HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/14/2012Utility Advisory Committee
Council Chambers
August 14, 2012 3:00 PM
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Revised Minutes for June 12, 2012 and Minutes for July 10, 2012
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. Stormwater Utility Presentation
Low Impact Development (verbal report only)
Department of Ecology FY 2012 Stormwater and Low Impact
Development Grant Acceptance for 4 Street Stormwater
Improvement Project (DR03- 2009).
Stormwater NPDES and Capital Needs Assessment (information only)
Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit Renewal
Considerations (verbal report only)
B. Electric Utility 2012 Resource Plan
C. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Status
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Bonneville Power Administration Cooperative Agreement 48475
Modification #3 (verbal report only)
B. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
C. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
VII. Next Meeting Dates: September 11, 2012
VIII. Adjournment
N: \uac \final \081412
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present:
Other Councilmembers
Other Councilmembers
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Staff Present:
Others Present:
III. Approval Of Minutes
Utility Advisory Committee /Special City Council Meeting
Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
June 12, 2012
2:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
IL Roll Call
Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio, Brooke Nelson (2:30)
Patrick Downie
Brad Collins, Max Mania, Sissi Bruch PhD
Paul Elliott, Murven Sears II
Dean Reed
Dan McKeen, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Mike Puntenney, Larry
Dunbar, Phil Lusk, Kathryn Neal, Eric Walrath, Tom McCabe, Helen
Freilich, Sondya Wray, Rick Hostetler, James Burke
Paul Goitlieb, PDN
Chris Byrnes, Department of Fish Wildlife
Dave McCormack, Aspect
Jennifer Garcelon, Clallam County
Justin Wilson, Tom Roorda, NTI
Bill Harris, Department of Ecology
Kent Kovalenko, Waste Connections
Tom Bourque, Herrera
Mike Spillane, Herrera
Bruce and Gerri Ferguson Dry Creek Coalition
Darlene Schanfald
Chairman Dan Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of May 8, 2012.
Committee Member Cherie Kidd moved to approve the minutes. Paul Elliott seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items:
V. Discussion Items:
A. 2012 Landfill Bluff Stabilization Phase I, Project SW02 -2012
Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, introduced Tom Bourque with Herrera and he began the
PowerPoint Presentation. Erosion has broken a drainage pipe along the marine bluffs on the
northern edge of the Port Angeles Landfill. The temporary repair is complete but the next step is to
follow up with further investigation and develop conceptual design alternatives for a permanent
project. This is to prevent landfill refuse from entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca. A lengthy
discussion followed.
Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to
sign a Task Order for the 2011 On -Call Landfill Cell Stabilization Professional Services
Agreement with Herrera in an amount not to exceed $300,000, which will increase the
contract amount to $396,650, to approve amending the 2012 budget for an additional
expenditure of $300,000 from the Landfill Post Closure Fund for project SW02 -2012, and to
make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Brooke Nelson seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Landfill Gas Utilization Project Request for Proposal Update
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, explained the request for proposal for developing a turn-key
landfill gas utilization project at the City's landfill was issued in January. Proposals were eligible to
be received through May 11, 2012, however none were received. Due to a lack of interest the
request for proposal concludes staff efforts on this project. There was a brief discussion.
For information only, no action requested.
C Residential Solid Waste Collection Survey Results
Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent, reviewed the public's participation and responses to the
Clallam Spring Clean Up Event. There was a brief discussion.
For information only, no action requested.
D. Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power and Telecommunications Systems, shared the revised draft
amendment on the Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments. A lengthy discussion followed.
Brooke Nelson moved to recommend City Council to proceed with a public hearing on the
proposed amendments to the Utility Discount Ordinance. Paul Elliot seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
E. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Status
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power and Telecommunications Systems, stated that due to
economic conditions the Morse Creek hydroelectric project was put in standby mode in 1997 then
restarted in 2004 when conditions were more favorable. The Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition System replacement project and an unanticipated maintenance expense are indications
that increased maintenance costs should be anticipated in the future. An inquiry from a private
party about purchasing the facility was also brought to the attention of the Utility Advisory
Committee. Staff is seeking guidance from UAC to determine if the facility should continue to be
operated and maintained, or retired. A lengthy discussion followed.
The Utility Advisory Committee directed staff to place this item on a future agenda for
further guidance after the cost of the unanticipated maintenance expense has been
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Natural Gas Prices May Drive Power Rates (May 30, 2012 Bonneville Power
Administration Publication)
Information only. No action taken.
B. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
C. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
Next Meeting Date: July 10, 2012
Adjournment: 4:53 p.m.
Cherie Kidd, Mayor Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
Utility Advisory Committee /Special City Council Meeting
Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
July 10, 2012
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
IL Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio, Sissi Bruch, PhD.
Other Councilmembers
Present: Patrick Downie, Max Mania (3:16)
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Brad Collins, Brooke Nelson
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Staff Present:
III. Approval Of Minutes
Paul Elliott, Dean Reed
Murven Sears II
Dan McKeen, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Phil Lusk,
Sondya Wray, Bob Kajfasz, Terry Gallagher, Byron Olson, Rick
Hostetler (3:33) Mike Puntenney (4:25), Kathryn Neal (4:25)
Others Present: Karen Tharaldsen, Bob Dunlap MANNA
Chairman Dan Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of June 12, 2012. Sissi
Bruch announced that the minutes included her and she was not available for the June meeting. The
minutes were left unapproved until the next meeting.
IV. Late Items:
The following items were added to Section V of the agenda as discussion items "F" and "G
F. CSO Phase II Design Amendment 15 to Brown and Caldwell CSO Professional
Services Agreement.
G. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Update
V. Discussion Items:
A. Energy Conservation Program Annual Report
Bob Kajfasz, Commercial Energy Analyst, provided a PowerPoint presentation on the annual
energy conservation report. The presentation summarized the city's participation in the Bonneville
Power Administrations 2010 -2011 Conservation Rate Credit program. A discussion followed.
For information only, no action required.
B. Wireless Mobile Data System Acquisition and Integration Agreement
Amendment No. 1
Terry Gallagher, Police Chief, discussed an additional grant award for the Wireless Mobile Data
System Acquisition Integration Agreement. The additional grant is from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency for in -car cameras for public safety. There was a brief discussion.
Cherie Kidd moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager
to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Wireless Mobile Date System Acquisition and Integration
Agreement with Capacity Provisioning, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $48,422.28, which
increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $2,577,922.00 to
$2,626,344.28, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Dean Reed
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously
C. Electric Utility 2012 Resource Plan
Phil Lusk, Power Resource Manager, reviewed the City's schedule to update the Resource Plan to
maintain compliance with an unfunded Washington State mandate for electric utilities. A discussion
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to proceed with a public hearing on the
Resource Plan. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. Ode to the Columbia River (5- Minute video only)
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power and Telecommunications Systems, shared that 2012
marks the 75 anniversary of the Bonneville Power Administration, and a short video in
celebration of the event was viewed.
E. Utility Discount Ordinance Amendments Recommendation
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power and Telecommunications Systems, discussed the public
hearing comments in relation to the proposed utility discount ordinance amendments. A lengthy
discussion followed.
The Utility Advisory Committee informally provided guidance to the City Council to continue
the public hearing, close the public hearing, and adopt the proposed utility discount ordinance
amendments including: availability only through the Electric Utility, removing the senior and
disabled requirements, and discontinue the 5% and 10% discounts.
F. CSO Phase II Design Amendment 15 to Brown and Caldwell CSO
Professional Service Agreement
Mike Puntenney, P.E., City Engineer, reviewed Amendment 15. Brown and Caldwell has
completed the design of Phase 1 and Phase 2 preliminary design is included in the 2006 General
Sewer Facility Plan. Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 2 project design is scheduled to begin.
Information only. No action taken.
G. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Update
Glenn Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities, shared that a cost estimate of $80,000
was received to replace the generator bearings and replace a failed valve. Due to economics and the
age and condition of the project staff plans to return to the Utility Advisory Committee next month
to further consider retirement of the facility.
Information only. No action taken.
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Utility Rate Studies Calendar
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
B. Bonneville Power Administration Pre Payment Program
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
C. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
D. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
E. Bonneville Power Administration Administrator Retires (resignation only)
Information only. No discussion or action taken.
Next Meeting Date: August 14, 2012
Adjournment: 5: p.m.
Cherie Kidd, Mayor Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: August 14, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager
Subject: Department of Ecology FY 2012 Stormwater and Low Impact Development Grant
Summary: In May 2012 the Department of Ecology offered the City a Stormwater Retrofit and Low
Impact Development grant in an amount of up to $1,000,000 for the 4 Street Stormwater Improvement
Project, DR03 -2009. The offer was a result of a legislative provision in the State's 2012 Supplemental
Capital Budget.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the City
Manager to sign the grant agreement with the Department of Ecology under the FY2012
Stormwater Grant Program in the amount of up to $1,000,000, and to make minor modifications
to the grant agreement, if necessary.
Background/Analysis: The original 4th Street Stormwater Improvement Project, DR03-
2009, was used to control flooding in an established Port Angeles neighborhood. Design was
initiated in 2010 using PACE Engineers. The original design concept included concentrated Low
Impact Development (LID) features and other stormwater retrofits largely designed for flood
control. The concepts that were developed were met by resistance from the 4th and H
neighborhood due to a number of concerns. Additionally, because it was predominantly a flood
control design, it was not competitive for a Stormwater Retrofit and LID grant.
In May 2012, the Department of Ecology notified the City that it would be eligible for a
Stormwater Retrofit and LID grant in an amount of up to $1,000,000. The offer was a result of a
legislative provision in the State's 2012 Supplemental Capital Budget. This grant is restricted to
water quality improvements to stormwater systems by using green infrastructure retrofits as
opposed to the larger pipes or an outfall.
Since the grant notification, City Staff and PACE have worked on a new concept that focuses on
meeting the green infrastructure /LID objectives of the grant and that responds to concerns that
were expressed by residents. The raingardens will no longer be concentrated, but rather dispersed
in or near street intersections, so as to minimize impacts to parking and access, and to also provide
N: \UAC\Final \DOE 2012 Stormwater r Retrofit and LID Grant Acceptance.docx
DOE 2012 Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Acceptance.docx
May 13, 2008
Page 2
traffic calming benefits. This new concept has been presented to the Department of Ecology and it
has been determined that it does meet the requirements of the grant. Staff and Ecology have
negotiated a final funding agreement based on the grant criteria and on a modification of the
project design.
While the new concept is focused on meeting the grant's green infrastructure intent, it will have a
complimentary benefit of reducing or alleviating the flooding risk to that area by detaining water
from storms. In addition, the project is including separate funding for some limited additional
flood mitigation improvements. It is noted that the PACE design contract will need to be amended
in order to go to full design for the new concept.
Grant eligible project costs may be incurred beginning May 1, 2012. The grant requires matching
funds from the City equal to at least 25% of the eligible project cost. To utilize the entire potential
grant amount the City must contribute $333,333.33 for the design and construction of the bio-
retention raingardens. No in -kind match is allowed. The match funding of $333,333 and additional
funding for flood mitigation in the amount of $108,500 is available from existing CFP stormwater
project balances in the Stormwater fund.
It is recommended that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to
the City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign the grant agreement with the Department of
Ecology under the FY2012 Stormwater Grant Program in the amount of up to $1,000,000, and to
make minor modifications to the grant agreement, if necessary.
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: August 14, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager
Subject: Stormwater NPDES and Capital Needs Assessment
Summary: The City retained Herrera Environmental Consultants to complete a comprehensive
study of the Stormwater Utility. The primary goal was to develop a functional resourcing and
financial analysis of the staffing, equipment and funding mechanisms necessary to meet the
requirements outlined in the State's existing and pending renewal for the NPDES Phase II
Municipal Stormwater Permit. Herrera and City staff will present the findings of the study.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background/Analysis: In August 2011, the City retained Herrera Environmental Consultants to
complete Stormwater NPDES and Capital Needs Assessment Study (Gap Analysis). The primary
goal was to develop a functional resourcing and financial analysis of the staffing, equipment and
funding mechanisms necessary to meet the requirements outlined in the State's existing and
pending renewal for the NPDES Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.
To accomplish this, the first task was to gather data and characterize the existing stormwater
program, and to assess the City's current Stormwater Management Plan. The second task was the
regulatory gap analysis to review the required regulatory responsibilities and associated
deadlines over the next five year Permit term, and to assess gap between the City's current
resources and the resources needed to meet those responsibilities. The final step is to perform a
financial analysis and create funding recommendations for both the regulatory and capital
Herrera and City staff will present the findings of the gap analysis and financial analysis, including
Existing stormwater program
Capital Facilities Plan
Impact of Permit requirements
At the conclusion of the subject topic, the City Manager and City Attorney will lead a discussion
on the efforts of a number of communities considering the formation of a coalition to challenge
some of the conditions of the reissued NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit. This item is for
information only but with a potential of the subject being brought to the August 21 Council
meeting for consideration.
N \UAC\Final \Stormwater NPDES and Capital Needs Assessment.docx
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: August 14, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager
Subject: Electric Utility 2012 Resource Plan
Summary: The City's Electric Utility must comply with a Washington State unfunded mandate to update
its Resource Plan. A component of the enabling legislation is that consumer participation in the development
of the Resource Plan is encouraged. Further, the governing body of a consumer -owned utility must approve
the 2012 Resource Plan after it has provided public notice and hearing.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to pass a resolution to
approve the Electric Utility 2012 Resource Plan.
Background/Analysis: As previously presented to the Utility Advisory Committee on July 10, 2012,
the electric utility is required by RCW 19.280.030 to update its 2008 Resource Plan (Plan) which must be
submitted to the Washington Department of Commerce (Commerce) by September 3, 2012. The Plan's
purpose is to assure that our future resources are adequate to meet our projected loads especially as the
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) makes major changes in its energy charges. While the proposed
Plan is not a legally binding document, it describes the current as well as estimated future power loads and
resources for 2017 and 2022 time periods. The proposed Plan is publically available on the City's website.
Staff will present the proposed Plan that incorporates the City Council 2011 decision to remain a "full
requirements" customer of the BPA through September 2019. The Plan also recommends that the City
Council give serious consideration to increasing the level of energy efficiency and demand response
measures to postpone the likelihood of future Tier 2 power supply purchases. Staff will also summarize the
comments received at the August 7, 2012 City Council public hearing.
The City's energy future is essential to our community's economic health. The City has long benefited from
having access to low -cost electricity from the Federal -Base System. However, as the world and the energy
industry change, the City faces a potentially serious threat to its economy in the form of rising wholesale
electricity costs. For Port Angeles, 67% of the money spent on retail power immediately leaves our local
economy. With minimal downside risk, developing a Plan that will increase energy efficiency and demand
response will help to protect the economy from rising energy costs, keep more dollars circulating in the
region and in turn, may increase the number of jobs that stay in our community.
Attachment: Proposed Resolution
N \UAC \Final\Electric Utility 2012 Resource Plan docx
Legal Draft 07.24.12
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, approving the 2012 Electric Utility Resource Plan.
WHEREAS, the City strives to ensure that its citizens have reliable access to
electricity resources adequate to meet their projected loads; and
WHEREAS, the City must submit an Electric Utility Resource Plan to the
Washington Department of Commerce by September 3 2012 as required by RCW
19.280.030; and
WHEREAS, the 2012 Electric Utility Resource Plan is consistent with the City's
existing energy conservation programs operated in cooperation with the Bonneville Power
Administration, and the Electric Power Plan adopted by the Northwest Power and
Conservation Council; and
WHEREAS, on February 7, 2010 the City Council of the City of Port Angeles
adopted Ordinance No. 3391 to create a Conservation and Renewable Energy Program fund
for acquiring cost effective energy conservation measures, renewable energy systems, and
distributed generation resources; and
WHEREAS, RCW 19.280.030 requires the City to regularly update its Electric
Utility Resource Plan at minimum intervals of every two years; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles Washington, being the
governing body of the consumer -owned electric utility did, after public notice, hold public
hearings on the 7th of August 2012 and the 2 1 of August 2012 to provide the public
the opportunity to comment on the 2012 Electric Utility Resource Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles Washington that the 2012 Electric Utility Resource Plan as prepared by the
Director of Public Works and Utilities an d attached hereto as Exhibit A be approved; and
Legal Draft 07.24.12
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2012 Electric Utility Resource Plan,
together with this Resolution, shall be electronically filed (through the Internet) with the
Department of Commerce of the State of Washington (no later than the 3rd of September
2012) and also be published and made available to the public through the City of Port
Angeles website.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of
said Council held on the 21 day of August 2012.
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Cherie Kidd, Mayor
U \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES& RESOLUTIONS \RtiSOLUTtONS.20I2 \17 Council 2012 Resource Plan Rcwlwion.docx
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: August 14, 2012
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power and Telecommunications Systems
Subject: Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project Status
Summary: Staff is seeking a recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee to determine
if the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project should continue to be operated or if retirement should be
Recommendation: Consider retirement of the Morse Creek hydroelectric facility based on
an economic analysis that would be prepared by staff evaluating the cost of continued
operation and permanent closure. Staff shall return to the Utility Advisory Committee after
the analysis is completed.
Background /Analysis: On June 12, 2012, staff updated the Utility Advisory Committee on
the cost of operating and maintaining the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project. It was pointed out
that the modifications to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System have not yet been
accepted and during testing it was discovered that the bearings on the generator may require
replacement. At that time the Utility Advisory Committee asked staff to return with additional
information after the cost of repairs was estimated.
On July 10, 2012, staff shared that a cost estimate totaling $100,000 was received for repairs
necessary to enable operation. Staff recommended that due to the repair costs and future operating
risk that retirement of the hydroelectric facility should be considered at the August meeting of the
Utility Advisory Committee. Since the July meeting staff notified stakeholders about possible
retirement of the project and requested they share their needs and interests.
At today's meeting staff will summarize the stakeholder needs and interests. Staff will also seek a
recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee to either continue to operate or consider
retirement of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric facility.
Continuing the operation will require $100,000 in repairs, which has a 0.5% rate impact. If this
option is selected staff will proceed with competitive bidding and return to the Utility Advisory
Committee and City Council to award the repair project to the successful vendor.
N• \UAC\Final\Morse Creek Hydroelectric Facility Status.docx
Morse Creek Hydroelectric Facility Status
August 14, 2012
Page 2
The first step to consider retirement of the facility should be staff preparation of a thorough
economic analysis comparing the cost of continued operation and permanent closure. Staff would
strive to complete the economic analysis over the next month so that it could be presented to the
Utility Advisory Committee at their next meeting.
If the result of the economic analysis indicate the least cost approach is to continue to operate the
facility, with the concurrence of the Utility Advisory Committee, staff would proceed with
competitive bidding and return to the Utility Advisory Committee seeking approval to award the
repair project to the successful vendor.
If the economic analysis indicates that continued operation of the facility is not the least cost
approach, staff would request consulting services from the Western Public Agencies Group and
EES Consulting be considered by the Utility Advisory Committee. The consulting services would
be necessary to remove the facility from the Power Sales Agreement with the Bonneville Power
Administration by an amendment.
After an amendment to the Power Sales Agreement is complete, all stakeholders would be
formally notified about the retirement, the operating license and other agreements would either be
amended or terminated as necessary and appropriate, and actions would be completed to
permanently shut down some or all components of the facility. Staff predicts that from beginning
to end retirement of the facility will be at least a 2 year effort.
July 13, 2012
To All Interested Parties:
Public Works Utilities Department
Due to costs and economic conditions, the City is exploring retirement of the Morse Creek
Hydroelectric Facility. The facility has not been operational since April 2012.
The City of Port Angeles invites all interested parties to provide written comments on your
needs and interests related to retirement of the facility on or before August 6, 2012.
Please address,any comments you may have to:
Larry Dunbar
Deputy Director of Power and Telecommunications Systems
ldunbar c eitvoffa.us
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Glenn A. Cutler, P.E.
Director, Public Works Utilities
Phone: 360 -417 -4800 Fax: 360 417 -4542
Webelte: www.cityofpa.us Etnall: publlcworks ®dtyofpa.us
321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 -0217