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000666 Original Contract
City of Port Angelos Record #000666 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST HEALTH CARTE PROGRAM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This AgreementIs made and entered into in the State of Washington by and among the Association of Washington Cities Employee Benefit Trust(the"Trust") and czties acid towns, and non-.pity etxtities organized acid existing under the'Constitution or laws of the State, of Washington and who are members of the Trust ("'Partie patting Cities:and.Towwris;" or Participating Non-city Entities"),all.of whom axe signatories to this,Agreement, RECITALS. WHEREAS,,the Trust is ari entity to whichcontributions by Participating Cities and Towns and Non-City Entities,(defined"below) and IParticipating Employees(defined below) are paid,and thrqugh_"whiGhthe").oard of Te stees provides one or more insured.bealth and welfhxe he,aefit plans or programs to Participating Employees,their covered dependentsanddother beneficiartos'("Een ie Aries") on whose behalf the contributions were pa dl AM WHEREAS,the Trust qualifies asr a voluntary:employee benel"iciary ass6,t4tition within; tho meaning of kotion'501(e);9) ofthe Tnterml Revenue Cade( VEBA"), pro'ridirg for the: p4yment of 11fe, slob,accident of other benefits to 8enef oiaries; and WHEREAS, the Trust and the Participating Cities and Towns have determined:that it is inthe,best interest of T articipating t "ties and Towns to Jointly self- nsure,contain health benefit plans and programs for Penefkiaries t°hiough a designated account wvithin.the Trust,while at thei ,same time liaving the Trust co0fiaue as the entity 1to W ich.healtb and welfare benefitp"lan or progrM:contrib tions are paid and throtigh whibh'insured health. and-welfare:beiXe t platin and prograwg:are providod.to llenefieiaxies:i and W1=IEM,AS, it appears:eomo nioally fbaiblo and.practical for the parties:to this. Agreement(defined below)to do so and EREAS; Chapter 4&62 kCW provides that two or.41orQ eal �t hgovenimp elit ti:os may,by Interlocal agre.emenvun4er Chalater 39.34 T OW.,aoiatly self insure,hidalth benefit plains and presgraxns.,.a»dlor jolntly hire tisk.planag oient semioes for such plans or pizogra:ins by any orae or more of eer%iri:specified methods; and WHEREAS, each local government entity that is.a signatory l-aereto,as required b, WAC 200.110=030, acts upon the authority of a resolution adoptiag this,Agreemet.and the Health Care Program(dergied below) created herein, NOW,,THERE FORE,'for.anti in consideration of all of the mutual'benefits, covenants and.agceemeiats contained herein,the parties hereto agree as follows; 74234347.6 0,053139-00.001 l ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following are definitions of terms used.in the Agreement, Unless indioated otherwise, other.teriris are defined where they are first used. Defined terins are capitalized when used in the defined context. 1,1 Agreement means this Interlocal Agreement entered into under the authority of Chapter 39.34 RCW and as required,by RCW 4$.62.031(2) between the Trust:and l artiolpating. 1�,ritployers:. 1.2 .Association of'Waohli7gton Cities or AWC moans the Association of WAshington. Cities, a not-far�=profit membership association established pursuant to to law, .of the state of Washington for the purpose o pro td ng'variaus ser v es to andon,lael alf Qf'is member 611es. 1.3 , 'ssootat on of Vwshing(.O.0Citi'Q.s' inployee Benefit Trust or the Trust means the trust and all property and money,held.by such entity,including all. :coritraet rights:and records; established°for the sole puipa5ci of providing fife,sick accident or other healtk axed welfare benefits to PWicipating Employers, their covered do endents.,and ot`hor benef"xeiaries,•and whioh is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a MA., 1.,4 Employed Benefits.Advisory Conimittee or EBAC means the eom, ittee defined in; Article V ofthe.Trust Agreement,that may be d0e.9,4ed;iesp:oi?s>bxlity by:the$,pard of Trustees„jilqludin but not 1f rated t6, overseoing the aperations of the Health..Care Program;;analyzing and developing:annual premium levels and benefit coverage Changes for recommendation to the Board of Trustees and performing-other Autres necessary to ensure that the needs.of Participating Employers;ars ret and t1w lcsng7term l`I�lancial health of the TlealthCam Program is maintained. 1.5 Health Ore program m.pans the jwnt selfinsuraace 1Sxo.gMn offering self irssured: health benefat opfions-through the HCP Account, 1.6 11CP.Accoa t means a design4teO account within the'i fust and created by this Agreement .,the;Trust Agreement and Trust Health Cage Program policies all urldet t`Ite authorily.of Chapter 48.62 RC I to provide self'ffisured health'bcnefifs to l'�t' paling Employees,their covered dependents and other benefi'ciar'ies and further,desCribed in Article 6, 1.7 Non-City Entity means any public agency,public corporatian, intorgoveri montal'agency or poltflcal subdivision,within the .state p-f W shington that meets the;requirements of Article TX, lection 1(c)(ii)and (iii} of"the Trust Agmement for participation ' the 1-tealth Care.p og1°a - 1,8 Psirtkipating City means any city or town within the state of Washington:that meets the, requirements ofAX-ticle TX, Section IL 4) or;' ction.l(b) of'the Trust Agreerneiit. 74234347.6 0053138.00001 2 1.9 Participating Employee means any individual employed by a Participating Employer and for whore the Participating Employer makes contributions to the Trust, acrd any individual who may have been so employed but is subsequently Laid off,:terminated,or retired. 1.,1.0 Participating lEiixrlloyer means-a Participating City or Non-City Entity that is:also a party to this Agreement, 1<.1.1 Resolution means the resolution adopted:by each Participating City or T�Ior�-City�r�tity that aithorize° the Health Care Program. 1.12 State T ill i eager rn Ri*.M4 finger genes the risk manager offilm Risk 1Vlanagerrrent Division;withlD the Department of Enterprise Sorvices. 1.13 Stop Loss Zriaurance or Reis surame means a pronjise by an irksurance company#hat it mill Dover losses of the Health Care Program over and above an a.greod-upon indfvidi gal br,aggrega•te amount, which definition shall be inodified by any ohariges td the definition of stop'loss insua` nee in WAC 200 :11042'.0.- 1,.14 'Third-Party Adinihisfrkor means the,indepexrdent association,ageney,:entity or ehterpri�se which,through a cgntractual agreenlen,t;provides one of more of the following angOiztg;s'ervices to the Health Care Program:pool rrrarra.geri ent or administration services, claims,administration services, risk ztiar ageriient serVice5, or'serv:ces for The design; inniplo i antat arr, or tenn" of an individual or joint.self insurance program, 1.l S "rust Agre�•xx��nt xr�oans the I'rust'Agreerrrent�overnn,g tl�e`l�:tst arrlended.anc1 restated July 1,20-13,atld.any subsequent nmondntent8 thereto;. 1 16 T rusto.os or Board,of Trustees ihtans the following individuals and the r successors;, who together;.gove n the Frust and the Realtli Care Progrwn: l.16.1 the A WC President.and the AWC'Vice Pi esiderit; 1.16.2 the E'BAC Chair,and the.EBAC- Vice.Chair;r;and 1.163, an Yislual sleeted pursuant to tho, rocedu resin Article IIT;Seetion 5 of the T istAgxeement to serve as the trustee from one of the follovvaug regioi (a) Morth East R:eglon(known as the"North East Region Trustee"); (b) North,West Region(known.as the"North.West Region Trustee"); (c), South East Region;(kft6Wn as the'South.:East Region Trustee");and (d) South West Region(known..as tho"SmMi West Region Trustee"):. Individuals from Non�City Entities are not eligible to=serve as Trustees. 74234347,b 0053138-00001 3 ARTICLE 2, PURPOSE This Agreement is entered into for the purpose of authorizing the Health Care Program created,by the Trust to:provide self-insured health benefits to Participating-Employ es,1hei covered dependent's aid other:bexeficiaies. The Health."Care Program shall comply with the s.awtorypi().,' ons.fo d zit Chapters 4.8.62 and 39.31 k,0W and e regulatory requirerrients. ooftWned:ifx W,: C 200-110'appl eabl,e to joint self insurance programs. ARTICLE, 3 PARTIES Eaeli party to this,Agreement certifies-that.it iritends'to parti6pate"in the i-ealth Care Program, Partloipatftig Employers are signatories,oft s Agreez,ent t beeorrre-effect ve on,a elate to be inalually determined(the"'Effective bate" "arid volt ,such other Paxtrcap.at1ftg Cities and Novi-(Nty Er Cities a8 may is qhe,added to atd.'be.cq.rw signatories"to this A,greernerit." ARTICLE 4 3)UR.A.TIQN OYACREEMENT 4.1 This Agreement-shall become"effective on the Effoctive Date. 4,2 This Agreewout shall have perpetual duration unless terinig ted as:horeinaftor provided:. ARTICLE S MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION The Health Care progxam shall be open to Partio pating Citios.and Nw City Entities, Participation i; the 11'0�alth Cage Program is'voluntary amid riot a.xegtiirerrient ofAWC membership, The Board of Trustees shall provide for-the-reasonable admission of new Participating Cities aria Novi-Czty Entities'. ARTICLE 6 I3CP ACCOUNT 6,1 All.premium contributions byParticipating Employers,Mori-City Entities and Partie pating;Erriployees for,use in the"Health Care Progt=are dgosited into the-',HCP Aocount. 662 The HCP Aocowit represents a pool of fiurids that is independent of all other Trust or AWC funds and independent.of all other.Participating Employer and Nan-City Entity hinds.. Thefuzid.s deposited.into tl e 140 Account acre-hold, managed and expended-only for the Health Care Program and reasonable expenses, consistent with applicable state 74234347,6 00531.38-00001 4 and federal statutes and rules governing joint self-insurance programs and self-insurance programs generally. 63 The SCPA .auut is subjocto audit by the State Auditor's Office, ARTICLE 7` TRV8TXE DO ER$RELATED TO HEALTH CARE PROGRAM The Board.,of Trustoes is provided with the.polders and functions established under RCW"48-6.2.031 to aeconxplish the following .4 Nnomote the e.Qmurnical and cfficient means by wbi+ch health benoPhs coverage is made available:to 1 articipa ing Employers and N:ouCity Entities and provided to Participating Employees, their co'vewd dependents and afher beneficiaries; 7.2 P>roteot th6 financial,integrity of the Health dare Program through p.urcha`se of Stop Loss Insurance or Remsurance in such oim- and amount as needed,; 73 Contract for or othei ise provide risk manapmentand loss control services, 7,.4 Contract:for or atherwi e provide,legal coun�ol farAhe defense ofclai=find other legal Services; 7.5 Consult with the state insurance commissiQner.and the:State Risk Manager, 7<6 f bllgate the Participating,Employers and Non-City:Entities to pl.edg6 re-vei ues or, c`vntrii ute zrtoney to soeare the obligations or pay the-expenses,of the Health Gare PrQgt=,,iricluding the establishment of a ireservb or fund fbr coverqgc, and 7.7 Exercise:all other p•oWer&aud pedorm all'other'functions reasonably neeessary to carry outt the purposes oft.hQ Realth Care Program,.Chaptcr45,62 R'CW and Chapter.WO-110, WAC, ARTi ICL ORGANIZATION'OF HEALTH CAREPROGRAM 8,.1 The operations of the Health Caro,Program are.managed by the.Board of Trustees,or its delegates. The Trustees or any delegates review and'analyze Health Care Program- related ixiatterand make operational decisions.re<gard ng preitium eomr�ibutions R reserves,.plan options and bi benefits n compliance with Chapter 48.62 RCW. 8.2 The Board of Trastees.has decision authority consistent with the Trus.AgreeFnent,.Health Cale Pro policies,Chapter 45:62 RC'W and Chapter 20Q-1 10 WAC. 74234347,6 0653138-00001 5 ARTICLE 9 RESPONSIBILITIES,OF THE TRUSTEES 9`-i The,Board of Trustees shall discharge its responsibilities'underthis Agreement as follows, 0.1,1 Provide for the efficient management mid operatioij of thp,lje4lTh Carp Prograin. 9.11 Provide,for hfdlth benefit,coverage=optionsfor Participabrig Employees,their amered dopeadents and,othpx beneficiaries; 9..'1.3 Dete:tmina the level of Stop Loss Insurance or)R:eiasuranc e coverage for claims wws.esabove the 4mouals deemed.appropriate for self-insurailce. 9,1A Ensure that the Health Care:P-tolgram meets required'state.,and fedew. , 5t4tq* Un.d rules; 9.1 15 contzact w4h vendors requiredtorneet the respansibilffie.s establishod by tht Trust.Agreem,ent, Health Care Pfogram policies, and applicable state:and federal. statutes and Ailes; 9,1.6 M4.j nt4 a.tbo,balanco between movOng the Health Care:Program, goods of "ParOcipa g FmpJoyets and the long-terin,finaftoidl Mtegrity of the Health Cate 'Progromf 9.1.7 Prepare:arr annual app'gl.rqport o tbe qpqyat1Qns :of TlioHe alth C' twe r.' :gr RRA 9-1,8 Provide for other soavices:.deerfted,Appropriate by Ill.&13.bard of Tfu8ted§to meet the ptirposcs�of this Agfeefbett. 9,.� The Boax�o'f1vjstees may Megate,the:responsibfi ,i4eg described.in this Aft, fo. kle 9 ,thc� 03AQ OT, Pompba-.c discretion, ARTICLE 10 RESPC OF THE'PARTICIPATING EMPLOYE RS in. ordorto patticipate In.the health Care Program, Participating.EmP lo.yers shall; 10.1 Be a.Participating City or Nop-Q-tyEAjity M:gpudstastanding;ad comply with the reqqirOnIents of adIni scion or qualification as established by the Board of Thistees; 102 Adopt this Agreement by Resolution, agreeing to its tents.and provisions.; 103 Stibmit the Resolution and Veem.ent to the Ttvst.; 74234347.6 0055138-000.1. 6 10.4 Read the terms, conditions and representations set forth in the application agreement related to participation in the,Health Care Program; !A5 DesignAu-,an employee pf the Participating Employer to be. 4contact pergorn fol:all mAttcrs relating to the Participating:Employer's participation in the Health Care Progtam; 10.6 Pay premiums far the 146alfliCaro Program to the Third-Party Administrator no later than the tends day of the month in which the premium is due11 10.7 By fourial action of the leg'isl'ative body of the Participating:Employer,,approve policies and pnoedures ilecossary to scoute protected healthinfonnation("PHI")in accordance with Chapter 701,02 RCW and the Health.1psurance Portability, and Accountability-Act MIPAA")privacy and.seciarity rules, codiAcd:at 45 UAParts 160-164; 10-8 Provide,the Health_Caro,Program with such information or assistance Sas,is necesmty for the,Health CareP-t69tamtd XhW its responsibilities:under this Agreement, agd ,16.9, CoQpe fat.,-,)vitt,anal assist the Health Caro Program and any insurer of$top Lo'ss, Insuru",oar Reinsuran,ce,in all matters relating to the administtation and operation,of the Hcahh Care Program and all manors relating to this Agreement. 10.1.0 Comply with all-bylaws,rules,regglatiOns aAd pqficies.adopted by tho Board of Tiustoes rpl4d'ng to the Health Cate Program. ARTICLE.Al RE$ERVE FUND INVESTMENT: Allxesierve-,f.Undfiwositnenis.from the ITC?Aom-dat$hall be.made,in,4 manner that is ,consistent With RCW, ,48.6,1111, Chapter:59.59 RCW,WAC 200,1 10-090 and the;1041th Can Program Investment Policy. ARTICLE, 12 FINANCIAL,.RIXORMS 12;.1 Tbp Board of Tx4stQc-s shaU develop cestim.ated.revenue-and expeiiditurog to establl sh a budget for each fiscal year'oveiing Januaty I ftoagh December 31 annually. AM41 Health Care.Programa rcwnoc8 and:o.xp wid.iiuresi, shall,be mbhitbred.monthly by the Board of Tiustea and reported at:it3 quarterly meetings, 12.2 The a�coupting records of the Health Care Program are maintained in accordance with, methods prewribed by the State Auditor's officcuildor the,authority:of'Chapter 43,09 RCW, T.lie Health Carer Program aNO follows applicable accounting standards established by the Governmehtal Accounfinig Standards Board Year-ead financial reporting is done on an accrual basis and submitted to the.Office of the State Auditor as required by Chapter 200-1,IQ WAC, Qnce reviewed and approved by the 7423434I.6 0.053138-00001 7 Office of the, State Auditor the year-end financial report is transmitted to the Office of the State Risk Manager, 12,3 Finmciol records,of the,Health,Care Program shall be subject to audit by the Office;of the State Auditor. Yearend Effiancial reports and aactit results shall be made available to interested parties, The Health Care Program,shall provide,fina.ncial information as required by state statute and rule to the Office oftl e State Risk Manager. ARTICLE 13 PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER TE RMINATION AND WITHDRAWAL 11.1 A Participating Employer must remain in zood standing:with the Trust-and'adhere:to the requiremerit$of this Agreeroent. in the event that a'Participating.Ez ployeafdil�to be.g Participatibg City or Non-City Entity in,good standing,participation in the Health Care ProgrM, shall:uat°orr atically teftnihate without notice as shall all.health and welfare benefits provided through the 14ealth.Care Program, 132 The Board of T rusle0s.way take action to torftnnate membership. or,deny membership ii� the Health Cara,Ptogram where it deterinines,that such termination or denial,is in,the,best interest of Health Caire,Prograrn '13'A Wien a,P4111clgating Em l yeaIgi I gram �affected due to. gel' I bijity in the Health Care Program:is f merger or annexation, the affected Participating Employer:may petition the Board of Trustees to remain in thie Health Care Prografn' . 114 A Parfxdpafing,Employ ar may only withdraw draw its participation. n ithe Health Care -Program 0 the,end of tjw,qW'endar year and must provide,written notice to the Trust at least one,Q f) daysis advance of the,end of the calendar year(;December 11 st), 15.5 In the zvent ofwithdraw.al of non-.renewal,the.Rr,afth Care'Program will cover any of the Participating;Employ'-'r"s remaining outstanding Health Care Program elaims expenses incurred Pdor to Cho Participating Employer's:withdrawal from or nonrenewal in the Hea I tla Carp Program... 13.6 No Paftioipatffig Employer, because of withdrwd or any, other reason, .has,oxy, tight or .interest in the Acp recount because of its.nature:as a rate stabilization f(md, in the event a 1 Pan icipatinwithdraws from Employer wi t the Health Care Program its Particiliating Employeos,their oo-vend dependents and other beneficiaries and any Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act.of 198 5 as amended (COBRA:)participantsud contraotpersonneland,depeiidents approved by the Board of Trustees.,shall fo.rfeh',a11 right and interest to the.H(V Account. 742.34347,6 053138-00001 8 ARTICLE 1.4: TERMINATION OF HEALTH CARE PROGRAM 14.1 In the:event the Health Care Program i;gterminated, the Board'of Trustees shall:distribute, the remainip funds.in th.e'HQP Account.to the`Trust or a.ny suece;ssorr association authorized by�,hapter 39'34 R:CW for like purposes for use in any program with similar purposes, 14.2 Upon termination,this Agreement and the,KQP Account shall continue.for the purpose of payingxemaini rg.outstanding claims and expe'nsos arid.fulfilling all other ftinctiofts negessary'to complete the business of the Health Care Prograrn.. ARTICLE 15, MEETINGS,NOTICES.AND COMMUNICATIONS 15.,1 The Board of Tiagtees and the EBAC, if any responsibilities for Trust rlaanag. 'xit have beetr delegated thereto, shall provide notice of their regular an: d special meetings and hold their meetings;irr accordarcc wrtir chapter 42,E QC `Open:Public 1ecCings Act. 1,x.2 Communications with participating Ernployem fnay.occur using mail.,email:or posting on the Health Care`Prograni website, The websito:shad iie partitioned to provide iaiforiiiation far the gi�-,rr-ral pvbtic and.infoTmation specific to'Participatin g Eaaplayers and they'employeo% 15 3. Coininur icatio is may come diroctly from:the Health.Care Program;,through the Third,nP,4rty Adniinistrator.or through aao0er Yv dor�orof The 1lealth.Care Program, ARTICLE 16, AMENDMENTS TO TNTERLOOA.L AGRERMENT 16.1 The Board,of Txustees shall review and' iolyze ai yproposed a iaendhaezit.to this Agreement, An:am mdrnent may-be proposed for review by any party to this Agreement:. 1.62 The Bo,,, d of"T steres upon.its discretion may tako action by resolution on any amendment at any,regular meetingof the.Board-of Trustees:. ARTICLE 1'7 PROHIBITION ON ASSIGNMENT 1.7,E No Partcz at hg Employer may assign any right or claire of interest it may`have under this Agreement 74234: 4.7,5 0053138.00001 9 17,2 No creditor, 4ssignec or third-party beneficiary of any employer shall have the right, Claim or-title to any party, share., interest,premium or asset of the, Trust, HCI'Aceount or- the Health Care Program, ARTICLE 1:9 HEALTH CLAIM DISPUTES AND APPEALS In the event that a dispute arises over a health claim, thee procedures,adjudication. requir.ements and adrniniatmti ve remedies shall be found in,the Health-Cam Program's plan document applicable to diet Health Carp,Program covering the claimant ARTICLE 19 .PLAN AT)MfNISTRATION DISPUTES AND APPEALS 19a.1 1.ft thetveot fh4t;a dispute arises between A Participating-Em plqyer and the t4ealth Care Program,,the.Panielpating Employer shall document the 6rcur.nst4nrQs,causing the, dispute.and submitaw. ri.#qn;request 1 review,ofIsput the�disputed.circumstances to the BoaTd of Trustees. Upon retview of such information,the Board,of Trustees.shall attempt, to resolve the:dispute.. 19.2 If the Board ofTrwte6s' rmolution to the,dispute:is deemed unsatisfa ,then . .ctor.y alternative dispute res P'utioa throw, . ! Oh mediation or binding arbitration may be iatoes,�.aty. ARTICLE 2.0 ENVORCEMk NT OV TMM8 O.F AGRE EMENT :1 The 13,o 01 -m g g ,W, Qt may onforce the tei of Agroomext, 2012 In the e-nut,legal action is hiftiatedto .enforce.any terra. or pxQw5,iQn ofthis AgreaAetit agaitist any present or prev! g .9115 Par-acipatill Employa, the prevail ng pally shall.rece receive spqh Telin.burge.mpit of costs as the court deems reasonable fox.attomqV fees and posts relatp&to the relevant legal action, AIRTICLE Z1, DEFAULT, 2LI If any PanicipAti!;ig Employ6t.16ils to.perfw rrL any term or conditiop,of this Agreement and suchfailure continues fOr a,period of sixty(60) days after.tbe., Board. of Trustees has givers I cri the Participating Employer written,notice desodbihg such failvre,.the Participating Emloyet shall be considered in default. p 21:.2 Upon default,the Board of Trustees may immediately cancel the Participating Employer's paAiciparion in,the Health Care Program without additional:notice or exerei.s,oso soiree other remedy Otherwise provided'by law. 14234347.6 0053 M-00001 10 213 The rights and remedies of the Board offrustees,are cumulative in nature and pursuit of any particWaryQxnedy shall not be deemed an election of,remedies gr a waiver of any other remedies:available hereunder or otherwise aY4 fable.by law., ARTICLE 22 NO WAIVERS No waiver or fbrbearance of-a breach of any covenant, term,or condition of this: Agreement shall,beconstrued to be a waiver or forboaraace of any other ox subsequent breabfi of the same or of any othuwvenant,term or conditiori, and the acoeptanoe of any perfonnance here m- der,:or the paymexit of any sum of money after the 8affie has become, due or at 4 time wlm any other default exists hereunder, shall not constitute a,waiver or right todemagd, ay nme t of all P suits owing of A Waiver of any iotli'r default 'e : .0 'Jlt th n or thereafter existing, ARTICLE 23 ,CONTRACT`MAXACAME NT Tho,Health Gare Program,shall designate;a!pors=to Whom the State Mk Manager shall forward;legal.pirooess,sorve4upon the RiA Manager; The.AIDC Chiefl.x'ecut* ivve:Officer (desigpee,or successor). The Health,Care,Program DirectorI b slia I be, responsible for and shall ba theo;o:awet p etsa n fbr all cqrximml'c ations:regqrdlhg the performance-of'this Agreement. ARTICLE 14 $E87 ERA-BILITY If any Provision of thisAgreement or anyprovision 6fany document incorpor#ted by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity, shall not affect the other Provisr"S of this Agreement which can be Given:effectwith6ut theinvalid,pr9yisiQn, if such rernainde�conforms to the.requfrertc-nts,,© applicable law and.the fundamental of this Agreeme = rit� =d to this end:the;provisions PMjs AP declared to be severable. ARTICLE 25, COUNTERPART,COPIES This.Agreoirient may be signefd veounterpart or dupfflicat6 copies and any. signed counterpart or duplicate copy 8ball be equivalent:to ed original for all purposes., 74234347.6 0053138-00001 ARTICLE 26 HEADINGS The Article and 8,eotion headings in.this Agreement,are inserted fox oo&eilience only: and are noj'Intended.to be used.in the interpretation of the contents of the Articles and.,S-ections they introduce: ARTICLE 27 AGREEMENT C OMPLE TE This Agreement and the documents referenced herein contains all the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise ' - re.gardin'g the subj-ectmatter of this.agreement��ha.11.be-deemed to exist or to bind the,patties heteto, [Signature-rage follows] 14234347,6 0053138.00001 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,, the undersigned parties have executed this Agreement. Ass:00atioti.of WasWhOvo Cities Partigibgfing Employer Emolov_eo Benefit Trg2t" .w S gnatttr : . a l — Signa Ore Name: iYMiehael A. McCarty Name(print):000 Mf-A Titley Chief Executive Meet Tftie; Date., l Date, t d 1 Effective Date4 January 1, 2014 7+234347.6 0053.13 KOM 13