HomeMy WebLinkAbout000630 Original ContractSUBMIT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND NO LATER THAN August 30, 2013
(Signed GAIN forms may be submitted by FAX or sent via e-mail as an attachment.)
Grant Acceptance Intent Notice (GAIN) City of Port Angeles
Formally Accepting the Funding Offer from the Record # 000630
2013-15 .Biennial Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Program
(This GAIN will include the recipient's intent to accept or decline the Pre -construction Funding offer
as described in the Funding Guidance found at:
litt ://www.cev.wu, ovl i -a rams/w lfiuuiin F'un(lin Pro rams/OtherFuadln Pro rams/5twa12a/FYIWffa.html
Please Note: This GAIN does not replace a formal agreement. A formal grant agreement must be
signed by the prospective grant recipient and Ecology before eligible costs are reimbursed,
Lead Applicant Name: City of fort Angeles
Tederat ID No: 91-6001266
Applicant(s) including partner "Designated Local Government" Names (City, Town or County):
Project Title: City of Port Angeles Stormwater Capacity Grant
Name of Lead Local Government Signatory (Please Print): Signature:
Dan McKeen, City Manager
Name of Lead Local Government Staff Contact:
Title: Jonathan Boehme, Stormwater Engineer Telephone Number: Email Address:
(360) 417-4811 jbochme@cityofpa.us
Mailing Address: 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Please Note: You must select a primary location and then provide additional location information as
applicable. All separate designations (County, Legislative District, Congressional District, and WRIA) must
equal 100/ ( istongreatest to Least percentage, and please break any ties, by at least one percentage pont).
County(ies) for the Project:
Legislative District(s) for the
Are you accepting the offer for Preconstruction activities? Yes® No❑
NOTE: .For information on project -specific planning and design activities and
requirements, see Guidance Document at:
littp.//iv-%vw.eev.wa.Itov/programs/wg/fn:tdinzfFu ndinizProgra nis/OtlierFuntlingProeranis/St'�Va l2a/FY12 aSt'tVa. htmi
(Signed CAIN forms may be submitted by FAX or sent via e-mail as an attachment.)
For Task 2 ($50,000) — Permit Implementation, the following is a NON-BINDING list of
elements your project may include:
A. If the RECIPIENT is out of compliance with the municipal stormwater National Pollutant
Discharge, Elimination System (NPDES) permit, the RECIPIENT must ensure funds are used
to attain compliance where applicable.
B. The RECIPIENT may conduct work related to implementation of additional activities
required by the municipal stormwater NPDES permits. The following is a list of elements
your project may include. Please. check all boxes that apply to your project.
Public education and outreach activities, including stewardship activities
Public involvement and participation activities
Illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program activities, including:
1. Mapping or geographic information systems of municipal separate storm sewer
systems (MS4s);
2. Staff training;
3. Activities to identify and remove illicit stormwater discharges;
4. Field screening procedures;
S. Complaint hotline database or tracking system improvements.
Activities to support programs to control runoff from new development, redevelopment, and
construction sites, including:
1. Development of an ordinance and associated technical manual or update of
applicable codes;
2. Inspections before, during, and upon completion of construction, or for post -
construction long-term maintenance;
3. Training for plan review and/or inspection staff
4. Participation in applicable watershed planning effort.
Pollution prevention, good housekeeping, and operation and maintenance program activities,
such as:
1. Inspecting anal/or maintaining the MS4 infrastructure;
2. Developing and/or implementing policies, procedures, or stonmwater pollution
prevention plans at municipal properties or facilities.
Annual reporting activities.
Establishing and refining stormwater utilities, including stable rate structures.
Water quality monitoring to implement permit requirements for a Water Cleanup Plan
(TMDL). Note that any monitoring funded by this program requires submittal of a
Quality Assurance Project Plan that Ecology approves prior to awarding funding for
Monitoring, including:
1. Development of applicable QAPPs ;
2. Monitoring activities, in accordance with an Ecology -approved QAPP, to meet Phase
1/II permit requirements;
Structural stormwater controls program activities (Phase I permit requirement)
Source control for existing development (Phase I permit requirement), including:
1. Inventory and inspection program;
2. Technical assistance and enforcement;
3. Staff training.
Equipment purchases that result directly in improved compliance with permit requirements.
Allowed costs for equipment purchases must be specific to implementing a permit
requirement (such as a vactor truck) rather than general use (such as a general use pick-
up truck). Qualified equipment purchases include but are not limited to:
(Signed GAIN forms may be submitted by FAX or sent via e-mail as an attachment,)
1. Illicit discharge testing equipment and materials;
2, Vactor truck or sweeper truck or MS4 maintenance activities;
3. Electronic devices dedicated to mapping of MS4 facilities and attributes;
4. Software dedicated to tracking permit implementation activities.
If you are accepting the funding offer for project -specific planning and design activities
the following Task -3 will be included in your funding agreement:
Task 3 -- Preconstruction Planning and_Desi2n (Up to $120,000)
A. The RECIPIENT will submit to the DEPARTMENT's Project Manager for review and
acceptance and no later than October 1, 2013, an initial one to two page Project Summary.
The Project Summary will include a description of the proposed project identifying: 1) the
area where the proposed project is to be installed or constructed (including maps), 2) the
stormwater best management practice(s) to be designed, 3) the name of the appropriate
design manual planned for use in the final design (see item D), and 4) the water quality issue
mitigated by the proposed project. The DEPARTMENT will provide comments to the
RECIPIENT within 14 calendar days of receipt of the Project Summary. The
DEPARTMENT's Project Manager will work with the DEPARTMENT's engineer to review
the Project Summary for consistency with the appropriate design criteria and grant
requirements. Detailed calculations and/or drawings are not required at this time,
B. The RECIPIENT will submit two hard copies and one digital copy of the Pre -design report to
the DEPARTMENT's Project Manager for review and acceptance and no later than January
31, 2014. The DEPARTMENT's Project Manager will work with the DEPARTMENT's
engineer to review the Project Summary for consistency with the appropriate design criteria
and grant requirements. Detailed calculations and/or drawings are required in the Pre -design
Report. The DEPARTMENT will provide continents to the RECIPIENT within 45 days of
receipt of the plans.
C. The RECIPIENT will submit two hard copies and one digital copy of the 90 percent design
plans to the DEPARTMENT's Project Manager for review and acceptance. The
DEPARTMENT will provide comments to the RECIPIENT within 45 days of receipt of the
plans. The DEPARTMENT's Project Manager will work with the DEPARTMENT's
engineer to review the plans and specifications for consistency with the appropriate design
criteria and grant requirements.
D. For items A -C above, the RECIPIENT must provide reasons for deviations from design
criteria in the following:
1, The appropriate guidance manual below depends on the region that your project is
2005 or 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington
(SWMMWW), (the appropriate manual depends on the requirements of the
jurisdiction) or the
2004 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (SWMME'V'V),
both can be found at:
http://www.ecy.wa�;ov/programs/wg/stormwater/tech.htrnl, or the
Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound found
http://,�vwww.pspTwa.gov/downloads/LID/20121221 LIDmanual FINAL secure. df,
or equivalent design manuals,
(Signed GAIN forms may be submitted by FAX or sent via c -mail as an attachment.)
Eastern Washington Low Impact Development Manual found at
http://.www.wastormwatercenter.orczfew-lid-�-miid,-nce-manual, or
2. Equivalent manual as developed by the local jurisdiction and approved by the
3. Good engineering practices and generally recognized engineering standards.
E. If applicable, the RECIPIENT will submit to the DEPARTMENT's Project Manager, a copy
of the State Environmental Review Act (SEPA) Lead Agency's signed and dated SEPA
F. If applicable, the RECIPIENT will submit to the DEPARTMENT's Project Manager a DAHP
EZ -1 form to initiate review of project activities by DAHP and tribal governments.
G. The RECIPIENT will submit all pre -design figures and construction plans to the
DEPARTMENT, reduced to 11" x 17" in size. The RECIPIENT may bind them with the
specifications or related construction contract documents or bound as a separate document.
All reduced drawings must be legible.
Required Performance:
1. Submit a Project Summary including maps, no later than October 1, 2013 to the
DEPARTMENT for review and acceptance of the proposed design project.
2. Submit a Pre -design report, no later than January 31, 2014, to the DEPARTMENT
for review and acceptance.
3. Submit 90 percent design plans, no later than August 1, 2014, to the DEPARTMENT
for review and acceptance.
4. If applicable, submit a copy of the signed and dated SEPA determination to the
5. If applicable, submit a copy of the DAHP EZ -1 form, for DEPARTMENT
coordination on compliance with Executive Order 05-05.
Please note that these grant monies cannot be used to support legal costs related to appealing
the MS4 permits or to implement mitigation projects.
Questions about the program, contact:
Patricia Brommer
(360) 407-6566
Where to submit your signed GAIN form:
By email:
Or by FAX
Mindy Ballinger, WQProgram-FMS
FAX (360) 407-7151