HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/12/2002 UTILITY ADVISnRy COMMITTEE
NDVEMBER 1 ~ 2002
3:00 P.M.
Port Angeles, Washington
October 8, 2002
L Call to Order: L~
Chairman Bentley called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call:
Members Present: Chairman Bentley, Councilman Campbell, Councilmember Rogers, Dean
Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson
StaffPresent: Craig Knutson (1:04),Glenn Cutler, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Larry
Dunbar, Doyle McGinley, Amanda McLean
Others Present: Brian Gawley (1:05 - Daily News)
Pete Grigorieff (Northland Cable Television)
Dick Goodman (1:37 - KONP)
III. Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Bentley asked if there were any additions or corrections to the meeting minutes of
September 10, 2002. It was noted that the word "PUD" should be changed to "county" in the
first sentence under the discussion item I-Net Fast-Track Report. Dean Reed moved to approve
the minutes. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Discussion Items:
A. Oil Handling Building Design Agreement
No action taken. Tabled for future reference.
B. PUD Wholesale Water contract
Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, indicated that due to significant changes since the
original agreement in 1994 a new contract was being drafted prior to a negotiation with the PUD.
Overall water withdrawal and allowed rate of withdrawal need to be reviewed, daily flow data needs to
be given to the City on a regular basis, and the City needs to be able to install and maintain SCADA
equipment at both interties. A brief discussion followed.
No action taken. Information only.
C. Telecommunication Grant Program Application
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, stated three grant programs were available - the Community-
Oriented Connectivity Broadband Program, the Public Telecommunications Facilities Program and the
Technology Opportunity Program. Project concepts and requirements were reviewed. A short discussion
Councilman Campbell moved to recommend staff hold off pursuing the grants at this time with a
request to return at a future date with further information including specific grant guidelines.
Conneilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D. 1-Net Dark Fiber Policy
Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager, gave a brief background and examined the proposed use
policies which included (1) backbone dark fibers being available only to Capacity Provision or
Northland but not to end users, (2) City or third party use of I-Net backbone reserve fibers should
Northland not utilize its reserve dark fibers by April 27, 2006, (3) initiate an amendment to the I-Net
Services Agreement with C.P.t. to provide retail use of the City's backbone dark fibers and site drop
dark fibers for wide area networks for institutional users only, and (4) initiate an amendment to the
Franchise and/or Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement to allow use of reserve fibers for
private wide area networks without restrictions related to bandwidth being available by a commercial
service provider that uses the reserve fibers. There was a brief discussion.
Councilmember Rogers moved to recommend City Council establish a policy for use of I-Net
backbone fibers including the four steps as outlined. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
E. Water/Wastewater Rate Study
Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems, provided an overview of the rate setting process
which includes revenue requirements, cost of service, and rate design. A review is performed every
three years to provide updated information. An in-depth explanation was given regarding various
revenue requirement options including financial and rate impacts. A discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council approve recommended changes to water rates of
4% in 2003, 4% in 2004, and 3% in 2005 and no changes to the wastewater rates during the three
year rate period. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. It was
noted that a public hearing would be scheduled for the November 5th Council meeting followed by
adoption of the ordinance at the November 19th Council meeting.
F. Status Reports
Rayonier Leachate (Quarterly)
Metropolitan Communications Consultants
I-Net Fast Track
No action taken. Information only.
V. Late Items: None
October 8, 2002
VI. Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting wil! be November 12~ in the Council Chambers.
VI. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Allen Bentley, Chairman Cate Rinehart, Administrative
DATE: November 12, 2002
FROM: James L. Harper, Electrical Engineering Manager
RE: Design Services for Oil Handling and Warehouse Building, CL 82-99
Summary: Proposals were requested fi.om six engineering/architectural consulting firms for the
design ora building for handling PCB contaminated oils and additional warehouse space. Only one
of those firms, Parametrix, Inc., responded with a proposal. The proposal has been reviewed and
it has been determined that Parametrix, Inc. is highly qualified for the work requested.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to 1) authorize the
Mayor to sign an agreement with Parametrix, Inc. for engineering/architectural design services
at a cost not to exceed $25,900 and 2) authorize the City Manager to sign amendments to the
agreement in an amount not to exceed 20% of the original contract amount.
Background/Analysis: EPA Regulation 40 CFR Part 761.65 requires any leaking or weeping
transformers or drams of liquid to be stored under cover and out &the weather. The City does
not have sufficient indoor storage space to hold the number of transformers and oil filled
equipment routinely in storage. The City has numerous large oil filled units subject to being
retrofilled and reclassified as non PCB. These units can be retrofilled and reclassified for only
the cost of the oil plus labor and oil disposal in the new facility. The City will have the
opportunity to experience significant savings by doing this work in house, and the potential of
fines and citations will be reduced if not eliminated.
The Request for Proposals was sent to six engineering/architectural consulting firms on the
Consultants Roster. Only one, Parametrix, Inc., submitted a proposal. Their proposal was
reviewed and their qualifications and experience are excellent. Staff has negotiated the final
scope of work (attached) with a not to exceed cost of $25,900.
The 2002 budget includes $60,000 for construction of this project. Requirements for this type of
building are more stringent than first anticipated, therefore, the expected cost of the building has
increased to approximately $120,000. This requires a budgetary increase of $60,000. Budget
documents will be revised to reflect this change; $10,000 in 2002 and $110,000 in 2003.
Staff has explored other possible options for meeting EPA requirements. The possibility of
Clallam PUD processing City transformers on a contract basis was discussed. The
N 5U AC~inal\uac warhs.wpd
Design Services for Oil Handling and Warehouse Building
Page 2
November 12, 2002
Pud facility has limited space and would frequently be unable to accept City equipment. Tacoma
has the next closest facility which would always be available. However, this would require
processing a hazardous material transport manifest and sending a truck to Tacoma several times a
week when we take down a transfonner, and expose the City to the added liability of a spill
during transit.
It is recommended that the City proceed with the design at a cost of $25,900 and construction at a
cost of approximately $94,000 to take place in 2003. It is also recommended that the Mayor be
authorized to sign a design agreement with Parametrix, Inc. of Sumner, WA in an mount not to
exceed $25,900 and the City Manager be authorized to sign amendments to the agreement in an
amount not to exceed 20% of the original contract amount.
Attachments: Scope of work
Scope of Work
This Scope of Work identifies the work to be conducted by the Parametrix team [Paramctrix, Inc.,
Lindberg Smith Architects (LSA), and Northwest Territories, Inc. (NTI)], herein referred to as the
Consultant, for the City of Port Angeles (City) on the Electric Utility Oil Handling and Warehouse
Building Design Services project. This project includes the specific tasks described below. The project
description is provided as Attachment 1.
Task 1 Preliminary (50 Percent) Design and Workshop
Goal: This element of work will provide for preliminary design services needed to develop
50 percent design level plans.
Activities: Specific components of the work include:
· Consultant will determine project design criteria by coordinating with the City,
reviewing applicable codes and regulations.
· Consultant will prepare a 50 percent design level site plan and develop sketch
mock'ups of other plan sheets.
· Consultant will meet with City staff to review 50 percent design level plans and
obtain City comments.
· Consultant will complete a final survey to determine the exact building comer ground'
elevations and to an established project benchmark for construction.
· Consultant to perform monthly invoicing, project management, cost control, schedule
maintenance, scope development, and routine client communications necessary to
deliver project elements of work in accordance with scope, budget, and schedule
Deliverables: Parametrix anticipates the following work products for this task:
· Brief technical memorandum documenting project design criteria.
· Draft 50 percent design level site pla~ and sketch mockups of other plan sheets.
Ci(y of Port Angeles 215-2191-804 (01/00
Oil Handling and Warehouse Building J September 2002
Scope of Work
Assnmption~. The Scope of Work and cost estimate are based on the project description listed, in
Attachment I and the following assumptions:
· The City's existing site map will be used for the project base map. It is agreed by the
City that the City's site map adequately identifies site features, topography, and
· The City concurs no additional geotechnical investigation is necessat~ and
acknowledges possible presence of unsuitable soils in proposed location of building.
· The City concurs that the building electrical classification is "unclassified."
The City will coordinate with utilities and provide applicable requirements.
· One site visit/meeting with City by project manager only.
· The site has no contaminated soil requiring testing or special consideration during
design and/or construction.
Cost: Parametrix will complete Task t services for $8,500.
Task 2 i~[nai (90 and lO0-P~r~ent) bi~l'g-n' ......
GoaJ: This element of work will provide for final design services needed to develop 90 and
1 O0 percent design level plans, specifications, and cost estimate.
Actiri#'es: Specific components of the work include:
· Develop 90 percent bid package, including plans and specifications, and submit to
City for review and comment.
· Incorporate the City's comments and produce final bid package.
· Complete cost estimate.
· Consultant to perform monthly invoicing, project management, cost control, schedule
maintenance, scope development, and routine client communications necessary to
deliver project elements of work in accordance with scope, budget, and schedule
Deliverables: Parametrix anticipates the following work products for this task:
· Draft final (90 percent) bid package, with plans and specifications.
· Final (100 percent) bid package, with construction plans and specifications.
City of Port Angeles 215-2191-804 (01/01)
Oil Handling and ~Varehouse Building 2 September 2002
ScoFe of Work
· Engineer's estimate of cost for project construction cost.
· Scope of Work and cost for specialty construction testing (i.e., materials, compaction,
asphalt, concrete, etc.), which will be completed as part of Task 6 (Construction
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estimate are based on the project description listed in
Attachment 1 and the following assumptions:
· One site visit/meeting with City by project manager only.
· Specifications will be provided as notes on drawings, except the initial building
specification will be provided separately in CSI format.
· The City will provide appropriate "front-end" bid documents, including instructions
to bidders, bond forms, conlxact, special conditions, and other items. The City will
also provide "Division 1" specifications.
· Consultant will provide City with two bound copies of design documents and one
original unbound copy suitable for reproduction. Mylar plan sheets will not be
· ConstructiOn management and observation are not included under this scope element.
· The following plan sheets will be prepared:
G-1 Title
G-2 General Notes and Specifications (Civil, Electrical, and Structural)
~ Civil
C-I Site Arrangement, Utility, Grading, and Paving Plan ..
A-1 General Building Arrangement/Floor Plan
A-2 Elevations/Sections/Restroom Details
} Structural
S-1 Foundation Plan and Sections
E-1 Electrical Plan
Cost: Parametrix will complete Task 2 services for $14,800.
City of Port ,4ngeles 215-2191-804 (01/01)
Oil Handling and Warehouse Building 3 September 2002
Scope of }York
Task 3 Permitting .,
Go~l:' The Consultant will identify permits required for the project.
Activities: Specific components of the work include:
· Coordinate with City and other government agencies to determine permitting
Deliverables: Parametrix anticipates the fo]lowing work products, for this task:
* Letter identifying permit and governing agency, if any are identified..
· Scope, cost, and schedule for preparing permit applications and permitting
documents in the event any permits or approvals are determined to be required.
Assnraptlons: The Scope of Work and cost estimate are based on the following assumptions:
· The City and the Consultant understand that no SEPA checklist or stormwater permit
will be required and no EPA or Ecology or Health Department approvals or reviews
are required. No permits or approvals of any kind are anticipated to be required.
· The project approach is for the construction conlxactor to obtain the building permit.
· The City and the Consultant will negotiate scope, cost, and schedule for completing
any permit applications or documents.
Cost: Parametrix will complete Task 3 services for $500.
Task 4 Bidding Assistance
tTo~l: The Consultant will assist the City during the bidding process.
Activities: Specific components of the work include:
· Attend a prebid conference at the site (project architect only).
· Respond to contractor's questions and prepare an addendum if required to clarify
project bid documents.
· Review bids received and make a recommendation for award.
Dellverables: Parametrix anticipates the following work products for this task:
·One addendum to clarify project bid documents.
City of Port .~ngele~ 215-2191-804 (01/01}
Oil Handling and Warehouse Building 4 September 2002
Scope of ~York
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estimate are based on the following assumptions:
· Prebid meeting minutes will be prepared by the City.
· The City will issue all documents and pay for copying as required for distribution of
bid documents to contractors.
Cost: Parametrix will complete Task 5 services for $2,100.
Task 5 Construction Management
Based on timing of project award and the contractor's proposed schedule, Consultant will negotiate a """
scope of work and budget with the City for providing construction oversight, including specialty '
construction testing (i.e., materials, compaction, asphalt, concrete, field welding, etc.), as required based '
on the construction testing program developed as part of Task 3. ....
Ci (y of Port 3 n geles 215-2191-804 (O l/O I )
Oil Handling and Warehouse Building 5 September 2002
Scope of ~Vork
DATE: November 12, 2002
FROM: Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Operations
SUBJECT: Replacement of Emergency Generator for Wastewater Pump Stations
Summary: The Emergency Generator for Wastewater Pump Stations in no longer working and
needs to be repaired or replaced. We have looked at various options and have determined that
purchasing a new generator through the State Bid is the best alternative.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to grant the
Director of Public Works and Utilities the authority to purchase a new 60 kW generator from
the State Bid.
Background / Analysis: The City Wastewater Utility Currently has a 50 kW generator that is
used as an emergency power source for the Wastewater pumping stations in case of a power
In 1993 the City purchased a used 50kw generator (1973 model), and trailer (1989 model). The
complete set was purchased from another utility and cost $11,132. Over the years the unit has
served the City well as a standby power source. The unit is no longer working and needs to be
repaired or replaced.
To determine what would best suit our needs we have reviewed our options to determine whether
or not to repair or replace the unit. Because the unit is obsolete and repair parts are not readily
available, the costs to repair the unit are prohibitive. Our best option would be the purchase of a
new 60 kW generator from the State Bid for a total of $20,136,02 including tax. We would save
approximately $6,000 by putting the new generator on the existing trailer and reusing the existing
transformers and receptacle plugs with the leads from the existing generator. We would also
save time and the effort needed to put together specifications and bid a new unit.
With winter coming and the time we may need a standby power source getting closer because of
the potential for winter storms, we would like to make our purchase in a fairly short time flame.
Delivery time for the generator is 8 weeks.
There is $7,500 accumulated in the Equipment Services Replacement Fund for a portion of this
purchase, with the balance to come from Wastewater reserves.
DATE: November 12, 2002
FROM: LaiTy Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
RE: Institutional Network Construction Status Report
Summary: This is an informational report on Northland Cable Television, Inc. (Northland) and
Capacity Provisioning, Inc. (C.P.I.) Institutional Network construction activities since the
October UAC meeting.
Recommendation: Information only, no action required.
Below is a summary of Northland's activities since the last UAC meeting:
1. Construction of about 2 miles of overhead fiber optic cabling was completed.
2. The backordered node enclosures arrived on October 29th.
3. Northland's franchise is being sold to Wave Division Networks, LLC and the City will be
asked to approve of a transfer of the franchise in the near future.
Due to the delayed arrival of the node enclosures, the earliest the fiber link and node
construction is anticipated to be complete is revised from 10/21/2002 to 11/13/02.
Below is a summary of C.P.I.'s activities since the last UAC meeting:
1. The majority of the distribution and site drop fiber optic cable has been installed.
Splicing and installation of demarcation panels are underway.
2. The node equipment, customer premises equipment and edge gear for utility sites has all
been ordered.
3. Meetings were held to discuss the plans, specifications and cost schedule for local area
networks which must be submitted for City review and approval on or before 11/25/2002.
4. Substantial progress was made on their network operating center which is located at the
new technology center.
Due to the Northland delay up to a 3-week delay is anticipated for C.P.I. which bumps the
date that services would be available to the City from 12/23/2002 to 1/13/2003..
DATE.' November 12, 2002
FROM: Larry Dunbar, Power Resources Manager
RE: Institutional Network Implementation Consulting Services - Monthly Status Report
Summary: This is an informational report on Metropolitan Communications Consultants
activities during the month of October 2002. The advisory services include support with the I-~
Net fast-track and during construction of the I-Net backbone.
Recommendation: Information only, no action required.
1-Net Fast-Track Advisor, Services ($20,000 authorized time & materials budget)
Task August Activity Prior Current Total
Final site plan, customer
Project Management premise equipment & edge
Support gear review $6,477.50 $1,560.00 $8,037.50
Development $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Service Agreement
Negotiation $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Expenses $83.58 $83.58
I-Net Backbone Construction Advisory Services ($25,000 authorized lump sum budget)
Task August Activity Prior Current Total
Project Management Support and representation
Support on technical matters $3,400.00 $2,550.00 $5,950.00
Plans & Specifications Fiber material substitution
Review $1,900.00 $100.00 $2,000.00
Construction Phase Contract changes (AKA
Engineering change orders) $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00
Final Inspection &
Total Budget $45,000.00 Totals $22,361.08 $4,710.00 $27,071.08
W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A,
DATE: November 12, 2002
FROM: Scott McLain, Deputy Director for Power Systems
RE: Transmission Rate Case Settlement
Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Business Line (TBL) has
proposed a settlement that would avoid a formal transmission rate case. This settlement includes
an increase to the City's transmission rates of about 2.5% over the two year rate period beginning
October I, 2003.
Recommendation: Forward a favorable recommendation to City Council in authorizing the
Director of Public Works and Utilities to sign the settlement agreement.
Bonneville's Transmission Business Line (TBL) has held a series of informal workshops in
anticipation of holding a TBL rate case commencing early next year. The TBL wants to establish
rates for a two-year period, and has indicated a desire to settle rather than litigate this case.
At these workshops, the TBL has indicated that if there is a litigated rate case, it would seek a 3%
increase for all transmission rates. In addition to this increase, TBL stated that it would have to
start compensating the Bonneville Power Business Line (PBL) for the redispatch of federal
generating resoumes undertaken to relieve transmission congestion affecting NT deliveries.
During the course of these workshops, the cost of this redispatch to NT customers was variously
estimated at $3.0 to $6.0 million.
During the course of the informal workshops, a settlement proposal was developed that has been
offered to the customers for consideration and execution. The initial deadline for the execution
of the proposed settlement was November 12th, 2002. The City, along with many other utilities,
has requested an extension in order to give their governing bodies time to consider this
Maior Elements of the Proposed Settlement
A. The overall increase to all transmission rates (including NT and PTP service) is 1.5% for
a two-year rate period.
B. The TBL will pay the PBL $3.0 million per year as compensation for the redispatch of
federal generating resources to support NT transmission deliveries. Of the $3.0 million, NT
transmission customers will pay $1.0 million through an additional 1.0% increase to the NT
transmission rate (for a total NT rate increase of 2.5%).
C. The current treatment of GTA service and GTA costs remains unchanged, and the parties
agree not to contest such matters at FERC or in court.
D. The Unauthorized Increase Charge (UIC) is limited to two times the monthly charge for
the type of service being provided.
E. The parties acknowledge that the redispatch of hydro resources has value, and agree to
participate in a process during the rate period to establish a method for appropriately valuing
F. Bonneville agrees that by October 1, 2003 it will have in place the appropriate facilities to
permit transmission customers to redirect their firm transmission capacity by temporarily
modifying their points of receipt and points of delivery.
G. Bonneville agrees to conduct forums to consider adopting TBL business practices on the
following topics:
a. Operating Reserves - Spinning and Supplemental Services
b. Real power losses
c. Curtailment during Real Time
d. Scheduling practices
Other Matters
The TBL representatives indicated that they preferred settlement to litigating this case, due to the
press of other work such as RTO West. While reducing their initial rate increase amount from
3.0% to 1.5%, the TBL did not provide any justification for the level of the proposed rate
increase, other than to indicate that they needed additional revenues to finance system additions.
The consensus of the customer representatives that have participated in the informal workshops
is that the offered settlement is more advantageous to the customers than they would be likely to
achieve if the rate case were fully litigated. It appears that most oftbe transmission customers
will be executing the proposed settlement.