HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 11/05/2013 AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING th 321 East 5 Street November 5, 2013 SPECIAL MEETING – 5:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING – 6:00 p.m. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER – SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:30 P.M. . - for the purpose of an Executive Session under authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. CALL TO ORDER – REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Veterans Day Proclamation C. PUBLIC COMMENT – The following individuals spoke against the installation of smart meters in the City of Port Angeles: Kelly Dowell, Cindy Turney, Edna Willadsen, Judi Hangartner, Virginia Leinart, and Melvina Worman. Mary Beth Wegener, Executive Director of the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society, spoke in favor of the City’s continued contribution to the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society. D Bellamente invited everyone to attend Bunco Night at the Senior Center this Friday, a Joseph House fundraiser event. Edna rd Petersen invited everyone to participate in the 3 Annual Holiday Extravaganza event this weekend. D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS – None. E. CONSENT AGENDA / Approved 7-0 1. Expenditure Approval List: 10/05/2013 to 10/25/2013 for $7,922,911.49 .............................................................. E-1 2. Cable Restoration Phase V, Project CL05-2012, Final Acceptance ........................................................................ E-55 3. Clallam County Fire District #2 –Radio System Sharing Agreement ...................................................................... E-56 4. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency – Memorandum of Agreement for Air Monitoring Station .............................. E-61 APPROVED 6-0, with Bruch abstaining 5. Lincoln Park Longhouse Removal Agreement Amendment – .............. E-51 F. QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTERS – REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) ......................................................................................................................... None Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. November 5, 2013 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 G. PUBLIC HEARINGS – OTHER (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Revenue Sources for the 2014 Operating Budget / Continued and Closed Public Hearing ..................................... G-1 2. 2014 Property Tax levy Ordinance and Resolution / Conducted 2nd Reading of Resolution and Ordinance, Continued and Closed Public Hearing /Adopted Resolution #13-13 and Ordinance #3488, MC 7-0........................................ G-1 nd 3. Utility Retail Rate Adjustments Ordinance / Continued and Closed Public Hearing, Conducted 2 Reading, Adopted MC 5-2, with Kidd and Collins in opposition Ordinance #3489, ............................................................................... G-7 H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS ........................................................ None I. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS ...................................................... None J. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................... None K. FINANCE .............................................................................................................................................................. None L. COUNCIL REPORTS – Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance at the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Summit and discussed the economic benefits of the American Sprit Cruise Ship coming to Port Angeles. Mayor Kidd spoke regarding Information Item #7, and her commitment to continue to work with the Department of Ecology to secure additional funding for the City. Deputy Mayor Collins spoke regarding his attendance at the Saturday Farmers’ Market and his plans to attend the upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony. Councilmember Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance at the Saturday Farmers’ Market and encouraged staff to take advantage of these events and help Council provide information about ongoing City projects. No other reports were given. M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Public Works & Utilities Quarterly Consultant Report ........................................................................................... M-1 2. Public Works & Utilities Department Quarterly Report ......................................................................................... M-17 3. Port of Port Angeles Letter Re: Lincoln Park ......................................................................................................... M-20 th 4. Follow-up Re: Nuisance concerns at 215 W. 14 St............................................................................................... M-22 rd 5. Port Angeles Downtown Association 3 Quarter Report........................................................................................ M-23 6. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Minutes ...................................................................................... M-29 7. Letter to Dept. of Ecology re: Remedial Action Grant ........................................................................................... M-31 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - None. O.ADJOURNMENT – 7:53 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. November 5, 2013 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2