HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/11/2011VII. Next Meeting Dates: November 8, 2011
I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For September 13, 2011
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
A. 2011 On -Call Landfill Cell Stabilization Professional Services Agreement
B. 2011 On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services
C. Houston Galveston Area Council Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal
D. Utility Rate and Fee Adjustment Recommendations
VIII. Adjournment
N. \uac \final \101111
Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
October 11, 2011 3:00 PM
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 Telecommunications Right of
Way License Expiration
B. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only)
C. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only)
I. Call To Order
Vice Chairman Dean Reed called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Councilmembers Present: Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson, Max Mania
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Staff Present:
Others Present:
III. Approval Of Minutes
Vice Chairman Dean Reed asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of August 9, 2011.
Committee Member Brooke Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Cherie Kidd seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items:
V. Discussion Items:
City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
September 13, 2011
3:00 p.m.
Dan Di Guilio, Patrick Downie, Don Perry, Brad Collins
Dean Reed
Paul Elliott
Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Randy Brackett,
Phil Lusk, Tom McCabe, Rick Hosteler, Nathan West, Sondya Wray.
Harold Norlund NPI USA
Gene Unger Gene Unger Engineering
Karl Vonrosenberg NPS
Gina McCurley Mueller Systems
Brian Boyd Mueller Systems
Robert Elofson Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (3:09)
A. National Park Service Request for Off Reservation Sewer Connections
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works Utilities, introduced Karl Vonrosenberg with the National
Park Service, Gene Unger, with Gene Unger Engineering, and Robert Elofson with the Lower Elwha
Klallam Tribe. The National Park Services has determined that the removal of the Elwha Dams will
impair 17 septic systems on privately owned parcels. The parcels, adjoining the Lower Elwha
Reservations, contain 46 Equivalent Water Meter connections. A lengthy discussion followed.
Max Mania moved to recommend City Council to (1) provide conceptual approval to permit
connection of 17 county parcels /46 EWM connections adjoining the LEKT Reservation and
outside the City limits, and (2) direct staff to negotiate a modification to the Wastewater
Agreement between the City and the LEKT and initiate other agreements, as necessary, to
facilitate the connections to the City sewer system subject to the following conditions. Brooke
Nelson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Ordinance Amendments
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, introduced Terry Mundorf, of Marsh Mundorf
Pratt Sullivan via conference phone, and gave handouts of the PowerPoint Presentation. Larry
discussed the efforts to negotiate a power sales agreement with the City's Industrial Transmission
rate ordinance.
Brooke Nelson moved to recommend City Council to adopt the proposed Industrial
Transmission electric rate ordinance including minor modifications to Section C. Max Mania
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
VIII. Meeting continued until September 15,2011 at 2:00 p.m.
IX. Adjournment: 5:30 p.m.
Dan DiGuilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
Dan DiGuilio, Chair Utility Advisory Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
September 15, 2011
2:00 p.m.
Meeting was continued from September 13, 2011
I. Call To Order
Vice Chairman Dean Reed called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Councilmembers Present: Max Mania, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Dan Di Guilio, Don Perry, Brad Collins, Patrick Downie
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Staff Present:
Others Present:
III. Late Items:
IV. Discussion Items:
Dean Reed
Paul Elliott
Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Randy Brackett,
Phil Lusk, Rick Hostetler Tom McCabe, Sondya Wray, and Jim
Harper (3:45)
C. Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services Agreement
Randall Brackett, Deputy Director of Operations, reviewed the City's agreement and operation with
Waste Connections and the Blue Mountain Transfer Station. Fees are to be collected within ten
calendar days following the end of each month. An amendment was described to allow a modest
increase in time by not including weekends or holidays as part of the ten day period.
Max Mania moved to recommend City Council authorize City Manager to sign an amendment
to the Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services Agreement with
Waste Connections of Washington, Inc. to allow ten business days to make payment to the City
for receipts collected from the Blue Mountain Transfer Station, and to make minor
modifications to the amendment if necessary. Brooke Nelson seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the
recommended utility rate and fee adjustments for 2012. A lengthy discussion followed.
Brooke Nelson moved to recommend City Council to proceed with a public hearing on utility
rate and fee adjustments for the Electric, Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste Collection, Transfer
Station, and Stormwater Utilities. Max Mania seconded the motion, which carried
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, introduced Gina McCurley from Mueller Systems
via Phone Conference. A lengthy discussion followed.
For information only, no action requested.
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, announced that the City Manager and Mayor
have appointed Max Mania to participate in the Wireless Mobile Data System Vendor Proposal
For information only, no action requested.
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, described the weatherization work being completed by Fluid
Marketing Strategies for the City utility discount customers.
For information only, no action requested.
D. Utility Rate Studies Presentation
E. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Phase I Report
F. Utility Advisory Committee Assignment Wireless Mobile Data System Vendor Proposal
Evaluation (Verbal Report Only)
G. Simple Steps, Smart Savings Promotion Services Agreement Update (Verbal report
Dan DiGuilio, Mayor
Next Meeting Date: October 11, 2011
4:17 p.m.
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk
Dan DiGuilio, Chair Utility Advisory Sondya Wray, Administrative Specialist
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: October 11, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: James Burke, Assistant Civil Engineer
Subject: 2011 On -Call Landfill Cell Stabilization Professional Services Agreement
Summary: Herrera Environmental Consultants has been selected to provide professional engineering
services related to cell stabilization for the City's landfill. This project is being conducted in a phased
approach in order to assess the City's 304 compliant section of the landfill for bluff stability, provide
drainage revisions to prevent erosion, and to develop both short and long term strategies to prevent refuse
from entering the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to
1) approve the line item for the landfill cell stabilization study in the Solid Waste Utility fund as
part of the 2011 proposed budget amendment in the amount of $100,000; and
2) approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Professional Services Agreement with
Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $96,700, and to make minor
modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Background /Analysis: The 304 compliant section of the
landfill adjoins a bluff that is approximately 125 feet above the Strait
of Juan de Fuca at the northern boundary of that property. In June of
2011, City staff observed problematic erosion along the northern
face of the bluff that had exposed refuse at the top of the bluff. The
services of a qualified consultant were sought to evaluate the impact
of the changes over time, and to recommend and design any
necessary remedial actions.
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised August 17, 2011.
Qualifications from three engineering firms were received by
September 7, 2011 and interviews were held September 14 through
15 2011 with all firms. Selection team members were City
Engineer Mike Puntenney, and staff Engineers Michael Szatlocky
and James Burke. Herrera Environmental Consultants was selected
as the firm most qualified to provide engineering services for the
agreement. Negotiation of the fee and professional services
agreement have been successfully completed.
N \Professional Services Agreements \2011 Landfill Cell Stabilization \30 Council and UAC
Exposed Refuse on Bluff
2011 On -Call Landfill Cell Stabilization Professional Services Agreement
October 11, 2011
Page 2
The local firm of NTI Engineering and Land Surveying will be sub consulting on the project as well as
Aspect Engineering. The initial phase of this study will be to evaluate background data and identify data
gaps pertaining to site operations, landfill configuration, waste extents, waste characterization, as well as
determining bluff retreat rates and characteristics. In addition, Herrera Environmental Consulting will
provide design development and support concerning exposed refuse and compromised drainage along the
bluff. The table of tasks to be included in this initial phase is:
Preliminary Research and Support
Data Review
Field Reconnaissance
Summary of Findings
Short Term Refuse Assessment and Containment Support
Drainage Repair Assessment, Design, and Support
Erosion and Drainage Damage
Total Cost
Additional phases of this study were identified in the Request
for Qualifications that could be undertaken if the results from
the initial phase indicate it is warranted. These phases may
include additional engineering to further characterize the entire
304 cells, development of the final mitigation approaches, and
design, permitting, and environmental studies of any
construction contracts needed for the landfill cells, bluff, or
near shore. It is critical to understand that remedial actions for
bluff stability taken early on, affords the greatest opportunity
for cost savings to the City in the future.
These additional phases, if necessary, will be considered for
inclusion through the on -call provisions of the agreement. The
on -call provisions will remain in force and effect for inclusion
of such additional projects or work for two years from the
effective date of the agreement. As individual needs for
landfill cell and slope stabilization engineering analysis and /or
studies arise, a scope of work and fee will be negotiated.
These projects will be added to the agreement as separate tasks
after being authorized by City Council or in accordance with
PAMC Section 3.05, if within the City Manager's authority.
Funding for Task 1 has been identified in the proposed 2011 budget amendment that is currently part of
the year -end budget process. $100,000 from the Solid Waste Landfill Fund has been budgeted. Because
of the urgent need to affect the immediate repairs to the drainage system at the crown of the bluff and to
understand the expose refuse problem, it is requested that Council approve this line item in the budget
amendment so the work can proceed without delay.
2011 On -Call Landfill Cell Stabilization Professional Services Agreement
October 11, 2011
Page 3
Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to the City
Council to:
1) approve the line item for the landfill cell stabilization study in the Solid Waste Utility fund of the
2011 proposed budget amendment in the amount of $100,000;
2) approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Professional Services Agreement with Herrera
Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $96,700, and to make minor modifications to the
agreement, if necessary.
\Professional Services Agreements \2011 Landfill Cell Stabilization \30 Council and UAC
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: October 11, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Kathryn Neal, P.E., Civil Engineering Manager
Subject: 2011 On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement
Summary: Brown and Caldwell, Inc., has been selected to provide on -call professional
engineering services for the City's Wastewater Utility. The initial project tasks being awarded
with this professional services agreement are to develop a Wastewater Facilities Engineering
Report related to nine proposed construction and modification projects at the Wastewater
Treatment Plant and Pump Station 3, and to provide on -call technical assistance.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and
authorize the City Manager to sign the on -call professional services agreement with Brown
and Caldwell, Inc., with two initial project tasks, in an amount not to exceed $155,000, and to
make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
Background /Analysis: Brown and Caldwell, Inc. has been selected to provide on -call
professional engineering services in support of the Wastewater Utility's Capital Facilities Program
and infrastructure and environmental requirements. This on -call agreement will remain in force
and effect for inclusion of additional projects or work for two years from the effective date of the
agreement. As individual needs for wastewater utility engineering analysis and /or studies arise, a
scope of work and fee will be negotiated. These projects will be added to the agreement as
separate tasks after being authorized by City Council or in accordance with PAMC Section 3.05, if
within the City Manager's authority.
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised July 20, 2011. Qualifications from three
engineering firms were received from Murray Smith Associates, Inc, BHC Consultants and
HDR, and Brown Caldwell, Inc. All firms were interviewed, with interviews being held
September 6 and 8, 2011. Selection team members were Public Works Director Glenn Cutler, City
Engineer Mike Puntenney, and Staff Engineer Michael Szatlocky. Brown and Caldwell, Inc., was
selected as the firm most qualified to provide engineering and related services for the agreement.
The firm demonstrated an exceptional understanding of the project including the regulatory
processing and critical time requirements. The proposed project team brings experience and new
personnel to the project while maintaining the institutional continuity required for prompt delivery
of the time dependent tasks. NTI Engineering and Land Surveying, Lindbergh and Smith
Architects, and Wengler Surveying are local firms that Brown and Caldwell will use as sub-
N \UAC \Final \2011 On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement docx
2011 On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement
October 11, 2011
Page 2
consultants to support this agreement. Negotiation of the fee and professional services agreement
have been successfully completed.
There are two initial project tasks including in this professional services agreement. The first task
is for on -call technical assistance for engineers and operators of the Wastewater Treatment Plant
(WWTP) and the sewer collection system. This task provides the technical assistance and other
engineering services that are needed on an impromptu or emergent basis such as questions needed
to maintain operational effectiveness of the wastewater treatment plant or ensure that regulatory
compliance and integrity is preserved. Expenditure of funds for this task from the funding that is
allocated is only used on an as- needed basis, with all balances being retained by the City's
Wastewater Utility fund.
The second task included in this agreement is for the Consultant to prepare an engineering report
consistent with the Wastewater Utility's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit for submission to the Washington State Department of Ecology for various
proposed construction and modification projects to existing wastewater control facilities. The
planned improvement projects for this report include:
Septage Receiving Station, Project (WW02 -2008)
Digester Mixing Improvement, Project (WW05 -2008)
Plant De- Watering Improvements, Project (WW02 -2005)
Carbon Scrubbers, Project (WW04 -2008)
Plant Programmable Logic Controller/HMI Replacement, Project (WW02 -2010)
Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement, Project (WW01 -2008)
Waste Activated Sludge thickening, Project (WW06 -2008)
Turbo Blower Installation, Project (WW01 -2010)
Pump Station #3 Flow Impediments and Pump Evaluation (WW06 -2008)
The engineering report is a requirement of WAC 173- 240 -060 and 40 CFR 35 for domestic
wastewater facilities. The engineering report must be sufficiently complete so that plans and
specifications can be developed from it without substantial changes. The engineering for this
report will produce 30% level designs for the septage receiving station and pump station #3
improvement projects. Additionally, by inclusion in the report, many of the projects will qualify
for funding opportunities such as the State Revolving Fund. Upon selection of the City's choice
of alternative of the projects listed above, the City can have the Consultant prepare full engineering
plans and specifications as a future task that would be awarded separately from Task 2.
At this time, two other tasks are contemplated for this agreement and may be awarded after the
2012 budget is passed. The first prospective task is for the development of an amendment in order
to update the City's existing Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Reduction Plan. This amendment
is a specific requirement of the City's NPDES Permit No. WA0023973, for the WWTP and will
cover the period through 2015. The amendment is required to be submitted to the Department of
Ecology no later than July 31, 2012.
2011 On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement
October 11, 2011
Page 3
The second prospective project is for an update of the wastewater conveyance system hydraulic
model. This task will update and calibrate the wastewater system's hydraulic model in order to
provide the basis for accurate system evaluation and decisions. An accurate model of our aging
sewer system and the WWTP will determine the biggest bottlenecks or shortcomings in the
system. It will also facilitate decision makers ability to identify the improvements that will have
the greatest effect on increasing the system's capacity or to meet environmental requirements.
This task is being done in conjunction with and to support the CSO Plan Amendment. These
projects may be added at a later date as separate tasks when authorized by the City Council or in
accordance with PAMC Section 3.05, if within the City Manager's authority. Other authorized
work within the scope of this agreement can be added within the two -year period for adding tasks.
The cost break -down for the initial tasks being awarded with the agreement are shown below:
Description I Amount
I Task 1 i I On -call technical assistance (hourly basis) I $25,000
Task 2 Wastewater Facilities Engineering Report
2.1 Project Management 12,000
2.2 WWTP Improvements 83,000
2.3 Septage Receiving Station 9,000
2.4 Pump Station #3 Replacement 20,000
2.5 PLC/HMI Replacement (SCADA) 6,000
Task 2 Sub -total I 130,000
TOTAL I $155,000
Funding for Task 1 is available from the 2011 Wastewater Utility operating budget. Funding for
Task 2 is available in the 2011 budget from the 2010 bond proceeds.
Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to City
Council to authorize the City Manager to sign an on -call professional services agreement for
wastewater utility engineering with Brown and Caldwell, with two initial project tasks, for an
amount not to exceed $155,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary.
N \UAC \Final \201 I On -Call Wastewater Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement docx
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: October 11, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Randall C. Brackett, P.E., Deputy Director of Operations
Subject: Houston Galveston Area Council Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreement
Summary: The use of purchasing cooperatives to procure equipment, materials and supplies reduces
time and costs otherwise spent preparing specifications, advertising bids and administering contract
approvals. The City can become a member of the Houston Galveston Area Council purchasing
cooperative, which would provide access to national public agency purchasing power.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and authorize the
City Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the Houston Galveston Area Council purchasing
Background /Analysis: The use of purchasing cooperatives like Houston Galveston Area
Council (HGACBuy) is one of a number of methods for public agency purchasing materials and
equipment. The benefits of membership include highly competitive pricing due to large public agency
buyer volume, and streamlined purchasing. The City is currently a member in the Washington State
Office of State Procurement and the King County Directors Association purchasing cooperatives.
Many cities and counties in Washington State make use of purchasing cooperatives. Attached is a brief
overview of purchasing cooperatives from Municipal Research Services Center of Washington. The
use of HGACBuy is anticipated particularly for use in purchases of heavy equipment but may also be
used for other materials and supplies as appropriate. It is not intended to be used when local purchases
provide better service and thereby support local businesses. However, HGACBuy offers very
competitive public pricing by representing the collective purchasing demand of thousands of public
agencies across the nation. There is also no membership cost for HGACBuy.
Staff recommends that the Utility Advisory Committee forwards a favorable recommendation to City
Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with Houston
Galveston Area Council purchasing cooperative.
Attachment: Municipal Research Services Center Purchasing Cooperative Overview
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: October 11, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Subject: Utility Rate and Fee Adjustment Recommendations
Summary: FCS Group completed comprehensive rate studies for the Electric, Water,
Wastewater, Solid Waste Collection and Transfer Station utilities. Staff will seek a
recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee on the recommended retail rate and fee
adjustments at today's meeting.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to continue the
public hearing, close the public hearing, then adopt the proposed rate and fee adjustments
ordinance amendments.
Background /Analysis: FCS Group completed the last comprehensive rate studies for the
Electric, Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste Collections, and Solid Waste Transfer Station utilities.
Staff has updated the studies and has not used a consultant during the last three years.
On September 13, 2011, the Utility Advisory Committee recommended that City Council proceed
with a public hearing. The City Council public hearing was held on October 4, 2011. The
proposed rate and fee adjustments would be effective January 2, 2012.
City Council directed staff to return to the Utility Advisory Committee to further discuss and
consider the electric basic charge and option for unbundling recycling from the solid waste
collection rate. At today's meeting staff will summarize the input received at the October 4, 2011
public hearing and any additional input received since then.
Staff recommends that the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to
City Council to continue the public hearing, close the public hearing, then adopt rate and fee
ordinance amendments.
N \UAC \Final \Utility Retail Rate and Fee Adjustments Recommendation.doc
W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
Date: October 11, 2011
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems
Subject: Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 Telecommunications Right -Of -Way
License Expiration
Summary: The City's license to the Clallam County Public Utility District for its
telecommunications system within the City expired on October 10, 2011.
Recommendation: For information only, no action requested.
Background /Analysis: The City's original license to the Clallam County Public Utility
District (District) to construct, maintain, and operate a telecommunications system within the City
for the District's internal needs became effective October 10, 2001. On August 15, 2006, City
Council approved a renewed term of the license which expired on October 10, 2011.
On August 15, 2011, staff notified the District of the need to comply with the City's
Telecommunications Ordinance to submit an application for renewal of their right -of -way license
including a $500 application fee on or before September 1, 2011. This would have allowed the
renewal to be considered by the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council prior to expiration.
On September 13, 2011, the District contacted staff requesting copies of prior documents, and staff
responded and made a second request that the District submit an application for renewal on or
before October 6, 2011. Anticipating that the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council would
approve the license, there would have been about a one -week period of operation without a license.
On October 5, 2011, staff received the application fee, however, the application has not been
Staff has sent a third request to the District to provide its application on or before November 4,
2011 so that it can be considered by the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council in
November 2011.
N \UACTInal \PUD Right -Of -Way License Renewal doc