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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
the 2013 budget and funds.
WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2013, was
adopted, approved and confirmed on December 4, 2012, in Ordinance 3468, in the manner
provided by law.
WHEREAS,now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen
when the 2013 budget was adopted.
WHEREAS, the facts constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to:
Unanticipated additional revenue;
• Unanticipated reduced revenue;
• Unanticipated additional expenditures for a variety of expenditure
classifications including maintenance and repair and changes in planned
capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council;
WHEREAS,these facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the
expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an
• emergency exists.
• Section 2. The 2013 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in
Ordinance 3468,and amended by Ordinance 3477,is amended as shown in the attached Exhibit
Section 3. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance numbering,section/subsection numbers
and any references thereto.
Section 4. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five)days after
publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the
majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the 20t
day of August, 2013.
Cherie Kidd, Mayor
Ja(1/sa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: August 30, 2013
By Summary
H ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES.2013110-2nd13udgetAmendment 0].16.13.wpd
• 2013 Budget Amendment#2-Exhibit"A"
Marine Firefighter Training 8,800 - Revenue from Port Security Grant related to training.No additional related expenses.
Firefighter Training 8,800 - Revenue from Washington State Patrol for training.No additional related expenses.
Admin Office Remodel - - Move$5,000 from Overtime to Supplies to pay for Admits area remodel.Net effect is$0.
Waterfront Surveillance Cameras - 103,500 Transfer to CIP.Council approved from Criminal Justice reserves.
Eliminate K-9 support from Clallam County (3,500) - County no longer provides K-9 financial support.
Radio Narrowbanding - 3,000 Provide radionarrowbanding in Park Facilities division.Council approved.
)TOTAL GENERAL FUND'. '' . - $., 16100,�n$ 106500 Inc ease Revenuer 514100 (cease EYpentlltu e $106,500•Y'-":
Generator Upgrade)PenCom/IT back-up) 87,000 87,000 Revenue is from 0.1%Sales Tax reserved for Capital,to be transferred to Fund 310.
[TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS' w5 81,0001 ,,0 87p00NIncease Revenues$87000 Increase Expend/tins$81000 ry ter:,j
Remote Racking Device - 29,200 Device required for safe operations.Paid from electric rates.Council approved.
BTOP - 184,500 Intrafund transfer from Electric Operating to Electric Capital Fund.
yTOiAt FIECfRI[Unl7TTT _......_ +„L$ 233100-,:NO change mrevenues Increase ExPendlturts$213100;'�_ .m- ,- �u>5�..sai�.•i�'"ta
Narrowbanding - 5,000 Upgrade radios to provide narrow banding.Revenues from Water reserves.Council approved.
$TOTAL WATER UTimy FUND 2,.a wr $iuw.+c ..5;11. .:4 S,OW':No change to revenues Increase Expend/tues$5000." , x� a�} c.:;� tFl
Narrowbanding - 3,500 Upgrade radios to provide narrowbanding.Revenue from Collection rates.Council approved.
tTOTA(SOUD WA$TECOILECTIONSt }_,;,k,4 $ s5. 3500'NO Chunpe to ievenues Increose fryendltures$35W:;dew„ Wi ,-+ w =
Generator Upgrade&HVAC - 308,000 Revenue from existing IT reserves.Council approved(emergency).
Electronic Records Mgmt(cost Increase) - 3,000 Revenue from existing IT reserves.Council approved.
Cognos Upgrade(cost Increase) - 2,000 Revenue from existing IT reserves.
Council Chamber Visuals - (55,000) Move project to 2014.
Thin Client mplementation - 120,000 Revenue from existing IT reserves.Council
-, - a i approved.
2TTAL T FUND „- 378000w Na cho pe ro reven ues Increosegie ndltu {3T$0
004 p -r�a w a a _`ery'w
Gateway Legal Costs - 28,900 Revenue from Gateway Settlement budgeted In 201301 amendment.Council approved.
Generator Upgrade(PenCom/IT back-up) 87,000 87,000 Revenue from PenCom transfer($87,000).Council approved(emergency).
Waterfront Surveillance Cameras 413,600 413,600 Revenue from GF Transfer($103,500)and grant($310,100)Council approved In 2012.
Lauridsen Bridge Project(cost increase) 30,785 173,000 Revenue from grants($30,800)and reserves($142,200),Council approved.
Waterfront Development Paving • 19,000 Revenue from NICE program reserves.Council approved,
18th Street-Move to 2014 (1,300,000) (1,425,000) Move project to 2014.
Edo Hook Erosion-grant 23,400 - Grant received for Ediz Hook Erosion project.
Dry Creek Final 19,300 - Revenue from grant for Dry Creek Bridge&Trail project.
C Street Extension(cost increase) - 4,000 Revenue from reserves.Council approved.
NICE Program(use funds for other projects) - (100,000) Eliminate expenses related to NICE program.Council approved.
Aerial Mapping( tdecrease) (40000) Reduce project cost by$40,000.
TOTAL_CAPITAL'IMPROVEMNile.-ti $W1-(725915)ni$ 2(839500);;Decrease Revenues 5725915.aeeose Expeditures$839500_�..� „„^�,' the
STOP 184,500 - Intrafund transfer from Electric Operating to Electric Capital Fund.
Cable Restoration Project,Phase 5 - (43,700) Project came In under bid.Funding from rates will remain for future capital projects.
OMC Redundant Power Source (110,000) (110000) Move project to 2014,
BTOP-grant reduced (353,000) - Grant reduced from$423,000 to$70,000.
STOP-Insurance proceeds 300,000 - Insurance proceeds related to lightning strike.
STOP(cost d e) (143,000) Reduce costs related t project.
TDTAL EF ELTRICCA PITAL FEND $ f 21500x$ (296]00) Increase Revenues$2 1,500 De
cr .e.E. pe dues$2967ff0 - :arid
E Street 0. (cotincrease) 237,000 Revenue from Water UAC approved and sent t
l C
TOTALWGPRALFUND �k 5 2 ,000No rhon2etortse ies l g ErPeds$tu 131000_ r a n_5'
SCADA Plant Controller(cost increase) - 205,100 Revenue from existing Wastewater reserves.Council approved.
CTOrALWASrnVATERGAITA FUNOr r ,=. $ 1 $f 205 100 NO ch p to revenues Increase Expend res$205200: ?s._IeziW.Ttwza Kir
2013 Budget Amendment#2
August 20,2013
Exhibit A
.0 -• 7_sr Fund30.=="f.----077,-,-0I I .e -`,172013 Budget:1st Qtr.Amendment'wn1 ='v '-97"2013 Budget=2nd QIF.'Amendment 00-0 r"
• Fund Div. Name/Cescdptlan Balance Beginning Revenue Expenditures Balance Est. BaBaginnin Revenue Expenditures BalanEndln
GENERAL FUND "...:: , .+w.oj: i 1 .■:n'I ._._ ..._.. _. I _... __ _..
,:001, TOTAL General Fu d . I 4,967,518 I 18,931,350 I 18,994,940 I 4,903,928 L 4,967,518 I 18,945,450 I 19,101,440 I 4,811,528
SPEdF10.EVENUE FUNDS? .lu dirC! ._ . , '
r1U1 I IpenCom Fund 1 824,1681 2,3444501 2,596,000 I 572,6181 824,168 r 2,431,450 r 2,683,0001 572,618
ENTERPRISE'/UTILITY FUNDS', " '....... .....-.. r -
.401 Electric Utility Fund 7,211,487 35,739,600
Fund 3,516,698 5,739,800 5,645,500 3,610,998 3,516,698 5,739,800 5,650,500 3,605,998
-,4404 Solid Waste--Collections Utility Fund 2,703,460 3,380,600 33,500,900 2,583,160 2,703,46033,380,60033,504,400 2,579,660
r502 I Ilntormatlon Technology 1 1,205,505 I 1,379,500 1,386,600 I 1,198,405 I 1,205,505 I 1,379,500 I 1,764,600 I 820,405
,.. ..W _ I _ i
CAPITAL FUNDS..- -..`:e,: _.,.. G3 .
310 Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 3,742,878 9,719,732 13,254,101 208,509 3,742,878 8,993,817 12,414,601 322,094
_.........__....,.1,.3.._x..._ .__.,_..
051 Electric Capital Fund 2,515,836 1,044,300 3,828,140 1268,004)„, 2 2,515,836 1,065,800 3,531,440 50,196
452 Water Capital Fund 1,818,544 0 1,530,100 288,444 _ 1,818,544 0 1,767,100 51,444
_!453 Wastewater Capital Fund 2,286,841 731,300 2,421,000 597,141 2,286,841 731,300 2,626,100 392,041
2013 Budget Amendment#2
August 20,2013
Exhibit A