the Indian Health Service to assist them in treating and land applying their lagoon sludge from Neah Bay. I suggested they contact Chuck Matthews at the Department of Ecology to find out what steps would need to be taken before the City could process and land-apply this sludge. Ecology had two concerns: (1) that the sludge meet the vector attraction requirements in WAC 173-308-180 and, (2) that an analysis be performed on the sludge to assess the pathogen and metals levels. I received a copy of the report on June 79. The analysis shows the Makah sludge is very similar to the sludge processed at the WWTP. We ant/cipate having no problems receiv/ng and treating this waste. I have a letter of conditional approval from Chuck Matthew dated June 15, 2001. The conditions that Chuck Matthews included have all been addressed, except for the actual a'eatment &the sludge. This additional 200,000 gallons &sludge would amount to only 1,550 pounds of additional BOD ('Biological Oxygen Demand) loading on the plant. We arc currently troating an average of 2,000 pounds of BOD per day. Thc plant was designed to treat an average of 4,640 tx>ands of BOD per day, up to a maximum of 11,400 pounds of BOD per day. We could process thc Makah waste during any one day without exceeding our existing permits. The charge of fifteen cents per gallon is consistent with what other facilities charge for waste of this strength. 200,000 gallons of waste at fifteen cents a gallon would generate about $30,000.00 in revenue. Attach: DOE Letter dated 6/15/01 EPA E-mail dated 5/1/01 IHS letter of request PAGE 07/0S/200~ 0S:53 13604174S~ CITV OF PDRT ANGELES STAT~ OF DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY i~,o. B,~ ,1~'2'7'~ o Olffrnl~i~~ W~slWr~lon ~$0~-~75 · (~60) ,~07o~0o Mx. Ief~'Youn~. Superintendent C/~ of Po~t Angeles Wesun~eter Di~bn P.O. ~ 1150 P~ ~1~, WA 9g~62~217 ~ Sl~e Tr~ ~ N~ Bay Clos~ ~ ~n D~ ~ ~i~ ~ sp~, ~e D~h,,~t of~colo~ ~lo~) ~ con.ted ~ qu~o~ reg~di~ ~t ~fio~ ~or sl~e n~ rcmo~ ~om a d~sioned se~e l~oon ]~at~ on ~e ~ ~di~ R~go~ ~ H~ Bay. A~er renew of ~pli~le re~lafion ~ p~t ~en~, B~lo~ d~ not obj~ to ~e v~ offs m~d~ to ~e Pon ~gelm W~e W~ Tma~ent P~i a io~ ~ $e condigo~ we ~ve pre~o~[y disc~s~ at ~c ~me of ~e r~u~ve b~ m~ ~ose ~clud~: ~p]~ ~ H~ ~ay slu~e for m~ to c~e no ch~e ~ ~c q~i~ of ~e material ~ ~d s~ ~e I~ ro~d efs~pling, which took pl~e at ~e ~ime o~d~issioning ~ 1997. , Co~g ~A Re, on 10 ~ ~e ~ conce~ ~ may have ~e ~ - ~ ~e ~ Bay sludge at yo~ f~ili~ p~or to ~y l~d ~p[icagon at ~y ~proved Pl~e ~nt~n ~pr~da~ re~r~ ~ demo~a~ ~a ~e Bsu~ noted ~ove ha~e b~n ~s~. ~you n~ ~ ~si~ you may con~ mc at (360) 407-6~S3. Sin~ely, ~uck ~ Solid W~ ~d ~ci~ ~si~ Prog~ So~ Reglon~ O~ 07/09/2081 09:53 13G04174041 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PAGE 04 Page 1 of 2 From: <Hetherington. Dick~epamail.epa. gov> To; <wwtp~cLport-angelea.wa,us> Cc; ,=cheuglan{~oehe. Portland,ihs.gov>; <crnat461 @ecy.wa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 6:20 PM Subject: Joint Bisolids Projec~ This is to conx~-m that We support and encourage facilities to help each other in various ways, including receiving and treating sludge from other treatment works, and acting as a contractor to ensure the sludge ~om other treatment wonks is properly applied to the la~d, In the p~rmit application process, we always ask facilities to include contingency arrangements in their p!ans so those contingency options can be included in the permit. Our permit application guidance includes the following: "Prepare an options Ilar. Decide on the major sludge use/disposal options that the facility would like to have available to use over the next 5 year (e.g. authorized in the permit), and could realistically implement. Assume EPA will not be willing to change the permit once issued. EPA will include in the initial permit a number of options the facility can reasonably switch to withotn further pormitfing action. Have you co~sidered: land spreading, co-disposal in solid waste landfill cell, disposal in a sludge-only trench, co-incineration in a solid waste incinerator, transferring to another sewage plant, Wansferring to a sludge processing facility (composting, mixing/blending, lime treatment), long-torm storage? Include in the options list a contingency for disposal/management of sludge not complying with the standards - at least 90 days worth." It is not n~,,essary for EPA to evaluate the proposed joint project of the Makah Tribes and the City of Port Angeles. Those facilities are responsible for complying with the 503 standards. We also know that the operation will b~ supervised by the state since the final land application is outside the federal trust lands. Also, we expect the Tribe to stay sufficiently involved or monitor the project to assure themselves their sludge is properly used. We do ask to be kept informed on changes in planned operations through federal permit applications or updates. The City has already submitted an application to EPA, and that application may already include an option to help other facilities by r~ceiving sewage sludge. If so, it would be nice but not essential m have a call letting us know that the City will be using that option for a while. If it wasn't included, then we ask the City staff m s~d us a letter l~ting ns know to add a "receive-sludge-from-other-facilities" option to their plan and 07/89/2001 89:53 13604174841 CITY OF PORT ANGELES RAGE 85 Page 2 0£2 application. We do expect the Tribe to s~d ~ a one-t~e application ~vedng ~sfer of~e biosolids to ~e CiW for ~ent, blending, ~d l~d spr~. At ~is time, it is not necess~ for eider ~e CiW or Tribe to have a ~it ~om EPA to proceed ~th the project ~d I~d apply the blended biosoli~. PI~ c~l me at 206/553-1941 if you have questions. Dick H~n EPA ~DES Pe~ U~ OW-130 1200 6~ Argue Seaffi~, WA 98101 he&~n~n.dick~cpa.iov Department of Health and Human Services Memorandum Office of Environmental Health and Engineering Port Angeles Field Office 1601 E. Front Street Building B, Suite C Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Ph: (360) 452-t196 Fax: (360) 457-5059 June 5, 2001 Jeff Young, WW Supervisor Department of Public Works City of Port Angeles 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Sludge Disposal from abandoned Makah Aerated Sewage Lagoon Dear Mr. Young: Our office is identifying options for the disposal of municipal sludge in the old Makah aerated sewage lagoon located in Neah Bay, Washington. One option to the treatment and disposal of the accumulated sludge is the transportation of the sludge to an existing permitted facility for treatment and disposal. The purpose of this letter is to determine if transportation of the sludge to the Port Angeles wastewater treatment facility for treatment and disposal is an acceptable option to the City of Port Angeles. Background Information: The Indian Health Service in cooperation with the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Makah Nation completed construction of the Makah Wastewater Treatment Plant in 1997. With the new treatment plant on-line the old aerated lagoon was abandoned. The old lagoon has not received any waste since February 1997. The sludge accumulated in the bottom of the old lagoon will be removed as a part of the abandonment of the lagoon site. Sludge Characteristics: The sludge has been tested for contaminates in accordance to 40 CFR 503 and is below the ceiling levels for all contaminants listed (Please see attached sludge test result summary). Documentation of these test results are included for your verification. C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Haugland\My Docurnents\Docurnents\Makah Sludge Disposal to Port Angeles Letter 2.doc Page 2 Agency Coordination: I appreciate your help in coordinating the various agencies involved in the project. The development of this treatment and disposal alternative has been coordinated with you at the City of Port Angeles, the Makah Tribe, the Washington State Department of Ecology and the US Environmental Protection Agency. The Tribal contact person is David Lucas, Public Works Manager (360.645.3116). The contacts at the Department of Ecology were Chuck Mathews, Solid Waste Specialist (360.407.6383), and Kyle Dorsey, Biosolids Coordinator (360.407.6107). It has been calculated that the lagoon contains approximately 150,000 gallons of municipal sludge with a 2.0% solids content. Sludge samples collected on May 3, 2001 indicate that the sludge meets the pollutant concentration ceiling of Table 3 of 503.13 and is eligible for land application. Pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements will be met through treatment at the Port Angeles facility. These tests were conducted to ensure the quality of the sludge being transported and transferred to the Port Angeles facility and serve as a baseline for the treatment requirement. The sludge will be pumped from the old Neah Bay lagoon and transported to the Port Angeles facility for treatment and land application. Mr. Mathews of the Washington State Department of Ecology has coordinated review of this project with the NPDES permit writer for the City of Port Angeles. The permit writer did not see how this would violate any conditions in the permit. Mr. Hetherington of the USEPA has issued an e-mail in support of this activity. Request for Proposal: Our office would like to know if the Port Angeles facility would be willing to accept the sludge into the treatment plant and if so what would be the conditions of the sludge acceptance and associated cost. It is our understanding that the rate for treatment of this type of sludge would be $0.10 per gallon. Although 150,000 gallons of sludge is expected to be removed from the lagoon, our office would like to secure treatment for up to 200,000 gallons of sludge. Our office would arrange for the transportation of the sludge to your facility at a time convenient to the plant operation. Please advise our office at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to call me at the above number. Sincerely, J ,~~'? Craig J. Haugland Sr. Field Engineer cc: PAFO Project File WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY (~OMMITTE£ DATE: August 13, 2001 To: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent SUBJECT: Assumption of Solid Waste Service in Upper Golf Course Road Annexation Area Summary: Per direction of the UAC, City staff sent a letter to the residents asking them their preference of having City solid waste services or continuing with the current contractor, Waste Connections. Citizens polled voted 14 "for" and 9 "against" City services. Recommendation: UAC recommend the City Council approve the City's assumption of solid waste services for the annexed areas on upper Golf Course Road and authorize the City Manager to sign the Second Amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Contract with Waste Connections. Background/Analysis: Waste Connections and City Staff have reached a tentative agreement to allow the City to provide refuse and recycling services to 31 homes on upper Golf Course Road. At the June 11, 2001 UAC meeting staffwas directed to send a letter to the residents in the annexed areas of Upper Golf Course Road to determine their desires for City solid waste collection services. The letters were sent out July 5, 2001 with a response due to City Hall by July 20, 2001. Included in the letter was a comparison of the cost and level of service provided by City of Port Angeles and Waste Connections. The following are the results of the letters: 14 I do desire to have City solid waste services 9 I do not desire City solid waste services 5 No response 3 Vacant It is recommended that thc City initiate solid waste collection services to the upper Golf Course Road annexation area. attach: Survey Letter N :~PWKS~LtGHTxPOWM\Woodhav~nCC .wpd Jul), 5, 2001 Resident XKXXXX Port Angeles, WA~ 98362 RE: City Solid Waste Services Dear Resident, A number of requests have been received to commence solid waste collection services in the Golf Course Road area (see map on reverse) of the City of Port Angeles. A presentation was given to the City's Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) on Jane 11, 2001 proposing to commence solid waste collections (trash, recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic, and glass and yard waste). Prior to initiating service the UAC requested that a survey be conducted to determine the desires of the residents of the The area was annexed into the City of Port Angeles in November 1, 1993. Per Washington State law it was necessary for the City to W~lt for a prescribed period of time before assunfmg the responsibility of providing service previously serviced by a franchised contractor. The current contractor has agreed to terminate service to the area upon the City assuming responsibility. While it is normal policy to just convert the service provision to the City, we are asking your opinion first to confirm or deny this policy action. We believe the City offers a quality solid waste collection service with enhanced benefits of affordable and aggressive rates for your consideration as a consumer and customer of the City. A price comparison of services is provided on the reverse of this letter to help you make a decision. Your opinion is needed for the UAC to make an informed decision. Please mark one of the following: I do desire to have City solid waste services I do not desire City solid waste services Please send your response in the self addressed envelope or drop it off at City Hall at the Cashier's Counter no later than July 20, 2001. If you have any questions please contact me at 417-4872. Thank you for participating in this survey. Tom McCabe Solid Waste Superintendent Service Service Cost Comments Provider City Refuse Collection - 90 gal container $19.80 City furnished collected once per week container. Recvclin~ - Glass, plastic, aluminum, mixed No City furnished paper including newspapers, magaffmes, additional container. catalogs and cardboard - two bins 14 gallon cost each collected once per week Yard Waste - Same schedule as recycling No (November - March biweekly) additional oost Contractor Refuse Collection - weekly service Bi-weekly service is 32 gal container - provided by customer $15.42 available. Call your 64 gal container - provided by customer $22.80 contractor for rotes. 96 gal container - provided by customer $30.17 60 gal rolling container - provided by $21.10 contractor Recycling - Similar service as the City $4.70 Yard Waste N/A Not available Note: If City service is provided to the area the solid waste fee is mandatory. Continued. service by the contractor will be an individual choice. WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent SUBJECT: Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days Summar3': The City is being requested to participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days that is sponsored by Clallam County and the Department of Eenlogy(DOE). DOE pays 60% of the costs and Clallam County bills the balance of the cost according to participation percentages. The Solid Waste Division budgeted $8,500 to cover the anticipated City shave. Recommendation: Recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the 2001 , agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum of $8,500 toward the cost of the Household Hazardous Waste Amnest}, Days Event. Background/Analysis: Clailam County sponsors the above referenced collection days with supplemental funding from DOE. The event is scheduled for September 28th and 29th at the Wal-Mart parking lot. Grant funding from DOE will pay 60% of approximately $50,000. Historically, the City's share of the balance has been approximately 40%, based on the mtmber of households participating in the event. In 2000, the City received credit for $1,717.00 for in-kind services and paid $4,020.00 in cash. City residents disposed 14,800 pounds of waste. Attach: Agreement N:~PWY~L{GHT~°OWM~HF/W200 { .wpd [irJusEiiOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of July, 2001, between CLALLAM COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation. RECITALS WHEREAS, the County and the City of Port Angeles desire to jointly sponsor a household hazardous waste collection event which tentatively is scheduled for September 28th and 29th, 2001; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an agreement setting forth their respective responsibilities; NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Clallam County shall be responsible for the organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal of the hazardous waste collection event and the waste collected. 2. The City of Port Angeles agrees to contribute up to eight thousand, five hundred dollars ($8,500) in costs associated with event staffing, publicity and waste management and disposal of waste collected; provided further, that the County shall provide documentation of the costs associated with the event including, but not limited to, organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal and shall provide the City of Port Angeles with such documentation, whereupon the City shall pay its financial contribution hereunder to the Clallam County Department of Community Development within thirty (30) days of receipt of the documentation. 3. Clallam County agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles, its elected and appointed officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, demand, judgment, cost or expense, including reasonable attorney fees, because of personal or bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person(s), or property damage arising from Clallam County's negligence in the performance of its duties hereunder. CITY OF PORT ANGELES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Name Stephen P. Tharinger (Chair) Title Mike Chapman Date Howard V. Doherty, Jr. ATTEST: Trish Perrott, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: CHRISTOPHER MELLY Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Clallam County WASHINGTON, U.S.A. [JTI[.[TY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: August 13, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Scott MeLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems RE: Electric Rate Increase for October 1, 2001 Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration is implementing a 46% increase to wholesale power rates starting October 1, 2001. It will be necessary for the City Electric Utility to increase retail rates to maintain the financial stability of the Electric Fund. Use of the rate stabilization fund (cash reserves) is also available to reduce the impact of the wholesale rate increase on our customers. Staffwill present a more detailed analysis and reeornmendations at the UAC meeting. Recommendation: Recommend to City Council the use of rate stabilization funds to achieve a targeted rate increase level of 15%, and a recommendation on changes to the Iow-income elderly and disabled discount. Backeround / Analysis: The Bonneville Power Administration implemented a rate adjustment and load based cost recovery adjustment clause (CRAC) that increased wholesale rates to the City's electric utility by 46.225%. This rate adjustment will become effective on October I, 2001. The City's market purchase from Avista Energy is also increasing in price f~om 14.62 mils per KWH to 19.1 Mils per KWH. Transmission rates from BPA will also increase by about 25%. This will increase the cost of our wholesale power supply for non-industrial load by about $2,400,000. Rates to our industrial customer, (Daishowa) automatically reflect the changing wholesale rates and will increase by about 44%. The last rate change for the electric utility was in October 1996, when rates were lowered by about 12%. Along with the lower rates since 1996, wholesale purchases have cost less than forecasted with the result that our cash reserve levels have been increasing. Total reserve levels are about $9,000,000 and consist of working capital targeted reserves ($1,600,000), rate stabilization fund ($1,700,000), bond reserves, and cash reserves. The rate stabilization fund is just another name for cash reserves, but this fund can be used to meet requirements of our bond covenants. Staffrecommends that a portion of the rate stabilization fund be used to reduce the impact of the retail rate increase. N :WWKS~LIG H TxPOWM ~Ltcos2001 \U ACmerno 8-13-01 ,wpd Staffis very aware that a substantial increase in electric rates is particularly difficult for low- income elderly and disabled customers. The City currently has a discount plan available for these customers that ranges fi.om 5% to 30% based on income and family size. The income guidelines are based on the federal standard. Staff would like UAC direction on consideration of changing the discount levels from 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% to 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The current discount applies to all utilities. Wholesale power rates throughout the next five years could be very volatile. Rates will not only be subject to the load based CRAC, but also to a revenue based CRAC ifBonneville's accumulated net revenues fall below a targeted level. The wholesale rates could change as often as every six months, along with actual true-ups if forecasts prove to be incorrect. The City historically has had a targeted reserve level of $1,600,000. With the additional risk associated with the volatility of wholesale rates, staffproposes a targeted reserve level of $4,000,000. These additional reserves set aside will allow the City to absorb reasonable changes to rates without having to change retail rates every six months. This level of targeted reserves still leaves substantial reserves in the rate stabilization fund and regular cash reserves to reduce the impact of the retail rate increase. Staffsuggests use of reserve funds to target a retail rate revenue increase of 15%. It is proposed that this increase be applied to all billing components except the base charge. For residential customers, the base charge is currently $11.00 and is high compared to most utilities. This means that the KWH charge will be increased by 17.9% to achieve a 15% revenue increase. For residential customers, this would mean an increase from 3.85 cents per KWH to 4.54 cents per KWH. Further information will be provided in the presentation at the UAC meeting. N :~P~VKS~LIG H T~OWM~Ltcos2001 \UACmemo 8-13-01.wpd 2001 Electric Rate Increase Schedule: Utility Advisory Committee - August 13,2001 Direction on specific items Utility Advisory Committee - September 10, 2001 Recommendation to Council City Council - September 18, 2001 Presentation to Council Open Public Hearing City Council - October 2, 2001 Close Public Hearing Adopt new rate ordinance New rates appear on bills November 1, 2001 2001 Electric Rate Increase Wholesale Power Changes: BPA Power Increase - Wholesale increase 44.7% Avista purchase - Wholesale increase 30.6% Increased revenue requirement for non-industrial customers _= $2,5000,000 With everything else remaining the same, would require 21% retail increase to cover wholesale power increases. Reducing revenue requirement to $1,500,000 would put retail increase at 15%. This can be achieved by using funds that have been increasing the reserve level along with a limited amount of the rate stabilization fund (maximum of $1,000,000 in the first year). Recommendation: Target retail rate increase for non-industrial customers at $15%. The industrial customer retail rate is currently the wholesale cost of power plus a monthly customer charge that covers all other costs. No change to this rate is required to pass through the additional costs of wholesale power. The actual cost to Daishowa will increase by about 43%. Recommendation: Continue industrial rate at wholesale cost of power plus monthly customer charge of $5,870 per month. ~- ooeoJouI }uooJod OANelnmno UTILITY ADVISORY P, OMMITTEE/PORT ANGELES WORKS,~ SPECIAL MEETING PUBLIO WORKS r. ONFERENOE RODM PORT ANr-ELES~ WA gB362 ~:00 P.~. AGENDA I, [~ALL TO ORDER II, ROLL CALL/SIGN IN SHEET III, APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF ,JULY 9~ 2003 WILL OCCUR AT THE REGULAR HEETINB AUGUST 13TH WASHINGTON, U.S.A. UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMO DATE: July 23, 2001 TO: [JTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE PORT ANGELES WORKS! COMMITTEE FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager S~'BJEC~': Fiber Optic Pilot Project Status Report 2 The second project status report will be presented at a special meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee and Port Angeles Works! Committee on Monday, July 23, 2001 at 3PM in the Council Chambers. Please note that the meeting time was changed from 11AM to 3PM and the meeting location was changed from the public works conference room to the council chambers. On May 22, 2001, Council approved a fiber optic infrastructure pilot project. On June 11, 2001, at a special meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee and the Port Angeles Works! Committee, Metropolitan Communications Consultants presented status report 1 on the project's definition stage including goals, performance criteria, participating customer screening process, approximate planning area, and potential service providers. On July 23, 2001, Mr. Richard Li from Metropolitan Communications Consultants will present status report 2 that will recommend potential users, providers, services, rates and a preliminary design. The purpose of this special meeting is to obtain your feedback prior to recruiting participation from prospective users, completing the engineering design, and preparing bid documents. Your feedback will help us to ensure that our progress supports the pilot project's goals and performance criteria. A copy of the draf~ status report 2 is attached. The final status report 2 will be presented at the meeting. Another special meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee and the Port Angeles Works! Committee is planned to present status report 3 on August 13, 2001 at 3PM. Status report 3 will o th be delivered at 75 ~ design completion. We will solicit your feedback on August 13 prior to finalizing the engineering design, sealed bid and equipment purchase documents. After the design is complete, which is anticipated by August 30, 2001, Staffwill provide a report to the Utility Advisory Committee and PA Works! Committee prior to solicitation of sealed bids and pumhasing required equipment. N:IPW KS~LIG HT~pOW M~ H SINESSPL~NRE PORT 12 DOC © @ WASHINGTON, U.S.A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Tuesday, July 24, 2001 Draft Letter to Potential Users (Name) (Business/Organization) (Address) Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear (Name) The City is planning to construct a fiber optic project within a limited area of Port Angeles. We are recruiting around twenty (20) users within the project area (see reverse side) who would like to participate in a no-risk 90-day trial period that will be held from January 1 through March 31, 2001. During the trial period we plan to provide a minimum of 100-megabit Ethernet connectivity which you can use to interconnect your local area networks in different buildings or offices at speeds approximately three thousand firhes faster than a 56 kbps telephone connection and four hundred times faster than first- level DSL connectivity. Depending on the gateways available to the Pilot Project, this connectivity can be enlarged to County-wide, regional, and if you connect to the Internet, even global (see diagram on reverse side). Additional information is available on the internet at: www. mcco.com/PortAngeles/pilot The user name and password are both "pilot". if you are interested in participating, you will need to attend an informational meeting on August 1, 2001 at 1PM in the City Hall Council Chambers. Applications to participate will be available at the meeting. The City will review applications, select and notify.the participants no later than August 8, 2001. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager at City Hall (417-4710). Sign and fax your RSVP to August 1, 2001 Meeting RSVP to 417-4709 321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® P. O. BOX 1150 ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-O217 PHONE: 360-417-4805 ® FAX: 360-417-4542 · TTY: 360-417-4645 E-MAIL: PU E~WORKS~CI .PORT-ANGE LES.WA. U S Acme Foods PA site 1 ,, NORTHL4ND C4BLE TELEVISION 725 East First St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 452-8466 Fax (360) 457-5901 July 11, 2001 Mr. Richard Li Metropolitan Communications Consultants 5847 McKinley PL. N. Seattle, WA 98402 Re: Northland Cable Television's interest to participate in the City of Port Angeles Telecommunications Network Project. Dear Mr. Li: Northland understands the City's economic development goals, and it's commitment to action in developing a fiber optic infrastructure. In your last letter, you reaffirmed the City's commitment in authorizing the next steps of its telecommunications development project. Northland is expressing an interest to participate in this plan. My letter of interest is the first step in creating a mutually beneficial plan, which incorporates both the needs of the City and Northland. I would like to schedule a meeting with you and appropriate City representatives, Jack Dyste, and myself to discuss Northland's rebuild plans and the questions outlined in your last letter. I look forward to hearing from you. Rc~gional Manager ~' / ~c: Lar~ Dunbar Jack Dyste Lar~ Dunbar From: Jane Nishita [jhnishi@uswest.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:08 PM To: Larry Dunbar Cc: Mike Quinn; econdev@ci.port-angeles.wa.us Subject: Pilot Project MR. DUNBAR Larry: Qwest appreciates the City of Port Angeles' interest in including Qwest in your efforts to take fiber optic infrastructure to the doorsteps of your business community. Your plan calls for a buildout of a dual ring of fiber infrastructure. Your pilot project in which you are inviting Qwest participation, calls for building only a small portion of that dual ring. You invited our expression of interest. Following is how Qwest would be interested in participating: Qwest's interest statement: Qwest would be interested in building the entire ring as depicted and then, operating it. We do not see value in constructing a portion of it. As a rough estimate, Qwest could build, operate and maintain the network (or one that provides the same functionality) for approximately $750,000 - $1.5 M with funds provided to us. We invite you to check that our price tag for this build out is as competitive as you will receive from anyone else. By having this ring built - the City effectively reduces the threshhold of expense to the prospective broadband users along the ring. Instead of paying Qwest for construction costs to get the fiber to their doorsteps, AND the one-time installation fees AND a monthly charge, the user would only be paying the one-time installation and the monthly charges. Effectively, the City of Port Angeles would be paying for one element that gets the fiber infrastructure located closer to the users. Qwest is very interested in working with the City to convert the expressions of interest collected by the survey into subscriptions for service requiring fiber. Thank you for inviting our interest. We look forward to discussing this concept further. Jane Nishita Community Affairs Qwest Phone: (206) 345-2316 Fax: (206) 346-7289 E-mail: jhnishi@qwest.com Utility Advisory Committee Meeting 7/23/01 Corrected Slide 16 Missing Slide 18