OCTOBER ] 0r 2003
10:00 A,M.
DATE: October 10, 2003
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director Public Works and Utilities
RE: Interlocal Agreement between the City, Clallam County, and the City of Sequim for
a Solid Waste Transfer Station/Export System
Summary: The Port Angeles Landfill function will transition to a waste export system not later
than December 31, 2006. It is necessary to enter into an interlocal agreement between the City,
the City of Sequim, and Clallam County to implement the City's Long Range ?lan for Solid
Waste and the County's Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan.
Recommendation: Provide staff with comments on the draft interlocai agreement and
direction on the next steps for implementation of the Long Range Plan for Solid Waste
The Port Angeles Landfill is scheduled to close not later than December 31, 2006. It operates as
a regional landfill serving the eastside of Clallam County from the Lake Crescent area to the
border with Jefferson County. The City Council directed staff to pursue a lead role in providing
for the replacement of the landfill functions in a cost effective manner that will meet the needs
and requirements of the citizens of Port Angeles and Clallam County. Functions to be replaced
include the disposal of municipal, construction and demolition debris, and green waste and the
recycling of tires, plastics, paper products, petroleum products, antifreeze, and batteries.
The solution to waste disposal as identified in the City's Long Range Plan for Solid Waste
Management and the County's Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan is construction of a transfer
station and ancillary support facilities with disposal out of county by long haul, truck or barge,
most likely to eastern Washington or Oregon.
The City long range plan developed an implementation schedule for transition from a landfill to
an export system. It was envisioned that by the end of the third quarter 2003, interlocal
agreements would be in place and that development of the request for proposals (RFP) would
commence and be issued the end of the first quarter 2004. The process for developing the RFP
has started. Completion of the interlocal agreements is behind schedule, and they need to be
negotiated and finalized.
Staffhas been developing strategies to ensure that the waste stream for the transfer station is of
sufficient quantity in order to be competitive and economical on a price per ton basis. The
tipping fee at the landfill is $76.80 per ton for non-commemial haulers, and $63.00 per ton for
those with contracts (City of Sequim and Waste Connections). The projected cost per ton for the
same volume of waste stream currently processed at the landfill is in the range of $88 to $90 per
Staff has been working closely with our consultants concerning flow control of the waste stream.
There are a number of options, all with challenges to ensure flow control. Flow control is
important for maintaining large waste stream volumes thereby keeping low the cost per ton for
processing and disposal of the waste stream. The following is a list of options developed for the
City and County by the consultants to assist in establishing flow control. The staff considers
economic flow control the most viable method. Essentially, economic flow control is based on
establishing and maintaining a Iow tipping fee. Of the options listed below, 1-4 and 7 are
recommended to be adopted for implementation of economic flow control.
Actions by the City and County
1. An interlocal agreement (or amendments to the existing agreement) wherein the City and
County agree to take the actions needed to implement the strategy.
2. A Comprehensive Solid Waste Plan (Plan) recommending disposal at a local transfer
station, long-haul disposal, and a collection district (if needed).
3. Ordinances establishing a solid waste system based on the Plan.
4. A zoning code and solid waste facility permitting process that prohibits solid waste
facilities that are not consistent with the Plan.
Additional (Alternative) Actions by the County
5. Adopt and enforce an ordinance that requires disposal of solid waste (by haulers,
businesses or the general public) at a designated local facility ("regulatory flow control").
6. The County can form a collection district and provide collection directly or contract with
the City, Sequim and/or a private firm and direct the flow by contract ("contractual flow
7. Maintain a low tipping fee at a designated local facility and establish a system of fees and
other charges that finance other solid waste programs such as planning, administration,
litter control, enfomement, landfill closure, etc. ("economic flow control") through
establishment of a disposal district.
September 9, 2003 UAC
Letter to WDFW
Page 3 of 3
Additional Contingent Action by the City
8. Extend municipal collection to strategic unincorporated areas under a contract with the
County, ifa collection district is formed by the County in conjunction with 6 above and no
private hauler will sign a contract with the County for collection.
The above information and recommendations have been discussed with the Clallam County
Administrator and County staff at a meeting held on September 10, 2003. It was determined that
the Utility Advisory Committee and County Commissioners (there is no special County
Commissioner committee to handle solid waste issues) should be informed on the status of the
transition from a landfill operation to a waste export system and that each entity should be given
a draft interlocal agreement to comment upon to enable staff to continue working towards a final
agreement and implementation ora waste export system. The County Commissioners are
scheduled to be briefed on October 27, 2003 at 2:30PM at the County Building on Fourth Street.
At today's special meeting a presentation will address the long range plan, benefits ora single
waste export facility, flow control options and recommendations, and highlights of the draft
interlocal agreement, attached for your information.
Attachment: Draft Inteflocal Agreement Regarding Solid Waste System Cooperation and
THIS AGREEMENT is executed by and among Clallam County, the City of Port
Angeles, and the City of Sequim for the purposes of promoting the health, safety and welfare of
the County's and Cities' residents; achieving the County's solid waste management goals;
protecting the environment and natural resources throughout the State of Washington; and,
providing for a competitively-priced solid waste system that will include a transfer station and
export and disposal services. The Parties enter into this Interlocal Agreement ("Agreement")
effective as of the date set forth in Subsection 7A for the purposes and under the terms contained
WHEREAS, the Parties are cooperating in the development and implementation of the
Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (Nov. 2000) pursuant to
Chapters 35.21, 36.58 and 70.95 RCW; and
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends exporting solid waste to meet future disposal needs of
the residents, businesses, visitors and institutions within the Cities and the County;
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends using interlocal agreements to create the institutional
arrangements needed to implement the Plan;
WHEREAS, the Plan recommends closing the Port Angeles sanitary landfill, the only
operating municipal solid waste landfill in Clallam County serving the area from Lake Crescent
eastward, when it reaches capacity (projected by the end of 2006) and siting a transfer station at
the Port Angeles sanitary landfill for the purposes of exporting solid waste for final disposal after
the landfill is closed; and
WHEREAS, the Parties desire to create the institutional arrangements needed for long-
term solid waste transfer, export, and disposal services consistent with the Plan; and
WHEREAS, by entering into this interlocal agreement, the Parties can more effectively
and efficiently implement the Plan and meet their respective obligations to manage solid waste,
including solid waste transfer, export, and disposal; and
WHEREAS, the Plan anticipates that the long-term transfer station will be located at the
current site of the Port Angeles sanitary landfill, will be operated by the City of Port Angeles or a
private company under contract with the City of Port Angeles, and will be utilized by the Cities
and by the private solid waste collection companies that serve the unincorporated area of the
County from Lake Crescent eastward;
WHEREAS, the Parties have, pursuant to Ch. 43.21C RCW, considered the
Environmental Checklist and Addendum to Environmental Checklist in the Plan and other
relevant environmental documents, and each party has determined that this Agreement will not
cause probable significant adverse environmental impacts;
WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement
pursuant to Chapters 39.34 and 70.95 RCW;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the mutual
promises and covenants set forth herein, the Pasties agree as follows:
Section 1. Definitions: Except for the terms defined in this section, and unless the
context indicates otherwise, for the purposes of this Agreement the Parties intend to use
the definitions found in Ch. 70.95 RCW and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as
those definitions may be amended during the term of this Agreement.
"Agreement" means this Inteflocal Agreement Regarding Solid Waste System
Cooperation and Implementation.
"Cities" means the City of Port Angeles and the City of Sequim, Washington,
"County" means Clallam County, Washington.
"Disposal Site" means the solid waste handling facility owned by, and located within, the
City of Port Angeles, where solid waste generated in the County and the Cities will be
deposited, processed, handled, recycled, composted, transferred or otherwise managed
prior to export to a final disposal facility consistent with the Plan.
"Ecology" means the Washington State Department of Ecology or its successor agency.
"Parties" means the County and Cities, collectively, as well as any other entity which
becomes a party to this Agreement pursuant to Subsection 7B.
"Plan" means the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
(November 2000), as amended from time to time pursuant to this Agreement.
"Vendor(s)" means either the City of Port Angeles or any company (or companies) with
whom the City of Port Angeles contracts for any or all of the design, construction,
ownership, and operation of all or a portion of the Disposal Site and/or solid waste export
and final disposal services consistent with the Plan.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the County. The County shall:
A. Amend the Plan to provide for disposal of all solid waste generated in the County
from Lake Crescent eastward at the Disposal Site and then adopt the amended
B. Adopt an ordinance designating the Disposal Site as the County's solid waste
system, consistent with the Plan and RCW 36.58.040;
C. Amend the County's zoning code, solid waste facility permitting process
ordinance, and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid waste facilities that
are not consistent with the Plan;
D. Make a good faith effort to negotiate and execute with Jefferson County an
interlocal agreement requiring each county to amend their respective
comprehensive solid waste management plans and other related ordinances and
agreements to either prohibit, or impose a surcharge for, disposal of waste within
said county if the waste was generated outside said county;
E. Consider forming a solid waste disposal district in the eastern part of the County,
to the extent it may become necessary to provide a dedicated source of funds to
help finance the County's designated solid waste system, including capital costs
and the operation and maintenance costs associated with the Disposal Site; and
F. Not take any action with respect to solid waste handling that is inconsistent with
the Plan or this Agreement.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles shall:
A. Cooperate with the County to amend the Plan and adopt the Plan as amended;
B. Adopt an ordinance designating the Disposal Site as the City's solid waste system,
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120;
C. Amend the City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid
waste facilities that are not consistent with the Plan;
D. Conduct a procurement process for selecting one or more Vendors to provide
solid waste handling services consistent with the Plan, including but not limited to
transfer station services and export/disposal services;
E. In consultation and cooperation with the County and the City of Sequim, either
provide itself, or enter into and administer a contract with one or more Vendors
for, solid waste transfer station, export and final disposal services for all of the
Pa~ties consistent with the Plan;
F. Establish fair and equitable rates (tipping fees) for solid waste received at the
Disposal Site;
G. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal d/strict to the extent the
district includes incorporated areas of the City of Port Angeles; and
H. Not take any action with respect to solid waste handling that is inconsistent with
the Plan or this Agreement.
Section 4. Responsibilities of the City of Sequim. The City of Sequim shall:
A. Cooperate with the County to amend the Plan and adopt the Plan as amended;
B. Adopt an ordinance designating the Disposal Site as the City's solid waste system,
consistent with the Plan and RCW 35.21.120;
C. Amend the City's zoning code and other applicable ordinances to prohibit solid
waste facilities that are not consistent with the Plan;
D. Cooperate with the County in the formation of a disposal district to the extent the
district includes incorporated areas of the City of Sequim;
E. Deliver all solid waste collected within the City of Sequim, whether collected
directly by the City of Sequim or by a solid waste collection company or other
entity under contract with the City of Sequim, to the Disposal Site and take
reasonable action to enfome such direction, including but not limited to entering
into a long term contract with the City of Port Angeles for disposal of solid waste
generated in the City of Sequim and, if the City of Sequim ceases to operate its
own solid waste collection system, requiring that any private solid waste hauler
delivers all solid waste collected in the City of Sequim to the Disposal Site; and
F. Not take any action with respect to solid waste handling that is inconsistent with
the Plan or this Agreement.
Section 5. Duration of Agreement: This Agreement shall remain in force for 25 years
from the date that it is first effective unless terminated earlier by written agreement of all
Section 6. Assets and Liabilities: On termination of this Agreement, any assets owned by
one of the Parties shall remain the property of that Party. In entering into this Agreement,
no Party assumes liability for the actions or activities of the other, except as provided by
law or as may be agreed by the Parties separately.
Section 7. Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Effective Date: This Agreement shall take effect the first date on which Clallam
County, the City of Port Angeles, and the City of Sequim have taken all actions
necessary to execute this Agreement and the Agreement is flied with the County
B. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and only by
agreement of all Parties at the time of amendment; provided, however, that the
Parties hereby agree that this Agreement may be amended, without the further
agreement of all Parties, to allow any other governmental or sovereign entity
within Clallam County, such as a Native American tribe, the National Park
Service, or the Town of Forks, to join as a party.
C. Non-Waiver: No waiver by any party of any term or condition of this Agreement
shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any other term or condition
or of any subsequent breach whether of the same or of a different provision of this
D. No Third-Party Beneficiary: This Agreement is entered into to protect the public
health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Cities and County and to promote
the effective and efficient disposal and other handling of solid waste in the Cities
and the County. This Agreement is entered into with the intent that it shall only
benefit the Parties and that no other person or entity is intended to be a third-party
beneficiary of this Agreement.
E. Assignment: Upon the creation of a solid waste disposal district pursuant to RCW
Ch. 36.58 RCW, the County and any City opting into such a disposal district may
assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to the solid waste disposal
district. No other assignment of this Agreement is permitted except with the prior
written consent of all Parties.
F. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, the
remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
G. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, and
each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument. All such
counterparts together will constitute one and the same Agreement.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, this Agreement is executed by Clallam County and by the Cities
of Port Angeles and Sequim, Washington.
Dated this day of ,2004. Dated this day of ,2004.
, Mayor , Chair
, Commissioner
, City Clerk
, Commissioner
, Mayor
, Clerk of Board
, City Clerk
Approved as to form:
City Attorney, City of Port Angeles
City Attorney, City of Sequim
Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attomey,
Clallam County
Port Angeles Landfill
Transition Strategy &
Interlocal Agreement
(Port Angeles/Sequim/County)
Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
October 10, 2003
~ ~ORTA~_GEL~___
· Background
· Solid Waste Authorities
· Transfer Station Functions & Land Use
· Planning Issues
· Flow Control Options & Recommendations
Implementation Strategies
lnterlocal Agreement
Infrastructure Expenses/Strategy
· PA Landfill to Close NLT Dec 31, 2006
· Clallam County Solid Waste Management Plan
· Replace Landfill with a Waste Export System
· County: Responsibility for waste management
· City: Desires to take a lead role for export
· Interlocal Agreements needed to move process forward
Solid Waste Management
Long Range Plan
9% []
Long Range Plan
Authority of Cities and Counties
· Consistent w/Solid Waste Management Plan
Solid Waste Handling
- Collection *
- Storage
- Transportation
- Treatment
- Disposal
- Recycling
* County may not operate a solid waste collection system except as
part of' a solid waste collection district.
Post-Closure Functions
· Solid Waste Transfer Station
· Garbage/Trash/C&D/Commercial/Residential '
· Co-Composting Facility
· Green Waste/Biosolids
· Recycling Drop-off
· Paper/Anti-Freeze/Oil/Tires/White Goods/Batteries
· Moderate Risk Waste Facility
..:,, ,o,, ~. i.,~ORTANGELES
Landfill Facility Replacement/
Transfer Station Features
Enclosed: Compatible with Airport Operations
Commercial and Citizen Drop Off
Moderate Risk Waste Facility
· Composting: Biosolids and Green Waste
· Recycling: Oil, Antifreeze, Tires, White Goods, etc
Limited Construction and Demolition Debris
Benefits of Combined
Waste Stream Volumes
· Higher Volumes
· Lower Unit Prices
· Minimal Staff Changes, if any
· Permanent MRW Facility
· State Funding of MRW Facility/Operations
· Lower Development Costs
· Shared Risk
· All Citizens Benefit/Participate in Costs
Development Plan
· Long-Range Plan Preparation
· Planning Studies
· Planning Workshops including PW&U, City staff&
· Shared Vision with Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Facility Managed by City
· Experienced Staff ,
· Organizational Structure in Place
· Land Availability
· Planning Process Started
Port Angeles as Lead Agency
Why the City?
· Control (40%+) of the Waste Stream
· Represent the Largest Constituency of Customers
· Land Availability: Permitting
· Significant Experience Managing Solid Waste Operations
· Responsible for 30 Years of Landfill Monitoring/Maintenance
"~ ~'"'~ 1-~ORTA-NGELES Land Use
Proposed Acquisition Process
· Perform Administration for Export and Collection
· Evaluate Transfer Station
· Solicit Proposals for Transfer Station
· "Best Value" to Customers
· Consideration given to City submitting proposal
· Privatize Long-Haul Disposal
g/J- '-~ RT GELE
~ ~::-'~ Solid Waste Management
'~'~_~ Long Range Plan
Task/Milestone 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Options for Flow Control
in Clallam County
Actions by the Cit~ and County
1. Interlocal Agreement btwn City & County to take actions needed to
implement strategy
2. Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan) recommending disposal at a
local transfer station, long-haul disposal and collection
district/disposal district
3. Ordinances establishing waste system based on the Plan
4. Zoning code and solid waste facility permitting process that
prohibits solid waste facilities that are not consistent with the Plan
Options for
Flow Control in Clallam County <co.td~
Additional (Alternative) Actions bt' the County
5. Adopt and enforce an ordinance that requires disposal of solid waste
(by haulers, businesses or the general public) at designated local
facility ("regulatory flow control"). Collection District
6. Form a district and provide collection directly or contract with the
City, Sequim and/or a private fwm and direct the flow by contract
("contractual flow control"), v-re a,,d lengthy proc~$
7. Maintain a Iow tipping fee at a designated local facility and establish
a system of fees and other charges that f'mancc other solid waste
programs such as planning, administration, litter control,
enforcement, landfill closure, etc. ("economic flow control").
Disposal District
Options for
Flow Control in Clallam County
Additional Contingent Action bi' the City
8. Extend municipal collection to strategic unincorporated
areas under a contract with the County ifa collection
district is formed by the County in conjunction with 6
above and no private hauler will sign a contract with the
County for collection.
Collection District Formation
· UTC finds existing companies unable or '
unwilling to provide adequate service
· Finding of public necessity for Mandatory
~ DisposalDistrict Formation
· Municipal Corporation
· Purpose of providing and funding solid waste disposal
· Hold at least I public heating
· Unincorporated areas only unless incorporated agree
Covers all aspects except collection of waste
· Collect fees at disposal or transfer stations based upon
weight or volume of waste received
Impose excise tax on residents and business
· Issue general obligation and revenue bonds
Recommendations for
Flow Control in Clallam County
i. Interlocal Agreement between City & County to take actions needed
to implement strategy
2. Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan) recommending disposal at a
local transfer station, long-haul disposal and collection
district/disposal district
3. Ordinances establishing waste system based on the Plan
4. Zoning code and solid waste facility permitting process that
prohibits solid waste facilities that are not consistent with the Plan
7. Maintain a low tipping fee at a designated local facility and establish
a system of fees and other charges that finance other solid waste
programs such as planning, administration, litter control,
enforcement, landfill closure, etc. ("economic flow control").
Disposal District
Implementation Strategy
City/Clallam County Acceptance to Work Cooperatively
Interlocal Agreement for County to Consider
· Establish Preferred Approach
Maximize Waste Stream Commitments to Single Waste
Export System: Inter-Local Agreements w/others
· Develop Financing Approach/Structure
· Secure Funding: Grants, Bonds, etc.
· Issue RFP
Develop County-wide Rate Structure
· Operate Facility
Interlocal Agreement Provisions
· County 25 Year Commitment
* Amend Plan for Waste Disposal to Site from Lake
Crescent Eastward
* Adopt Ordinance Designating Site Consistent with
Plan and RCW
* Amend Zoning Codes to Prohibit Facilities Not
Consistent w/Plan
* Good Faith Negotiations with w/Jefferson County to
surcharge or prohibit import of waste
* Consider Forming Disposal District in Eastern
Interlocal Agreement Provisions
· City of Port Angeles 25 Year Commitment
* Cooperate with County to Amend Plan and Adopt
* Adopt Ordinance Designating Site Consistent with Plan and RCW
* Amend Zoning Codes to Prohibit Facilities Not Consistent w/Plan
* Conduct Procurement Process and Administer Contracts
* Establish Fair and Equitable Rates (Tipping fees)
* Cooperate in Forming a Disposal District, (lf Required)
Interlocal Agreement Provisions
· City of Sequim 25 Year Commitment
* Cooperate with County to Amend Plan and Adopt
* Adopt Ordinance Designating Site Consistent with Plan
and RCW
* Amend Zoning Codes to Prohibit Facilities Not
Consistent w/Plan
* Cooperate in Forming a Disposal District, (If Required)
* Deliver Solid Waste to Site
Total Program Costs
· Transfer Station - $2.8M
· Landfill Closure - $4.5M
· Shoreline Stabilization - $2.2M
· Other Site Development - $1 .SM
· Stormwater Improvements
· Moderate Risk Waste
· Post closure - $3.7M
· Contractor Financed - Contract for design/build/finance/
Background Information
· Funding for Construction: Undetermined
· Current Rates: $63 or $76.80 per ton
· Future Rates: approximately $90 +/- per ton
· Long Haul Rate: $45 to $50 per ton
· Tipping Fees: JeffCo- $110, Forks - $110,
Blue Mtn - $140, Kitsap Co - $60
Tipping Fee Comparisons
City Waste Stream Only City/County/Sequim
.~ Debt Service on Capital Costs - ~ Debt Service on Capital Costs -
-$250K lyf -$350K/yr
~ Operations Costs - ~ $1.3M/yr .~ Operations Costs - ~ $1.3M/yr
~ Long Haul - - $975K/yr ~ Long Haul - - $2.0M/y~
Annual Cost - $2.6M/yr Annual Cost ~ $3.6M/yr
~ Waste Volume - 22,000 ton/yr ~ Waste Volume - 45,000 ton/yr
Projected cost per ton ~$115/ton Projected cosl ~ ton ~$80-$90/ton
Higher Volumes - Lower Costs
Facility Acquisition and
Operation Strategy
Transfer Station
Alternative Operations
~City design/build/operate
~City design/build/Private operate
~Private design/build/operate
Criteria for Evaluating
Acquisition Strategies
~Cost to the City -
o Capital Cost
o Operational Cost
~City Control of Waste Systems
o Financial
o Operational
~'Risk to City
o Financial
o Operational
~Legal/Institutional Feasibility
~"~ I'~ORTANGELES Comparison of Altematives
for Transfer Station Acquisition/Operation
City D~ign/Build/ City Design/Build private Design/Build/
Operate Private Operate Opcmtu
Cost to City
CapPal +
Operation + +
Conmal by City
Financial + 0 +
Operational + +
Risk to City
Financial +
Operational 0 O/+
Other Stakeholders
Coun~ O +
Industry 0 +
Legal/institutional 0 +?
Short Term Actions
· Presentation to County Commissioners
· Forward Inteflocal Agreement to Sequim
· Develop Procurement Strategy Recommendation
· Set up Management Team/Procurement Team
· Develop Request for Proposal
· Discuss Inteflocal Agreement
· Provide Staffwith Changes on Inteflocal
· Discuss Procurement Strategy
· Return to UAC with a more detailed discussion on
Facility/Operation Procurement Strategy
· Provide Feedback to UAC after County Meeting